#i love talking in parentheses guys it’s so fun
neonkoii · 4 months
happy two year anniversary to the very beginning of my descent into madness (the day i added my hockey guy on social media) (it all went downhill from there)
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writerblue275 · 10 months
What pet names would Heartsteel use for their S/O? And what pet names would they like to be called?
Inspiration: None honestly, I’ve just been thinking about it and I think it would be cute.
Genre: Headcanon
Category: Like 95% fluff with one of the member’s (LOL Kayn’s) going a little suggestive. But definitely not like full NSFW.
Gender: 99.999% Gender Neutral, but there might be an occasional parentheses with optional gender specific language for those that are comfortable with it. (Believe me, I get it, I’m non-binary so I do try and keep things as GN! as possible!)
TW: A bit suggestive for Kayn’s, so just to be on the safe-side let’s go 18+ ONLY. MINORS DNI. A mention of alcohol. Also swearing because I swear. 🤷🏼‍♀️
A/N: This will be a bit shorter but that’s just because we have to get through all members both calling and being called pet names.
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Pet names for his partner:
I think his pet names for his partner would be very sweet!
Of course there are the classics like “baby” or “babe.” I feel like there are the main ones he’d stick to in public. Another one he’d use in public is “honey.”
But in private I think that’s when his soft side would really come out.
He’d enjoy “cutie,” especially if he knows it makes you blush.
He’s a creative guy, and I think he’d also have some creative pet names.
Especially if he’s trying to turn up the romance/soften you up for something.
Ex: “Starlight,” “sunlight,” “my sun/sunshine/sunlight…”
And if he’s feeling sassy? You “goober” (with a smile and eye roll).
Pet names from his partner:
Just as he likes to call his partner sweeter pet names, I think he’d also like to be called sweeter pet names.
Although again, I think the sweetest ones he’d like you to reserve for him in private.
So “babe,” “baby,” “honey,” and maybe “love” it is in public.
“Cutie” is one he’d secretly love. He’d roll his eyes with the typical Phel sass but you see the way the tops of his ears turn pink.
And you know how he’s creative? Well don’t be afraid to get creative back!
You could make him melttttt with a pet name.
Like “my moon” or go full out with “my moon and stars.” (Especially in response to him calling you “my sun/sunshine.”) His internal response is: :))))
A way to playfully tease him for staying so late at the studio is to call him your “owl/night owl.” (He loves it).
Pet names for his partner:
Pet names with Ez would be so PLAYFUL.
And they would definitely start early on in your relationship.
Even on dates in public he’d be more open with pet names. (Though of course because of who he is both of you are a little incognito with hats, sunglasses, masks, etc...)
Why can I see him calling you something like “pumpkin,” “honeybunch,” “sugar,” “cupcake,” (LISTEN IT’S NOT JUST VI’s NICKNAME FOR CAITLYN DAMNIT) or “peanut?” (Even if you’re taller than him it does not matter, you’re his peanut.)
Lmao Kayn once heard Ez call you “honeybunches” and he was FLABBERGASTED. 😂
Omfg he would absolutely use pet names when trying to get something. Pet names and a pout? The man knows what he’s doing.
Absolutely loves that his pet names make you blush so easily, especially if he whispers them in your ear.
He’s such a lovable menace and I adore him.
Pet names from his partner:
Because our man Ezreal can absolutely take as good as he gives.
An obvious one would be “bunny.” (Listen have you seen his smile on the cover art?)
When you called him “bubba” and your “love bug” for the first time, his face lit up like a kid in a candy store.
The more chaotic, the better to catch his attention.
We’re talking shit like “dreamboat,” “goober,” or “cutie-patootie.”
The first time Kayn heard you call Ez “dreamboat” water came out his NOSE he was so surprised.
Will love whatever pet name use because whatever you call him, he’s yours!
(A/N: Alright listen this went a little suggestive but LORD help me I think he’d be SHAMELESS with pet names. 😳😏)
Pet names for his partner:
Out of all the members, I feel like Kayn would give the least amount of shits about hiding a relationship in public.
So he’s definitely not holding back from calling you pet names in public (now of course the man is smart enough to know which ones are better to keep private).
But “Babe?” ✅ “Baby? (Baby girl)” ✅ “Angel?” ✅ All totally fair game in public.
In PRIVATE??? 😏😏 Oh my friend get readyyyyy.
This man is a TEASE and you know he’s using pet names as a way to really fluster you. (Though of course he’s being sincere with them.)
Like “hottie,” “kitten,” (CAN YOU IMAGINE??) and “sexy.”
“Sexy” is like the most common pet name he uses for you PERIOD. Ex: Basically every day when he gets home he greets you with a kiss and a soft “Hey, sexy….”
More gender specific, if you were comfortable with it, he’d 100% call you “prince” or “princess.” (Someone get me a FAN 🥵.)
Pet names from his partner:
I think whatever his partner called him would be….not necessarily critical to Kayn, but it would still mean quite a bit.
I think he considers some pet names a little bit like affirmations, in a way. Like when he calls you “hottie” or “sexy” it’s because that’s how he sees you (appearance-wise) and he wants you to KNOW that’s how he sees you.
PLEASE do the same with him!!
Hearing YOU call him “hottie,” “sexy,” or “handsome” immediately banishes any insecurities he might have in the back of his mind.
And you cannot tell me he doesn’t love hearing any of those pet names whispered/murmured in his ear as you wrap your arms around him. I just don’t believe you.
Absolutely call him “Babe” in public. He loves that shit. I don’t think he’d mind if you called him “handsome” or “hottie” in public either, but those would be more for like when you two are having a convo together in a public space, if that makes sense. “Babe” would be to capture his attention.
Random: In private, besides calling him “sexy,” he secretly loves some of the older-school pet names. Like if you want him to MELT? Go old school.
“Darling?” His insides are a puddle and he’s ready to do whatever you need him to do.
(LMAO I had wayyyy to much fun with this, but his headcanon was what made me think about the rest of the group and what they’d like!)
Pet names for his partner:
I think he’s fine with using pet names in public. Like maybe nothing wild but he’s not going to necessarily hide you (though of course he’ll do what he needs to do to keep you safe).
K’Sante could use a mix of “old-school” pet names with more modern ones.
“Babe” is the primary one he uses in public.
Could totally see him using something sweet like “squish” or “boo.” (The mental image of this giant man using something like “Boo” is just amazing.)
If he helps you with an outfit, once you’re done dressing he’d absolutely be like “damn look at you, my model. You look phenomenal.”
Would absolutely use “handsome,” “beautiful,” “gorgeous,” or “stunner.”
I fully believe this man is an excellent cook. And because of that, he’d definitely throw some food-themed pet names in there. I’m thinking “pancake” or “peaches.”
Pet names from his partner:
Again, this man doesn’t really care if you call him pet names in public. Have you seen his sheer size?? People would be insane to mess with him and you (I’m thinking Travis Kelce with Taylor Swift vibes here).
So go for it! Call him “babe” or “baby.”
After they debuted, you affectionately teased him by calling him “hot shot.” Jokes on you though because he actually really likes that one now.
As we’ve discussed, K’Sante can cook along with being hella stylish. So he acts annoyed but really loves it when you sidle into the kitchen and say something like, “What’s cookin’, good lookin’?”
Again, this man knows how to DRESS. Loves hearing you call him “handsome” as you help him with some last touches on a look.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I get such good energy from Heartsteel K’Sante. I feel like he’d give excellent hugs and be your A+ “teddy bear.”
Likes some of the joking pet names you call him! Like when you thank your “stylist” after he helps you get an outfit together and get dressed. (Because let’s be real, he’ll probably have the better fashion sense in the relationship, that’s just how it goes.)
One that doesn’t quite work due to it being tied to pop culture in our world but the VIBE fits: “Hercules.” (Or “HUNK”-ules as the one muse would say.)
Pet names for his partner:
This man 👏🏻 LOVES 👏🏻 PET NAMES.
To the point that you don’t remember the last time he used your name. In fact, if he uses your name, it’s a clear indicator something is WRONG.
Will definitely use some of the classics in public like “babe” or “baby.”
He’d definitely get creative too. Like you know how he’s “the big boss?” (Hehehe lyric tie-in DUH).
If you ever came to visit him somewhere while he’s working, he’d jokingly call you his “assistant” as he pulls you into a big hug.
Ex: “Oh hey! It’s my amazing assistant who so kindly brought me lunch! How’s your day going so far, baby?” (He wouldn’t keep calling you his assistant throughout the interaction. It’s more of just a funny little greeting for when he first sees you.)
In private, he loves to use “angel,” “doll,” “sexy,” “beautiful/handsome,” or “sugar.” (Would also use “Prince/Princess” if you’re comfortable with it.)
He really knows how to make his partner smile and blush from pet names LET ME TELL YOU.
Pet names from his partner:
Just as much as he loves using pet names on you, he LOVES when you use pet names on him!!
Only call him Sett (or even more so, Settrigh) if something is wrong. You’ll get his attention INSTANTLY.
Of course, “babe,” “baby,” and “honey” are a-ok for use in public. I also think he wouldn’t mind a couple other creative ones being thrown in there every once in a while, even in public
An obvious one to use for him is “boss.” (My parents call each other “boss” and it’s actually very sweet!)
I feel like Sett would have a really romantic side (I mean, Mama didn’t raise her son to be a jackass of a partner here).
So when he does let that romantic side show, call him “Prince Charming” and watch his face light up. (I know that’s technically a pop-culture reference, but Prince and charming could feasibly come together in a world without Cinderella. Another pop-culture one that doesn’t work as well (unless we imagine Shakespeare existing in Runeterra) is “Romeo.” But the vibe fits Sett so I’m including it here.)
Another one who loves it when you call him “sexy” or “handsome.” (And you do it often because HOW COULD YOU NOT??)
Feel free to get creative, especially when you’re alone. Sweet or otherwise, he just loves hearing what names you create for him.
Pet names for his partner:
Yone is interesting. See, to me he has the highest likelihood of using more “traditional” pet names.
But make no mistake, traditional doesn’t mean boring.
The AFFECTION he puts into the pet names he calls you!!! (Like I’m going mushy just thinking about it.)
He’d be very low-key in public. Like maybe a soft “love,” “honey,” or “dear.” Usually though, it’s your name. (Hey he loves saying your name! Your name makes him happy.)
In private is really where his soft side shines and he’s much more verbally affectionate.
“My love,” “sweetheart,” “my beloved,” and “darling” are big favs of his to use.
He’d absolutely have a couple surprisingly cheesy ones. Like “pumpkin,” “dumpling,” or “sunflower.”
Always loves your reactions to him using pet names for you, especially your delighted expression when he uses the cheesier ones!
Pet names from his partner:
In a similar way to using “old-fashioned” pet names for you, I think he’d love it if you used some of the same ones for him!
Especially in public. I just see him as one of the more private members. But in public feel free to call him “love,” “honey,” or even “babe/baby” when you’re talking together.
Loves when you’re soft with him in private. This man works so very hard and sometimes he just needs some good cuddles and loving pet names.
Enjoys being your “darling,” “lovey,” and your “genius.”
And you have him wrapped around your little finger the second you say “My love…”
I talked about in my last headcanon how I absolutely think Yone loves to cuddle in private (and maybe when he’s drunk but that’s a different story).
You’ve started calling him “koala” because of how cuddly he gets and he secretly LIVES FOR IT.
But he will deny it to his dying breath if you accidentally say it in front of the guys. (Lmao you think Ez and Kayn are going to let him live that down??)
Thank you very much for reading! It’s been really fun to get back into creative writing now that I have this new account! 😊
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hi! im miku and welcome to Internet! you can do lots of fun things here. like look at my blog! ok im gonna hand the mic over to the omnipotent being that watches my every move
thanks miku. here are some things to remember before you send an ask:
- I am not associated with crypton, sega, or the official miku twitter! im just a guy making funny post
- miku lives in a computer. i probably won’t answer anything referring to her doing things in the real world, since saying “I am in a computer what are you talking about” is only funny the first five times
- I use my askbox as a jumping off point for jokes! if I don’t answer your ask it’s not because I didn’t like it, I just probably couldn’t think of anything funny to respond with
- I love receiving art!!!!!!! please send me your miku art!!!!!!! you can even send me a link to your art posted on your own blog and I’ll reblog it so you still get the notes!!!! I LOVE ART!!!!!! (also the ai training toggle has been turned off for this blog so. you’re safe here.)
- there are some things you should speak to a mental health professional about ( ie “i just can’t go on” “my life is terrible” ect) and you should not send these things to hatsune miku. i understand and empathize with you but I cannot help you and it’s very upsetting to receive things like this !
- anything written in parentheses for the most part is an ooc comment from the person running this blog (that’s me!). I don’t like doing this very often though, so if you have a question that can only really be answered ooc then please ask it off anon so I can respond privately!
- please remember I am just one person and sometimes I make mistakes! im a pretty busy person and also disabled so sometimes things slip through the cracks when im low energy. I do my best though so please let me know if you think i’ve made a mistake and i’ll do my best to fix it :]
- sometimes I like to reblog miku art from other people! please be respectful in these artists notes. I know this is a silly jokes blog but these people have not necessarily signed up to be goofed at on their posts. please be kind and keep the clowning to a minimum on posts that aren’t made by me!
- no TERFS allowed. hatsune miku loves trans women
Q: can I make a vocaloid-official blog too???
A: yes!!!! anybody can!! please let me know if you do so I can add you to the masterpost and interact with you! I would check the masterpost first though to make sure there hasn’t already been a blog made for that character :]
Q: do you also run [insert other vocaloid-official blog]?
A: no! I can barely think of funny things to say here do you really think I could manage being funny on two blogs at once. I am friends with the people who run the teto, luka and una blogs so if our posts seem coordinated it’s because I asked them really nicely
Q: who runs this account?
A: secret
Q: miku what’s your opinion on [insert queer identity]
A: I don’t like answering these because I don’t want to open myself up to shitty comments and I can’t think of anything funny to say that wouldn’t just sound like “ally twitch streamer smiling at the camera and saying trans rights”. this blog is run by a queer person and miku is whatever you want her to be, if that helps.
Q: i made a vocaloid-official blog! how do I get added to the masterpost?
A: adding people to the masterpost has gotten really overwhelming for me so I won’t be doing it anymore. sorry! feel free to still make a vocaloid-official blog and interact with me if you want, I just won’t be updating the masterpost anymore. the current list will stay up as it is as sort of like. a memento or something.
Q: do you know anything about PJSK???
A: no <3
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see-arcane · 2 months
How different are Dracula's Demeter and TLVOTD?
Oof. Okay. This is going to hurt me as a staunch THE BOOK IS ALWAYS BETTER believer, but.
The Last Voyage of the Demeter is very much the better story. By a wide margin.
Spoilers for The Last Voyage of the Demeter, Dracula's Demeter, and Dracula below
Just speaking on differences, TLVOTD does sadly tuck in that Universal Pictures nonsense about ~the sun hurts vampires~ and sacrifices some of the Captain's coolness and giving the Romanians and the Roma any respect due to the origins of the poor chick who got boxed up as a bloodbag stowaway. But it is still a very very well done Dracula as an Actual Goddamn Monster horror film. Even the close of the movie--yes, with more random action slapped on for cinematic reasons--leaves a door open for one last knife twist as OC Protagonist stalks off into the shadows to hunt Dracula down...
...and possibly accidentally-brilliantly nodding to a certain scene in the novel where the gang enters the Count's Piccadilly house and finds a bowl of bloodied water. RIP.
It's a good scary story and it built something enjoyable out of the Demeter chapter's foundation. Definitely a refreshing departure from the constant sexypire barrage of Draculas.
Dracula's Demeter feels like a con job by comparison.
Specifically because it opens so promisingly. It's very obvious that the author read Dracula front to back and loved what he read! He uses tons of direct lines from it! He has period accurate details dappled throughout for the Demeter's ship and crew! He does an admirable job of building up his own two Requisite Guy and Girl Stowaway Romance OCs so they can do Meaningful Things, just like TLVOTD's duo do! Dracula is sinister and erudite and--credit where it's due--delivers an absolutely nightmarish demise to poor Petrofsky. Holy shit.
With all that, you can forgive the kind of rough editing and the way that (parentheses) and ALL CAPS ACTION WORDS get sprinkled throughout like someone who just peeled their stuff straight from Ao3. It's fine, it's fun. At first.
And then shit goes downhill and straight into Dracufetishland: Naughty Nautical Edition.
Because it turns out that where TLVOTD had Required Girl Character get to be a whole person and not a gossamer-dressed sexy lamp (even having been chomped), DD's Required Girl gets chomped and immediately goes full 'lol my human boyfriend is a loser compared to Count Fuckula,' in a way I might forgive if we were going for some unrelated vampire's story--but no. This is a Dracula story and she's in full Coppola mode.
She gets turned, ogles what's left of her reflection so we can talk about how hard and visible her nips are in a borrowed shirt, gets Dracuhorny, and ditches her boyfriend.
And then, when Earnest Englishman Boyfriend tries to burn the ship and save the day, he gets burned alive, and then Dracula orders Vampire Girlfriend to garrote the poor guy to death while wearing the convenient billowy white dress she brought onboard. And she does. Happily. There's not even a crumb of will or even dissent left in her the way we see with the goddamn Weird Sisters who were with him for centuries and actively tried to steal Jonathan from their master***, or even Bloofer Lady Lucy reaching for Art.
Just a pointless fuck you of a death that added nothing.
Followed by Dracula snapping Vampire Girlfriend's neck, double-kills her, and chucks her into the sea while chuckling about how silly it is to think that he would want a companion, ha ha!
Yes, I am also staring at the camera The Office-style, thinking about -checks notes- the Weird Sisters, Jonathan, Lucy, a random ass girl in Piccadilly, Mina...
Oh, that Dracula. Such a loner.
And all that leads to the Captain with the rosary--WHICH ISN'T EVEN HIS--and the last few chapters which are just pure padding about Dracula shoving the Demeter to shore. After getting a cutaway scene to Dracula hopping into Lucy's brain somehow to grope her while Mina watches. For reasons.
The book is, in short, pointless.
The OCs are pointless. Them being on the boat is pointless. Nothing they do, nothing the author has the crew or Dracula do, adds literally anything to what was already in the Demeter section of the book. There is no meat here, only voluptuous gristle.
And the thing is! The infuriating thing is! Because this is a Dracula*** story, it is still technically more respectful than the bulk of other writing and media about Dracula, because so much of it is doubly extra-fetished never-read-the-book never-liked-the-book utter garbage.
So I still have to give it 3/5 stars as a Dracula story. 1.5-2 in isolation.
Anyway, I'm going to go re-watch TLVOTD now
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puckpocketed · 3 months
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30/06/2024 - The Colorado Avalanche draft Tory Pitner 185th overall.
I think that I can use my brain and really bait other players into plays that they don't want to make and then close out. Really take away time and space, and ultimately just be a prick to play against - I don't know if I can say that on this - but I think that I can defend really well.
[full draft day interview transcript + an introduction by me under the cut]
Foreword: This transcript was done by hand to the best of my ability and edited for clarity. In bold text are my highlights, parts I thought were noteworthy and interesting. I removed filler words (um's and uh's). In square brackets are where I've added words or adjusted words for clarity. In the regular parentheses are small notes for added context. Tory Pitner is a fascinating player. He does not have the high-end skill you saw go in the first round. He is foremost a shutdown d-man. But he is smart, driven, methodical in his preparation and training, and most of all a true scholar and lover of the game. If anyone has an EP Rinkside subscription, I would encourage you to read the article written about him. The bulk of it is an interview, in which he goes into vivid detail about several top draft picks from this year whom he has played against, and how he goes about shutting them down. He has their on-ice habits broken down and analysed; from their handedness to the types of shots they like to make and the dekes they like to use. He watches NHL defensemen, describing his study with the fervour of an academic, a mad scientist, and a fan all at once. He has charmed me utterly, and I think it's because we love hockey in such similar ways. I love the details of the game, I love watching good and interesting hockey above all else, and I absolutely love studying it (albeit on an amateur level). And, okay, I don't like to make bold predictions, so I won't. All I have is hope. I hope he grows and thrives, I hope everyone one day recognises how special he is, and most of all I hope he makes it. Tory Pitner, no matter who you play for and where you're playing, I will always be rooting for you!!
Q: How would you describe [your] feelings right now?
TP: It's pretty unbelievable. I mean, it's a great feeling. Colorado is a great organisation, and especially down the road from Denver [University] it's going to be really, really fun to go to a lot of games and just see the progression in the team - in my game - to hopefully one day be there.
Q: So, knowing that you were going to D.U., were you maybe kind of hopeful that it'd be the Avs?
TP: Yeah. I talked to the Avs a little bit during the year and stayed in contact with some of their scouts, so every time they picked I was kind of on the edge of my seat - but I'm happy to be here and really excited.
Q: What are the strengths in your game?
TP: I'd say that my defending is probably my biggest strength. I think that I can use my brain and really bait other players into plays that they don't want to make and then close out. Really take away time and space, and ultimately just be a prick to play against - I don't know if I can say that on this - but I think that I can defend really well.
I'd say my player comparable is John Marino; his ability to play against those top line guys and shut them down every night. I mean, you just saw him get traded so [he's] obviously a very valuable piece in the NHL, and he was a sixth round draft pick too. I'm really excited to hopefully continue that development path over at D.U. to round out all the other areas of my game to play in the NHL.
Q: So you'd say Denver is a good choice for you, for college?
TP: Yeah. I'd say, obviously, the coaching staff first of all, [David Carle] is an unbelievable coach; and then just the proven track record they have at developing NHL defensemen. Being there every day, you see all the guys that come back, and they want to be at D.U. All the guys that they've sent to the NHL, they still come back to train there - train with Matt Shaw, the strength coach, and skate on the ice. Everyone there; it's kind of a brotherhood. It's a great system for [anyone] to go through if they want to get to the NHL.
Q: Did you get a chance to speak to Jake Fisher? (Colorado draft pick #121 overall)
TP: I'm actually roommates with Fish at D.U. We moved in on Sunday and so it's kind of cool that we both got picked here.
Q: So have you talked to him since?
TP: I haven't. I gotta be honest, I put my phone down after round three and kind of tried not to go on it. But yeah, no, we'll definitely talk. I'll see Fish [on] Sunday when I land. We probably have some studying to do for our Geography class. No, it'll be good. I know he was really excited, I'm really excited, too.
Q: Have you ever been to an Avs game?
TP: I have not, no. But I heard that the D.U. guys go all the time, especially with it being right downtown, so [I'm] really looking forward to getting out there and seeing Ball Arena live. I've driven past it a few times, just heading back to campus and whatnot, but I'll be really excited to get inside and see what it's like.
Q: How did [the Youngstown Phantoms] help you develop, to get to this point? (inaudible)
TP: For sure. I mean, obviously it was great my first year, getting to experience winning the Clark Cup Championship there was super cool for me, and it was a great learning experience being able to be around great leaders like Shane Lachance and Chase Pietila - who got picked earlier today. Being able to be around those kind of guys was awesome for me. And then my second year, taking a step into a bigger role with the team, talking with [coach] Andy Contois a lot about my game, working on different areas that I need to improve, and improving on my strengths, too, [like] being hard to play against. So I think overall they helped me round out my game, and I'm looking forward to keep rounding out that game at D.U.
Q: What has your Draft Day experience been like here at the Sphere? (inaudible)
TP: Yeah, no, it was long. Woke up early, couldn't really sleep too much. Woke up, just kind of got a workout in to get moving, you know, have something to do. Then walked over here - I'm staying at a hotel that's not too far - so, walked over. Sat down after having some breakfast and then kind of just watched the draft. It's been pretty cool, though. I have my family here, my agent as well, [and] one of my coaches. It's been really nice to have everyone here supporting me.
Q: What about the way that Colorado plays defence excites you?
TP: I'd say that I love how they're pretty freeing with all their defensemen. Even down the lineup, you look at Josh Manson still getting up in the play joining as a fourth man. Sam Girard obviously loves to do that. They obviously have great defensemen like Cale Makar running their power play. [They] love being really active. I think that's something that I'm looking to add more to my game, too, and so the freedom to do that in Colorado is something I'm really looking forward to - especially at D.U. as well, having that freedom. Finding the middle in a lot of their breakouts, not a lot of off-the-glass plays or up the wall; they like to really possess the puck. I'm really looking forward to being able to hold on to the puck a little bit longer and find some middle support, which I think will ultimately help my game break down the opponent and just add another element - which will be really fun.
Q: What players did you idolise as you came up?
TP: It's kind of been a lot of different ones, but I really wanted to play defence because of Nick Lidstrom. When I was younger, one of my coaches - actually, Anže Kopitar's brother - Gašper Kopitar; he was my defense coach in LA when I played for the junior Kings when I was younger, and he told me 'If you want to be a defenseman, [go] watch Nick Lidstrom.' So I found some YouTube video - and I think I've watched it like 400 times or something like that. I've watched his NHL 36 multiple times, just to get me going or just to learn his routines. So idolising him growing up and then seeing the great person and defenseman he was; it really made me want to be [one], and I wanted to play hockey even more.
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jwirecs · 1 year
Recommended Seventeen Fics of April 2023💖
hello, hello! here are my recs for seventeen for april! hopefully these beautiful stories get more recognition as well as the writers 💝
** anything in parentheses and bolded are my thoughts that can be disregarded if needed **
🔞smut || 💔angst || 💕fluff || ✅completed || 🔄ongoing || 💯favorite
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Coming Home || @here4btsfics​🔞💕✅
↳ Your boyfriend’s flight is delayed and he won’t be home for Valentine’s Day. Your boyfriend is also a notorious liar.
Good Vibrations || @joonminshua​​🔞✅
↳ You and Jeonghan have been together for a couple of years and share a lot of the same kinks, so when he first mentioned it, it sounded fun….Now it can best be described as the cruelest form of edging he’s ever inflicted on you.
Light A Flame || @euphor1a​​🔞💕🔄
↳ you weren’t exactly planning on getting freaky so early in a relationship, especially after everything you went through. well… let’s just say that plans don’t always work out (when your new boyfriend is way too good at getting you all hot and bothered).
Lose My Mind || @here4btsfics​🔞💔✅💯💯💯
↳ you can only deal with your fiancé’s antics for so long before you finally give up.
Down Bad (So So Bad) || @lovelyhan​​​🔞💕✅💯
↳ it’s not like you’re curious about how the word would taste in your mouth whenever seungcheol calls himself daddy while talking to kkuma. nope. definitely not.
My Guardian Demon Sucks At His Job (Not Clickbait) || @shuaflix​​🔞✅
↳ just when you thought your luck couldn’t get any worse, you accidentally manage to summon an ancient demon prince named jeonghan out of a scrap of paper from your statistics textbook. now, you’re tasked with figuring out how to return your so-called “guardian demon” back to where he came from before he can stir up more trouble.
Pre-Workout || @kevinsluvr​​ ​🔞💕✅💯💯
↳ mingyu works out everyday because his fans love his muscles. but today, he's lacking enough energy to want to go. so he asks you for some.... pre-workout.
The Selfish Dilemma || @joonsytip​💕💔🔄
↳ It was love at first sight ever since you laid eyes on Jeonghan. To him, you are the annoying co-worker who keeps asking him out. No one is new to your courting agenda which only pisses off Jeonghan but what happens when you stop, all at once....
To X, With Love || @shuahoonie​​💕💔🔄💯
↳ music can elicit inspiration just as much as words. this mini-series contains a list of imagines that are inspired by a series of love songs. this is my love letter to you.
Underlying Pretense || @lovelyhan​​ 🔞✅💯💯💯
↳ being two of the most popular streamers across the board. your subscribers often speculate if your constant bickering with wonwoo has some underlying pretense. little did they know, the two of you have everything on display on a single, unsuspecting twitter account (sequel is Favorite Poison, do give that a read too!!)
Yours, But Not Yours || @gyukult​​🔞💕💔🔄💯
↳ when a nice guy gets too overbearing, you’re stuck with the option of having a fake boyfriend.
Naughty Cat Of The Week || @seungkwansphd​​​​​💕✅
↳ jun loves checking the naughty & nice cat of the week updates at your animal shelter. occasionally a rogue opossum makes the rounds and he can't help but ask you about it.
Do check out all of the other Group Fics that i have reblogged as well!!
** if there is any fics that you guys would like to recommend, please do! i am slowly running out of fics to read **
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matt murdock as your legal guardian headcanons :)
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type of writing: headcanons / scenario
word count: 1.15k
request: yes / no
dynamic: matt murdock x teen!reader
characters: reader, matt murdock, foggy nelson, karen page
a/n: ik this isn't a request, but it's something i think about a lot!! i had to get it out lol. i was originally gonna use a more aesthetic picture but then i found this & it was too cute not to include lol <3 also requests are still open! just send in an ask :)
taglist: @nutellani (fill out this form if you'd like to be included!)
first i’m gonna explain how matt murdock actually became your legal guardian.
because i just want to establish that lol
so your parents were involved with wilson fisk.
you had no idea about this of course, since you were very young when they were still involved in his business.
and btw when i say business i mean like his shady dealings
you were kind of left on your own a lot as a kid. you didn’t really mind it, and figured out how to entertain yourself.
however, when you were five years old, you returned home to find a truly awful crime scene.
you would learn much later in life that your parents had decided to report fisk, but before they were able to do so, he had them killed.
the perp was still there, and almost got you. however, a man with a black mask over his eyes was able to stop him for a second, yelling at you to run.
so you did. 
you ended up at an orphanage, but one day, a blind man came in looking to adopt.
you felt an immediate connection, and he adopted you when you were six. 
you’ve been inseparable ever since!!!
he told you all about your parents when you were older btw
anyways so now onto the fun stuff!!
one perk of living with matt is that your room is bomb.
bc his apartment is lowkey the coolest
if you like to visualise like i do, i imagine that your room is like next to the closet where he keeps the daredevil stuff
anyways it’s super cosy
and you also can basically see in the dark because even though it doesn’t matter if the lights are on, matt tells you to keep them off because then the electric bill will stay low 
you called him a cheapskate but he said that was rude :(
you still did it though #rebel 🥶🥶🥶
you guys bully each other all the time
it’s the way you bond :)
you go to the nelson & murdock offices after school or during the summers.
you have your own little desk there!
one time you said it was too distracting and so foggy bought a privacy folder for you LMAO
needless to say it didn’t help at all
most of the clients are really nice and they’ll ask you about school and life and stuff
you kind of put them at ease
you tried to talk to matt about him being kind of intimidating but he didn’t want to hear it.
and then foggy kept asking why you didn’t think HE was intimidating.
“i mean come on y/n! have you SEEN this face? matt has a little baby face compared to mine!!”
you laughed so hard omg
matt calls you if he needs anything or if you need to tell him something, but you mostly just text foggy to keep them both updated
in my mind, foggy texts like five texts for one sentence
he uses every emoji twice
and every time he uses an abbreviation he always capitalizes it and puts the real meaning in parentheses next to it
here is an example
“hi y/n. hope your day is going well 😃😃 matt and i just won our case 😎😎 so we are going to go to josie’s tonight to celebrate!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🥳🥳 let me know if you need anything from the store 🏬🏬 ok TTYL (TALK TO YOU LATER) OMG (OH MY GOSH) matt just fell LOL (LAUGH OUT LOUD) 😱😱 gotta go ☹️☹️”
he’s so silly i love him
also matt collects records and cds.
he used to go with you to buy them and let you choose whatever you thought looked good
which is why you have everything from no doubt to frank sinatra to obscure french music
you always have music on at the apartment
like all the time
which brings me to my next point
matt never wanted you to have to see him as daredevil
but it wasn’t like the topic could be avoided.
so when he comes home with awful wounds and stuff, you help clean him up, just like he used to do for his father
and you’re damn good at it too. you have a very steady hand and no squeamish attitude at all. 
but similar to how the scotch used to help matt steady himself when he helped his father, music helps you steady yourself.
you’ll listen to soft & acoustic songs, and it helps ease you AND him.
usually you don’t talk about the things he does. but if he mentions something, you will
but usually it goes without any mention
in my mind, you and matt have a tradition of listening to baseball games on the radio together
you don’t really have a team you alaays root for, it changes year to year
but the two of you get really invested.
like you left the office early every time there’s a game so you can listen together.
or one time he and foggy were prepping a case and there was a game on so he wasn’t even focused HAH
i also think that even though josie’s is a bar, you’re allowed in
not only that, josie will let you behind the bar to make yourself a drink.
ok not like an alcoholic one but still
you have this one mixture of cranberry juice and ginger ale with a lime that you call the “y/n special” and foggy tried it and spit it out :(
josie and some of the regulars almost kicked him out LMAO it was so funny
ok also i have this very clear vision of something foggy does
so to preface this
it’s a rainy day
or just a generally gloomy day
and you and matt are home.
karen is over too.
maybe you’re reading a book and matt and karen are prepping a case or something
and then the door suddenly bursts open
matt isn’t surprised because he heard it coming obvi 
but it caught you off guard
you look over to the kitchen, where the perpetrator is completely covered by the GIGANTIC grocery bags he’s holding.
“oh no.” 
you say, and matt shakes his head. karen is already laughing
foggy drops the bags and exhales, a huge grin overtaking his face.
“we are” you and karen and matt say in unison, trying to hold back laughter
basically every time the littlest bit of winter rolls around, foggy will bring every ingredient known to man over to your and matt’s apartment and make chicken soup
you make fun of this tradition but it’s been going on since foggy and matt were in law school
and the soup is actually so good
you four always eat it together and it makes you so happy
your family, all together at one table :)
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dragonmarquise · 9 days
Since devil theory is into anime, what types of genres do they usually watch????
Oh boy, this is gonna be a fun one to talk about :D
Well, for the most part. Also a bit long!
But first, something that’s probably not needed, but just in case: A disclaimer that some of the series mentioned here might not have aged well in terms of like… depictions of minorities or handling certain serious topics in questionable ways. I know a lot of the stuff I loved as a kid had problems like that.
*gestures towards Cardcaptor Sakura which has at least 3 different child/student x adult/teacher relationships, including the protagonist’s own parents for fuck’s sake!!*
Long story short, some of the mentioned series here are ones I have watched myself at some point in my life! I still love some of these for the good parts, but I’m not gonna make excuses for the bad parts (if what I just said about Cardcaptor Sakura doesn’t already make that clear). Again, this kind of thing is probably obvious for most people? But it’s also probably a good idea to state the obvious anyways.
So yeah, now that the disclaimer is established, onto anime talk!! Also a bit of manga talk here and there, since there’s overlap with different series. :u
Reiterating from my big Devil Theory post, all four of them had a little anime-manga club going during their school days (Nunchaku was an honorary member since she still lived in the US during this time). Adding more to this headcanon/idea, they kinda-sorta still have the club going, but it’s really just the four of them hanging out and watching/reading/talking about anime-manga stuff together like friends anyways. Also debates on stuff like power levels, which characters would win in a crossover battle (a la Death Battle), arguments over why a certain manga series does or did not deserve to have an anime adaptation, etc. :P
Also each of them have been bullied for this particular interest to some extent and at some point in their lives. Even with anime and manga being more “acceptable” these days, their first instinct is to still keep quiet about it, and hide any merch they have from anyone who notices. It takes each of them a while to actually open up about the topic to their own partners, let alone any friends outside of their own little circle. They get there eventually!
Moving on to the specific topic of favorite genres, in general they’ll at least check out the popular stuff together. Astro Boy, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, YuYu Hakusho, One Piece, Bleach, Naruto, Hunter x Hunter, Full Metal Alchemist, Mob Psycho 100, My Hero Academia, Delicious in Dungeon, Odd Taxi, also various anime movies like the Studio Ghibli films, so on and so forth. You probably get the point! Dragon Ball and its sequels is probably the big one they all remember starting off with. Each of them also have preferences for other stuff they’ll watch/read on their own!
Just as a reminder of who’s who, I’ll put in parentheses which OC corresponds to which DT palette, and a little blurb about them.
For specific favorites for Sai (spring palette, guy with anger problems who gets it sorted out eventually), his favorites are pretty straightforward: as long as it has awesome fights, he’ll watch it! He’ll suffer through a show with a crappy plot if it at least has excellent animation for the fight scenes. Like basically “we saved the budget for the fight scenes and cheaped out on everything else” levels of blegh. Same with manga, it better at minimum have cool art and fight scenes or it ain’t worth it in his opinion. Also he was absolutely inspired to get into art because of those fight scenes, and thus he now works as a freelance artist!
For Nunchaku (summer palette, butch lesbian with high gremlin energy), she really likes sports manga. Admittedly I don’t know a whole lot about this genre of anime/manga myself, but from snippets I’ve seen, I know it can get wild sometimes! Because of the period of her life where her parents forced her to do as many sports as possible, she knows a decent amount about a lot of different sports. She likes to see how the series she reads/watches compare to the real thing, and enjoys when things get really ridiculous.
Also a big fan of the early seasons of Pokemon, Digimon, and Yugioh. Those were her big intros to anime besides Dragon Ball. The later seasons of those three, eh, not so much. She doesn’t hate them but doesn’t love them either, y’know?
In addition to that, she also keeps an eye out for good wlw/yuri series. Nunchaku mostly checks out series made by (or at least written by) actual lesbians, bi women etc. But even then she has a very small pool of stuff she particularly loves, and is also frustrated with how little butch x butch stuff there is.
For Bō (winter palette, blond hair and weightlifting tech guy), he will check out anything involving mecha or cool technology, though he doesn’t always like them (Neon Genesis Evangelion is probably a big one that he regrets watching at all). At the least, if he likes the designs of the mecha/robots featured in the series, he’ll still buy figures or kits of them.
With series he’ll check out on his own that he actually likes, it’s mostly gay manga (i.e. stuff that tends to get labeled as "bara" in Western anime fandoms, even though the term itself is not generally seen as a positive in Japan. At least from what I’ve researched, it probably varies). Of course he enjoys them because Gay, but also because they tend to feature characters with similar body types as him who aren’t meant to be jokes in some way. Which, probably says a lot, doesn’t it? :(
So then besides those two genres and the big popular series he’ll check out with his friends, he’s more into gaming. Like, they all play video games and have their favorites, but Bō is the only one who would call himself a gamer. He has suffered through a lot of horrible video game adaptations of various series, lol…
And finally Daishō (autumn palette, leader of Devil Theory and sometimes basically roleplays as an anime villain while in costume lol), with his love of horror movies, he is also of course a big fan of horror anime and manga! Though whether he genuinely loves what he reads or not kinda depends, due to… sorta complicated feelings.
Okay so, the idea is, for a long while (including even into adulthood), he would check out particularly gruesome and gorey series, even if it got to a point of making him feel genuinely ill. Like, I’m talking about stuff with no deep story or themes to them, no cathartic or at least bittersweet endings. They were mostly if not completely just for the shock value of truly horrific things happening to the characters, who never survived in these series.
And a lot of the time, he read them just to laugh at the characters for being stupid, thinking they deserve the suffering. This also applies to non-anime/non-manga series too. He’d check out the stuff even big slasher fans would want to avoid, if that gives a better idea of what he was seeking.
After sorting out some personal issues (a lot of issues actually, including his big guilt about almost getting his friends and himself killed due to the deal with Faux), he comes to realize he only bothered with that particular subset of horror as a form of self-harm. Again, the big guilt about the Faux deal going wrong, though also guilt about feeling like he’s not doing enough for his friends, that his problems aren’t as bad as other people’s, and so on. Made himself suffer through horror content he can’t stand himself as a sort of subconscious punishment.
Once he works through those feelings, he stops reading/watching stuff like that. He even throws out and burns a lot of the books/DVDs/etc that he collected from that horror subset. After that, he still enjoys horror stuff of course! But he actually respects his own limits and doesn’t force himself to watch/read stuff he knows will just make him feel terrible or ill. He’s a big fan of Junji Ito stuff, plus other stuff in the same vein.
And, I think that about covers it! I was expecting to namedrop a few more series than this, but eh. :P
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robynbaldurlogs · 7 months
baldur log day 1 + 2
day 1 i dont have much to show for this day visually bc i wasnt actively documenting... but essentially, i: made my character, went through the beginning tutorials and stuff, took the little brain guy with me, saved shadowheart, and crashed on the beach. then i stopped playing. here is the only image i took before i got off LOL
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day 2 ok. so: shadowheart is cool as fuck. i LOVE her already. cannot wait to strengthen the social link with her or whatever the hell you call it. get the friendship numbers up. this fuckass poem had me dead:
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shoutout the bitch queen ig whoever you are. keep serving also i love this fucking guy. i can tell hes a conniving fuck but ohhhh hes kinda hot though!
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like why is he kinda cunty. but yea anyways he joined my party. also met this guy. gale. he is strangely charming. but he also gives me zephyr breeze vibes (which is bad) and jack sparrow vibes (which is very good). told my friend speves that and that i thought he looked like a smart himbo and she was like "i dont blame you for that read" + "we'll see" which i Dont Know how to take. my judgements were based off the literal first minute of conversation btw
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+ really stupid visual glitch i almost didnt notice. theyre fusing
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shadowheart talk your shit man.
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"just waiting, like a lovesick puppy?" ...... thats a bad thing? whatever you say man. gonna scare shadowheart with commitment. COMMITMENT JUMPSCARE BOO also little parentheses shadowheart is the most fucking dementia raven way ass name and i love it but it was hard to take it seriously for a little bit. warrior cats ass name. also i got crazy fucking lucky with my rolls. dont have many screenshots but i kept getting high numbers it was lucky as shit up until gale talked to me about needing to consume magical items like crack i read his mind with the mindflayer tadpole and found out it was cus he consumed some crazy ass Dark Magic or something, got a critical failure first, then just used some inspiration i had to get it right, and rolled high as shit LMAO
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hit the rolls TWICE btw. read his mind once and then went deeper into his mind which had a 15 dc and got that too. hell yeah baby. also afterwards i was totally honest with him about reading his mind and he freaked the fuck out which fair i read your mind. i get it. but still
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then i calmed him down by being like "hey man i had to know. youre dangerous" and passed the persuasion check :sunglasses: easiest game of my fucking life oh i talked to shadowheart abt her pains before that which was cool every conversation i have with her makes me like her more.
i met wyll. great guy. i went to camp to long rest and he dropped some INSANE fucking knowledge on me. like. i could live by this
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so i switched gale out in my party with him LMAOOOOOOO and had a conversation with astarion about how hed kill me if i started turning. i asked what he would prefer personally and he said decapitation. which was CRAZY. so i was like yeah sure king decapitate me if i turn. do your thing. i trust your judgment
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also talked to shadowheart bc i will seize every chance to learn more about her
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then i left camp, talked to kagha while looking for a healer, got them to free a tiefling girl through more persuasion rolls (BECAUSE IM GOATED) and talked to the healer nettie who was fixing a Regular Bird
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she told me how strange it is that we arent turning, to swear on my life id drink a poison if i saw any symptoms (which i of course agreed to, shadowheart approved and astarion did not) and stopped playing on the way to rescue halsin. fun times!
p.s. days doesnt necessarily mean im playing this daily but rather just what happens when i play per irl day... days just works as a way to categorize tbh
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wanderbreadsworld · 1 year
For the fic directors commentary, I would ask for commentary on the Kenny x reader X Claudio one but I'd é be happy with whatever you choose ⭐<3
I had to think of my favorite parts to comments on. Parts of the story will be italicized, while commentary will be regular text in (parentheses). It's a lot longer than I thought it would be, I'm so sorry 😭. But I'm glad I did this instead of redoing and commentating the whole fic jhdbsgker.
Backstage, their own fighting was putting me on edge. But, then the bell rang, and Claudio had pinned one of the bucks. With a sigh of defeat, I didn't realize that Kenny powered out of the ring, Claudio hot on his tail. It just looked like Claudio was going for another victim, so I didn't think twice about it.
But when I opened the door, two large men stood in front of me instead of the one I was used to. Claudio was right behind Kenny, both of their chests heaving from the run back here.
"Hi guys, awesome match. You gonna come in?" I wasn't sure who my question was directed towards, but they answered by turning to each other, a quick mumble of some french from Kenny, making Claudio nod and walk away to his own dressing room.
(This part for some reason took me a HOT minute to write. It was one of those things, where I knew what I wanted for the smut, but I needed to write the intro to get there lol. It worked out though! I think it's pretty okay to get us to where I needed to be!)
And when Kenny came out he gave me a warm smile. The kind that made his face look so soft and warm. The kind I fell in love with. (This is one of my favorite lines. It still feels a little out of nowhere in the story I feel, but it's so fucking tooth-achingly sweet, that I had to keep it.) But before I could tease him for "taking so long", there was a knock on the door. It wasn't totally odd for someone to stop by, but it still caught me off guard.
"Can you get that baby? Let me put a shirt on." (Noooo, don't put the tiddies away!) I hopped up while Kenny threw on a shirt real quick. I hummed to myself, hastily opening the door because if anyone, I expected the Bucks to be there. (It's not them though, now is it 👀)
But instead, Claudio stood in the doorway, freshly bathed himself. My face scrunched in confusion at the sight. It wasn't often that Claudio played games with Kenny (haha! Because you won't be playing games. It'll be something much more fun 😏), and not usually on Wednesday nights.
I went to turn to look for Kenny, only to bump into his warm chest (mmm, boobs). All I could do was look up and back at him as his hands moved to sit on my hips, keeping me there for the moment.
Kenny and Claudio shared a look. The taller man stepped inside, Kenny pulling me back, so the door could close.
With the door shut, both men stood incredibly close (Oh, to be sandwiched between those two BIG men🤤). The only thing that broke me out of my thoughts was Kenny clearing his throat to grab my attention.
"I may have made a bet with Claudio the other night. One where the prize would've been your body for the night." A blush heated my face at his words and what they meant (Just for reference, apologies for not implying it better, but this is something that these two have talked about before and teased. In the future, any Kenny x reader x ((insert third person)) will take place in the same universe, so this sharing kink has been discussed. I may even make a fic where they discuss their kinks and I can give my own two cents on what Kenny's into). So that's why Claudio was so eager to follow Kenny after the match. That's why they fought particularly hard against each other.
"The bet was one of us had to pin the other, but I can't go back on my word completely. So I told him I'd share. I should've told you first, but I knew you'd love the surprise." (Damn right I love the surprise! Who DOESN't want a surprise second dick!) Kenny smirked against my ear before pulling away, standing up and pressing himself against me. His growing erection pressing against my lower back. (Fucking hell man. You know that dick is B I G too. I wanna feel that against me.)
(I will skip around some, and auto translate the bits of French. I love the dirty talk in this story. Really plays into my kink for foreign languages, and a good touch of dumbification is just 🤌 The translations are under the cut, because they take a WHILE to get through, it took me forever lol)
"N'hésitez pas à l'emmener au lit." ("Feel free to take her to bed") His smooth voice easily switched to French. I wasn't sure when he learned, as he had never told me, but I didn't question. Nor did I get the time to ask when Kenny pulled away, Claudio swooping in and sweeping me off my feet. (Yes Claudio, lift me off my feet with so little effort, you strong bastard 🤤)
"Sait-elle ce que nous disons ?" ("Does she know what we're saying?") He asked, a smirk on his face as he looked at Kenny.
When my boyfriend shook his head, Claudio looked back down at me, tutting with feigned pity. (God, need that man to feign pity on me. Also, who needs to know what they're saying? It's gonna be a good time no matter what they say!)
"Pauvre petite chose." ("Poor little thing") With those last words, I was dropped to the bed below, squeaking from surprise.
"Voulez-vous qu'il vous utilise?" ("Do you want him to use you?" God, I need Kenny to use me too) Kenny's smooth voice sounded, and I tried to make sense of what he was saying. My confused look earning a dark chuckle from him.
"Tsk tsk, tu dois lui demander bébé." ("Tsk tsk, you gotta ask him baby") That fake pity was back in his voice, and it made me shiver with delight. Being their stupid little toy that didn't understand, and only wanted more. (All I want is to be filled with Kenny. It's all I ever need, and knowing when it'll happen next is all I ever need to know🤤) It was too perfect.
Without another word, Claudio worked my underwear down my thighs and licked his way to my clit before sucking on it gentle, groaning to himself at the taste. (Also wanted to put this here, because I just feel Claudio is very good at eating out.)
"Si ça la rend comme ça, on pourrait la briser." ("If it makes her like this, we could break her") Claudio teased to Kenny, both men chuckling.
"Vous n'avez même pas vu comment elle est sur votre bite. Attends, ça va mieux." ("You haven't even seen how she is on your dick. Wait, it's better". Pls Kenny, slut me OUT)
"Maintenant soyez bon. Je lui ai dit de ne pas être gentil, alors écoute. D'accord?" ("Now be good. I told him not to be nice, so listen. All right?") The lilt in his voice that told me he was asking a question prompted an immediate nod to me. Not fully knowing what I was agreeing to was turning me on more than I thought. What made it even better, was no matter what I knew I'd have fun, because Kenny would never do anything that I wouldn't want to happen. (Gotta keep that consent in there! Kenny would never do anything to actually hurt you)
"Regarde-le. Il a laissé cela vous arriver. Tu vas être ruiné, petit agneau. Soyez une bonne salope et rendez-la heureuse." ("Look at him. He let this happen to you. You are going to be ruined, little lamb. Be a good slut and make her happy". Claudio teasing like this just came so easily, and I hope it is as enjoyable to others as it was to me!)
"Nous parlons de vous. En parlant de ta stupidité, petit agneau. Regardez-moi." ("We are talking about you. Speaking of your stupidity, little lamb. Look at me". God, I love that. The whole "little (insert name here)", it gets me every time) He pulled me closer to make me open my eyes before continuing. "Vous vous débrouillez si bien. Maintenant tais-toi et prends le reste." ("You are doing so well. Now shut up and take the rest") With his last words, Claudio's body left mine, and I nearly cried at the loss of being filled.
"Vous avez si bien réussi. Viens maintenant, ma chérie." ("You've done so well. Come now, my dear". Kenny helping you to the finish ;) man won't leave us hanging after all!)
"Maintenant dis merci." ("Now say thank you") Knowing what "merci" meant, I figured what he wanted me to say.
"Thank you, Claudio." I said before I took a sip of water to wet my dry throat, not realizing how painfully dry it was.
He just smirked, nodding before he replied.
"Anytime." Hearing him speak in English almost made me angry I couldn't understand their earlier conversations, but I let it go. I'm sure Kenny would happily recount, and then relive some of his favorite phrases and moments. (God, Kenny will not hold back recounting what was said. I know he'll tease even more for you asking too. But that's part of the fun 😏)
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visualgingerbread · 10 months
hey all, frank here. i remember a guy who said something like that. jeez, it's been so long since i've actually used this blog. seeing all the old art sends shivers up my spine lmao. not really! i'm kinda proud. played sburb--that's a whole debacle i'm not going to get into at the moment--and now i'm in this ship. god-tiered, became a prince of mind, found love, this game pretty much changed my life entirely. used to be a huge jackass! and i still am. uh. i guess if some dicknose in paradox space ends up reading this, i'm a digital artist. i'm gay, i have an awesome boyfriend named sunny, and i've been doing a lot of work on myself as of late. i'm not that great of a person. i can't fix what i've done, i know that, but i'll let who i've hurt know that i beg for their forgiveness. sorry. i guess i shouldn't have gotten sappy. my bad. i don't know how to end this now. (yo, this is byt, parentheses mean i'm communicatin' and not frank. there's some rules i gotta lay down, obvs.) (no nsfw or anything similar! i am a MINORRRR. i am UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGEEEEE. i will explode you if you ask weird shit.) (do not talk about much of actual real-ass canon homestuck! while yes, dave strider is apart of frank's crew, this will just confuse the gay little tangerine. there were a TON of creative liberties taken in this fansession.) (please do not hate/bash me or my friends. we are just enjoying a fun little roleplay and nothing more. if bullying or anything of the sort is attempted, you will be blocked and reported immediately.) (although frank is an artist, i am not. any/all art with frank in it will most likely be made by my friend koma, and i will tag it appropriately!) (last but not least, the main tag will be "#frank is on tumblr i think") (thank you for your consideration, and let's have some fun here :DDD)
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hella1975 · 4 years
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an angsty haiku for Prisoner Zuko, in spirit of the poetry movement on your tumblr. do i get extra points for the parenthetical?
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Winter Headcanons
First Years
building snowman building forts across Main Street to fight with the other first years. You guys all camp out at ramshackle almost every other night in the living room you build little tents and it’s adorable and it’s really fun. You guys also do a lot of baking surprisingly Jack and deuce are the best at it. Jack’s a really good baker and deuce is just really good at decorating. Epel tries to make a Vil cookie and then proceeds to eat it… you guys do a little secret Santa and white elephant exchange which means that you buy a gift pull it random name out of a hat and give whatever you got for the gift to that person regardless of what they wanted or not. It’s kind of funny because Ace definitely got a gag gift and give it to Sebek who utterly destroyed him for his taste in gifts. You guys take plenty of photos with the ghost camera and may or may not go visit Santa Claus and sit on his lap and tell him what you want for Christmas because you guys aren’t two--year-olds.
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A lot of indoor tea parties. He really enjoys playing board games, and if you’re lucky he might take you out on a horse ride. Which could be fun because he might take you out when it’s snowing and it’s really pretty and all that. Not because he wants to but because you know he looks lonely. He really enjoys watching the snowfall and just relaxing so that’s probably what he’s going to be doing the most of.
He loves walking down the road to admire all the Christmas lights and he definitely helped decorate the entire day of Main Street for the holidays. He loves baking cookies for everyone which sometimes you guys do a little taste test. (And sometimes other stuff goes down but we don’t talk about that(where did that mind of yours go)) not that you saw the parentheses but sometimes he sneaks mistletoe into the kitchen so he can give you a kiss so are you guys are baking away. He knows like 1000 different recipes and you could you guys bake them all season long because he wants to give you everything.
Definitely has a bucket list winter date list because why the hell wouldn’t he. His goal is to do it all in this one winter season which is almost impossible because he has like 200 things on that list and you’d have to be doing multiple things a day. So you guys will definitely be doing a lot of outfit changes to make it seem like you did when each day… He loves listening to people Carol and walks down the road just to admire all the lights in the windows and take aesthetically pleasing photos because why the hell not. He definitely radiates the kind of energy of a child that would make slime themed after every holiday so that’s definitely something on his winter bucket list. Build a blanket fort this as much as he wants to go on social media does not because it’s so cozy and he doesn’t want to get up to get his phone so you guys just cuddle.
He brought a whole ass tree into his dorm and decorated it at like two in the morning, then got yelled at by Riddle because he broke some rule that says you’re not allowed to have a Christmas tree over 8 feet tall or some thing. Eventually the Riddle didn’t forgive him because it’s kind of pretty. Ace definitely blows bubbles to see if they freeze I don’t know why he just does. He thinks it’s really funny and hopes there’s a different outcome each time but it’s the same don’t tell him though. You guys have video game or game board nights, he loves running around and playing in the snow starting snowball fights with random students he doesn’t know. Just because he wants to, he once hit Crowley we don’t talk about that
This is favorite thing is to feed the reindeer. I don’t know why it’s something I do and I just think his dumb Brain would get so much joy out of it. He also really loves to catch snowflakes on his tongue even though they melt and he gets really sad about it. He’s very much as soon as he gets back to his dorm or to your dorm he puts on his PJs he doesn’t care what Riddle says well he kind of cares but Rita kind of lets its slide. He just wants to be cozy he also surprisingly really likes going caroling he’s not the best singer in the world but he’s definitely not bad it’s something he definitely needs to work on. But it’s the thought that counts and sometimes he does just mouths words make it seem like he’s singing but he’s not sometimes he’s a little embarrassed.
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If you thought he was a lazy during the other times the year he is sleeping all day long all day long all week long. There isn’t a time where you find him awake unless you have to wake him up. Che’ka Is the cutest thing ever during the winter because he makes him go sledding and it’s so funny to watch a drowsy Leona go down the hill in a sled with his fun loving nephew. Not much happens during the winter because he’s asleep for most of it so it’s a lot cuddling and a lot of get out of bed.
He’s got a big ass winter coat, this boys coat for winter could literally be made into three more coats for people to wear. And now you know what he looks like when he’s home during the winter. He tries his best to cut it but his hair just keeps growing. Some of the things that he really loves doing in the winter with you is running through snow piles in his wolf form it just makes him feel more at home, he’s fucking loves winter, he loves snowboarding skiing running around being wild it’s his favorite time of the year because spring and fall give him really bad allergies and summer is just overbearingly hot especially because he’s got think fur.
You better be ready when Springtime i’m around because this boy is shedding his winter coat. Yes I did do research for this, hyenas in prehistoric times lived in colder climates so they actually did grow winter coats nowadays hyenas usually live somewhere near the savanna so they don’t usually have it. But since it’s cold out this boy is growing a winter coat, it’s thick but it’s not long so you don’t have to worry about that. Another receipt. Like his usual dates he really enjoys having a good indoor picnic but he also doesn’t mind an outdoor one as long as it’s in his dorm because it’s hot there and doesn’t have to worry about snow. He is super unproductive during the winter basically Leona at this point, but sadly he cannot given she was urges to sleep all day because we wanna is even worse than usual. If he does go out he usually enjoys ice fishing especially in spots he really shouldn’t be ice fishing in like in the middle of school grounds that kind of thing.
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This. Man. Is. Classy. That is all, he is the most bougie man you have ever met he takes you on all the fancy dates the ones that are the black tie dates what do you have to dress formal and he loves the black-and-white on you there’s just something about it that he loves. But at the same time he is also a child so definitely look forward to cuddle time after dinner or in the middle of the day he’ll pull you aside and he’ll be like “can we cuddle?”
Jade is very chill, during the winter I mean he’s always chill but he definitely doesn’t go outside a whole lot unless you ask him to. His favorite thing that he’s done with you over the winter is building ugly with you that it was so fun and building it was kind of hard, but to every good there is a bad and that happened in the form of Floyd because he jumped on it thinking it was a giant snow pile while you guys were in it… Needless to say Floyd was forced to build another one and you guys stayed in there reading a bit.
Floyd loves a good competition so he makes a competition out of literally everything, especially hot cocoa there’s no actual rules though so he literally puts everything on it and even though it could look like the most disgusting thing ever he still says he wins. Can you just have to agree because if you don’t he might get a little sad. He is definitely that annoying kid that plays Christmas music before he supposed to like early November until late January. Any chance that he is free in the lounge he changes the music and you can change it back to whatever it was and then two seconds later he would be back there changing it again. He doesn’t do it because he enjoys it he does it because it’s annoying people. He also quite enjoys bonfires while it’s snowing which is a complete paradox because it defeats the whole purpose of trying to stay warm if it’s snowing but I digress he can do as he pleases,
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He has basically been shelted his whole life the first year that you guys go out in the snow is the first time he’s really ever seen snow or experienced it. Other than that one time in his dorm. He doesn’t have winter clothes at all so the first thing you definitely need to do is go get him some. When he goes outside he dances in the snow and he thinks it’s so amazing until he lays in it and realizes he’s actually dying from the cold. That was the moment he realized he was stupid… he still dances around in the snow just this time with an actual coat and everything he feels like a giant marshmallow and he chose to hug you but can’t get close enough because he bought like 1000 different coats.
He’s is not gonna lie he is not a huge fan of winter or snow he’ll put up with it but if he can avoid it he won’t go outside. Every now and then if he’s feeling nice he’ll go out with you and have a snowball fight build a snowman or do something festive but that’s like every couple weeks. However if you decide to go out at all he definitely make sure that you dress warm and basically becomes your mother making sure that you’ve your hat and gloves and scarf and everything you could possibly need to stay warm. More often than not he asks you to stay over so that you’re not freezing in your dorm.
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They’ll despite the snow is still as graceful and elegant as ever so he definitely takes you out during a light snow to have like a candlelight dinner or some thing. He also likes silver enjoys ice-skating so they’re often ice-skating and you can join them as well if you know, vil isn’t as nice as silver though and he probably won’t take the time to teach you he’ll just throw you on the ice and you can just watch him. He also quite enjoys telling everyone to get off the ice so that he can perform. He really hates going out for long periods of time though because his coat is fashionable not practical so he’s actually like really really cold. He quite enjoys going to museums during this period to admire art even though he’ll comment on him being the best piece in the gallery. If you thought his routine during the other times of the year were long he don’t tell anyone but actually sleeps in quite a lot during the winter and then takes like three hours to get ready.
He loves going sightseeing during the winter because everything basically changes in his eyes, he loves to write little poems just for the occasion. He also really enjoys Snow hunting he doesn’t really like taking your long if you’re finicky, Sometimes instead of hunting he actually just takes you to go see the animals. He also likes to chill by the fire side and drink hot cocoa. However his all-time favorite thing to do is go for carriage rides or take you on a horse through the woods he thinks it’s so romantic and so cute and you basically the center of attention.
When you’re on the way to class and you walk down the main road he definitely sneaks in a snowball at you. He absolutely hates winter with his dorm, because despite it being cold Vil definitely doesn’t let him wear his coat that he really likes or anything like that it’ll be some white furry coat that he absolutely hates because it’s not warm at all it’s just fashionable. Despite Vill’s attempts to stop him Epel loves doing ice hockey with everyone including you. Vil said next time he sees it in his room he’s getting rid of it so he just keeps it at ramshackle. A couple of other things he loves doing is building snowman, making paper snowflakes and drinking apple cider.
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I’m putting these two together because honestly they have such a similar personality in my head for winter. Ortho would definitely want to have a couple snowball fights and you would both drag Idia out of his room he’ll try to complain about it being cold or something and try to go back in but you won’t let him. When Idia gets his way you guys are mostly just inside playing games usually board games. Ortho definitely loves to make gingerbread houses after you show him and he’s literally made a whole city by the end winter. Now nobody can use one of the tables in the main hall… The first time you show ortho sledding he goes crazy over it he absolutely loves it it’s so much fun to him and after you guys are done you definitely have to let him go inside and warm up because despite not being able to really feel it he does get cold considering he’s made out of metal. Idia does a lot more sleeping during the winter because he just doesn’t like going outside in the cold.
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Malleus is about the same as he always does which does not mean he’s not romantic it just means nothing changes. He loves to walk with you through the snow around ramshackle and any other abandoned place in the world that he adores, and he talks your ear off lovingly about all manner of history and architecture and gargoyles because we all know he loves talking about that. He also loves to dance with you in snow that’s not finely packed so that whenever you spin it kind of lifts up some of the snow and he just thinks it’s absolutely beautiful. A personal opinion here of course I’ll head cannons are really personal opinion but I really think his favorite season is probably winter or fall because you stick out so much and the duller colors and he loves that everyone can just see you and how wonderful you are, against the dull background. His favorite memory with you over the winter is when you start a snowball fight for the first time with him and he thinks it’s all fun and games until he uses magic to make more snowballs and then utterly destroy you and then profusely apologize afterwards because he messed up your hair or something. He still often apologizes but in all reality you don’t really care.
Lilia is all about pulling pranks, On everyone that includes you. It’s favorite thing to do even if you’re in the middle of class at he’ll keep some snow and just put it in your coat. He’s not overly romantic during the holidays or anything like that however to him the romantic aspect is going with you to pull pranks on other people.
Silver that ever loving romantic yet extremely lazy boy. Loves when you read to him by the fire and loves to cuddle with you. He also is quite good at ice-skating and definitely invite you along even if you can’t skate he’ll try his best to teach you. But the whole time you’re just standing there looking at how amazing he is when he skates.
He would love nothing more then to chill, it’s one of the only times in the year he can relax, so he chooses to Watch movies and wrap presents. You just know this boy is going to spoil the hell out of you! Along with the whole chilling atmosphere during the winter season he also really loves cute little romantic things like making you breakfast like pancakes or creating snow angels outside of Diasomnia. I just know he’s in charge of getting the tree for diasomnia‘s hall so he definitely invites you you know to have a second opinion, and of course to get a tree for Ramshackle.
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vanderwoodlings · 2 years
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calling out your name in my sleep: a dan/nate playlist (x)
Text version of the tracklist (with commentary) under the cut
1. “Somebody Told Me,” The Killers. Lemme just fix that love triangle for you, okay?
1. “Somebody Told Me,” The Killers. Lemme just fix that love triangle for you, okay?
2. “Just What I Needed,” The Cars. I don't mind you hangin' out/And talkin' in your sleep.
3. “Build Me up Buttercup,” The Foundations. I need you (I need you)/More than anyone, darling/You know that I have from the start/So build me up (Build me up)/Buttercup, don't break my heart. Look it’s fun and it’s dumb and they’re into each other and bad at talking. What more do you need?
4. “You’re My Best Friend,” Queen. Oh, you're the first one/When things turn out bad/You know I'll never be lonely/You're my only one/And I love the things/I really love the things that you do
5. “Nothing Like You and I,” The Perishers. This is the title track to the one (1) date playlist on 8tracks and it’s. So right. I love my boys
6. “Boy Like Me,” New Medicine. Okay yes it’s the Dan of it all, but Nate would be there too? These guys pine so hard because they don’t think the other person could care about them
7. “GUY.exe,” Superfruit—the opposite side of that jealous-gay vibe
8. “I Would,” Lower Than Atlantis. I'm in too deep/Sit alone and think/Of all the stupid things that/I would do to be near you for a minute
9. “Make Out,” Julia Nunes. But I won't let go of you/‘til you push me away/The second you leave/I miss you/I could see you tomorrow/But I don't wanna wait, so
10. “Talk Too Much,” COIN. Honey, come put your lips on mine/And shut me up/We could blame it all on human nature/Stay cool, it's just a kiss
11. “Stray Italian Greyhound,” Vienna Teng. Please not now/I just settled into the glass half empty/Made myself at home/And so why now. I have a lot of thoughts about like… this being a relationship that happens when both of them are pretty fucked, and the fact that there’s this guy, and he makes me happy being, at the least, new
12. “Dog Days Are Over,” Florence + The Machine.
13. “Lucky People,” Waterparks. Let's keep each other safe from the world/I'll be your optimistic black hole/Full of love I can't control
14. “I Wouldn’t Mind,” He Is We. Forever is a long time/But I wouldn't mind spending it by your side/Tell me everyday I'd get to wake up to that smile
15. “Loser,” Julian Moon. Friday night with Chinese food/Wanna take it back/To my place/And play Super Mario Kart again? They are. Best friends
16. “Wouldn’t It Be Nice,” The Beach Boys. It would be nice <3
17. “Friday I’m in Love,” The Cure. To see your shoes and your spirits rise/Throwing out your frown and just smiling at the sound
18. “Parentheses,” The Blow. If something in the deli aisle makes you cry/Of course I'll put my arm around you/And I'll walk you outside/Through the sliding doors/Why would I mind?
19. “Falling In,” Lifehouse. Now don't be scared, it's only love/That we're falling in
20. “What You Do to My Soul,” Air Traffic Controller. We could just lie here on the floor/Take all them pillows and we'll build ourselves a fort/And play until we fall asleep/Inside these walls/Feels like I have got it all
21. “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles),” The Proclaimers. You know.
22. “Sidekick,” WALK THE MOON. Something in the air is giving me bad ideas/Something in the air is giving me dangerous thoughts like:/Why don’t you stay at mine tonight?
23. “Text Me In The Morning,” Neon Trees. So text me in the morning/Tell me you still love me/I don't believe a single word/You tell me you're tipsy/I tell you you're pretty
24. “Hot,” Avril Lavigne. I wanna put your hand in my pocket/Because you're allowed. Tfw you’re stupidly into your bf
25. “Chasing Cars,” Snow Patrol. I don't quite know/How to say/How I feel/Those three words/Are said too much/They're not enough
26. “Keep on Tryin’,” Poco. Oh yes, I keep on tryin'/I'm tired of cryin'/I got to find a way to get on home to you
27. “Be Okay,” Oh Honey. The vibes… they’re good…
28. “You Always Make Me Smile,” Kyle Andrews. I like your messy hair/I like the clothes you wear/I like the way you sing/And when you dance with me
29. “Restless Dream,” Jack’s Mannequin. We are technically talking about a non-canon ship here but it’s fINE
30. “The Bro Duet,” George Salazar, Jason Gotay. Legit the first thing put on this playlist
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Ok but imagine; instead of Mammon showing the MC around it’s Lucifer/Satan or whatever brothers.
How would the game play out? Like what brothers would they bond with the most the fastest etc (it’s usually Mammon and Levi that take the fastest to MC)
Ugh, my heart. Mammon is up there next to Levi in my favorites, and thinking that hurts, but also it would completely change the game and I think it could completely change the relationships MC has!
I agree Mammon and Levi would be the fastest, but also Beel. He just seems to always be on MC's side. The others just need more time to trust MC.
This is just my opinion on how I think the game would be different. I would love to hear what you guys think! (Most of these are pretty lenient on the exact order, it is just a general idea).
I guess this is going to be set up kinda like a Most to Least likely to...
For Chapters 1 - 20
So I am going to make a numbered list for the order of how MC gets close with/makes pacts with. The bolded word or Header tells you which brother was told to take care of MC, like Mammon is in Obey Me. (Parentheses and italics is my reasoning)
Originial: (Mammon)
First-Born: (Lucifer)
Mammon (Lucifer would get busy with work and push off his protector duties to Mammon because he is the second strongest)
Beelzebub (I can also see Lucifer giving protective duties to Beel because he knows Beel is strong enough to defend MC by himself. So Beel could replace Mammon as number one. They are tied.)
Lucifer (He would be with MC most of the time and would build up a lot of trust with them. So I feel like he would be pretty high on the list)
Leviathan (He would start to get a little jealous and want to know why this human is getting so much attention! Are they really that cool!?)
Asmodeus (I could see Asmodeus feeling the same way as Levi. Mainly because Lucifer never makes pacts so now he wants to know what's up with the human.)
Belphegor (Belphie is apart of the Lucifer hate club, but he would come around because of Beel.)
Satan (He is also part of the Lucifer hate club. I think it would take a lot of convincing for him to make a pact with MC. Mainly because they are with Lucifer all the time and they probably take his side more than Satan's.)
The Lord of Shadows: (Levi)
Leviathan (At first he would ignore them because he thinks they are a normie, but then he starts to show them things and sees they have similar interests. Also online school for MC?)
Mammon (I could see Levi doing the same thing Mammon did to him in the original game. "Mammon stole my figure. Make a pact with him and force him to give it back")
Beelzebub (I just think Levi likes Beel more than some of the other Brothers so they hang out a good amount)
Satan (Levi shares some of the same taste in shows as Satan so binge fest to get to know each other?)
Asmodeus (Asmodeus is very outgoing compared to Levi, that is why I put him so low because the two are just different)
Belphegor (He is kinda locked up... and I think he has a sense of pride and doesn't want to make a pact with humans because of his disdain at this time)
Lucifer (I think Lucifer is the hardest to get a pact with because of his pride and he really needs to trust MC, so he is going to be on the bottom for most of these and that is why)
Hungry Twin: (Beel)
Beelzebub (Of course he would make a pact with MC first! Especially if they mention Belphie early enough)
Mammon (Mammon would stomp into Beel's room angry about something and just find MC sitting and they would hang and get close)
Leviathan (Again, I just feel like Beel and Levi get a long. As long as Beel doesn't eat some of his limited edition stuff...)
Asmodeus (Asmo is busy with impressing the masses, but will eventually take notice of MC and become interested)
Satan (I feel like Satan needs time to fully trust MC, that is why he is lower)
Belphegor (He is down here, because I think he is a little reluctant to make a pact with a human, but I think Beel would stand up for MC and he would change his mind)
Lucifer (Same as above)
Avatar of Wrath: (Satan)
Satan (I just think spending so much time with him would make him trust MC enough to make a pact)
Asmodeus (of course Asmo would be next because he hangs around Satan a lot)
Leviathan (He would pop in to trade books with Satan or talk about their shared interests in shows and then MC would join in making him interested in them)
Mammon (idk why, but I feel like he is here. I can't explain it, but I could also see him being below Beel)
Beelzebub (It's not like I want Beel to be last, I just wanted all the others to be first, but I think he could easily be up there)
Belphegor (Same as Levi)
Lucifer (Same as above)
Most Beautiful Demon: (Asmodeus)
Asmodeus (He probably isn't very protective at first, mainly just having them follow him around, but then he notices their adorable mannerisms and face so he makes a pact.)
Satan (Asmo and Satan hang out a lot, so I just think that logically he would be the next closest)
Leviathan (He would get jealous and would want to know MC. But I could also see him below Beel)
Beelzebub (I feel like Beel would become MC's protector when Asmo goes out to party and doesn't take MC)
Mammon (I think he could be higher, but I put him this low because I feel like Asmo picks on Mammon the most and he would be afraid to hang out with MC and be made fun of)
Belphegor (Same as Levi)
Lucifer (Same as above)
Sleepy Cow: (Belphie)
Belphegor (So Belphie isn't the "protector", but just think if Belphegor desperately made a pact with MC first to get out. That is this list)
Beelzebub (I feel like MC would mentions Belphie's desperation and he would be down)
Mammon (I just feel like he latches onto MC and takes care of them with Beel)
Leviathan (I feel like this would play out the same as in the original)
Satan (Would love to put Lucifer in his place if you mention it to him. Because Lucifer put Belphie in the attic and everything)
Asmodeus (He doesn't have a motive to take down Lucifer or help Belphie, he just thinks MC is great)
Lucifer (This one is different. I think he is the last one because he knows about MC's plan and doesn't want them using his power against him)
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evanpeterssource · 3 years
Evan Peters and Billie Lourd Discuss the Art of Dying Onscreen
BILLIE LOURD: Let me set the scene for you: I’m sitting outside my house in my never-washed car, because that’s the only silent place in my home, and it’s not even in my home. I have a wireless breast pump with me, so if you hear a weird sound, that’s what that is.
PETERS: I’m in my bedroom, currently in my PJs. I worked a night shoot last night and am doing a night shoot again tonight. So, I’m drinking coffee and trying to wake up and get back into it.\
LOURD: I know how that goes. My hands are on my temples for you. Okay, Ev, I’m fucking obsessed with Mare of Easttown. I do not watch any shows because if I ever have free time, it’s usually spent napping or just lying in a silent room. But I failed all my nap times with watching this show. You’re a fucking genius.
PETERS: Thanks Billie. I appreciate it.
LOURD: Tell me the story of how it all came to be.
PETERS: They sent me the script and it said that Kate Winslet was going to be the lead, and that it was an HBO crime drama. So I was like, dude, I’ve got to really work on this one. I did the self-tape thing, so it was super awkward and weird.
LOURD: It was a self-tape? Wow.
PETERS: Yeah, I sent that in, and then the director and writer and showrunner were like, “You want to have some lunch?” And I was like, “They’re going to tell me to redo the tape, I know it.” And then they offered me the part, thankfully.
LOURD: That’s when you know you’re a really good actor, is when you get a part off a self-tape. I’ve never done that.
PETERS: Oh come on, you’re a great actress. You can do that single-tear thing.
LOURD: I do have a single-tear thing!
PETERS: That’s incredibly hard to do.
LOURD: Only when there’s a promise of bratwurst at Krafty’s will I do a single tear. What was the scene that you had to tape?
PETERS: The earlier scenes, where I’m coming in and meeting Mare and she just does not want me there at all.
LOURD: I was going to say, if you had to do that drunk scene, or the breakdown scene, that would be a nightmare. Did you know you were going to die? How did that make you feel? I’m a therapist now.
PETERS: It was a little stressful trying to navigate that. You had a finite amount of time to cram in all this stuff. Because you knew how it was going to go, and you wanted it to have an interesting arc, but… poor Zabes.
LOURD: Dude, it was fucking devastating. Zabel is so sweet, and you’re like, “No, he was on such a fucking upswing!” You’ve gotten shot in the head a couple of times now, which is pretty rare for an actor.
PETERS: Yeah, he’s got to work on that quick draw. But it was a cool scene to shoot. We kind of stretched out time and it was like The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, where it was a stare-down, and you’re like, “God, this feels like a really long time to be staring at people.” But Craig, the director, was like, “We’ll edit it. It’ll look good.” And nowadays, everything’s CGI, so back in the day they probably would have used blanks to help with that, but it was just a click. Or the other actor going, “Bang!” and all of a sudden you would have to get shot in the head. And you’re like, “What are we, 12, playing with guns?” It was such an awesome set that they built. They found this property that was like an abandoned bar, with a house on the back. And then set dressing came in and made it that amazing, creepy, disheveled, messed-up house that it was. So it was really cool to be in there and feel like, “Oh my God, we got the guy.”
LOURD: It’s amazing to watch you piece it together and look at each other and hear the pipe banging. It’s so suspenseful. We’ve got to talk about Kate. Can I call her Kate? Should I call her Kate Winslet? She’s so fucking magical. What was that like working with her.
PETERS: I was pretty terrified and nervous and stressed out before meeting her. I’m such a huge fan, and she’s one of the best actresses of all time. But she was so warm and down-to-earth and immediately disarming. What’s really cool is that she’s very collaborative. I thought she was going to be like, “Nope, I’m right. You’re all wrong.” You know, because she’s brilliant. But she was very open to new ideas and exploring things. I found that really reassuring, and surprising, since she’s set at such a high caliber.
LOURD: That’s so cool to hear. I feel like every actor’s dream is to get to work with her. Did you stay in your accents all the time? I always wonder that when people do accents.
PETERS: I was in it the whole time. I’m not good enough of an actor to be able to pop in and out of it. Somebody on set said there are different levels. There’s the learning it, there’s the “I have to stay in it,” and then there’s, “I’m so good that I can pop in and out of it.” Kate was that. She was incredibly English throughout the whole thing. Like [in British accent], “Oh, hi, Zabes. How are you doing babes? You good? Everything good? Okay, great.” And then she’d be like [in Philadelphia accent], “Let’s go get a hoagie. Let’s go down to the shore and check out the store.” I was just like, oh my god. How do you do that?
LOURD: That is so trippy. I don’t think I could do that.
PETERS: No, I could not do that. She’s really impressive that way.
LOURD: What was your favorite scene to do with Kate? I have to stop calling her that. Lady Winslet?
PETERS: There were so many. The bar scene was pretty awesome because it was so improvised.
LOURD: Oh, really?
PETERS: Yeah, it was just kind of fun to be at a bar with Lady Winslet.
LOURD: That’s my dream.
PETERS: But there was another scene that I really liked too: When I first got in the car, and I’m like, “Hey, are we carpooling?” And she’s like, “Ugh, this fucking guy.” And then I get in the car and she slams on the gas and I almost smoke my head. I thought that was really fun because it was one of the earlier scenes that we shot, and it set the tone for how much Mare was annoyed at Zabel being there.
LOURD: How did you do the bar scene? Are you allowed to get drunk?
PETERS: No, you can’t get drunk unfortunately. But I would say I’ve done a ton of research over the years. You know, at a couple of your birthday parties.
LOURD: Would you rather do a death scene or a killing scene?
PETERS: Oh, that’s a hard question. It really depends on how you’re killing or dying. Dying is such a challenge, as an actor.
LOURD: I don’t like dying.
PETERS: It’s so hard. It’s like, how do you do it? And does this look believable? Can they see me breathing? It really depends on how you’re getting killed as well. There’s so many questions and so many ifs.
LOURD: Killing me in American Horror Story was such a laugh. I hope they put in parentheses, “She said sarcastically.”
PETERS: Yeah, that was a pretty horrific day.
LOURD: That was a rough one. I’ve watched it back and I can definitely see myself breathing. And the eyes are so hard, like to actually keep your eyes open. I feel like I’ve made the decision to close my eyes. Do you do open-eye or closed-eye deaths?
PETERS: I like to do a little halfsies—a little open, a little closed.
LOURD: I like it. Split the difference. Have you been on the streets since Zabel died? Do people come up and hug you and thank god that you’re actually alive?
PETERS: No. I’ve gotten some text messages that were like, “Sorry, man. You’ve got to work on that quick-draw.” I’m super stoked that people like the show.
LOURD: It’s one of those shows that’s now part of the zeitgeist. Even my baby loves it. How long did it take to shoot?
PETERS: Gosh, we started in October 2019, and then I was supposed to be done at the beginning of March 2020. I had about two or three weeks left. Then the pandemic hit and they punted it to September. I was like, “Oh man, I’ve got to keep learning this accent for six months.”
LOURD: And not eat all the double doubles in sight. You had to keep that accent and keep that bod.
PETERS: Yeah, it was a challenge.
LOURD: What do you think would have happened with Mare and Zabel if Zabel didn’t die? It’s a real thinker.
PETERS: Ooh, that is a real thinker. I think they would have gone on a few more dates and then Mare probably would’ve realized that Zabel’s not the one. Zabel would have been devastated again.
LOURD: I think they could have had a shotgun wedding in Vegas and lived happily ever after. It could have been great.
PETERS: I like that for Zabel. That sounds good.
LOURD: Do you think you would have moved to Easttown or would he have gone back?
PETERS: I think he definitely would have had to move out of his mom’s place. For sure that would have been step number one.
LOURD: Were you sad when he died or did you think that this was the perfect ending for him?
PETERS: I thought it was an interesting ending to the character. He kind of came in, and then it was so shocking, but that’s the way death is in real life. You’re never really expecting it, and then it happens.
LOURD: It’s amazing you got to know the whole arc of the character before you played him.
PETERS: Yeah, it’s rare to get all the episodes beforehand. You make a choice in episode two and then you get to episode seven and you’re like, “Oh wait, that was totally wrong, what I did in episode two… Can we go back and reshoot that?” And they’re like, “No.”
LOURD: Did knowing the ending affect how you played him? He was so lovable anyway, but did knowing he was going to die make you play him even more lovably, if that’s a word?
PETERS: Yeah, that did play into it. There was talk about making him a little bit more arrogant and cocky. But I thought, when he dies, it’d be more tragic if he wasn’t that. So we tried to make him a little bit bumbling and not as good of a detective and really trying. We wanted it to be as shocking and sad as we could.
LOURD: Did you do any actor-y stuff? Like, a cologne you wore? Or did you wear a special hat?
PETERS: That’s so funny. I wish I wore a special hat to work every day , like an old-school 1940s detective hat. I did always have my coffee mug. There was a little bit of a Zabel-mug thing going on. And there were rituals. I would write in the mornings and try to get into it, stuff like that. But god, I wish I wore a hat.
LOURD: We should incorporate that into our future careers, to make sure we have a hat for every role we play. And then you could have a case at your house of all the hats you wore.
PETERS: That’s so goddamn funny.
LOURD: People are going to be like, “Billie Lourd is a psychopath.”
PETERS: Oh, you know what I did do? I wore a cross. You can’t see it, but when he died, I wanted you to see the cross on his neck. He’s got this weird thing with religion where he was raised religious, but then being in the line of work that he’s in and seeing all this death and awfulness, you start to question that. And then his mom is very religious. So I wanted him to be, underneath it all, a little bit religious and hopeful and needing the protection of god when he went out into the field.
LOURD: That’s way better than a hat.
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