#i think i had that one as a kid; it was my favorite
gojoidyll · 2 days
"Look, Satoru! It's snowing!!!"
"Hey, hey, be careful! Grab onto my arm! I don't want you to fall!"
Your youngest watched another video. It was recorded late December after their dad's birthday. You were pregnant and their dad was panicking because he was afraid you were going to fall.
"That's one of my favorites."
Your oldest said looking over the others shoulder. Your oldest, Ichiro, grabbed onto his younger brother's free hand.
Jiro made no move to acknowledge his older brother as he continued to look at their father's phone. He scrolled to another video, making Ichiro heave a sigh before tugging him along.
"You made it."
Shoko was waiting for them at the entrance of Jujutsu High. A smoke resting between her lips as she gave them both a small smile.
"Yeah, sorry for the wait."
Shoko told him not to worry about it as she held out two letter for them.
"What are...?"
"Letters, from your father."
"And our mother?"
"She didn't write any. She... didn't think she would die, I guess. Or something like that. I'm not really sure. Though, what mother thinks that she'll leave her kids behind?"
"I understand."
Ichiro looked down at the letters that were handed to him. Both were from their father just as Shoko had said.
So, did that mean that their father knew he wasn't going to make it?
Ichiro slipped the letters into his back pocket, "we'll read them later. Anyway, where is Megumi and the others?"
"You should find them talking to each other in the main building."
Ichiro nodded as Jiro played another video.
"Thank you. See you around, Shoko. Come on, brother."
Your oldest didn't know how to get his younger brother to move forward. So maybe Megumi could help?
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adrienneleclerc · 3 days
Just A Bunch of Hocus Pocus
Summary: What i believe your couples costume would be with the F1 Drivers
Warning: spelling and grammatical errors
A/N: Drivers include Charles Leclerc, Lando Norris, Logan Sargeant, Oscar Piastri, Lewis Hamilton, Carlos Sainz, Max Verstappen, and the newest addition of Daniel Ricciardo. Most of the costumes were my idea but when i was stumped, i used Chat GPT
Charles Leclerc: Since Charles loves Harry Potter, i believe you two would dress up as Harry and Ginny or dress up in Hogwarts "uniforms" in general with the robe, tie, and scarf of your house. Maybe you guys would be Lightning McQueen and Sally because you sent him so many memes comparing him to Lightning McQueen. I also see you guys being Mr. and Mrs. Smith because who wouldn't want to see Charles in a suit?
Lando Norris: You two would dress up as Spider-Man and MJ/Gwen Stacy, depending on which movie or character you prefer. Han Solo and Princess Leia are also on the table, along with Mario and Princess Peach, that way you and the whole Quadrant crew can dress up as character from Super Mario Bros.
Logan Sargeant: You and the American Boy will dress up as Captain America and Peggy Carter, no question about it. Also, you two could dress up as an athlete and a cheerleader since he is, as Alex puts it, so painfully American. But to make it even better, you guys would go as Nathan and Haley from One Tree Hill OR Troy and Gabriella because whats more American than High School Musical?
Oscar Piastri: You two would be Tinkerbell and Terrence after making him watch all the movies with you. Iron Man and Pepper Potts if he wanted to go the superhero route like Logan. But he would also agree to doing a group costume with your friends and going as Numbah 3 and 4 from Codename: Kids Next Door which was one of your favorite cartoons from when you were younger, mainly because Numbah 4 is Australian as well.
Lewis Hamilton: I believe you guys would go as Michael Jackson and Britney Spears from that live performance with the green sparkling dress OR the event photo where Michael was wearing a red shirt and Britney had the leather newsboy cap since Lewis is very fashion forward. The Mad Hatter and Alice is another good one because of how elaborate the Mad Hatter suits are, it would be perfect for Lewis. Also because of your (my) obsession with Criminal Minds, you guys could go as Derek Morgan and Penelope Garcia because who wouldn't want to be his baby girl?
Carlos Sainz: El Matador, el matador!! You guys would go as el Zorro and Elena and would look so cute! Another is Jack Sparrow and Angelica Teach (Puss in Boots and Kitty Softpaws if you guys want to be a little silly). However, Carlos would absolutely lose it if you guys went as Seth Gecko and Santanico Pandemonium from the movie From Dusk Til Dawn.
Max Verstappen: After you find out that Max hasn't seen the Halloween MASTERPIECE that is Hocus Pocus, you make him watch it with you and you guys dress up as Winifred Sanderson (or Sarah) and Billy Butcherson. You would also dress up as Richard Gere and Julia Roberts from Pretty Woman. I can also imagine you guys going as Hiccup and Astrid from How To Train Your Dragon so Max would be able to dress his cats as your respective dragons
Daniel Ricciardo: Hands down you guys will dress up as Woody and Bo Peep because the man LOVES to dress up as a cowboy. Barbie and Ken in their cowboy outfits is also a choice for your guys' costumes. I think he would love the idea of him being a cowboy and you as a saloon girl like in Westworld
The End
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LADS and Claymores
Inspired by the lovely @heartswithinreach and her amazing imagines. I haven't posted anything on tumblr for YEARS, but I love the boys so much I decided to give it another go!
Inspired by the fact that I am, for the first time in my twenty three years of life, a heavy weapon main in this game. Minor spoilers for some of the main story and yes, no Sylus. I'm trying to be a good girl and not skip ahead so I haven't met him yet :(
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Zayne is concerned. Throwing all that weight around everyday applies serious stress on your body, and he wants to make sure you’re taking care of yourself. Are you consuming enough protein, carbs, and water to aid in your muscle recovery? What about your sleep schedule? You are making sure to stretch before and after work, right? You always feel a little dizzy whenever you have dinner together, trying to keep up with his rapid fire questions. 
On a softer note, he always offers a massage whenever you come home with him. His evol leaves his hands blessedly cool as he rubs soothing circles in your knots. By the time he finishes, you’re a boneless, half-asleep heap on his bed. They also make up for the foul smelling horse pills he expects you to take with a full glass of cherry juice in the morning. 
During combat, he stays clear. He knows his strengths, and they don’t include trying to keep up with your great-sword swinging self. He can, however, freeze the feet of your targets which gives you ample time to wind up a decisive, fatal blow. And… you do look lovely under a shower of ice and Metaflux. 
Rafayel is upset. It’s hard to be your knight in shining armor when you’re swinging around a sword as tall as he is! Not that he wants you to be a damsel in distress anymore or anything, but a part of him misses the way you once needed him to come to your rescue. Plus, his flames and dagger are just a piss-poor combo when it comes to your team ups. You spend more energy making sure you don’t end up cleaving your favorite artist in two than you do fighting Wanderers.
Now, outside of fights, it’s a bit of a different story. If you can handle the weight of a claymore then surely holding him in your lap for hours on end is nothing in comparison, right? Oh, and he needs help moving a second wardrobe into his bedroom, you don’t mind do you? While you’re at it, Thomas is having a new frame delivered for his newest portrait so could you please bring that in with you?
You roll your eyes at the majority of his requests, but he always looks so genuinely put out whenever he sees you materialize your sword for combat that you don’t have the heart to say no. 
Xavier is confused. What’s wrong with a normal sword, why do you need one that’s almost as big as he is? You honestly don’t have an answer for him outside of “I like the way it feels” and “it’s hard to be scared shitless when you’ve got a big ass sword”. 
Really, watching you swing that thing around makes him feel tired. More so than usual he means. You’re not built for prolonged combat, so you go into every fight ready to put down the threat as quickly as humanly possible. He dutifully marches in after you, cleaning up the Wanderers lucky enough to escape your initial slaughter. 
It does make it weird for him whenever you ask him to open jars or help lift heavy boxes outside of work, though. Do you really need his help opening this pickle jar or are you just feeling lazy and don’t want to apply the effort? Your silence is telling. 
Caleb thinks you’re kidding. He laughs when you tell him that you chose to specialize in two-handed weapons, and then he sees your Hunter’s application. What follows is the most bizarre fight the two of you have ever had.
He asks you if you hit your head on the way to register or if you’re just stupid which immediately puts you on the defensive. When you deny both these things, he proceeds to lecture you on the long term consequences of muscle damage as if that’s the biggest thing you’ll have to worry about when you’re going to be out hunting literal aliens. Surprise, surprise, that makes him even more mad. 
In the end, the truth comes: he hates that you’re becoming a Deepspace Hunter. It’s a surprising show of vulnerability that makes your chest go tight and your knees weak. You toe the ground, suddenly too shy to look up at his face, and mumble something about switching over to mid-range pistols before hightailing it out of his room. You don’t, of course, you forget somewhere in the two minutes it takes to wrench open your bedroom door and dive under the covers. The look on his face when he sees you going through some exercises while back home from basic almost, just almost, makes it worth it.
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suzukiblu · 1 day
WIP excerpt for Marina; a fake cryptid and a real romantic. (( chrono || non-chrono ))
“Okay,” he says cheerfully. “Tried YouTube yet? They’ve got tutorials for everything on there. I found a guy who taught me how to change my oil and tie a Windsor knot.” 
“Did you not know how to tie a Windsor knot?” Tim asks, both clearly puzzled and clearly a trust fund kid. 
“Naw, Bruce or Alfie always just materialized it for me whenever it came up,” Dick replies with an easy shrug. “Also had to learn how to shave from Ollie, which was definitely an experience. But Dinah taught me how to smuggle a full bottle of Jack into a bar in fishnets at the same time, which is actually really useful knowledge so remind me to pass that one on later. Donna and I literally saved most of San Francisco and our favorite coffee shop that way once. Oh, and Harvey was the one who explained taxes existed. Did not know those were a thing ‘til I was like, twenty.” 
Twenty-ish, anyway. Well, he’s twenty-three now, probably, so . . . eh, twenty-two at the latest. 
“. . . your life experiences are not universal,” Tim says after a long pause, like getting wooed with handmade nests and giant diamonds by a half-alien superclone and knowing how to tie a Windsor knot at age fifteen is somehow “universal”. No one in this conversation has been even slightly “universal” in their life experiences. 
“Are you telling Superboy about Robin yet?” Dick asks, and Tim–hesitates, a little. 
“I didn’t think it was mine to tell,” he replies carefully. “Most of the Justice League doesn’t even know about Robin.” 
“I told the Titans,” Dick replies with a shrug. “And Uncle Clark.” 
“Jason–” Tim starts, and Nightwing’s sleek feathers all instantly, involuntarily twitch. Tim cuts himself off, and Dick . . . doesn’t say anything, for a moment. 
Jason never told anyone about Robin. 
Though the Joker was pretty bored when he figured it out, apparently. A “real” person wasn’t as interesting as the mask. The mask being a mask wasn’t as interesting, maybe. 
( Dick doesn’t think about how much RAGE it puts in him, thinking about the Joker cutting Jason out of Robin’s wings and finding him BORING. thinking he was LESS than, thinking he wasn’t worth– 
it’s not the time for that. for any of that. 
it’s not. )
“You’re your own Robin,” Dick says. “It’s up to you who you tell what.” 
“I did tell Steph,” Tim says awkwardly, looking away. “Well . . . I mean . . .” 
“You don’t have to explain yourself to me, baby bird,” Dick says. “Like I said: you’re your own Robin.” 
“But you were Robin first!” Tim practically bursts out, gesturing sharply with Robin’s wings. “And it just . . . it feels wrong, to tell people! Like it’s someone else’s secret. I only actually told Steph because I felt like I had to, if we were gonna–if we, you know–but Superboy doesn’t care whether I’m human or not, and she did, and . . . I never felt right about telling her anyway. Just because I thought I was supposed to, not because I . . . sorry. Just . . . I don’t know. I’m sorry.” 
( “I’M sorry,” Dick doesn’t say back, because he can never say that to Tim while he’s wearing Robin. 
it never ends up as him saying it to TIM, when he tries to. )
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*rattling the bars of my cage making feral growling noises* I love your writing so much and I love when you foreshadow/reference character traumas I love how you write characters I love how you write generally and I want to consume your writing the way a hippo consumes a watermelon
"What are we going to tell my brother?" you ask, laying on Logan's chest in the darkening bedroom.
"I'll figure it out," he snorted, kissing the hand that was holding his. Fuck worrying about Wade. For the first time in he didn't know how long, you were relaxed. And your heart rate seemed normal. He knew for a fact you'd had at least one good meal. And if he played his cards right, you'd eat dinner and sleep. "Don't you worry your pretty little head."
"He's gonna be pissed."
"Not for long," Logan said reasonably. "And not at you. He told me not to fuck you. He didn't tell you not to fuck me."
"Still nothing. You pay your mother an allowance so he can play dead and he doesn't have to go home for Christmas," Logan scoffed. "Which is stupid, by the way-"
You raise your head and look at him, "So you wanna go meet my mom?"
"Then let sleeping dogs lie."
Logan felt his eyes narrow and he growled.
"It's easier," you tell him. "I don't want-" You break off and lay your head back down, "she likes me better at a distance. But doesn't figure that out until she's up in my face."
"Doesn't make it not bullshit."
"I know." You sigh, "But unless you want her here and- ugh. No. No thanks. It's bad enough watching other women flirt with you at bars. I think if I had to watch my mom do it I'd probably flip shit."
He snorted, "She's not my type. Or havin' my baby." He patted your backside and shifted your weight a little to be able to kiss your head. "So. Wade was your mom's favorite. Your dad wasn't around-"
"I was Wade's favorite- when he was around," you tell him. "But- he was just a kid too, you know?"
"He's still a kid," Logan scoffed. And from the sounds of it, you never were. Either sick or trying to hold the shards of the family together in your little hands.
"I'll make it all work out," he soothed. And if he got his way, you weren't going to be paying your mother anymore.
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claitea · 2 days
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i was working on something else and out of nowhere i thought about zero, got Really annoyed about his outfit which i've always disliked, and couldnt work on the first thing without doing this alteration first. pay no attention to the top right side nothing is there its just infi
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written-by-3racha · 3 days
"I love you!" ft. stray kids hyung line
note from étoile : I knew i forgot something. I forgot my favorite part of formatting: the note. idk I just think it's cute saying stuff to a partner in another language.
WARNINGS : None really, fluff? just how they'd react to you saying i love you in a different language
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♡ bangchan has always found Spanish an attractive language. In his eyes, he definitely won the gold mine when he started dating a latine person.
"Thanks Chan, te quiero mucho," you tell him one afternoon after he brought you lunch.
Chan started heating up, face and ears turning red. "Yeah, um, you're welcome, babygirl!" His big grin made you feel butterflies.
"Do you like when I talk Spanish, cariño?"
"Okay, stop teasing me!"
♡ lee know and you had an... odd relationship. You weren't sure if he liked you or not. You wanted to try something. You knew it was stupid and he probably wouldn't understand, but it was worth a shot. "Я тебя люблю."
Lee Know smirked at you. "Правда?" His smirk grew wider when he noticed your shocked expression. "You're funny, y/n. Definitely wasn't expecting this, hm?"
You didn't comprehend a word he said too busy processing the fact that he understood and responded in Russian.
"We'll go out together tomorrow, okay? Take some time to rest. You look like you need it."
♡ changbin and you went on a special day-long date to celebrate your anniversary. as the night was about to end, you muttered, "Je t'aime beaucoup, mon cœur," you were just barely audible for him.
"I don't know what that means, but I'm guessing it's something good..?" He responded, smiling his signature smile.
"What it means doesn't matter, mon cheri, what does matter is that I love you. Happy anniversary." You kissed his forehead, to which he hugged you tightly.
"Happy anniversary, bunny!"
♡ hyunjin had been your person of admiration for a long time. He was so beautiful, so kind, so funny. "大好きです."
The words had slipped out of your mouth so suddenly. It felt right to you, like the perfect piece to finish the puzzle.
Hyunjin looked at you, corner of his lips turned upwards. "That means... you like me, right?" He had performed some Japanese songs before, so he had some knowledge of the language.
"Please, forget what I said!" You flushed.
"Well, y/n," Hyunjin tilted your head and moved closer to your lips, "愛してる," He whispered before closing the gap.
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aritsukemo · 1 day
I don’t know if your requests are open, but I simply love your writing! May I have a Zhongli/Venti/Xiao Prompt with a reader who’s secretly a god from another world?
Finding out you're secretly a god | Genshin Impact
( @scar8o )
Summary: After your powers are revealed in a heat of the moment decision, you and your partner have a much needed conversation..
Characters: Xiao, Zhongli, and Venti
Warnings: Nothing much. Mentions of reader facing discrimination in Xiao's and slight tears towards the end of Xiao's as well.
A/N: AGHHHH this took months to finally write, but I'm glad I finally got the push I needed to finish this! I'm sorry you had to wait so long and I hope you enjoy this little collection of drabbles I put together! :D
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A yellowish-orange shade was cast over Teyvat just like it would any other evening. Nothing had changed; the wind was still blowing, wildlife was as and as wild as ever, and the grass was still the same old greenish tinge.
Well, today, Xiao supposes that something has changed. For the first time in years, there was complete silence between you two. Being the chatterbox that you were, it was never like this since you're always rambling on about whatever popped into your head—whether that'd be how your day went, what you should do tommorow, or even the most trivial things like which colored cloth you should use to wipe off your weapons.
But that particular evening, you didn't utter a word. You simply sat there, knees to your chest as you gazed at the sun slowly setting upon the horizon. It felt odd for Xiao—awkward if he were to be so mundane. At the same time, he had no way of relieving this odd, awkward tension from the air. He had so many question stirring in his head that could at least fill the air with something of substance, and yet, he felt hesitant to voice any of them.
But he has to say something. If he doesn't, he fears that he'll never get his questions answered. So, without looking your way, he asks, "Who..are you really?"
You don't answer immediately and for a moment, Xiao thought you didn't hear him at all. Before he can repeat himself, however, he hears your voice, low and uncharacteristically sullen as you tell him, "Someone who doesn't belong here.."
He doesn't realize it, but upon hearing your response and looking over at you, his eyes softened—and just like the snow he used to munch down to prevent himself from starving to death, his golden hues glistened in the light of the setting sun. He didn't know what to say to that. Or rather, he couldn't think of anything to say that would be comforting to your ears.
That's one the things about you that he's fond of, but is also envious of. You always knew the right thing to say even when he thought you didn't. It's one of his favorite things about you..
"Look, I'm sorry for lying to you for so long.." You said before heaving a long, tired sigh. One that sounded as if you've been holding it for ages, "In my own world, people despised me and this power so much so that they tried everything they could to make my life miserable.."
"Adults, kids, girls, boys, women, and men.. Even when they were more different than the glaxies above, the one thing that was always the same was the way they looked at me.. That deep swirl of hatred in their eyes as they stared at me..like I was some kind of monster.. No matter what I did for them, it never changed," Xiao chooses to ignore the way your voice cracks midway through your sentence—the signal that the glass dam inside you was beginning to crack..
"When I got here, I saw this as my brethren relieving me of that pain..like a fresh start. I was so happy..and so, so scared. I was terrified of the past happening again so I swore to do everything in my power to keep that part of me hidden for as long as I was able.."
At this point, he could see those crystal tears rolling down your face, the translucent trail they left glimmering in the sun's glow. He's never seen them before. You never allowed him to and now, he's grateful that you never did because the sight of you crying made his chest feel heavy and empty, causing it to ache. The sight was painful. It felt wrong associating this feeling with something so..human, but it's the only thing to describe this black hole forming where his heart's supposed to be..
And in attempt to fill that feeling, he finally asks, "Do you think this power of yours will bring harm to the people of Liyue?" You finally glance at him, confusion written all over that tear-stricken face of yours. He merely looks at you with expectancy, so you eventually croak out a small, "No.."
"Do you ever think that you'll try to take over Liyue and force it's people under your thumb?" He threw another question at you, and this time, you answered quickly, blurting out an offended sounding, "Of course not! Do you think I would?"
"No," He answered immediately, "But as the protector of this land, I had to make sure we were on the same page before I said anything else," And he gets up. Your crystalized eyes follow after him, confusion beginning to swirl along with a headache—the result caused by your near-breakdown just now.
"Wha.." You begin, but your voice dies in your throat as he offers you a hand and looks you in the eyes like he would any other day—as if everything was normal.
"You said before that after all of this was over, you'd drag me off somewhere to 'wind down', didn't you? Well, I'm allowing you this once to do so without having any resistance on my end," He clarifies, and that's when it finally clicks in your mind; nothing has changed. The world is still spinning, the once clear, orange sky has turned blue and starry. Xiao is still willing to reach out to you, still willing to stare at you with adoration and love, and be around you. He still sees you as simply Y/n.
And you find yourself brought to tears all over again. Yet this time, it's due to sheer relief instead of anxiety and agony. It's because of the happiness you feel as you reach out your hand and let yourself be helped up like some damsel..
..And it's all becase of Xiao, who's kind enough to see you as something other than a monster. Something lesser than a divine god or goddess, but as simply another person of the land who he should protect.
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"So when did you figure it out?" You asked to the man who sat across from you at the table—although to others it seemed as though you were talking to your tea from how your eyes were trained on it the entire time you spoke, pupils following every ripple it made with every slight of your hand.
The man across from you—who you've called many endearments over the years of knowing him—simply hummed at your question, taking the time to grab his own tea cup before answering just as casually, "Some time ago. I've had some theories of my own for a while now, but..outside assistance helped to point me in the right direction."
"So the traveler told you," You stated, your tone leaving no room for him to lie or say otherwise—a silent testament that it was futile to try and deny something you already seen as a fact, but he attempted anyways.
"Not exactly," He said, "It was a slip of the tongue on Paimon's part, a small one at that, I barely noticed it myself." And this time, you hum, closing your eyes as you at last take a sip of your tea—which has long since gotten cold since it arrived at your table.
You take a long, slow sip, as if you were buying time, or maybe, simply trying to collect all the thoughts swirling in your head and condense them in a coherent, civil sentence. Whatever it is, Zhongli allows you that time and patiently waits for you to finally set your cup down again..
"So? What do you plan to do with me now that you know?" The question comes off blunt—slightly threatening to the unintelligent ears, but it doesn't phase Zhongli. After all, he knows that you weren't threatening him, but more rather felt threatened. Similar to a cornered bunny who's only defense weapons are its fluffy, dull nubs.
"Nothing at all," He says, and at last your eyes cross the table to look him in the eyes. He does the same, granting you the same favor.
There's a moment of silence between you two in that moment. You silently demand an answer to his previous answer and the light thrumming of your fingers against the smooth, expensive wood gave away your impatience, your growing anxiety, and most importantly your fear. It's a discomforting sight to see of his usually calm lover, and so, he's quicker to respond to you in hopes of relieving your tension.
"You hold me in such high regard, dear. And while I'm flatter, may I remind you that I'm simply a consultant. I have no power to do anything other than grant you a comfortable resting place to lay your head when you pass," He closes his eyes, breaking eye contact with you to bless you with a small, polite smile, "A question like that would be more fit for the Tianquan, would it not?"
"In my humble opinion, though, I think it best if you didn't stir a pot that has already settled. Going to Lady Ningguang over something she knows nothing about is not needed, don't you agree?"
He opens his eyes again to look at you, only having the luxury to catch the tail end of your reaction to him deciding to sweep this under the rug before your expression smoothens out and a smile eases onto your face and your fingers move to lace around your cup once again..
"I suppose you're right. Forget I said anything then."
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"Who knew my windblume could be even more extraordinary than I once thought?" He told you under that massive oak tree—The Symbol of Mondstadt's Hero—after sneaking away with you, who was just praised the entire evening for your heroic deeds.
"You flatter me," You said before letting out a chuckle. Venti chose not to comment on how it sounded drier than how the fruits up in Celestia look, "Really, I don't deserve such praise.."
"On the contrary! You were Mondstadt's savior today! Not to mention mines!" He said cheerily, "If it weren't for you, Mondstadt would've been robbed of this bard's melodious melodies!"
You found yourself huffing at the absurdity of his words before you can stop yourself. Making up for the slip-up with a half-hearted, agreeing hum.
"You're a fool.. Having a dangerous being such as myself leisurely lay on you like this.." You whisper into his thigh as you turn on your side, your voice muffling due to half of your face being smothered by the puff of his shorts. Your comment was heard nonetheless and earned a chuckle from the bard.
"Love makes one do foolish things," He simply replies, before you feel something cold and smooth against your cheek. Your eyes flutter open and out of the corner of your eyes you see the familar red hue that you would only see plastered on one of the delicious treats the Cuihua Trees so graciously gift Teyvat.
You take the apple from his grasp, once again laying flat on your back as you hold the apple above you as if to tantalize yourself.
"I'm serious. You shouldn't be this nice to me anymore, Barbatos," Another slip of the tongue—one promptly ignored and immediately pushed to back of both of your minds, "I'm nothing but a weapon of destruction."
"That you may have been in the past, but as of now, you're simply a bartender at Angel's Share who's fallen head over heels for a skillful bard; me," He replies after swallowing the chewed, sweet chunks in his mouth that came from his apple—which has already been half-eaten at this point.
And you find yourself huffing again. This time at the realization that he was right—at least the part about being hopelessly in love with him anyways..
"You had a long day, so why not you rest after you eat? I'll strum you a gentle tune that'll carry you away to pleasant dreams, ehehe~!" He suddenly suggest—an obvious attempt at deading the conversation where it stands before you say something too depressing to brush off easily. You pretend to not notice, deciding to accept your defeat for now, as you nod, finally bringing the apple down to your lips and taking a bite, being careful to chew the bite thoroughly before swallowing..
"That sounds nice.. Maybe resting my eyes wouldn't be so bad."
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Dividers were made by me, pictures used are from Pinterest, post formatting is inspired by @xxsabitoxx
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WIP Wednesday
tagged by @welcometololaland, @heartstringsduet, @strandnreyes @whatsintheboxmh - thank you!
Sorry I've been MIA the last week or so - work was insane, and then there was a friend's multi-day wedding thing going on (A+ wedding, would let her plan all future weddings I go to). Also, please bear in mind I have not actually had a chance to see the episode yet, because see above about A+ wedding related shenanigans.
But ....
He’s late to Elian’s birthday. He didn’t mean to be. He never means to be late these days. “I just need to stop by the station," he said this morning as they were getting ready. He'd caught the way TK’s lips tightened, but all he’d said was. “I’ll come with you." “No, baby, you’ll just have to sit in the car.  That’s no fun.” TK eyebrows had gone sky high.” I’m not allowed in the station anymore?” “That’s not what I mean.“ TK’s muttered, “are you sure?” is just soft enough that he ignores it. And now he’s late, the one thing he wanted to check turned into five things and then a conversation with Campbell and a lead to check on.  It wasn’t wasted time.  But by the time he makes it back out to his car there are two messages from TK on his phone — a few months ago he thinks there would have been more, and he’s not sure when TK decided to stop trying so hard to get him to come home.  There are messages from his mother and sister too. He ignores them and sends TK a text / on my way /. Doesn’t get a response, which makes sense — he’s at Elian's party, probably helping Ana, or letting the kids use him like a personal jungle gym.  The party is still going strong when he pulls up to Ana’s house, but the look she gives him when he walks in is unimpressed. His mother looks worried, and all TK says is, “You made good time, light traffic?” “Yes. “  Smiles at Elian who has appeared at TK's elbow, “Happy birthday!” The eyebrow Ana gives him promises a longer conversation, and he’d be grateful that Luisa couldn’t make it out from LA, but he’s sure Ana will fill her in on all the ways he’s failing to live up to their father’s standard. Their father had never missed a birthday, or play, or recital. He doesn’t understand how. Wishes he could ask.  He can tell TK's pissed when they leave from the set of his shoulders, isn’t sure if it’s better or worse that they’d come in separate cars and can’t drive home together. Manages to catch him before TK gets in his car. “Hey, I’m sorry. I lost track of time.“ “I figured.” “I’ll make it up to Elian. He probably didn’t even notice I was late there were so many people here.” “He’s 8,” TK says flatly. “He absolutely noticed that his favorite uncle didn’t make it in time for cake and presents.”  Carlos winces, but tries for the joke anyway. “Pretty sure you claimed favorite tio a while ago.”  Regrets it the second he says it.
tagging @freneticfloetry, @carlos-in-glasses, @reyesstrand, and @lemonlyman-dotcom
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neptunesgrl · 2 days
Things that my redacted favs do that are true because I said so
- Calls Milo angel in private, had a couple drinks and it ended up slipping out in front of the pack. David looked very confused for the rest of the night and proceeded to call SH in the middle of the night to say “what do you know”, “what did they (Angel) tell you”, etc. Angel found it incredibly amusing.
- Drinks scotch. Rarely, since it makes Milo uncomfortable. They had it in their apartment once and after they’d learned of his father’s struggle with it, they made sure to keep it out of sight when he came over. Hasn’t bought a bottle since they moved in.
- Reverse pick-pockets everyone. Hates when people make a big deal out of apologies or big emotional things. Their way to avoid it is to make silent apologies. Often but not limited to leaving a couple hundreds in their wallet, cause we all know SH makes bank.
- Nicknames for Milo include: Mi, angel (as previously mentioned), hun/honey, babe.
- Takes the NYT crossword incredibly seriously and looks forward to it more than they’d like to admit
- Raised in New England. Hopes to move back if they decide to have kids, that is until they gain their powers, and need to move back to Dahlia.
Side note: Their child listening to ‘California’ by Chappell Roan on full blast in their room and giving SH war flashbacks
- Has gained a slight NJ/NY accent from Milo. Slips out when they get mad. Specifically with the words: ‘jackass’, ‘told her (so i told ha)’, ‘off (awf)’, ‘call (just cawl me)’, etc.
- Constantly holding Dear’s hand. At first, it was difficult for him to initiate, but once he realized it was the least embarrassing thing he could ask for, it became habit. Sometimes Dear slides their thumb to his wrist to check his pulse when he’s nervous.
- (UNEMPOWERED AU) Dear is an EMT. Sirens used to startle and disturb Lasko, now he finds comfort in knowing Dear is getting to save people (corny and tooth rotting fluff ik)
- Once, Lasko wore Dear’s fleece that went with their uniform since they’d left it at his place and it was too cold to go out without one. It took him 10 minutes of pacing at the front door to go outside and grab the food he ordered. Just in case someone on the 2 second walk down there would need medical attention and thought he could help since he’d be wearing the EMT jacket.
- He owns every single PJO book and shamelessly reads them at least once a year. He’s in the Zeus cabin (obviously). Grover’s his favorite, because in his words, “he’s the only one worried about the logistics.”
- ‘Guilty as Sin?’ is THEIR SONG. I will not be taking any criticisms at this time or ever. It’s just the lyrics about feeling guilty for thinking about the other in that way. Like are you kidding me. ‘I’ve screamed his name, building up like waves’ DEAR WE KNOW ITS YOU IN THE WRITERS ROOM.
(these are mostly fem leaning i am so sorry)
- Watched The Real Housewives. Insists Jersey is peak, Honey agrees. They take the finales very seriously. Honeys favorite is Margaret, Guys favorite is Melissa. He insists Honey and him are exactly like Joe and Melissa. I have RHONJ brainrot save me.
- Uses a sleep eye mask from dollar tree that says ‘nap queen’ on it. Found it in Honeys childhood bedroom.
- Raised in NYC (Brooklyn), insists he knows how to use the subway and always gets lost. Honey cracked the code within 2 days.
- Had headgear in high school. No further explanation. That’s it. That’s the HC.
- Child of…
dddiiivvvooorrrccceee!!!! i’m projecting He is so Chandler Bing coded don’t lie.
- Somewhere down the line, he’d like to write a book about him and Honey. Whether they work out or not. Very “You were a wonderful experience” / “You were…everything.” coded. Can you tell that not only am i awful at it, but I hate angst?
- Love letters EVERYWHERE. On dressers, in nightstand drawers, on the windshield of Honeys car, this man will find anywhere to put one of the many notes he has written gushing about his partner.
This has been in my drafts for so long I feel emotional posting it. Please take good care of my baby.
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cramathonn · 2 days
Hello! How are you? When you have time, could you please do a Seth x FoxThiren! GN reader please? I am so obsessed with this dude but there's almost no content about him. :( I love your work! 🫶💜💖
Ohoho, say less! I've also been super onto this lil' fella and GOSH I love him sm, there needs to be more reader content with him. Made reader specifically an Arctic fox because, hmmm white fur with white fur.
Headcanons under the cut, I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: bigotry directed at reader, but besides that fluff!
Pronouns: none were used and reader can be viewed as any gender
Seth Lowell x FoxThiren!GN!Reader
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So, foxes are know for being sneaky little tricksters and are often portrayed as great liars in media, which makes me think you'd work in the same sector as Jane;
However, you've known Seth since you two were kids, you were practically inseparable;
You two loved playing hide and seek together, Seth to train his vision and instincts better to become an amazing cop once he got older and you to train your camouflaging skills, to become a great spy for PubSec;
Yes, the two of you agreed to work for Pub. Sec. together like the true besties you were;
"Hey, Seth?" you asked, looking at the sky, clouds looking white and fluffy as always.
"Hmm?" he asked, turning his head to you. His ear flicked, eager to hear what you had to ask.
"When you become a cop, promise to not let it get to your head?"
Seth's eyes widened. He knew there were cops that turned into inconsequential idiots, believing they were above the law just because they worked to enforce it. The thiren understood your worry, but he couldn't help but feel a bit offended that you'd think he would turn out like that in the first place.
"I promise! I'd never turn out like that, and if I do, I know you'll be there to smack me across the face and bring me back to my senses!" he exclaimed, certainty in his words. After all, you were always there to snap him out of his negative daze.
You couldn't help but smile, finally turning your face to your friend.
"Then keep me in check as well. If I ever become scummy like that, you snap me right out of it!"
The both of you were now turned to each other as you laid down in the grass of your local park, linking your pinky fingers to sediment the promise.
That memory played in Seth's head evey day whenever he looked at his ring finger on his right hand. It was his favorite memory, after all, making him giddy to this day;
You and Seth started dating right before each of you enroled in a training school to become a Pub Sec officer. Albeit going to different institutions, you always made time for each other;
Late night walks were a must for you two, enjoying the quiet and relaxing atmosphere. Finally having respite from the arduous training from prep school while your tails linked behind the both of you;
You also had study and training dates. You excelled in more textual exams while Seth prevailed in physical ones, so you agreed to help each other;
Now, don't get me wrong. You were the best at the academics and theoreticals, having almost fully memorized the laws of New Eridu. You were also nimble, the most agile and dexterous in your class. But you could never seem to be able to pass the physical resistance exams...;
Same for Seth, dude was the peak of endurance tests. He could run for minutes, almost hours without exhausting himself. He could lift heavy stuff easily, swam pretty well too, be whenever it came to agility or academics he was... Not the best. He has also memorized the laws of New Eridu, don't get me wrong, but he fell short in anything that didn't involve citing the law book or physical workouts;
When the two of you graduated, you applied to enter for the same district, not wanting to be too far away. Unlucky for you, however, being a member of the Criminal Behavior Specialist department means you get sent out to many undercover missions;
You obviously were not as great as Jane, considering she's done that almost her entire life, but you were pretty good at your job. You rarely ever got caught due to your mischievous nature and cautious habits. However, that never stopped Seth from worrying about you;
Whenever you were sent to missions, he would insist you sent a message whenever possible to at least let him know you were doing well. He often times personally requests to review your mission reports just to keep tabs on you (Qingyi reviews the reposts with him because she knows very well that boy AIN'T reviewing shit, he's just worried about his partner);
That doesn't mean you don't worry about him as well, however. When Seth gets called for a case of his own, be it in a team or solo (which rarely happens due to how dense he is), you always worry sick. Jane has caught your tail swishing in anxiety many times when that was the case;
But when you two get assigned to a job together? Hoo boy, you THRIVE! You keep an eye on Seth's back, stopping any sneak attacks, while your wonderful boyfriend blocks the heavy blows with his shield. Power couple at its finest;
Don't get me wrong tho, as much as both of you love your jobs, you get tired as well. Whenever you are not on missions and he isn't up late at the office doing his daily reports, you two can be found cuddling on the couch of your shared apartment, watching series or tapes Seth had brought back from Random Play with a snack you bought on the way back;
Talking about Random Play, Seth introduced you to the place and you were amazed by how good their movie stock was. You simply had to sign a family subscription with them (which Seth went red for, since you essentially just said out loud that you were a family);
And on the topic of family... FAMILY WEEKENDS! Seth has a tradition of always going to visit his parents on the weekends and you always go along;
If you're on good terms with your family, Seth agrees to alternating which parents' house you visit. One weekend you go visit his, while the next you go visit yours and so on so forth;
However, if you're not on speaking terms with your parents, then he won't force you to visit them like he does his, offering to always take you to his parents' instead. Seth is a very caring man and, while he insists on the importance of blood family, he is very much aware that not everyone has the same luck as him in having good parents;
Also, his parents love you, I'll just say that. When Seth announced he was dating you to them, they just went "Finally! We were waiting for the two of you to get together for ages!" which prompted a very red and embarrassed Seth and a very happy tail wag from you, albeit you tried (and failed) to keep your composure;
"Hey, have you heard?"
Seth's ears flicked, standing straight up as he caught the whispers of one of his fellow officers.
"Apparently a fox thiren got accepted to our district. Can you believe it?" the man whipered, disbelief in his voice.
"What?! I can't believe it... They're letting those sneaky types of thirens in now? Tsk..." Another whipered back, disdain and disgust tainting his words.
Seth's fingers curled in frustration, closing his fists. How dare they speak so illy of you when they don't even know you? Judging you merely because of a stereotype of your thiren species... And they have the courage to call themselves officers? The lynx thiren was about to get up and confront the two when he catches another voice joining in on the conversation.
"You two are aware that fox thirens have good hearing, no?"
It was your voice. And by the sounds of it, the two officers were caught off guard by your silent approach.
"Yes, us fox thirens are good at tricking and mischief... But that just means we're better at fetching criminals, no?"
You questioned them, the usual eagerness in your voice laced with a slight anger that went unnoticed.
For everyone but Seth.
"W-well, when you put it like that..."
One of the officers started. However, it didn't take long for Zhu Yuan to call them out, scolding them for judging their fellow officer merely by misconceptions and stereotypes. Seth smiled, tail gently swaying behind him as pride fueled his system. He knew he was in the right district. Having his captain aid in defending you made the lynx boy feel incredibly happy.
He knew how much judgement you went through during your prep school days. The nights when you returned to your shared apartment looking beaten up because some idiots had a brawl with you simply because of your species playing in his mind. Seth knew how hard you worked to get where you are today, and he is glad that he is not the only one ready to step up to defend your efforts.
I wasn't out of the ordinary for you to get weird looks in the street and in your office. After all, fox thirens were known for being liars and tricksters, how could one be a Public Security Officer? Well, much to your dismay, many still doubted your capabilities due to that. However, Seth made sure to not let that get to your head, always affirming that you were a much better officer than those that judged you, since no officer should judge by appearance, considering the exterior is often times misleading;
Being a couple of PubSec officers is not easy, your lives are constantly at risk and you often times come back with a couple of scratches and wounds, but neither of you would want it any other way. Life may be hectic, yes, but the two of you always managed to make do with what you had.
In the end, Seth loved you and that's all that matters to him. You share his dreams, his passions and help him improve as a person. Tldr: you're all he could ask for in a partner and more.
At night time, when you two are cuddled up in bed, Seth can't help but smile fondly at you. He can't understand how he got so lucky, but he won't complain. The lynx wraps his tail in yours and nuzzles the top of your head, happy to have you by his side and hoping it'll stay like that for years to come
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Written by Cramathoon at 08:54am on 24/07/24 (24th of September of 2024)
Please don't repost!
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llamaisllama777 · 2 days
Okay, we had a lot of really good episodes today, so let's hurry up and talk about them!
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First up, FAMILY MOMENTS! I love this thumbnail so much, especially Moon's face.. I .. I just love it!
I love how we get to learn about everyone's movie preferences. It's interesting learning these little random tidbits about them. It's fun. Also Sun...
Also, Prince of Egypt is a really good movie. You all should go watch it. Even if you aren't religious, it's really good and has some awesome animation and music. Seriously, if you haven't watched, please do. I think it's on YouTube for free???
This episode was cute.... ONTO THE TRAUMA!
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Bout time, I was wondering when Nexus would try to kidnap Sun. Took longer than I expected... I wonder why? 🤔
This episode I think confirmed a theory I had...
New Moon/Nexus never cared.
I had this thought in the back of my head that Nexus never really cared about them. He never thought of them as family. He just saw them as people he was told to call family. They were NEVER his family. He never really cared. He just cared about Solar, but Solar never saw him as a brother. OOOFFFFF!
That hurts!
But I'm glad we know because DANG! The angst there!
Also, Sun is stronger than Nexus' chain ability (That ability where he forces people to the floor. I like to imagine purple chains form around the person when he uses that move)
Nexus was so close to kidnapping Sun....
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Monty FINALLY got to use the shotgun! He nearly killed Nexus there! Thank you, Nebula, for the starshells! The Astrals are starting to grow on me.
(Okay... maybe a was a little rash on the whole "Down with the Astrals" "Viva la revolution" thing!) Sorry, Astrals. Still don't really trust Taurus or Leo tho.
Things are getting serious! October is in like two weeks! The creator is still out there! Rez and Cetus are out there! And Dark Sun still has a stinkin' dragon! This is gonna be an exciting October! I'm so excited!
Also, thank you, Davis and Reed, for this picture of Monty with a shotty.
And lastly...
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Okay, Eclipse looks like that one guy from the office that conspiracy theory guy. And Puppet just looks depressed.
Puppet really wants to catch the killer. It's really affecting her. It's the MCI incident all over again. And she clearly doesn't want anyone or herself to go through that again. Eclipse still won't watch movies with anyone. It's only a matter of time, though. The moment he says yes and joins them is the moment his redemption arc is complete for me!
So, Eclipse and Puppet have narrowed down the killer to 4 suspects. All employees of Fazbear.
1. Vincent
2. Some lady named Margo
3. A teenage intern who works in the daycare named Josh
4. And the repair man whose name I forget.
I don't think it's any of these guys. But I have a few theories on who the killer could be..
1. Michael Afton of this world. Eclipse did mention in one of the early episodes of the EAPS that the Michael of this world was/still is an employee of Fazbears.
2. Henry Emily. Just cause the angst that it would cause Puppet.
3. The Charlie of this world. Just cause again the angst it would cause Puppet being the killer of this world!
There is no way it's Wanda(the William of this world)
And I highly doubt it's Vincent or some rando employee.
It has to be someone important.
These episodes were amazing!
Davis, Reed, Kat, Valentine, you guys did amazing on these episodes again!
Extra point cause WOW!
Also shout out to this commentor for having the funniest comment on there.
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Nebula, you are starting to become my favorite Astral!
Also, Patchnotes is a ship I really hope happens now!
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almonnz · 1 day
QUICK what's your favorite thing and/or headcanon abt Mikleo?
One of my fav headcanons is he made himself pretty on purpose, since seraphim's looks are based on how they perceive themselves (I have a whole sormik post abt this somewhere sjxk)
Thank you for the ask! The idea of him knowing he's pretty and becoming more pretty as a result is really cute!!😭 It's cool to think of the other seraphim with this headcanon, like Edna looking young since she sees herself as a little sister!
So my favorite Mikleo headcanon comes from the in-game description of Sorey's hairstyle
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I saw it and decided he probably trimmed Sorey's hair this since they were kids! It's so rare to have a friend who would trim your hair, so maybe he's done it for years
Had to doodle this
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pnutbutter-n-j-elyy · 10 hours
When You Need Me Most | Part 4
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Jeongin x Reader (implied female but can be read as gn!)
Pt1 Pt2 Pt3
It seemed that Jeongin hadn’t realized it only took the bare minimum to kickstart your fall.
And it seemed he took after the most dramatic hyung; thinking grand over the top displays of romance were the key to your fragile heart.
It started with the billboard.
You were on your way to the doctors, your tired eyes staring at the street ahead as you sipped on an iced coffee. You heard honking and looked at what the commotion was about. You realized someone a dozen cars up in the morning traffic was leaning out their window to take a picture of a billboard.
A billboard with your face on it.
Or a painting of your face. A pretty damn accurate one at that.
Damn you Hwang Hyunjin. Can’t you say no to your [precious little baby once in a while?
You felt a flash of embarrassment as you read the words adorning the billboard. 
I love you,  my nabi - YJ
You moved up in the sea of traffic at the pace of a snail as more and more people were taking pictures.
“Ahhh.” You said honking, feeling frustrated at the weird warmth rising in your chest.
Next it was a flash mob. 
You were innocently walking towards the JYP building to bring the boys coffee when you heard familiar music echoing through the streets. 
There were people crowded around the building which made sense since it was a hub of activity for many’s favorite idols. But there were way more people than usual.
Confused, you pulled out your earbuds and pushed through the crowd to find a group of masked people that looked oddly familiar in front of the building.
Once you came into sight the music immediately started- some gushy american pop song about love you loved blaring from three separate stereo systems.
Your eyes widened when you realized why these dancers seemed so familiar- ITZY, TWICE, NEXZ, Day6 - the kids obviously. 
Your heart sank when you spotted Jeongin in the center, dancing with an infectious smile by the look of his eyes above the mask, his energy radiating as he led the group through your favorite song. As they finished, the crowd erupted into applause, and you felt your face flush with embarrassment.
“What do you think?” he asked, breathless and grinning from ear to ear as he rushed over.
“Think? Jeongin, you can’t just do things like that!” you protested, shaking your head, desperate to maintain your composure. “What the hell are you thinking?!” You grit through your teeth as you hide your face from people who were taking pictures. You were upset; but grateful at the TWICE girls for blocking the cameras that were pointing towards you and I.N. - they had quickly noticed that you were uncomfortable and being girls girls helped out. Your heart was pounding in your chest as you glared at Jeongin.
It's pounding because you're angry Y/N. Not because you’re totally swooning over this. Not because the crowd thinks we’re cute together and keeps chanting for me to accept…not because this is the most romantic thing I’ve experienced. It's because I’m angry.  You tried to convince yourself.
“But I wanted you to know how much you mean to me!” he argued, eyes sparkling with  excitement. “Now basically the entire company knows. And they support.” He said stubbornly.
“You’re insufferable, Yang Jeongin.” You said. He grabbed the coffee carriers from your hands and let out a soft giggle, the moment he turned away a smile resting on your face for a split second.
Days turned into weeks, and Jeongin’s antics only escalated. There was the movie theater rental. Then the 1000 roses. 
The fucking blimp.
“Why do you keep doing this?” you demanded one evening, arms crossed and lips pressed tightly together. “This is ridiculous!”
Your cheeks were burning with embarrassment. Jeongin had invited you out to dinner and you were surprised by a serenade from the waiting staff. The attention from everyone made you feel like a bug under a microscope.
“Because I love you!” he shot back, a mix of frustration and affection in his voice. “Why can’t you see that?”
You huffed, trying to hold your ground. “Love isn’t supposed to be all...this! It’s supposed to be normal! I mean, you could just text me like a normal person! Or like take me on a normal date where I don’t have an entire restaurant singing me Frank Sinatra.”
“I want everyone to know how I feel! Especially you. Which is why I do it in public.” he responded, seemingly oblivious to your embarrassment.
“Your public image is at stake! What do you think people will say?” 
His eyes dimmed momentarily but then brightened again with determination. “I don’t care what they say if it means making you smile! Which believe it or not Y/N I know you like these romantic gestures.”
“What’s next, Jeongin? A plane with a message?” you snapped. 
“Would you like that?” he teased, his playful nature unyielding.
“My point is when is it going to stop?”
“When you become my girlfriend. So the ball is in your court Nabi-”
“Jeongin!” you groaned, frustrated. “This needs to stop! You’re making it impossible for me to breathe!”
He looked at you, genuine hurt in his eyes. “But Y/N-ah.” He whined. “I just wanted to make you feel loved.”
“No more Jeongin or the deal is off. You’re going to ruin your public image if you-”
You watched Jeongin shake his head at something behind you and when you turned you saw someone with a shocked and regretful face watching as a small heard of tiny dogs rushed at you. All with flowers in their mouths, and wagging tails as they dropped them at your feet and jumping up on their hind legs like circus performers.
You heard Jeongin groan in embarrassment. 
You felt a mix of warmth and irritation flood you like a tidal wave. Such powerful emotions you felt tears fall from your eyes. “It’s too much! I love you, but I can’t handle this! You’re insane Yang Jeongin.” You couldn’t help but smile as the tears continued to fall, squatting down to pet the dogs as they happily yipped and lapped up your tears.
He blinked, confusion clouding his expression. “What did you say?”
You laughed and started wiping at your tears, not knowing what you were feeling. 
“What?” You laughed out, not able to control the smile on your face, as you watched the dogs make their way back to who you assumed to be their trainer.
“You…said you loved me.”
You looked up at Jeongin, his face a mixture of shock and hope and excitement.
You quickly replayed the words you had said and your eyes widened in surprise. “I didn’t mean- I meant-”
Before you could finish, he stepped closer, cupping your face in his hands, his sincerity palpable. “You love me?” His eyes were wide and curious.
You felt your heart flutter, torn between annoyance and the undeniable warmth swelling within you. You had never been one to slip up your words badly, rather you said what was constantly on your mind. 
But you were stubborn. Even though you knew you were so undoubtedly in love with him. 
“Jeongin, you can’t just-”
His lips brushed against yours, soft and tentative, igniting a spark that made you forget your stubborn resolve. When he pulled away, his eyes searched yours, hopeful yet vulnerable. “This is the happiest moment in my entire life.”
You sighed, a rueful laugh bubbling up in your chest. “Me saying I love you is the happiest moment in your life?” You asked in disbelief.
“Hm.” He said with a sharp nod, eyes twinkling.
“What about your debut?”
“No. Nothing compared to this.” His energy was infectious, and before you could say anything else, Jeongin started bouncing up and down like a little kid who had just received the best gift in the world. His excitement was so intense that it became less of a bounce and more of a shake, his whole body trembling with joy. 
You couldn’t help the smile that tugged at your lips as you watched him. “Jeongin, stop. You look ridiculous,” you said, though the fondness in your voice was undeniable.
He grinned wider, shaking even harder. “I don’t care. You love me, Y/N. You said it. That’s all I care about!” 
You rolled your eyes, trying to suppress the warmth that flooded your chest. “You’re seriously acting like a child right now.”
"Then I guess I’m a child in love," he shot back with a wink, still practically vibrating with excitement. "You don’t understand, Y/N. You saying that… it means everything to me." His voice wavered, growing softer. 
Suddenly, the bravado slipped away, and his eyes started to gloss over with tears. “I’m so happy, Nabi,” he whispered, his lips trembling as he pouted, struggling to hold back his emotions. His usually bright, mischievous demeanor melted into something raw, something unguarded, and the sight of it made your chest tighten.
You swallowed hard, caught between wanting to comfort him and feeling overwhelmed by the weight of it all. “Jeongin, I…” 
He took a shaky breath, blinking rapidly as if trying to fight off the tears, but they brimmed at the corners of his eyes. “I know I’m ridiculous,” he laughed softly, the sound shaky. “I know the billboard, the roses, the flash mobs… all of it was too much. But I didn’t know how else to show you. I wanted you to see how much I-”
“Stop,” you cut him off gently, your heart aching as you reached out to grab his hand, squeezing it tight. “It’s not that I don’t see it, Jeongin. I see it. But…” you gestured vaguely in the air, your voice trembling. “You’re risking everything- your career, your image- all for me. I don’t want you to jeopardize all of that because of some grand gestures.”
His face fell, and for a moment, you feared you’d broken something fragile between you. He pulled his hand away from yours, running it through his hair in frustration. “I don’t care about my image, Y/N. I care about you. How many times do I have to tell you? You’re not listening!”
“I am listening. But you’re not being reasonable. You should care!” you blurted, your frustration finally spilling out. “You’ve worked your whole life to get here, to be where you are. And I’m just-”
“Don’t you dare say you’re just anyone,” Jeongin interrupted, his voice sharper now, filled with emotion. “You’re not just someone, Y/N. You’re my someone.” 
You stared at him, your pulse racing, feeling the weight of his words between you. His eyes were wide, shining with sincerity. 
“I don’t care what anyone says about us. About me. I don’t care what I have to give up, because you-” he stepped closer, his hands cupping your face so gently, his thumbs brushing away a tear that you didn’t even realize had fallen, “-are worth more than any career, any public image, or any of this.”
You felt your breath catch in your throat as his words settled into your heart, breaking through the walls you had tried to keep up. It was terrifying, knowing he was willing to sacrifice so much, just for you. 
“Jeongin…” you whispered, shaking your head. “I love you. So much I’m scared sometimes.”
His eyes softened, and he gave you a bittersweet smile. “I love you too.” He said it so casually, like it was the easiest thing in the world for him, but it hit you like a tidal wave.
“What if-” you stammered, your heart racing. “What if-”
If this ends badly. You wanted to say. But you had no room because he leaned down without hesitation and kissed you. 
It was soft, hesitant, and full of every unsaid word that had been hanging between you for so long. 
Well, unsaid on your end. 
The world seemed to slow around you, the chaos fading as his lips moved gently against yours, and for the first time in a while, you felt like everything made sense.
When he pulled back, his forehead rested against yours, his breath coming out shaky. “You keep trying to say you didn’t mean to say it,” he whispered, his voice barely audible. “But I’m glad you did. Even if its not true…”
You opened your eyes slowly, looking up at him, completely disarmed. “It is true. It’s the truest thing I’ve ever said.” Your voice was barely audible, and Jeongin let out a relieved laugh.
“Thank God,” he said, placing his forehead on yours with a soft smile. “I’ll stop the blimps, the billboards, the flash mobs.” His hands slid from your face, falling to rest gently on your waist, his grip warm and steady. “I’ll stop all of it, if that’s what you want.” His nose brushed against your cheek, eliciting a soft giggle from you as he gave you feather light kisses. 
You stared at him, your heart aching, unsure of how to respond. He was offering you everything, offering to quiet the chaos he had created, just for you. And yet, there was a part of you that realized something.
It wasn’t the grand gestures that overwhelmed you- it was the fact that they were for you.
“I didn’t need all of that,” you said softly, your voice barely above a whisper. “I didn’t need the blimp or the roses or the billboard to know how you feel. I’ve known for a while…I was just too afraid to admit it.”
Jeongin’s brows furrowed in confusion.
You sighed, shaking your head. “It scared me. Loving you- being loved by you- it scared me. I was afraid that we’d lose everything we had if we…if we crossed that line. That we would end up like…” You frowned. “You're special to me, Innie. I didn’t want love to ruin anything.”
He let out a small, incredulous laugh, his eyes filled with so much warmth it nearly broke you. His eyes crinkled into those cute mischievous ones you loved oh so much. “Y/N, love isn’t what ruins things. It’s not love that causes the problems. It’s fear. Fear of messing up, fear of losing control. Fear that we’ll get hurt. And it’s not even really the fear. Its letting that fear control you.”
You swallowed hard, his words hitting too close to home. “But what if we do mess up? What if we ruin everything?”
He smiled gently, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. “We probably will. But that’s life, isn’t it? We’re going to mess up, we’re going to make mistakes. But that doesn’t mean we should stop loving each other. Or that we’re going to. You just have to push past those fears; those mistakes made, arguments had. You push past them and then your love grows stronger.”
Tears stung at the back of your eyes as you met his gaze, feeling the sincerity in his every word. He was right- love wasn’t the problem. It was the fear of it, the fear of losing something so good that kept you from truly letting go.
“You’re strangely profound tonight, Jeongin.” You giggled, more tears threatening to go. You cupped his cheek and caressed it, as he leaned into your touch looking you in the eyes. “Where’d my Innie go?”
“He grew up so he could take better care of you.” He responded softly. “I love you,” he said again, his voice full of quiet conviction. “And I don’t need a thousand roses or a flashing billboard to prove it. I just need you to trust me. Trust that we’ll figure it out together. Trust me that I’m not going to hurt you like everyone else. Trust me that I’m going to be there for you when you need me most.”
You bit your lip, nodding as a tear finally slipped down your cheek. “I do. I trust you.”
Jeongin smiled, his thumb brushing away your tears. “Good. Because I’m all in, Nabi. No more over-the-top gestures. Just…you and me.”
You let out a shaky laugh, leaning into him as he pulled you into his arms. “Just you and me,” you whispered, finally feeling the weight you thought would never leave lift from your chest.
Two Years Later
The stadium was alive with the kind of energy only a sold-out show could create. The crowd roared with excitement, thousands of fans screaming as Stray Kids performed their final song of the night. You watched from backstage, your heart racing with pride as Jeongin worked the stage like the pro he was, every movement precise and electric.
He caught your eye for a brief second from across the stage and flashed that familiar grin, the one that still made your stomach flip even after all these years. You smiled back, knowing that even after everything, he was still the same Jeongin- your Jeongin. The one who would text you random memes at 2 a.m., who would bring you snacks even when you didn’t ask, who had once rented out an entire billboard just to make sure you knew how much he loved you.
It had been quiet since then. After that night two years ago, the grand gestures stopped. No more blimps, no more flash mobs, no more roses delivered in bulk to your door. It was just the two of you now, living a quieter kind of love- a love that didn’t need to shout to be heard.
But something in the way he looked at you tonight was different. His eyes sparkled with that familiar mischief, and you felt a twinge of curiosity in your gut. 
As the final notes of the song faded out, Jeongin took a step forward, raising his hand to signal for the crowd to quiet down. His bandmates exchanged glances, a few of them smiling knowingly, and you furrowed your brows. 
Something was definitely up.
“Thank you for tonight!” Jeongin shouted into the mic, in English his voice echoing through the stadium. His accent made you smile and you wanted to pinch his cheeks like the cute little baby bread he was- even if the way he looked now made him seem like “daddy toast” as Stay had put it oh so perfectly. The crowd cheered wildly in response, and you chuckled to yourself, always amazed at how much love and support he had.
But then, his voice softened. "Before we go...I, um...I have something I want to say. Or, well, maybe something I need to do." He glanced backstage, locking eyes with you again, and your stomach flipped for an entirely different reason this time.
Your eyes widened as he waved you over, the spotlight suddenly shifting in your direction. The crowd let out a collective gasp as they realized who he was looking at, murmurs of recognition rippling through the audience.
“Y/N-ah,” he called, his smile growing impossibly wider and his dimple showing. “Can you come out here for a second?”
Your heart pounded in your chest, and your feet felt glued to the floor. The staff nudged you forward, and you hesitated for a moment before stepping onto the stage. As you approached, Jeongin held out his hand, his eyes glowing with something beyond excitement- something deeper, more vulnerable.
Once you reached him, he took your hand in his, his grip steady and warm despite the fact that the stadium was roaring with thousands of fans. You could feel the eyes of every person in the room on you, but all you could focus on was him- Jeongin, standing there with that look in his eyes that made you feel like you were the only person in the world.
“I know I promised no more grand gestures,” he began, his voice soft but steady. “And I’ve been good, haven’t I?”
You chuckled nervously, nodding. “Yeah, you have.”
Jeongin grinned, but then his expression shifted, becoming more serious. “But the thing is…I lied.” 
The crowd erupted in laughter, but you stood there, frozen in place, not sure what to expect.
He took a deep breath, his gaze never leaving yours. “A few nights ago, I was drunk- like, really drunk- and I was crying. Like full-on sobbing to the guys. And you walked in and saw me crying and the guys recording me…?” He looked at you with an expectant gaze.
And it clicked.
You felt tears starting to form.
Jeongin spoke again, turning to Stay for just a moment. “For context I was crying because I was so drunk that I saw a picture of Y/N and I and was sad because I thought the person I loved most had a boyfriend.” He chuckled. “Even thought I was literally looking at a picture of us- and I am Y/N’s boyfriend.”
The crowd bursted out laughing again, knowing that was on point for their precious maknae.
Jeongin bit his lip, his eyes glistening with emotion. “But then my hyungs started recording again because I started crying again. Harder this time.” He swallowed. “Because I realized that I’m not your husband.”
Your breath hitched, and your heart felt like it was about to leap out of your chest. The crowd gasped, murmurs sweeping through the stadium again, but all you could focus on was Jeongin- his trembling lips, the way his hands shook just slightly as he held yours.
“I kept telling myself that I didn’t need to do something crazy to prove how much I love you. But then I realized…I want to. I want to do one last grand gesture.” 
With that, he slowly dropped to one knee.
Your hands flew to your mouth, your eyes filling with tears as you realized what was happening. Deep down you knew he was going to propose once he brought up that story, but for some reason you didn’t believe it. But now there was no denying it.
The entire stadium fell silent, the weight of the moment settling in like a wave crashing down.
Jeongin looked up at you, his smile trembling as he pulled a small velvet box from his pocket. “Baby…I know I’ve been over the top before. I know I’ve done a lot of wild, stupid things. But this isn’t one of them. This-” he opened the box to reveal a stunning ring, the lights catching the diamonds in a way that made it sparkle like a star, “ - is the one thing I’m doing because I’ve never been more certain about anything in my life.”
Your breath hitched, your vision blurring as tears streamed down your cheeks. 
“Will you marry me, Nabi?” His voice cracked slightly, the vulnerability in his words breaking your heart in the best way possible. “Because I can’t imagine a life where I’m not the one by your side. I don’t need blimps or billboards. I just need you.”
The silence in the stadium was deafening, every single person holding their breath as they waited for your answer.
You swallowed hard, your voice shaking as you whispered, “Yes. Yes, Innie.”
The crowd exploded in cheers, the noise so loud it felt like the stadium itself might burst apart. But all you could hear was the sound of your heartbeat rising in your ears, pounding in your chest as Jeongin stood up, pulling you into his arms.
He kissed you then, in front of thousands of screaming fans, in the middle of the most important moment of both your lives. It was soft, gentle, and filled with so much love that it made your knees weak.
When you finally pulled away, breathless and laughing through your tears, Jeongin looked down at you with the same adoring smile he’d always had. “I guess I broke my promise about no more grand gestures, huh?”
You chuckled, wiping at your tears. “I think I’ll let this one slide.”
Jeongin grinned, his eyes sparkling as he slid the ring onto your finger. “Good. Because this is the only one that really mattered.”
You looked at the ring then up at Jeongin who was crying now too. Suddenly, it all became too much. The adrenaline, the disbelief, the overwhelming joy- it hit you like a tidal wave. You turned away from Jeongin, your chest rising and falling with uneven breaths, and squatted down, covering your face with your hands. The tears came pouring out uncontrollably, your entire body trembling as you tried to process everything that had just happened.
The cheers from the crowd were deafening, but you could still hear the boys- your boys; you family -in the background, reacting to what had just unfolded. 
Lee Know tried to maintain his composure, but even he couldn’t stop the flood of emotions that broke through. He was crying, full fledged crying and clinging to Changbin which was a strange and unfamiliar sight to you. Changbin’s grin was impossibly wide, despite the tears rolling down his face. He leaned into Lee Know, giving him a hard smack on the back as if to say, “Can you believe this? Our maknae - our little baby did it.” 
Chan,  had crumbled into a full sob as well, his shoulders shaking as he wiped furiously at his eyes, looking at Jeongin with a mixture of pride and disbelief. He was holding onto Han, who was also crying but trying to comfort his hyung at the same time, patting his back as tears streamed down his own cheeks.
Felix, Hyunjin and Seungmin were all huddled up crying as well, trying to pull someone up onto the stage. You couldn’t help but let out an excited squeal as your favorite Aussie - sorry Channie, sorry Lix - came running to you from the crowd.
She didn’t care as she pushed Jeongin out of the way to fall onto the ground and hug her best friend. 
“Oh my GOD!! Y/N, my love!!” Hannah cried as she clung to you, pulling back to look at your face.
All of them - every single one of them - were crying, their hearts bursting with happiness for the youngest member of their group, the boy they’d watched grow from a shy teenager into a man who was standing on stage, proposing to the love of his life.
And Stay…Stay was losing their minds.
It was as if they didn’t know whether to cheer, cry, or scream. Some fans had tears streaming down their faces, waving their lightsticks in support. A collective wave of emotion washed through the crowd as the realization hit- Jeongin, their precious maknae, was in love. Truly, deeply in love. And it wasn’t just some fleeting romance; it was real, profound, the kind of love you could only dream about. 
Some fans covered their faces in disbelief, others jumped up and down in pure joy, and more than a few had collapsed into sobs, overwhelmed by the moment. Their phones were held high in the air, capturing every second of this life-altering event. They knew this wasn’t just a regular concert anymore- it was history in the making. Probably the most elaborate proposal one had seen. A story that would be told for years to come.
Jeongin stood there, watching you cling to Hannah with a soft, tender smile, and then, without saying a word, he crouched down beside you. He didn’t pull you up immediately, just rested a gentle hand on your back, giving you the space you needed to breathe, to process. After a moment, you peeked up at him through your fingers, a half-sob, half-laugh escaping your lips as you took in his watery smile.
“I’m really sorry for this,” Jeongin murmured, his voice still shaky with emotion, “but I couldn’t wait any longer.”
You shook your head, laughing through your tears as you wiped at your face. “I should’ve known you’d find a way to break your promise.”
He chuckled softly, his hand still rubbing comforting circles on your back. “Just this one time. I couldn’t help it, Nabi.”
Finally, you stood up, still feeling weak in the knees, Hannah letting you use her as a crutch, and Jeongin pulled you into his arms. He held you so tight it was as if he was afraid you might slip away, his chin resting on top of your head as you both soaked in the moment. He pet your hair as the rest of the boys crowded around, not caring about the stage or the cameras.  One by one, they pulled you and Jeongin into the tightest, warmest group hug you’d ever been a part of - Hannah stubbornly pushing past her brother to join - each of them sniffling and wiping their eyes as they squeezed you both.
Lee Know, still crying, ruffled Jeongin’s hair with a grin, “I can’t believe you actually did it.”
“I can’t believe I’m crying,” Han muttered through his tears, which made everyone laugh.
“I can you’re a crybaby.” Seungmin said through his now quieted tears, which only made everyone laugh even harder.
Chan gave you a squeeze, patting your head, his voice thick with emotion. “I’m so proud of you, Jeongin.”
You glanced up at Jeongin through the sea of arms wrapped around you, his face still glowing with pure happiness. As the boys and your best friend slowly pulled away, Jeongin took a deep breath, turning to face the crowd one last time. He was still holding your hand, his fingers laced tightly with yours as he raised your joined hands in the air.
“I just have one last thing to say,” he began, his voice resonating through the stadium as the audience quieted down. He looked at you with so much love, his eyes soft and bright. “A message for Stays.”
He looked at you and you nodded, having a sixth sense to what he would say.
Jeongin stood there, his voice steady but full of emotion, addressing not just you but every single person in the crowd. His hand, still holding yours, gave a reassuring squeeze, but his eyes drifted over the sea of fans- his Stays. His heart was laid bare, his words filled with a kind of truth that could only come from experiencing love in its rawest form.
“The problem is never that you loved someone or someone loved you…” he continued, his voice resonating across the stadium. “It’s how you choose to handle that love. How you react when it gets hard, when it feels overwhelming, when you’re scared of it. But love itself? Love doesn’t hurt you. People do. Choices do. But love…love heals.”
He took a deep breath, his gaze now sweeping the audience as if speaking to each of them personally. “I know some of you might feel like love is scary. That it’s a risk, that it can break you, or ruin things, or mess with everything you’ve worked for. But love doesn’t destroy. It builds you up. It pushes you to be the best version of yourself. It’s what makes life worth it.”
The crowd, which had been buzzing with excitement, grew silent, every word sinking into the hearts of those watching. Tears filled the eyes of fans as Jeongin’s vulnerability hit them all at once. The sincerity in his voice made it impossible not to feel the weight of his message.
“I know sometimes it feels easier to give up on love, to protect yourself from the possibility of getting hurt. But the truth is…love will always be there, waiting for you to embrace it. When you shut it out, you’re shutting out the best parts of yourself.” His voice softened, but the emotion behind it was more powerful than ever. “When you need someone the most, when you feel like you can’t do it alone, love will always be there. That’s what love is for.”
A gentle breeze seemed to sweep through the arena, carrying his words like a warm hug. He glanced at you, a soft smile tugging at his lips as he turned back to the crowd.
“So, don’t be afraid of it. Don’t run from it. Don’t think it’ll ruin things, because love will only ruin you if you don’t give it a chance. Trust me, I’ve had to teach that to people firsthand.” He turned to you and kissed your forehead. 
“And I thought that I had to prove that fact with grand gestures, but in the end, all that matters is being there. When someone needs you most.”
He whispered to you.
“When you need me most, I’ll be there. That’s love.”
With that, he leaned down, pressing a soft, lingering kiss to your lips, sealing the promise that he had made- not just to you, but to everyone who believed in love.
You smiled through your tears, reaching up to touch his cheek gently as you two kissed.
When you had needed him most he had shown up. 
You had always needed him. And he had always been there.
And you knew he’d always would be.
@abovenyx @wolfs-archive @oddracha
@iyeeeverydee @parisanmorovati @seungmincenteric
@panbish-1209 @fxiry-vtt @sseawavee
@shuporanporang @amarecerasus @softkisshyunjin
@whoa-jo @meanergreener @rikibun
@ayyonoona @shinywombatcrusade @y4yayael
@skzstan12345 @mariteez @allys-reads
@jazziwritesthings @skzstannie @yongbokkiesworld
@kkkeopi @neverendingstay @moony-9
@minsungsthirdwheel @everlastingspring143 @joyofbebbanburg
@leezanetheofficial @tr-mha-fan @bubbly-moon
@night-storm7 @missmajdastark @0325tiny @mademoisellebruce
@stressymessyana @axel-skz-main @desi2go
@adirajackson @hyunjinsbelovedamericano @yaniiiiism
(i tagged those who had commented, just so they could know the final part was up since its been a minute since this fic was updated :3)
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Stephanie Brown and Damian Wayne
Damian's drawing of people who loves him personally offended me when i saw the lack of Talia (but fucking Ra was there! So ridiculously absurd), Duke, Jason and more importantly in my opinion the lack of STEPHANIE BROWN! Barbara and Rose Wilson never had the bond he had with Stephanie not even Cassandra and im specially Salty about Maya because all the fuss about the "adoptive sister" That showed up right in the messed up new 52 as if Stephanie wasn't literally the fucking first big sister figure he had, this is so insulting giving the fact that STEPHANIE WAS HIS BATGIRL:
The Batman's no-daughter and Damian first big sister, Steph is a Bat member that is placed along Batman's children but she was never adopted and we could say she is kinda in the same position as Barbara, they can only become official daughters if they become daughters in law.
I firmly believe that Damian can't be placed along all the people that personally wronged Stephanie because... Damian has been an arrogant jerk with absolutely every hero he has met, he looked down on his own father at first, the fucking Batman! So he literally didn't discriminate Stephanie, because even if he tried to insult her saying he was disappointed to see she wasn't Cassandra, when he actually met Cassandra he tried to undermine her as well so to me that comparation doesn't have the same weight as when she was constantly compared to other heroes by other certain characters.
The little time they had together in the Batgirl run was way too precious, the teasing and the banter and how they worked together was so good! Stephanie was so good to him! She got him to be able to behave like a kid because she noticed he didn't even know how to play, she got him to play with him in a bouncing castle, she wanted him to smile, they worked together to save Dicks Batman and i always laugh when Damian teases her about "not having a big chest", Damian dear you were so fixated on that for no reason... Maybe Steph was also his first platonic crush... I think the second was Supergirl 😂😂.
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(I miss them when they were like this... I miss them everyday 😭😭😭😭)
DCeased wasn't exactly one of my favorite comics regarding plot but it has a special place in my heart for being currently the only alternative universe that represented this sibling relationship as it was always meant to be until the disappointing death that was supposed to be solved by Talia and never happened as if they forgot.
That universe gave us a beautiful present and that was the very first time someone (wonder girl Cassie) officially acknowledged Stephanie as Damians big sister and not to mention the hug! 🥺🥺🥺 he actually let himself being comforted in her arms and hugged her back, when he saw her he even called her "Steph" Not "Brown" Or "Spoiler/Batgirl" and oh my god she became his Robin 🥲 and to me she is just the perfect Robin to his Batman after all... She was also the Batgirl to his Robin.
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Another thing i want to point out, when Alfred was murdered Dick still didn't have all his memories, Jason was just too angry and Tim didn't do much, Barbara isn't that close to Damian so I think they totally should have used Stephanie here, Damian really could have used a big sister... Again wasting her character but I guess they wanted to use only the closest people to Alfred and sadly it looks like Steph isn't one... But she is an important person to Damian no matter how much DC wants to erase her, she will never dissapear! I can't believe Barbara and Rose Wilson and that pop out of nowhere post new 52 Maya are in that drawing of people who makes Damian feel loved BUT NOT STEPHANIE!! Even the horrible RA is there?! But not his mother or HIS FIRST AND IN MY OPINION BEST BIG SISTER FIGURE STEPHANIE!!! DC YOU HAVE A LOT TO ATONE FOR 😤😤😤😠😠😠😠
Fortunately the author of the webtoon family Wayne adventures has a better understanding of this and gave us the precious moments they deserve:
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In my head this is Stephanie with her 3 best boys, the ex, the little platonic brother that might had or might not had a platonic crush on her and who i think is her very soulmate ❤💜
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sparklingcid3r · 1 day
ik in the musical they changed it from darry to darrel bc it sounds close to dally, but in a deeper way what is ur hc of how in the book only the socs call darry 'darrel' and also now in the musical that darry is in charge everyone calls him darrel? what do u think that switch was like for him, and how did his brothers react to it?
you’ve come to the right place bc i LOVEEE overanalyzing the whole name thing. reaching is my favorite pastime fr. i’m gonna try and answer ur ask and then some bc i feel so strongly abt this deadass (me making up for the fact that idk how long this has been sitting in my inbox without me knowing, anon im so sorry lmfao🙏)
i think darry probably just went by darrel at school because the right to call him darry was reserved for the people he grew up with. my own hc is that paul used to be one of the only people from school who called him darry because of how close they were, but paul didn’t stick to one name, he switched between darry and darrel. tho after the fallout, it’s exclusively darrel or just “curtis,” as a way to distance himself from the fact that they were once closer than he cares to admit.
as for the musical, i could definitely believe that at least pony and soda grew up calling him darry, but stopped as they grew older, like outgrowing a kid’s toy. especially when their parents died, the name darry kind of died with them, it’s a relic of their innocence that they can’t use anymore without remembering what they’ll never get back.
i kind of also want to get into why the coordinators of the musical chose to change darry’s name over dally’s, when they just as easily could have had dally go by dallas and kept darry’s nickname. and this is where the reaching starts so don’t take me seriously i’m just being a D1 yapper rn
but to me the decision to keep dally’s nickname is a symbol of the fact that dally literally is a child. to the average audience member who has little to no knowledge of the source material, “dally” is probably a little bit childlike and serves to remind them that no matter how touch he acts, they’re watching a kid make incredibly big decisions for other kids
darrel meanwhile is the designated adult of the group, and that’s only by circumstance, not because he genuinely is old enough/has enough maturity to handle it. but by taking away his nickname, it emphasizes the point to readers/movie watchers that darrel can’t afford to be seen by anyone as too young or childish, not even the audience. he’s hiding behind even his name to put up the illusion that he knows what he’s doing, where they’re going, how they’re going to get there.
but yall ik this is some crazy headcanoning i’m just a girl having fun lmfao🫶
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