#i can not program decent drums
aholefilledwithtwigs · 11 months
A jaunty little loop that makes it seem like I actually know how to programs drums
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licensedqueerio · 2 years
Gareth Emerson Headcanons No One Asked For
So these are just my headcanons, that could totally be out of character, but idk. I wish we had more content with him
Also, some info isn't correct like their ages, but idc. I wrote this super late at night so it's probably unorganized and stuff, but I hope you enjoy
(i also update this whenever I think of something else abt him)
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• His full name is Gareth Benjamin Emerson II bc I said so
• that's where Gareth The Great comes from
• he wants the distinction that he's the great one
• he's the middle child
• his sister, Carys is three years older than him and moved out to go to college
• his other sister, Gwyneth is 8
• his parents are bigshot lawyers in Indianapolis so most of the time it's only him and Gwyn at home
• idk I love the idea of older brother Gareth
• (Gareth puts Gwyn in after school programs, which is how he does Hellfire)
• He matches other people's energies. Like the energy someone gives him is the energy he throws back
• Ex: when Jason yelled at him and Gareth yelled back the exact same way
• The man is brutally honest
• Unnecessarily brutal tho
• He can and will insult someone by complete accident
• He's also super aggressive when he plays the drums
• Slamming on his kit and screaming to their newest song
• As one does
• He breaks his sticks ridiculously often
• (He likes to throw them around, especially at Eddie)
• Speaking of Eddie
• They met when they were decently young
• Around middle school
• Gareth was the kid who was effortlessly cool
• Eddie, on the other hand, was trying SO HARD to be cool
• He was going for the whole punk rock thing when he buzzed his head
• He made it his mission to befriend Gareth at any cost
• But Gareth HATED him
• Well, hatred is a strong word. He didn't care for Eddie like Eddie cared for him
• Gareth just wanted to be by his lonesome, as edgy middle schoolers do
• But Eddie is persistent and will not leave this boy alone
• It doesn't matter that Gareth is two years younger than him
• He wants Gareth to be his friend and that's final
• They eventually become friends when they realize they both like D&D
• When they get to highschool tho
• The dynamic flips
• Since Eddie's older, he has two years to become the Cool Kid that attracts the other freaks and weirdos
• Gareth was kinda scared they wouldn't be friends anymore
• But Eddie doesn't let go of Gareth
• They're besties
• Gareth was Eddie's first bandmate and the first member of Hellfire
• Gareths 'queer awakening' was Eddie but nothing ever happen other than a kiss or two when Eddie was high
• Gareth doesn't do drugs
• He drinks tho
• He has a very strange moral code that only he understands
• Also he was the first one to get a car out of all his friends
• He drives like a mad man
• Do not let this man behind the wheel
• Speed limits are merely a suggestion
• He also doesn't know what it means to gradually brake. He slams on those bitches
• (only when Gwyn's not in the car, he's not an irresponsible brother, thank you very much)
• He gets better eventually
• Eddie learns to drive so he can properly teach Gareth (who taught himself)
• He constantly taps the steering wheel
• Even if there's no music playing
• Gareth is loud and he is chaotic
• He probablys has some sort of undiagnosed adhd
• But y'know, it's the 80s. Mental illness doesn't exist or whatever
• Gareth is just trying to live his life's you know?
• Oh also, this boy has attitude for DAYS
• Like holy shit
• He can talk shit like no one else
• It's only when he's really mad tho
• He just runs his mouth and he doesn't know when to stop
• But the things he says are genuinely true and his insults hit home and it pisses the other person off
• As a result, Gareth is decently fast bc getting beat up isn't fun
• He's got into his share of fights tho
• But he usually avoids them
• He's more bark than bite. But his bark is totally worse
• He either had a septum or a nose ring
• He's the type to judge movies the entire time it's on
• He makes smartass comments under his breath
• Laughs at inappropriate times
• (Like when a character dies)
• He only drinks red drinks
• Or from red cans
• Dr pepper is his best friend
• He also loves cherry anything
• He'd be the red character
But now onto some dating hcs
• He likes to hold hands
• He's just a big fan of physical contact
• He also loves when his hair is played with
• His love language is gift giving
• Well moreso just giving in general
• His rings, clothes, etc
• He just gives them to his partner randomly
• he collects rocks
• He's been doing it since he was a kid
• He probably has one of those jars that you put a rock in when ur happy
• He has a lot of rocks in his jar
• He's given all his friends a rock
• Eddie has several
• His partner also has many
• He would be so happy to find out you actually keep them
• Whenever you guys go on a date, he gives you a rock
• He also has a rock and he writes the date on it
• He starts a new jar just for the date-rocks
• Those are extra special, he finds the best rocks he can for you and him
• But moving on from rocks
• He invites you to his shows
• And band practice
• Eddie hates it bc he gets distracted
• But he gets so happy when he sees you watching him play
• He plays extra well
• Once he can take his eyes off you that is
• But let's rewind to the beginning of your relationship
• You meet him through Eddie
• After a few days of hanging out together he invited you to dinner
• (You order takeout and go back to his place)
• It's nice, it's just the two of you in his bedroom, the dim tv illuminating it
• He confesses to you right when you take a drink of whatever it is you're drinking
• You choke
• And Gareth ofc laughs bc that's who he is
• But you say you like him back and viola
• You're dating
• He's fond of drive-in movie dates
• Even though it's like an hour drive to the next city where the theater is
• He's a movie geek
• It's definitely his sister's fault
• Both of them
• You think it's adorable tho
• And you're sitting next to him just cracking up at his commentary
• Bc really, it's entertaining
• He calls you all kinds of different nicknames
• He's looking for one to stick
• So he just had a continual rotating arsenal of nicknames that he likes to use
• Your nicknames for him usually revolve around drumming
• He's not amused
• You are tho, teasing him is your favorite pastime
• And he just stares at you with his flat, deadpan look
• His arms crossed and everything
• He teases you back ofc, but sometimes you can't tell when he's joking bc of his tone
• But that's what makes it fun
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an-odd-idea · 3 months
On this episode of “I Can Fix Him” : music and a little bit of choreography thoughts for Ilia Malinin
I dunno, he’s just fascinating to me, I’m like annoyed about him sometimes but also very fond of him, and I would like him to earn those PCS
I’m not a choreographer, and I don’t skate, but I watch enough figure skating to enjoy making up imaginary choreography in my head, so this is what I’m doing. Just vibes, basically, so don’t take it very seriously lol
If he wants to continue his streak of skating to music from shows that he’s only technically old enough to watch (well, he’s older now though) I think he should skate to music from House of the Dragon, if he’s seen it. If he hasn’t, then no, but let’s go with it for now
The music is his vibe, but it’s a little bit bigger than what he’s used in the past, to push him a bit but nothing too wildly different. He doesn’t need to do Swan Lake or anything (in fact, Ilia, please do not)
Overall, I’d like to see less crazy arm choreo than the Succession program, more defined, decisive movements, especially in the opening of the program, before and between the first couple of jumps. Sort of like, do you remember Junhwan Cha’s 21/22 short program where he’d do some moves, then stop (not actually come to a stop, but be traveling quickly but not moving his body for a moment)? Kind of that vibe- goes with the music and keeps it interesting without lots of arms all over the place
(Also maybe that would sort of force him to work a lot on his skating skills, which would be nice. Sometimes really good crossovers and nice changes of direction to cool music really are nicer to watch than all the arm-waving someone can muster)
Now here’s where we get crazy, though- make that boy do a spiral. Not a 0.5-second arabesque- a real, honest-to-God spiral and HOLD it. He has long legs, it would look really impressive if he did it well. It can be a Kerrigan spiral if it must, but he HAS to straighten his knee. Maybe Kerrigan spiral actually is best because he has more to do and only really one arm to contend with so he doesn’t feel so awkward holding one position for a while. I’m thinking maybe free arm in front of him and he sort of grabs something in the air, that’s skating choreography basics lol
(This is my thought process: I was listening to “Reign of the Targaryens” and that moment at 0:28 just sounds like the start of a spiral. I would do a spiral there, and I can’t even do a spiral. Also the people love spirals, and it’s extra rare and exciting when a man does a spiral, so he could get some good will from a lot of skating fans who are currently kinda “meh” about him except for the quad Axel)
Thing is, I doubt Ilia would want to do a spiral, and if he doesn’t want to, it will probably not be a very good spiral, so backup plan is a spread eagle, but he needs to HOLD that, too. Whatever it is, it has to be a sustained gliding type move and he has to hold it for a good long time, this is non-negotiable
Moving on from spiral fantasies, thing is, I haven’t seen the show myself, so I’m not sure which pieces of music you’d need to include to focus on a particular aspect of the story or a particular character, so I’m just throwing sort of general stuff at the wall
If- IF- it makes narrative sense, “Rhaenyra’s Welcome” sounds like decent music to start on. It’s interesting, but it still starts out slow, so there’s room to build, and he doesn’t have to use up a ton of energy trying to match it. It’s dramatic and slow-building, so he can take his time setting up his jumps and the music will help sell it anyway because it’s suspenseful but there’s still quite a lot going on underneath. Also these phrases with the long strings and then moments with just drums and something that sounds like maybe a hammer dulcimer in between are just so good for that kind of thing. Like picture, and we can cut music or have something repeat or whatever so he has enough to time to get ready for it but not too much time because he only has four minutes to do everything, quad Axel at 0:20 in the original music, right on the end of that phrase, everybody loses their mind, you know the drill, but the music keeps going slowly but relentlessly on, oh boy! what’s going to happen next?
We’d really need to do some music cutting and pasting magic to get him into maybe quad Lutz at what’s originally 0:29 because if you just play the song that’s not enough time, especially between the hardest jumps anyone’s ever done, so let’s pretend we have the Music Cut Fairy on our side because it’s a perfect moment, and the contrast will be good because the end of this phrase is up while the last one was down, and it has a sharper feel with the drum (Lutz is the sharpest jump, it’s fitting)
Or if that isn’t feasible or if we just like it better, 0:35 is also a really good spot, and the drum right before would be really cool
And so on and so forth. The point is, this kind of music will make things seem really big and cool and kind of gives the skater a little boost in the performance aspect (by sort of tricking your brain into thinking things are cooler than they are, but hey, all program music does that in some way or another- might as well choose music that does it in the way most advantageous to you)
Those are my thoughts, I could figure out some more, but it’s all just vibes and a few sort of snapshot moments anyway, so I’ll leave it there
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swangtup6 · 4 months
Album Review: Sort Vokter - Folkloric Necro Metal (1996)
Sort Vokter was an ambient black metal band active in mid 90s Norway. This album is their only release and has a bit of a cult following (a lot of people in the comments section of the video I'm listening to it on right now claim that it's "perfect"). Does it live up to the hype? Let's discuss.
The first thing to note is that on this album, every instrument is played by a different member of the band on each track, like the bassist on track 2 might be the vocalist on track 3 and the keyboardist on track 4. It's a cool concept, but I don't know how well it benefits this band's music.
The guitar on this album is one of the weakest parts. The guitar is SUPER fuzzed out and distorted, to the point where it's essentially just white noise, with no discernable riffs or melody (at least for the first couple tracks, and after that it cleans up a bit). However, even after the tone cleans up and becomes more melodic, the riffs aren't anything engaging at all, they're very generic and sound lazy.
Next is the bass. The bass is really audible, which is cool, except it also has a shit tone and is annoying as fuck. It's black metal, I don't wanna be blasted in the face with distorted ass bass every single track for like 40 minutes straight, it's annoying. And the only way you can identify any melody or riffs outside of the synths IS THE BASS, which is really just not something I like at all. It sounds like shit, it was a stupid idea, I hate it.
Third, the drums. The drums on this album are programmed, which usually isn't something I have a problem with, except they sound Really Bad on this album. I think it's the very clear, spaceus mix, but every time they play the crash cymbal on this album all I can hear is how fake it sounds. The actual programming isn't that bad, I wish it was more human, but the drums mostly just plod along with very basic blasts, not even particularly fast. They just hold the pace, which, given the stripped down nature of this album, is a positive. Overall the drums are a mixed bag, but ignoring the fake cymbal makes them pretty decent for what they're intended to do.
The synths are one of the highpoints of this album. They add a ton of great atmosphere, fill out the sparse mix, and add most of the melody to this album. I honestly wish they'd used them MORE if anything. However, it doesn't seem like this album was supposed to be very melodic, as the melodies are supremely basic, relatively boring, and overall just not satisfying or good enough to be a reason to listen to this album.
And now, the vocals. The vocals are probably my favorite thing on this album, which is crazy because they're pretty mid. They're very typical 90s norwegian black metal vocals, and I can't think of anything they do better than their contemporaries. They're not bad at all. In fact, they're quite decent. They're just not anything beyond that.
Finally, the BOGO deal of the production and atmosphere. These are very linked, so I'll talk about them together. As I mentioned a little before, the production on this album is very sparse and has a lot of space. I like this quality a lot actually, I think it fits the album well and gives it a somewhat light and airy feel that is genuinely quite pleasant. I'd be surprised if these guys hadn't gone to like... a legit studio and paid decent money for a mixing engineer too. However, it's still a VERY clean mix, almost slick. And this is black metal. This album, for the most part, is incredibly high fidelity, which isn't a positive. I tend to like RAW black metal specifically, and because this doesn't sound like it was recorded on a potato, it doesn't appeal to me as much as it could.
Overall, I think this album is pretty bland and underwhelming, as well as overproduced. I think it's worth checking out, but it's not the kind of thing I can see myself revisiting anytime soon if at all.
Standout Track: Tårers sang
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retrohits2023 · 9 months
Number 9  Techno
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Techno is a genre of music that is popular especially in our parent's generation because it was seen as an advanced and new technology in the music industry, compared to other types of music techno doesn't have words.  It is a hardcore instrumental song with no lyrics and just a  repetitive 4/4 beat.  Techno can be a very complex genre because it has so many components starting from synthesizers, samplers, drum machines, keyboards, and sequencers.  It only takes a decent amount of knowledge with the software to create a good hit song and it really doesn't take talent or passion.  
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I love music that is an uplifting beat but techno music doesn't have words, and to me I like lyrics. I have a big appreciation for the lyrics in songs.  Techno just makes me feel like I'm playing Geometry Dash or I'm watching an introduction to a watch mojo video what is that vibe.  Another reason I don't like techno is because electronic music really doesn't show me too much talent. I think real music is instruments that are learned to play with passion and years of practice, not just software programs you learn and mess around with to make a beat.  I think techno really decreases the value of music that I hold.
My whole family is very musical and growing up we were all forced to play an instrument and I started with piano. I quickly learned how much work I had to put in to keep going up levels, and I learned how much work it really took.  I find techno like an easy way of making music and it's not very likable to listen to.  It wouldn't be a good style to play in a lot of places or at certain times during the day. 
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At the end of the day, Techno isn't ranked as my worst but it does stand at number 9.
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beyejun · 9 months
hi everyone this is laur (except im changing my alias to august) and i figured i'd do all of my muse announcements in one lil post <3
first of all, you might have noticed that i've k*lled alex. it wasn't a lack of muse so much as i felt that he didn't suit wannabe's premise as much as i'd hoped he'd evolve into. even after his closest friends were getting signed, he had no interest in being an idol so it was kinda a lost cause there... plus, i had wanted to bring yejun back since i dropped him about a year ago, and didn't want to break any rules, so... here we are now!
if u remember yejun you might also remember that i dropped him almost exactly a year ago bc of my terrible seasonal depression. well, i am happy to report that i am doing much better (so far) this year and regularly taking vitamin d makes a huge difference! so now the boy is here to stay.
very little changed about him, but i'll still do a quick recap under the cut!
a lot of this is copied-pasted from my last intro post on yejun... work smarter not harder aksjdhfas
tl;dr of any changes
i changed his history a bit so the last year+ was spent doing his military service; he's only recently returned in time to return to his studies this fall semester.
he's in @bejoomi's band! drummer (which is also a new skill).
tl;dr of his backstory
knew he wanted to pursue music professionally basically since middle school, however his parents are extremely opposed to the idea and would rather see him do something more “respectable” (aka something that he’ll actually make money at lol)
saved up his allowance to buy his own guitar and taught himself to play with the help of youtube because his parents said that if they were going to pay for instrument lessons, he’d have to learn violin or piano or something more “formal”… so as u can see as a child he was (respectfully) defiant and did his own thing anyway (also learned the drums somehow in this time)
he made a deal w his parents that if he could get scouted by an entertainment company by the time he graduated high school, he could pursue music. obviously, he is not a trainee or an idol, so that failed. so his end of the bargain was that he’d go to university for whatever they wanted instead.
he had to retake the exam once bc the first time he took it his scores were so bad so he started a year late and is currently in his sophomore year as an economics major. it’s still a mild disappointment to his parents since he has a brother who is a lawyer and the other is in med school, but it was the best program that yejun could get into.
needless to say. he hates economics. he’s doing his best but his motivation is at an all time low, he constantly feels burned out and tired, and honestly he’s probably depressed but he doesn’t know it bc he doesn’t think he’s “bad enough” to be “actually depressed” but he is just gaslighting himself honestly
interests and personality quirks
since starting economics school he’s slowly lost motivation to do anything that he used to do for fun, which unfortunately includes playing guitar. he hasn’t touched it in about a year… :( he is playing drums again tho
does the bedtime revenge thing where he stays up late when he really shouldn’t… he says it’s bc he doesn’t want to wake up and have to go to class
because he doesn’t sleep much at night he survives on a delicate balance between a caffeine addiction (he loves a good iced americano) and mid-day depression naps.
kinda hard to get him out and about these days… but that said he’s into video games, mostly team-based first person shooters, and is apparently a tank main. i don’t actually play any first person shooters so i have no idea of the details on this but he’s supposedly a decent player (nowhere near pro but able to be somewhat competitive in casual games)… when he’s staying up all night he’s probably playing games with his friends
also plays minecraft when he wants something slower paced… not particularly good at anything in it but he likes building his silly little house
oh by the way! he has an aunt who lives near his parents who visited often… she’d often make remarks about his chubby cheeks, call him fat and ugly, and after growing up hearing that constantly yejun honestly believes her
another fun (and by fun i mean decidedly unfun) tidbit is that he had a gf he was very serious about in his freshman yr of uni… it was a relatively short relationship but he genuinely thought he’d marry her. until she gave him chlamydia right after he came home from the military (he was going to propose too btw). turns out she was cheating! needless to say they broke up, yejun is now healthy after a round of antibiotics, and he doesn’t want to talk about her ever again. he tried a rebound or two to see if they’d cheer him up but they honestly made him feel worse so he ditched that idea pretty quickly… happy to stay single for now (supposedly)
plots & relationships
this boy… needs some friends in his life that’ll deal with his depressive tendencies and maybe push him out of his comfort zone. maybe a friend who keeps trying to set him up w other girls to help him find someone who actually makes him forget about his ex? or a friend who invites him out for coffee at least once a week just to make sure he gets out of the house for something other than classes sometimes… other cute ideas too pls i would like to put so much love into his life he has no choice but to get better
classmates too ofc… i dont expect anyone else to be an economics major but maybe they had some gen eds together? or were in the same freshman orientation and stayed in touch? i didn’t specify where he’s going but it’s not an arts school, so this is open for plotting out the details!
along w classmates… study buddies? they dont have to go to the same school or anything tbh they can just meet up at the same libraries, cafes, etc. and work on their own stuff… just having someone else around helps keep yejun on track a little bit better
high school friends too… he went to sopa thanks to the deal w his parents, so anyone he was close with then would’ve probably known about it and known what became of it… he’s a lot quieter and more subdued than he used to be so i wonder what your muse would think about that 🤔
i also do love some good antagonistic plots so maybe some old rivals who are happy to kick him while he’s down… alternatively rivals who miss his competition and want him back in the music/idol wannabe scene to help push them both
considered the idea of him having been in a band in high school with friends that’s since dissolved… so ex-bandmates might be cool
he's in dead calm but there's no rules that say he can't also play in another band as well! maybe someone should convince him to pick up the guitar again
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firelord-frowny · 10 months
hellaaaa frustrated looking at job listings for music education/teaching jobs bc it just??????????? continually reminds me just how willfully ineffective most ~music education~ programs are.
soooooooo many of these programs insist upon looking for people who can will teach more than one instrument.
this is a Big Red Fucking Flag because even most world-class pedagogues only know how to teach one instrument. like, nobody teaching at fuckinnnn Curtis or Juliard is teaching like 4 different instruments.
When somebody boasts that they can teach violin AND piano AND guitar AND drums AND clarinet,
they probably suck at all of them.
and they probably allow their students to suck because they think sucking is normal and that the reason all of their students suck is because the students just aren't talented.
and im sitting here like
no, sorry, i dont know shit about piano or guitar or flute but i can teach violinists how to sound decent. if the job you're hiring for is simply to shove multiple instruments in kid's hands and show them how to make noise, i am Not The One.
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shiningwonderland · 1 year
Cecil Aijima (Repeat)
Translator: Raz (twitter: agnadance) Proofreader: Sera (twitter: serayagami) Editors: Melanie (twitter: melabonbon), Plaid (twitter: cecillovemail)
April — Lost Music World
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I end up taking in the cat I found during the day of the opening ceremony. Kuppuru is a smart little kitty and seems to understand what I say.
I know pets aren't allowed on school grounds, but ever since that day, Kuppuru has become so attached to me that I just can't let him go.
Haruka Nanami: ... and then today, I failed my rhythm test so I have to retake it!
Right when I get back to my room, I start complaining to Kuppuru about the test I failed.
Either way, it's a miracle that I even got into this school.
I just can't wrap my head around what's being taught in class.
I’ve always loved composing music, but I’ve always composed by piano because I was never good at using computers.
Even so, I still tried my best programming the song for my assignment, but...
The equipment is so high-tech and I have no clue how to make sense of it.
My classmates are all so fashionable and trendy that I can never have a decent conversation with any of them.
Well, I'm pretty used to not being able to make friends since always so it’s nothing new, but….
I met so many wonderful people during the day of the entrance ceremony that I got my hopes up....
My former roommate, Tomo-chan, became my friend, but she had to leave school due to family circumstances.
She told me, "I'll definitely come back next year!" and left for home.
I was so happy that I finally managed to make a friend and even become her partner, and now….
I can’t find a new partner and now I’m all alone again....
But, I've been able to make it this far by myself! I can keep going as long as I hold on to my dream.
... or so I thought. When I get stuck while composing, I feel… just a bit down.
Kuppuru: Meow….
Haruka Nanami: Ah! I'm sorry. I spaced out a little. I was talking about the rhythm test, wasn't I? You know....
I can somehow compose up to 8 beats just fine, but once I start trying to compose up to 16 beats, I can’t make sense of it anymore. I like fast songs, but it's difficult for me to play music and sing at the same time.
Kuppuru: Meow, meow!
Kuppuru points at one of the sheets of music on the floor with his front paw.
It's a fast 190bpm music sheet.
Haruka Nanami: Huh? Kuppuru, do you like up-tempo songs?
Kuppuru: Meow!!
Select the phrase!
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That's amazing. (+20 Love +5 Music)
Right when I say that....
Kuppuru: Meow!
... he replies proudly.
Ah, that’s it.
Haruka Nanami: I'll have to try my best, then! Hmmm... at first, I'll start the song slow, and gradually make it faster... if it's 8 beats, it would be something like dun dun, dan dan....
I start tapping my thigh with my hand to the beat, like a drum. It’s an easy way to practice.
Haruka Nanami: If it's 16 beats, then I guess it would be badumbadumbadumbadum, badumbadumbadumbadum….
Once I start getting into the song's rhythm....
Kuppuru: Meow...?
Kuppuru meows with displeasure.
Kuppuru: Meow, meeeow!
He sometimes meows happily.
When I don't get the rhythm right, he sounds upset, but when I finally get it just right, he looks chipper.
Select the phrase!
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You must really like music. (+20 Love +0 Music)
Haruka Nanami: I'm glad we both love music so much. We get along so well!
Kuppuru jumps into my arms out of sheer delight.
Haruka Nanami: Hehe! Good boy, good boy.
Kuppuru: Meoooow~
He really is an interesting cat. My only friend….
When we're together, I feel warm and my loneliness fades away.
Haruka Nanami: I love you so much! Let's stay together forever, okay?
I hug Kuppuru tightly.
Kuppuru: Meow! Meow meow~
He replies contentedly.
I sincerely wish we could be together like this forever.
But then that fateful day comes.
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Kuppuru: Meow!
I'm playing with Kuppuru in the garden when suddenly….
Kuppuru: Mrow!!
His ears stand up erect and, without warning, he dashes towards the school building.
Haruka Nanami: Huh!? W-wait! You can't go there! Stop!!!!
If somebody at school finds out I own a cat, they’ll throw him out!! I panic and start chasing Kuppuru.
I chase Kuppuru all the way into the principal's office. There's some strange ritual going on.
Shining Saotome: Undabaaaa! Ero ero essassa. Ero ero chichi mogera. Undarahondara, adarabakyaaaaa!!!
Black curtains shroud the windows, flickering candles dimly light the room, a strange magic circle is drawn on the floor, and an overpowering scent of incense permeates the air.
Haruka Nanami: U...uh.... Principal.... what in the world are you......?
I meekly ask the principal in hope of an answer, but he's so focused on his ritual that he doesn’t even notice me.
... I have a bad feeling about this. I'll just take Kuppuru and get out of here.
Haruka Nanami: Kuppuru... C'mere boy, let's go back to my room….
I call for Kuppuru in a hushed voice, but he shakes his head disagreeably and runs towards the principal.
Then, as if he's trying to stop the ritual, his fur stands up straight and he hisses angrily between the principal's feet.
The principal continues as if we aren't even there.
Shining Saotome: The goddess of music, Muuuse!!! Descend to this plane!
G-goddess of music? Descend??? Wh-what? What is going on?
Like an explosion, a blinding flash of light and the deafening sound of thunder fill the room.
Haruka Nanami: AAH!!
A large, oozing black aura opens up in the center of the magic circle, and a large being with goat-like horns emerges from the dark void.
Is this... the goddess of... music? I’m… scared....
Shining Saotome: Wha-wh-wh-wh-what!? C-can this be!!?
The principal stares straight at the large, formless monster with his eyes open wide.
Kuppuru glares at the large being with a piercing gaze and hisses as loudly as he can.
Kuppuru: HISS!!!!!
Shining Saotome: What the!!! Isn't this the Great Demon Satan? OH NOOOOOOO!!! I REALLY messed up!!
S-Satan? Like the demon? Why?
Wait, why would something like that appear? We’re at a school, right? What? What's happening? Eh? Eh? EEEEEEEEEEH!!
Shining Saotome: Hrrrrmmmm... I didn't expect Satan to materialize…. Didn’t go as planned. I guess I have no choice….
Haruka Nanami: Wh-what are we going to do?
Shining Saotome: Satan is the embodiment of puuuure EVIL. If he is not defeated immediately, the entire woooorld will fall under his controoool. Grrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaahh!!!
The principal takes a deep breath and begins gathering energy. His clothes begin stretching at the seams.
His body suddenly bulges and his clothes rip into pieces.
He stands stark naked in his fundoshi underwear with "UP FOR A GOOD FIGHT" written across his abdomen.
He makes a mad dash towards Satan like a speeding train.
Haruka Nanami: P-Principal!?
There's no way that a human can stand a chance against Satan himself!
The principal may be the boss of the entertainment industry and may even be called the “Demon of the Entertainment World,” but that's just a metaphor!!!
There's no way he can fight against a real demon…. That’s impossible....
The principal unleashes his ultimate attack on Satan.
Satan lets out a groan of pain.
The principal smirks and keeps punching him repeatedly.
Satan.... the Lord of all Demons, is actually being hurt by the principal's assault.
Haruka Nanami: Is this real....? A-amazing…...... Principal, what exactly are you...?
Could it be... that his nickname "Demon of the Entertainment World" is actually a literal description of him!?
Now that I think about it, he did manage to survive falling from the sky without a parachute....
Shining Saotome: AAAAAARRRRRAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!! Ohoho ho ho!!!!! This is a win by ME!
The principal body-slams Satan and confirms his victory.
But Satan suddenly springs back up and sprints towards me.
He grabs me from behind!
Haruka Nanami: EH!!?
Before I know it, Satan has bound my arms behind my back.
Shining Saotome: What’s this?! You’re taking her hostage!!? Hrrmmm....
The principal stops his attack. When he does...
Satan lays out his bargain while growling out his words in an indescribably deep and disconcerting voice.
Shining Saotome: Ugh, th-this is cowardly!!!
And, the moment the principal falters...
The demon lord dissolves into black mist and billows into the principal's body.
Shining Saotome: G-GWAAAAH!!!! MISS.... Nanami.... SAVE THE WORLD’S MUSIIIIIC!! The Muse… You must defeat Satan with the power of the Muuuuse!!!!
I leave the rest up to you...!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Select the phrase!
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Understood! (+0 Love +10 Music)
Haruka Nanami: I have no clue what is going on, but I'll do what I can!
When I say that, the principal smiles briefly through his pain.
All of the black mist disappears into the principal.
The principal’s body sways heavily.
The principal lets out a roar.
A small light floats out of his body and flies away into the distance.
Satan: Haaaaaaaa... It is I, Satan, and the entire world shall be mine.
Haruka Nanami: Sa...tan....
The principal really has been completely possessed by Satan…
I… I don’t know what’s going to happen...… I am so scared I want to run away but.... My legs feel like they're frozen to the ground... and I can’t... move....
Satan: But before I do that… I must erase every trace of music in this world to prevent the Muse's vile hymn from ever sealing me up again!
With a distant gaze, Satan looks outside the window
Erase... music?? That’s…. How can he? But we’re talking about Satan here....
Chills run straight down my back.
Satan: GRRRAAAAAAAHH! Oh, all the music in this world. I command you to disappear from MY kingdom!
A deafening, ominous crackle louder than thunder echoes against the walls.
… as if all the plates in a house shattered on the floor all at once...
... as if every single book and sheet of music were torn to shreds in one fell swoop…
… as if a precious photo album deep inside my heart is being ripped in half in front of my eyes.
It's such an unpleasant sound.
Satan: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! There is nothing to stand in my way now. The entire universe is in my hands, the whole world is mine! HAHAHAHAHA!
Satan lets out a triumphant laugh.
I'm scared... I'm terrified... I want to be anywhere but here….
But my legs are frozen and won’t move an inch.
Satan glances towards me.
Satan: Hm? I feel the traces of the Muse. Little girl… could it be… that you have the power of the Muse in you...? Seems like I need to nip you in the bud.
He glares straight at me.
Without warning,
A ball of black aura hurtles straight at me, shot from Satan's palm.
Haruka Nanami: AAH!
Kuppuru: MROW!
Kuppuru jumps out of nowhere and knocks me over.
Haruka Nanami: Ouch!
The bullet barely grazes my left shoulder and at that moment, I feel a sharp pain running through my chest.
Kuppuru: Meow!
Kuppuru meows, leaps onto my shoulder, and kisses me on the lips.
Haruka Nanami: Huh…?
My cat’s body begins to change shape and transforms into that of a young man around my age.
Bright eyes… Tan skin... Sharp facial features…
Glossy hair… He resembles what I imagine the princes from Arabian Nights would look like.
Haruka Nanami: Huh?! What is going on!? Who are you?
Kuppuru's now a man? But he was once Kuppuru....
I don't know what's what anymore!
Somebody, anybody, pinch me!
???: Explanation, later, this way…. Quick!
Haruka Nanami: What are you—
Without another word, the man grabs my hand and we dash out of the principal's office.
???: We are okay now. It seems that a barrier was originally placed around the room to keep the Muse inside.
The barrier is blessed with holy power that can contain even Satan. He cannot leave the room easily.
Haruka Nanami: Um... and you are...?
Cecil Aijima: ... How rude of me. I apologize for the delayed introduction. My name is Cecil Aijima. Please, call me "Cecil.”
Saying that, he smiles softly.
Haruka Nanami: Cecil-san, then?
Cecil Aijima: Yes, my little princess…. You are my light.
Haruka Nanami: Are you... also Kuppuru?
He was Kuppuru just a moment ago, so….
Cecil Aijima: Yes. You named me Kuppuru, a name just for me.
Cecil-san takes my hand and kisses it gently.
He glances up at me and smiles. His smile is so dazzling, it makes me a little dizzy. Ah, my head’s already in chaos!
But wait! What if this is all a dream?!
Yes, that’s right. Of course.... All of this is completely ridiculous….
A demon lord just took over the world, Kuppuru’s now a man... An unbelievably handsome man...!
Maybe all of this is my unconscious desires coming out!
Aaaaah, How could I possibly have a dream like this….
Haruka Nanami: ... I'll just go back to my room and sleep. Everything will go back to the way it was after I wake up....
In a daze, I start tottering in the direction of the dorms.
Cecil Aijima: Non. This is... not a dream. This is real. ... Believe me, Haruka.
He grabs my arm and pulls me into his embrace.
Haruka Nanami: Wh-wh-what are you doing! This is all a dream! It has to be! I'm sorry! I'm sorry for everything! Forgive me!
I start flailing my limbs in confusion.
I never knew I was this unconsciously desperate for romantic attention! Is this really… a dream?
His grip on my arm is so strong, it hurts a bit.
Cecil Aijima: Please, don't run.... listen to me. I am the prince of Agna Palace. The descendant and avatar of the Muse....
Haruka Nanami: Agna Palace...?
I feel like I’ve heard that name somewhere before.
Cecil Aijima: My country creates music in itself.... It makes instruments blessed by the Muses....
Oh, that's right! Legendary instruments are produced there!
Unlike normal instruments, instruments made in Agna Palace have the ability to convey the musician’s soul through their music….
However, only a select few merchants are able to obtain those instruments. Agna Palace is normally closed off from the rest of the world.
The city is said to still be shrouded in mystery….
I happened to watch a TV special about Agna Palace a while ago.
I don't know much about the place… I would have never dreamed that I would meet the prince from there.
Cecil Aijima: My mother was Japanese. My people do not think fondly of outsiders. For that reason, I was always alone....
Tears begin to well up in his eyes as he continues to speak in a somber voice.
Cecil Aijima: My cousins did not want me to become king. They cast a curse on me and transformed me into a cat and banished me to this country.
Is this all true?? This sounds like something straight out of a fairytale.
Cecil Aijima: My destiny, my dreams, and my hopes… I lost everything... I was lost in the darkness, but then I found you…. You made me whole again.
Cecil Aijima: Haruka, my dear princess. ... You are my soulmate.
He holds me close and kisses my bangs….
Haruka Nanami: Um... uh…!
This is so sudden for me, I'm not sure what to think of this!!!
Aaaaaaaaaaaah! What am I supposed to say!?
Cecil Aijima: I began to think, if it’s for you… I would be fine being a cat for the rest of my life.... As long as I was with you.
However, Satan has returned. I must complete what I am destined to do.
I must defeat Satan.... The Muse's blood that flows through my veins and that has been passed down for countless generations commands me, the avatar, to do so.
You are one of the rare beings who have the power of the Muse lying dormant inside you. You are the miracle of the modern era, loved by the Muse. You bestowed on me the gifts of love and music.
Please, fight together with me.
Even though he is pleading with me so desperately, I’m at a loss for words.
I'm just an ordinary high school girl!
There’s nothing special about me.... How in the world am I supposed to fight against a demon...?!
Select the phrase!
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Would I even be of any help? (+20 Love +0 Music)
Cecil Aijima: Only you... have the power. You are the only person I can connect to. ... Child of the Muse.
He gazes at me with watery eyes and caresses my cheek.
Haruka Nanami: M-Muse? And why me?
Cecil Aijima: It’s a… long story. ... Do you want to listen to an old tale?
Haruka Nanami: ... Yes.
Cecil Aijima: Thank you. ... A long time ago, the goddess of music, the Muse, sealed the Great Demon Satan in the abyss of darkness with her song.
In order to protect the seal, the Muse created our clan, the children of the gods, and had us watch over the seal generation after generation.
Our clan has the blood of the Muse running through our veins. The one with a strong connection to the Muse is blessed with music and that person becomes the king of Agna Palace.
The king, blessed by the Muse, runs the country and protects Agna Palace.
Without the blessing of the Muse, our country would lose prosperity and sink into the sand.
Sink… into the sand? Does he mean his country would be lost?
Cecil Aijima: I am the prince, but since my mother is Japanese, I was rejected by my relatives, cursed by a witch to become a cat, and thrown out of the country.
Haruka Nanami: C-cursed!? And... by a witch...?
Is that something that can actually happen? But Cecil-san doesn’t seem like he’s lying….
Aaaah, I’m so confused! I can’t take all of this in!
Cecil Aijima: My country is less a world of “people” than it is a world of “gods.” The miracles of the gods that humanity has forgotten… a sacred power….
That is what people call “magic.” Even among people who can use magic, the most powerful ones are called “witches.”
I can also use… some magic. The magic of music. I can release the heart of a person who is possessed by evil….
However, I cannot use my magic unless I am in this form.
In order to return to my original form, I would need true love… and a melody of love.
I was changed to a cat and shipped to a far-off land in a shipment of instruments. I have wandered, yearning for love, and I have ended up in this land.
Japan, the homeland of my mother. I wanted to visit this country for a long time, this far, far-off foreign land….
Then I was blessed to meet you in this land. I love you, Haruka. I….
Haruka Nanami: ….
Eh… ehhh!!
Haruka Nanami: Ah, L-love? That can’t be right, We just met…
I become flustered at his words and Cecil-san just gently smiles, shaking his head from side to side.
Cecil Aijima: I understood with a glance. The Muse rests in your soul. You are a one-in-a-hundred-million miracle.
He’s telling me that I have the Muse in my soul... but I don’t really understand. Is that something amazing…?
Cecil Aijima: Ah, you don’t understand? ... I understand that your country runs on different beliefs. Do you not believe me?
Haruka Nanami: No… that’s not what I meant….
This was just so sudden, but Cecil-san didn’t look like he was lying.
Cecil Aijima: Thank you, my princess. You were sent from the heavens and blessed with music… and....
You offered me kindness and a name… Kuppuru.
Haruka Nanami: Ah….
I did give him that name, but I thought that he was a cat so I didn’t have any ulterior motives….
I guess it was my bad for giving him a name without thinking.
Cecil Aijima: In my country, giving someone a name means that you have sworn to love them.
Haruka Nanami: Eh!? Ah… love…? Um… I love Kuppuru but… uh….
Cecil-san and Kuppuru may be one and the same, but for me, I feel like I just met Cecil-san for the first time, so….
I really can’t think of Kuppuru and Cecil-san as the same… and even though he says he loves me… I don’t know what to do.
Cecil Aijima: Every time you told me that you loved me, I was so moved…. I love you, my princess.
He suddenly kisses me on the cheek.
I did say “I love you” to Kuppuru many times....
But that was because I thought he was a cat.... I didn’t think he was actually a human boy…!
Aaaaah, I don’t know how to react in this situation!
Cecil Aijima: Ah, but… I could not protect you….
Cecil-san closes his eyes sadly.
Haruka Nanami: U-uh… I… I’m doing fine, see?
Cecil Aijima: No, your future was stolen in that moment back there.
Haruka Nanami: My future?
Cecil Aijima: Yes, Satan noticed the Muse inside of you. He feared you and tried to erase you. Then….
Satan cast a curse on you, although it is quite faint. Every time the morning star rises, you will leap across time.
Satan will steal most of your future. For every day you spend, when the morning comes, a month passes….
Haruka Nanami: If one month passes for every day that passes, doesn’t that mean a year would pass in just twelve days? … That sounds terrible.
Cecil Aijima: In order to seal Satan again, we need the song of Agna.
However, the score for the Song of Agna was scattered by Satan’s curse. The light that escaped Satan... was the score.
Also, the Song of Agna must be played by people with a strong affinity to music.
If not, the Song of Agna cannot be enchanted…. I cannot do this alone… you….
I need the music that is dormant inside your soul. … There are still many things I am unsure of…. Danger is lurking…. I ask you this....
Will you fight... by my side?
Select the phrase!
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…Yes. (+20 Love +0 Music)
I don’t really understand everything, but I know that if we don’t defeat Satan, things will get worse.
My time is also being stolen from me, so if there’s something I can do….
Haruka Nanami: Ah, but I don’t think I’m going to be that helpful. But if you’re OK with that….
Cecil Aijima: Thank you. My sweetheart. My beloved….
He hugs me tightly.
Cecil Aijima: We must… make the contract between our souls.... Mm….
Haruka Nanami: Mm!!!
I don’t know what happens, but the moment I take my eyes from Cecil-san, I'm being kissed.
Haruka Nanami: Mm… mmm....
Shocked, I struggle to get away.
But I'm being embraced so tightly that I can’t move….
What’s this all of a sudden!!
A forceful… intense… and… passionate… kiss. What should I do? My body feels hot and like my mind is going blank.
Then a shock goes through my body and my heart begins to beat as if it's going to burst. I begin to drift away and my body starts to go limp.
Cecil Aijima: With this, the contract has been made. We have become one under the goddess of music. We will create music together and make magic.
Cecil Aijima: ... Huh? Ah, stay calm.... Keep yourself together!
I calmly lose consciousness within Cecil-san’s arms.
I don’t understand anything that’s going on. What will happen from now on…?
Mini Game
I open my eyes and it's already nighttime.
Haruka Nanami: That was one crazy day.
I think back on all the unbelievable things that happened today.
Haruka Nanami: If only it was a dream….
I walk towards my desk and turn on my computer.
I don’t feel like I can fall asleep again and try to do something to calm my nerves.
Haruka Nanami: I’ll try to do a rhythm lesson….
I turn on the rhythm lesson program that I got from my teacher.
Ryuya Hyuga: I will show you the basics. Just repeat after me.
I relax a little after hearing Mr. Hyuga’s voice playing from the computer.
Ryuya Hyuga: Ok, time to begin!
Haruka Nanami: Yes, sir!
I reply to Mr. Hyuuga on the screen and begin the rhythm lesson.
Cecil Aijima: Ahh, I just witnessed a goddess’ miracle with my own eyes… the partner that I will follow…. That’s you... my lover.
Haruka Nanami: L-lover!?
I jump in surprise at suddenly being spoken to and turn around and see Cecil-san standing right behind me.
Could it be that he saw me do my rhythm lesson?
I’m a bit embarrassed….
But I’m glad that I did well.
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Chapter End
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petitelepus · 2 years
(sorry if the formatting is wonky, I'm on my phone. Also I hope this sends properly? I've been having problems sending asks lately)
Hi there, I was wondering if I could get a TWST match up?
I’m NB (he/they) and pan. INTJ and 5w4, if that helps you grasp my personality.
When it comes to interacting with others, I’m a rather quiet person, not one to approach anyone first or start a conversation because haha what are social skills. But when I feel at ease, I'll do or say anything and everything that comes to mind. I can talk your ear off when I’m passionate about something, and I tend to be opinionated and stubborn, but I still try to be kind.
I have a lot of things I’m passionate about, and can be rather ambitious with my plans. Plus I love learning about anything and everything (though classes take away that enjoyment lol, I hate going to classes and would rather teach myself things).
I’m a literature student in university but I have learnt about art history, calculus, chemistry, astronomy, physics, architecture and computer programming over the years; I am decent at three languages, learning three others, and aspire to be a polyglot.
I consider myself to be very artistic as I’m a ballet + contemporary dancer, a theatre kid, a singer, I’m currently learning piano and used to play the drums when I was younger. I also love to exercise, I’m a fencer and do bouldering from time to time.
I tend to always seek some sort of stimulation, be it mental or physical, but when I do get some down time or lazy days, I appreciate those with all my being.
I’m never one to back down from a challenge (even if it’s something small and ridiculous, I shaved my eyebrows just because a friend called me a coward) and I like to say that the only reason I exist is spite, but despite being bold I am very scared of intimacy and vulnerability, not allowing myself to show any “weak” side of me like the sad side or the soft side. I’m trying to unlearn that (toxic masculinity is a bitch). I’m very bad at expressing feelings but deep down I’m a romantic. Love letters and old fashioned romance and soft lingering touches and all that.
Appearance wise, I’m short (5’3’’) but have a decent amount of muscle so that won’t stop me from kicking anyone’s ass; I have (very messy) shoulder length, blue hair and dress casually.
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I match you with Jade Leech!
What a cute little thing you are! Jade immediately takes a liking to you when you first visit Mostro with all those textbooks with you. Imagine his joy when he comes to take your order and you blush and stutter as you try to order something so you won't get kicked out of the Lounge.
Jade brings you your drink with a smile that makes you wonder if he spat on your drink. No, he just slipped his phone number on the napkin. Smooth Jade smooth. That was the start of you two.
At first, you're quiet around him, but Jade is a gentleman when he wants to be. He can wait until l you open up to him and while he is at it, he gives you sweetnames. He happily listens to you talk about your interests because he likes it how your eyes sparkle in glee when you talk about something you hold close to your heart. You're cutest when you're being stubborn and Jade learned that you have no filter and it's so funny to him.
Jade may be a bastard who might tease you about your pronounces but he makes sure that others honor you and your choices. No one wants to see Jade angry so they do as he says, but mostly everyone respects you and your wishes.
If you focus you can achieve anything you desire. Jade adores and admires your indescribable passion to learn. Not many enjoy studying like you do and it's different in a good way.
You're smart, that goes without saying. If Jade wasn't so sneaky he might say how smart you are, but he is what he is so he just smiles and asks if you learned something new that day. You always reply happily and start repeating everything you learned that day. Jade likes to listen to you because he discovers something that way also.
The longer you and Jade keep seeing each other, the more he learns about you and in general. You're a dancer? Jade chuckles at that because when he came to dry land he had trouble even standing up. You singing? Jade is surprised to hear how good you sound, but instead of giving you a direct compliment, he asks if you are actually a siren? He ends up complimenting you anyways.
Your physique also stuns Jade from time to time. You might be a little shorter, but Jade has a feeling that you could easily take on his twin brother Floyd. You are both strong and it shows.
Don't worry, Jade keeps you busy so you won't get bored. Wanna help around the Mostro? You can try serving customers and if you're eager to learn then Jade will teach you how to make drinks.
Your payment? Well, if you help around then Jade might get out earlier and the two of you can spend more time together, just the two of you. Of course, you can always rest in your room and if you still want to hang out with Jade then he is happy to bring you some sort of dessert from Mostro so you can enjoy your lazy day to the fullest.
Hey, Jade knows that not everyone can be perfect all the time. Okay okay, Jade loves you, BUT he absolutely LOVES daring you to do things that usually end up with him gaining something and making you step out of your comfort zone.
He bets you can't kiss him for 2 minutes straight? You can do it or not, but you would be damned if you didn't kiss him!
Since you're eager to learn, Jade enjoys teaching you to trust him. You're his partner and there must be trust between the two of you. He may tease you, but he does it to everyone.
You can be whatever you want to be and despite being an asshole sometimes, Jade supports you genuinely. If you ever feel down, he is there to tell you how amazing you are and how he loves you for being yourself and not something society expects you to be.
He might be a sneaky and ruthless eel, but he is in love with you and no one else.
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ye-local-simp · 2 years
Hi there, congrats on the 400 followers!
I was hoping i could get a twst matchup
I’m NB (he/they) and pan. INTJ 5w4 and an Aries, if that’s relevant ^^
When it comes to interacting with others, I’m a rather quiet person, not one to approach anyone first or start a conversation because haha what are social skills. But when I feel at ease, I'll do or say anything and everything that comes to mind. I can talk your ear off when I’m passionate about something, and I tend to be opinionated and stubborn, but I still try to be kind.
I have a lot of things I’m passionate about, and can be rather ambitious with my plans. Plus I love learning about anything and everything (though classes take away that enjoyment lol, I hate going to classes and would rather teach myself things).
I’m a literature student in university but I have learnt about art history, calculus, chemistry, astronomy, physics, architecture and computer programming over the years; I am decent at three languages, learning three others, and aspire to be a polyglot.
I consider myself to be very artistic as I’m a ballet + contemporary dancer, a theatre kid, a singer, I’m currently learning piano and used to play the drums when I was younger. I also love to exercise, I’m a fencer and do bouldering from time to time.
I tend to always seek some sort of stimulation, be it mental or physical, but when I do get some down time or lazy days, I appreciate those with all my being.
I’m never one to back down from a challenge (even if it’s something small and ridiculous, I shaved my eyebrows just because a friend called me a coward) and I like to say that the only reason I exist is spite, but despite being bold I am very scared of intimacy and vulnerability, not allowing myself to show any “weak” side of me like the sad side or the soft side. I’m trying to unlearn that (toxic masculinity is a bitch). I’m very bad at expressing feelings but deep down I’m a romantic. Love letters and old fashioned romance and soft lingering touches and all that.
Appearance wise, I’m short (5’3’’) but have a decent amount of muscle so that won’t stop me from kicking anyone’s ass; I have (very messy) shoulder length, blue hair and dress casually (maybe with a couple punkish aspects but i don’t have the energy to put too much care on what i wear).
I am going to match you up with...
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-When Deuce finds out what you like, he would definitely send gifts in that kind of section.So expect a lot of art supplies and ballet outfits.He might even offer to help you on the ballet dances even though he is a bit stiff with dances.
-Since Deuce asks his mom for advice on how to be a great boyfriend, he sends the tradition flowers and chocolates and asks you on dates so if you are a romantic person, he does the best things for despite him not understanding the concept of romance much.
-Since he used to some sort of delinquent, he is already used to your styles and would compliment it a lot blindly. But the issue in the relationship is that he doesn't realise that you want to be seen as tough on the outside and would sometimes do gift giving and physical touch even outside of closed doors. Even though he may not mind PDA, you would stop if you tell him to and why.
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loganinjapan · 1 month
Fuji Television: Even in a noble enterprise like a carefully-planned study abroad program, slip ups can happen. Unfortunately, the museum that Fuji TV in Odaiba hosted was not there anymore. It was just an observatory and a gift shop. There were some decent parts, at least. The building looked really unique and cool, and I actually did slightly enjoy the observatory because of its spherical shape/design. But let's not forget the 10000 steps of stairs we had to climb just to get to the elevator. It's not too much of a big deal, but we could've done something else instead. We just didn't know. Lunch: I give all my credit to the grillmasters of our group who made the magic happen while I lounged on my phone and took advantage of the unlimited orange juice. I didn't expect we'd have to cook our own meat, but those who grilled did an amazing job! I've never had bone-in sausage before and the beef was super marbled and tender. I was perfectly fine with lounging and relaxing and receiving the non-priority slices of meat because it was all still so good. What a fun experience. Odaiba Walking Tour: Seeing the Gundam statue was pretty cool, I guess. I was mostly focused on not dying, though. TeamLab Planets: I didn't expect much, given TeamLab Borderless was a "just okay, maybe a little good I guess" type of experience, but this was actually pretty fun! Everyone was barefoot so let's pray I didn't catch some plague you'd get at Grog (rest in peace Grog in Midtown, only real ones know). There were some water-based exhibits, one of which had the water up to my knees. The garden exhibits were cool too. My favorite exhibit was the flowers in space one - a domed room where you lay in the center and look up. It was a 3D effect type of thing and it had me hooked for a good 20 minutes. This was indeed better than borderless. Dinner (part 1): I know, I know. "Why are you eating McDonald's in Japan?". I get it. I wanted an excuse to try the melon float and there was a location right next to Round 1 Stadium (we'll get to this in a second...). I ordered a double cheeseburger, some fries, mcnuggets and a melon float. And honestly, it wasn't bad! If you're going to get McDonalds while in Japan, go during lunch or dinner, it's like 2x better than breakfast. I like how breakfast is dirt cheap though. Same with lunch. 8/10. Round 1 Stadium: Basic levels of Japanese can only get you so far. I did my best to make this an enjoyable experience, but unfortunately, this was a miss. It's apparently better to just exchange yen cash for yen coins and go from there - and turns out the "medals" (tokens) are just for coin pushers. I basically sat at a coin pusher (after I jammed the first one I went to...) and threw my 700 tokens in and just watched them fly. No jackpots, no fun shit, didn't get to play the fun taiko drum. Just... meh. I did get the chance to kill all my 10 Yen coins at the 10 Yen claw machines and I won some small stuff. Got close a few times at the 100 Yen claw machines. I didn't get to do any sports though. Meh. I wish I would've known how this would've gone before I went. Dinner (part 2): Let's try to raise my spirits before I depart Odaiba. Let's grab some hamburg steak. I walked over to Hamburg Steak HIRO and ordered some hamburg steak with cheese sauce. Unlimited water was a nice touch. My steak arrived and... yikes. This was devoid of soul. The cheese sauce didn't have any flavor and the steak was mid. It was sad. Everything just felt wrong about this meal and I just didn't like it. I hate to say it was the worst thing I've had so far, but Brisk Stand at least had good potatoes. I doubt the potatoes here were even real. HIRO doesn't get a ZERO, but I will give it a 4/10.
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rosieuv · 6 months
2023 is almost over (original post from my Newgrounds)
This year started with me trying to finish my entry for Pixel Day (and ended up releasing it unfinished) and ended with me trying to get blender to work properly on my computer so I can give a proper go at 3D animation. I went from coding on scratch to picking up godot and making my first game in that program (that wasn't a prototype) for Pico Day. This was the first year where I really tried to put in more effort in participating in collabs, jams and competitions no matter how many other projects I had going on in the background. Hell, even now I've joined the writer's jam and are waiting for the themes to come out.
A list of every collab, jam and stuff that I did this year (and the links to all the details to said thing if you're curious):
Pixel day
Pico day (sorta did last year)
Sketch collab (did last year)
Secret santa (done ever since I joined in 2021)
south park collab
Deathink's horror game mashup art competition
Halloween competition
Costume jam
Grimace shake collab
Hatsune Miku's birthday collab (can't find the original post)
Not a Newgrounds game jam, but a jam on itch.io called the 02A2 visual novel jam that I also uploaded the game onto here as well for consistency sake
I think that's all. I hope I haven't missed any out. I was planning on doing the most recent lunum dare but there was just so much going on at that period of time that I couldn't participate without driving myself insane.
Overall I would say my programming skills improved the most this year. Like I said earlier, I started this year using a modded version of scratch called turbowarp and now I know a decent amount in godot. I'm not a master at it, but I know enough for the types of games that I code.
Music is also another one that I think I've improved on. I've learned more about the DAW that I use, LMMS, and can do some fancy stuff with it like automatically making tracks louder and quieter and automatically changing the tempo. Also I'm a bit better at melodies and stuff because I started using scales and taking advantage of drums, and also because I make music quite frequently as I keep making tracks for my current project. I also started the compositions for my music GCSE this year so there's 2 of those.
I've gotten a bit better at voice acting because my current project is voice acted. My mic sucks but I'm getting a better one for Christmas.
So yeah that's basically it. I haven't used the blog feature much here ever since I moved most of my blogging stuff to tumblr, but this is special as it's mostly about Newgrounds (but I'll probably copy and paste it there too 'cause consistency). I have no idea what I'll do in 2024 apart from make that ddlc fangame idea that I have and also work on my main project.
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miracleweaponhunt · 11 months
Chapter 2: Welcome to Miracle
“Okay, let’s see now. Hero applicant number fifteen…Ace Harada, age fourteen?”
Roxanne adjusted her glasses to get a better look at the young boy sitting in front of her. The unkempt brown hair hiding beneath his baseball cap and the red jacket combined with the nervous green eyes darting around the sterile walls of the review room didn’t exactly scream seasoned hero.
“That’s me, yeah.” Ace nodded.
“Okay, okay.” Roxanne nodded. “So, any idea what your greatest skill would be?”
“I guess drumming?” Ace replied.
“I see.” Roxanne nodded, jotting it down with a quick ‘rhythm-based combat?’ next to it.
“And you were brought here because of the housing attack on Sandala, correct?”
“Yeah.” Ace replied.
“And do you have anyone you can go back too?” She asked. “Relatives in other housing ships?”
“A couple, probably. But working as a hero in Sandala sounds cool as well, I guess.”
“I can recommend it.” Roxanne nodded. “But it is a lot of hard work to achieve, especially in the higher levels.”
“Yeah, but I could probably pull it off. I’m a wielder, too.”
“Oh, that’s interesting.” Roxanne said, looking up from her notes. “What kind of ability?”
Ace stood up and moved the wooden chair he was sitting on to one side. He breathed in, pushed his hands outward, and a small bubble appeared around him.
“Ooh, an astral bubble.” Roxanne nodded, jotting it into her notes. “It’s a bit thin, though. How long have you had it?”
“Only about two years.” Ace replied, sitting back down. “But it gets thicker if I’m in trouble.”
“I see, I see.” Roxanne said, adding that detail. “Well, you seem like a decent candidate for the hero program. But if things don’t work out, you can just go back, right? I’ll look over your papers, and you’re free to go. You can take the cans on my desk if you want.”
Ace hopped off his chair and left the room after taking a few cans of soda, leaving Roxanne alone in the room. She yawned, looking into the mirror to see if she looked more tired than usual. She looked more or less the same. Deep black skin with shoulder length frizzy black hair and thick circular glasses, and a wine-coloured sweater and basic denim jeans. And to top off the outfit was an octangular necklace with a purple gem embedded in it. So with nothing else to do, she went into the canteen for a coffee.
She went next door from the interview room into the canteen. A pretty sterile place with white walls and some tables to sit people down. On one half of the room was kids left orphaned from the Sandala attack. There were around fifteen including Ace discussing things among themselves. A lot of the time it’s gloomy, but these kids were discussing hero life and where they could end up.
On the other side were the workers. Just people made to look after the ship and the kids. Only about five in a circle talking about the state of their small airship. And sitting alone was Julian, casually drinking a grape soda while looking down at the clouds.
“So I’m guessing Cass is coming back soon?” Roxanne asked from behind him.
“Yeah.” Julian nodded. “Med room is pretty slow today, so I’m relaxing here.”
His eye met hers. His other eye was lost in the very first invasion of the New Legion, and a strand of jet-black hair covered what was lost. Other than that he had a red beanie and a black hoodie with a black and pink skull on the back. It was honestly surprising that he was allowed to wear it during work hours.
“Say, speaking of Cass, wouldn’t be a good idea to shower before she gets here? You know, make yourself at least a little more presentable?”
Working as a doctor with an ability in necromancy meant he was extremely interested in testing the limits of his abilities. This meant he had to surround himself in dead bodies as a hobby. And somehow, he always smelt worse.
“Eh, she’ll manage as long as my clothes are clean.” Julian shrugged. “Wait, is this the hat I wear or the one I store parts in?” He took the hat off and put a hand in there.
“It’s the body part hat.” He whispered to himself.
Roxanne tried not to vomit as the smell worsened with his statement, but it quickly left as the doors opened and a bombastic “We’re back!” Was announced so loud that the higher-ups upstaits probably heard it.
Julian ran down once he heard it. And at the door was the adventuring team with bags in hand. And Cassandra’s wild ginger hair was right in the centre of it.
“Julian!” She yelled once they locked eyes and hugging a second later.
“Cass!” Roxanne announced, and they too hugged. “How’d it go?”
“Well, we lost two people. But we secured the axe. And we got enough generators to keep the place afloat for a while, anyway. Got a new spear, too.”
“Wait, you got the axe? Can I see it?” Julian asked.
Roxanne silently opened up the case the weapon was held in, and Julian was awestruck at the axe inside. Even he could tell the details of the axe were immense. And how fine crafted it was, too.
“So you gotta report this, right?” Roxanne asked.
“Not if there’s a medical emergency.” Cassandra replied, moving her hair to reveal her lost ear.
“You got your own?” Julian asked.
Cassandra took her dismembered ear out and showed it to him, and Julian nodded.
“Shouldn’t be too hard.” Julian replied. “Follow me.”
The three went to Julian’s room. Outside of the barely visible window displaying the clouds outside, it was almost pitch black. Black walls with neon white lights lining the walls. The window was being covered by a pile of books, with some jars of crawling creatures sitting next to it. And when Roxanne looked inside, she noticed a bears corpse lying on the bottom bunk.
“Is that a bear?” Roxanne asked.
“Experiment.” Julian replied quickly. “It’s dead for now, so don’t worry.”
“For now?” Roxanne asked, her eyes widening at the bear tucked away beneath the sheets.
“Perpetual life force. I’ll explain once Cass can hear again.”
Julian took the ear away from Cassandra and went over to the crawling jar. He took out a black beetle from inside and crushed it in his palm. Julian covered the edge of Cassandra’s ear with the now glowing liquid from his hand and stuck back on.
“Okay, hold that in place for ten minutes and we should be good. You’ll know when your ears pop.”
“Thanks, Jules.” Cassandra said with a peck on the cheek. “Now if you excuse me, I gotta drop something off at my room. Roxanne, I’ll need you for this.”
Roxanne followed her across the hall to their room. Both Roxanne and Cassandra had their own beds on each side of the room. While Roxanne’s was quiet, with only a cassette player with a small pile of cassettes alongside a dresser and wardrobe, Cassandra basically had a small armoury on her half. All of them were weapons from her travels. The most impressive on her wall, with the more common weapons on a small pile on the floor.
“So, you need my help hanging up a new weapon?” Roxanne asked.
“Nah. I managed to find the goods in Sandala.”
Cassandra opened up her bag, and inside it was a stack of magazines, which she handed to her. Roxanne opened the first one, with the shirtless man greeting her with his deep green eyes. She flicked through the pages of men, all in extravagant poses and as little clothing as possible. She  kept looking through it…
“I’m not feeling it.” Roxanne said, looking up.
“What do you mean?” Cassandra said, looking to the page. “Do you not see the abs on that guy? Or this dude?”
“The physique is good, yes. I’m just not freaking out over them.”
“Right, right.” Cassandra sighed. “Well, hopefully you’ll find somebody during the world tour.”
“Hopefully.” Roxanne sighed in return. “Wait, it’s still on, right?”
“Well, we have a relic weapon now. I’ll probably pawn the responsibility to the higher ups here, but it might take a few months if I have to stick around for the Grand construction.”
“You serious?” Roxanne moaned, looking into the sky.
“Yeah. But hey, you’re only eighteen. True love can wait a long time if you’re dedicated enough to it. Anyway, I gotta report to the higher ups.”
Cassandra walked up the spiral stairway into the management room. Secretly dreading the hour long talks about construction she’d be stuck listening to for three hours. Physically anyway, she’d last half an hour mentally, tops. She knocked on the door in the middle of the floor to begin.
No response.
The clock said 16. They were always available this time. Something happen to one of them? She tried opening the door. Locked.
“Oh, doors locked. Must be some kind of trap set in place.”
A bored sounding voice was on the other side of the door. Sounded like a woman, anyways.
“I’ll take care of it, don’t worry!”
A man’s voice was heard next, followed by rapidly approaching footsteps. Cassandra leapt back as the door was destroyed, shattered pieces of metal dropping next to her like bullets brushing past her. The stench of blood emanating behind her as soon as the door opened.
“Hey, there’s someone here!” The man yelled. A pale bald wall of pure shirtless muscle holding a battle hammer, with a smaller tanned woman next to him in a plain black turtleneck. The two guards stood in front of the door, and with a single swing of his hammer their bodies were shattered in a mass of cracking noises.
“She’s the one who led the Sandala expedition. Kill her.”
“Don’t gotta tell me twice!”
Cassandra ran and the two gave chase. She jumped down the spiral stairway once it was safe to do so. As she dropped to the floor, the shockwave of the hammer’s impact shook the building.
Cassandra ran into the main hall, where Roxanne stood in front of her trying to adjust her glasses.
“Get the kids on a ship!” Cassandra yelled. “We’re under attack!”
Roxanne ran towards the canteen, and Cassandra jumped to where the axe was being stored. She shoved past the men guarding it and grabbed it. The energy coursing through her body once again. She ran out, and the two attackers were in the main hall to meet her.
“So that’s the Sandala axe!” The man yelled out. “So we can just take it, right?”
“Naturally.” The girl by him nodded. “Just don’t take her lightly.”
“Wait, what are your rankings?” Cassandra asked.
“Number six!” The man yelled.
“Number three hundred on the dot.” The woman replied calmly, with her hands behind her back.
Well, shit. If she could barely escape number twelve, then fighting number six was going to be a problem. She readied her axe and waited for the pile of muscle to make a move.
“Miss, I regret to inform you that we are using a relic weapon. So if you value the lives of everyone involved in this operation, you’ll hand it over.” Three hundred said calmly.
“Yeah, not letting that happen.” Cassandra replied. “If I lose, you gain another weapon to terrorize the world with. If I win, you lose a major relic.”
“Whatever you say.” Three hundred sighed. She removed her hands from behind her back, and before Cassandra knew it there were a set of sharpened fingernails in her stomach. She stepped back, and the wound was already starting to heal. Cassandra swung her axe downwards, and three hundred was already behind six. The axe left a dent in the steel floors of the airship.
Julian burst into the room, a jar of bugs in hand. “Are we getting invaded?”
“You sure are!” Six yelled out.
“I’ll be back in a minute, just hold him off until then!”
Six swung his hammer to the ground. Cassandra felt the air around her vanish. She was suddenly floating, and six and three hundred were suddenly above her.
Six swung the hammer downwards, and Cassandra fell to the floor. She coughed up blood, which stuck in the air as a puddle. The room went back to normal, and the blood landed next to her, barely missing her face.
“Okay, I’m back!”
Julian burst into the room, and a bear joined him in. The bears small eyes were glowing white.
“What’s this, then?” Six asked.
“It’s my reanimation project.” Julian replied calmly.
“Okay, the kids are all in an escape ship!” Roxanne yelled.
“Roxanne, get out!” Cassandra yelled back.
“No way. If this place is getting invaded, I’m joining up with you guys!”
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swangtup6 · 5 months
Album Review: Waking the Cadaver - Perverse Recollections of a Necromangler (2007)
Waking the Cadaver has the crown-worthy achievement of making quite possibly the most hated metal album of the last 30 years. fortunately, however, it seems that people have recently (last 3 years or so) been warming up to this release, though not as much as they glaze the band's weaker, watered down albums (Authority Through Intimidation and Real-Life Death). so does this album deserve the hate it got? lets discuss. this is gonna be a long one btw
So before we get into why i specifically think this album got the hate it did, i want to get into the surface level reasons for it, meaning the music itself (like most of my reviews).
the guitar and bass r the some of the first things i've seen people complain about. the guitar tone is pretty thin, really distorted, and very scooped, all things metal elitists like to whine about even when they like them when used by bands like Deeds of Flesh. The bass is completely buried, and only pops out all on a few songs. it's definitely there, though, because you can hear it at some points when it's isolated.
next is the drums. the snare drum is a wonderful tin can sounding pop, but of course, people who like Slayer and Cannibal Corpse won't be able to appreciate that. The main complaint i hear about the drums, other than the snare sound, is that they're played pretty sloppily, but i think that just makes the album sound raw-er and more brutal, something that i will take WAYYYYYYY before i ever listen to something as programmed and fake sounding as say Ingested.
next is the songwriting. Waking the Cadaver plays music somewhere between deathcore and slam, meaning their music (especially on this album) is very full of chugs, breakdowns, and slam riffs, and while it does have a decent amount of tremolo riffs in it, they're not really the focus. I personally love their style of slam > breakdown > slam > breakdown writing, however this was NOT well received in the wider metal community because it isnt wanky and stupid and needlessly complicated and done to death like most things 40 year old dudes with beards that still wear camo cargo shorts and Deicide shirts tend to like. the songwriting is really fucking strong on this album too, they riff hard as fuck and every song is full of catchy parts that makes it wayyy more memorable and enjoyable than most shit the aforementioned 40 year old dudes tend to like
and FINALLY. the moment everyone who knows this album and its reputation has been waiting for: the vocals
Don Campan (the vocalist) makes some of the finest insect noises ive ever heard that arent from an actual insect. he uses almost exclusively inhale gutturals for the entire duration of this album, and it suits the music perfectly. however, metal dudebros dont LIKE inhale gutturals, they like boring false cord lows that go the length of the entire album with no variation, so these impeccable coffee grinder noises offend their delicate little ears by simply being too good and fun to listen to.
now heres why i think this album gets the hate it does: see, core/scene kids dont like insect coffee grinder noises either, and they also dont tend to like brutal death metal, which is why they're -core/scene kids and listen to shit like Asking Alexandria (remember im thinking in late '00s terms) and Black Veil Brides or whatever instead of Cryptopsy and Cerabral Incubation. but this is a deathcore album right? its marketed to deathcore and metalcore kids right? the band has a Verb-the-Noun name for gods sake of course its a deathcore band. NOPE. not at all. this is barely a deathcore album, i'd say this has more DNA from Dying Fetus and Devourment than Whitechapel or Suicide Silence.
so what is it? i think deathcore is kinda an okay label to give it. it's definitely death metal with breakdowns, but breakdowns don't make something core. hell, even bands like Suffocation have breakdowns and nobody's calling them deathcore. i think Waking the Cadaver is really just brutal death metal. yeah, it has slam parts and breakdowns and tons of gutturals, but yeah so does most brutal death metal. it's not slam, it's not deathcore, it's certainly not slamming-gore-groove (the label the band gave themselves to seem unique) it's just bdm.
but that's not how people saw them when Perverse Recollections dropped back in 2007. core/scene/emo kids went in hoping for core or scene or emo music, got their heads blown off by the first breakdown and threw the CD in the trash (seriously, how did people ever think an album with song titles like Tire Iron Emblugeonment and Blood Splattered Satisfaction was emo???). metal elitists went in, prejudiced and thinking it was deathcore, heard the first breakdown, snorted to themselves, wrote a 0% review on metal archives calling it the worst album ever and gay scene kid music and also threw the CD in the trash, except without their mom to take it out of their room like the scene kid had, it sat under a pile of c*m-filled tissues and grew a whole eco system of mold while the metal elitist spent a long, hard day gorging themself on cheez-its and posting hate-rants about it on r/metal
really, Waking the Cadaver is a victim of poor marketing, if they'd been named some like weird medical word (something with -otomy or cephalo- in it) they would prolly have gotten big with the bdm crowd (which seems to be the group of people that like them the most anyways) and if theyd completely changed their sound, they mightve fallen in with the -core kids (at the loss of everything that makes them great). really, this album is a GOLD standard in a very specific style of death metal, which i've only found replicated by a few bands, but because they didn't land in that niche at the time, they missed it almost entirely, which is why they've only started really getting their accolades in the bdm and deathcore scenes recently
for what it is, i think this album is a 10/10. it's definitely one of my favorites
standout track: I Know the Insides of Women
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riftstudiosnyc · 1 year
The Best Advice for Recording Studio Setup
In a general sense, there are boundless things that ought to be thought of. The room, the power's choices and plans, soundproofing and acoustic treatment, studio screen choices and position—it's a broad casing. I've zeroed in on everything, by and large. I truly don't remember being particularly interested in the field. I oversee do-it-yourself strategies and sharp decisions that make audiophiles laugh. At any rate, I'm great with that since I've never decided to fulfill them. My foundation is in punk music. So for my inspirations, getting the show really has as much to do with the opportunity of the music as it does with the creation. So overall, I see this as a wonderful concentration. Likewise, I think I've truly gone with the decision to do this in my recording studio.
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I offer the decision that might be significant to a principal's help to neighborhood performers who fundamentally don't have the assets to keep in the expert recording studio. I never had the cash, meanwhile. How might you think I appeared? Ideally, I have a good number of cool tips and befuddles open to me to assist the beginner with entering the universe of sound recording. The coalition shouldn't play with being anxious. It will not, at whatever point, be heady; however, it will by and large be less disturbing.
Start with the room. On the off chance that it doesn't sound great, then, at that point, stop. This is the best opportunity to make a move. Place the bass in the corners to assist with tidying up the low-end thunder. Place broadband safeguards at vital reflection centers regularly seen through the room. There are a lot of do-it-yourself endeavors with serious outcomes concerning both of these. I created my own bass by stacking fiberglass into a self-created outline with wire. I then covered them with non-sharp material. For the reflection places, I basically got some adoration seat pads off the side of the road and utilized them. Anyway, I endeavored to shower them down with sanitizer. Both of these outlines will help monstrously. Locaters will get what you feed them, so it's clearly really quick to give them something pleasurable to process.
Exceptional studio gear doesn't need to come at a shaky retail cost. We should examine enhancers. An inconspicuous recording studio could help you through a whole gathering if utilized in the correct way. Besides, there are correspondingly exceptional brands that offer strong regions for quality at a reasonable cost. Do some assessments. Look at some intensifier shootouts on the web. Condenser enhancers may be needed to get the standard sound in the room. A matched outline of condenser mics is the overall decision as overheads for a drum set. To the extent that specific circumstances go, there are some that ought to be apparent, but there are no particular headings. On a very basic level, it genuinely revolves around figuring out issues. Additionally, trust your ears. Expecting it sounds great; go with it.
Unambiguous screens are uncommonly crucial in the recording studio. They are fundamental for getting the sound conclusively. A general, discontinuous reaction is required. No bass or high frequencies ought to be outrageous. In any case, for the screens to work, the room should look out. That is where the importance of acoustic treatment ends up being the primary variable. Get a decent condenser evaluation mouthpiece and make appraisals of the room. I utilize the REW Room EQ program for this. It's astoundingly easy to utilize and can be set up rather rapidly. With scarcely enough consistency, I made the decision to get my room within 3 dB across the whole dreary reaction. Also, I have heard no appalling remarks about the sound in my recording studio.
So these are two or three methods for setting up rifts studios nyc a recording studio. Over the long haul, following the hit record is the best way to open doors.
For More Info:-
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Source URL:- https://sites.google.com/view/riftstudiosnyc89/home
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