#i tried to find the most cinder-y expressions they have
camels-pen · 1 year
i dont read rwby fanfics so idk if this is already a thing, but has anyone thought of writing the missing scenes where Watts and Lionheart are working together before/during Team RNJR and Qrow getting to Mistral? Like as a tragic finding and losing love story? Or even as a whole ass rewrite of Volume 5 with Watts fucking shit up because he wants to be with Leo? Maybe asking Salem to let Leo live after all of this was over so that he could still visit Leo sometimes? Getting her permission for it as long as Watts keeps Leo from stepping out of line, but then losing Leo anyway during Leo's last act of bravery? Wondering why he couldn't just play the role of the sensible (cowardly) lion just a little bit longer and getting pissed at the stupidity of Leo trying to stand for a losing cause?
(had to put this under a read more bc it got long lmao)
And maybe he knows. Maybe he knows that Leo had his moments of bravery- his moments of defiance- in ways that kept himself safe, but still helped other people. Maybe all those huntsmen who had gone missing weren't killed, but rather sent away for a time- either to the far corners of Anima, to Mantle- to Atlas, before the fall of Beacon. Maybe Leo had a feeling that Salem was planning something against Ozpin, had a feeling that James would overreact, had a feeling things would start going wrong and decided to quietly send away as many huntsmen and huntresses that he could.
He couldn't send them all away. Many protested- refused the wild goose chases Leo tried to send them out on and others had extensive family in Mistral that they couldn't bear to leave behind for permanent outposts in the middle of nowhere or on a whole other continent.
Maybe Watts, while filling in for Cinder, arrived far longer in advance of RNJR and Qrow. Maybe Watts started to learn of Leo's meddling, but thought it inconsequential. Maybe Watts started to grow a bit fond of the old lion that seemed to despise him so much. The man who could express his distaste and his silent defiances in such small yet impactful ways.
And maybe Leo, when faced with someone who wasn't so miserable to interact with as Cinder, who wasn't as unforgiving with bending a few of Salem's rules to save a few more lives- maybe he became a little less guarded. Wondering if Watts' predicament was similar to his own.
It was something small that started it all. A simple cup of tea between them with Leo pretending to work on school matters at his desk while Watts kicked his feet up on the coffee table. He wrinkled his nose, likely disgusted with the over abundance of sugar in the most foul tasting tea Leo usually reserved for Cinder- not that she ever drank it.
Watts had glanced at the screen projected above his desk and said, "If you wanted to hide huntsmen, you'll have to do a better job than that."
"I beg your pardon?" Leo had asked, feeling a cold sweat roll through him.
"Oh let's just skip the back and forth. I know what you're doing" -Leo held his breath; this could ruin everything, all those people he tried to save- "and you're doing it all wrong."
Watts moved behind the desk, arranging coded huntsmen profiles and locations, calling him a buffoon with every other breath as he ensured the safety of more huntsmen in a few moments than Leo had been able to accomplish in several hours.
Leo stared at Watts as he returned to his seat on the couch. "Why would you help me? Help them?"
Watts rolled his eyes. "As long as the huntsmen aren't here, I don't particularly care where you send them. Salem prefers them dead- and Tyrian would love to be the one to kill them- but it doesn't really matter either way." He kicked his feet up, taking a sip of tea before gagging. "This way is more efficient and less likely to cause a premature panic. Also, you really should get better drinks."
And Leo- for the first time in a long long time, he feels a spark of hope.
And it came from one of Salem's most trusted.
He doesn't quite know how to feel about it.
(then yadda yadda gay bitches, yadda yadda complicated realization of feelings from both of them, and yadda yadda maybe Leo dies and it's a tragic love story or maybe Watts finds a way to fake Leo's death and yoink him away somewhere or maybe Watts decides to start his own small defiances against Salem, just like Leo. Or maybe some amalgamation of all three!)
(god, i'm in the middle of Phic Phight, I can't be thinking of writing a Watts x Leo fanfic hhhhhhhh)
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deanpinterester · 7 years
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some linh cinder fan casts for your consideration
liza soberano (19) (filipina-american)
bridget hollitt (19) (chinese-australian)
lana condor (20) (vietnamese-american)
courtney eaton (21) (english-chinese-māori-cook islander)
marline yan (24) (cambodian-vietnamese-chinese-thai-indian)
naomi scott (24) (gujarati indian-british)
sydney park (19) (african-korean-american)
paris berelc (18) (french-canadian-filipino-european)
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arandompostarchive · 3 years
SALEM - Prologue
None of these works belong to me, they are saved works from a different account. Thank you.
Summary: In all the centuries of your existence, you had never been dragged out of hiding by another god, put in a superhero team and forced to save the universe. But it seems your luck has run out.
You almost smiled as you were lead through town. The words “kill her” echoing in your head. The rope around you hands burned, and the straw of the cart below you was not a pleasant seat. But the smile never left your face. Not even for a minute.
Humans could be so… funny, sometimes.
Any other person would be petrified. The townspeople, even some you had considered friends, were chanting “witch” over and over again, until their voices seemed to blend together. Any other person would be scared about being executed for something they know to be impossible.
Any other person.
You smiled because they were right. You were a witch. Well, daughter of Nyx. Close enough.
You turned to one of the women next to you, a close friend of yours, Y/n. She had gotten tied up in your ‘court case’, standing up to defend you. Unfortunately, it seems to have backfired. You weren’t worried for you, Hades was a friend of your mother. You had nothing to worry about when it came to the afterlife. And Y/n was nothing but a good woman. As terrified of death as you were, there was no doubt the two of you would be staying in Elysium together for eternity.
“Good to see they finally got one, hm?” She seemed to appreciate the humour.
“Did they?” She turned to you. She had tear streaks down her face, her eyes puffy and red from the night she had obviously spent crying. You could hear her through the grates in the prison. You were sure she knew that, but she still acted as if she hadn’t stayed up until the early hours of the morning sobbing. And the more she sobbed, the more the reality of your situation set in.
Your mother had decided to stay with mortals for a few years before leaving you with your father, so the two of you were raised together. Y/n was everything to you. You loved her, and now you were certain you were both going to die. She’d never see the rest of human existence, not with you, not with anyone. It was obviously inevitable, but that didn’t make the shock of being burned alive go away.
A tear involuntarily fell down your face. You ignored it, putting on as strong a front as you could muster.
“Funny, they burn good women, and now they attempt to burn a demigod.”
You had tried to tell her about your… situation… when you were younger. She didn’t believe you at first, but with some small acts of magic and more interesting spells, she learned more about the existence of gods. Both Greek and (to your dismay) Norse. At first you wanted to share your gifts, help mortals advance. Your mother, and most of your godly siblings were rather divided when it came to offering assistance. So it was generally frowned upon, unless you were a god that needed to help them. Or hurt them, like your sisters Nemesis and the Moirai. Some of them even scared you with stories of gods and titans who thought the same way you did. And now, you finally see why.
“I suppose. So many good women burned. Good wives. And now us added to the pile. Seems our fate lies in the hands of the gods now.”
You looked around the cart. None of them deserved to die.
An older maid was staring quietly at the ground, praying. Another seemed to be a teenager, nervously glancing around at everyone else, stunned at the situation.The other two were about your age, whispering to each other words of encouragement, of hope. But the gods are crueler than you’d like to admit.
Y/n nudged your side, smiling softly. “Tell me we’ll be okay. That somehow we’ll get out of this.”
Your smile dropped. You swallowed.
“I… Y/n. You know there’s we can’t-”
“I know. But please.” Her eyes were brimming with tears again. “I just want to hear you say it.”
You nodded, a tear found its way down your face. In all the commotion, you had sort of forgotten this was goodbye.
“We’ll be okay.” It almost made you cringe.
“Again? Please?”
“We’ll be okay, Y/n/n. We’ll be okay.”
A shout interrupted you. A small plea that the cart driver had forgotten something and needed to return to the other side of town escaped your lips. No such luck.
“The guilty will step out, onto the grass.” A man opened the gate. He seemed mad, but his eyes held what looked like a flash of sympathy. Pity it wouldn’t help.
Your heels clicked against a stone, and you looked around. Mixed expressions. Some angry, some sad, some seemed almost confused. You reached behind you, offering your hand to Y/n. She took it. You were really going to miss her. Not that crying would help now.
You held on tight. She gripped your hand so harshly the skin of your palms turned white. The women before you had their turn, leaving behind ash and burned flesh. Y/n’s head fell onto your shoulder. You wondered how this would look to the gods who had faith in you. The ones that were entertained by you. Your mother would weep. She loved you with everything. It is not everyday she has a child, much less one with her abilities.
Y/n pressed her body closer and closer to you, melting into your side. You stroked her hair, calming her slightly. It wasn’t long before the two of you were up.
You made your way upto the charred wood as some villagers dumped more firewood onto the still hot cinders. They burned your shoes, the stench of burned rubber wafted up to your nose making you scrunch back. A still smoking shoe made you wonder if the smell was from a previous victim.
“Hey.” You turned. Well, as much as you could. One of the villagers— you thought he was a baker—was tying rope around you and Y/n. It scratched against your back, and splinters pricked through your dress.
“I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean for it to happen like this.” You gripped her hand, fire licking at your heels. Your grip tightened. So did hers.
“It’s not your fault.”
It tightened, and tightened, and tightened. Her screams, like the screams of the other, echoed through the hollow village After a while, her hand froze in place. Black scarring covered her hand and it felt hard as stone.
And you cried.
Learning to live on Earth as it advanced was a difficult transition to say the least. After your ‘death’, you took the position of another war god as well as a goddess of magic. You didn’t object in the slightest. Your magical abilities and fighting skills were far beyond the average, although you thought using magic on everyone you meet (besides helping every now and then) wasn’t exactly fair. Although you did meet a few worthy enemies, ones that required your magic use. That, was truly fun.
And now, you were free to live as a full god. With occasional nightmares. God status didn’t let you forget the more… human parts of you. So you went on living your life on Earth with people that were no longer your fellow humans. They were now, as Zeus so lovingly put it, “subjects to be toyed with”. Something you didn’t like, but so goes the life of an Olympian.
Several hundred years later you took on a new name, a new identity. Leave your mortal self completely behind you. Thanks to your status as a god, it was easy to find others like you that chose to stay on earth instead of Olympus or Asgard.
That’s how you met Thor, a fellow god and someone who had quite a lot of respect for your place as a greek war god. Typically Asgardians and Olympians weren’t the best of friends but, to both of your surprise, the two of you got along incredibly well, and through the years he helped you grow quite fond of Earth, or as he called it, “Midgard”.
You finally had a new life, a new name. Although Thor still referred to your Greek name every now and then, you thought it would be rather poetic to take Y/n’s.
You lived in peace. Making friends, watching them die, and eventually just having Thor by your side. It was years later, after Thor joined a new team, when Nick Fury first talked to you. He attempted to make it clear who was in charge, before you decided to whip out the fact that he was standing in front of a literal god. Of course, he’s Nick Fury. So he didn’t do much, although Thor vouched for the fact that you were no threat. Just a goddess trying to exist, even if you were a war goddess.
But, what’s better than one god on the Avenger’s team?
So (finally) Thor wore you down, and today. Today you were officially joining the Avengers with a rather appropriate moniker (in your opinion).
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hannahcoursey · 4 years
Jealous Minds Part 2
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Author: Hannahc56
Word Count: 3,391
Request: Hi! Can I put in a request for a dean x reader? Dean and the reader are friends with benefits and neither want a relationship because they’re too much pressure for both of them being hunters. But then during a case, YN runs into an old boyfriend and they actually had a great relationship and broke up because he had to move for work and they both got out to catch up and Dean is super jealous because he wants that same type of relationship with her. (Sorry if it’s too much. LOVE YOUR WORK!!!)                
PART ONE                                                                     
A few hours had passed and you found yourself eagerly waiting for Daryn to pull into the gravel parking lot of the motel. You had put on a nice pair of jeans, without blood or holes, and a nice black tank top. You’d popped in a pair of earrings you always had sitting in the bottom of your bag that you never got to wear. With a few quick swipes of mascara, you were as dolled up as you were going to get. It wasn’t much, but you felt alright and put together for once and a small part of yourself wish you could do this more often. It was nice to feel pretty every now and then, but your lifestyle didn’t call for a nice manicure or decent clothes. Loud pounding on the door pulled you out of your thoughts, as you took one more look at yourself in the mirror before running to open it. The smile fell off your lips when the door revealed Dean. His face was hard, it was obvious he was in deep thought. When he looked up and saw you, his expression softened. The two of you stood there while he took every inch of you in. A heat rose to your cheeks and you cleared your throat. 
“Can I help you with something?” You asked, leaning your arm on the door. Dean’s eyes shot up to yours and he slightly shook his head. 
“I-I just wanted to come and,” he hesitated, licking his lips, “Wish you good luck on your date.” He finished. You rolled your eyes and sighed. 
 “Funny, Dean. See ya.” You turned to shut the door, but his hand sprawled across it. 
“No, I mean it,” He nodded, “I know how much you cared about Daryn, I-I hope that it goes alright.” He said, letting his hand fall away from the door. You stared at him, your brows crunched in confusion of what sort of scheme he was playing at. His eyes darted back and forth between yours as your brain searched for words to string together to respond. When you didn’t say anything, his eyes fell to the ground and he nodded slow. “You look nice.” He said, his lips in a tight smile, “Anyways, have fun.” He finished, before turning and walking away, leaving you standing in the doorway. You blinked, trying to process the words that’d just come from his lips. Your heart felt like a cinder block in your chest. You let your hand fall to the door knob and slowly pushed the door shut. You leaned against it, your mind running a million miles a minute. Across the room from you was a dusty mirror, only your reflection stared back at you. Why was your heart pounding in your chest? Why were you even going on this date? Was this even to be considered a date? Before you could answer any of the questions that rattled around in your mind, a loud knock from behind the door you were leaning against shook you out of the deep consciousness you’d fallen into with a jump. Maybe Dean was back - maybe he was going to tell you not to go, that the two of you would spend the rest of the night tangled up in the scratchy motel sheets, whispering throughout the night, stealing kisses on exposed skin. The thought alone had you ready to bolt out of your room to find him. You turned and opened the door, Dean’s name about to fall off your tongue, when your eyes fell on Daryn. 
His eyes shimmered when he saw you, a smile lighting up his face. Your expression dropped for a moment, before you forced a smile. He pulled a small bouquet of roses from behind his back and flashed his picture perfect grin at you. 
“Daryn, these are beautiful,” You shook your head and accepted the gesture, “You shouldn’t have.” You turned and set them down on the table beside you. He threw a hand up and waved. 
“Hey, it’s the least I could do,” He laughed, as you pulled the door shut, locking it behind you. He rubbed the back of his neck and looked at you as if he was memorizing every detail of your face. Color rose to your cheeks and you looked down. “You ready?” He asked, your eyes floating up to meet his again. You nodded and followed him as he walked over to his car, a new sporty car that surely was meant to be impressive. He walked with you to the passenger side and held open the door for you as you got in. Right as you sat down, you heard someone call your name from down the motel strip. You looked around, scanning for someone underneath the overhead flicking lights of the walkway until your gaze fell on Dean. He waved a hand at Daryn, who hesitantly waved in return.
“Have her back by midnight alright? Trust me, you don’t wanna see what she looks like when the fairy godmother’s spell wears off.” He laughed, throwing a wink in your direction sarcastically before turning towards the motel room door and walking in. Daryn pulled open the driver side door and slide in the low-riding seat. His eyebrows were crunched in confusion as he looked over at you.
“So, do you guys usually share rooms or?” He trailed off, the awkward tension in the air filling the small cabin quickly. You felt embarrassment rise to your face as you shook your head, trying to laugh it off.
“No, no, most definitely not, he just was probably grabbing something from the room, I guess,” You struggled to string together a sentence and rubbed your hands against your thighs nervously. Daryn let out a strangled laugh and started the car without saying anything more. You looked out your window, silently cursing the older Winchester as your heart fluttered at the thought of the things the two of you did behind locked motel room doors. 
The ride to the bar was mostly quiet, the sound of the radio filling the spaces where neither of you could manage the right words to say. When you pulled up, Daryn escorted you to a booth in the corner. The place was packed. It was loud, lights strobing every second, making it hard for you to make out where you were walking, and you struggled to imagine how fun it would be to actually get drunk in this type of atmosphere. The bass music of the loud rap made your chest rumble and you found yourself yearning for a biker bar, squeezed between the boys at the bar while classic rock played from a jukebox.
“Y/N? Y/N/N?” Daryn said your name and you shook yourself out of your daydream.
“I-I am so sorry, was I spacing out?” You ran a hand through your hair and took a breath, letting out a light laugh, “Long day, you know how it goes.” You gave him a grin. He nodded and waved down the bartender before turning his attention back to you.
“I was just saying how great you looked tonight,” He said, his tone genuine and inviting. You couldn’t fight the smile that rose to your face thinking of the memories the two of you shared.
“Well thank you Daryn,” You tucked the hair behind your ears and leaned forward on the table, “You don’t look half bad yourself.” You beamed at him. Before he could answer, the bartender stepped up and asked for your orders.
“I’ll take a-” You began, but Daryn reached out and laid his hand on top of yours, effectively stopping you in your tracks. 
“I’ll take a beer and the beautiful lady will have a Vodka Cranberry please, extra cranberry.” He told the bartender as she nodded and walked off. A feeling you couldn’t put a name to filled your chest. Was it nostalgia? Or was it disappointment? You flashed him a quick smile. “Not too bad for not seeing you for this long, I still remember your favorite drink.” He laughed, reaching over and grabbing your other hand with his other hand, focusing entirely on you. 
“No, I’m impressed, that was pretty good. I gotta tell you though, I’m more of a whiskey bourbon kinda gal these past few years.” You said, trying not to visibly shiver as the thought of a Long Island Iced Tea hangover. His eyes grew wide for a moment before he let out a breath.
“Wow, you?” He shook his head, “Now that surprises me. You could hardly keep it down when we were younger.” He chuckled, bringing back memories of your high school days, sneaking around drinking your parents alcohol. 
“Well yeah,” You snorted, “We were drinking rubbing alcohol it seemed like, we had the nastiest stuff.” You felt yourself thinking of all the times you’d use a fake ID to get the cheapest vodka you could find, only for it to taste twice as bad the second time later on in the night. 
“Yeah, yeah, that led to some pretty rough nights,” He agreed, squeezing your hands softly, “But also some of the best nights too, you know?” He finished, his voice softening as his expression did. And there it was - that same pang in your chest. The more it happened, the more it began to feel like disappointment seeping through your lungs. He stared at you, his iri’s moving from your E/C eyes to your lips. You nodded and pulled your hands out of his, pretending to scratch the back of your neck. He leaned back in the booth, your mind grasping for things to talk about.
“So, what have you been up to? You were at State College for half the first year then disappeared off the face of the earth, no one knew where you went.” He pried, your heart sinking to the bottom of your chest. God, anything but that question. You cleared your throat and tried to force eye contact, but the topic proved too difficult. 
“T-That’s a very fair question,” You let out a laugh that came out more like a sigh, “I-I just needed some time off, I traveled for a while,” You said slowly, which wasn;t necessarily a lie, “And just needed to figure out what I wanted to do with my life.” You finished, trying to tell him as much of the half truth that was possible without getting too much into the nitty-gritty. It was true, technically. You did travel while hunting monsters with the brothers and you did struggle with what you wanted to do for awhile; keep fighting the good fight or take a stab at the apple pie life. He nodded slow, as if he was ingesting what you were telling him and you prayed he wasn’t overanalyzing it too much. The holes in your story would be too large for him not to notice how it didn’t add up. “Anyways,” You scrambled to try to change the subject, “What made you want to become a ranger? I never would have pegged you for the type.” You asked right as the bartender brought over your drinks. He smiled while looking down the neck of his beer, thinking of his answer. Before he had the chance, you phone rang in your pocket. You struggled to get it out of the small compartment of your tight jeans and threw a hand up to him and he nodded. The phone vibrated as Dean’s name flashed across the screen. Throwing your legs off the side of the booth, you made your way outside to answer. 
“Dean?” You tried, holding the phone to one ear while you pressed a hand over the other. Mumbles came through the other end that sounded like gibberish. “Dean, I can’t hear you, gimme a second.” You said, hoping he could make out your words better than you could of his. As soon as your reached the parlor doors to the outside, you called his name again through the phone. “Okay, sorry about that, what’s up?” You asked, shoving your hand in your pocket.
“Y/N,” Dean said, his voice raw, causing your heart to plummet, “Something’s wrong, you need to get back here,” He coughed, hardly audible on the other end. 
“Dean, talk to me, what’s going on?” You asked, panic rising in your tone.
“J-Just come home,” He wheezed before the line went dead. Your hands shook slightly, the adrenaline pumping through your veins. You turned on your heel and ran through the crowd, bumping into people and elbowing your way through them. When you reached Daryn, his soft expression had turned to a look of confusion.
“Daryn, I have to get back, something’s wrong.” You shook your head, trying to settle your hands as Daryn quickly got up from his seat and threw a few bills down next to your untouched drinks. Without making sure he was following, you raced back to the front doors, beelining to his car. When the both of your reached it, you strapped yourself in and he drove off, leaving dust in the rearview. The drive back to the motel felt like it took hours. When you pulled up to the strip, you noticed the Impala still sitting outside and your feet were on the ground before the car was in park. Your heartbeat thumped in your ears, your eyes scanning the surroundings. You noticed your motel room light was on. You turned to Daryn.
“Listen, I really appreciate you taking me out tonight and I-I’m sorry it had to be cut short, but I need to make sure everythings alright.” You rushed through your words while you managed to throw him a smile over your shoulder.
“Y/N, I can stay and make sure- '' He bega, but the thought of what unnatural force could be inflicting pain onto Dean was enough to make you cut his speech off short.
“No, no, I got it under control - I can call you, you still have the same number?” You spoke fast, trying to politely get to your motel room as quickly as possible. Daryn looked at a loss for words. To see him scrambling to try to spend another minute with you made your chest heavy with guilt, but this was Dean at stake. You turned before he could answer and opened the door so quick, you almost hit the wall behind it yourself. You were in fight mode, ready to rip apart whatever was wreaking havoc, ready to patch up Dean if he needed it, a million thoughts going through your head. Taking in the scene in front of you, the breath you had in your lungs slipped from your lips.
The room was dimly lit by dozens of small candles of all different colors and heights. On the table next to you was the beautiful bouquet from Daryn and a simple rose sitting next to it. Dean sat on the edge of the bed, nervously rubbing his hands down his thighs. Your hand fell to your chest as you took a deep breath in.
“Dean,” Your eyes filled with tears that you begged not to slip down your face, “You scared the shit outta me.” You shook your head, running a hand through your hair. Dean looked down at his hands.
“I-I know, I didn’t know how else to get you to come back,” He said, his voice low. You couldn’t believe the sight before you and you stood still, taking it all in. “Y/N, I should’ve done this a long time ago, but seeing you with Daryn” He said, shaking his head as he looked up at you, “ I couldn’t take it, watching you leave with him.” He stood up and crossed the small room to you, his hands picking up yours and rubbing his thumb on the back of your hand. “I don’t have the fast car and the big bouquet and all that crap - but the way I feel about you,” He struggled to find the words and you knew that all of the effort he’d already put into this gesture was big for him, “What I can offer you is to always be there for you, to always stitch you up, to make sure you’re not alone when you wake up in the mornings - We don’t have to do this stuff alone Y/N and we’re crazy for thinking we had to.” He shook his head and his warm hand cupped your cheek. “I wanna do this with you, I mean it.” He finished, his eyes anxiously looking into yours, waiting for your response. Even in this lighting, his eyes were bright and lively, his nose peppered with the freckles you’ve loved since you noticed them the day you met him. Bringing your hand up to his other cheek, you pulled him in, your lips colliding together as if it were the first time. His other hand found its way to the side of your head and his fingers tangled in your hair as he pulled you in, passion filling your every movement. You pulled away, a few tears making their way down your flush cheeks.
“I would love to Dean,” You leaned forward and pressed your forehead against his, “I’ve been in love with you since I laid eyes on you.” You smiled, your heart beating loudly at the confessions the two of you were sharing. He leaned back and pressed a kiss onto your forehead.
“God, me too sweetheart.” He mumbled into the kiss, before pulling away and taking in every inch of your face before letting go of your hands and moving to the bed. Out of a small plastic bag, he pulled out a few styrofoam containers. “Got you your favorite,” He spoke as he opened the containers, spreading them around the bed. Two burgers sat in their separate containers with fries, and a few slices of pie in the other. You walked over and sat on the bed with him as he laid the food out and sat next to you. 
“Mhhh, bacon cheeseburger.” You took a deep breath in, the aroma of the greasy food filling the room. He rubbed your back, smiling.
“Extra bacon, the usual.” He laughed, still looking at you. You turned to him and kissed him once more, the feeling of his lips against yours making your heart drop to your toes. When you pulled away, his eyes were still shut, savoring every kiss the two of you shared.
“I am so in love with you, I hope you know.” You whispered, still close to his face. He blinked slow and a lazy grin crossed his features.
“I know.” He replied, his sarcasm causing you to throw your head back and let out a laugh. 
“Good, I’m glad.” You replied, smacking his shoulder. He took a deep breath and looked at the candles around you.
“Now can I blow these out? It’s starting to smell like a friggin’ hallmark movie in here it’s nauseating.” He grumbled, your laugh filling the room as you shook your head at him.You couldn’t stop yourself from laughing as he went around to each of the candles and huffed them out.
You put on the tv and played the first movie that popped up and thought about all of the choices you’ve made in your life that got you to this exact moment. Life with the Winchester boys isn't for everyone. The life you lived was fast and dangerous, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. With Dean’s arms around you, shitty take out food in front of you and a whole life to share with him ahead, you found yourself filled with the sort of peace you didn’t think you’d ever get your hands on. 
Hope you guys liked it! My requests are always open!
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despairofthefuture · 3 years
Despair of the Future: Prologue
Knock knock knock!
A series of knocks on the door earned Yasuhiro's attention, causing the Ultimate Clairvoyant to turn his head towards the noise. He threw his legs over the side of his bed and stretched his arms over his head before standing and walking over to his door. When he opened it, he was surprised at who was on the other side.
"Junko!" The future teller exclaimed. "H-hey! What's up?"
The Ultimate Fashionista beamed at him, flashing him a peace sign. "Yo! I'm great, Hiro! Hope I didnt bother you!"
Hiro shakes his head, standing to the side to allow Junko entry. "No, no! I was just surprised to see you! Like, no offense or anything, but I wouldve thought youd be too good to spend anytime with someone like me!"
Junko raised a brow as she walks into his room. "That sounds like if anyone were to take offense itd be you."
Hiro scrunched his eyebrows as Junko continued.
"Anyway, I stopped by cause I was wondering if you could read my future!"
The older Ultimate blinked in surprise. "Wait, really?" He asked. "No one ever takes me up on that offer!"
The fashionista shrugged, looking around the boy's room. "Eh, I think they're overreacting. I mean, most fortune tellers are lucky to get a five percent accuracy rate. The fact you have thirty percent is really impressive!" She turns to him, still grinning. "And I have something I really wanna know if it comes true!"
Hiro couldnt help but smile, happy someone finally recognized his talent. "In that case, sure! I'd be more than happy to tell your future!" He told her, going over to his desk and gathering his clairvoyant supplies. "And since you're one of my friends, and the only one to recognize how amazing my abilities are, I'll even do a reading for free! Hows that sound?"
The pig tailed girl's smile widened. "Aw, that's really sweet of you, Hiro! Thank you!"
Hiro shrugs as he sits cross legged on the floor and lays his supplies in front of him. "Ah, it's no biggie." He assures her, patting the ground in front of him to signal for her to sit as well. When she does, the fortune teller beams at her. "Alright! What do you say we start with a simple palm reading? That way I can get a good feeling for if this thing you wanna happen will come true!"
Junko nods. "Sounds good to me!" She agrees, and holds her right hand out to him, palm out.
Hiro takes her hand in his own and, taking one of them, begins tracing the inside of the girl's hand. He closes his eyes, concentrating on the lines he feels as he tries to make a connection to Junko's future.
These are the only things Yasuhiro can hear.
The scent burns his nose, causing his eyes to tear up. The smell is overwhelming, as if he were standing in a pool of it up to his waist.
Panic rises in the clairvoyant's chest, and his head shoots around, desperate to see something, to find where he is.
He wished he hadnt.
Sayaka was propped up against the bathroom wall, a kitchen knife protruding from her stomach with blood splattered around the room, and on the idol's body.
Junko-no. That had to be Mukuro. Her telltale freckles gave it away, despite her attempt to disguise herself as her twin-impaled by spears and left lifeless on the gymnasium floor.
Leon, Hiro's closest friend, was pelted by baseballs, his body left battered, bruised and bloody tied to a pole.
Chihiro, bludgeoned by a dumbbell and tied by an extension cord.
Mondo, reduced to nothing but butter.
Taka and Hifumi, their heads caved in.
Celeste, burned to cinders.
Sakura, her own life taken by poison.
These images flooded his mind. No matter where he looked, he saw them. His friends, his classmates, the ones he cared about dearly, dead in brutal ways.
Yasuhiro clamped his hands over his mouth, feeling bile rise into his throat. Before anything could come up, he saw one last image, and this one caused his blood to run cold.
Junko, the one he was reading the future of, stood at a podium. She was proudly proclaiming how this was all her doing, how she wanted all the world to feel such despair, and how she loved watching them all kill each other to escape a world that was in ruins.
And suddenly he was back.
"Gah!" Hiro let out a scream as he gasped for air. His hand grasped at his chest as he looked around frantically. The comforting scenery of his room relaxed him slightly, and his heart slowly began beating normally again.
"Hiro? Are you alright?" Junko's voice caused Hiro to jump and look over to her. The girl had her head tilted. "What did you see?"
The clairvoyant stared at her, the images he saw before invading his mind, nearly causing him to panic again. He managed to swallow it back down. "A-ah, yeah. I-Im fine! Y-you uh, dont have to w-worry about a thing! Everything you want g-goes off without a hitch!" He told her shakily.
Junko furrowed her brow, but at his answer her face brightened. "Really?! Shit, nice!" She stood up. "I think that's all I need. Thanks so much, Hiro! You're the best!" She smiled at him and waves. "You take care now, you look like you've seen a ghost!" She giggled before opening Hiro's door and leaving.
And then Hiro was alone.
As soon as he heard the door closed, the fortune teller shot to his feet and began panicking. "W-what the hell did I just see?!" He exclaimed, pulling at his hair. "All my friends...they...they were dead! And...so brutally! And Junko..." His face paled. "...She did that. She caused all of that pain, that...suffering!" He shook his head, gripping it tightly with his hands. "No. No that cant be true. It cant!"
"Tch, now you dont believe in your abilities?"
Hiro whirled around at the voice, and he froze at the image of his best friend, Leon Kuwata.
The red haired boy smirked and waved. "Hey, Hiro! Wassup, bro?"
The clairvoyant just stared at him. "Wh...I...I dont understand. How did you get in my room? Why are you floating? A-and why are you transparent?!"
The baseball star rolled his eyes. "Wow, dude, you really arent the most observant." The ginger moved closer to his friend, getting right into his face, which caused Hiro to take a step back. "I'm dead, Hiro. I'm a ghost."
Yasuhiro's eyes widened. "Wh...what?! No! Hell no, that cant be true! I just saw you this morning!"
Leon held his hands up. "Whoa whoa, calm down, dude!" He tried to soothe the older man. "I'm not that Leon! I mean, I am, but not?" He scratched his head. "Its...complicated." he shrugged before continuing. "Basically I'm from the future. You know those visions you saw? Yeah. If they come true, that's what's gonna happen to me and all our friends." His expression becomes serious. "And you're the only one who can stop it."
Hiro's eyes widened even further, and he took several steps back. "What?! What the hell?! Are you crazy?!" He exclaimed. "If all of this is true, a-and I'm still not convinced this isnt all just a fucked up dream, how the hell am I of all people gonna stop it?! You know me, dude! I'm not brave, or smart, or strong or anything!"
Leon sighed. "Hiro, you're the only one who knows Junko's plan. You're the only one who can see me. You have to do something to stop her, or it wont just be our class that gets fucked over. She's gonna destroy the whole world."
Yasuhiro freezes. "The...the whole world?" He repeated, his voice a low whisper. He felt like he was going to faint. This was all too much. The fate of the world was on his shoulders? What the hell was going on?
Leon watched his best friend and frowned. "Look, I can tell you're overwhelmed. Obviously you need some time to process all of this, so take it. I'll come back later. Just...you gotta think about it."
As the redhead finished his sentence, Hiro watched as he began to disappear. "W-wait, Leon!" The brunette exclaimed, reaching his hand out towards him. "Dont go! I-Im still confused!"
But despite his pleas, Leon vanished before his eyes. Hiro stared at the spot the ghostly vision of his friend had been moments ago.
Suddenly he collapsed to his knees, the exhaustion of having learned all of these things finally catching up to him.
Yasuhiro stares blankly into space, running through everything once more in his mind. He had no idea how to process this.
And then he heard it.
The quiet whispers of many spirits as they begin making contact with him.
Yasuhiro Hagakure is now open for questions!
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fangirlings-things · 4 years
He's just too much
Requested by @yulianaxm26
A/N: let me know if you guys want a part 2, because I definitely have some ideas
Pairings: Michael Gray x reader
Warnings: a few curse words
Summary: Michael Gray is just too much for (Y/N) to not fall in love with him
Word count: 1884
Part. 2 Part. 3 Part. 4
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"Polly?" You called the woman while entering her house, to which you had the front door keys. Looking around at the familiar place, you realized there was only one light up at that time of the night. It was the living room's. 
Walking in that direction, you entered the room and your eyes came fo fall upon Michael, who was sitting at the wooden table near the fireplace, smoking while his eyes were focused on the carpet and he did a thing you had seen your friend Tommy do a few times. The french inhale, the act of putting the smoke you produced inside your body. It made you instinctively look at Michael's lips as the smoke disappeared through them and you couldn't deny, that it was a sexy thing to watch. 
"She's not here" Michael raised his eyes until yours and for a moment, you two just looked at each other.
The truth was, you liked to look at Michael. Just look at him. Admire his hair, his jaw, the way his muscles tensed under his shirts when he was worried or had something bothering him. He was a beautiful man, you always said to yourself when you found yourself staring too intensely at him. But he's off limits, you had to remind right away after. When you accepted Tommy's offer and started to work for the Shelby's, becoming a Peaky Blinder, you made a promise to yourself that you wouldn't get involved with no one in that family. You loved all of them like you were a Shelby yourself, but the thought of getting romantically involved with those people made you shiver. They were always in danger, fighting against an enemy. The thought of losing the person you loved the most, would probably destroy you. So no, the best to do was stay away from that kind of relationship.
And that plan did just fine for a few years. You considered Arthur, John, Tommy and Finn your brothers and never desired any of them. But then, Michael Gray came along and it all changed. He was just too much. Too much for you to handle without falling for him. The way he smiled and would occasionally laugh while with John, the way he seemed interested in bussiness and willing to help his cousins in whatever they needed. He had never showed you interest or any kind of signs that would indicate that he wanted you too, but a girl could dream. And that was what you did whenever you were around him. 
"Well, I'll have to come back tomorrow then. Good night, Michael" You turned around and was decided to walk away, when he made you stop with his deep voice, that came to surface again and entered your ears like the sweetest melody you've ever heard. 
"Is everything ok, (Y/N)?" Turning back to stare at him, you saw that he was examining your expression for something to be wrong, like he had noticed that you were more agitated then usual. But he couldn't have noticed that, you thought with a sight. He doesn't even pay attention to you. 
And for as sad as it would be for you to admit, it was true. Of course, he had never ignored you. If you talked to him or he had to speak with you about bussiness he would do it, sometimes would even give you a small smile or throw you a glance from across the room in a meeting, but he never started a conversation. Never came to drink with you at The Garisson even when all the other boys did. It was like he didn't want to be around you, and you accepted that. You kept your distance, like you were supposed to do. But now you were alone in a house with him like you had never been before, and you could feel your legs go weaker just at the thought of that. 
"Yes" You said probably too quickly, because the look on his face only got more intrigued. "I just came to...ahn, to..." You tried to think fast about an excuse for being there, but your mind went blank. It was like you couldn't think when he was staring at you like that. Like you were his only focus and he had only you in his mind. 
"You're lying to me" He stated to himself, a look in his eyes that you had never seen before. It was almost like he was angry at the thought of you lying to him. With only a movement of his hand, he threw his cigar on a cinder-box that was on the table and got up, walking straight to you. When he stopped, only a few centimeters away from you, you saw that it wasn't anger in his eyes. It was sadness. He looked more hurt than you had ever seen. "You never stumble or hesitate to talk about stuff. I've seen you multiple times with Jon and Tommy. You say things right away to them. Why are you lying to me?"
You had to repress a gasp when you heard those words and saw the expression on his face. He looked devastated, and you didn't know what to do, how to act. You had just hurt the man you were in love with and didn't even realize it. Too confused and shocked, you didn't even processed the fact that he had just admited to watch you talk to his cousins. He had watched you. After all, he did actually pay attention.  
"Michael, I'm not lying to you, I'm... concealing some things" You argumented, trying to find the right words to say. All you wanted, was to take that hurt off of his face. More than anything. 
"What are those things?" his look was intense, you barely could support it. When you turned your eyes away from him, his hand came to your chin and he made you stare at him again. In the place he touched you, for the first time ever willingly, you felt chills of pure bliss. His touch was soft, almost caring. "Tell me what's troubling you, (Y/N)"
"I-I came to ask for your mother's advice" You afirmed, realizing that he wouldn't take no for an answer. And even if he did, you wouldn't be able to walk away. Not in that moment, where he had his hand resting on your face.  
"About what?" He asked, noticing that you were keeping something else from him. After that question, you holded your breath in. You couldn't tell him. The consequences could be catastrophic. "Tell me, darling" he insisted and right then and there, hearing he call you that, you lost it. You didn't care about what would happen afterwards. Not in that special moment. 
"About a guy" You shilly answered and almost immediately, you could see his body tense up. Sighting heavily, Michael took his hand off of your face and walked away, stopping near the fireplace, where he fixed his eyes. 
"I see" Was all he said. Looking at his back, you could see that his muscles were more defined than before under his shirt. His jaw was clenched and his hands, once very gentle, had now turned into fists. 
You didn't know why he was acting like that. Like he was sad about hearing about your love life; or actually realising that you desired one. Since the day you meet him, not for once he had showed you any resemblance of interest. You always thought, that he didn't like you very much. So why?
"Michael, did I do something wrong?" You asked feeling completely insecure, confused and embarrassed about what you had just admited. You were a grown young woman, the fact that you were going to ask Polly for advice in that subject, made you feel kinda ashamed about what he was going to think of you. Him, Michael Gray, the guy who could probably have anyone he ever wanted in his bed. 
Michael let out a small laugh, that didn't had any humor in it. It was a dark laugh, an unsatisfied one. "No, you didn't (Y/N)" And after that phrase, said in a harsh tone, you realized that the Michael from moments ago, the one who touched your face and seemed to care had disappeared. He was the usual Michael again; the cold and distant one, who you couldn't reach. "I think you should leave" He continued and that made you gasp and feel a slight anger ignite in your bones. 
"So you tell me to be honest with you and then you kick me out?" You left yourself explode, tired of having those feelings for a guy who was so inconsistent as he. "What the actual fuck, Michael?" 
"Just go, (Y/N). I don't have nothing to say to you" He stated firmly, and you felt your heart hurt after hearing that. Feeling disappointed and frustrated, you tried your best to keep those emotions under control. 
"Go fuck yourself, Michael" You mumbled under your breath before turning around and starting to make your way towards the front door. 
Apparently he heard you, because a few seconds later when you were just about to leave the room, you felt his hand clench on your forearm and without any effort, because he was much more stronger than you were, he had you pinned against the nearest wall, his body keeping you steady in place. 
"What did you just say to me?" There was anger in his voice again. You could feel it in his grip. You could see it in his eyes. And sincerely, you didn't care. Because you were angry at him too. If he snapped, you would too. 
"I said go fuck yourself, Michael" You repeated all the words slowly, so he could hear and remember every last one of them. You saw his eyes flick to your lips only for a second while you talked and then, he did the most unexpected thing he could do, in that moment or in any other one. He kissed you. 
His lips were harsh on yours, the kiss almost hurting because of all the strength and anger he putted in it. When you gasped, completely surprised, he putted his tongue inside your mouth and you could taste the smoke on him. You're didn't like smoking, but coming from him, that taste seemed intoxicating. Made you wish to feel it forever. His hand that was on your forearm slided to your hair when you started to kiss him back, and he tugged on it while still kissing you harshly like his life depended on it. 
When you were completely out of breath he disconnected his mouth from yours, straring at your eyes deeply and with so much desire, so much want, that you felt in pure ecstasy. 
"Michael..." You started, still in shock about what he had just did. 
He, surprising you for what should be the hundredth time on that night, didn't say anything, just sighted and started to walk away. You wanted to stop him. To tell him that you loved him and he was the guy you were going to ask Polly for advice about. But when you heard the front door bang, you realized that he was gone. 
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alecjamesartino · 4 years
TLC & Renegades: An Essay
heyyyy, how you doing?? today i was particulary bored and i fell the need of being burned by the fandom soooo, today i offer you and essay on tlc and renegades. e n j o y
Reading The Lunar Chronicles and Renegades Trilogy implied different experiences for me. My relation with each series is unique and it has many personal issues tied to it. Though all the thoughts I might have on this two series, there are facts among these that can’t be denied. That’s why today, I will be talking about how The Lunar Chronicles and Renegades Trilogy have what the other would have needed when written. Let's begin.
If you are reading this, then I assume you have read The Lunar Chronicles and/or Renegades Trilogy, so I’m not going to introduce you to this universe. Leaving aside what The Lunar Chronicles’ topic is, I’m going to make an opinion on the strong points of this saga and the weak points (in case you speak spanish and you feel more comfortable with that language, you can check out the essay I made about this series, in spanish. Is more a critique than anything else, but whatever, is your choice). From my humble point of view, the best thing about TLC is its plot and the universe. Reading these books was a nice experience as the plot was so fluid and the universe was so well-thought that your mind just didn’t find any flaw. Everything in the timeline of the saga has a reason why as it also makes sense. Taking in count that these were Marissa’s first books, it's amazing how well developed the story is. Now, on the other hand, (and this, as everything I’m saying, is just my opinion), the weak points in TLC are the characters and the couples. I’m not saying the characters aren’t memorable, because they are (Cinder is “the cyborg”, Kai’s “the perfect prince”, Scarlet’s “the red-haired”,etc) but if you analyse them deeply, you can see that they are pure black and white. Yes, we have Levana’s backstory but this book is told in an impersonal way that makes you feel like before you read the book (nothing); and if you analyse how the characters personality’s at the begging, you’ll see it is exactly the same at the end or with minimal variations. About the couples, they’re all so insta-love. They met, they fell in love, they kissed. In just one book! The exception to this rule is Jacin and Winter, however, this is the least developed couple of the series, when it should be the more developed one, as they’ve known each other since they were kids. These ships are just so perfect that they don’t make me feel a thing (applies to characters, as well).
Leaving aside The Lunar Chronicles, now I’m going to talk about Renegades Trilogy, just as I talked about TLC. Renegades Trilogy’s strongest points are, for me, its characters and its topic. Most of the characters aren’t only black or white; they’re grey. Nova and her contradictions on what she should do, Adrian on how Renegades have flaws on their code, even Ace believing he’s not a villain because of his purpose or Hugh doing everything for a greater good of some people. And the way Marissa treated the topic of villains and superheroes, is fantastic. How the heroes can be corrupted, how villains can have a point on their ideals. Talking about philosophy in YA books is a goal, at least for me. What is not a goal in this trilogy, is what was the best of TLC: the plot. The plot twist may be acceptable, but the plot in general is just...ilogic. Many things in Archemies contradicts things in Renegades and vice versa. It feels like Marissa tried to improve the things she didn’t do that well in TLC and succeed, but forgot about keeping the plot fluid and logical. 
Now, I want to do an explicit comparison of the ends of both series. The end of TLC is closed but boring: we know what happens to eachh character and the universe in general but the final was expectable and non-remarcable. The end of Renegades Trilogy, is exactly the opposite: epic but extra open and incoherent; we have no idea what happened to the world after that and Supernova just breaks down everything said in Renegades that was perfect. This final is, for sure, frustrating.
In conclusion, Renegades Trilogy is an improvement in characters and ships (not so much but at least is a bit queer) and a deteriorate in the plot. They both have exactly what the other needs; that’s proof that Marissa is capable of doing a great plot, stunning characters, queer couples, and epic end such as a closed one. The only thing I can do is hope she does all this stuff in her next books, as she is an amazing writer that deserves the world.
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bssaz97 · 4 years
After knowing what Jaune (D Arc) did to Ironwood and his men do you think Cinder would try doing the same thing Jaune went through but it goes horribly wrong?
Jaune D’ Arc part 2
Weiss: Let me get this straight. After you were captured, they took you to Salem’s castle.
Jaune: Mm-Hmm.
Weiss: Where it was revealed to you that you are a descendants of one of Salem and Ozma’s once thought to be dead children.
Jaune: Yep.
Weiss: So because of that she tried to convince you to join her side and rule as her heir. But you said she could, and I quote-
Jaune/Weiss: “Go fuck herself and her batshit crazy ass cult!”
Jaune: Yes I did say all of that.
Qrow: But because she didn’t like that answer she had you transferred to Watts’ secured hideout laboratory.
Jaune: Ohhh yeah you should have seen the look on their faces. Especially Cindy, bitch was about to blow a gasket. But anyway, continue.
Qrow: Right...so after you were brought to the lab, where Watts tortured you behind Salem’s back and tried to pry information out of you about the rest of us.
Jaune: Damn. Right.
Ren: When all that failed, Arthur decided to do try another test which involved putting you in the tube that we found you in. Which was filled with...I’m sorry what did you call it?
Jaune: Red shit. But I’m also pretty much it was Grimm essence.
Weiss: And you survived that, how?
Jaune: I’m assuming my semblance.
Weiss/Qrow/Ren: Ah. Right.
Nora: But if you’re semblance saved you, why do you look like a scary boy Salem?
Jaune: Well while my semblance kept me alive. Didn’t really do much else to stop the effects of the red shit changing my body. Eventually my body and semblance was changed to the point where I could barely recognize myself. Also I now need to absorb the aura of others to fuel my own and my current mental health is pretty fucked if I do say so myself, but what else is new am I right?
Everyone: .....
Jaune: Ok joke didn’t work. Got it.
Ruby: Jaune.....Do you know if...this is permanent or not?
Jaune: Well. It’s supposed to be an almost exact same liquid from the pool that changed Salem to what she is now soooooo I’m gonna assume that this is not reversible.
Ruby: Oh...
Jaune: .....does it really bother you?
Ruby: What! No! Jaune, I’m happy to have you back alive! You have no idea how much everyone missed you, how I missed you. I just wanted to know if you are ok with these changes.
Jaune: .....no. But I don’t really have much choice in the matter anymore so I guess I’ll just have to live with it. But anyway that’s my story.
Qrow: Well kid, you’ve been through a helluva experience. Come on, let’s get going before anybody else gets here.
Jaune: That sounds great. How do we do that?
Ruby: We were able to get ahold of a Manta to get here. Now come on let’s get out of here. *Takes his hand but feels him not moving * Huh? Jaune?
Jaune: Actually.....I have a better idea.
He walks over to Ironwood’s unconscious body.
Jaune: Hey Jimmy how’s it going? You look great! Say I was wondering, do you mind if we borrow your ride? No you don’t mind. Great! You’re a pal! *Reaches into Ironwood’s coat and pulled out a keycard.*
Weiss: Jaune! What are you doing?!
Jaune: Getting us a new ride!
Time Skip; Elsewhere....
Salem’s faction are all present in the War Room when Arthur had arrived to inform Salem of recent events. So naturally she was very displeased by the news.
Arthur: Uh, well...you see your grace, he didn’t actually escape rather he was.....recovered by the Rose child’s group. *Salem stood right in front of him*
Salem: Really? Very well then, for my next question I want to know as to WHY YOU LET THEM TAKE MY HEIR?!
Arthur: They caught me off guard you see! I was just doing my normal procedures-
Cinder: You mean dancing in your lab?
Arthur: My NORMAL procedures! And then suddenly the little ginger hell spawn bombed my facility.
Salem: And instead of securing my heir, ensuring that OUR ENEMIES do not get a hold of him.....what did you do?
Arthur: Um well.....you see.....I-
Mercury: Hid in his safe room like a bitch!
Emerald: MERC!
Salem: No! That’s quite alright young Sustrai, I believe that perfectly explains the behavior of our dear doctor here. *She stood up as her back faced the outside windows* So tell me Arthur, how are you going to make this up to me?
Arthur: *sweating* I can assure you my grace! I will retrieve the Arc, you see I installed a tracking device on his person after-! *Stops himself*
Salem: .....I’m sorry. What was that last part Arthur? *Side glances him*
Arthur: Well...forgive me your grace but I feel I should confess that.....I may have withheld some information about the Arc boy’s status at my facility.
Salem: Status...
Arthur: *Sweating profusely* He’s Fine! Really he’s just fine!.....for the most part. AH! *Magically pulled towards Salem, where she grabbed his shirt*
Salem: What did you do?
Arthur: N-Nothing life threatening! I think...
Salem: What did you do?
Arthur: I.....may have dabbled a little into..... Grimm Essence Research while he was at my facility.
Salem: .*Her eyes widened* ....what?
Arthur: But he’s fine! He survived the procedure perfectly. Honestly you should have seen the results, now he looks more like your descendant than ev-WAH! *Gets slammed into the front glass panel, causing multiple cracks to form*
Salem: Don’t you think that if I wanted him to be like me. I would have asked you to make so?
Arthur: You know I’m suddenly starting to realize that.
Salem: How much?
Arthur: W-What?
Salem: How much of the Grimm essence did you give him?
Arthur: uuuuuuuuuhhhh.
Salem: Arthur.....
Arthur: I put him in a tank of it.
Salem: YOU FOOL! *Throws him across the room, hitting the opposite wall*
Tyrian: Hehehehehehehe! Oh what fun we’re having today!
Emerald: Cinder, shouldn’t we try to stop her? I mean he is our only tech support.
Cinder: Shh! Not yet. I want to see how far she goes.
The negative aura surrounding the Grimm Queen seemed to emit off her person as she slowly walked towards Arthur. This caused him to scrabbles to steady himself on the wall, fear for his life very much on his mind.
Arthur: W-W-Wait! Your grace, I promise you we get him back!
Salem: It’s far too late for that Arthur. Even if you can track him down, you’ll never be able to recapture him. After all, if he’s anything like me now he’ll most likely try and succeed to kill you and anyone you send after him.
Arthur: Your Grace! I implore you, beg you to give me another chance. Have I ever failed you before!
Salem: .......You make a point. You’ve been faithful up until now, therefore I shall let you keep your life.
Arthur: *Sighs in relief* Thank you my grace...
Salem: But fail me again Arthur.....and I shall fill these very walls with your blood.
Arthur: ...I understand your grace.
Salem: Now go on then, it seems like you have some searching to do.....oh and take Tyrian and Cinder with you. Just to ensure you do not fail me again, right Arthur?
Arthur: Y-Yes your grace, we won’t fail! Come along Tyrian, Cinder.
The three followers and two subordinates of Salem make their way out of the room. Once they make it down the hall. They enter a second room where they can plan their operation.
Arthur: Alright everyone, since we all have our assignment from her Grace. I think it’s best we find out leads as to where the target is going.
Cinder: Before we do anything! Why don’t you show us exactly what you’ve been up to, do you have any record of the breakout?
Arthur: I do. But I must insist that we-
Cinder: You just claimed to have turned Jaune Arc into a replica of Salem, I think I speak for everyone here that I’m curious to know in what regard you meant.
Tyrian: I wouldn’t mind seeing for myself either of how the boy has been blessed by our goddess.~ I say role the tape!
Arthur: ‘Heavy Sigh’ Very well. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you...
Five Minutes Later....
Jaune: *in recording* What’s wrong Jimmy?! You were talking good shit a second ago! Why don’t you have one of your dead men give you a new arm?! I’m sure they gladly do it as they now have plenty to give.
Arthur at this point decided to pause the video as he’s sure everyone got the message. He turns to look at everyone and sees they have a variety of expressions. Cinder and Mercury have a pale expression of shock and fright on their faces, while Emerald had stopped watching halfway through the video to puke in the corner. Tyrian had a sickening gleeful expression as if he was watching a blockbuster movie. But that face dropped when the video ended.
Tyrian: Hey! Why did you stop it? It was getting to the good part!
Cinder: This.....is Jaune Arc?
Arthur: Unfortunately, yes.
Arthur: Look here! I don’t need anyone else here to tell me when I clearly have made a misjudgment!
Mercury: Doc this isn’t a misjudgment, this is a complete fuckin’ disaster! We already had one Salem on our backs, NOW WE GOT TWO OF EM!
Arthur: Look it’s not that bad!
Emerald: ‘Huff!’ Not that bad?! That.....THING turned a group of Atlesian specialists into burger meat! And you want US to go up against THAT! We’re going die!
Arthur: Don’t you think I’m already aware of that! I’m not even sure if sending a maiden will be enough to stop him! But I obviously cannot do this by myself!
Cinder: .....Then why don’t we even the odds.
Arthur/Mercury/Emerald: What?
Cinder: You were able to accomplish this process once. Couldn’t you do it again?
Emerald: Cinder. You’re not actually-?
Cinder: Power is power. And if I’m right that means if someone else had any similar abilities as him, they would be able to overpower him. Right?
Arthur: .....It’s possible. However I highly recommend that you don’t undergo such a procedure.
Cinder: And why not?! If you’re not confident in your own work than what’s to stop me from-
Arthur: I don’t doubt my work! It’s the person I’m concerned over.
Cinder: What?
Arthur: You see this isn’t the first time I’ve dabbled into this kind of research. It’s only the first success.
Cinder: You’ve done this before?
Arthur: Yes.....it’s been a pet project of mine for sometime. However, I rarely ever had any test subjects survive. Those that do.....well they are far from ever being human again.
Cinder: How?
Arthur: Well most that do undergo the procedure, turn out to be more Grimm-like than desirable. They become mindless beasts that slowly decay into nothing.
Everyone: .....
Mercury: Oum, how long have you been doing this for?!
Arthur: About three to four years give or take.
Cinder: If that’s the case. Why shouldn’t I undergo the procedure?
Arthur: Do you really think Salem would accept or be pleased that I turned her Fall Maiden into a mindless beast?
Cinder: If Someone by the likes of Jaune Arc could survive, then so can I!
Arthur: Absolutely not! I already have her eyes behind my back, do you want me to kill myself!
Cinder: I can take it by force if I have to! I have magic!
Arthur: You wouldn’t survive!
Cinder: AND WHY NOT?!
Arthur: Because you lack a sense of humanity!
Cinder: *confused* What?!
Arthur: This procedure isn’t just about the physical capability of the recipient but the mental as well. You think it’s only a coincidence that someone like Jaune Arc survives solely for his semblance and genealogy to Salem?
Cinder: Oh you’ve got to be kidding? You’re telling me that the reason he survived and became this way is because of his humanity!
Arthur: .....As much as I despise the notion yes. Also they have to be a virgin.
Cinder: Watts, you damn well!
Arthur: Thought but didn’t want to assume. But I’m afraid I can’t allow you to undergo the procedure. You’re too important to the mission and we both know we shouldn’t give it to Tyrian. *Both look at the crazed scorpion licking his blades*
Cinder: Point taken.
Arthur: Yes, for this procedure we require someone who is.....expendable. *Looks at the two others in the room.*
Emerald: .....Why is he looking at us like that?
Mercury: Because we’re fucked.
End of Part 2.
Had fun writing this one and I hope you guys enjoyed!
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danurso · 5 years
(Im not the hugest fan of rule 63 characters like leia ren, carla winchester or sunny wukong, but for some reason mercuria hit me in a soft spot {no, not that soft spot you pervs (≖_≖ )} and i really liked some stuff between her and jaune, and so she's from now on a part of jaune's massive harem here in my blog, and this will be her first appearance, although i want to make something later just for her)
*CEM(N), JNPR and RWBY are out in a forest for a field mission*
Emerald: ugh...i can’t believe it's finally over. If i ever see those kids again i’ll either kill myself or kill them.
Mercuria: then you better let your testament ready, we still have to take a trip back to beacon with them, have you forgot?
Emerald: *head falls in depression*
Cinder: focus, we can’t let anyone notice us before our plan is complete, and if that means that we’ll need to be friendly with those eight then we’ll have to bear it for now.
Emerald: i know, it's just...how can they be so happy all the time?
Mercuria: *with a grin* dunno, how can you be so annoying all the time?
Emerald: shut up mercuria! I'm not in the mood for that!
Mercuria: come and make me.
Emerald: you...
Cinder: if you two don’t stop right now, i’ll get rid of both. *flares the flame in her right eye*
Emerald: r-right, im sorry.
Mercuria: sorry.
Cinder: *sighs* forget about it, just stop bickering.
Emerald: y-yes ma’am.
Cinder: it won’t take long until we reach the meeting point, don’t drop your facade, no matter how unbearable they are.
Emerald: *sighs* yes ma’am.
Mercuria: well...not all of them are unbearable, that blondie is kinda cute.
Emerald: arc? Of course you would like him.
Mercuria: i don't like him, he’s too much of a spineless coward for my liking, we all studied he and his team, we know how innocent and pure he is, i just think i could have some fun teasing him.
Emerald: *rolling her eyes* it had to be.
Mercuria: come on, you saw how he blushed when i showed a little bit of cleavage back on the ship, i wonder what other faces he can do.
Emerald: you’re not going to start are you?
Mercuria: for real now emmy, are you going to say that he doesn’t interest you in any way?
Emerald: physically speaking, he seems decent enough, everything else is just uninteresting, he’s too much of a goody two shoes for me, if he had at least one evil bone in his body i could have some interest, but since he doesn’t i’m not interested.
Mercuria: what about you boss? What do you think about arc?
Cinder: just like emerald said, he’s physically decent enough, but everything else about him is just uninteresting. he’s stupid, coward, weak and sickeningly kind, i could never have interest in someone like him.
Mercuria: thought so.
Emerald: you’re not really planning to get involved with arc are you? You know we have our own plans to focus right?
Mercuria: nah, i was just thinking it could be fun to tease him. If i ever get interested in a boy he would need to be cruel, dominant, sadistic and merciless, he would basically need to be arc’s direct opposite.
Emerald: that does sounds more like your kind of man.
Mercuria: not only my kind, i know you two have the same taste for men as i do.
Emerald: mens like this don’t exist. They are either corrupted cowards or completely insane psychos, a man who can be both good looking, strong and cruel to the right degree is probably rarer than a maiden.
Cinder: and that's why you should stop talking about mens and start thinking more about our plans, it's not like any of us will ever find someone like this.
Mercuria: well, i can dream can’t i?
Emerald: dream later, we arrived. *walks inside a clearing to see all members of team RWBY injured on the ground*
Cinder: *with a fake concerned tone* what happened? Are you okay?
Yang: *coughs weakly* a group of five mercenaries showed up out of nowhere and sent a barrage of explosives in our direction.
Pyrrha: we heard the explosions and found them like this.
Ren: apparently they were fighting the mercenaries before we got there.
Nora: we managed to pick them up and run away, but jaune stayed back to hold them.
Emerald: where is he now?
Pyrrha: we don’t know exactly, somewhere towards north.
Cinder: we’re going after him, don’t worry. *bolts away*
*a few minutes later*
Mercuria: you think he’s still alive?
Emerald: he’s facing five mercenaries on his own, he’s for sure dead right now.
Cinder: still, if we bring arc back alive they will trust us more easily, and that can help in our plans.
Mercuria: so we kick some asses and save the blondie, sounds good to me.
???: AAAHHHHH!!!
Emerald: over there!
Mercuria: bye bye arc, it was good while it lasted.
Cinder: even if arc is dead, let's at least capture the mercenaries so- *freezes*
Mercuria: .........i think we won’t be able to capture them. *starting at the three corpses on the ground, the first one with a large gash on the stomach and guts spilling out, the second with the head split in half and the third was cut in half by the torso.*
???: i’ll ask you one last time. Who. sent. you?
CEM: *looks ahead to see jaune without his chestplate, with ragged clothes and covered in blood while two mercenaries backed away fearfully from him*
Mercenary 1: *holding the bleeding stump that was once his right arm* n-no one sent us, p-please just let us g- *sword pierces his mouth and through the back of his head*
Emerald: is that really jaune arc?
Mercuria: i don’t know.
Jaune: *kicks the now dead body and pulls out his sword, glaring at the last mercenary*
Mercenary 2: *backing up on the ground with a terrified expression* w-wha- he was telling the truth! W-we don’t work for anyone! We just bait huntsmans here to steal them!
Jaune: *slowly walking towards him* ohh but i know he was talking the truth.
Mercenary 2: *panicked* t-then why did you killed him!?
Jaune: *grabs him by the throat and slams him against a tree* do you know who i am?
Mercenary 2: w-what? O-o-of course not.
Jaune: my name is jaune arc, son of alexander arc and grandson of john arc.
Mercenary 2: arc? B-but they are a family of heroes.
Jaune: i know...
Mercenary 2: how can someone like you be part of that fami-AAARGGH!!
Jaune: *with his sword through the mercenary’s left shoulder and twisting it slowly* don’t interrupt me when i'm talking, okay?
Mercuria: *blushes* w-when did he got so...
Emerald: dominant? *also blushing* cruel? I have no idea.
Mercenary 2: *nods frantically*
Jaune: yes the arcs are most known as a family of kind hearted heroes, but i’ll let you know a little secret about us. *smirks darkly* once you hurt someone dear to us, we set the honor, the kindness and the mercy aside and turn into vengeful blood-thirsty monsters.  *starts to twist his sword again with an unsettling smirk*
Mercenary 2: AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!
Cinder: something is wrong, when did arc became so *blushes* attractive?
Jaune: do you understand now? Why did i killed your friends and why i’m doing this to you? *tightens the grip on his neck*
Jaune: ............okay. *let go him*
Mercenary 2: *falls on the ground coughing before looking back at him surprised*
Jaune: what?
Mercenary 2: y-you’re not going to kill me?
Jaune: no. *sheathes sword*
Mercenary 2: *confused* r-really?
Jaune: i already said that no, i won’t kill you. and an arc never goes back on his word.
Mercuria: *sighs* i knew it was too good to be true.
Mercenary 2: t-thank you. *gets up and tries to run but gets yanked back falling on the ground* wha-AAHHHH!!
Jaune: *stomping his legs, breaking both of them*
CEM: *eyes widen in surprise*
Jaune: and i won’t kill you *smirks pointing at a ursa coming towards them* but i can’t say the same for him.
Mercenary 2: w-wait! Nononono! Please-
Jaune: *grabs him by the hem of his shirt* fun fact, ursas have a extremely painful bite, and they chew a lot too. *smirk gets wider* Hope you two have fun. *throws him at the ursa*
Mercenary 2: NOOO!! PLEASE!! *gets bitten in the shoulder* AAAHHHH!! *gets dragged back into the forest*
Jaune: *still smirking* bye-bye you fucker. *turns around* now i need to get back to- *freezes*
CEM: *staring at his ragged post-battle form covered in blood*
Jaune: d-did you...just saw that?
CEM: *nods*
Jaune: oh god, l-look, i know what you’re thinking but please don’t panic. I-it's just that-
Cinder: *grabs him by what's left of his hoodie and pulls him into a heated kiss*
Jaune: *blushes*
Cinder: *breaks the kiss and stares at him with hungry amber eyes* You and Me. Bed. Now!
Jaune: w-what!? C-cinder i-
Mercuria: hey! You’re not planning to let us out are you? *hugs jaune’s arm between her breasts* i also want a piece of him. *licks her lips and opens a perverted grin*
Jaune: *blushing deeply* w-what!?
Emerald: *hugging his other arm between her breasts* i want a piece of him as well. *with a sultry look*
Cinder: of course, you can have a piece once i get mine’s
Jaune: *blushing to a atomic degree* w-what!? What do you mean with that!?
Mercuria: we mean that all of us have been pretty naughty latelly, and you look like you know a lot about punishing other peoples, mind showing us how would you punish some bad girls?
Jaune: *blushing to a solar level* WHAT!?
Emerald: we’re just curious to see how rough you can be, think you can show us?
Jaune: l-look, as flattered as i am feeling right now, we just know each other for about a month and-
Cinder: it doesn’t matter. Let's make a deal, you give us what we want and we won’t tell anyone what just happened, deal?
Jaune: i...... *sighs* i guess i have no choice right?
Emerald: no.
Mercuria: nope.
Cinder: i don’t think so.
Jaune: *sighs again* your funeral. *wraps hands around theirs waits and pins them on the ground* and don’t blame for what happens next *smirks sultrily* once i start i won’t stop, okay?
CEM: *blushes and shudders* okay.
*two hours later*
Pyrrha: they’re taking too long, shouldn’t we search for them?
Ren: but we can leave them like this.
Ruby: we’re already better, our aura healed most of the damage.
Weiss: go search them, we’ll be fine.
Pyrrha: okay *gets up* we’ll be right ba-
Jaune/CEM: we’re back.
Pyrrha: thank god, are you oka- *stares at jaune covered in bruises, blood and hickeys and CEM in a similar state while smiling brightly*
Ruby: err...what happened?
Cinder: the mercenaries were tougher than we expected, it took us a while to take them down.
Blake: and where are they?
Emerald: they escaped, unfortunately.
Yang: oookaay...but why are you all covered in hickeys?
Mercuria: they had some kind of gun that was really powerful, our aura protected us from the real damage but the bullets still marked us wherever they hit.
Weiss: really? Because none of us saw any guns with them when they attacked us.
Mercuria: i know right? Those guns came out of nowhere. we tried to take the mercenaries down quickly but they kept coming back, we put them down several times but they just kept coming and coming *drooling with a perverted smile a blush* and coming and coming and coming *shivers* until we couldn’t take anymore.
RWBY/NPR: *raises eyebrow*
Cinder: *hugging jaune’s arm* but thanks to jaune we managed to win them, he was just like one of those heroes we see in the movies.
Emerald: *hugging his other arm* yeah, he really was.
Weiss: *sighs* whatever, we don’t have time to deal with this, we’re all dirty and tired so can we just take the bullhead and go back to beacon?
RBY: *groans and nods*
Pyrrha: let's go then, the extraction point is nearby. *walks away*
RWBY/NR: *nods and starts to walk away as well*
Jaune: *sighs in relief* looks like they didn’t suspect anything, thanks for keeping my secret girls.
Emerald: no problem but... *blushing a bit* do you think we deserve a reward for that?
Jaune: *raises eyebrow* you want a reward?
CEM: *nods*
Jaune: well...you did kept my secret like you promise, and you also did a great job answering their questions, you made more than enough to deserve a reward, so don’t worry *smirks* once we get back to beacon i will make sure to give you three loads of reward, is that okay to you?
CEM: *blushes and shudders* yes daddy.
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suburbantimewaster · 5 years
reader x jafar with 50 maybe? pretty please?
You put a cigarette to your lips, standing outside the coffee shop  and watching the cars zoom down in the highway across from the parking lot.  You searched your purse for your lighter, coming up with nothing.  Then a golden brown hand appeared out of nowhere with a lighter and a voice you never wanted to hear again said, "Need a light?"
He lit the tip of your cigarette without even letting you answer and you inhaled the sweet aroma of the poison going down your lungs.  "Deja vu," the man said, lighting his own cigarette.
"What are you doing here, Jafar?" you demanded to know.
"Getting fitted for a new suit," he said, indicating to the tailor shop across the parking lot.  "Didn't expect to find you outside looking for a lighter again."
"Like how we first met," you said, remembering that day very well.  
You had been attending an entrepreneurial speech with Jasmine where Jafar was the guest speaker and, while you couldn't remember what his speech was about, you remembered how it captivated you.  You remembered how he captivated you with his golden brown skin, deep onyx eyes, his black curly hair that you fantasized about running your hands through, that well-groomed beard you found yourself wondering how it would feel touching your cheeks and that well-tailored Armani suit that fit him like a glove.  After the lecture, you went outside to get a smoke, but couldn't find your lighter and he just happened to be outside with his own lighter.  The two of you smoked outside and Jafar asked for your number.  
"If I'd known what kind of man you were, I would've told you to go to hell," you told him harshly.
"Come on, (Y/N)," Jafar said, taking a puff.  "Have the last few years really been that awful?"
"Let me thing," you said, pretending to be in deep contemplation.  "You lied, you cheated, you made decisions without consulting me, you made me give up my life—"
"How did I make you give up your life?"
You turned to him with a bewildered expression.  "Are you serious?" you asked.  "How many opportunities did I miss to get my art noticed just because you had to have me as emotional support at a cocktail party?"  Then added bitterly as you turned your attention back to the highway.  "Which you mostly spent in the bathroom anyway."
"I went to one art gallery with you," Jafar pointed out.
"Again, you spent most of it in the bathroom," you said bitterly.  "And, when you weren't in the bathroom, you were making a complete ass of yourself."
"All right, I get it," Jafar said irritably.  "But I went to rehab and I'm clean now."
 "And you tried to celebrate by groping Jasmine right in front of me," you reminded him.
Another event that stayed in your mind.  You and Jasmine were binge-watching Friends when Jafar came back from his meeting earlier than expected, bragging about his company's successful merger.  Then he sat between you and Jasmine, telling you about the beach house he recently bought in Hawaii to celebrate (another decision he made without consulting you).  At the time, you had been so excited about Hawaii and your perspective trip that you made out with your husband right on the couch with Jasmine nearby trying to back away.  Unfortunately, Jafar placed his hand on her thigh, earning a punch from Jasmine. Then it turned into an awful fight between the two of you that ended with you throwing your wedding ring at him and storming out while crying as he shouted that, if you divorce him, he would leave you with nothing.
Jafar opened his mouth as if to defend himself and you were prepared for any excuse he had to give you. "Jasmine's trying to ruin us because she's jealous of what we have."  "I just recovered from drug addiction and I subconsciously replaced it with something new."  "How do you expect me to control myself around two beautiful women?"  Instead, Jafar surprised you by closing his mouth and looking down in shame.  "You're right," he told you.
You turned to him in pure shock.  "What?"
"I took you for granted.  I put my own needs above yours, and I treated you more like a possession than I did a person," Jafar said regretfully.  "If I could do it all over again, I'd shower you with every bit of love and praise that you deserve."
For a minute, you were completely dumbfounded, not sure what to say after Jafar's confession.  Then you remembered all the ways he belittled you, used you, manipulated you and your hard demeanor returned.
"If this is some stupid attempt to get me back, that ship sailed a long time ago," You told him defensively.
"Believe me, I know I've burned every bridge with you to cinders," he admitted.  "But do you really want us to end like this?"
You took a puff. "What I want is for you to sign the divorce papers and get out of my life."
"And I will," Jafar told her.  "If you do me one favor."
"And what favor would this be?" You asked, keeping your guard up.
"I just want a moment of your time."
"Which you're already getting," You pointed out.  "So, will you give me my life back?"
"I mean that I want you to spend some time with me, like we used to," Jafar elaborated. "So we can end this on a high note."
"You want closure?" You asked him with a scoff.
"I just don't want my last moments with you to be that awful fight," Jafar said solemnly.
"And if I do this," you said hesitantly.  "You'll agree to finalize the divorce?"
"I swear on my life."
You polished off your cigarette in silence.  "I'll think about it," you said harshly and went back into the coffee shop.
A/N: I actually plan on continuing this as a one-shot and posting it on Archive of Our Own, but I thought I would at least give you a little preview of what you wanted.
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svartalfhild · 5 years
The Knight Stars - Session 19 - Hot Topic(s)
A summary of our latest DnD shenanigans.  (Previous shenanigans found here.)
We began with everyone getting a shitty night’s rest after the messed up shit we did to those corrupt Flaming Fist guards.  Heliodoro had to roll a wisdom save in his sleep. 👀
The next morning, Heliodoro nipped downstairs to grab breakfast for everyone.  Cael ate a huge ass pile of pancakes, after which, he got Helio to go out clothes shopping with him.
Mornath and Rue went out to the Counting House, Baldur’s Gate’s big bank, to seek the contact Lander had pointed us to in his latest letter.
The crowds were heavy in that part of town, so Mornath let Rue sit on her shoulders to see better and told her that Lander had said we’d know the man just by looking at him.
Rue spotted a finely dressed dwarf with all kinds of ornamentation braided up in his beard, set up in a booth, trying, and very well succeeding, in getting people to invest in pyramid schemes.  He had a big, sharp af gold canine tooth, which I strongly suspect was not originally meant for him.
We approached him and Mornath casually asked him in Thieves’ Cant if he was “in the business”, as per Lander’s instructions.  The dwarf gave an affirmative and Mornath told him that they have a mutual friend while visibly rolling a Harper coin back and forth across her knuckles.
This very much caught the man’s attention and he introduced himself as Hardren Goldtooth.  Mornath told him they need to discuss something privately, and at first, he brushed it off, saying that sometimes a crowd can be more private than you’d think, but she insisted that this was very important and not to be idly overheard, so he closed up shop (which involved geared mechanisms folding up his stand, making Mornath nerd out, because omg gnome tech) and he led us to a private back room within the Counting House.
After a little questioning, we learned quite a bit about Hardren.  He’s an information broker with his fingers in a lot of different pies.  Connections for days.  Apparently he’s worked with Lander a few times and has come out owing Lander.  We also got the impression that Hardren has quite a healthy fear of Lander, which is impressive, considering how powerful this dwarf clearly is.  I don’t think anything has made me go “holy shit, Lander is probably several levels higher than us” as much as that moment.
Anyway, Hardren made it clear that he has good intentions where the city is concerned and would be willing to help any friend of Lander’s, so we told him what we were up to with the Faceless Court and the Witchfinders.  He said he’d been avoiding rooting around in the pies he’s in because of the Witchfinders, but now that he’s got people to back him up, he agreed to start digging for us to see if he can find out any key names of people who are either friend or foe to our cause.
We called it a deal and Hardren told us he knew how to find us if he needs to.  Mornath told him that if he crosses us, he should remember who sent us, and as she shook his hand, she gave him a small static shock to make it clear Lander wouldn’t be the only person he’d have to worry about.
Hardren just smiled without flinching and said he wouldn’t dream of it; he knows what side his bread is buttered on, and we’re all friends here.  Mornath returned his smile, and said she knew that, but it was always good to make the terms of a contract completely clear, to which he heartily agreed.
Leaving Hardren with the names Morning Glory and Rue and the knowledge that he could see us perform at Virlen Sarmaris’ next gala (of fucking course Hardren knows about Virlen and is amused), we parted ways and headed back to the inn.
On their way back, Mornath and Rue had a very wholesome and revealing conversation about Lander and their friendships with him.
Mornath said it was nice to feel connected to Lander and his work a little through meeting Hardren, to which Rue agreed.  They talked about how it had been a while since seeing him in person, the last time being back in Waterdeep for only a brief amount of time.  Mornath explained that she only saw him recently once before that near the beginning of the year and that, beyond that, she hadn’t seen him in 8 years.  Lander has changed a great deal since they were teenagers, becoming a much more charismatic, wise, and focused man than the broody little edgelord she used to know.
Rue talked about how when she was good friends with Lander in college, she got to watch him transition into the man he is today.  He evidently helped another friend find purpose and would get up to hijinks with Rue.
Mornath said she used to get up to hijinks with him too and told the story of how she met Lander when she was a naive little teen, sneaking out at night and nearly getting robbed by a pack of urchins called the Hunters’ Lane Gang, but they decided to induct her into the group instead when she offered to mend their clothes with magic.  Lander was the best of that lot, she felt.
She went on to say that Lander talked about Mornath a lot, which Mornath of course found kind of baffling.  He apparently spoke highly and fondly of her, which had Mornath a little Error 404, so she moved on to say that he has said in his letters that he cares deeply for us, believes in our troupe, and our ability to handle the situation in Baldur’s Gate, which Mornath has found rather uplifting.  She offered to send a letter from Rue on a crow with her next communiqué, since Lander would certainly loved to hear from another dear friend in these dark times.
Rue happily agreed and expressed the hope that they’ll see Lander again soon.  Mornath replied that she didn’t think that’d be at least until after this whole business is over, since it seems that Lander can’t come and help in person, probably heavily tied up in his own demon fighting.  Even then, they really had no way of knowing when they’d see him or for how long if they did.  He has a habit of only sticking around for a few hours at a time, about a day at most.  Mornath wished that she could spend some proper time with him to really get to know who he is these days.  Rue felt similarly.
Back at the inn, Mornath and Rue came into the party’s room to see that Cael had purchased an alarmingly big pile of fashionable, goth-y clothes, including a set of matching crop tops for the lot of us. 
Cinder and Rue were quite pleased, but Heliodoro was holding up his with a look of “what do” in his eyes, which quickly became a blushy “help me, Mornath” when Cael tried to convince him to try it on.  At first, Mornath tried to pretend this wasn’t happening, blankly asking Cael how he planned to fit all those clothes in our wagon later, but eventually she met Heliodoro’s gaze, shortly after having her own crop top pressed into her hands.  She gave him an “I can’t help you; I’m just as confused” look.
Eventually, everyone had their crop tops on.  As per Cael’s design, they were all just a bit too small, making them tight.  This didn’t effect Rue too much, being a halfling, but Helio’s tattoos and rippling muscles where very much on display (Cael approves +10).  Some small, thin scars were visible on Mornath’s lower back, as was a bit of skin discolouration on Cael’s. (oooooooh backstory hints, guys)
Everyone but Cael changed back out of their crop tops for our meeting with the Idle Hands that evening.  Cinder and Mornath played lookout while Heliodoro, Rue, and Cael met with the Idle Hands rep in a secluded corner of the tavern.  The Idle Hands apparently have something that allows them to have a Blur effect on their faces, which is intriguing~.  This one also had the Idle Hands symbol on his palm.
The rep explained that their organization is aware of who we are and what we’re up to, and they want to help, since their goals are pretty much the same.  They want to find out who among the nobility of the city has fallen under the influence of the Faceless Court and to do that, they want us to be their eyes and ears at Virlen Sarmaris’ gala, which will be attended by many nobles.  As the hired performs, we’re supposed to be there, so the Idle Hands won’t have to risk subterfuge to get in this way.
After a bit of questioning to make clear what they wanted us to do and to make sure we could trust these people, we agreed to help, Helio, Rue, and Cael all shaking the rep’s hand.
Cael was exuding a surprising amount of presence this whole time in his crop top, which made the wink he gave the rep as they shook hands (or tWink as it was henceforth dubbed) a weirdly intimidating shade of saucy.
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spxderman-s · 7 years
Plain Face [Part 3]
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[part 1] [part 2]
pairings: peter parker x rogers!reader
word count: 2.3k
warnings: major angst, swearing, punching stuff, mention of blood
a/n: this feels so good to branch out and incorporate other mcu characters into my stuff omfg. it also felt really good to write this part because it got a little personal?? and so most of the angst in here are real emotions that i’m feeling. anyways--the much anticipated part 3!! 
tagging: @aussie-mantle @chicaplier-fourtris @tronnoristheotp @nedthegay @i-saved-me @theweirdowithablogo @skymoonandstardust @timemngmtoptimisationproblems @thumper-darling @holywinchesterness @grabyourpolaroidandmyhand @ketterdame @tonight-couldbeforgettable @dimplesandcutesmiles @terrashrone @leorai-lemony-lewa
  “Kid, you gotta tell her at some point,” Tony spoke absentmindedly as he tinkered with some rusted tech in his lab. The com in his ear he was speaking into let out an audible sigh, followed by:
“If I tell her, that puts her at risk,” Peter mumbled, talking on his phone to Tony in his own apartment--the door shut in case May was listening. He paced his room, folding and unfolding his arms. “Not to mention she’d never trust me again.”
“I don’t know, she’s Cap’s daughter--and we all know how star-spangled awesome he is,” Tony replied, rewiring some hardware. “Look, she’s a good, understanding kid. I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
Peter swallowed, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. “What happens if it isn’t fine?”
“Well, you’re gonna be working with her regardless, so it’s up to you.” A spark ignited from the tech in Tony’s hands, causing him to curse and drop it, and a knock sounded at his office door. “Listen, kid--I gotta go. Tell her the truth, and it’ll all be fine.”
The line disconnected, leaving Peter standing in the middle of his bedroom, phone still pressed to his ear. “H-hello? Mr. Stark?” After realizing Tony was no longer there, Peter gave another heavy sigh and tossed the phone on his bed.
“Peter?” May’s voice called out. “You alright?”
“Yeah,” Peter replied, wincing. He stared at his phone, knowing that if he texted her, she would reply right away. He wondered if she was home.
He opened his door just a crack, seeing May humming to herself in the kitchen, stirring something in a big bowl. He quietly slipped out, and was sneaking past the kitchen before she suddenly said, “Where are you going?”
Peter swore under his breath. “I--uh, was gonna get some fresh air. Can’t focus on homework.”
May saw right through him. Pointing her spoon at him, she said, “Are you gonna go hang out with [Y/N]?”
“I may go see if she’s--uh, home.”
“Is everything alright with you two?”
Peter took too long to answer. May set the bowl on the counter and crossed her arms, her glasses enhancing the worried expression that appeared on her face. Peter nodded his head vigorously, “Everything’s fine,” he said quickly. “School is just--whew. You know how it gets.”
May’s expression didn’t change, but she picked up her bowl and resumed stirring. “You know you can tell me anything, right?”
Peter nodded again. “I-I know. But I promise, everything’s fine.”
He gave her a half-smile, and quickly left the confinements of the apartment. Closing the door behind him, he stared at [Y/N]’s across the hall. It would be so easy to just go up and knock, to tell her everything--but he knew it wasn’t that simple. Shoving his hands in his pockets, he left the building without saying a word.
“You want me to do what?” you asked Tony, who patted the cinder block on the table in front of the two of you.
“I want you to hit it. Crush it. Test your strength.”
You exhaled a heavy breath, staring at your hand folding into a fist. “Just--hit it?”
“However you hit stuff, I guess.”
You lifted your arm above your head, thinking about how much this was going to hurt, and brought your fist down upon the block of concrete with all of your might. After a puff of grey powder exploded over you, only a dull ache throbbed in your hand. The dust settled, and you stared at the cinder block in front of you--completely smashed into two pieces of rubble. Tony had an excited grin on his face, offering you a towel.
“Holy shit,” you said, staring down at your fist. “Holy shit!” You wiped the cement dust off of your hands, and looked to Tony with your mouth open.
“How did that feel?” he asked, skimming over a tablet, checking your vitals. “Elevated heart rate, full of adrenaline. I’m guessing it felt good?”
“It felt….amazing,” you admitted, rubbing your throbbing fist. “Although it feels a little sore now.”
“You’re still human,” he reminded you with a look over his glasses. “You aren’t immune to pain, shock, whatever. I don’t think you or Rogers are immortal, either. Your metabolic functions are enhanced off the charts, and you’re basically immune to any kind of fatigue--but I don’t think that extends to death.”
Gulping, you didn’t want to think about you or your father testing that theory. “Being immune to fatigue makes sense now,” you said, changing the subject. “My fastest mile is seventy-three seconds.”
“And you never thought that was weird?”
You shrugged. “I just thought I was good.”
Tony stared at you. “You’re nearly twice as fast as the best runners in history.”
Opening your mouth to reply, your phone buzzed in your pocket. Sliding it out, you looked at the little message from your father that read: Working late, won’t be home until tomorrow morning. Sorry, kiddo. I love you.
Disappointment sank into your chest. Putting your phone back into your pocket, you looked to Tony, who was busy tapping onto his tablet.
“I, uh--I gotta get going.”
“Why?” he asked, not looking up at you. “Rogers is in Lagos until tomorrow morning.”
“How do you--nevermind,” you said, picking up your bag and slinging it over your shoulder. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Tony.”
He gave a mock salute, and you slipped out quietly from his lab.
Walking along the streets, you breathed in the crisp, night air. Cars continued to honk in the distance, a siren sounded somewhere, and you were pretty sure someone was yelling some obscenity out of their window. You couldn’t stop rubbing the fist that completely obliterated the block of concrete, the dull throb long gone now. You couldn’t believe that all this time--you had harbored this strength and endurance, what your father was famous for. It all passed to you. You were truly the daughter of Captain America.
A sense of anger fell over you the more you repeated those words in your head. Your father had to have known, and all this time--he kept you hidden from yourself. You tried to justify it, but no matter how your thoughts collided in your mind, you couldn’t find an explanation. Part of you didn’t want to.
How could you tell him without him getting angry at you, and especially Tony? You would have to leave him out of it. And Peter--Peter knew about him.
Peter. You had completely forgot about him, until you turned onto your street and up the stairs of your building. Fumbling for your keys, you decided to see if he was home. You needed to vent to someone, all of this information sitting in your head was beginning to bubble and fester.
Knocking on his apartment door, you heard someone get up and walk across the room. The door opened, revealing May’s smiling face.
“[Y/N]!” she exclaimed happily, opening her arms for a hug. “I haven’t seen you around a whole lot, is everything okay?”
You graciously accepted the hug, holding onto her tightly. Her perfume was sweet and comforting, and you never wanted to let go. You had never known your own mother, and you always longed for that special, maternal contact. May was beginning to fill that void--she was so welcoming to you, even before you and Peter had begun to spend time together.
“School is starting to get a little overwhelming,” you lied, breaking the hug.
May gave a sympathetic look, and gestured into the apartment. “Do you wanna come in for a bit? I made cannoli--new recipe. Peter went out for a walk, he should be home soon.” She paused for a moment. “I’m surprised he’s not with you.”
“I wasn’t home,” you said, shrugging. “I--uh, got a Stark internship as well. Stayed later than I anticipated.”
May clapped her hands excitedly. “That’s amazing! Hopefully you and Peter will work together, then.” She quickly ushered you inside before you could decline, sitting you at their small table by the kitchen. Placing a plate of cannoli in front of you, she sat opposite you and smiled. “Is everything okay between you and Peter?”
You picked up one of the pastries and tentatively took a bite. “Yeah, I think we’re both stressed out with school and work, that’s all.”
She didn’t seem like she believed you, but she dropped the subject. You both chatted mindlessly about anything else, until keys jingled in the front door’s lock. Peter stepped in, closed it behind him, and froze as his eyes landed on you and May sitting together at the table. Looking at him now you wanted nothing more than to run to him, to hold onto him for dear life, but you were glued to your seat, staring at him. May grinned, and gestured to you. “We were just having some one-on-one time--have some cannolis, join us!”
You glanced at the clock on the wall, and cleared your throat. “I--uh--I actually should get going. But thank you so much for the food, it was really good. And uh….thank you for talking with me. It was really nice.”
May smiled softly, and patted your hand. “Alright, don’t be a stranger, [Y/N].”
“I won’t,” you said sincerely. Picking up your bag, you skirted around Peter, who still stood awkwardly by the door, fiddling with the hem of his sweatshirt. “I’ll….I’ll see you at school, right?”
He nodded, not looking at you. An unwelcome pang of hurt hit you in the chest, and you quickly left his apartment and went into your own. Collapsing on the couch, you pulled your knees up to your chest and hugged them tightly. The room was dark and cold and empty again, and you found yourself beginning to cry silently. May’s perfume clung to you, and you started to cry harder. Alone. That was what you were familiar with, but you had gotten a taste of what family should be. You longed for a mother, even a father--just someone who would stick around. Someone who would stay, someone who would be your constant.
That angry feeling settled into your gut again. Furiously wiping the tears from your face, you noticed that your hands had turned into tight fists again, your fingernails digging into your palms. You needed to hit something.
In a few swift moments, you changed into the clothes you wore to work out, grabbed your duffle bag with waters, your gloves, some bandages, and left the apartment, slamming the door angrily--the sound reverberated down the hall, shaking the walls. You heard the sound of wood cracking, and glanced behind you. One of the hinges had shattered. You adjusted the bag on your shoulder and left the building.
“Was that [Y/N]’s door?” May asked Peter, cleaning up the kitchen table, listening to the sounds outside of the apartment. He sat up, alert. Something was wrong. Standing up, he turned to May to say something, but her expression said everything that needed to be said. He quickly grabbed his backpack in his room, and left out the front door.
He stopped in his tracks as he looked at [Y/N]’s own door. Making a note of the broken hinge, he looked down the hall for you, disappointment and fear setting in his bones. Afraid something had happened to her, he sprinted down the hall, taking his suit out of his backpack and donning it mid-run. He didn’t care at this point, all he cared about was getting to her.
You shoved the rusted key into the old door in Brooklyn, and shouldered it open with a push. It creaked, the familiar sound almost a welcoming committee. A rush of warm, musty air that smelled of sweat and salt hit you. The fluorescent lights blinked on as you flicked the switch, illuminating the punching bags hanging from the pipes in the naked ceiling. Dropping your bag to the floor with a thud, you pulled out your gloves and began wrapping your hands in them….but something made you change your mind. You left the gloves in your bag and approached the punching bag with bare fists.
All of the rage that had been bubbling and building up in your chest was manifesting itself in your trembling hands and tensed muscles. Standing in front of the bag, you envisioned your father--looking at you with disappointment. You imagined a faceless woman standing next to him, a mother you never knew.
You didn’t even realize you had struck the bag until you noticed it swinging, dust rising off of it. And it felt good. You hit it again, but harder this time. Pain lanced through your knuckles, but it only pushed you to hit it again and again and again, harder each time. You were crying now, angry tears running down your cheeks. You crashed your fist into the punching bag one last time, all of your known strength packed behind it, and the chain that held it up exploded--sending the bag flying clear across the room in a puff of dust. 
Standing there, breathing heavily, you looked down at your hands. A trickle of blood dripped from a split in your knuckles, crimson drops pattering on the gym floor.
Swallowing hard, the red curtain of rage was gone from your vision. Now you were just sad, going and picking up the destroyed punching bag with ease and tossing it over to the side of the gym. A heavy sigh escaping you, you wrapped your injured hand with the bandages in your bag, and left, shutting the heavy metal door behind you. You locked it, and after a moment of standing on the empty street, you threw the key in front of you, watching it disappear in the dark.
[part 4]
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"If it's so simple, why haven't you done it already?" for Cinder/Emerald
This story is brought to you by the Funny Moments subpage on RWBY’S TV Tropes page, because it pointed out a little detail of “Beginning of the End” that I wouldn’t have noticed otherwise. 
As far as Emerald was concerned, the mission had been a complete and total success. Their target was dead, or as good as, anyway. Sure, they’d been interrupted, but she’d make sure that no one could recognize who they were. And though Cinder had informed them that this was only half of the power she had been after and that they would have to adjust their plans for Beacon so that she could find and claim the other half, Emerald was amazed enough by what she had now. Flawless victory, as Mercury had put it, as if it were some video game level they’d cleared. 
But apparently, their leader thought differently. 
It was late already when the three of them had finally stopped running from the scene of their crime – better to be safe than sorry, Cinder said, and move farther out than any Huntsman or Huntress might go looking for them – and set up camp for the night. Mercury was outside, tuning up his legs and boiling water over the campfire for their dinner, and Cinder had told them she was stepping out for a few minutes to give her mission report. 
Emerald had elected to set up their tents and lay out the bedrolls for the night. Under any other circumstances, she might have been jealous of Mercury for getting a tent all to himself, but she had the privilege of sharing one with Cinder, and was not about to risk losing such a privilege by complaining about something petty. She had just finished, and, thoroughly tired out from the day’s efforts, decided to lie down. Oh, she’d be out to grab her share of dinner in a few minutes, she wouldn’t fall asleep, she was just…resting her eyes a bit…
Five minutes later, she was flat on her back on top of both her sleeping bag and bedroll, out cold. The soft ruffle of the tent flap being pushed back wasn’t enough to wake her, nor were the footsteps slipping in on the grass, but the sharp clanging of metal being thrown to the ground and the muffled thump of a palm on the cloth beside her ear was. She stirred at the noise, and was quickly jolted awake by the feeling of skin brushing her legs and the realization that someone was on top of her. 
To anyone who had spent most of their life sleeping on the streets, waking up like this was high on the list of worst fears, and years of instinct ripped a scream from her throat and threw her arms outward to knock the intruder away. But firm hands pinning her down and the familiar flash of sharp amber eyes directly above her face halted all her resistance in its tracks.
Emerald didn’t need the order to lie perfectly still, her heart pounding, a rabbit in the jaws of a fox. “Ci…Cinder? Wh-What’s wrong?”
Over the past months, she had developed a healthy respect for her new leader. Respect, that was all it was. She was not afraid of the woman who had saved her from starving to death in that miserable city. But she’d be lying if she said that the look on Cinder’s face right now – severe, unsmiling, not breaking eye contact or even blinking – didn’t turn her insides cold.
And when Cinder answered, the carefully restrained anger in her voice only made it worse. “Emerald. Remind me, what instructions did I give you before we left this morning?”
“Uh…” It hadn’t been much, but now she stumbled over her words trying to repeat it back. “Remember the plan. D-Distract the target, then, um, keep her disoriented when you and Mercury go in for the kill. Immobilize her, I-I mean, so you could…”
“Yes. I said, remember the plan, exactly as discussed. Not a foot out of place. Were those instructions in any way difficult, Emerald?”
“N-No, ma’am.”
“That’s what I thought. But if it was so simple…” Cinder’s hands tightened on her shoulders, the heat of the Maiden’s newfound power building just beneath her skin. Emerald gasped in spite of herself, and had to fight not to squirm in the older girl’s burning grip. “Then why did you deliberately step out of line and nearly ruin everything?”
“What?!” Emerald blurted out, completely floored. “I-I mean…I’m sorry, I…What are you talking about?”
“You know perfectly well what you did. You think I wasn’t watching? Didn’t see what tipped the target off to the fact that something was wrong? Think carefully, Emerald.”
Emerald tried, but it was very suddenly hard to pull the memory back clearly through the shock that had frozen her mind. She didn’t know how the Maiden had noticed her – had quickly had much bigger things to worry about, actually – and she’d been standing right next to her. She’d been putting all her focus on the illusion, which hadn’t been that hard; the image of her childhood self was her go-to distraction of choice. The girl had been completely absorbed in the trick, but she’d still reached for her gun slowly and carefully, to land one quick and devastating bullet in each of her kneecaps so she couldn’t run when all three of them fell on her. Out of pure reflex, she had stepped back to take aim, and…
Her eyes went wide. “The dust…I-I must have kicked up some dust when I – ”
“Put your foot out of place, and distracted her from your distraction,” Cinder finished, bitingly sarcastic. “Made this entire job ten times more trouble than it was supposed to be, which in turn stretched it out until the Huntsman could reach us. Now I only have half of what I need, and we’ll have to watch our backs even more carefully when we infiltrate Beacon. Fantastic work, Emerald. Tell me, did you think you were being funny?” 
“N-No! No, of course not, I – Cinder, I swear, I didn’t mean to do that!”
“And so it doesn’t matter?”
“Yes! I mean no! I just…It was just a mistake!” she protested, knowing even as the words left her mouth that it was the wrong thing to say, but having no idea what would be the right thing. 
“A mistake?” Cinder’s expression turned stony. But to Emerald’s immense surprise, her touch loosened, became softer, as she released one shoulder to run her hand down Emerald’s arm, leaving the faint red outlines of her fingers. The tips of her fingers ran gently over her skin, lingering on the long, thin cuts where the Maiden’s ice shards had torn through it. Emerald felt the hair on the back of her neck stand on end, at both Cinder’s touch and the memory of her own pained screams. “You don’t seem to understand what I want. I meant for this to be a quick and simple task, not an all-out brawl with a Maiden. You two handled it well when she attacked, but I did not intend for you to risk your lives against her in the first place.”
“Cinder…” Emerald hesitated for a second before figuring out what to say – clearly, she really hadn’t understood her leader’s feelings. “Those are nothing, I don’t mind getting a little scraped up. We did it, and we’re all okay.”
Cinder didn’t look convinced. Without warning, her hand moved over to rest directly on Emerald’s heart, and Emerald let out a tiny squeak of surprise, very suddenly forgetting how to breathe. She almost didn’t catch Cinder’s next, quiet words: “She was about to stab you. You could have been killed…All because of one little mistake.” 
She hadn’t considered that, either. Now that it was all over, that moment of pure, soul-freezing terror as she’d stared up at the furious Maiden seemed like just a distant nightmare, compared to the relief she had felt an instant later, as Cinder’s arrow hit home and the girl fell, instead of her. But even so, if Cinder had shot just a second too late…
“I see. I…I’m sorry, ma’am. I didn’t think of any of that.”
The smile, almost teasing, that the words brought to Cinder’s face sent a thrill surging through Emerald’s veins. Then, quite unexpectedly, Cinder leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her cheek, startling the thief so badly she jumped underneath her; she could have sworn her heart stopped cold for that second. Seeing Emerald’s wide-eyed, open-mouth shock as she pulled back, Cinder gave a light laugh.
“Don’t think. Obey,” she said, standing up again. Emerald still couldn’t quite remember how to move, or do anything other than stare. “I expect nothing less than excellence from you once we move into Vale, Emerald. Remember that, and we’ll have no further problems.”
“Y-Yes, ma’am,” Emerald heard herself say dazedly. 
Cinder smirked. “Very good. Come out to eat, when you’re ready.”
“Yes, ma’am. Thank you.”
With a nod of acknowledgement, Cinder ducked back out of the tent, leaving Emerald lying there on the ground. After a moment, she slowly sat up, still staring at the closed tent flaps. Outside, she could hear the muffled sounds of Cinder and Mercury talking, the fire snapping (probably still aided by Cinder), and of the night’s birds chirping in the trees above them all. She reached up to touch her cheek with disbelieving fingers, and still felt the heat from Cinder’s lips. She had never done anything like that before…Emerald was surprised to find herself trembling a little.
As far as she understood, kisses on the cheek or forehead were fairly chaste gestures, and considering how Cinder had saved her life twice as of today, it was comparatively small. But still, it felt like everything, loosened the grip of fear on her heart, erased the sting of the punishing slaps that more often struck her cheek. For a moment, she let herself think that maybe, if she lived up to Cinder’s expectations of her for their next mission – no, exceeded them – she might earn something even better. 
Her stomach growled, and she picked herself up, walking out of the tent to get her plate of dinner. (The novelty of being able to do such a thing so easily still hadn’t worn off on her.) She could smell something spicy coming from the small pot on the campfire, and her mouth was already watering as she sat down in front of it. On seeing her, Mercury ducked his head like a horse and made a noise through all the food in his mouth, that she guessed was a greeting. Cinder, who had been absently raising and lowering the flames with a flex of her fingers, looked up and smiled knowingly at her. And it was that, more than the fire at her feet, that warmed Emerald inside and out.
She screwed up way more than she should, she knew, sometimes when she didn’t even know she’d done anything wrong. But she tried, she threw herself into every task her leader trusted her to carry out, took pride in a job well done. And Cinder understood that, correcting and forgiving her as she deserved. She was valued enough, needed enough, to warrant the attention. Cinder didn’t waste time or effort; she would have thrown anyone else away long ago. She made sure that Emerald knew that she would never be abandoned again.
Painful or not, the reminders always felt good, in the end. 
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little-writings · 7 years
Hello Nellie^^ I really really like your writing you made my day thank you😊😊Umm but could I make a request where MC was close to someone else in the RFA (not yet dating tho) but then jumin got into an accident and was in coma, but because she was worried so she decided to nurse him and always visit him in the hospital and slowly she realized that she had fallen in love with jumin instead? The ending is up to you either jumin would wake up or not. Thank you and have a nice day❤
Aw, thank you, I’m so glad my little prompts are able to make your day a little brighter! 
As for the prompt, I’d be delighted to write it! Thank you and have a great day! Enjoy
You used to spend most of your days with Yoosung.
The two of you would almost always be sending messages back and forth to one another, snickers always escaping your lips as you’d read his quirky texts to you.
When he’d call you he’d talk in an oddly delicate voice, complimenting the little things about you before erupting into embarrassment, his words twisting into incoherent sheepish knots. 
It was sweeter than sugar. 
In the beginning, his texts would center around his video games, bursting onto your phone late into the night with the excitement of his latest adventures. 
But then something changed. 
He grew softer and more sincere. 
He vied for your attention more and more, almost jealous somehow.
Especially as he began to notice something. 
You and Jumin spoke nearly just as much.
It simply began with when he had messaged you after learning of your enjoyment of cats, sending you pictures of Elizabeth 3rd, the two of you beginning in exchanging cats.
Until you asked him a question.
“How are you?” 
He had seemed almost surprised when you had asked him, mentioning various and random details here and there trying to figure how exactly he would structure the question.
Yet eventually, he’d come to simply tell you the stories.
And he’d ask you the very same question.
“How was my day?”
“Yes of course. I can only hope you’ve had a good day.” 
“You hope?”
“Yes?” He had said, his tone quiet. “I would think if anyone deserved to have a good day it’d be you.” 
You hadn’t realized the tenderness behind those words at the time.
But he had. 
You had hardly even connected the dots when it came to Yoosung.
It wasn’t until he had blurted it out to you that you finally came to know.
He had asked you to meet him at a cafe familiar to the two of you, fiddling with his hands, staring at his phone expectantly as you stepped inside.
You smiled at the sight of him, tapping his shoulder, chuckling. “Yoosung?”
“MC!” He had twisted to see you, his eyes widening like dinner plates. “Wow…” 
Red erupted onto his face as he thrashed it away, wiping at his cheeks as if it could dull away the color.
“N-Nothing! Just happy to see you!” 
“I’m happy to see you too!” 
“You are?”
“Course I am!” You gave him a small hug, ruffling his hair slightly. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“R-Right…” He let out a deep breath. “Then I guess this won’t sound all that silly?”
“What’re you talking about?”
“I was wondering if you’d uh…maybe…g-go on a date with me?”
That was perhaps the only way to describe it.
“A date…?”
“I-If you’d like to?” He laughed nervously, rubbing behind his neck. 
You didn’t quite know how to describe your feelings, the air snatched from your lungs, your stomach entangled in knots.
But no warmth blooming in your chest. 
No soaring of the heart, thumping like a drum in your head.
Just, surprise.
And then, nothing.
“I…” You hesitated. “I don’t know about a ‘date’ but maybe we could just hang out?”
 “…Hang out?”
“I mean, like a practice run?”
He folded his lips, crinkling his nose with immense bother. 
“I…I guess,” He mustered a weak grin. “If you think it’ll work. Then yeah!” 
And so you had sat down and begun what you called a ‘practice run’. 
And it was fine.
But you never felt the spark.
You could practically see the light in his eyes, brighter than a fire with joy painting his expression whenever you’d laugh or smile.
But no matter how much you tried to strike the match nothing happen. 
It was nothing. 
Yet something did light up inside of you.
But it was far from what either of you had hoped for. 
You made your way outside of the cafe as sunset decorated the sky, oranges, and pinks dotting your skin as Yoosung tried to call you a cab, one of the yellow cars pulling up beside you.
“I had really great time MC,” Yoosung confessed, chuckling weakly. “I…I know this was just a practice run but do you think we could upgrade to a real date next time?”
“A…A real date…?” You frowned, crinkling your nose a flash of shock racing up your spine as he took your hand.
You attempted to muster up some sort of response, your body tense and cold. 
But you didn’t quite have to.
For your phone began to buzz.
You jerked, back, snatching it out from your pocket.
You raised it to your ear, questions racing through your mind. 
“Jahee, is something wrong?” 
“Yes, MC, I need you to come to the hospital immediately.”
Unease painted her tone as she answered your question, her words hitching. 
“Y-Yes t-there was an accident this morning. M-Mr. Han was involved.” 
Fear erupted inside of you, your knees buckling, threatening to give out. 
“W-What? Is he okay?” You whimpered. “H-How is he? C-Can I talk to him?”
“He’s not okay MC,” She sighed. “He was placed in a m-medically induced coma due to the sustained injuries.” 
“Oh my goodness!” You withheld a yell. “I-I’m on my way now!” 
“T-Thank you.” 
You hung up the call, preparing to dip into the car, worry twisting inside, only stopping as Yoosung clamped onto your arm, bewildered.
“M-MC what’s wrong?”
“I-It’s Jumin!” You answered, your fingers trembling and nervous. “S-Something happened! I-I have to go!” 
“You do?” 
His face fell a bit, a tinge of guilt emerging in your chest.
“I-I do Yoosung! I’m really sorry but I do have to go!” You exclaimed. “I-I’ll send you a message later! O-Okay?”
“I-” He sighed. “Okay!” 
And without a moment’s notice, you were off.
The ride had essentially been a blur only one thing on your mind as you desperately made your way to Jumin’s room.
Your feet squeaked against the tile floors, nearly sliding as you raced into Jumin’s room, Mr. Han and Jahee sitting beside him.
Yet that was hardly what you were focused on.
Jumin’s face was decorated in scars and bruises, his limbs bandaged and elevated, hints of blood creeping from the edges. 
“Jumin!” You rushed beside him, your hand hovering over his own. “Oh no…” 
“MC,” Mr. Han gave you a polite dip of his head, tear stains dribbling down his cheeks. “I wish we could’ve met under better circumstances…” 
“I’m sure we all wish for that Mr. Han,” Jahee mumbled. “Though, if anyone were to be here, I believe your son would’ve wanted MC.”
He let out a heavy breath, standing up, his body weighed down like cinder blocks. 
“I have heard many promising things about you MC,” He swallowed hard. “Now, if you’ll excuse me…I need to leave…I can’t stay here.” 
He left as his shoulders began to heave once against, sniffling as he disappeared down the hall. 
Leaving only you and Jahee.
She folded her lips, looking at you sadly.
“I’m sorry MC, I know you two were close.” 
“I’m not…I’m not leaving,” You stated. “I’m staying here with him.” 
“Don’t do this to yourself MC, you’re not required to stay here-”
“I know I’m not. I want to!” You puffed out your cheeks indignantly. “He needs someone with him! I want to be there to help him.” 
“Are you sure?”
It didn’t take a moment to answer. 
“Yes, I am.” 
And you were. 
Even as Jahee left you stayed beside him, working out with the doctors to stay at the hospital, finding your resting spot on a seat beside Jumin, your body hunched over, arms curling about your face. 
Each day you’d take care of minor things with help from the nurses, eventually finding it as common as blinking as time went on.
And each day you’d find yourself thinking more and more of him.
And it brought a warmth unlike any other.
You remembered the way the corners of his lips would turn when he smiled, bits of breath escaping as he’d laugh, a gentle fondness in his eyes as he’d look to you.
It hadn’t been there whenever he glanced to anyone else, but somehow it’d always be there for you.
“Have you ever been in love before?” You remembered asking one night, late into the dark hours, nearing sleep.
“Me? In love?” Jumin had scoffed, a hint of sadness in his words. “I don’t believe the two things correlate.” 
“Come on, you’re telling me you’ve never even had a crush?” 
“I…” He sighed. “Perhaps.” 
“Oh tell me!” 
“I-I don’t know I-I’m sure y-you might not like-”
He melted.
“I…alright.” He thought for a moment. “I do have feelings for one person.”
“Right now?” You nearly choked on the air, shooting upwards in your surprise. “Really?”
“Really,” He replied. “I’ve felt this way about them since I met them. T-They’re…amazing I’ve never met anyone like them.” 
You didn’t know why, but your heart sank for some reason.
“Oh yeah…?”
“They’re so kind-much kinder than myself, and they’re endlessly understanding I’m just in awe every day that they’ve chosen to spend their time with me of all people. I…I don’t deserve them.”
His voice was laced with such love you thought he may already be a doting husband.
That only made you sadder for some reason.
“Have…have you told them?”
“No, I haven’t. I want to-more than anything but…” He softened. “Losing them over this is something I can’t bring myself to risk. I don’t think I could take it,” He laughed. “but just being near them-like this, is all I need.”
And like that, the world had stopped.
“Like this…?”
It clicked in his head what he had said, erupting into embarrassed coughs.
“I-I’m sorry, I have to leave now MC.” He swallowed hard. “Goodnight…sweet dreams.”
Now, it clicked with you.
And the match was lit 
Lighting the fire you thought was forever put out. 
Not from Yoosung.
But from Jumin.
And you knew. 
As time went on you’d notice the small movements as he began the process of waking.
A twitch of his hand, his lids raising, and even the occasional voice.
But eventually, it came full circle. 
You were stirring awake from your sleep, your fingers ribboned around Jumin’s when you felt shifting just before you.
And as you raised your head you saw. 
It was Jumin
He was sitting up slightly, his eyes blurrily opening, looking to you, the same smile tugging at his lips at the sight of you.
You gasped, tears springing to your gaze, peering close to him.
“J-Jumin…y-youre awake?” You wrapped a hand around his cheek, watching as he sank into your touch. 
“I…I am.” He furrowed his brow. “What…What’re you doing here?” 
“I’ve been here with you,” You said, chuckling. “I…I never left.”
“You didn’t have to do that for me MC,” He murmured. “Why would you do that?” 
“Because…” You took in a deep breath, mustering all the courage you could. “I love you.” 
And instead of horror or shock, there was awe.
“You do?” He inquired, laughing in disbelief. “You really do?” 
You nodded, flashing a toothy smirk. 
“I do,” You confessed. “And I hope…you do too?” 
He sat up entirely now and pulled you close, your body settling against his, resting in the crook of his neck as he weaved his fingers through your hair, holding you as if he never wanted to let go.
And perhaps, he never did.
“I do,” He hummed, an undeniable type of joy entangled in his words.
“And I always have.”
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andtheniwrotemarvel · 7 years
Save Me
dad!Steve Rogers x Reader
Gender Neutral (As far as I can remember)
Word Count: 1578
You were off in your own world, unable to hear your father trying to catch your attention. Focusing had been hard lately. It was your inability to pay attention that had almost cost you your life on a mission yesterday, but luckily, Captain America had stepped in.
Not your dad--Captain America. There was a big difference.
Your dad was your favorite person. The father-daughter relationship was healthy and well kept. You had traditions full of ice cream, chocolate, movies, and lunch dates, no matter the time of the month. You could tell him anything, and had told you everything. There weren't secrets between you two.
You looked up innocently to meet the eyes of Captain America, a man that you could honestly say that you hated.
"(Y/N), what was the last thing that I said?" Cap asked you accusingly.
"Something about how I'm careless in the field and need to pay more attention to my surroundings?" you said hopefully.
He let out a sigh, and his face dropped into his hand. "(Y/N), that was five minutes ago."
"I guess I was spacing," you apologized.
"No kidding," he scoffed. "This is just like yesterday."
"What happened yesterday?" Natasha asked.
"You said that you wouldn't tell anyone!" you whined.
"It came up, so I had to say something," he justified.
"Yeah, because you brought it up."
"Rogers!" Sam shouted, knowing that it would shut both of you up. "Tell us what happened yesterday. We have the right to know."
"You want to tell them, (Y/N)?" Cap gave you the chance.
Given the lump forming in your throat, you didn't trust yourself to speak. You shook your head, staring down and the table.
"She almost got herself killed," he summed up. He didn't say anything after that, leaving the details to the imagination. No one else was much help, as they had all gone silent. "Right, so, other than that, mission accomplished?" he tried to move on.
"You can't just say something like that and not give us details," Rhodey frowned.
"It's like just now. She can't focus for more than five minutes at a time before she goes to la la land."
"Context?" Wanda demanded.
"I found her just staring at a time bomb, watching the clock tick down," he explained.
"That's not what was going on!" you shouted suddenly, not caring about the quality of your voice.
"Then tell me what was!" Cap fired back.
"What does it even matter? It's not like you're going to listen to me," you stated. Unable to take anymore of the soldier that replaced your father, you stood up and stormed out of the meeting room, blinking back tears.
"We're not done yet!" he called after you.
"I am," you grumbled to yourself. You went up to your room and told FRIDAY not to let anyone in without your permission.
Tony graciously offered to take you to school the next morning. You didn't know whether or not to be relieved that you didn't have to face your father, but you didn't know which side of him you'd see. Captain America would just criticize you some more, while Steve would insist that he was the one to blame.
For the first few minutes of the ride, you did nothing but sit silently and stare at the breakfast that you were supposed to be eating. You really weren't hungry. Come to think of it, you hadn't actually felt like eating in a while.
"Spacing again?" Tony asked, a small smile playing on his lips.
You looked up at him in surprise, a blush rising to your cheeks. "Um, no--well, yes, kinda? I just can't remember it I can eat in your car or not," you attempted to cover, but he just chuckled.
"I don't care if you eat in my car, but I'm going to go out on a limb guess that you're not going to eat it, anyway."
Your brows furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?"
"You haven't been eating a lot recently, but you're not complaining about it. You haven't been able to get to sleep easy, and what little sleep you do get isn't so good. You can't pay attention very well, and progress on homework and other things that you used to make quick work of is a lot slower than it used to be," he listed. "Tell me if I'm wrong."
Your mouth hung open. "Are you using FRIDAY to stalk me?"
He laughed again. "Nah, kid, that would be creepy. I just know because that used to be me. I can see myself in you, which is really weird, considering that you're not even a little bit related to me," he grimaced. "But it's all the same. Now, I don't know how much experience Cap has with dealing with this crap, but I know that Steve just wants to be there for you."
"You--you do it, too," you noticed.
"Do what?"
"You refer to Cap and my dad as different."
"It's because they are. It's not like the guy has split personalities, it's just that he has two frames of mind," he agreed.
"A soldier and a regular guy," you added.
"Exactly. And it's only natural for you to favor the regular guy," he said. He pulled into the school parking lot. "Just remember that he's trying his best. You can leave the food in here." He reached over and opened the glove compartment to reveal assorted bags of cereal. "Choose one of those instead."
"Thanks, Tony," you said. You smiled at him, grabbed a bag of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and got out of the car.
"Have a better day than yesterday," he encouraged. "It's not going to be hard, but it's always a good thing to have in mind."
Your high school building was almost a hundred years old, so in the long run, it didn't come as much of a surprise when the boiler kind of...exploded. Most of the explosion was contained in the boiler room itself, but unfortunately, your 6th hour classroom was almost right above it.
The cinder blocks surrounding the door--the only way in and out of the classroom--collapsed in on the doorway. Thankfully, the floors were holding up just fine, but as alarms began to blare, everyone, including the teacher, was scared out of their mind.
People started to rapidfire express their worries, hyperventilating and crying, until you picked up your chair and slammed it into the one wall that wasn't cinder block. That shut them up.
"Come on, this is the quickest way to get out of here," you explained, hitting the wall again. Others cautiously did the same with their own chairs, but as you started to break through, that wall collapsed in on itself, as well. "This sucks," you complained. "Let's work on breaking through this wall."
Steve's phone buzzed from his front pocket. He was talking with Tony about you, completely unsuspecting of the emergency notification that he'd received.
"Explosion at your child's school. The following students and teachers are unaccounted for." it read. Tony looked over at the notification and frowned. He swiped the notification, and a short list of names popped up. Steve scrolled to the end of the list, and his heart dropped when he saw your name on it. He and Tony looked at each other fearfully.
"Go, Steve," Tony commanded his friend. "Save her."
He wasted no time, except for grabbing the shield. He had a funny feeling that he would need it. He made up for that lost time by driving almost ten miles per hour over the speed limit.
He talked to the first school officials that he saw, and they directed him to the firemen, who were preparing to enter the building and look for the people who were still missing.
"Thanks for joining us, Captain Rogers," the chief said. "Which class is your kid in?"
"Just call me Steve," he said. "She's in Andersen's 6th hour, I think."
"You take that one with Newton, Leibniz, and Bernoulli, then. Best of luck," the Fire Chief offered.
The three men walked as calmly as they could into the building. The power was iffy, so the lights kept flickering on and off. Steve could only imagine what you were doing right now.
He didn't have to wait long, however, as with a grunt, you finally broke through the cinder blocks with your now very deformed chair.
"We did it!" you called back into the classroom, not taking care to notice the four men looking at you. You set down your chair and said, "Come on, the exit is--" You bumped into what you thought was another brick wall, but as you looked at it, you realized that it was your father. "Dad?"
He wrapped you into a tight embrace. "Are you okay?" he asked earnestly.
"Yeah, I'm fine," you replied. "Why are you here?"
"They said that you were unaccounted for. I had to come find you and make sure that you were safe."
You looked up into his eyes, and what you saw coupled with his response told you that he was definitely your dad hugging you, wearing the brown leather jacket and carrying the vibranium shield.
Your dad would always be Steve Rogers, best dad in the world, and Steve Rogers, Captain America. You were okay with that. He would always be there for you, and that was what mattered.
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calliecat93 · 6 years
RWBY V5, CH5 Review: Necessary Sacrifice
(Repost Form My Now Defunct Review Blog)
I have fallen SO BEHIND. Sorry guys, November was a crazy month. Along with holiday stuff, my dad had a seizure and while he is fine now, that… kind of killed a lot of my resolve since I had to shift to taking care of him. But things are better now and on the upside, the delay gave me more time to look over the recent episodes. This one in particular… doesn’t have a lot of fans due to it’s slower pace and being exposition. But does that really make it bad? Well lets find out.
We start in Menagerie where Blake and Sun are attempting to gather recruits for the Haven Defense. But… they aren’t getting many results. It’s not hard to see why either. They are asking these citizens to essentially enter a war that doesn’t actively involve them for a side that has oppressed them. As Blake explains later, the Faunus who weren’t born on Menagerie came to the island to get away from the oppression. Why would they risk their necks for a species who only made their lives harder? Even not taking that into account, most of them are likely untrained in combat, have families, and don’t want to die. This would scare anyone. It’s easy for Blake, who has faced the oppression and knows that the White Fang will cause the Faunus problems regardless, and Sun who probably hasn’t faced as much oppression as the Menagerie Faunus and even if he did, doesn't’ agree with the WF’s extremism.
During their one on one though, Sun asks Blake about Adam. He does retract when he sees that it makes her uncomfortable, which I’ll go into later, but the catgirl is willing to talk about him. She mentions about defining a person by one word and uses her teammates as examples. For Ruby, when she first met her, she viewed her as the embodiment of purity due to her idealistic, but good-natured intentions on helping people by becoming a Huntress. For Weiss, Blake grew to see her as defiance, most likely due to wanting to break away from her family’s negative influence and to make the Schnee name better regardless of what gets in her way. And for Yang, Blake defines her as strength, both due to her fighting abilities and her emotional strength, which she came to see after Yang opened up about her own childhood and about Raven. It was really interesting to see how she views the girls and, while she’s still contemplating on it, she describe Sun as earnest. Given how far he went to help Blake both when they first met and now, I think that’s pretty fitting.
With Adam however, Blake’s definition changed several times. First she saw him as justice, likely admiring his resolve to better the Faunus. Then she saw him as passion due to her feelings for him. But now? Adam is spite. This speaks loud and clear on how Blake feels about her former partner. She saw him become filled with hate and is now no better than what he fought against. If he gets his way, then regardless of where the Faunus each stand, it’s going to make things worst. His level of hate is contagious and he’s sorea dit over the rest of the White Fang, including Ilia. Blake opens up about her, having admired her for choosing to fight for the Faunus even though she could easily pass for human. It even led to Blake deciding to remain in the White Fang after her parents pulled out. She had Adam and Ilia after all. I still want to know what happened that got Blake to finally realize that things were going too far, something that I don’t think we’ll get until we see what caused Adam to turn into an extremist One thing at a time, I guess.
Regardless, Blake doesn’t want to give up on Ilia yet. She believes that her former friend can still change. How does she intend to do that? Well she decides to use Sun’s example. Despite how angrily Blake treated Sun, the monkey boy still never gave up on her. He knew that Blake needed someone and he chose to go after her due to it. It annoys me when people call Sun a stalker, he isn’t. Yeah Blake didn’t want his help, but it’s what she needed to pull herself back. And Sun did so because he cares about Blake. It doesn’t matter if you view it through a platonic or romantic glass, Sun saw a friend in a bad place and decided to help, even if he knew that she may not accept it. So Blake wants to follow that and try to help Ilia, even if she doesn’t want it. It’s something that the chameleon girl needs before she does something unforgivable, and Blake plans on being that something.
But that’ll be for another day. For now, we cut over to Mistral where Oscar is wrapping up training. Ruby comes to fetch him for dinner, complimenting his improvement over such little time. Up to now, Oscar’s only real combat experience had been against the occasional small Grimm, nothing like what he’s gong to have to face soon. Ruby tells him that at this rate, it won’t be long before he’s combat ready… and that of course makes her sad, a reminder of Penny. She gets ready to head back to the kitchen, but she is stopped when Oscar asks her something hat honestly, the fandom itself has wanted to know.. How is Ruby able to handle all of this? For Oscar, he’s already overwhelmed. Yeah he wanted to be something beyond a farmhand, but sharing a soul and being dragged into a secret war… well, that’s something that no one would ask for. Ruby tries to make him feel better, telling him that while all of them went to Beacon to help others, they didn’t sign up for this war either. But regardless, they have accepted it and have to move forward/
That… doesn’t help. It only causes Oscar to snap. He’s terrified, yet Ruby is standing there completely calm and assured. How is she able to be that way? How is she not scared?  How is she not fazed at all by all that’s happened so far? Once Oscar calms down, Ruby reveals why. And for the first time since V3, the hooded Huntress speaks of Penny and Pyrrha. Two good-hearted girls who Ruby didn’t knwo for long, but she knew that they were good people and they die under terrible circumstances. For Pyrrha, she was so desperate to help others that she went into a fight that she knew she couldn’t win, just to try and do something to save others. As a result,s he was killed. Penny got ripped apart, just so Cinder could make a statement. Salem doesn’t care who she kills or how, as long as it gets her what she wants. Ruby knows that she has to be stopped, so she’s going to fight.
Is Ruby scared? Yes. Of course she is. But she’s keeping it in. She’s taking her grief and using it to move forward, not be held back. She knows that if had been her who had died, then despite the pain, Pyrrha and Penny would have kept fighting. So Ruby has to do the same. As she leaves, she tells Oscar that the fact that he is where he is, trying despite his fears, says a lot about him. Once Ruby is gone, Ozpin points out to Oscar that while Ruby is a good Huntress in several ways, in others she is lacking. Ruby is like anyone, she has her quirks but she also has her faults. What she does possess is a spark, one that can incite hope into others, even in the darkest of times. But even so, it is hard on her. Will we see more of that later on? Well, only time will tell.
For now though, we cut back to Menagerie, but this time to the Albane Twins. Its from Adam, having given the Menagerie branch new orders. The brothers have summoned Ilia, confirming to her that Sienna has been killed as planned. So yes, the Albane’s and Ilia are in the know about this, Ilia even calling it a necessary sacrifice, even if she doesn’t exactly seem to be happy about it going off her body language. But regardless, Adam has taken over and the brothers tell Ilia the new orders, to kill the Belladonna family. You see, while the Menagerie citizens don’t know of Adam’s acension yet, once they do it’ll confirm what Ghira had said before and chances are, they’ll side with him. So in order to prevent that, he and Kali have to be killed. But Ilia’s job sin’t to pull the trigger, it’s to keep Blake away. You see, Adam doesn’t want Blake dead, he wants her brought straight to him. So while Ilia draws Blake away from the Belladonna home, the WF will make their move and assassinate the two.
Ilia is clearly shocked by the order, not wanting to hurt Blake. She also brings up that the people won’t exactly take their chieftain being murdered well. However the Albane’s assure her that the Faunus will come to understand and will be fine without a leader until Adam’s ascension is complete. It’s a necessary sacrifice after all, for what’s best for the Faunus. Ilia seems to accept it as she leaves, but going off her expressions, she’s not happy about it. Once she’s gone, Fennec does address that Ghira becoming a martyr could indeed cause problems. Bot Corsic says it’s a risk that has to be made as he replays Adam’s message. It’s clear that the extremist is becoming more unhinged, having to stop during the message to calm himself down. It’s something that the Albane’s notice and Fennec even questions if it’s really a good idea to follow him. But for now, Adam’s doing what they need, so they are willing to do so. The episode comes to an end as a Bat Faunus, Yuma, enters and confirms to the brothers that Ghira’s messenger to Mistral has been killed.
This episode has received a lot of mixed reception. It’s this way because this episode has a lot of talking and not a lot of progress on the plot. Compare it to the previous four which have been fast paced and have been moving the story forward in different ways. Add to it feel like there was repeated info, like on Ilia, and yeah it’s clear why some were frustrated with this one, However that doesn’t make a bad episode in my opinion. This is a character development and reflection episode. Yeah these are slow and can feel kind of filler-y, but the are necessary. It lets us see where the characters are at this point in their development and get to see what’s coming at them next. I mean yeah it wouldn’t be a shock if the White Fang ambushed Blake and attached the Belladonnas, but their scene shows us that while they have control, there are issues like Adam’s growing instability and Ilia’s hesitance shows us more of her character. Blake talking lets us see where her head is at and as such, we understand her stance more and care more about her. Fight scenes and fast pacing are not all that makes a show You need a breath of fresh air once in a while, especially after an intense episode like last week’s. These episode set up the plot for the next beat, so no things DO happen, just as a set up so that we can get a payoff. So calling this episode bad because it was slower and exposition heavy is a reason to not have this one a favorite, but it’s not a bad episode due to it.
Okay, lets actually talk about things now. I’m not surprised that Blake and Sun are failing, again the Faunus are begin asked to risk their lives for a species who gave them Hell.. But it’s good to see that they are trying. Their talk was also really nice and lets us see how Blake has changed since the last volume. She’s not closed up or angry anymore She’s calm, friendly, and understanding of why the Faunus are reluctant to sign up. She’s also opening up finally, talking about her views of her teammates, Adam, and Ilia. It’s good to see that Sun’s words form the last volume have indeed helped her and that the difficulties, such as Ilia’s outburst two chapters ago, aren’t making her stress liek back in Volume 2. I’m gonna be honest, while I think that Miles and Kerry were right to write Blake how they did last volume under the circumstances, I did NOT like her in it. She was angry, hostile, ignoring the issue around her, and her running away felt like a degrading of her development. But again, I see why that was necessary and now that she finally understands that she doesn’t have to be alone and how she was selfish in hindsight, she’s calmed down and is mroe like her late V2/early V3 self again. Which I’m very happy about and it makes her likable again. It was necessary to let us see where she is as a character now and to see her using what Sun taught her to try with Ilia. So.. yeah I liked the Menagerie scenes.
Speaking of Menagerie, lets talk about the ending. As I said, the setup is necessary to both not come out of nowhere and to let us see where the bad guys are standing. Adam is becoming unhinged, but that’s not the point here. First, there’s Ilia. It’s clear to me that she’s not happy with where she is. She isn’t happy that Sienna had to be murdered. She isn’t happy about hurting Blake and her family. But regardless, she’s accepting it. She wants to help the Faunus. The greater good. And the greater good demands sacrifice and doing things that you don’t want to do. Think of how Pyrrha decided to become the Fall Maiden, despite what it would do to her, ultimately to save other people. But unlike Pyrrha, Ilia’s on a path of misguidance. She hates humanity. She wants them to suffer. She wants to make the Faunus’ position better, even if it’s through fear and bloodshed. If that means killing the Belladonna’s and hurting Blake, then it doesn’t matter how she herself feels. It’ll be done, for the Faunus. Now, can Ilia be redeemed? It’s possible. The fact that she has regret and is hesitant shows that she hasn’t lot her humanity yet. If Blake can get her to see that fear will do nothing for the Faunus, there’s a chance. But right now, Ilia is deep in the WF’s cult mindset and her own hatred, so it’s going to take q LOT of work. We can only hope for the best.
As for the orders, I’m not surprised. The Belladonna’s speak for equality and can cause Menagerie, the sanctuary of the Faunus, to turn on Adam. Add that to his hatred of Blake and his promise to destroy everything that she loves, and it’s no surprise at all. But even the Albane’s recognize that this is both risky and that Adam is becoming more and more unstable. They’re willing to go with it, but we do see that they aren’t blindly loyal. If it comes to a point where Adam becomes a liability, chances are they’ll turn on him. Whether that’ll amount to anything I can’t say, but it shows that Adam isn’t as in control as he thinks he is, For now though,t he odds are against Blake as the Albane’s have control of everything and they’ve ensued that neither Mistral nor Menagerie know about the current events. We’ll have to see what happens… well I’ve seen Chapter 8 so I know whats going to happen. But still, it’s setting up for something big and it’s hard to say whose coming out of this one unscathed,
Finally, lets talk Oscar and Ruby. This was THE big reason why I liked the episode. First there’s Oscar. We know that he’s scared about all of this, Volume 4 made that clear. But it’s good to see him talking to someone about it and how even though he’s accepted things, he’s still scared He’s new to all of this and he doesn’t know how to handle how he feels. It’s no surprise that it’s Ruby who he turns to about this. She’s so far accepted what’s come at her seemingly unscathed and has kept going without a change in her demeanor. How can she stills mile and think positively despite all that she’s gone through and what still awaits? Seeing Oscar talk about this with her allows us to see more of both characters and it’s good to see how the farmboy took Ruby’s words and seems to be inspired by her example.
Then there is Ruby herself. So there have been quite a few criticisms about her character, especially during Volume 4. How she never addressed anything about Penny and Pyrrha’s deaths. How she didn’t express any grief or anguish over the events of Volume 3. How she still feels like the same character and has felt very underdeveloped. I.. don’t agree. It always made sense to me why Ruby never addressed Penny and Pyrrha and why she kept up a positive demeanor. She wants to move forward. She wants to use the negativity that she felt form those events and use it to drive herself ahead. To do what they would do if it were the other way around and keep fighting to both help others and to prevent anyone form going through what she did. Yeah, maybe later on we’ll see it become too much for her, but right now isn’t the right time. Here, she was finally asked directly about it, hence why she opened up to Oscar about it. I imagine seeing how scared he is also provoked her into talking, in order to help him.
As for Ruby being underdeveloped… I wouldn’t say that. It’s more subtle and subdued compared to say Weiss. Lets put it this way, up until the end of V4, WBY were at a point where they were struggling to get over things and it kept them from moving forward. Ruby had already decided what to do with how she felt and to take that next step. There isn’t a lot of room for her to develop, at least not right now. But she HAS changed. In V4, she did express feeling guilty about endangering JNPR and dragging them into a dangerous situation. Her monologue in Chapter 12 also showed how she now understands that bad things happen. She understands that the world isn’t as ideal as she believed, but it doesn’t break her. it only furthered her resolve in becoming a Huntress But not just for idealistic reasons, she genuinely wants to help people because it is the right thing to do. Do I think that bottling up her fears and grief will get to her eventually? Probably. Do I think that Ruby is underdeveloped due to it? No. Ruby has always known what she wanted and has already accepted what’s happened to her. Shes; not the same girl in Volume 1 who desperately wanted to prove herself and was scared of making friends Shes stronger, has a more realistic view of the world, and is now trying to help others who are scared and nervous, lie Oscar. As Ozpin said, she is a spark of hope. A spark that spreads onto others. She inspired JNPR into following her because she kept fighting despite what she lost. She’s now inspired Oscar for similar reasons. Ruby is my favorite character ans this is why. No matter how bad things get and no matter how she feels, Ruby keeps fighting. She keeps moving forward. She is the embodiment of the show,and in turn Monty’s, message. And I am so happy to see this episode bring that into focus. Good work CRWBY!
This was a slower episode, but it was needed. I love character insight, what can I say? We get to see where Blake has grown, get Ruby to finally open up after so long, and get setup for the next part of the Menagerie plot. I don’t see where this episode was bad at all. Again, after four intense episode, the slower pace was necessary and again, we need the setup. Is this a ground-breaking chapter? No. it’s pretty plain, and I’m fine with it being that. It was a chance to breathe. and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
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