#i witnessed things against my will and screamed. my nose is running
fuzzyautumninmetal · 1 month
141 - First Words
So my baby said his first word the other day and mine and my partners reaction was fucking hilarious. Now I can't stop thinking about the 141 reaction to their baby saying Dada for the first time
Johnny 'Soap' Mactavish would cry, like ugly tears type crying. No he does not care about the snot coming out of his nose, his precious baby just said Dada. He was on the floor playing with baby MacTavish during tummy time, you were in the kitchen cleaning up after you and Soap decided to bake Making another baby. Baby MacTavish is a chatter box like their daddy, always babbling and Soap answered back to baby MacTavish's very interesting story. Soap didn't hear it at first, he thought it was babbling nonsense until he heard it again. The simple word Dada and he's picking baby MacTavish up and rushing to the kitchen 
Thay said Dada
Soap holding baby MacTavish up like a prize
Fuck off, you're lying (Your baby was growing up too quickly)
Their first word was Dada
Soap was already crying
Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick would be shocked, swears he's going deaf because no way baby Garrick is talking already. Gaz was bouncing baby Garrick on his knee, pulling funny faces to hear their belly laugh, you were on Netflix trying to find a movie to watch. You were both were in your own world before baby Garrick screamed then ever so quietly said Dada, you and Gaz's head snapped towards each other as you stared at each other 
Did they -
I think so
Gaz turning to baby Garrick
Did you say Dada? You can't have, you were born like last week
Babe they're 8 months old now 
Nope. Still a wrinkly baby 
Captain John Price would just smile, like a smug smile that baby Price's first word Dada. Make's him feel like he's the favourite parent Not realising that when baby Price is upset you can use the fact they can only say Dada against him "Sorry baby, they want you :)". Knowing Price's luck, baby Price will say Dada when he's at work. As soon as you hear the words you're on the phone ringing Price, he picks up at the first ring scared something happened. When you tell him what happened you best believe he's dropping everything to come home, doesn't matter if he's in a very important meeting with Laswell. Baby Price said Dada, he must go home at once
Price coming home and runs straight past you
See, I'm the favourite parent 
John Baby... That's not how that works-
Price is ignoring you as he's kissing baby Price's cheeks 
I'm gonna buy you anything you want. Just say Dada again. Please
Simon 'Ghost' Riley also cries. He'll cry silent tears as he holds baby Riley to his chest, years ago he never thought he'd have his own family and now he's here. Witnessing his baby's first words. Ghost, being the excellent father he is, basically forced you to finally go out for girls night knowing you needed time to yourself. Ghost couldn't wait for a night of tummy time, playing and just straight up cuddling while watching Bluey. Baby Riley was laid on their daddy's chest, trying to fight sleep but failing miserably and just before baby Riley fell asleep they said Dada as they clutched to Ghost's shirt.
Did you say Dada
Ghost didn't move realising baby Riley is now asleep
God I never thought I'd love anyone more then I love your mummy
Ghost carefully hugs baby Riley tighter 
But then you came into my life. Best thing to ever happy to me and your mummy  
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jsprnt · 3 months
Americano PT. 12 | Jude Bellingham x Reader
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What happens if two individuals who absolutely despise each other are forced to interact after unforeseen events occur?
A/N: life has been hectic with family drama, getting my exam results soon and making a decision for my future based on those possible outcomes. even so, I loveee writing, that’s why this took me longer than normal. enjoy reading, and goodnight or good morning wherever you are! 🫶
W/C: 3.366
part eleven
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Throughout the heart-stuttering night, Jude struggled to get the full rest he needed for training the next afternoon.
He was thankful training was scheduled later than usual because he’d struggled to get even a wink of sleep.
After the sudden way the girl had launched herself into his arms, crying herself back to sleep as he whispered sweet, reassuring words to her- Jude’s thoughts were a complete mess.
Noticing her sleeping state, he'd shifted in her bed, leaning back into her pink satin pillows. Her head lying on his bare chest.
He had adjusted her head and arms carefully, making sure she wouldn’t touch his injured shoulder through the night.
And then?
He was stuck, only realizing how restricting the position was when she calmed down, especially considering how rigid his body had gone at the contact.
His mouth went dry and glass of water he had abruptly woken up for earlier was not even within the bounds of his thoughts.
Jude would not stop glancing down at her.
How could he not?
The way her bedside lamp had been hitting her face, the warm lighting giving him a clear look and emphasizing the softness of her state.
Fast asleep, trusting him in her most vulnerable state, drunk and asleep.
It all made his heart thump in his ears, her calm breaths leaving through her nose and hitting his skin.
Jude had witnessed her drunken state before, weeks ago, back in London. A night that had taken a wrong turn unexpectedly.
He couldn't lie, the entire situation had him worked up from beginning to end.
Images of beating the creep’s face bloody, even more than y/n's bag had done, flashed through his head.
Even when he when was lying in bed that night, sleepless- like this night.
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My head is pounding, pounding like I've banged my head against the wall a multitude of times.
A splitting headache was the last thing I would want on a workday.
Why did I drink the night before a workday again?
I rub my eyes, squeezing them shut, to try to combat the pain in my head.
My satin pillow was oddly hard at the moment, making me groan in annoyance.
Did my pillow transform into a rock overnight?
"Will you pretend to be asleep for another ten minutes, or are you going to wake up?"
My soul almost escapes my body at the noise. I jump up, something resembling a scream leaving my lips.
My eyes widen as I scramble, not believing both my eyes and ears as I look at a shirtless, tired Jude, in my bed.
In my bed.
"What are you doing?!" I scream, looking down at my body, screaming even louder internally.
I snatch my blanket from the other side of the mattress, covering up my body- even when realizing I'm still fully dressed, exactly like I was last night before..
What the fuck even happened yesterday?
I watch Jude cover his ears, facial expression unreadable as I distance myself from him.
"Can you please stop shouting?" The brum accent spits. I watch the wrinkles on his forehead etch deeper, a loud huff leaving his mouth.
"What are you- Why are you in my bed?"
The sight is..
"And where is your shirt?!" I ask, voice higher pitched than I ever imagined would leave my lips.
I step back from my bed, the blanket around me like a do-it-yourself cape, seeing him surrounded by my pink, cotton, and satin bedsheets and pillows.
I run a hand down my face, my head starting pound more. I expect to see a nasty sheen of cakey makeup on my fingers- except there is nothing..
"Jude.. Say something.." I plead, urging him to spit out an explanation for- whatever this is.
"It's.." He breathes out, sitting up. I watch him wince, a hand traveling up from his bicep to his shoulder, his mouth forming a line.
I bite on my tongue, watching him like a hawk. I probably look like an absolute mess. My dress is wrinkled, hair a mess and my breath has to smell foul.
Since when did I care about how I looked in front of this douche?
"It's nothing important." He finally says, making anger course through my veins.
"What do you mean? You're half naked in my bed!”
He gets off the mattress, feet hitting the gray parquet flooring. Jude doesn't reply, instead, he walks past the bed, towards the door.
"Hey! Aren't you going to answer-"
"Get cleaned up.." He says rudely, walking out of my room. Only for me to hear the loud slamming of his door.
There's no way something didn't happen last night..
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"The taxi is here.." I mumble, placing my sunglasses on my face. Dark-tinted glasses helping me with my headache and giving me a small mask to hide behind.
I looked like a rat who'd recently escaped from a sewer.
I hadn't spoken to Jude all morning after our weird screaming match.
Could he blame me?
He was in my bed, atrocious considering the weird tension between us, especially since he'd been living in my house.
What it meant? I couldn’t figure it out. Nor could I figure out if this positive or negative..
I hear him make a noise in acknowledgment, making him stand up from the couch. Blue toiletry bag- probably way too expensive for what it's worth, in his arms as he makes his way to the front door.
We annoyingly had to take the taxi to the training grounds this morning, mostly due to my hangover.
But also, because I'm not sure I could drive Jude to the training center without threatening to leave him at the side of the road if he didn't fess up about what happened last night.
I shouldn't be trusted to drive in this state.
I step into the taxi, greeting the driver before shutting up and resting my eyes for the rest of the ride. Though, my interest gets peaked when he begins chatting with Jude about the football club.
"Champions League very good- big chance for Madrid." The driver speaks in limited English.
Again, there is a jumble of mutated Spanglish being spoken.
I tune out Jude's reply. It's probably something egoistic and stupid, like usual.
Of course, my biggest wish every season is for Real Madrid to do well.
But my judgement was clouded when it came to Jude speaking of winning.
My eyes shift back to the driver when we arrive at the training grounds, making me step out immediately as the two of them take photos together.
The fare?
Jude could pay, and I'd be happy to make him pay for the rest of the rides we took together.
I should make him pay for gas, right- I have to..
I adjust the sunglasses on my face, looking around swiftly before practicing running into the training center.
I greet everyone haphazardly, my black trench coat making me look like a vilanized inspector gadget.
This will be a long, long day..
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"So, any reason you were stepping out of a taxi with a certain someone?" I hear Lina say, making me raise my brow. The painkiller I had taken earlier helping me a little more than I expected.
I had the nosiest colleagues ever. I thought I made sure no one else saw us.
"Oh, I noticed him in the taxi, so I just caught a ride." I explain, a shitty lie definitely too easy to catch.
"Sure, not like you’d rather be caught dead than share a car with him.." She trails off, the corners of her mouth twitching in amusement as she twirls a lock of her hair with her finger.
"Yeah, didn't expect he would stop at the light next to the train station.."
Fuck, was there a connection between a hangover and not being able to lie?
Even a child could spot my bullshit from kilometers away.
"So, on the most random day you take the train, you spot him in a taxi?"
"Yeah." I mutter, looking away from her, chugging my leftover coffee.”
"And why did you take the train again?"
"I'm hungover from last night. Was out late with Luis." I explain shortly, pointing my fork towards the bored cameraman.
I watch him fidgeting with his camera lens, across the room, not looking very happy.
"He doesn't look good at all." She observes, opening up a pack of gummies.
"He was hitting it off with this girl, but I spilled my drink on him." I wince at the last memory of last night, still trying to rack my mind for the other memories.
"She asked if I was his girlfriend." I add, wanting to hit my head against my desk, but it was pounding enough from earlier anyway.
This was probably my punishment for not letting him have a good time..
"That's shitty.." Lina disapproves, clicking her tongue at me.
"I was drunk, okay? I'm the first person rooting for him and his love life, you know that."
"You need to root for your own love life. You’ve literally been single since I've known you."
Here we go again.
"I don't need a man. I need money, so stop talking and please continue helping me with this draft.”
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"You look tired, man. Did you rest properly?"
Jude looks up from his seat in the cafeteria, teammates surrounding him as they all chat about what they did on their days off. 
"No, I'm good- just thinking of what to eat." He replies, looking at Brahim. Sending him an appreciative smile at how observant his teammate is.
Throughout his months in Madrid, he had been having an absolute blast bonding and becoming familiar with his new teammates.
Even with the barriers of language, he had found it interesting how everyone could understand each other so well- even with the jumble of languages thrown around during training and in the locker rooms.
He had his Spanish lessons, of course, and they were helping immensely. But Jude had to admit to himself, though his ego- not speaking the language fluently did make him feel left out of certain things on occasion.
Small jokes, little silly comments. Things he could only understand after someone was nice enough to translate them quickly.
He didn’t think anyone would notice, not like they’d care, but from a short distance, y/n did notice.
When she would step onto the pitch during training, interviews, even the small chats in the gym.
He was unaware of it, even now as, she sat on the other side of the room, having lunch with her own group of colleagues.
Jude hadn’t picked up on the pitying look on her face, or the way she would glance away when he’d look in her direction.
Slowly and unknowingly, the translating became a habit. Some things she would even say in English unconsciously when talking to the team.
It wasn't anyone's fault, obviously. Only a matter of time and practice could make sure he'd fit even better with his new team. Undoubtedly, his new home for the next couple years.
"What's with her, though? I thought she was capable enough to murder me with her stare alone.."
"I've never seen y/n look like that."
Jude perks up at the name, though not understanding every single word. His eyes scan the table to see who's decided to speak about the girl he couldn’t stop thinking about since last night.
His eyes land on the guys he's closest to, the very much loved French duo in the team.
Leaning in, and taking a sip of his water, he speaks to them.
"What is with her?" He asks, trying to sound as clueless and uninterested as possible, but the two men glance at each other. A knowing, teasing look in both their eyes.
"y/n, she looks bad today.." Aurélien speaks, informing him.
Jude frowns at the words, probably a translation mistake, he thinks.
"Know about it?" Eduardo jumps in, sending a questioning look to the number five.
"No, just curious about what you guys are talking about.”
He mutters, keeping his volume down, not to attract the attention of the other players.
He didn't want anyone to speak about this, about what she looked like, what she did, not about her.
He pokes his tongue into the inside of his cheek, mind pondering. A stinging and burning sensation of jealousy and protectiveness twisting his thoughts.
It’s just the sleeplessness, he thinks, it’s making him go insanely delusional. He huffs, shaking his head in dismissal.
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"My dad is coming back home in two days.."
"He will handle your case as a first priority. Tell your mom."
y/n twists her neck in annoyance, scrolling through her phone. Ever since those rumors, from back in London- she had a crazy feeling of being actively witch hunted online.
Even so, she had decided yesterday not to give a fuck anymore. Scrolling through her Instagram explore page and blocking every single football drama account she saw.
Out of sight, out of mind.
"Will you respond like a normal human being? Ai has better responses than you."
"What do you want me to say? Jump up and celebrate?"
She sighs, kicking her feet up and making herself comfortable on the couch.
Should she bite the bullet and ask again?
An annoyed grumble is heard in response.
"Did we, you know, do something. Is that why you're being so, awkward?"
She practically dies inside at her own words, obviously sexual in undertone. Wanting to smack herself right in the face.
Really? That's what she asked?
She resisted the urge to walk into the bathroom and grab the superglue to glue her mouth shut.
She should just never speak again. Problem solved.
y/n raises her head reluctantly to watch his reaction, surprise clad all his face. 
"Are you crazy? I wouldn't touch you- especially, when you're drunk, and wailing out for your mother.."
Jude stops, mentally cursing himself for blurting out those stupid words.
Had he gone too far? Confessing to too much information he didn't have to share?
Was it something he should have kept between himself and whatever deity or anything that watched over the universe?
Her blood practically stops pumping, and the shock of his words make her stop mid-overthinking.
Her mother?
She'd let herself get that vulnerable, to the point of speaking of her mother?
A silence falls between the two, the both of them wishing they'd kept their mouths closed.
"When did I?" She cuts the tension with her shaky words, avoiding eye contact as she sits up.
How could she let that happen? Yes, of course, the absence of a mother could be noticed in her life, and others not very close to her could be curious.
It was a very sensitive matter to her, and the wound of grieving could be one that would feel fresh years and even decades later.
"Last night- No, the day before yesterday.." He says, voice deeper than usual.
'Idiot, you should go on a detox and never, ever touch something as simple as a shot of vodka.'
The thoughts and assumptions brew in her mind, and she takes a breath before asking.
"Was it bad?"
Night terrors, they weren't something she had carried into her adult life, at least not lately.
They became a thing after the fact, and therapy sessions during her teenage years in England had definitely helped immensely.
She did notice changes in her behavior when confronted with the idea of not having a mother, even later in life. She could have as many women in her live as possible, but eventually she felt as if nothing could ever compare to a mother’s love.
And that, that was still confronting to know years later.
It brewed jealousy in her mind and soul. Seeing Luis go on brunch dates with his mother. Amira talking about the fashion shows she'd attended with her mom.
And Jude..
The relationship he had with his mother was absolutely beautiful, so beautiful she couldn't help the pit forming in her stomach when they interacted.
Even when his mother came over to her house to check up on them. Not that the two adults needed it, a mother's love is to care for her child. In more ways than just saying, 'I love you' or 'Do you need any help?'.
It was also watching and observing, allowing your child to grow up into a beautiful human being while staying healthy and being there for them.
"No, not at all." He lies, it's for the best, he thinks.
Judging from her expression, there is no need for more embarrassment or honesty that will turn sour.
y/n nods her head, and realizing her slipping mental state and thoughts, she stands up.
"I'll go to bed early tonight.." She mumbles, not bothering to hear his response, feet hitting the staircase with haste and impatience as she retreats into the comfort of her own room.
Leaving a confused, conflicted Jude behind in the living room.
Pity, is all he could describe the empty feeling. Words he wants to say, like bile, rising up to his throat, only to never leave his mouth.
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"Make sure you have your dress ready, y/n. I don't want you scrambling to the mall the day before the party." My dad speaks, placing his apron on the hook beside the kitchen counter.
"Come on-"
I huff, rolling my eyes as if to dismiss his words.
"You did it last year, and the year before that."
He had been back for- not even twenty-four hours, and all he did was; nag, complain, and nag some more.
Thankfully, I had cleaned up the house a little before he arrived, so that would be a topic avoided today.
"Did you vacuum the stairs too?"
Or not.
I open my mouth to give him a snarky reply, but he beats me.
"Never mind that, just make sure you have everything you need on time."
With the end of the year coming closer, the annual co-hosted New Year’s party between Real Madrid and my dad's firm would take place.
It was absolutely grand every time, and this year wouldn't be that much different from what I had heard from my father.
"Actually, you know, since I'm not a teenager anymore.." I begin, batting my eyelashes with sass.
"I planned my outfit with Amira's help, so don't you worry about last-minute mall runs."
"Good, I just hope it's not too short- even worse if it has ten different cutouts." He says, the exhaustion in his face way too visible.
His business trip, and the situation with Jude had probably been keeping him busy and up until late.
At least the party could help him unwind a bit.
"I assure you. No ten cutouts.."
"Alright, dinner is ready. Go ahead and call Jude down for me."
I grab the kitchen marble in annoyance, nails grazing it and making small scratching sounds.
"Can't I just shout from here?" I ask, pleading eyes looking at his.
"Now.." He warns again, pushing me away from the counter.
Jude and I hadn't talked more than five sentences, respectively, a day since that day. It felt weird, like I'd just been stripped naked and vulnerable, all for him to see.
But I'd been curious about him, even if I tried to deny it.
He'd been going out of the house more often, hanging with friends and teammates at their houses. Mostly, since I'd warned and threatened him early on about bringing people over, let alone anyone knowing we'd been living together for the past few weeks.
With a heavy heart, I walk up to his door, knocking harshly and jumbling out a 'dinner is ready' before dashing down the stairs, back into the kitchen.
So much, too much had happened within a short period of time, and I honestly couldn't even begin to process it head-on.
At least I had a warm meal to keep me occupied for now.
Oh, and lovely tension at the dinner table..
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caesium-55 · 6 months
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Lewis just wants to sleep. He's tired. He just arrived yesterday from Las Vegas and he needs to grant himself a lazy day or else, he'll go insane. He already planned out a perfect morning. You, on the bed with him in the most innocent sense—Lewis wouldn't mind sex because sex is nice and all but he also loved just resting with you and basking in your existence and your being—freely drifting in and out of the realm of sleep, no annoying alarm waiting to ruin his morning with that god-awful buzzing nose, basking in the silence and peace of a morning in the quiet part of Monaco, and letting the hours pass by without care. Then, when you both get sick of the sheets, you go down and grab breakfast in that café just across the building that sells amazing crepes.
But he wakes up and your side of the bed is cold and empty and panic sinks in his system quickly. He glances around the room. Sunlight peeks through the tiny gap of the black out curtains in the window. Besides the night lamp, it's the only source of light in the room. Your phone is not on the bedside table, Lewis notes. That means you slipped away from the bed and left the room some time ago without Lewis noticing. Usually, he'd feel it if you even just twitched and he'd wake up in a heartbeat, but the jet lag and the exhaustion that engulfed his entire body must have stopped him from doing so.
He sits up and rubs his face with his palms. He decides to follow after you downstairs.
The door abruptly opens with a loud bang, making Lewis flinch and turn his head towards. Lewis's face transitions from sleepy to shocked to confused.
You're wearing a gown that greatly resembles the type of gowns that the female cast of Netflix's Bridgerton wore in the show. It's a mixture of lilac and pink, both are pretty colors. Your hair is fixed into an elegant half-do with a plastic tiara to complete everything. On one hand, you carry a portable Bluetooth speaker. In the other, a microphone. You sport the most serious facial expression in the universe but nothing about you screams seriousness at all. Especially not with the funky-shaped eyeglasses that sit on the bridge of your nose.
You slam your hand against the light switch next to the door and the entire room brightens. Lewis chuckles at the sight of you, eyes twinkling with mirth. The room never feels more alive than it does now.
"Good morning, baby."
The intro of the song starts blaring through the speaker. A strong beat of drums. Then, you began to sing.
“After the war I went back to New York
A-after the war I went back to New York
I finished up my studies and I practiced law
I practiced law, Lewis worked next door—"
"Baby, you practice medicine—"
"Even though we started at the very same time
Lewis Hamilton began to climb
How to account for his rise to the top?"
You point the mic towards him. Lewis smiles and shrugs his shoulders.
"Man, the man is non-stop."
Lewis chuckles, amused. You are getting into it. You put your mic on your mouth again.
"Gentlemen of the jury, I'm curious, bear with me
Are you aware that we're making hist'ry?
This is the first murder trial of our brand-new nation
The liberty behind deliberation (Non-stop!)
I intend to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt
With my assistant counsel
Lewis tries to leave the sheets so he can get his phone and capture you in video. You stop him by putting a hand on his shoulder.
"Hamilton, sit down."
"I'm sat."
You begin pacing around the room, hands waving around in theatrical fluorish.
"Our client Levi Weeks is innocent
Call your first witness
That's all you had to say
One more thing–"
You walk up to him and Lewis waits for your next move.
"Why do you assume you're the fastest in the room?"
"Because I am?"
"Why do you assume you're the fastest in the room?
Why do you assume you're the fastest in the room?
Soon that attitude may be your doom!"
Lewis shakes his head at you.
"Why do you drive like you're running out of time?
Drive day and night like you're running out of time?
Every day you fight, like you're running out of time
Keep on fighting, in the meantime."
Your number ends with you doing a dramatic pose and Lewis bursts out laughing, the sound mixing with the fading music.
"I love you so much. You have no idea."
This is far from the ideal morning he's planned out. This is not quiet. This is not peaceful. This is boisterous and obnoxious and too much energy so early in the day and every bone in Lewis's body still screams exhaustion.
But Lewis wouldn't trade this morning over the peaceful morning in his mind. Not when you looked so happy singing and rapping that Hamilton song. You theater nerd. God, Lewis didn't know he was physically capable of loving a person this much.
"Hey baby, if we get a son, can we name him Alexander?"
"Whatever you want."
Lewis wishes this morning will never end.
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agentrouka-blog · 2 months
do you think jeyne poole will live? like a long and peaceful(or will try) life or?
Oh yes, absolutely.
GRRM used her character for plot reasons, and to make a big terrible point about hypocrisy and classist disregard in a big number of people. But he won't end it there.
From Jaime Lannister to the collective Northern nobility, no one would bother raising a hand to protect Jeyne Poole for her own sake. It's inconvenient. It would raise a fuss no one can bother to deal with. Only Theon comes to care for her as a person. Only Sansa remembers her friend.
Jeyne is only barely a step above the peasant girls Ramsay hunts for sport. He names his dogs after them, several are called Jeyne.
Even after she escapes with Theon's help, she must remain "Arya".
Jeyne Poole had wept all the way from Winterfell to here, wept until her face was purple as a beetroot and the tears had frozen on her cheeks, and all because he told her that she must be Arya, or else the wolves might send them back. "They trained you in a brothel," he reminded her, whispering in her ear so the others would not hear. "Jeyne is the next thing to a whore, you must go on being Arya." He meant no hurt to her. It was for her own good, and his. She has to remember her name. When the tip of her nose turned black from frostbite, and the one of the riders from the Night's Watch told her she might lose a piece of it, Jeyne had wept over that as well. "No one will care what Arya looks like, so long as she is heir to Winterfell," he assured her. "A hundred men will want to marry her. A thousand." (TWOW, Theon)
But names are important, even if they aren't convenient.
And suddenly there came a wild thumping, as the maester's ravens hopped and flapped inside their cages, their black feathers flying as they beat against the bars with loud and raucous caws. "The tree," one squawked, "the tree, the tree," whilst the second screamed only, "Theon, Theon, Theon." Theon Greyjoy smiled. They know my name, he thought. (TWOW, Theon)
It's only when he embraces his true identity, in the first chapter that carries his name in ADWD, that Theon can rise to save Jeyne. He is filled with joy at remembering himself, even after all he endured. Even while still pushing Jeyne into the pretense of a different name.
GRRM isn't using mirroring language for nothing. Jeyne will return to herself. Even after all she endured, she will know joy and belonging. There is life after trauma.
AFFC and TWOW contain the first mention of Jeyne Poole from Sansa's end since ACOK.
She had not had a friend to gossip with since poor Jeyne Poole. (AFFC, Alayne II)
For just a little while, as she ran, she forget who she was, and where, and found herself remembering bright cold days at Winterfell, when she would race through Winterfell with her friend Jeyne Poole, with Arya running after them trying to keep up. (TWOW, Alayne I)
The mentions tie her to friendship and to Sansa's own true identity.
GRRM isn't building that up for nothing, and the theme of identity and friendship, the mirror to Theon suggests a reunion that will validate Jeyne as a person worth of consideration for her own sake.
And that's where the idea of justice will come in. Jeyne is the perfect crown witness against Littlefinger, who is complicit in the plot of false identity to tamper with legitimacy of Northern rulership and the rights to Winterfell. He's a collaborator with not just the Lannister regime but House Bolton. There's barely any proof for his crimes, and none that Sansa can safely divulge, but this is a proper witness account for a trial.
Just like it's extremely likely that the dogs, with their various Jeynes, will be involved in the demise of Ramsay (though not the way the show did it) in order to give justice to the peasant girls he murdered, it's likely that Jeyne Poole will have a hand in creating justice against Littlefinger, one of the architects of her misery. And with the protection and regard of Sansa (and Arya), it will be made clear that even a person of lower rank like Jeyne Poole has a voice and importance.
And then she will go on and live her life.
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strawberrystepmom · 1 year
old flame, same glow
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pairing: sex worker toji fushiguro x f!reader
word count: 6.1k
about: old feelings spur you on a wild journey of paying for sex with your high school crush but you find out in the process that maybe those feelings aren't as long forgotten as you thought.
contents: nsfw - mdni. no curses au, reader and toji are similar in age (i imagine reader to be late 20s/early 30s and toji to be early/mid 30s), oral sex (f receiving), lots and lots and lots of pining from reader, reader is very pathetic it's very sad but she's my most special meow meow.
notes: this is a repost of the sex worker toji au on my old blog - full and final, with pretty extensive edits to make it flow better. i was personally asked to repost and who am i to say no? be warned tho, for being a fic about sex work this is surprisingly sexless and for that i apologize but i wanted to focus more on the feelings rather than the smut.
thank you for your support and for reading and i hope you enjoy it!!!
dividers are thanks to @/saradika
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“Is it because I’ll never be him?” 
The words your now ex-fiance spit at you during that fateful last fight echo in your mind as you splash cool water over your face, the strap of your purse sagging over your shoulder. A sigh escapes as the droplets run down your nose and lips. 
Him. Toji. The man became a constant issue in your relationship that never seemed to reach resolution the moment you admitted to a one-sided crush you had on him years and years ago, long before your fiance entered the picture. You hadn’t spoken to him since before his first marriage and only knew about his life through social media and occasionally running into each other at the grocery store but your ex took exception after a single cursory glance through Fushiguro’s photo sharing app feed, each picture one of him with his shirt either lifted at the bottom or so tight you can make out each and every divot of his defined core.
Exhaling out of your mouth, droplets go flying against the surface of the bathroom mirror and you fight the urge to scream or cry or maybe both looking at your soggy reflection. You’ve never felt more pathetic in your life and now the outside matches the inside.
The memory couldn’t have surfaced at a worse time and it forced you to excuse yourself from the polite man sitting across from you in a crowded restaurant, shifting through the too small gaps between tables and refusing to make eye contact with anyone else currently sitting in the restaurant as he watched you retreat. 
He was introduced to you by a coworker who spent most of the week wondering why you haven’t put yourself back out there after a year of single life, but you regret saying yes. Not because you don’t enjoy his company - he’s smart, quick witted, and handsome which are all things regularly you’d be enchanted by. 
Truthfully, you know it’s because he isn’t him either.
Digging your phone out of the pocket of your dress, you sigh and open your most recent conversation thread. The bold letters of his name stare back at you, an F in a circle above his last name. Fushiguro.
Free later?
Toji texted you earlier today, while you were still at work, and you opted to ignore him in preparation for tonight. The intention was to clear your mind of distractions or any entanglements you may have lingering, even those with almost unimaginably broad shoulders and green eyes that twinkle mischievously with every salacious wink and smirk he tosses your direction but you didn’t realize you’d fail your mission before 9 pm. 
The sun has only barely set and here you stand in the bathroom of one of the nicest restaurants on this side of the city planning to meet up with your high school crush to pay him for sex. 
Perhaps pathetic is too light of a word for how you feel but you don’t make eye contact with yourself in the mirror for long enough to think about it, gaze darting back down to the backlit screen in your palms.
Your thumbs begin to work before your mind can catch them and you stop yourself, brows furrowed as you press down to highlight the text and delete it altogether. Rubbing your free hand over your face, you sigh and glance down at the text bubble indicating he’s typing on the screen.
You know I can see you typing and deleting?
A knock on the bathroom door makes you yelp as you look over the message, dropping your phone in the still damp porcelain sink with a clatter while uttering low curses under your breath. You hear your name from the other side of the door and in your rush to grab and dry off your phone, you slip the droplet covered device back into your pocket and rush toward the door to see the waitress assigned to your table standing there.
“Uh, he asked me to come let you know that he paid the tab and you can go.”
Panic rises in your chest and your stomach turns as you gaze around her shoulder and look around the restaurant, spotting the table you were just sitting at with its unoccupied chairs.
“Fuck,” you spit before gnawing on your lower lip and the waitress watches you as one would witness a slow motion car crash - incredulously, as if this is something she has never seen before. Part of you wonders if she hasn’t ever seen a woman struggling this close to her, the youthful round of her cheeks convincing you she can’t be old enough to have a lot of life under her belt. 
You shoot her an apologetic glance and she nods curtly.
“I’m sorry you had to do this,” your voice is muffled by your own shoulder while you dig through the purse and pinch out a banknote with enough zeroes to make her happy. You think it’s a 10,000 yen note but you can’t be certain and the embarrassment of the evening is carrying your feet toward the door too quickly to verify.
The door spits you out into a balmy evening but you don’t notice, filling your lungs to the brim with fresh air that feels restorative despite the heat. Patting around your body, you ground yourself with the knowledge that your phone is in your pocket. Pulling it out, you click your tongue at the new notification alert on the left side of your screen and exit your conversation with Toji to look at it.
The number isn’t saved in your phone but the words make you hiss as you look over them, shame making your face heat in a way that a warm summer night cannot even begin to replicate.
Hope dating gets simpler for you. Have a good night.
Sighing, you dawdle for a moment wondering how to respond, shifting your weight from foot to foot. People pass you on the street and you worry they’re going to start to wonder why you’ve been standing in front of the restaurant door for so long, dejectedly staring at the glowing screen in your palms.
Taking a few steps, you begin to walk in the direction of the train station and exit out of the conversation with your date, opening Toji’s contact info and holding down on his number until you hear your phone dialing him.
“Was wondering when you’d get back to me,” he doesn’t hesitate to speak as soon as he picks up the phone and you feel a flurry of butterflies erupt in your gut the moment you hear him. This is so bad, you contemplate with the click of each of your steps. So so bad. “Where you at?”
Humiliated, you dare to feel almost a little comforted by how happy he sounds to hear from you. You’re certain that this is how he sounds with all of his clients, everyone who hires him for a good time, but you want to believe so badly it’s just for you. The lilt at the end of his sentences that you know mean he’s smirking, one corner of his mouth turned up. 
“Do you want to hear the truth or to hear a carefully made up lie?”
He chuckles on the other end of the phone and you wish you could listen to no other sound for the rest of your life.
“Tell me the truth. You’ve never been a great liar.”
A deep exhale deflates your posture and your gaze snaps to your feet as you make your way off to the farthest part of the sidewalk, your voice lowering to keep some shred of your dignity intact. It’s bad enough you’re venting your frustration to the man you pay for sex, you don’t want to think about how mortifying it would be to have a stranger overhear your woes.
“Well, I was on a date and got walked out on so now I’m heading toward the train station.”
A sympathetic hum and shuffling come from the other end of the line, Toji absentmindedly flicking the lighter he keeps in his pocket while you speak. The silence, no matter how momentary, makes you feel awkward and your brain leaps to overcompensate.
“Did you still want to meet? I don’t have a ton of cash but I do have time.”
Another chuckle. You hate that you feel like it’s directed at you rather than to be shared with you and the hot flush of embarrassment makes you reach for your sleeve with your free hand uncomfortably. It was too hot to wear this dress. It was a stupid idea to even come out but his voice keeps your rapt attention, his next words making you genuinely smile for the first time in hours.
“I can’t make you pay full price after getting walked out on. Come over, we’ll work it out.”
Thanking your lucky stars, you shut your eyes tightly and use every ounce of willpower inside of you to keep yourself from crying. Moisture pools at your lashline and you choose to ignore it, relaxing your jaw as you respond.
“You mean it?”
He hums affirmatively and you feel the butterflies in your stomach travel further south at the sound.
“Wouldn’t offer if I didn’t. See you in thirty.”
The call drops from the other end, your phone beeping to signify the ending but you can’t keep a giddy smile from creeping across your face as you press your phone against your chest and open your eyes. Looking up at the twinkling stars above, embarrassment gives way to something you haven’t felt in so long outside of these meetings with Toji that you wonder if you’re about to have a heart attack or something equally disturbing - the familiar flush of affectionate love. 
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The unimpressed gaze of your coworker follows you all the way to your desk as you make your way through the rows of desktops on Monday morning. You shrink beneath the weight of it, the wool of your pencil skirt suddenly itching more than it ever has while brushing against your legs with each step. 
She must have heard about how well your date went.
The text message sent from the man still sits, unanswered, in your phone. Shame sits like a brick in your stomach and you keep your head down, even as you sit and the hydraulics of your chair squish beneath you with a “whoosh”. Bouncing back up, you refuse to make eye contact as you get settled, logging in.
“I am never setting you up again,” she spits in a hushed whisper as soon as you sit down next to her, pulling her can of coffee away from you and setting it on the opposite side of her keyboard. 
“If you weren’t ready you should have just said so.”
It’s not like you can defend yourself. You weren’t and remain unready to see anyone else yet it didn’t stop you from immediately stuffing bills in Toji’s hand, legs still shaking while he helped you button your pants and sealed your goodbye with a wink and a kiss on the forehead.
This time, though, was the first time the two of you kissed outside of sex and you’re still reeling. Head fuzzy as you recall the way his scar felt brushing against you for more than immediate sexual gratification. Soft lips, firm flesh, warmth. You swear you feel a ghost of the kiss itself as you sit, surrounded by buzzing overhead fluorescent lights.
The two of you have had sex a dozen times now, once a month your usual schedule, but this time felt different. Maybe it’s the fact that you paid less than usual, maybe it’s the tender way he placed kisses from the underside of your breast clear down to your mound, watching your every move with those glimmering peridot eyes. 
“Are you going to say anything?”
The accusatory voice of your coworker interrupts your reverie and you blink before turning in your direction with your head bowed. Words stick in your throat and you aren’t able to swallow so you mumble a simple “sorry” with nothing further. She scoffs and turns back toward her computer, typing loudly to indicate her annoyance as you click around your desktop.
“He walked out on me, to be fair,” you finally come up with after falling short on a near infinite amount of apologies in your head and she turns once again to stare at you. Her gaze burns and you shift in your seat, the same shame you felt at the restaurant weighing your limbs and keeping you pinned in place.
“He left because you were in the bathroom for 15 minutes with no explanation.”
She scoffs and shakes her head, typing away for a moment before turning toward you again, still unfinished with her thorough lecture about the wrongs you’ve committed. Your body still feels heavy, frozen with embarrassment of your own making, but you manage to sigh and fold your arms over your chest unenthusiastically.
“I was hoping you’d at least tell me you had an accident or something.”
Without thinking, you laugh the hardest you have in awhile and several heads peek above their desktops to glance at your unusual display. They probably think you’re losing your mind and if you were to be frank with yourself, you aren’t convinced that isn’t exactly what’s happening.
You are fantasizing during work about a man you pay to have sex with, pretending you’re anything more than a client with a little cash to blow and he’s a man with a lot of free time and a natural gift for cunnilingus.
Hiccuping, your laughter subsides and your unimpressed coworkers return to their tasks, the one sitting next to you still eyeing in a way that is borderline venomous at this point. You don't blame her, though. You fucked up and can't bring yourself to own up to it when your head is too wrapped up in remembering every peak of Toji's arms wrapped around you.
How the fuck did this happen?
She says nothing further, instead turning to her computer and leaving you to sit staring at the blinking cursor on the screen in front of you. You can unpack every single choice you've made since 16 right now and it still wouldn't lend any clarity as to why you are willing to fuck up every relationship around you for the sake of sleeping with a man who you mean nothing to.
Of course, you don't know that, but it's a safe enough assumption given the dynamic itself.
You swallow thickly, pride sliding down your throat like something you may choke on, and turn your chair toward your coworker.
"I handled it poorly and I shouldn't have. I'm sorry I embarrassed you."
She scoffs, dipping her head low.
"The only person who should be embarrassed here is you."
Accepting the criticism, the truth, you plaster a smile across your face and nod once. Any argument you may have tied together at another point in your life dies and you instead turn back to your work, looking at the little clock on the bottom corner of your screen.
9:15 am.
So many hours left for shame to simmer between your ribs, a molten pool of your own failure to swim around in until you drown.
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The lewd pop of Toji releasing your clit from between his lips and your panting are the soundtrack playing through his otherwise quiet apartment. Darkness envelopes both of you, so insatiable by the time you made it back here there wasn’t time to turn on the overhead lights. 
I need to stop, you think in the afterglow of another orgasm delivered by the impressively skilled mouth of the man whose green eyes are fixed on your face. You take in the sight of him, chin and lips soaked from your last release that drenched him. 
“Never seen ya do that before,” Toji remarks from between your thighs. Your muscles twitch on either side of his face and you giggle weakly, tired from being thoroughly fucked and devoured. He places a kiss on your inner thigh, eyes fluttering shut briefly as he does so. 
You want to reach out and stroke his cheek, softening with every ounce of care he gives; the way his thumbs assuredly massage the outside of your thighs. It’s all so…tender. It feels like it's meant for a lover, someone you wanna fall asleep beside and rise with in the morning.
Something meant for you and someone else.
If you weren’t so tired you’d already be gone. Instead you groan softly as he rubs a final pair of circles on your skin and sits up, wiping his face across his bicep. He stands and he feels you looking at him, scoping out every nude sculpted inch of him. How is it fair that he not only fucks like a god but looks like one too?
Truly, some people get all the luck.
“Somethin’ on your mind?”
Shrugging flippantly, you let yourself melt into the comfort of his bedding, getting too used to feeling it beneath you at this point. You've increased your visits from once a month to once a week, twice if you're particularly stressed, and he certainly will never turn down a chance to make some good money.
"How many clients do you have?"
The question leaves your lips before you can really think about the implication of what you're asking but he chuckles, pulling a pair of athletic shorts and nothing else over his softening cock. You can still make out the print of it clear as day and it makes your face heat, looking away and feigning interest in the peeling skin around your unkempt cuticles.
"I'm sorry, that was intrusive," you clarify, gaze flicking up from your nail beds to where he fills two glasses of water from a pitcher on the bedside table. You dare to indulge yourself by continuing to look at him rather than away, his hair falling in his face.
For the briefest moment, you think you'd like to be the person to brush it off his forehead forever but he turns to you with a smirk and holds out a glass of water before you can go any further into the delusional fantasies your mind keeps providing to you without asking.
"Why are you asking?" He drinks after asking, finishing his glass in one gulp and setting it back down next to the pitcher. You take the glass extended in your direction, sipping to try and wash down the lump in your throat before it can fully form. "You like me or something?"
Immediately you shoot up, hauling the blanket over your naked form ready to explain away your questioning and he sits down on the edge of the bed with a smile, reaching out and grabbing your covered thigh with one of his hands.
"I was just kidding, don't get jumpy."
Fighting the urge to fidget, you stay sitting up and sip from the water cautiously again, small mouthfuls at a time to keep from feeling overwhelmed. You're so anxious despite having cum so many times you truly lost track and Toji wishes he didn't find it so amusing that after all these years you still manage to be as neurotic as he remembers.
You were a good girl back then, scared of getting caught running around with the delinquent, but you still puffed each time he'd hold the cigarette to your lips. You still tagged along when he would skip class.
He wondered what happened to you when the two of you lost touch. Figured you'd ended up married with a kid or two like him, waiting for the next day and getting through it to the best of your ability.
He was shocked when you messaged him from your social media profile, the photos displayed on your page less than interesting. You standing in front of a shrine on vacation, you smiling next to your family on your grandma's birthday, you looking lonely with a smile that never reached your eyes in photo after photo.
The rest is history, as they say, and you rush to fill the silence.
"Curiosity got the best of me, that's all."
You look up, reaching across the bed to slide the water onto the table beside it and he keeps his gaze fixed on you.
"Four occasionals, one regular."
Eyes widening at his words, you point to yourself.
"I'm your regular?"
He hums and nods and you take a moment to process the information for what it is. A surprise, certainly, and you can't quite figure out how you feel about knowing he sees four other women even if it is just occasionally. Logic smacks you in the face as you realize you hardly have the right to feel jealous over him doing his job but you let that feeling turn in your head for a moment, wondering what he'd do if you admitted how you felt to him.
Would he stop seeing his other clients? Would he let you take their occasional spots, making sure he's making the same amount of money regardless if it's all coming from you?
"My occasionals don't live in the city so we only meet up when they're in town."
Why he feels the need to explain himself is as lost on him as it is you, your head tilted to the side in confusion. Can he tell this is what you need to hear to quell your own wandering mind or is he simply indulging you to ensure that his regular stays a regular? You hate to think the worst of him, knowing he's a good man beneath the antics he has always managed to get wrapped up in, but the ever shifting boundaries between the two of you get less and less comfortable with every session.
"How about you?" He asks while you slide your knees up and tuck them into your chest, his hand falling to the side in the process. "You paying anyone else for sex?"
Giggling, you shake your head. It's embarrassing to even be asked, your desperation as apparent as your skin itself, but you feel like if there's anyone you can joke about it with it's the man whose face is still sticky with your release.
"Nope, one is plenty. I'm not rich, you know."
He quirks a brow and crawls onto the bed, making his way to hover above you with a smirk and that same hair hanging over his eyes the way you always seem to see it in your daydreams.
Without thinking, you reach up and brush it off of his forehead, your fingers gliding across the sweat slicked skin of his face. You look at him for a moment, the way he looms above you, and your stomach turns.
This is too much. Your fingers tremble gently as you trace them over the bridge of his nose while dragging them off of his face, hand flopping down at your side while you struggle to shift from beneath him to get out of the bed.
"You alright?"
You nod and he backs away, sitting across the bed rather than lingering over the top of you. Sliding your legs off of the bed, you stand and feel him looking at your back as you bend and scramble to grab your clothes.
"Yeah, just realized it's super late."
Hurriedly pulling your pants up over your legs, you stop when you realize he hasn’t stopped staring at you since the moment you left his bed. His gaze burns and you wither beneath it, burning out like a shooting star as you stand still as a statue.
“Just stay,” he offers as if it isn’t the most self destructive option you could possibly choose. Stay and what? Chew on your nails the entire night until the sun finally rises and you can blissfully leave? Watch morning cast a warm glow over his sleeping body while birds chirp outside?
A persistent echo of the word idiot dances through your head as you briefly consider his suggestion, wondering if it would truly be so terrible to bury your head against his side and sleep soundly for the first time in months.
You can’t do this. The night feels suffocating, like it’s smothering you rather than enveloping you gently, and you pull your pants all the way up and fasten them while throwing your shirt over your head and pulling it on in a surprisingly fluid motion.
“I gotta go. Thank you for everything.”
Bustling out of his apartment, Toji watches your back head toward the door and can’t help but feel as if that was your final goodbye, gone in a flash the same way you returned to him.
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Hey stranger, what's up?
The latest in a series of ignored messages pops onto your screen before you can close out the notification, today marking 21 days since the fateful night you cried in the back of an overpriced car the entire way back to your apartment leaving Toji’s behind you.
The messages are all the same - nonchalant and non committal, unspoken business proposals - but you scroll up through them anyway with a broken sniffle. How you’re still managing to cry over this three weeks later is beyond your own understanding but your fingers reach out to brush the screen of your phone regardless, just as they did the smooth skin of his forehead that fateful night.
Life has been normal without him, you reason. You go to work, keep your head down, come home and fall asleep in front of the TV. You’ve been too depressed to even masturbate but you’ve tried, crying through the measly two orgasms you’ve managed to pull out of yourself halfheartedly.
Part of you wishes you’d just die and end this misery once and for all, the other wants to die thinking of how someone would feel looking at your browser history. “Green eyed guy big dick”, “big dick DILF” , “toji big dick”, the terms thay would haunt you enough you worry they’d emblazon them on your headstone if you were to perish.
It’s dramatic, sure, your world has imploded in on itself more than once already but this hurts with the intensity of three broken engagements. Your heart feels like it could give out at any moment and it nearly does when your phone begins to vibrate and ring. Dropping it to the floor below, you sniffle again and feel another round of sobs bubble up in your throat at the name on the screen.
Toji Fushiguro. Clear as day.
You let it ring and ring until you know your voicemail will pick up and you’ll delete it. Fuck, you should really delete his number as a whole but even that feels too permanent.
How did it hurt less when you left your old apartment with an empty ring finger and a few boxes full of your meager belongings than it does to ignore a man you paid for sex?
Truthfully, you know it was never about the sex and you were treading in deep dangerous waters from the start.
You love him.
You loved him back in high school when he was a bad influence, you loved him when you’d open your hidden photos folder to stare at pictures you screen captured from his social media as soon as your fiancé rolled over to fall asleep, you loved him hovering above you with moonlight illuminating every shadow of his face.
This is the worst thing that has ever happened to you and through a flood of hot tears, you close out the open adult website on your phone and pull up a search tab, typing the words that will lead you to listings for apartments for rent as far away from here as you can possibly get.
Your time here is done and you know it, the ding echoing from your phone letting you know you have a voicemail almost sounding exactly like a timer would but you look at the notification anyway.
It's curious he left you a voicemail but you watch as your screen loads from the browser to the one unopened message in your mailbox. Taking a deep breath, you press play and hear his voice drifting through the speakers.
"Hey, uhh...I dunno what I did to piss you off but maybe we should talk about it. I'll be at the usual spot tonight if you wanna meet. Hope to see ya."
It ends as unceremoniously as it started and you cry harder, rewinding to start it over again. Listening to his voice, you trace your fingers along the screen of your phone a final time before deciding to take him up on his offer.
Closure will only help this process, you think, ending it all and closing this chapter for good.
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“Look who it is.”
You recognize the voice coming from behind you but refuse to turn in your chair to greet its owner, instead sipping from your cocktail before tossing your napkin down unceremoniously. 
This isn’t your first time at this less than reputable establishment but you hope it will be your last, ready to get away from the shit in this city you wished you would’ve left behind a long time ago. Him included.
“Toji,” you toss from over your shoulder and the man himself enters your peripheral vision. Refusing to give him the smug satisfaction of turning to look at him, you simply nod and begin to tear the napkin you tossed down into little pieces. You’ve always loved how easy it is to transform things with your hands, from whole to broken and back again. It reminds you of yourself in a strange way.
“I could make some time for you,” Toji sucks his teeth and you roll your eyes at the sound. “If you want.”
A shake of your head is all you offer as you continue to throw bits of paper in front of you, a small pile of bits, all that remains of what once was whole. The metaphor dies as you think about it and you sit quietly as he settles in beside you.
“What would it cost me this time?”
Toji shrugs, the already clinging fabric of his short sleeved shirt gripping him tighter with the motion. You swallow thickly seeing the muscles move from the corner of your eye. He’s gorgeous and you hate it, reminding yourself that loneliness is what led you in his direction in the first place. Or at least you’re still trying to convince yourself of that.
You wish you could have stuck to your guns when you promised yourself you’d stop seeing him.
“I can make a deal for my favorite even if she has been avoiding me lately.”
A laugh escapes before you can stop it and you turn to look at him, taking in the deep jade color of his eyes and the dark lashes that frame them.
What point did you start looking for the mischievous little sparkle that lives inside of those irises? What point did this become more than transactional?
You always have and it never was.
You sigh, tipping your head back to look at the dim modern-attempt-at-vintage overhead lighting and he sweeps his large hand across the bartop to sweep your bits of napkin into his palm. 
“No charge, actually.” 
Making a show of considering his offer, you squirm uncomfortably at the boundary that has been firmly broken by it. He has given you discounts, sure, but to offer a completely free no strings attached session is almost more than you can reasonably deny. You have been suffering in his absence, self imposed exile keeping you locked inside of your apartment when you aren’t at work. You aren’t dating, you aren’t fucking, you’re just trying to exist as simply as possible.
Even the most upright girl needs to have a little fun sometimes, though, you think. Especially since this will be the last time before you go and leave him to his life. You have no place in his world and he no place in yours, two paths that intersected briefly but have to diverge eventually the most the two of you will ever be.
Despite your better judgment, you look at him with a bittersweet smile and he finds the look puzzling. There’s still the ever present softness you hold for him deep in that gaze but there’s something else he hasn’t seen before. 
His heavy stare makes you interrupt with a question. 
“What did I do to deserve a free one?” 
He shrugs, dropping your bits of napkin into your drained lowball glass where they soak up what’s left of the water. The cycle into something new begins again. 
“Feelin’ generous. You in or not?”
Dragging it out for a moment longer, you wonder if you should tell him this will be the last time. You’ve known him for such a long time there’s an element of obligation but you shrug it off and rise from the barstool, smoothing down the fabric of your pants.
“Fuck it. Let’s go.”
Toji doesn’t bother to hide his smug half smile, tossing down a few bills to cover your drink. 
“You didn’t have to do that,” you start and he cuts you off as the two of you walk so close your shoulders brush. “Told you I’m feelin’ generous, quit making me regret it.”
He’s teasing but you flinch a bit at his words despite yourself. 
What if he regrets this? What if it hasn’t been as mutually beneficial as you originally thought, you’re just another face with disposable income that wants to see what it feels like to fuck a man with reckless abandon? Isn’t this why you walked away in the first place?
The what ifs will drive you crazy if you keep it up so you let the cool night air clear your mind, gasping as he pushes you against the driver side door of your car.
“Toji,” you warn but his hands glide up your sides and you lift your chin to expose your neck, his lips and teeth easily finding the column of your throat. The vibrations of your voice feel good against his mouth and you yelp as he scrapes at your skin using his front teeth. “Someone could see us.”
He scoffs and lifts his face away from your neck, lips mere inches away from yours. 
“Would that be so bad?” You nod emphatically and he rolls his eyes, dark brows knit together as he considers what you’re saying. “Ashamed to be seen with me?” Your shoulders slump and he presses his lips against yours so quickly you wonder if you imagined it and you sigh.  “No, I’m not. Just would rather people not know I’m paying some dude I used to go to high school with to fuck me.” 
There’s too much truth to your words for him to argue so he simply leans in against, pressing his lips against yours for a moment longer than he previously did. You feel the corner of his lip rise, a little smirk, and you wonder what’s on his mind.
“Don’t seem so ashamed when you’re screamin’ about how you can feel me in your….” he feigns thought for a moment and you feel your face heat, knowing what he’s about to say next. “What is it you always say? Ah, yeah…tummy.” His lips press against yours again and you kiss him back this time, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and wrapping his dark hair around your fingers. The two of you separate before the dry humping starts, catching your breath as you wipe remnants of chapstick and saliva from your lips.
“Get your ass in the car before I change my mind, Fushiguro.” 
He smiles at the sound of his name on your pretty lips. There’s no going back now and he knows it as he squeezes your ass once before rounding your car to enter the passenger side. A glance up at the night sky allows you a moment to clear your mind before you enter the vehicle yourself, shutting the door behind you as you fire up the engine. 
Something new begins again, the night revealing thing you know to be true.
You love him too much for this to be the last time.
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ldrfanatic · 6 months
the night i nearly lost you
Theodore Nott x Reader "13" Series pt 5 warnings - death, cursing, torture, reader almost gets killed
translator series masterlist <previous next chapter>
slytherin boys masterlist works
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You were pacing through the dark corridor a little ways down from the room of requirement, turning your head every few seconds to look out for Filch. Theo had sent you an owl begging to meet you and here he was, late. You checked your watch again. 12:28. In his owl, Theo had asked to meet at midnight.
You sighed and tried to stop disappointment from settling in your stomach. Obviously this was some cruel sick joke, no doubt orchestrated by Mattheo. Just as you turned to make your way back to your dorm room, Theo appeared. "Wait! Y/n."
"What do you want Theo?" Theo wasn't the only one who was taken aback by the tone of your voice. Even you hadn't intended to be that rude. "I'm sorry. It's just I'm tired and you asked to me nearly half an hour ago!"
"I know. I apologize. I just," Theo let out a harsh breath through his nose and ran an olive-skinned hand through his hair. "I'm sorry for what I said to you on the train. My struggles... I know how much you care for me. Please. Just allow me to prove it to you. Just one date."
Your heart started to soften. For the first time since your Hogsmeade date, when you look at Theo, your heart swelled. Theo's eyes followed your actions as your hand reached up to pull nervously at the bracelet on your wrist. His eyes shined with recognition as he looked at it.
"You still wear that old thing?"
"Of course. You gave it to me. Theo I-" You were cut short as Theo yelped out in pain and began clutching his dark mark. He fell to his knees and let out another gut wrenching scream. Immediately, you ran to his side. When you looked, your skin began to crawl. The mark on his arm was moving. The jaw of the skull was opening to make way for a snake that was slithering down towards his wrist in fractional movements.
"Y/n Run."
"What? Why?!"
"They're here. The Death Eaters are coming."
You stepped back and stared at Theo in horror. He wasn't shocked or surprised. He knew this was happening. The apology wasn't just for what he said on the train. It was for what he did. He helped them. "Theo... Please tell me that this isn't what I think it is." The words came out in hiccupped sobs and his silence told you everything. He did this.
"I'm sorry. Please understand I had no choice. My father would've killed me."
"Run with me Theo. We can get away from all of this. The war. My parents set me up with safehouses and galleons. Once the Dark Lord makes his official return, all magical families are at risk. Please."
"Y/n. I'd love to."
"What is it we have here? Little Theodore has found something to play with." The voice of Bellatrix LeStrange sent chills down your spine. "Oh. It's my dear little blood traitor niece." Her eyes locked with yours and she raised her wand. Theo placed an arm out to her.
"What's this? You want to do it yourself little Theo? Do it then." Bellatrix stepped close to Theo and raised his arm so that his wand was pointed directly at your chest. Your eyes immediately started to water. You'd gladly give your life for Theo's. She leaned in to whisper in his ear with a wicked smile. "My son says you've grown quite fond of her. Prove yourself to the Dark Lord. Kill her."
Theo's eyes watered and his arm started to shake.
"It's okay, Theo. I'd rather die by your hand than anyone else's. Just promise me that you won't let this turn you into your father."
"HOW DARE YOU SPEAK OF HIS FATHER IN THAT WAY?! YOU LITTLE BITCH. HIS FATHER IS AN ESTEEMED AND PROUD SERVANT OF THE DARK LORD!" Bellatrix came up behind you and placed her blade against the side of your next. "Kill her now, Theodore. Or I will."
Theo's eyes hardened and he steadied his arm. He mouthed 'I'm sorry' to you and you nodded your head softly in acceptance. You locked eyes with him. The last thing you would see in this life was Theodore Nott's eyes.
Suddenly, Draco ran behind Theo and Bellatrix threw you to the ground. "After him!" She took off running wildly with the Carrows following quickly. Theo walked up to you and helped you stand from the floor, then he pulled your crying form into his arms. "I'm so so sorry, cuore." You clutched him as close to you as possible. Theo pulled back slightly. Just enough to smash his lips onto yours.
"Let's go." He grabbed your hand in his and took off down the hall in the direction opposite of wherever Draco was running. You quickly noticed that he was leading you to the Dark Forest. "Where are we going, Theo?"
"I have a plan! We can escape Hogwarts this way."
You stopped reluctantly at the edge of the forest. A commotion was heard behind you. When you turned, you saw Harry Potter chasing after Snape, Bellatrix, and a few others. Suddenly, Potter fired a spell at Snape who deflected it and then the two began conversing. Bellatrix was dancing around Hagrid's burning hut and Draco, who look hilariously out of place, turned to look directly at you. But he didn't tell Bellatrix he'd seen the two of you. He just turned away and you thanked every God you could think of that your cousin had a sliver of his heart left.
Theo tugged on your wrist.
"Come on, Y/n." Tearing your gaze away from the scene, you took off after Theo into the trees. He guided you through the woods until you came to a clearing. A hippogriff was standing there chained to a tree.
"What is this, Theo?"
"I've been preparing this for you, Y/n. At this past Pureblood Ball, the one that you skipped, I met with your parents. I'm your escape plan. He knows where he's going, all you have to do is get on his back, and hold on tight."
"What do you mean? You're not coming with me?"
Theo grabbed ahold of your shaking form. "Listen to me. I can't come with you. If I go, my father will never stop looking for me. You'll be in danger constantly."
"I don't care! I'm not leaving without you Theo!"
Theo sighed. He'd hoped it wouldn't come to this. He raised his wand and made to cast Stupefy, but you blocked it. Then you pointed your wand directly at his chest. "I'm not going without you Theo." Your eyes were determined and your arm was steady. Theo on the other hand, was shaking like a leaf uncontrollably. He wouldn't fight you. He couldn't.
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You held on tighter to Theo's waist as the wind blew through your hair. Wherever you were going, the journey was long. "How did the Death Eaters even get into Hogwarts?" Theo sighed and looked back at you. He'd hoped you wouldn't be asking these kinds of questions.
"I'd been tasked with helping him fix the issues he was having with the vanishing cabinet. I'm particularly adept with magical artifacts."
You continued silently for few minutes longer and then your melodic voice sounded in Theo's ears again. "But how can the Death Eaters take over Hogwarts? Dumbledore would never allow it."
Theo looked at you over his shoulder. "Draco's task was to kill Dumbledore. Should he fail, Snape made an unbreakable vow with your aunt that he would carry out the task if Draco failed to do so. And even if neither of them did, Bellatrix happily would."
"So they cornered him? And why does Bellatrix care if its Draco or Snape?"
"Not Bellatrix. Narcissa."
Your heart clenched in your chest. Though you hated the Malfoys and despised your cousin, Narcissa was your most favorite family member from that side of the family. She was always kind to you. When you'd stayed at Malfoy Manor in the years they hosted the Pureblood Ball, Narcissa was always there to make you comfortable. She hadn't done this out of fear of Voldemort nor spite for Dumbledore. She'd done it to protect her son.
Somehow that made you feel a little bit better. As unbearable as your cousin could be, without the influence of Voldemort or the disgusting vermin Lucius Malfoy, deep down he had a good heart. Knowing his mother was looking out for him where his father wasn't made your heart just a little bit happier. Theo's voice interrupted your thoughts.
"Hey. None of that matters now. I'll never let anything happen to you."
You buried your face into Theo's back and remained silent for the remainder of the journey. Finally, the hippogriff began to descent. "That's it, Quickwing. Nice and steady girl." Theo brushed his hand soothingly along the feathers on the animal's neck. As you got closer to the structure, you noticed two figures standing outside of it.
She pulled you into a tight hug and kissed all over your face. Fleur had been a close friend of yours during the Triwizard tournament. Gabrielle and Bill were standing off to the side with soft smiles. After he finished tying up Quickwing, Theo approached the four of you apprehensively. Bill immediately pointed his wand at him. You stepped in front of Theo with your arms spread wide but Bill didn't lower his wand.
"Step aside Y/n. I don't know why you've brought a Death Eater here, but he can't stay."
"Wait! Bill, please." You looked at him with pleading eyes until finally, he lowered his wand. "He helped me escape Hogwarts. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be alive."
Bill scoffed as Gabrielle hid behind him. "If it wasn't for him, your life wouldn't have been in danger in the first place. And now you've brought him here. To where my fiancee and her sister stay."
"I didn't even know I was coming here! Please understand. Theo risked his life and defied Voldemort for me. Please." Fleur walked up to Bill and grabbed his large hand in two of her smaller ones. "Amour."
"Fine. But I'm watching you..." He trailed off and stared expectedly at Theo.
"Nott. Theo Nott."
wc 4.1.2024
--- taglist @moonlightreader649
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frenziedslashers · 2 years
I Love You, And I Don't Say It Enough:
Pt. 2; Baby, It's Okay
Pairing: Daryl Dixon (The Walking Dead) x Reader
Warnings: she/her pronouns used, possible ooc Daryl idk, PinV sex, unprotected sex (wrap that shit 👹), rough to soft sex, canon typical violence, mentions of character death. Not proofread.
About: This is set after Season 7 (meaning if you do not know who died Season 7 Episode 1, please do not read if you do not want spoilers.) This is a little fic about Daryl returning to Alexandria after escaping from Negan. I may have gotten some of the details wrong, but this was mostly for my own enjoyment. If you have a request you want to send in for him or another character, feel free. I will be making a master list for TWD and include the characters I write for here in the next few days!
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The past few weeks had been some of the toughest of your life. Not only did you witness two of your good friends die, but you knew that more blood would be shed along the way after theirs. You just didn't think it would be Daryl. He wasn't dead, not from what you knew, at least. They just took him from you. A man who's helped you survive since the beginning. A man who you grew very fond of, and he grew just as fond of you in return. You thought Alexandria brought hope to the future the both of you could share. You were wrong. At least in this moment you were so very wrong.
You screamed for them not to take him from you. It only made them laugh. Negan made a comment about wanting to take you, too. Make you his wife and Daryl have to watch him treat you like his. "I'll be back for ya, don't cry," was the last thing Daryl had said to you. It didn't stop your tears, if anything it only made them worse. What if that was the last time he would ever speak with you? The last time you'd ever see his face. What if he ended up like Glenn and Abraham... Or worse?
It felt like months had passed without him, but in reality. It was only about three, maybe four days. Living without him was lonely. Sure as hell a lot colder at night than having his furnace of a body cooped up next to you. When you saw him get off the truck, you nearly collapsed. His eyes looked tired, but they still searched for you. They still widened and looked at you with the same love and adoration as before. Negan was quick to stop the interaction when Daryl blurted your name and the both of you attempted to run for one another.
"Well," his smile, god. You'd give nothing more than to shoot it off his face. "Isn't this just adorable? Don't you think, Lucille?" He chuckled, walking up to you with a curious gaze. "We've got little miss Jane over here, and her man of a Tarzan over there." He spoke with a sigh. "Gross." He snickered, looking back at Daryl while circling around you. Placing his hands on your hips. Watching you flinch and Daryl fight with the people holding him back. "Don't touch 'er!" "Hey now, what did I say? None of that, or else I'll shut," He held his bat up close to your face. "That shit down." He spoke, voice getting lower and more stern with each word. Daryl understood, even if he didn't want to. Looking at you with a gaze that told you everything was going to be all right.
Negan chuckled again, leaning in close to press his nose against the side of your hair. Inhaling deeply, and then sighing. "Damn! Does your woman smell nice. Bet she tastes just as good, if yunno what I mean." He told Daryl with a sly grin. "Don't talk about 'er-" "Do you wanna see her brains on the pavement? Because I sure as hell don't! I've seen too many super hot wives die. No use wasting such a pretty face when she could maybe be yours again." Daryl glared, Negan looking back at you with a sigh and pursed lips. "You should really tame your dog. He's gonna bite someone someday."
After that, you had a sliver of hope. That maybe since they were letting him go on runs with them. That maybe Daryl could figure something out and get away. Maybe you'd wake up one night to Daryl climbing into bed with you. Pulling you close to one another and not saying a word. Just holding each other in silence.
Each passing day grew harder and harder. Each day without him felt like shit. Like it was a reminder that you would be alone. You came into this apocalypse alone. Everyone you ever knew and loved, dead. Then you would die alone. Everyone that you ever knew and loved being just as dead.
But then, it happened.
Everyone else saw him before you had. Hugging and reuniting with their friend. Their family. He didn't linger with anyone too long, though. His main priority was you. It was always you, and would always be. He had to make sure that you were safe. That he knew you were safe. "She's in the house. Up in your room. I think she's reading." Tara told him, and he nodded. Giving a soft thanks before racing off in order to find you. To hold you and never let go.
He crept up the stairs. His body trembling along with his breath. Doing his best to not be too fast and startle you, but the closer he got. The more he couldn't help himself. Finally reaching the door to your guys' room. Reaching out to touch the handle but to his surprise. It turned for him. Watching with cautious and wide eyes as the door opened and he was met with you. His girl. His woman. His wife. Though the two of you weren't official, nor did either of you talk about marriage. He considered you to be his spouse. May as well be since his eyes were only ever on you since they first saw you.
"Daryl," You didn't have time to say anything else. Cut off by Daryl pulling you in for a desperate kiss. He was never good with words, anyways.
The hunter was quick to get his point across too. About how much he missed you. How he wasn't about to let you go anytime soon, either. It didn't take long for him to push you onto the bed once the door was shut, and to have your clothes on the floor along with his own.
"Daryl," you called his name out, over and over like a soft prayer. Hands roaming one another's bodies with desperation. Pulling each other as close as you both could. Hungry mouths worked at either kissing anywhere they could reach or muttering soft nothings to one another.
Daryl was fairly rough with everything at first too. Like he was trying to tell you both that this was real. That he was here and so were you. His hips were fast. Each thrust within you deep and desperate. trying to chase what you both wanted. It was rough and fast, until it wasn't.
A slight worry set within you when his thrusts slowed, finally coming to a hault. His face buried in the crook of your neck. You were about to ask if you did something wrong until you heard the rigid and quiet sob that came from your lover. Frowning while your arms reached out to hold him. One hand on the back of his head, while the other rested on his back. Rubbing with soft motions while shushing him. Peppering the side of his head with kisses.
"Dar', honey, look at me. I'm here, you're back. Please, don't cry," you lulled, your eyes watering at the sound of his cries in your ear. You hated to hear or even see him cry, but you were glad that he did every so often. He was so good at bottling everything up. It scared you a lot of the time.
"Dar', sweetheart, please, look at me. Let me see you," He listened this time. Pulling away from your neck to look down at you. His blue eyes bloodshot. He had a black eye and a busted lip, which only made you frown more. Fingers tracing his face with your eyes. "Oh baby, what'd they do to you." He grunted, turning his face to get you to stop. "I thought I lost you," he muttered, a tear rolling down both of your faces this time. Your own lip quivering at his words. Everything finally setting in with both of you. "I thought I lost you too, Dixon." He closed his eyes, resting his forehead against your own.
"Did they touch you?" You shook your head, hands still holding the sides of his face. "No, think ya scared them too much," Daryl chuckled lightly at that. Opening his eyes to look at you again. "Yeah, maybe."
It was silent again. The both of you holding onto one another while staring back at each other. "I love you," you couldn't help but smile at his words. Running your fingers through his hair. Watching his eyes flutter shut and reluctantly open once more. You could easily put him to sleep by just playing with his hair. "I know you do, you have a way of telling me with your actions, always have. I love you too, mountain man." He rolled his eyes at the nickname and you chuckled. "I don't tell ya it enough, I love you. Really do. That's all I thought 'bout, too. That I don't tell ya it enough." He muttered, and you sighed. Resting your hands on his shoulders, rubbing them slightly. "Daryl, I told you. You say it without saying it. I know you do." He sighed with a nod, smiling faintly as you leant up to kiss the side of his mouth. Wanting to continue what the both of you started moments prior, but he wasn't done with his tangent. You wouldn't stop him though, you'd let him open up anytime he wanted to.
"All I could think about in there was you. If I'd see ya again. Hear ya," he spoke. "I was scared he'd.." He paused, breathing a bit heavily for a second as he thought. "Scared he'd take ya from me." "Dar', I'd go out fighting before I let him do anything to me." He chuckled, reaching up to brush some hair from your forehead. "That's what I was worried 'bout. If I lost you," "but you didn't, and I'm here. You're here. We're safe." "For now." You didn't say anything more after that. Only wrapping an arm around the back of his neck while staring up at him.
"I love you," he muttered again, and you nodded, leaning up to brush your lips against his. "I love you too, Daryl." He closed the gap between the both of you rather quick. Humming lowly into the kiss while rolling his hips against yours. Still nestled inside you.
It wasn't long before he was rolling his hips. Rolls turning into thrusts. He didn't move fast and rough like before, though. He took his time. Letting you know how much he loved and cared about you with his actions, again. His hand coming between the both of you to run his fingers between your folds. Your soft noises you released into his mouth were enough for him to continue. Lips traveling down to your neck. Leaving soft kisses and then love marks and bites. All while his fingers rubbed over your clit. Smirking softly as your hips bucked and rolled in order to chase your high, but Daryl didn't let you. No, not at first. He was dragging this out as long as he could.
"Wanna cum with ya," he muttered, kissing your collar bone with a groan. "Then do it," a growl left his throat at your words. Hips finally picking up to the speed the both of you were wanting. His finger rubbing a bit rougher on your bud. Not too harsh, but just enough it had your back arching off the bed. Hands grasping at him to ground yourself. One hand Tangling in his hair while the other clawed at his back. His lips came crashing on yours. Muffling the noises the both of you made as your bodies met their high.
You were the first to go, Daryl following right after. He came inside of you, but you didn't care. Not right now, at least. That was a problem to deal with later. Right now it was all about you and him. Holding each other after your highs became lows and you were both back on earth.
He pulled out, slowly. Doing his best not to hurt you, or himself in the overstimulated discomfort you were both in. "Wow," he looked at you with a brow raised as he used a Kleenex to wipe you both up. "I don't think we've fucked that hard in a while," you chuckled, and he chuckled back. Tossing the napkin into the bin before crawling back over you. A hand cupping the side of your face with a hum. "Ya tellin' me I only fuck good when one's of us nearly dies?" He asked, pressing a kiss to your lips. You shook your head, rubbing at his chest. "No, 'course not, we've just been..." "Busy?" You nodded, kissing him again. "Yeah," he sighed.
He finally laid next to you after tugging his shirt back on. Letting you pull your own and your underwear back on as well. Daryl kept the shirt on so no one would see his scars beside you. You were mostly dressed so if anything happened no one would see you nude. A precaution to keep both your and Daryl's minds easy.
Daryl pulled your body close to his own. Strong arms wrapped safely around your waist. "How 'bout we blame it on Rick." he muttered, and your brows furrowed, an amused smile on your lips. "What? Our sad sex life before today?" He chuckled, pressing another kiss to your lips. "Yeah. He's always got us doin' stuff. No time for me to fuck ya." You snorted, rolling your eyes while swatting at his chest. "Shut up and go to sleep, Dixon." He smiled, pulling your closer while resting his chin atop your head. "Love you," you smiled, kissing his throat with a tired sigh. "I love you, too. I'm glad you're safe and home." "Me too, darlin'."
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keqism · 2 years
.࿔ feat. xiao + gn. reader
.࿔ premise. letters from the heart are always written in gold. 
.࿔ cw. fluff, college au, meet cute, a single virginity joke 
.࿔ notes. utterly in love with xiao, please come scream about him with me
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Despite popular belief, the library is never silent.
It's a muted cacophony of rustling pages, the creaking of chairs, and the occasional soggy sneeze from the unfortunate soul who caught the latest virus on campus. But fortunately for you, it's the right amount of noise needed to focus. You're tucked away into the back corner, notebooks hazardously strewn across the table. Your only companion is a lukewarm cup of iced coffee, condensation running down the sides and forming a puddle that threateningly inches toward your papers.
Today, the library is unusually empty; the seats at your table are vacant. It's a blessing to you—fewer eyes to witness your silent paroxysm of stress. With multiple deadlines approaching (underlined in three different colors in your agenda), you can feel the exhaustion catching up to you. It's your fault, really, for procrastinating. But in your book, the early bird doesn't get the worm, and things turn out better with a deadline chasing after you.
Nevertheless, procrastination or not, the stress was taking a toll on your mind, and as you slam your head against the table in frustration, you feel tears well up in your eyes.
Amidst your breakdown, you hear timid footsteps approach your corner and look up, forehead aching from hitting your head against the table. The sight in front of you takes your breath away.
The boy before you is beautiful.
Snowflakes litter his hair like powdered sugar on dark chocolate, dampening the dark strands.  Large hands awkwardly grip the straps of his backpack as he lingers in front of you, burrowing his nose into his emerald green scarf as a cold draft comes in from the windows. The only part of his face left unhidden are his eyes: golden, lined with dark lashes and a light dusting of red eyeshadow—golden eyes that now meet your gaze. 
You feel your heart skip a beat. And then it skips another beat when he speaks. 
"Can I sit here?" he mumbles, gesturing towards the empty seat across from you. You nod, scrambling to gather your haphazard mess of papers and frantically push them onto your side of the table. Something fragrant floods your senses as he sits down; soft notes of vanilla and amber drown out the dusty smell of the library, clearing the fog in your head. Taking a sip from your watered-down coffee, you watch as he pulls his laptop out of his bag, a myriad of colorful neon sticky notes covering its gray exterior. You sneak a brief look at them.
"Email Prof. Zhongli back ASAP" 
"Lunch with Kazu and me tomorrow 2PM, don't forget!! — the better friend >:)" (scribbled in glittery purple ink)
The last note makes you choke on your coffee, an unattractive cough escaping your lips. Golden eyes glance up in surprise, but concern quickly melts into amusement when he sees your shoulders shake with laughter. You awkwardly clear your throat and duck your head behind your laptop screen. But curiosity eats away at you, and when you peer up at him, you see his cheeks flush red and a small smile curve on his lips.
Something in your stomach flutters.
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His name is Xiao, you later learn, and you know exactly three things about him.
An intricate pattern of green decorates his right arm, but it's usually kept hidden in the sleeve of his sweatshirt. You've seen it exactly once, when the air conditioning in the library broke one day. Xiao had grudgingly shed his jacket when the heat got unbearable, leaving him in just a white T-shirt. 
You could have sworn that the temperature in the room got hotter when you caught sight of the green ink.
Every Tuesday, his friends accompany him to the library—not to study, it seems, but to serve as a distraction for both you and Xiao. The one who sits to his left is Venti, and also who you consider the library's worst nightmare. Rather than working, he chooses to talk Xiao's ear off and scroll through his phone. But although he glares at Venti during the entirety of their stay, you can tell that Xiao doesn't really mind his presence.
To his right sits Kazuha, literature major and Xiao’s roommate. Unlike Venti, he's rather quiet, spending his time scribbling in an incredibly worn-down notebook, leaving you wondering what stories he could be weaving within its covers. He's pretty, you think. If you weren't enamored by Xiao, you would have gone after him.
They're an odd mix but it somehow works: Kazuha proofreads everyone's papers (and nearly loses his mind when he sees Xiao's). When Xiao and Kazuha are visibly stressed, it's Venti who pesters them until the tension in their shoulders relaxes. And when Kazuha's just about had it with Venti, Xiao's the one who holds him back until he calms down.
In your opinion, they're quite entertaining to watch, albeit a little distracting. 
Despite his aloof exterior, Xiao is endearingly shy. 
You've never had a proper conversation with him; a small nod and a smile are sufficient enough for both of you. But as the months slowly pass by, he comes out of his shell—like a stray cat, you muse.
Behind his stern gaze and intimidating aura, Xiao is sweet and attentive. When you caught a nasty cold during exam season, he made sure to pack a box of tissues just for you. When your stomach makes embarrassing noises in the evenings, he slides a granola bar across the table without a word. And once, when you accidentally fell asleep with your nose buried in a textbook, you woke up hours later to a familiar sweatshirt tucked under your head and a note stuck on your laptop screen that read "good luck on your exams, you can do this".
You tucked the note into your nightstand later that day.
Your friendship isn't one-sided, though. Your fancy highlighters always end up on his side of the table, colorful ink decorating his neat handwriting. When his phone dies (and it often does; it's rather old) and his eyes pleadingly look your way, you're already handing your portable charger to him. Oftentimes, your extra hair tie makes its way from your bag and into his messy hair, holding the strands up into a bun. And on some days, Xiao arrives at the library to find a cup of coffee waiting for him at his seat—iced caramel macchiato with extra vanilla syrup.
Slowly, something more than a friendship blooms—something filled with quick, bashful glances and soft smiles. And although the warm, fluttering feeling in your chest is hard to ignore, the two of you are too shy to address it.
Today is different, though. 
He's late—it's a quarter after six when Xiao scurries into the library. And instead of sitting across from you like he usually does, he slumps into the chair next to you.
You watch the flustered boy pull his laptop out, your brows furrowing in confusion when you notice the lack of the usual obnoxiously vibrant sticky notes stuck onto the lid. Instead, there's a single blue square covered in writing.
"You can do it Xiao!!" 
"RIP to Xiao's virginity!!" 
The last note was furiously scribbled out in black ink.
Today feels different because Xiao appears to be very nervous: his left knee bounces under the table, jolting against the leg of his chair. A sheen of sweat beads on his forehead and he refuses to make eye contact with you—even when you wave hello.
"Hi," you smile. He nervously meets your gaze for a second before glancing away, mirth glittering in your eyes like the sun's reflection in the summer sea. 
"Hello," he mutters, and he attempts to smile back, although he's sure it looks more like a grimace. He awkwardly clears his throat, raking his hands through his hair while he tries to collect himself. 
"Xiao, are you okay?" you ask, and he nearly jumps out of his skin at the sound of your voice, knocking your cup of coffee all over the desk. 
"Oh," he gasps, scrabbling to save his laptop and your papers from the growing puddle of caffeine. You mop up the spill with some spare napkins and try to reassure him, but your words fall on deaf ears. 
"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry," he stammers. "I was going to ask you out but I got nervous and—" 
Realizing what he was saying, he snaps his mouth shut in embarrassment and slams his head against the desk, cradling his head in his arms and praying to every deity to erase his existence while you hold back your laughter. Xiao is usually ever so composed; seeing him so flustered is rather endearing. 
A soft touch to the back of his hand interrupts his prayers, startling him. He peeks out from the protection of his arms to see a pink sticky note stuck to his skin. You're smiling, and the sight is enough to feed the butterflies in his stomach. The setting sun bathes the room in a soft golden glow; time feels like molten honey as Xiao slowly reads the note.
if it's hard to talk, we can always text :)
Something in him warms at the sight of your handwriting, and he finally looks up to meet your eyes. A real, genuine smile dances on his lips, and he hears your breath catch. 
Golden eyes always looked prettier under the sun, after all.
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.࿔ notes. big thank you to aly, kyo, and xin for beta reading!!
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ohsohoney · 22 days
When it comes to love you're just as blinded.
Part Eight
Eminem x Musician
Summary: It starts with a drunk embarrassing video, it spirals into something a whole lot more.
Note: A real long one. Honestly don't know how I did it but it was one session and now I'm dead, hopefully it's good enough! Lots of cuteness though and another snippet with Danny! Be warned cake mix is too baking. So :)
| Set in 2014, just after the release of LP 2
taglist: @thelastemzy
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“This is a bad idea, right?”
“Oh, for sure.”
“Marsh.” I admonished, sighing as I rolled my head to the left to level him with a long look before my eyes eventually wandered back on over to the store’s front. 
“What? You said it.” Marshall chuckled lowly, hands interlocked in his lap. 
We were currently sat in the car park of a Trader Joe's, in a spot at a roundabout the midway mark. I hadn’t thought too much of the ask during my sudden excitement to roam around a grocery store I’d yet to see (What? I was showing my age. Bite me.). But it was now hitting me at full force.
“Why’d you say yes anyway?” I was quick to shoot back at him, voice a tad bit strained. I shook my head and eventually resolved into brushing the whole idea away, “Let’s just forget it.”
A scoff and Marshall was rolling his eyes at the notion, “We’re already here. No point in leavin’ now.”
“We didn’t think this through though. I mean, what if somebody spots us?” I pointed out, gaze already surveying the mostly empty parking lot for the next potential pap. 
“You make it out like we’re about to case the joint,” Em snorted, earning a wry smile off of me in retort, a reaction I couldn’t quite help. “Said you wanted to bake a cake, so we gonna. ‘Cause I’ll let you know now, I ain’t got the shit to make this back at the house.”
I blew a soft breath from out of my nose, vaguely amused. “No shit.” I replied, unable to imagine the man in a frilly pink apron and covered in flour on a casual Tuesday afternoon. I ended up sighing again anyway, “You sure? I mean, I could just run in.”
Marshall was already shaking his head at me, “Nah, it’ll be fine. If you really that worried you can take my cap. Or think I got another hoodie in the trunk.”
Blinking, I was unable to say much else before Em was hopping out and rounding the car to pull apart the contents of his boot. He muttered away, mostly to himself, before he returned a couple of moments later, standing by the driver’s door with an oversized hoodie in his hand. He held it out towards me and I found myself taking it with a gentle smile in thanks. 
It didn’t take long for me to tug the jumper on over my head, the hood messing up my hair and catching on the seat belt before I had the commonsense to just unbuckle the stupid thing. Marshall watched the struggle with a mirthful smirk, the silver watch on his wrist glinting in the sunlight from where it rested against the edge of the door, until he eventually moved to close it, cropping up outside of the passenger’s side a second later. He tugged on the handle and I blinked over at him when a gust of wind washed over me.
I guessed I must have looked a tad bit pathetic as I turned in my seat to face him, legs moving to dangle out the side of the car, or at least it felt that way, what with how Marshall’s expression had since settled into something almost akin to fondness. 
My nose wrinkled just as he let go of a soft laugh. It was a sound I found myself feeling a hint of pride about whenever I heard it, even if it meant that I was the victim of the current joke.
“Here, let me.” He spoke, already reaching out to fix my hood and to brush a tangled strand of hair behind my ear. If he heard the way my breath hitched at the sudden motion he didn’t mention it, but I witnessed how his keen eyes flickered back and forth between my own. “There. Screams incognito.”
Snorting at the heavy use of sarcasm, I smiled up at him, only to notice then how he’d crowded himself between my legs to help aid me. My stomach swooped at the realisation and I swallowed thickly, but before I could question the feeling, Marshall was stepping away again, sporting a wry grin of his own.
“Need my hat, Kim Possible? Or you good?”
Rolling my eyes, I shuffled further forward in my seat to jump out of the SUV, feet hitting the gravel with an audible scuff. “She doesn’t wear a hat and even if she did, I doubt it’d be Kangol.” I retorted, slipping by him to reach out and shut the door. 
“Aye, what’s wrong with my cap?” Marshall prodded as the headlights flashed behind us to signal the car locking. I noticed how his brow had wrinkled at the slight when I looked over at him and so I nudged my shoulder with his as we walked across the lot. 
“Nothing.” I claimed with a growing smile, reaching up to knock the brim of his hat just as we made it to the entrance. “Suits you.”
Marshall hummed a sound that was vaguely disbelieving, eyes lingering on me before he turned to pick up a basket. “Know what you need?”
“Sort of.” I replied distractedly, trying to take everything in. “This place is like every Hallmark movie I’ve ever seen come to life.”
“The fuck?”
Rolling my eyes, I just continued on, walking past Marshall, who’d since paused to shoot a bewildered glance my way, and towards a horde of fruit and veg stalls. “It’s just so fuckin’ American. Back home the closest place you’d get to this is a Big Tesco’s and even that’s like a standard food shop. This. It’s something straight out of one of them films.”
“It’s Trader Joe’s.” Marshall deadpanned, blinking back at me now with an expression that just had me cracking up.
“Stop making me feel dumb.” I rebuked lightly, head darting every which way as he slid on over to catch up to me before he then barrelled straight past. I let him lead, figuring he’d be better off knowing where everything could possibly be more than I ever would. “It’s just a big change, ‘s all.”
His cheek twitched with the beginnings of a smirk. “Everything's a big change with you.”
I poked his side in retaliation, pleased when he bristled but didn’t comment further on it. “Where do you reckon cake mix would be then?” I wondered out loud, peering around the aisle we were headed down. Honestly, cereals galore. Captain Crunch, Coco Pops, Cinnamon Toast Crunch… And those were just the C’s. Hang on a second, Eggo’s?
“Cake mix?” Em questioned me, flicking a raised brow my way and tugging me from my observations, “Bitch, I thought you was bakin’.”
Snorting, I couldn’t do much other than shrug. “It is baking!” I attempted to defend, but he was having none of it, shaking his head mockingly back at me. “Just the easier version?” I attempted to argue sheepishly.
I was rewarded with a soft tut, but Marshall did in fact then tilt his head over towards the right to signal where he figured the box mixes might be, “Cheat.”
Giving into the childish urge, I poked my tongue out at him and dipped around the next corner, smiling at the way his low humoured huff followed after me. It was only when I saw an all too extensive stock of baking goods parked up ahead that I quickened my pace, leaving him to trail behind.
“What do you reckon then, red velvet or vanilla? You sort of seem like a vanilla guy.” I commented when he finally caught up, gaze flitting between the two cake mixes I’d since picked up off the shelf before my eyes then darted over to meet his teasingly as he approached.
He kissed his teeth and batted the box of vanilla I held away from his view, rolling his eyes even though we both could see that he was trying to withhold another grin. I allowed the motion. “You don’t know me at all.” Marshall scoffed, getting in my space once more today to make a grab for a box sitting on the shelf just above my head. “All about the chocolate, sweetheart.”
Biting my tongue, I worked hard to keep my face from giving way to how the proximity seemed to make my skin prickle. His eyes found mine though as he held the winning mix up between the two of us. I swiped it from his hold, scanning over the necessary ingredients to keep myself from focusing too much on– whatever it was I was feeling. “Hm, only need to add eggs and milk. Could deck this out though.”
“Whatchu thinkin’?” Em asked me in that way he usually did, like he was genuinely invested in everything I had to say. He’d propped his forearm up on the shelf as he waited for me to weigh in and my stare tracked its way up from the back of the box to roam over the steady way he was now watching me. I reached up to tuck another fallen strand of hair behind my ear, the hood making the typically effortless action that much harder. 
“A shit ton of chocolate?” I proposed with a raised brow. 
“That mean you gone put my kid to sleep then?” He said, then snickered at my sudden change in expression, the corner of his lip tugging upwards. “Z will be bouncin’ off the walls.”
“It’ll be portioned!” I rebuted in the face of his amusement, quick to fall back on all my so-called years of parenting, “She’ll be fine!”
Marshall snorted in retort but appeared to relent, pinching the cake mix from my hand and throwing it into the basket haphazardly, “I’ll be sure to bring this moment back up when I’m right.” He added before he took off, probably in search of the confectionary aisle. 
But see, since knowing the man, I’d long since come to realise that he had a big enough sweet tooth that could rival that of my own, meaning that all this posturing back and forth about decking out the cake was just a facade of sorts, him attempting to put my neck on the line for when the fallout eventually happened. I couldn't bring myself to mind though, not when he was wearing that stupid smug smile and not even when he ended up tossing a majority of the chocolate we’d collected into the basket. 
I ended up grinning all the way back to the car.
“See! It was well worth it now, don’t you reckon?” I said with a sardonic smile, covered in cake mix, egg and frosting, my dirtied hands settled on my hips as I stared down at the hazardous cake we’d gone and created.
My head tilted just so, allowing myself to look at it from a normal perspective seeing as it had somehow managed to slant far left whilst it’d been baking in the oven. But I blamed Em for that one, the idiot having set the temperature up way too high.
“What, so we can cover up the monstrosity?” Marshall shot back at me from where he was stood by the kitchen sink, washing his hands free of all the frosting he’d been licking from the bowl moments before I’d stolen it out from under him. “Yeah, but you know what they say, a pig in lipstick is still a pig.”
Haughtily, I spun around on my heel just enough for my hip to press against the counter and for my eyes to hone in on him. I smirked, “Saying’s actually, a hog in armour is still but a hog.”
“Same fuckin’ thing.” Marshall admonished in a grunt, flicking his sopping wet hands out at me when he pulled away from the sink in search of something to dry them with. I tensed at the attack, feeling the splatter hit me before I peered down to spot a couple soup duds clinging to my arm and the collar of my top. He just chuckled, greatly amused.
“Dick.” I huffed and picked up an M&M from the bowl I’d just poured the bag into to toss back at him in retaliation.
Irritatingly, Marshall managed to snap the treat up out of the air with ease, pushing the blue ball forward on his tongue to flash it tauntingly between his teeth before he finally chewed on it. The crunch resonated in the quiet hum of the house. “You were sayin’?”
I narrowed my eyes, “Show off.” 
But all that did was earn me another light laugh, Em sliding on closer to pinch a few more from the same bowl. “I’m just that good.” He retorted egotistically, before he turned to level me with the last M&M he held, titling his chin ever so slightly to goad me into trying to catch one myself.
Relenting to the fight all too easily, I braced myself in a steady stance and waited. When he tossed it, I managed to extend my neck near enough that I was close to capturing the colourful sweet, but just not close enough, my nose scrunched in annoyance when it bounced off the side of my cheek and onto the counter with a clatter. “Fuck.” I sighed, but not one to be outdone I looked towards him again, “Again.”
He raised a single brow at the demand but followed, picking up another handful and smiling as he prepared to pelt them my way one by one. It was something we continued on with for a short while, tossing the things back and forth between us as we tallied up a score, he was winning of course, but surprisingly I wasn’t too far behind, which actually eased the loss a fair bit. 
We were actually at it long enough that we’d begun to squabble, calling one another a cheat, aiming for anything other than our mouths, even going as far as to switch up tactics by propping ourselves up on counters and barstools to annoy the other, before then crouching down as low as we could on Marshall’s tiled floors. It was there that we were eventually found.
Marshall spotted her first, arm already propped up before him and preparing to aim when his eyes shifted over to the left and caught sight of something standing in the kitchen doorway. His grin wobbled in further amusement, most likely due to the face I’d gone and pulled when I followed his line of sight, still stuck in my current position; squatting by the backdoor. 
We were trying for a record, okay?
“Hey creep, what’s with the face?” Marshall greeted, his laughter carrying throughout the room when he finally tossed the chocolate treat my way only for it to actually make it into my mouth this time around, hitting the roof and sending my startled frown into a gasping smile. 
Rosie was stood there, just off to the side by the counter now, seemingly content to simply watch us with a soft, goading smile on her face, her school bag settled by her feet. She shrugged, glancing over at her dad whilst I bounced on back to where I’d left Em to guard our semi-completed cake. “Nice to come home to noise, is all.”
The tip of Marshall’s nose did something odd then, a reaction to the words that went unnoticed by the girl, but he continued on smiling, dropping the few remaining M&M’s he held back into the packet we’d opened once the bowl had run dry. 
“Didn’t hear you come in.” He mentioned as he rounded the counter to pull his daughter into a hug, steering her away from the onslaught of chocolate that littered the side when Rosie attempted to make a grab for the nearest share-pack of Hershey’s Kisses. “Nuh-uh. Dinner first, kid, then we can talk about you gettin’ a slice of our masterpiece.”
“Masterpiece?” Rosie’s eyes widened as she gifted the two of us a disbelieving snort, gaze jumping back between her dad and me, I narrowed my eyes playfully in retort whilst Marshall settled for poking her dimpled cheek. “It looks like the Leaning Tower of Pisa.”
“Hey!” I chided, just as Marshall responded with, “What we were aimin’ for.”
The pair of us shared a mirthful look before we both started cracking up, Rosie merely shook her head at our antics but it was with the distraction that she finally managed to grab a wrapped Kiss. My eyes widened at the flash of silver I caught sight of just as she darted around the island to escape Em’s outstretched arms when he caught on too, crowding into my side when he shot her a long look, obviously hoping to put her off eating the treat. But it was already unwrapped and on her tongue before I could even blink back down at her. 
I snorted, forever amused by the duo’s antics, and ran a hand over the girl’s plaited scalp. “Snooze you lose, Mathers.” I said encouragingly with a lazy shrug.
Z grinned at the show of support and sent a smug look back at her father, baring her chocolate covered teeth to him. Marshall leant forward so that his palms could press against the countertop and levelled the two of us with another long look, only this one was out of exasperation.
Rosie and I shared a glance of anticipation before we both turned back to face him with a matching set of innocent smiles, Rosie doing a much better job than me seeing as she could work that whole doe eyed perspective. Em heaved a hefty sigh. “Dinner, then cake. Cool?”
The girl beamed and was quick to nod her assent, squeezing my waist in what must have been a delayed embrace of hello, or maybe thanks, before she took a moment to assess our handy work. The cake was sparsely decorated, topped with a plethora of icing, at Marshall’s demand, and scattered with pieces of chocolate that we’d managed to stick on during our M&M disaster. I grimaced a tad whilst Em just looked on in pride.
“This is what you did whilst I was at school?” Z asked, dipping down to get a closer look at the disaster we dubbed a cake. Her expression truly was hilarious when she slowly stood again to dart a quizzical look between us.
“What d’you mean ‘this’?” Marshall answered her, raising a brow high enough to rival his daughter's own. “This is where hard work gets you.”
“Yeah,” I laughed, only adding fuel to the fire with my next comment, “Besides, we made it just for you. Don’t you like it?” I asked teasingly, batting my eyes over at her in hopes to see her crumble just a tad. 
Rosie looked back at the sad excuse of a cake and didn’t falter, “Cake is cake. But next time you guys should probably wait for me.”
“Oh, ‘cause you’re such a chef.” Marshall smirked, having moved to join us on the other side of the island to allow his eyes to roam over the tilting structure, he shucked Z’s chin in addition which only earnt him a prod to his bicep.
“A baker, actually.” Rosie corrected with a smile, ever so pleased with herself.
“Oo,” Em dragged out, taking a stripe of frosting off the cake’s side just so that he could wipe it across the tip of the kid’s nose. “She’s a smartass, too.”
Rosie’s eyes widened in alarm to the smear and her jaw dropped as she gasped, not having anticipated the move. “Dollar!” She exclaimed in turn, wiping the chocolate off her nose before smearing it down her dad’s front.
With a roll of his eyes, Marshall huffed but it was more of a chuckle than an actual sigh as he looked back up from his ruined tee. “Touche.” They shared a laugh as Em went to grab a kitchen towel to wipe his hands clean with, “Go ‘n grab my wallet.” He told her and I watched on as Z did exactly that, swiping a green bill from its contents so that she could go and stuff it in the jar.
I shook my head ever so at the dynamic they made, continuing to smile as Marshall dropped the tissue he’d just been using into the bin before he made a grab for his daughter, causing her to jump and laugh as they tumbled about the kitchen together. I was perfectly content to watch on, slowly packing away the ingredients we had yet to use whilst wiping down the sides, the pair of them eased up after a minute or two, making their way back to the island, Marshall still defending our chocolate monstrosity.
“It’ll taste good, so who cares what it looks like?”
“Most people, Dad.” Rosie countered with a sly smile as she settled onto a barstool, handing over a frosting covered spoon that had apparently strayed during our decorating. I smiled softly in thanks, grabbing the other utensils that littered the space and crossing the floor to wash up.
“I got that.” Marshall assured me, hip checking my side before I could even reach for the dish soap. 
My forehead wrinkled, “I don’t mind.”
He smiled in return, already moving to further roll up his sleeves, “I know, but I got it.”
I let it go, knowing when to pick and choose my fights with him now, and instead wandered back to see if I could make the cake work, picking up a couple of Whoppers that were supposedly meant to be the equivalent of a Maltesers, but I just couldn’t taste it. 
“Can I help?” Rosie asked after a moment, capturing my attention when she sidled up to join me.
“‘Course,” I replied easily, already handing over the bag, “I think if we just cover it with as much chocolate as we can it’ll look…”
“Better than it does?” Z finished for me, her giggles spilling from her lips seamlessly whilst she began to dot Whoppers around the rim of the highest tier.
“Hey, it’s not that bad.” I tried, nudging her elbow with mine, but ended up chuckling too. “It was your dad’s fault anyway, all my previous cakes have turned out perfect.”
“I can still hear you.” Marshall’s voice cut in from behind us, garnering our focus for a split second before I waved him off.
“Yeah, yeah. Just letting Z here know I’m not to blame.” I told him, scattering the remaining M&M’s we had to spare over the top, managing to cover up some of the frosting we’d gone and butchered with a colourful swirl. Rosie snickered, having since switched up with her choice of chocolate so that she could place a few Kisses to the lower layers.
“I was just followin’ your instructions.” Em argued with me, the huff that followed was evident.
“Not well!”
A giggle had me smiling down at Rosie, who was happy enough to let her gaze drift between the two of us. “I bet it still tastes good.” She interrupted, trying to soothe her father’s bruised ego probably. But it was sweet enough to have me agreeing.
“Yeah, I mean who doesn't like chocolate?”
Dinner was apparently a Mathers Household classic. Spagbol. Or well just spaghetti to these lot. Something I hadn’t been able to let slide what with me being a fan. Though Marshall seemed amused rather than put off by my attempts at rapping the opening to Lose Yourself whilst he’d cooked, something which earnt me points with Rosie seeing as she could spit it far better than the composer himself.
It was sort of strange to be a witness to him doing such a mundane task like cooking though, but I enjoyed it all the same, watching him talk with Rosie about school as he drained the pasta and added a couple of herbs to the ground mince. An odd sense of privilege came with the slight peak into his daily life, figuring that most would have just expected him to have a live-in chef or a plethora of meals waiting to be reheated in his fridge. But no, Marshall appeared to actually enjoy the activity, enjoy the hush of music that played overhead whilst the steam from a boiling pot simmered under his steady hand, enjoy how slowly the process came together so that he could boss Rosie and I into setting the table when the food was almost ready. 
Rosie had led me into the dining room they used, a room more intimate than the larger one the man had shown me during his grand tour, obviously used for when he had more than just one person over. As I set down a couple placemats, I guessed it was a room that only he and Rosie typically got use out of, the table circular and just large enough so that you had your own space but could easily be roped into another’s. It reminded me of the one we’d had as a kid, wooden, small and quaint, but that had been before one of mum’s boyfriends had fallen through it.
“You okay?” Rosie’s questioning broke me from my thoughts and I looked up to find her settling a fork down onto the mat opposite.
I blinked and then smiled, feeling how easy the gesture came to me. “Just lost in thought.”
She smiled too, hers crinkling the corners of her eyes as she finished setting up by dropping the last spoon down. “It’s nice having you here, you know. Sometimes it’s quiet just me and Dad, even when Ayla comes over.” She remarked, mentioning her older sister with the kind of sincerity that you only really held for your siblings, “You make him laugh, too. Like a lot.”
Blowing out a soft breath that sounded more like a chuckle, I reached out to fix a placemat that was a tad bit crooked, finding it simpler to focus on the small task rather than what the meaning behind Rosie’s words might possibly mean. “He makes me laugh too.” I replied and shot her a slight grin, it was then that Marshall emerged carrying two plates.
“And voila.” The man said as he set the dishes down, butchering the French word enough to have me hiding an indulgent smile.
“Smells good.” I commented, watching as a plethora of steam erupted up off the mountain shaped plate of spaghetti. 
Em flashed me a bright grin, an actual one with teeth that had my mind short circuiting for a split second before he was speaking again, “Lemme grab the last one. You want some drinks?”
Rosie, who had already settled into the seat she’d been standing behind, nodded eagerly in answer, “Soda?” When she received a single brow in retort, she giggled and relented, “Juice, please.”
Smiling at the exchange, I was only caught a little off guard when I looked back at Marshall to find him waiting on my own reply, I silently scrambled for an answer, “Um, just water, please.” I said and he gave a dip of his chin to show he’d heard before he turned to head back to the kitchen. “Want help?” I called out, just managing to catch him before he slipped past the hall.
He looked ready to wave the offer off, before he thought about it. Three drinks and a single plate was easy work for a girl who’d worked a majority of her teens in pub restaurants and the like, but Marshall seemed to realise the slight struggle he might face. “Sure.”
As easy as that. Or so it only appeared, because from the expression that clouded Rosie’s face when I glanced back over to shoot her a quick smile, the exchange seemed to have perplexed her ever so. 
Em had already continued on his route to the kitchen when I looked back to him, hoping to catch something in his answer to the face she’d pulled, but it seemed he hadn't been witness to it at all. “You okay?” I found myself asking, mimicking Z’s earlier question.
She looked a little startled when her eyes flew up to find mine, before she blinked and blew out a gentle laugh. “Didn’t think he’d go down without a fight.”
And oh. I had to chuckle a little at that too, having seen the way he’d been so prepared to deny the help just before he’d nodded. It made me wonder how much she’d bared witness to throughout the years. Em was strong, yes, but he also had a stubborn streak a mile long. 
“What can I say, Z?” I sighed dramatically as I headed towards the door, “I just have a way with people.”
Her cheeky grin was the last thing I saw before I was padding around the corner and then into the kitchen, finding Em stood by the counter with a bowl of grated cheese and the drinks we’d asked for already waiting to be picked up again. 
I snorted softly at the picture he painted, a handful of the shredded cheese halfway to his mouth and face only a tad bit surprised. He flipped me off as I came around to take hold of the drinks, only furthering my amusement. 
“I mean, what an appetiser.” I teased, the words followed by a bout of giggles when he flicked the remnants at me. Thankfully though, most of the cheese only made it about halfway over the countertop, causing my grin to widen that much more.
Marshall went to pick up another load and so I squeaked, grabbing the drinks and darting back out of the room before he could toss it at me.
I was chuckling away to myself by the time I made it back to the table, Rosie having already started in on her dinner, the dead giveaway being the slight red smear of sauce that stained her lower lip even as she pretended that she’d just been waiting patiently for us to return. 
I wiped the corner of my own mouth after settling down her juice in an attempt to warn her and watched as her eyes widened before she cleared the smear away with the back of her hand, the action seemingly saving her from another one of Em’s disapproving looks because not a second Marshall reappeared.
Taking to my seat in an attempt to hide my slight smile, I thanked him for the food, to which the man merely rolled his eyes, ignoring the gratitude altogether. I bit down on my smirk and instead opted for shaking my head as I picked up my fork.
The food was honest to God some of the best I’d had in a long while, whether it was down to it having been ages since someone had cooked a proper homemade meal for me or just him having mastered the art of the dish, I didn’t know. But I made sure to tell him.
Never in all my life would I have expected to have been a witness, let alone the cause of the light flush that coloured the tips of his ears. But it was impossibly endearing, so much so that I refrained from playfully mocking him for it. Rosie though, had no such qualms. “You look a little red, Dad. You gettin’ sick?”
If Marshall could have he would have scowled at the ask, but this was his baby and so I knew that the smile he gifted her as he turned was levelled with a strained edge. “Fine.”
I snorted quietly, but from the way the flush dropped to the back of Em’s neck it seemed he’d heard it all the same. 
Cake followed dinner, as promised. And to my surprise it hadn’t tasted half bad. The chocolate frosting wasn’t all it was cut out to be, not much of a shock seeing as I was alright with it in small doses but even my cupcakes lost their tops nine times out of ten, so Em was gifted the majority of it, something he seemed both pleased and a little guilty about, probably down to the excess amount of sugar. Still he worked his way through it, the three of us talking about Rosie’s day and then our own, leaving out the more exciting details as to not make her feel left out, before we all started packing away.
“Told you so.” Em commented when we’d loaded the dishwasher and wiped the sides free of cheese, his gaze was trained on his daughter, who appeared to be talking a mile a minute about the movie her and her friends had watched at their last sleepover whilst bouncing from foot to foot.
Ah, the inevitable sugar rush. I turned my face away to hide my growing smile before I lifted a shoulder in a small shrug. “It’ll die down soon enough, might even make it easier for her to fall asleep.” I murmured, passing him a tea towel that he used to dry his hands.
With a grunt that was more an amused hum, Marshall paused by the counter and waited for Rosie to take a breath before he cut in, “You got homework?”
The girl seemed to think about it, eyes flitting to the ceiling as though she could see the inside of her brain and was set about working her way through a catalogue there, before dropping her gaze back to him and shaking her head. “No, but I did promise Sara I’d call her tonight.” At her father’s expecting look, she tacked on, “If you said it was okay, obviously.”
“Obviously.” Marshall blew out a soft chuckle, lips quirking ever so before he waved the kid off, tossing the tea towel over his shoulder. “Go on, just not too late, yeah?”
“Promise!” She grinned, darting around the kitchen to knock into his side, arms encasing his torso in a brief hug before she jumped to do the same to me. I barely had time to wrap my arms back around her before she was darting away again, this time headed for the stairs after stealing yet another Hershey’s Kiss from the last of the cake we’d yet to hide away. 
“Z!” Was the only scold she heard before she was gone from sight, leaving only a trail of laughter behind her. 
I snorted too, shaking my head mirthfully whilst I worked my way around the kitchen counter to place a cover over the cake slices and putting them up out of reach.
“Kid’s gonna be the death of me.” Marshall added in a low sigh, still staring off after his daughter before he cracked a soft smile, eyes then flitting over to meet mine. “Best pray the sugar wears off quick.”
I widened my eyes in jest to his warning, but paid it no real mind, knowing he was only being stupid. “Dinner really was good, you know.” I mentioned it again, mainly just to see if I could provoke the same flush from earlier, but also so he knew I meant it. “Where’d you learn to cook like that?”
To my pleasure the tiniest hue could be made out from across the island, but Marshall hid it all too easily with a calculated tilt of his head. He shrugged softly when he answered me, “Know how it is, sort of had to provide for myself for a long while. Mom wasn’t always around when I was a kid, Nate grew up and relied on me most nights, then when I was out in LA tryna make it big, was skimming money off the top of the odd jobs I worked jus’ so I could eat and send some back home.” He levelled me with another look then, palms coming to rest on the countertop, “Sort of enjoyed it, I guess. After a while, just helped me escape.”
I nodded slowly in understanding. Before I could say anything though, the silence the kitchen had gotten swept up in was quickly broken by the sound of my phone.
Jumping at the ring, I blinked out of the dazed staring match I hadn't even realised I’d been a part of with Em before looking around to try and spot the last place I’d left it. Marshall picked it up and handed it over with a sly smirk, having caught on to my short term memory. 
“Thanks.” I breathed out in appreciation and then looked down to see who it was that was calling, my grin grew. “It’s Danny.” I let slip to Marshall before hurrying to pick up the call, “Hey stranger!” I greeted the second the line connected, surprised to note that the signal wasn’t as shitty as it usually was.
“Oh, it’s you.” Came my brother’s short reply as though he hadn’t expected exactly that, his face cropping into view from where he perched on a lower bunk, all tanned from the Cyprus sun. 
I let my eyes fall into a narrowed glare, “Know you’ve always been short of two brain cells, but who did you really expect to fuckin’ see when callin’ me?”
Danny’s smirk came into full focus before he was grinning away, stare jumping away from the camera for a brief moment before it darted back. “Love you, too.” He chided halfheartedly and with a slight tut, leaning forward to rest his forearms against his knees whilst I moved to settle my phone down onto the kitchen counter, “Just figured I’d give you a bell whilst I had some time, that so hard to believe?”
Even when rolling my eyes, I couldn't dampen my smile. “Yeah, it is.” I chuckled, taking in the background and anything else I could, “You at camp?”
He hummed around a nod, looking off to the side probably to get a feel for what I was seeing. “Told you, din’t I? At a base here for a couple weeks, doin’ some more trainin’ for the deployment followin’ my leave.”
“Well, you mentioned the first half.” I acknowledged, but wasn’t surprised. Danny always tended to stick to the most basic of explanations, such as the time he’d gone away with his mates to a festival for a weekend and said he was on his way back– failed to mention that it was a days fucking trip though.
The twat just waved me off, “Exactly. Anyway, what you up to, where you at?” He came in a little closer then to the screen as though he was attempting to look behind my head. “Not still in New York are ya? Thought you’d want shot of ‘em by now, all them Americans.”
Snorting and casting a chance glance up, I found Marshall by the sink, rinsing the few glasses we’d used earlier, he shot an unimpressed brow my way. “Not in New York, no. But still in The States, with said Americans.” I answered him, shaking my head at the way his lips pursed in a low hum, “So be careful, there are big ears listening in.” I also remarked, thinking back to Drew’s nickname for Em.
“Aye.” The man mentioned then warned, having since finished by the sink so that he could now point a warning finger my way, I rolled my eyes but my smirk was far too playful. 
Danny’s voice dragged back my attention to how he had since crowded in closer in an stupid attempt to see through the screen and into the kitchen. “Oi, who’s that? Don’t tell me I was spot on with the mystery man, El! Shit!”
The reminder of Dan’s earlier words the night before I’d met Em had me flushing slightly and immediately my traitorous gaze shifted over towards the man himself, who seemed far too amused as he slid on closer. “Fuck off, Danny.”
The twat only laughed though, all too happy with my reaction it seemed. “Ah, come on! Lemme meet him, just wanna say ‘ello!”
I pressed my lips together to keep the biting words which lined my tongue from springing forth, could always trust your own flesh and blood to turn on you at the drop of a hat. The traitor. “Fuck off.” I repeated, but my words lacked any real heat when Marshall rocked into the side of me to catch a quick peek of Danny’s glinting eyes.
My brother paused as he took in the sudden newcomer and his face was a right picture when he started to stumble over his next sentence, “Ah– right, hang on. Fuckin’ what?”
Unable to help myself, I laughed freely, feeling a little euphoric now that I was no longer on the end of all his ribbing. Em seemed to get a kick out of it too, even now that he was no longer in view he was still close by, smirking at both Danny and I’s reactions.
“Elia!” Danny called hotly, eyes wide as they flickered all over my face as if he hoped to find some sort of answer there, “Tell me that wasn’t who I thought it was.”
Snorting, I gifted him a smug smile, “Can’t do that, sorry.”
“Lia.” Danny practically hissed, before pulling out the face he knew I hated, one which he’d mastered decades ago and had since taught Lottie, seeing as it was the kind that always had me feeling guilty or had the two of them forcing my hand. “Come on, you know you can tell me anythin’.”
I flipped him off, scoffing at the attempt to butter me up but even so, I still felt my walls crumble. “Ugh, you’re such a prick, Danny.” I blew out, eyes straying away from the screen and over to where Marshall still stood, looking back at me, “Do you mind?”
With a smile that I couldn't quite place the emotion behind, Em rolled his eyes at the ask and slid back into view, close enough now that his entire side pressed against mine. I chewed on my lower lip as I watched my brother observe Marshall whilst slowly losing his mind.
“Jesus Christ, man. Shit.” Were the first few words he spouted, a hand coming up to rake across his face whilst Em shook a tad with a light chortle, “I mean, fuck.” Danny continued once his arm had fallen away, attempting to take in the scene again before his stare dragged back to me, “I know you’re in with these lot, El. But shit– Eminem? How the fuck does that even happen?”
I had to laugh at that, knowing full well how he was feeling.
“I mean, come on! Mate! It’s an honour, I swear.” Danny started to fangirl, jaw still agape and eyes almost starstruck.
“Good to meet you, man.” Marshall said in his usual voice, not the one reversed for the public, for interviews and the like, but the one he used with Rosie, with Soup and Drew, with me. I was immensely thankful for it. “Heard a lot about you.”
Danny seemed to remember himself at that, sitting back a bit in his bunk, dog tags rattling with the motion, as he dragged out a long breath. “Only good things I hope.” He chuckled in that charming way of his, the type that used to get him free sweets down at the local shops and have the old ladies outside the cafe swooning.
“Nah, I let him in on that laundrette heist you committed when you were fifteen and told him ‘bout the times you wet the bed.” I interrupted, smirking when Dan’s eyes cut to me.
“You know that weren’t me, it was Danny Evans.” Danny sniped back far too quickly, “How many times do I gotta tell you?”
I chuckled around a small a-huh, “Sure, Dan. How’d you barrel into the pub the same night and piss away a load of ten pences on the fruit machines then?”
He sniffed, feigning ignorance as he glanced away, “No idea what you’re on about.”
Shaking my head, I found Em watching me with a smile of his own. 
“So you ain’t gone deny pissin’ the bed then?” Marshall wondered out loud, chin coming to rest on the fist of his hand.
Startled, Danny’s head shot back round to the camera, he raised a finger at Marshall, “It’s slander, is what it is.” He told the man, “Always been jealous of me, she has. Me bein’ the fitter one of course.” 
“Ha. Hilarious.” I deadpanned, but allowed a small smile to creep through when Em’s knee knocked into mine. “What you been up to anyway, arsehole?”
“Fuck me and all my shit, question still stands, Li.” Danny was hasty to retreat back to his previous ask, “How’d you two meet?” 
Thankfully Em was the one to answer him. “I reached out.” He told him, gaze straying over towards me as he carried on, “Listened to her stuff for a while before I saw that video your sister posted online, figured it was a shot in the dark.”
“One which worked out,” I teased, before I shook my head over towards Danny, who appeared to be watching the pair of us with a dopey grin, “Acting as though I didn’t shit myself the second I found out it was him.”
Marshall snorted beside me, probably remembering the conversation, the way I’d stressed over sudocrem spots and my sound system, whilst he'd been perfectly content.
“Nah, I can imagine.” Danny laughed in ridicule, knowing how much of a fan I’d been growing up, “Failed to fuckin’ mention it though, din’t you?”
The way he’d levelled me with a look, which spoke more words than said, had me shifting somewhat sheepishly. “It was new!” I exclaimed, “Didn’t know how it would all work out. No one but Mila knows where I am, well Lotts too– sort of, I know she’d kill me if she knew knew.”
Smiling at that, Danny’s chuckles dimmed into a low titter before his eyes wandered back on over to Marshall, “Take good care of her for me, yeah? She acts tough but she’s soft as.”
I scoffed lightly, already prepping to roll my eyes when Marshall’s reply caught me a tad off guard. “I’ve realised.” He said gently, giving me a quirked smile when he caught me watching, “But no, she’s in good hands here. Me and my daughter are enjoying havin’ her here.”
My heart warmed at his words, the smile which overwhelmed my face too sappy even for my own liking. I made a vague sniff, pressing further into the man’s side as I hung my head to hide my reaction. Em didn’t falter, in fact he pressed closer too.
“Good to hear it.” Danny’s voice came through before there was a rather loud crash on the other side of the call, one which had Danny’s head shooting up, his eyes widening a fraction before a rowdy figure flew into him, knocking my brother sideways. 
I shared a startled look with Em, completely confused, but noted the way Marshall backed away ever so at the new figure who’d come and intervened. A few more blokes fanned in and around the background, though those seemed to be preoccupied, not even paying Danny and his fellow soldier anymind, as though it was all normal.
“Er?” I heard myself say and it was after Danny had managed to shove the man off him with a breathless laugh, attempting to right himself once more, that I caught sight of the slight amusement which shone in Marshall’s eyes. 
“Fuckin’ lump, I told you to stop doin’ that.” My brother exclaimed, and where I’d expected him to sound a bit miffed by the sudden attack, I was surprised to hear real affection there.
“But, my darlin’, I missed ya!” Came a bright Irish lilt just as a plethora of fawn coloured curls spilled over the bunk’s bedsheets before following his body back up into a standard sitting position. His grin was overwhelmingly white and almost large enough to hide his green eyes from view.
There was a bit more roughhousing as Danny shoved his army mate away when the kid started making kissy faces at him. “Piss off, you twat. I’m on the phone.”
It was that which had the other lad pausing in his messing, his head rolling over to the left where he found Dan’s phone, as well as me, I supposed. I waved, still a little surprised by the whole ordeal. “Hiya?”
“Fuck me.” The Irish man murmured lowly, eyes wide enough for me to see just how light his green eyes actually were, before he shuffled forward to flash a charming grin my way, “Aye, you’re lovely, have we met before? You look awfully familiar, mhuirnín.”
I had zero idea how to answer that, though I wasn't confused enough not to recognise the sweet name he’d used for me there. “Uh.”
“Leave it out, Lynch.” Danny huffed, swatting the other soldier who was still geared up in his tactical vest. “That’s my sister, you dickhead.”
“Wha?” Was the reply Danny received, before his mate turned back to the camera with another endearing grin, “I’m Tadhg, darlin’.” He introduced, name sounding more like Taig. “But I swear I weren’t lyin’ when I reckoned ye looked familiar. We din’t mess ‘round behind a Spoons on me last leave, did we?”
His brash words and assumption startled a loud laugh out of me, one which had Em’s brow furrowing slightly and Danny’s face falling into a scowl. “No we did not, you little shit.” I said, my head shaking at the cheek of it even as he continued grinning cheekily.
“Lynch, I’m warnin’ you.” Came my brother’s low mutter as he yanked his mate back away from the camera, Tadhg didn’t seem to mind the manhandling much.
“I’m just introducin’ meself, Danny boy!” 
“Well don’t, she’s taken.” Danny retorted, confusing me a tad, yet I didn’t deny it, rolling my eyes at my brother's obvious displeasure. 
My stare wandered over to Em, who was fiddling with his thumbs, he looked up at me as though sensing my gaze, I smiled. The gesture grew when it was returned. 
“El. El– aye, Lia!” Dan’s voice rang through, I snapped my attention back towards him but it was almost as though he hadn't expected his shout to draw in one of the lot behind him–
“Oh shit, is that Elia?”
It was sheer impulse, the way my head turned towards Marshall at the unexpectedness of hearing my name. Em seemed to sense my sudden dismay because he was plastered back to my side in a second, arm coming to wrap around my waist. The touch settled the anxious response that had been drilled into me and I was a tad bit thankful for the fact that he was only portionally in the frame when I looked back to my brother.
A third guy seemed to have joined our Facetime call, his eyes as dark as his braided hair and caught on me from where he’d come to kneel on the bunk behind both Danny and Tadhg. “Shit, it is!” His voice was layered in a thick Mancunian accent, one which reminded me of a friend I had back home, “How’d you know Elia, pal?”
“Elia?” Tadhg wondered, eyes flitting across my face before a sheen of recognition settled in there, “Fuck, I just asked Elia if we shagged behind a Spoons.”
“You did what?” The Manc spluttered slightly, his eyes alarmed.
I bit my tongue to keep from chuckling at that, but Em had no such qualms, apparently having picked up on a bit of slang whilst he’d been in the UK, that or just having been ‘round me far too long. 
“Idiots.” Danny sighed, giving Tadhg one last final shove before he let his shoulders drop and glanced over at me, “Sorry, El. I wouldn’t have called if I’dve known this lot would come bargin’ in.” 
“You’re alright.” I told Danny genuinely, I’d take any sort of interruption if it meant I got to talk to him for a little while. “It’s nice to meet your mates though, you lads doin’ alright over there?”
“All good, Els.” Danny assured me, but it was short lived because Tadhg was turning to grace the third soldier with a perplexed look. 
“How’d you know who she was anyway, Sully?”
Sully, the dark eyed lad with the Manc accent, shrugged as he looked back down at his friend, “Mate, she’s been like my crush for years. Had a poster of her on me wall when I were back home.”
My eyebrows raised at the admission (I mean how old was this kid? Fresh out of school?) and it was then that Marshall chose that exact moment to clear his throat. I shot him a knowing look, one which he returned with a rueful smile.
The three lads turned to us at that exact moment, Tadhg laughing at the sudden sheepishness Sully’s smile took on, whilst Danny just heaved another prolonged sigh. 
“Fuck, that’s well awkward.” Sully noted, only furthering said awkwardness. 
Marshall looked over to me, that smile still as present as ever, “Didn’t know you had posters.”
“Me neither.” I snorted quietly in return, leaning into him until our moment was cut short.
“What the fuck, Danny!”
Both Marshall and I’s head spun around to see what had happened, only to realise that it had been us. We were what had happened.
“What the fuck, man?” Tadhg said after a long moment had passed. Too long.
I cringed a tad, expecting to have Marshall move away now that he’d been spotted too, having leaned too far into the camera’s view when his head had ducked down to join mine. But he didn’t, move that is. Didn’t shy away at all. In fact, he nodded to the duo in a small hello. “Sup.”
Tadhg and Sully’s eyes were boring into us now, utterly stunned, which would have been funny if it wasn’t for the shock of it all. Danny sat off to one side with his face buried in his hands before he slowly lifted his head, showing off an all too apologetic smile.
I waved him away before he could open his massive gob to say something as stupid as sorry, it wasn’t his fault and it wasn’t like we’d really discussed anything, about his army friends knowing who I was and certainly not about them meeting Marshall, who Danny himself had only just realised was said ‘mystery man’.
“Alright, clear out.” Danny ended up saying instead, shooing his pals off his bunk. 
Seemed that the pair weren’t all that easily led though. “Oi, whaddya mean? Let us meet the famous people!” Tadhg hassled, shoving back on the hand Danny was trying to push him away with.
“Yeah, man! I mean, fuckin’ hell, Eminem was the last person I figured I’d be meetin’ today, lads.” Sully added as he rocked further into the little space that sat between Tadhg and Danny, elbows coming up to rest on either man’s shoulder. 
“He’ll be the last person you’ll ever meet if you two don’t piss off.” Danny huffed, swatting Sully’s hand off. 
“Ooo, tetchy!” Sully laughed, prodding Danny further by deeming it alright to hang over his shoulder instead now, Tadhg’s face being squished against his torso. “Heya, mate! Your last album? Fuckin’ fire, fella!”
Surprisingly, Em seemed to snort at the kid’s words and had since settled into the fact that he was now wholeheartedly a part of this conversation. “Appreciate it, man.”
I watched on as Sully continued to rant about all the emotions he’d felt whilst listening to the LP and was warmed by the way Marshall answered each of his and Tadhg’s questions with a genuine acknowledgement, delving when and where he could. Danny appeared to watch it all too, observing how his mates fawned over Marshall and even me at times, though Tadhg’s, I figured, was more down to the fact that he was a massive flirt, having picked up on him even trying his luck with Marshall, much to the man’s obliviousness. 
A while must have passed before Danny finally cut in, giving Marshall a small reprieve, “Alright, as enlightening as this has been,” He mentioned, eyes flitting over to Tadhg, who simply winked at him in return, “I wanna talk to my sister for a bit.”
“Awh, mate! We’re soldiers, this is like our make a wish or summat!” Tadhg almost whined, Sully and Danny snorting at his huffy behaviour as though it was typical, but the pair did eventually make a move to leave, Sully giving us a big thumbs up and a toothy grin whilst Tadhg shot us a joint wink. “Here if you ever need a rebound!”
Danny kicked his arse with the side of his boot as the man dipped out of view, though we heard the hearty laugh that followed in the Irish boy’s wake. He was shaking his head ever so when he glanced back at Em and I, “Sorry ‘bout them. Army life makes meetin’ normal people that more exciting, you know?”
I huffed a quiet chuckle whilst Marshall gifted Danny an easy but tired grin, he rapped the counter as he pushed to stand back to his full height. “I’ma go check on Z,” He mentioned to me before turning back to face Danny again, “Was good meetin’ you, man. Have to do this again sometime, for real.”
Knowing my brother like I did, I could see the slight ripple of surprise that echoed through his reaction to that statement, but on the surface he just dropped his chin and gave Em a sporting grin in turn. “‘Course, mate. Lookin’ forward to it.”
Just before he could slip away, Marshall lingered a second longer, hand squeezing my waist where it had failed to fall away in all the time we’d spent speaking and his smile widening just a fraction for me to see. “I’ll come find you in a bit.” I promised, he dipped his head and I listened as he padded out of the kitchen and over to the stairs.
Danny was the one to break the quiet we settled into. “He’s nice.”
I peered back at him to find him wearing a genuine smile, not a trace of animosity to be found in his voice. My grin was small, an attempt to hide the fondness I knew he’d find there. “Yeah, he is.”
Shaking his head around a knowing smile, Danny took his phone into his hand, “I was so right about there being a mystery man.”
Scoffing at the words, I cut my eyes at him but still looked back over my shoulder to make sure that Em hadn’t heard, even though it was impossible that he had, he was upstairs with Z. 
“Shut up, idiot.” I told him, slipping over to the backdoor and into the cool air the garden offered. I’d only been out there the once but it was just as lovely as the house’s front driveway, though a lot larger. “It isn’t like that.” 
Danny hummed, unconvinced. “Sure it ain’t. Remember though, I know you.”
“And what’s that meant to mean?”
He laughed giddily in reply, “You’re smitten!”
“Fuck off.” I huffed, looking away.
He wasn’t having any of it though. “You fuckin’ are! Know it too.” He continued to chuckle, all smuglike, “Deny it all you want if that’s what makes you happy though.”
I rolled my eyes, “It really isn’t like that, Dan. He’s– well, he’s him.”
“You’ve always been a right idiot, you know that?” Danny fired back, voice a little heated though his sigh told me that he wasn’t willing to expand on his statement, “What you been up to anyway? Seen his Porsche yet or is that reserved for red carpets?”
“You’re such a prat.” 
Danny grinned. “So I’ve been told.”
Blowing out a breath, I resolved to let the argument go. “It’s been good here, nice. It’s so different from London. I mean, I’ve seen so much already. Even had a fuckin’ rap battle with this friend of Em’s.”
Danny looked like he didn’t believe me.
“I swear it, Dan!” I laughed in defence, pressing my knuckles into my mouth to keep from being too loud.
“Come off it, you?” He asked, though there was a slight note of awe there.
“Me.” I retorted with a great big old smile, “It was so surreal, like I don’t know how it even happened.”
Danny started chuckling and he shook his head at me in utter disbelief, “Only you, I swear. Wish I could’ve been there.”
“Me too.”
A wave of quiet passed between us. 
“I’m glad you’re havin’ a good time.” Danny finally murmured, looking at me with those eyes that so often reminded me of Lotts, of Mum. “If anyone deserves a bit of happiness, it’s you.”
My eyes flickered between his, a tad bit teary after hearing that, and so I sniffed and looked away in hopes to cover it up. “Hush up.”
Danny’s chuckles resonated even through the phone, bouncing around me and filling my chest with a sense of nostalgia. “Okay, only if you let me know when it happens.”
Brow furrowing, I looked to him with a question, “When what happens?”
All I received was a gentle smile, “You’ll know.”
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aonungyoufuck · 2 years
Runaway {Part 5}
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Runaway Masterlist
Synopsis: You help Deliver a baby. Ronal seems to except you finally. 
Warnings: You deliver a baby, Kinda Graphic. Also my navi is a little bad so excuse that too. Also kinda lowkey short. But because i plan on making the next chapter longer
You didn’t have much time to think. All you knew and what you had practiced is to prepare the paste as quickly as you could. Running back to the shore With a basket and Blanket in hand. 
You had only a few minutes to spare. Apologizing to Tsireya as you planted next to her and Ronal. Tonowari at her side as all she did was groan and scream in pain. You couldn’t ever imagine feeling this sort of pain. 
“Mother Squat. I see you already are ready to push!” Tsireya spoke helping her mother to sit up. You only preparing the blanket. Basket at the side for when the babe will be placed. 
“Tsireya, Ronal Pardon me. I’ll be running back here shorty” You excused yourself. Pushing off the sand and running past the crowd. You felt thousands of eyes on you. It felt as if the entire universe was seeing you. Praying that everything was going alright. 
You didnt care for the broiling water. Running back at a pace only you could accomplish and mashing the paste into the consistency that you had learned to. 
“Y/n! It seems The babe. They” 
You only looked on in horror. Its head already out. Unfortunately, Cord around its neck. A Deadly thing that could kill any babe. 
“Srung si ayoeru ma Eywa” You muttered. Not carrying to properly clean your hands as you stared. 
You had seen this one before. But that had been different. Things are different of course. And without much thought you carefully took hold of the cord. Praying. Hoping 
“Srung si ayoeru ma Eywa” 
Ronal’s screams had been deafened. You couldn’t hear. All you could do was watch as the paste begun to dissolve the cord. You knew this was against what you promised. You had not meant to jump in. 
But finally seeing color return to the little thing. You let go of your breath. “Push! Push Ronal” 
And she did. Screaming and all you could do is pray to Eywa that things have gone well. 
Tsireya had caught the little thing. You let out a small breath as you waited. Ronal Falling back on Tonowari. 
“Y/n” Tsireya begged silently. She shook the small creature, gently as can be as she tried to provoke a cry.
You watched. Waiting only thinking of one thing that your Grandmother had once told you. 
Gently pushing up their nose and mouth you blew air. And you waited. It felt agonizing. It felt like all the eyes of Pandora was watching you. And finally that sweet cry of a new life pierced your ears. 
You could do nothing but tear up. You Had Thanked Eywa. And Mo’at as well. Lifting up the babe. You guided Tsireya on how to hold him. 
“ Be Gentle. For he is tiny and very frail” you spoke watching as he screamed his little head off. Before turning to Ronal who finally caught her breathe. “I shall help you My Tashik. You had a healthy baby boy” 
You were sure Tsireya was both overjoyed and a little let down. But seeing them coddle next to the babe you could only smile. You had seen this once before. You weren’t there to help in Lo’ak’s birth. But you had been there to witness it and Tuk’s and it made your heart swell. 
Ao’nung finally came forward. Finally seeing his new found family. 
 You Prepared the basket some. Fluffing out the bottom blanket before preparing the other. And Brought on the Song cord that Ronal had begun working on. You dare not speak. All you could do was watch. And from afar you waved at your family. 
Your mother. Your father watching you stand proud. How much you’ve grown and as they dipped their head you did too. 
A life for a life. 
“Come We must introduce him” 
You could only smile. As you watched them help Ronal up. Given Tsireya the basket as you didnt want to intrude any more on this moment. This was a family and they needed their space. 
“Come. You Saved my son’s life” Tonowari spoke. Holding you by the shoulder as you all marched towards the people. 
“Eywa has blessed us with A Mighty Warrior! Ateyo!” 
And you could only watch. Relieved. Happy that everything had gone so well. It all seemed to be going so fast and yet so slow. The poor babe had tired itself out. And all Ronal could do is look on in so much love for her new found child. 
“ I …forgive me for joining in where i wasn’t asked” You apologized to her. But she could only smile.
“Nonsense. You helped when you needed. And i thank you a thousands for seeing that Ateyo sees his first cry” She gently laid a hand on your shoulder. “Go.. treat your burns.” 
You had completely forgotten how much your hands pained you. You dipped them into broiling water and it didnt seem to matter. You just smiled at Ronal as she smiled back at you. 
Perhaps this was only momentary. But you appreciated the gentle look of her eyes. 
You pardoned yourself as you headed out. Needed to clean up the mess you had left behind. 
“Y/n!” Your family spoke, finally taking a moment to hug you. You gently tapping on your mothers back to tell her to not squeeze you as it still hurts. 
“I See you, Y/n” You had so longed to hear those words from your parents. Sure you had only done this for it was necessary. But to you. To them it proved how much you’ve grown. You saved your brother’s life. 
And they had watched with bated breaths as they saw you breathe life into the new life. 
And you could only cry. You sobbed but happy as you had always been bad with praise. Feeling your family hug you from all around. “You guys better get going to the festivities. I still have to clean my mess” you said through the sobs 
You hugged your mother and father.  How long had you longed for? You didn’t know
But you watched them leave. And for once alone you felt your thoughts catch up finally. At peace. 
You had done something you had only ever done once. Your family was proud of you. And you of yourself. You didn't even dare think of what had happened hours prior. You just applied some Paste and wrapped your hands as you began to clean. 
You would join by later. You wanted to leave this room spotless. For soon you would stop coming here. And it saddened you a little. But it felt as if your debt was due. A life for a life. 
You had been so lost in thought. You didnt even notice a certain someone Come and join you.
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Together Bound In Madness
Summary: There's a reason you were told not to walk alone at night....
A/N: Hi Babes! Me again :D So uhh....this particular piece of work wasn't meant to see the light of day and live its life in my WIP folder...it was supposed to....
Then I mentioned to @ken-dom that I might share and well...here we are...what can I say y'all? She's mad encouraging and I love her dearly for it. Without her none of these would exist.
As always, this NSFW 18+ and has a few extra warnings attached; a kidnapping trigger warning being the biggest one, but others will follow.
The title comes from the Marianas Trench song The Killing Kind
Y'all should know by now I rarely post one shots.....so yeah, this will be multiple parts....I'm just not sure on the final tally yet.
Enjoy my loves! <3 
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You pulled your jacket on after finally clocking out for the night. An hour later than you anticipated. 
Saying your goodbyes to your coworkers you let yourself out the front door walking up the street towards home. 
The wind blew the strands of hair that had fallen out over the course of the night around your face as you pulled your jacket more snugly around your middle.  
Your boots clicked on the pavement as you walked up the sidewalk, music changing songs before playing loudly through your headphones. 
It was quiet given the hour, which you didn't mind much, it gave you an opportunity to breathe and-
Suddenly an arm wrapped around your midsection, and a large hand closed over your mouth. 
Your heart slammed in your chest as you were pulled into the alley immediately to your left, music fading away as you pulled your headphones from your ears; the smell of conditioned leather overwhelming your senses before everything went black. 
You opened your eyes and everything was dark. Dark and cramped, and you had a splitting headache. Your knees were bent, elbows hitting obstructions on either side, your hands were bound and you realized you were moving. Your mind was racing trying to piece the events together, the last thing you remembered was walking home from work. You breathed hard through your nose, a thick piece of duct tape covering your mouth. Your heart was racing in your chest. 
Your phone, where was your phone? Your jacket didn't have pockets, and neither did your skirt; you had kept it tucked in your bra over the course of your shift, it was gone. 
You closed your eyes trying to focus on what to do next. Mouth was covered, screaming was out, your hands were bound behind your back, hard plastic zip ties biting into the tender flesh of your wrists, you could feel the same bite around your ankles, and your boots were gone. 
Another heavy breath out your nose as you felt the car roll to a stop. You closed your eyes, pretending to still be unconscious; potentially giving yourself time to think of a plan. 
You listened intently, boots crunching on gravel as they came around the back of the car. You let out a slow shaky breath trying to keep your wits about you. You couldn’t even begin to guess where you were, running was out of the question, they had made sure of that. What you assumed was streetlight flooded the trunk as it was lifted open, your eyes were closed, but you were certain your racing heart was going to give you away. You tried your best not to go absolutely rigid as you felt an arm slide under your knees, the other around your shoulders as you were lifted out. 
You had to open your eyes, you needed to figure out where you were if you had any chance in hell at getting away. 
Opting to crack your eyes open and not give yourself completely away you hoped against all hope whoever had you in their arms was more focused on getting you from point A to point B without being noticed, you weren’t exactly in an inconspicuous position. 
You fought to keep your breathing even and not give yourself away when you realized where you were, you recognized the small walkway immediately. You were home. 
What the fuck? 
Your mind raced with a whole new string of thoughts; this was your apartment complex, you hadn’t hallucinated, you lived here. You didn’t dare move, instead, you waited, the man carrying you was quiet, his breathing was unbelievably steady for carrying a bound, gagged, unconscious woman through a public space. 
You heard the familiar beep of the main door granting him access to the rest of the building. Did he live here? Or had he simply stolen your keys? Were you about to be held captive in your own apartment?! 
They hadn’t sounded like your keys…. They had a very distinct clink with the ring you had kept on them. Another familiar ding, this one was the elevator, this was your chance, the elevator had a mirror on the back wall. 
The doors opened and again, you cracked your eyes open as much as you dared. If it had been able to, your jaw would have hit the floor, you fought back the gasp that threatened to escape against the tape over your mouth. It was your neighbour. 
The slight panic that surged through your body at seeing a recognizable face made you slightly dizzy. The neighbour?! Who’s name you just couldn’t fucking place. Fuck. That’s what you get for thinking he was unassuming
He had hardly said a dozen words to you; ever; no wonder….you lived next door to a fucking Jeffery Dahmer wannabe. What the hell was he going to say ‘Hi, hope you like being chopped up into tiny little pieces and never found, because that’s my plan’?! 
You could get out of this, you could, but how? 
Again the doors pinged before sliding open and you bit down hard on the inside of your bottom lip. Your apartment door was feet away; and yet…
The one time that nosy Mrs. Collins wasn’t lurking outside…god damn it. 
He was skinny though; maybe you could overthrow him somehow…He definitely didn’t have brute strength on his side; at least you didn’t think so.
He carried you inside, and you heard the familiar click of the door closing behind him…but he didn't lock it. His confidence was unmatched. 
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the-fiction-witch · 7 months
Media The Maze Runner
Character Newt
Couple Newt X Reader
Rating Smut
Warning childbirth
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My body laid on the cold stone, my body shook and contorted, and my nails splintered and shattered as I gripped the gaps in the stone. My legs open wide my ankles bruised against the stone, my head thrown back. Tears flooded down my face, my jaw open wide, my voice shredding. My screams echoed off the high maze walls the sound could be heard from all inches of the maze, enough to rival the sounds of grievers. Minho's strong arms held my right arm down onto the cold stone of the maze floor, Ben held my left. Gally held my left ankle and Zart my right. All four of them tried desperately to hold me down against the stone but even the four strongest boys in the glade could not hold me. They had tried to tie me but ended up almost breaking my ankle. Alby stood behind us in the door of the maze looking down the corridor of the maze watching the time for when the doors would close. Clint and Jeff stood at my feet confused and alarmed, newt with them debating with them. All of us only inches inside the maze in the hope whoever was running this madhouse would know what was happening, and becuase I think the boys just wanted to be able to clean stone. 
"You are not," Newt told him, 
"Then what do you expect us to do." Clint complained, "We have to deliver the baby,"
"I know but you don't need to... look."
"Yes, I do! Newt I have to look."
"She's my girlfriend." newt said, "You are not looking,"
"I need to look Newt else this isn't going to work,"
"You don't know what you're doing,"
"Neither do you," Clint complained, "You have no medical knowledge"
"I have as much as you do," Newt complained, "And at least I've seen between her legs before."
"Ahhhhhhhh! Shut up, you Shanks! I don't care if he looks just deal with it!" I screamed, 
"Y/n are you-" Newt began,
"I Don't Care!" I screamed as I broke my hand out of Ben's grip and I grabbed Newt's hoodie dragging him to my nose, "Get. it. out. of. me."
"Okay. Okay, love." Newt nodded, "Do what you have to do." he told Clint,
"Thank you, Okay Y/n just keep breathing," Clint told me, and I nodded. 
My whole body worked only for one purpose to get this out of me no matter what the boys told me my mind flooded only with pain and agony. The boys tried to hold me down, tried to help me, newt doing his best to comfort me but in the end, nothing any of them could do was going to bring me peace not until this was over. 
I felt this pain beyond anything I had ever known my whole body was on fire as I screamed and thought against their hands before I collapsed against the stone staring up at the sky, the top of the grey maze walls. And suddenly Clint handed me the little baby wrapped up in sweet fabrics I held the sweet little baby to my chest feeling the warm skin against my own, looking down at her pale little face covered in slimy blood. I looked down at the sweet little face as the boys let me go and Newt knelt beside me.
"it's a girl," Clint smiled as he moved back, 
"A little girl," I cooed, 
"She's beautiful," Newt smiled, "She's so perfect," He cooed, 
"She is, the most perfect, beautiful little thing in the world," I smiled, 
"she really is. Our little girl. Our little baby girl." he cooed between his tears pressing a soft kiss to her head, 
"Is everything... okay? you know?"
"Everything is fine Y/n, everything is okay. your gonna be fine just on bed rest for a good while I should think."
"Yeah, I hope so. I think I deserve at least a few days off right Alby?" I asked but he just huffed already angry about this whole situation, 
"Yeah uhhh... you just pushed a whole human baby out of you... I uhhh I'm giving you a month off. Minimum." Zart nodded still shell-shocked given he was had been holding my ankle and thus witnessed the madness, 
"Yeah... I uhhh I'm gonna make up a big strong batch of moonshine." Gally gulped, 
"Yeah, I think I'll take one of those." I laughed, "what should we name her?" I asked Newt,
"Ohhh uhh I don't know Y/n, well she has your sweet   eyes maybe something like sky or sapphire?"
"No, I... I like Ivy."
"Ivy? Yeah... I like it too. Our little Ivy." He cooed, "I love you so much, Y/n,"
"I love you too Newt," I gasped, 
"Come on. Get her back into the glade." Alby ordered as he marched back into the glade,
"Yeah, we need to get you back in the glade and get you girls safe." Newt smiled, 
"Okay, come on Ivy." I smiled giving her a little head.
I sat beside the fire on a little log as I fed Ivy stroking her sweet blonde head and slowly feeding her some mushed-up veg from the kitchens. 
"Awww look at my beautiful girls!" Newt smiled as he came over sitting down with me he kissed my cheek and Ivy's little head, "How are my little glade girls?"
"fine, Ivy's hungry tonight,"
"Aww, poor little Ivy got an empty tummy," He cooed, "And how is my lovely Y/n?"
"I'm alright, how are you Newt?"
"I'm much better now I see my girls," he smiled as he took Ivy in his arms soothing her as he continued to feed her, "Awww very hungry little girl." 
"How was work?"
"Fine, same as always. Alby's having a pout becuase of the box."
"Less than usual again?" I asked and he nodded, "Alright what about the greenie?"
"He's freaking out, he asks a lot of questions."
"Ohh no he's one of them." I sighed, "He found his name yet?"
"Not yet, ohh and I lost a bet with Zart."
"Oh?" I glared a little, 
"I bet him the greenie would klunk his pants in the slammer, and he didn't so I owe him some bacon,"
"Alright, silly boy." I smiled kissing his cheek,
"Awww," He whined, "I think Ivy thinks mummy should give daddy a better kiss,"
"Does she now?"
"Yeah, Please mummy give daddy a big kiss?" He cooed in a playful voice, 
I rolled my eyes and kissed his lips sweetly, "Is Daddy happy now?"
"Very happy," He cooed. 
I held Ivy close trying to soothe her tears and cries as we watched the maze from above it slowly slipping from view to think of all our life, all our memories, all we had built, where Ivy was conceived and even born was now behind us as these men took us to a new unknown fate. Newt had his arms around me his hands on Ivy too, death glaring at the man across from us he may have saved us but I know Newt didn't trust him. And frankly neither did I. 
I didn't allow myself to sleep even if I was tired when we finally landed somewhere in the dark and sand, men lined the way with guns and began to shout at us to move. I held onto Newt and he held me tightly too as we rushed inside with our fellow gladers into this strange building where a rat-faced man met us and gave us way too much info for me to actually pay attention to as he headed us away to the most beautiful of sights. A long line of tiled shower stalls. 
"Ohh my god..." I gasped,
"Are... are these real?" Newt gasped, "Who's going first?"
"Me!" I said handing Ivy over to Newt,
"Why does she get to go first?" Fry complained,
"Becuase the closest thing to a shower I have had in the last three years is a bed bath Newt gave me after I gave birth to Ivy!"
"...That's fair." Minho nodded, "Let her go first."
Everyone quickly picked showers, happy to be clean, I picked the one on the end and Newt sat outside with Ivy on his lap as I kicked off my clothes and stood under the hottest shower I could, "Ohhh my god... this is the best feeling of my life,"
"Thanks, Y/n..." Newt laughed, "As the father of our child that makes me feel great."
"Okay second best."
"That doesn't make me feel better," he laughed, 
"You wanna come in the shower?"
"Who's gonna hold Ivy?"
"I'll stand out of the water a minute," I laughed, "Hold the baby."
"Alright I'm coming," He smiled, he came in the shower and handed ivy to me "Here you go have a baby."
"I'll happily have a baby, hello sweetie," I cooed kissing her so I moved out of the shower spray he smirked looking at my naked body as I held Ivy, and I admit I looked too and let him stand under the water, "Ohhhh! Ohh my god! this is amazing!" he groans, "How did you ever let me get you pregnant when I smelt this bad,"
"Cause I love you." I smiled, "How did you ever put a baby in me when I smelt this bad,"
"Cause I just love you that much love," He cooed, "Come here," he cooed turning the heat of the water down, 
I smiled and moved over the shower spray Newt happily wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me and Ivy to his chest and giving her head a little kiss as we kept her close so the three of us could have a nice wash, as soon as she got clean she began to giggle and smile. "Awww happy clean little girl,"
"She's now extra beautiful," he cooed, "You are too," he smiled, "Isn't mummy beautiful Ivy?"
"Humm thank you, you look lovely too now you're all clean"
"Thank you, Y/n," He smiled, 
"doesn't daddy look handsome now he's all clean Ivy?" I giggled,
"Aww thank you, my lovely girls," he cooed kissing both of us, "You think now I'm all clean... you think daddy could get some more kisses?"
"More... special kisses?" 
"I'll think about it," I cooed giving him a sweet loving kiss as we cuddled under the warm water,  
Once we all got clean and freshly dressed the ratman returned and quickly tried to take me and Ivy elsewhere, 
"No. No! I am not leaving. You're not taking us anywhere!"
"We just want to put you and your baby in a girl's room, on your own." he encouraged,
"No! I am not going anywhere without newt!" I protested,
"You are not taking my daughter or Y/n anywhere!" Newt said putting himself between me and the rat man, "It's not happening. You are not taking the woman I love anywhere, and if you even touch my daughter you'll wish you were dead." 
"...Alright, she can stay." He nodded clearly not wanting to push too hard, 
I laid in the sweet soft bed in the compound enjoying the sweet soft mattress and the sheets around me, Newt's arms around my waist kissing my now soft hair fresh from daily washes since we had been here, I couldn't help but smile feeling so cosy watching little Ivy sleep in her own little bed across from us. 
"She looks so comfy," I smiled,
"She does, sweet little thing. I bet it feels better than her hammock bed in the glade,"
"I know ours does," I giggled,
"It does, been so long since we had a proper bed. let alone a real cosy cuddle," 
"Umm it's nice," I smiled turning over to nuzzle into his neck,
"Hi, Y/n,"
"Hi Newt."
"Can I ask something?" he whispered into my hair,
"...there is, one thing that would make me even more relaxed? you think maybe it would... make you relaxed too?"
"Humm well... it couldn't hurt, nice and quiet though we don't want to wake Ivy. Or tommy. or fry. or anyone." I giggled quietly, turning over to my side, he nodded and began to nibble and kiss my neck before he pulled down his shorts and tugged off my own shorts, he started off gently slipping himself inside me he held my hips firmly as he softly thrusted, often bitting his lips hard as to not make any noise, I happily pulled the pillow close to keep myself quiet at the movement of his hips. 
"Ummm! it's been so long..." he whispered, "I was almost scared too after Ivy. that I'd hurt you or... I'd get you pregnant again." He gasped, "I think I waited too long," 
"Far too long," I gasped moving his hand to rub my clit which he happily did his other hand coming up to fondle my breast gently, 
"Uhhh I don't want to... not yet... but I'm so so close Love..." He groaned, "We have to stop or I'm gonna-"
"it's okay we'll stop if-"
"I can't stop." He grunted, his hips moving fast and hard causing the bed to squeak, I tried not to react but It was so overwhelming his hand sped up giving me no mercy until I hit my orgasm biting down on the pillow as my eyes rolled back, the meer tightening of my pussy as I cam,e was enough to send Newt over the edge burying himself as deep inside me as he could as his hips bucked erratically, "Uh... uhh... bloody hell." he gasped, "I love you so much, Y/n,"
"I love you too Newt," I gasped, "next time she cries is your turn."
"That's fair," He chuckled, 
I sat doing my best to gather up a bag with everything we would need from his old shopping mall, trying to find something I could use as cloth diapers for Ivy.
"No one thinks about babies in the apocalypse. Hey?" I cooed to her, "No one thinks about baby food or baby clothes" I sighed. 
"What are we gonna do?" Newt asked, 
"Uhh I can cut up some of these old shirts to make them fit her,"
"Alright, give her here I'll look after her," He cooed taking her from me a moment, "I promise I'll look after my girls, even though Tommy's crazy plan," he smiled kissing my cheek,
I held Ivy close as we sat in the sand while everyone caught our breath, emptied their shoes of sand, and had the last of our water. I did my best to hold her but I was so exhausted and she was squirming so much from being tired, being hungry, I gave her the last of our water as Newt returned sitting beside me in the sand, 
"You need me to take her?" He asked, 
"You sure?"
"Can you hold her a couple more minutes?"
"I can, then you can take her?"
"I will," he nodded,
"I can take her if you need just for a minute?" Minho offered,
"No" we both snapped,
"Sorry Min... I just... I wanna keep her close." I told him, 
"Guys... come on, you both need to rest." He said coming and offering his arms,
"What do you think?" I asked Newt,
"I trust him." He nodded, "Just please... be gentle with her Minho."
"I will," he nodded so I slowly handed her over and I admit it was nice for a moment not to have her in my arms I laid my head on newts shoulder as Minho sat and cuddled her, newt and I held each other close even in our exhaustion savouring not having her between us, a literal weight removed from our arms, 
"She's a sweetie," He cooed,
"She likes you," Newt chuckled, 
"Yeah I like her too," Minho smiled, "Hi Ivy, you having fun with Uncle Minho,"
"I think she very much likes her Uncle Minho," I giggled before I sighed and laid a little closer to Newt almost falling asleep,
"Y/n?" Newt asked,
"Are you okay love?" He asked, "You've been like this since we left the compound?"
"Yeah... just tried that's all newt." I nodded, "she's a full-time job,"
"She is... Daddy needs to pick his ass up a little?"
"No, it-"
"no no, I do. You take such good care of her. I need to do more I know I do," He nodded, 
"Thank you Newt."
"You're welcome Love," He cooed kissing my head, 
I clutched Ivy to my chest as the Bergs flew over the right arms camp, I did my best to hide behind the old car as the boys did their best to defend the camp, Newt held us both close kissing my head before he pulled back.
"Newt... no..."
"I have to. I promise I'm keeping you both safe." He said as he grabbed a gun and kissed my lips softly before he kissed Ivy's head, "I love you. Both of you."
"I love you too." I nodded, 
He looked at us both sadly before he stood with Tommy, Minho and Vince to defend the camp until the stunner knocked them all out, I screamed holding Ivy as close as I could to try and keep her from getting hurt. 
The wicked men came and lined us up by our numbers as Ava and Rat Man returned, 
"Get them onboard," he demanded and Immediately men grabbed at my arm to pull me up to my feet and they tried to take Ivy and me,
"Nooo! Nooo! Get your hands off her! Get off her! Let her go!" I screamed, 
"Let her go! You are not taking her! You're not taking our daughter!" Newt forced me out of the man's arms in his arms which kicked everyone to fight until thomas revealed his detonator. 
Which froze everyone in camp Wicked and right arm. 
Quickly Newt and I pulled Ivy close and stood behind thomas to keep the men away,
"Thomas... put it down." Rat man demanded,
"They promised! they promised we'd be safe all of us!" Teresa reassured,
"You really trust them!" he yelled,
"It was her only condition!" Ava yelled, 
"Put it down thomas... no one needs to get hurt." Janson offered, "You really wanna kill all your friends,"
Thomas looked around for support, fry nodded as did Minho but then he looked to us, "I- Ivy..."
"I know..." I nodded, but Newt wrapped his arms around me and Ivy and kissed her little head, 
"We're with you thomas." Newt nodded the sound of tears in his voice, and I nodded. I shut my eyes and squeezed Newt and Ivy tight. "I love you, Y/n," he whispered,
"I love you too Newt." I nodded,
But the Car rolled in smashing into the wicked men, 
"Run!" Thomas yelled, 
So we bolted as fast as we could for safety in the mad rush but a wicked soldier grabbed me making me scream as he ripped Ivy from me,
"Nooooooooooooooooooooo! IVY!" I screamed as I kicked and fought trying to get her back as she screamed and cried as the soldier took her to the berg with Sonya, aris and others who had been taken. "No Please!" I screamed as Thomas held me back from running into the berg after her, Newt tried to run too but Fry stopped him, He forced Fry's hands off 
"I am not leaving my daughter!" He shouted as he bolted to the Berg Minho joined him and the two forced Ivy from the soldier, as the doors began to close,
"Take her! GO!" Minho Demanded all but kicking Newt and Ivy out moments before it was too late, as soon as the door closed the Berg took off with Minho and the others inside.
I walked across the new right-arm camp looking up at the boat we would soon be sailing on holding my stomach, and my now pregnant stomach, I'm not sure when Newt got me pregnant again, but I imagine the night in the compound which makes me realize how insane it was I was bolting around a desert freshly pregnant, or early in our time at right arms camp who knows. I found Newt sitting and playing with Ivy her little blonde hair bouncing and her little eyes wide with excitement, she didn't know the pain we all felt she just knew she was playing with Daddy and that was all she cared to know. She was getting so big now almost two, forming words and wondering on her own mostly thanks to the right arm camp giving us time and space for her to grow. I sat down beside him and kissed her.
"Awww look Ivy Mummy's here,"
"Hello darling," I cooed to her, "How's daddy?"
"Same as usual," he nodded glancing at his arm, 
"How's Ivy?"
"Happy as ever," he chuckled, "How's mummy?"
"Same as usual," I shrug, "Jr's kicking up a fuss again."
"He's always kicking up a fuss," he laughed kissing my stomach, 
"You're thinking about it... aren't you?" I asked,
"... I can't leave Minho there."
"I know. I know you want to go Newt... But, we have a family here"
"Vince won't let me in the safe haven once he knows about my arm..."
"We can convince him." I said, "Newt... I can't let you go. You know I can't. I need you, Ivy needs you, Jr will need you. I know this... isn't the life we imagined back in the glade but, it's the life we have."
"I don't want to abandon you, any of you. But... Uncle Minho is family too," he chuckled, "He may as well be my brother... I can't leave him Y/n, and even so... The city... might have a cure."
"Might. That is a big might. You know if they catch you they won't let you go." I told him, "And if you go with thomas and Fry to save Minho... who's gonna be left to save you." I remind, "I have Ivy and now jr to worry over... I can't drop everything when pregnant or later depending on how long you're gone to come to save you." 
"I know..."
"Stay. Let thomas and Fry go. if something goes wrong with them I will let you go, they can get Minho and bring you a cure. But you can't expect me to let you go."
"...Okay," he nodded, "That's a deal. I'll stay, but if anything happens you'll let me go?"
"I promise," I smiled kissing him, 
I stood on the berg with Brenda, Vince, Minho, Jorge, fry and Newt, I held the controls as she gave him the Medicine for the cure just in time as just being in the city had made him far sicker within the meer day, only hours from turning into a mindless zombie, we had brought Ivy with us of course sitting her beside Newt so he could cuddle her and keep his sanity as she had worked almost as a reminder for him, never fully turning or snapping if ever Ivy was close. all while we waited to loom over the burning city waiting for thomas when he ran off looking for Teresa when I suddenly felt it... 
"fuck..." I gasped, "NEWT!" I screamed, 
"Y/n! What's wrong?" he handed Ivy to Minho as god knows he needed a cuddle with her as he bolted to me,
"Sssssssshhhhhhiiiiitttttt!" I screamed, 
"No! Just a poke in my stomach! Yes! JR You FUCKWIT!" I screamed clutching my stomach, 
"Oh god... uhhh long shot... anyone knows how to deliver a baby!" he yelped,
"I mean I watched last time but I don't remember much other than hellish screaming," Minho answered,
"No idea," Brenda answered as she took over the controls from me as Newt moved me to the floor, 
"Hold her. This is gonna be rough," Vince said as he came over,
"You done this before?" Newt asked,
"Just... please be careful."
"Careful can get fucked! Get it out of me!" I screamed, 
I laid so far beyond pain on the floor of the berg as we flew off back to camp, Thomas lay across from me being wrapped up from his bullet wound, and Newt sat beside me as he held our little boy in his arms.
"He's perfect,"
"He is," I smiled,
"Look Ivy, it's your little brother," he told her letting her see her little brother as Minho still held Ivy for us,
"Give him here," I cooed and Newt happily handed our little boy over and I held him close seeing like me and like Ivy his little eyes, "what should we name him?" I smiled, 
"Well we thought of Jr but I'm not sure it suits him," He chuckled,
"Yeah sorry Newt,"
"It's fine, I'm sure I'll get a Jr someday," 
"Ummm" I smiled, and for a moment my eyes flicked to Thomas' bleeding body and I knew how much work would have to be done to save him, "Tommy..."
"Tommy, little Tommy. I think it suits him," he smiled kissing his little head, 
"Yeah, Little Tommy," I smiled, 
I sat watching the water stroking my stomach feeling the baby kick away, watching as Ivy built herself a sand castle her long blonde hair blowing in the sea breeze and little Tommy raced with newt and minho down the beach of course they let him win like the good daddy and uncle they are. When he won Newt lifted him up giving him a spin and Minho petted his little head telling little Tommy how he'd be a runner as soon as he's old enough. 
"Hey!" I called, "Family hug," I smiled and Ivy and little Tommy happily ran over hugging me tightly even stroking my stomach so they could feel their little brother or sister kick, Newt happily came over and sat down wrapping his arms around us all giving us the biggest hug he could. Minho chuckled as he saw how cute we all were, "Come on Uncle Minho your family too," I laughed, 
"Really?" He asked and Newt nodded so Minho happily joined the hug too, 
"Uhhh? what's happening here?" Thomas asked as he came over confused, 
"Hugs you wanna join the hug, Uncle Thomas?" Ivy asked him,
"Am... I allowed?" He asked,
"Sure come on," Newt told him so Thomas happily came and joined the hug too.
"Ahhh a lovely big hug, now all of you give mummy some space little ones kicking away again," I laughed so the hug broke and the kids ran off to play Minho and thomas chatted, Newt happily kissed my lips and then my thomas. 
"I love you, Y/n,"
"I love you too Newt," I smiled, "Any ideas? for this little one?"
"I don't know, all I know is they'll be perfect. Just like you. just like Ivy and just like Tommy," 
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romanoffsbish · 1 year
A Safe Haven
WandaNat x Fem!R
Request | Prompt | 3,060 Words
Warnings: Injured R, Descriptions of Burns/Stabbings
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Natasha and Wanda had gone out for the day, they shared a short brunch before setting off to go shop. They wanted to be prepared for your return tonight with all of your favorite things. It was your first official mission as an Avenger after Fury gave you the final go ahead, you were so excited when you left this afternoon, and they wanted to make the return just as special for you because it was only fair, as you were the only light in their lives most days.
Then they got a call, and suddenly a concerned Wanda was falling from the skies, landing back at the compound, and running in a frantic way to get to the med bay. Apparently you were waiting there, and Natasha agreed to purchase your things then meet her back there in about ten minutes, but she promised it'd be less.
"Bruce, I swear to god I will shove that needle into your jugular if you don't get the hell away from me! I can do it by my fucking self!"
Wanda wasn't really surprised to hear you screaming, you were never a fan of the clinical side of things, nor were you one for allowing others to see you in such a vulnerable state. Except for if it was with Nat or Wanda, that trust took a long time to build, so she rushed through the doors, and made a beeline for you.
Red wisps wrapped around your hand right as you managed to steal the syringe full of numbing drugs from the nervous scientist, you scowled deeply, but your body also visibly relaxed when your lovers presence became clear to you. You instantly felt safer...
"Moya lyubov, we don't stab our friends."
You growled, "He was going to do it first."
Wanda smirked at you, eyes of an intricate green never leaving yours as she nodded sideways at the sheepish man, he took her hint with a running start. The doors swinging as he left in a rush signaled to you he was gone, "What a pussy," you grumbled and Wanda snorted, "Play nice, he was trying to help."
Honestly, if you didn't see him shift into a giant green monster with your own eyes you'd never believe that Bruce Banner was the Hulk.
"He knows better Wands." She nodded with a hum to follow. "Yeah, but he also knows if he didn't try he'd have me and Nat to deal with, and I hate to break it to you, but we're scarier."
You gasped and pointed the syringe at her now, "Take it back little witch." She rolled her eyes, and literally took it back from you. "Done." She winked, you rolled your eyes, and shrieked, "Not what I meant Wands, I am way scarier!"
"Detka," she chuckled with a soft shake of her head, because as scary as you thought you looked, you truthfully didn't. With furrowed brows, a crinkled nose and an exaggerated pout, what she knew was meant to be an intimidating scowl, it only softened her heart. So, as was an inevitability she cursed at you, "You look adorable."
You gasped again, this time more loudly, and the heatless words died on your tongue as you felt a surge of pain. The adrenaline had faded.
Your body fell back against the bed, wrapped hands pawed at the sheets and tears began to stream down your face. Wanda's teasing smile fell, and for the first time since she had arrived she witnessed just how hurt you truly were.
There was ash all over your maroon suit, the flecks of charcoal white covered not only it but your face and hair. Fortunately your hands were already wrapped by someone, but the burns you had sustained were everywhere.
Where the white ash didn't reside, jagged holes in the suit took its place, showing the brunette your third degree burns. Then her eyes trailed further down your body, noticing the scrapes and bruises, and stopping in post haste on the saturated red gauze wrapped over your thigh. Her stomach flipped, seeing you in pain like this always hurt the empath just the same.
"It's okay," you whispered through gritted teeth, forcing yourself to sit back up so you could try to comfort the witch who's lip was now wobbling, but her hand softly pushed you back into the bed. "No, it really isn't."
You should honestly be fine; this was a simple recon mission, medical aid made no sense.
Wanda reached for a white rag from the cleaning station, she softly wiped your face clean, then she thoroughly wiped an unmarred portion of your shoulder clean. She smiled down at you, her thumb traced over your cheek and you instantly nodded. Giving her the silent permission to give you the magical shot to numb the pain, her lips touched yours just as you winced. A momentum picked up as you felt the ice rolling through your veins. Your body feeling as if you could party all night when it really belongs in the junkyard in this state.
Being the responsible party the witch pulled away, smiles pressed lightly together as she hesitates to truly part, but with immense strength she manages. "We need to fix you up now my love, let me do what needs to be done."
Wanda knew she'd have to soften your resolve some to allow her to use her powers like this.
After every mission she'd rush to either your or Natasha's side, use her powers to heal you just a bit, then she'd spend an entire day sleeping.
Then one really bad time put an end to this for a long while. When Nat was struck by a bullet, Wanda suddenly collapsed as Natasha's lungs partook in a miracle as they did the opposite.
"Y/N, don't worry," she quickly shushed you. "I'm going to make these third degree ones, and then I'll stop. I promise I'll be okay, I had Tony make these bracelets for me that help me better pull my energy. No more collapsing."
"C-careful Wan," you stuttered, the heat rolling through your body was still intense, even with the Novocain coursing through you, so you're desperate for her offered relief, but you would never allow it if you thought it would hurt her.
"I always am," she winked at you, then began to remove the rest of your suit. Her body stuttered as she really took the sight of you in.
"Why are you in this state Y/N," she wasn't accusatory, just concerned. "Where was Steve and Tony?" Your eyes widened, because the truth would only lead to the other's demise.
You'd considered lying to her, but even in your delirious state you knew better than to try. Nat probably already got the ear full from Hill, so you knew Wanda would have found out.
"They forgot I was there," you whispered the embarrassing truth so quietly, but you knew she heard it when her jaw clenched. "They triggered the bombs on the floors above me, but then after I shrieked into the coms they stopped and Tony flew up to save me."
"This isn't exactly saving," Wanda sneered. "Those idiots are in for a world of hurt."
"Wanda, it's okay." It wasn't, but you wanted to pretend like it was and she could sense that. "You're right, it's gonna be fine, just relax."
Wanda placed a chaste kiss to your lips as her forehead leaned into yours. A shaky breath fanned across your face as she began to heal you, you could smell traces of mint on your lips, and feel the love she left behind in its place. "Just focus on me sweet girl, you're ok."
"Wan, you said just the burns," you whined, and the witch kissed your protests away as her warm, glowing hands hovered over your thigh.
"Look, I'm fine moya lyubov'," she hummed, her thumb tenderly traced over the new mark on your thigh, and you sighed contentedly.
Wanda saw you shiver, she didn't want to hurt you further with the tight fitting emergency clothes you all had in the medbay for moments like these, so she slipped her own hoodie off and with her magic she made sure it fit you in an oversized manner like you preferred. All to protect your body from being seen by the team.
"Can you stand now?" You nodded, and the brunette guided you onto your feet. Natasha burst into the room just as Wanda pulled you into her, eight minutes in total. The witch was hoping for more time, but you needed to eat, and the redhead will want her time with you.
Wanda pressed a tender kiss to your forehead, "I'm so happy you're okay detka," then she left an even softer one to your lips before she was gently exchanging you for the grocery bags. She gave Natasha a quick kiss, they shared a fond smile as they watched you burrow into your other lover with a swiftness. Then Wanda was gone to the kitchen before you could blink.
Natasha didn't mind the grime transferring to her shirt, she only smiled and buried her nose in your hair, she could smell hints of your apple scented conditioner beneath the layers of smoke and ash that settled onto the strands.
Natasha's blood boiled when she looked just beyond you and saw the tattered remains of your suit behind you. Most of your burns were on your upper body so she couldn't see the improved state, but she did notice the few on your legs, and knowing they were once worse was enough to make her rather homicidal.
Tony and Steve would be smart to find a safe house, because after you fall asleep tonight there's no one left to protect the assholes.
They were careless with your life, and to your girlfriends that's an unforgivable slight.
"Thank you for coming home to us detka," the woman held back a sob as she repeated her usual mantra for when you'd return from a shield mission, but the way her arms tightened around your waist gave way to her clear fear.
"I'll always come home to you guys Natty."
"I appreciate that." Natasha gently pulled away from your embrace so that she could cup your cheek and pull you in for a kiss that she poured all of her love for you into. "We love you a lot."
"I love you guys too Natty, even more than Taylor Swift." Natasha chuckled in disbelief, "Wow, you're clearly in a state of delusion."
"Let's go get you cleaned up detka." Natasha scooped you up against your weak protests. You'd lost a decent amount of blood with the wound on your thigh, plus, no amount of magic heals the need for rest after what you've been through. So this is really the least your lover felt she could do to play her part in your care.
After taking the elevator up to your shared room the redhead set you down on the counter in your en suite, then she filled the tub with scentless bubbles and lukewarm water as to not aggravate your already overheated skin.
You watched with your lip caught between your teeth as your lover stripped down to nothing. She was always something to admire, and you'd never stop. "My eyes are up here."
"I know, I'd rather look at your boobs," you admitted without any shame causing the woman to loudly snort, "Y/N, you're injured..."
"Yes, and horny for my girlfriends always."
Natasha shook her head at your truly heatless words, "You're insatiable darling." You only smiled in response, allowing her to gently guide you into the readied tub where she just as quickly settled her body behind yours for the optimum support. "Dirty, dirty girl indeed."
You huffed, a protest of sorts, but you were too fatigued to back it up with words. The silence slowly encompassed the bathroom, sounds of water splashing into the marble all to be heard as you rearranged your body to lay face down. Natasha frowned when you shivered, she tried to offer her own body heat, but she couldn't budge on the water or else you'd be worse off.
She hummed a soft tune as she ran her fingers up and down your spine with delicate strokes. Her hand began to kneed at the unmarred skin, hopefully helping to relieve the tension that still resided in your muscles from the long day.
Her hand eventually made its way to your thigh where it methodically paused. She softly ran her thumb over your new scar, face falling further as she racked her brain for an answer that only evaded her with logical thought.
"How did you get stabbed?" You tensed as she finally verbalized it, now remembering that the empty floor you were sent to had a straggler who graciously left his blade behind in your leg. He'd totally blindsided you, swinging it at you before he escaped down the fire escape.
"The information was faulty," your scratchy voice came out sounding pitiful. "The place wasn't empty like Fury had first relayed."
Natasha hummed in understanding, she lifted your face and kissed away the tears as they fell. No more words needed to be said, she could tell it was just a fluke in intel, and it infuriated her that they'd not be more thorough for your first time up against Avenger level threats.
"Natty, I'm really cold." You shivered more noticeably this time and she took that as a sign to lift your bodies so she could run the shower. You were likely having a reaction to the loss of blood now, body struggling to regulate after all its been through in only a matter of hours.
Natasha did everything, and to her surprise you let her, you were just so tired and pliant.
She gently sat you down on the bench in your massive shower, then she moved to rid your locks of all the debris. You leaned back when she requested, her strong arm held you up with ease as the warm, once clear water turned to black as it slid down the drain. The various debris getting caught on top of the silver drain gratings, and she soon grimaced as an entire chunk of plaster thunked against the marble.
Natasha waited until the water ran clear to sit you back up. You pouted when you saw her expression, it was pained, and you felt guilty. Thoughts of how you could've prevented this plagued you, truthfully you knew it wasn't on you. Tony and Steve made a massive mistake. Fortunately for you the redhead didn't give you long to overthink before she lifted you again.
You purred when her lips pressed into your neck as she tugged you into her embrace. Fresh hot tears cascaded down your skin along with the streaming water and you held her even tighter, trying to somehow reassure her that you're still here. Natasha held you close like that for an entire minute as she sobbed.
"I'm okay Nat," you whispered reassuringly, "I'm here, I'm alive, and I'm safe with you two."
You reached down, pulling her hand back up with yours to prove your words right. You kissed her knuckles with a tenderness only reserved for your lovers. Then you flattened her hand against your chest, overlaying it with yours for optimal comfort. Nat sighed as soon as she felt the strong thrum beneath her palm.
"Thank you detka..." You kissed her cheek and she turned her head fast enough to steal a proper kiss as well. To her delight you didn't try to pull away, but instead you leaned in and allowed her to deepen it without her asking.
"I love you," you whispered as you playfully smiled against her lips, "But I'm becoming a prune, can we get this show on the road?"
Natasha chuckled, "You're lucky you're cute," shaking her head as she reached for the first of many hair products you had. She set the bottle beside you, and greedily leaned in for another kiss. "Your wish is my command detka."
After Natasha finished you up she guided you to the door with a hand on your hip, and the other on your lower back for assistance. The redhead spun you, softly pressing you into the wall so she could have her last moment of alone time with you. She raised a single hand to cup your left cheek, she ran her thumb over a scar beneath your left eye. Memories of your first ever encounter, a hectic mission, flashes through the both of your minds. You share a reminiscent smile as you kissed her palm.
"I love you too," Natasha finally verbally reciprocates your earlier sentiment. It wasn't needed, her actions alone said it, but you never failed to melt when your lovers reminded you. You whined, your usual cry for attention, and Natasha pecked your lips just before opening the door so you could get in bed and rest.
When the two of you exited the bathroom you both smiled at the sight of your lover on the bed. The scene was overwhelmingly domestic. Wanda wore an oversized shirt of yours, with a smart remote in her hand, apparently keying in your favorite movie on Hulu, and you melted.
You leaned your tired body back into the redheads who leaned against the doorframe,  eyes falling to the rest of the targeted display.
On a tray to the left of the bed was three plates full of your favorite home cooked dinner of Wanda's, and three cans of varying sodas. On the bedside table sat a burn cream, a couple extra strength Tylenol, and a glass of water.
All of that alone was enough to make you want to cry. So, when Wanda jumped up and ran to embrace the both of you the tears actually fell. Your lovers rubbed your shoulders and sides lovingly, depositing kisses wherever they could as they let you have a moment to feel it all.
In there arms was where you felt the safest, you never knew what the feeling of home was like until you met them; they were your physical embodiment of a safety net, and now, you knew you'd always have something to fall into.
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bodhranwriting · 1 year
Finn and the Arsonist by Bodh M.
In three years of running the only cat sanctuary in Middle Besser, I’ve heard a lot of their odd tales about how they ended up here.
Getting into fights is a common one. Getting trapped in wells happens more often that you’d think. Inattentive families, owners needing the space… the list goes on. I try not to judge people’s situations too harshly. After all, my main witness is going to be a little biased and cat-senses don’t always translate well to human, as you’d expect. But there are definitely pickups I’ve done that have made my blood boil, if you don’t mind me saying.
But I’ve never had one before that made me scared and certainly never had one involving one of my closest friends.
It was a stinking hot day in the middle of summer when a small child barged open the door to the Respite with a terrified cat yowling at a pitch to match the temple bells.
I had been dozing at the counter, sweat sticking my sandy curls to my forehead and a new bandage wrapped around my arm – one kitten had not wanted to take her medicine – so I damn well fell out of my chair as a screaming feline was dumped a fingerbreadth from my face.
“I found them in Gert’s Alley,” the girl said helpfully, in lieu of greeting. She was probably nine or ten; a scruffy little thing in a faded blue dress with adorable tight black coils and a missing tooth so her next words came out as a lisp, “He theemed thercared. Look at all the blood!”
Dragging myself up from floor and trying to wipe the sleep from my eyes, I blearily focused on my newest patient. She (and definitely she, I noted as she wriggled out of the blanket) was a gorgeous black Kysi with golden eyes and the huge ears typical to her breed. As she backed up, hissing, I reached out a hand and concentrated, drawing up warm reserves of the little magic I had from my chest and into my throat.
Translation spells, in my experience anyway, always had a taste. I’d never been particularly good at them: it was almost easier to just do the hard work and learn the language. But translating my tongue to that of cats was like clicking your fingers might be to someone else. Easy. Not requiring much thought at all.
Cat tastes like buttermilk. I don’t know why, but there seems to be a connection to what I taste and what I’m trying to speak. Bee tastes, almost boringly, of honey. Spider has a dusty texture. Rat, for some odd reason, is hazelnut. I haven’t worked out that one and neither had the teachers out in the Hartland’s. I think one of my classmates who fell into the academic trap – track, sorry – is compiling research on it.
(I answered her very impersonal letter a few months ago and never heard back. Hope I helped. She did bully me into passing my star-reading exam, after all.)
I took a breath, the flavour rising into my nose, and attempted first contact. “Easy there… I’m not gonna hurt you… what’s your name…?”
The cat hissed again, but only for show because she answered quickly, “Smells-like-this. But upright call me Smoke.”
“I’m Finn,” I said, almost more for the benefit of the still-watching urchin. I projected an imitation of my scent into her mind: a kind of mix of cat fur, woodsmoke, and lye soap, and asked, “May I touch you? I need to find where you’re bleeding.”
Smoke hesitated and then lay down. “Yes.”
Carefully, I reached forwards, letting her sniff my hand. “Could you get me a bucket from the pump?” I asked the girl.
She nodded with great dignity and vanished outside. I turned my attention back to Smoke. It was funny: she was far better fed than a stray ought to be –
“Know your smell, upright.”
I jumped. Swallowing hard, I managed to keep the connection strong enough to ask, “You… do?”
Smoke curled up under my hand. “It was on take-off furs. And blood not mine.”
Ice settled in my stomach, cold fingers squeezing my guts paper-thin. “Whose is it…?”
Her tail thrashed, ears flattening against her head. “My upright.” The flash of fangs made me jerk my hand away. I was panting and I didn’t know why.
“What happened?”
Smoke sat up again, fixing shining golden eyes on me. She raised her head like a queen, crossing one paw in front of the other.
“Uprights invade territory. Smash door. I fight. Upright feeder does too. I run when they lay red flower.”
“Red flow…” Suddenly, the buttermilk soured to smoke and ash as my mind made the necessary translation. Terror thumped through my chest. “They burnt the house?”
I grabbed the cat by the scruff of the neck as she bolted from my shout. She tried to claw at me, but I didn’t even feel it. “What does your upright look like, Smoke?”
“Put down!”
“Please, tell me. What do they look like?”
“Upright! Smell like this! Not white-yellow fur like you. White-orange fur! Cloud eye! Make pretty noise a lot!” She meowed as I dropped her, landing perfectly on the table as I fell into my chair.
“Gert’s Alley… that’s where you were found?”
Smoke leapt to the ground and gave me the feline equivalent of a shrug.
I was up and running down the street before I even realised I’d processed the information.
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crazyunsexycool · 5 months
I’ve got a double request, if I may.
Bucky and Sugar
Cute interactions 18 and 19 together.
Maybe a little angsty from Lottie and Henry’s perspective of why are Mama and Dada being like this.
Anyway, have a great day/night or whatever it is where you are (it’s morning for me right now, and it to go to work)
Hi! I love double requests that work together! I hope you have a lovely and quick day at work! 🤭
Reader Appreciation Week
Prompts: playfully pushing each other/teasing each other
A/N: I made this into a bit of a play fight/ teasing/ prank thing. I hope you like it!
Play fight
"Don't you dare." You held your hands up as Bucky tried to swipe some whipped cream on your face.
"Oh but you can get me? That doesn't seem fair Sugar."
You yelp as Bucky grabs you by your waist and smears the whipped cream on your cheek.
"James Buchanan Barnes." You laughed once you were free from his hold. "You're too old to be acting like this."
"Oh but I wasn't to old for you last night was I?" Bucky pulled you back into himself. "I didn't hear any complaints."
"Careful old man, you might break a hip."
"If you can't handle me just say that." He dipped his head and kissed and dipped from your jaw to your neck.
You giggle and push him away.
"Oh no you don't." Bucky says as you step away while from him.
You and Bucky are in the kitchen joking around. It was nothing new for the two of you. It was usually a bump of the hip or a little jab of the elbow. It was always in good fun but it seemed that there were two little ones that had only recently witnessed it. Henry and Charlotte walked in on both you and Bucky playfully shoving each other.
"Let me go." You said a bit more forcefully than intended but still in a joking manner.
"No no no no." Henry runs to push his way in between you and Bucky while Bucky had turned you so that your back was against his chest. "Let mama go." He said angrily.
"You no hurt mama." Lottie added as she took your hand and pulled you away. "You kay mama?"
You smiled while picking her up. Henry hugged you while keeping his eyes on Bucky. He could only hold back his laugh but damn was he proud of his kids.
"It's ok my sweet babies. Daddy and I were just playing around. He wasn't hurting me or anything."
"He wasn't?"
"No my sweet boy."
"But you told him to let you go and he didn't"
"Well that's because I wanted to do this." You say before pulling the can of whipped cream into your hand and putting some on the tip of Henry's nose and then on Lottie's.
"Now," you lean in and whisper into Henry's ear. "Why don't you help me beat your dad."
Henry nods before he giggles and turns the three of you invisible. Bucky's eyes widen as he takes a few steps back.
"That is not fair."
"We get you dada." Lottie's voice rings out.
Before Bucky knows what hits him, he has whipped cream all over his face. You and the kids laugh while Bucky wipes his face off. Instead of cleaning his hands off he flings it in your direction, hitting the kids as well.
"Now no one is safe. You better run."
The kids scream and you run out in order to hide from Bucky but it's all in good fun.
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seiueina · 1 year
episode 2: “a bribe to take medicine.”
synopsis: jiro and rin are both sick, struggling to take of each other so wifey y/N must conquer their sickness!
warnings: family life + pro player au + fluff + “in sickness and in health”
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“Tsk tsk, I told you two that you should shower right after you get home!” y/N lectured the two boys laying on the couch, both snuggling against a warm blanket you put through the dryer a few minutes ago.
“Momma don’t be mad at Papa!” Jiro get’s up and looks at you with big doe eyes, as you sit down next to the two. “I am not! I could never be mad at Daddy!” You say before handing over a measuring cup filled with berry-flavored cold medicine. “Momma I don’t like- taking dis!” Jiro denied the medicine and you sighed. “I promise, I’ll let you take a sip of water. Baby you need to take medicine so your cold goes away!” “No!” Jiro screams before jumping off the couch and running into the hallways of your apartment.
You sigh and look over to your sleepy husband who seems to be enjoying his son running away from you. “Go get your son.” You say sternly, and quickly his laugh faded and his face adorned a pout. “But Mommy, I am sick and don’t feel well..” He says in between sniffles and you let out a breather breath. Getting up from the couch you swiftly catch Jiro and carry his squirming body.
“C’mere baby. I promise I’ll let you take a sip of Coca-Cola if you do!” At this point, you’re trying anything to have your son take the medicine. The medicine that’s gonna be the only thing to make him feel better. He gives in.
Jiro is in fact a momma’s boy and twin. Twin meaning in personality and interests. Looks wise, Jiro looks exactly like Rin, a twin born way later if you must. The bottom lashes that adorned your husbands' eyes passed onto Jiros, which you secretly thanked for his strong genes to pull through.
“Good job baby!” You say as he swallows the medicine in full, choking on the flavor but the medicine flavor was soon washed down by the flavor of Coca-Cola. You carry Jiro back onto the couch, laying him down on the opposite of Rin, tucking him in with a Paw Patrol blanket that Rin’s parents gifted him for his birthday.
“Get some sleep okay?” You whisper as you kiss Jiro’s forehead, and ran your finger down his nose bridge a few times until you start to hear slight snores from him. Your attention is brought to your husband when his face still adorns that stupid puppy dog look on his face.
“I am waiting for my turn.” He says seriously until he blurts out a big sneeze. You quickly bring the tissue box over to him and he blows his nose. “I gave you antibiotics before…I would be overdosing you!” You say, running your fingers through his hair, feeling the heat from his forehead. “I’ll be right back.” You say before running to your bathroom to get a cold washcloth and then proceeding to put it on his forehead. Letting him have some sort of relief.
“Get better soon okay? It hurts my heart seeing the two of you sick together!” You say before planting a kiss on his cheek..which resulted in Rin puckering his lips. “If I get sick, it’s your fault!” You say before planting your lips onto his, you then started to do the same motion as you did for Jiro…finger running down his nose bridge as you witnessed another man fall asleep to your touch.
“Get better soon handsomes~”
You get up from the ground to turn the living room light off, you went into your office and online order some groceries that will be able to use in a family recipe, used when you were sick and it would help you to a speedy recovery.
As you waited for the delivery, you worked on office work and started working on a physics question that you were still yet to complete for work. Why must punish women in STEM? You think as you try your best to solve until you had a series of sneezes.
You look out of your office to see your two boys sleeping peacefully, until another achoo leaves your body…
© satoberrie
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