#i can already tell it's going to be a bitch to edit but i can't wait to get to that part because that'll mean i'm done with the main writin
firecrackerroot · 3 days
Going moderately to highly insane about Rio saying Agatha should take her power (for them to have a fair fight) and Agatha responding that the offer is cute but the transference would kill her to which Rio just smirks like isn't that the point, my love except its not. Its absolutely not the point. We literally only seen them for such a short period of time, know so little about their backstory and yet I can already tell you that there's no way in hell that either one of them would kill the other. They're the kind of secretly loving enemies would tease and torture each other forever but godforbid someone else tries some shit on either of them. Rio literally brought Agatha back to reality, that's love, bitch. Everyone always says the line between love and hate is very thin, well, these two are walking along it like circus professionals while pushing each other to the point of near fall only to be the ones pulling each other back up. It's beautiful. It's gay. And fuck, am I deeply into it. Brava!
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EDIT: after deeply pondering, now I believe they were lovers (binded by one of those unbreakable bond spells that mean they can't kill each other) who conjured up a child, whom I assume was a Pinochio sort of kid with Rio being an earth witch thus giving life to a tree would make sense, and then Rio convinced Agatha they should sacrifice him to get the Darkhold because that would help them turn him into a real boy so Agatha said let's but once they got the book, she hid from Rio since what they did was highly fucked up, and the kid never returned, hence why Rio asked if Agatha remembered why she hates her. They created life but it wasn't the life they wanted and playing God teared them apart.
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on-the-clear-blue · 16 hours
The idea warms are hitting extremely hard today, so outside of my usual DPxDC I give you, Spider-Man in Gotham...Not MCU Peter edition!
Give me a Peter Parker that is 18 going on onto 19, he has been Spider-Man for like, 5 almost 6 years, getting his bite very early, and dealing with all the things that happen to him younger.
And give me a Year One Batman. Who is still trying to figure out what the hell he is doing, and toting along a 9 year old Robin
Peter, falling out of a portal, and doing his standard check of surroundings, spotting Batman staring at him in clunky armor and a brightly colored child: Waves slowly
Bruce, who heard some freaky shit was happening with a cult near by and went to investigate: blinking at the blue and red being that got summoned
Dickie, who is trying (and failing) to do the Bat glare: still waves back.
And like, just the idea of this 19 year old Spider-Man taking a much older vigilante under his wing, teaching him the ins and outs of it all.
Bruce, Storming through a bag guys base gets suddenly pulled back by a web to his cape.
Peter, giving him a "bitch you dumb" look under his mask: Traps! LOOK FOR TRAPS?? AND LOOK UP? PEOPLE HID THINGS UP?
Bonus, Spider-Man bending himself into a human pretzels and Dick "I have no bones" Grayson is gleefully testing to see if he could do it too.
Jump cut, years later, Peter beats emotional intelligence into Bruce with Dick.
All the Bat kids grow up with Uncle Peter, (either Peter can't get back or has been told specifically that he can't by a higher being or something) and like...
Peter is the only one that catches Tiny Tim following them during patrol, he shows him all the places to get the best angles, even poses a few times for him.
Either is there when Jason dies and saves him, or is there mourning with Bruce
(Gotham lives in fear of the memory, Batman at his most brutal and Black Suit Spider-Man)
Teaches Jason how to control his pit rage after he comes back, what is Spider-Man if not control?
Stephanie is his bestie in puns and white girl music tastes.
Tim finds a partner in constantly staying up far to late as well as someone who likes to invent,( because I hc that Peter has pretty much worked with every scientist in New York, cus like since this is a blend of canons, he has worked with the Lizard, Doc Oct, Reed Richards, the only one he said no to an internship was Stark)
Duke gets a meta mentor that can help him with his powers, Spidey has been on more than one team with someone that had some form of light powers.
Plus I think Spider-man is Gothams daytime hero before Signal joins him, they are the daytime duo
Cass is his favorite (don't tell anyone because they already know) she can see him and he can see her in a spider sense, they do the point meme whenever they sense each other.
Little stabby Damian finds out that this person with his father has been trained by many an assassin (Wade, Daredevil, Natasha, Shield in general)
And Wade...Deadpool pops up occasionally, even he doesn't understand why or how lBruce gets a strange feeling he should punch the Flash in the face the next time he sees him)
Bruce having to deal with Deadpool is terrible for him and I sadly love it.
(Also on the point of Black suit spidey in Gotham...ESPECIALLY after Jason is murdered? Oh Peter is killing the Joker, or his arm privileges forfeit. I feel like Peter would try not to kill him but wouldn't try too hard.)
Spider-man being a founding members of the Justice League, them having to deal with Peter crawling on the ceiling, and scuttering through air vents!
Peter making Parker Industries, pointing inventions from other heros/villains from his world, he isn't above pettiness, and that's how the DC world gets some of Reed Richard's old designs he gave to Peter "Because they are practically useless" they arnt they save millions of lives. Not to mention Arc Reactors, Peter grinned the whole time claiming it was his idea.
Hope you enjoy my ADHD rambling brought to you be sleep deprivation
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yellowloid · 1 year
💫, 🎀, 💥, 💋, 💌 for the writing asks 🥰
thank you so much for the questions 🥰
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
i love love love long comments where the reader just goes over a whole list of things that stuck with them while reading, little details, images, ways a character acted, something the characters said; i just absolutely adore hearing about what the reader felt while reading my fics, how a particularly angsty passage put them in their feelings, a very fluffy bit sent them giggling and smiling at the screen, or a smutty scene had them losing their mind skfjshsfh. i also love when people tell me they've got passages from my fics screenshotted on their phone or quoted in their journals, or when they tell me that something i wrote helped them smile when they were sad, or helped them through a difficult time, or simply managed to distract them from real life problems, even if just for a bit. i love knowing that my writing can have a positive impact on other people's lives, no matter how small it might be <3
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing
i think i'm pretty good at coming up with new images to express the kind of visceral love i write about whenever i write milex, both with the romantic and sexual aspect of it; i also think i do a good job at making the most of the more "aesthetic" part of writing - making sure my words and sentences not only make sense, but also "look good" together. i want my writing to sound as poetic and melodious as it can, that's really important to me and i tend to spend a lot of time trying to achieve that :)
💥find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
my least kudos'd fic is the third and final part of my 'satin and lace' series, 'of loving at will, of loving till death'. my venice honeymoon fic <3 one that, in many ways, closed a chapter of my life that started back when i posted the first part of this series; if you know me, you also know how much this trilogy means to me. writing and posting the last part not only felt like a challenge, but also a quite emotional one sjfhshsjgh because i knew i'd miss those chaotic smitten husbands so much </3
despite it having less kudos than other fics of mine, i'm still really fond of this one. i made so much research for it - which now results in me knowing a whole lot of random trivia about venice - and i'm very satisfied with how realistic and accurate the descriptions of the city turned out, as well as the way they mixed with the expression of their love, the romance and drama of it all... plus i went on vacation this summer and spent a day in venice (i'd visited once when i was a kid but didn't remember much) and it just meant so much to me, visiting that city now that it holds a whole new and special meaning to me <3 it felt so !!!! walking around those sunny alleys and crossing all those bridges over the canals, imagining miles and alex doing the same, hand in hand, disgustingly in love with each other. it was just so magical and special - and i think that fic really captures the spirit of venice as a whole 💙💜
💋when you leave comments on a fic, do you want to hear back from the writer?
absolutely!! i think it's not only ao3 etiquette, but also like... the whole point of it? if i leave a comment it's because i want the author to know i loved their work, and if they never reply i feel like a. they secretly hate me or smth or b. they haven't seen my comment and now they won't know i loved their fic!!!!! when i know damn well that they don't hate me and they also most likely saw the comment and appreciated it, but just didn't reply for whatever reason. some people don't reply to comments and that's okay skfjshfhs but i certainly do in most cases and i definitely want to hear back from other writers when i leave one myself!!
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
okay okay so. this is all assuming i don't have a mental breakdown over it and drop it lmao but basically. it's a long-fic. two and a half chapters are already written. it's very angsty and alex is a stupid self-loathing idiot in it (<3). their performance of 'last night i dreamt' by the smiths @ alexandra palace is an out of context spoiler for it. that's all i can say without getting into spoilery details and/or giving away the whole premise of it gkskfjsdhgk
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I am the student anon from a while ago who was concerned because my prof made an oblique comment about "knowing when people use AI on their assignments"
I often collaborate with a friend in the course on homework assignments (something that is encouraged so long as you name your collaborators when you turn in) and i found out recently that she DOES use chatgpt sometimes. we'll each work on papers separately and then compare ideas and make edits if either of us included something the other missed. i never copy her words but i'll incorporate her ideas if i feel they're useful.
this brings me to 3 questions:
1) does the prof know she uses AI, and does the prof by extension believe that i do, since i name her as a collaborator?
2) is there a way for me to kindly tell my friend i think this is ludicrous behavior and cut it the fuck out
3) is there a way for me to distance myself from my friend in the eyes of the prof without seeming like a total snitch or hardass or what have you
thanks in advance !!!!!!
prev anon:: I MISSPELLED YOUR NAME I AM SORRY elanor elanor elanor so sorry
LMAO you're fine, no worries!
Hmm, okay, so some of this is outside my wheelhouse as a lecturer the other side of the world - this is not to say I'm not going to share my opinions regardless, but just a reminder that I am not, for example, an authority on taking friends to task for using ChatGPT
Anyway the easiest (and most advisable) answer to all of this is to stop collaborating. Up until this point, you're fine, because you simply didn't know - if you get accused of anything you have plausible deniability, because you literally didn't know. It's worth pointing out, though, that you would probably already have been given a formal warning or taken to an academic misconduct board by now if you were suspected on past work - at least, that would be the case over here. We don't hang about if we have suspicions.
Whereas, from this point onwards, if you turn in a collaborated piece and she then gets accused of plagiarism, you are now in a position of having willingly collaborated with a known plagiarist, which opens you up to questions like "So you knew there was a chance that her inputs could have been Chat-generated and you used them in your own work anyway?" and that's a lot harder to defend against.
As to the rest of it, though:
No, probably not. She'd likely have been called on it by now, as would you.
Hmm. I think I personally would approach this with "I'm so sorry, my anxiety is through the roof and I just don't feel comfortable collaborating with you because you use ChatGPT. My brain is now irrationally terrified that it's somehow obvious to the professor and imploding from the pressure." And then if she wants to get into it further, you can discuss the issues with it. HOWEVER mileage can and will vary on that strategy - that's how I would phrase it to avoid her feeling judged, see, but depending on how good a friend she is and a whole bunch of other factors, you might prefer to go BITCH WHY DON'T YOU JUST MARRY THE FUCKING ROBOT IF YOU LOVE IT SO MUCH and block her number. Or, you know. Something along the scale.
Just stop collaborating. Nothing more needed.
The other thing I will say is that I think you're probably assuming more surveillance and oversight from your professor than actually exists. It IS obvious when you find a Chat-generated section, but I can't help but wonder if telling a class "We know that some of you are using it, btw. We won't say who but we can tell. So stop doing that." is actually a lie designed to scare compliance before it becomes a problem. Like. That feels like a lie to me. That feels like "Say it now and then they won't try it." Because if they actually knew, there would be formal proceedings, not oblique little warnings.
Anyway! I hope this is useful.
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djevelbl · 5 days
Hello everyone! Welcome back to the second edition of Djevel Stalks Someone's Blog, Sees a Comment and Goes On an Out-loud Tangent So. Hard. He Might As Well Make It a Tumblr Post
I'm your host Djevel, and today I'll talk about my own viewpoint on Colly/RuneStraw: completely unnecessary, definitely not asked for yet still delivered to your fyp like that copy of The Book of Bill delivered to that poor sod who bought a church study book on amazon or somethin', exactly how I want my stupid over-the-top opinions to be baybeyyyyyyy~
Now lemme preface this by saying a couple things:
#1: I don't mind RuneStraw half as much as this over-the-top post will make it look like, they're actually cute af together and have a great dynamic going on! I just like to bitch about stuff, I love yapping and the blog blurb already says that I'll "scream into the void about whatever media I'm consuming" - you read that, clicked on read more, don't come at me over this of all things. As a show of good will, I'm writing this as I listen to Love Again - Dua Lipa (really good also fits these two dweebs really well so there's that)
#2: This is just my opinion and if at any point you feel like I gotta remind you of this fact: put the hands away from the keyboard, open the window and smell outside air - it ain't that deep. You can always just not read it
#3: If you so happen to identify yourself as the blog I was stalking before I started typing this out - this isn't criticising your post or anything, I'm just a sleeper agent on the subject and happened to wake myself up with that post lmaooo (also no you're not. I don't wanna have a confrontation over this ❤)
With that out of the way - let the bloodbath begin (probably mine as well LMAO)
Let's start strong and lemme say it already: I don't think the fact that Cup is into Holly is a counter-argument to the "why can't they just stay friends" bc that's not really answering the question?? At least whenever I ask it it's less about the now and more about the whole relationship - beyond giving Cup a solid, tangible goal to reach through rehabilitation and tHERAPY IF HE EVER GETS IT and giving Holly stability in a world much more dangerous than she thought, both of which can be given to them through different means, what does having them kissing do for them as growing characters, and what does it do for the narrative? After all they're puzzle pieces within a larger story, and while I love preaching about considering your characters like people when you sit down to analyze them, you still have to understand them as the puzzle pieces they are: they all have an individual purpose within the story, and the connections you decide to make between them have to give something to them or at least to the narrative. Something nothing else can give them, so we care about those connections.
Something I'm not sure having these two goobers kissing quite accomplishes. But maybe I'm just a hater, idk
Now getting into more of my own perspective on RuneStraw - would you believe me when I tell you I groaned out loud when I read it? Y'know what I mean - any set-up for the ship between book 11 and 12 is valid if it came up to your head when I said it, I probably groaned at all of them lol and that's because to me it came out of nowhere; sure, Holly had mentioned she had a crush on Cup back when she was dating Finnley I think (remember him? yea,,, I miss him too), but she was:
1) Dating someone at the time.
2) Talking about it in a past tense, implying she didn't feel that way anymore.
3) Building off of 2 - with the way she mentioned it, it genuinely sounded like she's distanced herself from the sentiment; from what I remember she talked about in the same way one does about thoughts and feelings one had years ago. Almost like they're from a different person.
These three things led me to believe she wasn't interested in him nor was she gonna be - her crush was based on an image Cuphead willingly puts up as a shield and that by now she knows is fake; her feelings back then were born out of a dark, mysterious and brooding façade he constantly put up that dissipated the moment she had more than a few words exchanged with him. The mysticism was gone, the alure is as well - she was left with a genuine yet broken man, not the put-together mobster she thought he was. And while it isn't impossible she recovered those feelings but directed towards the actual Cuphead, it feels like an odd choice to backtrack her character like that.
There's also the fact that they were the only duo of different genders that wasn't gonna be a romantic pairing, Until they weren't.
And I'll come out and admit it: maybe this point is most of the reason why RuneStraw bothered me as much as it did when it got introduced more heavily. This is the thing: the question of "why can't they just stay friends?" is a valid one to throw into the conversation - as I said, they were the only friends of opposite genders who didn't wanna get into each other's pants, because AliBends is canon (if currently doomed by the narrative), Minnie and Mickey obviously like each other, Donald and Daisy are dating I'm pretty sure, Jake has active feelings for Alice to the point he distanced himself from her to manage his own emotions and keep them in check when it became obvious she isn't actually interested in him romantically, and even if this next one isn't quite the Inky Mystery Team's fault (after all they're working off whatever scraps Quest for the Ink Machine left in its wake) I'll throw it in the ring just to drive the point across: while Cala Maria is her own character and her own person, often times it feels like the deepening of her character and whatever conflicts she may be going through are there for the benefit of Mugman's own struggles and character arc; we don't see much of her reaction at Mugs' heroic but reckless deal with Marcus or her reaction to having been found, we don't hear much about her ink illness beyond that one chapter where she started showing symptoms. For as much personality as she has and for as lovable as she is, sometimes she feels like Mugman's romantic interest first, herself second - probably due to not being part of the main cast, which is fair to some extent.
Personally I don't see RuneStraw as a romantic connection that had to be done necessarily - what each provides to the other's character development (a tangible goal for Cuppy, a much-needed stability within a dangerous world for Holly) is already being provided by their friends, people they should be able to rely on. I guess I just feel a little sad that we don't have many bonding chapters between all the Questers, regardless of duos or dynamics that pair up the best: imagine (and bear here with me, this is getting into the headcanon territory lol) if angels can sense Demon Deals as these are an extension of a demon's magic (something angels can detect) and once Alice comes back from The Upper she notices - really notices, decides to pay attention - that there's something cold wrapped around Cup; they have a conversation where Cuphead tiptoes around his childhood and all the stardust he's gone through in one of the biggest displays of bravery and trust he's given us this far, and Alice knows he's not telling the whole truth but she listens, she listens and shares how it was growing up with expectations of being a great angel someday. He shows her trust, and she gives the same trust out of her own chest to him.
Imagine Bendy and Cala Maria bonding over a trip to the docks - we could get to know her better, how it was like living as a gorgon, sharing experiences between them on how terrible it is to be hated for something you cannot control, and laughing over the good bits their past can offer them. Finding a weird comfort in having been the monster for a little bit, as they could protect those they love with that infamy and the power it came with (Boris for Bendy and Ebi for Maria, of course) - hell, maybe we could hear of Cala's parents! How they were like, their little quirks and tricks, we could read about Bendy considering her lucky and Maria telling him he's found his family here, that those he's forgotten don't matter because they didn't stick around.
Imagine Alice relaying stories of how her younger siblings are rascals and comparing them to Boris, how much he'd get along with them, singing tunes and dancing for the hell of it - helping him get a better grip at dancing, if marginally, and managing to wring laughs out of him by the tons.
Imagine all of them around a table, sweets and treats laid out, as Felix and Alice do their damn hardest to one-up each other in their wild adventures from before they joined the Questers - the cat talking about his mad dash as he escaped that ferocious beast of a tiger, and he shows the scars like your dad shows you his most prized collections as he talks of the most dangerous bits. The angel taking a swig of her alcohol of choice before going into this maddened ramble about the greatest prank war she's ever been in against Jake, and how they both got banned from several places for a whole dang year. Even Sarah gets wrapped up in the shenanigans and fun once Bendy, Cuphead, Mugman, Holly, Boris and Cala Maria all join in to win the title of Wildest Adventure Story; she's just a child after all, even with incomprehensible magic woven into her soul. Maybe all of the house is there, listening as the Questers finally have a moment to breathe and be as young as they are - the oldest is Felix, and he's in his forties at most, he still has life to him.
This is supposed to be a recovery arc, and mantaining healthy friendships with other people can help a long way with those dark thoughts The Labyrinth left them all.
Romantic love isn't the be-all-end-all, it shouldn't be the ultimate objective of a character that makes them become stagnant and void of themselves, and I guess I just want boys and girls to share stories and rooms without their interactions being a making out or being politely pleasant, pick one situation. I guess I'm just socially blind and petty, maybe I'm taking a fanfiction too seriously - after all, it is made by fans and for the fans; it's no professional production, and sometimes it's just better like that.
TLDR: I go way too hard on fictional characters for wanting to boink, more at 10
Ok but now a real TLDR: I just want the Questers to interact more with each other and I'm not talking about the typical duos always formed like they're in school and they choose their bestie for the group project. I mean all the Questers. Also I went in wayy too hard against fictional characters that just wanna fuck in peace ig
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imawreck · 1 month
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier x Original Character
Summary: A truth is revealed too late, and a rat amongst the Avengers makes itself known.
Author's Note: I barely edited this so I apologize if there's any mistakes!
Warnings: Cursing, feral Max, gore and descriptions of wounds/violence
Word Count: 6,016
Max's eyes didn't stay in one spot for more than a millisecond, always moving and analyzing our surroundings. I had joined her against the side of the tent to keep out of sight. The knife still swiveled in time around her finger as she mumbled lowly in my direction. "I don't think they know we're here, which means that Rogers and the other's have done their jobs right. Or they're captured, Hydra wouldn't kill them without an audience."
I flexed my hand, "If they're caught we can't leave without them." Not like last time.
Her reply was said through gritted teeth, "I am aware."
Thunder still rolled overhead, and the air had grown cooler with the moisture. At least her God of Thunder was still around. "Do you have a plan?"
She shrugged, "Kill the enemy and don't die."
I grimaced and scanned around us once more. "If they don't know we're here, then it should be easy enough to get out."
She shook her head slowly, "Not if they find that body or the bodies of their watchmen. Hydra shifts their lookouts frequently; we have no idea when they'll do it next. I've got a very bad feeling it will be soon. I can hear them moving more."
I tried to hear what she did, but the only thing that met my ears was the breeze and the rustle of the trees. That, and the sound of someone breathing inside the tent we leaned against.
"Shit!" I launched to the side just as a knife tore through the fabric of the tent, a soldier tearing his way through behind it. I tried to find Max through the tattered remains of the tent, but she had vanished.
I didn't have much time before the soldier was barreling towards me. I scraped at the dirt, finding my footing just in time to dodge him once more. I was ready to fight, lifting my fists and gritting my teeth, but I didn't get the chance to before his body was tackled to the ground. Bones crunched, and his scream was cut into a cacophony of gurgles before I had the opportunity to blink. Max hovered over his body, blood coating her clawed fingers.
I couldn't take my gaze off of the mangled flesh of his throat and the deflated shape of his shoulder where her hand still rested. Four distinct holes littered his jugular, bloodied and oozing. It was enough to make me sick.
I didn't have the time to think about it before her hands were gripping the front of my uniform and hauling me into the brush. I shoved her away, wrapping my metal hand around her wrist and squeezing until she hissed in pain. "Don't fucking touch me."
She sneered in my face, teeth bared. "If you die, this mission is a failure. So, unless you're going to grow a pair of fucking balls, I'm going to continue to drag your ass to safety whether I like you or not."
Harsh words of Russian left her lips faster than I could comprehend as she leaned over into the dirt and began smearing it through her hair, "I'm going to kill anyone who gets in our way in whatever way I see fit to ensure that we make it out alive. You can bitch and complain about it when we're all back at the tower sipping bourbon and coddling our wounds." When she stood again, her hair was the color of the tall grass swaying around us. "Find Tony or one of the others and tell them what's going on. I'm going to take out everyone in this camp, so make sure they're all cleared out."
There was no room for discussion. By the time I had mustered something snarky and hateful to send her way she was already gone, nothing but the downed grass to show where she had disappeared. I clutched my gun, yanking it out of my holster and moving back towards the jet. Most of the soldiers were situated in the camp, most likely settling in for dinner. It was late afternoon, and the sun had turned orange as it descended through the sky.
Behind me, shouts began erupting through the camp. Crashes echoed across the space between myself and the camp, and I knew it had everything to do with Max. Gunfire was quick to follow the uproar, bullets whizzing past just close enough to have me hunkering a little closer to the ground as I hustled back to the team.
A body hurled into me as I cleared the grass, a knife raised before I threw my hand up to block their assault. I twisted away and raised my gun only to be met with another drawn to my eye level.
"What the hell, Barnes!" Natasha's exasperated voice let out a breath as she dropped her gun. "I could've blown a hole straight through you!"
I lowered my own, "Says you."
Natasha swiveled her head around behind me, "Where's Lover Girl? Did you ditch her?"
I couldn't help but notice the hint of a smile on her face, but I brushed it off. "No, Max is-." Someone screamed somewhere behind me, and I pursed my lips as it came to an abrupt stop. "She's cleaning up the camp."
Natasha's brows rose, "Why are you back then?"
"Coms are down. Max said it was a trap and we fell right into it. We searched the whole area and didn't find any sign of the scepter. It was a setup." I holstered my gun and ducked as another stray bullet fired. The shots had died down significantly in the last ten minutes, a sure sign Max was making quick work of the place. "We need to regroup with the rest of the team."
Natasha nodded but tilted her head back towards the camp. "What about her?"
Max's words rung in my head, 'I don't need you.' Like she'd meant every word of it. I shrugged, stalking away. "She can handle herself. She doesn't need me."
Natasha, surprisingly, didn't push any more about it as we both rushed back towards the jet. Rain had begun to fall against the ground, adding onto the chorus of agony growing louder behind us. The angry shouts had molded themselves into desperate screams, pleas for mercy. I knew there wouldn't be any. Max was an executioner, and there was no mercy for people like Hydra.
Natasha and I finally made it back to the jet to find Tony tinkering with a hologram and arguing dramatically with his AI. His helmet sat on one of the seats of the Quinnjet and his arms waved around, swiping through the multiple displays and pressing his finger to his com. "Dammnit!" Tony swiped up on his hologram and ran a frustrated hand through his hair before he turned to find the two of us. Relief swept over his face, "Thank God you two are alright. Comms went down fifteen minutes in, and I haven't been able to get ahold of anyone. I think we will have to get up in the air-- where's Max?" He swiveled his head behind us as he asked, searching for her.
I grit my teeth, "Max found out that Comms went down, and she sent me back to regroup. The camp and signal were a trap, the scepter wasn't there. We checked everywhere."
Tony just stared at me for a long moment, letting the sound of distant gunfire and screams envelope us. His lip curled in a frown when he finally spoke, "You just left her?"
"She said she didn't need me." It was a poor excuse, but it was true.
Rage flickered in his eyes as he stepped forward, but before he could spew any accusations he was interrupted by the jarringly kind voice of Friday. "Mr. Stark, Max's vitals are showing signs of severe injury."
All of us froze and Tony whipped around to snag his helmet off the chair. "What injury? What happened?"
Just as the AI was about to answer, an explosion blasted from behind us and sent us all ducking for the grass. I watched as pillars of black smoke rose into the air, listening to the rush of fire in the distance. There were no more screams. An awful, vile scent filled the air, and we all slapped a hand over our noses. I knew that smell. I had smelled it all those weeks ago on that mission with her when the flames had raged and torn over flesh and water alike. Flames rose higher, and I watched Tony jog closer to get a better view of the damage.
I followed him, flinching as the strength of the smell increased as we got closer. A shining shield caught my eye as Steve appeared from the other side of the camp, Clint not far behind him. Thunder clapped and lightning followed a speck falling from the sky before Thor whipped around and landed smoothly against the dirt a few feet from the rest of us. The team's faces all resembled some variations of shock, worry, and caution. Tony looked desperate for the most part, his eyes frantically searching the flames.
From somewhere in the blaze, someone shouted. It was Russian from what I could hear, and another voice replied in a tone much more desperate. A shadow moved within the fire, and we all gripped our weapons. Something was chucked out of the flames, falling hard to the dirt and shouting again. A person.
They scrambled in the dirt before another silhouette stepped through the wall of fire that had wrapped itself around the camp in an angry red. The person on the dirt nearly got to their feet before the second one stepped on their leg while they patted out the flames threatening to set them alight.
The person on the ground screamed, deep and guttural. "You bitch!" The words fell from his lips in a heavy accent.
Max's mask hung from her belt and dirt and blood smeared her face. In one of her hands hung a bottle of liquor with the cork missing. Her eyes stayed solely on the man before her. "You should watch your tongue, or I might just lose my patience."
The man laughed bitterly, "You won't kill me, I am valuable."
Her leg sank deeper into his flesh, and he yelled out again. "I think you overestimate your value. I'll find what you're hiding with or without some measly, low-level agent. Having you tell me would just make my job much easier."
I watched the man's eyes widen at the sincerity in her tone and the broad, animalistic smile she wore. I shivered at the sight of it too.
His voice seemed to have raised an octave as he dug his elbows into the dirt in order to try and further the distance between them, "You're not as strong as you once were, you even bleed now." He nodded towards the blood leaking from a gash on her forehead.
This didn't seem to bother Max much as she ran a bloodied hand through her hair to push it out of her face. "Still strong enough to take down your little camp and steal you away though, aren't I? Still the biggest threat Hydra has to face." She bent down and gripped his collar as she began dragging him towards the jet. "I'll heal. Anything I do to you, won't. Not in the short amount of time you have left to live, anyways."
His hands clawed at her arms as she trudged through the grass, growing closer to us all with every step. She winced with each breath she took and drank several swigs from the bottle she clutched in her hand. Max only dropped the man once she cleared the grass, making sure to shove him between her and the rest of us so there was no easy escape route.
She took in every one of us with cold eyes, "Glad you're all in one piece." Her gaze snapped to the man clutching his mangled leg between us, observing him like prey. The bottle in her hand swung from side to side. "Found their stash and used it to destroy the camp. This one hinted at knowledge of the scepter's whereabouts while I was hard at work so I figured we could interrogate him. He could be lying, but it's worth a shot." She took another swig from the bottle, turning to Tony. "Your call Stark, say the words and I'll make it clean."
Tony's eyes flickered between her and the hostage, tugging his lip between his teeth in concentration. I raised a brow at him, because of course he couldn't be considering her request. Of course not, because that wouldn't make us much better than them. We maim and kill now, thanks to Max, and with every mission she was assigned we bloodied the Avengers name a little more.
"Tony," Steve warned.
Tony held up his hand, "Cuff him and strap him in next to you, Max."
She followed his orders immediately, tossing the bottle away and hauling the man up the platform and into the Quinnjet as he kicked and spewed insults at her.
The minute she was gone, Steve dove into an argument with Tony. "Are you going to let her burn everyone she wants, whenever she wants, like a psychopath, or are you going to have her put in a cell where she belongs?"
Stark's eyes blew wide in anger as he marched right up to Steve's face. "She got us intel that we need in order to keep people safe. Those people down there were Hydra, in case you've forgotten, and I'd be happy to let her burn however many of them she wants. Max is not a psychopath, she's one of us."
Steve scoffed, "Open your eyes, Tony! She's a murderer!"
Tony's arm snapped up to point at me, "So is he! We let him walk around without chains or a muzzle, so why should we make her? He was waltzing around claiming she was innocent months ago, what changed? And now the two of you are gunning for her." Silence sank its claws into all of us as he held us both with a condescending stare. "Get in the jet, we can duke it out like children back at the tower." With that, he stalked away and left the two of us simmering in anger.
"I can't believe him!" Steve muttered, "He was all for locking her up the second you brought her to that tower and now he can't see anything clearly."
I nodded silently, feeling a simper of anger roiling in my veins. Steve was right, he couldn't see what she was. He couldn't see the way she looked at people, how she hunted them and mauled them like an animal. Genetically modified or not, she was still a person, and she should act like one.
I lead the charge back to the Quinnjet where the others had already taken their seats. Max had strapped the man up two seats away from her and clamped thick metal cuffs around his wrist. She had left his leg mangled and sticking to the side, not bothering to fix it. With each shake and tremble of the jet the man groaned and whimpered. Still, she sat there, face as blank as the mask at her hip.
I took in her bloodied face, the smears of fingerprints like someone had grabbed at her neck and cheeks. The gash on her head still trickled blood and she pressed a firm hand on it to try and prevent what she could from slipping between her fingers. The other hand held her side where the red fabric had darkened a shade or two from the blood seeping through from the inside. Tony came out of the cockpit moments after takeoff to examine her wounds.
He wrapped a bandage around her head, securing it behind her ear as best he could. He ordered her to remove the top of her suit next, and she grumbled something under her breath that earned her a harsh glare. She didn't say too much after that and did as he asked. I watched as she tugged the fabric down her arms, my eyes widening at the bruises littering her skin. Max never had bruises. They couldn't last, not with her healing. Which meant that...
"Shit, you're not healing." Tony's voice echoed my thoughts as he leaned over to examine the obvious angry skin. "Why aren't you healing?"
She attempted to shrug but halted with a wince as she clutched her side once more. "'M’tired is all."
"Max." Tony gave her a sharp look to which she just shrugged again, further frustrating him. His chest heaved in a breath, and he pressed a hand to his brow, smoothing out the wrinkles forming on his forehead. "Show me your side."
"It's nothing." Her tone was unusually defensive. "It will heal."
"If it hasn't already, something is wrong so let me see it." The bite in Tony's words was rearing its head and Max heard it too, I could see it in the way her mouth thinned, and her brows tugged together. She knew it was a losing battle.
Slowly, she continued to unzip her uniform until the fabric pooled around her waist and the wound was exposed for us all to see.
Infection was the first word I thought as I took in the yellow tinted scabs that had pulled away from the skin around her ribs. It was bruised there too, the hues of purple and green adding to the irritated red lining the wound. Every time she breathed, she winced, and the scabs stretched and cracked further. It was ugly, and it should have been treated the moment she noticed it.
But she hadn't.
Tony threw his arms up. "What the hell were you thinking coming on a mission with a wound like that? You should be seeing our medical team! They said it was healed!"
Max's features schooled themselves into a calm indifference. "I am just healing slower than normal, it's nothing to worry about."
Tony threw a pointed finger towards her, and his voice dripped in anger, "That's bullshit and you know it. Why the hell aren't you healing?"
Her eyes burned in warning as she held his eyes, "I've been dealing with a lot."
A loaded answer if I had ever heard one. But I knew... I knew what she had meant. I tried to keep her out of my head, tried to forget her and force her away from me. But the harder I tried, the more I was aware of her. The few times I glimpsed her in the hallway and noted the hint of bruises under her eyes, the way her figure didn't fill out her uniform the way it once had, or the way her smile hid from everyone no matter how many jokes they cracked.
Tony didn't press any more, but he did turn to retrieve the small med kit stored under the pilot's chair and fished out the supplies to fix what he could. "You're grounded until you've healed, and I want you to visit Banner down on the cell level the second we touch base. He might be able to figure something out with your healing."
Max gaped at him, "I am perfectly capable of attending missions, I proved it today."
"You are not capable, and you won't step foot on another mission until you've had a full physical under observation." The tone of finality bounced off the walls of the jet as we all avoided the burning look she held him with.
No one dared to talk, and I finally was able to tear my gaze from their spat to stare at the floor instead. My mind wandered back to the way he had defended her, how he had asked what had happened even though I had filed a clear and detailed report to him the following afternoon. I wondered if he had even deemed it worth reading. I knew Tony still held me accountable for his parents' death, and he had every right too, but that didn't give him the right to ignore the facts we were presenting him with especially if it has anything to do with the teams' safety. He had said so many times himself.
I made a note to discuss the matters with him as soon as we landed. Until then, I leaned myself back against the backrest of the chair and kept quiet like the rest of the team. Even the man Max had dragged aboard didn't dare break the silence.
The distinct scent of New York air entered my senses the moment the jet hanger hit the landing pad, finally back at the tower after the agonizingly quiet ride in a cramped jet. The tension had held the whole way back. Steve was livid, and Natasha and Clint actively avoided anyone's eyes to avoid setting anyone off. I hardly glanced at Max as I stared at the floor all the way home. The only noise other than the silence was the man's whimpering and Max's low, quiet curses with each jostle of the jet.
Tony had practically shoved her in the direction of the medical bay, demanding that she gets attention before she goes down to see Banner. She went with nothing more than a weak nod. The others gathered their gear and stumbled tiredly to the hanger. We all needed sleep, but few of us would get any either because of the mission or the paperwork that was sure to follow.
I watched as Steve took the liberty of ushering the Hydra Agent to the cell floor, giving me a nod in goodbye as I gathered my own things and headed out not long after him. Tony stood not far from the jet discussing something with Thor who kept looking over at the med wing. I ground my teeth, trying to shake off the dark feeling that always rippled through me at the looks he cast towards... towards her. Tony finished whatever he was saying to Thor and let him leave, and I wasn't surprised at all when he hustled off towards Max.
Tony folded his arms over his chest and turned towards me with a long sigh. "What do you want, Barnes?"
I dropped my bag, "I want to talk to you about the last mission Max and I were on with Natasha. Did you read my report?"
"I read both of your reports." He turned his shoulder and began walking away. "What is this about?"
I hustled after him, frustrated by his nonchalance, "It's about the safety of this team and the risk you're putting us all in by keeping Max here. Especially concerning the safety of the public."
Tony scoffed, the sound bouncing off the glass walls and rattling in my ears. I flexed my hands to keep my anger at bay as he slipped into the elevator and he turned to reply, "There isn't a risk. I wouldn't put her on the team if there was. I'm insulted you and Captain Ass-merica think that I would do that to this team."
I shoved through the closing doors to stand beside him. "Are you that blind?" I threw a hand wide, "She burned a whole town, Tony! I watched her do it! She fried the innocents just so she could kill a squadron of Hydra Agents! You don't think that's dangerous? That's mass murder! We went to war for that, and now you're just going to let her do the same thing with no repercussions?" My chest rose and fell rapidly as the anger trembled inside of me, lashing out.
Tony stormed out of the elevator into the floor it had stopped on. I recognized it as his main lab from the main computers and displays of his suits lining the wall. I followed him, staying right at his heels. He shoved a chair out of the way and yelled out to the AI.
"Yes Mr. Stark?"
He gripped the counter where holograms danced above his head, "Bring up the surveillance footage."
Immediately, the holograms warped to display a large screen panning over the valley where I had been only weeks prior. I remembered the damage clearly, the downed tower, the bodies littering the ground and the burnt grass and houses all flooded in the events of the mission. On the screen though, people were bustling around with repair equipment and trucks hauling boxes and trucks labeled with 'Stark Industries' across the side in bold black letters. I watched as it flipped to show from a body cam, a man helping out a family repaint the side of their house and laughing merrily about something he said.
Tony spoke quietly from beside the picture. "She really didn't tell you?" When I didn't reply, Tony kept going. "Max came to me late the same day of the mission and begged me to send help to the valley. She told me what happened on the mission, but she left out the spat you two had. She told me that she got everyone she could out of that valley before she brought that tower down. She went into those people's houses and demanded that they called everyone they knew and tell them to get as far out of town as they could and avoid the water. She got them out, and not a single casualty was civilian."
I felt my heart still, every word he said hit my heart like sharp shards of glass. "What?"
His voice was low and tired, but sincere. "Max made sure the people were safe before she brought down the tower. The only people she killed were the ones trying to hurt them."
She hadn't killed civilians.
I planted my hand on the counter, mirroring Tony as my body wavered at his statement. I had accused her of killing those people. I had called her a killer, a heartless murderer that didn't care about anyone but herself and her stupid missions. She had let me too, let me yell and curse and spit at her in disgust. I remember her trying to cut in, to tell me something.
"Of course not, Bucky, no. I care about so much more and I-"
But I had cut her off, not allowing her to tell me any more lies. She hadn't been lying. The image of her crestfallen face plastered itself on the back of my eyelids as I clamped them shut to recall the memory.
She had tried to explain herself, but I was too selfish, too scared and betrayed to let her fill my head with anything other than what I believed to be true. She had my file; the one Hydra had compiled from all those years of my torture. Those were my worst days, and she had kept them. Probably read them too. I was so concerned about what she might know, too afraid that she would use what was in that file against me, that I hadn't let her explain what had happened just an hour before.
I let out a shaky breath as my chest threatened to suffocate me, "I called her a monster worse than me." I gasped, realization of what I had done to her sinking like a stone into my chest. I had hurt her. I had hurt her over and over because of my fear. I let myself insult and belittle her, to beat her on the sparring mats, because of my fear and my anger.
And she was innocent.
Tony couldn't fully understand the damage that single sentence had done to her, but the fact that I had said something so awful to her set his eyes ablaze in anger. "Fucking hell, Barnes. She's been tearing herself apart because of you."
He was right, I realized. It was like all the pieces clicked together in my head. She had stopped eating, I knew as much. I did it when I spiraled, it was a trauma response. Her healing relies on the intake of energy she gets, and without it she can't heal properly. I had heard Thor talking about her nightmares with Tony once, heard Natasha complaining about being woken up by her screams. Lack of sleep made sense too. Max took those missions recklessly because she was spiraling.
My eyes caught the swift movement of Tony's hand dragging through his hair, "Do you have any idea how much she cared about you? She talked to me when she would come in and work in the labs with me. She told me that she was so glad that you had lived, that you had gotten out even if it was without her. She had been planning an escape for you, did you know that?"
I didn't, and it hit like a hammer to my gut.
"All she ever wanted for you was happiness. That's what she told me." His grip on the counter turned his knuckles white. "Once, she told me about the things they did to her. It was awful to listen to, but I wanted to listen because she had never opened up before. Not like that, anyways. Max told me that you had defended her in there as the Soldier. Even after they wiped your mind, you would defend her over and over. You were the first person to ever show her an ounce of kindness. She grew up in that hell hole, and the first person to ever show her kindness was the Winter Soldier. What does that say?" He shook his head, and my eyes began to burn.
I was so sick with myself I thought I would hurl right then and there. The hatred I had for myself clawed at my mind, tearing me apart from the inside. What had I done? Panic clawed at my throat, threatening to choke the life out of my lungs but I forced myself to breath.
In the distance, the elevator chimed, and someone joined us. I couldn't focus on anything other than the feelings crashing around in my mind, couldn't escape the images of what I had done to her, and the pain written on her face. Someone as kind as her, who had only ever experienced harsh unrelenting hatred until an emotionless killer showed her kindness, didn't deserve anything but happiness for the rest of her life.
I stood on unsteady legs, turning to take the elevator down to the cell level when the lights shut off and swathed the lab in darkness. My eyes snapped to Tony, adjusting to the dark. "What's going on?"
Tony spun around just as the security bars slammed down over the windows to the outside of the building. They clicked into place a moment later. I found Tony's form again as another voice spoke in the dark, "Is this some kind of test run, Stark?"
I recognized the voice from the night at the themed dance, his voice sending tremors of distaste through me. "What are you doing here, Rumlow?"
I caught the shrug of his shoulders out of the corner of my eye, "It's my job to keep tabs on the Avengers while Hydra operations are running high. I'm in for a report on today's mission."
Tony called out to Friday, but the AI didn't reply. He tried once more, but it still resulted in silence. My nerves began to rattle as he cursed under his breath, "Something's wrong."
"What do you mean something's wrong?" Rumlow turned around in a circle, "The electricity went out, why is it such a big deal?"
Tony shot him a distasteful look, "My AI system operates on a separate power source, and she shouldn't go out with the rest of the building. I made sure of it." He marched towards the computer at the table and tapped it a few times. "Computers are down too. This was intentional. We need to contact the rest of the team before-“
A voice crackled overhead, and we all reeled around in a circle to locate the source, only to have it crackle again. "-rk! Mr. St-k! Hy- trated th- ding! Hydra!"
I felt my heart drop to the bottom floor as my brain processed her garbled words. Alarm bells were ringing then, loud enough to send me hunkering with my hands clamped over my ears.
Rumlow bellowed over them, "What the hell is going on?"
"We're under attack!" Tony threw out his arm, his suit crashing out of its container and flying through the air from across the room to clamp around his body. "Hydra is in the building and I bet they've hacked the system." He viciously attacked a keypad on one of his arms before a display popped up with the tower levels labeled. The cell level was red. "They're on the cell floor."
Something wild awoke inside of me, "Max is on the cell floor."
I shoved past Rumlow as my body moved on its own, slamming my fingers into the elevator doors and prying them apart with all my strength. The elevator was nowhere in sight, and the elevator shaft was dark and cold. I reached out to snag one of the suspension wires and clung to it, taking it as far down as it went before my legs hit the top of the elevator. I pried the doors open, sending a silent thanks up to whoever watched us as I realized it had a stairway. The hum of Tony's jets followed down the elevator shaft as he made his way after me. The alarms still blared throughout the building, but I could only hear the roar of the pulse in my ears as I stormed the stairwell.
Tony flew down the center as I took them four at a time, launching myself over the railing when I was close enough to the bottom. Shouts echoed from the cell floor and the scrape of metal on metal grated through the air.
The second my feet hit the ground, I was gunning for the door where Stark was firing up his cannon and aiming it at the door. The lock kept us from entering, but the panic threatening to consume me drove me into violence. I slammed my boot into the door over and over until the locking mechanism snapped with a sharp crack. I rushed into the room to catch the scene unfolding just across the room, Tony quick on my heels.
Our prisoner had escaped, his mangled leg rested on the floor as he clutched a gun in his hand and a radio in the other. He let the gun fall back to his side as he whipped his head around, a sickening smile spread over his face and his eyes wild. My attention snapped to Max, scanning her for any injuries other than those she had from the mission. No blood, so I moved to Natasha who stood a few feet towards her who stood stock still with her eyes latched onto Bruce. I dragged my eyes over him too and found the source of their attention. A dart stuck out of his side as a silver liquid drained into him.
He stared at it in horror, his brows pinching and his hands shaking as he hastily pulled it out of himself and let it clatter to the floor before he looked back up. Our eyes met, and the fear he held on his face was the same mirrored in my own when I knew something I couldn't control was about to happen. When my body would betray me and there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it.
It took me seconds too long to move, to shout, before the brown of his eyes flickered green and his ferocious, rattling roar tore through the room.
And the cell slammed shut to cage Natasha and Max in with him.
@calwitch / @blackbirdwitch22 / @hzdhrtss / @imdoingathingmom / @cjand10
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archiisfandomstuff · 3 months
Watchting marble hornets rn (like the entries on youtube) hopefully this won't alter my brain chemistry or some shit cause I know that mh and creepypasta are somehow link (idk they seem to share a few characters like hoodie, masky, and slenderman from who I know) and we already know I haven't been able to escape that shit for the past almost four years now.
will update later
read at your own risk. this just turned into me recording all of my thoughts n shit
currently at entry #5 and does not seem to have much if anything to do with mh but rather it's creator. Entries #1 , #4 & seem to have the most horror esce (?) shit to them
Entry #6: What the ever loving fuck is going on here??? What is Mr. Clean doing, the big ol' stalker? very confused but intrigued.
Entry #11 is bothering me cause I can't find the "close encounter Alex missed" with who I am assuming is slenderman like no fucking wonder Alex missed it, I can't find this mf either
I'm guessing that this is some arg type shit. My guess as someone who takes a while to formulate proper explanations that I do not care to formulate rn and am going off of a vague idea based off of the little information I've been given is that this whole thing is an arg thingy named after the fake movie the characters are creating in where it is the origin story for the characters (Tim/Hoodie and Brain/Masky) I (we ig but I really never had much interest in them so idk much) know. Tell me if I am like astronomically off or smth.
So Tim is literally just A Guy? Dude has like no plot relevance. Why are y'all hyping him up so much????
I hope Jay realizes he is literally entering. No breaking though, some idiot left the door unlocked.
homeboy fell to the ground coughing and got up like "Nah, no time for dying, gotta unlock the door with a deadbolt." fucking idiot, dude is gonna die so bad
"I may go back eventually" DO NOT GO BACK YOU DUMBASS
Jay's lungs are still dying good to know
Wait did I fuck up who is who? Is Tim Masky and Brian Hoodie. That sounds correct now that I think of it. Eh, fuck it, I ain't editing shit.
How the fuck is Jay not dead as hell yet? Mf has plot armor never seen before. "Ima just break into this house here, steal shit, GO BACK, get attacked, and continue pursuing this shit." BITCH YOU GON DIE
Have you even seen a character so fucking dumb they just disappoint you? That is how I currently feel about Jay. "Oh shit, I just saw the masked guy who attacked me and broke into my home. Let's fucking chase him."
"I am never going back to that house again." FUCKING FINALLY BITCH
oh shit someone is fucking with the cameras
wtf does totheark mean or stand for???
Rip Jay's apartment
Entry #26 was definitely something. So, Alex is alive, has a roommate or two, has managed to evade Slenderman for a while judging by the fact that his appearance was surprising to both Amy (idk who she is but I can tell she has no knowledge of what is going on) and Alex himself. Jay, this is clearly a trap, idiot. But, I understand falling for it ig.
Jay is the main character. He is still alive and I have no clue how but i do wanna know what happened in those seven months.
omg poor jessica (assuming she is telling the truth)
updates will stop for now because it's getting late and I'm pretty sure I have shit to do tomorrow (can't actually remember) gonna continue watching. I left off on Entry #34
We back
Tim "I may have had my leg broken by a paranoid film student, but I shall continue to torment his best friend" Wright.
Alex is suspicious as fuck. Calling it rn, he did or is doing something.
Still do not trust Alex like holy shit dude. Jessica, run, you want no part of this bullshit. Run, girl, run!
I am very confused as to what is going on w8th Tim, but I know that mf can run, lucky bitch.
With the rate that these mfs are falling to the ground in coughing fits, you'd think that Slenderman causes asthma not insanity. Also, wtf was Tim doing there. I originally thought this guy had no plot relevance.
Gotta stop for a bit again cause I'm doing stuff with my family for a bit. Be back later
Why has Brian only crimes (from what I can remember) been like, so tame compared to what you would expect? This motherfucker seems to be routing for Tim and Jay, I think. "Wipe that stupid smile off your face." Alex says, referencing how, apparently, Brian was smiling at the knowledge that Alex cannot find Tim and Jay. Idk, I like hi so far even if the whole stalking thing ain't really my jam.
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gh0stswh0re · 2 years
i literally can not wait to get home and edit my könig fic, so here are some headcanons i have for the love of my life <33 probably deleting this
ps. i am an unhinged human being and not legally responsible for any mental damage this shit post may cause u!!
he's heavily into edging n overstimulation, but half of the time he doesn't even realize he's doing - he's either lost the feeling of time or is scared he's gonna hurt u, cuz he thinks u are not wet enough yet - he literally lives by the "a man has to earn his right to fuck u".
whether it's by fucking u open with his fingers - starts off with just one, carefully pumping it in and out of ur cunt, stretching u open, quietly gasping each time he feels u clench around his fingers. and then, he adds another, and after you've came for the third or fourth fucking time that hour (and if u asked him real nice) he'll add a third one.
he could hardly ever get bored of it, but after a while he'll just start using his mouth - groaning, grunting and humming against ur cunt as he eats u out. it's literally a fucking wonder how quiet he tends to be, but physically can not shut his mouth as he fucks u. (he gradually switches from english to german, from full blown sentences to quiet, pathetic stutters mixed with whiny, beggy whimpers). so by the time he finally decides he's done, you're already overstimulated - sore and sensitive to the point where u feel like u will come each time his fingers ghost over ur clit, ur cunt physically aching each time he touches you, slams his hips against urs.
his fav thing is seeing u squirming in his touch, trying to get away from him and just grabbing you by ur hips or placing a hand on ur throat keeping u in place.
he's a sucker for lacey lingerie - never ever allows u to take it off, he just pushes it to side and has his way with u - whatever he wants, until the fabric is soaked in ur arousal and his semen - then he just puts the fabric back in place, readjusting it right before placing a kiss on ur lower tummy. mostly happens in the mornings, as he loves seeing u throughout the day knowing his cum is leaking out of ur warm cunt, pooling in the lacey underwear he bought for u.
if he notices u away from others (or if nobody's particularly paying attention to u) he'll snatch u up, his chest pressed against ur back as his head rests on ur shoulder, his hot breath heavy against ur ear as he whispers sweet nothings in ur ear - left hand covering ur mouth as he forces his right in ur pants - teasing ur clit, gliding his fingers against ur slit, spreading your wetness over his fingers. he'd go fucking feral, seeing u needy under him, growing impatient as u bite down on his hand to quiet ur moans - sometimes he just can't resist not fucking u there and then (or in the nearest bathroom).
just imagine teasing him with a vibrator pressed against his tip, as u stroke him - slowly, sensually, almost poetically in a way - he'd get so overstimulated, biting down on his tongue, his abs flexing under ur touch, his heartbeat so fast he'd already gotten light headed, low pleas for mercy escaping his lips (please just let him cum already, he'll be such a good boy, he'd do whatever u want him to, he'll buy u flowers, he'll never bitch about u stealing his shirts again, he'll never call u something in german again refusing to tell u the translation, he'll never refuse the extra five mins of cuddles again, he'll never ever dare teasing u again, ruining ur orgasm, just please please let him cum, he needs it so bad he'll break down completely). definitely don't imagine how he'd literally start crying - sobbing and panting, trembling - after you flicked ur tongue over his tip, closing ur lips around his dick right before his climax hit him, as u swallow each and every drop of him.
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MTL to have a breeding kink - (NCT 127 edition)
with motivations because why not author's note: don't mind me just making a subtle comeback after what feels like eons. :)
JEFFERY (jaehyun) Haechan Yuta
Johnny Doyoung
Mark Jungwoo Taeyong
Jaehyun - literally thinks it's the most romantic thing ever. For him the purpose isn't necessarily like, to mark you or anything but def feels like it brings you two closer. I feel like Jeff- sorry... Jaehyun thinks it's somewhat of a bonding thing. It's a really sweet and sentimental act for him.
he's also well aware you're on birth control but part of him hopes you can start a family soon cuz he's down with that shit or whatever🥺
Genuinely just because he's freaky as fuck! Like the first time you do it without a condom, he def ends up over-stimming you and himself because of how fucking good it feels. Like when I tell you this man is whipped for your pussy, I mean it.
Kinky ass bitch (smh)
As sweet of a partner as he can be, this man is the literal devil in the bedroom. So fucking possessive and it's kinda hot iwl. Like he's territorial to a fault. If you were to go to a friend's party or something with him, he's fine with you living your life but when somebody starts getting a little too comfy while chatting you up and see you entertaining them purely for comedic purposes so you can have a good laugh back home with yuta at how terrible the persons attempt at picking you up was, he's fuming. Politely pulling you aside into the host's guest bathroom and fucking the shit out of you. Takes your panties and gives you a little kiss telling you to keep it all in so that when your little friend chats you up and it starts dripping you'll be a humiliated mess and it's all because of Yuta.
Talk about a sadist...
Now he may seem like such a gentleman, heck that's why your parents are so fond of him. If only they knew what really went on in his mind. This guy has an array of freaky shit he's into but his absolute favourite has got to be filling you up. Absolutely loves the face you make when you feel his warmth in you. Thinks you're so cute. He's also a sucker for the absolute mess he makes of you. "C'mon baby, you heard your parents, we can't keep 'em waiting any longer for a grandchild. Now, be a good girl and take it". He knows you're absolutely whipped for him when he hears you babbling on about carrying his kinds and whatnot.
What a menace
Wowwww, he just likes the absolute thrill of it. The thought of him knocking you up turns him on to no end. Can't help but get all giddy at the thought of having a family with you. And he acts like he's a nonchalant mf but can't wait to see the day you become a mommy.
aww he's such a sweetie
He finds it so hot cumming in you but is shit scared of actually getting you pregnant since you guys are still pretty young. Probably won't fuck you raw as often as any of the guys above him on the ranks but still finds it nice. He thinks it's like cute and when you guys raw dog it (I'm so sorry I realise how goofy that sounds💀) he gets all soft (not literally) but he's all cuddly and likes staying in you for a while and just lays atop of you and wraps you in such a warm embrace after. "M-Mark... baby you can get out now." "Just one more minute, you're so nice and warm"
he's such a big baby... emphasis on big👀
Now don't get him wrong, he finds it so sexy and definitely gets the hype of fucking raw. but... it really doesn't do anything for him. Like he's not doing it to claim you or knock you up but purely because if it's shit you're into then he'll do it to make you happy.
aww gosh darn it, c'm'ere sweet baby.
He'd rather cum on your boobies. He's such a titties man Like, I know we're moving more into an ass or titties type mtl but he's not about that. Besides, he's already your baby. why would you want another?🥺🥺
damn it now i'm all soft...
My man is not about that 24/7 babysitting life. Bitch has it hard as is, babysitting the neos from 9 to 5. When he gets home, he'd rather it just be you and him against the wall- I mean world.🤭
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multimystica · 7 months
Card of the Day!
So, I'm not great with editing/design or with running social media but this is honest work so let's go! Take a deep breath and pick a card. If you want a personal reading message me here, leave an ask, or message me on my ig @multimistica (beware of spelling, it's spelled like that because my ig page is in portuguese) This reading is much more intense than I intended it to be, it may help to mentalize what you need advice on today to narrow down the meaning of your chosen card from the descriptions I've made below so your reading can be more precise.
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Card 1 - X of Swords
Defeat. Peak of despair. This is pretty much rock bottom, there's nowhere to go but up. You might suffer some sort of tragic event today in which you feel defeated, like a martyr, broken beyond repair, or something of the like. It's like when something goes wrong in the worst way it possibly could. The message of this card is it can no longer get any worse than that, pick yourself up and move on. Dwelling in that is no use, move on (as hard as it may be). The depiction of this card is quite graphic, for those unfamiliar with it, here it is:
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So help yourself, remove the swords, tend to your wounds and move on. Biggest advice with this card is to move on cause it's literally the worst it can get. The worst that could happen did happen, so after this it can't get any worst at all, and that's what brings relief about it. If this is rock bottom, and you're there and still alive, things can no longer get any worse, and it is in that you must find your peace and fucking FINALLY start healing and moving up, after this defeat things can FINALLY start to get better, even if a small bit at time. You've survived the worst, now you live on to see the best start coming.
Card 2 - II of Pentacles
Multitasking. There may be a lot on your plate right now, as you're dealing with lots of things. It's the kind of day where you're in a rush with a long list of tasks to finish, you have to get things done and you wish the day extra hours to accomodate all of that workload. This is also true in a figurative way, you might be having to deal with lots of emotions all over the place. The depiction of this card is literally a juggler:
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It's certainly hard to deal with such workload, so if one or two tasks go unfinished today, that's okay, just keep doing your best at it. If this card speaks to you in the emotional sense, dealing with ups and downs or with indecisiveness, the advice is to try and work through said emotions in a healthy way as they come and go. Be it work-wise or emotionally wise, the biggest advice of this card is to set your priorities and work through them in order from the most important to the least. This card may also refer to financial decisions, in this sense it is imperative you pay attention to how you're spending your money, make sure you don't spend more than you earn, if you're already doing so, then it can mean one of two things (or even both): Be careful on your financial decisions (if you're investing in something rn it means a high risk), that is the first thing. The second thing is you're going to have to work hard. Remember, hard work is highly rewarded.
Card 3 - VII of Swords
Doing what serves your own ends, often in unethical ways. This card can mean a fuckaton of different things depending on your life's context right now and in a collective reading like this it might be hard to tell in which sense it applies to you, but I'll do my best. First of all, are you being unethical, sneaky, or dodgy in any way? If so, the message is simple, stop being a bitch and go look for a ethical way to get what you're going for, seriously. Be conscientious, do no harm, if you're dead set on something by unethical means there is certainly a better, more ethical way to get it and you must find it. If you're about to do harm to someone seeking justice, don't, let divine justice take place instead. Take a good look at this card:
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With that out of the way, if you're not doing any sketchy shit right now, then BEWARE.
If you're in a relationship - Beware of cheating, betrayal, mind games, a stab on the back, broken trust, going behind your back, that kind of stuff coming from your partner.
If you're in a bad friend group - Beware of being backstabbed, of negative gossip, people betraying your trust, taking things from you, going behind your back or fucking you over somehow.
In the work/academic context - Beware of people stealing your work, stealing your ideas, erasing your name from a paper and putting theirs in, plagiarizing you, backstabbing you via the HR, planning a coup, or anything.
IN ANY CASE - Beware of two-faced people. Keep your guard up, protect your secrets, don't let anyone fuck you over in any way, beat the enemy at their own game.
It's really hard to see any positive trait in this card, the whole damn card is a huge red-flag for unethical stuff, and the worst part of it is that in the case of this card the asshole at hand is usually able to get away with it. You must stay alert and be smart.
Other than the whole vitriol of warnings this card brings to stay alert to those surrounding you is, if you have to make an escape out of something, this is the right time to do so. It's the time to take a risk. It's the time to be resourceful, to plan out your strategies, to be self-reliant, and to beat your enemy at their own game, really.
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brights-place · 7 months
Hello :D I really love your writing and can't find creek content anywhere else so thanks for carrying the simps
Could I get creek with an insecure or trans male reader? Thank you ♡
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Creek with an Trans! S/O
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Pairing: Creek X S/O
Warnings: Transphobia, cursing, and fluff
A/N: I hate this little shit- I MEAN! Thank you for the request! Of this lovely troll that I def don’t hate and want to rip his organs out AHEM! Anywayssss It’s all good! Your like my 8th request so it’s fine! plus I love writing requests for all of you even if it includes that bitch of an troll (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾
- Creek dating an trans s/o is so cute in my view! - If your having dysphoria his approach is quiet and relaxed - He cradled your head to his chest, soothing you with calming words and gentle caresses to clear your mind. - This little hippie would try get you to do meditation techniques for calming you down and helping to clear your mind - He'll ask you what he can do and what you need in that moment knowing that what worked last time might not work now - He's good at slipping little affirmations into conversation even if it's just restating your pronouns to you and makes sure to give you positive energy and make you feel good mentally - If you didn't want to open up to him that's alright! he understands and will be there by your side no matter what!
- The thing is Creek may be ca;m and selfish but if someone is transphobic to you he would smile sweetly but in his mind his is imagining himself full force clocking that mother fuckers face if they tried disrespecting you - He would be your biggest supporter when it comes to you being trans. - When he see's you staring at yourself in the mirror too long he'd go behind you kiss your hand and kiss your face - Pet names to the max with this man you get complimented by him 24/7 telling you "Your such an pretty boy" - Helps you take your testosterone every chance he gets since he wants to help! - If your taller + able to carry him around? He's jumping into your arms smirking - ADORES your top surgery scars and kisses them Let's you kiss his freckles if he can also kiss your scars - Buys you male clothes all the time and sometimes make you both match - Every time your insecure he'd comment on how your an handsome man which makes you melt - Your broke and need money for the stuff you need? He's gotchuuu! - Binder! He paying! You need money for an therapist so you can get diagnosis and get testosterone? Already paying! you need new haircut? Well creek will beg you his s/o to let him - You don't even get an choice he already payed and makes sure you don't know... YOU DO KNOW HE CA'T HIDE IT! - This man will force you to do yoga to relax you and help you try not to be anymore stressed
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact
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bookworm-with-coffee · 2 months
TAG GAME - Get to know me! (79's / Star Wars Edition)
Thank you so much for tagging me in this magnificent game, @ladysaturnsdust !! I absolutely loved reading your responses and making my own. Enjoy!! 😘💋💖🫂
//Rules// copy this post and answer the questions below + tag people you would like to see at 79’s!
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So, imagine that all of us are living on Coruscant during the Clone Wars. Obviously we would all be going to 79’s, right? Now I’m wondering what everyone is gonna wear the first time you’re going? What kind of drinks do you order? What will you be doing? Who will you be flirting with?
What to wear: Okay, so outfit-wise, I'm a pretty simple gal. I dress for the weather and atmosphere, but I'm a sucker for casual clothes 😭💕 For me, I'd choose a basic fitted singlet, maybe something nice, like one of my embroidered cardigans and a pair of wide-leg jeans (possibly also embroidered). Yes, I'm a sucker for that cute cottagecore shit. I'm a softie, so - flower-power, bitches! 💐💐 My white sneakers, if we're doing a lot of walking/dancing! I'm also like my Nésa, Lya - I'm the mom friend of the group, so a first-aid kit in my blue leather satchel bag is a must!! Bandaids, alchohol wipes and being able to carry any personal essentials for my fellow friendsies is ALWAYS necessary. Curly hair in a messy bun or down. No in-between, besties. 🤣💖
What drinks will I order?: *slams table* LEMON-LIME BITTERS 🍋🍹. Non-alcoholic drinks for me, guys. I'm literally one of the worst people to take clubbing. But, non-alchoholic drinks literally taste better. You take me to a pub? It's gonna be pink lemonade or nothing. I need to be in control and have the coherence to make sure each person I'm with doesn't get too hammered and always has company to places like the bar or bathrooms. I also would be the perfect person to watch drinks. Can never be too careful, besties. I might just break out my cringe moves, if you're lucky 🤣💖
What I'll be doing: If you can't already tell, a club really isn't my kind of thing. Parties aren't really comfortable places for me, I'm often just fretting over drunk friends, making sure they don't hurt themselves. I love the company of friends though, so I have no doubts that I'd go just for the presence of the people I trust and care about. So I'm a chaperone and your dinner and drinks buddy. Like I mentioned before - I might bust out my cringe moves if I have enough encouragement from my beloveds 😭😂💕
Who will I be flirting with: Flirting? Me?? Same sentence??? I'm terrible at it. I can't fathom wooing a bloke, in all honesty. BUT. That being said!!! Rex, Cody and Fives my beloveds?? Who knows, I might just shoot my shot, even if it is just to make the first two go red in the face 😂💞 I love them so much, but they're duty first, play later peoples. I can respect it, but a girl can have fun, right?? 😅😂💞 It looks like Fives may catch the brunt of my shit, though 😂💖
* ♡ * ♡ * ♡ *
Tagging the beloveds I would totally go partying with on Coruscant:
@deadlymistletoe @evenstaredits @horsewithaface @fizzyxcustard @6lostgirl6 @silversword7000 @sangheilihoes @demigoddessqueens @wyyvernn @thewitchkingiscool-ace @local-pirate-king @lostinthecityofangelsanddreams
Anybody else? Feel free to consider yourselves tagged too. See you there! 💖
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dumdeeedum · 3 months
OK, "Interview with the Vampire" Is Not Only Boring But Stupid for Other, WORSE Reasons: (Spoilers Ahead) Made some edits because apparently when I write this shit out with a headache its inscrutable. Hopefully it reads a little better now even though I still have a headache. :P
Season 1 and season 2 of this show now feel like they're done by completely different people and the season 1 people didn't talk to the season 2 people and the season 2 people are much dumber, worse storytellers. Is that the case? Is this now being written by AI?? Should I be watching the tiresome explanations of what the fuck is going on after each episode of the show to understand something??
None of this season works and that's on top of the existing issues this show already chose to have that were always going to make telling these particular stories tricky.
I have so many problems with this episode specifically and then I'll move on to the rest of the show in another post so this doesn't run too long but unfortunately since I have a headache while writing this it's still gonna be a bit stream of consciousy:
EDIT: Was there something wild about how I worded this that is making people think I thought the adaptation should have spared Claudia and Madeline? I thought I made it very clear that it wasn't THAT they died it was the way it was done that is the problem. If I wasn't then I'm saying it now: Madeline and Claudia dying wasn't THE issue and I'm not saying Claudia died and Louis was banished BECAUSE of their race. I'm saying that the way the show depicted the whole situation and Lestat's and Armand's involvement in THIS depiction was real bad optics and it could have been done differently.
Perhaps I'm doing too "woke" a reading of this but we can all agree that what the theater troupe and, more importantly, LESTAT and ARMAND did to Louis, Claudia, and Madeline was a public lynching? I'm not nuts in that interpretation of events when White people decide to put 2 Black people and a woman already understood to be a Nazi traitor on "trial" for murdering someone (who is still fucking alive), with the punishment being death, and the all-White audience gets to decide their guilt and fate, that's a lynching. Even if the audience saw it as merely a show they got to participate in, they inadvertently participated in a lynching.
Was that intentional? Was I meant to understand this as anything OTHER than a lynching with Lestat actively participating? That CAN'T be the case. Everything about this made me so uncomfortable and was so fucking bizarre that I feel like SURELY I must be missing something or SURELY they must intend to do some big time revealing next episode because what the fucking fuck was that? Was it because they had to justify all the time we wasted on boring the shit out of us with Santiago?
Is this meant to be the "gothic horror" aspect of this series that's been missing this entire season? The lynching of Claudia? Why was this done as a public trial at all when it worked perfectly well in the books to have this done in private by the coven. In the books the troupe is loyal and even indebted to Lestat so Lestat goes to them for help only to have them betray him because they never let go of the vampire law indoctrination ARMAND had a hand in for GENERATIONS before.
(edit) In the book Armand saves Louis because Armand loves LESTAT and at this point loves Louis as well but Claudia is a sacrifice both Armand and Lestat were willing to make, make no mistake about that. At this point Armand wants to get away from the coven he's been in charge of for generations, he wants to take Louis away and live with him in the modern world, and he also still wants to be wanted by Lestat, something Lestat has never given him. But they both allow what happened to Claudia to happen and a lot of what Lestat says about Claudia and how he feels about her is done in retrospect in Lestat's version of events.
Even in the books Lestat is a total bitch to her throughout her life even though they have more in common with each other than either of them have with Louis. But it simply makes no sense for the coven to make this vampire business public in THIS way. These vampire do WAY too much vampire shit in public and it's annoying and this time it's just gross. It was important to the story that Madeline and Claudia die, I'm absolutely NOT SAYING THEY SHOULD HAVE LIVED. My issue was with the way the show handled their deaths.
I know that up to this point in the original "Interview with the Vampire" book we understand Lestat to hate Claudia but still be attached to Louis but the show has done such a messy job at incorporating aspects of both "Interview..." and "The Vampire Lestat" into the narrative that I don't understand why certain aspects of how Lestat feels about Claudia were left out/kept in and this is inexcusable. I'm DONE with the way they're handling Louis telling Daniel this story. I'm surprised Daniel didn't close his laptop and walk the fuck out by now because they're wasting the little time in his life that he has left.
Everything about this episode was deeply disturbing in a way that I have a really hard time with because I, as a reader of the books, understand Lestat and Louis to be endgame and understand Armand to be part of the gang so what the utter fuck is going on here? Am I meant to never want THIS Lestat and Louis to be together again because that's how I feel right now. Am I meant to want Armand to fuck off forever because that's how this entire series has made me feel. I feel like Lestat and Armand threw Louis and Claudia to the racist wolves and there's no excuse for anything that happened this episode to have happened this way.
(edit) I am NOT saying that Claudia and Madeline should have lived and that that's the only way for Lestat to stay in our good graces. I truly believe that in the books EVERYONE understood Claudia's death to be a necessary evil because she was untenable given her age (5-6) when she was made and the negative implications of that. That's way less the case here and on top of the way it was handled you DO begin to question whether it was something they can get past in the way they get past it in the books.
The cutting the back of their heels and how they conveniently don't heal even though these are vampires, the way Louis' is positioned as aggressive and abusive to the White guy even as the White guy tells us that it was mutual (we're not even going to get into the depiction of "mutual abuse" in this series right now), the way Claudia got ZERO sympathy from anyone even though the audience is told in no uncertain terms that Claudia was the victim of something monstrous even by vampire standards and Lestat is just as guilty as Louis. And this is ANOTHER example of why Claudia doesn't work as "14" because not only would she have been seen as almost a woman if not already a woman in that time period at 14 but even WE, the SHOW'S audience, are having a hard time seeing her as a child because the show has done such a bad job with that and hired an adult woman to play her. Is that intentional for the sake of this scene and making it so this audience wouldn't empathize with her?? Why?? It'd have been SO MUCH MORE IMPACTFUL, even with this racist ass lynching retelling, if she'd been VERY VISIBLY a child!
What IS the theater audience supposed to be seeing? Did the writers even CONSIDER that? Because we know that White people have ALWAYS and CONTINUE to see Black people as older than they are and teens in particular in this time period were not given the same grace that they're given now, especially Black ones. So the only conclusion I can come to is that the writers of this show sacrificed Claudia's ENTIRE arc to have her sexualized for a few minutes in ONE episode, to have her fall in love with the Nazi lady (?) and then decided that her end would come at the hands of a racist lynch mob who was never going to see her as the child she was meant to be VISUALLY. No, really, was that intentional??
Am I supposed to still want to see Lestat after this? Because make no mistake, Lestat does some wildly fucked up shit in the book series, he fucks up a lot. But this is something else entirely, this feels like the writers didn't think this through and are going to have a really hard time putting Lestat front and center, if they intend to do that at all, after all this. How am I supposed to want to continue to entertain Armand's shit after this? With everything we know Armand to be capable of and he somehow couldn't take the little vampire dude "guarding" him? Be fucking for real. Even the book series didn't hide the fact that Armand was very much involved in this and ultimately Louis still chose to be with him. But in this I see absolutely no reason for Louis to pick either of them unless he's being coerced to do so and that doesn't seem to be the case.
(edit) Claudia being 14 instead of a proper child also makes Lestat and Armand allowing her to die less forgivable to us as an audience. Because when we understand all the problems of a child vampire stuck in a 5 or 6-year-old's body we see that she was untenable unless she had a person willing to be a sort of parent to her for the rest of her life. Especially when book Claudia didn't have the abilities that show Claudia would. But in the show she's 14 which means she was absolutely viable if a little unstable. The problems with a CHILD vampire aren't the problems of a teen vampire, especially one that could simply explain away any issues people may have with her appearance as "I look young," which we know already worked in the past. What if book Madeline got sick of Claudia? What if book Madeline died, etc. We can't help but think of this stuff when Claudia is a little girl but when Claudia is 14 and has already been alone for stretches of time it makes less sense to us as an audience that she would have issues alone for any length of time later.
Why is this the way they've chosen to tell this story?? Not only have they committed the ultimate entertainment sin of being BORING but they've changed EVERYTHING to make it so much WORSE and to DRAG. They really DO think they're telling a better story than the original and it's fucking AWFUL. It's an AWFUL adaptation even by adaptation standards, it's inexcusably bad when they were given more time than they'd ever need to tell this ONE book's story and as a result should have had more than enough time to flesh out the more interesting parts. Instead they said very little this entire season in the most excruciating way possible. Fire this entire writing team, get Bryan Fuller back ASAP and I'm not even joking because there's absolutely no way this show runner and writing team are equipped to do the VERY DIFFICULT work of making a character like Lestat entertaining and likable even as he does awful shit. Not if this is how they've chosen to go about it.
I'm so upset at this. I totally understand why both Anne Rice and Christopher Rice distanced themselves from this adaptation and Christopher Rice doesn't even promote it like he did "Mayfair Witches."
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theophagie-remade · 1 year
The official chapter is out, time to rewrite a previous post in a little more cohesive manner
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Okay so!
What we, the audience, know:
The first time Toga used Uraraka's Zero Gravity, she did so unwittingly and in self defense (at least I think she automatically raised her arm to protect herself, and not to try to use it Just Because)
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The second time Toga used Zero Gravity, she was both aware of her actions and intent on using it to cause harm
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Toga has already attempted to use Twice's Double to its full potential in the past, but was unable to
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What Uraraka knows:
Toga has used her Zero Gravity in the past to kill someone
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Toga can't use Twice's Double to its full potential
And I've been turning this around in my head for days. My first reaction had been to think that Uraraka had made the best guess she could have with the information she had, but then I remembered that she knows Toga can use the quirks of people she loves in destructive ways, so I was left a little (a lot) confused. Toga did tell her that Curious had tried to kill her, but I don't think what she says next can only be interpreted as "And so I used your quirk to protect myself" (no bloodlust involved). "So I retaliated by using your quirk on her" can be another likely interpretation, so I don't see why Uraraka would have dismissed this possibility altogether (at least as far as the english translation is concerned. Maybe the japanese version can shed some light on this 👀)
[Edit in case I didn't explain myself well enough. This is what I was trying to say: maybe Uraraka assumed that Toga hadn't felt any bloodlust towards Curious because she had acted in self defense. Despite this, while I don't know what Toga says in japanese, the english text clearly frames Curious' murder as a payback. That's why I don't understand why Uraraka would say something like "what's stopping you is bloodlust": Toga told her she used her quirk to kill someone intentionally]
Regardless... what this means is that Uraraka fully believes that Toga was able to use her quirk because her love for her is pure, which. Ahem. ����️‍🌈😎. (or aDmIrAtIoN. Whatever 🙄 let a bitch dream. I think the two things go hand in hand.) But anyway
While I do struggle to understand why "bloodlust" is supposed to be the issue here, Uraraka is undoubtedly right for thinking that Tsuyu was mistaken. Toga does love Tomura and Dabi, just like she loves Twice. What's stopping her from totally becoming him then? Well... maybe it's because deep down she doesn't actually want to. Maybe deep down she knows that her actions are motivated by grief and anger, not by a genuine desire to kill heroes
Throughout the whole manga, none of Toga's actions have had the objective to destroy things. Heroes are a symbol of a society that has always rejected and abused her, but it isn't society's destruction that she wants. What she wants is change, understanding, acceptance... for someone to genuinely, willingly reach out to her. And while her circumstances have led her to "rejecting the world" now (a process that began during the PLW arc), despite everything, despite her emotional state and distress, what she actually wants hasn't truly changed
And this is me trying to make sense of Uraraka's words now, but maybe this is what she's alluding to. I'm not really sure, "bloodlust" certainly isn't a word that leaves much space to interpretation, but it's the only explanation that I can think of to be honest, and that would explain Toga's very defensive response (some have translated it as "murderous intention", which does allow for some wiggle room, but who knows...)
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amethystina · 5 months
I recommend holding back on Word of Honor if you're worried about having too much already, because that it a rabbit hole that you go down way too quickly and is too good to escape :)
P.s. I love all your works! Thanks so much for them and all you invest into them!
To be honest, that's no guarantee I will end up in that same rabbit hole x'D I mean, yes, I'm hesitant to watch it because there's a possibility I'd get really invested, but I'm also a fickle bitch who can react in the oddest of ways to certain media.
Like, The Untamed? LOVE that drama. Hands down one of my absolute favourites of all time. I love the world, the characters, the story, the relationships, the aesthetics, and pretty much everything about it.
And yet, despite all that, I have zero interest in writing or reading fanfics, reading the book, watching the animated version, or digging through lore/meta/theories. I am so perfectly satisfied with the story I got through that drama that I have nothing I want to add or expand on.
Despite loving the source material to absolute bits, I never really joined the fandom and probably never will.
Please don't think I'm saying this to be edgy or contrarian, though. It's just that if the drama is good and entertaining enough (which I've heard that Word of Honor is) I might just end up with no desire to explore it further. That's not to say that the dramas I'm writing for now are somehow faulty or incomplete, but rather that, in those, I felt I had something to add. I felt like I wanted to see how those stories would continue.
And maybe I will with Word of Honor, maybe I won't, but I've learned that I can't judge my reactions based on what everyone else finds interesting. I seem to have a completely different set of requirements before I find myself interested enough to engage with a piece of media.
I mean, the fact that I decided to write a fic that will probably end up being 100k for a fandom that has a total of 19 works at the moment (even fewer when I started writing) says a thing or two about how unpredictable and unusual my urges can be x'D
That said, thank you for the warning! If I end up not heeding it, I give you permission to tell me "I told you so" ;)
And thank you so much! I'm so glad you like my fics 💜 I admit I'm currently quite frustrated with them since I am, once again, stuck on editing. But, with some luck, I'll be able to post it tomorrow.
It's a oneshot all you bloodthirsty Devil Judge fans will hopefully enjoy. If nothing else because it's Yo Han's POV and you all seem to love it when I write that xD
Take care, darling! 💜
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The show was good, but I was quite disappointed by the editing.
It was way too short! Why did they only do one season? Why didn't they show us Griselda's youth? Her first husband?
Not once they called her the black widow! She was also supposed to have many lovers, where are they?
Sofia is really great in the role of Griselda and Martin Rodriguez playing Rivi Ayala is excellent, so charismatic. The chemistry between them was crazy.
There isn't any mention of Pablo Escobar, beside the quote from the beginning. Why again?
They added fake story lines, I don't understand either. Why not showing how strategic Griselda was. She created one of the biggest cocaïne distribution ever, from New York to Miami to Colombia.
Griselda should have deserved at least two seasons.
However, the playlist was amazing as the costume. We felt like in the 80's.
Some quotes:
"- There's a lot of women who leave the man, not the life." (Episode 1)
"- You work for him? - We all work for him, mama. In one way or another." (Episode 1)
"- Where you going? - Home. (Griselda) - You fucking embarrassed me in front of my boss. - Come one, you did that on your own." (Griselda - Episode 1)
"- Why do I have to? - There are some things you gotta do even if you don't want to. (Carla) - But I hate playing catcher. - I know, but you can't just quit. (Carla) - You and Dad quit being married." (Episode 2)
"- Going to do something? Or no? - No. But I'm not saying you shouldn't." (Episode 2)
"- When a man like you offers me help, I assume he means something else." (Episode 3)
"- What bothers me is you had to do it. That this is what it takes for them to see you. You think I'll give all the power to some mouthy, smart bitch rather than these two idiots that I can control? I don't think so. The truth is you scare me more than they do." (Episode 3)
"- I think she's starting to like this shit. (Dario) - And that's intoxicating, my friend." (Arturo - Episode 4)
"- 'Course, then, you'll have to admit to my family that your Miami soldiers got fucked by a woman." (Griselda - Episode 4)
"- I don't understand I gave you what you wanted. - Listen, asshole. You gave me what was already mine." (Griselda - Episode 4)
"- I told you it'd all work out. (Griselda) - You always get your way." (Dario - Episode 4)
"- You know, I've been impressed not just by how industrious and clever you are, but also how ruthless. - In this case, it was necessary. (Griselda) - Yes. Sometimes it is." (Episode 4)
"- Of course, you must pay for fucking with us. So it doesn't happen again. Understood? Now, let's get down to business. (Episode 4 -Varón)
"- Don't know if I wanna fuck that bitch or kill her." (Episode 5)
"- But also, that's what happens when it's you against the world, baby. (Episode 5)
"- You go to kill the monster, right? The one that beat you up and put you down." (Episode 5)
"- All due respect, Griselda, my job has always been to help make you the most powerful person in Miami. If you kill one of your own on a theory, that's not power. That's fear. I would never betray you, Griselda. You know that." (Rivi) - Stop telling me what I know! That's exactly what makes me think you'd betray me." (Griselda - Episode 5)
"- I gave you money, I gave you a son, and now you're taking him away from me?!" (Griselda) - No. I'm saving him from you." (Dario - Episode 6)
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