#i do understand wanting to be complimented
dollypopup · 1 day
but can we talk about the fact that Colin really truly has NO IDEA Penelope loves him? It broke my heart when at the end of the episode, he was there basically going 'If you got caught up in the carriage and you change your mind, I understand' when she left for a while at their engagement ball and constantly said 'I have to tell you something'
like he's of the belief that what she wants to tell him may be that she doesn't reciprocate his feelings and that it's a love match just on his part. he thinks she's settling for him because he's the one who mucked up her chances for a different proposal but he cares for her so much he can't let her go
both of their sexual encounters so far have been Colin giving her pleasure partly to prove that he's worth holding on to, reinforcing his belief that he's only worthwhile if he can provide something. he truly doesn't believe he's loveable just for who he is, but for what he can do. in the carriage, he asked if she accepted Debling's proposal and she said Debling didn't propose at all because of the scene Colin caused, thus eliminating the choices for her. It was him or nothing, basically. Colin said he had feelings for her, but she said she wanted to be more than friends. It makes sense to me that, in part, his motivations in that carriage were threefoldfold: to show her he was serious, to revel in her pleasure, and 'let me prove how nice I can be to have around'. Then in the first time scene, they had sex after he stood up for her to Portia, providing a defense and informing he loves her and that's why he proposed. He complimented Pen, talked about how much he wanted her, and said aloud repeatedly that he loves her, but she tells him that no one else had defended her like he did before, and that she appreciates it. Not that she loves him back. He wants to be intimate with her, of course, but also he wants to prove himself a good candidate for her affection, because he doesn't believe he already has it. 'Don't you want to keep me around? Don't you see how good I can be? The good I can do?'
And it just gives added weight to his 'Then what good am I to you?' because he genuinely, from the bottom of his heart, doesn't know that she loves him for him, but that her agreeing to marry him is conditional on what he can provide for her
for Penelope, her love for him is a constant, like her heartbeat, something she feels she doesn't have to announce because to her it is so obvious and so strong, but for him, it's not at all obvious, and he knows she wants something more than friendship with him, but does not know that's because she returns his feelings.
I know she's got a lot on her plate right now but Penelope please come tell this man that you love him body and soul, I am crying
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23victoria · 2 days
“mi hermosa niña” ❀
carlos sainz jr x fem!reader
summary: request by @mimisainznorris!! Do you write Sainz x fem!reader fics? If you do,can ⭐please⭐ make a fic where Carlos and reader are in a happy relationship but she's lil bit insecure about her looks and Carlitos tries to help her with that. I think that would be cute🤧
warnings: insecure reader, that’s it really not too specific and some fluff
authors note: thank you for the request baby 🤧!! i hope you enjoy it!! any feedback is appreciated and please like, comment, and reblog!! hope you enjoy!!
f1 masterlist
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You’ve been with Carlos for a year and a half now, and everyone says you're one of the cutest couples on the paddock. Your relationship is the kind that other people look at and feel envious of. You’re loved by everyone, always getting compliments on how beautiful you are. But behind closed doors, things aren't always as perfect as they seem. You've always had insecurities about your body, and today, it's one of those days when those insecurities are overwhelming you.
Carlos decided to take you out for dinner tonight. It was supposed to be a fun evening, a chance for the two of you to relax and enjoy each other's company away from the noise and pressure of the paddock. But as you stand in front of the mirror in your shared apartment, all you can see are the flaws. You trace your fingers over the parts of your body that you wish you could change, feeling a wave of sadness wash over you.
Carlos walks into the room, looking handsome as always in his neatly pressed shirt and jeans. His smile fades as he sees the expression on your face. “Cariño, what’s wrong?” he asks, his voice full of concern.
You can’t hold it in anymore. Tears start to fall as you turn to him, your voice breaking. “I just... I don’t feel pretty. I look at myself and I see everything that’s wrong. I don’t understand how someone as handsome as you could be with someone as ugly as me.”
Carlos’ eyes soften, and he steps closer, gently taking your hands in his. “Oh, mi amor,” he murmurs, his heart breaking at seeing you like this. “You’re the most beautiful woman in the world to me. Every single part of you.”
You shake your head, pulling away to look back at the mirror. “You have to say that because you love me,” you whisper. “But I see the way people look at you. You could have anyone you wanted. Why would you choose me?”
Carlos turns you to face him, cupping your face in his hands. “I choose you because I love you. Not just for how you look, but for who you are. Your kindness, your strength, your laughter – they make you more beautiful than anyone else.”
“But my body...” you start, but Carlos stops you with a gentle kiss.
“Your body is perfect because it’s yours,” he says softly. “Every mark, every curve, every so-called flaw tells a story about your life. They’re beauty marks, reminders of who you are and what you’ve been through.”
He wraps his arms around you, pulling you into a comforting embrace. “When I look at you, I see the woman who stands by my side, who supports me and loves me unconditionally. I see the woman who makes me laugh, who makes every day better just by being in it. You are so much more than what you see in the mirror.”
You feel the warmth of his words start to melt the icy grip of insecurity. You cling to him, letting the tears flow freely now. Carlos holds you tighter, whispering soothing words in your ear. “You are beautiful, inside and out. And I will spend every day reminding you of that, no matter how long it takes for you to believe it.”
After a while, your sobs subside, and you pull back slightly to look at him. “Do you really mean that?” you ask, needing to hear it one more time.
Carlos smiles, brushing a tear from your cheek. “I’ve never meant anything more in my life,” he says. “You’re my everything, Y/N. And I wouldn’t change a single thing about you.”
He kisses you again, and this time, you let yourself take him in. You can feel the love and sincerity in his touch, and it starts to drown out the negative thoughts in your mind. You’re happy to have someone like him by your side, helping you see the beauty that he sees.
⋰✾ ❁ ✿ ∴⋱ ✾ ❁ ✿ ∴⋱⋰✾ ❁ ✿ ∴⋱⋰✾ ❁ ✿ ∴⋱
Carlos keeps you close as you both head out for dinner. The restaurant is cozy and intimate, a perfect setting for the heartwarming evening ahead. You can’t help but feel lighter as you sit across from Carlos, his reassuring presence calming your nerves.
The conversation flows easily as you talk about everything and nothing. Carlos makes you laugh with stories from the paddock, and you can’t help but marvel at how effortlessly charming he is. He’s always been able to make you feel special, even on your darkest days.
As the evening progresses, Carlos reaches across the table to take your hand. “I want you to promise me something,” he says, his eyes locking onto yours. “Whenever you start feeling like this again, come to me. Talk to me. Let me remind you of how incredible you are.”
You nod, squeezing his hand. “I promise,” you say softly. “And thank you, Carlos. For everything.”
Carlos smiles, a look of relief and happiness washing over his face. “That’s all I need to hear, cariño,” he says. “I’m here for you, always.”
⋰✾ ❁ ✿ ∴⋱ ✾ ❁ ✿ ∴⋱⋰✾ ❁ ✿ ∴⋱⋰✾ ❁ ✿ ∴⋱
The night ends with a walk along the beach, the city lights reflecting off the water. Carlos keeps you close, his arm around your shoulders as you stroll in comfortable silence. You feel a sense of peace that you haven’t felt in a long time, and it’s all because of him.
When you finally get home, you feel lighter, more at ease. Carlos’s words echo in your mind, and for the first time in a long time, you start to believe them. He loves you, truly and deeply, for who you are. And maybe, just maybe, you can start to see yourself through his eyes.
As you lie in bed that night, wrapped in Carlos’s arms, you feel a warmth spread through your chest. Carlos whispers one last affirmation as you drift off to sleep, “You are my everything, Y/N. Never forget that.” And with those words, you close your eyes, a small smile on your lips, feeling more loved and cherished than ever before.
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liked by bellahadid, landonorris, lewishamilton, scuderiaferrari, charlesleclerc, and 3,256,357 others
mi hermosa niña 😍😘💋
y/n_ig awww baby!!! i love you 🥹❤️
↳ carlossainzjr @.y/n_ig i love you my beautiful girl ❤️
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© 23victoria 2023-24 I all rights reserved. do not republish, steal repost, modify, translate or claim my work as your own
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etherfabric · 1 day
How the Universe provides for you + Songs
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Choose a pile by which picture you resonate with the most.
If your mind is too busy to clearly decide, take a few deep breaths, and use the finger of your non-dominant hand to hover over the images. One will give off the most subtle yet prominent signals, like tingles, a magnetic pull, or temperature. This is your pile. Multiples are also possible.
Pile 1
Strength, 3 of Pentacles
You have loyal allies in your challenges. A lot of unforeseen inconveniences you can't seem to avoid are in your energy, but this time, you feel the support - be it physical incarnations of kindred spirits, or those from the other realm connected to you. Yes, your heart is pounding and your knees are shaking, and these instances definitely aren't what you would've put on your wish list in a million years - but you surprise yourself with your bravery amidst it all. You thrive in collaboration with likeminded people, even in the face of your antagonists. The Universe is sending you storms so you can see how well you build your structure, and feel like the badass boundary expert your past self dreamed they could be.
This was a test, and you passed with flying colors. All your hard inner work is tangibly paying off, and you feel elated and proud - rightfully so.
Pile 2
Queen of Pentacles, The Fool
You finally stopped caring so much. You figured out where (or with whom) you lose the energy you so desperately missed all this time, and despite the struggles of letting go, you are now light as a feather. But in contrast to the past, where you were simply too scared to attach fully, so what else is there to do but float... you can now fall back on and draw from the deep roots you grew in fertile ground. Nourishment tailored to your needs is in constant supply, and plenty of opportunities to extend that generosity onto are emerging on the horizon. But this time, you know what to look for to have it reciprocated.
There might be people you still deem generally lovable you had to leave behind, and trust that hearing their criticism or seeing the effect of your absence on them will never truly stop hurting - but you know your worth and needs better than ever, and are determined to ultimately look ahead to the promising future. The Universe provides for all, and not just through you.
Pile 3
7 of Wands, 7 of Pentacles
The Universe is fueling your fierce protector side. You respect your own time more than ever, and see the value of patience with yourself. Your vulnerability is no longer a source of shame, it has become your most precious inspiration. Outside disturbances can't faze you out of your serenity with your true self. You worked hard for where you are, and you are not letting anyone counterproductive get close to it. Take the various toxic coping mechanisms projected onto you as the compliments that they are - you trusted in your balance, followed what felt right, and are reaping the rewards, while others still cling to the very same mindset that starts itching once you are around.
You understand the delicate relationship between healthy aggression and egotistical overkill, and are a role model for those wanting to follow you. The blessings you have already received are shining brighter than ever, and it's only the beginning. Isn't it so worth it being seen as the bad guy? Your people love you for what you are doing for them. No one can take this away from you, because you know how to keep it - becoming more authentic every chance you get.
Pile 4
2 of Swords, The Hermit
I can imagine you clicking on this particular reading with a kind of scoff. "Oh yeah? Providing for me? I see fuck all." Dare I recommend to expand your understanding in which ways one can receive...? I see you clinging onto promises you kind of already know aren't very, well, promising. But for some reason you only want it that way, almost to try to prove a point no one even challenged you on. Your idea of what you need and what you want have no space for differences inbetween. This might not sound pretty or comforting - I feel awfully confrontational saying this to you actually, and my Cancer Mars is shaking like a leaf - but I see the Universe providing you with an ultimatum.
Drop the rope if you truly want happiness (and not just validation for how great all of your ideas are), or be stuck in the frustration eating away at you. Look at what you already have. Yes, it's not the ultimate dream, but you have to first step inside of you to be able to receive. Because inside of you is where you will feel the love that's on its way to you - not craning your neck out as far as you can, desperate for a crumb to roll by.
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ponyosmom35 · 1 day
Simon Ghost Riley x reader
Liability series
synopsis: one on one training with Simon
warnings: sexual tension, ghost is down bad, mutual pining, babies in love but refusing to admit it
Link to master list:
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The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the training grounds. Simon and the medic stood facing each other, the tension between them palpable yet unspoken. They had been paired up for combat drills. Something Simon requested all medics go through in order to prevent what happened with her weeks prior. If she ever were to see combat again he wanted her to have some semblance of how to defend herself if wasn’t there to do it for her. 
Simon adjusted his gear, his eyes locking onto her. "Pay attention y/l/n. This isn't child's play."
She rolled her eyes, her lips curling into a smirk. "I'm not the one who needs a reminder about trigger discipline, Riley."
Their banter was sharp, laced with an undercurrent of attraction that neither dared to acknowledge. Simon's jaw tightened slightly, his body tensed at the use of his name. 
 "You're here to learn, not to sass."
"I learn better when I'm having fun," she retorted, her eyes glinting mischievously.
Simon shook his head, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his lips despite himself. "This isn't a game. Lives are at stake out there."
her expression softened, her gaze meeting his with a hint of understanding. "I know that Simon. I take this seriously."
The use of his real name caught him off guard, a moment of vulnerability slipping through his usually composed façade. Simon cleared his throat, regaining his composure. "Let's focus on the task at hand."
They moved through the drills with precision, each step calculated and deliberate. Simon watched her closely, impressed by her determination and quick learning. As they practiced hand-to-hand combat, their bodies moved in sync, a dance of strength and agility.
At one point, Simon demonstrated a takedown maneuver, his hands firmly gripping her waist as he pinned her to the ground. The close proximity sent a jolt of electricity through both of them, their breaths mingling in the charged air.
Her heart raced, her gaze locked with Simon's intense eyes. She could feel the heat radiating off his body, a magnetic pull that drew her closer despite the professional boundaries they both upheld.
"Almost had you" she managed to say, her voice slightly breathless.
Simon's grip loosened, but he didn't release her immediately. His eyes held a depth of emotion that sent a shiver down her spine. "You're quick to learn."
Their training session continued, but the tension lingered, simmering just beneath the surface. She found herself stealing glances at Simon when she thought he wasn't looking, admiring the way his muscles flexed with every movement.
As the sun dipped lower, casting long shadows across the training grounds, Simon called for a break. They sat on a bench, their breathing still slightly elevated from the intensity of their drills.
"You're improving," Simon remarked, his tone approving.
She grinned, a sense of pride swelling within her.  "I’m naturally talented" she jokes, unable to take a compliment. 
Simon's lips twitched into a small smile, a rare sight that made her heart flutter. "Right"
“I may have a useful instructor” she shrugs
“What was that love? I didn’t quite hear you”
“Shut up” she giggles
“I must’ve missed it, can you say that again?”
“Fuck off” she says bumping his shoulder with her own. 
“You’ve done well today” he nods “you should be proud”
The compliment caught her off guard, a blush creeping onto her cheeks. She cleared her throat, trying to regain her composure. "So, when's our next training session?"
Simon glanced at her, his eyes holding a hint of something unspoken. "Whenever you're ready."
Their eyes met, a silent understanding passing between them. They both knew that their connection ran deeper than just superior and medic. But neither dared to voice the unspoken attraction that crackled in the air between them.
As they stood to resume their training, Simon's hand brushed against her's, sending a jolt of electricity through her. She met his gaze, seeing the same longing reflected in his eyes.
As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the training grounds, as they prepared for another session. Their banter had become a routine. She had been shocked when she’d unlocked this new side of the mysterious masked man. He was quite funny when he wanted to be. 
"Ready to dazzle me with your skills?" Simon quipped, a playful glint in his eyes. Simon raised an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at his lips. 
"Dazzle you? Well, I do try to keep things interesting." she chuckled, adjusting her hair. 
"Interesting? I'd settle for you not tripping over your own feet this time." Simon grinned, a hint of mischief in his eyes. Their banter continued as they warmed up, stretching and flexing their muscles in preparation for the training ahead. Simon led the way, demonstrating various combat techniques with fluidity and precision.
"Alright, James. Let's get back to some basic strikes," Simon said, motioning for her to mirror his movements.
She nodded, focusing intently as Simon demonstrated a series of punches and kicks. She followed suit, her movements swift and controlled. Simon watched her closely.
"Good form," Simon praised a hint of pride in his voice.
She grinned, a surge of confidence fueling her movements. "Thanks. I have a great teacher."
She wanted to collapse at the sound of him giving her praises. Never before had a mans words affected her in this way. His praising made shivers run up her spine. 
Simon's lips twitched into a smile, the rare expression lighting up his usually stoic features. "Flattery will get you nowhere, love"
They transitioned into grappling techniques, Simon demonstrating how to escape from various holds and how to immobilize an opponent. She absorbed the lessons eagerly, her determination shining through with each practiced move.
"Now, let's work on disarming an opponent," Simon said, handing Phoebe a training knife.
She nodded, her focus sharpening as she approached Simon, who played the role of the aggressor. 
As they sparred, she managed to disarm Simon with a swift move, a triumphant grin spreading across her face. "Gotcha!"
Simon chuckled, impressed by her quick reflexes. "Not bad. You're getting better."
Their training session continued with a focus on close-quarters combat and defensive maneuvers. Simon pushed her to her limits, challenging her to think quickly and adapt to changing scenarios.
"Remember, always be aware of your surroundings," Simon reminded her as they practiced evasive maneuvers.
She nodded, her concentration unwavering. "Got it. Stay sharp and stay alive."
Their banter intertwined with their training, creating a rhythm that fueled their progress. Simon's guidance was invaluable, and she soaked in every lesson with determination and a hunger to improve.
After hours of rigorous training, they finally called it a day, both drenched in sweat but exhilarated by their progress.
"You did well today" Simon said, a genuine smile tugging at his lips.
She grinned, a sense of accomplishment washing over her. "Thanks for choosing to spend your nights with me, I know there’s probably a lot of things you’d rather do."
Simon chuckled, a warmth in his eyes that spoke volumes. "I’ll be here whenever you want" he says, as Simon realizes the gravity of his words he clears his throat.
 “to train” he clarifies 
“I’ll be here when you want me- to train” she responds before picking up her water and walking back to her room. Simon’s gaze following her every move as she leaves his sight.
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cheqorb · 22 hours
your mer-love fic was so good and ugh i LOVE mermaid au’s (esp with blue lock but theres BARELY any)!!
anyways u should do a pt 2 of your mer-love drabble/fic with rin, sae, kaiser and ness!! i’d love to read it if you do
MER-LOVE, 1.3 ft. rin, sae, kaiser, ness
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mermaid au! bllk boys with a researcher! reader
NOTES: thank-you for requesting anon! this might be absolute dogwater but hope you enjoy this…a few months after you even asked this (sorryyyy).
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any interactions with RIN are short and definitely not sweet. if he isn’t being harassed by any other mers that are interested in him, he normally stays around you because you “don’t bother him as much as the others do”. quoted by rin himself; which is considerably high praise coming from the rather aloof merman.
you probably first meet him simply because he got dragged by bachira or the like, but he’s not much of a conversation starter since he just sorta glared at you the whole time. it doesn’t get much better from that point onwards either, you’d think rin believed the world was against him by the way perfectly normal, well-meaning compliments are thrown to the side as if you’re insulting him.
with time though, he’ll start growing more fond of you! how can you tell? unless you’re freakishly talented at guessing people’s real emotions, who knows.
he (kinda) gets cuter in a way? maybe it’s just you being optimistic but you could’ve sworn that he has this look of pride whenever you choose to spend time with him over the other mers. like, of course you don’t want to hang out with weaklings like them or something along those lines. it takes a while but he’s noticeably softer with you than he is with his friends — he actually calls them lukewarm, but that’s just rin for ‘friends’ you think.
“rin, ya there?”
he stares at you with mild disbelief, which almost makes you burst into a fit of laughter. “since i’m very clearly here next to you, i think the answer’s quite obvious.”
you nod, smiling. “thought you’d say that but anyways,” you reach into a bag that you brought with you, “i wanted to give you a present! take it as a token of my gratitude for you chatting with me.” he eyes the object you give him coldly, but takes it anyway with a ghost of a smile on his face. how adorable.
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SAE is someone very hard to come by, and even harder to start conversation with that don’t end in him just swimming away from you. if you thought talking to rin was like talking to a brick wall, just wait till you meet this guy.
he’s seemingly apathetic to anything and everything, incredibly blunt, and overall not a very nice guy. at least his lil brother doesn’t outright ignore you (he does call you an NPC and half baked though)! speaking of which, if you meet rin first you can definitely see the resemblance between the two. appearance is a main one, you would know those under-lashes from anywhere and now you definitely know where he gets the attitude from.
any signs of him ‘warming up’ to you are basically non existent. he’s as straightforward as ever and isn’t keen on the idea of suddenly being all over you like humans normally seem to do with the people they like.
to give credit where credit is due, he tries? even though he’s still a bit brutal with his delivery, you think he tries to avoid being so aggressive with his tone. he’s not exactly sugarcoating things, but simply not saying what’s on his mind as much as he used to. that whole spiel about if you’ve got nothing nice to say, don’t say anything, right? and besides, just him tolerating your presence should be enough for you to understand he’s trying to be nice (it really isn’t).
sae had a talent for ruining any positive conversations with his honesty, the aftermath typically being him leaving the person soon after or an awkward silence between the two of them. but you also think he’s got a talent for somehow making people feel better. he doesn’t sugarcoat things and while it can be harsh, it also means that compliments from sae are genuine.
he listens to you rambling on about some annoying incidents at work, making the effort to nod every once in a while to remind you that he’s paying attention. “sounds like something you can deal with yourself. there’s no reason to worry yourself about it, that’s a waste of your time.”
you laugh. “so you can be nice, sae.”
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amidst a certain merman’s grumbling of someone called ‘KAISER’, you gain snippets of info that paint a less-than-flattering picture of the merman. he sounds like a major jerk. yet, despite his (isagi’s) colourful descriptions shall we say, you can't help but wonder if this kaiser fellow’s supposed villainy is just an exaggeration. but then again, to evoke such hatred from the usually amiable merman, he must be quite the character.
your first encounter with him is unremarkable, only seeing him as another mermaid who decided to show their face and you as some random human.
his curiosity is piqued however when he notices how fond the other merfolk are of you, and in typical kaiser fashion he’s determined to outshine everyone else. from your perspective, he’s just a weird dude. it’s as if he expects you to be grateful for his attention, even though it’s clear that he’s the one vying for your approval.
it’d be somewhat cute if it were anybody else, you think..? on him, it’s aggravating.
and yet, the more you pull away, the more determined he seems to become to disrupt any semblance of peace you have. he appears so often that you’ve grown to actually tolerate his presence and it even amuses you sometimes if the day is particularly boring. kaiser finds you just…okay (liar). he means- you’re nothing special so don’t get ahead of yourself but like, if YOU wanted to, he wouldn’t mind being with you until nightfall.
also don’t mention the sheer disgust and almost betrayal on his face whenever he sees one of your total losers of a colleague on watch duty instead of you. even worse if they’re partnered with you.
judging by the very obvious glare kaiser had on his face, you would say that he’s not too pleased with the sight of you and (coworker) together. still, he could learn a thing or two from the more calm mermen about being discreet about his hatred. you sigh as your companion only spares you a sympathetic look.
what’s weird is that kaiser occasionally glances in your direction — of course, whilst still glaring daggers at (coworker). like he wants you to do something about them tagging along.
“kaiser, you’re embarrassing me over here and yourself,” you say, leaning over the edge of the boat. he pauses for a moment before simply turning around, probably sulking over the fact that you do indeed have relationships with other people that don’t involve him. that, or he’s embarrassed he got called out.
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you’ll naturally come across NESS if you’ve already met kaiser and at first, you simply took him for the more timid type which could be the reason why he follows the former around like a lost puppy. wrong. not in the slightest.
well that’s a little harsh, but you mean that while he definitely has a bashful quality to him, he also seems to flip completely if you dare make a comment about kaiser. it’s a little scary. in spite of his dedication shall we call it, he’s actually one of the easiest mers to get along with. talk to him normally, avoid the topic of kaiser too often, spare some affection for him and he’s all over you soon enough!
just being generally nice around him is something he’ll appreciate it even if he doesn’t say it outright. poor thing is a little unfamiliar with people showing him basic human (or in this case merfolk) decency. makes you want to pat him on the head and spoil him a bit/squish him until he breaks — depending on what type of person you are, i guess.
when he gets more comfortable with you, ness is also clingy. like, really clingy. practically chasing after the other mers if they dare come within 10ft of you kind of clingy. it’s one of those rare moments where you appreciate the fact that kaiser is there since ness is still able to be reasoned if he’s there with him. sounds a little toxic at first but just set him straight and be patient with him. the end result is (hopefully) a slightly more relaxed version of him.
“…you alright, ness?” you ask hesitantly. the merman in question is suspiciously quiet, especially after he just got into a mini spat with someone else.
now, he looks up at you as if you’re a saint which weirds you out even more. he nods his head, “are you worried about me?”
you’d think it was intended to be a snide comment, if it weren’t for the fact that you were dealing with ness here. besides, he says it so sincerely that you’d feel bad for poking fun at him. maybe later though. “of course.” it seems to light up his whole world.
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Am I the asshole for complimenting my friend behind her back?
I have 2 friends. We’re all in our 20’s. Mary* and Suzy* are both my friend but have history. I’m close to Mary even though I’ve known Suzy same amount of time, but Suzy and I have recently started to hang out more.
I know both girls aren’t giving me the full drama what happen when I ask. Basically they use to be friends and then Suzy ghosted Mary. Suzy told me they were friends, but Mary started using her as a a punching bag and Suzy let it go on for too long and no longer wanted to be her friend. She didn’t offer repair of their relationship because she thought the friendship had runned its course. What I don’t know is what was Mary doing? Like what are some examples. Mary tells me Suzy just stopped talking to her one day and started hanging out with more “sucessful” people. Suzy has always been an extrovert while Mary likes to stay in more.
Anyway I’ve been hanging out with Suzy a lot. She often accommodates me (drives me, or pays for the Uber) she’ll often buy my meal. Suzy also has a lot of good anxiety advice which I was suprised about and she’s a good listener. It makes me sad that she doesn’t like Mary because I think Mary does need someone like Suzy in her life. I know Suzy has a little more deeper feelings than just “we were done so I just left” because it seems like reconnection is not an option. I just feel like Suzy doesn’t want to paint Mary in a bad light because she knows Mary and I are friends.
I have mentioned reconnection but Suzy always declines. Mary secretly not out right but has expressed she wouldn’t mind reconnecting with Suzy. Shes said “maybe we should all get together sometime.” Shell ask if Suzy talks about her (she doesn’t).
I was able to get them together a few times for a few events. Suzy was very surface level with her just asking her how she is but not getting deep. Mary had actual said a few passive things about herself and Suzy. Suzy wouldn’t respond to the passive aggressive to herself or she would say something postive about Mary when Mary was self deprecating.
At my last event Suzy got drunk and Mary had offered to drive her home since Mary was sober. It was like Mary had genuinely wanted to talk to her alone and maybe clear the air. Suzy declined her offer four times (she was getting an Uber)
After that event Suzy had told me she doesn’t really want to see Mary and I asked her why and she said she just doesn’t like being around her. I tried to pry a little more and Suzy just told me she very much values my friendship but doesn’t want to hangout with Mary.
Mary has actually been mad that Suzy didn’t accept her car ride offer home. Mary was mad that Suzy would rather pay an overpriced cab than spend a 20 minute car ride with her. That I understood. But then Mary started going deeper saying that Suzy isn’t smart with her money and has always been stuck up, that she would rather Suzy be hateful to her face and not behind her back, and that Suzy is just a coward.
I felt bad because I know Mary has unresolved feelings about Suzy, but I realized that Suzy had probably been keeping the peace for me.
My next hang out with Mary she was digging into Suzy’s character saying she drinks too much and partied too much. I told Mary she doesn’t give Suzy enough credit, Suzy is very understanding and kind and generous and that her partying and drinking doesn’t make her a bad person. Mary went quiet.
Mary didn’t talk to me for a week and then apologized. She said Suzy is a sore subject and that me being friends with her is hard because she wishes she could ask me not to be friends with her but won’t because Suzy does make me happy and it seems like Suzy isn’t actively out to ruin our friendship. She doesn’t want to hear about Suzy when we’re together.
I feel bad because it wasn’t until early in my reconnection with Suzy I knew she was a sore spot for Mary. I thought if I got them together they could be friends again, but the more Suzy backs away the more Mary gets angry, and I don’t know whose really justified since they both don’t tell me full stories. But I also feel like I really triggered Mary when I defended Suzy because I had known she felt rough about that rejection and I just didn’t let her vent on it .
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sheikfangirl · 1 day
Since you're the Queen of Puppet Zelda, what are your thoughts on these possible explanations for her level of autonomy?
Is Puppet Zelda merely made of Gloom and acts as a physical extension of Gannondorf himself so he has a set of eyes, ears, and hands that can travel and exert influence outside of his perch in the Depths, but as a higher quality puppet/projection (and therefore more taxing on his power to maintain) than the Gloom Hands and Phantom Gannons? Or is she a separate being entirely, created by him, but given her own agency, mind, and will to make her own decisions, in so far as she's still a slave to doing Gannondorf's bidding? She doesn't need constant effort on his part to control or exist, but would have probably cost him a chunk of his power upfront to create.
Could she be something else?
First, let's rectify one thing: I am NOT the Queen of Puppet Zelda. Puppet Zelda IS MY QUEEN. (But thanks for the compliment, I am blushing over here 🤭)
Secondly, thank you so much for your interest in my HC. I will happily share my thoughts on this criminally underused character that has drama written all over. This is an overview okay because I feel I could write a freakin thesis paper on Puppet Zelda 
Quick note: I am not pretending to be right or to have the absolute truth. This is my headcanon, the backstory in the back of my mind when I draw my Puppet Zelda art.
All headcanons are valid, games are interactive media, and the relationship and connections one has with a game are personal.
As you might know, English is not my first language and  visual support helps me explain things... so I made a graphic. I hope this will help understand my take of this character and why I love her so much🤣🤷‍♀️
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In a nutshell:
I think Puppet Zelda is an independent minion created by Ganondorf using his magic powers. He created a shell in Zelda's image from 10 000 years ago to do his bidding and re-used her 10 000 years later to distract Link to buy himself the time to regenerate to full power.
Exhibit A: Ganondorf's Magic
If Ganondorf can spawn a whole list of monsters and gloom hands, he created Puppet Zelda too. The monsters are not continually controlled by Ganondorf, right? They do his bidding, they do what they were "programmed & designed" for, we might even say. I think it's the same for Puppet Zelda. But she is definitely a more defined and complex creation.
Exhibit B: The Hot henchwoman trope
I am not gonna lie: This is one of my very favorite tropes.... EVER! I always fall for the hot henchwomen. Ganon's quote from the glorious Sanctum scene during  the "Crisis at Hyrule Castle" scene makes me absolutely think she is indeed autonomous. "Did my puppet distract you?" Ganondorf asks Link in that chilling and subtext filled scene.
Puppet Zelda had one objective: To distract Link.
Ganon was busy regenerating. Having to control or act through someone would've been too power consuming. I don't buy it's a manifestation of him. AT ALL. so...yeah. hot henchwoman trope. Also, I'm a lesbian and I have no interest whatsoever in Ganondorf. ....HOT HENCHWOMAN TROPE SUPREMACY!! Yep. Fanservice for me.
Exhibit C: Real Zelda's Angst
This is where it's getting twistingly FUN.
This is an HC I assimilated like a borg from my ZHS buddy @kazraza  Her theory is so ***** angsty and delicious and I love it! 
At the time of King Rauru and Queen Sonia, Ganondorf created a pawn with Zelda's appearance so that it could get close to them and attack.
Then, in order to distract Link 10 000 years later, Ganondorf had to "refine" his weapon. He needed "data and real Zelda knowledge" uploaded into Puppet Zelda to ensure her credibility and the success of her mission. He wanted to make sure she could distract Link and trick him. 
And where did all this personal knowledge of Real Zelda's innermost intimate thoughts and insecurities come from, you may ask?
Well from the real Zelda herself of course!!
But when and where was this data collected?
We believe all of Zelda's Angst was leached directly from her during her 100 years mystic battle containing Calamity Ganon in this Malice Cocoon in Breath of the Wild. *GASP* Puppet Zelda was there all along in Breath of the Wild....absorbing all of Zelda's angst!!!
This is why everyone was confused and tricked by Puppet Zelda in TotK. This is why Puppet Zelda asks Link if he remembers their time at Hyrule Castle: she has Zelda's pre-calamity memories. And why Link is so tortured in my art: I really like to think there is a part of real Zelda inside Puppet Zelda. Her dark side: Her anger, her cockiness, her jealousy, her selfishness... her desire. 
She is also kind of Zelda's answer to Dark Link.
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Alright I wrote enough for tonight. To whoever took precious minutes of their lives to read this well...thank you! I am now moving on with my life too 🤣
For more HC about Puppet Zelda, her powers and influences, this should be all covered in future art
(i hope)
Cheers!! And glory to Puppet Zelda ✋
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torialefay · 1 day
maybe this is too niche but the most random thoughts keep popping into my head?? idk but i must share them.
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these are the types of doctors i think stray kids would be, based on different doctors' stereotypes (from the pov of a medical student):
chan: sports medicine 🏀⚽️
• description: physicians with training in areas related to treating and preventing injuries and health issues associated with sports, exercise, or strenuous physical activity
• stereotype: athlete-turned-doctor. the less extreme brother of the orthopedic specialists. get to meet a wide range of people and are well-liked. very passionate about sports and physical health. dress really nice and know their ass looks great in their tight pants. probably has memorized all the stats of their favorite teams. ACTUALLY very intelligent and not just a meat head.
minho: forensic pathologist 🩸
• description: subspecialist in pathology whose area of special competence is the examination of persons who die suddenly, unexpectedly or violently. The forensic pathologist is an expert in determining cause and manner of death.
• stereotype: honestly just leave them tf alone. they just wanna do their thing... without you there, just come find them when they've figured it out. nice but also scarred forever. a little fucked up in the head but much needed. no one understands how they're able to do their job tbh. able to conjure up the most morbid situations. kinda freaky but in a respected way. you should be concerned if they stare at you for too long.
changbin: orthopedist (aka orthopedic surgeon aka "ortho bro") 🦴
• description: medical specialist who focuses on injuries and diseases affecting your musculoskeletal system (bones, muscles, joints and soft tissues). although this type of doctor is a surgeon, they often help people get relief with nonsurgical therapies.
• stereotype: the "bro"est of the bros. always talking about their new workout routine or equipment with the other ortho bros. will out-eat you any day of the week. probably has a hot spouse. will be blasting their workout playlist for hours on end in the operating room. honestly just want to do surgeries so they can play with the tools. could fight off an entire army with the amount of protein powder they consume on the daily.
hyunjin: dermatologist 💉
• description: medical doctor who specializes in conditions that affect the skin, hair, and nails.
• stereotype: distinguished and better than you. better than everyone else. can be nice, but can also be cold depending in the person. only uses the best hair products. the specialty is very competitive, but you're 99% sure they got in with pretty privilege. owns 7 cars, but their sunday car is their favorite. sells $90 moisturizer at the check-in counter. most definitely is also certified in botox and filler and will give you a discount on your injections if you compliment them enough.
han: psychiatrist 💆🏻
• description: medical doctor who can prescribe, direct, or administer psychotherapeutic treatments or medications to treat mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders.
• stereotype: actually does give a fuck about you. you can tell them the most fucked up shit and they honestly will not be surprised in the slightest. quirky to a fault. knows how to make you feel special. very #relatable. sacrifices their own mental health for the sake of yours. cannot do math. just wants world peace. mentally diagnoses everyone they meet with a personality disorder.
felix: gynecologist 👛
• description: physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases of the female reproductive system.
• stereotype: will be kind to you and work for the promotion of women's health. never makes you feel uncomfortable and tries to make you feel more secure in an environment that can seem scary. has very expensive bags. their children are very successful, but in a humble way. emotionally intelligent. wishes they had more time to bake. an advocate. seem sweet, but if you cross them, they can drag you through the absolute mud. may or may not have a rhinestone cup collection.
seungmin: general surgeon 🔪
• description: doctor and surgeon who’s trained to diagnose and manage a broad array of medical conditions before, during, and after surgery (preoperative, operative and postoperative care), often as leaders of a team.
• stereotype: literally just trying to get you cut open, close you up, and leave. has 27 different playlists to listen to in the operating room. may or may not flirt with the other staff. got this job bc they cannot handle people telling them what to do. will humble you so quickly. other besties are also surgeons. has very niche interests. weird sense of humor that not everyone gets but they still have to laugh because they are scared of him.
innie: neurologist 🧠
• description: medical doctor who diagnoses, treats and manages disorders of the brain and nervous system.
• stereotype: a little peculiar, but very smart. takes a long time to get an appointment with them. probably thinks you are a little dumb, but tries to be nice anyways. hard to make friends. has an amplitude of medications that they are legally not supposed to have. their children are most definitely overachievers. would not trust you to bring an important dish to the potluck. has the cutest shoes. dabbles in unexpected kinks.
(descriptions gotten from various websites hehe)
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lostyesterday · 2 days
My top ten favorite B7 scenes
B’Elanna/Seven is my current favorite Star Trek ship, so I wanted to make a list of my personal favorite scenes featuring the two of them in Voyager. These scenes aren’t necessarily good (although I do think some of them are), and they’re not necessarily the scenes that provide the best “evidence” for B7 as a ship (which isn’t something I care about all that much to be honest). These are just the scenes that I personally enjoyed and have thought about the most.
10. Someone to Watch Over Me
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This episode is terrible, but given how much I’ve thought about this particular scene, I couldn’t not include it. This is the Voyager scene that most clearly demonstrates how obsessed Seven is with B’Elanna and particularly with her romantic relationships. To me personally, this screams oblivious gay crush taking the form of jealous obsession. Obviously, B’Elanna is right and Seven is stepping way out of line here. This is probably the worst thing Seven ever did to B’Elanna and she’s so justified in being mad about it.
9. Survival Instinct
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I really enjoy this scene because it’s an example of both B’Elanna and Seven trying to change the adversarial nature of their relationship. B’Elanna is trying to help Seven here even though she has difficulty with her. Seven immediately regrets her defensive response to B’Elanna’s attempted helpfulness. I think it’s interesting to see how the two of them have fallen into a pattern, responding defensively to each other because they’re used to their dynamic being adversarial, when they both theoretically have the capacity to understand each other better than most other people understand either of them.
8. Infinite Regress
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The infamous cheek bite scene. Is this scene good? No, probably not. Has it lived in my head rent free since I originally saw it? Yes, absolutely. Technically, you could call this the only intentionally sexually coded Seven/B’Elanna scene in the show. Mostly, the thing I can’t stop thinking about is the two of them joking about it afterward. B’Elanna jokingly asking if this qualifies as their second date… I will think about that line forever.
7. The Voyager Conspiracy
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I love everything about this. Seven immediately calling B’Elanna as soon as she thinks she’s found a problem with the ship’s systems regardless of how early it is in the morning. The tone of B’Elanna’s response implying this probably isn’t the first time this has happened. B’Elanna actually investigating the problem even though she’s rightfully irritated at Seven for being so annoying. I love them.
6. Course: Oblivion
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It’s so, so easy to interpret this scene as Seven being jealous of Tom’s relationship with B’Elanna. Me when the person I have a crush on just got married: Monogamy is stupid, and it would make way more sense and be better if everyone (you) would have sex with anyone they want to, whenever (me, right now).
5. Human Error
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Ignoring my issues with this episode, it’s so interesting how one of Seven’s major attempts to become “more human” is to try to connect to B’Elanna in this way. I think she chose B’Elanna here because she’s someone Seven genuinely wants to connect with at this point in the series, but she still struggles with how to make that connection. Also, I cannot stop thinking about Seven thinking in detail about how B’Elanna does her hair. Given the rest of the scene, I think it makes sense to say that she didn’t choose this question/compliment/terrible flirtation randomly and has genuinely just admired B’Elanna’s hair a lot. Which sure is something. And of course I love B’Elanna’s confusion here. She can tell Seven’s trying really hard to be nice, which is so not like Seven that she can hardly believe it.
4. Message in a Bottle
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I love how these two scenes represent both the adversarial tension between B’Elanna and Seven, and the potential ways they could relate to and understand each other with time. B’Elanna is clearly deeply frustrated with Seven, and yet she still tries to explain to Seven why people (not just B’Elanna) are reacting negatively to her. And B’Elanna can obviously relate to being perceived by others as rude, which makes her statement that she doesn’t expect Seven to change overnight, with the subtext that she understands deeply how difficult this situation is for Seven too, really fascinating. Seven initially appearing to ignore B’Elanna and then later saying thank you to her compliment is also great. Also, B’Elanna’s reaction to Seven shocking that guy is so fun.
3. Extreme Risk
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This is a short interaction, but it’s so interesting. Seven initially tries to engage in their ordinary adversarial back and forth, but when B’Elanna doesn’t respond in the typical way, immediately asks if something is wrong. I love that Seven is the first person in the episode to notice that there’s something wrong with B’Elanna. It’s so interesting that Seven seems almost disturbed by the lack of any hostility in B’Elanna’s responses and by B’Elanna immediately putting Seven in charge of something she was going to do. I think that, in a way, Seven has grown comfortable with her adversarial dynamic with B’Elanna because it’s familiar. Maybe B’Elanna has grown comfortable with it to, to a certain extent, and her lack of willingness to engage in the typical verbal sparring of their relationship in this episode comes from the same place as her lack of desire to participate in the normal routines of her other relationships. I guess I’m suggesting here that maybe Seven and B’Elanna are both more important to each other than the show explicitly portrays.
2. Hope and Fear
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The iconic “we’ll be outcasts together” scene. This is probably the single scene that best illustrates the parallels between Seven and B’Elanna – how both of them have been treated like outcasts and deep down expect to continue to be outcasts forever. How both of them feel deeply ambivalent about belonging – desiring it desperately and yet pushing away from it because they believe they can never have it. Also, B’Elanna’s defensive excuse that she was “joking” two seconds after she realizes she was accidentally way too vulnerable is so good.
1. Imperfection
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Thinking about this scene makes me want to scream incoherently, but I’ll try to summarize my main thoughts concisely and analytically. This is probably the scene where B’Elanna and Seven genuinely connect and relate to each other most strongly. B’Elanna understands better than anyone else in this episode what Seven needs, and Seven trusts B’Elanna of all people to ask these questions to, to be vulnerable with in this way. B’Elanna saying that Seven’s made an impact on every member of the crew is… a lot. B’Elanna truly listening to Seven here and understanding what it is that’s bothering her and saying the exact right thing in response. The whole framing of this scene with the close-up shots on faces, the softness in B’Elanna’s voice. Fuck.
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moonydustx · 2 days
hey! how are you?
so, I've feeling kinda of pretty bad lately, and today I tried to bake a cake to my bf and his family and I half burned the cake and burned my hand on the process, so now I'm feeling like crap and my hand it's hurting like hell :')
could you please, if you want of course, write something similar to Sanji and fem reader? With a lot of comfort please? Your writting always comfort me, so thanks <3
hope you're good.
heey! First of all: I really hope you're feeling better! I think your request is so sweet, it's one of the things I can see Sanji doing. Despite all this womanizing side of him, I see him being a very sweet boyfriend.
I hope you like it and thank you very much for appreciating my work <3
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Comments, reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated.
The Cake
Sanji x F!Reader
warnings: just our dear F!Reader trying to cheer Sanji's spirits with food and having some incidents.
glossary: Ma belle - my beauty/my pretty, Mon coeur - my heart, amour - love (yes, I have him speaking French in this one because it's incredibly delicious to me)
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Some days felt heavier than the next. Sometimes you just wanted to hide, or just avoid talking to anyone. This same maxim would apply to anyone, including Sanji.
You had noticed your boyfriend was feeling down the last few days, you just didn't know why. The times you asked, he would let the question fade away with some other compliment or conversation, avoiding the main topic.
Could something be wrong with you? No, impossible. Even discouraged, Sanji continued to treat you like the most precious thing his eyes could have seen. It should be something different. Maybe it wouldn't make him say what hurt him, but an idea that crossed your mind could help cheer him up.
The first step was to ensure that you were left to look after the ship while the others explored the island and he seemed to want to complicate that part.
"Ma belle, are you sure you don't want to go? I can stay." Sanji proposed and saw you vehemently deny it."
"Do not even think about it." you turned him around by the shoulders, guiding him to the outside of the Sunny. "You already have the shopping list and you're the cook."
"Okay." He found the behavior strange, but he didn't want to bother you with thoughts lost in his head. "I promise to come back soon!"
"Don't worry about that either." tiptoeing, you reached his cheek and placed a quick kiss. "Enjoy the day."
As soon as he left the ship, you started to put your plan into practice. Going through some books in the small library - which were mostly books for Robin and Chopper - you could find a copy of recipes. You knew some more basic cooking dishes, a cake was not included in it.
Remembering what you had seen Sanji do countless times for countless dishes, the first thing you did was separate ingredient by ingredient, quantity by quantity. Flour, eggs, baking powder, chocolate. It was impossible for a chocolate cake not to bring at least a little joy to him.
Dirtying a lot more dishes than you expected and spreading twice as much flour around the kitchen as you actually used in the recipe, you soon managed to put the dough on a small plate and then in the oven, crossing your fingers that it would work. The baking time passed quickly and you could see the cake rise through the glass.
"What are you doing?" Sanji's voice startled you, placing some bags on the table, he seemed genuinely curious. "It smells good."
"It's a little surprise for you, it's practically ready." you moved away from him, motioning for his arms to wrap around your waist.
"What did I do to deserve such a surprise?"
"Besides being a fantastic boyfriend, I've seen you a little sad." You said it clearly, you didn't provide reasons that prevent you from taking the information to him. "I'll understand if you don't want the cake or talk about it."
"Mon coeur, don't worry about me, really." the taste of cigarettes didn't bother you when his lips touched yours. "I swear this has nothing to do with you."
"Still, that doesn't stop me from wanting to see you happy, doesn't it?" he just agreed, you're letting go. "I'll go see our cake."
As soon as you were late opening the oven, the first thing that bothered you was the immediate hot breath in your face, but the cake looked beautiful. Under Sanji's watchful and caring gaze, you can feel the trust placed within you.
Confidence enough to simply forget about wearing any kind of gloves and place both hands straight onto the hot board. Your scream was the thing that brought Sanji back to reality.
"Shit!" you fell into a sitting position, the cake sliding down and stopping between your legs. "I can't believe I did that."
"Calm down, love." Sanji immediately - and wearing gloves - first took the cake and placed it on the top of the stove. Soon, he grabbed you under the arms and lifted you to your feet. His eyes met yours on the verge of tears. "Let me see."
"It hurts." Your voice came out much more sly than you expected, the burning sensation spread across both palms of your hand.
"I know babe, let me see, okay?" he asked gently, taking your wrists gently. "That was a bit ugly, we need to add water first."
With one hand gently holding both of your wrists and the other guiding you around your waist, Sanji took you to the edge of the sink, turning on the cold water.
"It's going to bother you a little." his warning wasn’t enough to prepare you for the sensation. Out of instinct, you tried to retract your arms, but his hand held yours firmly under the current of water. "I'm so sorry, just hold on for a little while, can you do this for me?"
"How could I be so stupid?" Taking advantage of the proximity, you let your body lean towards his chest. "I'm useless."
"Don't talk about yourself like that." some kisses were distributed on the top of your head and the hand that was on your waist, caressed one of your arms. "I think it's good."
He took your hands away from the water and could notice your palms were still red. Damn, that would bother you for a few days. Without much explanation, Sanji guided you to Sunny's infirmary and placed you sitting on the stretcher, while rummaging through some drawers.
"What are you looking for?" You asked, watching him. In fact, you just didn't want to have to look at your hands.
"Chopper once said he had separated an ointment…Here!" he lifted the small tube and walked towards you. "They're for burns. I'm going to pass them and then I need you to be a little more careful with your hands, what do you think mon coeur?"
With a murmur you nodded, watching him fill two fingers with the substance and lightly run them across the palm of your hand. Pausing every time he saw you squirm a little.
"You did very well." he warned as soon as he removed his fingers from your hand. "Now come here."
Intertwining part of your body with his again, Sanji guided you back to the kitchen and without any effort, placed you sitting on the counter. You watched him walk back and forth as he picked up plates, cutlery and cut the cake.
"I don't believe." you sighed in frustration, seeing that the cake had turned out much less soft than you expected. Instead of giving you a plate, Sanji placed a generous portion on a single plate. He took the first bite and prepared another. "It must be horrible."
"It's not horrible, amour, it's quite the opposite." he insisted and tasted the piece of cake once again. "Try it."
Opening your mouth and accepting the piece he offered you, you tasted the cake. It wasn't bad, actually. But it was far from what you had expected, especially visually.
"Cakes are complicated recipes and in addition to the ingredients, they also depend a lot on the temperature, how you open the oven and even the weather." a smile dared to cross your lips as you reveled in seeing Sanji explain with so much wisdom. "I bet you did everything right."
Another growl came from you, this time partly out of frustration and partly because you were eating yet another piece he was offering you.
"I really loved it." He placed a light kiss on your lips. "And well, about these last few days… Sometimes I miss Baratie, sometimes I think about how everything must be there."
"I can imagine." the saddened smile indicated that Sanji was still disturbed by such a feeling. "Sanji, you know we can write to them."
"I know, it's just a feeling that appears occasionally, but it soon passes." He tried to look excited and put the cake aside, fitting himself between your legs hanging on the counter. "Especially when I look at you, when I imagine everything we are and what we can be."
"I love you amour" You tried to bring your hand to his face, but the groan of pain came out automatically.
"And about that, young lady, can we make a deal?" he asked and you immediately agreed. "You will keep an eye on that hand and let me take care of and pamper you, no complaints."
"Sounds interesting to me."
"And once you get better, I can teach you a few things about cakes, what do you think?" your smile gave more than any other answer Sanji could have expected. "I love you and you will always be my favorite cook."
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grison-in-space · 1 day
Hey! Not trying to keep an annoying conversation going but I wanted to say I super appreciate your rebuttal on the ARA stuff, it was a really good clear summary. Particularly glad you brought up the "nothing with us without us" thing because that tendency in ARA circles to treat animal liberation as the Same Thing as liberating marginalised humans, who can speak for them-fucking-selves, is so upsetting and overtly dehumanising and it's really valuable to see that pointed out. It's also so connected to the move towards tankie or fascist rhetoric, because it so strongly relies on a paternalistic view of exploited people as passive recievers of harm and charity. Anyway sorry I'm a bit ill and rambly but I really appreciated the clarity of your takes is what I wanted to say.
No worries, the boundary I wanted to set was more "I'm not interested in repeating that I know full well what ARA ideology is and how that hooks into veganism, and I'm not a captive audience." I'm happy to have conversations, including with people I disagree with; I am not happy to have to repeatedly explain the same thing that has, again, been my consistent experience for nigh on twenty years of interacting with the community. This is not that, so. Thank you for the compliment.
The paternalism is such a huge factor. It reminds me very much of benevolent sexism (as opposed to hostile sexism), and rings all the same alarm bells. It really, really, really reminds me of the way Autism Speaks talks about autistic children and always has.
If animals don't have language (and they largely don't) and if they communicate in ways that might be non-intuituve to a human (and they often do), surely it's incumbent on us as humans to decode the meaning of the signals they are sending in order to understand how to ethically interact with one another. Communication, after all, can happen perfectly well in the absence of language. And yet.
There's also just so little understanding and interest in the reality of what the consequences of "freedom" for animals living in captivity actually are and can be; consider for example Flaco the eagle owl who escaped into NYC, as @why-animals-do-the-thing covered last year. For a species that is notoriously reliant on our social structures and learned skill sets to survive, you'd think we could handle this better. But I see an awful lot of animal rights activists who seem to think that successfully releasing animals into the wild—freeing them from human control—is just a matter of one heartwarming video where the animal steps out of the cage and immediately locks its new job as an independent forager into place. It isn't.
I am also just straight up not convinced that freedom in the sense of being on your own and able to do whatever you want is all that great. I have spent my entire life boldly going where no one has gone before. It kind of sucks, actually. On the other hand, as a neurodivergent person personally I do a lot of structuring my choices with an eye to Past Me pissing off Current Me because I know Future Me will appreciate it. I can devise my own structures to let me successfully do that ... or I can just outsource the enforcing to a third party with opinions, which is something I sometimes need to do badly enough to purchase and train an entire stupid dog about it, because asking other humans to do it is relationally expensive. Sometimes having external structures that keep me from doing dumb things when the impulses get me is good actually.
And I mean, I'm a biologist. I went a little viral here a few years ago for being silly and describing what acacia trees do to try to fight off their greatest enemy: the mighty but terrifying giraffe. I know how plants engage their agency as dramatically and persistently as any animal; they're just sessile, so they do everything without the ability to get up and go. They are, however, no less active or opinionated a participant in the ecological chaos of the world than any other kingdom. To say nothing of fungi! To live is, unless you have chloroplasts, to consume. And even an awful lot of chloroplast-bearing species engage in a little heterotrophy now and again.
So like. Why should I think that eating plants is necessarily any more ethical than eating animals? Why does ARA-driven veganism think that increasingly processed and modified diets that camouflage and hide our connection to our food as part of the natural world that, yes, we also live in? Why do we hide from the complexity and the small grief of life, the shadow of death that has to come for there to be any room to change? One day, I too will die, and something will consume me unless I choose instead to be consumed by fire itself. That's carbon, baby!
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delusionalwings · 22 hours
Hey there! Can I request yandere Simeon and Belphie (and maybe Barbs?) (I don't know your character limit yet as I've seen one of your works liked your writing opened blog seen reqs opened and now am typing this-) so uhh, you can choose one of these :>
Them(yanderes) with a famous IDOL Darling☆
― synopsis -> with a famous idol darling
― characters -> simeon, belphie
― gender neutral reader
― headcanons
― warnings -> yandere content, mentions of kidnapping, murder
― notes -> i might do a part 2 if someone wants :")
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He was extremely proud of you. He had an entire shrine of your goods that nobody knew about. There was not a show he had missed. The sparkle in your eyes while you performed was angelic to say the least. He was hooked on it. You had pushed him to make his cooking healthier to accommodate your needs. He loved you so much more for helping him improve.
It was just another day of him thinking about new recipes when you entered.
"What? Someone called you fat and ugly?"
Did Simeon hear that right?
You sighed, "Yes... I feel a little down. I am sorry, Simeon but I think I'm going to take a rain check on your cookies. Maybe some other day when I am in the mood."
You kissed him on the cheek and tried your best to smile but unlike on the stage, it came off as halfhearted.
Who were you trying to fool, sunshine? He was perfectly in tune with your moods.
The entire morning was spent baking those cookies. Staring at them now, he felt rage boil inside. Not at you. Never at you!
You sounded so... exhausted, so broken.
Let's see if they can tolerate the level of verbal abuse you were faced with every day. Would they break if they had to follow your diet, shout till their throat hurt and stand the majority of the day? He would show your videos to them and if they dared fall asleep, he would kick them awake. No rest for them. No joy for them. A continuous cycle of pain.
How could he just sit and do nothing?
He was your guardian angel. Your good luck charm. Your protector. He must eliminate every danger that came your way.
His wrath must engulf those bastards. He would find those scums and teach them a lesson. They needed to understand how difficult your life was. Daily practice with hardly any cheat days was exhausting. Having to smile and hide behind a mask and not being able to express yourself because of the brand. Which part of it sounded easy? How could they even proclaim to like you as an idol when they couldn't respect you. They needed to be taught basic respect.
They needed to live it in extreme mode. If they cried, he would remind them that nobody cared to hear the voice of useless scum like them.
Whatever motif you might have started out with, your current image was of an idol whose fans disappeared mysteriously after a meet-and-greet with you. Somehow your agency came up with a brilliant idea to use that to their advantage and now your fan base had expanded. Mystery lovers were attracted to you because of the 'ghost' stories and rumors surrounding you.
A lot changed since you started out on the stage and gained popularity but nobody seemed to wonder how you felt. That was until one fine day Belphie decided to learn your point of view while you cuddled him.
"Well," you started, "I just... I worry if the rumors are true. I understand the need for publicity in the industry but I hope nobody is actually hurt."
Belphie sleepily reassured you. Don't worry about matters out of your control. A menacing glint had appeared in his eyes at the sudden rush of memories.
Why they were worse than just hurt! What else did they expect when those 'fans' touched you, shook hands with you, clicked pictures with you, complimented you and professed their undying love for you? All in front of Belphie. You didn't expect him to turn a blind eye to them right? He could have been only too glad to dump their rotting bodies in front of their house but he refrained. He didn't want the number of your fans to dwindle because of worse rumors.
Ah! His mood soured. He turned towards you and kissed you softly.
"Let's not talk about it now. Come sleep with me."
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forbebeandjam · 1 day
could you do a bada lee x dancer!reader story where reader is a kuudere and bada is shy towards her please?🙏🙏
Poker Face Lover | Bada Lee x Fem Reader | fluff
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Summary: Bada is head over heels for the Kuudere dancer.
Word Count: 1.3k
Bada’s Point of view
A/N: hopefully it’s to your liking☺️
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My entire life my mother had talked to me about love. A kind of love you only find once in a lifetime. I looked at my classmates and no one really caught my eye, at least not in that sense.
As I grew and got older, I began dating. The boys were sweet but they weren't what I was looking for...
Girls... it felt good dating them but somehow I would choose the cheating ones. That was until I reached high school and I met her.
Lim Y/N. She was the definition of perfection for me. Her tall figure and long dark hair captivated me. She would never smile but when she danced... she would have so many gorgeous facial expressions. Never a smile.
"Bada!" I heard a loud voice.
"Here!" I said.
"We took names thirty minutes ago. It's your turn to dance," the teacher said making my face turn a red shade.
"Let's choose your partner. Um... Lim Y/N, come one up," she said.
I froze in my spot as my breath hit stuck in my throat and I started to cough. Lusher hit my back and pushed me to the center of the room where I stumbled as I bumped into Y/N's figure.
"Sorry..." I said.
"Alright, you two. Start!"
I cleared my throat. She turned to look at me but she didn't smile. A faint blush painted my cheeks as she got closer. She placed her hand on my waist and I had to try my best to hold in my emotions. 
Dancing waltz with her felt strange. I am a hip-hop and pop dancer. She is a ballroom and waacking dancer yet somehow, our bodies seemed to be more in sync and complimenting each other.
The song played softly and I allowed her to take the lead. I threw my head back and with every spin I found myself lost in my delusion world where I could go up to her and tell her how I really feel.
"Good job! Bada, you are getting so much better. This will be your partner for the rest of this semester," The teacher said. I bowed and walked off without realizing Y/N was following behind me. 
"Bada," I froze at the voice and slowly turned around. 
"Sorry. I know I messed up. I understand if you want to switch partners," I said and bowed apologetically. 
"No... um... I got this for you. I heard you like grape juice. I'll see you around," She placed the juice box in my hands and walked away without a single emotion on her face. 
"What was that?" Lusher said as she sipped on her coffee cup. 
"Y/N said she got this for me," I held the juice box to my chest and looked up to see Y/N's figure fading away. 
"Lucky you. You get to dance with your long-time crush. Your... perfect girl," Lusher said in a mocking voice and I pushed her arm. 
As the days went by, I tried to avoid Y/N. Sure, she was my crush but... she still intimidated me. She was too good to be true. 
Of course being partners, this would be nearly impossible. Finals rolled around and the final project was to choreograph a two-minute ballroom dance to any song. 
"Tatter is the perfect partner! I can't wait to dance with her all night!" Lusher said as she shook my arm. 
I was looking down at the floor trying to figure out how on earth I would manage to do this with Y/N. I felt Lusher pull my arm but I didn't stop my tracks until I collided with someone. 
"Sorry," I mumbled and looked up. A knot was created in my throat when my eyes locked with her. 
"Oh, it's you. Let's go to dinner. What about five?" Y/N said. I looked at Lusher who was smiling ear to ear. 
"I... um... I can't. I have an exam at that time and I-" I stuttered stupidly. I could never speak properly when she would look at me with those damn eyes. Those cold and emotionless eyes. 
"Y/N, we are going to be late for our Korean exam!" her friend Audrey said. 
"Right. So, what time?" She said turning back to me.
"Seven. She said seven," Lusher chimed in for me. 
"Great. I'll pick you up at seven. You have my number so send me your address. See you," Y/N said and walked away. 
"Bada! Did that just happen?" Lusher said. 
"What just happened?" I said looking at Y/N's figure walking away. 
"You have a date with Y/N at seven. I have to get you ready. Let's go!" Lusher said, dragging me away by the arm. 
After taking my exam she dragged me into her room. She pulled out several pieces of clothing from her closet and had them on the bed. 
"This jacket... these pants and... OH!" she ran to her roommate's closet and pulled out a tank top. 
"Now, makeup. Sit..." she pointed at her chair. 
"Am I a dog now?" I said and she just glared. After fixing my hair and makeup, she told me to get dressed and sent me on my way down the stairs.
I saw Y/N leaning on the wall holding a lighter in her hand. I also slipped not looking at my steps but made it safely and stood before her. Her stare was intense and almost made me tear up. 
"You look... um," 
"Is it too much? I told Lusher she was overdoing it. I'll go change-" I was about to turn around when she held my arm. 
"You look pretty. Let's go," she held my hand making me blush and hide my face inside my jacket. 
We shortly arrived at a park and walked to a picnic set up. I looked around confused but she invited me to sit down. 
"Do you like it? I prepared it myself," Her poker face never faded. 
"You!?" I placed my hands over my mouth when I realized how loud I had been. She just stared at me. I rubbed my nape before speaking. 
"Sorry. You don't seem like the type to put a picnic like this together. No offense," I said. My face was burning up from the embarrassment and nervousness. 
"None taken. I know I can be... intimidating. I seem to have no emotions or the proper words to speak to people so Audrey usually does the talking but... I am human. I feel just like everyone else. I was never taught how to express my emotions, I guess," she said and I smiled at her words. 
"I understand. Thank you for inviting me here to talk about our project," I said. 
"That's not why I did this," she said and I looked at her as I tilted my head.
"I invited you here because I like you. I wanted to ask you if you wanted to date me... be my girlfriend. You are the only girl besides Audrey that has been willing to talk to me and... I would like to get to know you better," she said. 
I covered my mouth to prevent a gasp from escaping my lips repeating in my head 'Lee Bada, control yourself' but as much as I tried, tears still managed to escape my eyes.  
"Hey, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. You can just say no and we can go back," she said with her eyes diverted from me. I got closer to her and wrapped my arms around her softly. 
I felt her arm go around my waist and she relaxed into my embrace. I decided to break the hug and her face was tainted with a soft share of pink. Her eyes fluttered and I smiled. 
"I'll take that as a yes. Thank you, Bada," she said. I kissed her cheek and a soft, almost invisible grin formed on her lips. 
"Is that a smile I see?" I said. 
"No," she said as she looked away. 
"You're cute," I said and continued to talk and eat peacefully under the soft lighting and the moonlight. 
The perfect night with my porker face love...
Thank you for reading 🩵
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impassociate · 1 day
Do you have a favorite part of the blitzfizz dynamic?
Okay so.
I'm a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE sucker for childhood friends to lovers. It's my favorite trope of all time, so both Stolitz and Blitzfizz are ships that make me go "Oh hell yeah that's my SHIT."
One-sided pining is also a plus, even if it ended in tragedy.
But personality-wise, I'd have to say they compliment one another well. They play off one another whether they're being hostile or chummy in a way that's like 'Oh yeah, you know one another inside and out'. And I find that appealing. Like even if it's been 15 years and they've both changed SO MUCH as people for better or worse, they understand each other.
I also think it's a bonus that, if you accept all the looks that Blitz gives Fizz and some of the shit he says and does, he's still down bad. Maybe not in a 'I want a relationship' way but in a 'Yeah I still like you a lot' kinda way.
At least that's what I think.
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nerves-nebula · 29 days
never understood the desire to become a Pretty Girl when the option of being a Foul Disgusting Ugly Girl is literally right there. "but if I do that thing I'll be ugly" YIPPEE!!!!! YAYYY!!! I CANT IMAGINE A WORSE EXISTENCE THAN CHANGING YOURSELF TO BE SEEN AS BEAUTIFUL INSTEAD OF FINDING THE PEOPLE WHO ARE STUNNED BY THE WAY YOU EXPRESS WHO YOU GENUINELY ARE!!
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uncanny-tranny · 7 months
Another bonus to learning a fiber art is being able to speak to others in a Lovecraftian language that nobody else understands...
...and also being able to read things like THIS:
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