#i think that's all???
ramcue · 2 years
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WOOO... WATCHER!MUMBO. the scrimblo. he hides in his decoy vault and talks to invisible creatures
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03l210 · 2 years
Hello Hello!! Can I ask Himeko Murata or Sandrone Headcannons?? The plot would be, Himeko/Sandrone reacting to their S/O imitating people(Just like Griseo from Honkai Impact). Its okay if you won't accept this request, I understand !!!
I dont know if your accepting Anons but if yes, can I be ' ☕🧋Anon' ??
Anon I LOVE how you think oh my god ofc I'm going to accept this request (totally not because Griseo is one of my favorite flame-chasers, definitely not)!! I decided to just go with Sandrone for this because I am in DESPERATE need of writing for her, but I will definitely update this post/make a new one for Himeko later because I love this idea... Also, I am 100% always accepting anons as long as the emoji is available, which I will make a list for soon! However, I do ask that you only choose one emoji/name so for now I'll just refer to you as Latte/Coffee anon but just let me know if you want to be referred to by Bubble Tea/Boba anon instead in my inbox and I will update it! ^-^
Now, without further ado:
Sandrone with a S/O that imitates people (HC):
Okay so for Sandrone it’s pretty much a huge case of favoritism for her 😭
She honestly seems like she would hate hearing people’s imitations of others but when it's you??? Oh my god she finds it so endearing and just silently enjoys hearing your imitations of people, be it while you are complaining or are just doing it for whatever other reason.
Like she just enjoys it from you
You could be imitating Dottore’s maniacal laughter and whatever random sounds he makes while thinking about something or doing one of his experiments or you could be imitating Pierro’s speech from earlier that day and she will just be softly smiling while giving you the smallest, most loving glance ever IM SO
She doesn't have even the slightest problem with it... Until you imitated Tartaglia while fighting one of her robots to test its capabilities for her
One day she is just observing you fighting while noting down the machine’s weak points that you find mid-fight and then all of the sudden while she is grabbing another piece of paper from her side, she just hears you yell out “Riptide!!” followed by the laugh of a certain ginger haired harbinger
she looks like one of those shocked cats😭
her mouth is in its usual smile, except this time her mouth is just slightly open, and her eyes are just wide open and blinking while she is frozen in place processing what she just heard before turning her head to you and having the robot she sits on bring her to where you are in front of the now broken machine
when you turn around her face is back to its usual soft smile and open eyes, but you can practically SEE the hatred coming off of her smile
its lowkey a little bit scary when you take in the GIANT ROBOT SHES ON THATS LOOMING OVER YOU
"My dear... might I ask of you to never imitate that boy again if possible?" she asks you so sickeningly sweet that it has chills going down your spine
I think it's safe to say you don't imitate Childe in front of her again after that
Once that is settled, she just goes back to silently admiring you and your imitations of others while ignoring that whole interaction
as if you didn't get the shit scared out of you that day😭
(I took some slight inspiration from the fact that Griseo imitates Mei's ult for the Childe part I couldn't help myself)
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bokkerijder · 4 months
pro-AI in the sense of "they taught a bread scanning computer to recognize cancer cells" etc etc
against AI in the sense of "we stole artwork from hundreds to thousands of artists, didn't credit them and didn't financially compensate them"
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in the hour or so it took me to draw this op turned reblogs off
EDIT: reblogs are STAYING OFF. op was right and correct and i have never regretted making a post as much as this one. if you want to reblog my art you can reblog something else from my blog. or commission me, lord knows i deserve financial compensation for the nightmare this post has put me through
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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Knowledge Revenge.
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sleepygaymerdisease · 3 months
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beaft · 4 months
my mum forbade me to say anything to my dad about the top surgery thing, and it's just hit me how funny it would be if i got it done and didn't tell him and just waited for him to notice. i mean, what's he gonna say? "didn't you used to have tits?"
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sylvies-kablooie · 4 months
i do unironically think the best artists of our generation are posting to get 20 notes and 3 reblogs btw. that fanfic with like 45 kudos is some of the best stuff ever written. those OCs you carry around have some of the richest backstories and worldbuilding someone has ever seen. please do not think that reaching only a few people when you post means your art isn't worth celebrating.
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characters have to be a little bit awful in ways that you cant defend. its good for the ecosystem. your honor he did do that. He did in fact do that
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mikewheelerfan2022 · 1 month
Reblogging would be a great help, but don’t feel pressured to
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riacte · 6 months
not romantic not platonic but a secret third thing [what would happen between earth and the moon if the earth stopped spinning as illustrated by xkcd randall munroe]
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etherealspacejelly · 6 months
me when the disability disables me: oh what the fuck? this sucks. what the hell man!
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lazylittledragon · 4 months
can't believe we're all adults being forced into the club penguin level of censorship in 2024
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dendrochronologies · 4 months
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maya angelou saying the funniest thing anyone has ever said about editing, which i can never let myself forget EVER AGAIN [x]
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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The math just adds up!
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buttercuparry · 26 days
Reblog the fundraisers you mfs!!!!! I don't know why you all skip those to reblog some pic of a banner saying "FREE PALESTINE" or of news from Columbia University! Literally these people from Gaza have made an account on Tumblr and is writing in english to communicate what they need and you all are coming onto my blog or on the tag and not reblogging their posts. We have people both Palestinian and non Palestinian vetting the fundraisers! I mean more the reblogs, more the chance of the fundraisers gaining momemtum, the more there would be a chance of a donation. Please donate if you can and reblog!!! and follow them if it is possible.
@/mohammedayesh has posted about getting leaflets, telling them to evacuate Rafah. They are very low on funds. Go follow them and reblog their posts and donate if possible.
We have @/haneenatya too whose mother is suffering from eye stroke and need to evacuate. Please I have been following them for some days and it doesn't seem their own posts are getting much attention.
Follow them! They are on tumblr. Reblog their posts and donate. The protests in universities are being done on account of them. They should be our focus.
(EDIT: on re-reading my post it seems as if I am dismissing all that the students of universities are doing. I am not. I just meant, since all of it is to help Palestinians, we must not ignore them when they ask for help).
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