#i got so sick of eating eggs. i still struggle eating them now because of that and texture
t4tstarvingdog · 11 months
TIM can i pick your brain for recipes??? trying to figure out how to use up some eggs bc our chickens have produced. um. Nine cartons of eggs :/
😵‍💫 i'm gonna be honest, i don't actually know a lot of recipes, let alone egg ones. but i remember just how many eggs we used to get 😵‍💫😵‍💫 eventually we started selling them to friends / people we knew at church / etc because free range or even just. local eggs are pretty nice to have. otherwise the only thing i can suggest is quiche which is egg heavy if i remember right, or egg bites (made in cupcake tins w meat bits or just other stuff like spices + cheese)
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dekarios · 2 months
i need help with vet bills (again).
hi. for those of you who remember, earlier this year i asked for donations to help me afford toos' vet bills, who we found out through your help had kidney failure, and again with your help we got her on medication for it. unfortunately it wasn't enough, and we lost her. and then shortly after, dexter began deteriorating, which we put down to his grief of losing toos - she kept him young, he followed her everywhere, he only played because of her, he only ate when she ate, etc. without her he just stopped. and then he started to have seizures and fits daily. we got him blood tests, but he was suffering so badly. we made the decision to put him down. i didn't ask for donations this time, because i was so deeply embarrassed to ask for help again. but we are still recovering financially from that, as well as the parts of toos bills that didn't get covered from donations. my mother hasn't worked for a very long time, she's disabled and very sick, and she receives PIP from the government that only covers her monthly medications that are not covered by the NHS. my father retired early to become her full time carer, and we are living off his pension. i am too disabled to work, but because my mother already receives PIP and i live with them, the government are resistent to giving me any help - so i have zero income, and rely entirely on my parents.
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this is jenny. she's a 14 year old cairn terrier, who loves when we garden because she wants to help dig holes. she helped us bury dexter and toos, digging their graves for them with my dads help. she's an angel, and loves people so much she likes to escape under the fence and join other families for awhile. one time she got into someones back garden and asked to come in as they were eating lunch. she really hates flies, and will try to bite them out of the air (she has never succeeded but i believe she will one day). she will rub her face against you until you start stroking her, and will growl and even bark if you stop! we don't have the money to take jenny to the vets, for a checkup or for anything they may want to do. this has been an ongoing issue, but toos and dexter took priority, and it hasn't been a bother to her. she existed as normal for a long time, but that's since changed.
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jenny has this lump in her mouth, it is larger than the picture shows, but she is a nightmare to force open her mouth since this got so big, i think it's uncomfortable or painful for her. she can't properly close her lips now, and it has pushed all her front teeth away, misshaping her mouth, and sometimes it bleeds profusely. eating has become difficult for her, she can't eat anything hard, and currently will only eat soft human foods like rice, scrambled egg chopped up so small she doesn't have to chew, and things like soups and gravy. she's lost a lot of weight, and i'm getting frightened. to add onto it, i've found lumps like this across her body. i've done as much research as i can, and i believe it to be an oral tumor, it fits, and it looks right, and it spreading across her body is called 'full staging'. and going by all i've read - they will want to remove them in surgery. according to my research, this will cost anywhere from £585 - £4,740 for just the lump in her mouth. that's not including any checkup/test costs, or the other lumps on her body.
she hasn't been to the vet yet, i don't have any secure goal or bills to share, just my assumptions and beliefs from researching myself online. my parents refuse to take her because we can't afford it. i want to save up money, have it in my bank, and show them that we can help her now, before it gets worse, or it's too late. as i said before, i don't have any income, so the only way i can do this is with help.
here's a link to my paypal.me
the icon is a little mouse, and the @ is rivellon
i struggled so badly posting the first post like this for toos. i felt so guilty and embarrassed and ashamed. but i have no choice again, i want to help jenny. i don't want her to suffer. and selfishly, i can't handle losing another dog so soon. this year has been waking nightmare, and i need your help to stop it getting even worse.
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please reblog and share, even if you can't donate.
thank you for reading.
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Beel's Incident
(Finally got around to writing this chapter out. Anyways, here's the third chapter of Animal Incident! I'll update it on Ao3 later, but it's sleep time now.)
Count: 5198
When I woke the next morning, the lights were still on and the magical candles still lit, my tired brain having ignored them the entire night. At least there wasn’t exactly an electric bill to worry about. Sitting up, I saw a pile of textbooks and a tray with a plate of food on it, though the portion size was so small that it basically looked like scraps. I checked the time and saw that my alarm hadn’t been set, and it was a bit after when the brothers would leave for class. 
Lucifer must’ve left the stuff so that I could still study and eat while they were gone.
I groggily got up and approached the food on the plate as a bit of hunger ran through me. To my amusement, tiny plastic utensils were placed on the plate next to the morsels of pancake, egg, and bacon. I wasn’t really turned off to the idea of eating meat like Levi was now, so whatever I was happened to be an omnivore at least. Once I had my breakfast, I opened my phone (with a bit of difficulty given my size) and saw that I had several missed texts, and a couple missed calls.
Each of the brothers had offered to help in their own texts, though I didn’t entertain the thought much with Lucifer’s worry in my mind. The rest of the texts and the missed calls were from the others also checking in on me after finding out that I was ‘sick’. Diavolo, despite Lucifer saying he was incredibly busy, still offered to help if needed. I declined, but said I appreciated the thought. Barbators said he’d hand Lucifer an herbal blend that would supposedly help me get better quicker, Luke said he’d bake a batch of cookies to be brought over, and Simeon gave me his best wishes with broken text and stickers.
Solomon had also given me well wishes and mentioned the protective charm that Lucifer had asked for, asking what accessory I wanted for it and suggesting something that I likely wouldn’t take off. I suggested a simple bracelet and offered to give him Grimm, but he declined.
Lucifer had sent me lists of what to study for the day since I was missing classes, but it became evident very quickly how difficult even opening the textbooks was at my size. After half an hour of trying to even successfully push up the cover alone, I relented and texted Lucifer about the struggle to even study.
‘I see…. Well, I suppose Levi will have to help pick up the slack. I’ll ask Satan to share his notes with both of you. Once we’re more certain about your situation, I’ll feel more comfortable about study sessions with more than Levi.’
So, I spent the rest of the day trying to keep up with the texted notes that Satan sent me after each class, something I hadn’t really expected. Which, it was a good thing that these were being sent, because when Levi came to help me study we just ended up talking about random stuff and he talked about how moe this whole scenario was.
The next day was about the same, and Lucifer even handed me some small clothes that he’d managed to purchase so that I didn’t have to wear the same thing. I could only imagine the confusion from the demon working if he just asked for the clothes of a toy rather than buying the toy. If he did buy the toy, then there was a naked toy either around the House of Lamentation or in the trash. The thought was oddly funny to me.
I will say, the quiet and solitude was kind of nice. It felt unfamiliar and left me a bit bored aside from looking over Satan’s notes, but I’d take the small reprieve from the brothers as much as I could since everything would probably get kicked back into high gear when I was back to my normal size. For an introvert, being constantly surrounded by seven demon brothers as roommates didn’t give me a lot of alone time.
I ended up watching some DevilTube at some point, not realizing how much time had passed until I heard the sound of the door opening and absentmindedly glanced at my phone clock to see that now would be around the time the brothers came home from class.
"Hey, I didn't realize how much time had passed," I said, not even glancing at Levi as I paused the video I was watching and opened the notepad app I'd been using for notes. "How were classes?"
"They were fine."
The voice that was NOT Levi's caught my attention, looking up to see Beel in the doorway instead. I ignored the apprehension that crept up on me, replying, "Oh, I thought you were Levi, Beel."
"I know, sorry about that," Beel shifted a little, drawing my attention to the items in his arms. Most were just the textbooks for RAD, but he pulled something steel-gray from his pocket. "Levi got caught up by Luke and Barbatos since they made you stuff. They didn't want me handling them because Luke made cookies for you."
I could practically see the yearning in his eyes at the mention of the cookies and I couldn't really blame him since Luke was a really good baker. But, he was so caught up in his desire for cookies that I had to clear my throat to grab his attention again, asking, "Did Lucifer send you to help me study then, or-?..."
“Oh, no. Lucifer doesn't know I came over," the answer left a cold feeling of concern and dread in the pit of my stomach, especially as Beel stepped closer to the bed. But, he began to lower the steel-gray thing in front of me and continued, "Solomon wanted you to get this as soon as possible, and gave it to me. He said he'd buy me lunch if I made sure no other demon touched it, especially Mammon."
The steel-gray thing glinted as he did so, showing off the parts and details. It was a segmented metal creature that dangled from his hold, swaying as he lowered it until he placed it on the bed beside me. Scales glinted in the light of my room, intricately layered on top of each other like a bush viper’s scales, and I would have mistaken it for meaning to be a snake if it weren’t for the horns that sprouted from its head, the legs folded on its side and the ridges of spines down its back and on its tail. What looked like a faux chain was around the end of its tail with a short chain of metal links that ended with a ring. Its mouth was frozen in a snarl that bared its metallic teeth and its eyes were emerald gems that I couldn’t tell whether or not they were real. It was a dragon.
“Wha- What’s this supposed to be,” I asked. It couldn’t be the protection charm from Solomon, I had asked for a *simple* bracelet. This looked literally anything but simple.
I couldn’t help but kneel beside it and reach out to touch it before Beel could respond, brushing my fingers against the scales on its back, the metal cool to the touch. For about a moment. Once I touched it, the metal warmed at my touch and startled me as it suddenly shrank on itself, the force of the size change leaving it in the air for a second before it fell down towards the bed. I quickly moved forward and reached out to catch it before it landed on the comforter and potentially became lost. Both Beel and I stared at the metal thing, but he was the one that broke the silence.
“I think he had said something about it being a good luck charm, but he didn’t mention anything about it doing that,” Beel said, frowning a bit in confusion.
The metal dragon was cool to the touch now, about the length of my arm and able to be held like a length of rope in my hands. Curious, I began messing with it in my hands absentmindedly, realizing the jaw could be popped open and tested closing the teeth on the ring attached to the tail while saying, “I asked Solomon for a bracelet, but I don’t think it’ll fit.”
To prove my point, I slipped it over my wrist and let it dangle, a huge gap between my wrist and the metal from the bottom of the loop. The circlet, as if hearing me and deciding to prove me wrong, warmed against my skin once more. It was warm enough to almost be painful and I moved to yank it off. The metal slipped from between my fingers as it shrank quickly again, a jolt of fear running down my spine at the thought of it chopping my hand off. But, the second the metal became flush with my skin it stopped shrinking and cooled as though nothing happened.
“What the fuck,” I exclaimed, instinctively trying to pull it off or unclasp it to no avail. Glancing at my phone, I asked Beel, “Can you ask Solomon if it was supposed to glue itself to my wrist?!”
“Uh, yeah, hold on,” Beel jolted from just staring at my struggles in surprise, pulling out his own phone and starting to text as I continued to fumble with the dragon’s jaws to unclasp it. 
It wasn’t going very well. No matter how much I tugged or tried to wriggle a finger between the metallic teeth, nothing budged. With how experimental Solomon could get with his magic, I was a little concerned. At the very least it hadn’t warmed or done anything else since it shrunk the second time. My panic ebbed as we waited for a response from Solomon, realizing that the bracelet was just loose enough that it didn’t pinch or chafe as I twisted it around.
“Solomon says it should be removable, but that it might have gotten stuck shrinking to fit your wrist,” I looked up towards Beel as he spoke, his eyes scrolling from left to right as he read. “He says the protection spells and charms took priority and he wanted to get it to you, asap. He did mention that he can take a look at it in class whenever you feel better.”
“Alright,” I sighed, giving up on the clasp after another moment. I wasn’t sure how he’d be able to get a look at it without finding out about my ‘condition’, but we’d cross that bridge when we got there. “Tell him ‘Thank you’ then for me, please.”
“Sure thing,” the demon nodded, typing on his phone and looking back up after a couple of seconds. “Okay, it’s sent.”
“Thank you, Beel. And, thank you for bringing me the bracelet.”
“It was no problem. I just wish Luke gave me a cookie before I left,” Beel frowned sadly, holding a hand to his stomach as it growled. The sight would look pathetic if I wasn’t bite-sized and if he wasn’t known for flying into rampages when hungry. If Mammon had struggled, I could only imagine how quickly this could escalate. He looked at me and I stiffened nervously, but he just gave me a look akin to a kicked puppy. “When Levi comes back, can I have a couple cookies?”
“U-uh, yeah, sure,” I said. I tried to smile and probably ended up with more of an anxious grimace. I needed to get him to leave. “When Levi comes back, you can have some cookies. But, you should probably leave before Lucifer gets home and tries to find you, and Levi’s gonna be here soon anywa-”
“I don’t mind staying and keeping you company,” the demon interrupted, making me close my mouth and sharply inhale in frustration and worry. I huffed with my eyes closed for a moment before reopening them and looking up at Beel.
“Or,” I stressed the word to try and make it abundantly clear that this was the option I’d prefer right now, suggesting, “You could go look for Levi and get some cookies.”
“Honestly, you look a bit tastier than cookies right now,” Beel replied, causing a terrified shudder to run down my spine.
This wasn’t the first time he’d said something like that and I’d gotten used to it to an extent, but right now it actually felt like a very real threat.
“Beel,” I adopted a warning tone, stepping back a couple steps nervously. His stomach growled again and my ears instinctively perked at the sound before pressing back against my head. I didn’t really want to test the very experimental protection charm on my bracelet. “You can’t eat me! E-Eating me is bad a-and dangerous!”
“I’m sure I could manage,” the Avatar of Gluttony stepped forward and dropped to a crouch beside the bed, making me jolt and yelp. His pupils were… larger than normal. That, or I was seeing things.
“I meant for me, Beel,” I shouted, my voice coming out more of a squeak. I saw his ears perk at the sound and wrenched myself from the spot, backing away a couple of steps despite knowing that he could easily reach out and grab me. If turning my back on Mammon caused his instincts to kick in more, I felt like trying to run would potentially trigger some chase instinct. “I-If you eat me, we can’t r-really hang out. R-Right?”
“Oh. Right,” a flash of realization swept across his face, probably remembering that eating very vulnerable humans who were your friends was bad. Concerningly, it was quickly replaced by eagerness as the gears in his head turned. “What if I… didn’t eat you? What if I just tasted you?”
“Wha-,” I was appalled, my fear being replaced by sheer surprise. “No, you can’t just TASTE me, Beel!”
Fear caused adrenaline to dump into my veins, uncertainty clouding my mind. Would the bracelet work if Beel snapped? What were the limits? What if it was just a glorified paperweight around my wrist?!
Gripped by a bit of panic, I moved to dart away even though I had nowhere to go on the bed. Beel was quick to move his arms, hands the size of walls blocking my escape and causing me to bounce slightly with the impact. I couldn’t move away before I found myself scooped up in his hands, getting very vivid flashbacks to when Mammon snatched me up, and I was brought closer to his face despite my squirming and kicking.
“Beel, j-just let me go!” I exclaimed, heart pounding in my chest. My protests fell on deaf ears, seeing that Beel had that hungry, glazed over look that let me know that he wasn’t going to listen to anything I said.
“I’ll just pop you in my mouth until Levi gets here,” Beel murmured, pleased with his self-approved compromise. I could already see drool at the corner of his mouth, my eyes widening when his lips began to part.
“Beel, d-don’t you dare,” I exclaimed, scrambling against his fingers as I was moved towards his opening mouth.
Unlike Mammon, who had fought against his instincts, Beel was self-assured of his plan and held no hesitation with very misguided confidence that he wouldn’t eat me if he just gave in a little and put me in his mouth. Having seen first-hand that when Beel says “one bite”, he means the whole fucking bowl, I was not very confident in his self-control.
I wasn't even given a second  before I found myself tossed on his tongue with his teeth immediately shutting behind me. Given his tendency to bite and chew anything he could get his teeth around, I was extremely glad he didn’t decide to use me as a chew-toy.
The muscle beneath me, slightly rough and barbed similar to Mammon’s tongue, was still for barely a moment before I was nudged and prodded. Of course, I tried to protest and push against the offending appendage, but given the fact that it was fucking massive, I was incredibly unsuccessful and just ended up being drenched in saliva as his mouth watered.
“Beel! L-Let me out,” I gasped out, feeling like a shirt on a spin cycle as I struggled to even have a moment of reprieve. I already felt breathless.
A barely mumbled attempt to reply was my response before it just turned into a deep, pleased and rumbling hum that rattled my bones and insides. The tasting felt relentless, flipped and turned with the only occasional pause being Beel unsticking his tongue from my clothes, hair, and fur before he continued. If it wasn’t for how enthusiastically he was treating me like some kind of hard candy, the rough surface of his tongue would potentially allow me to brace myself between the muscle and palette.
I wasn’t sure how long I was savored, tired and panting after less than a minute. All I knew was that it was hot, humid, and very disorienting. But, at least he was just… tasting. Surprisingly, he’s kept his word about-.
The muscles around me paused in a way different than before when he’d shift me back to the center of his mouth or unstick his tongue from me. I was confused until I felt the tongue begin to lift, my heart leaping into my throat at getting a flashback from when Mammon ate me.
“Beel, DON’T SWALLOW ME,” I screeched in panic, but ultimately couldn’t do anything as I was forced back towards his throat before a loud gulp loudly sounded in my ears. Immediately, I was dragged down his gullet before I could even try to let out another exclamation. Beel continued to borderline purr as I was drawn past his heart and lungs, both of which were overwhelmingly loud. Maybe it was my own blood rushing in my ears though.
I felt myself slip into the stomach, the organ bouncing a bit at my slight drop from the top to base. Thankfully, Beel’s stomach was empty of foodstuffs, but that definitely didn’t help him against his instincts and normal gluttony. A small pool was at the bottom of his stomach. Whether it was drool or acid, I didn’t know or care and just jumped to my feet despite being tired from struggling, trying to press myself away from it as much as possible. I felt lightheaded with panic and tried to control my breathing, but it was very difficult.
“B-Beel, let me out,” I shouted, voice wavering in fear even as he hummed. He wasn’t supposed to eat me, and maybe if he did the protection spell like Mammon had I’d feel less scared, but he didn’t. “Please!”
There was a pressure on one side of the stomach that was enough to jostle me loose from my standing position and cause me to slide to the bottom of the organ with a yelp. The pleased hum abruptly stopped, replaced by his worried voice, “K-Kat, are you okay?! I just meant to have a taste. I thought I could hold myself back, b-but you were just irresistible!”
“Beel, just let me out,” I called out, trying to pull in my panic as I moved to sit up. The puddle was making my hands feel itchy.
“I-,” Beel’s voice paused and everything tensed for a few seconds, making me very confused. I couldn’t hear anything past his organs churning, but he spoke up before I could press to be let out again.
“L-Levi… I messed up.”
Good news? The bracelet works to a certain extent, at least. I didn’t sustain any actual burns from Beel, nothing worse than skin irritation but that could also have been because I didn’t spend too long in his stomach.
The bad news? Another house meeting was called. And, this time, it was far more tense. Mostly because everyone gathered in a panic after Levi walked in on Beel, who immediately admitted to ‘accidentally’ eating me.
Needless to say, Levi freaked out and got Lucifer, and no one was less than panicked.
“I feel,” Lucifer’s angry tone had me flinching from my spot on the coffee table of the common room. “That eating someone should be easier to avoid than it appears, but apparently that’s not the case.”
I toyed with the edge of the hand towel I sat on, focusing on the green fibers to avoid looking at any of the brothers. To avoid their worry and concern. Beel wasn’t present, but we all knew that Lucifer would give him his own reprimand later on. I didn’t want to think about what Lucifer would end up punishing him with.
“We got lucky thanks to Solomon’s protection charm, but it’s obviously not foolproof. I wish he had gotten a hold of Levi or I  for the bracelet so we could avoid this whole incident, but the past is behind us,” Lucifer inhaled deeply. I was sure that if I looked up, I’d have a fifty percent chance to see at least a bit of his demon smoke with the knowledge that he was very much holding himself back. “Moving forward, we need to be cautious. I’d love to just say ‘Don’t eat Kat’, but given that it’s happened twice, that’d be irresponsible of me.”
I heard a very faint growl from the couch that lasted only a second, resisting the urge to look up. Lucifer had told the whole house about Mammon’s incident and I knew he probably felt under scrutiny right now.
“So, we’re going to do this a different way,” Lucifer continued. A thud on the table next to me caused me to jolt and look up at the sound. Lucifer shot me an apologetic glance as he tapped the heavy looking tome to drag the others attention to it. His ears flattened a little in anger, a glimpse into just how pissed he was about me being eaten twice in three days along with his steadily growling tone and flicking tail. “You all are expected to hold in your instincts, but if that expectation fails like it already has, I want you all to have memorized this spell.
“I have it bookmarked. This is the spell Mammon used to protect Kat when he lost control of his instincts. I want you all to learn it, internalize it, and by tomorrow, I want each of you to recite it to me. This does not mean that anyone can just eat Kat. This is an extra safety measure for emergencies and is extremely important given that the protection bracelet isn’t perfected. I will still give severe punishment for eating them, so don’t think you can get off scott-free by just eating them and calling it an emergency,” he straightened from the coffee table and crossed his arms over his chest. “Mammon.”
The demon in question looked towards Lucifer, ears wilting a bit. He’d already likely suffered his repercussions and wasn’t looking for more. But, Lucifer wasn’t looking to reprimand him.
“Since you already know the spell, you can take Kat to their room.”
“I- Really,” Mammon looked surprised, but his apprehension faded with relief.
Levi, on the other hand, was quick to voice his objection with a frown and protective glance. “How come Mammon takes Kat? Why should he be trusted? What if he eats them again, he already has once. Besides, I’m an herbivore!”
“Because,” Lucifer responded tersely, wisps of black smoke curling from his shoulders. “You also still need to learn the spell, regardless of your herbivore status. I, myself, need to refresh myself on it. Mammon not only knows the spell, he used it responsibly and knows the consequences if he does it again.”
He looked from Levi to Mammon and nodded in dismissal. Mammon got up and approached the coffee table, offering his palm for me to climb into.
I didn’t hesitate much to hop into his hand, clutching onto one of his fingers as he straightened up and left the common room. I let out a huff once we got far enough down the hallway that I wasn’t as much on edge. I couldn’t help but glance at the redness of my hands. It was a lot better than earlier if Lucifer’s initial blow up was anything to go by, along with Asmos comment about me looking like a tiny lobster. Now, it was more just a couple shades pinker than normal. Still, patchy as fuck.
“I hope Luke manages to get a hold of the antidote soon,” I sighed tiredly. I saw the fingers of the hand I was in twitch a little, glancing up to see Mammon surprised that I started talking with him. Given that he’s barely texted me other than to apologize, I think he thought I had been mad at him.
“Yeah,” he replied after a couple seconds of quiet contemplation. “Pretty sure if Luke doesn’t manage to find any available, Lucifer’s gonna try and get Micheal to find some. And, Micheal will probably fold because Lucifer was his favorite.”
“Benefits to being a Teacher’s Pet,” I yawned. Did the phrase really make sense? Not really, but it was all I could think of at the moment. That, and I felt like Lucifer would absolutely be a Teacher’s Pet.
“He’s got the ears and tail for it now,” Mammon mumbled, catching me off guard. After another day of panic and stress, I couldn’t help but let out a loud laugh. The demon looked down at me, apparently not thinking that he’d said that outside and quickly added, “Don’t tell Lucifer I said that, got it?”
“G-Got it,” my laughing petered out into chuckles, feeling a lot better than before. But, as we entered my room and he lowered his hand to allow me off, I still felt like I needed to reassure him. Especially when, after I stepped down, he quickly pulled his hand away.
“I, uh, should probably head back and stuff before the others accuse me of eatin’ ya again,” Mammon said, poised to immediately leave. But, before he took a step, I spoke up.
“I’m not mad at you, you know,” I called out quietly, too nervous to be too loud about it. But, I saw the way that his ears flicked in my direction though he kept his gaze averted. “I mean, maybe a bit irritated, but I don’t really blame you for the instincts stuff.”
The demon was quiet for a few seconds longer, uncharacteristic of the Avatar of Greed, but eventually he responded, “You’re still scared though, at least a little. And even if I couldn’t control myself, I still could have seriously hurt you, Kat… I don’t know what I would have done if that was the case…”
I frowned, thinking on it. “Mammon, the first few hours of the potion kicking in, I literally thought one of you would end up, I don’t know, biting off a chunk of my arm or something. And I’d do the same thing that I’m doing now: I wouldn’t really blame any of you. Granted, I’d probably be more scared if I ended up… injured, but I wouldn’t want you guys beating yourself up over something you can’t control. Besides, I’m still a little scared of all of you! I don’t know if you remember this, but I’m a few inches tall with some kind of rodent instincts in me, any movement too quick makes me anxious. Don’t worry, in this case, you’re not special.”
Mammon looked towards me, mulling over my words and likely thinking of how he should respond. And, in true Mammon fashion, he’d decided that he’d been vulnerable enough for one day, scoffing, “Yeah, well, just don’t forget that I’m special in other ways, like being your first demon.”
“I’ve told you that you need to work on your phrasing,” I rolled my eyes, but I knew he only said it like that to get under his brother’s skin. I just tried to fucking mitigate the in-fighting. “Go on, get! Before I die of annoyance and  the others think you ate me again.”
“Yeah, yeah, sure,” Mammon rolled his eyes right back, walking to the entrance of the bedroom.
“Oh, wait,” I exclaimed, quickly remembering something. Mammon looked back in surprise but waited expectantly. “Tell Beel that I don’t really blame him either when you see him next.”
The demon frowned, likely feeling his own way about Beel’s situation but said, “Alright, fine. Get some rest, Kat.”
“Will do,” I called out as he left the room, the door closing with a soft click. After a few seconds, I tiredly walked to where my phone was left on my bed, flopping down and letting out a long exhale. “These fucking brothers are gonna be the death of me.”
I laid there on the comforter for a while, rifling through the complicated emotions that came with the near-death experiences and trying to sort through what was rodent instinct and what was entirely me until my phone buzzed. I yelped, caught off guard by what would be a text, and sat up to unlock the phone. It was from Solomon.
‘Hey, Kat. Lucifer told me that the charm wasn’t working fully. That should probably be taken care of ASAP given the trouble the brothers give you. Are you feeling any better?’
Uh oh. At this point, it’d been three days. Usually, if someone is sick past that, that meant something was pretty wrong. And, given the fact that I didn’t think anyone was any closer to an antidote for my transformation, I felt like Solomon should probably know if he was going to fix the bracelet.
‘Ah. About that. I wasn’t… actually sick??? I’m sort of shrunk.’ I typed out, watching nervously as Solomon’s writing dots popped up and disappeared several times until his response came through.
‘Shrunk? How did that happen?’
I huffed a bit. ‘Long story. But, really need the bracelet looked at if possible.’
‘I mean, I can try, but it’ll be difficult to get a good look at it. If you take it off and leave it off for a few hours, it should return to normal size.’
‘Bracelet is stuck, remember?’
‘Right, Beel said something about that earlier…’
I watched the dots pop up, then disappear, pop up, then disappear for a few minutes, eventually leaving the messenger app out of boredom to watch some DevilTube. Eventually, after about thirty minutes, Solomon did give me a response.
‘Okay, I can try to swing by tomorrow after classes to take a look, but I can’t guarantee anything being able to be done in just one night.’
‘That’s fine. Thank you for being flexible, see you tomorrow!’
‘You too, Kat.’
And, with that, the conversation was over. I should probably tell Lucifer about Solomon knowing about the whole shrinking situation, but he was probably busy still chewing Beel out and I didn’t  want to risk turning his wrath towards me. So, I’ll tell him about it tomorrow. |< || < || >
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simplyotometrash · 4 years
Could I request hcs of the brothers reacting to MC asking them to lay on top of them. It’s just sometimes really comforting to have the weight of someone else on me.
I love your writing and I hope life is getting better for you! 💕
MC Asking The Brothers to Lay on Top of Them
You sprung the question on him while he was working on paperwork late at night.
“I just...well...”
“MC, please say what you wish to say. It’s late.” He rubbed his temples but there wasn’t even a hint of frustration or irritation in his voice. He sounded tired but nothing but kindness was direct at you.
“You’ve been working a lot more lately and I’ve been having trouble sleeping and, well, it’s really comforting to feel someone else’s weight.”
The blush on your face made him smile. 
How could he say no to such a face? 
He couldn’t
He turned out his light, now the room dimly illuminated by what light flitted in through the window.
“Well, my dear, your wish is my command. If you’ve been struggling to sleep, you should have said so sooner.”
He was careful when laying on top of you but found a comfortable way to lay soon enough.
It was odd, as usually, you would end up fast asleep on top of him. But he couldn’t deny it also felt nice.
“I suppose I could do this for you more often. All you need to do is is ask me.”
It was the middle of the night. The only reason you even bothered to ask him was because Mammon wasn’t snoring up a storm.
So you knew he wasn’t sleeping.
“W-what? Lay on top of ya? Is this some new kink ya found?”
Of course, you couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction.
You could feel how hot his face was. You loved how easily embarrassed your tsundere was.
“No, silly! Sometimes it’s just nice to have weight on top of me in bed. It helps me feel better and safer.”
Immediately rolls the two of you over to lay on you. You can feel his skin get even hotter against yours.
“D-don’t go makin’ a habit outta this, ya hear? I love ya and all but the Great Mammon ain’t yer weighted blanket!”
Says not to make a habit of it.
He’s the one to make the habit.
Him laying on top of you becomes the norm when you guys get ready for bed. 
There’s something about it that makes him feel...small. But not in a bad way.
It’s like when he is the little spoon.
He feels protected and loved. Nothing can touch him.
But also nothing can get to you without going through him first.
And that makes him feel like he’s protecting his human, even while they sleep.
Leviathan.exe has stopped working
System reboot needed
His face is so hot and red you could fry an egg!
“M-MC! Are you sure? I’m a gross otaku, I might not be very comfy to sleep under! A-and I have a weighted blanket, we can use that instead-”
“No, Levi, I want you to lay on me. If you’re okay with that. I liked weighted blankets but it is different when it’s another person.”
It takes some calming down before he goes for it.
And boy oh boy does he like it.
It’s not the most comfortable in his bathtub, though. He knows it’s gotta hurt your back.
So he plushes out his bathtub for sleeping to make it less hard and ensure your back will never hurt!
Besides, laying like that makes it way easier to actually lay together in his tub anyway. It’s such a narrow space.
Sometimes he asks if you can sleep on him instead and instantly understands the comfort it brings you.
Even when it becomes standard practice and asking isn’t needed, Levi’s face is always going to be bright red until he gets settled in for the night.
It also helps force him into a sleep schedule because he loves it so much.
Yeah, he’s okay with this. More than okay.
Very little reaction from Satan.
He read about this kind of thing before. He was kinda wanting to ask you to lay on him but you beat him to the punch. 
Mostly because he wanted to test it out.
“Of course I will. If it helps you, I’ll never say no to it.”
The biggest downside of being the one laying on top?
He can’t read to you very easily.
Satan loves reading to you at night, it helps the both of you wind down.
That’s okay, though. He memorizes plenty of stories to tell for the nights that he lays on top of you.
And he has books ready for the nights where the two of you switch.
He has no qualms with this. It actually feels really nice.
He can understand the comfort it brings.
Satan has never felt so warm and calm in his entire life. 
But there will always be nights where he’s likely not going to be there when you go to sleep. So he invents in a heated and weighted blanket. He makes sure that he sleeps with it on him enough to the point it smells of him.
If it can help, even just a little bit, he’s happy.
The sweet boy just wants to do his best for you. He hates when he isn’t there for bed but sometimes it just cannot be helped.
No explanation needed with him.
“Of course I will! I’ve been wondering what it’s like to lay on top of you anyway! You’re always laying on me when we sleep or cuddle!”
This man just adores it.
And he’s the smallest of the brothers so he definitely won’t be crushing you under his weight.
He likes it! It feels like he’s being pampered!
It gives you a great chance to play with his hair and he gets to just bury his face against the side of your neck or against your chest.
He actually likes it more when he’s on top of you. Especially when he’s had a bad day.
It makes you feel better and it helps him feel comforted after a long, awful day.
He feels like it’s his sanctuary almost. 
Nothing can touch him but you.
This is completely innocent. He might make suggestive comments but this little habit you two have won’t be tainted.
Unless you’re the one to start it. 
seriously this is just being said because i’m sick of everyone writing asmo as horny 24/7 and nothing else :))))
You gotta understand, this is gonna take A LOT of time and working up to get him to even attempt this.
Even then, he will never lay fully on top of you.
The most you’ll get is gonna be him resting between your legs with his head on your chest.
Beel won’t budge on this either.
“I don’t want to hurt you. I’m a big guy, I weigh a lot.”
All of that muscle comes with him being pretty heavy. Also, he’s somewhere over six feet fucking tall, he’s a very physically dense boi.
He will do what he can to help you but nothing will convince him to ever put more weight than necessary on you.
And even then, he doesn’t sleep too well if this goes on overnight because he’s just so worried about accidentally crushing you in his sleep.
I mean, it took a long time to get him to share a bed with you! And he’s still afraid he might roll over and crush you in his sleep!
Just take what you can get. He’s trying his best, he’s just scared.
He’s beefy and sweet and personally would rather you be laying on him where he feels a little more secure in your safety.
When he’s having a day where he just can’t do it, he gives you his jacket.
It’s heavy and warm and smells just like him. It should help, right? 
Asmo said it would be a good alternative so he tries it.
Plus he gets to see you drowning in the fabric of his jacket because no matter how tall you are, his jacket will make you feel small.
The damn thing is baggy even on him!
You never even needed to ask him.
You think you got a choice in this one?
Belphie will lay on top of you just because it means you can’t go anywhere unless you can get him to move.
Which means keeping his warm cuddle partner in bed all day.
So words aren’t needed here.
But you do explain it to him one day while you’re just snuggled in bed together. 
“Huh. Makes sense to me.”
He’s so nonchalant about it. But he understands that someone else’s weight can be comforting.
Why do you think he sometimes pulls you on top of him to lay? 
He takes comfort in it. Your warmth and heartbeat and weight remind him that you’re real. You’re alive. And you won’t be leaving him.
Of course, you’ll still be trapped by the Avatar of Sloth so you better eat and take a bathroom break BEFORE you head to the attic or to his room. 
You won’t be moving until he wakes up.
Sometimes you swear he’s not even asleep based on the cheeky smile etched across his face.
You’ll take it, though. It brings both of you comfort
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a-nonbody · 3 years
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Request @desiree610 :
Brahms Heelshire x GN reader. The reader loves to cook and bake. So they love cooking for Brahms, but he can’t help but eat their sweets first. Even saying they make the best cakes. So the reader ends up kinda spoiling him with cakes.
Characters: Brahms Heelshire x gn reader
Length: 1.085
Rating: Fluff
Brahms is being a brat again (we still love him), cookies, still slightly sick Brahms, the reader can bake, stealing food, and being clingy, scaring each other slightly, hugs (lots of hugs), ---
!Not beta read/proofread!
The sun slowly came up. It was an early morning, probably only just around 8 am? Or maybe way earlier? (Y/N) had no clue, still stuck in bed, only able to see some light that came through the curtains. They tried to move around, trying to look towards the window where the light came from but was unsuccessful.
Strong arms held them in place. The face, of the now maskless man, was pressed into (y/n) neck, slow and deep breaths coming out of him. Brahms was still asleep, probably still exhausted from the days before of him being sick.
It happened rather quickly. Just one day, they had decided that for once they should go outside, walk around the small garden (y/n) has created not that long ago. It became a tiny happy place for both of them. And Brahms could finally get outside and get some fresh air for once. But who would have thought that the big guy would get sick so quickly?
Now there is (y/n). Stuck in the giant's grasp and unable to move. A small sigh of annoyance left the captured being. Arms around the waist, legs over legs, and face pressed down deep into the neck. Struggling was almost useless. But after a lot of tiny movements (y/n) finally got out.
Looking back, they made sure that Brahms was still asleep. Luckily he was. His face was still in a relaxed stage, and his arms were now holding tight onto a pillow.
After changing into comfortable normal-day clothes, (y/n) move to the kitchen. Knowing Brahms, he will be hungry after waking up. After all, his schedule was already messed up, with him sleeping in for too long. But (y/n) wasn't going to stop him because he was still slightly sick and needed to rest.
Now being in the kitchen, (y/n) didn't take long to figure out what they were going to make. Knowing Brahms for quite a while by now, he loved cookies. Especially a cold glass of milk with warm cookies.
They gathered all the ingredients from the kitchen and placed them on the kitchen counter. Eggs, milk, flour, sugar, chocolate chips, butter, and all the other stuff. They just started mixing all the things when (y/n) heard footsteps. They turned off the mixer for a second to hear where the footsteps were coming from. But as soon as they turned off the mixer, they have stopped. Not thinking about it, they continued with the mixing.
After finishing that step, (y/n) turned away from the now made dough to try and find the fitting backing tray. But when they turned back around they were greeted with a giant hairy man standing over their dough and casually eating bits off it.
"Gods Brahms! You scared the life out of me!" (y/n) exclaimed holding on to the tray and chest, not expecting Brahms at all. The big guy on the other hand was not saying anything. He just looked at his lover and continued eating the dough.
"Don't eat that!" the smaller person said while pulling the bowl with deliciousness away. A tiny grumble of annoyance and displease came out of the male, still not saying a word.
(Y/N) continued with the cookie-making process but now again being held tight by Brahms. He watched their every move with love in his eyes, knowing exactly that they planned on making the cookies just for him. Maybe being sick is not that bad after all, the taller man thought.
"Brahms," (y/n) started, trying to get the man back to reality, "you need to let me move so that I can put them into the oven, you know?" they said, referring to the cookies. Of course, Brahms being Brahms, he did not want to move and held them even closer now, nose in their hair. A sigh escaped the tiny baker: "You can be such a pain in the ass sometimes, you know that?" they questioned, only to get a small yet hot giggle out of him that made them blush. "But I am your pain in the ass," Brahms finally said, letting go of his lover smiling down on them. Seeing the blush on his lover's face made him smirk, wanting to hold them tight again but was unable to since they had already moved.
Time has passed, and Brahms was sitting on the couch. He was placed there by (y/n), so they could change into something else since flour got over their other shirt. But there was a problem. It took way too long for Brahms. Pointing, he thought about how he could annoy them or what he could do to ease his boredom.
His thoughts were again interrupted. But this time, it was the timer that (y/n) had set for the cookies. Brahms ran towards the oven, way too excited to get his hands on the freshly made cookies. He took out some gloves for protection, just like (y/n) has taught him after he once tried to get out a try with just his hands and almost burned them.
(Y/N) did not expect anything. When they came back and didn't see Brahms on the couch, however, they got suspicious. Knowing exactly where to go next, they went to the kitchen to see a tall happy man eating the freshly made cookies.
"Sir, you are aware that we were supposed to eat them together, right?" (y/n) spoke in a more serious yet playful tone, making Brahms jump slightly, looking into the direction where the voice came from. His scared face amused (y/n) while they were still standing with crossed arms and a knowing smirk on their face.
"But-, I didn't know how long you would take- I just wanted to make sure the cookies were still warm enough-" Brahms tried to justify. "You know I don't like cold cookies (y/n), it is not my fault you always take so long."
(Y/N) knew a comment like that would come up again. But they had no power to fight him nor did they want a fight anyways. They just turned their eyes and walked up to the man hugging him.
It all ended well. The day went by with both just sitting on the couch most of the time, eating the cookies with a glass of milk, and listening to classical music. Brahms wasn't even mad that (y/n) did not fulfill all their tasks today. All he needed was them in his arms, some cookies and milk. And that's exactly what he got.
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anonymousfiction211 · 3 years
Hancuffed together Chapter 3: ‘Free’
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Summary: Loki and you were hancuffed together, because the team was sick of the two fo you not getting along. Today they come finally back from a mission, setting you ‘free’ from Loki.  Word count: 2.579 words
Warnings: Smut, dubious consent, knifeplay, praise  A/N: I wrote another chapter, hope you like it. If you have any ideas, suggestions or comments, please let me know :)!
Click here for chatper 1 Click here for chapter 2
To say you were physically tired would be an understatement. Loki had you in a tight grip, still asleep. He had woken you two times that night to ‘play with you’ as he liked to put it. He was breaking you down. Each time you put up less of a fight and he was starting to push your boundaries. The truth is, you kind of loved what he was doing to your body. It was intense, even painful sometimes, but the pleasure was well worth it. His personality sadly hadn’t changed. He was still as arrogant, egotistic, moody, and snarky as he had always been.
You shook Loki awake, who just grumbled grumpily at you. ‘I’m hungry’ you said. He turned around to lay on his back, eyes still closed. ‘Sounds like a you-problem’ he replied. You sat up straight and tugged a few times at the cuffs. Loki sighed but got up with you. The two of you were eating breakfast in silence. Even tough you were fixing your eyes on your eggs, you felt Loki’s gaze boring into you. You were startled when the rest of the team loudly made their entrance. ‘Tony, you owe me 10 bucks’ Steve said. ‘Ho, ho, there is still time’ Tony replied. ‘So, how has the lovely couple been doing for the past two days?’ he mused. You both glared at Tony who put his hands up in defence ‘Let me rephrase, how are the two of you doing?’ he quickly said.
‘Fine’ you said irritated at Tony and Loki just nodded. ‘How was the mission?’ Loki asked. Natasha quickly explained that they were staking out and tracking some people of Hydra, but hadn’t had much luck. You were waiting impatiently until she was done. ‘So, can we take these off now?’ you asked holding up the cuffs. ‘Sure’ Steve said, motioning for Tony to take them off. ‘How do we know it worked?’ Thor asked them. Everyone looked at the two of you. ‘We’ve come to an understanding’ Loki replied for the both of you. A big smile appeared on Thor’s face ‘I say we keep them together for this day. To be sure they truly improved their behaviour’. If you could murder people by glaring at them, you had just murdered Thor. Before you could protest Loki had already agreed. If you disagreed know, they surely wouldn’t believe the two of you. ‘Can we just take them off for half an hour? So, I can take a shower?’ you asked. After the group had a quick discussion they agreed. But only if you and Loki would willingly put the cuffs back on after half an hour. If not, the two of you were on house arrest together for the rest of the month.
After you were free, even if it was for a short amount of time, you quickly walked to your room and locked the door. You got rid of your clothes and jumped into the shower. It felt good to have some alone time. After a while there was a knock on the door ‘You have 10 minutes left’ Tony said. ‘Just one more day, you can do this’ you whispered to yourself. You got out of the shower and dried yourself off. You walked back to the bedroom to get some clothes out of your closet. That’s when you saw a dark green bustier on the bed with a matching thong. There was a note next to it which elegantly spelled your name. You opened the note: See you in 10 minutes, kitten – L. There was no way you were wearing that. He could be such an asshole sometimes. You were wondering how he even got in here. You checked the door, but it was still locked. It donned on you that the both of you had your powers back. And this must be Loki’s passive aggressive way of telling you that he could go and come as he pleases.
You were absolutely furious at Loki. But two could play it this game. You got dressed and instead of the green lingerie you chose your red bra and thong. If things did get out of hand, and you had a feeling they will, he will be pissed at you for wearing his brother’s colours. After you got dressed you walked back to the living room, where Tony was already waiting with the cuffs. He had an amused smile on his face. Loki entered shortly after you, having a blank expression on his face. Tony cuffed the two of you back together and the rest of the team went about there day. You had to be honest, cuffed together with Loki was awkward at first, but now that the team was here it was a whole lot more uncomfortable.
The two of you settled down on the couch. You both were reading a book, but this time you both had different books and you were wearing more clothes than the last time Loki ‘wanted to read’. After a while Steve wanted to play a boardgame. At first you didn’t want to play, but Loki convinced you that it would be good to show the rest of the team you indeed got along. Thor and Clint joined you and you had to admit you had fun. Loki was friendly, relaxed and funny. You wondered why he wasn’t like that all the time or why you were the only person he didn’t treat like that. After dinner the whole team decided to watch a movie. You really wanted to go to bed, but would only do that once you were free.
You felt someone shaking your shoulder. You woke up and realized that you had fallen asleep during the movie. You blamed Loki for keeping you up all night. The most embarrassing thing is that you fell asleep on his shoulder. The rest of the team, except Tony, were already gone. Tony handed Loki the key and walked out of the living room. Loki grinned at you ‘Don’t for a second that when we’re not cuffed together that you’re free off me’. You sighed ‘Can’t we just leave these days for what they were?’ Loki seemed to ponder over the question, and while you were waiting for him to respond you realized, you didn’t know what response you wanted. You were holding your breath, waiting for him to answer you, which he took a long time doing. He uncuffed the two of you. You rubbed your wrist, it felt good to be free. Loki shot you a wicked grin ‘No, you are mine’
Your breath hitched and you got up, making your way back to your bedroom. To your surprise Loki wasn’t following you. You closed the door behind you, but knew he would be able to enter when he wanted to. You were startled when you heard a low voice right next to your ear ‘Going somewhere, kitten?’. You weren’t proud of it but shrieked a little. You were spun around and now facing Loki, who was towering over you with his dominant figure. ‘Or did you just forget what you agreed to yesterday?’ he purred. His eyes were sparkling full of mischief. ‘I- I said those things because you made me, I didn’t mean that’ you began to argue. ‘I think you did, you’re just too ashamed to admit it’ Loki said while smiling wickedly. You opened your mouth to tell him to get lost, but he grabbed you and slid his tongue inside of your mouth. You were getting lost in the kiss, the fight almost left you.
Then you realized you had your powers. You pushed him off you and immediately raised a shield around yourself. You thought Loki would be angry, but he seemed to be amused. A green fire bolt appeared in his hand and that’s when you realized, he also had his powers back. He shot the green bolt at you, making your shield crumble. ‘This isn’t fair’ you half yelled at him. He smile only widened, he knew it wasn’t. Your magical nature was healing, while his was that of a warrior. He was trained to fight, you were trained to help and aid. He grabbed you by your waist. You tried to form a magic bolt of your own, but when Loki bit down your neck, you lost your concentration and the bolt disappeared from your hands. He threw you down the bed. You tried to scramble away from him, but an invisible force tied your hands to the headboard. You were struggling against the invisible bonds, but they only tightened around you. ‘Stop struggling, kitten. You know you want this’ Loki sighed. ‘I don’t. Stop!’ you said to him. One of his eyebrows shot up ‘Really? You didn’t put up much of a fight’ he said. ‘I literally put a shield around me’ you argued. He just smirked at you ‘One of your weakest types of shields and you haven’t tried to paralyze me or anything. So, like I said you didn’t really fight me. We both know you want this’
With a wave of his hand Loki made all your regular clothes disappear, leaving you in nothing but your lingerie. Your red lingerie. You hadn’t seen anyone going from amused to furious so fast. The bonds on your hands tightened. Loki wasn’t saying anything to you, but his face made you absolutely terrified. You wanted to make him angry, but now that he was you felt like you made a dangerous mistake. In an instant Loki conjured up a knife and held it to your throat. ‘Looks like someone has been a very bad girl’ he growled in your ear. You started to panic, not daring to move an inch. ‘I’m sorry, I’m so sorry’ you whispered while fighting back tears. Loki was sliding the knife against the length of your throat. ‘If you’re so sorry, why do it in the first place?’ he asked you. You really wished Loki wasn’t the God of Lies right now. But since he was, you decided to just be honest. ‘I wanted to make you mad’ you said meekly. Loki laughed darkly ‘Well, you have succeeded’
‘I’m s- sorry’ you began to sob. ‘Since you’re new at this and you seem to understand the gravity of your mistake, I will let you off easy’ he purred. His hand grabbed your hair and he pulled hard, making you bare your throat to him. ‘But let me be clear, don’t let it happen again’ he said. ‘Yes’ you replied. He let go of your hair and you relaxed a bit. You felt the tip of the dagger against your throat, which made you tense up again. ‘Now, stay very still or this is going to be a very painful experience’ he commanded you. His blade travelled downwards over your chest, between your breasts. It slid effortlessly through your bra and your breast sprung free. You tried to keep your breathing even, but were startled at how sharp the knife actually was. Loki smirked when he saw your breasts and started to slide the knife around to play with them. Still extremely scared you couldn’t help that tears were running over your cheeks. When Loki looked up at you his expression changed, and you would almost say he was looking concerned.
With his other hand he strokes the tears from your face. ‘Sssh, there’s no need for that darling. You’re doing great so far. Just relax and trust me’ he told you with a soothing voice. Like it was the easiest thing to do right now. You did notice that the pressure of the knife slightly decreased. Loki was sliding the knife up and down your stomach, right above your panties. You took a deep breath and relaxed as much as you could. ‘That’s it, just submit to me’ he purred. Loki slowly cut through the sides of your panties. The sight was somehow quite erotic. The fabric fell from you and Loki withdrew the knife. ‘You did really well, kitten’ he praised you. Loki spread your legs further and placed himself in between them. The invisible bonds faltered, and you laid your hands on his chest. He gave you a smile, which you thought looked quite genuine.
He bent down to kiss you. It started out slow, but he got hungrier and started to kiss you faster. You enjoyed the way his lips felt on yours and how he tasted. You felt his hardened cock nudge at your entrance. You involuntarily bucked your hips, trying to get him inside of you. Loki chuckled darkly against your lips ‘I knew it’ he said in between his kisses. You felt him slowly pushing inside of you, making you moan very loud. Loki had left your mouth and was kissing you up and down your neck. You felt him smile against your skin when you moaned. He started to thrust in and out of you. He stopped kissing you and sat up straight. He was quick to put one of his legs over his shoulder, giving him a better angle. With every moan you made he thrusted faster inside of you. You heard him starting to mutter things under his breath, but you were too far gone to register what he was saying. His hand sought out your clit and you cried from pleasure when he started to stroke it lightly. ‘Please, Loki please make me cum’ you begged him. A little bit surprised that the words left your mouth before you could think about it. Loki seemed to be very pleased with your reaction and puts more pressure on your clit. He himself started to moan and you knew he was as close as you are. After a few more thrusts you walls clenched around his cock and you came hard. It triggered Loki’s own orgasm and you felt his seed spilled inside of you.
Loki pulled out of you and cleaned the both of you up with a hand gesture. That was an upside of Loki having his magic back you thought. He shimmered himself a pair of pyjama pants and laid down in your bed. You just stared at him ‘You’re staying?’ you asked him. He laid on his back, a hand behind his head, looking up at you. ‘Of course, I am’ he said, like you were stupid to even think otherwise. ‘I do suggest you wear something tonight, or you won’t be getting any sleep’ he purred. Not really sure how to get him out of your bed, you decided to let him sleep in your bed for this one time. You grabbed your own pyjama from underneath your pillow. It existed of a pair of black shorts and a red top. You were staring at the top and back at Loki. He was having an amused look on his face, wondering what you were going to do. After you put on the shorts you still were holding the red top. Loki cocked an eyebrow, giving you a ‘really?’-look. When you saw it you quickly threw the top on the ground and got under the blankets with him. He pulled you close so your head was on his chest. ‘Good girl’ he whispered. You snuggled closer to him when he said that, hearing him chuckle. He started to stroke your back and play with your hair, making you fall asleep fast.  
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reidgraygubler · 3 years
Spoonful of Sugar (spencer reid/reader)
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Title: spoonful of sugar
Request: yes! (a super fluffy spence x reader one shot in which she's sick with the flu, a high fever or something similiar, so he has to take care of her. Usually i'm not that super whiny and wouldn't request things like that buuut i'm in a desperate need for spence to take care of me while i'm ill and home alone.)
Couple: Spencer Reid/gen-neutral!reader
Category: fluff
Content Warning: spencer’s pov, anxiety about an ill partner, none that I can think of. If something does need to be tagged, please message me
Word Count: 1,638
Summary: Spencer stays home from work to take care of his partner, who’s sick with the flu
A/N: sorry this took so long to get posted. i forgot I had it written and it was just sitting in my drafts. it is a little on the shorter side... thank you all so much for the support! i really do appreciate it. check out my masterlist!
The person who usually slept beside me did not sleep last night. I only know that because whenever they tossed and turned, it’d wake me up. But also, they kept stealing all the blankets from me. Whenever I tried to take them back, they’d wake up and steal them again. Or they’d be suddenly up in a coughing fit. And then, they finally fell asleep around the time I had to get out of bed for work. Leaving me with another restless night of sleep. I was used to it at this point, but not because of them.
When I left the bedroom, I made sure to be as quiet as possible. I didn’t want to be the reason why they woke up for the day. Clearly something was on their mind and keeping them up. I also made sure they had all of the blankets on their body. While I did that, I sneakily rested my hand on their forehead, and the back of their neck, just to check their temperature.
They were on fire. I’d never felt someone as hot as that in a very long time. It would explain why they got no sleep and kept waking up, and stealing the blankets. They’d need to get medicine and fluids in them, and quickly. But I’ll do that when I’m finished getting ready. They just fell asleep and I’d rather them sleep off their fever.
So that’s what I did. I quickly got ready for work, doing all the necessary things I had to do. I wanted to make sure my person had everything they needed before I left for work.
Which meant a quick stop at the market down the street. The market had their favorite soup, juice, and snacks. If I was going to go into work today, I needed to make sure they had everything they needed before I left for the day. And if they wanted me to stay, I’d do that for them.
“Hey Emily, I’m going to be late to the office today,” I said into my phone as I grabbed a basket. The store had several people, just enough for me to be cautious of where I was going. And it pressured me to be even quicker inside.
“Oh! Of course! Is everything okay?” Emily asked, the concern in her tone sounding genuine. I sighed before nodding.
“Yeah, just... Just need to take care of someone who’s sick,” I explained as I grabbed a bottle of orange juice.
“Take all the time you need! We got everything covered here.”
“Thank you so much.”
“Of course, call me if you need anything!” She proclaimed before bidding farewell. I sighed deeply before pocketing my phone and headed towards the deli to get some soup. They always gave me chicken noodle, with the good thick egg noodles. Since they also enjoyed White Chicken Chill, I got that for them, too. Anything to make them feel better sooner.
Once I got both soups, enough juice for a small household, and plenty of healthy snacks, I made the trek back home. Whether they enjoyed the things I got them or not, I knew they’d enjoy the thought. Because that’s all that matters, right? The thought?
When I got home, I prepared the chicken noodle in a bowl, and grabbed a bottle of juice with electrolytes, and brought it to the bedroom. They were still asleep, however slightly stirring. Instead of just leaving right away, I waited a moment for them to wake up.
“My head is pounding,” they groaned as they brought a hand to rest on their forehead. “Like I drank a fifth of whiskey,” they added. I held back my chuckle and sat on the edge of the bed.
“You’re hot.”
“Thanks so are you,” they blew me a kiss. I rolled my eyes before shaking my head.
“You have a fever, Dear,” I corrected as I handed them the bottle of juice. “I got you soup, juice, and healthy snacks.”
“You’re too kind, Spencer,” they hummed as they struggled to open the bottle. I watched as they sighed and handed the bottle over to me. I smiled as I cracked the bottle open.
“I have to go in, but if you want me to stay I can.” I handed the bottle back to them. They smiled brightly before taking a big sip of the juice.
“No, no, you’re the breadmaker here. You’d be no use to me here.”
“I can help you,” I breathed out a laugh. They lazily smiled before shrugging. “I’m gonna get you medicine.”
“If you don’t come back with Day and Nyquil, don’t come back at all,” they teased. I laughed as I looked back at them.
“Eat your soup, I’m getting you medicine,” I repeated as I pointed at the bowl of chicken noodle on the nightstand. They glared at me before picking up the bowl. I was quick, grabbing the medicine they asked for and a bottle of Aleve.
“Do you need anything else?” I looked down at them as I placed the bottles on the nightstand. They shook their head as they looked back at me, watching as I sat back down beside them.
“I’m all good here.”
“I can stay if you need me to,” I whispered as I looked over at them. They looked away from the bowl of soup with wide eyes. “Surely Emily won’t care. Family first.”
“As much as I’d love for you to stay, Spence, they need you just as badly there,” my person slurred their words. I could only imagine just how congested their sinuses and how blocked their nasal passages were. Which would only cause a migraine. “Besides, I don’t want to get you sick. You’re a baby when you’re sick.” They smirked at me.
“Am not!” I exclaimed as I looked at them. They shrugged before rubbing the underside of their nose. Should have grabbed them tissues while I was at the store. “Seriously, I’ll stay.”
“Seriously, go to work.”
“If I didn’t know any better it sounds to me like you’re trying to get rid of me.”
“I am,” they mumbled as they blew softly onto their spoonful of soup. I rolled my eyes before standing up off the bed.
“Okay, okay, I’ll go.” I lifted my hands as a sign of surrender. They looked up at me with a soft smile. “Good to know you can get rid of me so easily.”
“I’ll call you if I need anything.” They placed the soup back on the nightstand before shifting down the bed.
“And I’ll let Emily know I’ll be on desk duty.”
“Spencer,” they warned.
“I’m going! I’m going! Gone! See! Gone!”
“Love you!”
“Love you, too!”
I should have stayed home.
Okay, maybe Spencer should have stayed home because… I really miss him. I thought I’d be fine if he went in, and I’d get by… But I really want him. God I’m never whiny and asking for things, and the only thing I want… I sent it away.
I could call him… He’d drop everything and come right over. But… He should work. There is a reason why I sent him to work. That was where he was most needed. What if I was wrong though? What if he was most needed here, with me? No, no he’s the brain of the BAU.
But it’d be really nice if he stayed home with me.
Yeah, I made a mistake sending him to work. I’ve never felt so clingy in my entire life. Damn my stupid clinginess.
Did he know I was thinking about him? I must’ve, because he was calling me. Probably just checking in on me. I could ask him to come home. Unless he’s in the middle of helping a case and can’t come home.
“How are you feeling?” Yep, just calling to see how I was doing. It was probably a good thing that he was calling me. He probably just knew I wasn’t feeling any better.
“Could be better,” I paused as I looked over at his side of the bed. It was made but a little tousled around because of my sleeping. “Kinda wish you stayed here,” I whispered, mostly to myself.
“Already on the way home,” he stated like it was no big deal.
“Really?” I asked, feeling a little bit of excitement in my tone. Surely it just sounded like I was stuffy to Spencer. He laughed.
“Finished early. And… Emily noticed I was too distracted thinking about you. I’m about halfway there, do you need anything?”
“You… To get here quickly and give me all the cuddles in the world,” I dramatically sighed as I curled in on my side. “But… Safely!” I quickly added.
“I will be there soon, Dear,” Spencer mused before chuckling lightly. “Do you need anything?”
“No, I should be okay.”
“I’ll be home soon."
“Okay, bye,” I whispered before hanging up. I tossed my phone into the empty space beside me before curling back onto my side. Now that I knew Spencer would be home any minute, maybe I could sleep. Or maybe I should stay awake and wait for him.
Whatever, it didn’t matter. I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew, Spencer was crawling into bed beside me and I was slowly waking up.
“Shh, go back to sleep,” he whispered as he pulled the blanket back over me. Although it felt like I was on fire, the blanket felt safe over me. Or maybe that was Spencer’s arms wrapped around me that made me feel safe.
“No, no,” I mumbled as I moved as close as possible to him. Spencer laughed lightly before pressing his lips to my forehead. “Don’t leave me again,” I whispered into his chest.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
if you have any comments/questions about this part, let me know here! please consider reblogging or leaving a comment if you’re a part of the taglist. it’s so much work tagging everyone.
not able to tag: @isabellasimps
@thebluetint @mggsprettygirl @muffin-cup @misshale21 @spenciegoob @reidspoet @ash19871962 @babebenhardy @flipperpenguins @kuolonsyoja
@broken-stardust @beepbooptoop @ray-lia
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sweetsbfreex · 3 years
a styles snow day
Summary: In Boston, with your family. You and H have a snow day with your daughter. After a hectic morning that is
Warnings: none!
Pairing: Dad, Husband!Harry x reader
The shuffling of soft feet against the sheets had shaken you awake, causing you to open your eyes. You ignore it, but before sleep could take you away again. A sharp strike, from a very soft foot, landed between your shoulders
You open your eyes wide, emitting a raspy whine into the morning air. Reaching your hand back to stop the tiny foot from landing another strike. In result you hear cute giggles causing you to turn, her foot still in your clutch, to see your eighteen month old.
You closed eyes for a second, letting out a low sigh before you scooped her up. Both of you laying on your sides, facing each other, one of her legs laid against your hip. 
You reached your hand out to fix the catastrophe that was her hair. 
“Not nice Ava...Why is it always me hm...Why don’t you ever wake dad like this?” you ask. 
She stared at you, smiling. Only elevator music playing in her morning mind right now. Her small body encased with one of Harry’s very old shirts at her knees. One that his mother had saved for when he had his first child.
“Go wake up dad” you whispered in her ear, your hand cupping the back of her tiny ear.
She looked up at you, her face now amused at your special request. Without any questions, she shuffled her bum to her dad. Who was on his side, his back away from the two of you. Draping her upper body over his torso, her teeny legs pointed out to stabilize herself. Taking an arn that wasn't holding herself up. She reached her chubby fingers to her father’s eye, pulling his eye lid up. 
Giggling to herself when Harry’s eye began to move around, then upward at her face which was upside down to him. Then she laughed a bit more when both his eyes startled open in shock.
“Daddy!” she squealed.
Harry groaned, a light pout on his face before he pulled Ava’s finger from his eye. “Hi baby” he smiled, pulling his girl over so she became cocooned in his arms against his chest.
“Mum set you up to this right?” he asked, turning his head around to see a “sleeping” y/n. 
“For someone who’s supposed to love me...you are such a menace”. He told his other girl. Watching as she laughed, blowing the cover she thought she had. “Caught ya’” he mumbled, turning back to his baby’s giggles. 
You got up, reaching your body over your end of the bed to place a kiss on his shoulder. Making your way over to the three window walls beside your bed. When you rolled up the first blind. A small comical gasp got your attention, looking behind you to see her shocked gaze on the snow.
“Snow!” She gleamed, removing herself from Harry and sprinting to the window. Her nose and palms all up in the glass. Watching the thick layer of snow that buried your spacious backyard. 
All three of you had landed in your home in Boston, coming back from visiting your parents, late last night. And with the moving around she had to do a long with the flight. she didn’t get a chance to see the snowfall in the middle of the night. 
“I know” you told her, matching her energy. “You wanna play in it later?” You asked, bringing your hand down to pull her away from the glass.
She jumped up and down nodding her head in reply. 
“Let’s eat first then we can later”
Now you were all in the kitchen/dining (since they shared the same space). After Harry took out Milo, the family’s Australian shepherd, from his cage to the front yard. Now he was chasing? Or Ava was chasing him?. The loud dog pants, the sound of feet/paws against the wood, Ava’s giggles, the music Harry decided to play, and your whines, were all mixed.  Because Harry would. not. Let you go.  
“Do you want to starve? I need to make breakfast” you lean your head back on his shoulder. Being currently enveloped by both his arms, closing you between his chest and the counter. 
“You’re popping a couple of eggos in the toaster, chill out” he snickered.
You smiled at his teasing, kissing his cheek before turning your way back to the eggs you were mixing first. He stayed behind you placing kiss after kiss to your shoulder, then your neck, then to the cut of your jaw. 
You giggled, reeling him in a bit as you brandished your butt against him. Eyes averting to Harry's fingers which were clenching the counter a bit.
And ever so quickly you tilted your head, so your mouth was to his ear whispering...
“Go fill Milo’s bowl” you tell him, turning your head to kiss one of his shoulders. Before they deflated and Harry sported a dejected look on his face. 
“I’ll remember this the next time the roles reverse hm?” he tells you, pinching your butt and then strolling away to the pantry. 
And it was peaceful for a little until frill cries interrupted it; and Harry’s voice cooing Ava was what you heard. 
“What’s wrong?” you ask him, leaving the eggs and turning off the warming pan. 
“Sad because Milo’s not playing anymore” he chuckles, rubbing his hand.
“You ready for your pancakes?” You ask her. 
At that the instant crocodile tears ended, as expected, while she nodded her head yes. You and Harry shared a laugh before he brought to the table, sitting in her booster seat. While you popped some eggos in the toaster. 
“Har! Are you eating pancakes too?” You yell out to him. 
“No thank you, ‘m gonna eat the eggs” he replied to you, leaving Ava with her coloring sheet.  
You were all roughly done. Milo finished his breakfast a while ago, now he laid next to Ava’s chair looking with hope at everyone eating.
And when her parents were no longer paying attention to her, instead to each other. Ava used her nimble fingers to break a piece of her bacon. Bringing it to her mouth before “accidentally” dropping it on the floor. Smiling down at her best friend who ate it with pleasure. 
‘Poor mimi’ she thought
Taking a bit of her pancakes between her fingers, she tried it one more time. Instead a different method; as she hid the piece of her syrup-less pancake in her closed fist. Yawning slyly, bringing her arms above her hands after she looked down at the puppy eyes Milo gave her. And bringing them to lay against her side; dropping the pancake onto the mixed fur beneath her.
“Ey!” Harry voiced, catching her in the act. 
You turned around confused, watching as she jumped in her seat, looking up at her father in a stunned manner. 
“What were you doing Ava?” You asked. 
She looked at both her parents, pushing her bottom lip out. 
“Milo is hungry!” She defended 
“Are we supposed to be feeding Milo anything that isn’t dog food?” He tests her. 
“No” she murmurs. Eyebrows wrinkled together and lips pouted causing her cheeks to fill out more than usual. Her small face was in perfect view to get a glance of her expression. Then in a haste she tucked her chin into her body, so all you both saw was the top of her bed head.  
The couple wasn’t against giving Milo “human food”, he’d get some from time to time, not too much. But with a child it was a bit different. Ava didn’t know what a dog could and couldn’t eat, so the two of them had to be stricter when it came to her giving Milo food. They’d also been training Milo to not accept food Ava get him, but the two of them were like peas in a pod. 
You and Harry looked at each other. You raised your eyebrows to him, wondering how the pair of you should go about this. He shrugs backs at you, a smile etched on his face as he eyes his child again. 
She sat still in her chair, keeping the heartbroken visage on her face. Ava decided to add a dash of spice into her act by crossing her arms over her chest . Without context you would think you told her she would never be able to watch Disney movies ever again! 
You decided to take the reigns.
“Babe do you want Milo to have to go to the doctor?” You asked her. 
“No.” She responded short.
“Talk appropriately, Ava” Harry told her. 
“No, mommy” she repeated herself, looking up this time, her arms uncrossed and instead sat in her lap. 
“If you keep giving her human food he’ll get sick, then he’ll have to go to the doctor...then you could be arrested” you pout at her pinching her cheeks.
“Y/N!” Harry hissed, his foot breezing past your shin.
“What? It worked on me”
“Okay Okay, you won’t go to jail, mommy’s fibbing. I’m
“You’re fibbing?” She murmurs, using her palm to clear her bangs from her forehead. Looking at Harry for confirmation as you both nod.
“But you can’t feed Milo human food, it’s not good for him” you remind her. 
“Okay. I won’t feed Milo anymore. Promise!” she answers in a hushed tone, reaching her hands up so you could pull her into your lap.
You did so kissing the top of her head
“Mumma?” Tilting her head back. 
“You eat the pancakes, I don’t want them,” she remarked, tossing her head side-to-side and patting her plump stomach. Sticking her tongue out in an icky manner, meaning she was full. 
You and Harry shared a quick laugh at her chaotic antics.
“Ready to go out and play?” Which resulted in a large hoot led by Harry.
Everyone showered by two, the sun brighter than when you woke up, and the snow falling down softer, in a flurry. 
Before you all left the London home, you had ordered the three of you matching garments and gloves for the pictures you knew you and Harry would take.
Currently,  you and Harry were clad in thick turquoise jackets. Only struggling with the task of getting Ava dressed up. 
She was like a wiggling worm, wouldn’t stay still, even when you and Harry offered her some candy. Her infectious belly laughs only grew as she thought this was some kind of funny game. But it wasn't and you made that clear when you told her she wouldn't be playing in the snow until she dressed up. Did she sit down like a good girl. 
“Oh! Look at my baby!” you thrilled, holding her cheeks between your palms. Pulling her in for an eskimo kiss. Those have been her favorite for the longest. Ever since she got herself hooked on Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood. “You look so cute, beautiful” you tell her.  
She smiles at the compliments, such a narcissist she was. Always asking you if she looked pretty in this or that at least once a day. Along with checking herself out in the mirror for an extended amount of time. Such a narcissist. Yet, you also loved the way she tilted her chin down, head lolled to the side bashfully. 
Harry, like lightning,  put her beanie over her braided pigtails while you put on her black snow boots. He picked her up once she finished dressing up,setting her on his  blowing a raspberry on her chubby cheeks.
“Aren’t you guys the cutest” you hummed, pulling your phone out to take a picture. You chuckled when you watched the way her giggles disappeared at the sight of your phone. Instead a beaming smile, pressing her cheek to her father’s scruffy one. Snapping a few live photos of the two. 
“I wanna see” her palm out towards you for the phone. 
You shuffled yourself beside her, tilting the phone so they both could see the photos. 
“Look so beautiful. Hm?” Harry marveled, placing a gentle kiss to her cheek.
She grinned at his acclaim, “Yes” she dragged out the s. Nodding her head in a gentle manner before placing a kiss on his cheek.
“You look so good too, H” you tell him. Your hand rubbing the cheek that wasn’t occupied by Ava.
He, without a doubt, did. He decided to stop shaving the last two weeks and gosh did he look good. The turquoise color brought out the green of his eyes. Instead of letting his hair down, he decided he’d clip it back with one of your clips.
He kissed you on the lips then on your cheek in result, Also exchanging a string of compliments your way, by whispering some not safe for kid ears into yours.. Your stomach did a bit of a flip at his husky voice, before you slapped his chest in a truce like manner.
“Milo! Let’s go outside!” Harry shouted out, clutching your hand as he led the three of you downstairs. 
The four of you were outside in the white blanket. Milo was doing his zoomies, astounded with this new found discovery. Before his non-stop running. The first thing Milo did, when he came in contact with the snow, was freeze (ears up in curiosity), then he stuck his nose into the snow, ate some snow. Now he was running in circles. 
Ava loved this, perched up on Harry’s shoulder as she giggled, her nimble finger following Milo’s body.
You had Harry’s phone pointed at the two of them, videoing the whole family. 
And Harry was feeling gratified. His baby was on his shoulder happy as a lark. His other baby had a radiating smile on her beautiful face while recording these moments. as always. And his pup was having the time of his life
“Baby!” you lose it when Harry also looks away from Milo to face you in no time. “Ava...Can you catch a snowflake like this?”
Harry blows a huff. He hates when you do that (half the time on purpose). Watching you tilt your head back, eyes closed, and your tongue out as you catch snow in your mouth. 
Ava catches on, her eyes go a bit crossed when she tries to see the snow landing on her tongue. 
“Here, baby, hold her for a bit” he tells you, bringing her down into your open arms (so she’s now on your hip). He leans down a bit to gather a bit of snow in his hands to make a snowball. Then once he’s done, he has a mischievous smile when he targets it to your chest. 
It startles you, “Harry!” 
And you halt, again, when the kid on your hip starts to wail. Her head thrown back and her eyes closed, sealed tight.
"Aww. Don't cry baby. Look at what you did Harry" you reprimand him in a jest. His eyebrows raise in surprise, not expecting for this to end in her tears. "Daddy's mean right? Watch this" you shush her, watching her until she opens her eyes, only in small hiccups. 
You crouch down carefully pulling some snow into your fist.
“Watch baby, gotta get revenge” you tell her smiling. Raising yourself up to then fling the snow into Harry’s chest. Ever the dramatic man. He clutched his heart over his jacket before falling back into the sea of snow groaning out. Opening one eye, when he hears the laugh of his precious girl. 
“Here” you tell Ava, giving her own ball of snow. She eyes it for a little before she tries to shove the snow into her mouth like crazy. Very likely you shouldn’t have shown her how to catch the snowflakes beforehand. You roll your eyes at Harry when you hear his chuckles at the exchange. 
When you tell her no and to throw it you watch her laugh as she flings it on top of her father. Who then groans again and lays with his tongue out and body spread out like the chalk outlines. You set her down to the ground and she zips to the “dead” body. She pokes his eye like earlier today because it always works, but when it doesn’t she relents to other forces.  
“Mimi!” she calls the shepheard over, pointing down at Harry. Who is slowly breaking his facade (but she doesn’t notice). Milo bounded forward to his owner with zeal. Sniffing around Harry for a bit before licking his face, inducing Harry to shout. Jump scaring the three of you, especially poor Milo who dashed away and Ava who fell on her butt. 
Ava didn’t appreciate it. Taking snow between her mittens and crushing it into H’s chest causing a laugh out of all you. 
The sun was about to set and Harry and Ava were rolling up the last ball for the snowman’s head. You were smoothing the parts that were a bit rough. Milo was back in the house. Too tired from all the running he was doing, but you were able to get some family shots with him too. 
“Be careful, babe” Ava tells Harry (unnecessarily loud), when his foot gets caught in an icy patch.
“Thank you babe” he tells her, leaning down to kiss her chin. “Wonder where she gets that from. Hm?” he teases you, winking at you and puckering his lips to blow you a kiss. As you smile shyly looking away from him. 
They were on either side of you.  Ava nestled into your side, her arms around one of yours. All while Harry begins to lift the final snowball onto the other two. 
“There you go baby. Olaf!” he tells her one she’s finished. 
She isn’t excited and looks at the figure confused for a minute. You look up at Harry, eye brows pinched, he looks at you the same way, his hands on his hip when he shrugs at you. 
A little gasp makes you both turn your head to see her eyes light up and finger pointed upward, like in the movies.
“Forget his buttons, eyes, and nose” she tells you, trying to point at where each thing went. 
“You’re so right, smart girl, let me go get them, find some sticks too.”
You shuffle through the backdoor. Gaining ompant when Milo decides to come out of the living room. Rubbing his head on the way there. Going into the fridge you get the shortest carrot in the bag before moving into the fireplace for some coal.
When you walk back out, Ava is sitting on Harry's shoulders again. Her arms wrapped around his forehead with an iron grip. You hand her the carrot.
“Thank you mommy” she cheered, the tip of her cheeks getting firmer with her grin. 
You pinch her cheeks a little bit, in response. Turning around to place the coals in a shape of a smile, using the last five as his buttons and eyes. While doing this you notice the skinny branches as his arms.  
“Okay Miss Styles time for you to do the honor. Go ahead and give him his nose”
Harry squats down until Ava's leveled with the snowman's head. She decides, among herself, to twirl the carrot around so the pointed part of the carrot gets buried in the snow. You truly don't have the heart to correct her when you see how proud of herself she is. 
Once she finishes, Harry picks her up and off his shoulder so she's settled on his hip instead. He jostles her around, shouting an array of  "Yay! Ava!" The three of you clapping your hands together to celebrate. All while Ava revels in the abundance of praise, yet she huddles her into the comforts of her dad's shoulder. 
Her first snow day had gone way better than either of you would have imagined. You personally assumed that she would have hated it. Especially since it was a very cold substance. Or she would have cried the whole time, wanting to go back in instantly.
If anything, it was more perfect than anything. You loved your little family and there was quite possibly nothing that could replace the rush of emotions you felt when you were with them. Making these treasured moments. You think this all while Harry pulls you in for a kiss.
read a little continuation of this family here!
if you enjoyed pls don’t forget to reblog or give feedback if ur up to it <3
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Platonic Polyam Bench Trio Marriage AU
You guys asked, so here I am to deliver! Platonic Polyam Bench Trio marriage au where Tommy marries into Tubbo’s and Ranboo’s platonic marriage. (focus on Tommy lol)
NOTE; These are about the c!characters and not the irl people, and I'm writing this like a poly queerplatonic relationship okay? None of this is intended to be romantic or anything else and anything that is in this list is PLATONIC INTENTIONS ONLY
Edit; Now called the Bench Husbands Au
-It kinda all kicks off when about a week or so after Tommy gets out of Prison. (Note, nothing after the first stream after Tommy gets out is canon in this au, as well as some things before)
-Tubbo and Tommy finally have a small fight and argument, before talking, like really talking and Tubbo invite Tommy to come live with them in the mansion in snowchester once its done.
-Tommy doesn't really want to... but he’s tired and lonely and still scared to death and Tubbo promises he’s safe with them, plus if they lived together they could plan on how to kill Dream easier as well.
-Ranboo doesn't mind but after that he tries to go talk to tommy more, but Tommy isnt... the most receptive? Tommy is suffering still and is feeling very replaced and lonely, but doesn't excuse his kinda snippy behavior with Ranboo
-This finally comes to ahead when Ranboo snaps and calls him out, leading to another small fight, before Tommy apologizes and they also talk. This one is more in depth though and Tommy talks about what happened in exile, in the prison, and just general shitty stuff that's being going on. 
-Ranboo, in turn, talks to him about the voices and Dream’s voice and the sleepwalking and Tommy is very much more concerned about them then anyone else he told was, and validates the fear about it, and resolves to help Ranboo get rid of it somehow.
-After this, and both trying to convince the other they should tell Tubbo, that they both probably need to tell Tubbo. They want to keep him safe and not worry him, but... they both need help in different ways and they both love him enough to not do that to him.
-The night ends with lots of tears, Tubbo admitting his own traumas and tears and what he’s been not saying, and a promise to help each other.
-Its not a while after that actually Ranboo brings up the idea of adding Tommy to their marriage. He can tell the blond is struggling with feeling replaced and low-self esteem, and it would help him feel more equal and loved maybe? Tubbo thinks its a great idea and they go to ask Tommy.
-Tommy’s pretty uppity at first, he believes its just them pitying him and treating him like glass again, which he hates more then anything, but after they calm him down and explain they just want him to feel equal and that they both actually cared for him and wanted him to join in on their thing, he’s more contemplative. Ranboo nervously throws in a few other points, like how for legal reasons it could benefit him like it was for them, their allies had to leave him alone, plus Tubbo only started making his own hotel becuase he wanted Tommy to start interacting with him again, and-
-At this point Tommy just, interrupts and says yes, surprising them. They didn't exactly think he’d say no, but they thought it would be harder then that. He laughs at their expressions and says why not? Plus it stood to reason they’d want Tommy, everyone wanted Tommy.
-Ranboo and Tubbo exchange a look before bullying their now platonic fiancée. They agree to get married as soon as the Mansion is done, and till then Tommy can finish packing his stuff and a few other things he wanted to do.
-Also Tommy is totally not avoiding Michael because every pet he ever got close to has died and he doesn't want to get attached and risk Tubbo and Ranboo losing something they cared about because of him, no siree, why wouldn't you think that?
-Speaking of Michael!
-Its not all that strange to keep undead mobs like Zombie piglins as pets, in fact Zombie Piglins are the probably better undead mob to keep around due to their mostly passiveness if you want a pet and the fact they don't need much to eat and wont really be harmed if out leave them alone for long periods of time
-Though Tommy kinda thinks Tubbo and Ranboo’s insist on treating him like their child is weird, but he’s willing to let them have it, clearly it made them happy to play around
-Isn't until he finally moves in that he realizes that Michael is different then other zombie piglins and finds himself being pulled into the parent dynamic as well
-Though now that he thinks about it, something about Michael seems off… welp it's probably nothing :)
-When the mansion is done, he tears down the dirt shack and makes it a community garden and it becomes one of the only things that stays free of the red vines (who knew watering it with water from the holy land would make it untouchable? It's thanks to this garden later others figure out how to defeat the egg)
-They elect to not have a ceremony, not now at least but Tommy actually thinks a small wedding party would be fun at a later date. Ranboo doesn't mind much if they have one or not but Tubbo is actually very excited about planning it.
-Tommy wears his ring on a necklace most of the time, but occasionally wears it on his fingers, usually when he needs something to fiddle with.
-Ranboo wears his on his tail (the area right before to fluffy part) normally but also wears it on his finger sometimes when he feels like it. (If your version has horns, he also does that too) it just really depends on what he’s feeling and if he’s forgotten where he put it. He also like, never takes it off unless to move it around because he’s afraid to lose it.
-Tubbo wears his as an actual ring on his finger (though if he has horns, sometimes he puts it on one of em if he needs the ring to be off his hand.) Tubbo learned the hard way when building nukes or other machinery (since, if you can believe it, his husbands aren’t that comfortable with the nukes as he is) you can't wield or do high heat stuff while wearing metal and nearly lost his finger. He’s very lucky and he has a small scar from it.
-Each of them have their own rooms so they can have their own space and somewhere to go if they want time to themselves/store their stuff in, but there is a 4th room (directly across from Michaels) where they share and tend to curl up to sleep together. About 5 out of 7 days of the week, some combo of them are cuddling together at night, more if they're having a bad day or nightmares.
-There's multiple bathrooms in the mansion but there's one they all like the best and will fight over it/race to get into it first before the others and the other two will stalk off salty to use a different one
-They're all pretty tactile people but out of them, Tommy is the most tactile (once the fear of being hurt recess he practically attaches himself to the others) and Ranboo is the least (he won't seek out comfort and touch as much as the others unless he needs it, but is the best at telling when the other two need touch or need to be left alone) and Tubbo is in the middle of that.
-Tommy is the one that cooks most of the time, Ranboo is banned from it after The Incident and while Tubbo is okay at cooking, Tommy just knows more recipes and how to make things taste really good.
-Tommy picked up sewing from when he was a kid, even before he was found by Wilbur and adopted by Phil, it was useful to be able to patch the rags he called clothes, and just ended up continuing because his brothers and dad sucked at sewing. It then morphed into full tailoring because he found it relaxing and liked being able to make his own clothes. He can and will be insulted if anyone wears anything he deems ‘ugly’, especially his new husbands. He makes them clothes all the time, specially Michael.
-In fact he also cleans the most, he just gets bored and while he makes a mess, if the house gets to a certain point he gets really uncomfortable and overstimulated, so he cleans.
-DomesticInnit? In my au? More likely then you think!
-Gradually the whole ‘watching the prison’ and ‘planning to kill Dream’ starts to fade as he gets back into the groove of living again and therapy. He’s just… tired of Dream having a hold on everything Tommy does, he’s sick of it. So… he just tries to live these days one step at a time. (Healing arc baby! Dream can die mad UwU)
-Tommy dragged them both to Therapy with him after a while.
-Because of this he finds himself home a lot with Michael, especially if the other two are busy. They’ve pretty much decided that someone has to be home with Michael at all times, which is now 100% more doable with the 3 of them, and Puffy or Foolish babysit if there’s ever time they can't.
-Tommy is a lot less of a hovering helicopter parent then the others and was the one to finally convince them Michael cant live trapped in a room. Yes, they were all worried for his safety but… you can't raise a kid in a cell, even if it's a nice one. Tommy takes Michael out more
-Tommy started to sleep walking again once they moved in and he still gravitates towards water for some reason. Nothing more startling then waking up because you plunged into frigid below 0 temp water while sleepwalking. Ranboo also enderwalks/sleepwalks more as well and there've been some nights where Tubbo has had to track them both sleepily walking around and make sure they don't hurt themselves or drown or something. At least Ranboo is semi-aware when enderwalking and normally just does weird ender things, Tommy likes to apparently walk into oceans or climb the mansion and nearly fall off and wander hundreds of blocks away. Tubbo’s not salty at all, really.
-Sapnap, Quackity, and Karl are 100% salty the benchtrio got platonically married before they got married
-They fight about last names all the time despite none of them actally taking eachothers last name, and if they happen to pick and choose on which one they’re feeling based on mood, well they can do what they want!
-However its agreed Michael’s last name is hyphenated so he’s now ‘Michael Beloved-Underscore-Innit’
These are all I have for now, feel free to ask about it or use my ideas! <3
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Into The Unknown, Part 6
Marinette woke up because of a whack to the face. So that was fun.
She blinked her eyes open and was met with a scowling, squirming baby.
She sighed and considered letting the baby squirm for a little so she could get another few minutes of sleep…
Oh. Right. He cried in the morning. An unfortunate thing to forget about.
She grumbled a quiet “fuck” as Damian started screaming.
“Tim, your turn.”
Tim grumbled incoherently and attempted to disappear in the plush mattress.
She considered kicking him to wake him up but decided against it. She was feeling nice that morning.
(Also, she figured that kicking a half-awake vigilante might end badly for her.)
She shrugged Tim’s arm off and then tumbled out of bed, baby securely wrapped in her arms. She laid flat on the ground, baby raised in the air above her like a less cute version of That One Scene from The Lion King. She squinted up at the screaming child, struggling to get her brain to function, and then sighed.
“Right, let’s get you all changed, huh? Clean diaper? Pretty new clothes? Will that calm you down?”
She really didn’t know why she was talking to him, she doubted the kid really understood what she was saying, but his wailing was starting to die down a little. She hoped it was because she was using her nice voice and not because he was straining his vocal cords.
She smoothed out his hair and then pushed herself to her feet.
After she had changed the kid’s diaper, she spread all of his clothes out on the floor in a loose circle (it kind of looked like an egg, but at least an attempt was made).
She set the baby down in the middle of the egg and stepped back.
He looked up at her, confused.
She motioned to the clothes. “Go ahead. Yakhtar.”
There was a few minutes where the baby continued looking at her, clearly expecting something but she had no clue what.
Then, finally, he looked around at the clothes.
He crawled over to a yellow shirt with a cartoon bee on it that she had paired with some black and white striped leggings and slapped it a few times. He babbled angrily at her.
… did that mean he wanted it or that it was out of the running?
… she was going to assume that he wanted it.
She picked up him with one arm and the outfit with the other -- something made very difficult by the fact that Damian was now slapping his little fists against her shoulder in an attempt to be let down -- and then started the process of getting the kid into the clothes.
“You know, he probably would have been fine with anything you picked.”
She glanced up from where she was trying to shove Damian’s pudgy little baby arm into a sleeve. Tim was sitting up in bed, legs crossed criss-cross applesauce and head propped on his hand. An amused smile played at his lips.
She rolled her eyes and looked back down at Damian so she could complete her grueling task. “Probably. But I’d just keep dressing him up in red and black and, apparently, he doesn’t want that.”
“Don’t know why. Red and black are objectively the best colors.”
“Totally,” she said.
Damian babbled angrily some more and attempted to punch her arm. She tried not to show on her face just how much it had hurt.
“I guess yellow is pretty okay,” Tim said, grinning.
“Eh. Yellow is like… the fifth best color. Green is where it’s at.”
Tim made a face. “Ew. Green?”
She rolled her eyes. “You’re not allowed to talk about what looks good. You had a completely brown suit for ages. Terrible, isn’t that right, Dami?”
Damian clearly had no idea what was going on, he was busy trying to help Marinette pull his pants up (he was accidentally pushing them down but it was the thought that counts… she was pretty sure, at least), but he nodded decisively.
Marinette turned her head away from Tim and Damian, lips pressed together thinly to keep her laughter under control, before she turned back and finished the kid’s outfit.
“See, Tim, even the baby agrees.”
Tim scoffed. “He agrees with everything you say.”
“Because I’m always right.” She leaned forward to nuzzle her nose against Damian’s with a bright smile. “I can already tell you’re going to be the best kid. Isn’t that right?”
Damian giggled.
Tim held the baby as they checked out at 10:55. Usually, he would try to be earlier, but… baby.
Yeah. That was all he needed to say about that.
(If you want to know: Damian had finally managed to succeed in his attempts to fall from a high place, effectively scaring the shit out of both of the teens who were taking care of him. They’d checked him over for any injuries -- it was more difficult than usual, they couldn’t tell him to clench and unclench his fists to make sure they weren’t broken. When they were sure he was okay they took a few moments to hug him and assure themselves that it was fine and that babies were flexible for this exact reason… unfortunately, this ended with the kid learning that falling from high places=hugs and was now, somehow, even more determined to do it.)
Marinette turned to him with a smile.
“Do you want to get the car or do you want to get the baby’s carseat?”
Tim thought for a minute before sighing. “Would you make fun of me if I picked out a stupid-looking carseat?”
He rolled his eyes and handed off the baby like he was a baton in a very weird relay race. “No thanks. I’ll get the car.”
She grinned. “Probably a good idea. Right, see you.”
“Get some baby formula while you’re out.”
Marinette looked down at the kid, eyes wide. “Still?” Then she shrugged. “Sure, I guess.”
He tossed the bag of diapers and stuff to her and, with that, they started off in separate directions.
He picked up a rental car from Enterprise. They offered the ability to pay a little extra to leave the car at another location. He doubted that that was in place for things like moving across the country but he wasn’t about to complain.
But, when he picked up Marinette and Damian outside the door and caught sight of the carseat she’d gotten, he absolutely would complain.
“Spiderman?” He said.
“Technically, he’s ArachnidKid, here.”
He raised an unimpressed eyebrow at her.
She had the decency to look a little sheepish. “He screamed every time I tried to choose anything else.”
Tim sighed and knocked his head against the top of the steering wheel a few times before turning around.
“I’ll deal with the kid while you figure out the thing.”
… or, at least, that was the intention. It turns out that baby carseats are… difficult. They’d pulled into a spot and gave Damian his stuffed cow and a phone to distract him and they’d gotten to work. There were two adults and two magical beings trying to figure it out and not a single one of them had any idea what they were doing. The instructions made absolutely no sense, they may as well have been written in Greek -- except they all knew how to speak and read Greek because of magic. But this shit? Illegible. It was like the written version of baby language. No one knows what was going on, he was beginning to think that the people trying to give them instructions didn’t even know. Tikki was puzzling over the instructions despite this, Marinette was having a breakdown, Tim wanted to be back in his world so he could punch someone, Kaalki was in the process of being eaten by Damian. It was chaos.
They were on the road. Marinette lazed in the passenger seat, feet up on the dashboard as she half-listened to the audiobook Tim had put on -- something about a kid who stole lightning or something (she didn’t see the big deal, it wasn’t like it was hard or anything). Tikki and Kaalki were using her headphones to listen to music. Damian had fallen asleep and was now peacefully sucking on one of the horns of the cow plush.
(He’d, apparently, dubbed the plush ‘Cow’. It was a fitting name, she supposed.)
Tim glanced over at her. “If we get in a crash you’re going to fly through the windshield.”
She lifted the cheap heart-shaped sunglasses she’d bought on impulse while waiting for Tim to show up out of boredom. Just so he could see how unimpressed she was.
“Maybe you should drive well so I don’t have to worry.”
He sighed and rolled his eyes. She saw the speedometer drop a bit regardless.
They stopped for food pretty soon after they started on the road. Funny how quickly a day could go by, it was already noon.
They ended up at Carl's Sr., because that was what they had found first.
He bounced Damian on one knee absently. The kid wasn’t thirsty, it seemed, so they were just trying to keep him entertained while they ate. He didn’t know why they bothered, the kid was currently entertaining himself with nothing but a rubber duck.
Marinette nibbled the last of her sandwich. “I wonder if he can have fries.”
“Fy!” Said Damian, who had apparently learned that ‘he’ usually meant him.
“Well, he’s convinced me,” she said.
Tim rolled his eyes. “The book I read said that if you give him regular food he’ll realize ours is better and won’t go back to the baby stuff.”
“Good for him if he stops eating it. I got curious and tried it, it sucks.”
He shrugged a little. “He only needs to keep eating it for, I think, another year…?”
“Two whole years of that stuff? That’s evil. I’m giving him a fry.”
“Fy!” Said Damian again, this time slapping the table to punctuate the word.
Tim sighed and pulled out his phone to check that that was allowed. Apparently, despite the fact that kids can breast feed up to two years (or even longer), they can start with ‘table foods’ around a year. That made exactly zero sense to him but okay.
“... I guess that’s fine,” he said, eventually.
Marinette beamed and tore off a piece of her fry for Damian.
The baby was enlightened.
Despite the fact that they’d originally agreed to split the driving evenly, with long shifts so they could go straight to Gotham without any major setbacks, Marinette ended up doing most of it.
It turns out that Tim got car sick.
She didn’t say anything about it. He seemed embarrassed enough as it was, especially since Marinette and Damian were wholly unaffected.
It was… fine. She used the extra stops to get coffee each time. And, whenever it came time to feed or change Damian, she glared Tim into submission. It may not be entirely his fault that his stomach was protesting the car ride but it inconvenienced her so fuck him.
… she did feel a little bad, though, so she always held his hair out of his face and made sure to give him water so he was fully hydrated.
They arrived in Gotham and collapsed in the hotel bed pretty much the moment they could. They’d done hygiene stuff, of course, neither of them were eager to lay in their filth for the night after an almost day-long drive (there had been a lot of stops)… but once they had bathed and brushed their teeth? And cleaned up Damian? Straight to bed.
Tim had finished up first since his showers were quicker and he rested an arm around Damian to make sure he wouldn’t leave. He needn’t have worried, Damian was apparently just as happy as they were that they were in an actual bed again because he was in dreamland almost the second he’d touched it.
He closed his eyes and relaxed.
The bed dipped a little as Marinette crawled in and he let go of the kid so she could wrap around him per usual.
Tim hesitated here. He’d wrapped an arm around them before, sure, but that was different. That had mostly been a thing he’d done in his sleep.
After a few moments, Marinette sighed and scooted closer, tangling her legs with his.
He flushed red. “Uh?”
“It happens every night anyways, I’m resigned to my fate.”
He didn’t know whether to laugh or frown.
She opened her eyes a little and smiled. “Relax. Chat Noir is super touch starved, I’m used to platonically cuddling with people.”
He relaxed a little and hesitantly rested an arm around the pair.
Marinette nuzzled her face into Damian’s hair and closed her eyes again.
He smiled at the scene and started to close his eyes… but then Kaalki caught his gaze.
He gave a small puff of laughter.
“You know, I just remembered something.”
Marinette hummed to say she was listening.
“My power is the ability to create portals.”
“... god fucking damn it.”
@nathleigh @peachmuses @unoriginalmess @hammalammadamdam @astrynyx @laurcad123 @927roses-and-stuff
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Take It Out On Me
Happy Smutty Saturday! I seem to like writing things revolving around the pandemic lmaoo I'm sorry, I don't want to make that a habit. This is escapism, after all. Anyways, request from god knows how long ago about angry fucking with our fav gremlin boi
Pairing: Merriell Shelton / Reader (Female)
Warnings: 18+. There's some angst, some words exchanged in anger but nothing too crazy. Unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it pls don't be dumb) Rough sex, dirty talking, hints of BDSM if you squint, praise kink if you squint.
Word Count: 3K
Tag List: @edteche2 @xmxisxforxmaybe @diasimar @txmel @gloriousdarkangelsworld @paradoxicaltornado @404-not-found-xix
When the pandemic started, things weren’t so bad. Your job allowed you to simply work from your laptop, you had turned the second bedroom/storage room into a makeshift office and it worked just fine. Merriell, on the other hand, was not so lucky. He had been laid off, and, at first, was incredibly stressed about it. Thankfully though, you made enough money to cover the rent and the government came through with some financial aid that helped Mer pay for the bills. You’d be okay.
In fact, once the financial stresses were taken care of, it was actually kind of nice. You two hadn’t lived together long, but long enough that you had noticed your schedule differences and long enough to know you had missed each other. Gone were the late nights at the shop that left you lonely and missing his touch. Quite the contrary, during the first few months, you had fucked like rabbits. He had taken you in every room of the house like you were christening the damn thing all over again. The kitchen, the living room, the bathroom, hell, he even had you in your ‘office’ at one point. It was fun, being together all the time.
Until it wasn’t.
Eventually, being cooped up in the same goddamn space all the damn time got to both of you. And you loved him dearly but god he was so fucking annoying sometimes. Usually, you could avoid creating tension either by slinking away to your office for a bit or politely asking him to take a walk. But the office door had been a lost cause ever since he fucked you up against it so hard it came right off its hinges and it was raining outside, so he couldn’t leave. You were stuck.
Maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad, but the little things that usually didn’t matter had gone unchecked and undiscussed and were beginning to bite at your skin in a way you couldn’t ignore. For you, it had started when you went to the bathroom in the morning, only to discover he had left the toilet seat up and you fell right through. For him it had started when you unconsciously kicked him awake at 6 in the morning on a Saturday. And from there it spiraled. By the time you were ready for coffee, he had drunk the whole pot.
“Thanks for leaving me some.” you had grumbled, and maybe you meant it in good fun, but your sleepy attitude struck a chord, and you knew that because it was met with silence.
So maybe that’s why you didn’t ask him if he wanted some of the eggs you were making for breakfast. And maybe that’s why he decided the be extra loud when he finally made his own breakfast. Pots and pans clanging as he threw them in the sinks, cupboard doors slamming shut and using his fork just a little too violently in a way that set your whole being on edge.
By the end of the day, you had snapped at each other a few times and the tension was so thick that you could barely stand just being next to him. You hated that you were feeling this way, that these stupid lockdowns were driving you away from each other when all you wanted was the opposite. But you couldn’t let go of your anger and annoyance, and it bled through your veins, poisoning any conflict resolution that threatened to act as an antidote to your frustrations.
The last straw came at dinner. He had asked you what you wanted to eat and just the question had you gritting your teeth. So you had replied, telling him that he could make whatever he wanted. That, apparently, was the wrong answer.
“Jesus fucking christ,” he snarled, slamming his hand down onto the kitchen island, “Can you please jus' tell me what the fuck you want?!”
You had done nothing more than glance his way and roll your eyes, not getting a chance to respond before he was launching into a tangent.
“Seriously, what the fuck do ya think I am? Some kinda mind reader?” He asks, one hand gesturing wildly while the other keeps the counter in a white-knuckled grip, “Ya been in this fuckin’ mood all goddamn day and Darlin, I gotta say, ‘m fuckin’ sick of it.”
You bark out a sharp, bitter laugh, “Oh, you’re sick of it?” You stand up from the couch, walking behind it so you can get closer to him, “Like you haven’t been intentionally pissing me off all fucking day.”
His jaw pushes out in annoyance, both hands now gripping the countertop, “I promise you,” and you gotta give the guy credit for trying to regain some composure, “whateva’ I did to make you this goddamn bitchy was not intentional.”
“Oh, so I’m a bitch now?” You counter, folding your arms over your chest.
His eyes close and his chin tucks into his chest, recognizing his mistake but unwilling to apologize for it, “That’s not what I meant.”
“No, no, it’s fine. Tell me.” you insist, stepping closer to him, “Tell me what a bitch I’ve been. Blame all your problems on me. Because that’s just easier, isn’t it?”
It’s not true. You know. He knows it. But right now, all you can focus on is the anger that’s been boiling in the pit of your stomach.
“Y’know what? Maybe this-” he cuts himself off, but his quick gesture between the two of you finishes the rest of his sentence for him. Silence fills the kitchen and now there’s salt added to the wound. Hurt swirls with your anger and you can’t stop yourself from talking even if you tried.
“No, say it.” you encourage bitterly, crossing the line into the kitchen, “Tell me how moving in together was a mistake. Tell me how you can’t fucking stand living with me. Tell me how I’m so bitchy and how sick you are of my shit. Tell me-”
Before you can finish antagonizing him, he’s got you pushed up against the wall, his hands braced on either side of your head. He’s so close to you, you can feel his breath, angry and panting on your skin. You look into his eyes, seeing them hard and cold with his anger but something else lying behind them.
“Shut the fuck up,” he growls, and before you can even begin to be angry about it his lips are on yours and you can’t breathe.
His anger is very apparent, even as he kisses you. It’s rough, bruising, but it’s an outlet for all the negative feelings you’ve been experiencing so you kiss him back just as hard. You reach for him, unsure if you’re working to pull him closer and push him away. It doesn’t really matter though because he doesn’t let you touch him for long. Within seconds both your wrists are taken in one hand and pinned above your head. You fight against his hold, despite knowing it’s futile. In retaliation you bite down hard on his lip, feeling only a little satisfied when he pulls away in shock, his free hand coming up to check for blood. There's not.
You meet his eyes with a defiant smirk. He wants to play dirty? Fine. You can play that way too.
He steps away and for a second you think he’s actually going to walk away. But then-
“Get your ass to the bedroom.”
You almost laugh. If he thinks you’re, in any way, going to be compliant tonight, he’s sadly mistaken. Instead, you cross your arms, falling back to lean against the wall, your eyes never leaving his. He chuckles, an angry smirk crossing his features. He looks away, shaking his head, tongue poking against the side of his cheek in complete disbelief. Before you can think of your next move he’s got you thrown over his shoulder, marching the both of you down the hallway to your shared bedroom. You squirm, trying to push yourself to an angle that would let you fight his grip but it’s no use. By the time you work his hold free, he’s already dropping you on the bed. Although dropping may not be the right word, he all but slams you down, leaving you momentarily breathless.
Even then, he moves quickly. His hands move to his belt, quickly working the clasp back and off so he can slide his jeans off. Despite your anger, you feel heat pool between your legs when the fabric drops to reveal bare skin. It’s nothing new for Merriell, but it never fails to do something to you. He knows it too, a cocky smile gracing his face as he sheds his shirt too. He only lets you look for a second before he’s quickly flipping you onto your stomach. He forces you up onto your knees, hand finding the back of your neck to keep you where he wants you as he climbs onto the mattress behind you.
You put up a bit of a fight, although you’re becoming less and less focused on your anger and frustration and more focused on the feeling on his cock pressing against the back of your jean-clad thigh.
“Always seem to forget how fucking stubborn you are.” He growls into your ear, pressing himself against the line of you body while his free hand starts to unbutton and work off your pants, “Hard headed and difficult.” he continues, biting roughly on your earlobe just to here your intake of breathe and to feel you struggle against his hold, “A fucking brat.” He punctuates the last words by tugging both your jeans and panties down around your thighs roughly. You hiss at the forcefulness of the action, feeling the burn of the fabric against your skin contrasting with cool air against your bare pussy.
You’re completely at his mercy.
His presence is dominating, even though you can’t see him, his hands, one pressing on your neck to keep you still and the other caressing the swell of your ass, let you know exactly who's in charge. You don’t struggle, both of you knowing how much you want him, but you still hold an air of defiance. Your face is turned so you can breathe, but you won’t give him the satisfaction of looking at him. He tries to draw you out, teasing you by dragging his cock against your wetness. He alternates between taking the tip and rubbing it between your folds and fucking the space between your thighs. He knows what it does to you, can see the way you fight the urge to beg by pressing your lips together.
But you don’t fold.
“C’mon baby,” he taunts, venom laced in his words, “I know you want it.” As he talks the hand on your neck slides up into your hair, “Know you want that attitude fucked outta ya,” He tugs your hair roughly, pulling a gasp from your lips and forcing you to look back at him, “All ya gotta do is ask.”
You breathe heavily for a second, eyes locked with his, “Go fuck yourself.”
He growls, shoving your head back down into the mattress and thrusting into you roughly. Your back arches, eyes rolling back in your head as he begins to fuck you, not allowing you even a second to catch your breath. The second he sees bliss cross your features, he’s insufferable.
He laughs against a moan, “Feisty,” he comments, “but the second my dick’s in ya, you’re putty in my hands.”
You’re desperate to prove him wrong. You force your eyes open, locking them with his and pushing back against his thrusts, the headboard already banging against the wall with the force of both your movements.
“Feel’s good doesn’t it?” He asks, free hand coming down on your ass with a sharp smack.
“I’ve had better.” Your voice bounces with each thrust, but you’re determined to keep your composure, despite the pleasure that makes your toes curl.
Another growl rumbles through his chest and he lays another harsh smack to your rear, just to see your body react, “Liar,” he hisses, fingers digging into your skin.
His angle changes ever so slightly so that his cock now drags against your sweet spot with every movement and you can’t force your moan back. His eyes light up, laughing delightedly at the sound, “Had betta’ my ass.” he comments, leaning down to bite roughly on your shoulder, effectively leaving marks all across them, “Ya jus’ can’t help ya’self. You love it. Love the feeling of my cock in you.”
“Who says I’m thinking of you?” You shoot back.
You know it’s not true. Merriell was unlike any lover you had before, you were hopelessly and utterly ruined for anyone else. But that didn’t matter. The comment, however untruthful, hits his possessive streak just like you knew it would. He pulls out of you, flipping you onto your back and nearly ripping the remaining fabric off your body before resuming his brutal pace, this time using your wrists on either side of your head to hold you down. In this position he can ensure that you’re looking at him, leaving no doubt in either of your minds that it’s him that makes you feel like this. Only him.
“Such a fucking brat,” he growls, leaving bite marks all along your skin. By the time you’re done, there won’t be a part of your body that’s not marked by him.
He stops talking for a second, focusing instead on giving you the fucking of your life. He’d never fucked you like this. He’d been possessive, sweet, caring, loving, jealous. But never angry. Not like this. Every ounce of frustration and anger he’d felt was redirected to his hips, the air tense with the hurtful words you’d both said earlier.
“C’mon,” you taunt when he slows for a second, lips turned up in a sneer even as you pant, breathless, “That all you got?”
“Shut the fuck up,” he snarls, hoisting your legs up onto his shoulders, releasing your hands so he can move one to your throat, pressing you into the bed that way instead. It’s hard for you to breathe that way, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t love it. And if you thought he was fucking you hard before, it’s nothing compared to the way he’s fucking you now.
The new angle allows him to trust deeper into you and your stubborn resolve begins to fade a little. Your hands scramble to latch onto his forearm that holds you down, not trying to push him away but just searching for purchase, for support somewhere you’ve always found it. He’s not faring much better, head rolling back onto his shoulders with a groan as he fucks you. You’re both quickly abandoning your anger in favor of the pleasure that you provide each other.
“Merriell,” you mewl, a peace offering without even realizing it.
His head snaps back to look down at you, eyes sparkling at the sound of your name on his lips for the first time tonight, “There she is,” he pants, leaning down to kiss you, open-mouthed and filthy. It’s still harsh, but the anger behind his motions is nearly gone, “My good girl, huh?”
You don’t even need to nod, to voice your confirmation. It’s not even really a question. You both know you’d come to an unspoken agreement.
“Fuck, baby girl.” he moans against your mouth, slowing his trusts just enough so he can really make you feel the drag of his cock inside you, “Oh, you feel so good.”
You love it when he gets like this. When all he can do is fuck into you and voice his pleasure. It’s a sure sign of surrender.
“Yes,” you gasp, back arching up against his as you feel your pleasure begin to reach its peak, “Merriell, I’m close.”
“Yeah,” he breathes, nodding in agreement, “C’mon, baby I gotcha. Let go for me.”
Your eyes lock with his the second you feel yourself slip over the edge. You see the way his eyes watch you, full of love that he had hidden behind his anger earlier. Your nails dig into his arm and your eyes roll back, unable to help yourself as pleasure courses through your whole body. You think that maybe you're shaking, but you’re completely detached from your conscious, knowing only the bliss he’s brought you.
Your senses come back to you just in time to feel him finish inside of you. His head buries into your neck, muffling his moans against your skin. The hand that had previously held you down now cups the back of your neck, the other gripping the back of your thigh with a grip so tight, you’re sure you’ll wear his fingerprints for a week.
He collapses against you, staying buried in your heat but pulling back enough so he can kiss you passionately. You kiss him back, hands tangling in his hair as your emotions begin to rise. When he pulls back your eyes are wet with unshed tears.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, rubbing your noses together.
He nods, rubbing your noses together affectionately, “Me too,” he says, just as quiet, “Don’t leave.”
It’s a rare moment of sheer vulnerability, much needed after the heightened tensions throughout the past few days. You both knew, on some levels that the words shared earlier were spoken only out of frustration. But there was always that glimmer of doubt that you both felt. For him, it was always that you could find someone better. And for you, it was always the possibility of him growing sick of you.
You shake your head, kissing his softly, lovingly, “Never.”
After a few more moments of holding each other, he pulls out of you but doesn't move much further. He pulls you tight against his chest, kissing the top of your forehead. You bask in the silence for a handful of moments, just listening to each other breathe, finally feeling the tension between the two of you dissipate.
“Next time, can you just please put the seat down?” You murmur against his chest, a teasing tone to your voice.
He barks out a laugh and you grin against his skin at the sound.
Everything was going to be okay.
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ronnie-azumane · 4 years
Haikyuu guys as stuff my dad did
This idea has been in my brain for a while, so I'm writing it out. Hope y'all enjoy :)
CW: idn, its pretty wholesome
Daichi answers your frantic phone call home expressing that you forgot your backpack and laptop for college when you went home over the weekend. Expressing that all of your notes are in the backpack, he decides to wake-up extra early Monday morning and make the 2 1/2 hour drive to your university, then drive all the way back to your hometown to go to work.
Sugawara came up with the best hiding spot for you while playing hide and seek at your 7th birthday party. He squeezed you in-between the back of the couch and the back couch cushions. Then, he sat in front of it to conceal the awkward lump it made in the couch. It took the others 30 minutes before giving up and telling you to come out.
Asahi asks you to style his hair for a zoom meeting he has later that day. After some deliberation, you both decide to do a mohawk style. He braces himself as you run off to get the brush, hairspray, hair gel, and hairdryer.
Nishinoya still wears the Annoying Orange shirt you got him when you were in 3rd grade. It's faded and has a giant picture of Annoying Orange on it, which faded from popularity in 2010, but he still wears it. In public.
Tanaka makes the dumbest jokes while in the audience of your colorguard/dance competitions. For example, he asked your mom if he should shout "Go get 'em George" to the group of girls performing to confuse everyone. Another favorite joke o his is to chant "the worm, the worm,, we worship the worm" while the previous team is carrying out their floor.
Ennoshida talks with you as you make one of the biggest changes in your life. Midway through your second semester at university, you determine that business is not for you, however, you do not have a backup plan. Talking with him, you end up changing your major to Geography, and now you love every second of it.
Kageyama drinks the milk out of you cereal. You hate the taste of milk by itself, but you don't want to eat dry cereal. To not waste milk, he drinks it after you finish eating your cereal.
Hinata fails miserably when your mom tells him to reapply the medical glue on your forehead. The day before, your sister threw a wooden block at you, causing a major tear in your head. Your mom took you to the emergency room, but they were busy and it was a school night, so they told her to just take some liquid band aid (which we called glue) and close the wound. Your mom told him to replace the glue, and he took ELMERS GLUE and placed it on the open wound. It hurt like a bitch.
Tsukishima takes you to go see the museum of natural history once a month. He knows you're the odd girl out of your class that would rather play with dinosaurs than dolls, so he takes you to see the dinosaur fossils. He also gets a discount because his place of work donated a significant amount of money and resources to one of the exhibits.
Yamaguchi helped set up your setup once you moved to zoom university. He attached your laptop to a monitor his job had extra, so now you feel like a badass whenever you use the two screens.
Oikawa out of nowhere invites all his high school friends over to stay the week at your house. A trip that probably should have been planned in weeks, even months, is planned in just a weekend. Everyone ends up sleeping on air mattresses and blankets on the floor due to your mom just finishing up replacing the floors in the house (she was not too happy with the sudden trip, but was welcoming anyway)
Iwaizumi makes you watch Godzilla with him whenever it's on TV. Some of his fondest memories include receiving Godzilla themed ornaments from his mom ever Christmas. He also unironically watches those cheesy fan-made Godzilla fights on YouTube for hours on end. Man just likes Godzilla.
Hanamaki and you wear funny hats to a volunteer cookout. The organizers told every one to wear a hat so that their hair didn't get in the food, but you two take it a step further. You wear a banana hat while he wears a hotdog hat.
Matsukawa taught you how to make all kinds of breakfast food at a young age. Whether it was a simple as a fried egg or as complex as French toast, he worked with you until the recipe came out perfect.
Kyotani scares the other parents off when it comes to the silent auction selling the class are projects. Now the shelf you and your kindergarten classmates fingerprinted flowers and bugs on sits proudly in your closet holding crafting supplies.
Ushijima scolds you for leaving the lights on. Most parents do that already, but he takes it to a new extreme. Your mom explains that he would never turn the lights on in his apartment when he was in college and would simply get his homework done before dark. Sometimes, if he had something to do, he would light a candle to finish something up.
Tendou recalls a story in which he stole a bus battery with his buddies to power an air conditioned tent at boy scout camp. He also recalls the year he and his friends tried to build a pool in the wilderness at the same count, only to get caught and reprimanded for it before filling it with water which totally had nothing to do with a camp counselor finding it and having a Vietnam flashback
Goshiki watches anime with you. He always acts like he is uninterested in whatever show is on, but he soon gets super into it and it will be the only thing he talks about for a week.
Kuroo sits at the table with you until 2am working on that math assignment you have been struggling with. You've definitely run out of tears to cry, and had to redo the assignment twice, but he is guiding you through the answers
Yaku isn't a fan of all the pets you and your mom have collected over the years. I mean, in his defense, at one point we had 8 cats an 3 dogs. However, he is also super cuddly with them, always giving them nose boops and belly rubs.
Kenma plays Xbox, Wii, and the ds with you. He doesn't find the bulk of the games you play with him entertaining, but he is willing to run through LEGO Star Wars with you. His personal favorite to play is Mario Kart and he doesn't let you win >:(
Lev is trying to convince the family to let him take the position in Alaska with higher pay. When mom raised the concern that the long winters wouldn't do well for your mental health, his counter argument was, "Yeah, and that sucks, but hear me out. We could have a pet Polar Bear." We didn't move to Alaska
Bokuto was definitely the most enthusiastic dad at the girl scout father daughter dance. He twirled you around in your pretty little JC Penney dress and made sure you two were the center of the dance floor. At one point, he lifted you above his head with each foot in a hand like a cheerleader. Truly terrifying.
Akaashi drives out to the 24-hour pharmacy to pick up some cold medicine when you couldn't sleep due to a stuffy nose. He also checks up on you every hour when you are coughing with some mysterious disease (due to the lack of tests and priority of the high-risk, I will never know if I had Covid when I got sick in late March)
Aone gives you the biggest hug after you get released from the graduation ceremony. He isn't the best with words, so this hug speaks so much to you.
Terushima has been taking you to Mardi Gras in New Orleans since you were a baby. He doesn't care that it's mostly an adult party, he believes that everyone in the family should enjoy a good ol' Mardi Gras
Atsumu carries you on his shoulders all the time when you're small. He just thinks it's the cutest thing.
Osamu makes sure to host a crawfish boil every year. Whether its the neighbors, family, both, or just the household, you can expect some good, spicy crawfish with corn and potatoes whenever he cooks.
Kita teaches you how to drive a stick shift. He's frustrated that you cant move three feet before stalling, but then realizes that the issue was that you were in third gear, not first. He is now impressed that you were even able to start moving at third gear.
Sakusa takes you along with him to work. His job is full of tough men, so when they see him with you in a little blue dress-up tutu and a plastic tiara on your head, their hearts just melt.
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slytherinwh0re · 4 years
Terrible Things
Dad!DracoMalfoy x Scorpius Malfoy x Female Reader AU
Warnings: some fluff, angst, death, swearing
Summary: *Draco’s POV* Based off the song Terrible Things by Mayday Parade.
A/N: the flashbacks are in italics and the song lyrics are smaller and bold, I use * to split up the different parts to make it a little easier to read. This is saddest thing I’ve ever written, sorry lol
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*Draco’s POV*
“What’s on your mind son, why’ve you been so quiet since you came home from school?” I look at the boy who’s face is almost an exact replica of the reflection I see in the mirror everyday, the only difference is that he has her eyes, her beautiful (y/e/c) eyes.
“Well, on the train back home my friends were telling stories about how their parents met and I wanted to ask how you met mum but I know it makes you sad sometimes when I bring her up.” I watch as he anxiously played with his fingers, something (y/n) used to do.
“Scorpius, if you ever have a question about your mum all you have to do is ask, never be scared to ask about her.” He nods his head in understanding, looking up at me with those innocent (y/e/c) eyes.
“That’s when I met your mother, the girl of my dreams.
The most beautiful woman that I’d ever seen.”
The great hall is practically empty, very few people ever woke up this early for breakfast on the weekends but (y/n) did and so I here I am at 7am, staring at her from across the room, once again.
I couldn’t help it, ever since I saw her under the sorting hat a few weeks ago I can’t get her off my mind, she’s too beautiful. I constantly catch myself looking at her but I couldn’t bring myself to talk to her, so instead I watch everything she does in facination.
Just as I was about to turn my gaze back to my cold eggs (y/n) looks up, catching me staring at her. She looks stunned for a second but the next thing I know the young witch is making a beeline straight for me.
“You’ve been staring at me.” She stands right in front of me, her eyes locked on mine. Merlin, she’s even prettier up close.
“No I wasn’t.” I don’t know why I bothered lying, it’s obvious I was.
“Yes you were, you have been for the past few weeks. My mum says that if a boy is staring at you it’s cause they’re gonna fall in love with you.” I feel my cheeks turn bright red, never expecting her to march over here and accuse me of such a thing, I have a mere crush on her if anything.
“Don’t be ridiculous, I just think you have nice hair is all.” That’s not a lie, I do think her hair is nice.
“Well, um, thank you.” The pretty girl blushes, taking a seat right next to me, she’s still facing me but this time she lifts her hand. “I’m (y/n) (y/l/n).”
“I know,” I say before I can stop myself, “I’m Draco Malfoy.” My ears are now pink to match my face as I shake her hand.
“I know.” She smiles.
“You met mum at Hogwarts?” He asks excitedly.
“Yes I did and I was just about your age too.” The memory makes me smile, remembering how inseparable we became after that day in the great hall.
“Wait, so did you start dating after that?” The question makes me chuckle.
“Unfortunately no, I didn’t ask her on a proper date until 5th year.” I tell the curious blonde.
“Dad, it took you 4 years to ask mum out on a date?” His eyebrows were raised high on his face as if to ask if I was serious.
“We were best friends, I didn’t want to ruin it, but once I did I had her wrapped around my finger for your information. Not that it mattered, I’d been in love with her for 4 years already.” I defend myself to the 11 year old.
“Now, most of the time, we’d have too much to drink.
And we’d laugh at the stars, and we’d share everything.”
“You’re hogging it again Draco.” I hold the bottle of firewhiskey over my head just so I could watch the small witch pout as she reached for it.
“Kiss me and I’ll think about it.” Immediately her lips found mine, I don’t know when I lowered the bottle but (y/n) had it out my hand as soon as she could reach it, using my moment of weakness against me. The sneaky girl was giggling over her shoulder as she walked over to the railing of the astronomy tower, looking up at the millions of stars.
I walk over so I’m beside her and take my time to really appreciate her beauty, the moonlight made her look more ethereal than usual. The girl could ask me to pitch myself off the tower and I’d ask which way she’d prefer me to dive.
This is our spot, we come up here as often as possible and talk for hours. I love it even more now that we’re dating, it’s the perfect place for a good snog after all and now that we’re older we bring up a bottle anytime we can get our hands on one.
“Draco.” She snaps me out of my thoughts by saying my name, my pretty girl is pointing at the cluster of stars that I’m named after, something she does every time we come here.
“You and mum used to get drunk on the astronomy tower?” Fuck, maybe I should’ve left that part out like I did with the snogging.
“Um, just that one time really.” I watch as my son rolls his eyes obviously not believing me.
“So you started dating 5th year and got married a couple of years after you graduated?” His eyes sparkle with the same curiosity she always had.
“You know that I love you will you marry me.”
“How did you do this Draco?” She questions as her eyes flit across the room in awe. I had set up the astronomy tower so it was illuminated with hundreds of small candles and a nice diner.
“I just asked Dumbledore, he said it isn’t a problem, it’s ours for the whole night. I know how much you love this place and I wanted to do something nice for you.” Her arms fling around my neck and her lips pepper kisses all over my face before finally landing on my lips.
“You’re the best, thank you Draco, I love it.” She smiles as she pulls away. We eat our dinner as we share all our memories in the school that brought us together. When we’re done she walks over to the railing and looks up at the stars, I already know what she’s searching for.
“Draco.” She whispers while pointing at the same stars from years ago but this time when she looks over I’m on one knee holding the ring that’s been burning a hole in my pocket for sometime now.
“(Y/n), I’ve loved you since we were 11 years old, I’ll never love another soul like I do yours, please do me the honor of becoming my wife. Will you marry me?” My heart pounds in my chest as I wait for her to answer, I watch as her eyes start to water, and her hand covers her mouth in shock before she finally starts nodding her head.
“Of course, of course, I’ll marry you.”
“I wish she was still here dad.” I squeeze my eyes shut for a second, willing myself not to cry as I think of the beautiful memory.
“So do I son but we have each other, and you’re the best gift she ever gave me.” I pull him in for a hug as he sniffles into my shirt.
“I love you dad.”
“I love you more Scorpius.” I kiss the top of his head just as he begins to yawn. “Alright that’s enough stories for tonight, time to go bed.”
With a final hug I watch as he heads to his room for the night, my sons questions haunting my mind as I lay in my own bed, on the left side, she always slept on the right.
“It seems that I’m sick, and I’ve only got week.
Please don’t be sad now, I really believe,
You were the greatest thing that ever happened to me.”
I hold (y/n)’s hand as she coughs into her handkerchief, her pale face a shadow of what it once was, even now she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. She looks at me with those eyes that are forever ingrained into my memory, the same ones she gave our son, she doesn’t have to say anything, I know this is it. Her time on this earth, my time with her, has run out.
“Draco,” her voice gravely as she lets out another horrible cough, “Draco, take care of him, love him enough for the both of us.” The tears fall from both our eyes as she struggles for breath, the incurable disease the doctors found weeks ago leaving her too weak.
“Of course my love, Scorpius is our greatest accomplishment, he’ll always love you like I do.” Her hand squeezes mine, our one year old son laying on her chest as she hugs him with her other arm.
“Don’t be sad Draco, the love you’ve given me is more than enough for me to die happy,” she catches her breath before putting her hand on my cheek, “you’re the greatest thing that ever happened to me my sweet boy.” Her eyes close, too tired to keep them open any longer.
That night I held her hand until it went limp in my hand, her final breath was the moment I lost a part of my soul. A single tear falls as I remember the beautiful girl that took my heart and held it in her hands since we were 11 years old, never once letting it go.
I fall asleep heart broken because life can do terrible things.
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cptsdstudyblr · 3 years
how i gradually fixed my relationship with food
TW: disordered eating, food, neglect, child abuse
I've always said that "I don't have an eating disorder, but I struggle with disordered eating." I don't know if that's medically accurate, but it feels like a good descriptor for my relationship with food. I grew up in an environment where I only ever had access to fast food, and I often went without food or didn't get nearly enough. I grew up in an environment where both of my parents exhibited severely disordered eating habits (and still do). I graduated from high school with no understanding of healthy eating habits or essentially no cooking skills. Now, I'm 21, and while my relationship with food is far from perfect, I am no longer underweight, I almost never restrict my food intake or binge, and I have a fairly balanced and tasty diet (while also allowing myself to enjoy eating what I want, even if it is junk food).
Step 1: Realize that your relationship with food is bad.
It took me a long time to acknowledge that the way I interacted with food as a child severely impacted my relationship with food. I had always assumed that once I was away from home, my eating habits would fix themselves. It took a lot for me to admit that I needed to really evaluate my relationship with food and put effort into fixing it.
It's hard to get to that point. For some people, they have a moment that makes it really clear for them. But for others, it's a gradual process. For me, it took literally moving to another continent and totally changing my diet to really get me fully to that point. Before that, I did acknowledge that my relationship with food had some issues, but I really didn't understand the extent of it.
Step 2: Figure out what needs to be fixed.
So now, you're aware that there is a problem with your relationship with food. But what do you actually need to fix about it? Are you eating too little? Too much? Too irregularly? An unbalanced diet? What's the problem (or problems) you're trying to solve?
This is a super personal thing to figure out. Personally, I regularly missed meals (often unintentionally), binged when I first bought food, and lived off of really repetitive foods that I really did not enjoy eating. I decided to approach my issues from what I saw as most severe to least severe: first, I needed to eat 3 full meals every day; then, I needed to stop binging; and lastly, I needed to implement a more balanced died.
Step 3: Eat every meal.
To help myself stop skipping meals, I first evaluated what caused me to skip meals. A lot of the time, it was the fact that food was not immediately or readily available to me. As a child, since I was fed almost exclusively fast food (and often just didn't eat), I struggled to actually prepare a meal and often didn't find the effort worthwhile. I especially struggled with this when I lived in a dorm and would literally have to walk 10+ minutes and wait in an unnecessarily long line for every meal.
To fix this, I made sure I always had very simple, readily available food in my house. Things like instant mac and cheese, instant ramen, premade tuna salad, sandwich makings, pasta, cereal, etc. I was so resistant to this approach at first as it felt unhealthy to me, but I had to remind myself consistently that no matter the circumstances it is more important to eat enough food than to eat the healthiest food out there. I was significantly underweight, and it was starting to really affect my life (especially by exacerbating my chronic illness symptoms), so I desperately needed to resolve this issue regardless of the perceived health of my meals.
To be honest, this process was the most difficult part of recovery for me. When combining my poor eating habits with my collapsing mental and physical health at the time, even microwaving mac and cheese was often too much for me to handle. And that's okay. Struggling is okay. It took me over a year just to get to the point where I could say that I consistently ate 3 full meals a day.
Step 4: Allow yourself to eat what you want when you want.
This is the approach I took to address my binging habits. It may sound counterintuitive, but it worked really well for me. Essentially, by explicitly not restricting my access to any foods (yes, even really unhealthy ones), I slowly broke down the fear that was causing me to binge on food.
For me, this fear stemmed from a lack of access to food as a child. When I first bought food, especially snacks, I felt the need to eat as much as I could on that day. And I made myself feel so bad about that. I told myself that I was a horrible person for eating so many Oreos I would make myself sick. And that's just not true. My eating habits don't reflect anything about me as a person.
Once I gave myself permission to eat as much as I wanted without feeling any shame, I started to binge less and less over the next few months. I started to get past the barriers and fear that I had about those foods and learn to eat them in moderation when I want them. I am an adult, I buy my own groceries, and I can make sure that I always have access to any food I want. So now, I rarely feel the need to binge because I am no longer as afraid and I no longer feel ashamed.
Step 5: Learn to cook and have a more balanced diet.
Once I got to a point where the amounts I ate in a day were more appropriate and keep me healthy, I was able to focus on what types of foods I eat. Now, I am by no means a health nut, but I do try to eat a relatively balanced diet and make foods I enjoy.
The first step I took towards this was to move away from instant or prepackaged foods. To this day, I always keep a stock of instant foods like ramen because I do still struggle sometimes, especially on bad mental or physical health days. I'm also sometimes busy and need something quick. However, I tried to move away from prepackaged foods to cooking relatively easy foods. I started making simple things like egg/tuna/chicken salad sandwiches, rice dishes, pastas and raviolis, premade dumplings, various types of eggs, sausage, etc.
While I ultimately wanted to move from instant foods to cooking my own meals, I felt the need to take it slow. I didn't feel ready to jump to cooking things from scratch, so I made sure to step up my difficulty levels slowly. Recently, I've started cooking about half of my meals from scratch, but I definitely didn't jump straight to that. And still, I usually make several servings at once and eat leftovers. I also still generally make simpler meals for most of my lunches and eat homemade foods for dinner most nights and for me, that is totally satisfactory. I'm able to make meals that fit my diet and tastes.
I also found that evaluating what foods I wanted to eat really helped me approach this. On the rare occasions when my parents did cook food, they usually cooked what amounted to a slab of poorly seasoned meat and a spoonful of cooked vegetables. It took me a long time (and moving to another continent) to fully realize that cooking for myself didn't mean just eating a chicken breast and green beans three times a week. After living in Seoul (which has a huge variety of restaurants from all over the world, not just Korean food) for six months and asking my roommates and friends to teach me their favorite recipes, I really started to understand what types of foods I like to eat. Now, I cook primarily Cajun foods and various Asian and Middle Eastern foods because that's the type of food I generally prefer to eat and cook. I'd really encourage everyone who is frustrated by cooking or eating to explore different cuisines and figure out what you like the best. Cooking and eating are both much more rewarding when you enjoy the food.
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princessjungeun · 3 years
Never Be Yours: Olivia Hye x Reader
haven’t been on in a long time. but uh no this is not a request...just a 2:30 am thought that turned into a scenario. 
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your alarm went off at 9:00 pm, pulling you from a deep sleep. you sat up and rubbed your eyes, groaning when you remembered what your alarm was actually for, work.
you and and your best friend decided as a joke to apply to be night bakers at a bakery not too far from both of your houses. at first you two didn’t think you’d get hired, after all you had no baking experience. however, the owner of the bakery was desperate and you two were the only applicants. 
the shift started at 10 pm and ended at 6 am, leaving the rest of the day for you and hyejoo to sleep. originally the two of you planned to just hang around each other’s houses all summer, however this job cancelled those plans very quickly. 
the one perk about the job was that there was no uniform like the day employees had. the two of you could show up in literal pajamas and get away with it, after all the two of you were the only ones there. 
you pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie, it was cold and rainy this evening and you weren’t planning on getting sick. as quickly and quietly as you could you got ready, not wanting to disturb your parents and older brother who were winding down for the evening. 
“sweetheart be careful driving okay? have a good shift and i’ll see you in a few hours.” your mom waved you off, handing you your “lunch” and the car keys as you headed out the door. 
hyejoo’s house was only a three minute drive up the street, most nights she’d walk over despite you begging for her to wait for you to come get her. your heart bloomed the second hyejoo walked outside, locking the door to her house before walking to the car. you onced her over as she walked, looking at her phone, completely unaware of your eyes on her. 
her glasses sat on top of her face, slightly sliding down. despite her absolutely hating them, you loved them more than anything. she often asked if she should put in contacts but you told her no, there was no point if it was just the two of you working. she agreed, not realizing it was because you loved the way her glasses perfectly framed her face. you smiled when you saw she was wearing one of your hoodies, it was a size and a half too big on her so it hung lower and covered her hands completely. 
she opened the door and plopped down in the passenger side, “what’s with the smile?” 
you replied, putting the car and reverse and backing out, “just happy to be getting the money. thinking of what i can buy with it.” 
hyejoo responded, “same, i think i wanna save for some clothes and maybe new shoes...my converse are on the verge of calling apart.” 
the drive was silent, she looked at her phone as she slowly dozed in and out of sleep. the combination of the moving car, rain falling outside, and the heat on, made for perfect sleeping conditions. 
when you pulled in front of the bakery you noticed she was completely knocked out. her head resting on the head rest, lips slightly parted and her cheeks a little more swollen than usual. you looked at her in fondness, she was without a doubt one of the most precious people you’ve ever seen. 
you playfully poked her cheek, waking her up as she smacked your finger away from her face. she mumbled grumpily, “hey...” 
she unlocked the door and got the key to open the bakery doors, she slipped in, holding the door for you and then locked it behind her. 
you took off your hoodie and put on your apron, a kuromi one to be exact, hyejoo did the same, slipping her matching my melody apron over her head. your parents gifted you both matching aprons as a gift for getting your first summer jobs. 
while you washed your hands and put on your hair net, hyejoo preheated the ovens, fumbling with the buttons until she hit the right ones. you watched from afar as she moved to the sink, tying her hair into a high ponytail, tucking her baby hairs behind her ears. 
you noticed the small rainbow earring she had, something small she bought herself after coming to terms with her sexuality a while back. when she came out to you, well to be honest you weren’t surprised. it was expected, you could tell from the day you met her that she wasn’t straight. she knew as well but pushed it away for years, but eventually she came to terms with it and dropped subtle hints here and there that she wasn’t straight. 
as your shift began, the two of you baked the normal breads and pastries, trying your best not to burn yourselves...or the goods. hyejoo played music from her phone, one of the many playlists she had made after realizing baking in silence isn’t that motivating. 
you watched her from across the kitchen, the way she hummed and sang softly to herself, clearly in her own world. it was moments like these that you realized how perfect hyejoo was in your eyes. 
everything about your best friend you were in love with, they way she smiled softly when she cracked an egg and didn’t get shell in. the way that her brows furrowed when she tried to remember the difference between the baking soda and baking powder. how she would always look at you with puppy eyes to put things in the oven because she was afraid she’d burn herself. everything about hyejoo was perfect and you were in love with all of her. 
as hyejoo kneaded some bread dough she turned to you and asked, “how long am i supposed to let this rise for?” 
you told her, “an hour....also you have a little something- here let me.” 
you walked over to her and dipped your finger in some flour before tapping her cheeks and nose, “there.” 
she gasped, “hey!” 
you laughed, holding yourself up against the counter as she tried to pull bread dough off of her hands so she could hit you. however before she could, you were already wiping the flour off her face. 
your eyes flickered from her eyes to her lips so quickly she didn’t even catch it. she laughed, “this is like one of those cheesy teen romance movies.”
you agreed, pretending that it was cringy, however deep inside you wished that you could stay this close to her forever. your hand rested on her waist as you wiped off the last of the flour, quickly she slipped from your embrace, “thanks y/n.” 
trying to shake the thoughts from your head you replied, “of course hye.” 
the two of you worked your shift as usual, baking, goofing off, taking a lunch break, and then getting back to work. more times than you can count you were lost in thought about how much you adored her, often asking her to repeat whatever she said because you didn’t catch any of it. 
at the end of your shift you helped hyejoo organize all of the baked goods before heading to the sinks to wash the last of the pans and bowls that were used. your best friend scrubbed a pan next to you, her face blank as she focused on cleaning up. you looked at her, once again reminding yourself how head over heels in love with her you were. 
you both slipped off your aprons off at the end, hyejoo struggling to get hers untied because she tied her knot too tight in the back earlier. she asked, “can you help me?” 
you nodded and stepped behind her, getting the tight knot out of the two ties. before you pulled them completely loose, you hesitated before back hugging her and kissing her temple. it wasn’t unusual for you to give her hugs and kisses, you were a very affectionate person, at least when it came to hyejoo. she was only clingy with you when you weren’t around others. 
most times she would swat your head away, groaning about how gross and sappy you were. however she accepted it, casually grabbing your hand and kissing your knuckles. you felt heat flood your ears at her simple action, thankfully you were behind her so she couldn’t notice. 
the two of you hung up your aprons before putting your hoodies back on and grabbing your phones and your keys. hyejoo locked up the bakery doors as you started the car, doing a little job to the car to escape the rain when she was finished. 
you drove home, the sun starting to emerge from the horizon. she asked, “wanna come over to my place now? you’ll end up there later anyways.” 
you nodded, handing her your phone so that she could text your mom while you drove. she pointed out your lockscreen, “ewwww why do you have this picture of me?” 
she groaned at the picture you saved, it was a candid of her eating soup at a restaurant. you loved that picture, it was the one when you truly realized how in love you were with her. you told her, “shush you look cute, just text my mom.” 
she texted your mom then put your phone back, deciding that she wouldn’t fill your camera roll with a bunch of ill angled selfies that only showed her forehead and eyes. 
you pulled into her driveway and she got out, opening her front door and holding it open for you. you followed her inside and kicked your shoes off, trying to be as quiet as you could because her family was sleeping. 
she waited for you to take a shower, getting her bed ready so the two of you could just go to sleep right away. you changed them flopped onto her bed, letting her know the bathroom was finally free. she showered and came back, her hair slightly blow dried but still a little damp. 
hyejoo stood over you as you laid on her bed, “move over more.” 
you scooted slightly, moving your arm indicating that you wanted her to lay between them. she sighed, caving because she was extremely tired and she just wanted sleep. you smiled when she crawled into your arms, loving the feeling of her this close. 
to be honest hyejoo liked being wrapped in your embrace, she found that you feel very comforting. 
you looked at hyejoo sound asleep against you, your heart beating slightly faster than usual because of how close she was to you. her hand slipped between yours making your heart flutter even more. 
of course hyejoo only thought of you as a best friend and nothing more. she’d jokingly talked about how gross it would be if you two dated. you always laughed along and pretended to agree, but deep down you wished she thought of you the way you saw her. 
you glanced at your hands, seeing them interlocked you sighed as you wished they meant something else. it was just another painful reminder that no matter how close you got to hyejoo, or how in love you were with her, she would never be yours.
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caribooed · 3 years
[cha cha slide voice] reverse!
Freeze! Everybody clap your hands!
Ok so Catwoman Guardian of Gotham was a disaster so I'm taking it into my own hands. Only Bruce and Selina are swapped and Alfred still exists, not. The weird maid lady and Bruce is Not a bloodthirsty murderer
This got Very long so it's under a cut
Selina's parents were murdered by Joe Chill and she vowed to never let anyone feel the same pain she did, hence why she later became Catwoman
Bruce grew up on the streets with his big brother Thomas taking care of them both, but Thomas ended up killing a guy in a mugging and got sent to prison and left Bruce on his own
Catwoman hears about a number of high-profile thefts (museums, aristocrats) springing up and starts trying to track down the cat burglar and ends up interrupting a burglarly from a wealthy woman's penthouse
She chases the burglar down and they have a fight on the rooftops where they kick the everloving shit out of eachother but the burglar throws her off the roof and when she gets back up he's gone
Next night, she attends a charity event and meets an activist and fundraiser by the name of Bruce Wayne and they have a nice chat and hit it off
In the middle of it, a waiter bumps Selina in the side right over where her ribs got cracked from the other night and she doubles over so Bruce helps her out of sight and asks what happened
She tells him she tripped down the stairs of her house but he does Not believe it and ends up sticking by her the rest of the night, at the end of which Selina is like. "He's nice I think" and invites him out for lunch soon
Jump a day or two and Selina runs into the burglar again but this time he's got full body armor and a bat motif and she is Not Happy With This Development
Bruce stole a ton of armor and weaponry from the GCPD and made his own suit because Selina rly messed him up the last time they met
So they fight and Bruce hits her in the side and it floors her and he is like. Wait A Minute, but she recovers and he's forced to run
And then over a period of a month or two, Bruce starts hanging out with Selina in the day (lowkey stalking her to see if his wild theory is right) and while over at her manor he spots a bloodstain on her shirtsleeve from a wound that bled through the bandages she was wearing and when he questions her she says she cut her arm open on a nail accidentally and it's not a big deal but he's just. Hm
Also during this period, Catwoman keeps showing up to stop all of Batman's robberies and he's really getting sick of it because he's been using the money from his stolen goods both to like, feed himself but also to support a gang of homeless kids in the neighborhood he lives in and to help provide food for the local orphanage and it's getting Really Hard To Do That When He Can't Steal Stuff
So basically he knows she's Catwoman and Selina is his friend and he's just. I Have An Idea
Batman starts going out more often just to taunt Catwoman while she's on patrol and he starts going to other rogues like Two-Face and Cobblepit to egg them on and he actively breaks Bane out of prison and the Riddler out of Arkham just to set them loose
He's basically manufacturing a crime wave to try and wear Catwoman out and it's working
She's really exhausted because of all this and every time she has to make an appearance in public she's all tired and struggling to keep it together and Bruce makes a point to be there and to cover for her whenever she's too overwhelmed
Eventually Catwoman gets severely injured during a fight and she's too far from the Cave so, not really having another option, she shows up passed out in Bruce's apartment bleeding out and he's all surprised and helps her and gives her impromptu medical care but never pulls off her mask
Selina wakes up on his couch and he's asleep in a chair he pulled up next to her and she's like :] and leaves him a thank you note before going
So Batman has basically become priority one but he keeps causing so many new problems to spring up that she can't actually go after him while he commits a robbery spree, and every tine she deals with everything else he goes to ground for weeks on end
All the while Bruce is there being Supportive Friend Of The Year and they keep going out to eat and they spend events together and it's Grand
Eventually Bruce asks her out! And she's like. Oh No because while she likes him, she genuinely doesn't know if she can handle being in a relationship at the moment but she doesn't want to say no so she gives a tentative yes and so they're dating
Luckily he is a very understanding man and whenever she has to dip out to be Catwoman or when she's too tired to go out he's all "oh it's fine, I can reschedule" and it's a Very Big Relief
Batman goed to ground after another round of Mess With Catwoman and he stays that way for like three months and she puts all her rogues away so for the first time in a While she has proper free time to spend with Bruce and it's lovely! And shes like. "If this is how our relationship is, I don't want it to end" but because she's Catwoman and she doesn't know that she could hide it from Bruce if they were married and so one night she shows up in his apartment as Catwoman and shows him that she's Selina and he's just "!!!!! Oh that explains a lot, that's really awesome"
He swears he'd never tell anyone about her identity and makes a joke about how because Selina makes herself seem so ditzy at parties, nobody would believe him anyway and so Selina proposes to him the next night and they end up getting married and Bruce moves into the manor ❤️
Unfortunately Batman comes back and he pulls a pro gamer move which involves releasing every inmate from Arkham and Blackgate, including but not limited to her entire rogues gallery
So she's having a Time and literally just can't handle everything and every time she does well against a rogue Batman swoops in out of nowhere to divert her and really it's exhausting and she's working herself to the bone
Eventually she manages to wrangle most of them but the Joker is still on the loose and Batman keeps evading her and she Has Not Slept For Four Nights
While she's in the Cave, Alfred makes a comment about how at night it always gets so nerve wracking, especially since Bruce tends to leave after she does and Alfred is worried he might get caught up in something dangerous considering Batman and the crime wave and Selina is like
"He leaves the house at night??? [wh]" And Alfred gets confused tells her how he can never find Bruce in the manor from around eleven pm to two in the morning so he assumes Bruce goes out to visit friends or to deal with personal business and he tells her abt how he asked Bruce about it and he told Alfred that he and Selina had already talked about it
And Selina is just. "He was lying to you, I had no idea he was going out" which makes her Very Suspicious
She can't Do anything about it because she's trying to track down supercriminals but she checks the manor security feeds and she can't find any trace of Bruce leaving which is Concerning
Basically she ends up finding the Joker and stopping him from bombing the city and he gets sent back to Arkham, but before she can go home Batman shows up and they facedown on the roof
Batman goes all "I really didn't want to do this but you gave me no choice" and then starts trying to kill Selina
He gets a bunch of good stabs in but Selina seems to get the better of him and so he runs and she follows him into an apartment building but loses him in the hallways
She spots a bomb behind one of the doors and realizes the building is about to explode so she gets out of there just before it does and Batman corners her with a gun on a nearby roof
He tries to kill her again but Selina manages to get close and hits the gun away
Batman tries to run but she grabs him by the cape and yanks him back and manages to rip his cowl off before he gets away, at which point she sees that it's Bruce and she's Horrified
And it finally clicks that Batman has been trying to get every other criminal in Gotham to either kill her for him or wear her out so that he can do it himself, which would Also be killing Selina Kyle, and since she doesn't have any other heir, Bruce would get her fortune
And she's all "why would you do all this" and he gets really angry and starts telling her all about the people that aren't as privileged as her and he basically tells her that he wants her money so he can use it to help the people living in the East End and the Narrows, since Selina and the other aristocrats of her stature didn't know the problem like he did and refused to help
So Selina is just baffled that he'd go this far and he apologizes to her genuinely before he tries to kill her one last time because now that she Knows, this is his last chance to get away with the plan
It doesn't work, Selina fights him off and manages to get cuffs on him but he gets away and Selina goes home and Divorces That Man Immediately but also realizes that while he was living with her he'd been stealing things like jewelry she never wore or fancy paintings from rooms nobody ever went into and she is just Not Pleased
But she also allocates a ton of money towards charity projects focused in the more rundown areas of Gotham and actively starts funding all sorts of orphanages, soup kitchens, clinics, etc
She tries to track Bruce down but he's just Gone and so she lets it go even though she's very heartbroken and sad that he tried so hard to kill her
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