#i love knowing things and researching but i hate reading papers lmao
weenie-wizard · 1 year
I can't bear to read one more sentence of this 10 page research paper... why don't I take a break by going on an hour long deep dive on Wikipedia :)
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mossman004 · 10 months
My aesthetic
hating school but loving to learn
messy and smudged cursive written in black ink
almost illegible notes
room full of house plants
candles everywhere because ew electric lights
scattered papers all over the floor and desk
owning a bookshelf but half of the books are in piles on the floor
obsessed with David Bowie, Queen and any other rock stars from the 70s
studying with music but the genre of music changes every 10 songs
drinking way too much tea and coffee
shelves if trinkets collected from walks (rocks, crystals, bones, dried flowers)
annotating classics with words like "LMAO" and "that's rough buddy"
rereading dead poets society, the secret history and the picture of Dorian Gray a million times
obsessed with astronomy
researching topics and conspiracy theories at 3am
scrolling through TikTok and Pintrest instead or studying
Reading horror books (Lovecraft and Poe)
Only wearing Doc martens and converse cuz they're the only shoes i own
mixing grunge (flannels, ripped jeans, band tees, fishnets) with fancy clothes (grandpa sweaters, collard shirts, dress pants, blazers)
leather jackets covered in pins (bonus points if they're handmade)
loving cryptids and all things supernatural
crimes, sci-fi or horror movies playing in the background while studying
notes covered in doodles
hair constantly being messily pulled back
way too much jewellery
heavy eye makeup (bonus points if slept without taking off)
loving the rain/ dancing in the rain
Mars bars and mint aeros
book pages beside band posters on walls
obsessed with eyes ( but can't make eye contact)
spending cold days at art galleries, museums, and libraries
playing punk rock on guitar and classical music on piano
having the same hairstyle for 3 years
ink and paint covered hands
in love with the moon
talking to the moon and stars
freaking out about failing a test and then getting 100%
Greek Mythology
"Achilles was a bottom"
sleeping with 10 blankets
crying about dead historic figures in the middle of the night
using halloween decorations as everyday decorations
justice for pluto
protesting women's and lgbtq rights
ranting about the issues of misogyny in ancient greece
coffee stained paper
finding random things in pockets
singing songs in different languages but not knowing what the lyrics mean
chipped nail polish
A bowl of used matches
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landwriter · 2 years
18, 26, 27
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thank you!! such lovely questions <3
Do you enjoy research?  Which fic of yours required the most research? Oaths! It is set in a very real time and place in history and if I even mention it this will turn into an essay so you'll have to look for yourself if you're curious hahah
I have significantly more experience researching effectively than writing effectively. This leads to not so much researching because I think it needs done, but because it's a terrible reflexive habit and also usually fun. The only things Of Length that I've written until month or so ago were research papers, so it's hard to curb the impulse to Prepare To Write in that way.
The one thing I hate researching is clothing, because it feels impossible to Get Totally Correct, which actually does not matter at all, except by this point I've always forgotten I'm writing a fictional story and think I'm writing a paper that I'll be graded on lmao
What’s your least favorite part of the writing process? The middle! Fuckin' the MIDDLE. Specifically like - secondish draft stage, because everything that's gonna come easy has come, you can no longer avoid the bits you've [put this here]'d over, and a lot isn't polished to the point of being enjoyable but you have to ignore the urge to faff with already-written stuff to get the bits that don't even EXIST yet done. it's a very Responsible Time of the process and I hate it. It's what I'll be doing tonight! :))))
What area of writing do you feel strongest in? as far as actual prose goes - dialogue. my instincts for it are SO much more developed than for any other aspect of writing. it's the only area where I feel sure if something works or doesn't - the rest is sort of reading and rereading and messing with things until i convince myself i'm satisfied. but for dialogue i KNOW - i'll do things like move around dialogue tags/amt of description/action in heavy speaking scenes to find a rhythm I like. it also comes easiest and usually first - the words are there before anything else in 90% of scenes and they're often the backbone of any major Moments. if i thought i could get away just writing fanfic in the form of monologues lemme tell ya
[fanfic writing asks]
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kczuhas · 1 year
hi babes im looking for plots bc i have some time <3 if any of these sound interesting pls like n we can do a little chatting !!! as a note pls read my pinned n know i only write on discord (n sometimes i use gifs on discord too bc i love visuals)
f1 drivers but make it rivals to lovers.... everyones obsessed w their banter (they hate each other) n the amt of promotional things they have to do tgt is insane bc its so easy for them to be nice to each other on camera but as soon as that cuts theyre at each others throats <3
smth inspired by red white n royal blue... like first son n prince ??? the political drama ???
academic rivals to lovers but we are professors n u need to stop being petty in ur research papers when u cite my research
anything abt fake dating like WHEW ....... the longing ? the tension ?? the will they wont they ??
prioritizing m/m pairings rn bc i am Severely lacking in them LMAO
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astros-turf · 4 months
So, just as an aside based on my last post that I probably will delete if it continues to go off the rails... If you think like this:
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Then please consider a few things:
People come from a variety of educational backgrounds, and some people (like myself) were never taught *how* to research.
"Common knowledge" to you may not be common knowledge to others.
People who are actively asking for help in finding out *how* things work shouldn't be berated for simply asking questions.
If you don't think where you are seeing a question being asked is the right place, you are free to redirect them to the correct place to ask that question if you know of somewhere better, but insulting people doesn't help people learn.
Plenty of very smart people are on tumblr, and while we may all be losers lmao, I have learned a lot of very important things on here from people that enjoy sharing their knowledge and sourcing their information. (Those are the kinda people I was looking for on my post because I am struggling to find them via tumblrs broken AF search lmao)
If the lovely person that commented that thinking I'm some idiot is reading this, my dear, I *have* researched the candidates. Im best friends with vote411.org and progressivevotersguide.com and I do my research and vote according to what I think is best at the time. However, that was not the point of the post.
The point of the post is that I am trying to find out: "is the correct option to vote for still Biden even tho I fucking hate how he's handling shit? What else can I do as a voter to help make the right changes? Is there any more I can do except for just voting for people who have similar values to me when an election comes up? Can I actually trust their campaign or is there a better resource out there?"
Because personally? I was homeschooled by abusive conservative Christians with a heavily bible influenced homeschool curriculum that my parents barely helped me with. I taught myself basically everything I know from researching shit myself and just googling stuff until it works. I still am not very good at math, my concept of sciences are fucked. I can read very well, but the comprehension of certain things still evades me just because I was not given proper building blocks to learn from and have no idea how to find beginner information for so many things.
I have tried many times to research how the presidental election system works, even wrote a 10 page paper on it in high school because I knew I didn't understand it and wanted to devote my time to learning it, but even then it was "corrected" by my parents that *also* don't know how the system works so they basically took whatever my 15 year old self wrote as fact so long as my punctuation was okay. I sorta can grasp it, but in a situation like our current one, what I am curious about is who the hell people like me are going to vote for. Because the way the electoral college works means we basically only have two options, even though on paper we are supposed to have numerous options.
Because my brain feels like there has to be a secret third option that I just don't know about because I'm not googling the right terms because I don't even know what to Google. And replies like the one I screenshot and shared above are EXACTLY the reason why most people don't ask questions. So I will say again,
If you want people to be informed on things you're already informed on, INSULTING PEOPLE DOES NOT MAKE THEM LEARN.
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Mental health and illness is already hard enough, but adding school pressure on top is hard. High school was easier for me since there is a lot more structure and a lot less choice, which is why I'm targeting this towards college and university students.
Firstly is attending class. Getting to class is a major hurdle, especially with a commute like me (1 hour+) broke people problems lmao. Driving that long to go to a class just to drive back home is already exhausting and unpleasant, especially knowing professors will post slides or something after class anyways. But you have to drag yourself there. One thing I do to help is dress up. I'll do my makeup and put on nicer clothes. Why does this work for me? I hate wasting stuff, especially money and to me, putting on makeup is spending money essentially (same logic as using rare items in a video game idk). I can't just sit around the house and waste the money I just put on my face so I gotta go to class. Small things like this to trick your brain works so well. Before this, there was a restaurant I absolutely loved next to campus so if I went to every class for two weeks I would reward myself by going there. Another thing that helps is making plans with people ahead of time. They'll hold you accountable on days that you can't.
Take rest days. Schedule one whole day a week where you don't do school or go to work. It's a day completely off for anything. I use this day to do chores in the morning and then just lay around and do absolutely nothing all afternoon and night. This helps recharge and reduce stimulation and socialization. It gives your brain that little rest it cries for every day. I used to panic so much about this one day because I could be working and making money or studying or doing anything to be productive until I had a week where I couldn't do anything because I broke down completely, mentally and physically. Now I see it as a preservation day. I use this day to recover from everything.
Make your notes pretty. I hate going back and looking at my messy class notes. Everything is scattered and messy and I get frustrated. What I do instead is make a virtual, concise copy that is pretty to me. I'll add little sketches, color, pictures, etc. This helps draw my attention and allows me to study while doing it! Making the second copy forces you to go through the material after a class is over and review the material to decide what is truly important and then organize it all and then rewrite it all. This has been a huge help.
Use class breaks to snack or grab coffee. One thing I have found in many people with high anxiety is that food and drinks really help calm you down. I've found some research suggesting it's because food is a signal that things are safe and therefore makes you more relaxed, though I don't know much about anthropology and psychology fields. I find this really helps to calm me down after I had a very stressful test so that I can be more present for the next class. Gum helps a lot on high anxiety/panic days as well.
Download the notes or slides, especially if posted ahead of time. This way you have access even if you don't have wifi. You can even pull them up in lectures so you don't have to focus on the board the whole time. For my people with autism, this has helped me so much. There are times where you can't focus on the professor and the slides and the sounds and writing, so doing this cuts out having to watch the teacher and the board. Bonus points if you can record during lecture as well so you can revisit parts that you zoned out in or couldn't focus on.
Keep a journal or diary and list your activities, food, weather, etc in it as well as your mood. This can help you find correlations to hack shit. My favorite way of doing this is through the Daylio app (I wrote a post about it here). Like I notice that days when it's rainy, I study and read more and days where I walk more and eat breakfast, I focus better and am happier overall. This information helps so much. If I know it's going to rain tomorrow, I won't try to force myself to study a bunch today and instead save that energy for later. Instead, I'll take care of myself and go for a walk or something. Knowing how you work and why really makes a HUGE difference.
This might just be my autism brain, but finding cool things related to the topic at hand has helped me keep interest in at least a little of the subject, helping me study more. Like I don't like chimaeras (a fish group) BUT for some reason I love fish teeth and these fishes have a very unique tooth set. This at least let's me know something instead of just ignoring and forgetting everything. 20% is better than nothing.
Find a reason to study what you do, even if it's just that you need this class to graduate. Just taking classes for no reason seems like something neurotypical people are able to do. I can't do it. I need a reason and if I can't find one, I just give up. I used to always say it was useless and pointless and didn't understand why it was required. But I realized the reason to take it is because I want a piece of paper that says I traded lots of money and sanity for it. And that reason has to be good enough.
Make study games. Games are more fun than lifeless paper. Matching games, crosswords, coloring pages, whatever you like!
Feel free to add your tips to this post as well!! I always have room for improvement and experimentation, especially for really hard days. I still find myself skipping even online classes some days. No one had all the answers or has everything figured out. This is just an incomplete list of things that have helped me out a bit and made college life a bit easier.
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epicene-humanoid · 4 years
some trans Jeff thoughts:
he realized he was trans in elementary school and just went fuck it I'll just start introducing myself as Jeffery and see if anyone decides to stop me (as we know, jeff winger can get away with almost anything)
he got top surgery the second he could afford it (around the same time he started at his law firm), and probably bribed someone to keep it a secret
"I'm jeff winger and i would rather look at myself naked than the women I sleep with" are the words of a man proud of his transition
he's really insecure about his fashion sense, which is why he mostly dresses like the douchey guys at his firm in the start of the show, he thought you can't go wrong with the sleazy lawyer look
he will never admit it but he feels super good about the dean hitting on him, because the dean is a (cis) guy, acknowledging that Jeff is more manly than him
i think he starts out stealth and comes out to everyone one by one, probably starting with abed because he knows abed won't judge him and will probably just see it as an interesting backstory.
abed just says it's cool and maybe worth a prequel exploring Jeff's transition, and jeff asks him to predict how all of the members of the group will react to him coming out.
abed's predictions:
britta will be over-the-top supportive and do a ton of research about trans history, probably put together a slideshow just to prove how progressive she is, and jeff will be a little bit weirded out, but also touched that she did all that for him, though he would never let her know that
shirley will be confused, because she doesn't know how someone she trusts and knows so well could be part of a group she was raised to hate, but ultimately realizes that there's nothing actually against the lgbtq people in the bible, and, as a cool character development arch, starts to advocate against use of the bible to justify bigotry
troy will just think it over and decide that Jeff's physique and coolness are even awesomer knowing how much work he'd had to put in to be like that, and respects Jeff's manliness even more
annie will give him a hug, say something sweet about how she'll always love him, and worry about his health, because even she read somewhere that taking testosterone makes you more likely to have a heart attack, jeff will explain that the risk is still only as high a cis guy, and she'll be the one to always remind him to take his shots
peirce will say at best say "jeff winger used to be a chick?" and at worst call him a slur, either way there's sure to be a lot of misgendering from him, and pestering to know Jeff's deadname (needless to say, Jeff just doesn't tell peirce)
the whole group goes out of their way to keep their beach trips a secret from pierce (the girls don't want him there anyways, he's too liable to be creepy) even though jeff knows that even if pierce saw his scars, all he would have to do is make up a story about some childhood accident and pierce would never question it
sorry this ended up being super long. can I hear some of your headcanons for him?
YES ALL THIS!!! yes yes i’m fully accepting this as canon oh my god
i’m about to type a whole ass ESSAY at midnight because i have been DYING to talk about this for months ajfdksljk,,, this is going to be obscenely long and i might end up adding even more to it as i continue to rewatch the show because there is truly no shortage of trans jeff content (especially when you’re trans and see transness in every little thing ajdkslfkjs)
spoiler warning for literally everything about this show under the cut <3
i 100% agree, i feel like he realized he was trans super young, especially since in the show we see him as a little kid a couple of times. 
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like look at little jeff with the oversized sweatshirt and little ponytail!! that’s childhood trans fashion. not to be dramatic but part of me thinks that jeff’s dad left before he fully came out to his family (which gives him even more angst about it, because until that one Thanksgiving episode, he’s never able to prove to his dad that he’s a better man), but part of me thinks that his dad left after he came out (which adds that spicy i-should-have-stayed-in-the-closet guilt that he has to work through). 
either way, because his dad wasn’t there, he had to base his concept of masculinity on something else, which was becoming a lawyer!! there’s some line that’s like “after the dust and divorce papers were settled the only man i looked up to was [the lawyer guy]”. like, replacing your father figure in your mind with the concept of “a job where you can talk your way in and out of anything and distort other people’s concept of reality”? that’s trans.
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 and the fucking THANKSGIVING EPISODE... i struggle to watch it without crying hehe <3 yeowch! the dichotomy of willy jr. being the “wrong” kind of man because he’s “too soft” but jeff also not being enough despite adhering to all the social standards of masculinity... fuck!! this whole scene of him telling his dad “i am Not well adjusted” and talking about how he gave himself an “appendix surgery scar” when he was a kid and he still keeps the get-well-soon letters from his classmates under his bed? oh my god. the implication of people loving him not despite his scars but because of them?? trans. i can’t think about this episode for too long or i’ll start yelling.
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OH and this scene? where he talks about how his mom got him a girl costume for halloween?? and everyone said “what a cute little girl” and after a few houses he stopped correcting them?? and “once the shame and the fear wore off, i was just glad they thought i was pretty”?? THAT’S TRANS... the man needs validation oh my god... and then in all the halloween episodes we see he has these ultra-masculine costumes (a cowboy, David Beckham, one of the fast and furious guys even though he never watched the movies, a boxer with his DAD’S boxing gloves... god) costumes are about becoming something else and he always chooses to be hypermasculine and that is trans.
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THE PHYSICAL EDUCATION EPISODE!!!!!!! being uncomfortable during P.E. is a queer experience. period. but him being specifically uncomfortable in the clothes someone else is assigning to him? trans. “are we gonna talk about clothes like a girl? or use tapered sticks to hit balls around a cushioned mat like a man?” TRANS. and him eventually stripping in public? celebration of transness. and the fact that he eventually becomes comfortable in both the uniform and his own style!! trans!! god i love this episode. 
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AND AND AND!!! the gay dean coming out episode!!! where it’s the three of them discussing the best way for the dean to come out as gay despite not entirely identifying with that label!! so we have both frankie and the dean who are sort of ambiguously queer, and jeff who’s a stealth trans man who’s probably only out to only the study group at this point. this scene where the dean and jeff have this like eyebrow communication while frankie is talking is just so cute. queer-to-queer communication. “I am so curious” “oh?” “intellectually.” “oh...” ajfdksljfk this scene just screams high school GSA to me and i love it so much.
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and SPEAKING of the dean!! i totally see you on that. i feel like jeff has some internalized homophobia/biphobia (like he’d throw punches over someone else, but when it comes to himself he has a lot of shame). and also seeing the dean so confident in all his different outfits/costumes has a weird affect on him bc it’s like “okay, the dean, a cis guy, can do that, but i as a trans guy could Not because that’s Breaking the Rules”. which, like, throwback to the halloween thing. of course there’s no right way to be masculine, but mr. winger does not know that.
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another thing!! the episode where their emails get leaked? that includes his emails with his therapist. fuck!! he was outed to the whole world in that episode!! no wonder he was so fucking angry!! this whole episode (and really any time he mentions his therapist) is so interesting when you think about them as a person he talks to about his transition. OH which adds to the thing with the dean!! “and you told your therapist you wanted to be alone this weekend” and “not you jeff, i know you’ll be visiting your dad” ”I told you to stop reading my emails”. luckily his study group has his back and just makes fun of him for emailing astronauts lmao
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and WHO can forget “they’re giving out an award for most handsome young man!!!!” what else is there to say about this line besides: he’s trans. you know he didn’t get awarded enough for being a handsome young man when he was a kid, and no amount of compliments when he’s fully-grown can really make up for that. some people crash a kid’s bar mitzvah to cope with the fact that they struggled to be seen as themselves when they were a teenager <3
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also his weird relationship with pierce? where he kind of hates him (understandably lmao) but at times has this almost-friends-almost-father-son relationship with him? especially in this episode where he’s forced to bond with him and ends up having a good time by accident (at a barber shop no less, the perfect place to Be A Man with your Man Friend). idk what to say about him besides the fact that pierce says his mom wanted a girl when he was born and made him dress like a girl (and his middle name is anastasia!) so if they’re gonna do any bonding over transness it’s gonna be that. 
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okay one last thing and then i’ll shut up for the night. this episode kills me (and almost kills jeff hahahahelpi’mcrying). it’s a very Trans thing to not be able to visualize your future self, it just is. growing up trans at the time he did? i don’t know what kind of future he saw for himself, but i’m so happy that he ended up with a group of friends who became his family and love him the way they all do. i’m so emotional over this asshole it’s ridiculous. 
in conclusion:
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they’re trans, your honor <3
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tendouluvr · 3 years
hq!! boys taking care of their s/o who just got their wisdom teeth out - gn reader
- characters: iwaizumi, osamu, matsukawa, kyōtani
- warnings: small mentions of being on anesthesia, centered around wisdom teeth removal/oral surgery, wisdom recovery, vague mentions of blood/gauze/medications nothing graphic tho, a lot of talk about food and eating limitations
- wc: 198, 258, 241, 252
a/n: im writing as im currently recovering from my wisdom teeth removal 😪😪 so kinda (basically) v self-indulgent
this is all based on my own experience. i’m healing pretty fast i think and there hasn’t been any problems for me so i wouldn’t know, personally, cases where people get heavy nausea, dry sockets, etc etc
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#! the best :(((
#! follows every direction the surgeon gave to the dot
#! before the surgery, he was given some papers and it was covered with post-surgery aftercare instructions and he read everything over multiple times
#! doesn’t let you do anything for days even though you were capable of doing things yourself by the third day
#! makes a lot of smoothies
#! he already drinks smoothies a lot on a regular basis besides his protein shakes and all that so being his s/o, you also get to drink them every other day
#! but your smoothie intake goes ☝️
#! understands your pain, makes sure you’re taking all of your required medications on time (he sets up alarms and timers) and giving you any doses of pain relievers as needed
#! (was about to blend up meals for you but you were adamant on him not doing that. you did not want to eat blended liquified food when it’s usually meant to be eaten solid)
#! overall,, kinda strict but he’s just tryna make sure you fully recover properly with no complications :)) you’ll probably be annoyed with him at some point for feeding you another smoothie, but you’re grateful for him anyway <3333
#! he’s a foodie :’(
#! lowk (highkey) sad you won’t be able to eat normally with him until you’re fully healed (could be weeks, could be up to a month and a half)
#! did a lot of research before and during the recovery process to go grocery shopping so he knows what he should stock up on and what he shouldn’t get
#! was kinda convinced four (4) days into recovery that you could start eating a bit normal again but you had to tell him no
#! “so when can you eat my onigiris again? it’s getting boring when only i’m trying new recipes, and you can’t,” he would constantly huff
#! “go feed your brother,” you would reply with an eye roll making him pout
#! your bottle of salt water is always filled because he makes sure it never runs out
#! his search history (and yours) is full of “can i eat ___ after wisdom teeth removal” LMAO mine is
#! to be honest, he was probably more scared of the surgery than you were
#! throughout the healing process, you grew a lot of cravings for a lot of food you couldn’t eat so he would write down everything whenever you tell him while laying in bed together
#! promises to make you all of the food on the list once you can properly eat again :’))
#! will spoil you rotten after this
you have no idea how bad i want focaccia bread rn. i need it. in my mouth. just imagine warm, crispy, chewy fresh out of the oven focaccia bread 💭💭💭
#! does not care.
#! JK
#! he does care but he’ll act like he doesn’t
#! immediately laughs at you passed out on anesthesia in the passenger seat as he’s driving home
#! he’s still holding your hand though and caressing it 🙄
#! literally thought you would’ve been healed the next day for whatever reason ://
#! told you, “you look like a squirrel,” while you were sleeping in bed with gauze in your mouth
#! teases you a lot about the pain cuz he’s a meanie but he does things to take care of you at the same time
#! like reminding you to not drink with a straw because you sometimes forget, or making sure he doesn’t make you laugh/talk too much cuz it really hurts to open your mouth
#! constantly asks you about your extraction sites even though you already told him all you know
#! tempted to squeeze your cheeks because they looked so cute but you were swollen,,,,
#! stacks your pillows up at night so you’re not laying all the way down (he heard it helps with your swelling, something to do with your head being higher than your heart)
#! laughs when you struggle with brushing your teeth (he makes himself so despiseable)
#! kisses your forehead every night and whispers praises before you sleep to let you know you’re doing very well and will recover in no time
#! leaves you to fend for yourself
#! im kidding >< he’s a sweetheart
#! helps you change into your pajamas after he brought you home so you can go to sleep
#! gets all of your meds ready while you were sleeping so you didn’t have to do it yourself after you woke up
#! he holds gauzes out for you while you take out your bloody ones so you didn’t have to stumble around for new ones
#! you lived off of water for a bit because you were afraid to actually eat (you also couldn’t really open your mouth anyway)
#! so when you finally told him you’ll eat now, he makes you whatever you wanted out of your very limited choices
#! he has a tiny grumpy pout while doing everything but it’s just his natural face :( he loves taking care of you, i promise
#! but you don’t really care honestly, you find it adorable
#! he slowly gets irritated as time goes on though because he doesn’t like that you’re going through this and it’s ruining the kisses you would give him from time to time
#! is actually a little childish when it comes to life in general so he gets really pouty at some point with furrowed eyebrows that just keeps getting furrowed-er
#! he grumbles a lot while taking care of you because even after oral surgery you could still find a way to tease him about being a softie
#! threatens to leave you to take care of yourself but he’s all bark
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my mom thought i was healed the day after my surgery and kept telling me i’m just being dramatic about not being able to eat a lot of things (and she kept cooking omf) and told me she thinks i’m fine and worried for no reason shdjsjaj i dont think she knew i had stitches in my mouth 😕
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Déjà Vu (Or are we losing our minds?) -Modern!Shirbert
A/N: That’s right! I’m starting a new (old if you ask the fellas in Ao3 lmao) AWAE series!! I was waiting to have enough chapters and now that day is finally here! I hope you like it -Danny
Words: 3,961
Next Chapter
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Chapter One: Make Your Own Decision.
'Two souls don't find each other
                                      by simple accident.'
Gilbert wasn't a morning person.
Medical school was a pain in the ass, he didn't need to say that to anyone– He didn't like to complain at all if he was honest, after all, it was thanks to school that he was going to become a doctor. Still, he missed the lazy mornings on his bed, no worries in the world apart from what his father would make for breakfast.
That was years ago, though. Now he was an adult (or the closest thing to it, anyway) and he had bills to pay, he didn't have to pay rent and that was certainly a good thing, Bash and Mary were a gift sent from heaven after his dad had died, but he still helped around their house, along with the schoolwork he worked on relentlessly while trying to ignore the uncertain future knocking on his door almost every day.
After all the sleepless nights pacing around the kitchen, lights on and coffee maker ready to go, memorizing things and finishing research papers, he's pretty sure this isn't exactly healthy, but if he's bound to have similar routines for the rest of his life, he might as well get used to it.
He tries not to think a lot about that, his future, that is. All around him friends start to settle down, move out to their own places, find love, travel, having adventures while he spends all his weekends locked in his room learning about a new subject that is just as thrilling as any date he could possibly have.
That's a lie, of course. He longs for a break, an excuse to run wild and free just one night.
Luckily for him, that opportunity comes this Friday.
Anne's in love with the early sunlight, that warm, clear light that slips through her window every morning to announce a new day with no mistakes in it yet was about to start.
She loves the quiet, how time slows down for her while she pours a second cup of tea for her morning readings before heading to school. She loves the muffled noises Diana and Cole make while getting up, letting her know she has to hurry if she wants to start her routine on time.
She's a simple young woman (a very new one at that, if she was honest) and the little things still manage to give her a thrill that parties or any kind of social interaction simply can't.
That's half a truth, of course. She misses the weekly reunions with her Highschool friends, the bike rides with Jerry, her old neighbor, whenever they needed someone to rant about stupid things and none of their friends was around to do so.
Despite all this, she is fine. Anne follows the path to her dream: to become a successful writer for all kinds of people, to tell the stories that people need most at the moments when all hope seems lost and love is scarce.
However, when her Highschool friends text her and Diana about a much-needed reunion, she didn't have to think twice before replying with 'Oh god, YES.'
The Orchard was fairly known for its homely 'aesthetic' as some would call it, which attracted the younger people that needed a break from their crazy student lives. The diner had originally belonged to Gilbert's dad, but when he passed away, it fell onto Gilbert's hands and him, not wanting to close the place that had so many memories of his childhood, decided to add Bash's name into the papers.
Their dads had been good friends most of their lives, and although Gilbert and Bash aren't the same age, he thinks of him as some kind of older brother who always helped him get through the hard times, especially right after his father was gone. It was only natural that Bash owned half of the diner, after all, he loved the place as much as Gilbert, for his father had worked there in the bar while Mr. Blythe served the costumers.
The two lousy boys had dedicated most of their free, youthful time, to run around the place like they owned it. Now that they did, it was pretty much the same, only that this time they run around placing food on the tables and scribbling people's orders.
After a few months of hectic confusion, Bash's mother practically forced them to hire more staff, since they had their hands full and Gilbert was breaking under the pressure that it was to keep the business going the same as his career.
They hired one of Gilbert's old friends and a few students that lived near the diner. Moody Spurgeon, Prissy Andrews, Charlie Sloane, and the Pauls (They weren't related, they just happened to be named Paul).
That Friday was the last before their winter break, so it was packed with tons of eager students wanting to eat their money away now that most of them were returning home for the holidays. This meant two wonderful things to Gilbert:
One, the diner was going great.
Two, he was getting the well-deserved sleep he'd been lacking for months.
Excluding that night, because that night he was going to get utterly shitfaced with Moody and company after their evening shift.
"I've never heard of that place before," Anne replied distractedly as she kept grabbing things from the table and putting them inside her bag.
"Students love that place, Ruby says they serve the best food and she's always there, but Jane says she's actually crushing on one of the waiters, though Ruby refuses to either confirm or deny..."
"Ruby's always crushing on someone, though," Cole replied. "If she's still going after all this time, the food must be worth it as much as any cute boy."
"I honestly don't care as long as there's enough room to sit and have a long, long chat with all of you," Anne smiled dreamily. "I've missed them so much! Even Josie– And you know how often she tends to get on my nerves!"
"You wouldn't be missing them so much if you could put the books down every once in a while to hang with us," Diana rolled her eyes. "Honestly Anne, it's a miracle you're not blind or wear glasses at all after all the hours you stay with your face glued to the pages."
"I'd look awful with glasses!" Anne grimaced. "I hope my eyesight stays the same for the rest of my life."
"Well then, take care of your eyes and take a break from those books. Leave your bag here, you won't need it," Cole grinned.
Anne's eyes landed on the bag laying on top of their table. That bag was used for one thing only: To carry as many books as possible in case she got bored, so she could read at any time, any place. Also to carry her keys and pads, but those weren't as important.
"But... what if the girls arrive late?"
"You can talk to us, or are we too boring for you now, Miss Literate?" Diana teased.
"You know that's not it," She rolled her eyes. "Okay, if you want I'll leave the books."
"Perfect," Cole clapped once and got up excitedly. "Let's go!"
"Gilbert, come back to earth and take this to table three, will you?" Charlie hissed, putting the plate in front of his nose and waking the boy abruptly.
"Sorry!" He jumped, walking hurriedly to said table.
When he got back, Charlie was still there, examining his face.
"Are you sure you want to go out, man? I can tell you're worn out, maybe you should take a–"
"No!" Gilbert growled. He cleared his throat and continued on a much lighter voice after noticing this. "I- Uh, I'll be fine. I'll sleep all I want tomorrow, but today I really want to go out, before you and the boys go back to your homes for Christmas."
Charlie nodded with uncertainty.
"Maybe you should change places with Bash? The kitchen might keep you alert instead of sitting here and wait for people to call you over."
"I'll get him," His friend decided, walking back to the kitchen.
Gilbert heard the entrance's bell ring and turned to see Ruby Gillis and a few other girls enter.
Ruby was a good and constant client. He was glad about Bash taking his place because he believed that Ruby had a crush on Moody, and the waiter always took her orders no matter the table she was in, he didn't have enough energy to watch them ogle at each other.
"You okay, Blythe?" Bash patted his back once he and Charlie reappeared behind him. "You're sure you want to go out? With that look, you're likely to scare all the ladies away instead of getting a date for our Christmas party."
"Very funny," Gilbert scoffed. "I'm fine, I just need to stay active."
Before either Bash or Charlie could reply, he rushed into the kitchen, missing the exact moment when three new costumers arrived at the place.
"I see why people love it here," Anne said. "I feel cozy just by looking at it!"
"Yeah," Cole agreed, frowning slightly. "We are going to a bar after this, aren't we?"
"Cole!" They replied.
"I'm just asking!" He exclaimed. "It's lovely and all, but I'm not spending my last weekend away from my maniac siblings eating a freaking burger."
"It's likely," Diana retorted. When she noticed Anne's eyes widening, she quickly added. "No one will force you to get drunk, I know you hate how... uhm– Well, how crazy you get."
"I love drunk Anne!" Cole laughed. "Last time I saw her we were playing truth or dare and she was dared to kiss one of my friends, but then I convinced Josie to change the dare and after that Anne grabbed me by the collar and whispered very loudly. 'Thank you Cole. I actually want to kiss you now' and when I reminded her I was gay, she retorted 'Oh, sorry Gay, I thought you were Cole' "
Diana and Cole chortled, Anne shook her head in horror.
"Drunk me is terrible!"
"No! Only her puns are."
"Can we just get a table, please?"
"Oh!" Diana grabbed her arm, pulling her to a distant corner. "They're here already!"
The next few hours passed way too fast. Anne, finally reunited with her best friends, felt as if she was finally coming back to life.
As Diana had predicted, they decided to go to a bar a few streets down the road from The Orchard. A place their waiter, a young man named Moody and who Anne suspected was the waiter Ruby had feelings for, had recommended to them, casually letting them know that he was going to be there after work with a few of his friends. Ruby practically dragged them to the bar as soon as they paid the bill.
"Bet Ruby ends up declaring her love to that waiter in less than an hour, and ends up spending the rest of the Holidays mourning because she scared him away," Josie whispered audibly to Jane and Anne. The former sniggered and nudged Josie's arm. Anne frowned worryingly towards her friend, really hoping that wasn't the case.
"Who's ready to lose all memories from whatever happens tonight?" Paul asked loudly over the music, placing a bunch of drinks in front of the group.
The boys answered by chugging down drink after drink, getting clumsier as time went by.
Gilbert was having a blast, most of his days he wishes he could go back to being a teenager, slightly more different than the one he was. One that wasn't all that quiet and reserved and bitter about his dad's fate.
He longed for his lost youth, where he would attend parties and go to prom looking sharp, accompanied by a pretty girl beside him. All those teams and clubs he had to leave to stay home and spend the last days of his father's life next to his bed, all those gatherings he missed with people from other places because he had to get the best grades so one day he could be a doctor, so he could save the people he loved... so he didn't have to live through the uncertainty and the uselessness again.
Tonight he was finally getting that, he could pretend he was still just a boy, a stupid boy who didn't know how to drink and most certainly would end up throwing up half his stomach out of his body, but a happy boy at least.
"You know," He yelled to no one in particular. "Did you know, that you guys are my best friends?"
The boys replied with words of appreciation, patting his back harshly. Charlie even hugged him.
"I mean it!" He continued. "These last few months have been shit. There, I said it. Shit."
"What you need," One of the Pauls said, he wasn't as drunk as Gilbert, but he was definitely almost there. "What you need is to get laid."
The boys erupted into mayhem, agreeing with Paul. All of them except for Gilbert.
He frowned, not understanding what they meant.
"I said I'm not tired," Gilbert shook his head, his whole body losing stability and crashing against Moody, who held him in place as if it was normal to lose your ground while sitting on a chair. "I don't need to lay in bed just yet."
"I meant sex," Paul retorted, chugging down half of what he had in his glass.
"Oh," Gilbert sat back, eyebrows raising as if he'd never thought about it before. "Well, that's different."
"You need a break," Charlie slurred. "Or is the good doctor too much of a saint to touch a strange girl?"
"I'm not," Gilbert huffed, drinking what was left of his drink. "I can have sex. I like sex!"
"But Gilbert, you've never had–" Moody started, but was soon cut off by Gilbert's sudden movement.
The young man stood up, leaning on the table and losing all the color on his face. The rest of the group moved away as Moody grabbed Gilbert by the shoulders and straightened him up.
"Gilbert?" He asked, slightly coming back to his senses.
"Bathroom," He said quietly.
"Alright," Moody gulped. "Be right back, guys. Gilbert needs a moment."
Anne spent the majority of the night talking with everyone, and the problem with that is that she gets thirsty when that happens. Which is a dangerous thing to be at a bar.
Still, Cole -what a great friend he was- made sure to always keep her glass full so she could take sip after sip without having to wait.
She knew she was far from sober when she found herself in the middle of an argument with Josie and Tillie about zodiac signs. Anne was talkative on the daily, but after a few drinks she was simply unstoppable- There was no soul on earth or heaven that could follow her train of thoughts, and right now she wasn't even sure she was following them herself.
"I have to pee," She said, interrupting her own story and sliding out of their booth to stand up.
"I'll go with you," Ruby said, impatient to have an excuse to stand up and look around for Moody, she'd barely touched her drink all night.
"Okay, but it's not like I need help or anything," Anne rolled her eyes, accidentally stepping on Tillie's foot. "Woops! Sorry, Tillie!"
Cole watched her along with Diana, both raising their glasses and making a silent toast for their friend. Anne was finally having fun after such a dull term and it was simply amusing watching her act so recklessly during her drunken state.
"Don't stay for too long Anne," Ruby warned her. "Last time you fell asleep inside the stall and Diana had to crawl underneath to get you out!"
"It wasn't my fault!" She replied loudly. "I hadn't slept at all that week, and the alcohol makes wonders to my insomnia."
"I think you've had enough for tonight as well," Ruby grinned. "I'll get you a cold glass of water once where back in our table, okay?"
Anne nodded, silently making her way into the girl's toilet. Since it was just one bathroom, Ruby had to stand outside, leaning on the sink and examining her reflection on the mirror. Two men, one dragging the other, walk past her in a rush and opened the boy's bathroom harshly, the one who'd been dragged quickly fell to his knees and started vomiting his guts out.
"Oh my god!" Ruby gasped, covering her mouth in horror. "Is he okay?"
"He's fine," The guy said without turning to see her. "He doesn't drink this much often, that's all."
The young man stood up once he made sure Gilbert was doing fine on his own, not choking or anything, and turn to meet the blonde's eyes.
"Oh," His cheeks reddened. "Hi!"
"Moody!" She exclaimed happily. "You weren't lying, you came here after all!"
"Yeah," He smiled. "We wanted to give our buddy Gilbert a good night before we return home. Now I'm not so sure about it..." He grimaced at hearing his friend's grunts and gags.
"I'm with my friends as well, but I..." Ruby blushed lightly, even that she managed to make enchanting. "If you have time, we could seat together for a moment? Just the two of us?"
"Right now?" Moody asked in surprise.
"Well, no," Ruby peered over his shoulder at the boy's bathroom. "Not if you can't, I see your friend is feeling terrible..."
"He'll recover," Moody brushed it off. "He's studying to become a doctor, you know? I bet he'll see his way out now that the alcohol's out of his system"
"You're sure?" The girl inquired.
"Are you able right now?" Moody looked behind her to see the girl's door. "Were you waiting in line or is one of your friends there?"
"A friend, she's also wasted," Ruby said, pondering her options. "But... I guess if she managed to walk all the way here on her own... she can walk back just fine?"
Moody's smile widened.
"We better go get those drinks, then?"
"Sure!" Ruby exclaimed, holding Moody's wrist and dragging him back to the bar.
A minute after her friend had left, Anne walked out of the toilet, mid-conversation with a Ruby she didn't know was no longer there.
"... and the toilets here are so comfortable, I almost felt tempted to have a nap right there, but a promise is a promise– See, Ruby? I didn't stay for too long!" She looked up to find the spot empty, her confidence falling. "Or perhaps I did..?"
Lightly stumbling her way over to the sink, she focused on washing her hands before going back. Her reflection looked back at her and smiled happily, putting some strands of loose hair behind her ear and failing to notice the boy's door opening.
There was a small slate on her right with the words 'Wash your hands before you leave! :)' written with purple chalk that she found adorable. She picked it up to examine it further when a body clumsily crashed against her side.
"Woops!" The man said, not looking up. "Sorry."
Anne raised her brow for a second before turning her attention back to the slate.
Gilbert washed his face and hands, the world less blurry than before but still awfully intoxicated. Paul's comment came back to him and feeling the girl's presence behind his back he decided it was rather convenient.
"Excuse me," He asked, looking up and facing the girl's reflection. "Can I ask you something?"
It took her a moment to realize he was talking to her, the man kept staring at the mirror instead of turning to face her, but she could sort of see his face under the dim lights looking back at her though, and since she was feeling rather chatty, she obliged.
"Sure, what's up?"
"Do I look like I need sex?"
Anne laughed.
"Dunno, why're you asking?"
"My life sucks," Gilbert shook his head casually. "And I'm about to have the worst hangover ever."
"That makes two of us, dude."
Gilbert tilted his head, turning to see her now, taking in her appearance.
"You would have sex with me?"
"Excuse me," Anne frowned. "I barely know you!"
"Yeah, but am I attractive?"
"It doesn't matter, I wouldn't have sex with a stranger."
"Very well, then imagine that I'm not a stranger," Gilbert rolled his eyes, having to hold on to the corner of the sink so as not to lose his balance. "Would you do it?"
Anne started to imagine, she imagined a great deal so she could give a precise answer.
"Well, I'd have to know your medical records cause I don't wanna get any diseases, and then I'd have to find you likable because looks aren't everything– and if I'm having sex with you I probably want something that lasts–"
"Nevermind," Gilbert snorted. "I think we're both better if we don't have anything at all."
"Why's that?" Anne asked irritatedly, this guy was making no sense to her.
"You overthink a lot and I already do that way too much for my own good," Gilbert explained.
"Oh, so you'd rather take advantage of a dumb girl, is that what you're saying?"
"That's what you're saying," He scoffed. "I only asked if you'd have sex with me in a hypothetical scenario but you rambled on with the rest, Carrots."
"I was giving an honest reply," She stated. "And don't call me, Carrots. You sound like a child."
Gilbert laughed loudly at that.
"Better a child than a grumpy librarian," He walked up to her, grabbed a strand of her hair and pulled lightly, with a taunting voice, he added. "Carrots."
Anne's fingers gripped the slate harder than ever as she flung it to the man's head. It was small and thin, so it didn't cause severe damage, but the slate broke in half with a nasty 'crack' that pleased her a bit too much.
"How dare you!" She yelled in drunk anger. "I don't know who the hell you are, but I'm certain no one would have sex with a jerk!"
She stormed off, giving Gilbert no opportunity to apologize. Although he didn't seem to mind that much at the moment, the things around him spun once more and he had to return to the toilet to vomit what was left of his evening drinks, dreading the following morning.
Anne, Cole, and Diana returned home with rosy cheeks and loud laughter surrounding them. The trio intoxicated in happiness and many, many margaritas and shots.
"Best night ever!" Anne yelled as she let herself fall on the couch, kicking off her shoes.
"Told you it was going to be fun!" Diana grinned, laying beside her.
"My favorite part was to find Ruby making out with the waiter when I went to ask for the check," Cole cackled. "No wonder why she abandoned you in the bathroom!"
"Don't even tell me about it, I had the most unpleasant encounter–"
"Oh my god!" Diana sat up, looking at her phone with wide eyes. "It's four in the morning! We have to be back in Avonlea in less than eight hours!"
Cole and Anne groaned.
"Can't we have a nap first? We packed all of our things already!" Anne whined.
"Please?" Cole fell on the couch opposite to them. "I'm exhausted!"
"Fine..." Diana sighed. "But I'm certain my mom's gonna kill me for arriving late."
"What can she do? Forbid you to go to their Christmas dinner?" Cole chuckled. "Just sleep, Diana."
"Goodnight, guys."
"Sweet dreams," Anne mumbled, half-asleep.
Next Chapter –––––––––––>
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JonMartin fic
So I’m trying to get back into fic writing, especially for TMA, and have a multi chapter fic planned but wanted to start with a smaller one shot style fic to warm up. It’s been an age since I’ve written anything, much less something that wasn’t just reader based or smut lmao. I’ve added trigger warnings but if I missed any do let me know! 
Any feedback would be great and if you like this, please send me prompts! Happy to write anything from fluff to smut, just as long as its TMA based :D 
So! Here is my cute fluff JonMartin fic! Enjoy~ 
Everybody Wants To Be A Cat 
Word Count: 2240 
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Animal Abuse, but nothing to graphic. Anxiety. Self Worth Issues. Season 1 Jon being Season 1 Jon. Season 1 Martin being Season 1 Martin.
Fandom: The Magnus Archive
Pairings: Jonathan Sims/Martin Blackwood 
Summary: Martin was certain of two things. One, he had an enormous crush on his boss. Two, his boss hated him. Who knew a one eyed beast of an alley cat would bring them closer?
Martin Blackwood has two problems.
Problem number one. He was absolutely certain he was more than a little bit in love with his boss.
Problem number two. His was absolutely certain said boss hated him.
 Well, hated was probably a strong word. Hated implied that Jon thought of him at all, and it was far more likely that Jon thought of him very little throughout his day. Except, of course, when Martin did something wrong. Then those piercing eyes of his would be solely fixed on him whilst he shouted about how inept Martin was or how stupid his mistake had been.
It hurt, those moments. It hurt that the only time Jon ever truly seemed to see Martin was when he was angry at him. Not when Martin did an amazing follow up on a statement. Not when he’d created a great rapport with a statement giver or their family. Not when he brought Jon tea. Just when he did something wrong.
It was a running theme in this annoyance Martin called his life.
He still couldn’t help these feelings though. Jon was an arse half the time that much was true. It infuriated Tim to know end when Jon would lash out at Martin. “He has no right Martin. Mistake or not he’s your boss, he’s supposed to help you, not act like a massive dick all the time”
It was harder for Tim and Sasha in a way. They’d been Jon’s equal for a long time, working together. Moving to the Archive was always going to be a bit of a challenge. To have friend become boss. Especially for Sasha, who everyone thought was going to be become Head Archivist. But neither had held any real resentment over Jon for the change. After all, it wasn’t his choice, it was Elias’s.
But Jon’s sudden shift from rude but mostly recluse and occasionally friendly colleague to rude very recluse and stick constantly up arse boss was harder than any of them expected.
Martin could understand. It was big position and Jon seemed like the type to take everything he did very seriously. This meant holding everything in the archive to a high standard. His assistance included.
So yes, Jon was awful to him a lot of the time. But he was passionate. He cared. For all his blustering that none of this was real, Martin could see how much he empathised with the people who had given those statements. How he looked like he’d personally failed them when a follow up revealed they had died not longer after they’d come to visit the institute.
His crush probably wasn’t the most healthy but sue him! He liked being a bit in love. He liked having inspiration for his poetry. He enjoyed the fluttery feeling in his stomach when he came into work.
He just wished Jon didn’t quite hate. No. Didn’t quite dislike him so much.
There is a cat that has been hiding the alleyway behind the Institute for several days now.
Martin noticed the poor thing when he’d been taking out some rubbish that accumulated in the Archive. Usually that sort of thing wasn’t his job, but he’d been done for the day anyway and he liked to be useful, even if no one really noticed.
It was a mangy young thing. Light brown fur matted, one eye seemed to be damaged and it hissed every time Martin so much as approached it.
He couldn’t just leave it though. Poor thing needed help. It was out here, lonely, forgotten, damaged by the people that probably at one point said they’d love and protect it.
Was he projecting onto a stray cat now? God this was a new level of sad.
So he did what someone in his position did best. He researched.
There is a surprising number of places to buy cat supplies near the Institute and the workers in the shop were incredibly helpful with his questions.
Approach slowly. Don’t try to touch or hold the cat. Leave out food and water. He’d also bought a small plastic hut and shoved a warm blanket inside for the large cat. He didn’t know what breed it was. Just that it was grumpy and hurt.
It didn’t take a great deal away from his own funds either. His job paid well enough and he didn’t exactly go out with people very often, buying expensive drinks or tickets to shows.
His special treat was usually some sugar drenched coffee.
He couldn’t see any physical injuries on the cat, apart from its eye, so he put some treats in the hut, left out the food and water, then left.
He came back everyday with more supplies to keep the large growling cat comfortable. Every day that passed the cat came a little bit closer to him. He grinned at that. Hoping one day it would come close enough to pet.
He’d read somewhere that when cats blink, once and slow, it was a sign that they trusted you. Martin waited for that day with bated breath.
Tim and Sasha were a little bit suspicious as to where he was going on his lunch breaks. He told them he just taking a long walk, getting some fresh air away from the dusty old archives but he knew it wasn’t the best lie.
Lying for the sake of his job was one thing. Lying to his friends for no good reason was another.
It wasn’t like he doing anything bad. It was more that he wanted this for himself. He wasn’t even too sure why. Part of him wondered if he was worried the cat would somehow take some natural liking to either one of them or both. He didn’t want to lose all his hard work.
Or, if he was being more honest with himself, he didn’t want the cat to abandon him for someone better.
Yeah. New level of pathetic had been reached.
But one lunch, a few weeks after he’d first spotted the broken but massive feline, that the lying and the ill feeling became absolutely worth it.
Because the cat approached him.
Martin didn’t move a single muscle. He was sat on a small wooden box in the alley. Far enough away as to not frighten the poor thing, but close enough that the cat could make contact if it wanted to.
And today it did.
He held his breath the closer it got, keeping eye contact with its good eye the whole time. It paused for a moment, right in the front of his bent legs, before it let out a small mirp noise and butted its head against his knee.
“Oh hello” Martin laughed, chest feeling lighter than it had in an exceptionally long time.
He reached out his hand slowly to pet its head and let out another sign of relief when the one eyed cat let him.
“Well” he began
“I can’t very well keep calling you cat or beast in my head, you’ll need a name”.
It didn’t acknowledge his words in any way, just continued to let him scratch behind its ears and watched him with its one working eye. He could almost imagine its thoughts.
“Silly Martin, just come up with one already. Stop wasting time”.
He let out a soft chuckle at the thought, a name ready on his lips.
“Jon” he smiled gently.
“I think I’ll call you Jon”.
 It went well after that. Martin made plans to keep the cat. It would help the dreariness of his lonely flat, and he was lucky his landlord allowed pets in his building.
He couldn’t afford proper insurance but the workers at the pet shop knew an emergency vet that wasn’t too expensive, so he could get Cat Jon’s eye checked out soon.
Giddy as he was with his newfound friend, he didn’t realise that he’d been less subtle than usual about where he was going on his break.
It was one grey, wet Wednesday that it all came to ahead.
He’d been sitting crossed legged on the ground, his coat below him as a sort of makeshift blanket to keep his trousers dry, when Human Jon found them.
He hadn’t even noticed Jon had followed him until the backdoor that led the alley burst open with a bang that echoed down the narrow way.
“Martin” shouted Jon, looking at some papers in his hand.
“I need you to take your lunch late and follow up on this report. You made several errors in your research that, frankly, a child could spot. I don’t know what you’re doing out here but if you have time to sit around then –“
Jon’s rant was cut short as he finally looked up to the picture that greeted him.
Cat Jon had leaped into his arms from the loud noise, clinging to Martin’s bright yellow sweater.
Martin froze, cat in arms as Jon stared at him with a look of equal shock.
“Oh” began Jon softly
“Sorry” Martin practically shouted.
“I – eh – this is, well um, a cat, I found? A few weeks ago, actually. I’ve been sort of taking care of it? Getting it food and water and um” he gestured to the plastic hut and blanket he’d laid out.
“He was hurt you see. Only one eye and really badly taken care of. Abandoned, I recon. So I’ve been out here on lunches making sure he’s, um, that he’s okay? Is that..is that alright?” he trailed off nervously.
He couldn’t look at Jon. It wasn’t exactly something to be ashamed of, taking care of a stray cat. But he could imagine Jon being the sort of serious no nonsense person who would see it as a waste of time, his lunch break or not. God would this make his relationship worse? Would Jon scold him for it? Did it make him seem more pathetic than before? Christ, was that even possible?
He didn’t notice the movement until Jon was sat beside him on the floor.
Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, sat on a dirty alley floor with Martin K Blackwood.
He watched with bated breath as Human Jon reached his hand out to Cat Jon and let out a small sound of relief when Cat Jon didn’t bite, scratch or run away.
“You poor thing” murmured Jon, eyes only on his (unknowing) cat counterpart.
“What have they done to you? Well, you look better now than you probably did before. Thank to our Martin here”.
Martin couldn’t help but blush deeply at that. Hot all over his face. He couldn’t handle this. Jon being all, all soft and gentle and calling him “our” Martin.
“You’ve been taking care of him then?” Jon looked up at Martin now. Eyes soft and kind for once. It nearly took all of Martins brain power to respond after receiving such a look.
“Yes” he began.
“Like I said, I found him a few weeks ago. Planning on taking him back to mine soon, get him out of the cold properly”.
Jon nodded, eyes never leaving Martins, hand firmly petting the cat in Martins arms.
“I’m sorry, about the work” Martin nervously bit his lip.
“I’ve been really worried about him so I rushed it to get out here on time. It’s no excuse and I know you don’t exactly think highly of my work in the first place. I’ll make sure I stay late tonight so I can catch up”
“Martin” interrupted Jon, eye straying on the bitten lip, a slight flush to his cheeks.
“I’m the one who should be sorry. I haven’t been fair to you these past few months. It’s been unprofessional at best and, well, and downright cruel at worst”
“Your job is stressful” Martin tried to defend
“And we both know I’m not exactly at the same standard at the others”
“Still” Jon continued.
“It’s my job to help you, not, berate you at every mistake. You came from the library, not research, so you have different skill set and – well, its been hard for us all. Not fair of me to put all that blame on you. God knows Tim could stand to be a bit more professional at times” Jon grumbled out the last part, a small pout to his lips.
Martin laughed at that, smiling wider than he could last remember.
“Tim just likes to keep you human, I think” he winked and watched with fascination as the flush came back to Jon’s dark cheeks.
Cat Jon leap out of his arms after that, toddling off to who knows where.
“Well” Martin began, getting up from his cross legged position on the floor.
“We still have time for lunch, we could, um, maybe eat together? If that’s okay I mean! You could help me figure out a name for him?” “You don’t have one already?” replied Jon, surprise in his voice “Uhhh not any suitable ones, no” Martin laughed awkwardly.
He couldn’t exactly say he’d name the poor blighter after Jon. He doubted Jon would take it as a compliment and he didn’t want to ruin whatever fragile peace they’d stumbled onto.
He held out his hand to help Jon off the floor. Jon eyed it, before bringing his own hand up and placing it into Martins larger ones. Martin pulled him up and held back a small gasp as Jon shot forward quicker than intended, his smaller hand landing on Martin chest.
Jon looked up at him, a small shy smile gracing his lips.
“Beautiful” Martin couldn’t help but think, face and ears bright red.
Jon pulled back, coughing every so slightly into his fist.
“Yes, well, I’ve named a cat or two in my time, it won’t be too hard” “Oh?” teased Martin
“What about Magnus? We did find him here” Jon shook his head at that, crinkling his nose slightly.
“Absolutely not, something more dignified. The Captain maybe?” “Captain?” countered Martin
“The Captain” continued Jon as they began to head back inside
“I suppose the one eye does give him a bit of a pirate look” Martin couldn’t help by laugh slightly as he said it.
“Yes” Jon laughed back
“Dignified but still fitting his nature” And off they went, back into the Institute. Unaware of any monstrous eyes watching them as they simply watched each other. A new, wonderful feeling developing between them.
Neither noticed that they still held each others hands as they made their way to the break room.
And if they spoke of cat names, and toys and flushed deeply when they did notice the hands still entwined, well.
Those moments were only for them.
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ladyvesuvia · 3 years
✨ Get to know your mutuals!! When you get this, it means someone wants to know more about you, so list 5 things about yourself you want your followers to know. They can be as simple as your age or as complex as your deepest fear, as long as it’s something you’re comfortable with sharing. when you’re done, send this to 10 people if you want to get to know them better!! 🌼💕
omg hi mei <3
— the thought of growing old thrills and frightens me at the same time. sure, it’s fun and all because you get to experience new stuff but honestly ever since i wrote the halley’s comet and did research, i freaked out when i found out that i’d be HELLA old by the time halley’s comet comes
— i used to volunteer to present group projects orally back in 2018 but i lost confidence idk why. i also distanced myself even more and honestly i have a love hate relationship with my choices.
— in fifth grade, i was a part of this pageant but i sucked back then so when my partner’s mom wrote lines for us to say i forgot while onstage haha embarrassing af
— used to be an overachiever when i was little: i was the only one who could read all the words our teacher wrote on the manila paper hHAHAHA and my handwriting was the most legible when i was six. i’ve been to spelling bees and quiz bees in primary school, english radio broadcasting in fourth grade and english news writing in sixth grade (won eighth place) and the latest thing i did was get to a virtual spelling bee a in february. i got to the finals but lost at gondolier lmao dumbass djfjejwo
— i only really started ‘reading’ in 2018 after being a fake bookworm in 2014 (i was jealous because my friend was getting praise for knowing greek gods because of pjo lmfao) but i had my mom buy me a random book and honestly i didn’t even get the story but i was still like “yeeaaah it’s very nice very good” hahaha but even before that, i had shit loads of story ideas even as a kid.
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aijee · 4 years
thoughts on “the price of mirrors”
My head is such a tumultuous storm of thoughts right now (very thematic, too, since it stormed where I live just yesterday). But life is too short to not document what felt like a really meaningful and formative writing experience. My (very long) thoughts about “the price of mirrors” below the cut:
I’m writing this during the COVID-19 crisis. Quarantine has been a, understandably, very isolating experience for many. I’ve been living on my own for a few years already, but the self-isolation has been quite difficult and melancholy. I think “the price of mirrors” was an unconscious way for me to process that loneliness I was feeling. I first watched The Great Happiness Space documentary a long time ago and revisited it last month after stumbling on more recent Youtube videos about hosting. I remembered, “Ah, I’ve always wanted to write about those loud and drowning spaces, that experience of luxury and loneliness, the desperation for love and acceptance.” The dynamic of host/clients reminded me so much of idol/K-Pop fans, many of whom go to incredible, sometimes dangerous and unhealthy lengths for their faves. I, too, was very lonely when I was younger and used K-Pop as my crutch. But how far will that dependence go for others?
Wonwoo and Mingyu (as the fic characters, not the people themselves) are meant to represent two sides of the same coin: daytime news limelight versus shady nighttime activities. Both must be experts in their words and careful of who they trust. Both bottle up who they are because of the worlds around them, leaving them to often be “someone else” in order to do their job, which itself is closely tied to their sense of purpose (e.g. Mingyu “helping” clients) and self-worth (e.g. Wonwoo getting recognition for his writing). Work culture in Korea, and many Asian countries in general, is very serious and can impede on mental and physical health. Take your role seriously and be a good cog in society’s machine.
Names are a very important motif in the story. As Mingyu tells Wonwoo, he knows just how important names are. Idols, even those with stage names, give their names and personal history to their jobs. In the K-Pop world, are the people on screen known as “Mingyu” and “Wonwoo” the same “Mingyu” and “Wonwoo” in real life? No. But the line distinguishing fantasy and reality is so blurred because of the idol system itself. This is very prevalent in J-Pop idol culture, too, which is what K-Pop idol culture was based on. An academic paper I read discussed the over-saturation of digital images in everyday life in technologically-advanced Japan (computers, digital billboards, changing picture screens in restaurants and subways, etc.). This mixes fantasy with the real world. The digital aspect isn’t played up in the fic since it’s less relevant in hosting than in idol culture, but Wonwoo still constantly struggles to figure out which parts of Mingyu are real or fake, or if there’s a black-and-white way to analyze Mingyu at all. The same can be said for idols, who are trained to sell fantasies while still being “real.”
But names are still YOU, still a complex person with flaws and feelings. Mingyu is ready to give his away because he believes in instant openness without thinking about the repercussions for the sake of doing his “role” well. Wonwoo is the opposite because journalism is a vicious arena of keeping/losing privacy, critiques, downright hate in feedback, etc. Wonwoo addresses his journal entries to Joshua because it gives him mental direction—a familiar friendly face—in expressing his thoughts. Pretty much none of the more important clients are named. Even the hosts only refer to clients by pet names, which clients eventually feel like they embody to the host. (Imagine being called “love” every time a handsome guy sees you—is it hard to start believing that he truly does love you?)
Time is also an important motif, most obviously represented by Mingyu’s watch. It’s a simple one and yet it’s incredibly expensive. This is actually based on a famous watch owned by a racecar driver (I think), which became sought after because he became famous, and the watch was one-of-a-kind despite being so simple and relatively cheap at the time it was first bought. In the fic, the watch represents the preciousness of simplicity in how you spend your time. This is achieved chiefly through Mingyu’s simple dinner with Wonwoo, but also just through their more casual conversations throughout the story.
The watch also represents the time that needs to be let go of before a new time in your life can start. Mingyu’s ex-client gave it to him before going on a blind date and meeting her future husband. Mingyu gave it to Wonwoo after deciding to move on from hosting life to start finding new meaning. Both the client and Mingyu had strong feelings for their respective recipients. What were those feelings? Who knows? Not all feelings need words to be felt or expressed. (And MinWon went on a blind date instead of Mingyu finding a new flame but that’s neither here nor there lmao.)
I’m honestly just rambling at this point, so I’ll leave it there. Aaah there are so many more things I wanna write about!! (Precarity is a real phenomenon that fuels host club culture!!! This is what I use my university resources for omg.)
Kudos and much thanks to anyone who took the time to read this!! I definitely overthought, over-planned, and over-researched for a K-Pop fic that probably won’t get much traction these days, but I genuinely enjoyed writing “the price of mirrors” so damn much and will be reading it over and over myself. If you’re not writing for yourself, then you’re doing it wrong!
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amphii-writes · 4 years
how Shiratorizawa and i would interact head cannons
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Hey! this is just how I think I would interact with the team because I know myself better than I know you, the reader! so i’m sorry if these are a bit boring :,)
warning: swearing
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God i cant even start on how fucking wild this would be
I feel like for some reason Ushijima would just kinda grab me one day and ask me to be a manager
Id be like uH SURE BIG SCARY MAN because,, like hes fucking tall look at him i dont wanna piss bear man off
So id be chilling and he’d just wait for me outside of my last class like mfker did RESEARCH ON ME
He’d just be like “we must go to the gym now” and id just be fucking QUAKING
Id be shitting in my pants like,,, dude fuck this, like id be “thinking of all my routes of escape and not notice tendou trying to talk to me” fuck this
My dumbass would be snapped out of my fucking daydream by ushijima calling me rude and id just EVAPORATE
Soul?: gone. Dead?: as hell. Cheeks?: clapped
I feel like tendou would get the idea and try to calm me down and ushijima would stand there like ???
We’d get there and id be met with goshiki- a tall mama’s boy and just feel relieved
God id be so happy to see someone not absolutely fucking scary
Id meet the team and be as nice as possible, i feel like tendou would call me miracle-chan or something cause “it's a miracle you accepted the position from Ushiwaka”
Bro semi is the resident pretty boy of the team so i wouldn't be able to talk to him for at least a week tbh
Pretty boys scare me,, i much prefer sweaty gamer boys who give off “i-drink-bathwater” vibes
Bro id see shirabu’s bangs and,,, fuckin try so hard not to laugh like hun your bangs look like a 3rd grade art project
Dude id look to goshiki like “dude please god say a joke i need to laugh” and shirabu would say some bullshit and his hair would sway or some shit and id combust
Tendou would 100% find that fucking COMEDY GOLD
Shirabu would think i laughed at his sny remark / roast and not his hair so poggers 
Then they’d invite me to the group chat called “we the SHIT-ratorizawa” (named by tendou)
God ushijima would be like “now that you are our manager i should explain things to you as the captain” and shit
Homeboy,,, i love him a lot but he speaks like a fuCKING PRINTER
I would for sure try to avoid him explaining things to me just because he doesn't seem like,,, he's the best at it
Like he can explain volleyball to me but nothing else
Another thing is that i would totally make bets with tendou and lose most of them because i don't know a lot about volleyball so he’d word things to confuse me and suddenly i have to show up to practice in a cute eagle based outfit cause school spirit or something like that. Like i'd be wearing cute wings and a cute lil lolita dress and poor goshiki would just combust on sight
Tendou would laugh his ass off and ushijima would be like “that is not appropriate clothing for a manager” and i'd explain to him about the bet and then he’d be like “oh, well you look darling. Tendou did a good job” aND JUST LEAVE AFTER DROPPING THAT FUCKIN BOMB ON ME
Goshiki would compliment the outfit so much and be such a gentleman about it and i love that so much
Tendou would feel like hes walking on the fucking clouds, man is for sure a pervert and i know it so he’d be making lewd jokes but he’d make sure im not uncomfortable, which poggers to at least asking me if im okay with that
Shirabu would walk into the gym, see me, and then walk out of the gym no cap
Homie couldn't handle 5’2 manager in a lolita dress with wings
As goshiki said i “Look like an angel” and shirabu is just such a sinner he couldn't handle seeing such a holy being (sarcastically)
So anyways practice went awesomely and i leave
Tendou offers to walk me home cause i'm in an outfit that “men might find appealing” in his words
Lmao one dude would try to talk to me and tendou would just fucking glare and boom problem gone instantly
Tendou is 100% great bodyguard material you can't fight me on something that's 100% correct
Later on the team asks me to wear it to one of their games and not practice cause they find it very cute
I do because i lost a game rock paper scissors against shirabu
Oikawa for sure would notice the fucking chick with wings and get even more pissed. Rip for me and my team
Shiratorizawa won of course, causing oikawa to look absolutely dead on the inside
Ya know Ushijima would be ushijima after the game, like oh cool we won and tendou would be fuckin BALLIN
Tendou would taunt aoba johsai with the dice roll walk and that scares me
Bro id hear baki baki for the first time and just be like ⍢?
But then again baki baki also kinda slaps so i might hum it from the sidelines
The whole team would celebrate after the game and get food or something
I  would take advantage of the fact that the coaches are using the schools credit card and just get the nicest shit
Tendou also would pull that shit with me lmao
I feel like tendou would bring up the fact that i'm clearly not japanese and ask me if i'm a exchange student
He’d ask me if i knew french or another language and ask me if i could teach him some, Deadass a sweetie about it
Ushijima would ask me about american sports and if volleyball is big in america, would be sad to find out it isn't
Man would fucking hate football so much like im- mfker built like a linebacker too
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Thank you for reading! have a good day/evening/night!
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dontbesoweirdkira · 5 years
Ok, I was gonna ask you about something else, but after reading the part 2 of the Mic and the exchanged student, I'm in DIRE need to see the part 3 where she has to start her hero career and she, obviously, need his help(not because she is not capable of starting it by herself but because she just needs him to continue to be by her side like it always has been)! Pretty please! Thank you! 💗
A/N: SKSKSK hOw cOUlD i sAy nO to tHat prEtTy PwEasE uwu. Haha yeah totally i’ll do this. Sorry if this comes out a bit late i’m working on some things. Thanks for requesting <333 Any requests let me know!
-So you know that bonus thingy i did in the last one? Where the parents were mean and all that? Well let's continue with that story line, I feel like that’s a bit more interesting for this!
-So i feel like after everything went down, realistically your parents would have forced you to come home and not contact Hizashi. Which sucks because he was the only one that really believed in you, And Japan became like a second home, even though your japanese isn’t the best and you may not look like everyone, you grew to love it and appreciate it. The thought of going back home to your parents stormed in your stomach
-Hizashi hated the idea too, he felt like your parents were mentally abusive and he really hated the idea of you going back. He talked to you and wanted to know if you wanted to get others involved and what not so you didn’t have to go back and leave the school. But you didn’t want to go through that whole process
-Besides you were “almost an adult” and soon able to start your hero career. You somehow convinced him to let it go and have faith you’ll be okay.
-”Alright Y/N, If you ever want it, you can always have a job under me and my agency. Even if you don’t wanna be a hero, you can work on my radio show.”
-Damn leaving Present was like the hardest thing. He was like a positive father figure that you always wanted and finally got, then when everything was good it got ripped away. It hurt so badly.
-Plus present took it so hard because he felt it was his fault, ‘Why did i have to say something?’ ‘It’s all my fault’
-Going back to your home country was like heck? Your parents forced you to stop with all this “hero mess” and made you go on a “more stable” path. They took away all your devices and stuff so you can “focus” but in reality they wanted to make sure you weren’t contacting Present or looking into hero stuff.
-Damn You’re really wishing you took Present up on that offer and let him help you stay
-You couldn’t work on your quirk or train so while everyone was asleep you’d do exercises and warmups Present taught you
-In those few years you were so miserable, and all you wanted to do was go back to japan and go on the path you always wanted to. You missed Hizashi and the friends you had made, Here you were lonely and tired, but there you had so much life and happiness.
-So secretly you were saving money so as soon as you get a chance, you can get away. So occasionally you’s ask for 20 or so dollars to get “books” or “go to the mall” when in reality you were just storing the money away in your secret trust fund lol.
-By the time of graduation you had enough money saved up to go travel, thanks to the extra help of graduation money from family members of course.
-As soon as you got home you brought a ticket, reserved a hotel and packed all you bags and left to the airport by the early morning. Whew you felt as if you were running from the Feds and for some reason that gave you a rush of excitement you hadn’t felt in a long time.
-finally you get to see Hizashi after all this time
-When you got to Japan, you went to the first place you could think of. Present’s agency. You couldn’t quite think of where else to get to him, so this was your first resort.
-Upon arriving you were so nervous. What if Hizashi didn’t even work there anymore?? What if he didn’t want to help? After all you kinda of cut him off even though you promised to keep him posted every once in a while. Although that wasn’t your fault but maybe he hated you for it?
-Either way it was too late now and you were already at the front desk, standing awkwardly standing
-“Hello dear, is there anything I can help you with?”
-“u-Ugh wEll uHhh???”
-“Do you have an appointment...or….”
-“nO...yeS? Haha i'm sorry, I'm looking for Hizashi Yamada. I’m an old friend and he told me to come here if I ever needed him..?”
-“...right...Your name?”
-“Y/L L/N.”
-“I don’t see you name under any notes or messages for him. By safety protocol I cannot let you up past this floor without a proper appointment or verification.”
-“Well is there anyway that I can leave him a note..with my contact and such? Or a way to set an appointment?”
-“Yes I can leave a note but I cannot guarantee he will see it and you can only make an appointment if you’re an endorser.”
-“Ah I see, Well I guess I’ll just leave a note then? Here is my name and number and can you just tell him I’m back in Japan. I need to talk to him.”
-“of course.” The lady at the front desk smiled as she finished writing the small note and moving it aside with the others
-You began to make your was towards the exit only to be stopped dead in your tracks when you heard an all too familiar voice boom through out the lobby
-Turning around, your eyes met the sunflower blonde male that leaned against the counter with a Gigantic smile across his face.
-suddenly a similar smile he wore, slapped across your face as you unconsciously shouted
-instantly his eyes landed upon you, yet his award winning smile vanished and turned into a tired expression
-ugh another crazed fan waiting at the front desk for him.
-except you weren’t, you were his most favorite person on the planet. However you looked so different. And he could hardly recognize you.
-For a moment he just stared at you with the utter most bleak face, until it hit him.
-“Mr. Hizashi!”
-he has a moment where he pulls apart and just gazes at you
-i-is that tears in his eyes??
-awww so soft
-sMotheRs yOu In kIssEs (friendly forehead ones lmao)
-He’s just so happy to see you looking healthy and safe. He loves you so much, even if it’s been years.
-“I thought something bad happened to you, I tried emailing and contacting you but no response. Oh I’m so happy I get to see you again! Are you okay? Are you hungry?? Wait let’s go talk at a restaurant.”
-So you guys go to a restaurant and talk and reconcile about the past. Apologized for not responding and talking so long to come back.
-“No worries I’m just glad your here now! How has hero work been? Signed with any major companies.”
-“Haha um actually no not yet.”
-“WHAAAAT?! What are you waiting for?? I’m sure by now your quirk skills and everything has gotten waaay better now with all the training you’ve probably had there. I’m sure you’ll get signed just like that.”
-“Actually Hizashi. The last time I actually trained or really used my quirk was the last time we trained together.”
-He literally thought you were joking. No that’s not possible that was years ago.
-“No I’m serious, my parents wouldn’t let me do hero work after all that went down and they limited the use of my quirk. These past years I’ve been studying to be a pharmacist because my parents says it’s a more realistic job for someone like me and hero work is nonsense.”
-What no? They couldn’t of held a grudge that long? No you were on such a good path to become a hero. He was sure of it. The world really needed someone to step up, with the rise of crime and he knew you could do it. So for your parents to say “nonsense” was so unbelievably stupid.
-“What?” that was all he could muster hearing your news
-“yep! And I couldn’t respond to you because my parents took away all my devices, and gave me ones that were restricted and only for school research purposes. Everything about heroes or quirks that wasn’t related to Pharmaceutical Purposes wasn’t allowed. I actually saved up cash for years and gathered up the money I got from graduation to buy a ticket and a small apartment here. Although I’m sure my parents will be hot when they noticed I left the country, but at least I’ll be thousands of miles away and safe from their antics right? Haha.”
-He was so shocked. He didn’t think him telling off your parents and protecting your from them while you were in Japan, would cause them to go to such extremes. What kind of people?
-“Y-yeah. But don’t worry I’m alive aren’t I!” You laughed out
-He smiles at your attempt of optimism and nodded in agreement
- “Do you still want to become a hero?” He asked twirling his spoon around in the soup he earlier ordered
-“W-Well yes. Actually I do a lot, this world is becoming more cruel and I really hate sitting back and seeing these innocent people who can’t fight back get hurt everyday. But I know it’s hard but It’s something I really still want to do.”
-“Okay then, Y/N I’ll train you and help you become a hero. In the moring I’ll start paper works and a letter to get you into my company under me. I’ll make sure you become the hero you always wanted to be...that I always knew you could be.”
-“Wait are you serious.”
-“Only if you are. We’ll train in the early mournings and I’ll take you with me on patrol at night so you can get a feel of what it’s like. I’ll guide you Y/N and do better than I did before. I owe it to you.”
-And after that, that’s exactly what happened
-you guys were out on a morning run by 5 and working out at the gym around noon. Around 11 at night you guys were on patrol until 3 am. And this went on for months
-He pushes you harder than you possibly knew your body could be pushed
-You your quirk became much stronger and stable.
-teaches you different techniques and gives you pointers on where to go out on patrol and how to look for suspicious behaviors
-you’re under his company and training for about a year or so before you break off and go on your own. He makes sure you’re fully confident and he knows that you’re at a good spot beforehand though.
-You actually get signed under a big company and recruited for a few others all over.
-Before you left his wing, you made sure you thanked him for everything and that he was totally fine with it
-which he was
-He’s still always beside you though. You knew in your heart you still needed his guidance and his friendship in your life, and same for him. He really adores you and doesn’t want to just say goodbye. It hurt so bad the first time, he couldn’t imagine how it would feel departing again.
- He checks up on you everyday and make sure to go out to lunch every one in awhile.
-When you’re kind of lost or stuck or need a shoulder to cry on, he’s always right there.
-“Hizashi...I don’t know. Maybe my parents were right and I’m really not cut out for this. It’s so hard and I’m so tired. I just really want to cry.”
-“Hey shh, don’t worry you’re doing great. It just gets hard sometimes but trust me it’ll get better. I’m right here for you.”
-If you parents did come back to Japan and came to harass you or what not, Hizashi is instantly there protecting you and makes sure they won’t ever do that again. You are not going back to the U.S. with them, even if he has to get the legals involved he would.
-Send little gifts to him every so often as a thank you.
-You stay in Japan for the first couple years of your hero career but then branch out a bit to different countries
-collecting Souvenirs and postcards to send back to hIzAsHI
-When you become super successful he’s like “See Y/N, what did I tell you? You’re going to be fucking great.”
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spnreactionblogging · 4 years
SPOILERS BELOW but I guess I’m late to the party huh
oh boy here goes, it's 12/10/2020 as I write this and I've had social media blacklisting SPN tags for the last month so I could get into the headspace to deal with this, I have not heard good things but although I got 15x19 spoiled for me I have somehow avoided 15x20 spoilers so let's see joining me is Two Brothers Pinch of Grace beer and Angel's Envy rum cask rye whiskey a "familiar face" returns? the dog? oh boy it's a buckleming episode I can't wait. how much of this footage was shot after lockdown, is what I want to know. what changed. I am upset that I'm walking into Jack Dying, the episode, on the heels of Cas Dying, the episode the violin is soulful and good at least thank you Jack. thank you for asking where he is. I love this shot of sam against the power lines. he looks so small. dean I really don't want you to be the one pretending you give a shit and trying to "comfort" jack. nice reverse establishing shot of the earth. "hokay. so, here's the earth." oh hey jake abel. I guess I knew that. doesn't mark pellegrino show up too. they're the only PCs left oh sweetheart :( he's trying to pray to him. so buckleming remembered that was an option, huh, just not like. in the ma'lak box jack sitting on that giant retail planter is so damn sad man the fucking uh, the empty news chair with the camera rolling is wild. I love you sam I love rob and every time I see him I'm sad that they made chuck such an asshole calling jack a "lapdog" wow. indeed. okay chuck you're ripping off The Road or whatever, we get it jack has like honest to god pajamas. maybe they were from the dryad or whoever for christmas dean passed out on the floor huh he found a liquor store and he drank it is jack hearing angel radio again doggo "I love you miracle dog" this dog honestly is the best thing oh there he goes :( rickrolled "maybe that's the point. no one left to save. no one but us." sam is better at reading than dean is okay that is a COOL fucking camera angle looking down from above the crucifix this does feel a lot lonelier, like early seasons are we looking at the stations of the cross, is that what the pages were turned to. I couldn't quite see jake abel, I wish I had not missed your baking show with misha that instagram failed to record :( "poor bastard never caught a break" no fucking kidding, RIP adam (finally) michael's been running PR on earth I can't get over how much it looks like jack and adam/michael should be related can michael read the death book? lmao this is how a lot of people seem to feel about books in general, like it's causing them pain to try to read. dramatic music as no one can read it's chuck pranking them again. guaranteed. LMAOOOOO OR LUCIFER so the empty can eject angels back onto earth. fascinating. ah, betty is a reaper. she's gonna come back as death, huh so she can read the book tbh good for her the headbutt was good death starter kit with the decoder ring lmaooooo GOD talking to them like they're petty children is honestly making my day!!! "not a group project" I mean even if she was with them she could just lie about what it says. not okay with leaving jack and lucifer alone "almost-mighty" is really funny the house of cards is good lucifer's right about "fuck god" is betty the empty hahaha you guys got fucked "mikey's a cuck" wow. thanks buckleming. cuckleming? archangel blade??? jack u ok did sam hook michael up with that??? sam is smart. thank fuck. sam'll have it cracked in an hour. sam's got the book of the damned and google translate: enochian (that he cowrote with castiel) sam's a witch wherever they're filming is gorgeous GET HIM, SAM, PUNCH GOD IN THE FACE that was inspired. that was like bobby singer shooting lucifer levels of inspired. buckleming had to get their torture in. last hurrah for the torture train where's jack??? this is what people mean when they say "I like to torture my OCs" you know you didn't have to be an asshole to your grandchild, dude I like when everybody's eyes glow but especially jack's this empty book is trump's COVID plan. just blank sheets of paper stapled together sam is smart. jack's like a mushroom. just soaks up all the good juices in the pan. what if sam and dean make out in the next episode and we find out becky wrote the whole show. maybe you just have to be a regular jackoff, chuck. dean pretty much is the ultimate killer. I mean yeah that is who you are, dean how victorious. you die sick and alone and forgotten with no healthcare. america! this is a bummer. is this victorious? did we win? lmao the sign "ONE MORE!" is that a teal impala over there how do you have extras in this episode, yeesh how much was stock footage, if any "What do we call you?" "Who cares what we call him? All that matters is that we got him back online." fuck off dean at least let jack answer "of course he's coming back" fuck off dean why would he come back with you if he can do anything he wants GO FIND CAS fuck off dean just fuck off dude, you don't get to boss him around how freudian, kill your grandfather who is god very demiurge of you, jack jack's off to be a blind watchmaker I love how he waves, jack is adorable god they're like literally red oni blue oni (red jackass, blue jackass?) over here lmao, these shirts when did cas and jack write their names on the table, they only count now that they're dead? or did I miss something earlier this shot of "what is and what should never be" absolutely breaks my goddamn heart. top fave. fuck. this is a sweet tribute how is this not the end???? I like how kim rhodes and misha collins get special guest star credits for their voicemails/fake phone call literally how is this not the ending to the show. why is there another episode. sans undertale appears to warn me not to watch the next episode. "you're gonna have a bad time." a friend who's not in the fandom asked me "is the tetanus thing for real" and I was like "??????????" and that's the only thing I know going into this. what do they do, drive into toluca lake have a jared and jensen spa day I caught wind of someone saying like "what if sam wakes up to 'heat of the moment' again" which would be BRILLIANT but they're not that clever do they just get stabbed by a regular-ass ghost? do we delete the whole universe and salt and burn the show itself? where do we even go from here. how many sharks are left to jump. someone said "sam gets shot by navient for unpaid student loans" and that is fucking funny and too real sam dies of muscular dystrophy and dean sings "heat of the moment" to congress to allow stem cell research? what. what could you possibly write from here. and why would you. I feel like any shitpost thing I say is still gonna be more clever than what they came up with and I'm not sure I should even watch it. I also hate the idea that buckleming would have the last word but it was surprisingly watchable is this SPN's equivalent of the candy epilogue, but with zero self-awareness? the network swooping in for a final "fuck you" like they did to mark sheppard? what. what even. I don't know if I want to know
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the-madame21 · 5 years
Reiji and Beatrix
Ok so I’m hella rusty here because I haven’t done analysis in a while. But I started thinking about this because I remember a post a long time ago that called Reiji weak for hiring a vampire hunter to kill his mother. And that’s stuck with me for a long while. 
I know we talk about all of the trauma and pain all these boys have a lot but I feel like Reiji gets glossed over a lot simply because he’s really good at hiding that pain for the most part. 
But when it comes out it’s glaring. He’s screaming for attention and appreciation as loudly and desperately as all of the other brothers. 
Because here’s the thing, hiring a vampire hunter to kill his mother isn’t as weak as it is calculating. Everything Reiji does is so painfully calculated. 
Reiji is ignored his whole life. We know that. He is the most neglected Sakamaki, which directly correlates to his standards of perfection. The more the neglect, the more he strives for perfection. All of the other brothers had some sort of recognition, regardless of how batshit it was. Reiji got nothing. Growing up it was as if he didn’t exist. 
What Reiji wants most is recognition. 
Shu is such a huge sore spot because Shu shadows all possibility for Reiji to get recognition. It’s why when Yui comes back with Shu’s scent (even though all she did was talk to him) Reiji reacts as strongly as he does, and whips her through the night. He resorts to physical lashing--to something that will scar over so that there will be a permanent reminder on her body that he exists. So that Yui will be forced to recognize Reiji, so that even if she doesn’t see him, she feels his pain. She knows he exists. 
It’s the equivalent of a child throwing a tantrum for attention. Look at me. Focus on me. Hear me. See me. He desperately wants/needs to make himself known, but he does it in a way that assumes false composure. He is the living breathing definition of “fake it till you make it.” 
So then looking at the whipping scene. Yui thinks to herself something along the lines of “are these scars the ones on Reiji’s heart? Maybe that’s too convenient...” but I don’t think it’s convenient at all. I think that’s precisely it. Reiji can lash out at Yui. Can leave his mark on her. He couldn’t do the same to Beatrix.
Lowkey starting to sound like Laito
Here’s where the vampire hunter comes in. I think a lot of people struggle with the concept because if Reiji hated Beatrix so much, why not just kill her himself? Why not own the entirety of the whole process? What’s the point? 
To answer the first question, I don’t believe Reiji really hated Beatrix. I think he resented her. Heavily. But I don’t think he hated her. Above all he revered her for a very long time. And when he finally realized he’d never be recognized for going above and beyond her expectations, that’s where he had to shift gears. If he wouldn’t be noticed for his perfection, then he’d be noticed for his strength/power.  
Ok, so with that in mind, it doesn’t make sense to hire someone to do the job for you, right? But I’d argue that it’s precisely because he didn’t hate her that he couldn’t bring himself to kill her the way the triplets kill their mom. Because quick aside, the triplets fucking hate their mom.
In my opinion, Reiji’s thought process was hire the vampire hunter so that Beatrix can suffer, so that she can feel pain and torment the way Reiji has all these years. And then, just before she dies, he reveals himself to be the mastermind who orchestrated it all. Beatrix then feels the ultimate betrayal of being killed by her son, and dies in anguish being forced to finally face Reiji and see him for who he is. Maybe even with a sprinkle of regret for neglecting him.
All of that backfires on him, however, because instead of feeling betrayed, Beatrix smiles, tells Reiji she was glad it was him who killed her, and dies in peace.
All his plans have fallen to shambles, cue the dramatic break-down.
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Before I get to said breakdown, let’s take a moment to think about what killing means to vampires. For anyone new here, killing for vampires is the ultimate declaration of love. Previously I’ve analyzed Reiji wanting to kill his mom as a way of owning her, so that she’ll always belong to him. Similar-but-different to why Laito wants to kill Cordelia. 
I think I’m going to amend that. Because I think this further explains why Reiji might have hired a vampire hunter. He hired the hunter, sure, but he didn’t directly kill Beatrix. He only orchestrated her demise. Showed up at the end so that he could have the satisfaction of seeing her take her last breath. So that he could look down at her. So that when/if she asked for his help, he could deny her of that. In other words, by hiring a vampire hunter, it’s the ultimate I don’t love you/fuck you. 
He wants Beatrix to hurt. He wants her to feel that same rejection that he’s felt from her. He wants to be able to reject her in the same way she’s rejected him.
But. It doesn’t. Work. Because this bitch really dies with a smile on her face!!!
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Okay so now we’re at his mini mental breakdown. All of the boys react to displeasing situations in different ways/have various coping mechanisms. Shu sleeps things off, Laito has sex, Kanato screams/goes to his doll room, Ayato challenges people/blows off steam and Subaru obviously resorts to violence/destroying things. 
Reiji is interesting because he strives for solutions. He becomes engrossed in fixing whatever it might be that he found “unpleasant” or “disagreeable.”
In this case, obviously, he feels as though his mom died in the wrong way. 
So he’s just gonna kill her again the right way. All he has to do is come up with a potion that will bring people back to life. No big deal. 
People gloss over this a lot, I think. Like oh, Reiji just made a freaking revival potion in two days cuz he’s smart or whatever. He’s always brewing something anyway, how is this any different?
But guys. He’s been working on this shit for YEARS. Beatrix dies before Cordelia does, which means that he’s been trying to make this potion work since before Yui is born. That is 16+ years AT LEAST. 
SIXTEEN. YEARS??? Who?? Has the patience for that??? It’s his life project. Bringing his mother back literally is his everything. He is consumed by the need to make her “die the right way,” to exact his revenge and make her suffer the way he’d originally intended. 
So now imagine you’re Reiji. Imagine you’re chilling after hours of research for your life’s work that you’re so close to completing. And then this tiny little human comes in and READS YOUR DAMN PAPERS. Is it any wonder he nearly kills Yui in that scene??
People tend to not understand or act like he’s overreacting but that resurrection drug is literally all Reiji has. That’s his coping mechanism. It’s all he’s got left to hold on to. 
It would have been the equivalent of Yui trying to hold Teddy. 
And so Reiji loses it. Rightfully so. Which, I will agree, at first glance seems super out of character for his usual stoic demeanor, but now that I’m looking at it I think it was beautifully done and it really reveals a lot about him when you take the time to put it into context of everything else he’s been dealing with. 
So yeah lol. I never know how to end these. This got a lot longer than I thought it would though lmao. TLDR; Reiji is hurting. Just as much--if not more than--his brothers. Not all mommy issues are created equal and Reiji doesn’t deserve such strong backlash all the time. But maybe that’s just my bias speaking :x
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