#i’d get Stockholm syndrome so fucking fast
snvffsoda · 6 months
it's so funny when i imagine Ren or Strade kidnapping me considering im as big as Strade and taller than both of them like yeah good luck dragging my 6’2 unconscious fat ass back into the car
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yanderenightmare · 4 years
Ok, hear me out. Imagine the yandere bnha thinking that their darlings made something wrong/disobey them and when they deny it the boys get really angry and just aply a harsh punishment. So when they find out that she, in fact, didn't do anything wrong and that she wasn't lying, what would they do? I don't know if this is confusing but it's on my mind now. Could you write this for Bakugou, Izuku and Keigo pls??? ❤️
TW: nsfw, noncon/dubcon, abuse, anxiety, guilt, manipulation, slight mutilation, profanity, Stockholm syndrome
“Where’s the knife, Quirkless.” She would have flinched at the nickname if she hadn't gotten so used to it already, and though he had discarded of the title lately it still felt like a second skin to the girl.
He would be lying if he said he wasn't on edge, if he hadn't been looking for a flaw in the perfect evening. “Knife?” She turned to look at him, fiddling with the bow on her neck, the one fasting her apron.
“That was why you were so fucking persistent on helping me in the kitchen... wasn't it?” He looked hurt as he accused, voice only barely holding together, eyes a burning searing cold. “Just so you could take a fucking knife?” 
She wasn't understanding anything, and he’d know that if he’d believed the crinkle of confusion between her brows. 
“I thought we were making progress.” He sighed, cleary disappointed, seemingly contemplating what to do next, how he could and should deal with the situation before he lost ahold of his temper.
“As flattering as it is you thinking I’d have the nerve, skill and imagination to steal a knife from you-” She started, a halfhearted laugh breathed within her words, nearly amounting to a giggle. “I didn't take anything, you must have counted them wrong.” 
“Don't fuck with me!” His attitude-twist had her jump, expression falling then rising as her eyes grew wide, lips shut, suddenly feeling frozen, as though any movement could only be answered by the great ash-blonde’s counterattack. “Just hand it over and I won't have to hurt you too bad.”
She took a step back, hands rising as an instinctive makeshift shield, or to balance herself with the rush of blood suddenly pumping in her system. “Katsuki, I’m telling the truth.” She swallowed, trying to level the growing feral energy she felt surge and ooze from the fueling fire in front of her. “I didn't take it.”
“Bullshit, there’s a knife missing and I didn't take it, no one else sure as fuck did, so that leaves you.” His eyes scrutinized, narrowing in her direction. “You and your silver tongue who somehow managed to trick me into thinking letting you anywhere near the fucking kitchen was a good idea, I should have just left you tied to the bed.” His voice dripped with venom, contained potent danger, ready to kill, ready to sink his teeth in. “Now, I’m gonna count to three, if you know what’s good for you, you’re gonna give me the fucking knife. One...”
“But, I didn't...” She tried, but he wouldn't have her excuses.
“Two...” She stood there, unsure if whether she should run, though not able to answer quick enough. “Three.”
“Katsuki, I swear I didn't take anything.” Tears slipped down her face now as she watched his muscles flex with the white-hot wrath surging through his veins. Her knees grew weak and she knew she wouldn't be able to run anywhere, nor was there any place to run to if she could. 
“Fucking liar...” He turned away, heading back into the kitchen. “Tears won't save you from this one.” 
She heard the crash of his hands fiddling in the cutlery drawer, thinking he might have given the superiority of his math skills a second thought, but saw him return too quickly for that to be the case, eyes too blurry to see what he was holding in his hand, yet having an educated guess what it might be. 
“Since you like playing with knives so fucking much, why don't we play a game...” He yanked her wrists forward, sent her staggering into him, crushing the dainty joint in his palm, where if it wasn't for the ear-piercing wail that cut-loose into the air, they could have heard the small cracks indicating a fracture, though Bakugo didn't need to hear it where he felt it pop with satisfactory ease inside his fist, only to push her down on the stone floors, hand flattening out her arm. “Each time you refuse to tell me where you hid your idiotic little escape-plan, your senseless downright insulting form of neutralizing me...” His face a mere inch away from hers as he snarled, spit flying, knife placed at her neck. “I’m gonna carve a reminder of how fucking useless you are into your skin so you never get any of these dumb fucking ideas ever again.”
Her high-pitched screams rung like cacophony through his house, bouncing off the marble walls, filling every room with noise so deafening he was beginning to tire, head hurting at the earth-shattering wails. 
“Where is it, Quirkless?” He growled for the dozenth time, knife dripping with her blood as he just finished etching the last ‘s’ into the flesh of her arm, the fully spelled cruel nickname oozing with a stark vermillion just as rich as his bloodshot eyes staring down at her.
“I- I don't know.” She sniffed, chest heaving as she laid limply, pinned beneath him, cheeks stained and streaked with tears, bloated, nose red and eyes unfocused, looking about ready to pass out. “Please...”
He huffed through his nose, twitching with unstifled rage, growing more and more frayed. “Fine, suit yourself, next will be my fucking name.” He seethed, drawing another defeated sob from out of her hiccuping ribcage. “Wonder where I should write it... the other arm, your chest, your ass?” His stained bloodied fingers grabbed her chin, tried forcing eye contact only to find blank blown pupils falling to nothing, glossed over and delirious, feverish with dew-drops prickled on her forehead and breasts. “Shit... you’re even weaker than I thought...”
He got up, left her to lay there with labored breaths, making a quick journey to find some bandages, thinking he’d be merciful enough to secure her wounds before starting a new one. Feet slapping against stone, stomping through the halls to the bathroom, pulling open the cupboards only to come to an abrupt holt. 
Ice through his veins at the sight of the knife in the drawer. 
The knife he’d put there to cut bandage cloths each time he would brand her with burns whence his temper got out of bounds.
“Fuck...” He breathed, eyes stinging, body so unbelievable stiff as his ears burned upon hearing the soft snivels coming from the living room.
He walked out, bandage-roll in hand, knees feeling wobbly, too weak to support his weight, and the newly settled burden on his shoulders. He rounded the corner, the bloody word carved into her once soft skin the first thing his eyes fell upon, heart clenching furiously in his chest, something clawing at his throat from the inside. 
“I didn't- I- please- I didn't- I-” She simply lied there, all limp, on the cold stone tiles, blood staining her dress, apron ripped off and thrown next to her, sobbing with such little power they were reduced to mere sniffles, her weak limbs not even trying to make her stand up, too exhausted to even support her breathing as her chest rose with labor on each meager intake and seemed to crumble on every slipping exhale.
“Fuck- I know- I- I fucked up.” He kneeled down next to her, mind reeling, spinning, trying to wrap around the volume of what he’d just done, trying to find any means of salvaging what perfection they’d started the day off with when he’d made her breakfast and she’d hugged him, kissing him all softly and giggling as he lifted her up to sit on the counter. Finding there was no other option but to pick up the broken pieces scattered around him, and hope, hope with all his heart that he could fix things.
“No, please Katsuki, I didn't take anything, please-” She cried once seeing he’d come back, body trying to curl away when his hands descended to touch her, his large hands unsure of what to do, what he could, what he should, what he had to. Ashamed and guilt-stricken, rusty daggers stabbing at his insides, twisting in his gut as he picked her heavy arm up from the ground, laying it on his lap to wrap the white strip of bandage around it.
He bit his lip and tasted the metal on his tongue, tears starting to fall as he withheld screaming, his heart being ripped from his chest, quite like how he wanted to rip his hair out, pull his tongue out, claw his eyes out, tear the skin and flesh of his bones. “I’m sorry.” 
He’d been going through the regular routine, coming to the bitter conclusion that not everything was up to code. Walking out into the kitchen where his darling had been standing for about an hour cooking dinner, humming a lullaby as she suspiciously went on stirring the pot without a hint of scorn or resistance. 
Her compliant nature all made sense now.
“So, chicken soup?” He quipped, though she didn't pick up on the bitterness.
She just threw her head back to look at him over her shoulder, soft smile on her face. “Yeah, I know it’s your favorite!” It was so heartfelt he almost believed it.
“Clever.” Her brows furrowed upon the strange darkness in his tone, but shrugged it off, excused it on him being tired after a long day.
She poured the soup into two bowls, picked them up to set them on the table where she’d laid out a nice table-cloth and a small vase of flowers, all swift and graceful. “You say it all the time, I’d have to be deaf to miss it.” He waddled over to take his seat, eyes fixed on her and her antiques all the way, trying to spot an inch of regret in her composure, but finding she sprung around him and fiddled and fussed like the perfect housewife he’d groomed her to be, lying to his face with the bright smile on her lips. “Well, go on. It’s my first time with this recipe.”
“Special recipe, is it?” He asked, sitting down and picking up his spoon, twirling it in his hand, eyes still set on her, an eyebrow slightly cocked.
She looked to him then, head tilting to the side, growing more and more confused by his strange attitude. “No... quite simple actually.” She decided to brush it off, thinking he might perk up after he got some food. “Well?” She nodded eagerly towards his bowl.
“You first.” He smiled, though his eyes still looking strangely... dead.
“Oh, thank you.” She smiled, picking up her spoon, scooping to put in her mouth, then swallowing.
“So it’s only in my bowl then.” He sighed.
“Im not eating this.” He dropped his spoon, letting it clatter with soft yet abrasive thumps on the clothed table.
“Did I do something wrong?” The concerned look on her face nearly had him fooled.
“Save it...” He snapped, getting up with an exasperated sigh, carding his hands through his hair as he paced. “You really thought I wouldn't notice you trying to drug me?” She had gotten up to try and comfort him, yet stopped at the accusation.
“What’re you...”
He gave a curt exhale, a rather short frenzied excuse for a laugh. “It’s a good plan, your safest bet really.” She was simply left dumbfounded as she watched him pace, his wings on edge, hunched and ruffled. “I’m too fast for you to try and run, I would sniff you out if you tried hiding, fighting me would be ridiculous... knocking me out with a few pills was the only way.” She opened her mouth to protest, but couldn't really decipher just what it was he was accusing her off. “So fucking clever, I could almost applaud the effort!” His voice boomed, loud and shrill, taking up the space of the open-spaced apartment. “Too bad you fucked up.” She was getting scared now, heart climbing up her throat as she watched him flail his arms, throwing a tantrum with how upset he was about something she didn't even know what was. “Shit... and I thought I was being crazy. You had me feeling bad for not trusting you and here you are trying to pull shit like this.”
She went against her better judgement and walked toward the bristled feral man, her hands held up to touch him even though it seemed she mind burn at contact. “What are you talking about? Keigo-” “Shut up.” He spat, arm flying and landing a sharp smack across her face, impact and angle sending her to the floor, though not allowing her to recover as the same abusive hand came to grab a fistful of her hair, scalp screaming as he began dragging her across the floors, forcing her to crawl after him where he began stomping to some unknown place, tasting the metal of a popped lip bleeding into her mouth. “Unless you’re gonna apologize or beg, I don't want to hear it.”
“But-” She sobbed, trying weakly to pry his fist from her hair, only to feel him tightening and pulling some more, his pace making her soft knees scathe on the marble floors, burns running down her shins.
“It’s time you understood your place as my mate. Your only purpose.” He dismissed.
She’d gotten rather used to being thrown down on the bed, but not with Keigo’s fierce feathers cutting off her dress with little regard to a avoid nicking her skin, nor with his hand squeezing the life out of her, windpipe crushing beneath his brutal grip. 
“This is the only thing you’re any good for, only thing you’re made for, only thing you are. Just my little breeding-bitch, nothing else.” He spat as he ripped her panties down, dug his nails into her thighs while kicking her legs apart as she heaved and spluttered for more air, coughing in a fit once he removed his hand to better spread her open, her dress in tethers around her bruised body, skin once soft now sliced in a thousand small bleeding cuts, her hand weakly coming to push at his pelvis, as she was rendered unable to speak, only hiccup and cough and cry. And Keigo didn't waste any time, spitting on his spitefully erect cock, the only moisture he’d deemed necessary as he pushed inside her dry unprepared tight entrance, feeling her tense up beneath him, felt her panicked sobbing in the way she beat at his chest as he laid down on top of her, all his weight squeezing the breath from out her lungs as he let go of spreading her thighs open in favor of catching her bothersome fists, pinning them into the bed with a crushing grip as he started rolling sharply and harshly and rapidly into her. Growls erupting from someplace deep within his throat, no shame, just white-hot blinding unforgivable rage.
He climbed off once he’d emptied himself inside her, grabbing her arms, he lifted her only to throw her limp body down on the ground. “Mutts sleep on the floor.” He spat, blood still oozing from spliced skin, open wounds around her wrists where he'd clawed, neck almost ripped open beneath the impact of his teeth marking her, throat sore from screaming, yet still continuing to haul up painful bleeding sobs. 
And though he’d made it such a point that breeding was her only usage, made her say it, made her beg for it, made her thank him, he still went to find a pill, yet with the rush of what he’d just done coming to a crash he was left feeling dizzy in the spiraling downfall of his frenzy, adrenaline fizzing out and nerves starting to prickle, messaging his temples to soothe the oncoming headache, finding quite ironically he could use a pill or two to soothe his nerves, the same kind she’d tried drugging him with earlier. 
She curled up on the floor, hugging her body for comfort, bruises and cuts stinging hot against the cool carpet. 
He padded into the bathroom, unbothered by her cries, thinking they were justified, deserved. Hands casually reaching towards the pill-bottle in the medicine cabinet, popping the cap and throwing two circular, not oval, pills down his throat, face contorting at the foreign feel of them on his tongue, realizing, slowly and mortifyingly, that the taste was sweet instead of bitter, as they were supposed to be. 
Grabbing the bottle and turning it in his hand to read the label, eyes scanning and widening, blinking once, blinking twice, whispering a small breathless. “No...”
He ran back into the bedroom, cursing all the way, cursing himself all the way.
He’d mislabeled the bottles. One bottle containing what pills he’d used to take to calm himself during his ruts before finding a better outlet in his darling, the other bottle full of OxyContin. The rut-pills naturally having way less pills inside, which was why he counted that at least fifteen pills where missing this morning.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck...” He cursed, had no mind for anything else as he rounded the corner and stood in the threshold, scared to enter, scared to breathe as he listened to his darling pained whimpers and shattered breaths. His darling still lying exactly where he’d left her, limp where were it not for the wrecked way her ribcage would rise and fall, he’d think she was dead.
Instinctively he sent his feathers out to help her up quicker than his legs could carry him over, though she recoiled at the fluttering of them, whimpering as she backed herself up into the corner of the room, sitting with her knees tucked tightly to her chest, her arms swung around them to shield herself, head hung as she winced and chocked on her cries. 
It felt like dying, the a jagged rock lodged in his chest, it felt like death, like sickness, spreading throughout him, cold and vicious, with no mercy as he began crying too.
“M’ sorry, I’m s- so sorry, sorry, I’m sorry, ple- please-” He begged, but her huddled frame was shaking in terrorized shock as she began rocking back and forth, toes curling into the carpeted floors. “Please- please, Angel.” He reached out a second time, this time not letting her flinching stop him, taking her hands in his, both equally shaking. He knelt, head hung and bowing to rest against her feet. “Forgive me...” He started kissing, first the top of her foot, then her calf, hand held loosely inside his, lips mushed to kiss the top, then her knee, pulling her into his lap, hugging her close, cradling her head to his neck, other hand splayed on her back, arm securing her tightly against his chest. “I’m sorry...”
Izuku came home earlier than usual, though instead of being suspicious, she felt overjoyed, welcoming him home by the door, helping him tread his jacket off his broad shoulders, hanging it up for him on the hanger to be placed inside the closet neatly, standing up on her tippy-toes as he leant down to plant a juicy kiss to his cheek, all just in the order he’d taught her. Perfection. Getting ready to ask him how his day was, before he beat her to the punch.
“Sweetie?” He asked, slight lilt in his tone.
She just smiled in return. “Yes, Daddy?” Feet placed beside each other and standing straight and perfect like a little doll.
“What did you do today?” It’s quite normal for Izuku to ask, liking to watch his little girl bounce with passion, all shy and giddy and awkward as she drones on about the lack of substance in her day with that unrestrained childlike candidness he’s forged her into.
“Uhm...” She blinked, face in wonderment. “Well... I woke up, had a bath, dressed up.... ooh, made the bed, then I played in the garden for a bit, or... for a very long while actually, I picked some flowers and made a flower-crown, and had another bath because of all the mud-”
“Come here, Bunny.” He cut off her rambling, despite it being cute, curling his finger at her to come over as he sat down on the couch. He patted the couch-cushion beside him, not his lap, which could only mean he wanted one thing. She did what she knew from experience he wanted, propping her knees up to kneel beside him. “Lie down, you know what to do.” Ass arched up over his lap, short frilly skirt hiking up her thighs, revealing her pretty cotton panties, with her face mushed in the other couch-cushion on the opposite side of him. “You want to try that again?” He stroked the ample skin of her butt, cupping one cheek in his palm and messaging calloused fingers over the soft skin, fingering the hem and snapping it back to smack her skin lightly.
“Try what again, Daddy?” She asked, unquestioning of his request, folding her feet while having them raised in the air, pearl-white socks pulled neatly over her knees beginning to roll into the crease of her bent legs.
“What did you do today?” He stroked down the back of her bare thigh, other hand leveling on the small of her back, fingering a lock of hair that laid splayed there.
“But I just told you-” Her voice still sweet and childish and girly, just the way he liked, bordering on whiny as she tipped her head back to give him a perplexed look.
“Hmm, give me your hands.” She folded her arms behind her back, let him grab ahold of both her wrists in one of his massive palms, strong finger curling around them, as he continued stroking the goose-bumped flesh of her behind with the other, lifting her skirt higher, now laying it to rest in the slope of her back, leaving her pink cotton panties on full display, hugging her round bum, all exposed atop his lap. “Tell me again. One more time for me, Bunny.”  
“I don't understand, Daddy?” She asked, feeling her breasts begin to ache with how they were squished against the cushions of the sofa, the underwire to her bra cutting into her flesh in the forced position.
“No? You don't understand?” Deku patronized. “Maybe this will help.” His hand left the soft skin it hand been fondling, his other hand tightening around her wrists, bracing for the recoil that was sure to rush through her whence his raised hand struck down with force upon the unsuspecting plush flesh.
She wailed, arms trying to pull free at once, just like he had anticipated. Her booty wiggling to shake the pain away, feet thumping down into the cushions.
“Why do you think Daddy’s punishing you?” He asked calmly, hand stroking the abused flesh of her bottom as she sniffled into the plush surface her head was resting on, thighs shivering.
“I- I don't kno- know.” She hiccuped, sobs ricochetting through her chest as her one ass-cheek stung with blood like fire.
“No? You don't know?” His hand lifted, coming down hard once again. “How about now?” Voice calm, iced and leveled, strict but soft.
“No, please-” She begged through her sobbing fit, hands uselessly struggling behind her back, cramping in his unmovable death-grip.
“Does Bunny want another slap?” He asked, condescension drowning his tone, dripping like venom as he once again messaged the welted flesh of her ass.
“No-” Her voice was mumbled and slurred through tears, wet like a moan, yet hurt like a bawling toddler who scraped their knees on the pavement.
“No? But you seem to like it so much.” He pulled at the bruised flesh, pinching it between his fingers, making her arch to try and reel away from his touch, a whimpering whine leaving her.
“I didn't do anything, Daddy please!” Squealing like a little piglet, as he worked the ample fat of her butt in his hand, kneading it like one would do dough.
“Think again, I’m sure it’s simply slipping your dumb little brain.” He mocked, eyes keen and lightning-like as they look down at her face mushed against the couch, her lips blubbering like a fish, nose red and runny with the tears coating her cheeks, drool dribbling down her chin from the heavy wrecking sobs.
“No daddy, I-” Another branding landing of his large hand against her unprotected abused and bruised skin.
“Bad bunny, you mustn't tell lies.” He chastised, letting go of her wrists in favor of entangling the brutish hand in her hair, holding her skull in his palm as he dragged her up, other clawed knuckled paw manhandling her into kneeling over his lap, her trembling little body doing nothing but abide by his direction, sniveling and sniffling, hiccuping on beaten shuddering breaths as she blinked to make the brimming tears fall out of her sore eyes, lids puffy and eyelashes glossed, looking so adorably vulnerable when wincing at his fingers digging into the delicate softness of her hips, keeping her seated, ass blossoming with lilac and maroon. “My little pet tried to escape today, didn't she?” His eyes were set and stone-cold as he narrowed them slightly at her, left eye mildly twitching every second or so.
Her hands held onto his arms, more to balance herself as she cried than for his sake. “What... no-” She mumbled out between sniffs and bleating, eyes too dewy to focus, mind too clogged to be thinking of much more than her aching flesh.
“No?” His voice mimicked her frail timber. “Then how come I know you tried opening the door to the mudroom at exactly 2.37 in the afternoon today?” He quirked a brow, nostrils flaring at the building potent brew of rage within him. “Care to explain what you where thinking?” 
Chest heaving sporadically, still with her sobs she tried formulating what muddled answer she could. “I- the rain-”
“The rain!” He stated, voice sharp and booming, not buying whatever sorry excuse she was trying to sell him. “Gotta do better than that, Bunny.” He almost felt offended with how little she’d prepared for this, he would have thought she’d come up with something better than the weather.
She sniffled. “I- I didn't want to ruin my shoes in the mu- mud, and my boots are in the mudroom, bu- but the d-door was locked, so I went barefoot instead, I’m so- sorry-” She managed to blubber out, breaths hitching, toppling her words, voice cracked and uneven in her rambling.
“Boots? Barefoo-” He asked, but answered his own question by backtracking to what she’d said about spending the day in the garden. “You weren't trying to leave?” He stated, again more like the answer to his own question.
She whimpered like a pup, small pained cries. “Leave? Why... why would I leave?”
He stared at her for a moment, features soon drawing back, a shrouded mind clearing, biting his tongue. “No reason...” He answered her bleary confused features, hands softening in their grip on her hips, nails dislodging from digging into her skin. “Don't walk barefooted when you’re outside, I don't want you to get sick.” He saved himself, casting the events and the punishment onto the measly crime.
“I won't ever do it again, I promise!” She shook her head, arms swung around his shoulders, pushing her head into the nook of his neck for comfort, basking in the familiar scent of cologne, rubbing her teary face off on the color to his shirt, kissing his throat, laying its worship, body pressed flush against his, hips shimming to better slot herself down on his lap.
Her actions were well received, a little too well with how rigid and uptight and exhausted he was in the wake of his fading anger. “Good girl.” He sighed, pleased. Large hand finding her cheek, cupping it and her chin to pull her up to face him. “It’s been a long day, give me a kiss.” She didn't hesitate, soft bloated lips pressed primly into his, welcoming how he liked to suck on her bottom lip, welcoming how his teeth liked to chew on it, knowing how to make herself useful, petite hands finding his chest, working at the perfect pace in unbuttoning his shirt, hips rocking like they’d been taught to awaken what was kept inside his pants.
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hoboal87 · 4 years
Don’t Speak, Part 2
Title: Don’t Speak, Part 2
Pairings: au!Dark!John x Reader, au!Dark!Sam x Reader, au!Dark!Sam x Reader x au!Dark!Dean, Sam x Dean
Word Count: 2.1k+
Summary: Y/N’s nightmare is only just beginning.
Warnings: Non-Con/Rape, angst, daddy kink, breeding kink, Wincest, forced orgasms, forced voyeurism, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, knife play, breath play, humiliation, hints of Stockholm Syndrome.
A/N: I have embraced the darkness! I’d like to thank @cockslut-padalecki and @negans-lucille-tblr for encouraging me to write outside my comfort zone and the product is this filth.
A/N 2: This is more plot than I intended, but there is plenty of smut! 18+ only
TW: Non-Con/Rape - There is nothing about this that is consensual in any way. Please, READ THE WARNINGS AND DO NOT READ if you feel that it will offend and/or trigger you. Don’t like? Feel free to move along.
No Beta all mistakes are mine. (I still have tense issues, I’m aware.)
My Full Masterlist
Part One
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The eldest Winchester wasn't lying, and a small part of you is glad that Sam and Dean had taken you first. John is as long as Sam and as thick as Dean, and every pump of his cock feels like it's splitting you in half. John releases you completely from your bindings and you use what strength you can to fight back against him. You claw at him, but he doesn't stop, if anything, he seems to enjoy the struggle you're putting up.
"That's it darlin’," he whispers, but there’s no sincerity behind his words. “The more you fight, the longer I’m gonna hold off. Maybe let the boys have a go at you again,” he smirks.
He turns your head so that Sam and Dean are back in your line of sight. Neither of them are paying any attention to your or their father, instead, Dean has Sam bent over a chaise, and all you can make out are their grunts as Dean’s hips slam against Sam’s ass.
Your eyes widen in horror at the sight of the brothers, John chuckles, and when you try to turn away, his hand slaps across your face.
“I didn’t tell you that you could look away, did I, darlin’?” He scolds you, pulling his cock out and maneuvering you onto your stomach. “What was that?” He asks, keeping one hand firmly on your face, forcing you to continue watching the brothers.
“N-no,” you squeak as he impales you on his hard cock again.
“No, what, darlin’?” He leans forward, his breath hot on your cheek.
“No, sir.” You whimper, but it was clearly not what John wanted to hear, as his free hand moved around your neck, cutting off your air supply, all the while, you can feel the coil tightening once again. It’s humiliating; how many times you’ve come no matter how hard you fight against your body, the Winchesters are relentlessly ripping orgasm after orgasm out of you. He squeezes tighter, and you wrack your brain trying to think of what he wants to hear.
“D-daddy,” you murmur, your eyes never leaving Sam and Dean. John removes his hands from your face and neck, and instead cages you underneath him.
“That’s right, darlin’, I’m your daddy now,” he licks your ear, and a shiver runs through you. He lifts your hips, and forces you to spread your legs as far as you can. All the while keeping his fast and brutal pace. “Keep watching my boys, see how special their love is.”
Even with your obscured vision, you can see Dean snaking his hand underneath Sam’s hips. Sam lets out low fuck, and from what you saw you earlier you can assume that Dean is stroking his cock.
You don’t move and try not to make any sounds at all. John, like his sons, enjoyed the fight, and you try to save some of your dignity by not giving into them so easily.
Your body goes limp as John continues thrusting, grunting and groaning as you hope he’s nearing his own completion. You close your eyes briefly, but a sharp sting of John’s palm lands on your ass, causes you to open them and focus on the brothers.
“Fuck, Sammy,” Dean groans. His arm moves faster, and Sam whines, arching back, so that he is flush against Dean’s chest. You get a full view of Sam’s cock, covered mostly by Dean’s hand.
“Keep watching,” John orders as his hips begin to stutter.
“Dean,” Sam whines as ropes of cum land on the chaise, and Dean gives a half-dozen thrusts before stilling.
John holds himself deep inside you, seemingly cumming over and over again inside you, and you can feel it leaking out of you when he pulls away. As he did when he first entered the room, he chuckles at the sight, and you feel his fingers brush against your abused pussy.
You fear John will scope up the remnants and force you to swallow his juices as he did before, but instead he pushes them back into your cunt.
“Can’t waste Daddy’s cum, Y/N,” he tsks, “how else are we gonna put a son in you?” John grabs a corner of the silk sheets, and wipes off his cock, his eyes never leaving you as you remain frozen. “Clean her up and dress her,” John orders as he pulls on his trousers, Sam and Dean stepping up behind him. “Our carriage arrives in an hour.”
“Yes, sir,” the brothers answer in unison.
“See if one of the whores downstairs can do something about her face. Don’t want the priest to get the wrong idea,” John lets out a low, breathy chuckle. “And make a decision about which one of you is gonna marry the slut.”
“Sir,” Dean steps forward. “We were thinking–”
“No,” John hisses seemingly knowing what the unasked question is going to be. “The deal was I let you and your brother fuck around, on the condition that one of you gets a wife and produces an heir.” The thought of any of the men putting a child in you makes your stomach turn, and you can’t help but vomit at the thought. None of the Winchesters seem to notice, or if they do, they don’t care.
“A crueler father would’ve found you a bride the minute you were eligible,” John continues, only stopping to give you a momentary glance. “People back home are starting to question why neither of you have married yet. I don’t care which one of you takes the bitch on, or who the child belongs to, one of you is getting married before we leave London. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, sir,” Dean answers for both brothers.
John finishes redressing, and stalks away. The brothers share a cursory glance, before moving towards you. You flinch at their touches, even though they are softer and more delicate than before. You curl into yourself, helpless to do anything.
Your wrists are bruised where you were once bound, your pussy throbs from the multiple intrusions, and to your embarrassment, you’re still leaking John’s cum.
Dean disappears for a moment, and you watch as Sam's eyes roam your body, like you're a piece of meat, and he’s as hungry as he was before. You try to cover yourself, not that it really mattered, the brothers had already seen more of you than you had of yourself.
You bring your knees to your chest, and wrap your arms around them, foolishly thinking that it could deter either brother from taking you again.
Dean appears with a modest dress, it wasn’t the one you had worn to the party, but you figured they’d ripped it apart while you were unconscious. Dean hands the dress off to Sam, and instructs him to help you dress while he finds someone to work on the state of your hair and face. Sam huffs at the order, but complies, pulling Dean into a raw and passionate kiss.
Dean mumbles something about later, and leaves you and Sam alone in the strange bedchamber. Sam grabs at your ankles, and though you know you have little to no chance of being able to fight him off, you throw all of your weight into your free leg aiming for his gut.
You feel the sole of your foot connect with his trim and taut stomach, and Sam doubles over. You take the opportunity to make for the doorway, modesty be damned, you needed to get away from the Winchesters before you forcibly married into their family and made nothing more than a broodmare.
Each step you take is like walking on needles, but you push through the pain as best you can, screaming out for help. The door’s nearly within your reach when everything goes black.
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You wake up in the restraints again, now with Sam leaning over your body, the silver blade that was once in Dean’s possession now sliding across your chest.
“Bad idea, Y/N,” Sam grumbles, and you pull against your bindings. “Gonna have to teach you a lesson now.” Sam puts more pressure on the blade, enough to draw blood, and most likely scar your body. You wince as he continues, holding back your tears as long as you can, until he begins rutting against you, his cock getting hard through his trousers as he rubs against your naked pussy.
He slides his trousers down, just enough to expose his hardening cock, and you attempt to bring your legs together, trying to do something– anything to keep him from fucking you again. Sam brings the blade to your neck, and he doesn’t need to say anything for you to understand what will happen if you don’t cooperate.
“Lucky you're still filled with my father’s cum,” he says softly, “won’t have to get you ready for me.”
You let out a silent scream as Sam pushes inside. He doesn’t give you any time to adjust, instead, he starts moving in long and hard thrusts, unlike before, where the brothers were getting amusement out of your unwanted arousal, this was Sam’s way of showing you that he was in complete control.
Sam grunts over you, and brings his head down to where he had drawn blood just minutes before, and laps up at the crimson liquid. He places bruising kisses upon your lips, and gnaws at your shoulders, breaking the skin.
“You’ll make such a good wife, Y/N,” he murmurs in your ear, as if you are supposed to take it as a compliment. “Once Dean and I fuck the disobedience out of you, you’ll be perfect,” Sam pants over you, and you swallow thickly at his words. “Can’t wait to see you round with our son.”
Bile fills your throat again at the mention of being forced to carry a child that you do not want. Treacherous tears leave your eyes before you can stop them, and you focus your gaze on the ceiling, hoping and praying that Sam will finish soon.
“Just couldn’t resist taking her again, couldja Sammy?” Dean’s voice fills the bedroom again. “I guess this means she’ll be Mrs. Sam Winchester,” Dean approaches the bed, and sits on the edge.
He watches intently as Sam continues to abuse your cunt before moving behind you. Sam stops as Dean situates himself behind you, propping you against him. The atmosphere changes, and you realize that Sam is no longer the one in charge, Dean is.
“Sammy being good to you, sweetheart?” He murmurs into your ear, and when you don’t respond Dean tuts at Sam. “Let her cum, Sammy.”
“She tried to leave,” Sam argues, and Dean lets his hands roam over your body.
“Leave? Bad idea, sweetheart,” one of Dean’s hands cups your breast, while the other makes it way down your stomach, and reaches your swollen bud.
You moan unwillingly when Dean begins toying with you, building an orgasm, that you hate to admit you want. Sam’s thrusts become more deliberate, now that Dean’s here, Sam seems to want to please him by making you cum on his cock.
You can feel Dean hardening beneath you, but he makes no effort to use you for his own pleasure.
Sam leans over you, and for a moment, you think he might kiss you, but instead, he presses his lips against Deans. Though you’re practically face-to-face, Sam’s focus is no longer on you, but on his brother.
Dean continues to swipe at your bundle of nerves, and when he commands it, you cum hard, coating Sam’s cock with your arousal.
Everything after that is a blur, you remember the brothers dressing you, a woman entering and making you look “presentable,” before quickly leaving. You’re led to a room where John and a priest stand quietly.
You tried to protest, but John explained to the priest that you’d been ill, and that your parents had already given their blessing for you to marry. The priest bought the story, not that it surprised you, a woman’s word held nothing over a man’s.
John reached over to hug you, a seemingly loving gesture to anyone unaware of his true nature. He not-so-subtly reminded you that you no longer were a lady of the court, but you’d be the property of him and his sons. You nod, the only thing you can do, and smile slightly, and whispers of good girl, fill your ears as he places a gentle kiss on your forehead.
A few hours later, you’re boarding a ship bound for America, a trip that would take no less than a month. The Queen must’ve given the Winchesters more money than you could ever imagine, as the four of you were the only passengers. You’re greeted by a dark-haired, blue-eyed man.
“Ma’am,” he bows his head slightly, and whether it be intentional or not, reminds you of your new role.
Mrs. Winchester.
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Forever Tags
Part Three
Please, please, let me know what you think via ask or reblog!
Don’t Speak Tags
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newbornwhumperfly · 4 years
CW: kidnapping, creepy whumper, intimate whumper, stockholm syndrome, self harm (very brief), self-hatred, possessiveness, captivity, imprisonment, references to torture/abuse, fear of death
i wrote this all in a haze and emerged with a small offering, @whump-me-all-night-long!!! please accept a humble slice of self-indulgence cause this ask wouldn’t let me go until i wrote something - i love diamond so much & they deserve the world 💖💖💖
title refers to when a gemstone fractures along structural weak points! (yes, i am that pretentious)
Diamond had kept from breaking through the week of hell.
Through all the pain - inflicted by those who had no right to hurt them in such a way - and the bone-deep terror, the panic and temptation to submit, they did not break. When they were rescued and swept off by black-suited people they knew the sight of well, they did not cry or collapse. 
Not on the long drive back. 
Not when they were pulled from the backseat and held between two men, half-dragged, half-marched through grand corridors, through doorways and rooms they couldn’t keep track of. 
But now, seeing him again, striding down the hall towards them, they break. 
“Sir-” Diamond whimpered, their weak knees finally folding, sagging, as they tried to crumple to the ground between the henchmen’s arms. They are released and they fully collapse, crawling as fast as they can to Jeweler’s feet. Terror is thick, frozen jagged in their veins and everything is too cold, too sharp, too broken, cutting them open inside and bleeding out cold and ruin and they are so, so scared. 
A memory echoes through them, that the lowest circle of hell is ice - reserved for those who betray. They didn’t betray him, they didn’t...but what if being touched by someone else is enough of a crime? Their damnation chills them to the bone regardless. 
They want to throw their arms around his ankles, to cling to his clothes, plead with their body. But they don’t want to touch their savior without permission so they settle for groveling at his feet, their raggedly shorn hair - their beautiful white locks clipped away by cruel scissors - brushing the tips of Jeweler’s gleaming black shoes. Sullying. They are dirtied by someone else’s hands.
A spike of icy fear drives deeper into their heart and they thrust their hands out, clasped, shaking violently even clenched - “I didn’t try to leave, I didn’t, I swear, I swear, I swear I’d never try to go, never, please, I promise, please-”
They choke on a high-pitched wail, ringing out in the cavernous study, too loud where their ears are ringing out all other noise but their own wracking sobs, ugly, graceless in their brokenness. They grind their forehead against the stone, lift up and fall back down, smacking their sullied skin against the floor, their skull rings-
“Diamond, enough.”
They feel hands on their head, holding it still - a soft touch anchoring them where the storm of panic batters their heart - and they launch towards their owner, pressing their tear-stained, bruised face into his hand. That delicate, kind hand strokes through their ruined hair and they collapse again, dragging themself forward to press their mouth to their master’s feet, hands gripping the hem of silk pants without even thinking and- and they’re getting spit and tears on his shoes!
Their hands are clammy and there’s blood, they were damaging his property by bruising their forehead, fuck, nononobadbadbad-
Their breath rockets out fast and sharp and shallow and then they are being pulled up and into the circle of their owner’s arms.
“Shh, there, there-”
“Please- please let me be yours-” Diamond moans, frantic, fingers tangling in the lapels of his jacket almost without thought. “I know someone, someone else t-touched me, but- I can still be good for you, please k-keep me-”
“Shh,” Sir murmurs, still stroking their ruined hair, “I knew you wouldn’t try to leave me, my dear, I know they took you away from me.”
Diamond hears a note of fire in his usually cool voice and they whimper. Jeweler holds them even closer, still soothing, still comforting them as they shake violently against his chest. They bury their face against the silky fabric, breathing in the subtle richness of their cologne. He smells and feels like home. 
They shudder again when sir’s fingers snag a tangle in their now-short hair and they cannot help but catch their breath, cold tingling through their limbs. They want to stay hidden in the dark folds of silk and perfume and quiet forever, held by their owner, their jeweler and kept safe and unharmed or just- Just kept. That would be enough. 
But Jeweler pulls back after a few minutes, cupping their wet face, thumbing away the tears as their black, gleaming eyes search Diamond’s face. They feel pinned, helpless to move as their facets are held up to the light of his probing gaze.
He sees the bruises, delicately brushes his fingertips over the blues and blacks and browns marring Diamond’s perfect flesh. Diamond knows - they saw in the mirrored surface of the black car which drove them home. The black eye might as well be a pockmark, their split lip feels like a crack in their very heart. But the worst offense of all - a handprint, no longer stinging red but stark yellow and green, the mottled bruises throbbing against Diamond’s pale skin.  
“Oh, my darling,” he murmurs, the lilt lifting them up from the darkness again. Diamond’s insides shrivel at the keen gaze, at how it lays them open, at the ice beneath the concern in their owner’s eyes. He brushes a stray wisp of hair, dangling like torn lace, from over Diamond’s eyes so he can see the swelling that they can feel, a hot pulse blooming on their brow. “You’ve been damaged.”
Cold floods the cracks in their cracking heart, spread like water over ice. The water spills over through their eyes, rushes in their ears. They want to scrape off their skin, grow fresh unsoiled flesh that had only been marked before by him.
Why would he want them? Why would he keep them? They know they’re ruined but they don’t want to be set free. They don’t want to, they aren’t ready, they- they can be good! They draw in breaths in like knives, welcoming the punishing slices of air in their lungs, drowning dry, choking on tears, fear floods their lungs and stomach. They let go of Jeweler and tear at their ruined hair, their ruined skin-
They cry out as their wrists are gripped, pulled away from lashing at their own body. They are still at the pressure, their breaths pulling jaggedly, in and out, but no longer frantic when familiar firm touch cups their marked face, a casing of iron around their fracturing shards. They blinked back their tears and the Jeweler’s face swam before them, his touch the only solid thing.
“Look at me, Diamond.”
Even as they choked on their tears, they obey - they will always obey - and are held as still by his unyielding gaze as by his hands around their head.  
“You are mine, darling. Only mine. And I promise you, that will never change.”
Diamond trembles in place before the words come together, their pieces falling into their owner’s hands, and they will be kept. They collapse forward and the Jeweler catches them as their terror falls away from them, the anguish of the last days that felt like a lifetime dissolving, snow under the sun.
They aren’t ruined.
They can stay.
“Oh, thank you,” they sob, each breath clattering the frightened, broken edges of them inside less and less as Jeweler stroked a hand up and down their trembling back, as steady and powerful as the tide. 
Diamond felt themself settling more and more with every touch, sinking into their master inexorably. Whatever strength kept them upright, awake, was slipping away and as they slumped listlessly, they felt Jeweler scoop them up. They curl against him as they feel themself being carried safely, deeper into their owner’s home, away from the world that isn’t safe, isn’t him, with every step.
“How about a bath, my dear, and some medicine for your bruises, hmm?”
“Yes- thank you, that- that sounds good, please-” Diamond slurs. Their tongue is as heavy as the rest of them, muscles thick and clumsy under their skin. The Jeweler hums and pulls them tighter. Some bruises throb at the pressure but they’d rather be hurt by the Jeweler then comforted by anyone else.  
“Shhh - don’t fret, sweetheart - we’ll get you all cleaned up.”
As Diamond drifts, they feel a kiss brush their temple, pressure on where they bruised themself, and the little flare of pain is drowned by the warmth thrilling them down to their toes.
“I’ll make you good as new, my dear. Put back together again. My perfect Diamond.”
hope you enjoy some awfulness from a proud member of the diamond defense squad! 🥺🥺🥺
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seijorhi · 3 years
asks :))
what i have learned today is that y’all wanna get fucked by some monsters...
What does nostos mean? What language is it in? 🤔 also I of course loved it, mind blown as usual queen
it’s ancient greek! it means homecoming, the idea of a triumphant return home for the hero after a long journey. i found it through looking at the root of nostalgia. in this fic of course it’s kind of a grim tongue in cheek play on it. the reader’s coming back to the mountains, but she’s running away after a bad breakup, and the welcome she gets is... shall we say less than ideal haha
Just read nostos-
First of all as a person who reads monster shit- hell ya. Mhm. That’s some good shit right there. That was DELICIOUS horror. It actually had me a bit nervous and afraid to read what was gonna happen next 😳
Secondly- omg I wanna know what happened next (at the end) 👀 know what I mean??? 😼
ANYWAY AS ALWAYS you never disappoint and your writing is fantastic (if/when you write horror yandere stuff again I’ll be there- frothing at the mouth. A+++++ work ILY💖)
you want me to write the monster porn, just say it bby ghfjdkshgfjkd but ty
Omfg that fic was so good!
Did the readers mom know about monster kuroo?? Or was she just worried because of the previous murder? And did Kuroo somehow manipulate reader into coming back to the forest or was it just a big coincidence? (👁👄👁 there's no such thing as a coincidence)
Looking forward to your future work <3
ty nonnie!! i didn’t have the right space for it, but after kohsuke was ripped apart and eaten kuroo stayed by the reader’s side until late in the night, only disappearing when he heard the reader’s parents/search party approaching. they found her lying in pools of blood (and scattered half eaten body parts), shaking and unresponsive – they knew no animal could’ve done something like that. so they knew something lurked in those woods, but considering the reader had repressed the memories, her mom couldn’t just come out and say it <33
You are an AMAZING horror writer!!!
The uneasiness I got from the conversations with the mom is just *chefs kiss*
ahh thank you!! horror is such a hard genre to write because i’m never sure if the suspense and everything’s gonna hit right haha
I read Nostos before going to sleep last night and at the time I was like “sure hope this doesn’t give me nightmares” and thankfully it didn’t lol. But I think I’m willing to take that chance again because it’s so GOOD and I think I’m just going to have to relive it – @ohno-otome
fhdjgbfhjkdfn i’m glad it didn’t give you nightmares bby!! but i also appreciate that haha, i’m an absolute wimp with scary movies and stuff but i just can’t stop watching them haha
I just wanna say that I was listening to "You're a psychotic villain playlist" on youtube while reading Kuroo's oneshot and I can't explain the emotions I felt, but I'd let Kuroo do things to me asdfghjkl – @itishebihime-samaforyou
ooh nice! sometimes the right playlist makes things doubly as fun haha
OH MY GOD!?!?! Nostos was soooo GOOD?!?!? Like it was so creepy (but in a good way), and scary and suspenseful!! And the ending!?!? Omggg honestly one my fav fics from you!! You did my mans Kuroo justice 🥺💖💕
TYYYYYYY i was genuinely concerned i was gonna scare everybody off haha
Ah! The new fic! Chiefs kiss! Magnificent! Bravo!🧚‍♀️✨🧞‍♀️🦖🦭🌹💫
tysm nonnie!!! <33
i’m pretty sure i’m in the same/similar timezone as you? and i do be staying up late to be one of the first to read your fics (i usually stay up late anyways). so imagine my surprise when i see you post in the afternoon. in conclusion, whether you post to align with your european and american readers’ timezone, my gmt+10 arse will still be one of the first to read your fics. also nostos sjdufigyyjf i have to admit, i recently just found out about monster fucking and nostos scratched the itch😫 i feel bad for kohsuke though
bby i always post at like 2-4 in the morning please get some sleep!! the fics will be there in the morning lmao. i kinda low key forget about my aussie/gmt+10 followers because i think there’s like... 3 of you haha
Honestly if i could give u a dollar everytime i got off to your fics, you'd probably be rich by now
lmao the idea that people find my fics hot enough to get off to still blows my mind lol
your newest kuroo fic was so SO good!! its totally okay if you dont want to answer this so you can keep things ambiguous but is monster kuroo planning on killing the reader after he's...done with them
thank you, bby!! but no, monster kuroo isn’t gonna eat her – he’s had plenty of chances to do that if that’s what he wanted, but he has other plans for the poor reader
RHI, I WANT TO STATE FOR THE RECORD THAT I AM OKAY WITH MORE MONSTER FUCKING IN THE FUTURE. i also want to say im not a monster fucker, but that just feels like a lie at this point. okay, now that that's off my chest, i love it. the mystery, the connections of kuroo to a cat. kuroo's probably gonna go and batter around his prey once they're under his grip like my cat does. hopefully the reader will come out somewhat unscathed, if they are ever allowed to leave 😌 love this, love how different it is, the way kuroo just tries to weasel in. very monster and yandere vibes, very you. have i said i love this yet?? id willingly let him get me drunk on his cock, maybe never leave the peace of the mountains again
‘i want to say that i’m not a monster fucker’ bby the denial will get you nowhere haha. just lean in and embrace it hgfjkdlkfgjnkdl ahh but thank you this is such a sweet ask ILY!!!
Omg omg the monster thing kuroo was in ur latest fic is so familiar to me abdhdmfnjfjf. I remember being told abt a monster with VERY SIMILAR characteristics to it (aka the not being able to go inside a house unless invited and using fire to lure ppl out) AND JFC IT TERRIFIED ME. Esp how when i told ppl around me and they didnt recognize what it was, but it was somehow known to the kid that told me abt it.
(Some ppl thought it was familiar but still didnt know what it was)
Do u know what im talking abt? Hopefully u do
GHFJDK so the monster in this is kind of based off the nekomata spirit in japanese folklore - they can appear like people, torment victims by reanimating the corpses of their loved ones, they’ve been blamed for forest fires, so it was just fun to use that as a basis and then go buck wild haha. anyway thanks for the ask bby!
Rest In Peace Kohsuke, you would’ve loved Haikyuu season 5😔✊– @joyvstheworld
poor kohsuke deserved better, i’m just mean to the oc’s i throw into fics haha
Monsterfucking ❤❤❤❤❤❤ a little annoyed you're making me simp for yan Kuroo though (a vibe tho tbh). You're so extremely talented!!!! &
This is probably a stupid question, but how did Kageyama react when he couldn't find y/n? How is life with yan Suga? I imagine probably awful BUT yknow maybe the stockholm syndrome set in fast lmao. Sorry, I'm going on a binge reading your stuff. - @oracleofdin
i will not apologise for making you simp for kuroo he deserves it the man’s a snacc. and as far as your second question, suga’s a very caring, very smothering kinda yandere, so i guess in some ways it’s better than what the reader had with kageyama but... pick your poison haha
That was so good. I’m so shook rn I can’t comprehend anything but how good that was and how good a writer you are
Ok, so, I just read Final Girl and the lil' ticket addition to it and just---
Well, ok I've been playing Dead by Daylight a lot lately? And I'm just picturing Tetsu as the newest killer "The Trickster" and I'm positively RANDY.
Your writing is ALREADY thirst inducing and just as satisfying, but this has SENT ME- If you're not familiar, please...
Understand my thirst. (I'd also like to clarify, I use a different skin for him that gives him black hair and he looks like Kuroo with an undercut.)
~ @the-casual-hedonist 🌸
i love how feral y’all got for final girl kuroo. like bo and akaashi had his fans, but i put a spiked bat in kuroo’s hands and y’all lost your goddamn minds and i love to see it. fghdjkvhfjdkls thanks for the ask bby
idk why but I love preggo reader as long as I don't pretend it's me 😢✋ I hate babies n pregnancy anywhere else other than horny haikyuu fics
i think that’s a valid thing for a lot of fans. the idea of breeding is sexy, the actual getting pregnant and having a kid thing... not so much. but especially with non-con scenario’s, it’s more about the aspect on control than the actual desire to have kids. but yeah, i feel you
Sorry to bother but uh was just wondering in fracture did Osamu kill his wife or was it actually an “unfortunate event” ? Love your work btw!!
he most certainly did :))
LMFAO RHI i totally get not liking cheating/infidelity fics (towards reader) bc IT HIRTS ME SO BAD I CANNOT HANDLE THOSE.
id be reading fics those fics like: tf you mean my yandere aimt gonna baby me and only want me??🤨🤨🤨⁉️‼️
EXACTLY! listen i get that it’s a fucked up fantasy, but in my fucked up fantasy you damn well better have the decency to be loyal smh
Finders keepers is the most beautiful thing I've read by you: I read it twice like I normally do and here's what I figured out the second time (that's when I analyze it and find the little tidbits of things that are much darker than they appear (: )
To start I LOVE THE DETAILS OF THEM NEVER TEACHING READER ANYTHING- at first I assumed "oh they might see her as a little sister or child or something" but realized thAT WAS THE ISSUE!! they infantilize her and isolate her from everyone but her group. the small details like that are what make the story amazing 😎💅
ahh thank you so much, nonnie!! pls this is making me soft 🥺
I just wanted to stop by and say that I love your writing and I hope you're doing well!!! Drink plenty of water and keep up the amazing work :) but seriously you're one of the best fanfic writers I've seen on tumblr! I read your "Imitation" piece about kuroo and i keep coming back to it, it's so good! I did want to ask if you think it'd be possible for the reader to ever escape with the baby (or at least attempt to). Or if Kenma would "help" at all just to put an end to kuroo's antics lmao
kenma would in no way help the reader, and tbh by that point if kuroo did get her pregnant, she’d be far too emotionally dependant on him to actually even want to leave, but thanks for the ask!
You know who I think would be a perfect Yandere in the JJK world? Choso.
🚨Spoilers Ahead🚨
After being locked in a glass jar for however long he was, and all that happened with his brothers, I feel like he would absolutely never let his darling out of his sight. He would be possessive. Obsessive. And Oh So delusional. Sure he’d be your anything - he truly is a softy - but to what end?🤤
choso would make an excellent yandere, ngl 😌
what au/troupe of your fav character(s) that you have written do you like the most?
(rlly hope this makes sense🙏)
i am always a slut for soulmate au’s :))
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bang-to-the-tan · 4 years
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Moth to Flame
Chapter 15
Reader x OT7
► Vampire!AU
Smut/Porn With Some Plot That is Rapidly Getting Out of Hand Dear God Why Please Help Me
Warnings: Fucking Politics and Complicated Morality, Stockholm Syndrome, Addiction, Possessiveness, Vampires (Biting, Blood-Sucking, Reference to Death), Language
↳ Summary: Robbed of your memories and intended as a birthday present for a deadly creature of the night, you unwittingly become the center of a territorial dispute between two covens of vampires. Tensions are rising and the brothers are getting hungry��
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“Jesus fucking Christ,” Namjoon mutters. You throw him an anxious look. He’s perched on the other side of the sofa, his phone in one hand, his chin in the other, brows knitted together, face illuminated by the glare of his screen. 
“Fuck,” he adds under his breath. 
“Are you gonna share with those of us without phones or what?” you snap. His eyes flit to yours and you amend, hasty. “Look, I’m just as surprised as you guys. I told you I don’t remember.” 
“I don’t expect you to remember.”
He goes silent, completely still but for his eyes that track over you just as long as the quiet lasts before darting back to the device in his hand. 
“It’s just surprising. You really don’t remember any of this?...”
“Tell me what ‘this’ is, Namjoon.” You urge, shifting uncomfortably. “You’re making me nervous.” 
“It isn’t good.” 
“I gathered that.” 
“Namjoon,” Hoseok speaks up suddenly, from his position leaning across the bar. He has that expression again—serious, down to earth. A glimpse of that person he was talking about, maybe. Someone who can afford to be morally upstanding. “You’re being unfair.” 
The blond cocks his head, and you can follow the path of his tongue across the inside of his cheek, his eyes narrowing at his phone in thought. You’re just about to start trying to form a better argument when he speaks back up. 
“‘Bystanders were horrified today,” he begins, intoning as he reads, “When the peaceful protest of law enforcement procedures with regards to the recent discovery and subsequent attempted integration of so-called ‘vampires’ was interrupted by an as-of-yet unidentified woman driving through the crowd, hitting and killing key figure Bang Si-Hyuk.’” 
Namjoon heaves an exasperated sigh, lowering his head and carding his fingers through his hair like he has half a mind to rip it out by the roots. “A fucking hit and run. Of a public figure. In broad daylight.”
“I didn’t understand most of that, what does that mean?” You sit up, trying not to show on your face how your lower body complains when you jolt too quickly. 
“She started the riots??” Hoseok asks, meeting your glance across the room.
“There were already riots. But her little incident kicked off the ones closest to us, yeah.” 
“Riots for what?” 
“Us. Riots about us. People started noticing us, and they didn’t like what they saw,” Namjoon finally turns his gaze to meet yours directly. There’s no fondness in his eyes. No softness. He looks at you like you’re an animal. Like he isn’t sure whether he even wants to spare the money to have you put down. It claws a hole in your chest, and you have to look away, fighting the rising disappointment and panic inside of you. “But I bet you know that better than any of us.” 
“Bang Si-Hyuk,” Hoseok echoes. “That’s the guy that was trying to push for integration.”
“That’s the one. He was speaking out about the police force when she hit him.”
“What a time for an accident like that.”
“Yeah. Accident.” 
You shuffle closer to yourself, working on remembering to breathe, fixating on the remote sitting on the coffee table. The way the numbers have half rubbed off, the rubbery texture of the buttons reflecting the light. A hit and run? You...you killed someone?... “I don’t remember any of that. I don’t—I wouldn’t do that.”
“No? Not to try and get rid of bloodsuckers like us?” His tone is poison.
“Namjoon, I’m not—” you start, petrified, but you’re interrupted by the front door. From here, you can see Yoongi slinking through the doorway, closing the door slowly behind him. Your heart sinks when you realize you can see his hands shaking as he pulls the lock into place and hesitates for a moment, bracing himself against the door as if gathering what little strength he has.   
“Yoongi?” Hoseok immediately perks up, lips curling downwards with worry. “That you?”
“...Yeah. It me,” Yoongi finally replies, staggering faintly, trailing from the front door to the archway of the hall to the right, within full view of all three of you. He doesn’t seem any better than when he left this morning. In fact, he’s refusing to look directly at you, but now that you can see his face, you can see how dark the circles under his eyes are growing. How sharp his cheekbones have become, casting dark shadows across a drawn face. He rubs at his eye with the heel of his palm absently, taking short breaths, trying not to breathe you in too much. 
“No luck, huh?” 
“No. None.” He sounds choked, frustrated. “Nothing.” His tongue flits out to wet his lips and retreats with a swallow that you can hear for how dry it is. Your own throat twitches in sympathy, briefly imagining how badly it must be hurting him. Not for the first time, you think of how you could help him. You could help him. You think of his teeth. His tongue. You cut that entire train of thought loose when you spot him shifting his weight to the other foot, swaying. Who knows how sensitive he must be to changes in your scent. You can’t just let your mind wander like that. There’s more important things happening right now than your alarmingly weird, persistent fantasies.
“I’m not surprised. You see the news?”
“Remember when that spokesperson for vampire rights was killed a couple weeks ago?”
Yoongi’s brows crease as he fights past his fog to recall. “Bang Si-Hyuk. Yeah.”
“Guess who was driving the car.”
“News said it was extremists. Some crazy bitch looking to start a war. Why?”
Namjoon snorts, deadpan. “It isn’t nice to talk about people like that when they’re around.” 
It takes a full minute for the complete concept to circle around Yoongi’s head and arise victorious in his mind. He cocks his neck, looking at you briefly with his brows furrowed, but turning away just as fast. The feral hunger hiding within his eyes burns a swathe across your skin and you can feel it raising goosebumps in its wake. “What? No way.” 
“Yeah. Some kids snapped a picture of Namjoon to gush over how bangable he is, caught her in the corner, and a well-meaning adult somewhere took it to the news. Not at large, not anymore.”
“Namjoon? That’ll lead them here.” Yoongi frowns. “That’ll take them straight to us. What about Jin? Jin—”
“Jin’s doing his job,” Namjoon interrupts, quiet. “Protecting his coven. It’s not his fault. He gets paid to read the letters on the fucking page. It’s not like he has a choice.”
“Jin’s in trouble if this gets out of hand,” Hoseok adds. “Jungkook’s connections aren’t going to do anything if they start looking inside the force again.” 
“Jungkook’s a whole other kettle of fish. Jin can manage his own coven. We need to worry about our next move.”
Yoongi blinks, slow, moving to lean against the doorframe like he can barely hold his own weight up, hands moving to his arms absently, fingers digging into the fabric of his jacket. “We can’t stay.” 
“I can lay low for a while—”
“Hope’s class has seen you. They know he rooms with you. I’d bet he’s talked about you.” 
Hoseok licks his lips, casting his eyes to the bar beneath him with a nod of his head. “...He’s right. I have.”
“People have seen us out together. All of us. We’ve been here too long already.”
“We can’t—”
“Namjoon.” Yoongi’s voice cracks, turning hoarse, like he isn’t used to talking so much for so long. “We can’t stay.” 
“There’s nowhere to go. There isn’t anywhere else we can go.”
“...There’s always been somewhere.” Hoseok reaches long fingers out to brush the lumpy bowl set beside him, running his forefinger across one of the more prominent cracks, his expression distant. After a second, he leaves it alone, propping his elbows back up on the counter and looking out at his roommates with an absent sniff.
Joon ducks his head with a scoff, dropping his phone into the cushions dramatically and putting his face in his hands, clutching at the blonde strands of hair craning over his forehead. “Out of the question.”
“It’s been long enough.” Hoseok’s tone goes soft. “It’s been long enough. You made your point.”
“My point?” Namjoon sits up, tearing his hands away from himself to throw himself backwards, sending a look of disbelief in his direction. “My point?? This wasn’t a pissing contest, Hoseok. This wasn’t some...some schoolyard bitchfest. We had to leave.”
“And now we have to go back.” 
“...What about her? What do we do with her?” 
The pause that follows is pregnant. Heavy, and so thick it’s difficult to breathe through it. You turn away, but you can feel them looking at you. It feels awful, like you’re made of glue, catching their stares like overused fly paper hanging from the ceiling. You feel thin. See-through.
“What about you?” Namjoon asks, low. “What do we do with you?”
“...I don’t know,” you mumble.  
“We could turn her loose,” Hoseok suggests. “Let the cops have her.”
“No.” Yoongi’s too quick with his reply and hastily explains, “We’ve been having problems catching anything to eat anyways. It’s only gonna get worse in this climate. We have to keep her.” 
“You want to keep her around? She’s a threat. She puts all of us in danger.” Namjoon frowns.
You shift, frowning. “Like you’re any better.”
“I don’t pretend to be.” 
“Bullshit. That’s bullshit.”
“I’m not the one trying to start wars.”
“I never tried to start any fucking wars.”
“I thought you said you didn’t remember.”
“I don’t remember.” 
You’ve had enough. You move to stand, sucking in a sharp breath when your body aches in protest, but by god, you aren’t going to sit here on this couch while a household full of vampires judges you for something you honestly can’t recall. You sway a little as you dismount, reaching to grab a handful of the cushion up the back as you skirt around the side. 
“I’m going to take a nap.” You say, venom snaking past your teeth, keeping your sight trained on the floor in front of you. “Let me know if you’re planning on giving me to the police or if you’re going to continue holding me hostage, since apparently I have no choice in the matter.”
Neither Namjoon nor Hoseok move as you walk towards the hall, but neither does Yoongi, and as you approach him, you’re made too aware of how still he’s gone. You look up from the ground, but he’s not looking at you, choosing instead to study the wood of the doorframe to his right. 
“What do you want?” Hoseok says after a beat, low, quiet. You crane to meet his eyes. “What do you want to do?” 
“Does it matter?”
“It will.” 
“I want to take a nap.” 
“You could run. It’s a small town. Head south, move somewhere they wouldn’t find you.”
You hesitate. It’s been so long that you haven’t considered the idea of escape that the feel of it now is like the shadow of someone you used to know. Running. Getting out of here. Not fought for, but offered this time. It feels wrong, but it's impossible to place why. You shake your head faintly, speaking up again with a bitter scoff. “That’ll go well.” 
“You know what haze feels like.” You can hear Yoongi swallow in front of you as Hoseok speaks, the sound harsh and unkind. “You can look out for yourself.” 
“Can I?” 
“The option is there. If you wanted it. You have a choice.” 
“...A choice. Yeah. Sure.” 
“Don’t promise things you can’t guarantee, Hope.” Namjoon bites quietly.
“I will guarantee it.”
“What’s with the sudden change of heart, huh? What, you’re suddenly the CEO of free will?”
“I said from the start that we shouldn’t have kept her. Now everybody’s getting attached, just like I said they would, and the longer we keep her, the worse it’s going to get. Especially if we move back to Jin’s. Bringing her with puts everyone in danger, if all she’s gonna do is run off and bring attention to us. We can’t risk it with all of us in the same place.”
“Who said we’re moving back.”
Hoseok continues, ignoring his sour quip. “If she wants to leave, we’ll find something else. We’ve survived before, we’ll do it again. If she wants to leave. You’ll let her go, won’t you, Joon? Since you’re not too attached to a ‘threat’?”
You turn back around, but freeze in place when you realize Yoongi’s looking at you now, dark eyes empty and half-lidded. He looks like a statue as he stares you down, following your every movement. A figure carved from marble to depict the downfall of man. No, not a man. An angel, cast from heaven in disgrace, wreathed in ash. He’s stopped breathing. You only just barely realize that you have, too.
“I’ll think about it.” You murmur, trying to pick up your previous train of thought, reminding yourself to inhale. “Running. Figuratively. Right now, I want a nap.” 
“Think about it.” Hoseok echoes quietly from behind you. “We’ll let you know when we’re moving.”
“If we’re moving,” Namjoon clarifies, low, but there’s no force in his words. No authority. 
You have to sidle past Yoongi to get to the other room. He doesn’t take the hint. Doesn’t move. You aren’t sure what spurs you forward more insistently; defiance, in the face of whatever stoic act he’s playing at, or anticipation. Anticipation of what he might do if you get too close. 
You misjudge how in-control he is and as you step forward, your shoulder nearly brushing his in the narrow entrance, he shifts. You can feel, more than see, his head inclining, his hair tickling your neck as he leans, the subtle noise of his lips parting, mouth opening, quietly inhaling with a hiss of air, and in that moment you freeze. Your heart pounds, blood racing through your veins, your own head drifting to the side as he approaches, time slowing to a crawl. 
You can feel it. The answer to your desires, the satiation that you need, that you crave, sharp teeth, perfect bliss, pain and pleasure, carving your limbs hollow and filling them back up with stardust. Your eyes threaten to close, lashes fluttering against your cheek. His hot breath, labored, casts against the column of your neck.
“Yoongi.” Namjoon speaks up, and Yoongi jerks forward as if released from a spell, suddenly dashing forward with long strides. You blink, turning to watch him slip down through the front hall, the click of the spare room door and the slam of it as he pulls it shut behind himself. 
You’re left spinning alone, on top of a world that whirls beneath your feet so fast you can’t think properly. 
“I don’t know what we’re going to do about him, though,” Namjoon says, murmuring low. “He doesn’t have much longer.”
“Yeah.” Hoseok agrees. “Either way, we need to make a decision fast.” 
You blink, spinning on your heel and walking at your own swift pace towards the bedroom. You make sure the door is closed behind you, promising a fight if anyone waltzes in uninvited. The bed creaks a little when you throw yourself onto it, ignoring by force the way it smells like Namjoon, like comfort. You don’t like him right now. You pretend that you don’t inhale deeply, fighting back hot, upset tears. 
He has no fucking right to judge you.
You’re a threat? You don’t feel like it, no matter what Jin recites to a camera crew somewhere the next town over.
For a while, you try to use the quiet to your advantage. Thinking-wise. Mulling over your choices. Going on the lamb? The run from the law, of all things? For a crime you don’t remember doing and can’t even...you can’t stomach doing that. Running over someone protesting people’s rights? Does that mean you hated vampires, before? You’re again left wondering what kind of person you used to be. 
And besides which...something in you twinges when you think of leaving. Some itch left unscratched. Some high you’re craving.
You rub absently at your neck as you think, frowning. 
 If you left, there wouldn’t be any more hazing. No more biting. Well, there’s other vampires, at least. If you really needed it....wanted it…
Ah, but who says they’d be as nice to you? 
‘Some of them really like pain’. You recall what Jimin had said when he caught you trying to sneak out of Jin’s window. Before Jungkook found you. Before they touched you. Took your clothes off and slid inside of you, pressed their lips to your chest and—
You’re losing the plot. You are going certifiably insane. Your legs twitch closed of their own volition, as if you could hide the way your cunt pulses around nothing from yourself.  
If you ran, would you end up seeking more out? Or, a better question, could you manage a life without biting? Without haze? The immediate panic, despair, that sinks briefly into your chest even at the thought, is too convincing. Like an addict. 
...Are you addicted? No. No, that’s silly. You’ve been without haze since... well, yesterday was…
You frown at the ceiling. 
Your migraine. Sharp, painful; like driving shards of glass into your eye sockets. Irritable. Looking for your next fix. Wishing you were ‘high’. Thinking about it, constantly. 
Your fingers are tightening around your throat and it isn’t until your vision starts going a little fuzzy that you realize you’re pressing too hard. Are you...choking yourself out? No, that’s not right. 
But instead of snatching your hand away completely, you linger, hooking your nails into the scabs at your neck. They’re mostly healed, but you can still feel a flicker of the pleasure they used to bring. The memory of Yoongi, just now, leaning closer, flashes across your mind, ghostly impressions of his breath against your skin, his hair tickling your jaw. He could have taken it further. He could have taken you further. If Namjoon hadn’t said anything. If Namjoon hadn’t been there. If he’d pressed you against that doorway, pinned you with those wide hands of his, kissed you. Kissed your neck. And…
You recall the feeling of fangs piercing your flesh, but it’s faded now. Disappointment courses through you. Longing. 
So, now, you aren’t just a murderer with a political agenda. 
You’re definitely an addict. 
This sucks. 
...You wish you were hazed. 
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ninja-go-to-therapy · 4 years
Whumptober 2: In the Hands of the Enemy
Day 2! I know @grungekitty-77 has been waiting a hell of a long time for this one. Enjoy the Devastation! haha see what I did there
Summary: As if the rest of this experience hasn’t been bad enough, Kai wakes up with a collar around his neck. He is absolutely not standing for this.
Trigger Warnings: kidnapping, stockholm syndrome, pet whump, starvation, dehumanization, creepy/intimate whumper, mention of death, mention of violence, and just like... general uncomfy vibes associated with the aforementioned warnings. If that sounds like it would bother you, please don’t read!
2825 words
Kai woke up with a deep ache in his body. It wasn’t anything he hadn’t felt before — Wu liked to make them train quite intensely, after all — but it still sucked.
But there was something else. Something different.
Though his neck was practically numb from the position he’d slept in, it almost felt like there was something around it.
Kai opened his eyes, blinking away the sleepy blur. He glanced around the room warily. 
Cole was fast asleep on the dog bed, and that enraged Kai most of all. The fact that Cole had been here so long that he’d accepted it as normal. The fact that no matter what Kai said, no matter what he did, Cole refused to listen. It made him want to scream.
But then he remembered that in order to have ended up like this, Cole must have gone through absolute hell. Kai had barely been here a few days, and already he wanted their captor dead.
How long had it taken Cole to break? What had been done to him that he could be shattered like this?
He wasn’t sure he wanted to know.
He pulled at the handcuffs, frustrated. His hands were cuffed behind him now, making it near impossible to do anything. In this instance, making it near impossible to figure out what the fuck was on his neck.
With a huff, he tilted his head to the side to try and get a feel of what was nearly choking him, awkwardly rubbing his bare shoulder against it.
It felt... weird. Almost like...
He glanced back at Cole. At the collar around his neck.
Oh, hell no.
He grunted, trying to bend his arms behind his back in a way that would let him get it off of him. He didn’t care if he broke a goddamn bone, he wasn’t taking this.
“Fucking…” he muttered, dropping his arms back down. It wasn’t working. 
But he wasn’t going to give up. He wasn’t going to let this sicko treat him like this. He was going to save Cole, make him remember, and get them both out.
He wondered briefly if Cole really had forgotten, or if he was just too scared to say that he remembered.
A large part of him wished it was the latter. It would certainly make things easier. It would just be a matter of convincing Cole that Kai would keep him safe, and then running far, far away. 
But with their luck, Cole really had forgotten. He really was convinced that he was worth less than a poorly-treated dog
No, poorly-treated was being too nice.
This was far from that. It wasn’t even on the same level. 
And this had been going on for a year. No wonder Cole had broken. 
But Kai was confident they could get out. Which started with getting this collar off of his neck.
The door swung open quietly. Kai didn’t even bother to act like he wasn’t trying to pry this stupid thing off, regardless of whether or not he choked himself while doing so.
His captor tsked, walking over briskly and kneeling down beside him.
“Silly little stray,” he said, his voice quiet enough not to wake Cole, low and controlling. “You’ll hurt yourself doing that.”
Kai laughed incredulously. “Like that’s not your whole gimmick,” he said, still unable to even reach the collar to begin getting it off. He knew he must have looked ridiculous, but he was pretty sure being half-naked and dirty and locked in a basement already did that for him, so. 
“You think I enjoy hurting you?”
Kai didn’t even bother with a reply for that one. Regardless of whether or not this guy “enjoyed” hurting him didn’t matter. Because, shockingly, both Kai and Cole were being hurt anyway. Intent didn’t matter.
The man sighed. “You’ll get used to your collar,” he said, a dark promise that Kai would rather die than fulfull. “It is just a training collar, after all. You’ll grow out of it.”
A training collar? Oh, he hated that. He was not going to stand for this. He turned the words over in his mind. First Spinjitzu Master, a training collar. What the hell was this son of a bitch on?
“And don’t worry, you’ll be rescued soon enough. You just have to be good until then.”
Rescued? Did this guy expect for his friends to save him? Who in their right mind would do something like this if they knew they’d get caught?
“What the hell are you talking about?” Kai spat, glaring at the guy fiercely.
“Oh my, that was very rude, you know. And we wouldn’t want to wake my perfect, precious little pet, now would we?”
“His name,” Kai glared fiercely, “Is Cole.”
“He hasn’t been that in a very long time, little stray,” he said, looking legitimately repulsed at the idea of Cole being called by his own name. “But we’re talking about you. How you’ll get rescued sooner if you’re good. Some people do love their rescue mutts.”
His captor hummed softly, smiling at him almost innocently. Almost. “I suppose they are more exciting to those that want that kind of thing. Me, I just want a quiet life with my happy little pet.”
And Kai was ready to maul the guy then and there, but then he kept going, and it just kept getting so much worse.
“You’re not what I’d pick, but I’m just training you, so my opinion really doesn’t matter.” 
Wait. Hold on. This guy didn’t mean rescue like the actual sense of the word. He wasn’t planning on Kai or Cole getting saved at all. This was more pet talk!
Oh, that made his blood boil. How dare this man speak to him like this? How dare he think himself to be so superior above them that he was just fine pretending they were pets?
Oh no. ‘Just training him’? He was going to be passed along to someone else! And then what would he do? He wouldn’t be able to save Cole! He didn’t even know where they were! And if whoever he was handed off to was half as crazy as this guy, then who knew if Kai would even be able to get out?
Shit, fuck, this was so bad!
Okay. Okay he had to think. This psycho had said that he’d get “rescued” sooner if he was good. Which meant the only way to buy himself time was to act out.
That, he was more than happy to do.
“You’re absolutely out of your mind if you think I’ll let this happen,” Kai growled, struggling against the stupid handcuffs and the stupid chain. “You’re fucking crazy!”
And yeah, he didn’t look pleased.
His captor sighed, shaking his head like he was really, truly upset about this.
“You’re a slow learner, you know,” he said, in a tone that one would speak to a toddler in. He slapped Kai hard, sending his head turning quickly to the side and practically imitating the feeling of whiplash.
Kai glared at him.
“You’d best be grateful that I don’t have the time to give you a proper punishment right now,” he said, a furious whisper as Cole groaned quietly in his sleep.
“You’d best be grateful I’m chained up so I can’t kick your ass,” Kai spat back.
His captor looked unimpressed. “I was going to let you have dinner tonight, but if this is how you’re going to treat your teacher, then I suppose you’ll have to go without food until you can be good.”
The man stood up, straightening his shirt. “I would make up your mind quickly, if I were you.”
With that, he left the room, the sound of the lock clicking ringing in Kai’s ears.
He sighed, getting as comfortable as the restraints allowed him to. He was going to be stuck here for awhile.
The next time Kai woke up, Cole was awake too, and was staring at him. Did he finally recognize him? Was he remembering?
“I like your collar,” he said, quiet.
Kai wasn’t sure whether to be delighted that Cole was actually talking to him, or horrified at what he was saying.
“Don’t—” Kai violently cut himself off. Cole didn’t need to be yelled at. He was probably traumatized beyond belief, and Kai needed to be patient with him, even if what he was saying made him angry.
If their captor was consistent, then poor Cole probably got yelled at enough. 
“Please don’t say that,” he said, forcing himself to sound calm for Cole’s sake. 
“Why not?” Cole asked.
Kai couldn’t believe he actually had to explain this to Cole. How could somebody fall so far? How could he think that something as demeaning and disgusting as a collar was perfectly fine and normal?
“It’s not — I don’t—” Kai sighed in frustration. “It’s not right!”
“Why isn’t it?” Cole asked, innocent. “Is it too tight? Master does that sometimes. He says that even the air we breathe is a gift, and we should be thankful for it. If you’re good, he’ll probably loosen it!”
Kai nearly burst into tears at that. He wanted to shake Cole by the shoulders and scream that that’s not how things should be! But the only thing he could do was sit there and furiously blink away the angry tears gathering behind his eyes.
That fucking bastard, Kai was going to rip his guts out if he tried to lay a hand on Cole again. He wasn’t going to let it happen. He’d gladly get… punished, himself, if it meant Cole wouldn’t be.
“It’s not,” Kai finally said. No matter what he said, Cole wasn’t going to understand. He needed to figure out a way to make him, but he couldn’t do that right now. He needed to gain Cole’s trust. 
It would take time.
“Oh, okay,” Cole said. “Oh, and try not to talk when Master is around. He doesn’t like that. I’m only talking because he said it was okay to talk to you.”
Of course. Of course Cole wouldn’t talk of his own free will. He’d waited for fucking permission to talk when that bastard wasn’t even around!
Kai turned away from him, trying to ignore the viscous growling in his stomach. How long had he been here? How long had it been since he’d last eaten?
Kai could handle going without food. Growing up, he’d always prioritized Nya’s need to eat over his own, he was used to going without meals. He was used to a few days without food, actually.
But he was practically at his limit, by this point. It had been, what? Two days? Three? He’d lost count. He didn’t know how long he slept for. He didn’t know how often their captor came to torment them.
He only knew the horrible pain in his stomach that hadn’t gone away once it had appeared. He only knew that Cole needed to be saved. He only knew that poor Lloyd was probably coping horribly. He was probably having an absolute breakdown.
He wished he could be there to comfort him.
Hours passed.
The pain only grew increasingly worse.
Cole occasionally spared glances at him, looking worried.
“Doesn’t he ever feed you?” Kai snapped, his irritation melting at the way Cole flinched.
Cole just nodded silently.
Fuck. He’d scared him back into silence. Kai sighed, shifting jerkily and groaning at the way his stomach grumbled. “I can go a little longer,” he muttered, rubbing his stomach in the hopes that it would help calm the pain. “I’m doing great.”
“No you’re not,” Cole said. “You’re acting mean. Pets shouldn’t be mean. Not even to other pets.”
Kai forced himself to ignore that last part in favor of addressing the more general statement: he was being mean. Cole didn’t deserve that.
“I’m sorry,” he said, “I’m just hungry. Can’t you convince him to bring food or something?”
“If Master brings food, I can’t just share,” Cole said, shaking his head like Kai had suggested an atrocity. “Master only wants you to eat if you’re good. You haven’t been good.”
Yeah, no, he was going to do just fine without food. It was all good. He wasn’t going to give up his dignity — again! — just to satiate a little hunger. He was totally fine.
The only sound for the next few minutes was Cole shifting on the dog bed, and the increasingly violent growling of Kai’s stomach.
Until footsteps sounded.
Kai looked up, that stupid door opening to show their captor’s stupid face.
“Last chance for the day, little stray. If you apologize and beg like a good boy, you get to eat. Surely you must be starving. It’s been so long since you’ve eaten. You can’t go that much longer without dying, can you?” He tapped his watch. “Tick, tock.”
Cole’s eyes widened at the “dying” part, and he looked up at their captor frantically, then glanced over to Kai.
Kai just glared at the guy. He was strong. He wouldn’t break again.
Cole mouthed one word. “Please.”
And Kai… couldn’t help but acknowledge the fact that Cole had risked everything for him that first day. He’d spoken out, without permission — which, according to him, was an ultimate sin — just to beg him to stay alive.
Cole had risked so much for Kai.
He couldn’t let himself die. Then, Cole would never get out of here, he would never remember the truth. Kai had to do it.
So, swallowing his pride, his dignity, and every single part of him screaming at him not to do it, he lowered his head.
“I’m sorry for misbehaving,” he muttered, though he couldn’t fully extinguish the fire from his voice. “Please let me eat.”
He glanced up, but his captor didn’t seem satisfied.
Fucking… fine.
“Please let me eat, Sir,” Kai grumbled, drawing back the sarcastic tone he wanted to use as much as he could. It still shone through.
“There’s a good boy!” Their captor said, delighted. “I’ll be right back with some food for you two.”
As he left, Kai slumped back against the wall. He was exhausted. It took a surprising amount of energy to put up with this.
“Thank you,” Cole said.
Kai smiled weakly at him. He was going to get him to remember. He would. And their captor would never see it coming.
Kai let his eyes slip shut as he waited for their captor to come back. After he ate, he could go back to sleep. That sounded nice.
The door opened up again.
“There you go, my darling,” their captor said, probably to Cole.
On the one hand, having his eyes closed made him feel very, very vulnerable. Especially after that whole drowning thing. That had brought back a lot of painful memories. That had just been painful in general, actually.
Okay, there wasn’t another hand. His eyes snapped open. Best not to open that can of worms. He didn’t want to break down in front of this man. He didn’t want to break down in front of Cole, either, but it was better than both of them. Besides, maybe Cole would actually be a little bit sympathetic.
“Eat up, little stray,” his captor hummed, smiling innocently.
Kai stared at the dog bowl. The dog bowl. For fuck’s sake, what had he been expecting? Being treated like a person? No, that would be too easy! That would be too simple, too sane.
He was going to yell, or say something, or flat-out refuse, but… then he wouldn’t get to eat. And then he would be hurt, and then he’d be made to beg all over again if he wanted to so much as survive, and then it would be so much worse.
His captor looked at him expectantly. “Perhaps you’re not hungry after all?” he asked. A warning. He had to make up his mind.
He glared at the man. He couldn’t believe he was fucking doing this.
Cole, on the other hand, seemed to have no problem with it. He was munching away happily on the food — which, thank the first master it was actual human food, not dog food or some shit (he wouldn’t put it past him) — but still. It was demeaning and uncomfortable.
But he was really, really hungry.
He didn’t look at his captor as he took a bite. 
It actually kind of tasted… good.
He could barely restrain himself from shoveling it all down his throat in one go, truth be told. Though, that could have been the starvation talking.
By the time he was done, and their captor was gone, Kai was left alone again (or, as alone as he could be with Cole there).
The realization hit him quite painfully.
He had just been fed out of a dog bowl. And he hadn’t even complained.
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Don’t Breathe 4.5 | teaser
»Genre: hitman!au || stalker!au ||
»Warnings: kidnapping, stalking, obsession, themes of potential Stockholm syndrome, mono-phobia, mature elements, yandere at some point (? i think ), themes of depression, redemption, they fall in love, lovey dovey, fluff, Disclaimer: I do not condone nor suggest stalking/kidnapping or anything of that nature, this is purely fiction ok.
»Summary: He doesn’t get shaky hands, he never forgets his gloves and he never leaves a trail. He was paid to get rid of everyone who witnessed the exchange between a gang lord and a politician, they were picked off, one by one. He found out a month later, he missed one. A young writer who attended the event where the exchange took place. He has to kill her. Can he do it?
✤ pt.1 - pt.2 - pt.2.5 - pt.3 - pt. 3.5 - pt. 4.0 - pt.4.5
author’s note: coming soon
taglist: @tangledsparkles @just-another-fangurl21 @impartoftoomanyfandoms @komorebi-unnie​ @tangledsparkles​ @yes-sol-not-soul (sorry :( tumblr won’t let me tag you) if you’d like to be added to the taglist please comment on this post💜
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The sun is setting like a dream, you can’t say you’ve ever seen it shine so beautiful. The sky looks like a peach painting that shyly fades into a heavenly deep-blue. It’s a perfect evening, the air smells of the flowers growing on the porch and it delights your senses. He’s chasing you barefooted across the grassy yard, like two children playing tag at the peek of spring. Out of breath, he finally catches you and you fall back into the checkered blanket, too tired to run off again.
After seeing you enjoy the balcony so much, he introduced you to his lavish  backyard. Aside from the large stone patio and pool attached to it, the yard expands at least an acre and it’s well-groomed. Early in the evening, you moved to spend some time on the patio, a pencil and paper in hand. Taehyung had some work to do so you had a few hours to yourself, you used that time to think and write. After a few hours, you could no longer resist the urge to take a dip in the crystal clear oasis.
With a t-shirt and underwear, you eased into the cool water and breathed a sigh of relief. For what could have been an hour or two, you weren’t counting, you swam on your back, staring up at the clear sky, wondering if you’ll ever feel peace like this again. When your eyes shut, your thoughts seem to align, and for the first time since you’ve been here, you felt like you were where you were supposed to be. As much as you cherish your life alone, your independence and innate desire to prove that you can make it on your own—it seems Taehyung is worth giving that up.
That would have sounded crazy weeks ago, but it’s how you feel. That night that you confessed that you wanted to be with him, you meant it. You don’t know when it happened, maybe when you kissed him and he picked you up, when you woke up to him fast asleep with a pillow in his arms. Or maybe it was when he suggested you help him bake, since he knew you wrote so much about food in your articles, you’re not sure. But somehow, some time after learning his name, you think you fell in love.
When you were with Jin, you had similar feelings to this. You knew you were in love when you had the urge to smile even when you were hurting just to make him smile. That feeling of unexplained self-sacrifice, something as small as smile, you’d force it out if you knew it would help him. With Taehyung, it seems like he will do anything to make you smile sometimes, even when you know he’s keeping stressful things from you. Is that love? You think so.
You sigh, still feeling a bit wet from your swim a while ago but you’ve dried mostly. He fussed at you for not showering straight away but you said the sun would dry you well enough until your shower tonight. It’s dusk now, and your out in the grass, laying happily on the blanket with him. Only a few minutes ago did you find out that he had pretty lights adorning the patio. He said he’s had them for a while but hadn’t turned them on until today. It casts a warm light out into the grass, you tell him he should turn it on more often.
”You should shower before you catch a cold,” He stresses for the second time. You find his worry endearing but negotiate five more minutes, and he caves. It’s been a while since you’ve been outside like this. He knows this, that’s why he’s laying shoulder to shoulder with you as you gaze up at the night sky. “Sorry I had so much work I had to do today, hope you weren’t too bored,”
”It’s fine, I was writing anyway...”
”Really?” He turns on his side, curiosity piqued. You nod, hands searching for the pencil and pad you had on the blanket.
”I used to write poetry when I was in high school. I wasn’t very good and some of it is kind of cringe now that I look back at it, but I enjoyed it. I haven’t written in so long, I thought I’d give it a shot,” You grab the notepad and look up at it, eyes skimming over the gray hue from all the erasing. You catch him trying to peek over and you hold it to your test. You grin, “Don’t look, it’s not good,”
He pouts, hand moving to intertwine with yours.
“Come on, you’ve never shared your personal writings with me before,” He pouts, leaning closer to you in hopes that you might succumb to the allure of his gaze. “Pleeease?”
”Fine,” You sigh, “but you have to read it yourself,” You lift the notepad, handing it to him.
He sits up and the feeling of anxiousness comes to a halt when you realize one important fact; it’s Taehyung reading this. Not a supervisor critiquing your rough draft or a teacher judging your ability to recite your understanding of the class’s latest assignment. It’s him.
I’ve been given a universe, all for me. My very own stars in your eyes, I can stare at you forever. The remnants of your every gaze births a galaxy and I draw up the constellations by the reminisce of the pattern of your touch on my skin. I, too, have given my universe to you. Though I’m innocent to the stars in my eyes, the constellations I paint on your skin, all for you. No event is there more beautiful than the moment our eyes meet, our nebulae collide. A merging occurs, giving life to new stars that are our own, creating a galaxy that holds a shape that can only be defined by fate. In that sweet moment, we create an intertwined constellation, a design filled with millions of our old and new stars, shining brighter than ever,
“in your universe, my universe...” He reads the last lines softly. Setting the pad down with an expression that you can’t quite read, he just looks at you and you start to feel nervous.
“I just,” You bite at your lip and look up at the night sky that’s beginning to show the stars, “I had this idea about space, it’s a little different but it took me hours to come up with...I’m rusty.”
He props himself up and leans over you, gaze searching for yours with a tender close-lipped smile. He holds his hand to his heart, “That was so beautiful.”
You cringe, pushing his chest so he can roll back on his back. “Oh stop, now I wish I wouldn’t have showed you,” It’s hard to tell if he’s praising you or teasing, it seems like it’s one in the same sometime.
“I’m being serious, I can feel the emotions you’re conveying in your words, I really get it...” He looks a bit surprised that you’d think he was teasing you about this, he leans back over you. 
“You mean it?” You look into his eyes, wondering how anyone could be capable of making you feel so special, like you’re the only person in the world. Without a word, he presses a firm kiss to your lips and you sigh, he means it.
*  *  *
“How’s the investigation going? Jin told me you reached out the other day,”
The busy lawyer sits his freshly ordered coffee in his cup holder as he drives off to his highly-decorated firm.
“I did, the case is more complicated than I initially thought,” Yoongi poured the subpar coffee in the Styrofoam cup, it’s 6am and he’s trying not to be grumpy, “if I’m right about my suspicions, it’s a fucked up situation.”
“What’re you thinking?”
Yoongi looks around, seeing that the only person around was the woman at the desk. “The girl, along with the other individuals at that conference, were targeted. I got the names of the parties at the conference, they’re politicians of course but the details of the meeting was never released. I have a theory,”
He lowers his voice, looking around one more time before sipping his coffee, “I think someone at that conference had those other reporters killed. I went over each autopsy file and those people died from unusual things, but not unusual enough to suspect at first-glance. Most of them dies from too much of a medication that they were already taking, things like that. But this girl, unlike everyone else, she was abducted and I don’t know why.”
Jungkook makes a thoughtful noises. “What’s different about her that not like the others?”
“She went missing a little over a month after the others were found dead. It looks like a mistake to me,” He paces, “I don’t know if I’m being too outlandish, but I have a feeling she’s alive, we just need to find her,”
Jungkook responds with how he feels about it but Yoongi has to cut him short when Eunwoo walks into the station.
“You’re here early, Min,” Eunwoo smiles, beckoning Yoongi to follow him to his office, “I have some good news, and some bad news, which do you want first?” Eunwoo leads Yoongi into his office and sets his briefcase down so he can pull what he needs out.
“Surprise me.” He deadpans.
“Well, last night, we found out that the infamous Hwan Group could be apart of this. You know that group, they’ve been under the radar for years, you can’t catch’em. But there’s a chance they could be the force behind this, they have assassins for hire from what I’ve heard,” He takes a seat, opening one of the Manila folders.
“And the good news?”
“It took a lot to pin him, but we’re bring one of the parties in for questioning today,”
“Good, I think they know something that they’ve been trying to keep under the rug.”
“Yeah, I agree.”
Yoongi gets up, hand tight on the flimsy cup, “If you could give me a call after the questioning, I’d appreciate it. I’m gonna do a little digging into this Hwan Group, see if I can get some info that’ll help,”
Yoongi leaves the building with a to-do list but little does he know, detective Na Jaemin, knocking on on Eunwoo’s door.
“Come in,”
“Hi,” Jaemin slips into the room, an unusual grin on his face, “how are you?”
“Um,” Eunwoo looks around, not understanding why he’s approaching him like this but he shrugs, “good, is everything okay, detective?”
“Everything's fine,” Lies, “I just had a question about that PI, Min Yoongi,”
“Shoot,” Eunwoo awaits his question.
“Why is he so adamant on keeping this case open? I mean, I’m a detective on the case and I think we should start searching for the body,” His tone sounds innocent but he’s trying to sneakily plant this idea in Eunwoo’s mind, “we could be wasting precious time, the family deserves closure and we’re just dragging it on.”
“Detective Na,” Eunwoo stops looking through the folder, “given the other related cases, we have reason to believe she might be alive. Not every abductee is killed, even if that tends to be the case.”
Jeamin swallows, trying to think of how to save himself, “I know, I’m not saying that we should be pessimistic but realistic, rather.”
“I get what you’re saying, but on what prescient you’re saying it, I don’t know. I, and many of the others on this case, have reviewed the evidence and compared it to the other cases, it doesn’t add up. After the questioning today, we’ll talk, until then, your efforts need to go towards finding her alive and well,” Eunwoo walks past Jaemin and the detective gets the memo to get out of the office, “Understood?”
With a feigned grin he stands up straight. “Absolutely, sir,” 
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tae-cup · 4 years
.hamartia. ‘Part 6,
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader (f) x Taehyung (?)
Plot: Y/N is a skilled, well, torturer, though you don’t like to call yourself that; it makes what you do too real. When mafia boss Yoongi wants information or wants a hostage to suffer, you step in. However, one fateful day you are thrown Taehyung, another person who does your line of work. You need answers, he is determined not to give them to you. That’s when you try...a different approach, and Yoongi is not pleased.
Rating: TV-MA
WARNINGS: YO IF YOU’RE NOT COOL WITH SUBTLE BI AGENDAS THEN I’M SORRY THIS IS NOT THE PLACE FOR YOU, Blood, torture, mafia things (ya know?), drugs alcohol, sadistic tendencies, a fundamentally flawed main character (I’m sorry i’m just writing myself pretty much), assault, harassment, stalking (not bad), romance (somehow), Maybe stockholm syndrome???
Word Count: 3k Words
A/N: I don’t know how I feel about this chapter but I sorta like it.
Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Next
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~ The word hamartia refers to a flaw or mistake that leads to a fictional character's downfall. Classical tragedies revolve around the main character's hamartia, the tragic flaw that sets a series of disastrous events in motion. Achilles' heel was his hamartia – his fatal flaw.
“What do you mean they’re gone.” Yoongi never raised his voice, but there was a steel to his tone. 
“We searched everywhere on the property, hyung.” Jungkook pleaded. 
“No. No they can’t have just up and left, now could they?” Yoongi stayed absolutely still, not willing to give away the flame broiling inside. He still cared for you. Of course he did. He couldn’t bare to see you in pain. He left...for you. The man believed it was for the best. He just hadn’t expected you to then throw yourself into your work. 
“N-no.” Jungkook stammered. The poor boy had already been traumatized enough after seeing Mark being shot in front of him. 
“And it’s boss, to you.” Yoongi continued, his words cutting deep into Jungkook. They had known each other for so long. They grew up together, yet here Yoongi was, souring and severing the relationship he held so dear. With striking clarity he realized he did this a lot; pushed people away. He was wrong before. He was the selfish one. Self-preservation was the issue. 
Jungkook flinched at the man’s words. Jimin stood quietly in the corner, heart breaking at the sight before him. He hadn’t known the two as long as they had known each other, but that didn’t stop him from feeling pain for the ties he saw being cut. The short man still didn’t move to intervene the fight beginning. 
“I know you care for them, but what if they left voluntarily?” Jungkook pondered, instantly regretting the words as they tumbled out of his mouth. Yoongi instantly narrowed his eyes. He leaned forward and place his elbows on the desk, interlocking his fingers to rest his chin on them. 
“And why would they do that?” 
God awful silence. 
The younger male made the wise decision to remain silent. Yoongi slowly stood, pressing his palms into the table as a power play. 
“Find them. You’re dismissed.” He said with a wave of his hand. The young boy scurried off, seemingly wanting to leave the office as fast as possible. 
Only Jimin remained. He didn’t move from his spot in the corner as the silent observer. He watched Yoongi rake his hand through his hair. Then the dark haired man called out to the silver haired one. 
“Jimin, sit.” He sighed. Jimin nodded and swiftly took a seat. The tension from earlier lingered, but it wasn’t quite as intense. “I like that about you.” 
Jimin looked up slightly, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. His hands subconsciously went to his hair. Yoongi scoffed at the action. 
“Not your hair, dumbass.” Then he took a seat as well. “I mean, you follow directions well. You never do what you’re not supposed to and you keep your head down, not asking questions.” 
The other male’s ears pricked up at the sound of his companion’s words. He smiled slightly to himself, but tried his best to keep a neutral face. He just dipped his head in a swift nod. Yoongi looked at him, intrigued, before continuing. 
“I don’t trust Kook to find them whatsoever.” He addressed Jungkook with a casualness that seemed odd given the earlier fight. “So, I’m also sending you to find them. We have some men tied up downstairs that may have answers and since my darling Y/N is missing, you will need to take the task of getting their information.” 
Jimin swallowed thickly. He realized that maybe he was the monster between You and him. After all, he had been in this business far longer than you and he had yet to lose his head. Maybe that’s why Yoongi trusted him without a doubt. 
“Of course, boss.” 
“You’re not going to hurt me, are you?” You said, a teasing tone at the back of your throat. Taehyung sat in front of you. For the past 10 minutes, he had just stared at you, not speaking a word. And you tried to as well, but it was hard to with your swollen eye. The not speaking issue wasn’t really an issue as you had dealt with it for months. 
“I trusted you. You betrayed me so easily.” You sneered. You hated him. Hated him. But you just couldn’t get the words out. “And I thought you were a man of honor.” With that, he let a laugh escape. 
“You really think there are men of honor in our business, Y/N? I have-”
“Killed a thousand people, blah blah blah. Haven’t we all?” You rolled your eyes. “Come on, I know the intimidation tactic.” You groaned. His eyes grew darker. 
“I don’t want to hurt you, but I can and will if necessary. And I may not be a man of honor but,” He turned around, seemingly not wanting to meet your gaze. He stopped himself short, remembering the audio was still running. The man sighed and turned back around. If you had seen his eyes in the short in the short time he had turned around, you would see him break. He knew you were observant and he didn’t want you to see him like that. Taehyung wasn’t honorable in any sense, but he wasn’t a complete monster. He had grown an attachment to you; you, who was so complicated it made his head spin. 
“But?” You frowned. His eyes swept the room. Then he leaned in. 
“Please pretend I’m saying something nasty.” His breath fanning against your neck and his proximity made your heart race. You gave the slightest of nods in agreement. “Okay, I didn’t want to turn you in.” 
“You bitch.” You played along. He paid you no mind. 
“We were caught, but I realized I couldn’t help you out of here if I was also incapacitated.” He mumbled against your skin. You felt your breath hitch. Was he telling the truth? Was he playing a game with you? 
“Fuck off.” You spewed out. Then you whispered back with the same ferocity, “Why haven’t you gotten me out then.”
“I had some complications.” 
You looked at him questioningly. He waved you off. He knew he had to hurt you in some way to appease them. So he went with a good ‘ole sucker punch to your fucking stomach. Of course it didn’t please him to see you in pain and he shot you a pained look, one that you couldn’t see from how quickly your eyes closed in shock.  
You gasped for air as he left. This man really just promised to help me escape and then punched me in the fucking stomach. You hissed to yourself. What an ass. 
“Why do you push people away?” 
Your eyes snapped to Taehyung as he sat, once more, in front of you. 
“I’m not sure what you mean.” 
“Yes, you do.” he could tell from your instinctual reaction. You looked around, eyes sweeping the room again, as if the walls would somehow disappear. They didn’t, obviously, and you decided that there was no point in hiding. You weren’t sure what Taehyung’s intentions were. He seemed like he was trying to get to know you, like how you had approached him, except he made the mistake of also letting his comrades in to have fun torturing you for information. Luckily, you were a lot more soulless than you let on and you managed to endure the pain. Blood dribbled from your mouth from the earlier beating. You spat this blood onto the floor. 
“Like hell I would tell you.” You shuddered. You knew you were close to breaking. It had been weeks. Yoongi probably didn’t spare you a thought, the heartless bastard, Maybe you were a quick fuck for him and that was all.
“You have nothing left to lose.” He shrugged, reading you easily. He had gotten better at this, slowly worming his way into your mind. 
“You’re right, but I still have some sense of sanity.” Not much. 
“I don’t think you’re a bad person.” He laid a soft hand on your knee. You didn’t even realize you were shaking. 
“I think you’d change your mind really quick if you actually knew me.” You shook your head. The rest of your body hurt too much to even consider moving. 
“Tell me...What’s wrong, Y/N, with the word selfish?” 
Instantly, you growled lowly at the word. “Don’t say that word with my name in the same sentence ever again.” 
He grinned, knowing he hit a nerve. He raised his hands in mock surrender. “Fine. Fine. But at least tell me why.” 
You thought it over a moment, having a battle in your head. The way he stared at you almost made you feel obligated to tell him. You didn’t have the strength to both fight his advances to know you, and to keep yourself fucking alive. So you gave in, promising yourself that this would be the last time. You always broke your promises to yourself. 
“I’m selfish because I don’t want to be selfless.” You emphasized the last part. “I don’t want to give all of myself to someone else or something else because if I gave away a piece of me to every person I’ve ever cared about,” You hesitated before hanging your head low. “I’d have none of myself left. So instead I forcefully rip myself back from their prying hands, even if it breaks them in the process.” 
You were a naturally selfless person. Being selfish was a learned behavior after a long time of being in this world of crime. Taehyung nodded slowly, but there was no pity in his eyes, you hated pity, but he did have understanding. 
“I get it.” He muttered. Then he took your bloodied hand, still tied to the chair, and held it softly. “I’m selfish too.” 
You almost relaxed until those last words. Yoongi flashed across your mind, reminding you of your situation. You jerked your hand back, as much as you could in your situation. He noticed. Taehyung slowly withdrew. 
“Sorry, that was uncalled for.” He apologized, his deep voice its own kind of relaxation. 
“You can do what you want. You’re not the one tied up to a chair. And frankly, that was better than being punched in the gut.” You said with an accusing tone. 
“Ah right.” He scratched the back of his head. “Sorry about that. I just can’t leave you unscathed or else there will be issues.” He glanced at the security cameras. Taehyung usually had great self control. He never said more than he needed to and his co-workers would describe him as short and blunt when speaking. So why did he go to the extra lengths of formalities and apologies when it came to you? He couldn’t put his finger on it. 
“Yeah yeah. As long as there’s no permanent damage, Yoongi might save your life.” You only half joked. 
“You still think Yoongi is coming? It’s been weeks.” He chuckled bitterly. You swallowed thickly, reality dawning on you. 
“I’m sure he is.” You felt your jaw clench. Maybe he was right. Maybe no one was coming for you. 
“I see your resolve wavering. I’m working on...a plan.” His voice dipped low at that last part. You coughed, rolling your eyes. 
“Does that matter now? Why don’t you just kill me already? I’m not giving you information and it’s clear they don’t care enough about me for you to use me as a bargaining chip.” You spat blood onto the ground, too tired to do anything else. You just wanted it all to be over with. 
“Hey,” His voice was gentle, almost soft. “Look at me.” His hand went out to your cheek as you lifted your heavy eyelids to look at him. 
“Come on, Tae, stop dragging this out. I did nothing but keep you captive the entire time you were with me. You owe me nothing.” 
The handsome man nodded. “I know.” He murmured. 
There was a loud bang from somewhere outside. “I just wanted to make sure you know I’m sorry for everything. If we had met under better circumstances, I would have liked to get to know you. But I can’t, not now, and we will probably never meet again.” 
“What do you mean?” Your voice was hushed as another bang came from outside. There were footsteps and loud voices. Taehyung didn’t answer, he just donned a serious expression. Your breath hitched as you watched him take out his gun and flick the safety off. 
“I’ve got to go.” He held up his gun and rushed outside the room, his feet joining the beat of many others. 
Sitting in the dark is not fun. Your eyes strained against the pitch blackness of the room. There was the smallest sliver of yellow light from under the doorway. It was giving you a headache. You shut your eyes, growing increasingly annoyed by the tightness of the ropes. 
“Could have at least loosened the ropes.” You grumble to yourself. Then you slowly opened your eyes, hearing the commotion die down. Your sense went into overdrive, eyes trapped on the door. Slow, heavy set, footsteps walked down the hallway. It was way too quiet. Your body shook, a natural reaction. Anytime someone stopped outside your door, it had been to beat you until you lost consciousness. Your breath caught in your chest. 
“Y/N?” A deep voice murmured. “Are you alright?” 
You narrowed your eyes, debating whether or not to answer. You didn’t really get a choice, however, because the door flew open to reveal two men you really didn’t want to see. Taehyung and Yoongi. Yoongi was stiffly standing there, drinking in your appearance, while Taehyung panted, clearly from running. 
“Are you alright?” Yoongi asked, swallowing thickly. Then he turned to Taehyung. “You were supposed to keep her safe, you prick.”
Taehyung simply shrugged. The two ignored your bewildered expression. “Hold on. So Taehyung...was a double agent?” 
“This is a dangerous business.” Taehyung smiled wolfishly. 
“I trusted you.” Yoongi grabbed the man’s shirt. You cleared your throat, finally drawing attention to yourself. 
“While I’d love to see this go down, I’d also like my freedom back.” You mused, a smirk on your face. As Yoongi hurried over, untangling you from your ropes, you added more flames to the wildfire of issues between the two men. “You know Taehyung was so good at acting, it fooled me. Especially when he punched me in the gut.” You tried not to wince and you could see he looked away, ashamed. 
“He what?”“ Yoongi turned, staring at Taehyung incredulously. “I should have you killed for this.”
Yoongi helped you out and you felt your legs fall from under you. They were numb, not responding to your desperate wishes for them to move. After all, you had been strapped to that chair for weeks. Yoongi caught you, rough hands running over your bloodied arms. 
“Fuck. I never should have trusted him to keep you safe.” Yoongi murmured, shooting Taehyung a glare. 
“It’s okay, I just...I need some explanation.” You breathed. How long had you been toyed with? Who else knew? Did Jimin know? Why would Yoongi send one of his own to be tortured? 
“I should kill you right now.” Yoongi held his gun out, finger twitching on the trigger. 
“Now what good would that do?” Taehyung’s mouth quirked upwards ever so slightly. “You’ll never know why I’m here.”
“I don’t need to know.” The shorter man eyed the other’s stance. Taehyung was casually standing there, hand resting on the holster that held his handgun. 
“Do we have a deal?” Taehyung watched Yoongi. 
“Like hell we do.” Yoongi held a blank expression. His eyes roamed Taehyung’s face and body, sizing him up. 
“Come on.” Taehyung ran a hand through his hair. “I’m willing to be your little spy, a double agent against my own gang.”
“I want protection. Total protection when you attack my gang. I’ll even protect Y/N if that’s what you wish.”
That made Yoongi hesitate. He had been looking for a bodyguard. You were of the utmost importance. Jimin stood to the side, ever the shadow. He nudged his boss, “I think it’s a good idea.” He murmured into his ear. 
“I think you know more than you let on, Taehyung. But I’ll give you a chance.” He snapped, waving off the taller man. “You’re dismissed. I want you back here, Friday, to discuss new information.” 
Taehyung bowed his head and left. 
“Jimin.” Yoongi commanded, eyes flicking to the seat in front of him. Jimin took a seat. “I want you to watch Taehyung. Be discreet.” 
The younger man nodded. “I will.” 
“Great, and try not to tell Y/N. She’s stressed out enough as it is.”
Another punch. Blood flew from a nose. 
“Rot in hell.” 
Blood was spat on the floor. 
“That’s where you’re mistaken. I thrive in hell.” Yoongi bent over Taehyung, studying him. He tilted his head before standing, wiping the blood on his hands onto a rag nearby. “Our deal means nothing. You have no use to me anymore.” Yoongi chuckled darkly, moving to the exit. “I hope you never see the sunlight again.” 
The door slammed shut. 
I forgot to put this in before I posted, but I’m writing through my iphone hotspot and It’s so slow. - Marria
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simplybakugou · 5 years
lemme get uhhhhh literally anything fucking villain bakugou please; it can be smutty, fluffy, depressing, I don't even care just give me some villain bakugou juice p l e a s e
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⋆ PAIRING: villain!bakugou x female!reader ⋆ WARNINGS/TAGS: swearing ⋆ WORD COUNT: 2355
A/N: This is for you, my villain!bakugou loving boo. :) Also I decided to make this a song fic because I can’t think of any content on my own lol. It’s a Korean song by BLACKPINK called Kill This Love and here’s the link to the song. SONG (if you want the English translation to the lyrics, they’re available on the video). I wrote this in August but had a brain fart and I finally got back to it in my drafts I’m so sorry this took so long.
✐posted 01.28.2020✐
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❝After a sweet “hi”, there’s always a bitter “bye”
After every crazy high, there’s a price you have to pay
There’s no answer to this test, I’ll always fall for it yes
I’m a slave to my emotions, screw this heartless love❞
Why did it have to be him? Out of all the men out there, you had to fall for the one man that was off limits, the one that caused the most trouble. May be it’s because he was forbidden that it made you draw towards him even more.
However, had you had known what you were getting yourself into, you would have gotten as far away from the destruction he brought as fast as you could.
It started with one mission, that faithful mission that brought so much more turmoil than anything else could ever bring in your life. You pleaded to your superior to let you go, wanting to prove to her how strong you really were.
“We have to be on guard, alright, Y/N?” your superior instructed, looking around her surroundings. “Ground Zero is supposed to be here, and if we get him behind bars, imagine how much credit snd recognition we’ll get for our unit!”
With the thought of wanting more recognition, your unit moved forward through the city in the middle of the night, keeping an eye out for any villainy. You could feel your hands shaking as the anxiety kept creeping up on you. The eeriness in the air did not help the situation either.
A gust of wind sent a few strands of your hair flying and you jumped at the feeling. You tapped on one of your partners’ shoulders, “Did you feel that?”
Before he could respond, an explosion erupted right in front of your group, sending everyone flying in different directions. You groaned at the impact of your back hitting the many brick walls in the area, struggling to get on your feet.
“Well, well, what do we have here?” A crisp voice whispered to you. You flinched, gasping loudly at the sight before you. A warm hand clamped over your mouth to stop you from screaming.
“One word out of that pretty little mouth and you’re fucking dead. Understand?” Bakugou threatened. He smirked as he looked down at your quivering figure. “You’re coming with me.”
❝What should I do? I can’t stand myself being so weak
While I force myself to cover my eyes, I need to bring an end to this love
Let’s kill this love!❞
Looking back at everything, you wished you could just smack yourself for ever believing you could get in a healthy relationship with a villain. You were an aspiring hero, although one that wasn’t the best, you wanted to help people. Bakugou was the exact opposite. He didn’t mind hurting people if it meant getting what he wanted.
You had fallen so deeply in love with him that day he kidnapped you. Maybe it was Stockholm syndrome or maybe it was plain insanity.
“You can’t keep doing this Katsuki!” You had pulled him to the side in the midst of his joining in with the other villains to attack Hosu City. The only reason why he wanted to attack the city was because Midoriya had put a stop to his previous plans and the only way Bakugou knew how to get back at him was through violence.
Bakugou rolled his eyes. “I didn’t bring you here to fucking nag me all day. I want you to get used to this shit so it gets easier when we plan attacks in the future.”
“I never agreed to hurting innocent people just so you can prove a point!” You sighed as you could see Bakugou blatantly ignore you. “Do you really find enjoyment in hurting people?”
“Yes.” You sucked in a breath sharply at his bluntness. “What did you fucking expect? I’m not a hero, Y/N, I’m a villain. I don’t work for the side that wastes their lives for people they don’t even know.”
You wanted to say something, but you bit your lip to hold your tongue.
Bakugou let out a humorless chuckle. “Just look at All Might. He’s the textbook definition of wasted potential. That dumbass threw his own life on the line for some pieces of shits he doesn’t even know and now he can’t even use his quirk because of it.”
“You’re wrong, Katsuki. Heroes help those who can’t help themselves. They empathize with those in pain and want to help alleviate that pain.”
Bakugou smirked. “Then why are you with me? Why’re you on the side that hurts those ‘poor’ people?”
“Because I don’t think you have to do this! I know you’re a good person deep down and I don’t want you hurting other people!” You clasped your hands together, pleading for your cruel boyfriend to understand.
Bakugou closed the gap between the two of you, taking a few steps forward. He raised his hand, lifting your chin up to meet his eyes. “Watch. Me.”
And with a blink of an eye you watched in horror, your hands covering your mouth as the man you thought you loved, the man you believed had at least a sliver of goodness in him, attacked innocent bystanders. And the worst part? He was doing all of this to show how cruel he can truly be.
You shuddered as a thought came to mind, one that you have been contemplating but had never processed it.
Maybe… it was time to put an end to all of this.
It was time to turn Bakugou Katsuki in.
❝Feelin’ like a sinner, it’s so fire with him.
I go boo, hoo
He said “you look crazy,” thank you baby, I owe it all to you
Got me all messed up, his love is my favorite
But you plus me, sadly can be dangerous❞
The bar was more loud and raucous than most nights after a bunch of villains attack people for absolutely no reason but for pure pleasure. Your head was buried in your hands, two empty glasses in front of you as you attempted to drown your sorrows and turmoil in drunkenness as a way of sorting through your thoughts.
You knew turning Bakugou in was the only thing that could put a stop to all of this. But you couldn’t ignore how much you cared for him as a person.
“Katsuki?” You called out, walking down the stairs as you looked for your boyfriend. You heard the door close earlier, signaling that he had to be inside your house somewhere. As you entered your living room, he was sitting on your sofa, his legs propped up on the coffee table as he seemed to be in deep thought. You walked over and sat beside him. “Everything okay?”
Bakugou snapped out of his trance, his crimson eyes staring deeply into your own. “I think I’m dying.”
Your eyes widened in confusion. “What?”
Before you could question Bakugou even more, he took your hand in his and brought it to his chest. You felt his heart beating fast under your touch.
“It only happens when I’m with you,” Bakugou muttered. He looked back up at you. “What does this mean?”
You couldn’t help but break out into a wide smile. “You’re not dying, Katsuki.”
“Then what is this I feel like my heart’s gonna jump out of my fucking chest.” His brows were knit together as he was genuinely concerned.
You chuckled, wrapping your arms around his torso and placing your head against his chest. His heart continued to beat rapidly under your touch.
❝Lucky me, lucky you after all, in the end we lie
So what? So what?
If I end up forgetting you
So sorry, I’m not sorry
What should I do? I can’t stand myself being so weak
While I force myself to hide my tears, I need to bring an end to this love
Let’s kill this love!❞
Your legs started shaking rapidly as the anxiety and the severity of your actions set in. Your fingernails were already practically nubs due to you biting at them in order calm down but to no avail.
Your doorbell finally rang and you sprung up, practically jumping at the door. Gamma, one of the only true friends that you made out of the rest of the villains in Bakugou’s friend group, seemed flabbergasted by your bewildered expression.
“Are you okay? I got your text,” she asked as you closed the door behind her.
You led Gamma to your sofa, holding her hands in yours as you took a deep breath in. “You know that out of everyone here, I trust you with my life, right?”
“Yeah.” Gamma was confused.
“And I need you to promise me that whatever I tell you stays between us. You can’t tell anyone. Not even Katsuki, even if he’s your boss.”
Gamma held your hands tighter, giving you a small smile. “You’re the first friend I made here, regardless of the fact that I’ve been here far longer than you have. You’re my best friend. And I’d do anything for you.”
You smiled back hesitantly and sighed once more. “I’m going to turn Katsuki and myself in.”
Gamma’s eyes widened, parting her lips to say something before closing them. “Are you sure about this, Y/N? Like one-hundred percent sure.”
You nodded. “In the beginning I thought I could look past all the things he’s done, but I don’t think I can handle it anymore. Gamma, hundreds of people have been hurt and lost their lives just because Katsuki was bored sitting at home or wanted to teach his enemies a lesson. I’ve tried to reason with him because I’ve always believed that deep down he didn’t want to actually hurt anyone, but nothing’s working. I can’t keep living like this.”
Your eyes were filled to the brim with tears at this point. Gamma brought her thumb up and wiped away your tears, embracing you in an effort to comfort you. “I know how much you care and love Ground Zero. Even if he’s my boss, out of everyone here, you come before anything and if this is what you feel is right, then I think you should do it.”
“Thanks, Gamma.”
“Of course.” Gamma pulled away. “Did you think about how you’re going to turn yourselves in? He’s not really just going to waltz into the police station and let you do it.”
You sighed for what felt like the hundredth time. “I’m not really sure. I was initially going to go myself but that really won’t do much. Do you have any ideas?”
Gamma pursed her lips as she thought about it for a second before snapping her fingers. “Why not send a letter?”
“A letter?”
“Yeah, it’s more risky if you send anything digitally but letters are practically outdated so it would be less likely for you to get caught before executing this plan.”
You nodded, a small smiling breaking to your lips. “Thank you for everything, Gamma.”
“I’d do anything for you, Y/N.”
❝We must kill this love
Yeah, it’s sad but true
Gotta kill this love…
You looked around the secluded location, a gust of wind sending your hair back. You looked down at the response letter that was sent back to a week after you sent your own letter, confirming the location. Oddly enough it was the same location that you and your team had gone to in order to catch Bakugou only for you to be sucked into this mess. The police had written back for you to meet here to ultimately work with them to get Bakugou before turning yourself in.
You were shivering in the cold, having waited at least fifteen minutes for anyone to show up.
Before you could even think of anything else, a figure stood before you at the end of the secluded alleyway. There was only one streetlight and the person was barely visible to you and you were probably barely visible to them as well.
“Excuse me, I’m Y/N. I sent you the letter about Katsu– I mean Ground Zero,” you called out to the end of alleyway. “As I said in the letter, I want to turn the two of us in.”
The figure walked towards you, proceeding slowly until their face could be visible under the light. You gasped inwardly at the sight.
“You know, out of all the fucking people who could have betrayed me in this damn world, you were the last on that list, Y/N.” Bakugou stood under the light, his angry expression as clear as day.
“Katsuki…” You were speechless. You didn’t know what to say.
“I’ll give you a chance to explain yourself.”
You felt a bead of sweat form on your forehead and the back of your neck. Your lips quivered in fear before you could speak. “I’ve told you so many times that the way you hurt and kill innocent people hurts me to just watch. I can’t continue to be a bystander to all of this.”
Bakugou continued to proceed towards you until your back hit the wall and there was barely five inches of space in between the two of you.
“Katsuki.” You looked at him straight in the eyes. He held so much anger in his expression but you could also see how your actions hurt him. “I know you. I know that villainy isn’t what you wanted in the beginning. I know that deep down, you don’t want to hurt all those people. This is our way of making it right so please come with me.”
Bakugou sighed, raising his arms. You winced, expecting him to lash out at you. Instead you were surprised as he leaned down and wrapped his arms around you. “I love you, Y/N. More than anything in this world. You’re the only one who stood by me in everything and you’ve always wanted the best for me. Those other fuckers were and have been using me to their own advantage but you did everything in your power to make sure I was okay and my needs were met.”
You wrapped your own arms around his torso, pressing your cheek against his chest. “I’ve always wanted the best for you.”
“That’s why it hurts me to do this.”
“To do wha–”
You felt the air get knocked straight out of your chest. You looked down, nearly falling over at the sight of the dagger jabbed straight into your abdomen.
Bakugou pulled away, watching as you fell to the floor, grabbing at your stomach as the pain continue to intensify. He caressed your hair as you looked up at him in absolute horror. “But, you’re not the first person to try and do this. So many of you naive little girls think you can just change a person through your feelings and your stupid fucking emotions. I’m a villain, Y/N. There’s nothing that you can change about that.”
He got up and started to walk away. You got on your forearms, slowly trying to crawl your way towards him. He stopped walking, looking back at you once more. “I really did love you, Y/N. And I wanted you to be different. But you’ve disappointed me.”
… Before it kills you too.❞
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baby-blossoms · 5 years
Stockholm Syndrome
Pairing: Tony Stark x reader, Steve Rogers x Reader (platonic)
Word Count: 5,322 (I got really into it :) )
Summary: The reader is Tony’s fiance and got kidnapped years ago. Reader starts to think they’re falling in love with one of their kidnappers, but their heart still yearns for Tony. 
Warnings: Mentions of torture, death, and abuse. Strong language. Clearly by the title, Stockholm Syndrome. Attempted r*ape. It’s slightly dark fic, a little angst throughout it, but the end is not dark, depressing, or sad. 
      You had been trapped in a basement for two years. Two whole fucking years. Barely fed, occasionally given water, beaten frequently by a man in a mask, and interrogated even more so by another man in a mask. They wanted to know how to build an Iron Man suit, you had no idea how to in the first place, but they’d never believe that. Soon your protests of “I don’t know!” turned to screams of “Just fucking kill me already!” You had told them hundreds of times that you didn’t know how to make your fiancé’s suits, so as punishment for “lying” you were met with daily torment.
           “You know he stopped looking for you, right? No one is coming for you, Y/n, it’s just me now, I’ll always be here with you. I’ll never hurt you.”
           A deep voice purred in your ear. You stared at the floor angrily, not believing him for one second. Tony had to have looked for you, hell, he was probably still looking for you, you knew Tony would never give up on you.
           “That’s bullshit.” You spat back, “Complete bullshit. Tony loves me, I know he’s looking for me.”
           The man, Alexi, sighed heavily from behind you, he was always the one they sent in to just talk to you, he was never sent in to hurt you physically, but he always tried to talk information out of you, well he was supposed to, but he usually ended up steering away from the topic of Tony’s suits. It was clear he liked you in his own way, often trying to persuade you to just forget about Tony and turn your affection toward him. You felt his hands softly play with your hair, he was taking advantage of the fact you were tied down to a chair, you couldn’t dart away from him.
           “He doesn’t love you anymore Y/n, he found someone else. Why do you hold on to his memory so desperately when I’m right here with you? I mean, fuck, if you were taken from me, I’d never stop looking for you; but your little iron boy gave up a long time ago.”
           Your heart stopped when you finally gave in and looked at the screen Alexi had placed in front of you, Tony was laughing openly, embracing a beautiful young woman who looked at him with big doe eyes. His right hand cupped her cheek, the other wrapped around her waist, her right hand rested on his left shoulder, the other pressed against his chest. They were close. Nauseatingly close, so fucking close your heart burned with jealousy and pain.
                                              - - - - - - - - - - 
           “This is bullshit!” Tony screamed. Another dead end, he felt that he was so close to finding you he could practically hear your voice, but it was just another trick. Where the fuck was this guy keeping you?
           “Tony, maybe we should take a break, huh?”
           Steve said softly. He was geared up for a fight, tense and stone-faced, but his eyes gave him away, they gleamed with disappointment and pain. Tony retracted his helmet into his suit, quickly snapping back,
           “Take a break? You think that’s gonna help us find her, Rogers? You think just sitting around with our heads up our asses is gonna make her miraculously appear?”
           Tony’s face was contorted in anger, but his voice was quivering, pain seeping through his every word. He had worked to find you for years, but all he had to show for it was failure after failure. You had vanished without a trace, and whoever was hiding you away from him was good at it. Everything he had tried only ended in anger and disappointment. They taunted him with letters, sent from addresses that didn’t even exist, they gave him false hints and gruesome details of what they did to you that week. They referred to you as their pet, their little bunny. It hurt Tony in so many ways to know exactly what was happening to you, with absolutely no way to stop it. There were never any demands or instructions on how to stop your torment, they simply seemed to enjoy messing with his head.
           “I’m not telling you to do nothing, Tony, I’m telling you that you need to sleep, eat, take a shower maybe. What’s the use of looking for her if you can’t even think straight? Just sleep for a few hours, then we can get right back to it.”
           Tony shook his head in exasperation and paced around the bunker he was sure just a few minutes ago you were in. His mind scrambled for any sort of hint or explanation as to where you might be, but Steve was right, he was terribly sleep deprived and his stomach cramped, practically begging him to eat.
           “Fine, just a few hours. I need to find her.”
           Steve suppressed a relieved smile, heading back toward the entrance of the building.
           “I know you do, Tony. I know.” He sighed.
                                                 - - - - - - - - - -
           “No. This isn’t right. You- you photoshopped this or something, Tony has to still be looking, he’ll find me!” You cried, thrashing violently against your restraints, but you stopped when Alexi rounded the chair you were tied to and bent down slowly to your level, his lips inches from yours as he whispered.
           “You can’t count on Tony Stark anymore, bunny, but you can always count on me.” Your heart felt like it was ripping itself apart, and you genuinely feared Alexi might be right. You couldn’t count on Tony anymore, all you had was Alexi.
His lips slowly connected with yours, and you didn’t resist. You didn’t try to bite, or scream, or headbutt him, you sat still and let him kiss you, and some tormented and broken part of you found comfort in the contact.
           “He gave up on you so fast, he stopped searching after three weeks. He doesn’t deserve your love now, does he? I’m here, Y/n. I love you, Y/n.”
           Alexi said softly as he pulled away from the kiss. Tears flooded your eyes as you diverted your gaze to the floor once more, your heart aching all over again. He couldn’t have stopped looking after three weeks, you had been gone for two fucking years. You knew Tony; even if he was with another woman, he wouldn’t stop looking for you. You met Alexi’s icy blue eyes once more when he nudged your chin up.
           “He never deserved you, Y/n, but I’ve been here for you every day. I’ve been here for you for two years without break, and you know I’d never hurt you, yeah? I will always be here for you, Y/n, I deserve your love, not him.”
           He was right, he’d never hit you before, Alexi was the only one who didn’t hit you. He was the only one who gave you water, and he was the only one who gave you extra food no matter how many times you refused it or were spiteful about taking it.
           “Don’t you see, Y/n? I just want what’s best for you. I mean, if it were up to me, you would’ve been set free months ago. You’re too beautiful to be locked up in here.”
           Alexi detached your restraints from the chair slowly, and picked you up, carrying you out of the interrogation room to the one they had you sleep in. He gently set you down on the mattress they had laying on the floor in the back-left corner of the concrete room.
           “Do you want me to stay?”
           He asked, gently brushing hair out of your face. You closed your eyes, trying to hold back your tears. A broken sob escaped your lips, and they just kept coming, you felt Alexi lay down next to you and hold you gently as you sobbed. You heard him whispering comforting words to you, but you couldn’t stop the sobs. You had been holding onto hope for nothing, for two years. You had been tortured for two years, and the first time you had seen any sign of Tony in all those years, he was with another woman. You knew Tony would never give up on you, but the thought of him with another woman was too much.
           “I’m going to get you out of here Y/n. It’s going to be okay.”
                                                 - - - - - - - - - -
           It had been months. Months of Alexi comforting you every night after being tortured. He loved you, Alexi loved you, and he promised every night he would get you out. You didn’t care anymore, you just needed him, your heart still yearned for Tony, but Alexi was there for you now. All you needed was Alexi, his love and attention was like a drug to you, it was all you had to look forward to. He was all you had, and you knew you could put up with torture for the rest of your life if it meant you could see Alexi every day.
           “Tonight’s the night, bunny. We’re getting out of here, I worked everything out, there’s an apartment waiting for us on the outside, but we only have a few minutes to get out of here. When I take you out of the room, they think you’re going to get your shower, but we’re going to b-line for the door, okay? You have to be quiet on your feet, I’ll be right behind you, I promise.”
           You nodded, your eyes tearing up in excitement, you were finally getting out. Alexi was finally getting you out, and you were going to see the outside world for the first time in almost three years.
           The plan worked perfectly, you didn’t cross paths with a single person, and you and Alexi quickly slipped out the front door without a sound and climbed an impressive number of stairs. Soon you found yourself in an alleyway behind an abandoned apartment complex. You were instantly freezing, there was a beautiful layer of fresh snow on the ground, sparkling in the dim glow of distant streetlights. You stood in the alley, in awe of everything around you, as if you were a child seeing everything for the first time again.
           “We have to go now, hurry bunny.”
           Alexi whispered from behind you. You took his hand as he quickly ran with you into the streets of New York. You felt disoriented, having forgotten how loud it was on the streets, even at night. The garish headlights and blaring horns instantly gave you a headache, and you felt your chest tighten in panic at the sheer number of people around you.
           “Hey, isn’t that the girl who went missing?”
           You heard someone say as you darted past with Alexi, ducking your head, you were quickly short of breath, it had been years since you’d been allowed to move around this much, let alone run. Soon you found more and more people recognizing you, it hadn’t occurred to you that you were very much in the spotlight before your kidnapping due to Tony’s fame. Tony. Your teeth grit at the familiar pain that flooded over you at the very thought of him. What would he think when he saw you were free? Would be happy? He had some pretty girl on his hip to replace you, what would it matter to him? Shaking your head, you looked toward Alexi. Alexi. He was here with you; he would always be with you. Alexi loved you. Alexi was right, he was all you needed.
You both pushed through crowds of people now shouting questions at you or trying to get a picture or video and soon Alexi led you to an apartment building, you both only stopped running when you finally got to an elevator, Alexi having managed to lose the crowd of people before hand in hopes of them not immediately invading your privacy and following you both to the apartment.
                                                   - - - - - - - - - -
           Steve ran into the living area after hearing a rather loud shatter of what he thought to be glass. Tony had been going off the deep end the past few weeks, it was clear that he was struggling not to lose hope at this point. Steve expected the worst as he sprinted toward his friend, but only found him staring at the TV with tears streaming down his face, a coffee cup shattered to pieces at his feet.
           “What the hell, Tony?” Steve questioned, but his next few words caught in his throat when he turned to the TV and saw your face for the first time in what felt like a decade.
           “It’s Y/n…” Tony stated numbly. “It’s her, she’s- she’s so thin Steve.”
           Steve nodded; his eyes widened slightly in horror at how malnourished you looked. There were dark bags under your eyes, and you looked like you might pass out at any moment.
           “Who is that?” Tony whispered, pointing to a taller muscular man that basically dragged you behind him. Tony’s eyes narrowed in distrust, the man clearly hadn’t been tortured alongside you, he looked to be in perfect health. Tony was filled with relief, but it was soon drowned out by anger and confusion. Who the fuck was this man? Maybe he saved your life, but how did he find you when Tony had been looking for you relentlessly for years.
           “We’ll track him down and figure that out ourselves.” Steve replied shortly.
           “This was from last night,” Tony replied, “they’re interviewing her, they said it’s going live in ten minutes.”
           Steve glanced to Tony,
           “That should answer some of our questions.”
                                                 - - - - - - - - - -
           “Where have you been for the past three years, Y/n?”
           The interviewer asked, genuine curiosity burning in her eyes.
           “Locked in concrete rooms.” You replied bluntly, your eyes darting nervously to Alexi who sat beside you. He squeezed your hand, silently reassuring that he was there for you.
           “Well, how did you escape?” The interviewer asked, practically centimeters from falling off the edge of her seat. This interview was supposedly airing almost everywhere, you were one of the biggest mysteries of the decade, disappearing into thin air three years ago. Many people assumed you just didn’t want to be found, or you had died under foul play.
           “Alexi, he- he never gave up on me. He saved me.” You said, looking to him with adoration. He met your gaze, and you could tell he was uncomfortable with the cameras and hundreds of people staring at you both from the audience, but he still managed a sweet smile for you.
           “How did you happen upon Y/n, Alexi?” the woman pried. Shaking your head, you quickly replied,
           “There are some questions we are not willing to answer.”
           The interviewer, Janet, nodded her head in understanding, quickly assuring you that you didn’t need to feel pressured into answering any of the questions you might be uncomfortable with.
           “Can you give us any idea of what they would do to you in those rooms?”
She asked, trying to mask her blatant yearning for you to answer.
           “They… they hurt me- they wouldn’t stop hurting me- I… I can’t…” traumatic memories started to flood your head, and you felt your chest tighten, tears stinging your eyes. It felt like someone was gripping your lungs as hard as they could, and you found yourself struggling to breathe. Alexi quickly brought you close to him and held you, whispering comforting reassurances to you.
           “Stop the cameras. Turn off the fucking cameras! She doesn’t need this!”
Alexi snarled as you tried desperately to calm yourself down.
           “Cut to commercial!” Janet snapped, escorting you both away from the stage as quickly as possible. You sat with Alexi in a private room as he held you and helped you to calm down.
           “Do you want to finish the interview? You don’t have to if you don’t want to bunny, everyone will understand.”
           He whispered to you, but you shook your head firmly, releasing yourself from his grip and slowly heading back to the stage. Janet welcomed you both back, and addressed the audience, assuring them that the interview was continuing solely by your choice.
           “I am truly sorry for triggering any trauma, Y/n.” She said, you could see the sincerity in her eyes. Smiling gently at her, you shook your head.
           “It’s not a problem, Janet, you didn’t mean to. That’s just the reality of the situation I was in for years. It was traumatic, the only good thing that came out of it was Alexi.” You said, glancing at Alexi, there was something off in his expression for a moment, but he quickly smiled at you lovingly, and you soon forgot about it all together.
           “What did these people want from you, Y/n? Money?”
           Your throat tightened for a moment, but you took a deep breath and answered, “They wanted to know how to make an effective Iron Man suit. I don’t know what exactly they wanted it for, but they figured I would know how to make one…” Trailing off, you saw a spark in Janet’s eyes, and immediately wish you had just said they wanted money from you.
           “Well, speaking of Iron Man, have you had any contact with Tony Stark since your escape? I’m sure he…” she was quickly cut off by Alexi’s booming voice,
           “That’s enough. Y/n needs rest, she needs fresh air. This interview is over.”
Janet jumped away from his abrupt outburst, and you flinched as he grabbed your arm and pulled you from the stage.
                                                    - - - - - - - - - -
           “Who the fuck does this Alexi son of a bitch think he is?” Tony snarled, the abrupt end to the interview and every red flag beforehand had just wound his anger more and more.
           “There’s something off about Y/n, there’s something… wrong.” Steve whispered, disregarding Tony’s outburst. Tony was fueled only by outrage and jealousy at seeing the two together and so close during the interview, but Steve couldn’t get past the way Alexi looked at you, like you were some sort of pet. There was something off about Alexi, and you were clearly traumatized by whatever went on in those rooms.
           “No shit, there’s something wrong, Rogers!” Tony snapped, “I’m going to track him down and...”
           Tony was cut off by Steve abruptly.
           “No, you’re going to stay here and find out everything you can about this guy. I’ll take Bucky with me and get Y/n, you need to cool off Tony, you’re in no state to see Y/n right now.” Tony went to object, but Steve shut him up with only a look, then continuing,
           “We both know how bad it might get if you go right now. Just figure out everything you can, and I’ll bring Y/n back.”
           Tony glared, but nodded silently in agreement, if he went to get you now and inevitably encountered Alexi, there was no saying what he might do, but it sure as hell wouldn’t be good.
                                            - - - - - - - - - -
           “Alexi please, don’t squeeze so tight.”
           You whispered, your wrist starting to ache in his grip, but he only pulled you along faster. Soon you were both in the apartment as he paced in front of where you sat on the sofa.
           “Who the fuck does she think she is, anyway? You don’t need to see that piece of shit. He doesn’t care about you half as much as I do, Y/n. You know that, right?” Alexi paused when you didn’t respond, and abruptly advanced toward you, putting a hand on either side of your head, effectively trapping you where you sat.
           “Don’t you know I love you more than anyone else? You would be dead without me!” Alexi screamed, and you quickly nodded, upset that you had made him so distraught.
           “Yes, Alexi I- I’m sorry.” You responded, sinking into the sofa, the look he was giving you unnerved you to your core. “You don’t have to worry, Alexi… I’m not going anywhere; everything is going to be okay. I’m sorry…”
           The tension left Alexi’s body, and he seemed to become aware of how much he was scaring you. Quickly he backed away from where you sat, then turning away from you.
           “Just go to the fucking room or something.”
           He whispered, and you practically fell off the couch trying to get away as quickly as possible. You closed the bedroom door behind you and breathed heavily and deeply. Sure, Alexi had gotten upset sometimes, but you never felt as threatened by him as you did in that moment, he looked seconds away from hurting you… No, Alexi would never hurt you, he cared about you, and he felt just as trapped in that place as you did down there. He was just doing what was best for you, right? Yeah. He was just doing what was best.
           Taking another deep breath, you sat down on the bed, pressing your back against the wall and bringing your knees to your chest. Alexi would calm down soon and everything would be okay.
           You must’ve fallen asleep, because you woke up to Alexi inches from your face, softly stroking your hair.
           “I’m sorry for scaring you, bunny. I just love you so much, I got overwhelmed.” He whispered to you, softly kissing you for a moment.
           “It’s okay, Alexi, are you okay now?” you asked. Alexi smiled softly and whispered a confirmation that he was okay. His smile faded slightly, and he kissed you again, roughly this time. It seemed to happen within seconds; he was on top of you, one of his hands pinning both your wrists above your head.
           “Alexi, please… I’m not in the mood.”
           Alexi only squeezed your wrists tighter, and kissed you, muffling you protests for a moment.
           “Alexi, no, I don’t want to.” You demanded, a flash of anger ran across Alexi’s face, but he smiled sweetly at you after a moment, and asked calmly,
           “Don’t you care about me, Y/n?”
           You nodded slowly, tears building up and obscuring your vision.
           “Well,” Alexi continued, “people who care about each other want this, don’t they?” He didn’t wait for you to respond this time, “So you want this, don’t you then, bunny?”
You went to reply, but a loud knock on the door interrupted you. Alexi practically growled in annoyance. He sighed heavily and let your wrists free, then slowly made his way off you.
“Get the fucking door.” He snarled, then turning away from you and heading to the bathroom. Your eyes burned as all the tears you tried to hold back finally found their way down your cheeks, you could tell you disappointed him, but he was starting to scare you. Letting yourself sob for a moment, you covered your mouth, trying not to let Alexi hear you, soon there was another few loud knocks at the front door.
“The fucking door, Y/n!” Alexi yelled from the restroom. You tried to stop yourself from crying anymore, and quickly made your way to the door before they knocked again. When you opened the door, you couldn’t suppress a smile, your two favorite super soldiers were standing at the door.
           “Steve… Bucky… I’m so happy to see you, but you shouldn’t be here.” Alexi wouldn’t approve of you being around them, you knew that for a fact.
           “We’re taking you home, Y/n.” Steve said, his voice showing that it wasn’t a question. You quickly glanced back to make sure Alexi wasn’t hearing any of their nonsense.
           “Steve that’s very sweet of you, but I am home. Alexi…”
Bucky quickly cut you off, his eyes burning into yours,
           “Y/n, you don’t need his permission to do anything, you are a grown ass woman. Come with us where you’ll be safe, doll.”
           Your apprehension swiftly turned to irrational anger, you were safe with Alexi, he loved you, and at this point it was the only thing you were sure of.
           “No,” you protested, “Alexi was there for me, I’m safe with…” you trailed off for a moment, remembering what had just happed a few minutes ago. “He- he loves me. Where were you? I was stuck in that hell for three fucking years Bucky, where were you? How about you, Steve? All I had is Alexi, he’s all I need!”
           Steve’s expression softened into almost pity, which only fueled your anger.
           “We were looking for you, Y/n. We never stopped looking for you. Tony almost exhausted himself to death looking for you all these years. Just come with us and…” Steve went to touch you, and instinctively you flinched away from his touch, slamming the door against the wall when you jerked back against it.
           “Y/n?” you heard Alexi call, “What the fuck is going on? Are you okay, bunny?”
Steve’s eyes lit in fury at hearing your pet name.
           “Bunny?”  he snarled, “like the letters! It was him, that sick son of a bitch!” Bucky stopped Steve from entering the apartment.
“Steve, take Y/n home, I’ll deal with him.”
He then quickly made his way into the apartment, and you went to try to stop him, but Steve grabbed you first, barely phased as you violently fought against him, screaming for Alexi as he hauled you toward Stark Towers.
                                                  - - - - - - - - - -
           You had been sitting alone in your old room for hours, staring at everything you had left behind, paralyzed by all of the things you never thought you would see again. Tony had left everything exactly as it had been the day you were taken. Even his things looked completely untouched. It didn’t make any sense to you, nothing made sense anymore. You were stuck in another room, well not necessarily stuck, Steve had told you that you could come out whenever you were ready to listen to him, whatever that meant. If Tony was with another woman, why were all your things still there? Where were her things? What letters was Steve referring to earlier? Where was Alexi?
           Slowly you made your way out of the room, toward the living area. Steve was waiting for you on the sofa, he quickly made room for you, and gestured for you to sit down.
           “What the fuck is going on Steve?” you said, refusing to sit. Steve sighed heavily and gestured to a folder that looked filled to the brim with papers and documents.
           “This has proof of everything I’m about to tell you, so you can’t just tell me I’m lying okay?” You nodded, narrowing your eyes at him nonetheless, and he continued,
“Alexi is not a real person. His name is Greg Oreman. He’s from Florida and came to live in New York about six years ago. His obsession with you formed seemingly since the day you appeared on television for the first time with Tony. He spent what seems to be years tracking, stalking, and obsessing over you. He figured out how to get you at just the right time, so no one would even realize you were missing for hours, except Tony of course, he realized within about twenty minutes. Anyway, almost every inch of Greg’s old house was covered in pictures of you, articles about you, or love letters he wrote for you.”
           Steve paused, trying to gauge your reaction. You continued to glare at him through narrowed eyes, clearly not believing a word he was saying.
           “Greg’s family owns the apartment complex you were hidden under for years. He couldn’t have thought this stunt could have gone on for much longer, someone who knew him from when he lived in Florida called in a tip, they recognized him on the interview you two did. They told the police his real name. He comes from a very wealthy family, and they paid a hefty amount of money to cover up the insane amount of harassment, sexual assault, and restraining orders he has filed against him.”
           You shook your head angrily as Steve held up the file of papers, and made your way to him, snatching the file from his hand and slamming it open on the coffee table in front of the sofa. Your stomach dropped and you began to feel nauseous as everything Steve had said was proven true by numerous documents and police reports.
           “He didn’t love you, Y/n, he was obsessed with you. You don’t love him either, he groomed you into thinking you did. He isolated you and made you feel like he was all you had, he made himself look like the good guy so you would empathize with him. That’s not love, that’s Stockholm Syndrome.”
Your vision was blurred with tears when you finally looked back to Steve,
           “No, this doesn’t make sense, there were other men, they tortured me!”
Steve stared at you for a moment,
           “Were they ever in the room at the same time?” He asked, you shook your head slowly, “Did you ever see the other men’s faces?” again, you shook your head, a small gasp escaping your lips as you pieced together what Steve was telling you. It was him all along, he had beaten and tortured you mercilessly day after day, only to come back and make himself look like a hero to you.
           “Bunny?” you said shakily, knowing Steve would know what you meant by the word.
           “That disgusting pervert would leave letters for Tony describing what he would do to you. He always referred to you as his bunny in them. It nearly sent Tony off the rails every time, we had to start hiding them from him as soon as they showed up.”
           “Tony…” you whispered, “he never stopped looking for me, right? What about the other woman?” Steve looked at you in confusion, before responding,
           “What other woman? Who are you talking about? Tony hasn’t spent a single day without looking for you since the day you disappeared, Y/n.”  
           You shook your head in shame, sobs catching in your throat as you described what Alexi, or Greg, had shown you. Steve’s face lit up in recognition after a moment of your blubbering explanation, and after a while of typing on his phone, he brought up the picture Greg had shown you.
           “This picture? Is this the picture you’re talking about, doll?” you nodded, and Steve quickly explained, “Don’t you remember Tony was at a photoshoot when you were… taken?” you silently nodded again. “This was the photoshoot, Y/n. It’s an ad for some high-end men’s tuxedos but knowing Tony it just looks like a regular Saturday night at the time.”
           Your eyes widened in shock, and you shot up off the sofa.
           “Where is he? Where’s Tony?” you demanded. Steve smiled and gestured to the second bedroom on the floor. You didn’t hesitate to run to it but couldn’t help but stop at the sight of him. He was just as handsome as you remembered him to be. He looked exhausted and nervous, but the moment your eyes met, his filled with tears.
           “Y/n…” his voice cracked with emotion, and he stood slowly from where he was sitting on the bed, looking at you as if you might disappear into thin air again if he moved too fast. Running to him, you almost knocked him over. Holding onto him for dear life, you cried into his shirt, and he quickly returned the embrace, soon you felt him sobbing against you. Slowly you sank to the floor and just held each other. Tony broke the long silence, whispering,
           “I promised you I was going to marry you, and I was going to keep that promise no matter how long it took to find you. I’m just sorry I didn’t.”
           You laughed, kissing him softly before pulling away and staring at him for a few minutes, just taking in everything you hadn’t seen in years.
           “I never stopped looking for you, Y/n. I promise you I never did.” He whispered. Your eyes filled with tears again as you pulled him back into a short kiss.
           “I know Tony, I knew you wouldn’t.”
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whimperwoods · 5 years
29-Day Whump Challenge - Day 24
Day 24: Begging || Stockholm Syndrome
Thanks to @bluebadgerwhump for tag-commenting on my Kyle stuff, because I’d been sad that I didn’t have a way to give him a little more comfort, and then I thought about him with today’s prompt, so... yeah. Hope you like it! I promise there’s eventually comfort.
Previous Kyle installments: doesn’t want to be put down, drugged, concussion, branded (shower flashback), punished (memories),
Prompts by @yuckwhump
Challenge tag list: @inky-whump​
tw: disorientation, tw: dizziness, tw: nightmares, tw: whip, not really a trigger warning but i need to stop writing crying bc i always make myself cry
Kyle was in one of the boss’s secret former-warehouses. The long, long hallway felt like it stretched forever, but the concrete floor, glaring fluorescent lights, and corrugated metal walls like the ones the boss used to separate out smaller spaces were all familiar.
He was dizzy, everything reeling in front of him, which meant he was hurt, which meant he needed to get to the barracks before the boss saw him and decided he hadn’t learned his lesson.
He started forward, but the hallway seemed endless, going on and on even as he felt himself move forward.
There were no doors, and he decided that must be the problem. He was in the wrong part of the hallway. He needed the part with doors.
He ran a hand along the wall, hoping his fingers would tell him about a door even if his eyes missed it with all the spinning the world seemed to be doing.
His hand thudded into the wall, harder than he’d meant it to. It clanged loudly off the metal, the sound sending waves of light across his vision in a way that was, quite frankly, disconcerting.
He heard footsteps behind him and his heart dropped into his stomach.
It was the boss.
Every fiber of his being knew it was the boss.
He stumbled forward, trying to run into the swaying, swinging world in front of him, but found himself moving with Hank’s limp, slowed down and stuck.
The footsteps behind him were unhurried but relentless, and his own heartbeat was suddenly horribly, horribly loud in his ears, thumping multiple times between each heavy step of a steel-toed boot.
The faster he tried to run, the slower the limp made him. Hank’s limp. He had to find Hank. Something was wrong. Something was wrong, and Hank needed him. Hank couldn’t be here. Not with the boss. Not without his legs.
Kyle stumbled forward but he was too slow and his legs wouldn’t go faster, and he cried out as he dropped to his knees and started crawling instead, pathetic and ashamed and blessedly, blessedly swifter.
The footsteps behind him were unhurried but relentless, coming toward him at a steady pace, inevitable and terrible. He found himself crying, great gasping sobs that would only lead the boss here faster, would only get him caught. They were as unavoidable as the limp, as much a part of him, and the thought that he could only move as fast as he could crawl, now, drew another ragged sob from him.
The boss’s feet weren’t any faster, but they were closer, closer, closer, and then there were doors in the side of the corrugated metal walls, and he had to open them. He had to open them, because he had Hank’s limp, and if Hank’s limp was here, then Hank was here, and all three of them needed to get away. They needed to get away.
The first door wouldn’t open. It wouldn’t open. He tugged at it, frantically, but it didn’t budge. It was rusted shut. Maybe there was something around to break it.
The boots were closer. Louder. Still steady.
Kyle flung himself bodily at the door, hoping to force it open, and then at the thin wall beside it, hoping he could somehow wrench the door jam away from the door even without opening it.
There was a cracking noise alongside the footsteps. A whip. Cracking in the air, now. Never cracking in the air forever.
He tried to turn and look behind him, but his head was stiff, frozen, locked in place, and he couldn’t make it turn. Couldn’t make it turn.
Step. Step. Crack.
He flung himself at the door again, prying at the rusted edge with shredded fingernails when it still wouldn’t open.
Step. Crack. Step.
“No,” he whispered, “Come on. Come on!”
The door didn’t budge. The feet were almost upon him.
Crack. Step. Crack.
A huge shiver ran through his entire body, sharp as lightning, driving the breath from him,
“Hank!” he shouted, panicking, “Are you in there? Tell me which door! I can’t get this one!”
Crack. Crack. Step.
He wanted to hurry away, to crawl to the next door, but if this one was Hank - if this one was Hank and he left him -
A sob tore out of his throat. He tried to look back, to see how long he had, and his head wouldn’t turn. Wouldn’t turn. His body was half frozen, half desperate, and he couldn’t make his hands stop clawing at the door, and he couldn’t make his head turn where he wanted to look.
The sound of the whip was deafening, an inch beside his ear, a familiar, teasing threat to make him jump half out of his skin before the boss even touched him.
He collapsed to the floor, dragging bloody fingernails one last time down the rusty door and pulling them over his head when his elbows hit concrete.
“No!” he cried out, “No, please! Please!” The whip cracked over his head again, ringing in his ears, right there, right there, right there, and he couldn’t turn to look and his whole body was frozen, now, his hands locked behind his head.
But no. It wasn’t. His legs could still move. He tried to scramble forward, but his legs pushed unevenly and there was laughter, now, and footsteps and whip cracks and none of it was touching him yet, but it was right there, right there, and he gasped for breath through the fear, every sound driving the air from him so that he had to take in huge gulps of it to keep up.
“Please!” he begged, not even sure what he was asking for. “Please!” The boss never showed mercy.
Hank woke up to a sound, but he couldn’t be sure what it was at first. Then another sound followed, a gasping sob and a terrified scream.
He bolted upright. Kyle.
He was on his feet in a moment, ignoring the stiffness in his bad knee that he usually massaged out before he got up. It twinged and ached, but didn’t give out underneath him, and that was what counted.
He wasn’t sure what he expected to see when he opened the young man’s door, but he felt foolish when what he saw was - nothing. Kyle was tangled up in his sheets, pulled in on himself and shaking, but as horrible as the noises pouring from him were, there was no blood and no fire and no one was in here.
He walked to the bed, Kyle’s voice getting clearer as he got closer.
“No,” the man begged, “No, please! Please! I’ll make it up to you! I’ll do anything! Where is he? Where is he, please?”
Kyle’s legs kicked out frantically, but Hank didn’t doubt he was asleep.
“No!” the man screamed, suddenly at full volume, “No, please don’t! Please!”
There was a beat of silence as Hank reached the bedside, but then another loud scream erupted from the sleeping form on the bed. “For God’s sake, just do it! I’ll take it! Let him go!”
Hank touched Kyle’s shoulder firmly, hoping this wasn’t the wrong thing.
Kyle’s eyes burst open in the moonlight, staring wide and blank and terrified into Hank’s own, and another strangled cry tore out of Kyle’s mouth. “No! No, you have to get away! Please!”
Hank squatted down, wincing at the shift in his bad knee, but getting closer to Kyle’s eye level.
“You’re ok,” he said, “You were dreaming. Sounds like a bad one.”
Kyle’s eyes were welling with tears, shocked and glistening.
“Fuck,” he said, his whole body convulsing around the curse word.
Hank slid a hand down Kyle’s arm to take his hand, and the other man’s fingers locked around his like a vise.
“You’re ok,” Kyle said, sounding relieved.
“Yeah,” Hank answered. “You?”
Kyle felt silly. It had been a dream. Of course it had been a dream. How had he not figured out it was a dream? In real life, hallways ended and doors opened and you couldn’t have somebody else’s limp.
He was still shaking, but Hank’s hand was solid and warm in his own, real and steady.
“Yeah,” he panted, “Yeah, I - I think I am.”
“Your head?”
“Doesn’t hurt. Just-” he pulled his hand out of Hank’s to scrub at his eyes and nose, but immediately regretted the loss of contact. “I feel like my nose is stuffy. I hate crying. I’m sorry I keep doing it.”
Hank smiled, but it swam a little as new tears filled Kyle’s eyes.
“It’s alright,” Hank said, “You should cry as much as you need to. It’s just the way of it sometimes.”
Kyle’s heart wouldn’t slow back down. It was dark, but there were no footsteps, and Hank was here, and he didn’t need to be afraid, and his heart wouldn’t slow down.
“Will you stay?” he blurted, blushing immediately.
“Please, I - Please. I don’t want to be alone. My heart won’t stop -” he grabbed Hank’s hand back and pressed it to his own chest, over his heart. “It’s still too fast.”
Hank nodded. “Alright. Yeah, alright.”
Kyle didn’t expect the other man to slide into the bed beside him, putting their faces so close together that there was no way he could miss the puffy swim of tears in Kyle’s eyes, or the sniffles that were the only thing keeping his nose from running.
He didn’t mind it, either.
“Mind scooting over a little bit?” Hank asked, and Kyle scooted backward immediately, only to find Hank scooting over too, not quite so far, but not at the very edge of the bed, either.
Kyle sniffled, and Hank reached a hand up to wipe the tears from below his eyes.
All of a sudden, he was crying for real, crying like he’d been in his dream, dull and echoing and broken, and he hated the sound and he loved the feeling and he hated the feeling, and his entire body was caught up in the great racking sobs that were good-not-good and aching and real.
Hank’s arms wrapped around him, pulling him close, and Kyle wriggled downward on the bed and buried his face under Hank��s chin, letting himself sob. It felt good. Cleansing. His nose and throat and eyes burned and ran, and his chest ached deep and his lungs crackled with pain in sudden child’s-sparkler flashes, and something that had lived inside him for too long was coming out, purging itself, flooding away into the darkness and leaving him behind, new and clean and unpoisoned by it.
He thought for a moment he might gag, but the smell of Hank, faint soap and faint sweat and a hint of something familiar he’d never been able to identify, settled him and he didn’t. He curled his fingers into the front of Hank’s shirt and held tight to it.
“There you go,” Hank whispered, “There you go, let it out. There you go.”
He felt like a child. Like an infant. Like all there was left to him was crying, like the only thing he had left in him to tell the world was that he hurt and he didn’t know why, but Hank’s arms were warm and comforting and the only part of him that hurt was the crying, and that didn’t make sense, either.
Whatever it was that was in him, whatever it was that made him this way, whatever it was that had broken loose here in the dark was almost gone, and he was almost free, and he could feel the end of the deluge in front of him, could feel the moment coming when the demon was exorcised and the tears could stop, and he just had to get there.
Hank’s hand moved slowly up and down his back, and he focused on it, his breathing gradually steadying until he reached the end of whatever this was and found himself suddenly breathing, whole and complete and himself and utterly, utterly exhausted.
Hank’s arms squeezed him tighter for a moment, but when they relaxed, they stayed around him.
Kyle breathed in and breathed out and was himself.
“Don’t leave,” he whispered, barely over a breath.
“It’s alright,” Hank answered, and it wasn’t an I won’t, and it was the only answer Kyle needed.
It took him longer to fall asleep than he’d expected with gravity pulling, heavy, on every limb and his head and chest swollen with crying. For a time, he hovered between sleep and waking, as utterly paralyzed as he’d been in the dream, but warm this time, and safe, and cuddled up against Hank, and as the moment stretched between waking and sleeping, his breath came easy and his cotton-stuffed head was at peace.
His eyes closed and he was gone, his hands still resting loosely against Hank’s soft t-shirt, their legs tangled together and Hank’s arms wrapped around him.
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canumoveurseatup-no · 6 years
Save Me (Myself pt.5)
Summary: Will Stephen save you in enough time before Steve takes you somewhere completely off the grid? Before Steve’s mind gets the best of him and he goes over he edge?
Pairings: Stephen Strange x Black!Reader; Ex!Yandere!Steve x Black!Reader
WC: 6k
Warnings: OOC Steve, kidnapping, yandere behavior, real angst, slight Stockholm syndrome, small mention of blood. Honestly just... if you consider yourself sensitive don’t read it.
A/N: yandere definition: a person who is romantically obsessed with someone to the point of using violent means to get them in their arms.
A/N pt.2: thank you all for remaining active and still being interested in this story! Last part was a cliffhanger and this part is quite angsty and dark so beware. Please comment rand eblog
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“It’s okay. We’re going home,”
You wake up with a gasp as your eyes fly open and you look at your surroundings. Your neck was throbbing and your throat burned while you tried to take in as much air as you could. You were gasping and tried to reach for your throat when you realized you were bound to a chair with cuffs. You started to panic and scream as you jiggled your wrists but to no avail, it obviously didn’t work.
It was dark and cold where you were. There was one light in the room and it hung from the ceiling in the middle of the room.
“So glad you’re awake, baby,” Steve stepped into the light and the way it hit his face made him look evil, “You were out for quite some time. Came to the conclusion I choked you a little too hard but it worked. You’re home,” he smiled
You looked around and realized this wasn’t your old home, not even close.
“Steve, please. Stop this! Let me go, please, please let me go,” your voice was hoarse and cracking as you cried. You had screamed it raw just that quick and Steve choking you didn’t help the equation, “I had every right to leave! Y-you were so toxic a-and scary. I’m not going to apologize for leaving for my sake! Hell, Steve you wanted me gone with how you were acting. I’m not sorry, you should be the one sorry!!!,” your voice was going in and out, you tried to get out of the chair again but it’s not like you have any powers.
“I’m not looking for forgiveness, Y/N. I could care less about what you think I should apologize for. I love you, okay? I made a mistake, okay? I love you so much and I know you love me,” he knelt down in front of you and rubbed a thumb over your cheek before you jerked your face away.
“Steve, let me go!!,” you screamed in his face but all he did was grab yours in a tight grip.
“I’m sure they’ve started looking for us. So either you cooperate or I knock you out again before we move again,” he growled.
You felt your heart drop in your stomach. Move again? Where else did he plan on taking you?
“They’re gonna find me. And you’re going to regret taking me,” your tears fell against his hand, he squeezed harder making the tears fall faster.
“They can if they want. But I’ll take care of it if it comes down to that. Why can’t you see it’s us?! It’s always been us! You can fake what you feel for that other guy but it will always be me!,”
“No no no! NO! NOOO!,” you shouted, trying to move away from his grip.
“If you can’t see that you’re for me and I’m for you. That I love you more than anyone ever could! That what you have with him is just for fucking show. That no one and I mean no one, Y/N, loves you like me-,”
“This isn’t love! You need help, you need fucking help!,” you sobbed, choking on air
“If you can’t see that this, in fact, is love. Then I’ll have no choice but to take certain measures to where no one can have you,”
Stephen burst through the doors of the diner, police everywhere and your co-workers being questioned by the officers on the scene.
“Sir, you can’t be in here,” an officer comes up trying to push Stephen out the doors
“My girlfriend is the one missing! I have every right to be in here!,” Stephen yelled.
“I understand that but we are working on it,”
“Phillips, it’s fine. We’re gonna go ahead and question him as well,” Tony came up with another man, “Stephen, let’s go,” Tony waved.
He followed after Tony and the other guy over to the counter where your stuff sat perfectly still. He felt tears rush to his eyes as he saw specs of blood on the floor by the door to the kitchen. He knew immediately it was yours, you must have tried to get away.
“Good evening, Mr. Strange I’m detective Bailey. I just have some questions for you. Where were you this evening between the times of 10pm and 11:30pm?,” the detective pulled out his notepad and got ready to write but Stephen just rolled his eyes.
“You can’t be serious?,” he scoffed and looked at Tony who just put his hands up, “I just got here!,”
“We understand that but the security cameras within the diner were shut down. So we just have to ask these questions to eliminate suspects,” The officer assured Stephen.
He sighed and folded his arms, “I was at my place setting stuff up for Y/N to help her relax after she got off. She’s been working extra hard lately so I figured I’d treat her. I can confirm I was home as my friend Wong was there and the security feed that I have within my home runs 24/7. I’ll give you complete access, there’s a time and date stamp,”
The officer nods his head and jots down the information on the notepad.
“Does Ms. Y/L/N have a past of getting in trouble? Whether it be in general or with the law?,”
“What?!,” Stephen exclaims, “What? What? No! Y/N literally stayed to herself. She was either here working her ass off or home with me and when she was off she’d spend time with her co-worker and friend Melanie. She’s never the type to be in trouble. You can literally run her name in the system and see her record is crystal clear,” Stephen eyes Tony again annoyed and Tony just gave him a nod, encouraging him to keep his cool.
“Do you know if she has any problems with anyone? Or vice versa?,”
“Captain Steve Rogers,” Stephen didn’t miss a beat, “They dated months back. Then a month ago we went to one of Tony’s parties and he was there. He harassed Y/N out on the balcony and caused her to get extremely upset. He told her he’d never stop trying to get her back. That’s the only person I know that could do this only because I know of his obsessive and possessive personality over her,”
Tony groaned as he realized the trouble this would cause. There’s no way he’d be able to keep this from the media. Y/N was missing and Steve was now a suspect.
“Mr. Stark, when was the last time you’ve seen Mr. Rogers?,”
“Two weeks ago maybe?,” Tony shook his head, he knew he couldn’t lie to the police.
“We’ll be putting out an APB on him. We’ll try to find Y/N as fast as we can,”
“Let me go!,” You we’re fuming, “I fucking hate you. I hate you. I HATE YOU!!!,”
“Shut up!,” he slammed his hands on a metal table and that caused you to flinch, “You have always been so ungrateful and delusional. Never seeing the bigger picture! I have put my all into loving you and taking care of you and then I take you out of that fake situation with that... that what the fuck ever he is!,”
“He’s my boyfriend, Steve! Get that through your fucking head. I loved you once but you treated me so bad I fell out of it. I could never love you again,”
He popped you hard in your mouth which caused your teeth to puncture your lip, blood immediately running down your lip but you had so much adrenaline running through you that you couldn’t feel the pain of it just yet.
“Watch your fucking mouth. You keep lying to yourself saying you could never love me again but we both know that’s a lie! Remember our wedding plans?,”
He marched away from you and came back with a book. Your scrapbook of all the ideas you had and some thing that were definite yeses.
“See? Your dress,” he points to a cut out and you felt tears run down your cheeks as you remember sitting at the table with him and doing all of this, “You said you didn’t want the traditional white dress because nothing about us was traditional. You wanted this beautiful black dress because it made a statement about who we are. We stood out, we were different,”
“Stop,” your face contorted while your vision blurred. You suppressed those memories for a reason and bringing them back to life brought the worst pain.
“The flowers! You wanted red lilies. You fucking love those,” his tone was rushed as he talked to you excitedly about all of this. It was like the old Steve was back for a second. He fucking loved making this scrapbook with you, he was so ecstatic, just as he is now. It was like old Steve was here and you felt your resolve start to crumble a bit.
“Steve, stop please,” you begged
“The cake! Babe, remember the cake? You wanted red velvet because you hated chocolate and we had a whole argument because I told you red velvet cake was really chocolate cake just dyed red,”
You chuckled at the memory and it made your chest hurt. You weren’t supposed to be recalling these memories. He smiled at you and looked at you hopefully.
“For the cake topper you wanted corgis dressed as the bride and groom bec-”
“-Because corgis are my favorite,” you couldn’t control the sob that left your body.
“That’s right. And I bought you a corgi for your birthday. You said he was our baby until we actually had a baby. But he got sick and you wanted to honor him by putting him on our cake and giving him a bride,”
“Steve, please stop, please,” you shook your head furiously. You didn’t want to remember. It all hurt too much to recall a time in your life when you were completely lovesick for someone who ended up being a stranger in your life.
“You missed Caesar so much and you wanted him to be the ring bearer,” he had water in his eyes as he smiled. Somewhere in his twisted body and mind he did love you, “I kissed you so softly while we planned this and you did that cute little laugh and shied away from me. I can’t see you blushing but I could always tell when your face heated up in embarrassment or shyness or if I did something you loved because you’d bite the right corner of your lip and bow your head. I always teased you about it because you were so fucking cute,”
You yanked your hands against the cuffs to try and cover your ears which clearly didn’t work. You wanted him to shut up! You couldn’t bear this anymore.
“That was the first thing you did when I came into the diner and ordered a coffee, black and a vanilla sprinkled donut,” he chuckled and you tried to hard not to smile at the memory but you had playfully scolded him back then, telling him it was too early to be eating something so packed with sugar and he told you that you satiated his sweet tooth before he even took a bite, that cheesy ass pick up line won you over, “Then the diner closed and switched locations after everything and no one would tell me where you were. I gave you time and I was so heartbroken. I read your note and realized I should have treated you better because I love you so much Y/N,” his head fell in your lap as you could hear his cries.
“Steve, I am begging you to stop. Please please, I can’t take it anymore!,” you were huffing and panting for air, crying took a lot out of you as you were surprised you still had tears left to cry anyway.
“I never forgot that night you were sick and you wouldn’t let me hold you because you thought I could get sick. How I later held you in the tub with my clothes on because you were burning up and wanted a cold bath. You wouldn’t let me take you to the hospital to save your life,”
“Stevie, I’m really hot, I don’t feel so good,” you whined, you were in and out of sleep, pretty much passing out.
“Wanna go to the hospital?,” he asked.
“No! No please you know I hate them,” you panicked
“Baby, I don’t know what else to tell you. We just might have to go. I know you’re scared but I need you to feel better because it’s unsafe to have a high fever for long. I just want you to be okay,” he kissed your sweating forehead.
“Just let me take a cold bath and I’ll show you I’m okay,”
Steve clenched his jaw in worry and nodded. He didn’t want to go back and forth because that would only rile you up and make your temperature go up. So he ran to the bathroom and turned the faucet on, putting the water on its coldest setting before putting the water stopper in. He came back into the bedroom and lifted you up, you immediately clung to him because he was so cool compared to you.
When you two got back to the bathroom he kicked his socks off and helped you strip.
“I’m gonna ease you in so your body doesn’t go into shock okay?,” he checks on you before stepping in and slow sitting down with you in his lap. You gave him a small hum and a wrapped your arms tighter around his neck.
You sighed as the cold water felt amazing over your skin, you relaxed against Steve’s chest as you two sat there for a good thirty minutes.
“Caesar has a grooming appointment tomorrow, I was gonna take him but I’m sick and I know you have stuff to do-,”
“It’s fine, I’ll take him, baby don’t worry,” Steve kisses your forehead and noticed your temperature was back to normal, “Your temp is back down,”
“I told you we wouldn’t have to go to a hospital,” your voice had a hint of teasing.
“I know, I know. I just want my baby to feel better is all,” he held you tight and rocked you back and forth.
“I have you to take care of me, Stevie. Of course I’m gonna feel better,”
Your nose was running, throat was clenching, face was wet with non stop tears and you were in so much pain. Your head hurt, your chest hurt. All of this was just pain.
“I love you so much, Y/N. I just got so scared of losing you that I actually did. I go the therapy to get better for you but it’s a constant battle. I’m not perfect, that’s all I wanted to be for you. I tried to give you everything and love you in every way but sometimes you made me feel like it wasn’t enough,”
You always appreciated what he’d do for you, maybe it was because you were clingy and always wanted to be with him and you knew he couldn’t which would result in an argument... maybe it was partially your fault. You should have been appreciative of the time you two had. Like really, he was Captain America, he had other things to worry about, people to save... a world to save. But you were just selfish and wanted him home to be with you and cuddle rather than going out with the guys or spending a night with the team which involved beautiful females. So you were insecure and selfish. Not a good mix.
“I’m sorry, Steve. Oh God, I’m so sorry,” your head fell as you silently cried. He lifted his head up and looked up as you. A small smirk on his face that you couldn’t see. He reached his hand up to your chin o make your eyes meet his.
“I forgive you, baby. We can start over. I love you so much and you’re starting to see it wasn’t just me, right?,”
You solemnly nod your head and looked him in his eyes. Those blue eyes you fell so deep in love with. You hated to see them coated in tears because of you.
“Good,” he leaned forward to kiss your lips which you didn’t fight.
He had you right where he wanted you.
Stephen has gotten the address to Melanie’s house and was banging on her door at 2 a.m.
“Hold your horses! Who the hell is it?,” he heard a female voice on the otherside of the door.
“Stephen! Y/N’s boyfriend. She’s gone missing!,” he was frantic and the door flew open.
“What the hell do you mean she’s gone missing?!,” Melanie wipes the sleep from her eyes as she shouts.
“Mommy what’s going on?,” a little boy stood behind Melanie with what Stephen assumes to be his sister. They had to be twins.
Melanie looked over her shoulder and sighs, “Nothing sweetie, go check on mama and tell her something happened at the diner,”
The two kids run off to their other mother and Melanie turns back to Stephen.
“I-I think Steve took her. I was on my way to go get her when I got a call from Pepper saying Hank and Finn were out back knocked out and that Y/N’s stuff was stil there but she was missing and then I get there and I see blood on the floor and all the security footage is wiped out,” Stephen’s breathing picked up and Melanie grabbed his arm to pull him inside and leading him to the kitchen. She set a kettle of water on the stove and waited for it to heat up.
“Cops are now involved right? Did you happen to run into a detective Bailey?,” she asks. She tried to keep her cool but Stephen could tell she was worried.
“Y-yeah the name was mentioned,”
“He’ll find her. He’s a hard working man and I’m not saying that just because he’s my father. He has a great track record for find missing persons. I knew something was up when he called, but he didn’t leave a voicemail,”
“He has her Mel, I know he does,” Stephen ran a hand through his hair and he felt tears well in his eyes. He’s a strong man, he never really had much to cry over, but you were more than important to him. Melanie saw how worked up he was and she felt kind of bad now for giving you and him a hard time about your feelings for each other. She saw how he really cared for you.
“We’re gonna get her back, Stephen. We’re gonna bring her home safe and lock that lunatic away somewhere and melt the damn key,” the kettle started to whistle and she put two tea bags in two mugs and poured the water, “Earl Grey okay?,”
He barely nodded but she saw and added a few scoops of sugar and a splash of milk and stirred them up before handing him one. Stephen saw a tall woman come down the steps and enter the kitchen. Her hair was tied down in a silk wrap and she tiredly rubbed her eyes. Her long, dark legs glowed in the light of the kitchen.
“Stephen, this is my wife Loraine. Lori this is Y/N’s boyfriend, Stephen,” Melanie introduced the two.
Stephen waves, “I’m so sorry for coming here abruptly I just figured Mel should know what’s happening as soon as possible,”
Lori shook her head, “No, honestly, it’s fine. I’m glad you came, Y/N is a friend of ours, she was Mel’s maid of honor and she’d babysit the kids when we’d ask. She’s like family so thank you,”
Stephen sighed as Mel and Lori sat down with Stephen and they tried their best to comfort him, “I put the kids back to bed,” she whispered and Melanie slid her cup to Lori.
“You’ll need it more than me,”
Stephen took a few sips from his mug thinking about how he could look for Steve and you. Sure he was a master of the mystic arts but it would take more than that to find you, trust him, he already tried but any trace of you and Steve could not be found. He thought through everything and tried to find something that could help him. All that was left at the scene was your phone, purse, jacket and some blood on the ground.
“The blood,” he stood up so quick the chair got knocked down behind him.
“What?,” the two women ask him.
“There was some of her blood at the scene, I-I can use it to find her!,” he throws his jacket back on and thanks them for welcoming him into their house at such a time like this.
“Stephen, I don’t think it will be good to interfere with the investigation,” Mel warns.
Melanie was just as worried as Stephen but she didn’t like the idea of the investigation being meddled with.
“Don’t worry,” he gave a small hopeful smile, “I got this,”
Steve was playing your dream wedding playlist and you had stopped crying long ago. You told him your head was throbbing so he tended to your head and made sure you were patched up. He sang to you as he did so and you were so sleepy from crying.
“Steve, I’m tired,” the sun started to rise and you hadn’t slept a wink. You felt him uncuff you and bring you to the bed in the corner before cuffing one hand to a metal bar in the headboard, “You don’t have to cuff me,” you sounded horrible. You were congested and you were losing your voice.
“Can’t be too sure. Even if you tried to run away, you’d get lost trying to be found,” he caressed your cheek and pulled you closer to him. You sighed and hiccuped as you laid your head on his chest. You didn’t want to find comfort in him. But you didn’t want to upset him.
He hummed to you and ran his hand up and down your back, “I’m so sorry for everything, Steve,”
He did it again. Reeling you in with his ropes of manipulation and brought you down to your knees with guilt tripping. You should be used to his tricks but this time had seemed so true because he added the tears and the memories.
Maybe he really was sorry? Maybe he really did love you? A part of you felt a spark ignite that you thought was long gone but the way he held you and hummed songs to you had reminded you of your favorite nights with him. The nights where you’d get wine drunk and he’d slow dance with you in the living room. Lights were dim and you were still in your work attire, he would look down at you and smile, to talk to you about how your day went. He would kiss your forehead, nose then your lips and laugh at you as you drunkenly stumbled over your own feet.
“Even when you’re exhausted, you’re still beautiful,” he whispered to you as if there was a room full of people.
“Oh stop,” you slurred, “you’re beautiful, Golden Boy,” you kissed his chin, just having missed his lips.
“I’ll never stop telling you that you’re beautiful. Your smile, that snort you make when you laugh, the way you tiredly cling to me in the middle of the night when you feel me move even the slightest inch away. The way you push my face away in the morning when I try to kiss you but you tell me no because we both have morning breath despite the fact we brushed our teeth every night. I could keep going,”
“God, I love you, Steve Rogers. How’d a girl like me happen to get Captain America to love her unconditionally?,”
“How’d a guy like me happen to get such a smart, driven women to love him unconditionally?,” he retorted. You snorted at his rebuttal and wrapped your arms around his neck as he tightened his grip on your waist, “I can’t wait to marry you one day,”
You bit the right corner of your lip and bowed your head as you felt your face heat up. Marriage was so special to you. Walking down the aisle to him was a dream come true for you. You never thought you’d get a good catch like him.
“When the time is right, I won’t miss that chance to ask you to make me the happiest man in the world by letting me give you my last name,”
You were tipsy as your gazed over eyes shined back at him and you tried to hide the big smile on your face, “Y/N Rogers has a nice ring to it doesn’t it?”
“You hurt me, Steve,” you mumbled against his chest.
“We hurt each other, Y/N. But this is our chance to fix it,”
This wasn’t right. It didn’t feel right. No... you couldn’t fix this? Y-you had someone waiting for you back at home right? Stephen is looking for you right now, right?
O-of course he is. He loves me. You tell yourself
“No one, and I mean no one, Y/N, loves you like I do,” Steve’s voice echoed in your head like a bad headache.
You were having an argument with Steve’s echoing words in your own head it was causing you to silently cry again. N-no Stephen loves me. He’ll find me, he loves me!
“No one will love you like me. Don’t fool yourself. Our love is different and special. You can’t get rid of it. It’s raw, gritty and gorgeous. This is love,”
“We can’t tamper with the evidence, Stephen!,” Tony scolded as he went under the tape and followed Stephen into the diner.
“Tony, this is the fastest way we find her and get her safe!,” Stephen stopped in his tracks to turn around and face Tony. His jaw was clenched and he was trying to keep his breathing steady by breathing in slowly through his nose, “I need to get her back and away from him. I need him to pay for doing this to her! God only knows what’s happening while we waste time with you scolding me like a child!,” Stephen’s voice boomed and Tony put his hands up, he knew Stephen had a point. He’d be doing all the same shit if this was Pepper they were talking about.
“A-all right, all right. Let’s go. Lead the way,”
Stephen went behind the counter and to the door to the kitchen.
“See, blood,” he pointed.
“How do you know it’s Y/N’s?,”
“Because you can see haphazard skid marks from her skates right where you’re standing. She’s Y/H, that’s about the same distance of the blood to the marks. She was on her back. She either fell trying to get away or her slammed her head on the ground to incapacitate her,”
He should’ve been the damn detective to take this case. He picked up stuff the people working the case didn’t.
“The blood is from her head?,” Tony’s eyes widen.
Stephen bends down and sees a shiny spit that surrounds the specs of blood, “Yeah. Look, you can see her hair oil in the print of her curl pattern,”
Tony took a vial with a cotton swab out of his pocket and handed it to Stephen. He took the cotton swab and sprayed a little bit of water on it to better pick up the dried blood. Once the cotton swab was coated to Stephen’s liking, he put it back in the vial.
“I can use this to track her. I’ve never had to do this but this has to work i-it has to,”
“She’s in upstate New York,” he pointed to the map that was laid out.
“How do you know?,” Tony came up to look at the map and looked at how an area on the map was dark red like blood.
“Cotton swab,” he pointed. The cotton swab pointed to the location and drew a circle in your blood.
“We gotta go,” Stephen grabbed his cape and began rushing out the door.
“Without reinforcements?,”
“We are the reinforcements, Tony! Let’s go. This thing only works once and I need to get to her while I can! Who knows how long he’s gonna stay there!,”
Stephen back tracked and grabbed the map and Tony followed him out the door.
Stephen was gonna find you if it was the last thing he did.
You woke up to Steve fumbling and taking bags in and out of the bunker.
“What are you doing?,”
“We... are leaving,” he grunted. He uncuffed you and out took you outside to the truck before handcuffing you to the roof handle.
“Where we going?,” You looked around frightened. His behavior was scared you. He was rushing and frantic, cursing under his breath.
“Somewhere safer,” he got in and started the engine. The warm sun beat down on your skin and your breath hitched when he took suspicious back roads, “When we get to a gas station I want you to call Stephen and let him know you’re done. What you have going on with him is over,”
His words warped you back into reality. You couldn’t do that! Y-you cared about Stephen, he would be so heartbroken. You couldn’t hurt him.
“Steve, I-I can’t do that. Don’t make me do that, he loves me-,
Steve slammed on the brakes which made you jerk forward and the metal cuffs dig into your raw wrists. You shouted in pain and the tears came back.
“How many times do I have to tell you?! He. Doesn’t. Fucking. Love. You!!,” With each word he slammed his fists on the steering wheel. His face turned red all over his face and under the beard and you tried to shy away from him, “He can say it all he wants but dammit Y/N! No one loves you except for me!,”
You couldn’t look at him anymore, used your hanging arms to shield yourself.
“Now,” he starts driving again, “When I get to that gas station, you’re gonna call him and tell him what I told you to say. Tell him to stop fucking looking,” he growled at you.
You had to think of something fast before you got to the gas station. Something that Stephen or the cops would be able to pick up on.
“No,” Stephen gasped as he burst out of the car and ran to the open door of the barn, “No no no no no!,” he took the stairs down to the bunker and found it empty.
“Fuck!,” he flung the chair across the room and was having a hard time breathing.
“They’re gone?!,” Tony’s worries tone rang through the stale air.
“I should have fucking known he would leave!,” Stephen was seething, he literally had your location, you were right in his reach and you slipped away, “Is there any place you set him up with? Like a safe house?,” Stephen asked Tony.
“N-no he said he wouldn’t need one. I didn’t even know he fucking had this!,” this entire situation was stressing Tony out. He was caught in a battle between his two friends.
Stephen ran outside and looked for anything to indicate where you guys went but there was nothing. Not even treadmarks from tires.
“We gotta go to the police station and let them know we found this place. If we give them this they can take it further and be closer to finding her,”
Stephen wanted to find you now. He didn’t want to wait for anyone else to find you, you were his girlfriend so it was his duty. But he got in the car with Tony anyway to head back to the station.
“Go ahead,” Steve put change in the payphone waited for you to dial Stephen’s number.
You waited as the phone rang and you wanted to scream for help as the people at the gas station walked by and didn’t pay attention to you.
Stephen and Tony sat at the police station and while talking with detective Bailey when Stephen’s phone rang. He didn’t notice the number but he realized it was a landline rather than a cell number.
“Stephen Strange, may I ask who’s calling?,”
He heard labored breathing on the other side before you spoke, “Stephen,”
His surprised tone caused the detective to rush into action. He left and came back with a recorder.
“Put her on speaker,” he mouthed
Stephen did as fold and he was so excited to hear your voice.
“Y/N, sweetheart, where are you? Please tell me where you are?,”
“S-Stephen... you can’t h-help... there’s no m-me and you anymore. Stop looking for S-Steve. He wouldn’t h-hurt m-me. H-he.. I wish I h-had time t’explain e-everything. T-to d-do more and apologize w-with all my heart. M-me and Steve are g-going away, off the grid. I’m not m-missing. So just p-please don’t t-try t-to f-find m-me,” your voice cracked and you prayed he could understand what you were trying to say.
Steve was smiling and rubbing your face as you sniffled and cried.
“Y-Y/N no no, baby don’t say that, don’t say that!,”
The line went dead as Stephen shouted for you to not hand up. The slammed the phone on the table and began pacing.
“He’s forcing her to say that I know he is!,” he grunted.
“We’re gonna give this recording to my team and see if there’s any indication to where she could be or if there’s a message she left for us,”
Stephen nodded and sat back down, his head dropping in his hands. Tony hated to see him go through this.
“They’re gonna find her, Stephen. Like Bailey said they’re gonna see if she left a message. She’s smart, she probably did. We’re gonna find her,”
“I’m proud of you,” Steve kissed your temple and led you back to the truck and drove out of sight before cuffing you back to the roof handle.
“I love you so much, don’t forget that,”
“We can never work, Steve. Yeah you love me and I still feel for you but we could never work again because it’s just not healthy! You need help!,”
“You’re just as bad as I am, sweetheart,” you looked at you and the look in his eyes had you making a quick self-evaluation. Yeah maybe he is right, with your own insecurities and problems, it could have been a factor... but that didn’t give him an excuse to treat you the way he did.
“We won’t be happy,” You said through clenched teeth
“Yes we will. You’ll see!,” he’s got that look in his eyes, smile so sinister it was like a nightmare.
“Steve, let me go, please. I-I won’t tell anyone you took me just please let me go. G-get help, y-you’ll see I’m not the one. There’s someone else out there for you when you get better!,”
He huffs in frustration and wipes a hand over his face as he sped up to get out of the public eye faster, “Why don’t you understand? You’re the only one for me and I’m the only one for you! You need me!,”
“What I need is to be let go!,” you screamed, your throat hurt like hell but you wanted him to just fucking listen, “Steve please you need help, you need to get over me,”
“I don’t need help. I’ll never get over you and I’m never letting you go,”
You hate that you’re cuffed. You can’t do shit. You started crying again and Steve rested his hand on your knee and you scooted far away as possible but he tightened the grip on your leg and pull you back.
“Don’t cry, Y/N. I love you, I love you,”
You prayed Stephen understood what you said and quick. You weren’t sure how much time you had left.
Can you guess the message?! DM ME IF YOU THINK YOU GOT IT!🤗 
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Tags- @blackreaders-assemble @mbaku-babygirl @misstoryunfolded @succulentsareprettycool @vozit @crawlingnightmares @whothehellisbinky @just4muggles @blueoz @queen-of-the-jabari @babybubastis @chaddaddybose @definethatpotato @princess76179 @catzspaceships @cliffordasparagus @majessticfandomcollection @yournonlocalpoc @spideys-wife @mokacoconut @iamzion-therealhabesha @curlyhairclub @warmchick @plussizedwriter @huh-i-guess @here-for-your-bullshit @valentinevirgo @joyofbebbanburg @boujeequesadilla @disaster-rose
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tarithenurse · 5 years
On my mind, in my soul - 14
Prompt:  Prompts are by Devilbat: “Lose you tonight” by HIM, Istanbul (cause I’m difficult), a fork. However, the originally suggested song had the ability to really get me down, so they suggested “Burning Desire” by Lana Del Rey. Pairing: Loki x Burglar!reader. Content: Swearing as usual (I think), so much lemon you won’t see clear for a day. Oh and a bit of feels. A/N: Alright, so I’ve updated twice within a short time. That doesn’t mean we’re back to the old routine, just that I’m procrastinating from thesis to avoid screaming at my project partner. Please! I need some kind words of encouragement, so comment and reblog if you like the chapter! And let me know if you want a tag.
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Touch down
Tears are streaming from your eyes and your knees are weak, threatening to buckle under you. The cacophonic lightshow known as Bifrost has disappeared and all that’s left of it is a smouldering pattern on the ground around you and Loki.
Turning in the arm he’s wound around your waist you finally have a chance to look properly at him since the morning days ago. He looks healthier. Maybe. It’s kind of hard to tell because he’s so pale from nature (or whatever it is that makes him look human) and of course he’s still pale. But there are no dark bags under his eyes, and his lips are soft and pink, begging you to kiss them.
All too son, he pulls away. “[Y/N]. I should not indulge you but chastise you.” Still he pecks a series of tiny kisses onto your face.
“You’d rather be stuck alone in a cell?” The words are mumbled, half swallowed by your quest to find his mouth again.
A chuckle and sharp bite to your bottom lip is the price you get. “It was risky.”
“I’d already lost everything.”
Turquoise eyes find yours, boring into your soul while managing to retain their own secrets. Almost. A shimmer collects and dances before spilling onto the perfect cheekbone. Loki allows you to kiss it away, but as soon as the salt has touched your lips, the god embraces you tighter than ever before. You can feel his chest heave. Feel the tremble of his shoulders underneath your palms that seek to cradle him in return.
“But…you would have…lived!” Hoarse. Broken. Each word contains more pain and desperation than you thought this controlled man could show. “Ris-sking your lif–“
“Shut up!” Surprisingly, he does as you tell him, backs strained to see each others’ faces. “What good would a life be if it’s spent in misery? Gods, I sound like your brother the way I talk! But you get it, right? You understand that I’d be missing a part?” The words are rushed, interrupted by soothing noises and kisses. “Maybe…maybe smarter people would call it Stockholm Syndrome…I dunno…an’ I don’t care! I just know that while I was dying, I was holding on for you. And when I woke…it was you I needed.”
“Please, don’t...”
“No, you need to understand this!” Why doesn’t he want to accept it? “My life is yours. I love you.”
It would’ve been neat to say the world stood still as you watched the words sink in, burn themselves into Loki’s heart.
But the way reality works, the only sudden event nearby is a bird chasing a cat away. Some insects are buzzing in the drying bushes on the other side of the grassy area, and at least the sun is shining hot and unforgiving, but the traffic noise in the distance continues relentlessly. And still, you wait for Loki to say something. Anything.
“[Y/N]…” he whispers, “nothing I can say will be enough…but I love you too.”
A breath you didn’t know you’d been holding escapes as a soft whine. All it takes to stifle it is to find the cool lips. Soothing in the heat. Oh, it’s warm alright, and dry too.
“Where are we?”
The place where Bifrost has dropped you seems to be a sort of park on top of a hill, but it’s so dry that most plants have either withered or are the type that might survive in an actual desert. Beyond the hilltop, a city sprawls in all directions, rising and falling with the landscape beneath the buildings towards a glittering sea and a sort of canal leading in through the very heart of the metropolis. Alright, metropolis might be taking it a bit too far for a New Yorker, but it’s obvious even for you that this is a big and probably old place.
“I know this place,” Loki smiles, “Although it has changed since my last visit.” Squinting up at him, you wait for an explanation. “Welcome to Constantinople!”
“We’ve been dumped in Istanbul?” Fuck, none of us have passports.
But Loki’s beaming, already weaving magic over the both of you to fix the appearance. “Is that what it’s called nowadays? Either way, no need to fret, my dear…I’ll take care of you.”
You ask me where I've been? I been everywhere
He hadn’t lied. Of course he hadn’t. As soon as the two of you had left the park, he somehow managed to hail a cab, and before you knew it, you’d arrived at a swanky hotel in the best part of town. It’d confused you for a moment that the concierge apparently knew Loki, but you were willing to forgive either of them when you were led into a mindboggling suite on the top floor.
Since then, you’ve showered and dressed (choosing from a selection of clothes that had been brought up to the suite) and now find yourself standing on the terrace. The rays of the descending sun have lost the bite and you revel in the breeze that carries a tang of salt and seaweed floating in the air over the low buildings or between the few wannabe skyscrapers. One of the first things you’d noticed were the minarets in the distance and you promise yourself you’ll use this opportunity to actually see some of the world.
“I find the view magnificent.” Loki’s voice drifts from the open door.
Turning, you see him dressed perfectly in his signature black-on-black suit, hair still damp from the shower. “Mmmm, I don’t mind looking this direction though.”
You return the grin even though a heat springs to your cheeks at the way he’s looking your over. Lazily. Devouring you with his icy eyes. He ought to, though, because you’ve taken special care to find a figure-hugging green dress with black and golden accents. Although the front is relatively modest with long sleeves and high neckline (ignoring the tightness, though) the back is bare, skin visible through a cut-out shaped like a kite that shows off exactly what isn’t worn underneath.
“It can’t be that long since you’ve been here since you know people,” you observe as you walk over to take his arm, allowing him to lead you away from the gorgeous lodgings, “where else can you expect a greeting like that?”
Rather than answer, Loki begins to tell you about the city and its convoluted history where diverse cultures have clashed again and again.
…   Loki’s PoV   …
There are many interesting people even in this measly realm known as Midgard. In fact, Loki might even go so far as to say that the world itself can hold a certain charm with the oddities there are to learn if scrutinizing the events of past and present. And the mortals? Naïve. For the most boring and grotesquely optimistic of their own importance. Of course, there are the Avengers which are entertaining in their own way. Nothing compares to you, my love.
[Y/N] is listening to every word, [Y/E/C] eyes glittering with fascination at the sight of the ancient city walls where long forgotten armies had held the ancient capital under siege. It’s not the first time Loki notices how eagerly the woman absorbs information. Not only history, but anything from the position of a chair, the movement of another person, or the writing on a building. Nothing escapes her attention but is evaluated silently.
Coloured lips cradle the edge of the glass before sending him a slight smirk. Loki feels his body react to the way [Y/N]’s tongue delicately licks a stray drop from the bottom lip and his soul screams in protest as she excuses herself, disappearing further back into the restaurant with a sinful swaying of the hips and the perfectly sculpted back exposed to the gaze of everyone in the place. Mine. Pride mixes with the sting of jealousy towards those that stare for too long. But he cannot truly fault them for looking.
Memories resurface of the woman’s back arching, his own hands running trailing the spine and sides until his fingers dig into the flesh of the shapely hips to pull her closer. Hard and fast. Every movement met by a thrust of his hips that makes the feminine shoulder blades before him shift under soft skin and [Y/N] cry out in ecstasy.
The clink of cutlery against porcelain shatters the illusion, brining the god back to the present where his cock is straining against the trousers and his throat has gone dry.
Your hands were on my hips, your name is on my lips Over over again, like my only prayer
…   Reader’s PoV   …
Dinner hadn’t finished before you started teasing the god. Maybe the wine had made you braver, maybe the intensity of the last many days had made you reckless. Whatever the reason, you found immense satisfaction in watching Loki’s eyes darkened with lust and fixated on you each time you swiped the tongue over your lips or when you withdrew the fork from your mouth, careful to slow the action enough that it almost became lewd. For a moment, the god’s hands had disappeared below the table and an idea popped into your head and after checking the coast was clear, you slipped off the chair and under the perfect hiding spot created by the tablecloth.
The fork was still dangling from your lips, freeing you to crawl to Loki’s knees and slide your hands up his thighs. You could feel the muscles tense as he shifted in his seat, but it’s his cock that quickly had your attention as it was freed from the confines of his pants. His balls too, just for good measure.
Muffled by the table, the god’s hiss still reached you when your tongue traced the length of his erection. Hand and tongue played across the thin skin, quickly ensuring glistening precum to be swept across the head of the cock with each motion. And you hadn’t even taken him in your mouth.
Steps approached, a waiter asking if everything was to the satisfaction, when you decided to place the cold metal of the fork on the cockhead. No reaction. A slow drag of the prongs over the delicate skin of his balls had the wished effect of a stutter in the speech. It also paralysed his movement, though…and how were you supposed to ignore such an opportunity. Taking him in fully, you felt the shaft throb against your tongue as the tip reached and passed your gag reflexes in one smooth move. A shattering of glass could be heard from somewhere above you.
You don’t know how you’ve made it all the way back to the hotel without Loki losing his composure. He’s shaking, eyes dark and there’s even a hint of red seeping into the sclera from the edges. Not a word is spoken during the elevator ride, but his palm never leaves your lower back.
The moment the door to the suite closes behind you, he spins you and press your chest up against the wood. Arms twisted behind you back and legs nudged as far apart as possible by his knee, it surprises you that no fear rears its head even now when Loki’s got you at his mercy although you can feel cold radiating from his body.
“My pet,” he growls, breathing heavy against your throat, “are you truly aware of what you have started?”
Tilting your ass slightly to rub against the bulge in his crotch, it’s impossible not to smile at his groan. “Oh…I know.”
The sound from Loki is feral and it’s a miracle he bothers using magic to rid you of your clothes before hoisting your over his shoulder. Hell-o! Golden sparkles dissolves his own clothes, granting you with a view worth all the riches you’ve ever stolen. Never in your wildest dreams (prior to meeting him, of course) had you thought you’d end up loving the colour blue as much as you do now, but it’s possibly divine on the perky ass of his that shows perfect definition with each step through the suite. Just out of reach. Wiggling doesn’t bring your any closer, it only buys you a slap that makes your own ass sting and every muscle in your nether regions clench. At least Loki soothes the sting by stroking gently. Then a cold stroke flutters along the part of the folds that are easy to reach.
Without any warning, the world tilt and spins to make sure you landing, bouncing, on the bed, but as you try to get your bearings everything gets flipped around once more and you find yourself on knees and elbows with your ass kept in the air by strong hands on your hips. Oh, is all you manage to think before you’re filled in one smooth thrust.
“Mine!” It’s a snarl, pulled from the depths of Loki’s chest.
Concentrating to formulate anything similar to a coherent sentence, you retort: “Your what?” You try to relax, hoping to acclimate yourself to the size of his cock.
“My pet,” he accentuates the nickname with a hard thrust, “my queen.”
Core clenches tightly around the ridged member, making you both groan. It’ll be a miracle if he can last much longer before blowing the load, because he’d been denied that pleasure at the restaurant partially for fear of getting caught…but mostly to torment him. Now you’re dealing with the consequences. Fuck yeah.
Perhaps there’s better sex to be had, but after seeing Loki so weak...after almost losing him…
“Ma-make me yours, my-y king!”
Your keening cry is the only argument needed for him to reach his high. His heaving chest against your back, the last few ruts of his hips are accompanied an almost painful bite on your shoulder that muffles his guttural growl.
I've got a burning desire for you, baby (I've got a burning desire)
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darkredehmption · 5 years
Minimally Invasive Interrogation
Written by @DamagedBrother and @OfFeatherNFang 
[I managed to stay awake the entire time but surprisingly the prisoner fell asleep. For a few hours I watched as he slept, wondering what that other half of him was. I didn’t get a sense of human but what else was there? After that got annoying, I found myself counting the tiles on the floor. There were five hundred and eighty two. I counted three times to make sure I was right. Then I remembered that V downloaded a few books on my phone so I read one of them. After that I went back to staring at the wall contemplating my whole life. It was a long night that was for sure. Soft snores still fill the air as I reach into my pocket to check my phone for the time. It was so close to the sun setting once again which meant that the brothers would be here shortly. Perfect. Then we could get to the bottom of this and I could rest. 
As I rose to my feet, I heard the door open. There was Vishous holding coffee in a Red Sox’s mug. I think that was the one Butch got him last year around the holidays. He sipped the warm beverage then offered me a taste. I declined and he shrugged taking in another gulp or two. We moved out into the hallway, my shoulders rolling as I stretched out a little. “How was your night?” It was funny he asked cause he was up watching it all from his four toys.]
Oh yeah it was great. [Snorts then watches the brother eye me. “Y’all were chatty in the beginning...get any information out of him?” I shrugged.] He started to freak on me so I had to control the situation. After that he ranted hardcore. Let it slip that he’s only half vampire which is making me believe the other half is something interesting...I mean he could be just half human which wouldn’t sit well with the Queen having him captured. Then again regardless of what he is I don’t think it will sit well with her at all. After that I told him to shut up and he eventually slept. [V nodded then muttered “At least someone did. Butch was a traitor and passed out on the couch. He lasted pretty long though. I got a bunch of work done so it was all good.”
Nodding before my attention is drawn to Cop who was rubbing at his eyes and making his way over to us. “Are we going to first meal? Cause I’m starving as fuck.” I nod] You guys can go. Gather the others and come down here when you are finished. [Vishous shook his head. “Z man, go eat. I’ll grab something from the Pit. Shaking my head as I peered in through the window on the door to the PT suite] I’m not hungry. Besides, I have a feeling he’s gonna wake soon. [Vishous eyed me up before looking at his best friend. “Grab me a bagel would ya?” Cop nodded then headed down the tunnel while V just returned to the Pit. Leaning against the door as I stood and waited for all the brothers to arrive.]
I kept my eyes closed as the door opened, my breathing slow and even as I listened to the Brothers exchange greetings after a whole night in two different rooms. As they moved into the hallway I tuned out their chatter in favor of shifting my wrists, my ankles, trying to get blood moving after a night of laying perfectly still in the one position. My head ached faintly, but I’d put that down to whatever healing concussion the male had given me the night before.
When my body felt like it was finally awake… sort of… I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling. My stomach snarled but I ignored it, not about to ask any of /them/ for anything. I’d kill to take a piss too, but again, whatever pride I had left was giving that idea a firm ‘no’. Besides, would hunger or bladder needs matter if the King brought his royal ass down here and decided to cut my head off? Doubtful. So preserving what little dignity and pride I had left seemed like the way to go.
“Is there any way to press the fast forward button on this shit, or do you all still stand on ceremony when you’re at home too?” I muttered, knowing the scarred male would hear me, even as I continued to stare at the ceiling. “The coffee lover, was he the voyeur? The one watching on the screen? Bet he was hoping for a better show,” I continue absently, as if I was talking to myself, which frankly, was better conversation. “Tell him if he slips me a hundred next time I’ll make it worth his while.”
[Narrowing my eyes as I listened to the prisoner talk to himself in the room. I was going to step inside and tell him to shut the fuck up but then we would probably start having an actual conversation. And I needed to stop talking to him. So I decided to ignore it all and wait for Wrath and the others. I couldn’t help but peer in through the window again. His eyes caught mine and I stared for way too long. Grunting as I turn my attention away from the prisoner. Something just didn’t add up. Suddenly I was starting to think that maybe he wasn’t...the bad guy. Though he definitely was keeping something from the Brotherhood and that was not good. 
My head lifts as I hear a shit load of boots coming down the tunnels. Watching as Wrath and the others make their way towards me while V slips out of the pit. I inclined my head towards the King before I eyed the others. Wrath takes in a deep breath. “Thanks for staying up to keep guard Z. You can go get some much needed rest now.” Lifting my shoulders in a shrug as my eyes flickered to the door.]
I’m good. If it’s alright with you my Lord I'd like to sit in on this. [Normally I didn’t disobey an order from the King. Okay maybe I did, but this was something I wasn’t going to miss. I just spent the entire night watching this fucker and I was curious on how this would play out. Wrath’s brows disappear under this shades. He stays quiet for a moment then grunts out a response. “Fine. But you get some rest afterwards. You are off of rotation tonight. And I don’t want to hear a word about it.” I nod watching as he practically shoves the door open to the PT suite. This was it. I followed after the King and my brothers. Leaning against the wall in the far corner of the room. My eyes met the prisoners again.]
I heard them coming, a small army of heavily armed individuals that didn’t have a problem with inflicting pain on the things that stood in their way. I knew because it was how a group of hunters sounded when they stalked back into a halfway house after a hunt. They greeted my warden, dismissed him, but… he stuck around. And I felt… relieved. Huh. Great. Stockholm Syndrome. Since when did that kick in after only twelve hours?
As the rest of them all filed in, I watched the scarred one, until his eyes met mine, and I forced myself to look back at the ceiling. The King settled out of reach, but close enough that one step and a swing would allow him to smack me silly, no problem. 
“I hope you enjoyed your nights accommodation. I’m sure that motel you mentioned won’t mind.”
I fought every sarcastic impulse not to roll my eyes. Or tell him to go fuck himself. At the end of the day, I suspected that he’d not want his minions to stab me just yet, but he couldn’t stop all of them from attempting it at one go.
“You’re /hilarious/,” I muttered instead, still not looking at him. “FYI the turn down service here isn’t really up to par.”
Several males still growled. But no daggers in my chest. #Win
“Well y’know how we fix that? Getting you back to whatever two star shithole you booked? You tell me what you were doing poking holes in Lessers. Are you a Bastard?”
Hilariously, yes, I was. Just not the kind I thought he was implying. Vaguely I recalled some mention of a Band of Bastards, but I certainly had nothing to do with the bunch. And why lie about that?
“Then where did you get the balls to take on one of the Omega’s spawn? You like dancing with death?”
“Obviously, since I’m here chatting to you,” I growled back, finally turning my head to look at the Blind King. 
He didn’t respond for a moment, instead inhaling and adopting a sardonic smirk. Meanwhile all the Brothers shuffled, eager to get closer and ensure my restraints were in full working order by beating me and seeing if I could defend myself. 
“Y’know what’s interesting, son? That wasn’t a lie. You /do/ like dancing with death. So what, you caught the scent of a Lesser and thought ‘yes, I can finally punch my ticket to the Fade’?”
Closing my eyes, I weighed my options as I stuffed all my anger and righteous indignation back into whatever box it came from and locked the lid. More attitude was just going to prolong this, and like I said before… I was hungry, and I wanted to piss. So either this got sped up, or I provoked one of them into offing me and solving everyone’s problems. And if this King was sniffing for a lie? Then I just had to be honest.
“I hunt. I’m a hunter. That Lesser? He was just a workout for me. So I figured why not do the Brotherhood a favor before I get the fuck outta this town.”
And boy, did I want to get out of this town right now…
[The prisoner’s eyes locked onto my own and I saw...relief? Was he glad that I was here? Hell, strangers normally wanted to stay far away from me. One look at my face and most went running in the other direction. I raised a dark brow and quickly his eyes shot up to the ceiling. Now that’s more like it. Snorting as my arms cross over my broad chest. Time to listen to see what he had to say. 
My attention is drawn to the King as he starts to grill the prisoner. Of course he comes back with all the sass. Rolling my golden eyes to the Fade. This guy was just fucking asking for it. I mean granted the King was the one who told us to capture him, but damn it’s like he didn’t care if he died. I straightened up when he growled at Wrath. We all stepped a little bit closer to that stretcher. Yes he was tied down, but that didn’t mean shit. He was disrespecting the King and we needed to have his back no matter what. 
Vishous took a dagger out and started to play with it. Tossing it in the air a few times as his eyes stayed locked onto the prisoner. Phury still had a curious look. Like he was waiting for the male to speak more about his Chosen mother. As for the others...they were just on high alert. Even Rhage. Not a tootsie pop in site. He was all business as he glared at the male. 
My eyes widen as the prisoner then dropped a bomb. He was a hunter? The fuck did he hunt? I mean the brothers weren’t there for our fight in the alleyway, but the male could throw a punch. As much as I would like to say keep lesser fighting for the pros, he could hold is own. Now wasn’t the time though to chime in on that. What would that make me? Vouching for the male all of a sudden? What he did was still fucked but at the same time if he’s a trained fighter then it was an instinct to attack and defend himself. Yes lessers were Brotherhood territory but maybe he wanted to join in on the fight. And we needed numbers more than anything right now.] 
Wrath leaned in. It was almost comical simply for the reaction of the Brothers around him, all of them shuffling closer as he did. The one flipping a dagger up and down in my periphery clearly wanted somewhere to put it other than his sheath.
“You hunt, huh? I’m getting the distinct impression it’s not deer or elk,” the King grunted, folding his arms. Which just made him look more like a big, black painted wall. “We’ll circle back to that. If you’re that good, why not sign up for our trainee program then? You not interested in protecting the race?”
I bit back on the instant reply of ‘not my race’; one, because it wasn’t entirely true, and two, because it seemed like a good way to further divide the situation. But if there was supposed to be a familial feeling in me toward the people that made up half my entity? It began, and ended, with my mother. Period.
“No one was there to protect my mahmen when she had to flee or be someone’s bed warmer,” I said instead, my voice cool. “I came here for /her/, for whatever residual affection she has for the race that just as easily ignored her. But vampires were not my kin growing up. They were not my friends, my acquaintances or my distant relations. And look at this!” 
The anger peeked its head out as I yanked at the cuffs around my wrists, the skin re-opening slightly and my blood staining the bands. Every vampire took /another/ step forward bar the King, who simply cocked his head slightly, like he was listening to me bleed.
“I killed /one/ Lesser. One. Because even if I care nothing for this place or the race I’m supposed to be from, in good conscience I couldn’t leave it there to go off and kill a civilian. And what do I get for having a conscience? Locked up like an animal. Treated like a criminal. Turns out it’s true; no good deed goes unpunished.”
At this point, nearly every Brother was basically /at/ my gurney, bar my scarred warden, who was taking everything in with that contemplative look on his face. As if sensing it, the King turned his head toward him.
“Zsadist,” he growled. “You spent the night down here. He said he was a hunter. He say anything else of interest?” He paused to look back at me, his smile a little feral. “Cause everything he just said then was no lie. So things are looking up for you, kid. But there’s still a few unanswered questions here. Like ‘who’ you are. Where you came from. ‘Why’ you didn’t want to own up to Lesser slaying at the Audience House.”
[My head whipped back and forth between the King and the prisoner. I was starting to get the feel that this male didn’t like his vampire side. But why? Maybe it had something to do with his Mahmen. Did she flood his head with stories of how shit used to be? Does this kid know how better things are now? Okay so it’s not perfect and the King is still working on things but it has gotten better. Wrath took time to listen to civilians, to make sure he always had the race’s best interests. When the King mentioned the trainee program I blinked. Hell, would he even accept that? Would it even be safe to have him here for that after all this? Listening to every detail they had to say that I almost didn’t notice everyone moved up until Wrath called me out. Blinking as I look around me then over to the King. Clearing my throat as I uncross my arms]
Not much. [Reaching up to scrub at my skull trim as I watch Vishous eye me up.] I mean...we talked about fighting in the alleyway. He complained a lot as one would do if they were strapped to a bed. [Hold up was I defending him? No. Can’t do that. Grunts.] He was being disrespectful so I just ended the conversation. Though he did let it slip that he’s half vampire...Which leads me to wonder what his other half is. [My eyes flicker to Butch then I shrug] I mean...I doubt he was made, but when we were out on the streets he didn’t dematerialize. Now maybe he was just too scared to do so. [Snorts loudly, smirking as I eyed the prisoner] Though from the punches he was throwing I highly doubt it. 
[Just as I was about to add more to that I watch as Wrath stiffens. His hands curled into fists and this time I move to join the others around him. Tohr speaks “What is it my-...” Before he could finish that sentence we all smelled her. The Queen. Blinking we pull back, turning to see her at the entrance to the PT suite. “What...did you guys...do?” Wrath turns in the direction of her scent, his voice a bit stern. “Leelan. It’s not safe for you here at the moment. Head back upstairs.” Shiiiiit. That was not going to fly well with Beth. We all took a step back as she moved forward, but still kept our eye on the prisoner. Beth glared at the King then frowned as she eyed the male on the stretcher. “He’s bleeding Wrath...He looks…like a trainee. Is this some kind of initiation?! Cause if it is you all have completely lost your minds!” 
Lifting a hand to scrub at my face. We were finally getting some truth out of this male and now it was a mess again. Fuck. I wanted to know what he was...Maybe it was human. Hell and if it was he could see Beth and maybe see that we aren’t all fucked here. Then what? Become a trainee? Clearly he has a job hunting something else. Though I started to have concerns about what exactly that was. If he wasn’t hunting lessers...then what? Humans...no. Shifters? Blinking at the thought.  He couldn’t be one of those vampires cause of his Mahmen being Chosen. Still...maybe his father was involved in that shit.]
I hid a grimace as the warrior, Zsadist, mentioned my little slip of half n’ half, even if it was spliced in with a little sympathy at my predicament. Who’da thought? Maybe Stockholm Syndrome went both ways. I certainly did…
Shoving that thought out of my brain completely, because right now this situation and all these males were about as appealing as roadkill with sauce, I paused as I sensed someone else approaching. Their tread was much lighter, their essence fragrant, and as the King stiffened I got a whole lotta ‘oh shit’ as a female appeared in the doorway. She looked regal, and yet she didn’t conduct herself like a prissy Queen. Her gaze was strong, her chin held high, and her sympathy at my state was frankly much appreciated. Human, my mind supplied, and I wasn’t even sure how I knew, but I did. She was half human. I relaxed a little further, my familiarity and affection for the human race that much more than the vampire race. Half vampire and half human? She could be my Queen. 
“I am not a trainee, my Queen,” I murmured, lowering my voice. The King didn’t seem ready to explain the situation, and as I spoke his jaw locked like he was waiting for me to blow this popsicle stand and cause a total shitfight with his wife. And boy, it was tempting AF to do just that, lemme tell you. “I am… visiting,” I managed dryly. “Unfortunately, my visit is considered suspect since I killed a Lesser. I believe this is… minimally invasive interrogation.”
The one that had been tossing the dagger actually snorted. Everyone else kind of winced, like this was so not where they’d expected this to go. Taking a deep breath, I weighed my options now with the Queen present. If she was sympathetic to imprisoning the innocent then I had to get it all out there. Her interference could help me regardless of what I said.
“You wanted to know everything about me?” I direct this question to the King, forcing his attention away from the female that took a step into the room, even as a Brother tried to put himself between her and me. “I told you, I am Malys, Son of Elieanora. I’ve never met my father.” A truth to cover a lie - I wasn’t admitting he was an angel. Hell to the no. But I had never met him. “My name in the human world is Malachi. I have no true home because I travel, a lot, trying to protect humans from whatever other monsters are out there.” Point to me - the Queen’s eyes softened. “And I didn’t own up to killing the Lesser in the Audience House because all I’ve wanted to do since arriving here is leave, and confessing my ability to easily kill the enemy didn’t seem conducive to getting my butt outta here. I never wanted to have to face this part of me but I love my mother, and I cannot deny her. She asked. I obeyed.”
I took a breath, dropping my head back against the bed as I swallowed down the rush and the anxiety at confessing so much of who I was. But as I’d hoped, the King was staring in my direction, and I knew he was getting all the truth behind every word I’d uttered. That I’d been respectful to his shellan? Bonus points. But now I had to see how the two of them fought it out to get me outta these damn restraints. 
[The brothers and I all looked between the King and the Queen. Wrath still looked pissed while Beth was a whole bag of emotions. Wrath finally broke the silence. “Leelan…” But he was soon cut off by Beth. Her hand thrown out and everything. “No. It’s my turn.” Scrubbing a hand over my face as I hear someone mumble. “Oh shit.” Lifting my head to watch as the Queen moved over to the stretcher. She frowned as her hand landed on the prisoner’s. And just like that we were behind her in a second. Vishous looking like he was ready to get in between them. Beth turned, her blue eyes meeting each of us. “Guys...I got this. Take a step back.” It was hard to obey that order, but one grunt from Wrath had us moving backwards about an inch or two. 
The Queen turned her attention back to the male. She smiled. “Malys was it? I commend you on protecting the human race. Even if these big men behind me don’t care as much about humans, I sure do.” Rhage chimes in. “Hey...we do...for certain circumstances.” Like Mary. I think to myself quietly. Beth turns to eye Rhage and smiles wide at him. He returns it and pulls out a tootsie pop like he deserved a treat for that. Snorting as Vishous smacks the back of his head before watching the Queen again. “I myself once only knew of the human world. Until that big scary looking male over there found me.” She chuckles as Wrath lets out a growl. “I’m not sure what other beings are out there but if vampires exist I assume anything is possible. Thank you for caring for the humans. They matter too.”
Damn. What was next? We going to invite him upstairs for fucking tea or some shit? Beth eyes Tohr. One she knew wouldn’t throw lip at her. “Tohrment, can you please take off his restraints. I’d like to let him come have some food and stretch his legs so we can chat more.” Welp. Tohr eyes Wrath who was seething. Finally the King cuts in. “No. We will not jeopardize the entire mansion by letting him walk freely in it.” Oh shit. Beth snaps her head to the direction of Wrath. “Hellren mine, if you ever want to sleep in our mated bed again then you will do as I say. I don’t see any threat from this male. He came to you on behalf of his Mother, and all because he didn’t explain why he took down one of those disgusting creatures you treat him this way!” She shook her head. “I know I don’t understand all Brotherhood business but I do understand what is right and what is wrong. Tohrment…” The Brother looks at Wrath again who just grits his teeth then nods once. 
Tohr moves forward and removes the restraints from the prisoner. As he does Beth winces at his wounds. “You poor thing. You probably are so hungry…” Without turning her gaze away from him she calls out. “Vishous grab me some bandages.” V snorts then does as he’s told. Handing her the box of gauze, we watch as Beth takes one out and places it on one of his wrists. “Come on...I will lead you upstairs myself.” Wrath quickly moves to stand beside his Shellan. Practically pressed right up against her.]
I didn’t even /breathe/. As the Queen came closer to put her hand on mine, I one hundred percent stopped existing for fear that one muscle twitch, one exhale, would put a dagger in my chest. Sure she’d be pissed, but I’d still be dead, and I was beginning to think the King would prefer me so if it kept me away from the love of his life.
When she asked for my wrists to be freed I almost couldn’t believe it’d worked. And after some argument between the mated pair, one of the hulking masses, Tohrment, moved in to remove the bands. Again, every move I made was /minimal/. Even sitting up I used every muscle I’d ever carved out in a gym or on the road to do it slowly. 
I want to refuse the bandages; the wounds will heal in a day after all, and my stressed out, panicked self inflicted them so probably worth me learning the lesson, but I cannot rebuke her kindness. Her hands are incredibly gentle as she firmly wraps my wrist, and I raise my head enough to meet her eyes as I manage a small smile and a murmured ‘Thank you’. 
Then she was talking about moving, and boy, I had to remind myself of every single word my mahmen had ever mentioned about bonded males and their savagery in protecting their one true love. The King had gone from being a patient, if not terrifying, brick wall to leering, borderline rabid, guard dog. If I so much as sniffed in her direction, he’d bite my damn nose off…
Turning to drop my legs from the gurney, I try to give myself a second as the males move as one to be a guard for the King and Queen. A part of me wishes I could ask for a minute to myself, to get feeling back in my arms and legs, use the bathroom, but any desire to be alone right now would just come off as suspicious. So when I stumble to my feet, I have to grit my teeth and smother my pride as my body objects, my legs tingling and wanting to refuse. 
The Queen looked back to me stumbling like a baby foal, and while she didn’t say anything there was still a quiet fury in her eyes. I liked her. I didn’t even know her name, but I liked her. By not saying anything she wasn’t calling attention to my weakness in front of a group of males bred to be warriors, but she knew I was aching as I came to stand on her other side, a respectful distance between us as I took a deep breath of unrestrained air. My eyes flicked again to Zsadist, to the way those golden eyes assessed this new development, and I was surprised to note an almost reluctant admiration. Like I’d impressed him. His comments on my ability to throw a punch came back, and I hid a smile as I limped after the Queen out the door. By the middle of the tunnel, feeling had returned, my gait straightening out.
“You are far too kind, my Queen. I am… deeply appreciative of your generosity. In truth, I would be grateful simply to be sent on my way. I would hate to impose upon you. Or bring you any discourse with those of your family.”
Re: I’d hate to cause a fight between you and the guy who looks like he wants his sight back just for the satisfaction of being able to watch me bleed out under him. Seriously.  
[The Queen smiled as she eyed Malys. “Please, call me Beth.” I watched as the male struggled to get up. He still kept his pride though and didn’t reach for help. Then again, even though the Queen would happily help, he in no way would ask for it. Pride as well as Wrath would break every bone in his body. Snorting at the thought before I watch his eyes lift to mine. I raised a brow and did my best to hide an amused look. He really turned shit out in his favor. Scoring points with Beth, becoming not a prisoner but more so a guest. Nice work fucker. I look away when they start to move. 
Suddenly the entire Brotherhood moved in unison, staying close to Malys and the Queen. Wrath looked like he was ready to lose his shit. All I could smell in the tunnels was his bonding scent. Beth reached behind to grab his hand. Being his guide since he was without George, but also squeezing his fingers in reassurance. Hell. If you would have told me this is how the evening was gonna play out I wouldn’t have believed it. Shit was always unpredictable around here, that was for sure. 
When we move up and through the door under the staircase we are greeted by Fritz in the foyer. My eyes immediately went to Malys. Curious of what his reaction would be to the mansion. He just stood in awe, taking it all in. Beth held out a hand towards the dining room. “Fritz...Can we get some leftovers from first meal for our guest?” The Doggen smiles then nods before disappearing into the kitchen as we all head into the dining room. Beth releases Wrath’s hand to motion towards a chair for the “guest” to sit in. Snorting as I move to my regular seat beside Phury. Wrath sits at the head of the table, face emotionless as he just sits and listens. 
Suddenly the sound of George’s collar jingling fills the room. Lifting my head to watch the Golden Retriever make his way over to the King. The dog pauses by Malys and I raise a brow. Okay if this dog didn’t like him then he had to be a fucking asshole. Dogs could sense that shit, right? Watching closely as George sniffs at Malys. He licked one of his hands before padding off to sit by the King's side. Fuck. I didn’t even bother to look at Wrath. He probably was fuming even more now. His best friend just betrayed him by licking the former prisoner. Traitor. 
My golden eyes flickered up to watch Fritz and a few other Doggens come in with some platters. Pancakes, bacon, sausage, some frittata thing, bagels, hash browns. The fucking works. As it is all set down Fritz grabs a fresh pot of coffee and fills up a mug for Malys. Rhage quickly darts his head up and reaches for a piece of bacon. We all glare at him as he munched away happily. This fucker. The Queen smiled and nodded to the food. “Help yourself, and hurry before Rhage eats it all.” She laughs softly and I couldn’t help but crack a small chuckle. Hearing a few other brothers join in. I mean...she wasn’t wrong. Beth reaches to grab a bagel. I doubt she was hungry, but more so wanted to make him feel comfortable about eating. That’s the kind of wonderful female she was.] 
The bonding scent that’d been saturating me in the tunnel fanned out as we hit what had to be a foyer of… the biggest fucking building I’d clearly ever been in. Hallways stretched off in all directions, and even just standing on the marble floor, I had a sense of the vastness. This was the King’s mansion, the home of the Brotherhood, and while I had no idea where it was or how to get here, I also suspected I was one of very few that had seen inside it either. 
Guided into a dining room big enough to fit the motley crew of killers, and their Queen, I took the seat indicated, still feeling three hundred percent out of my depth. When the beautiful golden retriever padded in though, I felt some of my nerves ease, especially when it paused to offer a lick. I wanted to pet it, hold it, and make ridiculous coo-ing noises at it until it begged for belly rubs, which I’d also give it. But the harness told me he was Wrath’s dog, and FYI, it’s very poor form to distract a service dog. So I accepted the lick while radiating gratitude, and let him go on to his owner. Who looked ticked I’d gotten even that.
And doggen... wow. Mahmen hadn’t been kidding. They were all but giddy to bring in the ‘left overs’; enough food to feed everyone present twice. Instead of the food I reached for the coffee first, taking a sip and groaning softly before I could stop myself. As the first thing I’d had in over twelve hours, after spending a night locked down to a gurney, it was /heaven/.
“Thank you, Beth,” I replied smoothly, glad for her name as I set the mug down and did as she’d suggested, gathering a small amount of food to my own plate and proceeding to dine. I deliberately kept my eyes either on the plate, or on the Queen, because any time I even glanced toward a Brother, other than Zsadist and the one they called Rhage, they looked at me like I was a cockroach and it was just a matter of time. 
A figure appeared in the entrance to the living room, and only the instinct to know my surroundings had me looking up. I nearly dropped the fork, my hand freezing as I saw the male standing there and knew instantly what he was. An angel.
Likewise, the male’s all white eyes narrowed on me, but then he was smiling, sauntering in and announcing he was commencing a movie marathon in the billiards room with popcorn provided. All welcome. Apparently even me? Then he was waving at me as he left and I realized I was holding my breath. I let it out in a rush, shakily putting down the fork as I swallowed the fresh hit of nerves. He’d known… he’d known what I was the same way I knew what he was, but he didn’t say anything. 
“Who was that?”
The words left my lips and I almost smacked a hand over my mouth to take them back. Fighting that impulse, I instead looked to Beth, my expression polite and befuddled at the angel’s total… verve. Wrath grunted.
“Better question would be ‘what was that’,” he muttered, taking some bacon off the plate. “Lassiter. Our resident pierced pain in the ass.” Several males muttered their agreement. “You’re lucky he wasn’t rocking the light globe look. You’d be blind.”
Would I? I thought, wondering if my ‘angel eyes’ would save me from that. Shit. I didn’t need to find out. I needed to get out of here. How did one politely request a bathroom, then an exit? Hell, I’d take the bathroom just for a window; I could fly from there and let them puzzle it out later. 
[The meal, that only Rhage, Beth, and Malys were partaking in, was interrupted by Lassiter. Rolling my golden eyes as he announces a movie night. Like anyone had time for that shit. And the sounds of the shudders rising brought time in prospective for us all. Rotation. Rhage started to shovel down more food into his mouth. Vishous got up saying he had to grab some coordinates from the Pit. Butch stood hollering after him to grab his twin berettas. Wrath just pushed his fingers behind his shades to rub at his eyes. 
I shifted up when I saw Phury frown and move into the foyer, looking at his phone. Before I could go confront my twin, I heard our so called guest ask to use the bathroom. Beth smiles at him “Oh my, of course. I should have asked you that first.” She gets up and moves to sit on Wrath’s lap. They started to have a hushed conversation that included a lot of kissing and Beth working her male to not be so angry. Grabbing at Malys arm, I lead him to the bathroom that was closest to the foyer. Once he is inside I turn my attention to Phury. Watching him pace as he looks at his phone. My head lifts.]
Brother mine, what’s doing? [My twin looks over, his brows drawn in. “Cormia decided it would be a great idea to take out some of the Chosens. Apparently she wanted to have a drink with them and they are headed to Iron Mask. Fuck! Why would she go out unprotected with them?!” Blinking at the thought of those Chosen’s being picked up by some rando or worse a lesser. And one of them was my twin’s mate. Yeah this was bad.] 
Alright well let’s head to Iron Mask and we can drop Malys off there. Guy probably wants a drink anyway. [Snorts] V and some others can dematz if they need to head elsewhere for rotation. Don’t worry brother mine we will get to them. [The bathroom door opens the same time Wrath comes into view with Beth. The King’s voice echoes in the foyer. “Dropping off our… friend?” The Queen pats his arm then smiles at Malys. I nod slowly] Yeah. I know you said to not go on rotation but I need to help Phury out with a situation. Besides, I’m on like an adrenaline high right now and am wide awake. I promise I’ll rest when I get home. [Wrath grunts. “Fine. Just get him out of here.” I nod watching the other brothers show up as the King and Queen disappear upstairs. I let them know what’s doing and Tohr nods to Rhage. “You head with the twins and I’ll go with V and Butch.” Rhage nods, my head turning to watch Vishous move over to me. He tosses a blindfold at me then smirks. “Don’t worry it’s for Beth’s best friend over there. Call us if there are any problems.” With that V, Butch, and Tohr exit the mansion leaving my twin, Rhage, and Malys.]
Stupid vampire houses and their stupid metal shutters to keep out beautiful daylight. Hitting up the bathroom, I’d drained the lizard and then gone straight for the window, eager to see how easy a getaway it would be. But the shutters that kept out the daylight hadn’t even lifted yet, and not only could I not budge them, I couldn’t use any lick of my power, angel, vampire or otherwise, to get around them.
Not that it mattered much. By the time I emerged from the bathroom, everyone had left the dining room and was in motion. The Brothers were armed up, preparing to leave, and my scarred warden was watching the rainbow maned male as he paced. When the Brother with his tattoo and eyes like diamonds tossed Zsadist a blindfold, I grimaced, but hey… better than any of them knocking me out over and over. My head still fucking hurt.
Dismissed by the King (big surprise there…) and flashing Beth an appreciative smile and bow of my head, I followed the warriors that remained while the rest went outside to dematerialize wherever the fuck they were going. Slipping through the door to the massive tunnel below, we didn’t stop until we were in a parking garage the size of a football field, and filled with more cars than I’d owned in my life. Or stolen. And hey, most of these were cars I’d /like/ to steal.
“Cool so what’s the seating arrangement?” I declare, ready for this nightmare to be over. I was not only getting out of this place without a dagger in me, but without them knowing what I was. I was one happy half-breed, let me tell you. Stopping at the big, dark SUV waiting, no doubt thanks to a doggen, I pause at the back seat and cross my arms. The white bandages from the Queen herself poked out from under my jacket. “Am I next to you again, bright eyes?” I add, looking to Zsadist. “Promise you won’t hit me again? Bit unfair if I can’t see it coming.”
Pretty Locks, or Phury, was ignoring me as he all but leapt into the passenger seat. The way he moved, I realised belatedly that one of his legs was prosthetic. Huh. What a trooper. The shockingly attractive blonde, Rhage, took the driver’s seat as Zsadist half shoved me into the back and passed me the blindfold. Rhage peered over the backseat, and his smile was enough to make you pause. If I’d been totally straight? I now would’ve been one hundred percent gay. No question.
“Put that on, please. I really don’t wanna ask twice.”
Ok. Seventy percent gay. 
With a sigh I did as he asked, lifting the black material and wrapping it over my eyes, around my head. I sensed Zsadist leaning over to do an inspection, right before something poked my cheek and I flinched back. “The fuck…”
Rhage chuckled. “Okay, let’s go!”
[I had almost wished I just knocked this guy out again instead of using the blindfold. Fuck the sass was back yet again. I couldn’t help but chuckle as Rhage poked his cheek. Normally that would annoy me, but it was so much more amusing when Rhage was bothering Malys instead of me. 
Leaning back in my seat as the SUV started to move. I couldn’t help but watch Phury who kept frantically calling his mate. He frowned then growled in frustration. “She’s not picking up, fuck!” My brows draw in.] Brother, relax. I’m sure she is just dancing with the Chosens or something. [That made Phury growl louder. Rhage swerved the car causing us all to get fucking whiplash.] Scribe! Can you get us there without killing us? You are lucky that Butch isn’t in this car he would wring your neck. [The Brother controls himself and the car before eyeing me in the rearview mirror. “I’m sorry...just between the growling and the urgency, I’m all out of whack.” Phury continues to call while I let my eyes shift over to Malys. His hands were clutching the seat and handle on the door. Smart move. Inhaling his scent once again to see if there was anything else I could pick up. Nothing. What was he…? 
The car slows down and cuts off my train of thought. Lifting my gaze to see we were at the back of the club. Phury quickly gets out and runs inside.] Shit! [Rubbing a hand over my face in frustration. Before I can even move he’s outside again. I exit the car while Rhage sticks his head out the window. Phury looks at me worried. “She’s not in there man.” Even though I hated contact, I placed my hand on my twin’s shoulder.] We will find her, its okay. 
[And in that same moment a scream from a female is heard in the distance. FUCK. Quickly Phury takes off in a flash, following after him as I holler.] Come on Rhage! Just leave him! [I hear car doors being closed but I don’t bother to look back. Moving down the street, my twin and I turn the corner to see four lessers surrounding Cormia, Ghisele, and Amalya. Three of the smelly fuckers had each one in a hold while the fourth held a blade. This was not good at all.]
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anerbananers · 6 years
Listen, I don’t care
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idc who you stan, who you hate, if you ship them or don’t whatever. You don’t have to ship them to understand this. I only appreciate them as rivals and this is hitting me in the face and making me FEEL things y’all. 
the writing of the scenes in episode 23 and just izuku and katsuki’s relationship in general is INCREDIBLY nuanced, complex, and well done! A lot of rivalries in shonen are shallow in comparison to this.
Remember this is targeted at young boys! It’s SUPER important to show them what an inferiority complex looks like, what imposter syndrome looks like. How someone can be a GOOD PERSON and still do BAD THINGS. How not to let people walk all over you. Both of these boys cry and you SEE their tears, feel their emotions. And the mentors in their lives are also there to guide them too. For young boys to see this, I think, is important. This isn’t JUST about jealousy. IJS, this is some grown shit. ADULTS IRL struggle with this. Like, Bakugou’s entire perception of Izu is warped by his insecurity. This shows how intentions and perceptions can be so WAY off. Why communication is important.
And what I love is that Horikoshi makes sure you KNOW the adults and teachers know they have a part to play in this. And it’s a theme of the story that the adults have created some hefty issues here and even if they didn’t start this, they have to take responsibility and properly guide these kids. Not just between these two boys, but in general, culturally. When you have a hero system that has emphasized might over rescue this whole time, it creates this kind of confusion! At this point in the story the hero franchise (b/c it’s a business really) is changing it’s model due to All Might’s retirement.
Even the teachers were surprised by this change in approach. They hadn’t exactly prepped their students for this kind of thinking.
Honestly it’s a good change, but of COURSE it trips up kids like Bakugou who only emulated what he saw. Katuski, who you KNOW is smart enough to understand how the system works even as a preteen and study it to the letter. Look at it like this:
All Might saves people because he’s STRONG. He’s fast, he’s overwhelming and in PHYSICAL top shape. All Might has the ability to rescue because he wins first, because he knocks the villains out and then even if he has to flee the scene (because he’s on borrowed time), OTHER heroes can come to help civilians.  But the main thing is he can beat anyone, and that fact ALONE has deterred villains from even TRYING shit until now. His charisma is a bonus, but his incredible power kept shit locked tf DOWN this entire time.
A lot of heroes rescue just fine. But only All Might is able to have such a lasting heroic influence. And his strength and power is the key difference. He’s not just GOOD, he’s the BEST. He’s not just the BEST, he outpaces the #2 hero by leaps and bounds. His strength comes from his heart, ofc, and WE know that, but Bakugou has no way of knowing that. He doesn’t understand how OFA even works. 
The way Bakugou does this is brash, ofc, but he’s questioning what he believes. He’s asking WHY? He’s even asking Izuku because he doesn’t know who else, and tbh in all his anger still has to swallow a lot of pride to do so.
The guilt. Wow. The way that scene was done. *chef kiss* Sometimes when you’re a high achiever and do well in most things, nobody wonders if you need help or support or to get out of your own head. Nobody even thought that Bakugou was blaming himself because he gives off such a strong and assured aura. Which is crazy cuz for me I was like UMMM HELLO? CHECK ON HIM?? 
“I’m weak too, you know.”
SO IMPORTANT. Not only that Katsuki said that, but that he said it to two people I think everyone can agree he’d NEVER want to know this ideally. But he’s just at that point where his emotions are spilling over. He needs help. That’s how he’s asking for help. I was dying man. So beautiful seeing All Might embrace him and understand exactly what he needed to do. Fuck the secret. Explain so this child can be at peace on this! Too much to carry alone! For each and any one of them.
If you narrow Bakugou Katsuki and Izuku Midoriya down to “a bully and his victim” you are missing out.
this post is long because I got in my feelings. Just had to write a thesis paper. LOL. More under the cut! 
I was a victim of bullying. Many times in my life. I’m small, I’m intellectual, I was social and made friends easily but I also didn’t like cliques and some other girls didn’t like that I just hung out with EVERYONE. Some boys did the “i tease you because i like you thing”. Either way, I’ve reconciled with 2 of my bullies in the course of my life. I know a thing or two about how and why bullies do what they do. And this was when I was in elementary school, so I’m telling you also that when you’re super young it’s a bit...different in your mind as you get older. This isn’t to excuse Katsuki’s actions, so let me stop you. But there is a very key difference in behavior between a typical bully and what happened with these two boys.
10/10 times, I was steering clear of my bullies. Even the ones within my friend groups that would start to do the mean girl kinda bullshit. I’d keep interaction with them to a minimum. Even when I wanted to be pretty and cool like them, I was meek and fearful in the way I interacted with them. I’d engage the other girls first and keep my head down. My bullies would approach or interact with ME, clearly seeking to gas themselves up by putting me down or bothering me. I mean, I’m sure others have experiences more similar to our boys here so maybe I’m full of shit, but the complexity with Izu and Kat is that Izuku kept approaching Bakugou with a smile and a laugh, no matter what Bakugo did. This does happen in actual abusive relationships, but for kids and not adults, and I think some folks aren’t seeing the difference. This isn’t like, weird gaslighting and manipulation. Bakugou doesn’t act like a bitch and then turn around and be all sweet on Deku to keep him closeby. Bakugou legitimately wanted Deku to go away, and when he doesn’t Bakugou, in his wild paranoia is like “what does this MEAN???” He attached a meaning to it that was completey WRONG of course, because that’s how anxiety and insecurity work. Now Izuku being the natural beautiful bean boy that is perfect for heroism, is right to do this. He somehow, even so young, could understand that sometimes people need to be saved from themselves. I’m so positive of this. And that ability frightened bakugou so much. In his eyes, he’s being tormented by this kid who sees RIGHT through him and won’t go away. Izuku represents his fear in living breathing form. Every time he sees him, it’s like an irrational reaction. In Bakugou’s eyes Izu might as well have been walking around yelling “KACCHAN IS AFRAID!!!” In his desperation not to be exposed for the insecure and fearful child he should’ve been taught is okay to be, Bakugou decides to be the absolute worst in hopes that Deku leaves him alone. As he’s doing this though, he’s getting positive reinforcement from those around him, which just solidifies this personality trait as a good thing. It’s just a mess!
Again, not condoning, I’m always just amazed at the nuances here. Bakugou was and in some ways still IS a bully (at this point in the anime at least. but in the manga currently i wouldn’t call him this anymore. grumpy? rude? yes. but honestly harmless. the class cares for him and he and izu are civil now)  but also it was Deku’s choice to stick with him. He saw that Bakugou could be better and didn’t give up on him. THAT is a hero. And I think everyone is unanimous on that, and that’s why it bother’s me that people are so divided on Bakugou. I trust Izu’s judgement tbh, more than All Might’s. And both of them, Aizawa too, see that Katsuki can be better, and that he’s TRYING. and that he is willing to change because he legit WANTS to be someone All Might would choose. He’s asking Deku so many questions not just because he’s confused, but because he wants to know so he can do what HE needs to do to match up and make his idol proud.
People love a work in progress. I love how the top dog in a lot of ways is the underdog here. I love that Deku GETS it. That to others he may seem crazy. Who chases after their bully? Who admires someone who said disgusting and hurtful things to them? It’s not stockholm lol. There’s a lot to unpack there but I’m telling you, this is some real shit. It’s well written af! Heroism isn’t about being perfect and wonderful and kind all the time. All Might thinks Bakugou is an earnest kid who can be an excellent hero and just needs some work! Who doesn’t? You do! I do! You are not perfect either. A lot of fans of the series see that patience and they support not just our bright and shining Izu, but also the glowering and loud Katsuki who is growing mentally right now. I think it’s fine if his behaviour just makes you so uncomfortable and brings up bad memories. You can absolutely dislike him, it’s not for everybody! But hopefully you can objectively see why they WILL team up and be a team and the story is supporting that growth. I hope you are not disgusted by it or think it’s lazy writing just because it’s not your cup. Let these kids develop and grow and change! Step out of trope and archetype city and just feel this story arc for the realistic mirror of human nature that it is. Either way it’s a fabulous ride!
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