#i had to look up how to spell echidna
undonerhapsodize · 1 year
would yall make fun of me if i wrote a blurb for the 2nd OFA user when cannonically, mans doesn’t even have a name yet
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jorrated · 7 months
Some super stray thoughts I had while reading STCO so far:
Knuckles would NOT prioritize his past over Tikal’s suffering are you crazy in the head!!!!
Zak Simond-Hurn’s art is really charming, if it wasn't for the digital onomatopoeias, I wouldn’t mind having this style by a base for an official sonic comic! The design for the red echidna villain however… HM. Not pleasing to the eye.
I like that Ebony are having a bigger role on the fist few issues! But also Ebony’s constantly referring to Super as his friend and doing things to bring him back. Like I get it but also is this going to be her only trait now? Girl…
And porker is going on adventures again. Actually I don’t think they ever explained why Porker went back to being more adventurous in the og comic, participating in Chaos defeat and all. Not against it, and I like to see he still has a bit of bite and wasn't reduced to only a coward, tho it would’ve been cool to see at least a comment on how hes back on “adventuring”.
It’s cool to see Amy dealing with grief over Jhonny (I’ve given up trying to write his name correctly, too weird for me), but IDK. Amy probably was the best grounded character in that situation, so it feels weird to see her distressed over it? I don’t know how to explain it but in my eyes, Amy’s grief for Jhonny would definitively be more melancholic than scary/guilty. I’m glad they are trying to flesh out Amy more, but it doesn’t feel very cohesive with the comic to me. And Jhonny-zombie the killer… a bit tacky but in a funny way.
WHO…. Designed Vichama. I just want to talk. Tell me why you made him look that way. What is that. What went through your head. Dude. I get that Ebony has considerably more anthro body features than the other animal characters, but I feel like Vichama crosses the line into the “gross valley”. If he were drawn closer to how Zachary is I probably wouldn’t care, he probs would’ve looked like an Archie character. But the bulging muscles are kinda upsetting to look at. Cover up man.
So Shadow was created by some enemies of the echidnas. Noted.
Big and the Drakon prosecutor are actually really cute. I like them. Knuckles trying to break Ebony’s spell on Tikal is making me fume. HE WOULDN'T TRY TO DO THAT!!!!! He maybe would be a little desperate trying to trigger some memories but he wouldn't knowingly hurt someone to get information!!!! There is a pannel tho in this part of the comic that makes Knux ask “Where is Porker” and then “Where is the emeralds”. THAT is Knuckles to me, checking in on people before anything else.
Knuckles not being able to carry Big is bullshit. KNUCKLES PUNCHES ROCKS IN HALF LMAO. It’s fine I assume they need to be separated for a reason.
ROUGE STICK LEGS. Somebody please give my girl a double cheeseburger with extra fries and a big gulp of soda.
Actually I love that Rouge is a cunt here. Girlboss!!!! Stole this dudes emeralds AND left them to die, queen shit. Didn’t work but she did have the intent to kill them.
Big wouldn’t eat his friends….. He’d never eat Froggy, and DP (Drakon Prosecutor) even tho looks like a fish, Big considers a friend. BIG WOULDNT THINK ABOUT EATING HIS FRIENDS!!! HE IS A KIND BIG GUY!!!!!!!!!!!! ← most egregious mistake until now. Fucking funny tho can you imagine dying by vore They kept Mighty funny, that’s good.
MMMMN. I like that Sonic is consistently arachnophobic. Really nice continuity. How he first met Shadow tho… It felt underwhelming? Like yeah we know they were going to meet some time but IDK. The framing/pacing is weird to me. Either have them meet quickly at the start of the issue and Sonic is like “IDK WHO that guy is but I don’t like him!!!” or have them meet at the end of the issue, but only show Shadow in shadow (lol) to hook to the next issue. Shadow’s bland ass “I am Shadow” has the same energy as two kindergartners introducing themselves first day of school.
Shadow’s personality is interesting tho. I like him being a bit cocky but not too much, it’s a good take on him, plus he bounces off Sonic pretty well. I do wonder what the hell they’re going to do with him tho.
Awn… acknowledgment of some of the chaotix families… Blockhead Bill my dude
Tikal being given more of a spotlight is neat. It doesn’t give her much, but it’s refreshing to see her thoughts and intentions. However, I can’t help but think that she was mainly inserted to aid Knuckles and be a well of angst. Like IDK, Knuckles has moments mourning his past, or wondering if he will ever understand his ancestors, and Tikal well… She sees things rather than feel? If that makes sense? Like in this comic she is able to see a bit of the past and think “wow this is horrible! Must be a nightmare!” but she doesn’t feel despair? Or anything much? The only moment so far she felt despair was to make Knux Angst, like “ooooh shes suffering so we need to wipe her memories, that means Knuckles wont have his backstories :(“. Smells fishy.
Oh wow, Shadow has an actually interesting backstory here. It gives a reason to follow Robotnik, hate Sonic, not give a shit, aaaand its ambiguous enough you can probably pull off whatever. Fucking congrats STCO writers.
Fave image. What the fuck are they even doing here. Freaks.
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Hm. No thoughts on Shadows maybe death. Thematically it’s interesting and all, but we don’t get enough time with him to give a shit. Unless I’m reading it wrong it seems like Shadow is sacrificing himself to save Robotnik, but IDK.
Grimer develops a situatioship depression.
Bro what’s with this Knuckles characterization. He would NOT be mean to Tikal. If anything he’d probably be a bit overbearing, trying to give attention to her even if she didn’t want it. I get trying to tie him living his whole life alone being overwhelmed and feeling frustrated that Tikal can’t give him answers, but he wouldn't treat her like crap what is this. I like Porker’s and Knux bro moment, but that doesn’t make up for treating Tikal badly for no reason. Where’s her catharsis? She’s probably just as confused and desperate as Knuckles but she doesn't get any of these moments. Sigh. This idea could’ve definitely worked if Tikal was pushier or more imposing, but like she doesn’t do much, so Knuckles just snaps and it feels off. Knuckles’s stories are probably the issues with the biggest potential, but the writers for sure squander him the most, whomp whomp.
“One of Sonic’s fears is seeing Amy settle down with someone else” no it isn’t shut the fuck up. And the fact they put this on the same level of fear as Jhonny death is deranged.
The tonal whiplash between character comics is p funny honestly. You’ll have one really serious comic followed by a comedic one, lil bit of a mood killer. I guess STC also did this, but to me it at least wasn't jarring like this. Like how am I supposed to process Big getting shot, after Knux and Tikal experiencing the worst nightmare of their lives, living the trauma of seeing million of dead echidnas, after Vector put angel island as a security fund for his ship LMAO.
SONIC CHARACTERS HELPINH OUT THE POLICE SFAJHBJHBWRKJBJB??????!!!!!!!!????????????????????!!!!!!!!!????????11111111!!!!!!!111!!!!111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate this actually.
These Shorty and Tekno comics…… I don’t know what it is about them but god. I just don’t like them! Firstly that now it seems they are a completely separated duo from the rest of the team. Like They don’t interact with Sonic or Amy or whatever. Secondly.. Shortfuse is TOO nice. It doesn’t feel like him where is his tantrums??? And this isn’t a diss on the artstyle itself, cause I think it looks pretty nice and cute, but I don’t think it’s really fitting for the characters? Tekno and Shorty look like they’re in a shoujo manga.
I really like how Sonic is now a loser LOL. He got canceled to hell and back.
Finally Rouge makes and appearance. Kinda only realized how little she showed up during the SA2 adaptation.
Grimer destroying Sonic’s reputation is actually kinda nice. I like that they acknowledge his Robotnik situationship depression, tho I think it’s a bit over the top have him be behind EVERYTHING. Still like it tho. Go gross boy go! (Also the art in this issue is REALLY solid, wow, Zak Simond-Hurn really is my favorite artist from the STCO group).
At some point I think I need to stop complaining about Knux’s characterization. But I Do Not Like How They Write My Boy. Doc Zach is still serving cunt so that’s great. Go grandpa go!
It’s kinda awesome to see how the issues expanded through STCO’s run, but I think having so many stories at the same time kinda makes stuff bloated. Like I’m sure I’ll forget some parts of this, even if they are short bits. Like do we really need to follow 2 sonic stories and 2 amy stories at the same time? I think it would’ve been better to pace this with a limit of 3-4 stories MAX per issue. And then once a character story is done, release the next story with the same character. Sonic and Knuckles are kinda always going to be there, having the biggest pull on the comic’s lore and story, so the other ones could cycle out between amy, tekno, shorty, tails, sonic’s world, chaotix, and so on. I haven’t read some of the other non-sonic stories like decap n attack, but those could be thrown in the cycle too!
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Actually I love that DP is just hanging out in Big’s restaurant. It’s goofy I really love it.
I wonder how old Sonic’s gang is supposed to be here. Like in theory some years have passed in the comic, but how many. It’s not important at all but Amy is seen drinking wine with Chrysalis and it’s like?? Is she a kid?? Is she an adult?? Is she underage drinking? Again it’s not a big deal, and I don’t even think these characters need a specific age but IDK this was odd to me.
Oof the multiple stories at the same type problem came instantly. I like how Amy acknowledges the losses of the group, Sonic is “evil”, Jhonny is dead, Tekno is missing and stuff, Porker has PTSD and cant fight… But like. That feels so weird when you have a story right next to it with Amy and Tekno together!!! This is why the pacing and bloating feels whack, the comic has continuity with SOME of the stories but not all so its confusing. I know the OG comic had moments like these but because it had less stories per issue, it was way less noticeable, and usually were one-off stories I think.
And on the topic of Porker, I did mention before how he just kinda.. went back to being more adventurous? But know the comic insists that he can’t do it? Man this is kinda messy. I don’t mind Porker starting to become more adventurous again and then maybe regressing a bit in recovery, being too much for him, but it doesn’t feel like that is what it’s being intended here. It feels like someone read STC and maybe skimmed on STCO and then wrote this, so it feels out of place? Like you have porker in the first issue of STCO going on a mission no problems at all, but then on another issue he goes on a mission to blow up an eggman database or smth and hes freaking the fuck out being nervous all the time. Like which is it!!!!! I don’t mind him progressing and regressing on his trauma but at least acknowledge or be consistent with it! Is it because the underwater mission didn’t involve Robotnik? Is that it? Who knows.
I get that Knux and the crew planned to bait Zachary and shit, but like, then why did they act like that in the previous issue? Like the plan was to break the shield so why did Porker said to Knux be careful about it? Girl. This information is only given to bait and switch the audience and it doesn’t work. Porker and Knux have no reason to pretend to not have a plan when they are alone what.
Tails working with cops I’m going to kill myself.
Oh so like. The special zone is dead for real. Like for real FR. Jesus. Could’ve let the characters grieve a bit huh.
Really liked the #250 issue (Tho its funny that I complained about the number of stories per issue, and then #250 has ONE story LOL)! It’s awesome to see the different arts from the varied artists on the STCO team. And even with my complains and whining, it’s an impressive project full of love, good to see stuff like this!
The art on this issue is great but some of the flow of the dialogue is off, as in, sometimes I don’t know which speech bubble I’m supposed to read next, cause usually you go left to right, but it seems this story follows top to bottom for speech bubbles and left to right to panel. Not awful but it did throw me off, and it does fuck up the pacing.
um. hi shadow? ok.
(Only read until issue #250)
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aloneatpeace · 10 months
In Another Universe
Chapter 21
Illuminati falls
You touch the carving of the walls studying every detail “you’re wondering what happens now”
“No. that I’ve already accepted” you turn to him “but I do wonder when you could force America to send you to any universe you want. Why take her power for your own. You know it would kill her “
“For Charlie and Oliver, to protect them. What if they get sick? In the infinite multiverse there is a cure for every illness.” You walk towards Wong “a solution to every problem. I won’t lose them again” you confess honestly.
“Try as you might, you cannot control everything” Wong dismiss.
You come closer to him desperation clear in your voice “but I can” Wong look at you like your crazed glinted eyes with a stoic glance “look around you” walking towards the statue “it carved in stone. I was meant to rule everything.” Pausing for a moment you turn to him “but that’s not what I want. I just want my boys.”
“At a cost of child’s life “he hisses “is there no peace in knowing though you can’t be with the ones you love there are worlds where you are together? Is that not enough?”
Repelled you lifting of the ground “No” throw him out of the temple to the abyss of snow
You float midair the spell back on full force, branches of the multiverse of your alternates life together with your boys around you. Searching for the one that you already had once connected you dream walk to your alternate house. Finding her sleeping in the couch with your boys you possess her unconscious mind.
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Earth 838 you wake with red iris and walked out the door thrusting her hands back lift her off the floor.
“We all know how the both you do anything for each other” Charles said looking at sam and dean “as admirable the act is you caused many chaos here. Letting the mother of mother of all monsters Echidna. The death your brother We were at war while the rest of us banded together to try stop you as always choose to go it alone”
“He turned to the Darkhold began Dreamwallking, in hopes that our salvation might lies in the Multiverse” Karls continues
“And guess what, it didn’t but he kept doing it anyway.” Captain marvel adds
“One night, you called us all together confessed that you had Dreamwallking and in your words, “things had gotten out of hand”. You never told us the details of what had happened. Only that you had inadvertently triggered an incursion. you, our friend caused the annihilation of another universe” at reeds statement Sam felt lost and loses of words he gulps as captain marvel said the next words
“Everyone in that reality died, everyone”
“Sam renounced Darkhold’s evil and helped us find the Book of Vishanti, a weapon we did use together to defeat Echidna. But one final threat remained” Charles concluded before lifting his fingers and place it in his temple projecting the past, allowing them to see what had really happened.
Sam was on his knees, face bruised and blood dripping from his nose and side of his face, his fingers had turned black. A devastated look on his face surrounding him various monsters, creatures of the dark some that they never encountered oh their hunting life lay dead, beside his side farther away a woman of dark hair, dressed in black clothes a crown on her head lay dead with a large sword piercing her heart.
“I shall miss you my friend”
“I’m ready”
Black blot walks forward his trident on his forehead glow a buzzing sound emitting “I’m sorry” the small whisper from his mouth caused higher sound wave that caused everything burst into nothing, a flame can be seen as the group stands mourning silently for the man.
The take in everything when sudden an alarm rings reed glances up “the building has been breached”
“No, shit genius” dean mutter
“Status report on sentries” captain carter commands  
Camera around the front of the appears on the screen earth 838 you can be seen fighting the Ultron’s robots lift and right, blasting away them, tearing the machine apart easily. She pulls the last one making them clearly see her with her half side of the face covered with the machines oil.
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“Stop where you are…” the Ultron’s word cuff of by her as she crushes him with her power.
The feed ends.
“she’s heading for the child” captain marvel yells
“Watch them, we’ll vote on our return”
“If you return. You cannot handle her, let us help” dean yell at them
Charles and Karls were remains as the rest left to deals with you/her.
“Perhaps we accept that their help” Charles said making Karl stand up from his seat
“What the hell are you saying?”
“Save the girl and get to the book of Vishanti”
“You have the book here?” sam asks
“Yes, you build a waypoint”
“Charles, we cannot trust him “
“I believe we can, just because someone stumbles and loses their way, doesn’t mean they’re lost forever. We will see what kind of sam Winchester you are”
Charles unlocks their cuffs and sent them free “thank you” Sam said.
Cas was still in lab trying to see who is the intruder was, but the cameras has been cut off no feed come up when the building shook all the Ultron in the lab run towards the hall.
America looks around from glass cell as Cas tell everybody to get out
“NOW” everyone in lab flees as Cas stand in the front door of the lab anticipating the entry of the intruder.
“it’s y/n” America said. Cas turns to the system to shut the door as the protocols says, but the system failed to do so. America watches Cas she momentarily looks back at the entrance everything was smokey due to the fire. An Ultron runs into the smoke sound of machine buzzing can be heard then a head of a robot come bouncing
From the smoke you step out Americas eyes wide in fear, the blood and oils on the side of your face and the white cloth with face void of any single emotions made you look like a monster. The Ultron repeat the same sentence with flick your fingers its decapitated robotic head exploded into pieces beside you without glancing it you walk pass it barefoot to America.
“Hurry, hurry she’s coming” America bangs at the glass scared out of her mind
Cas curse it would’ve been fine if he had his powers but he doesn’t have it and nothing seems to work he cannot release America or lock up the lab.
Seeing America held in the glass cell, the red mist in your hand buzz ready to break the glass when captain carter land in front of you. You tilt your head at the new comer, black bolt captain marvel and reed then stand Infront of you.
“Y/n, stop” Reed spoke with a clam voice “you’ve possessed an innocent woman, but you can still do the right thing” you stand head shifting to side your hands no longer having the red mist “let her go” your non-threatening stance made him take a step closer “please. I have children of my own I understand your pain”
“Is their mother still alive?” an innocence in your voice but your eyes said another story.
“yes” reed answer honestly
“Good. There will be someone left to raise them” nonchalantly you state
Reed sigh at that “y/n, Black Bolt could destroy you with one whisper from his mouth” a warning was evident in that.
“What mouth?” a false confusion in your voice
Black bolt opens his mouth only to realize his cannot feel his mouth is no longer in his face a sudden panic settle in him as he touches his where should his mouth should be only for to his to be widened in fear when he found his mouth gone, in fear he touches all over his face to find his face, behind him carter and captain marvel stand puzzled. In desperate need of searching his mouth black bolt let a muffled scream before he could stop his brain exploded and the trident blink blood drips from his nose and he falls dead on the floor.
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Angered at the loses of his friend, reed quickly react by extending his arm to grab you, you lift your hand and lift him of the floor and tear him into pieces, from his hands and leg reed start to tear into pieces until he screams and last of him was shuddered like a paper.
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Captain carter and captain marvel look at each other both shocked and angered at the death of their friend. Your eye glow red as captain marvel suits up and fly up as captain carter run to sideway, captain marvel sends a blast that you used a psionic shield to cover you, with one hand projecting the shield you use other to blast captain carter with a blast she sends the shield at you as the blast hit the statue missing her.
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You made the shield hit the pilar behind you with your power. Captain marvel again send a full thrusted blast both hands thrusting down trying to crush you down, you do the same both hands ready to blast, but she blast the ground near your feet making you stumble  and captain carter who was running to you be thrown away by the force of the blast, you quickly stand as captain marvel hover in the sky her suit and eyes glowing hands buzzing with blue energy  preparing to blast you quickly send a blast to captain carter as the you send numerous blast but she skillfully dodge it, gliding she pick up the shield as captain marvel hits you with a blast you shield yourself, you breath heavily as the intense of power increase you send a statue flying to her and she was hit with it as they both crash into the high wall.
You glance around for the super solider smokes around you, she run silently behind before you can see you turns to where you could feel and was hit with her shield you quickly stand on your feet as well, she “haven’t you had enough?”
She spit the blood out her mouth “oh, I could do this all day” she answers with a smug smile, she swings her shield but you crouch down doge the hit pushes her away with your power you block her shields with your power and throw her to the ground.
She stops the skidding with the help of the thrusters that she uses to fly standing up she throw the shield at you catch it with your power and throw it right back at her with a brute force that the shield cut her at torso she gasps at that staying still for a moment before her top half and bottom half falls. the shield hit the pilar with blood dripping down it.
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You didn’t spare a glance and turns to captain marvel who now come out the wall with a blast, she blasts you with her full power and you stumble a little with one hand blocking the blast and one hand using your power to stabilize yourself you lift yourself and send the ground stones at her but she blasts through it and send blast but you block it. Lifting yourself off the ground, both of your power meet, the crackling with glowing eyes she hisses at you “get the hell out of my universe”.
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You let your power envelopes her the golden energy turns to red with intense eyes you allow her power to flow inro absorbs her power making her suit fall apart her helmet and hand raps fade away.
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Back in earth 616 you sigh as the power feel your body through dream walking.
With that earth 838 you push captain marvel with a grunt which caused a huge blast and the two of you to be thrown away. Captain marvel groan as she crashes into a statue and fall down, glasses shatter and you fall top the pieces lay down you look up to see her lay under the statue and make the statue fall top of her. Captain marvel close her eyes and helpless trying shield her self from the impact, without knowing that you had already absorbed your power. Her hand fall limp outside the rubbles of huge stones.
All this was seen by Sam, dean and Klaus after they fought with Karl Klaus knocked him out as they gone to search for America.  They have been trying to get America out of the cell with cas after she punched the glass Klaus final punch shattered the glass successfully releasing her.
Sam, see you approach he slowly walk towards you but was stopped when Charles tells him to go to get the book and they leave as Charles get inside your head in earth 616 you scream as Charles get inside your head.
Charles walks through a door with no walls attached or anything everything was white, parts of broken beds with sheets and dolls was that burned, a gap between the broken bed was filed with darkness beside it was tv that playing a show two a couple in black white the women was wearing a wedding gown as the husband beside her.
Charles looks down the hole and gasp in surprise when a hand shoots out its earth 838 you “help me, please”
“y/n, your mind is being held by your alternate self “Charles said quickly knowing that you could gain control anytime. Her eyes widen at that and the ground shook “grab my hand” she does as he says “perhaps, if I can pull you from under the hole the spell will break” he grunts as he pulls her, she come up slowly as red mist approach them.
Charles goes still as the presence of you creep in, she also anticipating what about happen suddenly she vanish. you appear behind Charles and snap his neck.
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Chest, heaving you turns to where was America was only to see them missing.
Series masterlist
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fabdante · 6 months
*happy stimming about all the DMC talk* Many thoughts, head full, thank you so much! 💜
-Not sure how plausible this would be in canon, but I love the idea of reboot Dante being able to read, speak, and understand different languages innately because of his angel heritage. Slowly, at first, and he probably needs to hear a language spoken a lot before it "clicks" for him, but he gets there. It gets easier the more into his angel powers he delves/uses. I headcanon the first time he spoke in a language he didn't previously know, the only reason he noticed the difference is because Kat asked him when he learned to speak that language afterwards. It just sounded/felt like English to him. Not sure how this magical translation would effect slang, since even in its native language, that varies so much, but its still fun to think about.
-Dante unlocking healing abilities (from either side, tbh, since we've seen demons heal people in the preboot continuity, and angels being able to heal people just seems like a given) in order to help heal Kat. Also love the idea of him sprouting wings/angel feathers (like Vash from Trigun) as a way to shield Kat or someone else from harm. And maybe learning how to do that shield thing the Witches do, that'd be cool. Just! Let him be protective! Let him have powers that focus more on building and maintaining connections rather than just destruction. I love that trope!
-Idk if you've read Brandon Sanderson's "The Stormlight Archives" series, but I keep chewing over the idea of angelic and demonic energy being less like opposites and more like Stormlight and Voidlight from Sanderson's series. If you haven't read the series and have no idea wtf I'm talking about, just skip this, sorry.
-Something I noticed when playing the reboot after playing all of the original DMC games:
The demons in Limbo City all look... less organic, I guess? Than the demons do in the original DMC timeline. Like, OG DMC demons all look like things that coupd exist in nature, if a bit twisted into something more dangerous, like goats or monkeys or lizards. Even the bigger demons, like Berial or Echidna or Bael and Dagon all look more organic/natural than the demons in the reboot.
This isn't a complaint, btw, I really do like this detail! Because the only demons that I think can really compare to how mechanical/constructed the reboot demons look are the Angelos- i.e. something Mundus literally made. And Mundus has made other, more "natural" looking demons, too, like the Blades and Frosts and such- but the designs of the demons in the reboot make me think that THIS is what the demons that Mundus "designs" (shapes to his purposes) look like after 2,000 years of having the Human Realm as a testing ground for his minions and no Sparda to stop him.
This could also just be what the demons under Mundus look like after they've had 2,000 years to adapt/evolve in or to the Human Realm, since according to the OG DMC canon, demons change based on what they want or a driving desire, like moving really fast or having extra mouths to make it easier to cast spells. But also I kinda like the theory that the demons we see in the reboot are like this because this is the way Mundus made them to be. It vibes well with Mundus' boss form being a big construct of asphalt and fire and darkness, and that weird darkness that the collaborators bleed from their eyes after Lilith/the demons brainwash them.
of course!! i am always very happy to talk about dmc 💖
I have a huge soft spot for bilingual characters so I think this is a very fun concept! I personally headcanon reboot Vergil as fluent in Italian (further elaboration is his adopted family is Italian American with close roots to Italy and family still there and he has to talk to his Nonna somehow). And I've always liked the idea of Dante kind of picking up something in osmosis. He's a clever boy I would love for him to speak more languages and this is a fun idea!
Expanding upon the healing abilities is very fun to, I think. It would be very cool to for him to adopt a sort of power focused on defense particularly since in the reboot he kind of explicitly picks up a protector role and everything, it'd be cool to see!
(Also I have not read the thing you mentioned but I do like connecting the angels and demons in the reboot more then just having them be sort of opposites)
However I think the idea that a lot of the enemies we see in game are created by Mundus (or someone in general) is really interesting and makes a lot of sense with their doll like motifs. The bulk of the demons in game that we fight feel very...controlled. I've mentioned before on other posts but I've always kind of thought of Limbo as a body and the things in it acting like an immune system so the idea of the demons being a fabrication of Limbo to protect itself like antibodies is something I find interesting. But given the preboot and the Angelos it makes a lot of sense that Mundus could have made them also. Something I like a lot about the reboot to is how there's such a contrast between the more sentient demons (the Hunter, the Succubus, Mundus, Phineas, Lilith, those guys) and the bulk of the ones we fight in game and it just makes me really curious about what the demon world is like in the reboot (very fun to fill in with headcanons and fanon!)
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rpmemestorehouse · 1 year
Until Dawn Real-time Fandub Starters: Part 2
Change wording as needed
“No! I’ll be fine! I will be fine.”
“What do I usually do to get un-scared? I tell myself jokes...”
“Oh man, I feel great. This is really, this is a great idea.”
“All right you son of bitch, and by ‘you son of a bitch’ I guess I just mean the general atmosphere which just made me uneasy.”
“I should have known that saying what that thing was would have made it leave. Just like when I called my wife a bitch and she left.”
“Heyyy! I’m a funny little hand!”
“AUGH DAGNABBIT! My fricken wingers!”
“Aaaah I’m sure there’s a way to pry this open, but you know what I always hated these two fingers anyway.”
“You know, that’s the thing about sharp objects. I don’t know why we stopped carrying them around.”
“Cavemen had it right when they were like ‘oonga boonga I take sharp rocks’.”
“Why can you talk?! Why can you talk!?”
“Wow. I just - my brain needs to catch up.”
“Did I scare you?!”
“Hey do you wanna hear a Chuck Norris joke?”
“I’m gonna put this jacket on even though it might have asbestos in it.”
“My telekinesis isn’t working.”
“Did I just kill an inanimate object?!”
“You know, my favorite thing about today is that nothing has happened to us yet.”
“Well, I have a key right here, and it’s called an axe.”
“You think I’m just gonna climb through a secret hole for secrets?!”
“I’m not scared at all...I’m just - I’m not scared...”
“I was getting ready to scream but I guess I’m not going to fall.”
“You know I could’ve used my two-arm perk to get in here, but, I’m being selfish.”
“Ooh we were supposed to bring our DnD dice!”
“I’m going to roll my funny dice, but you don’t have any and you will not be using mine.”
“I’m just gonna. Risky my life and, and walk along this very steep edge.”
*reading broken sign* “ ‘Dan Cliff’. This must be Dan’s Cliff! I wonder where Dan is...”
“This bath water is fucking freezing.”
“Shit, I was gonna watch my SpongeBob on there!”
“HELLO?! How did I get into a movie theater?!”
“Wh...why aren’t you scared?”
“Oh shit the bugs got me...”
“Looks like the banishment spell really worked after all.”
“We haven’t had a vibes incursion this bad since, the echidna incident of nineteen-aught-seven.”
“Alright, ya’ll - y’all are chill, thank you so much.”
“I hate Chutes and Ladders, this is awful.”
“Wow queen, you’re so powerful.”
“Is it hard to climb with this light in your eyes? Is it hard to climb?”
“Oh my god. I’m so happy to be here. Um, my name is [Name], I am, [Age] years old...”
“Please don’t change the channel, it hurts us.”
“I love hearing all these crazy words and sentences.”
“You think they just want to say hello?”
“Did you hear something groan? I hear groaning.”
“Thank god I leveled up my agility skill...”
“He was SAWED in TWAIN. What is wrong with you people?”
“I would love to live in a place like this.”
“No, I’ve never been surrounded by eyeless, plastic simulacrum of human beauty, no.”
“Oh fuck - they NAKEY. THEY NAKEY.”
“I’m getting them, I’m just not laughing because they’re not funny.”
“I want to be so fucking rude to everyone.”
“She’s asleep you gotta be quiet-”
“Hi! How do you like my mask? Is it cooolll?”
“Well you know what else sucks? Having a pair of scissors in your shoulderrr!”
“MAYBE if you embrace the VIBES, you’ll live!”
“Rude Mountain is a conflux of negativity in your world. It is the natural disposal site of bad vibes. They go there to die.”
“Your little ritual has thrown the whole world into strife.”
“I have no interest in learning your name - that’s fine, you can keep it to yourself.”
“I’m really stressed, I don’t know if you can tell.”
“Please come get me, I’m so fucking scared.”
“If were to like, punch you sort of hard it would hurt, that is how unarmored you are right now.”
“I have no respect for streamers.”
“I was in the middle of somethiiinngg!”
“Phil Spencer could walk on water...Chuck Norris could swim through land...but I...I could fly through death, bitch.”
“OH I FELL An entire...one and a half feet.”
“Nowhere to go but into the funny cave.”
“I sure hope nobody sets me on fire right about now...”
“I’m really glad you’re alive [Name] but also that’s really fucked up.”
“I’m pretty upset that he’s alive considering everything that he’s done so far.”
“Listen, none of us are leaving until we calm Rude Mountain down...by giving into the VIBES of Rude Mountain!”
“Oh [Name], you fucking moron. The vibes have taught me so much.”
“I’m fucking rude now!”
“I don’t actually know why I’m doing this, I just love violence.”
“I can see past the fourth wall! I can see the comments! They’re so happy for you, [Name].”
“You’re a parody of the real [Name]!”
“You’re smarter than I am, fuck you.”
“The ultimate rudeness: manslaughter.”
“Listen, listen - if you kill me the vibes will only take ya quicker, boyo.”
“ ‘Uh oh you’re just as bad as I am’ - shut the fuck up dude, you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.”
“I feel like you’re just saying stuff at this point, but that’s pretty cool.”
“You know the rumor, that Cortana jacks off Master Chief in the suit?”
“Whose Mister Chief?”
“Did you hear that? It’s the vibes.”
“I’m in so much pain...”
“This is the worst vacation in the entire universe!”
“You’re on Rude Mountain, home of the vibes!”
“I wanted to be rude to people I didn’t want them to be rude to me!”
“I’m escaping I’m escaping, I’m using my funny little tricks and I’m escaping!”
“Well, good thing nobody left me behind today, or else, y’know, things might have been a little bit easier!”
“Has anybody been dissociating for the past, like, two minutes?”
“It’s alright, just sit down, just sit down.”
“It’s been a weird fucking day, that’s all I can tell you. I want to hear something normal.”
“Are you okay? You sound like you’re having a panic attack.”
“It’s not like it’s me anymore, I’m thinking in terms of ‘[Own Name] is doing this”, I don’t know what’s going on!”
“Hang on, I think someone’s outside.”
“I’m a professional loomer, AND vibe scientist!”
“You’re not ready for it: you’re weak.”
“Those funny guys you saw are the crystallization of the negative energies that people have brought up here.”
“You see a funny guy? You shoot.”
“I, I feel like I need to broaden my horizons at this point.”
“Sneakin’ up behind you~”
“Oh god the curse is getting stronger.”
“I think we should just go home honestly.”
“This mountain fucking sucks.”
“There’s so much going on inside my head you can’t even po - I can’t put it into words.”
“You ever feel like you’re in a different time and place than you are? That you like know you are, even though it feels wrong?”
“It’s okay, we can turn these vibes around!”
“I can’t kill you, you know what I know, I can’t kill you.”
“Well that was fucking awkward.”
“I’m telling - I’m telling you that the, the vibes are taking him.”
“...This picture looks like a rabbit...”
“Holy shit dog, what the fuck is wrong with you?”
“How are you feeling about everything you’ve done here?”
“They’re seeing the bounds of the universe they live in.”
“I gotta say: real, real sad what happened to ya.”
“You wake up one day, you realise the world you know is... limited, and realise that you knowin' such means you can, play with it, tug on the strings of it. You look at that world and you think yourself some sort of god, don't you, son?...Are you ready to feel the wrath of a god, kid?”
“I-I hear people laughing...what the fuck is happening?”
“I’m gonna kill the next fucking person I see, I swear to God!”
“Hello! Hi! I’m so happy to see youuu!”
“I wish I could stream but I have no opposable thumbs.”
“I’m trying to have a conversation with you, bitch!”
“At this rate, you be one of us realll soooonnn.”
“This is my friendship machete!”
“I’m completely relaxed. I’m totally okay.”
“You really ARE rude, what?”
“Sorry, a bee stung me.”
“Like, I feel like I can’t die. In fact I feel like it’s guaranteed that I’m going see this thing through to the end, so I don’t even care anymore.”
“No, it’s not that you’re getting bad, it’s that I’m getting omnipotent. That’s not your fault.”
“Don’t fucking grab me and maybe I won’t shoot you in the face.”
“Your bullets won’t change the nature of the vibes!”
“[Name] please don’t shoot me - AUGH!”
“I need to get out of here, I need to get out of here!”
“Why...does it hurt so much...”
“Do you guys get the feeling that something bad’s happening to like, other people?”
“Sewer levels are my favorite! You go in there and it’s all stinky and sometimes there’s like, sewer monsters...”
“Did you just lock the door with the gun?”
“[Name] where the fuck have you been? Why did you just leave us?“
“You have no idea what we’re up against...”
“Oh, you think you’re the power of God, don’t you...”
“I see everything...I see everything!”
“I know I’m not real! I know YOU’RE not real!"
“You saw it, right? No, that’s exactly what I’m talking about! You saw what I just saw.”
“This is constructed! Do you understand?”
“You can’t be this - you can’t this fucking obtuse.”
“Listen [Name], you’re asking too many questions. You can’t keep looking into this.”
“No! I’m not connected to my body!”
“I wish they were my friends...”
“I don’t care! You know they’re gonna be fine, right?”
“[Name]. I get it. I understand. You know and I know and we know and there is a understanding.”
“I don’t want to be torn out of my body!”
“I’m not scared, I just know what we can and can’t do.”
“We can go up this way and we can just forget all this happened.”
“Well, I mean, obviously we have to construct this sort of, you know, bit that we’re in, where, we’re outside of the meta sense, and they aren’t.”
“And the tough part is that we also have to make it work within the construct of the story.”
“People don’t understand how much work and time and thought goes into this.”
“Oh, oh, that actually works! Sweet.”
“Man, oh my god, you scared the hell out of me...”
“[Name] - [Alt. Name] - whoever the fuck he is - left me down here...”
“Rude Mountain has been trying to get rid of both of us. Since we got here.”
“Ah-ha, you’re not gonna get the chance...I can hear you! I can smell you...”
“While I’ve been sitting - sitting here for the past hour doing nothing, I’ve seen all the realities.”
“Do you have the shimmy skill?”
“Reality’s falling apart - I gotta do something about this...”
“I literally don’t know where I’m going, I just climbed out of a cave. I’ve been underground for god knows how long, I’m just running in a direction!”
“Why are you trying so hard? Why are you trying so hard to keep things together?”
“I have to put this reality back together!”
“If I don’t fix this? Everything falls apart.”
“I can’t die. You know I can’t die.”
“The vibes of Rude Mountain become so potent...you lose yourself...you lose your memories!”
“There’s a gas leak.”
“This is the climactic ending of the game. [Name], you and I can put an end to this! It’s almost over!”
“[Name] don’t do it, we, we have real lives! I know it doesn’t seem real to you but you can’t!”
“Okay, listen: maybe this is all predetermined...but it’s still giving you a FEW SCARES, RIGHT?!”
“Something changed in you before you left. You lost something.
“THE BAD VIBES ARE POWERFUL! And they can make a monster of men!”
“Alright...it’s up to you [Name]...good luck...”
“Why don’t you open your mouth and try to do some exposition?”
“Really wrapping it all up together in a neat little bow, huh?”
“This was a fun vacation.”
“I learned about myself, and I think that’s what’s most important.”
“I like those guys! I think we should do this EVERY YEAR.”
“Maybe...I should record my podcast...for myself...”
“It’s just, enjoy what you’ve got while you have it, y’know?”
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tinymoondrops · 2 years
Not So Alone (Knuckles/Rouge)
This isn’t apart of my big valentines day plan but I hope you enjoy this regardless! I apologize for any grammer or spelling errors! This story takes place directly after Sonic Frontiers!
Knuckles sighs as he watches Tails fly away in the tornado with Sonic and Amy. He’d been dropped off first after their adventures on the Starfall islands. It was time for him to go back to solitude. At least he had planning some trips to look forward to. He was ultimately excited to explore more of Mobius.
His heart sank a little as he turned and started to make his way back to the altar where he spent his days. He knew no one would’ve missed him. The only friends he had were now flying away. The Chao on the island sure would’ve been concerned by his absence but they were able to take care of themselves, they didn’t need him. Besides, it wasn’t the same as another Mobian missing him. 
This was one of those times when being the last echidna really took a toll on him. He had no family to speak of. No one would be waiting for him at the altar. He spent his days alone munching on grapes as he looked over the Master Emerald. Only occasionally going on little excursions around Angel Island or going to help his friends. Rouge would sometimes come and annoy him by trying to steal the Master Emerald, and sometimes Sonic, Tails, and Amy would visit but it was still lonely. Just him, his rock collection, and the occasional Chao. He was looking forward to being able to get the chance to go on his own vacation away from this island to explore more of the world.
As he approaches the Emerald, lost in thought, he doesn’t notice the white bat laying on the emerald looking up at the sound of footsteps. 
“KNUCKLES!” A voice shrieks causing Knuckles to jump and get into a defensive position. It took him only a moment to register who the voice had come from.
“Rouge?! What are you doing here? Get away from my emerald!” He snarls used to the bat trying to steal the emerald whenever she got the chance. Instead, he was tackled into a hug, Rouge's face burying into his shoulder, which quickly became wet with tears causing him to blush. 
“R-Rouge?” he asks, his arms out in shock not knowing what to do. “Are you ok?” 
“NO! Where have you been, you idiot? You left the emerald completely unguarded! You NEVER do that!” she glares up at him through her tears.
“I got captured! I didn’t really have a choice.” Knuckles glared back. He saw Rouge’s face turn from rage to shock, then to worry. 
“W-wait captured? Did you get hurt? Are you ok?” she looks over at him.
“Rouge I’m fine! Why do you even care?” he asks surprised by this sudden kindness from the bat who he considered a rival. Like Sonic and Shadow. They worked together when needed but they were constantly fighting. Baiting and teasing each other in an easy flow of banter. 
Rouge took a deep steadying breath. She looks slightly hurt by Knuckles’ reaction.
“Cause I DO care about you! I was worried SICK when I couldn’t find you! I tried to find you! Shadow, Omega, and I searched for you guys for what felt like forever!” she steps back crossing her arms over her chest, hugging herself. 
“That’s why I stayed. I stayed here watching over the emerald hoping you’d come back soon.” Rouge sighed her ears going down. 
“R-Rouge….” Knuckles sighs. “I thought you hated me. We’re rivals.” 
“Really?!” she snorts. “That’s what you think? Knuckles I’ve been flirting with you and trying to get your attention for years!” 
“O-oh! I didn’t realize.” Knuckles blushes slightly embarrassed that he didn’t get it sooner. Rouge stares at Knuckles trying to get a gauge of how he’s feeling. 
“God your so stupid sometimes!” Rouge laughs nervously after a moment, as she starts to tear up. “I’ve been terrified of outright telling you about my feelings! I’ve never felt this strongly about anyone in my entire life! It’s scary for me! I realized you probably didn’t pick up any of my hints, but I just didn’t know what else to do, and then when I couldn’t find you…” she shudders. “I got so scared that I’d never get the chance to tell you. To see if we could actually work. I know you probably don’t feel the same. Just tell me. Get it over with then I’ll leave.” she snaps clearly expecting rejection. 
“Rouge…I don’t really know what to say…” he blushes looking down at the ground. 
“Then don’t say it! I’ll just go…you won’t have to see me again.” she feels her heart break as she walks away. 
“Wait!” Knuckles quickly grabs Rouge’s arm and spins her around to face him. 
“Rouge…I…I t-think…I l-like you too.” he stutters. 
“Wh-What?” Rouge blushes. 
“I didn’t really know what to call it but every time I see you I feel my heart flutter. Hearing you laugh makes me wanna laugh and seeing you smile makes me wanna smile…you….” he grins, “You make me feel less alone.” “D-do you really mean that?” Rouge starts to smile. Knuckles nods. 
“I do! I mean it!” he smiles at her. 
“Oh my god! Knuckles!” Rouge laughs hugging him. After only a second of hesitation, he hugs her back holding her close.
“I’m sorry I was too oblivious to realize it sooner.” he rubs her back.
“It’s alright Knuckie.” she coos. “It’s part of why I love you.” she smiles kissing his cheek causing Knuckles’ face to turn as red as a tomato. 
“ I- I l-love you too.” he’s completely flustered burying his face into her shoulder.
“You are such a cutie~” she giggles causing him to groan and chuckle in protest. 
“And you’re absolutely stunning.” he turns his head smiling at her. Now it’s Rouge’s turn to blush. She giggles. 
“Knuckles!” she smiles. 
“It’s true! Those eyes. They sparkle like stars, and that smile could light up the whole world.” he chuckles.
“Wow! Where did that come from Romeo.” Rouge teases.
“Honestly I have no idea!” he laughs. “I was just speaking from the heart.” 
“Well, it was really sweet!” Rouge kisses his forehead. 
“Wait! Does this mean we’re dating?” Knuckles asked confused.
“Depends. Do you want to be my boyfriend?” she asks. Knuckles immediately nods. 
“Yes! Please! I would love that!” he grins. 
“Alright, then cutie~” she winks. “Looks like you’ll be seeing a lot more of me around.” 
“I would really really like that.” Knuckles smiles. “It gets lonely up here.” he admits.
“Well I’ll be sure to visit as often as I can.” she smiles softly.
Knuckles grins as the two of them sit on the alter and watch the clouds Rouge’s head resting on his shoulder. 
Maybe, he thinks to himself, maybe I’m not as alone as I thought. It’ll be nice to have company. To not be so alone. 
He sighs contently as they pass the afternoon not saying anything just enjoying each other's presence.
Knuckles decided he could really get used to this.
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Casino Nights (Part 1)
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The stars were sparkling like diamonds, just waiting for someone to make a wish.
As she watched the couples walk hand in hand through Station Square, she knew plenty of wishes were being made tonight. All of the gamblers and all of the lovers were hedging their bets, desperate for Lady Luck to smile down upon their casino adventure.
“Never fear, my darlings,” declared Rouge the Bat, her elegant figure perched atop the hotel balcony. “I see you and raise you all the treasures your little hearts desire.”
Truth be told, she longed to be in their midst. The thought of golden rings and glittering gems just waiting inside that casino certainly made her heart flutter. She was even dressed for the occasion, her hands fitted in satin opera gloves, her sensuous curves outlined in a sapphire evening gown. All of those handsome fellows would probably trip over themselves, eager to please the batwoman even as Rouge swept all of their treasures away. Oh, what sweet simpletons men could be.
But there was another longing in her heart, and it made her impatient as the night wore on.
“Where are you, ya big lug? You promised this gal one dynamite evening.”
As if on cue, a shadow passed over the moon. A little smile touched her lips. He was looking good tonight, sleek and strong and passionate red. It had been a while since she'd seen Knuckles decked out in his traveling gear, but that fedora and leather vest combo were really turning her on.
The studly echidna dropped out of his glide, landing on the balcony beside her. Daydreams would have to wait. It was time they settled their affairs.
“What kept ya, handsome?” she asked, draping her arms over his broad shoulders. “Afraid you're gonna lose our bet?”
“Give me a break,” huffed Knuckles, gruff as can be, but even solid rock will crack from time to time. This one cracked a rare smile, holding a leather pouch in one hand. “You can’t rush perfection, and that’s what I’ve got right here.”
“Oh, is that so? Then hand it over, big boy. Let mama check out the goods.”
It was clear they knew one another all too well. Knuckles was one step ahead of Rouge, dropping the pouch into his other hand before the master thief could snatch it away. He shook his head. “You first.”
Rouge pouted, but it was clear he wouldn’t budge. “Very well,” she said, slipping her fingers between her breasts. When the satin glove emerged from such ample cleavage, she held a small, silver emerald. “Unlike you, I find perfection quite easy to come by. This little beauty was just begging to be stolen from the Casinopolis vaults.”
“You didn’t.”
“Oh please, if they didn’t want me to have it, they would have invested in better security. Besides, how could I ignore such a tempting aura? Dreams and luxurious games, the drama of winning and losing—this baby’s got it all.”
Even under a full moon, the silver gem was radiant. Rouge was well aware of the fact that this man was captivated by the light reflected in her eyes. He was under her spell, and so she rotated the casino emerald from side to side, relishing such undivided attention. 
“And I bet it’s packing more vigor than anything you dug up,” she said, leaning forward and brushing her lips against his cheek. “Prove me wrong, Red.”
Knuckles wrapped one arm around her. Rouge inhaled sharply. She could feel her body move against him. The wide brim of his fedora covered their faces in shadow, and a mystical green glimmered in his eyes.
He opened the leather pouch behind her back, letting the emerald fall into his other hand in all its radiant glory. “Yeah, it took some digging, but nothing stays hidden in those ruins forever, not when the world’s greatest treasure hunter is on the case.”
She hated to admit it, but there truly was something magnificent about this gem. Every facet of the precious stone evoked a sense of danger, of the hidden desire to return to the natural ways. Oh, how she longed to give in to her instincts now, but Rouge was never one to give in so easily. “Do my ears deceive me? Seems to me like the jungle played tricks with your mind. If you think that tiny little thing gives you the right to steal my title, then we’ve got a problem on our hands, don’t we?”
Knuckles lifted his emerald, gently raising her chin with the smooth crown of the jewel and making her shiver. He smiled, twice on the same night. “Only one way to settle this.”
Rouge batted her eyelashes for this daring echidna. “True enough,” she said, raising her silver emerald next to the green. “Remember our deal. The emerald with the greatest chaos energy wins, and the loser has to follow my every command.”
“Pretty sure of yourself, aren’t you?”
“Always,” whispered Rouge, letting their emeralds join in the middle.
The couple released their gems, letting the silver and green emeralds float in the air, and for a moment, there was only the glowing light. And then the light grew stronger, accompanied by an otherworldly music the likes of which she had never heard.
Rouge stepped closer to her beloved, dazzled by this brilliant display of magic, and then she gasped as the world blipped out of existence, blinding them with light.
Continue reading Casino Nights on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46768135/
Warning: The unabridged story contains explicit sexual content.
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cloudofdarkness · 1 year
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Fandom: Sonic the Hedgehog - All Media Types
Relationship: Maria Robotnik & Shadow the Hedgehog
Maria Robotnik
Shadow the Hedgehog
Gerald Robotnik
Sonic the Hedgehog
Additional Tags:
Language: English
Give a like and Fave here as well if you please!!
I literally wrote this because of one (1) person being cute on tumblr rpc and also because I'm a doink lesbian but have some Shadow and Maria content
>Systems: Online. >Date and Time: November 15th, 1950; 23:00hrs >Specimen: supported.stable. >oxygen levels: normal. >Project Maria: active.
“Can I speak to them now??”
A blonde head of hair popped up just over the edge of Gerald Robotnik’s desk, and just as he suspected, he peered over to see his granddaughter staring wide-eyed in excitement up to him. He gently adjusted his glasses, before gesturing over to the pod in the center of the lab. It was only the two of them, and he’d had quite a long day of making the final fittings for this..Mobian lifeform. Sure, it wasn’t stable yet, and there was no way it could function outside the pod, but for now...this was progress.
Upon gaining her grandfather’s acceptance, she excitedly made her way over to the pod, sitting down beside it and looking in to see a small, white and red hedgehog floating inside it. They were unconscious, but their vitals were going. It was almost like what her mother had told her about babies still being with their mothers, they can’t respond to you, but they can listen. Maybe..maybe they’d like to hear a voice! “Hello, little one! I’m Maria! I hope we can be best friends! I know we both might need one. It’s not very easy living life without one, especially way up here.” She paused, quiet for a moment, before sighing softly. Perhaps things could be better now that she had a friend. She hoped They could be her friend. She already thought so highly of them, even if they weren’t perfect, they were going to be amazing. A smile came to her face, before she placed a hand against the glass. “You won’t be alone. I promise.”
And she kept that promise. — Every day for the next two years seemed to repeat itself, and even though it grew to be a repeat, Maria never once complained. She’d wake up, take her tests throughout the day, and never once left the mobian’s side when she could. She read to them, sang to them, told them stories her grandfather would tell to her about Mobius. She wanted them to know everything, so that by the time they came out, they knew all her stories and could spend time together playing! Well...whenever they weren’t being tested…
Gerald could sense her enthusiasm in the project though, and it worried him in the slightest. What if it turned out like the Biolizard? What if they were putting too much faith into this one? Though at the same time...what if this meant that they’d found what they were looking for. What if it meant that they couldn’t give up on this specimen? It was already so much alike the chaos guardian prophesied by the Echidna clans. Perhaps...this would work. Perhaps he needn’t worry.
And yet, even with all of this enthusiasm over the project, Maria had quite the trouble picking out a name. It had to be perfect. It had to fit them!
“Snowy? No..that sounds like a cat’s name..” Maria sighed, crossing out yet another name in her journal. Gently, she tapped the pen against her cheek, her free hand tapped thoughtful fingers against the arms of her hospital bed. Another day in here thanks to a fainting spell. But at least it gave her time to ponder. Still...she hated being away from her friend. She’d hoped they could talk about this together. “Mm...maybe not Rose..even though that’s a really pretty name..it has to be something Light sounding! Maybe Light? Or Lux! Or...Eos!” She wrote down, before squeaking as the Colony’s AI answered her call.
“Hello, Maria. How may I assist you today?” Eos inquired, appearing as a small orb in front of her. Carefully, Maria sat up, setting her journal aside with a sigh. “Oh, it’s nothing really, Eos. I’m just thinking about the project. What if grandfather finishes them and I can’t think of a name?”
Eos was quiet for a moment, as if analyzing the situation, before a query popped into her system. “Most Overlanders such as yourself take, on average, a week to solidify a name for their pet after receiving them.” She stated, before Maria grinned, gently shaking her head. “They’re not going to be a pet, Eos. It’s more like..a friend. Or actually..a baby sibling!”
The AI searched again, floating just a bit away from Maria’s face, before locating another query. “Parents and older siblings often ponder about the names of an expecting child. Though they never truly settle on one until the day of the child’s birth, some are even said to take a few days to figure it out!” Eos presented, hoping this was the correct answer.
“Well, at least I’m not the only. I just...wish I could get some insight. But with me being in here and...whatever it is that grandfather is consorting with in there...I haven’t been able to see my friend in days. They must miss the sound of my voice. Their vitals always calm when I’m there.” Maria mused, almost forgetting that she hadn’t dismissed the AI yet. But she was listening, and immediately gave another query. “The best of friends often understand when you cannot always be there. You do not have to be together to know you will never be apart.”
Maria looked up at this, her tapping halting for a moment as her aqua eyes met the small orb. A small spark shone in them, before she giggled softly. “You’re right. I mean...we’re the best of friends. They know I can’t always be there. They understand. I hope. We’ll be okay.”
“I believe it is now time for you to rest, Maria. Remember to take care of yourself.” Eos reminded, causing the tray table in front of Maria to move to the side, and adjusting the bed just the way that she liked it. The lights went dim, but before she could depart, Maria spoke up. “Eos? Can you play hologram number eleven please?”
“Of course, Maria.”
Just as she did, the dark room faintly lit up, and Maria looked around to see a meadow around her, just as she’d wanted. The sound of flickies chirping calmed her, and she soon found her eyelids growing heavy. Eos always worked these like a charm.
“Goodnight, Maria.”
“Goodnight, Eos..” — When you’re inside a dream, you can hardly tell sometimes. Some things that ordinarily would be ridiculous make sense, and somethings that make sense are ridiculous. The only clarity you can truly have is when you wake once more. However, Maria was very good at being able to tell when she was dreaming. She still liked to imagine she could be on planet, experiencing what she normally only could in the holograms. For the brief time she lived on Mobius as a baby, she saw so little. Her parents never wanted to deal with their sick child, which is why they so quickly gave her away to her grandfather when he’d offered. He adored his granddaughter, and never once minded her company. This she thought about as she sat under the tree previously only known to her by her hologram. It was a calm, spring day, and she’d already counted so many different animals. She made a game out of drawing each one. It was nice to see them so up close. Her favorites were the different variations of Flickies, she probably had a million different doodles of them~
Her attention was brought back to the present, however, as he pencil dropped to the ground, rolling a bit across the grass. Oh Maria..dozing off again. She reached to pick it up, but watched as it rolled away from her grasp. “Hey! That’s not very nice!” She huffed, crawling over to grab it once more, she was successful this time. Though as she sat up, she bumped her head against a wooden desk, looking up to see that she was no longer in the meadows. This place was...awfully familiar. She just couldn’t put her finger on it.
“Maria Alice Robotnik! What did I say about interrupting me while I’m in the middle of a call?!”
Was that…?
“I’m sorry, mother!”
This was too familiar…
She hugged her pencil and journal close to her, backing out into the hallway before she upset her any further. So much for reliving that memory. Now that she was free from her grasp, she made her way down the hall, opening her journal to make sure her drawings were all still there, they were. Good. Her journal was important to her. Soon enough though, she heard whispering from down the hall, following it in curiosity. It didn’t become very clear when she grew closer, it just sounded...jumbled. She tried to peek into the room she supposed it was coming from, noting that she was now looking into the main lab of the Ark...strange. She never setting jumped this much in her dreams. She could see her grandfather, and that mysterious figure he often consulted with. She never did see what he looked like, but if he was helping with Shadow, maybe he couldn’t be so bad.
Maria looked up as the whispering went silent, the world around her had turned to black and white, and everything seemed...frozen. Shadow. Where did Shadow come from? They didn’t have a name yet. In fact, she’d never even thought of that name before. Why Shadow? He didn’t look anything like a Shadow… Something urged her forward, knowing she was alone now in this frozen dream. She wanted to see them. She wanted to see Shadow. Moving past her grandfather and the dark figure, she looked over their pod. They were resting, but...the white from their fur was gone, replaced with a dark coat of ebony. A calmer color, like the vast space around them. “Shadow.” She whispered it again, and for some reason, it felt right to say. They looked like a Shadow. They were, in a way, supposed to be a Shadow. Perhaps...this was right.
Her hand was placed on the container now, and she watched too, as they slowly moved their hand towards the glass, moving, unlike anything else in there. Their hands almost met… — Maria awoke late into the night, trying to calm herself as she registered her vitals quickening from the rush of her...very odd dream. What did it mean? She wondered. None of it really made sense, just as she usually suspected. There was, however, one thing she did know. She had a name now.
Just as she had before, she unplugged her vital monitor, unsticking the pads from her body and unhooking the IV from the wall so she could walk with it for awhile. She was pretty much alright now, but she knew they’d worry if she didn’t take it with her. Turning to hop off of the bed, her feet found their way into her slippers, before she grabbed her journal and made her way down the hall. Just as she suspected, most of the hall’s staff was either in office or asleep. It was pretty late, only 11:30 in the evening...however odd though, she liked being awake at this time, it felt so mysterious. Probably due to the quiet, and what most people would think creepy, she found...alluring.
Carefully, she made her way to the main lab, about to knock on the door, before watching as it opened. She carefully stepped back, watching her Grandfather leave with a sigh. “Oh! Maria, what are you doing awake at this hour?” He inquired, noticing she was still in her nightgown and had her IV. She must’ve left again...she never did like being in the medical ward for too long. “I’m sorry, grandfather. But..I wanted to see Shadow.” It felt so natural to say it now that she forgot this was her first time mentioning it to anyone else.
“Shadow? Is that what you call them? I thought you were going to go with Snowy?” He gave a tired chuckle at the name, subconsciously leaning over to check the IV stand connected to her. If she was walking around, she’d probably do fine without it. Still, what a proper girl to bring it with her anyways. “I changed my mind. They remind me a lot more of a Shadow. They’re quiet but..I feel as if they’re always watching over me, like a shadow!” She explained, watching him remove her IV carefully, pulling out a bandage to cover the small opening. “Well, I believe that’s the perfect nickname.”
“They...have a name?” She inquired, her bluebell eyes a bit saddened now. Gerald could sense this, knowing that even if he had agreed to Black Doom’s name for him, it would be at the cost of Maria’s feelings. He knew she worked so hard to think of one. “Indeed. Everyone has agreed to call them Terios, because as the name states, they will be making dreams come true.” Gerald explained, noticing Maria was quiet in thought. She knew it probably had something to do with their visitor insisting he leave a mark on the creation somehow, because Grandfather had promised her a name.
Well. She’d still get it.
“May I visit them tonight? We always stay up and tell stories before my birthday.”
He wanted to decline, he knew she shouldn’t be messing with the specimen a day before their scheduled release...and yet. She’d spent so much time with them, perhaps in doing this, everything would go smoothly tomorrow. “Alright, but only for stories. Don’t be too loud, alright?”
Maria was quick to nod in agreement, hugging him happily before making her way into the lab, over to Shadow’s container. He watched her sit in her normal spot next to it, her blanket wrapped around her body in excitement. Yes, she’d be alright.
As she always did, Maria placed her hand against the glass, always feeling that it connected the two. They looked just as they did in her dream, the white in their fur had turned to an ebony hue, though when she looked close enough, there was a bit of an azure highlight, just like the cosmos around them. She barely heard the lab door close as Gerald left, opening her sketchbook and laying it over the glass. “I drew some stargazer lillies today! They’re my favorite next to azaleas. Though, I think they look rather familiar, don’t you? The lily is just a bit more of a show off, but the azalea is still beautiful in its own way, it has its own purpose and...it's my favorite.” She paused a moment, giggling at herself. “I’m very opinionated sometimes.”
A small beeping from the monitor emanated in response, and she looked up to it. It’d never done that before..but she’d been gone for a few days, it was probably something new grandfather had probably just forgotten to tell her. “You know, the researchers always bring specimens from Mobius to the chaos gardens. When you’re all done, maybe we could sit in there with the chao and I could teach you about all the flowers I’ve learned about, them we could figure out your favorite.”
Another series of beeps from the machine. Were they...responding to her?
She turned back once more, taking the journal off of the pod, and setting it in her lap. “Are you...speaking to me? One beep for yes, two for no.” She inquired, scooting a bit closer to the pod. They were still seemingly unconscious but…
One beep.
“And...you can understand me?” One beep.
“Have you always been able to?” Beep. She smiled, her hand placing itself against the pod again. “So you know who I am.” A definite beep.
“Do you know who you are?” Beep Beep. No? But wouldn’t they have heard grandfather? “But you have a name. Grandfather calls you Terios.” The machine seemed to groan in anger at this, they didn’t seem to like that name. Oh good, she didn’t agree either. Well...maybe she still had a chance. “That’s okay, I don’t like it either...but, I might have a different idea...if you’re okay with that.” A questioning beep.
She flipped open her journal to a fresh page, before scribbling out a small drawing for them. “I know everyone thinks Terios might fit you, because they want you to make everyone’s dreams come true...but...I think Shadow fits you better. Because...I don’t want to put expectations on you. I know the reason you’re here is to help me, but you shouldn’t feel like that’s the only thing you can do. A shadow watches over the world, whatever their definition of a world may be...and they protect that world no matter what. Grandfather says you’re going to live forever, but I’m sure I won’t. If there’s ever a day that we’re apart, that shouldn’t mean you’ve failed. That just means that it’s time for you to find your new world. Because you should never stop looking.” She explained, realizing she was over exaggerating her meaning. “It might sound silly but...I think you’re going to be something amazing.”
One beep. — Maria had fallen asleep soon after midnight had struck, she’d gotten her usual birthday spiel in and Shadow has intently listened. Gerald came in to take her to bed, as per usual, but he soon returned to the lab. Today was the day. — Maria rubbed her eyes tiredly, not having very many odd dreams this time around. As expected, she’d ended up back in her room. What to do today, she wondered? It was her birthday, so she had to make it a bit more exciting than usual. Perhaps she could skate down the recreational hall like last year? No, that would just worry grandfather again. He’d told her not to do so without help from someone else… Perhaps she could entice the chao to listen to her singing. They seemed to enjoy that! But...she did that regularly as well. And really the only one that never stopped singing with her was Sparkles. So maybe no on that one two.
Of course...she could always just hang out with Shadow. They could talk to her now, right? Perhaps she could spend the day with them...and maybe grandfather too! After all, it was the one day he took off. Excitedly, she threw on her favorite blue dress which puffed out on the sleeves, and slipped on some plain white slippers. On her way out she grabbed her journal and scurried out into the hallway. It was odd though, the hallways weren’t as lively as they usually were. Had everyone taken the day off today? It was a nice thought...but that didn’t seem to be the case. As she walked past one of the test chambers, she watched as a researcher stumbled through, all cut up from something and complaining to another one of the crew. Strange. She wondered what they were testing… She figured she’d pay a visit to her grandfather, seeing as he always oversaw all of the tests. Maybe he’d forgotten what day it was…? Or maybe something important came up, she understood if that was the case. Either way, she moved into the testing chamber, sneaking around researchers and walking over to where Gerald sat watching the experiment. “Grandfather? Has something come up? What are you…” She paused, turning to see what experiment they were working on today, only to see familiar black and red quills from the other side, seemingly curled up tightly in the corner of the testing chamber.
“Maria, dear...this is Terios. We’ve been trying to stabilize them all day. They don’t seem to want to comply.” Gerald briefly explained, not sounding as angry as his words made him seem, but rather...curious. “Whenever we try to help, they reject it. It’s as if they want to be eaten up by all of that energy..” Gerald sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. He thought it could be different this time. Perhaps Black Doom had lied to him. He was being used yet again. “What if they're scared?” Gerald looked up at her words, his eyes drifting to meet hers as she watched the Mobian hybrid tuck itself into the corner of the room. “They’re lonely. And they don’t know anyone else that well. Maybe if I could just-“
Maria paused, looking up to him in shock now. No? But she didn’t understand...Shadow wasn’t going to respond to anyone else. Clearly she needed to talk to them! “But grandfather, I-“
“That’s out of the question Maria. If it harms you, we have to shut down the project immediately.” Gerald spoke in a more frantic tone now, trying to get the point across to her. This had to be perfect...they couldn’t mess up now… “Grandfather, they need me! They trust me! They wouldn’t hurt me! I know they wouldn’t…”
He couldn’t argue with her anymore, so he simply stood his ground, and sighed. “Maria, this project isn’t finished yet. You have to leave.” She was silent now, not letting the tears welling in her eyes spill over. She wouldn’t let him see that. She exhaled through her nose, before turning to go. As she did, she could hear the researchers mumbling about closing shop for the day, watching as the last scratched up subject was grabbing a new coat as they excited the chamber. And then, just as quickly, Maria turned on her heel. She didn’t know what had gotten into her, but she swore in that moment, she’d never acted as quickly as she did in her life. She pushed past a researching on the way over, and slid her way in before the doors could close. They locked behind her as they would if anyone entered or exited. They were alone now, though she knew that soon, anyone who saw her would be alerting her grandfather. She couldn’t hesitate.
Looking to the Mobian still tucked in the corner, she spoke. “Shadow…?” She watched them look up in attention. They recognized her voice. Their name. That was the one they’d agreed on. She clenched the skirt of her dress in hope, inching closer to them. They wouldn’t hurt her. Friends didn’t do that. “It’s okay. It’s just me, Maria. I’m not supposed to be in here right now...but I saw how scared you were, and I wanted to…” to what exactly? She hadn’t thought that far ahead. She could talk to them, but this was different. They were here. There was no more glass between them. Gently, she knelt down a couple feet away from them, her hands in her lap. “I wanted to ask...if you could celebrate my birthday with me? It’s okay if you don’t want to, I just thought I’d ask you since you were the first person to come to mind.”
They seemed to unwind a bit at her casual conversation, unfolding from the corner now and turning to face her. Just as she suspected, their eyes matched the red streaks in their quills. Their eyes were amazing… “I’m not very exciting, but I could show you how to roller skate...and teach you about the flowers like I’d promised.” She continued, inching forward as she spoke. They didn’t seem to recoil at all. They wouldn’t hurt her. “What do you say, Shadow?” She finally asked, reaching a hand up now in habit, expecting to touch the glass between them, but instead...she felt quills. She barely gasped as she looked to her hand, resting just over the centered streak on their head. They were right here. No more glass.
It was the most calming touch they’d received, their curious, scarlet eyes meeting Maria’s gentle, blue ones. Their ears lowered, leaning into her hand and exhaling through their nose. Gently, they nodded, earning a smile from the girl. Her other hand gently came up to cup their cheek, and they were absolutely tranquil. They stayed like that for a moment, Maria’s thumb gently brushing their cheek, before the doors to the testing chamber slid open, and Gerald stood in the doorway.
“...Perhaps Shadow is a better name after all.” He sighed, causing Maria to giggle softly. She knew it would stick. “They’re alright now. Can I take them around the Ark? It’s their birthday too after all.” Maria asked, keeping the Mobian close to her. He honestly couldn’t argue with her now. She’d quite literally thrown herself into the face of danger and come out unscathed. Better even! She’d tamed potential danger within a matter of moments! Maybe...she knew better than he did. That would be going around the Colony. Gerald Robotnik, infamous professor, outwitted by his granddaughter because he’d told her no. He sighed, pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. “Don’t wander too far. I’ve only given them level one clearance.”
Maria grinned, turning back to Shadow with a fire in her eyes. “Let’s go have the best birthday ever~” — They could very well say they spent the entire day exploring what they could around the Ark. Maria was Shadow’s faithful tour guide, while they silently observed. They liked to hear her talk, they felt like she’d needed someone to actually talk to for awhile, and they were very good with listening. But after traversing the many rooms, such as the chao garden, the observatory, and even, to their hesitation but Maria’s excitement, the bathroom, they’d landed back in her bedroom...well, their bedroom now. Maria had insisted. “I really don’t understand how how those poor sisters can argue like that. Drizella and Anastasia are both very beautiful too. Even if they’re not like Cinderella. They could just as well find princes someday as well, if that’s what they decide they want.” She studied the movie, turning to see that Shadow was rather engulfed in the movie themself, their tail wagged as the prince came on screen. Maria giggled, gently brushing back his quills. “I think the prince is your favorite character. Am I correct?”
She watched as a green hue came to their cheeks, causing her to smile. She sat up now, gently taking one of their hands. They looked over now, tilting their head in question.
“I’m curious. I know you’re able to understand what they’re saying, but can you repeat them?” She asked, gently playing with their hand. They nodded, pointing to their mouth. “Voice?”
Maria jumped slightly, hearing her own voice echo right back to her from their mouth. Oh...so they couldn’t figure out a voice. “That...sounded a lot like me! But...we probably shouldn’t keep that. Grandfather will be very confused.” She giggled, before an idea came to her mind. She sat up now, going over to the small television on her stand and pointing to the characters. “Okay so...usually there’s feminine and masculine voices. Feminine would be like...Cinderella, and masculine would be like the prince.” She watched as they lit up at the mention of the prince, nodding in agreement. So, Shadow would be a boy then. She always wanted a little brother. “Right! So...would you like me to call you a boy?” She asked, watching him shrug now in indifference. She nodded, before going over to her desk and pulling out a couple tapes. “I may have a couple in mind, actually. I like to listen to a lot of talk shows from Mobius. These are my top three. Dirk Horton, Mason Griffin, and Daveed Mumphrey. Wanna give them a listen? Then maybe you could figure out what you like best!”
Shadow nodded, before picking up the first one, and pressing the green play button. The man speaking through it sounded a bit rough, too old for his taste. He had conviction but he wouldn’t do. He shook his head, handing the tape back to her. “Yeah, I didn’t think so either. Dirk can be a bit old sounding.” Picking up the second one, he listened a bit longer. Mason seemed interesting but...a bit sad sounding at times. There were so many voices he could do but...the one he liked the most almost put him to sleep. He handed that one back to her too, another shake of the head. “Yeah, I’m thinkin he sounds a bit too varied, huh? Well...the last one I kinda like so...maybe you will too? If it changes anything, Daveed can sing like Prince Charming. He’s in this musical called Nebraska, and his singing voice is my favorite.” Maria encouraged, watching Shadow click the last one before listening intently. She was right...his voice was very nice to listen to. He found himself moving to it. He’d later find out this was called ‘dancing.’ When the tape was over, he handed it to her, nodding in agreement. “I like that one.”
“Then it’s settled! You’ve got your voice now.” Maria chimed, setting the tapes aside and taking his hands. “Now when you meet people, you can introduce yourself to them. I know you’ll be meeting a lot of people since you’re so important, so we’ve gotta make sure you’ve got it down!”
Shadow tilted his head at this, his ear flickering in question at her query. “Introduction?”
“Well sure! For instance, I’m Maria Robotnik, I’m 11 years old today, and I hope we can be the best of friends!” She gave an example, gently shaking his hand. “Now you try! Maybe something like my name is Shadow, I’m a hedgehog...and...Maria is my best friend!” She giggled, placing her hands on her hips now. “Whatever you come up with will be fine, I’m sure! Don’t worry about it too much for now though! It’s our birthday! Which also means, it’s time for cake!” She squeaked, before going back over to her desk for a moment, carefully, she set a plate with a small cupcake between them, one that she’d had delivered to her this afternoon, but thanks to them being out all day, she hadn’t seen it. She stuck the candle next to it in, before looking around for a match to light it. Shadow watched as she did, looking over the side of the bed to watch her fumble around before speaking up. “Maria?”
“It’s okay! I just...usually the tip of the candle is lit, you know? Just like my other two birthdays I had. Then we make a wish and we blow it out so it gets sent out!” She explained, brushing her headband back as she felt it falling out of place. She swore it was around her somewhere… Meanwhile, Shadow watched the candle, looking to his hands for a moment, before pinching the tip of the wick, and quickly brushing his fingers up against it, causing a small spark, and then a flame, he leaned over to tap Maria on the shoulder, pointing to the cupcake. “I think I figured it out.”
She was speechless to say the least, but she wouldn’t complain, it was lit now. And they’d be able to eat soon. She then clasped her hands together and closed her eyes, motioning for him to do the same. “Now, we make the wish! But you can’t tell anyone or it won’t come true!” Well, it didn’t make a lick of sense, but Shadow shrugged anyways, following her lead and closing his eyes for a moment. What would he wish for? Maybe...for Maria to be alright. He wanted to fulfill his duty to her. To be her friend and to cure her...so perhaps that. Whatever would make her smile.
“Ready to blow out the candle?” He heard her ask, opening up his eyes to see her smiling eagerly. “Maria, I have a question.”
“What is it?”
“...What would make you happy?” He asked, watching her hands unclasp, her head tilting in question. There were a lot of things that made her happy. Flowers, Chao, Mobius, her family. Shadow. But she was sure he was asking about himself. Now that he could, he had a right to be curious. Gently, she took his hands, squeezing them gently. “I’m already happy. The day I met you, the day I made a friend...I was happy. Because I’m not alone. And I knew you wouldn’t ever be either. You made me happy by listening to my stories, and answering my questions and...letting me be myself. So I want that for you. I want you to be yourself. I know you have this purpose...that’s what everyone wants you to be. But I don’t think that’s what you should build yourself around. I think...you should love being you. Whatever you decide what that means. I mean, you’ve already decided a couple things! You have a voice that you like! And a favorite character! If you continue to find things like that in life, well...then I would be happy. Because you’re doing what your mind is telling you to do. You’re being yourself. That’s what makes me happiest.”
Shadow nodded, and then he leaned in
And blew out the candle. —
“That was a bit different from the last time you told me about your birthday.”
Shadow looked up from where he was twirling his fork in the melted ice cream puddle on his plate, realizing that...he had recalled the story rather differently, but...it felt right this time. Not like the last time where he’d explained it as Maria telling him what his purpose was...no. This one was right. He knew it. Picking up his plate, he carried it to the sink, washing the vanilla ice cream from it before turning to the azure hedgehog relaxing back on the couch in front of him. “Well...I just finally remembered how it went this time. That’s all. You know I’m not the best at these things. Besides, you wouldn’t be able to tell me about how you fell off your bike as a kid because you were showing off and ran into a mailbox, and then tell me exactly what your siblings teased you with after it. It’s just like that. A memory from a long time ago that you get wrong sometimes.” Shadow defended himself, before relaxing back next to him.
Sonic simply shrugged, it wasn’t like he minded. In fact, he liked hearing Shadow talk about his past, knowing that it wasn’t all seriousness and sadness up there. He could have little moments like those. A small childhood. And yet… “So….you liked Prince Charming, huh?”
“Oh don’t even go there…” Shadow sighed, knowing already that Sonic was going to try and brag and tease about his princely side to him. But alas, he simply stuck his tongue out at him, that was for another time.
“Happy Birthday, Shadow. And hey, Happy Birthday to Maria too."
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realperson022 · 3 years
Soknux 26 for the ficlet game!
This one also screamed angsty but I made it cute again :D 
Ficlet Line Starters
"Please. I need you to believe me."
Knuckles grunted, not opening his eyes as he remained seated on the ground of the altar. It had been a regular, sunny day on Angel Island, and the Guardian of the Master Emerald had planned to meditate for the most part of it. But as always, the blue hedgehog had interrupted said plans, having rushed over and begin blabbering on about an adventure he went on.
“So, let me get this straight,” an amethyst eye blinked open, looking down at where Sonic stood. “You fell from the ground through a portal and landed in an alternate world, where you encountered a wizard?”
From his step on the altar, the hero nodded eagerly. “Yeah, her name was Merlina, and she said her spell summoned me because her world needed saving and well--”
“You volunteered to do it?” Knuckles closed his eye again after another nod came from his friend. “‘Course, you know I like adventure! And if that means kicking some old timey bad guy’s butt, too then why not?” Sonic shrugged as if it was a casual conversation about the weather the two heroes were having. At the mention of ‘old timey bad guy’, the treasure hunter frowned, still sitting crisscross in front of the Master Emerald with his eyes closed.
“You mean the King Arthur that turned out to be not the real one but an evil version?”
“Yup!” confirmed the speedster, who stretched out his hands before taking a seat on the altar’s white marbled step. He shifted until he got comfortable, crossing one leg over the other and cushioning his head with his hands behind his cobalt quills.
The Guardian of the Master Emerald sensed the change, but entertained by this story of his, he instead recalled the last few things Sonic told him.
“And you were able to defeat him with the help of knights?”
“Oh!” Sonic snapped his fingers, remembering something he had left out. “About that, you were one of them.”
At this, the red echidna opened his eyes and directed his full attention to the hedgehog that sat a few feet from him. “Me?” he asked with a gloved hand on his moon-crested chest. 
The hero grinned, “You, Shads, and Blaze.”
“Did we look exactly the same in that world? I doubt it, considering you have horrible eyesight--”
Offended by his comment, the speedster sat up abruptly, throwing his red friend a scowl. “Hey, that ain’t true! I have better vision than most and you know it.” 
Sonic watched as the treasure hunter just snorted, standing up and stretching out his arms. From where he sat below, the hero got a good view of how the sunlight highlighted the toned biceps and chest of his friend, catching his eye as it usually did when Knuckles was around. 
“...besides with or without good vision, it was obvious that the knight version you was better-lookin’.”
Caught off guard by the sly remark, Knuckles suddenly became flustered, awkwardly meeting the other’s emerald gaze to see if it was an attempt to rile him up. However, to his further surprise and embarrassment, the hero winked at him, a teasing grin spread across his annoying face.
“Are you done with your foolish story?” Knuckles huffed, crossing his arms.
“Foolish?” Getting up on his feet, the Blue Blur squared his shoulders, raising a finger and giving him a stern look. “Is it foolish to think that I ended up beating that fake king’s butt, then defeating the real bad guy - spoiler alert, it was the wizard the entire time - and surprisingly learn that I am the real King Arthur for them now?”
“Well, when you put it like that...”
Emerald eyes lit up at the hope that bloomed across the hero’s face, seeing the reclusive echidna take a moment to rethink his opinion about what Sonic had been telling him about his new adventure.
Knuckles nodded, meeting his friend’s gaze with a smirk. “Yeah, it still sounds ridiculous, especially that last part about being king.”
As quickly as he thought that Knux finally believed him, the hope vanished with a puff and he pouted. “What, you don’t think I could make a good king?”
“Don’t take it hard, Sonic. I just don’t see you behaving so...regal or wearing a cape...I mean when was the last time you wore anything formal?”
Busy contemplating his own question, the guardian didn’t notice the hedgehog sauntering over until a peach arm was resting over his shoulder, dazzling greens staring up at him in that same way Sonic did with his silly chili dogs.
“Sir Gawain would disagree with you~”
“Who’s Sir Gawain?” Knuckles inquired, unbothered by the close distance between them and curious by the mysterious name. 
“Your knight counterpart, the better-lookin’ one,” the hero reminded the other with a half-lidded gaze, chuckling upon the redder-than-his-fur hue that dusted the treasure hunter’s muzzle. “If he’s so great and all, why don’t you go bother him!” Knuckles sputtered, shoving the pestering hedgehog away with a grunt.
“Aw, c’mon, Knux! I was just jokin’, don’t get all jealous--”
Fuming at this point, the guardian was ready to throw a fist at the hero’s stupid face until another loud voice echoed around Angel Island.
Acting on reflex, the hedgehog scurried to hide behind Knuckles, throwing cautionary glances in every direction of the island; this was the usual behavior between a scared Sonic and an angry Amy Rose. With a sigh, he let his friend use him as a body shield. “What did you do this time?”
Nervously, Sonic chuckled. “Turns out you’re not the only one that didn’t believe my crazy adventure. I had promised Ames I would hang out with her today but I was busy kicking some evil dude’s--”
“Butt, yeah, I know,” Knuckles finished with an eye roll. And even though he could care less about what happened to the speedster when confronted with Amy’s frightening wrath, especially feeling like turning him in to the pink hedgehog as payback for poking fun at him, the echidna couldn’t find it in himself to do either of the two things. 
Before he could regret his decision, he turned to the hero, reluctantly speaking forth about his idea. “Go...I’ll throw her off your scent.”
Shocked by the help offered to him, Sonic had to gape at the typically indifferent guy before him, who at times had his fun witnessing the game of cat and mouse with Amy. “You sure?”
“No, but I don’t want her wielding that hammer of hers around my emerald.”
Sonic laughed, “You’ll do anything for your precious rock, huh?”
“Better start running before I choose to help her find you instead, hedgehog,” Knuckles narrowed his eyes at the irritating hero. Backing away in show of surrendering, the Blue Blur waved at him. “Thanks for the save--oh!”
Dashing back to where the echidna stood, Sonic quickly brushed up against him and placed a soft kiss on his cheek, whispering something against the warm muzzle that had Knuckles blushing more than before.
“See you around, my favorite knight in shining armor~”
In a gust of wind, the hero of Mobius was gone, sprinting out into Angel Island’s woodland to put as much distance between Amy’s hammer and him. As for the Guardian of the Master Emerald, well...let’s just say that when Amy came running up the stairs and asked him about Sonic, she left wondering if the echidna was going through a fever or something.
Fortunately, Knuckles’ mind didn’t lose complete function because he distractedly pointed in the opposite direction the speedster had gone in for the pink hedgehog to follow without question.
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dailylogyn · 3 years
Logyn Meta: Loki & Sigyn’s Family in Myth and Marvel (Comparison)
Photo Source: https://www.deviantart.com/youkai-no-shimo/art/Colouring-LOKI-s-FAMILY-260392721
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The family that is ready to begin Ragnarok in order to defend your honor. It’s a tragic tale, but family is something worth fighting for!
Follow me as we explore this crazy, wonderful family that is probably the most famous of the Myth’s. 
We may not know much about Sigyn’s side, but Loki’s side is one that legends are made of. 
From the Norse Myths, to Marvel Comics and the MCU, we will see the similarities and differences for each member in the different universes as well as learn facts about each one and why they are important. 
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Laufey (or Nál) - Loki’s Mother 
She is Loki’s Mother in Mythology.
Mostly mentioned by the matronymic, “Loki Laufeyjarson” meaning: Loki Laufey’s Son.
Her name (Laufey) is typically thought to mean leaves/foilage. Nal means Needle. 
Not much is known about her. We don’t even know if she was a Goddess, human or giant so it is assumed Loki gets his godhood from her. 
In the poem Sörla þáttr, Nál and Laufey are portrayed as the same person: "She was both slender and weak, and for that reason she was called Nál [Needle]." 
Laufey is listed among Ásynjar (goddesses) in one of the þulur, an ancestry that perhaps led her son Loki to be "enumerated among the Æsir", as Snorri Sturluson puts it in Gylfaginning.
Related to nature like forests and leaves.
Laufey is Loki’s Father in this universe. 
As Loki was born small, a motive of embarrassment for his parents, his existence was kept a secret.
A younger Loki sends Laufey into a fateful battle between Odin, leading the All-Father to claim Loki as a son. Laufey was left for dead, wounded, but alive, leaving a future Loki to kill him. 
A group of Frost Giants try to revive Laufey by retrieving his skull. It ends with Malekith performing a spell to resurrect King Laufey. 
Laufey hates Loki and thinks of him as a disgrace
It ends with Loki killing his father again after he tries to steal the Casket of Winters and kill Frigga. 
Same as Marvel Comics Counterpart. Appears in the first Thor movie. 
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Fárbauti - Loki’s Father
He is Loki’s Father in Mythology. 
Attested in the Prose Edda and in Kennings of Viking Age Skalds.
A Jotunn
The Old Norse name Fárbauti has been translated as 'dangerous striker','anger striker',or 'sudden-striker'.
Related to lightning
Mother of Loki in this universe.
Gave birth to an unusually small child to the annoyance of her husband.
It is said the night Loki was born that she stabbed her own heart with an ice dagger, but Loki suspects Laufey is the one who killed her. 
Appears as a figment taken on by a parasite. She’s mostly deceased in the comics. 
Does not appear or have a reference in the MCU
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Loki Laufeyjarson - Son of Laufey & Farbauti. Lover of Sigyn & Angrboda (and many others honestly)
Everyone already knows the tales about Loki, so I won’t repeat it all again. It’s pretty lengthy. I’ll just point down the basics for him with it. 
He’s famous for causing trouble among the gods as the Trickster and God of Mischief. Not a bad guy, but misinterpreted that way, although he can be a dick too. Despite how much he causes trouble for them, he also helps them out of situations too. He just wants to have fun, even if he takes it overboard at times.
Some sources put as Jotun and some say he is Half-Jotun, Half-Aesir (on his mother’s side.) 
A well-known Shapeshifter who can be anything: Salmon, Male, Female, Horse. The list just goes on. 
A really handsome being who loved to get it on. *finger guns*
Blood Brother’s with Odin. How? We don’t know. It’s interpreted as a friendship or foster-brothers. It’s unclear really.
Gonna start Ragnarok for valid reasons honestly after having his entire family taken away from him or killed by the Gods. #TeamLoki
Far too many appearances to document here from 1942 to present. There has been some retcons as well with the fact the current Loki has been reborn in a new incarnation also known as Ikol.
In the comics Loki is the adopted son of Odin and Frigga and Adoptive brother to Thor & Balder. 
He’s depicted as being the God of Evil in the classic comics serval times. In fact, it’s one of his titles. 
Depending on the writer for the classic comics, Loki can have moments of humanity, but all around he causes trouble.
Just wants to rule Asgard and get rid of Thor who is his enemy. 
He’s honestly a bad guy most of the time in the classic comics #VillianTrope
I personally have yet to read any current comics of Loki that aren’t the classics so this is where my knowledge and research stops. 
First off, Tom Hiddleston as Loki is just *chefs kiss* perfection. 
Pretty much the same as comics except for the fact he isn’t really a villain. He plays tricks on people for fun and laughs and truly cares about his family. 
However, things change when he discovers the truth that he is a Jotun and has been lied to about it his whole life despite being told countless stories of how Jotun’s are monsters to be slain (You fucked up a perfectly good kid, Odin. Look, he has anxiety and trauma.) 
He develops major identity problems on top of others things, but despite it, Loki tries to still do best by his family as he wants to belong. Yes, he becomes a villain in The Avengers movie, but not for the hell of it. #Thanos
Honestly, he just deserves better. That’s where this leads. Thank you.
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Angrboda - Loki’s Consort/Lover (Fenrir, Jormungandr & Hel’s Mother)
She is only mentioned once in the Poetic Edda as the mother of Fenrir by Loki. The Prose Edda describes her as "a giantess in Jotunheim" and as the mother of three monsters: the wolf Fenrir, the Midgard serpent Jörmungand, and the ruler of the dead Hel.
A Jotun known as Mother of Monsters and Giantess of Ironwood. 
In Old Norse, Angrboda means: 'the one who brings grief', 'she-who-offers-sorrow', or 'harm-bidder'.
According to scholars, the name Angrboða is probably a late invention dating from no earlier than the 12th century, although the tradition of the three monsters born of Loki and a jötunn may be of a higher age.
Some scholars say she was a very powerful witch and that she had the ability to see into the future. She was confined to Hel and would not be released from the realm of the dead until Loki was unbound.
In some versions of the Myth’s she knows her children will bring about the end of the world (Ragnarok) as well as being a witch set on fire three times before Loki eats her heart. 
A giantess of Jotunheim and a Witch.
Born to Elderspawn Vârcolac and Echidna.
She mated with Loki and gave birth to Fenrir and Jormungadr. Legends say she also gave birth to Hela, but it seems to be nothing more but legends. 
Angrboda died of unknown causes and was sent to the Underworld of Hel. 
When Thor needed to know how to get to Hela's realm because she had been taking mortals to Niffleheim, he went to the Hlidskjalf and summoned Angerboda from the underworld, forcing her to tell him how to get there. Once she revealed to Thor the path he had to follow, she tried to take him with her to the underworld.
Only has one appearance in the comics -- Thor #360 (1985)
Does not appear or have a reference in the MCU
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Sleipnir - Loki’s Son
Attested in the Poetic and Prose Edda. In both Sleipnir is Odin's eight-legged steed and child of Loki by Svaðilfari. He is described as the best of all horses.
The Prose Edda contains extra information saying he is grey. 
Old Norse meaning: Slippy or the Slipper. 
Sleipnir is also mentioned in a riddle found in the 13th century legendary saga Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks, in the 13th-century legendary saga Völsunga saga as the ancestor of the horse Grani, and book I of Gesta Danorum, written in the 12th century by Saxo Grammaticus, contains an episode considered by many scholars to involve Sleipnir. Sleipnir is generally accepted as depicted on two 8th century Gotlandic image stones: the Tjängvide image stone and the Ardre VIII image stone.
Scholarly theories have been proposed regarding Sleipnir's potential connection to shamanic practices among the Norse pagans.
Sleipnir was born when Loki shape-shifted into a mare and became pregnant by the stallion of a giant, as is recounted in the tale of The Fortification of Asgard.
There are two different origins for Sleipnir in the comics: 1. Thor fighting off an army of the undead on Midgard. He promised to help as long as his horses weren’t eaten, however, Thor was betrayed and took his horses remains back to Asgard, coupling it with Asgardian Magic to create Sleipneir. 2. Loki had hastily agreed to let a Frost Giant re-build the wall around Asgard, in exchange for the Moon, the Sun, and Freya, only he had to do it in six months. The Frost Giant had only asked to use his grey stallion, Svadilfari. Right as the last brick was about to be placed, Loki transformed into a beautiful white mare, and lured Svadilfari off. Loki later gave birth to Sleipnir. (Just like in the Myths.) 
Odin’s eight-legged steed. 
Sleipnir’s origins are unknown. He appears in the first Thor Movie. 
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Fenrir Wolf - Loki & Angrboda’s Son
Attested in the Prose and Poetic Edda as the first son of the Jotun couple. He is a wolf destined to kill Odin. So, they bind and seal him when he's still young, with Tyr losing his arm in the process. When Ragnarok comes, he indeed kills Odin, but is killed by Odin's son Vidar in return.
Fenrir is the father of the wolves Sköll and Hati Hróðvitnisson. 
In the Prose Edda, additional information is given about Fenrir, including that, due to the gods' knowledge of prophecies foretelling great trouble from Fenrir and his rapid growth, the gods bound him, and as a result Fenrir bit off the right hand of the god Týr.
No chain can hold him, except for Gleipnir, a rope made by Dwarves containing the roots of a mountain, the breath of a fish, the sound of a cat's footfall, the sinews of a bear, the beard of a woman and the spittle of a bird, all of which were impossible items to obtain.
Pretty much the same as his Mythos with some additional storylines. 
When Raganrok happened, Fenrir was reborn with the other gods on the New Asgard universe on Midgard. No details of his fate on Earth have been revealed.
Fenrir helped the mutant Wolfsbane as she was carrying the child of one of his descendants. 
It is one of the few individuals believed to be more powerful, or equally as powerful, as Dormammu; the others being galactic entities like The Beyonder.
Fenrir is Genderfluid in the comics. 
Fenris is a giant Asgardian Wolf who serves under Hela and is portrayed as Female. She resurrects her as they take over Asgard. 
Instead of being her brother, Fenris is her loyal companion and mount. 
Fenris ends up getting into a fight against Hulk as he pushes her off, sending her falling into the void below to her supposed death. 
Appears in Thor: Ragnarok. 
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Hel - Loki & Angrboda’s Daughter
Attested in the Prose and Poetic Edda. She is a giantess/goddess who resides over the Underworld that is also called Hel, a place where many of the dead reside. She is the daughter of Loki and Angrboda, sister to Fenrir and Jormungandr and usually depicted as the youngest of the three.
Goddess of Death and Graves and ruler of Hel who welcomes the souls of those who died of old age, disease or by accident.
Hel is described as having been appointed by the god Odin as ruler of a realm of the same name, located in Niflheim.
The Prose Edda details that Hel rules over vast mansions with many servants in her underworld realm and plays a key role in the attempted resurrection of the god Baldr.
Old Norse Name Meaning: Hidden
She’s mostly mentioned only in passing. Snorri describes her appearance as being half-black, half-white, and with a perpetually grim and fierce expression on her face.
Renamed Hela in the comics.
Allegedly the daughter of Loki and Angrboda, but it’s never made clear or stated. Hela's genealogy is the subject of controversies and retellings. 
Her path pretty much follows her Mythos where she is destined to do terrible things and Odin makes her the ruler over the dead in the realms of Hel and Niflheim until maturity. 
At some point, she was considered the daughter of Odin and of a long-lost goddess.
Honestly, she usually tries to expand her powers, wanting to rule over Vahalla and obtain Asgardian souls. 
Appears in Thor: Ragnarok as Odin’s firstborn and only daughter. Sister to Thor and Loki.
Kinda pissed her dad locked her away and wants to rule Asgard and take revenge.
The cause of Ragnarok and supposedly dies on Asgard after everything is said in done in the movie.
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Jormungandr - Loki & Angrboda’s Son
Usually depicted as the middle child of Loki and Angrboda, he is known as the Midgard Serpent or World Serpent who is a giant snake. When Odin takes Loki’s kids away from him, he tosses Jormungadr into the ocean that encircles Midgard. The serpent grew so large that is was able to surround the Earth and grasp it’s own tail. When it releases it’s tail, Ragnarok will begin and he will fight his arch-enemy, Thor. 
The major sources for myths about Jörmungandr are the Prose Edda, the skaldic poem Húsdrápa, and the Eddic poems Hymiskviða and Völuspá. Other sources include the early skaldic poem Ragnarsdrápa and kennings in other skaldic poems; for example, in Þórsdrápa, faðir lögseims, "father of the sea-thread", is used as a kenning for Loki. There are also several image stones depicting the story of Thor fishing for Jörmungandr.
Both Loki and Angerboda were descended from the Frost Giants of Jotunheim and were of humanoid appearance; however, the sons Angerboda bore Loki, Jormungand and the Fenris Wolf, did not. It has been suggested that Jormungand and the Fenris Wolf were born as sentient animals because their parents each had the magical ability to change his or her own shape. Hence, Jormungand and the Fenris Wolf each bear the form of the animal that their parents had assumed at the moment they were conceived.
Jormungandr follows the same as his Mythos to a certain degree with his fate to fight Thor during Ragnarok as the God of Thunder would die from his venom. 
Does not appear or have a reference in the MCU
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Sigyn - Loki’s Wife
Sadly, not many stories that have Sigyn in them have survived to this day. She is only attested in the followings works: Poetic Edda & Prose Edda. 
The most famous of her story tells of how Loki has been bound by the gods with the guts of his son, Nari, and how his son, Vari, has been turned into a wolf. The Goddess Skadi fastens a venomous snake over Loki’s face, from which venom drips. Sigyn, stated as Loki’s wife, stays by his side and holds a basin under and catches the venom so it won’t drip onto her husband, but when the basin grows full, she pulls it away to empty it, during which time venom drops onto Loki, causing him to wither so violently that earthquakes occur that shake the entire earth.
In the poem, Gylfaginning, Sigyn is introduced in Chapter 31 as being married to Loki and that they have a son by the name of “Narfi or Nari”. She is then mentioned again in Chapter 50 where events are described differently than in Lokasenna; Vali, described as a son of Loki only, is changed into a wolf by the gods and rips apart his brother, “Narfi or Nari.” The guts of Nari are then used to tie Loki to three stones, after which the guts turn to iron, and Skadi places a snake above Loki. Sigyn of course catches the venom in a bowl. This process is repeated until he breaks free, setting Ragnarok into motion.
In the poem, Skáldskaparmál, Sigyn is introduced as a goddess, an Æsir, where the gods are holding a feast for their visitors and in kennings for Loki: “husband of Sigyn” and “cargo [Loki] of incantation-fetter’s [Sigyn’s] arms.”
Old Norse Name meaning: Victory Girlfriend. 
Lonely and looking for female companionship, Loki ends up coming across Sigyn and plans to make her his. However, she is already engaged to a warrior of Odin’s Crimson Hawks -- Theoric. Hence, Loki sets up a trap to have Theoric killed during a mission so Loki can disguise himself as Theoric. Once they are wed, Loki reveals himself and despite Odin attempting to annul the marriage (which goes against Asgardian Law)), Sigyn tells the Allfather that she will follow the duties of a loyal wife since she is Loki’s now. 
This is when Odin proclaims her to be the Goddess of Fidelity. This was a thing first started by the Marvel Comics.
Sigyn doesn’t have much of an agency in the comics except being a loyal wife to Loki, sometimes going along with his plans or getting on him for it. 
I personally haven’t been able to find any evidence of Sigyn’s parents being Iwaldi and Freya in the comics, so I’m not sure if this fact is Fanon or not. 
Sigyn has suddenly seemed to vanish from the comics with her last official appearance being in 1996. It has been allueded at that she died or was killed during Ragnarok. 
Her relationship with Loki in the comics is...complicated and changes a lot depending on the writer. 
Does not appear or have a reference in the MCU
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Narvi/Narfi & Vali - Loki & Sigyn’s Sons
Not much is known about Narfi and Vali except for being Loki & Sigyn’s sons with Vali being transformed into a wolf by the gods and killing his brother whose inners are used as a chain to bind Loki in the cave. 
Narfi and Vali are referred to in a number of sources. According to the Gylfaginning section of Snorri Sturluson's Prose Edda, he was also called Nari and was killed by his brother Váli, who was transformed into a wolf; in a prose passage at the end of the Eddic poem "Lokasenna", Váli became a wolf and his brother Nari was killed.
Snorri also names "Nari or Narfi" as the son of Loki and his wife Sigyn earlier in Gylfaginning, and lists "father of Nari" as a heiti for Loki in the Skáldskaparmál section of his work.
Narfi’s name could mean “Corpse” in Old Norse, relating to how he was killed by his brother. 
There's no mention of what became of Vali after he became a wolf.
Narvi never makes an appearance in the comics and is only mentioned in: Free Comics Book Day Vol 2018 Avengers. 
There is a Vali in the comics called Vali Halfling. He is the son of loki and a unnamed mortal woman. So, I don’t consider this to be the same Vali that is the son of Loki and Sigyn. 
Does not appear or have a reference in the MCU
Thanks for reading everyone. This required a bunch of research, but I hope this helps and has been educational. We only have what we can work with considering the surviving myths, but there is so many stories out there that we don’t know of that aren’t clear because of it. 
I tried my best to cover everything I knew about them in Marvel too, but sometimes so many retcons is too much to keep up with. I know there may be some errors in places, but it’s the best I could get this with what we have to work with.
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a-edgar-allan-hoe · 3 years
The Last Chthonian
Bucky x Reader, Sam x Reader, Zemo x Reader
Part 9
A/N: Part 9 is here y’all! Enjoy! And let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list! 💕💕💕
Summary: Imagine being Hekate, the Greek goddess of magic and witchcraft, the night and the moon, doorways and crossroads, creatures of the night, and ghosts and necromancy. You stumbled upon Earth many centuries ago and since then have resided on the foreign planet. During the recent years you created an alias for yourself to hide your true identity, and after the war against Thanos you chose to live out your days in the Scottish countryside, until a certain trio appear at your doorstep one day.
Warnings: language, slight mention of past trauma and wounds.
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You had already boarded Zemo’s private jet, sitting on the seat across from him while Sam had sat beside you with Bucky across from him. Oeznik had approached you all, asking if you wanted something to eat or drink and sharing a few words with Zemo. You shook your head, politely refusing with a kind smile before staring out the window of the jet and watching the clouds. Even though you had just left your home, you missed everyone there dearly, almost wishing you had the chance to bring Kólasi along. But you knew the local people would not take kindly to a dragon walking their streets. And wherever you were now heading, you had a feeling you were going somewhere you wouldn’t find agreeable.
“So do you have a private jet?” You heard Sam ask you.
“How come?”
“She has a dragon and a pegasus Sam. I’m pretty sure they are her mode of transportation.” Zemo added.
“Wait. But what if it’s raining or there’s a storm?” Sam turned in his seat to face you, leaning in as he was curious to know how you managed to ride openly through the clouds in a storm.
“Well my father was Zeus, the god of the skies and thunder Sam. A little lightning won’t hurt me.”
“Wouldn’t you be soaked though? That doesn’t sound very comfortable.”
“Yes, well if that’s the case than I can just teleport.”
“Oh. Right.”
“Are you able to teleport others?” Bucky wanted to know, if so, it would be helpful to use that, right?
“I can. But the very first time can be unpleasant.”
“How so?”
“Well try to imagine your molecules separating and joining back together.” You tried to make an example with a motion of your hands. “So that in itself is an unpleasant feeling. You’ll also most likely puke your insides out after your first time. And there are even some rare cases where you might come back......disarranged.”
“What do you mean by disarranged?” Zemo raised his brow, not sure if you meant what he thought you meant. Would you reappear, swapped in each other’s bodies or.......
“Oh you know. Your leg might end up where your arm is supposed to be. Or your head might be sticking out your ass, something like that.” You smirked as you toyed with them, seeing the terrified expressions on everyone’s faces. They were most likely praying you wouldn’t use that ability on them. “I’m kidding, geez. Tough crowd.”
“Kidding about what part?” Bucky remarked.
“The disarrangement part. But in all realness, the only side affects are nausea and vomiting and your body feeling like jello. But you’ll get used to it.”
“Sounds like a blast.” Sam noted. “Please don’t teleport us unless it’s absolutely necessary.”
“Only if absolutely necessary.” You promised.
“Also, what’s up with all the weapons? Were you some kind of mercenary?” Sam asked you another question as he thought about all the weapons and armor you had in your armory.
“Well I wouldn’t call it that. Mercenaries were for profit and personal interest. I on the other hand went after tyrants and criminals. But I also hunted down monsters that posed a threat to the human population. I guess you could say I dealt with more of the.....supernatural.” You tried to elaborate.
“Monsters?” Sam raised his brow. “Like what?”
“You know, vampires, werewolves, minotaurs, hydras, chimeras, echidnas, sea monsters-“ you started to list off before Sam cut you off.
“Woah woah hang on. Vampires and werewolves? As in like twilight?”
“Hell no. I’m talking vicious flesh eating monsters here that absolutely do not sparkle. I mean, there are still some vampires left that play by the rules and don’t feed on your fellow mortals. But sometimes you’ll have the few that think they can break the rules like a bunch of idiots. Werewolves on the other hand are trickier, don’t get me started on them. But don’t worry, I got a guy, a half-mortal or daywalker, in charge of the supernatural business.”
“Hold up. So you were what? Like a Van Helsing?”
“Welll, Van Helsing was a real person.”
“Are you serious?” Bucky sat up in his seat. “What about Dracula?”
“Oh he was a real pain in the ass I tell you. That slimy bastard tried to seduce me so that he could take all the creatures under my control to do his bidding. Well, as you can see, that obviously didn’t work.”
Before the men could ask any more questions your phone buzzed in your pocket, making you pick it up to see Maze’s name on the front. Your heart skipped a beat for a moment as you stared at the screen, all the negative possibilities running through your head.
“Who is it?” Sam asked you once he noticed your expression.
“It’s Maze.”
“Did something happen?” Bucky inquired, his brows were raised and his voice was filled with concern.
“I hope not.” You accepted the call, lifting your phone to your ear. “Maze?”
“Hekate! It’s Athena!” Maze spoke in a somewhat panicked voice which only added to your nervousness and suspicions.
You shot up from your seat at the tone of her voice and her mentioning your daughter’s name. “What?! What do you mean? Did something happen to her?”
The men watched you with concern, leaning forward in the edge of their seats once they heard your daughter being mentioned. They were ready to rush over to your place right now if need be.
“Well she fell from the tree.”
“She what?!” Your blood ran cold and your heart was pounding in your chest, it felt as if it would burst right through your rib cage. “Maze speak!”
“Okay! Hang on a second. What happened was, she was playing around in her treehouse and tried to climb to the top of the tree. I tried to stop her when I saw what she was doing but she fell straight down.”
You shrieked in panic at what you had just heard. Your knees felt weak and you thought you might pass out but Bucky stood up to give you support, holding you as you gripped on to his metal arm, nearly crushing it in the process. “Is she hurt? Maze you need to tell me!”
Oeznik came in upon hearing your trembling voice, asking if anything was the matter, but Zemo had explained to him that they had it under control and should alert him if anything was needed.
“Well that’s why I’m calling you. She’s totally fine.” Maze replied.
“Wait............wait what?” You shook your head in confusion, not getting what she was talking about.
“I know right? I’m pretty sure there’s supposed to be broken bones and like lots of blood after a fall like that, but she doesn’t even have a scratch on her. She even laughed the whole thing off like some kind of miniature maniac. She nearly gave me a heart attack, and demons don’t get heart attacks. Now is that normal and should I be worried?”
“Uhhh.” You were unable to form words as you tried to figure it out. Was it the protection spell you put over her or was it just her in general? You had kept such a close eye on Athena, making sure she never got hurt, that now that she has been in a situation where she could’ve gotten injured, you didn’t know how to react or what to think. But Maze did say she didn’t have a single scratch or broken bone or any kind of injury. So that must be a good thing.....right?
“Hekate?” You heard Maze on the other line again. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah everything is fine. I was just.....thrown off for a bit. How is she?”
“Oh she’s great! We painted each other’s nails today. She’s taking a nap right now though. Hey, where’s that good shit that you have?”
“Good shit?”
“You know. Your really expensive wine from Olympus that your sibling, the wine god, what’s their name made?”
“Umm it’s in the very top cupboard above the sink.”
“Okay thanks. I need a glass after what happened, or a bottle. Bye Hekate!” Maze hung up while you stood there, still surprised to hear Athena was unharmed and feeling almost drained after the whole ordeal.
“Everything okay?” Bucky whispered, his eyes searching your face for any further signs.
You noticed how close he was as he supported you, and you couldn’t help the blush that appeared on your cheeks, averting your gaze from his steel blue eyes. “Yeah, uh thanks.” You let go of his metal arm while he let go of you, allowing you to sit back in your seat.
“So is everything okay with Athena?” You heard Sam ask while you stared at the ground.
“Athena uh fell from the tree.”
“Is she okay?” Zemo asked you, his brows furrowed together.
“Yeah she’s fine, surprisingly. There wasn’t a single scratch on her. Must be the genes.”
Bucky pulled up the sleeve of his metal arm, a surprised chuckle leaving his lips as he saw the dented hand print you left behind. “Geez y/n. What’s with the Hercules grip?”
“Huh?” You looked up at him, glancing down at his arm to see your handprint dented into the vibranium. “Oh shit! I am so sorry! Let me fix that.” With a wave of your hand and a swirl of violet around your fingers, you fixed the dent in Bucky’s arm as if nothing ever happened to it.
Once Sam saw that you were completely fine, he turned to Zemo. “So, why don’t you tell us about where we’re going?”
“I’m sorry. I was just fascinated by this. I don’t know what to call it, but this part seems to be important. Who is Nakajima?” Zemo pulled out a small leather book which looked like the exact same one Steve had.
You jolted back in your chair as Bucky charged at Zemo, grabbing him by the neck and snatching the book back.
Your eyes widened at the commotion in front of you. “Yo! Can you guys chill out?”
“If you touch that again, I’ll kill you.” Bucky threatened him before going back to his seat.
“I’m sorry. I understand that list of names. People you’ve wronged as the Winter Soldier.”
“Don’t push it.”
“I’ve seen that book.” Sam commented. “It was Steve’s when he came out of the ice. I told him about Trouble Man. He wrote it in that book. Did you hear it? What’d you think?”
“I like 40s music, so....”
“You didn’t like it?” Sam gave him an offended look.
“I liked it.”
“It is a masterpiece, James. Complete. Comprehensive. It captures the African-American experience.” Zemo elaborated to the conversation.
“He’s out of line, but he’s right. It’s great. Everybody loves Marvin Gaye.”
“I like Marvin Gaye.” James responded.
“Steve adored Marvin Gaye. And y/n likes him too, don’t you y/n?” Sam now turned to you.
“Hm? Oh yeah, he’s great! Hendrix was pretty awesome too. Saw him in Woodstock, super chill dude to jam out on the guitar with by the way. I may or may not have dropped acid there.” You added the last part to yourself, though Sam overheard it and gave you a judgmental look, to which you looked at him, mouthing how it was only one time.
“You must have really looked up to Steve.” Zemo voiced. “But I realized something when I met him. The danger with people like him, America’s Super Soldiers, is that we put them on pedestals.”
“Watch your step, Zemo.”
“They become symbols.” Zemo continued to make his point. “Icons. And then we start to forget about their flaws. From there, cities fly, innocent people die. Movements are formed, wars are fought. You remember that, right? As a young soldier sent to Germany to stop a mad icon. Do we want to live in a world full of people like the Red Skull?”
As Zemo spoke, you thought about how many of your people looked up to your father and brother, and even Hera. How many of them saw them as their beloved gods and saviors, these righteous and glorious beings. But you were there and witnessed what happened behind closed doors, you were a product of that, a product of their faults and imperfections. And as those memories came rushing back to you, so did the pain of the scars it left behind. You could still feel the tenderness of the long scar on your face left by Ares, and the number of ones that were scattered on your back like a pile of jagged twigs, leaving behind a grisly form of artwork.
“That is why we’re going to Madripoor.” Zemo finished.
You lifted your head up at the mention of the place, jerking your head towards Zemo. Well you were right about how you weren’t going to like the new destination.
Tag List: @girl-obsessed-with-things @aerynchromie @sunshinepower17 @viviace @kakimakiloh @thebivirgin @gambitsqueen @spookycereal-s @lulu-yuming @mochminnie @gabitanaka47 @s00nhi @vanteguccir @tomhollandsslilslut @dracoxxyoflam @suchababie @uhhhcrypticbastard @on-my-way-to-erebor @thewinterrbucky
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teamxdark · 3 years
I still want to post anything at all so. Here's the first unedited chapter of SatCK.
Also, once it's done, would people rather it all be posted at once, or a chapter a day? Let me know!
The clouds loomed low, obscuring the sun and showering the world in gray as a lone raven landed on the bones of a long-dead animal. He tapped his beak to the skull, as though to test the hardiness of the material, his eyes flashing with what might have been a sense of superiority before he looked back at the empty dirt path that cut through the grass and took off into the air.
The path did not remain empty for long; a girl ran along it just a moment later, her long purple cloak drawn closely over herself and her boots kicking up dust as she ran. In her hands, she clutched a staff tightly to her chest, which heaved with exertion as the girl kept running, occasionally glancing over her shoulder to see if she was being followed.
At first, everything looked peaceful and devoid of life behind her, and her shoulders relaxed just a fraction.
Then, from the endless gray that covered the land, dark creatures spawned from the shadows, transforming from dark spots with glowing magenta eyes to massive beasts of all kinds, both landbound and flying, burly and nimble, and all clad in faded, heavy armor while wielding great blades that glinted dully, even with the lack of sunlight.
The girl stopped as she realized that she was trapped, while from a nearby tree, the raven watched calmly. As the monstrous warriors surrounded the girl from all sides, the bird took flight, swooping high up into air before dropping down, and in the blink of an eye, he transformed.
One minute, there was a raven in the air. The next moment, a pair of black metal boots touched the earth, and the imposing figure of a man in heavy armor stood at full height before the frightened girl. He approached her, drawing his blade, his eyes glowing through the slits in his helmet as he approached, promising death. In the air, thick with tension, his voice cut through, clear and full of malice.
“This is the end for you and your treason. I will see to that myself.”
The girl’s hands trembled as they fumbled with her staff, then steadied themselves with a great show of effort. The girl took a deep breath, forcing down her nerves, and struck the ground with the magical artifact, summoning forth its magical properties as she began to chant, summoning a blue light all around her that had the armored beasts recoiling and the man with the sword halting in his tracks.
That was all she needed to finish her spell.
“O brave knight, swift as the wind! Heed my call!” she implored, looking up at the sky as though the answer to her troubles would fall before her. From all around her, the cyan light glowed bright, until it exploded upwards, a column of magical might, piercing through the clouds and striking the heavens, leaving a sole spot of light in the otherwise gloomy sky.
And something did, indeed, fall down to her, and it fell with a scream that cut itself short as the being, a blue hedgehog, faceplanted in the dirt road.
This wasn’t what Sonic had been expecting out of today.
He lifted his face, shaking away the gravel, and scrambled to his feet, scampering forward until he caught one chilidog that, like him, fell from above, and then leapt in the other direction to catch the second one just before it hit the ground. Sonic sighed in relief, bringing himself back to his feet and taking a look around.
“Hey… where am I?”
The sound of footstep behind him prompted him to turn around, and he saw the girl approach him, her eyes widening and her lips parting as she looked upon him. For a second, no words came from her, but she appeared to find her tongue quickly. “Being from a distant world, forgive my abrupt summons!” She knelt beside him, still shaking from her run, and slid her hood down, revealing delicate features and long, pointed ears.
That’s not something you see every day on a human…
Movement from over her shoulder distracted Sonic from the girl’s unusual ears, prompting him to look over at the group of beasts in armor, which were beginning to encroach upon them. Sonic took a look behind him, beholding the armored man who stood stock-still, beholding him without a word, his shadowy aura growing thick around him.
Sonic let out a chuckle, quickly finishing off one of the chilidogs in his hands. It didn’t seem like he would be having lunch with Amy after all, but he couldn’t let such a delicacy go to waste. Making a mental note to apologize to his friend once this was over and maybe reschedule the whole thing, Sonic tossed the second chilidog to his other hand, spinning it idly around as he spoke to the girl. “Oh, I get it,” he reassured her. “No problem! I’m used to stuff like this!”
Enemies all around? Overwhelming sense of dread? Tension in the air so thick you could choke on it?
He was called in to fight and rescue this girl, he was sure of it.
With a grin, he threw his snack up high into the air and dashed off, leaving behind a gust of wind as powerful as a shockwave. He vaguely heard the girl gasp as he ran through the cluster of armored enemies, creating another shockwave that, to his surprise, made them evaporate without any more fuss. Sonic pushed the surprise away 一 there was bound to be a reason why, and it wasn’t like he had to know it now or anything 一 and refocused on returning to his spot, catching the chilidog before it was anywhere close to the ground.
He glanced back at the girl, who was staring at him with open astonishment, her hand in front of her mouth and her eyes wide. Sonic allowed himself a small, self-satisfied smirk at demonstrating his abilities so cleanly, then turned back toward the last enemy, the armored man, who still hadn’t moved from his spot and was still staring at him.
Sonic began spinning his snack around again. “Don’t forget to blink,” he taunted, and finally, the man moved, bringing his sword 一 a bright, golden blade that didn’t match his dark getup at all 一 up and before him. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen a face like yours,” the man said, pointing the tip of the blade at Sonic.
“Yeah, I’m not surprised. You’ve got all that armor in front of your eyes! How about I knock it away and you can get a real good look--”
“No, you mustn’t!”
A hand grabbed tightly over his arm, stunning him enough that he fumbled with his free hand and sent his chilidog tumbling to the ground. Sonic looked from his ruined treat to the girl who stopped him as she swung her staff before them both, causing a vortex of dirt and wind to surround them. As Sonic felt himself begin to get pulled away, he reached out a hand to his fallen treat and the final enemy that he had yet to even try to defeat, but it was all in vain. The armored man charged forward, but his sword only struck empty air.
The man cursed under his breath, turning away from the vanishing point and walking a few paces away, crushing the chilidog underneath one of his boots without a second thought. “She’s slipped away from me again,” he growled, the dark aura around him growing stronger. “And now she has an ally of the worst kind…”
The man kicked at the ground, wiping some of the remains of meat and beans away as he did so, and wasted no more time in jumping into the air and transforming back into a raven, shedding a single feather as he soared away, over hills and valleys, clearing a town and swooping over the outer wall of a magnificent castle, landing before five people standing in wait, clad in polished, presentable armor. He transformed back into his true form, and all five knelt before him, bowing their heads without hesitation.
My knights...
For just a moment, the man’s gaze swept over the five before him, something akin to pride sparking deep within him, before the feeling extinguished itself as quickly as it came, leaving nothing but coldness in its wake.
“She’s escaped me again, but I shall continue to give chase,” he informed them, seeing a few ears perk up as he spoke. “At this point, I cannot stand another day knowing that she evades me. Spread out, and slay her on sight. I no longer care if it is by my hand or not.”
Five heads nodded, still bowed, and the man felt satisfied until he remembered the other important piece of information.
“She has recruited an ally, a magical warrior. You will know him when you see him. Do not fall for his tricks, and slay him as well. Mercy is not an option. We have no time to lose.”
With that, the man turned away and leapt into the air again, transforming back into a bird to continue his search, while behind him, the five lifted their heads and got to their feet.
“That was vague,” one spoke; a green hawk with two fanned blades.
“Hush, Brother,” another one said; a purple cat wielding a rapier. “Our king has much to handle and no time to spare. It is our duty to help shoulder his burdens as best as we can.”
“I apologize, Percival,” a third one piped up; a pale gray hedgehog with long spines, “but I must agree with Lamorak. We do not know what this ‘magical warrior’ of hers looks like!”
“More likely than not, he will be travelling with her,” yet another spat; a black hedgehog with red streaks in his fur. “If we find one, we will almost certainly find the other, and even if we don’t, our king has made it clear that we will know him when we see him. Now, let us depart.”
“But must we?” the final one asked; a red echidna with two axe-like swords. “She is the Royal Wizard, after all!”
The black hedgehog’s head snapped over, his voice taking a hard edge as he spoke. “She was the Royal Wizard, and in any case, the king’s orders are absolute, Gawain.”
“Yes, but--”
“We have been given our task,” the gray hedgehog said, walking up between them both. “If he demands that they be slain, then slain they shall be.”
This seemed to pacify the black hedgehog, who nodded once before racing off, with the gray hedgehog close behind. The one named Gawain heaved a sigh as the one named Percival approached him. “Without loyalty to the king, we are nothing,” she reminded him sternly, though the next second she looked off to the horizon, where the hedgehogs had become little more than specks. “Still, the king… he has changed,” she murmured, much softer and thoughtful. “And this kingdom…”
“That would be putting it lightly,” the one called Lamorak scoffed, nudging Percival with his shoulder, much to her annoyance. “I need no magical gifts to see that there are troubling times ahead of us. However, there is not much else for us to do.”
“Only our jobs, and to trust our king’s judgement,” Gawain finished the thought, looking at one of his blades with a resigned slump to his shoulders. “Very well. I shall not be the one to disappoint him.”
Yet even with those words, the unease did not leave the knights as they left the castle walls in search for their targets.
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shadowsfascination · 3 years
Shadamy Swordland ch 6 |
Rouge brushed the dust from her clothes after scolding Shadow about his reckless move, whose attitude remained as indifferent as ever.
“Guys?-” Amy said, trying to get their attention.
  “I knew what I was doing!”
  “Sure didn’t look the part.”
  “Guys, look!” The pink hedgehog shouted. “A floating city…?!”
  Shadow and Rouge finally paid attention to her, turning their heads to look at her. Amy walked towards the end of a cliff and bent over to the edge to overlook the place they ended up on. Multiple sandstone paths winded across the skies along floating, vine-clad buildings with spiralling paths around them, leading to the top. Shadow joined her, hooking a finger behind her belt to keep her from a potential fall into the depths he couldn’t see the end of.
“It’s so beautiful… We should have a date here sometime.” Amy dreamily glanced at Shadow.
Rouge whistled, impressed by their discovery. She flew to the closest floating pathway across from the others and created a connecting road between them, closing the gap so they could cross. Amy ran forward to the path and yanked Shadow along with her, who had forgotten he was still hooked on her belt. The male tumbled onto her, his weight pressing on her, making her falter. He quickly unhooked his finger from her belt and curled his arm behind her back to catch her.
  “Gotcha. You need to start watching your back more if you still want that date, Rose.”
 Meanwhile elsewhere on a floating island above the sky-high ruin befallen floating city the three had set foot on, an echidna picked up the slightest of vibes of a familiar energy. He rested against the stone stairway that led to an altar, his eyes closed as he concentrated on the waves of energy that unexpectedly drifted among the upward winds. He rose and walked towards the bridge that connected the floating island to the city below.
  ‘Knuckles’, the guardian’s name, attempted to seize some shards of green energy that whirled up to the island, but couldn’t get a hold of it. They flew off in different directions, escaping the grasp of his hands. He doubted for a second.
  “No, I’m sure of it. This has to be Chaos Energy!”
  The quizzical expression however didn’t leave his face for the gemstones he was guarding were right here with him. They were the only thing he’d ever seen that could produce this type of energy waves. He was more than familiar with the stories of special Mobians possessing a strange power that could either use or produce Chaos Energy, but never saw one before.
“Guess it’s time for me to test out that sacred art skill.”
 Every new-born member of the designated guardian family inherited a sacred art skill called ‘vision’ when they’d been given a name. After the naming ceremony, which would secure the bond between the Master Emerald and the future guardian, the skill would develop along with them as they grew up.
  The ‘vision’ allowed them to sense Chaos Energy up to a 15 mile radius around them. It also gave them the ability to ‘jump’ into an image, zooming in on it like a telescope. The most important thing about it though was that the guardians could make the entire island temporarily invisible to hide it from outsiders.
  Knuckles rapidly blinked three times in a row, activating the skill and zoomed in on the source of the Chaos energy. Taking in three Mobians he saw walking on the floating paths of the Sky Sanctuary he gasped with unease. The black one made him recall something like he recognized him.
 “He looks like…-”
 He ran back to the altar and quickly scanned the murals on it, his eyes widening at the shocking resemblance of the images and the Mobian strolling on the floating pathways below him. He looked at the black male again.
 “It is him! But why? What’s he doing here? I’d better keep an eye on them.”
 The guardian decided to track them from the island and casted a spell to turn the island invisible, not letting his curiosity getting the best of him.
  “So, what will you do when you’ve obtained the emerald, Rouge?” Shadow asked.
  “I’ll take it to the man who’s willing to help me, like I told you.”
  “What does he plan to do with it?”
  ‘He’s getting a little too interested in this. I’d better distract him.’ Rouge thought.
  “Don’t you know it’s rude to ask so many questions?”
  The bat acted overly insulted only to bump into Amy next when she wasn’t paying attention of what was ahead of her. The pink hedgehog had stopped walking without warning and the others immediately understood why. Unmistakably present was the amount of Chaos spores in the air ahead of them, leading upwards. Amy took a step forward.
  “What do you think you’re doing?” Rouge yelled.
  “What?! I’m going up there! To that floating island.” Amy pointed upward.
  “Floating island?” Shadow questioned.
  “Sweetie, I don’t see anything up there. Maybe we should call it a day.”
  “How- how can you NOT see it?! It’s right there! Look!”
  Seeing the other’s puzzled expressions Amy finally believed they really didn’t see what she in fact saw: a bridge leading to a floating island. That’s where all the chaos energy’s concentrated. How could they not see it? Especially with their sacred arts levels higher than hers.
  “It’s really there! I’m telling you it’s real. I’m not crazy, okay!”
  Shadow and Rouge first glanced at each other with a kind of concern before shifting their gaze at Amy.
  “I don’t rule out that there’s something up there, okay? But let’s call it a day and go back here another time. “ Rouge said.
  “Agreed.” Shadow added.
  “Fine. I’ll show you when we get back here.”
  After Amy and Shadow parted from Rouge they walked back to the academy in the dark. It had started snowing again and a bleak breeze flared up, dusting up the snow in tiny, cold whirlwinds of powdery snow. Before Shadow waved his student goodbye and paced on to his home, he told her to get a good night of sleep before the sword fight tournament tomorrow. He hoped she wouldn’t be too tired from today’s events. Bending over to the flower pot next to the front door to pick up his keys from underneath it, he suddenly felt someone’s hands on his shoulders.
  “You and I need to talk!”
  His fellow knight hissed at him while dragging him into the shadows of the alley next to the hedgehog’s house. Blaze yanked Shadow towards her, their metal breastplates clanking at their touch. The cat pulled him up by the little chest-fur that managed to pop out from under his armour, poking a finger in his muzzle. Her eyes fiercely glanced at his own crimson ones.
  “Why are you still hanging out with her? On your day-off that is. Don’t you understand how this will add to the already existing rumours?”
  He pushed her away and stepped back. “What’s your problem?! It’s dark and no one’s even here.”
  “I am. I caught onto it. Someone else might as well.”
  “We have been training in the woods today in preparation of the tournament tomorrow. I have nothing to hide apart from my trainee’s excellent swordfight skills, that is.”
  “It doesn’t look like that, Shadow! You return in the dark after spending the day together. You’re constantly looking over your shoulder and scanning the place the entire way you’ve been walking with her as if to make sure no one catches onto you two.”
  “We’re just trying to avoid causing more rumours. I’m not even the least bit interested in her like that. I don’t care about romance, Blaze.”
  “Well, you’re clearly getting along with her. Even if what you say is true, it looks suspicious.”
  “See what you wanna see. I don’t care.”
  The lavender coloured cat grabbed his shoulders, genuine concern glistering in her eyes.
  “Care about it a little more, will you?! As a member of the high order of knights you have a reputation to uphold! We all do. Your actions might affect all of us.”
  “No need to remind me. Now stop sticking your nose in my business and worry about your own student. That hyper-annoying blue hedgehog is a real troublemaker.”
  Blaze’s face showed a variety of changing expressions at Shadow’s statement. Sonic was an adventurous spirit with an impulsive nature and when he felt it was needed, he turned out to be a true rebel at heart. It often lead Blaze to the board’s office to apologize on behalf of him when Sonic refused to. Her cheeks coloured a bright pink, all much to Shadow’s amusement.
  “That’s… beside the point right now! I propose the idea that you two will only train inside the training facilities and domes for a while, so you’d be in si-“.
  “Rejected. It’ll disadvantage her in battle. Amy has as much right to develop her fighting style in secret as anyone else.”
  “If you truly have nothing to hide, this shouldn’t be a problem.”
  He shrugged himself free of her hold.
  “This conversation’s over. Good night, Blaze.”
 “Hey Ames!”
  Sonic excitedly waved at his pink friend when spotting her entering the Ruby Dome’s dressing room. He walked up to her, tossing her towel to her. Amy caught it with ease and wiped the sweat from her forehead while gulping down a glass of water.
  “Ah, thanks! I needed that. Are you up next?”
  “Sure am. How did your matches go?”
  “I’ve won every single one of them.” Amy smiled like a victor.
  The blue hedgehog gave her a thumb’s up while holding the door open for her to enter the main battlefield in the dome. Shadow and Blaze greeted their students and Amy proudly told her friend and trainer how she’d won all of her matches today. The cat expressed her gleeful surprise about Shadow and Amy’s secluded training session the other day, only to display the suspicion in her jade eyes.
  “That’s me! Wish me luck, will you?”
  “Good luck, Sonic!”
  As Amy watched Sonic enter the battlefield, she saw Shadow enter after him. She’d completely forgotten Shadow competed against the seniors today. Amy knew very well that both Sonic and Shadow were crazily fast and both had outstanding sword and dodging skills. It was still likely for Shadow to win, but every spectator today knew this match ought to be very interesting.
  Both hedgehogs had that peculiar look on their faces with a certain grin curling their lips and a certain seriousness in their eyes. Amy couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy. She took a seat next to Blaze whom she felt had a similar nervousness over her. Amy said a little prayer in her thoughts that Blaze wouldn’t start questioning her about Shadow. She felt guilty enough already as it was for lying to her.
  “Good luck Sonic, you’ll need it” Shadow challenged him.
  “Heh, we’ll see about that.”
  Sonic’s grin widened and he scratched his nose. They nodded once at the referee, readying themselves at his countdown. The way the hedgehogs’ body language showed the energy inside them made it more than obvious both had long anticipated a match like this. At the sound of the ringing bell the two dashed forward, racing towards their opponent, leaving a cloud of dust behind.
  Confidently preparing for the incoming impact of their swords clashing against one another, Shadow neared his opponent, effortlessly matching his speed. Searching for an open spot to strike, the two hedgehogs closed in on each other. Sonic’s eyes fixed on Shadow’s sword to block his upcoming strike.
  Within the last two or three steps away from him, he felt his heart jolt inside his chest, his eyes drawn to their swords. The spectators screamed enthusiastically behind them. The small piece of emerald on the handgrip of Shadow’s sword flared with light as he dashed forward. The air filled with thousands of tiny turquoise fireflies, which Amy now knew were actually Chaos spores.
  “Oh boy… “ Amy squeaked, holding her breath.
  “You’ve seen this stuff before?” Blaze asked.
  “Errr, yes! It’s some sort of energy.”
  The metal swords clanked against each other with tremendous impact when Sonic blocked his opponent’s strike. His sword suddenly blazed like Shadow’s after their touch, creating a large bolt of nasty bright light. Like he had hit the break at once everything just stopped around them, totally frozen in time. He was only able to move his eyes and shifted his gaze from his sword to Shadow. The black hedgehog looked back at him, clearly experiencing the same thing.
  In the blink of an eye a small emerald was laid in the handgrip of his sword, blazing as fiercely as Shadow’s. It sent a powerful rush through his body before the frozen world came back alive again. The bolt of light swung them high into the air, smashing them down on the opposite sides of the battlefield with a loud crash. Neither of them moved. Clouds of dust formed above the place the hedgehogs crashed into the ground while the crowd gasped in shock in the stands behind them.
Pfff this took me long enough. I’m actually not at all satisfied with this chaper. I feel like it’s a little stiff. Bleh. I just don’t know how to write it differently.  This always happens though. Somewhere along the process of writing a story I start to dislike what I write because it lacks decent quality imo...  AAAAHH! 
Anyway here it is! I still hope the ppl who do read it enjoy it. As always: annoying drammar mishaps/typos or tips and thoughts are welcome. Be friendly though :) Just message me.
I’m also working on a couple of oneshots and drawings. In between now and June I’ll be busy making a portrait of my grandpa who passed away in november (he had covid). I promised my grandma I’ll make her a painting of him for her birthday in june. 
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The air here was cold.... almost as cold as the Hierarchical Cities of his old world. Kazuma had found himself in the Kingdom of Legnica about a month ago and quickly made the decision to head north towards Gusteko. As soon as he awoke in this new world he had parsed his own mind for what he could 'remember' about it. Key figures, places, how many times had that boy died at this point, 30? Never the less that meant Kazuma need not get involved with them directly, so to Gusteko he had gone.
Kazuma had been watching waiting for a certain group to arrive Having taken a seat in a more open area of Inorandum, The would had reset a few times since he had arrived... it was bothersome but not something he hadn't prepared for... but the resets would not happen again for a while... so now was the time to attempt to contact the Witch of Greed... She should be here right? His serpentine gaze scanned all the passerby's before seeing a small body of one most would call Omega. He waited until the petite girl got within ear shot and spoke up "Pardon  me miss... I was hoping we could speak. I believe we may be able to help each other to an extent Echidna." he said as the girl passed by him knowing that name would likely give her pause. Until that point Kazuma had likely blended into the background, gone unnoticed and completely overlooked. This wasn't by accident, he had hidden his presence with a concealment spell, and a powerful one at that.  
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The Mage looked at the witch, his gaze was as if a serpent was watching her hidden in a patch of grass, almost daring her to risk approaching. Of course... he wasn't trying to come off as foreboding his face tended to just have an air of danger to it which he had a hard time hiding. "Have a seat with me..." he continued with a smile "You are the only one who can hear me right now... I don't like prying eyes on me... and there are those in this world who, like you, are very nosey."
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jflashandclash · 4 years
Tales from Mount Othrys
Alabaster: The Delicate Dance of Chance II
 Author’s note: Are you ready for fluff??? ALL THE FLUFF?! And some angst—BUT MOSTLY FLUFF!?
              Alabaster didn’t remember much about getting off the stage. He did remember shaking so violently that he feared missing a step on the side stairs. When the crowd swarmed them, he was vaguely aware of Pax warding them off and navigating them through the mass of people.
           Axel made some announcement about taking a girl for the first dance and snatched the hand of Charlie—their five year old mascot—who giggled with glee. This caused an uproar—both that Axel was dancing and that he’d picked Charlie as his first partner. Alabaster could practically hear Lucille’s future squeals about how cute it was.
           But, that’s all he could recollect. There was a blank spot, where Alabaster must have shut down from the humiliation and horror of being on stage without any warning. Coherence came when Pax shoved Alabaster to the punch table.
           With a few comments that Alabaster didn’t hear, Pax diverted the remaining admirers. Several monsters and campers were still glancing their way, and a few of his siblings waved at him enthusiastically. But, this was manageable. This was distant.
           Pax shoved a plastic cup of punch into Alabaster’s trembling hand. His touch lingered over Alabaster’s fingers for a moment, likely noticing the quiver. Pax went on his tiptoes to whisper in Alabaster’s ear, as quiet as he could while still being heard over the music. “Your Mist show was amazing.”
           Alabaster jerked back.
           He wanted to hit Pax. Though, he knew it was misdirected anger. Who he should be hitting was Matthias or Jack, who likely planned the grand entrance on stage. Or—
           The music increased in volume, encouraging shouts of delirium. Monsters and campers tangled on the dance floor. Alabaster had never been to a school dance, but this looked like the nightmare version of what he assumed one would be. They were in a gymnasium with a stage on one end. Tables were scattered along the walls for food, drink and loitering. The back had interactive games, like Pin the Sword in the Demigod: Camp Half-Blood Edition. The center was reserved for dancing.
           And, in the middle of that dance floor was Axel Pax, bowing to a thrilled, giggling five-year-old. He handed Charlie off to Chris (likely with strict instructions to escort her off the dance floor, least she be crushed by mingling Cyclopes). Then he turned a smile to Lucille. With the smooth demeanor of a vampiric count, he transferred into the next dance. No one was going to say no to the attractive, typically reserved, stoic and heroic character.
           The reserved, stoic and heroic character that caused that nonsense on stage. While Alabaster wouldn’t have been up there if it wasn’t for Jack or Matthias, Axel had forced him into panicked improvisation and showmanship.
           “I must disgrace Axel Pax,” he growled.
           Pax startled. Over the edge of his plastic cup, he said, “I’m not sure what maniacal soliloquy you had internally, but the rest of the audience is still confused.”
           Alabaster snorted. “I’m going to punish your brother. Maybe I can tell Lucille to spread the word that he’s looking for a male partner.”
           Pax laughed. He set his cup back on the table and drummed his fingers beside it. “Oh, dancing with boys won’t bother him.”
           Axel paused twirling Lucille in front of her girlfriend, Echidna. Echidna wasn’t the daughter of Summanus’ (the god of nocturnal thunder’s) real name, but Pax’s nickname caught because of her prickly personality. Despite this, when Axel offered, and Lucille shoved Echidna towards him, she begrudgingly accepted the dance. She shot a quick glance at Charlie. This was incredible progress—she couldn’t get within ten feet of men a year ago or be separated from Charlie for more than a few seconds.
           Alabaster tore his eyes from Axel and examined Pax skeptically. From what he’d seen, Axel had all the traits, and the cultural background, to be homophobic.
           The thirteen-year-old shrugged. “This isn’t exactly a no dancing with people wearing the same underwear kinda place.”
           A preliminary glance around proved there were girls dancing with girls and boys dancing with boys. It was with such commonality that the gesture seemed to mean nothing about their inclination. Alabaster wasn’t sure how that worked here, since that would have been a social taboo in his Cotillion classes.
           Pax’s smile became distant and sad as he watched Axel save Echinda from tripping all over herself. Pax leaned against the drink table. “Besides, between the circus and our sister, he had to learn not to care. She was a crossdresser and made sure we were comfortable with all sorts of people.”
           Opening up twice in one night, Alabaster mused. They hardly spoke of their siblings, other than that Pax missed them. Their near death experience must have made Pax feel more relaxed around Alabaster. The younger boy seemed to have something on his mind recently. Alabaster often caught Pax zoning out in the laboratory, staring at Alabaster’s sleeve or spell book. Alabaster had wondered if it was for a prank.
           The smile on Pax’s lips quirked into a smirk. His eyes focused back on the present. “Axel doesn’t favor dancing with boys though, unlike me,” he said, giving Alabaster a wink.
           Alabaster snorted. “Stop messing around.”
           Pax looked away and popped his cheeks. He straightened his posture, released the table, and turned towards Alabaster. “I want to have fun at this party. Your whole vengeance on my brother for ambiguous reasons—”
           “Humiliating me—”
           “--that’s villainy and great and stuff, but I don’t want you on it all night. You’ve got his weakest link right here.” Pax pointed both his thumbs at himself. “But I’m not going to help you brainstorm ideas unless you really try to have fun tonight. Now let’s go stuff our faces with Nachos and show Morpheus how to really dance.”
           Alabaster stared at him. “We have two different definitions of ‘fun.’ The most probable outcome to incur enjoyment is seeking vengeance.”
           Pax pouted. He glanced down the refreshments table. “You’re my babysitter. I going to make a  bee line to the first nut-based desert I see and shove it into my mouth if we don’t go play on Matthias’ Wii , and it’ll be your fault.”
           “I won’t save you from anaphylactic shock if you do that,” Alabaster said. He frowned. Pax would be integral to bringing Axel down. And they were stuck here for at least another hour-and-a-half.
           “What’s the best game on Matthias’ Wii ?” Alabaster asked.
             Alabaster wanted to complain about Mario Party’s reliance on a random number generator and how it devalued the skill level of the player, but that would require him to admit he relied on that random number generator to win. When playing against actual gamers like Matthias and Chris, he knew there would be little hope in him winning in something like Super Smash or Tekken.
           Out of the games they played, his favorite was poker. All magic was legal. He won Pax ten Reese’s Sticks before Prometheus came over and threatened his reigning championship. Alabaster’s “pallor tricks” didn’t seem to work as well on the Titan and Prometheus’s bluffing skills were godly. Well, titanly.
           Pax decided Prometheus’s impending win meant he needed to eat all of his candy at once, something Alabaster suspected he’d regret in about ten minutes.
           Once the Cyclops bouncer wrestled the last six Reese’s Sticks from Pax, he hopped to Alabaster’s side. His brown and hazel eyes twinkled while he rubbed the chocolate and peanut butter off his chin.
           Alabaster didn’t realize he’d been smirking with each his wins. Between Pax’s excitement and cheering and Alabaster’s strategizing, he’d forgotten where they were.
           Pax snagged Alabaster’s sleeve. “Come on!” he cried before Prometheus could gloat. The tuxedo-wearing Titan spread his long, thin fingers over the cards as Pax dragged Alabaster away from the table.
           Once they stumbled from the game sector, Pax stopped short. He gave Alabaster a huge grin, pulling up his shirt to reveal two Reese’s Sticks hidden along his beltline.
           Alabaster snorted. “I’m surprised you didn’t steal more.”
           Pax winked and dropped his shirt. “We could go back for round two later. For now…” He took a few steps further onto the dance floor, tugging Alabaster’s sleeve again.
           Alabaster’s tranquility shattered. He stared at Pax, listening to the thud of the subwoofer and watching the mass of bodies moving behind the Belizean boy.
           Alabaster hadn’t realized it, and he would never admit to it, but he’d been having fun. At the thought of merging into that flowing blob of people, monsters, sweat, and social anxiety, fun evaporated. Cold sweat formed on his brow.
           “No,” he said, yanking his arm back from Pax.
           The younger boy’s pout returned. “I’m going to make you a shirt that says that.”[1]
           They stood there, others swirling around them. Someone bumped their shoulders while running by, shouting, “Don’t be lame and have no shame! Warlock, creep out of your lair, dance, and have fun!”
           His face went hot with humiliation. When Alabaster raised his wrist to check the time, he found his fist clenched. An hour had passed while they were playing games. Had the passerbyer’s mockery not bothered him so much, he might have marveled over how fast the first hour went. He assumed it would be agonizing.
           But, he could tell the next hour would be much worse. He thought about his laboratory and how much he could get done while everyone else was out. After the Roman attack, everyone should have been working to move and restore the building, not throwing a party “in their honor.”
           “This is just a thinly veiled excuse for everyone to feel good about acting like idiots,” Alabaster said. “And a waste of time.”
           Alabaster couldn’t remember how Pax got him to play along with this stupid party. Then, it came back: Axel forcing him into showmanship. The humiliation turned to anger. He didn’t need the younger Pax brother to concoct something against Axel. “I’m heading back to camp,” Alabaster said.
           He turned to leave. Pax frantically grabbed his arm. “Wait!” Pax shouted. “Wait—we were having—you’re my babysitter!  I’ll choke on tree nuts and get kidnapped by bad guys if you’re not around!”
           Considering Pax’s ward, Jack, was a schizophrenic with a history of attacking his family, Alabaster thought his concept of “bad guys” was a bit skewed.
           Alabaster scowled. “Ajax, you’re thirteen. You’re too old for a babysitter. Grow up.”  
           Pax’s eyes widened. The rims reddened. He blinked rapidly and looked away. “We don’t have to dance,” he whispered.
           Alabaster yanked his arm back again. “This isn’t dancing. This isn’t music. This is a group of unskilled buskers following a formula to produce ‘musical’ garbage because people don’t know how to express their hormones without it.”
           Shock wove their mouths shut.
           Musical garbage.
           Someone else had said that around Alabaster. He remembered sitting in the back of the family’s Mercedes Bends, visiting his father in the hospital.  The chauffer cheerfully turned on music for them. His grandfather fired the chauffer, saying what Alabaster had said: that this type of music was a cheap replica of what real musicians could create.
           Just like his grandfather thought Alabaster’s magic was a cheap replica of science that couldn’t save his father.
           Alabaster couldn’t believe he’d quoted that horrible man verbatim.
           At the “buskers” comment, Pax flinched. Although they’d never told Alabaster directly, Alabaster had guessed that Axel and Pax busked, or illegally street preformed, to get by before Camp Othrys. And Alabaster just used it as an insult.
           “Ajax,” Alabaster unfroze his tongue, “I’m sorr—”
           Pax turned and bolted into the mass of dancers, towards the stage. A couple nearby exchanged a confused glance at his passing and looked over at Alabaster.
           “Ajax!” Alabaster called. Although every cell in his nervous system wanted to reel backwards, he shoved past the couple to go after his friend.
           After taking ten steps forward, Alabaster realized that finding Pax would be impossible. There were too many people, too much movement, and Pax was too small and conniving. Considering how many monsters and demigods were over six feet tall, the five-foot-nothing demigod could vanish.
           This was irrational. Alabaster shouldn’t worry. Pax was in a safe environment, surrounded by friends, and didn’t actually need a babysitter. They would meet back up later, after both of them had time to let off some steam, and Alabaster could explain that he didn’t mean what he said and that Alabaster had only said those words because he… because he…
           Is so incompetent at relaxing, I couldn’t rationally explain my anxiety before snapping.
           Alabaster didn’t want to wait to check up on Pax. He despised the thought of making someone feel the way his grandfather used to make him feel. Worse for Pax: what if his and Axel’s father didn’t approve of their street performance? Alabaster didn’t know what nerves he’d struck, and not knowing meant he couldn’t mentally prepare for what damage he’d done.
           There were too many people, too close. The music had grown louder as Alabaster made his way towards the stage. The subwoofer rattled him internally. Alabaster felt clammy. With all the laughter and joy whirling around him, he felt isolated and sick. Especially with the stares of confusion at his rushed passing.
           A sense of hopelessness threatened to overwhelm him when the music quieted.
           With the weirdest transition he’d ever heard, the thud of electronic wound down, like the music itself was dying. The DJ, a dark-haired Titaness wearing a modernized toga-dress, cleared her throat in the echo of the mic. The Eldest muse—Mnemosyne’s voice was silky. “Ladies and Gentlemen, Monsters and Ghouls, we have our first good request of the night!”
           Pax withdrew from the raised DJ booth and hopped back to the floor, only three yards away.
           After the chime of bells, the calming sound of a stringed orchestra flooded the speakers, soon accompanied by a wind instrument—probably a flute.  
           Several demigods groaned. One or two whined. Alabaster was horrified at what Pax had done to the rest of the party’s occupants and whether or not Mnemosyne had been mocking him.
           Then, all the monsters cheered.
           “I love the oldies!” Dr. Thorn, their local manticore, exclaimed. He ejected two spikes into the air in celebration, grabbed a Scythian dracaena, and began the elegant twirl of the waltz. Alabaster didn’t want to know where those spikes would land.[2]
           Alabaster would hardly call Tchaikovsky an “oldie” but he marveled that these monsters were eternal and their concept of time differed from their own.
           While several half-bloods exited the dance floor, a flood of monsters entered. Jack dragged a rather inebriated-looking Luke out to spin with him. Chris and Matthias hopped by, paused, grabbed hold of each other with mock-serious expresses on their faces, and began a goofy, sloppy shamble.[3] Prometheus ruffled Pax’s hair and said, “Good choice,” before bowing to Mnemosyne.
           Their DJ grinned, set her headphones to the side of the sound table, and hopped down from the booth.
            In an empty space of floor, Lucille giggled. She kicked off her high heels, hopped up to her toes, and began to dance point, her flowy skirt mimicking the motions of a ballerina’s tutu.
           Near the food tables, where most of the confused demigods had gone to stand, Axel bowed to Mercedes, offering their Spymaster his hand. Mercedes tucked her embroidered hijab tighter against her chin. She gave Axel a coy smile and flicked him off with her other hand.
           Axel must have just finished dancing with Lou Ellen. She stood beside Mercedes, still bright red in the face from the dance. Alabaster was already annoyed with the inevitable week of Lou Ellen’s squealing. She glanced at Mercedes, glared at the older girl—from jealousy or aghast at Mercedes’ refusal, Alabaster couldn’t care to tell—and shoved her forward, hard.
           Mercedes stumbled forward into Axel’s arms, adding a second forced dance to Axel’s count for the night.
           With all the commotion around them, Alabaster approached Pax. He paused a foot away from him. “Why’d you pick this song?” he asked.
           Pax rubbed his face against his forearm, sniffling back the last of his choked tears. “You—you play it a lot when you think other people aren’t around.”
           Alabaster unclenched his fist. “It was my grandmother’s favorite scene from Swan Lake.” One of his favorite memories: when she was alive, she would hum along as she stained glass in the piano room. His grandfather hated that she used the room like that, but she claimed it had the best lighting.
           “If you were going to leave, I wanted to make sure you at least liked the last song playing before you left,” Pax said. He looked away, hugging himself.
           All the tension eased out of Alabaster. He sighed and wasn’t sure if he was more relieved that Pax had stopped crying or annoyed that Pax had beat him—Alabaster couldn’t leave with such a considerate act.
           “How many people know how to waltz here, you think? That aren’t monsters, I mean. It might be hard to find a partner,” Alabaster said.
           Pax took a step closer. He puffed up his cheeks, popped them, then quietly said, “I know how to waltz.” He offered a trembling hand out, palm down in the female partner position, to Alabaster.
           Alabaster stared. Slowly, he glanced to where Jack and Luke were dancing and Chris and Matthias were… he refused to call that a dance, but awkwardly shambling. It wouldn’t be too weird, right? Everyone knew Luke was a ladies’ man, and Jack and Flynn were a “thing,” and Chris and Matthias were just joking…
            And Lucille, after all, was doing a ballet pas seul with a cheering circle around her like she was break dancing.
           Alabaster exhaled and took Pax’s hand. He slipped his other hand under Pax’s arm, and positioned it on Pax’s shoulder blade. Pax violently shook as he lowered his free arm atop Alabaster’s. Pax was the perfect height for this, being a foot shorter than Alabaster.
           That busker comment must have stung Pax worse than Alabaster thought. To have him shaking like this? He frowned, taking a slow step forward with his left foot. He expected Pax to stumble and mix up his footing. Instead, Pax flawlessly stepped back with his right foot.
           They started with a basic box step. He wasn’t sure how much Pax would remember from his Cotillion classes or how easily Pax would be able to reverse the footwork to follow instead of lead. When Alabaster added in a rotation to their box step, and then lifted his elbow and their hands to properly shape their posture, Pax continued perfectly. When Alabaster began to go up on his toes for the “2 and 3” count of the waltz, then down onto his heels for the “1,” to give the rise and fall effect of the dance, Pax mirrored the footwork. By the time Alabaster added in the swing and sway to make the dance have a rolling effect—raising his rib cage when they went to the side, or tilting his body when they went forward or back—his curiosity had peaked.
           “You know how to follow really well,” Alabaster observed.
           The fluid and repetitive movement of the dance calmed Alabaster. This was a familiar environment. The only unusual part was dancing with a boy. Though… he supposed he’d danced with his male instructor when he was learning.
           Pax had stopped shaking. Now that they were in a rhythm, Alabaster could glance down to see if Pax still had tears in his eyes.
           The younger boy was staring at Alabaster’s collar—the only part of posture he wasn’t doing correctly. His cheeks were flushed with the movement and, likely, his prior tantrum. A little grin touched his lips at Alabaster’s comment. “Thanks. You’re really good at leading.”            Alabaster raised an eyebrow at him. He’d been expecting some stupid, witty retort.
           Pax glanced up. His blush deepened and his eyes shot back down to Alabaster’s collar. “Oh! Um—Lapis and I—my sister—we used to switch places on our Cotillion teacher. Axel, Hiro, and Kouta would play along, altering our names and pronouns to fit according to the day. The instructor never knew if which one of us was a guy or a girl, and she was too scared of getting in trouble for mixing it up to ask Dad. As long as we learned both parts, she didn’t care.”
           That sounded exactly like something the Pax brothers would do.
           Examining Pax’s facial structure, Alabaster could see how the instructor could mistake Pax for a girl. He had all the features to make a convincing crossdresser: with Pax’s wild, raven hair spilling all over his shoulders, his rounded face, button nose, wide eyes, squishy cheeks, and full lips. He was a little too muscular to pass for the average woman, but Alabaster had seen some ripped female demigods and wouldn’t be shocked if Pax’s sister—Lapis?—were similar.
           With the baggy, punk-style jacket he wore, Alabaster could easily imagine Pax as some flat-chested girl half-drowned in her friend’s borrowed clothing.
           And with the thought, Alabaster felt his chest constrict. For some reason, he felt horrendously uncomfortable.
           Alabaster spun Pax out for an underarm turn.
           Nothing would change if Pax were a girl. Then, she would just be Axel’s annoying little sister, instead of an annoying little brother—one that followed Alabaster around the laboratory, cheered when he succeeded in one of his experiments, made him hand-crafted presents, and was always ready with a goofy, lame joke to try to make him laugh.
           Why couldn’t Alabaster shake the idea that something would be different?
           The song would come to an end soon. Alabaster recognized the crescendo. He hadn’t realized until then that they’d danced through two songs—now it was the Waltz of the Snowflakes. Mnemosyne must have a Tchaikovsky Waltz playlist.
           Although the last two songs had been relaxing, Alabaster was eager for the end. Something felt off and he didn’t know why. It wasn’t the same anxiety as before. No, he’d almost forgotten about the others—
           Alabaster glanced around, finding Jack had stopped dancing to watch them.
           Alabaster released Pax’s hand and took a step back half-a-second sooner than he should have according to the music. Pax stumbled, not ready to stop following.
           That goofy smile on Pax’s face widened. “It’s okay. I also get distracted thinking about life, the universe, and everything, and forget how to end a dance.”
           “Nice song choice, Ajax,” someone said beside them.
           Alabaster jumped, having forgotten how many people were around them.
           Mnemosyne climbed back into her DJ booth. The throb of electronic and modern pop thudded back into the gym. Bored demigods cheered. Dancing monsters grumbled.  
           Axel stood near them, one hand still on Mercedes’ shoulder blade. Although he’d lowered their hands from the dance, his other hand still held hers. He continued talking to Pax, giving Mercedes a half-smirk that would have made half the girls in the gym faint. “You helped me find the best dance partner in Camp Othrys,” he said.
           Mercedes did not look amused. Her expression was as deadpan as ever. A lock of curly black hair had escaped the corner of her embroidered fabric. He had to wonder if Lucille forced her into some makeup. Mercedes typically wore the simplest, plainest, and most practical clothing she could, without make up or hair accessories other than her veil.
           “Pax One,” she said to the older of the two, “you found a temporary victim of circumstance that is now going to ruin Matthias’ life in Tekken. If you’ll excuse me.” She bowed her head, as though about to vanish into shadow after a spy mission. For a split second, he thought she frowned at Pax.
           “Uh-hu,” Axel said. As soon as she removed her hands, he took a step after her. “If I win a round of Tekken against you, I win another dance.”
           Pax stared at his older brother. “Axel, you’re awesome and everything, but you’re going to get obliterated.”
           Mercedes’ head didn’t move as her eyes shifted between the two brothers. “Listen to Pax Two. He is wise… unless you’re willing to gamble information on this game.”
           The offer sounded like a threat.
           Alabaster saw a minor opportunity unfolding.
           “If you’re going to do that, you should keep Tran around,” Alabaster suggested, smirking at Axel. “Least someone consider lying.”[4]
           Mercedes let a tiny smile slip. “The child of Aletheia, Goddess of Truth. Thanks, Torrington.” She nodded her appreciation. “Are you feeling lucky, Pax One?”
           Axel shot Alabaster a glare.
           At least he’d successfully started his revenge on the older Mayan.
           Pax tugged on Alabaster’s sleeve. “We can worry about Axel’s downfall later. Let’s get some punch and go for a walk!”
           “My downfall--?”
           “Come on!”
In two weeks (hopefully) are you ready for MORE FLUFF!?! …. And angst. AND MORE FL—oh, oh, next week is more on the angst side. *ehem* I see.
I hope you guys enjoyed! Thank you for reading :D
[1] And thus, Grumpy Cat was born.
[2] Technically, our spiky friend should be dead by now, but I didn’t know that when I originally wrote this scene and I enjoy having random spikes reigning on this parade.
Also, this was written to Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake Suite, Op. 20a, TH 219: Act 1: Waltz.
[3] Okay, I’ll finally admit it, my representation of Chris and Matthias’s whole character are based off family members. <3 you guys.
[4] Call out to my home boy, VCRx.
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kynmoonlight · 4 years
Spelling Matters [a Witcher fic]
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Spelling Matters
A cautionary tale about spelling when spelling. Geralt and Jaskier go off to hunt an Ekhidna, but that’s not what they find. Well, not exactly.
Me: Writing an entirely different fanfic, like, hmm, I’ll throw in a Witcher-verse monster I’ve heard of... Let me look up details... wait, how can a little porcupine-thing be such a threat to Geralt? I had to Fic it.
Image credits; Google search and Witcher fandom wiki. https://g.co/kgs/DTmGmV https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/Ekhidna
“What’ve you got?” Jaskier asked, crowding against Geralt’s shoulder to look at the paper the Witcher had pulled off the notice board.
“Ooh, that’s like a siren?”
“Hmm. Bigger. Stronger.”
“Um, isn’t the coast still like half a league away?”
“Mm,” Geralt agreed absently, head tilted as he took a deep breath of the westerly breeze. “Saltwater inlet not far outside town. I’m guessing that’s what ‘near Blue Marsh’ means.” He showed Jaskier the location on the notice and started walking.
“That’s not how Ekhidna is supposed to be spelled.” Jaskier pointed as he caught up.
Geralt shrugged “Not everyone is an Oxenfurt graduate.”
The “Blue Marsh” was kind of a grayish brown marsh when they scouted the area. Geralt cautioned Jaskier to stay well back from the water, so he waited on a sandy stretch that wasn’t too boggy this time of day while the Witcher checked out the surrounding area.
“Hm. Nothing,” Geralt reported on his return. “Some torn up areas where the marsh meets the water, but it looks like if there was something here, it’s moved off.”
“That’s nice,” Jaskier said, distracted. He paused and turned his focus back to Geralt. “I mean, lucky for the townspeople that there’s no more danger. Unlucky for us that means there’s no coin either. But, hey, look at this cute little thing.”
Geralt followed his indication to the spikey little hedgehog-like creature, placidly licking up ants, it’s little pink tongue poking out of a long narrow snout. Beak? He wasn’t sure about ‘cute’ but it was small and harmless looking.
“Oh, Geralt, the poor thing got stranded out here when the tide washed into the reeds and blocked the thoroughfare.”
“An arm’s width of sandbar is hardly a thoroughfare.”
“Well it is if you’re the size of a soup bowl! We have to rescue him! This spot will be completely underwater by sunset.”
Geralt sighed as if very put upon, but waited while Jaskier scooped the little animal up in his folded doublet and then helped him pick his way back through the shallowest part of marsh.
“You’re not keeping that stupid whatever-it-is as a pet,” Geralt warned when they set up camp for the night.
“Geralt! Don’t call Pinchy stupid! She’s very sensitive.” Jaskier offered the creature another bit of plant, trying to find out what it liked to eat. He sighed. “And we’ll find her a nice home in the morning far enough away from the marsh and the busy unsafe road, with plenty of other whatever she is to play with and whatever they like to eat to keep her content.”
They’d actually tried to go back to town, but the first person they met started ranting fearfully about ‘freaks of nature’ and ‘abominations’ - which wasn’t that unusual of an occurrence to witchers - but when the comments turned to ‘four dicks’ and ‘tummy pockets with naked babies’ they took themselves and the unwelcome pinchy critter back out of the settlement quickly.
Jaskier left “Pinchy’ (whose tummy pocket -- thankfully without any naked baby Pinchies -- apparently meant she was a she) rooting for insects and sat down to scribble some lyrics on the back of Geralt’s now-irrelevant monster notice, flipping it over again while he contemplated any possible rhymes for pinchy, and tried to recall enough of his boring natural sciences class to figure out what animal was like a hedgehog but not, with maybe a bit of anteater thrown in. And regretting that info from classes that were boring to an aspiring bard could have been useful to an actual bard.
He hummed a bit, and corrected the ‘k’ in Ekhidna on the paper, unable to stand looking at the misspelling anymore.
“Geralt!” he screamed as the ground shook, and tiny spikes and claws stretched up and up and up into scales, wings, a siren tail and… he tore his gaze away for a terrified peek at the notice and back at the growing monster. “Geralt!” he called again, a little more frantically to the Witcher who was running back from his dinner-hunting excursion in the nearby woods.
Panting, Jaskier hastily rubbed his corrective pencil line off the notice while backing away from the sudden Ekhidna.
Several things happened at once. Geralt stepped past him, sword in one hand, shoving him to a marginally safer place behind him with the other. Most of the pencil lead finally rubbed off the paper. And the Ekhidna shuddered and faded out around the edges, and shrunk back down to…
“An Echidna!” Jaskier said.
“It was! Where did… What the fuck?”
Jaskier sat hard, right on the ground in shock, waving the slightly crumpled notice at Geralt in insufficient explanation while he caught his breath.
The silver sword hung down in Geralt’s hand as he touched his medallion. “It was vibrating, then it just stopped when the Ekhidna turned into a …” He pointed in lieu of calling Pinchy a ‘whatever-it-is’ again.
“An Echidna.” Jaskier repeated. “With a ‘c’. I remembered that’s what they’re called. Not a ‘k’.”
“Not OK?”
“K.” Jaskier climbed back to his feet and traced a line over the ‘c’ in the misspelled monster name on the notice as he showed it to Geralt, careful that the lead didn’t mark back over the faint erased line changing it into a ‘k’. 
“Some kind of magic? Curse? Like a ... what? A spelling spell?”
Geralt snorted. “That’s absurd!”
“Do you really want me to change it again to see?”
“No! Once was more than enough.”
The Witcher, Bard and Echidna sat around the fire later that evening debating the issue. At least, the first two did. The third just blinked at them with shiny dark eyes.
“But why would a sorcerer curse a siren to turn into a hedgehog if townspeople spelled it’s name wrong? And how could he even know that would happen?” Geralt growled, angry enough at dealing with magic without having to deal with nonsensical bizarre random magic.
“I think,” Jaskier mused, “I think she must not really be an Ekhidna or an Echidna.” He hummed looking at the notice page with caution. “Do you think that a mage used a written spell to change something - or someone - into an Ekhidna for whatever unfathomable mage reason, and there was enough magic bound up in the spell that when whoever wrote up the notice spelled it with a ‘c’ like little Pinchy here, that’s what it changed her into?”
Geralt grumbled in very begrudging agreement. “Completely ridiculous! But evidence seems to hold that up.”
“The fuck is wrong with mages?”
“Who knows.”
Jaskier laughed grimly. “Well, do you think we should try to break the spell?”
That led to another discussion between the three of them. Although Jaskier was the only one soliciting Pinchy’s opinions, and she was, predictably, unable to share them if she had any.
Eventually. it ended up with Geralt leaning over Jaskier’s shoulder, reminding him of their carefully agreed-upon wording while the bard wrote it out over ‘Echidna’ on the postbill.
Jaskier, always the optimist, had draped a cloak over the back of the tiny creature, “Because after all she’s been through she shouldn’t have the added trauma of turning back naked with two strangers.”
Geralt, with classic witcher skepticism, held his sword in his hand behind Jaskier’s back just in case, ready to jump in front of the bard to defend him if things went poorly. 
“... true form,” they finished verbally and in print, together. 
Pinchy shuddered and grew once more under the fabric. To both their relief, stopping at approximately person scale proportions rather than overgrowing that to super-Siren-size. 
Moments later, she stood gathering the fabric around what appeared to be a normal human form, looking down at herself, at the Witcher, the bard, the paper and quill in the bard’s hand. 
As Jaskier babbled out a greeting, introductions and explanation all in one jumbled sentence, their transformed guest blinked, sighed, and finally nodded.
“The fuck is wrong with mages?” she demanded.
“Who knows.” Geralt and Jaskier agreed.
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