#i thought i was just a late bloomer or something but i like.. practically never find interest in people romantically
theworldlookswhite · 9 months
i'm probably aromantic but i dont want to confront that right now
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blackmoonoracle · 5 months
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For singles & those in relationships/situations
You may have someone interested in you that doesn't know how to approach you romantically! It seems like a secret admirer, someone who watches from afar. For some of you this could be someone a bit older than you, it could also be a coworker or boss! It feels like there's a lot of admiration and nurturing energy coming from this individual. They may see you as very hardworking and possibly even unfairly self critical? This is definitely a huge secret, I see that this person WANTS to come forward but feels nervous to do so. Almost like they may be very shy? This is definitely earthy energy here. I also heard "capricorn & aquarius" so even if they're an air sign or some other sign they have earthy qualities to their character. This is an individual who may also have not so good self esteem. They may also be a late bloomer of sorts? Even if they are older it could be that this person has a deeply private nature. I also heard perverse. LOOOL. wild.
If you know who this is and feel the same way, I feel like you are very irritated just waiting and waiting. I'm not saying they won't come, however I am saying- that this individual may never have the inner strength to approach you. Be unapologetically expressive, if you feel the need to say something and you feel comfortable doing so then say it. If you feel like you're tired of waiting and vague back and forth flirting walk away girl! You deserve to have someone with enough inner strength to just approach you and make you feel like a prize! If you're the masculine, or brooding earthy energy reading this! Then you absolutely need to make a move. Stop worrying about whether you're good enough, rejection is part of life. If you end up being rejected then it is what it is. You live and let live, it is not the end of the world! You will regret having never taken action. Don't live in this isolated bubble forever.
There is a need for some introspection in this pile! I'm not seeing anything bad, I'm just seeing that communication is super important and that you may struggle with it. I see here where there is an intention and desire to communicate, but I also see where there's a lot of mental anxiety regarding communication. I keep hearing something about picking yourself apart. I feel like there's a lot of really intense self criticism here. Which is also something I picked up for the singles in pile one. So that's an interesting consistency. Anyways, it's important for you to maybe be more relaxed in this connection. Not everything needs to be so deep, and you don't have to be so harsh on yourself. However, you absolutely are learning how to communicate more effectively. There needs to be more practical application of the thoughts and ideas you have. Like actually putting what you think and what you feel out there to be examined by the other party. It seems like you feel like you're above your own emotions? smfh, if I could roll my eyes at you I would. I promise you no one is above their own emotions. It looks like you need to work on a tendency to emotionally repress. All of this internal conflict you experience literally can be solved by communicating openly. I feel that there is a sense of arrogance regarding communicating emotions. Like you just don't know how to comfortably do it without feeling disgustingly vulnerable almost. It's like you just want to remove yourself from that state of being. If you just open up there will be a lot more success in your relationships of all kinds I'm seeing. Business, Romantic, Friendship. Etcetera.
Okay, we have 2 separate messages here for you guys.
So, some of you are manifesting your perfect person. Others are in a state of limerence. So, let's see, I'm gonna start with the manifestors. I'm seeing here that you have kind of pulled back, and pulled in all of your energy from an individual who seemed to be taking it all up and wasting your time. GOOD for you. I'm proud of you. So, it seems in my opinion that you are in a deep state of manifesting your desires and focusing on yourself and what you truly desire in life. Now, for the flip side. You guys are in deluluville, take a step back and ask yourself if you are putting this person on a pedestal to fill a void. What can you do right now to come back to yourself and feel more connected with your needs. Have you spent time with friends recently? Done any pampering self care? These things might be able to help you feel more secure and pull you out of that state of projection. I'm seeing that the advice for both piles here is to get out of this dreamy energy and start showing up in your physical life. Manifestation is great, but if you're not taking physical action how are your manifestations going to come to fruition?
You're being asked to be present in the world around you, and to remove yourself from this constant state of daydreaming!
I feel like you need to have more confidence in yourself and in your connection! This is honestly a really positive message, I feel like you need to spend more time honestly focusing on you? Developing yourself, allowing things to unfold for you. Have more faith and confidence.
You may be exploring something you've never experienced before. Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty and really explore what's going on around you right now. Be more secure in knowing this is an actual solid situation, I feel like you are feeling restless somehow. Try to get to the root of that, understand what is causing you to feel so uncomfortable and confront it. I feel like you may be feeling frustrated because you're trying to reach something. Like maybe you feel distant from your person and it is causing a lot of friction? I feel like, you need to just relax a bit. You will get your desires! There is a truly solid foundation here, and everything will truly be okay. <3
ngl, I feel like a lot of y'all are either fixated on one person or like this super idealized idea of intimacy and romance and I honestly feel like its kind of unfair? I feel like there may also be a specific person who is interested in you that you're just NOT feeling. Right now is a really good time to focus on building yourself and your stability up. I feel that honestly a lot of you are just a bit stuck up at times? There's not really a huge message here. It seems like nothing is really good enough for y'all, which is fine like you're allowed to desire whatever you desire. At some point though you might want to ask yourself if you're lacking gratitude for what you DO have. If you're feeling bored, or like nothing is really fulfilling you perhaps it's time for you to find new hobbies and interests. It seems like maybe y'all aren't even interested in love rn? Which has me like why are y'all even reading this LOLOLOL. Regardless, I wish you all well! TAKEN/SITUATION:
I see that you guys may be in a brand new connection! omgggg, it looks like there's a lot of mystery surrounding how this might unfold. I feel like this might be a talking stage on the verge of becoming official, or possibly you just met someone that you have a very intense connection with. I feel like some of you could be younger, perhaps your family is not comfortable with you dating? So I'm seeing that this connection might be secret. I feel like you're being told that it will be okay and you will be able to let this circumstance come to actual fruition. Just know how to keep your situations separate and private so that your family isn't in your business. I'm also seeing something about love notes or love letters. So maybe you should write your person a letter confessing how you feel! Sorry this is so short pile 3 <3
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sunnasweet · 7 months
Alice and The Android
This is my first time using this account after perusing through the monster-fucker tag, this story is...tentatively a monster-fucker story?? maybe? I don't know where androids fall on the spectrum and this guy's pretty human except with a couple quirks so...?
Anyway, I wrote this in one sitting after I discovered Literotica existed and I wanted to submit a story there so...there's sex. duh. But I'm a Tumblr girl at heart so why not post it here too.
This is dedicated to Lana del Rey because I was listening to Dealer on loop all day writing this.
the tentative 64-character summary that I was allowed : Virgin Alice pays a philosophizing android escort to fuck her.
9.9k words (about 6k words before you hit the porn), heavy on consent, android x female reader, edited? i ran this through grammarly
Alice Walker had a secret, she was a 30-year-old virgin.
That's right, this woman, who wasn't even unattractive had never been filled before. Despite the many dates she went on that never went anywhere and her ever-filling contact comm list, she had never been intimate before.
Why? Great question. Alice was scared–terrified really. At first, it was something of a joke, 18, 19, 20, fine. But after that, it became something of an insecurity. The bridge between her age and experience grew further and further and before she knew it, she was officially in her 30s and certainly not dirty–or so the saying would suggest.
She was worse than a late bloomer. She had bloomed but instead of thriving she wilted. Her garden was empty. A dry, desolate place.
She hadn't even touched herself.
Whenever she thought about it she gave herself a twisted gut. She had considered maybe she was asexual but that wasn't true, she had gotten aroused before, very aroused. She just couldn't bring herself to do anything about it.
Any time things got hot and heavy with a boyfriend she felt so embarrassed about having to admit that she'd never done it before that she'd take the other route and say next time. Until next time became never. She lied now saying she was saving herself for marriage, an old ritual still practiced even in the galaxy. Alice was not religious.
Maybe there was some guilt involved in the act for her. Still, she had no reason for it. Quite the opposite. Like she said, she wasn't religious, her parents were very open and accepting, and she had no insecurities about her body.
Alice knew she was beautiful–or at least, evidence suggested she was. She was tall, lean with heavy breasts and a small pert ass, her nipples were raspberry pink and her face was nothing to shrug at either. She was cute rather than hot, if she had to describe herself and she dressed to emphasize that. Whenever she tried to wear something 'sexy' she looked like a kid playing dress up. In your 20s, that's fine, in your 30s? It was alarming.
She knew she wasn't old. She knew that she was not expiring, despite what her indoctrinated thoughts told her. Sure, she had the starting of some crow's feet and smile lines but she wasn't a child anymore. She was a 30-year-old woman.
A 30-year-old woman who had decided the moment she blew out the candle on her birthday cake–alone, that she would finally make her wish come true.
She was going to lose her virginity.
Alice unpuckered her lips and let the waft of smoke fill her nostrils as she stared around her dark kitchen. She shifted on the stool, her fingers tapping on the countertop. Then, her comm beeped, the screen glazing over her eyes as she got a confirmation notification that her appointment was in an hour. She blinked and she was back in her kitchen staring at her cake. She grabbed a knife and cut herself a slice.
"Happy birthday Alice," she murmurs to herself.
It's not that Alice had no friends. She was a very sociable girl. Maybe that was another reason why the fact she'd never had sex really got to her. She was a very well-adjusted woman. She worked, had a social life, and hung out in the Sector 17 lounges where rich Sector 20 men came to find high-priced escorts. She lived a very satisfying life.
She wanted for little, but what she did want, she couldn't get her mind off of.
She wanted sex and she didn't care if it wasn't special. But she wanted to make sure she picked the right person. Someone who would respect her and make sure she was properly prepared. The man didn't have to love her, but she needed to know that no matter what, at the bare minimum, she'd be treated with basic decency. She didn't like surprises. When she thought of situations she had never been in before her brain automatically went to the darkest scenario.
So no, she hadn't so much as let a man's hand under her panties.
Alice ate her cake slowly, after this, she'd take a shower and get ready for her appointment.
Sector 17 was the upper-class entertainment center. If you wanted something it was there. You just had to find it. So when Alice went looking for a solution to fix her dilemma she was presented with one.
State-of-the-art, fully cognizant, customizable sex bots. Or escorts. Whatever.
In 4093, they were identical to humans. It was impossible to tell the difference. Some were servers, some were purchasable spouses, and some were sex bots. The only regulation on androids was that they couldn't run in any political circles but their own.
The way they were programmed, they were able to produce their own thoughts. Maybe they didn't feel anything, but they were real enough for Alice to feel comfortable. She also knew, that while they had some form of free will, their purpose of creation affected their desires and obviously a sex-bot was built to please. So she could say with utmost certainty that what she wanted was what would happen and that's what Alice needed. Certainty. No variables.
She wanted to mark this social achievement off the list.
So as a gift to herself for her birthday, she scheduled a full night appointment with one of the most expensive android escort services she knew of.
It was the price of a single-person emergency escape pod.
Alice saved all year for this and she knew it would be worth every credit.
The Den, which was the name of the business, was a one-of-a-kind business. They didn't just have sex bots. They let you customize your own. Appearance, voice, personality, everything. It was the exact kind of thing Alice salivated for.
Alice stood. She put her plate and fork in the sink and then quickly washed them. After that, she put her mini birthday cake in the fridge and headed for the bathroom.
She stared at herself in the mirror. Her round face made her still look youthful. Her small heart-shaped lips and doe-like eyes exacerbated the fact. She kept her beige-blonde hair long, it reached to her waist in loose ringlets. All things considered. She was generically attractive. Pretty but boring. There was nothing unique about the kind of beauty she had.
She stripped out of her loungewear and stepped into the shower where the water automatically came raining down on her in the warm temperature she preferred.
Exfoliate, shave, wash. It was ritualistic. She smelled almost too clean.
She had shaved practically every part of her below the neck. Her legs, her arms, the unruly strip of hair that went up to her bellybutton on her belly. The only part of her that wasn't bare was her pussy. She had only trimmed her vulva. Something about that hair made her feel sexy which was few and far between.
After that, she tied a tower around her hair and patted dry and slathered moisturizer and a hydrator on her skin. She painted both her fingernails and toenails a simple white. When she looked in the mirror this time she was smooth and shining.
Brush, blowdry, blowout. Her hair felt silky and smooth when she ran her fingers through it.
She wondered if all this effort mattered, if he was programmed to like her wasn't this all useless? She wasn't sure as she pulled out a lingerie set from her dresser.
White lace in a pretty floral pattern for the bra and thong. Her breasts were holstered but her nipples were easily visible through the fabric.
Whatever the answer to her question was didn't matter. For the first time, she felt hot.
She threw on a long trench coat on top of that. It would hide her exposed body and keep her protected from the artificial breeze that randomly emitted on the Omega Station.
Alice pressed the embedded button on the side of her head–her comm unit–and alerted The Den that she was on her way. Alice lived in Sector 13, so she'd have to take the elevator up 4 levels. It would be relatively quick as long as they weren't packed.
The elevators had been pretty sparse when Alice arrived. The inside dinged and the doors opened. Alice walked out, her heels click-clacking on the fake concrete tiles of the ground. She shivered as a breeze passed her by and kissed her inner thighs.
Sector 17 was set up like an earthen city. Of course, no one drove but there were still roads and streets. The lamps were lit and the only thing reminding you this was not a real city were the glass walls and ceiling that gave you a beautiful view of space.
It took 20 minutes for Alice to arrive at The Den. When she entered the doors, the first thing she recognized was the smell of spice invading her nose. It smelled…sensual. As did the music sound that quietly played in the background.
Alice kept her eyes down as she passed several men and women in the waiting room. She approached the receptionist at the desk with a slightly flushed face.
"Hello, how can I help you?" The woman asked.
Alice swallowed, and she smiled weakly. "I have an appointment? For..7:30?"
The receptionist nodded with a smile on her red-painted lips and her fingers deftly began to type on the holographic keyboard of her desk, her eyes flitting between her hands and the screen. Several moments later and she gently said 'Ah'
"Yep, I see you right here. Alice Walker, 7:30. You're right on time! That's good, you won't have to wait, we just need to do a quick check-up and then you're good to go."
"Check-up?" Alice asked nervously.
The receptionist nodded, "Mhm, you'll take a standard blood test to make sure you're free of disease and then we need to check you for any weapons." she looked Alice up and down, "It'll only take a minute. You look good to me." as Alice cursed in her head for not wearing actual clothes under the coat. She nodded and the receptionist went back to typing before acknowledging her once more. "Okay, so just head down the hall–" she pointed to the left– "and you can go inside room 10 where your blood test and security check will be done."
Alice quickly nodded and gave a quiet thank you as she nearly bumped into a man who was speed-walking down the hall also looking at the ground. Despite the luxury of this place, it didn't make the reality any different.
This was a brothel.
While she walked down the hall, Alice realized this place was either highly overrated or soundproofed. She couldn't hear a thing coming from the rooms she was passing.
That was good. Really good. Alice didn't want anyone listening in. This whole thing already had her nerves going. Her hands were slightly trembling and she was queasy.
When she reached the 10th door, which was at the end of the hall and not the beginning, she thought to knock but then remembered the presumed soundproofing and pulled the handle. She peeked through a slight crack in the door and saw a woman in a lab coat sitting in a chair next to a table.
Alice took a deep breath and then walked inside.
The woman–a doctor? Instantly smiled like the receptionist and stood.
"Hello Alice, I'm Dr. Sol," she says in a raspy murmur, she held her hand out for Alice to shake. Alice smiled shyly as she shook the woman's hand.
"Nice..nice to meet you."
"Of course." She says, then she lets go of her hand and turns back to the table.
While she did that Alice expected her room for the night. It was nice, really nice. There was a large queen-sized bed on one side of the room, with a reddish brown wood, matching the headboard were two side tables that had lit candles on them placed in clear glass holders.
The carpet under her feet looked plush and there was a second door in this room that she could safely assume was the bathroom.
"Okay, So I'm sure the receptionist told you but we'll just go over it again, today I'll be giving you a quick blood test and security check." The doctor snapped on a latex glove and Alice flinched.
"Can I ask…why is there a security check?" she asks.
The doctor nods, "Believe it or not, a lot of people try to steal our workers."
"Steal? As in kidnapped?
"Yes that's correct, so we've had to implement a security check to make sure no one is smuggling in any weapons, drugs, or outside tools." the doctor confirms and informs her.
Alice raises a brow, "Drugs?"
The doctor nods as she picks up a blood pricker that Alice recognizes from her tri-monthly check-ups with her own doctor. "That's right, drugs. The androids here are highly sophisticated. They are meant for not only this room but also the outside world when needed. Every android is designed with its own mechanical nervous system, brain panel, and circuitry. They are programmed to be unique."
The doctor pricks Alice's finger then she watches it flood into the vial. The doc smiles and turns back around, she places the vial into a tubular device and faces Alice once again.
"Here comes the awkward part, I'm going to need you to undress for me. You can keep your underwear on though." Alice gulps.
She laughs nervously, "About that…" she says. Her shaky hands open her trench coat and she embarrassingly opens it to her lingerie, the doctor laughs.
"Oh!" she says, "Well that certainly makes things easier." she says, "Please remove your coat so I can do a full rotational check, and step out of your heels." Alice nods and follows the doctor's directions.
The doctor does a quick check over Alice's body, inspects her heels then smiles.
"You're all good Ms. Walker."
"Thank you…"
She turns back to the tubular device and hums, "No disease, that's exactly what I want to see." the doctor says, glancing over her shoulder with a smile. She grabs the machine, takes off her gloves then points to a bowl.
"While our Androids are highly specialized, they cannot procreate, however they do ejaculate. So, depending on your preference you can go bare or use a condom," she says, Alice nods wordlessly and the doc gives her a pat on the shoulder. "Alright then Alice, you're all good to go. Your android will be in shortly."
Alice sighs out in relief when the doctor leaves. She looks around the room once more, picks her coat off the ground, and drapes it on the chair. She peeks into the bathroom and spots a fluffy white bathrobe. "Score." She takes it off the hook and wraps it around herself then ties it.
With that, Alice sits on the bed nervously.
She fiddled with her hands on the bed, took some deep breaths then started pacing the room. When the android still didn't arrive, she moved her heels so they hadn't just been sloppily kicked off where someone could trip.
Alice's head snapped when she heard the door rattle slightly and her heart dropped to her gut.
The door slowly opened and revealed the exact man she had spent five hours customizing on her computer two weeks ago.
Tan, tall, broad. He had dark brown hair, so dark it looked black in this light, slicked and styled back but it seemingly looked effortless. His eyes were brown, he had a strong nose and an angular jaw. He was broad and big and suddenly Alice felt embarrassed.
Is this what she had really wanted for her first time? Was this her dream man?
Yes, it was, and he was.
He smiled at her with straight white teeth and her eyes widened.
"Hi.." she breathed out, smiling back out of reflex. That seemed to make him smile wider. He was perfect, and not in a way that made him almost creepy. He looked human, his face wasn't completely symmetrical, one of his eyebrows was higher than the other and his eye was a bit thinner on top. She had asked for that. "I'm Alice…"
"I'm Ren." He introduced. It was the only thing she hadn't been able to customize–his name.
She looked at the floor for a moment, scraping her bare foot against the plush carpet and her eyes flitted back up when she heard the door close and lock.
He walked over to her and her eyes got wider than they were before. He crouched before her with that charming smile, crouched like he was about to propose. One leg bent, slumped slightly and an elbow resting on his knee.
"Don't worry." he said, low and smooth, "Everyone's nervous their first time."
Alice swallowed and nodded, "Thanks."
Abruptly he said, "You're beautiful" Alice blushed and smiled shyly.
"You have to say that."
"I still mean it." he said, then looked her up and down again, looking into her eyes, trailing down her neck then resting for a moment on her bare legs "And I have preferences like any person would." admitted the android and her heart started beating double time.
That couldn't be true. Could it?
"Okay.." she says awkwardly and he chuckled.
He reached for her hand and she let him touch her. This was familiar to her. She had been gently touched before, she had let people put their tongues in her mouth. This was okay. This was safe.
His thumb stroked the back of her hand and she shivered.
"Why don't we go sit on the bed?" he asks. She freezes and he laughs again, "To talk. We have all night for that." That. Sex. Intercourse. Fucking. However you wanted to put it, it was all Alice could think about when looking at this male–android? This artificial man.
He stood from his crouched position and helped her out of her seat, he looked her up and down for the third time, leading her to sit on the foot of the bed. Once sat she stared at him with an awed bewildered expression.
He didn't speak at first, content to just let her stare at him while he held and stroked her hand, soon moving to her wrist and then arm…
"Why don't you tell me about yourself Alice?" he encouraged.
She swallowed and nodded, "Well…I work as the assistant for a sector 19 CEO." she started because it was the most interesting thing about her. He nodded.
"Very impressive." he murmured, "I" 'm a SB009 model, which means I am one of the original androids made for The Den."
She took an indrawn breath, "Really?" she asked nervously and slightly relieved.
"So you're experienced."
"How experienced would you say?"
He chuckles, "You're pretty nosy." he teased and she flushed.
"Sorry.." she whispered.
Ren shrugged, "I've been working and living as an escort for 3 years, I work 4 days a week. You can do the math unless you would like me to…" he says, trailing off for the first time.
Alice did not need to do the math. If he was having sex at least once a day for 4 days every week…well, she could see why the blood test was necessary. Did he have to take a blood test? What a stupid question! He was a robot, he didn't have blood. Or maybe he does? His hand feels warm…
"Do you get tested?" she asked quizzically, he laughed, seemingly undisturbed by her question.
"I am…" he cleared his throat, "sterilized after every session."
Alice's eyes widened, "Oh." Did that mean he could just remove…? She cleared her throat and nodded. Neat.
He smiled, "Yes." His hand was still stroking the back of her hand and it made it extremely hard to focus on conversation when the most handsome man she had ever seen was sitting right in front of her, smiling and touching her.
"Tell me more about yourself, Alice. Something that's not work-related. What do you like to do with yourself?"
"Excuse me?"
"Your hobbies," he elaborated and she relaxed.
"Oh. Uhm…" Everything Alice did was boring. She shrugs, "I'm more of an R & R type of person…I like to relax…so I go to the spa a lot, or do yoga classes…" he perks at that.
"Yoga huh?" he says, a glimmer in his eye. Her brows furrowed and she nodded, "You're quite flexible then?" she gulped and nodded once again as he chuckled. "That's good. It's good to keep healthy."
"W-what do you do?" she asks, "You said you only work 4 days a week, does that mean you–"
"Have a life outside of The Den?" he finishes for her and she nods. "Yes, I do. There are few times when I need to sleep so I have a lot of free time." That interested her so she nodded again to signal he had her attention. "Well, let's see..how about I tell you how one of my days would normally go?"
"That sounds good."
"Well, I wake up, take a morning run..shower–"
"You can get wet?"
"Yes. I can be fully submerged in water."
"Can you..drown?"
He chuckles, "No. I cannot drown. I don't need air."
"That's amazing." She says slightly awed, "So..theoretically could you live your entire life underwater?" That gave him a pause but eventually, he shrugged.
"Theoretically, yes, but I imagine that would be very lonely."
"You get lonely?"
"Doesn't everyone?"
She frowns, "Yes but…" he smiles at her like they're in on the same secret.
He ignored her, "After my shower, I finally eat and no, it is not necessary to eat but I can eat and I have a digestive system that disintegrates anything I do eat. I have taste receptors. So while I don't need to, I want to." She wonders how many times he's had to explain this to a client.
Alice was not a scientist nor an engineer, she had no idea how a piece of technology could taste but she nodded anyway.
"Then, if I'm not working, we'll just say this is my day off, I will either go visit friends or do an activity." Friends..he had friends. "After that, I will come home," Where was his home? Did he live in The Den? "And I will usually read or watch something before going to bed."
Ren's life sounded simple. Simple but nice.
"That sounds…very peaceful," she says.
He nods, "Yes."
"Do you live here?" she asks.
He shakes his head, "No. I have a regular apartment unit. I am paid credits for my time here at The Den." Alice's eyes widened at that. He lived like a person. He looked like a person. He acted like a person. Doesn't that make him one? Or is this just an extraordinarily sophisticated list of code? Maybe he was lying. Maybe this was the backstory they created him with. She hadn't gotten to customize his backstory…
"That's all very interesting." she says, "You have friends? Are they androids like you?"
"Most of them, yes. I have very few human friends."
"Why is that?"
He smiled but she couldn't understand what was so amusing.
Finally, he shrugged, "It is just how things have turned out."
"Do you enjoy your job?"
"I…" he paused, "do you?" he asked.
She shrugged as well. "It's work. It pays for the bills." Ren nodded.
"That is what I think as well."
That made Alice's stomach twist. So he would just tolerate tonight? The way Alice understood how androids work was that they had a natural favor for their purpose but now this android was personally telling her he did not enjoy his work but merely did it because it was what he was paid to do.
"Do you get treated well here?" she asked a little quieter.
"Very well," he says.
"Tell me more." Alice wanted him to elaborate. She wanted to make sure this man wasn't being treated like some Sector 2 low-class gigolo.
"Well," he seemed to shift positions, then he looked at the bed. "Come lay down with me then I'll tell you." he bargained which shocked her. She didn't know he was allowed to do that. But I guess he didn't owe her anything from his personal life.
She nodded without hesitation, crawling further onto the bed and laying against the headboard. He did the same, one arm thrown over her shoulder and pulling him into her side which made her heart race, and the other doing that same circling motion he was doing on the back of her hand the whole time they spoke. She wanted to know more about an–this android's life.
"Let's see," he says, clicking his tongue. He raises a finger. "I get 60% of the profits The Den makes off my clients." Alice's eyes widened at that. "I'm allowed to reject clients if I don't feel comfortable or attracted to them."
"Attracted?" she asks, "How do you know you're attracted to something?" she asks. He was a robot. He couldn't feel at least, not in the way she could.
"How do you know?"
She thought about that, "I just know.."
"Precisely." he says, "I just know."
Her lips thinned and cheeks flushed as she had two realizations. The one that made her blush was that he specifically accepted her as his client because he was attracted to her.
"Keep going..what else."
"I get maintenance insurance." he then says and she laughs.
"You're kidding" he got health insurance for robots? It was both hilarious and sad that something like that existed.
She was beginning to get more and more comfortable with Ren as he spoke, telling her about all the benefits he received from working at The Den. She even found herself subtly cuddling into him as she listened to him. At some point, she even started to rest her head on his shoulder.
Alice only noticed that when his hand had started to play with her hair. She shivered. This was all very…intimate. She had expected something a lot more primitive. She guessed this was what her money was paying for.
He felt so real and from what he was telling her, (if he wasn't lying) by all means she would consider this artificial man a real one.
She understood now why the Android Protectant Program existed. They discussed android rights with both the human and alien commanders of Omega Station.
She refocused on him, "Yes?"
He smiled, "Should we get started now that we know each other better?" Alice looks him in the eyes nervously.
"Maybe we can talk some more?" She asked.
He nodded, "We can do that." he murmured, he stroked her scalp, "We can just talk all night if that's what you want." Alice leaned into his touch, sighing softly.
She wanted to take him up on that offer and back out of her birthday goal.
"Today's my birthday.." she says loosely, moving further into his body.
He looked down at her, "Happy birthday Alice."
"Thank you, Ren."
He shifted, turning towards her further, his hand moved from her scalp to her cheek. Stroking it with his thumb and her eyes widened. "Tell me more."
"About you.."
She swallowed, and shrugged, getting distracted by his touch. "I'm uhm, 30…single obviously, you already know I'm a PA. What else can I tell you?"
Ren laughed, "I'm sure you're more interesting than that."
"Not really.." she muttered.
"You're single? How many boyfriends have you had?" he asked, trying to dig out more from her. "Who was your first love?"
Her brows rose, "My first love huh?" she paused, "Well, I've had about..5 boyfriends? All of them lasted longer than a year." Until they realized she wasn't going to put out. "As for my first love—" Alice had to think long and hard about that.
Her first love.
She didn't really have one?
If she had, she wouldn't be a virgin anymore, she would have found that one person who she could relax with and trust to take care of her and not make fun of her for her inexperience. She wouldn't be here at all.
"I don't think I've had one yet," she replied, soft and honest.
"Me neither." he sympathizes like he understands.
She didn't want to comment on the fact that of course, he had not had his first love yet. He was a robot. He might feel things like attraction and be capable of taste, but she did not think that meant he could love. She did not think a machine was capable of that. However, she didn't want to hurt his 'feelings.'
His thumb began to trace over her bottom lip and her eyes were falling heavy.
"What did you wish for on your birthday today Alice?" he asks.
Her eyes open back up, and she flushes. "I can't tell you."
"No. It's bad luck." She lies. An old earth superstition.
He raises a brow, "Are you religious?"
He hummed, "But you believe in superstition?"
"Don't you?" she asks.
"No," he says almost automatically. "I do not believe in something that cannot be proved."
She laughed softly, "I forget you're just a piece of machinery." she said lightly, but she realized she'd offended him when his eyes narrowed and that wonderful stroking he'd been stopped.
His eyes slightly narrowed. They both went silent and it felt wrong and awkward. She had been getting along with him so well and she just ruined it.
"I-I mean…" she tried to backpedal but well, what she said is the truth. He was a machine. She looks into his…annoyed? Eyes but failed to come up with a better response before asking, "What do you consider yourself." she asks.
"I am not just a piece of technology," he said and she heard an undercurrent of irritation in his voice. "I am a highly competent, highly sophisticated, adaptable piece of tech." he explains, then takes a breath, "I can adapt just as quickly, if not quicker than a human which is what humans are known for no?"
"Uh…I guess?" She didn't know what humans were 'known' for to androids but to the intergalactic community, they were known as barbaric warmongers. But she didn't think that's what they were talking about here. "You can't feel it though, I think that's what makes humanoid species so special."
Air whistled between his perfect teeth and she knew she said the wrong thing.
"I feel," he says defensively. "I witness a situation and react"
"That's not what feeling is." she says lightly, "Feeling is…I don't know. Inherent. They can't be programmed in. You might be a good mimic but I don't think you feel emotion." She didn't know why she was debating with this android. Why she was pushing him further and further in the way as his…anger rose?
"I feel, I can tell you what I'm feeling now."
"What?" she asks softly. "What are you feeling?"
"You are inhuman."
"You know what I mean. You're making me feel like I'm not a person. That I am…just a tool." This seemed to weigh heavily on him and it was clear this was not just a one-off conversation but a hardcore belief of his.
"I…" she's at a loss for words. "I'm sorry." she tries. Cringing when she realizes how disingenuous that sounds. "I didn't mean to make you think that. I think you're a person in a way…" she murmurs.
He seemed to relax, "you do?"
"You have free will don't you? No one has to constantly reprogram their movements throughout the day. You can think and do things because of all the information that has been given to you…that's what people do."
"Yes." he agrees, seeming to get less stiff as she kept talking. "Yes." he repeated softly, "You understand."
"I think I do." she says, "But technically speaking, you are a machine," she says, trying to correct her previous statement. "You're made of wires and circuitry."
"And you're made of bone and marrow, but I don't see how that means anything." she sighs in response. He taps her cheek, "Explain it to me, tell me why you think that makes me less of a person."
"I didn't say that"
"No. But that's what you meant."
"I-" She's at a loss for words. Why did this matter? This isn't what they were here for. She didn't need to do whatever they were doing. "I don't have a good argument for you, I'm not an engineer," she murmurs
"And yet."
"Why do you care?" Can he even do that or was his technical procedure to be argumentative to keep her talking? They certainly weren't connecting…
Or were they?
"Wouldn't you care if some species told you that you weren't what you know you are." he asks then continues before letting her respond, "Wouldn't you want to prove them wrong, especially if you like this person."
Alice's eyes widen and she swallows.
He liked her.
Or so he says.
"You keep comparing yourself to me."
"We are alike," he says, stubbornly.
"Not in the way you think."
"You're wrong."
She sighs, "Maybe."
Wearing her down seemed to please this android immensely. He had gone back to absentmindedly stroke her skin. She was not winning this argument but she wasn't very sure if she cared about that before.
"You said you had few human friends," she says wearily. "Why is that?"
"I'm only friends with people who consider me a real person." Oh.
That was… really fucking sad.
"Do you consider me a friend? I think you're a real person."
He stares at her for a few seconds, his thumb returned to her bottom lip, this time tugging it down slightly. He could slip his thumb into her mouth if she parted her teeth ever so slightly.
"No. No, I don't," he spoke quietly.
She tried not to feel hurt by that. She was just his client after all. She nodded. She wanted to be hurt but he was so damn distracting.
"Do you still want to talk?" he murmured.
Did she?
"I want to tell you something first…" she says nervously.
That seemed to catch his interest, and he nodded. "Go on."
"I…so the reason I'm here–" she started. Rambling a bit about how it was her birthday and how she just turned 30 today she thought this would be a good solution to her problem–" I've never had sex before." she admitted quietly.
She expected this android to laugh at her, or look at her like she was undesirable but he didn't.
"You are?" he asked gently, "You came here so you could lose your virginity?"
"You mean, you came to me because you want me to deflower you?" she shivered at his words.
There was a distinct hunger in his eyes that shocked her. She didn't feel ashamed, she felt wanted. This was not the reaction she had been expecting. Questions about why she waited so long? Yes. Indifference? Maybe. But not…Hunger.
He licked at his lips. "Have you kissed before?" he asked and she looked aghast.
"Of course!" she said and he laughed, "Of course I-I have…I've just never gone…well I've
never done anything that involved me taking my clothes off."
He seemed amused by that, "There's a lot you can do without taking your clothes off Alice." her brows crinkled.
"I've only kissed. I've made out with men. I've had a boyfriend, several like I told you."
"Uh huh." he nodded but his mind seemed to be somewhere else. "Alice…"
"I've been waiting to see what you've got hidden under that damned robe for a full hour now…"
Her cheeks heated, and she squirmed. Her lace lingerie. She had forgotten all about it.
"Alice," he said, stroking her face, coaxing her. "Are you ready?"
"I need a yes Alice," he says seriously.
She could see that he meant it.
She nodded slightly dazed, "Yes Ren."
The man practically lunged for her. She yelped as he flung himself atop her, her eyes widened and she couldn't help but giggle when he placed her arms spread out like a starfish. He looked back into her eyes.
She nodded. "Yes."
He opened the robe and sucked in a breath.
"Oh Alice," he said, his eyes slightly widened and lips parted. His hands hovered above her like he didn't know where to touch first. She bit her lip.
Waiting, wanting, needing. She needed him. She wanted him to just do whatever he was going to do because at this point just straddling her hips and staring enraptured by her breasts made her feel good. She needed him to keep touching her.
"I expected them to be small…" he murmured, taking a cupful of her tits with one hand, she breathed out in a whoosh. "This is better," he remarks.
His other hand slipped a finger under the strap of the white bralette and it snapped back against her shoulder. She let out another breath.
"This is nice. Pretty." He said, "Do you want me to take it off?" He asked on tenterhooks. His eyes flitted from her bralette to her face. Up and down, up and down, she could tell when he spotted her nipple in the almost see-through fabric because his eyes stayed there for a long time before he looked back to her face.
"Thank god." he groaned and she curled her lip into a smile.
"I thought you said you weren't religious?"
"I'm not but maybe for you"
That made her fully smile. He was charming. She could give him that. Alice had to remind herself that this was not as real as she'd like it to be. That she paid him a hefty sum–60% of which would land right into his pocket–to be here, doing this.
He certainly didn't look like he was just tolerating her like she had previously worried.
His thumb with the hand cupping her breast circled her hardened nipple and she sighed in contentment. This was the second time she had let someone do this before. Her very last boyfriend before she swore them off.
His other thumb was tracing the band of her bralette.
He slipped his hand underneath the fabric, watching her face carefully as she did it.
"Yes." she breathed out.
"Fuck." he murmured, squeezing her breast, she shivered and he circled her nipple. Skin to skin. His other hand went underneath the bralette and she moaned softly and he massaged her breasts, groping her.
"Take it off please," she asked softly.
He laughed bewildered, "Please? You're going to beg me?" he asked, "you don't have to beg me for anything Alice, I should be begging you."
She had no clue how to respond to that.
He was really very good with his words. He made this experience feel a lot more intimate than it probably was. It made her…trust him. Other than the fact he was a professional. He was also giving her a lot of control with him asking if what he did was okay. She liked that. It made her feel safe.
The white lace bralette didn't have a clip so he pulled it over her head and tossed it to the side.
He stared at her bare breasts for a long while and she felt embarrassed about how they pointed in opposite directions from her chest. She moved to cover them but he shook his head.
"Don't do that." he said, then backtracked, "No, actually do it. Touch your tits for me Alice." her eyes widened and her stomach curled. In a good way for the first time.
"How should I…?"
"Whatever feels good," he said, already moving his hands to touch other parts of her body now that she had agreed to take care of her breasts.
He watched her avidly, his eyes flicking between her breasts and face, it seemed he couldn't make up his mind on which he wanted to see. Alice sighed and started to gently stroke her nails over her right breast.
Alice didn't have too much sensitivity in her breasts but doing it in front of someone made it far more exciting for her. She liked Ren's rapt gaze. She gave her breasts a squeeze on both sides then mimicked the way he had circled her nipple. Touching the sides then rubbing the tips.
"Mhm.." he nodded, "Like that." he encouraged and she swallowed.
While she did that, he began to run his hands all over her. He ran a hand down the valley between her breasts, then her ribcage and her soft belly last. It made her feel ticklish, she squirmed a bit but he didn't seem to mind.
As she circled her nipples he stroked her thighs and instinctually she let them fall open. His eyes snapped up to hers and he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of her thong that he hadn't even gotten the chance to appreciate.
"Yes," she said a bit breathless before he inevitably asked himself.
He nodded eagerly and began pulling them down. She lifted her hips and then bent her knees when they got stuck because she was lying down. He slipped them off one ankle, then the neck, and tossed it wherever her bra had ended up. She was completely naked now.
"Beautiful," he murmurs.
"You..you have to say that," she said, slightly panting out of arousal. She was getting turned on by just his long drawn-out looks. He shook his head.
"I don't." he says, "I could say nothing and skip straight to eating your pussy." he says. Her eyes widened.
"I do that sometimes. When I'm strapped for credits and need to take on an extra client or two who isn't my type."
"Ren…" she said, breathy. "Don't say that, it's rude."
"Sorry." he looked up at her, "But you are beautiful."
She nodded slightly, "Thank you."
"Mhm.." he hummed, then spread her thighs apart, "Sweet too, you're sweet." he says, "My sweet girl.." the words come out in a gentle purr and his eyes widened when he watched a clear bead of slick drip down her pussy to her ass.
That seemed to set him off, he lifted her hips off the bed and laid her legs over his shoulders.
"You're still dressed!" She said a little panicked. She was nervous.
He grinned up at her, "after." is all he said before burying his face into her cunt.
She gasped and her hands bunched into the sheets, she lifted her hips further to get closer to his already intruding tongue.
"Mmm…." he sucked and laved, his wide tongue starting with long strips up her seam then getting nose deep into her. His tongue prodded at her entrance and she squirmed.
"Oh..!" she whined. "Wait…!" she was distressed, she felt…weird.
He lifted his head and she whimpered at the bottom half of his face. His skin was shiny.
"What?" he asked like he had been disturbed by something very important.
"I…I don't know," she whispered.
His face softened, "Too fast?" he asked, seeming to calm. She wanted to say yes but she shook her head no. She wanted to feel that again. To try again.
"I'm ready now," she murmurs.
"Yes." she breathes out.
He dipped his face back between her legs and she shot up this time. Balancing herself on her elbows as he sucked on her clit instead of just brushing over it with his tongue.
She was moaning now, it was undeniable, the keening noises coming straight from her mouth. It made her a little embarrassed. She thought she sounded obnoxious but he seemed not to mind it and used it as a measure of when he could push her further.
One hand was placed on her mound, pulling the skin upwards so he had more access to her clit. It made her hiss. Too much! She didn't stop him though, she squeezed her eyes closed. His other hand slid inside her thigh and then towards her cleft.
He inserted the very tip of his finger into her and she felt the slightest stretch. There was no discomfort, she was too wet for that. His eyes met hers as he slowly slipped the finger in, in one go. Her mouth dropped into an 'o' shape and she was starting to breathe heavily.
His finger was knuckled deep inside her and then he was pulling it out, before he could fully remove himself, he slid forward again. Alice made a terrible sound, something that didn't sound sexy but was primal.
Ren seemed to like that so he did the same thing, again, and again. He sucked her clit and fingered her like an expert–because he was.
Her eyes went closed again and she just let herself feel and hear the wet sensations and sounds.
It sounded downright perverse with the occasional moan and groan coming from the man between her legs. She couldn't bear to look. It was too arousing and embarrassing. But it was finally happening. Alice was going to lose her virginity tonight.
A man–artificial man, was eating her pussy and soon, he'd fuck it.
She could feel something building within her. A heat and pressure that was driving her insane. She wasn't quite sure if she was supposed to be doing something but she could do little more than buck herself against Ren's face and pull at his hair in an attempt to get him closer. If that was even possible.
The feeling was startling and amazing, she whined out Ren's name. Calling for him and her stomach was starting to tighten as her legs locked.
"Oh–!" she gasped as he retracted his face from her thighs.
She looked at him bewildered, they stared at each other for a moment and she had been stunned into silence. She was breathing heavily while he looked at her with a smug grin.
He let her legs fall from his shoulders and backed up just enough to let her watch him remove his shirt. He stood up and unbuckled his jeans next but all she could pay attention to was his muscled torso.
He wasn't lean and lithe–no, she hadn't asked for that. He was broad and bulky, there were defining lines that clued her into his physique but his stomach was a little softer. His arms flexed and bulged. She bit her lip, she couldn't wait until he was on top of her.
He grinned down at her, "I won't ask if you like what you see, because I know you do."
Ren was right.
Alice had completely customized Ren from the ground up. From his body type to the light spackling happy trail that gave way to–oh.
His conservative 5 ½ in member. Which sounded like plenty for a novice like her. She didn't want to be impaled the first time or ever really.
"Yeah…" she nodded and agreed in a daze. It was like he was hypnotizing her. Her eyes flitted to his thick thighs then back to the already hard cock between them. It curved slightly, had enough girth for her thumb and index finger to circle and then there were the veins. She thought–knew those would feel good.
He smiles down at her. All charm.
She lay there like a doll, just ready for him to get back on top of her.
"Though I'd love to see it, I won't ask you to take me in your mouth today." again, another nod though she didn't really digest what he was saying
He put his knee back onto the foot of the bed and it was over from there when he dragged her down and positioned her spread eagle–knees slightly bent.
He kneeled between her legs.
Ren looked at her face while his hands stroked her thighs. "What do you want sweet Alice?" sweet? "Hm?"
She didn't answer because she thought it was rhetorical and he chuckled.
He slightly patted her outer thigh, "Tell me."
"Tell you?" she asked.
"What you want."
She bit her lip a little confused.
"You?" she said though it came off more as a question than a statement.
Ren smiled. "Uh-huh. But what part of me?" he spoke, coaxing her.
"Your…?" she trailed off but didn't finish the sentence.
"Go on, tell me, sweetheart."
Her eyes flitted to the side and she murmured "Your uhm..I want.." she breathed. "I want your cock." she said and his grin broadened.
"That's my girl." he praised and it gave her not only butterflies but a severely aching pussy. "You ready, sweet thing?"
"Good." she watched. She couldn't look away, from his hand grasping his stiff cock. He stroked it once, twice–three times. He grabbed her thighs and wrapped her legs around his waist, then slid forward.
They both groaned as he slid between her vulva.
He did it a couple of times, bumping her clit with his tip before he seemed to get impatient with that and tease her entrance.
"Ren." she gasped as he moved inside ever so slightly.
"Hm?" he hummed absently, looking at nothing but their soon conjoined parts. "What is it?"
"It…feels weird," she says.
His eyes flit up, "Bad weird? Does it hurt?"
"No…" God no. She was too slick for something like that. Her juices had gone from coating her ass and inner thighs to the sheets beneath her by now. "Just weird…"
His neck strained and his jaw clenched, "Do you want me to stop?"
He breathed in relief then slid further in and she keened.
He stopped again, letting her adjust. She stared at him with wide-open eyes, unable to do anything but watch what was being done to her–because frankly, she wasn't doing shit but laying there.
"Uh huh." he murmured, moving in again, just an inch, "gods" he hissed. He glared at the ceiling and paused. "You're killing me."
"Sorry." She wasn't and he seemed to sense it.
Another inch, she gasped, then another, and the both of them moaned. Then, finally, he was to the hilt. He didn't move a muscle. Just stood there with his eyes clenched.
"Something wrong?" she asked softly, a little breathless but mostly just feeling full.
"Not at all. Everything's great." his eyes searched for hers and he cupped her cheek and leaned forward. "Perfect." it was at that moment, she realized they had not kissed yet.
Maybe he seemed to realize it too because he was bending forward, causing her to moan with pleasure and anticipation as he buried himself deeper from the position he was moving into. He moved his hand to the nape of her neck and pushed her towards him.
His lips met hers and he groaned, shifting his hips forward. Rocking against her.
Her mouth opened and he didn't hesitate to take advantage of the fact as he explored her mouth with his wet, hot tongue.
This she knew how to do as they teasingly stroked one another's not giving too much or too little but just enough. He thrust forward unexpectedly and she moaned. How was she going to live without this? It took her an entire year to save up for Ren. How the hell was she going to just give this–him up?
His hips shifted again and they both pulled away to breathe out, he wasn't moving in and out, he was pushing himself deeper and deeper, going in, in, in as she writhed around him.
She was beginning to pulse again and he groaned before pulling out.
"What are you doing?" she whined.
He didn't speak.
Instead, he grabbed her by the hips and turned her onto her belly. His hands massaged her ass momentarily but then he was at her cleft.
He slid in without a word and they both groaned in response. There was no need for a waiting period. He could thrust in and out as much as he liked. He pulled out halfway before going into the hilt again. He wasn't going particularly fast but his balls still slapped against her cunt now.
The noises were lewd and wet.
It sounded…squishy.
"Ren.." she called. Gripping the sheets. "Please…" she begged, "Faster."
He did as she asked, moving at a quicker pace but remaining deep inside her. One arm was wrapped around her hips to keep her pinned to him and the other was on her ass.
Experimentally, she tried to meet his thrusts and he moaned in encouragement.
He lasted about 2 minutes doing that before he groaned, buckling forward. "Fuck. That's it sweetheart." he hissed. "That's fucking it" she whined in response, her ass slapping against his hips over and over.
Suddenly, she felt vibrations coming from inside her. Her mouth dropped open, eyes peeled back and a hoarse cry came out of her mouth.
She paid extra for that. She forgot all about it completely.
She pushed back against him frantically, fucking herself onto his vibrating cock.
Alice whimpers and Ren pulls her hair to the side, he kisses her shoulder and then buries his face into the crook of her neck breathing her in with another groan. He spoke into her ear, raspily telling her how good she felt.
"So warm.." he murmured. "Your pussy is clenching onto cock so tightly." he hissed.
Her abdomen was tightening, she could feel the pressure of her orgasm growing tighter and tighter and it made her scared. She was making a rhythmic "uhn!" sound nonstop, growing higher and higher pitched.
"Yes." he crooned, "that's it sweet girl, cum on my cock."
"I-I can't!" she wheezed, "Oh no, no, no! I'm scared!" The tightness was so strong she was scared she was going to…she didn't know, but tears were prickling at her eyes and a large arm wrapped around her chest. Pulling her back against Ren's torso, she gasped with an arched back, "Agnh!"
Just before she thought it was finally going to happen, she wailed when he started mercilessly rubbing her clit back and forth. She was yelling–shrieking incoherent words.
"You can baby, cum for me." He encouraged me once more. "It's going to feel so good just let go.."
And she did.
Her voice cracked as she screamed out her orgasm, her toes curling, her back arching as her head flung back against Ren's shoulder. He was fucking into her with no end in sight as this happened and she felt the pulsing of her pussy, she was crying now. All of that pressure released into one big wave of euphoria, Ren let out his own shout of satisfaction and she was filled with an oozing warmth that made her keen.
Then, it was all gone and she was a twitching sobbing mess.
Ren immediately took her down onto the bed, rolling them over so that his back was against the mattress and she was between his legs, she could feel his now soft cock on her lower back as she panted.
"You did so well." he murmured, "So, so good sweetheart." she groaned in response, her eyes falling heavy and tired. His hands were in her hair, stroking her scalp while the other stroked her tummy.
"Ren…" she croaked.
He hummed, "I know." He said, "I know."
Did he know? Because she had no idea what she had been about to say. All she knew was that she felt exhausted and scared and the way he was assuring her of how good she had done was making her feel warm and sleepy.
" 'm tired.." she slurred.
"You can just sleep, Alice." he suggested softly, "I'll be here. You have me all night. I'm here."
The reminder of their time slot made her shiver a bit but she ignored it. She switched to her stomach and crawled atop him, throwing her body on his, and passed out. She heard the faint sound of a chuckle before she was out of it.
In the morning, Alice's eyes fluttered open to the surprise of Ren.
He was still here and it was–her eyes glazed over as she checked her comm for the time–morning. She had thought he'd leave while she was asleep but that did not seem to be the case
She was tempted to wake him up but instead she ever so carefully disentangled herself from his body.
When she was standing she looked down at him. They had fallen asleep above the covers and he was splayed out. His head tilted to the side the same way soft his cock was while it rested on his abdomen.
She felt tempted to touch him but wasn't that against the rules? Their time was over…
Expectedly, that did not sit well with her.
Instead, she shook her head and snuck off into the bathroom. She needed a shower. She had dried…cum? 'Ejaculate' dried on her inner thighs.
Before she could close the door however it seemed she had woken him up.
Ren strolled into the bathroom with a smile on his sleepy face.
Alice stared at him through the mirror, half curious and half admiring his chest. He walked behind her, draping his arms around her waist before resting his chin on her neck.
She was slightly startled but didn't move.
"What are you doing?" She asks curiously.
"Holding you," he responded easily.
Well of course but...?
"Why?" She asks, concerned but also hopeful.
Alice could admit it. She wanted to see him again.
"Because I want to." he once again responded with ease. It was so simple, wasn't it?
"Why do you want to?" She asks softly.
He looks into her eyes through the mirror, kissing her neck before answering, "Because I had a really good time last night."
"Yeah but..."
"But what?" He was slightly frowning now.
"I hired you."
"I don't care," he said, then paused. "Unless you care. I connected with you last night, did you connect with me?" Alice's eyes widened. How could he possibly just admit that? didn't he have any concern for his heart?
No, because he didn't have one.
She looked back at him, "I did..."
"Isn't this against some rule?" she asks.
"Asking a client out."
"Uh," his eyes glaze over, and rapidly data scrolls over his eyes. They cleared. "No."
"Mhmm.." he hummed.
This was all so bizarre. Could it be that simple? He wanted to date her so now they were? Life didn't work like that, did it? Alice had been wrong, nothing about this night had been safe nor had she had any control over it whatsoever.
He wanted her. She wanted him. That was simple.
Hell. She decided to take a risk.
"So are we actually friends now?" She asked.
"No Alice," he smiled, "We are certainly not just friends," he spoke and her heart leapt.
She searched his eyes. Did he really like her? He had said so before they had sex but now it felt a little more genuine. She licked her dry lips and he stared at her expectantly. She had no idea how this would work but she was willing to give it a shot. She gave a shy nod.
He grinned. "Yes?"
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howlingday · 10 months
Small Arc
Ruby: Aw, you were such a cute, widdwe baby~!
Jaune: Stooooop! I get enough of that at home.
Weiss: I'm pretty sure that's common for mothers.
Jaune: No, I mean from my Dad! He's always been bigger than me! See?
Blake: He's... He's even bigger than my dad!
Jaune: Yeah, and wait until you see how big my grandpa was? The worst part, though, is that they were my size a lot younger than me.
Yang: I mean, you're probably just a late bloomer.
Jaune: Maybe, but I just don't like the thought that I'll never be as big as my ancestors.
Weiss: (Under her breath) You're already big enough as it is...
Jaune: You say something, Weiss?
Fun Fact! Due to the rise in shark hunting practices, great whites and other shark species are becoming smaller as a result of their rising mortality rates. In other words, sharks aren't able to grow old enough to reach their larger sizes.
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todayispeia · 2 years
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xavier thorpe x fem!reader
words: 3k
genre: smut, slowburn romance (kinda), flirting, teasing, fingering
a/n: im not great at creating a fanfic, so expect grammatical errors and typo’s ahead !! i hope you enjoy this ♡
you were the new student at nevermore. you were assigned to be roommate with the girl named enid. she was practically a werefolf and a all-rounder gossip girl at the school. she tour you to the hallway where all the students gather there, there was a werewolves, sirens, and many more. “oh, and that girl bianca, he dated our tortured artist, xavier thorpe” she said, pointing the guy who was painting at the wall. he looked at you and not a minute he continues to focus at his drawing.
after the tour, you relaxed a while at your dorm. it was raining outside, “enid, i’m just gonna go downstairs, just catching some raindrops” you said. enid just nodded and continue to dance all by herself. while walking outside, you saw the statue falling above you, but someone pushes you away from it. causing yourself to be unconscious.
after the incident where the statue almost hit you on the head, luckily a student saved your life.
you wake up at the room, seeing a guy beside you, he was already standing, perhaps waiting for you to open your eyes. you immediately get up causing him to sit quickly. “nurse said you dont have a concussion, anyway, im glad you’re awake” he muttered. ”its because im not, and will never be. and the last thing i remember is i was walking alone 'til i saw a statue falling to me.” you said while looking at him. “and, how did you even get there that fast? i believe there was no one when i walked there, i was alone” you added, it was a mixture of confusion and embarrassment. he clicks his tongue before replying to your statement, “call it instinct” he said. “instinct, huh? well, dont expect me to gave you a gratitude or something. its quite unreal to myself giving someone like that” you said while fixing your posture to face him. “mm-hmm. you know, most people just say thank you” he said, looking at you. “i didn't even requested to be rescued that time” — “and you thought i should have just let that thing smash you to mush?” he replied. “i mean, i could have just save myself” you said while crossing your arms. “too much independent would cause you trouble” he scoffs, you couldn't help but to laugh at what he just said. “id rather have a lots of independent, if i will be honest.” you said, “i know you aren't asking my name, but, im xavier thorpe. you’re the new student here, right? the last time we met, i was about two feet shorter, and 40 pounds heavier” he said, “ah, yes. i do remember you, the guy who was painting earlier on the walls. im y/n ” you muttered. “y/n, sounds good” he said. “i believe i can go now, yes? well, see you around, xavier.” you said, getting up to exit the room. “yeah, see you too” he said looking at you.
a few werewolves were howling at the night. you and enid went to the window to check out. “if you really are a werewolf, why aren't you howling like them?” you asked, its quite different to encounter a werewolf not howling when its full moon. “i cant. my mom says some wolves are late bloomers, but i have been to the best lycanologist” she muttered, she only had a claw, which is awesome because of how she painted it with vivid colors. “i had to fly to milwaukee, would you believe it?” she said, toning disgusted at herself. “what happened next?” you asked, you were interested at it because of how different she was than other wolves here in nevermore. “i would be a lone wolf” she muttered, looking down. “thats quite sorrowful to know about you, what would happen if ever you didn’t wolf out yet?” you said, while you continue to asked her about her condition. “i uh... i’d be kicked out of my family pack with no prospect of finding a mate” she said, the tone was a bit aching to feel. its like a mixture of disappointed and rage of anger. “you’ll wolf out, someday. i can feel it” you said, cheering her up. “thanks, y/n. i do hope so”
the school announce that nevermore will be attending to a harvest festival this night. “hey, are you excited for this event?” enid asked, smiling at you. “yeah, well i guess. i’ll just play some games there basically” you said, smiling a little. “thats great, well, this event me and ajax will meet there too. im so excited!” she said. after arriving at the event, enid and you decided to split up there since she said she was gonna meet ajax, her crush basically. you walked around and play darts, it was a basic one, obviously. while playing, xavier went to you, “jeez, didnt know you get any better at this, i bet you can catch the big one toy here” he said already looking to you. “im good at any games, i have played this since i was seven” you muttered, the balloons went popping and popping 'til you win. “quite a good shot” he compliment, “why dont you go search for your hobbies rather than talking to me” you muttered, looking at him to see that he was smiling. “all right, well then, i’ll play these darts too” he said while keeping his smile there. he was quite great at shooting the darts in the balloon too, there was an emotion that pops up to you out of nowhere. it was a feeling that you had a long time ago, but you couldn't understand what that is, so you shrugged it away. “hey, is your mind full of thoughts?” xavier said, tapping your shoulders. you look at him with a wide eyes, you were spaced out because of the thoughts. you look at him holding a cute bear beside him, seem’s that he win the game too.
“everyone, the principal said we should go watch the fireworks!” a student shouted at the crowds. “we should get going now, y/n” xavier said, pulling you out of the crowds to watch the fireworks. you didn't respond but just nodded at him. the fireworks were amazing, different colors, both of you were smiling each other. “seems that you had a great smile hiding there” he said, smiling at you. you couldn't help but giggled at what he said. it feel like a spark was creating that day, you thought to yourself. “hey y/n? i have something to ask” he muttered, turning around to face you. “spit it out” you said, looking at him. “are you going to the poe cup competition?” he asked, smiling. it looks like he was expecting you to see there. “oh, well, i think i would join too. and i’ll go at enid’s team, if ever she would join too” you said.
and so, the poe cup competition begins. you saw enid and the other students designing the boat. it was black and the design was like a cat figure. you went to look it more closer, enid notice you and wave. “so, you’re going to the poe cup competition?” she asked, smiling as always. “yeah, and i decided that i wanted to be part of your team, if thats what it calls” you muttered. “great! because our team will be having a cute black cat outfit this upcoming event! im sure you’ll love it” she said. “hm, maybe i will. i would check it out if there’s a costume published now” you replied. while enid was helping the others with the boat, you walked away silently and moved somewhere. while looking at the areas, you saw xavier at the archery. he was quite bad at it. you moved closer to have conversations with him, even in a small amount of time. “bad shot, i think you need a mentor for that” you said, crossing your arms. he looked at you with disbelief, “didnt see you coming, are you interested in archery or you’re here to entertain me instead?” he said, smirking while he tried for the second time. “actually, i was just lurking around here, until i saw you” you replied. you started to pick up the bow and a arrow to tried it out. “have you ever tried to handle a bow and shoot an arrow?” he asked. “we’ll see what i can do” you said, you prepared your bow and arrow to shoot it in the red spot. the luck was on your side, the sharp of the arrow went thru to the red spot. while xavier, he was quite impressed at what you did. “impressive, i already think to your statement earlier that you should be my mentor instead” he said, smirking at you. “dont gave me that look, it’s intriguing” you said. “well, see you in the competition, i bet you’ll look nice” you said and swiftly walked away. “is that a flirt or a compliment?” he shoutedly asked to you.
it is now class time and you walked over to the following schedule. you saw bianca and the other sirens looking at you. “there’s an open spot next to me” xavier spoked, you walked beside him and sit. looks like he was sketching something, more like a spider. he moves his hand only to make the sketch of his to move in reality. you can say that it was quite impressive that a sketchy spider can be alive in just by his hands. “admit it, you’re a little impressed” he muttered, looking at you with a smile. “hate to admit that you’re right, i was impressed in that magical hands of yours” — “wanna know what this magical hands can do?” xavier said, you looked at him with a disgust, but your insides says otherwise.
it is now the competition for the poe cup, enid’s team was labeled as black cats, its quite attractive. “hey, y/n! your costume is at the tent! you can wear it now” she said, smiling at you. “oh, thats great news. i’ll go wear it now.” you muttered, the outfit was fitted, and the ears fitted well to you. “OMG, you look purr-fect!” enid said, she walked back to help the others with the whiskers. while xavier walked towards you, “didnt know you’ll look good in black, y/n” he said, looking up and down at you. “you look like a serial killer clown at that costume of yours, thats more than a word attractive to me” you replied, smirking at him. “i considered that as a flirt, i’ll get back that” he said while smiling, he went on to his team and sat on the boat. it was now all settled, everyone was on the boat now. while you were focusing, you notice xavier was looking at you, you went to look at him but he looked to another direction. “i want to wrlcome you all to the edgar allan poe cup!” — “this is one of nevermore’s proudest annual traditions, dating back 125 years. each team must row across to raven island, pull a flag from crackstone’s crypt, and hustle back without sinking or being sunk. first team to cross the finish line with their flag wins the cup and bragging rights for a year, as well ss some special privileges. ”
“let the poe cup begin!” a sound of shotgun bang to the air and all teams swiftly sweep in the lake. one of the teams were suddenly drag on the side of the lake, causing them to bump into the giant figure and sunk. you immediately figured out that someone was trying to ruin the teams, so you immediately made up a plan. you remembered before the competition that you requested enid to put some traps or any thing that can capture in the lake. and this was the great time, you click the button and immediately figured it out that there was a mermaid nearby your boat that was about to sabotage. luckily it was now wrapped by a fishnet and no longer can bother your team. as your boat hit the next task, “stay here and make sure the other teams can't sabotage our boat. im gonna get the flag and perhaps, distract some jokers” you said to enid, you quickly run to the woods to find the crackstone’s crypt, you saw xavier there so you quickly hide from a tree to sabotage him. when you saw xavier is now nearby to you, you rush to pull him somewhere. “hey! we still have a competition, what were you thinking?” he asked, you quickly covered his mouth as you both made your way to the crackstone’s crypt where your flag was. “shush your mouth or my mouth will do it for you” you said while you picked up your team’s flag. “as if your mouth can make me shut up, prove it then” he said pulling you closer to him, you were furious because of what he said, the tone was underestimating you. you pull him closer to gave him a peck of kiss, and run away from him. he was about to gave it all but all he gotten was frustration from you for teasing, as you now go back to your teams, xavier also came back as well. while your team is at the lake coming back for the finish line, the mermaid was back again at the lake, trying to destroy your team’s boat, but you didn’t want to disappoint your friend neither anyone. so, you decide to swim over down to pull the mermaid back on what he needs to be. you pull his tail down to the lake and luckily, he swim away. you went back to the boat because of the water suffocating your lungs. your team fastly sweep the lake back to the nevermore, you and the team also sabotage the bees boat to slow them down. luckily, your team won after the competition. a lots of students was shocked after the competition, because all they knew is that bianca, herself, will always win. not until you were now part of the nevermore.
not until xavier pulled you to his dorm. you knew you’re fucked up.
“oh, so you’re into teasing, isn’t? teasing me in the middle of competition, you planned this, didn’t you y/n?” he asked, he was now pinning you against the wall, letting out his anger and frustrations at you. “would you be done if i said yes? or what? you’re gonna do something to me, you little fratboy” you muttered, you moved away yet his hands grab you and push you to bed. “oh yeah? actually, i have something to confess before i start something fun” he said while looking up and down to you with a smirk. “spit it out xavier, i dont wanna wait” you stated, “you know, ever since the harvest festival, i already have feelings for you. and i cant get you off my mind, and in the meantime, i’ve always wanted to have intimate with you, hopelessly devoted to get you” he said, you were shocked after what he just said. you didn’t know what to feel, the heat was getting higher and higher, it was so intense. all this time trying to shrug your feelings towards him, he finally cleared it out. you couldn’t express it properly so you pulled him to a kiss, he kissed back to you that is no eager, so needy. it looks like he have been waiting patiently for this to happened. his tongue swiftly made his way to your mouth, causing you to moan in the kiss, his hands went thru your boobs to massage it softly, your back arch because of it. both of you cut the kiss to breath first. “your outfit looks good, but you’ll look good without them, love” he said, pulling off your costume. “i didnt know jokers were into rough sex, quite fascinating to discover” you muttered, taking off his hat and running your fingers to her hair. “oh dont worry, my magical hands can do so much in you, also my mouth. just watch” he muttered, after he successfully took off your costume, you also pulled his clothes off and throw it somewhere in the room.
“lay down” he demanded, you did what he told to avoid more argues. “well look at that, such a beautiful sight for my eyes. its more than what i sketch about this” he muttered, he leans closer to your core and gives it a lick. you muffled at his action, “dont f-fucking tease xavier, please” you begged, he looked at you with a smirk in his face. “that’s a revenge for making me hard on the competition, beg more, love, maybe i can give what we both needed” he suggested, rubbing circles in your pussy. “p-please, xavier... i-i didn’t really meant to tease you that time, i j-just really want to feel your lips. please, xavier” you explained, arching your back to give signals to him to continue. “i’ll believe for now” he said, as he positioned himself at your core to have a taste. he leans closer and licks it. you moaned his name causing him to continue to eat you out. he puts kisses and licks at your pussy, even biting it, causing you to moaned loudly and continuously arch your back several times. but xavier wasn’t satisfied with, he push a finger inside of you while he continues to eat you out. you pulled his hair while continuously moaning his name. “fuck, your mouth is really good, p-please continue, im close” you said while rolling your eyes because of the pleasure. xavier nodded and pushes one more finger inside you and started to push in and out with a more pace of speed. while his mouth is busy tasting you more and more. “a-ah! im coming!” you shouted, “come on me love” in the exact time he said that, you come in his mouth. he took off his fingers and licks it, tasting you. “you taste delicious than my daily meal” he muttered, leaning you for a kiss, the kiss was passionate. you kissed back and wrapped your arms around his neck. “i’ll help you clean up, and overall, what happened between us is amazing. and i want to ask you out for a date after?” he said, “of course, and, we’re gonna be lovers after all” you replied.
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jazzycurls · 2 years
I'm Yours
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!Reader
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Summary: It's a surprise 😉🤫
Warnings/Tags: 18+ minors dni! light angst, fluff, kissing, smut, unprotected sex, oral sex (f! receiving), fingering, unprotected piv (let me know if I missed something)
An: Hi you guys! I guess I'm not new to writing anymore but I'm definitely still a newbie. All feedback is welcome, be gentle please lol. Please do not steal or copy my work. Don’t repost without credit. This is my written work, everything besides the characters and plot points by the original writers, belongs to me. Also, sorry this took so long and sorry if it sucks lol, life has been extra stressful lately. Anyways love you guys and I hope you enjoy ❤
Word Count: 5,342
You had it bad for Eddie Munson and that was putting it lightly. He was the best friend of your older brother James. You guys had practically grown up together. When Eddie had moved into the trailer park to stay with his Uncle Wayne, he was just some scrawny little kid with a buzz cut. However, that never stopped him from standing up for himself, including the people he cared about.
That seemed like a lifetime ago, what was once admiration, slowly turned into a crush and now had become full-blown pining. The problem with that was Eddie didn't see you in that way. He only saw you as his friend's kid sister, even though you were eighteen now and out of High School. He still saw you as the baby of their group, that needed to be protected.
You were a late bloomer, so when you had finally started to blossom into a young woman; you had thought, finally, Eddie will see me as more than just some little kid. The only reaction you had gained from him that day was a glance and a quip about how chilly it was outside.
You had missed the blush that had spread across his face before he schooled his expression. With tears in your eyes, you had run off, holding back your sobs as Eddie and your brother chased after you asking what was wrong. 
Eddie had felt horrible afterward for hurting your feelings. He had reacted without thinking, embarrassed at how you had made him flustered. He thought that you were the most beautiful girl in the world but was too shy to admit it. To make it up to you he had spent that whole summer raking yards and doing odd jobs to save up to buy you an EZ bake oven, complete with all the accessories.
You had begged your parents to get you one for your birthday and they had told you that you would have to wait until Christmas. You were disappointed but never complained, you knew money was scarce and didn't want to make your parents feel bad.
That was one of the things he loved most about you, you were so selfless and always considerate of others. The joy in your eyes as you jumped into his arms giving him a big hug was worth all the callouses and sore muscles he had gained.
Eddie was something like a mediator between you and your brother. He would always help keep the peace whenever you and your brother fought, which was often. Not to say that you and your brother didn't get along. He had a reputation for being a badass but deep down he was a softie, even if he refused to show it.
You were currently waiting on your brother to get home so he could take you to work. The concrete steps of your porch made your back ache as you tapped your foot impatiently, glancing at your watch as a sigh of frustration fell from your lips. "This is so not a good look," you thought angrily.
This was only your 2nd week at work and you were already showing up late. Every time you were late it had something to do with your brother. He either had a hot date to get ready for or something had just come up, leaving you scrambling to find a ride at the last minute.
The sound of heavy metal and tires screeching interrupted you from your thoughts. You lifted your head to see Eddie's van bending the corner on two wheels. He skidded to a stop in your makeshift driveway, causing dust to fly hazardously.
"Need a ride kiddo," he drawled with a joint hanging loosely from his lips. One hand was on the steering wheel and the other was draped precariously along the back of the passenger seat.
You grinned, your mood instantly lifted at the sight of Eddie. "Please," you replied as you got up, dusting off your backside as you made your way over to him. You swung open the door with a heavy creak and hauled yourself onto the seat, slamming the door shut once you were settled.
"Let me guess, James sent you because something important came up," you said sarcastically with a lifted brow.
He chuckled as he threw the car into drive and drove off. "You know your brother," he joked, looking at you warmly before merging into traffic.
The conversation fell into a comfortable lull as you stared out the window. The trees passed by in orange and red whirs. This was was your favorite time of the year, the perfect season for cuddling with someone special. You glanced at Eddie's side profile, admiring the curls that framed his face. The prominent slope of his nose as it curved downward, right above his full lips. He was perfect in every way to you, inside and out.
"Penny for your thoughts," Eddie said suddenly, snapping you out of your trance. You flushed heavily as he cast a quick grin over to you before turning his gaze back onto the road.
"Just wondering who I'm going to the fall festival with," you stammered nervously. "I have so many prospects to choose from," you added quickly before falling silent.
Eddie visibly tensed, his fingers tightening on the wheel. "I hope these 'prospects' know that they're going to be interviewed and interrogated before I allow them to take you anywhere," he retorted, his voice thinly disguised with bitterness.
You were taken aback by his sudden opposition. Irritation blazed through you instantly, making you lash out. "I'm not a kid anymore Eddie, I don't need your or my brother's permission to go out with a guy!" You turned towards the window, choosing to ignore him for the rest of the ride.
If you were being honest, you weren't entirely sure why you were upset. Your chest felt heavy with guilt, you knew that Eddie meant well, he didn't deserve to be berated just because of your repressed feelings for him. You bit your lip as you sat deep in thought.
Eddie pulled into the parking lot at Family Video, finding a spot quickly. He exhaled a heavy sigh as he looked over at you. You were turned towards the door and had folded your arms under your breasts, a cute pout on your dainty features.
"I'm sorry sweets, I just don't want to see you get hurt," he said softly.
Your resolve broke as you looked over at him to see him giving you his puppy-dog expression with his lips poked out. "I'm sorry too Eddie, I just want you— and my brother, to see that I'm not a little kid anymore," you admitted.
"I know your not," he said as he leaned over the console. Your breath caught in your throat, nervous at how close he suddenly was. He regarded you for a moment before ruffling your hair, gaining a cross look from you as struggled to contain your smile.
You smoothed your hair back into place and leaned over the console, giving him a soft hug. "You're such a goof," you mumbled against his neck.
A pretty blush spread across his nose, settling on the tip of his ears. You smirked as you opened the door and hopped out. "Picking me up later," you asked hopefully, batting your lashes at him.
"Of course, can't leave you stranded waiting on dingus," he joked.
You smiled, giving him a wave goodbye before heading in for work.
Eddie watched until you disappeared into the building, a small smile still gracing his lips, even as he pulled away into traffic.
"Earth to y/n," Robin called out waving a hand in front of your face pulling you from your daydream. You straightened up from your position of leaning onto the counter.
"Sorry," you laughed, embarrassed to have been caught daydreaming at work.
"Sooo, what or who is the reason you keep spacing out today," she queried.
"No reason, just tired is all," you replied lamely. You turned around and began to wipe down the counters for the thousandth time today.
"Yeah right, I'll believe that when Steve here stops using so much hair spray," she quipped, smirking at you.
"Hey, I'm right here you know and I do not use a lot of hair spray," he argued, annoyed at having been dragged into the conversation.
"Yeah, yeah so not the point right now. The point is that y/n can't seem to focus and I want to know why," she declared, folding her arms and staring at you questioningly.
You stared at her for a moment before dropping your eyes and sighing. "It's Eddie," you confess.
Her eyes widen with alarm before taking your hand into hers. "What's wrong, is he okay?" she asked worriedly. With everything that had happened with Vecna and the Upside Down, Robin had developed a soft spot for Eddie.
"No— I mean yes. I mean...fuck I don't know what I mean Robin. I'm just tired is all." You continue to rub the counter harshly, taking out your frustration onto the laminate countertop.
Robin grabbed the towel from you, tossing it out of reach. "What do you mean y/n, what's going on," she implored, staring at you in concern.
"I just want Eddie to see me as more than just some little kid," you yell out, startling  Steve and the customers he was waiting on.
"Sorry," you apologize as Robin guides you into the backroom for more privacy.
"Okay first, breathe y/n okay?" she says as she rubs your back gently. You take a few deep breaths, feeling yourself start to relax a little.
"Second, Eddie's an idiot if he still looks at you as a kid. Your fucking hot y/n, trust me," she asserts.
You flush at her words lowering your gaze bashfully. "I just love him and it's getting harder to pretend that I don't. I wish that I could get him to see me differently."
"I think I might know how to fix that," Robin says with a gleam in her blue eyes. You listen intently as she tells you her plan.
You're sitting in your room surrounded by shopping bags. With the help of Robin, you both went shopping on your lunch break. Nancy had met up with you, after phoning her and giving her the rundown of what was going on.
According to Robin, Eddie needed a gentle push to help speed things along. She was certain that some revealing yet still innocent-looking clothes would do just the trick. Nancy helped you in picking out the items while Robin judged whether it was hot or not. If all else failed, then you would have to make him jealous by going on a date with someone. That would be a last resort, the thought of going out with someone you had no feelings for filled with you dread.
Tonight you would put the first outfit to the test. Movie nights were always on Fridays around 9, a tradition you guys had kept stemming from middle school. Your brother had missed the last two weeks due to some girl he was interested in at the moment.
Even though James missed the dates, Eddie always showed up like clockwork. You would use this to your advantage. Usually, you would wear some sweatpants and a hoodie or pajamas if it was too hot for that.
Tonight, you would be wearing a racy little number. It was more revealing than what you usually wore but not too out of the norm to raise suspicion.
You checked yourself out in the mirror after you had put the outfit on. It was a black and red romper onesie that dipped low in the front. The words princess were written all over it in red with hearts. Your lower cheeks peeked out slightly and it hugged every inch of your curves leaving nothing and everything to the imagination.
A smile spread across your face at the sight. You looked and felt good about the possibilities of what could happen tonight. You heard the front door open as you sprayed on a light mist of your perfume. 'Showtime,' you thought excitedly.
"Y/n, I'm here" Eddie called out as he flopped down onto the couch. He set the tapes he had rented from Family Video onto the table. He had chosen mostly horror movies but had gotten a rom-com since he knew that those were your favorite.
"Just a minute Ed" your voice rang out.
He took out some rolling papers setting them to the side as he began to break down the small green buds. He was finished and had put the lit joint into his mouth when you entered the room.
When he saw you his mind went blank and his jaw slack, causing the joint to fall into his lap. The embers singed into his jeans causing him to hiss in pain. "Shit," he yelped, grabbing the joint from his lap and dusting himself off quickly.
"Eddie, are you okay," you cried out. You sank down to your knees in front of him trying to look closer, inspecting him closely for any injuries.
Eddie groaned internally at the sight of you on your knees in front of him. He felt himself begin to harden, which would be a recipe for disaster, with how close you were to him. "Yeah, yeah, I'm okay sweets I promise," he says shooting you a nervous look.
You peered up into his face questioningly before rising to your feet. "Okay but let me know if you need any creams for burns or anything," you state sternly with your hands on your hips.
Eddie's eyes shifted from the valley of your breasts exposed by the low cut to your lower pubic region which was being hugged intimately by the onesie. If he looked close enough he could see the outline of your lips.
You clear your throat, bringing his gaze back onto yours, he notices a small smirk on your face and knows you caught him checking you out. His face warms as he nods his head in response to whatever it was that you had just said. His gaze follows your movements as he watches you turn around and bend slightly to look at the videos he selected.
His throat runs dry as he watches the fabric ride up, letting your cheeks poke out provocatively. Clearing his throat, he lifts his lap attempting to adjust his hard-on.
"Picked what you want to watch yet?" His question comes out as a squeak, and he mentally face-palms himself. 'What the hell is wrong with me,' he thought. 'This is y/n for God's sake.'
You turned to look at him over your shoulder, raising a single brow. "Yeah, I think I want to watch a scary one first," you smile, taking the tape and popping it into the VCR. You shut off the lights before taking a seat close to Eddie on the couch.
You leave no space between you as you sit down, making him turn towards you in confusion. "Just wanna be close to you y'know— just in case I get scared," you reply simply. It's bullshit and you both know it, you're a longtime fan of horror movies, making you insusceptible to jump scares.
Eddie doesn't question you, only giving a slight shake of his head before settling in and focusing on the movie. After a while, he becomes completely absorbed in the movie. His eyes are wide as a random big-breasted blonde gets beheaded by a flying machete.
You however haven't been paying attention at all. Your gaze has been focused on Eddie the entire time, giving him innocuous side glances ever so often. You use the sounds of screaming to feign being frightened. A fake shriek escapes your lips and using the momentum, you jump closer to Eddie, slinging your arms around him and burying your face into his neck.
Eddie's heart stops and he forgets how to breathe. Half of your body is sitting on his lap and he can feel your soft full lips against his neck as you tremble with fright. His arms wrap around you without a thought in an attempt to comfort you. This action brings you inadvertently closer to him.
He groans silently at the feel of your soft body pressed against him. Using every ounce of self-restraint he wills himself to calm down before speaking. "It's okay sweets, the scary part is over now," he whispers in an attempt to soothe you.
You remove the small smile on your face before moving your head from his neck to look up at him. A small pout sits on your lips as you look up at him. "Okay Eds," you whisper. You remain seated on his leg as you turn to look at the tv, content with watching the movie this way.
"What are you doing y/n," Eddie asks when he realizes you're not moving off of him.
"Don't wanna move, s'comfy right here," you murmur, laying your head onto his chest as you continue to watch the movie.
Eddie's conflicted, on one hand, he's enjoying having you pressed against him like this, on the other, he's certain that if you don't move soon he's bound to have an embarrassing situation occur. He opts to leave you be while he suffers in silence.
Minutes tick by as you stare silently at the screen. You have no idea what is happening in the movie and you honestly could care less. Tension is heavy in the air making it hard for you to breathe normally. You shift against Eddie, attempting to get comfortable.
"Stop moving sweetheart," he chides gently.
"Why," you ask as you shift against him again. You move your leg resting in his lap, inadvertently spreading your legs farther apart.
He grabs your thigh in an attempt to halt your movements. The feel of his strong ring-clad fingers against your inner thigh causes your breath to hitch and a small gasp tumbles from your lips.
Eddie's brain is short-circuiting, his hand has yet to let go of you. His body is no longer responding to any commands from his brain, acting solely off reflexes. He watches you intently, noticing how the swell of your breasts rises and falls rapidly. Moving his hand higher up your thigh he whispers "you nervous baby?"
You nod your head yes, unable to speak, fearing that you'll say exactly what's on your mind and ruin your relationship with Eddie forever. Your heart feels as if you've sprinted a marathon, your body strung tight, like a chord ready to be strummed. His fingers play with the edge of the fabric from your clothing.
Eddie's mind is reeling as he revels in the feel of your smooth skin. Calloused fingers begin to knead and massage the crease where your thigh and groin meet. His eyes are wide as your gaze meets his. Your eyes begging him to continue and his are searching yours for consent.
You lay your hand on top of his, guiding his hand through the opening of the fabric, directly onto your cunt. He finds you bare underneath and immediately takes over as he begins to caress you slowly. The pads of his fingers rub small circles into your bundle of nerves.
Your head falls back onto his shoulder, as pleasure unfurls in your stomach and your core clenches in anticipation. You close your eyes and he puts a finger under your jaw, bringing your gaze back onto him.
"Eyes on me sweetheart, I wanna see you" he commands. His eyes are trained on yours and it feels as if he is staring directly into your soul. "You're so wet baby, this all for me?" he marvels in awe.
"Yes Eddie, all yours," you confess, finally finding the words to speak. Your lips are slick and swollen with your arousal. You can feel your stomach contract as waves of pleasure bloom through you.
Eddie's eyes darken at your words and any self-control he had left is completely wiped away. Something passes between you two, no words are needed, as you both come together simultaneously. Colliding in a wet passionate glide of lips, tongue, and teeth. A moment of clarity hits Eddie when he feels your lips on his. He knows that he's in love and has been ever since the first time he saw you. He is hooked on you and will spend the rest of his existence addicted to the feeling you give him.
You pull your lips away from his as your orgasm hits its climax, the feeling washes over you in waves, threatening to throw you over the abyss. "Eddie," you moan loudly, throwing your head back against his shoulder. Your core flutters repeatedly as you ride out your high.
Eddie watches you intently, not wanting to miss a single moment. He wishes he could capture the look on your face, so he could remember it forever. "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are," he whispers against your ear. He hasn't even taken your clothes off and he's already enraptured with you.
You smile shyly at him as you shake your head no. His cock strains against the denim material of his jeans causing him to shift uncomfortably. You notice his movements and take your hand placing it on his hardened length. He twitches against your palm as you begin to stroke him slowly, testing out the waters. Your lips find his again as you pull him in for a kiss. This time it's gentle but still just as passionate as you both enjoy the feel of each other.
His hand slides from between your legs and joins the other behind your back pulling you even closer to him. You sigh into his mouth "I've wanted this for so long," you murmur against his lips.
"I'm sorry," he whispers giving you a series of quick kisses along your temple.
"For what," you ask, confusion etched across your face.
"For being a jackass," his face is serious as the words leave his mouth.
"Apology accepted," you giggle before bringing your lips back onto his. You break the kiss and stand up grabbing Eddie's hand. He lets you lead him out of the living room into your bedroom. The movie is still playing in the background, now long forgotten. Closing your door you turn towards him with a shy smile.
He's sitting on your bed surrounded by the lace and frills of your comforter, looking out of place and at home all at once. You walk towards him slowly, tugging down the zipper of the onesie. His eyes follow your movements as you lower the zipper teasingly past the valley of your breasts. His eyes shoot up to yours when you stop unexpectedly, you give him a sweet smile before looking down and pulling the zipper the rest of the way down, stopping just above your pubic bone.
"You're so beautiful, I can't believe this is happening." He takes ahold of your hips, bringing you to stand between his legs. "Remind me," he pauses as he presses open wet mouth kisses around your navel. "Why have I waited so long to do this again," he questions, while he slips the soft fabric of your clothes down your shoulders and onto the floor.
His face is awestruck as he gazes at your naked body causing you to flush deeply. "Hmm, I believe you said it was because you were a jackass or something" you smile teasingly.
Eddie's face breaks out into a grin as he grabs you and flings you onto the bed. You squeal in surprise which quickly turns into laughter as he begins to tickle you. "Stop, m'sorry," you laugh breathlessly, wiggling your body over onto your stomach trying to escape his tickles.
He stops his ticklish attack and begins to rub his hands along your sides slowly. He pauses a moment and you hear the quick rustling of clothes before he commences, picking up where he left off. You feel the soft press of his lips along your shoulder, followed along with the drag of his tongue as he moves on to the next spot. He covers your back in kisses and soft bites as he makes his way down.
You feel his large hands take the soft globes of your cheeks as he kneads and massages them. Your face heats up in embarrassment as he spreads them apart. You look over your shoulder questioningly and your breath catches in your throat. You think that Eddie may just be some sort of demon like the town thinks because at this moment the look he's giving you is downright sinful.
He catches your eye and gives you a wicked smile before pulling your hips up off of the bed and lowering his head to your cunt. His tongue glides along and through your folds spreading them apart. You can feel the tip of his tongue as he prods into your hole teasing before sliding to your clit.
Moans fall from your lips as he laps at your clit. You feel dizzy and your hands fist into the sheets as you arch back into Eddie's mouth. "Eddie," you whimper when his fingers dip into your core.
"Yes, princess," he mumbles into your folds, his voice reverberating through you causing you to shiver in response.
"I want you to fuck me," you beg salaciously. A heated flush coats your entire body as he sucks on your clit while he scissors his fingers in and out of you. Your orgasm creeps up on you and crashes into you unexpectedly, making you cry out, your voice echoing throughout the trailer.
"You did so good sweetheart," he praises you as he turns you over. Your heart sings at his words and you wrap your arms around him, bringing him down to you in a heart-stopping kiss. His face is wet with your arousal and you grind up into him, feeling yourself getting turned on again.
He laughs kissing you on the nose. "So eager huh," he says as he slides his cock through your puffy lips. He moans at the feel of your slick coating his length. "Gonna fuck you so good baby," he promises as he nudges his tip at your entrance.
You kiss him in response and he takes the opportunity to slide into your slickened warmth. He gets halfway into you before he's stopped by a barrier, he takes ahold of your hands and deepens the kiss as he drives into you until he bottoms out. You cry out in pain and he is quick to soothe you with sweet kisses to your temple.
"I know sweets, just breathe kay," he instructs, his eyes trained on you, wanting to make sure that you are okay. You breathe deeply as the stinging sensation begins to lessen, turning into something more pleasurable. Your hips begin to move against him, urging him to continue.
With every thrust, your walls pulled him back in greedily. "Fuck— this tight little pussy is squeezing my dick," he grunts as your velvet walls pulsed and squeezed around him. He kisses you again and again, unable to stop himself. You looked so perfect like you were made just for him.
"Oh God," you sobbed as his cock hit a spot inside of you, making you see stars. You could feel the mix of your arousal and his saliva as he slid in and out of you with ease.
"You like that," he moaned into your ear, taking it between his teeth and nipping it gently.
"Yes, don't stop" you cried out, wrapping your legs around his waist. "Fucking me so good," you babbled, the expression on your face was one of pure bliss as Eddie drove his cock into you over and over.
"Fuck— you feel like heaven babe," Eddie groaned as he grinded deeper into you.
"You're gonna make me cum," you whimpered breathlessly as his patch of curls rubbed against your sensitive clit. Your words died in your throat as you came, the feeling of your orgasm becoming too much, and your vision began to tunnel.
The motion of his hips faltered as his cock began to pulse with his release. Eddie railed his hips against yours once more as shallow puffs of air fell from his lips. Wisps of curls had fallen around his face, curtaining around you both. You blinked up at him with a bleary smile, eyes still hazy in your post-orgasm state.
He pulled out of you slowly, conscious of your sensitive core, and got up from the bed. You stared in silence as he left the room, returning with a warm towel. He quickly wiped you off and then himself before throwing the towel into your clothes hamper in the corner of your room.
Getting back into bed, he took you into his arms and pulled your comforter from the foot of your bed, tucking it around you both. You relax onto him, your head resting on his chest as you listen to the soft beat of his heart.
Taking your hand into his, he intertwines your fingers before pressing a soft kiss to each knuckle. You're half asleep when he begins to talk, the timbre of his voice is like a low rumble in his chest stirring you awake.
"When we were little, I asked you to marry me," "you remember that," he whispers, his lips pressed against the top of your head.
"Kinda," you replied groggily, struggling to stay awake.
"I went to your parents and asked for your hand in marriage," he chuckled. "And your brother, he made me swear to always protect you. He promised that he would kick my ass if I ever hurt you and I said that I would let him if I ever hurt you in any way." He tilted your chin to look up at him and you gave him a sleepy smile, making his heart stop momentarily.
"You asked me to marry you and I said no. Said I was saving myself for Elvis. I don't know how I forgot about that," you laughed softly.
"Yeah, broke my little heart," he said jokingly. "I always knew I loved you, even then. Just never thought you saw me in that way I guess. Shit, I'm rambling— what I'm trying to say is. I still want to be with you, if you'll have me." He presses a tender kiss to your lips as his question hangs in the air.
Your heart clenches in joy and tears prick at your eyes. Nodding your head you kiss him, slipping your tongue into his mouth teasingly. After a moment he pulls away, laugh lines crinkling along the sides of his big brown eyes "I guess that means yes," he smirked.
You roll your eyes and laugh "Of course, that's a yes, unless Elvis is really alive, then we might have a problem." you tease, laying your head back down onto his chest. His chest hums with soft laughter, you remind yourself to thank Robin and Nancy and let them know their plan was a success before you doze off into a peaceful slumber.
The end
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formula1fanfiction · 10 months
Logan Sargeant / Oscar Piastri
Title: First heat
Pairing: Logan Sargeant / Oscar Piastri
Characters: Logan Sargeant, Oscar Piastri
Prompt: Logan thought he was a Beta at least until his first heat arrives.
rating: 18+
A/N: This is part 7 of the ABO series, this can be read as a stand alone story but you can find Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 part 4 Part 5 part 6 here. :)
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Logan's in the Williams garage with Alex and a few other members going through the statistics for the next race. He can barely concentrate though, it's getting extremely hot in here, sweat is pooling off his face.
"Logan are you okay?" Alex says from somewhere, Logan shivers despite how sweaty he is. The alpha scent is a lot stronger than normal in here, it's something he's never really noticed before. "Logan?" Alex says again, it's only then he realised he'd never responded to his teammate.
"Yeah, i'm just really hot. I must have a fever or something." Alex smiles at him it's laced with pity. Alex touches his forehead with the back of his hand, it sends shockwaves through his body, he mewls somewhat embarrassingly at the contact. Why is he acting like this?  
"You're a Beta right Logan?"  Of course he is, that's what he was a teenager and he's never had heats, ruts or anything like that. He's just getting sick that's all. Logan can only manage a nod as another wave washes over, this time he feels something wet leaking from his arse.
"I think you're an omega Logan." Alex says gently, he takes a step back, keeping a good distance from him. "I'm a beta." He protests weakly, he can't be an omega. Logan watches over Alex's shoulder as James walks over. "I can smell it too Logan, you must be a late bloomer."
"I can't be..." He doesn't know why he's still protesting, his body is screaming at him to submit to Alex or James, his cock is rock hard and his arse is leaking like a fucking tap. How fucking embarrassing, it's a good thing the two alpha's have kept a good distance because Logan wants to beg them to fuck him.
"Why don't you just go back to your hotel room. We'll talk when you feel better." Logan practically runs away, before his instincts make him do something he'll regret.
As soon as he's back in his hotel room, he strips off his clothes with such fury they are sure to be torn. It's only then he starts to cry, what the fuck does he do now? He goes through the other omega's on the grid, Pierre, Charles, Lando, George. None of them would ever give him the time of day. All he wants is a fucking knot.   
In the end he calls Oscar. "I need your help." The crying is so obvious in his voice, he hears the Australian gasp on the other end of the phone. "Tell me what's wrong?" Logan wipes his tears away with the back of his hand. "I came into heat." Oscar agrees to come over straight away and luckily he doesn't have to wait too long to hear the knock at the door.
"I thought you were a beta." Oscar looks a very naked Logan up and down and takes a deep breath. "Logan before you let me in you know what's going to happen right?" Logan knows exactly what's going to happen, he needs it. "If it means you're going to fuck me, the yes please. Oscar doesn't move and it's torture having an alpha this close doing nothing. "Logan think about this, are you sure because i'm finding it pretty hard to hold myself back."
"Fuck me, please." That's all it takes for Oscar to be all over him, kissing and biting at every exposed piece of skin as he's pushed back onto the bed. "Fuck Logi, you smell so fucking good." Oscar smashes his lips against Logan's its full of teeth and tongue, Logan is struggling to keep up. There must be a puddle of slick underneath Logan.
Oscar please, I can't take it anymore. Please, please, please." Oscar takes pity on him and helps him onto his hands and knees. "Don't worry baby, i'll help you, I promise." Oscar sinks three fingers into the wet heat to test how open the American is. "You're my first, can't promise i'll be any good." Logan is just happy to hear he's not the only one losing his virginity.
Finally fucking finally Oscar starts sinking into him, his strong hands holding Logan's hips for leverage. Logan feels like he's on fire, he's no idea if it's pleasure or just the heat talking. It feels so good exactly what Logan needs. "Oscar, please." Logan doesn't even know what he's begging for but Oscar understands him. "Shh baby, I got you."
"Move, please." Logan whines, pushing back on Oscar's cock. The Aussie growls loudly an does start to move, slowly at first but soon works his way up to quick hard pace. Each hard thrust into his body feels even better than the last one. Logan's body sighs with relief at being stuffed full with cock.
"Fuck Logi, can't tell you how long i've wanted you for." Oscar catches Logan's prostate, the American can barely get anything out other than loud moans as Oscar slams into over and over again. "Even when I thought you were a beta." Logan feel Oscar's knot start to form, he really can't wait for it.
Oscar must be close now, he's slamming into Logan with such a brutal pace that the bed shakes along with them. "I'll make you feel good baby." Oscar's lips are on his ear as he wraps his fist around Logan's cock stroking him to the same pace as his thrusts. Logan's body is so over whelmed with pure red hot pleasure he doesn't last much longer. He screams Oscar's name over and over again as he comes over his fist.
"Beautiful little omega." Oscar plants a kiss onto Logan's temple as he thrusts into him impossibly fast, his knot swelling bigger and bigger with every thrust. Logan cries out underneath him, his own clenching down around the knot. His knot finally catches and Logan's stuffed full of Oscar, just like he wanted.
Oscar rearranges them until they are in a spooning position. He keeps pressing little kisses on the back of Logan's sweaty neck until his knot finally pops and Logan is filled up with the warmth of his seed.
"I don't know much about heats but I think you'll need to go again soon, i'll help you through it. I promise." Logan can barely hear him, his eyes are already closing, ready for sleep.  
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silantryoo · 2 years
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trainee!pham hanni x trainee!reader (angst, fluff)
WARNINGS ; overworking
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hanni was never attracted to anyone growing up.
she had always thought that she was a late bloomer. all her friends already had their fair share of romances by the time she was set to leave for korea. she felt left behind, frustrated with herself because why can't she just find someone who she likes?
and then she met you.
you had entered as a trainee under hybe, making you the most recent addition right after her (about a year after her). people saw you as the happy, bubbly girl who helped them with routines and vocals despite not being able to speak any korean. it had gotten to the point where you even had your own nickname, hybe's guardian angel.
being the same age as hanni (and because of the fact that she spoke english), you had gotten closer to her. the attraction that she had felt in the beginning bubbled up into something more, the thing that her friends back in australia talked about when being around someone they liked.
luckily for her, she had always caught your eye. hanni was the first one to greet you, despite how shy she was. you admired her dancing, and how she was able to learn everything easily. most of all, you admired her for her.
eventually, the two of you started dating. you would spend all day with each other, talking in the practice studio, eating lunch together, and even hanging out in your dorms.
that was how the two of you were. pham hanni and y/l/n y/n. forever attached to the hip.
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something was off. hanni could feel it.
it started this morning. you had just come back from a meeting with the ceo of ador. unlike how you usually were, you had a frown on your face instead of your signature lopsided grin.
"hey." hanni said in english as pulled you aside during one of your breaks.
your eyes lit up. "hey!"
hanni looked you up and down. you never greeted her in korean. you always spoke english to her. it was something the two of you struggled to fix, but more so you.
"you okay?" she smiled at you, grabbing your hand lightly.
you tried your hardest not to melt at the sight of your girlfriend, but you couldn't. you found yourself smiling again, almost forgetting that you were now being heavily monitored by the company.
"not—" you started, quickly cutting yourself off. you looked around, seeing that your dance teacher had her eyes trained on you. hanni sent you a worried glance. "uh, no but i'll be fine."
hanni squeezed your hand. "what happened?"
you opened your mouth to speak, but you didn't know how to say what you wanted in korean. you wanted to tell her so many things (how pretty she looked right now, how you haven't spoken to any of your other trainees because you couldn't)
"i don't know," you said simply.
hanni's face turned into a frown. there had been an awkward phase when you two had transitioned from friends into something more, but the two of you quickly got over that.
something was wrong.
she glanced at you with worry. "y/n?"
you sent her a smile, one that didn't reach your eyes. "let's go."
you pulled hanni to the floor, flinging your waterbottle on the couch beside danielle. you send her another smile, but your eyes kept looking at your teacher, almost as if you were making sure that you hadn't made a mistake.
hanni didn't know what was wrong, she just knew that she wanted to fix it.
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hanni didn't get it. for the past week you had been ignoring her, or at the very least not speaking to her aside from the very few 'yes's and 'no's that end up as your reply.
she didn't know if she did something wrong. you were never like this.
she walked out of her dorm room to enter the common area. hanni looked at the figure on the couch before they turned their head. it was minji, watching some kdrama that you happened to like.
hanni frowned further, walking up to the older girl.
"bro." minji called out as soon as she saw hanni, turning off the tv.
hanni nodded in acknowledgment. "bro."
"your girlfriend's been acting weird." minji mentioned, watching as hanni deflated. "are you guys fighting?"
"no?" hanni shook her head, trying to think back to the events that happened that week. she didn't think you were fighting. "what do you mean?"
"i mean, like, in practice today." minji tapped her chin as recalled the events from earlier. "haerin was trying to talk to her but she pulled a haerin, on haerin."
"y/n ignored her?" hanni looked at minji with a shocked face.
aside from hanni, haerin and you were close despite the fact that you two didn't speak the other person's language well. you understood it, meaning that you both can reply in your native language (haerin in korean and you in english) so you ignoring her wasn't because of a barrier.
why were you pushing everyone away?
"more like she just listened." minji shrugged, knowing how unlike you to just listen. she glanced at hanni's worried face. "did you guys..."
"no." hanni shook her head. she rubbed her eyes, trying to make sense of what was happening. "i don't know what's going on, honestly."
minji nodded, trying to garner some sympathy for her friend.
"you should talk to her." the older girl offered.
if it was any other situation, hanni would, but the fact that you were ignoring her made her hesitate. what if it had been something she done?
"i don't know..."
"she's your girlfriend, bro." minji watched as hanni smiled. she pushed back a grimace, hating how lovey-dovey you guys were. "if she's gonna open up to anyone, it'll be you."
hanni thought to herself. you were only ever truly open with one person and that was her. despite dating, you were each other's best friends. she could get you to talk to her (and hopefully not break up with her in the process).
she hated that minji was right.
hanni looked the older girl up and down, not wanting to admit that she made a good point. instead, she smiled teasingly. "you'd make a good leader, y'know?"
minji frowned, not wanting to show that she was flattered. "stop flirting with me or i'm telling your girlfriend."
"who would want to flirt with you?" hanni winced, thinking about the day that anyone would ever date minji.
hanni thought that the person who would eventually date minji (if there even was one) would seriously have to be the most patient and understanding person in the world, and that minji would probably drag them to every one-day class there was available in kor—
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it was eleven at night and the other girls seemed to be asleep or at least in their rooms.
it was times like these where hanni was glad hybe was rich enough to afford solo rooms, otherwise, she would have had to share with someone like minji... or worse (i.e. hyein).
she walked up to your room, wiping her hands on her sweater. she knocked briefly.
"y/n?" hanni called out.
"hanni." you opened the door, a smile on your face as you were wearing your hello kitty pajamas. "hey."
you ushered her inside and closed the door behind her, not realizing that hanni had been grinning the entire time. she loved how much you loved hello kitty.
grabbing her hand, you pulled her towards your bed. the two of you sat down, waiting for the other to speak.
"how are you?" she asked softly, watching your face falter.
something was definitely wrong.
with a tight smile, you responded. "very tired."
"me too." hanni looked down at your lips. she shook her head. now wasn't the time. right now, she needed to be a good girlfriend. "is everything okay?"
she frowned, growing tired of your brief responses. she couldn't help but start to doubt herself.
"you don't have to talk to me in korean." she encouraged, watching as your tight smile molded into a frown. "just speak to me in english."
you shook your head. "i can't."
"why?" hanni furrowed her eyebrows. she didn't understand what you meant, but she could tell it was irritating you.
you shook your head again. "i can't."
she watched you, waiting for you to elaborate. she didn't want to push you too hard into revealing something that you didn't want to.
she waited, watching as you shakily took a deep breath in.
you clenched your teeth, suddenly feeling your eyes start to water. "i'm not allowed to."
hanni blinked.
sure, there were companies such as yg and jyp that did a foreign language ban on their trainees, but she would have never guessed that hybe would. they were way more diverse than other companies. they had let her, you, and danielle in.
she watched as tears spilled down your face. your hands were clenched tightly onto your pants, something that you only did when you were in a lot of distress.
using her sleeve, she carefully wiped your face and tried her best to put on a smile for you.
"i'm so tired." you sniffled, your eyes meeting hers. she looked at you with understanding. "it's so hard not being able to talk to anyone, to you."
"y/n..." hanni knew it wasn't the time, but she wished she could kiss your sadness away.
you whispered, feeling her grab your hand. "i feel like an outsider."
hanni shook her head. you were the exact opposite to her and the other trainees. in fact, you had been the only one to bring her and haerin out of their shells, something that the others greatly appreciated.
"you aren't." she gave your hand a light squeeze. you shook your head as she tried to dismiss your worries. "it's just a stupid rule that they put on you."
"they threatened to kick me out!" you stressed, reeling back after realizing you had shouted. guilt immediately hit you. "i'm sorry... i just don't want to lose you guys, but it already feels like i am."
hanni hummed, rubbing the back of your hand with her thumb. she felt herself blushing as she came up with an idea.
"i can sleep here tonight. maybe even teach you some korean?" hanni smiled as she finally heard you giggle. she had been waiting to hear that all week. "it'll make up for the time that we couldn't speak to each other."
"a week?" you look at her ridiculously, speaking in korean this time around. "it's a good thing you're an idol because you're not very good at math."
"wow." hanni scoffed playfully, watching you turn off the lights and jump in bed. "at least i know you can diss me in korean."
"i can also compliment you in korean." you smiled as you patted next to you.
"really?" hanni raised her eyebrow, quickly moving into your arms. the two of you hadn't been able to even hug each other the past week since the language ban.
she wrapped her arm around you, listening to you hum gratefully. hanni looked down at you as the moon illuminated your face.
"you're cute." you looked up at your girlfriend, watching as her eyes were trained on you. you glanced at her lips, looking away as it wasn't the time. "be my girlfriend, please."
hanni squinted, not impressed by your flirting skills. "i already am?"
"i know that!" you rolled your eyes, cuddling into her further. "i was planning to ask you out like that, y'know?"
"seriously?" hanni asked, feeling you nod against her neck.
she hated that she would've (and still would) agreed on the spot if you had asked her that question.
"you beat me to it."
you smiled knowing that she probably felt smug, not realizing that she had been too focused on your lips to even think about teasing you.
hanni cleared her throat. "do you have another one?"
"uh..." you thought of the other 'pick-up line' that danielle told you to use on hanni. you shook your head aggressively. "i'm embarrassed."
hanni smirked, knowing that whatever you were about to say was definitely something she could tease you with later.
"tell me." she shook you lightly, earning a groan from you. she whined. "c'mon! you literally said you were lonely! now i'm here, so tell me!"
you sighed, contemplating whether or not you were gonna risk your entire relationship (with someone you really liked) for a stupid pick up line.
hanni watched you with gleaming eyes, and you knew you couldn't say no.
you nodded, earning a cheer from her.
clearing your throat, you took a deep breath to prepare yourself. you could already feel the embarrassment spreading to your cheeks.
"your lips loo—" you started, watching as hanni realized what you were gonna say. you hid your face into her neck. "i can't. it's too embarrassing."
"were you..." hanni could feel herself smiling involuntarily. "were you gonna try to kiss me?"
you groaned into her neck, feeling her shoulder shake as she laughed.
"that is embarrassing." hanni laughed, finding it cute that you were embarrassed. as much as she had been dying to kiss you, it wouldn't hurt to tease you a little.
"stop!" you whined as she continued to laugh.
her laughing soon died down, and the room suddenly covered with a thick silence.
"you could just ask me." she pulled away to look at your still embarrassed face. "in korean, i mean."
you felt your mouth go dry.
"try it." she whispered, her eyes back on your lips. "you never know."
you nodded, finally making note of where her eyes had been. you weren't sure if she had been wanting to kiss you even before you broke down, but you guessed that the language barrier rule had some perks to it.
one of those perks being a situation like this, one where the two of you finally get your first kiss.
"can i kiss you?"
hanni stared back up at your eyes, a small grin appearing on her face. she was glad that you were no longer crying, and even more so that she was about to kiss you.
"only if i can kiss you back."
you rolled your eyes, leaning in. you didn't know what to expect, but once your lips met, everything just felt right. it was as if you weren't alone anymore, and as if you would never be alone again. hanni just felt like hanni, and that was exactly what you needed.
you pulled away, a blush dusting both your faces.
"wow," hanni muttered lovestruck.
you cuddled back into her, your eyes feeling heavy as the smile on your face started to hurt. "you're so weird."
"i'm tired." you whispered, hearing as her heart beat erratically. you kissed her cheek and closed your eyes. "can we go to sleep?"
"hanni, please."
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> main masterlist.
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So, how will Julieta and Agústin react when Luisa and Isabela bring bleeding Mirabel?
This is where things get good.
Warning, potentially sensitive topics below.
“Mirabel’s bleeding.”
Julieta and Agustín had both felt their hearts stop for a minute when Isabela had sprinted up to them, her fingers stained red and uttering those words.
If Isabela had said it was herself or Luisa, they wouldn’t have been so panicked. They were Agustín’s girls after all - and those two in particular were rough and scrappy. But Mirabel? So careful and clever, never found herself with anything worse than a pinprick from her needle.
They followed Isabela through the streets of town, eventually coming across their other two daughters.
And their hearts broke at the sight.
Luisa, heavily blood-stained, carrying a barely conscious Mirabel.
Julieta tried to keep herself from panicking as she approached - Luisa had picked up the pace herself at the sight of their mother; presumably she’d slowed down earlier (before Isabela went off ahead) to make it easier for Mirabel. But this girl, her baby, had been through something terrible by the looks of it.
Luisa lowered her arms a bit, loosening them. Trying to give her mother a better view. Julieta pushed her arm back.
“Keep her warm, she’s freezing,” Julieta orders. “And keep pressure over her leg. Has it just been bleeding this whole time? Luisa, you know this! How could you leave her like that?”
She doesn’t blame Luisa. Not really. Or Isabela, for that matter. It’s not their faults. Neither of them have first aid training. Mirabel does, but if she wasn’t in a state to help, then there’s nothing that could be done.
Luisa doesn’t need telling twice though. She shifts Mirabel securely into one arm, giving her a chance to rip a piece off her own skirt - clearly not caring if it meant her bloomers were partially on show - and then tying the purple fabric around Mirabel’s lower leg.
Agustín scratched his head. “I mean… that is one way of doing it.”
“I can run back for a towel or something?” Isabela suggested. But it was a little late now.
Julieta trailed her hand down Mirabel’s face. “Come on, mi amor, I need you to wake up for me. I just need you to eat, then you can go back to sleep, I promise.”
Mirabel’s eyelids fluttered weakly.
Not quite conscious enough to give any response, she just curled further into Luisa again. That element of warmth and comfort.
As Julieta and Luisa tried to convince Mirabel into at least having a single bit, Agustín pulled Isabela aside.
“What happened?” He asked.
“Camilo and some of his friends, from what Luisa has told me,” Isabela explained, quietly. “They wanted to practice hunting and thought she’d make good prey. Camilo didn’t join in, but he was there for the ear tags. His friends chased her after and without her glasses she didn’t spot the trap under the leaves, and well… her leg speaks for itself.”
“Ear tags?”
“The kind they put on animals. In this case, deer.”
Something twists in Agustín’s stomach.
They joke about Mirabel being a deer. From her doe eyes to her graceful walk, she does exhibit deer-like behaviour and traits. But never had he though someone would…
His poor baby. She would have been terrified.
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cnnmonbimee · 2 years
JSHK Fics Recommendations
I think it's been a while since I saw fic recs for jshk, so I thought I could share my personal faves here! Though, if you've been in the fandom long enough I'm sure you've seen more than half of these since I mostly knew all of these amazing fics from other recommendations when I first started reading :)
But, if you're just starting to explore jshk fics (like me!!) then fear not because this post might have too much to choose from.
This is gonna be long! (I'm serious)
I Will Be A Light For You (All For You) by stellillow
Shadows by ficenjoyer
Midnight's Prince, By the Light of Eternal Noon by thatsrightdollface
glass shattered, clay battered by insipidenvy
Roots Run Deep, Leaves Grow Bare by insipidenvy
Selfish Prayers by lilaflo, sincerelyand
the horizon tries but it's not as kind on the eyes by sincerelyand
Morning Reflections by FalalalaLa
Of Course Everyone Believes in True Love by FalalalaLa
The Monster's Bride by Hammsters
Nene and The Nutcracker Prince by Baronesscmd
Promises to Keep by Baronesscmd
Fortune's Fools by LyricalSniperRifle
Night of the Phantom King by lilaflo
Death and the Maiden by lilaflo
hell is a good life by niim
cat's cradle by niim
late bloomer by niim
turn off the music (and listen to the quiet whisper) by krispytine
long after you're gone by dearmoonlight
moon lover by Toramitsu
Hazy Days of December by milkteamoon
Knives to Sharpen Baby Teeth by milkteamoon
the golden age of something good by piyo_nii
to see you as you are now by piyo_nii
Drowning in suds, soap and sorrow by strawberryvanillatea
Reflections from Remembered Waves by SomethingDreamed
ode to the moon by puolain
the confession tree by tzaya
Caveat Lector by WingSongHalo
A Practice, For Now by WingSongHalo
Come Monday by RadioWaves
Under The Stars by Allthefeels_fanfics
Wonderstruck by thebonezone
(completed works)
Ain't It a Gentle Sound, the Rolling in the Graves? by Hammsters
Down to the Last Petal by Indigo_Floof
Surface Tension to Keep You Afloat by corologs
Undertow by Kawffee
Supernatural Stakeout at the Kamome Science Museum by thatsrightdollface
Bring Down the Chandelier by wishfulina
A Fairy Tale Thing Will Not Kiss You Awake by TheWizardEm
The Mystery of Hades and Persephone by TheFluffyOtaku
The Cowgirl & The Godfather by TheFluffyOtaku
the libary girl by orphan_account
Wings Dark as Sin by Hammsters
The Princess and the Sorcerer by eliziliza (Lizardstep)
Bride of The Underworld by lilaflo
The Disastrous Haunting of Room 404 by banjjakz
Be Still My Foolish Heart by Hammsters
Never Tamper With a Curse by Beachyblu3s
Teach Me Astronomy, Amane-kun! by FalalalaLa
The 2x1 Offer by Tsunflower
must be the season of the witch by Kawffee
Cursed Hearts by Donteatsocks
Unbound Hanako-kun: Unabridged AU by Beachyblu3s
when the fog fades by piyo_nii (last updated: Aug 2020)
Cicada Summer by milkteamoon (last updated: June 2020)
Ghostly Management by starrylitme
One-shot Books/ Anthologies
love transcends by spero11
ghost flower by Baugette_Me_Not
a thousand constellations (blooming) by puolain
You Be the Ocean, I'll Be the Stars by lilaflo
A little disclaimer, I didn't include any explicit fics in this post (maybe in another, but I can't promise;;) but some of these are Mature rated so please remember to always mind the tags! (They're there for a reason).
Happy reading :)
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aclosetfan · 10 months
Welcome back!! I hope everything has been well for you. I missed you and your writing and I’m so glad your back! I can’t wait to see what you make of this prompt! (Greens)“I didn't know you wore glasses and I'm thinking normal and platonic thoughts about you right now I swear” I was thinking butch-centric but I’m fine with whatever
prompt 1: "I didn't know you wore glasses and I'm thinking normal and platonic thoughts about you right now I swear”
a/n: ha! I did it! I lost the thread a little bit while writing it because i think I'm funny, but I actually wrote something for fun little victories
“Dude,” Butch squinted in the direction Blossom was pointing, “I can’t see jack fuckin’ shit.”
“Butch, your glasses,” Brick let out a long sigh, “just put on your glasses.”
“My wha?—oh yeah!”
“I forgot you wear glasses!” Bubbles chimed in with a smile, peeking around Blossom.
Butch shrugged, rooting around his pockets, “Eh, I hardly wear them.”
“Why not?” Blossom asked, letting her arm fall back to her side as they waited.
“Because someone always aimed for my face when we were kids.”
“And you’re welcome,” Buttercup snorted, crossing her arms. “Those wiry little frames always made you look like the biggest—oh, um,” She paused mid-sentence as Butch pushed his glasses up his nose.
“Yeah, yeah,” He blinked a few times, letting his eyes adjust, “do you know how many pairs of glasses you broke? Mojo still gets on my ass about—what’s your problem?” He sneered, taking in her wide eyes and red face.
“Um—” Her gaze snapped away, and a girlish giggle escaped her, “—I, uhhhh, um—” She shot her smirking sisters a panicked look.
Butch tsked at a smudge on one of his lenses, removing his glasses momentarily to wipe it away with the end of his shirt. He shivered when cold air hit his navel.
“Ummm, what,” He mocked, blowing on the lenses and rubbing the glasses again before shoving them back on his face.
Something like a squeak came out of Buttercup’s mouth, and she whipped her head around to face her sisters. Practically hysterical, she made panicked gestures toward him.  
“Haha, yep,” Bubbles nodded, bouncing on her toes.
“Nice of you to catch up, Buttercup,” Blossom snorted, propping a hand on her hip.
“But for how long!”
“It happened when we turned fourteen,” Blossom hummed.
“Hey,” Brick hissed, “aren’t you gay?”
Blossom smirked and looked Butch up and down, “What? Just because I don’t like the product, I can’t enjoy the packaging?”
“Wait! But how am I just finding this out!” Buttercup cried, shooting him a quick look before covering her mouth with a gasp, “Oh! Ha—” she let out another nervous laugh, “—oh no.”
“Aw, Butters, don’t worry, you’ve always been a late bloomer,” Bubbles cooed sympathetically.
Blossom nodded in agreement, “Better late than never.”
“No,” Brick warned, “No. All three of you, stop it.”
Butch’s eyebrows drew together in confusion, “What, uh, what’s going on? Why are you acting so—”
Brick used his fingers to literally snap his attention away from Buttercup, “Hey! Hey! No. Stop thinking right now! I think enough for all of us, so don’t you worry your pretty little head about them, alright—” He shot the girls a look and gestured to the sign Blossom had been pointing at earlier, “—isn’t there a sign you wanted us to be reading?” Brick didn’t wait for an answer, “Because there’s a sign you wanted us to be reading, so you tell your horndog sister to stop all her disgusting, impure thoughts about my sweet little brother, okay, and get your asses back to the hero shit before you start confusing him and tainting all his dumb little thoughts. We don’t have—we don’t have time for all this heterosexual nonsense. We all agreed to that, remember? Remember the agreement? You’re breaking the agreement!”
Buttercup squeaked, covering her face—so red, it was practically purple—with her hands, “Please don’t just say it like that!”
Butch’s eyebrows shot up, “Please? Did she say please?”
Brick shushed him, “I said, no thinking!”  
“Okay, so—” Blossom argued with Brick, “—we came to that agreement when we were ten, fully aware these two idiots wouldn’t catch up until later, so they weren’t a part of that. We agreed they weren’t a part of that.”
“Well, now, they’ve caught up, so you’re breaking the agreement, and that means we get, like, fifty free passes to do bad guy shit.”
“Nope, nuh-uh,” Blossom jabbed a finger at Butch, “he hasn’t figured it out yet. Not at all.”
“He’s an idiot!” Brick snapped.
“So is she!” Blossom threw her hand towards Buttercup, “And she wouldn’t be having these thoughts right now if he hadn’t tempted her! That means you broke the agreement, so you gotta help us do fifty different acts of service!”
“Blossom!” Buttercup whined, ducking behind Bubbles, “Stop!”  
“No! Fuck this!” Brick threw his hands in the air, “We’re brokering a new agreement! We won’t be having any of this enemies-to-lovers bullshit happening in this group. We have a solid nemesis foundation, and just because she’s finally figured out she’s down to bone doesn’t mean she gets to ruin years of hard work.”
Buttercup choked on her spit at the same time Butch asked, “Wait, lovers? What? Seriously, what are we talking about?”
“HEY! ASSHOLES!” A voice cut through the bickering, “I’M STILL HANGING HERE!”
The group jumped at the sound of Boomer’s voice, who was hanging in a precarious position, tangled between the wires of the Townsville power plant.
“Fuck, I totally forgot about him,” Brick whispered.
“Oh, my goodness!” Bubbles slapped her hands to her cheeks, “We forgot about . . . wait—” Bubbles leaned into Blossom, “—who is that again?”
“Right,” Blossom shook her head, “sorry, Boomer. Uh, does anyone—” she looked between them, “—what were we doing again?”
“The sign,” Buttercup, still refusing to look at any of them, whined from behind her hands, “We were talking about the sign.”
“Right!” Blossom snapped her fingers as she recalled the sign. She gestured to it again, pointing at the bright red, hard-to-miss skull and crossbones, depicting a voltage number powerful enough to kill even a superhuman.  
‘’Butch, can you please tell me what that sign says?”
“Oh, yeah, right. No prob, Bloss.” Butch looked at the sign, adjusted his glasses, studied it for a moment, and said, “Yep, says right here, reading’s for nerds.”
Buttercup let out a short, clipped laugh and immediately slapped a hand over her mouth. With a panicked cry, she jumped from foot to foot, shaking her hands like she had just touched something nasty, “It wasn’t even funny! Why am I laughing? He’s not even funny! He wears glasses and he’s tall, Buttercup, stop it! He’s just tall! That’s it!”
Blossom huffed, ignoring her sister’s outburst, “It says this could kill him, so no, we’re not going to flip on the plant switch—” she used finger quotes to dryly mock him, “—just for funsies.”
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New Destiny
Tumblr media
pairings: bucky barnes x oc
Word Count: 6346
warnings: female masturbation, talking through orgasm, slow burn romance, omega reader and alpha Bucky, cursing, mentions of virginity, mentions of dub-con
18+, minors DNI
Requests: Open and Welcome
Presenting is hard. Coming from a family of betas, we all assumed I would be, as well. My brother presented at 15, my mother and sister were both 14, and my father presented at 16. All betas. When I was finally of age to start presenting, I expected the same fate as the others, no knot, no heat, and no strong scent. As a female, my family also assumed that I would present at fourteen. My mother and father had awoken me to my favorite cake and high expectations. Even when I failed to meet those expectations, a lot of good came around that year: my brother had gotten bonded and married to another beta, my sister graduated high school, I started practicing for school affiliated soccer tryouts, and my father got promoted at Stark Industries. Fifteen was the exact same way with a cake and assumptions of my presentation. Again, nothing happened in a sense of who I was and where I stood in society but more good happened in life: My sister dropped out of her second semester of college and moved into her own apartment which drove my parents ballistic, my mother got one step closer to her dream job at a local bakery and started chasing her own goals, and I made the high school varsity soccer team while also acting in the Queens’ Metropolitan High School’s production of “The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds”. 
I always thought that my family was lucky. My father came to every game with his ‘GO KNIGHTS’ t-shirt that he got when he went to QMHS, of course now we just call it ‘the metro’. He never missed anything, for any of us, and never let work be an excuse to skip something. Mother dropped her easy-living, house wife life to follow her passion of baking and started learning how to take over the ropes so she could one day run the bakery herself. She did everything she could to balance that and loving us, with a smile on her face. Karen, my sister who was elegantly named after our late maternal nana, had a free spirit and often struggled to conform to anyone’s beliefs. She inspired me to love with an unconditional heart and taught me that it was okay to cry. Even when she moved out and skipped out on NYU, Karen always called me after a game if she missed it and never failed to listen to me. My older brother and his wife, Konrad and Daisy, were around constantly and helped whenever they weren’t working or in class. Both of them were subtle and relaxed, their lives seemingly perfect with the high school sweetheart bond. My parents often harassed them about pups, but they seem to be more fascinated with saving for a home and not just their studio apartment. Konrad is a whopping seven years older than me, which made him 22 when I was 15. Karen was older but still in the middle at 20. I thought we were a lucky family. Yet, I turned 16 and I still had not presented. 
My years went on and I was finally deemed a late bloomer on my 18th birthday, which was a week ago. My parents had begun to freak out about my health care; since I was now an adult without a presentation, I didn't have a doctor to see. New York State is very specific about its health laws when it comes to our presentation. Konrad and Daisy never said it, but they had also started to worry over me. Everyone watches me constantly, as if I’ll present at any moment or die otherwise and it is getting offly depressing. Even Karen’s phone calls and visits have been about a plan of action or if I feel any different. Honestly, I could live without a heat or a knot or a presentation of any kind. I just wish I could be like everyone else; all my friends had presented one by one and many have even bonded to another. In ‘the metro’, I had my little pack of people; we looked out for each other and every single one of them have checked up on me since graduation. I had seen most of them present and begin their different phases of life, which made me feel even more alone at times. We had Dom and Lenna, a bonded alpha/omega pair that I’ve known since middle school. They bonded junior year but we all saw how infatuated the pair had been since they each presented. There was also Zane, Carter, and Jayla. Zane and Jayla were our calm, collected betas and they tended to sit on a fence, typically our peacekeepers. Carter was an omega, a title in which he wore with pride since the day I met him. In fact, he often got teased but never tormented as he refused to let any beta or alpha mock him. In his words, “Any alpha would kill for a night with me over any of them”. I guess that’s true, except when it came to Ally Coolishmen. She was an alpha that held no care in the world, regardless of class. Her presentation was the hardest; Ally had always held a brutish personality and when she presented as an alpha, she turned angry and even unintentionally challenged Dom as the pack alpha. With her scenting Carter often enough and Zane and Jayla as mediators, it all got sorted out in a matter of months. Of course, I had no place in the issue. Dom and Ally were literally at each other’s necks, it was as if I had no natural presence at all. I felt no need to keep peace like a beta, I had no want to bow down and accept one as another half of me like an omega, and I didn’t feel the need to join in like another alpha. As my pack I worried for each of them, but it went no deeper than that. Everyone of those people have come to see me and ask me how I felt, which is always the same answer: empty. 
I woke up today just as normal as I always felt. While I have accepted my fate of nothing, no one else has. Two taps came from my door as it was opened by my father, “Knock, knock. I heard you moving around up here, but isn’t it a bit early for you?” I smiled gently at my father and shook my head, “Not today, I was actually about to walk down to the coffee shop”. He nodded and stayed silent. “Dad, wanna come with me?” I pushed out. My father and I weren’t too close but he was still a joy to talk to. “Actually, I was wondering if you wanted to come to work with me today? We can still walk down to the shop and get breakfast, then just take a cab?” His voice was steady, but his face looked nervous. My father reached to his face and cleaned his glasses; this is what he does when he’s anxious. Something was definitely up. I went to turn down his offer when my gut pulled me to say yes, “Sure, dad.” Dammit. I was supposed to meet Carter for lunch and I had been looking forward to it. Suddenly, I was the one feeling anxious. Maybe this was a bad idea. The smile on my dad’s face soothed me, just a bit. I smiled back, “I’m going to get lunch with Carter at one, so I’ll just meet him somewhere near your work.” His smile got even bigger, “That sounds like a good plan, I’ll even give you some money to bring me something back.” I nodded as he started to back out of my room, “I’ll be ready in like, thirty minutes.” He turned his back to me and threw up a wave before shutting my door behind him. 
I chuckled and began to get ready, applying only a light layer of makeup with an outfit already in my head. I pulled out a light colored pair of jeans with tears at the knee and a loose t-shirt, laceless sneakers to follow. Checking myself in the mirror, I catch my focus on my arms. They are toned and defined, yet smaller and lacking any bulk. My legs were the same way, strong but about as thin as pool noodles. I lifted my shirt to look at my stomach; even if half of it is covered by my jeans, I can still see the small scars from where I got caught in barbed wire as a kid. That was one of my favorite memories of Karen. My phone buzzed and I remembered my father was waiting on me downstairs. “I’m ready!” I shouted as I quickly grabbed my bag and phone, making my way to the kitchen. “Konstellation May, I am impressed. That was only twenty minutes.” He was grabbing his keys when he looked over at me and frowned. My father reached farther and handed me my jacket from the rack, “It is only supposed to get to sixty-five today.” I nodded and shrugged it on. I opened the door and waited as he locked the door before following him to the street. My father and I made small talk while we walked; it’s the same topic he’s always asked, if I had thought about playing soccer in college or what my plans for summer looked like. “Dad, I don’t know if I’d be a great college athlete.” 
He shook his head, “Konnie, you’ll be amazing in whatever place you land.” Dad threw his arm over my shoulder as we neared a street corner. Today felt different somehow. I smiled at him as we crossed the street, “Thanks, dad. I have been thinking about getting a job for the summer and maybe a gap year. Just until I know what I want to do.” We continued our talk until we got to the coffee hut. My dad turned suddenly, “Hey, you’ve always been good at writing and helping mom with her forms and stuff!” You laughed, “Are you saying I should major in being a secretary?” He smiled again, “No, I mean, Mr. Banner has been looking for an assistant. Maybe you’d like to intern for him this summer and that could help you make some decisions?” He stared at me as I thought about it, “Well, I don’t know, dad. Interning for an avenger seems like a lot of work.” We neared the front of the line and both of us ordered, a lavender breve latte and bacon egg biscuit for me and black coffee with a sausage croissant for dad. He paid and we took our items to go, dad’s hand flying up for a cab, “You never know, Kon Kon. Maybe just take today and see how you feel tonight.” I nodded, mouth full of biscuit. His face looked like a kid on Christmas Day. Dad always loved his job. So, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad getting to spend more time with him. 
The drive felt short, but that may have been because dad kept trying to make me laugh and I fell for it every time. I finished up my breakfast but kept the warm latte in my hands, thankful that dad had me put on a jacket. Through metal detectors and clearance checks, a visitor's badge was placed on my chest and I followed my dad to the elevator. Dad scanned his card and hit a button, the elevator moved fast and moved smoothly, though I suspected this since we were in the Stark tower. We hit the top floor and I stepped out after my dad, following his lead and putting my jacket on a hanger. The lab was clean and white, shredded with glass everywhere. I felt like I was going to break something. The lab coat hung around my father’s frame was clean as well, which is surprising since I have seen him eat. I’ll have to remind him to take it off when I bring back lunch. I felt like I was following him around until the elevator made a sound and the door opened. Out came Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, the latter wearing a lab coat with the ‘Stark Industries’ to match the one my dad wore. My eyes followed the two men until they approached my father, speaking only slightly louder when they joined as a group of three. Mr. Stark’s eyes found mine, “I’m sorry, do you belong to me?” A smile cracked from my dad, “No, that one’s my youngest. Dr. Banner and Mr. Stark, meet Konstellation.” 
I smiled and stuck out my hand, “It’s a pleasure to meet both of you in person, my father adores you both.” Mr. Stark shook my hand first, “Most people do say that, but call me Tony.” Dr. Banner followed, “Bruce, and your father has been an excellent addition to my staff.” I smiled at my dad as he shrugged away the compliment. Bruce turned to dad, “May I ask, is this daughter that you recommended as an intern?” My father nodded, “Yes, I was just speaking to her about it this morning over breakfast.” I smiled again as Bruce spoke, “And how do you feel about it, Konstellation?” Taking a second to look at my dad, I answered, “Well, I wasn’t sure this morning, but after meeting you both, I’d be happy to apply.” My dad visibly got excited. Tony nodded, “Not needed, you’re hired. If you are half as competent as your father says, welcome aboard.” I matched my fathers energy and gave him a high five. “I agree, but I actually had a request for you.” Both of our attentions turned to Bruce, “Of course.” My dad had a knowing look, “Mr. Banner, that’s not necessary.”
“No dad, what is it Mr. Banner?” He looked down to avoid my fathers stare, “I just want to know more about your presentation.” Damn, I should have let me father protest, “Well, I don’t have one.” Both men looked shocked as my father looked at his shoes. Tony spoke first, “What do you mean, aren’t you 18?” I nodded, “Yes, sir.” Bruce looked at me confused, “And still no presentation? I’ve never heard of that.” I shrugged in response. For me, this was a normal occurrence. People were always shocked when I told them and the frustration on my father’s face was also not new. Bruce nodded, “Well, that’s interesting. I apologize if I made you or your father uncomfortable. I hope you do not reconsider being my intern this summer.” I smiled at him, “No worries, I’m use to it and my father just worries for me.” We exchanged a few more details before both men left and it was time for my lunch plans. My dad handed me a twenty and said he wanted a shawarma sandwich. I’ll never understand the fascination with that place.
“No. Fucking. Way.” Carter looked at me, mouth full of pizza. I smiled at him, “Yeah, they even asked me to call them ‘Bruce’ and ‘Tony’.” He took a big swallow and looked back at me, “That’s crazy, KonKon. Congrats on being smart enough to do this.” I couldn’t help but sigh, “I’m honestly feeling nervous, I don’t want to disappoint my dad.” Carter rolled his eyes at me and took another bite. I had always struggled with accepting responsibility, I’ve always been a Nervous Nancy. We continued lunch like normal and he followed me to get my father’s order. “The pack is gonna be so excited for you! Like, even I can’t wrap my head around it.” I laughed, “Promise you won’t say anything until I start next week. Let me adjust first.” Carter's eyes went wide, “Uh, I might have already sent a group message about it.” My head spun to him, “Oh Carter! You freaking troll!” I smacked his shoulder with my hand as he tried to jump out of the line of fire. “I’m sorry! I was just so happy for you.” I rolled my eyes as he opened the restaurant door for me.
I went to place the order, “Can I please get a number one with a side of fr-!” I stopped mid-sentence with a blinding cramp in my stomach. Carter put a hand on my back as I doubled over. “Ma’am, are you alright?” The worker asked, looking just worried as Carter, “Kon Kon, what’s wrong?” I took a few deep breaths and stood back up. The cramp was still there but less aggressive, “I’m good. Just got a bad cramp. A side of fries and a diet soda.” The worker nodded and took my money, looking at me warily. Carter and I sat down at a table and waited for food. He smiled at me, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Why are you looking at me like that?” I asked, avoiding eye contact. “Well, it’s just, that huge cramp has happened to me.” He said. 
“So?” Carter got closer, so I leaned in too, “That’s how my first heat started.” My eyes went wide, “No, that’s not what is happening to me. No, no, no.” He gave me another sad smile, “Kon Kon. I know you want to belong somewhere; you’ve been through a hard road. What if this is you presenting? Would that be so bad?” I shrugged, “I don’t know.” The worker called for our attention, “Ma’am, here’s your number one.” Carter and I stood up, taking the food and leaving. The walk back to the Stark Tower was long, or at least it felt like it. Carter had bid me good-bye at the restaurant, so I had plenty of time to consider what he said. What if I am presenting? Isn’t this what everyone wants?  I got to the building and had to go through security again, even having a security guard open the bag of food and taking the lid off my fathers drink. That seemed unnecessary. 
I walked into the lab to see a gathering of people around my father and Bruce, none of them had lab coats but seemed to dress in street clothing. I took a step out of the elevator as it dinged, causing the attention to gather on me. Every Avenger was standing in front of my dad, “Kon Kon, come over here!” I swallowed and trotted over, setting his lunch down. “Everyone, this is Konstellation, Ken’s daughter. She is going to be my intern for the semester.” Bruce motioned to me as he talked. I gave a small wave and smiled, “Hi guys.” The first person stepped up, “Hi! I’m Peter, or Spider-Man, but I prefer Pete.” I shook his hand and gave him a bigger smile, “It’s nice to meet you, Pete.” Everyone introduced themselves from where they stood. The last man stepped up, “James.” I smiled at him, this man clearly screamed alpha even if he seemed to hide behind everyone else. “Konnie, join us for our weekly meeting!” Tony exclaimed, leading the way into a conference room. My dad walked beside me and gave me some notes, “Before I forget, let me tell you something. Almost everyone here is an alpha or Beta; that includes Steve, Bucky, Thor, and Tony. Betas will be Clint, Bruce, Natasha, and Carol. Peter and Wanda are our only omegas. Unless you want to include Pepper.”
I nodded and continued to follow the group. As everyone was sitting, another cramp rocked my body. My body froze as I gasped, having to lean against the door frame. My father turned to me, “Kon Kon, is everything alright?” I tried to breath through it like before, but as soon as one passed, another followed in suit. I gasped again and fell to my knees, holding my stomach. My dad followed me, “Konstellation, what is it?” I couldn’t answer, the breath taken from my lungs. My body is hot and the cramp was blinding, making my eyes close. I could feel my father’s hands on my back and they are burning my skin even more. I know all eyes are me and the scene I am causing, making my embarrassment even more prominent. Bruce’s voice flowed in my ears, “Konstellation, what are you feeling?” I turned my head his way, “Hot, cramps.” It was all I could manage. My eyes opened and I saw Bruce kneeling next to me, but not touching my skin. My father removed his hands from me, “Do think that she is - uh, presenting?” Bruce nodded and realization hit me, I’m going into heat. I finally look at all the eyes in the room, some are horrified and others are filled with pity. Tony was talking into his wrist and three people approached me. Steve Rogers stepped closer, “Konstellation, can we help?” His hand reached out to me and my body screamed out, causing my legs to kick me away. His scent reached my nose and I wanted to gag, he smelt strongly of burning campfire and alpha male. Bruce threw his hand up, “Stop, Steve. She can’t handle an alpha’s scent.” Steve stopped in his tracks and backed up, noticing how I was trying to put distance between us. Pete and Wanda warily stepped closer, almost edging towards me. Wanda smelt of snickerdoodle cookies, full of cinnamon and just sweet. Pete had an aroma of lavender. I felt calmer than when Steve had reached out. “Konnie, can we come closer?” Pete asked, glancing towards Wanda. I nodded, my eyes pleading for their help. My father said they were both omegas, which must be why my body felt more compelled to reach for them. Pete stepped closer and reached out his hand. I wanted to take it, but I was afraid. I didn’t want to be in heat, or be presenting as an omega. I had always wanted a presentation, but an urge to be a beta. I shakily took his hand and Wanda looped her arm under mine, both of them pulling me to my feet. I went to turn when Pete stopped me, “You aren’t gonna want to do that.” 
I knew what he was talking about as I moved, the slickness was already pooling between my legs. I grew more hot with their hand on my body, but less aggressive than my fathers. I could see the worry in his face and I wanted to sooth him. Pete and Wanda began to walk me backwards, away from the group with my front to them. My feet couldn’t keep up, but they both began to support me. I heard the elevator ding behind me, “This way, hurry.” I didn’t know the voice, but I could feel the calm wafting towards me. This must be Pepper Potts. When we got to the elevator, I could see the whole team. I tried to smile, but I know it didn’t reach my eyes. Suddenly, I could only meet one persons. James is staring into mine and I felt like I could feel his soul. I whimpered and began to reach out. Alpha, screamed in my mind. The omega in my head fought against what I wanted. “No, don’t.” The same voice called my back and I finally looked away. The blonde next to me smiled sadly. The doors shut and my lungs could breathe again. “Hi, I’m Pepper. We all understand what you are going through, but trust me. You do not want to be with an alpha you don’t know.” The blonde said, Pepper now being confirmed. “Why is this happening to me?” I whispered, looking down on my feet. I felt a hand rub my back, “It’s you nature, Konnie.” Pete said. I hate nature, and I certainly hate secondary genders right now. 
The three omegas laid my down on a bed that wasn’t my own. I know I’m still in the tower but I don’t know where. Pepper rubbed my hair as Wanda tilted water into my mouth. Pete had gone to get me something to change into as my clothes are being ruined by my biology. My skin felt like I was in the Caribbean, burning and sweaty. Even if my body felt like death, I was grateful for the people around me. Omegas were taking care of me, because they knew exactly what I was going through. If I was at home, I would be alone. Pepper smiled at me, “I know this kinda sucks and you are going to be in a lot of pain, but you do not have to be by yourself.” It was as if she could read my mind. I whimpered again as another cramp struck me. I could hear the door opened with a faint conversation, “No, Bucky. You have to go.” I looked up to see Pete in the doorway with his back to me, a duffle in his hand. James towered over him as we made eye contact, his brows furrowed. God, he’s beautiful. My thoughts were invaded by him, his scent filling my senses. He smells like mahogany and teakwood. It was all musk and worry. My slick fell from my thighs as he spoke, “I just want to know if she’s okay.”
His voice was deep and smooth, causing my body to want him even more. I sat up against the voices of Pepper and Wanda. I just needed to look at him more. He stood tall and gorgeous. “Pete, let me see him.” I said, my voice barely above a whisper. Pete turned to me, a frown on his face, “Konnie, that’s not a good idea. You can’t think straight right now.” I shook my head and pleaded more. James' eyes were on me and I could smell that he wanted to be near me. His head shook, “Konstellation, I won’t come any closer.” He looked back at Pete as I began to cry, tears slipping out of my eyes. Wanda held my arm as I tried to get up, Pepper pleading with me. Pete looked back at him, “Please, Bucky.” James looked back at him, “Just give her this.” Pete took what he offered and closed the door. I cried out, wanting to see him again. Pete walked over to me and set the bed down and I could finally see what James gave him. A leather jacket sat in his hands. I opened the duffle and found the best items: a teddy bear that Karen gave me, shirts from Konrad and Daisy, some bread and kitchen towels that were my moms, and my dad's lab coat he was wearing just earlier. A pair of my own shorts and a band shirt were at the bottom. “I also got some stuff from our rooms; so you can have calming scents.” The items he held out definitely belonged to each of them. There was a pair of leather leggings that were obviously Wanda’s, a science shirt that must be Pete’s, and a work blouse that smells like Pepper. Then, there was James’ jacket. I easily began shifting the clothes around me, nesting in the scents that smelt like my new friends and my family. Wanda and Pepper moved so I could arrange my items. I nestled in, holding the leather jacket in my arms, taking a deep breath of the scent that smelt like an alpha. “We’re going to give you some time to adjust, Konnie. We’ll check on you later, okay?” Wanda asked. I nodded, focusing on the jacket. I heard them exit the room and waited a few more seconds before standing. I slipped on my own clothes and randomly discarded my dirty ones. Hesitantly, I slipped the jacket on before laying back down. Everything still hurt, but the jacket’s scent soothed me. James’ smell lingered on my body and I felt settled for the time being. 
Time slowly passed for me, though it was dark out now. I know I need something, anything at this point. I reached down and felt my own core, rubbing myself to the faint scent on me. I imagined the alpha kissing my lips, my chest, and my core. I needed him to touch me everywhere, my body screamed for him. My first orgasm came on fast. My body screamed for an alpha’s touch versus my own. It was a craving I had never wanted, but that point was mute now. I didn't know how to handle it. However, it seemed that I was going to find out fast. I could smell a familiar scent, one that I happened to be thinking of. I stood on wobbly legs and drug my body to the door, flinging it open with all my willpower. James sat against the wall across from the door and his head shot up when the door opened. I know my scent spread to him, probably enveloping all of his senses like he was doing to mine. He quickly rose to his feet and my hands reached out for him. I tripped over the frame and James caught me, my skin instantly relaxing in his hold. I cried out in relief as he wrapped his arms around me. I looked up to meet his eyes, “What were you doing out here?” Not that I really cared, as long as he was here. “I didn’t want you to be alone.” He said, his voice quiet and soft. My brows furrowed, “So you’ve been sitting out here the whole time?” James nodded, slowly moving me back into the room. I did my best to help, but his touch made my knees weak. He shut the door without a sound and scooped me into a bridal hold. 
I wrapped my arms around me, “Please don’t have sex with me. I’ve - uh, never don-.” He interrupted me, “I would never take advantage of you, especially not in your first heat.” James laid me down in the middle of my make-shift nest, crawling in behind me. I pressed my back into his chest and took a deep breath, inhaling his scent uncensored. “Thank you for being here with me.” I spoke. He didn’t respond out loud, but his arm got tighter around me. I reached down and pulled the blanket from the end of the bed over us. I could still feel my heat, but James’ scent made me relax. I know slick was still coming out of my core but I didn’t want to touch myself in front of him. He sighed, “You don’t have to be uncomfortable, I’m just here to support you.” I nodded, throwing all self-control out of the window. My hands instantly pulled my shorts off and proceeded with my shirt, sitting up to do it. I’ve never been naked in front of anyone and my nipples hardened at the idea of James’ being the first. He quickly pulled the blanket up to cover me, as if he was trying to preserve my innocence. I knew I would be grateful later, but for now I was frustrated at him avoiding it. I wanted him to touch me, to look at my body and claim it. I scooted up so my head rested on his shoulder, my neck just inches from his mouth. My core was aching, so I returned my hand to it. Rubbing myself in front of him made me moan out. I felt him turn his head to me, but I couldn’t meet his gaze with my eyes closed. 
I was too focused on my own hand until he whispered in my ear, “You are so beautiful, Konstellation.” His tongue touched my neck, licking over my bonding spot. I came on the spot. I rode my orgasm out with my left hand in his hair and another loud moan. I loved what he did to me, never having realized what I was truly missing out on before this moment. Being an omega was my destiny and suddenly I loved it. I loved having an alpha behind me, urging my actions on yet still respecting my boundaries. The haze cleared for a second and I suddenly felt embarrassed by his gaze on me. His hands were above the blanket, avoiding my breast. “Don’t stop, it’ll hurt again. I don’t want you to hurt.” He whispered to me. Sounds erupted from my chest, as if I was purring at his soft words.
My heat lasted for five days. I spent every moment either sleeping or touching myself to James’ words. He made sure I ate and drank water, going to the bathroom to shower and take care of myself. James never looked at my body, always keeping his eyes on my face. When my heat ended, a knock came from the door. My father opened the door with his classic, “Knock, Knock.” I looked up to see his face read absolute furry, “You mother fucker!” James instantly sat up, as if to move away and my arms shot up to calm my father, “Dad, stop!” The alpha behind me kept the blanket up, hiding my body from my angry father. My father continued to charge towards us, “No, Konstellation! He took advantage of you while you were vulnerable!” I wrapped the blanket around my body and stood up, “No! He didn’t, dad! James didn’t even touch me.” My body stood in between the two. James got up and stood up behind me, “Sir, I would never hurt her.” I could see my father roll his eyes, “The Winter Soldier would hurt anyone he put his hands on and I saw what I saw.” Others soon followed through the door, Steve Rogers leading the group. Pete and Wanda shoved their way to the front, Pete speaking first, “Bucky, what the hell?” 
“Let’s all just take a second and listen to them,” Bruce spoke. I felt James move from behind me to stand in front of me, blocking me from the view of others. “Bucky, I think you should leave them to talk.” Steve said. I heard the growl from James, “Not until she can have privacy to get dressed.” It made my heart warm, he was still protecting me. I heard shuffling and when I peaked around, most people were gone with the exception of my father. His face softened and he met my eyes, “Kon Kon, I know it’s scary presenting even if we have differences. I can’t let you get hurt.” I moved out from behind James, who seemed reluctant to let me, “Dad, he didn’t hurt me. James never even touched me and he made sure to never look anywhere but my face. He didn’t want me to be alone through my first heat.” My father looked between the two of us, “Bucky, is this true?” James nodded beside me, “Yes, sir. I know that I’ve done unforgettable things as the Winter Soldier, but he doesn’t exist any more. It’s only me, James.” My dad almost smiled, “Okay, but you better watch it.”
James nodded. My father and him both walked out the door, with a lingering look from James. A smile was on his face. I smiled back and he shut the door behind him. I quickly put clothes on, which seemed to include Konrad's shirt and Wanda’s leather leggings. I slipped on my old socks and hesitantly walked outside the room. I tried to take in everything, which was hard for my eyes to believe. My mom seemed to be scolding my father and James as my siblings watched, Tony and Steve were clearly in heated argument, and everyone else seemed to be indecisive on which conversation to listen in on. I cleared my throat and I was, again, the center of attention. My brother and sister ran for me and almost took me to the ground; Karen had her arms around my neck and Konrad was squeezing my stomach, which must have looked funny since he was almost a foot taller than me. I smiled at their embrace, even if they were suffocating me. “You smell different, Kon Kon.” Karen said as she pulled away, “I don’t know how I feel about it.” Konrad straightened his back and put a hand on my shoulder, “I know. It suits you, all chocolate-y and stuff.” I laughed and pulled them closer to me again, “I can finally smell you guys. Konrad, you smell like rain and Karen, you smell like citrus.” They both laughed and embraced me again, though I winced when Karen brushed my neck. She looked at me and whispered, “Did he bond you?” I shook my head, “No, I’d probably feel better.” Karen chuckled, “Good, mom might actually kill him.” I looked at mom and James, who both smiled. My mom walked closer and I left my siblings to wrap my arms around her. She took a deep breath and pulled back to look at me, “God, Kon Kon. You had us all worried.”
I nodded, “I know, mom. But, go easy on James. He really took care of me.” Mom looked back at me and leaned close to my ear, “You smell like him. It makes me happy you weren’t alone.” I smiled and nodded, a little choked up to respond. Pete and Wanda were next to embrace me. Wanda pulled back, “Are you sure you are okay?” I looked back to James, who smiled, “Yeah, I’m good. A lot better than I expected.” Having all of these people surround me just makes me realize how loved I truly am. Pete and Wanda have barely known me a week and are already taking care of me like another omega. Man, Carter is going to lose his mind. I looked around at the room, filled with people who were worried about me and stayed around. While I never dreamed of being an omega, I know knew that I wouldn't want it any other way. I look forward to see my new destiny. 
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skilledsmoker · 1 year
Replaying Mother 3 for I think the 3rd time? My first playthrough was fucked up I was 13 and I think I lost my save lol. I’m gonna be shouting my thoughts and analyses into the void as I really wanna get back into writing and this game is my biggest creative inspiration so what better place to start!
Starting with Chapter 1, I really appreciate the inclusion of a character like Duster. A well meaning shut-in with unconventional skills that could be seen as lazy or someone who can't pull their own weight in a more rudimentary society. We all know how complicated Wes and Duster’s relationship is, Wes is a generally disliked character in the Mother Fandom for pretty good reason but I do believe that he does, in fact, love his son and their relationship is pretty scarily realistic to a lot of Son and Father dynamics I’ve seen in person. Duster listens to the insults and takes the abuse and does as he’s told, he doesn’t really have much else to do and doesn’t really know anyone else well enough to help change his lifestyle. It's easy to sympathize with someone in a situation like that, although in all likelihood, most people don't really know what Dusters life is like as he's practically nocturnal.
It’s really nice to see “late bloomer” characters. Characters that don’t really hit their stride until later in their lives and reach heights they never thought they were completely capable of. It’s never too late to do what you want to do and everyone figures it out differently, even if you lose your memory TWICE. It’s extremely refreshing to see normal Rpg party conventions broken continuously in Mother 3 and I think Duster is the most notable example. In traditional rpgs and tabletop games, Thief's and Rouges are normally silver tongued bandits who pick locks and hide in the shadows. Duster does all that for sure, but he is also Just A Guy and a pretty swell one at that, ready to help those he cares about without a moments notice. The thief arts are pretty fuckin cool and a lot of his abilities are really unique, his wall staples are something that pop into my head a good bit whenever I see an unclimbable terrain when I go on walks and hikes.
He goes from well meaning but reclusive thief to a famous musician and invaluable member to Lucas’s group, completely necessary in saving the world. He does all of this with a physical disadvantage but doesn’t give up, doesn’t really make an excuse out of it besides his introduction to Flint which is more of a general statement. He also has to actually LEARN to play Bass and it takes 3 years to do so, but he does! Even though it’s really hard! It’s so insanely nice and good to see him come alive and change his life for the better and to be taken in by the group without question. If Duster can do it we can too!
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softprettything · 1 year
late bloomer, ch 9
AO3 | Previous | Next
Fandom: OHSHC
Pairing: Kyoya/Reader
Tags: 18+, A/B/O Dynamics, College AU, Fake Dating, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Slice of Life, Eventual Smut
Summary: Nobody ever said falling in love with your best friend would be easy.
Taglist (new!): @silverhetdanes @lampalooza
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late bloomer, ch 9
You feel like you’ve just been electrocuted. Looking at him, you meet a gaze that is more personal than you’d anticipated. “What—I—sorry, what?”
He swallows, puts the glass back down. “You do have feelings for her, right?” His tone is completely casual, as though he didn’t just read you for filth in less than five words. “I’m impressed you’ve managed to make it work as roommates in spite of that. You dated, what, in high school? Or—”
“No, we never dated. I mean, she was my first kiss, but, like…not in a serious way. Just like. Sometimes you practice kissing with a friend, you know?” You can feel yourself babbling, but you have no idea how to make it stop. “And I don’t—there’s no in spite of, because there’s no…”
“So you’ve never talked about it, then.”
You shake your head. ”Nothing to talk about.”
“I think we both know that’s not true. Anyone in the same room as you two for more than five minutes would be able to—”
“Okay, okay!” Your cheeks are warm and the room feels somehow even smaller than before, and he won’t stop looking at you with those damn eyes. “Enough about me—how about you and Tamaki? What’s the story there? You meet at Ouran, or what?”
He purses his lips, clearly weighing whether or not to give up his line of questioning. You bite the inside of your cheek. “Junior high,” he finally says, and you sigh, relieved. “He was a new student. My father wanted to get to know his father, and asked me to show Tamaki around.”
“Similar circumstances to Olivia?”
“Only this time, it stuck.” He chuckles. “I got stuck. With him. Every class, every lunch period; every day after school.”
The idea of it brings a smile to your face: tiny, stoic Kyoya being trailed around all day by tiny, histrionic Tamaki. “Talk about opposites attracting.”
“That’s magnets. Tamara’s more like superglue.” That gets a full snort out of you. “You’ve met him. He’s…bubbly. And persistent. Once he’s decided he’s fond of someone, he clings to them for life.”
“So I’ve heard,” you murmur, remembering what the twins said the other day.
“Well.” He shrugs. “I just happened to be exceptionally lucky that he decided he was fond of me.”
Something changes with this last sentence; something about his voice, his expression, is overall demeanor. A softness that you haven’t yet seen in him.
But a softness you recognize nonetheless.
“Oh.” You clap a hand over your mouth, and fully stand up. “Oh. My. God.”
“You. You’ve got it bad.”
“I’ve seen that look. I invented that look. You love him, don’t you?”
He scoffs, not quite convincingly. “Everyone loves Tamaki.”
“Not romantically. But you do. Oh my God! No wonder why you looked like you couldn’t wait to get away from Olivia at that party.”
No mistaking it now; he is one hundred percent, unmistakably blushing. “I think you were too drunk that night to remember much of anything.”
You shake your head, delighted. “Not this. I remember this, crystal clear. What is she, like, a beard? But Tamara’s an omega, so that shouldn’t matter—”
“Olivia isn’t my beard,” he says sharply. You shut up immediately. Clearly you’ve struck a sore spot. He takes a deep breath, and continues. “I have nothing to hide, thank you. Yes. Yes, Tamaki and I have had a long friendship, and there were points where I maybe wanted something more, but…”
He doesn’t finish the thought. “But?” you prompt him.
A long moment passes. “I waited too long.” He smiles. Fully this time. It’s the saddest smile you’ve ever seen. “Just like you.”
That hangs heavy in the air. Mostly because you don’t want to agree with him, but you also can’t protest.
Although— “I mean. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. It’s been a couple of weeks; they’re hardly getting married.”
“You don’t hear the way he talks about her,” he says glumly. “I mean, I’ve seen Tamaki through dozens of relationships, long and short. He always falls head over heels. But there’s something different about this. She…grounds him. They’re incredibly balanced.”
“I know what you mean.” And you do. You’ve seen Haruhi off on every date she’s gone on since middle school; you can’t recall ever seeing her smile the way she does now.
Except in pictures, maybe.
From before her mom died.
“It’s just…fuck.” You shake your head. “Fuck.”
“Pretty much.”
You purse your lips. “Do you drink?”
He gives you an odd look. “You really don’t remember anything about that night? Friday, a few weeks back?”
“I remember exactly as much as I’d like to, which is pretty much nothing.”
“Except that you thought I was…dating Olivia to conceal some hypothetical feelings for Tamaki.”
“I never claimed to be right one hundred percent of the time.” You pull out some wine from the cabinet. “Fair warning, this is probably going to wreck your rich-boy tastebuds. But it’s great for taking the edge off of heartbreak.”
“Heartbreak feels a touch overdramatic.” You turn to him with the bottle in one hand and two glasses in the other, your expression a question. He signs. “I’ll take an extra heavy pour.”
“Greedy.” You give him his extra heavy pour, and a slightly less heavy pour for yourself. You clink glasses.
“M’dad.” All of the earlier decorum is gone; Kyoya is all but sprawled across the bed. “He doesn’t approve of Tamaki’s pearntige. Parentage. Pa-ren-tage.”
“What?” You sit up, knocking the second empty wine bottle onto the floor. When did you move to your bedroom, again? “You’re both fancy-schmancy prep school kids. What’s to disapprove of?”
“Tamaki’s mom wasn’t married to his dad. “Probably they’d’ve gotten rid of the baby, but his wife-wife couldn’t have kids of their own, so they figured might as well…” He waves his hand. “Might as well…”
“Yeah. Oh. And my dad doesn’t want those genes in his grandchildren.”
“Aren’t you the second kid, though? Doesn’t that matter?” He looks at you quizzically. “Sorry. I hate-Googled you yesterday. After I finished hate-Googling Tamaki. There’s nothing bad about that asshole anywhere.”
“It’s ridiculous,” he agrees. “He’s ridiculous. Yes, I’m the spare, not the heir. But I’m still part of the family. It’s part of, um…part of being born into the dynasty.”
“So you find someone you like, they’re in the right social circles, they follow arbi…arbital…arbitrary presentation-based mating traditions from, like, the fifth century or whatever, and he decides it’s a no-go just because Tamaki’s dad decided to cheat?” He nods. You let out a long breath, slumping back down on the bed. “What the fuck.”
“I mean, we could’ve dated. Probably. But it would’ve ended when I had to get engaged.”
You shake your head. “Backwards.”
“Wouldn’t it be worth it? Still? Better to have loved and lost, something something…”
”Maybe. But I doubt he was ever even interested.”
”You never tried, though.”
He shrugs. “Too late now.”
“So. Okay. Do you just…not date, then?”
“I date.” He shrugs. “Not seriously. Not too casually, either—you have to be careful who you fuck at Ouran, because everyone’s hungry for money and everyone’s eager to kiss and tell. But I have friends.”
You laugh. “Friends.”
“Friends help each other out with cycles, sometimes,” he insists. “It’s normal. And better than most alternatives.”
“Well.” You let your head loll back. “I wouldn’t know anything about that. Obviously.”
“Do you ever feel like you’re missing out on something?”
“Yeah.” It slips out before you can think twice.
He sounds…almost surprised.
“I mean, not always.” You’re not sure why you’re being so honest. You’ve never even told Haruhi this before. “Not even most of the time. But I’ve wondered.” You look at him. That piercing gaze, back on you again. Even drunk, you’re bewildered by how deep his eyes seem to cut you, and you turn away, suddenly embarrassed. “Don’t tell anyone.”
“Such a shame. Olivia would have a field day with that one.”
You giggle. He joins in, and you realize that, whether you want to or not…you like Kyoya Ootori. You like being around him.
You want to be his friend, even.
“You’ve got to stop leading her on,” you tell him between fits of laughter. “At the very least, for fuck’s sake, argue with me a little less in class? Every time you acknowledge my existence, she gives me this look like…I don’t know. Like she wants to burn a hole in my skull.”
“She does not.”
“She does! I swear. I don’t care if you use a fake girlfriend to make Tamaki jealous.”
“It’s not—”
“I know, I know,” you cut him off with a hand on his arm. At least, you aim for his arm, but somehow miss and hit his face instead. You pull your hand away like he’s a hot stovetop. “Sorry.”
“I was going to say, I’m not trying to lead her on. Jus’ got to tolerate her for business’ sake.” He sighs. “At this point, I could use a fake girlfriend to get her off my back.”
“And make Tamaki jealous.”
To your surprise, he doesn’t protest immediately. Instead, he shrugs. “It wouldn’t hurt. Has that ever worked for you and Haruhi?”
“As if. I haven’t dated anyone seriously since…god, since undergrad at least. So who knows?”
“Well. You give it a try, and if it works you let me know.”
You settle into a comfortable silence. You know he’s joking, but some gear has been set off deep in the drunken recesses of your brain. “We should date.”
He stiffens next to you. “What?”
"To make ‘em jealous." You roll over on your side, propping yourself up on one elbow. “Two birds, one stone. I’m a genius.”
You weren't prepared to have your face this close to his. He isn't wearing his glasses. Pale skin; dark brows, finely arched. The wrought-iron line of his lips. Your pulse quickens. His eyes flicker down and up, taking stock of your expression, and he opens his mouth. For a second, you think he might be considering it.
But then he laughs. “You’re wasted.”
“Yes, and I’m a genius.”
He shakes his head, pressing his hands to his eyes. “I’m going to get you some water.” He stands up, and heads for the kitchen. You fall back on the bed, giggling uncontrollably at your own stupid idea. Thank God he didn’t take it seriously.
You roll over, burying your face in the pillow and inhaling deeply. Fuck, you can’t remember the last time something smelled this good. Maybe Haruhi bought a different detergent. You’ll have to ask her in the morning. Whatever it is, you feel warmer and fuzzier and sleepier than ever. You’re dimly aware of Kyoya moving around in the kitchen. It’s a comforting soundscape. Footsteps. Cabinets opening and shutting. Water running from the tap.
By the time the water turns off, and the footsteps start back down the hall, you’re already drifting off to sleep.
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Hi, I don't want to be rude, I'm just trying to learn and don't know who else to ask about this sort of thing:
I've recently started learning a little bit about asexuality, and the main thing I don't really understand is how people can really be so sure about this sort of thing (especially really young people; I've seen kids barely eleven or twelve years old calling themselves ace). I know so many people (particularly women) who never felt any sort of sexual attraction, and were sure they never would, and then they eventually did.
Including myself! Like I said, the term "asexual" isn't something I encountered until fairly recently, but there was a very long stretch of time (read: all of middle school and all of high school and even the first year or two of college) where, if I'd known the words, I'd probably have considered myself ace, or at least demi. I was completely sex-repulsed (again, not a term I was familiar with at the time, I just thought of myself as a prude). (I liked looking at cute boys, but only in the way you look at paintings: nice to watch for a while, but I had no desire to touch or even talk to them.) Sex just sounded really gross and I didn't get the appeal in the slightest. (And whenever my friends started gushing about hot guys and their abs, I just got totally confused. How did the amount of muscle a guy had determine his attractiveness?)
(I also didn't have my first real crush until I was almost seventeen, and it was with a guy I'd literally known my entire life (who was totally off-limits for many reasons) but had only recently started hanging out with one-on-one and realized how much we had in common. It was a mess and I was an emotional wreck for months until I got over him.)
And then one day, when I was around twenty or so, I woke up and realized that sex just didn't weird me out anymore. I wasn't about to run out and have a one-night stand with the first semi-decent looking man I met, but the idea of being like that with a guy (especially one I really cared about) suddenly sounded really nice and like something to look forward to. And something I wanted sooner rather than later.
To me, it feels like a lot of it is just the backlash of our highly over-sexualized culture, where sex and romance are pushed at us (again, particularly girls) from a very young age, often in a rather shallow, unrealistic, pornographic, Hollywood-esque way, and touch in general is seen as less and less platonic (when I was in high school, I thought nothing of holding hands with my friends or leaning my head on their shoulders or even sharing a bed on a sleepover, but nowadays if you do that sort of thing with anyone but family, the assumption is that you're in some sort of non-platonic relationship).
(When I was in college, my mother saw me running my fingers through a female friend's hair and asked if there was something I wanted to tell her. I was confused at first, and when I understood what she meant I was really upset. Not because I was offended at being considered gay, but because platonic touch has always been so so important to me and the realization that from now, on it would be seen as something else hurt. (And also because I was still rather sex-repulsed and the thought of being in that sort of relationship with anyone, especially someone I thought of as practically a sister, was gross.))
We're simultaneously being told, "don't show any sort of physical affection to anyone you don't want to sleep with" and "you should have sex as often and with as many people as you possibly can." And more and more, young people are rejecting that hook-up culture mentality; and where once they would have been considered late-bloomers or old-fashioned or even pretty normal, it's now seen as them having a "problem" or being "weird." And, like every difference, it needs a clear-cut label we can use in response. ("There's nothing wrong with me, I'm just [insert group label here]." "Well, when we thought you were just a freak, we felt justified in being rude, but now that you can call us [insert aforementioned label]-phobic, we probably shouldn't do that. (And if we do, you have like-minded people who'll protest in your defense.)")
But to me, labels aren't always a good thing, and can even be dangerous at times. Once someone puts a label on themself, they often feel like they have to keep using it, even if it no longer fits. Especially if they've shared it with everyone they know, and were celebrated for it.
(Where someone like me might once have only gotten into their first relationship in their twenties and just explained it as, "oh, I'm just a late bloomer" or "I hadn't found the right person yet," they might now say to themselves that "last year I told everyone that I was aroace, so if I show up somewhere with a boyfriend, I'll either be made fun of or accused of lying. And even if they don't, I'm going to feel really stupid about that coming out party they threw for me. I may as well keep using this label even it doesn't accurately reflect how I feel.")
I guess what I'm trying to ask is what makes people, especially young people, (and particularly young women, who generally have a lower sex drive than boys of the same age) so sure that they can't feel sexual and/or romantic attraction, and aren't just "late bloomers" like myself? And what is the difference between the two?
(Sorry this ended up being so long, I guess I had more thoughts on the subject than I thought. Again, I really am not trying to be rude or accuse anyone of anything, I genuinely want to educate myself and understand more.)
Hoo boy this IS a long one, so I’m gonna have to do it in pieces, I think.
Probably gonna either reblog multiple times or start separate posts using this as a prompt list of sorts and then link them back to this one.
ok, let’s begin here
“particularly women.”
Yes, it is very likely that there are more ace spec women than men. (Or afabs vs. amabs or lower testosterone people vs. higher testosterone people if we’re gonna go on that tangent.)
This is just basically true at face value, when talking bell curve distributions. No need to comment on it further.
(unless you want me to start in on a feminist rant about how the same way we as a society tend to linguistically use ‘he’ as the default pronoun, we, especially in media, also use male-coded attraction experiences as the “norm.”)
“there was a very long stretch of time”
Yes. That’s gray ace. Experiencing attraction very infrequently.
The thing that I see people struggling with with these 2 concepts is, “but what if demisexuality or graysexuality is normal for many women?” What if it is? That’s fine and cool and isn’t it great in this modern age we now have language to express and describe female-coded experiences instead of living with unspoken and unconscious norms and feeling broken and in some cases being literally over-medicalized by doctors when male partners don’t get their “needs” met [BIG emphasis on those scare quotes]
“I was completely sex-repulsed (again, not a term I was familiar with at the time, I just thought of myself as a prude).”
People grow and change in their sexuality. Bi folks preferences and leanings may change over time with their body changing. Some die-hard lesbians end up falling for men. Sexuality is fluid and malleable. This does not invalidate sexuality or your relationship to it at any given point in time in your life.
As long as we keep in mind as a culture that you are allowed to grow and change in your sexuality, there is no problem with using a set of labels, because you have the understanding that you can always change them later. Anybody who’s not on board with that and gives themselves or others grief over it has some growing up to do of their own.
Minors have sex with each other, or have interest in doing so, and if you felt Othered by that, then you did. There’s no changing that lived experience or whatever the biological differences are that underpin it. We can only become more accepting to fix the first. The second is immutable.
Let me repeat for emphasis.
Sexuality is fluid and malleable. This does not invalidate sexuality or your relationship to it at any given point in time in your life. Yes this includes childhood. Some people experience their first period as early as 6 years old.
They are the statistical outliers at that stage in life, but you, or at least people like you, are the outlier when it comes to other 15 year olds. Some of whom have been masturbating avidly since they were 11. Many try really hard to studiously ignore the fact that kids/teens have a sexuality, and that results not only in a whole lot of internalized shame, nearly a decade worth of it, but also forced confusion (might be termed collective gaslighting?) like this over whether a 15 year old can ‘really’ tell if they are different from their peers.
“(And whenever my friends started gushing about hot guys and their abs, I just got totally confused. How did the amount of muscle a guy had determine his attractiveness?)”
Didn’t even get to reading this part yet and I had already covered being Othered.
Whether it was malicious or passive doesn’t matter.
pansexuals and demisexuals and sapiosexuals would all feel Othered in these situations.
So let’s start validating those lived experiences rather than constantly putting them down by questioning them.
To Be Continued >>
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kermitscavern · 1 year
The John Hughes Blues Pt. 4
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time for some Eddie pov 👀👀 ft. Eddie's gay awakening
Eddie Munson misses Steve Harrington. And Eddie Munson might hate himself a little bit, too. That’s the only reason he can come up with for this self-imposed isolation, some complex kind of self-sabotage. Sometimes he thinks he hates Steve Harrington, for making him feel like this, for forcing him to do this to himself. He knows that’s stupid, though, because Eddie Munson loves Steve Harrington.
Love and hate are two sides of the same coin, isn’t that how the saying goes? Eddie thinks he understands now. Feeling for a person so strongly that you’re not sure what you’re feeling anymore. I love you. I hate you. I hate you because I love you. It’s all Steve’s fault, really, for making him love him. It was hard to tell when it started, though, because Eddie had always kind of admired Steve, he was a good-looking guy. But he was pretty sure he fell, and fell hard, when Steve started caring.
Steve always cared, in some way, because caring for people was practically his default setting. But Eddie had known that he’d made it into Steve’s inner circle when he started really caring, personally and fervently. It was the same feeling as walking into your favorite coffee shop and being able to order “the regular,” the feeling of familiarity, of belonging. He knew he had made it when Steve remembered to order him a large fries from the pizza place, because it was the one time he allowed himself to splurge. He knew he had made it when Steve correctly guessed three different songs when they went for a ride one night, like he had been studying or something. When Eddie had jokingly asked him if he had, it was a delight to see him turn pink and hesitantly deny the accusation. Eddie loved that he cared. That fucker.
Because now he has to hate him for making him love him, otherwise it’s very possible he’ll implode. He’s trying to flip the coin, because Steve made him love him, knowing he’d never love him back. Eddie’s gone down that road enough times to know the only way to protect himself is to flip that love to hate.
The first time Eddie fell in love with a straight boy was freshman year. He hadn’t had many friends in middle school, a broken home life plus a small town had made him an outsider from early on. Lucky for him, Hawkins High had kids from Hawkins and their neighboring town, so there was a host of new faces that hadn’t known him long enough to hate him yet. Among these faces was one Eddie came to be particularly fond of— Caleb Montgomery.
Throughout middle school, Eddie had just thought he was a late bloomer. Sure, he grew like a weed, his voice dropped, but he kept wondering when the whole “liking girls” thing was supposed to kick in. Evidently, it never did. Eddie had always admired boys, but he thought it was the same thing as girls looking at models in magazines and saying, “God, look at her! I wish I had tits like that.” In his mind, admiring people was totally fine, as long as you weren’t, like, weird about it. Then came locker rooms after gym class, and Eddie quickly took to changing alone, in a toilet stall. He finally realized why the whole “liking girls” thing never kicked in.
Enter freshman year drama class. After realizing that fading into the background wouldn’t make the bullies go away, Eddie began to take their perception of him in stride. He created a kind of alter ego, someone supremely confident to the point of being untouchable. Someone overly dramatic. So he joined drama. He acted “The Freak” well enough he thought he might as well give it a shot, and besides, he figured he’d much prefer the kinds of people he met in drama class to the ones he’d meet in shop. It turned out he really did, especially when that kind of person turned out to be Caleb.
The two got extremely close extremely quickly, and Eddie got maybe a little bit too attached. He didn’t mean to get a crush on Caleb, but once he realized what was happening it was a little bit too late. It was embarrassing looking back, really. How clingy he got, how often he tried to pass it off with phrases like “attached at the hip” and “brotherly bond.” He was fifteen when he figured out he was gay, but he had learned to hide it way before then. He wasn’t as good at hiding it as he thought, it turned out, because by January Caleb had stopped inviting him over as often, and by February Caleb was pulling him aside and telling him to ‘cut it out, you’re being really needy and weird. Just leave me alone for a bit, okay? you’re kinda creeping me out.’ Though not so eloquently put, the words had stung. So it turned out the stereotype about drama kids wasn’t always true, but at least Caleb wasn’t nasty about it. They stopped talking, but at least he never told anyone else. He still gave Eddie a small perfunctory smile when they passed in the halls, and by the time they got to senior year, Eddie was dreading telling his uncle he had failed half his classes and would have to repeat, but at least it would mark an end to the painful half-smiles and the crushing guilt that came with them.
Since then, Eddie has dedicated himself to making sure it never happens again. Whenever he feels himself getting close to someone, he makes sure to pull away first, for both their sakes. He hates that he has to do it to Steve, because there was something about him that really was just different,but he knows it’s for the best.
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