#i love this funky goth man
polteergeistt · 4 months
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I don't even have the words. I mean, you know the drill.
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strangesem · 1 year
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hobie brown x reader with funky/weird hair
a/n: I have a curly teal mullet so this is very much in my element lol
I imagine this reader as being a spider-person
possibly with a dark/monochrome suit?
and maybe you get along really well with spider-man noir so hobie just kinda assumes you both live in similarly colourless universes
until you take off your mask and your HAIR? it’s COLOURFUL??
he thinks it’s so sick
especially if you have piercings too?? he’s shocked but also impressed
he’s sorta confused why you and noir get along so well though bc not looking at you both you’re pretty much opposites
gwen: it’s weird how well you two get along
reader: not really we both hate fascists
hobie: :0
(he too hates fascists obviously)
“now that I can get behind”
he’d think it was really cool if your universe was sorta dark/desaturated for the most part and you just stood out sm with your hair
like you just stand out so much in every crowd
he would also love to play around with your hair if you’re comfortable!!
like if you style your hair every day he’d watch you intently so he can hopefully try to do it for you one day
but if your style/texture wouldn’t allow for that he’d just spend time admiring you tbh
if you went to one of his shows he’d definitely shout you out and get the crowd to look at you by describing your hair-
it’s cute though he’s just really proud to be your partner and wants everyone to see how cool you are
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starsareshinning · 3 months
High School AU: What year everyone is in and some Info
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Annalise Lusen Mia: She’s a student nurse that had an opportunity to learn from the nurse working at Proxy High. She took it now she goes to the nurses office whenever she can to learn and help out.
Liu Woods: Moving from Ottawa to Toronto he’s brand new to the district and city. Liu looks like your average loser, but he’s much more. A lot more social.
Helen Otis: Helen was actually sent to jail for attempted murder. He lied and manipulated his way through, pretending he was getting better. He is now back in Proxy High. He has a weird obsession with blood.
Candy Pop: Funky little jester who looks as if he’s ready to catch Pokémon! He was born in New York but now lives in Toronto Canada with a weird man (human Night Terrors) who he avoids by filling up his free time with after school activities.
Nathan Maxwell Lux: Goth guy who’s a hater and can be a bitch. He’s also Candy Pop’s best friend and neighbor, which can suck because Candy Pop is annoying as hell. But they get along. Somehow.
Dina Angela Clark: Dina is known for being a sweetheart, her whole reputation was built upon her sweetness. She helps out whenever and whoever she can. Everyone calls her an Angel. However, just because she is an angel, doesn’t mean she’ll let people walk over her.
Kagekao: School’s one and only plug. I’m not kidding when I say that. Kagekao provides people with drugs and alcohol, though he only provides it to trusted and known people. Ones who won’t snitch. He’s also one of the rich students that attends Proxy High.
Jason Meyers: Honor student. His parents expect highly of him, and so his own exceptions of himself are high. Though his wish is to be a toymaker, he knows his parents would kill him if he ever said that out loud. Jason gets bullied because he is: British, a born red head, self-centered, and worst of all…he wears a top hat.
Ciara H. Callaghan: In a loving and healthy relationship with Nathan. She’s a confident student, doesn’t let anyone mess with her or someone she care deeply about. Lives with Candy Pop and (human) Night Terrors.
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Alice Marie Jackson (Zero): Alice prefers to go by Zero. Her adopted father is abusive to her so she usually spends her nights at Kagekao’s rich ass mansion. It’s gotten to the point where she can be called a roommate.
Jack Nyras: Most people dislike him because of his personality. Which is sarcastic while also being a smart ass. Group projects with him? You won’t be doing anything. He does all the work. He chooses to do all the work just because he doesn’t trust anyone else. Despite this, he can be caring for some people. He lives with his three siblings and older cousin.
Jonathan Blake (The Puppeteer): He’s sort of a sad little man these days. Found out his girlfriend cheated on him, but he has his best friend Helen Otis. Jon likes instruments and arts! He works as a delivery person. Delivers pizza at night and newspaper in the morning.
Laughing Jack: Schools personal clown. People either hate him or love him, he pulls pranks on anyone, anything, and everyone. No one is safe from him. Not even the teachers! He’s gotten in trouble because of his pranks. Oh and. He’s most likely never going to graduate. So. Have Fun LJ. His childhood best friend who was Issac Grossman turned out to be a serial killer, so that fucked him up a bit. But, he distracts himself with jokes and avoids people who want to question him about it.
Laughing Jill: She is Laughing Jacks twin sister. She’s the better twin. She does pull pranks, however her pranks only targets assholes like school bullies! Sometimes she gets pulled into LJ’s shenanigans. She does ballet after school!
Jane Richardson: She’s in a relationship with Mary. She’s also an honor student! Jane doesn’t mess around with her grades, she does everything on time and completed. She wants to make her parents proud (they already are).
Natalie Oullette: Natalie is known for getting into fights. She’s a sucker breaker through and through. She skips most of her classes and leaves the school when it gets to lunchtime. Her family is a mess which she avoids ever interacting with.
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William Grossman: Will loves crime podcasts, especially the ones that talk about his cousin: Issac Grossman. He works at a hotdog stand at the malls food court, needing money because he’s poor. He gets bullied because he’s poor. It’s not fun.
Jeffery Alan Woods: Liu’s younger brother who helps Liu sneak out of the house occasionally. Jeff is a closeted homosexual who wants to become emo, but unfortunately cannot because of how strict and religious his parents are. He hates going to a new school because he has to make new friends, and that’s a bit difficult to do when you keep moving.
Frankie: He has an alcoholic deadbeat father who uses the money he earns to get more alcohol. And his mother is a junkie that won’t quit doing drugs. So to provide for him and his little sister, he sometimes steals his parents booze and drugs to sell them on the streets. Frankie sometimes works at the mall as well. Part time worker.
Cody Richards: Cody is a science and biology nerd. His adopted father is a famous scientist so he wants to follow his legacy. However he’s also a straight forward guy who will insult anyone who annoys him, even when they’re right in front of him.
Tobias Erin Rogers: Toby’s parents are going through a divorce, which meant he could no longer stayed homeschooled. It was a hard decision, but his mom had to let him go into public school. Toby’s excited to start his first year at Proxy High! (Oh he’s so cooked.)
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Nina Hopkins: Nina runs the biggest gossip blog, she’s been running it since elementary. She knows everyone and everyone knows her. Because her parents are busy she lives with her grandma and her little brother, Chris.
Kate Milens: Kate is sort of a social student! She talks to anyone that she thinks is interesting enough. When she’s not talking she listening to music and sketching on her sketch book. She likes hearing Nina yap about her blog.
Vaughn Pavel Volikov: Or more known as Vine is a very sad and traumatized student. His foster parents sent him into public school. He hates interacting with older men that isn’t Papa Grande (who he finds comfort in). Once he’s at the age of eighteen he inherits his father’s fortune.
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an0thergl1tch · 2 months
Here are some sanderssides outfit headcanons because I’m gay :
Remus : Definetly had a pair of the Brendan Urie are you nasty booty shorts at some point in time. When alone this bitch either dresses like a emo slut, a toddler who decided to dress themselves for the day, a punk anarchist, or Adam Sandler, there is no in between. Janus has to convince him to put on pants when guests come over. “Who says I can’t wear converses with my dress.” Janus has to stop him from spontaneously cutting his hair or giving himself piercings so has a BUNCH of fake ones. Spends 10 minutes taking off all of his accessories. Puts in funky contacts to be edgy. Never throws old clothes out and thinks it looks punk despite there being very obviously not intentional large holes in them. Either extremely over or under dressed, If there’s a dress code, it’s ignored. Constantly wearing platforms. Definitely has tried to give himself a scar on his face because he thought it would look kickass, he no longer has access to knives. Randomly does sfx makeup to freak people the fuck out.
Janus : So much vintage wear. Definetly has a pin striped suit somewhere in his closet, dosent wear it because Virgil calls him the cat from Tom n jerry. Definetly has tea parties in renissance era dresses. Probably has one of those dramatic 60s newly widowed housewife robes that he wears while lounging with a glass of wine. Probably wore one of those androgynous suit dresses to Thomas’s prom, Roman was pissed because he looked better than him. Extremely overdressed, would wear red to a funeral. So many fucking hats, need I say more. Beauty is pain, there is no functionality, he can’t walk in half his outfits. Wears a lot of layers but actually has the excuse of being cold blooded.
Virgil : Oh so many bracelets, who gave him access to so many bracelets. Spends a solid 2 hours teasing his hair and putting makeup on every morning (this bitch is a GOD at eyeliner.) So many layers, you do not need to be wearing 3 hoodies at once. Somehow always cold despite having enough clothes on to survive in the artic. “Oh fuck one of my bracelets fell off.” Acts like he despises pink despite wearing neon pink raccoon tails during his college scene phase. Extremely underdressed unless he has the energy to dress as a Victorian vampire. Definitely experiments with goth makeup and clothing.
Patton : Its giving youth pastor. Owns every color of polo shirt. Wears aviators to look ‘hip’ and ends up looking like goose from top gun. Definetly has a leather jacket somewhere in his closet that he only wore to college parties to look cool (the obligatory dad mid life crisis leather jacket, probably worn and probably has seen some shit.) Constantly wears a tool belt or a Fanny pack, lord get this man a backpack. Had horrendous emo phase, good lord MySpace traumatized him. Definitely has a jersey and varsity jacket but actually IS into sports. Needs to get outfit tips because he will wear a polo shirt and cargo pants to every occasion. So many dad hats.
Roman : wears jerseys and varsity jackets despite not being into sports at all. Loves makeup but goes horribly every time he tries to do it on himself. Has to be held down to do eyeliner or mascara because he will NOT stop moving and complaining about you poking his eyes out. Loves being overdressed however half his wardrobe is costume pieces he pretends are high end items. So many rings and necklaces. “Buy me Prada” *is wearing thrift store jeans* Takes hours getting ready, getting dressed takes 10 minutes but he has to get his mindfulness meditation for the day in before he leaves. Definitely has a purse collection.
Logan : This dude probably has so much vintage clothing and historical pieces but is absolutely terrified to wear any of it and wrinkle anything. Has a tie collection (extremely obvious) however half of them are funky ties Patton spotted while shopping and gave to him. Has hundreds of the same shirt but tons of blazers and vests to spice things up a bit. Definitely has a collection of very high end leather shoes that he takes care of dearly and gets heavily pissed off if someone steps on them. So many cheesy nerd pun t-shirts that he wears exclusively in his room because Patton would freak the fuck out. Is tired of people calling him Steve Urkel or a newsie when he puts on suspenders. Practicality over looks, however makes a few exceptions (This bitch would look amazing in a corset.) Can run in heels and Roman is extremely jealous and terrified. Can do makeup surpisingly well.
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jester-lover · 1 year
She's in Parties
Twisted wonderland characters with a goth girlfriend feat. Trey, Jade, Floyd, Jamil, Rook, Silver, and Lilia cw- fem! reader, confident! reader, fluff, goth author freaks out about goth music, very long post
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I notice how often the fanfic community focuses in on the clothing/makeup relating to the goth subculture, and while there will be a lot of that in this post, I want more people to experience the music. I left a goth song recommendation I think fits each character, from gothic metal to softer new wave. No gatekeeping here.
Trey is definitely not knowledgeable about the goth scene, he listened to a few songs here and there, and probably had a minor emo phase in middle school
He does however enjoy the slower more melancholic goth songs you play for him, or more sweet/romantic songs
Trey is usually the one keeping law and order in his dorm, so sometimes he likes having calming activities like baking and picnics to get away from it all
Having a goth girlfriend, someone who can really understand his perceivable struggle of mundanity, and bring a spark of excitement to his life is a gift he will always appreciate
He would love body mods, like tattoos, piercings etc
Tattoos especially if they have meanings behind them, he thinks they’re like stories on your skin
This man has no clothing comprehension (fedora), he straight up doesn't care what you're wearing 
He does however, really like when you wear funky jewelry, and leather jackets
Something is just so sweet about your caring attitude towards him, contrasting with your look that tends to terrify people
We would make you bat shaped cookies 100%
A song that you and Trey listen to together would be Ecstasy by Strawberry Switchblade
“Maybe if you pair the red leather pants with the fishnet top, it’ll match your makeup.”
You might look like the dark, mysterious part of your relationship, but we all know that title goes to Jade
This boy is, unnerving to say the least, but you’ve always been a fan of strange things
He absolutely adores your aesthetic, even if you tone it down for school, or wear trad goth makeup every day, he’s obsessed
I feel like jade would enjoy gothic films, like The Crow, or Nosferatu, along with a long list of horror movies
“The movie itself is a bit overwhelming, but the plot is so delightfully dark, I think you would really like it dear.”
He probably does listen to goth music, more post punk and new wave type stuff, like The Cure, so a part of your music is not new to him
But he’d love to be introduced to more vibrant gothic music (it makes for a good hiking playlist)
He loves all types of gothic makeup on you, but especially enjoys 90s’ goth makeup, with tight black eyeliner, and burgundy red lipstick
Something about the simplicity of the style, along with the somber tone of the music you listen to makes Jade’s heart flutter (if he has one)
A song that would remind you of Jade is Heaven or Las Vegas by the Cocteau Twins
He’s a lil creepy guy himself! You guys are two peas in a pod! 
Floyd loves having a goth girlfriend, the fashion, makeup, music and general aesthetic are right up his alley
We know our boy loves shoes, so he would absolutely adore it if you had a funky shoe collection, from tall and heavy platforms, to cute yet sharp winklepickers 
He would love loud gothic rock, extreme music hypes him up before a big game
I read in floyd’s wiki that he dislikes restraint, so the loudness and brashness of gothic rock would be something he really enjoys
In terms of fashion, Floyd is one of the few boys who would definitely allow you to give him a makeover 
Tease and gel his hair, layers of silk over fishnet and leather, you can really go all out
Be careful though, because he’s also the type to come running for hugs and kisses right when you've finished getting ready
Floyd thinks that the best looks on you are the ones that require layering, he loves seeing you look like a shapeless bat creature
His most favorite part about having you as a girlfriend is how easy it is to find you in the stands during a basketball game
Floyd definitely gives you some freaky fish nickname, like ‘anglerfish’ just because he’s a meanie like that
"Anglerfish! I found a sweater you'll love, Its got bats all over it!"
A song that Floyd would like is Head like a Hole by Nine Inch Nails
Jamil caught your eye due partially to his dancing skills, and his hair
I mean look at it, the boy is a walking shampoo commercial 
He really is clueless about goth music, you really have to keep him on the shallow side before throwing him off the deep end
“So, you like music about coffins and funerals then?”
He really does enjoy your aesthetic quite a bit, every time you come home from a day of shopping (at a thrift store most likely) he encourages you to give him a little fashion show
Kalim might have been mildly terrified the first time he saw you, but then he realized how happy you made Jamil, and accepted you!
Pre-overblot, he enjoys more angry, loud gothic rock, but after, he asks you to introduce him to some softer goth music
Jamil has always dreamed of giving his significant other a life full of joy, so sometimes he likes fantasizing about a future with you, and dancing to romantic goth songs
A song you and Jamil dance to is Heaven by The Cure 
Ooolala a mysterious figure shrouded in darkness? He is intrigued
You definitely notice him, and you definitely ask him out first
(he swoons)
Rook is a perplexing character, he never really shows any interest towards your music, before suddenly turning up with a full playlist
Turns out, he’s been keeping track of the songs you mention in passing conversation and blast in your room
He loves you in long flowy black skirts, with full trad makeup, he thinks you look so beautiful
“Mon petit ange, you look absolutely breathtaking, villainous beauty like yours is dangerous!”
Rook is most definitely the of boy who goes out in the middle of the night with you for an impromptu photoshoot, or walk through a graveyard
You two have a very ‘Morticia and Gomez’ type relationship, considering just how obsessed this man is with you
He writes poems about you
Rook probably also adores romantic goth songs, especially the weirder ones
A song you two would listen to together is Temple of Love by the Sisters of Mercy
Scene bf x goth gf
Look at him and tell me he doesn’t avidly listen to My Chem? You can’t.
You two are two birds of a feather! (a crow’s most likely)
He absolutely adores your sense of fashion, and how it aligns with his own, just be aware that if you have any cool hoodies/jackets, he will steal them from you
Speaking of clothes, he loves any of them on you, especially bat-like clothes, like black shirts/dresses with long flowy sleeves and flared pants
“Hehehe we match in both clothing and personality!”
He also listens to goth music, and considering he’s ancient, he’s probably experienced some classic bands in concert 
Would love to share his most macabre stories with you, if you want to hear him ramble
Lilia is a fan of all genres of gothic music, especially the funky kinds of music often blasted in goth clubs
You two are very like minded individuals and that keeps you both very happy
A song you and Lilia would dance to is What’s Inside a Girl? By The Cramps
He’s so soft for you
You just cause fear wherever you go, and Silver’s just there, softly smiling
He doesn't listen to loud music unless he’s trying his best to stay awake, but when he is trying to sleep, he prefers the more mellow stuff
“Do you have any really calming music I can listen to?”
He cares so very little about what you wear, but he likes you in velvet so you're soft to cuddle with
Silver cares a lot about you, so if he sees people making bad remarks about you, he’ll confront them, he’s scary when he’s mad
He enjoys watching gothic movies with you too, but might fall asleep mid movie
Since the Diasomnia uniform is all black, he gets a little kick out of matching with you
A song Silver and you listen to as you lounge about is Lorelai by the Cocteau Twins
Bonus! More alternative songs that remind me of the boys :)
Trey-  Linger by The Cranberries
Jade-  Nocturnal Me by Echo and the Bunnymen
Floyd-  Nasty by The Damned
Jamil- Kiss me, Son of God by They might be Giants
Rook- Gentlemen take Polaroids by Japan
Lilia-  Time by David Bowie
Silver- Sacrifice by London after Midnight
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MORE Cute Spider Society Headcanons: Extracurriculars and Sports
Another list of headcanons I have about Spider Society and what it's like on campus. This time - Music, Sports, The Society Newspaper, and other fun things to do on campus
Heads-up: There's light mentions of Spidersonas below - including my own lovely Disco-Spider Diane. All creators tagged at the end
[This post has a lot of links in thise - ALL lead to other tumblr posts. Most of them explain callback jokes, additional headcanons, or the information about the Spider-person being named. All the Spider-people mentioned here are free-to-use headcanons, unless otherwise named. Those who are actual Spider-sonas that my Spider-sona knows - their first names maybe used, or their sona introduction will be linked. Basically if their normal name isn't given and/or theres no link, have at it]
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The Spider Music Scene goes CRAZZZYY
Thought it was just Hobie?
Of course not! There's MetroSpider too
In fact there's a whole wide range of accompanying 'Spider-*music genre*'
There's Spider-Goth who plays gothic death metal, DiscoSpider who plays funky pop, Spider-Grunge into 90's garage grunge, RrrriotSpiderrr who plays Riot Girl Grunge
There's even SpiderSync
Which is NYSNC. But they're all Spider-people. Like Justin Timberlake as Spider-man. They roam as a group
That's because Metro isn't the only celebrity Spidey either -
There's SpiderB, which is just Beyonce but a Spider-person. Britney Spiders, which is Britney Spears but a Spider-person. Doja-Spider, Doja Cat. You get the gist.
Like imagine being in the Spider Society campus food court and turning around to see BEYONCE
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And she's like 'yes.. It's me'
and it's literally just like the normal Beyonce with albums and everything excepts shes also Spiderwoman
And gay. And has a rapper wife named Jane-Z
Every year there's a collaborative album from all the musical Spiders
Called 'The Yearbook'
A lot of the songs are about the direct struggle or experience of being Spider-people
With some really good party songs thrown in for the Spider-raves
Hobie and Gwen's band Wicked Webs appears on the album, along with any Spider who plays an instrument.
If your spidersona can carry a tune, they're on it.
You can buy the album at the Commissary.
The first week at campus EVERYbody is playing it. In the common rooms or the food court or training rooms -
They'll just play this album that's by Spider-people for Spider-people
If your spidersona starts singing ANY part of a 'Yearbook' song some without a doubt will respond with the next lyric. everybody knows the words
Spidey people really treat Hobie like a rockstar - and a lot of them go to his concerts
It's kinda a huge unspoken thing on campus that a LOT of people are willing to break rank and head to 136 without permission, just to see Hobie on Saturday nights.
Even people who don't hang with Hobie or don't necessarily know the real him
They still go cause his shows are THE PLACE to be.
Spider-people pour into his tiny venues in London, all out of uniform, and they mingle with the punks in the crowd while Hobie goes Miguel Mode on stage
It's a place where they can all drink (if over 18) and party (any age, Hobie gotchu ur safe with him) and enjoy themselves
And as a result, Hobie is a HIT with people from his universe
They know that Hobie's shows are always lit and full of cool people you'll never see anywhere else
The after-parties are CRAZY (party on all six walls), and it's really common for Spider-friends to link up and head to each others universes after the show - getting into their own shenanigans
There's MANY times Ansi, Asa, Hobie, and Diane have gotten themself into some shit while lit after one of Hobie's shows
And every Monday people are talking about what they get into after the show, the crazy stuff that popped off in the after-parties
MetroSpider, Pavi, Diane, Hobie, & Margo throw the BEST parties
Miguel knows about this, and he lets it slide - for the sake of morale (and not causing a riot if he banned it)
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There's an international Spider community on campus
You thought Spiderman India and Spider-UK was it? NO
Spider-Canada and Hobie are other noticeable ones , but there's more!
There's the Peruvian 'IncaSpider' named Moche, a Paris born SpiderFrance, a SpanishSpider, SpiderItaly
A Mahayana Buddhist ThaiSpider, VietSpider, Spiderwoman Brazil. The list goes ON AND ON.
There's a large group of Indigenous Spider-people
Some Spider-people are even born in countries that don't exist in most universes or live in universes that live in countries that USE to exist
My favorite international Spider-person is the Australia Spider-person who is simply named Australian Spider
People constantly joke they're no dangerous than the average Australian Spider
And there's also a Spider Olympics!
And the events are DESIGNED for superhumans
Diving from buildings into swimming pools, Track meets where people are running at like 80mph, Web Gymnastics, Contact Sports
Ice Hockey gets REAL intense - and of course SpiderCanada is a team captain
As does Roller Derby. Wanna see superhumans fucking WRECKING each other? Go watch Spider-Derby, the players have derby names that play off their own Spider-names. So it's like a triple identity.
And once a year, they all throw down - and even if you aren't THE Spider of your nation, you can still participate if you want -
Like Hobie can enter for Britain but he'd rather die than do anything for that country
It's the one place you can compete and fully push your spider powers without danger - plus it's with your friends
They do give out medals. But it's mainly bragging rights.
Pavi earned his first gold medal in the diving portion for India only three months after his bite. Which is a record for The Society
However the Spider-person with the highest number of medals is Lego-Spider-man. I don't know how.
Sports are HUGGGEEEE on campus I cannot stress this enough
Everyone knows The Society LOVES baseball (shoutout @theevoh12)
But they also love football too (European - not American)
The Society also has TWO soccer teams that constantly play against each other
They play 4 wall soccer in which the field extends the length of a room, up the walls, and across the ceiling - leaving two walls for spectators. This is usually just called 4wFootball or 4WF
This is played with extended rules - and a modified ball that can stick and roll along walls
MANY people on Society backs one of the teams.
And before a game there WILL be arguments without a doubt
You DO NOT insult someones 4WF
You can get team jerseys in the Commissary
WebSlinger Patrick O'Hara is Captain on one team. No, the horse does not play
(I want a jersey with Patrick's 4wFootball number)
Imagine being a Spider Society Athlete and seeing other superhumans wearing your jersey and giving you thumbs up - WHOLESOME
Games can be played 'Plain' or 'Full'
A 'plain' game of 4wFootBall uses basic spider abilities such as speed, strength, and reaction time - however special abilities are not allowed
A 'full' game of 4wFootBall uses basic spider abilities as well special abilities and passive tactics. If Mile wants to go invisible in a 'full' game - that's permissible
Miguel's venom is NOT however. Can't be paralyzing other players. Abilities that effect the other players are off limits, so no electro powers
'Plain' games are played out-of-suits, in team uniform
'Full' games are played in-suits, with the team uniform over it
Betting on teams and players is against the rules
But also Lyla runs an underground betting system and fantasy 4wfootball league. Don't tell Miguel.
There's other activities with solo athletes, and like Hobie being a famous rockstar on campus - there are star athletes too
Tennis is a huge one. Volleyball too. With an extra long field.
The serves, spikes, and hits can be genuinely dangerous. They're managing swings and hits that can top out at like 110 mph (just above the world's fastest baseball pitch)
But because everyone are Spider-people, its fairly easy to follow in real-time
Star-Spiders are usually tennis players, gymnasts, weightlifters, and track stars, but there's a couple others too.
Pavi is a star gymnast, swimmer, AND A 4WFOOTBALL PLAYER - he goes REALLY hard at extracurriculars
(And he's surprisingly competitive. Like insanely competitive. Pavi will scream at the top of his lungs cause he scored a goal. He loses a game and as soon as they end the game he wants to practice cause he HAS to win next time)
The boy is a perfectionist.
One thing that's SO annoying is Venom Evaluation Checks
If you come in acting weird, too bold, or uncharacteristically agressive - You get sent to Spider-psyche so they can make sure you don't have venom.
Not my fault. Raimi-Peter (from the Raimi movies) pulled up to HQ one day in all black and started dancing all weird and saying cringy shit like 'Now dig on this'
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And Jess was immediately like "Yeah, no. We're not digging on anything, sir."
There's a newspaper you can write for
Spider-Scrawl is the Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Web who is a GREAT boss by the way
And it's a MUCH better gig than working at The Bugle
So if your spidersona has worked for Jonah - submit a resume, you might get a call
Theres things like a Canon Event Advice Column, which Diane writes for
A news section that details the Craziest News across the multiverse
If your Doc Ock pulls some crazy shit and turns into a giant octopus - oh yeah thats going Front Page. Everyone on campus knows and you get to gloat about fighting a giant octopus
There's a Debate Section that updates with hot topics that only exist between Spider-people like:
'Is it okay to genetically replicate another Spider-persons organic webbing so you can recreate it for your mechanical webslingers?'
'Masks: Hair out or No? Spider-man India and DiscoSpider weigh in'
'Is the Go-Home machine ethical?'
'What's Miguel's favorite flavor of empanada?'
As you can imagine, these coversations across campus can get REALLY heated
There's a lot of entertainment
Yes, there's a movie theatre on campus. They play movies from across the Spider-verse, and they're a GREAT way to see versions of films you know - but different.
Watch GhostBusters except it's from WebSlinger's world and everyone is cowboys and they catch the ghosts with lassos
Other hits are shown on the big screen too
Barbie was a HUGE hit on campus. People coming in with pink outfits OVER their suits
And it's really cheap in terms of credits
So people like Gwen who started out living on campus, or who are apart of the Educational Study Program have nice things to do in their off-time
And, The Food Court is THE BEST
You think they only have empanadas - think AGAIN
Every culture, every time period. Even weird ass food that you wouldn't even want but is a staple in other universes.
They even have a FISH N CHIPS SHOP (Malala loves it there)
So Hobie can get his nasty ass beans on toast without leaving HQ
The Food Court is almost as big as the Training Wing, and there are so many places indoor and out to eat lunch
And it doesn't stop there -
There's a store (based on credits not money) and a general kitchen.
(As well as separate kitchens in each dorm wing)
You know how in SpyKids they have those meals that like GROW to full size in the microwave???
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Missing McDonalds or a specific chain? - Just go to the Grocery in HQ and get a capsulized happy meal.
It grows to fill size in the expanders in the kitchen
Just pick the meal, put it in the expander, dip your ID card, and BOOM
Olive Garden with breadsticks on the side, Waffle House Waffles, McDonalds WITH international food options
Plus the grocery is fully automated by Lyla so you don't have to talk to people if you don't want to
But she will see all the nutter butters and pringles you pick up and she will judge you for it - it's between you and her but she's judging you
Miguel wants members to actually like the place he made
Because he finds no point in having unhappy, unsupported, unstable Spider-people out in the field -
He wants them at their happiest and healthiest so he tries his best
And he hardly partakes in any of this, but to him that's fine. It's not suppose to be for him.
He does enjoy seeing a full food court or walking by the training rooms and hear all the sessions going on
Hearing people talk about the new movie on campus
And sometimes you can even catch him humming a song from 'The Yearbook'
Imagine how smug Hobie was when he went 'bruv - are you tapping out my guitar notes rn?? you thinking about my song?'
Miguel can never live it down
Miguel DOES follow 4WFootball though -
He is actually one of the coaches for 4WFootball - he's a GREAT coach. Hardheaded ass fuck sometime but GOD he loves the Spider's on his team they're his favorites but he tries not to show it
And finally -
Yes there's a nursery and kindergarten on campus, specialized for Spider-kids regardless of if they have powers.
Peter doesn't let MayDay run free (all the time). MayDay attends the Itsy Bitsy Spider Daycare, and so will Jess's child
Sometimes while walking around HQ, you'll see little toddlers in single-file lines, holding lunch boxes as they follow Spider-Teacher on a field trip to another universe - to learn about the wonders of the multiverse
Their favorite trip is to WebSlinger's world, all the kids get to be cowboys and Patrick shows them ponies and lets them feed his horse Widow
There's a breakroom for people the multiple Spider-Teachers, Spider-Professors (Educational Program), Spider-Psyches, Spider-coaches, the list goes on and on
(Though Society Administration like Jess, Ben Reilly, and yes - Hobie (don't ask how hes just that good) have a separate breakroom from the educators and coaches and such )
And those breakrooms are funny as HELL It's like the Office back there.
This is really long :) Here's a photo of Hobie
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ALSO ALSO ALSO : All the people, OCs, and other things I mentioned -
Ansi - by @spidey-bie Asa - by @suchholydebauchery Disco-Spider Diane - by ME @theevoh12's amazing baseball concept Spider-Scrawl by @whaliiwatching
Thanks for making HQ so rad!!
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gunnrblze · 3 months
The Ghost Boys as romance songs💓💓💓
Hesh- Head Over Heels by Tears For Fears (the biggest lover boy on the planet lol, this is what it sounds like when he falls in love)
Logan- This Side of Paradise by Coyote Theory (idk I just know I’m right, also a lover boy like Hesh but in a more heartfelt emo boy way)
Elias- Angel by Aerosmith (no explanation just vibes, every time I think of him in a romantic aspect [which is frequently smh] I think of all those old 80s ballads)
Merrick- I Only Have Eyes For You by The Flamingos (this man is an old school romantic at heart I swear. Hard on the outside for sure, and a big ole softie on the inside)
Keegan- Lovesong by The Cure (WAHHHH I love him, goth Keegan truther. Also a bit emo like Logan when he loves someone)
Kick- Puppy Princess by Hot Freaks (lol he’s so funky and precious I need him. Puppy love energy idk)
Rorke- Poison by Alice Cooper (this is soooo him prove me wrong, that’s it)
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followed you because when you reblogged my bad communication post i loved your url !! do u have any nudibranch propaganda to share?
Hell yea i do!! This got a little long :)
These funky little dudes have the coolest morphology, something theyre well known for. They can be pretty tiny (0.4 cm) or surprisingly large (60 cm) and generally live in the tropics, though there are certainly a wide variety that live in cooler ocean water as well. Some of the more well known species are very eye catching, like the Jorunna Parva (Bunny slug) or Glaucus Atlanticus
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Some of them look like funky leaves and some of them look like slugs we see on the surface too! (Did you know licking banana slugs that you find on land makes your tongue go numb? 10/10 not recommended but i was a dumb kid)
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They also come in a goth or clown variant for those that are looking to fit a certain aesthetic :)
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Theres two kinds of nudibranchs. Dorids, which breathe from a central plume of gills above their ass, and Aeolids, which breathe from a collection of spiky protrusions called cerata. There are a couple more distinguishing features relating to their digestive tracts and mantles (or lack thereof), but this is the easiest way to tell them apart in my opinion!
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Theyre also carnivorous! These guys will eat a wide variety of stuff, including sponges, coral, barnacles, anemones, and even other nudibranchs and their eggs.
There are a couple species that have some pretty cool diets, like the Glaucus Atlantica, which preys on the portugese man of war and other siphonophores. It can eat the man of war whole if theyre small enough, but will also just eat the tentacles if theyre too big. Glaucus will then push the stinging nematocysts (the bits that hurt) from its insides to its outsides and use them as self defence!
There are also sea slugs, like the Costasiella Kuroshimae (technically not a nudibranch yada yada yada) that eat algae they then use to photosynthesize!
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These funky little creatures are also hermaphroditic! Like a lot of animals, they use mating dances to attract a partner. Thats not whats cool about their reproduction though. When the time comes to lay their eggs, they do so in the coolest ribbon-like structures.
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Mostly though, i just love how different all these little guys are. Personally, my fav nudi is from the ocean near where i live!
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Anyways, that was rlly long. thanks if u ended up reading and defs look into these little weirdos on ur own!! (references? idk her :P but actually i dont remember where i learned most of this, though some supplemental info and pics w out credits from wikipedia!)
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opposingsigns · 7 months
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When A Bard Loves 💙💖❤️
Redraws from that kiss scene from “When A Man Loves” (1928). I’ll be so real, I have not seen the movie but I saw that clip and it was so Klaus coded I had to draw it. Though this quickly went from 1 panel to 4 as I couldn’t decide which pose I liked most… and also if I wanted it to be colored as if it were Astarion or Shadowheart…
Anyways go off with your Toxic Yuri Goth Girlfriend and Old Man Yaoi Boyfriend you funky little nonbinary.
(insta) (twitter)
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daily-crowley · 10 months
TELL ME ABT YOUR OTHER HYPERFIXATIONS!! Mine are currently Loki, ofmd, good omens, and Hozier :D
There’s a few hyperfixations of mine I’m always talking about but right now there’s 3 main ones.
1. The Boys
2. Invincible
3. Peacemaker
The Boys is the main one; I loved it since it came out back in 2019. I moved on sometime after S3 ended and I found another hyperfixation but now new content is coming out with S4 so I’m back on my The Boys bullshit. I’m a Butchlander shipper, BILLY BUTCHER AND HOMELANDER CONSUME MY THOUGHTS. I AM BEYOND OBSESSED WITH THOSE TWO! I need them to kiss…. And-and more. Anthony Starr and Karl Urban are my current celebrity crushes that I’m only able to think about. If you follow me in insta it’s just been The Boys 24/7 that I’ve talked about since new content started dropping thanks to S4. HOMELANDER IS MY BABYGIRL I WILL DEFEND HIM I DON’T CARE FOR HIS CRIMES I DON’T CARE IF I’M SUPPOSE TO HATE HIM, I LOVE HIM. BILLY BUTCHER MY GOTH BOYFRIEND I WILL DIE IF YOU DIE. HE CANT DIE, HE JUST CAN’T. S4 teaser was insane, so much was going on, Black Noir is back?! And Jeffrey Dean Morgan is joining the cast! AND TEAMING UP WITH BUTCHER?! They said that trailer was just a scratch on the surface of what happens, wasn’t even a trailer just a teaser but it had so much going on WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT’T JUST A SMALL TASTE OF S4?! I’m scared but excited. I’m nervous but excited (Billy if you fucking die on me- that’s what I’m most worried about)
Invincible is my other current hyperfixation, S1 was so good and I can’t wait for S2 to continue. They should’ve dropped all the episodes at once that way I don’t have to wait but whatever. Vigilante is my little meow meow from Peacemaker. I love Adrian so much, hate that I gotta wait till like 2025-2026 for S2 possibly.
My other interests that I talk about all the time (not currently much though thanks to The Boys) are:
• NATM/JedTavius
• Venom/SymBrock
• SamBucky/Marvel in general
• Who Framed Roger Rabbit
• Maleficent
• The Simpsons
Night at The Museum came out when I was 7, I’m 24 now, I haven’t moved on. It was my first hyperfixation and ship before I even knew what that all meant. I’ve written like 30 JedTavius fics. I’m a Venom fan first and a Spider-Man hater second. I will defend Venom at all times and Eddie and him are definitely in love. When the FNAF film came out it brought me back to my FNAF phase, Foxy’s my favourite with Bonnie being second. I watched the film about 20 times. Then in November I started a personal rewatch challenge on Insta where I watched it all month long. Meaning I’ve probably watched it at least 50 times and I still haven’t gotten sick of it (also I love the Josh Hutcherson whistle meme. I don’t care how much people hate it I think it’s funny.) I’m a huge Marvel fan, I literally grew up with the comics, I’m not kidding those were read to me as my bedtime stories. My favourite characters are Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes as a result I ship them. I never shipped Stucky, that never made sense to me whilst Sam and Bucky have so much chemistry. Sam Wilson is everything to me, I adore SamCap he’s MY Captain America (still love Steve though!) Roger Rabbit is my favourite fictional character of all time, my biggest comfort character. Growing up I really tried to base my personality off of him, the world might be obsessed with Jessica Rabbit but I’m obsessed with Roger. People need to draw, edit, and cosplay him as much as they do Jessica. I’ve been a huge Simpsons fan since I was like 10 and my mother dropped me off at my aunts house and she left leaving me alone with my cousin who was watching The Simpsons and it took off from there. Nelson Muntz is my funky little son and they need to make Nelisa canon. Maleficent is my favourite Disney character (actually like quite a bit of Disney, second favourite character being Donald Duck) I based a lot of my style around her, and I have a lot of Maleficent collectibles. I absolutely love the Angelina Jolie’s Maleficent films (totally ship her with Diaval).
There’s a few other things that I really, really love. I’m also a huge horror fan my favourite being Chucky/Child’s Play as well as Killer Klowns from Outer Space, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (not 3D), Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, etc. Sanrio, Kuromi is my favourite second is Pochacco, I really love animated films and cartoons. IT, Monster High, and more. I’m also a collector of all these things.
So there you have it. Those are all my hyperfixation and fandom’s that I’m in. Right now especially those first 3 that I talked about (seriously can you tell I really like The Boys? Lol)
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barkilphedros-hat · 6 months
yeah hey what's the interest in beetlejuice? 👀 ( in other words, please gush about your funky little fixation 🫡 )
Oh hey lovely!! 💛💛
Short answer: hearing Alex Brightman in Hazbin Hotel awoke the goth/musical nerd in me like a damn sleeper agent
Long answer: I’ve always loved the film (my parents used to put it on because they liked it and would tell me when to shut my eyes when Barbara ripped her face off lmao) and I actually plan to get a tattoo inspired by the funky bug ghost man in time for the sequel 🤩🤩 I’m also super excited for the new movie! I have high hopes but I’m also trying to manage my expectations 😅💀
I’m also revisiting the 90’s cartoon, because even though I loved it as a kid too, my memory of it is shaky as hell 😂 I only really remember the Edgar Allen Poe episode because it freaked me a bit when I was little 😂😂
BUT, the musical…the MUSICAL??!! Goddamn I love it (am I deeply in love with Alex Brightman? I cannot possibly comment….), I went and bought the OBC vinyl and a tie-in makeup palette because I have absolutely zero idea how to consume media like a normal person. The score reminds me of a weird mix of Book of Mormon and The Rocky Horror Show because of the slight rock sound to it. The three note guitar riff in the first few lines of “The Whole Being Dead Thing” revolve in my brain like a potato in a microwave.
Side note; absolute travesty the musical hasn’t really left the US, I know so many fellow theatre nerds who would eat the shit up-
I think it all really ties into my adoration for quirky supernatural trickster characters with a Pick Your Own Backstory who are insanely powerful but just use it for Shenanigans™️ until someone pisses them off enough 😅 If I could, I too would just hang around in a snazzy suit causing Problems for middle class suburban people.
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cloudninetonine · 1 year
MIGHTY CLOUD I HAD A THOUGHT!!! (Also saw your recent posts about the writers block, do not worry about that all your posts are enjoyable reads that I can read over and over and never get bored, stay awesome you fluffy funky cloud)
I know we never really talk about player's style but like I have an idea for one!
Goth Player who (surprisingly enough) gets along very well with the Fierce Deity! Let's say Fierce Deity is now separated from his prison (the mask), of course, the old man Time does not like this too much, and the Chain was rather anxious about having this literal war god walking among them BUT they are scratching their heads when they take notice that Fierce is rather fond towards Goth Player because Goth Player has an adorable admiration and fascination with the Deity and is always around him like a curious stray cat following a person they take a deep interest.
Bonus points if Goth Player uses one of those "mysterious" ways of speech, and usually does it for shits and giggles sometimes >:D
On another note; I bet you Legend genuinely believed Goth Player was a Witch of sorts, even better yet if Goth Player had the personality of Morticia Addams (and Legend turned out to be lowkey simping over it >:))
Legend would look at goth Player and just
Nah jk but I feel all would be a little suspicious about the goth attire before the realise Player's just like that PIUFHFUI
The idea of FD loving goth Player tho makes my heart melt, idea that they're the sunshine character around him because he's the dark and mysterious brooder OFDGFG
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selfproclaimedunicorn · 7 months
Was tagged by @emilykaldwen, @rainwingmarvel7, & @sshireens, thanks! 💕
Favorite Painter: John William Waterhouse, my beloved. Also very into Edmund Blair Leighton & Fracisco Goya. I'm so, so into medieval romanticism, & the pre-Raphaeites, & there's just something about how Waterhouse is just exclusively painting babes with great hair & long noses that especially speaks to me. Like, his paintings are consistently some of my faves. He also leaned into mythology a lot, so that probably has something to do with it too. Similar case with Leighton of just "his consistent painting of pretty princesses speaks to my soul." Goya is a pure goth answer though, because I am allowed to contain multitudes.
Favorite Poet/Author: I've never been the biggest poetry girly, & I think that's because my brain just, like, can't pick up on the rhythm & meter. Like it is completely indistinguishable from prose when I read it. This is a thing that makes me very sad, believe me. When I make my every few years attempts, though, I do enjoy Poe.
In terms of actual prose/not just stuff that reads like prose in my mind, my favorites are Poe & Salinger. Tbh, I don't do a lot of following authors & just pick up something if the synopsis slapped, & it's super rare for if I enjoyed a story/novel to color if I'm like "this author fucks & I need to read more specifically by them"
Favorite Singer: Florence Welch, my queen. I mean, I listen to a lot of stuff, but Florence Welch is hitting all the correct parts of my brain with 90% accuracy. Special shout out to my fave funky Finnish guy Käärijä, though: I've only had him for a year & I like his music a normal amount 👍🏻
Favorite Band: This is so hard? I used to have such an easy answer (it was Green Day, btw), but it's gotten so complicated in the last 9 years. I think, probably, my favorites at the moment are Beast In Black, Windrose, & The Amazing Devil. They're all scratching the correct itch in my brain (will always have a special place in my heart for Green Day, though. Very intense special interest back in the day)
Favorite Meal & Drink: Oh man, this is another one I have a hard time picking 😅. I pretty much just drink water, tea, & coffee; I guess my favorite drink is tea? Favorite meal is maybe chicken tikka masala? Or grilled cheese & tomato soup? One of those, maybe (at least right now)
Favorite Outfit/Aesthetic/Style: Man, IDK. Life is short, dress how you want. I will find the aesthetic beauty in almost anything because I love fashion. 60s medieval revival fucks, all the goth substyles fuck, cottage core fucks--it all fucks. All I know is that whatever I'm wearing, I'm not wearing jeans. I have not worn jeans for years & I am not going to start back up now. Skirts/dresses/leggings only. Also dramatic sleeves. I love dramatic sleeves.
Favorite Item You Own: The Sasha Bratz Rock Angelz repro. I waited for her for a good year? Two years? However long it took MGA to finally drop my girl. I got one of the last 4 in the city & my hands were shaking the whole time & its honestly a little silly, but sometimes healing the inner child is buying a doll of your favorite character from your favorite line & displaying her on your desk shelf.
Favorite Perfume: I used to be at least kind of into perfume, but I kind of got out of it. I honestly don't wear it a lot (I forget more often than not). You'd think I'd be more into perfume given how into, like, scented candles I am, but oh well I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️
Tagging (if you want, obvi): @vamprlestat, @cerseiwexler, @jotterjots, @loksthegreat, @mercurygray, @godswood-girl, & @toxicjayhoo
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redraven393 · 1 year
Cathing up with Philza Minecraft streams 15th 06
We sit
STOP making Brian says anything Spanish, he is awfully British
Who apple gang-Yeah Crows go bake a cake for our gurl Tallulah
Excited for the birthday lets goo
4 years of being a menace in the old man’s stream sounds like an achievement
We just waiting but Short stream today, I guess?
Yay farming- Opp secret can’t see I guess
A zombie horse man???? In the farm
No comment on who he supports
TALLULAH AWAKE HAPPY birthday Tallulah
Happy dance for the birthday gurl
Silly abuelitto
Chayanne has been having to many fun with scaring the old man
Did you have the goods Chayanne??
Yay celebrate ur self gurl
Mexican bingo
Abuelitto is struggling for kids
Oopp Chayanne dipped
Coolx5 yesyesx3 awesomex5 Lets goo
Aww the pinata-A Petting ZOO-Ooh special mob
Whoahhh-What are they???-Funky squirrel horse??-STARWARS-What are they srsly????
Ah shit-The server crached-IN HER BIRTHDAY THAT’S FUK UP QSMP
Education on how the server works from Phill
USE your MEME correctly
Strong horse-AWW THEY KISSED-Give them time
Glad Tallulah love them
“GO HAVE KIDDS I WANT GRANDKITS-“ oh god he is embracing the granpa experience
Yeah, you go Phil don’t listen to anyone
Invis Chayanne
Ohh a different name Mercury or Pluto
Chayanne keeps using Tallulah’s signs
Its baffeling to see a tinny kid with a butterfly wings pullingout an anvinl out of her pockets
Omg the big hat Lol
Ohhh surprise
The guest is cominggg
Phil likes to spoil his kid but clearly, he is as spoiled as well to them
No fight and no drinks for the violents
Give the babby a bath????
Aww no more animals??
More Europeans are coming
Oh wait why is there another face inside DeMezzanine???He already has 4???
While phill is bussy taking photo Tallulah is receiving many gifts
Ohgod its so loud
Everyone is so excited for Chayanne’s food
The Blond Twins are taking picture so cute-COCAINNE???
Oh god the Photobooth is so busy
Oh no the Spit horses are angry- MIKE DOWN MIKE DOWNN
Why is there a couple drama in the party?
OMG POMME?? An exploding chicken and a fox died poor girl
Forever is an average dad with a feral son and Oh, big brother Chayanne is joining forever to tell Richa to wear armor
AWWW CUTE ART FROM RICHAAA Richa is so talented omg
Omg the DRAMA is still going-STOP fighting-Good lord
Sit in someone’s lap” he says and Omg of course forever take any chances he got with Phill
He’s a month old he is mature enough
Opp Phill is gone- DADDDD WHERE ARE YOU???- ohno he’s getting milk isn’t he??
Oh hey Sneeg glad u watching the stream too
Why is everyone sitting on Phill’s lap omg
Aww Thanks PAC
Glad everyone appreciates Chayanne’s cooking
Ohhh??? The Europeans and the Brazilians are singing for Tallulah??-that is sweet
FOREVER DON SAY THAT ABOUT RICHA-well he is a little brat-
Oh god someone already died-BAGHERA WHY?
Selfie-Guitar-good job Tallulah-aww nooo
Chayanne is such a teenager-GO SOSIALIZE YOU KID
Is Pomme being tained to be an Agent or a security guard like Etoiles
OH SHIT THEY FIGHTING-they want foo-OMG the TUPPERWARE-Yaeh that where is the drinks PHILL??
Ending party song-omg mike pls
The REVOLUTION-COMMUNISM???-YEAH use your Grand Daughter
MIKE is hilarious
Pac jut want food and then dipped
Oh god “never call me again” omg MIKE
Oh did Pac gave Tallulah more Flowers??
Pachito the security
Oh shit he stole a bike-wait Phill had a bike?
Ohh the surprise-
Hey Baghera
Omg Baghera nooooo-I mean its fair- the French literally got here by a crashed plane-BUT STILLL
AWW Tallulah baby-opp where she goin?-AWWW TALLULAH BABY DON’T CRYY
Oh it’s Pomme Birtday too?? Wow thereis so many celebrations this month holly shit
Its okk Tallulah-lol I think mike is salty
Ohh gift from Chayanne-let em cook-omg Phill noo-FOOD and OMG a KITTY :D
Chayanne is really living the best doting big brother life rn
Quest time-ohhhh it’s horse themed- oh yeah the skelehorse isi still there-
OMG THE FAN ARTS ARE SO COOOL-ok why is the soft shell so aggressive??-cute fan arts- someone is dying wth??
The turtles are so many they keep on dying-omg Chayanne nooo- oh well a chef needs their ingredients
YESYES POG BIRTHDAY-Chayanne did so good with the foods-opp did they killed one?
Opp nerd Dadza moment-might want to read that one-Philzaa noooo.
Omg PHILZA NOOOO-Purge the turtles-ill hire a guy he says
New horse near foolish
Phil knows these kids so well- see you there Chayane-opp another Minecraft tip from dad-HOLLY SHIT U FAST-opp bye Chayanne
I love the little songs that Phill will randomly sings out at random
Omg Phill- perks of having the main admins as your kid is that you can have more leeway on quest-
THE MAIN ADMIN CHAYANNE/CUCURUCHO PERMISSION IT OKKK??!!!- its magic Tallulah get in with the system
Omg Chayanne noooo-plant based meat
Tallulah u set them free to be killed bye a seasoned chef
BOAT TIME- OH Shit VENUUUS (or Mercury???)
Mushroommm yummy
Thankyu Tallulah
Pro Chef Chayanne- omg Chayanne nooooo
Everyone is going to vid con oh god
It most definitely won’t be avocado toast- Taco and Strawberries.
MUMZAAAA- mango pog-ohh FUK YEH
Phil’s cooking-OHH SHIT A GOD APPLE POGG-ohh chorus fruit-wait it didn’t worked????Endermen with low signal-RP at the most minimal-THANKS MUMZAAA
HORSE RIDNG TIME YEY- is the bridge new???
“dad are you running for President??” Sweety your father is an anarchist- purely to piss of the federation
THAT’S CHEATINGGG-okk Naruto run is fair-Yeah judge the old man Tallulah
Chayanne nooooo
HOLLY FUCK-been aging before he was born WHOAHH-wat was that?
It would be funny-COOK FOR THEM IN HELLL-THANKYU PHILL- Chayanne Hell’s kitchen-
GRACIAS TALLULAH- stop using other kids sign Chayanne!!!
WHAT ARE YOUU-aww Phil might not come
Lol Rycharlison is stream sniping- maybe his version of Dragon magic
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orpheusilver · 6 months
next time you get bored u should answer this ask to talk about your Eric and Morbius ^_^ i love Blade so much so i’m interested in what you have planned so far
hiiiiiiiiiii im procrastinating lol. anyway so you know how this is a hall of mirrors ass story and everybody parallels everybody? yea
sooo eric is the biggest and clearest foil to morgan bc they have.. so much in common. not quite a vampire. trying to atone for times they lost control and killed human people. badass vamp-killing machines. many such cases but the Differences are the funky bit bc on one hand morgan had a like. half-decent upbringing with parents and a house and everything, hes far from stable but the idea of emotional vulnerability isnt totally alien to him. Eric was a very lonely child in a terrible life-threatening situation who grew up into a very lonely adult in a slightly less terrible life-threatening situation.
to be clear eric does have people in his life! its just that theres only 2 of them. he got adopted by his cool butch biker mom whistler as a young teen and theyve been doing the vampire slaying thing ever since, and a few years ago they picked up a hematologist called karen jensen who fell into the "older sister" role. (okay yes like 80% of the blade-related plot was pulled straight from Blade (1998) but ignore that im doing some funky shit with it. okay.) she says shes an uninvolved civilian who provides medical aid since she owes eric a life debt, but this is a lie. shes In the shenanigans.
so like he does have his gay little found family but theres some shit they just dont Get yknow. so then once he does start trusting morgan they get. Very close . Very quickly. hes experiencing previously unknown types of human connection, including being gay in practice and not just in theory! and sure hes kinda avoidant and struggles to open up and express his feelings or establish boundaries but thats ok bc morgan is so anxious about rejection and abandonment that hes very willing to put in tons of work with being vulnerable! theyre meeting somewhere in the middle, they think! morgans only a little bit clingy and always suuuuper apologetic when he crosses those unclear boundaries! surely this is a healthy dynamic that wont collapse catastrophically due to communication problems!
anyway primary foil number 2: peter-man. as in superhero role model / the cooler super-powered role model. like pete always sees morbius as someone who needs to be helped and guided and saved and supported and first and foremost as his Responsibility. eric, at least at first, sees him as a Fucking Threat. to be understood and/or neutralized. and morgan really appreciates that! then eric learns to trust and respect him and they begin this totally-not-dysfunctional partnership of equals, its kinda cute if you ignore that its blatantly barreling towards destruction <3
edit i completely forgot the point of that last paragraph. eric respecting morgan like an equal makes him realize that actually, spider-guy is being kind of a cunt about this and why is he trying to prove himself to that loser anyway hes got a cool goth boyfriend now. he actually tries to earn peters respect by making him recognize him as dangerous which BACKFIRES BADLY lmao bc peter is trying to control morbius' sense of Hero Ethics just as much as hes trying to control who he punches and when, so seeing morgan get scary makes him double down on the "holy shit dont get evil" stuff. which also backfires badly. these dudes are all fucking trainwrecks
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angiiepaniic · 16 days
hiii giving you an excuse to talk about your bill because i also like him a lot and know your pain about never being able to talk about him. so heres your divine excuse to ^-^ i wanna hear
AAAA YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOU’VE DONE this will be VERY LONG and VERY RAMBLY so like u asked for this (thank u btw ur my first ask)
man idek where to like start :,D
(should note that this is mainly a modern rendition but sometimes i picture us in his world too so it goes either way, really :3)
if you want me to elaborate on anything then just lmk! (that goes for anyone who wants to)
OH OH ok so i’ve been REALLY getting into the band sleep token and there’s like 4 songs that remind me of him and as a result CANNOT stop listening to them (namely rain, give, mine, and telomeres - i highly recommend them!)
bill will listen to just about anything music wise but has a particular soft spot for things like blues, country, and some older rock like billy joel (also really likes soul and r&b like h.e.r. and muni long but will never admit it) — but generally, in his eyes, if it’s a good song it’s a good song, regardless of genre or artist.
he’s even more open with food, like, he will eat anything in front of him even if he doesn’t like it - just how he was raised. he doesn’t have any set favourites besides some southern classics (he will eat 25 servings of mac n cheese in one sitting if u let him)
i on the other hand am VERY iffy with food and find it hard to eat a lot of things, but we know each other so well now that bill will just eat off my plate sometimes (with consent ofc)
he’s not the best cook but is an absolute GRILL MASTER. all gang cookouts are held at his place (and pearson can’t decide if that’s insulting or not)
we spend like 90% of our time just relaxing together, but he does boxing on the weekends to (and i quote) ‘’stay strong for his lady’’
very protective, ABSOLUTELY the jealous type - not in a toxic way, just a bit grumpy sometimes (as always, this is bill we’re talking about)
he’s SO pleasant to be around. we have the same awful humour, the same love languages (we’re both so touch starved that we cling to each other like a curse)
he can be a bit a of a bastard with all the playful teasing but i do the same so it’s an even battleground. i can call him stupid and it’s fine, anyone else does and im THROWING HANDS (and so will he, probably) — and in turn, he’s the only one who can call ME stupid or HE will throw hands while i cry in the corner LMAO
the modern stuff doesn’t have very specific lore, just some cross-dimensional shenanigans. most of it is just based around my actual day-to-day and how i think we’d be living together — but i have a bunch of little aus! got a goth one, got a biker one (one of my personal faves), got a gender bend one because i’ll be damned if bill can’t ALSO be my girlfriend
when i imagine us in the red dead universe i refuse to let him have the bad ending he gets canonically - my funky little brain says that everyone’s healthy and happy in a little ranch or settlement somewhere because that’s what EVERYONE deserves (except micah)
i know most people view him as gay, but i personally headcanon him as pansexual and into everyone regardless of gender because I feel like that fits him quite well
he really is quite loveable, just sometimes he has trouble showing it - but he’s getting better. his ‘i love you’s come out as random hugs, random compliments, and endearing nicknames (as embarrassing as it is i imagine his go-to is calling me bunny :3)
we’re both kinda insecure so sometimes we have a back-and-forth but it’s compliments. i’ve been telling him every day that he’s wonderful and amazing and the best and that his belly’s one of my favourite things and i will DIE on that hill idc how much he complains.
ik that if he was reading the above paragraph he’d look at me and go ‘’BUT YOU COMPLAIN LIKE THAT TOO’’ and yk what he’s right - but that’s why we have each other
our relationship is very healing for the both of us. we both get the love we need and deserve after being deprived of it for so long, and genuinely we’re happier for it. i got out of a lot really bad habits thanks to him, and i’ve been doing my best to help him too <3
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