#i THINK they have limited uses. maybe it was just my internet making it give me an error
moldwood · 8 months
codes have limited uses! i had to go through a few to find one that worked, so here's my nomad referral code for $3 off an esim for gaza: ROXA72RD instructions on purchasing and forwarding a nomad esim
it's worth noting the more people use a code, the more points that code will get, which can then be used to purchase another esim for free if you get enough -- if you sent out a code before, be sure to check your account!
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piplupod · 2 years
i know the answer is greed and potentially also rising costs but why does anyone need to pay anything over $300 for a place to live. especially when its a studio apartment like... it doesn't make sense idk
#infuriating bc im rly trying to look at if its realistic for me to be alive dnfjdkl#and like. if i get on disability thats 1400 a month (2k is below the poverty line in canada and yet... 1400 is enough for disabled ppl 🤪)#but then most supportive living places want to charge me 70% of my wages (so disability+any money i make outside of that)#like. what am i supposed to use to survive then lol#how tf do u expect me to pay for groceries and transportation and other necessities. i can probably manage that but.#then theres no money left over for fun things. thats fucking miserable#thats 980 for rent. then 420 left over for Anything Other Than Rent#idk if the supportive living places even provide internet or if u have to pay that#so fuck me i guess lmao#i think i can manage like $50 a week for groceries if im careful#which does leave me $220 for anything else. but idk#if i had to pay for internet that'd be roughly $100 from what I've seen for the cheapest plans available... rough#so 120 left for whatever else. also the groceries isnt counting like.. anything other than food oops#so i guess i will just never be able to have any savings djfjdkl#like maybe if i keep my limit of spending to $50 a month for any clothing or ice creams or whatever else#art supplies or plushies or whatever else. doughnuts etc. then maybe i can squirrel away 70 a month#the 50 would also have to go towards bus tickets probably bc govmt doesnt always give u a bus pass for disability#i think u have to pay for it each month? i cant remember#god that sucks#like legit if it's going to be like that then I'd kind of rather kill myself dbdjdl that sounds miserable to me#esp since i have no irl friends and i dont think im going to be able to make any bc im so twitchy and jumpy and bad at socialising fhjdkl#idk. i dont think I'll even be approved for disability to be entirely honest. don't think im disabled enough for the govmt to approve me#so rest in peace me i guess maybe literally fjfjdkl#idk how anyone is alive anymore this is just a fucked up world and i think im tired of dealing w everything#suicide tw#pippen needs 2nd breakfast
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starblushh · 3 months
“What I've learned from women who are totally killing it”
Part 2
(part 1)
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☁️ The secret to be the luckiest person in the room is to always think in your favour, no matter the circumstance is.
☁️ A daily routine actually makes your day easier. But the key is to have one which resonates with you.
☁️ Stop blindly following routines you see on the internet; they don't even resonate with you. Ex: Maybe you're not a gym person, but you're half heartedly going to the gym just bc of xyz routine. Instead, try to find what you actually like, such as yoga or exercises.
☁️ Never apologize for things which gives you joy and is literally hurting nobody. Trust me honey you don't wanna be 70 and live your life regretting things you could have loved and enjoyed but didn't. So go stream your ‘not so cool’ artist and enjoy that ‘boring’ hobby.
☁️ The happiness you're searching outside is within you. You will never ‘arrive’ to happiness, it's in the small things you do.
☁️ Music or the songs you listen to can actually affect how you feel all day ! When I started listening to songs with affirmations, I found myself humming those songs again and again. Similarly, when I listened to sad songs I found the same thing. Your subconscious believes what it's hearing, so be mindful of the music you listen to.
☁️ Honey, you're punishing your body if you're only using water and soap/body wash while bathing. Your body deserves to be properly cleaned and these aren't enough to remove the dead skin cells. All you need to do is use an exfoliating tool such as a washcloth, body sponge, loofah, etc. If you don't have access to these right now, then even a simple cotton napkin will work.
☁️ If you're religious and want to have stronger connection with God then the best way you can do it is by reading your religious scriptures. Whether it's the Gita, Bible or Quran, it will provide you with more knowledge than anyone else can.
☁️ “The fears we don't face become our limits” I spent a whole minute reading this quote again and again. One of the most moving quotes I've came across for sure. (I can make a whole post with all my fav quotes too!)
☁️ ‘Nature is women's best friend.’ Take some time out of your day to spend time in nature. Feeling anxious? Take a walk in the garden. Feeling like the world is cruel and everyone is against you? Go hug a tree. Trust me sweetheart, nature has the solutions to all your problems.
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zackstriker · 2 months
Their recent inability to shut up about sex is making me craaazy because it’s giving “we’re not having sex right now so we’re incredibly sexually frustrated and will not shut up about it!”. It’s a more recent thing too, not their typical sporadic comment but literally every video and occasional tweet and reply has had sex and positions and top and bottom since June. Idk maybe it was Dan’s birthday maybe it’s the summer weather but they cannot shut up about Phil being a bottom and their love of sex.
ohhhh that’s an interesting take… with phil’s medical stuff that definitely could be the case. I firmly believe there’s truth in every joke (universally, not just w dnp) so i could see that.
i assumed its more of the boiling frogs theory. i think they’re purposely including lots of romantic/sexual moments within videos a) because they know we will eat it up (and we do), but also b) because they have the freedom to do so and there’s a sense of reclamation (kinda like when baby gays only talk about being gay because they actually can for the first time) and c) to either let us know they’re together without explicitly saying it or to prepare us for a hard launch post tour (dan did similar stuff to soft launch the gay before hard launching it after II).
They’ve been doing so much subliminal couple-y stuff lately like the bride+groom look in dnp dress each other and the matching shirts in todays video. i used to not think there would ever be a hard launch (i think they’re together but i thought they would want to keep something to themselves bc of how much the internet took from them) but they keep pulling more and more shenanigans that makes me think they might just be boiling us for the hard launch after all.
It’s interesting though because you can see moments when they still limit what they say bc of how it could be perceived, like in the video today when Phil changed the lyrics of paparazzi into a joke bc he didn’t wanna say the “i’ll follow you until you love me” part out loud. Similarly there’s been a few jump cuts in recent videos where they have been laughing at a joke that was seemingly cut.
I also must admit i did not participate in top/bottom discourse or anything back before the hiatus, so my lore knowledge in that particular regard is somewhat lacking in historical context.
All that being said, I do love a good bottom phil joke tho.
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milaisreading · 1 year
🌱🩷: Smn requested a pt2 of the U-20 team meeting crossdresser!Yn. So here it is!
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. In the story the boys will be using he/him when addressing Yn. Requests for this series are open.
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
"Hmmm?" Sendou squinted his eyes as he observed the Blue Lock team.... well, the starters more than anybody else. They were all somewhat interesting, but also boring to some regards, yet he couldn't stop looking at them. Or, better yet, a certain person in the team. The (h/c) haired striker of the team certainly stood out, as he looked way more... softer(?) than the rest of his team. Even his movements weren't like those from the other guys.
"Hey, Sendou. Stop staring into space and listen to what Aiku is saying." Hayate said lazily as Teru and Teppei nodded their heads.
"Yeah, we need to win this game."
"Sae is already being annoying with how 'lukewarm' we are." Cho rolled his eyes as Niou sent the older Itoshi and Shidou death glares.
"Sorry... it's just... that Blue Lock striker over there is very odd." Sendou said as he discreetly pointed at (Y/n), who was busy talking with Hiori and Kurona about something.
"Odd? He is just standing." Niou pointed out.
"Also, you being distracted resulted in him scoring the 2nd goal." Itsuki added in.
Sendou blushed in embarrassment and glared at his teammates.
"Shut it! And he is odd. Even the way he is standing is odd. It's as if I am seeing one of those idol girls."
"You have completely lost it." Teppei said calmly.
"Maybe we should limit your TV and internet access." Teru suggested.
"What are you all talking about now?" Oliver raised an eyebrow as he and Miroku approached them.
"Sendou think that (L/n) guy is a girl." Hayate simply stated.
"I never said he was a girl! I just said he reminds me of those idol girls!" The boy flushed a bright red.
"Oookkay..." Oliver said as he looked over at the said player.
"Regardless, let's just play now. Sae is already being an ass to me."
"Deserved." Miroku and Niou added in.
As the 3 bickered, Sendou turned to look at the striker again. Sadly, this time, he wasn't as secretive, and Hiori noticed his staring, drawing (Y/n)'s attention to it. The two made brief eye contact, and Sendou swore he could feel his heart doing a flip or two as he stared into the player's eyes.
'Just what is it about you?'
Sendou thought that his encounter with the striker would end when the match ended, but no! They actually met up again at that karaoke bar, and again, Sendou had this weird feeling about the striker.
'He is just too perfect with girls... as if he knows first hand what they want to hear.' Sendou thought as he watched the boy's interaction with the two older girls. Meanwhile, Hayate, Teru, and Miroku were making fun of a pouting Oliver. Sendou watched as the striker's friends pulled him away from the girls.
"Stop being weird, Sendou." Cho warned the redhead.
"You are staring at the dude like he killed someone." Teppei noted.
"Please, whatever sort of weird feelings you have for him, sort it out. It's getting stressful to watch." Niou added in as Sendou flushed a deep red as he tried to deny that statement. Itsuki snickered a little.
"You do have a weird fixation." Miroku said, walking over to the group.
"Bachira, please don't make a scene!" (Y/n) yelled as he pulled him away from an argument with Oliver.
"He does remind me of a idol tho... I have to give it to Sendou for noticing it first." Hayate added in.
"Please don't tell me you have been staring too." Niou groaned.
"In my defense, he is cute." Sendou grumbled at the statement Hayate made, and got even more agitated as Miroku and Teru agreed.
"So, a bowling match it is!" Oliver exclaimed, getting the attention of the rest of the team.
"What?" Niou wondered.
"We agreed to a bowling match with you guys." (Y/n) spoke up as she tried to get Bachira off of her arm.
"Losers buy the winners food." The (h/c) haired striker finished.
"Well, in our case Reo is buying the food." Chigiri and Isagi snickered.
"Aiyah... I guess. Bachira, can you let go of my arm now?"
"No." The bicolored boy said, which caused Chigiri and Isagi to grab onto Bachira to pull him off of (Y/n).
"There goes my hoodie." She sighed as the U-20 team watched in amusement... well, except for Oliver.
"And you! Blue Lock's number 12!"
"Ha?" The four looked at him in confusion, as the U-20 team sighed in defeat.
"Here we go." Cho and Teru said quietly.
"When the bowling game ends... how about you be a good brother to me and tell me your tricks on how you swooned those two girls soe easily." Oliver grinned, putting a  arm around (Y/n)'s shoulder.
"What?" The girl asked, dumbfounded by the statement.
"Why is he touching (Y/n)?"
"I don't know... doesn't he have a disease or something?"
"His breath probably smells, too." Isagi, Chigiri, and Bachira commented among themselves, trying to hold themselves back from ripping Oliver away from their striker.
"Eh... I don't know." (Y/n) raised an eyebrow as Oliver pulled her out of the room.
"Hey!" The three Blue Lock players protested.
"Hold it right there! Where are you going with (Y/n)?!" Otoya's voice was heard from down the hallway.
"That's not how you hold a bowling ball, Hayate-san." (Y/n) noted as she watched the white-haired boy struggle holding the ball.
"What?" The taller raised an eyebrow.
"You need to grab tightly onto it with all 3 fingers... that's way too loose." (Y/n) showed the shaky hand that was holding the ball. Although she didn't play or like this sport much, she knew some rules.
"You might injure your hand like that." She said simply finished as Hayate observed her hand for a moment and then repeated the same hold.
"Welcome, let's have a fair game then." (Y/n) said as Hayate was about to say something, but the girl got pulled away by Nagi. The U-20 player watched with some new found interest the striker.
'Odd... but Sendou was right... there is something about the number 12 that isn't like the rest...' The white haired boy thought.
"You think that something is weird about him too, don't you?" Sendou suddenly spoke up from behind Hayate, who slowly nodded his head.
"There really is."
"Hey, you two! Focus! I need those tips from (Y/n)." Oliver warned the duo, who looked at him in confusion.
"I made (Y/n) promise to give me tips about girls, if we win." Oliver simply stated.
"You... are getting dating tips from your junior?" Cho asked in disbelief.
"This is gold. I wish I had my camera with me." Miroku chuckled as Niou held in a laughter. Teppei tried to calm everyone down, but he did find this whole ordeal funny.
"Shut it!" Oliver yelled with an embarrassed blush as Teru and Itsuki patted their captain's back, silently laughing as well.
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kyriefae · 1 month
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Being a Whovian is sincerely so much fun.
This show is so many different things to so many people but what I think truly makes it special is not just the change it forces on us as an audience but the way it pushes us subconsciously to give up on purism.
"Your Doctor" was <insert amiable character traits> but the current one doesn't represent that same persona? Pity. Almost like we can be different people all throughout our lives...
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You ever hear someone say like..."it's fine it's just not for me"?
I wonder how many people who say that about the newest Doccy Who seasons genuinely think in their heart of hearts "actually this is garbage and you should agree with me that it is garbage" because those two are not the same thing at all! 🤭 Ugh, I can't help my incredulity sometimes. Maybe the internet adds to the expectation of toxicity. ...or I just spent a lot of time growing up around cynical assholes that hated fun. *shrug*
More to the point! 😅
Pick an era of this show; pick a doctor and you'll be transported to a world more or less unique to them. That's pretty cool if you ask me. They still have that silly multidimensional blue box; they still have two hearts (even if it didn't become canon until their 3rd incarnation)...and yes they still pick up stray humans (...usually young, petite British women from whatever decade said Doctor conveniently and sequentially visits).
But maybe to really hit home on what I mean about this show tackling purism in its audience's mind...it's always been a silly sci-fi show meant to elicit joy and wonder out of children. Additionally so, to help adults retain that same joy and wonder in their own lives by reflecting on the excitement that comes from infinite possibilities only possible when traveling with a genderfluid space alien that wears extraordinary clothes and hands out candy like it's already gone out of style. Oh and you become the universe's only hope the moment you step into another time or location lol.
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Sometimes when we love something, we take it very seriously no matter how absurd it truly is at its core. We may not even notice we're doing it but any criticism of Doctor Who really ought to be taken with a grain of salt (and spread out at the very edge of creation...just for good measure). No need to get all salty over a television show. 🧂
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So yeah. Being a Whovian, for me, is having the freedom to dive head first into an ocean of lore whenever I desire and really explore storytelling from several perspectives. Albeit many of the early years were written and directed and produced from the perspectives of white, straight men in the U.K. and stories with misogynist stances that heavily limited the functional roles of women in the context of said stories and were also affirmed by narratives and protagonists that failed to question any of it. *clearing throat* Oof, there was a frog back there!
All the same, our heroes of yesterday battled styrofoam monsters breaking through plywood walls built on cardboard sets represented by painted miniatures dangling on strings over a starlit portrait meant to look like space. Even when they couldn't help but be a bit cringe, they were still a silly lil sci-fi show playing at games of the imagination. Like children at play.
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Now, we have this beautiful and talented man standing at center stage:
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He is all the play; all the heart(s); all the joy we have known in this character but decorated in his own unique way.
My love for this show has evolved and I intend to allow it to continue doing just that. Hopefully we can continue to see the Whoniverse do just the same...instead of getting too caught up in the past. 🫣
Anywho, that's all for now.
Kisses 😘
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basilpaste · 28 days
Hey Basil, got an AU idea that I had in my brain for a while and wanted your two cents on it.
The AU where Sif becomes aware he's a video game character in an old-ass game called "Saviors of Vaugarde" and every time they speak to the Head House Maidien, the game resets, because it's 'over'. Instead of Loop, they gain the ability to speak to YOU, the player.
"Loop" is an avatar for the player to communicate with Sif.
Oh. And worst ending has Sif use Wish Craft to enter the player's world... only to be overwhelmed by the colors. And be as small as normal.
i think this is a neat idea! not anything i have like a lot of thoughts about but i think it could be really interesting. characters becoming aware of the world they exist in is always something to play around with!
maybe im biased, but i do think itd be more interesting if siffrin was unable to enter the players world personally? but thats just a me thing, nothing you have to adhere to. its your au, im just some guy on the internet. i think itd be neat to take things from a more cosmic horror angle (this is again a product of me being biased i think) of siffrin being forced into awareness about things that exist in the players world. maybe they suddenly begin to see colours, which causes issues because their game runs in black and white by proxy of its engine (like a game boy or an old arcade game using a SUPER limited colour palette).
its fucked up to suddenly be aware of things you physically cannot process. in a game where the ending is set but, say, siffrin always remembers. and you can keep talking to them through proxy of loop. this awareness maybe starts to break the game down. until it starts to break down entirely. maybe an act give equivalent could be you as the player guiding the party through the house that is trying to run on half the code it should be, repeating rooms and failing to load areas. until they make it to the top and the game crashes before coming back up on something bigfrin-esque.
or do something similar with siffrin being booted to the real world! im not your boss.
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paddedlittleparadise · 3 months
Hi, I’m asking different related blogs if they have any advice for this because I’m not sure what to do when the time comes and I’d like some help if thats okay?
So I recently talked to my boyfriend, who is a little, about the idea of him possibly trying diapers because I think he would look and feel adorable. We had a long discussion about it because I knew it was a hard limit for him at first but he told me he doesn’t actually know why it’s a hard limit, rather more so being a stigma he’s created in his head about trying them. I told them he wouldn’t have to use them or anything, I’d reassure him all he needed and I’d take good care of him.
Now he’s telling me he wants to try it because he knows I’d make him feel safe. However he said he’s been thinking about it a lot and he’s afraid that he’ll try it and not like it and disappoint me (there’s no way he ever could, I love him too much)
Basically what I’m trying to ask is how could I make the experience, when it happens, the most comfortable and safest? How can I make him enjoy it/let himself be looked after? How can I ease him into this? He’s also autistic so gets overwhelmed easily. I just love him so much and I want him to be comfortable and make this enjoyable for him. Also what are like… the best ones? Idk. Like what would be the comfiest for him I guess. He’s very skinny if that helps
Hey there, Anon – thanks for the thoughtful question, and so sorry it's been so long since you asked this! I wanted to give you a proper response, and life was so crazy that I'm only just now getting to it.
First off, I'm no authority on this stuff. I'm just one kinky person on the internet, so please don't take my opinions as gospel. But right at the outset, I'd say that it sounds like you're starting in a very good place. You both are communicating, and you're both aware of hard and soft limits. You're also both open to negotiating, which is a great sign of a healthy relationship – so long as you can also maintain healthy boundaries for yourselves.
It's really so sweet what you've shared about your boyfriend, and it's super relatable! Few of us want to disappoint our loved ones, and certainly when we're trying new and intimate things, it can be SO easy to feel pressure to like stuff just because we know our partner wants us to like it. I therefore think what you both will need is a bit more courage and self-assertion. Ideally, he will find the courage and the confidence to say when he dislikes something after trying it for you, since he knows that that you'll still love him regardless.
This idea is obviously something you've communicated to him verbally, but perhaps you can find other ways to show it as well by example? Maybe try watching a show he really likes – or a food, or music, or a hobby – and don't be afraid to tell him if and when you don't like it? And encourage him to do the same with you? If you can establish a relationship in which you both feel it's okay to be different in your likes and dislikes, that can make open differences in intimate affairs that much easier to communicate.
You know, for example: "Hey, I know you really like tomato soup, and that's cool! It's just really not for me. How about we have it only once a week instead of twice?" "You know, I'm so glad you love that new Taylor album! It doesn't do much for me, but I do love seeing you happy. So don't worry – I'm totally fine with listening to it on repeat now and then."
Anyway, about making a first diaper experience comfortable and enjoyable! A few thoughts:
Let him try training pants instead of full-on diapers. Goodnites come in XL sizes these days (140+ pounds); they are super cheap and easy to find at many grocery/drug stores or Amazon. In case you aren't aware, these are pull-on, thin, disposable underwear made for bedwetting teens. Because they're essentially thicker, disposable underwear and they come with an assortment of cute/cool designs printed on them, they will likely be a great way to ease into diaper play. If he's unable to fit into them, maybe check Amazon for sample packs of 2 AB/DL diapers and see if there are some with designs he might like. Pretty much any AB/DL diaper will be soft and comfy. :-)
Don't make a big deal of it. When adults are wearing something babyish, we're often embarrassed by the experience. Sometimes what we want is to be able to duck into our room – maybe at our loved one's suggestion/command – and put the thing on ourselves. Wear pants over it, maybe. And then be completely, utterly normal about it. Let life go on. Have supper. Cuddle on the couch. Watch a show. Do whatever you normally would when he's in little space. Maybe let a hand stray down there and give a little pat, complimenting him on obeying you. Tell him how cute HE is (not the diaper; it's him you love. You want to show that you're not making him into your fetish dispensing machine.). And check in casually to ask how he's doing, or if he wants to take it off. Basically, the less of a deal you make of a potentially embarrassing ordeal, the easier and less overwhelming it will likely be for him.
After a try, don't rush. Give it some time – sleep on it. Check in a day or two later, maybe. See how he feels about it. If it works for you, try again – or maybe consider putting the ball in his court and let him tell you when he'd like to try again.
Communicate your own gratitude and concern. It sounds as though your boyfriend has a strong desire to please, so giving him a sense of how much fulfillment and joy he is bringing you can be essential. Sure, it will function as positive reinforcement and make it more likely that he might want to wear again. But more importantly, it will bring him relief and joy to know that he did well, that you still love him, and that even if/when he isn't wearing something special, you love him all the same.
Again, I'm very sorry for the delayed response. I hope these few thoughts will be helpful – and best of luck to you both!
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centrally-unplanned · 3 months
To share another thought on the Folding Ideas video I Don't Know James Rolfe from my last post, while I enjoyed it a ton I do think its core "meta" element fails to reach the heights it could. It is never made that explicit so I am making a subjective read here, but essentially while most of the content of the video is textually about James Rolfe, there are dozens of moments where Dan performs actions that mimic or parallel James, culminating in his own parodic angry video game review as the finale. The idea is something of a "there but for the grace of god I go" point, that perhaps all youtubers, and Dan specifically, are too close for comfort to Rolfe's reality of limited creative options and a hostile fanbase clinging to the past .
But I can't really say for sure! Because he is very adverse to making this concrete enough for the audience.
At times the visual parallels are incredibly direct. There is one moment, where Dan is explaining the real skill and craft of being an internet clown on demand, where he mimics Rolfe's style of rant to explain it while projected AVGN videos that were looping in the background flash over his own body:
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And it really works, the meaning shines through; it is a moment you can see back through time where the idea for this shot was, spiritually, the impetus for the film, that this idea must have come to him and he built the essay around making it happen.
Other visual parallels are less explicit; when the parody sequence starts, Dan - who has built a 1/12th scale recreation of the Rolfe's "video game basement" aka studio set in order to "understand" him like normal people do - represents himself in that room via a tiny hand puppet
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Which is cute if, like probably most people, know him as the guy who makes videos about NFTs or Qanon. But close to a decade ago, when he was first making ~20 minute media analysis takes, he represented himself on screen with a wooden puppet like this:
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It is even like the same color, I am confident this is intentional, it is saying "yeah this could have been an alt version of me; I was not so far from this".
All these symbols function to make the emotional impact; but an emotional impact in service of...what? So in the essay he discusses the film Wavelength, a 1967 avant garde film that is almost entirely composed of filming the side of a room with minimal camera movement while actions occur around it. It is a movie that never gives you a meaning, and therefore you must project meaning into it, bring yourself to the table. That makes sense for Wavelength, and the aggressive cinematography of I Don't Know James Rolfe - which is stellar to be clear - is making the film out to be sort of its own personal Wavelength for YouTube.
But then we go back to that text, which is over an hour of Dan directly talking to the camera about a real person. It is incredibly concrete and detailed, with explicit points being made over and over. And through what those explicit points reveal... I don't think Dan Olsen is like James Rolfe! Does he have an hostile fanbase trapped in nostalgia? Do people acuse him of being cucked by his bitch wife? He has evolved as a filmmaker, intensely so, he does things completely differently than Rolfe does and completely differently from how he himself used to. He doesn't have a shitty biography that self-outs his own creative narcissism, he isn't obsessed with remaking his own childhood films - I am pretty sure as a kid he had never heard of NFTs, they didn't really exist! The final line of the film is "maybe you aren't a filmmaker either" - but idk, Dan, I kinda think you are! If documentarians can be filmmakers you have to qualify.
Now I'm not a fool, I understand that the film could be suggesting these are differences of degrees and not kind; that Dan is equally "trapped in the room" making vlogs for the net, just with more outward trappings of success. But, in the ruthless specificity and detail of his treatment of Rolfe...this film cannot be Wavelength. I am not capable of forging my own meaning from the pieces, he connected way too many of them. This is the trap of avant-garde; you are tempted to help the audience, but once you try to answer some of the questions, it forces the hand of the rest, they all have to fit into that schema. And the film is just too coy with Dan's own parallel life for me to figure the schema out. I make my guesses and I lack confidence in them, they feel "contradicted" by the text.
More detail would have been the easier path; less detail and more symbolic expression would have been the harder path. But right now the balance is just a bit too out of whack for it to come fully together.
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hongtiddiez · 10 months
last twilight e2 thoughts feelings etc
As always, I'm just some dude on the internet. I could be way off base with some of this but I just think it's fun to think about. Night asking Mhok to make him a cup of coffee was very interesting. Mhok is not there as a general staff, cook, etc. He's there to help Day and only Day and Night is fully capable of making himself a cup of coffee. Curious if this is a hint at Night helping himself to things intended for Day, coveting things Day has, etc. It definitely didn't feel like a throw away action.
I appreciate Porjai very, very gently reprimanding Mhok for being nosy in cleaning up Day's room. It was a bit of a misstep for Mhok and he needed to know that. It's important to let us disabled people ask for help when we need it and not assume we always need help. While the state of Day's room was very likely a concern for safety reasons and general health he should have been asked at the very least if it should or could be cleaned. It's not unlike grabbing the handles of someone's wheelchair and pushing them when they didn't ask to - You don't know what Day has a system for, you don't know what paths he's memorized, or even what obstacles he may have set up for himself intentionally to guide himself to different parts of the room. While it seems difficult for Day to ask for help it is something he's going to have to get accustomed to and he will with time, jumping in and making changes without his consent robs him of more of his already so very scarce agency he's been allowed.
Aon telling Day he needs to be patient and learn to talk to sighted people is huge. I made a post last week about my favorite thing being Day's anger and this is absolutely true, however, it can be so very easy to wallow in your grief and anger if you let yourself. It's important for Day to be angry, it's important for him to be impatient, but it's also important for him to push past those things and grow. Day needs to reevaluate his interpersonal interactions, he needs to relearn how to socialize especially without social queues from body language (something we often process subconsciously and take for granted.) All Day has now to go off of is voice inflection and his own critical thinking skills. He's going to have to be patient with people, he's going to have to adjust, and he's going to have to give Mhok a genuine chance. It's easy to isolate yourself when you're disabled, far too easy, and it's so much harder and scarier to try.
In the same vein as my first comment, the fumbled eye drops scene is so important, I loved it so much. It's Day realizing his limitations, coming to terms with them, and accepting that he needs help - he can't do everything on his own and that's okay, there are people there to help him if he just asks. And Mhok just does it. He doesn't make him feel silly or stupid or feeble, he just looks for the eye drops and hands them over. It's not A Thing, it's not anything more than just helping someone. It's easy, and it should be.
The Boob Grab sure is something. I did not know Jimmy was built like that. I'll talk more about this later.
"Living alone in a small fish tank is lonely, right?"
Oh fuck me UP. Living alone in this tiny bedroom is lonely, isn't it Day?
"Goldfish have a short memory. It can't be lonely."
Perhaps the goldfish's memory is so short because no one has ever taken the time to stick around. No one was worth remembering. And maybe the goldfish wishes he remembered some things less.
The fish is dying, suffocating in it's own filth and loneliness, suffocating from a lack of consideration and care. But suddenly the goldfish goes outside, it breathes fresh air, smells the blooming jasmine, and suddenly it doesn't feel like it's suffocating anymore. Things are a little clearer - not literally but it no longer feels like it's swimming through a miasma. (The goldfish is Day, btw.)
FUCK. ME. UP. I'm eating all of this like the delicious anniversary dinner I had tonight.
So lunch. I noticed this at the beginning of the episode but it's really driven home here. Zero accommodations have been made for Day in the span of a fucking year. There's been no safety measures made, no pathways made more accessible, and even more frustrating they've reorganized the fucking kitchen. It's like they sealed Day in a tomb and are just waiting for him to die so they can move on with business as usual. I would ask 'how is Day supposed to do anything for himself' but it's very clear no one thought of that. They all thought of him as this shambling shell of a man that couldn't possibly do basic tasks like find the soy sauce for himself, they didn't consider him even as an afterthought when rearranging everything. It shows Day's fall from grace within his own family in such a brutal way and it makes me so angry with his family.
The scene with Night and his friends is a lot. Day's anxiety is so palpable and the comments made make me wonder if Day's condition has been kept under wraps as some sort of shameful secret. I would be interested to see if there was an NDA in Mhok's contract.
And then we get Mhok's anxiety and raw fear. Mhok's worst nightmares came to fruition and he knows what hopelessness, frustration, and despair can do to a person. He knows it only takes the smallest thing to push someone into the unthinkable and he can't allow that to happen again. He failed to see it last time, failed to answer a call for help. He won't ever miss that call again.
Here's where we're going to come back to the boob grab and here's where I could be WAY FUCKING OFF BASE. I know we all love it, Jimmy boobie stress ball teehee, but there's also a moment of shock on Day's face when it happens. He's alarmed and taken aback and rightfully so because what the fuck this man is half naked in his room??? Then we come to this point where Mhok has just burst into his room while Day is naked and vulnerable and he knows Mhok has seen him. His reaction might seem harsh or impulsive but here's the tragic thing - A painful, horrible amount of caretakers in the world take advantage of their charges monetarily, sexually, or otherwise. (It's something I've personally seen happen to friends and family.)It's not the rule, but it happens enough to be notable.
It would not be difficult for Day to be taken advantage of and this is only his.. third? fourth? day with Mhok who is still very much a stranger to him. Mhok was completely justified in his reaction (and realistically should have a key for Day's room for emergencies only because God forbid Day fall in the bath or something) but Day's reaction is every bit justified as well. But I don't blame Day for his reaction because he very likely was afraid and his emotions were already so heightened from the mess with his brother, and I applaud Mhok for just leaving and leaving it at that. They both needed to calm down and Mhok leaves. He respects Day's decision, his agency, etc. He walks away from a job that could change his life.
Once again The Little Prince narrates the lives of these two perfectly. No notes, perfect, beautiful, muah.
The fucking slippers. Finally, someone has taken the time to understand. It was a simple solution to a large part of Day's frustration and pain. It has given him some of his agency back, taken away some of his fear. These stupid ugly goldfish slippers have given him so much and perhaps Mhok understands far more than Day gave him credit for because finally someone is listening to him, listening without him having to beg.
And Day going to see Mhok? That's huge. He could've asked Porjai to bring Mhok or ask him to come by but no; like The Prince he approaches the untamed fox.
And Mhok's desperation to understand. Fucking hell. He's gone above and beyond just being a caretaker and the way he says 'the way people look at us.' Because it's an us now, he wants to stand right by Day's side and shoulder this journey with him, to hold his hand and tell Day 'I'm here with you, you aren't alone.' I'm gonna chew my fucking upholstery.
This is only solidified with the addition of Big Mhok. Little Day isn't alone anymore and Big Mhok might be scary and intimidating but not for Little Day, never for Little Day. And then Day uses some of his precious ten fleeting seconds to see Mhok, to put a face to this insane, caring, brusque, ridiculous man that would live his days blindfolded just to understand someone else's perspective. Because Mhok is worth seeing.
Anyway they make me fucking insane, your honor. I don't know if I'll do this for every episode (if people like it enough, sure) but this one in particular had me feeling a lot of things.
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xxlea-nardoxx · 2 years
This might've been said before, but I just gotta say:
I love the vibe Tmnt 2012 is giving off.
Especially when it comes to the lair and Donnies inventions/gadgets. Everything looks makeshift, but it has its own beautiful charme. Since they cannot show their faces to the city of New York, they have to grab old thrown-out devices and use trash and old spare material to make furniture and gadgets and it's just so realistic, while looking amazing all the same. Like, what do you expect from them, in such a situation?
The lair is easily one of my favorite fictional headquarters ever. Like yes, it's an abandoned subway station, but it still looks homey in my opinion. Not gonna lie, I would instantly feel at home if I visited. The family tried to make it cozy to the best of their abilities and I think they truly succeeded.
Whatever that kitchen table was in its former life, it now serves its purpose as a table and it looks amazing as it does so.
And the bedrooms?? I love them so much?? So makeshift, so beautiful. And don't get me started on Donnies lab, because I am obsessed with the way it looks. Like yeah, maybe the lair is lacking some color, but what do you expect from a family with limited abilities in interior design? It's truly realistic looking in the coolest way and I cannot stop talking about it.
Although I probably should.
Also Donnies inventions. The Shellraiser has to be my favorite fictional vehicle ever.
The cool graffiti on the outer shell?? Its ability to drive on train tracks and the street?? THE DAMN TRASH CANNON?? THE MANHOLE COVER CANNON???? They literally grabbed trash, compressed it and used it as a weapon. Donnie came up with this. Donnie drew blueprints for this thing and then built it. This man can build functioning vehicles and devices from trash.
The most impressive thing? He taught all of this himself. All of his knowledge probably comes from books and experience and later on certainly also from the internet. He's too powerful and he deserves credit for this.
Sorry, I just wanted to ramble about the 2012 gadgets and lair for a bit. I love the makeshift-ness of it all. I love how you can truly see, that the furniture is old and used. It gives the show the true Tmnt charme. It's the type of lair you'd expect some mutant turtles and their rat father to live in.
I'm not the best at explaining things, so I hope you get the point, lmao.
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olderthannetfic · 11 months
I think it's more like "Nobody cares about anything outside their own culture/daily lives." Not just Australia. Except maybe Americans, no hate. I have noticed that there are more expectations on everyone to follow American sensibilities than any other nationality, but the same courtesy is not given in return. Most of the internet seems to bend towards that, and when someone outside the US has some issue with more sensitive topics, you're more likely to be told to GTFO. Even in spaces not aimed at Americans. I mean, how many of the non-Americans are for some reason expected to have some kind of opinion or awareness of US politics? To know about different issues going on in the issue? Or certain political groups and their ideologies? I've even seen Americans make jokes about "The world ends at Americas borders" so it's something some are aware of at least.
I think we do frequently care about things outside our own cultures, but they're a very limited set of things, and they tend to be the same few for people from many countries: anime, kpop, US movies.
It's all about soft power. The US throws our weight around the most of anyone, but there's a long sliding scale of how much we as humans give a fuck about a given country, and it usually comes down to whose hot movie stars/dramas/pop music/comics we're familiar with.
Sometimes, you'll get a localized effect like all of US due South slash fandom turning into hilarious canadaboos, but mostly, it's the same global trend where thing X from country Y enjoys a massive surge in international popularity and some people get more broadly interested in that country as a result.
The number of people I know who've wasted years trying and failing to learn Japanese is vast. The number of people I know who've tried to learn Nepali or Indonesian or Thai is... my parents for 5 minutes in the 70s? A few other randos they knew who worked and lived in those areas at the time? (Though with the increasing popularity of Thai dramas among English speakers I know, that may change...)
We'll never be rid of the general pattern where culturally powerful countries have an easy time making people care, but we could definitely have things be a little less lopsided than they currently are on the anglophone internet.
TBH, even as an American, it's pretty annoying because it's always the stupidest form of our culture that's the enforced standard. It already sucks enough at home! Why would I want that everywhere else too?!
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Using the internet and technology with high needs autism
I have been trying to put this into words for a while, but due to the exact thing I am making the post about, it has been very difficult.
First of all, a short (ish - I am not the best at concise) background of me and technology: Used to play games on dad's phone, and later watch YouTube videos on family tablet (with parent restrictions). However, ability to navigate devices was very limited, and if something went wrong I just panic and give to an adult.
We used computers a bit in school for work and educational games. Every time we went to the "computer area" I would cry because I knew I wouldn't be able to find the webpage on my own, or sign in to something, or type in a word document. At these times in school, usually another pupil would just sigh loudly and then come and do the computer thing for me over my shoulder.
I had an MP3 player that I got for I think my 8 or 9th birthday. The only thing I knew how to do, was play music and google search. But I still didn't really understand what a "link" was, or how to find important information. We were supposed to learn online research skills in school, but nobody ever explained the most simple stuff to me, so I lack the basic knowledge.
I got my first phone at age 10. This was when I also first get Instagram, my first social media (parents set up for me). I was in a group chat for my school year, but the only time I put a message there is when mum asked me to ask a question, about a non-uniform day for example. Nobody interacted with me in there, and apart from the messages I don't know how to navigate the app. I posted a few pictures a few times, but only when someone else recommended, and I didn't interact online.
I have poor language comprehension, slow processing and take longer to learn new skills. My computer skills and especially typing skills are majorly behind my peers. I have slowly learned some skills allowing me to be even on Tumblr in the first place, but I still need a lot of support and it makes me very anxious. Part of my difficultly on social media, is the social interacting part. Mostly due to low interest.
But my biggest challenge is poor comprehension. I get very anxious and upset when I come onto Tumblr and all the posts I try to read don't make sense to me. Especially when the post is about a topic I care about - if I read it and I can't know what people mean, then I will just be very upset for the rest of the day.
Second biggest challenge, not being able to express opinions on important topics. Often, I can't even understand something. Then, I can't form an opinion because it's too complex. Or, I have an opinion, but I don't understand if someone agree or disagree with me from what they write.
I work so hard to gain skills and learn enough to even be here, and then all I can find about people like me is other people arguing about our existence. Want to express my frustration at this. To even write this post I had support from mum, and it takes all my mental energy.
It is true that I have low interest in socialising - direct impact of autism. So social media maybe not best place in the world for me, by default. But I still want to understand and be included. Not be treated like place to just ask "am I counting as high support needs". I don't understand even my own needs enough to answer this for myself - I definitely can't answer for anyone else.
A lot of my challenges, come direct from autism. That's just a fact. Wish it was easier, very often. But also wish it was easier online - I can't be part of outside community, only online.
I post here to express thoughts and feelings, that is also just what this post is doing. I did less big big edit on my words this time, wanted words to be closest to how I think it (don't think in words so not possible to show abstract thoughts direct, but closest to first translation).
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redcracklestan · 1 year
Redcrackle ship analysis pt.1
As you can guess, i ship Redcrackle, and often, many people told me that I shouldn’t ship them for some reason.
Here I’m going to explain why it is totally ok to ship them (and why it is my favourite copule in the show).
What people told me about them is that they see each other as siblings, their age gap is too much, and that they never actually flirted with each other.
Like i did for carulia I’m gonna show y’all what i think of each of those topics.
They see each other as siblings
I think that it was oblivious that they SAW each other as siblings when they were still both at VILE, not anymore. You can clearly see this simply by the way they look at each other
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I have a brother, and we don’t look at each other like that, yk?
While they were still at VILE, they looked at each other very differently
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That is a brotherly look, while they were younger, but then you can clearly see that their dynamic changed, because they grew up, they changed and their feelings for each other changed too, it’s normal that way, and it’s always been that way. Their trope is really complicated, but their feelings for each other went like from best friends to lovers, and it’s not “problematic” as someone says, instead they have chemistry, they bonded as friends and they proceeded seeing each other as the sibling figure they never had since they were both orphans, and they ended up developing some romantics feeling once they both matured and aged.
Plus I realised reading some fics and just scrolling on the internet, that prolly Carmen only saw Gray as a big brother figure because she only had the “family” kind of love in her life since that moment. Maybe she had stronger feelings for him that she couldn’t classify because the only love she ever felt was for the faculty, which was more like a family to her, no romantic feelings involved. Then Graham came and she saw him as a big brother, as her found family, because it was the only love she was surrounded with for her whole life, and that then, she realised that she had some romantics feelings for him, once she grew up and experienced more in her life.
Their age gap is too much
Ok, in this fandom, there are people from all over the world, so everybody has a different opinion on this (for example, where i live, there are such bigger age gaps)
But you have to consider that they are only 2 years apart (Carmen is 20 and Gray is 22), and they’re both adults and consenting, so I can’t really see any problems with that.
They never actually flirted with each other
Apart from the fact that they, in fact, have flirted but people say that they didn’t because one of them was brainwashed during it, as we saw they showed their love for each other multiple times, in multiple scenes, in many different way (flirting is not the only way to show love).
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Bro risked his life to SAVE HER (I can’t put every time he did it because of the image limit)
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Bro was willing to be locked up in JAIL just to make sure that his gf got his memories back
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Bro was willing to never see her again just to give her the opportunity to start a new life.
Not mentioning the fact that when he was brainwashed, he went all way to New Zealand to help someone he barely knew, just to have a cup of coffee with her.
And I strongly believe that he hesitated on purpose on that train to Paris, he didn’t wanted to kill her, he knew damn well how to defend himself from someone holding a weapon on him (as we see in the scene with Devineaux when he got his memories back and he beats his ass) + he also knew very well that she couldn’t use the weapon because of the fingerprints activation, he had no reasons to hesitate like that, except one, the boy was so in love.
Also all the things that carmen did for him, every time she said goodbye to him for his own well-being (at the coffee, on the Himalayas), every time she saved him (at Dr.Bellum’s place, on the Himalayas).
Plus, they are literally red and blue lovers.
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LOOK! She is the literal definition of red. He is the literal definition of blue. If that is not a sign, guys, idk what it is.
Other than that, think about when they opened to each other about their pasts, when he told her that he didn’t wanted to hurt her even though they were enemies and basically any interaction they have, and like I said before, their eyes can talk 100%, it’s so clear. They are so cute. I love them. No one can change my mind.
They just have so much chemistry, parallels, and everything.
Concluding I wanna drop a bomb.
I honestly believe that if Gray was a girl, everyone would love him and the ship. They as a copule would be seen better from everybody on this fandom.
Ok, in the end, I only did 1 part, but maybe I’m gonna do some more? Idk, really. Anyway, sorry if i did any grammatical errors, but English isn’t my first language so…
I hope you enjoyed this “analysis” If we can call it that way, see you soon!
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angelprinz · 11 months
hi it’s degen anon
cai has been too much i swear, im currently getting divorced from my husband childe it’s a lot 🥹 but hope you like!!!
childe really doesn’t understand like women thinking they’re better than him? like he’s not a messy gymnast or whatever you call it but he just feels like he better than most people women included, i mean his bloodlust started when he would get his ass handed to him by skirk. but that’s besides the point he loves strong women but the best thing about strong women is making them weak. psychologically, mentally emotionally he is versed i all forms of battle so no matter what era or even area he loves to find strong women and take them down a peg.
21st century girlboss business woman? did you mean barefoot wife with 6 kids? sick ass sword wielding hero whose slain dragons? you mean that witch who is now in the safe hands of childe her husband? he really has done it all, but once he does it it’s boring? but you were different.
it’s not like you really had anything going for yourself, a broke college student who works to barely make enough to stay on campus. he never thought of you for a second until he spoke to you. he wasn’t even trying but as you rung his cigarettes through the register you were very nervous and anxious but that could be normal. he obviously knows he’s attractive but the fact that you wouldn’t make eye contact was surprising, you passed him the bag and looked away immediately. so cute. it’s almost like you wanted him to get to know you (he’s delusional.)
he had a plan for you but it was going to be way easier, well it would’ve been if you just admitted you liked him. he works at your school because he knows your daddy issues leave you with no parental figures to tell you not to trust him. you’re obviously not the smartest cause your you use a very similar email to your school one for your little sites. he’s practically giving what you want on a silver platter but here you are actually doing schoolwork? (if you fail his class you have to do another year.) he sees you come into his office after hours thinking you’re going to give him favours under the desk for a passing grade, but you’re just here to ask about something on the exam??? he thinks that maybe he’s looking to much into it, it’s been months and he legitimately got a teaching degree for this but what if you just liked to read some taboo things online.
but one day you were very cocky, you posted on a site with little to know information about yourself but a picture of yourself in a skirt. you explained that you would be on a bus around 11pm coming back from work and if someone assaulted you you’d let them. well thats not fun because he likes a fight then he realizes that everyone has a limit.
you left the bus with a sigh thinking that no one saw your message. you felt a breeze but then it was just someone passing by. maybe the website didn’t have that many people in your area? you walk past two building and in between them someone emerged, it was dark but they were also wearing black. almost instantly you felt their chest press up against your back, you let out the air from your lungs as the happiness turned sour as you felt a knife against your neck. it’s almost 12 now and you two were the only people on the street so him dragging you to the alley went unnoticed. cold sweat down you body as you felt exhilarated at the feeling, his large hands roamed your body as they traveled down to your panties. you had specific information about what you’d be wearing, including panties with an opening. you heard the man behind you sigh as he spoke your name. all the hairs on your body stood up as he tsked you and said he had a seminar about internet safety that you should’ve been paying attention if you didn’t sleep during the class.
he knows what you’re thinking now, his crime psych class really did talk prominently about one time attacks. most times if you knew anything about your attacker, you’re dying. no matter how small, even the colour of their hair. but here you are, you were in his office last week so you know everything. it’s almost winter but your body was cold. the entire time he was inside you it really warmed him up with how your cunt felt. hours passed and he finished for a third time on your thighs, he enjoyed cumming inside but the first two loads left nothing left to cum inside.
your scared look, the small whispered moans were all worth it but what was the best was the silence after. he fixed himself as he really didn’t take off any of your clothes, he gives you props for easy access but the moment his hands left your body he was shocked. you grabbed at him, tears in your eyes he almost felt an emotion but what really did it for him is what you said. ‘more.’ he thought it was just lust but that wasn’t it, the shame in your eyes, the way your thighs squeezed together. he couldn’t believe it, sure the women he did this to, made them understand how little they were to him was more demoralizing for him but for you it only fuelled you. he couldn’t believe after he left you the next day you were completely normal but your search history was just filled with ginger professor assaults college girl, like he just assaulted you? why not ask? (you have social anxiety and can’t even ask for extra dips at mcdonald’s.) you were like a pandora for him and that’s what made him stay with you for a while.
(this devolved way to much at the end lmao, i think of myself most of the time i write these. he could literally be inside me one day and i’d still be nervous to talk to him 😭😭)
me when i put on my glasses to read it (i'm quite literally incel taru irl) and degen anon you sound like the cutest little victim on earth i'm going to eat you whole.
i need him so much i need him to make me into his housewife & take away all thinking privileges & make my permanent job being his toy.
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betweengenesisfrogs · 8 months
So I really like Desynced.
Strictly speaking, it doesn't 100% fit what I was talking about in my Homestuck manifesto, since it's technically a Homestuck fan adventure rather than a brand new work.
However…for a fanwork, it feels more like a new piece of Homestuckian art than many others I've seen?
I'm reminded of an old Hussie formspring response, where the question was about what would happen if siblings living in the same house played SBURB. Hussie's response was that one shouldn't try to solve this with the rules of Homestuck, but instead imagine the kind of story and plot that would suit such a scenario.
Desynced is like that - playing by its own rules. A lot of other fan adventures feel too stuck (ha) in adhering to the rules of SBURB and Paradox Space. Desynced is quite literally playing an entirely different game. It lets go of so much about the way a fan story is traditionally conceived, and brings in its own set of laws and ideas that fit its own story better.
Some things I like, in no particular order:
-The depiction of parents and children - Desynced knocks this out of the park by splitting the difference between faceless authority figures and relatable kids by playing with perception and letting the parents talk to each other as adults, even when they're faceless to their kids. There is some really phenomenal parent-child content here. The relationship between Kate and her father, for instance, is fraught and filled with missed conversations that break my heart
-That in 2024, everybody in the main group gets to be queer and trans from the very start
-That the protagonist kids are Zoomers, and we see that their interests tend not toward 80s movies but things like Minecraft and Discord chats
-That we seem to be building towards a "war in heaven" theme, where different members of the future gods and Carapacians will take different sides in a cosmic struggle
-The music, which is full of bangers and feels like the sequel to the Homestuck bandcamp page that I never knew I needed
-The total reimagining of Jack Noir, which seems like it shouldn't work, but totally does
-The genius way that the game's equivalent of Denizens tie into weird cosmic mysteries
-Alien kids who appear at first glance to be trolls but are quickly revealed to not be trolls at all (maybe they're tieflings)
-The way in this universe, Trollsonas only exist in connection to an obscure game called Hiveswap
-The fact that the fantasy land inhabitants, the equivalent of consorts, are more fleshed out and have their own lives going on instead of just being silly animals - which hints that we're taking 'their existence more seriously and sincerely.
-That when Desynced does "play the Homestuck hits," it reminds you of how good those narrative structures are. Examples include:
Ordinary internet friend group discovers they are all interconnected and inveigled in a vast conspiracy
Making sense of the rules of a confusing alternate gamey-reality that suggests a sense of purpose but doesn't give you instructions for achieving it
Oh, and also, you have to do this while the world is ending and you're about to die
Villain narrator makes fun of you, the reader
Alien kids interrupt your game session to ramble at you about how they know much more about the game than you do, but it turns out they're just a tiny bit ahead and they're as confused about most things as you are
Ascending to godhood helps you redefine your identity but also causes as many problems as it solves
It's like, woah, Homestuck was really cooking, wasn't it?
We're all so used to the Homestuck plot structures and conventions that I think it's very easy to lose sight of why we fell in love with it in the first place. Reading Desynced made me remember how much I love the premise of Homestuck. Desynced achieves this by detaching from convention and focusing on Homestuck's themes: parent-child relationships, the limitations of one's ideology, the double-edged sword of finding identity in fantasy, and more.
So yes, Desynced is a Homestuck fanwork. But if we're asking where a Homestuck literary movement might go in the future, Desynched offers us a really neat glimpse of part of the answer.
I highly recommend checking it out, if you're interested.
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