#i just want kids to be safe first and foremost
daydadahlias · 1 year
what’s your thought on minors reading your stories?
hm, that's a good question, and I think one that's far more nuanced/convoluted than people often give it credit for and than I often like to think about.
obviously, I'm more than happy for minors to read my G/T and even M rated fics but when we get into the explicit territory - which I assume is what you're asking about - it can get tricky.
i will say, before I get into this far too long and rambling answer, that as a blanket statement, I would prefer that minors did not engage with explicit material period, including my own. However, it would simply be negligent of me to act like there are not minors who actively consume my content.
For a while there, I had "minors dni" in my bio and I also had 18+ for some time but I eventually took both out because I know it doesn't really dissuade people from interacting; if kids/minors want to look at something, they will look at it. And if they can't find it in certain places, they will without a doubt look for it in others.
it's a sad fact about our current culture that by the age of 12, most children will have actively seen pornography - mostly due to pop up ads online and just the sheer volume of pornographic content that exists in our world. so I am under no disillusion that minors also actively seek it out. I mean, I started reading porn when I was 12. Do I think, realistically, that it was a good thing for my emotional development? Uhm, no I don't! I don't think kids should be reading porn; it vastly skews their perceptions of sex and can negatively impact their relationships with sexuality in their adulthood. That's just a proven fact. So if I had any real say in it, I would say that minors should not be reading/viewing porn period, definitely not before the age of 15. That includes my own.
But, all that to say, I understand that I am an adult posting pornography on a public platform; if minors want to stumble on it, they will. I also know that I have all the necessary warnings and content triggers in place should someone come across my work and, at a certain point, if they continue to view it despite it being marked for mature audiences, that is not On Me as a creator. I cannot control what people choose to view.
I will say that, in terms of sexual content, I know that I am always writing healthy and consensual sexual dynamics between my characters so of the porn that minors could be exposed to, mine is certainly not of the dangerous variety for a minor to be consuming.
Am I fully comfortable with the thought of minors reading my material? No. But I'm not going to make it a habit to police people's interaction with the internet and I'm also not going to go through every single one of my followers and search to see if they're a minor to block them if they are. That doesn't stop kids from seeking things out. Frankly, I think blocking minors would only make them seek out other dangerous sexual content. Sometimes I think that I'd rather minors read my explicit material rather than explicit material that is tagged incorrectly, y'know? I'd rather minors read about actual consensual sex than dub-con or rape disguised as such.
At the end of the day, all I want is for minors to recognize that what they read online is not an accurate articulation of what occurs in real life and do their necessary research to be safe when they actively choose to interact with sex irl. But far be it from me to tell them how they should and should not consume written material, y'know?
I have an obligation as a creator (as I think all creators do) to tag my material properly and trigger warn accordingly because I do know realistically that minors might come across it, but from there it's completely out of my hands on if minors choose to engage with it or not.
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darcylindbergh · 2 months
I’m a queer minor with an unsupportive Republican family and I feel so fucking helpless about the election. What can I do or at least how can I stay safe?
listen to me. i am taking your face in my hands. i am looking into your eyes. listen. your second question is the right one. your safety is your priority. have you ever been on a plane? and they do the little safety routine? and when the masks fall down, they say, "put your own oxygen mask on before helping others?"
as a queer kid, this is a put your own mask on before helping others situation.
there are things you can do to get involved but first and foremost, you gotta be safe. if that means you don't come out and you don't talk about politics and you don't get involved in activism until you can be independent, that's what it means. i know it sucks to hear. it really sucks saying it, tbh. i want you to be big and out and loud and proud, and i never want you to have to make yourself small, but more than anything i want you to be safe.
so everything i'm about to say is with this caveat. safety first. your own mask before helping others.
here's a link to the lgbt national youth talkline. this service won't call outside agencies (like 911) on your behalf, unless you're making a credible threat to someone else.
the Trevor Project also has a hotline and chat services. they do call outside agencies on your behalf to report imminent harm to yourself or others as well as reporting child abuse. i'm not saying one is better than the other. i just want you to know what each service does.
the Trevor Project also has trevorspace, which i guess is like social media for lgbt youth? i am not a youth so i didn't sign up to check it out but it could be a good place to find folks to talk and connect with. connections are so good.
here's some things you can do. i tried to include a bunch of things with different amounts of involvement so you can pick your safety level.
read. read so much. read about people who are like you and who are not like you. read fiction that celebrates queer joy and read nonfiction books about antiracism and intersectionality and the history of queer people in the US. do you know who has a cool amount of information on queer history in the US? the national park service. watch queer movies, even (especially, tbh) old ~problematic stuff, look up what people say about it now. read through the articles on decolonizepalestine.com. watch interviews about Black joy. know your rights. read banned books. if you can't do, learn. read. just because it's happening inside your head doesn't mean it's real work.
check out scarleteen, which is a fantastic resource for queer sex ed and relationship information. a lot of their articles are older now, but still 100% great reads.
watch what your family is watching - debates, news stories, whatever - and ask yourself how would i respond to that? look up how to respond to that. you can use this time to start learning how to dissect political speech and how to respond to it. both sides do this! read news from both sides and see how it compares.
make your daily 5 calls. they give you scripts and everything. if you don't want to talk to a real human person, calling in the evening will usually get you a voicemail. talking on the phone is a hugely important social skill - if you don't have it, the 5 calls are a great way to start and to start addressing your discomfort with phones.
20 states allow 17-year-olds to vote in the primaries.
Pre-register to vote if you're eligible.
Vote Forward puts on a letter writing campaign you can participate in.
NextGen America has in-person volunteer opportunities in 8 states, and virtual opportunities globally. Although they target voters 18-35, volunteers can be any age. (hey adults - you listening?)
here's even more information on phone or text banking! for most of these, you don't have to be 18.
Organize a voter registration drive at your high school. the Civics Center has a free, one-hour online workshop that will walk you through how to host a drive and they'll even send you swag for it. check out their "for students" tab - they have sharable graphics, workshops, lots of stuff.
in some states, people under 18 can sign up to be poll workers. (hey adults - we can do this too)
CIRCLE is a civic engagement center that focuses on getting youth out to vote, but also educating folks. check their website out. listen. politics are so boring like, 99.9% of the time. the more you know about how it works, the more effective you can be when you want to get involved.
look up your local political body, find out when they meet. attend the meetings. in my county we have a board of commissioners that meet once a month, and a couple of committees as well. i don't go every time but now that i can log into the meetings via Zoom, I do about every other month or so. did you see that video of violet affleck speaking at the LA board of supervisors meeting? that could be you, babe.
so there's a lot you can do actually! here's some more stuff you can do!!
know, with 100% certainty, in your heart of hearts, that there are so many people who want you to be out and proud and loud and yourself. and there are so many people who are fighting for you to be able to do that. there are so many adults, queer and non-queer, rooting for you, standing up for you, putting ourselves between you and a future where you have to keep making yourself small. and you will get older and i know it's trite but THINGS REALLY DO GET BETTER, and someday you will be the queer adult on this side of the screen protecting kids like you. you gotta keep on keeping on and keeping yourself safe so you can do that someday.
log off. LOG OFF. doomscrolling is a form of self-harm. deliberately seeking out endless articles and tiktoks and whatever about news and information that will upset you is not activism, babe! it's harm! you aren't helping anyone by being hurt. there's a difference between being informed and hurting yourself. find the line. hold yourself to it.
stop using chat gpt. it's terrible. forget you ever knew about it. that's not related to activism its just like, general health, and also climate change. while i'm here, switch to firefox and duckduckgo.
go outside. it turns out touching grass is actually important for our mental health. go find some.
pick up a hobby that does something with your hands, if you're able to. i cross-stitch and play piano (badly). pick up drawing. cooking. embroidery. underwater basket weaving. it's important to find something that shows you what YOU can do with YOUR two hands. you can do so much.
find your people. online, in person. find your people. when i got this ask, i - not a parent - threw it to my people and they helped me find some resources. we're doing this together.
this is kind of silly but i love doing it. find the marriage license announcements in your county or township or whatever and look for gay people. you'll be guessing by names, so watch out - we love trans people who have and haven't made the legal name change! - but GOD. i've looked at the marriage license announcements literally every two weeks (which is how often they're published in my county) since Obergefell v Hodges 9 years ago, which is when we got gay marriage in my state, and it's so fucking healing. in the last 9 years, i have seen hundreds of gay people make this announcement. every two weeks, there are four or five gay couples in my community out of maybe 15, 20 (i live in a pretty small county). look up why marriage rights have mattered so much to our community. these marriage license announcements are just such a small, bright spot of joy and seeing the names - real people! in my real community! - cradles my heart. find what cradles your heart.
this has gotten long enough so i'm going to set it free. i'm sure there will be people in the notes adding things. for you parents out there, leave your love in the comments. for the rest of us extremely cool and suave adults, pick something off the list and volunteer too, and look at this anon and think yes, this is why we do it. kids like us who are kids now, who will be us later. for you Youth out there, put your oxygen mask on first and then help others.
i love you.
it gets better.
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
Hi guys <3
I just wanted to talk about something that's really hit me this morning.
I feel like in the past few months, many people in this fandom have chosen to take a step back from fandom spaces, especially more interactive ones like twitter, tiktok, tumblr, etc. We've had a huge influx of people binding works for profit, sending hate on multiple platforms, and literally chasing people out of the fandom. Just this morning, I watched a tiktok of someone in this fandom reading hateful messages he received, and some of them were literal death threats.
Don't get me wrong- I do not blame a single person for privating their works, removing their creations, or taking a step back from fandom. In fact, I think it's absolutely warranted, and mental health comes first. While I would never delude myself into thinking I am as well-known as some of the people who struggle with these things, I myself have considered taking a break a few times, as it can definitely be overwhelming.
However, fandom is first and foremost and escape for me. I use it as a means of coping with past traumas and current stressors, and I have seen the way it has helped literally thousands of people deal with similar things.
I have to be honest. For years, fandom was a more-taboo community of 'nerds' and 'geeks.' When I was a kid, it was absolutely unheard of to read fanfiction, and I hid in my room for hours reading fanfiction.net, terrified someone would find me. But since it's become more socially acceptable, I feel like hate and judgement has only grown.
But the thing is, so many of you guys are ruining this. The hate you are spreading because you don't like a ship or because you dislike the way a fic has been written or because you, god forbid, hate that a character is written as feminine, is ruining this space for so many people. For god's sake, if you don't like it, don't fucking read it. Don't like Jegulus? Don't read it. Don't like transfem Sirius? Don't read it.
For so many people this is the only safe space.
And I'm gonna be so honest when I say that I need this safe space. This is something that keeps me going and helps me so much. So please, before you send hate, or bash a ship, or say something negative about anyone, remember that this is supposed to be fun. This is supposed to be a safe space. This is supposed to be positive. And you are interacting with PEOPLE. Nobody here is a deity, nobody here is above it all, and nobody here deserves the hate that has been spread. (Except JK Rowling).
Sending love <3
P.s. this is NOT me asking you to go after the people spreading the hate. While I enjoy teasing trolls as much as the next person, sending more hate is not the answer.
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 month
Heres an idea what if ford and his infant baby BOTH got sucked into the portal? How would ford cope with jumping across the multiverse while trying to raise his child?
I’m going to assume the reader is the baby, so this fic is obviously platonic from here on out.
The man gets grey stress hairs at like 23/25 (no clue how old he is when he got sucked into the portal but I’m going to assume for this)
Ford didn’t mind if it was just him that got pulled into the multiverse, he would’ve found a way to handle it but being in a multiverse full of potential dangers with you, his child? The man is doing everything he can to set you up to survive and one day escape the multiverse and go home, regardless if it’s with or without him.
Ford is putting you first and foremost as you were the future, his legacy and his protege.
It was a daunting task to not only try and survive the multiverse but also dedicate time to raising his own kid, it was taxing on both an emotional and physical level for Ford as he made sure you were kept warm and well fed as possible while leaning himself with little to nothing, but he didn’t mind because as long as you had everything you needed to grow and be strong, that’s all that matters to Ford.
You grew up traveling with bandits, learning to speak 13 languages, read ancient texts, become royalty when Ford was king of the finger dimension for a brief period of time, only for a seven fingered man to take the crown and becoming a wanted criminal in multiple dimensions before you were even twelve. Your childhood was far from a normal one as your memories of home were mainly from stories Ford told you about at night when you were both sat near the fire.
It saddened Ford to know that you viewed home a lot differently than you did the multiverse but he couldn’t blame you. You had near enough spent most of your developmental years running from dimension to dimension, aiding rebellions and surviving say to say that if you both were to ever get home, Ford knew you’d be out of your element as all you’ve ever known was the multiverse and him.
This thought occurred to Ford on many occasions that he blames himself for ever letting you get dragged into this mess because if you didn’t then maybe you could’ve grown up with Stanley and lived a perfectly normal life. You were robbed of a childhood you could look back on in fondness and Ford couldn’t help but believe himself to be the cause as he stays up to watch over you, seeing his child mentally grow up faster then you should be allowed for your age broke his aging heart.
Would you be ridiculed for being weird if you were to ever go home much like he was as a kid? If so then he’d much rather stay in the multiverse for your sake rather than his own.
You had been through a lot and seen more then a child your age should and while Ford will forever be proud of the person you had become. His only wish was that you got to at least experience a portion of your life back home before all this, just so that you didn’t look at everything so weirdly and so alien.
Ford knew that sometimes there will be moments where there’s a disconnect between you two, something he had to accept that as the truth instead of trying to logically fix it, and instead try to meet you halfway in a comforting manner when you start to think that you were too weird for home as you sat on the rooftop of the shack.
‘Won’t Mabel and dipper find me…odd?’ You asked.
‘No of course not sweetheart, they love you and see you as their cool older relative they can trust to keep them safe and happy and seen.’ Ford reassured you with a pat on the shoulder before pressing a kiss to the top of your head. ‘You’ll be loved, so loved my little sharpshooter. I promise.’ He adds as he sees you yawn and instinctively brought you into his side, once again watching over you as you slept peacefully for the first time in a long while.
While Ford hated that you had practically been raised in the multiverse but he couldn’t help but be proud of who you’ve become when you pointed out a flaw in his plans for the quantum destabiliser weapon that he had overlooked. You were going to be okay, Ford knew it.
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erxxi3 · 1 year
A Sloppy First With Carlos?
Pairings: Carlos Oliveira x Fem! Reader
Summary: You have been dating Carlos for quite some time and finally decide to let him claim you as his own, but it is more like some sloppy sex.
Cw. Smut (nsfw), p in v, praise, virgin reader gets their first time wit carlos, dom carlos?, some begging, needy/desperate reader, a bit body worship if you squint ur eyes just a bit, possessive & a bit of cocky carlos, relationship had already been established yet we skipping to the part of where he just gives u a sloppy first time just to enjoy every moment of him inside you! This man is gonna make you a milf after he’s done fr fr want u to be the momma to his kids. Some fluff at the end there is def aftercare but I got too lazy to write it….
A/N: I’ve never written for Carlos before, so this is my first time writing for him and feel free to give me feedback!
Carlos Oliveira is definitely a charming guy when it came to women, but that all changed when you came into his life. He became so tough and cocky around you and others that it made him the kind of guy who didn’t let himself be vulnerable in front of people. It also caused you to fall for him a little bit faster. That was exactly what you wanted. Someone strong, and not afraid of showing it. The only problem with your choice was that he wasn’t exactly someone to get along with very well and was even more of an asshole than he already was.
Not something you expected from a man like that. But if it meant you could feel secure in his arms, then so be it. You could live with any kind of attitude. If he just wanted to keep you safe then so be it. You wouldn’t mind at all, actually. You enjoyed being near him, even if it made your heart beat faster and butterflies flutter in your stomach. You thought his roughness was sexy, even if you were slightly scared of him sometimes. And as long as there wasn’t going to be too much violence in the future, maybe you would be able to handle things better. Just give him some time, yet It wasn’t like you couldn’t deal with the bad side of him.
I mean he could be a total dickhead at times, sure, but you could tolerate that, too. He still respected you, afterall, and that was what really mattered. As long as you were happy and satisfied in his arms. And you had been that all this time. All your years of dating with a guy like Carlos Olivera didn’t go wrong. He treated you right, despite your flaws and his ego.
His ego brings out the best in him wether it’s in bed or out of bed, so there is no doubt about what you saw with him in bed that night. He was absolutely gentle, but rough when he kisses you sloppily, his hands firm when they roamed your body, and he took his pleasure in making you squirm underneath him. His tongue is hot and insistent in licking every inch of your skin and his fingers are rough and warm when they caress your breasts through the thin cotton fabric of your tight dress. And his eyes. Oh, Carlos’ eyes looked as if they were dark pools filled with lust and possessiveness. Without hesitation he took off his pants dropping them to the floor, his erection already trying to poke out the side of his boxers. You tried to take his boxers off although he had prioritized in spreading your legs apart and placed his hard member between them, foremost, further apart.
Fingers had trailed straight under the waistband of your dress while his hands started ripping your dress off, and your bra followed. With quick movements he tore the straps and panties away leaving you bare beneath his gaze, completely naked from head to toe. His lips left yours. Carlos began to apply lube to his hardened and throbbing cock, before slowly inserting it inside you, setting a slow movement in and out of you in a way that was torturous in itself. You whimpered from the sensation, but his grip on your hips tightened making the pain go away momentarily. Sloppily beginning to thrust into you, his pace quickened until he hit a certain spot that made you scream with pleasure. “Oh, God...” you moaned breathlessly before closing your eyes.
You never felt that way with anyone else. This is not your first time to say the least, but definitely better than masturbation to say the least. It made you feel so incredibly sensitive that it left you weak, yet at the same time it made you feel powerful and desirable. “That’s my girl…” he growled in a deep voice, grabbing one of your wrists and positioning it over your head as he continued hitting your sweet spot with his thick shaft. You moaned again while tears filled your eyes from the intense pleasure he gave you.
Your breathing started becoming erratic as he kept slamming his heavy cock into you with such force. He held your face, placing soft kisses all over your exposed cheeks and neck, causing goosebumps to appear on your flesh. “You feel so good, baby...” he whispered against your ear. Soon following after with, “Fuck… I’m gonna cum if you keep this up...”
“Don’t stop...” you begged breathless, feeling a shiver go down your spine as Carlos continued pumping his stiffening cock inside you. He kept pressing harder, making you cry out and bite your lip hard to prevent yourself from begging for mercy. “Please don’t stop….” You could hear your own voice quiver slightly, almost like a sob. In a moment you lost your restraint, and threw your head back, arching your back as you screamed loudly. A loud moan escaped your mouth as waves of ecstasy washed over you, and your muscles started tingling from his relentless thrusts into you.
He was getting close, you could tell, and soon he won't hold himself anymore. “Carlos…” you murmured, unable to finish your sentence because your breath was short and labored, and your voice was hoarse from screaming out.
You needed him to get you to your climax and come, now, now, now, you thought.
“Please..please…” you whimpered, feeling your body shaking with both excitement and desperation. Suddenly, everything came rushing in.
The orgasm. Carlos.
Your surroundings. Carlos’ name coming out of your mouth, His scent surrounding your whole being. You felt as if you were being penetrated by a monstrous cock very sloppily, even though you were. His warm and hard cock rubbing against your inner walls in time with his frantic thrusts. “Almost there… ah- hold out a little longer, baby…” Carlos grunted out of breath, panting heavily, his entire body trembling. Your breathing was starting to come out ragged as well, your eyes rolling into the back of your head as you climaxed once again. “That’s it, baby… Come for me…” The next few minutes passed by in a blur, each second passing with such intensity it was overwhelming you. Carlos finally stopped after a while, releasing his cum inside you.
Your throat was sore and raw from screaming and your muscles were tense and sore from all the stretching, while your back was arched which he forced you to do as your climax hit. Carlos laid beside you and pulled the sheets up around you as he kissed your temple. "Are you alright?" Your mind was fuzzy as you nodded and snuggled closer into his chest. "...Yeah," was your reply, barely above a whisper. Your eyelids were glued shut, as you struggled to stay awake.
Carlos chuckled softly. "Did I fuck you that hard?" You shook your head and mumbled in reply that you loved how wild he got. "Mmm...you're welcome." After a while you felt tired and sleep began creeping onto your consciousness. Carlos seemed to sense this and wrapped his arms tightly around you to keep you warm as he nuzzled his nose against your cheek. "Get some rest, baby," he said quietly. You hummed in response as you relaxed into his hold, letting yourself drift off to sleep.
You were so tired that you were able to ignore the sound of heavy breathing, but it eventually woke you up when the covers moved slightly. Opening your eyes, and noticing your boyfriend staring at you intently. "Hey...sorry did I wake you up? Go back to sleep..." he whispered kissing the top of your head as he ran his hands gently through your hair. You buried your face deeper into his chest, and let out a small sigh as you cuddled up to his chest. Carlos laughed again, running his hand through your hair one last time before turning off the light with his other hand and lying down behind you, holding you tightly.
"I love you so much..." he said softly, kissing the crown of your head gently.
"Goodnight..." you breathed out before finally closing your eyes and falling asleep, enjoying the soothing warmth of his embrace.
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lazycats-stuff · 17 days
damian wayne x gn! mall goth reader who comes off a little intimidating because of their style n taste in music but end up being really sweet n the whole batfam ends up adoring reader
if not thats a okay!! sorry that i kinda didnt go into much description…
Okay, I have no idea what mall goth even is so to google it is. And don't worry with the lack of description I can conjure something up. And this GIF was the only one that was nice.
Summary: (Y/N) has a peculiar style and that puts the rest of the fam off. But soon they love him more than Damian.
Warnings: some goth stereotypes, mentions of self harm, but no one is doing it, it's in the context of stereotypes,
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" Beloved, you don't have to meet them if you don't want to. We can cancel, " Damian said, worried about his partner. Why? Well, (Y/N) has a peculiar style known as Mall Goth and Damian found it really interesting, but people often think that goths are affiliated with Satanism or that they... Harm themselves to put it mildly. Or that they use drugs.
That they can't be happy, that they are all just cold and collected. (Y/N) once told Damian about someone asking if they are a vampire. While Damian wanted to laugh at that, but at the same time it was beyond stupid. Vampires aren't real, first and foremost. Secondly, why would someone say that? Like why?
Damian knew (Y/N) and (Y/N) is a happy person. Positive. Not affiliated with Satanism or Satan. They don't harm themselves or use any drugs. And no, they aren't a vampire. (Y/N) is a normal person who simply loves to express themselves via gothic style. Is that wrong? Absolutely not.
Does that mean that people can make fun of them? Absolutely not.
Damian wouldn't stand for that. He never did.
Because (Y/N) is an adorable soul, a gentle one at that and Damian loved that about them. Damian would often say that they were adorable and it was something that never failed to make (Y/N) blush. So of course, Damian weaponized that to make sure his beloved feels loved. And safe to say, he loves to see (Y/N) flustered. And (Y/N) tried fighting it, but Damian was charming when he needed to be.
And more often than not, Damian followed (Y/N) to the Hot Topic or Spencer's. Damian was always interested in his interests and often curious about those stores, since he was never in those stores... Safe to say, nothing can surprise him. Even though he was raised in the League of Assassins and nothing should surprise him. But Spencer's and Hot Topic did.
But everything for his beloved. And more often than not, Damian acted like a security guard for (Y/N), making sure that no one tried anything. (Y/N) deserves to express themselves in the manner that they want to and not being picked on. Bring goth isn't illegal. It's a subculture. A nice one at that.
Because many of them are nice people. And not Satanists.
The meeting of Damian's family came soon enough and he was nervous. His family wouldn't hate his partner, but (Y/N)'s style might put them all off. Bruce would always want his kids to be happy in their relationships. And if (Y/N) seems cold, Bruce might not like them. And since (Y/N) isn't cold and Damian knows it...
Safe to say, he's never been so nervous in his life. And' he's been trained by his infamous grandfather.
He didn't want (Y/N) to get rid from their gothic style and be something that they aren't and pretend to be something conventional. And besides, it's better for Bruce to know right away. It's better to be genuine and honest, especially in front of Batman. Although (Y/N) doesn't know about his... Night job. Safe to say, it's going to be nerve wrecking.
And Damian has never felt so nervous in his life. He picked (Y/N) up and drove him to the manor, nervous beyond belief. He shouldn't be nervous. He never felt so nervous anyway. Why is he feeling so damn nervous? Is this what fear feels like? Anxiety even? (Y/N) took Damian's into theirs and squeezed. They were parked in the car in front of the manor, trying to gather up the courage to get going.
" I don't know why, but I'm nervous beyond belief, " Damian confessed and (Y/N) nodded, feeling the same.
" I'm scared beyond belief. I don't want them to not like me because of the way I dress, " (Y/N) gave their own confession and Damian sighed, rubbing his forehead with his free hand.
" I've never felt so nervous in my life. Probably the only time I felt so was when I confessed my feelings to you. "
(Y/N) chuckled and nodded, remembering how Damian was nervous beyond belief when he has confessed. Damian huffed when he heard the huff.
" It's not funny. It was embarrassing to be so nervous when confessing. "
" But it showed you had feelings. And it meant that you have some really hard feelings for me. Which is nice. But... The more we worry, the worse it'll go. " (Y/N) turned their head to look at Damian who nodded.
" I agree beloved. But just be yourself. Don't try to be something you are not. Be yourself. They'll love you for it. " Damian leaned closer to his partner and kissed their cheek. (Y/N) smiled at that, squeezing back Damian's hand tightly.
" Are you ready beloved? "
" Ready as I'll ever be. " (Y/N) kissed Damian and Damian smiled into the kiss.
Both pulled back after a few seconds, still smiling. Damian cupped (Y/N)'s face, kissing their forehead.
" Now beloved, lets go. And I promise you, they'll love you. "
(Y/N) nodded and opened the car door, stepping out. Damian followed soon and walked next to (Y/N). (Y/N) rang the doorbell, waiting for someone to open up. And yes, Damian did warn them about (Y/N) being goth before this meeting.
Alfred opened the door, smiling at the two. " Ah, there is the person who captured your heart master Damian. I'm Alfred, nice to meet you. " Alfred extended his hand to (Y/N), who shook it with a tight grip.
" Nice to meet you, I'm (Y/N). "
" Please, come in you two, the rest are waiting in the dining room, already sitting since they are always hungry. " Alfred led them both to the dining room, where they were all sitting down at the table. They all turned to (Y/N) and Damian, eyes observing and analyzing (Y/N). Bruce stood up to shake hands with them and the rest followed.
(Y/N) smiled as hands were shook and soon they were all sitting down again.
" Damian, I didn't know you were into goths. " Jason lifted his cup of water, making Damian's eye twitch.
" Watch is Todd. "
" No violence at the table or threats of the violence, " Alfred and Bruce interjected at the same time and (Y/N) chuckled at that.
" So... How did you two meet? " Tim started, trying to ease the tension between his brothers.
" We met in a bookstore. I was looking for some mystery books, he gave recommendations and then later, went to get coffee. And then we exchanged numbers because we saw that we had good taste in books, " (Y/N) explained, giving them a short version.
" Oh yeah, he came home quite happy. We couldn't figure out why. " Dick poured himself some water and Damian glared at Dick. His brothers need to stop it.
" Really? " (Y/N) asked, turning to look at Damian, who seemingly decided to glare at Dick, rather than (Y/N).
" Yes, but we couldn't figure out why. And when he started going out more often, we thought he made a friend. We were close enough, " Dick added and (Y/N) smirked, Damian seemingly looked anywhere but at his partner.
" So (Y/N), " Bruce got into the conversation, " What do you do? Any hobbies? Interests? "
" I like to volunteer at the animal shelter, trying to not adopt anymore black cats. I already have two. Also working part time at my local bookstore to have some money during my college years, " Y/N) explained and Bruce nodded, impressed with it. He liked the sound of that.
A hardworking and loves animals? Damian's soulmate.
" Oh. And what do you study in college? " Bruce asked, curious about it.
" I study history. My dream would be to teach in a school one day. "
Bruce nodded. He himself liked history and to teach in a school? In this day and age? More than impressive.
" That is a noble thing. Especially in this day and age, and in Gotham as well, " Dick jumped in, Tim nodding in agreement.
" I would rather die than teach in a school. Absolutely not. Good luck, " Tim said and (Y/N) chuckled.
" I know, but I would really want that. I'm really interested in that. "
Bruce glanced and Damian, nodding at him subtly. He approved of (Y/N) so far and if (Y/N) and Damian ever tied the knot, Bruce would be the happy. (Y/N) saw Damian for him. Not the rich connections and doors that his last name can open, but for Damian.
The other brothers shared the same sentiment. (Y/N) is the one and only for Damian. And they are going to give Damian the if you hurt him talk.
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junicult · 2 years
!! what it’d be like sleeping w the bachelors
contains ; nsfw! suggestive content. fem!farmer. desc of sex. oral (m & f!receiving). fingering. creampie(s). one brief mention of spitting. brief mentions of a breeding kink. praise. lots of kissing. not proofread!
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- fuck.
- i said this once, and i’ll say it again:
- he is a doctor. he knows. what. he’s. DOING!!!!!
- the most passionate. he’s extremely focused on how you’re feeling, if you’re happy, or comfortable.
- he’s obsessed with going down on you. it’s honestly his favorite part.
- sometimes you don’t even have sex, he just goes down on you and calls it a night.
- what? you feel dirty, and gross from working on the farm all day? that’s fine, he’ll respect your wishes. but in no way would that be an issue for him.
- if anything, it makes him happier because all that tells him is you’re working hard and healthy.
- and he just wants you to be healthy.
- which is why he likes to have sex every night! it’s good for your mind, body, and soul. doctors orders!
- it’s like a part of your nightly routine. an unspoken rule you’re never opposed to unless it’s really late or you’re exhausted.
- shower sex!! i said it.
- your skin all soapy and clean, wet hair clinging to your cheeks while he fucks u against the wall. lol.
- i feel like he doesn’t really curse. it’s not that he’s against it, he just doesn’t have those words in his daily vocabulary.
- but during sex…that’s a whole new thing.
- “fuck…fuck y’feel so good.” “oh my—shit, sweetheart. just like that.”
- he’s whimpering in your ear, breath heavy on your skin.
- he bites his lower lip to keep from being too loud.
- he insists on wearing a condom. practicing safe sex is extremely important to him!
- even if you’re on birth control. and especially if you’re not ready for children yet.
- but if you are…
- phew. that’s a different story for another day.
- he’s a missionary guy. or cowgirl, but mostly missionary.
- he just likes seeing you moaning underneath him, how easily he can kiss you, and look at you.
- his aftercare is the sweetest. loves giving you massages or rubs your feet after a long day.
- makes u pee after lol.
- kisses you endlessly. his lips have touched every inch of your body.
- definitely likes to cuddle somehow. doesn’t matter, as long as he’s nearly engulfing you.
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- he’s so cute, are u kidding?
- first and foremost: he fucking loves kissing you. constantly.
- no matter what you’re doing, how your day started, what your mood is like, whatever: he’s coming up to kiss you on the lips.
- so sex w him will always begin in a heavy makeout session.
- not only is it fun, but he’s incredibly good at it.
- hand cupping your cheek, other around your waist. his lips move so softly and sensually, making you feel like glass under his fingertips.
- loves having you on his lap, feeling you up while distracting you.
- loves the feeling of you running your fingers through his hair, your nails digging into his scalp.
- he’s a sweetheart. all about your pleasure, and what you feeling like doing.
- “are you tired? want me to run a bath, baby?” he asks, tilting his head to the side and rubbing his thumb against your cheek.
- ngl, he kinda loves when you’re a little exhausted. he loves being able to pamper you.
- like, you immediately walk through the door sighing and throwing yourself onto the couch. he’s already giving you a kiss, and putting on his sweetest eyes to ask if you’re alright.
- he’s also a missionary fan. it’s sweet, it’s romantic. he likes looking at you during it.
- bbiiiiigggg fan of talking—although he isn’t really aware of it.
- “just like—oh my god, you’re gonna kill me.” “ngh, fuck baby…feels s’good.” “i’m gonna cum, cum with me please, pretty please?”
- he’s just talking, honestly. literally not a single cell in his brain is registering the pure porn spilling from his lips but you adore all of it.
- thank god (yoba) u live on a farm, cus he is one loud mf.
- actually whimpers when he comes. like he’s shaking, eyebrows pinching, MOANING.
- i forgot to mention but this mf LOVES hickeys. give him tons of hickeys and he’s all yours.
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- a slut🤷‍♀️
- he’s had experience. like plenty of it, and despite those years of his life being behind him, he still knows what he’s doing.
- cups ur jaw while kissing you.
- may or may not spit in ur mouth once or twice. idk.
- doggystyle!!!!!!!!!!! lol
- something about the way your ass looks with your hair balled into his fist makes him literally such a mf slut.
- tugging you back so he can groan in your ear.
- “feels so fucking good. gonna cum f’me? yeah? g’na do that?”
- literally has you panting, with tears welling in your eyes.
- probably changes positions like five times per round. he just can’t decide which one you look better in.
- big fan of counter sex, or couch sex.
- looovvesss cowgirl.
- hands around your waist or your thighs, using minimal strength to help you bounce on his cock.
- he can’t stop watching the soft bounce of your tits, and the way your head hangs while you’re moaning.
- will absolutely bully into you if he thinks you’re going too slow, or if you get tired.
- cums inside of u (shocking).
- or on your back, depending on which position or if you want him to.
- tips his head back, his eyebrows pinching and he lets out a low groan while he finishes.
- takes him a solid like 3 mins to catch his breath.
- his aftercare consists of feeling you up, kissing you softly. he’ll almost always offer you a glass of water, but will absolutely pass out afterwards.
- he has enough stamina to give you multiple rounds, but once he’s finished he’s knocked out LMFAOO
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- not super experienced.
- he’s not a virgin, but with how little he’s had sex, he’s still new to a lot of things.
- he’s a big fan of being guided. like, tell him what you want, what you like, and he’s on it🫡
- LOVES eating you out, especially when he’s doing it right and he gets to see your reactions.
- but he also loves when you go down on him.
- he becomes this little shell of himself, his face beat red and his hands trying to cover his flushed face. he’s gnawing on his lower lip, trying his best not to moan and whine but ofc it’s not working.
- once he’s too distracted to care what he looks like, his hands are immediately grabbing onto the sheets and pillows, literally anything nearby.
- the first time you ever gave him head…he came in 10 seconds.
- was so fucking embarrassed. literally still cringes when he thinks abt it.
- despite you reassuring him that it didn’t bother you at all, and you’re actually really flattered by it.
- but yeah, anyways,
- when it comes to fucking, he likes when you’re on top.
- so any form of cowgirl, he’s your guy.
- he’s not so much vocal as he is with just panting.
- like, he’s not going to talk to you, save for the occasional, “you feel so good,” but he’s absolutely not dead silent.
- mf is a whimperer. he gets so easily flustered, of course he’s hiding his face from your devious grin.
- he likes fingering you.
- he’s got long, thin, pale fingers that he doesn’t rly know what to do with, so when you help him out he’s all kinds of excited.
- will never forget when he made you cum on his fingers for the first time. literally gives him such an ego boost, especially when you praise him.
- now he makes fingering a never-forget step while having sex with you.
- aftercare is usually just cuddling after he forces u to pee cus u know ya’ll are strictly using the pull out method lmfao.
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- he’s the kind of bf that smacks ur ass when ur walking past him.
- probably pretends to hit on you when he runs into u in public.
- like, “whoa, you’re cute. we should hangout sometime,” while ur literally getting groceries for the two of u to eat.
- i digress.
- he’s so mf affectionate. his hands are never leaving your waist if he’s anywhere near you.
- especially when you come in after finishing up work, and you feel all gross but he’s swooning from the sight of u.
- “hi, baby. how was work?”
- running his hands up your shirt and pressing kisses all along the side of your neck.
- aka (he’s horny).
- he’s gentle with you, especially if you’re tired and had a bad day. he’s just pressing his soft lips on your skin while you recap what made you so upset, nodding and humming along.
- “anything i can do to make you feel better?” and he doesn’t ask with ulterior motives, he does want you to feel better, but he’ll never say no if you want to have sex.
- if you’re exhausted, or tired but you still wanna do something—well he’s fingering u.
- will probably eat u out, but he’s making u cum on his fingers mostly.
- coaxes you through it.
- “mm, yeah i know, baby. just let it out.”
- haha.
- wall sex enthusiast.
- or even the mating press.
- just so he can show off his strength, his arms hooked underneath your legs while he fucks you sobbing.
- STAMINA!!!!!!!!!!
- this man can go for rounds after rounds after ROUNDSSS on end.
- you’re panting, catching your breath once he starts kissing you slowly again, and you’re back to whining.
- “c’mon sweetheart. i know you can do it. you can give me one more, right? just one?”
- such a little bastard i fear.
- his aftercare is just extensive amounts of praise, and kissing, and holding you. he’s asking if you need anything.
- falls asleep while keeping you caged against him.
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- vocal vocal vocal vocal vocal.
- sex with him is nothing but romantic.
- i’m talking holding hands, cupping your cheek, kissing your lips so passionately while he’s so extremely gentle.
- he’ll never be rough with you, i’m sorry. he’s just not that kind of guy.
- master at praise.
- “so beautiful, so fucking gorgeous i love you so much.” “feels so good my love, ‘m so close,”
- imagine him putting his hair into like a little bun and loose strands are just falling out, framing his face while he makes love to u.
- cus y’all know he’s not fucking u😭
- once again, we have a pussy eating connoisseur.
- tug on his hair while he’s going down on u. do it.
- his arms wrapped around your hips holding your legs still, face delved between your thighs for however long you need him to be / how long he wants to be.
- i’m here to tell you that if elliot’s had a bad day, he’s eating you out to make him feel better.
- doesn’t care what you were doing, if you haven’t showered yet, he literally doesn’t care.
- …missionary enthusiast too.
- i’m sorry but they all are 😓
- he’ll literally never degrade you. even if you want him to, i promise you he’ll try, but he just can’t.
- a firm believer that you should come at least two or three times before he does.
- loves to see you blissed out underneath him before he even thinks about cumming.
- his aftercare is so perfect. he’s getting you water, rubbing your sore muscles, running a bath if you need it.
- without a doubt cuddling. ofc.
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itseuth · 3 months
There's so much beauty in the We Are series. Every episode leaves you with a glowing feeling in your chest. Especially for someone like me, who absolutely adores their friends, it's a gem: not a lot of Thai bls or just tv shows and movies in general get the friendships right.
This episode had me grinning from ear to ear the whole time. No kidding, my face hurts.
Friends being each other's safe spaces first and foremost. All of them rush to their friends first every time they are worried or need advice and friends rushing to each other's aid whenever the other is sad.
Also, the relationships. TanFang loving each other in their little ways, QToey making us blush with their adoration for each other and ChainPun yearning after each other patiently; not pushing boundaries, just loving softly.
PhumPeem are in a different league of their own. I haven't loved a couple this much, ever. Even without labels, they cared for and loved each other so passionately that it paled established relationships; and when they finally got together, they are the epitome of the beauty of being in love with someone who understands you so well and wants to know everything about you.
This episode also made me cry. It's all so simple yet so complicated. I love this series with everything I have. Previously, Bad Buddy held that title (it will obviously never stop being a show that makes my heart feel alive), but now, I have more room in my heart and all of it is occupied by We Are and it's beautiful boys.
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stvrni0lo · 11 months
✩ ABC's
𝐬𝐟𝐰 𝐚𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐞!
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—‘A’ IS FOR AFFECTION (how affectionate are they?)
in public, not much. the most he’ll do is maybe hold pinkies or have an arm around you/on you - but at home he is allll over you. literally will lay his head on your shoulder whenever he can, kisses (esp forehead ones) are a must, too. he basically cannot bear to be away from you when you guys are alone.
—‘B’ IS FOR BESTFRIEND (what are they like as a bestie?)
he’s your boyfriend, but first and foremost, he’s your best friend (corny, whatever). he really values deep relationships with people and if he can’t talk to you like you’re his friend, then he’s most likely not dating you. he wants you guys to be able to goof off and be comfortable around each other. definitely likes to do stupid stuff with you like trying to cook and failing miserably.
—‘C’ IS FOR CUDDLES (how do they like to cuddle?)
you could not waterboard this information out of him but he is 100% the little spoon. he likes to lay his head on your stomach or lap, have your arms around him from behind - all that jazz. he also definitely mumbles in his sleep when you guys cuddle, especially if he’s extremely comfortable. he also loves when you scratch his scalp or back to help him fall asleep. and for you, he likes to draw shapes on your torso with his fingers - it just relaxes him for some reason.
—‘D’ IS FOR DOMESTIC (settling down? how will they be helping out around?)
matt is definitely a family-oriented person so he knows that if you two end up getting married he’d want to settle down with you and eventually have kids. he helps a lot around the house, especially with things like laundry (duh), dishes, anything that involves cleaning. he hates cooking though, but will do it if it’s necessary - he just prefers your food over his. also hates folding laundry and mopping. he’s mostly a dishes, laundry, vacuum kinda guy.
—‘E’ IS FOR ENDING (how would breakups work out?)
he wouldn’t hold any resentment or hard feelings (unless it ended badly). basically very civil. generally i think he wouldn’t go out of his way to contact you if things break off, but he’ll occasionally check on you or ask your friends about you if he can. he’d still hold some love for you in his heart, but ultimately he wouldn’t really want to stay friends.
—‘F’ IS FOR FIANCÉE (how do they feel about commitment?)
absolutely knows he’s going to marry you some day if you guys are long term. he wouldn’t be a fan of getting married young but if you guys are still together in the future he could see himself being with you for the rest of his life. commitment is a big deal to him and i think he’d appreciate someone who is the same.
—‘G’ IS FOR GENTLE (how gentle are they?)
it’s matt like… he’s a sweetheart. he doesn’t treat you like you’re fragile, but more like you’re something special to be admired. you’ll catch him staring at you all lovey dovey sometimes to which he’d blush and turn away from. other times he’ll caress your cheeks before going in to peck you on the forehead or lips. all in all he leaves feather light touches everywhere he goes (because he knows you deserve to be treated with care and love).
—‘H’ IS FOR HUGS (do they like hugs?)
is this even a question? he may not be all that touchy with his friends or with you in public but if you offer a hug he can never deny it. he’s a sucker for having you close to him. he likes feeling cherished and safe, and that’s how he feels when you embrace him. you are the living embodiment of his safe space.
—‘I’ IS FOR I LOVE YOU (how long does it take them to say the ‘l word?’)
i think it would take him a while to say it out loud. it’s not that he didn’t develop those feelings - he actually knew he loved you pretty early on into the relationship. he just doesn’t want to scare you off by saying it too soon, so he actually waits for you to say it first. but once that first ‘i love you’ passes, he’s saying it all the time. in his good morning texts, whenever he leaves for a meeting, whenever he ends a call. all. the. time.
—‘J’ IS FOR JEALOUSY (how do they get jealous?)
matt doesn’t get jealous often. he trusts you wholeheartedly and he expects the same from you. the only time he would get jealous is if you were like overly touchy with a friend or something, but other than that he really isn’t worried about stuff like that. he knows you love your friends and you show that through affection - he would never in a million years be jealous of that. not when he knows that you’re his, and he’s yours.
—‘K’ IS FOR KISSES (what's their kissing schedule?)
sorry to burst the bubble here but i honestly don’t think he’d be a big kisser. he loves to kiss your hands, forehead, cheeks, etc. but kissing on the lips is only reserved for when you guys are chilling in his room alone. ofc if you ask for one or initiate it he won’t decline - because he does enjoy kissing you. he just prefers to keep that stuff private, so on a day-to-day basis it won’t really happen often since you guys are almost always with his brothers.
—‘L’ IS FOR LITTLE ONES (how are they around kids?)
he definitely adores kids, he just finds them so adorable. kids love him because of his calm nature, and he’ll happily do whatever with them if it means it’ll make them laugh or smile - even if it’s a princess makeover. however, he does get a little awkward sometimes since he’s not sure how to act around other people’s kids, but he’s still an absolute angel to them.
—‘M’ IS FOR MORNINGS (how will your mornings go?)
usually if he wakes up before you he’ll scroll on tiktok while stroking your hair. he likes to enjoy the mornings with you since it’s one of the only times you two can be fully alone. you guys will watch videos or listen to a podcast or something while you cuddle and get ready for the day. he also loves brushing his teeth with you - he just melts for domestic stuff like that because it makes him feel like you guys already live together.
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—‘N’ IS FOR NIGHTS (how will your nights go?)
typically he’ll get you guys some food before calling it a night and retreating to his room. he’ll put on a movie or a show that you both strictly ONLY watch together. you guys will cuddle up and make dumb jokes about what’s going on on the TV. this always ends up with you two fallen asleep before the end of the movie, the low buzz of dialogue like a lullaby in the background.
—‘O’ IS FOR OPEN (when will they tell you about themselves?)
if you start off as friends i think he opens up way faster than if you don’t. due to the fact that you’d be hanging around him and his friends and brothers, he’d open up way easier because he feels comfortable around the company that you’re in. he’ll still take a while, but he definitely becomes more talkative before you enter a relationship - since he believes that you both shouldn’t go into dating each other blindly. he wants you to know the ugliest parts of him, and him you. that way he’ll know he really wants to be with you, because you’ll accept him for who he is - and vice versa. he’s very in tune with his emotions. although it would take him a while to feel comfortable crying in front of you (not because he’s ashamed, but he physically can’t cry in front of people).
—‘P’ IS FOR PATIENCE (how patient are they with you?)
this man needs an award for his patience. matt has had enough experience with his brothers to have mastered the art of it. but also, he just doesn’t like the idea of pressuring you. if you don’t want to do something, or go somewhere - he will immediately accept it, no questions asked. if you stutter a lot or just have trouble speaking he’s always there to help you, no matter how frustrated you are. also, this goes without saying, but he’s extremely understanding and patient of any mental health problems you have.
—‘Q’ IS FOR QUIZZES (how much do they remember about you?)
i feel like i don’t even have to say anything. he remembers every little detail about you. your favourite colour, your mom’s maiden name, your childhood pet’s name. he knows what you’re afraid of, where you like to eat, he remembers every important date of your relationship - and any significant dates for you, too. he writes them down in his journal so he remembers but he honestly doesn’t have to. it’s like he has a little file reserved just for you in his brain because he knows everything.
—‘R’ IS FOR REMEMBER (what is his favorite moment in your relationship?)
it would definitely have to be right before you two got together. his most vivid memory of your early relationship is the first time that you guys had a genuine, deep conversation together. you were sat by the pool late at night, both of your feet dangling in the water below you as you spilled your souls to each other. that was coincidentally also the night that he first held your hand and asked you on a date.
—‘S’ IS FOR SECURITY (how protective are they of you?)
he’s protective, but not in a male alpha toxic way. he just wants to know that you’re safe and happy. he’ll always drive you home and wait for you to get inside before he drives off - if you’re out with your friends and you need a ride, he’s there, if you go home with a taxi he asks you to update him so he knows you’re okay. if, on the off chance that you absolutely have to walk, he’ll stay on face-time with you with your location shared on his phone so that he can make sure you make it home alright.
—‘T’ IS FOR TRY (how much effort do they put into dates? special occasions?)
plans dates literally weeks in advance. he always just wants things to be 100% perfect for you because you deserve nothing less. he loves to surprise you with nice things if you're going out for your anniversary or birthday. also he's just a sucker for seeing you all smiley and giddy so he will sit and plans for a month if that's what it takes. one month he couldn't make it back home in time for your birthday (so he said) but that morning you woke up to him cuddled into your side, his luggage at the end of the bed. apparently he "made some adjustments" so that he could come and see you.
— 'U' IS FOR UGLY (what's a bad habit of theirs?)
he bites his nails. a lot. that’s why he always asks you to paint his nails with him; it helps him stop nibbling on them. it’s usually because of his anxiety but over the years it just became a habit that he hasn’t been able to kick. he’s tried several remedies but the only thing that seems to help is painting his nails nicely - because then they’re just too pretty to ruin!
—‘V’ IS FOR VANITY (how insecure are they?)
he doesn’t get insecure often but when he does it’s bad. he’d get really anxious, and he’d probably feel a little stupid for it - he’ll always eventually let you know what’s going on if it does happen. you’re the only person that can really comfort him when this occurs, because his brothers don’t really know what to say to bring his ego up, especially if it’s about his looks or how he is as a boyfriend. overall though, he doesn’t get insecure about your relationship too much. he knows he’s a great boyfriend, and he knows that you love him just as much as he loves you.
—‘W’ IS FOR WHOLE (would they feel incomplete without you?)
again, not even a question. similar to how he feels when he’s without nick and chris (but to a lesser extent) is how he feels when you’re not around. he just feels like he’s not whole. especially if he sees something he knows you’d find funny or enjoy and you’re not there to experience it with him he’ll get a little upset - mostly when he’s on tour and you can’t come.
—‘X’ IS FOR XTRA (a random headcanon about them?)
i think he’d love if you drew on him - and also head scratches. he’ll sometimes just straight up ask you to doodle on him when you’re bored. he really just loves to see what you come up with, and he likes sporting around your drawings like a badge of honour. also if you give him head scratches and have your nails done? he’s a goner.
—‘Y’ IS FOR YUCK (what are some things they dislike?)
he absolutely hates hates hates being messy. sure, he’ll leave his shoes lying around occasionally or forget to throw wrappers away - he’s not a saint - but he always goes back and fixes it/cleans it up. he just can’t stand being in a dirty environment. also, he doesn’t really put many condiments on his food. if he does it’s like… minuscule.
—‘Z’ IS FOR ZZZ (some of their sleeping habits?)
as i mentioned before, matt is a mumbler. he won’t say flat out sentences but you’ll catch him sleepily muttering gibberish before he falls back asleep and is knocked out cold. he also likes to sleep in. he could not be an early bird if he tried. i feel like he also likes to curl up when he sleeps, especially if you’re cuddling. he’ll curl up into your side, or both of you will, whilst facing each other, blankets up to your chins as you fall into a peaceful slumber.
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @lollibumblebee @dwntwn-strnlo @st4rgzer @20nugs @thetriplets3 @sunshinewwx @gwenlore @gabbylovesreading @ssturniolo @opheliaofficial07 @stargirlv0id @mxqdii @slaysturniolo @rainsoakedphoenix @querenciasturniolo
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yoru-no-seiiki · 1 year
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TW/CW: mdni, yandere themes, masturbation.
Have some headcannons while I wait for my henna to dry/watch the first season with my cousin.
I wish there were more who wrote for Canon! Eren. Like don’t get me wrong, Modern AU Eren is hot but I mean, fuckboys can be seen everywhere.
But Canon! Eren is batshit insane and that’s exactly what I love about him. I wish they at least add that to his modern counterpart instead of making him a basic bad boy but I mean if that’s what they’re into 🤷‍♂️
Anyways Exhibit A of why Eren in all eras is my fave AOT character:
Like I said, he’s batshit insane.
He has directly killed 2 people by the age of nine, and assisted in killing the third. Although this is out of self defense it still can’t be denied HOW HE TReateD THE SECOND DUDE HOLY SHIT- THE AMOUNT OF TIMES HE STABBED HIM.
Normal kids would just be terrified, maybe be even fight blinding and/or cry, probably even run tf away. But ya boi brought a knife and even deceived the person at the door.
He’d be a great yandere.
Let’s say that we age up our cast and make 18 the minimum age of enlistment (making him 21 around the attack of Trost).
Trainee Eren has the will of fucking steel. He’ll do whatever it takes to wipe out titan-kind, to make the cruel world he lived in finally know true peace.
To be with you in that new world he’ll build.
You were one of his fellow trainees. Someone who unconditionally believed and supported his desire to see the outside world. You didn’t treat him like a child as Mikasa did, and you weren’t so oddly distant when it came to his help and presence like Armin.
At first it started as a crush. An infatuation towards your looks and kind demeanor which morphed into a twisted sense of love.
You were the only one that understood him, that resonated with his wavelength.
He definitely frequently masturbated to your image. Stress was a known issue amongst trainees and soldiers alike. Many drank to rid themselves of such a problem. But to him just the thought of you two becoming one gave him relief and pleasure that any form of alcohol could never give. In the aftermath of the Trost incident, when faced with your unconscious, battered body he pulls a Shinji and jerks one off. Covering you with his release.
You think you’ll leave his mind once he gets busy with being a titan-shifter and the future of Eldia and such but nope.
Eren only has you and the new world he promised in his heart, body and soul. And that’ll never change.
Eren believes in freedom first and foremost.
So none of that kidnapping. At least in earlier years. He just wants you to be happy and safe. He’s more of the type to hurt others for your sake rather than be abusive and take away your rights.
Eren in later seasons has the capacity to keep you isolated, and that he will.
Like in other (unfortunately rare) fics of him, he keeps you in a farm land with a bunch of loyalists. If reader is afab! or has the ability to bear a child (for those with abo ocs or something idk) he’ll tell them that you are bearing his child and the future inheritor of his powers.
Otherwise he’ll come up with other excuses like having you as a tactician or war-hero they have to pay respects to.
He’ll give you as much freedom as he can provide while keeping you away from danger.
Though one might argue that his version of freedom for you is just an illusion.
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theyanderespecialist · 4 months
Base Yandere Tengen Uzui Headcanons: Flashy Obsessive Love (Demon Slayer)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am here with a new chapter! This one is with the Sound Hashira, Tengen! I will also do one where all his wives share you and another one where his wives and himself share you! Talk about being the REAL Fifth Wheel.] 
(Disclaimer: Tengen Is Not yandere in canon, he also in canon has three wives. Also, he practices Polygamy and is most likely Poly with his wives. He in canon also loves and cares for all three of his wives. This is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine! Just do not be illegal or gross about it! You know who you are! Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon. Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life.) 
-Base Yandere Headcanons With Tengen Uzui From Demon Slayer- 
.Lord Tengen was a shinobi, he was raised in a clan, and all his siblings but one died. 
.He did not want to become like his father and brother. So he left. 
.He has three wives, and he cares for them genuinely. 
.He would prefer they put their lives first, then the lives of citizens, and lastly his life. 
.He also told them he will always prioritize his three wives. 
.Then he met you and he knew he wanted you, he loves his wives he does but there was something about you that made him want you even more. 
 .He would share you with his wives, so when you become his partner you will be their spouse as well. 
.The Shinobi practice polygamy and Tengen is most likely polyamorous. 
.So he would be fine sharing you with his wives, as he trusts them with his life. 
.He is very protective of you and loves to show off his love in a flashy way. 
.He is for sure the go big or go home. 
.Showing off his strength and skill to you, and giving you gifts. 
.He is a good man that  respect his wives, and will also respect you. 
.He will also put you first and foremost in keeping you safe and sound. 
.He is so protective of you he will be hesitant of sending you into dangerous places. 
.He does not want you to be hurt and it is a fear he has that one day he would lose you. 
.So he rather you be the stay-at-home spouse, where you take care of any kids you and him and his wives have. 
.That way he knows the kids and you are safe, and he trusts you to keep the kids safe. 
.He also does not treat you like a house spouse. 
.When he is back he takes on chores and lets you have breaks a lot. 
.He also values the work you do for the home and future kids. 
.There is no way he is going to make you feel unappreciated and he will always show how grateful he is. 
.He also loves to toss you over his shoulder and smack your butt a lot. 
.Though do not get it wrong he can be firm, he can be very much a daddy type of man. 
.He will keep you in line if you were to try and run or if you were going to just leave him. 
.When rivals are in the picture he is deadly. 
.Of course, he does not kill them, he is not ruthless, but he will make the point that you belong to him and him alone and that no one else can have you. 
.He will break bones, and make lots of threats, he is a Hashira so he can intimidate almost anyone. 
.If A Demon ever hurt you, they would be not just killed but tortured for days on end. 
.If his rival was a demon?  They are slaughtered quickly. 
.Speaking of, If a demon were to hurt you? He would probably snap and get really ruthless and flashy really fast. 
.He never wants you to risk your life for his, he believes you should always value your life even over his. 
.To him you are the most precious thing in his life and he rather you be safe and sound. 
.His other yandere traits are that he is a self-sacrificing yandere. 
.In which he will put his life on the line to keep you safe and sound. 
.He wants you safe and happy, and he wants you to belong to him and his wives. 
.He is one of the least toxic yanderes. 
.Though he does get VERY jealous and feels like he may not be good enough for you. 
.He does not like sharing you with anyone other than his wives. 
.He will not allow that. not at all! 
.He will also use his muscle mice to keep you safe and sound. 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Another chapter is done, I hope you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!] 
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jq37 · 4 months
I'm like genuinely interested as someone who thinks a lot about the craft of critique and fandoms the ways in which the current Rat Grinders discourse shows why you can't really apply the same lens you use to critique a pre written story vs an improvised actual play show by a bunch of comedians who are first and foremost concerned with committing to the bit. Like Porter's a great example of this, he went from a nothingburher to secretly evil with a whole lore and backstory!
In the same vein the Rat Grinders probably could have turned out to be not as culpable in all of this had the Bad Kids really tried to bond with them, but instead they focused on other things with the way downtime was structured! And because they did that they could pass the Last Stand, and are safe from Porter's rage thing! Like legitimately I really liked the mechanics of downtime this season, it just also came at the cost of developing the Rat Grinders!
(Though to be entirely fair, the BKs did try to engage with Oisin, Ivy, and Ruben and then Oisin launched the house, Ivy was racist, and Ruben still attacked Wanda so)
I think it's really fascinating from a storytelling/game design perspective! The downside is the Discourse is so tiring
Yeah it's interesting. I covered some of this in other asks so I'm gonna hit on the stuff I haven't yet.
If you're telling a story that is based partially on user input, it's not entirely fair to be like, "This subplot was underdeveloped" if the reason for that was that the players didn't make choices to facilitate that development. When DM's push hard for the players to care about things they're not interested in, they get hit with railroading accusations.
And even outside of the player choices, there are also the rolls. A BIG part of D&D is the randomness of the dice. Even if the players care about something, it doesn't mean they'll get it. I'll mention again that Kristen tried to roll Insight on Buddy before the final fight and got a Nat 1. What is she supposed to do? Roll again until she gets a good read on him? That's not how that works. If the dice aren't cooperating, there's not much you can do. And you can make sure your big story beats don't rely on dice but at the end of the day they *will* shape your story in ways you can't control.
Another key thing about the medium, as you pointed out, is things can change on the fly. The confluence of high rolls and serious interest can change things that were behind the screen canon in an instant. In Burrow's End, Aabria planned for Bennet to have a family but as soon as Tula/Brennan expressed interest in romancing him, she Thanos snapped that family out of existence. I don't know how much Brennan wanted the Rat Grinders to be recruitable but even if he'd planned them all to just be foils and evil and nothing else, I can totally see him flipping one if they'd really wanted to and it would have made for a good story beat.
Anyway, yeah! Interesting stuff to think about. Even though D20 often feels like a TV show, it's important to remember that it's a different beast in many ways.
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edoro · 5 months
dunmeshi spoilers below the cut, just thinking some thoughts about Thistle post-canon
i've seen more than one post about the idea of him getting back into the role of jester/musician for Laios's court, and while it's cute, the more i think about it the more i feel like... i don't think that he'd want to and i honestly don't think that he should
Thistle was, in many ways, objectified and used by the Melinis, and i think understanding that is important to understanding his character
from the very beginning, Freinag wanted an elven servant to make himself look more impressive. his advisors didn't want him falling under the sway of an adult, so they found a child who could be made safe and harmless and raised to be loyal to the court rather than having pre-existing loyalties, and they said, "here, having him as your jester will be impressive on its own."
Thistle was brought - most likely literally bought, and if not still given to the king as a gift - to the court to be a living status symbol. first and foremost, he was something exotic and cool that the king could show off. he was a conversation piece, a belonging, a pet. he was Freinag's son the same way my cat is my son; i don't doubt there was genuine affection there, but Thistle wasn't a person in that relationship.
being a jester is part of that objectification. it's another thing that made him safe and harmless. he's not a scheming elf or a potential threat, he's just a silly little guy wearing curly shoes and playing the lute. there's nothing to worry about, because he has no status or influence, he's just here to entertain.
and i don't know how much Thistle... liked that. he was deeply loyal to Freinag and Delgal and wanted badly to be useful and earn their regard, especially Delgal's. he definitely did seem to see Delgal as a little brother who he needed to protect and take care of, even when Delgal was a grown man. but did he actually enjoy being an object of entertainment?
it's hard to tell because he's spent 1000 years having holes eaten in his brain until his personality is incredibly warped from what it originally was, but one thing about Thistle is that i don't get the impression he likes to be laughed at or not taken seriously. that one bit during the dragon fight in his house, where he says he'll let Laios choose which dragon kills him and then gets mad when Laios says, "really?" - to me, that reads as if he thinks Laios is being sarcastic, and it pisses him off.
during that battle in the dungeon, when he has Delgal gather the residents of the castle and surrounding area and then sics monsters on their enemies, then heals that kid's dead dad and realizes everyone is staring at him, he seems nervous, suddenly aware of what he's just done and that the people seem fearful of him - it doesn't come across like someone who's comfortable being the center of attention, and it implies some very fascinating things about just how aware Thistle is of how suspicious the people around him are of elves in general, which in turn could imply some fascinating things about how he sees his role as jester and his own relationship with being Safe And Harmless -
but i digress a bit. the point is, we get a couple of indications that he's touchy about his own dignity, doesn't like being laughed at, and isn't necessarily comfortable in front of a crowd. we also know from extras (and just kind of his overall demeanor throughout the story) that he has no sense of humor and is terrible at jokes. all of this combines to, frankly, paint a picture of someone who isn't well-suited to being a jester at all
it's one thing to be fun and entertaining as a kid. he wanted to fit in, he wanted love, he wanted to be cared for, and he doesn't stop wanting those things as he gets older, but his sense of dignity and understanding of his position change and develop. being a pet curiosity as a child might not be so bad, but as a teenager? as an adolescent growing towards adulthood?
the Melinis used Thistle. Freinag used him as a status symbol and entertainment. Delgal used him as a confidante and magician and tried to make Thistle solve his fears and problems for him. Thistle destroyed himself trying to do what Delgal begged him to do.
so given all of that, i don't think that Thistle becoming a jester or entertainer for Laios would suit him well. it would just be trading one position of objectification for another. i think the best post-canon outcome for him would be to find a way to exist where he's not being used by anyone and he can explore and develop his own identity outside of the comfort and utility he brings to others.
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pagannatural · 7 months
Dead Man’s Blood
-Dean offers to drive to ny so that Sam can see Sarah (the art dealer) again and Sam shuts that shit down right away. Dean only encourages Sam to have Dean-sanctioned relationships and sex. Dean’s Freudian nonsense is that he likes to pressure Sam into being involved with women, be certain that he’s the reason Sam is doing it, and then convince himself it’s good for Sam. I don’t think there’s anything malicious in this pattern, I think Dean is just operating at a high level of cognitive dissonance and avoids question his own motivations and feelings.
-Dean manhandles Sam away from John, de-escalating, then things escalate again and Sam and John grab at each other and it looks like they’re going to fight so Dean changes tactics. He forces them apart and puts himself physically in front of Sam, telling John to back off. First he tries to get Sam away, then he stands in front of him to protect him and waits until John walks away.
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And now seems like a good time to talk about the fact that John was probably violent when they were kids. They don’t seem particularly scared of him, and they seem all to genuinely love each other and be able to find moments of ease and humor, so it was probably more a violence born of dysfunction than systematic abuse. There’s enough evidence for this that it’s safe to assume. For example, John says “I stopped being your father and I became your drill sergeant,” and he’s a vet, so he probably means that pretty literally and that in itself is a brutal way to treat children. In season 6, when Dean is explicitly trying not be become his father but falling more and more into re-enacting John’s behaviors, he slaps Ben across the face to try getting him out of shock. In s7 teenage Sam says that his dad has a temper and you wouldn’t want to see him after he’s been drinking. And then of course there’s this scene.
Neither Sam nor John see Dean’s diffusion of the situation as unusual. He’s done it before. Dean’s primary order is to look after Sammy. So I can’t really see him letting John get escalated with Sam, especially with how comfortable Sam is with Dean protecting him.
As codependent as Dean is with John, it seems like Sam is the subject on which he challenges him. He doesn’t have to break from his role as John’s surrogate co-parent and partner or as Sam’s (everything, but first and foremost) protector to do this, so it’s not really even him breaking rank. Dean follows John’s orders because he wants to keep Sam safe in the first place, so it makes perfect sense that this is normal for him. His motivations revolve around Sam.
-Sam, pacing, waiting for Dean to return from the morgue: “it shouldn’t be taking this long, I should go help.” Sam worrying about Dean part 497.
-John uses the vampire’s mate as a hostage because they mate for life. Immediately after this, a vampire uses Sam as a hostage to make Dean back off. It takes one to know one.
-When John kills the vampire Sam stumbles into Dean, who catches him. Dean holds onto Sam until the vampire dies, which takes a moment. Maybe even after that.
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-John tells the boys they disobeyed a direct order and Sam says yes sir and Dean says “but we saved your ass.”
Sam can’t believe Dean said that. He looks afraid of what John will do.
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Dean showed Sam that he can stand up to their dad too, and not just when it comes to de-escalating situations where Sam is involved- he stands up for himself.
This is important because it’s Dean breaking away from John and coming into his own. Sam has come to understand and even appreciate Dean’s obedience to John, but he still couldn’t choose to be with Dean rather than living a normal life when Dean was following John without question. Now Sam can believe in Dean’s ability to break the pattern Sam couldn’t live with. They’re a team.
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safety-pin-punk · 1 year
hi! I recently wanted to embrace the punk label bc I realized my beliefs/mindset heavily aligns w being punk! but at what point is it ok to call yourself punk? I’m not into punk music yet bc I’m so new and don’t know where to start! is listening to punk music an integral part of being punk :0
Hi!! Welcome to the punk community, we’re excited to have you!!!
At what point is it okay to call yourself a punk? Honestly, I think the minute you decide you want to be one. What actually makes someone a punk, and what are the standards you should try to align to in order to *continue* calling yourself a punk?
Genuinely care about people and your community and try your best to help it
That’s literally it. That is all. Sometimes that involves taking care of a community garden, sometimes its protesting, sometimes its filming cops, sometimes its keeping an eye on the local bus stop to make sure no one snatches a kid, sometimes its volunteering at a food bank, sometimes its punching nazis, sometimes is spreading awareness, sometimes its educating others, sometimes its - … you get the point. And know that not everyone is meant for the front lines either, you dont have to go around starting fights to be a punk
It doesnt have to be anything big. Sometimes just being someone that your community knows is a safe person is enough
I’d also like to take a moment to address the term(s) baby/puppy/kinder punk. These are labels that let others know that you are new to the scene and still learning the basics. But. I dont think these terms are entirely necessary, sure if you like them then use them, but a puppy punk is *still* a punk first and foremost
Okay onto the next part! Is listening to punk music an integral part of being punk? Well, the answer to that will depend on who you ask. Personally, I dont think so
While it is undeniable that music is important to the punk counter culture (we are a music based culture after all), the music doesn’t make the punk. Punk music is important to us because it is full of punk values. In a way, if you pay attention to the lyrics of punk music, you can almost teach yourself all the important ideals of punk. But I don’t believe that you have to listen to the music. Its not for everyone, and thats fine. I think it is far more important for someone to care about those values than anything else
Now there are definitely going to be people out there who disagree with me on some of this, and thats whatever, to each their own I suppose. But if anyone ever tells you that you ‘aren’t punk enough’, then they are just a jagoff and can go fuck off
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itsbansheebitch · 8 months
How to Word THIS
I tried rewriting this post so many times. I'm going to try bullet points instead.
I think all of these are good/true:
From my experience as an afab person raised similarly to a boy due to my father wanting a boy, I can confidently say that the emotional suppression that men and boys experience on a daily basis is frankly, inhumane.
Parents shouldn't speculate their kid(s) gender/sexuality/etc just because their kid is showing certain behaviors/having certain interests that aren't stereotypical for their assigned gender.
Parents should allow kids space to explore gender/sexuality, but make sure not to push them into anything.
Parents should allow their kids space to explore gender/sexuality, but make sure that their kid is first and foremost SAFE and HAPPY.
Emotional suppression is expected of men/boys, but science agrees that emotional suppression is in short, BAD FOR YOU.
"Be a man" is often used as a slap in the face to keep men/boys in line. You can imagine this isn't ideal if a boy is reporting bullying in school or a man is trying to bring up unsafe working conditions.
A lot of women have trauma about men (including myself), but this doesn't mean that a whole marginalized group should be excluded from sports (We're not going to re-segregate sports just because some people have trauma related to black people, are we?)
Men & boys' emotions should not only be accepted but ENCOURAGED!
Black men's emotions have been demonized for CENTURIES. Make sure to raise an eyebrow when you hear a black man experiencing anger described as "animalistic" or described with any other dehumanizing language.
Stop expecting men to do things you don't expect women to do! If you don't expect women to chase CEO positions, don't ask why a man isn't a CEO yet! Just like how you shouldn't expect a woman to be a wife and mother by 25 if that's not what you're expecting of men. And if you are having those kinds of standards then maybe lower them because both sides and both genders are extremely unrealistic!
Men aren't given the tools to describe their emotions! If you are wondering what a man thinks about a topic, a decision, etc, give them time to respond and let them know they have time to think! Give them time to think about their answer. If they want (ASK) you can offer an Emotion Wheel or a few (metaphorical) Mad Libs for them to start their answer with.
Alexithymia (also known as emotional colorblindness) is a phenomenon when someone has trouble describing their emotions. They feel all their emotions normally, but they struggle describing them or giving them detail.
Normative Male Alexithymia is a type of Alexithymia. It is called "Normative Male..." because in a lot of cultures (specifically western cultures) it is normal for men to suppress their emotions to the point of having trouble recalling names of emotions or describing them in detail when asked.
Alexithymia/Normative Male Alexithymia is a BIG reason why a lot of men struggle in therapy. It is also the reason why I, myself struggled (to communicate my thoughts) in therapy. Because I was raised to suppress my emotions and not communicate my thoughts.
I truly believe that if my upbringing was even a HINT a SLICE a BREATH a WHISPER a TINY BIT of what the average boy's upbringing is like, then our collective, societal treatment of men and boys is inhumane and inexcusable.
I know any boy or man that makes a post even hinting something like this would be attacked. This isn't me being a pick-me, this is me telling you that my dad was prepared to raise boys, he got girls, and I got a VERY different perspective because of it. I'm telling you right now that if how I was treated was even a hint of what the average boy gets growing up, then we owe men an apology. I'm not joking. This is not satire.
People talk about intersectionality, but rarely actually NAME boys and men as being a part of the discussion (unless they're the "villain"). I think we should do so more often. They are ALSO getting the short end of the stick. (Expecting to be part of an "Atom Family" and work ALL DAY??? NO THANKS)
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