#i’m getting a bit more confident with sharing my art on here
nashdoesstuff · 3 months
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they’re in love your honor
killer belongs to rahafwabas shattered!dream belongs to galacii
[pspsps @largefound-the-sequel, @justanidiotartist, any others?]
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malusokay · 1 year
How to be like Song Ji-a
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Hey babes! I’m so excited to start my little “it-girls series”, of course, starting with no other than my favourite girly, Song Ji-a. She has it all: beauty, style, and confidence. In this post, I’ll show you how to embody her energy, break down the key elements of her style, summarise some of her best advice, and give you all the details on how to be a bit more like her. <3
Ji-a’s energy:
Confidence is key: Ji-a exudes confidence no matter what she’s wearing or doing. Take some inspo from her and start by showing yourself some extra self-love to build your confidence! :)
Be true to yourself: Ji-a never tries to fit into someone else’s mould, and neither should you! Embrace your unique style and show off your personality through your beauty and fashion choices.
Take care of your body: Ji-a is all about that healthy lifestyle, so hit the gym, try a new workout, and fuel your body with nutritious food to boost your energy and confidence. You can also motivate yourself by buying cute matching workout sets!! <3
Stay on-trend: Ji-a’s always ahead of the fashion curve, and we’re here for it. Keep an eye out for the latest fashion and beauty trends, and don’t be afraid to experiment with different looks to find your signature style. <3
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Ji-a’s style:
Simple but chic outfits: Ji-a rocks effortless, minimalist looks with a twist. Get inspired by her style and try adding a pop of your interests to your outfit with bold accessories or unique cuts.
Flawless makeup: Ji-a’s makeup is seriously on point, and yours can be too! Play around with colours, shimmery glitter, and dramatic lips to add some extra charm to your look! :)
Skincare is key: Ji-a swears by her skincare routine to achieve that radiant complexion. So, start taking care of your skin and try out some new hydrating products to get that glow.
Cute Hairstyles: Try out some playful and cute hairstyles or accessorise with some fun hair clips. Don’t forget about your hair care!!
Details, details, details: Ji-a pays attention to every little detail, from her nails to her jewellery. Add some extra touches to your outfit with statement jewellery or cute nail art!! <3
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Elevate your lifestyle:
Self-care is everything: Ji-a emphasises the importance of self-care, so take some time for yourself to unwind and recharge with some yoga, journaling, or a good book!
Stay positive: Positive vibes only! Surround yourself with people who uplift you, practice positive self-talk, and write down daily affirmations to keep that positive mindset. :)
Follow your passions: Ji-a is all about chasing her dreams, and you should be too! Pursue your hobbies or dream career, and don’t be afraid to take risks.
Be confident: Ji-a is all about owning your unique qualities and quirks, so let your true self shine and don’t be afraid to stand out from the crowd.
Be kind: Ji-a is known for her kind and generous personality, so spread some love and kindness wherever you go.
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How to channel your inner Ji-a:
Embrace minimalism: Ji-a’s style is all about simplicity, so try decluttering your space and simplifying your wardrobe to achieve that clean, chic look.
Not everyone will like you, and that's okay: Even Ji-a has had to deal with haters and jealous people in the past (the whole fake designer thing lol...), yet she stays confident and continuously does her thing! You can do that too!! <3
Try out some K-beauty: Being Korean, many of her favourite beauty brands and products are from Korean brands. Experiment with some K-Beauty products to get that glowing complexion! :)
Be yourself: Above all, Ji-a is known for being authentic; whether she’s on camera or in public, she seems to radiate a sense of self-assurance, which spreads confidence and inspiration to others! Stop worrying about what others might think, you're beautiful <3
As always, please feel free to share your own suggestions in the comments and let me know who you want me to write about next! <3
✩‧₊*:・love ya ・:*₊‧✩
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euphoricfilter · 2 years
I absolutely loved your latest tae fic!!! I would like to please request slight yandere jungkook with slight dd/lg please :)
𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬:
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pairing: yandere! jungkook x f! reader
genre: fluff || smut || non-idol au ||
summary: just you and your high-school sweetheart.
word count: 5k
tags/ warnings: slight (i think it’s more than slight) ddlg, fluff, briefly mentioned death/ murder, smut in the forms of : unprotected sex (this is fiction, don’t be stupid), cumming in panties, masturbation, dom! jk, crybaby sub! reader, oral (m! receiving), grinding against a foot, dick riding, doggy, creampie, multiple orgasms, dildos, there’s a tentacle dildo mentioned too, squirting, cock slut reader, jks kinda mean as well in some parts and idk where it came from, dacryphilia
notes: ahh i’m glad you liked it! and here i present ~ yandere bf jungkook! i hope this is okay! i found this a lot harder than i thought i would so i hope this is what was wanted this is also like 30% plot and the rest just them fucking :’)
request rules can be found here || my masterlist
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You’re unsure of when you and Jungkook had gotten together; the lines between romance and friendship always a little too blurry for you to differentiate between the two.
Even in the beginning it seemed neither of you could get enough of each other. Drawn to one another like two opposite ends of a magnet.
Jungkook however, knew the exact day, hell, the exact hour he first laid his eyes on you; of course he knew. He knew everything about you. He knew everything about you before you even knew he existed.
That might be a little dramatic but neither of you had ever spoken before, you shared a few classes and Jungkook doubts you’d ever looked in his direction, let alone gossip about him like a few of your classmates did about the boys in your grade. He doubted you even knew his name.
It was meant to be a meagre high-school crush. He was only meant to watch you from afar, maybe be frisky and become one of many secret admirers on valentine’s day; though he knows you never read the letters that piled up in your locker—and just wish for the day he worked up the courage to talk to you.
Fantasies only seemed to get him so far. Perfect for when his cock throbbed at the mere idea of being in the same room as you, with your skirt that would be so easy just to flip up as he fucked you from behind over the teacher’s desk; but he wanted the real thing.
He’ll admit, he wasn’t the best looking when the two of you first met. Not like now, his body permanently inked with his own art, a plethora of piercings that you frown about when he comes home with a new one. Nothing a sweet, soft kiss couldn’t fix from your doting boyfriend.
It’s not that you didn’t like them, you loved toying with the delicate earrings that would dangle, caress his neck in the way you like to; it was fact that many of them would have hurt.
You liked to deny it, waving Jungkook off when he would tease you about it, but you were a little bit of a crybaby.
Okay, maybe not a little.
But you’d always been like that.
Ever since the moment Jungkook had first found you.
You’d silently cry while reading, and he wonders if the story was really all that sad, or maybe your heart is too soft for the world. And that you just needed someone to hold you as you felt such big emotions. Nothing too overwhelming for someone as delicate as you.
Faking confidence was easier than Jungkook had initially expected. Something fabricated suddenly turning to reality the more he convinced himself that he was worth your love. That he’d worked hard for it and that no one else would ever be able to take care of you the way he knew he could. Knew he would.
He believed there was a special formula when it came to you. A set way in which you needed to be cared for and Jungkook happened to be the perfect person to carry that out.
Neither of you really had friends during high-school, both flitting from groups of people, hoping that maybe you’d fit in. Moulding yourselves around others interests and personalities; never truly yourselves when surrounded by others.
And maybe that’s why you were so perfect for each other.
It must have been fate, the day assigned seating was introduced into the history class. A spontaneous decision on your teachers part, and Jungkook’s final little push to start whatever the two of you now had.
You didn’t talk much, not that Jungkook minded. He knew you liked to listen, and so he filled the silence for the both of you. He learnt you liked writing and drawing with black ink rather than blue, and maybe that’s why so many of his tattoos lacked colour. Each delicate line reminding him of your time spent together as teenagers.
He knew he wanted tattoos the moment you’d started to draw on the palm of his hands during class. You’d always been a little fidgety, needing something to toy with, always fiddling.
And maybe that’s where this all started. A way for him to meander you in the direction he needed you. Pliant and Pretty. Moulding you into his perfect princess that would do nothing more than be subdued and malleable.
He learnt you liked soft things, your fingers running over the fabric of a sweater his mother had bought for his birthday, commenting on how you liked the texture. Pulling his arm to your face so you could rub the fabric against your cheek during lunch.
You didn’t question it when it suddenly appeared in your bedroom. Neatly folded on your desk the night after Jungkook had come round. Nor had you bothered to wash it and give it back. Liking the way it smelled like your best friend, a silent comfort for when you slept; like Jungkook was laying beside you.
And so he slowly started swapping out his wardrobe; pulling you around the mall so he could get your opinion on certain textures of fabrics. Over the years his style changed, but one thing always stayed the same; if you liked the texture, so did he.
Days of being friends slowly melted into months and years. The two of you attending different colleges and meeting new people.
That didn’t change much though.
Jungkook had gotten a job, working overtime in a shitty convenience store while you helped in a worn down family restaurant on weekends. You think maybe that was the hardest time for the both of you.
But no matter how many new people approached you or Jungkook. How many times men and women alike had stuttered out a confession to said male, you always found yourself back with him. Little red string of fate pulling the two of you back to one another each time you were apart.
By the time your last year of university rolled around, the two of you had saved up enough to move into a cruddy one bedroom apartment together, and maybe that’s when everything had felt right.
Even as you both worked, spent hours in class, you’d still come home to one another at the end of the day.
Jungkook would cook on a Saturday, boxing up lunches and dinners for the week so the two of you could spend as much time together as humanly possible. So evenings could be spent in the bedroom, huddled under blankets instead of hauled up in the dingy kitchen that was more a closet than anything else.
A few of his friends would asked him, if you were really worth the trouble. If your cunt was good enough, if the sex was that mind blowing that he marched around like a dog for you.
He would always brush them off, never telling them that he hadn’t gotten a taste of your sweet little pussy just yet. Because they didn’t need to know. The very thought of them imagining you naked was enough for him to clench his jaw tight, teeth grinding until it hurt.
And maybe that’s where something changed inside of Jungkook.
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He hadn’t meant to kill them.
He was only meant to scare them enough they never let your name linger on the tips of their tongues, spat like venom when you were nothing more than sweet, smooth honey.
Hadn’t meant to be home late to you when he knew you wanted to watch a movie with him that evening. Excited because the old woman that you worked for had given you a cake in thanks for all your help around the shop.
It had been one snide comment too far and Jungkook felt something inside of him snap.
And so he snapped the fucker’s neck, burning his body before anyone could notice he’d gone missing.
Jungkook didn’t feel bad about what he did, relived that your name could no longer be uttered by such filth.
A similar fate had followed to the countless others that started to confess to you. Motives too vulgar for someone as precious as you.
This wasn’t high school anymore and one quick social media check was enough for Jungkook to know that all these men wanted was your body.
Jungkook wasn’t like that.
You’d cried one night, wondering why your new group of friends slowly dwindled to nothing but yourself. And Jungkook had been there as your tears soaked into his shirt.
You hadn’t understood why all of them moved away without telling you. Why they all suddenly seemed to leave half way through the semester.
You’d asked Jungkook if there was something wrong with you.
He’d cradled you so gently that night, whispered promises that you were beyond perfect and maybe those so-called friends of yours were the real problem.
“You’ll stay with me forever, right” you’d rubbed your cheek against the bare skin of Jungkook’s chest.
“Of course, baby” he smooths a hand through your hair, “Just you and me forever”
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You liked that Jungkook always seemed to know what you were feeling, and you didn’t even have to tell him.
You liked that Jungkook never judged you, even when those around you would give you weary looks.
It had started with clothes.
How nothing you wore seemed to bring you much joy anymore. Dull shirts that your parents would buy for birthdays and christmases, the obligation to kind of like them because your family had spent their hard earned money on the tatty looking fabric.
You remember crying.
A little temper tantrum one evening when you were sick of it all.
Maybe it was just a bad week.
Hell, it had been a bad few weeks.
Jungkook was working overtime, you were behind on assignments and you just wanted to be held by your best friend.
You hadn’t heard when Jungkook had slipped into the apartment, socked feet nothing more than a dull thump on the wooden floor as he wandered into back bedroom.
You’d looked up at him in nothing more than your underwear and Jungkook had cooed, bending down in-front of you as he cradled your head to his chest.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” he soothes, pulling you to straddle his thighs.
You hiccup, Jungkook taking a peek at all your clothes scattered across the bedroom floor.
“I don’t feel good in any of it” you snivel, a fresh wave of pearly little tears coating your cheeks.
“You can wear my stuff if you don’t like the texture, baby”
“Not the problem” you slump against him further, “wanna feel cute”
“You are cute” he smiles, pulling your head from his chest from the back of your neck. And he can only compare you to a delicate little kitten.
You pout.
“How about we buy you some new clothes? I’ve got some cash left over from last month” he smiles down at you, pressing a feather light kiss to your temple.
You blink up at Jungkook, lips parting when he slips his thumb inside of your mouth. Instinctively, you begin to suck before nodding your head.
“Thank you, kookie” you muffle, Jungkook’s dick twitching in his sweats as your tongue runs over the pad of his thumb.
“Isn’t it weird?” you asked him as he threw a pleated skirt into the basket, finger running over his bottom lip as he riffles through another rack of clothes.
“What’s weird?” he doesn’t turn to you, but he can hear the frown in your voice.
He throws a glance over his shoulder when you don’t say anything.
“Answer me, doll”
You fidget, fingers tugging at the hem of your shirt.
“Aren’t these things too…” you trail off, eyes flirting to the array of pastel clothes Jungkook had helped you pick out—all soft and ever so girly, you didn’t feel pretty or dainty enough to wear any of them—“childish?” you whisper, but Jungkook hears.
“It’s not weird if you like them, baby” he chuckles, flinging an arm around your shoulder as he leads you to the back of the store.
“You’ve been a good girl today, how about a treat” he nudges you towards the shelves of little stuffed toys.
You turn back to him, brows furrowing, but all he does is give you an encouraging nod.
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He remembers the way you’d stumbled a little outside the toy store on one trip to the mall; looking for new furniture for your new apartment.
Your eyes wide with wonder at the display case, every animal you could imagine waiting to be stuffed and loved.
“Do you want one?” he’d asked.
You looked like a deer caught in headlights.
He’d frowned when you’d shaken your head.
“No, i’m fine. Thank you, kookie” you’d smiled. But Jungkook hadn’t bought your unease little smile. He knew you were still shy about what you wanted, always drawn to the softer things in life, and he was slowly weaving you into his perfect little girl.
So, he’d skipped back to the mall a week later, your new little friend sat carefully in a bag, with a new wardrobe for you to dress him up in.
He remembers the way your eyes had lit up. The biggest smile he’d ever seen pulling at your cheeks until they hurt.
“Do you like it, baby?” he’d bent down to your level, brushing your hair away from your forehead. You’d nodded so fast he was worried you’d give yourself whiplash.
You’d looked up at him like he’d hung the stars in the sky. Frog held close to your chest for the rest of the afternoon, your hands running over its fluffy tummy as you stood by him while he cooked dinner. Because he didn’t like you cooking.
‘It’s too dangerous for small things like you, baby’
“Kook” you’d tugged on the back of his sweater.
“What’s wrong, doll?” he turned the stove down, his full attention on you.
“What do frogs eat?”
“I’m not sure” he hums, finger tapping at his chin, “probably like bugs or something. Why?”
You fidget, rocking on your heels under your boyfriends gaze.
“Wanted froggie to eat dinner with us tonight” you whisper, and Jungkook had almost missed it.
“ahh” he nods, tugging you into his chest, “better go get him then, dinner’s almost done”
Even now, as the two of you live together. Share a home. Your little frog remains at the head of the bed.
Some nights Jungkook will slither into the room late, having been busy somewhere downstairs on his laptop as you settle to bed. And he’ll find your little hand wrapped around the foot of your frog. One of his little webbed toes had matted fur, your poor frog a victim of your habit of chewing something during your sleep.
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The day the two of you had sex, was when the pits of hell had opened for Jungkook.
He couldn’t get enough of you.
Both of you were unsure the first time. Both each other’s firsts for everything and it took months to figure out the dynamic the two of you had.
It had started where most teens do, dry humping one another until you work up the courage to get naked and actually do the deed.
“Feels so good” Jungkook throws his head back as you grind over his cock, thighs tensing each time the tip nudges your clit, rough fabric of your panties only enhancing the pleasure.
“Gonna cum” you whimper, hips continuing to roll against Jungkook’s shaft. Your thighs starting to cramp with how long the two of you had been going at it.
“Come for me” he murmurs as he pulls you down for a kiss, drinking down your moans as your thighs begin to shake, electrical pleasure wracking through your body as you topple over the edge. Cum dribbling into your panties.
You’d flopped against Jungkook, chest heaving in unsteady breaths. Your heartbeats in tandem with one another as you ride out your high.
You squeaked when Jungkook flips you onto the bed, body caged beneath him as his hands start to tug at his cock.
He pushes your panties to the side, head falling onto your chest as his cum coats your slick covered folds. Your thighs twitch closed at the sensation, mouth falling open into a breathy moan when Jungkook pulls your panties back into place and pats your covered cunt, spearing his cum a little more.
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Jungkook learnt that he loved to watch you cry. Something about your blotchy face with tear tracked cheeks making his cock throb. And as much as he wanted to bend you over and shove himself balls deep inside you, the wait always seemed worth it when you’d end up sobbing for him to fill you up.
And so he started making you beg for his cock.
“I can’t help if I don’t know what you want, baby” he hums, foot coming to push at your clothed pussy.
You hike your skirt up around your waist, hips rolling forward as Jungkook toes at your clit. A jolt of pleasure causing another wad of slick to stain your panties.
A pitiful whine spills from your lips, “please, kookie”
He hums, barely acknowledging you as tears start to weigh down on your waterline. A guttural moan rumbling from Jungkook’s chest as saline tears spill down your cheeks like precious little waterfalls.
“Stupid girls like you don’t deserve cock, that’s all you can think about right? How good it would feel if daddy fucks you?” he bends down to meet your eyes, pulling you forward from underneath your arms, situating you over his foot.
You look up at him expectantly as he leans back on the sofa.
“What?” he drawls, “Get yourself off then”
Jungkook can’t help but palm himself over his jeans as you start to grind against his foot, cooing as you hiccup, hips stuttering as you find just the right angle.
“Good girl” he groans, your mouth falling open in a moan, you lean against his thigh. Nose inches away from his throbbing erection.
Your fingers fiddle with the zipper of his jeans, Jungkook helping you as he pulls his flushed cock from his boxers. He slaps the tip against your lips, lazy smile tugging at his cheeks as your tongue lolls out of your mouth, clear bead of pre-cum coating the surface.
You snivel as Jungkook teases, only inching the head of his cock past your lips before pulling back. Groaning as you let a wad of spit slick up the head of his cock.
“Please, want your cock” you continue to grind against his foot, no longer worried about coming yourself; focus set on Jungkook’s girthy length that’s inches from being inside of you.
“Yeah?” he murmurs, bringing a hand to brush your hair from your forehead, “How bad?”
You blink up at him through your lashes, not missing the way his throat bobs in impatience.
Jungkook liked to tease you but his self control had never been the best. And as much as liked to tease, he would give you anything you asked for.
You moan when he feeds his length into your mouth, cheeks hollowing as your hips stutter.
You didn’t have a gag reflex, years of Jungkook using your mouth as his own personal fleshlight slowly morphing your mouth into a perfect little hole to fuck as he pleases.
However, today he had other plans.
“Up” he pulls your head off his cock, silencing you with a kiss to your forehead when you start to whine.
“Daddy wants to cum inside your little pussy, baby” he pulls you up into his lap from under your arms.
He helps you pull your panties off, skirt pulled up so he could take a look at your soaked folds, red and puffy from grinding against him.
Your thigh highs pull taught as you slowly sink down on his length, his hand holding his cock in place as you test the waters.
Your breath hitches as the tip pushes your folds apart, a dribble of slick coating his cock as you rock your hips forwards.
The head of his cock nudges your clit and you hands fly to hold onto Jungkook’s shoulders for support as he guides his length back towards your hole.
The head of his cock pops into the tight ring of muscle, your mouth falling open at the stretch. Jungkook watches as a breathy whine tumbles from your lips as you slowly bounce on the mere inch he has tucked inside of you.
Be pulls your shirt up over your head, tugging your bra down so your tits spill over the edge as you start to inch down.
He leans forward, mean as he tugs one of your nipples with his teeth before lathering them up with spit.
Decidedly, you drop down until your ass meets his thighs, and Jungkook holds you close to his chest as you gently start to grind your hips.
He hears you sniffle, cock twitching against your velvet walls as you bounce a little.
“Why you crying, huh?” he chuckles
“Feels so good” you whisper, mouthing at the bare skin of his neck.
Goosebumps prickle down Jungkook’s spine as he feels your warm breath fan his skin.
He slowly grows impatient, hands firm on your hips as he uses the floor as leverage, hips jackhammering into your soaked cunt.
You cling onto your boyfriend, staccato of breathy “ah ah ahs” melting with the wet squelch of your cunt as Jungkook thrusts up into you.
You clit rubs up against his abdomen, your thighs starting to shake as he continues his pace, his grunts being followed by the sound of his thighs smacking against your ass.
“Together, yeah?” he grunts, fingers digging into your hips, mesmerized by the way your tits bounced.
“mmhmm” is all you manage before your cunt starts to clench around his length, his thrusts a little less sharp as he starts to tip over the edge.
He leans forward, lips closing around your nipple, and that’s all it takes to push you over your peak. Your thighs shake as Jungkook languidly rolls his hips up into your, cock jolting before you feel him flood your cunt with his cum.
Your hips stutter at the feeling, fingers threading into the short hairs at the back of his head as you feel him fill you up.
“My good girl” he soothes, keeping his now softening cock inside of you to keep his seed plugged up.
“Like feeling full” you sigh, and Jungkook uses his thumb to wipe your wet cheeks.
“I love you” he smiles, his hand tangling in your hair, tugging it so you’d face him.
Jungkook presses a firm kiss to your lips, tongue licking at the seam.
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Lately Jungkook had been worried.
You’d been on your phone a lot recently, the screen always turned away from him when he was in the room. Never leaving it lying around the house like you usually would.
And that worried Jungkook.
You didn’t have any friends beside him, he made sure of that. He knew everyone that was in your life, and he knew everyone that would face him if they made one wrong move.
What if you were talking to other people?
He couldn’t have that.
He couldn’t have them corrupting your precious little mind.
And so, he does the only logical thing; a little snooping through your phone.
Guilt doesn’t cross his mind as he flicks through your phone.
The only chats open were your mother and him. The only contacts you had were your family and him.
He tilts his head in confusion.
Nothing seemed out of place.
He’d checked your phone months ago and nothing seemed any different, so he couldn’t understand why you’d been so skittish about him know what you were looking at.
He swipes up, ready to close all the apps he’d opened when he finds it.
His eyes widen at the screen.
“What’s this?” you shake a brown box, a week later and Jungkook peers out of the kitchen to see what you’re talking about.
“Ah, doll. Come in here and open that” he motions for you to sit at the table.
You do as told, pulling a chair out from the dining room table and placing the box in between you and Jungkook.
He pushes the box forward. Urging you to open it.
He grabs you a pair of safety scissors, fussing over you as you try and open the box before he evidently does it himself.
You can see Jungkook’s thigh bouncing in the corner of your eyes and you look up to meet his gaze that was already on your face.
“Is it a christmas present?” you ask, voice soft. And Jungkook shakes his head.
“Nope. I have 2 surprises, this one will keep you busy until we can use the second one”
Your eyebrows furrow, beyond confused about what he was talking about.
You peel away both flaps of the brown box, fingers gentle as you pull the little strips of tissue paper from what lays beneath.
You jaw falls open, eyes wide when you get a first glimpse at what Jungkook had bought you.
“Why—“ your cheeks flush a dark shade of pink, matching the hoodie Jungkook had bought you.
“I got a dick piercing” he smiles.
“Huh” you head snaps up to meet his eyes.
“We can’t have sex for 8 weeks while it heals” he explains, watching you frown, “So i got you a little present”
Your fingers skim over the ridges in the dildo. You wouldn’t have been surprised, you and Jungkook already had one upstairs somewhere in the closet; what was surprising was the shape.
“How’d you know?” you whisper, entrances by the shimmer the silicone held.
“That you like tentacles?” he asks and you hum.
“You left a tab open on your phone” he admits and you nod.
“You weren’t meant to see that” you bite your lip and Jungkook pushes himself from where he’s sat.
He leans down, thumb running along line of your jaw as he brings your lips to his own.
“Nothing to be embarrassed about with me, baby” he murmurs, fresh smelling coffee tickling your nose.
And it’s only then, what he’d just told you sinks in and your eyes glaze over with tears, “That would have hurt a lot, why would you do that” you sniff, Jungkook kissing your tears from your cheek.
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It hadn’t been hard to convince you to quit your job.
The big wide world a little too overwhelming for you, that all it took were a few gentle words from Jungkook and now all you did was stay at home.
He earned enough for the both of you, enough to spoil you when he felt like it.
So it wasn’t uncommon for him to come home to you, bouncing on a silicone cock as you watched something on the tv or color at the table with something plugging up your needy pussy.
You held your little frog to your chest, thighs straining as your bouncing morphs into your hips rocking forwards.
“Couldn’t wait until I got home?” Jungkook flops down on the couch beside you.
You meet his gaze, “Felt too empty” you whisper and Jungkook smiles over at you.
“Poor thing” he croons, running a hand through your hair, “Bend over, love”
You do so, palm of your hand keeping the dildo buried in your cunt as you bend over and show Jungkook.
His tongue wets his bottom lip, fingers grasping the base of the fake cock before he pull it out half way, only to shove it back into you.
You jolt forward, lewd moan dripping off your tongue like honey as he continues to thrust the cock into you.
“Not enough” you whine, hips canting backwards to meet his thrusts.
“No? What do you want, sweetheart?”
“Your cock” you turn to look over your shoulder, meeting Jungkook’s gaze.
You watch his eyes glaze over with lust, uncaring of your whine when he tugs the fake cock out of you.
You smile when you hear him shuffle behind you, hands splayed across your hips as he lines himself up with you cunt.
You rock backwards, a silent plead for him to hurry up.
He feels your walls clench around him as he slowly pushes him, kings crown piercing dragging through you walls as he pulls back before snapping his hips forwards.
You moan, slick dribbling around Jungkook’s length as he pulls out only to slam back into you.
“Look at you, creaming all over my cock” his hand swats over the plush skin of your ass, a broken whine his response as you feel your asscheeks flare red.
“So good for me” his head tips back as he continues the pace of his hips, the backs of your thighs flushing pink as his skin comes in harsh contact with your own.
You slowly start to feel your peak forming, crashing so hard over the edge you feel a rush of wetness push Jungkook’s cock out of your core, hole clenching around nothing.
Jungkook lines himself back up, fingers trailing down the front of your body to flick at your clit, tight circles sending jolts of delicious pleasure through your body as Jungkook picks up his pace.
He ignores your cries of overstimulation, a mean chuckle rumbling through his chest as he pulls your hips towards him, his own starting to stutter as he nears his end.
“Come for me again” he groans, continuing his onslaught on your clit.
Your thighs tremble, and if it weren’t for Jungkook’s tight hold on your hips you would have collapsed.
You feel his cock twitch, your boyfriend pushing his cock as far inside of you as he can before he’s coming, the rhythmic clenching of your pussy enough to milk him dry.
Your second orgasm of the night isn’t a big as the first, watery arousal leaking down Jungkook’s cock, murky with his own white release.
“Keep it inside, please” you cry when he goes to pull his soft cock from your messy hole.
He takes a hold of the dildo, shoving it back up your tight pussy before he’s pulling you over his lap, hands skimming down your sides as you turn your attention back to the documentary you were watching.
Your hands stroking him to full hardness again. And he knows it’s going to be a long night, with you a little fussy as you squirm in his lap. Intent of your cunt being stuffed to the brim with his cum.
“So good for me, my perfect little princess”
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wayfayrr · 10 months
Hi! I saw your requests are open and I read what you posted about fem!reader with piercings, and I wanted to request fem!reader but with lots of tattoos, maybe a full on sleeve tattoo on one or both arms in chain’s world if that’s ok (´・ᴗ・`)
It can be with anyone you want, whether it’s someone you’ve been wanting to write about, or whoever would give you the most motivation, or whoever you think would be the most interesting to do in this scenario, have fun with this ♡︎
That's very okay anon!! Ngl you actually scared me with the timing of this ask though, I was literally talking to a coworker about how I've always been considering a sleeve then I saw your ask just a bit later JSVNJODN!! But this was really self-indulgent in the end! the tattoos reader has are only loosely described If anyone wants to know what I was picturing as I wrote feel free to ask I'm happy to share!!! I ended up writing for Sky since he's my favourite! I hope you like it!!
“You and I are sharing a room tonight then, my dove? I can’t believe they’ve let me have you all to myself like this. It’s the perfect chance for you to show me some more of your music…”
That incident earlier seems to have given Sky far more confidence around me now, not that I’m saying that I don’t like how much more touchy he’s gotten, it’s far from that. Sky having more confidence to act how he wants around me rather than how he thinks he should act or like he’s trying to keep me at arm's length feels wonderful. Even if he is still teasing me about it. His laugh when he’s not holding back at all is still one of the most beautiful sounds, and I truly doubt it’ll ever stop being one.
“Yeah, maybe I can use the chance to show you some decent things, first though I’d rather get into something more comfortable and settle.”
“I’m looking forward to it dear, if you’d prefer you can go in now and change while I change somewhere else?”
“Thanks Sky, I’ll see you back here in a second then.”
It’s only fair I tease him back with a kiss, what if he’s going to be so confident with how he holds me most of the time now it’s only fair that I can be more confident as well. Sky didn’t take long either, coming back just as I finished changing, no doubt faster due to being more used to how these clothes just are. And he’s staring at me, Oh right! He’s not seen my tattoo before. He’s got every right to be curious, given I’ve never mentioned it before. The feeling of his hand hovering right over my arm almost feels near intoxicating, he’s so gentle like he’s afraid to do something wrong.
“Dearest would you mind if I..?”
“I don’t, I um well I should’ve told you a bit earlier shouldn’t I.”
“No! I mean, no I’m glad that I found out like this.”
He’s completely enamoured with the biggest tattoo I have, the one on my left arm. Tracing the lines so tenderly, like he’s scared of being overindulgent in giving me attention. It’s almost taunting how softly affectionate he’s being even just for this one, like he thinks I deserve to be treated with the same tenderness as someone would a piece of art within a gallery. Is he going to be like this with all of them?
“It means I get to appreciate your beauty without anyone interrupting, and I don’t think I could bear to share your attention right now.”
“T-thanks Sky. I swear if it wasn’t for the fact I can’t stay in Hyrule I would’ve already asked you to date me.”
“Why should that stop you dearest?”
“Well because I don’t want to cause you any pain when I have to leave, I can’t bring myself to be the one causing you that pain.”
The way his hands tensed around my arms as I said that, along with the face that he pulled? Sky doesn’t seem all that infatuated with the idea that I could leave him, not that I want to, not that I have the choice. His grip loosened quickly though, him pulling me into a gentle hug instead with a whine. Still obsessing over my tattoos at the same time, but with his focus changing from my sleeve to the band on my right instead although now his touch feels more like he’s trying to ground himself. Ironic really.
“Why would you assume I wouldn’t follow you? I couldn’t handle you leaving if I were courting you or not. Not now.”
“I can’t ask that of you Sky, you’re too important to the future of Hyrule.”
“Well, it’s a good thing you aren’t asking. It’s my choice.”
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trina864 · 1 year
Distance between us | KTH - Requested
Summery: Your insecurities rise as your boyfriend becomes more and more distant. Maybe he just needs some space? Paring: Boyfriend!Kim Taehyung x Reader Genre: Fanfiction, Romance || Angst, fluff. | est relationship Word Count: 2.6 k Warning: Little angsty, insecurities about the relationship. ‣ A/N: My first request, let's see how this goes, hope you like it (:
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Your beating heart would always no matter what beat just a tad bit faster whenever your boyfriend walked past you.
His brown eyes the worlds prettiest art in your opinion. You just loved how they always looked at everything with a new take. He saw the world through another filter, which you deeply loved.
Yet it seemed that same eyes never looked to long in your direction.
You had tried everything there was to try in the ‘how to be a good girlfriend’ book and it didn’t work.
You had tried cooking his favorite dishes, get him to talk about his hobbies, Hell! you even tried dressing up! Dressing in a floral dress which you knew Taehyung would like even though you didn’t like it on your body.
He was still not communicating with you.
And you felt it, each late afternoon when he got home from work whereas you had been home studying for your final year in university. He never greeted you like you greeted him. He always walked past you right into your shared bedroom where he would sleep with his back facing you.
You’ll admit that Taehyung hasn’t always been the most clingy boyfriend or most talkative guy, but it had gotten worse over time.
And now you had reached a point where you were starting to doubt if he even loved you.
Over the phone:
“I just don’t know what to do anymore Jimin, he’s always so cold, he never says anything always just walks past me as if I’m not here.”
- “Y/N, listen to me. Taehyung loves you, trust me. It’s probably just work, you know he takes his photography very seriously.”
“But still Jimin... What if I did something wrong? Maybe I insulted him in some way? Or what if- what if he doesn’t love me anymore?” You voice quivered into the phone making the man on the other side sigh.
- “Y/n just trust me okay? Taehyung does love you. I’m sure he didn’t mean to seem distant. Just go talk to him instead of ranting to me.”
Were you ranting? Was Jimin being tired of you too? You’re sure Jimin didn’t mean it like that, yet in your already vulnerable state you couldn’t help the thought going through your head.
“Yea you’re right Jimin, I’ll go now. See you later.” And you ended the call before he could answer back.
You were sitting in yours and Taes blue couch, a Kdrama in the background and the plush blanket your mother had gifted you in your lap.
Old pictures of you and Taehyung decorated the soft green walls of your apartment. You two looked so happy on those old photos, just like every new couple who were still in that puppy love phase.
You were all finished with your studies for the day so that gave you lots of time to overthink every little thing.
Taehyung and you met each other back in high school. You had seen him at a party and in your drunken confidence walked up to him and gotten his number.
The next day you had invited him to a coffee date where you discovered that he didn't even like coffee.
That seemed like it was decades ago.
You were pulled out of your thoughts when you heard the door open and a tired Taehyung came in.
“You’re home early.” You stated with a smile as you pulled the blanket off your lap and got up to greet him.
“Mhm. Got done early.” He said not looking at you and walked past your outstretched arms.
You wanted to cry as you were left in a puddle of your own loneliness, but you kept it cool.
“What do you want for dinner? I was thinking an easy kimchi ste-“ you started and turned back to your boyfriend, but Taehyung interrupted you.
“Don’t bother, I’ll just take an instant ramen." He said and went to the kitchen leaving you with sunken shoulders once again.
You sat down, wrapping the soft blanket even closer to your body in an attempt to comfort yourself. It worked in some sense, yet it would have been so much better with your boyfriends strong arms around you and his fingers tracing your arms.
The drama in front of you was at this point only confusing you with all the missing things you hadn't watched.
You could hear Taehyung mumble to himself from the kitchen. You stood up and walked towards the kitchen, you didn't like being alone.
It the relationship you had always been the clingy one, it was often you who started conversations or kissed him. Whenever he started something you would jump in excitement.
Were you truly getting to clingy for him? Maybe he was suffocating in the relationship. That was the last thing you wanted.
When you reached the small kitchen you immediately went to Taehyung back-hugging him. He didn't lean into you, he didn't shake you away, there was just no reaction from him.
You let go and walked in front of him placing yourself in between him and the kitchen counter.
Taehyung was looking down at his phone with a deep frown placed between his eyebrows, and his jaw scrunched in a tight hold. It was clear that he was angry.
You softly tickled him with a chuckle trying to cheer him up, but he wafted you away without looking up from that damn phone. You both heard the ding from the kettle - this time with Taehyung looking up and walking over to his food.
And then again he left you as he had finished the making of his food.
It was certain now. He was really showing you every sign there was to show, he didn't want to be with you. He didn’t even try to hide the obvious.
You didn't know what to do with this information. You couldn't give up on your relationship, you simply loved him too much and was way to selfish for that.
But staying like this was too hurtful. Your heart couldn't take any more rejections.
Then an idea popped into your head. If Taehyung really was strangled by your clingy behavior then you would have to give him space.
Maybe with space he would come back to himself. And with that thought in mind you made a rule for yourself. You couldn't be as touchy and sticky as you have been, Tae needed air to breathe, and you would give him the air.
Days later nothing had changed between you two. There was still a growing distance, as the earth sliding away from the sun.
You had really tried your hardest to give your boyfriend the space he needed. You stopped texting him every minute and stopped jumping onto him whenever you saw him.
It didn't seem to work, you doubted he even noticed your attempts at making things work out.
Taehyung had in fact noticed your change in behavior. You didn't greet him when he came home from work, never asked what he wanted to eat, and you didn't hug or kiss him as much.
He wondered what had happened since you stopped. Yet he had a feeling it was his fault. Taehyung had never been as good as you to express his feelings - he knew that.
But he had never thought that his lack of expression would make you turn into exactly that - expressionless.
He didn't like the way your relationship were going, or how you were starting to change yourself. He knew it was his fault, yet he didn't know what he could do to get you back to yourself.
Currently you two were sat on each side of the couch seeing some drama you had put on before he came home. It wasn't awkward between you, yet it wasn't comfortable either.
Once again his phone buzzed, and you watched as a new deep frown was put on his face.
The next few days was the same. That weird atmosphere in the air between you.
Taehyung now really missed the old you. There was no light to his day if he didn't have your hugs to look forward to, or your concern for him, or your resecuring smiles.
He wanted you to tell him it was okay, that everything would be good.
Taehyung was the only one of you with an income at the moment which he didn't have any problem with, he knew it was hard to finish university, he could see that on the bags under your eyes.
But sometimes he was really stressed knowing he was responsible if the rent wasn't paid. Or if there wasn't food on the table.
At the same time there was so much drama at his work. There was a new boss who was a pain in the ass, always trying to tell him how to take his pictures, and always trying to make him work when he was officially off.
That was why he just wanted to come home to your hugs. To your beautiful soul pulling him into the universe called you.
You on the other hand was almost dying by the hand of your own doubt. Was he really done with you? He hadn't done anything to get your attention, you don't even think he noticed how you tried to please him.
Tonight you had gone to bed early. You couldn't stop thinking about Taehyung.
Why was it so hard for you when you were partners? It shouldn't be like this.
Maybe he just wanted to end it, but was pitying you to much to actually do it.
With these thoughts running around in your head you were so certain that they were true when you heard Taehyungs voice for what felt like the first time in months.
"Y/N... We need to talk." He spoke softly as you turned around to face him and sat up on the bed.
You couldn't look up in his eyes, not when you knew he was annoyed by you and wanted to end your relationship, not when your own eyes were filled with emotions you'd rather want saved for yourself.
"W- what do you wanna talk about?" You stammered out playing with your fingers.
You could feel and hear him walk closer to the bed. He sat down in front of you on the purple bed covers.
"Y/N, look at me plea- please." His voice broke making your eyes turn upwards to look at him.
When you saw his eyes too filled with emotions you wanted to cry out. For the first time in a while you could read him, you could make out his words without him having to tell you.
His fingers sneaked over your hands and took them into a tight hold.
"We need to talk about us." He said immediately causing anxiety to rush through your blood.
"U- us? What do you mean?" You didn't want to make assumptions, but it sounded just like what you had feared these past few days.
You looked down once again, this time with your eyes retreating with tears in them. You really didn't want to lose Taehyung. He was the star showing you the way, without him there was nothing.
Taehyung even though a little withdrawn had always been a big support, always telling you to go for what you wanted. It was his fault that you hadn't ended up working on a tankstation, but actually found something to do with your life.
"I mean that there's been this t-tension between us, a- and I feel like that's my fault." He said which made you look up.
When he saw the tears in your eyes he understood that it defiantly was his fault. As if second nature he moved closer to you and took your frame into his strong hold.
It only caused more tears to fall when he finally showed the emotions you had been longing for. Finally there was comfort from your boyfriend.
"I- it's not your fault Taehyung. I k-know that you're not t- too fond of deep emotions and I've b- been too clingy.-" Your sobbing voice stopped when you were interrupted by Taehyung.
"Y/n stop. You have never been too clingy, I've been too distant, and I'm sorry. I never meant to make you doubt yourself. Y/N, your hugs, your greetings, everything you do is the things that keeps me going." He expressed making you fall silent in his arms, listening to him as he caressed the soft crown of your head.
"I've never been good with feelings, or with expressing them. But I do know that the feelings I feel towards you is the strongest and best things I've ever felt. Please, don't distance yourself from me." There was a new desperation in his voice, which you hadn't heard from him before. Yet it was nice to know that it existed.
"Tae... I only distanced myself because I thought that was what you would want." You admitted softly smiling as you suddenly realized that everything was going to be okay.
"Now why would you do that? I need you as you are! Nothing less." He laughed softly stroking your hair.
"It was just... You stopped hugging me back and whenever I would ask what you wanted to eat you would take an instant ramen instead. It hurt. So I thought you needed some space." You said as you could feel Taehyung slow his movements.
He didn't look at you knowing you were right, he had been more distant that usually, but he never realized it himself. He couldn't believe how stupid he had been for taking your care for granted.
"I'm sorry Y/N. I don't know why I've been so distant, I think it could be because of work, I have this new boss and he's so awful. Whenever I came home I was still too angry to hug you and I didn't want to burden you with making food to me when you've been studying." He explained.
You looked up at him with serious eyes hugging his arms closer to you and falling back into his stomach.
"Tae you need to say things like that! I'm your girlfriend, if you wanna rant to be about your shitty boss then you do that! Don't think too much about my studies, I'm home all day anyways so my life gets quite boring, I could use the drama." You scolded with a smile on your face, a smile which was contagious as Taehyung too softly laughed pulling both of you down to the soft mattress.
"Besides I love cooking for you. Don't think it's a burden for me, I really-... do enjoy it." You said a yawn rudely interrupting you.
Taehyung scoffed looking down at your form.
"Tired?" He asked as he tangled his legs with yours. You would've made a big thing out of it, if you weren't so tired.
"Yeah..." You said your eyes softly closing and opening.
"Nap-time?" His voice dropped a few octaves only lulling your further into dreamland, with him being the main character in your world.
"Mhm... sounds like the perfect idea."
You felt his arms letting go only to pull the plushy covers over you and himself, when they again found their spot on your waist he pulled you closer burring his head into your neck.
It would have surprised you how touchy he was, normally you would be doing these things, but you were too tired, too worn out by the rush of anxiety you had felt during yours and Taehyungs conversation to notice the surprise.
Fairly before your eyes closed and your mind wandered off you heard Taehyungs soft whispers.
"Sorry I was so distant, I love you Y/N."
And then you fell into dreamland, in your boyfriends embrace, with his words echoing as a sweet melody.
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foolishlovers · 3 months
Any trans!Crowley smut you’re particularly fond of?
Asking for a friend
here are some i've read 💜
from autumn blooms spring summer fruit by blackeyedblonde (9k) In the potter’s shed, Crowley picked up a trowel and threatened a yearling lemon tree still residing within its earthenware pot before he would allow himself to sit at the gardening table and pull the folded newspaper Aziraphale had given him from his smock. Enclosed on the inside were two gifts. One was the small velvet pouch that contained a pair of golden earrings strung with twin baroque pearls that did not squeak when he curiously rubbed one against his canine tooth. The other was the familiar sight of neat copperplate writing at the bottom of page seven of the paper, done in lead pencil so the words could be more easily smudged out with a bit of rubber. A gift, Lord Fell had written. I will come find you an hour after the molting brown bird has gone to bed.
Ever-Fixed by HKBlack (19k) Aziraphale Fell had a plan. Go to school, get his degree, and start his life with his beloved at his side as man and wife. Until one day Crowley disappears. Decades later he meets a man, and finds the love of his life again. Anthony J. Crowley, suave, cool, masculine, in control, unflappable, has spent decades building himself up. He refuses to let his confident facade disappear for Aziraphale, who once almost tumbled down the stairs to certain death because his nose was stuck in a book. It’s just sex, and they’ve been dating for months, this time around. There’s no need to get his knickers in a knot. But the past isn’t easy to let go of, even if you’re both avoiding it. A story about love, intimacy, and finding each other again. (Alternatively: Tender smut, but then I wrote love story flashbacks, and now it's just emotional and there's plot in my pornography)
that's what happens when you sign on the line by Sway (22k) "There we are," Mister Fell emerges once again, carrying a pot of tea that matches the decor on the cups. He pours out two cups, then sets the pot down before taking a seat in the other chair. "So… You are looking for a Dominant, then?" “I’m…,” Crowley gapes a bit, mouth opening and closing around what he isn’t quite sure to say. Mister Fell smiles in understanding. “I apologise. I have a tendency to ask rather blunt questions at first to get a feel for what a potential client seeks. I suppose it’s not for everybody to just… say it.” “I don’t want to think,” Crowley all but blurts then, surprising himself a bit. Maybe it does get easier with time to just… say it. “That’s what I want.” *** Crowley seeks to live out his submissive tendencies, to forget about this job, to give up control. He gets refered to one Mister Fell who is not at all what he expects. But very much what he needs.
Black and White Sunshine by Azira_Amane (58k) "The cotton capital. The Second Summer of Love, the Haçienda. Irwell, Medlock, Irk and Mersey. Elizabeth Gaskell wrote her novels in a lovely little house. Oh. There’s so much to know…" Aziraphale East is, by his own account, a bit of an odd duck - and he's okay with that. He's always been happy in his own skin, in having been a confirmed bachelor his whole life. Everything changes on a work trip from London to Manchester, where he meets the vivacious and stunningly attractive Anthony Crowley. Like the splitting of the atom, Aziraphale is divided - and begins to wonder if it's not too late for love after all. Age, as they say, is but a number.
and @ineffabildaddy wrote some lovely trans!crowley smut for the fic we wrote together (with incredible art by @omens-for-ophelia)
Just Up the Stairs by foolishlovers, ineffabildaddy, omens_for_ophelia (39k) On Valentine's Day, amidst the chaos of handling work and university deadlines as a mature student, Crowley seeks solace with his neighbour Aziraphale. As they share a meal, their long-standing friendship begins to unravel, revealing hidden feelings they've harboured for six months. It's a night that could change everything.
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jiveyuncle · 7 months
Hi omg!!!!! I just saw the book you posted for TNAHP and I am dying! It looks GLORIOUS!!!!! Turned out so beautiful binded like that! And the art is absolutely stunning, may I ask what company printed it? Like what shop did you use? I’ve wanted to print certain stories just for myself so badly over the years but there are so many places and I can’t decide and this is exactly what I’ve been looking for!!!!! 😍😍😍 thank you so much for sharing!
Hi, anon! Thank you! 💕 I was so happy getting to hold it and put it up on my shelf! Look!!! 😭💕
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I want to preface everything I’m about to say with this: if you use a third party service to print any material (fics, art, art in fics, etc.) please, please, please reach out to the author/artist and get permission to use the service before printing! It doesn’t matter if someone else already has permission, make sure *you* have permission. Also consider if the art in the fic belongs to someone other than the writer (like if the work was a collaborative piece or if it features fanart of the fic) and get permission from them, too! You may have to wait for a response, or you may never get one (in which case, don’t print without permission), but it really is worth it to make sure the authors/artists feel comfortable and confident that they keep control over their own work.
This is the first service I’ve used, and I have no experience binding, so I’m just sharing what I did and what I noticed with my untrained eye.
First, the service I used is Barnes and Noble Press. Here’s a link:
You can make books publicly for sale or books strictly private for personal use. If printing fanfic, be certain that you are creating a “personal” print. It will appear like this in your projects section (note the “PERSONAL” banner above the cover art):
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As you can see - the price is pretty decent as far as books go! After tax, shipping, and handling costs, this book turned out to be $21.82.
You can choose how you want to customize the materials your book is made up of. Different materials cost different amounts (i.e. printing color pages inside is going to increase your price a lot). If you don’t know where to start, here’s the preference settings I selected for my copy:
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Now, understand that they are not editing your book for you - you’re still going to have to do all the formatting and arranging in a document yourself and designing your own cover (so be prepared to still spend a lot of time on this project). They simply print and physically put all the pieces together for you.
Lastly, I want to address quality. While this is far better quality than I could manage on my own, it’s still not 100% up to quality of most books I can purchase in a store. For comparison, I’ll show a couple side-by-side images of the fic print next to my favorite published book, The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater.
Dust jacket: Feels great! Literally no complaints.
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The hard cover: A bit cheaper feeling. Definitely noticeable difference with a printed visual texture instead of real texture. The printed texture creased and wore away to reveal the white beneath. It’s visible here after just a few openings of the book. Also, unfortunately, you cannot customize the hardcover under the dust jacket, so no spine labels and you’re stuck with this color blue:
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Finally, my biggest concern, the binding of the pages: looks a lot more like a paperback that had its cover glued onto a hardcover than an actual standard hardcover. Again, I’m no expert and idk if that’s normal, what anything is called, or how this affects the lifespan of the book, but you can even see where the spine kinda hovers away from the hardcover casing and how that compares to the The Raven Boys.
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Anyway, the service isn’t perfect, no, but it works for what I wanted, looks nice, is user friendly, and allows me to hold a fic I otherwise never would have had the opportunity to. I appreciate it for that.
Hope this was helpful! Print responsibly 😊
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
Do you ever feel afraid of being known in social media? Like, have you ever feel afraid of people seeing your art or to share your opinions and headcanons?
I've been thinking about sharing my own fanfics and other fandom stuff but I feel afraid of doing it and I wanted to know if you struggle with this and how do you do it
I don't know if this is going to be rude and if it does I'm really sorry, I didn't wanted to sound like that
It’s not rude at all! Don’t worry about it :)
I wouldn’t say I have a fear of being known on social media anymore, I guess I’m more anxious of like, my in person friends finding my stuff? Like a lot of em already know I’m insane, but if a coworker of mine ever found my fanfic series in which I just continually beat up one of the versions of Link (*cough* Wars *cough*) I think I’d have to orphan everything I’ve ever written, deactivate my tumblr account, legally change my name, move across the country, and then explode.
I did have some anxiety first posting my own things on this acc and not just reblogging things, but honestly everyone on here and on ao3 has been so nice and supportive? I gained a lot of confidence from that. I was definitely a little anxious at the start but I have like a consistent group of people who hype me up every time I post and it makes posting feel a lot more comfortable, knowing I have people there who like the stuff I say/write :)
My experience in the LU fandom specifically has been nothing but awesome, everyone who’s ever interacted with me has genuinely been the sweetest person ever, if you want to start posting your own stuff, the people here from my experience are super friendly :) and i dunno who you are, anon, but i’d love to read your stuff
If you do decide to post I wish you luck! It can be a bit nerve wracking started out, but from my own experience, it definitely gets easier :)
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iravaid · 11 months
(in reference to your reblog)
I would absolutely love an exhaustive breakdown of all of your decisions regarding ‘Simon Riley in Situations’
That series consumes me. Much like in the way that Simon was consumed by the desert. I have been fundamentally altered by it.
Oh my god, genuinely thank you so much for asking
This became a very long set of rambles that I have two split in two, possessed by the talk too much demons... sad! Here is the first part, the second part I'll tack on in a later reblog.
More below, I get a little bit Pepe Silvia in this, but oh well lmao
An Introduction
I’m going to preface this with stating that the comics are bad. On an artistic and writer’s standpoint, their net value is negative. I have read those six wretched issues at least seven times through and feel confident in that assertion. I have no idea why people think they’re actually good, in the face of muddy rendering and an overall displeasing art style, Americanised writing with poor panelling and pacing and dialogue, among other torture-porn related things.
That being said, there are moments of competency that shine through, past the early 2000s edge and casual sexism + racist stereotypes, which in turn irritates me because it does show there could have been a better story here. And Yet. But the comics have been a well of spiteful inspiration, first with Except You, and second with In The Desert (and perhaps more to come), and I do want to talk about that. (and I do know that the comics aren’t necessarily canon for the reboot Ghost, but like. C’mon. Work with what we’ve currently got. Even if my money is on Makarov in the reboot having something to do with Ghost’s past, considering the knowing look he and Price share upon seeing the photo.)
Simon is a character that has been doomed by the narrative since day one, and while it would not be a surprise if he survives MW3 on account of the company wanting to make money off his multiplayer counterpart, there is a certain compelling grief in knowing his fate was always going to be how it was in the original trilogy. Simon suffers: Simon dies; Ghost suffers: Ghost dies. There is no other way this story ends. And there is something about the cyclical nature of his life, and patterns to be found in a such a story, which I think are extremely fun to try and enforce, as well as emphasise. It’s this, among other things, that makes him a compelling character to me. Well – that and him being tall, built like a brick-shithouse, gravelly voice, wears a skull mask, has a strong sense of loyalty and compassion for fellow soldiers… (but that’s beside the point!!!!).
The things he went through in the comics had occasionally been so over the top that I need a moment to stand back and go ‘… really? Like. Really? After all that, you put him through more?’ after every reread. It’s not enough that his entire family was murdered but also his psychiatrist and superior officer, and so on and so on. But unfortunately, I have to reiterate that the comics have been a source of inspiration. ‘Simon Riley In Situations’ is an extension of this spiteful motivation to retell/improve upon what the comics were trying to do, as well as occasionally extrapolating on them, or even warping canon to better accommodate my own headcanons/the rebooted universe.
I love stories were a main/side character goes through an incredible change, to the point where they’re noticeably and irreparably different to how they were at the beginning of the story, for better or for worse. Examples that come to mind, currently, are Jinx from Arcane, Zuko from ATLA, Ahsoka in Clone Wars, Steve from Stranger Things. To me, the transformation of Simon into Ghost is something very compelling. The Simon Riley that’s about to fly to the states with Major Vernon is a man very, very different to the Simon Riley freshly recruited into the 141 by Shepherd. But fundamentally they’re still the same person, and that can be an important facet for a big change in a character imo.
I like using a lot of poems and songs and the occasional bible reference in my works. I know it’s fanfiction and maybe for some people that’s overdoing it, but I love it. I love how art informs and inspires itself, and I love using the inherent emotional and cultural connections attached to a specific work in order to enhance that of my own writing. I think it’s good practice, and maybe it doesn’t matter that it’s expressed in the form of fanfiction. I’m a better writer because of it, and that’s something of significance to me: I never studied English lit/creative writing at a higher level of education, so this is where it will be expressed.
Skulls, Death, and the Ghost
Skulls haunt Simon throughout the comics; in turn, Simon has been haunted by the Ghost he’s doomed to become for a very long time. Roba wears skull face-paint when torturing and attempting to brainwash Simon, Simon’s father used to wear skull face-paint when performing, Simon smeared toothpaste on his face when in recovery from Roba’s captivity and it resembled a skull, Tommy wore a skull mask to emulate his father, and Simon hallucinates skeletons/skulls at different points in the comics. Finally, when his family are killed and Simon goes on his revenge mission, he wears the same face paint as he did during Día de Los Muertos when Roba captured him. He claims that the brainwashing didn’t ‘work’ (as the comics put it), but here Simon is, wearing the same mask as his tormentors. I wanted to stretch that recurring imagery by adding the vocalist wearing the skull face-paint in chapter one of Except You. Something there about returning to form, or perhaps finally looking back to see what exactly is that thing who’s been lurking in the back of your mind. I describe the skull reoccurring as “morbidly familiar” in that this has always been Simon’s fate, and it doesn’t matter what he does to try and escape, because he will always return to it.
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It can also be stretched to symbolise his close relationship with Death. Simon has ‘died’ a lot of times in the story. At first he believes he’s dead on a subconscious level (nightmares with Roba’ saying he killed him), but then issues 3+4 happen, and that belief escalates into a conscious conviction that he died on the concrete floor in Roba’s captivity; he died out there in the desert; he died surrounded by his family’s corpses on Christmas; he died the moment he killed Roba; he died for good at the end of MW2. Roba killed Simon, and Ghost put whatever ‘Simon Riley’ once was to rest in the funeral pyre of his childhood home. Ghost has always had to everything on his own up until this point: even give himself a proper sendoff. A part of me wonders if Ghost believes himself, on some level, to be the keeper of Simon’s memory and identity. That is what a ghost is, right? The thing that lingers after a tragedy.
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It's something incredibly interesting to consider present-era Ghost. Does he still think he’s dead? Is he waiting for the rot to set in? Has he been so dissociated from himself for so long that he doesn’t know how else to function, and on some level is terrified of what might happen, should he in turn look back to face whatever is left of ‘Simon Riley’? Maybe Ghost can be interpreted as the one that came back ‘wrong’, and he’s waiting for other people to notice that there’s nothing left but a corpse. He has gotten very little help by way of therapy/counselling, and probably doesn’t have the tools nor language at his disposal to neither work through these things, nor know how to voice them in the first place. That’s one of the reasons I wrote Simon as not fully aware of the definition of ‘child abuse’ and how it related to him. He knows Nigel (his father) was a cunt and a wifebeater, but he doesn’t know those necessary psych terms to properly begin processing what happened to him both as a child and adult, because who could have taught him? He never got the chance to go to DBT or CBT, and that hazy moment of time with Dr Halloway probably wasn’t conducive to learning about things like CPTSD and trauma and abusive households. I tried to extrapolate this, with Simon’s internalised ableism also being a block to fully accepting or even processing those terms. He’s in a lot of pain, and he very, very desperately wants to move on, to return to how he used to be before all of ‘this’. Will talk later on about how the military factors in to keeping the status quo of ‘the Ghost’.
In tarot (love you tarot love symbolisms in it love when it’s used in media mwah mwah), the death card symbolises major change, rebirth, and endings and beginnings.
If anything, Simon Riley is defined by his deaths and rebirths, how he keeps forcing himself to change in order to survive a brutal narrative set for him. And Ghost, who bears a skull-face not dissimilar to the grim-reaper, perhaps wears this taboo symbol to ward off ‘evil’, or to use that fear in order to keep people at arm’s length, in response to these injustices done to him by fate and the machinations of people far crueller than Simon. He has been through a lot, and still he keeps moving, keeps completing missions and being a ‘good soldier’, because that’s all Simon knows. He’s like a shark in that way, or a well-trained dog: he was never taught, nor given the chance to learn, how to not be a soldier. This is something me and @narramin, affectionately refer to as hound-coding, which, god, really suits Simon. Will talk about it further on.
Roba Himself
Manuel Roba is certainly there. It’s honestly incredibly disappointing to see how this specific character was handled, how heavily the writers leaned into stereotypes to depict Roba – there’s a panel of him holding a burrito for fuck’s sake. This caricature of a villain is both lazily written, but also serves to reduce the impact he has on Simon. This man is supposed to be the primary antagonist, above Simon’s abusive father. He is the reason that Ghost exists, the reason the Riley family are dead, and can be considered the primary catalyst for most of the comics’ plot. And yet this man, and all that he represents in Simon’s suffering, is reduced to the fat ‘El Gordo’ with dialogue lines that are ultimately meaningless, a personal motivation that is only said in his dying breath without further exploration, and ultimately is a villain without any teeth. I think Roba has the potential to be a terrifying figure, one this kind of dark story needs in order to ensure that Simon’s suffering isn’t made a joke when compared to the one at the source of it all.
There are moments of competency and personality that shine through here and there. The pink deck chair in the sensory overload room, the ‘plant flowers over [the grave]’ line, as well as Roba choosing to make himself appear as the grim reaper himself as a way to express ultimate power over his captives’ lives (and, in turn, Simon killing Roba and choosing to don the skull-face could be seen as him taking that control back).
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There is a set of panels, one from issue 5 and another from issue 6, that piques my attention when placed together (seen below). Simon has tried so hard to convince himself and others that he is fine, that Roba’s brainwashing failed, that he is not deeply affected by the seven months of torture and humiliation and dehumanisation. But then he comes back from the dead wearing the same face-paint as Roba. He refers to himself as death, as does Roba. That man has his claws deep in Simon, and Roba knew this, and he died with a smile on his face because of it. As quoted by his final words: in the end Roba is just one man. Killing him won’t bring back the Rileys and it won’t stop the pain Ghost is in (but by god is it Ghost’s right to put that man down for what he did to him.).
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The following paragraphs will discuss the torture Simon was subjected to in Roba’s captivity and features discussion of the sexual assault he experienced, as well as being him drugged + detailed acts of dehumanisation. The section itself will be bracketed with a ‘-’, feel free to skip to the final paragraph marked of this section if you’d prefer.
In my writing I want to show a competent, terrifying Roba. He should be purposeful in how he goes about breaking these men down in order to build them up into the dutiful hounds Roba so obviously wanted. That’s part of why I think, and wrote, Roba having never touched Simon, he made sure it was his men assaulting Simon while he watched (for one reason or another). And when they were finished Roba would try to manipulate the situation into one being Simon’s fault and that Roba, and only Roba, could fix for him. Simon needed to see Roba as the one with the power to control all these awful things happening to him, and that his own obstinance is the reason he’s suffering. Roba would make an offer – if you listen to me, follow what I say, I can make this stop. I can stop them from touching you ever again. It’s purposefully and insidiously phrased, he’s trying to make all this seem like Simon’s fault for not ‘giving in’. In turn, the prolonged torture and dehumanisation would best be served as well-thought-out tactics.
I’m not a fan of how every other captive was noted as too ‘weak’ or whatever to hold out against all that Roba was doing to them, only for Vernon to say that his methods were ‘genius’ – not with a near 100% mortality rate it fucking isn’t. It would be interesting to explore a fic where Roba was actually competent enough for those aforementioned super soldiers to be a real thing (and we’ll make death proud of us touches on this very well I recommend this fic). But, regardless, I find exploring the ways Simon could have been dehumanised/tortured without succumbing to infection or shock or a sudden heart attack from the sheer amount of stress and trauma to be morbidly interesting. I’m a morbid person, so this tracks lmao (it’s regardless a matter of balance, though, because we’re trying not to fall into that Edge the comics loved so much). I also want to note that Roba rarely, if ever, called Simon by his real name. It’s always ‘English’ or ‘Mr. Death’. A name is a powerful thing to control, stripping a person of their name is a common dehumanisation tactic, one that even the military has been known to use in order to get all these individuals into acting as one mass. It’s also a sign of non-acknowledgement, in my eyes. Simon was not a person to Roba, not really, just a dog that needed moulding. In a way, Ghost referring to himself as ‘Ghost’ may also be a tactic to distance himself from Simon in order to cope with the Everything that’s happened to him.
The next point is just as important as the prior ones: what kind of effect would all this have on Simon in different stages of the comics? And what kind of inner monologue and mindset would he have in order to endure these awful, awful things? And how would he heal from it, considering how the events of the comics went down? He has no control over the situation as a whole, but I imagine that Simon is the kind of person to try and grasp for anything to have control over regardless – he’s exhausted but he still might try to lay in a way that keeps him protected or stills his roiling gut, he’ll occasionally still try to lash out against the narcos, he’ll try and joke with Sparks and Washington in order to help them cling to their humanity (as well as preserve his own identity as a protector, which I want to get into later). He especially utilises dissociation as a ‘tool’ developed from living under the same roof as Nigel Fucking Riley. It provided a very necessary reprieve, and Simon probably believes he’d been ‘broken’ by his father long before Roba ever got his hands on him. Simon at this point probably (maladaptively, in the long run) perceives his ability to dissociate from the body to be a way to control what he truly feels. He can get some kind of control over experiencing multiple instances of sexual assault, over MONTHS, by creating a clear delineation between the body and the person. I wonder if this laid the groundworks for the self-perceived split between Simon Riley and Ghost.
He’s out of that place, Roba is dead and whatever was left of the Zaragoza cartel is hopefully long gone. But where does that leave Simon, whose primary coping mechanisms are either feeling horrific, yawning numbness, or forcing all that pain and fear and humiliation into over-powering anger? All these things kept him alive then… but now what? He has been subjected to a horrific slew of experiences in seven months, over two-hundred days. How do you approach that kind of deal and unpackaging and addressing of that trauma? It’s something in and of itself would be a compelling story to tell, especially with his childhood trauma informing how he processes those experiences. Simon has been physically and psychologically changed by Roba, even if he tried to ‘resist’ – even though interrogation resistance training only lasts for so long.
Sometimes I wonder at what point did Simon realise they weren’t torturing him for information, but to make him into something that wasn’t human. At what point did he realise that there was a reason they made him crawl down the hallways on his hands and knees with a collar around his neck, or that they fed him dog food off the ground, or that he might have been kept in retrofitted dog kennels, in a long-abandoned dog fighting pit.
I wonder if there were times he wished he’d just let go and listen to Roba, and kill the people the latter wanted him to kill; just so that the pain would stop, and he could be more than this thing surviving on the concrete floor. Very interesting to consider, what with the comics implying that Sparks and potentially Washington were also drugged in order to force a dependence on them, as a way to further exert control over them. I’m not sure why Simon didn’t also experience this. Yet another Comics Cringe Moment.
Ultimately, when I see Roba I think of a Judge Holden-esque figure: an intelligent man who has taken a step back, looked at the violence of the world, and ultimately came to the conclusion that, 1.) It is in man’s nature to wage war and be violent, and 2.) It is Roba’s right to control that flow of violence. He had Simon, Sparks, and Washington, and others who came before them, tortured, brutalised, dehumanised, starved, assaulted, and vivisected with intents to brainwash them into his own personal soldiers/bodyguards. He wanted to perverse nature and control something that was never his to control, and I think a character like that should ooze calculated cruelty and a disdain for the optimistic/what he perceives as weak. It’s a dog-eat-dog world, in Roba’s eyes, and he wants to be the one holding the leash.
Dogs and Hounds
Speaking of dogs, let’s get into hound-coding. Dog/hound/wolf metaphors are used for characters in a plethora of ways: dogs and other canines are embedded deeply in a lot of cultures and that can be seen in how disparate a dog can be used in symbolism. The rabid dog that requires put down, versus the loyal-to-a-fault dog whose diligence will be its downfall. The dog that hunts you down relentlessly against the dog that protects and nurtures. Vicious and borderline obsessed, pursuing a singular goal with tunnel-vision; dangerous predator stalking you from the shadows; wholly dedicated to a sole purpose in life; kicked to the point where anger lines their teeth and they meet the world with a bite, because they’ll never let anyone hurt them again; a caregiver and teacher, sometimes even a leader that will look out for who they see as family.
With Simon Riley, I feel he is a hound, the kind that’s been kicked enough times to know to bite first and ask questions later – but can someone please be gentle? Please, can’t someone let him rest? Then the narrative slaps his muzzle and tells him the story isn’t done yet. Simon, off the coattails of escaping his childhood home as a teenager, finds purpose in the military and clings to it. So much of Simon’s identity can be tied to him being a protector, as well as a soldier; he’s proud of his achievements within the SAS, cocky, even. He is well trained in violence and well experienced, too; he’s risen above to make a reputation for himself as a tough sonofabitch within the SAS, which is pretty famously full of that type of person.
The dog can be moulded into a lot of different things in fiction, just as it has in real life. So can Simon, so can Ghost: he’s a character that has been subjected to extreme kinds of change, with some very clear distinctions between Pre-Roba Simon, During-Roba, Post-Roba, Post-Family Massacre, and Post-Jungle Raid. That’s one of the reasons why I think the dog metaphor, and its imagery, can provide very impactful parallels for Simon. What is a dog, if not loyal and loving? Didn’t we make it that way? And what is a dog, if not defined by the job it can fulfil. We made it that way. What use is Simon to the military, if he won’t do what he was trained to do. I wonder if he worries about that in between missions: losing his purpose and identity one way or another.
Ghost is a good leader; he knows how to direct a team and how to keep Soap calm during the chaos in Las Almas. I imagine he found sanctuary in the camaraderie that can be found in a military environment, compared to his chaotic homelife. He doesn’t necessarily have to be open about it, or all that externally happy. But it’s regardless a community that has provided Ghost with some form of support (ironic, again, considering it’s the military, but that is how it works). Like a pack animal, one might say.
His potential relationship with Soap, if people take it that way (I do and will be talking about it more later #peaceandlove), reminds me of the poem ‘bait dog’ among others, here's an excerpt from the end of it: “And she still flinches / When I reach to pet her / but she smiles / once I get behind the ears / you will not heal from everything / that does not mean / you will stop being loved.”, and I feel that’s a very lovely image when applied to Soapghost, y’know? Simon has been through a lot, and Soap is emotionally mature enough to recognise that and give him space, while still putting in that necessary work to bridge certain gaps. Kind of like the slow burn of getting a rescue dog to trust you, except it’s your human superior officer with CPTSD and an edgy comic book backstory. They will doubtless have issues and bumps in the road, but they’ll also have shitty jokes and a lot of patience to keep things buoyed. Love wins or WHATEVER.
Roba tried to make Simon into an attack dog, too. Treated him like one, and I imagine there was a point where Simon was starting to believe it. Then he gets buried alive and has to dig his way out. He has to drag himself through the desert (more to come on that) and survive months of recovery until he has a chance to return to the state he physically was. I imagine this time of injury was awful for Simon: he felt incompetent on top of the other churning emotions one would have after surviving so many months of All That. Simon, I imagine, has always defined himself by his ability to provide, protection or otherwise, as well as his own physical prowess. It’s what kept him and his family safe all this time. It also led to him being picked for that fateful mission. I think Simon is a man shown to be capable of that single-minded focus of a hound that’s caught the scent, especially when he spent months tracking down Roba in the jungle.
Simon is a dog constantly having to remember its teeth. There is a lot to be said about dogs that learn to bite back.
I have reached a character limit here but still have a lot to talk about, please hold (and tysm, again, for the ask)
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luciddaydreamsstuff · 5 months
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Wanted to post more about this AU since it’s been on my mind for a bit, so here’s some info about the Daycare Attendants along with their work attire. Apologies for it this comes off as word vomit
Base Info: This au takes place after the events of Security Breach with the events of the Ruin DLC (mainly Bonnie and the Mimic) occurring months after the pizzaplex’s reconstruction in this au. Henry Emily doesn’t die in Pizza Sim and later (around his 70s) becomes the CEO of FazBear during the reconstruction of the pizzaplex. The virus upped the affected animatronics worse tendencies to 11 (Roxy’s confidence = narcissism, Monty’s anger = “punch first, ask never”, etc.)
Design: Not sure why, but when I saw Fizzarolli from Helluva Boss, his limbs were what I constantly imagined Sun and Moon having so they do. Sun has more rays to help flesh out his head while Moon has a longer night cap, because it looked nice. Both have moveable face plates however Moon’s expressions are more limited due to being nap time. I’ve seen people write about Sun and Moon having a chest cavity but never seen one explained or in a design, so it’s a bit more obvious that they have one. Moon’s chest cavity usually holds glow-in-the-dark moon and star stickers that are used during nap time and the cavity can switch out to a speaker where Moon can play music from. Sun also has a chest cavity (look at previous post about this au) which has six “drawers” allowing him to hold more items. Moon has both the wire cable and a floating mechanism while Sun just has the wire. It also may be harder to tell with my art but Moon is smaller than Sun. Sun has more bells than Moon due to his role as playtime, Moon has less because she doesn’t want to accidentally wake up the kids. Both attendants have wardrobes and have multiple outfits they can wear around kids. Moon’s face is more feminine due to some parents complaining about no female attendant in the daycare, so when Sun and Moon got a redesign, Moon’s face leaned more feminine while Sun’s leaned more masculine.
Sun: The older of the two. Sun had been affected with the virus, though it only made him more hyper and unhinged as he would accidentally bruised kids without knowing due to playing a bit too rough. After the virus was purged, Sun was a bit more mellowed out though he still will move around. Sun mostly deals with kids from preschool age to early middle school (6th grade specifically). Sun uses he/him pronouns and can get excited easily. Sun stands at 6’2. Sun’s outfit is more breathable and more active or sporty while still looking like a jester.
Moon: The younger of the two. Originally a last minute addition to the Daycare. Moon was fully affected by the virus, merging their security and nap time protocols together making her more irritable and hand out punishments more. After the virus was purged, Moon was more chill and calm like before the virus though his security protocols got upgraded to be on a timed schedule. Moon usually deals with slightly older kids from middle school to high school (7th to 12th) and will usually help kids with homework. Moon uses any and all pronouns (he/she/they) and despite being an introvert, loves hanging out with the children of the daycare. Moon stands at 5’10. Moon’s outfit is more poofy and soft to look more friendly.
Hopefully my ramblings are understandable, but also explain both the au slightly and some creative liberties I took when designing these two. I have more ideas that I’m more than happy to share
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kanerallels · 1 year
Finally, I have a fic worth posting for @jacensyndullaweek! (although I do have one thing that I'm gonna end up posting late that I want to share)
Prompt: Culture/Heritage
Rating: G
Read here on AO3!!
1. Sabine
“Are you sure Ezra’s gonna be okay with this?” Jacen frowned at Sabine as they headed into the cockpit of the New Dawn.
“Rule number one of art as a Mandalorian,” Sabine said. “Never ask. Just do. Unless it’s Hera’s room. Then you ask. Besides, the Dawn needs a little brightening up. No ship should be entirely gray.”
The boy wavered for another second, then grinned. “Okay, cool! Where are we starting?”
“That’s more like it.” Sabine paused, turning in a circle. “That wall,” she said, pointing. “You start there, and I’ll start on the other side.”
“What should I paint?” Jacen asked as she passed him the box full of small finger paint cans she’d bought just for this— it was a good place to start for a beginner.
Pulling out her paint guns, Sabine said, “Whatever you want. If you don’t know, start with a feeling. Or something you know. Just don’t hesitate. When you’re doing graffiti, you need to be confident. Got it?”
Jacen nodded, his eight-year-old face screwed up into a serious expression as he pulled out green and blue paint. “I got it.”
“Good. Let’s get started.”
2. Zeb
“Okay,” Hera said, pinching the bridge of her nose. Zeb recognized this expression— she’d worn it about a thousand times while lecturing him and Ezra back in the day. “Run it past me one more time. How in the name of the Force did you break your arm, Jacen?”
Wincing, Zeb said, “It was an accident, I swear.”
“It was!” Jacen agreed earnestly, struggling to push himself upright in the hospital bed and wincing slightly. Hera pressed her lips into a straight line— never a good sign.
“Why don’t you start from the beginning?” Kanan offered from next to Hera. His expression was serene, and he brushed a gentle palm against Hera’s arm, which seemed to calm her a little bit.
“Right,” Zeb said. “So, I was talking to the kid about some of the old sports they had back on Lasan.”
“And there was this one where the greatest warriors would jump from rock spire to rock spire, show off their climbing skills,” Jacen said, his eyes gleaming. “So I asked Uncle Zeb to show me—”
“—and he asked to try it out—”
“—and I fell,” Jacen concluded.
Throwing her hands in the air, Hera said, “And you didn’t even think about the fact that Jacen could get hurt doing that?”
“Well, Lasat cubs usually didn’t,” Zeb offered. “I guess I forgot that humans have more fragile bones. No offense.”
Kanan let out a choking noise that Zeb immediately knew was a snort of laughter, and hastily disguised it as a cough. Hera shot him a sideways glare, but her expression softened a few seconds later as she sighed.
“Thank you for trying to teach Jacen, but you do need to be careful. Next time, maybe start with something a little easier? Or make sure Kanan or Ezra are there to catch him?”
“Absolutely,” Zeb agreed. 
As Hera turned to talk to the approaching doctor, Jacen leaned towards Zeb. “Can we try it again when my arm gets better?” he whispered.
“Only if you get better at not falling,” Zeb whispered back. “I don’t want your parents to skin me alive.”
3. Kanan
“Hey, Dad?”
Kanan lifted his head, pulled out of his meditation trance by his son’s voice. Tracking him to the doorway to his and Hera’s room, he waved for him to come in as he said, “What’s going on, kiddo?”
He heard Jacen move into the room and drop down into a similar posture in front of him. “I’m doing this school project— we’re doing family trees,” he explained. “And I need your help.”
Kanan chuckled. “With this family, I’m not surprised. Where’d you get tripped up? Miss an aunt or uncle?”
“Nah,” Jacen said, his matching grin clear in his voice. “Grandparents, actually. I got Grandpa Cham and Grandma Eleni on Mom’s side, but I don’t really know any on your side.”
Nodding thoughtfully, Kanan said, “Well, you and I are in the same boat there, actually. I never knew my biological parents.”
“Okay— so should I just leave it blank?”
Kanan frowned, stroking his beard. “You could,” he said slowly, turning the question over in his mind. It might have been easier just to leave it that way. But the point of these family trees— he assumed— were that the kids didn’t forget where and who they’d come from. The people who’d shaped their lives before those lives had even really begun. “Let me show you something,” he told Jacen, getting to his feet.
He knew the layout of the room well by this time, and it was a matter of ease to step over to the shelf nearby and pull down one of the holodisks stacked there. Turning it on, he let it rest in his palm and held it out to Jacen. “What do you see?”
“Um, two people— a man and a woman. Looks like they’re posing for a picture,” Jacen said. “The woman has braids, and she’s laughing. The guy’s more serious, but he’s smiling a little. He’s taller and bald, looks like he has darker skin than the woman.” He paused, then said, “They’re both wearing Jedi robes. Are these—”
“The woman is my master, Depa Billaba,” Kanan said, turning off the holodisk. “And the man is her master, Mace Windu. A friend recovered this holo for me a year or two ago. It’s the only thing I have left of them.” Reaching out, he pressed it into Jacen’s hand. “They are as close to family as I ever had.”
Jacen was silent for a moment, and Kanan waited, knowing his son was thinking. “Thanks for showing me, Dad,” he finally said.
“Any time, kiddo.”
4. Ezra
“Why are we going here again?”
Ezra glanced at Jacen, who was bouncing on his heels with impatience. “I thought you said we were going to do Jedi stuff,” the fifteen year old pointed out.
“We are going to,” Ezra said truthfully. “We’re just making a stop first.” Looking both ways, he started across the street, keeping one eye on Jacen as he followed him. The kid had finally outgrown his habit of forgetting to look before he leapt— mostly. At the very least, he looked both ways before he crossed the street now.
He was still willing to throw himself headfirst into situations, though, not unlike both of his parents. That included Jedi training, and Ezra knew that he should be just as excited as Jacen was for this.
And he was, really. He was just also pretty sure Kanan had chosen wrong, and that his old master should be training Jacen himself. 
But that wasn’t the point. Right now wasn’t actually about that. Right now was about visiting somewhere he hadn’t been since he’d gotten back from the Unknown Regions, and showing Jacen a new piece of Lothal.
Turning a corner, he spotted the old warehouse. Even just the outside looked different than it had in the years during the war— no guards, and the door was wide open.
He looked at Jacen. “Did your mom and dad ever tell you about this place?” When the boy shook his head, Ezra explained, “During the war, this was where the main black market congregated, particularly around Life Day. I used to come here all the time— mainly when I was by myself, but I came with Kanan and the others a couple times.”
Starting towards the entrance, he continued, “But Lothal doesn’t really need a black market any more— so now it’s just a regular one. One of Lothal’s hidden treasures. I thought you should see it.”
They stopped at the entrance together, and Ezra took in the familiar sights. He recognized some faces— the elderly owner of the stall selling woven blankets, the Gotal who pretended not to notice when he’d stolen a few kebabs every now and then— and noticed others missing. 
The war had changed everything, but they were putting it back together, slowly but surely.
He looked at Jacen, who was taking in the place with wide eyes. “So. Lunch, then training?”
“Sounds good,” the boy said with a grin.
5. Hera
“And you’re sure you’re ready for this?” Hera checked as she, Kanan, and Jacen headed towards the small building awaiting them.
Her son gave her a grin. “Mom, we’ve talked about this like twenty times now. I’m seventeen— I’m ready. You got your tattoos way younger than this.”
Wincing at the memory of the needle’s sting, Hera said, “I know. That’s why I’m checking. I don’t want you to do it just because someone said you couldn’t, like I did. It was terrifying—”
“And you were like eight,” Jacen pointed out. “Of course that would be terrifying. But trust me— I want to do this. I already got Dad’s looks, and I want to honor your side, too.”
Kanan, who’d been silent thus far, spoke up. “He’s right, Hera. Besides, he’s almost eighteen. Even if you put your foot down, he’d only be delaying it for a couple months.”
Letting out a sigh, Hera said, “I suppose I can’t argue with that.”
“Nope!” Jacen said cheerfully. “Besides, you let Dad get the tattoos.”
“Your father is a full grown man,” Hera said. “And incredibly stubborn, I might add.”
Kanan let out a snort. “I think we all know who the stubborn one is in this relationship, Captain Hera.”
Grabbing the door handle, Jacen said, “Yeah, I know better than to get involved in this argument. Come on— Ivri’s already inside!”
Hera followed his nod to where Jacen’s friend, the half-Mirialan boy with a perpetual smile, was waiting for them next to the Twi’leki tattoo artist. “Alright,” she said reluctantly.
“Go ahead, Jacen,” Kanan told him, catching hold of Hera's arm. “Your mom and I will catch up with you in a minute. Don’t choose anything obscene or too embarrassing while we’re gone, okay?”
Grinning, Jacen said, “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
As he ducked inside, the door swinging shut behind him, Kanan lifted an eyebrow at Hera. “What are the odds of him listening to that?”
“Well he has your genes, so about fifty-fifty.”
“Harsh.” Kanan paused, then said, “You okay about this?”
Unable to hold back a wry smile, Hera said, “You know me well, love. But… yeah, I am. Mostly. It’s just…” she looked through the window where Jacen and his friend were chatting with the Twi’lek. “Our little boy is growing up,” she said with a sigh. “It’s strange.”
“You’re telling me,” Kanan said with a sigh. “At least he’s less likely to shoot himself into the Unknown Regions than the last one is.”
Hera snorted with amusement. “He’d better be, or we’ll be having words.”
“I believe it.” Offering her his arm, Kanan said, “Shall we?”
Taking a deep breath, Hera looped her arm around his. “Okay. Let’s do this.” She let him lead her into the tattoo parlor, trying not to think about just how much her son was growing up.
We’re proud of him, though, she thought with a twinge. And he’s still our son. 
+1. Trill
(set a few weeks before the last chapter of Disproving The Love At First Sight Theory)
Jacen sensed it as soon as Trill woke up. Generally speaking, he wasn’t terribly skilled at sensing living beings— not the way his dad or sister were, and definitely not the way Ezra was. His master was one with the living Force in a way Jacen never had been.
But this didn’t seem to be true for Trill, for whatever reason. Jacen could always sense it when she woke up, and could track her pretty easily throughout the ship. It was like he was attuned to her, more than he was to anyone else.
Sometimes he wondered why that was, but since he was currently living in close quarters with not only her, but also the galaxy’s nosiest Kalleran, he decided not to spend too much time on it.
It was about ten minutes after she woke up that she made her way into the New Dawn’s kitchen. Stifling a yawn, she said, “Morning— what’s that smell?”
“Good morning,” Jacen said cheerfully. “Remember that mysterious package I… picked up on Cantonica yesterday?”
Trill arched an eyebrow at him. “You mean the one that you stole from the hotel and smuggled out under your poncho?”
“That’s the one,” Jacen said. “But the people there are corrupt and tried to kill us like four times, so it doesn’t count. Anyways— behold! Our new waffle maker!”
He flourished a hand at the maker, which stood on the counter, emanating the delicious smell of cooking waffles. Trill frowned at it, then directed the expression at Jacen. “You stole a waffle maker?”
“You’re focusing on the wrong thing here,” Jacen told her. “Remember, they tried to kill us. But also, yeah. Now we can have waffles for breakfast!”
Settling at the table, Trill swept her loose hair out of her eyes, and Jacen tried to pretend like his gaze hadn’t followed the movement, and lingered for just a moment. “Okay, I’ll bite. What’s so important about waffles?”
The iron beeped, and Jacen turned towards it. Rolling up his sleeves, he flipped it open and started to remove the waffle with a fork, responding to Trill’s question as he did.
“It’s a family tradition. My dad makes the best waffles in the galaxy— Uncle Zeb makes the second best, tied with me. We always used to eat them whenever my mom would get back from a dangerous mission, or before Ezra and I would leave, or any special occasion like that.” Maneuvering the waffle onto a plate, he slid it towards Trill. “And I guess… I wanted to share that with you. If you’re interested.”
She looked surprised, in that way she always did whenever Jacen said something like this. It was the kind of surprise that made him think maybe, just maybe… she’d stick around. 
For a minute, Trill held his gaze, then offered him a smile. “I— I am. Thank you.”
Don’t read into it, Jacen ordered himself, ignoring the way his heart skipped a beat at her smile. Aloud, he said, “Good. Cause I have a feeling Kasmir’s gonna be here soon, and he’ll be hungry. So you’d better get started on that waffle.”
“Will do,” Trill said, hopping up to grab a fork. Turning back to his work, Jacen felt himself grinning. Starting out a day with waffles and Trill? It really couldn’t get much better than that.
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Christian Linke and Alex Yee Q&A
From here  (will update if there’s more)
With special addition from Amanda’s
Below the cut are the questions and answers they provided
Q: Anything in regards to an art book for this show? Would love nothing more than to secure a copy of one.
Christian: There is one in the works! I remember talking to some folks at Fortiche and Riot about it a few months ago. I'm not sure where they are in the process, but it's coming for sure.
Q: Hi! Do you think Caitlyn and Vi shippers will be happy with the upcoming season?
Alex: There's that part they might like, and that part they're probably gonna hate.
Amanda (A reply to Alex’s post): I take full responsibility for both. And stand by that they make the show better!
Q: How did you all go about capturing such minute and captivating micro-expressions? Also, Caitlyn and Vi have been really fun for my wife and I to watch together as a lesbian couple. We really hope we get to see their relationship grow in new and interesting ways. I'm curious about how their roles as "Piltover's Finest" will differ from how they do in LoL. Will caitlyn still be a sheriff, or more of a private eye working independently from the Enforcers?
Also, what is the likelihood we will see them as official "girlfriends" next season? Will it mainly be implied or outright stated? I realize if you can't share much, but I (and my wife) are dying to know.
Lastly, will we get to see the entire tattoo on Vi's back at any point?
I appreciate you speaking to the smaller details of the character moments. Generally speaking, people in animation will advise against those silent beats where subtle expressions mean as much as any word could, but that's the sort of drama we really craved in the animation space. We simply have awesome animators :) And a wildly talented animation director Bart Manoury, who defined that entire look for Arcane.
For Vi's tattoo -- we have the complete design, I'm not quite sure why we haven't shared it with everyone. Let me inquire about that.
Regarding Vi and Caitlyn, I wish I could say more at this point, but a lot of the answers I'd give you would spoil the experience on screen. I'm confident in the direction we're taking it, and I very much wanna hear from you once Season 2 is out.
Q:  what we should expect for Viktor in season 2?
Christian: Everything
Q: Will there be anymore merch drops for Arcane? O: I would love to have posters or even figures/statues/nendoroids of any of the characters!
Christian: Yes. I myself am the sort of person that likes to have dozens of statues, trinkets and figurines on his shelf. The underwhelming amount of merch during Season 1's release is very high on my list of gripes. We're actively working on making sure that we do much better next time around.
Alex: I certainly hope so!
Q: Are there plans to release the scripts for Arcane? I would love to study these.I know you guys don't come from a typical Hollywood background and that's what I love about Arcane, it's so fresh and new. How did you learn how to create a show? How did you write the finale to encapsulate so much emotion and meaning?
Christian: Yes! Quite frankly, we just haven't gotten to consolidating all the different versions yet. Some of it also touches on Season 2 spoiler risks, so I'm afraid we still need to find the time to go through the mountain that is our Season 1 scripts. ;o
In the beginning, we certainly had no idea how to craft a TV series. Personally, I tried to read a lot of books about story crafting and screenwriting. I can't say that I found many of them useful, but at least they all confirmed the general framework of act structures and character drive.
We spent a good amount of time in meetings with other folks who worked in the industry, always looking for that secret sauce that unlocks a TV story structure, and... turns out it doesn't exist. So once you come to that conclusion, it becomes a bit easier to roll up your sleeves and go "alright, let's find our own". At this point, we have our own "metrics" and processes to track plot and character. It's always somewhat messy when you intend to craft a complex story, but that's just part of the work.
Good story (in my mind) is all about hard choices. Many writers talk about being "character driven" without actually writing character driven stories. If you ask your hero whether or not they will help save the world from an alien invasion, the answer always is "yes, duh". Thus, the character doesn't REALLY have a decision to make. The sole question that remains is "HOW are they gonna overcome their obstacle?" -- which is entertaining, but it really doesn't drive the story forward with full autonomy.
I think Alex and I gravitate toward stories that leave characters with costly or even impossible choices.
Amanda (Add onto Christian’s post): I think of this in terms of what a character hopes and fears. You have to know what these are (and make sure the audience knows too) and use them to tug a character towards impossible decisions. I also think you have to be able to relate to these hopes and fears. As Christian mentioned, the fear of dying in an alien invasion isn’t relatable. Neither is the hope of winning a civil war (for most people), but what made Silco’s quest for Zaun’s freedom relatable is that it was rooted in his hope that he could win back his brother Vander’s respect. And without his respect, Silco feared he was the “dirty little thing” his station in life always ascribed to him. Fearing you aren’t good enough, and craving respect from family are deeply relatable emotions. This is what a “character driven story” means to me!!
Q: I've watched this show many many times, introducing it to new people, and always finding another detail or two I didn't during previous watches! While writing the story, what was the most complex story-telling issue you guys ran into?
Christian: We wanted all of our characters to be "real", and thus, make imperfect decisions. The finale of the 3rd episode was scary, because both Vi and Powder really mess up and make terrible decisions. At the same time, we didn't want these choices to alienate them entirely.Characters like Jinx and Silco constantly murder and manipulate. Can an audience still root for them? It's a bit of a dance between their many risky actions and choices.
Amanda (Add onto Christian’s): Again, I think this comes from relatable motivations. Jinx, (and Powder before her), was always desperate to prove herself worthy — worthy of her sister’s faith in her, worthy of Silco’s faith in her. We shouldn’t have to prove ourselves worthy of love, but that is a struggle we all face in so many different ways. A character making terrible decisions is much more forgivable if you too have felt what they’re feeling. I always say I love characters that do the right thing for the wrong reasons, or the wrong thing for the right reasons, everything else is boring!
Q: If you could have made arcane about any other part of runeterra which one has most interest to you?
Christian: Sheesh... there's a lot. ;) We've been working on Arcane for over 7 years now, so naturally, you have ideas for other stories over time.I think the "grimsical" tone that Arcane features works well for Alex and I. That said, I'm really interested in exploring some more quirky stuff as well. The League IP has a lot to offer, it's very diverse in cultural and tonal aspects.
Alex: There are stories I'd love to tell all over Runeterra. One of the joys of working on Arcane was having the opportunity to dive deep into the style, look, and culture of Piltover/Zaun. At Riot we of course have our ideas, but there is still a magic of discovery whenever you invest time conceptualizing one of Runeterra's regions.I've always been a fan of the intrigue/machinations of Noxus, the aesthetics and history of Ionia, the mythos of the Freljord.
Q: In an episode of “Into the Rift”, it’s said that the early drafts of Arcane weren’t good. How much of that draft and the final show are similar or different? Just character arcs and interactions? Major plot points? Or was the entire idea of the show changed?
Christian: A lot (if not all) of the story structure and character arcs were the same.
Crafting the episodes and scenes in a fashion that builds the right tension over time and tracks all the parallel stories wasn't really clicking yet at that time, so Alex and I getting help from the outside and learning more about how to "break an episode" really unlocked the episodes to be stronger.
Alex: The broad strokes of the show never really changed. I'd say the biggest evolutions concerned pacing and development of emotional storytelling. We were more plot-focused before that. We always wanted big emotional beats between characters, we just strengthened their integration to the overall story.
Often, a slight shift in our approach significantly changed the spirit of a scene or beat. We were fortunate to have brainstormed so many moments before we rebooted the story though, it gave us a wealth to draw from when we went into the proper writer's room.
Q: What were some of the small touches in the art and writing of Arcane that didn't mean that much in the big picture, but that you really enjoyed personally?
Christian: Man... also too many to count. ;) The wonderful thing about our collaboration with Fortiche is that artists at the studio are really empowered. An example that Alex likes to bring up and that we all really love is the ash tray in Silco's office. We didn't instruct them to make it look like Jinx painted it in her trademark whimsical style, they did that themselves. They were tasked with designing a simple ash tray and thought, "how can I do more with this than the minimum?" -- and so they did. Now, an ash tray tells a story.
Q: Will season 2 be the final season in the Piltover and Zaun region? Will there be more interactions between Ekko and Jinx in season 2?
Christian: I don't think answering this first question would actually benefit you, so I'm not gonna do it. Oh yes (to the q of Ekko and Jinx).
Q: Will there be another season of bridging the rift or any more behind the scenes content?
Christian: I don't know if it's gonna be another full Bridging The Rift, but I know that we're filming BTS material all around. So in some shape or form, there are gonna be more glimpses behind the curtain for you. :)
Q: If you could choose a single word to describe season 2, what would you pick?
Christian: War
Alex: Rubicon
Amanda: Well I’m more of a sap than these guys, but I say “forgiveness.”
Q: What were some of the biggest influences on Arcane in terms of writing or animation?
Christian: Alex and I were talking a lot about Peaky Blinders while we were working on Season 1.For animation, there really isn't that much I would reference to be frank. When we started Arcane, there wasn't really anything out there that had the look and style we had in mind.
Amanda: Let’s not forget our “Lord of the Rings” dollar jar. Bunch of bills in there from you, Christian!!
Christian: True. Though Arcane development started long before Spiderverse.
Q: When is season 2 coming?
Christian: B-)
Q: How long do you see yourself doing Arcane? Can you see the series becoming a revolving door of stories told from different regions of Runeterra at some point?Have you ever had a great idea for something in the show, that came too late? eg: animation is too far along to change
Christian: We definitely want to explore other regions. At the same time, we've all seen shows and movies that try to cram in too many different perspectives too quickly. I think we gotta earn our way into a larger world view first. So definitely coming in the future, but we have to find the right pace for the story we wanna tell.
Regarding having an idea for something that came too late -- yes, constantly. ;) As someone much wiser than us once said: "Art is never finished, only abandoned".
Q: Does "Our Love" image on the record in the show refer to personifications of Piltover and Zaun? Since the girls are colour coded as respective cities over big red-dot in the sky.
Christian: Indeed!
Q: When making the soundtrack for the show, what did you and/or others have in mind for selecting artists and sounds for what would end up making the cut? Were there any you were considering that didn’t make it?
Christian: It starts with the editors at Fortiche looking for the right moment(s) in every episode that could feature a "music video moment". Usually, the vibe and mood of the story boards paints a target that we then try to cast appropriately.
You tend to have a shortlist of 5-10 artists that you then try to hunt.
During Season 1, it was really hard to find artists, because we were an unproven studio, and a lot of artists weren't interested in animated series. Luckily, the ones who joined us did so because they really believed in the vision, more so than it being an easy win.
Amanda: The storyboard artists make the intention of the scene work. Without them our writing would be boring, flat words. Coming from a live action background, the collaboration in the boards feels like working with a director and the actors all at once — they decide camera angles and blocking which is everything to the emotion and feeling of a scene.
Q: Did you guys overall have a favorite scene or episode from the final product? What was it like/how did it feel to take in all of the positive reactions, to witness the major impact that Arcane left? 
Christian: The finale of Episode 6 is always very powerful to me. Probably that. It was a powerful feeling, because you poured your entire existence into this project for over half a decade, well knowing that the League audience is unmerciful. It was super-scary to imagine that they may not like it. That's a chunk of your life you'd never get back. Thankfully, it worked out. :)
Alex: Definitely one of the hardest questions to answer. Kind of a copout to say the dinner scene (109), but I always marvel at the emotion Fortiche was able to evoke in animation there. Similar feeling for the bridge fight (107), even though I do really love the intergration with music and how much story is told.
I'll throw a nod to the Chuck/Thieram scene with Jinx (106). It is/was a moment of general silliness, both in the writing act and the show that doesn't always feel like it fits with the rest of the tone, but it makes me smile that it survived all the way to the finish.
Q: What's your favorite episode of the show? Did Silco braid Jinx's hair? How long did Jinx's tattoos take? Who's your favorite character?
Christian: Probably 106. Yes, though he most definitely sucked at it, no matter how much he tried. Eventually, he paid someone to invent a machine that can braid Jinx's hair, but Jinx would always tinker with it, to a point where it once nearly strangled her in the process. He once asked Sevika to do it, but Sevika threatened to quit. So Silco had to keep doing it, until Jinx was old enough to learn it. Not sure I understand the question. Heimerdinger.
Q: You mentioned passionate tweets on social media. Does that mean the creators of Arcane see a large part of the fans tweets, fanart, disccusion?
Christian: Yeah, we see a good amount. Though Arcane's fan art on twitter tends to be a bit of a minefield. :X
Alex: We see quite a bit, but I have the feeling it's only the tip of the iceberg. I wish I had the fluency to dip into more of the fan reactions from all the non-English regions where Arcane was released.
Q: Are there people in the production crew you'd like to give a shout out to and why? Who are the unsung heroes of Arcane? What's a small detail or easter egg in the show that no one has discovered yet? What is your favorite plugin/audio effect that you used to produce any song in the Arcane soundtrack? Any teases for S2?
I'd say that the story board artists are truly the creative unsung heroes. Our story boarders are FANTASTIC, and the amount of things they have to juggle is insane. And yet, none of their work ends up in the final picture, which always makes me sad.
There's loads. I think someday -- maybe in a few years -- I'll wanna check in on that and see which have just not gotten discovered. :)
Gulfoss. It's pure magic.
Q: Are all the scripts complete for Season 2?
Christian: Yes. Though there's always some amount of tweaks that happen in the process. Seeing story boards & hearing voices for the first time makes you realize that something doesn't quite click, or there's new opportunities you didn't recognize before.
Q: What were some events and actions that you really liked and wanted in the show, but had to rewrite or cut because they didn’t properly push story arc of some characters, or went against how that character should act at that point in their arc? Or what was your proudest achievement with this show that was cut, rewritten, or something that you knew the viewing audience would never know about?
Christian: There was another scene in Episode 107, a flashback between Ekko and Powder that takes place a few months after the end of Episode 103. It was a very touching moment during which Ekko tries to save Powder from Silco, but Powder refuses to go with him. "Powder is dead" .Alas... sometimes, it is your darlings that end up on the chopping block. Animation is expensive, and time is very much so money.
Q: How did y’all decide to include Get Jinxed by Djerv in the show, even though it was created for the LoL version of Jinx back in 2013? Does that song actually exist in the Arcane universe, or was it just part of soundtrack/Jinx’s imagination?
Christian: The song has a lot of meaning for us, because it was the first time Fortiche and I worked together on something. The beginning of the whole relationship.I don't think the song exists in the Arcane universe, no. That was more a selfish little moment for us. :)
Q: One of the things I really liked about Arcane was how there was no fat. There was not a single scene that felt tacked on or unnecessary, but you still managed to flesh out the world. Noxus was a great example. Their inclusion made the world feel bigger but it didn’t slow down the plot for a second.I know it’s a group effort deciding which scenes to cut but I was wondering what you’re criteria is when making those decisions.
Christian: I know that some people said Arcane moves at a pace that's too brisk, but both Alex and I like it when episodes really move the story forward. We all have our favorite TV shows that often enough present us filler episodes. We just didn't want that.
We followed act structures per episode. Every character story line would get their 3 acts, plus "twist" to set up the future conflict.
We did also have a piece of paper in our writer's room that spelled out our criteria for a successful scene:
- How does this scene develop the character?
- How does this scene further the plot?
- How does this scene teach the audience something new about the world?
​You don't always get all 3, but it needs to have at least 2.
Q: Is it possible for Mel Medarda to return in Season 2? :c
Alex: Solidly possible.
Q: Are there gonna be any sex scenes in S2?
Christian: Ew, no! Gross. Maybe.
Alex: Hmm... any characters springing to mind?
Christian: I dunno Alex. Haven't seen anything on social media that makes me believe people even thought about this.
Amanda: They hired me back for season two, which means there will be sex. I’m the reason it’s in season one.
Q: Why did you name the show Arcane?  When you were first developing the show who would you say was the character that changed the most from how you originally developed/ thought of them? Did Jinx and Vander have a close relationship? Does Jinx actually see Vander as someone who betrayed Silco?
Christian: Magic ties a lot of our world together. Every region, every champion has a different relationship with it.
Viktor for sure. I kinda just wanna leave it there. ;P
They weren't as close as Vander and Vi were. Vander was the person that Vi looked up, whereas she was the person Powder looked up to. I don't think that Jinx necessarily blamed Vander for what happened, though she does think (now) that Vander chose wrong.
Q: I want to ask if there's anything you can share about the Firelights! I'd definitely love to know more about them and how they were conceptualised, some more information about the members if possible, perhaps even word on their involvement on next season? 
I think the idea of "Hope for a better Zaun" is one of the core tenets of Ekko, and I'm certainly proud to see that he has a group that is actively working towards that goal. I'm satisfied with where you've taken his storyline and I can definitely say you guys completely understand him!
Christian: Appreciate that! The firelights were inspired by and named after the green insects that you see flying around especially in episode 107. They come out of nowhere, swooping in, zipping through the air, and they look cool. :)
It happens easily that a place like Zaun gets written off because dangerous experiments and shady streets scare people off. In many ways, however, it is the kind of place where a truly revolutionary technology or idea can find purchase. So if you ask me, Zaun really is the place where the true magic can happen, and Ekko totally gets that and wants to enable and amplify that.
Q: Who was the easiest character to write and who was the hardest?
Christian: Hardest I'd say Silco and Jinx. They're both stylized in very different ways. Alex is the specialist for their dialogue on our team.
Alex: They all give you trouble here and there, but I would say on average Heimerdinger and Jayce were easier to write than Silco and Jinx.
Q: Will we ever get to see a younger silco and vander pre betrayal? Also any flashbacks to silco being a dad to powder when he first took her in? 
Christian: You will, in fact.
Amanda (Reply to Christian): Spoiler! In the episode that always makes me cry.
Q: Will we ever learn about why Vander betrayed Silco? What was Silco planning on doing after he gained the Nation of Zaun? Would he have attempted to improve Zaun? Even though Silco is dead, can we expect to see more of him in s2? (ex. Flashbacks and mentions of him from other characters?) What are your opinions on Silco overall? Did you expect to see him as such a fan favorite?
Christian: Silco was a very special character. During the early phase of development, we talked about everyone's chip on their shoulder. Silco's was being "the dirty little thing". Never being enough. Always having topside look down on him. He could never quite past it, and if it would take his life to escape that existence, so be it. He had nothing to lose.
At the end of the season, he realizes far too late what it's like to have something to lose. Just like Vander, radical notions begin to stumble when your loved ones are threatened by your ideology. "It all makes sense now, brother."
I don't think he had a plan after the Nation of Zaun. It was an impossible pipe dream from the beginning, and if you ask me, achieving it would probably have ruined him.
We did not expect Silco to become such a fan favorite. Jason Spisak did such a wonderful job, it's hard to put in words just how transformative his performances have been.
Alex: We've always liked the relationship between Silco and Vander. It's the original rift that informs the generational split between the sisters. I'll just say, it's a story we'd like to tell.
I think Silco always wanted to improve Zaun, though there are always trade-offs to progress. To me, the real question is who would have helped him realize this vision, and what would have mattered to him at that point in time.
Silco is one of those characters you can get addicted to writing, but I don't think we ever expected him to be such a fan favorite. It really blew my mind when some people engaged with him more as a father figure than Vander.
Amanda (Add onto Alex’s post): To me, the story of Arcane at its core is whether or not the sisters will repeat the sins of their fathers. As Vi and Jinx’s story unfolds we hope you’ll recognize the parallels between Vander and Silco’s story and be desperate for them to take a different path, impossible as that path seems to be.
Q: Did you begin writing the story with the idea of having an antagonistic corrupting/nurturing force to serve as the catalyst for who Jinx would become, or was he developed gradually over time as the right piece to fill what the script needed?
Alex: We knew fairly early that we wanted to have, as Christian put it, a non-champion "svengali" to oppose Vander in the first three episodes. The world felt small when every character happened to be a champion, and we liked the idea of the principle villain being someone who needed others to fight for him. It felt so oppositional to League.
However, we didn't initially plan for Silco to have such a presence throughout the latter half of the season, that developed over time. In fact, we were nervous about giving him too much screen time once the story with Vi and Jinx was rolling. I do remember us asking ourselves right up to the end whether or not Silco would have traded Jinx for his vision of Zaun.
Q: What's a piece of advice you'd give to people trying to create interesting/dynamic characters and stories?
Alex: For me, the best moments come from characters when they surprise you. It's easy to feel omnipotent/omniscient when you are a storyteller. You're usually one step ahead. But sometimes, as you brainstorm all the ways a character might handle a situation or argue a point, they say or do something you hadn't considered. In the best instances, it knocks you off-kilter as much as their opponent in the scene/story. I guess this is all to say, strive to make your characters cleverer than you.
Q: Which scene in the show holds a special meaning to you and why? Possibly because you relate to it personally or there's a funny story behind it from during production.
Alex: There are many, but I'll call out Silco's monologue at the beginning of 103 "Ever wonder what it's like to drown?"This used to be the opening to the show. It sort of encapsulates the core of the story. I think after writing this with Christian, and hearing Jason's performance, it was the first time he looked at me and thought "you might actually be able to write." Of course, I quickly disabused him of this fantasy.
Amanda (Add onto Alex’s post): And it’s my fault that this beautiful sequence is no longer the opening of the show. But I love what it adds to the gut punch of episode 103 and I’ll defend that choice until the day I die. (Even if Alex doesn’t exactly agree with me…)
Q: How did you decide the tone for Arcane? It has adult themes and topics but presents them with such maturity despite being seemingly high fantasy. Was the tone decided from the beginning?
Alex: Tone was the original looming question. We decided we needed to see Vi and Jinx in their younger years as sisters in order to feel the loss and yearning as they struggled to reconnect, but this also made the show feel more "kiddy." I remember calling Christian after having an epiphany that our tone could be like that of the edgier anime I appreciated growing up - no idea why this didn't occur sooner, it just hadn't felt as much like League at the time. For me, anime straddled a tonal line unlike anything else at the time - the bridge from childhood to adulthood.
Once that locked into place, it got a lot easier for me to find the story, although you're always wondering if this or that moment pushes too far. The scene where Singed injects Jinx with Shimmer gave us pause for a little while.
Some anime refs: Hellsing, Berserk, Ghost in the Shell, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Gungrave
Q: One question: Who came up with the idea, for Jinx Vs Ekko fight scene, it was a work of art, absolutely surreal experience, so many emotions and exposition in such small amount of time.And also on the topic : how in the world did You managed to fit so, so, so many of such scenes in only nine episodes? I mean, on top of my head, flare scene, Victors run and the climax! So much emotions on screen, i couldn't handle it.
Alex: The credit goes almost entirely to Fortiche and the music team on the bridge fight. 107 felt like a fulcrum-point in their authorship of the series - weaving their music video superpowers with the storytelling.
How we crammed so many scenes in? We wrote scripts that were too long and then battled in editing to save as many darlings as possible. (Slightly joking, but slightly not.)
Thanks for watching!
Q: Now that it's been a year, and you've been able to properly see the praise and criticism of the series, is there anything you wish you did differently? Did you expect it to blow up as much as it did?
Alex: My strategy is more to try to learn and adapt as opposed to rue the missed opportunities. Luckily, I'd say a lot of what we saw in reactions to season 1 aligned well with what we were focused on in season 2, though we did adjust emphasis here and there when we felt like fans had a strong connection with certain beats.
I don't think we ever expected it to have quite the reception it had, though we were always very confident in the quality of our voice actors' performances and the artistic brilliance of Fortiche.
Q: Will we get to know more about the mysterious wizard, who saved Jayce and his mom, in upcoming seasons?
Alex: There will be magic.
Q:  I wanted to ask if you could share a list of the champs you worked on during your time on a League, since not many people may know what you worked on prior to Arcane but I loved the creative AMAs you used to host on the forums lime for Zyra and Varus.
Alex: When I was on League, champions would always have an assigned writer/creative focused principally on their story and thematics, but it takes a village to develop a champion, so it would be disingenuous to take credit for many aspects of what they became. Some of my favorite contributions were on champions to whom I wasn't assigned. Sometimes the heart of a champion was present before they came across our desks. And then players could also imbue champions with characteristics/meaning that superseded our intentions (Blitzcrank springs to mind).
That caveat aside, some of the champs I worked on who are close to my heart despite murdering me on Summoner's Rift: Lee Sin, Graves, Leona, Caitlyn, Varus, Lulu, Thresh, Ahri, Riven, Draven, Viktor, Irelia, Nocturne, Jarvan, Karma, Maokai, Nautilus, Sejuani, Sona, Wukong, Vladimir...
There was also a lot of side content and legendary skins (I recently recalled Christian and I working together on the first PROJECT video.) It's important to note a lot of these characters were significantly deepened in updates and later content. Working at Riot is more about doing your best to carry and pass a baton than being an auteur.
Q: will we ever see vi's abs
Alex: I'll put in a request.
Q: When you where writing it, did you have any moments where everything just connected and you thought “wow! I can’t believe we’re this clever!”? If so, when? 
Alex: I think what would happen more often is that I would see the end result of something I wrote and think "Wow! Thank heavens Fortiche, the voice actors, and all the other teams managed to make me look like something other than a blathering idiot!"
Of course... no one can stop me all the time.
Q: I believe Riot executives have realized the importance of Arcane to the company, does their support make production easier than before? Will season 2 come out quicker because of that?
Alex: Their support is a huge part of why Arcane has the time, trust, and resources to hit the quality we aim for. People who've worked in the industry always tell us how rare and special our situation is. However, I'd say that extra trust is more likely to mean the season would incubate for more time, rather than less.We know you're all waiting though. 
We always try to find the sweet spot between bringing you content and trying to improve/polish it.
Q: In the scene where Finn tries persuading Sevika into betraying Silco, Finn mentioned something about "bigger fish than silco". I feel like this was potential foreshadowing to who will fill the power vacuum Silco left, but I'm not sure. Was Finn referencing someone within the scope of Season 1, or was he talking about someone/something we'll see in the future? (cause it makes me wanna think he was referencing Urgot potentionally)
At the end of the Bridging the Rift, y'all mentioned wanting to expand to other Runeterra regions in animation. Will these new series be anthology to Arcane, or will it be directly/partially carrying on some of Arcane's plotlines?
When and if there are more animated shows outside of Piltover and Zaun, is Fortiche willing to make these projects or can we see different animation studios throwing their hat in the ring? (ie Japanese studio animates Ionia series)
Heh, I wondered if this stood out to anyone. There is someone he's referencing, who does capitalize on Silco's death, though I don't know if this will be apparent in season 2. It's one of the things we wanted to connect, but didn't feel was important enough to sacrifice some of the other scenes we wanted.
No specifics to report yet, but we do hope we'll be able to feel a connection between different stories we might tell, even if the camera moves to a very different place.
We love working with Fortiche and (hopefully) vice versa. We also want to explore a range of styles for League content. The question is how to best have the capacity to deliver stories regularly without diluting the quality.
Q: Will there be information about Orianna somewhere in Arcane?
Will there be hints in Arcane Season 2 about Warwick's creation?
Will Janna have any mention in Arcane?
Amanda: Yes! (not sure if a yes to all three or a specific one)
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leejeongz · 2 years
Heyyyyy can I request a treasure reaction? Like how they would to the reader being jealous? Or maybe the other way around? Whichever you’re most comfy with!! And if requests are closed no worries feel free to ignore this!!
treasure reaction to you getting jealous
pairing: boyf!treasure x gn!reader
genre: fluff, kinda angsty idk
warnings: silly made up scenarios, jealousy, a lil bit toxic, some don’t have a super fluffy ending lol
a/n: thank u for requesting! i have already done jealous treasure here and here :)
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hyunsuk ・:,。★゚
you lay on your unmade bed, revisiting the moments you noticed hyunsuk laughing and giggling with your friend while you shared your day off with them. hyunsuk found you in your room seeming a little distant and so he decided to ask you what was wrong.
“the way you were f… f…” your mouth was stuck on the letter, wanting to say flirting yet knowing that they were just being friendly, “fraternising with you know who all through the day,” you spluttered out.
he clambered onto the bed, his hand caressing your thigh and he came to a stop, kneeling beside you.
“it wasn’t like that,” he pouted with saddened eyes, “i didn’t realise that’s how it was coming off, i just wanted to seem like we were getting on.” his index finger fidgeted with the stitching on your jeans on the outside of your thigh, his eyes glued to that spot too. “you have nothing to worry about, y/n, i was just being friendly. i love you more than anything, okay?”
“you really mean that?” you pouted in return, sitting up and slightly ducking your head which drew his attention back to you.
he nodded sweetly, “and i’m all yours!”
other members below the cut
jihoon ・:,。★゚
“should we get out of here?” jihoon’s friend asked. you followed their eyes around the room as she gave every bit of art work a disgusted look. “afternoon tea is for old people, not really our thing, right, jihoon?”
you and your boyfriend exchanged a look, his grip on your thigh tightened, as if to warn you not to bite back at them, they had been having a hard time, but quite frankly you couldn’t care less right now.
“well, i’m just gonna go to the bathroom, maybe jihoon can join me?” jihoon politely smiled along, but the joke most certainly did not earn a laugh from you.
you both waved them off before you started to complain. “what the fuck, why did you even invite them this was supposed to be our date, which you organised might i add, can’t you see they’re obviously in love with you? i wanna go home, jihoon, i’ve already had enough of them.”
“y/n, they’re one of my oldest friends, they were never like this when i knew them, you think i’d be friends with someone like them?” he defended. you knew he wouldn’t associate with such a character, but you still couldn’t help but feel a little jealous.
you both eyed them as they returned to your table, bringing a wave of freshly perfume with them.
“this was my idea,” jihoon spoke, their butt not even touching the chair yet, “so i think you’ll find this is very much “my thing”. and if you have a problem with that, you can leave, in fact, you’d be doing us a favour.” his eyes narrowed as he spoke, every word oozing with confidence and protectiveness.
yoshi ・:,。★゚
“new drink?” you spied the pink coloured beverage in his hand, knowing that was something he’d never ordered before.
“yeah, actually, my friend bought it but they didn’t like it so i basically got a starbucks for free,” he explained, proud of his freebie. “do you want a try?” he extended his arm, the chewed paper straw turned your stomach.
“did you chew the straw like that?” you asked in disgust.
“no,” he looked at it with a similar grimace face but continued to drink from it.
“so you shared a straw with your friend?” your disgusted expression didn’t change as you looked at your boyfriend, “you practically kissed them.”
he pondered on it for a while, knowing that the shows that you watch make a big deal out of this. “i’m sorry, y/n.” his smile faltered a little bit as he shrugged.
hearing his apology and letting it sink in, your eyes flickered from the drink and his lips, was it really that big of a deal?
“no, it’s okay, i’m sorry for getting jealous about something so minor,” you pouted, eyeing the drink once again, “if i get a new, unchewed straw, can i still try it?” you pleaded.
he nodded with a warm smile, excited to introduce you to what could be your new go to order.
junkyu ・:,。★゚
you didn’t quite catch who the message was from, nor what it said, but you were absolutely 100% sure that you saw a heart emoji pop up on his phone. deciding to not be THAT kind of partner, you resisted the urge to pick up his phone, even though you knew he’d be in the kitchen for a while.
“your phone rang,” you lied upon his return to the sofa. you knew it was the only way you’d get him to check his phone.
he hummed as he stared at the single notification on his screen that was not a missed call, “no it didn’t, it’s just a-”
you cut him off by finishing his sentence “text from the other person you're dating?”
he looked at you in confusion, a smile tugging at his lips as he saw how serious you were.
“what makes you think you’re not everything i’ve ever wanted and more?” he asked. it did make you think, he’d never made you feel like you were anything less, but you couldn’t help but press further about the heart that you’d seen. “you're right it was from my other lover,” he giggled, that quickly turned into a belly laugh, meanwhile your stomach was doing somersaults “y/n, you just got jealous because of fast food.”
he extended the phone out in front of you and you ducked your head to read it against the light. “mcdonald’s rewards…” you pursed your lips, reflecting on your own,,, stupidity. “i’m sorry for accusing you of seeing someone else,” your eyes begged for forgiveness.
mashiho ・:,。★゚
mashiho’s lips nipped at your neck, straying further and further from the ear he’d been sweet nothings into only seconds before. usually, you’d melt at the affection, but your mind was elsewhere.
“mashi,” he didn’t stop despite you calling his name, instead replying with a light hum. “did you watch the game today?” you asked, even though you knew the answer.
he pulled away, looking up at you before sitting upright. “yeah, you said you didn’t want to so i went with…”
before he could finish, mainly because you didn’t want to hear him say their name, you interrupted him, “i know you did.” you distanced yourself from your boyfriend, dangling your legs over the bed before standing up.
“why are you being like this? you said you didn’t want to go,” his tone turned into more of a whine.
“but did you really have to go with them? you know they have a thing for you.” you replicated his whine, hoping it would help you get your point across more.
mashiho’s feet now playfully swung near to your legs, “love,” he spoke, looking up to you with a smile, “you know, it’s kinda cute when you’re jealous.” you couldn’t help but smile back. “and they absolutely, 100% do not have a thing for me, they brought their partner, and some friends, maybe it just looked like us two because you didn’t recognise them, but i assure you, there’s nothing to be jealous of.” his speech was slightly broken by a few giggles here and there, ones he couldn’t contain as he noticed your adorable smile.
jaehyuk ・:,。★゚
“there’s a kiss isn’t there?” you pressed, jaehyuk ducking his head and nodding sheepishly, feeling guilty that he’s landed a role in a drama with multiple kiss scenes.
“so what?” you blurted out, “actors kiss all the time, it’s not like there’s feelings involved,” you shrugged reassuring your boyfriend.
“y/n,” jaehyuk started, noting your crossed arms and quickening breathing. “i promise you, you’re the only person in the world that i ever want to kiss!” his hand tickled at your elbow, to which you extended your arm towards him.
he took a small shuffle closer to you as you now wrapped your arms over his shoulders, his hands at your waist.
he got closer, whispering “only you,” before locking his lips with yours.
you got to your tiptoes quickly, leaning into the kiss more before pulling away slowly. his kisses always did something indescribable to you, if you didn’t pull away then, you fear you might still be kissing him two hours later.
“you better not kiss them like that!” you joked.
asahi ・:,。★゚
asahi tapped your shoulder gently, distracting you from the inflight entertainment. your eyes followed his finger and landed on the passenger in the window seat next to him, whose head was resting on asahi’s shoulder as they slept.
“help me,” he quietly whispered, almost inaudible.
you shrugged and went back to the film you were watching, if you looked any longer you’d have to make use of the travel sickness paper bag.
“y/n, what do i do?” your boyfriend panicked some more.
“i don’t know, maybe wake them up and tell them you’re uncomfortable,” you didn’t avert your eyes, you were mad, but you weren’t sure who to be mad at. “why would they just fall asleep on a stranger, my boyfriend at that, don’t they know that’s really dangerous?” your voice got purposely louder as you spoke, drawing the attention of the row next to you, who then pretended not to listen. “they have the whole side of the plane to lean on, if they were gonna sleep they should have let someone else sit there.”
you glimpsed over to the sleeping passenger on more time, they seemed to be uncomfortable, revving up to turn over. as you opened your mouth to say more, asahi looked away.
“i’m not talking to you whilst you’re being like this,” he acted as though he was searching through the range of movies, stretching out the arm that the other person was sleeping on, which forced them to turn over, “alright?”
yedam ・:,。★゚
“bang yedam reveals his ideal type and MORE!” of course the title of the article caught your eye. unable to curb your curiosity, you clicked the interview transcript. you stopped in one place, right in the centre of your living room as you read on, which caught your boyfriend's attention.
“listen baby,” yedam’s chin dug into your shoulder after spying you reading his answers. embarrassed, you locked your phone immediately and turned to look at him while taking a few steps back. “i had to say something, right? you know there’s already rumours about me dating, they’ve got those blurry pictures of us,” he chuckled, “i thought if i said something way off that they’d lay off us for a bit,” he admitted, although you never even asked.
“umm okay,” you replied, not wanting to seem too relieved thanks to his reassuring explanation.
“the only reason why you’d read that is because you wanted to know what i said, wasn’t it? you already know everything about me.” you’d failed to notice that your boyfriend had closed the gap you created, his hand finding yours in an instant and swaying it casually. “i could have gone the total opposite and said boring, unattractive and talentless but that would have been a give away i think.” his smile was gentle and sincere, begging you to understsndsand.
“and you promise that’s the reason?” your eyes glistened as they met with his, searching for any tell that he was lying, yet failing to find a trace of anything but the truth.
“babe, i promise.”
doyoung ・:,。★゚
“so i went in, shook their hand, and a kiss on bath cheeks, obviously-” which is as far as doyoung got in the retelling of the story of when he bumped into your sibling in the street.
“what do you mean “a kiss on either cheek” a handshake would have been just fine, you know?” you asked in a rather angry tone. “you’re not… meeting someone’s grandma.”
the look doyoung gave you was enough to shut anyone up. your brows furrowed as he continued. “they asked if i wanted to get coffee but i had something to do at the company so i said we should do it another time.”
“you wanna go on a date with my sibling?!” you shouted, still trying to process the kisses, to be honest.
“y/n, will you chill for a sec?” his hand soon made a tense fist, “i know they’re you’re family, so no, i don’t want to go on a date with them. i want to grab coffee sometime with you and them because that’s normal,” he explained, “we,” he pointed between the two of you to show you that’s what he meant. “have you had a stressful day or something? i swear you’re never normally this… jealous.”
you pulled your lips to the side of your face, taking a small bit of your cheek between your teeth as you nodded. you wanted to apologise, your eyes spoke for you and his softened, his flat hand now patting the space next to him on the sofa, inviting you there.
haruto ・:,。★゚
“do paper, they’re obviously gonna do rock,” you said to yourself, watching a video of haruto and a fan at a recent fan meet. you rolled your eyes as you watched your boyfriend change his answer to scissors after seeing their tightly clenched fist.
later that day, you went around to his flat and slumped yourself dramatically onto the beanbag in his room.
“why do you never let me win at games?” you asked, a bit out of the blue for him but you’d been planning to ask for hours.
“what?” he let out a laugh.
“you never let me win,” you pulled out your phone, finding the video you’d saved earlier, “but you let them win.” you pouted your lips which eventually turned into a frown as haruto watched back the clip with a smile, eyes flicking from the screen and to you to see if you were being serious.
“when you pay to see me, i’ll let you win,” he continued to laugh at your unwarranted jealousy, “you really think that because i let them win, they mean more to me than you do, or something?” he raised a brow.
“well no, that’s silly, but,” you started, but he cut you off before you could continue.
“exactly! so either pay up, or get used to losing.”
jeongwoo ・:,。★゚
“they’re seriously so pretty, i could barely even film the tiktok without going insane,” jeongwoo confessed, filling you in on today’s music bank gossip. “their stylist did the cutest makeup. I think it would suit you, y/n.”
you smiled, exhaling which you hoped would be enough to convince jeongwoo that you were laughing along.
“is something wrong? do you not like them?” jeongwoo asked in a sudden panic that he’d done something wrong. “yeah they’re pretty, but you’re so much prettier, i mean it, y/n, oh god.” he continued to flap about how he’d just been complimenting someone else.
“i’m sure they're lovely,” you smiled to your boyfriend as you handed him back his phone. he took it from your hand and tossed it onto the sofa.
“no, for real, you’re like the prettiest person i’ve ever seen, i can’t get over how beautiful you are.” he pleaded, even clasping his hands together at one point before looking down and realising he looked a little silly.
“they really are pretty though,” you bit a little bit of skin off of your lip, slowly realising that it’s okay for your boyfriend to compliment other people, because at the end of the day, he was still yours. “next time you film a tiktok with that group please invite me, i can’t believe i missed that!”
junghwan ・:,。★゚
as per usual, you and junghwan were laughing about your days, filling each other in on what you’d missed.
“funny story, there was an actually a member of another group who asked for my number today,” junghwan started another story, which was absolutely NOT funny to you in the slightest.
your face sunk, you had so many questions that you wanted to ask. “really? who?” was the only thing that you could say. you feigned a smile, not wanting to dampen his mood.
“i’m not sure who they are, honesty, nor do i intend on finding out, but it’s just funny, right?” his answer assured you some, but it also gave you more confidence to ask another question.
“so they just came up to you and asked?”
he nodded in response, his enthusiasm not sitting right with you.
“you’re not jealous, are you?” he asked, sensing that the mood had gone sour. when you didn’t respond, confirming his suspicion, he chuckled. “i was really polite with my rejection, i even showed them a picture of us together, the one i have as my wallpaper, they said we were cute,” he giggled, “but in a strained way so i know they’re more jealous of you.”
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fazedlight · 1 month
Fandom creators tag game
Thank you @waytooinvested and @fabulousglitch for the tag!
1. What sort of content do you create, and what is the thing you’ve made that you’re most proud of?
Proudest fic - There are a few I tend to choose from, but right now it's Even Though You're Kryptonian
Fanvid - My Rise vid
2. What fandom(s) do you create for?
Supercorp. (And a very tiny amount of Dansen and soon Rojarias.)
3. What is your current favourite ship (or brotp if you prefer), and how controversial is it?
Supercorp!! I don't think it's a controversial ship, lol.
4. For your answer to question 3, are they canon?
They are to me 😌
5. What was your first fandom, and how old were you?
My first obsession (and still greatest love) was Xena. I started watching the show a few episodes into season 1, when I was 6 years old. It was very formative.
That said, I didn't really get involved in any fandom communities until Supercorp (in early 2022).
6. What is your most unhinged fandom creation to date?
I don't think I get super unhinged, but as a pilot I did like creating this dumb incorrect quote.
7. Do you remember what started you off creating fandom content, and if so, what was it?
I was getting frustrated at not being able to find certain types of fics, and it struck me that... I was allowed to write my own.
8. Do you let people you know in real life see your fandom creations?
Yup! My partner read my first two fics in support, and several of my IRL friends have read at least one of my fics because I didn't have the good sense to keep that information to myself when I was getting started. It's mortifying lol. But my friends are very cool people.
9. How do you feel about fanworks of fanworks? Has anyone ever made something based on a thing you made?
Fanworks of fanworks are amazing!!! I've been incredibly lucky to have that happen three times (post), and gotten asked for permission for a different continuation and a podfic that may eventually happen.
10. What feeling do you most often try to evoke with your creations?
Angst. Longing. Bits of compassion too.
11. Has someone ever paid your work a compliment (in any form) that has stuck with you, and what was it?
I love each and every one of my commenters ❤️
Honestly, the compliments that stick with me most are "I came back to reread this" or "this idea is still living rent-free in my head" type comments. I think that's what all writers and artists want - to feel that their art lasted in someone's mind beyond the first time seeing it.
12. What’s your favourite thing someone else has made that you’ve seen in the last 24 hours (and link it if you can find it again!)
Technically it was more than 24hrs ago but this art by @awaitingrain is so fucking cute!!
13. Give a small sneak preview of something you’re working on right now (eg a couple of sentences of fic from a WIP, a gif set theme, a small piece of a larger picture, whatever you feel happy to share)
I have a ficlet (that's getting out of control), here's a snippet:
Lena was cozying into the warmth of Kara’s body, when Lena spoke. “I’m thinking of visiting my mother’s house soon,” she said shyly. “I want to find out more about her. Where I came from.”
“That sounds lovely,” Kara said softly.
“Do you want to come with me?” Lena asked.
Kara hesitated.
14. Have you ever seen/read anything made by the person who tagged you? If so, what was it and what was your favourite thing about it? (pick a favourite if there are several)
Both of them are on my reading list 👀
15. Do you leave comments on fandom works, and if so how would you describe your comment style?
Some of my comments are very simple, some of my comments are very long. I've tried to get more consistent about commenting ever since starting to write, because I know how important it is. Unfortunately, I also read a lot less now that I'm writing more.
16. How many works in progress do you currently have? Will you finish them all?
I have 5 WIPs! I'm very confident I'll finish them all.
17. what’s the longest it’s ever taken you to finish a fandom project?
I guess my worldkiller Kara fic took a bit over 3 months, though part of that was spacing with the Supercorp Big Bang.
I tend to write fast. One of the things I'm actually trying to do is slow down to fill out the story a bit more.
18. Describe the thing you made most recently in a way that is technically true, but also completely misleading. Link the thing if it’s published!
Lena has a bad day in the lab (Clockwork).
19. Do you ever engage with fanworks for a fandom you’re not in? Which one(s) and how did you get into it?
I totally engage in fanart from other fandoms that cross my dashboard, particularly korrasami. I don't tend to read fanfic of stuff I haven't engaged in, though.
20. Recommend a fan work from your fandom to your followers
This fanvid is probably my favorite in the entire fandom.
Suggested tag list, but there are no rules here, follow your heart.
A mutual you have never actually spoken to but think seems cool - oh there are so many of these!! I am tagging @mssirey who I don't think I've had a proper convo with yet
The most recent person whose content you engaged with (eg read a fic, reblogged art, whatever form you feel best fits) - @thealieninhiding (though by the time I finish this very long post it might be someone else lol)
Someone whose content you saw via tags/reblogs and you followed them because of it - @jadedloverart!
Someone in your fandom that you think makes cool things - @ekingston
Someone in a different fandom that you think makes cool things - tagging @thatonebirdwrites who makes korrasami stuff too
Someone you always tag on things like this - I'm not sure there's someone I always tag but I'll pick @nottawriter as one of the people I frequently tag when I do these things
Someone you have never tagged before - @rebellionbear have I tagged you before?? you are cool so I am tagging you!
Someone you would like to get to know better - @femslashhistorian
Someone who makes art you like - @awaitingrain along with others above!
Someone who writes fics you like - @luthordamnvers along with others above!
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Hello friends and fans!! I finally have some updates for ya’ll!
I’ve been working on this project alone for months, specifically since the day Pixelberry announced they will no longer continue forward with Immortal Desires. I was so crushed and saw so many other players and fans feel the same way. So, I decided to start messing around with making my own fan sequel after seeing @itlivesproject @thedistantshoresproject and @nightboundthesecond doing so well and seeing amazing products. I’m going to school for a BA in Game Art and Design, and my minor is Creative Writing, and I thought this would be a good go for my first video game. And I couldn’t be more excited to see things falling into place! I now have a writer onboard! Meet Mir! @timetravesty​ Hey everyone, I’m Mir and I’ll be helping out with the Immortal Desires 2 project! I’m a writer here on tumblr (couple of months till I hit the 1 year mark😯) and am really excited to be a part of this amazing project with everyone, but more importantly, helping deliver an amazing story to a series that ended too soon! Since we might know each other for a bit, some fun facts about me 🤔I’ve wanted a dog since I was around 6. I probably listen to my Spotify account 20/24 hours in the day.My favorite video games to play are animal crossing, stardew, undertale, Minecraft, and I was pretty into Haven recently, which I highly recommend 😌My favorite ghibli movie (since I had a marathon recently) is spirited away.I’m very excited for the future of this project and please look forward to future updates! 😗Nice to meet you all!
We’re still slowly moving, but, Mir and I have started expanding upon the plot points I’ve had planned for a while. We’re confident we’re going to be able to work well together to deliver a wonderful, full story for all of you.
And I couldn’t forget Ally! @fuckyeahilovemarcolinfan​
I’ve been a long-time fan and player of Choices; I started playing in December of 2016, but I started getting into the fandom somewhere around the end of 2018, and started on an IG that I created way back in 2014. I didn’t really intend to make my IG account about Choices, but I wanted to connect with people who have the same interests as me, and to share my ideas and opinions about the book releases. A very dear friend of mine started teaching me how to collect assets at some point in time, and I’ve been kind of considered a Spoiler Queen ever since then lol. I focused on posting premium scenes because I want everyone to see those scenes since not everyone can afford them. I started making edits way back in October 2019 because I really wanted people to distinguish me. All in all, I’m very fortunate that my best bud showed me how to access these assets.
Ally has been wonderful in helping me acquire assets and just being super supportive and so helpful. She is so enthusiastic about this project and has been just giving the best vibes!
Now that you’ve met the team, time for some awaited updates for ya’ll! First, lets start with the preview!!.
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So, to state the obvious, this is everyone in their formal wear! I have also given all of the side characters formal wear, but I felt like these are what the people are screaming for! And of course, we have our lil Sethy-poo included in here too and he got a makeover! If you would be so kind to click play at the video at the top because it’s featuring a rough draft of the title song. It’s my own lil creation, however, I’m recruiting folks from my local music scene to not only help out with this project, but to help support their bands and their projects!
Super bummed that the quality of these dropped because of the formatting, but I have included all three of the new expressions I’ve created: playful, shy, and disgusted. All of the main and primary characters have these faces! I have also gotten all of the female MC sprite sheets done, most of the female clothes, and all of the hair; I’m so excited to give you guys that update in the future!! From here, Mir and I will be working on a very rough draft of the story. I will continue working on assets for the MC since almost all of the primary/main characters are done. 
The next update will likely be a few weeks from now; I’m not sure what I’ll have for ya’ll quite yet, but please stay tuned and ask any and all questions. Thank you all for the overwhelming amount of support and love; it’s greatly appreciate between me and the team.
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dangthatscrayz · 2 months
Jaz my man, Oppy and Para if I may ask so kindly :3€
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(I can’t talk I have the exact same flags as you)
Also challenge accepted
Here’s slay the princess characters x voice reader because someone has to do it (headcannons still cus I am NOT a writer)((don’t even look at anything I post which all includes writing it’s just the art backs up the writing)
I will feed you good
Characters: voice to the opportunist, voice of the paranoid
Cw: voice of the opportunist existing, heart lungs liver nerves, uuuuuuh mention of deaths bc ofc, slay the princess spoilers
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Voice of the opportunist:
-I keep asking why, but I’ve come to the conclusion that everyone kinda sucks in this game
-whatever they are all terrible people but in a good way
-in the witch route the whole goddamn time he will be trying to convince everyone to do what he wants and backstab the princess
-if you agree with him he will be louder with his ideas
-i do believe that he is the kind of guy who has alot of ideas but doesn’t say it outright unless someone also shares them
-he also jumps ships to whatever is winning
-so if you are backing him up that’s giving him more confidence in what he is doing
-I feel like if you change teams to be on team save the princess he will shut up more like in the thorn chapter if you get the smitten
-if you two become buddies I think he would just repeat stuff you said like it’s his idea
-if your chill with that I think he would do it more
-if you aren’t chill with it I think he would change tunes and say something like
“Oh really? Great minds think alike”
“I was just repeating your great idea, don’t take it personally”
-he will be more obnoxious
-he is absolutely the kind of guy to want to show off infront of someone he likes but in a way that makes him look aloof or something
-but like in the real game when he is sucking up to people to get them to what he wants it’s VERY obvious
-I’m picturing this happening during the thorn chapter
“What if we-“ <—the vot hero probably
“I don’t care what you think”
“Y/n what do you want to do?”
-probably will huff if you want to save the princess annoyed
-he’s the number 2 suck up (number 1 is the broken for obvious reasons and the smitten is number 3 bc he isn’t a suck up he just is always like that)
-the razor chapter I 100% think he would take the opportunity to try and look tough or something
-like Everytime he tries to look smart literally everyone can see through it
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(Don’t ask any the photo I didn’t have anything voice of the paranoid related so here’s something that almost made me need to “heart lungs liver nerves” to breathe again after I saw this pfp)
Voice of the paranoid:
-if you both were tangible I see him hiding behind you
-even if your shorter
-even if your skinnier
-he will find a way(this is a threat)/j
-if in the nightmare route you help him “hearts lungs liver nerves” every once and a while to give him a break he will thank you
-I see you having to calm him down after he gets paranoid alot
-may or may not work
-if you both are extra good pals I see him asking you to tell him a story or something to distract him
-maybe he also wants to look at a bird
-I see him as being VERY clingy
-he will ask you a lot of things
“What if (insert something about something bad happening)”
-of course you will tell him it will be ok
-welll I hope you do
-it would be weird if you told him that everything will go wrong
-after you tell him everything will be ok I think he will relax a bit but he will still ask you things
-probably the kind of guy who asks if you love him every single night before you go to sleep
-of course by law you have to say yes.
-he will get paranoid about stuff like what if something was secretly happening with you that makes you not like him but of course you probably will say that’s not true
-he needs some rest
Enjoy your food
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