#i have a lot more from this aušŸ’€ but no will to actually finish it
kinnenvy Ā· 1 year
qaf wip #1
victorian qaf wip, im šŸ’€. like i was saying idk if i'll ever finish this, but here's a little snippet just to feel something
Dripping. Continuous, incessant, tormenting.
The steady, wet sound echoes through the room and fills the blissfully silent air, it sneaks past any barrier Justin crafts. His hands on his ears, his pillows, then his covers, the weight and width of his shield can do nothing against the quiet drip, drip, dripā€¦
Justin quickly surrenders to watching the water fall from the roof of his room and land loudly in the tin bucket prepared to welcome it. It's unbearable and Justin misses home, misses his room. He misses the comfort of his sturdy mattress, his feather pillows and the maids making sure the stoves warming the rooms never run out of wood and coal.
Justin breathes out slowly, if he had any energy left he would thrash against the coarse bed sheets and throw a tantrum embarrassing enough to rival his younger sister's. Unfortunately, or one could argue fortunately, any will to explode into fits of unadulterated rage has abandoned him the moment his father backhanded him over the breakfast table and threw him, his mother and sister out of their family home and effectively out of the country.
He grabs his pillow, its smell of stale wardrobes and lavender follows him all the way through the large room and out of it. He trudges through the halls of their new accommodation, overtly conscious of the wood creaking under his slippers and the portraits of his grandparents, uncles and younger versions of his mother following him with their eyes as he warily walks in the near complete dark.
Remembering the position of the door he is looking for is giving him a lot of trouble, but eventually he gets the courage to open every door he encounters. He releases a nervous breath, once he finally opens the door hiding his mother. Molly, his sister, is already sleeping by her side and Justin is comforted by the knowledge that they've both had the same idea.
"Motherā€¦" Justin whispers and sounds much more forlorn than he would have liked, "Mom."Ā 
She takes a sharp inhale, almost startled, but she quickly seems to relax. Although Justin can't tell for sure, the lunar light filtering in the spaces between the curtains doesn't illuminate the room enough to let him see.
"There's a leak in my room, I feel like it might drive me mad." Justin explains as a way to secure himself a spot in his mother's bed.
"Sweetheartā€¦" She sighs, "I'm sorry, we'll find a new place soon." The thick woolly covers are drawn back and Justin quickly moves to adjust himself underneath them, "You should tell your grandfather tomorrow. He'll have someone come and patch it up."
"Rightā€¦" Justin hums, trying not to think about how many perfectly functional, unoccupied rooms void of any leaks, he saw on his way to his mother's.
He's not sure how long it's been since he's gotten in his mother's bed, when he's awoken by shouting rising from the streets. Despite the coldness swirling in the stale air in the room and its difference from the warmth of the covers, he gathers the will to pull himself up on his feet and reach the nearest window.Ā 
Near the middle of the crossroad on the right of his grandfather's house, there are two gentlemen, dressed in elegant evening coats and tight, light coloured pants. They seem to be fighting, Justin watches them as they push and shove at each other until the tallest of the two grabs the other by the lapels of his jacket and pulls him towards himself. Their faces meet and Justin jolts away as he realises they're kissing.
His ears start burning, his cheeks slowly heat up as well. Slowly, he creeps closer to the glass again, by the time his eyes are back on the scene his whole face and neck must be dyed in varying shades of red, all bound to deepen as he catches the gaze of one of the men. Thick furrowed eyebrows, a head of dark, purposefully unruly hair and a profile sculpted with the same platonic inspiration that used to fuel renaissance men.
The day begins with another tense breakfast, but thankfully Justin's face is not met by the rough palm of anyone's hand. Despite the fact that his grandfather makes it clear he wouldn't mind issuing a dose of discipline through methods that involve physical pain. He says as much as he eats his coque eggs messily, even though his words nail his father as the sole villain, he waves his spoon menacingly right under Justin's nose and then at his mother and sister.
"I shouldn't have let you marry a man without a title," He says gruffly, the grunting accompanying his words reminds Justin of the old, pink pigs, he uses to see every month, when his father took him to town fairs. "My own daughter, a duke's daughter, banished from her house!" He complains aimlessly throughout their entire meal, while Justin's mother, unsure of her own stance, releases noncommittal noises to let him know she is listening.
Molly doesn't eat anything and as soon as their grandfather leaves the table, she cries and asks to be allowed back home. Justin is conflicted, but underneath the embarrassment and the swelling on his right cheek, he wishes for the same thing.
"I need to go out." is what he ends up saying, he doesn't elaborate, but is also met by no resistance. His mother looks at him with concern, but she's so preoccupied by his sister's soul-shaking sobs, that she just dismisses him with a gesture of her hand and a call for carefulness.
His grandfather hasn't been involved with the military for the better part of forty years, yet he operates by its hours. Wake up call at half past five and breakfast at six, that's why Justin finds himself roaming the streets at seven am sharp.
The air hasn't had the time to be warmed by the Sun, so it's especially cold, it pushes past the barrier of Justin's expensive clothes and forces itself on him, frigid like ice and carrying the tangy scent of coal smoke.
Justin is startled out of his thoughts by a door opening, the mansion standing right in front of his mother's family home. He watches the large entrance door, its solid wood dragging over the threshold and uncovering the same man Justin saw the night before.
He is caught staring, it's embarrassing and it makes the calm wind feel a tad colder.Ā 
Without letting himself rot in the memories from the earlier night, Justin starts walking again. He doesn't have a cane and it's too cold to pick the hat off his head and start fidgeting with it, so he tries to discharge some of the nervousness gathering in his body by shoving his hands in his pockets and clench and unclench his fists, pull at whatever loose thread he finds there, do just about anything to stop thinking about the set of footsteps echoing his own.
The man easily reaches his side, they're walking through the intersection when his shoulder bumps into Justin's, he turns to look at him and doesn't do anything to hide how deliberate the move was.
"Sorry." He says without gravitas, his pink lips part in a smile that conveys no friendliness, but snark and other feelings that Justin is not privy to. His eyes, dark and light at the same time, drag very openly over Justin, starting at his leather boots and ending at his own clear, uncomplicated blue eyes. "I haven't seen you around before." He speaks with a thick Irish accent, his voice is steady, but weighed down by the layers of meaning hiding under the surface of each word he utters.
"I'm visiting my grandfather." Justin lowers his eyes to the ground and gestures at the house he's just left. He doesn't dare looking back at it, afraid to see anyone peering through the windows and seeing the exchange.
Long, deft fingers enter his line of vision, they grab onto the golden buttons on his coat and smooth over the forest green fabric, moving upwards until they brush against Justin's chin.
"Oh, a Taylor. A lord, then." He dips his head in a bow, but he sounds like he is mocking him, "Do you have urgent business to attend to?" Justin shakes his head no at his question, dares a glance upwards and feels his breakfast drop so deep inside his stomach that the hunger comes back, only much worse, much more demanding than normal.
The flurry of movements that follow is hard to keep track of, Justin is only looking at the greek slope of the man's nose, at the self-satisfied stretch of his lips as they cross the intersection and quickly disappear in an alley between two mansions. Justin is pushed against a wall, for a brief moment thereā€™s the stench of garbage in the air, until the man in front of him lowers his head towards him and Justinā€™s nose is hit by the artificial scent of expensive cologne and hints of musk right underneath it, the smell of men he can so easily pick out of any bouquet of scents.
Solid hands make quick work of his golden buttons, Justin instinctively poses his own on them and holds onto the cold skin, half of him in an attempt to slow them, while the other to encourage them.
ā€œWhat,ā€ He starts and his voice breaks. The man laughs and Justin halts the systems running his body just to gather all his energy to stare and take him in. Brilliant and beautiful, dazzling like the people in songs and paintings. ā€œWhat is your name?ā€ he tries again as soon as heā€™s able to retake the reins on his wits.
ā€œBrian.ā€ His voice lowers, it drips slowly like treacle, he raises his chin and squares his shoulders, Justin follows the movement with his eyes and gulps down all the other questions he had been thinking about asking.
"My name is Justin." He says instead, even if the other didn't ask and doesn't seem particularly interested in knowing it. Justin hopes it will stick with him anyway.
"What do you like to do?" Brian asks, he leans his right arm on the wall beside Justin's face, while his left hand still fidgets with his buttons, this time they are the small, round ones cut from mother-of-pearl keeping his shirt closed.
A smile breaches Justin's lips, he is so pleased by the idle conversation, it's just enough to help him keep his mind off the anxiety clamouring right under his skin."Uhmā€¦ Painting, listening to musicā€¦"Ā 
Brian laughs, it feels sort of pointed, genuinely amused, but still mocking, "I mean in moreā€¦ Private settings." He explains and his head dips until his lips brush right against his left temple as he speaks. Justinā€™s mouth opens and his jaw goes slack at hearing someone be so upfront.
"Oh," Justin clears his throat and almost chokes on his spit, the anxiety now reaching heights that cross any expectation he could have ever had.
"Do you like to give it? Do you prefer taking it?" The question immediately transports Justin back to the military academy he's just been driven away from. The hushed whispers of his shy, aristocratic roommates asking him in big boisterous words whether he wanted to touch them over their slacks or not.Ā 
ā€œUhm,ā€ Justin shifts on his feet, unsure of what to say. The questions are so straightforward now that itā€™s impossible to search and find in them some sort of innocent meaning. The issue becomes all jumbled up in his head anyway, heā€™s never really taken or given anything in these situations and he canā€™t imagine what he could be giving or taking in an alleyway a few metres away from his grandfatherā€™s house.
ā€œI donā€™t have all morning.ā€ The man, Brian, straightens up, ā€œDo you want to?ā€ He asks, he narrows his eyes and peers right into Justin. Justin is not completely sure what heā€™s agreeing to, but he finds himself nodding enthusiastically, his hands grasp the other manā€™s tighter and guide them more forcefully towards his half opened shirt.
Brianā€™s fingers are nimble and used to touching to provoke pleasure. Justin squirms and trembles as he traces the faint lines of his muscles, the sensitive skin of his nipples, hard and dark pink in the chilly air.
ā€œYouā€™re pretty.ā€ Brian says against his chest, his lips press kisses on his sternum as he slowly lowers himself to his knees, ā€œWish I had the time to fuck you.ā€
The word sounds so loud in the early morning silence, Justin feels it echo and bounce off the walls all around them. For a moment his panic convinces him the entirety of the west end must have heard it, but then the buttons keeping the crotch of his pants closed are undone with ease and his half hardness stands out in the open. Anyone could take a wrong turn, or a maid could come trotting out of one of the houses surrounding them and see them. They would end up on the first page of the Inquirer Weekly and then in jail and Justinā€™s father will absolutely never forgive him then.
ā€œHey,ā€ Brian says and looks up from where heā€™s kneeling on the pavement, ā€œAre you still with me?ā€ he asks, darting his eyes betwixt Justinā€™s face and his shrinking erection.Ā 
ā€œThis is a bit,ā€ Justin starts, he scratches his throat, almost claws at it out of frustration, wanting so much what he is being offered, but also being deathly afraid of anyone finding out, ā€œWhat if someone sees?ā€
ā€œWho? No oneā€™s staying in these houses, theyā€™ve been empty for quite a while.ā€ Brian arches an eyebrow, his hot palms lay on Justinā€™s thighs and he caresses him gently, an attempt at soothing him thatā€™s working only marginally against the thoughts rushing in his head. He raises back on his feet and Justin hates himself for having ruined the chance to lay with such a gorgeous man. ā€œItā€™s fine, dear. Donā€™t worry about it.ā€ He can tell heā€™s trying to be gracious, his pants are terribly tented and he canā€™t stop himself from biting on his lips, as if holding himself back from saying anything more. Justin feels Brianā€™s lips kiss his temple and then sees him take a step back, retracing the path theyā€™ve followed to find this isolated, secretive angle.
Justin feels him slip through his fingers, his eyes are fixed on the lines of his nose, his jaw, any detail of his features, the beautiful mix of green and amber in his eyes and in a moment heā€™s stepping forward, ā€œNo.ā€ He says, more to himself than the other man, and rises on his toes to kiss him fiercely. Itā€™s clumsier than he would have liked, but the wet slide of their lips is ensnaring to him, the sound alone is enough to make his knees buckle under his weight. His cock is hard again, harder than itā€™s ever been, Brian touches him again and he fears he might come just with that alone.
Brian doesnā€™t speak anymore, doesnā€™t ask leading questions, doesnā€™t mock and laugh at him. Although he does moan, deep and guttural in Justinā€™s ears, he kisses him and keeps a tight hold on the back of Justinā€™s head and his cock. Justin isnā€™t able to appreciate the scope of sensations he is experiencing, his extremities feel as cold as ice as if all the blood and warmth of his body were concentrating between his legs and in the left hand, secured tightly around Brian.
They stroke each other to completion in no time, Justin feels himself go a little crossed eyed as he pushes as close to Brian as he can, demanding to be kissed, while nearing his climax. Brian indulges him, but he also shifts the positions of their bodies until Justinā€™s coming against a wall instead of Brianā€™s clothes. Brian is coming mere seconds later, his hot breath marking Justinā€™s neck and his hand fidgeting with the strands of his blonde hair.
ā€œNow, this is what I call a good morning.ā€ Brian smiles slyly, Justinā€™s blood is finally free to roam the entirety of his body and it rushes to his face, showing just how embarrassed he feels by what heā€™s just done. Quickly they both dress themselves, Justin doesnā€™t need the help, but he doesnā€™t protest when Brian reaches around him and he tucks his spent cock back into his trousers, ā€œThank you for the generous breakfast.ā€ He says and with a slap to Justinā€™s ass he walks out of the alleyway. Justin is left fidgeting with the buttons of his shirt until he realises what has just happened. He lowers his head, torn between the elation left behind by his orgasm and the need for more. His eyes see a small booklet on the floor, without thinking about it he bends down and picks it up.
He runs, his steps sound awfully loud, despite the fact that most of the lords, ladies, misters and madams inhabiting the houses around him have woken up and have started flooding the streets. Justin is sure he can still see Brianā€™s wide shoulders walk forward, far from him, but before he can pick up his running again, he is caught, captured by his grandfatherā€™s hand on his shoulder, ā€œAccompany me to the club, boy.ā€ he says in a tone that wonā€™t allow anything other than affirmative answers.
So Justin is left behind, as they wait for the carriage, with the badge of an inspector detective of the metropolitan police in his hands, bound in black leather and hiding the picture of the man he just saw come apart in an empty alley.
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factual-fantasy Ā· 2 months
29 asks! Thank you!! :)) šŸ™
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They'd probably try to find some kind of orphanage to give the baby to. With Red as a family exception- the life of a pirate is no life for a child! :((
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I think this is a classic case of "two wrongs don't make a right" my friend <XDD
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That might work.. šŸ˜” Thank you for the advice!
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I have heard of it! :0 Its a game I think..?
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I gotta write that down! XD
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Not sure, and not surprised <XD šŸ’€šŸ’”
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Oh hey!! Its those little critters from spirited away! I saw the movie a few weeks ago. I think they're adorable! :)) And I 100% see the resemblance to my sona XDD
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(Referencing this post)
A Google doc sounds like it might be the best/only solution. Which is very unfortunate because I don't know how to make them, I don't want to learn how, and I just wish everything could stay on Tumblr.. šŸ˜”
Thank you for the advice though, much appreciated! :)
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Exactly, all this and more I imagine.šŸ˜”Trying so hard to be calm and stoic but its just eating him up inside that he doesn't know where his baby brother is. Blaming himself, beating himself up for it.. the works..
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I have now! XDD
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@nerdy-aroace (Referencing this post)
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:DDD Thank you!! I'm glad you like my Mario stuff! :))
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There would be some plot holes if I wanted Grim to dynamax <XD though I had a comic draft where he mega evolved.. :00
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Uhg. More stolen artwork..
Also that comic was never finished, nor do i I intend to ever finish it..
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Something tells me that Luna would win because she has guns <XDD
Though if we don't include guns, mayyybe still Luna.? She has the intelligence of a person but the body of a werewolf. Maybe she'd win..? :0
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XDD Now I cant stop thinking about it!
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Probably Seafoam, Octo, Spidercrab and Louis.
Seafoam because she loves him, Spidercrab because he's a medic, Louis to lighten the mood, and Octo because he'd actually know how to survive on an island XDD
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Permission granted! :DD
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šŸ„°Thank you!! :))
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Thank you so much! :DD And I think adopting small headcanons like that here and there is alright :)) Thank you for asking! :}}}
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<XD No idea, I cant even remember when I changed it. Welcome back though! :))
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(Link in post)
Ohh! I see, that was just the skeleton version of saying "your forehead is hot!" when someone has a fever <XD
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Thank you..... I put a lot of effort and heart into them.. šŸ„ŗšŸ’žšŸ’ž
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They would FREAK OUT if they saw that <XDD Horrifying!
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I'm still into FNAF SB! :00 And honestly I find that ending a little silly <XDD
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(Referencing this post (?))
Ingo and Emmet are twin brothers :00 naturally their relationship is 100% platonic and brotherly šŸ‘šŸ‘
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I have not, but I've heard really good things about it! :000
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lyrakanefanatic Ā· 27 days
A book similar to inheritance games:šŸŽƒ
ā˜•ļø: Academic rival jameson hawthorne fic.
šŸ‚: A double date (lyra x Grayson) + (Avery x jameson )
thank you!!
for šŸŽƒ, im sure youā€™ve probably heard this before, but the naturals by jennifer lynn barnes. the plot isnā€™t exactly the same as itā€™s about a young group in the fbi called ā€œthe naturalsā€ but itā€™s similar in ways like them solving things like the inheritance games. itā€™s more similar character wise though, as a lot of characters are very much like the ones in the inheritance games. thereā€™s also the found family trope of ur into that, and also a similar love triangle!!
thereā€™s also another book, called ā€œheiress takes allā€, and itā€™s said to be very similar to the inheritance games and oceans 11. i donā€™t know what itā€™s about much, (as i havenā€™t read it) but im sure if you search it up on amazon or goodreads you should be able to read the blurb!!
for ā˜•ļø, im assuming that u mean an au and im so sorry but i am TERRIBLE at writing auā€™s šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ im also really bad at writing *character* x reader but i can still try and write those, where as auā€™s are just so hard for me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ im so sorry but if u want something else done feel free to request it again!!
for šŸ‚, sure!!
ā€¢ lyra and grayson show up a bit late (nothing extreme, just like 5-10 minutes) which surprised both avery and jameson because grayson is never late
ā€¢ they found out after that it was because lyra wanted to match with grayson last minute and scrapped her whole outfit to match with his ā˜ ļøā˜ ļø
ā€¢ they would probably go to a restaurant first, and then maybe go to a second location
ā€¢ it started with small talk about their lives and days, but then slowly it turned into jameson and grayson seeing who can embarrass each other more by telling humiliating stories about each other from their childhoods šŸ˜­šŸ’€
ā€¢ as soon as jameson reached the leather pants story though, grayson switched the topic and stopped with the whole competition
ā€¢ lyra was curious but left it aloneā€¦ for now. šŸ˜ˆ
ā€¢ lyra ordered a pasta, grayson ordered a steak, avery ordered fancy fish?? (idfk what they serve at fancy restaurants just think of the most expensive and tasty fish u can buy šŸ’€šŸ™) and jameson orderedā€¦ chicken wings ā˜ ļøā˜ ļø
ā€¢ lyra made fun of him for it and then jameson told grayson to break up with her
ā€¢ in fact, lyra ends up making fun of him the whole night šŸ’€
jameson to the waiter: ā€œcan i have some chicken wings please?ā€
jameson, once the waiter walks away: ā€œI havenā€™t had chicken wings 3 months!ā€
lyra, snickering: ā€œyou look like youā€™ve had enough chicken wings for 3 monthsā€
jameson gives her a wounded look and rolls his eyes, turning to grayson: ā€œsheā€™s mean, you should break up with herā€
grayson, before he can even finish speaking: ā€œno.ā€
later again that dinnerā€¦
avery: ā€œshould we get another side for seconds?ā€
grayson and lyra shake their heads, but jameson speaks: ā€œcan i get one? im still hungry.ā€
noticing graysonā€™s raised brow, he sighed: ā€œdonā€™t give me that look. matter of fact, i skipped lunch today!ā€
lyra, giggling again and muttering in a voice that jameson could just hear: ā€œdoesnā€™t look like itā€¦ā€
jameson: ā€œLYRA SHUT UP!!ā€
people ended up staring and as soon as the date was over and they were back at the house grayson called a beat down (just to give him an excuse to beat him up ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøšŸ™)
ā€¢ once they do get back to the house though and grayson and jameson are done fighting, they watch a movie and jameson is secretly side eyeing grayson and lyra the whole time LMAOO
ā€¢ lyra and avery end up sitting next to each other on the couch with grayson and jameson on the other side and, in whispers, gossip about them
ā€¢ the boys canā€™t hear what theyā€™re saying but spend more time trying to listen and hear what theyā€™re talking about then actually watching the movie
ā€¢ once theyā€™re finished watching the movie, (and by watching the movie i mean lyra and avery gossiping while jameson and grayson try to secretly listen to them) lyra feels bad about all her fat jokes so she slips jameson a packet of gummies with a sorry note attached to them
ā€¢ the gummies were from xanderā€™s not-so-secret stash and now he officially has a fued with lyra but at least now jameson is going back to liking her šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š (one hawthorne at a time people šŸ˜ŖšŸ˜Ŗ)
THATS ALL I HOPE U LIKED THEM!! šŸ«¶ (and im sorry again about not being able to do the ā˜•ļø one, if you have another one u want me to do thats not about an au just lmk pls šŸ˜­)
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xanyiaz Ā· 4 months
dude i desperately need someone to explain what order to watch all the redacted audio lore stuff PLEASE šŸ™ i am in need of direction!!!! also if you answer this thank you so much i kiss the land you walk upon
HI HELLO UHHH well i feel like the order in which i listened (but slightly adjusted) was a good way to listen to everything- i'd say the first redacted 101 video about magic is very useful in explaining the basics so probably that first and then:
- freelancer season 1
- sadism's hold (ivan) you could listen at the same time as freelancer s1 bc it takes place at the same time
- freelancer season 2
- inversion
- freelancer season 3
- sovereign state (avior)
- project meridian ^^ with avior and project meridian you could switch their positions and listen either way
- hush
- carpe deus (vega)
- the balance ^^ again you could switch the positions of vega and the balance but just know they're both veryvery heavy lore wise so i'd recommend listening to last. i also recommend listening to hush and vega at the same time
these are just for the narrative/lore focused playlists ^^ as for the character playlists, you can listen in whichever order you want- i'd already listened to a lot of vincent before the freelancer series and i listened to milo just whenever- i finished listening to david, asher and sam last just bc they're not my kinda guys tbh šŸ’€ the werewolves (david, asher and milo) and the vampires (vincent and sam) do also all appear in inversion and some people might recommend listening to them all first before inversion but i didn't and it was all fine- i could still figure out what was going on and could tell them apart easily but then again, if you do listen before, you'll understand inversion more and will have all the context so it's just up to youā€¼ļøi haven't listed all the character playlists btw, just the ones who appear in the narrative/plot-focused ones but there are others too like porter and morgan <3
and then there's other random characters like guy, ollie and geordi and stuff lol which aren't too involved in anything but they're veryvery cool and nice to listen to when recovering from angst šŸ˜ƒšŸ‘
oh and then there's the imperium au- which i'm actually still listening to (i keep procrastinating it lol). it's an alternate universe so just don't even go near that until you've listened to everything else šŸ˜­ā€¼ļø
hope this helps & happy listening !! šŸ«¶
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autisticlancemcclain Ā· 10 months
my friend @beloveddawn-blog helpfully sent me a list of questions to help me get my creative juices flowing in this massive bout of writing struggles i got going on. ily mwah.
1. Do you prefer in-denial Lance or pining Lance? How about Keith?
basic cop-out answer but it changes from fic to fic. in a more comedic fic, i like to go for lance who is both pining AND in-denial, aka he knows heā€™s in love and is mad at it, or i like to make keith like so painfully oblivious to lances blatant PLEASE DATE MEs that itā€™s funny. generally tho i go for gooey whipped mutual pining.
2. Do you prefer Keith to be baffled by Lance's flirting or just baffled Lance is flirting with him?
baffled that lance is flirting with him. the I Do Not Deserve To Be Loved -complex is my favourite complex to give keith bc i have problems and heā€™s just so easy to blorbo
3. What's your favourite episode and why?
iā€™m gonna be so real with you voltron was so bad that once i finished s6 at like 15 yrs old i vowed never to watch it again šŸ’€šŸ’€ six years later this vow holds true. however i remember liking the first episode, the mermaid episode, the space mall episode, and the episode where keith chases lotor in the black lion and lance is like dude you fucked up. dumbass. but heā€™s very obviously fond and heā€™s THERE and theyā€™re gonna fix it together and that is the first time keith realises that lance fully and completely has his back. that is the moment he fell in love to me
4. What's your favourite character beat and why?
i donā€™t know what a character beat is BUT i am a lance stan as you may have guessed. interestingly, i used to watch voltron with my siblings and as with all character things we did together, we each picked a favourite and then only that one character was allowed to be your favourite. lance was picked before i could pick him but i got keith (and thus have the most merch of him). and honestlyā€¦.keith is kind of my favourite i never stop thinking about him and also i write in his pov the most (granted, about lance lol).
5. What's your favourite line you've ever written.
oh thatā€™s a hard one! not to toot my own horn or anything but iā€™ve had some stellar lines, at least i think. i have a lot of lines that are profound or whatever but to this day iā€™m proudest of the ā€œiā€™m anaemicā€ ā€œoh i didnā€™t know you had an eating disorderā€ line like i made myself laugh out loud šŸ’€
6. What's your favourite fic you've ever written
eighty percent of my fics are my faves bc i write to indulge myself lol. BUT iā€™m rly super proud of my look so good longfic, i love the applebees universe, and the beauty and the beast au is dear to me. iā€™m also obsessed with this fic that only exists in my head bc i have typed nothing yet. itā€™s a theatre school taming of the shrew au.
7. What is your favourite type of AU? Do you prefer complete AUs (like BatB) or detail AUs (that angsty thing you wrote where Lance leaves after the game show)?
i love modern aus really. iā€™m a fan of the mundane. as a close second i like redoing movies/songs/books that arenā€™t usually auā€™ed. and i like complete aus WAY better, i just have trouble actually completing them šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
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bananaactivity Ā· 2 months
I finally finished good old Harry Hook, Now heā€™s Harry Killian Hook after his dad.
The reason I designed his father first was mostly so I could make them look similar. I suppose I still could have done that with Harry first but shut up I do what I want.
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Youā€™ll take notice that Harry looks WILDLY different from his usual self. His nose is slightly hooked and he has curly hair with an eyebrow slit like his father. He also has his dads random ass moles sunken eyes with long lower lashes and a little stubble. He has cuts on his face from training crocodiles. There are some way worse ones when heā€™s shirtless (he loves it tho, mans is a glutton for pain and suffering even his ownšŸ’€šŸ™) Iā€™m gonna withhold what he trained them for at this point in timešŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€. I also wanted him to look a little less goofy, heā€™s a pretty destructive dude and OG Harry is too Camp for me to see his exact likeness doing all I plan for him to do.
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He and his dad look very similar which adds another reasoning for people fearing him. His fit is also very different from his usual punk leather, capri pants for some reason??? And absolutely disgusting white hoody shirt thing with fingerless leather hand things.
This is because Carlos refuses to style him any other way šŸ’€. As a part of my au Carlos is now a fashion designer like his mother. His mother used to style Killian before he left for Neverland and in this Au Carlos loves and is obsessed with his mom šŸ’€. So from a young age heā€™s always told Harry heā€™d be his stylist in the future when Harry was in power. Harry pays Carlos well and they are actually friends. ( Mal hates how close they are because she believes Harry could use Carlos to take over her turf, and Jay is jealous because Harry is HIS arch enemy or something, he doesnā€™t know what his problem is)
This Harry is a really rough person to handle, there are a lot of gangs on the isle but there is a separation. The sea gangs and the land gangs rarely get into it and mostly scuffle within each other. Mal and the rest of the core four rule over the most expansive land gang and Harry takes over his fatherā€™s old turf and expands it rather quickly. His dadā€™s gig was illegally giving transport to Auradonians who want a night of fun on the isle, itā€™s very profitable. He actually mirrors his father a lot, Killian would take down entire ships all alone so that his crew would know that mutiny would lead to so much destruction that there would barely be a crew to lead. Harry follows suit but received so much letal training from so many different people ,as his dad let him come on every trip he took to pick up his ā€œimportsā€, that heā€™s much deadlier then his father.
Mal in my au is more like the dark fae/ Demi god that she was implied to be and is therefore heavily reliant on her powers. Harry scares her a little as she canā€™t understand how someone seemingly so powerless could strike so much fear. Carlos tries to tell her that Harry doesnā€™t gaf about physical land and his passion is the vast expanse of the sea but she becomes paranoid and shit happens šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€. Hereā€™s a little scene of that real quick:
Carlos was exasperated. Harry was particularly interested in leathers and tight pants now and it was just awful. The poor dear had no clue it made him look like a disfigured hooligan. Not that Carlos was adverse to furs of course, Harry had given him so many exotic samples over the yearsā€¦ BUT GOD DAMMIT. The way Hook intertwined the two styles made him want to chuck up his lunch. He headed towards his room hoping to settle into a peaceful use of the remainder of the night, testing out some of the fabric and fur samples the Captain had gifted him. Mal made it quite clear it wouldnā€™t be so easy for him. ā€œWe need to talk Carlos.ā€ He knew of only one topic that made her face contort that way. Better to feign ignorance, Mal didnā€™t like for him to be more clever than her typically . ā€œ What of Darlingā€¦ and do make it snappy, Iā€™m so dead tiredā€¦ Iā€™ve been with my dearest client all day. Bless his heart heā€™s just so very awful with dressing him self the poor dear.ā€ With a huff of her nose she began her rambling. ā€œ About that, ā€œdear clientā€ of yours Carlos, Harry?. You need to stop seeing him.ā€ ā€œ HA!ā€ Carlos couldnā€™t believe she was back on this tryst of hers with full force so soon, normally she would back off this hard for at least a month or two. ā€œ Surley darling you must mean another dear client! Why Mal I almost believed you meant HARRY HOOK. My closest and most oldest clientele, my dear friend, my most generous patron! No, No darling you just canā€™t mean Captain Harry Hook, itā€™d almost sound as tho you meant to take away my most profitable source of revenue and resources~.ā€ Mal was shifting on her feet, sometimes Carlos longed for others to see how vulnerable this king pin was, how nervous and unsureā€¦ but then heā€™d have no where to go and he refused to travel the seas with Harry on the daily day to day. He was much too expensive to upkeep and he wasnā€™t sure if Harry could stop his crew from murdering him eventually. ā€œ You rely too much on hi-ā€œ ā€œRELYā€ Carlos scoffed, ā€œ I said Harry was my MOST profitable, NOT my ONLY, anyone would be a fool to drop him as a client.ā€ Mal was glowing with her ā€œangerā€ now it wasnā€™t very frightening anymore. ā€œ HES USING YOU TO GET TO ME AND ALL IVE WORKED FOR. Donā€™t you remember Jake? IZZY?? CHUBBS???? Heā€™s cold and heartless. Heā€™ll take over my turfā€¦ and then the whole Isle of the Lost! Heā€™s a danger to our existence and YOU are always consorting with him!! Has he brainwashed you!! What have you told him about us?! HE COULD DESTROY US AT ANY MOMENT!!!ā€ Carlos was exhausted, Mal was falling further into the pit of anxiety that comes with power. Harry avoided that pit rather admirably in Carlosā€™s eyes. He was so sure of what he wanted as far as power goes and Carlos just PRAYED that Mal would understand that. ā€œ Malā€¦ Harry is a PIRATE he doesnā€™t care about you beyond you leaving the Shrimp alone and never invading him. Something I disadvise HEAVILY for you to do. He WILL wipe you out if you donā€™t get ahold of yourself and THINK critically for once!ā€ He breathed out once to calm himself before continuing. ā€œ Mal- Darling, youā€™ve had me run the analytics of many a situationā€¦ I have personal experience with Harry and his behaviors and desires. He is aā€¦ very calculating pirate. The Sand Weaver incident occurred at a very strenuous time in Hooks life, he was VERY intentional during that time. All that he wanted ,truly, was planned for over those four years. Harry loves the sea, if he wanted to he would have infiltrated Villanend back then. He didnā€™t.ā€ He could see the cracks in Mals resolve. It was looking as though he could get to those fabrics after all. ā€œ I donā€™t like that he has such easy access to a member of my crew- my familyā€¦ā€ This development was new to the norm of these conversations with Mal ā€œDarling, Iā€™m all he has left. Ive always wanted to style and now weā€™re both fulfilling what we wanted as children. Hook is no threat unless you MAKE him one.ā€-
END ( Iā€™m running outta time lemme know what you think)
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everyonewooeverywhere Ā· 2 months
hi hi!! i've got a couple wips in the works (some that have been in the drafts for weeks months). but i can't pick which one to focus on next
so....here's a couple teasers. so i'd love to hear which one you'd like to see next. that may not be the one i finish up next, but would like to hear your thoughts in my inbox or dms or whatever~
most of these are smut so mdni. please šŸ˜
wip 1:
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if you've been here for a minute, you'll know i've teased this before.
pairing Ā·Ėš ą¼˜ šŸ©µāœ§.* : idol!chankyun x idol!f!reader
genre Ā·Ėš ą¼˜ šŸ©µāœ§.* : smut, situationship
synopsis Ā·Ėš ą¼˜ šŸ©µāœ§.* : when you're schedules finally overlap and both have a night to yourselves, changkyun invites you over for a night of wine, dinner, and the most painfully slow sex you could possibly imagine.
status/word count Ā·Ėš ą¼˜ šŸ©µāœ§.* : 692 words, setup written but not the smut
wip 2:
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behind closed doors part 2!! šŸŽ‰
pairing Ā·Ėš ą¼˜ šŸ©µāœ§.* : guitarist!hongjoong x f!reader x drummer!mingi
genre Ā·Ėš ą¼˜ šŸ©µāœ§.* : smut
synopsis Ā·Ėš ą¼˜ šŸ©µāœ§.* : your brother may have forced you and your boyfriend to break up, but that certainly doesn't stop another of his bandmates from taking his chances. of course, your "ex" certainly isn't one to give up his baby that easily.
status/word count Ā·Ėš ą¼˜ šŸ©µāœ§.* : 1,400 words, kinda all over the place right now
wip 3:
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actually really excited about this one, and i might post it on my side blog @luv4soobinie
pairing Ā·Ėš ą¼˜ šŸ©µāœ§.* : bestfriend!soobin x f!reader x situationship!yunho
genre Ā·Ėš ą¼˜ šŸ©µāœ§.* : smut, BASEBALL AU šŸ—£ļø (RIVAL TEAMS šŸ—£ļø)
synopsis Ā·Ėš ą¼˜ šŸ©µāœ§.* : soobin had been in love with you for years, and, in a scenario so cliche, everyone knew but you. but nobody knew better than yunho, the guy you'd been hooking up with for weeks. and it didn't help that he was the pitcher of soobin's rival team. and a man he hated more anyone. (yunho's a dick. so he has a lot of reason to šŸ˜­).
status/word count Ā·Ėš ą¼˜ šŸ©µāœ§.* : 161 words šŸ’€, i have one scene in my head, but that's about it
wip 4:
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a request ā˜ŗļø
pairing Ā·Ėš ą¼˜ šŸ©µāœ§.* : bf!idol!kihyun x tn!reader
genre Ā·Ėš ą¼˜ šŸ©µāœ§.* : fluff, comfort
synopsis Ā·Ėš ą¼˜ šŸ©µāœ§.* : kiyhun has always been very giving. even in the ways you donā€™t even realize.
status/word count Ā·Ėš ą¼˜ šŸ©µāœ§.* : 90 words and a lot of ideas~
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sdcrevolver Ā· 6 months
Who is that Ringmaster Rabbit antagonist? Can you tell me a bit more about him? He looks super interesting to me
I can tell you a lot lmao ( Long post šŸ’€ )
Ringmaster is of course the main antagonist of the story ( I guess itā€™s more of an AU but shhh ). Heā€™s not actively malicious but his actions does lead to horrible outcomes because he doesnā€™t have a proper concept of morality or ethics lol
Funnily enough heā€™s actually not a whole character but heā€™s actually only one half of a character
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Ringmaster and Melody are both one side of an old character, Ringmaster is the more silly and entertaining side of the character whoā€™s more concerned about entertaining the ā€œ audience ā€œ and Melody is the more human side of the character who inherited his doubts and all his negative feelings about certain things. The character ( I just call them toons lol ) used a machine that separated him into two more surface level versions of himself.
Ringmaster doesnā€™t think highly of melody but does listen to her on occasion if he thinks that what she says will mean more fun for him or what he perceives as the audience watching him everywhere he goes.
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Ringmaster doesnā€™t like acknowledging his original past self that he and melody were before so he tries to hide all evidence that he is only one piece of a character. At first he was satisfied with hiding the origin of his existence until he started to think what if there are other toons out there who can also have a piece of them that can be taken out, He started to call those like him ā€œ Hollows ā€œ for lacking any life in their eyes.
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Ringmaster has this sort of magical aura about him, the fact that he and melody canā€™t age but ringmaster holds powers that lets him do almost whatever he wanted but he solely used for entertainment, until he met Ace.
Ringmaster had been searching for toons with ā€œ Hollows ā€œ inside them, unfinished and hidden versions of the toons on the surface that with just enough work and force can be manifested to reality. He happened to encounter Ace when the Loonatics were doing their usual business in Acmetropolis when he sensed a Hollow inside of Ace, he was excited.
He wanted Ace to make a deal with him so ringmaster can see the hollow but Ace wasnā€™t too keen on making a deal with a stranger who seems almost desperate for this deal ( also he didnā€™t know what ringmaster was talking about when he said Hollow lol ) , this didnā€™t deter Ringmaster from wanting to see the hollow.
Ringmaster snuck into the tower the Loonatics have base in at night and attempted to teleport only himself and ace to the secret small world that ringmaster created but he unknowingly took in the rest of the Loonatics as well but they ended up at a different location in the world than where he and ace ended up.
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Ringmaster used a modern version of the machine his original self used way back then as technology progressed rapidly. He suggested a more violent form of separation but melody, concerned for Aceā€™s wellbeing suggested using the old method with better technology under the reason of ā€œ keeping it family friendly for the audience ā€œ. Since Ringmaster is convinced thereā€™s always an audience watching, he agreed but does think that the old method will maybe only take out one hollow instead of separating ace entirely into two ( he was right )
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This is actually how Buzz manifested into existence, he doesnā€™t look like his original self in the concept material one to one. Heā€™s taller, lost his buck teeth and way more aggressive than his original self or Ace. Ringmaster was fascinated with this result so he decided to keep close tabs on the two, even after buzz took ace and left the building the machine was in.
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Ringmaster has tried to do the experiment again on several toons which mostly result in failed experiments that look nothing like the concept or the original finished version. Sometimes he releases these aggressive beasts which causes trouble among those who havenā€™t been experimented on. He decided to bring in more toons to populate the small world thatā€™s in eternal winter which is how more toons other than the Loonatics got in. Thereā€™s no way out of the world however unless the others find out how to deal with Ringmaster
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The original toon didnā€™t like bugs so Ringmaster gained that aspect of his and melodyā€™s old self, the two arenā€™t really aware of why they dislike bugs but they do.
Ringmaster is a man of entertainment but heā€™s not morally good at all lol
Also also funnily enough because of the original characterā€™s original species, Ringmaster and Melody can count as Hareā€™s
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beyourownanchor6 Ā· 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
thanks for the tags beloveds @wikiangela @spotsandsocks @bi-buckrights @hippolotamus šŸ©µ
How many works do you have on ao3?
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
ā€” 911, teen wolf, animal kingdom (not actively but still counting it)
Top five fics by kudos:
if i lay here, would you lie with me (forget the world)
nobody can do everything
i want to love you (but i don't know how)
five + 1 (idk who allowed me to name a fic this šŸ’€)
someone to stay
Do you respond to comments?
ā€”always! even if it takes me a few weeks, i always respond to them. i'm so so appreciative of anyone who takes the time to leave them šŸ„¹
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
ā€”come back home (version 2) i just had to get it out of my system, sorry šŸ„²
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
mmm, idk besides the one listed above and one other, they're all really sappy and fluffy endings šŸ˜… it'll probably end up being whatever sappy ass ending i write for the chris doesn't come back au after everything i've put them through šŸ˜‚
Do you get hate on fics?
ā€”not really, more like just annoying people nitpicking stupid things
Do you write smut?
ā€”i do indeed šŸ˜ can't say if it's good, but i've got lots of it posted šŸ˜‚
Craziest crossover:
ā€”umm i write tons of au's but idk if this refers to that or doing an actual crossover with another fandom?? i wish not to talk about the one that still haunts me, but i did use characters from the step up movie for my au: let me lose myself
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
ā€”not that i know of...
Have you ever had a fic translated?
ā€”somebody asked once but idk what ever happened with that
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
i have! 3 different times with my wife @loserdiaz šŸ«¶šŸ»
ā€”no body, no crime
ā€”this is my idea of fun (playing video games)
ā€”i don't want to keep secrets just to keep you
All time favourite ship?
ā€”buddie! the brainrot for them has been unmatched jsiodj
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
ā€”uhhh probably my divergent au...i've had the placeholder for insurgent with like 3 sentences sitting in my wip folder for forever šŸ˜¬
What are your writing strengths?
ā€”i'll just list the things people have told me because i have no idea sjwioe. i always get compliments on my characterization, descriptions, and metaphors <3
What are your writing weaknesses?
ā€”shutting the fuck up and writing anything short šŸ« 
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
ā€”i've done it in the past but not really anymore
First fandom you wrote in?
ā€”teen wolf
Favorite fic you've written?
ā€”that's like asking me to pick between my nonexistent children šŸ˜­
i'm picking 3 idc
if i lay here, would you lie with me (forget the world)
the ducking of evan buckley
tagging: @redlightsandicedtea @monsterrae1 @honestlydarkprincess @onward--upward @daffi-990 @wildlife4life @underwaterninja13 @bigfootsmom @thewolvesof1998 @eddiebabygirldiaz @elvensorceress @zainclaw @watchyourbuck @ronordmann @queerbuckleys @spaceprincessem @jacksadventuresinwriting
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an-abyss-of-stars Ā· 4 months
Fic Updates!!
(Yes, I'm back with these šŸ˜‚)
Update notes for:
It's Visceral And It's Cruel
Burnt Over And Over Again
He Saw Her At Daybreak
Struck By Fire Drowned By The Sea
*Burnt Over And Over Again* (Modern Au)
So I am currently working on this MAJOR sex scene for the upcoming chapter (chapter 5). BUT I'm actually in the process of reworking it. The initial draft was like 80% finished šŸ¤£šŸ’€
I'M SORRY, I was actually so close to being ready to edit and then post. But the further I went with that version, it just wasn't giving what it was meant to give. And to share my thoughts/struggles with this plot point/scene without spoiling the entire scene. If y'all remember, chapter 4 has Rhaena and Aemond bickering like an old married couple in a nightclub in Prague. And as their drama progresses, Aemond finds a way to get Rhaena alone so they can have a private tense conversation. Their sexual tension builds up to a point where they HAVE to do something about it.
Semantics I guess, but there's a āœØmoodāœØ I'm trying to convey and it's SOO hard to convey it genuinely, idk why šŸ¤£ Like Rhaena is in denial, but she's CLEARLY still very attracted to him. And he's down so BADDD for her, but he's also really frustrated and annoyed with the current state of their relationship. Like the sex isn't going to be all that frantic, because of the way I've slowly built the tension. But at the same time, Aemond's frustration still needs to be present? At least I want it to be? Like I want him to coax her into this, because deep down she definitely wants it, she's just in denial.
Am I making any sense? I don't really know šŸ¤£ I just don't want it to sound like coercion, and that feels like such a fine line with this scene for some reason šŸ˜© like he's definitely not forcing her to do anything, but he is leading this whole thing. The key for me, is making it really feel like she's down for this and welcoming it all physically even if she's still trying to keep him at arm's length emotionally... UGHH it's a fine line fr.
My goal is to update this fic before I move onto any others. So fingers crossed for meeee šŸ˜­
(I'm also working out some more background lore for this modern au universe, like what everyone in the family does career wise, I'm working out who has pets and whatnot, expanding the lore of Rhaena's former relationship with Dalton since I initially made it rather vague...SOOOO get ready for this whole story to expand as it goes. Because I kinda want this story to be a bit more than short fic now šŸ˜‚)
*It's Visceral And It's Cruel* (reg medieval time period)
Nowww this is my bread and butterrrr šŸ¤£ I have about 13k of next chapter (chapter 9) written and ready for editing. BUT I still have about 5 scenes to go, or at least those were scenes I originally planned to include in this chapter.
I'm starting to think adding in all of those scenes will make this chapter TOO long if I include them all here šŸ’€ like I added in two extra scenes to make the narrative flow in a more interconnected manner. But in doing that, it's definitely going to make this chapter too long. And the final scene I initially had for this chapter was going to be the Royal Hunt shenanigans. And THAT is a scene/plot point that needs a lot of time/words dedicated to it. Especially since it's going to be written from Aemond's POV, and that boy is going to be going THROUGH it watching Rhaena purposely flirt with literally every other man there EXCEPT for him šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
So I think I'm going to move the hunt over to chapter 10 (even though I promised it would be here šŸ˜­šŸ˜­). Because logically...like I must šŸ˜‚ I can't let this chapter be 40k in length, I'd take DAYSSS to edit it if I didšŸ¤£šŸ’€
*He Saw Her At Daybreak* (horny married Rhaemond Fic)
UMMMM I actually have no clue when I plan to work on the next chapter LMAO šŸ˜‚ There are a few things I need to map out plot wise. Like slight spoilers:
But here are the scenes I'm planning on including in chapter 10:
ā€¢ Actually showing Aemond flying over to Driftmark and interacting with Grandma Rhaenys (for the Spice Towk salt that Rhaena craves).
ā€¢Aemond and Aegon actually discussing their mother returning to court for the birth of the baby.
ā€¢I want to slip in a sex for Rhaemond, since ya know, this IS the horny fic šŸ¤£and this is my last chance to include the lactation kink before the baby gets here, so I must do it šŸ˜‚ I'm also thinking that scene could definitely start with pregnant Rhaena being a little self conscious about her body before a family event. Like I haven't had much of that insecurity mentioned for her.
ā€¢The family event being the Valyrian equivalent Yule/Christmas holiday event, that's going to be like a nice wholesome gift giving scene. Targ family shenanigans.
ā€¢ALL culminating with Rhaena's water breaking and the baby finally coming. Like this baby is COMING in this chapter, most definitely šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ we are ending the chapter with Rhaemond happily holding their newborn baby.
So there's a lot to write, and I'm still only on the first scene šŸ’€šŸ’€ but hey, now the 10 of you so still tune in, have an idea of what's to come! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
*Struck by Fire, Drowned By The Sea* (Pirate Fic)
LORD, I PROMISE I HAVEN'T FORGOT ABOUT THIS ONEEEE. AGHHH oddly enough, like this writing process feels like the sex scene in BO&OA, I can't seem to land on the vibeā„¢ for the next chapter (chapter 5). And it's not even a sex scene, so Idk why I'm overthinking it all šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
It's weird, really. I usually have a really easy time writing from Aemond's POV for my other fics, but since Pirate Captain Aemond is more of a mystery to both Rhaena and the audience. It for some reason feels a lot harder šŸ’€šŸ¤£ like it shouldn't be, but it is šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I've rewritten/restarted this chapter at least 6 times trying various ways to tell the same scene, seeing how much I should give away in his inner thoughts or not. And I just haven't landed on a good ratio for him, like we all know this IS Aemond. But there's still so much of his past that hasn't been revealed, and it's all still a mysterious element for captive Rhaena, she's still trying to figure him out... especially since they've never really met until now.
Their relationship is going to be SOMETHING wild, if I can get past this damn chapter šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
This just feels like me explaining in depth, four various types of writer's block šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
Anywaysss, if any of y'all have any suggestions or helpful ideas, for any of these fics, I'm very open to them šŸ’–
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thorns-and-rosewings Ā· 7 months
Soooo wanna hear about another AU I have brewing? God this is now the third one I have created now for TSAMS, which is a lot even for me. But still I am really fond of this one. It's one of those cute stories full of FLUFF... But also ANGST šŸ˜ˆ
This AU focuses on Ruin and Eclipse and the Steampunk-Themed Bar that they open together.
Behold the Home Sweet Bar AU! šŸ»
The first thing I guess I need to explain is that this is technically in the same universe as Reaper King AU šŸ’€ as in literally the same world and the stories overlap A LOT but they focus on different character groups but it was to such a degree that it only felt right to give the two sections their own titles.
The starting information for this idea is below, but TW: There's some darker topics touched on...
-In a bit of an edit to the story of Reaper King AU, yes, it was Ruin who brought KC back using the Killcode that was present in Solars Moon... However... This was not done maliciously... It was done by the desperately lonely Ruin trying to create a threat that only HE could defeat. His plan being that he would defeat the Reaper and finally earn a place with the Celestial Family.
-Sadly this didn't happen. In fact when Moon discovered what Ruin had been up too, he ran him out of the Pizzaplex himself. After sending both Reaper Killcode and Bloodmoon through the portal hopefully never to be seen again. (Yeah they are back after 8 days, even though to them it's 8 years...)
-During this same time Eclipse returned do to unknown reasons...
-After some further events, Earth encounters the devastated Ruin sobbing in a back alley and feels incredible pity for him and she makes a VERY risky move.
-Earth had noticed that Eclipse, while being bound to return to the back of the Fazcade every night... Before that, during the time after he finishes looking for his creator, he goes to this one bar and gets absolutely wasted every night. So he's always hungover the next day...
-Eclipse is taking the long hike up Substance Abuse Mountain
-She brings Ruin there one night when Eclipse is about halfway to drunk... And Ruin is obviously terrified due to Eclipse's accusations and threats against him. But Earth points out Eclipse never actually hurt him... And... Eclipse is alone and hated. Just like Ruin. Maybe, now that his motor skills are a bit impaired, Ruin could try talking to him. After all it's not like Eclipse could possibly hate him any more.
-Swallowing nervously Ruin wrings his hands before cautiously approaching Eclipse... Sitting next to him at the bar, while Eclipse looks up from his drink to glare at him. Or in his general direction due to his buzz...
-Sadly Earth gets a text from Lunar and she has to leave... She isn't comfortable with just leaving Ruin with Eclipse, but she has no choice now.
-Due to the fact that she's with Lunar a lot and with how Moon is still raging about Ruin, Earth has no ability to stop by where Eclipse is usually resting. But she does return to the bar Eclipse drinks at... Only to find the whole place boarded up and under massive renovations. Sooo... Something clearly went down.
-She feels overwhelmingly guilty, fearing something happened to Ruin. Even though she's aware that Eclipse is physically unable to hurt him... She thinks... Earth never got the complete details.
-But something odd occurs when Earth gets an invitation to the opening of a new bar... In the same location as the one she saw that had closed. Apparently it's under new management.
-She goes there with Monty... Only to see the bar completely redone in a Steampunk theme, now rebranded as Infernal Machine. Inside the now completely packed bar they find friendly staff, tons of steampunk creations, Frank as an actual server with a uniform...
-And Ruin happily interacting with guests.
-He greets Monty and Earth. Getting them a table and introducing himself as one of the two owners of this place. Much to Earth's shock, though she is happy for him... Although Monty's proverbial hackles raise as he glances towards the bar... Where Eclipse is bossing around the bartenders while also acting as the head bartender himself.
-Ruin explains, a bit nervously, that he and Eclipse had a erm... Productive? Conversation. That even transferred over when he sobered up. And the two have gone into business together. With Eclipse not trusting Ruin, but confronted with his reality of what was at the Pizzaplex and seeing a better option, even if it's an option he equally HATES... Being away from Sun and Moon while still working on his search for his creator is something he could tolerate.
-And having the 'Stupid Bar' as a hobby would keep his mind from completely tearing itself to pieces... Along with the fact that Ruin had seemingly removed the chip from his head... And did so without Eclipse blowing up.
Monty: Was that... Wise?
Ruin: (Getting nervous) Probably not honestly. But it was a good faith gesture on my part...
-Earth and Monty share a worried glance at that...
-But Ruin changes the subject and presents Earth with a letter from Eclipse to give to Sun and Moon explaining the new situation... Although he advises her not to read it... Eclipse wrote it and it's full of profanity and a lady shouldn't have to read that.
-Thus this is the official beginning of the Home Sweet Bar AU! šŸ»
-Important Things to Note: Eclipse is very much still a complete and total ASSHAT... that being said he's not the worst boss though. He's tough but can be fair, provided people do their jobs right.
-Ruin is a total sweetheart. He is definitely the more personable one and is the individual that the employees talk to if they are having a problem. He's kind and happy... Even if there is a certain amount of desperation to his happiness... But he makes sure the guests have a good time.
-Both Eclipse and Ruin actually live in the basement/bunker below the building of the bar which is two stories tall and every inch is themed perfectly
-Eclipse is currently expanding the basement into a massive underground base...That Ruin is decorating... much to Eclipse's annoyance. But Ruin is also doing all the cleaning and tending things that spares Eclipse from having to do any of it, so he's tolerating it.
-For Ruin... The guy is trying SO hard. Not only to prove to Eclipse that he genuinely doesn't know how he came back, but also that the arrangement they currently have can truly be beneficial to them both.
-Its not hard to see that Eclipse is mentally a wreck and having difficulty with his sense of self... He ISN'T the real Eclipse. He's just a copy with his memories. Hated for things beyond his control. He also feels the guilt of his predecessor and still has to suffer for actions he himself never did.
...just like Ruin...
-Now Ruin owns that he messed up with the Reaper Killcode situation that finally got him kicked out. But... He has been lonely prior to that. Looked at with distrust from the moment he woke up in a strange new universe. He's been just so alone... And he is DESPERATE for company.
...as much as Eclipse is an asshole... At least Ruin knows exactly where he stands with him...
-Ruin hopes that eventually this situation can become more positive overtime... As Earth stated, in spite of Eclipse threatening and scaring him, he never actually hurt Ruin. Even if he intended too... so... As far as Ruin is concerned, there's a chance things might work out.
-He hopes...
-Nobody worry, things actually DO go well for them. There ain't no abuse, its about to get fluffy in here...
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did miss raven also join harveston? i think the traditional harevston outfit would have fit her like a glove! (i'm not 100% sure how a raven-turned-human would fare in the cold though)
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For each event, I like to think of an AU scenario where Miss Raven tags along for some silly reason to join in on the fun. I think she would really enjoy the hometown events specifically, as they give her a chance to explore and to experience new cultures and areas. She can sample Harvestonā€™s specialties, learn about the agricultural community there, and help support and cheer on the NRC sledding team!
Epelā€™s proud of his hometown and more than eager to share it. Raven loves his enthusiasm and happily eats it up. Sheā€™s the one in the tour group thatā€™s constantly raising her hand and posing questions to the guide. Epel doesnā€™t mind thoughā€”that just means sheā€™s curious and knows how to appreciate Harveston!!
Miss Raven can go ā€œbig sisā€ mode when sheā€™s dealing with Sebek. They usually donā€™t get along, but since the big guyā€™s susceptible to the cold she can hover nearby and make sure heā€™s sufficiently warm. ā€œBlanket? Warm drink? Make sure youā€™re taking care of yourself, Sebek-kun!ā€ (He shoos her off and shouts about how heā€™s a strong independent man that doesnā€™t need to be fretted over then he sneezes before he can finish his protest www)
Idia isnā€™t someone Miss Raven talks with a lot, but heā€™d probably be excited that she resembles one of the characters from Sled Over Heels in her Harveston fit. Maybe he asks her about cosplay in an attempt to make conversation and she just goes ā€œ???? What is thatā€¦ā€ Idia gives up on attempting to socialize and crawls back into his quiet corner to be gloomy.
Jadeā€¦ well, heā€™s Jade šŸ’€ You can bet heā€™ll be bickering with her the entire trip as they take in the local flora and fauna. Miss Raven will want to try a little of every food and drink offered to her, but because of her small stomach she canā€™t possibly eat full servings. Jade can be her convenient human-sized food disposal bin more free food for him.
Ravens are actually quite hardy; they can survive in northern winters just fine (since theyā€™re ready and willing to eat most anything they come across)! The birds that migrate do so for food and egg laying purposes; their warm-bloodedness and plumage often provide adequate insulation.
ā€¦ Now that I think about it, Miss Raven doesnā€™t actually have all her feathers in her current form šŸ˜… so sheā€™s more susceptible to the cold at the moment; thatā€™s nothing an Applepom/Snow Boa outfit canā€™t fix though! (Her thanks goes out to Marja and the kind people of Harveston~)
Hereā€™s a quick sketch:
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Itā€™s very similar to the outfits that Idia, Sebek, and Jade wear! Miss Ravenā€™s variant has a poofy skirt and slightly different boots. You canā€™t tell from the sketch (because I totally glossed over the intricate patterns in it), but there are supposed to be scattered feathers and little sparkles included with the apple cross sections in the design. I imagine the overall fabric of the look to be dark blueish.
Her hat is most similar to Idiaā€™s, with strings that resemble her braided pigtails. Somehow they magically manage to contain all of her hairā€¦ The new hairstyle is meant to resemble Princess Annaā€™s! Thereā€™s also a removable cloak which is meant to be a reference to Annaā€™s own magenta cloak. Miss Raven is suited for adventure; as you can probably tell from the sketch, she has a number of useful items in the pouch slung at her waist.
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gamerbearmira Ā· 7 months
Rock band au? (Inspired by your pop star au and emo Alma )
Alma - Manager
Pepa - lead singer
Isabela - Second lead singer
Camilo - Drums
Mirabel - Bassist (I just think it fits)
Alma is an emo, Pepa is a goth, Isabela is a Punk, Camilo is Grunge, and Mirabel is a Scene girl with some Kawaii/Lolita traits. The typical music they make sounds like sad/angry 2000ā€™s rock. (Like Linkin park, Drowning pool, The white stripes, red hot chili peppers, etc.)
I feel like they tour around for 3-4 months and take the rest of the year off to be with family/finish school stuff.Ā 
Stage names!!!?
Pepa - Thunderstorm
Isabela - Rose thorn
Camilo - Chemical Chameleon?
Mirabel - Lonesome butterfly?
No, but this is so cool. I donā€™t know if Iā€™ve ever said this, but I really think the Madeigals could work as a music group šŸ˜­ hence the time travel idol group/pop star au/emo Alma lol.
EARLY 2000s EDGINESS?? SO RADDDDDā€¼ļøā€¼ļøhonestly I think those genres fit really well. They def went to Alma (possibly Pepa as well for the younger kids) to take inspiration from fr fr Tour makes a lot of sense, I doubt theyā€™d do a year long tour šŸš“ā€ā™€ļøšŸš“ā€ā™€ļø
I also have them a few extra roles (suggestions obv), just small ones like back up vocals for Mirabel and Camilo. I made Isabela the Lead guitarist, because a lot of those bands have an electric, plus whenever Isabela isnā€™t singing lead, she can play guitar. Same for Pepa, when sheā€™s not singing lead, she could play the keyboard.
Alma is just the manager lmaoooo šŸ’€ (possibly producer?? She was pretty big at her peak and still kinda is, and could have a company) maybe??? She does features in some songs idk
Mirabel made them kandi šŸŒššŸŒš Alma has one, it just gets tucked under her bracelets
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These are terrible but whatever. Gave Alma an actual design so thatā€™s a win in my book šŸ‘©ā€šŸŽ¤
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autisticlancemcclain Ā· 11 months
thank u @zenstrike for the tag <333333333 i see ur mic and i'm elated about it
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
185! but i haven't updated in like a week and a half so we're probably closer to 190
2. whatā€™s your total ao3 word count?
556,104. i am very excited to watch it jump up when i finally finish my longfic teehee
3. what fandoms do you write for?
literally just voltron lol. well not counting baby me's wattpad lol. i started writing almost two years ago and just went ham basically. i've been intentionally avoiding things that i know i will get hyperfixated on bc i don't want to stop my writing obsession lol
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
ooooou i'm excited to check. i know it's changed quite a bit over time. i usually sort them by hits!
i will grind you to sand (beneath my louboutin heels) [voltron, 2573 words]: bamf lance fic where i give him a revolver and let him go ham basically
mr. snuggles [voltron, 1656 words]: one of my very earliest fics! lance, lover of weirdo animals, finds a demonic cat-sized spider and adopts it despite his friend's freakouts
he might not look like he gets bitches (but honey that dick was eleven inches) [voltron, 1136 words]: this one is so dorky lol but it's just secret relationship klance coming to light in the most embarrassing possible way
does anyone know where the love of god goes (when the waves turn the minutes to hours) [voltron, 4283]: a canon divergence au where lance is a seer and convinces the skeptics on his team of his abilities by ending the war
this is the part of me that you're never gonna ever get away) [voltron, 3262 words]: a lance & shiro hurt/comfort with a small autistic lance character study! i'm very proud of this one
5. do you respond to comments?
i definitely do on tumblr! it's one of the first things i do when i wake up actually. on ao3, though...i'm pretty sure i have about eight hundred unanswered comments sitting in my inbox šŸ’€ it's an ongoing issue
6. whatā€™s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i'm almost sure it's this post-game show lance leaving fic, because i got comments and asks for weeks begging me to write a happy ending lol. but this fic from the hana universe, from when keith is little and shiro is fighting for custody and they haven't figured things out yet. that one is sad. this dream pov adashi fic is also sad and has no happy ending bc, you know. shiro is in space and adam thinks he's dead and everything. my loneliest series is also still in progress and as such there is no happy ending. and this is my earliest angsty-ending fic with MCD
7. whatā€™s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
oh god pretty much everything i write has a happy ending?? if iā€™m being serious?? frankly i donā€™t do a lot of linear plot. i just write Scenes that are vaguely connected. BUT my h2o fic had a plot that ended happily, as did my cowboy fic, but truly iā€™m more of a slice of life kinda gal. all my active wips are plot-driven, though, and i plan for all of them to end happily.
8. do you get hate on fics?
oh god yeah. i get it on brown eyed lance, autistic lance, adhd keith, allura just in general (are you sensing a pattern), my refusal to use readmores, and lately just some demands for me to write differently/more?? most of it is just funny so i post it to goof on it lol, but some of it i just delete and pout about until i forget about it šŸ’€
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
yes and itā€™s nasty and i will literally never ever post it. although i guess iā€™ve written some softer stuff thatā€™s more allusion than anything, like in my loneliest series.
10. do you write crossovers? whatā€™s the craziest one youā€™ve written?
not anymore, but i did when i was a kid?? i think i wrote a pjo/hoo/divergent/the mortal instruments/homestuck/a bunch of other shit fic when i was 13. iā€™ve successfully blocked that era out of my mind tho so iā€™m not sure. i do a lot of insane aus, tho. i wrote a fic based off a country song written in the sixties. so.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
iā€™ve had people write continuations of my wips?? which i didnā€™t rly like. i just ignored it.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
someone has asked me about translating a fic before! havenā€™t heard anything since tho.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
i have tried. iā€™m not very good at it. i have very Specific ideas about things and can be very controlling, so itā€™s honestly better that i donā€™t lol.
14. whatā€™s your all-time favorite ship?
klance, easy. been in the trenches of this goddamn fandom since i was 13 years of age. itā€™s been a Journey.
15. whatā€™s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
god, the butterfly effect. i get people asking me to update all the time and i genuinely feel bad, because i have absolutely no ideas or plans for it. i might try to come up with an ending of some kind?? but i wrote that like two years ago, so i have changed a LOT about my writing since then.
16. what are your writing strengths?
dialogue and humour, i think. and sometimes writing lack of emotional communication (if that makes sense ā€” i like to try and write around an emotion).
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
i over explain a lot. and i overuse dialog ur tags sometimes. i have a Very Specific scene playing out in my head and i want everyone else to see it like iā€™m seeing it, which is my downfall a lot. iā€™ve been trying to work on implicit stage directions.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i think sometimes itā€™s necessary? it can be a good tool for humour, like with cussing that canā€™t be achieved in english. but while i understand and read several languages i have always always struggled to speak or write in them. itā€™s very frustrating so i often avoid the subject entirely lol.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
iā€™ve been writing fanfic in my head since before i knew what it was, but i started typing things at around 11 when i used to homestuck roleplay with my friends lol. messy messy times.
20. favorite fic youā€™ve ever written?
oh i am my own target audience. i have several.
i need a man (whoā€™s patient and kind): keith-centric post canon (divergence) fic where lance takes him to his family and keith is good with kids and just keith being loved is the whole point. always.
what if i lose it all: an alternate universe where lance, as a baby, loses both his parents, and then is raised by his oldest siblings. in luisā€™ pov.
when does a ripple become a tidal wave (when does the reason become the flame): brogane fight & angst canon divergence post season 6; covering shiroā€™s guilt complex and keithā€™s unwavering loyalty
heā€™s into superstitions (black cats and voodoo dolls): halloween verse with witch lance and vampire keith! i have barely spoken about this au on here but rest assured iā€™m thinking about it all the fucking time
the applebeeā€™s universe: modern au with young keith and lance learning how to love each other
ceilings (plaster): non-linear dream-like fic thatā€™s just so trippy and strange iā€™m obsessed with it
if the sky comes falling down (for you) thereā€™s nothing in this world i wouldnā€™t do: a keith character study about how the biggest bleeding heart in the universe loves
the hana universe: brogane-centric universe as their family starts rocky and grows
thank u again for the tag zen <33 open offer for anyone else who would like to hop on!!
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grimmcheems Ā· 10 months
The blonde trio after the Quirk War
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So I did a continuation of the my previous Villain Aoyama AU art lmao. Ig itā€™s not rly an AU canonically?? (Though idk how the manga has been handling my boi since I dropped it after his reveal oop) anywayyssssssā€¦..these babies now have to live with new identities and frequently change jobs every year in order to keep a low profile.
Monoma works as a Cab/Taxi driver and street food chef(think like hole in the wall restaurant?/place with frequent customers but within the backstreets of cities) Toga is a Sales ClerkšŸ’€(donā€™t ask how she even managed to get the job, the hiring manager was probably too scared by her aura to refuse her) AND Tutor(donā€™t ask how she landed that either since she never got to finish high school to begin with) and Aoyama works as a Bartender in a HOST CLUB(Kurogiri helped him land the job and taught him some cool stuff from his experience of working their dingy bar they used to live in with the LOV[which has since been disbanded after the quirk war].
Btw I added the ā€œKumo/Kuroā€ bc Shirakumo and Kurogiri get it? Idrk why I decided to add him in last minute but I thought itā€™d be funny if he pretended/acted to be their dad when they escape during their trial and onto living in the streets (for the sake of being brief: which ends in them faking their own deaths. I thought to make an art of the events leading up to this but who knows how long that will take me or when Iā€™ll get to itšŸ—æit is also pretty gruesome with the way I imagined it for my AU so Iā€™m not sure if many people would even be up for seeing that oop)
They have to frequently dye their hair since they can easily be recognized by just their blonde hair and facial features, which is also why Monoma and Toga wear color contacts. Aoyama doesnā€™t need them since he wore different colored contacts when he became a student at UA, so thereā€™s no need for them since everyone remembered him to have the color contact eyes instead of his natural green eyes.
They all will work multiple part time jobs to keep up with their rent and budget etc. However there are times where they will all quit to just take time to themselves. They all live together in the same apartment. Everyone also thinks they are dead, so thereā€™s no need for them to really hide, but theyā€™re too traumatized by heroes and their peers(hero students) to not stay in the hidden parts of towns and cities and lowkey jobs. Thereā€™s more to that on the ā€œtrialā€ I imagined for them (I dropped the manga some time ago but I heard that my baby Aoyama may POSSIBLY get actual time in prison for his affiliation and that was the forefront of the idea I came up with that they would all go through a trial process as they are still just children)
ALSO, in my AU Aoyama ends up with Dark shadow at some point (donā€™t question it Iā€™m still trying to figure out how to fit it in so it makes sensešŸ‘©šŸ½ā€šŸ¦Æ, but they sort of form a bond and Dark Shadow develops depression after his ā€œdeathā€. He does go back to Tokoyami at some point after Aoyama realizes that Toko must be in ruins not having his best bud anymore and ā€˜givesā€™ him back?
I also mentioned that this is AFTER the ā€œquirk warā€ Iā€™m not sure if they actually use that title but from what I remember they distinctly called it that when I last read the manga. I could be wrong though.
One last thing, idk how the whole Oboro thing would work out, since he can use his quirk on command in this(hence the lack of purple mist) but technically he IS dead canonicallyā€¦.LIKE FRFR. Bro ainā€™t coming back and his body was just harvested and being used, but ignore that for thisā€¦ā€¦he was just in a deep slumber and awoke after breaking out of the high security quirk prison he was in and decided to take care of the three because he wouldā€™ve wanted someone to do the same for him when he was younger and ā€œdiedā€.šŸ˜«šŸ–¤
I know I write a lot so I highly doubt anyone read all of thisšŸ˜…but itā€™s so hard to JUST post my art and NOT WRITE ANYTHING since they all spawn from these ideas I get and I NEED to provide the context lmao Ī£('ā—‰āŒ“ā—‰ā€™)otherwise I feel wack that no one will ever know what I was aiming for lolšŸ„²
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vacantgodling Ā· 10 months
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this year was one of the first years in a long time that i TRULY committed myself to writing any and everything that i thought of and itā€™s been a really good feeling. so starting from this year, i wanna have a little year in review so i can look back and reminisce on how much i actually did cuz sometimes itā€™s hard to tell lol.
TOTAL WORDS WRITTEN (january ā€” december 2023)
139,345 (as of 11/30 (google docs only))
iā€™ve written more probably, but my notes app is harder to keep track of word counts in. this total is also across all pieces of prose and poetry, though poetry isnā€™t a significant number lol
if this was all in one piece iā€™d probably have a full novel already lmao šŸ’€
paramour chapter 9 ā€” masquerade, clocking in at 5,894 words
paramour is sitting pretty at 30k-ish words written overall (including me writing chapter 20 twice lol)
definitely cage. iā€™ve had this fanfiction and wip for years and the fact that iā€™d finished the full outline like last year but didnt start writing it until now and how much headway ive made in such little timeā€¦ iā€™m really proud of myself. i canā€™t wait to actually finish this bitch
Worthless War -> the cherry on top, best thing iā€™ve written this year and probably in general for a long time.
Come To Bed -> when i lost my mind about buddy daddies earlier this year, this fic really encapsulated everything i felt about the show. i love the narration, i love how itā€™s fun and playful but also deep, and i remember having so much fun writing it.
Paramour Chapter 20 ā€œCareless Whisperā€ -> the rewrite of chapter 20 i am UNREASONABLY obsessed with and itā€™s a shame i canā€™t post it here without giving so so so much away. i love it so much i am willing to share it with those who donā€™t care about spoilers lol but its smutty and emotionally charged and everything perfect about amon and hyaā€™s fucked up mess
A Foolā€™s Errand -> this is in the role swap amon and hya au and tbh this au is So Fun to me. getting to be in amonā€™s head more often is definitely a treat and the description of the make out is PEAK
Good Feeling -> i will never be normal about hue and jihan and i think i captured their relationship esp in the early days perfectly so iā€™m just gonna cry about it
Ritual -> i really love this piece and giving life again to some old ocs meant a lot to me. + the smut šŸ¤ŒšŸ¾šŸ¤ŒšŸ¾
Distraction -> no one knows or cares about these ocs but me and thatā€™s okay iā€™ll just be feral about them on my own šŸ˜­
reach 150k words written overall
finish cage like itā€™s GOING to happen i will it
finish the first draft of paramour!!!
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