#i couldn't bear ruining our friendship
darylbae · 4 months
𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐥 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡🩰
i think daryl would definitely not realize it at first, in fact i think the group would notice it before him. rick would see the way daryl's gaze would linger onto you when he'd talk about a risky supply run. rick would of course tell michonne, who would poke a little fun at him. "you like her!" "shut up, i do not!" and it wasn't until he'd laid down for the night, that he had realized it. he'd think about your eyes, and how bright they were when you'd be talking to anybody. he'd think about the nervous tells you had, like bouncing your leg, chewing on your lip and looking around the room. he'd think about how, sometimes annoyingly, bubbly you were no matter what. it would typically bother him how happy you were mid-apocalypse, but he lets it slide more often than not. he would not pick up on this stuff if he didn't have a crush. he'd be hyper-aware of how he acts around you, after admitting to himself he had a crush on you. he'd glance at you, then quickly glance away, but always end up looking back over at you. he'd study your lips and how they moved, wanting nothing more than to feel them on his. most of all, he'd keep it to himself. because the last thing he needs is everyone finding this out. and making your friendship with him tense. carol could see through daryl almost too easily, so she's the only one who can get away with poking the bear. besides you. "you like her, huh?" carol would ask, and daryl would just roll his eyes. "so what?" "do something about it!" daryl had no understanding of 'doing something about it', despite his moody, careless attitude, he cared deeply about your friendship and wanted nothing to ruin that. rick was playing matchmaker and suggested the two of you to go out on a run, much to daryl's dismay. now he'd have to deal with his constant reminder of his crush on you, as well as you. there you were, sat sweetly on the hood of a car waiting for him, a smile plastered onto your face as you spotted him. "ready to go?" you asked, your voice smooth as honey and it had sent shivers up his neck. "get in." he'd mumble. "yes, sir." let's not talk about your use of the word sir, and what it does to him. he couldn't explain it, the authority of the word sir, just hit him in his sweet spot. he'd constantly look out for you on runs, even when going along with others, he'd volunteer to split up but stick with you. it wasn't like you were a nuisance, not all the time anyway, he just loved being there for you. he'd walk behind you, trying to be a gentleman and stop himself from gazing across your body as you walked. you were the total personification of sex. "can i bring this back?" you'd ask, picking up something stupidly unnecessary, this time it was a small, pink, glittery cowboy hat attached to a pink headband. "will it help us?" he'd respond, not even looking your way, but still having to keep you entertained. "no." you'd respond, glum face as you look down at it back on the shelf. "then i think we found our answer." daryl was always a bummer, but you had gotten used to it. you knew how deeply he cared for his people, so what was a little grumpiness. but you'd always return back, and find whatever stupid thing you'd found on a run, sitting on your bed by the end of the day.
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sinkovia · 8 months
Coffee Shop: IX
Simon Riley x Fem!Reader
You work at a small cafe that Simon starts visiting when he’s not deployed.
Coffee shop Masterlist
As Simon walked through the door of his house, a heavy wave of agonizing guilt crashed over him, consuming him entirely. His body moved on autopilot while his mind was in turmoil, torn between regret and longing.
All he wanted in that moment was to be with you, to hold you close and make things right. He couldn't bear the thought of hurting you, of seeing the pain he had caused reflected in your eyes.
Sitting on his couch, Riley curled up beside him, Simon ran a hand over his face, the weight of his actions bearing down on him like a crushing weight.
"Fuck," he muttered under his breath, a flood of remorse flooding his thoughts. Never had he imagined that he would be capable of hurting you to the point of making your eyes water. He wanted to punch himself for being so foolish, for letting fear cloud his judgment.
But perhaps there was still hope. Maybe if he explained himself, you would understand. You were always so kind and forgiving, and he hoped you would extend that kindness to him too.
He knew he needed to be honest with you, to tell you how he truly felt. His heart felt lighter whenever he was around you, and he couldn't bear the thought of losing you. He needed to explain that he had frozen and pulled away because he was terrified of letting himself be vulnerable again. But he was willing to risk it all if it meant he could spend a lifetime by your side.
If there was one thing he was certain of, it was his unwavering desire to be with you, to cherish and protect you for as long as he lived.
Simon sat on his couch, staring at the picture of you and Riley on his phone, feeling a mix of longing and uncertainty. He wanted to reach out to you, to explain himself and make things right, but he couldn't shake the doubt gnawing at him. Would you even want to hear from him right now? Would it be fair to intrude on your space when he had hurt you so deeply?
He hesitated, his thumb hovering over the screen as he debated whether to send a text or not. He knew that explaining himself over text wouldn't do justice to the depth of his feelings, but he also wanted to let you know that he cared about what had happened between you two.
Finally, he typed out a message, his heart pounding in his chest as he hit send.
Simon: Can we talk about what happened?
He held his breath, checking his phone every few seconds, his nerves getting the better of him as he waited for your reply. Each passing moment felt like an eternity, his mind racing with thoughts of what your response might be.
Meanwhile, on your side of things, you saw the text the instant it arrived, but you couldn't bring yourself to respond. Tossing your phone to the other side of your bed, you buried your face in your hands, the pain of rejection still fresh in your mind.
You were lying on your bed with missy sitting next to you, “Missy, I don't know what to do. I'm so embarrassed…”
She purrs softly, rubbing against your hand.
“I thought Simon and I had a moment, you know? But then when I tried to kiss him, he pulled away… He doesn't feel the same way about me, Missy. And now I feel like I could never show my face around him again. I feel like such a fool.”
She nudges your hand affectionately, licking it before lying beside you.
“I know, I know… Maybe I misread the situation. Maybe I shouldn't have tried to kiss him. But it felt right in that moment, you know? And now… now I just feel so rejected and embarrassed. I don't know how I'll face him again… Ive completely ruined our friendship.” Missy continues to purr, offering silent comfort.
“Thanks, Missy. I guess I'll just have to figure out how to move forward from this… But for now, I'm glad I have you here with me. You always know how to make me feel better.”
Simon couldn't shake the feeling of unease that kept him awake throughout the night. He wanted to reach out to you, to make sure you were okay, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He knew you probably didn't want to see him, let alone talk to him, especially after he hadn't received a reply to his text.
The next morning, Simon walked to the café, rehearsing in his mind what he wanted to say to you. But when he entered, his brows furrowed in confusion as he saw a man behind the counter.
"Is y/n here?" Simon asked, his brow furrowing in disappointment when the man shook his head. "Took the week off, I'm filling in for her," the man replied.
Sighing heavily, Simon walked out of the cafe, his mind racing with thoughts of what to do next. Eventually, he decided to go to the store and pick up a few things for you.
As Simon walked into the store, he pulled up a recipe for banana nut muffins on his phone, remembering that they were your favorite. With determination, he grabbed a cart and began weaving through the aisles, picking up each ingredient listed on the recipe.
"Baking powder, baking soda, eggs, butter," he muttered to himself as he scanned the list, double-checking his cart to ensure he had everything he needed. But then, his eyes widened as he reached the next step in the instructions.
"What in the bloody fuck is a stand mixer?" He quickly scrolled through the recipe, realizing that he lacked many of the essential tools for baking.
Determined not to let this setback deter him, Simon made his way to the kitchenware aisle and began grabbing a stand mixer, measuring cups, bowls, and a muffin tray – everything necessary to complete the recipe. As he scanned the shelves, his eyes landed on a floral tray that reminded him of you.
A soft smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he imagined presenting the freshly baked muffins to you on the elegant tray.
As Simon made his way through the store, he couldn't resist stopping by the pet aisle. Remembering Missy, he turned into the cat section and picked out a few toys, treats, and some catnip, wanting to spoil her a little.
Continuing through the aisles, Simon suddenly remembered you mentioning something about "The Hungry Games." He furrowed his brows, trying to recall exactly what you had said.
Approaching a store clerk, Simon asked, "Do you have 'The Hungry Games' on DVD?"
The man looked puzzled for a moment before correcting him, "You mean 'The Hunger Games,' bro?"
"Yeah." Simon replied, following the clerk to the DVD section. He was handed a collector's set that included all the movies, but he noticed that 'The Ballad of Snakes and Birds' was missing.
"The Ballad of Snakes and Birds isn't in here,"
The clerk laughed. "You buying this for your girlfriend?"
Simon scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "Yeah, something like that."
The clerk explained that 'The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes' had recently been released in theaters, so it wasn't available on DVD yet. However, he offered to provide Simon with a bootleg website where he could watch it online.
"Okay," Simon agreed, taking the sticky note with the website address. He added the DVD collection to his cart before continuing his shopping for you, determined to make it a special gesture.
"Muffins, movies, Missy… hmm…" he muttered to himself as he strolled down an aisle filled with wooden baskets. Inspiration struck him as he realized that making you a basket filled with things you liked would be perfect. It would be easier for him to carry and he could would be able to add more thoughtful items.
He got a throw blanket adorned with cats, reminiscent of Missy, along with a selection of candles, strawberry seeds, a flower pot with a design he thought you would adore, a flower Lego set you had mentioned once, and a Ross gift card.
Stopping at the floral shop on his way home, Simon picked out a beautiful bouquet of your favorite flowers and a plant to put in the flower pot.
Back at home, Simon spent the entire afternoon making the muffins. He struggled with assembling the stand mixer, nearly breaking it in the process, and cursed himself when he accidentally dropped an eggshell into the batter. Despite his mishaps, he persevered, spending five painstaking minutes trying to retrieve the stubborn piece of shell.
When the muffins finally emerged from the oven, they looked picture-perfect, as if straight out of a baking catalog.
Simon surveyed the kitchen, which was now a chaotic mess from his baking endeavors, but he couldn't help but smile at the sight of the muffins.
Simon worked diligently, loading all the dishes into the dishwasher before turning his attention to putting together your basket. Carefully, he rolled the throw blanket and positioned it on the side, arranging the candles and movie set in the front. He placed the flower Legos on the other side, ensuring everything was balanced, before nestling your bouquet of flowers in the middle.
With precision, he placed the plant from the florist into the pot and positioned it neatly beside the flowers. The strawberry packet and gift card found their place near the pot, completing the ensemble. Stepping back, Simon admired his handiwork, a satisfied smile spreading across his face as he imagined your reaction.
After washing and drying the floral tray, he carefully arranged the cooled-down muffins on it. With Riley on a leash and in the car, Simon carried your basket and the tray of muffins to the car.
As he pulled into your driveway, Simon took a deep breath, his nerves tingling. He glanced at Riley in the passenger seat and felt a sense of reassurance. "I just gotta be honest with her," he murmured, running his hand over Riley's head. Riley responded with a lick and Simon smiled.
You heard the doorbell ring, and your heart skipped a beat as you peered through the peephole, your pulse quickening at the sight of Simon standing outside with something large in his hands. With a mixture of apprehension and curiosity, you unlocked the door and opened it slowly.
Simon stood before you with an apologetic smile, Riley wagging his tail by his feet. "I'm so sorry, love. Can we talk?" he asked softly, his gaze pleading. You felt a rush of emotions as you looked from him to the items in his hands, and a smile tugged at your lips. Stepping aside, you welcomed him in.
He set the basket and tray down on the coffee table in front of you, and you took a seat beside him on the couch as Riley explored the living room. It was time to have that conversation you had been dreading, but somehow, with Simon beside you and his heartfelt gesture before you, it felt a little less daunting.
Simon took a deep breath, his nerves practically humming with anticipation as he tapped his finger against his thigh. Never before had he felt so jittery, so utterly consumed by the weight of his emotions.
For a man who had faced countless missions and life-threatening situations, confessing his feelings to the woman he loved was the ultimate test of his courage.
You noticed his restless tapping and glanced down at his finger rhythmically drumming against his jeans. When his gaze met yours, you looked up at him, waiting expectantly for him to speak. As you both held your breath, awaiting the words that hung heavy in the air.
Simon takes a deep breath, his gaze locking with yours, and he begins to speak, his words heavy with sincerity. "I'm sorry… I'm so sorry for pulling away like that. It wasn't because I didn't want to kiss you… It's just… I got scared."
Your body is turned toward him, your full attention on his words as he continues. "I've never really been good with words, but I want you to know that… I've always been afraid of letting myself be vulnerable, especially when it comes to people I care about… people I love…"
Your breath catches slightly in your throat, your mind reeling with the weight of his admission. Love? Did he truly feel that way about you?
"I care about you a lot. Maybe even more than I should admit. I was afraid that if you came to know the real me… the things I've done, you might… you might turn away."
Simon's eyes search yours for understanding. "I realize now that pushing you away was the worst thing I could've done. You're… you're perfect, and I felt like I wasn't good enough for someone like you."
"But that's not fair to you. You deserve honesty. And the truth is, I care about you more than I've cared about anyone. I can't bear the thought of losing you. I just needed to explain, to let you know how I feel. And… I'm sorry for hurting you."
He pauses, gathering his thoughts before adding softly, "And… and I want you to know… I wanted to kiss you just as much as you wanted to kiss me." you softly smiled before glancing down at your hands, taking a deep breath. Your soft gaze met his warm brown eyes.
"Simon… thank you for being honest with me. I know it couldn't have been easy for you to open up like this."
Your thumb rolled over his knuckles, "Every time you walked into the cafe, my heart skipped a beat. It was like the world paused for a moment, and all I could focus on was you."
"And whenever you looked at me, or called me 'love,' it made me feel… special," you confessed, your voice softening with emotion. "Like I was the only one in the room that mattered to you."
"All those moments we spent together, even if it was just a simple conversation or a quick smile exchanged across the room, meant everything to me," you continued, your voice filled with sincerity. "It was like… the highlight of my day, every single time."
"I always found a reason to try and talk to you because… because being around you made me happy," you admitted, your heart laid bare. "And even if I couldn't find the right words to say, just being near you made everything feel right somehow."
"I understand that we all have parts of ourselves that we're afraid to reveal, but you don't have to face those fears alone," you assured him, your gaze unwavering. "I'm here for you, Simon, always."
"And as for stepping away… well, we all make mistakes," you offered, your tone gentle but firm. "What matters is that we learn from them and try to make things right. And trust me, I'm not as perfect as you think. But together, maybe we can be perfect for each other."
Leaning in closer, your heart pounding with a mixture of nerves and anticipation, you glanced down at your hand over his and met Simon's gaze again.
"And as for the kiss… well, I wouldn't mind trying that again" you murmured, your voice laced with a hint of playfulness, yet brimming with longing.
As you leaned in closer, your heart pounding with anticipation, Simon's hand softly found its place on your cheek. You leaned into his touch, the warmth of his hand comforting and familiar.
Your eyes locked, and in that moment, all doubts and fears melted away. Slowly, hesitantly, Simon inched closer, his gaze flickering between your eyes and your lips, silently seeking reassurance that you wanted this. With a soft smile, you closed the gap between you, both of you closing your eyes as your lips met in a soft kiss.
Simon's heart raced in his chest as he felt the soft press of your lips against his, a rush of warmth flooding through him as he moved his lips in sync with yours. In that moment, everything felt right, as if the pieces of a puzzle were finally falling into place. As you both pulled away, you both smiled and glanced at eachother before glancing away, smiles lingering on both of your faces.
Simon remembered the basket and brought it onto his lap, his expression softening as he said, “I got you a little something, a few things I thought you would like.” You were finally able to take everything in, and you gasped when you saw the Lego flower set.
“Stop! You remembered!” you exclaimed, feeling like a kid on Christmas as you looked through the basket, making appreciative little comments about everything. Simon just smiled, his heart swelling with happiness at the sight of your joy.
“You got the collector's set! We need to watch this right now!” Simon laughed and grabbed the muffins off the table. “Works out, we got snacks for the movie night.”
You gasped, grabbing the cute floral tray. “Did you make these, Si? They smell so good! You really did all of this for me? This is so sweet, Si, thank you so much.”
“Of course, sweetheart, you're worth all the time and effort,” Simon replied, a new endearment slipping from his lips.
“Can you put the movie in the DVD player? I want to light this candle and roll out this blanket. I can make us some tea?” you asked, and Simon smiled and nodded. “I’ll get on it, and some tea would be bloody nice right now.”
You smiled and nodded, and as Simon got up to put the DVD in the player, you cut the tags off the blanket and put some tea to brew while you lit a candle, setting it on the coffee table.
You sat next to Simon, both of you under the throw blanket, and you took a bite of the muffin, you realized this was better than any muffin you had ever made.
Simon took a sip of his tea as he fed Missy the treats he bought her, the cat purring contentedly on his lap. Simon looked down at Missy and then at Riley, nestled between the two of you sleeping peacefully. His gaze then lingered on you as you took another bite of the muffin while your eyes were glued to the TV. He smiled, turning to the screen, his smile lingering.
In that moment, as love swelled in his heart, Simon was truly happy, and content with life as he sat next to you.
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yuutasdream · 6 months
how would yuuta be when he realizes hes fallen in love with u ⁉️⁉️
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: ̗̀➛𝕬𝖒 𝕴 𝕱𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖎𝖓 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊 ꨄ︎
Yuta and you started off as friends, your bond growing stronger with each passing day. You shared laughs, inside jokes, and countless memories, forming a connection that felt unbreakable. Yet, you couldn't shake off the growing feelings you had for Yuta.
One day, unable to contain your emotions any longer, you mustered up the courage to confess your feelings to Yuta. Heart pounding, palms sweating, you poured your heart out, laying bare the depth of your affection. "Yuta, I... I have something to tell you," you stammered, trying to find the right words. "I've developed feelings for you. I really care about you, more than just as a friend." you held out a chocolate as a gesture to show appreciation.
Yuta's expression softened as he listened, his eyes reflecting surprise and perhaps a hint of uncertainty. "I... I appreciate your honesty," he replied, his voice gentle yet conflicted. "But I need some time to think about this. I value our friendship so much, and I don't want to do anything to ruin it."
With those words, Yuta's response hung in the air, leaving you with a mix of hope and trepidation. Though his rejection stung, you respected his need for time to process his feelings. “also... I'm leaving the next week..” yuta noted adding salt on the scar. “oh it's okay... Have fun at your trip” you both parted away each one on his own.
Yet even after all or that yuta kept in touch with you even after what happened not wanting to make things awkward nor break the friendship he loved the most. The friendship between you and him.
As Yuta continued his journey, he couldn't shake off the growing feeling of emptiness without you by his side. He missed the jokes and your vibes. The picturesque landscapes and exciting adventures seemed to lose their luster in your absence. Each passing day felt like a struggle, a constant reminder of how much he longed to share these moments with you.
Then came the fateful day when he received the message from his best friend toge telling him about your broken phone. It hit him like a wave, leaving him feeling stranded and disconnected. Suddenly, the simple act of hearing your voice or seeing your messages became a distant dream, leaving a void in his heart that nothing else could fill.
Days turned into nights filled with restless thoughts of you, of the conversations he could have had, the jokes you could have shared. It was in those moments of solitude that Yuta realized just how much you meant to him, how your presence had become an important part of his life.
Unable to bear the separation any longer, Yuta made a spontaneous decision to cut his trip short and return back to jujutsu high. The place he knew that he'll find you there. The journey back felt like an eternity, each passing mile fueling his determination to see you again.
Arriving at your dorm's door unexpectedly, his heart pounded with a mix of nerves and excitement. When you opened the door, surprise etched across your face, Yuta's breath caught in his throat. But as he looked into your eyes, all his fears melted away, replaced by a sense of purpose.
"I missed you," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper, yet filled with raw emotion. “miss me..? It's been only a couple of days” you said flattered not knowing how to express your feelings looking at all of the souvenirs he got you to express his love.
You welcomed him inside, and as you sat together, Yuta poured his heart out. "Being away from you made me realize how much you mean to me," he admitted, his gaze never wavering from yours. "I can't imagine my life without you, and I just had to come back and tell you... I love you." the way the words poured out of his mouth you were still in shock.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you listened to his heartfelt words, feeling the weight of his love enveloping you. "I love you too, Yuta," you whispered, a smile breaking through the tears wrapping your arms around him. You were really happy that he finally realized his feelings and got certain about it. “next time I promise to book you a flight with me..” he said giggling, “I want nothing to break us apart”
In that moment, surrounded by the warmth of your embrace, Yuta knew that no distance or obstacle could ever diminish the love he felt for you. And as he held you close, he knew that home wasn't a place—it was wherever you were, in your arms.
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satoru-is-the-way · 8 months
HELLO. i see you're one of the only people who writes for jinshi on this site :') could i request a jinshi x fem or gn reader who is like his personal handmaiden, but also close friends with him ?? just an idea 🤡
Anime Master List
Information Page
A/N: OMG YESS JINSHI!! I love this man!! Your wish is my command !! Always request this man lmao. I am willing to do anything haha.
Pairing: Jinshi x gn reader
Prompt: Could I request a jinshi x fem or gn reader who is like his personal handmaiden, but also close friends with him ?? just an idea 🤡. 
Warning: None
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You have been friends with Jinish for a few years now. Despite his over-flirtatious behavior, you managed to push it aside not falling for his seductive technique. Perhaps that is a reason why he took an interest in you. Men and Women both would fawn over Jinshi's every word and are easily seduced by his beauty. There is no denying just how perfect Jinshin is, with exotic eyes, hair, and tongue like silver able to seduce just about anyone
He took a liking to you because you denied any advances. The behavior was intriguing so he had to find out more about you. Once the young male set his eyes on you it was not long before you were promoted to his personal maid. What other young men and women would do to have such a job. You did simple tasks for Jinish, cooking, cleaning, preparing his list of duties, and dressed him accordingly. At times the job was difficult with his endless flirtation, but deep inside, you could catch a glimpse of the act Jinish played. All the drunk nights he would embrace you and cry. This friendship was like none other you have ever experienced. He was not the only one to show a soft side. Jinshi became the man you depended on.
Right now you and Jinshi were in the carriage heading back to his estate in the Outer Court. You both attended the garden party and spoke to many officials. It became apparent that Jinshi was frustrated. His purple eyes narrow at you, his right leg bouncing, as his other hand taps his leg. He then glanced away pouting heavily. A profound sigh left your lips knowing by his complexion Jinshi yearned for you to ask why he was bitter at you.
"Master Jinshi, have I done something to upset you?" You asked rather curiously. He shot you a look those violet eyes shimmering with...jealousy?
"As if you do not know the severity of your betrayal." Jinshi put a hand on his forehead dramatically. This only made you furious. He was your best friend yet Jinshi accused you of betrayal?!
"What are you talking about?! I have done nothing that would have been deemed as betraying you!" You meet his voice with equal if not more aggravation.
"Then why do you have Lihaku's hairpin? I bestowed you mine!" Jinshi reached forward and snatched the hairpin of another mans. You sat there starting at your friend who is like a child over a hairpin. "Do you know what this means?!" He asked and snarled at the hairpin. "Do you think him better than I?"
You chuckled which only riled Jinshi up more. "Why on earth- Look I was not going to deny him. I got more than just his. I know what it means. I am not that stupid Jinshi! So before you get jealous and accuse me of stuff, reevaluate our situation. I have been loyal to you since I became your personal maid. You are my best friend. Why would I ever ruin that?"
Jinshi looked at your eyes shimmer which threaten tears. "(Y/n), I am sorry I-" However the young male couldn't get another word out as the carriage came to a stop and you got up leaving. "(Y/n) Stop! Please! Stop walking." Jinshi pleaded following you desperately no matter his begging you would not stop. Jinshi had to restore to desperate measures. "I order you to stop!" He yelled breathing heavily. That's when you stopped being unable to disobey a direct order.
"I did not mean... please forgive me. I just had the idea of losing my best friend. I couldn't bear to think... You with another man...being so close to another man...You are everything to me." Jinshi turns you around. That look he gave you could make anyone fall to their knees. For the first time you couldn't think. Jinshi blush a rose tent. Those beautiful plump lips quiver begging you not to leave. God he knew how to beg. "Forgive me." He whispers.
"You should know my loyalty is with you. No matter the hairpins I collect or who is calling for me. Master Jinshi I am with you. My one and only friend. I couldn't throw away that" You assured him. The next response you did not expect. Jinshi leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. That's when you knew this friendship was so much more.
"I love you." Jinshi whispers.
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quokkareactions · 1 month
Stray Kids as angst tropes:
Hey, guys! Okay, so I was in the mood for writing some angst, so here you go four angsty Stray Kids drabbles. I still have to work on Seungmin's, which means I'll probably post the other four tomorrow. Until then I hope you enjoy these ones.
You and Chan were walking down the street holding hands and laughing when a girl stopped in her tracks next to you.
"Chan? Is it really you?" she said with a surprised laugh.
The confusion on Chan's face quickly changed into pure happiness when he recognised the girl.
You've never met the girl before but you know exactly who she is. You know that she's the owner of the box of women's clothes on the highest shelf in Chan's closet. You know that she's the reason why Chan's watching Attack on Titan every Tuesday night. You know that he can't say he loves you because of her. And it hurts even if you told him a thousand times that it's okay. He looks at you like you're the prettiest girl in the world, but her... He looks at her like she's his whole world.
"Chan, stop apologising"
"But I didn't know this will happen, we were only supposed to meet to catch up a bit, not to find our unresolved feelings for each other"
"I did"
"What?" he looks at you in confusion.
"I knew this was coming, she was always who you'd choose"
"I'm so sorry, y/n"
"I guess it was my mistake" you let out a bitter laugh.
"No, don't you dare say you're at fault"
"I should've left sooner" now both of your eyes were glossy from tears. "Goodbye, Chan"
You hugged.
"I wish you all the best, y/n"
Ringing. Not even remotely unusual sound for Minho. Especially because his best friend since high school was calling him nonstop for the last few days. He just ignored it for the most parts. He didn't want to talk to her. He had no idea what to say to her after what happened at Friday night. But then the ringing stopped and did not start again like Minho anticipated it to, like it did oh so many times already this weekend. What happened? Did you give up?
He almost felt relieved but then he realized... He knows you too well to believe you gave up. You're too persistent. And boy was he right. The next thing he hears is banging on his door.
"Open the fucking door, Minho, or I swear to god I'm gonna kick it in your face"
With a sigh he opens the door and you storm in.
"Y/n, seeing you is always a delight"
"Cut the crap, Min, I deserve at least an explanation"
"I'm not sure I can give you the explanation you wanna hear"
"Please, what happened? I thought you wanted it too" you whispered.
"We ruined our friendship"
"No, we didn't. Our friendship doesn't have to be ruined just because we start dating, it's not..."
"I don't want to date you! I never have and never will" he cuts in bitterly.
"But... I watched you go out with numerous girls waiting for the day you realize that the right girl was right in front of you the whole time" you trail off, tears now freely falling from your eyes.
"Sleeping with you was the worst mistake of my life" he answers without any emotion what so ever.
"And knowing you was mine. Fuck you, Lee Minho!"
With that you walk out of his apartment and his life. You never wanted to see him again not as a friend, not as a lover and not even as a stranger on the street. You wanted to forget him and the piece of your heart that he took for forever.
It was collecting up in you for long by now. Ever since Changbin and you became official you're getting hate from his fans. And we are talking about regular death threats level of hate. But when your sister got involved too you had enough. You decided to break up with Changbin. It was a hard decision but you had to do it, you couldn't take it anymore. Even though he had a really hard time dealing with the fact.
"Please tell me at least part of it was real" he pleaded
"All of it was real but I can't do this anymore. I'm not strong enough to bear it"
"Don't say it. Don't say goodbye"
"I'm so sorry, Changbin" you choked out, lips trembling, voice cracking and tears collecting on your lashes. "But we were never meant to last"
You left the room and was about to open the front door when he shouted after you.
"If you knew that from the start you should have told me before I fell in love with you"
For him the only indication of you hearing it was the sound of the front door closing right after. That was the last time you saw each other.
You and Hyunjin were madly in love at the start of your relationship and you made sure that everyone knew that. You were probably the cringiest couple alive. You did everything together and you were all over each other all the time. So everything was perfect until your third year anniversary. You had a huge fight and Hyunjin left and spent the night at his friend's. A girl he suddenly started to spend an awful lot of time with. Since then you felt further and further away from each other. You stopped going out together.
You were slipping away from each other and what is better evidence to that than the situation you're in right now. You are standing exhausted and completely soaked by the rain in front of the Café you work in. The Café your boss closed at 19:00. Exactly when he does everyday, exactly when your shift ended and exactly when you asked Hyunjin this morning to pick you up from there. That was an hour ago. Since then the rain is getting more and more intense. You are not  sure anymore whether it's the rain or your tears that's running down your cheek constantly.
At the start of the hour you thought it's him every time a car passed by. You are not hoping anymore. Not even sure why are you still waiting for him, you could've gotten on a bus and you'd already be home.
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thebunnednun · 4 months
OKAY HEAR ME OUT GURL! A story where Reader has a crush on Ace and Sabo tries to help her with getting his attention BUT Sabo is the one who's in love with reader! So like Sabo--> Reader--> Ace. (Of course we want friends to lovers so she stay Sabo? You choose, Babe! salute from Brazil)
If you only knew how much I love you Sabo x Straw-hat! Reader x Ace
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Sabo is becoming quiet popular with my readers!!
Disclaimer: I do not own the art in any way, shape, or form.
Thank you for the request babe! I hope you enjoy this!
To be posted on my Tumblr account soon.
I also have a poll out right now where all readers can vote for what they want to see next. At this time, 5/18/2024, you lovelies have 4 days left to vote! Feel free to comment what you specifically want as well!
Hopefully now I can get to the rest of my requests.
Now lets get on to this sexy man!~
The salty breeze of the sea carried whispers of adventure and longing as you stood on the bustling docks of Loguetown. Your eyes scanned the horizon, searching for a familiar figure among the bustling crowd. And there he was, Ace, the enigmatic pirate with a smile that could melt even the coldest heart.
(And Abs that would melt the ice caps.)
Your heart fluttered as Ace approached, his presence commanding attention wherever he went. You had harbored a secret crush on him for what felt like an eternity, your admiration for him growing with each passing day. But despite your best efforts to hide your feelings, you couldn't help but blush whenever he was near.
"Hey, (Y/n)!" Ace greeted you with a grin, his voice as warm as the sun-kissed sea. 
"What's up?"
"Hey, Fire britches," you replied, trying to steady your racing heart. "Just enjoying the sights and sounds of the harbor."
As they walked along the docks, you stole glances at Ace whenever you thought he wasn't looking. You admired his confidence, his easy charm, and the way he effortlessly captivated everyone around him. But deep down, you knew you could never be more than just a friend to him.
Meanwhile, Sabo watched from a distance, his heart heavy with longing. He had been friends with our lovely Reader for as long as he could remember, always by her side through thick and thin. But lately, he couldn't shake the feeling that something had changed between them. 
"Sabo, are you okay?" Luffy's voice broke through Sabo's thoughts, snapping him back to reality.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Sabo replied with a forced smile. "Just lost in thought, I guess."
Luffy studied him for a moment, a knowing look in his eyes. "You know, if there's something bothering you, you can always talk to me about it," he said, his voice filled with concern.
Sabo's heart swelled with gratitude for his brother's kindness. "Thanks, Luffy," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "I appreciate it."
As the days turned into weeks, You found yourself spending more and more time with Ace, your feelings for him growing stronger with each passing moment. You cherished the moments together, the laughter and camaraderie you shared, but you couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something was missing.
One evening, as the sun was setting below the shoreline, you found yourself sitting alone on the deck of the Thousand Sunny, just lost in thought. You couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that gnawed at your heart, a sense of longing that refused to be ignored.
"Sabo," you whispered into the night, voice barely above a whisper. 
"What am I supposed to do?"
Unbeknownst to you, Sabo had been standing in the shadows, watching you with a heavy heart. He longed to tell you how he felt, to confess the depths of his love for you, but he couldn't bear the thought of ruining your friendship.
"[Name]," he murmured, his voice barely a whisper. "I wish I could show you how much you mean to me."
As the days turned into weeks, Sabo found himself consumed by thoughts of you, his feelings burning brighter with each passing moment. It was almost like he was addicted. He knew he had to do something, anything, to get her to see him in a different light. 
"Sabo," Luffy's voice broke through Sabo's thoughts, pulling him back to reality once again. 
"I have an idea!"
Sabo raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. 
"What kind of idea?"
Luffy grinned mischievously. "I think it's time we help [Name] with their crush on Ace," he said, excitement dancing in his eyes. "And who better to help them than their two best friends?"
Sabo's heart skipped a beat at the mention of your crush on Ace. "You really think that'll work?" he asked, trying to keep the hope out of his voice.
Luffy nodded enthusiastically. "Of course it will! We'll be their wingmen, their partners in crime," he declared, a grin spreading across his face. "And who knows? Maybe along the way, they’ll realize that the one they’ve been searching for has been right in front of them all along."
With a newfound sense of determination, Sabo and Luffy set their plan into motion. 
They orchestrated chance encounters between [Name] and Ace, subtly arranging situations where they could spend more time together. And as they watched from the sidelines, Sabo couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy whenever Ace flashed that charming smile of his at you.
But despite their best efforts, [Name] remained oblivious to Sabo's feelings for them. They were too focused on Ace to notice anything else, their heart set on a love that would never be.
As the days turned into weeks, Sabo found himself growing more and more frustrated. No matter what he did, he couldn't seem to get [Name] to notice him in the way he wanted them to. And with each passing day, his feelings for her only grew stronger.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Sabo found himself alone on the deck railing of the Thousand Sunny, lost in thought. You and Ace had seemingly gotten closer and he couldn't shake the feeling of despair that gnawed at his heart, a sense of hopelessness that refused to be ignored.
He’d fallen hard for you and was now going to lose you to the man he called Brother. The fire he commanded was now threatening to consume his very soul if he didn't get this under control.
"Dear God," he whispered into the night, his voice barely audible. "What am I supposed to do?” 
But before he could dwell on his thoughts any longer, he heard footsteps approaching from behind. Turning around, he found himself face to face with [Name], your eyes filled with concern.
"Sabo, are you okay?" you asked, your voice was soft yet filled with genuine concern. "You seem lost in thought."
Sabo forced a smile, trying to hide the turmoil raging within him. "I'm fine, [Name]," he replied, his voice barely a whisper. "Just lost in thought, I guess."
You studied him for a moment, as if trying to gauge his true feelings. "Ya know, if there's something bothering you, you can always talk to me about it," you said, your voice filled with warmth and understanding. 
Sabo's heart swelled. The pale moonlight illuminated your features with a soft ethereal glow. The swell of your pouty lips and the concern that painted your eyes were stabbing him inside of his heart. A cold sweat broke out onto his skin with fear crawling its way with gratitude for your kindness. "Thanks, [Name]," he said, his voice thick with emotion. 
"I appreciate it."
As the days turned into weeks, Sabo found himself consumed by thoughts of [Name], his feelings for them burning brighter with each passing moment. He knew he had to do something, anything, to get them to see him in a different light.
One fateful night, as the crew of the Thousand Sunny gathered on deck to watch the stars, Sabo found himself unable to keep his feelings hidden any longer. With his heart pounding in his chest, he turned to [Name], his voice trembling with emotion.
"[Name]," he began, his voice barely above a whisper. "There's something I need to tell you."
You turned to him with a soft smile. “I have something to tell you too. But you go first!” You tried to keep your heart from skipping a beat at the intensity of his gaze. However, as Ace passed by he made no attempt of communication. "What is it, Sabo?" you asked, voice barely a whisper.
The vulnerability in Sabo's eyes took you by surprise and his voice lacked its usual conviction.
‘I have to do this, I have to do this!’
Sabo took a deep breath, gathering his courage before speaking.
He looked into your eyes, seeing nothing but genuine concern and care. It was now or never. Taking a deep breath, he decided to take the plunge. "It's just... hard. Helping you with Ace, I mean."
You blinked in surprise. "Why?"
"Because..." Sabo's voice cracked slightly, and he looked away, unable to maintain eye contact. "Because I have feelings for you."
The room fell into a stunned silence. Your heart raced as you processed his confession. "Sabo... I..."
He shook his head, forcing a smile. "It's okay. I know you like Ace. I just needed to tell you."
You reached out, gently turning his face back to yours. "Sabo, I had no idea. If I had known..."
He placed his hand over yours, his touch warm and reassuring. "It's not your fault. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to ruin our friendship."
"I... I love you, [Name]," he confessed, the words tumbling out in a rush. "I've loved you for as long as I can remember, and I can't keep it hidden any longer."
Your heart soared at his confession, your own feelings for Sabo bubbling to the surface. "Sabo," you whispered, voice filled with emotion. "I love you too."
You squeezed your fingers tightly in front of your chest. “I.. I just realized that while I liked Ace and spending time with him I didn't actually love him romantically.” You softly reached for Sabo's hand and he came closer to join your fingers together. 
“I realized I was in love with my best friend instead.”
With tears of joy streaming down their faces, You and Sabo embraced, your hearts finally finding the love you had been searching for all along. 
And as they watched the stars twinkle in the night sky, they knew that their love would burn bright for all eternity.
Unbeknownst to you both, Luffy and Ace were on the top deck high fiving each other. 
“HA, and he’s supposed to be the smart one!”
“Can you not say that without picking your nose?”
Make sure you check out the a03 account by the same name. I also have a Sexy Mihawk x Maid! Reader posted in the masterlist! Give it a read if you please!
Be sure to check out my other works and leave likes and comments, they really help. Drop a follow as well if you please. Don't be shy to leave me a little reblog if you want.
I promise I bite~
Seen you soon my loves!!~ <<33
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beomboomboom · 6 months
I Love You Thrice
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genre: fluff, angst, drunken confession, childhood best friends to lovers
pairing: Seungkwan x reader
summary: The three times Seungkwan has fell in love with you and the one time it lasted forever.
warnings: alcohol, drinking activities
note: This fic is much longer than I anticipated it to be 😭😭 I hope you enjoy reading it though <33
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They say that we fall in love 3 times in our lifetimes. The first is the love that feels right, the second is the love that hurts, and the third is the love that lasts forever.
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The first time Seungkwan fell in love with you was when he was 10. Of course, he didn't know much about love at the time; only that it meant kissing on the lips and getting married so that you would be with that person forever.
But Seungkwan felt that spending forever with you didn't seem all that bad, and if it meant he had to kiss you on the lips in the process, he didn't mind that too much.
He was your best friend after all, and he would do anything if it would mean being with you forever. Playing with you every day was something he would never want to stop doing, even when he grew old like his grandparents.
"Seungkwannie~" you call from the playground. "Are you coming to play? We're waiting for you to start our game of tag!!"
Seungkwan brightens up at the prospect and yells back, "yes! wait for me!"
As he runs toward you he can't help but feel that when he's with you everything just feels so right.
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The second time Seungkwan fell in love with you was when you both were in high school.
Seungkwan didn't want you to know at first, too scared of the possibility of ruining your friendship with him.
But every time he hung out with you, he couldn't help but wish you were more than just friends. He wished he didn't have to hide his desire to kiss you every time you leaned in closer to hear what he had to say. He wished he could just say "be my girlfriend" whenever you complained about a unrequited boy crush you were having at the moment.
But everything changed when your parents announced that you would leave Seungkwan's hometown in Jeju for a life in Seoul.
Seungkwan was heartbroken to say the least.
When you came to his house to break the bad news, tears flowed down your face, "I'm moving away Seungkwan...I-I can't bear the thought of leaving you."
Seungkwan simply hugged you as tight as he could, as if it could be tight enough to make you stay with him. "It's okay, you'll always be in my heart," Seungkwan says with a bittersweet laugh as tears begin to flow down his face as well.
In that moment, all those months of Seungkwan repressing his feelings seem to release. He doesn't know exactly why he decides to share his feelings for you right then and there. Maybe it was a spur of the moment kind of thing. Maybe it was because he simply couldn't hide his feelings anymore, not when you were pressed against his chest. Whatever the case, he took a great leap of faith and uttered the words he would never imagine he'd have the courage to say.
"I like you. I have for awhile. I know it's a terrible time to tell you but-"
You cut him off with a peck to his lips, "I like you too idiot, I should've told you earlier, but it's too late now." A bittersweet smile passes across your face as you cup your hands around Seungkwan's soft face.
Leaning into your touch, Seungkwan bursts into tears again at the reminder of your move. "I'm really going to miss you, you know?"
You let out a soft smile and hide your face in Seungkwan's shirt, breathing in his scent for what feels like the last time. "I know, just don't forget me okay?"
"Never," Seungkwan promises while running his fingers through your soft hair, something he thinks he won't ever be able to feel again.
In just a week, most of the people in his class wouldn't even acknowledge your missing presence. But Seungkwan will never forget you. He could never forget you.
No matter how much it hurt to live life and constantly be reminded of your missing presence, he couldn't ever let himself forget someone as special as you.
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The third time Seungkwan fell in love with you was when he was preoccupied with everything but love.
He had worked his butt off for years to finally get a stable job in Seoul, and at the time he was working his way up the corporate ladder, hoping to get a bit more money into his wallet. This meant practically overworking himself and putting in long hours at work, all for his boss to hopefully notice his hard work.
But, everything changed when you popped into his life once again.
It was a random Sunday afternoon and Seungkwan was just browsing the grocery store shelves, focused on what foods to get for dinner that night. As he was deciding between penne or fettuccine pasta, he felt a person brush past him. Curious, he turned to look to see who exactly bumped into him, only to be met with the back of a girl who felt way to familiar to be just a stranger.
It took Seungkwan exactly 5 seconds to realize who exactly you were. But when he did realize, he felt his lips unconsciously turn up in a smile. "Y/N!!"
When you turned to the sound of your name being called, Seungkwan felt all the air leave his lungs. You were beautiful. The features he had once associated with his childhood best friend had now grown to be more mature.
"Boo Seungkwan? Is that really you?" You ask with a laugh of pure joy and disbelief the minute you lay your eyes on your old friend.
"Of course it's me you dummy. Come on, let me take you to my apartment. We need to catch up on all this lost time," Seungkwan says as he practically drags you out of the grocery store, both your faces reflecting pure happiness.
You and Seungkwan indeed did catch up on lost time. That day, you and Seungkwan spent the whole rest of the day talking about anything and everything at the same time. From what careers you guys were partaking in to reminiscing memories from your childhoods.
In only a few days, you had once again had became part of Seungkwan's daily life. The second Seungkwan got off work you were always there to pick him up, ready to go get some BBQ and Soju where you would proceed to catch up on years of not seeing one another. Then, in the morning after waking up hungover for the 29334 time, Seungkwan would be awoken with a cute "good morning" text from you and some anti-hangover pills on his bedside table.
It was only a matter of time before old feelings began to resurface, and sure enough in only a few weeks of being with you again, it began to occur to Seungkwan how much he really did love you.
He just couldn't help but notice how much brighter his life had become since you re-entered it. No longer was he exhausted at the end of every work day, now he was excited for the work day to end so that he could be with you. No longer did he dread waking up each day to go to work, now he was excited to wake up because that meant he could see you. Frankly speaking, you made his life have motivation.
That motivation being you.
Then it was as if Seungkwan were back in high school again, in denial and hiding his true feelings for you, scared as to what might happen to your guys friendship if he were to confess.
But who knew it would only take one night of Soju to break the cycle.
That night, you had opted out of the daily night drinking after Seungkwan got off work. Mainly because you were fighting a cold, but you didn't get the chance to tell Seungkwan that.
You were only able to let out the words, "sorry I can't go today becau-", when Seungkwan unexpectedly hung up on you.
Truthfully, Seungkwan was disappointed and angry. Yes, he probably shouldn't have hung up so fast and instead heard what you had to say. But Seungkwan felt as if you were blowing him off. So, in response he decided to drink by himself.
In hindsight, this was a terrible and unreasonable choice. One drink led to two, which eventually led him to finish a whole bottle, then another bottle.
And before he knew it, he was suddenly standing in front of your front door at precisely 1 AM. He didn't know exactly how he got there, his mind wasn't exactly processing what was going on, but his feet apparently had a mind of their own and walked to your house.
"Seungkwan? What are you doing here?" Confusion etched all over your half-asleep face after waking up to the continuous beeping of your doorbell.
"I-I-I likee youu. I like you so much, I lovee youu," Seungkwan mutters, his words slurring together, as he leaned forward to try and give you a wet, sloppy kiss.
"UH- Sorry- But, how about we have this conversation when you're not drunk?" You say after pushing Seungkwan's face away from your own.
"whyy~ do you not like me? are you rejecting me? we'll still be friends right? Cuz if not-" Seungkwan rambles drunkly as his face gets pink.
You let out a sigh before saying "Come on" as you lead Seungkwan into your house where he then collapses onto your bed and starts to snore. You silently let out a laugh as you tuck the drunk Seungkwan under the blanket .
"I like you too idiot," you whisper with a smile into the quiet room as you give Seungkwan's puffy cheeks a peck.
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When Seungkwan wakes up he thinks he's dreaming.
Across from him, is your sleeping figure, sleeping peacefully as he simply stares at you in shock.
No way.
Tracing your features lightly with his hand, he lets out a fond smile. He decides that if he's dreaming, he's at least going to enjoy this time with you.
You're so pretty in the morning.
As he contiues to trace your features with feather-light touches, it dawns to Seungkwan that this might not be a dream the second your eyes begin to flutter open.
"Seungkwan?" You mutter, your voice still sleepy-sounding,"I like you too, you know," You say with a teasing smile.
"WHAT- HOW DID YOU KNOW I- WHHAT?" Seungkwan yells as his mind gets thrown for a loop. Suddenly he pauses as all his memories from last night come back to him. The soju. The confession. The response.
No. He did not-
But he did.
"Oh my gosh...I-I'm sorry-" Seungkwan starts to say before pausing. "Wait. Did you just say you liked me back?"
You let out a silent nod as you scooch closer to Seungkwan on the bed and whisper into his ear. "I love you Boo Seungkwan."
"Forever?" Seungkwan questions with a teasing but fond smile plastered on his face.
"Forever," you answer as you lean down to give Seungkwan a chaste kiss on his lips.
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kisses-for-you · 7 months
Confession - Chris Redfield
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Chris Redfield X Fem!Reader
Summary: You've been ignoring Chris and he wants to know why. Will you confess or will you act like everything's fine?
Word Count: 1,460
Chris was your best friend and he had been for as long as you can remember. But something had changed between the two of you. You found yourself avoiding him, your demeanor towards him growing colder by the day. The reason was clear - you had developed feelings for him, feelings that complicated your friendship.
One evening, a sudden knock echoed through your quiet house. Who could've possibly been at your door You opened the door cautiously, not expecting to see him. Your eyes met his. The hurt in his gaze cut through you. "Y/N, why have you been avoiding me? Chris asked.
One evening, a sudden knock pierced the silence of your house. Who could've possibly been at your door this late in the evening? With cautious steps, you approached and opened the door, only to be met by Chris's pained gaze. "Y/N, why have you been avoiding me? Have I done something wrong?" Chris's voice held a mixture of confusion and hurt, making your heart clench.
Panic seized you as you struggled to find the right words. You couldn't tell him the truth, obviously, not now at least. Your heart raced as you attempted to maintain composure, avoiding his searching gaze.
"I don't know what you mean, Chris," you replied, your voice betraying the turmoil within. "Everything's fine." You attempted to brush off his question as if everything was perfectly fine - but it wasn't. Meeting his eyes, you saw the hurt reflected in them, knowing you were the cause of his pain.
"But I just...I feel like you've been acting differently lately." He reached out to touch your face, only to stop himself before he made contact. He retracted his hand like he'd just realised what he was doing. "Am I losing my mind or does it seem like you're avoiding me?" It was becoming increasingly harder for you to lie to him but you just couldn't bring yourself to tell him the truth.
With each word, the tension between you grew, and you found it increasingly difficult to maintain the facade. As Chris inched closer, seeking answers, you instinctively stepped back, the distance between you palpable. "It's not you, Chris, I promise," you stammered, your voice trembling with emotion. "It's just... I've had a lot on my plate recently, and I guess I've been distant with everyone." You swallowed hard, grappling with your emotions.
He gave you a knowing look, as if he could see right through your act. "Y/N, you're lying to me. I'm supposed to be your friend and I just want you to tell me the truth." Chris looked away, the hurt evident on his face. He ran his hands through his hair. "You can trust me, and you can tell me whatever it is. But please don't try to hide it from me."
You had never thought you'd be in a situation like this; torn between the desire to confess and the fear of ruining your friendship, you found yourself at a crossroads. Chris's vulnerability was a side of him you'd never seen before and it made your heart ache. You couldn't bear seeing him hurt like this.
Taking a deep breath, you summoned all your courage. "Chris," you began, your voice barely above a whisper, "it's not that I don't trust you. It's just... I'm terrified of losing what we have. Our friendship is everything to me, and the thought of risking it scares me more than anything."
Chris's gaze bore into you, searching for sincerity. "Then trust me enough to tell me," he urged gently. "Whatever it is, I swear that I will stick by your side. But I just need you to be honest with me, Y/N."
Tension gripped the room as you locked eyes with Chris, the realization sinking in that there was no way out. With a heavy sigh, you finally admitted, "Alright, Chris, you want the truth? Fine. I've been avoiding you because... because I have feelings for you, and I don't know what to do! I'm terrified that if you don't feel the same way, I'll destroy our friendship."
Your words lingered in the silence, and you couldn't bear to meet his gaze, anticipating his reaction. The deafening quiet was broken only by the thud of your heartbeats. Chris's lips curled into an unexpected smile, catching you off guard. "I knew it," he murmured softly. "I feel the same, but I was afraid to admit it."
Relief washed over you until you noticed the sadness in his smile. "What's wrong?" you asked, concern flooding your voice. "Y/N, I can't," Chris said, his tone heavy with sorrow. "We can't be together."
You felt your heart sink at his words, confusion clouding your mind. "What do you mean, Chris? Why can't we be together?" you pressed, searching his face for answers. The emotional rollercoaster of this conversation was taking its toll and you desperately needed answers. Your mind raced, trying to piece together the puzzle of his words.
Chris didn't respond immediately, his gaze fixed on the floor, shoulders slumped under the weight of his emotions. Finally, he took a deep breath, the heaviness of the moment palpable. "Look, I care about you a lot. I've never felt this way about anyone else in my entire life, I swear that," Chris said, his voice solemn, eyes meeting yours. "But I can't be with you. I don't want to ruin what we have now. You have to understand."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you struggled to comprehend his words. It was a bittersweet moment, knowing he shared your feelings but also realising he chose to prioritise your friendship over the potential for something more.
"I understand, Chris," you whispered, your voice trembling. "But why don't we at least try? You can't just say it won't work."
Chris shook his head and took another deep breath, a mixture of pain and determination in his eyes. "I'm not saying it wouldn't work, I'm just saying I don't want you to get hurt." He looked you in the eyes, trying to explain his reasoning.
"Y/N, I've never been good at relationships, okay? I've been through a lot of pain, and every relationship I've had ends in heartbreak. Do you honestly want me to ruin what we have?" He tries to laugh, but it falls flat. "Not to mention, I'm an absolute mess. You really deserve someone better."
Tears streamed down your cheeks as you grappled with the complexity of the situation. It was a mix of emotions; happiness that he shared your feelings and heartbreak that he was pushing you away for fear of causing pain. "Chris, you're not a mess. And I'm willing to take that risk," you said, your voice trembling but nonetheless determined. "I'd rather die knowing I took that chance than live my life regretting the fact that I never tried."
"That's the thing, Y/N. You don't understand. I don't want you to have to go through any pain," Chris said, fighting back the tears that were starting to form in his eyes. "Please, just let it go."
You never thought you'd see Chris cry. His facade of strength and courage was the reason you'd always looked up to him, even as adults. Seeing this side of him broke your heart.
You wanted to listen to Chris, you wanted to let it go but something inside wouldn't let you. You were set on your choice. You wanted to be with him. "Chris, please don't push me away," your voice broke as you spoke.
"Y/N, I can't. You don't know what you're asking. Please..." He didn't finish his sentence, instead he pulled you into a tight embrace, burying his face in your hair and letting out a long, drawn-out sigh.
You noticed that Chris's chest was trembling with emotion. The strong man you'd always known and respected had officially cracked. You realised that he was always just a broken soldier underneath that facade of courage.
In that emotional embrace, you held Chris tightly, letting him release all the pent-up emotions he'd been carrying. The weight of your feelings, the complexity of the situation, and the vulnerability of the moment were overwhelming. He stroked your back gently.
After a while, Chris began to pull away slightly, his eyes still moist. "Y/N, I don't want to hurt you, but I can't deny how I feel either. We'll take it slow, alright? Let's see where this leads."
You nodded, your heart filled with a mix of hope and worry. He felt the same way. You looked up at him, slowly starting to lean in. The moment felt electric as your lips met his in a gentle yet hesitant kiss.
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cuffmeinblack · 7 months
2 for andrew or 8 for leander ehehehehehe
Last Chance
Andrew Larson x f!reader
“Let's ruin ourselves for anyone else.”
Tags: explicit | drug use | sex | admission of feelings
2k words
A/n: Unexpectedly confident Andrew? Sure, why not. I need to stop writing smut when I'm sick. Thank you for the request m'love <3
⤍ Andrew Larson masterlist ⤎
Quite how you found yourself in the boathouse on the last night of term wasn't clear. It had likely been the only unoccupied place in the entire castle grounds. The astronomy tower had been claimed, as had most of the classrooms and even the greenhouses—a flash of ginger and rustling amongst the dittany had you rushing out of there before you saw anything that would require scrubbing from memory. It was cool despite the hot weather, the spray from the lake soaking every inch of the worn planks underfoot that flexed and creaked with every tentative step. None of this mattered, though, once you met Andrew's warm chestnut eyes that seemed to draw you in, quite literally. He was so close, so warm and solid and tempting. Expectation hung thick in the muggy air despite the very innocent request that you'd prefer to find somewhere quiet to talk, away from the raucous parties within the castle.
When Andrew finally broke the silence it was with small talk. “I can't believe it's really over.”
“I know. It's bittersweet, isn't it?”
You pulled a small tin out of your robe pocket, the Honeydukes logo scratched and worn from years of use. Andrew watched, likely expecting an offer of a sherbet, but inside lay a healthy stash of mallowsweet, already rolled and neatly packed. “Do you want one?” you asked, expecting an emphatic ‘no’ from the straight-laced Ravenclaw, but to your great surprise he nodded. You smiled and offered the tin, his delicate fingers pinching a cigarette and holding it awkwardly as far away from his body as humanly possible. “Would you do the honours?”
Andrew blinked and then withdrew his wand, producing a tiny flickering flame from the tip. The first drag warmed your throat and filled your chest, the potent mallowsweet working wonders to calm your nerves that you knew had everything to do with being here with Andrew. The man himself spluttered a little but got the hang of it after a while. The quietly stifled coughs and the way he tucked his hand under his opposite arm and shuffled about as if he had no idea how to stand was so endearing you might have kissed him then. You'd been saying as such for over a year, and now…now it was too late.
“I didn't think you'd take me up on the offer,” you admitted.
“Well, it is our last night, and I don't know how many opportunities I'll have to do so working for the Ministry.”
“You’re right, my money's on opium.”
Andrew's eyes widened and you chuckled and nudged him playfully.
“Is there anything you'll regret not doing before you leave this place?” he asked, suddenly serious.
You blew a stream of smoke into the air and tossed your stub to the ground where it fizzled, flame dying beneath your boot. The question was innocuous enough, but it was as if he'd read your mind, or perhaps correctly discerned why you both stood in the dank boathouse on a warm Summer's night. The truth had seemed far too risky to speak until now. The friendship you'd cultivated with Andrew was special; a fragile and beautiful thing that you couldn't bear to lose due to one unrequited admission. Besides, he was to relocate to London and you…well, you would be sent wherever Gringotts deemed necessary, tracing old rumours of forgotten treasures. You'd made peace with the fact; the nomadic lifestyle you'd expect from your chosen career path. Until now.
“There is one thing,” you replied vaguely, watching him closely. He leaned back against a wooden pillar and gazed down at the lapping waters that swayed the row boats with a faint and rhythmic clatter. To hell with it. “I regret not asking for more between us.”
He swallowed hard, and exhaled heavily. You weren't sure if he'd expected the answer or not, but either way it had unsettled him. When he looked up through the strands of dislodged ashen hair, your heart momentarily stopped. His pupils were blown, cheeks flushed the softest pink you'd ever seen. Everything around him grew hazy and dreamlike.
“Me too. I've been a bit of a coward, haven't I?”
He stepped closer now, salt spray unable to mask the scent of mallowsweet and patchouli. Maybe a hint of citrus. 
“Maybe we both have been.” The mood suddenly shifted from awkward anticipation into something solemn and regretful. It really was too late. “We could have been good together, I think.”
Andrew sighed and slipped a hand around your waist, the movement sending a pleasant tingle up your spine. His nose brushed the tip of yours, lips parted and warm, shuddering breaths mingled for far too long. The tension was unbearable and your fingers were clasped so tightly into the cloth of his shirt it must have strained at the seams. He might have been considering his actions—how wise this was, the pros and cons of giving in, like a truly analytical Ravenclaw—or perhaps he was just too shy to close the distance.
“If you kiss me I don’t think I’ll want to stop,” you muttered. It might have been a warning, or maybe an enticement, but it was the truth. Another sharp inhale and a tighter grip, now Andrew’s lips hovered so close to your own there was barely space between to draw your own breath. There was something distinctly intimate about sharing each other’s air.
“Is that a promise?” His reply sent more than a shiver up your spine—it set your very nerves on fire, insides squirming and tension pooling. Your eyelids fluttered closed as you nodded, practically falling into the kiss that followed. Your back hit a wall soon after in the frantic and desperate entwining of bodies, as if a dam had exploded the moment your lips touched. One more chance to make a memory, one final hurrah. This was setting you up for heartbreak come morning, but none of that mattered now, not in this blissful moment when you finally got the answers to the questions of how Andrew tasted, what his body felt like pressed against you, how he kissed and touched and moaned (delicious, firm, enticingly, possessively, breathily). His mouth was at your throat and suddenly it was impossible to breathe. The way he encircled your waist to hold you in place, the gentle suction at your nape and the leg that slid between your thighs spoke of a confidence and experience you hadn’t expected.
“I can’t stand the thought of anyone else…,” you said before he slid you forward onto his thigh. The friction made you gasp his name, right into his waiting mouth.
“Don’t,” he breathed back.
His body had stilled except for the circles his thumbs pressed into your waist, and then he pulled back just enough to look at you. There was more than friendship, more than lust in that look.
“I wish we had done this last year,” you admitted.
“Would you still have taken the job as a cursebreaker?”
“I don’t know.”
He smiled sadly and brushed a stray lock of hair from your face. “If tonight is all we have, let's ruin ourselves for anyone else.”
The words elicited such a visceral reaction you almost whimpered and you pulled him firmly by his shirt to close the distance between you. Your hand found his hair and gripped him tightly, letting the last of your inhibitions melt away with his kiss. Tears of longing fell behind closed lids, the pain of time wasted and what could have been driving you closer. Your fingers fumbled at his shirt buttons, the last two ripped away in a desperate need to feel his skin warm against yours. Andrew had already shrugged off your top layer with deft hands and was exploring the slope between neck and shoulder with his tongue. Words weren’t enough, so instead you concentrated on the frenzied merging of body and soul.
A large hand kneaded your breast as he groaned against your skin, and then you felt the unmistakeable hard length grinding against your hip. His name fell unbidden from your lips in a heady haze of arousal and sweet pleasure. His other hand had found its way between your thighs and was gently caressing the fabric of your undergarments. It wasn’t enough to relieve the throbbing ache, not at all, no matter how much you ground your hips against his fingers.
“Andrew, please...” You pleaded without shame, dipping your hand below the hem of your skirt to pull at your underwear and wriggle free with his help. His hand came back up to meet bare skin, then pressed further to find you wet and quivering. 
“Fuck.” The expletive caught you off guard and was as shocking as Andrew having his fingers circling your clit. You let out a shuddering moan of relief as his slick digits began a rhythmic caress. You were vaguely aware of his cock nudging your hip again and his tongue sliding across yours between gasping moans. It was rather sloppy and entirely wonderful. Your fingers managed to unbutton his trousers whilst partially dazed and writhing with the sweet escalation of your climax. You felt the weight of him, his girth filling your hand. Then he let out an absolutely filthy moan once you started to stroke him.
“I need you inside me right now,” you commanded.
His fingers carried on their tight circles as he thrusted into your hand—as if he hadn’t heard you at all—until suddenly the pressure was gone and he retreated. As if he’d slapped you, your mouth fell open in shock and indignation until he spun you around, hands planted firmly against the wall. His cock slid between your cheeks whilst he spread your legs and pressed his chest against your heaving back, kissing every available inch of skin around your neck, jaw, forehead.
You braced yourself as you felt him nudge at your entrance, dripping wet against his twitching cock. Nails scraped the wall and gathered dirt beneath your nails and your head fell back against his shoulder as he pushed inside you. The stretch was gloriously satisfying, and once he’d filled as much as you could take, he turned your head to press his lips to yours. There was no time for second guessing, no question of turning back now.
Stars perforated your vision as soon as he started to move in earnest, withdrawing almost all the way before plunging back inside you, over and over again. He found your breasts again, massaging in time to each roll of his hips. Groans and gasping moans filled the cavernous structure, loud and completely unimpeded. His name, your name, begging for more and harder, faster, until you couldn’t stop the explosion that rattled your brains and turned your body to a limp mess. The orgasm tore through you, only barely aware of Andrew holding your neck as he pounded into you before shuddering and spilling his release, warm and wet and so copious it ran down your thigh. Your hand that looped around the back of his neck kept him close as the last pulses faded away. Not that he seemed interested in going anywhere; he held you tightly and murmured against your skin for quite some time.
It was so perfect you almost wept.
“Ask me to stay,” you said, quite unexpectedly.
A moment passed, silent.
“Stay. Stay with me.”
Perhaps it was the beautiful afterglow but when you looked back at your so-called friend you couldn’t say deny him. The thought of leaving felt unthinkable, the mere suggestion that you go your separate ways and love another was unacceptable. A great lump formed in your throat when you kissed him again, the terrifying truth that he meant more than the career you’d planned for yourself.
“Ask me again in the morning.”
“Will you change your mind before then?” he asked.
“No, but I like the illusion that it’s a hard decision.”
Andrew smiled, his shy demeanour returning despite still being buried inside you. It had started to rain, the gentle patter a soothing backdrop as you both cleaned up and dressed, slowly and with plenty of lingering gazes over one another. You saw warmth and affection reflected in his eyes. As he took your hand without question, you realised it was time to return to the festivities and revel in the fact that the entire trajectory of your life had just changed. Maybe it was reckless, but you supposed some things, some people were worth taking a chance on.
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sinkovia · 8 months
A cruel joke
Kyle Garrick x GN!Reader
A short slight angst w/ fluff and some appreciation for Gaz.
Walking side by side with Gaz, your heart raced. The weight of your confession felt like a million pounds on your shoulders, but you knew you couldn't wait any longer.
You'd been best friends for quite some time, and somewhere along the way, his sweet demeanor and the countless hours you spent together made you fall for him. You'd been too afraid to reveal the truth, fearing it would ruin your friendship. 
When your mind drifted back to the close call Gaz had on your recent mission. You realized you didn't have the luxury to wait around and confess your feelings, one of you could easily die before then and you couldn't bear the thought of leaving without telling him how you truly felt.
You had always hoped that Gaz felt the same way, noticing the way he treated you differently from the others. It wasn't just friendship; you knew it was something more. 
Amid the lively chatter and clinking of glasses in the rec room, you had gathered the courage to ask Gaz to join you for a walk. You stole a quick peek at his side profile as you cleared your throat, your voice slightly shaky as you began, "Kyle, there's something I've been meaning to tell you."
He turned to you, his brown eyes locking with yours, his expression warm and attentive. "Sure, what's on your mind?"
"We've been through so much together," you continued, your voice growing more confident as you spoke. "And I... I just want you to know that you mean a lot to me." he nodded, an understanding look in his eyes.
Taking a deep breath, you decided it was now or never. "I never intended for it to happen, and I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship… but I have feelings for you...I love you Kyle..."
For a moment, there was silence, and Gaz's smile faded. Then, he started to laugh, a disbelieving sound that rang through the air. An unexpected reaction that crushed your heart. Your heart sank and hurt etched across your face. You blinked back tears that welled up in your eyes, struggling to maintain your composure. He stopped laughing abruptly when he saw the tears threatening to spill from your eyes. 
His demeanor shifted and he reached out, “Y/n wait.”
But it was too late; you were already walking down the hallway away from him with tears spilling from your eyes. Gaz stood there, his heart heavy with regret for his reaction.
He thought you were joking.
Gaz believed you were playing a sick joke on him. Despite loving you deeply, he never mustered the courage to express his feelings, convinced you wouldn't feel the same. His heart sank as he witnessed your tear-filled eyes, realizing he had hurt the person he cared about the most. Following the direction you left, he turned a corner to find Soap comforting you.
When he saw you walk away with him, Gaz decided to give you space, knowing that seeing him might only intensify your emotions. Patiently waiting until the next day, he found himself standing before your door, taking a deep breath before knocking. Nervousness consumed him, understanding that you might still be hurt and upset. After a moment, the door creaked open, revealing you with a mix of emotions in your eyes as they met his.
"What do you want?" He heard the anger in your tone.
"I'm sorry, Y/n. I didn't think... I mean, I thought you were playing a prank on me when you said you loved me, so I laughed, I couldn't believe it. I love you more than anything, and I never thought you would feel the same way." You listened, a mixture of emotions swirling inside you. 
Gaz continued, "I care about you a lot, and I would never intentionally hurt you. I was just caught off guard, and I reacted the wrong way… you mean so much to me"
Your eyes softened as you listened to him, and you sighed, understanding the depth of his emotions."I wasn't joking, Gaz. I've loved you for a long time, I was just scared if I told you it would ruin our relationship."
As the reality of your words settled in, Gaz felt a rush of happiness and relief. He took a step closer, gently cupping your face with his hands. You were taken aback by his sudden, gentle touch, and your eyes locked onto his. Gaz's lips met yours in a soft, sweet kiss, filled with warmth.  As he pulled back, his eyes bore into yours, and he whispered, "I'm so glad you told me. I love you, Y/n, and I don't want to spend another day without you knowing it."
A warm smile spread across your face as you gazed at the man you had secretly loved for so long. "I love you too, Kyle."
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 8 months
Can I request a Christian Cage x Female!Copeland!Reader where Christian is married to Adam’s younger sister and they have their own little family together and she’s Christian’s Valet on screen when Adam arrives it causes a riff because (on screen) he’s trying to get his baby sister away from who he believes is her manipulative piece of shit husband but behind the scenes he’s the most caring and loving big brother and uncle and best friend?
Love Hate and Kayfabe
Warnings: Mentions of toxic relationships, hitting, violence, swearing, generic warnings of all sorts
Word Count: 4k
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Main Masterlist Christian Cage Masterlist
When I was approached by Tony, Adam and Christian about this new storyline idea I didn’t like it. Not because Christian and I would have to act like a toxic couple who hated each other but the fact that our children would be involved. As an entertainer,  I’ll admit I was intrigued with the concept but as a parent, I wanted to protect my children. The twins were too young to understand that it wasn’t real. It didn't matter how I would explain it if they saw Mom and Dad yelling at each other they would think it was real. Except in this case, it would be much more than yelling, you have to keep the Kayfabe alive. 
Spending the past 20 years in the wrestling industry I was all too familiar with the issues many children with wrestler parents had. Christian and I knew this, that’s why we waited so long to have children, we wanted to make sure to be there when they grew up but sometimes an opportunity that’s too good to pass up shows up. The next thing you knew Christian and I were out of retirement and helped to create All Elite Wrestling. 
When I found out my older brother Adam Copeland would be joining AEW for some reason I was angry. I mean don’t get me wrong I loved him but I wasn’t as happy as I thought I would be. All Elite Wrestling was MY show, I didn’t need my older brother to steal my spotlight once again. Although my run in WWE during the divas era was quite successful, I was still always viewed as ‘Edge’s little sister’. I hated it.
 Adam and I were never close growing up, since he was 10 years older than me. He was always protective over me, too protective. I could never do anything without my big brother being there. When I told him I wanted to wrestle he shut down the idea immediately, he couldn't bear to see his little sister do such an extreme sport, it made me sick. Just because our dad died when we were young doesn't mean he can start acting like mine. It was his best friend Christian Cage that made Adam change his mind. Christian secretly trained me and vowed to keep it a secret from Adam despite the possibility of it ruining their friendship. Adam would find out about our secret when he went to a local indy show to support one of Christian’s friends on their debut match. What Adam didn’t know was that Christian’s ‘friend’ was me. Of course, Adam was mad at first but once he saw what I could do he had no choice but to allow it. 
Since that day I have engraved myself as one of the best female wrestlers of my generation, without the help of my brother. I did it myself, or I guess with Christian. Christian was there from the very start, he taught me everything I knew, he was there for every match, and every injury, and he even supported me when I asked for my WWE release. I knew I had to wrestle in a promotion without the famous rated R superstar to be taken seriously. During that time Christian and I had developed feelings for each other. After years of sexual tension between the two of us that my brother obviously never noticed we bit the bullet and slept together. When Adam first found out about our relationship he was furious, not because I was sleeping with his best friend but how we hid it for a year without him noticing it. But to be fair it was supposed to be a one-time thing, but of course that’s never how it works. A one-night stand turned into booty calls, to friends with benefits, then fast forward 15 years here we are. Christian and I have been married for the past 10 and have 5-year-old twins, a boy and a girl who we named Isla and Carter. Who currently sat with us in Tony Khans office as we went over everything. 
It was simple really, I had been Christians ‘valet’ ever since he joined AEW as I retired after having the kids so the fans already knew our relationship. That part was done, the only thing left to do was use the debut of Adam Copeland to create a rift in our relationship. 
“FORMER best friend. You of all people should know what it feels like to have him steal all the spotlight from you. Now you better fix this problem because there is no way in hell I will let him take the spotlight away from us again”  Christian said this time in a condescending tone. 
I did exactly what Christian said, next week I would interrupt a backstage interview with Adam and attempt to ‘fix’ this problem. During the segment, Christian, Luuchasaurus and our newly adopted son Nick Wayne would attack him from behind. This would begin not only the rivalry between Christian and Adam but also between me and Christian since he would accidentally injure me, slowly creating that rift.   
“So Adam, everyone is dying to know why you decided to join All Elite Wrestling?” Renee Paquette asked 
“Well Renee, I decided to join AEW so I could finish my career with the man I started with. I want to end my career with my best friend Christian Cage” Adam said 
“Christian did not seem too happy when you made your debut at WrestleDream, he claimed that you were here to steal the spotlight from him. How do you feel about that?” 
“Well Renee, first off-” I cut Adam off before he could finish his sentence 
“Well Well, look who it is. It’s the rated R superstar Adam Copeland” I yelled in a cocky tone as I entered the scene, grabbing a chair to sit between Adam and Renee. “What’s wrong Adam? You seem…. On Edge? Renee, you should be asking why he really joined AEW, you and I both know that was a bull shit answer he gave you. The real reason you joined AEW was because you couldn’t bear to see your little sister in the spotlight. I’m not some kid anymore, I have become twice the star you ever were. People should be referring to you as Y/n’s older obnoxious brother who can’t stand to accept the fact that I am better than you. You can’t just walk into MY company and expect the golden treatment because of who you USED to be. I think it’s quite funny how you referred to Christian as your best friend. If you were really his best friend you would have called on his birthday, Christmas, New Year’s, fuck you would have been at his wedding. You left him hanging at our wedding day after you promised you would be his best man. You never called when I gave birth, never made the attempt to meet your niece and nephew, you never even called to see how I was doing after I NEARLY DIED after carrying this industry on my back for the past 20 years!” Just then on cue, Christian and the boys jumped Adam from behind and began the attack. 
The backstage area had become pure chaos, chairs, tables, and everything that was not nailed down was being thrown. Adam and Christian started pummeling each other, security tried to pull the pair away but was unsuccessful. Just then Christian threw a chair at Adam’s head which he ducked, hitting me in the head instead. As my body hit the floor everyone went quiet as reality set in, Christian ran to my side to see if I was okay but Adam pushed him out of the way, so he could check on me. “Get away from her!” He yelled at Christian. You could see the regret on Christians face knowing that he took things too far. 
A few weeks  had passed since our segment and the ratings had skyrocketed. We had to move faster with this story that we had originally planned because the people were just too interested in it. This week after playing with Adam for weeks he would get a TNT title opportunity. In order to get his title shot at Full Gear he would have to wrestle Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne in a two on one handicap match. Adam would win the match and I would get blame me for it all, claiming that it was still my fault for Adam’s debut in the first place. I paced nervously around the backstage area as I wanted for our que to begin the match. Sure Christian and I had argued in ring and real life on many occasions but this time was different. After this match Christian and I would have to fully commit to the act. That meant no more wedding rings, no more traveling together, we couldn't be spotted together. Christian noticed me toying with my ring and came up to me giving me a big hug. “You know we will still be married right?” he told me softly before placing a delicate kiss on my forehead. “Yeah I know. It’s just weird. Whatever I say tonight I’m telling you right now I won’t mean” I told him as I held him closer. “I know, and I’ll apologize in advance for my actions” Christian told me. 
“Alright you love birds, you're on in 60 seconds” one of the producer’s yelled. 
Christian and I exchanged I love you’s and a kiss before we heeded hand in hand to the ring for the last time. 
Christian sat on commentary and I was ringside supporting my boys. On multiple occasions I interfered when the ref wasn’t looking, but even with my tricks Adam still had the upper hand. I went under the ring and grabbed a steel chair, I handed it to Nick and distracted the ref. Unfortunately Adam countered and hit Nick on the crown of his head with the chair, busting him open. 1..2..3..it was over. 
Christian stormed down to the ring and the two of us began to argue. Although he didn’t have a mic it was still loud enough to be heard. “This is all YOUR fault. I told you to take care of this and instead you made things worse!” Christian yelled. Adam sat on the floor on one of the ring corners, listening to our argument. I tried to get some words in but it was no use. I just kept saying I was sorry but he didn’t care. Christian was angry, with every word he got closer, we were soon chest to chest. The way Christian towered over me made me feel small, I felt like I had been teleported to my youth, I forgot this wasn’t real. “You are worthless, you are nothing” Christian said through gritted teeth. I could feel the tears fall, I was crying. I pushed Christian away, so hard he almost fell. Big mistake, SMACK. He hit me, he actually hit me. My cheek stung and the arena went silent, you could hear a pin drop. I couldn't control my emotions, I was a mess. Looking back at the footage I cringed at the way I looked like a big baby, for god sakes I’m a forty old woman who was having a toddler meltdown on tv. Out of instinct, I hit Christian back, I don’t know why I did but I did, I didn’t stop. Adam quickly got up and separated us. He pulled me away as I screamed. “I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I’m sick of your shit Christian, I’M DONE!” I yelled as Adam pulled me out of the ring. I took off my wedding ring and placed it on the ring apron before Adam picked me up, throwing me on his shoulder, carrying me backstage. 
Christian and I sat in our private lockerroom alone and in silence for what felt like forever. We were the main event of the night and Rampage has just been filmed. We had been here at least an hour. I couldn't comprehend what happened, Christian hit me. I know this was all part of the story but I didn’t think he would hit me. He never hit me before, not in any way. It took me a while to calm down after the incident, I couldn't stop crying. Several of the female talent comforted me as I cried. I hated how vulnerable I was, many of those girls looked up to me as a mentor now they had to take care of me as I took my own story too far. I was distracted from my thoughts when I felt Christian gently place his hand on mine. I pulled away fast, still on edge from earlier.                    
“I’m sorry Y/n. I don’t know what came over me, you know I would never hurt you” Christian said softly. I said nothing, I didn’t look at him, I didn’t even move. “Can you atleast look at me?” Christian asked. I turned to face him and noticed his eyes were red as well, he was crying. He reached into his pocket and pulled out my ring, the large diamond shinned in the light. “You dropped this'' he said as I let him slip it back on my finger. “I’m sorry” I whispered as I could feel the tears reforming in my eyes “I’m sorry I hit you” I told him. “No, honey I’m sorry. I'm so sorry, it was right for you to hit me. Your poor face” Christian said as he gently cupped my face, brushing his thumb at the bruise that started to form on the side of my face. “I can’t believe I did that to you. I don’t know what I was thinking. Why did I do it so hard?” He said mostly to himself. “It’s okay” I told him “Can I give you a hug?” Christian asked, scared he would hurt me. I nodded and returned the hug. I was scared, so scared. What have I gotten myself into? What if all of this became real? 
Just like I said it became real. After the incident I filmed a backstage clip of me dragging Christian and I’s children out of the arena. Renee tried to ask me a few questions but I was trying to get out of there as fast as I could. I held Isla in one arm and Carter held my hand. “Y/n, can you tell us what you’re feeling after the actions that just took place in the ring moments ago?” Renee asked “I’m done, I’m fucking done. Don’t you dare come near me or my children. We are over and I WILL be getting full custody” and with that I left the arena. Once that clip aired the following week my phone was going crazy. People all over the world had been talking about the story, people bought it, I bought it. I actually ended up falling into a depression, I couldn't get out of bed, I couldn't get myself to go to work. I couldn't look at Christian. 
Full gear was soon approaching and Christian and Adam had continued the storyline without me. Adam went on his weekly rants on how Christian had been manipulating me for years, how he didn’t deserve me, how toxic we were behind closed doors. Christian denied everything, he claimed that Adam was the one who was manipulating me. I mean, it was when he came to AEW we started to drift apart. Adam was just making me believe Christian was the bay guy. The crowd was divided, people on both sides of the story, so invested on what would happen at Full Gear. I, however, felt nothing but numbness. It didn’t matter how much Christian praised me behind closed doors, how many gifts he bought me to cheer me up, I coudn’t get it out of my head. I knew he loved me, I loved him but when you're so deep into a story it’s hard to get out.
It was now Full Gear weekend and it would be the first time I went to work after the whole fight. Christian and I arrived separately and stayed at separate hotels. It had been a whole week since I saw Christian last and when I saw him he was different. “Hi my love!” He said as he came up to me, holding me tight and kissing me. That was my Christian, not Christian Cage. “Have you been smoking again?” Christian asked me. I may or may not have taken up smoking again due to the stress of this storyline. “Maybe” Christian said nothing, he just laughed. “Why are you so happy?” I asked him “I’m just happy to see you. I missed you and I was talking to the boss and Cope, they think you should turn on him” "Turn on who?” “Adam, we can make it seem like the whole argument between us was just a work to get closer to Adam. Now we know his plans, now we can end him for good!” I liked this idea, did it make total sense, no, but I hated arguing with Christian more. 
I helped Christian get ready for his match and went over everything. I would accompany Adam to the ring and ‘help’ him during the match while I was actually helping Christian. Some started to catch onto my tricks. They were little things, throwing weapons in the ring to benefit Christian, distracting the ref so Adam couldn't get the pin, feeding Nick instructions to attack Adam. Soon I was feeling better, I felt like myself. I was finally able to get out of my head. The end of the match was soon approaching and this would be the finali. Just as Adam would get the three I would pull the ref out of the ring. The crowd went wild and by the look on Adam’s face I could tell he was shocked, oops. Just then I climbed in the ring and listened to Adam begging for answers. Why did I do it? Why would I do it? How could I do it? It was easy, I couldn't let him steal my spotlight once again. I then gave Adam a low blow and Christian gave him a conchairto. It was over. I pulled the lifeless ref back into the ring and listened to the painfully slow count 1….2….3… It was over. It was finally over, we won, I won. Christian and I passionately made out in the center of the ring as we drank in the boos. 
I went over to grab a microphone and made sure I got the final word. “You stupid, stupid old man. You really thought I was on your side. You’re pathetic, you see this whole thing was a trap and you fell right into it. You really thought you could split us up? I’ll give it to you, you got close but not close enough. If you thought a little argument would split us up you are sadly mistaken. Christian could put me through a flaming table and we would make up in time for dinner. You wanted to know why? Why I did it, it’s easy. It’s revenge. Revenge for making my life miserable, now it’s your time to live in my shadow, and if you think it’s over between us, that’s cute. This is only the beginning” 
Christian and I laughed, leaving Adam’s lifeless body in the ring, heading backstage to grab a few drinks, making sure to leave one for Adam. Sure I hate his guts but at the end of the day he is my brother. Christian and I might hate Adam on screen but behind closed doors we still love each other. Always have always will. I mean he is my brother, whether I like it or not. 
An: Sorry the ending is a bit rushed but I didn't want to make it too long or make a second part
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I didn't want to derail this post by @bird-inacage because it was so focused on SandRay and how going into episode 5 would treat them, but reading it struck me with an important realization.
Of our main couples, how much do they really enjoy each other's company?
Starting with Top and Mew, their dynamic is really interesting, because they are desperately trying to enjoy their time together. And there are moments where it's literally visible! They are having a good time! But it quickly gets ruined by the residuals of Top's bad habits and/or Mew's insistence to keep control of a relationship he took as a personal challenge. While Top is enjoying playing at domesticity, he has to either be continuously blue-balled or lie to get it, so any time he spends with Mew is dampened by the fact that he can't be himself (not that he's a great person but it bears to be acknowledged). Mew is so hopelessly trying to convince himself that he's not out of his depth that it's taking all his energy just to prove it, and he is likely mistaking any exhaustion from it as just being new to things. They don't actually enjoy each other's company, though.
Boston and Nick? Golden if they're having sex. The minute they're done, their minds are immediately on the continuous conflict between them: how do they want to keep their status. I think part of what contributes to Nick wanting something more committed is that he has a bit more stability both externally and internally (surprising, I know). He has his tech job, he has at least one friendship that's genuinely supportive (Sand), and he owns being a nasty bitch. Besides his cuckoo-for-cock thing with Boston, he has interests, skills, and a life outside of him and possibly views Boston as another one of those stable facets he always wants to be able to turn to.
But Boston isn't on the same page. When he isn't manwhore-manipulate-manslaughter being a student, Boston kind of doesn't have anything else going for him except his photography hobby which isn't being put to good use. He likely is part of the friend group because at least they're a queer friend group in the same field of study, and everyone else might as well be in and out of a revolving door. Nick is an anomaly for him, but he wouldn't know what to do with something stable let alone be valued for anything outside of sex so Boston dangles boyfriend status like a carrot.
So do they enjoy each other's company? Yes and no. And no and yes. They have a lot of things to work out between each other and unfortunately for both of them things will blow up and cause catastrophic damage. But they couldn't be made for anyone else, IMHO.
Finally we have Sand and Ray. Their relationship has a couple rocky moments in the beginning, but all things considered, it's literally founded on the fact that they like spending time together. Ray says it to Sand multiple times: "You're fun to talk to." He begs him to spend time with him, he offers payment for god's sake. And Sand obliges because he can't help himself. He also likes hanging out with Ray. They have found things outside of any romantic or sexual context that they both enjoy that become the foundation of all their future activities together: a good drink and good music. And the more time they spend together the stronger that will become, even as the strained relationships they have with everyone else threatens to fuck it up.
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its-ares · 1 year
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— Unrequited love is the worst
Male Reader, Part II Heartaches Continuum
Content Warnings: Mentions of self harm, possible death of M/N
For years I've had to listen to Jason brag about his one night stands. The bad thing is that he doesn't even notice in his stories how shitty I feel about it. Asshole.
I've been toying with the idea of ​​confessing my feelings to him for a while now. I keep replaying the conversation in my head, thinking about what I'm going to say and how Jason will react. Everyone knows about my feelings for Jason, Dick, Rachel and Gar, even Hank knows, only Jason has no plan.
Having finally found the courage, I make my way to Titans Tower. The closer I get to the building, the more my heart races. That was a shitty idea. I take a deep breath and take the elevator up, it's now or never.
When I get upstairs, Dick greets me with a hug, I smile at him and walk in the direction of Jason's room. I knock, the door is open a crack so I go in. The boy really can't keep things in order. I look around while I wait for Jason to come. On his chest of drawers is a picture of and how we are hugged and laughing at a festival.
As I reminisce, Jason finally comes into his room. He's surprised but still happy to see me. I kept my distance for a while as I couldn't bear to see him. My best friend hugs me tightly. Jason mumbles how much he missed me. I missed you too you idiot.
"What brings you here M/N? Shall we take my bike for a spin?” laughs Jason, looking super happy. I bite my lip and shake my head.
“Not today Jay, I need to talk to you. And please let me finish ok? I love you and have for a long time. I've been in love with you for years. I can't stand it when you tell me that you got laid XY. It breaks my heart every time you tell me something like that. You won't believe how many times I've cried as soon as I get home. I love you,” I whisper again after my monologue and look at Jay uncertainly.
My best friend just stares at me. "Please say something Jay," I ask him and tug at my hoodie sleeve. Jason shakes his head as if to clear a fog of thought.
"Why are you telling me this? Everything was going well between us. We laughed, I told you things and now you come at me like that? I didn't want to know M/N. I didn't want to know you had a crush on me, dammit. That changes everything. I'm with Rose, damn it.” Jason is furious, tearing his hair and pacing.
"What?" I whisper. I can feel my heart breaking into a thousand heals. Tears run down my cheeks, I breathe in shakily and bite my lip. Jason stops in front of me and stares at me.
"I don't feel anything for you, ok? We were friends, just friends, and now you're ruining everything with it. Just go away M/N, I'm fed up with you and your fucking feelings and our friendship,” Jason says coldly and storms out of his room.
I sob and run out of Jay's room and out of the fucking Titans Tower. Outside in the fresh air, I angrily wipe away my tears. My head is buzzing with a hundred different thoughts, the voices are screaming at me about how worthless I am and it's only because of my stupid feelings that I lost Jay.
I keep running until I get to my apartment. The voices in my head urge me to take the one thing that hasn't left me yet. My breathing hitches as I stare at the fresh blade in my bathroom cabinet. Do it whispers the spiteful voice in my head.
I resolutely grab the blade and lie down on my bed. I position the blade and turn my eyes to the ceiling. My bed smells faintly of Jay, I smile painfully. It doesn't take long and my eyes close.
Goodbye Jay. I love you. Forever.
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prsk-krow · 6 months
oh, mb!! may i have [r]omantic yandere!mizuki hcs?? sorry for the trouble </3
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My first headcanons post in months, and it's only right to do this, haha. I'm sorry this took so long, but I did enjoy these! Although they might not be what you expect...
{YANDERE!Mizuki general headcanons!} [R]
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Oof, now this is extremely tough, for both Mizuki. Their entire secret revolves around keeping a secret that they fear would ruin their friendships, so them suddenly gaining feelings for someone? Yeah...
At first Mizuki tries to deny their own feelings. You are just their friend, nothing else! They shouldn't try to push it or make something deeper with you! Everything should be fine so long as you two remain friends, right?
Unluckily, love isn't so easy to just shrug off, and once they realize just how bad they have fallen for you, they start to get nervous about their feelings all over again, much like when they had the choice to join Niigo.
They hide their struggles from you, like always, but slowly, they start to drift away. They can't afford to become so attached, to show just how vulnerable they truly are, to rely on you with their darkest, deepest secrets. Unfortunately for them, it's not that easy.
"... Huh? Ah, sorry, I was just soooo caught up in my editing yesterday that I missed our shopping trip! Sorry, but can we put it on hold until this next song is released?... Huh?? What do you mean this isn't like me, just trust me, come on! I'm not THAT lazy..."
As time passes, it's not only harder to lie to you, but to themselves as well. Each day they spend away from you they think of you more, and more. Not only more, but they thoughts start to grow intense.
When they previously just thought about being happy with you, and being the best friend for you, now they wanted to watch over you so that you were always well, and safe.
So, still riddled with guilt and now even more so, they start to stalk you. First, it's just online, making sure you make the right friends, then it's more social, as they apologize for their behavior and resume hanging out with you, and slowly they start peering more and more into your personal life.
However, it wasn't of a desire to market you all theirs, they couldn't bear to take you away from what makes you happy, which they understood was socializing and being free, much like them. However, they wouldn't allow anyone to ruin your happiness.
Mizuki couldn't lie to themselves, they were completely and absolutely in love with you now, but someone like them, riddled with insecurities, lies, and identity issues, wouldn't be enough to make you happy, much less as a lover.
However, that doesn't mean they would remain just a friend... In fact, while they looked at you and felt such conflicting emotions in their heart, whenever they looked at others behind their backs, they didn't even notice their suspicions, paranoia, and wariness rising.
"Hey, you remember that girl that asked for help to study two days ago? How do I know about her- that doesn't matter! What's important, is that she's hanging out way too much with the popular girls! Yeah, you know what that means, be careful!"
If they could only be friends, that means they'll be the best friend they can be: Protecting you from people with bad intentions, helping you make your decisions, making your life brighter each day they possibly could. It doesn't matter whether their need for love hurts even worse every time they're called a friend...
It's not long before every single one of your days is influenced by them, be it getting new friends and letting go of others, changing your daily routines, and spending almost every single hour of the day in constant contact with them.
However, it doesn't matter how many times you chat with them now, as opposed to their earlier behavior, you can't help but feel like something's off... Their movements are more intense, their voice as well, yet they only want to talk about you, and shrug off any other friends they mention quickly...
This isn't easy for Mizuki, they love you so much, so much it hurts to be far from you. But they can't love you like you deserve, they shouldn't be the only one. They'll just keep an eye over you, lead you down the right path, keep you safe.
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applesandbannas747 · 1 year
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Appleandbannas747's Fanfiction Masterpost
In an effort to keep the tumblr tag clutter-free, I'm compiling all my fics into one post, which I'll update daily with links as I post on ao3.
Day 1: Role Swap Au - Momentum
Day 2: Kings Row Team - What Rolls off the Tongue
Day 3: Friendship - If I Could
Day 4: Snow Day - Third Time's the Charm
Day 5: Favorite Food - Apology Gifts
Day 6: Sabre - Only Fools Rush In + Calling in a reserve! Gaming - Bear Hunt
Day 7: Sleeping - (1) Blanket Thief - (2) Some Snuggles Required
Day 8: Fencing Technique - Signature Move
Day 9: Family Time - Distant
Day 10: MLC Team - What to do With Wildcards
Day 11: Cooking - Like a Song
Day 12: Posh Fashion - Couldn't do Better
Day 13: Gender Swap - Bombshell
Day 14: Halverton Team - Keep Away
Day 15: Fencing Fails - (Un)Resolved
Day 16: Sports - Boyfriend Material
Day 17: Coach - Don't Tell Coach The Substitute's Dead
Day 18: Lowther Hall Team - Cousins, Cancellations, and Clowns
Day 19: Hairstyle Swap - Out of Style
Day 20: Foil Calling in a reserve! Makeover Time - Gorgeous
Day 21: Pets - (1) Boundaries - (2) A Match of Champions
Day 22: MacRobertson Team - One Track Mind
Day 23: Childhood - Roots
Day 24: AU Day - The King's Kraken
Day 25: Beach - (1) The Proper Steps to Sleeping on the Beach - (2) The Improper Way to Declare a Race
Day 26: Exton Team - Adored
Day 27: Traditional Wear - (1) Can't Wait - (2) All The Right Words
Day 28: Locker Room - (1) I'd Rather - (2) I Wanna Ruin Our Friendship
Day 29: Timeskip - The Coste Problem
Day 30: Favorite - Next Year
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adrealucia · 2 months
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hihi first of all sorry this took me soo long, but again thank you so so much for this request and your kind words! :) @likeesque
sfw / male reader
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Hidden Feelings
Sean Diaz and you had been best friends since childhood. You shared countless adventures, from building treehouses to late-night video game marathons. As you grew older, your bond only strengthened, becoming an unbreakable part of your lives. However, you harbored a secret that you had buried deep within you—a secret you feared could shatter everything you had.
You had known you were gay for quite some time, but you were deeply closeted. The fear of rejection and the potential for ruining your friendship with Sean kept you silent. Despite your feelings, you always supported Sean in his romantic pursuits, even when it broke your heart to see Sean with someone else. Sean was completely oblivious to your inner turmoil, and you intended to keep it that way.
One summer evening, the two of you were hanging out at the park, as you often did. The sun was setting, casting a golden glow over everything. Sean was animatedly talking about a girl he had recently met at a party, his eyes shining with excitement.
"Man, she's just so amazing," Sean said, a wide smile on his face. "I think I'm gonna ask her out."
You felt a pang in your chest but managed to nod encouragingly. "You should. She seems really nice."
Sean grinned, giving you a playful nudge. "Thanks, man. I knew you'd have my back."
As you sat in silence for a moment, watching the sun dip below the horizon, you couldn't help but feel a growing sense of despair. You had kept your feelings bottled up for so long, and it was getting harder to bear.
Sean broke the silence, his voice thoughtful. "Hey, can I ask you something?"
You turned to him, curious. "Sure, what's up?"
Sean hesitated, then continued. "Have you ever thought about dating? I mean, you never really talk about girls or anything."
Your heart raced. This was an unexpected turn, and you felt a knot form in your stomach. "Uh, yeah, I guess. I just haven't found the right person."
Sean nodded, seemingly satisfied with the answer. "Yeah, I get that. It's not easy finding someone who clicks with you."
You took a deep breath, deciding to take a risk. "Sean, can I ask you something too?"
"Of course," Sean replied, looking at you with genuine interest.
You felt your palms grow sweaty as you mustered the courage to speak. "Have you ever thought about dating guys? Not just girls, I mean."
Sean's eyes widened in surprise, and he seemed to ponder the question for a moment. "Honestly, I haven't really thought about it. I guess I've just always assumed I was straight. Why do you ask?"
You swallowed hard, feeling your heart pound in your chest. "I was just curious. Sometimes, people don't realize what they might feel until they really think about it."
Sean nodded slowly, his expression thoughtful. "Yeah, I guess that's true. Why do you bring it up, though?"
You felt the weight of your secret pressing down on you. You knew you couldn't keep it hidden any longer. "Because... I've been keeping something from you. Something important."
Sean turned to face you fully, concern etched on his features. "What is it?"
Taking a deep breath, you looked into Sean's eyes, feeling a mixture of fear and relief. "Sean, I've been in love with you for years. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to ruin our friendship. Seeing you with someone else always breaks my heart, but I'm genuinely happy for you. I just couldn't keep it in anymore."
For a moment, there was silence. Sean's expression was unreadable as he processed the revelation. You felt your stomach churn with anxiety, fearing the worst.
Finally, Sean spoke, his voice gentle. "Wow, I... I had no idea. I'm really sorry if I've made things hard for you."
You shook your head quickly. "It's not your fault, Sean. I just didn't know how to deal with it."
Sean took a deep breath, his eyes searching your face. "I need to be honest with you too. I've never really thought about being with a guy, but your honesty made me realize I need to figure some things out. I don't want to lose you, and I don't want you to keep suffering in silence."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you nodded. "So, what does this mean?"
Sean shrugged, a small smile playing on his lips. "It means we're still friends, and we'll take things one step at a time. We'll figure it out together, okay?"
You felt a wave of relief wash over you. "Okay."
In that moment, as the last rays of the sun disappeared below the horizon, you knew that no matter what happened, your friendship was strong enough to withstand anything—even the truth.
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