#i have literally been telling kat for years that i was going to do this and its become a running joke so i hope i did it justice xD
The Call-Out Post {muffled voice} Years in the Making
Did you think I forgot, @godblooded ? Despite my telling you several times throughout the years that I would one day write this? Well... The day of reckoning is at last upon you, brother. I just had to wait. I had to bide my time. And now that you’ve been exposed for the shit writer bitch you are, it is my time to strike.
I made this blog while sitting in your basement circa 2013. After you got me into NBC Hannibal, you talked me into joining tumblr and the RP scene, which I didn’t want to do at the time. But then I got into it. Only my then-undiagnosed-ADHD and constant burnout would keep me away followed by a whole lot of toxicity within the fandom that scared me away from RP altogether, but this is a call-out for you, my dear brother, not the fandom (for a change). I fell in love with writing for Freddie. But, as I got more into the show, I decided to create another blog for a different character. I still wanted to write Freddie, and she’d always be my main character, but I started to grow fond of Frederick Chilton. And there was no way I would have Freddie share her space with another character.
So, I excitedly told you about it, and figured we could RP some ridiculous shit considering how Alana (your main muse) felt about him, and all the silly HCs we came up with together about the two.
Yet you never responded to my requests to RP with him. In fact, you outright refused on several occasions because, and this is (presumably) a direct quote, “I can’t not be hostile towards him.”
Although I argued that that was fine and would even be perfect in most scenarios, you rejected my pleas. Eventually I stopped asking.
Then... THEN... Several months later, you started telling me about this “really good Chilton” you started writing with.
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Like... The fuck? No, really, like, what the fuck!? I didn’t say I needed to be your only Chilton, but, uh... Ouch? Very Ouch? How very dare, even??? I had even forgotten the login to that account because it wasn’t being used, and then you spit in my face like that... Wow, just... The nerve?
But I want to help you learn and grow from your heinous mistakes and sins against me, your brother. So, if you want to make it right, you can visit my new Chilton blog, @b1oodandchocolate​ and RP every so often... Though, obviously, Freddie is still my main and the queen.
Anyway, I forgot to tell you that I left my Cherry Icee in your freezer when we hung out this weekend, so you can have it. Love you!
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godblooded · 1 year
so my aunt’s having the treatment and then we have to drive thirty minutes to the er to get platelets for an hour. are you fucking kidding me. are you seriously fucking kidding me.
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tootiecakes234 · 8 months
It’s Saturday and you’ve been rotting on the couch all day, only getting up to get food and take a shower. You were really proud of yourself for the shower honestly.
Katsuki’s been at work all day and it’s around the time when he gets home. You know you should probably get up and at least seem like you’ve been somewhat productive today, but you don’t have the energy for all of that.
It makes you feel guilty sometimes when you know he’s been working his ass off, putting his life in danger and here you are just taking up space.
Then the front door opens and in walks a grumpy, exhausted Katsuki.
“Awww. Kats are you ok. You look like you’ve been through hell.” And you make a motion like you’re about to get up and come to him but he stops you.
“Don’t fuckin move. I’m going to take a shower and then I’m coming back out here to take a nap. You’d better have that blanket nice and damn toasty by the time I get back.” And he starts on his journey to the bathroom.
You know he’d probably be hungry and he’d sleep better if you had something on his stomach. You head to the kitchen and make him a quick sandwich with some chips and baby carrots (knowing he’d probably eat the carrots and you’d be the one to eat the chips… he’s such a health nut) and place it by the couch. Then you tuck yourself back in the sheets and wait for him to come out.
You hear you bedroom for open and his bare feet padding on the floor.
“Thought I told your ass not to move.”
“Do you not want the sandwich, cuz I can stick it-“
“Shut up. I’m starvin.” He grumbles and then sits at on the floor at the table and inhales, the chips, carrots and sandwich in record time. Maybe you should have brought him more.
“Do you want another-“ you start but he’s standing already and pushing you forward on the couch so he can slide his body in behind yours. You’re now laying between his legs.
“No that’ll hold me til dinner. Now I want you turn down that damn tv, slide down a little, there we go, and now we are going to nap until I feel like getting up. “
“What if I’m not sleepy??” You say as you scootch down and snuggle further into the blankets covering the two of you.
“Tch…. Your ass is always down for a nap. ‘Ve been together 2 years and you’re NEVER turned down napping with me.” He says as he makes himself comfy and pulling you more snuggly against his chest.
“One of these days I’m gonna tell you no…. Not today, but one day for sure.”
“Mmm” and that’s the last thing you hear before his breath even out and he’s dead to the world.
Well sometimes you felt guilty for your rotting days, but Katsuki loves you the way you are. Besides no one else would ever snuggle and drool on his chest the way you do…
*this is purely self indulgent because I’m a rotter😭
Katsuki Masterlist
Tags: @dreamcastgirl99 @xxvendettaxx @justbepeace @moonpieshawdy @theloveofnagiseishiroslife @mintsbubbletea @darkstarlight82 @anon-mouse223 @b134ch-m4h-ey3z @i-literally-cant-with-this @flowerbedbaby @kit-katsukii @blaize-hewwo @sweetblueworm
You can ask in the comments if you wanted to be added to my MHA tag list💕🫡
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mxqdii · 9 months
colby brock x reader who gets really shy around him, stutters over her words and just goes red in the face. and colby like is conpletely oblivious on what he does to her.😭 n she hasnt told anyone about her feelings toward him but say sam or one of her friends confronts her ab it and she like just denys it n stuff, u can chose the end but id love it if it was like friends to lovers and extremely fluffy(:
like you like that - c.b
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pairings: colby brock x reader
summary: confessing feelings to colby 🙈
warning(s): fluff, confessing feels, idk
not proofread
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"can i talk to you?" the blonde boy says, interrupting me and colbys conversation
"sure.." i say, getting up from my spot on the couch, following sam into another room.
i've been living with sam and colby for a while now, katrina, sams girlfriend, lives here too, we all do, its fun.
i love living with my best friends, friends, we're all friends, i have to remember that, friends-
"y/n!" sam yells, snapping me out of my trance
"yeah- what, sorry." i say, looking up at him
"when the fuck are you gonna admit your feelings to colby?" he asks and i groan
"i have no idea what you're talking about sam, you and kat need to lay off about this" i whisper-yell
"are you guys good in there?" i hear colby say, opening the door
he leans on the doorframe and i feel all words leave my brain
"uh- y-yeah yeah! we're fine! just, go back to what you were doing!" i frantically ramble, pushing him out and closing the door
i shut it, leaning against it putting my head against it, a sigh leaving my lips in relief.
"i have no idea what you're talking about sam!" he mocks and i groan, i forgot he was in here
"okay, okay, fine." i put my hands up in defeat, waiting for him to explain how i can confess to my best friend, that i live with, without ruining things.
"listen, i've known colby for years, and i know he likes you, just tell him!" sam says and i whine
"no! telling him is scary, even if he does like me, he's gonna have to tell me himself."
"im gonna go to the store, do any of you wanna come?" colby asks
"y/n will go" sam says and i glare at him, giving him a, 'i'm gonna kill you' look
"okay, you ready?" colby asks
"y-yeah! lets go." i say, almost running towards him.
we start heading for the door and i look back seeing kat and sam giggling, flipping them off before leaving.
colby opens the car door for me, also reaching over to buckle my seatbelt.
the drive was about 10 minutes, the first 5 minutes in the car being silent, the next 5 though? definitely not silent.
"can i ask you something?" he says and i slowly turn to look at him,
"yeah of course" i reply
"why are you always so nervous around me?" he asks and i feel my face go red
how the fuck do i go about this, ugh.
"i don't know" i say shyly
"i think you do baby" he says and i die on spot, what the fuck is happening
"i- fuck- i like you okay, and i'm sorry i just- i didn't wanna tell you because i know you don't like me back and i don't wanna make things awkward and-" i ramble, not knowing how to stop my train of thought.
"hey who said i didn't like you back, didn't sam literally tell you i liked you?" he asks
"oh.. yeah actually he did- wait how do you even know that?" i look over at him
"the walls are very thin baby"
i look down, embarrassed.
"hey, it's okay, for what its worth- i really like you too, a lot. and i'm stupid for not telling you sooner." he says
"really?" i say, looking back up at him
"yeah." he looks over at me
we hold eye contact for a while, then it stops.
the next thing i hear is sirens, feeling someones hands on me, coming in and out of conciousness.
then it hits me,
we were in a car crash.
TAGLIST: @opheliaofficial07 @stargirlv0id @strniolo @annaisabookworm @theperson-nextdoor @prettysturniolo @its-jennarose
A/N: you said it could end however i wanted it to!! lmk if u want part 2 😘😘
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OMG Clandestine is done!
I am so so so excited to say I just posted the epilogue to Clandestine! Featuring a beautiful commission from @itslotuseater!
Ships: Jegulus, background wolfstar, dorlene, pandalily, rosekiller Rating: M Length: 142k (FINISHED! COMPLETED! AHH!)
He was crying. “You can do that?” He repeated, feeling like he was in some sort of dream. And then, Sirius seemed to realize. Because for a twelve-year-old, he was decently smart, and knew him better than anyone. “D’you…d’you want to do that, Reggie? I thought…I thought it was just a game?” But he could only shake his head. Because it wasn't a game. He was a boy. And he could tell from Sirius's nervously resigned expression that Sirius knew it, too. "It's...not a game." --- There's not enough Trans Regulus Black, so here's a fic to help fix the problem. Rated mature for lots of references to transphobia and Walburga Black being a piece of shit. COMPLETED (I'm not crying, you are)
Ahhh, my long-winded thank-you note:
First and foremost, thank you to Arson, my amazing Alpha Reader who brainrotted with me throughout almost the entire process. I literally could not have finished this without you, and I am so thankful to have you in my life. You've helped me through so many cases of horrible Writer's Block, encouraged me whenever I needed it, and you're an amazing friend. I hope you love your "Barty and Evan's Bitch" shirt :D
Second, to my wife, who literally dealt with me talking about this fic for TEN MONTHS. You're literally the most amazing and supportive person in my life, and I love you more than words. Thank you for being the James to my Regulus.
Third, to my Beta Reader, Kat, who is still wading through the trenches of this fic finding all my mistakes. I am so glad to have you and thank you for dealing with all of my errors and answering my messages at odd hours of the night.
Fourth, to all of the people who have encouraged me: Abby, Danielle, Kelz, everyone on the discord servers who has seen me struggle, you guys are amazing and I am so thankful to you.
Fifth, to the lovely people who created fanart for this fic. You all are amazing and you brought this to life. I bow down to you, truly, you are so incredibly talented.
Sixth, to the people who I interviewed about dysphoria and being on T, so I could have a more well-rounded understanding about Regulus's experience. Though I identify as trans, I am so thankful that other trans people were willing to give their experiences in areas I wanted to describe as accurately as possible.
And last, to all of you, who read and kudosed and inboxed and recommended and commented and kept me going. You all are amazing, and you've made this such a positive experience. This fic really was for me, to work through my own gender an discover about myself, and I am so thankful you have been here along this journey.
I want to reiterate that this is one trans person's journey, but I think it's so important to have representation in all forms of media. I'm hoping that my version of Reggie has helped with that a little bit! He's my baby, and he deserves all the good things.
Keep an eye out for the B-sides of this fic! I'll add a chapter to this work linking to it, so if you're subscribed to this, you'll get an e-mail. I'll also be editing this work to fix all the errors, and I'll be doing the B-sides as I go. It probably won't be for a couple of weeks, since I am now working, and I won't have any strict posting schedule, but I'm excited for those as well!
I love you all. Thanks for being a part of this journey.
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i’ll drive, i’ll drive all night - part 3
katie McCabe x teen!McCabe
(young sister)
pt1, pt2
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Trigger warnings: lots of talk on sexual assault, minor self harm and suicidal thoughts references, poor mental health, please don’t read if you’re not in the correct headspace for it.
AN: Again not the best writing more of a trauma dumb ngl, unedited.
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you became aware of Katie’s hands running through your hair, then you hear the soft mumbling of katie and caitlin, talking about you, probably. you don’t want to open your eyes and face the aftermath of what you told Katie, but you do.
Noticing your eyes slowly fluttering open she smiles up at you, giving your resting shoulder a squeeze.
“hiya darling, you alright?”
not wanting to speak just yet you nod, you and katie both know your lying, your not actually okay, it weird now that she knows now that she knows your lying now that she knows how unhappy you truly are, You used to be happy, you used to wake up with a smile, you used to enjoy school, you used to be excited for the day ahead of you but now as you wake up laying on Katie you hate it, you’ve hated it for awhile now, waking up. you don’t want to carry on with the day, you don’t want to talk about your feelings, you want to sleep and you don’t really want to wake up again.
“shall we get some lunch? we can go to nando’s if you’d like? me, you and cait? or we can stay here you pick sweetheart.”
come to think of it you were hungry, you hadn’t since yesterday morning and you wanted to spend time with both Katie and caitlin.
“can we go to nandos please?”
your answer causes Katie to break into a massive smile, your not to sure why your simple answer makes her so happy but your glad nevertheless having been the cause of tears just hours ago.
“Do you really have a black card for nandos?”
This causes Katie to break out into yet another of fit of giggles this time caitlin joining in with her.
“YES, i have literally shown you it five hundred times it’s real im a nando’s celebrity y/n!”
she lets out enthusiastically looking at caitlin to back her up.
You laugh at her, really laugh then not a fake laugh but a real belly laugh for a moment you feel glimpses of the old you coming back, the happy carefree you.
“who would’ve fought that the girl cooking the chicken 10 years ago gets it for free now”
She nods happily “it’s mad when you think about it”
“i’m really proud of you kats” you tell her honestly, you were, you were so incredibly proud of your big sister and what she’s made for herself, its hard to even put it in to words, not only the incredible footballer and role model she is for young girls but also for who she is as a person, you couldn’t ask for a better big sister.
“and i’m proud of you y/n”
This causes you to smile at her again, you loved it when people said they were proud of you, especially your sister, it was kind of like a drug to you, you’d always crave the praise of your sister even as a little 5 year old girl you wanted her praise.
That journey to St albans Nando’s was a memorable one, full of laughter, pure real laughter, you couldn’t remember the last time you’d laughed that much, for the 20 minutes there you felt happy, truly happy.
Eventually you pull into the car park, getting out the car caitlin immediately hatches onto you, swinging your arms around making you both giggle as she does so, whilst Katie trails behind moaning about being cold.
“what you gonna get then kiddo” caitlin asks as you both sit down into the booth.
“i know what she wants she’ll have a chicken wrap Cait” Katie’s says overhearing the conversation.
“hm nah i don’t want that.” you tell her seriously, this causes Katie to frown “but you’ve had since you were like 5” she lets out dramatically causing you to break out into another fit of giggles “I’m just kidding obviously i want that.”
besides the morning you had had a good day, a day full of laughter and messing around and being yourself, it was weird but it felt good, laughing being happy like your usual self.
Getting yourself into bed you heard a knock at your door knowing it was most likely Katie you call her in.
“hey kiddo you all good? did you have a nice afternoon” she asks you coming to sit next you on the bed.
“yeah it was fun” you smile up at her honestly, she smiles at your words, tucking a loose hair behind your ear.
“i’m glad you had some fun, we still need to talk though, i need to know what happened at school and what happened in the bathroom last night kid.” she lets out studying your face for a reaction, you don’t give one you knew she would have to ask eventually.
“the school isn’t really that deep honest these boys were just making fun of me about erm what i told you i don’t know how they know but anyways my teacher got mad at me when i tried to explain so i just ran off im sorry” you tell her a look of sincerity written all over your face, “ they made me so angry and mam was angry at me for leaving so i don’t know i just like i saw red and i was so mad i don’t even remember getting on a flight its like it’s blocked out from my memory I’m really sorry katie.”
Katie just nods in understanding, wrapping her arms round your shoulders pulling you into her side.
“you don’t need to apologise sweetheart, i understand now why you reacted in the way you did and i’m not mad anymore, ill never be mad at you for that, we can get you help now thy you told me, i’m really proud of you for opening up to me y/n i know that took a lot of courage” she tells you softly before continuing “i understand what your going through is incredibly tough on you and i don’t blame you for the way you’ve been trying to cope with it, i get why you’ve been acting out and i promise you i’ll be here every step off the way to get you back happy again.”
For the first time since it happened, since you had started spiralling downwards you felt understood, like someone finally got you, it made you feel warm inside, it made you feel loved again, you’d hadn’t felt loved in a while, you knew you were loved but it hadn’t been shown recently with the way you had been behaving.
“there’s um something else i need to tell you.” you tell her deciding that if you wanted to get better, if you wanted to be your old self you need to start being honest with her “ in the bathroom yesterday i wanted to um well recently when things have been really bad or like when the memories wouldn’t go away i hurt myself it makes everything stop, i want everything to stop Katie please don’t be angry” you sob out looking down at the floor scared of her reaction, her disappointment in you.
“hey hey kidda look at me, breathe your alright, it’s okay darling i understand it’s difficult to go through all the emotions of what happened to you alone im not angry ill never be mad at you for trying to cope with what happened, never.” she says gently that familiar irish accent thick as ever, gently rubbing your back as she says so.
“it’s just sometimes all i can’t feel, hear and see is him and it’s the only thing that stops it i-i just need to feel in control again and not his control.”
You think your sister cries at your confession, you can’t be entirely sure because she wraps you up even tighter then before your head on her shoulder and your own tears are clouding your vision but your fairly certain she’s crying, you feel bad then, you’ve made your sister who rarely cries, cry multiple times in the past 24 hours because of you.
“M’ really sorry kat, i didn’t mean to make you sad.”
“look at me y/n”
slowly you move away from your sisters tight grasp and look up to her to prove your listening.
“you don’t ever have to apologise for how you chose to cope, you did what you could in the situation you were put it in, i’m angry and upset at the world thats put baby sisters through so much, but you never have to apologise to me, i promise you it’s not your fault.”
She sounded so genuine, so caring and so patient that you couldn’t help but start to believe her words, you think that you’ve been needing that reassurance, someone to tell you that you didn’t choose for this to happen, to remind you that your doing your best.
“thank you Katie.” is all you can whisper out, still feeling fairly overwhelmed from your entire day, talking about your feelings wasn’t something you were used to.
“get some sleep y/n, i’ve got you, we’re all right behind you me, cait, mam, da, your siblings, my teammates we’ve got you alright we’re going to help you, i love you so much goodnight sweetheart.” she says softly getting up of the bed and going to turn the light off before turning around quickly “and if you need me you come and get me okay? i’m right next door.” you nod in agreement, not really sure yourself if you’ll get help when you actually need it.
“Goodnight Katie tell caitlin i said goodnight to please.”
She nods before closing your bedroom door and walking back down the stairs.
As your lay there in the dark, Katie and caitlin long gone to bed, you can’t help but go back to that night, the memories seem more vivid this time, more real like it was happening again, like you were that vulnerable girl in the bathroom that night all over again, truth to be told you were terrified, your entire body was shaking from head to toe, you were loosing consciousness of your surroundings, you were back in that tiled bathroom, back where everything went wrong.
your scratching at your eyes, at your face and at your ears anything to make it stop, make it stop seeming so real.
You can hear the rip of your dress his zipper everything all over again, you can’t hear katie’s words trying to get through to you, you hear caitlin talking to Katie, your just stuck there back there, until someone grabs your shaking body, forcing you to open your eyes and look at them.
“Y/n hey listen to me it’s me, your not there your at Katie’s house your sister Katie with caitlin, your in london not dublin, breathe for me darling”
Katie’s sudden actions and thick accent pulls you out, bringing you back to the bedroom.
you pull your legs up to your arms, your small body still shaking with fear.
“can i touch you y/n?”
you want to say yes, you so desperately want her hug, want her familiarity and comfort but you can’t bring yourself to speak, instead you decide on a simple nod.
you’d hadn’t previously noticed Caitlin’s presence, only realising she’s there when
she leaves the room, leaving the door ajar.
You don’t say anything and Katie doesn’t say anything she just holds you, she holds you tight kissing your head as she does whispering words into your ears.
Caitlin walks back into the room awhile later, a glass of water, tissue and paracetamol in hand.
“i’ll leave this here for you kidda, i wasn’t sure if you’d have a after so i brung some paracetamol for you.” she tells you before turning to katie “i’ll go back to our room love, i love you both so much” she says before turning around and back out the door.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Katie asks you sweetly.
you think that you do, you know it will help to let it out and tell Katie how you were feeling.
“i don’t know what happened it’s l-l-like i was right there and it was happening all over again it was so scary Katie i’m so scared.”
“it’s okay sweetheart, take a deep breathe for me, copy my breathing” she tells you sensing your breathing becoming more rapid again.
You watch her chest like you did last time, following as it moves up and down slowly, feeling your breathing pattern return to normal again you look back up to Katie
“ you need help kiddo, professional help would you give it ago?”
your hesitant, you don’t want help but you also do help, you think the part of talking about your feelings and what happened to a professional is what scares you, but you don’t want to feel like this forever, you think know talking helps so you very hesitantly agree.
“i’m so proud of you y/n, shall we try fall back to sleep? i’ll stay right here with you yeah?”
nodding slowly, you get back down under the covers, katie wraps her arms around you before giving you a kiss on the head.
“i love you sweetheart.”
as you lay there hearing katie’s soft snores you think that maybe you could be happy, maybe eventually you could be your old self again, you could kick a ball around and love school again, your fairly certain that with Katie’s help and a professional you could get there again and be that carefree little girl who ran wild with a mischievous grin, eventually.
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eponastory · 4 months
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Antis need to stop posting things like this so I don't have to get excited about proving them wrong...
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Okay okay... I'm a little too excited over this because it's
So wrong, it's hilarious.
I have been part of this ship since 2005 and I have never, not once, seen anyone ship it for the reasons given above by the silly antis. The show will literally be 20 years old next year. And it's been almost 20 years since I've graduated high school. In all of that time, Aang being bald was never a reason I've seen for not shipping Kat*ang. Or that he was short.
The main reason why we don't ship Kat*ang is because of the writing. At its core, the ship is fundamentally flawed. I mean, there are plenty of metas out there that will explain it from well-educated writers and readers who know a thing or two. I'm not going to say that anyone shouldn't like a ship because of x and y, it's all subjective to a point and it's canon.
But self inserting is not the reason we like Zutara either.
At least not the core reason. It's on the very top of the Zutara Iceberg of reasons why we ship, making it pretty shallow. Again, self-inserting is a universal thing. EVERYONE does it. That means Kat*angers do too. Which is why they defend it so much. Sorry antis, you aren't going to escape my wrath on this very therapeutic way of dealing with your internal struggles.
Appearances do not make a ship what it is. I tend to think that Zutara shippers have a more right brained way of thinking compared to Kat*angers. Zutara shippers generally put a lot of logic in with emotion when talking and writing about the ship vs the other camp that don't seem to think as hard on it. I mean, they don't really have to because yes, the ship (and it is a ship you dummies because it's a relationship) is canon. There is not reason other than that to really put any logic into it other than
It is written!
Like God came down and made the ten commandments of AtLA shipping.
Thou shalt not ship any other character except Canon being the first one.
Excuse me while I take a chisel to that stone and fuck it up.
Thou shalt not tell other people what to ship.
Everyone is free to have their opinions, but assuming that people do what they do because of 'self inserting' and 'attraction' being your main reason to go after a creative group without actually talking to them on a civil level is just...
Well it makes you look like an idiot.
I mean that with the deepest of respect (even though I understand why people ship Kat*ang and don't single them out for it) and humbleness.
But stop making posts that don't make sense. I have way too much fun with them.
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clonerightsagenda · 2 months
Since it is self-indulgence Saturday, even though this is not podcast girls related in its entirety, I decided to follow in Kate's footsteps and post the outline for a Wolf 359 PMV I have been thinking about for years but can't make to shake everyone by the shoulders and say "do you understand my vision".
It's set to Marianas Trench's "Masterpiece Theatre III." If you are asking yourself 'Hey Kat was this inspired by that one really big lyricst-" what about it. The first and last lines are perfect fits when taken literally, idk what to tell you.
I got a new disease in me Eiffel coughing, Hilbert offering ‘nicotine’ lozenges I got a friend that's losing sleep Hilbert bent over a microscope, Minkowski’s silhouette peering in through the lab door I take it hard, it's hard to take Minkowski frowning and writing a letter starting with Dear Dominik I'm wide awake Hera surrounded by screens showing all three of those previous scenes I'm wide awake Outside shot of the station framed against the star
One more confession, Eiffel speaking into the recorder discretion's not what I need to sell his words broadcasting into deep space I never needed a reason for keeping secrets from myself Anne’s photo taped under his console And now that's just how I tell Hilbert leaning over Eiffel’s shoulder as music plays. Hilbert’s gaze flicks toward him I'm wide awake Eiffel with the gas mask surrounded by knockout gas
I'll wreck this if I have to Minkowski outside the station pounding on the airlock door Tell me what good would that do Eiffel lighting his last cigarette I'll wreck this if I have to Hilbert ripping out Hera’s personality matrix
(I'd be so good to you) Carter shaking Dmitri Volodin’s hand in his Russian apartment (I'd be so good to you) Rachel introducing Minkowski to Hilbert as her science officer at Canaveral
You get separated, somebody's gone Eiffel playing chess with the auto program And I don't know how this is wrong The crew arguing over Hilbert, Hera with a skull speech bubble and Eiffel with handcuffs And I'm so frustrated, falling behind Disheveled Minkowski hunting the plant monster You were a friend of mine Lovelace pushing Hilbert up against the wall, her hands around his throat
I'd be so good to you Lovelace taking Hilbert to lunch at her insistence 'Cause they don't know you like I do Flashbacks to Lovelace’s mission They don't know you like I do Lovelace horrified seeing Eiffel getting sick, flashback to Lambert sick the same way They don't know you like I do Hera viewing Eiffel in the medbay through her screens, a bunch of metrics on blood ox, heartrate, etc. pulled up They don't know you like I do The whole crew staring at the comms as it speaks with Eiffel’s voice
*** Instrumentals: Star changes color ***
There's a difference from me to them Lovelace shoving Minkowski out of the way and getting impaled And the road home is paved in star fuckers requiem Eiffel desperately piloting the rickety shuttle I can never go, go back home again Lovelace’s monitor flatlining (Acadia is gone) Acadia is gone The shuttle exploding and disappearing into the distance
All my indecision, all of my excess Don't you ever tell me I'm not loving you best Cutter in his swanky office receiving the distress call, juxtaposed with Minkowski, breath puffing out from the cold, placing the call. Cutter is dominant in the visuals, with Minkowski as an afterthought And I just need a minute, I just need a breath It's very hard to drink to my continued success and I, I will Rachel Young handing a mission dossier to a shadowy figure. Again Hera’s schematics showing the percentage of the station systems in crisis are present but pushed to the side, peripheral slow down, slow Eiffel half dead slumped over the shuttle console It's better in the worst way The Urania overshadows Eiffel’s shuttle It's getting better in the worst way SI5 looming over him in the open hatch, smiling unpleasantly
(Look around, round, look around, round, look around) (Look around, round, look around, round, look around) (Look around, round, look around, round, look around) (Look around, round, look around, round, look around) Timelapse showing an external view of the station changing – original layout, stress fractures, Urania parked next to it, wing getting blown off (rip Blessie… or not???), Urania getting integrated into the structure
So here's another day, I'll spend away from you Minkowski floating leaning her head against a window. Maybe holding a wedding ring Another night I'm on another broken avenue Eiffel’s mugshot on the console Trading in who I've been for shiny celebrity skin Hilbert getting his wrist slammed in the drawer, his careful samples going flying I like to push it and push it until my luck is over Lovelace staring down Kepler over the chess board
I wonder what you're doing, I wonder if you doubt it Kepler sipping his scotch and gesturing to it, presumably giving The Whiskey Speech. Maxwell and Jacobi in the background pretending to gag I wonder how we used to ever go so long without it Kepler handing Jacobi his business card at the bar All the work to impress, charming girls out of their dresses Maxwell at Hyperion’s house with Kepler surrounded by fancy readouts Smiling pretty and pretty Maxwell and Hera looking at each other on the mindscape beach
I am right beside you, right (I thought you wanted me) (What you want, what you need) Jacobi outside pounding on the capsule, Jacobi inside horrified, Maxwell indecisive I am right beside you, right (I thought you wanted me) Lovelace and Hilbert vs the dentist chair from hell (What you want, what you need) Minkowski attempting to phone home I'll make this perfect again Minkowski slamming her fist into her palm in the hidden room, decision to mutiny (I thought you wanted me) (What you want, what you need) (Cross my heart, I hope to die, hope to die) If I burn out and slip away Lovelace tied to a chair next to Eiffel in the armory, expression defiant. Countdown ticking over the image: 10, 9, 8, 7, 3, 2, 1. When the countdown gets to 1, Lovelace closes her eyes. (What you want, what you need) (Cross my heart, I hope to die, hope to die) (I thought you wanted me) (What you want, what you need) You're beautiful, you are A bloodspattered Lovelace’s eyes snapping open as she’s wreathed in blue light
I've been here so very long Eiffel facing Bob in the hotel room. Stars popping up in Bob's speech bubble to indicate the many systems they've done this with (I could slip into you, it's so easy to come back into you) Restraining bolted crewmembers smiling at an imprisoned Lovelace I'll hide it, can I hide in you a while? Eiffel screaming at a Pryce-piloted Minkowski through the airlock/ the two of them escaping into the vents (I'm not sick of you yet, is that as good as it gets?) Lovelace and Jacobi firing on the Sol capsule with the launcher I never took you for a trick but Lovelace and Kepler staring each other down over the negotiations table sometimes I don't know what you want Cutter and Minkowski superimposed over them I could take it if you need to take this out on someone Rapidfire: Minkowski sending Eiffel home, Jacobi’s fight with Reimann, Lovelace shooting Minkowski, Kepler in the airlock (And this is just the part I portray) Hera in the mindscape facing off against Pryce with Eiffel behind her (And this is just the part I portray) The picture dissolving into shards strobed with jagged electricity I don't know how it got this way Picture resolving into Doug holding a recorder in his hand
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angelicguy · 2 years
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Hey dude. Dude. I just saw. I just saw the craziest shit I've ever seen in my life. You gotta believe me... ok so this guy. He used to work at the WaWa I'd go to for lunch. Because they have those sandwiches... well I'd get a wrap. But that's besides the point. Anyways he had this wife that was really really hot. Like completely banging. And I knew because every time I'd come in he would show me a photo of her that he kept in his wallet. So I'd come in every day at like 5:30 (My shift started at about 1) to get my sandwic- wrap I mean and he would be like hey man check this out and he'd show me the photo of his wife. And every time I'd be like yeap man she's still hot. And he'd go yep god I'm lucky.
So one day I came in (hungover, and single at the time) so I was already kind of pissed off. Just generally angry, couldn't do anything about it. And this guy before he even SAYS anything tries to show me the photo of his wife. And I don't know if it was a combination the hangover or the fact that I had already been dealing with him showing me this photo near daily for about a year, but fuck I got so mad I said dude I just don't want to see the photo today. I get it. You have a hot wife. I don't care. And he looks really hurt after I say this and kind of gets quiet while he prepares my wrap. I leave I feel kind of bad but it's like whatever honestly he was just straight bragging every time he'd see me so he kind of deserved a reality check. I come in the NEXT day and I'm already kind of nervous because it'll be awkward but it's not enough of a big deal that I care THAT much but he's not there. It's some other kid. I ask him about the usual guy and he said he quit yesterday. I was like what? The guy with the hot wife? And he tells me Brandon? and I say yeah Brandon because I knew his name and he says that he doesn't know what I'm talking about w/ the wife and I say he literally showed me a picture of his wife every day, yes he's married and he's like what photo and I'm like of the hot dark haired girl? and this kid kind of stares at me blankly like he has NO clue what I'm talking about before going oOOohh dude that's so funny. Yeah what's funny. Apparently for a year that guy was just showing me a picture of kat dennings
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andromedasummer · 2 months
Over a third of the way through The Whispering Skull heres my current thoughts
- If I were Lockwood and Lucy I would be a little bit mad about George missing the whole "area theyre searching was an execution ground for criminals" thing but also I feel like it's the first clear sign we get that something is off with George. Like hes burnt out. Hes tired. Hes just a teenager. They all are and theyre working adult jobs and literally dont have the capacity or past experience to communicate with one another. Very realistic for teenagers.
- I love Kipps so much I love how full of himself he is I love how pathetic he comes across even when he gets the upper hand I cannot wait to see him and his team get cut down to size.
- That being said I would have thrown down then and there had I been struck with a Mag Flare like that. better ways to go about ghosts, its dangerous as shit, badly damaged L&C's clothes and perfectly shows that the Fitts agency arent really trained in a people-first way. The way they put pressure on their teams to secure a source above all and encourage hostility towards other agents.... Super telling about management and an early warning sign to me. Esp with what we know happens to Ned Shaw (which i'll have a lot to say about later when it happens) and Kat, Bobby and Kipps v trauma.
- I liked Joplin a lot when I read the books as a kid + my reread 2 years back but now... idk. Too reckless, esp with how he treats ghosts when in the company of teenagers and children. Hate how comfortable all the adults in this world are about putting children at risk. They really treat them as a resource or rather than anything else.
- The skull is such a fucking shit stirrer which again makes so much damn sense when you learn hes a teenager whose been stuck with no one to talk to in a jar for like a hundred+ years. Of course you're trying to push apart Lockwood and Lucy. You are a fucked up ex-cultist teenage boy who finally found someone to talk to and are perpetually stuck in your teenage brain and hormones. You are So Jealous.
- Lucy, George and Lockwoods argument about the Georges recklessness and then The Skull seeding distrust again drives home my point about communication but also Christ these kids need more friends. Their entire childhood and teen years are stripped from them. They have no family to talk to or guide them. No non-work friends their age to vent to. Immense trauma and no one to help them through it.
- Jonathan Stroud give me a follow up series following the team in their mid twenties coping with having their lives dedicated to a job they literally cannot do anymore and the repercussions of no education and no safety nets for agents once they reach adulthood. What do they do? Where do they work? Where do they go? How do they afford to live? What happens to agents who only built relationships with coworkers they cant even face because of trauma? Agents disconnected with their families? Nightwatch kids whose education was ruined because their days were spent recovering from their shifts? I need to know.
- Okay back to the book the ghost cult stuff hits so much harder in a post-covid world. I was there getting harassed by anti vaxxers when they invaded parliament for a month and it ended in violence. of course in times of fear people become vulnerable to misinformation. You Are Not Immune To Cults. Or Propaganda. Again, spin-off following the people who try to fight those who profit off of peoples fear and build wealth and followings off of it. Theres so much interesting stuff in this world I want to explore.
- Kipps and Lockwoods teams having to work together bcos of Barnes is so good. I love Kipps team so much I love seeing them
- Kat Godwin is autistic and I know this. Because I am Autistic. Also she comes off as someone who has shut down to everything around her because, again. trauma of her work. at 16 theres no way she hasnt been through something similar to Lucy or Lockwood. I'm sad we see less of her after book three. same with Bobby.
- Now I want to write a hyper empathetic autistic lucy/low empathy autistic kat fic where they both realize they have a lot in common with their Talents and work and bond it doesnt even have to be romantic i just want to see more of Kat
- A LSO i need lucy to have more female friends for the love of god i understand this is your pick me phase of your teens but it makes me so sad to see your internalized misogyny even though it ABSOLUTELY makes sense for her character and is so common for teen girls like her but the way she talks about sensitives and every other female operative she meets. girl. who are you trying to impress rn. you dont need to.
- Ned Shaw getting the shit kicked out of him by Lockwood DESERVED.
- I love this little nightwatch boy who helps the team with all my heart. what is his name. my son. hes such a little cunt.
- FLO TIME FLO TIME i am so excited to see Flo you people DO NOT UNDERSTAND shes so fucking cool mudlarkers are so fucking cool fuck you if you hate flo this is a flo bones appreciation zone
- obligatory "i miss holly" comment even though. she hasnt been introduced yet and wont be until the next book. i love gay people okay.
- Anyway I'm enjoying this a lot I said TWS isnt my fav book (mostly the stuff later on in the book isn't as compelling to me) but this stuff at the start rules. I didn't expect to write so much. Im having so much fun.
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asterssunzephyr · 5 months
New I see [My] Reflection in your eyes developmeny!!
Shelby literally rewrites history, so much so that the Crystal Cliffs and Grimlands still live in s2. Count Fwhip and Grand Wizard Gem have mastered transformation and now live as "Familars" in the Evermoore. Tortiose is Shelby's real familar, but everyone assumes Shelby's just a strong witch with three. Fwhip goes by "Count" in his "familar" form, while Shelby lies and tells everyone that her familar-cat is named Gem because of her eyes, not because of the Sun Princess.
Fwhip's form is a bat, while Gem's is a calico cat with more orange and white than browns and black.
The familars can talk but they only do so when theyre alone w Shelby.
Witches & Wizards get along after the history-fix, and theres two rumours of 1) A time travelling witch who lived between the Crystal Cliffs and the Grimlands, and 2) That the timetravelling witch was Grand Wizard Grim's apprentice (half-truth)
Gnomes can be seen every now again, after being found 500 years post s1 timeline. The Overgrown became GlimmerGrove and was never cursed.
Shelby is covinced Kat will choose Joey now that she isnt cursed.
The Sculkby arc happens different (will be in teal when I get there)
Tortiose's vc will be Grian in the sense that he's like Count & Gem, a human who can transform into an animal. (Tortiose doesnt look like Grian, its just the voice claim in this au)
s1 Joel is s2 Joel. They are the same person, Joel knows who Shelby is, who "Count" is, and the truth of Gem The Calico. Not his secrets to tell though.
Shelby wears the Xornoth Crystal, which begins to absorb the magic of sculk – no one realizes before its too late for Shelby. When She's corrupted, its like a haze for her. He doesnt remember what he does under the corruption, but everyone else does. The arc is longer, and still ended by Sausage stopping them but he's helped by Count and Gem The Calico. They tell him everything from Shelby rewriting history to the crystal corrupting them.
The overall timeline for this au is as so:
s2 takes place over 4 years. One of these years, Shelby goes missing and history is literally changed. The year after is when Shelby's corrupted (He's corrupted in December of the first year, Back To December (Taylors Version) is the song for Nature Wives (s2) in this au for multiple reasons that Ill explain in pink)
The last two years are with Shelby fixing themself and healing from corruption – this also leads to Nature Wives going on their coffee date. Rather than 10 years post s2, wcsmp would take place 6 years later:). Shelby's 18 at the start of this au, and 22 by the end!!
Back To December TV:
The Princess Tea Party takes place mid-december and Shelby's corrupted earlier that month. She's still corrupt by the time of the party, and it still leads to the canon "fight" between her and Katherine. at this time, Shelby still has half of his mind intact and thats why hes so confused and doesnt know what to do anymore. When Katherine offers help, its Sculked-Xornoth who leaks out and into Shelby's voice about "You cant even help yourself!"
Fast forward to Late December of the next year. Shelby's no longer corrupted and his hair is white now. They stand at the Glimmer Grove castle after a year of avoidance and one-sided hatred from them. (Both have been avoiding each other, Shelby's onesided hatred was unknown to Kat but known to them)
January of the third year is when they go on their coffee date.
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bohemian-nights · 1 year
If nettles was a white girl like Alys, dumbyra fans wouldn’t say shit. Look at laena and daemon regardless of them being married in the books they hated the fact of them being together in the show and how they did there relationship was disgusting. I was really irked on how daemon and Rhaenyra had sex in the most disrespectful way like Laena was just laid to rest and she found if a way to get with her uncle!! Then disappeared for 6 years from court and act’s surprised that the hightowers and vaemond are plotting against them like YOU’VE DONE NOTHING BUT POP OUT BABIES FOR THE PAST 6 YEARS!!!!! I can’t stress how much I hate the whole Daemon loves Rhaenyra more than anything, if he loves her sooo much why did he do the following
1) steal her dead baby brother’s egg
2)called himself the “rightful heir” to the throne after she was named heir
3)called her dead brother “heir for a day”
4) left her to fight in the stepstones and ignored her for years
5) almost ruined her reputation by taking her to a brothel
6)left her alone at night in the most dangerous place in kings landing
7)left her again during her wedding where she almost got trampled
8)undermines her during the plot to take kings landing
9) ignores her calls during her labor
10) ignores her call to come back to kings landing
11) he literally chokes her when he finds out that Viserys never thought of him as heir
Like they gaslight themselves into believing that this is okay, it’s not
Now I do understand the age difference between nettles and daemon is very important she’s 17 and he’s 49 but I think that they are more healthier relationship. I feel that nettles is more patient with daemon and they have better communication, she’s not afraid to tell daemon like “hey you do realize that this is fucked up” and he grows more as a person with her. Nettles isn’t spoiled and doesn’t like to be spoiled much and daemon likes that. Rhaenyra can act like a baby sometimes and it annoys him when she gets like that.
Sorry for the big rant but I know when nettles is casted and when we see her actor she’s gonna get hate from people WHO SHIP AN UNCLE WHO GROOMED HIS FUCKING NIECE. I’m going to war for my girl Nettles.
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This wasn’t a rant, this was a read👏🏽 I honestly think that if Nettles were white(hell if she were actually non-Black like how they try to insist she is because they don’t want a Negro with Daemon) then a good portion of these racist stans would have jumped ship already.
Dumbnyra has always been a disaster of a ship(in the show and the books which 99% weren’t shipping this trash until said show).
There were glaring red flags from the get-go (the 1st “romantic moment” Rhaenyra is underage), but because they are self-inserting (this includes the weirdo self-haters who are fine with throwing other “WOC” under the bus to live out their Aryan obey me or I’ll nuke you fantasies) into her and can’t relate to anyone who isn’t white they are holding onto this Titanic of a ship for dear life.
I'm glad you mentioned Alys. People may hate her now, but the moment she shows up on screen and interacts with Aemond I can guarantee that most of that hate(which is mostly from Hellmann's shippers who only like their insane crackship that they pretend is canon because it’s a self insert ship) will fade away.
With Alys there, who’s also white and is Aemond’s actual love interest, Helaena won’t be needed anymore. So they’ll drop her faster than a hot cake, do a 180, say who’s Helaena, and ole girl will become the new self-insert.
That’s not going to be the case for Nettles(and yeah sadly her actress is going to get a lot of hate so prayers to her).
If you guys don’t believe us literally go pull up any fandom with a Black woman as a love interest and see the bullsh*t and excuses that are written.
Every single time the actresses get verbally attacked(they get called literal racial slurs see Candice Patton-The Flash), the showrunners do them, and their characters(Kat Graham-Vampire Diaries and Nicole Beharie-Sleepy Hollow), the fans of said characters and ships get attacked(this fandom is already starting it), and there are a million and one think pieces on how her character “doesn’t need a man” or how the ship she’s in isn’t “good for her”(all while these same people excuse actual abusive relationships like Dumbnyra).
People always say oh it isn’t about race it’s actually about xyz, but if every time you are complaining when you see a Black woman as the love interest, yeah it’s about race🤷🏽‍♀️ You guys don’t like seeing Black women in romantic relationships especially with your faves. It’s the same song and dance and now they are doing it with Nettles under the guise of “caring.”
If you ship Dumbnyra(and I’ve seen several of these shippers drawing art that’s supposed to be romantic where Rhaenyra is a literal child) and then fix your mouth to say Daemon and Nettles relationship is somehow bad for Nettles and that people promoting it want Netty to be abused (translation: I don’t want my self insert to be left for a Black girl, but I can’t come out and say that so I’ll just pretend to care about this Black girl when I’m actually cheering on for her to be axed or played by a white woman, yes I’ve seen some of these ignorant people want Nettles to be white because the Velaryons were made Black🙃).
The dynamic between Daemon and Nettles isn’t anything like Daemon and Rhaenyra. The only thing they’ve got in common is that Nettles is young and even then she’s technically an adult and she’s probably going to be aged up to be Laena’s book age in the show. The moment that happens they’ll find some new excuse(I don’t want Nettles to look like a ho knowing damn well their self insert was out their chasing after a freshly widowed man and they cheered it on) why Daemon and Nettles shouldn’t happen.
Yeah, they did have a much healthier relationship and Daemon grows from his time with her(something he never did with Rhaenyra). He grows enough to put her ahead of everyone including his wife’s rule and his own safety(which is what Nettles deserves), but we are lost in the sauce. 100% it’s protect Nettles over here 🙌🏽
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watched tenet for the 7th time first of all Neil and the protagonist are literally boyfriends been know since first time I watched it you can’t tell me other wise the way Neil kept coming back in time in revert to save the protagonist they IN LOVE YOUR HONOUR the give doctor and river song vibes 2nd how come I’ve watched this 7 times yet I ain’t know that was Aaron as Ives or maybe I did and just forgot Aaron Taylor discography insane this to bullet train now that’s marvel actor done great now rdj too cuz he’s in Nolan movie too! back to the movie I can without a doubt
say this is Nolan greatest film I’m sorry it’s this or memento that’s just facts and prestige is 3rd best Nolan movie ofc I’m so sorry people didn’t get tenet the first time or 2nd or 3rd time it’s literally one of the greatest movies and Nolan greatest movie no doubt in my mind I’m sorry y’all dumb and couldn’t understand the nuance of the movie the storytelling and plot but that’s just seems like you problem imagine not like one of the greatest movies bc you didn’t get it so you hated and gave it bad reviews ah fcvk it was also clearly racism involved cuz wryly the one time the main lead actor is black man in Nolan movie y’all hate it an give bad reviews and rankings it’s like how y’all treat every black lead movie especially the princess/superheroes movies bc y’all believe they taking away roles from ur fav same old yt actors
it’s clear it was racism that fuelled the hatred for tenet you can’t convince me y’all would’ve ate it up if it was yt actor y’all love who did the movie like y’all already loving Oppenheimer even tho y’all haven’t even seen it and will give great rankings reviews etc call it his
best work etc bla bla give it a high RT same old same old yt privilege sh*t while we on Oppenheimer was it hints in the movie bc they talked about him and atomic so much in the movie it’s like Nolan was giving us obvious huge clues hints that it was gonna be his next movie and it is the amount of times they talked about Oppenheimer atomic b0mbs grandfather of the blax2 it’s clear he was letting us know imagine if tenet and Oppenheimer was in the same universe that would’ve been so cool cuz they can invert themselves back in time what if they somehow found
a way it would’ve been so cool I know they can’t go that far back to a time where they weren’t born but its Nolan be most have a way of doing that it would’ve been so awesome cuz the guy we never met was getting things from the future what if he made sure Oppenheimer got the idea
the future or whatever that would’ve been the most mind blowing sh*t to ever happen in film imagine if Nolan created his own multiverse like this with tenet being a way for Oppenheimer sort of? and why do I feel we getting a tenet2 plz god tell me we are plz Nolan need them back
I need the boyfriends back I need to know how they met how he recruited her how he became aware of the whole thing from Neil and the protagonist perspective this time since we only saw Neil knowing the protagonist for years they literally been bfs for years I’m gonna end it all
bc why would the protagonist feel so strongly about a man he just met unless he subconsciously knew they were more he was crying for godsake over a guy he met few days ago max a month but he also knew Kat that long yet he been villing to risk her life for the mission timex2 again
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golbrocklovely · 8 months
people on twitter are being so loud about things that aren’t correct.
1. people are saying that k and kat were friends up until k and sam got together but that’s not true. a shocking amount of people think that. kat was “friends” and i say that loosely because they were never close friends, with singer girl not k.
2. people are still going off on colby because of the poem mlp posted. they’re saying that colby always pretends to date these girls like mlp, stas, and amber. also not true. the only one of those girls that he genuinely pretended to date was amber for the video they did together. he did not pretend to date mlp. they all just played into what she was feeding them behind the scenes. same thing with stas, they were never more than friends but they let themselves get convinced by her that they were together. if any of those girls are hurting it’s because they did it to themselves. im so over that damn app lol.
and you’re right with the k live making fun of kat situation. it could be about singer girl (i forget what you guys call her haha) but because people are so mad at sam moving on they want her to be evil so bad. and people are already coming out saying “i never trusted those girls anyway” 🙂 laugh out loud. first of all, m has nothing to do with if k was making fun of kat on live bc she wasn’t live with her it was a different friend. and second of all, if every single time that snc has a girl around you have to say you had a bad feeling about them maybe you should look inward. maybe you should do some soul searching because there’s a pattern there that is toxic as hell. not every girl around snc is out to get them.
sorry this is so long i’m just so over this year and it’s literally only mid january😄 i never knew so much could happen in such a short time
honestly anon, you are absolutely right and i agree with you a million percent.
1. kat and k were never friends. i don’t even think they followed one another at any point. the only way they knew each other was bc of ms singer and kat being on the same label. but none of them were close or really even friends, besides k and ms singer.
and as we know now, k didn’t really even make fun of kat. fans were jumping to conclusions because they don’t like that sam has moved on to k, and colby has moved onto m, and so they take it out on the girls. i mean, they also take it out on colby because sam never does anything wrong and he’s the golden child but you know… same difference lol
2. this argument is one i don’t understand truthfully. even him and amber barely pretended to date. they teased the fandom like twice and that was it. they constantly reiterated that they were just flirty friends.
when it comes to mlp and stas… i could literally fist fight someone over the shit that was said lol jk
mlp has been airing out colby’s shit for the past two weeks bc he rejected her, finally. and ppl are trying to paint her like she is some innocent victim that got played by the evil colby brock. and look, i get that being rejected can suck and not having your feelings reciprocated hurts deeply. i know those feelings very well. but she claims that they were each others’ rocks, that they relied on each other for support and always came running to one another when things got tough. but now she’s casually telling fans in her live streams that colby has had multiple mid life crisis and he has secrets she can’t talk about. and then in her poems, which all have basically been confirmed to be about him, she talks about him having a darkness in him and that his shadows keep them apart and she was the light he needed and it’s just like………. for the longest time, my issue with her is that she has never been satisfied with just having colby as a friend. that she always needed more. but in the time frame of trying to get to that other side, they grew a deep bond. but now, bc she’s hurt, she’s just saying everything he told her. and that’s just disgusting behavior to me. you want to talk about the pain you’re in? that’s fine. but to air out shit he’s never even told us?? how fucked in the head are you to think that’s what one person should do to another? especially someone you called your twin soul? your rock? not to mention, but you’ve made it seem like he needs to be fixed and you’re the one to do it…
if he does have something dark inside of him, which to me just reads as her saying depression, you’re absolutely fucked in the head if you think someone like that needs fixing. especially by a horse girl like yourself. you still act like a high schooler and you’re 30. how about you get your shit together first, kiddo.
and then with stas, that shit just never happened lol she did the same thing as mlp: tried to plant seeds in the fandom that something else was going on with them. liked comments shipping the two of them, constantly answered questions about him. she did what mlp did but in a shorter time frame. and when malishkagate happened, and fans started congratulating the two of them for finally being together (even tho it’s very obvious that she took his phone after he filmed her and wrote “malishka” as the caption since clearly that man doesn’t know russian), that was the beginning of the end for anything they *could* have had. and then she went on her subscription service after they came home from europe and hung out with colby and friends one more time, only to tell her fans that she was going on a date and then posted colby. so… no wonder that man iced her out. i would too if you were going around and bragging to friends that you got posted on my snapchat 👀
also what i find the most annoying is that there are some fans that blame the downfall of the core four as colby’s doing……… as if a major component of the core four wasn’t a LITERAL couple that broke up. like bffr. and wasn’t stas literally complaining about being abandoned during one of kat’s streams and when she was asked about it, she just kept ignoring anything that had to do with stas?
but i guess that’s none of my business….
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numinousnumbat · 4 months
HI! For the "Finding Joey" saga... Years ago Katherine had a podcast on Shadow Hunters. In a episode with Michael Reisz (writer ad executive producer), she was literally dragged into giving at least a hint about her love life. She is clearly embarrassed and didn't expect it, but she gives a little hint about when they met and how since then work has no longer been the number one priority in her life. In those days no one had any idea who the mysterious guy was and as "social" as she may seem, she never spoke about her private life. You can listen to the podcast episode on Apple Music/Spotify, minute 37.50, published on August 31, 2022.
Thank you for this! Anon put everything important in their message, but I made a quick transcript if anyone prefers.
Return to the Shadows with Katherine McNamara and Dominic Sherwood podcast, Episode “Michael Reisz”, air date 8/31/2022.
Kat and Dom (who played Jace) are talking with Michael Reisz (a writer and executive director for Shadowhunters).
Transcription note: Kat and Michael are Americans with American accents and Dom is English with an English accent.
[Dom has just talked about meeting his girlfriend on a dating app.]
Michael: And Kat, what about you?
Kat: Ummmmm, yeah, I’m -
Michael: You didn't expect it to go this way, did ya!
Kat: No, I didn't, no I didn’t, but, uh, but yeah, I'm - aside from work - I’m really happy.
Michael (crosstalking): Good.
Kat: I’m in a lovely, dating a lovely guy, and it's, uh, it's really fantastic.
Michael (crosstalking): I love that.
Dom: Wooooo!
Kat: I know, I haven't even talked to you about this yet, Dom.
Michael: Oh my god, I'm sorry, by the way if any of this is none of my business, I just feel like -
Dom (crosstalking): No, this is news to me.
Kat: No, it's great, it's funny.
Dom (crosstalking): Exclusive.
Kat: It's funny because looking back on Shadowhunters and like all the relationships that developed, and you know, it really taught us a lot about relationships. And I think the pandemic, too, because my, my boyfriend and I met during the pandemic and it's one of those things where you just you meet the right person, and the pandemic kind of showed us how important those human connections are and how important it is to just focus on life as well as work, which is something I never really did.
Michael: Well, you know what, because - and I find this in a lot of actors - and maybe you guys can tell me, it's all consuming at some point, in a lot of ways where you're selling yourself, like you're, you're creating this business, you're selling a product, the product is you. And you're trying to make that product better and better and better. And there's so many elements to that, both the acting and then you get to a certain point where you have to do the publicity and this, and then unfortunately, the loss of a certain sense of privacy where that also then starts invading things. Finding that balance. It's really important, I think, to always say, I'm really fortunate and I really love what I do professionally, but the other cup has to be full or else things are just gonna get out of whack. You know the high and I'm so glad had to hear you both are navigating that beautifully. It's really really nice to see.
Dom: And you as well, man. Honestly, it's made my heart feel really full.
Michael: Ahhh.
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satorus-leftarm · 2 months
bakugo hcs before i pick up a bottle
has a 20 step hair care routine that he does every other day
favourite genre of music is pop punk (so blink 182, sum 41, green day, FALL OUT BOY, all-american rejects and etc)
he’s travelled TWICE (seen them a total of 4 times) to see fall out boy live, his fave albums r infinity on high and american beauty/american psycho
he likes to tell ppl he listens to metal to intimidate them when the closest thing to metal that he likes a single limp bizkit song (which is dad vibes)
he owns a stuffed bear named “zuzu” that hes had since he was a kid
zuzu was a birthday gift from izuku one year and at first katsuki HATED IT, but as time went on he began to become really emotionally attached to it, naming it zuzu, short for izuku. he sleeps with it every night and cant sleep without it
he hides zuzu during the day just in case someone comes in unannounced and sees it on his bed
the only other person, other than izuku, to know of katsukis beloved bears existence is kirishima, who decided to wake kats up one day and saw him death gripping the bear in his sleep
kats threatened death upon kiri if he told anyone
is deathly allergic to strawberries
is a sleep fighter, theres a hole in his wall from when he was in middle school cuz he kneed it in his sleep
has broken 3 pairs of expensive headphones within the span of 4 months
realized he was gay when he discovered pete wentz and the infamous dick pic of his
afraid of lobsters and refuses to go near them in grocery stores
he loves golf and has been dying to play since he was a kid but never got the chance
he always puts ‼️ next to the names of ppl he genuinely likes in his contacts along with silly nicknames for them (shittyhair, charger boy, soy sauce face, alien, etc)
made houses for the bakusqaud in minecraft that match each of their personal likings exactly bc he’s secretly a SAP
social anxiety goes CRAZY
literally gets so pissed off around kids, but babysits a shit tone anyways cuz he needs some extra dough
but this man CANNOT handle children unless the are over the age of 11, then hes ok
10 and under make him want to fucking jump
is actually so fucking flexible cuz he used to be a gymnaste
he took gymnastics when we was younger cuz he would watch the gymnasts during the olympics and BEGGED his mother to sign him up
took lessons for like 5 years before doing competitions
has won a few but got a lot of second places which pissed him the fuck off
he quit when he joined ua bc he didn’t have time anymore but misses the comp life SO BAD
izuku and inko pulled up to a few of his comps and katsuki had won every single one they came to bc he didn’t wanna seem like a loser in front of izuku (he wanted izuku to think he was super awesome chat)
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