#i saw waitress 5 years ago next month so to get to see it with my mom again is so exciting
tulsa24 · 10 months
oh i love waitress so much
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thecoolestcatintown · 9 months
Patience I
Toronto, Canada 
Four days before the 1995 world Patience and solitaire championship.
Jean-Luc Simon sits at a coffee shop, fiddling with a pack of cigarettes.
“What are you writing down?” He questions “This is already being recorded”
“I'm taking notes, for myself”
He squints his eyes, “Oh”.
A waitress approaches the table to take our order, He silently shoes her away with a wave. He makes no eye contact with her, looking instead at the cassette recorder. Kyle presses it and signals me to start.
“Could you tell me how you started playing Patience?”
“I don't know ‘play Patience’,” he remarks “single-player-closed-pack-card games are my life”
Jean-Luc is a lanky white man, aged 27. He is dressed in a black winter coat and a gray wool sweater. His blond hair is cut into a shaggy mullet, it seems to be bleached.
“The first time I dipped my toes into the field was at age six or seven, At my grandmother's nursing home. I believe I played about 2-3 minutes of a simple game of ‘klondike’ before I lost interest, I suppose I never was one to sit still.”
He has said ‘I’ 7 times since the recording started.
“I started playing professionally 3 years ago” he pulls out a pair of cigarettes and offers me one, I decline.
“You won six medals at last year's championship, correct?”
“Seven actually.” he exhales “after the rejudging I placed second”
“My mistake”
“In the past year I have won two dozen categories in 13 matches. I've competed in 5 countries”
“Last month in Bangkok you competed in the Canfield category-”
“Competed and won” he corrects me again. He sounds irritated.
“Yes, and you set a record of 49 seconds. That is extremely impressive”
His expression softens slightly at my compliment.
“Thank you Andrea,” I don't like him using my first name. “Bangkok was exactly what I needed to show the global community that I am a force to be reckoned with”.
“Do you feel any animosity from your fellow competitors?”
“Some, I mostly feel apprehension. They underestimated me last year. Now they know that I'm the strongest competitor”
“You're the strongest competitor?” I question.
He chuckles condescendingly. “Of course I am. Do any of those old farts get times like mine? Even Williams is slower than me. The bitch is terrified of me, saw him shaking in his fancy little shoes”.
“You've met him?”
“Ran into him this morning” he laughed “you should have seen it, I thought he was going to piss himself. Little shit probably thought he got me kicked out the running”
“But there was debate on if you were going to be let in the competition, alot of people thought you should have been banned”
“On the basis of what? Williams falling down and blaming me for something I did not do? He couldn't deal with me almost beating him!” he said almost quieter than the rest of his words.
“You punched him in the face on live television, I can understand why people didn't want you back” I raise an eyebrow.
“Listen Andrea, can I call you Andy?”
“OK, Andrea, you seem like a smart person. And we both know that whatever happened, was taken wildly out of proportion.”
“So you're saying you didn't punch him?”
“That was barely a punch”
“Last year you said in a public statement that you had-” I check my notes ”-’a serious and violent outburst that you were deeply ashamed of’, do you not agree with that statement now?”. He breaks eye contact and starts fidgeting with the cigarette butt. He looks nervous and you can see the gears shifting in his mind.
“Could you stop writing?” He doesn't shout but his words are loud enough that the three of us are taken aback. I stop writing. “Listen that statement was written by my publicist, who I don't work with anymore. Those were the words of a coward, and I am not a coward” he puts his elbows on the table and leans in closer. He opens his mouth to say something but stays silent. Maybe trying to intimidate me, maybe trying to cover his ass. We are both quiet for a minute, I realize he is thinking of his next words carefully and predicting my response. ‘A good player is always two steps ahead’. His fingers are intertwined, holding his chin. He is a slim man but his hands are large. I suppose his hands are his most Important tool. He owes his fame (and infamy) to his hands and instincts. He has a good mind and is an extremely talented player. But he is by far known most for being one of the fastest Patience players on recent memory. Being able to finish a game in under a minute, whether it be closed or open.
“None of this matters” he finally says, “I will beat Williams or anyone else that I compete against”
“Thank you for sitting down with us Jean-Luc, and good luck”
“Were done?”
“Yes we're done” I say, I light a long cigarette. Kyle starts packing the recording equipment.
“No more questions?”
“You're sure?”
We load our equipment onto the cart we got from the hotel. Me and Kyle walk toward the convention center, talking about the next interview, when Jean-luc catches up to us. “Come to my party tonight” he says out of breath “alot of the competitors are going to be there”. He is bent over his side, hands on his knees trying to catch his breath.
“Sure” I say, “we'll drop by”
“Oh yeah he can come too”
“Sure” he gives me his business card and shakes my hand.
Hi! this is the first chapter of this story. this is a very rough draft.
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Flashback (Pt. 2)
Leigh Shaw x Reader
Summary: How Leigh and reader turned from acquaintances to lovers after Matt died (plot based on the original drama).
Pairing: Leigh Shaw x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, angst, implication of sex
Word count: 2.9k
a/n: Here comes part 2! I hope you're all enjoying this. I'm actually struggling with how part 3 should go (and also struggling with watching s2...Is it just me or is the romantic relationship between Danny and Leigh getting weird? I hope it'll provide a better explanation as it goes). Anyway, good reading! Please tell me how you feel about this work!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Spin-off
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Part 2
1 year and 8 months ago
You were thinking of going back to your room after swimming for around half an hour in the pool. You saw the man that kept hitting on every single lady around the pool harassing his next target. And you just shook your head and rolled your eyes. You were on your way to the room when you took one last look at the man and the poor lady. That was when you saw Leigh, claiming herself to be Melinda. You almost could not believe your eyes. “Hey Melinda.” You bite real hard on your lower lip to stop yourself from laughing when you saw Leigh staring at you in wide eyes. “I got you that margarita, honey.” You emphasized on the word “honey”. You loved how that sound came out of your mouth. Leigh was staring at you without saying anything. If looks could kill, you would be six feet under. “Is this your new friend?” You turned yourself to look at the man in front of you. “Hey honey. I think he’s called Greg.” Leigh finally took the drink from your hand, smiling at you after realizing what you were trying to do. “Can I help you, Greg?” You started to think it was beginning to hurt your stomach to stop yourself from laughing. “Craig. But no we’re good here.” He started to walk away, leaving you alone at the beach chair. And when you were sure he was far enough, you burst into laughing so hard that your cheeks and the corners of your mouth hurt.
“What?” Leigh glared at you. “Really? Melinda?” Leigh rolled her eyes at your question. “That’s one of the undercover names that the character used in the book. Screw you.” “Well I suppose you mean thank you after I saved your ass from that Greg guy. And you’re welcome.” You finally stopped laughing. Leigh rolled her eyes again but eventually mumbled something like “I can handle that myself but thank you” to you. “So what’re you doing here?” Leigh asked you, a bit confused and curious at the same time. “Well my friend who works here owed me a favor and decided to treat me here over the weekend. Staff discount.” You shrugged while sitting on the bench chair next to Leigh. “And you?” “I just needed a getaway.” You hummed in agreement without pushing any further. You were thinking about what to say when water splashed all over you. Both of you chuckled and decided to go back to your own room to change without saying anything else. // “I’m beginning to think that you’re a stalker now.” Leigh was a bit tensed when she felt someone sat besides her, and when she turned around and found out that it was you, a grin was pulled at the corner of her lips. “I’d say the same thing to you. Ask the pretty lady over the bar, she can vouch for me that I arrived here first. And I already have my food here, and you haven’t. So I’ll say you’re the stalker instead.” You gestured to the waitress standing behind the bar and she just smiled back at you. “I see you changed.” Leigh looked at you, raising her eyebrows when you mentioned her outlook. “You look stunning in this dress-” you saw Leigh opened her mouth and you were pretty sure she was going to retort you, so you cut her off immediately, “not that you don’t look good in your black t-shirt and jeans. Please just don’t try to misinterpret everything I said. Just take the compliment would you?” Leigh just shook her head slightly without saying anything. But you could see she was still smiling. “A thank you would be nice. And you’re welcome.” Leigh was tapping her fingers on the table while waiting for her salad, so you pushed your dish towards her. “What are you doing? I can’t have your food.” She shook her head again. “Go for it. Just one bite.” She looked at you unbelievably but grabbed the burger as you gestured. “And don’t worry. I’m just going to ask you to gimme half of your salad.” She stared at you while eating the burger. “Mhm...hmm...Oh my god! That’s delicious.” You thought her smile was contagious. It made your heart warm and you could not contain your smile when she was happy. Even just for a brief moment, a few hours. You would do anything to make her smile again. Maybe you stared at her for a little bit too long or maybe Leigh was just expecting you to say something. Her eyes locked on yours and you just suddenly realized that your knee was brushing against hers. You swallowed hard at that sensation.
You thought you were going to say something in order to break the tension but were caught by the commotion at the corner of your eyes. Both of you turned your head to see what happened. That Greg guy again. Hitting on the waitress. “What a dick.” Leigh rolled her eyes. “Let’s teach him a lesson,” you said after a few seconds and Leigh just frowned her brows looking at you. The next thing you knew, you were dragging Leigh by her hand and rushing out of the area after telling the waitress to do a round of drinks for everyone at the bar under the name of that Greg guy. You stopped running when everyone else was out of sight. “I can’t believe you did this!” Leigh exclaimed when she was leaning against the wall to catch her breath. “WE did this. If I’m going to jail for this, I’ll make sure to mention your name to the cops.” “I have no idea you’re so crazy Y/N!” Leigh laughed at you in disbelief. She looked soft now, unlike the usual her that you saw every week. And you felt special seeing this side of her, something made you want to keep this Leigh to you. Just to you. “I’ve lots of things you don’t know Leigh. Now let’s go before they find us.” You heard someone coming over so you grabbed her hand again instinctively. You almost regretted that and were going to apologize. But she did not shove you off so you kept holding it. Her hand was soft, but a bit freezing.
“Where are we going?” Leigh let you lead the way. “Absolutely no idea.” You did not turn around but you were pretty sure she just rolled her eyes at you. // You were still holding Leigh’s hand, wandering the rooms and corridors of the hotel. The two of you were like two kids exploring the hotel in curiosity. You thought most people were staying in the restaurant or bar by this time so it felt like you had this place to yourselves. Quiet and mysterious. You walked into a room without any signs outside and when you turned on the light, both of you were amazed by the interior design of the room. It was a room with antique design and furniture. Old-fashioned but warm and grand. “Wow!” Leigh took a deep breath and exclaimed. She walked around the room, appreciating what she saw. You saw her walking closer to the fireplace, taking a closer look at the photo you assumed was taken in the 50s or 60s. “What do you think is their story?” She asked suddenly. “Um...you’re the writer here Leigh. I’ll help you edit it when you’re done.” You were surprised she just smiled at your words and was really trying to come up with something in her brain. “Maybe...maybe he‘s the founder of this hotel. But before he owned it, he’s a boxer,” you hummed in agreement, suggesting her to continue, “he’s the Golden Gloves champion three years in a row. When he proposed, her family threatened to disown her.” “Like Romeo and Juliet,” you commented. “Hm-hmm...they probably went through hell to get their great love story,” Leigh said and you nodded, walking past her to sit on the piano chair. “That’s probably what makes a love story great. You’ve to go through hell first. Just like all the fairy tales with happily-ever-after ending.” You played a note on the piano. It was working. “Do you think Juliet’s family ever get over it?” Leigh looked at the picture, you could not tell what she was thinking from her back. “No. She just had to live with it.” Leigh sighed before putting the photo back to the fireplace and turned to face you. You played a few notes, your own memory flooding you at the sound of the piano. “You know how to play the piano?” She sat next to you, her shoulder brushing yours. “Again, I’ve lots of things you don’t know Leigh.” You smirked while playing a few more notes. “Enlighten me.” Leigh raised her eyebrows at you. You played the song. “I actually really like that song.” Leigh hummed the melody along with you. “Glad to know that,” you whispered. You did not know why you picked that song, but you just did. It was just like an instinct. Leigh sang along with you while you were playing the piano. Honestly you would not call her an excellent singer. You reminded
yourself not to say that out loud accidentally. But seeing her exposing her other side in front of you, grabbing the stand, singing the song, relaxing and swaying with the music, it was the best song that you have ever heard. You wanted her to be happy. And she seemed to be happier, enjoying herself at this moment because of you. You were content. Leigh started to zoom out and mumbled the lyrics. You could tell from her eyes that she was thinking of Matt. So you stopped playing the piano and let her had that moment to herself until you were interrupted by the staff. You apologized and left the room with her. // “What now?” You asked casually. You were actually expecting her to say that she wanted to call it a day. “I want to swim.” She said out of the blue. You looked into her eyes and you knew you could never turn her down. You tried to savor the moment when Leigh took off her clothes and dove into the pool in her two-piece swimsuit. “Y/N.” She closed her eyes, floating on her back and called out your name. You swam around her, mesmerized by how she looked. She was so carefree today. You knew when you saw her next time, she would probably be that usual Leigh again. Not that you did not like that side of her. But being around with this Leigh now, it made you feel special. You whispered her name and she tried to swim to you with her eyes closed. You giggled when you swam to another side each time she was about to catch you. Finally, you decided to stop teasing her and wait for her to reach you. When she accidentally touched your chest and whispered a “sorry”, you almost forgot how to breathe. You held your breath and could not stop yourself from staring at her lips. You thought she glanced at your lips for a second too. But she looked back into your eyes instantly so you were not sure. You wanted to kiss her. So badly. You leant in closer to her slowly, making sure she had enough time to turn her head or swim away if she did not want this. She did not move. You stopped when you could feel her breath on your face. You swallowed hard and reached out for her. You caressed her cheek with your thumb when you closed the distance between your lips. Your eyes fluttered closed when her lips connected yours. Her lips were soft and intoxicating. Your sensation was overwhelmed by the scent and the taste of Leigh. But you did not dare to move. Not with your hands. Not with your mouth. You just slightly pressed your lips against hers. Like she was fragile. Vulnerable. The kiss was brief and you pulled away from Leigh when you heard some footsteps walking close to the pool. Your chest heaving even if that was only a shallow kiss. You kept staring at her lips until she said she was cold and swam away. Leigh licked her lips before turning her back to you. // Leigh told you she was staying on the second floor after pressing the button. “You?” She asked you back. “Um. I’m here.” You were a bit hesitant to say that. “Well I guess it’s goodnight then.” Leigh pursed her lips and you did not know what else to say so you just nodded. You felt there was something in the air. A tension that was never there between the two of you before. The elevator door chimed open but Leigh did not walk inside. Instead she turned her head to look at you. Expectantly? You were not sure. “You’re a terrible kisser.” She finally said it before turning into the elevator. You hated how cocky she sounded and the smirk on her face. Screw it. You thought. You did not hold back this time. You pulled Leigh by her wrist to drag her back to you. Your fingers curled around the back of her neck and pulled her towards you. You kissed Leigh passionately. Your other hand came up to frame her face and could feel the heat radiating from her body. Leigh let out a low moan and dropped the things she was holding on the floor. Her hands made their way into your hair and tugged you closer to her. Her breast pressed against yours through the swimsuit. It just felt so good. So right. It was getting difficult to breathe so you parted your lips to take a
gasping breath, and that was when Leigh’s tongue swept past your lip. It was light and quick, like she was testing the water. Your blood rushed and pulse raced at the sensation. You responded by gliding your tongue to chase hers and you could not help the moan that slipped out when your tongue finally met hers. You wanted to hear more. To touch more. To elicit more from her. You finally pulled back to gasp for oxygen and you could not hold your grin when Leigh chased down your lip to kiss you one more time. Your chest heaving, breathless, and Leigh was panting against your lips. She looked ravished. “That’s much better,” she was whispering against your lips, lightly brushing yours with hers. The act was intimate indeed, but you also could not ignore the amused smirk on her face. “Are you good?” Your words came out in hesitation and she just nodded. “Are you sure you want to do this? We can st...“ “Just shut up and kiss me,” she mumbled before capturing your lips again. “Yes ma’am.” You were more than happy to follow what she said. // Light was only barely shedding through the curtains when you were woken by the indistinct noise moving across the room. Turning around to avoid the light out of instinct, your arms fell to the other side of the bed and you buried your head deeper to the pillow. The warmth and scent lingering on the bed made you frown for a second. You rubbed your eyes sleepily when you sat up and looked around the room. And there was Leigh, putting on the floral long dress she had stripped from herself last night with her back to you. She seemed to be startled by the fact that you were awake now as she paused for a brief second before busying herself with her clothes again. You sighed. “You’re not trying to sneak out, are you?” “It’s just one night,” Leigh was still having her back to you, but she stopped what she was doing. “Last night was...it was not serious. What we had last night was just a one-night thing okay? We had a great time and we were happy and that’s all. Don’t make things complicated.” “I just-I just care about you, Leigh.” You got out of the bed and walked closer to Leigh. “What? So you slept with me once and you’re already falling for me? Woah! I don’t know I’m such a charmer!” Leigh turned around and poked your chest, “you don’t even know me Y/N!” Your heart clenched at her words, but you understood that that was her coping mechanism. So you just remained silent. Leigh just glared at you. It was after a few seconds before she broke the tense silence. “Well? Say something!” She threw her hands up in the air annoyingly. “Look Leigh...I told you once you’re allowed to feel what you feel. And that’s true. But you don’t get to decide what I feel. What I feel for you.” You tried to reach out to touch her arm, but she took a step backward from you. “I care about you Leigh. I do. I wanna be there for you. Whenever you’re happy, or whenever you’re sad. I’m not sure if I can help or what I can do to help, but please let me be there for you.” Leigh’s eyes were glassy and a tear rolled down her cheek before she grabbed her purse and slammed the door right in your face. “Goodbye Y/N.”
a/n: I really want to write a smut for this but I found it exceptionally difficult due to my poor English vocabulary bank. Well I guess that’s all for this part until I can come up with something that I feel hot for writing lol. Hope you all enjoy this chapter! ;)
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simsadventures · 4 years
Gilded: Chapter 1: To Bride or Not to Bride
Mob! Steve x Reader
Summary: Your life is a mess and you need a little help from time to time. But, when somebody proposes a plan to rid you of all your problems all the way to the far future, you’re suddenly not so sure it is worth it. Especially since the plan is proposed to you by the most notorious gangster America has seen since Al Capone: Steve fucking Rogers. 
Warnings: mafia AU, swearing (like, a lot this time), angst, struggles with money, loan-shark, sleazy men, harassing
Word Count: 7969
A/N: It’s finally here! It only took me around 6 months to bring it, and I apologise for the delay, but I hope I will make up for it with introductory this chapter :) Share your thoughts, let me know what you thought and what do you think will happen next :) xx
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Series Masterlist __ Masterlist 
“Just, wait a second,” you said, your brows knitting together as you tried to piece together all the information the man in front of you had just given you. He was gorgeous, there was no question about that, but that wasn’t the issue here. There were many gorgeous people in New York, and you didn’t marry any of them. Yet, that was. 
“You want to marry me. But you still haven’t told me why, so?” You asked for what felt like the hundredth time that evening, and the man just smirked again, playing with his cuffs, never answering to your satisfaction. 
“I told you, honey, what I want, I get, and I decided that I wanted you, so, what is going to be? Are you gonna be a good girl for me or am I gonna have to force you, hm?” He smiled sweetly, but even you knew better. Behind that oh-very-sweet smile, there was venom and a ton of it. You rubbed your temples and plopped down on the nice-looking couch, thinking about what he was proposing. 
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2 weeks ago
“Coming!” You yelled through the loud music at the guests seated by the table number 5 where a group of guys was seated, hollering at you every two seconds as if you didn’t hear them the first time. You rolled your eyes at your colleague, who just laughed under her breath as you strode towards the clients. You put on your best fake smile as you approached them, and from the whistles, you assumed they appreciated it. 
“Thank God you came, sweets. We thought you were getting tired of us,” the loudest of them laughed, and the group followed his suit, making your clench your jaw even more. Oh, how you hated this type of men, who had nothing better to do than calling a woman pet-names, making her feel uncomfortable just so his friends could have a laugh and a story to tell. 
“What can I get you, gentleman? Another round of the same?” You asked as sweetly as you could, but it was getting harder by the second as they all eyed you like a piece of raw meat, ready to be devoured. 
“I mean, that would be nice, and could you serve us a piece of that sweet ass of course as well? We’d really appreciate it, pretty face,” the loud guy smirked sleazily, and you fought the urge to vomit in your face. One of the guys made the mistake of actually making a move to swat you across your butt, but your reflexes were quicker. 
You took a step back and breathed in, trying to calm your beating heart. This was, however, nothing new in your line of work, and you just learned to ignore it, or, at best, politely turn them down. Because, as you learned very early on, the manager didn’t appreciate if his “girls” were nasty to his customers. He almost made it sound like you were to provide your bodies with the beers, but you told him straightforwardly that that wouldn’t happen, and if his pub was one of these, you wanted to have nothing to do with it. All you were there to do was to work the evening and night shift to get some extra money on top of your regular job, and that was it. He even made a few remarks how he wanted you all to himself, but you politely declined every time and just tried to ignore it altogether.
“This ass is not for sale, I’m sorry, boys. But, the vodka shots are coming right up,” you tried to give them your best wink but didn’t wait long enough to see if they accepted their loss or not. You genuinely didn’t care. 
The night continued in a similar manner, some people being inappropriate and you just ignoring their behaviour, and some people actually nice, even leaving you a few tips which always made you smile. You were beat when it was 11, and your shift ended, and you were thrilled today wasn’t one of those days when you had to stay there till 4 AM. It was then that people got really disgusting and you even had to resolve to hit a guy this one time because otherwise, you were pretty sure he’d manage to rape you. You sighed at the memory as you continued on your way home, just now remembering you left the tips meant for you in your locker.
Sighing you turned around and walked back towards the bar, and when you were in, you noticed three men in black suits talking to your coworker, who looked stunned and scared at the same time. You cocked a brow at her, and she discreetly shook her head, telling you that you shouldn’t come nearer. 
This time, you really frowned and looked around, but the rest of the pub looked exactly the way you left it, even with the assholes by the fifth table. But you listened to her and took a step back to one of the dark corners, watching what was going on by the bar. It didn’t take long, definitely not longer than 5 minutes before the men turned around and left the building. 
Your coworker looked positively alarmed by now, and you almost ran to her to ask what the fuck did just happen. 
“I have no idea, Y/N. I noticed them by table 10 like an hour ago, but I didn’t pay them any attention because that was Christy’s sector tonight and I had the veranda. And when you left they just came here asking about you,” she breathed out, and it was your turn to look alarmed. 
“The fuck? Why would they ask about me when it was Christy who took care of them?” You screeched, your brain not really comprehending the situation. 
“I have no fucking idea, Y/N. But, like, they asked your name and stuff, and like, if you were a regular waitress here or what. I didn’t want to tell them anything, I swear, but they didn’t take no for an answer. So I just told them your first name, I wouldn’t budge on your last, I promise, and told them that you sometimes worked here but that I didn’t know when was your next shift,” she finished, a little scared of your reaction now, but from the look of those guys, you knew they were bad news and that Anja did the best she could.
“Nah, it’s ok, An. I would do the same. I’m really grateful that you didn’t give them my last name, though, that was really thoughtful of you,” you smiled at her, and it obviously put her at ease as she hugged and hurried back to the veranda, where you both saw a few guests waving that they needed a refill. 
The hell did just happen, and why would three mysterious men ask about you? 
It couldn’t be that they found out, right? No… you made sure all the traces were hidden, forever, so, that wasn’t an option. 
No, you told yourself, there must be another reason for them to ask about you. But you didn’t want to find out. It was a one-time thing, these men were just confused, or one of them liked you or something like that, and you would never see them again. This actually calmed you down enough to start functioning again, and you remembered that you came for something specific, took the money and went straight home. 
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“This can’t be happening,” you muttered as you looked over your bills. There was so much to pay and so little money on your account that you actually started to sweat. You worked two jobs and still wasn’t able to afford to live a life where you didn’t have to worry about money. What was more, with the high taxes, your rent, subway card and food you went into red numbers, and that was something you definitely didn’t want. Nobody told you that as an Arts Major, you could still be struggling to stay alive in the city of New York. 
You went over the bills again even though you knew your math was correct and that you didn’t have enough to pay your landlord this month. 
Fuck, you muttered again and considered your options. You could ask your friends, but you didn’t want to bother them since you knew they were struggling as much as you were. You shared your apartment with two of your best friends who you considered a family by now, Caroline and Aidan. And while you knew they would do anything to help you, neither of their jobs paid enough to be able to help you as much as you needed this month. 
Your other option was asking your landlord to give you some more time before more money arrived, but just imagining the conversation gave you goosebumps because you could picture the kind of service he’d want from you, and you’d literally rather go and beg on the street than to sleep with that middle-aged pig. 
So, as you summarised it, the only option remained the loan shark. Tony was actually a nice guy, once you got to know him, and he was nice to you because you always paid precisely what he told you to when he told you to, and never asked too many questions or begged for more time. You were smarter than that, and, besides, you’ve seen too many movies with loan sharks to know what could happen to you. 
The first time you went to him was probably 2 years ago, straight from university when you still thought you could make it big in New York. Well, safe to say that you didn’t make it, and while you remained hopeful, you had bigger problems than becoming a renown painter, like not starving to death and other fun stuff like that. 
You were awfully scared to go to Tony, he had a reputation of being kind of an ass, but people also said that, compared to the other guys in the business, he actually had the fairest demands, and as you had no other choice, you just went to him. And because life was a bitch, you ended up going there on more occasions. Tony was kind enough always to lend even small amounts of money because you really didn’t need 100K. No, you always need like 1 or 2 thousand, and while the other loan sharks turned people like you down, Tony didn’t, and he never wanted more than like 400$ as a return, which seemed quite fair as the other guys always wanted 100% or more. 
Well, Tony, it was, as you sighed looking around your room, thinking how you even got where you were. But there was no time to waste pitying yourself, and so you shot Tony a quick message, as you always did, and to no surprise, he was very quick to respond that you should come by later that afternoon. 
You were just getting ready when Aidan burst through your door. He stopped mid-step, looking at you confusedly because you didn’t tell him you were going somewhere. 
“Got a date or what? You never go out on Saturday afternoon, not if you can help it,” he said sceptically, looking around the room as his eyes landed on the fumbled papers on your table, and the look of realisation hit him. 
“You going to Tony again? Y/N, we told you, we can help you, babe! Let us help just this once, please?” He pleaded with you even though he knew it was useless. 
“C’mon, babe, you know you and Caroline are not making much either, and you’re both glad to get by another month. Tony is like an old friend by now, really. I don’t mind it that much, and it’s definitely a better option than burying you two with me under this pile of shit,” you huffed as you finished applying mascara, but you didn’t even check yourself in the mirror, really not caring that much how you looked. You went to Manhattan just to meet Tony and would go straight back, quick mission, in and out. 
“You need to find a better job, Y/N,” Aidan smirked at you, and you just laughed because you both knew it was pretty much impossible, especially since you loved your day job with the only issue that it paid like shit. 
“You know this is my chance to be close to art and I really want it. I mean, it could happen that they promote me from being a receptionist to like, I dunno, being a secretary to one of the curators of the gallery, right?” 
He just huffed and kissed the top of your head, striding towards the door. It was only then that you noticed he was dressed to go out as well. 
“And where are you going, mister?” You asked with a mother-like tone, and he just laughed, turning around as if he was caught in the act. 
“So, you remember John?” He asked, sitting on your bed, and you actually laughed out loud at him. 
“Which one? I mean, there has been so many Johns and Peters that I swear to God I’m starting to think there are only men called John and Peter in the whole fucking New York. So, more info, babe, please,” you scooted to him and listened to which John it actually was he was meeting and was pretty excited about this. This was John the Ballet dancer, and he looked really nice, so far. 
John the Fake Mobster was a lying bastard, John the Hairdresser wanted Aidan for just that one thing but would never admit it, and then you didn’t even have John-the for the guys because they were all just idiots who didn’t see your best friend for what he was: an amazing, although a little extra person with a very good heart, great sense of humour and amazing hair. 
“Alright, well, you know the drill. Keep your phone on data so we can use Find your Friend if needed, keep your eyes open for anything sketchy going on, but, most importantly, enjoy yourself, babe. I’ll see you tonight,” you hugged him tightly and walked out of the apartment and into the busy streets. 
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If it were all up to you, you’d live in a secluded place, somewhere in the north probably, like outside Seattle, where you’d have a lovely little house, maybe by a river or by the ocean or something, where you’d have enough inspiration for your art and where you wouldn’t be annoyed by the little things, like the car horns blaring all the way to the night, people shouting underneath your bedroom’s window, and little things like that. 
But life was not a factory for fulfilled wishes, and you had to endure another day trying to make it in New York. You thought about all of this as you walked down the street to where you knew you could find Tony. You weren’t happy that you had to go to him, again, but you also knew that you didn’t need to worry anymore. You would have the money for your landlord by the end of the week, and when the gallery paid you, you would pay Tony back. Again. 
“If it isn’t my favourite girl!” You heard a familiar voice hollering from the shop, and you laughed lightly as you walked into the pawnshop Tony had set up in the lower Manhattan. 
“Hello to you too, Tony. Today a yellow day, or what?” You greeted him as you looked at his outfit, which was just a canary yellow tracksuit and a matching hat. He looked like a character from a bad movie, but you knew better than to say anything like that. 
“Yellow is very classy and trendy, thank you very much! Yesterday I wore this really nice green velvet tracksuit, and you should have seen some ladies walking by, they almost ate me with their eyes! I swear!” He added as he saw you stifling a laugh, but you just nodded in fake understanding, and both of you shared a relaxed laugh. 
“So, what can I do for you today, sweetheart?” He drawled, and you shuffled on the spot, always feeling slightly uncomfortable when it came to this part. 
“I need a thousand this week. Ton. I’ve been working my ass off, but the bills keep building up, and every time I think I’m out of it and I can live normally, there is always something holding me back,” you sighed, scratching your arms which was a nervous habit of yours that Tony grew quite fond of. 
He was almost sorry for saying the next thing, but this was way above his pay grade, and while he really did take some liking to you, and he would always give you enough time to pay him off, he knew who he couldn’t piss off. 
“Listen, Y/N, I have a proposal for you,” Tony started, and you frowned, not really knowing where this was going, but from the look on Tony’s face, you could tell it was nothing good. 
“There is somebody who would like to get to know you, and he has a proposal for you that he believes you can’t refuse. I don’t know any specifics, I just know he is willing to pay you a lot of money, and I’m talking thousands and thousands, Y/N. He said that nothing sexual would be involved because I told him that if he was looking for a one night stand, you weren’t his girl, but he assured me that this wasn’t it. He would like to meet with you and tell you all the details if you let him. And before you say no, Y/N, think about it. All you gotta do now is to meet him and listen to him, and he is one of those guys who don’t take no for an answer,” Tony finished, and while you saw it pained him to give you the message, you were too stunned to care. 
“What the hell are you talking about, Tony? Is this some kind of a sick joke? Like, did this guy tell you he wanted to talk to me specifically or just a girl desperate enough to come here?” You blurted, still not getting what he was about. 
“He asked for you, sweetie. I don’t know how, but he knew you’d come and told me when you did to give you the message and give you his address. Which is here,” he said, handing you a piece of paper with an address and a date with the time written on it, “and he told me that if you came and agreed to his plan, you wouldn’t have to worry about money this week or any other week. It could be your chance, Y/N. Look, the guy is extremely powerful, so, please, just go and meet him, and you’ll see, ok?” He was scared, and it made you scoff out loud. 
Great, so a loan shark was giving you a message to meet some mysterious, powerful asshole who wouldn’t take no for an answer and who probably stalked you as he knew you would be coming to Tony sooner or later. Just great, really. 
“It seems I don’t really have a choice, do I? Sheesh, Tony, at least tell me who this guy is and like how scared I should be. You gotta give me something because I can’t just go to some random house and be totally ok with it. Nobody can’t expect me to do so,” you pointed out, and Tony nodded in understanding. 
“Totally, yeah. I even asked if I should come with you, but I was told you should be alone. You should be alert, let’s put it that way. If I were you, I’d really think before I speak, because this guy doesn’t take anything lightly. And I think it would be best if you didn’t know his name, Y/N. Just… he doesn’t want to hurt you, all he wants to do is speak to you, so please, just do it,” Tony finished just as some customer came into the shop. 
You waited patiently because the conversation was far from over, but you knew better than to start shit in front of some stranger. Tony was evidently scared shitless of the guy, and it only fuelled your already growing anxiety. Tony was determined not to share too much information with you, but you didn’t understand why. Why could you not at least know the guy’s name? Who could it be? 
Your brain took a detour to a few nights ago back at the pub where you saw the men asking about you, and a cold sweat broke on your skin. It must have been connected, there was no doubt in your mind about that, and it filled you with so much dread you actually had to catch your right hand with your left to stop yourself from shaking violently. 
The doorbell rang signalling the customer left, and your eyes gazed at Tony, who was already staring at you apologetically. 
“And what about the money, Tony? It’s Saturday, and I need to pay my rent by Friday next week. Nice of the guy, whoever the fuck he is, that he wants to see me, but he won’t if I’m on a fucking street next weekend,” you seethed, and Tony was quick to walk around the counter behind which he was standing this whole time and walked closer to you. 
“He wants to see you on Wednesday, Y/N, and he specifically told me not to lend you any money, that he would take care of it. Whatever the fuck it means.”
“The fuck? I don’t even know his fucking name, and he will stop me from getting money to survive? What the actual hell, Tony? You can’t be serious right now,” you cried out in utter desperation because none of this was supposed to happen. You were supposed to come, chat a little with the goatee man, get the money and walk back home, where you’d watch some stupid TV show and drink shitty wine. 
But no, of all the people living in New York this shit must be happening to you. As you didn’t have enough on your fucking plate as was, some mysterious fucker had to be interested in you for whatever reason, and he wouldn’t let you live without talking to him first. 
“Can’t you just call him and tell him that I want to have nothing to do with him?” You asked when you felt calm enough to talk again. You didn’t even know whether you were scared or desperate or angry, but at best, you were feeling a mix of all these and some more, that was for sure. 
“No can do, sweetie, but I promise it will be alright, ok? You’re a strong one, I know that and whatever he wants from you, you can either give or can talk to him,” Tony smiled sweetly, and while you knew he was full of bullshit you let it slide because you just didn’t have it in you to fight with him when he was clearly just the messenger. Whoever wanted to speak to you, however, he would hear it from you because where were we that a guy just asks for a girl and the whole of New York delivers her to him on a silver platter?
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“You gotta be kidding me, Y/N. Are you seriously considering going there? For all you know it might be some elaborate trap and somebody’s gonna jump you and kill you in some dark alley,” Caroline screeched at you as she saw you getting ready after you came home from work. 
You had to ask for a night off from the pub since mister nobody wanted to meet you on your night of work. But you knew you couldn’t say no. Whoever it was, Tony was afraid of him, and Tony was a tough guy. And not that you wouldn’t be brave, but your bravery was mostly concentrated on being able to throw a spider out of the apartment or walk the corridor with the lights out, not really crossing some powerful guy who could do God-knows-what to you if you didn’t come. 
“C’mon, guys. You know I gotta do it. And I honestly think if they wanted to kill me, they would have already done it,” you muttered, trying to pick something to wear, that wasn’t too revealing, but you also didn’t want to go wherever you were going in a pair of baggy sweatpants you were currently rocking. 
“But like, what if they want to make a personal slave out of you, huh? Like, cuff you to a ceiling and serve them with your body, like a personal kind of slave, you know what I mean? You were not made to be strapped to a ceiling, babe,” Aidan panicked, and you actually had to laugh. 
“Your imagination never ceases to astonish me, Aid. Or are you speaking from personal experience?” You smirked as both you and Caroline laughed out loud at Aidan’s expression of utter disgust. 
“You two are disgusting, and I hate you, but that doesn’t change the fact you still don’t know where the fuck you’re going,” Aidan countered and you rolled your eyes at him. 
“I’ll keep my data on so you can see me this whole time, and if I don’t call you by 9 PM you can send the cops there, deal?” 
They both nodded in agreement, knowing this was the best they were getting. You were glad you had them in your life and that you had people caring enough to try and stop you from doing something stupid, but something in your told you that your life would be even worse if you didn’t go. At least this way you’d know the whole story, and you would be able to make an educated decision based on all the variables. 
“A’ight, but if anything sketchy happens, you run, ok? We can figure out the money, but we can’t figure out shit if you’re not here with us,” Caroline reminded you, and you nodded solemnly. 
God, you just hoped you weren’t making a mistake by listening to Tony. He even shot you a message in the afternoon, reminding you to go there because if you didn’t, it could end up badly for both of you. And it was actually one of the decisive arguments in the whole thing, surprisingly. You didn’t want anything happening to Tony, especially not because of you and your decisions, and so you just told yourself to suck it and prepared for the evening. 
You really couldn’t afford the cab, so you had to leave super early to be at the given address at precisely 7 PM. You also grabbed the book you were currently reading, Kim Stanley Robinson’s New York 2140, so that the ride to Manhattan wouldn’t be as dull and dreadful. You could think of the utopian future he depicts rather than thinking of your journey to the lion’s den, and that was the most promising image you created in your head about the place where you were headed. 
Not that you didn’t try to find the place on Google maps, but all the buildings on the address looked the same, and, actually, quite nice, so you had no idea what you were getting yourself into. 
Meanwhile, Tony texted you again since you didn’t reply to his previous text, and this time you took the time to craft a message telling him that yes, you were indeed headed to the manor and he didn’t need to worry about his own neck because you wouldn’t let others be hurt because of your incompetence or your cowardice. 
You knew you were getting off on Chambers St station and you actually took the time to think how many people living in Tribeca had to take the subway. The answer was, very obviously, zero, as the majority of the people in the subway were either passing or were clothed in a way you knew they worked in either one of the restaurants there or as a help. And you felt like one of them, because you too didn’t live in the wealthiest village in New York, and you too were going there mainly for business. Well, at least you hope you did. 
Checking every house number when you got to the street you were supposed to meet the mysterious guy at, you tried to find where exactly was the bat cave, and when you saw the number 112, you knew you found it. 
Your breath came in ragged huffs as you tried to gather the last remnants of your bravery as you walked up the stairs and buzzed on the door. Your head was spinning lightly, and you actually had to lean against the wall beside you to regain your composure. 
The door soon revealed a massive man dressed in a black turtleneck and a pair of black jeans, and you were actually quite surprised not to see him with sunglasses and an earpiece. If the situation weren’t so tense, you’d probably joke about it, but as it was, you just followed his lead as he beckoned you inside. 
“Miss Y/L/N, I presume? I need to see your phone and your belongings, ma’am,” he stated, and you raised a brow at him. 
“Excuse me?”
“It’s a standard procedure, ma’am. Everybody here to see the boss needs to be checked, just in case,” he stated, leaving no room for discussion, and while you sighed exasperatedly, you still handed him your bag and made a point by fishing out the phone and shoving it in his outstretched hand. He took a quick look through your belongings, pushing it against what you assumed was some kind of a metal detector before he pulled out another device. This looked like a big phone, and he scanned your bag once again. 
“What is that?” You asked, unable to stop your curiosity. 
“Checking if you’re not bugged,” he answered matter-of-factly as he continued before he put the device down, clearly not finding anything. Where would you even get a bug, and why would you do it? You rolled your eyes inwardly but kept a straight face in front of the man, just in case he was watching. Which he was, as you found out by him waving in front of your face and showing you to follow him. 
You braced yourself for whatever was awaiting upstairs and obediently walked behind him. 
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As you walked through the house, you got the impression that whoever lived there was wealthy, but that kind that didn’t really put on a flashy show. There were no chandeliers, no heavy curtains and stuff you pretty much imagined this place would look like and that image had nothing to do with the Beast and the Beauty dance room, nothing at all. 
But this was… modest. Everything was very contemporary, some prominent brick here and there with mostly grey floors and the furniture was most definitely customary but, again, it was plain yet luxurious. You assumed that’s how the really rich people lived. They knew they had the money, and the people around them knew it as well, so there was no need for diamond stairs and a golden toilet. 
A few names surged from memory as you heard your coworkers discuss the wealthy New Yorkers, but you didn’t want to assume anything before you actually saw the person, so you just walked by the halls before the man stopped in front one of the rooms and quietly knocked. 
It was not surprising when another man dressed exactly like the guy leading you appeared from the room and took a quick look at you before he said something to whoever was behind him. When the affirmative came that you could indeed go in there, they shoved the door open and what you assumed was a living room appeared in front of you. It corresponded with the whole house, but your attention was caught by one specific thing. Your brain had its own world, and when you saw one of Tunji Adeniyi-Jones’s paintings from his last year’s exhibit, you almost fainted. He was your favourite contemporary artist. And seeing his work outside of the gallery was practically an otherworldly feeling. You gaped at the beautiful play of colours, and your heart swooned at the perfection of the brush strokes. 
“Ehm,” you heard somebody cough beside you, and it startled you so much you actually jumped to the side, your hand flying to your chest in a feeble attempt to will your heart to stay calm. 
You took the intruder in and found out that unlike every other man in the room (and there were a few, as you noticed) this guy wasn’t wearing all-black attire. He was in a comfortable-looking creme sweater and a pair of dark blue jeans, everything fitting him as if the clothes were sawn to his body. 
Which, as far as you could tell, was the body of a Greek God. 
“See something you like, honey?” The man interrupted thoughts, and it just crossed your mind that he was really rude, not letting you breathe even for a second before he had to make his presence known. 
“Yes, actually. I’m quite a big fan of the artist whose painting you have there, so I admired that. And you are?” You trailed at the end, signalling that while he was very handsome, you had no idea who he was and why it was that you needed to come to him this evening. 
“Straight to business, huh? I like that. I’m quite surprised Tony didn’t tell you who I was. Was he scared you wouldn’t have come if you knew?” He didn’t wait for your answer, however. “Well, honey, I’m Steve Rogers, and I am very pleased to meet you,” he smirked at your stomach dropped. 
Steve Rogers? That Steve Rogers? It wasn’t possible. 
“You gotta be kidding me,” you muttered as you scratched your arms nervously. 
“Oh no, on the contrary. I’m all too real, Miss Y/L/N, and from the looks of it, I’m glad Tony didn’t tell you, you look like you might faint. Are you feeling alright?” He asked like the smug asshole he was, and you just turned away from him, taking a deep breath before you finally turned back around to face him with a pokerface. 
“I’m alright, thank you. So now, can I know what it is you want from me so much you stalked me and made me come here, pretty much by force?” 
He scoffed but showed you to follow him to the sofa. When you didn’t budge, he simply took you by your elbow and pretty much shoved you down to the plump sofa. 
“Force, I have no idea what you’re talking about. I simply asked you to come visit me, is it so wrong? But yes, you are right, we should talk about why I invited you here. You see, Y/N, I’m in need of a wife, and after long calculations, I came to the conclusion you would be perfect for the job,” he said straightforwardly, and it was now that you felt like you’d faint. 
“Marry me? Are you fucking insane?” You couldn’t hold it in any longer. Form the pissed off expression on his face, you could see it was not the right move, but he couldn’t expect any other reaction, really. 
“Easy, honey or I might have to use the said force to shut that smart mouth of yours,” Steve mumbled dangerously, and you swallowed harshly. 
“Right, you’re a notorious mobster, and I’m literally nobody, and if you killed me, nobody would miss me. Good, now that’s out of the table, why do you want to marry me? And what does it mean you are in need of a wife? I mean… you are notorious for dating a different girl every week, can’t you just marry one of them if you’re in such a great hurry?” 
“No, honey, I can’t. All you need to know right now is my proposal. So, here it is. You will marry me, we will stay married for a year and then get a divorce. You will have everything every girl ever wanted: loads of clothes, all the time in the world to do whatever the fuck you want, you won’t have to work, and I will pay for everything and more. You will live here so you won’t have to worry about your rent money, and I will also pay your student loan, on top of which you will be paid 20.000$ every month for playing your role. And when the year is over, you will walk away rich, without any debts slowing you down and you will be able to do anything you want. How does that sound?” 
“It sounds like it’s not a proposal but a directive,” you smiled sweetly and stood up, pacing the room and scratching your hands like crazy. This was not happening, no, no, no!
You needed the money, you really did, and getting rid of the debt from your student loan that would have been sweet too, but at what price? On the other hand, you thought, how bad could it be to just be somebody’s wife for a year? He did make it sound pretty easy. 
“What would be expected of me?” 
“Well, you would go with me to every event and pretty much listen to everything I say,” he shrugged as if it was the most natural thing to say to another human being. 
“Like, you’d ask me to spread my legs for you here, and I would do it?” You asked, suddenly very angry that the man just assumed what kind of a person you were. You were desperate, but not that desperate. 
“Oh, no, honey. That is one of the reasons why I chose you: I’m not attracted to you, so no, I wouldn’t ask you for any sexual favours. We could even put that to our contract if you’d feel better, but, really, you have nothing to worry from me,” he again said with ease, and you didn’t know if you were glad he just told you this or really pissed and ashamed.
Not that you thought you were some kind of a beauty, far from it, but he also didn’t have to be so upfront about it. And now you understood it even less why the hell he chose you.
“Just, wait a second,” you said, your brows knitting together as you tried to piece together all the information the man in front of you had just given you. He was gorgeous, there was no question about that, but that wasn’t the issue here. There were many gorgeous people in New York, and you didn’t marry any of them. Yet, that was. 
“You want to marry me. But you still haven’t told me why, so?” You asked for like the hundredth time that evening, and the man just smirked again, playing with his cuffs, never answering to your satisfaction. 
“Honey, what I want, I get, and I decided that I wanted you, so, what is going to be? Are you gonna be a good girl for me or am I gonna have to force you, hm?” He smiled sweetly, but even you knew better. Behind that oh-very-sweet smile, there was venom and a ton of it. You rubbed your temples and plopped down on the nice-looking couch, thinking about what he was proposing.
“Then why choosing me if you don’t find me attractive? Not that it’s an issue, I’m just really trying to understand the situation here,” you said, totally ignoring the threat in his voice as you needed some much valuable answers. 
“Right, well, first of all, as I already mentioned, what I want, I get, honey, and you should always remember that. Secondly, it was your ability to keep a straight face, even though I can see the ability is not endless. I need somebody who will be sickly sweet to both my friends and enemies alike, who won’t mind a few sleazy comments from the old fuckers, and who will look like an obedient wife. I need somebody who will blend in and who will look trustworthy, and not like she was to stay only for a week. And when I saw you in that pub where you used to work, I could see you had what it took to be in this life, even if only for a year,” he finished, and you were glad you were right at least about the guy, Steve, also sending the people to sniff around your workplace. But then it hit you. 
“Where I used to work? I still work there,” you said dumbfounded, and Steve chuckled humorously. 
“Oh no, you don’t. You see, I need my wife free all the time and I need her here with me. Look, Y/N, this is getting tiring, and I really need an answer now. What is it gonna be, huh?”
“Like I even have a choice. You just said you would use force if I said no, so, what am I supposed to say, huh? I don’t want to get married, but I don’t have any money and your snoopy ass is getting in the way of my life, and you ended one of my jobs, and before you say you terminated my contract in the gallery, please think about it again. That job is very important to me, it has always been my dream to be in a gallery surrounded by beautiful art, and, by chance, having my art there as well. 
I don’t know Steve, your offer is very generous, it really is, but I don’t think I’m the right one,” you sighed finally and looked around the room, ignoring the boring looks from Steve. Then you saw the clock and you almost panicked, it was two minutes before 9. 
“Oh my God, I need to call my friends, or they’re gonna call the cops,” you said quickly already dialling Caroline’s number. You told her you were fine and that no, you weren’t a personal slave yet, but that you’d tell them everything when you got home. When the call ended, the venom was back in Steve’s eyes. 
“If you think you can talk to people about anything I have just said, you are terribly wrong, doll,” he seethed, and you were taken aback, but you didn’t want him to think he intimidated you.
“Well, if you think I’m not gonna tell my family about this, then it’s you who is terribly wrong, Steve. We tell each other everything, and if I considered this proposal of yours, it would mean Aidan and Caroline would know about this, at least that I’m marrying you for more than my undying love for you,” you spat back, and Steve saw the determination in your eyes. He knew he had to compromise with you, even if only a little bit. 
He already found out everything about you, he knew your whole life, your past, everything his people could find on the internet. And what he got from the search was that you and the people you lived with were extremely close. He considered getting rid of them but realised it would only push you away from what he needed from you. And he needed a wife ASAP. 
The mafia was still very conservative, and as he was the only boss without a constant woman by his side, he was sometimes excluded from important meetings that happened on “family retreats.” And he needed all the info there was if he wanted to be the best of the best. Or, the worst of the worst, if we were being literal. 
“Fine, but they will need to sign a contract saying that they will keep their mouths shut,” Steve smiled back, and you nodded, your head already spinning. 
Were you really considering it? But was there any other option? You needed the money, and it would’ve be great if you didn’t have to care about your student loan for the rest of your life. You would see the world, just like you wanted, you would have time for your art, and you would be free after only a year. That didn’t sound that bad. Sure, you’d be affiliated with a known mafia boss, but that was nothing you couldn’t handle. But there was still a question Steve didn’t answer. 
“What about my job at the gallery? If you made them fire me and I’m gonna find out tomorrow, I can’t even begin to consider this. I want that job, I want to work at that gallery, Steve.” 
“Fucking hell, I could buy you the gallery if you agreed!” He shouted, exasperated that it was taking so long. He really didn’t get it. He was proposing a life in luxury, and he knew that the majority of women in New York would be more than happy to be seen by his side. But you? You had to be difficult and even demand stuff. Fucking hell…
“But whatever, you wanna work there, fine. Whatever, I don’t give a fuck. Do we have a deal or not? I have better things to do with my evening than just bargain with you, honey,” he accentuated the pet name that you already hated.
Well, this wasn’t how you imagined your proposal to go. Not that you were too keen on the whole idea of a marriage, but still, a girl could dream. Yet, here you were, actually considering getting tied up with a mobster for a year just because he offered you enough money and a life that you felt like could be interesting, if only for a year and with a man who blatantly told you he wasn’t interested in you in that way. This was the only reason you didn’t feel as dirty as you expected because you knew he would never touch you and never want you to do something sexual against your will. 
You were used to lying through your teeth ever since you were little, your parents made sure you knew how important it was to keep your secret, and dangerous life wasn’t something you only heard of on TV. All this made the decision slightly easier, as you finally made up your mind. 
“Fine, but we still have a lot to talk about, Mr Rogers,” you set your jaw and outstretched your hand to shake on it with him. 
“Whatever, Mrs Rogers. Consider your rent paid and I’ll see you on Friday when we discuss our matter in greater detail. Now, if you excuse me,” he kissed the top of your hand and walked away. 
Well, this would be fun, you told yourself as you watched the man you would soon call your husband walk away from you, and contemplated whether you made the right choice. But your life wasn’t great as was, as much as you tried to fill it with laughter and happiness, and, in a sense, Steve offered you an out, even if only for a little bit. 
Here was to nothing, you hollered at yourself in your mind and followed one of the turtleneck-guys out of the manor and into the chilly air of evening New York.
/ Next Chapter >
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axwalker · 3 years
Bad Timing: Kismet
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Book: The Royal Romance (AU)
Pairing: Drake Walker x Alexis O’Brien (MC) 
Synopsis: Alexis O’Brien is escaping a terrible past. After months of running  she settles  in Cordonia where she meets Drake at the bar where she works and they spend a passionate night together. 
What happens when a one-night-stand turns into unexpected parenthood? 
This chapter
WORDS: 3,890 🙊
POV: Dual 
TRIGGER WARNINGS: None for this chapter. In the future, mentions of domestic violence, and explicit sex scenes. 
A/N: I apologize for any grammatical errors. 
I switch between Drake’s and Alexis’ POV several time in this chapter. I hope it’ll be clear enough!
 After a one-hour bus ride and a 20-minutes walk, I finally find the correct address. When I reach the massive iron gates, I punch in the code Mr. Beaumont’s assistant gave me on the phone and gape as the extensive estate comes into view when I walk through. Acres and acres of super green grass littered with pines surround the massive house in the distance. The closer I get, the more I feel like a foreigner. This might have been my world once, but my new reality couldn’t be further apart from all this luxury. I have fifty dollars left in my wallet, an eviction notice back in my 200 square foot studio, and to top it all, the worst freaking headache I’ve had in my life. Talk about a bad streak. Ironically, I’m happier than I’ve been in years. My life belongs to me; I don’t have to live in constant fear and –most importantly, I’m free. Unattached. I want to do a lot of things with my life, and no one will stop me. That’s worth the worst headache in the world or a few money problems. 
I ring the bell, and a gorgeous woman opens the door. Her deep blue eyes scowl at me when I smile at her. 
“Who are you looking for?” She doesn’t ask as much as she barks the question. 
“Eh,” I haven’t been called shy a single day of my life, but her attitude it’s messing with the positive vibes I had coming up here. “I’m looking for Mr. Bertrand Beaumont from Beaumont Caterings.”
 “This door is for house guests only. The help,” she says the word as if it tastes bad in her mouth, “must go around the house and ring the bell back there.” She’s about to close the door right in my face when two hot guys come to the door. Seriously, what do people eat in this country? 
“Penelope, what are you doing answering the door like a simple maid? Where is Jessa?” 
Penelope rolls her eyes. “She had to leave early. She said she asked you for the afternoon off.”
The older man nods as, the younger one grins at me. “We can discuss Jessa’s schedule later, Bertie. Please, come in, Ms.?” He asks me, still smiling. 
“Ortiz. Alexis Ortiz.” I grin back, instantly liking the man with the kind blue eyes. “I’m here for the catering job.” 
“I’m Maxwell Beaumont. This is my brother Bertrand—the owner and Penelope Brim, one of our party planners.”
I follow them to a huge office and give Bertrand the resumé I printed at the internet place next to my building.  
“Is this all true?” He asks after a quick read.
I nod my head.
“Are you sure, Ms. Ortiz? It says here that you were working as a bartender, a barista, and a waitress in a very exclusive French restaurant, all at the same time.”
Penelope gives me a dismissive glare. “She’s obviously lying. That isn’t even possible. Unless she’s iniquitous.” 
I know better than to interrupt a potential employer, even worse if it’s to correct them, but this woman is grating on my nerves. Plus, I had a lifetime of keeping my head down with Matt, and I just don’t have the patience for this kind of crap anymore. And she called me a liar. Hell no.
“No, Ms. Brim, I’m not ubiquitous.” Maxwell snorts, and I swear the other guy, Bertrand, smiles behind my CV. I refrain from telling her what iniquitous actually means because I do need this job. “I worked as a barista in a Starbucks from 5 to 11 am. Then as a waitress at “Clair de Lune” from 12 to 6 pm. Finally, as a bartender in an Irish pub from 7 to midnight or 2 am, depending on the day. You can call any of those places and see I’m not lying.” Just please, God, don’t ask for my papers.
Maxwell reads the resumé when Bertrand gives it to him. “Do you speak French and Spanish as well?”
I shrug. “I love languages, and I grew up in a house where my mom and grandmother only spoke Spanish. I learned French in school. I had an amazing teacher.” 
Maxwell and Bertrand look at each other. The older brother, a younger, sterner version of Hugh Jackman, clears his throat. “I’ll be honest with you, Ms. Ortiz. Two of our waiters are absent, and tomorrow we’ll be catering to one of the most important events of the year. If everything in your resume is true, you can start training today --paid of course, and start working tomorrow.”
Paid training? Despite my throbbing head, I want to scream with happiness. “Everything is true.”
“That’s settled then. Penelope, please, darling, show Ms. Ortiz the kitchens and the ballroom. You can ask Naomi to train her for tonight. You know Regina, and she’ll want everything to go as smooth as possible.” 
“Right.” Penelope turned at me with an uptight smile. “Come with me.” 
I turn and beam at Maxwell, who’s giving me a thumbs up. “Thank you. I really appreciate this.” 
Bertrand shakes his head. “Don’t thank me yet, Ms. Ortiz. Just do an impeccable job.” He glances at my Vans. “And for the love of God, only heels tomorrow.” 
I nod and follow Penelope down the hallway. 
 “This is why you ditch your friends who get hitched to a relationship,” I grumble, sitting in my chair. 
“He’s five minutes late,” Liam says. 
Leo shakes his head. “Well, I want a goddamn drink. How come I can’t order one until he gets here?” 
Liam pinches the bridge of his nose. “You two are acting like children. You can wait five minutes.” 
“Maybe, but I need something, and fast.” 
“Ah, there they are,” Max exclaims, hands clasped together, staring at us. “My boys.” Jesus Christ. Liam is scooped into a hug and then set back in his chair. 
From over Liam’s head, Max points at me and shakes his finger. “Come here; you handsome Walker bastard.” 
I hold up my hand. “I’m good.”
 “Nope.” He shakes his head. “You don’t get to pass up Max’s snuggles.” Before I can move, he swoops to his knees, pulls me into a hug. . . and nuzzles. 
“What the fuck are you doing, Beaumont?” I ask, my voice strong as I try to push him away. 
“You smell like heaven,” he says, chuckling. No one likes to fuck with me as much as Maxwell Beaumont does. Unfortunately for me, he’s one of my best friends, and the bastard is well aware of it. 
“Get out of here.” I palm his face and push him away. 
Leo laughs. “Come on, man, you know Walker is a sour bastard.” 
With another laugh, Maxwell retreats to his seat, unbuttons his jacket, and sits down. Hands-on the table, he looks between us and declares, “I’m in love.” 
Christ. “We know,” Liam and I say at the same time, irritation heavy in our voices. Leo just rolls his eyes as he looks for a waiter. 
Maxwell has only been dating Rashad for a few weeks, so it’s no surprise he’s like this—a hopeful idiot with a relentless smile. Hell, he’s been in love with the man for years. It took him a really, really long time to finally make a move. He adjusts his tie as he says, “You don’t have to be rude about it. I’m just sharing. Isn’t that what this is all about? Sharing?” 
“Sharing? I thought this was about drinking as much as possible and hooking up with a hot waitress,” Leo says, flagging down our waiter. 
When he arrives, I talk above the guys and quickly say, “Macallan, neat.” 
“Dalmore, on the rocks, please,” Liam says, and Leo orders the same. 
When the waiter turns to Max, he rubs his stomach and says, “You know, a hot cocoa would be perfect right now.”
 What the actual fuck? “No.” I step in. “He’ll have an Old Fashion. Thanks.” A little confused and probably slightly disturbed, he takes off as Max complains. 
“Hey, I really wanted a hot cocoa.” 
“Not happening. First, because they don’t serve hot cocoas here and second because we’re supposed to be out drinking, Beaumont. And you fucking love Old Fashions. You order one every damn time. Stop complaining.” 
“Sheesh.” Maxwell unfolds his napkin and sets it on his lap. “What’s up your ass?” 
“Nothing.” I push my hand through my hair. 
“It’s a girl.” Leo smirks, causing Liam and Max to practically jump out of their seats.
“A girl?” Liam cocks his eyebrow. “Surely not Drake --permanent bachelor, Walker. My fucking heart can’t take it.” 
Fucking Leo. “It’s not what Leo is making it out to be.” 
“He met her two months ago, and he’s been thinking about her ever since. Magical pussy right there.”
“I swear, Leo; I don’t care for how long we’ve been friends, next time you talk about her like that, I’ll personally break that shit-eat grin off your face”
The clown raises his arms. “I rest my case.”
 “What?” Max’s eyes nearly fall out of their sockets. “Drake Walker doesn’t get attached, and he doesn’t duel his friends for a girl.” 
Jesus. Thankfully the waiter brings our drinks at that moment, so I have a second to compose myself. 
“You slept with her?” Liam asks after a swig of Dalmore. He’s been in a stable relationship with Hanna Lee for a year now. Once the most popular guy on school, he now spends his Friday nights curled up with her watching Netflix. I can’t even remember the last time he went out with us. 
“I don’t want to talk about it. The only reason this fuckhead is bringing it up it’s because I went looking for her, and he saw it.” There I said it. Better me than Leo fucking Rys. 
Max and Liam exchange a look, but Max seems too stunned to talk, so Liam asks. “You did what?”
I chug my whiskey and ask for another one. “I don’t know why. I just …” Tired of this fucking conversation, I pinch the bridge of my nose. “We had a great time. That’s all.”
 “How come Leo knows about this girl, and I don’t?” Liam complains. 
Max complains too. “Dude, you know I’m the romantic one. Leo over here has a brick for a heart, and Li is too busy. You need to discuss these things with me.” 
“I don’t have a brick for a heart,” Leo says, surprisingly offended. 
“No, you’re just still hung up on Maddie,” I say with a smirk. He shifts in his chair but doesn’t say anything. What does it feel, Rys? 
“So . . . who is the girl?” Maxwell asks. 
For fuck’s sake. I might as well get it over with. “I’m going to say one last time that I’m not interested in her anymore, so before your little hearts starts beating wildly for playing cupid, it’s not going to happen.” 
In a snarky tone, Leo replies, “Well, of course, it’s not. She left the country. Are you that bad, Walker? Because I can give you a tip or two.” He’s so fucking annoying. 
“Oh.” Max sighs, disappointed.  
Leo elbows his brother and says, “He hasn’t slept with anyone since.” 
And there it is. The real reason why Leo is worried about this. He lost his wingman. “I’m not an animal, Leo. It’s not the first time in my life that I go two months without fucking. I’m not you. Anyway, all this is pointless. She’s gone.” 
My friends grew up with me, so they know when it’s time to stop pushing. Max interrupts the silence that follows because nothing makes little Beaumont more uncomfortable than a gap in the conversation. “Everything is ready for the party tomorrow night. The thirtieth anniversary of Rys Corporation will be a success.” 
Liam nods. “Regina talked with Hana this morning. It’s the first anniversary since I took over as CEO. I need everything to be perfect.” 
“What about the staff, Max?” Leo asks, smiling. Having sex at every anniversary party is a personal challenge of his. 
“We actually hired someone today. She’s gorgeous.” He turns his head at Leo. “But she’s off-limits.” Leo smirks, wiggling his eyebrows. “I mean it, dude. Bertrand said he’s tired of looking for new waitresses. Two quit yesterday morning when they found out that the event was for Rys corporation.”  
“Hey, I never lie. It’s not my fault if they think I’ll call them anyway.” 
“Whatever, just don’t mess with her. Plus, I got to talk to her after her training today. She’s super nice. She’s Am--. Wait.” He says when his phone chimes up. “Sorry, boys. It was a text from Penelope. Apparently, the Chablis hasn’t been delivered yet. I have to call Joelle before I lose my big brother over a wine crisis. See you all tomorrow.” He finishes his cocktail and stands up. 
Liam stands up too. “I should go home too. Han arrived today from Hong Kong.” 
Leo checks his phone. “Wait, Li. I’ll go with you. I have a date with this girl I met last night at Kismet. Do you want to come, man?” He asks me. “I’m sure she has a friend she can introduce you.”
I shake my head. “I’ll finish my whiskey and head home. See you all tomorrow.”
It was only one fucking night. Why can’t I get her out of my head? 
It’s maddening. Or maybe it is a blessing. If I’m still thinking about her after one night, imagine how bad I’d have it after several. It’s best that she stays far the fuck away from me. I’m not interested in long-term attachments of any kind.  I don’t want to think about Lexie Ortiz, but she’s infected my brain. The sound of her teasing laugh haunts me.
And I can’t deny it; it was one hell of a night.
 “This is a single girl’s paradise.” 
“No,” I grimace, trying to clean the spilled tomato sauce from my shirt. “Paradise would be a tropical beach with a hot cabana boy giving us free massages... and an endless supply of piñas Coladas.” Naomi laughs, the sound almost lost in the chaos of the kitchen. Chefs shouting orders, Penelope and Bertrand panicking, plates being dropped—the world of catering is a noisy business. 
“Cabana boys may have hot smoking bodies and virility, Lex, but they lack two essential qualities: prestige and money.” 
“So, what you’re saying is that you’d prefer an old limp dick over a young hard one? Interesting,” I answer, teasing her. 
“No, that’s not what I’m saying, smart ass. I’m saying I’d take a solid bank account over a solid dick. Think about it—with all that money, he could never fuck me at all, and I couldn’t care less. And I’d be treated properly. Rich guys know how to treat a lady.” 
“Trust me on this, Naomi. Money has absolutely nothing to do with how a man treats a woman.” I should know. “In any case,” I retort, grabbing another tray of drinks, “if you’re looking for old rich guys, there are tons of opportunities out there.” I laugh at the dreamy look on her face, partly because it’s hilarious and partly because I know she’s kidding. After my training last night, she invited me to her house, where I met Theo, her little boy. He’s eight years old and the absolute love of her life. 
“Speaking of fucking,” she says, her eyes sparkling, “did you see the Rys brothers? One of them is taken, but the other two are single and oh so yummy. Especially the tall and brooding one. I’ll kill for those smoldering brown eyes looking right at my soul” 
I snort. “You really should stop reading romance novels, Nao. And yes. I served one of them and his girlfriend champagne earlier, but he was blond and didn’t have smoldering, brooding eyes. I thought they were only two brothers, though.”
“Well, technically, yes. But Constantine Rys --the super-rich owner of Rys Corporation-- adopted two other kids. A boy and a girl. They all grew up together.” She uncorks several champagne bottles as she speaks.
Now that my uniform is clean, I grab one of the Veuve Clicquot bottles and help her pouring the cold liquid into the glasses on our trays. “How do you know all of that?”
“I’m Cordonian, girl. The Rys siblings are almost royalty in this country. The one that is not an actual Rys is the one with the smoldering eyes. He doesn’t work for the company, though. He’s a … a vet, I think.”  
A veterinarian like Drake. My stupid heart flutters when I think about him. 
“Do we pay you to work or to gossip, ladies?” Penelope screams from the kitchen door. 
Naomi and I roll our eyes and grab our refilled trays. 
“This is a huge night for Liam,” Regina says behind her champagne glass. Constantine has been telling everyone, especially her, that he’s ready and happy to retire, but she knows him better than anyone. Leaving Rys Corporation and pass the torch to Liam is much more difficult for Constantine than he cares to admit.  
“It’ll be all right, Regina. Don’t worry. Liam is more than ready to handle the responsibility.”
She throws a glance at Liam, who’s standing a few feet behind me next to his dad. “I just hope he doesn’t forget that his personal life is equally important. He and Hana work too hard.” 
I’m about to answer when one of the waitresses distracts me. Her back is turned to me, so I can’t see her face, but there is something incredibly familiar about the way she moves. She’s passing drinks amongst Regina’s friends. I want to go and see who she is, but Liam catches my eyes across the room.  We exchange a look, one that we’ve exchanged several times over our lives. It was Liam and me when we were younger, walking into his father’s office after getting into a fight at school. It was the two of us when we came home late, and his parents were waiting in the living room as we walked in, drunk. It was the two of us when we wrecked Leo’s new Porsche when we were sixteen, and right now, I know he needs me. Constantine is a great father, but he has too many expectations for his younger son. Liam needs a break. 
Regina sees the exchange and smiles. “Liam’s very lucky to have you, Drake.” She is not our biological mother, but she loves all of us as if she was. And she’s more my mother than Bianca Walker will never be.  
A couple of men look at me, and I try to remember if I should know them from somewhere. I think they’re both on the board of directors at RC. As much as I love the Rys, I will never get used to this shit. Socializing and pretending to like a bunch of people that annoy the fuck out of me. Ignoring them, I make my way to my best friend. Liam is standing with his hands in his pockets, looking serious and put together like the CEO of the largest company in Cordonia should. 
“I think it’s going well,” he says as I approach. “Father was driving me crazy with all his advice.” 
“It’s not only the anniversary of the company, Li. It’s also his first one as the former CEO. It’s normal he feels out of place.” 
Liam nods. “I know. I just wish he’ll trust me more.”
“He does, Liam. He’s just nervous.”
 I’m cut short by Liam’s grin. His gaze slides right behind me and lights up. 
“Would either of you like a glass of champagne?” a female, very familiar voice nearly whispers behind me. 
“I’m good,” Liam answers, looking at me out of the corner of his eye. “How about you, Drake?”
 I turn around, and my heart skips a beat. Soft curves, tanned skin, and a few freckles across the bridge of her nose. The brightest, most amazing eyes I’ve ever seen. Alexis Ortiz tucks a strand of her rich brown hair behind her ear and takes a deep breath. Her eyes widen, and I see she recognizes me but doesn’t mention it. Instead, a faint smile ghosts her luscious lips, and she lifts her chin like she has a secret she won’t tell. A secret we share. Her gaze remains on Liam, almost like she’s afraid to look my way. Finally, she turns to me, and when she does, an adorable blush color her cheeks. 
“Would you, uh, sir?” she asks, taking half a step backward. 
“Would I what?” I press, enjoying too much the way her cheeks turn even pinker. 
“Would you like a drink?” The words leave her lips fast like she wants to pronounce them and run away. I take a step towards her, remembering the night she spent in my arms and how damn perfect she felt. I know I make her nervous because I see little goosebumps erupting on her soft skin.  I smirk at her. “That depends on what you’re offering.”
 I shouldn’t be toying with her, but I can’t help it. I want to keep her talking, to watch her reactions, to see that sweet smile again.  
“I don’t have much to offer,” she says, a hint of nervousness in her voice. “Unless you like champagne, sir.” She emphasizes the last word.
“I like all sorts of things.” I keep my gaze heavy against hers, not allowing her to look away. She fidgets with her tray and swallows hard but never takes her eyes off mine, too rebellious to look away. The longer our eyes match, the hotter my body becomes. She bits her delicious bottom lip slowly, her dark gaze boring into mine. 
“Is that so?” Liam laughs beside me, and I watch her jump like she forgot he was there. Alexis clears her throat and glances around the room. She turns back to us again, this time a practiced smile on her face. The easy grin and soft laugh are both gone. She wants to get away from me, I can feel it, and I understand. She’s working; it wouldn’t be professional. This is not the time or the place to reconnect. Unfortunately for her, I have other plans.
“Gentlemen ...” With a nod, Alexis walks away as fast as possible. She doesn’t look back, but I watch her until she’s out of sight. 
“What was that?” Liam snickers, loosening his gray silk tie. “I thought you were going to jump on her.” 
I rub my thumb over my lip, still surprised as hell.
“That was Alexis, the girl I met a couple of months ago. Now, if you excuse me, Li, I need to go talk to Bertrand.”  
@mskaneko @burnsoslow @gkittylove99 @kat-tia801 @no-one-u-know @thegreentwin @twinkle-320 @forallthatitsworth @kingliam2019 @marshmallowsandfire @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @princessleac1 @twinkleallnight @tinkie1973 @drakexwillow @moneyfordiamonds 
@yukinagato2012​ @alyssalauren​
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dreamingofaizawa · 4 years
Soft Yan! Erasermic x Chubby Fem! Reader
Summary: Reader gets a new home and is perfectly fine with it, but soon her desires get the best of her.
**18+ Fic**
Warnings: Kidnapping, drug use, NSFW, smut, double penetration, yandere themes, light D/S dynamic, daddy kink like once, BDSM themes, Stockholm Syndrome, overall nastiness
Word Count: 5.1k
Author’s Note: This one’s extremely self indulgent, focusing on a chubby or heavy reader and their insecurities being accepted. Also, I feel like these two would be unfairly amazing with aftercare. If you skip the warnings it ain’t my fault if you don’t like what you read. Thanks and enjoy!
“Happy birthday to me” you mumbled to yourself as you polished off your third glass of whiskey of the night.
It was late, probably close to 2 am, and you sat at your usual spot on the end of the bar. You rapped your knuckles on the wooden countertop, signaling the bartender to pour you another glass. He obliged with a nod and a warm smile, which you easily returned. It was always like this, sitting alone at the edge of the bar on a Friday night, drinking away your stress where you knew you wouldn’t be bothered by your meddlesome coworkers.
The bar was getting quiet, with only a handful of patrons chatting and laughing away in their drunken states. And they were there again. Always sitting in the corner of the establishment, tucked away in a booth together. The two men were there when you started attending the bar on a regular basis a few months ago, and always stayed after you’d left. It seemed normal at first, just a couple of guys drinking at a bar. But you’d caught them looking at you on several occasions. You never looked at them directly, but you always saw their reflections in the glass bottles of liquor, their eyes trained on you with no clear expressions on their faces. They never came over to talk, never made a move, never even got within 5 feet of you. And that’s the way you liked it.
Until tonight.
Both men stood up, and you watched as their reflections casually made their way over to the bar. You averted your eyes and pretended not to notice, hoping they’d leave you alone. “Hey there” Well, so much for leaving me alone. You turned to see a handsomely rugged man looking down at you, his raven hair loose and framing his chiseled jaw and his dark eyes peering into your own. You notice a curved scar just under his right eye. His friend stood beside him, with long blonde hair tied up in a laxed ponytail and hypnotic green eyes trained on you behind orange tinted sunglasses.
“Hi fellas” you spoke, eyeing the two with a quirked eyebrow. The blonde moved over to your left and sat down next to you, the other choosing to stand on your right. “Hey little listener! Mind if I sit here?” the blonde asked with a megawatt grin, the sheer volume of his voice startled you a little. “Not at all” you said with a warm smile. ‘Listener? What a strange nickname’ you thought. There was a few seconds of silence before the dark haired man spoke. “So, what’s the occasion?” You wondered how he knew there was an occasion, and almost reading your mind he said, “You’re pretty dolled up for a night at the bar” Huh. Looks like they were watching me after all. 
You took a swig of whiskey before speaking. “Nothing special. It’s just my birthday”. And you meant it. Your birthday was never anything special. Just a testament to another routine year on this earth. “I’d say that’s pretty special, sunshine!” the blonde nudged your shoulder as he spoke. You laughed at that statement. “Nah, just another year gone by” The alcohol was starting to get to you, you could tell. You were never this talkative sober. 
The black haired man knocked on the bar, “Next round’s on me. Hey barkeep, one more glass for this pretty kitten here” The pet name made your cheeks tingle a little, but you kept it under control and tilted your head. You scoffed “Kitten? Really?” He looked you up and down and said “Well how would you describe yourself, kitty?” He smirked at you, waiting for your response. The logical side of your brain warned you ‘Don’t do it, you can’t be self deprecating on your 25th birthday’. You didn’t listen. “Well I’m far from cat-like. Chubby, short, chunky. The only thing cat-like about me would have to be my trained posture and eyeliner” You chuckled, matter-of-factly. You worked as a waitress at an esteemed high-end restaurant and you had to learn to be quick on your feet, agile, and most importantly, poised.
“Hmm, pretty and humble” the blonde muttered. You laughed again “Pretty. Right”. Neither of them said anything. You looked at the two men, closely. Where did you recognize them? Why did they look so familiar? There was silence as you studied their faces. Then it struck you. Your eyes went wide and you took a sharp inhale “You’re Eraserhead” you looked over at him, and then turned to the blonde “And you’re Present Mic”. Both men grinned at the recognition, “In the flesh sunshine”. You turned and stared at your drink, feeling your face get warm. You were extremely socially awkward and hated confrontation, even if it were friendly, so you did the only thing that could save you and excused yourself to the ladies’ room. 
Once the door closed behind you you let out a shaky breath and leaned over the sink, staring at your reflection in the mirror. What the hell were they doing talking to you? Or even looking at you? You backed up, deciding to fix yourself. You pulled your skirt down a little further over your thighs, tugged your thigh-high socks a little higher, and redid your ponytail.Taking a deep breath, you walked back out to the two heroes and sat down, a new glass of whiskey on the bartop in front of you. With slightly shaky hands you grabbed the glass and took a big swig, then glanced between the two men and said “It’s very nice to meet you” Eraserhead chuckled and Mic said “Likewise sweetheart. The name’s Hizashi” “And you can call me Shouta”.
The night went on and the three of you talked for another hour or so. Eventually you glanced at your watch and decided it’s time to go home. “Let us take you home (y/n)” Shouta offered. You declined politely, you couldn’t intrude on them any more than you already had. But they insisted, so you obliged, deciding that walking home in these 4-inch platform boot heels would kill you. Shouta hadn’t had a drink all night so he hopped in the driver’s seat, Hizashi in the passenger and you in the back. You punched your address into the GPS and the car started moving. 
“Water?” Hizashi offered, holding a bottle of water over the back of his seat. You took it and thanked him, immediately chugging the whole bottle in one breath. You didn’t notice Shouta watching you, and you didn’t notice the bottle had already been opened and laced with something. Soon your head became heavy, along with your eyelids as you tried to blink away sleep. “You seem tired (y/n), why don’t you take a nap. We’ll wake you up when we get there” You nodded and sprawled across the backseat, settling into a deep sleep, unaware that you were never going to see your bed again.
You woke up sore and stiff, and you stretched out, feeling the soft silky sheets under your body. It took you a moment to realise these weren’t your sheets, and you snapped your eyes open and sat up to an unfamiliar room. “Shit” you cursed under your breath. You strained your memory to see if you’d gone home with anyone the night before, but the last thing you remember was being driven home by two pro heroes and passing out in the backseat of their car. Your head began to swim with possibilities and questions. Where am I? Why am I here? Where were the two heroes? You tried to cross your legs but your left ankle was stopped short. You threw the blanket off and saw a metal cuff and a thick chain holding you in place. 
You felt yourself start to panic, but leveled your head and steadied your breathing before you lost control. You willed yourself to relax, and think of ways to get out of this predicament. Today is Saturday. Whoever took me would be here, assuming this room is part of a larger house. You stilled your nerves and gently called out. “H-hello? Is there anyone there?” A few seconds later you hear footsteps, and the door opened. The last thing you expected to see was a handsomely rugged pro hero Shouta Aizawa standing in the doorway. “Morning kitty” he said with a smirk.
You froze in place and blinked at the man. You lost yourself in your head, remembering all the yandere fanfic you read, remembering last night and piecing things together. The bottle of water was already open. To be fair, they are heroes. Letting your guard down was only natural. A hand on your shoulder jolted you back to reality. You stared at Shouta like a deer in headlights. “You okay there?” You blinked back at him, and swallowed down the lump in your throat before saying “Let me guess. This is my new home”. He stared back down at you before chuckling, “Well that’s not the reaction I was expecting. You’re a smart little kitty, aren’t you?”
He left the room and you got lost in thought again. You knew you shouldn’t be so calm, so willing, so obedient. But you also knew how boring your life had been, how mundane and lonely. You had cut ties with your family a long time ago, and you didn’t have any friends because of your trust issues and antisociality. You knew, deep down, you wanted something like this to happen. To give up control.
And it shone through the more you explored in your late teen years. You found how much you loved the idea of having a dominant person to tell you you were doing good, someone you could trust to guide you. Someone to take over and lead you. The few relationships you had fell through once your partner learned about your preferences. They weren’t willing to put a collar on you, like you were some sort of animal. They never understood the trust and respect that came with the garment. 
Maybe this was your chance to have the relationship you’d always yearned for. To be loved for exactly who you are. And you knew it was wrong to want to like your captors, the people who kidnapped you. But in reality what were you going to do? Try to escape and risk injuring yourself? Or worse, risk getting caught and be punished for it? There were no realistic scenarios where you got out of here and escape from them completely. If they were the yandere types you thought them to be, you knew it was pointless to struggle.
Shouta came back and broke you out of your thoughts with a tray of pancakes, fruit, and a glass of orange juice. You shifted so you were sitting against the headboard and he placed the tray on your lap. You mumbled a small ‘thank you’ and began to eat, only now realizing how hungry you were. About halfway through the meal he spoke. “You know, you’re taking this really well.” You finished the food in your mouth and looked at him “Well there’s no use panicking. I’d only end up hurting myself. Besides, it’s not like I can get out” you said, motioning to the chain and cuff around your ankle. “You’re not wrong,” he said back, and left you to finish breakfast. 
He came back ten minutes later, took the tray, and returned with a key, handcuffs, and a blindfold. “I’m sure you need to use the bathroom” you nodded, acknowledging the pressure on your bladder “These are just a precaution” he said as he locked the cuffs around your wrists and tied the blindfold around your head. You felt the cuff on your ankle fall off and Shouta’s arms under your knees and back as he lifted you off the bed and carried you to where you assumed the bathroom was. Once inside, he put you down and took the blindfold and cuffs off. He stepped outside and locked the door and said “I’ll be waiting out here. Once you’re done knock on the door and I’ll take you back to the bed”. You nodded, and did just that. Back on the bed, he locked the cuff around your ankle and stood to leave before you stopped him. 
“H-hey, S-shouta?” he turned around and quirked an eyebrow, “Can I…draw?” You had no idea if he’d let you have anything, but you had to try. If you were going to be stuck in here you needed a way to keep yourself occupied. He hummed and left the room, returning with a sketch pad, a pencil, and an eraser. Once he left you began sketching away, deciding koi fish were to be the subjects of your creativity.
Days went by, being served three meals a day by either Shouta or Hizashi. Eventually, they began to question why you were so obedient and calm about the whole situation. They began to think you were just trying to get them to let their guard down, and give you a chance to escape. You always answered their questions truthfully. “I don’t mind it here. My life had always been uneventful so the change is mildly appreciated. And you treat me well, so I can say I’m at least a little happy”. They weren’t anything like you expected. They weren’t overly protective or controlling, never posed any kind of threat. Never tried to convince you of anything, not that they had to.
After about a week, they took the cuff off your ankle and stored it away. “You can roam the house freely” Shouta said, holding his hand out to you. Gingerly you took his hand, slowly standing from the bed. Your legs shook a little, but Shouta held you so you could stretch them out and get comfortable walking again. He walked out, motioning for you to follow. You ended up in the dining room, sitting at the table. With Shouta sitting next to you, you assumed Hizashi was in the kitchen cooking dinner.
“So (y/n), what have you been drawing?”. The question caught you off guard, but you answered “Koi fish”. “Ah, any particular reason why?”. You thought to yourself for a moment, and answered “Well they’re gorgeous creatures, elegant, sleek, graceful. I’ve always loved drawing koi”. He hummed, seemingly pleased with your answer. You then started to ramble a bit about how koi reminded you of dragons for some reason, and how beautiful you thought dragons were.
Soon dinner was served and Hizashi was caught up in the conversation. After dinner you all went to watch movies in the living room, and you dozed off between the two men, relishing in the warmth their bodies radiated. Shouta carried you to the bed and laid you down to sleep, placing a chaste kiss on your forehead. He stood there, admiring you for a few minutes before leaving to join Hizashi in their room.
After a couple months living with the two men, thoughts began to swirl around in your brain. Caring thoughts. And needy, dirty thoughts. You’d push them away as quickly as they came because you knew what was happening. You read about Stockholm syndrome many times, and you tried desperately to remind yourself that liking them was wrong. But you were in far too deep. Eventually the part of you that tried to fight it lost miserably and you stopped pushing those thoughts away, because despite the kidnapping, they were nothing but good to you.
The days they’d both have to leave for their hero duties were the days you’d begin to realize you missed them. You dug through their closet and began to wear one or the other’s t-shirts around the house. Eventually it became normal. You’d always wear their clothes, whether they were home or not, and they didn’t seem to mind. You got closer to them, getting more cuddly and affectionate, giving and receiving more kisses. Soon you were all sleeping together, and life began to feel strangely normal. But the realization of how sexually frustrated you were drove you mad. 
You wanted to feel their hands on you, touching you, caressing you, making you feel good. You couldn’t take it anymore. You needed them. But you had some pride, so you just left hints. You dressed lighter, showing more skin. Not wearing any shorts with their t-shirts, letting the collars drop and expose your shoulders. You could see them looking. Their glances made you ache, you wanted them so bad. But they weren’t budging. So you gave in and tossed your pride aside.
One day after they came home from patrol and dinner was finished, you quickly washed the dishes and tugged them over to the living room couch and sat down on the coffee table, facing them. Their confused expressions only grew more confused when your face burned red. What you were about to ask them embarrassed you to no end, but you had to do it or you’d go insane.
You took a deep breath, looked up at them, and began quietly. “S-so, um, I really like it here, and…and I appreciate everything you two have done for me…” you swallowed the lump that formed in your throat, “a-and I know you’ve given me everything I asked-” you were abruptly cut off by Shouta saying “No, (y/n), you can’t go outside”. The statement threw you off, and you quickly rambled “N-no, no! That’s not…I wasn’t asking to leave! I love it here and I love just being with you two and doing whatever…but it’s not what we do…it’s what we…don’t do…that’s bothering me…just a little bit…”
Shouta’s stern expression turned soft, then after a few moments  a knowing smirk tugged at his lips. Hizashi still looked as confused as before the conversation and said “Sunshine, you aren’t making much sense. There’s a lot of things we don’t do”. Shouta spoke up “‘Zashi, hold on”. Hizashi quieted and shrugged. Shouta looked at you with narrow eyes and a knowing smirk. “Come here kitty” he said and pat his leg. The name sent shivers down your spine. You bit your lip, got up and straddled his lap. He tucked his finger under your chin and pulled so you were looking him in the eyes “I think our kitty cat’s getting a little needy, ‘Zashi. Isn’t that right kitty?”. Your face burned fiercely, and you bit your lip harder and gave a small nod.
Shouta dropped his hand and grabbed your waist, lifting you off his lap and onto Hizashi as he stood up to get something. You closed your eyes and let out a small squeak from the sudden movement. You opened your eyes to Hizashi’s wide grin. He wrapped his arms around your waist, leaned forward and slotted his lips against yours, giving you a soft affectionate kiss. You melted into his arms, letting a haze drift into your mind. Shouta came back holding something, but you couldn’t quite see it in his hand. You looked back up at his face, and he looked at Hizashi. The two shared a look and you couldn’t quite place their expressions. 
Shouta sat down, and began gently rubbing your arm. He seemed to be trying to figure out how to say something, but he decided actions were better than words. He took a small breath and held up what he’d been holding. And it made your breath hitch in your throat. You realized in that moment that they had been watching you a lot more than just at the bar. They knew about your relationship issues, your preferences, they knew everything. 
It was a collar. And it was beautiful. One half was black leather, studded with yellow gems, the other half yellow with black gems, and the center had a silver loop with a little bell. You reached out and touched it, letting your fingers trace over the gems. You look up at Shouta and the question leaves your lips before you can think. “Is it for me?” he nods, and it made tears prick the corners of your eyes. He knew what you wanted. They both did. He gives a sweet smile and moves behind you, looping it around your neck. You hold your hair up, and wait for the sound.
It locks, and you shudder, letting out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Shouta tilts your head and kisses you, soft and deep. He loops a finger through the collar and gently tugs, and you let out a mewl, letting him dip his tongue past your lips. A haze drifts over your mind in a thick blanket, and you melt into the kiss. He pulls away, and you look up at him with lust-blown eyes, then look at Hizashi who leans over and kisses your cheek. 
Hizashi picks you up and places you on the floor and the two stand up, Shouta loops a finger in your collar and tugs, and the two lead you over to the bedroom. Hizashi begins to undress first, and Shouta pulls you into another heated kiss. This time a little more rough, a little more passionate, his tongue gliding over yours. He bites your bottom lip and you let out a soft moan. Hizashi, now completely naked, sits on the edge of the bed and calls out to you “Come over here baby”. You pull away from Shouta and walk over to the blonde. He motions for you to turn around, and he grabs your hips and pulls you onto his lap. 
He pulls off the shirt you’re wearing, groaning after seeing you had no bra on. He pulls you by your arms, pressing your back against his chest, and peppers kisses along your neck and shoulders. You mewl softly, shuddering from the sensation. You didn’t know kisses could feel so good. Shouta comes over and starts to massage your breasts, kneading them with his palms and grazing over the sensitive buds. Hizashi brings his hands to your stomach and gently caresses and grabs at the soft flesh, squishing and kneading the fat gathered there.
You whine from the contact, and feeling extremely self-conscious you grab his arms and try to pull him away. He shushes you and whispers in your ear “It’s okay, baby, let me feel you. You’re so beautiful”. He nips at your ear and kisses your neck. You let your arms relax and drop to your sides, letting the blonde explore your body the way he wants. Shouta kneels in front of you and takes a nipple into his mouth, sucking and nibbling. He grabs your thighs and pulls your legs apart, squeezing the fat there. 
As the two squeeze and grope every part of you that you never liked, you can’t help but feel exposed and slightly uncomfortable. You whimper softly, tears beginning to sting your eyes as you take shaky breaths to still yourself. Hizashi turns your head and kisses away the tears as they fall, and Shouta leans up and kisses your belly and thighs. “Shhh kitty, let us love you. Let us love all of you, kitty cat. You’re so pretty…such a pretty little kitty~”. 
You relax further, and you realize these two beautiful men are worshipping your body like you’re a goddess. You’re far from being comfortable in your skin, but the initial fear is gone, and your body relaxes as they continue their ministrations. “Good girl kitty. Good girl” Shouta whispers as he kisses and nips at your thighs. “Open your legs for us baby” Hizashi dips his fingers down and teases your dripping core, slipping up and down your folds as Shouta pulls your panties down and off your legs. You buck your hips up, begging for more friction. He dips two fingers into your core and a soft moan escapes your lips.
He reaches his thumb up to rub tight circles over your clit, and you mewl at the sensation, rocking your hips into his hand. Shouta continues focusing on your breasts and belly, kneading and kissing and licking. Soon you feel a knot form in your stomach, tightening and burning. Hizashi feels your pussy clenching around his fingers and quickens his pace, curling his fingers to hit your g-spot and rubbing your clit faster. The knot snaps and you’re falling apart on Hizashi’s lap, back arched and legs shaking, you throw your head back against his shoulder and cry out, pleasure racking your body in waves. Hizashi keeps moving his fingers inside you, letting you ride out your high.
After your release you relax back down, breathing hard. Hizashi lifts you up and lays you down on the bed, Shouta crawling up over you and kissing you sweetly. He grabs your legs and wraps them around his waist, lining up his painfully hard erection with your throbbing pussy. “You ready kitty?” He asks, and you look up at him through your lashes and nod. He tugs at your collar “Use your words kitty cat. Are you ready for me?”. Your eyes widen slightly and you answer without thinking “Yes Daddy”. Shouta growls at the name and swears under his breath. He thrusts his hips forward and bottoms out in one movement. You gasp, the stretch around his thick length was almost enough to make you cum a second time.
Shouta stills to let you adjust and leans down to kiss the bruises on your neck from Hizashi. “I’m going to move now kitty. Relax for me” He starts slow, groaning as he watches his length slide in and out of your core. Your warmth feels so good around his cock, and he moves faster, driving his cock deep into your pussy, walls clenching around him. Hizashi lays down next to you and puts two fingers into your mouth. Your tongue slides over his fingers, coating them in your saliva. 
He pulls them out and goes to rub your clit, leaning over and placing open mouth kisses along your collarbone, sucking new bruises onto your skin. Suddenly both men stop their movements, Shouta pulling out and Hizashi removing his hand from your mound and you whine at the emptiness, your pussy clenching around nothing. Shouta moves to sit and pulls you onto his lap, pressing your chests together, and Hizashi sits up behind you, pressing against your back. “On your knees baby girl, hold yourself up” Hizashi says into your neck.
You oblige, holding yourself up as the two men line themselves up with your dripping core. Once they’re ready, They grab your hips and pull you onto them, both of their hard cocks slipping into your pussy. You throw your head back against Hizashi’s shoulder, nearly screaming from the stretch. Your nails dig into Shouta’s back as they bottom out. They still their movements, all three of you panting hard. Despite the lack of movement, you mewl and whimper, your walls clenching and stretching to accommodate the both of them.
You relax slightly, feeling fuller than you’ve ever been before, and they immediately start to move. They pull out until just the tips are still in, and slam you down onto them, setting a brutal pace. You scream from the pleasure, clawing at the muscles in Shouta’s back. Hizashi reaches around to rub your clit and it shoves you over the edge and has you cumming around them, your essence dripping down your thighs and their cocks. They keep slamming back into you, your pussy clenching around them. They slow their pace ever so slightly, feeling their own release building. Hizashi keeps rubbing tight circles around your clit “Do you have one more for us baby? Cum one more time”.
You whine from the overstimulation, feeling every vein as they pump themselves in and out of your core. Tears fall down your cheeks and a familiar tension fills the pit of your stomach. Shouta leans down and bites down hard on the sweet spot between your neck and shoulder, just under the collar, and it pulls you over, crying out as your pussy clamps down hard. Their hips stutter, and they pick up the pace, chasing their own release as you ride out your high. They thrust two more times and they’re both shooting hot ropes of cum into you, filling you to the brim. 
They still their movements, holding you and each other close. After a few moments, they pull out together, the movement making you moan and shake. Your body goes limp and Shouta pulls you to lean against him. You’re sobbing softly into Shouta’s shoulder, your last release washing over your body almost painfully, your bones already beginning to ache. Shouta rubs your back softly and Hizashi peppers soft kisses along your shoulders. 
Shouta picks you up and the three of you go over to the bathroom. Hizashi plugs the drain and turns on the tap to fill the large tub with hot water. Shouta climbs in and sits down, still cradling you, and the slowly rising water begins to soothe you. Hizashi pulls out a tube of ointment and rubs it onto Shouta’s back, relieving the scratch marks you left on him. After tending to Shouta he takes off your collar and sinks into the tub, leaning against you. You let the two massage you and wash you, bringing you back down to earth.
“You okay kitten?” Shouta rumbles into your ear, petting your hair. You nod into his shoulder and grab Hizashi’s hand, squeezing it appreciatively. They both muttered soft ‘good girl’s and ‘good kitty’s in you ears. You felt secure with them, the hot water and the care of the two bring you back down to earth, and you start to feel fatigue pulling at your consciousness. Hizashi notices you drifting off. He takes you from Shouta and dries you off with a towel and loops your collar back around your neck. “Sho, I’m going to take her to bed. When you’re ready come join us”. Shouta hums and Hizashi carries you to bed.
You lay with Hizashi and cuddle into his chest, letting him hold you and rock you as you drift off. After a few minutes you feel the bed behind you dip and look up at Shouta with half lidded eyes. He gives you a peck on the lips before nuzzling against your back. With a long, soft sigh you melt into their arms, and as you fall asleep you mumble a soft “I love you both” into Hizashi’s chest, and Shouta whispers into your ear “We love you too kitty cat.”
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kitkatd7 · 4 years
What Could’ve Been; Broken Hearts & Whiskey Pt. 2
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Bucky finally starts trying to get his shit together but when you show up with another man it throws everyone for a loop.
Warnings: Angst! Overprotective Bucky, Pissed reader, Threats, womanizing character who gets what he deserves, Talk of the breakup, Cursing that Steve would be ashamed of, Tiniest bit of fluff but not really.   
Word Count: 3,331
A/N: I’m finally backkk!!! I’ve been wanting to work on this series for some time now and I’m finally getting a bit of motivation to do so! I hope you enjoy it!
A/N 2: Entire paragraphs of italics are flashbacks, single sentences of italics are internal thoughts, Bold italics are song lyrics.  I used lyrics from the song What Could’ve Been by Gone West for this story.  
Masterlist of Masterlists || Marvel Masterlist || Series Masterlist || Part 1
**2 Months After Breakup**
Waltzing into the living room of the Avengers tower, you're met with a chorus of greetings from your adopted family. Despite you and Bucky being over you still spend time with everyone else- just when he isn’t around. 
You haven’t seen him since you broke up and you’d like to keep it that way. Seeing him would just be more than you could handle; you already lost him so why remind yourself of it more often than you already do? But at the same time his absence from movie night is just as painful of a reminder- like a puzzle with a lost piece. 
Snapping back to reality you give a halfhearted smile, joining Steve and Sam on the couch as Natasha hits play on ‘John Wick’.
2 hours later you’re standing in the kitchen making snacks with Sam before the next movie starts. “That’s ridiculous, Sammy!” You giggle, watching the microwave timer count down until the popcorn is ready. “Bacon does not belong in ice cream.”
You hear him chuckle behind you as he empties M&M’s into bowls. “Bacon belongs in everything, sweetheart. You're gonna try it sometime or else...”
“Or else what, Sa-” You cut off as you turn around, frozen on the spot as you peer over 
Sam’s shoulder.
“Hey, y/n,” Bucky whispers. Your gaze travels up and down the man you used to know, but he’s different. His eyes have bags beneath them from lack of sleep, his hair longer and more unruly than it was the last time you saw him. The stubborn jawline you remembered was replaced by a nervous clenched jaw. His eyes once so bright were now timid and dull; no longer holding the same sparkle that used to make you smile.
In an instant your expression went from a carefree woman with her friends to the girl who’s heart was shattered by the stranger before you whose face you used to know so well. 
“Can we talk?” Bucky asks gently, his expression hopeful yet dreading. 
“What are you doing here, James?” you whisper, wrapping your arms around yourself as Sam looks between you both carefully.
“I live here,” Bucky nearly scoffs. 
“Barnes,” Sam warns, his shoulders tense as he glances at you worriedly.
“I don’t want to talk to you, James. I have nothing to say.”
“All you have to do is listen. Please, doll.” 
Despite your best efforts to appear unbothered, the nickname shatters your false bravado. “Don’t call me that,” your voice breaks as tears cloud your vision.
“Excuse me,” you whisper, rushing past both men, ignoring Bucky’s call of your name and attempt to stop you. 
“Let her go, man. You’ve done enough,” you hear Sam say as you flee down the hallway, slamming the bathroom door behind you. 
Locking the door you turn on the faucet as the tears begin to fall and the suppressed memories rush back:
**2 Months Before Breakup* Flashbacks*
“It’s midnight! Where the hell were you?” You yelled, tears pricking your eyes.
Bucky sighed in defeat, his expression resigned and cold. “Can we do this in the morning?” His tone more of an order than a request as he turns his back on you and begins to walk down the hallway of your apartment. 
“No, we can’t do it in the morning. You owe me an explanation. You were supposed to be here when my parents got here. You promised.” You sniffled as Bucky’s shoulders stiffened. “I’m sorry. I don’t have a good enough reason,” he mumbles before walking away. 
I haven't stopped thinking about you
Has it really been this long?
Two years and an ocean between us
And I don't know where it all went wrong
I know I coulda kissed you harder
And yeah, you coulda followed through
Shoulda talked a little bit softer
But we meant every "I love you"
**1 Month Before Breakup**
Glancing around the restaurant you see no sign of Bucky. Checking your phone for the 8th time in the past 10 minutes, you sigh. Where is he? You’ve been here for an hour; waiting in your new dress for the man who hadn’t bothered to show. You’re getting tired of the pitiful looks the waitress and the other customers are shooting you. Polishing off your second glass of wine you open your phone: no new messages.
You’ve already sent Bucky 5 texts and called him 4 times; you're done.
Paying for the wine quickly you all but flee the restaurant, trying to hold back your tears. If you weren’t so upset you would probably laugh; laugh at yourself for being so naive to think he would keep his word. But you can’t bring yourself to laugh, not while your heart slowly shatters at the hands of the man who swore never to hurt you.
I don't know what this is or what it isn't
But it feels like we've got unfinished business
**2 Months Ago; AKA Week of Breakup**
“Hey this is y/n, I can’t come to the phone right now cuz I’m out livin my life! Leave it at the beep.” He hears your all too familiar voicemail through the speaker. He had helped you come up with it, you hadn’t known what to put on it. He kicks himself, knowing you weren’t actually out living your life, just dodging his calls. Not that he blamed you- He deserved it and he knew it. Calling again, he’s not surprised when he hears your voicemail again.
“Hey… Um, listen, I know I was supposed to be at your place after the mission… I just wanted to unwind with the guys and- Shit. I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t think you would mind that much, I’ll be over in a bit to make it up to you, okay?” He leaves the message and ends the call before starting his car and driving towards your apartment, guilt heavy in his stomach.
You listen to his voicemail over and over, a strange mix of rage and sorrow weighing on your heart.
Tears roll slowly down your cheeks silently as you lay curled up in a defensive ball on your bed, trying to block out the unmistakable sound of Bucky begging you to open the front door; “Babe, please open the door,” He says, fist resting gently against the frame. “I’m sorry- really, really sorry. Please let me in and we can talk about it,” He sighs, resting his head against the door in defeat. He could break the lock and go in. You both know that. But he wouldn’t do that to you- All that would do is make you fear him and that’s the last thing he wants. He slides his back down the wall til he’s sitting on the floor next to your door, his elbows on his knees and his hands in his hair; Tears gathering in his lashes. He really messed up this time.
The next day you drag yourself out of bed, trying to forget last night and all the tears you shed. After a shower and breakfast, you head out the door for a coffee run before work. You stop in your tracks when you see Bucky still sitting there, eyes red from lack of sleep and regret written all over his face. He jumps up when you walk out, keys in hand, the door closing behind you. “What are you doing here?” 
“I- I came to apologize,” he murmurs, looking in your eyes.
“I don’t want to hear it,” you bite, moving to step around him but stopping when he steps to block your path.
“Bucky, I’m going to be late for work,” you say coldly, glaring at him. “Move out of the way.”
“Please doll, just let me explain-”
Huffing, you roll your eyes. “I understand perfectly, James.” You watch as he flinches a little at the use of his first name. You only use it when you're really mad or really happy, and it isn’t the latter right now. “You were too busy with your beer buddies to come see your girlfriend after being gone for three weeks, but what’s new? It’s been like this for months. I guess it was naive of me to expect something else this time.” 
'Cause we left blood the on the tracks
Sweat on the saddle
Fire in the hills
A bullet in the barrel
Words never said in a story that didn't end
Looks like you're on the mend and I'm on the bottle
We folded our hands with money on the table
**Present Day**
All the broken promises, nights alone and tears came rushing back as sobs racked your body. Sliding down the door you rest your head between your knees, eyes screwing shut tightly in a useless attempt to stop the bittersweet memories and tears. 
Little do you know that outside the door sat a man with tears clouding his vision as he listened to your muffled sobs on the other side of the door. In that moment he wanted nothing more than to turn back time and undo all of the agony he caused you and hold you like he's been wishing he could for the past 2 months. You were just on the other side of the door, separated from him by a few inches of wood and yet you had never been farther away. What did he do?
Tried moving on, but I keep coming back again
To what could've been
What could've been
Oh, what could've been
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Stumbling into your apartment you all but throw your keys and purse down before shuffling into the bathroom and turning on the hot water for a shower before turning back to the mirror.
The person you see looking back at you in the mirror isn’t who you remember- or at least not who you thought you were. The person you remember was carefree and happy; living in a dream with the love of their life. You don’t recognize the girl in the mirror with swollen, bloodshot eyes and shoulders that hold the weight of the world. What happened to the girl you used to know?
A single tear rolled down your cheek, leaving a mournful trail in its wake. Bucky. Bucky happened to that girl. 
There had always been doubt hidden in the back of your mind; doubt that your beautifully woven reality would become nothing more than a tangled web of what once was and could’ve been, but you never thought it would end like this. You had imagined it being another girl that came between you, or perhaps his self loathing or the inadequacy you felt. Never did you think it would be the unexplainable, cold, unfeeling resentment that had taken over the gentle, sweet man you thought you knew.  Where did it go wrong?
A couple more simple, "I'm sorry's"
A little less tryna be right
I wonder how many good mornings we wasted
'Cause we didn't say goodnight
One touch before we fell asleep
Just before our love was out of reach
Coulda been enough, coulda saved us from this loneliness
“Steve?” Bucky calls out as he strides into the training room, the door banging shut behind him. Whirling around Steve clutches a hand to his chest. “Jesus, Buck! You scared the hell out of me!”
“I need your help,” Bucky demands, jaw set in a firm line and his eyes glittering with determination. 
Steve runs a hand over his face, letting out a sigh. “Is this about Y/N and the other night? Because if it is I am not apologizing to the poor girl for you, so you can just-” 
“I want her back.” 
“You what?!” Steve exclaimed, his jaw dropping.
“I want her back- I need her back. And I need you to help me.” 
“Damn it, Bucky. It’s been 2 months and you saw how she still feels about what you did. How are we gonna fix that?”
“I don’t know yet, Steve… But I have to try. Please.”
Strolling into Tony’s party happily, you smile up at your date, your arm linked with his.
You greet Tony with a warm smile and a kiss on the cheek before turning towards the sound of Natasha calling your name. Sashaying towards her you give her a hug before turning to give Thor and Steve one as well.
“So, who’s this?” Nat asks, gesturing towards your date who’s eyeing her unabashedly, his gaze dropping to her neckline.
“Oh, sorry! This is Jordan!” 
You roll your eyes as Thor begins lightly interrogating him, but he doesn’t pay much attention, his gaze fixed on Natasha’s retreating form.
“Can we talk?” Steve asks, his hand resting gently on your forearm. Following him into a nearby corridor you give him a puzzled look. “Is something wrong, Steve?”
“Um, not exactly…” he murmurs, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Well, what is it then?”
“It’s about Bucky.” Seeing your irritated expression he holds up his hands innocently. “Wait a minute. Just hear me out, okay?”
“Look, he’s been spiraling since you guys broke up; not eating, always working and out on missions constantly, and his nightmares are getting worse again.”
“Why should I care?”
“Don’t do that. Don’t pretend like you don’t still love hi- Actually, fine, Y/N. If you want to pretend that you don’t care then that’s your problem. Just know that seeing you the other night? Changed something. He’s trying again, and I don’t want to see him lose that. So even if you want to tell yourself that it doesn’t matter to you, at least think about it for me.” Steve turned away, pausing for a moment. “Oh, and by the way? Seeing you here tonight with someone else isn’t gonna be good for anyone… But why should you care, right?”
Taken aback by Steve’s lack of usual patience, you can only watch as he walks off, disappearing into the crowd and leaving you with mixed emotions and a hard decision ahead of you; what were you gonna do?
No matter how hard you tried to block out thoughts of Bucky they always managed to slip back in between the cracks in your shattered heart. Steve was right; you did care. But what were you supposed to do about it tonight? Especially about Jordan. Were you supposed to walk up to him and say ‘oh, by the way you have to leave because my ex is here and he may or may not rip your arms off? No, that wouldn’t work.
Racking your brain for a solution, you snag a glass of champagne from one of the passing trays, downing it in the hopes of drowning your mixed emotions - it didn’t work. Taking a deep breath, you start weaving between the sea of bodies towards where you left Jordan.
Spotting Thor and Tony you make your way towards them, smirking when you hear Tony arguing with Thor over… something. 
“Where’s Jordan?” you ask, joining their small circle and trying to shake off your conversation with Steve.
“He was here a minute ago… I’m not sure though, kiddo,” Tony says, giving you a puzzled glance. “Speak of the devil, here he is!” Tony exclaims as you look over your shoulder to see a slightly ruffled Jordan walking towards you, his eyes holding an unnatural hazy look.
“Where were you?” You ask lightly, gaze raking his bedraggled form; his shirt slightly untucked, hair mused and lips pink. 
“Oh um, nowhere. Just the bathroom.”  
Accepting another glass of champagne, you push down the fury in your chest. You’d just taken a sip when an all too familiar figure came to stand beside you; a scotch glass in his hand and clad in an unfairly attractive black suit. “Hey Y/N, who’s this?” 
Nearly choking on your drink, your eyes widen. “Bucky! What are you doing here? You hate these parties!” You say before you can stop yourself. Stupid. The offhanded statement would seem innocent to most, but to you- to you it was a reminder that you still knew him better than anyone else did, a reminder that you remembered all the nights alone together instead of at the noisy parties, a reminder that you still cared enough to remember. 
You could see that he was thinking the same thing. “This is Jordan. My…” you faded off, not quite sure what to call him.”
“Date,” Jordan finishes for you, wrapping his left arm around your waist lazily, his hand traveling slightly further than appropriate for the first date. “But we’re keeping things loose, isn’t that right?” Jordan asks, glancing at you but not waiting for an answer. “And who the hell are you?”
Your eyes widen in shock, glancing back and forth between the two men; taking in Jordan’s cocky smirk and Bucky’s knowing look. 
Bucky extended his hand, a malicious smirk on his lips and dark glint in his eyes as he took in the unprofessional state of Jordan- including the lipstick stain on his white button down- and the uncomfortable shift of your weight, leaning away from your sorry excuse of a date. 
Jordan accepted the outstretched hand, wincing visibly and paling at Bucky’s iron grip.  “Bucky Barnes,” Bucky offered, enjoying as the other man wriggled uncomfortably in his grip, his arrogance forgotten. His gaze lighted on Bucky’s metal arm, his eyes lighting with recognition and terror. 
“Holy- you're the Winter Soldier! God man, I’ve heard so much about you-”
“An honor, I’m sure,” Bucky drawls, looking bored, his voice dropping an octave in warning. “Now get lost.” 
You sputter defiantly as Jordan scurries off, his tail between his legs. 
“What was that for?!” you fume,a fire burning in your eyes as you turn on Bucky.
“Oh c’mon. The guys’ been eyeing every other woman in here! He’s a douche! What was I supposed to do? Just let him feel you up after sneaking off with who knows what girl?”
“Who ‘feels me up’ is none of your concern anymore!” 
“Come off it, Y/N! You didn’t even want him touching you! I was protecting you, so your welcome,” he huffed.
“I don’t need protecting, and I sure as hell don’t need you to protect me. So you can go fuck yourself, James. You can’t treat me like shit for months and then get mad when someone else does the same thing!” you snarl, spinning on your heel and storming off as Bucky watches you. 
Bucky stalks across the floor, the crowd parting before him; not willing to get in the way of the 6 foot man on a mission. Locating his target- dancing with another girl no less- he grabs him roughly by the collar before pushing him against a pillar.
“What the hell, dude?” Jordan fumes, eyes locking on Bucky’s before he goes slack, his eyes widening in horror when he recognizes the former assassin.
“Every single thing you’ve ever heard about me is true, so shut up and listen closely,” Bucky growls, his arm braced against Jordans chest forcefully, a murderous glint in his eyes. “I expect you to do exactly what I say, and if you don’t, I’ll know. First, you are going to get your sorry ass out of here, and then you are going to send Y/N an apology text, telling her what an asshole you are, and that you don’t deserve to even look at her. Then, you are not going to get within 1,000 feet of her, and you are not going to text, call, or even think about her ever again, or I swear to God I will hunt you down, cut your balls off and shove them down your goddamn throat, got it? Nod if you understand. Good. Now. Get. Out.” 
Releasing Jordan, Bucky watches as he falls to the floor before scrambling towards the door with the fear of God instilled in him. 
“What the hell did you just do, Bucky?”
Thanks so much for reading! I really hope you enjoyed it! Feedback and constructive critism is cool :)
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Broken Hearts and Whiskey Series Tag: @irishflutiegirl @calwitch @marylimlp @lostinthoughtsandfeelings @tcc-gizmachine
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Sneaking Around - JJ (Outer Banks)
Request: Hello!! I love your JJ imagines! I was wondering if you could write one where they are secretly a thing behind everyone’s back and share quick kisses all the time and secret hand holds under the table, and then one night at a party or something everyone sees them alone looking soOoOo in love 🤪
Request: can you write 22 and 50 from the kiss list with jj? love your fics! xx
A/N: Was writing this while watching The Politician and got the lovely surprise of seeing Rudy for 2.5 seconds as an extra in episode 5. 
Outer Banks Masterlist
JJ leaned down, hands on the table between you and Pope, as he sat, kissing Pope on the cheek swiftly before kissing your cheek as well. Once he was situated you dropped your elbows from the table, your right hand finding his left. He glanced over at you, schooled expression in place, and then turned back to John B as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. His fingers laced with yours, holding your hand in his lap as you listened to your friends talk. His thumb traced circles on your skin. Your free hand propped your chin on the table, eyes fluttering every now and then as you tried to pay attention to the discussion at hand.  
It had happened at a party almost eight months ago. One of the upper classmen at Kildare County High School held a Halloween bash in a vacant house on figure 8. You dressed as Britney Spears circa 1998 in her famous school girl uniform though you’d traded her heeled maryjanes for an old pair of vans. You’d gone all out on the outfit; JJ had offered to drive you and there was nothing you wanted more than to impress him. You spent the whole night flirting with him, dancing with him. You thought maybe it wasn’t going to go passed that when JJ had spilled beer on you and somewhere between the kitchen and the laundry room you kissed him. Tipsy enough not to worry about the complications that pogue-on-pogue macking always led to. When you woke up in one of the bedrooms of the kook mansion the next morning, JJ beside you, you decided that you were sober enough not to let those complications stop you from being happy. But both of you knew what your friends would say so you agreed, no one could know. And no one did. You didn’t tell Kiara and he didn’t blab to John B and Pope.  
“That is not what happened!” Kiara shouted, leaning across the table to smack John B in the arm.  
JJ leaned over as the other three were distracted, lips brushing against your neck. You bit your  lip and covered your mouth with your hand. He kissed you neck, up to your ear. He pressed a kiss to your earlobe before whispering, “tonight?”
“My mom is staying at her boyfriend’s,” you replied, head turned just slightly, eyes on your friends so that if they looked over none of them would suspect anything.  
He kissed your jaw and then pulled away, cool air weaving into the space he once occupied as he tried to distance himself from you. When you decided that you would keep things a secret it was as if your brain suddenly developed a sixth sense for JJ. You suddenly noticed how many times the two of you sat together, shared a hammock, slept on the pull-out with each other. It had all been subconscious before but now it was all you could think about. Where you standing too close? Where you paying too much attention to him? Did the two of you spend too much one on one time together?  
The conversation died down again as Pope apparently gained the upper-hand in the story. When the waitress came around to get your order she stood at the other end of the table, giving JJ an excuse to press his body against yours as he leaned over, acting like she couldn’t hear him if he didn’t physically get as close as possible. Kiara tried to shush him when he got too loud and you winced at the sound of his voice in your ear. He was acting obnoxious on purpose because he knew it drew his friends attention away from how close he was to you. Pope grabbed his shirt and pulled him back into his place.
“Dude, shut up. You’re so loud.” He complained.  
“I second that.” You added, nudging JJ with your elbow.  
“I’m not being loud,” he replied, looking over at the waitress, “am I loud?”  
“Excuse him, he’s not trained yet.” Kiara said, glaring at JJ.
“I’ll get-” and just like that the table was being pulled back into ordering as John B read off the menu.  
JJ sat back in his seat, his hand reaching beneath the table for yours once again. You looked over at him, winking as you squeezed his hand. When he tried to wink back, both eyes closing instead, you bit your lip to stop from laughing out loud and drawing too much attention to the two of you.  
Once dinner was over and the bill had been divided amongst the five of you, you offered to take the money up to the counter. John B left to take the car around while Pope and JJ got into a miniature food fight, flinging leftovers at each other with their spoons. Pope held his fingers in a triangle as the food fight dissolved into food tabletop football.
“Guys!” Kiara hissed, leaning across the table and whacking JJ’s hand, “cut it out.”
“Oh come on Kie,” JJ whined, “that was gonna be a touchdown.”
“You guys are acting like five-year olds.”
“I think that’s an insult to five-year olds.” You replied, gathering the money and getting up from the table. You’d gone over it one more time to make sure that the tip was enough. As you stood you grabbed JJ’s wrist, “come on, I’ll babysit you. Kiara can take Pope out to the car.”
“I’ll behave please, don’t make me leave!” JJ said, raising his voice as he walked past crowded tables, catching other diners' attention as he went.
“Shut up.” You laughed, tugging his wrist to lead him to the counter. Once out of sight from your friends JJ twisted his arm and you released his wrist so that you could hold his hand. “You’re being ridiculous today.” You whispered.  
“You’re so mean to me.” JJ replied, pouting at you.  
“You’ll survive.”  
He looked back over to the table where Kiara and Pope had been. It was empty now, both of your friends going outside to wait in the bus with John B. Once you’d finished paying JJ pulled you toward the back of the diner, where the bathrooms were.
“What are we doing JJ?” You asked, laughing when he pushed you into the family bathroom.  
JJ didn’t answer you. Instead he backed you up against the sink and kissed you, hands on your hips. You wrapped your arms around his neck, fingers tugging at his hair as he lifted you onto the edge of the sink.  
“The guys are gonna notice that it’s taking us a long ass time to meet them outside.” You whispered as JJ laid kisses against your neck and collar. “JJ, are you listening to me?”
“I’m trying really hard not to.” He replied. His hands slipped under your crop top, fingers grazing just below your bikini as he continued to kiss and suck at your neck.  
“JJ.” You hissed, smacking his shoulder, “JJ.” You tugged his hair enough to pull him away from you. He squeezed your sides as his eyes met yours, pout on his face.  
“What?” He groaned.  
“We should go, there is no way they are gonna believe that it’s taking us this long to pay a bill.”
“Chill,” JJ leaned in and kissed you again, “they won’t know.”  
They didn’t. He was right. You told them you needed to use the bathroom and all three of them seemed completely willing to buy the story. On the ride back to the Chateau you sat in the back, cross-legged on the floor, against the bench. JJ sat behind you, legs on either side of you and you rested your head against his knee while John B drove.  
Parties weren’t always your thing but ever since you and JJ started dating parties were a preferable way to spend the night, especially if the two of you couldn’t get away from your friends. Parties meant lots of people pulling attention in every direction. It meant that no one noticed when you slipped away to John B’s room or an empty bedroom or the bus. Tonight, you were out by the hammocks when JJ found you, two beers in his hands.  
“Here,” he handed one over, sitting next to you on the hammock. You smiled, kissing his shoulder in greeting.  
“It’s so loud in the house.”  
The party that John B and JJ were throwing at the Chateau had spilled out into the front yard, a few different groups mingling with each other, far enough away that they didn’t pay you and JJ any attention. The music from inside the barely audible at the hammocks but in the living room it was loud, bass overwhelming the sounds of people talking. Kiara was inside, looking for you. She checked John B’s room, Big John’s room, the office, she even double checked the bathroom. You’d swiped JJ’s stash two nights ago as part of an ongoing series of pranks that the two of you were embroiled in and you’d promised to split it with her. Except she couldn’t find you.
“I saw her go outside.” Pope told her when she asked him and John B if they had any idea where you were.  
And you were outside. Sitting on one of the hammocks. JJ was sitting beside you, leaning back against the hammock, feet on the ground. You sat facing him, one leg up, behind him, and the other hanging off the side of the hammock. Your cups were empty and on the ground while the two of you sat there talking.  
The talking Kiara couldn’t hear but she could see the two of you. Sitting close. She watched, wide eyed, as you kissed him, shifting even closer as he leaned into you. Kiara ran back inside, grabbing John B and Pope to drag them out onto the porch where they could see the two of you.  
“What am I looking at?” John B asked, squinting against the lights of the porch and trying to see out into the yard.
“Oh my god!” Pope exclaimed, realizing what he was looking at, “no way, they’re together?”  
Kiara hurried off the porch, walking across the yard to the hammocks, John B and Pope following behind her.  
Hammocks weren’t on the top of your list as comfortable places to make-out but the hammock at John B’s house definitely beat some of the other places that the two of you had tried. Despite the discomfort, you were less inclined to pay attention to the ropes digging into your knee or the numbness that was starting to settle into your arm from JJ laying on it.  
“Hey!” Kiara shouted, catching your attention and causing you to roll off of JJ, pulling your arm from beneath his back and falling against the hammock.  
“Holy shit.” JJ sat up, recovering from the sudden interruption, “hey guys, how's it going?”
“What the hell you guys? Are you guys like...” Kiara looked between the two of you, eyes wide, “the rule guys!”
“Screw the rule.” JJ groaned.  
You looked over at him, surprised. “Seriously?”  
“Maybe we should,” Pope grabbed Kiara’s arm, nodding back to the house.
“I just want my half of the stash.” Kiara said, “you guys...do you.”  
“It’s in my glove compartment. My keys are in John B’s room.” You replied, “now can you guys like, leave?”
“Don’t have sex in the hammock!” John B called as they walked away, drawing the attention of a few partygoers.  
“Too late.” JJ hollered and you leaned over, smacking his arm.  
“Oh gross man!” Pope shouted.
You watched the three of them leaving before you leaned into JJ, letting him wrap his arm around you and kiss the side of your head. “What stash?”
“What?” You asked, tilting your head back so you could see his face.
“What stash? You ran out last week.”  
“I found more?” You offered, smiling at him.
“Oh my god! You stole my fucking stash!” JJ shouted, untangling himself from you and climbing out of the hammock. It rocked as he climbed out of it and you held on to the rope, laughing as it shook you.
“Wait JJ!” You called, halting him.  
“I can’t believe you used me to steal my stash.”  
“You’re so dramatic. I didn’t need to use you to steal some weed.” You joked.  
JJ turned back to you and, without warning, threw himself back onto of you on the hammock, sending the whole thing rocking once more. You screeched at the sudden burst of energy from him. You tried to slow the swinging of the hammock with your feet.  
“You’re crushing me.” You whined, pushing at him.
“That’s what you get for stealing my weed.” He said, shifting on the hammock so that he could hold himself up over you.  
“I didn’t steal it...I borrowed it?” You suggested, smiling at him.  
“Unbelievable, first you steal from me and then you lie to me?”  
“What are you gonna do about it?”  
JJ looked down at you, considering you for a moment until he leaned down, lips brushing against your neck, the hand that wasn’t supporting his weight pushing up your top as you pulled him closer to you. You closed your eyes, thinking briefly that John B was not gonna be thrilled about the state of his hammock in the morning.  
Taglist: @maplelattes22 @poguesrforlife  @freckled-and-daydreaming  @calumhoodsbuckethat @millie-753 @fangirlwithme @alex12948 @howdyherron @katherine097 @tangledinsparkles @tragicmisfits @carbonated-beverage @jolomez @timotaychalabae 
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writing-reaper · 4 years
Slender Brothers x Single Parent Reader Scenarios Part 1
Warnings: sad, mentioned kidnapping, mentioned rape, assault and cursing
Another child? In his mansion? Seems unnecessary by now doesn’t it?
When the Slenderman met you, you begged for your life. You had been chased into the woods by a group of guys who were holding bats. Perhaps school delinquents who prayed on those with a lack of defense.
You were quite small and young: he almost didn’t believe you when you said you had a child, though he knew better, realizing that you must’ve had a teenage pregnancy.
Though it was unlike Slender, he decided to let you go: under one circumstance.
The circumstance? Let him meet the child.
The fear in your eyes were evident, and Slender knew well that you weren’t planning on returning for your child’s safety, but Slender warned you before you left, reminding you to bring the child.
To Slender’s surprise, you returned the next day, holding a confused three year old daughter close to your body.
When he went to move closer, you quickly turned your body to shield the toddler.
Though it was amusing, the look in your eyes when you turned back to him reminded him of the day he met Sally. The horror of a child being raped coming back to him.
Weeks later, traveling with his brothers to a human diner to visit a friend of Splendor’s, Slender saw you again.
You were Splendor’s friend: in uniform and a friendly smile you were introduced to them and took their orders.
It was before they were leaving when your boss came out of the back, screaming at you and slapping you in the head when Slender finally felt pity.
“Please I need this job! I have a child!” You begged, the same tone of voice you had with himself.
“No excuses! You’re fired leave!”
When a new waitress took over their table, she quietly explained the relationship between you and the manager who had just fired you.
Slender was surprised to find out that you had worked here as a teenager when you were pregnant. The problem the manager had was that you were a single mother and that you had worked so hard. He looked for even the slightest slip up and today happened to be it.
The waitress explained that for the first time in 5 years, you had been late dropping off your child at daycare.
Splendor chased you while the others went home after everything was paid for.
To Slender’s surprise, he saw you again in his woods; despite telling you not to return.
You fell to your knees and begged for death, crying apologies to your toddler that you couldn’t do it anymore.
Once you had gotten everything out of your system, he told you to get up and go home, that he refused to kill you.
The next morning, you found the Slenderman in your home, making breakfast for you and your child.
Surprise was evident on your face as you took in the sight.
“Good morning. I don’t do this often, but seeing as you are Splendor’s friend I will help you.”
It took a quick explanation as to how he was Splendor’s brother but you were soon over it and Slender had you sending your resume (he helped you make a new one) and applying for jobs.
When you were out on interviews the next day, he watched over your child, to help avoid spending money you didn’t have.
It was about a month later when the infamous Slenderman confessed his feelings to you, but you accepted it with a big smile.
Dates tended to be at home and 5 months later, you moved in with him so you could get into college.
With Slenderman’s help you had become more successful and a better parent with him now acting as a father to your child.
It didn’t take long for your daughter to start calling him “dada”
You had been working for Trender for 3 months before you called him saying that you had to take your 3 year old to the hospital.
Trender, being the caring employer he was, showed up to the child’s hospital room with a balloon (from Splendor) and some words of comfort for you.
The young boy laying on the hospital bed, bruised and scratched up surprised Trender. You didn’t seem to have any stretch marks, nor were you really old enough to have a child.
After a long explanation of how you were raped in high school and how you cover your stretch marks out of insecurity, Trender then understood.
“A-am I losing my job?” You asked him with a whimper.
Trender was surprised and revolted that you’d think so lowly of him, he wasn’t like other modeling agencies who’d through such beauty away just because they had stretch marks or children.
You were surprised, but ever so grateful.
Trender stayed with you and your child until he woke up.
Before he left, he gave your son the balloon.
The next day when you arrived to reshoot, Trender and some of your fellow employees gifted your son a “get well soon” basket.
You made sure when you were alone with him again to thank him for his kindness.
It was in that moment that Trender admitted that he liked you, but reminded you that he would’ve done that for any of his employees. You nodded in understanding, but asked if he was certain; you had a child after all.
Trender made clear that he didn’t care that you had a child, in fact: he wished to meet him once more, perhaps after a date.
You went out for dinner and brought something for your son.
You lived in a decent sized apartment that was admittedly very messy and slightly destroyed, which would explain why you were so hesitant about bringing him to your place.
“I dated someone a year ago and before he left he destroyed the apartment. It used to be worse, but recently I just found the time to start fixing it and giving (son) a proper room.”
Of course, that only opened the flood gates for him to do something mind blowing for you.
While you were away, he cleaned up your place, repainted it and everything.
You were shocked, grateful and in disbelief when he showed you.
When your child started school, Trender was there to help him get dressed and take him there.
Finally, your child would grow up with a father who helped take great care of him even despite his work.
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its-la-push · 4 years
Both of Us
Request | Hi it’s my birthday today 🎁! Could you please write a Paul lahote x reader where the reader is a teen mother and she moves back to forks and the father(not Paul) isn’t involved? Pretty please? YOURE AMAZING❤️
Word count: 1.3k
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Moving isn’t easy, especially when you’re 19 years old with a three year old. After y/n‘s parents kicked her out, it was hard getting back on her feet. As soon as she had the baby she was out in her ass. She had been living with a friend in Seattle for the past 3 years with her little girl Sarah. Y/n and her friend Ivy got evicted after Ivy lost her journalist job in downtown Seattle. The y/h/c girl decided to move back to her hometown of Forks, Washington. She knew her parents wouldn’t let her back into their home, so she found a little 2 bedroom apartment to live in near her old highschool. She got a job at the local diner as a part-time waitress to pay her rent and provide for her little girl.
After she dropped Sarah off at the local day-care, she drove straight to the diner to begin her first shift. Her boss walked over to her with a friendly smile on her face and began speaking in an orderly tone. “Hun, you’ll be serving that section over there for today”, she stated motioning over to the right side of the restaurant. Y/n nodded and waited behind the register waiting for customers to come in. Soon 5 o’clock rolled around, which was the time y/n’s shift ended. She picked up Sarah from day-care and drove back to her compact apartment.
It had been a month since you had moved back to Forks and began working at the diner. Y/n was picking up an extra shift for a coworker that lasted until the diner closed, you were the only one in the restaurant, besides the unfriendly cook in the back, and were supposed to close at midnight. A tall and muscular man with broad shoulders and tan skin came striding in at approximately 9 P.M. He was the only customer in the diner at this time of night. He happened to sit at the bar stool farthest away from the register, where y/n was standing. You grabbed a menu and began approaching the stunning man from behind the counter. Y/n slid the menu in front of him as he was looking down, clearly tired from whatever previous activities he had been executing.
You gave him a friendly smile as you spoke, “Hi, my name’s y/n. I’ll be your server tonight, can I start you off with something to drink?” He looked up, clearly startled by the girl’s loud but smooth voice. He locked eyes with her as she was waiting for him to tell her what he wanted to drink. The girl abruptly noticed how gorgeous his brown eyes were, to her, they were like pools of milk chocolate that she couldn’t seem to swim out of. She broke out of the trance sooner than he did though, he just stared at her with a look of astoundment and wonder in his eyes. “Um, are you okay?” she asked him with a tone of concern in her voice. He instantaneously shook his head and apologized for his odd behavior, “Sorry, I’m just a little tired. I’ll have a Dr. Pepper.” Y/n nodded and headed back to the kitchen to fill a cup with the soda of his choice. The thought of maybe he’s on drugs crossed her mind and left as quickly as it came when she looked back and saw him looking back at her with a charismatic smile. She strutted back towards him with the cup in her right hand and a straw from her apron in her left. “I’m Paul” he blurted out when she set the cup in front of him. Y/n slyly smiled at him before speaking, “Hi Paul.” Paul internally cursed himself for his mediocre flirting. She was his imprint, he couldn’t mess his first impression up. “Are you ready to order or do you need a bit more time?” she smiled sweetly at him. “Oh no I’m ready” y/n whipped out her notepad and a black inkpen from her apron. “I’ll have a bacon cheeseburger with extra mustard.” Y/n scribbled down his order on her miniature notepad. “Okay I’ll have that right out for you, Paul” she stated with a smile before walking back to the kitchen to hand the cook the ticket. Paul sat there by himself for a few moments in silence, thinking about what had just happened. He whipped out his phone and began texting the pack group chat about what just happened. They were all happy for him and tried to show their support the best they could without seeing him in person. Just then y/n came back out from the kitchen, unfortunately for Paul’s vacant stomach, with no food in her hands. “It’ll be just a little bit longer” she said to him. She walked back over to the opposite side of the counter that Paul was seated at, behind the register, and pulled out her phone as she was waiting for his food. He contemplated what to say to her, he couldn’t just sit there in silence while his soulmate was standing 8 feet away from him. “Are you new around here? Forks is a pretty small town so basically everybody knows everybody around here, and you don’t look familiar.” he finally spoke, breaking the silence that was clearly filled with tension. Y/n looked Paul’s way and put her phone away, eager to start a conversation with what she perceived as strange, yet gorgeous man in front of her. “Yeah, I actually just moved into the apartment complex around Forks High School about a month ago.” she answered. “So how’s this ghost town been treating you so far?” he asked, trying to keep the conversation going. “Oh well considering I moved back after 3 years, pretty good. I think I might stay here, it’s very peaceful and content compared to Seattle.”
Paul and y/n ended up talking until Paul finished his food. She told him all about her little girl Sarah and her shitty landlord. He explained to her that he lived in a small house by himself in La Push. He also told her about his friends, obviously excluding the supernatural part. They instantly clicked and vented to each other, they both seemed like they were just waiting for the right person to talk to about their problems. Eventually the clock struck midnight, which was when y/n was supposed to lock up. “Oh shit, it looks like it's already closing time, I have to go pick up Sarah from my parent’s house.” she stated, suddenly in a rush. “Hey before you go, could I get your number? Maybe we could talk like this over dinner sometime?” he asked hopefully. Of course y/n wasn’t going to say no to someone who understood her like he did. “Absolutely, hand me your phone.” Paul gladly obliged and she typed in her name and number into the contact form pulled up on his phone. Y/n handed his sleek black phone back to him and he gently took it from her hand.
Later that night…………
Y/n had just gotten out of the shower when she heard her phone ding. She lazily wrapped a towel around herself and looked at the recent text message on her phone. She smiled when she read “Paul” in bold black letters on the screen. She quickly typed the passcode in, eager to see what he had texted her. “Hey beautiful, you up for ice cream next weekend?” y/n giggled at his sweet remark before she started tapping on the brightly lit screen. “How could I say no? Can’t wait to see you!” she responded. After she hit the “send” button she contemplated her response. Do I sound desperate? What if he doesn’t think I’m pretty enough? The anxious thoughts ran through her head like horses. “Mommy! Come tuck me in!” Sarah shouted from her bedroom. Y/n quickly snapped out of her insecure state and went to go tend to her number one priority. After the girl tended to her little girl, she took herself back to her bedroom, mind filled with only thoughts of the late-night customer.
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idy-ll-ique · 4 years
Pairing: Chris Evans x F!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Requested: by @sushiinmidnight
How about reader x chris evans and they've met before and one day he is walking Dodger past a cafe and he sees her there and goes in to talk to her ends up raining so they go back to her place walking in the rain ....
Summary: Y/N has a job interview at a cafe near her house. As she is leaving after the interview, the interviewer asks her out on a date but before she could answer, Chris and Dodger interrupt her. What happens when Chris finds out that she said yes to the date? Will he try to win her over?
Author's Note: Hi guys, I'm back. first of all, @sushiinmidnight , thank you so much for the prompt! Many people were expecting the sequel to one of my other fics, Dogs (read it here). I decided to make it that (also, I'm sorry if the ending isn't what you required, I really am! hope you still like the fic 😚). Enjoy!
"I'm awfully sorry about this, Bet, but I have an important interview at the cafe and I can't keep Zeus alone at home," Y/N apologized to her sister again as she stood by her door. "Are you kidding? I love hanging out with Zeus, she is so friendly!" Bethany laughed, kneeling over to pet Zeus who sat by her feet. Y/N smiled.
"Thanks again, goodbye!" Y/N left and heard the door closing behind her. She walked to the cafe where her job interview was, nervously playing with her hands. Y/N had a degree in business administration, which she wanted to put to good use. Having been jobless for 5 years, she felt like she needed something to do.
She reached the cafe and a man waved her over. Immediately recognizing him as Oliver, her interviewer, she walked up to him. "Miss Y/N Y/L/N? Please, have a seat." She grinned at him and sat down. They exchanged greetings and proceeded with the interview.
In her opinion, the viva went great. Apparently, Oliver thought the same. "That was awesome, Y/N, you're good at this! I can't tell you this now, but I'm 95% sure that you're gonna get a call back." A relieved and excited smile bloomed on Y/N's face. "That is wonderful!"
"Hey, um, also off-topic, I wanted to ask you something." 
"Go ahead." 
"Do you wanna get a coffee with me sometime? I have another interview to take right now so maybe later?" Oliver rubbed the back of his head. She was about to answer him when a bark startled them both. They whirled around just as a dog jumped into Y/N's arms. "Dodger, stop both— Y/N? Hey, how are you?" 
"Hi Chris, I'm good. I missed you too, Dodger," Y/N laughed, kneeling and petting the dog's head as he happily wagged his tail. "Chris Evans?" Both turned to look at Oliver. "Hey, nice to meet you!" Chris smiled at the man. "Chris, this is Oliver, my interviewer." They shook hands.
"Oliver, nice."
"Hi, it's nice to meet you, too. Unfortunately, I have to leave now, so Y/N…?"
"The coffee…"
Y/N considered her options. She had an obvious crush on Chris, but like, come on, as if he's ever going to like her back. Plus, Oliver was hella good-looking. "I'd like to go on a date," she smiled at him. "Awesome! I already have your number, I'll text you later, okay? Bye!" Oliver left.
Chris, meanwhile, sported a huge frown on his face. She was going on a date with Oliver and not him? No, he decided, he was going to convince her to acknowledge her crush on him and go on a date with him. Not Oliver. "Chris? Everything okay?" He looked at Y/N and an automatic smile bloomed on his face.
"Wanna have coffee?"
"Damn, what is it with handsome men asking me for coffee today? Do I look that good in this suit?" Chris laughed at her joke. "You look ethereal. Let's go inside." Chris and Dodger entered the cafe, leaving Y/N to gape after him. Wait, what? She looked ethereal? No, let me rephrase that, he thought she looked ethereal?
Feeling butterflies in her stomach, she walked in. She saw him sitting in a corner with Dodger's leash tied to the table. She went over and sat in front of him, unable to contain herself. "Do you really think I look ethereal?" she blurted out. "Of course, I've thought that ever since I first saw you at the park 2 months ago."
"Holy fuck, Captain America thinks I'm hot."
She burst out laughing at his joke, which caused him to smile. "Folks, what will your orders be?" They turned to look at the waitress, who gave them an amused smile. "Um, a Frappuccino, please," Y/N mumbled, embarrassed. "Same." She nodded and left. 
"So, what's up? What was the interview for?" Chris asked, leaning back. "Nothing, just a tech company. I'm gonna work from home; I have lots of free time but I can't go out because of Zeus." At Zeus' name, Dodger let out a mighty bark. "Dodger has missed Zeus a lot," Chris chuckled. "Yeah, Zeus misses him, too."
"Now you're gonna be too busy to hang out with me," Chris pouted. Y/N blinked, since when did they decide hanging out was normal? She had only gone out with him 2 days and hadn't even seen him for 2 months! And suddenly they were best friends? Something was fishy…
"It'll be a 9-5, so I'll be free in the evenings," she shrugged, playing along with whatever he was suggesting. "Great! We can continue hanging out at the park, with Dodger and Zeus." Ah, she should've guessed. He was suggesting it for Dodger, not himself. I mean, there was no reason for him to hang out with her anyway, except for the fact that their dogs liked each other.
"Here you are." The waitress placed the two cups in front of them. Y/N picked hers up, hearing a loud rumble outside the room. "Hm, look at that," Chris commented and both looked out of the window. The sky was dark, laden with rain clouds. "We need to get out of here quickly," Y/N sighed, sipping her coffee.
Just as she said that, they heard raindrops hitting the window. "Too late," Chris laughed. "Looks like the storm will last a while…" The intensity of the rain soon increased and it started thundering. Y/N took out her phone and called Bethany, keeping the call on speaker and placing it on the table. "Y/N, still at the cafe?"
"Yes, I'm trapped with… with a friend," she answered, doing her best to not glance at Chris. "Okay, I get it. Don't come walking in the storm, you fall sick too easily. Remember when you fell sick that one time when you were 16? Took you quite a while to recover." Chris snickered as Y/N went red. "Yes, yes I do remember. I just called to ask if Zeus can live a while longer with you?"
"Bro, she can live with me forever!"
"Shut up, she's mine. Why do you younger sisters always steal stuff? Anyway, I have to go now, bye!"
"Bye, broski." Y/N ended the call, playfully glaring at Chris as he wheezed. "What are you laughing about?" she chided. "You have got to tell me the story of when you were 16? What happened?" Y/N sighed and rubbed her forehead. They had to spend a while here, she might as well become friends with the guy she was stuck with.
"Nothing. I got diarrhoea and it's disgusting so… live with it." He pouted and crossed his arms. "Fine, only because it's disgusting." All of a sudden, a news anchor's voice filled her ears and she turned to look. The receptionist had switched on television there. 
The news reported that this unexpected storm was most likely going to last for hours. "Looks like we're all stuck here," she laughed seeing Y/N's expression. "I guess we are!" Chris said joyfully. Why was he so goddamn happy today? Y/N rolled her eyes at his cheerfulness.
Dodger hadn't barked in a while, so she glanced at him. "Aw, Chris, he's asleep," she crooned, clasping her hands. "He always sleeps during storms. The thunder scares him and when he's asleep, he can't hear it so that's good." Y/N laughed. "Zeus is the same, she's scared of storms too." 
"Our dogs are so alike, no wonder they like each other so much," she sighed, finishing the last of her coffee. "Can the same be said about us?" Y/N blinked and looked at Chris, who intently stared right back at her. "Uh… pardon?" she stammered. "What things do you like?"
"I… Marvel, I guess."
"Oh, I love that."
"You know my likes and dislikes, dude, we've met before," she deadpanned. "That I do," he winked, resting his head on the table. "Hey, can I ask you a question?" Y/N didn't want to be blunt, but she had to be. It was the only way to get some answers out of Chris' big, beefy body.
"Sure, love."
"Why are you doing this?"
"Doing what?" He sat up, frowning. "It's obvious you're flirting with me, I mean, I'm not dumb. I just… why? Why me?" He remained frozen for a few minutes before speaking. "I obviously like you," he spoke quietly, "I just want you to feel the same. I really do like you, Y/N. Ever since you offered me your water bottle the day we met. Remember that?"
She did, indeed, remember that.
"But it's just… I like that you are doing this… just… I felt like it was sudden."
"Do you want me to tell you the truth?" He looked at her with such innocent eyes that she found herself nodding involuntarily. "Please don't go out with Oliver today." Before she could stop herself, she started laughing. "Chris—" She took his hand and clasped it with hers, "—were you really jealous of Oliver?"
He pouted. "Not— not jealous…" he grumbled, reaching out with his other hand. "Aw come on, you are totally jealous of Oliver!" Y/N giggled, getting up. She sat next to him, resting her head on his shoulder. She liked him, he liked her, all was well and they were happy.
"Fine, maybe I am," he countered loudly, "Don't go out with him?" This time, it was much softer. "I won't, silly. I just had the best date ever." Y/N reached up to kiss his cheek, but pulling a pro-gamer move, Chris tilted his head so that his lips touched hers instead. Y/N wanted to pull away but she gathered herself and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Mm, you're mine," Chris mumbled when she pulled away to breathe. "Whatever you say, weirdo." He shoved her, rolling his eyes before quickly pulling her back to him, tightly wrapping his arms around her. "Your weirdo, right?"
"God, who would've thought Chris Evans would be so goddamn possessive," Y/N joked. "All the fanfictions about me correctly predict it…" Y/N looked at him with wide eyes. "What? You read fanfictions?" she asked loudly. "I've only read a few… they were somewhat accurate and somewhat not, but mostly fun. And surprisingly well-written."
"Hey guys, congrats!"
Chris and Y/N turned to look at the lone waitress and the receptionist. "Thanks! Just don't tell anyone, okay? People will come in mobs to kill me," Y/N snorted. "Come on, we've been hiding our relationship for a long time now, what's one more?" The waitress and the receptionist shared smirks. "Wait what? You're…?"
"That's awesome!" Chris guffawed as the receptionist and the waitress shared a kiss. "I wish you both well," Y/N beamed at them. "As us, you!" the waitress grinned. 
"Y/N, I have to ask you something…" The rain had now cleared up, almost 3 hours later. Y/N, Chris and Dodger were now preparing to leave. "What is it?" She looked at him. "Tell Oliver you're not meeting him today." She good-naturedly rolled her eyes and took out her phone. "Okay, I'll tell him in front of you so you'd finally leave me alone."
"Babe, we're dating now, I'm never gonna leave you alone," he smirked. "Okay, you sap." She texted Oliver hi, I won't be able to make it today, I'm sorry :( and kept her phone away. "I am a sap and proud of it. Anyway, wanna come over later?" She considered her options. "I'll get Zeus from my sister's, change my clothes and be at your place soon, okay? Just text me your address."
"Great! Bye!"
"Chris, don't—" Too late, he gave her a quick kiss before she could remind him they were in public. As they walked in the opposite direction, Y/N shook her head.
No way today had just happened.
But it had.
And by God was it amazing.
A/N: Please leave a like, thank you for reading!!!! :)
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jawritter · 4 years
Twelve Days Of Christmas
Chapter 4
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Summary: Dean never realized that Y/N missed Christmas until he turned off an annoying Christmas song on the radio on the way home from a hunt, now he will make it his personal mission to give her the Christmas he misses so much, and if he plays his cards right, maybe he will give her what he has wanted to give her for so many years, himself.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Written For: @spnchristmasbingo​​​
Square Field: Donna
Word Count: 1513
Warnings: Fluff, hint of reader insecurities. I think that’s about it.
A/N: This is to help me catch up on my SPN Christmas Bingo card lol Chapter 5 will post tomorrow! I knew chapter will post every day until Christmas! I know I’m insane lol. This is a real time fic collection and all mistakes will be my own! Please do not copy my work! Hope you all enjoy these!!
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One thing you learned about living with Dean Winchester in the time you’d spent living in the bunker was that there was always a chance for random, crazy antics to happen, and it was best to just roll with it; because once Dean got something in that pretty head of his there was no changing his mind. It was best to just let it happen, no matter what it was, no matter how crazy it was, just let him get it out of his system. 
When he came bounding into your room like a small, overly hyper child on Christmas morning, pounced on you like a tiger and then commenced to shaking you until you woke up with a start, proclaiming that you needed to get dressed so that the pair of you could get on the road, it was very obviously one of the times you just needed to roll with it. There wasn’t a chance you could sour his good mood. You would never forgive yourself, and he was evidently very excited about this trip. 
It was freezing of course, and if you had your way you would have been happy to just stay in bed, but it was something about that sunshine-filled grin of his plastered across that freckle dusted face that pulled you out of your warm bed, and into the Impala without much of an argument. The more awake you became the more contagious his evident excitement was, and by the time the pair of you had stopped for breakfast outside of the Minnesota state line, the anticipation was killing you, so you asked him again that morning for what seemed like the thousandth time. 
“Dean, what are we doing in Minnesota, and just where are we going? Did you find a case? If so I could have packed my own bag, you didn’t have to sneak into my room at some unlawful hour in the morning to pack for me before waking me up.”
Dean just grinned at you over his coffee mug, mischief written all over his face, and his eyes lighter than you had ever seen them. Maybe it was the shirt he was wearing, but they just seemed brighter this morning. 
“Not telling sweetheart, you will see in just a few minutes, we have to meet someone here, and then we will be on our way, but I will tell you that this is not a case.”
You opened your mouth to respond, but before you could get a word out Donna’s distinct accent pierced the air from behind you, “Hey you two,” and Dean was on his feet engulfing the woman in a bear hug.
Donna laughed and swatted him off playfully, reminding him she had a gun in the process as you greeted her with much the same enthusiasm as Dean. It had been a long time since you had seen Donna, and it wasn’t under the best of circumstances the last time you all had been together. 
“How the hell have you been, woman?” you asked as she slides into the booth next to you, and the waitress brings her over a cup of coffee for her. 
“Great! Doug asked me out about a month ago, and between the occasional small hunt, my day job, and him I’ve been pretty busy. How have the two been? I admit Dean’s phone call at almost midnight the other night surprised me,” she said, smirking at the elder Winchester like they were sharing some great big secret. Dean just chuckled into his pancakes as they were sat down in front of him, the waitress setting an equally large platter in front of Donna. 
Donna was clearly a regular here.
“So, Doug finally coming around to, ya know, all this?” Dean asks with a mouth stuff full of pancakes, waving his fork around the table as if to state something obvious to anyone but listening ears from other patrons. Clearly he was trying to deflect the subject from Donna’s previous statement. 
“Yep, surprised me too let me tell ya, but he seems to be coming around. It’s always shocking at first ya know.”
“Well what about Jody and girls?” you cut in, cutting your omelet with one of the plastic forks in front of you. “I haven’t seen them since that hunt in Georgia last summer.”
“They’re doing great! I think Kaia and Claire will end up at the altar before long, and Jody isn’t excited about the new hunting couple talking about taking the big leap, she thinks they’re too young, but I think it will be good for them.”
“That’s awesome,” Dean quipped, whipping his mouth with his napkin, his eyes meeting yours for a moment before going back to the female version of himself who was stuffing her face with equally as much food as Dean. 
You personally had no idea how the hell she did that, you’d be sick for days if you ate that much sugar in the morning. 
The conversation flowed easily between the three of you, catching up on hunts, friends you haven’t seen in a long time, and just life in general. It was normal, it was nice. Things like this were a  luxury a hunter rarely ever got in this life, just a breakfast with friends, and if Dean had driven all this way just to do this with you, you would have been grateful, but when Donna stood from the table to hug Dean goodbye after hugging you, she handed him a set of keys, and said, “You two love birds don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” with a wink that made Dean blush, DEAN, and walked away, leaving you confused and staring at Dean with mouth agape. 
Your eyes met his with shocked amusement as he stuttered on the spot and Donna walked away cackling. When he saw you staring at him he recovered, clearing his throat and throwing his arm around your shoulders, leading you towards Baby, apparently determined to act like nothing had ever happened. You let it go. You knew you could really poke fun at him about it, but it was better to file it away under later blackmail.
“So, what’re the keys for?” you asked Dean, as he continues deeper into the frozen state, humming along with the radio as if he didn’t have a care in the world, it was an amazing sight. 
“For this right here,” Dean states proudly, pointing to what you quickly recognized as Donna’s cabin. Your eyes traveled between him and the cabin. 
“Yup,” Dean said, getting out of the car and you followed him, letting him take your hand and lead you into the cabin Donna had eventually warmed for the two of you once she knew you were coming. “This is day 10. We’re gonna be staying here, just the two of us until after Christmas.” 
You turned to him in utter disbelief at what you were hearing. You and Dean, just the two of you, for ten whole days? Could this be real?
“I thought you could use a real white Christmas, and what better way to experience that than a snowed-in cabin in Minnesota; lucky for you I just happened to know a friend who had one to spare.” 
You closed the distance between the two of you, throwing your arm around his neck and hugging him tightly, which he returned without hesitation. 
“Oh my God Dean! This is perfect!” you tell him, releasing him from your grip and beginning to look around the cabin. It was perfect, and with a little decorating it could be very pretty with some Christmas decorations, and if you could talk him into it, a tree. 
“Only thing is there’s only one bed in the place, but if you're uncomfortable sharing then I’ll take the couch.” 
Your throat closed up for a moment, and you swallowed hard to get your voice to work again. Dean Winchester in your bed was something you had always dreamed of, the question is could you survive it actually happening? 
You couldn’t make him sleep on the couch for ten days, and the bed was plenty big enough to share. 
“I’m okay with sharing Dean, It’s not like you got cooties are something,” you play, hoping to hide your racing heart and the fact that your mind had suddenly turned to mush. 
“Oh sweetheart, I think you like my cooties,” he said, winkie at you. 
Suddenly it was your turn to blush as a wide victorious smile spread across his face. 
“I’m gonna go grab our bags so we can get settled,” he announces before turning to disappear out into the cold. 
You look around at what was going to be your little slice of Heaven for the next ten days with excited apprehension. There was so much that could happen in ten days, but if you didn’t get your feelings under control for a certain green-eyed hunter, you didn’t know how happy of a Christmas you would be able to have when he flat out rejects you.
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Forever Tags: 
Jensen and Dean’s Babes
Twelve Days Of Christmas Tag List: 
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
Requested: Nope! I saw a fluff prompt that sounded great for Chris so this is what I came up with! Prompt — “Stop moving and let me braid your hair.”
WARNINGS: mentions of mental illness, sadness, depression, and “curse words”
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YOU were going through it. Life was just becoming a lot for your teenage self and it seemed like this week would never end. It partly felt like everyone was out to get you but you were really just having a bad week and in the back of your mind, you hoped that the next would be better...yet you didn’t even want to think that far ahead. As of a few hours ago you were allowing your self to sit in your funk of your Crenshaw home until Chris barged in making himself at home.
Working in retail felt emotionally and mentally abusive but hey, you needed money to get by right? You were tempted to quit after a month of being there but your mother persuaded you to toughen it out and not let them get to you. ‘Or maybe it was easier for her to say so, so that you wouldn’t be coming to her as much for some cash.’ You bitterly thought.
On top of that, you were getting hours in over time since there were three situations going on with your co-workers. One: was fired due to stealing money from the safe in the stock room, since one of the assistant managers didn’t fully close it, two: got arrested for god knows what— you didn’t care for the drama but it was common knowledge Julio’s ass was gone, and third: got injured on the job and would be out for 6 months. So the work load fell on the remaining three. Only 6 employees in retail...make it make sense. Not only that the customers were more whiny and quick to point the finger than usual and it takes a lot for you to step out of character! but you did.
You had it. So you went into a screaming match, which wasn’t expected of you but it happened. The store manager did not have your back and blamed you in front of the customer since, “the customer is always right,” motto was heavily encouraged and a part of you HOPED he was just doing that for show and would apologize later but nope! He stood by wtf he said and put you on punishment when it was clear that the customer was not right.
So instead of sending you home and keeping you away from the place? He decided to give you more hours as if you’re the only one working there + kept you off the register so you could only interact with those on the floor. If he expected you to come in for five days straight while being a high school student? He was out of his damn mind. So you called out the three of the five days you were supposed to be there and didn’t care for his guilt trips. You deserved better and didn’t need to deal with this bs for only $11.11 an hour. You hoped he fired you.
Since you were working so much prior to the screaming match with that aggy customer, you were falling behind on your studies. Those pop quizzes came back as c+ to c- and your exams? Even lower. You were turning in homework half assed or not turning it in at all and normally you were a decent student with a B average. You weren’t overly thrilled about school but you did your best and did just fine at that.
You never saw yourself as someone who would go to college. Your mom or your step-dad didnt go and it was expected that you wouldn’t because of your background. Wasn’t that a shame? Crenshaw high could do a lot better at getting kids prepared for bettering their futures but they just wouldn’t put the time in to kids that wanted it or could accomplish it if they just had the right guidance.
It was really depressing and it was all starting to sink in at the end of your junior year of high school. You couldn’t just give up but you were having one of those days and wanted to be left alone. Which was partly what you had in your condominium complex with your step-sibs staying behind to attend after school activities with you having to pick them up from the bus stop by 5:15, your mother was working the night shift as a waitress, and your step-dad was away on “business.”
The quiet was interrupted by Chris making his way into your living room with you all curled up. He took one look at you and shook his head, “Nuh-uh, get up ya ass up, girl. You’ve been like this for what? Days now?”
Giving him the side eye, you rolled your body on the couch to put your back to him as you went to bury your head into the open s peace between the couch and cushion. “If you came here to start with me, you can leave the same way you came in.”
You were used to Chris getting into your house. You did lock your doors around here but Chris was surprisingly good at getting through things which related a lot to his life I guess you could say. The guy overcame a lot especially learning how to walk again after almost being paralyzed. You and Chris grew up together, and were actually friends first before Spencer, Coop, and Shawn came into the picture. Your mother’s were the best of friends and got pregnant around the same time, with Chris being only a few months older than you, which he likes to rub in to get on your nerves.
“And you can keep that stank ass attitude to yourself, get up mama this ain’t no way to be.” You could feel the weight of Chris sitting on the couch behind you.
He was now poking you, probably trying to find your ticklish spot but if you start swinging then you’re the bad guy right?
Chris knew you like the back of his hand and vice versa. He knew all about how your week was going and how you’ve been skipping class to do whatever it is that you do, since you did have one class together.
“Alright look, when I was away—
He always considered his recovery as, “away,” almost as if it pained him to say that, which you understood by all means, but Chris could just call it what it was. He was strong, he made it through but you noticed in the way he played now was more cautious. He was in his head which was common with sports injuries apparently. You noticed with Spencer he would normally react after the stress of the game or something that brought on the stress. He also probably thought you had no clue what was going on with him, but he was also one of your besties so of course you knew. You just never said anything.
Now it was you who was going through a little something and needed someone to bring you out of it, whether you said it or not. And here Chris was. As always.
“You know I was a completely different person—
“Yeah, you were a fresh asshole.” You commented, remembering those moments quite clearly since it was you and Olivia who tried to be there. He only seemed to let you be there, especially after he broke up with Olivia over text. Which you laid into his ass about.
Which made Chris breathe out a laugh pressing his elbows into his knees, “you’re not wrong. And I’m forever sorry about that but you knew I was going through some dark shit. And I can see you’re partly there but you don’t need to sit in it.”
“Okay, Iyanla. What would you like for me to do?” You asked twisting your body to the side to finally look at the mocha skinned boy.
Chris smiled with his pretty teeth, “maybe take a shower? ‘Cause this bum energy I’m getting from you right now is not cute and I know underneath all that, you’re not half bad.”
A foot went out to kick him pretty hard but he tried and failed to doge it with a laugh. “Nah. But for real though, you got to find something that’s gonna keep you sane. Find something even if it’s not permanent that’ll keep your mind active and out of the dark, cause once you completely slip into it, it’s hard to get out of. Trust me.”
You knew Chris was on anti-depressants for a little while and how he called you flipping out that his mother even agreed that it would be a good idea. In the black community it was not a common thing to speak about your mental health, it was non-existent and you were expected to “get over it,” to not think like that because we are made to be tougher than what we are and it shouldn’t be like that. We should be able to feel our emotions and admit when something is troubling us.
And Chris’ mother thought that was what was best for her son. And you saw how vile of a person Chris became when he thought everything was over for him. That was not the Chris Jackson you knew, he was headstrong, compassionate when he wanted to be, and ambitious. So to see him like that was hard.
So here he was for you even though your emotions right now probably wasn’t that deep but again, you were trying to be more in touch with your emotions. Both of the adults in your life were slightly cold so it rubbed off on you a little bit of course, until it was brought out of you. Your father was the most loving and as a kid you used to be that way, with a warm prescence and a belly full of laughter. Now you were full of small smiles and cold stares.
However your main friends: Chris, Spencer, Coop, and even Shawn know/knew who you are even if you’re different now.
You don’t know how long you sat in silence but once Chris started to annoyingly snap his fingers in front of your face, You snapped out of it and smacked his hand down; slowly you sat up on your uncomfortable couch and took a deep inhale.
Then you moved through the cramped apartment to your bedroom and bathroom grabbing a few things. When you came back Chris was also entering from the kitchen with two plastic cups, eyeing the items in your hand. “What’s going on with that?”
You plopped the large pillow in front of the couch, held your hand out for the cup which Chris handed over, and you took a large gulp to taste cran-peach. Chris moved to place his own cup on the coaster and went over to the window to crank up the A/C before he glanced back over at you still awaiting a answer.
“You’re telling me to find my peace? I’ve always wanted to be a stylist, so I’m going to perfect my craft.” You answered sitting on the couch with a crack of your neck.
Chris thought this over and blew out a raspberry. Then he moved to sit in between your legs on the floor, “Alright, y/n. I’ll be your first client. But I’m tellin’ you right now if you braid too tight where my edges look eaten, I’m out the door.”
A smile graced your lips as Chris grabbed his cup and remote to turn the tv on, “so what we watching to keep me entertained?”
Shrugging your shoulders you held the rat tail comb in your hand while using the other to run your fingers through Chris’ coarse hair that he was deciding to grow out. Chris got himself comfortable resting against your legs as you decided which side of the head you wanted to start on first before you began parting and sectioning off his hair.
You were going to give him some cornrows so you had to make sure everything was even and not look crazy. You were decent at braiding, you often did your step-sis’ hair since your mother no longer had time to do it and she sure did have a lot of hair. It gave you some sense of satisfaction, you taking on the older sibling role and gave you the time to bond.
Chris finally found something after twenty minutes and was yelling at the tv which made you mess up the grip on the fourth row. “If you don’t stop moving and let me braid your hair...hold your head right or I’m gonna pop you!” You threatened.
“This is triggering me back to my aunties, specifically aunt Henrietta’s ol’ mean ass.” Chris mumbled the last bit as he flinched making you laugh a little bit, remembering the name and the picture of the woman with the large mole on her pointy chin.
She lived in Maryland and had a beauty salon that Chris’ mom would always take a trip down there to get their hair done, if they had a special event to go to. It didn’t make sense to you or your mother since there were a few good shops here in Crenshaw or rather—girls and boys that did hair out of their homes around but Mrs. Jackson wanted to support her great aunt so by all means...
You gripped his hair again tight but not too tight to begin the braid, “I’m gonna add beads so everyone around school can call you hurricane chris.”
“...that’s real foul. You’re about to make me not support your dreams anymore, I’m dead serious.” Chris replied making you laugh, which made him smile at the sound.
You briefly glanced up to watch a scene on whatever show or film Chris was watching and raised your eyebrow not knowing what was going on or who these characters were but it was definitely engaging.
Chris nudged your knee with his shoulder after you fell silent again, “feel better?” He asked, moving AGAIN to meet your eyes.
“yeah, a little. Thanks.” You scrunched up your nose and stuck your tongue at him.
After awhile your alarm went off letting you know it was time for you to leave and get ready to get the kiddos. As you both got up, Chris went to the mirror to check out your handiwork while you snapped a few pictures before making your way to the door, taking the keys from the side table as you went.
“Y/N...you said would make me look good.”
“Uh huh?”
“Then tell me why...the hell you got me looking like ODB?” Chris’ deep set brows held a deep frown on them as he glanced at his childhood friend who innocently peered back at him.
You shrugged as you threw the door open, “i never said I’d be the best hair stylist out there, plus you wouldnt stop moving your big ass head. I told you to sit still! And did you listen? Noooooo.”
Chris licked his lips looking down as he folded his hands together before his eyes flicked up, “ok. I’m on your ass!”
You yelped as dashed out the door, laughter in your lungs as Chris chased you down the narrow hallway, hot on your trail.
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justleaf · 3 years
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Roche and Iorveth go on a date with Geralt as their chaperone (not the hat).
Content Background
This one is especially painful to yeet because it was already completed, together with 50% of the next chapter that was the smutty bits. It was finished right about the time I posted Chapter 5 and would have fit in as Chapter 11, but it just didn't make sense with all the additional plot points I'd shoved in.
I've redacted the parts that could potentially get my tumblr banned btw please donut laugh when you see it.
Original Fic
It Took Years
2,300 words
“Geralt, remember when I released you from prison and saved you from the Nilfgaardians a year ago?”
The white wolf raised his eyebrows in surprise. Roche had never called in a favour for him, and he could tell that Geralt knew it was going to be quite significant. He had thought about it too many times and despite the embarrassment and possibly never being able to look the witcher in the eye, he simply had no other choice.
“Look, I just need you to help Iorveth and I create an alibi.”
“... Uh-huh?”
“We have a meeting with Dijkstra in Novigrad in a week's time, and I plan to…” he swallowed hard when the words became momentarily stuck in his throat. It took another second for him to gather his courage to speak, and the slight tremble in his voice was immediately noticeable.
“I plan to spend the night with Iorveth in one of the inns the night before. But we need someone to cover us.”
The white wolf seemed to grow even paler and his lips pressed together in contemplation.
“You know that I have enhanced senses.”
“I know, but I need to make sure that no one catches us. Not the Scoia'tael, Blue Stripes, Dijkstra’s spies, Redanian spies, any Nilfgaardian-”
“Alright, alright, I get it. You just need to make sure that everyone thinks that I invited you two for a drink and make sure that no one is listening in.”
“I know I’m asking a lot of you, but you’re the only one I can trust in this situation. I haven’t… Iorveth and I don’t have any other opportunities. I can’t even hold his hand without worrying that someone is watching.”
Geralt stared blankly at him and Roche’s heart began to pump harder. His worry must have shown on his face, for the witcher immediately sighed and shook his head.
“Come to the Chameleon. I’ll get you guys a suite. With a wall to separate the living area and the bedroom.”
Roche looked up at him and down a few times, wondering first if Geralt had misspoke, and then if he had misheard. When the witcher said nothing and shrugged, Roche finally accepted it with a nod.
“Thanks, Geralt. Drinks are on me,” he muttered and hung his head a little. Embarrassment was beginning to burn his cheeks.
“Don’t mention it. I’ll see you soon.”
“Why are we here so early when Geralt only wanted to see us after sundown,” Iorveth whispered as they passed the guards that almost ripped their papers in half. Roche had smooth-talked his way in and Iorveth was impressed, even though he didn't let it show.
They had set aside their armour and entered the city dressed as merchants: Roche in a nondescript outfit that let him blend in with the rest of the nobles, and Iorveth draped in a cloak that obscured his elven features.
The sun was nowhere near setting when they arrived in the city. Roche had intended to take him on a date around the city, but didn’t want to admit it.
“I didn’t want to disappoint Geralt by being late.”
“Gwynbleidd would have understood.”
“Well, since we’re already here, we might as well explore the city. I heard of a tavern along the docks with an elven cook. Would you like to go there?”
The mention of food changed Iorveth’s expression immediately and Roche suppressed his laughter.
They dined at the Golden Sturgeon, where Iorveth immediately received preferential treatment from a redhead with freckles (it's Bea btw). She made sure to seat them in a relatively hidden corner and Roche could see the elf progressively relax as his shoulders began to sag. He even spotted the hints of a smile dancing on his lips when she put some strange fish dish in front of him.
Just when Roche thought that Iorveth was incapable of enjoying himself even more, he became increasingly pliant when they sat down at the Chameleon for a pint while a band played in the background. Roche didn't understand the first thing about music, but his two mugs of ale were enough to get him to keep his reservations.
Besides, he had something really cute to look at.
The elf's cloak was finally down and he could see the tips of his pointed ears twitch with every beat of the drum. He thought about how nice it would have been to pin him down to the bed and toy with his ears. His eyes trailed across the elf’s neck. If they didn’t have anywhere to be tomorrow, he would have left bite marks across that smooth skin.
<em>Mine,</em> he thought, and he wanted the world to know once all this was over.
“You play the recorder don’t you,” Roche asked out of the blue. Their eyes met and Iorveth was slightly startled by the intensity of his gaze, but he didn’t back down.
“Yeah. There’s been too much going on recently and I haven’t had the chance to though.”
“You can practice with mine tonight.”
“Vernon,” Iorveth warned with a glare, and then quickly glanced around the room to see if anyone was within earshot. There wasn’t, but the tension in his body didn’t leave.
“I could polish yours all night too, you know.”
The elf flinched and could see the pink develop along the tops of Iorveth’s high cheekbones and the tips of his ear. Past his flustered expression however, there was a particular heat blossoming in his eyes. Roche didn’t let up, his curiosity driving him to see just how much he could take it.
“My carrying case is a bit small, but I’m sure yours will fit in with a bit of a shove."
This time, Iorveth couldn't resist the urge to push back. Dandelion's tavern was filled with his regulars who were deep in their own conversations, and they were just talking about music, right?
"So you admit that my instrument is bigger."
"Well the quality of the instrument doesn't matter if the musician has no idea how to handle it."
"I think we've proven that I'm the better player though."
"Our last few encounters haven't exactly been skewed in my favour and I still managed."
"There is no fairness in music and in battle. You should know this, <em>Commander</em>."
The way Iorveth said the word made his mouth go dry.
Now <em>that</em> was truly unfair, and his [banana] agreed. He was seconds away from tugging Iorveth upstairs when the doors swung open and in stepped the white wolf.
"Geralt!" he called out and waved a hand.
"Nice to see you both. I hope you didn't wait long."
The witcher took a few steps towards them, sniffed the air and wrinkled his nose. He had this resigned look about him and Roche immediately knew that he could smell their arousal.
"Let's drink in my room," Geralt suggested and grabbed four mugs of ale from a passing waitress. She protested at first, but nodded and flashed him a huge smile when she saw who he was.
They headed up the stairs and Roche had to try very hard not to openly stare at Iorveth's ass. It [eggplant] and he had no choice but to stare ruefully at the ground.
As soon as he saw that the second floor was empty, he reached out and pinched the elf's behind. Iorveth jumped at the touch and almost spilled his own mug of ale, and Roche was treated to one of those embarrassed glares. They quietly ascended another flight of stairs and neared the room, and Roche could feel his heart race and his breathing grow ragged.
Finally, after two weeks of planning and trying to fit all the pieces together, it was happening. It had been a year since Dol Blathanna and months since they started seeing each other, and Roche was raring to go.
Geralt opened the door to a suite on the top floor that was exactly as he described: a small living area with a table for four and a few sparse furnishings, though it was far more comfortable than the arrangements he was used to. Partitioned off by a wall and door was a bedroom mostly occupied by a sizable bed and more pillows than he could count. A decision made by the bard, no doubt.
As soon as the door closed behind them and they set down their mugs, Roche grabbed Iorveth’s collar and shoved him towards the bedroom. The elf looked mortified and nearly lost his footing, but he recovered within the span of a few steps. He grabbed Roche’s arms and plucked them off him, then tried to shove him backwards but Roche held his ground.
“What the fuck, Roche?!”
Roche took a step back and considered Iorveth’s anger. The elf's gaze had grown sharp and alert, but he was mostly just shocked at the audacity of his actions. He just flashed him a devious smile and was returned a twitch of confusion.
“What? Didn’t you always like roughhousing me on the forest floor?”
“Not in front of Gwyn-”
Roche barely gave Iorveth a chance to answer. He charged forward, wrapped an arm around the elf’s waist, and threw him straight into bed. Iorveth went flying into the mattress with a groan and Roche climbed straight into his lap. Heavy footsteps thudded behind them and stopped by the door.
“Oil’s on the nightstand. Don’t get the sheets dirty and take your shoes off before you get in bed dammit. I can’t afford to pay for new sheets too.”
“Gwynbleidd, what is the meaning of this.”
“Just a little gift from me to the both of you. Have fun, Iorveth. Just try not to make too much noise.”
The door behind them closed and Iorveth just stared blankly at Roche, who was already taking off his top. No words came out of the elf’s gaping mouth, so Roche blurted out the first thing that came to mind.
“Enjoying the date so far?”
“Explain yourself Roche, I’m not-”
The elf had to pause when Roche began grinding in his lap. It worked until it didn't, and Iorveth grabbed onto his hips to still them. Roche just wanted to get to the fucking already, but the elf refused to be distracted no matter how much he tried.
“Did you plan all this? Coming to my camp to pick me up. Picking flowers for me along the path. Bringing me to the tavern for dinner. Having drinks. This fake meeting with Gwynbleidd.”
“Of course. When else was I going to get the opportunity to take you out on a date?”
Something in Iorveth cracked visibly and Roche went dead still with nervousness. The other lowered his gaze and Roche cupped his face in his hands, desperate for his elf to be okay. He stroked his cheek gently and tilted his head up to try and get a better look at that unreadable expression. This was the opposite of what he hoped would happen and worry began to pool in his stomach.
“Hey, hey. What’s wrong. Talk to me,” he urged and placed a peck on the scarred cheek. There was no answer, so he continued fluttering kisses along his jawline. He felt like his world might come crashing down at any moment and resisted the urge to salvage the situation before he knew what was going on.
It felt like Iorveth was cycling through a thousand and one emotions. He cupped the elf's face in his hands and pulled back, where he was greeted by a vulnerability he had never seen before. The other had this dazed and awed look in his eyes, and if Roche wasn't so flustered by the sudden change of pace, he might he caught his surrender.
“I’m here. What is it? You can tell me.”
“It’s just...overwhelming.”
“In a good way or bad way?”
“Good way.”
Roche released the breath he didn’t realise he had been holding. It was nice that the reaction was somewhat positive, but Roche’s poor heart couldn’t take the anticipation. Surprising Iorveth was turning out to be quite bad for his health.
“Well. Have you enjoyed yourself?”
“It's okay. We'll take it at your pace.”
“I just... need some time to process this. I’ve never been treated like this before. It's overwhelming.”
“Well you deserve it. Take the time you need, it’s okay,” Roche encouraged again and placed another peck on his nose as he undid the bandanna that obscured half his face.
This really wasn’t how he thought the evening would go, but he had to admit that it was nice. At the core of it, all he really wanted was to be able to kiss and hold Iorveth intimately without fear of someone catching them. Now they were in bed and there was someone trustworthy to watch their backs, he supposed he had achieved his goal. Maybe they could just hold off the fucking for a while more.
“Do you want to take a nap with me,” Roche offered after they'd sat in silence for a while.
“Yeah… I would like that very much.”
Iorveth tried to take off his cloak, but Roche shushed him and pushed his hands aside. The elf had a blank look on his face and hurt momentarily flashed across his eye.
"Let me," Roche rushed to salvage as he pulled loose the strings on his cloak.
“I can undress myself you know.”
“I know you can, but just let me pamper you a bit more.”
The tips of Iorveth's ears were bright red and Roche suppressed the urge to tease him about it. Slowly, he helped the elf strip down to his underwear and slipped him beneath the sheets. Then he took off his own garments and joined him, snuggling up to that warm and slender body that seemed to fit so perfectly with his.
Yeah, he could wait.
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Pairing: (dark) Steve Rogers x Reader
Warning(s):  MCU spoilers, slowburn,  Stalking, Obsession, Non - con, Dubious content, Kidnapping, Sexual themes, Strictly 18+.
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<- Previous Chapter
To say that the team was shocked when he told them that he will be moving out soon will be an understatement of the century. They all immediately shot question after question at him.
“Did we do something that made you angry at us?”
“Did we hurt you?”
“Are you crazy?!”
“Have you gone nuts, punk?”
“Are you mad at us?”
“From where did this come from?”
“Why did you decide that, out of nowhere?”
All the while, Tony was the only one who remained quite while the rest of the team kept asking, talking, rambling and that went on and on.
But the most hilarious question asked was “How are you going to survive out there, all on your own?”
Steve sighed in exasperation. He wasn’t a five year old. Not appearance wise and definitely not chronologically. The team wasn’t giving him a chance to speak, let alone reply to any of their questions. At this point, Tony popped into the conversation.
“He’s a grown ass man. He’ll be doing just fine” he told them making all of them look at him.
“Plus, it’s not like he’s quitting the team. He’s just moving out and getting a life” Tony added.
“Are you saying that we don’t have a life?” Wanda asked.
“No, we do. He doesn’t. All he’s done till now is fight. Let him do something else now” Tony replied and walked out of the room, patting Steve’s shoulder as he left.
The team looked like they’re processing what Tony said and Steve followed Tony to his lab.
“Thank you, Tony” Steve said, entering the lab and billionaire just waved it off.
“Well, just so you know, I’m gonna add some upgrades to your new home before you move. Just some safety precautions. We all have enemies, cap. It’ll be better if we take some safety measures” Tony said while moving towards a table with what looked like a metal arm on it and Steve nodded.
“By the way, who’s she?” Tony asked while tapping on the screen beside the, setting some configurations. 
Steve stilled hearing that.
“You know?” he asked after a moment.
“Of course, I do. You keep on going out in the evenings, come back at midnights, suddenly have loads of sweets with you, I connected the dots” Tony replied.
“Oh, by the way, Morgan may or may not have seen the wallpaper of your phone and asked me who that pretty woman was. I thought it might have been Peggy Carter, but Morgan said that the woman on your phone was not Peggy Carter and gave a three minutes 12 seconds lecture saying that she knows who Peggy Carter is” Tony added and Steve sighed.
“You’re planning on doing what?!” Tony asked, as if he’s not sure if he heard it right.
Steve sighed “You heard me.”
“Yeah, I did. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I want you to get a life, but an abduction, cap? Do you know how much of a PR nightmare it’ll be if this gets out?” Tony asked with wide eyes.
“I’m aware of it, Tony. Look, I don’t have any other choice” he said.
“You do have another choice. Ask her out like any other sane person does instead of going out all caveman on her” Tony told him.
“Don’t you think I’ve already tried that?! She’d rather stay closed off from the whole world than go out on one single date! I’ve seen men trying to woo her, hell, I know I’ve tried to do that over the weeks and everytime I do that, she just closes off!” Steve exclaimed.
Tony dropped into the seat by his desk and sighed. He rubbed his face with his hand and asked “When are you going to do it?”
“As early as possible. I’m thinking about as soon as we come back from Hangar” Steve said.
“Wait, I thought we’re not gonna bother about Hangar for a few months” Tony said, siting up.
“Me too, but Fury sent an intel a few hours ago and trust me. Hangar needs immediate attention. The abandoned Hydra facility is showing a lot of secret activities, I’m afraid. Hill confirmed it with a few photographs sent by another Agent that was nearby the location” Steve said.
“When are we gonna strike? Do we even have the intel we need? And who all are going?” Tony asked.
“Yeah, we have the intel we need. We don’t need the whole team. Just Nat, Bucky and I. Sam will be staying as backup” Steve said and added “We’re going to strike on that base tomorrow.”
This time, Steve approached her while she was locking the back door of the bakery after closing up. She turned around and a shriek left her when she spotted Steve standing right behind her. 
She placed a hand on her chest and sighed out in relief.
“Captain America... Rogers... Steve... You gave me quite the scare” she told him and Steve had the decency to look embarrassed.
“Sorry about that doll” Steve chuckled.
Y/N just smiled and frowned.
“You didn’t come in today” she said.
“Yeah... Work happened” Steve said.
“A-are you going home?” Steve asked her.
Of course she’s going home. He knows that. The girl has nowhere else to go. And nobody else to go home to. Just her, all alone with that little plant that she placed by the window.
After days of following her to her home at nights, Steve started tracking her entire day schedule. Apart from the bakery, Y/N also works as a waitress at a diner and during her free hours, she goes back to her tiny apartment and spends her day, doing some chores at home and reading a book if time permits. The she gets refreshed and comes to the “Sugar Shack” to start her shift their and mostly, she’s the one who’s closing it. Steve also became brave enough to stalk her inside her apartment by hiding on the terrace of the apartment complex beside the one she lives in and gazes into her apartment. If he wanted to observe with a little more detail, he used the binoculars that he brought with him. He even took it upon himself to install some security cameras and keep them hidden inside her apartment, just for her safety. The place was not 100% safe and he didn’t want to risk it.
“Yeah, I’m heading home” she told him, looking down at her shoes and moving and curling her toes inside them.
“I was hoping that I could walk you home, doll” Steve told her.
That surprised her.
“What? Why?” she asked, not really liking where this was going.
“I have to talk to you about something. It’s already late now and I don’t want to delay you this late” he told her.
“But I don’t really live close” she told him, giving an excuse to just stop him from accompanying her.
“I don’t mind, doll” he told her.
Y/N thought about it. Really thought about it and came to a conclusion with a sigh. He’s Captain America. He’s pretty harmless. What could he do to me? Literally nothing was what she thought.
With that, she gave him a nod and Steve smiled at her. They both made their way to her place.
Steve and Y/N reached Y/N’s place and stood right outside the apartment complex. Steve set his best acting face and looked around the area as if he’s seeing it for the first time, pretending that he has not been there a trillion times before. Hell, he has even sneaked into her apartment while she was not present or awake just get a little closer look at things. On their way back, they made some talk here and there, but nothing seemed important for him to come with her just to talk.
“So... This is me” Y/N said, turning around to look at him.
“Not an ideal place to live for a woman like you” Steve told her what he thought that first time he saw the place.
Y/N on the other hand didn’t know whether to get offended or not. Is he insulting the place or her? She didn’t have the answer to that. At the end, she decided to play it cool.
“Well, New York is not exactly and easy city to live in” she told him.
Steve smiled hearing that “Agreed.”
She too smiled at it and they both looked at each other.
A moment later Steve smiled and said “I won’t be coming to the bakery, doll.”
That surprised her.
“What?” she asked in surprise.
“I’ll be out of town for a couple of days. Don’t exactly know when I’ll return” he told her.
She frowned hearing it.
“Are you moving or something?” she asked him.
Steve laughed hearing that “No, doll. I have to go out of town on a mission.”
“Oh!” her voice held relief and Steve reveled in that.
“Yeah...” Steve tucked a stray lock of her her behind her ear.
“In the mean time,” he cupped her cheek and added “I want you to be careful around here and take care of yourself” while her eyes widened at this.
It was a strangely intimate act for two strangers who barely knew each other. But Steve literally knew everything about her. It was her who doesn’t know Steve.
“Do you hear me?” he asked her, make his voice more deeper, like he’s giving a command.
Her eyes widened a bit and she nodded quickly. She was not comfortable with this and didn’t know what to do. Steve on the other hand, read her like an open book. He just wanted to push things a bit more and dropped his hand to her elbow and caught it and moved closer to her, kissing her forehead. Her eyes widened and her skin flushed up her neck.
Both of them looked at each other’s eyes until she broke the eye contact, awkwardly clearing her throat. He loved how she reacted to him.
“Right umm... You too take care of yourself Capt- uh... Steve” she told him and Steve smiled.
“Will do, doll” he said and decided to put a stop to her temporary misery.
“Good night” he told her and she nodded “Good night. Take care” she said and quickly walked inside the complex, but not before casting a look back at him one more time before making her way to her apartment.
Steve waited till he saw the shadow of her silhouette by the window and started walking away from there with a smirk on his face, loving how she reacted to him.
Next Chapter ->
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nsheetee · 5 years
Hii! ♡ Could you do a CEO!Jaehyun x reader where they have been married for a few years but the media doesn't know that (because she doesn't like being a center of attention and she's super introvert), and ranks him as "One of the Most Wanted Men", and there's a shock to everyone when they find out he's married?
a/n: hi anon, of course I can! love me some CEO!Jaehyun :’)
Part 1 || Part 2 
Warnings/Details: lots of fluff, slight angst, some kissing
marrying jung jaehyun was the best decision you’ve made in your whole life
you met him while you were waitressing at a restaurant
it was one of those 5 star dining places that was in the heart of downtown, had a waiting list five months long, and a valet out front
you were serving his table, which was filled with him and men who looked like they could all be in Forbes’ 400 list
in fact, you recognized him from the cover of several magazines you always pass by on your way to work, claiming him to be “One of the Most Wanted Men”
so when you saw him sitting before you, he definitely caught your eye
he looked like if he got a paper cut, he would bleed money
he wore a navy suit with gold accessories and a diamond gaze that stared you down and didn’t leave you all night (much to your surprise)
you about had a heart attack when you were fixing up the table after his party left and found a five thousand dollar tip along with jaehyun’s name and phone number
you originally agreed to meet up with him to give the money back
you got generous amounts in tips all the time, but five thousand dollars was too much for you
when you arrived at the address he gave you, you were surprised to find it was a diner on a little street in midtown that served breakfast food all day long
when you walked in, the bell above the door jingled but jaehyun could’ve sworn he heard church bells ringing instead
he was absolutely enamored by you 
never one to believe at love at first sight, his beliefs were squabbled by one look at you
and as you approached him dressed in a mocha colored dress and your hair in loose braids, he felt himself gulp and his hands become sweaty
he didn’t even get this nervous when handling millions of dollars at a time
you, on the other hand, were surprised when you saw him
he was wearing a sweater and black jeans with silver rings on his fingers and glasses perched on his nose
you felt a bit guilty that you judged him so quickly
he didn’t look rich and snobby, as your first impression of him made you think
he looked cozy and homey
this jaehyun looked like if he were to get a paper cut, he would bleed warmth and love
maybe that’s why you decided to sit down across from him and share a stack of chocolate chip waffles with him that late afternoon
(you both decided to leave the five thousand dollars as a tip to the nice, old waitress that was serving you- she kept calling you “honey” and gave you extra waffles for free)
you agreed to date jaehyun and started learning about who he really is
how he’s more than just the one dimensional figure the media makes him out to be
you felt comfortable and domestic with jaehyun
but it took you a long time to trust him
once you did, jaehyun dropped to one knee and promised you himself for the rest of his life
and you knew- still know now- that he meant it 
during the three years you’ve been married so far, you learned a lot about  the media and how to stay out of their sights
it wasn’t that you didn’t want your relationship with jaehyun to be known to the whole world
you just didn’t feel 100% comfortable with having your name and face plastered for everyone to see
for jaehyun, who has been the face of his company and in the media for almost his whole life, this was confusing
it even caused some arguments to arise early in your relationship
but over time, jaehyun learned to understand and respect this introverted side of you
it’s now another characteristic about you that he loves
it’s part of what makes you you
the years you spent married to jaehyun were the happiest years of your life so far
he treated you fairly, respected your decisions, and when he confessed one night of how much you’ve taught him in your short few years together, you’ve never felt closer to another human being in your whole life
jung jaehyun was a blessing in disguise that people could only pray and wish for
but things were about to get a little bumpy
jaehyun had told you that morning he would be in his office late that night, a weekly occurrence that you’ve grown used to
but when you got a call from jaehyun’s private phone, his gravelly voice begging for you to come and give him company in his lonely office
how could you say no?
the chauffeur drove you to jaehyun’s company building and you stepped out of the car with a coat on, a scarf covering your mouth and your hood up
the ride up to the top floor was silent and walking through the top floor of the building was a bit creepy this late at night, not even jaehyun’s secretary was at his desk
you knock on the slightly ajar door as a smile crosses your lips
“mr. jung, you’ve got a visitor.” 
jaehyun looks up from his papers, confusion morphing into happiness when he realizes it’s just you
his office is dark except for the desk lamp that sits in the corner of his table and the whole wall made of windows behind him, overlooking the downtown portion of the city below
you round the desk and jaehyun’s smile deepens as you approach him
you grip his hands and force him to stand up
“you need to stretch, jae. you’re gonna be one of those hunched-over old men when you’re older.” you tease and he laughs as his long arms stretch over his head and to the ceiling
you reach out and rub his belly, making him laugh some more and bring his hands down and around you to pull you closer
you encircle his waist with your arms, settling your face into his chest and breathing deeply
“I missed you so much” jaehyun mumbles into your hair
“you saw me this morning” you retaliate
“for ten minutes. that’s not enough for me.” he whines and you lean away to look up at him
even though you’ve been together for years, jaehyun has aged gracefully 
he still looks as amazing as he did when you first saw him
your favorite feature of his has to be his hair, it’s silky properties too tempting to not run your hands through
so you do just that, and jaehyun practically purrs at your affection
in his blissful state, he leans in to sweetly kiss your lips
he removes your scarf and helps take off your coat somewhere between the kisses
his lips eventually travel down to the skin at your neck and shoulder
it’s innocent
he just wants to feel you
he misses the way your skin feels under his lips and the way your smell invades his senses
it’s still intoxicating to him and he absolutely loves it
he leans away after his slow and loving kisses, giving you a lazy smile and sitting back down in his seat, pulling you on top of him
“aren’t you supposed to be doing your work, mr. jung?” you ask as jaehyun holds you, stroking your thigh and looking out at the city through the wall of windows
“I have a guest, that would be rude.” he teases
your left hand catches his eye and he reaches out to gently grab it
your wedding ring sits nicely around your finger, the diamond on it still gleaming in the dim room with the engagement band sitting under it cozily
it’s been years, but jaehyun can’t believe that he got to put both of these rings onto your finger
his concentration is broken by a ding from his phone
it makes him jump and he turns both of you around in his chair
he reaches for his phone and opens up the message from his PR agent as you lean your head against the top of his
the peacefulness and quit atmosphere is broken when you see the contents of the text
it’s a blurry picture of you from just a few moments ago
you’re walking into the company building, your hood up and your scarf covering your face
but the ring on your left hand is painfully visible, practically glowing as you raise your hand up to keep the scarf to your mouth
the next picture is of you and jaehyun
through the windows of his office
you can tell it’s you by the coat and the scarf
and the diamond on your finger that still shines brightly
“oh my god” a hand covers your mouth when you read the rest of the message from jaehyun’s PR agent
the pictures were released to a celebrity news company and are being spread on the internet right now
jaehyun pushes you off him and strides to the curtains for the wall of windows
he furiously shuts them, the room turning darker with the absence of the city lights
jaehyun leans his hands over his head against the curtains, head bowed down and his shoulders rising and falling deeply
“jaehyun…” you try to call out to him but he doesn’t move 
so you take a moment to digest what just happened
those pictures are circling around, but maybe people would stay confused long enough for jaehyun’s PR agents to think up of an excuse?
you still can’t help but feel unsettled by how your privacy was ripped away from you so suddenly and fiercely
“I’m sorry” jaehyun finally speaks up and turns around
his eyes are bloodshot and he looks completely different from how he did five minutes ago
“I shouldn’t have asked you to come here, this wouldn’t have happened.”
“jaehyun, no.” you try to say but he shakes his head
you approach him, taking hold of his hands that have fallen limp at his sides
“don’t blame yourself. I should’ve been more careful.” your try to console him, but you can tell it’s not helping. “it was about time people found out…” you trail off in a sigh
you kept your marriage a secret with jaehyun for several years
maybe you were too hopeful– too lucky to think that you could continue to be a secret part of jaehyun’s life
“I’m sorry it had to happen this way.” jaehyun hopes and prays you’ll forgive him
you say it’s okay, but the tension in your face and the slight panic that’s starting to reach your eyes makes him more anxious and worried
he’s lost so many things in his life due to the media: past girlfriends, business deals, friends, and even family…
he can’t loose you too
“let’s go home.” he says but you don’t budge
“is it…safe?” you ask
jaehyun has been surrounded by paparazzi for several years, he rarely gets nervous or frustrated with the camera flashes or the close proximity
but you’ve never had to deal with that before
you still get camera shy when jaehyun tries to take a picture of you
and just the thought of the worst case scenario happening makes jaehyun’s stomach churn and a cold sweat break out in his palms
“well, we can’t stay here…”
but when you roll your lips between your teeth and look up at him, scared and unprepared
jaehyun can’t force you to face the media now
not this suddenly and definitely not when rumors are surely going around about you
this is how you end up turning the couch in jaehyun’s office into your bed for tonight
your shoes on the ground next to you, your accessories on the coffee table, and jaehyun’s suit jacket as a makeshift blanket for you both
the couch is expensive and pretty big, but tough on your back
you’re surprised that you can fall asleep
but jaehyun lays beside you, sleep not coming as easily for him
he watches you slumber, guilt and a touch of fear pooling in his chest as he thinks about the new situation you’ve gotten yourselves into
years ago, you let yourself trust him enough to promise to stay with him for the rest of your life
jaehyun has never broken a promise, he’s made sure the trust you put into him is justified 
it scares him every time fate sends an opportunity to show an act of trust his way
will you make it out with your relationship in tact this time?
before he can continue his thoughts, you shuffle in your spot next to him and crack an eye open to see that he’s still awake
“jaehyun…” you mumble, “sleep. it’ll be okay.” you mumble some more
before you can fall back into your dreams, your hand blindly reaches out to meet with jaehyun’s
you intertwine your fingers and lay your hands over your stomach, the slow rise and fall enough to calm jaehyun, even if it’s only temporarily
he rests his head against yours, nose in your hair and his heart beat against your back
yes, you’ve gone through so much in your relatively short time together
and you’ll pull through this as a couple stronger than before
everything will be okay
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