#i love the trope of 'i hate you' to 'you're my favourite'
ultimateissuessimp · 2 days
Hate to be that guy but a male x cat king soulmate au. Where you can’t see colour till u meet your soulmate. Pretty please with a cherry on top. Ty 🥺
"Hate to be that guy" and then proceeds to request one of my favourite tropes. My sweet, darling anon - THANK YOU! Writing this was a joy and a pleasure!
Also, not to say anything, buuuut I would be more than happy to write a part 2 for this 🤭 But I didn't say anything, completely nothing 🤫
Oel ngati kameie, Nga Yawne Lu Oer (I see you, I love you)
The Cat King x Male Reader
Word count: 1,935
Warnings: None I think
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One case. One little case can change someone's life like nothing else could. Y/N didn't know if for the better or for worse, because now he was standing in front of the Cat King alongside his friends. Edwin, of course as stubborn as ever, simply had to disregard everything that Y/N had said about staying as low as possible and used a magic on an animal. A cat to be precise if it wasn't obvious already. That's how they found themselves in the situation they were at the moment.
His eyes were nervously going all around seeing all those cats gathered behind them. All of them in scales of gray that he was so used to when he was seeing it for the -nth time throughout his life. So basically all of it. After the little showcase of what they were capable of with their previous victim, he was on edge. Edwin was trying to diplomatically resolve the issue yet the Cat King didn't seem to really be happy with any of his words. When he mentioned a talk in private, Y/N head whipped up and for just a moment looked into the Cat King's eyes who turned his gaze towards the young man, because of his sudden movement before they went back to Edwin.
Then, as if suddenly someone hit the pause button on him, he froze. Colours slowly started filling his vision and at the centre of it was him. Edwin. He was sure he had found his soulmate. So many centuries alone. On his own. Now he finally found him, his other half. Or so he thought at least. While Thomas was marveling at the thought of finding his soulmate though in the wrong person, the right one quietly gasped in shock as his vision slowly filled with colours too.
The Cat King teleported both Edwin and himself to his private room, away from prying eyes and nosy personalities. Somewhere where he could get to know his "soulmate" better. What he was like, what he liked, disliked, what was his favourite colour, why did he use magic on a cat. About the last one... Now that he knew, thought, that Edwin was his "soulmate" he was less angry about the incident the ghost caused. He was more inclined on letting the man go, not really, without a punishment.
-Well, I was supposed to punish you for your... Misdeed, but since you're my soulmate- - the Cat King started speaking, a huge grin on his face as he got slightly closer to Edwin, his hands outstretched a bit to the sides before the man himself interrupted him.
-I'm sorry? Soulmate? Surely not. I can't be your soulmate, I've been looking at you for quite some time now and I still can't see colours. Just boring, but classy, gray - he said, looking incredulously at Thomas, putting some distance between them.
-What do you mean by that? Literally the moment I properly looked into your eyes the colours... They started to just appe- - and before he could end a sentence again, he was stopped. This time by the subject he was talking about suddenly disappearing. His world was bleak and boring again. He didn't understand and so didn't Y/N when he blinked and instead of seeing colours he was so fascinated by, yet quite displeased with the choice of clothing he made the previous morning, since none of the colours matched, at all, he saw the familiar scales of gray.
Feeling defeated, the Cat King sighed. Yet an idea struck him. Since he saw colours, even if for a short period of time, that means that his soulmate has to be either of Edwin's friends that he made eye contact with. He just needed some time and after all find a punishment for Edwin. He wasn't keen anymore on letting him off the hook and, even so, had more motivation to keep him in town. If Edwin can't leave, none of his friends can leave either. Then he could find his soulmate he so longed for. That's why he "caged" the ghost in town with a bracelet that only he could take off after Edwin counts all the cats in Port Townsend. Two birds with one stone. Teaching Edwin a lesson to never again use a magic on a cat and also finally meeting his soulmate. Life couldn't get more perfect. Well, it could, but that will come with time.
When he sent Edwin back to his friends and his soulmate, the Cat King silently observed the group from the shadows, silently telling a few of his cats to follow the detectives so he could monitor what they were doing, were they were and if they were in any trouble. After all, he couldn't let anything happen to his little lover. Who ever it was. Y/N was having an internal fight over what to do with the newfound information about his soulmate. He was so curious, yet had to remain cautious and careful when it came to the person that trapped his friend and in a way threatened him. He felt conflicted.
Then the case of the lighthouse came up. Strange, a bit terrifying, especially after Y/N started hearing the voice of the Cat King, calling to him. It was so irresistible yet thanks to the boys, Crystal and Niko, he came back to his senses and took a few steps away from the ledge. When Edwin silently tried to sneak away into the woods, he followed him, sneaking away just as silently as him.
He saw the cat that they were following an immediately understood, his heart skipping a few beats and making him stomp on a tree branch which in a chain reaction made Edwin snap his head towards him and the cat stop in its track. He smiled awkwardly and waved explaining that he was simply going on a little walk, but obviously Edwin didn't believe him.
-What don't you understand I will come back in a few minutes?? That was NOT an invitation to follow me! - Edwin whisper yelled at Y/N, a mostly annoyed look gracing his face before he turned around to follow the cat once again, making the man behind him stumble slightly when he tried to catch up quickly.
-Oh come on, you're being secretive, you're sneaking away and you're expecting that I WON'T follow you? Really Edwin? You're my friend. I'm worried - Y/N said, slightly out of breath, because of the jog he had to perform after the man in front of him.
-While appreciated, very much not needed. I'm fine - Edwin replied, looking back only for a second with a serious expression. They got to a clearing and saw no one other than the Cat King. Well, the man himself only saw Edwin at first, Y/N staying a bit back in nervousness.
Still no colours while looking at the ghost. Disappointing. Then the cat that dragged Edwin, and accidentally Y/N too, over to its king hissed and pawed at the leg of Y/N's pants, making him slightly flinch and take a step to the side, revealing himself completely to Thomas' eyes.
-Well look at what the cat dragged in! Aren't you a jewel - he said with a cocky grin, going around Edwin to stand before Y/N and taking his chin into his hand to take a better look at him. That's when their eyes met and the magic happened.
Instant reaction, colours bursting all around as they stared, wide eyed, at each other. There they were. "The most gorgeous of eyes" was the first thought that came to both of their minds. They completely forgot Edwin who was now staring in confusion at the scene before him, yet unsure if to interrupt or not.
-I see you - the Cat King said quietly, almost unlike himself at all, mentally adding "and I love you". He thought that if he said that out loud at that moment, he would scare away the poor guy. His hands cupped the sides of Y/N's face, holding it gently like the dearest of treasures he owned and in a way it was true. Although he didn't own Y/N nor his heart, not yet at least, the man himself definitely already owned Thomas'. Maybe without even knowing it.
-And I see you - Y/N replied, his breath caught in his throat as his wide eyes frantically looked around the Cat King's face, noticing every detail, every discolouration and adoring each and every shade that appeared in his eyes.
-Surely not-... Are you seeing colours, Y/N? - Edwin suddenly piped in, completely ruining the moment, but he couldn't blame him or be mad at him. He would be confused as all hell too if he saw his friend have a quite intimate moment with someone who made his life slightly more impossible to get through.
They turned to the ghost detective, a massive grin, like never before, on Thomas' face while a shy smile graced Y/N's. Obviously the Cat King, the man that he was, immediately wrapped his arm around his soulmates' shoulder, keeping him close to himself as if he was afraid the man would suddenly disappear like the colours did before he realised Edwin wasn't his soulmate. He never wants to feel what he felt at that moment again.
-Why, my ghostly friend. This adorable specimen over here is my soulmate - he said proudly, keeping close to Y/N yet not in a possessive way as if he was afraid Edwin would suddenly try to take him away for some reason, but more in a protective way. Physical, psychological, emotional, it didn't matter.
-Soulmate?? Surely you must be having a laugh! Right Y/N? You still can't see colours right? - Edwin asked, hands on his hips as he stood there, expecting only one possible option in his mind: a positive answer to his question. Yet he couldn't help the way his eyes widened and his mouth opened a little when he saw Y/N smile sheepishly at him and quickly look away. - We will talk about this later. There are 142 cats in Port Townsend. Now take this off - Edwin added, this time speaking to the Cat King which only rewarded him with a condescending chuckle.
-There are absolutely not 142 cats. Keep counting the cats, Edwin - Thomas said with a smile before swiftly turning himself and Y/N around so they could walk away and talk about their newfound relationship, completely leaving the ghost behind.
-This is absurd! How can this make you happy?! - Edwin shouted after the pair, but mostly the Cat King, annoyed out of his mind at the behaviour the man was presenting him with.
-Well, it keeps you in town, with you sweet Y/N over here and thanks to that I can get to know my soulmate better! - he answered with a cheeky smirk and a wink sent Edwin's wave, adding a little wave with his fingers while both of the men left, in a way abandoning him behind. You'd think Y/N would notice his friend staying back, huffing and puffing about being left alone, but he was so absorbed in looking around and taking in his surroundings, the colours that he payed half mind to where he was even going. At that moment all that mattered to him was the fact that he could finally notice the beauty of the world around him and it was all thanks to just one person. Destiny works in the most mysterious of ways.
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excarow · 4 months
Honestly I've read like 3 fics with the premise of Tim becoming Damian's favourite brother after he sees how Tim is able to manipulate the upper class or how Tim can say 'fuck you' to rich business men and get away with it and holy fuck that trope has me in a death grip
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mitsies · 10 months
I know this is like so random but do you have any geto, gojo, nanami, or megumi ao3 recs because the only good fics I’ve read of jjk are ones you’ve written 😭
you have come to the right place :,) i post more recs than fics at this point haha most of these are copy pasted off previous rec lists but have been added onto! the ones with green + marks are NEW RECS
here's a post on how to use ao3 to find fics by yourself for those who dont know <3
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gojo + ao3:
+ intrinsic warmth: my favourite fic of all time. like genuinely. insane writing, fucking amazing in every sense of the term. 2nd time recommending this! reader's character is so sick BUT updates real slow (which isnt a bad thing!! good things take time!!) so i wouldn't read if you aren't patient // 122k words, 15 chapters, incomplete
+ ripverse: not really a series, more like a compilation of fics! it's got a lot of angst and the one titled 'interlude' contains smut i think so beware, and it's also a lovetriangle/poly-but-geto-goes-crazy-so-not-poly moment // 55k words, 8 pieces
+ the witches' brew: super cute fluff! reader owns a cafe, gojo is a regular, it's all around adorable // 2 chapters, 11k words, completed
+ all that is solid melts into air: arranged marriage trope! i haven't read but @/aanobrain loves this one // 7k words, 1 chapter, complete
+ cake batter: established relationship w/ dad!gojo & megumi <33 not much to say, just short n sweet, i am such a sucker for dad gojo so its no surprise there's one of these on the list.. // 2k words, 1 chapter, complete
+ best of luck: initial concept is really unique!! confessions, slight angst, takes place at the beginning/middle-ish of s1 i think? so cute loved this &lt;;3 // 5k words, 1 chapter, complete
+ afternoon tea(se): gojo torturing megumi. classic !! so so cute love the banter // 1.7k words, 1 chapter, complete
+ my apologies, gordon ramsay: god i hate this man. jk. reader is a teacher and a functional human being; gojo is not. loved! // 8k words, 1 chapter, complete
+ a name known only to paper: platonic, angst- beautifully written, such a unique idea. reader is gojo's older sibling. // 3k words, 1 chapter, complete
+ heart beats: another collection! i looove gojo in this so so cute i also adore bff nanami in the last one haha // 11k words, 3 pieces
+ exposure therapy: this is 1/2 of a 2 piece collection. when i read this for the first time i was floored- i love the creative take, and the reader's character (it was a 'she's so me' moment). this author writes with such a subtle but unadulterated take on love and i adore it // 5k words
+ how to be a human being: 2/2 of the previous rec and the perfect continuation in every sense of the term. oh my gosh, is this masterful- from the relationships & writing of megumi and tsumiki to gojo (i almost forgot this was a rec for him) it's all around amazing // 20k words
+ the sanctity of a name: SO SENTIMENTAL !! what an adorable work that rly goes into the psychology and significance of his technique + upbringing. so real and raw and very him // 2k words, complete, 1 chapter
+ assumptions: omf jealous gojo...... he's so cute in this!! you guys are married and it's almost his birthday, but while you're planning his surprise party he suspects something else.. // 6k words, 1 chapter, complete
+ even with the lights off: RAHHHH another fic that has me floored and pushing the #saveijichi agenda at the same time // 8k words, 2 chapters, complete
nanami + ao3:
+ math help: dad!nanami w son!yuuji.... yeah that's all i really need to say i think! // 1 chapter, 2k words, complete
+ photo albums: nanami shares abt his childhood! // 1k wc, 1 chapter, complete
+ i don't really read for nanami but i would check out @aanobrain and maybe shoot them an ask bc she's a big fan :)
geto + ao3:
+ lessons in love: DAD!GETO.................. im such a sucker for a good family dynamic in fics and this is adorable !! no curse au if i remember right! // 4k words, 1 chapter, complete
+ forever is in your eyes: angsty but ends in fluff :,) touches on his mental state, riko's death, all that! so sweet, i adore how this author writes him <;3 // 2k words, 1 chapter, complete
+ ripverse: not really a series, more like a compilation of fics! it's got a lot of angst and the one titled 'interlude' contains smut i think so beware, and it's also a lovetriangle/poly w gojo-but-geto-goes-crazy-so-not-poly moment // 55k words, 8 pieces
+ dog days are over: a series!! by the same author who wrote ripverse which is how you know it's going to be brilliant !! marriage, parenthood, some nsfw moments // 30k words, 5 chapters, incomplete
+ curious cat: cat gojo and neighbor geto.. i love this one! it's so so cute and sweet, if you're looking for some light fluff this is definetely for you // 8k words, 5 chapters, complete
megumi + ao3:
+ complicit: college!au !! i remember reading this and loving it omg, the unique concept kept me hooked and interested, especially paired w the lovely writing! one of my fav series ive read. be warned, last chapter is nsfw // 18k words, 5 chapters, complete
+ a very special december 22nd: cute bday fic :,) forgive me for reccing all this author's megumi fics... theyre just too good !! i love the dynamics, all of it! // 5k words, 1 chapter, complete
+ kisses and cough syrup: THE BANTER!! THE FLUFF!!!!! i love this fic sm, so cute! // 1k words, 1 chapter, complete
+ nocturnal: establishING relationship fics are one of my fav genres and this hits the nail on the head.. he's so stupid silly in this and i know you'll love it like i do // 2k words, 1 chapter, complete
+ lover boy: 2nd year reader, annoying meddling gojo, placed at the beginning-ish where megumi gets beat tf up- what more could you ask for! // 2k words, 1 chapter, complete
+ difficult to not overthink: todo strikes again! you ponder megumi's type // 1k words, 1 chapter, complete
+ ten confessions: megumi: ten dif confessions in dif tropes each time, so they can all be read as stand-alone pieces! so so cute and beautifully written.. we all know i love a good confession // 19k words, 7 chapters, incomplete
+ therefore, i am: reader gets mixed up in the world of sorcery.. megumi's there, too! // 3k words, 1 chapter, complete
+ takes one to know one: flowershop au..... convulsing on the ground. my fav trope, ever, and so so cute oh my GOSH // 2k words, 1 chapter, complete
+ i really (x6) like you: fluff!! this is the one i linked in my og ask but it deserves a place here too &lt;3 // 4k words, 1 chapter, complete
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hoooooonie · 1 year
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ sunghoon fic recs
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— my favourite boy, my dearest love, my hoonie
my recs ⋆˙⟡♡ for the one who stole my heart and won't give it back
contains fluff, angst and alot of 18+ suggestive/smut fics so MINORS DNI !! PLEASE !! (sh x afab or gn)
will be updated as i find more that i enjoy ♡
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❝ my forever faves ❞ ✧ ೃ༄
i won’t be tagging the genres of each fic here so beware.
・❥・ deep end
・❥・ moonlight
・❥・ cherry pits
・❥・ we’ll always have this summer
・❥・ spf 23
・❥・ i'll love you forever
・❥・ love me, hate me
・❥・ unlikely likelihood of falling inlove
・❥・ park sunghoon : the boy next door trope
・❥・ dear stranger, do you remember me too?
・❥・ for the first time
・❥・ i touched a vase
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❝ fluff ; angst ❞ ✧ ೃ༄
❥・ ikea adventures
❥・ graceful
❥・ they told me to
❥・ dating park sunghoon
❥・ way home
❥・ compromise - slightly suggestive
❥・ a love story
❥・ library hymns
❥・ back off
❥・ shooting stars
❥・ marriage discount
❥・ a prompt
❥・ 24hr dating challenge
angsty fluff
⭒ it’s you
⭒ happiness
⭒ in the ring
⭒ pity part
⭒ love again
⭒ crepuscule
⭒ just be - suggestive
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❝ mature content ❞ ✧ ೃ༄
・❥・ like hot summer
・❥・ polaroid lover
・❥・ that’s right. he can’t
・❥・ cabin fever
・❥・ lovers in the night
・❥・ bed
・❥・ marking you mine
・❥・ earn it
・❥・ just one taste
・❥・ prettiest girl
・❥・ who’s in charge?
・❥・ red dress and the things in between
・❥・ fair and square
・❥・ all for the sake of the throne
・❥・ freak
・❥・ throne
・❥・ reconcilation
・❥・ bow down to you
・❥・ mrs. park
・❥・ you're on my mind and i want you as mine
・❥・ bite
・❥・ meddle about
・❥・ morning bliss
・❥・ afternoons
・❥・ are you?
・❥・ teach me, please
・❥・ missed you
・❥・ first date etiquette
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whenlilyfallsinlove · 2 months
the three times you and georgie cooper were jealous of each other and the one time you acted on it
a/n: ahh first post!! i was actually watching young sheldon while writing this :) sad it's the last season but excited for georgie and mandy spin off!! anyway felt like there was a lack of georgie x readers so wrote this with my fav trope! enjoy!
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i - the time when veronica duncan punched georgie in the face
"and then... she punched me in the face!" your best friend georgie recounted to you, as you sat on the front porch of his house, a can of beer in both your hands.
"she punched you in the face, in front of everyone?!" you chuckle, raising an eyebrow.
"yeah.." he replied.
"no way! what did you even do?!" you take a sip of your beer, looking at him. your best friend georgie was one of your favourite people in the whole world and very good looking, hey! you were allowed to say that!
"i kinda.. told her i loved her. in front of the whole church." georgie muttered, slightly flustered.
"you what?!" you spluttered, hardly believing a word he was saying.
georgie saw the look on your face.
"hey i'm not lying!" he says, chuckling.
"what did you expect?!?! poor girl. you barely know her georgie!" you laugh teasingly, this boy really was something else. you had grown up alongside the boy and everything he did even to this day still surprised you.
"i know but i'm bummed by it.. i really like her y/n." he looks at you with wide eyes. he sounded... serious?
this stopped you laughing.
"you really like her huh?" you look at him, encouraging him to say more.
"yeah.. look" georgie sighs, taking a swig of his beer. "i've never felt this way about any girl before. ever."
oh. why did this feel like a massive kick in the stomach? your insides had gone all funny.
"oh.." you mutter, looking down. "didn't realise you were that serious."
"yeah.. i need to make it up to her, i care about her.. even if she don't about me" georgie sighs.
woah he really seemed to care about her. why did this aggravate you so much? veronica was a nice girl, pretty and kind.. even if she did (rightfully) punch him in the face. she was good to your best friend. so why didn't you feel supportive?
"don't worry georgie.." you reach out and comfortingly pat his arm "she's a nice girl, she'll forgive you."
he smiles and wraps his arm round you "thanks y/n, you're the best friend ever, ya know that?"
"yep.. what would you do without me." you chuckle, nervously.
friend. why did him referring to you as that make you feel queasy? that's what you were, right? best friends? this felt weird though.. different.
you suddenly felt sick.
"look i gotta get home.. got a lot of homework" you stand, trying to ignore the feelings you were currently having.
"going so soon l/n?" georgie grins.
"yeah sorry.." you chuckle "good luck with the veronica thing anyway.. i'll see you tomorrow."
"see ya" he smiles and waves you off.
you wave back and walk down the street to your house, thinking about what had just happened.
the sickness feeling, the disgust, the small bit of sadness you felt when georgie said he'd never felt that way before
then it sunk in. you were jealous. fuck!
ii - the time that guy from your spanish class asked you out
spanish was somehow both your favourite and least favourite class. i mean you hated the class - you were awful at it but you got to sit next to georgie in it.. so maybe it wasn't too bad.
today started like any other spanish lesson. you listened to the teacher drone on about grammar, you and georgie had a footsie war under the table etc. everything was normal. that was until the end of the lesson.
you were packing away your notebooks, listening to georgie babble on about football when adam, the boy who sat in front of you, approached you.
"hey y/n" adam smiled shyly at you,
"oh uh hey adam" you said friendly enough, but very confused on why he was speaking to you.
you weren't the only one confused. next to you, georgie had been interrupted by this exchange and had stopped talking, now listening, his eyebrow raised.
"uh i was wondering.. if you'd like to see the new ghostbusters movie with me tomorrow night.. its okay if not, i understand." adam chuckled nervously.
georgie frowned at this. who did this adam guy think he was, asking you out to the movies? he didn't even know you! who asks someone out that they don't even know.. this guy was a total weirdo. there was no way you were gonna say yes.
"um.. okay" you interrupted his train of thought. adam was quite handsome, and seemed nice. and although it was bad to admit, you needed a distraction from the unknown feelings you were having for your best friend.
your answer shocked georgie. why on earth did you say yes? did you feel bad for him or something.. or maybe you just wanted to see the new ghostbusters? he would've taken you if that was the case! not this idiot.
"oh good. i'll pick you up at 7 tomorrow then?" adam smiles at you, and god georgie wanted to punch him.
"yeah okay." you smile back, and watched as he waved at you then left class.
"well that was.." you turn to georgie, who is not looking at you but is looking straight ahead.
"let's go to lunch." georgie ignores you and starts walking off.
"oh okay" you mutter, then follow him.
georgie was mad. this guy didn't deserve you, he was definitely punching! you were beautiful and deserved someone way better. someone like.. him! but no you were best friends.. he couldn't ruin that. but the more he thought about it the more he realised he was jealous.
you were his, not that adams! that was the day georgie cooper realised he liked you, his best friend.
iii- the time georgie ditched you to hang out with jana boggs
every summer, you tagged along with the coopers (well more so georgie but you had long since been accepted as a member of the familt) to the carnival set up by pastor jeff and the church.
every year, you and georgie usually went off together and did your own thing but this year was different. georgie had been dating jana for a while now and of course it was only normal for him to not hang with you as much and you shouldn't get mad at him for wanting to spend time with her.. right?
"oh look.. jana's over there." georgie chuckles, awkwardly looking to where his girlfriend was stood.
"yep." you reply.
"and she looks.. pretty lonely" georgie states, again awkwardly.
"uh huh" you nod.
"maybe she needs someone to talk to?" he says.
"hey i get the hint, you go hang with her.. she's your girlfriend after all, i'll stay here with missy" you try and say encouragingly, but your voice wobbles slightly.
"really?!" george smiles.
"yeah!" you reply.
"you're the best" he gives you a tight hug. "i owe you one!"
"don't worry" you say, watching him walk off to jana " that's what friends are for" you mutter.
you look to the ground. it felt like it was time to finally accept that you liked georgie a lot. and not just as a friend.
"that was pretty sad to watch" missy speaks up, looking at you half sympathetically, half in enjoyment.
"well i'm glad my sad life gives you joy." you let out a weak laugh.
"look i've always liked you y/n, you're cool, and i've always thought you can do wayyy better than my dumb brother" she tries to comfort you.
"well thanks." you smile.
"and just so you know... i think georgie likes you back. he's just stupid.. and scared." missy smiles.
"i hope that's the case." you smile back.
as you watch georgie laugh along with jana, you couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy.
you really liked your best friend.
iv - the time where missy matchmakes.
"georgie.. please please please can you take me and marcus to the movies tonight" missy begged, standing in georgie's doorway.
"missy.. i'm supposed to be hanging with y/n tonight." georgie frowned, secretly he had hoped tonight would be the night he might finally confess to you.
"bring her with you! she loves me." missy smiles smugly.
"we'll see." georgie sighs.
four hours later, georgie, y/n and missy were in the car, going to pick marcus up. georgie didn't take much convincing after learning it would entail missy and her boyfriend being alone, and you were quick to accept to come with.
"so missy.. how serious are you and marcus?" you ask, turning round and smiling at her.
"we're kinda serious.. we've held hands a bunch and hugged. we haven't kissed.. but we've shared a straw" she replies, subtly bragging.
"oh wow pretty serious then." you chuckle. georgie smiles at you. he loved that you got on so well with his family, it was something he'd always liked about you.
there was silence for a while.
"can i ask you guys a personal question?" missy breaks the silence.
"umm sure" georgie responds as you nod.
"so you're both single..."
"thanks for the reminder" you smile playfully.
"and i know jana broke up with georgie because of you y/n.."
"how do you know that" georgie exclaims, confused.
"i know everything." missy deadpans. "and i also heard you on the phone to each other."
"anyway.." she continues "why don't you just date each other? it's very clear that you like each other, everyone can see it. it's simple." she says, proudly.
both your eyes widen. you were not expecting that. you start uncomfortably laughing and turn to look at georgie.
georgie was looking straight forward , avoiding eye contact.
"well.." you start "i don't think i'm georgie's type.."
"you kidding?" georgie exclaims. "not my type? of course you are! i compare every girl i ever meet to you!"
you sat shocked. what. the. hell.
"you do?" you look at him.
"of course i do. i like you a lot y/n." georgie blushes, avoiding eye contact.
your heart stopped. finally!!
"oh really? georgie i also like you a lot!" you smile, brightly.
"you do?" georgie grins.
"yeah of course i do! i have for ages.. i was jealous of jana.. and damn this was ages ago but i was jealous of veronica as well!" you chuckle.
"no way!! i was jealous of that adam guy! and pretty much any other guy who talked to you as well!" georgie replies, smirking.
you smile.
"i was just too nervous to say anything." you say.
"holy shit, me too!" georgie agrees.
you reach over and touch his shoulder. he smiles back. and at that moment although it sounded cheesy, it did really feel like a moment from a romcom.
"aww that was real cute guys." missy smiles.
"but don't you dare say any of that cheesy stuff when marcus is in the car!"
271 notes · View notes
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 ____'𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞...
(A/N: Does not include Five)
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𝑵𝒐. 1 , 𝑳𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 , 𝑺𝒑𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒃𝒐𝒚
girl next door trope
knew you ever since childhood
loves you to death
so soft with you
he's such a gentlemen
pulls out chairs for you and holds doors for you
butttttt you have to deal with his daddy issues
he always comes to you crying whenever something happens
a sweetheart with you though
he's very awkward at comforting you
he likes to cook for you
he's such a good chef ngl
he loves cuddling
he literally is always cuddling you
likes to be big spoon, don't get me wrong he needs comfort
the idea of being able to protect you by being big spoon is so validating to him
he's too big to be little spoon anyway
that is literally his one purpose
if he found you during the 60s or something and he had to leave you he'd never stop talking about you
"I miss (Y/N)..."
"(Y/N) would've liked this.."
"Luther, they're gone."
fml sobbing why did I write that
anyway his one purpose is to love and protect you
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𝑵𝒐. 2 , 𝑫𝒊𝒆𝒈𝒐 , 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑲𝒓𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒏
very jealous
if he sees you with some guy who is flirting with you he will literally glare daggers into him
he will then proceed to walk over to you, sling an arm around your waist and pull you in for a kiss
he doesn't give a shit if anyone's watching
he talks shit about him siblings to you
"Luther thinks he's so much better than all of us-"
"Diego chill out."
oh my god when Viktor wrote that book
(no hate to viktor , viktor is baby)
the shit talk increased so much
he would not shut up about it
help diego would be such a simp for you
like I'm not joking
pure simp
in his eyes you are sweet innocent summer child who can do absolutely no wrong
stabbed someone?
pfft it was probably just an accident
he brings you to visit grace
omg it would be so cute
grace absolutely adores you
she always makes sly comments about how you and diego should get married
he goes redder than the colour red
he wouldn't tell anyone but he secretly loves the idea
he loves kissing your forehead
it's literally his favourite place
you and klaus are besties
he has to deal with you when klaus gets you drunk
"oh. my. god. im upside down."
"(Y/N), you're standing upright. we need to go home.
"... no"
he never gets drunk
fun squasher
he says his body's a temple
youre his nurse
he always comes home injured and gets you to patch him up
he finds it hot
yes, he's bleeding out. yes, he finds you playing nurse to him hot.
priorities ig
he's so soft with you
would kill for you
he probably has
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𝑵𝒐. 3 , 𝑨𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏 , 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑹𝒖𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒓
(refuse to make her evil so s3 allison will not be mentioned)
definitely gets you an acting job in one of her films
she buys you the fanciest stuff
literally you two have the best closet
and you have your own personal stylist
bc why not
you do interviews with her all the time
fans absolutely adore you
there's so many paparazzi pictures of you two together and they eat it up
especially if they include you being doting to claire even though she's not biologically your kid
omg her fans would absolutely love that
so would allison though
if she saw you reading claire a story or smth
her heart would just melt
she might cry ngl
her two favourite ppl in the world just being adorable
you're the cool parent to claire
both of you go to fancy parties and are the hottest couple
"Allison! (Y/N)! How does it feel knowing you're America's favourite couple!"
you're so flattered
allisons just like: yeah ik lmao
she kisses you a lot in public
she knows damn well people are gonna get pictures of it but she loves it
you watch her films with her a lot
if its a particularly old one, you make fun of it with her
"oh my god allison. why do you look like that."
she then proceeds to also make fun of it
you, her and claire go on lots of fancy days out
you may as well considering you're RICH
luther gets a bit jealous sometimes
you help her with her therapy
you comforted her when she custody of claire
you also fought alongside her to get her back
as soon as you do you're happier than ever
you are literally just the cutest family ahdhahfhaj
but then she loses you again when she goes to the 60's
she made it her life's purpose to get back to 2019 with the love of her life and claire
as soon as she accepts that it could take years upon years to reunite with you and claire she finds ray
she knew you'd be happy
but she also knew
she'd never truly move on
omg help I'm gonna start sobbing why do I do this to myself
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𝑵𝒐. 4 , 𝑲𝒍𝒂𝒖𝒔 , 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒆́𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆
you help get him off of drugs
ben adores you
he likes that you're there to help klaus
and that you don't ever drop to his level and just do drugs with him
he also likes how you never shit talk him when klaus starts ranting about how annoying he is
klaus is a huge fan of PDA
he is obsessed with the idea of holding your hands
he is constantly touching you in one way or the other
whether it be holding your hand
or simply having a hand on your leg
it matters to him
and that's why you love it
sweet baby boi has so much love to give
he likes being little spoon
he just loves being in your arms
it helps with his nightmares
diego also approves of you
you've saved him from having to go out and look for klaus in the middle of the night in fear he's high or smth
klaus rants to you every so often
quite often you have to help him through panic attacks
he loves you sm
like he is so lovesick
if anyone were to ever ask about you
oh boy
he gets this lovesick look in his eyes
and then starts rambling about how enamored he is with you and how great you are
it's adorable
he's very clingy but in the best way possible
he matches outfits with you
never a dull moment with you two
often it's you trying to solve whatever problem klaus has somehow managed to conjure up
and klaus just being a devious little shit
but it doesn't matter cause you love him
sometimes he questions why you love him
it makes you cry whenever he asks
you hum in response
"why do you love me...?"
sobbing and you start listing all the reasons
and then he's sobbing
and then you're both sobbing
but anyway
he loves dancing with you
he doesn't care what song
it could be some crappy pop song that's somehow in the top hits
or some classical music that's centuries old
he really doesn't care
he likes spinning you around
he loves seeing how happy it makes you
klaus asks you the most random stuff at 3am
"... (Y/N"
"lawyers hope you get sued, doctors hope you get sick, cops hope you're criminal, mechanics hope you have car trouble, but only a thief wishes prosperity for you."
"... go to bed"
you poor thing
you never get any sleep because of how chatty he is at night
he hates being away from you
if he isn't near you he will start whining to ben
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𝑵𝒐. 6 , 𝑩𝒆𝒏 , 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒓
omg it took him ages to admit his crush on you
he's been crushing on you since you were like 12
when did he admit it?
when he was 18.
he likes reading to you
he loves seeing you get all relaxed at the sound of his voice
it makes him fall even more in love with you
he likes PDA but not that much
just a simple touch is enough for him
this boy blushes so easily
you'll brush his hand and he'll turn so pink
sometimes you'll just be sitting there doing nothing of note
and he'll be staring at you in adoration
he's in absolute awe of you
thinks you're the most adorable thing ever
much like diego
thinks you can do no wrong
you're his sweet, precious girl
he knows everything about you off by heart
from your favourite colour
to your mums favourite song
you thinks it's endearing
he loves holding your hand
playing with your hair is one of his favourite things to do
don't get me wrong he likes when you do it to him
but he much prefers when he does it to you
he finds it really relaxing
he's usually pretty closed off about his childhood but he trusts you
sometimes when something that triggers a bad memory happens he goes to you to rant
he doesn't know what he'd do without you
you're literally his life
when you kiss his nose
he just melts
it's the most adorable thing
he's so good at cheering you up
no matter if its something minor or major
he's always amazing at getting you back to your usual self
he loves taking you on cute little dates
he reads you poetry he wrote
omg he deffo writes a piece of poetry about how much he loves you
omg help this is so cute
overall he's a simp
and it suits him
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𝑵𝒐. 7 , 𝑽𝒊𝒌𝒕𝒐𝒓 , 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑾𝒉𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝑽𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒊𝒏
viktors a sweetheart
he gives you private violin shows
he also rehearses in front of you to see what you think
he tries to get you to critique him
if you don't play violin, you probably just say its all perfect
if you do, you probably give him little tips on areas to work on
you go on little dates to watch the sunset
he has to be little spoon
he just needs some comfort
just needs to be wrapped in your arms and feel safe
poor guy has been through so much
sometimes he gets mad memories of the incident with allison and you have to calm him down
he wouldn't get jealous
he'd just get rlly insecure :(
if he saw someone flirting with you he'd just get a bit sad
he would think the worst and think that you would want to leave him for them :(((
poor bby
opens up to you about how bad his childhood was
sometimes he regrets writing the book
you have to reassure him that it's okay and they don't hate him for it
sure, they did, but not anymore
klaus thinks you two are adorable together
you've got quite a few polaroids of the two of you together
he has them on those little string lights above your bed
he keeps at least one in his pocket at all times
he does that thing where you check if you still have something valuable and it's so cute for some reason
and when he checks and its still there it puts this small little smile on his face
omg it's just shfjsjfjsjf
you take care of him when he's sick
he hates it bc he feels bad that you have to take care of him
but deep down he loves it and will treasure those memories forever
but he'd do the exact same thing if you were sick
whenever you buy him something he always feels bad if he didn't get you something
"Vik it's okay! you didn't have to get me anything,"
it's absolutely adorable
Taglist: @book-place
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peachypinkygloss · 10 months
congratulations on 2k btw you deserve it all!!! 🫶 the trope i’ve been haven’t seen much is like athlete taehyung, so i was wondering like famous basketball player taehyung and him and oc have like this situationship/ friends with benefit type thing going on for a while now🫣
thank you!💘
thank you so much love!! 🥺🫶🏻 and o.m.g yesss!!
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Fucking Taehyung after a basketball practice is your favourite activity.
pairing: professional basketball player!taehyung x fem!reader
genre: friends with benefits au, smut
warnings: reader thinks sports are stupid ☹️👎🏻 (same girly), unprotected oral sex, public sex, cunnilingus, tae's eating it like it's his last meal, a little over 1k.
a.n.: omg i just remembered this one taehyung edit as a basketball player... iykyk!!! 🤭
This is part of my 2k milestone celebration! Here is the post for the drabble game if you want to participate and send in a request of yours! 🤍
♡・2k celebration masterlist・♡
You're not a big fan of sports in general. Sports come with sweat and sweating is not for you; you hate the damp feeling on your skin. Plus, the odour is horrible, gosh, and especially when the smell comes from men.
Sports are stupid, you think. Why run after a sphere and get emotional about it when the sphere in question didn't go into the opposite team's goal?
But you're just a girl, what do you know about sports anyway... Well, maybe you know one thing. The athletes are pretty good looking.
You have a preference for basketball players, honestly. Tall, big hands, big dick...
Yeah, maybe you like at least one sport. Basketball. Their players are good, so skilled with their hands and mouth, they know what to do. You lied; you're a big fan of them. Or just one in particular.
The one who wrecks your ass every time you ask politely.
As you're sitting on one of the benches in the changing room, scrolling mindlessly on your phone, you finally hear the door opening and then closing, sneakers stepping on the floor.
You stand up, pleased to see the person you were waiting for all this time; Kim Taehyung. Your favourite basketball player and the best hook-up you've ever had in your life. Literally.
He smiles when his eyes settle on you, your mini-skirt almost the size of a belt and a tube pink top covering your tits. "Didn't expect to see you here," he smirks, playful eyes looking you up and down, enjoying your outfit that leads to little imagination.
Taehyung's the best in his team, the most famous and attractive — you can't forget that. That's why he often practices alone, always perfecting his performance whenever he can because he's just so hardworking like that.
"Cut the act, I know you were hoping I was here waiting for you," you flirt and come closer to him, tilting your head up to look into his eyes. "You took more time purposefully, didn't you?"
He chuckles, wetting his plump lips after. The corner of his mouth tugs upward as he takes a hold of your jaw. "You know I like you a little desperate," he replies in a low voice, raspy and deep.
He grabs your arms and forces you to back away until you hit the lockers behind you. "I'm more than just a little desperate," you admit, biting down on your lip as Taehyung's dark gaze stares at you, starting to get hungry.
"Yeah? Thinking about me got you all needy, doll?" He asks and you shamelessly nod. "I gotta do something about it then," he states, and you can't agree more. "Take your panties off, but keep the skirt on."
You execute yourself, excitement bubbling in your belly. You slide your underwear off, slick sticking to it, and toss them aside on the bench beside your purse.
Taehyung turns you around in one swift movement and you lay your hands flat on the lockers, gasping out when he kneels on the ground, having your pussy right in front of his face.
"Oh, Tae, not here... You can't," you sigh, reluctantly refusing him, but he doesn't think the same. Everywhere is a good place to eat your pussy, in his opinion.
He gropes your asscheeks, palming the meaty flesh in his large hands. Your core is heating up fast, cunt wet just by the sight of Taehyung's head so close to your femininity — an image to always remember.
He gives a smack to one of your cheeks, making it bounce after. "I think I can do whatever I want, doll," he answers back, passing a rough digit over your wet pussy lips. "I know you'll let me do anything I want," he concludes and he traces your clit, swiping smoothly on it with his finger covered in your arousal.
He runs his finger between your lips, teasing and playing with you. A good distraction from basketball, a good way to relax and think about things less stressful and more enjoyable like you.
He pulls your two globes of flesh apart and immediately dives in, making you arch your back and push your pussy into Taehyung's face. A satisfied groan doesn't miss to leave his throat, sending vibrations through your body.
His tongue explores your sex, slurping your juices, fulfilling his thirst by literally drinking your natural essence. The tip of his pink muscle circles your entrance, slipping in and out at a fast pace, already making you delirious.
Taehyung does not do things by half, he goes in determined, having one goal in mind and reaching it like nothing else matters. Your pleasure is the only thing important here and he won't stop until you're completely destroyed. All of this just with his mouth.
He holds your asscheeks apart, tongue flat on your pussy, literally breathing you in. He eats you out so well your eyes roll back into your skull, moaning out obscenely. This sure boosts Taehyung's ego, having you putty in his hands in seconds, saying his name over and over again as if it's a prayer.
You reach behind you and tangle your fingers in his bleached hair, pulling on it to at least hold onto something. "Fuck, Tae!" You curse, feeling tears forming in your eyes and the knot at the pit of your stomach tightening. If he keeps playing with your clit like that, you won't last long.
He hums in response, but keeps going. He has a better idea, though, so with his tongue he focuses on your pussy, sinking it in skillfully and drinking more of your wetness. He then sneaks an arm under you and reaches your clit, which makes you flinch slightly at the sudden change of contact.
"I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum!" You yelp hurriedly, rolling your hips on Taehyung's face.
He does quick circular motions on your clit until your orgasm hits you hard. You cry out his name and grind on his tongue to drive off your high, your grip on his blond hair tightening. He grunts again, loving how you rub your pussy on him, not caring if you make a mess.
When you straighten your back, letting go of his head, he stands up, licking his lips clean. You turn around slowly on wobbly legs, catching your breath.
Taehyung looks delighted, like every time he gets you off on his tongue. "Now you gotta help me," he smiles smugly, referring to the very evident bulge in his basketball shorts.
"Sure," you laugh, rolling your eyes playfully.
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starstruckmoony · 11 months
pairing - sirius black x fem!reader
summary - you and sirius start dating after accidentally running into each other at a concert but confirm nothing (till now), just to watch everyone lose their shit online.
trope/tags - band/celeb!au, instagram/social media!au, modern!au, fluff, terrible humour
word count - 1k
warnings - language
part 1 / part 2 / part 3
yourusername added to their story
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❤ liked by yourusername, ev.rosier, marymacdonald and 856,327 others
starmanblack shades
yourusername cigarette*
starmanblack ok duolingo
yourusername smash tbh
starmanblack not you copying my comment
yourusername i don't have the rizz it takes to come up with something original
starmanblack ain't no way you just said that
prongsyboy stop stealing people's glasses 😤
starmanblack never
vance_emm i'm like ragingly gay but you're kinda cute
starmanblack this is why you're my favourite lesbian
mmmckinnon TRAITOR
mmmckinnon it's not too late to delete this
starmanblack get out of my comment section
user828181 address the rumours sirius
user000423 run me over with your car i promise i'll pay for the damages 🙏
user999653 i'm perfect wife material, just saying
user424227 y'all realise that he's less likely to address the rumours if we keep being annoying 💀
user209996 nah fr he's gonna start hating us all
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❤ liked by starmanblack, prongsyboy, pandorasbox and 899,997 others
yourusername never would have though that my shows in dublin would be the craziest ones out of all but you guys actually delivered and i couldn't be happier! 💕 these past three nights were absolutely insane and i can't wait to be back (and i may or may not have already booked a few venues 😩) PLUS someone got proposed AND I DIDN'T EVEN SEE 😭 so if any of you beautiful people who were there have the video my dms are open for business lmao 🙏💞
tagged ev.rosier
starmanblack apparently the proposal happened right next to me 💀
starmanblack my guitar ate as always
yourusername she's even signed 😱
starmanblack slay 😝
yourusername GO TO SLEEP OMG
starmanblack say it to my face 😤
xeno_lovegood i had so much fun
yourusername i'm smiling so hard rn
pete__ sirius is a certified simp because how do you miss a proposal that's happening next to you?
mmmckinnon it's because he's both sirius and a simp petey
prongsyboy sirius doing sirius things 🤣
user552520 dunno bout y'all but i got my confirmation tonight
user843632 i'm so lonely the proposal made me cry
user439546 love me some sappy shit fr
user674848 this was un fucking real no joke
user200017 learn to read between the lines lol
starmanblack added to their story
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❤ liked by starmanblack, bellatrixieb, cissy_blck and 901,077 others
yourusername date night ⭐
starmanblack pretty dress
yourusername why thank you
starmanblack my stomach feels funny from all that wine
yourusername my precious toilet 😭
marymacdonald gorgeous!!!
yourusername i was impersonating you
ev.rosier am i about to get fired?
yourusername of course not, you're my second favourite person
starmanblack i'm first
pandorasbox my friends are all so beautiful 🥺
yourusername us hot people stick together 😌
pandorasbox ONG
user329295 sirius is so lucky
user400128 i've never been more jealous of a man
user883265 mother is mothering
user306084 THE STAR
user243123 if this is another sike istg
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❤ liked by mmmckinnon, ev.rosier, casmeadowes and 916,222 others
starmanblack platonic snog
yourusername people just don't appreciate friendships nowadays 🙄
starmanblack it's just so so sad 😣
yourusername i have better photos of us 👹
starmanblack strongly disagree
yourusername you don't wanna make this a competition
marymacdonald my mum said friends don't do that
starmanblack mama macdonald may be onto something
r.a.black affection 🤮
starmanblack i thought you unfollowed me?
r.a.black i did but i like lurking around here
starmanblack fan behaviour
rjlupin best friend things
rjlupin you were supposed to play along
user500447 you still need therapy
user432777 AIN'T NO WAY
user718710 I DIED DEAD.
user138282 are you still alive?
user907015 NO
user882446 this and platonic don't go together sirius 🙄
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❤ liked by walburgablack, cissy_blck, bellatrixieb and 933,052
yourusername pda is afraid of him
starmanblack FINE you have better photos
yourusername see? that wasn't so hard to admit!
starmanblack i actually won in life
yourusername damn right you did
starmanblack celeb_gossip losing their minds rn
yourusername the kettle is B R E W I N G 🥵🫖🤩👀😳☕😝😻
yourusername well you're the favourite child...
lily_evans kinda illegal how you're both so hot
casmeadowes i've been saying!!!
cissy_blck REG'S SISTER IN LAW 😭
bellatrixieb he's one lucky man
r.a.black lucky isn't exactly the right word but okay
user292920 swifities can't relate
user993929 narcissa is so real LMFAOOO
user032386 THAT SHOULD BE ME (idk which person i want to be more)
starmanblack added to their story
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❤ liked by cissy_blck, luciussy, bartyyy and 942,773 others
yourusername happy birthday to this idiot who i unfortunately love very much 💕
tagged starmanblack
starmanblack tragic how i love you back
yourusername absolutely
starmanblack rizz god since 12
yourusername are you still 12?
lily_evans got me tearing up over here
yourusername awwww 🥺
rjlupin you should have used that one photo where he was on the potty
rjlupin denying it would have worked yk
casmeadowes i woke up to this 💀
starmanblack good
mmmckinnon mondays.
user939355 THE CAT
user019661 i'm making this my profile picture
user763772 tell him i said happy birthday
user195666 imagine having someone say they love you so publicly ha ha ha ha ha
user244488 fuck being single fr
yourusername added to their story
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420 notes · View notes
cambion-companion · 1 year
Aemond and the trope "Reluctantly has a crush on his favourite weirdo and hates that he's soft about it but damn they're cute" gives me life
"I hate that I'm in love with you, what no I didn't say love, shut up" vibes
'Y/N, try to act like you're enjoying this."
"Bite me, Aemond."
haha this was the perfect ask for my newest enemies to lovers oneshot.
Aemond x fem!reader | enemies to lovers | light smut at end
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“In public, we’re in love. In private, we are in a civil war. Remember that, or we’re fucked.”
Aemond stifled a snort of derision at your terse whisper, turning it into a polite cough as he nodded at a group of huddled onlookers.  You shot him a sidelong look, quickly looking away to smile at a pair of elderly women who were clapping for you.  “This isn’t going to work.”
“Hush, we can air our grievances once we get someplace with less listening ears.”  Aemond’s arm around your waist tightened, almost painfully, as he steered you through the crowded hallways. “Besides, I am madly in love with my betrothed.”
“Oh, you’re going to have to work on that.”
The stone corridors Aemond and you now walked through were empty, he led you to a set of great oaken doors that swung open on silent hinges.  A darkened arched space and smell of many old books greeted you beyond them.  “The library, how romantic.”
“Private is more what I was going for.”  Aemond pushed the small of your back and you stumbled into the room, shooting him a withering glare over your shoulder.
“You know, I’m not pleased about this either.”  You snapped, smoothing your skirts haughtily.
Aemond quickly closed the doors and scanned the room with his violet eye, making sure you two were alone.  A fireplace flickered in the hearth, the only source of light in the spacious library.  “You are from a house that openly declared for Rhaenyra.”
“Yet…” You had walked over to the mantlepiece by the hearth, running a finger along it and looking in distaste at the dust you gathered. “I find myself suddenly betrothed to Aemond Targaryen who, if I remember correctly, is not on her side.” You let your gaze wander to where he stood stiffly, eyeing his leather jerkin tied at his trim waist with two buckles and sporting intricate dragon fasteners.  His sword was at his hip, a small sapphire gemstone inlaid upon the pommel.  “Your mother, or rather her father, stole me and are now forcing us to get married so as to ensure my house’s allegiance.”
“They hardly stole you.”  Aemond defended, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides.  “You were handmaid to my sister.”
“Am I allowed to go home?”  You asked, eyes widening in mock surprise.
“Then I am a prisoner here.”  You turned your back to him, looking into the flames.
“With our union, we gain a key asset to our side.”  Aemond said bluntly, his footsteps muffled on the stone floor as he approached you slowly. “The support of your house is instrumental in winning the coming war.”
“Will you stoop so low?”  You whirled on him, anger pulsing in your veins, jabbing a finger at his chest. “First your family declares Aegon king against Viserys’ wishes, now you take political hostages!”
Aemond caught your wrist, holding it firmly and jerking you closer. “King Viserys’ last wish was for Aegon to be named his heir.”
“You cannot believe that.”  You looked aghast at him. “Surely you’re cleverer than that, Aemond.”
“It matters little what I believe.”  The prince released you, shaking his silver head. “I serve my family.  A member of which you are soon to become.”  A rueful smile pulled at his curved lips. “Whether you like it or not.”
“I don’t.”
“Hmm.”  Aemond rolled his eye, running a hand through his long hair. “Perhaps in time you will learn to.”  He turned from you, walking crisply to the door. “Don’t stray too far, Y/N.  At my behest, you are to be treated with the dignity of a guest.  Yet you are not free to leave the Keep.”
“A prisoner.”  You muttered again, watching Aemond leave the library, closing the door behind himself.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
“Don’t you think you’re holding me a bit too tight?”
“Well, do you want this to be convincing or not?”
“I do, but a little looser than this would still be convincing.”
Aemond acquiesced. Loosening his grip on your waist as you both slowly swayed on the dance floor.  The two of you were having a terrible time.  You were barely managing to keep a convincing smile on your face, feeling much more like you were about to begin crying.
“Try to look less like you’re about to vomit, Y/N.”
“Maybe the soup was off.”  You smiled sweetly up at him. “Why does it matter whether I appear happy or not?  Surely the commonfolk don’t care…maybe they’d like it more if I were wailing and thrashing.”
“There are houses allied with your own who would not be so pleased.”  Aemond murmured, bringing his mouth to your ear under the pretense of wishing to hold you closer.  “If they saw you were…so unwilling they’d declare against us, and we would be forced to take drastic measures.”
Your stomach clenched. “I’d rather not know what that means.”
A ringing of metal on a crystal goblet halted the lilting music, you dropped your hands immediately from Aemond’s shoulders, but he tactfully kept hold of your waist.
“A toast!”  It was one of the nobles, his face flush from many cups of wine. “To the two lovebirds!  May your wedding day be festive!”  Cheers rose up around the room. “And may your wedding night be productive!”
You ducked your head into Aemond’s shoulder, hiding the grimace you couldn’t keep off your face. Clapping and laughter echoed all around you followed by the scrape of goblets against the wooden tables as people toasted your happy union.
“Kiss!”  Shouted one drunken reveler.  “Give your love a kiss!”  Cried another in agreement.
“Oh no.”  You murmured into the leather of Aemond’s tunic.
As the crowd took up the chant of “kiss”, clapping their hands in encouragement, you felt Aemond’s finger slip under your chin.  He pulled your face up to look at him, his lilac eye sparkling with something akin to mischievous mirth.  The sound in the hall grew louder as the two of you hesitated, inches apart. You bit your lower lip, drawing Aemond’s gaze to the movement.
He looked back into your eyes. “May I kiss you, my lady?”
You couldn’t speak, settling for a curt nod.  Aemond smirked, bringing his lips to yours with a smooth duck of his head.
A pulse of electricity shot to your core as Aemond’s warm mouth moved against your own.  A small, pleased sound escaped your throat, despite your attempts to regain full capacity of your faculties.  You had not expected your body to react like this, and it was with surprise you found yourself tangling your fingers in Aemond’s silken hair as he bent you backwards. The crowd laughed, pleased at the show you’d given them, as Aemond pulled away.  You avoided his eye as it roved your features, very sure your red cheeks shone like beacons.
You spoke very little the rest of the evening, the feeling of Aemond’s lips on yours thoroughly distracting you; to the point you almost poured gravy into your cup instead of wine.  Thankfully, Aemond saved you from that embarrassment, looking at you with mild concern as he poured your wine.  You looked away from him quickly, hating yourself for the burning in your cheeks and erratic beating of your heart.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
“The boat awaits, my lady.”
“Thank you.”  You gathered your skirts, moving to collect the few bags you’d managed to pack for your escape from King’s Landing.
Your waiting maid curtsied, a small frown upon her face. You looked at her, briefly wondering the reason for her mood before a rapping knock at the door sent your adrenaline spiking.
Your maid hurried to the door, opening it a crack, before curtsying low as Aemond pushed his way into your room.  He was fully dressed despite the late hour, his coat and gloves of deepest green, contrasting with his silvery hair.  His violet eye snapped to focus on you with dangerous intent.  “Leave us.”
The maid curtsied again, looking terrified at the ground.
“See my mother in the morning for your coin.”  Aemond dismissed her, not breaking his gaze from your face.
You watched the traitorous girl scurry from the room, the door clicking shut behind her.
“My brother may be incompetent and unaware…”  Aemond took measured steps toward you. “I am not.”
Tears welled behind your eyes, anger and frustration mixing in your chest. You moved to stride passed the prince, but he caught your arms, spinning you to face him. You fought against him, useless as it was, the tears falling freely down your cheeks as he held you firm, unflinching as your fists met his chest.
“Let me go, Aemond!”
“I cannot be kept here like some prize animal!”
Aemond moved with you until your back hit the wall.  Your fists on his chest flattened as you pressed your palms against his coat, your eyes puffy as sobs racked your body.  Aemond made a soft noise in the back of his throat, his hand cupping the nape of your neck as you leaned your forehead against his chest, beneath his chin.  His other hand rubbed the small of your back soothingly.
“There is little I can say to make this easier, Y/N.”  Aemond took your shoulders, encouraging you to look at him. “I am truly sorry for your distress.  I do not wish for you to suffer.”
“What do you wish for, Aemond?”  You sniffled, feeling his fingers lightly brush your tear-stained cheeks.
“A great many things.”  Aemond’s gaze, so cold with anger a moment ago, had softened as you looked up at him with watery eyes. “War not being among them.  Nor wedding a woman who despises me.”
“I don’t despise you, Aemond.”  He stilled at your words looking at you with a guarded expression as you continued. “You’re a pawn in this as much as I am.”
“I don’t know how to take that.”  A wry smile curved his lips as Aemond continued watching you.
“Will I ever be able to see my family again?”
“After the war is over, and the threat to Aegon’s rule is removed.”  Aemond smoothed your hair, tucking a strand of it behind your ear. “It won’t be long, Y/N.”
“How do you know?”
Aemond sighed, unable to answer, his eye searching your own.  Silence stretched between the two of you, heavy with unspoken words.
“Don’t try leaving again.  I might not be the one to catch you next time.”
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
“You’re staring.”
“I’m observing.”
You rolled your eyes, quickly schooling your fond smile into a more neutral expression.  “What do you see?”
Aemond didn’t answer, a small smirk curling his lips as he continued to observe you over his book.  
“What?” You snapped your own book shut, rising to your feet, your brow arched.
Aemond methodically marked his place, shutting his volume of philosophy and setting it aside before standing to meet you.  “An infuriating woman, is what I see.”  His reached out to knead the fabric of your skirts with his fingers, his gaze lilac intent on your face.
“I’m flattered.”
“You are something, Y/N, that much is certain.”
“You’re a royal pain in my-” Your words were cut off in a gasp as Aemond swiftly pulled you to him, capturing your mouth with his own, drinking down the gasping moan that escaped your throat.
You felt his hot breath fill your lungs, your hands wandering the planes of his back, curling in his hair, tugging the silver locks to make him hum in pleasure like that again.  You felt his knee part your thighs, his touch tracing lines of fire along the exposed skin of your throat and chest.  You lost yourself in the feel and taste and smell of the prince as he deepened the kiss, sweeping his tongue into your mouth.  You arched into his hand, pressing into where he palmed your breast through the velvety bodice you wore.  
“Aemond.” You breathed, your lips brushing his as he made to pull away from you. “Don’t you dare leave me here like this.” Your hands tugged at his trim waist, urging his body to press back against you.
“You want this?”  He asked, his eye hooded as he looked down into your flushed face, his own cheeks faintly pink.
“I want this.” You sucked in a breath as he nipped at your throat. “I need-”
Your words cut off in another heady moan as you felt him mark your skin, sucking trailing kisses down to the swell of your breast straining above your corsage.  
“Hmm?”  He murmured against your flesh. “What do you need, my love?”
You felt his hands bunching the fabric of your skirts, the heat of his fingers finding the inside of your thighs.
“Aemond-”  You gasped, his exploratory hands dipping beneath your smallclothes.
“Ah.”  He chuckled low, kissing the corner of your panting mouth. “I see.”  He looked at your wanton expression with a dilated eye. “In that case, let me give him to you.”
You ground yourself against his hand, your lust taking full control as you kissed Aemond roughly, pulling his hair so that his head tipped back, exposing his throat to your own bruising kisses.
“If it is within my power, I will give you all that you desire.”  Aemond promised, his voice husky with want. He lifted you into his arms, you wrapped your legs around his torso as he backed you against the wall, his lips descending hard upon your own once more.
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eeulysian · 4 months
hm enough smut for today, i kinda got tired of it.. sigh, maybe i ate too much. anyhoo, what do u feel about [insert charac] x shy!reader? ^_^ lllike imagine chRCter being all extrovert, party addict, and fun then there's this little lost zoul clinging on the charactwr's arm TT it's be such a cute relationship i swear.
idk what character that would be fit for this role...
reader being shy and possessive after the party (overthinks a lot as well.. im not romanticizing that btw) AKSJDHJEBDHEHEJWHEHU——
“you were talking to them the whole time, u shouldn't have brought me here with u.. they didn't need me there anyway,” tsk. tsk. character ends up cimforting and doing whatever reader wants becuz they neglected them wayy.. too much. (if this even makes sense, im half asleep writing this)🦈🦈🦈🦈 ermm.. im not requesting a fic btw! ur free to make it into one tho. :D
I LOVE THIS TROPE SOO MUCH. its one of my favourite tropes. its like, in terms of animal tropes, it would be golden retriever x black cat. the characters i have in mind for this areeee.... topaz, serval, bai yi, beidou, elysia and kafka. i think all of them would definitely be a perfect fit for this kind of trope. not a fic but just a little short imagine!!
forced to be invited to this rich kid's mansion party by college gf!(char) because she wants to taste the drinks there, eat the food and have fun with other people. you kept refusing at first, because your introverted ass cannot handle crowds. you'd look like a small, crying kitten in the midst of the crowd. you know you'd be pushed here and there, hearing crazy screams and shouting, with rave music in the background and you hated it. in the end, you gave in and was dragged to the mansion by (char). in there was so many people, chatting, laughing, having fun and dancing to the music. (char) saw a friend and ran after them, forgetting you were there with her. 30 minutes passed, you were standing in a corner, a little further from the crowd and you started getting anxious, wondering where she is and why she just left you like that. you decided to just swarm and squiggle into the crowd to find her, feeling your social battery get drained even more. and you spotted her talking with her friend, because her hair color just stood out alot. you ran after her and shyly hugged her from behind, trying to silently tell her that she forgot about you and that you're still here. she flinched a little, but knowing it was you, she gave you an apologetic smile and told her friend that you're her girlfriend in case they were confused.
"y/n, i'm sorry i accidentally left you behind. it wont happen again, i promise", she told you, but you still felt a little insecure that she just... left you like that for a friend. "no it's fine, maybe i shouldn't have been here anyways if i wasn't so important. i don't like parties anyways." you blurted out. she noticed you looked and even sounded sad from that tone, she knew she was going to have to make it up to you with hugs, kisses and snacks when you two get home tonight. she apologizes once again, and tells her friend that she'll be going home earlier to avert her attention more to you. she feels guilty, but she knows you meant no harm and you can't help feeling like that. but she just loves taking care of you and reassuring you anyways, no matter if you guys have huge differences, contrasts and are considered total opposites by others. they say opposites attracts anyways 🤭
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stanlunter · 6 months
What you favourite toh ship says about you
No judgement, just my opinion based on how shippers act and how I would feel if I were them. Pls let me know if I have forgotten something!
Lumity - you're glad you finaly got canon healthy wlw couple in a kid show and became obsessed with it. Also you like highschool romance trope and probably is taken.
Boschlow - you miss s1 Lumity potential and hate the way it was done in s2. Also you want Boscha to be your gf.
Boschamity - you miss s1 Amity and hate the way she was was done in s2. You believe deep inside Boscha is a good person, who has the same trauma as Amity and she could become better too if there was anyone for her. It's very likely that you're a bitch and used to have bitch friends who left you for some reason, but I can't judge you for it, cause I ship it too.
Willuz - you think Amity's arc was rushed. You feel bad for Willow, cause she was "separated" from Luz and Amity in s2 and think she became an ooc in s2 and miss Willow from s1.
Lunter - you think Lumity and Huntlow were written bad. "Highschool romance" is never your otp. You prefer classic (in any way). You're probably on aro spec or believe in soulmates. You and your crush always tease each other. You're good at keeping secrets.
Goldric - it started as a joke, but you don't think it's a joke anymore. When Huntlow appeared you realized you went too far to change anything. Also you just want to have more mlm couples in media.
Huntmira - it started as a respond to goldric shippers, but then you realized it actually has a great potential and their dynamic would be amazing.
Gunter - I haven't seen you, but I really hope you just want all good things for both of them and also think Gus is criminally overlooked.
Raeda - you're bigger than ship wars. Love between teens is overrated and love between adults is underrated. You love suffering and wanna be both Raine and Eda.
Gustholomule - you think it's extremely unfair that Gus doesn't have a partner.
Skasha - you love Boscha and want all the best for her, but you're fine with her being an antagonist and Amity being happy with Luz.
Skamity - for some reason you dislike Lumity, but want Amity to be a good guy and want her to be in healthy and equal relationship with someone who's like Luz. You probably don't really like Amity, but still want good things for her.
Odalador - you want Blight family to be actually good, happy and health family and I can't blame you for it. Also you wanna know more about Alador, Darius and Odalia's friendship in the past. You also think deep inside Odalia isn't as bad or at least want her to have at least some good traits.
Dalador - you really hate Odalia and want Alador and kids to be happy, but not with her. You also think Odalia was a third wheel in their friendship and, again, you hate her in all possible ways
Odarius - Im not sure if you're exist, but if you do, you just find them both hot and want them to fuck. If you also ship them with Alador as a poly ship, then you want them not only to fuck, but also to have some romantic stuff together. But if you're a straight girl, then you're probably just wanna Odalia in this ship.
Daraine - you think Darius as bi and you probably ship Daraeda too. Also you think Darius is underrated.
Amillow - Willow is your favourite character and you hate the way she doesn’t get enought screen time. You also think Amity's redemtion arc was rushed. You probably also had a close friend, who left you and you still miss them and wanna bring them back even tho they hurted you. You also probably still believe in aroace lesbian Willow.
Veenter - you don't exist, but you wanna rewrite toh cuz you see too much of wasted potential in it. Also you have a lot of headcanons about Vee and want her to have an actual role.
Huntlow - you enjoy Amity's redemtion arc and Willow's development. And Hunter is your favourite chatacter. You probably don't have a partner, but very want to.
Guslow - you believe that friends are always more important than a partner. You truly believe in friends-to-lovers and probably don't really believe in m/f friendship.
Amiter - you really love Wittebane and Blight lores and hate how they were revealed. Also you love forbidden love trope.
Veesha - you want everyone to have a partner. You probably also used to ship Tom x Janna and just love "Mysterious demon x a Human who like mystery and demons" trope and want Masha to be inckuded in a Hexsquad. Also you wanna know more about Masha and adore Moringmark's comics.
Veelow - you don't like Huntlow and think Willow should get a gf instead. You also can see this fragile simality between Willow and Vee, but can't explain it.
Bris - you love Bria and wish she ever appeared again
Brisha - you love both Boscha and Bria and think antagonists are more interesting than protagonists
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mitsies · 11 months
i just read "intrinsic warmth" and it was sooo good ( YOU AHVE AMAZING TASTE). pls give us more gojo recs ao3 or tumblr.
gojo + ao3:
+ intrinsic warmth: my favourite fic of all time. like genuinely. insane writing, fucking amazing in every sense of the term. 2nd time recommending this! reader's character is so sick BUT updates real slow (which isnt a bad thing!! good things take time!!) so i wouldn't read if you aren't patient // 90k words, 13 chapters, incomplete
+ ripverse: not really a series, more like a compilation of fics! it's got a lot of angst and the one titled 'interlude' contains smut i think so beware, and it's also a lovetriangle/poly-but-geto-goes-crazy-so-not-poly moment // 55k words, 8 pieces
+ the witches' brew: super cute fluff! reader owns a cafe, gojo is a regular, it's all around adorable // 2 chapters, 11k words, completed
+ all that is solid melts into air: arranged marriage trope! i haven't read but @/aanobrain loves this one // 7k words, 1 chapter, complete
+ cake batter: established relationship w/ dad!gojo & megumi <33 not much to say, just short n sweet, i am such a sucker for dad gojo so its no surprise there's one of these on the list.. // 2k words, 1 chapter, complete
+ best of luck: initial concept is really unique!! confessions, slight angst, takes place at the beginning/middle-ish of s1 i think? so cute loved this &lt;;3 // 5k words, 1 chapter, complete
+ afternoon tea(se): gojo torturing megumi. classic !! so so cute love the banter // 1.7k words, 1 chapter, complete
+ my apologies, gordon ramsay: god i hate this man. jk. reader is a teacher and a functional human being; gojo is not. loved! // 8k words, 1 chapter, complete
+ a name known only to paper: platonic, angst- beautifully written, such a unique idea. reader is gojo's older sibling. // 3k words, 1 chapter, complete
gojo + tumblr:
+ untitled by @/augustinewrites: actually idk if there's a title and if i just can't find it but... this is so so cute love me a lil drunkass gojo hes so cute and the author writes him so well i am a huge fan LMFAO just check out their whole masterlist if u havent alr!!
+ i could fall asleep or stare in your eyes (you're right by my side) by @/seoafin: hurt/comfort !!! lovely, this author's writing style is so so good i eat this shit UPP
+ growing pains by @/seoafin: another lovely work by this author!! im pretty sure they also wrote ripverse (on the ao3 part) as well? parental gojo again!
+ close combat by @aanobrain: honestly it's taking everything in me to not link all of art's gojo fics so i'm limiting myself to my fav 3, and this is one: love the reader's personality, so so much and NO im not biased bc i helped write it....
+ family photo by @aanobrain: fifteen THOUSAND words of pure mastery. the motifs, techniques, all make an intricate storyline even better- wonderful characterisation and i cannot express enough how amazing this is
+ 10:15 AM by @aanobrain: short n silly. this one makes me giggle. i requested it in return for an aki fic i wrote which is how u know its good. ok bye done w aanobrain art now i dont even know them who is this
+ quiet game drabble by @/moonbeamwritings: so so cute looooove silent treatment fics bc theyre always so silly n this is characterised so well !!
+ no good, very bad date by @sixosix: again i am fighting my demons to not rec all of six's gojo fics........ THIS ONE IS MY FAV THO!!! so so fluffy so sooo fluffy i thrw up in my mouth (in a good way)
+ fan letters by @sixosix: FLUSTERED GOJO............. i was hissing and squirming and [REDACTED] wjen i read this for the first time. short n so so sweet
+ formation b! by @earthtooz: oh god another place where i want to give u the whole masterlist... go check it out if u havent alr but this is a classic i LOOOVE my sillies !! teacher gojo based on that one ending cutscene w megumi its so so sweet
+ untitled by @earthtooz: ok again idk if there is a title i am finding all of these fics bc theyre saved in my drafts but.... THIS IS SO CUTE!! if i were to give it a name i'd call it 'gojo being awhore but only for u'
+ untitled by @/od4saku: hmmmmmmmmm this is cute!!!!! kinda a character study i liked it ;)
okay so... this is as far as ima go because i have been staring at this man's face and name for way longer than is probably healthy!! but if u want more recs i'm sure i can find some because i'm actually insane!! hope i could help !
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reve-writes · 1 year
—thunderstorms; nikolai lantsov.
ʚ nikolai lantsov x tailor!reader | grishaverse | 1,2k words. ʚ based off of this ask. | you're stranded with your captain, sturmhond, and forced to stay together at an inn to wait out a coming storm. the problem is: one, you're deathly scared of thunderstorms and two, there is only one bed. ʚ the one bed trope; fluff; reader being a grisha is easily omittable if its not your thing. ʚ a/n okay i don't write for nikolai a lot and i feel like he's very out of character here i'm sorry. i love him i think i'll understand of him after i read king of scars? for now i'm basing him off the show and the main trilogy. thanks for reading.
Tumblr media
"Great," you mutter, throwing your hands in the air. Sturmhond pushes past you from where you stand in the doorway. If he notices anything askew, he doesn't say anything. You, however, glare at the moderately-sized bed in the centre of the dusty hotel room. There's no way you're sharing the bed with your captain.
No. Way.
He turns to look at you, red hair—the result of your handiwork—falling over his forehead. You notice the hazel of his eyes have started to return, replacing the muddy-green enchantment you've put on him a week prior.
"Are you not coming in?" He asks, entirely too casual as he sheds his blue coat.
You walk into the room, closing the door behind you. You take the coat from him, placing it neatly on the clothe hanger behind the door. "It should dry by the morning."
Nikolai hums. "I feel like I can sleep for a week."
With a satisfied groan, he plops onto the comforter with his boots still planted on the floor. You crinkle your nose at him. As if he can sense your disapproval, he looks up, pushing on his elbows to stare at you from where you stand near the doorway.
"You're making the bed all wet," you protest, tugging him by the sleeves. "Go clean up first."
You lead him to sit in the leather armchair in the corner of the room. He follows with nary a protest, you're right after all. His clothes is damp, sticking to his skin uncomfortably. You pull on your satchel, overflowing with haphazardly purchased clothes from the nearby market stalls.
Without warning, you throw a tunic and a pair of trousers towards him. Simple, understated clothes— a complete opposite of what he usually wears, but you can barely afford anything. Not when you've left most of your valuables aboard the ship, which is currently docked on the other side of the island.
He catches them too easily, his reflexes trained from all his years serving in the Ravkan army. "You can clean up first. I can't have my favourite tailor catch a cold, darling."
You try to ignore the casual way he throws around terms of endearment. That is just the way he is. Flirtatious, charming privateer. Still, there's no helping the spike of your heartrate whenever he calls you darling or sweetheart. Thank the Saints that he's not a heartrender.
"How chivalrous," you say. "I'll take the washroom first then."
Your heart hammers in your chest still even after you've finished and it is his turn to use the bathroom. You sit at the edge of the bed, trying to come up with a sleeping arrangement for the two of you. Saints. You're not sleeping side-by-side here.
You don't think you'll be able to sleep a wink.
The room is bare save for the armchair, a vanity and the bed. You are not sleeping on the floor and you can't exactly ask the Prince of Ravka to take the floor, can you? You'll be plagued with guilt anyway if you do.
Lost in your own head, you don't notice the pitter-patter of rain against the glass of the windows. Not until it's too late. There's a loud rumble overhead, thunderous, reverberating throughout the small room with an unwelcome crack.
You jump, your heartbeat pounding in your ears. Your breathing is uneven now, the tips of your fingers growing cold. You squint your eyes, bracing yourself for another booming sound.
You hate thunderstorms. It brings a chill down your spine, rendering you helpless. This fear follows you, like a monster under your bed you can never manage to outgrow. You've grown to hate it more ever since you start to live at sea. Whenever the clouds start to appear a little too grey, Nikolai will call for the crew to head to the nearest docks, knowing your inability to stand it.
A warm hand engulfs yours, a comforting presence cutting through the turmoil in your mind. Nikolai's hair is still wet. You notice your work has already started to fade away, revealing blond strands amidst all the red. His eyes come into focus, eyebrows curved into worried lines as he kneels in front of you.
You don't know why but you smooth your hand over his hair. "You didn't dry it properly."
He chuckles, relieved that you're okay. "I heard the thunder and rushed outside. I was so worried I barely put my clothes on."
Your face heats up, noticing the undone knots of his tunic. You tug on the thread, tying it into a secure knot. You don't notice the way you've leaned in, but Nikolai does. He freezes, shoulders tensing as he watches you, the way your eyelashes brushing over the tops of your cheeks when you blink, the slope of the tip of your nose.
The thunder rumbles again and you suddenly jolt back.
His hands immediately reach towards you. "It's alright, darling. We're safe. Nothing can get us in here."
You swallow, nodding. Your heartbeat roars and you don't know if it's your scared reaction towards the storm outside or Nikolai's proximity. The way his eyes look at you—it's too gentle. It makes your stomach do flips.
"I know, I'm sorry," you say, holding a hand out. "Let me dry your hair. Tell me some stories to keep my mind off it."
He smirks, passing you his towel. "You know I can never pass up a chance to talk your ear off, darling. You know i've never told you about this sweet shop in Ravka, have I? My favourite...."
His voice is a calming lull in your ears. It's as if the world around you has melted away and the two of you exist in a vacuum. Just you and him. It's a pleasant feeling, one that you wish to indulge in a little longer. Realistically, he's a prince and you're no royalty. Whatever stolen glances and brushes of fingertips exchanged between you are bound to end sooner or later.
For now, you let yourself fall.
"...and that is how I unintentionally crashed my mother's tea party."
You let out a small laugh, setting his towel to the side. "I'm sure the Queen gave you an earful and a half."
He snorts. "Oh, she did. Whenever she has guests, I stay away from the entire wing that they're occupying in the castle."
You scoot further into the bed, patting the empty space beside you to invite him. "No funny business, Captain. It seems like we have to share the bed."
"But I strive to do funny businesses," he protests, frowning as he pulls the covers over the two of you. He doesn't seem the slightest bit worried at the prospects of sleeping on the same bed. His long tale has eased the rapid beating of your heart as well, replacing it with a comfortable warmth. You roll your eyes in response, putting an arm's length of distance between the two of you.
He grabs your wrist. "I'll be good, darling. I promise. Come closer or you'll fall off the bed."
Embarrassment blankets your face with heat. "Nikolai."
You relent, letting yourself press closer to his side. Waves of comforting warmth radiated off of him. Under the blanket, with him next to you, the storm outside is but a muffled sound and you don't think you've ever been more relaxed during a thunderstorm before.
"Good night, Captain," you mumble, letting your eyes flutter close.
"Night, darling."
[ ]
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absolutebl · 5 months
Because your opinion means a lot: Any chance you feel like sharing 5 upcoming BLs you're most excited about and why? And maybe as a bonus, something you think many BL watchers will love but that you will hate?
Ooooo, how exciting what a fun one. You sure you want this from me? I have very odd taste.
The 5 Upcoming BLs I'm Most Excited About
(this forced me to put together the 2024 Announced BLs list which is coming soon)
1 Spare Me Your Mercy
Increased rates of deaths in terminal patients has a police captain investigating the palliative care doctor with whom he's fallen in love. Their relationship deepens but the mystery persists, driven by mistrust.
Why? It's adapted from the novel Euthanasia by Sammon (Triage, Manner of Death) but more important, it stars some old guard BL actors: Tor Thanapob from Hormones as the doctor and (fuck me YES) Jaylerr from Great Men Academy and goddamn Grean Fictions as the captain!
2 Wandee Godday
GMMTV and AllThis Entertainment producing a very pulp offering with new pair, GreatInn doing high heat, boxer meets surgeon. It features a one night stand, fake relationship, and all the cheesiest of tropes. Also features Drake, Podd, and Thor+ pretty boy (be still my heart).
Why? This is totally my kind of BL even if it isn't GMMTV's style of BL, and it's GREAT, so I'm in.
3 The Next Prince (ZeeNew)
Domundi brings us more ZeeNew in a fantasy/historical set in a palace where Zee plays a knight and Nu a prince - YES PLEASE.
Why? I did not expect this pair to stick so I really hope this happens. Give us the Little Pink Riding Milk BL we deserve!
4 Lover Merman
Fantasy BL about a man who falls in love with a merman.
Why? I don't think it will be good but I LOVE merfolk.
5 Me and Who
Domundi for WeTV brings this adaptation of Wickedwish’s novel of the same name. It depicts a young man who dies and is reborn into the body of a billionaire heir. The heir happens to be engaged to a handsome man.
Why? I flipping LOVE this trope but I never expected to see it drive a BL.
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10 I am cautious of but VERY intrigued
JAPAN'S Although I Love You and You AKA Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka
From YTV releasing 1/11 about Soga, who, after a divorce and relocation to Osaka, seeks solace in dining at 26-year-old Sakae's restaurant. Unbeknownst to Soga, Sakae sees him as more than just a regular customer.
TAIWAN's Love For Love's Sake
Based on the Manhwa Love Supremacy Zone by Hwacha, this will star actors Lee Tae Vin, Cha Jun Wan, Oh Min Su and Cha Woon Ki. The plot of the drama is based on Tae Myung Ha, a young man who is dropped into a game based off of a novel that he knows. His mission is to make another player, Cha Yeo Woon happy. Cha Yeo Woon is Myung-Has favourite character in the novel. But then the game starts going completely different from the novel.
City of Stars AKA Fueangnakorn
Star Hunter started filming this 12/23 about an actor falls in love with a programmer and the narrative intends to “explore the ramifications of being public figure in the social network era who must endure critics, bullying, and defamation.” Looks like another Lovely Writer, Call It What You Want sort of thing.
My Stand-In AKA My Stand In
Chinese IP ALERT! Adapted from the novel Professional Body Double (职业替身) by Shui Qiang Cheng (水千丞) stars Up (Lovely Writer) and Poom (Bake Me Please).
OMG Vampire AKA OMG! Vampire (LeeFrank)
Frank and Lee Long Shi are back only vampires now. So many vampires.
The Rebound (MeenPing)
VIU Basketball based romance staring Meen (a national basketball player, so yay for that).
We Are (PondPhuwin)
GMMTV's university friendship Bl featuring PondPhuwin, WinnySatang, AouBoom, MarcPawin - basically ALL in the good kind of messy friendship group (so more My Engineer and less Only Friends). Looks a bit like the Kiss series but everyone is gay. I'm IN! Trailer here.
Love Upon a Time (NetJames)
Domundi announced for 6/7/2023 then delayed to 2024. NetJames in a historical BL! Also feat Tonnam (Dr Sing from Triage).
Jack & Joker (YinWar)
DeHup brings us be gay, do crimes. Yin, War, Mark and a few other familiar faces doing Leverage but gayer. Yes, thank you, I will have that.
My Love Mix-Up Thai Remake (GemniForth)
GMMTV. Hum, well I do love this pair and I did like the original and maybe this time these characters will actually kiss? I'm actually fine with this pick-up. I kind of enjoy seeing different countries remake the same IP. Especially if it's IP I'm mostly unfazed by.
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bougiebutchbitch · 2 months
After watching GOTG 2 again I am struck by how it IS possible to kill a beloved character in a meaningful and hard-hitting way
Yondu was my favourite trashbag pirate dad. Like, it 100% made me sad to see him go, and I'm so tired of the 'death as redemption' trope that I immediately wrote a dozen fix-it fics.
But narratively? It was perfect.
It was a big character moment that brought his arc together. A guy who hid all his fear and trauma behind this act of being the biggest toughest badass around, who pretended he didn't care about anyone but himself, was finally fucking honest about his love for his son and had a really soft, touching, heartfelt moment where he was trying to comfort him while he died.
It was a horrific situation with no other way out. Yondu and Peter had to choose one of them to die, and of course Yondu chose himself, not his kid. It didn't feel contrived, or like a disservice to the characters' intelligence. There really was no other option.
It was dramatic. It was heart-rending. It felt impactful, not least because the film ended with a massive funeral where Yondu's whole adopted family (who Yondu thought he'd pushed away and who hated him forever) showed up to say goodbye.
We had Peter resolving to be a better parental figure to Groot while listening to the music Yondu left him. We had Rocket reflecting on his big 'I see you, you're me' moment with Yondu. We had Peter telling Rocket the Guardians will always love him, even if he - like Yondu - does that Typical Abused Kid Thing and pushes the boundaries of everyone who cares for him to test when they'll snap. We had poor widower Kraglin inheriting Yondu's arrow (and absolutely sucking ass at using it, lmao). Hell, we even had Gamora and Nebula sharing that beautiful, awkward, unpracticed hug.
In short, it was so much better than A Certain Other Death, and rewatching made me grateful for how it was handled
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fluffy-alien · 3 months
do hazbin for the meme!
Kisses you on the forehead. Thank you. ❤️
Who's the most ticklish character:
I just want to say all of them!!! That's like picking a favourite!
My twisted little heart is thinking about Lucifer. Most powerful being in Hell, brought to his knees by a little fluttering? Who doesn't love that trope?!
I think he's one big ticklish spot; and Charlie definitely took after him in that regard. The apple doesn't fall far. ❤️
Who's the character that most people would assume is ticklish, but actually isn't:
They're all ticklish. Don't come here with that nonsense.
Who's the character that everyone gangs up on and tickles:
Sir Pentious! My little guy! This man can't catch a goddamn break. I think his friends(found family aw) gangs up on him quite frequently. He just makes it so easy. Actively turning all the way around to look away, whenever anyone tickles someone in the hotel. He can't stand the sight! It makes his whole body tingle! And if he looks, he looks hard. It makes everyone uncomfortable. You're unsettling, Pent!
His friends gang up on him if he stares too hard. Let him have his fill, even if he screams and claims he isn't at all ticklish! He hates it, in fact(no he doesn't).
Who's the character that somehow knows everyone else's tickle spots and reveals them to others:
I feel like Vox has gained that nugget of information by happenstance. He has camera's everywhere in Hell, and has everything filed away accordingly. I don't think he's a freak about it, but if he finds out that someone he has beef with is ticklish, he will either use it as blackmail or just straight up broadcast it, as if anyone else but him gives a shit. He's petty as hell. He shares the information with Velvette as well, so she can post about it on Sinstergram. You know she lives for public humiliation.
Who's the character with one specific tickle spot that only one other person knows about:
My first thought was Niffty being close enough to Alastor to know this. But while they're very sweet together, the honor goes to Rosie. Sweet Rosie is handsy as hell with Al, and you can't convince me that he hasn't had her hands in his hair. Gracing her long fingernails over his ears; hearing a stiffled snort as a reward. No one must know. Rosie is chatty and loves some hot gossip, but this one thing she has sworn to secrecy. She loves dear Al too much to embarrass him like that. But you know she has gone for the kill a couple of times; just to remind him who he's sassing at.
Who's the most likely to win gang tickle wars:
My heart says Angel, but my brain says Alastor. Angel because six arms isn't something to sneeze at. And he's way more likely to engage.
But Alastor has his tentacles... Yeah. He would wreck shop. He just doesn't play that game very often. But holy shit, is he smug about it when he does. Tickle king.
Which character has a kink for tickling:
Valentino. Hello. The man who wears all the hats. I think every character is plenty capable of having a tickle kink, but I'm putting my money on the moth. You want soft and sweet? You came to the wroooong place! He sucks. Doesn't believe in safe words. It's just tickling. Don't be dramatic.
Which character didn't even know they were ticklish until another character tickled them:
Sweet Husk. Oh, I love him. Not really into the whole... Physical affection thing(yeah, right). While I have a hard time believing that he went through life never getting tickled, maybe he isn't aware of his demon form still being ticklish. And it might've startled him when Angel(of course) graced his fingers over the pads in his hand. Angel didn't catch on then, be he for sure found out later and felt cheated out of so many lost opportunities to tickle his precious bartender! The absolute audacity to keep that secret!
Which two characters have tickle fights all the time:
It's a tie between Charlie and Vaggie / Angel and Cherri!
Charlie instigates tickle fights every goddamn night before bed and I can't be convinced otherwise. She'll get hyperactive when she gets ready for bed, and needs a few minutes of dumb fun before she can get some sleep. Vaggie would pretend she hated it, but has since accepted Charlie's routine and even instigates a fight, if she happens to get into her pajamas, before Charlie. Plus, it's nice to help Charlie relax after a stressful day of rehabilitation.
Angel and Cherri trusts each other with their lives(quite literally) and that also means that they trust each other with their most secret spots.
Angel is unmatched in tickle fights! Six arms comes to good use; but he doesn't always use all six, only because he wants to at least give Cherri a fighting chance to win. She rarely does, tho. Cherri is explosive in her personality and loves to start shit, even if she knows she'll lose. Angel has since pointed it out and teases her about wanting to get wrecked.
She started fighting back with more vigor after that. She isn't allowed to touch his feet tho. Fuck off.
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