#i hope it's coherent
Ok some people asked for it so here is the Fes Kohane analysis. (Sort of a Kohane in general analysis)
Under a read more for being long and also for anyone who doesn't want to see the card yet.
Let's start with the untrained.
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There are a few Hammies here. We have our current Kohane front and centre, she looks confident, she's moving ahead. From the background, this Fragment Sekai seems to have a lot of glass buildings. At least I'm assuming that is a wall behind her.
To the right we can see Kohane from the very start of the game. Long hair and glasses, Miya Girls uniform instead of her later jackets and hats. She looks at the current Kohane with what I think is amazement, which is expected. The old Kohane would have probably died on the spot if she learnt what she would be like in a year. This also very clearly shows Kohane's overall journey from a shy girl without a passion to follow to the Kohane we know now, who has a shared passion and is working towards it.
To the right of that Kohane we see one walking in the opposite direction to the present Kohane. This Kohane is wearing the outfit from her untrained for the Power Of Unity event, which ended Vivid Bad Squad's first arc in the events. (It's also her outfit from Period Of Nocturne but that's not the important part here.)
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This Kohane walking the opposite direction being further right than long hair Kohane could represent how, at the end of their first arc, Vivid Bad Squad were still focused on surpassing Rad Weekend. It's an event that happened before Kohane found Vivid Street, so she has to go further back to reach it.
The last Kohane is to the current one's left. She is with the rest of Vivid Bad Squad and is wearing her outfit from the Kick It Up A Notch untrained, since An is also wearing her outfit from her untrained card for the same event we can assume this Kohane is from the day of the Crawl Green event.
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I can't tell if this is before or after her song, but I would assume it was after. The rest of Vivid Bad Squad being there is interesting, as the only other time the rest of a unit have appeared in a Fragment Sekai (that I know of) is Rui's. I think this Kohane represents her current ability: her performance at Crawl Green was stunning and the best example of her current skill level, however Kohane's inner thoughts during Vivid Bad Squad's group song show that she prefers to be with all of them. The fact this feeling is strong enough to appear in the Fragment Sekai proves this. (She cares for her friends so much I can't I fucking can't.)
The colouring of the glass is also interesting. Long hair Kohane shares the same color the rest of the glass does, but the three triangles where Crawl Green Kohane is are a greenish, pink and blue color each. These colours represent members of Vivid Bad Squad, the pink is Kohane, blue is Toya and green is An. Power Of Unity Kohane has a yellowish orange background to represent Akito. The fact he is separated from the other three like this is interesting to me. It could be because of what this Kohane represents (Akito's second focus) or it could be where each member is focusing on at the current moment. While An, Kohane and Toya look to the future and are somewhat satisfied with where they are currently, Akito is stuck in the past focusing on Rad Weekend and how he needs to improve. In which case Akito's back facing the glass is another point that could link to it.
Anyway that's all I have for the untrained. Let's look at her trained card.
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I really like this hairstyle! It's definitely her best alternative one. Anyway, I was incredibly happy when I saw they incorporated her love for photography into the trained. Obviously she is holding the camera to her face, but the video reels as well. I don't know if the pictures in said reels are meant to represent anything, but one in particular did stand out and it makes me think that they possibly do.
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This one here makes me think of the Sky Runners set, which could play into what I think these reels represent: Kohane's memories of the last in game year.
Alongside the fact that she is my favourite character, I was really looking forward to Kohane's fes card because, unlike the rest of the cast, Kohane doesn't have a backstory. Everyone else's fes cards tend to use their past to show a strong feeling, but a big part of Kohane's character is that she didn't really feel strongly for anything before the main story. The only thing she really had was photography, but she didn't properly show interest to pursue it until Vivid Bad Squad. A camera is used to capture moments, so it would make sense that, with her ties to it, Kohane would represent those memories through a reel. It also shows how much she cares for the world she has entered since the main story, Vivid Street, the Street Sekai and Vivid Bad Squad all mean so much to her.
I really like Kohane's fes card. She is a character who means a lot to me and I really like all of the touches to her growth overtime, both in character and in her relationship to Rad Weekend and the people surrounding it. Thank you to whoever has read all of this, I will probably add something on once I get to reading the fes card's story. I might do an analysis on Akito's fes card as well (will probably be shorter than Kohane's lmao) because this fes is something I've been anticipating for a while. Anyways, stan the Kohammie.
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hero-of-the-wolf · 3 months
What are all of the games that you’ve played? Double the points of you add your thoughts on it (it can be as short or as long as you want, if you’re up to it)
Bonus points if you want to add some of your thoughts on Echoes of Wisdom.
I’m assuming you mean LoZ games? okay so far we’ve got:
Twilight Princess
the first Zelda game I ever completed :) it will always hold a very special place in my heart!! I’ve been wanting to replay it again so badly lately even tho it’s only been like a few months since I finished it (I can just use my bad memory privileges—)
listen, Twi’s my guy. I love him sm. I love running around Hyrule with him and holding all the cats and petting all the goats 😭😭😭😭😭 this game just hits on all the nostalgia for me I can’t listen to the score without tearing up 🥺 also I’m ngl at the beginning I genuinely didn’t like Midna at all and by the end I actually physically CRIED when she left so…. good job Nintendo. this game is literally the BEST 20/10 I could play it forever and never get sick of it
Breath of the Wild
so BOTW is actually the game I heard of first? like it introduced me to the concept of LoZ, and I even played it a bit a couple years ago, but I actually started playing it after I finished Twilight Princess. with some experience under my belt I enjoyed this game so much better haha
my favorite part is the way the game lets you solve problems in multiple different ways!!! I really enjoyed the shrines, I don’t think I ever really got super frustrated and had to look smth up with this game and it made me feel really smart hehe :) also the combat is SO satisfying but I rarely ever actually engage bc I uhhh I don’t want my weapons to break 💔
Wind Waker
this one I borrowed from a friend :) my only complaint is it’s far too short 😭 I also went into this one determined to figure everything out by myself (riding my BOTW high) and I got SO confused like halfway through I literally had to look up a walkthrough 😭 ik that’s on me tho, I unfortunately get confused very easily 😔 this is another game that I’m so tempted to replay but I do not own it so 😭😭😭😭😭😭 NINTENDO PLS RELEASE THIS GAME AND TP BOTH ON SWITCH I AM BEGGING
the worldbuilding in this game is INSANE actually like they went so hard??? I love the implications of like… this is the same world from OOT but flooded and the people alive now don’t even realize, the world as it is now is all they know. it’s just so interesting to me. and I love Aryll and grandma sm like I would literally sail to the ends of the earth for them
Skyward Sword
so I’m not even halfway through this game yet but I LOVE THIS GAME SM I don’t understand all the hate it gets like it’s SO GOOD???? every scene with Link and Zelda in it makes me so goshdarn emotional 😭😭😭😭😭 I would kill a man for Zelda!!
this game is quickly becoming one of my favs…..
Link’s Awakening
it’s still in the mail so I haven’t played it yet :) I’m very excited to cry at the ending :))
Echoes of Wisdom
I just know it’s gonna be so much fun to play :) I can’t wait to puzzle things out (esp since there will be multiple right ways to solve a problem again!!!) and learn the story and find out what happened to Link!!! and I cannot wait esp for the lore implications and how this might potentially affect LU >:3 I’m so excited!!!!
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scarecrowmax · 2 years
Heathers (1988) is a masterclass in costuming and color usage
Red is both Heather Chandler's (HC) color and one of the school colors, if someone is wearing it they're either popular or powerful at that moment, often both.
Green is Heather Duke's (HD) color, background characters wearing it are often mousy or nerds with zero power, it's the color of the trodden on.
Yellow is Heather McNamara's (HM) color, the color of kindness but also a desire to fit in. She's not perfect, but she's better than the others.
Blue is Veronica's color symbolizing friendship and loyalty.
Black is JD's symbolizing dark intent and guilt.
Neutrals belong to all but often show a meaninglessness or loss of identity.
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When Veronica and JD meet she's wearing more black than blue, only her tights show her identity and she finds him threatening jocks fun. At the minimart before the party she'd again wearing a fair amount of black but also a grey sweater with a blue undertone, she's identity-less because the party is Heather's idea. And the party is lit in red to symbolize the popularity potential to be found at it.
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Again in neutral grey blues with black when she and JD kill Heather. The darkness creeps up on her in the form of her tights.
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When news is spreading through the school about HC's death HM is wearing a blue top over the yellow bottoms, she's the one loyal to HC in the moment while Veronica is in black because she feels guilty. HD is in a green corset, which I'll come back to.
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The navy of Veronica's tights is more clear as she sits with JD at his house but the main thing here is they are visibly a matched set, which is again the case at the funeral as Veronica wears a boxy jacket that sits similarly to JD's duster.
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On the double date HM is in greys, she's not excited about how it's going, she's very much an afterthought here to her date and it's shown. Veronica wears a bright blue shirt because she agreed to come out of friendship and loyalty to Heather.
At school the next day Veronica wears a full blue outfit, she's free of HC's influence and is herself except for the black hat symbolizing JD's influence in her head.
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As Veronica and JD plot the deaths of Kurt and Ram JD is free of his jacket for the first time, he's fairly vulnerable with her here and has adopted her blues over the greys of his pants and undershirt. Veronica is still in her blue school outfit but the shadows show the darkness of JD's influence. This is again shown in the clearing as she wears her blues in her skirt but has a black shirt showing JD's influence in her heart.
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After the death of Kurt and Ram Veronica wears purple, she's gained power over the school and of people in general as she shapes things with death bringing her blue more red. JD wears a red shirt with his blacks, he's aware of the power he's gained both over the school and over Veronica.
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HD's shirt under her greens is pinkish when JD gives her HC's old bow, showing her power emerging since HC isn't there to push her down anymore.
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With Betty Veronica is in blue again under the same neutrals Betty wears as a nobody. She's reconnecting with her past friendships and pushing aside her popularity.
HD and HM show up, HM in all yellow, but HD is in red clothing for the first time. And in this she's wearing a corset very similar to the one immediately post HC's death. She's taken her own power from that day and changed it to the kind HC wielded over the school.
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As HD and JD begin to work together she adopts black to her image, the red is nestled inside of it similar to his look post the deaths of Kurt and Ram.
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As JD preps the bombs to take to school we see him at his most vulnerable, he believes Veronica dead and has stripped just to a black T-shirt. The blue background envelopes him as he works.
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Veronica's outfit when she goes to confront and stop JD at school includes the same grey cardigan she wore to kill Kurt and Ram but this time her shirt is blue. She knows who she is and what she wants again and JD's influence is reduced.
After the showdown with JD Veronica is left with blood on her face that leads the eye to HC's now further stolen hair bow. Veronica has taken that piece of power from HD and is using it to extend her friendship to Martha whom they'd bullied in the beginning showing she's ditched the Heathers for good.
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tinypaperstar · 2 years
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"Your crush's Love Alarm won't ring, even if your Love Alarm is on"
FE3H Love Alarm AU (read from left to right)
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fluffydavey · 1 year
defending them in their absence <3
soft gestures between friends turning lovers || prompts for @kellyscowboy too!! <33
Once he catches up with the rest of the newsies at the lodgings, he walks in on a heated debate. He stays behind, trying to figure out just what's got everyone's panties in a twist, when he finally hears Race clearer.
"And his brother's only what? Ten?"
"It's not their fault they both gotta work," Crutchie says, to the sounds of some of the other boys arguing back. "Look, all I'm saying is they're here for a reason. It ain't like we don't gotta work for nothing either."
"You saw what they did to that kid at The World, didn't you? What's to say he won't bring Les with him every time something new happens. And who's going to end up looking after the kid then?" Race asks, sounding genuinely frustrated.
"Hey!" he calls out, making his presence known in the room. Everyone quietens down, and he feels every single pair of eyes on him. "You talking about Davey and Les?"
"Davey, actually," Race tells him, although he doesn't sound as confident as before. "Look, the kids got brains. But do we really think he's gonna be any help if we do this strike?"
"He's the reason why we're going ahead with it," Jack points out. "Whether we like it or not, he's very much a part of this strike. You think any of us would have had the idea to strike? To start a union? One that might actually get us somewhere."
"You seriously think this will work, don' you?" Finch asks, and Jack thinks he can pick up the fear in the younger boy's voice.
"I know we will. I trust Davey, I trust that he knows what he's doing, and I have trust in us, and what we can do when we work together." This, Jack is confident of. He knows the odds are against them, but for all that he and his brothers have been through, he wouldn't doubt them for a second. He sits down in the middle of Crutchie and Jo Jo, and leans his head back against the wall behind him.
"So what is it about Davey that makes you so sure?" Crutchie asks, and Jack turns his head to watch his friend. "I mean, you began selling with him as soon as you met him. Clearly you saw something in him then too."
This makes Jack squirm in his seat, feeling uncomfortable under the watchful eyes of his friends. He remembers staring at those doe-eyed hazel eyes, which hardened once Jack had stared back. He was intrigued, he'd never seen a newbie stand up to Wiesel. Impressed, even, until Davey started talking back to him. Jack Kelly was not one to back down from a fight.
"I wasn't lying, selling with Les has been a breeze," he says, settling on an answer. "Plus the kid's got bite, it seems like there's a lot more to him than what we're seeing."
"You should know, you're the one bringing him to Medda's," Crutchie says, and Jack brushes the remark off, however he thinks of the Davey who watched his scenery with a sincere smile, telling him how good he thought it was, and how warm the words had made Jack feel.
He thinks of the Davey who let the excitement sweep him up and get as equally riled up and excited about the strike, who bravely walked into The World and still wouldn't back down. The Davey who bounced ideas off of Jack like his thoughts actually mattered in a moment that mattered so much.
He looks to see Crutchie smiling down at him, whose eyes drift towards the younger kids excitedly talking about their jobs tomorrow, and what they were going to say. Jack wishes he could capture this moment, show Davey just what's done to the kids who were relying on his every word for some sort of hope that things could finally go in their favour for once.
"If you're sure you trust him," Race says, reluctantly. Jack looks up at him, an uneasy look on his face as he plays with the deck of cards in his hands, shuffling the cards with his eyes drawn to Jack.
"I do," Jack says, firmly. "And for what it's worth, I think we all should too."
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riality-check · 2 years
Hi! I am so very in love with your Appalachian!Eddie 'verse. Everything you've shared about it is absolutely perfect. <3
You've said you're usually open to getting asks about headcanons, so I hope this is okay. I started wondering about what birthdays were like for Eddie, since today's mine. I'm stuck pondering how they were for him growing up, and how they may have changed when he moved in with Wayne. I also started wondering how'd they'd be when he and Steve get together--especially considering Steve doesn't seem to have a typical home life, so he may not even have the experiences we'd expect him to around that kind of thing.
If you have thoughts on any of this, I'd love to hear them, but please don't feel pressured to respond. No worries if you're not feeling it! :)
hi!! i'm so sorry i couldn't answer on your actual birthday, but i'm less busy now and have so many thoughts about this!!
Eddie's birthdays growing up are small. His parents aren't super well off, and they don't talk to the rest of their families, so small birthdays it is. I can see them going out for ice cream or getting fast food for dinner, small stuff like that. They usually got him one or two things, too, stuff like comics issues, books, art supplies (you can't tell me Eddie wasn't a creative kid), and new tapes.
The most important thing, though, is that both of his parents were there. Neither one of them missed a single birthday before Eddie went to live with Wayne, and they were both sober enough to be functional. Holidays were hit and miss, but Eddie's birthday was a priority. They made an effort to be there, and he loves them for it.
When Eddie goes to live with Wayne, he's around thirteen years old. Wayne is better off than Eddie's parents are, so he takes Eddie to Benny's for his birthday and gets him new clothes and his acoustic guitar. It's... a lot for Eddie, who grew up watching his mama count change on the kitchen counter of whatever house (or motel room) they were living in at the time, even when his pa tried to distract him from doing so. He knows he and Wayne aren't well off, not really, but it's still an adjustment.
Steve is big on birthdays. I've written his parents a variety of ways, but for this particular scenario I'm going to settle on the idea that they loved celebrating his birthday when he was younger but didn't like it as much as he got older. I feel like his parents wanted a kid, not a person, and once Steve stopped being a kid, it stopped being fun for them and time for him to finish growing up and become a man. So, Steve is big on birthdays because he remembers loving them as a kid, hating them as a teenager, and then learning to love them again with the Party. Once Eddie becomes a solid part of their group, Steve wants him to have that, too.
They fight about it at first. Steve is a bit pushy. He can be a lot, and Eddie is still uncomfortable with the idea of doing a lot for his birthday. They fight about it, briefly, until they come to the conclusion that they can make Eddie's birthday little and Steve's birthday big, just as it suits them.
Eddie usually wants to go out for ice cream for his birthday, and that's it. Steve's is for the adventures they take, like driving up to Lake Michigan for a weekend or going into Chicago to see a concert.
They wouldn't have it any other way.
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nerdynikki94 · 2 years
Finally, after 3 months of writing and 1 month of typing/editing, I'm finally ready to begin posting my new Dennis centered Macden fic. This is me (utterly deflated):
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It came out to 30 Chapters. 307 pages long. 125+K words.
It was originally supposed to be a drabble based off a song and a bored, stoned night while away from home, when I realized how much I missed writing them (Literally less than one week after I finished posting my last one.)
I just wanted to play with insecurities, fears, trauma, loss (I promise it's not really as dark as it sounds). If anything, I wrote this one with a disassociated mind wanting to express something softer. While Scars was about breaking, I wanted Frightened Whispers to be about healing.
I'm still reeling. Writer's Hangover is no joke.
If you're interested, 1st Chapter should be up tomorrow.
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hooksmoak · 2 years
I don't know the temperature of this take since I haven't read anything about the episode but,
The last episode (or more ? I don't exactly remember) of season 2 foreshadowded Roy and Keeley breaking up and since the writers decided to go through with it, I'm glad it happened in the first episode.
This season is only 12 episodes and it's the last. It's more time to see them coming back together ! Which is (for me) the most important part.
Last thought that I'm less sure about:
I also think that not showing what happened between them maybe reinforce the fact that there was not really a reason for them to break up in the first place but they did it because they thought it was the best decision
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maudlin-scribbler · 2 years
here's another one of my Fallen London ocs
The Forlorn Epistemophile
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He's the character for my seeking alt which I created recently although he is an older oc.
(Keep reading if you wanna know more about his past and also The Wistful Storyteller's past i guess, their pasts are sort of intertwined together in some way, and their relationship is very complicated)
He and the Wistful Storyteller knew eachoter on the Surface, they were actually gonna get married but powered by his hunger for knowlege and pretty bad mental health, along with the death of his father he decided that he couldn't do this, and basically kinda faked his own death(well the storyteller did figure out ultimately that he's not death tho) while ensuring that the Storyteller would be safe and and protected by a mutual friend of theirs. So he spent the last couple of years searching for knowlege nd now he's come down to the Neath. Currently he is 25 years old(with the storyteller being 23).
The Epistemophile is aware of the Storyteller being here, but is avoiding them because he knows he kinda fucked up(also is not happy about him being here as he considers this place too dangerous for them), meanwhile the Storyteller was devastated by all of this, and would gadly talk to him again and should really be more upset then she actually is. Hell if he agreed to it she'd be fine with them continuing their relationship or just starting over.
Also they have a kid together( he doesn't know that tho, like knows a lot of secrets and informations most people don't know, but never found out his fiancé was pregnant when he left, ironic.) She's an adorable almost 4 year old with curly hair with the colour of her mother's and hazel eyes, and tan skin. Don't worry, she's safe on the Surface though being taken care of by responsible people.
They are both messes of human beings but eventually they do reconnect someday and the storyteller is not happy about him seeking the name at all bcs he needs to be there, if not for himself or for his ex fiancé then at least for his daughter. One of the first things they do when they meet again is offering him the option of them both trying to find a way to return to the Surface permanently and try having a relationship again, which he refuses.
Andddddd that's alll i got about them.
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kingsofeverything · 2 years
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daftmooncretin · 9 months
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spock’s room decor is actually fucking bonkers. The weapons??? the big red velvet curtain??? like ok phantom of the opera go crazy.
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for reference jim’s room has some photos and a plant so we can surmise this is uniquely a spock being a dramatic weirdo thing
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sl33py-g4m3r · 4 months
long rant thing before sleeping.....
pointless question before sleep but it's something I've been currently thinking about and its bugging me a bit.
apparently other vegetarians (outside the US) I think use dairy but don't eat eggs...
I've watched "Blondie In China"'s videos on youtube about being vegetarian and vegan in china, and she says that in the end of her "vegan in china" video that vegetarians outside the US (india i think and other middle eastern and eastern countries but I could be horribly incorrect) don't eat eggs.
This has made me wonder about whether I should keep eating eggs or not.... I don't eat them often, but I do. Especially as they are in a majority of baked goods like cookies and the like.
But is taking eggs and using them justifiable?
or do other vegetarians abstain from dairy as well?
I thought that in some places; as well as in the past when that word was first initially used, vegetarian meant what we'd call vegan today.
throwing further arguments into question....
I've been vegetarian for well over 100 days since the new year (but only 15 or so currently recorded because I changed tracking apps cause the one I was using you need a subscription for and the current one does everything (except export data) the other does for free... eg it shows you animals saved, how long you've been vegetarian or vegan for, gives you co2 and water saving amounts and lets you track what animal foods you eat per gram (not just meat)... it even has recipes and a guide if you need help... all free to download and use without a subscription. but that's a rant I didn't need to go on. oops.
but ye tldr of this "i'm tired and should go to bed" post is; should I continue to eat eggs or is it unjustifiable?
what about use of caffeine? Is this bad too or ok if you only drink 2 cups of coffee a day? Was planning on stopping drinking coffee as well and just drinking decaf/herbal teas instead. but I also have a lot of coffee to burn through before I run out to begin with...
probably an outlier cause I'm the odd one in society so I shouldn't be complaining about this I guess; but I hate how eating meat and meat based food is so prevalent and everywhere... It's like we can't escape it.
and if vegetarians or vegans try to advocate for less meat consumption = less unnecessary death; we're subject to violence, hate and anger even if we're being peaceful about it.
Tho I'm too nice and meek to even speak out about it at all.... and wouldn't know what I'd do if confrontation did happen.... rip any advocacy at all.... ever..... cause I'm afraid of how people react..... yay anxiety.....
I have a feeling there's no point to this dumpster fire of a post...... hope it's coherent at least.... and some of these posts are just me trying to make up my mind about something tbh......
cause I genuinely just
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rhinestonesox · 5 months
When Senshi was young in the dungeon the majority of the adults he were with ostracized him. All except Gillin, who died to make sure Senshi had something to eat: unseasoned boiled meat that may or may not have been one of their comrades.
It really puts into perspective why he was so nurturing towards Chilchuck. When Chil reveals he’s 28 to the party, Senshi responds by telling him that he thought he was older. Senshi was in his 30s when he and his comrades got trapped in the dungeon, so it’s safe to assume that he thought Chil was at a similar age.
He met a young boy who was, from his perspective, forced to do dangerous work in the dungeon just like he was, and so, Senshi made an effort to look after Chilchuck in the same way Gillin looked after him.
Mind you, when Senshi was young in the dungeon he had to starve for weeks, eat the horse he loved, and finish it off spending the next i don’t know how many years wondering if he committed cannibalism.
Senshi understands first hand the value of nutrition and proper eating, so when he’s with the party he makes an effort to make sure they’re all eating a full and balanced diet. Not only that, but Senshi INVOLVES them in the process of getting food to eat, always preparing it in front of them and narrating every ingredient in the process so that there’s no doubt about what they’re eating.
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Replacing "I dont want to live" with "i dont want to live like this" was v helpful for me because it helped me figure out what parts of my life i was trying to escape and reminded me there are absolutely versions of myself i want to work towards and ways of living i havent experienced yet that i want to see
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thekaiserroll · 5 months
It's nearly impossible to have a quiet and peaceful day with the crew, like the strawhats. Nami is mostly used to the noise on Going Merry but one day she gets fed up with Zoro and Sanji arguing. Not only are they extremely loud, but they've also already broken way too many things during their fights.
She decides that If they want to act like brats, then she's going to treat them as such. So she makes them apologize and hug each other in silence for an hour. None of them are happy about this punishment, but Nami threatened to raise Zoro's debt, and Sanji couldn't say no to her. It could be worse.
It's awkward enough for them to not incite any fight for a long time and Nami is quite proud of herself. She knows it won't last forever but at least now she knows how to handle them. It inevitably happens again. And again. And again.
Much to her surprise, those fights became more and more frequent. And what's even weirder is that she could see the way both Zoro and Sanji occasionally glanced at her to make sure she was nearby. It's almost as if they wanted someone to make them hug each other. As if they needed an excuse.... these idiots.
Soon, they don't even need Nami's help. When they aren't busy training, cooking or fighting, they cuddle together. Sometimes Luffy or Chopper would join them, but most of the crew knew it was their time.
After two years spent separately, they became extremely clingy. It's no surprise when they start sleeping in the same bed. What is surprising is that despite them behaving like a lovey-dovey couple, those oblivious idiots are STILL unaware of each other's feelings.
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sistertotheknowitall · 7 months
Some Guy Bingo
Nearly three months into (what Jason called) The Haunting, the siblings kinda started a game. (“Either we're haunting him or he's haunting us, I haven't decided yet." "Considering he's the one appearing randomly, I'd say he's haunting us.")
Technically Tim had started it with, “five bucks says Danny went to class today.” (Gotham university was having an out break of fear toxin curtesy of Dr. Crane.) However, it was Jason who kicked it off with, “ten if he says something about actual scarecrows.”
Dick had snorted and said, “fifteen if it’s a personal experience about a farm.”
“I call bingo if he makes a vague statement on agriculture.” So it was actually Steph who started it.
“Bingo? We were placing bets.”
“Unlike you Hood, some people don’t get adopted by money.”
“As if Bruce doesn’t give you an allowance.”
(“As if he didn’t offer to adopt you,” Tim tacked on.)
It became a running joke where they started calling out "bingo if -" whenever they had to go out on a call. The joke had later formed into a running game when Danny had told Cass, “fighting gods is a pass-time, it is humanity that the real fight is against.” (He had trip over a curb and laid on the ground for several minutes before she asked if he was okay.) She said it wasn’t the most concerning thing he said to her and Steph chimed in claiming, “on a scale of one to ten that statement rates at a three.”
Jason had asked why Cass and Steph always got the weird ambiguous statements and he got cryptic shit about his “soul”.
(Damian had pointed out that at least he wasn’t being constantly referred to as a baby.)
I Call Bingo, which they still played whenever a situation required more than one of them, became “on a scale”
Dick was sure that “having given up on optimism, I find your enthusiasm to be overly bright” should be ranked higher then “I don’t like two-stepping but I’m from the mid-west, so do you know how to line dance?” (Danny and Duke had gotten into an awkward side step where they kept blocking each other.) Damian said the wording seemed passive-aggressive but the tone was too positive to be rude so he gave it a three. Jason said it sounded like a bad pick up line and gave it a two.
They often debated and defended the score they gave with Barbara chiming in over coms. She had never met Danny as Oracle but he was a regular at the public library. He was always polite and respectful and had quickly become one of her favorite patrons. Like Steph and Cass she also got odd statements but hers felt more like half-hearted jokes.
Bruce didn't always join in on their game but it wasn't surprising to see the occasional score placed in their reports. (They had a file dedicated to Danny's remarks. Originally it was to keep track of what they knew about him but at this point it was just to let the others know what he said this time.) Alfred was roped into it even if he didn't really participate unless asked. ("Hey Alfie, what would you give 'i'm glad i don't have to fight my food to eat it but if Batburger keeps giving me the wrong thing I'm summoning Lunch Lady.' Cause Tim says two but I think it's a five.") (He gave it a four.)
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