#i will never get tired of you comparing me to cats
floofyfluff · 1 year
starts crying because i thought too hard about friends, who i had barely had a few weeks to get to know before pandemic hit, bringing me thanksgiving dinner from 10 feet away door dash style. i know this i was just a regular thing to do but id 1. just moved for the 10th time in 7 years like three months before the panini. to Yet Another state. 2. recently given up on art and decided the smart thing to do was get licensed and start working as an emt. in the pandemic. like a person with No Fucking Brain. while further deciding to go back to school bc i guess i spent enough time in the infectious ravioli to think i could stick this out for the long haul BC REALLY COULD IT GET WORSE (it can always get worse). and thus hadn't spent extensive time with anyone that wasnt intimately involved in making morbid jokes about the "meat lockers" outside all the hospitals (in case we ended up like nyc. Which we didn't by sheer icu-bed-per-capita, but only sorta). and also you gotta laugh or cry and they Were meat lockers. so you laugh.
but anyway i hadn't seen these people for months and they made a whole dinner and brought it to me and that's why i'm still in chicago.
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ambermeh · 1 month
Chris Sturniolo Firsts
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⋆ His first crush: does not really know how to act around you and will become the most nervous and giggling person ever. This man will just want to talk to you. Especially if you two are friends and he has feelings. 'why don't you come over, i'll get the food' 'chris it's two in the morning'
⋆ He will drop subtle hints and play it off as joke because he doesn't want you to know or him to have to tell you 'outfit looks good ma might have to fight the other guys for you' 'shut up chris, what are you even talking about?'
⋆ As much as he pretends to be a player around you or jokes that all the girls love him, he cannot even look or think at a women in the same way after having a crush on you for a while. To the point you will be at a party somewhere and you will try and set him up with someone as a joke but he is dead serious and will act pissed off if you mention it. 'what's wrong I was just trying to help you find a girlfriend' 'yeah, well maybe I don't need help'
⋆ as you two are spending more an more time together you start having the same feelings and talk to Matt and Nick about it because they know Chris the best 'i think you should just go for it' 'i mean if chris says no he literally has lost his mind'
⋆His first relationship: when he finally builds up the courage to say it I think he would make a whole romantic surprise. For example, you get back from a week long holiday and he realises how much he actually likes you and so makes you find these clues etc and will be waiting for you at the end with a bunch of flowers. (Nick and Matt were also made to help because he would be stressing about doing something wrong)
⋆ The dates would be the funniest thing ever because he will randomly think of things he wants to do and there is page on his notes of all the dates he wants to do with you
⋆ Even though he will act like he doesn't like the romantic shit that other people do he LOVES it
⋆ Want to bake cookies and eat them while watching a romcom, sure. Want to do skincare and put make up on him, 100%. and the TIKTOKS that he would post would be so cute because he is literally just in awe of you. Does anything that you want really.
⋆ Just wants to make sure he is still the funniest person ever in your eyes. I feel like he would randomly show you videos while you two are just cuddling just to make sure you find them funny and will text you at the most random time with a joke he thought of 'well you could always show me when i'm not trying to get to sleep' 'sorry it was too funny not to'
⋆ First pet: it would be a cat because even if he didn't love the idea at first he would slowly start to be persuaded by the tiktoks of cute and funny cats. The cat would have to be a ginger cat or black cat because I think he would want one that matched his energy. Gets it as a kitten and was all I'm not going to get too attached to the cat BUT when it starts cuddling him at night he will act like it's his child 'I'm gonna stay at home because I can't leave him alone thinking I've left' 'thought you said it was my cat'
⋆ First child: The sweetest Dad ever
⋆ Will want to play sports with them all the time and dress them in outfits 'y/n i'm gonna go out and play some basketball with the kids i'll be back soon love you!!!'
⋆ Records everything because he thinks they are too cute not to. (and sends them all to you) 'Say hello to mummy for me, look y/n she's walking'
⋆ is that Dad who no matter what supports their child, you will never hear Chris comparing them to any other child because he loves them for who they are
⋆ AND even if you two are tired with having kids Nick and Matt are more than up for having them over, while you and Chris just eat a meal or watch a movie together. The love that you two have for each other is even more now that you have a family. 'we are parents now, I'm so proud of us' 'I know and at least we are not one of those boring couples' 'how could we be? I'm hilarious and you are so beautiful and funny and smart and' 'Chris shut up' 'you're blushing ma'
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playgrl0 · 1 year
thoughts that i have about baji
that's my baby bruh😭
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⁂ i feel like if you know me, you already know what i'm gonna say first:
⁂ baji BITES. he bites you whenever he can and he does it all over your body. he doesn't do it in public since you don't want that and he respects it. but behind closed doors? he bites every part of your body and he doesn't give a fuck. the public eye will see the bite marks he left though.
⁂ his favorite parts to bite you are your neck, your thighs (especially inner thighs) and breasts.
⁂ neck kisses. so so many fucking neck kisses.
⁂ he always holds your throat🫨 when you guys kiss. he doesn't squeeze it or anything, he just holds it instead of placing his hand on your cheek for example.
⁂ forgot to mention that he also loves when you bite him. do it do it do it. don't be shy!!
⁂ he loves when you brush his hair for him. he will walk up to you and hand you his brush without a word and you brush it for him. he thanks you by pecking your cheek and disappears again
⁂ he can get extremely clingy when he's tired or stressed out
⁂ tries to act tough on your wedding day but will literally burst into tears once he sees you. chifuyu hands him a tissue and laughs at him. "shut up, man." he sniffles and wipes his tears away.
⁂ calls you baby, babe, angel, mama or comes up with a silly nickname himself
⁂ if you're not sitting on his lap you're doing something wrong like, why sit on a chair, on the couch, on the floor, literally anywhere when his lap is RIGHT THERE??
⁂ he tackles you randomly, gets up again, walks away and acts like he didn't do anything.
⁂ a tease. a fucking tease. loves making you nervous.
⁂ he is so so loyal. would never even come close to the thought of cheating on you. he would never.
⁂ when girls hit on him, he literally ignores them. if they keep being pushy he tells them to leave him tf alone because he already has a girl. they could never compare to you anyway.
⁂ he definitely has a staring problem. he stares at you all the damn time, not matter how you look like or what you're doing. big fan of eye contact.
⁂ he's always horny
⁂ very protective. he doesn't play around when it comes to you
⁂ ppl say he takes good care of his hair but i disagree. personally, i think he uses 4 in one shampoo and that's it i think he's just blessed with good genes. or his mama forces him to take care of it lmao idk
⁂ he's obsessed with your ass. doesn't matter if you have a small one or a whole wagon, he loves your ass. he uses it as pillow or drums. he slaps it when walking past you. one hand is always on it.
⁂ forgot to mention that he also bites your ass heheheh.
⁂ likeee you're laying on your bed on your stomach wearing shorts. baji jumps on the bed between your legs and his hands travel from the back of your thighs, up to your ass below your shorts. his big, warm hands resting on your cheeks, squeezing them before he leans forward and bites each cheek to leave a bite mark
⁂ you flinch at the contact and push him away, he just grins at you, slaps your ass and then lays down to take a nap on your ass yeah yeah
⁂ has no concept of personal space. your personal space is his.
⁂ makes fun of you all the time but if someone else dares to make fun of you they're dead. nobody is allowed to bully you except for him
⁂ i see him with a tongue piercing, eyebrow piercing, helix piercings and one nipple piercing
⁂ and many, many tattoos 🫨
⁂ tough on the outside but definitely the absolute biggest softie on the inside
⁂ you'll definitely own at least two cats together. maybe even three.
⁂ if he falls in love with you, he'll never love anyone else after you. he loves hard. you're his one and only, his entire world. you two are endgame.
⁂ he's a slut.
that's all for now,,,, bye
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tags: @shamelessperfectionhideout @vmlnrz @saintokkotsu @satanlovesusall666 @kiirsteinn @noritopia @gothamgurl2024 @ranscutedoll @bertholdts--butt @torakeii
<3 @ playgrl0
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h2llish · 6 months
【╰ヾ❝ COWARD ✧„
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FLOYD LEECH ━━━ eels are cowards ♡ fluff, pining, fuck ooc i listen to no one (respectfully), reader is male but he gets called pretty, lowercase intended
fem aligned dni (she/they, she/her, etc)
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eels are cowards. not many knew this, however, and if they did, they believed it couldn't possibly apply to the leech twins.
those two couldn't possibly be scared of anything.
but how wrong they all were. because they failed to realize that cowardice is a completely different light compared to the intimidation, they placed the twins into.
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floyd leech was intimidating, towering over most people and always flashing his sharp teeth in a wide grin that quickly made anyone facing him question their next course of action. floyd leech was intimidating, usually sent out with his brother to find anyone who had yet to pay their dues to their good friend Azul. floyd leech was intimidating, pulling others into a tight grip that had them swearing that they could hear the way their ribs snapped, and their heart squeezed under the force.
floyd leech was intimidating. but he was also a coward.
a coward when it came to the boy taking residence in the old dorm on campus. the boy usually found running errands for a negligent headmage or bailing their cat-monster and the heartslabyul duo out of trouble. a coward when it came to the only person who didn't stray away from him because he was intimidating.
you were no coward; he realized that the moment you walked into Octavinelle and struck a deal with Azul to get back your idiots. and when you faced your third overblot with a sigh, complaining about mentally unstable idiots who can't handle their emotions (your words), before reluctantly addressing the ink that had taken over his housewarden. you certainly were no coward.
he liked that about you; of course, he liked a lot of things about you. if you asked jade or azul, they'd tell you all about how floyd talked about you and only you. ━ how you were the prettiest boy he'd ever seen. how you always let him squeeze you. how you never batted an eye when you found him threatening another student. how you said hi to him that morning just before you were dragged away by a hungry Grim. and did he mention pretty? because you're so pretty.
but of course, you remained unaware because floyd could never tell you. he was too much of a coward after all.
but that's okay, because you weren't.
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"hey, jade." you greeted the twin, hands stuffed into the old pockets of your hand-me-down uniform as you entered the mostro lounge. you split away from the line entering the on-campus business to stand in front of the leech. "is floyd here?"
jade raised a questioning brow, but you only met his eyes with a tilt of your head. it was unusual for you to come seeking floyd out, much less at the mostro lounge. although that mostly had to do with how busy you always were, keeping your friends and only dormmate out of trouble and always running the errands crowley decided to dump on you. when you could, you did visit, even if only for a mere minute before you were being dragged off again. because of that, it was usually floyd who went in search for you; and he never tires from the chase, jade notes.
"he is, but i'm afraid he's working the kitchen today."
you frowned, "that's too bad, i really wanted to see him."
floyd would be ecstatic to hear that. jade can already hear the rant he'd likely be at the end of if floyd were to learn you'd said that. ━━ "he wanted to see me!"
"may i ask where you friends are? they're usually not far behind." jade smiled his customer smile.
"oh!" you sighed, scratching the tip of your nose and looking almost sheepish when you continued, "i'm hiding, actually."
"oh?" jade chuckled, "is that so?"
you sighed again, "i needed a break, and i missed floyd."
oh, this just kept getting better.
"i'm sure floyd would be happy to hear that."
"do you think, if you get the chance, you can tell him i'm here?" you asked, "i want to at least say hello just in case my friends find me."
jade's sharp teeth were on display as he grinned at you, a little unsettling for you to witness. you were used to floyd's menacing smiles, but jade's were far more unsettling and eerie. or maybe that's just your bias talking. either way, his smile was starting to spook you. "i think i'll just go get him for you." he offered. you expected something totally different to be said by the way he was grinning at you. (what, though? you're not sure).
you shook your head, "are you sure? "
"of course."
"isn't he busy?"
"someone else can cover for him in the meantime."
"won't azul be upset?"
"he'll learn to live with it."
you pursed your lips and stared at the leech, still grinning widely at you. he was quick to shut down your questions, maybe a bit too quick. he always was the harder twin to read, but then again, just this once, you think you understand what he's doing.
"okay, if you're sure."
a chuckle but no response as jade turned away and began towards the bar. you blinked, but followed him, only stopping when you reached the bar and he disappeared into the back.
you waited for a bit before the moody leech twin dragged himself out of the kitchen. when he seen you, his mood quickly changed, his face lighting up as he called your name excitedly. you smiled, standing from the barstool you had taken a seat in. floyd was quick to scoop you into his arms, as he always does when he sees you, squeezing you into a tight hug that you tried to return by placing your hands on his shoulders.
"hey, floyd." you laughed.
"shrimpy! what are you doing here?" floyd asked you, refusing to place you down. you hardly bat an eye, used to being squeezed by the twin.
"i wanted to come to see you!" you answered with a smile aimed down at the boy, and floyd was reminded of how much of a coward he was, as he stared up at you. "and i'm trying to hide from the others. want to hide with me?"
floyd finally placed you down, eyes wide with unnoticed adoration and his signature sharp-toothed grin. he giggled, "you bet!"
that's when jade finally came back after he went to fetch his brother, glancing at the giddy floyd. he found it amusing how quickly his brother became so animated when you were around. of course, the way you acted around his brother only proved to him how much those feelings were returned.
"i'd offer to hide at ramshackle but they'd definitely find us there." you sighed, completely ignoring the other twin as if you hadn't noticed him at all (and he's quite sure you didn't), crossing your arms and tapping a finger on your chin, "they'd also eventually think to look here."
that's when jade decided he wanted to be helpful (but floyd knows his brother and he knows he was probably just trying to set him up for failure.)
"why don't you and floyd hide in our room?"
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floyd is a coward. because even now, after the push from his brother to make the first move by offering their shared room to hide in, he still refused to do anything. even as you flopped down on his bed and jokingly complained about how messy his side of the room was compared to jade's, he still chose to run away from his feelings.
you turned onto your stomach and grabbed one of the pillows he had tossed around in his sleep. you got comfortable on his bed, eyeing the mess of his dorm side and the neatness of jade's side, giggling, "i think you might be messier than grim."
floyd grumbled something you didn't quite hear as he pushed off the clothes hanging off the side of his bed and climbed in beside you. you scooted over a bit so he could get comfortable, smiling at him when he turned his head to you, remaining oblivious to his cowardly heart beating a bit too quickly for his approval. he's always chose to deny his feelings, being the coward he is, he didn't want to accept them. but he's never wanted to run away from you; but right now, that's all he wanted to do ━ is it possible for a boy to be this pretty? it should be illegal. he's too much of a coward to be able to handle this.
your smile had been noticeable since you first seen him, even as you asked, "so how was your day?"
watching you smile at him made him think of a conversation he heard with the first years you always hung out with. he was looking for you when he overheard you and your friends.
crabby had whined something about you never actually smiling, "come on, prefect you're so cold. you could at least try to give us a real smile, ya know?"
"no idea what you're talking about." you sighed.
"yeah right," ace rolled his eyes, "you only ever really smile at grim or━"
"he who shall not be named!" epel interrupted, eyeing the space around them, as if something was going to pop out. and he probably was because his face fell as floyd soon decided to announce his presence, yelling for you. it seemed no one realized he had eavesdropped, except maybe that wolf who only raised his brows at him and shook his head. what?
floyd sighed loudly, exaggerated, "it was good! but then azul had to go and ruin it!"
you hummed, "he did?"
"yeah! he was all upset since i haven't been working my whole shifts or something like that. and━"
you listened as he ranted to you about azul getting upset with him because he kept ditching his shifts completely or halfway through (to be with you. like right now). and how jade just sat there, enjoying watching him get scolded like it was his entertainment alone for the day. and then azul told him he was going to be on strict watch by jade (though it didn't seem as strict now). and then floyd was working his shift before you got there when he and this savanaclaw student almost got into it, but jade had broken it up, and azul grounded him to the kitchen, saying that's where he'd work the rest of shift.
"but it wasn't my fault! he started it!"
"i'm sure he did." you agreed.
"but then you showed up, shrimpy!" he grinned, flashing his endearingly sharp teeth as he turned his head to look at you.
you returned the smile, shifting in your spot to lay on your side with one hand under the pillow while the other went up to ruffle his hair. floyd blinked owlishly at you, smile faltering; you really weren't intimidated by him if you were able to do that without having to think on it too long. oh, the poor coward's heart.
"you're so cute floyd."
you retracted your hand and floyd pouted. you hummed, shutting your eyes and resting your hand back on the bed. your words are unfair, he thinks, because you're far cuter.
"hey floyd?" you called, eyes remaining closed. floyd hummed as he continued to stare at your face, peaceful even in his presence. laying like this would be unsettling for others, although he'd never let anyone else this close in the first place. "what would you do if i kissed you?"
floyd blinked, and you peeked an eye open to look at him when you gained no response. you eventually opened the other and sighed, pushing yourself up into a sitting position and crossing your legs, "my bad, that wasn't a very good confession." you leaned forward a bit and smiled warmly, "i really like you, floyd."
eels are cowards. but when they have to, they will come out of their burrows to face their opponents; sometimes the opponent just has to take the first move.
floyd's face lit up with a wide grin, a 180 to his cowardly heart now full of joy at hearing your words as he quickly lunged forward, burying his face into your abdomen and causing you to quickly place a hand behind you for support. he giggled into your uniform, and you shook your head, smiling down at him as you raised a hand to pet his hair.
"awe shrimpy likes me!" he muffled into the fabric, but you heard it clearly. he was giggling so much into your clothes, enjoying your hand running through his hair as he lifted his head to finally look at you. "i really like you too, [name]!"
you grinned at him, "good. jade wasn't lying to me." floyd rested his chin on your stomach as he stared at you, tilting his head at the mention of his brother. and you answered his unasked question, "he visited me a few days ago and said that you liked me, but then he said eels are known to be cowards so i would probably have to make the first move."
floyd pouted; it was true, but jade didn't have to say it. he grumbled, tightening his arms around your waist, "stupid jade."
you chuckled, "i have to thank him though, i probably wouldn't have confessed if not for him. this is actually part of why i had to sneak away from the others or else i'd never have the privacy i needed to tell you."
floyd stared at you as you explained the way you managed to escape your friends while ace and deuce had started bickering, which eventually led to sebek and grim coming to add to the mess, allowing you to slip away with only epel and jack aware. they actively helped with epel keeping the argument going so no one else noticed, and jack provided you cover with how tall he was. if not for them you're sure you would've been caught before you even made it to the mirror chamber.
when you quiet, floyd called up to you, "hey [name]?"
"yeah?" you hummed, tucking some of his hair away from his face. he still had yet to release his arms around your waist and you're pretty sure he had no intention of doing so any time soon.
"you said you wanted to kiss me, yeah? you did, i heard you." he looked excited at remembering your first attempt at a confession, words a bit fast, exactly as you know them to be when he got really excited.
you let out a quiet ah, before laughing quite loudly. everyone at night raven college knew that you weren't exactly the expressive type; you never laughed that loud. at least, not with anyone but floyd (and maybe the monster you called your kid). you eventually calmed down, only letting out the occasional breathy giggle, mumbling something about the eel being so cute; the same eel who was staring at you with bright eyes. (his shrimpy was the prettiest boy he's ever known.)
"yeah, i did." you tilted your head at him, smile seeming to grow when you asked, "do you want me to kiss you floyd?" at the excited nod you received from him, you laughed again, watching the leech finally release his grip around your waist to sit up and lean closer to you. your hand rested on his shoulder while the other continued to keep you supported from behind.
although eels aren't always cowards after they confront their opponent ━ it would seem floyd is too cowardly to close the gap despite how excited he was.
but he remembers that you're no coward when you close the little distance left, (pulling him into a kiss that definitely lasted longer than you intended).
when you went to pull away, floyd quickly followed. cowardice forming into want as he placed a hand on the nape of your neck to pull you closer while his other hand supported his own weight, so he didn't crush you with how he was practically leaning over you now. you laughed into the kiss, to which floyd smiled.
eventually, you placed a hand on his chest and leaned further away, taking in a deep breath and keeping floyd from chasing after your lips. (he could easily win in strength but he remembered that you need to breath.)
you laughed, maybe a little out of breath while you did, but you brushed that off in favor of scolding him, "that is not what i meant." but the smile on your face told him there was no actual heat behind your words.
"shrimpy." he whined and pouted, "but you're so fun to kiss, please?"
you rolled your eyes, refusing to give him what he wanted as you instead asked, "are you free tomorrow?"
"for you." floyd answered quickly, and you narrowed your eyes, saying his name in warning, but he quickly rebutted, "it's fine! jade can cover for me!"
"floyd." you sighed and shook your head, "fine."
you smiled at the leech, straightening out now that floyd had leaned back and sat properly on his bed, "let's go on a date and then i'll give you another kiss."
floyd lit up, grinning widely, "but you're still gonna kiss me again now, right? right?"
you sighed and shook your head. but you relented, deciding he was too cute to deny. "alright, alright, c'mere." you grabbed the back of his head, fingers in his hair as you pulled him toward you. floyd quickly met you halfway, melting into the kiss, as one of his hands rested on the bed beside you and the other on your knee.
floyd doesn't think there's cowardice left in him now that you're his (or well, will be ━ he'll make sure of it after the first date.)
eels are cowards, but they eventually come out of their burrows to face whoever lies outside. and for floyd, that was his feelings for you.
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"what the fuck?!"
the two of you separated as the door swung open. floyd glared at your visitors while you only blankly eyed the cause for yelling, completely unfazed.
grim and the rest of your friends were wide eyed and frozen in the doorway. they were all well aware of your feelings towards the leech, but they probably didn't expect to discover the both of you making out in the twin's bedroom. except maybe epel and jack, the former giving you an encouraging grin and double thumbs up while jack only sent a single nod your way.
and behind them, a not-so-happy azul and a grinning jade.
"i tried to stop them." jade said.
"how could you do this to us?!" ace yelled dramatically.
you snorted in confusion and yelled in return, "the fuck are you talking about?!"
he didn't answer you; "we don't approve! right, guys?" ace pointed his nose up in the air, fully expecting to hear a chorus of agreements from the rest of your friends. when he heard nothing, he turned to them with a glare of betrayal. "guys?"
deuce shrugged and scratched the back of his head, "well if he's happy, i don't see anything wrong with it."
ace grumbled something towards his dormmate before turning to the others for their answers.
"it's none of my business. leave him alone." jack rolled his eyes.
"jack and i knew he was going to confess! of course we approve!" epel added.
"the prefect's love life has nothing to do with our own opinion! he is allowed to seek out anyone he pleases!" sebek huffed, mumbling something like "even if it is leech".
"you guys all suck." ace hissed, turning to the cat-look-alike looking between you and floyd with narrowed eyes. "come on, grim! you agree, right?"
grim didn't answer for a moment, but when he did, it was to completely ignore ace's question and address a different matter entirely. he pointed at you in accusation and huffed, "you owe me tuna for ditchin' me like that!"
you blinked, and then sighed, "aye, aye."
floyd was still glaring at the interruptions, though his glare was now aimed mostly at ace. "hey, crabby, you got a problem with me?"
the heartslabyul freshmen tensed, chucking awkwardly as he looked anywhere but at the menacing leech. "do you guys hear that, that sounds like riddle. gotta run!" and then ace was gone, and soon enough, so were the others.
azul and jade remained; the housewarden looked ready to say something, but then decided for a shake of his head. he turned away from the two of you, but not before floyd decided to yell after him his plans for tomorrow and how he won't be working his shift, again.
it's safe to say he got a long scolding after your date the next day.
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do not repost, translate, copy or run my writing through an ai
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bones4thecats · 5 months
hellooo can i request a hades , Poseidon , and Hermes with a Dum Dum orange cat type of reader(female)
How would they handle the reader , and how would they just try to get the reader to not just do anything dumb enough to injure or kill her tyyy
Type of Writing: Request Characters: Hades, Poseidon, and Hermes Name: {Character} with their Dumb-Dumb! Reader Requester: Anonymous
A/N: Honestly, I kinda vibe with this reader. My brain just shuts down whenever I finish a task and I look back going, 'how the hell did I do this?' like five seconds afterwards.
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💀 He was one of the smartest Gods known anywhere, Valhalla and Earth alike. But you, you were known around Valhalla for your 'idiocy', as declared by many
💀 Now, as rude and sad as that may sound, your husband somehow couldn't fully disagree with those claims
💀 Hades would just be working on some paperwork given to him by Zeus when one of his guards would walk in with a tired expression to announce to the God that you had gotten into an accident
💀 And by accident, I mean by you were just walking around and somehow stumbled into multiple different paint cans and got covered head to tow in the multiple colors of paint
💀 Your husband has gone to many measures to make sure you didn't somehow injure, or worse, killed yourself, because of your moments of flat-mindedness
💀 He had gotten some, in other's words, baby-proofing materials installed, including covering electric outlets, since one time you stuck a fork in there for who knows what reason, and a place to keep medications and vitamins out of your reach
💀 Needless to say, one time you saw your daily vitamins on the counter-top and you pushed the bottle over to get more to fall out
💀 And when Hades saw that nearly one fourth of the container was gone, he nearly had a heart-attack because of how much he was overthinking
💀 Whenever someone asks why your vitamins were locked up in a closet with the key being constantly around Hades, he would just answer with
" To keep it plain and simple, my dear S/O had gotten into the old container and nearly gave me a, what humans describe, heart-attack. "
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🔱 He was put off by how, in his words, 'mind-numbingly ignorant' you were when it came to, well, literally anything
🔱 Poseidon is a very serious individual, even among the God's standards, he was very stoic and cold appearing. So, when you have that information and you compare you to him, it's a surprise he hasn't tried killing you yet
🔱 Unlike Hades, he discovered your idiocy quite fast, since he didn't really act, he preferred to watch and observe how people act
🔱 Your husband, like his brother, was normally busy with different things, from making sure his ocean's waves measured well according to schedule, to making sure that the paperwork he had to commission to his oldest brother was done, this guy was on average fairly busy
🔱 Though, whenever he would get a fair amount of time off, he would head off to his S/O and make sure they were okay
🔱 This guy had been dealing with your actions for many years, and in that time you haven't stopped getting a bruise every week, whether it be from hitting your tow or running into an object, he had never gotten a week off from your injuries
🔱 While he may not show it, Poseidon really does care about you, but, unlike his oldest, he protects you in another way
🔱 He doesn't baby-proof his home, he finds that to be dumb. If there is a creature that dumb in the world, they don't deserve life, his words, not mine! Though they do change if you guys have children
🔱 Instead, Poseidon just puts either a couple guards to be by your side to make sure you didn't somehow mess up an entire room just by getting scared by a, in your words, 'flying cucumber', or, he'll have you positioned around him so he could watch over you
🔱 The latter happens more often, though. And whenever you have to be around him, he'll make sure that you have something to mess with, just so you didn't end up destroying something else somehow
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📨 Unlike many beings that you and him have met, Hermes loves how you get into trouble at random, it gives you an aura of mystery and difference, and he likes that
📨 Hermes loves to, when he can, watch you as you just walk around and get into trouble, like that one time where you ended up getting chased around by geese because you fell out of a tree while playing with Heracles and Ares when you were younger
📨 Whenever you would end up getting into trouble with another Deity, your husband would appear out of nowhere and distract the person as you escaped
📨 This guy loves writing songs in devotion of others, take the human fighters from Ragnarok into account, and for you? He has nearly five folders full of songs dedicated to you
📨 One of his favorite memories of you was when he was coming home from work and he stumbled upon two of his father's allies, Shiva, the head of the Hindu Pantheon, and Apollo, the Greek's God of the Sun
📨 The two men ran up to him dounced in a mixture of paint, glue, and a ton of multi-color glitter, and that alerted him that something happened, and it definitely would give him some kind of blackmail
📨 So, when they asked where you were, Hermes just chuckled and pat their shoulders, making sure his gloves didn't get any of the colorful mix on the white fabric, and he told them you were staying with Aphrodite for the night, despite knowing you were at home hiding from the angry duo
📨 When he eventually arrived home, he ushered you out and began to comfort you from your scared faze, which was understandable. And, when he asked if you wanted to see the photos he sneakily took, he chuckled as your eyes lit up
📨 You may be quite danger-prone and not the brightest star in the sky, but, he loved you for that
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totheblood · 1 year
true blue. (two)
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pairing: modern!ellie williams x reader
summary: both ellie and reader are u-haul lesbians and there is a jump scare
warnings: SMUT! suggestive themes, drug/alcohol usage, cursing, descriptions of abusive behavior (neither ellie or reader engages in these behaviors)
a/n: this chapter... idk it has me giggling and blushing.
read part one here!
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Ellie felt like throwing up.
After finding out about your history with Cat, she decided that it would be best to only talk about the project with you. She knew she came off cold, but for some reason she didn’t care. When it came to Cat, Ellie almost always shut down, and when it came to the idea that Cat may have also stuck her tongue down your throat, Ellie felt physically sick. A part of her felt bad about having feelings for you, but another part of her was deeply disturbed by the fact that you were into Cat. She also didn’t like that you still had the photo up on your Instagram.
A part of her also knew that she was being dramatic, but the less rational side of her was winning over at the moment. She found herself ranting to Dina about it almost 5 times a week, or everytime they smoked together. At about three hits in, Ellie was already ranting about you and your pretty hair and your pretty lips and how they were tainted by Cat. Like clockwork Dina would roll her eyes, rip the joint from Ellie’s hand, and diffuse it in the ashtray they made at Color Me Mine. 
“You need to get over this, man.” 
“I’m trying.”
So here Ellie sat, writing the second part of the project in your dorm and refusing to make eye contact with you. You almost instantly noticed an immediate shift in Ellie’s demeanor when it changed weeks ago, but you were at your breaking point. At this point it almost seemed that anything you did would annoy her, or whenever you spoke she would act shocked as if she forgot you were there. Not only was it extremely aggravating, but it was also getting in the way of the quality of your project.
“Did I do something?” You questioned, breaking the silence Ellie was enjoying causing her eyes to shoot up to yours. Yeah, you fucked my-
“No.” She grumbled as she continued writing. 
“Are you sure? Because the first day I thought we got along really well, and sometimes I just say everything that’s on my mind and I don’t realize I’m doing anything wrong until well-” You gestured to her with an almost panicked look on your face. “This.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Just tired is all.” Ellie mumbled as she went back to her work, pretending to not pay you any mind. All you could do at this moment was roll your eyes and try to get back to work without anxiety overcoming you. 
“You’re just like my fucking ex.” You mumbled under your breath as well.
“What?” Ellie snapped her head up at you, unsure if she heard you correctly. Because if she had heard you correctly, you were comparing her to Cat.
“Nothing.” You shook your head, this time it was your turn to avoid eye contact with her. 
“No, you had something to say so say it.” She continued, her voice rough. This time you looked directly in her eyes, something behind them she just couldn’t place. 
“I said, ‘you’re just like my ex’. Happy?” You gave her your best fake smile and went back to your work. It had never occurred to Ellie that maybe you hated Cat as much as she did. The difference between you and her, however, was that she would never keep up a photo of her making out with Cat for over a year.
“What does that mean?” She snapped with an almost immediate need to defend herself. 
“It means that things were nice at first until you started being an asshole with no real explanation of what I have done.” You answered simply, shrugging your shoulders. 
“I didn’t do that.” Ellie lied.
“You totally did!” You protested. “We were vibing, you were like telling me about your life and I was telling you about mine and you were fucking laughing. Now, you don’t even crack a smile.”
“I smi-”
“You do not, Ellie!” You took a deep breath before starting again. “I thought we were going to be friends. I wanted to be friends. You’re funny and hot, but you’re being a real bitch right now and I don’t like that. I’ve done it before and I really don’t have the heart in me to do it again.”
Ellie blinked at you a few times, the guilt from giving you the cold shoulder finally setting in. A part of her really wanted to blush at the compliments thrown her way, but she was overwhelmed by the idea that her behavior was mirroring Cat’s. You really were an innocent party in all of this and she took her frustrations out on you, the cute pen dealer. 
“I’m sorry. I’ve just been going through a tough time.” She lied, not wanting to reveal that the person you’re comparing her too right now is the reason she’s been acting this way. “ I know what that’s like, my ex was like that too and I didn’t mean to do that to you.” 
She saw your hard exterior falter at her sentiment and the guilt inside Ellie began to build again. 
“I had no idea, Ellie, I’m so sorry. I don’t want to push but if you ever want to talk about what’s going on, I am here.” You seemed completely genuine and that tore Ellie’s heart to bits. In an attempt to be kind you reached out and placed your hand on Ellie’s forearm again, right over the tattoo. “Plus, he didn’t deserve you.”
Ellie couldn’t help but snort at the comment, earning a confused look from you. 
“She.” Ellie laughed. “She didn’t deserve me.” 
You covered your hands with your face laughing at your own heteronormativity. 
“Fuck, I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” You apologized, moving your hands from your face to stare at her freckled own trying not to burst out laughing again. 
“You really couldn’t tell?” Ellie teased, gesturing to her forearm tattoo, earning a giggle from you and a red face from her.
“I mean, I didn’t want to get ahead of myself.” You teased back. “She’s smart, she’s funny, and she likes girls? Nuh-uh, too good to be true.”
As funny as the situation was, Ellie felt a deep warmth at your words. She wanted to believe you were flirting with her, but as of two minutes ago you had thought she was straight. 
“Good with her fingers too. The whole package.” She added, a dimly lit fire behind her eyes. 
“Oh yeah?” You feigned surprise. “I wouldn’t know. She should show me.” You leaned forward, pushing your laptop to the side table and getting dangerously close to Ellie.
Ellie almost choked on her own spit as you leaned closer. She eyed you up and down, her eyes lingering a little bit longer on the space between shirt and skin where she could see your cleavage poking through.  
Without hesitation, Ellie threw her notebook to the side, leaned in and captured your lips with hers. You reciprocated immediately, your tongue trying to fight it’s way into her mouth. She parted her lips for you causing a moan to slip out of your mouth into hers. Fuck fuck fuck fuck, Ellie’s mind was racing. What the fuck was she doing, she thought. Not even an hour ago she was barely talking to you and now the sounds that were coming out of your mouth were about to make her come undone. Her hands wandered down your body, tracing the curves of your hips before slipping under your shirt. The feeling of her warm hands on your skin sent shivers down your spine.
Again, you moaned softly into her mouth as she teased your nipples, rolling them between her fingers. Breaking the kiss, Ellie moved her lips down your neck, nipping and sucking at the sensitive skin. Your hand moved to caress her hair, grabbing it lightly. She gently moved you backwards on your bed, never stopping her assault on your neck, not wanting your whines to stop. She was going to lose her fucking mind. As she worked her way down, her hand slipped into your pants, finding its way to your wet center. She began circling her fingers in what felt like slow motion as she peppered kisses along your collarbone.
“Ellie..” you moaned, causing her to look up at you. The minute she did, you pulled her head upwards, attaching your lips to hers once again. Ellie felt like she was fucking floating, but her movement never stopped. As she picked up her pace she reveled in how you were squirming beneath her. She made a mental note to remember this moment for later.
With practiced ease, Ellie slipped a finger inside you, eliciting a gasp from your lips and causing you to separate from her. She pumped in and out, curling her finger just right to hit the gummy spot inside and making you scream out her name one more time. “You’re doing so fucking good.” Ellie soothed, pressing a kiss to your neck. You writhed against her hand, your hips bucking in rhythm with her movements.
As your pleasure built to a crescendo, Ellie added a second finger, pushing you closer and closer to the edge. Finally, you couldn't take it anymore and you came hard, your body shaking with pleasure.
Ellie pulled her hand out of your pants, licking her fingers clean with a satisfied smirk on her face. Your body relaxed into the bed as you tried to catch your breath. She sat back up, nearly panting, but still soaking wet.
“Well, that was quite the show,” you managed to say between gasps. Ellie grinned and leaned in for another kiss before sitting back on her knees. “Looks like you'll have to show me what you've got too, baby." 
D: WHAT????
D:.. who?
D: if it’s cat i’m going to go to wherever you are and break your rib. 
E: Not Cat. 
D: cute project partner?
E: Yes.
D: it’s giving u-haul lesbian
E: It’s giving best sex of my life.
D: really??
E: REALLY. And I did all the work.
D: you are a freak
E: She’s so fucking hot… I don’t know what to do with myself. 
E: I can’t do this project with her, I’m just gonna think about finger fucking her the whole time.
E: I miss her.
D: oh my god
D: get a grip
E: I’m TRYING.*(@HFh3uq9)(U
D: anyways.
D: are you coming to the party tonight?
E: I will be there.
Later that night Ellie found herself tucked into a sweaty frat party. Dina and Jesse really wanted to go and Ellie was still somewhat disoriented from her morning with you so she thought there was no better place to sober up. She was nursing a red cup with a brown colored liquid inside when she almost keeled over at the sight in front of her. There you stood in an impossibly tight dress, throwing back the very same gross drink Ellie had in her cup. Ellie looked around for any sight of Dina or Jesse but assumed they had found a quiet spot to make out and grind on each other for the rest of the night
She watched from the wall as you threw your hands in the air and started dancing to the very loud music with your friends. You were obviously drunk, but it was still nice to see the carefree side of you that she wasn’t able to see in the classroom. In your dorm room, however-
“Ellie!” You screamed across the dimly lit room, stumbling towards her and bringing her in for a tight hug. Ellie tried to say your name as enthusiastically as you had hers, but her voice got lost as you pressed your body up against hers. 
“What are you doing here?” You asked, the giddiness in your voice shining through. You were standing ridiculously close to her with your hand on the wall behind her, right above her head. You were smiling as wide as you possibly could and Ellie couldn’t help the smile on her face that grew each moment she was in your presence.
“Looking for you, obviously.” She teased, eyeing you up and down causing you to giggle into the crook of your neck. Her hand moved up to pinch at your waist, her eyes now steady on yours. 
“Aw, look who’s all confident after fucking me.” Your smirk, coupled with the already free flowing alcohol in her system, caused her to laugh. “We’ll see how confident you are after my turn.” 
Ellie swore you were going to kiss her, and you almost had if it wasn’t for your name being called behind you by your friends who gestured at you to come. You turned to look at them and nodded before you turned back to Ellie. 
“We’re going to another party? Want to come with?” You asked, hoping you didn’t sound as desperate as you felt. 
Ellie sighed, looking around the room for Dina but seeing no sight of her. What Ellie did know was that Dina wouldn’t leave the house without her, and it was an unspoken rule that she would never leave the party without Dina. She wanted to leave with you, but girlcode takes priority.
“I can’t.” She responded. “I’m with friends and I can’t leave them.” Ellie hates to admit this, but she took great pride at the sight of your face falling. 
“Oh well, see you Monday.” You somberly replied, waving goodbye and running to join your friends. 
“See you Monday.” Ellie said under her breath, practically to herself as you were already out of sight.
Ellie found herself upstairs after that, searching for Dina and Jesse so she could go home. However, she found someone she wasn’t looking for, or rather, they found her.
A cold hand tapped Ellie’s shoulder, causing her to turn around in relief that Dina had found her.
“Dina, thank go-” Her words got caught in her throat as she saw her ex standing in front of her with a sickly sweet smile on her face. 
“Ellie! So good to see you, I see the tattoo is healing?” She began, ignoring the dirty look Ellie was throwing her way. 
“What do you want, Cat?” Ellie spat. It was evident that Cat wasn’t being nice, and Ellie wanted her to get to the point. 
“Well, I just wanted to say how cute it was that you would flirt with my ex to make me jealous.” She disclosed, the smile on her face strong.
“I wasn’t trying to ma-” 
“It worked, I’m jealous.” She simply stated, moving closer to Ellie. Ellie was frozen, never in a million years would she ever think that Cat would be saying any of this. She leaned in close to whisper in Ellie’s ear. 
“Swing by my dorm room tomorrow, my roommates are gone for the weekend.” She pulled away from Ellie, smiled again, and patted her on the chest before walking away back into the party. 
And to be completely honest, Ellie wasn’t sure what she was going to do.
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lunargrapejuice · 2 months
hi! first of all, i wanna say that your writing is so good omg... i'm obsessed with your sephiroth fics, which is why i wanna request smth spicy and sweet like reading in bed together, perhaps? with lots of teasing that eventually ends up in a violent makeout session 😭😭 thank you <3
hi lovely!! thank you so much!🥺 it makes me so happy that you like them and i've been thinking about this ever since you sent this request sghdlkg🫠🥰🩷 thank you so much requesting!! i hope you like it💕 i really enjoyed writing it hehe
sephiroth x reader with no pronouns used
16+ please, heavy making out but nothing explicit
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you aren’t sure you’d ever get used to the sight before you but it’s one you would never tire of all the same.
pale skin under dim light that looks as ethereal as starlight and carved from the most precious of marble by the goddess herself, surrounded by a halo of soft silver locks. cat-like eyes that sparkle like a million emeralds in the sea half hidden behind the binds of a book you can’t quite make out the title of with the long fingers that hold it in place. 
it’s not like it’s the first time you’ve seen any of these things either. sephiroth was always beautiful, chest on display in his uniform, his captivating eyes catching more than a few gazes and you often saw his skilled fingers that hold onto masamune. but it’s not comparable to this; with his back pressed against the headboard, completely shirtless, his arms exposed, the span of his toned stomach on full display and he looks so relaxed. fully and completely without a worry except why you weren’t curled in bed next to him.
a worry you’re quick to ease when, despite how awestruck you feel, you crawl into bed and slot yourself between his awaiting arm and warm chest, opening up your own book as you snuggle against him. his arm around you tightens in turn as if you hadn’t come quite close enough and the gentle press of his lips to the side of your head follows wordlessly. 
though a usual occurrence if you’re being honest, you’re distracted from your book by the man holding you against him. instead of your eyes wandering the words in front of you, they’re focused on the faded scars along sephiroths arm and the veins traveling up his hand that seems about as focused on his book as you are.
his fingers are warm, dipping under your sleep shirt and lightly grazing along your skin in a back and forth motion that makes you break out in goosebumps but it doesn’t feel like a mindless motion when they keep going, sliding ever so slightly under the waistband of your pants and back up again as if to get more of a reaction out of your body.
“is there something i can help you with?” you try to ask it as seriously as you can, trying not to be as heated as you feel just by this simple touch but your voice is full the effects it had left on your heart, and amusement, more than anything else.
you’re sure that not many would describe him as such but his expression is all innocence that you aren’t completely sold on when you swore you saw the upwards tug of his lips for a flash when you looked back up at him.
“what do you mean?” he asks, his tone not giving him away either.
with narrowed eyes, you study his face, your heart undeniably weak to him, and you catch a playful glint in his eyes that he couldn’t suppress when he raises a brow at you. you try to play it off cool, like you didn’t find what you were looking for on his face even though you know he’s doing it on purpose and return to the book you still hadn’t read a word of tonight but before you can get far, sephiroth has captured you in his grasp, your chin between his thumb and index finger. he brings your face back to his and you don’t resist his pull at all.
the world seems to slow as he hold you there, his book resting open on his chest, his thumb moving to glide over your bottom lip that parts at the first feeling of his touch while his index fingers keeps you right here, looking back and up at him with your neck stretched but its no uncomfortable and eyes closed, your face warm and your hearts beating in tandem, awaiting his lips on bated breath.
he finally does kiss you after what feels like far too many heart beats than you could bear without him and it’s tender and slow but devouring in a way that makes you dizzy. sephiroth takes advantage of the way you’ve kept your beautiful lips parted for him and dips his tongue inside, licking into your mouth with no urgency but all the heat that normally accompanies such desire.
but he pulls away before you’re ready, like his cheeks aren’t blushing a light shade of pink and his lips aren’t wet. his next kiss he gives you, right when your eyes open, is far less sensuous but full of just as much love, keeps you from whimpering out in protest and when another follows, even more chaste, your head is left in a fuzzy state that makes you not question when he’s returned to his book and you follow suit.
or at least in the same way you’ve been ‘reading’ since you got into bed with him. and now it would be even more impossible to do so properly. your lips linger with the taste of him, your face still burning with the warmth he drew out of you, and everywhere your bodies touch is tingling, the parts that aren’t aching for the same.
unfair, you think with a pout, stealing a glance at him and seeing he now looks completely unaffected and concentrated on his book, though you have no doubt he knows you are staring at him. 
you don’t know how long passes until you decide you can be unfair too. if it’s seconds or minutes before you’re closing your book and placing it on your nightstand, not even bothering to mark the page, and when you turn back around, the bed dips as you crawl on top of him with your legs straddling his.
he chuckles when your eyes meet, the sound making your chest flutter, and then closes his book too, letting you see all of his pretty features, and leaving it forgotten on the bed next to him.
a millisecond from when his book touches the mattress, so does your back and before the world even stop spinning in how quickly he moved you, sephiorth has a hold of your wrists and is pinning them above your head with one hand, using his other arm to keep his full weight from crushing you. your legs are still straddling him, spread wide and nearly resting on the sides of your chest that rise and fall with quick breaths, like you’re prey caught entirely by its predator.
you try to stop the little gasp that leaves your lips when he leans down, putting just a bit more of his weight on you, his hair falling over you both like a curtain of moonlight, your hips flush as his lips find your neck but he doesn’t kiss you, they only glide along your soft skin.
“perhaps it’s you that needs something from me?” he asks against your neck, his voice low, just above a whisper.
“you started-!” your words are cut off by the open mouthed kiss he leaves on the base of your neck, hot and mind melting and making your wrists wiggle in his hold with the way you writhe underneath him at the jolt of electrifying pleasure it sends down your spine and to every nerve in your body. 
you can feel him smile against your skin at the reaction and even in this hypnotizing state, you soak in the feeling of it, memorizing it so it might imprint on your skin for you to remember forever.
“if i recall correctly my love, you got on top of me first,” he kisses your neck again with the same fervor, his teeth grazing along your skin when he pulls away and the way you whimper makes his eyes darken, his voice dropping a dangerous octave. “you’re shaking already.”
you are. there’s no denying it or trying to stop it and it isn’t even about who started it at this point. you just need him and with the way he handles you with gentle strength, like you are delicate but never slipping through his grasp, you all but melt into it what he gives you and try your best to let out a plea for more.
his lips are on yours in an instant, nearly teeth clashing in how deep he delves into your mouth and he groans at the feeling of your tongue on his and your hands tightening in his grasp at the ripple of bliss but he doesn’t budge in his hold. you swear you could cry not getting to touch him too. your legs around his thin waist, your chests more than flush with every little breath you try to take between having his tongue continue to explore yours, is not nearly enough.
you know you aren’t in control when you successfully, on the first attempt that was slow and with little force behind it, flip yourself back over so you’re on top of him. he lets go of your hands in the roll of your bodies, both of you ensuring your lips never break, and as soon as you can, your hands are holding his face, brushing the stray hairs from his temples with tender love before pulling him into your lips with overwhelming passion.
sephiroth can barely hold on. the way you touch him with the same care he does for you, goddess it’s so more than that, more than he can fathom or has ever had in his life, but with the same longing hunger that makes you lose your sanity just as much as he does for you.. he can hardly process how it feels but in the echo if it all is the assurance that you’re his.
the power he uses to pull you against him with one hand at your back, the other grabbing a handful of your ass, makes you whimper, your hands slipping into his silky hair and tugging lightly at the roots. it’s so intoxicating to have sephiroths strength slip, to feel just how badly he needed you when usually he would hold back, worried to hurt you even if every emotion he feels for you is all consuming but you both knew he never ever would and tonight would be no exception. 
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comments & reblogs would be so greatly appreciated!<3 thank you for reading ♡
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Flowers of a summer day
in which your significant other finally agreed to go outside with you for an impromptu picnic.
pairing: idia shroud x yuu/reader
contents: short oneshot, this is just angst with a happy ending tbh, idia might be ooc pls don't shoot me (^-^; ), reader is referred to as yuu, gender neutral reader and narrated with you/yours, reader has powers to manipulate plants (mainly flowers) to a certain extent
★ the daydreamer speaks — my entry for @cloudcountry's sweet shroud summer 2024!! this is literally an excuse to stimulate the brainworms hehe. also i was braiding my hair and my brain went "gasp. idea!! :D" and there you have it ^-^
do i tag? yes, i do. my main idia liker: @edith-is-a-cat, others: @identity-theft-101 @ferris-the-wheel @xen-blank @twistwonderlanddevotee @loser-jpg @lemonchuu
remember to reblog if you enjoy my work!!
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"Is all of this really necessary?"
A chuckle.
"Well, yes, it is."
Summer was just around the corner.
The sun was shining brightly, accompanied by clouds bracketed to the clear blue sky. Flowers glimmered, blooming under the sunlight like jewels. The summer's breezes picked up their faint yet comforting scents, carrying them to distant lands. It was hot out in the flower field, indeed, but the forest surrounding it and a pond nearby helped cooled the air down. Birds took places hidden in the trees, singing a special harmony only they could do, tying every pieces of details together for a lovely summer day.
... It was also how Idia found himself sitting under a tree looking towards his beloved's flower field, having his hair braided and played with.
"You're killing me with the sun, Yuu-shi..."
You only chuckled at his incessant mutterings under his breath as your hands skilfully wove through his fiery long hair, braiding in flowers you grew with love and magic every now and then as you saw fit.
"But how can I refuse Ortho when he personally asked for my help?"
"That's—... Fair enough..."
He grew quiet as you continued on with your little mission.
If it was several years ago, someone told him that he'd have someone who loved and cared for him for his entirety, he'd malfunction and dismiss it as a cruel joke one would say to him. Until you came into his life, what with the ruckus in the opening ceremony.
He still didn't exactly get why you chose him. Him, of all people.
Every time he looked at you, you always shined, as bright as the sun, and as serene as the moon. Even in the drkest times, after every trouble you faced during your time on campus, you would still shined, as if nothing could diminish the light of your aura.
And he envied you for that.
Compared to you, he was no one special, a strange individual even, and not in a good way. Seven, he would agree if you outright said that to his face. He hope you didn't think of him so low like that, however, since it's not like you befriended him if you thought so, right?
... Right?
Oh, who was he kidding? Would you still be with him if you saw how weird he actually was? Would you get tired of him? Would you leave him one day? He would understand if you do leave him behind one day, but by Seven, would it hurt so much and he would never leave his room again if you—
—The sound of you humming tore through his suffocating thoughts, saving him from sinking even deeper down that rabbit hole.
'Right... No point in dweling into that anymore...' He thought, focusing on the soft hands threading through his hair.
You chose him. You stayed by his side, willingly. And even after everything he did, you forgave him. And you loved him for who he was.
"And... Done! There we go."
He looked so different in the mirror that you carried along, with his fiery hair cascading down his back, and the peonies and violets woven in the intricate braids. A lovely product of your creative mind.
Perhaps going outside once in a while wasn't as bad as he thought it was.
He felt himself smiling, his hair glowing a soft pink shade. It was a comforting thought, knowing he could live with moments like this. For eternity, if you would agree.
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disillusioneddanny · 9 months
The Story of Us. Two: The Memories Start
Bruce stared in shock as Danny Fenton floated in front of them with his legs crossed beneath them. The ghost blinked a few times before a wide grin spread on his face and wow was he beautiful. Bruce mentally shook himself, this was a serious moment, and they needed help. And if Danny could provide that help, it would be great. But also, he was even more attractive now than when they had last seen one another. 
Danny was dressed in long purple robes with a black trim, and a staff with a caduceus on the top rested in his slack hand. He had the same white hair only now it was long enough to be pulled back in a ponytail, the sides of his head shaved close to the scalp. A dark black tattoo started at his right cheek and dipped down into his robes, beautiful whorls and shapes that if Bruce stared deeply at it, was the language of ghosts written into his skin. He was beautiful beyond compare. 
“Brucie?” Danny asked, squinting his eyes as he leaned forward in the air, trying to get a better look at him. “This is what you became when you decided to become a vigilante.”
Bruce thanked the ancients that the cowl covered most of his face because he knew he was blushing. 
“You guys… know each other?” Green Lantern asked, looking between the two. 
“Of course we do!” Danny said. “But we don’t need to worry about that, I’m here for work,” he told them and looked the members of the Justice League over and held back a smile. 
“What is it?” Bruce asked, giving him a tired look, despite the fact that it likely did not have the same effect that Danny was used to when they were in their twenties.
“I knew you became a vigilante after I left but I never really had time to keep up. I didn’t realize you had a whole little superhero group,” he crooned, floating past the barrier, causing Constantine to jump in alarm before he floated around Bruce. “Are you a bat?”
“Yes, Phantom, I’m the Batman,” he said with a sigh, already knowing the teasing he was going to get from his childhood friend. Danny knew better than anyone what his fear of bats was like, and from the snort that came from the ghost, he was likely already thinking about it. 
“Adorable,” the halfa said before he sobered up. “Okay, I’m done.”
Bruce watched as his friend composed himself, squaring his shoulders back, lifting his chin up, and cast a steely look at the heroes in front of him. 
“I am Phantom, high healer of the Infinite Realms, who summons me?” He declared and Bruce’s heart skyrocketed. 
Danny had become a healer? He knew that his friend had left for a war in the Infinite Realms but he had never heard from him since; the fact that he had continued on to his goal to become a doctor of some kind had Bruce feeling beyond proud of his friend. It had been a goal that they shared at one point, becoming medical professionals together. 
Wonder Woman stepped forward and bowed in front of Danny. “Phantom, we are the Justice League; our teammates have fallen ill from a mysterious illness and we have been unable to find out what is wrong with them. We learned that you were one of the greatest healers in the universe and hoped to make a deal with you to help them.”
The halfa gave her a small smile. “No need to bow, I’m no royalty,” he said, raising a hand. “And there’s no need to make a deal. I’m more than happy to help you. A friend of Bru-Batman’s is a friend of mine,” he said, glancing over at Bruce. 
Bruce stepped forward. “I’ll catch you up on the situation,” he said and Danny landed on the ground, his feet hitting the floor without a sound before he glided over to the vigilante. 
“You’ll have to catch me up on a lot,” Danny murmured, glancing over at Bruce, his eyes that bright, beautiful green that he hadn’t seen in so very long. “It’s good to see you again,” he whispered softly. 
“It’s good to see you too,” Bruce murmured, bumping their shoulders together and ignoring the looks of horror he was getting from the rest of his team. “You’ll have to catch me up as well, you know. High Healer?”
Danny’s blue skin turned a bright green as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “Yeah, it’s no big deal, though,” he said awkwardly. 
“This is so fuckin’ weird,” Constantine muttered. 
“Tell me about it,” Hal Jordan said in response. Bruce just held back a smile before he launched into his explanation of what happened to the supers and how they were in a coma. The two made their way into the medbay where both Damian and Tim were waiting beside their friends. 
“Phantom, these are my sons, Robin and Red Robin,” Bruce said and Danny let out a coo as he looked at them. 
“You have kids now?” He exclaimed before he froze at the sight of Clark. “Oh fuck.”
Bruce’s heart dropped at that as he remembered the state of his friend and colleague as well as Clark’s family. “What is it?”
Danny said nothing as he rushed over to Clark and spread his hands, a green hue glowed from his palms and over the super’s body. “I’m glad you summoned me,” Danny murmured. He stepped away from Clark’s body once it had taken on the glow and stepped towards Conner, ignoring the way that Tim balked. 
“Danny, what’s wrong?” Bruce demanded, feeling himself panic.
“It’s a Kryptonian poison,” Danny murmured. “They call it the Bacterial Blight. It comes from the plant Blister Ivy. It’s an uncommon plant, especially now that Krypton is gone.”
“How do you know anything about it then? What are you doing to them?” Damian demanded, glaring as the same green light covered Conner’s body and he turned to Jon’s. 
“It’s a stasis spell, it just freezes them in time so that they don’t get worse,” Danny explained. “I’m a healer for the Infinite Realms, I’ve learned some from the Kryptonians in my dimension but I’ll have to consult with them about this.”
Danny then launched into an explanation of what exactly the Blister Ivy was and the three vigilantes listened in horror. The plant was uncommon, even when Krypton still existed because of how dangerous it was. The plant was worse than even the most poisonous plant on Earth. It was a tiny plant that could only be found in some snowy regions and bloomed twice a year for three weeks. The plant itself had thick, spear-shaped leaves, usually a light red color with flowers that tended to be light grey, brown, and bronze. They grew in small numbers and even were easy to get rid of because of how rarely they grew. 
The plants had a defense mechanism that allowed them to produce a powdery substance. If the substance got into the eyes, mouth, or nose, the victim would soon find themselves experiencing symptoms that grew worse and worse as time went by. 
“It starts with a cough and a fever,” Danny said, looking down at Jon. “They then fall into a comatose state as we see here. If you had waited any longer before summoning for help you would notice that their veins would start to bulge out, the color changing to a bright green, then the organs would start to shut down one by one while the skin starts to develop bright blue blisters.”
“That’s exactly what their symptoms were before they fell comatose,” Tim murmured before he looked Danny over. “How could you tell just by looking at them?” He accused, his eyes narrowed in suspicion. Bruce glanced over at Danny curiously, his son had a point, that was a rather fast diagnosis. 
Danny gave them a small, secretive smile. “I’m just that good,” he said with a wink before he let out a chuckle and walked towards Clark. “In all seriousness, I just had to look at him. If you look closely, you can see his veins were already starting to turn green, not only that but there are blisters forming along his face,” he said and ran a finger along the top of Clark’s cheeks where sure enough, tiny blue blisters were already forming. 
“So what do we do? How can we save them?” Bruce asked him, a frown on his face. “How long do we have to find a cure before their organs start shutting down?”
Danny shrugged. “All the time we need, right now they are all under stasis, and we’ll keep them under that stasis spell until we collect the ingredients. I’ll have to talk with a few of the Kryptonian doctors who have passed over already and see if we can recreate the cure. It’s likely going to be quite a few Kryptonian ingredients and that means it’ll take longer for me to collect them.”
“How on earth can you get ingredients native to a planet that is gone?” Damian snarled out, the twelve-year-old’s eyes already red-rimmed. Bruce stepped forward and rested a hand on his youngest son’s shoulder. 
“Phantom is a very old friend of mine, if anyone can find these ingredients, it will be him. We just need to trust him, but our friends will be well once again,” he said softly. Damian sniffed, rubbing his nose just a little before he nodded his head. 
“Alright,” he said and looked over at Danny. “Save them, please.”
Danny gave him a small smile and nodded his head. “I can do that,” he said. 
The halfa looked over the three supers and ensured the stasis spells were fully set before he looked at Bruce. “They’re under a stasis for now. We can start focusing on the rest now,” he said softly. 
Bruce smiled and walked towards Danny and, despite the fact that both of his sons would likely hold this over his head for the rest of his life and would never let him forget, he leaned forward and pulled the man in for a tight hug. “Thank you,” he whispered. 
“Anything for you, B,” Danny said softly, standing on his tiptoes to wrap his arms around Bruce’s shoulders, hugging him tight.
The two walked down the hall of the Watchtower together, Bruce’s cowl tucked underneath his arm as he glanced at Danny. 
“High Healer, huh?” He asked, quirking up an eyebrow in curiosity. Danny chuckled and shook his head. 
“It’s a pretty long story,” he said, changing from his ghost form into his human form, giving Bruce the perfect opportunity to see just exactly what his childhood best friend looked like now. His hair was still the same, only that familiar dark black color, he had the same crystal blue eyes that continued to haunt Bruce’s dreams even twenty years later. Freckles were smattered across his cheeks and the bridge of his nose, that same tattoo trailed down his face and along his neck. For a man who Bruce knew, was forty-three years old, Danny looked barely thirty-five. He still had the same short, slim build he had when they were in their twenties, still barely hitting five foot seven compared to Bruce’s six foot. Gone were the fancy healer robes and staff, in its place Danny wore a pair of worn jeans and an old NASA t-shirt that had Bruce reminiscing about old times. 
“I’d love to hear about it sometime,” Bruce admitted as they continued walking. “Also, your room is still the same as you left in the manor. You’re welcome to stay there while we figure this out. If you want.”
Danny gave him an amused smile. “I’ll think about it, B. I do have a house in the Ghost Zone I can continue to reside in.”
“I know, but if it makes it easier. Besides, I’d like to get to know my best friend again,” he admitted hesitantly, feeling a sort of openness that he had never felt with anyone aside from Danny. Bruce knew he was awkward and bad at feelings, he knew that he couldn’t communicate for shit. But with Danny it was different, it was easier. If anything it was too easy, it was like his mouth lost control and said things before he even had a chance to actually think them through. 
He didn’t remember being this embarrassed about it when they were teenagers, though. If anything he had once been thankful to be able to know that he could talk to Danny about anything and everything without feeling like an emotionally constipated asshole, as his kids would so eloquently put it. 
“Yeah, we really are shit at keeping in contact, aren’t we?” Danny laughed, throwing his head back with the action. “Twenty fucking years with no contact, we suck.”
“We were busy. I became Batman and then became a father and found myself busier than I ever expected. And you apparently joined a war and became a high healer,” Bruce said, giving Danny a teasing look. 
The ghost groaned. “Oh my Ancients, I’ll tell you about it eventually. It’s just a very long story,” he said, running his fingers through his hair. 
“I’m going to hold you to it,” Bruce said smugly, bumping his shoulder against Danny lightly. 
Read the prologue and chapter one here
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originalartblog · 7 months
Tiny skk adventures asks!! tiny lore and stuff
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fanart of any kind is always welcome. I always say that when people use others' ideas in fandom, it's much more nicer to say so, out of respect and community. And I want to see!! If it inspires your own twist on a similar idea, you're free to decide if you want to mention me or not, that's another subject.
The tinies are more like... mirror versions of their big selves that have been detached. Like daemons or fairies. They have the same life experiences, personalities, emotions, connections, likes or dislikes. Just... more raw? not innocent, but maybe a bit naive? less filtered? They are very small and everything is a lot. The way they react to things might not be an exact 1:1 with how the big ones would react, but it's a good indicator nonetheless.
As for your examples, wounds wouldn't transfer, but their reactions to being hurt would be basically the same. Being sick is different, since it could be contagious. In that case, Tinyzai would have a harder time hiding how bad he feels compared to big Dazai, so even if they are equally sick, it would be more obvious on Tinyzai. This logic could be extended to how they feel emotionally (if a situation makes them stressed, happy, sad, angry, etc.)
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@dreamsicle262 - @oribun
First of all thank you for making me look up foxes purring because I didn't know that and it's great. They don't purr the proper way cats do (they just can't), but they do make a lot of happy noises, including a "purring" rumbling. The answer to both asks is yes they absolutely do have some corresponding animal characteristics. I have a comic about this with Tinyzai I've been meaning to finish.
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This is basically the first Tiny skk comic I made, with the cranky, tired and bored tinies were forcibly put in proximity and ended up all snuggled together. You saw how the big ones reacted. But the big guys would NEVER ask to cuddle on the couch. How embarrassing. They don't even have animal instincts or their smallness to blame it on. (that's another comic idea I need to get onto)
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meatonfork · 1 year
Can I request the team maybe finding out grim hordes cute stuff?. Maybe something like plushies or even Sanrio stuff. They might be kinda embarrassed by it since their technically a young adult in the military who’s killed countless people but still collects cute stuff and guards it like a dragon.
pairings: platonic 141 x grim
warnings: none, grim being shy
summary: the team finds out grim hoards
you knew you shouldn’t be embarrassed by this. it was nothing compared to your job. but, you just couldn’t help it. it truly caused you to cave in on yourself.
you had been on a solo mission. just some quick intel gathering. it went fairly smoothly, and you were back at base in no time.
you were awfully tired, though. ready to crash in your bed, and sleep the next day away.
all you wanted to do was cuddle up with your stuffed animals, and get some well deserved sleep.
but, there was a change in plans. you had stopped by the commons to say goodnight to your team, but the sight you saw made you pause in your steps.
your duffel bag slipped from your hands as they came to cover your mouth in shock.
a bright red dusted your features, ears a stark pink.
“oh- hey guys, haha” your voice was sheepish, a small, uneasy smile on your face.
“what’s going on..?”
“grim. why the hell do you have all these stuffed animals? they cover the whole couch!” gaz’s voice was higher pitched, an effort not to laugh straight in your face.
the guys, save from ghost, had amusement dancing on their features.
“no, because this is really embarrassing. you weren’t supposed to know. how did you even find them?” you shrieked. you rushed forward to try to scoop them all up, but there were just too many. some fell to the floor, right out of your arms.
the bun your hair was in started to come lose from your frantic efforts.
“grim, you’re an adult. why do you have them?” price almost sounded disappointed, but he was too busy laughing to actually play the part of disappointed dad.
“look, this is embarrassing. i’m killer. but i can’t help it! they’re so cute! i get them when we go on missions. just- stuff ‘em in my pack.” you made a stuffing motion with your hand.
“now, will you please help me take these back to my room?”
ghost stepped forward, grabbing a small black cat plushie, and squeezed it lightly, “i like this one..”
“oh! yeah, keep it!” you beamed up at him.
“aye, i wan’ one!” soap rushed forward, gaz right behind him.
they helped you put them back, soap and gaz grabbing their favorite ones.
you finally relaxed, laid out on all your stupid little stuffed animals. you reached over and grabbed a little otter. his face was so fluffy.
you purses your lips. you gave a small hum.
“price never got one…”
you jumped out of bed, otter in hand, and made your way to price’s office.
price was sat at his desk, head in hand, filling out paperwork. a soft knock rang out.
“yeah, come in!”
the door opened softly, your face peaking through the slight opening.
“hey, cap. can i come sit?” your voice was soft. the faint smell of a cherry vanilla cigar danced around the room.
“i brought you this! you never got one. didn’t want you to feel left out or anything… he kinda looks like ya. the eyes, man. it’s definitely the eyes.” you let out a huff of laughter.
you stuck your hand out, the otter looking back up at price.
his soft eyes looked from the small plush otter, and back up to you.
his hand went out and grabbed the stuffed animal.
“huh. i guess it kinda does look like me. thanks kid.” his head turned back up to you, a kind smile on his face.
“yeah. of course! no problem, cap. i’ll see you tomorrow.” you make your way to the door.
“hey, kid.”
your hand paused on the door, half way out of the room already, “yeah?”
“sleep well, yeah?”
you nod, “yeah.”
you give a smile, and made your way to bed.
a/n: thank you for reading, stinks <3
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ranhaitanisgf · 5 months
could i request headcanons for rindou looking after a fem reader who is recovering from getting sick (ie: more tired than normal, kinda grumpy, still dealing w headaches/congestion or more generic symptoms) ? i am recovering from COVID and i need rindou to look after me so bad LOLL
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sickness begone!!
synopsis: how would rindou act with an s/o recovering from sickness?
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☆ a/n ˎˊ˗ hiii thank you for requesting!! :3 i was wanting to make this a bit longer but i couldn't think of anything else D: i hope it's alright and that everyone enjoys !! xoxo [just as a note, i unintentionally didn't end up using any gendered specifications, so this is gender neutral! i hope you dont mind ╥﹏╥]
☆ characters ˎˊ˗ rindou haitani x g/n!reader
☆ wc ˎˊ˗ 1.4k+
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❥ rindou is the number one complainer. he isn’t complaining about having to take care of you, no, he’s complaining about how stupid you are for getting sick. it’s an extremely annoying thing to hear when you’re already not feeling well, but it’s his own way of showing that he cares about you!
“how did you even get this sick? you need to take better care of yourself.”  “how ‘m i supposed to know…” “you need to be more careful.” “yep.”  “are you listening to me?” “just give me the damn glass of water.”
❥ he’s actually quite unsure of how to take care of someone who is ill, so he ends up calling his brother for help, asking what he’s supposed to do, (‘aniki, they're burning up, what do i do?’ ‘you don’t know what to do when someone’s sick? you don’t know anything at all?’ ‘i’m hanging up.’ ‘no, no, ‘m sorry, i’ll help you.’). 
❥ when he gets the basic rundown from ran and gets all the supplies he needs, he does his best to try and make you feel better! he doesn’t really say anything the whole time, just squinting at the directions on all the little packages, muttering about how ‘these words are too damn small…’. 
❥ he’s surprisingly soft though, his worry for you taking over his usual snarkiness. he’ll gently brush your hair out of your face and will periodically wipe any sweat away from your face with a damp cloth, his eyebrows furrowed with worry. he’ll stay by your bedside for almost the whole time you are there, watching over you and making sure that everything is alright, (he also insists on helping you walking to the bathroom or kitchen even if you can walk completely fine). 
❥ does not care if you bitch and moan about the bitter taste of the medicine. you will be taking it, no matter what. 
❥ he makes sure to check your temperature regularly, letting out an annoys tsk when he notices that your temperature is still high, (might curse out whatever virus that is tormenting your body at the moment).
❥ his snarkiness immediately comes back when you start to get better, though it comes in the form of nagging like an old grandma. 
“hey, why’re you going out?”  “‘m going to get decongestant.”  “stupid, don’t go by yourself. stay here, i’ll go.” 
❥ he just does it because he cares, so don’t get too annoyed with him!
❥ he secretly compares you to a lazy cat when he sees you lounging around your apartment, sprawled out all over the sofa or even just on the floor, (of course, he will never voice this, but he thinks it's rather cute). sometimes if you’ve ended up falling asleep there, he will snap a few pictures because he thinks you’re absolutely adorable!
❥ i think that rindou knows what it’s like to get bad headaches since having bad vision can sometimes cause them, so he understands what you’re going through when you complain of having a pounding pain in your temples. without any sort of explanation, he’ll tell you to lay down with him in bed or on your couch and he’ll gently massage your temples, doing his best to help ease your pain, (if you try to tease him or bring it up later, he will pretend like he has no idea what you’re talking about). 
❥ when you snap at him while you’re recovering, he’ll either completely ignore you or will call you an idiot and then will continue whatever he was doing. either way, he won’t ever get upset with you and he won’t snap back either since he knows that you’re not really in your right mind. 
❥ rindou likes to sleep, (not as much as ran) but he will stay up for however long you can’t sleep for whatever reason there may be, whether it’s congestion, a headache, or any other pains in your body. he’ll carefully smooth his hand over your forehead to get rid of any sweat and will hold you close to him for comfort, gently rubbing his hand in circles on your back until you fall asleep, (if you say a word about it, he will once again pretend like it didn’t happen. he is the biggest tsundere). 
❥ he does not know how to cook, but he will try his damndest to make you some good meals so that you don’t have to cook. every time you try to help him he will roll his eyes and tell you to go back to bed, ‘don’t worry, i’ve got this’, (he does not got this). he’s on the phone with ran the whole time, which is odd because he doesn’t know how to cook either. 
“oh…wow! it looks great!” “why did you pause?”  “uh, no reason…!” 
❥ it’s the thought that counts…?
❥ you guys end up ordering takeout, and you have to comfort rindou for the whole night that you were very appreciative that he tried to cook for you, (he’s not outwardly upset, but it’s easy to tell that he’s sulking). 
❥ you know those people who tell you to drink water whenever you complain about something? that’s rindou while you’re recovering. your head hurts? did you drink water? your stomach is achey? did you drink water? you’re really dizzy? did you drink water? it’s not even like he knows that water will fix any of those things, he just read an article on how sick people should have a lot of fluids, so he’s constantly shoving water and electrolyte drinks in your face. 
❥ binge watching is the number one activity to do while you’re sick, so rindou will watch any show you want to watch with you. he doesn’t exactly say why, but it’s because he doesn’t want you to feel like he’s leaving you alone, especially while you’re sick, (it doesn’t really make sense to anybody but him). 
“wait, hold on. so mary was dating mark but then she cheated on him with kendall?”  “right?! it’s so crazy!!” 
❥ he somehow gets into the crazy reality tv shows you watched because of your boredom. 
❥ going back to this note, he’s not just by your side 24/7 while you’re sick, but also while you’re recovering. it’s completely irrational, but he has this fear that you’re suddenly going to collapse and get even sicker than you were before if he’s not there, so he will not let you leave his sight, (unless he’s going to the store to get something for you). 
❥ if you want something, while you’re recovering is the time to ask for it! rindou is especially weak to your requests, and even more so when you’re feeling unwell, so if you ask him to buy you five pints of ice cream, he’ll end up buying ten, (he enjoys seeing the grin on your face, so he thinks it’s worth it). 
❥ he does not care if you’re sick or still recovering, he will keep kissing you, and no, he doesn’t care if he gets sick. why should he let some stupid virus dictate whether or not he can kiss you? he might not seem like it, but he lives off of the affection that he gets from you, so he can’t even imagine not being able to kiss you. 
❥ no matter the length of your hair, he will braid it. it’s a strange thing, and he doesn’t have an answer for you when you ask him what he’s doing. all he says is, ‘...keeps it out of your face…’, (he only knows how to braid because of ran). 
❥ will walk by and toss a blanket on you if you don’t have one on already. it’s almost like he’s attacking you with blankets, but he just says that ‘you need to stay warm’. 
❥ when you finally get better, he’s so relieved! he will only admit it to you, (and he will only say it once) but he was actually really worried about you. he’s not ever worried about your safety when you’re with him and his brother because he knows that they can fight off anybody who tries to hurt you, but sickness isn’t something that he can fight, so he wasn’t exactly sure what to do with himself. all he could do was hope and pray that you would get better, and he absolutely hated it. 
❥ he takes you out to your favorite restaurant and spoils you rotten when you’re back to your normal self <3
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theyoungeragrippina · 5 months
🫶🏻 15 gentlebeard/blackbonnet fic recs
(17 if you squint)
hey legends, in this bittersweet period where a lot of a us are feeling gutted but simultaneously, rebelliously hopeful, i've emerged from my reading den to showcase to you all some of the brilliant talent we have in this fandom! these fics are some of the best of the best, and i hope you love them just as much as i do! <3
they are all complete, do not feature any ongoing steddyhands/edizzy/stizzy, and are above 20k words.
peruse part 1, part 2, and part 3 at your leisure if you want to compare our tastes/devour more fine literature, or check out my masterlist as an ao3 collection.
adrift between the dreaming seas by @dandy-pirate-time
49k, mature, locked
stede lives a cursed life on a moving island, until the monotony of his days is suddenly interrupted by the fearsome kraken.
this was such a fascinating & incredible idea! i love how it manipulates aspects of the original story and transforms them into parts of the cursed island <3 sweet & unique & magical. i want to hug poor stede.
Five Birthdays and a Funeral by @bizarrelittlemew
58k, explicit
"When Ed and Stede's friend groups merge, they meet at a birthday party, and Stede's life is turned upside-down. As they collide again and again, he not only has to figure out what Ed means to him, but what he means to himself."
stede gets to be oblivious and a bit of a silly goose as a treat. also: treasure hunts, lucius is the best, ed has a cat whom i would die for, such a sweet & heartfelt fic. you will be so unbelievably fond of this version of every character.
The Ghost of Frigate Point Lighthouse by @piratecaptainscaptainpirates
53k, explicit
"When history professor Stede Bonnet goes to investigate rumors of a ghost haunting the local lighthouse, he's thrust into a mystery centered around the ghost of one of the most famous pirates of all time."
was SO eager to read this and it did not disappoint!! it has everything - fun, magic, mystery, tired TA lucius, and a lil bit of seduction. good enough that i am worried the author may actually just be a sea witch recollecting events he personally witnessed.
Haunted by @thepirateroo
60k, explicit
"The Kraken is a famous spiritualist, working the music halls of 1920s London to help families communicate with their dead. But Stede Bonnet knows that underneath the fame and illustrious title, Edward Teach works as a ghost hunter, debunking the spirits he makes his living off."
this is, genuinely, in the top 5 fanfics i have read for any fandom EVER. i wouldn't bat an eyelid if i read this exact work as a published novel in a bookstore. the mystery is so good and had me guessing and re-theorising constantly, the characterisation is brilliant, and the emotions are perfect. i cried, i laughed, i felt sick with worry for the characters, and i couldn't stop reading until i was done.
haunt me, then by @hyruling
28k, explicit
"He releases the ropes slowly, barely registering the burn as they slip through his fingers. Then, fallible as Orpheus, turns to meet his ghost."
post s1 fixit fics ily. everyone needs some therapy. really VERY well written and a joy to read.
Homeward Bound by mari_who
51k, explicit
"In the long-ago year 2000, bouncy blonde boy-band member Stede Bonnet is 17-year-old Edward Teach's gay awakening. Decades later, Ed hears a voice he could never forget."
i said 'ohhh no poor ed/stede' so many times while reading this. a lovely exploration of emotion and human connection, and finding yourself when everyone else has always defined who you are on your behalf.
I just need some air by @cuddlytogas
26k, teen
"Stede Bonnet's been having panic attacks for almost as long as he can remember, suffocated by pressure and expectation... When [he] finally takes his life back — divorces Mary, moves to Melbourne, starts his own event management business — things get better, but he's still no good at parties. He still needs some air, even at the very events he's brought to fruition. Meanwhile, Edward Teach, renowned chef and owner of Blackbeard's Catering, is wondering why the newest bigwig in events still hasn't hired him."
zoomed through this faster than lightning mcqueen. such a lovely writing of stede, ed and the whole crew - it feels like there's depth in every character, even background ocs.
also fantastic australia rep (i was jumpscared by mention of the cotton on group) AND i've been to the bar the final scene takes place at!!!! most exciting reading experience of my life.
i'll be your treasure by @monksofthescrew
48k, mature
"Wasn't the Dread Pirate Blackbeard rumored to have a hoard hidden somewhere near Essex? It's a metal detecting AU. They're detectorists. They fall in love."
i LOVE this fic so much it is just,,,, so sweet. stede does self-discovery and is seduced. ed is a bit of a goose and i'm obsessed with him. doug and mary are lovely. alma is so cool and i love her.
+ the sequel! drift o'er the rolling hills, swim through the briny sea (made me cry. btw. doug keeps being the best.)
The Kraken's Sacrifice by @trinityofone
22k, explicit
"Every year, a person is chosen—supposedly at random—to be sacrificed to the Kraken, to quell the sea's worst storms and to stop the taking of ships... Stede discovers that there is much more to the creature than he was led to believe—and that they have a deeper connection than he could have ever dreamed."
i LOVED this okay. it was funny and sweet and gave an interesting spin to the ed-is-the-kraken genre. get both of these boys some self-esteem asap. also comes with art by @avatoh!!!!!
lovers in a dangerous time by @veeagainsttheday
52k, explicit
pacific rim au - "Edward Teach becomes a jaeger pilot, first with Izzy Hands and later with Stede Bonnet. It’s not easy trying to save the world and falling in love with your drift partner…"
made me feel every emotion under the sun, including foaming at the mouth jealous that i don't have a drift partner. absolutely, masterfully written. i've popped this link first since its the fic that focuses on stede & ed, but it was written as a prequel for:
+ catagory five: a shatterdome romance by @owlinaminor (27k, mature), which focuses predominantly on jim & oluwande, and which i also massively recommend reading (first). it's told through lucius' words and made up of journalistic notes and transcriptions, and its really terribly clever. i knew nothing about pacific rim before this, and now i'm really very invested. if i wrote something this fantastic (& creative & wildly unique) i would never shut up about it.
More of the Gravy Basket than of the Grave by @veeagainsttheday
36k, explicit
"Ed and Stede’s ‘unorthodox friendship’ ended four months ago when Stede left Ed without a word after Ed asked him to run away to a parallel universe with him. They’re thrown back together when they’re summoned to perform a supernatural exorcism at the Hillside Hotel during a blizzard."
this has got to be one of the coolest and most creative fics i have ever had the pleasure of reading. genuinely kept me guessing and so so intrigued, PLUS the most sweet stede & ed dynamic!!!
Nothing Missing in My Life by @semisweetshadow
63k, explicit, locked
"Hollywood action star Ed Teach is bored with his celebrity life. Everything changes when he meets Stede, a sweet extra working on the set of his latest film shoot. Stede doesn't know who Ed really is and treats him like a real person and Ed can't help wanting to keep him."
ed plays an action hero called jeff the accountant, and if that's not immediately the greatest synopsis ever idk how else to win you over. hilarious, clever, & so heartfelt. i gasped and said 'oh no' with a hand over my heart nearly as many times as i laughed out loud.
not pickles by smallestchurch
84k, explicit
"Ed's minding his business when the new neighbor's kid comes around holding a human puppet. It's creepy as hell, but as soon as the kid's father rounds the corner, Ed doesn't mind."
i actually feel a bit ill when i think about this fic because i love it so overwhelmingly. there's family, and healing, and good food and friends, and ed teach and louis bonnet become the dynamic duo they always had the potential to be.
Our Fangs Mean Death by @flawedamythyst
87k, teen, locked
"Master Vampire Blackbeard's afterlife is enlivened by the arrival of a new coven in town, lead by the self-styled Gentleman Vampire. Now here's a Master who doesn't mind shaking things up by wearing clothes 300 years out of date, buying a massive gothic mansion for a lair, and leading the most eclectic coven Blackbeard has ever seen."
ridiculously fun. this is the vampire novel/fic i didn't know i needed and i loved every silly second. stede really gets to fulfil his dad-ness. i'm furious i can't join the gentleman vampires coven irl, will just need to embrace the gothic vampire aesthetic in my own life.
Wayfaring by @justkeeptrekkin
35k, explicit
"The downside to being stuck on a desert island is that Stede's not awfully good at adapting. The upside is that he and Ed can finally have some peace and quiet– that is, if Ed ever wakes up from the gunshot wound in his stomach."
the sweetest desert island fic, feat. the cutest piglet in the world, a little bit of pining, a helpful skeleton named dusty, and some of the best & most accurately written stede and ed content ever (imo).
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forgeofthenine · 6 months
Hi, I love your blog ♥️
I was hoping to get some headcanons for Zevlor and the others, for when their non-tiefling partner tells them that it's not that difficult to read tail language because they've had cats for most of their lives and tieflings are similar enough.
Since we're already likening Zevlor to a wet cat, might as well go all the way. Tell him to his face that he's just a grown up catboy >:3
I honestly cackled at the last line of this ask, this entire thing was a pleasure to write and I hope you enjoy!
The bachelors when you compare them to cats
You'd known Dammon for a while now, learning the blacksmiths little quirks and attributes
One think you'd picked up on a while ago was the way his tail moves
Your eyes were often drawn to the way it would wag and curl in your presence, how it never quite seemed to stay still
It was only when you'd been giving a stray cat hanging around Dammons forge a scratch that you'd connected the dots
The blacksmith definitely wasn't expecting you to understand what his tail language means the next time he sees you
Having your partner matter of factly point out your excited tail wags is enough to fluster even the most self assured tiefling
When you compare him to a cat he gets even more flustered, letting out a light laugh as he asks you to be a bit more specific
Honestly, Dammon kind of likes the comparison despite being more of a dog person
He'll join in on making jokes about Tieflings being half cat, or saying that he's secretly a cat in a tiefling suit
Dammon is very chill about the whole thing and definitely appreciates having a non tiefling partner that can read his body language
Zevlor has a habit of dragging his tail when he's tired or upset while in the privacy of your shared home
He gives big sad cat energy a lot when he's recovering from his time on the road
It definitely helps you to know when he needs a bit of extra care and affection, being able to read his mood through his tail
Seeing the way it sways slowly when he sees you despite how it was layed on the ground originally
After some time, Zevlor starts to wonder how you always seem to know when he's in a bad mood
Sometimes you know even before he does
When he asks, the last thing he expected you to say was that he acts like a sad cat whenever he's upset
Zevlor is quite literally speechless at that, you can even see the cogs turning in his brain
He'll be confused by the idea but it doesn't change how he moves his tail is when you're around
Every time you liken him to a wet cat it's like trying to explain an internet phenomenon to your out of touch grandad
The way Zevlor is always so adorably confused and accepting of it as a compliment is definitely a sight to see
This ever proud wizard is definitely an easy one to read, even if you aren't used to cats
His tail lashes behind him when he's annoyed, it curls in on itself when you praise him for his magical ability, it sways lightly when you enter the room
Bringing up his similarities to cats is something that just happens naturally
The two of you are reading in his study when he drops something and lashes his tail in annoyance
When you mention his annoyed tail language he assumes it's his siblings who explained it to you
He's halfway through cursing Cal and Lia under his breath when you say he's actually acting like a cat
It's enough to completely stop him in his tracks, furrowed brow as he considers your words
Rolans much too proud to let himself be compared to a cat without complaint, and bringing it up is an easy way to get under the wizards skin
His tail flicks around behind him and his face glows an even brighter red
Even better, get Cal and Lia in on the joke!
Make Rolan regret ever introducing you to his siblings, trust me, it'll be really funny
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jinnie-ret · 6 months
stray kids x ninth member!reader (platonic)
<---------- back to my youth
<---------- back to main masterlist
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chapter 1
genre: fluff content warnings: swearing (?) word count: 1.1k
"Sunny... Lou, wake up, we've got to get ready for practice!"
"Give me five more minutes mum..."
"Yah! I'm not your mum!"
Louisa rolled over in her bed, squinting as she opened her eyes from the sun peeking through the blinds. Huh. Since when did she have blinds in her room? Blinking to adjust her vision to the lighting, she was shocked to the one and only Lee Know from Stray Kids.
"WHAT THE FUCK!!!" she exclaimed in shock at the top of her lungs, which clearly gave the same feeling to the man as he jumped back from her sudden and unexpected yell. The two of them could only wordlessly look at each other, both of them speechless but for different reasons.
Footsteps suddenly came piling into the room, which as she tore her gaze away from one of her idols, she noticed the room was something she could have only dreamed of. Her walls were painted a lovely sage green colour, tapestries hung up on the wall, wound from thick white string. There was an overall calming feeling to the room, Louisa noticed, which was added to by the soft fluffy rug in the middle of the floor and several variations of cat plushies scattered around the room.
"What's happened? Why is there shouting?" Bang Chan questioned hurriedly, looking over the two of his members and seeing no clear signs as to what just happened.
Meanwhile, Louisa was freaking out. All of Stray Kids were in her room, which wasn't her room but she would have to assume for now that it was. Maybe it was all happening in a dream? And she finally shifted like she saw everyone do on Tiktok.
Yes! That must be it.
Taking deep breaths to try and calm herself down, she did her best to act normal.
Easier said than done.
"Hey? Hello? Anyone in there, Sunny?" Seungmin waved his hand in front of the girl's face, bringing her back to reality. Or whatever this place was.
"Oh, hey, what?" Louisa wiped her tired eyes, clocking onto the fact that they kept calling her 'Sunny'.
Was this her stage name?!?
"You screamed in my face," Lee Know pretended to burst into tears, grabbing onto Han's leg in comfort from his position on the floor he hadn't moved from.
"My baby!" Han joined in, gasping and sinking to the floor as he cradled Lee Know to him and hugged him tightly.
Hmmm. At least they weren't acting differently from how she expected them too.
"Oh," Louisa said and let out a giggle at her two members. Wow, that would be something to get used to.
"Haha, she just said oh," Jeongin laughed pointing at the girl who still seemed dazed.
"Lou, why did you yell? Stays are right you really are like Minho," Hyunjin pointed out with a grin on his face, lazily brushing a stray hair from his face.
Wow, to be compared to Lee Minho.
"Oh, I umm, had a dream I was at home so I was confused when I woke up and saw Lino in my face," Louisa laughed, quickly coming up with a sketchy lie that could be covered up by her tiredness.
She saw a couple of the members pull a sad face at her and wondered why. It would have to be something she'd find out later.
"Ah Lino-ah, you gotta stop surprising Flo like that, we told you enough times already!" Changbin scolded him, arms crossed over his chest.
"Yah! I didn't want her to be tired for practise. You know she can be moody," Lee Know said back, a glint of mischief in his eyes.
"Moody?" Louisa held a hand against her chest in disbelief. She hoped she wasn't moody around her favourite people.
"Hey hey hey! Our sunshine is never moody!" Felix sat down next to Louisa and covered her ears to protect her from the words.
Louisa could feel her heartbeat picking up quickly. Was she this close with the members?
A sigh was let out, and everyone turned to Bang Chan to see him shaking his head.
"Guys, it's literally only gone 7am," he muttered shaking his head before he began to walk away, "such a handful."
The other members began to follow suit and continue getting ready and whatnot, when Han turned to Louisa.
"It wasn't a bad dream, was it?" he asked her quietly, a brow raised in concern as he became serious.
"No, it was a good one, probably one of the best ever," Louisa thought to herself as she recognised this dream of Stray Kids to be one of a kind.
"Okay, good, well make sure you're awake, we leave in half an hour," Han cheerily said, happy his youngest member was too as he went to hunt for some food for breakfast.
On their way to the company, Louisa felt in her element being around the boys. It just felt so natural. Like she was meant to be there. She praised the gods above for letting her experience this dream.
"So your schedule today starts off with dance practice for Miroh, then you have vocals to record and some free time after that for producing or anything else you need to prepare," the manager that was in the car with them began.
So they were practising for Miroh? Gosh Louisa didn't even know what year it was until then. From her own knowledge they had just entered the summer of 2021, after winning the competition show Kingdom Legendary War where they participated with other boy groups. She wondered how it would work with her being in the group now.
At least this way she knew the dance quite well already, it would be just knowing how to fit into the formation.
Getting out of the car and entering the company was another thing. Louisa had no clue where she was going but as they walked past the café inside she couldn't help get excited - she had heard amazing things about the food. At least for now she could justify following after the other members as they all went in to practise the dance for Miroh.
Someone bumped her shoulder as they walked through the corridors, causing Louisa to stumble back a bit.
"Ugly slut," a girl muttered under her breath as she walked past.
"Huh?" Louisa questioned out loud.
She'd barely walked into the company and was already being faced with drama. Silly to think she'd live a life without it as an idol.
"Lou?" Jeongin turns around when he notices she wasn't walking with them.
"Oh, sorry, got distracted!" Louisa brushed off what happened and jogged lightly to catch up with the guys.
"Yah Lino-ah really must have startled you," Bang Chan laughed at the girl's expression.
"Shhhh," Louisa held a finger against her lips as she rolled her eyes.
"Kids, get to practice!" the voice she recognised as the manager's called out. Good to know there's someone keeping them in check when Chan gets in his cheeky moods.
First practise, this would be a breeze, right?
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @kpopmenace143 @sakufilms @kai-lee08 @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @cheesemonky @his-angell @turtledove824 @2minstan @royal-shinigami @yangbbokari @lixie-phoria
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zhng96 · 10 months
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↳ pairing: ot9!zb1 x gn!reader
↳ warnings: lowercase intended, these r a lot longer than blurbs LMFAO, implied situationship at the beginning of jiwoong's?? mentions of drinking in zhang hao's, gunwook's is short sawry :(
↳ note: these r so fun i want to do a part 2 of just them as other taylor swift songs. taerae and hao's are my personal favs they are literally so cute i will die.
perm taglist (open): @tzuberry
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↳ now playing: style by taylor swift.
jiwoong finds himself slowing his pace as your house gets closer into his view. the light thuds on the concrete pavement are the only sounds that are heard at this time of night in your neighbourhood, but it evokes a sense of comfort.
in hopes of distracting you from his slowing pace, he reaches out to thread your fingers into his. when he hears the hitch of your breath, he smiles- suddenly the thoughts of parting for the night turn into an overwhelming amount of admiration towards you.
despite never disclosing your relationship, it is clear that the two of you are very into each other. however, that didn’t stop the heavy question from lingering on your lips every time you see him.
(more under the cut!)
sure the silence was nice, but your overwhelming thoughts consume you and a question seems to sprout out unprovoked.
“jiwoong, i’m not the only one you’re seeing, aren’t i?”
of course, you couldn't blame anyone for also take interest in him either, he was attractive, dreamy and kind.
jiwoong seems to freeze for a moment, his grip on your hand loosening while the rest of his body tenses in reaction; quite the juxtaposition, but it showed that even in the most compromising situations, he chose to be delicate with you.
"yn, i-" when the sound of his wavering voice fills your ears, you instantly back down.
the last thing you wanted was to make him uncomfortable and lose him altogether, "sorry it's just- i'm so tired of this cat and mouse game-"
"yn." this time, his tone was quite the opposite of what it had been before. that was one thing you admired about him; the way he picked himself back up so easily.
you look at him with furrowed brows, your rambling voice slowly fading out as yours eyes meet his. "i'm the one who should be sorry... i may have been seeing other people but trust me- none of them compare to how much i feel for you."
watching as your lips part in surprise, a warm smile makes its way onto his lips before he continues, "you are worth more than i think i could ever give to you- but if you will have me, i'll try my hardest to give you everything you deserve."
"jiwoong, you have given me everything i have ever wanted and more."
↳ now playing: you are in love by taylor swift.
it wasn't like mieun meant to do it of course- she was hammered; but even with that in mind, you couldn't help but be pissed. your clothes were now drenched in her concoction of drinks and spots were starting to dry, causing bits of your shirt to stick to your skin. thankfully, while you were patting your shirt with a wet paper towel, hanbin came over to offer to look after her while you either went home or found a change of clothes.
spoiler alert- you ended up doing both of those things.
however, the last thing you expected was to see your best friend zhang hao at the party as well- also as a designated sober friend. he watched the interaction from afar: your figure in distress as you try to find a way to either get home or get out of these clothes.
"yn!", he calls from over the music, and your head immediately turns in his direction. he gestures to you to follow him and you oblige.
"wait in the bathroom, i'll grab you the spare clothes i have in my car", he then opens the bathroom door for you and gives you a reassuring smile, before shutting it as you walk in.
after what felt like forever, a gentle knock sounds throughout the bathroom.
"it's me, i'll just leave the clothes hanging on the doorknob alright?"
you let out a small 'okay', before opening the door just a crack and reaching for the bag hung around the door knob and shutting it once again once it was in your grasp.
fortunately for you, the liquid had not gotten onto your jeans so you just had to change into his shirt. disgustedly stripping off your shirt, you turn on the sink and wash off any alcohol that had stuck to your skin and when you finally put on zhang hao's shirt- a whiff of his cologne wafts into your nose.
fighting off the blush that threatened to creep up on your cheeks, you take the leftover fabric from the shirt that draped just past your mid-thigh and tie it into a thick knot before leaving the bathroom altogether.
you hadn't expected zhang hao to just be a few inches from the bathroom waiting patiently for your return, but there he was, and his eyes lit up at the sight of you.
"you ready to get out of here?" he asks, silently basking in the sight of you in his shirt.
"but what about mieun?"
"hanbin's already taking her home."
to say the ride home was filled with conversation would be a big fat lie. it was quite silent, zhang hao's radio was turned down to almost a whisper. although you were itching to say something, you couldn't find anything to talk about and it seemed like zhang hao was very comfortable in the silence. did you only see him as a best friend? does someone who only sees someone as a best friend find it hard to find something to converse about with them? all the more, blush when they give you their shirt to help you out?
"zhang hao.." you started, but you couldn't seem to find words to let you finish.
after a few seconds following your failed attempt at conversation, zhang hao smiles gently before glancing at you briefly, "you're my best friend."
tilting your head at the cryptic statement, you want to inquire before he beats you to it, "but i'm in love with you. like truly in love."
licking your lips, your eyes never leave his figure. his eyes stick to the road, but you can tell he meant it- you could sense how he itched to look back at you, "i think i'm in love with you too..."
↳ now playing: call it what you want by taylor swift.
hanbin has made it very clear that he would do anything for you and more. if he had the ability to give you the world he'd also find a way to gift you the moon as well.
for example, when earlier today you had told him you were craving stir fried spicy pork- now he had just texted you that he was on his way with spicy pork and your favourite dessert.
when he arrived at your door with the biggest grin, both the stir fried pork and dessert in his arms, he quickly sets them down to replace them with you. the embrace was quick but full of every feeling that bubbled within him everytime he saw you.
when you lean in to peck him on his cheeks, his eyes catch a gold necklace with a heart pendant dangling from your neck. obliging to your kiss, he smiles before his hands move to rub the heart between his fingers.
you quickly blush- you hadn't expected him to notice the new necklace so quickly.
"what's this?", he asks, before a carving on the back of the heart scratches at his finger tips.
he flips it over to find his initials engraved on the back side of the heart- a big goofy grin finds its way onto his lips and you can't help but focus on each and every feature of his face as he reacts.
"you bought a necklace with my initials engraved onto it?"
"yeah... not in a weird possesive way or anything i just... the way you love me is the most precious thing in my life and i never want to forget what- or rather who makes it so precious in the first place..."
"we better get me one of your initials too then."
↳ now playing paper rings by taylor swift.
matthew liked you. like really really liked you. he found it so unbelievable that you held the same emotions for him, but you did- and god did you know how to make it known.
you were on the same boat, matthew has always been the sweetest, most patient and understanding person you had ever met.
the night he had confessed to you while rewatching a romcom for the 13th time in a row had made it’s way into your “favourite memories” folder in your head.
he was everything you could ever ask for and more- everything he did for you was so much even if it was just buying you your favourite snacks.
before you even considered your feelings for matthew, you considered yourself as someone who wasn’t exactly the most romantic- but when you were around him it’s like a switch flipped.
even if you adored the thought of the idea of a beautiful crystal sitting in the middle of your wedding ring, one which glistened beautifully when the light hit no matter the angle, even if matthew proposed with a ring made of newspaper- you’d accept it in a heartbeat.
“what you thinkin’ about?” he drawls, nudging you by the shoulder as he left no space between the two of you on the couch.
“mm.. js’ really love you.” you smile, glacing at him with adoration.
his eyes crinkle as he smiles and he grabs your arms and pulls you closer to him- if even possible.
“i think the world of you.” he replies, hands resting on your thighs as you were now straddling his waist. you knew that even if that engagement ring was made of newspaper, matthew’s neverending fondness for you would make up for it.
↳ now playing: fearless by taylor swift.
as much as you felt bad for leaving your coworker's wedding, it was getting boring and you weren't about to waste the 150 dollars you spent on a nice outfit just to sit and clap while others danced.
thus leading you to be drive down the dark streets in taerae’s car with the radio on blast. the late summer rain started pouring, but taerae's windshield wipers found it easy to wipe away any droplets of rain from the windshield.
lovers wasn't the right word to describe your relationship with taerae- it more of you having a crush and not knowing if he felt the same. way he looked in a button down, his blazer discarded in the backseat, and his sleeves folded up to his elbows.
he hums along to the song while you simply stare, he looked so good right now- that wasn't exactly what someone should be thinking about they're best friend, right?
"the rain's starting to pour really hard, how about we park at the 711?", his suggestion immediately snaps you away from your stupor and you find his eyes glancing back and forth between you and the road.
"uh- yeah... that's fine."
when taerae pulls into the parking lot, he cranks the radio even louder and you look at his with a raised brow, "c'mon!"
widening your eyes at the sight of him opening his door to make way for the pouring rain, he steps out and kneels to make eye contact with you, his gaze expecting you to do the same.
"we didn't leave the wedding just to not have any fun, c'mon!" you bite your lip in contemplation at his reasoning- surely it was a good argument.
nodding to yourself, you open your door and try not to flinch at the feeling of the rain starting to soak your well done hair.
taerae quickly makes his way you your side of the car, keeping the door of the passenger side slightly agape to hear the blasting radio better.
once he turns back to you, you swear you had tunnel vision- his hair was slicked back by his own doing as the rain soaked it and so was his button-down.
he takes hold of one of your hands and raises it above your head, twisting it to help you spin- the sudden action makes you grin.
then he grabs onto both of your hands and starts to dance, relishing in the way the music echoed throughout the desolate gas station parking lot.
"taerae! my clothes were 150 dollars, i don't know if playing in the rain would make the price worth it", you say between giggles. even as you said it, you complied with his dancing.
he tilts his head in amusement, watching as you too enjoyed the moment albeit the comments that were meant to bring the two of you back to reality, "alright then, if we get it dry cleaned and i take you out to dinner, will it be worth the price then?"
he pulls you close, the two of you stopping in your tracks and a burst of confidence surges through your veins, "yeah... it'll be worth every moment i spent thinking about you too."
↳ now playing gorgeous by taylor swift.
your relationship with ricky was simply that there wasn't one. sure you were acquaintances as you know each other through mutual friends and those mutual friends hang out a lot, but you just can't seem to talk to him.
grudgingly, you'll admit that you don't talk to him because you hate the butterflies he gives you from simply looking at you, or the fact that you swear you would melt into a puddle if he smiled at you.
however, for ricky, he enjoyed how painfully obvious your ignoring of his existence was. sure, he found himself smirking at himself at the thought of you unable to even maintain eye contact with him when he asked you a question, but had he ever found out why? the answer was no.
maybe it was because of the rumour that you truly did have a boyfriend? perhaps the rumour had been true and you were simply just avoiding him because your boyfriend had asked you to. or it was something completely unrelated to even having a boyfriend at all and you just had some problem with him that he was unaware of.
he settled on the former- he didn't want to suffer through a headache due to mindless thinking.
however, his observation was clearly proven wrong when he finds himself left alone in a room with you after both of your guys' friends went to the convenience store without you two knowing.
the silence was awkward, ricky watched as you fidgeted with your fingers and absolutely avoided even looking in his general direction.
"why won't you look at me? or talk to me? we've known each other for 2 months now..."
you purse your lips and finally find the courage to meet his eyes, you quickly regret that decision as you find it hard to look away.
"i'm not good with talking to people..."
"such a cop-out answer", he chuckles, his smile only making your heart race faster than it already was.
"do you have a boyfriend?" the casualty of his question catches you off guard and you part your lips in surprise, an obnoxious questioning sound coming from your lips.
"what made you think that?!" you finally manage to sputter out an answer, and ricky gives you an entertained smirk- you feel like you will melt in your spot if he keeps it up.
"so you aren't avoiding me because you have a boyfriend?"
"what kind of nonsense is that? i'm avoiding you because you're really cute and i hate that just by looking at me i find myself unable to process anything!"
a few seconds of silence overlaps the two of you before you snap your mouth open in distress, "shit..."
"hey, don't stress, we can take this slow. at least now i know why you were avoiding me."
"take things slow..?"
"you didn't think i'd care about you ignoring me if i wasn't an ounce interested in you, did you?"
↳ now playing: cruel summer by taylor swift.
you were in quite the predicament. kim gyuvin was your brothers best friend, not someone you could have a crush on. you two were friends, not close of course; only usually talking when your brother was around. after all, it would be quite weird to hang out alone- at least in your opinion.
in all fairness, you hated your relationship with him. you hated keeping secrets from him just to keep him around. sure, it was selfish to wish for more, if you told him you liked him and it didn't turn out well, your brother may end up losing his best friend too.
however, you were in much luck. your brother along with gyuvin had just graduated. you once had overheard the two talking about moving out together and going to a school the next city away.
summer was dawning in, the rain started to leave and your mind turned it gears with careful cogs. now was the perfect time to confess- if he rejected you, your relationship would not weigh in on his and your brothers', if he said yes- well, you hadn't really thought about it.
either way, either ending satisfied you. you didn't expect much from it, really- but the thought of having a chance to keep him around filled your being with much hope.
it was at least 1 hour past midnight. you went down to grab a small midnight snack, the weight of seeing gyuvin in the living room with your brother free from your chest after hearing the snores coming from your siblings' room just down the hall.
as you turn from the stairs to face the kitchen, you find a tall brunette sitting at the kitchen island, eyes already on your figure.
"hey", his smile was gentle, his voice was laced in fatigue but he didn't seem to want to move in his spot, almost waiting for something- or someone?
"sorry, i thought you were asleep. i heard snoring..."
"oh, your brother fell asleep five minutes into the movie, i couldn't stand his snoring so i brought him up to his room", he chuckled, you find yourself smiling at the sound.
you walk towards your stove, feeling a little intimidated as his gaze does not leave your body.
"you happy you graduated?" you ask, your back turned towards him as you set a pot of water onto the stove.
"hm, bittersweet feelings."
"why's that?" you furrow a brow, staring at the water in the pot, praying it would boil faster.
"js' wish i had done somethings while i was still in highschool... 'dunno"
you only hum, the thought of confessing digging itself to the top of your brain. was now a good time?
"yn?" you blink, turning you head in his direction. had you been in a trance for an embarrassing amount of time?
"think you could make me a pack too?" he gestures towards the singular pack of ramen sitting atop the counter. you tense for a moment before complying, turning to the pantry to retrieve another pack.
by the time you make your way back in front of the pot, the water is already boiling. you open both packets, dumping the noodles in and pulling the flavour packets out. turning the heat to medium, you still refuse to turn your body back towards gyuvin in fear.
now. right now is the best time.
"you thought about the university you want to go to once you graduate-"
"gyuvin i like you... it's bad."
taking his silence as a definite no, you try to blink away the tears the surface, eyes burning into the noodles that slowly softened in the water.
you think that he's found his escape, quietly going up the stairs while your back is still turned but you find your observation wrong. a gentle hand wraps around your wrist and beckons you to look at the culprit.
when you turn, you expect to find gyuvin looking at you with sincere apology. instead, you find a coy smile on his lips.
"what's so bad about that?" you look at his eyes in exasperation, searching for evidence of a joke- was he teasing you right now?
"you're my brothers best friend! not to mention you're moving away!"
"would you believe me if i told you that your brother knew about my crush on you?"
"what?!" gyuvin snickers before putting a finger to his lips, sure you were being adorable- but too loud at 1am.
he turns to turn the heat on the stove off before looking at you again, "and we've decided we're not moving... we both didn't get in so we're staying here to go to uni."
letting out a breath of relief, you still shook in your spot, "so you don't think it's weird that you're best friends with my brother and i'm his sister who has feelings for you?"
"what, is there some love handbook i don't know about?"
you can't help the light-hearted laugh that erupts from your throat at his sarcasm, "no... i guess there isn't."
"good, because not telling you i liked you before i graduated was my one and only regret..."
↳ now playing: message in a bottle by taylor swift.
park gunwook was an admirable classmate of yours. he was bound to have admirers, he was class prez after all. his ranks were good and he is attractive- no denying that.
what is embarrasing however, is how you found yourself as one of those admirers.
it started off with simple notes of motivation. you only signed with an anagram. then, it turned into small gifts from the school store.
you revelled in the way he surveyed the room after each time he read a note from you, or the way he would ask his friends if the had seen someone set something on his desk.
however, you were diligent with being sneaky. you would only set something on his desk when the hallway and classroom were clear- it was usually during lunch or, if you got to the school too early, you would do it then.
what you weren't diligent with though, was estimating his intelligence.
arriving at the school late today, you rush into the classroom, praying that teacher was also running late. to your misfortune- he was not.
you stops you at the door, publicly announcing your arrival, making your rushed morning even worse before handing you a detention slip and dismissing you to your desk.
you set your bag down beside the desk chair and when you look up, a light pink sticky note tabbed to your desk catches your eye.
you frown before sitting down, grabbing the sticky note and fumbling to read it.
"thanks for the gifts yn- or should i say, my secret admirer. want to go to the convenience store with my at lunch? - p. gunwook" it read.
in surprise, you perk your head up and immediatley jerk your head into his direction. he was already looking back at you, a bashful smile on his face accompanied by a shy tilt of his head.
a goofy smile breaks through it restraints before you could stop it and you nod- suddenly your morning wasn't too bad.
↳ now playing: enchanted by taylor swift.
han yujin did not think that the last thing that would be engraved in his mind after gunwook’s birthday party would be you.
you were gunwook’s childhood friend- sure he’d mentioned you every once in a while, but yujin had never truly met you.
he was glad that gunwook’s birthday party gave him that chance.
you were absolutely captivating- the way you looked in your formal yet casual attire, the way you lit up around the people you were close to, and the kindness you spread to everyone even if you didn’t know them.
yujin actually had the chance to talk to you, probably the main reason you had been lingering in his mind since he had left the gathering.
gunwook had pulled you over to finally introduce you to his friends. when you introduced yourself, he found out that you were actually from around here, just attending a different school.
the two of you actually hit it off pretty well, while gunwook and gyuvin were goofing on the dance floor, yujin and you just decided to sit and watch.
as he grew to know more about you; your school life, your friends, you rank in class, your hobbies and more, he couldn’t help the pit that grew in his stomach.
with everything that you do, you were bound to have someone interested in you- or have your interest lying on someone else, right?
little did yujin know that you were thinking just the same. it would be impossible to imply that yujin has never had an encounter with an admirer, let alone have his eye on someone.
when you two parted ways at the party, the longing to see eachother again had already started to set in. after a few bittersweet goodbyes, you two got into seperate cars and headed home.
as if the world heard both of your prayers, the next week, yujin was invited to hangout with gunwook and a few other friends- he could only hope that by “a few other friends” you would make an appearance.
and you did.
the way your eyes lit up at the sight of him gave him his answer. the only person you had been waiting for was him.
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