#i remember one time i got so pissed at my dad and meant to call him a bitch but it accidentally came out as ‘‘sandwich’’
moonlightdancer26 · 2 years
I was just thinking about how Snapedom can also mean Snape-Dom and if there’s Snape-Dom then there must be Snape-Sub too, and I started giggling about it bc we love submissive!Snape in this house.
but then a thought suddenly popped into my brain: Snape as a Subway sandwich.
now I want someone to draw this.
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dovveri · 5 months
what if nerd momo x bimbo reader author I need u
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failing maths, but getting the girl
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synopsis: momo and y/n have hated each other ever since an incident in first year. now, y/n's failing a class and momo offers to help.
warnings: mentions of blood and cuts, overbearing parents, drugs, implied sex
w/c: 4.0k
a/n: this is kinda funny for me bcs im blonde and my dad keeps making jokes in chinese about how im ltr a blonde bimbo now. anyway i combined these 2 reqs bcs im lazy forgive me anon/s
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you turn in the corridor, almost crashing into the burly man behind you who yells a "watch where you're going blondie!" before rushing off to a class he was probably late to.
you spot your friends who had called you, grinning and waving you over, "can't go one day on campus without running someone down can you?" a friend teases.
you pout, "i didn't walk into anyone yesterday!"
"no but you got stuck in the revolving door outside the chem building."
you whine at their teasing, you were a naturally clumsy person! sometimes you'd mix up salt and sugar, and sometimes you'd lose your car keys only to find them still in the ignition keyhole of your car from the last time you used it.
"so you coming to that party tonight? i heard some famous dj from the states is playing."
"awwh really?! i can't tonight i'm failing that dumb math class i have to take and i have a quiz tomorrow so i gotta study."
"you're failing everything y/n, what difference would one night make for you anyway?" a scoff from a student passing by, who you recognise as the infamous hirai momo from the back of her head and the evil way she sends a side-eye at you and your friend group in disgust.
"i wouldn't be if it weren't for your sad ass hirai!"
"stop looking at my ass and get your eyes on some books for once."
momo was meant to be your roommate in first year. although you had accidentally locked her out in the rain for 5 hours while you were hooking up with someone you can't remember the name of anymore. that was during orientation week, safe to say she was pissed and completely drenched when you finally let her in. she filed for a roommate change not long after, citing "poor etiquette and stupidity that could infect my genius", and being the university's most promising academic scholar, she pretty much got whatever she wanted. meaning she also got you assigned to the harshest tutors and markers as her own form of personal revenge, essentially making you fail most of your first year courses. which is why you were even taking this math class again.
the problem arose however, when you find out you would actually lose your scholarship if you failed another class. so failing was definitely not an option.
⋆。°✎ᝰ ˎˊ˗
“you failed.”
“what!? but i studied all night! i even brought the right calculator model this time!”
“miss l/n, bringing the correct calculator doesn’t help you if you don’t know how to use it. and neither does studying all night if you haven’t been coming to class for most of the semester.”
you’re gaping at the professor in disbelief.
“i’m afraid you’ll lose your scholarship if you fail the upcoming final exam. take this as your final warning. good day miss l/n.”
the door is shut in your face while you're still left trying to process exactly what just happened, mouth opening and closing like a goldfish.
a familiar scoff behind you brings you back though, "what is y/n l/n doing here outside the staff meeting room? what? about to blow one of your professors for marks or something?"
you spin, stepping into her space, faces inches away from each other, "you jealous or something hirai? i'll blow you too if you beg."
you revel in the way her cheeks immediately flush, a slightly shaky finger pushing up the glasses on her nose as she looks away, "jokes on you l/n. i don't have a dick dimwit."
"you don't need one for me to make you feel good."
she's sputtering, moving around you quickly to escape, knocking on the staff door. you smirk, reveling in the slight win over her but immediately forgetting the feeling of triumph when you realise you're still fucked for your final in 2 weeks.
⋆。°✎ᝰ ˎˊ˗
"y/n, you know i love you, but i cannot explain this again in any other way."
you groan, hands coming up to pull at your hair.
"but you got like a high affliction or something for this class last year! if you can't teach me i'm actually royally screwed, pleaseee?"
"it's high distinction sweetie. and just because someone's good at something doesn't mean they're a good teacher. sorry to break it to you but i couldn't teach my little cousins how to multiply fractions without wanting to commit homicide."
you wrinkle your nose, "gross dude they're literally related to you."
"no babes homicide means i wanted to kill them."
"oh... i guess that's better?"
"focus! c'mon you remember how to do the cross product right?"
"i don't get ittttttt!!!!!!! isn't that just multiplication? a times b equals ab!"
"this isn't algebra it's vectors. cross product isn't multiplication y/n."
you groan again, facepalming the desk in front of you.
your friend sighs, "sorry y/n i have to get going now. promised my boyfriend i'd go watch his game tonight."
"what?! you can't leave me here!"
your friend's already packing up their stuff though, "sorry! good luck with the studying though!"
you wail in goodbye, sitting up again and slapping your face a few times, trying to hype yourself up.
two minutes later, and you're still absolutely nowhere.
you decide to go out for a quick stroll rather than start a campfire in the middle of the library with all your papers. the evening breeze feels refreshing against your skin as you take in the sky. breathing in a deep sigh and closing your eyes briefly.
definitely the wrong idea when you crash headfirst into something that yelps a "what the fuck!" followed by the sound of smashing glass and a whine of pain.
your eyes are quick to open and you stare down at a bleeding hirai momo next to what looks to be a ruined 3D print of a final project or something.
"oh shit momo! are you okay?" you crouch down quickly, trying to collect the glass pieces that have broken, yelping when a piece digs into your skin.
"has all that bleach finally reached your brain y/n? who goes for broken glass with their bare hands?" she's frowning, rubbing her head a little and inspecting the cut across her arm.
"i-i'm sorry i-"
she sighs, "save it. i've had a long enough day as it is. being around you any longer is just gonna increase my chances of dying to some freak plane crash or something." she's standing up and brushing her hands off on her pants muttering to herself, "i'll have to call security to come clean this up."
you realise then that her eyes look a little puffier than usual, slightly tinged with red, the telltale signs of crying.
you suddenly feel terrible. whatever you had just broken seemed like an extremely intricate piece of work, and she was still bleeding down her arm but she didn't seem to pay it much mind, taking a phone out of her pocket and dialing security.
you step to the side and wait for her to finish talking on the phone. she doesn't realise you haven't left yet, swearing under her breath as she assess the damage once again.
when she turns and sees you again, she scowls, "what are you still doing here bimbo? don't you have a dick to ride or some jewelry to shine?"
you ignore her, blushing instead, "you're still bleeding."'
she looks surprised at that response, glancing at her arm again briefly and shrugging, "it's whatever. i'll clean it up later."
you wrap a hand around her wrist then, still not meeting her eyes, "let me? it'll be hard to bandage it properly with your left hand. and i kinda owe you for all of-" you gesture vaguely with your other hand at the ground, "this."
she's tugging her hand back quickly though, "don't bother. you'd probably make it worse. just go home y/n."
you sigh exasperatedly, "won't you just let me help! i feel bad okay? i can't just leave you here bleeding onto the concrete waiting for security to come clean this up."
she's surprised at your outburst, eyes locking onto yours and then nodding slightly. you don't let her rethink her decision as you drag her back inside the library, heading into the storeroom where you knew they had emergency first aid supplies.
you sit her down on the chair and rummage through the small kit for some alcohol wipes to clean the wound first.
she's eyeing you with a sort of caution, but is quick to clench her eyes shut and gasp at the first sting of disinfectant.
it's quiet for a bit while you work on cleaning her wound.
"where'd you learn first aid?" she speaks up first, eyes meting yours again.
"my little sister used to play around a lot with the rougher kids in the neighborhood. so she was always coming home with scratches and cuts and my mom was at work most of the time so i had to learn to take care of her myself."
momo hums, "guess that didn't really translate to taking care of yourself then huh? i mean with the way you're always tripping over air and stuff, you're more of a danger to yourself than a serial killer would be." there's no malice to her words this time, just lightly teasing you and you smile.
"i am sorry by the way. for breaking that. it looked like it'll be pretty hard to replicate."
"nah. i can just print another one tomorrow don't worry."
you both fall into silence again as you finish cleaning her wound, going to collect a few of the bandages to start wrapping around her arm.
you clear your throat a little awkwardly, "so... long day?"
she chuckles humorlessly in response, "something like that."
"wanna talk about it?"
she bristles then, and you're quick to correct yourself, "i mean you don't have to. just... making conversation."
it's quiet for a little longer and you're finishing wrapping her up, grabbing a small adhesive to stick it all together when she sighs. "sorry. just had a lot of pressure from back home lately. my parents keep wanting me to hurry up and graduate so i can go back to japan and take over the family companies. they called earlier saying how they're cutting off my funding for next year if i continue to drag out my studies."
"what? but you're only 23. don't you have like, things left you wanna do before you're all old and unable to move anymore?"
she giggles a little, its the first time you've heard that from her, "yeah tons actually. i've always wanted to see the northern lights and stay in one of those cute little igloos in finland, maybe go to antarctica and do some research there."
"okay! do that! what's stopping you?"
she smiles at you sadly, "my parents won't allow it. they'd disown me for not taking over their companies. and frankly, i'd be broke without them. i don't have the kind of money to keep living abroad like this if they were to stop supporting me."
you tilt your head a little in confusion, "can't you find a job?"
she's laughing then, a full, nose-scrunching laugh, "not with the classes i'm taking. i'd have to either take part-time study, which my parents would literally kill me for because it's 'embarassing' and would bring shame on our family name, or... never sleep again and take a night job or something."
you frown, sitting back on your heels.
"thanks for this by the way. you're still hurt though, do you want me to do you?"
"-and don't make a weird joke about that." she interrupts you before you can even open your mouth.
you pout, nodding a little as she laughs, and grabs the first aid box from you, gently placing your hand in her lap and cleaning your fingers.
you're caught by the way her eyebrows furrow a little in concentration, her teeth biting into her bottom lip slightly, and you can't help but think she looks cute.
you're brought quickly out of these alarming thoughts though, when she asks "how come you're in the library so late on a friday night anyway? never thought the day would come."
you groan, remembering the stack of math papers you have sitting on your desk, "i have to study for a math final coming next week. if i fail i lose my scholarship and i can't let my mom pay for any of this. she's already worked hard enough getting both my sister and me through school."
momo looks surprised at your admission, "oh. i'm sorry. i didn't know you were on scholarship."
you hum, "yeah most people don't assume it from looking at me." you tease a little, flipping your blonde hair over your shoulder and giving a little jingle of your bracelets.
"i'm not materialistic or anything but i enjoy having things that make me look nice y'know?"
she rolls her eyes, placing bandaids carefully onto your fingers.
"you don't need any of those things anyway."
you're caught again, unsure whether that was a compliment or some new way of torturing you.
she clears her throat, "all done."
you look at your hand, cutely littered with some winnie the pooh bandaids she must have found in the first aid kit.
you beam up at her, "thanks!"
she blushes a little and looks away from you, shyly rubbing the back of her neck, "hey look... i can help you study for that test next week if you want. don't want you losing your scholarship over something simple like that. plus i kinda helped go through all the first year math exams for some extra credit with the head of department."
you're shocked at first, and then jumping and squealing, bringing her up with you, "what?! you will?! oh my god thank you!!!!! holy shit oh my god i'm not gonna fail oh shit i'm-"
she's shooshing you in an instant though, a hand clamped over your mouth, eyes darting behind you, "y/n! we're still in a library!"
you grin when she lets you go, whispering loudly, "thank you!"
she's rolling her eyes and letting herself be dragged over to your table, praying that she didn't make the wrong decision deciding to help you.
⋆。°✎ᝰ ˎˊ˗
momo's standing outside your lecture theatre, waiting for your class to end. you texted her saying you were getting your final results back today so she decided to pop by and make sure everything was okay.
once students start exiting the class she slips in, walking towards the professor who's packing up her stuff..
"momo! good to see you here. although i'm a little surprised. i wasn't expecting you."
"hey professor kwon. i'm just here to-"
momo's attacked from the back, you're squealing as you latch onto her excitedly, waving a test paper in front of her face, "i passed! momo look i passed! with a 62!!!!! that's higher than i've ever gotten!!!!!"
"miss l/n. i didn't know you knew momo." professor kwon is looking you up and down with a little distaste but you ignore it, squeezing momo even tighter in thanks.
"y/n- stop- wait lemme see that-" she snatches the paper out of your hand and scans it, eyes lighting up when she confirms you did in fact pass.
"congratulations! all that hard work really paid off."
you're blushing, "couldn't have done it without you hirai. c'mon, come out with my friends and i tonight to celebrate!"
"o-oh i don't know about that y/n... i've got-"
"study yeah yeah you always do. but you've gotta relax every now and then you know?"
"miss l/n is right momo. you're the most hardworking student here you should give yourself a break every now and then."
you're nodding fiercely, "right right! thanks professor kim!"
she looks at you with a glare, "kwon. its professor kwon miss l/n."
you're nodding, waving her off shaking momo, "c'mon pleaseeeeeeee? i'll pay for everything. as a thanks for helping me. and i can afford it now too since i won't be losing my scholarship which is also thanks to you so..!"
momo's still uncertain, hand at the back of her neck again, a nervous tick you've picked up on.
"oh professor i just remembered!" you're switching back to your professor, excitement and attention everywhere, "you were looking for outstanding students to tutor next semester right? how about momo? she's the only reason i passed this final and trust me when i say i'm a pretty difficult student to teach."
"oh?" the professor looks towards momo who's eyes have widened, "i had actually planned on asking you regardless but seeing as you were very successful with miss l/n it's just even more proof that you'd be a great teacher. what do you say momo? it's paid decently and great on your academic and work transcripts as well..."
you're looking between your professor and momo with full eyes.
momo looks like she's about to reject the offer, you knew it was because her parents expected her to be back in japan next year but you stop her before she's able to say anything.
"momo! this is great! this is exactly what you need! a job while you're still at uni so you can study at any time but still get paid for it!"
"it's okay momo. think about it and let me know if you're interested and you've got the job 100%. i've got to get going to my next class now but goodbye girls, congratulations miss l/n but i hope i won't be seeing you in my class next year."
"oh definitely not professor kim!" you wave enthusiastically, giggling at the way the professor sighs in defeat.
you look back at momo who still looks a little stunned.
"well? what do you think?" you ask her excitedly.
"i- i don't know... there's a lot to think about..."
you tilt your head to the side a little in confusion, a gesture momo was beginning to grow fond of.
"i can't just abandon my family y/n. it's a decision that will take me some time to go over." she smiles at you gently, you can't believe this was the same girl who used to call you mean words and intentionally pray on your downfall.
"mm okay. i don't really get it but as long as you're happy in the end it doesn't matter. now c'mon! you coming tonight or not?"
she sighs fondly, "yeah yeah just this once. and we better be home by 12!"
you're pulling her along again scoffing, "riiiiiiiiight 12pm maybe."
⋆。°✎ᝰ ˎˊ˗
momo was most definitely out of her comfort zone. she mostly stuck to the bar, avoiding eye contact with people who tried to approach her. she quickly ordered another drink, hoping the alcohol could at least ease her nerves.
you were most definitely in your zone. you adored being able to dress up and let loose, especially when everyone else is so drunk you’re no longer the only person falling over themselves. you could laugh a little and have fun as well.
you could feel momo’s eyes on you and you ached to drag her out onto the dance floor and join you but she was adamant on staying by the bar when you had tried.
you’re not sure if it was the alcohol or maybe you were just attracted to her now after you’ve spent a whole week studying with her pretty much every minute of every day. but she looked good. you licked your lips as your eyes trailed down the slant of her jawline, her neck and clavicles outlined in the halter top she was sporting. your eyes politely moved past her chest but darted straight down to the abs that she apparently had hidden from the entire student body. how did she even have time to have abs when she always had her nose in a book or was in a lab conducting experiments?
you snap out of it when you realise said abs were moving closer to you for some reason, and suddenly she's all in your space, shoving someone behind you that you hadn't even realised was there in your momo-induced daze.
you turn to see a man with half his shirt unbuttoned and a look of surprise on his face. "the fuck dude?"
momo says nothing, reaching for your drink instead, sticking a finger in and swirling it around for 2 seconds before bringing it to her lips.
that was hot.
"what? what the fuck are you on about?" the guy is annoyed, drawing the attention of bystanders as they create a small circle around the three of you, you spot your friends in the crowd looking at you in confusion silently asking what's going on?
you can only shake your head, attention moving back to momo who's standing up straight, almost chest to chest with the guy now.
"rohypnol. a drug belonging to the benzodiazepine class of drugs that inhibits the central nervous system causing the user to experience extreme drowsiness and even blackout in some cases. it can also cause the user memory loss and brings the user to a higher state of intoxication in a rapid amount of time. it's street name is roofies."
the man is sputtering now, "w-what? what is this bullshit? what are you tryna say huh?"
"that you tried to roofie my friend here. do you want me to call the police? have them check this drink for traces of the drug?"
"what!? the fuck?!"
momo sighs, her eyes closing for a second, "is your vocabulary only limited to what? and the fuck? it's getting tiring talking to you."
he's gaping like a fish, the people surrounding you have called security over and they're tying his hands behind his back and he's left squirming against them, yelling more curses as momo stands stoically, watching him get taken away.
she sighs when he's out of sight and turns to you with a smile, "you should be more careful. you could've been hurt tonight."
you can't even think straight and the music is being turned back up, and momo looks so good, you can't help the way you're pulling her in by the waist and planting your lips on hers.
she makes a sound of surprise and is shocked for a second, but closes her eyes and returns the kiss, maneuvering you a little so she can place the spiked drink on a nearby table before her hand returns to you, one hand cupping your cheek, the other on your shoulder.
you're a little desperate when you claw at her abs that are now within touching distance, and she giggles into the kiss. you mutter a small shut up, reattaching your lips, feeling all the adrenaline of the night pumping through you as you mould yourself against her.
"god is it weird that- that kinda turned me on a little?" you're speaking between breaths, her lips swallowing up your words, not letting you catch a break.
she hums lightly against you, "which part?"
"the- when you were talking- about all those chemicals- and whatever-"
she breaks away from you then, an eyebrow arched and a hint of a smirk on her face, "you get off on me talking nerdy?"
you want to wipe that smirk off her face. "take me home and i'll show you what i get off on."
her eyes darken considerably, and she's tugging you towards the exit, grabbing the spiked drink and pouring it down the drain first to make sure no one drinks it. the little action of consideration even when you're both overwhelmed with lust just gets you more wet.
you send a quick text to your friends saying you had to leave early, and then you're in a cab, lips on each other's again, hands roaming and exploring every inch of available skin.
you suppose the one good thing out of that math exam was it bringing the two of you together at last.
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cherriegyuu · 1 year
Hiii. Request for a drabble of when you get that call from one of the members about Cheol being rushed to the hospital for his torn ACL? And then whatever happens after is up to you xx
hope you like it!
pairing: seungcheol x fem!reader genre: angst, fluff  word count: 847 warning: mentions of injury, really bad jokes
a/n: this was not proofread
requests are open
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Bitting your nails was a habit that you had long left in the past, back when you were still a teenager. You clearly remember the moment you decided you’d stop, just because one of your friends had long beautiful nails, and you wanted that too. However, it still came to you occasionally, when your nerves were out of control. There was also the shaking legs. 
You had gotten a call from Joshua, no more than ten minutes before. 
“Hey, Shua” you answered the phone brightly, walking to the hallway and away from your friends’ shatter. 
Until that moment there was nothing wrong, no problem in sight. Seungcheol was out for the weekend with his friends, sort of like a camping trip. And you were with yours. It was something that you did often. Joshua’s call also wasn't surprising. 
“y/n?” it was the way he said your name that made a chill run down your spine. 
Joshua was the kind to always be bright, even when situations were complicated. You had never heard his voice like that, so serious.
“What happened?” you were already on your way to the door, slipping your feet inside the worn-out sneakers and wrapping the scarf around your neck
“We had to bring Cheol to the hospital, we’re at the ER right now”
You closed your eyes for a second, wishing that you had heard him wrong. If there was one thing you learned in your three-year relationship with Seungcheol was that the man avoided hospitals as if it was a sport and he was an Olympic champion at it.
“How bad is it?” 
You ran down the stairs. It was only four storeys and you didn’t dare to risk losing signal and had the call disconnect.
“Don’t run” Joshua scolded you “He’s already pissed that I called you. I don’t want to think about what he’ll do if you get hurt”
You closed your eyes and stopped once you reached the second floor. 
“Joshua, how bad is it?”
“He needs surgery, in a few weeks. He tore his ACL”
You nodded, even though Joshua couldn’t really see you. You didn’t know what it meant, how bad the injury really was but Joshua’s tone told everything you needed to know. It was bad, probably worse than what you could imagine.
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When you got to the hospital, Seungcheol, Joshua, and Jeonghan were already waiting for you at the parking lot. He smiled at you as he tried to stand up straight with the clutches under his arms. Although he was smiling, you knew that he was trying to put up the image that he was fine to his friends but the truth was there in his eyes. 
“Hi baby,” you said, kissing his cheek quickly and pushing away the hair from his forehead “How are you feeling?”
Seungcheol just shook his head, quickly dropping a peck on your lips and limping to the car. You took his backpack from Joshua’s hand, mouthing thank you to the two of them as you rushed after your boyfriend. 
“I’m fine,” Seungcheol said when you took the clutches from his hand so he could climb into the passenger seat “You don’t have to worry”
You smiled at him, kissing his lips again — this time for a little longer. 
“I know” you whispered “It’s going to be fine, but maybe you should get a tattoo this knee on the one that’s hurt and the other one on the good one. Just to make sure they don’t touch the wrong one”
Seungcheol shook his head, trying to suppress a smile while shaking his head.
“Too soon? I’ve got worse ones if you want”
“The joke was really bad,” he said with a pout, leaning against the seat “but I’ll take another one”
You pressed your lips together, pretending to be in deep thought, causing a small laugh to leave his lips — it was exactly what you wanted.
“Maybe we could chop it off, and have my dad make you a new one” you held his hand shaking it from side to side “Oh, oh, oh, if my dad makes you a new foot he’ll add fingers and then I’ll finally be able to paint your toenails”
He narrowed his eyes at you and a second later started to laugh.
“If I promise to let you paint my nails, will you keep your dad away from my leg” you nodded excitedly and raised your hand, sticking your pinky out “You want me to pinky promise? You don’t trust me at all”
Seungcheol did his best to sound offended, but the truth was that he was just having too much fun, the injury momentarily forgotten.
“Not on this, you said five times already, yes I counted it, that you would let me paint your nails and you always get back on your word”
You wiggled your hand, waiting for him to take your finger into his.
“Thank you for this” he said quietly, the look in his eyes full of love, as he finally raised his pinky too “Love you”
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taglist: @wonwooz1, @ryuwonieebae
if you want to be tagged in my next fics, please fill out this form
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666herescared · 4 months
Imaginary Shadow Dad)Ch.12: How do you Manage?
Hello! Sorry for the wait.My computer broke, and I was having trouble figuring out how to handle this one because of the massive difference, that is, Macaque watched Wukong mourn him for over a thousand (Give or take) YEARS! 
I think I’ve got something brewing. Let’s hope it meets your expectations!
  Wukong honestly didn’t think this was real. After all, the largest shrine on Flower Fruit Mountain was dedicated to mourning his presumably dead lover. Especially since he’d kept it private so long. At most, he thought he’d be talking to a ghost, though much more likely was that the years of delusion had caught up to him.
  Okay, maybe that’s not the right word. The Monkey King knew his lover was dead, and he understood that. The thing is that he’d been mourning for so damn long and still hadn’t accepted it. In fact, he still wore the wedding ring on his tail. His nightmares were meant for him alone, and his guilt ran deeper than the blood in his veins. If Mihou was alive, why did it still seem so hopeless?
  Returning to the mountain, Sun Wukong looked around his cave for any signs of further hallucinations or whatever that voice was, and he finally heard it, on the wall to his right.
  “Long time no see, Monkey King. Or, well, long time since you saw me.” the voice of his lover said with venom in his tone, causing Wukong to whip around and glare at the shadow on the wall. 
  Ah, great. Well, eyes of truth confirmed it. Not a hallucination. “Well then, I guess you never learned manners. It’s pretty cruel to take on the form of someone’s dead lover,” he claimed, staring down this presumed imposter with just as much poison in his voice.
  That seemed to piss him off. “Oh no, I’m very real Wukong. But I’m not here for a fight-” then OF COURSE, Wukong had to interrupt.
  “Yeah, right. Heh. I watched him die to my own damned hand, and to be honest? Still pretty broken up about it. So if you value your life, you’ll stop pretending to be him.” The king stretched himself taller to present a more threatening air, demeanor and furious expression only assisting with that.   “Not listening, are you? Trust me Wukong, I already know-”   “Stop pretending you know me. Call me Wukong one more time, and I’ll bash your head in.” The disrespect of this stranger!
  Not gonna let him talk, is he?
 “Wukong, if you actually list-ened!-” Macaque’s voice pitched higher when Wukong punched right into the shadows, then both froze for a moment.
  The Monkey King would never get used to the shadow realm’s stasis. The feeling of his hand and only his hand having the blood stop flowing, while still not causing damage, was a strange experience to be sure, but his focus was on something else. That familiar fabric beneath his grip with those same stitches he’d memorized so long ago. So distant yet so vivid.. He - gently as he could - pulled his hand from the shadows, activating gold vision once more to check. He gasped at what his power revealed - familiar ears left with marks from their battles, one eyebrow split by a ghastly scar and the eye below a misty white, instead of the pale gold he always remembered - with fangs bared in a way he didn’t even see that fateful day. - “M-Mihou-”   A punch was thrown as his former lover, who was apparently alive, stumbled out of the shadows with gritted teeth. He snapped his fingers and his two loyal sons appeared behind the king, holding him in place. Wukong could’ve overpowered them had he not been distracted by the sight of a man he thought was dead standing over him. “I’m not here to fight, Wukong, but not to reconcile either. I’m here, because you decided my son would be the perfect successor, and I want you to pick someone else.”
  That snapped Wukong out of it. Pick someone else? What?! “I can’t just remove my magic from the kid, Macaque! He might literally die! Not to mention that he’d be a sitting duck against the demon bull family without it!”
  “Are you doubting that my powers alone could protect my son?” the shadow wielder sneered. 
  “Oh fucking- You’re ignoring my other point entirely!” the sage responded angrily, pulling against the clones holding him, yet still avoiding using too much power.
  “What? That removing magic will kill my kid? I fucking doubt it!” the darker monkey claimed in response.
  “Okay then, Mr. Semi-Omniscient. Why not check for yourself?!” Wukong snarked angrily.
  “Fine then!” Macaque’s top set of ears twitched, then the annoyance on his face faded to dread, and he paled to a concerning degree.
  Wukong looked apprehensive, but kept up a brave face. “So? What’d you hear?”
  After a moment of silence, Liu’er’s expression hardened again into a more thoughtful glare. “There’s really no safe way to prevent this..”
  The Monkey King looked to the ground, soft remorse on his face. “Mihou-”
  “Don’t fucking call me that! I-.. I need to think,” the Warrior muttered, snapping his fingers to get his sons to join him at his side instead of holding Wukong. 
  Now though, without anything to do, the Monkey King felt… awkward. “So…” He started after a while. “I can see you’re not wearing your ring anymore,” he said, looking somewhat somberly at the bare spot on Macaque’s tail.   That certainly got a reaction. Not a good one though. “Yeah, well, someone crushed it onto my tail so hard that it would’ve rotted off if I left it on! Wonder who that was..,” the shadow wielder snapped at first, turning to look at Wukong again, yet his expression softened at the sight of Wukong’s own tail. Just a little. Barely noticeable. “I can see you're still wearing yours.”
  “Heh, well… I guess I'm kinda sentimental,” the King said, voice quivering in a way only the Six-Eared trio in front of him could notice.   One of the strange, skull faced clones, perked up and said something in an unfamiliar tongue. Macaque seemed to understand it though, because he muttered, “Yeah, that sounds reasonable. Thanks, Savage.” 
  “Savage”, huh? What a dorky name!
  “Alright, Wukong.” The sage perked up when attention was turned to him again. “We need to agree not to fight, because either of our deaths would hurt the kid, and I don’t want him getting hurt in the crossfire,” the darker monkey began. The hero nodded in agreement. “Good. Now listen closely, ‘cause I’m only gonna say this once; My sons are the only things that matter to me anymore, so you’re gonna keep my youngest safe, and if he ever gets hurt because you weren’t there, I’m going to trap you in my lantern for the rest of your immortal life.” 
  Of course, the threatening tone didn’t work on the king, even when he knew he was being serious. “So, like… do I not get any days off or anything?” Wukong asked with a small chuckle.
  The darker monkey in front of him growled and stood back up straight. “No. He’s dealt with enough abandonment in his life. I’m not letting you make this a repeat of how my life fell apart.”   The sage gave a soft eye roll and a scoff, which was enough to piss off Macaque again. Noticing this, Wukong defended himself. “Oh- C’mon, Macaque! I don’t want that to happen either! You must have heard me groveling at your shrine, almost every day, for over a thousand years!” 
  “I wouldn’t call it groveling. What sort of king grovels at the feet of someone they killed?” The shadow wielder’s voice came out sharp, and venomous. 
  “Uhh~ This one, apparently. Even though technically you didn’t die!” Wukong snarked with a smirk. One of the skull faced clones - Wukong couldn’t tell which - squinted at the sky and tapped Macaque’s shoulder, though the dark primate was far too pissed off to acknowledge it.
  “Yeah, no thanks to you,” he snapped, ignoring the concerned chitters Savage was supplying.
  “Uh- No, actually. Now that I know you aren’t dead, I’m pretty sure all the immortalities I gave you had something to do with you surviving that.” Wukong sassed as Savage was getting a little louder.
  “HA! As if! All that would’ve done was prolong my suffering! I got myself out of that forest after you turned your back on everything we’d built!” Macaque exclaimed. fur in front of Savage’s ears moved back, revealing the slits that laid underneath as they hissed - then Rumble interrupted, leaping between the immortals and creating a massive shadow arrow that pointed up at the hole in the roof of the cave. It appeared to be sunset-.. Shit.
  “Wait… He was right outside when we left!” Wukong shouted frantically.
  “What the- How is it taking him so long? Did he fall in the lava at the flaming mountains?! Oh no- WUKONG! GO GET HIM!” The shadow wielder demanded, pointing towards the cave entrance.
  “What?! He’s your cub!” the king rebutted.
  “It’s been ten years since he last saw me! I’m not gonna knock his life further off balance!”   “Wait- So you abandoned him? Pot calling kettle-”
  “Right back at‘cha!”
  “Monkey King?” Mk’s voice came from down the hall.
  The six-eared monkeys immediately fell back into the shadows, leaving the king on his own. Peeking around the corner, Wukong could see what had taken the cub so long. He gasped at the cuteness.
  The little white Monkeys were curiously patting and pulling at Mk’s invisible limbs and climbing all over him to try and figure him out. The Monkey King’s new apprentice was begrudgingly letting them do so while still trying to walk. It was so dang… adorable! “That’s just about the cutest dang thing I ever saw!” the sage whispered giddily, looking around the corner of his little cottage at the young boy. “We’ll talk about this later.” He whispered to his shadow, before backflipping from the ground up onto the roof of his shack. “You looking for someone, bud?” the ruler asked with a knowing smirk.
  “Monkey King!” the young monkey exclaimed, running over to the shack and startling the little monkeys off of him. The king was almost startled by the sudden movement himself, but quickly recognized his speed as an effect of having the magic of two mystic monkeys in his body. That's gonna take some getting used to. 
  “Sup, bud? So… where's my staff?” the king asked, looking around playfully, before looking back and noticing the panic on his young admirer's expression.
  “I’m so sorry, Monkey King! I was trying to get it to you, but there was this whole thing with the Demon Bull King and Princess Iron Fan, also their son, but he wasn't there when she took-” Mk started, rambling and starting to blush when he brought up Redson.
  He was freaking out. Wukong wasn't prepared to handle this, so he tried to put the boy’s mind at ease. “Hehe, calm down kid! I already know. Seee… I've been kinda watching you.”
  “Huh?” the boy snapped out of it and gave a confused look, before gasping dramatically. “Wait- That was you?!”
  The king couldn't help but laugh at the sight of the young monkey's face. “Oh~ The look on your face! You're perfect!” he cackled, though he felt the glare on his back.
   Mk looked confused and tilted his head up at Wukong, squinting slightly. “Perfect for what?”
  Oh man, the kid was gonna love this. Wukong did a triple flip over Mk's head, crossing his arms as he landed. “To be my…” he started, halfway turning around and pointing at the boy. “-successor!”
  Mk looked at him with disbelief for a moment, before shaking it off and starting to pace. “Oh great! I'm dreaming again! Can my brain stop taunting me, please?”
  “Uh~ kid? If you'd like I could slap you, but I don't wanna hurt you on acci–dent..” Monkey King tried to keep up the facade, but he looked like he saw a ghost, staring at the headband his successor wore. Huh.. Macaque kept that? For over 3,000 years?
  Mk looked confused and placed a hand on his headband self-consciously. “What? What is it?”
  The king snapped out of it and shook his head a bit. “Uh~ C-Can I see that headband for a moment, bud?” he asked tensely, reaching one hand out.
  The boy in front of him looked suspicious, but untied it and placed it in his hand, letting his hair fall into its long and messy natural appearance. He could trust the Monkey King with it, right?
  The sage was gentle with the band of fabric, then looked at the embroidery and gave a soft sob that one could mistake for a cough. It was like he was holding his memories in his hands.. He handed it back with a soft smile. “Thanks, kid..”
  Mk smiled and took it back. “Of course, Monkey King!” he grinned. He was happy to help, “Now; what are we gonna do about the giant evil bull king who's RAVAGING my home, and probably KILLING my friends!?” -but he also had some basic logic. 
  Ah, right. “Pfft, c'mon! You can handle it!” Wukong brushed it off, falling back onto his cloud as it formed behind his back. “Consider it a trial,” he claimed, before spotting the glare of the shadows, and adding, “Tell you what; If you take more than~ thirty minutes to win, I'll come and save ya’, alright? You'll be fine,” he assured him, glancing at Macaque a couple times to gauge if that sated him. The glare was there, but it'd softened.
  “Well- How would I even get back?! How- How can you just trust me to figure it out?” the boy asked with a squirlish look, gesticulating wildly. Small flickers of purple and gold magic slipped along his body, but were calmed when the Monkey King placed his hands on Mk’s shoulders, steadying him. That much uncontrolled magic.. Hm.
  “Kid. I’d never tell you to do anything you can’t do. If I say you can beat DBK, you can beat DBK. Just believe in yourself! Even a smidge, can make all the difference,” he said with a soft smile. “And as for that other thing.. You’re not scared of heights, are you?” the sage suggested ominously with a more mischievous grin.
  A moment later, Wukong hopped onto his cloud and offered Mk a hand to get on behind him. “Now remember, you have thirty minutes to beat him before I come to help. You succeed-.. I dunno, I’ll give you one of my first merch items! That sound good?”
  The kid was nervous until the reward was mentioned. Then he got excited. “REALLY?! Like, the Monkey King original first edition plush?!” the fanboy exclaimed cheerfully.
  “Sure, if that’s the one you want. I honestly expected you to be more of an action figure kid, but that’s good too,” the king responded cheerfully, before zipping the cloud forward with no warning.   Mk, startled, grabbed the ruler’s shoulders and shut his eyes tight. Within a single minute they had reached the battle, and Wukong was picking Mk up and placing him on the ground. The king patted his head twice and said in his native language, “Good luck, little monkey. Here's hoping it goes well!” before zipping off. Macaque was psychically bugging him again.
  The boy was stunned by the sudden speed for a moment longer before a massive crash sounded behind him and he finally spotted Mei, who was in full dragon form and beating the shit out of Redson. He perked up, phantom tails flicking cheerfully. “Jie Jie!”
  She was startled and looked over, eyes lighting up in recognition. She threw the Demon Bull Prince into the air and slapped him away with her tail, before turning her full attention to Mk. “Di Di! You’re okay!” she said happily, hopping into the air and doing a somersault as she shapeshifted back to human form. She landed with a grin and bounced up to her brother to give him a big ol’ hug. “I was so worried!”   “I’m fine, Jie Jie,” the little monkey claimed with a smile.
  “Xiao Houzi! Did you find the Monkey King?!” his Ba Ba called from the ground, always one to gather information.
  “I did, Ba Ba!” he replied.
  “Then where the heck is he?!” Dadsy called up as well, almost sounding pissed.   “He said he’d give me the original plushie if I could do it! He’ll be here in like half an hour!” Mk called down with a grin. Pigsy face-palmed while Tang stimmed, a nervous and conflicted look on his face. After all, that plushie’s worth a fortune! But he didn’t want his son to get hurt.   Mei, ever the enabler of Mk’s stupid decisions, immediately called her bike and grabbed Mk’s helmet from its saddle bag to put it on his head. “We’ll be backing you up, Monkey Man!” she said with a grin, hopping down from the building with a backflip.   The Monkey Kid smiled down at his big sister for a moment, before hopping aboard the dragon-cycle. Mei had given him one or two lessons in her free time, so he knew the basics, but he didn’t expect how different it was when actually going fast.   His turns were tight. He worried he might tip the bike over by going quite so fast. Then DBK noticed him. Ah, shit.
  DBK scowled. It was that pest his brother called a son. He’d have to stop him without killing him. Such a pain.
  Going quick, and hearing the Demon Bull King saying something, Mk ignored it and tried to think of an attack he could use. His balance was thrown off, but he managed to right himself, though his panic was causing his magic to grow restless. The wild flickers of magic seemed to blend in his eyes, causing purple and yellow to swirl as the world turned gold and lightning zapped from his eyes.   He swore to himself, skidded to a stop, and covered his zapping eyes, only to peek through his fingers and spot the furnace burning in DBK’s chest, which held the staff in its center. He absently spotted the indignation on the king’s face from having the little monkey just skid past him instead of attacking. A plan began to form in his mind as he once more ignored the Bull King’s insults and began driving.   An attack was thrown at the ground in front of him (DBK must be a poor shot) and Mk managed to tilt the bike up and drive right along his hand and up his arm. The ruler noticed the plan brewing in the boy’s mind and went to try and snuff it out by plucking him off.
  The Little Monkey just launched himself off of the bike and right towards the furnace on his chest, meanwhile the bike tipped over to the other side and was caught by Mei. The Demon Bull King looked shocked and almost angered as Mk launched into the furnace. The young boy gripped the staff, yet quickly felt stiff, hard, rock surrounding him. With a gasp, he pulled on the staff harshly.
  Before all went black.
  After checking her bike for damage, Mei noticed how everything had gotten quiet. She looked around, worriedly, soon spotting how everyone, even their opponents, had frozen in shock and dread. What happened? She felt a sinking feeling in her gut and looked up at the hole in DBK’s chest. She’d figured it out.
  Tears fell from her face as she dropped her bike and ran back to get a better view. Oh no.. Oh, gods no!   “DI DI!” She gave a terrified, blood curdling yell. Her baby brother, the smaller, sweeter, more sensitive boy she loved so much, had gotten killed in the furnace!.
  She growled harshly as she shapeshifted slowly, grunting in pain at the exertion it took to shift so often within a day. She didn’t care at the moment. The bastard that killed her little brother was standing right front of her, standing still as though in shock. She lunged at him and threw him towards a nearby building, snapping her friends and foes out of their stupor.
  Encouraged, she moved to strike again, but then DBK gasped and bent over in pain, clutching his chest. She watched as a strange stone egg fell from the hole in the furnace. It shifted, it cracked, and it seemed to throw itself into the air. She stepped back in shock and lost her focus, shifting back to a mostly human form.   Sandy had managed to get over there in time to catch her, and still got to watch as the Monkey king’s staff cut through the stone shell and burst it, revealing Mk bathed in golden light so bright and purple shadows so dark that they should’ve overpowered one another. He rested the staff across his shoulders as the light formed a circlet across his forehead and the shadows formed six dark ears, three on each side.   With a cackle of pure delight, the boy rushed DBK with the staff, jumping up to strike him upside the chin, and growing the staff to jab at his face. Launched backwards by his attack, the boy narrowly dodged the laser that was fired at him from his enemy’s arm as he fell to the ground, then used the staff to bounce back up to DBK’s level.
  Although daunting, DBK’s size made him hard to miss, and he was repeatedly attacked by the nimble kid. Said kid then landed back on the ground and cut off a large part of a nearby building, intent on using it as a hammerhead which he swung down at DBK. The demon wasn’t about to be taken down so easily, however. He fired his laser, shattering the building into dust, before landing a brutal punch and sending the boy flying into the ground nearby.
  Skidding across the pavement was painful, but not quite as much as DBK’s next taunt. “Even with that old fool’s staff, you can’t defeat me! My brother should be disappointed in you.” His brother. Macaque. The six-eared Macaque. It wasn’t hard to deduce.
  Mk wasn’t a fool, he’d long since figured out that Liu’er was his Shadow Dad. If the visual and magical similarities weren’t enough, the fact that a gift from him said Liu’er Mihou on it was. He’d just denied letting it sink in. Now though? With a hulking monstrosity destroying the city, and taunting him with the prospect of his first real parent being disappointed?..
  He felt pain; The thought was one of his own. An intrusive one he hated. He felt anger; He didn’t appreciate DBK calling his Shadow Dad “brother”, and he didn’t deserve to know a name his father never even told his own son. He felt release; He didn’t have to rely on Shadow Dad’s opinion of him anymore. He’d never make him proud if he was so quick to abandon a child. He felt rage; Why should he care what Shadow Dad thinks?! That bastard didn’t even care enough to stick around! He didn’t even tell his son his real name! Did he really think so little to believe he’d never find out?
  He grit his teeth as he picked up the staff with a brutal grip, standing back up, fully enveloped with a dark aura. “And who told you I care what your brother thinks?” He whipped around to throw another strike at DBK. This wasn’t just business anymore; this was personal. As though on instinct he slammed the Ruyi Jingu Bang into the Demon Bull King’s face, spines made of shadow running along the length of it to stab and slash at the ruler’s skin. Mk didn’t even notice.
  “Insolent brat!” DBK exclaimed, launching another laser shot at the boy, only to find he’d seemingly disappeared.
  “Missing someone?” His voice was layered with echoes of the void and it was a chilling sound, even for his allies. He jammed the staff straight into the Bull King’s back, slamming the beast into the ground. A swing at the demon king’s side was countered by a laser shot, though Mk just darted around it.
  The ruler stood and sent another shot at the boy, though the odd purple lightning in his eyes decided to deflect it, causing the young adult to yelp in pain. It felt like his eyes were burning, though he just channeled that pain into more determination. He would finish this fight. Not for Monkey King. Not for Shadow Dad. Just for him and his city. He would finish this fight.
  He slammed his staff into the ground, causing blocks of it to change shape. Earth turned into a metal mech of enormous size, shaped like a monkey. Yes. His choice of final attack was a video game reference. “You wanted me to fight you?” he started, pulling out a larger version of the staff from his mech’s ear. “Well, I’ll fight you then.” He launched into the sky and grew the staff even larger. “It’s time for you and your family to be brought to justice!” he exclaimed, readying a final blow. “Here comes Monkey Kid!”
  He slammed the ginormous staff down hard, creating a crater in the earth and shaking the ground. As he shrunk the staff back to a manageable size and lowered to earth again, he wondered if he knocked anything out of orbit with that attack. He spotted a shocking amount of cuts on DBK’s form as he watched the king attempt to stand. Huh. Guess he must’ve knocked him into something sharp. 
  “Im…possible..” the ruler tried to claim.
  Mk snickered. “Nothing is impossible if you just believe in yourself. You, my friend, just got M.K.O-ed!” The corny line was delivered with his voice back to it’s normal state.
  Red Son shoved some rubble off of himself and looked down into the crater. He almost looked shocked that it was his father who wound up so harmed. “Do-Do you think this is over, Noodle Boy?! Well, it isn’t! Get out of that dorky mech and fight me, you coward!” the prince exclaimed, before fainting and falling into the crater next to his father. Mk snickered at the sight and reached down, only to be stopped by Princess Iron Fan’s winds.
  “We know when we’ve been bested,” she grit her teeth as she showed her face. “But this won’t be the last you see of us, Noodle Boy,” she trailed off into maniacal laughter as her winds carried her and her family to safety.
  “Whu- Hey! No fair! You can’t just run away when I’m just about to win!” Mk exclaimed in annoyance and disappointment.
  “Mk!” Mei called from the ground. The boy in question peeked out of his cockpit to see what she needed. “You totally kicked DBK’s butt! Without us, the City would be toast!” She didn’t seem to realize that the city was already kinda destroyed.
  Nor did Mk, honestly. “Hehe, yeah.” He hopped out of the mech and landed in front of his sister, who immediately hugged him tightly.
  “Now don’t scare me like that ever again! I thought you were dead, twice today!” the dragon girl exclaimed, holding him close, then Sandy picked both up into a group hug. 
  “You did it, little man!” the gentle giant said in an almost soothing tone.
  “Xiao Houzi!” Mr.Tang exclaimed as he ran over and reached his arms out for a hug, at which point Sandy put the young adults back on the ground. He immediately gave one of his soft yet sturdy hugs and held his son close in his arms with a sigh of relief.
  “Aww, did I really scare you that much?” the boy asked, before both he and his Ba Ba got lifted into a tight hug.
  “Yes! Never do that again, dang it!” Pigsy exclaimed as he squeezed his family in a bone-popping hug.   “Okay! Okay, I’ll try!” Mk replied through mirthful giggles, managing to free an arm to hug his dad as well. It might not last with the Demon Bull King walking around, but they were safe for now, and at this point, Mk’d earned that dang Monkey King plush!
  Macaque smiled at his son as he celebrated, before lowering into the dark and finding his Brother once more. He took a deep breath, and exclaimed,
  “WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING?!” This was gonna be a long night.
SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT! I didn’t even realize how bad it was getting!
I just wanted this to be perfect. I’m so sorry.
I hope you all enjoyed anyway, and as always,
Have fun, and happy scrolling!
Prev- Chapter 11 and Next- (Coming Soon!)
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espresseo-cafe · 9 months
life is still beautiful | johnny | ch.7
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genre: cappucino, romance, angst, university!au, dad!au, drama, slice of life
pairing: collegestudent!johnny x fem!reader
bean count: 5.4k+
warnings: mentions of bullying, anxiety breakdown, health issues
a/n: last update before i go on a short hiatus for the winter break! will be back in january 💚 enjoy your coffee this holiday my beans! note: this is only a work of fiction, it doesn’t reflect the artists’ personalities in any way.
hugging her books, yeri plucked up the courage to walk around the campus. despite the rising fear she had in her chest, she had to get to class earlier than anyone else. the wandering eyes she got from just her presence made her feel helpless.
she knew she was stronger than that. she had to stand her ground on her own. being the eldest of four girls, she had to hold herself together in ways of emotions, mental state, and heck, even physically. however, one could only manage one thing at a time.
the tote bag got creases from her grip, she inhaled and exhaled. mentally telling herself ‘fighting’, she made her way to the hallways.
“ugh she’s here again.”
“i know right? it’s crazy.”
“that first year? i heard she’s really close with the seniors.”
“gross, she thinks she’s ‘all that’.”
yeri wanted to cry, what did she do to deserve all this? she could feel her mouth quivering, making her footsteps speed up. with all the thoughts and negativity building up in her head, an image of you flashed all so suddenly.
she remembered how you consoled her, how you gave her advise to stand strong even if she felt like breaking down. and felt ashamed to not have done the same when you dealt with much harder things.
she still ran though, but became stronger and a small smile appeared in her face then..
she found herself bumping into someone.
“ow- watch where you’re going.” she groaned, rubbing the sides of her body.
“huh, you were the one so busy running-“ a guy raised his voice, his friends seconding his statement. “ah it’s you. the attention seeker.”
yeri froze, not this again.
“you can just stay there, it suits you.” another girl named jennifer giggled then pushing her to the ground, “got all the dirt as your makeup.”
mark witnessed this on the way to the lecture hall for his class. he flinched seeing yeri’s skirt slightly higher than it meant to be. he didn’t think twice and his instincts immediately took over him.
yeri saw this unfold in front of her, like a film, the red and blue cardigan slowly covered her legs. she blinked when mark sat down and blocked her view. her eyes trailed to the glasses he was wearing, his eyes unreadable. if she didn’t do that, she wouldn’t have realised she had tears rolling down her cheeks through the reflection.
the boy stared at her with clenched jaws before side eyeing the people behind who did this. he turned to her briefly and gave a handkerchief to wipe her tears, he whispered. “use this.” mark then stood up and dusted his jeans, placing his hands in the back pockets. “ah, you shouldn’t have done that.. jake. you got my jeans all dirty.”
jake raised a brow, his group of friends huddling up behind him, “you did that to yourself, helping this needy cheerleader.”
“i know, and that makes me a better person than you.” he said quite frankly and jake had a sour face on him; obviously pissed.
“by being an author? you had potential in basketball and yet you gave up your scholarship to become a freakin’ nerd! you’ve disrespected the whole team!” jake snapped, his ears becoming redder.
mark just chuckled, “disrespected? ha, this is why i left. jerks like you don’t deserve respect.”
mark approached yeri, holding her hand to help her stand and pull her away from the growing crowd around them and telling her that they should leave.
“you think you could get away just like that?!” jake called out, attempting to pull his shoulder while jennifer pulled yeri’s ponytail.
yeri let out a startled squeal and mark’s eyes widened, while he himself received a hard punch to the face, both of them falling to the ground. the others just laughed at the scenario and cheering them on.
“mark!” she shouted, her cheeks earning scratches from jennifer’s slaps, the wounds stung painfully as her tears made contact.
jake was actually enjoying this, continuing to punch the boy while the others kicked his body. he was about to give the hardest punch but his arm was yanked back. he looked behind, and his eyes widened when he realised who it was.
“j-johnny sunbae.”
johnny glared at him. holding jake’s arm, he lifted him up and shoved him to the ground in one go, instilling fear in the other students. “did you get the rest on camera?” johnny looked back at you, who was holding your phone that recorded everything, nodding in response before stopping.
“yup.” you popped your lips, placing your phone back in your pocket. “this will go well in your scholarship.. jake, was it?” you turned to other boys, “it’s going to be much worse for you lot as well.”
jake was struggling to stand up until his friends helped him. mark stood up in pain and yeri held his back and vice versa. johnny’s friends ran to the commotion and stood behind the two juniors.
johnny glared at jennifer when he noticed yeri’s face bleeding from her cheek. he treated yeri like a little sister, so seeing her hurt made him upset. he stomped to the hitter, “did you do that to yeri!?”
jennifer hitched a breath, her voice shaking, “i-i..”
“i said, did you hurt her!?” he shouted, his arm slammed the locker next to him in anger when you decided to barge in. you knew johnny had a temper, given his reaction from the motel reception. this could go worse.
“johnny.” you loudly called him, holding his forearm and the guy snapped out of it. “stop. don’t do that.”
johnny has a rush of guilt in him, “y/n, i-”
“let me do it.” you slapped her on the cheek, hard. “you must be jennifer. hi, i’m y/n.”
she held her face in pain, scoffing at the audacity. “you dare do that to me?!”
“i can do it again for free if you want.” you looked at your hand, “i’ll add fingernails for extra price.. oh wait, nevermind. you’re not that valuable.”
jennifer screeched in anger, “you b-”
you threatened her with a fake slap, it was enough to make her flinch. grabbing her sweater and pulling her close to you, you said in a cold voice, “you dare hurt yeri and her friend again, you’ll face being kicked out.” then facing to the group behind her, “your friends are at risk too.”
the younger one frowned, “you’re threatening me?!who are you to make a claim like that?!”
you smirked and bit your tongue, letting your grip loosen. “my bad, i forgot to introduce myself properly. my name’s y/fl/n, daughter of the y/l/n’s, board directors of the education bureau.”
the students started whispering to each other, even johnny and your friends had their mouths wide open in shock.
how ironic, i’m the estranged daughter. you told yourself.
the bullies went away and so did the other students, leaving you and your friends in the hallway. and you let out a soft, long sigh. your hands were shaking, spasming out of nervousness. it was the first time you announced that, the word daughter (of your parents) left a bitter taste in your tongue.
you felt dizzy that you lost a little balance but you didn’t want to worry the others. so you bit your lower lip to wake yourself up.
kun appeared in front of you with a smile on his face, “you’re the daughter of the board directors? you’re big time y/n!” he ruffled your hair then seeing your lips pale, “you okay?” you nodded, giving him a half smile and putting a finger to your lips keep it a secret. so he nodded, taking it as a sign that you didn’t want to bother the rest, “here, take my water bottle, it’s new.”
yeri wiped her tears and hugged you from the back. “thank you, y/n.” you patted her head and hugged her back when her mood suddenly changed, “something’s in my mind though..”
you looked in concern, holding your hands together, “what is it?”
she looked at everyone before turning on her sassy attitude, “why are you and big bro johnny wearing the same clothes?”
taeyong looked at johnny then to you and back again to his friend, “ah, she’s right.”
jungwoo squinted like he was figured something out, jumping after while pointing, “omg- its from a motel isn’t it?! you guys slept together??”
“johnny!” kun punched the tall guy, “have some dignity!”
“we didn’t sleep together!” you both said in unison, while your friends looked at each other in silence.
“i don’t believe them.”
“yeah, or no same clothes.”
johnny sighed loudly, crossing his arms, “it’s a long story.. yoohyeon left for paris yesterday then we hung out at a nature reserve and bosco broke down and we got poured on so we went to a nearby motel to stay the night. and if you’re thinking otherwise, no we slept separately. i slept on the sofa and she slept on the bed.”
they looked back at each other and johnny hoped his friends got the message because he knew how hectic their minds could get. he stared at them while they stayed silent and analysed the situation once more.
“nah they probably did.”
“no doubt.”
“we felt the tension between them.”
johnny groaned and gave himself a facepalm, unbelievable. “i’m done here.” making you shake your head in agreement, then you stopped him.
“johnny.” he looked at you before stopping, “i’ve been thinking about it all night but after youngmin’s birthday, im going to go see my parents tomorrow. they managed to contact me even when i tried my best to cut off any connection.”
as if he knew this would happen, he smiled sadly and scratched the back of his head. “sorry, i gave them your number because they kept calling me in the middle of the night.. well i did give them my number back at the carnival, so it’s expected.”
you grumbled, feeling awful for him, “i should be sorry. i guess this is time for me to clear thing with them. i’ll leave at seven, just before the party finishes.”
he patted your shoulder, “yeah sure. will you be alright alone?”
you nodded, feeling slightly confident, “not really but i think i could manage. actually it feels like i’m going to the principal’s office like i did something bad.”
“but you didn’t do anything though?”
“i left home, not contacting them for three years. so yeah it’s definitely bad in their eyes.” you combed your hair back, “but it’s okay, i knew i’d face this sooner or later.”
seungcheol sat by the bleachers after football do-overs, wiping his sweat with the towel that his coach gave him. it had been days since he actually participated, so you could say he was still a bit off course with the drills, despite being the captain.
a bottle of water appeared in front of him, his doe eyes found the giver. he scoffed to himself, “and what are you doing, rowoon?”
the tall guy sat beside him, smiling cockily, “i saw johnny suh a week ago, hyung.”
“and what do you want me to do?” seungcheol spun the unopened bottle, not making eye contact with him. “don’t include me in your useless sidelines.”
“even if it includes the girl from that accident? heard he’s hanging out with her all the time.” rowoon grinned mischievously, now getting the older one’s attention. “and i know you got the hots for her.”
seungcheol rolled his eyes at the boy, then standing up to prepare for his leave, “rowoon, what do you really want from me?”
“police are apparently still looking into the investigation. i have the details and i need your help, whenever you’re free though.”
as johnny had hoped, youngmin’s birthday boasted the weather. it was a perfect morning, the bright sun was all out and he could smell the familiar scent he loved to wake up to every morning at his family home: bacons.
a shuffle next to him made turn to his side to face the newly awaken little human. youngmin was a happy baby and still is, and because of it johnny’s mornings were always on a positive note. “hey little buddy, good morning! who’s turning two today?”
the two year old gurgled and sat up with his fluffy bed hair, then climbing on johnny’s stomach. “na! (me)” while raising his arms up.
“good boy!” johnny sat up and gave youngmin’s sides a tickle before carrying him and going downstairs to where his mom was cooking breakfast. he kind of stopped in his tracks, seeing you beside her wearing an apron, helping to make breakfast and other foods for the party.
“good morning mom.” he said as he placed a kiss on her cheek, rubbing her back. he took a good look at you, who didn’t take notice of his presence as you had earphones on.
his mom gave a teasing grin, nudging her son. “aren’t you going to give her a kiss as well? i promise i won’t get jealous.”
johnny’s ears turned red and scoffed, “mom, stop.” but he smiled when he put youngmin down, the toddler running to hug your legs.
you gasped at the sudden contact, the knife cutting your finger, “ah.” bringing your finger to your mouth.
mrs. suh and johnny also flinched towards your reaction, johnny put his arm out halfway but hesitated. his mom looked at him, seeing her son’s reluctant self made her click her tongue, so she pushed him to you as she took youngmin to the living room. “stop being a coward. it’s not manly.”
johnny squinted his eyes at his mom, “she-”
“oh you’re here, johnny.” you took off your earbuds, finger still in your mouth.
“you okay?” he asked, his hand touched the back of his neck.
you made a disgusted face, the wound actually went deeper than you thought. “yeah. word of caution, blood and minced garlic do not go together. it’s gross and it stings.”
johnny laughed, walking closer to you. you stepped back a bit towards the kitchen counter, hand just holding the edge. he reached out for something from the cupboard above you. “i’ve tried that, worse taste ever.”
fetching a first kid kit to his hand, it nearly fell that he lost balance and held the counter. your hands brushing briefly next to each other and it gave you a cold chill down your arm and made johnny hold in a breath. your faces were an inch away from one another, pairs of eyes having a stare battle as if it were the only thing in the world consisted of.
the brown orbs that looked into yours was hypnotic that you could faint instantly. johnny on his sane self kept his gaze on you locked, like you were the missing key to his unopened soul. he knew you were pretty already, but this close of a distance had him changing his mind that you were so much more beautiful.
the weather was understandably warm, but what you didn’t understand was why your face was mirroring its temperature. you knew johnny had this effect on you but today was… different? you couldn’t explain why that you just kept quiet without saying a word.
“so are we just going to stare at each other the whole day or what?” johnny asked softly, then looking at your lips that were agape, looking away slowly as he brought the kit down. “because as a future doctor i need to tend to my patient.”
“then this doctor needs to take a sick leave because he’s distracted.” you sniffled, putting the knive away and washing your still bleeding finger.
“well that’s because i have a pretty patient.” he said out loud, then mentally screamed because he actually said it out loud.
he took your hand and disinfected it before putting a band-aid. you thanked him softly and continued to prepare for the party just after lunch. his group of friends came right in carrying balloons, cutleries, lootbags, and more food and drinks. he sighed briefly that no one saw that you and him had a face off, because if they did, he’d never hear the end of it.
youngmin’s birthday had more visitors than expected, johnny’s family home was filled noises that a party should have. he looked at the little boy, eating his cake that he smashed just a second ago, giggling through the cream that reached his cheeks.
though he looked at his son with pure love and heartfelt feelings, his gaze shifted from him to you, since you had mentioned that you were leaving early in the evening. he wanted to join you, having met your parents two months prior in an overwhelming atmosphere. however, he had extended family and friends under the same roof, so escaping was far from a good option.
from where he was sitting, he liked how you talked with his family but his heart ached a little knowing that was what you wanted. he felt a little nudge, from a friend he hadn’t seen since middle school. “yo johnny. that girl your new one, the one in beige?”
johnny wiped his mouth clean before answering, “w-what no.. she’s a friend.”
“you sure? if she’s your friend then you don’t mind me making a move on her? she’s seems alright.” he stood up and johnny’s instinct was to hold his friend’s arm, stopping him from making any more steps to you.
his friend took that as a sign that you weren’t just anybody someone could approach, and that spoke louder to him that johnny had his eyes on you first. the corners of his mouth rose a little, “on second thought, i’ll go get more food.”
with this much people in the suh’s home, you guessed that johnny’s family was somewhat prominent. by the looks of how johnny was raised and how people treated him, he was definitely respectable.
and just how he weirdly occupied your mind once again, you found yourself looking for him, just to be caught by johnny’s eyes himself. your eyes widened and checked the time, you had to leave soon. it was your parents’ anniversary and figured that you could patch it up with them. it had been three years, it was more than enough time to tell what you needed to.
johnny gestured for you two to talk a little at the porch. “are you sure you don’t need me to accompany you? i can step out for a bit.”
you slung your bag on your shoulder, “johnny, youngmin needs you here more. he’ll cry when he doesn’t see you.”
he combed his hair back, “actually i feel like the roles have reversed now, he’d cry when you aren’t around.”
“you’re kidding.” you chuckled.
“nope, and i have a video to prove it.” he shook
his new phone. you pushed him because he had been flexing his new gadget to his friends the whole day. he curled his tongue and smiled, taking something out of his pocket, “just.. take this. it’s a panic button, if anything happens.” he handed you the said item.
your heart pinched, not because of how attractive he was, but how attentive he was to your situation. “thank you, johnny.”
making your way down to the bus stop, you noticed he was still just a feet behind you to make sure you got on safe. he waved as you took your seat before the transport drove pass by him, and he might’ve just ticked the boxes you liked for a guy.
your phone buzzed, a notification from johnny popped up:
[ johnny ] : “you can do it, just remember to be strong. well; i know you are but i guessed you needed a booster 💪🏻”
[ you ] : “yeah, i’ll do my best. thank you.”
johnny went back to the party and accommodated the guests he didn’t get to entertain. he spotted his friends having fun with his nintendo switch while his parents were busy conversing with his aunts and uncles.
he helped himself to the kitchen, pouring a glass of water to rehydrate his drying throat. he loved the summer because of the heat, but nothing beats the feeling of cold liquid to soothe his body temperature. with the way he drank a third glass, he realised he hadn’t been drinking enough since lunch.
he sat on the counter, scrolling through his phone for the next hour or so. hearing goodbyes from several families as they took their leave, he waved at them. this continued until his friends were the only ones left behind, deciding last minute that they’d sleepover for the night. his parents agreeing since it was nearing the end of summer vacation and for their help in preparation of youngmin’s birthday.
one of the last families wanted to go karaoke and johnny’s parents joined them, saying that the night was far from over. his mom asking him to look after the house and make sure not to make a huge mess while they were gone.
johnny was relieved that everything was in place and how youngmin was still happy despite most of his playgroup friends had already left. he stretched his arms to carry the child, waving to his parents as they left.
“did you have fun today, youngmin-ah? happy birthday again you little rascal.” he lifted him higher, giving him raspberries blows on the child’s stomach. his happiness was cut short when he noticed his friends went unusually quiet.
he guided his eyes to where his friends were and he didn’t believe what he was seeing in front of him.
minji stood there, her arms crossed together as a bag dangled on one of them: a gift for her son. “hey..”
yeri’s brows furrowed and anger took over her, marching towards johnny’s ex. “how dare you show your face here after what you did to johnny?!” seulgi and mark pulling her back before she did anything, “you got some nerve, you b-”
“yeri.” johnny started, handing the child to kun. “what do you want, mj?”
her expression was soft but that was about it, not anyone knew what her intention really was besides giving a gift to youngmin, which jungwoo took when handed over. “i was hoping we could talk..” she looked to the others then back to johnny, “alone?”
johnny gestured to his friends to go back to the house and clear up, saying he wouldn’t take long.
taeyong looked back in concern, his gut telling him something was going to happen. he heard the two argue many times and he knew that this wasn’t going to be any different. so he decided to stay close to the main entrance in case one of them broke a vessel and scrolled through his phone.
the weather forecasted that tonight would rain due to continuous heat and sunny periods, so the group hurried back before the typhoon arrived. after a few minutes, the house was almost cleaned up when everyone heard minji and johnny shouting and raising their voices.
“this is why you should’ve answered my calls! you can’t just tell me that you want to get back together after ghosting me when i messaged you!” johnny fumed up, pointing fingers at her when minji just remained silent for a bit.
“i said i was sorry okay?! maybe i shouldn’t have come here! you’re still the same!” minji spat back, holding her sweater to prevent her from doing anything rash.
seulgi held her back, while taeyong pulled johnny too. yeri pushed mark aside gently and pointed at minji. “leave. now. before my hands break loose.”
minji gave everyone a long glare before stepping out, clicking her tongue in distaste. johnny’s friends saw how she walked away in shame and anger, not a word spoken between them as they stood by the porch.
the ride wasn’t as long as you thought, probably just three stops away. the restaurant your parents booked was the same one as the photo where everyone was.. happy. you’d be lying if you said you weren’t nervous at all because in reality, you really were.
stepping in the restaurant, the grip on your bag crumpled and you exhaled a breather. spotting the reception and informing the staff of the booking, he then guided you to a vip room.
the table was placed behind the glass window, three empty chairs reserved for you and your parents. it had been a while, and you asked yourself when the last time you actually had a proper family dinner was.
you pre-ordered the five course menu for yourself, not knowing what your parents would choose. observing the vip room, it was quiet. one painting, in particular, caught your eye. it was a centerpiece that had an abstract theme, and strangely enough it was calming your nerves until your parents arrive.
the waiter came up to your table, pouring you a glass then another handed your one-bite hors d’ouvres. peeking at the entrance, which was visible to where you were sitting, there were no signs of newcomers.
eating the one bite hors d’ouvres, you expected your phone to chime a notification, only to be met with the display time moving onward. it had been half a hour. would they really show up?
the appetiser came about, then the salad. reaching for your phone once more, you hesitantly called your dad. however, there was only the monotonous sound, saying that he wasn’t going to answer.
usually vip rooms were the loudest, the most fun. yours was the opposite as you ate in silent.
main course had already made it to your table when you noticed your parents haven’t even arrived. you called them probably five times. though it was final that they were never going to come tonight. your vision slowly blurred and it felt full, a rush of sadness overtook your entire body.
not wanting to leave without finishing the dessert, you were served the sweetest cheesecake. except that, your palate was so bland. the two seats in front of you have been empty for an hour and a half. it reminded you of days when you at home eating dinner alone.
this was no different, but why did you expect so much when it was obvious that it’d be the same as before? it was only after dessert where you realised that the windows have been painted with mirror droplets and bright flashes.
standing up, you paid the bill that was meant for three when only one just showed up. your lips quivered, holding yourself together in public.
it was when you stormed out of the restaurant where your tears fell. you cursed at the sudden rain and thunderstorm. tonight weather’s was just like how you were feeling. your tears transmigrated with the heavy rain.
you didn’t have an umbrella with you and you cried harder when your phone was on the whole time, almost draining the rest of your phone battery.
you ran, once again. the patters of heavy rain that hit your face weren’t in parallel to the pain you felt. you ran to wherever, far away from your parents (even if they weren’t there), far from the past trauma you got.
tossing the stuff in your bag, you whimpered in hiccups when your inhaler was nowhere to be seen, then remembering you had the panic button johnny gave you earlier. you pressed it immediately, hoping to inform him you needed help, now.
johnny was watching a movie with his friends to cool off his mind when his phone rang a siren. he paused the movie and had a serious look. jungwoo scoffed and turned to face the guy. “dude don’t just pause at the-” he got cut off when johnny abruptly stood up and rushed to the door, his clothes went pass the younger one. “johnny hyung?”
“i’ll step out a bit..” he scrambled through his backpack for an item he regretted not giving to you.
the rest of the gang looked up, confused faces in theirs when they tried to reciprocate his vague action.
johnny pointed towards the clock, “it’s 9pm, could one of you guys please bring youngmin upstairs and put him to sleep and mind the house? i’ll be right back.” rushing out of his family home.
kun pulled johnny’s arm back after seeing an inhaler on his hand. he thought for a bit as he tried to connect the dots, “dude, what about y/n?”
“come with me, kun.” johnny just simply asked him to.
the two ran out and took a taxi just outside, as if it was prepared for them. johnny took his phone out, the gps telling him where you were located. his eyebrows met together when you weren’t even at the restaurant you said you were supposed to be in.
“.. johnny.” his thoughts pulled him out of a trance when kun called his name. “if this is something she only told you, i’ll stay out of it but tell me where she is so i could inform the driver.”
johnny’s legs shook anxiously as he bit his nails, looking out of the raindrop patterned window. he scolded himself for not handing your inhaler to you, he regretted giving that advice for you to talk to your parents, and he wished he didn’t give his phone number. this wouldn’t have happened if he just stepped back.
kun looked at his friend, “i know that look. if you’re regretting something, don’t. you did what you can to help.”
the taxi stopped at an alleyway because there was a dead end at the end of road. johnny opened the door and left, not bothering to open the umbrella he brought while kun paid the driver.
johnny flicked his already wet hair back, “y/n!” he called out, checking his phone again to see the glowing red dot so he’d know where to look. he ran when you were just close by. “kun! follow me!”
his footsteps halted when he saw you seated underneath a lamp post. he’d want to applaud you for staying there, at least he could spot you so easily but it wasn’t the right time.
your clothes and yourself were soaking wet. one of your hands holding your chest while the other held the panic button. the jeans you wore turned darker when the light was covered, you looked up and johnny was standing up front, towering over you.
“y/n..” he sat down eye level with you. he took out the inhaler, putting it in your mouth, and pressed the pump. “breathe, okay? we’ll do this a few times.”
kun saw this scene unfold in front of him, he recalled this very same gesture you did yesterday. “ah, that’s why she wanted it to keep it a secret.” he told himself, taking out a towel and held the umbrella above the two of you.
“slowly.” johnny guided you, pushing away the wet strands off your face, then wrapping the towel around you. you were still in a mental breakdown and his heart ached a lot seeing you like this.
kun swayed awkwardly but understood and took that as a sign for him to leave for a bit. he gave the umbrella to johnny before skipping through further to look for a shed while we waited.
you just continued to cry. johnny didn’t know what to do, but talking wasn’t an option. so he took his phone out, playing the favourite song you had mentioned at the road trip, and put one of his earbuds to your ear and another to his. he dropped the umbrella from his hold, mumbling an ‘excuse me’ before wrapping his arms around you.
it was hard to hide the state of your mind, but you wondered why it was so easy for you to be vulnerable in front of johnny. more tears came out with just one action, along with the song you loved. sometimes you just needed a hug, no words needed to be said.
despite the rain, you didn’t realise how cold it got until you felt johnny’s warmth; his arms was enough to make you feel safe. and you hugged him back, responding that it was okay for him to do that.
though he was keeping you close to him, johnny’s mind was occupied with so many things tonight: your difficult situation and the sudden appearance of his ex- minji.
your arms around him made him hug you tighter.
maybe, he needed a hug too.
taglist: @titanmaknae29 @joepomonerof @lovesuhng @studyingthemind @cheyehc @kyeomooniee @geysuuuuh
27 notes · View notes
alwayzraven · 6 months
Kardeşlerim Ep 121
The doctor called Nebehat and told her that he gave Akif the wrong results and Fatma told Nebehat not to tell Akif. Akif told Nebehat that he has 3 months to live and Nebehat pretended to be shocked and sad. Akif promised her that he will make her happy in those 3 months. Nebehat liked that and kept pretending that she doesn’t know about the result mix up.
Ayla told Elif to go live with her dad and Berk. Elif was so sad because she wanted to stay with her. Ayla told her that she doesn't have money and she can't look after her. Elif told her that she is acting strange and that her father must've said something to her, that's why she is kicking her out. When she heard her mention her father, Ayla got scared and told her that he had nothing to do with it. After Elif left the house crying, Ayla got so pissed and said that she is going to kill Gokhan.
Ayla came to school and Aybike saw her. She asked her if she was looking for Berk and Ayla told her that she was actually looking for her. She told her to warn Berk about his father. She told her about Gokhan's fake "company" and how he is using his company to transfer money from Berk’s account to his personal account. She also told her that he knows about Sarpil's death and that he threatened her that he is going to tell Elif. Ayla said that Elif is like a daughter to her and that she doesn’t care if she goes to jail but Elif will be devastated when she finds out the truth. She also told her that Gokhan went even further and threatened that he would get her and Berk arrested since he knew the truth but hid it. Aybike was shocked when she heard that. Ayla said that she can’t allow that to happen. Aybike told her to not cry and upset herself and that she would talk to Berk. Ayla thanked her and hugged her. She called her “kizim” which means “daughter”. Do you know how much I waited for this scene to happen 😭😭??? The fact that Ayla went to Aybike to talk to her about this shows that she knows how strong Ayber’s relationship is and that Berk might not listen to her but he will definitely listen to Aybike.  
Aybike looked really sad because Ayla was crying and she kept telling her to stop crying. Ayla told her that she didn’t know what to do or who to talk to about this (since Berk didn’t believe her and he wasn’t listening to his sister either) and then Ayla said:”Thank you, güzelim benim” which is what Berk calls her often and it means “my beautiful”. It was so cute and adorable 🥺 Aybike told Ayla that she remembered how she was against her dating Berk in the past but she said she liked it when she hugged her. Ayla apologized to her and told her that she regrets what she did to her. She told her that adults can make mistakes and they can be more childish than their kids and she asked for her forgiveness. Ayla told Aybike that she wants only one thing right now: For them (Ayla, Berk, Elif) to get rid of Gokhan and to live happily together. Ayla told her she knows that she loves Berk and hugged her again.
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What can I say? This was a perfect scene and I hope we’ll have more of these scenes now that Aybike knows what a scumbag Berk’s father is.
Professor Felis told the class that if anyone writes poetry, they can share it with the rest of the class next time. Berk said “okay, professor” and Aybike was surprised to hear him say that
Aybike:”Sweetheart, by “okay”, you meant? Don’t tell me that you write poetry”
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Berk:”What do you mean?”
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Aybike:”I don’t know. Isn’t Poetry overly romantic and boring?”
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Lydia said that she agrees with her and Aybike told her “don’t” 😂Then Aybike told Berk that she was going to the library and that they would meet later at the cafeteria. 
Berk was hurt by what Aybike said.
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I love this part where he watches Aybike as she walks away ❤️ 
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Elif ran after Berk and asked him why he was hiding the fact that he writes poetry from Aybike. Elif told him that she knew about it, she saw his notebook at home. Berk told her to forget about it and that Aybike would make fun of him. Elif told him that he writes good poetry. She told him to be himself and that if Aybike wants to love him then she should love him as he is.
Like she told Ayla, Aybike talked to Berk about his father. Aybike told Berk to check his bank account. Berk asked her if she talked with his mother and Aybike told him that she did. Aybike told him that she wanted her to warn him about his father. Aybike said that his father’s company is fake and that it’s not conducting any operations. Berk told her that it can’t be right because his father bought a couple of properties. Aybike told him to check everything just to be safe. Berk said that he will talk to his father and ask him to show him what his company is doing.
Berk asked his father about how his company is doing and Gokhan panicked and said that it was going great. Berk told him that he wants to see the properties he was working on and Gokhan asked him why he was suddenly curious about that and if his mother told him something. Berk asked him if he wasn't allowed to ask about his company and Gokhan said that he will take him to see one of his construction sites tomorrow after school. The next day, Gokhan met with a guy at the restaurant and told him to basically set up a fake construction site with the company’s name on it so he can trick Berk. Aybike was going to go with Berk but because Oglucan fought with Omer, she decided not to go and to stay with her brother. I think if Aybike went with Berk she would’ve noticed that the whole thing was fake. 
Professor Felis asked if anyone wants to read their poetry and Oglucan read his. Then the professor asked if anyone else wanted to participate and Elif said that there was someone and turned to Berk so he raised his hand and he said that he would like to give it a try. Aybike was surprised.
Aybike:”Wait, it wasn’t a joke? Berk, do you really write poetry?”
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Berk:”Yes, I do, my love! I am an emotional man, can’t I write poetry?”
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The professor then told him to read what he wrote and Berk asked the class not to make fun of him.
Why don't we hold the planets that are bigger than the sun in our hands? Why do our hearts become sad suddenly and quickly? why doesn't everyone talk with each other about the stars? How do we look at the sky when people do not get along with each other? Where does the sun rise the most? And how does it subside while it is still present? What stops me from falling for your dimples? Could it be that you're a solar flare? You are the one whose dimples I spot at a glance. You're my moon field, my meteor impact my good news I don't care about anything else but you
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Translating this was hard tbh 😭 especially the parts where he talks about the sun. I tried to ask google about some expressions/translations and google said that the sun is dying in 5 billion years. I don’t know why it thought I needed that information when all I asked about was the solar flare 😭
Aybike teared up after Berk finished reading his poem.
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Aybike:”I love it”
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Berk:”You really liked it?”
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Aybike:”It’s so beautiful! I am mentioned in the poem, right?”
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Berk:”of course you are”
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Then Susen said that it was Omer’s turn to read poetry and Omer said that he is in trouble now. Tolga told Berk that he raised people’s expectations now and he told him that Yasmin is looking at him and expecting something like that from him. Tolga told Yasmin that he will try to do something but not poetry. Ayaz asked Berk if he has another poem and Elif said that he has a notebook full of them. The professor told him to read another one and Aybike begged him to do it. Berk agreed but before he started reading his next poem he glanced at Aybike.
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The students gathered up at the cafeteria to watch the school’s promotional video Oglucan was working on. Aybike was holding Berk’s hands.
Aybike:”Look Berk, from now on, promise me that you will make me read every poem you write, okay?”
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Berk:”Okay, but I thought you didn’t like poetry”
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Aybike:”I love it now! What you read in class was so beautiful! Why did you hide from me until today the fact that you write poetry?”
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Berk:”Because you would’ve made fun of me, Aybike, why else?”
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Aybike:”I am so sorry, I am really sorry, Berk. I am so embarrassed that I made you feel that way”
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Berk:���Don’t be ridiculous, my love. You don’t need to be embarrassed. Most people think that way about poetry anyway. What did you say in class? Ah, “boring”, they think it’s boring ”
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Aybike:”It is not”
Berk:”Besides, if I publish my poetry one day, I will dedicate my book to you”
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Aybike:”Berk, that’s so sweet!”
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Berk:”You deserve the most beautiful things”
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And then he kissed her forehead and pinched her cheek 🥺❤️
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Later in the evening, Berk and Aybike had dinner with Gokhan. Gokhan asked Berk if all his questions about his company were answered and Berk said that he was just curious. Berk told Aybike:”See, my love? there was nothing to worry about” and Berk said this in front of his father and he didn’t really whisper it so Gokhan heard him and he understood that Aybike was the one who convinced Berk to look into his company. Berk got a call from Tolga so he left the table. Gokhan asked Aybike if she was always a curious person. Aybike was surprised by his tone and told him that she doesn’t understand what he means. Gokhan told her that he heard what Berk told her. He asked her if she always stuck her nose in everything. He guessed that Ayla is the one who put her up to this because he heard from Berk that they have a good relationship. Aybike told him that it wasn’t Ayla. Gokhan told Aybike to mind her business OR but Aybike cut him off and asked him if he was threatening her but Berk came back so Gokhan didn’t say anything. Berk asked them what they were doing and Gokhan started praising Aybike. Aybike didn’t believe what she was hearing because he sounded like a different person. Berk noticed that Aybike was looking down and picking at her food so he asked her if she was okay and she said that she was fine but the energy in the place was very negative. Then she turned to Gokhan and told him:”Uncle Gokhan, did you know that if there is a two-faced person somewhere, I can feel it immediately! And now there is definitely one here” Gokhan said that there are bad people everywhere these days. It’s clear that Gokhan didn’t like how Aybike responded to his “threat”. He thought he could scare her since she was just a kid but he was wrong. The way Gokhan was looking at her makes me think that he is going to do something to her.
Today’s episode was filled with so many Ayber moments ❤️ I loved the scene between Ayla and Aybike and I hope they write more scenes for them in the future. I loved the fact that Berk has a notebook full of poems!! I really want Berk to do something in the “artistic” field or at least to keep poetry and theater as hobbies even if he ends up doing something else in the future.
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plaqying · 1 year
sweetheart headcanons
sweetheart headcanons bc im relistening to milo's playlist for the hundredth time
sugar mommy/daddy/parental figure. they are definitely rich, and constantly buys stuff for the pack
raging mommy issues, but has the worlds best dad (basically the opposite of milo)
knows how to pole dance. dont even ask
enjoys horror games like mortuary assistant, silent hill and dead space, but loves games like sally face, fran bow, undertale, ddlc (they are yet to trick milo into playing this), omori and nso (idk what horror genre youd call this)
asked marie for help when they wanted to get better at healing
was 100% a fandom kid, specifically ddlc and undertale (self-projecting rn)
was a "pleasure to have in class"
is still scared of losing milo after inversion, which is why they like listening to his heartbeat cuz it reminds them that he's still there (someone commented this on the sleep aid vid and i cried)
was so happy when they met sam cuz it meant they werent the only empowered non shifter at pack meetings/solstices there
good at every single video game except minecraft. angel tried to get them to play it and they immediately fell off a cliff or something
gifted kid burnout
can only cook mac n cheese. other than that theyre almost as bad as asher
their mom was allergic to cats and they were never let near any, and got very excited when they met aggro since he was one of the first cats they had seen in a long time
always covered in cat fur
david is scared of them and they find it hilarious
the only one of the mates who actually met gabe (this is actually canon but whatever)
sometimes they'll explain empowered stuff to angel and babe, like how the department works and stuff
fully explained the covert thing asher got in trouble for to babe (they didnt explain how his name mysteriously disappeared from DUMPS list tho)
they kick absolute ass with babe playing just dance
contantly takes the piss outa milo and sams accent
really tall (same height as ash)
thats all i can think of rn, ill probably come up with more and post them separately, but i just wanted to get these idea out quickly before i forget about them
remember to not take any of this seriously, and that its all just my opinions and thoughs
luv u x
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luverofralts · 6 months
Arkhelios Adventures
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A great mountain range. Buildings that were easily centuries old. The long, cold reach of the Void. Adam could see it all as easily as if it were standing in front of him. He didn't seem to have a choice whether he wanted to see these images or not. They were darkness and beauty, strength and fear, each seared into his brain with one word tying them all together.
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"So hey, sorry if I'm interrupting your private moping time. Dad wanted me to check on you. I don't see the point since it's basically been a prison here since You-know-who left. What trouble could you possibly be causing? I think this is the first time in a week that I've actually seen you out of your pajamas."
Remy didn't even bother knocking on the door of the gardens. Adam had locked himself inside them for the past week, attempting to meditate or something equally as pointless. Mediation wouldn't heal her brother or make him talk to her about what had happened between him and Theo. She was his twin sister, though, and that made it her duty to get him back to the person he'd been before the incident. At the very least, she would get him out of this one room and socializing again.
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"You can say his name, Remy. Theo is my boyfriend...or he was." He paused to consider his words carefully. "I don't know. Either way, saying his name isn't going to break me like Mom seems to think it will.
Says the guy hiding away from everyone to "meditate."
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"I know I'm not Mom's biggest fan, but she might have a point," Remy said cautiously. "You seem...twitchy whenever he comes up. Have you heard from him at all?"
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"Of course I haven't," Adam snapped, louder than he meant to reply. "Mom took our phones, remember? Wherever they sent him, I can't send any magical messages either. It's like he just disappeared off the face of the earth! I don't even know where to start looking for him."
"Do you want to find him?" Remy asked quietly, truly curious about the answer. "It's okay if you don't. I'd understand. No judgment here. With your condition, I'd be pissed too."
"My condition," Adam repeated bitterly. "You don't even know the half of it. No one does."
"Does Theo? Mom threw a fit about you two being connected, and I'm guessing that that's why things got so bad when everything happened. Can't you just sense him?"
"No, that's the problem," Adam sighed. "No matter how hard I try, he's just...gone. It's not like we were connected strongly or anything like that, but I should be able to feel something about where he is. Instead, there's just silence."
He's lying. I don't know about what, but he's lying. He's easier to read than a book. But he's lying for a reason. If I don't press it, maybe he'll tell me in his own time.
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"Hey, he'll come back," Remy promised, hugging her brother tightly. "Whether I have to track him down for you myself. Elowen and I will have him back in an afternoon."
"Yeah, thanks. I don't think I'll need you two though."
"So you two are over," Remy gasped, trying to remain playful before he shut down again. "There are lots of other people here who would be happy to date you. Some of which, Mom might actually approve of."
"We're not over!" Adam snapped. "Not officially. We'd have to have a conversation for that to happen, and no one will tell me where he is!"
Remy rolled her eyes and grabbed her brother's hand, dragging him with her to the ground. He tried to wriggle away from her, but Remy was stronger.
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"Nope. We're having twin time now," she insisted. "Just like when we were kids. You and I are going to talk this out. I'm sick of your moodiness, and I can't tell if I'm supposed to be rooting for Theo to come back or if I should be setting him on fire for hurting you. So spill."
"We're not little kids anymore. Just leave me alone."
"Not going to happen. If you won't talk to me, then I'm going to be forced to call Elowen and Bronwen in as reinforcement. I'm sure you can remember how powerful your sisters are when we fight together."
"How can I forget?" Adam groaned. "If Theo wasn't so strong, you three would have made my life miserable." He smiled fondly before he caught himself. It was hard to separate his childhood memories from thoughts of Theo. They'd been friends since Theo started at the academy and had been inseparable for years. There was no way of thinking about his past without being reminded of Theo. He just wasn't sure if his future would be the same way.
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"Look, it's complicated," Adam said at last. "I love Theo, but...people have been warning me about him for awhile now. He's this kind, funny, loyal person who loves me with the intensity of the sun. But he's also a dangerous, reckless being with so much power that deities monitor him. I love him, but he's like fire. The closer I get to him, the more I get burned. I just don't want to get burned again, Remy. I don't want to hold him back from his potential either, though. He can do things I've never seen someone do and with ease. He might be better off without me."
"If you love him, it shouldn't matter," Remy insisted. "You've known for forever about Theo being unstable and you've never cared before."
"I never thought he'd hurt me like this before!" Adam snapped angrily. "He promised me that he'd protect me, not scar my face and leave me for dead."
Remy paused, unsure of what to say.
"I was there when everything happened, Adam. I saw the look on his face. He was desperate to save you. I mean, the two of you are usually nauseatingly cute together, but this was different. He was going against his own self interests to protect you, Adam. It tore him apart and he still did it. They dragged Theo out of here on a stretcher just like you, and he's not complaining. All he did was ask for you."
"I know, I know. That's what everyone says, but...maybe our love isn't a good idea like Mom says."
"What?! Who are you Mr. I'm Planning My Wedding at Nineteen? Did Mom bewitch you with one of her spells, or did you really hit your head that hard when you fell?"
"It's not like that," Adam mumbled quietly. "It's just common sense. You know that Theo and I have...been intimate lately?" He continued when Remy nodded. "This whole thing stems from that. Theo can't handle the emotions or the increased connection between us. He went off because of me, because of my desire to be close to him. I'm too dangerous for him and he's too dangerous for me. We just end up hurting each other."
"Hmm, fair," Remy conceded. "That makes some kind of sense. I've never had that problem, but I do tend to stay away from demons. Too much drama involved."
"He...he changed me, Remy," Adam admitted quietly.
"Well, yeah, you've been friends forever, of course you're going to change each other's lives."
"No, I mean that he changed me. That day. Why do you think that I spend most of my time here, trying to meditate? It's not for fun."
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"I don't know what you're talking about. No one does when you're that cryptic. If you're going to break up with Theo, then you should at least come hang out with some of my friends. Get out there, see what the world outside of Theo looks like before you make your decision."
"I'm not sure if I want to break up with him. I just need some time. I want him to know what he's done and I need to know how he feels too. I want him to see this and ask him what he's going to do about it."
Adam gestured to his cheek, where a dark scar remained. Remy had helped her father try to reduce the supernatural scarring on Adam's face, but a corner of it refused to leave. His eyes were still red and bloodshot from the spell that had twisted the small amount of demonic DNA in his system.
"A deity told me that we have demon ancestors," he continued. "That Mom's side of the family came from Pleasantview demons."
"That's the first I'm hearing about this. Though it does make sense that Mom is slightly demonic. It explains some things." When Adam didn't laugh at her joke, Remy scowled. "Where on earth did you run into a god? Don't they have anything better to do than spill family secrets?"
"She was warning me about Theo. I...I think when the incident happened, our connection latched on to any dormant demon genes I have and went crazy trying to give him their power. I don't have a dark form, Remy, but Theo's energy twisted me into something that looked like one. They had to fix my skull with magic. They had to fix my skull, Remy. Our connection tore demonic energy I barely had and gave it to Theo. It scraped everything I had and...and he just took it."
"That's not something Theo did purposely though," Remy said softly. "He can't control himself. That's why they sent him away to demon boot camp. He would never choose to hurt you, that should be obvious."
"What if I can never sleep with him again?" Adam demanded, his voice betraying how close to sobbing he truly was. "What if even kissing him makes...makes all of that happen again? I can't trust that it won't happen again. He sometimes goes off without any obvious trigger, how will I know how to avoid it? If being with me makes Theo lose control of himself, then I don't think I can take that risk anymore. Next time I might die."
Remy kicked her brother in his shin, making him yelp.
"He's going to boot camp, Adam. When he does come back, he's going to know how to control himself. Do you really think Mom and Dad are going to let him come back here if there's a chance that you'll be in danger? No way. You're being stupid. Give me some time, I'll find a way to talk to your dumb boyfriend and get this sorted out. Life's too short to mope over something that can be changed."
"The scar's not the only change," Adam insisted, still looking like he was about to cry at any second. "The meditations are supposed to be controlling this." He flicked his wrist, releasing a purple haze that oozed from his skin. "Let me show you something."
Without another word, Adam rose from his seat on the floor and gestured for his twin to follow him.
"Well, this should be good."
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Adam's pace was slow, but determined. There was still some physical damage from the incident that was slowly healing and Remy noticed that her brother was limping slightly. If it did turn out that Theo had caused all of this on on purpose, there was going to be hell to pay.
But it was an accident, she reminded herself, taking a deep breath to let go of the anger. Theo was just too dumb to handle a Darktide in the bedroom, like so many of Remy's past hookups.
He's just an idiot with no self-control. He didn't do this on purpose. You don't have to murder him for touching your brother.
"Are you okay with walking this far? I can teleport you wherever we're going."
"I'm fine. We're here anyway." He gestured to the expensive telescope that students used to calculate moon phases and chart astrology. "Watch that telescope."
"For what? It's just sitting there. Are you sure you don't want me to get a chair for you or something? Should I get Dad?"
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"Dad already knows about this," Adam replied, intensifying his stare at the telescope and holding his hands in a magical stance. "You can't tell anyone else about this, Dad's trying to find someone to help with this, but people wouldn't understand if they saw what happened to me."
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He flicked his hand again, and released more of that purple haze as he did so. When he moved his arm, Remy could see the telescope shimmer slightly, and then immediately surrender itself to a sudden rip in the atmosphere. The Void consumed the light around the object, wrapping itself around it so tightly that the two seemed fused together.
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"Oh my god, Adam! You've actually become interesting!"
"Thanks," Adam replied angrily. "I'd like to think that I already was interesting before all of this."
Remy scoffed, still staring at the flashing telescope with wonder.
"So you can what? Attack people with the Void? Open portals just like Theo?"
Adam shrugged, flicking his wrist again as he did. Immediately, the tear in the atmosphere reappeared and began to rip the pieces of Void from the the telescope. Within a blink of an eye, the telescope was back to its old appearance, completely Void free.
"I don't know what it is," Adam confessed. "Dad thinks that Theo regenerated some of my DNA to work like a demon's would. Between trying to force a dark form and being able to touch the Void, my body is different now. It responds like a really weak demon hybrid might. A really weak hybrid. I can't do half the things an infant hybrid could, but-"
"But you're more resistant to Theo's demonic magic, just like you both wanted," Remy guessed. "You don't have a lot of cool powers from this, but you should be able to handle more demonic energy than before. You can help ground him if he goes off in the future. Maybe it could keep Theo grounded and balanced when you two are in the bedroom."
"Remy, stop!" Adam shouted. "I don't want to be changed so that I can make Theo feel better about himself or be his backup plan when he's about to have an incident. I want to be me, just like I was! I love a hybrid, but I don't want to become the pale shadow of one. I don't exist to make Theo's life easier."
"Okay, fair," Remy conceded. "But do you know what I could do with that much power? Lots of fun things."
"I also don't exist to make your life interesting, Rem. God only knows what you would do with access to the Void. Probably end up in the same place as Theo."
Remy laughed at the thought.
"Yeah, probably. Maybe that's how I'll find him for you. I'll get Mom to send me to demon military school."
Adam's knee buckled from standing too long and his sister rushed to his side even as he was pushing her away.
"Okay, well I think that's enough demon magic for today," she declared. "Now that you're out of your moping room, let's get you something to eat. You can't say no when you're leaning on me to walk."
Adam scowled, but didn't resist. He was a little hungry and it would be a welcome change from ruminating on what had happened all day like he'd been doing lately.
"Okay, fine. You win."
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razorblade180 · 1 year
A razor ramble
So I know I usually never talk much about my life but today has been so chaotic I just have to share it or I’ll go crazy! Ever have a day where you go, “well it can’t get crazier” but then it did!? That was me today!
I bought a simple ticket to go see The Flash. Got there early, wore my Flash shirt, and sat down calmly. Five seconds into the lights dimming, they come back on; the movie is paused. All the way at the bottom of the theater an Usher rushes in apologizing before kneeling next to a person. Everyone there is confused until we all collectively learn the person she’s in front of just finished having a seizure. When I tell you this was the calmest episode I’ve ever seen, I mean it!
Thirty minutes pass, the ambulance show up and wheel the dude away. Everyone was respectful and confused. The Usher asks if they should skip the trailers; the entire middle section of the theater said “Don’t you dare!” I laughed because I had nothing going on today. Before she starts it though, she brings in a coworker to help hand everyone free tickets for another movie as compensation. Coworker fucked up and gave me two.
I was hyped. I was literally complaining earlier how so many movies were coming out faster than I wanted to pay seeing. I shut my mouth and watch The Flash.
So the movie ends and I’m feeling pretty good. The bathroom outside is packed so I choose to wait. As I do, I learn we got out just in time for a screening of Elemental to start. Today was about to be a double feature because driving to theatre is always crazy. I decided to be a good person and go to customer service to use a free ticket instead of just walking into the theatre. That happens flawlessly, but the bathroom is still full. I don’t even really have to go, but I had a soda earlier and was about to commit to another movie. Decided to grab my seat and wait a little bit because not a lot of people went to see Elemental.
I walk in, there’s a pair all the way to the right at the top and on the far left are four people. I am right in the middle. The group of four are teenagers, talking loud and swearing in a movie marketed for kids.
I am a very patient and kind person but if you’re a person who goes to a movie theater to be loud, on your phone, and basically not watch the movie, I am 100% certain your mother doesn’t love you and your dad meant to pull out. I was preparing myself to either tell the group, who were clearly 4ish years younger than me to shut the fuck up, or to go get an employee. Thankfully, 2 minutes into the actual movie they got up and left and I was at peace. I look to my right for no particular reason. The pair is actually a couple and they’re kissing/cuddling. I don’t care. I respect the hustle. I’ve literally been them a handful of times.
20 minutes pass.
I am enjoying this movie. Then my entire row moves a little… I glance right. The girl is stranding the the dude. My eyes shift to the screen, my lips tucked in to hold a laugh. Game recognizes game; I’m not about to call them out. Younger me was a deviant with no car who went out of his way to spend time with with a date. That’s when I remembered something… the small theaters here can raise the arm rests. Something in my soul told me to focus on the screen. The row moves again. They are full on laying down about 8 chairs away. No I am frozen because they had gone beyond kissing, and my biggest concern wasn’t even me, but the parent and child one row directly below me.
Like I said, I’ve been the deviant. I know from experience where you have to be in relations to others to do risky shit. The couple is fine unless someone below leaves to pee. Which I had to do!!! But no part of me wants to potentially engage that situation. So I politely mind my business because not only do not want to interact with that situation, but I refuse to be the person to ruin the mood. I had to respect the hustle because past me would’ve been pissed. That didn’t stop the sheer embarrassment of being in that situation though. Eventually I thought they’d stop and then I could- they went the full runtime.
Movie ends, I stand up and go to leave while they are now pretending as if they watched the movie the moment credits roll. Now I could’ve remained silent, but no. If I had to live with this memory, so did they. I politely waited for everyone to leave, then I walk by them to go down the stairs before quickly turning around. I look theses community college deviants directly and just go “Guys, ya shook half the row.” When I tell you disbelief hit them with embarrassed smiles and panic, I mean it. They apologize in unison basically. I told them “you gotta either pick a louder movie, or actually wait longer than 10 minutes for the movie to start.” Then I left. I never want to be in that situation again, but it was always kinda hilarious. What a crazy day. Really hope not sneaking into a movie or ruining a good time comes back as good karma eventually. I’d like a raise at my job or something.
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kirk-says-wah · 24 days
Okay, so Dave, Torben, Virgil, and Cliff were friends in school. I think they were all close. But I still do think that Torben was more of the outsider. And I think Dave used to pick on Torben. And I think Virgil probably always stuck up for Torben. And Torben never liked Dave.
As a matter of fact, I think they all liked Virgil. With the way Virgil is now trying to keep James safe, I think Virgil has always had a good heart. Because Virgil doesn't want James around Jason not for his own personal gain but because he loves James and wants him safe and out of this life. And something that everyone pointed out was that Dave and Torben have bashed each other. But have you noticed they've never bashed Virgil 🤔 It shows the type of person he is. They have respect for Virgil. Dave never spoke ill about Virgil to James. But he had no problem speaking ill about Torben to Lars.
Okay, so I think Dave is gay. And I think Dave and Cliff were together. But I don't think any of the other guys knew.
As they grew up, Dave and Virgil became very close. I do think Dave loved Virgils wife but as friends. And something that everyone should notice is that all the mob bosses are with women. So I'm thinking that Dave married his wife for appearance. But he never really loved her. I think he loved Cliff and was still seeing Cliff secretly.
I think Virgil and Dave got into some kind of heated argument. And I'm thinking this argument was somehow started by Torben. I don't know how, but I think Torben instigated something, and Virgil went to Dave. Within the confrontation, I agree with this Anon when they said this...
Maybe Virgil and Dave got into a heated argument, and things were said in the heat of the moment.
I think Virgil saw Cliff and Dave by accident together one time. But just never said anything. But on this day, it came out, and he threatened to tell Dave's wife that he was actually gay and that he was sleeping with Cliff. Obviously, this would ruin Dave's marriage and his status as a mob boss.
“I messed with him one time, and he took my wife away. You don’t know what he’s capable of. He’ll kill you, too.”
Dave was probably shocked to find out that Virgil knew. And he was pissed off.  Dave went and told Cliff what Virgil said. And I think Cliff and him wanted to kill Virgil. Again, Torben probably overheard what Dave and Cliff wanted to do. And because Torben already doesn't like Dave, he used this to his advantage.
I think that Cliff went to the house that night to kill Virgil. And the same thing I said as last time. James and his mom were not to be harmed. Because clearly Dave cared about James mother. You could see it at the restaurant. He didn't want to hurt James. Not just because of the agreement but because he does care for James. So they picked a day where James and his mother weren't supposed to be home. Because again Dave said...
Dave sighs heavily, continuing to chew on his steak.
“Well no, she was…" What do they call it? Wrong place, wrong time? It’s not that bitch that fire was meant to kill.”
And as I said before. On that day, Virgil was supposed to be home alone having a meeting with some clients (because remember James said his dad was in his office with some people).
Again, I think Torben overheard the plan that Dave and Cliff made and intervened and managed to get James and his mom to stay home that day.
I think Cliff called Dave from outside of Virgils place and told Dave that James and his mom were actually home. Dave called it off. But before Cliff could leave, Torben set the house on fire.
Cliff went back to Dave. And told Dave that someone else was there and set the house on fire.
Again, Torben killing James mother makes it seem like Dave was retaliating for Virgil, threatening him. So because Dave was already pissed at Virgil. Virgil would obviously blame Dave and say it was him that burned his wife in the fire.
I think Torben told Virgil that he saw a guy wearing Cliffs signature clothing running away from the house. Virgil, out of anger, went to Daves looking for Cliff because he knew that Dave loved him. But I think Dave helped Cliff get away. Hence why we haven't seen him.
So instead out of anger, Virgil shot Dave's wife.
This leads to the agreement of leaving each other's families alone.
And the question of why Torben would do all this. Simple... Torben likes Virgil. And he never liked Dave. As a matter of fact, he probably hated Dave from when they were teens till now. He saw an opportunity, and he took it. Virgil now hates Dave. And Torben will always have Virgil on his side. Look how easy it was for Virgil to agree for James to marry Lars. No questions asked. Virgil will always protect Torben because of that night.
So that's where the picture comes in. I don't think it was Virgil tailing Lars and Torben. I think it was someone else. I think Virgil has the picture because he probably caught someone else targeting them. After he dealt with them, he threw the picture in the box.
I have another theory. But this is the one I thought of right now 😂😂
Okay omgggg this is such a good theory! You’ve linked everything together so well! I love this!
I don’t know how to reply without giving anything away 🙈
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marvelmaniac715 · 1 year
Devon has upgraded his podcast and is now able to interview guests. This is the audio transcript of a very special edition of the podcast:
Devon: Welcome back to my podcast, today I have a very special guest, and honestly I’ve been looking forward to this all week. It took a lot of work to arrange this interview, and I’m proud to say that I’m interviewing the infamous slasher Charles Lee Ray, better known as Chucky!
Chucky: Hey, great to be here.
Devon: I also have my boyfriend Jake here in order to restrain him. He’s waving- Jake, they can’t see you, this is an audio recording, maybe say hi instead?
Jake: Hi.
Devon: As you can see he’s very talkative… anyway, let’s start with the first question. Chucky, as some of the listeners may know, you’ve made quite a name for yourself as a killer doll, but you were also quite prolific as a human, would you mind talking about one of your favourite murders or crimes committed as a human?
Chucky: Of course, the only problem is that there’s so many good ones that it’s hard to pick… damn it, I knew a question like this was gonna come up, but I didn’t prepare for it, isn’t that stupid?
Devon: It’s not stupid at all Chucky- can I call you Chucky?
Chucky: Sure, I hate being called Charles anyway, and Mr Ray was my father- may he rest in peace.
Devon: Okay, would you like to move on then? I have a few more questions I can ask in the meantime.
Chucky: No, no, I thought of three, is that alright?
Devon: Sure, I’m sure my listeners are just as excited to hear about your past as I am. 
Chucky: Okay, I guess my first pick is when I killed my mom. Nothing special, but it got me started, and it’s always good to remember where you come from, keeps you grounded y’know? My second pick was the whole thing with  Vivian Van Pelt. Again, nothing notable there, but the misunderstanding over her ring meant that I eventually got married, and… well, Tiff and I get on sometimes, and she gave me two… interesting kids, so it all worked out for the best, right? My final pick was this one murder where I managed to get my hands on a chainsaw, the blood went everywhere! Tiff was pissed cause I made a mess on her new white rug, but we were both laughing our asses off when the cops found the body and one of ‘em slipped and fell in the blood on live tv. Classic.
Jake: Devon, we’re gonna get arrested or something over this, should we really continue this?
Devon: Shh, Jake! You know why we’re doing this! Now Chucky, it’s interesting that you mentioned your mother, mind talking our listeners through the process behind that first kill?
Chucky: I’d be happy to. So basically I had a knife in my hand and an oppressive situation I had to get out of. That’s pretty much it.
Devon: That’s it? No remorse, no deeper reasoning? Didn’t you love her?
Chucky *scoffing*: Nah, I always preferred my dad, mom never let me stay up past my bedtime, but dad did. Oh yeah, sorry about your mom by the way. We good?
Devon: …Sure. I’d like to ask about how you got into voodoo, because I’ve always been quite curious about that.
Chucky: Well I was stalking potential victims at a bar one time and I came across this girl who was reading the book Voodoo for Dummies. I started a conversation with her and she told me more about voodoo. I killed her obviously, but what she was talking about really interested me, so I bought my own copy of the book and found a voodoo doctor to teach me more, Doctor Death - his real name was John and I killed him too - so yeah that’s about it.
Devon: That’s so interesting! Now I’d like to take a break from the crime from a moment and get to know the man behind the murders. I’ll start with an easy one, what’s your favourite movie genre?
Chucky: Horror, no questions asked. If it’s got blood, terror and screaming, I’m down.
Devon: I thought you’d say that. Following on, what’s your favourite horror movie?
Chucky: The Shining. I loved it as a human and I love it now, a classic movie based on a classic book that I’ve read eight times.
Devon: Does all work and no play make Chucky a dull boy?
Chucky: Ha, nice reference! And yeah, I’d say so, I like to have fun.
Devon: Glad you liked the reference. What’s your favourite not strictly horror movie?
Chucky: One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. I love the psychological drama elements, and it reminds me of the times I was in a mental hospital.
Devon: Do you… see yourself in any of the characters? Not even like emotions wise, just like, based off of physical appearance?
Chucky: …Nope. I do like Nurse Ratchet though.
Devon: Really? Even if I show you this picture of yourself as a human and… give me a sec- this picture of the character Billy Bibbit?
Chucky: No, not seeing anything…
Devon: That’s weird. Do you see what I’m talking about Jake?
Jake: You know what, you’re right! He totally looks like-
Chucky: We seem to be going on some weird tangent, any other questions?
Devon: Yeah, sorry about getting sidetracked there.
Chucky: No worries.
Devon: Okay, continuing on, what’s your favourite book?
Chucky: Anything by Steven King, the man’s a literary genius.
Devon: So he’s your favourite author then?
Chucky: Totally.
Devon: Alright, two more questions. The first is, do you regret anything?
Chucky: No, I’m pretty happy with life.
Devon: Okay, now I don’t regret what’s about to happen.
Chucky: What do you mean?
Devon: Final question-
Chucky *thrashing to break free*: What the hell’s going on?
Devon: Don’t worry about it. Jake, tie him to that chair and step back.
Chucky: What?!
Devon: Final question.
Andy *kicking the door open and bursting into the room, cocking a gun*: Hands where I can see ‘em!
Devon: Are you ready?
Chucky *sighing*: Damn it, this is why I don’t do interviews…
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fictionkinfessions · 5 months
Mods could you tag this as lbmr fictive and "cw 🍴 and 💄" I never want to see this ask so I'm going to block that tag. Thank you!
Cw traumatic injury, getting shot, there are probably more but im not going to proof read.
Dear Alfendi Layton,
I am goddam sick of living seeing people believing I left you and it's wrong because you were vulnerable. So I'm giving you the story. This is only directed at you. I don't care what they think I just need you to know the truth. This'll upset you. I'm not the good guy but I don't really care anymore.
I remember you loving me. I remember loving you. Long nights working together. Going over paperwork in each other's arms. Solving cases. Those moments when you know who did it and I have the proof. I love those. I used to love how you'd always answer whenever anyone, no matter who they were asked for help. In the mist of solving puzzles and trying to find the "perfect" unsolvable crime (to piss your dad off, I always wanted to help you piss him off) you always helped people. I think it matters more to you than solving the crime. I think that's why you worked murder cases. You never wanted to focus on the victim. I loved that.
We used to help people together, you and me. They'd call and you'd run, me on your heels HE was there too but we don't need to address HIM right now. Then they called and I wasn't there and you went off anyway. You left me behind. It's wrong to be angry at that but I am. I never minded too much though because then we'd be together.
Then your stupid fucking tendency got you hurt. You really thought Keelan had a hostage. You really thought that you were helping someone. You really got fucking shot because your inconsiderate ass couldn't wait for us. I should have said something earlier. Told you to call me but I thought you understood the concept of backup. I loved you. I loved you. I loved you. I loved you as you bled out onto the stone. I loved you as HE whispered in my ear how you shot Keelan. I loved you and I couldn't force myself to think of that moment. HE convinced me I'd seen you get shot and I never wanted to remember that moment.
I'm sorry I let HIM gaslight me. I know "let" is a loaded word but if I'd remembered I could have helped. If I'd remembered I'd still be in love with you. I'm sorry HE got to manipulate you when you were at your weakest. I'm sorry I didn't protect you.
While you were in that coma I was thinking. I thought about why I love you. I thought about those times you left me to help someone. Catching a murderer helps everyone... I began to hate that about you. I can't help it. That part of you that recklessly risks everything to help people. That will get you fucking killed and I hate it. I used to be besotted with it. Us against the world. Willing to risk everything to help. Then it was you against the world and I don't want to end up in some hospital bed barely clinging to life. I never want to see someone I love like that again. I can't cope. I won't cope again.
You woke up different but I wouldn't have loved you if you woke up the same. The traits I love about you are the ones that I hate because they hurt the person I loved most. I know that's unfair. I hate myself for it too. If you'd woken up the same man who got shot I would have screamed at you for doing this to me. You didn't though and I'm glad I didn't yell at you. It's HIS fault after all. I just left. I always would have. I'm sorry you needed the people you love but Alfie I would probably have killed you myself. You knew you were meant to call for backup and you'll never change. You will always save people. Always. It's so frustrating and I can't watch you. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I didn't see what HE was doing. I'm sorry I never suspected you'd been split in two. I'm sorry I fell for what HE was saying. I'm sorry. Please forgive me but I'll never be in love with you again. Please just, live. Be alive. Never risk your life again.
I fucking hate you for doing that to me. I will never forgive you either. You dumb fuck. If you do it again I hope you die so I never have to worry again.
I know there was a tone shift there. Fuck you if you think you're the only one allowed to be unstable you scary ass idiot. Get your life together.
Your old friend, who's definitely less of a friend now,
Thank you mod for reading all this if you did. Please post it.
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TW for childhood verbal abuse, mention of corporal punishment, and a threat
Just want some validation and other people to hear me. No one in my life really knows the depths of what’s happened with me, I’m very alone in it all. I want to get some piece of it out in the world so it feels real.
I was a very fearful and anxious kid. My parents are the types to say things like “we never had to put our hands on you” (which is to say spanking and corporal punishment), and also say they never would but they would never need to cause I was such a “good” and “quiet” kid. They’ve said they’d be divorced if either of them ever were abusive. The proven exception for them was my Dad’s verbal abuse, toward me specifically.
They’ve told this story forever, from when I was four years old riding in the car. My dad was driving and I kept kicking the back of his seat, and wouldn’t stop when he’d asked repeatedly. Finally he snaps and says,
“If you do that again, I’ll break your legs.”
Apparently I got tearful, but still responded,
“But Daddy if you break my legs, I won’t ever be able to walk again,” said in an accent that made it “funny” for some reason. That’s where the story stops so he can laugh.
This is a story he’s told me at least dozens of times that I myself was taught to laugh at. It’s barely a story but he trots it it out anyway, and he’s always laughed at it. I’m sure he’s told other people as often as he has me. I have to remind myself a grown adult said that to a four year old. I know what he sounds like now when he’s angry, and yelling. Cause for my father there’s no in between he’s pissed or he isn’t. I can’t fathom that happening to me as a toddler, and ever saying that to a child. Confidently laughing to other people about it. Yet I still have this voice of denial telling me—“It’s not that bad.” Which sucks, I want that voice to go away so badly.
(Im realizing now re-reading this he’s never even apologized for it or even talked with me about it. It’s just funny to him.)
It’s scary to think at 4 years old (a time I don’t remember) I had already learned to be mostly okay with my father threatening me, that I talked back and didn’t just sob. Cause for how I responded I clearly knew what he meant when he said it. That it was normalized enough that he’s felt just fine calling it a funny story that he’s told all this time. And that’s a time relayed back to me, who knows what he’s said before that I’m just not able to remember now. Especially when the stuff I do remember is awful enough.
Hi anon,
I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. It's not okay for him to say that to you, no matter your age. It sounds like he doesn't understand the gravity of his actions and instead minimizes what happened and makes a joke out of it, which is incredibly hurtful. Please know that however you feel about this is valid, and you're not alone. If you can access or afford it, a mental health professional such as a therapist could help you process not only this experience but the dynamics of your family, and equip you with some healthy coping mechanisms that you can take with you along your healing journey.
If anyone has any comments or suggestions, feel free to add on. Otherwise, I hope I could help, and please let us know if you need anything.
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crinkled-emotions · 2 years
OK woah I'm loving these sick prompts!❤ Could I please requst 37 and 38 for a Daderick and Roo moment? I know you said you're super busy atm so no problem if not!! Good luck with your exams and the move!
Thanks for the kind words!! I'm nearly at the end of semester and I managed to find a half decent apartment last week that I felt safe to move into 😊 These are so much fun for my Saturday night! Between this and taking the piss out of Miles for his inability to apply sunscreen this is a hoot (tm).
37: "having a cold does not make you weak" and 38: "just let me take care of you why are you so stubborn."
Notes: Rooster has a cold and he needs his dad however he is also a stubborn bastard. Post tweet.
Maverick's boots hit the ground after a hop, grinning as he passed his helmet to Hondo who rolled his eyes.
"Okay, you really gotta stop doing that to them. They're gonna quit."
"And what, make Hangman think he is indeed one of the most talented pilots I have ever seen? Never," Maverick deadpanned with a grin. Hondo snorted.
"Sure, that's who I'm worried about. I'm pretty sure Bob threw up after last time."
"Ah, he'll be okay. Who's going up later today?"
"Well it was meant to be Rooster, Fanboy and Payback but you might want to have a chat with Bradshaw. He's not looking too hot."
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know what's wrong with him, but Seresin pointed it out to me and he's right; Bradley's out of it."
"Okay, I'll go and check on him. Can you get Payback, Fanboy and Coyote ready while I get him sorted?"
"Sure thing. Did you want me to let Cyclone know as well?"
"No way, that's a one way ticket to Rooster punching the nearest wall. I got him."
Maverick whistled as he walked the track back to where the aviators would be waiting. Phoenix, Bob and Hangman were disembarking from their jets, banter loud across the tarmac. Maverick didn't bother telling them to tone it down; Hondo would sentence them to their pushups and they'd shut up pretty quick.
"Bradley? Are you in here?"
"I think he's in the bathroom," Kangaroo called from her spot on the couch, listening to the radio. Maverick waved at her, heading for the men's room. He gently knocked before poking his head in.
"Bradley? Hey, kid, it's just me."
"Jesus, Mav, can a guy take a leak in peace?" Rooster huffed. His voice sounded... off. But not to a point Maverick would be usually concerned that he'd done something he wasn't supposed to.
"You okay?"
"Okay, gotcha. Come and see me when you're... done."
Maverick stepped back out of the room and rested against the wall by the door, thinking of the best way to approach this. Bradley was stubborn, and while most people remembered Goose for his kindness and brilliant sense of humour Pete knew exactly where Bradley's stubbornness had come from. Carole was fun and headstrong too.
When Rooster reappeared from the bathroom he had the arms of his flightsuit wrapped around his waist and a sick flush to his cheeks. Maverick frowned and stepped forward to feel for a fever but Bradley pulled away abruptly, eyes wide.
"What the hell, Mav? What are you doing?"
"Well, you're grounded, to start. Something's wrong and I can't have you getting worse up there. Whatever's going on will only get worse in the air."
Maverick frowned.
"What is wrong, exactly?"
"I'm fine."
"Yeah? Sure, okay."
Bradley's shoulders relaxed so Maverick jabbed two fingers under his eyes, right on his sinuses. Rooster yelled, swearing under his breath.
"Jesus, Mav! What the hell?!"
"Having a cold doesn't make you weak," Maverick huffed. Rooster smacked his hand away again, beelining for the exit.
"If you're benching me I'm going to Cyclone."
"Good luck!" Maverick yelled after him. The door slammed behind Rooster and Maverick swore under his breath, arms crossed across his chest.
"I hear clicker training is effective for stubborn sons," Kangaroo suggested.
"It works for Lieutenants who don't listen too," Maverick deadpanned.
"-no, Maverick, fuck off. I'm fine."
"Watch your language."
Rooster narrowly dodged Maverick's hand that went to touch his arm and Maverick got the idea, clearing his throat.
"Let me take care of you, Roo. Why are you so stubborn?"
"It's a cold, I don't need taking care of!" Rooster yelled. Maverick finally caught him, wrapping an arm around Bradley's waist.
"Hey, look at me. Look at me, there you go. It's a cold, you're right, but if we don't nip it in the bud you'll only get worse. Have you taken anything, been drinking water?"
"No," Rooster admitted, even though he was still struggling against his father figure.
"I know you had to fend for yourself, y'know. After. But I'm here now."
Bradley's shoulders fell and he buried his head into Maverick's shoulder.
"My sinuses feel like they could explode."
"I know kid."
"And I have a headache like a motherfucker."
"Yeah, Roo."
"God, and there is snot everywhere-"
"-ah, yeah, including my shirt. Thanks, kid."
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rabidcriterion · 3 days
mkay these last couple of days have been hell. heres why
work on saturday was a piece of shit cause we didn't have enough staff and my boss is also a cunt. i said mercury must be in gatorade to one of my coworkers and she laughed so hard she cried. i think she has other stuff going on so i legit wanted to die the rest of the afternoon since that happened because the rsd was so much. not going into too much detail otherwise but just know it was like one of if not the worst days ive ever had at work
then yesterday on sunday i wanted to go and see Girl so i asked if i could and she seemed fine with it, which is great because Sundays are the best for seeing her rn. why the fuck she disappears for like two hours so im just sitting around in my house waiting on her to confirm and then she. finally does so i drive all the way to her house (i take one wrong turn right by her house and it fucks everything, the car is also hot as fuck because the aircon is broken) and then of course by the time i show up she seems to have changed her mind so i wait for a more. informative response from her. (legit sat in the park across from her house so i could air out the sweat from driving there) and then she says she actually doesn't want me over so i. get up go back to my car and leave. that was bad enough but guess what else??
on the one worst day for it, my mum cracks the shits at dad. it was really bad this time, reminds me of when i was a kid. dad didnt like that she was getting stuff out of the cupboards to try and tidy them up, some shit about how it's a sunday and that's when youre meant to be relaxing (not that it matters to him, he's fucking retired). he must've said something to her about it, because i was in my room when i started hearing her throwing things and slamming doors and stomping through the house. she's off her hormone medication so she's a terror to be around again. at one point she came into my room to tell me that id better check whether the pipe leaking into the bathroom wall is also leaking into my wall (the other side is moldy. i also assumed it must be leaking into my wall because why the fuck wouldnt it be). i eventually left and went into the neighbours house with my spare key (with permission from them first, since they're not here atm) to try and get away from her but she knew id left and tried calling me and i missed it. she was so mad at me, when i tried telling her that id gone over just to feed the neighbours pets on my own initiative instead of making her do it she got so pissed off. she asked how i knew what to feed the pets and how much and i told her i asked my neighbour and she said "did you tell them we're fighting too". shes so unbelievably disgusting sometimes. like she must know the hell she puts us through.
I've been awake for an hour now, but i dont want to leave my room in case she's out there. i thought she was going in to work today, but now i have no clue whats going on. i think i can still hear her walking through the house. i'd better get up though, i have a few appointments to get to today, so at least that's a way to stay away from her
I can't believe this shit is still happening to me. i can understand a bit more now about how and why she gets mad, but im an adult who lives in my parents house. i just want to get the fuck out but there's a housing crisis. I can't be myself or do what i want or even just live. i cant remember the last time i baked or cooked for myself because everyone here gets pissed off at me for using things im not meant to or forgetting to wash something. i get that its my bad for these things but also the level of vitriol that im met with for what, by all other accounts, seems to be a minor infraction is just. so unreasonable that id rather not risk it. especially with the way things are now
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rezilient-m3 · 4 months
May 21, 2024
It's been FOREVER since I wrote in this thing. And I honestly forgot about it for months at a time. When I would remember, it seemed too daunting of a task to even consider because of how much shit went down since Sept 6, 2022. lol.
I don't even know where to begin.... last subject was James walking away from his charges. We did have the final date of trial on Dec 13th of 2022. His charges got lessened to "assault on a minor", like to say he hit our daughter and not tried the "sexual interference" he first started out with. So, that was devastating.
So, to move on from that and to try make this a "catch up" post and to make the longest stories ever short... here we go...
Since that court date, the girls had been going to visit their dad (in the first time in 2 and a half years) at their grandma's. I couldn't do much about it. They wanted to see him and knew that they could because the no-contact order had been lifted. Then, on January 13th, they went to live with him. They knew for a week they were going and didn't tell me. I found out by an email from one of their teachers asking if they should pack up their things. So, that was fun.
Anyways, at the time, I did not know shit about the "status quo", and that I could have kept them home with me considering that they've been with me for 2 and a half years by that time. All I knew was there was that last court order from June 2020 that stated he was primary and I got every 2nd weekend. So, I thought I had to let them go. It was a hard night.
There was a guy, Brent, from my past that I had recently ran into on Dec 10/22. I remember the date because it was a Kane Brown concert when I went out that night and seen him. We added each other on social media. He was an old, one-week old bf from when I was like 14 or 15. lol. Anyways, on this night, I texted him to say I was ready to fall off (my sobriety), and he called me. He stayed on the phone with me for over 5 hours to keep me company. That really helped me. Anyways, this guy goes on to be another long story, and is still sort of present, but I don't want to get into that. I just needed to mention him to know how he came to be, and how much that actually meant to me at the time.
Moving on to my life after that. I was still in school. (I am currently going into my 4th year of ISW btw). My dad asked me if I wanted to lawyer and I remember saying that I didn't want to fight for kids that didn't want to be with me. Cuz I knew that they wanted to go. And I said it wouldn't be long until they wanted to come back.
It was March when my oldest said they wanted to come back. Here's the piss off though. I hired the same lawyer to represent me in Alex and I's court stuff. (Idk if I mentioned it before, but him and I came up with our own agreement concerning our son. I didn't go for half of his stuff). But this fkn guy didn't do shit for me for months. Idk what I was thinking. I just assumed he was getting things done as the days, weeks, and months were passing. I emailed every time something went down (pertaining to their dad's drinking and domestic issues with his gf, while my girls were in their care). But nothing. I finally just called the law firm and asked the lady at the front to ask if this guy was still representing me or if I could just get my retainer back to hire someone else. (But since everything happens for a reason), The boss lady that owns the firm called me. She told me she took a look at my file and was very apologetic about this guy not responding and didn't know why, but was happy to take on my case for the same fee if I would have her. Of course I agreed. I honestly don't remember when this happened. I'm gonna guess in Aug/23. Cuz I know it was a long time. But things started moving. And it was a lot of work, on her part. I had to go from the beginning of our lives, and tell every detail. Along with all the situations that had occurred over those short months while they were with James. Because there was a lot. He's still the same pos as he was when I was with him, and still abusing his now, on-and-off gf.
It took a long time. And by the time I was in court, trying to change the interim order (meaning, trying to prove that there are good reasons to changing my every 2nd weekend to being primary throughout the court process of pretrial and possible trial). And, by this time, my girls changed their fkn minds about coming back. lol. It had everything to do with their friends they made at their schools by this time. Their dad still wasn't proving to a safe place. But whatever, I was too far in, AND, wouldn't even consider giving up because they thought they wanted to stay there..... I ended up winning the interim order. They came back home January 31st of this year. So, been with me since. Plus, James and I are currently undergoing a court ordered "high conflict mediation" lol. We had the initial interview together and our one-on-ones with the lady assigned to us. We will have meetings throughout the summer. Fun! (smh). Then, after this, (cuz I know we won't agree to anything mutually), we will go to pretrial to let the court decide where they will live permanently. So, this fkn journey still isn't done for me.
Then, the other "big" news is: I ended up back together with Alex. This happened on my little half sisters bachelorette. She got married at the end of Aug/23. We had her party two weeks before her wedding. I drank. I remember I tried to message Brent. He didn't reply, so I blocked him. When I got home at 7am, I texted Alex. I told him I still loved him and I didn't know what to do about it. He told me he loved me too, and I told him to come get me. We slept together a couple times after that. I kept thinking that we couldn't do it again because of how we ended the last time. I kept telling him this, too. He said he understood. But I kept coming back. and not too long after, our son busted me in his bed one morning. So, we kind of used that as an excuse to not take anything back and to at least try.
Moving forward to January again. I was supposed to be starting my first practicum. (I started 3 weeks late, but not getting into that.) I also got word that my girls were to come back to me on Jan 31st. AND, I was supposed to find a new place to live because my landlord was going to sell his townhouse, so he gave me to the end of February. Everything was happening at once. It was a stressful month. I couldn't find a place in the same town we all live in. I probably could have in the city, but that wasn't something I wanted to do. So, Alec said his house was always open. It took me a long time to consider, and I had always voiced my fears about everything to him about being afraid of ending up homeless with all my kids again (oh yea! ALL of my kids are here with me. My oldest has been living with me since summer 2023 lol). Anyways, he knew. And he's trying. I see it. He's also always working, so hardly here since. So, idk. Like, it's good, and I love him. But, always feels like there's certain lingering thoughts still. But I guess I could get into that another time.
Idk if I got everything. It's everything I could think of right now. Maybe I will keep it up, if anyone cares lol.
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