#i got carried away and this ended up not being quick lmao
wastemanjohn · 1 year
use a photo on your phone camera roll and write a quick scene/hc for it
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well, this turned into a monster.
johndeanna, sam pov; 6k words, mature; cw discussions of character death, incest. unedited.
Sam has to keep himself busy, otherwise he’s gonna lose his mind.
Not that he isn’t already. Not that he’s even pushing any pretence of keeping it together, what with that last fight with Dad playing a constant live loop in his head, that code alarm ringing in his ears like tinnitus, phantom smells from the burning pyre lingering constantly under his nose. And that's to say nothing of Deanna, stone-faced and vacant, unreachable under the hood of the Impala. Yeah - that alone, Deanna's distance, her denial, is enough to make Sam feel certifiable.
So Sam keeps himself occupied, because there's really nothing else he can do right now. And besides - someone has to start the process of going through Dad's stuff.
Dad's truck's been sitting at the far end of the salvage yard for a couple of weeks, untouched and unspoken of since Bobby sent someone out to collect it from Nebraska. Tucked away where no one can see it; but Sam can’t forget that it’s there. Can feel its presence like Dad’s ghost, which is unsettling a thought as anything else. 
Someone really, really needs to deal with this, alright.
The trees around the yard rustle in the wind, and Sam can feel the budding Autumn chill on the back of his neck. Bobby will probably scrap the truck once Sam's done with it, which is just fine with him. He and Deanna have no use for it, and the idea of selling it on, of someone else driving it, making it their own, feels kind of unbearable.
So Sam ignores that chill, and gets to work.
There's a lot of crap inside. A lot. Sam picks out all the fast food wrappers, a grimace fixed on his mouth; keeps stumbling across empty pill bottles with stolen names on the labels. He’d noticed them before, among Dad’s things, but he hadn’t wanted to give it too much thought - kinda hard not to now - and there are unwashed clothes balled up in the footwells that seem to have been festering for months.
Yeah, definitely hard, not to think about the way Dad was living. How old and exhausted he'd looked, how startling that was when Sam first laid eyes on him back in Chicago; how bad things seemed to have gotten, in the four years he’d been in California. Pretty rough, having those as his last, most live memories of Dad. Almost as rough as finding him motionless on the floor, listening to a strange, unreal voice calling time of death; nothing compared to how cold Dad’s skin felt when Sam and Deanna had laid down next to him for the last time, kissed him goodbye. Sam just can't stop remembering.
He clears out all the trash. Feels a little robotic about it, a little numb. He keeps going until the inside is dealt with; then, Sam moves to the trunk. He opens it up with a wrench, and a deep, deep breath.
Dad's duffel bag is inside. Sam stares at it for a moment or two; it's worn and stained, and there's a hole fraying around where the zip rests. It’s the same one Dad has had for years and years, all packed up and ready to return to, like Dad was just on another job or something. Like a part of him believed that would be the case; that for all the noises he made about being willing to die in the fight with the demon, Dad never truly meant it.
Sam blinks at the tears forming in his eyes. Takes another deep, deep breath. Holds it in his body as he takes the duffel out of the trunk, sets it down gently on the floor, He can't bear to go through it just yet. That's definitely a job for another day. Or maybe never.
Sam lifts up the floor of the trunk to reveal the hidden compartment underneath, just to check there's nothing else left behind. Nothing personal, at least; because for all the inside of Dad's truck was a mess, his assortment of weapons are clean, maintained and perfectly organized. Military precision, Sam thinks, with a smile that's only half-bitter. He'll need Bobby to help him get all this stuff out; it's stuff they're gonna need, after all. Something tells him it's a bad idea to ask Deanna.
His eyes idly roam glinting silver pistols, jagged blades; they could definitely use all of this. As Sam scans the little shelves tucked under the weapons tray, something else catches his attention. Something he’s never seen before; looks like a flat wooden box.
He frowns; it looks a little out of place. He reaches in to pull it out.
There's a layer of dust over the top. Sam blows on it until most of it has gone, then brushes the rest away with his hand. It feels quite light, almost like it's empty. There's nothing but a padlock holding it shut.
Sloppy, Dad, Sam thinks, with a little more scorn than he can forgive himself for. Really sloppy.
It doesn't take him long to locate a box of paperclips amongst Dad's shit. The only lock picking tool you'll ever need, he used to say, if you know how to use it right - and Sam's learned well. He gets the padlock off in less than a second. He opens the box.
Inside are three different white envelopes. Unsealed. Sam frowns again. He has no idea what these could be.
He closes the trunk, and sits down on top of it so he can take a closer look.
He pulls the first envelope out, prises it open with his thumbs. Inside is a stack of Polaroids, held together with a paperclip. Oh.
Sam holds them up. The picture on top is old, pretty faded. It's of a blonde woman in sunglasses and bright orange flared pants, perched on a low fence with fields rolling out behind her. She's looking off to the side. Between the sunglasses hiding her face and the degraded quality of the image, it takes Sam a moment to realize he's looking at a picture of his mother.
His eyes start to smart again. Alone, here, with this photo, with Dad's memories, he lets them. 
Sam notices the text on the strip of white at the bottom; June 1975, in Dad's handwriting - everything labelled and organized, always. Sam smiles, despite everything. His mother was truly beautiful; Dad always said it, said it all the time.
Do you think I look like her, Sammy? Deanna used to ask, when they were younger. She’d ask it while standing in front of full length mirrors on wardrobe doors, lifting up her hair, turning side to side.
Sam, usually rattling with resentment and injustice at that time, rarely felt generous enough to agree; usually he'd just snort and go back to his book. He regrets that now, at the memory. He regrets a lot of things lately, a lot of the shitty ways he behaved.
Sam takes off the paperclip, and starts to look through the rest of the Polaroids. The first few are of Mom by herself. Mom sitting in a field in those flare pants, smiling with a single daisy in her hands; June 1975 again, maybe taken on the same day as the first one. Mom dancing at a bar with a woman Sam doesn’t recognize, September 1976. Mom with her head turned away from the camera, side profile grinning, holding up her middle finger; April 1977. 
Sam finds himself a little surprised by that picture. The way Dad talked about Mom, it'd be kind of hard to imagine her ever flipping Dad the bird. Doesn’t really feel like the kind of thing wide-eyed, respectable housewives do. But then again, Sam has wondered on more than one occasion if he knows that much about his mother at all, really. Who she really was.
Mom is pregnant in the next picture. Dad is standing next to her, arm around her. Mom has her hands on her swollen stomach, and she's smiling. Dad - Dad is smiling even wider. 
They're next to a crib. Sam recognizes the layout of Deanna's old bedroom from the other photos he's seen. There's a lot of pink. December 1978.
Sam feels that like a slap in the face. Sudden, stinging. A wave of grief for a woman, a life, he never knew. The smiling, carefree father he never really met.
Sam has never seen any of these photos before. He feels like he's looking through something intensely private. Something Dad wanted to keep close, keep just for himself. He draws another deep, deep breath; puts the paperclip back on the Polaroids, places them gently back in the envelope like they're made of glass. He's keen to see what's in the other ones.
The second envelope is unlabelled too. Inside is another set of Polaroids, clipped together; but there’s something else too. A beaded bracelet. Sam frowns, and pulls that out first.
He turns it over in his hand. It takes him a moment to realize he's holding the first gift he made for Dad in arts and crafts, back when he was in kindergarten. He remembers it so clearly because Deanna had laughed when he brought it home - men don't wear bracelets, Sammy - and when Sam had given it to Dad, he'd laughed too. But not with Deanna’s scorn.
Sam’s throat burns. It’s hard to believe, now, that there was a time when Dad still used to laugh, despite the fire, despite everything, but there was - and Dad had put that bracelet on, all gentle about it, like he was scared of breaking it. He'd ruffled Sam's hair and said, thank you, Sammy. I love it.
And Dad kept it. To this day, Dad held onto it. He never threw it out.
Sam has to stop for a second then; press the back of his hand to his mouth, like he's going to puke, because it feels kind of like that, even though nothing comes. In the safety of the quiet salvage yard, he lets out a rough sob. Dad - despite everything that happened between them, Dad still held onto a piece of crap Sam made for him when he was five. Carried it around with him in his truck, like a part of him. Wanted to keep the memory. 
Sam doesn't know what to do with that. It feels so big. He rolls the bracelet onto his wrist before he can feel stupid about it, and reaches into the envelope for the Polaroids.
Like the ones of Mom, they're clipped together. January 1991 is written on the strip on the bottom of the first photo. Sam recognizes his own seven-year-old face, his gap-toothed smile, the Goodwill clothes sitting far too big on his little body. He's sitting on a swing. There are chunks of snow like clumps of cotton wool on the concrete below, a woolly hat on his tiny head.
A wet smile grows on Sam's face as he looks through the rest of the pictures. There's one of him in some kind of diner, August 1987, the background dark but for a neon sign, smiling wide with some kind of food all around his mouth. He winces - embarrassing - and moves on. There are a few photos dated around this time. One of him coloring at a motel room desk, tongue stuck out in focus. Another of him holding a book upside down and grinning. 
Then - September 1983. His infant face blinks up at him. He’s all fat little limbs and confusion. Deanna’s in this picture too, crouched on the floor next to Sam’s carrier with a big toothy grin on her face. Her hair is in pigtails, and she's wearing a blue cotton dress. This picture would mortify her, Sam thinks, with a soft laugh. He doesn't have a single live memory of his sister wearing a dress.
Deanna's in a few more of the photos, Sam notices, as he rifles through. One in particular catches his eye. They’re at a fairground, by the looks of it; there’s a ferris wheel and a cotton candy stall in the background. May 1994 - and already, Sam’s taller than Deanna in this photo, but she's got an arm around his shoulder anyway, asserting her eldest sibling status. They're both squinting in the sun, smiling wide; and Sam finds himself looking at that photo for a while, because something is out of place. He notes with a frown that Deanna is wearing lipstick. Red lipstick.
Dad never let Deanna wear make up of any kind. He can’t have taken this picture; must have lost his shit when he saw it for the first time, too. He didn’t even like her wearing tinted lip balm. Deanna still doesn’t wear make up to this day.
Sam keeps looking at the photo; he remembers now. It was his eleventh birthday; Bobby had been the one orchestrating the fairground trip. And Sam remembers, also, that Dad didn't call that day. Dad was never home for his birthday by that point; but it was the first year of many that he’d forgotten to even call.
God, Sam had been so angry about that once, the way he'd been angry about most everything that Dad did. His distance, his absence. His presence, too; Sam couldn't tolerate that either, for how suffocating it was. 
Sam feels very far removed from that now. All that resentment, that rage. He feels like he could forgive Dad all of it, immediately. Forget it, too; if he could just see Dad one last time.
Sam gets to the final photograph. February 2001. Seventeen; he’s sprawled across a motel bed, all gangly, awkward limbs, hair so long it’s almost brushing his chest. He’s staring down at an open book. Well. Sam doesn't remember that photo being taken at all.
He sure remembers 2001, though. That was when things went from pretty bad to unbearable. 
That’s when they started having to quietly flee motels hours before check out to avoid covering the damage for broken appliances, holes and dents punched, kicked into walls. When Dad really started screaming at him, and Sam started screaming right back, Deanna pacing up and down with her hands over her ears until they wore themselves out. And then - Deanna lecturing Sam as she patched up his busted knuckles. Deanna, always, always siding with Dad. 
It was Dad she’d go after whenever he stormed out; Dad whose point of view she always supported. Always. No matter what.
February 2001; Sam stares at that picture for a while, lost in it. He can smell greasy rental kitchens, Dad’s dirty ashtrays, the vanilla body spray Deanna wore constantly at the time. The memories hit him all at once, bringing their residual anger with them. Because for all he and Dad fought, he and Deanna fought too, by then. They fought about Dad. About how Deanna never had Sam's back.
You could be going to school, Sam remembers saying to her. Well, yelling, really. You could be making something of yourself. But instead you're here. Following his orders. Cleaning up his messes. When are you gonna wake up, Dee?
Deanna's arms were folded, in a display of that Disappointed Mother Mode she'd adopted recently, but Sam could see that he was getting to her from the quiver in her shoulders. Dad needs me, she said, short, curt. And I am something. I'm a hunter.
Sam had laughed. It was cruel - god, he was so cruel back then - And you know what? You could be literally anything else you wanted to be. But you won't do a damn thing unless he tells you to do it.
That quiver flashed through Deanna’s eyes. She took a step towards him, folded hands in fists. You're talking about shit you don't understand, she'd said, tightly, the way she often did. Dad wants justice for Mom. So do I. And the quicker you get off that sky high horse of yours and start doing as he says, maybe we'll actually get somewhere.
You're brainwashed, Sam had told her. It's pathetic.
His fit of frustration blinded him to the not-small flash of hurt in her eyes; but still, Sam walked out after that, because even he knew he wasn't allowed to press the Mom issue. Mom was an automatic out, an automatic shutdown of any meaningful conversation that Sam would try to have. Because that was always shit he didn't understand; not worth getting into, unless he wanted Deanna to end up punching him, anyway. He knew from experience that Deanna had a better set of fists on her than most hunters twice her age and size. He was smarter than to fuck with that.
And, Mom; something that connected Dad and Deanna in a way that Sam could never touch. He doesn't remember what Mom's cookies smelled like, how her laugh sounded, how her hugs felt. Wasn't sentient enough yet on the night of the fire to be particularly bothered about witnessing a house, a life, burn to the ground. Sam remembers always feeling like an outsider in something he was apparently a huge part of. It just made him angrier.
February 2001; yeah. Not a whole stretch of time back from August 2001. No photos from around that time - and, around that time, the night Sam left forever. Not that Sam needs photos; he'll be able to hear Dad's roar of you walk out that door, you never fucking come back, clear as a bell, for the rest of his life. He's never wished he could erase it more.
He doesn't realize he's still crying until a tear lands on the Polaroid in his hand.
Dad had cried that night as well, that night Sam walked out. Then again, Dad cried a lot as time went on, all the time, really; rarely in front of Sam, but Sam would hear him anyway. It would usually happen when Sam was meant to be sleeping - not that he really could, over the sound of those breathless, drunken sobs. Over Deanna's soothing murmurs of it's gonna be okay, Daddy, because whenever Dad got home at stupid o'clock in the morning, stinking like sweat and whisky, she’d always rush out of bed. Straight to his side like a nursemaid never off the clock. Pathetic, Sam would think, every time, even if he did only say it the once. Just felt, all too often, like Deanna couldn’t stop proving his point.
Those old memories usher in another; something Sam hasn't thought about in a very, very long time, as he gently clips the Polaroids back together like he hadn't disturbed them, slots them back into the envelope. Probably 2001 as well; some nondescript night where Sam had woken up to the sound of a decaying front door rattling on its hinges; followed up by a loud, hissed curse. Deanna, as always, sitting up dutifully in their shared bed, without so much as a sigh of complaint.
Sam listened to Deanna in the dark, going down rickety stairs, her footsteps sounding dainty in this out of place way. Heard her going to the kitchen, the hiss of the faucet as she got Dad a glass of water and three ibuprofen. The sound of her bare feet on the wood floors as she went back to him, got Dad cozy on the couch. Started the process of calming him down.
Sam wasn't sure what compelled him to get up that night too. To take himself to the top of the stairs like a kid eavesdropping on fighting parents. But from his vantage point, if he craned his neck just right, he could see into the mildewy living room. He could see Deanna kneeling before Dad on the couch, undoing his shoelaces with one hand. The other was holding Dad's. Fingers interlaced. Dad’s grip looked tight, his fingers tiny in hers; but she didn't seem bothered.
Dad was looking at Deanna. Staring at her, really, with his mouth quivering, tears spilling indulgently down his cheeks. There was blood on his shirt, Sam noticed; there often was. Dad had been getting into a lot of fights.
Sam watched Dad cup Deanna’s face, Her hand stilled on his laces; she let Dad tilt up her head. My beautiful little girl, Sam had heard him murmur. What would I do without you, huh?
Those quivery lips moved into something that resembled a smile, and Sam didn't need to see Deanna's face to know that hers were doing the same. For a moment, nothing happened; Dad didn't seem to blink. And maybe Sam left before he could see Dad kiss Deanna on the mouth, or maybe he completely imagined it; it's still not entirely clear in his mind. Still doesn't quite make sense, that that's what he saw; or what he thought he saw, anyway. Or even why his mind would even concoct something like that. He was half-asleep, he guesses.
And besides, he told himself afterwards, Dad was pretty damn wasted. It's not beyond the realm of possibility to think that he'd been in enough of a state to mistake Deanna for Mom. Deanna would have known that, Sam is sure; and Sam is sure, certain, that Deanna would have taken it in stride. She would have reassured Dad quietly, and gently pushed him away. Confident that he wouldn’t even remember in the morning.
Do I look like Mom, Sammy?
Sam breathes in the burnt Autumn air; it's getting a little dark. Bobby will be calling him for dinner soon. Dinner is usually prepackaged chilli, canned Ravioli, shit like that; Sam's stomach is beginning to churn for even the thought of it. He’s not seen a vegetable in weeks. 
Anyway - Sam shoves that old memory (dream? imagination?) back into some dark eave of of his mind where it belongs. He touches the bracelet on his wrist - thanks, Sammy, I love it - and thinks about the way Dad had ruffled for his hair, the way he smiled in that photo in Deanna's nursery, the Dad he could have been, kind of sort of was for a while, when Sam was very small, until years and years of the life slowly took him apart. The Dad Sam always knew was still in there; the Dad that was good.
Yeah - Sam takes that version of Dad with him, as he moves onto the final envelope. Wonders if, maybe, he'll find that version of Dad inside. More pictures of him looking young. Happy. Not the broken, exhausted old man Sam can’t help but keep on seeing every time he closes his eyes.
This envelope is a little heavier than the others. Sam presses it open with his thumbs. Makes sense, if it's the heaviest; this must be Deanna's envelope. Dad was closer with Deanna than he was with anybody, and he knew her a hell of a lot longer than he knew Mom.
Sam pushes around inside. He was correct; there are more Polaroids here than in the other envelopes. Lots more. But unlike the others, they're not clipped together. They’re just laying haphazardly inside. There's also another envelope stuffed in this one. Folded up small to fit.
Sam sees the glint of a silver chain peeking out from the bottom. The necklace is a little tangled up when he pulls it out; it has a little pendant shaped like a rose, with some kind of fake red gem in the middle.
Sam remembers this necklace, he realizes, as he studies it. Deanna had picked it up at some dollar store or other; thought it looked cool. And she'd been pissed as hell when she lost it. She'd looked for it everywhere. Made Sam look everywhere too. That had sure been a long night.
Sam gets this feeling he can't describe, as it crosses his mind that the necklace may have been in Dad's possession this whole time. But why - why would he do that? Had he picked it up by accident? Decided to hold onto it, forgot to mention it? Was he entirely unaware that it was even lost in the first place?
Or - well. Sam has no fitting explanation for the or. 
He pockets the necklace, not really thinking too much for now about whether it'll be a good idea to return it to Deanna or not. That weird feeling spreads through his gut.
It gets worse still when Sam's reaches into the envelope again; when his fingers brush something else. The small lock of hair is held together by a rubber band. Hair. Blonde hair.
It could, Sam thinks, as that feeling climbs his spine, be Mom's - some couples keep each other’s hair, right? That's a thing, right? - but Sam somehow knows that it isn’t. That this lock of hair belongs - or belonged - to Deanna.
He drops it straight back into the envelope.
There's a part of Sam that wants to put the damn thing away now. Put everything he’s seen so far up to more shit you don't understand, to another thing he couldn't possibly have really seen. Because this - none of this - there’s no explanation Sam can live with that makes sense. And with that in mind - he should stop digging around in Dad’s shit right now.
But there's a bigger part of Sam that feels differently. And that part takes over before he can think too much about what he's doing.
Sam's fingers are shaking a little as he takes out the Polaroids. He pushes them together like a deck of cards, and starts to look through.
He half-expects to see pictures of Deanna as a kid, like with his envelope; pictures of her on swings, at diners, with her arms around Sam. But there aren't any; most of them seem to be of her as an adult, or at least as an older teenager. Sam can't pinpoint it exactly, because the photos aren't dated like the others - and unlike the others, in most of them, Deanna isn't smiling or posing. There's one of her working on the Impala at the side of a dirt road, bent over the hood in those tiny denim shorts she only dons in 100 degree weather, the look of focus on her face suggesting she didn't know the photo was being taken. There's one of her at night in a parking lot of some kind, a hand in her shirt pocket, her irises red in the flash, a confused look on her face. Another of her from the back; standing up a bar, her hair glowing under the low lights, flanked by two men on stools. They’re both looking at her, Sam notices. Then again, Deanna can't go anywhere without men looking at her.
It brings another memory back to Sam, as he stares dumbly at that photo. They'd just finished up a job, a black dog maybe, somewhere in Arizona; and Dad had taken them out to a bar kinda like the one in the picture, dank and yeasty, the kind of bars they only ever went to, really. Sam was bored and miserable, twirling the straw around in the diet coke he’d been nursing since they got there, while Dad and Deanna proceeded to get wicked, wicked drunk. 
They told Sam - but mostly each other - the story of how they wasted the thing, because Sam, as usual, wasn’t allowed to join for the actual hunt part. The details kept getting more and more elaborate, Deanna’s voice rising with excitement; that manic hint to her laugh growing, the more wasted she got. And Dad's smile was warming up and up, his eyes lingering on her for longer and longer periods, shining with the pride he rarely offered verbally. A part of Sam hoped Deanna saw that, at least.
When Deanna went up to the bar to get in the fifth or sixth round - Sam would lose count as quickly as they would - Dad's eyes followed her. His apparent good mood saw an interruption, as he shook his head. 
See that bartender? he’d said, without looking at Sam. Gives me the creeps, the way these horndogs look at your sister. Who the fuck does that guy think he is.
Dad often complained about the way men acted around Deanna. Sam just shrugged. I’m sure she can handle herself, Dad.
Not the point, Dad muttered. Locking eyes with him, finally. Hey Sammy, listen. When I'm not around, you need to start lookin' out for your sister. If you see what I mean.
Sam didn't see what he meant. Dad had this way of speaking in riddles, or at least they were riddles to Sam. He shrugged again, didn't say anything. Giving Dad a cue to fucking elaborate.
Dad huffed. Problem is, Dee's a looker. A real looker, just like her mother. 
Sam stayed quiet. Wasn’t sure what he was meant to say to that.
Dad narrowed his eyes. You ever see anyone gettin' too close to her, you come and tell me right away, alright?
Sam nodded. Felt easier. Wasn’t too sure what else to do.
And Dad had pressed his beer to his lips and kept on watching Deanna up at the bar. Didn't seem to blink as he gulped his drink down, placed the bottle back on the table. And Sam watched Dad watching Deanna, saw the line of his gaze moving up and down her body, from her big boots all the way up to the neckline of her crop top; and Sam thought to himself, at that, that the way Dad looked at Deanna wasn’t all that different than any other guy did. The horndogs. It wasn't a welcome thought; but it sure as hell crossed Sam's mind anyway.
And Sam dismissed it just as quickly as it had come. It wasn't a thought he could keep around, not beyond that mere split second. Not when he had to be wrong.
Sam stares into the envelope. He decides, with his pulse in his ears, that he doesn't want to see any more of these weird Polaroids. Any more erratic angles; any more of Deanna apparently not even knowing she’s having her picture taken.
He puts them back in the envelope. And now, it’s really about time that Sam left it there; about time he accepted, willingly, that whatever Dad and Deanna had going on, he is, was and always will be, outside of it. That it's not at all - nowhere in the ball park of - what it looks like. 
What it sometimes kind of felt like. What it kind of feels like now. 
Sure, Dad was never winning any parenting awards; on a good day, or maybe a bad one depending on how you looked at it, he'd admit it himself. But - this...
Yeah, Sam could really leave it there. Put the envelope back in the box, salvage the nice photos, and burn everything else. But there’s still that other envelope. The smaller one.
His fingers close around it. He watches his hand take it out. Watches, watches himself.
Sam can see why it’s folded now. It’s perfectly Polaroid shaped. 
On the front, Dad’s handwriting: Summer 2002. The year after Sam left, he registers, somewhere in the back of his mind.
He starts unfolding. Watching, watching himself.
The first Polaroid is on another dirt road. Deanna’s sitting on the hood of the Impala, sunglasses balanced on her head. The wind is blowing her hair around. She’s holding a bottle of Jack in one hand, and there’s a cigarette dangling between her fingers on the other. Sam has never seen Deanna smoke.
The next photo, she’s still on the hood. She’s got a leg cocked up beneath her, a hand tangled up in her hair. Bottle of Jack posed between her legs. She’s pouting. She looks kind of ridiculous; and something in her expression belies that she knows it.
In the next photo, Deanna’s sitting upright on the hood again, laughing hysterically. It’s funny, how Sam can hear Dad laughing too, laughing from behind that damn camera. Laughing like he never did, not since all those years ago. Laughing at his daughter - sitting, posing like that.
Sam keeps going. Keeps looking.
Deanna and Dad are both in the next photo. Sam can see the length of Deanna’s arm; she’s angling the camera down at their faces. Dad’s got his eyes closed tight, his lips pressed against her cheek. There’s the biggest grin on Deanna’s flushed face.
Sam’s gut feels weightier, weightier.
In the next picture, Dad’s mouth is on Deanna’s neck. 
Deanna’s grin is gone; her mouth’s drooping open a little. Sam can see the whites of her closed eyes.
Weightier. Weightier.
He keeps looking.
The next Polaroid seems to have been taken in a motel room. Kinda nicer than their usual fare; Sam can tell that by the velvet headboard topping the bed, the matching gray curtains behind Deanna where she stands. She’s holding a rifle, a big one; it’s covering half of her face. 
It’s not covering it enough for Sam to miss the way her eyes smoulder at the camera this time, in this way that looks practised, intentional. She’s not joking this time. Not laughing at herself anymore.
She’s wearing a t-shirt that just skims the midst of her hips. Sam can see the strip of pale pink panties underneath. Did Dad - like her that way? Did he enjoy seeing Deanna handling weapons - and not just because he was impressed with her prowess?
God. God.
The next Polaroid is even worse. 
Deanna’s kneeling on the bed, in front of that headboard, her thighs parted. And oh, Sam can see her panties again alright; he can see her stomach too, her bare waist. The outline of her tits, suggestive; covered by Deanna's hands. Deanna's hands, on Dad's leather jacket, the only other piece of clothing she has on.
No, not the only other piece; Sam can just about see the black lace around the tops of her thighs. Stockings.
Her hair is in a cascade down her shoulders. She’s half-smiling, half biting her lip.
Next photograph; and Dad’s jacket hangs loosely on Deanna’s body now. Her tits are bare.
She’s in the same pose; only now, with her head tilted a little back. Her eyes closed again, like in the last picture. Mouth slack; and there’s a hand on her face. A hand with scar tissue, house fire burns; a wedding band glinting on the ring finger. A hand Sam would know anywhere. 
The photograph blurs before his eyes. His tears are different now; born of an emotion he can’t identify. Nothing like his earlier grief.
Sam shoves the photos back into the envelope. The envelope back into the box; slams it closed. His hands curl into fists. He can’t catch his breath.
He shuts his eyes. Acid lurches up from his stomach, hits out at the back of his throat. His limbs feel weak. It takes every last ounce of control inside him not to slump off the hood, fall to his knees, and violently puke.
Sam doesn’t know how long he sits there, on that hood. All he knows is that despite the falling dusk, the cold winding through the fibres of his clothes, the teeth he can vaguely feel starting to chatter, he can’t move.
Because the thing is - he didn’t want to know. Sam never, ever, wanted to know.
You can explain things away; but you can never, ever forget them.
He should’ve expected that Bobby would come out looking for him eventually. 
Bobby approaches John’s truck slowly, the way he always seems to kind of tiptoe around Sam these days. “You been out here for hours, kid."
Sam eyes the floor. All he can think to say is, “Where’s Deanna?”
Bobby leaves a pause. Then, “She’s sleepin’. Figured we should let her get her rest. She ain’t been doin’ much of that.”
It’s true. She hasn’t. Nor has Sam. None of them have.
“Gettin’ a little worried about her,” Bobby admits, after another of those pauses. “She’s takin’ this hard. She was crazy about her Daddy.”
Sam doesn’t say anything. Bobby must notice; he must, because the silence just feels awkward now. And Sam doesn’t mean to be cold; he really doesn’t. He’s just numb.
“You got everything you need from John’s truck?” Bobby asks, eventually.
Sam nods. He can’t speak.
“All good for me to junk it?"
Another nod. Yes. Crush it to pieces with every last little fucking piece of him inside.
Sam already put John’s duffel back in the trunk. His box, its photos, its necklace, its hair, along with it.
Bobby nods too. “Alright. Now get your ass inside before you freeze to death.”
Sam could. It’s very, very cold out here.
He lets Bobby walk up the path in front of him. Lagging behind, Sam slides a finger under the elastic of the bracelet on his wrist. He tugs on it until it snaps; hearing the beads scatter their pieces across the floor isn’t much, but it’s something.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 7 months
Just Take It | Jeon Jungkook | Part Two
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Summary: The morning after the disaster that was your engagement party has got your head pounding and you're not even sure what your next move is gonna be. Pairing: Inexperienced f!reader x Best Friend's Dad Jungkook (20 year age gap) Word Count: 5k~ Warnings: Explicit Language (maybe idk I can't remember lol) an argument and idk that's kinda it lol and ofc barely edited lmao a/n: I'm putting out part 2 early as a thank you for all the notes and just the over all interaction you all have given my blog and this story so thank you. I've barely written anything for part 3 so there's gonna be a bigger gap between uploads so forgive me but be sure to check out my other stories as well in the meantime 🥰 Requested by: @kkusadmirer 💜
Hearing the birds outside is the first thing that brings me out of the dream state I had been in. I open my eyes and scan my surroundings and notice that I'm still at Jungkook's house. "What happened last night?" I say aloud, rubbing my eyes and sitting up before laying back down, getting an instant head rush.
"Y/n?" I hear Jungkook from the other side of door. "Come in" I say before thinking twice, not remembering anything about what happened last night. "Good morning sunshine" he says quietly, walking in with a glass of water and pain killers and I sit up slowly as he comes closer.
"How did I end up in here?" I ask and wordlessly thank him and take it real quick and start chugging the water while waiting for his response. "I carried you" he replies leaving me choking at the image.
"You carried me in here?" I ask, embarrassed that he had to take care of me like that. "Yeah you pretty much passed out on me so I kinda had to" he laughs, rubbing my back hoping to help me stop coughing. "I'm sorry I kinda don't remember anything" I admit and I see his face fall a little leaving me panicking again.
"Did I do something stupid?" I cringe and he laughs at whatever memory he has leaving me even more nervous. "No don't worry you were just being cute" he teases and I let out a breath I had been holding, thankful I didn't make too much of a fool of myself, or at least by his standards.
"I'm sorry I guess I lost control a bit" I say, looking down at my hands, embarrassed that I had given him so much trouble to deal with. "You know you say sorry a lot for someone who doesn't really have anything to be sorry about" he say and I sigh, not believing his words but not having the energy or brain capacity to argue.
"Hey" he says, tilting my chin up to look at him, you're fine y/n don't worry. I'm just glad you let me be there for you. I couldn't let you leave in the state you were in so thank you for trusting me to take care of you" he says while rubbing his thumb up against my cheek and all I can do in response is blink, so caught off guard by the sudden skin ship.
"Are you hungry?" he asks, letting go of my chin and taking the water glass from my hand. "Yes and no. Honestly I feel like I'm gonna throw up" I admit without thinking twice. "I mean I-"
"It's okay, you really did drink a lot so I'm not surprised. Let me at least make you some soup so you have something in your system" he says and I nod which satisfies him. "I'll let you know when it's ready" he continues and I nod again, watching as he makes his way out.
I hold my head in my hands, begging for the medicine to kick in so this pounding in my head goes away.  Although I know though that the onset stress of not knowing what happened last night is the real cause of this headache. 'What happened last night?' I question myself silently this time, going through everything that happened yesterday but the part after me coming back inside the house after everyone left is still a little fuzzy.
I sit and think for a little while longer and before I know it Jungkook is knocking on the door again. "Foods ready" he says with a sweet smile making me forget how exactly I'm supposed to respond. "Is everything okay?" he asks, coming to sit on my side of the bed. "I just, I really don't remember what happened last night" I say and he nods and thinks for a second before responding.
"How about this, lets get some food in you first and get you feeling a bit better and then I'll tell you. Okay?" he offers, tilting his head at me and I nod after thinking for a second or two. "Great, now can you get out there on your own or do you think you need some help?" he asks and I quickly go to shut down his offer.
"No Jungkook that's okay I can manage" I say and throw the covers off of me and slowly get up off the bed and I hear him chuckle a bit. "What are you laughing at?" I ask, confused as to if he's making fun of me or not.
"No, no it's nothing. I'm just surprised you called me Jungkook on your own this time" he says as I start to stand and my heart rate picks up, not even realizing I had done that. "Well you wanted me to call you that right?" I ask shyly, but I lose my footing when I stand up, still a bit weak to my dismay but before I have a chance to fall Jungkook catches me and pulls me onto his lap.
"I-" I start but am caught off by the proximity and the memories of last night start to flood my brain and I rest my head on his shoulder just like I did before I passed out.
I groan and he laughs at my reaction, "It all coming back to you isn't it?" he asks and I nod, not daring to make eye contact with him. "I can't believe I asked you to do that. I'm sorry" I say and try to get off his lap but he pull me back on it with his hands that are firmly placed on my hips.
"Hey, you didn't do anything wrong" he says, brushing the hair that had fallen on my face out of the way. If I couldn't breathe before I definitely can't breathe now, especially since I catch him looking down at my lips before quickly flipping them back to my eyes.
"Okay" is all I can manage to choke out and before he's able to do anything else I quickly get up off his lap and walk out of the room, needing to break the tension that had started to build between us.
'What the fuck am I doing? Kissing my best friend...well ex best friend's dad? Like what the fuck is wrong with me?' I walk into the bathroom in the hallway to get an extra five minutes alone so I can try to stop my heart from racing. Who would've thought that in less than twenty four hours I would have a mental breakdown not once, but twice in this same bathroom. 'Why does this shit always have to happen to me?'
After taking a few more breaths and washing my face I walk into the kitchen where I see Jungkook enjoying his morning cup of coffee, or should I say afternoon cup of coffee as I check the clock seeing it's already past two.
"Did I really sleep this late?" I ask, cringing at the thought of yet again inconveniencing him. "Yeah but don't worry I was planning on having a lazy day anyways" he says, reading my mind and motioning for me to sit down at one of the stools on the island he has in his kitchen.
He turns his back to me and starts preparing me a bowl of soup but I can help but check him out, his strong broad shoulders that lead down to his small waist and accompanied by his ass and thick thighs I could just-
"Here you go" he say, placing the bowl in front of me and I quickly bring my eyes to the food he's given me. It smells strangely like home, almost as if my mom had made it for me when I had been sick as a kid. "Thank you" I say quietly and take a bite, moaning at the warm and rich flavor that hits my tongue without even realizing what I'd done.
"That good huh?" he asks while leaning back on one of the counters with his arms crossed over his chest. "Oh- um, yeah. Yes, thank you" I say, quickly tripping over my words but he just smiles before taking another sip of coffee and I quickly go back to eating my soup. This time quietly.
"So what are you planning on doing?" he asks casually after I've finished eating, as if I know what he's talking about. "What do you mean?" I question after taking a drink of water, him having refused to give me a cup of coffee until I had at least drank two cups of water.
"You live with my daughter right?" he questions and my whole mood turns upside down. He takes notice of it and quickly back pedals, "I guess I should've waited for you to wake up a bit more before asking you that" he says, now offering me an apology cup of coffee.
"No it's okay you're right. I probably should figure out what I'm gonna do. To be honest I think I'll move out. Just because being in the same space that I used to spend time with them in just sounds like I'm setting myself up for heartbreak" and he nods at my reasoning but I decide to continue anyways, verbally processing it all.
"If I stay there I'll be reminded of all the good times we had and the many memories we made together and I don't want to be haunted by those images. Plus a fresh start sounds perfect to me" I say and he continues while adding the perfect amount of milk and sugar to my coffee, weirdly.
"So are you just going to stay there until you find a place?" he asks and I think about how awkward it's going to be just working around her until I find that perfect place. "I was thinking I could probably ask my sister if I could crash at her place for a bit" I say thinking of the first solution that comes to mind.
"But doesn't your sister live on the opposite side of the city from your internship?" he questions and I slump at that realization. "You're right. I guess I'll just have to wake up a bit earlier" I say, trying to figure out how to remedy this problem full well knowing it's been hard enough for me to wake up and get there on time even though I only lived ten minutes away.
"Why don't you stay here?" he offers and my whole body straightens up instantly, "You would let me stay here?" I ask, my eyebrows raised as high as they possibly could, surprised that he would even offer something like that and he nods in response.
"You would let me stay here?" I question again, clarifying if I heard him right. "Yeah why not? I've got plenty of space and it's not like we're strangers or anything. Plus your internship is only about ten minutes further from here than where you live now" he says, making good points as to why I should take him up on the offer.
"I couldn't possibly do that to you. I mean I wouldn't want to disturb your life like that. But thank you!" I say, shutting down the idea right away but he persists nonetheless.
"Again, I wouldn't offer if I didn't want to. You're more than welcome to stay here and you can even move upstairs into one of the bigger bedrooms. Plus I have a storage unit that I haven't really used so you can store any big pieces of furniture you might have" he continues, trying to convince me even more and when he sees that I am about to refuse again he comes up with a compromise.
"Stay one more night. Tomorrow's Sunday right? That way you won't have to worry about work or anything like that so we can just relax and talk about things over today and tomorrow and then you can decide what you'd like to do" he says and it gets me to think about it for a second which makes him hopeful and ultimately I end up accepting.
"I guess I could stay one more night" I say and he gives me a half smile which some how makes me more nervous than a full one and so I take the first sip of my coffee that has honestly gone cold by now.
"Perfect. Did you want me to go take you to your place to pick up some clothes that you might need?" he questions, jumping at the opportunity to be helpful. "No that's okay. I drove here so I have my car out front" I say, shutting his next offer down but he make another good point that has me second guessing myself.
"Are you sure you want to drive when you're hungover? I don't think I can let you do that" he says, falling into a protective mode which is endearing but I don't think I could take advantage of him like that since he's already done so much for me. "I'll be fine Jungkook don't worry" I say and he nods his head respecting my choice and I let out a breath, happy that I don't have to fight him on this one too.
"Okay, did you want to borrow some more of my clothes so you can shower before you go?" he questions and I smile awkwardly, happy that he offered but guilty that he yet again is helping me out.
"I'll be back in a sec" he chuckles and walks past me, placing a hand on my back as he passes by which makes me sit up straight at the feeling and I watch him as he jogs upstairs to go retrieve said clothes.
He comes down seconds later with the clothes, a towel and even a toothbrush in hand. "Thought you might want one of these too" he says and I accept it all sheepishly before excusing myself and making my way into the bathroom.
How am I even supposed to act in this kind of situation? Like my ex best friend's dad who I kissed last night while I was drunk is now offering to let me stay here so I can move out of the apartment I share with his toxic daughter that my boyfriend cheated on me with. Like this is just way too much weirdness for me.
I shake off those thoughts and get in the shower to quickly get rid of all of these roaming thoughts and just hope and pray that somehow things will work out and I can settle into a new normal with my own place as soon as possible but I guess that luck just isn't on my side these days...
After getting out of the shower and getting dressed I dry my hair with the hair dryer I happened to find under the sink and try to make myself look as presentable as possible so when I go back home I don't look like the complete mess that I know I am on the inside.
There's no reason I should be showing any kind of weakness around Jina or Jared so I just need to get in and get out of there as fast as I can so I can avoid as much awkwardness as possible. Being hungover doesn't help this situation in the slightest so I just really hope that she's not even there.
Walking out of the bathroom I'm met with a freshly clean Jungkook, scrolling through his phone while sitting on the couch and he quickly turns his head once he notices I've finished up.
"You feeling okay" he asks, always concerned for my wellbeing and I guess I just need to chalk it up to the parent side of him. Maybe that's all this is? Maybe Jina hasn't really given him an opportunity to be her dad in a while so he's just seeing me as another daughter he wants to take care of. That makes a lot more sense so thinking about it now I think I can go into this with a lot clearer mindset than before.
"Yeah, I'm feeling a lot better thankfully" I say and head to the guest room where I stayed last night. "If you wanna just throw all of that into the washing machine I'll get a load going later on" he calls after me and I simply do as he asks and then head back into said bedroom.
"Hey Jungkook have you seen my phone?" I question while throwing the blankets around, trying to figure out where I could've put it. "Yeah you left it out in the living room last night so I put it on the charger when I woke up. Here" he says and I jolt at the sound of his voice being in the room with me, full on expecting him to still be on the couch.
"Thank you" I say while holding my hand out to take it with the other one placed over my heart, trying to calm down after the shock of him getting here so quickly. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you" he chuckles and I wave off his apology, not seeing any need for it. "It's fine don't worry about it" I say and once I unlock it I see call after call after call after call from not only Jared but Jina, my mom and my sister, with just as many text messages to match.
"Looks like you're really popular today" he jokes, trying to make light of the situation. "Not for the right reasons" I mumble and lock my phone, not bothering to sift through the hundreds of notifications just yet.
"I've gotta head out and get a few things at the store so why don't you come with me? We can stop by your place to get your things and then this way you can help me pick out some groceries so we have stuff that you like as well" he says while grabbing his keys and instead of trying to refuse I simply nod and follow him outside.
We get in the car and drive silently to my place but once we get a bit closer I stop him. "Would you mind parking around the corner? It's just...well I don't want Jina to see you driving me around and make a big deal about it" he nods his head and without a fuss pulls into the coffee shop parking lot around the corner.
"Is this alright?" he questions and I nod and get out of the car. "Let me know if you need any help. She's my daughter so it's not like she would do anything drastic if I was around" he says, referring to her sometimes short temper. Plus with these added hormones there's no telling how she gonna be reacting to things now that everything is out in the open.
As I make my way to the apartment I check my phone to see if she's still sharing her location with me and thankfully she is and I see that she's still at work so hopefully if move fast enough I should be in and out before she comes home.
Walking into the apartment it looks as though she's started gathering her own stuff up in boxes, almost as if she's getting ready to move out. I appreciate the fact that since she fucked up that she automatically volunteered to move out but she's more than welcome to keep this place as far as I'm concerned.
I jog back into my room, reminding myself of the task at hand and I grab my duffle bag and start putting as many things as I think I'll need to get me through at least a few days in case anything happens. Better safe than sorry right?
My last stop is the bathroom where I pack up my shampoo and conditioner as well as my skincare products and throw it all into a plastic bag that I'm able to place easily on top of the rest of the items in the bag but before I'm even able to finish getting the rest of my toiletries together I'm greeted with the sound of Jina walking in.
"Y/n?" she calls out and I swear under my breath, trying to think of a way to make this whole situation as quick and painless as possible. "Y/n?" she says again, rounding the corner and finding me in the bathroom where I've started to pick up the pace and throw things in haphazardly wanting to get the fuck out already.
"What are you doing?" she questions me and I walk past her and back into my room and throw the bag in my duffle bag and zip everything up. "Please don't ignore me" she says in pretty much the most pitiful voice I've ever hear out of her and I scoff and roll my eyes. "You don't have the right to be acting like that. I'm moving out so don't bother moving out if you want the apartment" I say and throw on a baseball hat and walk out of my room and make a b line for the front door.
"Y/n please talk to me" she pleads and it's taking everything in me not to slap that 'poor me' attitude out of her. "You wanna talk? Let's speed this up for the both of us alright? You slept with my boyfriend behind my back, got pregnant and ruined my relationship and now I'm moving out. That pretty much covers everything if I'm not mistaken so let's just call this conversation over. I'll be back to pick up the rest of my shit later so don't touch anything" I say quickly without giving her a second to get a word in.
"When's later?" she asks and I roll my eyes at her pitiful excuse in trying to keep me here. "Whenever the hell I feel like it Jina. Sorry I can't make everything magically disappear right away" I say and turn to grab the handle but she just keeps going.
"Where are you staying?" she has the audacity to ask and I smile and shake my head at her stupidity. "Why would I ever tell you that? So you can come bother me with your lame excuses of apologizing. Or oh yeah even worse telling Jared where to find me so he can do the same thing. Why don't you guys do all of us a favor and stay the hell out of my life" I say and walk out the door, making sure to slam it right behind me.
While walking back to Jungkook's car I try my best to calm my breathing so I can hide what happened from him. There's no reason why he even needs to know that she showed up so might as well keep it to myself.
As I get closer to his car I watch as he looks up and sees me coming and gets out to grab my bag from me. "Is this everything you wanted?" he questions, taking it from me and placing it in the trunk. "Yep that's everything. Or at least enough to get me through the next few days" I say and get in the car with him following suit soon after.
"Are you okay?" he asks, concern now laced all over his expression. "I'm totally fine, why do you ask?" I question in the most awkward tone of voice I've ever heard come out of me. "Because you're shaking" he points out and grabs one of my hands, holding it between two of his.
"No it's okay I'm fine" I say, my voice now getting wobbly, matching the shakiness of my hands. "Something happened in there didn't it?" he asks and I shake my head but he raises a questioning brow at me which has me nodding a moment later, admitting to what happened. "Jina came home" I say and take a shaky breath in and out, trying to keep myself from crying.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" he questions and I quickly shake my head and he nods his and lets go of my hand and turns to start the car and pull out of the parking lot but as soon as we're on the main road again he reaches out for one of my hands and holds onto it again, not letting go until we get to the store.
Grocery shopping with him feels weirdly domestic and felt as though we had done it dozens of times before, with both of our methods on how to shop quickly and efficiently matching up perfectly and so time flies and before I know it we're already putting the groceries away in his kitchen.
"We make a pretty good team huh?" he says and tossing me an apple and I catch it in time, further proving his point. "I guess we do" I say amusedly and take a big bite out of it. "No I'm serious! I swear whenever I go alone I always end up forgetting one of the most obvious ingredients and with your help I don't think I forgot a single thing" he says taking a bite of the apple he had gotten for himself.
"Well I'm glad to have been of some help. I feel bad since you've been doing nothing but taking care of me for the past twenty four hours and I haven't been able to give you anything in return" I admit, twisting the stem of until it pops off.
"You've given me plenty in return" he laughs off, as if I had said something ridiculous. "Oh yeah like what?" I ask, taking another bite of the apple and leaning back against the counter.
"You've definitely given me quite a few laughs today" he says and I scrunch my eyebrows together knowing that he's just making fun of me. "And you've definitely made my day a whole lot more interesting. Plus I learned some new things about you" he says and I gulp at that last part, knowing I've definitely overshared with him quiet a few times.
"Like how you prefer green apples over red. How you prefer white bread over wheat and that you get shy whenever I get close to you" he lists off, the last one obviously catching me off guard.
"I-" I start but I'm frozen in place as he gets closer to me and I just realized how I've backed myself into a corner. "Jungkook I-" I try again but my efforts die in my throat when he places his hands on either side of my hips, trapping me against the counter, staring at me as if he hasn't eaten in weeks.
"Do you wanna tell me why that is?" he asks, tilting his head almost taunting me. "I don't know what you're talking about" I say, doing my best to remain level headed. "You sure about that?" he asks and I nod my head in response, not trusting my voice to stay steady this time. "Then why are you holding your breath?" he says while placing his hand on my neck and using his thumb to press down on my chin, encouraging me to open my mouth which I do with almost no hesitation.
"I don't know" I whisper but he leans in closer, bringing his lips closer to mine. "I think you're lying" he say, his warm breath fanning my face, promises of pleasure hidden behind those words and it has me whimpering at the thought. 
"Y/n, earth to y/n" Jungkook says, bursting the bubble of the incredibly inappropriate daydream I had been having in front of him. "I-i'm sorry what was that?" I stutter, making it clear that I hadn't been paying attention. 
"Maybe you're running a fever" he says, walking over to me and placing the back of his hand to my forehead, his cool hand causing a shiver to run down my spine. "What makes you say that?" I ask, looking up at him, taking in his features from our closer proximity. "Because you're burning up, and your whole face has gone red" he says and I feel my cheeks getting even more red at his observation. 
"Are you feeling alright?" he asks, making purposeful eye contact with me. "Yeah I just, I think I need to go lay down for a while" I say, finding the easiest escape route possible. "That's probably a good idea. I shouldn't have kept you out for so long" he says, guilt clouding his expression and I take one of his hands in mine without giving it a second thought making him jolt for a second but tighten his hold around mine just seconds later. 
"I'm fine don't worry" I say with a small smile, "It was my fault for drinking so much. If I'm ever around you again and there's alcohol involved could you do me a favor and stop me from drinking so much" I laugh, trying to lift his spirits and it seems to do the trick. 
"Of course darling" he says and places a kiss on the center of my forehead. "Now go lay down, you really are burning up" he says, having felt the heat radiating off of me from the kiss he had graced me with. I smile up at him and nod my head before turning around and heading back to my room. 
Living with him might not be so bad. It's been a while since someone's taken care of me or even shown me such simple kindness without needing anything in return. I'm not sure if it would be the smartest decision but I'm definitely warming up to the idea...
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sillygoosealert · 2 months
Daisy, hi! How did you come up with the user sillygoodealert? Bc that concubine fic had such a silly ending 🥲🙂 lmao jk but seriously I was thinking what if before the maid concubine reader offs herself, we see her side of being treated like shit by the other girls and staff and sukuna himself during the day and then trying to not be shell shocked when he treats her so sweetly in his chambers. especially when he continuously humiliates her and one day eve punishes her extra harshly in front of everyone after she makes a mistake and then he still expects her to pretend as if it didn’t even happen when he wishes to spend time with her that same night.
Who knows just thinking further about the story you created, ty for sharing your work it’s so delish 🤤
In the morning - Just a week later
That's my legal name because i am the mayor of silly town
Dub-con(so there is a little bit of smut 😲) he's kinda abusive?? uhhh mention of blood
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If someone asked Sukuna if he was ever satisfied with everything he had, the answer would be no. But once, he got very close to it.
To be satisfied is to settle, and Sukuna never settled. Not for anything or anyone. However, one night, while you laid next to him, it almost felt like he would be okay with living like that.
Knowing he could have more than what he had at the time stopped him from deeming it satisfactory.
So he strived for more. A more significant and fulfilling feeling, more.
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What waited for him in the morning was a clean room and a cold bed. Although you were supposed to be beside him as of now, there was a cold, neatly made spot in replacement.
After 8 minutes of stretching, 2 minutes of sitting and silence, and deciding what kimono he would like to adorn today- he came out of his enclosure.
Standing just a few feet from his door, you were unhurriedly dusting off the chandeliers scattered across the ceiling- on a ladder, without anyone supporting it from the bottom.
After a few quick strides, he kicks the ladder from its place. There isn't a real reason why he did it. It was more impulsive than anything. But as he watches your body hit the floor, blood dribble out of your nose, a feeling of superiority overcomes him.
Even though he was the one to do this to you, he still helps you up and carries you to bed in his arms. Your blood is smearing across his arms and hands as he wipes away tears that come out as you shake and beg for him to stop. It's no longer a quiet morning, but he got what he wanted- a warmer bed and a more obedient woman.
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Nothing good comes out of upsetting Sukuna- or sometimes just being around him. He doesn't have to be in a bad mood to take things out on you. The bruises on your body should be enough evidence of that. Sometimes, you question if it's enough to feel pity on you, though.
There will always be someone to ask what you did. Occasionally, that someone is you. Late at night, curled up listening to him treating another woman with something similar to adoration.
His voice isn't necessarily loud, but it's the only thing you can hear when it is well past curfew.
He coos encouragement and praise while gentle skin-on-skin can be heard if you listen for it.
At the moment, you're jealous. That should be you. When that is you, though, you dread walking into his enclosure.
The day after you watched him toss away any love or respect he had, for 15 minutes of sugar-coated sex, something changed with him.
He held your waist as he guided you to the edge of his bed, an eager grin plastered on his face. Lifting you and laying you on the one-too-many pillows he suddenly had.
One hand found yours as something wet licked your pussy. It was slimy and unwanted, and you kept quiet because you were in complete shock.
You saw how clean the sheets were when you walked in. You hoped it was a sick coincidence. But the feeling of Déjà vu sank deep into your body, as well as his tongue did. And as you checked to make sure- the pillows were fluffed up. The smell of a specific woody soap was stuck to him, and he was gripping your hand a little harder each time your breath started to increase.
"My Lord-" You wanted to ask him to stop, but the words couldn't come out as fluently as your tears would.
When you started to sob, he pulled away and looked at you with disarray. All you could do was shake your head and wrap your arms around yourself.
He sent you back to your own room without a word.
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The other concubines must have noticed the shift in your status- or maybe he complained to them about you. That is one of life's great mysteries.
They treat you noticeably differently than they did before- for the worse. A thought that crosses through your mind is they were scared to be anything less than indifferent to you before, for they would most definitely receive a punishment. But now? The treatment of your counterparts and the King of Curses is almost equal- with him being the only one to break your trust, as the other concubines made it clear they were not your friends from the start.
As of now, they weren't afraid to push you aside in the hallways or scold you for nearly slipping on the freshly mopped floor.
Your new nickname is Lummox- which means a clumsy, stupid person. That's not too far off from what you are, so you don't take too much offense.
But people now use it to call out to you and grab your attention it becomes all you can use to describe yourself when you think about what you did to get here.
Even now, as you curl into yourself late in the night, what keeps you up is what will now wait for you in the morning.
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I have such a massive hatetrid for my own writting it's almost astonishing I put anything out. I can't re-read anything I put out because I get so upset that I can not put into words how I feel- the one thing people expect of me.
Tag List- @mangiswig @rubyrubyruuu @maskedpacific @bbysnw @belluuu @cindywasneverhere @uniquenicefangirl @m0rganit3 @jinniebby2 @babyblexu @connierk690 @suguru-nugget @geniejunn @astro-stars @honeybee54321
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poppy-metal · 2 months
me being loved wanted and coveted i’m 😳
citygirl!reader cannot relate
ok but hear me out. ofc art finds himself with your grandma’s hand gripping on his elbow as he’s helping her to their seats. he’s wearing a suit too expensive and too stuffy for his taste, but it was laid out for him this morning on his bed. oh did i forget to mention granny and him are staying in the guest wing of your family’s estate?
luckily you’ve been so busy with the wedding preparation you spending almost no time during the day at home, but are night? art is forced to sit at the dinner table with granny, you, your parents, and your fiancé. he doesn’t miss the way the guy holds your hand throughout the entire meal, rubbing his thumb along the back of it, and bringing it up to press soft kisses to. or how his eyes are sole trained on you. or how every sentence that leaves his lips find their way back to you. art is almost disgusted at how enraged he feels at the amount of love your fiancé is showing you because it should be him. and you are shy under your fiancé’s gaze, quick to try to steer the conversation away from you, but you can’t help at how he adores you. and for once in your life, a man loves you (to your knowledge), and you could find yourself making room for him in your heart,,,until a cold splash of reality hits you in the face when art showed up at your front door steps carrying granny’s bag for her. because as much as he hurt you, art donaldson has etched himself a permanent spot in your heart—cowboy hat and all.
i’m also thinking, art doesn’t realize you’re pregnant yet; no one does. but the way he finds out? this is my vision
art ofc has to sit through the wedding, seeing you in a beautiful dress, teary-eyed, exchanging vows and he wants it to be him sooooo bad. so the reception comes around, you’re playing the proper bride/host. art is DOWNING drinks. somehow the two of you end up in the coatroom (empty ofc—idk how they got there yet) and ofc there’s an Emotional exchange (art reiterating that you told him you love him, reader responding that he never says it back, art bringing up the Phone Call—“remember when you asked me if i was happy?” you nod “remember what i said?”—reader saying “what good does that do now?” ofc tears in her eyes “you’re married, i’m married, i’m—“ ofc she was going to say pregnant but drunk art kisses her. they fuck in the coatroom—actually no, art makes love to her on the expensive coats of her wedding guests LMAO bc “he should’ve done it earlier” but he’s noticing these changes about her. bc as a man obsessed with citygirl!reader, art has her body memorized ok, he fantasizes about it every night. her breasts are fuller, she’s more glowing than usual, and her hips feel different to hold. only in their post-sex bliss, and his post-orgasm, it hits him. he pulls away, hissing as he’s been burned, “you’re pregnant”
and he’s seething because it means that bastard came in you and knocked you up (ofc the bastard is your husband, so god-fearing art is in the back of his head going “chill please.”) but then he does the math, and you can’t lie to him so he knows. he’s going to be a father except it’s not with his wife and the mother of his child doesn’t want him. (she does but she’s in her being good era)
they get into a blown out fight ofc and THIS is where art says i love you. and reader is honestly half elated he loves her back but mainly pissed bc his timing can’t be worse and also, “don’t say you love me just because i’m carrying your baby” and art’s trying to articulate that no, he does love her and he couldn’t say it but reader can’t hear it bc it hurts ! too ! much ! to know that she could’ve had him and still can but she can’t hurt her husband nor can she let art hurt his wife so she tells him she doesn’t love him anymore and it’s too late (i cannot make her say she never loved him bc that will bring irreparable damage that i cannot come back from emotionally) and art leaves bc there’s nothing he can do.
reader returns to her wedding party, to her husband’s side where she’s determined to stay. she’ll be the kind loving wife that this man deserves because he loves her without any expectations, conditions, etc.
art returns home with granny to his little farmhouse where his wife awaits with her chaste touches and polite small talk. finding out you’re carrying his child an animalistic urge to breed takes over him, and he’s trying to fuck a baby into his wife every night. but it doesn’t work. no matter how hard he tries, lucy can’t get pregnant, and she’s tired of trying—too heartbroken at the knowledge she can’t give him babies.
the next summer, granny’s health takes a turn for the worse, so she writes you a letter to return to the ranch to help her get everything settled. and bc you’ve become so fond of your grandma—who sends you homemade jams and knitted booties for the baby every few months—you do with your blue-eyed, strawberry blonde baby girl in tow.
- 🤠
you need your ass ate for this
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This is so rushed and spun off from a truly unhinged discussion but I needed to write something for this AU while I have timeeee @tiffykins-yeah I hope this is at least semi entertaining lmao
The day Binary Star Hero turned against the heroes; the skies went dark.
Metaphorically of course. Strictly speaking, very little changed in the grand scheme of things. Although the NAHA, reporters, and anyone with a media presence certainly behaved as though the world itself had come to an end. Herschel was on the news lamenting the loss of the earth’s brightest star to the forces of darkness, news anchors would not shut up about the catastrophic consequences of losing the greatest hero mankind had ever known, and drama youtubers milked the controversy of the NAHA’s ignominious fall from grace as Binary Star Hero – real name Ray – exited the hero headquarters followed by a bevy of interns, office workers, and bottom-rung employees. Employees who, with vicious innocence, detailed the NAHA’s horrendous working conditions.
“We didn’t even have dental,” one sighed despondently. “My friend’s teeth haven’t been the same since that rock hero went on a rampage in the office.”
When asked the reason they had chosen to follow the new villain – was it blind worship? Stockholm syndrome? Were they being threatened in any way? – the gathering just scoffed.
“He’s paying my medical bills,” one replied. “The NAHA didn’t even want to pay for my insulin. I had to argue with like 5 different people to get it added to my benefits package.”
“Wait, you were getting benefits? I’ve been working on minimum wage for years!”
“You guys were getting paid?!”
At that point, the hero formerly known as Binary Star Hero attempted to fly away from the commotion, causing one of the former NAHA employees to yell something to the effect of “quick, follow that tacky sweater!” Which caused the crowd to peal off after the rapidly shrinking red dot in the sky, leading to several traffic obstructions, and signaling the start to a villainous career change.
Ray stared at clothing rack in front of him, at the five mannequins arranged in various dramatic poses, and finally at the group of expectantly waiting…what to call them? Underlings? Sure, that worked. The underlings stared back at him, some carrying more fabric while others held sewing kits, needles, thread, and baskets of accessories.
There was no need to read their minds to understand what they all wanted, but he still felt the need to ask. “What is this?”
“For your villain rebranding, the team decided on an aesthetic overhaul,” the one at the front announced brightly, gesturing to the steel rack that had been crammed with outfits in a range of dark colours – purples, indigoes, heavy shades of grey and even denser blacks. Some had capes, most did not. “Of course, this would all be easier if you would simply decide on a new name, but I suppose we can whittle down the choices later.”
Ray flashed back to the moment he’d walked past the conference room – a massive underground addition to his lair (he didn’t call it that, but the PR team were very Committed To The Bit) – and seen a horde of them gathered around the whiteboard and shouting suggestions at the person at the front. On the interactive surface were at least 50 names, though Ray only got through Lunar Eclipse and Superordinate Gravitational Collapse before he’d decided to leave that problem for Future Ray to sort out.
Unfortunately, the future had come. “This is completely unnecessary,” Ray plucked at the sleeve of one of the outfits and was pleasantly surprised to find that it was in fact not made of impossibly tight spandex. “I haven’t even had coffee yet.”
Another employee stepped up, swiping the screen of the iPad with a finger. “Sir, [MC] will be clocking into the afternoon shift in approximately one hour. Would you like to pick up your coffee then?”
“Hm,” Ray rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “What’s on my schedule before that?”
“Uh, there’s a senator you hate giving a bigoted speech about drag queens, then you wanted me to remind you to rob that bank on 6th Avenue,” another swipe across the screen, “oh, and you’re out of ice cream.”
“The speech should be happening in the park across from the coffeeshop where [MC] works,” one of the team piped up. “We can reschedule the bank robbery and take some casual photos of you at the coffeeshop. The mid-afternoon sun would be great for the Total Eclipse social media page!”
“Dude, we discussed this! The team hasn’t decided on a villain name yet!”
“For the last time, we’re not choosing your idea!”
“Fuck you, Dark Star is a great evil name!”
“We are not linking him to a shitty 90s movie!”
“You take that back!”
Taking advantage of their distraction, Ray turned his attention to one of his favourite groups in the team. “Any updates?”
The employee saluted – Ray had given up on making them stop doing that – and pulled out her own iPad. “Sir–” (“Don’t call me that.”) “–they liked the post of you singing while playing the guitar and left a sweating emoji on the latest shirtless pic.”
“What about the one of me saving a kitten at the shelter?”
“Unfortunately, it was flagged for violence after one of the team forgot to edit out the part where you tossed someone through the walls for having an unsolicited picture of [MC] as their phone-screen background.”
“Ah, right,” Ray nodded reminiscently. “That did happen, huh. Upload it again, and monitor. If that’s all…”
He took off through the window, off to do various evil deeds and visit his favourite barista, while ignoring the screeching below as the two feuding members of the team finally stopped fighting long enough to notice his departure.
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chibimochii · 2 months
I come bearing ScaraSethos 🤲🏼💝 hopefully it’s not a spoiler to reveal that Sethos’ pretty significantly affiliated w the Temple of Silence but all that to say that it’s usually a quiet and peaceful place since it’s hidden away but once Wanderer begins coming over at Sethos’ friendly requests (tho Wanderer claims it’s purely for academics lmao), the other temple peeps begin to hear Sethos’ laughter echoing thru the hallways bc he kept playfully pestering his crabby guest one too many times and ended up pinned to the floor tanking hella scribbly tickles along his lower back aka my personal take on Sethos’ Death Spot™️ bc that back window is so tasty
Bonus if the temple elders who watched Sethos grow up tease him in front of Wanderer afterwards saying that they missed his bubbly laughter from when he was a smoll boy and his face starts burning while Wanderer gives them his innocent, angelic, and polite smile like what a cute memory (o^^o) but Sethos knows he’s doomed fr fr poor mans is not well versed in keeping his giggles under wraps for very long and when he tries to hide his laugh in his hand / the crook of his elbow, Wanderer is quick to switch spots and dig right under his arms and along the curve of his shoulder blades yknow? instantly gets Sethos begging for his life and nothing thrills Wanderer more bc he’s a ruthless ler and Sethos is actually very tanky for a lee when it comes to having a giggly good time
it’s not entirely one sided tho! Wanderer takes his hat off indoors and when he uses his skill so eventually, Sethos notices the electro mitsudomoe on the back of his neck, whcih instinctively he thinks to touch it with a little bit of electro (like when you see the pillars in the overworld haha) thinking at most Wanderer will glare at him and maybe tickle him but to Sethos’ immense delight, he SQUAWKS like a dusk bird and fumbles a stack of books he was carrying or even his catalyst and its silent for a moment before Sethos gets a wicked grin on his face that Wanderer doesn’t stick around to see bc he’s booking it away Anemo jet style so it’s a race for who’s faster btwn him and Sethos’ electro speed but since it’s also Sethos’ home turf, he eventually backs Wanderer into a dead end muahahahaha
Hope this brought a smile to your face om nom nom 🧸
Wahhh this was so good!~ you really gave so much fuel to this duo✨️
Sethos being a little bastard pushing Wanderer's buttons on purpose to rile him up. Probably (definitely) knowing the consequences-
Sethos back window is 110% his worst spot, like get him on his back and he's yours. Sethos knows that, the elders knows that, heck cyno knows that and now wanderer. Poor guy is doomed.
And wanderer isn't the sweetest ler, he is almost downright mean sometimes. But not cruel,, however he definitely gets a kick getting to absolutely wreck Sethos by tickling him to pieces. Best part? Sethos is down for that, he finds it fun :)
As for sethos getting revenge, it's like a 40% chance he will get to properly get wanderer back, but once the opportunity arrives. He will leap on it. Do his damn best to try and take him down and tickle him back. Finding his weak points. But it's not easy when your boyfriend has anemo power equivalent of jets that makes him able to zoom away at any point he wants.
But, I'm a firm believer that wanderer is pretty ticklish himself, thighs are the worst spot. Sides are another, ribs, hips. Tracing the marks that light up during the times he uses his vision? Yep. But the mark on his neck?... touch it at your own risk, it's a reminder of what he is, was. Who he's connected to, and he probably wouldn't be very happy by having it brought up. But with time, maybe he would occasionally let his curious partner touch it.. maybe -3-
(This got sooo long holy- my bad
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misojunnie · 1 year
i find the vampire and werewolf rivalry dynamic really funny for whatever reason, so may i request some &team hcs with a friend/partner who’s a vampire while they’re… yknow, werewolves?
oh the shenanigans they would get up to
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☆ &team as your werewolf bf! w/ a vampire partner ;)
byun eui joo - ej
wasn't really objected to you being a vampire tbh. if anything, he was kinda interested
the quiet, kind-hearted typa guy to be like "it doesn't matter if we're different species, love is love, right?"
crazy clingy, and loves your fangs. he has fangs himself, but they're nowhere near as sharp and long as yours are. he loves admiring them when you smile and when he kisses you
loves that you're a vampire. it took zero time to get used to it
by now he knows all your needs by heart <3
murata fuma - fuma
shocked to discover you were a vampire, but not necessarily unhappy about it
when other werewolves are around you, his protective instincts kick in immediately and he's ready to die to protect you
you tried to hide your relationship for a while, but he gave up quick
he couldn't help it, he always wanted to show you off <3
rolls his eyes when you hiss at his werewolf friends (who aren't exactly fond of you)
koga yudai- k
considering how passionately khan hates vampires, I think k would probably share that trait tbh
was heartbroken when he realized you were one of his mortal enemies. it took him months to recover
but once he got adjusted to it, he could give a fuck what other people think
he proudly shows you off, even around the other werewolves. he doesn't care what they say, and if they threaten you? he won't hesitate to rough them up
drags a dead deer home every week or so, so you can feed <3
wang yixiang- nicholas
was shocked when he found out the cutie in his chem class was actually a vampire, AKA his worst enemy
he was disgusted. he's a prideful guy, so it took him a long time to accept that he was in love with a literal vampire (he couldn't stay away and ended up apologizing with a cute date <3)
secretly loves it when you bite him (teehee)
when you fight, expect fangs out and full blown screaming matches fueled by millennia of ancestral beef. lmao
"you think i'm high maintenance? try dating someone who literally lives off sucking life force!"
nakakita yuma - yuma
scandalized by the fact that you're a vampire. you told him after you started dating, and he had to break up with you for 2 weeks as a grieving period
the adjustment period was long, but now he knows just about everything there is to know about vampires
always ready to debate vampire/werewolf history with you
"uh, no. the battle of 1824 was obviously the vampires' fault. you broke the peace treaty, not us."
always puts on dracula because he thinks it's your favorite movie. it totally isn't, but he means well, so you don't tell him otherwise
asakura jo - jo
figured out you were a vampire like three weeks before you broke the news. he decided to stay with you anyway bc he doesn't really care what the other werewolves think
brings you coffee when you crave blood bc he thinks it'll help
you're the extroverted drama queen and he's the stoic, introvert bf
is very in tune to your needs, and won't hesitate to kill a literal human being to satisfy you (you tell him not to, though)
"I know you're a vampire, but you need to get your blood lust in control. I'm your boyfriend, not a piece of meat."
shigeta harua - harua
when you told him you were a vampire, he listened to his pack and dumped you, but followed his heart since and won you back <3
like ej, very in tune to your needs and wants
comes back from "hanging with the boys" carrying a huge dead deer/cow/etc, covered in blood with a huge smile on his face
"I brought dinner! do you like it?" "it's definitely bloody..."
all in all, he just wants to make sure you're feeling comfortable and happy <3
didn't really care that you were a vampire. k initially gave him flack, but he ignored it until his friends gave up
sunshine x sunshine protecter irl. he's just happy to be there, and you're ready to kill for him, need be
but watch out; insulting you is a one way ticket to seeing his dark side (even if you're his friend/one of his kind)
loves double dates, and even introduced some of his werewolf friends to your vampire friends. you two singlehandedly repair the relationship of the species in your city <3
hirota riki - maki
did not gaf that you're a vampire. loves you too damn much to care what species you are
loves bear hugs, but constantly underestimates his inhuman strength. will try to hug you and accidentally tackle you
gets crazy sassy with you when you argue, eg; "don't bare your fangs at me while i'm speaking."
loves running away with you at night to hunt, wander the streets, and generally fuck around. midnight walks are his favorite, and luckily he never has to worry about being cautious during the night, considering you're both the strongest beings on the planet
locks himself in his room during full moons bc he gets embarrassed about transforming in front of you lol
a/n: omg this was so cute... I usually struggle with the werewolf stuff bc it annoys me so bad but this was actually rlly fun... maybe i'm warming up to the werewolf concept 🤔😇
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melswifeasf · 1 year
Was it ever real?
part two
Fandom: Yellowjackets
Pairing: Shauna Shipman x fem!reader
Genre: a little angst; fluff.
Words: 7.4k+
Summary: based on this request. you have a huge crush on Shauna and she accidentally hears you in the locker room.
Notes: i definitely got carried away with this one lmao. both parts are pretty long, if you guys prefer shorter imagines don’t be afraid to let me know!
not spell checked!
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Taissa elbowed your side making you flinch. she smirked at you and kicked the ball that was under your feet before kicking it over to Van who stopped it and kicked it toward Lottie next. you rolled your eyes at her, a bit embarrassed that she had caught you in the act. you cleared your throat and motioned for Lottie to pass it to you next which she did with ease. Taissa chuckled at your attempt of distracting her from the situation but she planned on teasing you later on once you were in the locker room.
just a couple feet away was the source of your distraction, the brown eyed girl who you had been staring at since the beginning of practice. her hair was pulled back into a pony tail with just a couple strands framing her face. she was passing the ball to Jackie with a smile on her lips as she laughed about something she had said. you'd do anything to be the source of that smile. you were casual friends, just as you were with the rest of the girls on the team. Tai, Van and Lottie were the only three you were closest to. Lottie had been your best friend since you were kids and the couple were just better company than the rest. Jackie brought in a lot of drama that you weren't particularly interested in having to deal with and Shauna was only close to those who Jackie approved of. you didn't think you were one of those people.
"you should tell her" Taissa said, too impatient to wait until the locker to talk about it. you let out a sarcastic chuckle at the thought. telling Shauna was the last thing on your mind. she was straight and in the slim slim chance that she wasn't, she would probably be in love with Jackie. they were inseparable and you'd never seen her look at anyone in a way to indicate that she was interested in them.
"yeah right. she's straight or in love with Jackie. besides, she barely acknowledges my existence" you responded looking at the curly haired brunette. Lottie and Van took a couple of steps closer so that they could be in the conversation without Shauna hearing.
"i don't think she's straight" said Van with an amused chuckle. you looked at her with a deadpan expression, not at all buying her words or even that she believed them.
Lottie smiled as she glanced between you and Van, "there's only one way to find out" she shrugged optimistically. you rolled your eyes at all of them. this had been a regular conversation and it always ended the same. you weren't going to tell her. the rejection would break your heart and it would just fuck up the group dynamic.
"im not telling her. end of story" you said and like a miracle, seconds afterwards the whistle blew signaling that practice was over. the three teens laughed in amusement but followed quickly behind you as they changed the conversation to the halloween party that Jeff was throwing at his house.
with hope that the conversation wouldn't shift back to a certain dough eyed brunette, you zipped and button your jeans before reaching for your blue hoodie. much like you had expected the conversation did in fact not end where you left it on the field.
"look, if you tell her and she says no then whatever, at least you can move on" Taissa said from beside you. she was on the bench tying her shoes and Van was leaning against the lockers with her hand gripping one shoulder strap. you groaned in annoyance and threw your head back to really show just how over it you were.
"if i tell and she says no then i have to live with being the sad lesbian who fell for the straight girl" was your quick response. Taissa and Van glanced at each other, not all that sure what to say that could contradict that statement. truthfully you probably would end up being the hopeless girl in love with a straight girl and there was a high chance that it could get around the school. you had come out as bisexual during your freshman year but that was just to make things easier and before you had realized you only liked girls. it made things easier, the boys still thought they had a chance so they treated you like any other girl but being rejected by a straight girl? now that you wouldn't survive.
a sudden voice behind you spoke. "or she's just not straight" said Lottie making you flinch and your chest tighten. you closed your eyes as you held your hand against your chest where you could clearly feel your heart beating against it.
"fuck Lottie!" you exclaimed, "you scared the shit out of me!" that seemed to have been the most amusing thing ever as the three teens bursted out laughing at your reaction.
"i was behind you the whole time. you need to start paying attention to your surroundings" muttered the tall girl as she walked past you and sat beside Tai. great. now it was three against you. again.
a groan erupted from your throat, "all of you are so fucking annoying. seriously. Shauna doesn't like girls and she doesn't like me so can we please just drop this?" you said and closed your locked a lot harsher than you intended causing it to make a loud noise and the other three girls flinched lightly at the suddenness of it. you grabbed your backpack and threw it onto one shoulder before walking toward the exit in a hurry. not quick enough though, Tai, Van and Lottie were on your heel with fast steps. figures.
the door opened in front of you and you stepped out of the locker room completely. met with an empty gymnasium you continued to walk until Lotties voice stopped you. "okay okay," she said quickly and grabbed your arm so you would stop walking. you came to a halt and finally turned back around so you were met with the three girls once more. "we won't say anything anymore. we just don't want you to keep pining over her" she shrugged which earned nods from the other two.
"plus you guys would look good together" added Van, in hopes that you wouldn't stay too mad at them for meddling so much. with a small smile you rolled your eyes at her words. a small blush spread across your face and you were sure if they didn't feel so apologetic for being nosy they probably would've teased you about it by then.
your mouth opened in an attempt to assure them it wasn't a big deal but your words died in your throat as your eyes shifted behind them. the locker room door opened to reveal a pair of best friends. it seemed as if the oxygen had been knocked out of your throat as you let out a little gasp at the sight. the three girls looked at you confused before they followed your eyes sight which elicited a similar reaction. their eyes widened in shock.
the only thing you could do in that moment was to hope they hadn't heard anything. hoped that in some magical way they weren't paying attention to your loud voice when you admitted to having a crush on her. oh fuck. her not hearing was impossible, it was like someone held a microphone up to your lips for fucks sake. Jackie glanced at you with a look you couldn't quite read but that wasn't your answer, it was the fact that Shaunas eyes were actively avoiding you as she grabbed Jackie's wrist and practically ran out of the gymnasium.
you were so fucking fucked.
the house phone was held up to your ear as you were in your room with your legs propped on your headboard and your eyes were trained on the ceiling. "she heard." were the words that left your mouth for the fifth time during the phone call. a loud groan reached your ear from the other line.
"no she didn't." Taissa said again. after having seen Shauna you ended up freaking out the whole car ride home. Lottie was always the one to give you ride to and from school which meant she had to be the one to hear you go on and on about the fact that Shauna and Jackie would probably tell the whole school. or Jackie would tell Jeff and he would or Shauna would tell someone and they would and so on. words were spilling from your lips faster than you or Lottie could process but she still tried her best to listen and reassure you that it would all be okay. yeah right. like you were going to believe that it would all be okay.
you rolled your eyes at Taissas effort to console you. "of course she did. she could barely look at me! i can't do this. i'm skipping school tomorrow." you shook your head.
"no you aren't. your parents would kill you." she responded which was true. but you figured being grounded was better than having to face Shauna. at least then you'd have an excuse to not go to Jeff's party which she would most definitely be attending.
"i can live with that." you nodded even though she couldn't see. you could practically feel her roll her eyes through the line.
Taissa huffed, "seriously y/n. it's not a big deal. people have crushes all the time, it's not the end of the world"
"it is when you're a lesbian and you know that" you responded with a slight drop in your voice, almost as if someone else could hear.
the line was silent for a couple of seconds which you knew meant that what you had said was right and she had no way of arguing with you. "maybe," she agreed. "but it'll go away in a couple of days. something will probably happen at Jeff's party and that'll be the new gossip. just come to school tomorrow. Van, Lot and i will be there with you" she said a lot more thoughtfully this time.
you contemplated her words. you didn't doubt that they'd try their best to distract you from the whole ordeal but at the same time you weren't sure if you could deal with Shauna avoiding you. it's not like you were close anyway, she only talked to you if it was about soccer or once in a blue moon when you went to parties but it never got further than that. maybe it wouldn't be that different. maybe she'd make things normal for the sake of the team. god you hoped so.
like promised Taissa, Van and Lottie were with you during the whole practice. it was just a scrimmage so you didn't have to interact with Shauna much but during the small amount of times that you did she would try her best to look anywhere else but at you. every time it happened you couldn't help but feel a tightening sensation in your chest and a wave of embarrassment to wash over you.
the actual school part was fine, it seemed as if you were wrong about everyone finding out because it was just like any normal day. it had been another junior that got everyone's attention, not you. that was a relief.
once the whistle blew which indicated that practice was over you ran into the locker room to wash off as quickly as possible so you could go home. just five minutes later you were dressed in your light jeans and white hoodie. your three friends were standing near you talking amongst themselves while they were still getting dressed, not exactly in a rush like you were. you were on the bench tying your shoes as quickly as you possibly could, too distracted to notice anyone around you. if you had maybe you would've seen Jackie and Shauna whispering hastily but a couple inches away. the ones who did notice were the three musketeers that had been teasing you about her since you confessed to them.
the three of them glance at each other confused by what was going on. they wouldn't have cared if Jackie wasn't motioning in your direction with her head. it didn't click until they saw Shauna take a breath and begin to approach you with nervously. it was obvious by her posture her and the way she kept glancing at her fiddling hands before looking up at you, who was still getting your last shoe tied.
"y/n," Taissa said softly hitting your arm with the back of her hand. the action made you roll your eyes. you quickly finished tying before looking at her.
"what?" you asked annoyed. she looked at your with pursed lips as she motioned to the brunette with her head as slyly as possible. your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Lottie and Van turned their body and began to take a couple steps toward the door so they could give you privacy. Taissa didn't seem to have gotten the hint causing her girlfriend to whisper her name twice before she finally went with them.
by then you had already met Shaunas nervous gaze. at first you thought she was going to confront you about what she had heard and maybe tell you that it wasn't going to happen and you needed to get over her but that thought quickly vanished once you saw Jackie smiling at the both of you on the other side of the locker room. your brows shot up as you realized what was happening, your nerves began to sky rocket and you could swear you felt your heart skip a beat.
the brunette stood directly in front of you, both of her arms at her side by you could see her hands gripping at the end of her flannel which she seemed to do a lot when she's nervous. you blinked, once, twice before you finally stood up from the bench and shot her a shy smile. "hi" you breathed out. if Shauna didn't look like she was struggling internally you would've been afraid that she had seen how nervous you looked.
"hey," Shauna responded and finally looked directly at you. when her brown eyes met yours, a dozen butterflies began to swarm in your stomach which made you feel queasy. "i . ." she trailed off, almost looking behind her but she stopped herself before she could. "yesterday i kind of overheard you talking." she said. the butterflies soon turned into dread at the thought of how wrong you were about how this conversation could've gone.
fuck, fuck. you wished you had one of your friends to hold onto but you didn't. you were standing on your own with the girl you were madly in love with in front of you. "im sorry about that" you rushed out, hoping with every fiber of your being that she wouldn't humiliate you. "i didn't mean to make you uncomfortable and i promise i'll back off if you want-"
Shaunas voice cut you off before you could continue to spurt out apologies. "no," she said quickly making you shut up instantly. no? what does that mean? she sighed which made her shoulders visibly relax, "i like you too." she confessed lowly.
she.. what..? at first you weren't sure if you had heard her correctly or if it was just your mind playing tricks on you but by the hopeful smile plastered on the brunettes lips you were positive it hadn't all been a dream. holy shit.
"you-you do?" you asked nervously.
Shauna smiled and nodded, "yeah." she confirmed a lot less timid than she had been before. nothing was said on your end, the only reaction that came from you was the sight of your eyes widening and your jaw dropping slightly. Shauna almost thought you were adorable. it didn't click that you weren't going to say anything until Jackie cleared her throat behind the brunette, snapping her out of it. "i was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?" she finally asked.
she expected you to have a delayed reaction like you had been having since the conversation started but you didn't. instead your lips quirked into a smile and you nodded, "yeah. id love that" you confirmed.
that seemed to be enough to make her smile widen. "cool. i'll pick you up tonight?"
all you could do was nod. the brunette shot you one last smile before turning around and walking up to Jackie. the two of them left the bathroom quickly after leaving you standing there with your jaw slacked, completely frozen in place. the three girls still in the room ran toward you and began to squeal in delight knocking some sense into you.
"i told you she liked you back!" Lottie exclaimed happily but all you could do was smile.
the date was amazing. she had taken you to a small italian place. the lights were dim and they had the typical checkered table clothe along with a single candle in the middle of the table. it was a bit awkward at first, neither of you knew what to talk about so it of course resulted in soccer. after that the conversation seemed to have flown freely, it shifted to personal things and so on. you had almost lost hope that the date would so be so awkward that you'd have to just stay friends but that thought left your mind quickly after. the longer the date lasted the more you felt a fluttery feeling form in your stomach.
an hour and a half later the two of your had left the restaurant and Shauna began to drive you home. it was pretty silent compared to the restaurant. Shauna had put on music which was sounding softly in the background whilst you looked out the window. truthfully, you were itching to do something, hold her hand or maybe even kiss her but you were too scared to. you didn't want to mess things up. Shauna continued to drive in the direction of your home silently until you saw an ice cream shop and offered to buy some since she had been the one that paid for dinner. the brunette didn't seem opposed to the idea and so she pulled into the parking lot that was relatively empty because it was so late.
a scoop of strawberry was on your cone and chocolate was on hers as you both leaned against the hood of her car. it wasn't awkward, it was actually nice. you'd never really thought you could feel so comfortable not having to fill the silence on a first date but Shaunas whole demeanor was just so calm. you weren't sure why she was so different compared to anyone else or if it was all in your head and she was the one feeling awkward. regardless, you turned to face her direction as you began to talk.
"you know . . this is the first date i've ever be on" you confessed a bit shyly. your eyes were trained on your strawberry ice cream and you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. if that didn't make it obvious, the light pink hue on your cheeks surely did. Shauna looked up from her ice cream with her eyebrows raised in surprise. she was sure she had seen you hanging out with guys before. maybe they had just been friends but it didn't seem that way. not to mention the fact that everyone loved you. regardless of your sexuality, guys and girls loved how nice you always were to everyone. the boys especially loved looking at your sweet smile or listening to your laugh even though they knew you were just laughing to make them feel better. being pretty was just the nail on the coffin.
she had her reasons to ask you out, that was a given, but you being the sweetheart that the whole school loved, well, it just made it all the better. hearing that this had been your first date was shocking, surely someone would've already wanted to take you out. she had even seen you with the captain of the basketball team but maybe that was just a fling.
"really?" was her quiet surprise.
hearing her talk made you finally get the courage to look at her. "yeah. is it that surprising?"
Shauna shook her head quickly, "i just thought you dated Mason" she explained. the last thing she wanted to do was offend you or make you feel bad about your dating status. it's not like she'd been on many dates either.
the truth was that you had hung out with the captain of the basketball team. he was cute, had curly black hair that was always perfect. he had a sharp jawline and a perfect smile, not to mention the body of an athlete and he was kind. but he was just like any other guy. his idea of a date was hanging out in his basement with his friends whilst they got drunk or high with you on his arm, almost as if you were a prize. it lasted three months before you couldn't take it anymore. you didn't even talk, when he picked you up to take you to school he would just blast music. during lunch he'd talk to his friends and the one time you went out, he took you to watch a horror movie and tried to put his hand down your pants but you punched him before he could. it was then that you realized he only wanted to be the first guy to ever sleep with you.
after him you began to crush on Shauna so no one else would pry your mind like she would. she'd be the only girl you could think of during the day or before bed. the only time you wouldn't think about her smile and those brown eyes was when you slept.
your lips curved, "we hung out but the only time he took me out, he tried to do stuff that i didn't which led to a punch in the face. so i don't really consider it one" you said with a shy laugh. it was hesitant and Shauna could tell you were embarrassed by what you had just confessed.
"oh" she said her big eyes widening before she began to laugh along with you. that made you feel better about the whole thing.
you shrugged, "yeah. i guess im the cliche kind of spontaneous roses or dancing in the rain or showing up at my doorstep with a boombox. i don't know. i'm kind of a hopeless romantic which is stupid." with a shake of your head, you looked back down at your ice cream. the same blush that had been prominent practically throughout the whole night was still there and it was making your body burn in slight embarrassment.
Shauna was quick to reassure you, "it's not."
her words made your eyes snaps toward her. "really?" you asked hopeful.
she nodded. "yeah. i mean everyone is in a sense. i've actually always wanted someone to make a mixtape for me." she confessed and you could tell she was a bit flustered by her pink cheeks and the way her eyes kept darting down toward her shoes.
a smile formed on your lips. "why a mixtape?"
Shauna smiled as well. "i don't know. i guess the idea of someone taking the time to choose a song and everything is just really romantic" the two of you looked at one another for the first time that night. you saw her and she saw you. it was then that you realized who she was, not just the idea of her. and if you were being honest, it only made you fall even more.
that night during the drive to your house, you learned more about her. her favorite color, her favorite song, the reason she started playing soccer and even how she and Jackie became best friends. when she finally pulled up to your house, you expected her to just drop you off and leave but she didn't. instead, when you turned to say goodbye, she leaned in to press her lips against yours. it was sweet and short. even then, it had been the most magical kiss you'd ever experienced.
music was blasting through the speakers throughout the crowded home. drunk teens were all over the place, some just talking, others making out or playing beer pong. there was smoke from some teens smoking weed and some places were sticky with alcohol that had been spilled because of how drunk they were. outside, where there was a full moon and bright stars crowded around, drunk teens were in the hot tub and others just standing around with a drink in hand. the yellowjackets - mostly all were downstairs where most were playing beer pong. Jackie and Jeff were going against Taissa and Shauna. you had already gone but you sucked massively so you asked Tai to take your place.
you were standing to the side in between Lottie and Van who were talking about the last match which you all had won the last second. you weren't paying much attention, having to listen to them and also the four teens playing was starting to make you dizzy. Shauna and Taissa were competitive which meant they were trying their hardest to win. throughout most of it you could hear Jeff egging them on and telling them they sucked. it was obvious they were all joking by the way Shauna and Taissa had quick joking responses. even Jackie was in on trying to get in their head so she and her boyfriend could win. the prize? you weren't sure, probably just bragging rights but that didn't matter to them.
it was Jeff's infamous halloween party, you had arrived with Lottie since Shauna had gotten ready with Jackie. when the two of you decided to make it official, you didn't realize you also had to include Jackie in almost everything. they were best friends, sure, but Lottie was yours and you didn't have to include her when you hung out or had to cancel plans because she felt like you were neglecting her. you couldn't help but wonder if Shauna did that to her when it came to her and Jeff's relationship. just the other day you had planned a cute picnic date since it was going to be the last time it would be hot out, it ended up being Shauna, you and Jackie. maybe they didn't feel it but to you, it was awkward as hell. you spent the better half of the date listening to Jackie and Shauna talk as if they were alone and you knew your girlfriend felt bad, especially when she would place her hand on your thigh when you looked like you were zoning out or the way she would ask what you thought about the topic. it was sweet of her to think of you but you would've preferred if she had just cancelled.
that specific day had been no different. Lottie and you had gotten ready at your house. Lottie had on a purple skirt and a white shirt whilst you had on a black dress with thin lace at the edges of it. it wasn't irregular for you to wear such short dresses but the way Shauna looked at you when she saw you was like no one else had. sure, guys would gawk over you or check you out shamelessly but it was different when it came to her. she looked at you as if she needed you and you loved it. your girlfriend had on a short dress and you were sure that had been Jackie's doing and not hers.
it had been three hours so you arrived there and it was now almost two in the morning. you were a bit tired but Shauna seemed to be having fun so you didn't want to ruin that for her. she was your ride home after all. Lottie had offered but you hadn't been alone with the brunette since your first date which was almost three weeks ago and you wanted some privacy.
one red cup was left on both sides and the tension was growing between the four teens. Van and Lottie's conversation had been long forgotten as soon as they realized how close the game was to ending. it was Jackie's turn, everyone was tense as they watched her get the perfect angle. a moment later the ball flew across the table and landed swiftly in the last cup. groans erupted between Taissa and Shauna while Jackie squealed. you saw her turn to Jeff and throw her arms over his shoulders followed by him picking her up and spinning her. not really caring for them, you turned toward your girlfriend and friend instead. Taissa booed at them but it didn't really matter to her so she turned toward Van and Lottie to explain how she did have amazing skills but she 'had too many drinks'. that instilled a chuckle of amusement from you.
your eyes trailed away from your friends and toward your girlfriend who was looking at her best friend silently. at first you thought she was just being petty for losing but the longer you looked, the more it made sense. it had nothing to do with the game, it was them. you'd realized that when you first started paying attention to the brunette, the way she'd always look at Jackie distantly when she was with Jeff or the way everyone would always direct their attention toward Jackie and only ever acknowledged her presence with a small greeting. it was always about Jackie and you wanted things to change. things would be different with you, you'd make sure of that.
a smile curved on your lips and you took a step toward your girlfriend. the action made her finally pay attention to you, a small smile forming on her own lips. once you were close enough, you interlaced your hands on the back of her neck and pulled her close to you. "hi," you whispered softly which made her smile grow. she still had her hands at her side, something that had been a habit of hers since your first date. she was always too shy to touch you in any way, probably too afraid that you'd somehow not like her touch and pull away. that never crossed your mind though. instead of waiting for her to decide for herself, you grabbed her hands and placed them around your waist before putting your own back on her shoulders.
"hi," was her low response. you leaned in to peck her lips once making her smile grow and a light pink color to form on her face. you always found it extremely cute that she'd always blush when you kissed her.
she gripped your hips a bit tighter in support which you didn't mind. "wanna go upstairs?" you asked lowly so that none of your friends could hear you and make a big deal out of it. they had been teasing you about any little thing ever since your first date and although you weren't thinking about doing anything other than making out, you knew they wouldn't believe that.
the brunette nodded softly. that was enough confirmation for you to grab her hand and turn to the rest of the teens. "we're gonna get refills," you and began to walk away, not giving them enough time to protest. they were going to play another round which you knew and you didn't want any of them pulling her back. it was about time you had some alone time with your girlfriend.
"yeah sure," Tai called out behind you, "use protection!" she further teased making you roll your eyes in annoyance. with the hand that wasn't interlocked with Shaunas, you held it up and gave her the finger which earned snickers from the rest of the teens.
it didn't take long to get upstairs. there were some drunk teens crowding around the stairs and others making out in your way which made you have to shove past way too many people. the first room you entered was the bathroom so you quickly closed it and went to the next closed door. you wished you hadn't when you saw two half naked teens making out in Jeff's parents bedroom. finally, the next bedroom was empty and from what Shauna had told you, it was a guest room.
Shauna sat on the bed while you locked the door behind you. there was a sense of both excitement and nerves rumbling in your chest. not to mention the zoo of butterflies fluttering in your stomach. she was just Shauna. the girl who was probably just as nervous as you. the girl who had been nothing but sweet with you since you asked her to be your girlfriend. the girl who would open your car door or carry your backpack when she knew you had a more intense practice compared to her. the girl who would leave sweet little notes in your locker when you first started do it to her.
with deep silent breaths, you walked up to the brunette who was sitting at the very edge of the bed. she did look nervous. you could tell by her fingertips that were tapping against her thighs and the way she was biting her lip. it was probably the alcohol running through your body but it was enough courage to straddle her lap. you were hesitant at first, keeping your arms to your side so that she could push you off if she wanted to. she didn't. she placed her hand on your waist like she had just minutes before which helped you place your own hands on her shoulders for support.
you couldn't contain a smile, even when you bit your bottom lip to mask it. of course she'd still see how she was the one to make you like this. "i really like you." the words came out in a low whisper. you were close enough to smell the beer still lingering on her breath. close enough that you could see her soft skin and every little detail on her face. so close all you had to do was lean in a little bit and your lips would be on hers.
"i really like you too," she admitted in a whisper. her eyes kept glancing down at your lips and you knew what she wanted. you knew she wanted it but she couldn't do it. she was afraid to do something wrong or to mess things up with you. so you did it for her.
the distance closed between the two of you as you pressed your lips against hers. she kissed back instantly, her hands gripping at your waist which you had learned was a nervous habit of hers. typically the action would make you smile at how cute she was but the alcohol in you was making your body grow hot in a way you knew well. the kiss was slow at first. you were trying your best to let her ease into it since it was the first time you kissed longer than just a couple of seconds. you eased your way into it, leading her throughout it until she finally eased into it.
then the kiss grew rougher. her hands gripped at your waist a lot harsher as your tongues glided against one another. it was fast and hot and it made you want to grind onto her but you didn't. you weren't ready for that. not yet at least.
instead you gripped the back of her neck in support and got lost in the kiss. neither of you pulled away until your chests were burning with the need of oxygen. it was you who pulled away, both of your chest heaving up and down. pink lips were swollen and both of your pupils were blown out. the temperature in the room had began to rise and although you wanted to take things further, you didn't.
Shauna couldn't help but overthink if you thought she was good. did you think she was a bad kisser so you pulled away? were you going to tell that her that you wanted to go downstairs? it caused a wave of panic to rush through her so she did what she had seen done in movies dozens of times before. she leaned in to press kisses against your jaw, they were light and almost made you giggle but you fought the urge to. it didn't take long for her kisses to reach her neck. she pressed a small light kiss against your skin which made you smile and a small shiver to run down your spine. a second later she pressed down a lot rougher, her mouth opening and her tongue gliding against your skin. you moaned softly at the feeling and tangled your hands through her dark locks. when she began to suck at the skin, you pulled her hair a bit rougher than intended. the action fueled her pride, as well as every little noise you were making. even though you were trying to muffle it why biting your lip, she could still clearly hear you.
she didn't stop until you pulled her back by her hair so she'd meet your gaze. it's not that you wanted to stop but you were afraid that if she didn't, you'd take things further and regret it the next morning. a look of worry flashed through her eyes when you stopped her but you didn't let her overthink as you leaned in to kiss her. the kiss was wet and slow, unlike the one just before. she accepted your tongue gracefully and you could hear the lude noise throughout the room along with heavy breathing. as the kiss progressed, you realized you were wearing a dress and you began to realize that there was a possibly that she could feel how turned on you were. that made you pull away.
her eyes were closed as you looked down at her which made you smile. when they began to flutter open you leaned down to peck her lips quickly before pulling away completely. your teeth were on display as you smiled down at her. you were sure your cheeks were pink because so were here. she looked more disheveled though, her lips were a dark shade and her hair was messy from you pulling on it.
when the both of you recovered from such an intense kiss you both stood up, ready to go downstairs. you helped her fix her hair before you fixed your own appearance in the mirror. it didn't come to your attention that there something on you that hadn't been there when you first entered until Shauna pointed it out.
"shit," she whispered, her eyes locked on your neck. "im sorry, i didn't mean to." she nervously explained. you raised a brow at her, not really caught up on what she was apologizing for. instead of asking, you turned to the mirror and looked where her eyes had previously been staring.
there was a purple mark on your neck. it wasn't huge but it wasn't exactly small. definitely big enough that anyone else could see. it didn't bother you though. you actually found it kind of hot. you turned toward the brunette with a smile, "it's okay. i don't mind" were your words as you places a comforting hand on her arm.
"are you sure?" she asked quickly, far too anxious to believe you.
you nodded. "yeah. i'm sure"
the wave of relief that washed over her made your smile grow.
lights were hanging all around. there was christmas music in every store, on the radio and on the television. decorations were up on most homes making their house with Santa Clauses or Reindeers. christmas movies were on every channel and stores were packed with shoppers. it was the happiest time of the year and that was true for the couple. the time of year in which most families got together or traveled to celebrate.
wrapping paper was spread around the living room, the chimney on with the christmas tree lit up. the smell of freshly baked cookies and hot chocolate lingered around the kitchen and living room while 'home alone' was playing on the tv. there were kids running around playing with their new presents while the moms were in the kitchen making dinner. the dads of course, were sitting around talking or watching the movie on the screen. you weren't doing any of those things. instead, you were upstairs with your girlfriend who had snuck in after you finished opening presents. the brunette was laying down with you on her chest while you watched a christmas cartoon.
she had been there for almost two hours and you still had another hour before dinner was ready. you had asked your parents if she could come over but they had said no, claiming it was christmas and everyone should be with their family, including you. if only you actually talked to any of your family though. all of your cousins were children and the only one who was around your age, went to Mexico with her boyfriends family. that meant you had to either stick with your dad or your mom. both things sounded boring.
considering it was almost time for her to leave, you figured it was time to give her, her present. when she first arrived you exchanged presents but you had another one that you knew she'd love even more. she had gifted you a necklace with her initial on it, something you had been hinting at wanting since she gave you that hickey during the halloween party. after that night, it was as if neither of you could get enough. every time the mark would fade she'd make new ones. it would always result in your friends teasing you but it was with it. but like expected, your parents saw them when you had gotten in your hot tub. you had completely forgotten about it and didn't apply makeup like you always would. after that they said they wanted to meet your girlfriend. that was a very awkward dinner. your mom had made a 'sly' comment about how hickeys are tacky which left Shauna embarrassed. you hated that. she didn't even try to leave one after that day which would always leave you craving something to show that you were hers. it was soon after that in which you mentioned the necklace.
when you sat up, her arm fell from your waist. she looked at you confused, not expecting you to get up so abruptly. you moved across the room quickly and rummaged your desk until you finally found it. you quickly grabbed it and held it in the air as you turned your body in one swift motion. Shauna looked at you with wide eyes as, a smile playing on her lips at your excited state.
"i have one more present for you" were your words as you got back on the bed on your knees. you shuffled toward the brunette as fast as possible and handed it to her once you were close enough.
the brunette frowned gently, "i thought we said one present each" she said, now upset that she had only gotten you one whilst you had gotten her two.
with a shake of your head you looked down at the wrapped object. "it didn't cost me anything. it's just a small thing that i figured you'd like" you shrugged.
she looked a little hesitant but once she saw how hopeful you looked, her frowned turned into a smile once more and she began to unwrap it. considering how small it was, it didn't take long for the red and white wrapping to be crumbled into a ball on the bed. she looked confused at first as she looked at the cassette until she saw the words written on it. 'when i think of you -y/n'
her big brown eyes looked shiny as she looked down at it with her lips slightly parted in shock. suddenly her body came whirling towards you as she wrapped her arms around your body. she leaned back for a quick moment to kiss you softly before she leaned into the hug once more. you giggled softly at her actions. "those are the songs i always listen to what i think of you. which is always by the way." you said. even though it sounded as if you were joking, you weren't.
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jujusdiary · 8 days
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pairing- oscar piastri x fem vettel driver! reader genre- angst (can yall tell i like angst), established relationship warnings- bad bad crash (zhou crash 22 type beat) , mentions of blood summary- when a race goes bad and a small turn one graze ends in a multiple car collision, oscar panics when he is told his girlfriend was involved- and she hasn't answered her engineers calls. not proofread :/ ALSO TYSM ON THE LOVE YALL ARE AMAZINNNNNNN AND MY BAD FOR GOING AWOL LMAO
• —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • · keep reading !! · • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —–
Tensions were high.
Everyone in the garage could feel it, it's like you could cut it with a knife.
"You ready ?" Seb asks, flicking your helmet. You look up at him, smiling behind the halfway lifted visor. Your team at Ferrari are counting on you, and your brother Sebastian came all this way to see you race. He usually tries to watch all of your races, but never in person. So him being here is a big deal to you, as impressing your older brother is everything your little six year old self could've hoped for.
"As ready as i'll ever be." You mutter, flipping your visor down and waving him a quick goodbye as you make your way to the grid. Oscar is the car right beside you, and he waves at you. Dating another driver- especially as a female driver, it can be quite controversial- but people seem to love you and Oscar's interactions. You wave back at him, remembering how he tried to coax you back to bed this morning and baited you with the idea of both you ditching the race and spending the day in bed. Which, when looking into those eyes of his, was highly tempting, but Fred would've killed you. So you managed to pull together some will and tugged both you and him out of bed, sadly having to break away from him to go to your respectful garages.
When the lights finally snap off, you can feel the excitement coursing through your fingertips- and that start is the best you've had all season. From fourth to third in that first corner, going past Oscar and diving past Charles, blowing out a heavy breath.
Silverstone always is a hard race, especially with Charles, your teammate breathing down your neck and Lando so far ahead, you struggling to catch up despite how good the car performed in Quali.
It was all going so smoothly at first.
You were steady in third, ready to overtake Lando infront of you with Charles tailing you close behind. But Charles got greedy and got a little too close as you dived down into the corner, and his front wheel hit your back one, making you spin viciously out of the track and into the gravel, your car hitting the curb and flying up, landing on the halo and sliding it's way towards the barriers, where it flips over again and hits the barriers, hard. Before your vision goes black, you can see other cars spinning out to the gravel, a flurry of orange and red along with some blue, but you can barely keep your eyes open to see more as you can feel your chest cave with pain.
The silence settled in your garage, expemt of your brother, shouting for answers on how you are.
A red flag is called, and all the cars are rallied back into the pits. Sebastian is still trying to understand what happened, hunting down the pit wall and screaming for answers.
"I want answers, dammit ! Is she okay ?" He asks, his voice loud. Not far from the commotion, Oscar climbs out of his car, grumbling to himself. The crash had happened so fast, all he could see was the cars spinning out infront of him. He didn’t have time to ask his engineer who was involved as he dove into the turn, trying to ignore the dust flying up into the sky and into his eyes as a multitude of cars spun out onto the gravel. All he was told was that Lando had a puncture due to the crash and spun out into the gravel along with six other cars. Sebastian’s screams carry throughout the pit lane, and Oscar frowns as he pulls his helmet and balaclava off, tugging the earpieces out of his ears. Sounds swarm him, and his head immediately snaps to the ferrari pit wall. He looks over at his engineer, who ran out to meet him to hand him his water bottle.
“Is Lando okay ?” He asks, his mind somewhere else entirely as he watches the scene with a concerned look on his face. His engineer nods, his face pale.
“Yeah, he’s fine, but Oscar there’s something else-”
“Answer me ! Is she okay ?” Sebastian screams.
“We don’t know ! She isn’t answering !” The pit lane engineer turns back to the console, clicking a button. “Y/n. Y/n, are you okay ? Can you hear us ?” He turns back to Seb after a few minutes shaking his head. Watching the scene, Oscar feels his heart drop into the pits of his stomach.
“She was involved ?” He asks, his voice small.
“Zak told us not to say anything over the radio. Oscar, her car spun out and hit the gravel, and her car got turned. She was upside down on the track. She crashed through the barriers.” His engineer says, licking his lips.
“What..? H-How did this happen ?” He says, his heart pounding behind his ears, the blood coursing in his veins growing cold.
“Charles caused the initial collision- he got too close. Her spinning out caused the other cars to crash- trying to avoid any further damage to her. Look, the stewards are on their way to her now-” Oscar shakes his head as his engineer tries to coax him into the garage, where Lando sits, staring at the TV displaying the crash in horror. He runs over to Sebastian, who is staring at the screen expectantly, tapping his foot on the ground, biting his thumb.
Something is wrong.
“Seb !” He calls as he pants, out of breath as he runs up to the older man. He spins around to greet Oscar, a worried look on his age tired face.
“Oscar.. She’s not answering.” He says, shaking his head. From the corner of his eye, Oscar can see a live replay of the crash. Her car spinning, hitting the curb and flying up momentarily, before falling back down harshly on the halo and skidding towards the barriers at full speed, thudding roughly against them before debris goes flying everywhere, and the smoke from other cars spinning onto the gravel clouds the line of vision.
“What do you mean she’s not answering ?”
“We’ve tried to reach out. All we get is static.” The engineer says, slipping one headphone off his ear to shrug and announce to everyone. Oscar anxiously grabs a pair of headphones from the wall, everyone staring at him with parted lips. No one dares to stop him.
It’s obvious to see how much Oscar loves you. A simple look in your direction has fans going crazy, his eyes speaking more than he ever could. He’s not a very verbal person when it comes to speaking of your relationship in public, especially when he’s asked about it. But whenever you’re around, it’s like he can’t help himself. His hands are always on you, always looking at you, always smiling in your direction or peppering kisses all over your face, nose and cheeks. And the thought of never having you around, never being able to hold you ever again... It makes him sick.
"Y/N, do you copy ?" The engineer asks again, the sound echoing in Oscar's headphones. The silence and static is deafening, but the engineer keeps his hand pressed against the radio to keep the line open, just in case. Oscar throws a worried look over his shoulder at Seb. The blonde man is pacing back and forth, scratching his head, his chest heaving up and down worriedly. Oscar can also see the rest of the drivers, clumped together behind the pit wall, rewatching the twisted replay on the screen, unable to look away.
"Y/N ? We need to know you're okay." The engineer repeats. Another minute of silence follows. Oscar is about to take the headphones off, heart broken and twisted in pain already, when the radio crackles with activity. His head snaps back to attention, and he looks at the slight wobble in the frequency. A strained whimper and gasping breath echoes in his ears, and his chest caves in both relief and more fear. You never answer the question, but he can hear you struggling. You whine as you move around slightly on the driver camera, and a loud cry of pain leaves your lips. You stop moving all together, your heavy and pained whimpers and breaths the only thing Oscar can hear.
"We hear you, Y/N, we hear you. The stewards are on their way to help you." The engineer urges, hoping to reassure you.
"It hurts, Jimmy." You whimper. "Everything hurts."
"I know, okay, I know. Just hold on, they're moving to you now." You whine in pain, and Oscar gulps.
"Let me talk to her." People look at him with wide eyes, confusion stuck on their faces. Without a second thought, Jimmy, the engineer, silently hands over the controls and takes a step back. Clear his throat, Oscar settles down in the seat, still fully clad in his suit, his hair sticking to his head with sweat.
"Baby ? Can you hear me ?"
"Oscar ?" You whisper, your voice small and pained.
"Hi, love."
"You're here." You whimper, soft sobs heard over the crackly line.
"I wouldn't rather be anywhere else. Are you alright, baby ?" He asks, gulping down the own lump in his throat. He knows the answer already, but he just needs more reassurance that your feeling better.
"I can't move." Your voice comes as a whisper, as if your ashamed. "I can't feel my legs." Sobs breaks through the line, and Oscar runs a shaky hand down his face as you continue to cry, his heart splintering and breaking with each of your muffled sobs.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." You sob. Oscar frowns, eyes fluttering closed. Through the line, he can hear the stewards getting close, working through the rubble to get to you.
"What are you sorry for, Y/n ?"
"For ruining the race.. Seb came all this way to watch me race." You chuckle wetly. "I wanted- I needed him to see me win. I dragged him out here for nothing, and I ruined your race. I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry." You sob, wailing. Oscar turns to face Seb, who is standing there, silent tears falling down his face as he listens. Oscar shakes his head, even though you can't see him.
"You didn't ruin anything baby."
"Promise ?"
"Promise." He mutters, sniffling slightly. You sit together in silence, until you whine and mutter his name.
"Osc. They're here."
"Okay, baby. You need to listen to what they say, okay ? They're going to get you out, and get you to safety." You nod on the driver camera as hands reach out to grab you from above. Hurriedly, he takes the headphones off and slips his suit halfway off, tying it around his waist. Sebastian holds him back.
"Where are you going ? She needs you." He whispers.
"I'm going to her." He says. He pushes Seb towards the headphones. "You should talk to her." He says, nodding his head before breaking out in a run. Oscar's engineer tries to run after him, to warn him not to do anything. But he's already running down the pit exit, right where the crash happened. He can see the smoke lingering in the air, the marshals gathering debris off the track. His chest is heaving in pain as he runs, and he catches a glimpse of your hair. Your helmet has been torn off, laying in the hands of a steward. He finally sees you, laying on the ground on the gurney, ready to be lifted into the open ambulance doors. Just as he's about to break into a run to get to you, he's pushed back by one of the stewards.
"You can't be here."
"I have to see her. You don't understand-"
"What i understand is that you should be in your garage. Not on track." The man says. Oscar tries to sneak a peak of you over his shoulder, but he sees nothing. Defeated he turns around, running his fingers through his hair.
If you're hurt, and he looses you, Oscar wouldn't know what to do with himself.
He runs back to the track, where he's swarmed by Lando and Charles, both equally worried.
"Is she okay ?" Charles asks, his face pale. Your teammate is fiddling with the edges of his suit, a knot tight in his throat. Lando places his hand on Oscar's shoulder.
"Oscar." Lando muttters, searching for his younger teammates eyes. Oscar stammers.
"They wouldn't- They wouldn't let me see her. She wasn't moving, Lando. She-She-"
"But you spoke to her, right ?" Lando urges, eager to cheer the younger boy up. Oscar gulps.
"Yeah, but, she- She wasn't moving.. Why wasn't she moving ? - What if-"
"Hey, hey..." Lando says, pushing Oscar into the Garage, shielding him from the papparazzi eager to capture the scene. "She'll be just fine, okay ? Just fine." He says, just as Seb runs up to Oscar with an even more worried look on his face.
"Oscar !" Oscar breaks away from Lando, running to his girlfriend's brother.
"They just announced that the race isn't picking up again. Oscar, y/n stopped breathing- she's being airlifted to a hospital. They think that uh- something from the car flew out and crushed her chest. They didn't sound hopeful."
"Oh god." Charles mutters, sounding choked up. Oscar feels his world stop spinning. Without thinking, he rushes down the garage and into his driver's room, shaking his head. Lando is following him, trying to get him to calm down.
"I knew it ! I knew something was wrong- Why wouldn't they let me go see her if something wasn't wrong ! I need to get out of here." He mutters as he tears off his suit and slips a pair of sweatpants and a shirt over his fireproofs.
"Oscar, Oscar, mate you need to calm down. Zak isn't just going to let you leave-"
"The race is cancelled, Lando ! I need to see her, okay ? I need to- I need to check that she's okay. I won't be able to live with myself until I know that she's okay." He says, his face snapping over to Lando. The look on Oscar's face seems to be enough to convince Lando, because he nods.
"Okay.. Okay. I'll drive you, you're in no state to drive right now." Oscar nods, following Lando out of the garage. Running to the edge of the paddock, escaping guests and visitors and fans, Oscar can feel the bile rise up his throat.
He left you for five seconds-to go check on you no less.
And you stopped breathing.
What would happen if he stayed away for longer now ?
Before he knew it, he was in the car beside Lando, Seb's car behind the both of them. Lando is swerving through traffic, groaning at every red light. That drive took thirty minutes. Thirty minutes too long. Everyone was leaving the track, dissappointed about the race being moved. When he finally turns into the hospital, Oscar barely waits for the car to stop before jumping out. The hospital lights are almost too bright as he runs in, and too many people are swarming around him. He runs up to the receptionist, shoving people out of his way.
"Sir, i'm sorry, but you can't just-"
"Y/n Vettel. She was in a crash- She just got airlifted here." The receptionsit just stares at him, stammering. Seb and Lando come running up behind him. Oscar can feel his throat start to knot up.
"Please. She's- I need to see her." The woman clears her throat.
"Down the hall, first door to the left. She just got out of surgery, broke both her legs and a few broken ribs." Oscar nods hurriedly, before taking off in a run, rushing down the hall. When he finally sees the room, he pushes the door open with such vigour, Seb fears he might tear the place down. When Oscar spots you in the bed, he swears he left his heart on the race track, smothered underneath the rubbled remains of your car. Both your legs up to the knee are wrapped up in a cast, your face still slightly smeared with blood sticking to your hair. He rushes over to your side, trying to ignore the numbing silence and the beeping of the machines strapped up to you. Lando is standing outside out of respect and Seb ventures into the room just as Oscar drags up a chair to sit beside you. Clearing away any strings and wires, and grabbing your hand.
"Hi, baby.." He mutters, unable to keep in the sobs bubbling up in his chest as he sees your chest rise and fall with breaths.
When you come to, you're unsure of where you are. The last thing you remember is the sky when you were taken out of the car, and then people shouting all around you as you felt your body start to get heavier, to weigh more. And now, when you open your eyes, you find yourself in a dimly lit room, with a heavy weight on your hand and a banging in your skull. You can barely move your toes, and you can finally feel your legs- although you wish you couldn't because they hurt worse than you would've expected. All the noises seem to slowly be coming back. The beeping of machines. Your breath. The quiet. And soft sobs.
"Hi, baby.." A thumb brushes over your hand. A hand reaches up, brushes your hair away from your forehead tenderly. "You're okay... You're okay."
Oscar's voice is loud, directly near your ear. Unable to speak out of fear that your vocal chord might rip, you squeeze his hand. You can hear his gasp.
"Baby ? Y/n ??" He whispers, kissing your temple, his breath shaky. Your eyes slowly open, and you can see your boyfriend's face come into focus.
"O-Osc." You can hear his chest cave with relief.
"Yeah, Yeah, i'm here. I'm here, baby. Seb's here too."
"What happened ?" You manage, your throat dry.
"You were in a crash, baby. Do you remember ?"
Your car, sliding off the track, flying up, skidding on the halo. Hitting the barriers. Your steering wheel, flying out, hitting your chest. Your legs shattering. The world going black.
"I remember.."
"Your legs are broken. But the doctors say you'll be able to race again. You're going to be okay, baby." He says, some effort to try and comfort you. You nod, a tear running down your face.
Seb rushes to the other side of you.
"Hey, sis."
"Seb.. I'm so sorry. I wanted to win it for you. I wanted to show you that I'm a racer."
"I know you are, sis. I know. You don't have to prove anything." Oscar kisses your knuckles, relief blooming in his chest.
You're alive.
That night, Oscar spends it cuddled up beside you, his arm tightly strung around you, his lips pressed to your temple. It reminds you of that same morning, where he begged you to stay in bed with him.
Next time, you think you'll listen.
a/n- okay guys I lowk hate this anyways sorry for being AWOL and uhhhhhhh yeah thats it I have more (better) fics on the way I swear :3
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delopsia · 7 months
del pls i am DRUNK and i would like to know your interpretation of how bobby and/or rhett would take care of reader..
i was at a work party and they had bowling and free drinks so everyone who wasn't driving was kind of getting lost in the sauce and the only reason there aren't typos is because i am using auto correct
i just want bobby or rhett to take care of me :(((
I assume we're talking about how they would care for a drunk Reader t.t I apologize if I interpreted this wrong, lmao. I've been doing that a lot lately.
Bobby is one swift breeze away from wrapping you in several layers of bubble wrap. He thought he was keeping a good track of how many drinks you'd had over the night, but at some point, you got three of the same thing, and he misread it as you taking forever to finish one drink. So now here you are, drunk, on his watch, and it's got him a little frazzled. How did you slip under his radar? He was next to you this whole time!
You don't actually remember how he got you out into the car, but at some point, you find yourself sitting in the passenger seat, being fed little pieces of food from your favorite fast food joint. The privilege of choosing the size of your own bites was revoked when you choked; it's Bobby and his plastic knife against the world.
He doesn't let you out of the car until he's made his way to the other side, curling an arm around your waist and walking you to the door. Tripping and falling? Not on his watch. Absolutely not. Hell, you can't do anything by yourself. Even when you wake up in the morning, he refuses to leave you alone while he feeds you a few painkillers for your migraine.
Bobby doesn't drink these days, but he certainly remembers what it was like to wake up with a hangover. He's got the curtains drawn shut to avoid letting the sunlight worsen your headache, speaking in quiet, hushed tones. Do you want him to go get you anything? Food? A new plush? One of his blankets? How about some snuggles in bed? Whatever you want, he'll go and get it for you 🌼
Rhett is...uniquely helpful? He's had his fair share of drunk nights and vicious hangovers; it's happened so many times that he's memorized all the things that help ease the pain of waking up the next morning. To be fair, it was partially his fault that you had too many; he tends to forget that not everyone has an alcohol tolerance like he does. What you don't realize is that three drinks ago, he started filling your cup with water.
All the restaurants in Wabang close before ten, but there are plenty of gas stations with a sort of 24/7 food situation. Not the healthiest, but it's quick enough for Rhett to feel okay with leaving you in his truck while he runs inside to get you a few snacks. Gatorade, something fried, french fries, chips, and at least one kind of mini donut. It doesn't matter to him if you don't finish anything; the whole idea was to get something in your belly.
Rhett's funny in where, he's not in a huge rush to get you home and in bed. He'll take you on a slow drive around town or through the field to see the cattle to give you some time to gather your bearings before he tries helping you out of the passenger seat. It always starts with him trying to help you walk, and without fail, ends in him carrying you into the house. All it takes is for you to trip one(1) time, and you lose all walking privileges.
To be fair, he does try to get you to bathe before letting you fall aslepe, but it's entirely hit and miss. Sometimes you knock out on the couch while he's running the water, others, you nod off in the bath. Very rarely does he manage to keep you awake long enough to see the bed. You can't help it; he's muttering to you in those low, hushed tones, stroking the back of your neck, and it's just so hard to keep your eyes open any longer.
Very rarely do you wake up with anything more than a mild headache come morning. It's the cowboy effect 💐
With them together, you've practically got no hope of being left alone once your head begins to spin. Where Rhett easily notices when you get a new drink, Bob's got a better idea of when to step in. It's a little harder to trick you into drinking your water, so Rhett will do this funny thing where he'll order you something, drink half of it, and fill it with water. No, they don't know why it tastes bland all of a sudden. That must be a sign that you've had too many.
The best part of all this is when Bob gets forced into the middle seat. You're guaranteed to have the passenger seat because, in the event you get sick, you can just open the door.
Problem: Bob doesn't know how to act when he's in the middle.
His legs are awkwardly split, one on your side and one on Rhett's. Bringing them in would put them uncomfortably high up, but spreading them further would get in the way of Rhett and the pedals. His shoulders keep bumping into you, and this flimsy seat belt over his lap feels like it'll snap if Rhett hits the brakes too hard. He's so stiff that you can steal his glasses, and he won't kick up a fuss. It's free amusement, to say the least.
Coming home is practically the same. Rhett handles getting you in the bath, Bobby fusses over getting water in your system, and feeds you little pieces of your snacks. You're lucky if your feet touch the ground more than twice the entire night.
Please be prepared for dramatic re-enactments of your antics come morning.
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wonwooslibrary · 1 year
in other words, i love you | ksy
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member: soonyoung x gn!reader genre: fluff, light angst, roommates!au, 4+1 things, dance student!soonyoung, student!reader, technically college!au but it's not mentioned word count: 2009 summary: four times you jokingly confess to soonyoung, and the one time he seriously confesses to you. warnings: swearing, an argument, a couple loving shoulder smacks bc i think they're cute, mentions of food/eating, y/n bullies soonyoung but it's all loving don't worry! author's note: i finished this after months instead of writing the wonwoo birthday thing that i'm supposed to post in like ten days lmao oops but a big shout out to @kthpurplesyou for beta reading this for me!! bee, i love u sm you've become such a good friend of mine over the past couple months !! i love all your writing and aaaa ur just amazing thank you !!! i am now on my way to work so have a wonderful day everyone & enjoy some short soonyoung fluff <3
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The First. 
What is one thing that everyone wishes was free all the time? Of course, it’s food, and you were definitely someone who loved free food. So, when you saw the new ramen and boba place in the local mall was open, you were convinced. Your goal for today: get Soonyoung to pay for your lunch..
“Soonie, you love me, don’t you?” you questioned your best friend, tugging a bit on his sleeve. 
“I cannot believe you even had to ask that! Of course I do!” He wrapped his arms around your shoulders in a quick, but meaningful hug. 
“Okay so, if you love me like you say you do…” your voice droned on. “You should totally take me to the new boba shop. Please!” you held out the end of the word, begging the man.
Soonyoung looked away from you and moved his gaze to the ceiling of the store before he sighed. 
Exhaling loudly, he grabbed your hand and walked with you towards the restaurant. You quickly cheered with the hand that wasn’t in Soonyoung's. 
After arriving and ordering, you picked an empty booth to sit in as you both waited for your order number to be called.
"Thanks for paying, Soonie." 
Soonyoung smiled, his teeth showing. "You're welcome, I-" He was interrupted by the sound of their order number being called. 
Soonyoung stood up. "I'll grab them." 
“Are you sure? It might be a lot for you to carry by yourself,” you tried to stand up to help. “Let me help you.” 
Soonyoung put his hand on your right shoulder and lightly pushed you to sit down again. “It’s fine, I got it.” 
Coming back to the table from the second (and last) trip to get their food, Soonyoung sat back down across from you, making quick work of taking his wooden chopsticks apart. 
Immediately picking up your boba, you began swinging your legs a bit before speaking with a bright smile. 
Lifting his head up from his rice to look at you, Soonyoung smiled brightly. "Yeah?" 
"I love you," you took another sip of your tea. "And boba. I think I love boba more though." 
Soonyoung laughed. "I'm starting to think that you like the boba more than my friendship."
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The Second. 
“Hey Y/N, do you want to do something today?” 
Looking up from your novel, you focused your gaze on Soonyoung. “It depends. Where do you want to go?” 
“They opened a new arcade down the street from that bookstore you really like. I wanted to check it out sometime, so I was just thinking that you could  join me.” 
You smiled. “Of course I’ll go with you Soon! Give me like ten minutes to get ready?” You gestured to the pajamas that you were currently lounging in. 
“Of course! I’m so excited!” Soonyoung sprinted off back to his room, most likely preparing the most ridiculous outfit imaginable. 
You shook your head and got up from the couch after placing the receipt-bookmark on the page before closing the novel. 
After getting dressed and grabbing a quick snack from the kitchen, you sat and waited patiently for Soonyoung, who sprinted down the stairs and stumbled about half way through, tripping a bit and catching himself on the wall. 
Of course, as one does when their best friend almost faceplants, you laugh. “Good going. You should do that again so I can record it.” 
Soonyoung, peeling himself from the wall, gave you an exasperated look. “Ha ha ha,” he walked into the kitchen. “Very funny.” 
You looked up at him. “You’re right. It was.” 
Soonyoung smacked your shoulder lightly before grabbing his keys off the counter. “You ready to go?” 
“Yeah, I’m good. Let’s go.” 
About twenty minutes later, you learned that you should never agree to going to an arcade with Soonyoung. You watched from the sidelines, sweating, as he absolutely demolished the DDR machine he found in the corner of the small inner-city arcade. 
Winning another round (and yet again breaking the highest score), Soonyoung got off the arrow-covered platform and walked to where you were sitting. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to challenge me again? I can go easy on you!” Soonyoung smiled, his gums showing. 
Laughing loudly, you argued with the man. “If you think I’m getting back on that,” you looked at the platform in disgust. “Thing, you’re absolutely insane. I love you so damn much Soonyoung, but you can’t pay me to get back on that.” 
Soonyoung scoffed. “It’s not that hard!”  “I’m sure you don’t think it is!”
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The Third. 
The first thing you noticed after the countless minutes of sitting in this brightly lit room was that it was hot. You were leaning against the wall, phone on a tripod focused on Soonyoung’s movements in the wall-length mirror. 
“Soonyoung!” you whined. Across the large room, Soonyoung looked up from the ground, his thoughts interrupted. 
“Is there no air conditioning here? Like come on, it’s a dance practice room! Do they expect their dancers to die from heat every day?” 
Soonyoung smiled, “They’re working on fixing it right now. Something broke somewhere in the building so now the whole floor is not getting AC.” 
“That’s awful. Terrible. A crime to humanity!”
“Yeah, tell me about it. I'm here every day. Though, they said it should be done within the next couple of days, so don’t worry about it.” 
Soonyoung begins the music again, and he begins dancing his routine, movements sharp and well crafted. But, as Soonyoung dances, the temperature of the room increases, and there is only so much a couple of revolving fans can do. 
When Soonyoung is done dancing, he turns to face you. “How was that?” 
You nodded and clapped. “It was amazing! Though, I’m dying. You’re lucky I love you, otherwise I would have left an hour ago.” 
Soonyoung smiled. “But you like the dance? I’ve been working on it for a while and I really just want to be done with it.” 
“Yeah! It’s amazing. You know that every dance you do is going to be perfect by the end of it! You’re incredibly talented!” 
“Thanks, Y/N. Let’s go back before you melt into a puddle that I have to mop up off the floor.” 
“We both know if that happened, you’d be making Chan mop the floor. There’s no way you’d do it yourself.”
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The Fourth. 
The movie that was playing at full volume on Soonyoung’s TV was not your first choice, and you made that extremely clear to Soonyoung as you both sat next to each other on the couch for your weekly movie night. 
“I just don’t understand why you’d want to watch a horror movie when you know that you’re going to be more scared than the characters on the damn TV!” you argued to your best friend. 
“Oh, come on you scaredy cat! It’s not going to be too bad! Jihoon said this one wasn’t that bad!” 
Wrapping yourself in the blanket Soonyoung kept on the couch, you refuted the statement. “There is a 99 percent chance that Jihoon was saying that just to fuck with you in hopes you get so scared you call him crying so he can laugh at you.” 
Soonyoung thought about your statement for a second before wrapping his arm around you. “Okay, while you do have a point there,” he began, “I don’t think Jihoon hates me that much!” 
“While he might not hate you that much, he doesn’t love you like I do---of course he’d pull a useless prank on you like that.” Once the words came out of your mouth, you could feel your heart start beating faster at the words you just said. It feels…different, somehow. 
“Of course! He can’t love me nearly as much as you do!” Soonyoung yays, hugging you and rubbing his hair into your cheek.
Grimacing, you complain, “Okay, okay, please get your greasy hair off of my face.” Placing one of your hands on Soonyoung’s hairline, you push him away. 
Soonyoung lets go of the hug and leans to the other direction, pouting. “Y/N doesn’t love me anymore!”
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The One. 
“Soonyoung! Did you seriously?” you mutter to yourself. After a long day in classes and stressing about the endless amount of assignments you have to do, the last thing you wanted was to come home to the shared apartment and see piles of dirty dishes by the sink. Of course, it wasn’t only the dishes that upset you: the living room was a mess of snack wrappers and empty water bottles and the TV was still on, the sleep screen lighting up the living room. The couch and coffee table were both pushed out of the way to create Soonyoung’s mini dance studio in the living room. 
“Kwon Soonyoung! Where are you?” you yelled up the stairs. 
Soonyoung peeked his head out of his bedroom door to see you halfway up the stairs. “Hey. What’s up?”
“Did you forget to do something?” Soonyoung tilted his head, thinking. 
“I don’t think I forgot to do anything? Why?”
“The sink is filled with dishes! Didn’t you say you were going to stop doing that? And the living room is a mess! None of the furniture is put back and there are wrappers everywhere! You promised that you wouldn’t leave stuff around all the time!” you angrily tell your best friend off. 
“I’m sorry! I forgot about it, I’ll go clean everything right now!” Soonyoung came out of his room and headed towards the stairs. 
“No, it's fine. I got it, just-” you sighed heavily. “Actually remember to do your chores next time, and put the living room back together.” With that, you walked back down the stairs to the kitchen, but Soonyoung was hot on your tail. 
“It’s not fine! The dishes were my chore and it’s my mess in the living room, just- move and I’ll do it.” Soonyoung began cleaning the dishes out of the sink in order to fill it with water. 
You tilted your head down to the floor, eyes watering. The angry reaction you had was finally hitting you, making you feel terrible about yelling at your best friend. 
“I’m sorry for yelling at you, Soon.” You wiped a tear off your face. “I really d-didn’t mean to. I've just had an awful day and I didn’t think about what I was doing or saying.” 
Soonyoung turned to face you, hands covered in suds. “Y/N, it’s fine. Please don’t cry,” he wiped his hands on the closest towel to him before wrapping his hands around your upper arms and making eye contact. 
“I promise everything is fine -- you were right to yell at me, because I did promise you I would stop doing these things. I love you, Y/N, more than anything, and that doesn’t stop just because you told me off for something.” 
Your eyes widened as Soonyoung kept talking. This action led Soonyoung to make a similar face, finally realizing what he said. 
“You…love me? That much?” you questioned in a meek voice, still wide-eyed. 
Soonyoung’s cheeks turned red and he looked away before whispering a small, “Yeah, I do.” 
When he finally looked back at you, he smiled. “Yeah,” he spoke louder. “I didn’t mean to say it in this context,” He looked around quickly. “But I guess now is better than never.” 
The dried tears on your cheeks begin to stiffen, but it doesn’t stop you from smiling as widely as physically possible. “I love you too, Soonie.” 
You wrapped your arms around your best friend newfound lover, tightly squeezing. Of course, Soonyoung hugged you back. 
You both quickly pulled apart when two voices scared you. 
“Soonyoung? Are you guys done making out in the middle of the kitchen?” 
“Hi, Y/N!” 
Turning around, you saw Soonyoung’s friends, Seungkwan and Seokmin. 
“Hi guys,” you began. “I guess that explains the living room being a mess?” you ask Soonyoung. 
He nods, laughing a bit. “Yeah.”
You smile. Of course. 
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strlitetheatre · 16 days
thank you @biscuits-spooky-diner [ sorry for the tag again lol ] for reminding me w ur reblog i went fucking bananas w this LMAO
a lot of these are heavily headcanon-centric and i wanna preface that before i get into it bc i know some people may not agree!! thats fine!! i just like thinking these silly lil things
thoughts below the cut because its a Lot and i may add to this but idk?? shrugs we'll see
starting off strong, i really am a sucker for the 'two [ or more ] characters that one actor/actress plays are related on some level' concept and i believe mark and duke are cousins bc CAN U IMAGINEE
theyre cousins on their moms sides but their moms dont really get along due to differing views and ways of parenting, but mark and duke are pretty close. theyre each others favourite cousin
mark and karen are both gay in opposite directions but they were very close friends growing up due to overlapping social groups (their parents, church groups, most likely abstinence camp goers, etc), and because of their respective families and being unable to be true to themselves, they got married and had grace very early after they graduated highschool
mark loves karen very much, but purely platonically. he is the type to tease her, sometimes poke fun at her, and he respects her immensely! they both work insanely well as a duo, and they hold down the fort of their picket fence home extremely well, but they are not in love
he n karen live a very domestic life, they can even be pretty physically affectionate at times [ hugs, cuddling, kisses to the head, cheeks, hands even ] and share quick 'i love you's before separating for the day, but something about it was always just slightly askew from romantic love and affection
circling back to highschool, mark and ted definitely had a secret on-again-off-again relationship for at least a few months to a year.
they inevitably fell out because ted was sick and tired of being kept as a secret [ i have so so many thoughts about the spankoffskis too dont get me started on that tho ] and ended up giving mark an ultimatum: either choose to stay with ted and become public, or choose his family and run away from himself
i think its clear which mark chose. they dont talk much anymore
his middle name is anthony :33 no reason for this i just think it fits. mark anthony chasity :3333
he is a very sensitive man! growing up was extremely hard for him between an overbearing and coddling mother, and a hardassed and pushy father, and being heavily sheltered on top of it all
he wasnt shown a lot of genuine love and affection growing up (his mother would lovebomb him, his father didnt believe he needed it, and they were both pretty strict considering he was their only child) and he tries to do better with grace but still ends up unintentionally repeating cycles out of wanting to keep her 'safe'
he truly does love his daughter, he loves grace s o fucking much, but he n karen didnt have many positive role models to base themselves off of parenting-wise, therefore carrying a lot of fabricated truth into their relationships both separately and together with grace
mark has an architecture degree and he would love to be an actual architect but alas. realty was what he could get into
hes the one in charge of most of the chasity homes interior decoration! he has an eye for colours n specifically he really enjoys pastels, but his favourite colour overall is actually green
MARK CHASITY IS THE MARK FROM WORKIN BOYS [ getting forcefully pulled off stage, gripping the mic ] PLEASE P[LEASE JUSR HEAR ME OUT
before mark began working in realty, he worked at a bank. golden parachutes bank [ 'golden parachutes' is something mentioned in show stoppin number w like no context?? this concept is my gfs idea tho ] [ **I WAS INFORMED ITS A BUSINESS TERM but atp i feel like hatchetfield Would have a bank named after a business term lmfao ]
mark met greg through duke when he was about 20 or so [ I ALSO FIRMLYY BELIEVE THE GREG FROM WORKIN BOYS IS MAXS DAD BUT MY JÄGERMAN FAMILY TREE IS A WHOOOLEE OTHER CAN OF WORMS ], began seeing him, and greg was the one to bring mark into the polycule around 23-24
all of them worked at the bank! henry hidgens was one of the younger executives there
HIS N HENRYS DYNAMIC SPECIFICALLY was never sexual i believe, but it wasnt healthy overall because there was a power imbalance between them, and i also believe mark wouldve been one of the younger men in the polycule
henry and mark had a very 'wolf and lamb' dynamic, mark being perceived and treated as 'innocent' due to how he carries himself and how he was raised, and henry sometimes doing specific things to intimidate and even scare mark
all in all things do not go well. yeah. i am Not gonna get too deep into that bc it delves into pure indulgent au headcanon bullshit [ this entire post rlly lol ] but to shorten it: i believe mark to be a sole survivor of the workin boys incident in some aus and after the deaths of the boys he quits the banking job n goes into realty god bles
coughs. anyway. he really likes historical art and i believe mark n grace are so similar in how theyre both So abnormal about historical things [ graces general interest and infatuation w the waylon place and its history that she basically infodumps about in npmd ]
he would infodump about historical pieces and their stories to anyone that would listen, which is usually his wife or daughter
SPEAKING of historical art n bringing back his architecture degree, when grace was around 10 mark built her an exactly-to-scale miniature replica of the waylon place as a dollhouse, down to the scaffolding, lighting, wall decor, etc
it took him years and was a complete surprise. it is his favourite and most pride-inducing project to date, even more bc it was for his baby
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sharpilu · 5 months
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hcs for the lads belowww :3
The Hunter
he/him. one of the only two strict he/hims (the other is Monk lol)
i like to think he holds spears on his back via sticking them between his rot cysts
vivisection scar :) i love NSH being absolutely awful to animals lmao
i like to think of Hunter as a stoic warrior type. selfless and caring, but keeps to himself alot
idk i dont got much else for the lil guy lmao
The Spearmaster
they/he. mostly cause they/them Spears is peak but i keep accidentally calling them a he lmao
i like to think Spears was an escaped experiment from NSH. we know SRS didn't make him, cause they talk about being repulsed by him at first, and i doubt they'd be like that about something THEY made
Spears i like to think is just. tired. like the main character of a crime drama who's a detective lmao
also a little bandana as a sort of branding, so no matter what, iterators know who to send them back too
The Artificer
she/her. scary mama
while drawing her i ended up making her kinda chonky, and that gave me an idea- what if she's explosive resistant because she has a large amount of fat? so it like, cousions her from the impact.
i like to think Arti used to be an absolute sweetheart prior to her kids dying. like, grandma down the street who makes cookies for the neighborhood sweet. then her kids died and all the love in her body is gone sjiodskdf
nowadays i think if she ran into a slugpup, she'd still be a decent mother to them, but she'd probably scare them pretty quick. she doesn't have the same gentleness she used too, and would opt in for teaching the kid how to fight rather then carry them away from danger. would probably teach them to hunt their own food so she doesn't have too
she probably smells like a dumpster fire. like, literally. garbage on fire. that's what she smells like
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kyojurismo · 1 year
How would Kyojuro feel if he found out his father was being cruel to his (Kyojuro's) wife while he's away on missions?
▸ ANSWERING. i’m sorry for being super slow at replying but i’ve been sick for a few days and i can’t concentrate very well (not that i’m usually that much concentrated, but anyway). i hope you’ll enjoy it and as usual, thank you so much for sending a request <3
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▸ FANDOM. kimetsu no yaiba
▸ CHARACTERS. kyojuro rengoku x fem!reader
▸ RATING. sfw
▸ WARNINGS. abusive behaviour, crying, mention of alcohol, well it’s sad ngl… kyojuro is super sweet at the end + i think i got a little carried away lmao sorry if it doesn’t make sense or sum
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first of all, none of you (i’m talking about senjuro too) would speak about it with kyojuro, because you know how stressed he is about his missions and you don’t want him to worry about you
so it’s up to you and senjuro getting through it
if shinjuro hits senjuro you try to stop him, but end up being scolded by him for getting too involved in family situations
“hitting your son won’t solve your problems!” that’s what you usually say to him
“you should learn to keep your mouth shut and just take care of the house.”
you know he doesn’t mean to say those things on purpose. he drinks too much and you know that deep down he’s deeply scarred, but still you find it cruel to take it out on young senjuro
you find yourself defending kyojuro too, most of the time
“i don’t understand how he keeps going on missions, he’s useless and doesn’t have talent.”
“i’m so sorry, y/n,” senjuro apologises about his father every single day, even though you assure him it’s not his fault and he shouldn’t worry too much about it
the day kyojuro was coming back from one of his missions, shinjuro completely lost it
“i’m so tired of seeing you around my house! you’re always smiling, you encourage my older son to do his job and tell senjuro to believe more in himself… who do you think you are?! you sleep under my roof, you eat my food, you-you… WHY DON’T YOU LEAVE?”
what’s going on inside his head? well, he sees ruka into you and he can’t stand it, not because he hates her, or you, but because it constantly reminds him that he couldn’t help her
of course you run out of the house in tears, senjuro deeply sorry sends a glance to his father and then follows you outside, finding you sobbing on your knees right in front of the house
“i don’t know how to apologise…” he mutters and starts crying too. “you shouldn’t be the one who needs to apologise,” you say and hug him as soon as you notice he’s crying too
that’s when kyojuro pops up, smiling but clearly tired
“hello there!” his voice makes you and senjuro jump a little, then you’re quick to wipe away your tears and get up, cleaning your kimono nervously. kyojuro notices everything, of course
“why were you crying?” he’s concerned and looks at his brother too, noticing he was avoiding his face. “i was… i think a crow came to the wrong house,” you fake a smile but you were truly grateful he wasn’t injured, he only has some dirt on his cheeks and a little scratch on his forehead
“we’re so happy to see you’re okay, brother!” senjuro joins the conversation, raising his voice a bit too much
“i’m glad to see you’re okay too, but… your frown is still here, darling. i feel there’s something more bothering you,” he genuinely cares about you and you burst into tears once again because you hate lying to him but you also don’t want him to have a discussion with his father
“our father raised his voice again… and said that y/n should leave,” senjuro gave up hiding it and you quickly turn to him. “t-that’s not true… he’s just having a bad day,” you try to convince kyojuro
[he did the right thing, idc]
kyojuro stares at you for a moment before walking straight into the house. he goes to his father, busy drinking as usual, and confronts him about the situation
he’s not one to yell or raise his voice during a discussion [i know he’s pretty loud on daily basis, but you know what i mean] so he’s pretty calm while talking to his father
on the other hand, shinjuro has no problem yelling at him and insulting all of you. you and senjuro find yourselves standing close to the door, hearing everything
when you hear kyojuro getting up you take senjuro with you and sit down, sighing deeply
they come out of his room and all of you sit down to eat together
“i’m sorry,” you hear shinjuro mutter into his rice bowl. “n-no problem,” you whisper and show him a little smile, before staring down at your own food
you and senjuro were able to hear only the end of the discussion, but kyojuro before said to his father that he should take more care of his health and try to drink less. he reminds him that ruka wouldn’t be pleased with his behaviour and that if he needs it kyojuro is here to help, and the same goes for you. he seeks a happy family and wants all of you around
and deep down, he knows his son was right.
part of you was glad senjuro spilled it out but you hope kyojuro won’t spend the time he’s away worrying about it
“you should have told me sooner,” kyojuro kisses your temple and hugs you as soon as you two are alone, comforting you properly. “my mission is also to make sure you’re happy.”
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▸ BEFORE LEAVING. reblog and comments are super appreciated. that’s it i guess… 🫣 have a good day / night !!
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lbxbx · 5 months
I’m down so bad for j hope right now the only solution is a lobotomy
Hey! No one's getting a lobotomy on my watch LMAO
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Work from home | JHS mini drabble
tags: smut, little to no plot. word count: 1200
 “I’ll call the creative team and have them prepare the slides for our meeting tomorrow with our client.”
It’s similar to all the meetings from home you had, dressed into a fancy button up with either a panty or sweatpants. It’s almost one hour left before you get to log off and end your day, your office slash dining table was a frightening mess, two coffee cups, the leftovers from our breakfast, an unbelievable amount of shredded papers and tissues, and your pair of socks that you had taken off  a couple hours ago when your legs felt hot. You were always like that when you were focused on your work, you wouldn’t pay enough attention to the surroundings of you whatsoever.
“Of course Y/n, and tell them to have the slides ready by tomorrow afternoon, and I’ll be sure to call the marketing team to stay in touch with them.” Your boss who’s also working from home answers you.
You hear the door to your house unlocking before you look at the time, Hoseok is back earlier than usual. He flashes you a smile and your eyes struggle to stay focused on the screen and you fight the urge to smile back at your man when you’re in the middle of a meeting.
“I’ll be back in a second sir, let me get the notes I wrote earlier.” You mute your video call and getup to hug Hoseok and grab his thermal cup from his hands. “Hi honey.” He wraps his arms tightly around you carrying up from the floor. “Hey, how’s your day? You’re back early.”
‘I’ve been thinking about you the entire day.” He presses his lips against yours. “I miss you too, but hey, I’m in the middle of a meeting, I’ll log off in like an hour you can probably shower until then and rest a little so we can have dinner.”
He looks at the dining table behind you before turning his gaze towards you. “Are you doing okay?
“Yeah, the chaos means I’m being productive” You kiss his lips again. “Go change, I have to get back to my meeting.”
He nods and takes his thermal cup to the kitchen, washing it and taking his time to clean it along with the other dishes, before heading towards the bedroom, taking off his suit and putting it in the laundry basket and taking a quick shower. It’s the bare minimum, but him doing the dishes and putting away laundry made you flip head over heels for him.
He gets dressed and walks back towards your make believe office and smiles subtly before picking up your used cups and tissues and taking them back to the kitchen, he takes a couple of trips back and forth to clean your surroundings and makes sure you’re all comfortable while you’re being productive.
It grabs his attention when you argue with your boss over a stupid thing, the stern tone in your voice along with your posture moved something inside him. It makes him think how this strong woman  holding up a meeting can grow weak and vulnerable in his own arms when you’re in bed with him.
Hoseok’s intrusive thoughts always got the best of him, and when it comes to you he’d grow week too. So he gets down on his knees and crawls under the table closer to you. Right when he spreads your legs to sit between them you nudge his shoulder to stop when you’re mid talking.
And he’s totally unbothered, he hooks his fingers into your panties and pulls it further down to your ankles. And honestly it’s not his first time doing this, so you know your hopeless attempts of stopping him will end up failing, he simply just gets what he wants, and right now he wants you.
He presses one kiss onto your cunt and usually he would savor how you taste and verbalize how much he enjoys your taste on his tongue, but he got used to eating you out in the middle of your meetings so he stays quiet.
He hooks your arms onto your thighs and pulls you towards him a little to reveal more off your cunt to him.
And you are trying to hold on in front of your lap top camera and you barely can, one hand is under the table running through his hair and tugging onto it, and the other one is supporting your chin in a desperate try to cover your mouth, and it works.
Your eyes almost roll to the back of your head when he wraps his mouth around your cunt, enveloping it entirely in his mouth to slurp on it and eat you out like it’s his last meal alive. He would kill to see your face trying hard to hide the pleasure but too bad the dining table is in the way.
“Yes, I’ll have everything ready by tues—tuesday.” You almost choke on your words when he fucks your cunt with his tongue, his fingers circulating you bean to deliver more pleasure and it’s about to drive you crazy.
Your chest heaves faster and you tug harder on his hair when he bops his head to fuck you with his tongue and you feel your stomach tightening, he forcefully pushes your legs back open when you try and close them around his head, and to deliver even more pleasure he pushes in his index and middle finger and slowly beings to move them in and out of you, this time his mouth enveloping your clit and sucking onto it.
“Mmm.” Escapes your mouth and clear your throat to try and mask it, you could easily predict Hoseok and you know he’d be smirking and he’d be totally proud of himself to make that little moan escape of out you.
He doesn’t think again before pushing in his ring finger and fucking you repeatedly with all his three fingers while flicking and sucking onto your tiny throbbing bean, his tongue even collects your juices and his own eyes close at the sweet taste of you that he never gets sick of.
Your fingernails almost dig into his scalp when you feel yourself about to release, your legs are still trying to fight his strength and close but he’s way stronger than you are. He curls his fingers against your spot and doesn’t stop, and you can clearly hear the wet sound from your pussy and you wonder if the can hear it.
“Y/N, any thoughts on that?” Your boss asks and you immediately answer with a shaky voice. “N-no, all good, so good.”
You fight the urge to call out his name off of the top of your lungs when you finally cum, you feel the entire orgasm in you back and shoulders and your body heats up more than it already is, and he’s still fucking you through your orgasm, your cunt repeatedly clenching around his soaked fingers.
“That’s all for today, we’ll see you tomorrow morning” Your boss finally ends the meeting and the camera finally turns off.
“Fuck you, Jung Hoseok.”
“You’re welcome, next time maybe we can show them that this mouth can do other things too.”
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Request: Yasuhiro Hagakure x s/o general Headcanons
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Yasuhiro Hagakure x GN! S/O General Relationship Headcanons -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wow, I'm so surprised to see yet another Hiro liker! I think he's awesome, he's very good comic relief and he's got a heart of gold. Which apparently a couple shady individuals are after, but hey. Sorry about the wait on this one, I'm an active uni student lol. - Mod Tsumugi --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Hiro is a very laid-back and relaxed person, and that carries over into your relationship. His easygoing nature helps balance out any tense situations you two might encounter. He doesn't get stressed over small details, and will often try to calm you down if you're feeling anxious. Granted, he's not the best when handling comforting other people, but he tries his best.
2. Hiro isn't the most reliable person, he's very scatter-brained and disorganized, so it's up to you to keep him on track most days. He doesn't often think things through all the way, but his heart is in the right place. Expect a sense of spontaneity in your date plans, as he'll try and surprise you at every turn. He might forget to text you back, but he'll make it up with a silly apology, and a heartfelt gesture.
3. As the Ultimate Clairvoyant, he'll always offer to do readings for you, especially when you're uncertain about something coming up. Though his predictions are pretty hit or miss, it's amusing to see how much he believes in his own fortune-telling abilities.
4. Hiro might not be the type to fight, but he is surprisingly protective of you. He would try to diffuse conflict with humor or by “predicting” the outcome to avoid danger. He’d do anything to keep you out of trouble, even if it means running away from danger together.
5. He believes in following your dreams and will always encourage you to pursue what makes you happy. He might not have the best track record with his own schemes, but he’ll always be your biggest supporter, whether you're trying something new or struggling with a big decision. Expect him cheering for you the loudest.
6. Hiro often ends up in ridiculous situations, which provide plenty of entertainment in your relationship. Whether it’s getting scammed by someone for the third time this week or showing up with a new “get rich quick” scheme, his antics definitely provide you with some entertainment.
7. Expect random hugs, silly compliments, whatever he can do to show you he cares in minimal ways. He's very casual about it, he won't be calling you over the top pet names, but you will definitely know he loves you.
8. He's a conspiracy theory nut, especially the outlandish ones, and will frequently go on rants about whether or not the moon is hollow or if lizard people run the government. He gets really excited when you humor him, and let him talk your ear off about it. While you may not always believe him, his enthusiasm is contagious.
9. He’s the kind of guy who thinks he's being cool, but in reality, he’s a bit of a lovable dork. Though he'll probably get pretty defensive about it lmao. Be nice to him <3
10. His love language is probably either acts of service, or words of affirmation. He's also a bit of a momma's boy, you will be hearing him talk about Hiroko (not me projecting cause I love Hiroko). In the rare case you get into a disagreement, Hiroko will probably be the one talking some sense into him lmao.
------------------------------------------------------------------- You sat on the park bench, watching Yasuhiro fumble through his deck of tarot cards with an exaggerated sense of importance. He was determined to give you a "perfect" reading, even though his last attempt ended in him predicting that you'd somehow bring the dinosaurs back to life?
"Alright, babe, this time it's gonna be 100% accurate," he said, shuffling the cards like a pro—or at least trying to. One slipped out and fluttered to the ground, and he quickly bent down to retrieve it, grinning sheepishly. "Whoops. Just the universe messing with us."
You couldn't help but laugh. "I don’t think that’s how the universe works."
He shot you a playful wink. "Ah, you just don’t understand the mystical forces yet." With a grand flourish, he laid out the cards, and after a dramatic pause, his face lit up. "Oh, wow! It says here you're about to have a sudden adventure with someone incredibly handsome."
"Really?" You raised an eyebrow, playing along. "Who might that be?"
"Obviously me!" He shot up from the bench, grabbing your hand with a grin so wide you couldn’t help but smile back. “C'mon, let's go somewhere fun. I don’t know where yet, but the cards say it'll be awesome.”
"Hiro," you started, laughing as he tugged you to your feet, "You didn’t even finish the reading!"
He waved a hand dismissively. "Eh, it was probably just gonna say something cheesy like, 'You're destined to be with the best fortune-teller ever.'"
You rolled your eyes, a wide smile on your face. Hey, who were you to tell the cards they were wrong?
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