#i guess it's a migraine
drawingswatson-holmes · 2 months
BW Popstarion Au 🩸🧶✨ | Gale's his manager
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Not sure but surely brain-rotting 🫠 I'm so nauseous rn drawn by Watson
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love how Solar Opposites started out as a sitcom about two aliens who can't stand each other, stuck with their teenage clones (whom they also can't stand) & a toddler antichrist (whom they view as a sort of self-sufficient free-roaming hamster?) on a stupid planet they can't stand
and 4 seasons later it's a sitcom about a family of genderqueer aliens, headed by a gay couple in a happy & horny open marriage (with a graphic off-screen sex life, despite their canonical lack of genitalia?) teaching themselves to be okay parents to their 3 kids (whose Sci-Fi Antics now slightly-less-frequently revolve around wreaking havoc on human bystanders, and slightly-more-frequently revolve around alien-clone-sibling-bonding*), to the point that the central plot point becomes "We need to provide our toddler antichrist with a stable home environment."
(also the grumpy alien husband is too busy ingratiating his family with their suburban neighbors to even remember whom or what he dislikes. what is this show)
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delirious-donna · 2 months
Higuruma Hiromi is a migraine sufferer. He knows all too well the gnawing pain that would see him wishing he could slam his entire body against a wall repeatedly, just to feel something other than the continued ache in his head.
He’s no stranger to pinching the bridge of his nose, eyes screwed tightly shut to block out every iota of light and how even a strong odour could have him retching, running for a restroom.
The only thing that’s worse is when he returns home to find the house bathed in a blanket of twilight despite being still light out. An empty water glass set on the kitchen counter and the cabinets still half open from where you’d likely rummaged for goodness knows what.
With his briefcase and jacket hastily deposited by the door, he strides purposefully for the bedroom, loosening his tie as he goes. His heart rests in his throat at the sight of your curled up in your shared bed, trying to make yourself as small as possible with your head half buried under the sheets and pillows.
His only relief is that you’re asleep, the sound of soft snores tugging the corners of his mouth upwards whilst he pads quietly into the room and sits on the bed. It’s almost pitch black but he sees you as clear as a summer day, his reason for being and the person he holds above all others.
If he could take the pain into him he would, even knowing how debilitating migraines could be. Hiromi would suffer a thousand migraines if it spared you from even one. His fingers ease back your hair, chuckling at your favourite metal water bottle you’ve managed to wedge into the corner of your eye, but he doesn’t dare remove it. This is your comfort, and he wouldn’t strip you of it even if it did look a little silly.
You wake not long after, the faint tippy tap of fingers flying over keys alerting you to the presence of your husband, and you roll over to find him. In his favourite band t-shirt from his youth, you discover Hiromi tucked in beside you with his laptop balanced on his lap. He smiles when you blink up at him, though concern lines his brow and mars his expression.
“How is your head, my love?” He asks, reaching out tentative fingers which dance across your forehead then down to your jaw. You lean into the affection, grateful for his presence and glad that the worst of the migraine has subsided.
“Better.” The answer comes out as a croak, and you quickly clear your throat, feeling how dry your mouth has become. You needed a drink in the worst way and your husband knew it.
“There’s green tea with ginger in a flask on your side, and a glass of water.” You hum your appreciation at his thoughtfulness but he continues on. “I also grabbed a cup of ice incase you’d rather suck ice cubes, and there are some crackers too to replenish your salts.”
“Hiromi…” You feel yourself become choked with emotion, the continued way he looks after you even when you haven’t asked.
Gently, he cups your face in both palms. “In my hands, I hold my whole world.” His lips press into your forehead, featherlight but with such meaning behind it that it reaches your soul.
Migraines were the worst but with Higuruma Hiromi by your side, you could deal with anything.
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chronicallydragons · 5 months
Ah yes, my favorite chronic illness game: is this normal, is this new, or am I dying?
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demadogs · 2 months
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YELLOWJACKETS ✧ title sequence
disclaimer: this is an extremely flashy gifset - rebloggers must tag a flash trigger warning for light sensitive people.
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 4 months
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A short two-part comic (total of 20 pages + 8 extras) by me! (for me lol)
Fandoms: Ninja Showdown (Randy Cunningham 9th Grade Ninja x Xiaolin Showdown)
Ship: My Immortal Soul (First Ninja x Chase Young)
A comic where nothing really happens! But it contains a lot of half-naked men. So like, kids avert your eyes and adults don’t open it at work or whatever. ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
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thanks for checking it out <3
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saphushia · 1 year
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smth different from my usual- i was taught this when i went to PT a couple years ago and i've never seen anything about it online. obligatory disclaimer i'm not in any way a medical professional and this wont cure your headaches, but they make mine a decent chunk more tolerable and sometimes that's all you can ask for
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I don’t know why, but I feel like Crosshair would really like lemon and citrus scents.
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drenched-in-sunlight · 7 months
im sick 🤒 and feeling miserable rn anyone wants to share any headcanons you have about my ac6 cast design… like sth you think of when you look at them that aren’t necessarily based on the game story … im really curious 🥹
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liminalhollow · 2 years
So I like the concept/headcanon of “shades.” Which if you don’t know, is the idea that’s there’s a type of ghost that’s kinda like a blob ghost and they’re weak little globs of ectoplasm that are formed from strong emotions and hang around the human world, usually harmlessly.
And I was thinking about that with Batman crossovers.
Bruce is traumatized. He’s definitely got a shade or two following him around. Wayne manor is probably a playground for them.
So what if there was one that formed back when he lost his parents. The trauma that’s at the core of all his other trauma.
And it stayed with him all these years, growing with him and being fed and shaped by his emotions.
The day Danny meets Bruce Wayne, he sees it immediately.
It’s one of the strongest shades he’s ever seen. It’s still weak compared to him of course, because it’s still just a shade. An entity that’s dependent on the emotions feeding it to exist, and mostly undetectable by ghost hunting equipment. But it’s still exceptionally strong for a shade.
It looks just like the Batman, except it’s glaringly not human. A big, black, looming shadow, its body a featureless silhouette with blank, glowing white eyes. Long tendrils curling up at the ends of the cape. Gliding about with fluid motions and able to twist and stretch its wispy form how it sees fit.
It's like the version of the Bat imagined in the stories told of him. Less of a real human being and more of a larger-than-life tale.
It likes to take the place of Bruce’s shadow. It moves with him wherever he goes, only sometimes peeling itself off the walls and floor to peer around its host’s shoulders. 
Danny can’t take his eyes off it.
Bruce wonders why this kid keeps staring at the empty space behind him.
The night Danny encounters Batman, he thinks Bruce’s shade wandered off on its own.
Then he gets a closer look. It’s not the shade, it’s a man enveloped by the shade, wearing it like a cloak. Or a suit.
As soon as Danny realizes that, Bruce’s secret identity is compromised.
(He doesn’t say a word to Bruce. Even the next time he meets Bruce in the daylight and the shade is back in its place, posing as his shadow.)
People tell stories about Batman. How he melts into the shadows like he is one. How he moves more silently than a human should be able to. How his glare has a force behind it. How maybe he’s some kind of meta, or even a ghost.
The rumors have a shred of truth to them. But he isn’t a meta or a ghost, just a man wrapped in his own shadow.
Anyway just... Bruce unknowingly has a shade buddy as his sidekick and reflection of his mental state and it gives him subtle shadow manipulation and fear-inducing powers AU.
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earlgraytay · 23 days
All your AA posts are red filtered...is this an on purpose choice or is your device just weird
I have chronic migraine and it's triggered by flashing lights.
Ace Attorney likes to use Flashing Lights For Emphasis.
If I play the game without something to decrease the contrast, without fail, I wind up with an eyesearing migraine within half an hour of starting.
To get around this, I use a program called ColorVeil that lets you put a coloured box over your screen. You can set the opacity anywhere from 0 to 100%, and pick the colour:
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Doing this makes the flashing a lot less bad for my head. I still usually get a migraine after playing Ace Attorney for long periods, but it's not pure white flashing and that does a LOT. The more opaque I make the box, the less bad the contrast is.
If I'm having a good day I can usually keep it on like 15% or so, if I'm having an average day I set it to 30-40%, if I'm having a real bad one it's somewhere around 60. I used to use a warm purple because it's my favourite colour, but I realized that it was fucking up my screenshots and people were making jokes about me dunking the lawyers in lean, so I switched to red; it kills the screenshots less than green or blue.
I'm kind of insecure about this and really don't like people asking about it, but I'm happy to give the PSA in case someone else with photosensitivity problems wants to play these games.
Anyway, we now return you to your scheduled court reporting.
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zhooniyaa-waagosh · 1 year
You can really tell who has and hasn't dealt with regular migraines by how they react when you mention self-medicating with soda.
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sergle · 7 months
thank you so much for posting abt your experience with getting reduction, because it’s made it a lot less scary of a concept to me. i have a lot of paid and discomfort caused by my chest but surgery of any kind is terrifying to me- seeing your joy and honesty about your reduction gives me a lot of hope for my own future. thank you for sharing :)
I'm glad it's relieving some of your anxiety about it!!! tbh I was shot back in time knowing what I know now, I'd go into surgery again feeling a lot more confident. If I knew that the healing would be so manageable, I coulda saved myself a lot of stress LMAO
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bittsandpieces · 20 days
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creekfiend · 11 months
I am such. a mother. fucking. grumpus. I want to smash things. I could kill a health insurance exec with my bare hands. I could bite their throats out
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astro-gnome · 2 months
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oh gerhard, we're really in it now....
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