#i’m talking about someone who wants to experience being a child again
lovebvni · 5 months
I mean this in the most genuine way possible, but you do not understand the point of people saying shifting for minors as an adult is weird. I also don’t think you understand how ages work even across different realities.
(I would like to note that from here on out, when I say “you” I am not referring to you specifically. I am using the general form of the word. Just talking in the second person.)
Regardless of how old you are there your consciousness is still an adult with an adult mindset and experiences. Yes, you can script yourself to be younger but at the end of the day your adult mind is attracted to a minor. (IMO it’s different if it’s live action and the actor was an adult at the time of filming)
As for the ages thing, if you are 16 here and shift to somewhere where you are also 16, you’re still just 16. The ages don’t combine because you did not live out an extra so many years you just shifted to a reality where your 16 years you’ve already lived are different.
Obviously no one can stop you, and no ones gonna know you even did it unless you tell them. But I hope this helps you understand where people come from when they say it’s weird to shift for minors as an adult. /gen
girly omg i can’t i’m not even gonna argue with you. have ur own opinion, don’t try to change mine.
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DPXDC prompt: Valentine's day spirit. Superbat edition.
When Phantom sets foot on the Justice League base many years later, he expects anything but not Flash pointing finger at him and screaming about "legendary child who made Superbat canon".
Being in Metropolis because of a ghost hunt right in the middle of a battle between Lex Luthor and Superman was not the best outcome, especially considering that Jack had his three-year-old son with him. But without such a combination of circumstances, they would never have found out that "Ghost!" "Daddy, no!" Ectoblast that Jack shot at the target of their hunt touches Superman and..really hurts him.
There were two sides to Danny-the ghostbuster's son and the astronerd. It is clear which half of him did not have a chance to win.
Danny threw his space rocket toy aside and grabbed father's arm. In the next second, boy had already sunk his teeth into Jack's fingers, forcing him to drop weapon. Youngling quickly jumped off and picked up ectoblast and then ran towards Superman. "Fly away! I'll hold him!" Danny stood up to try to cover up ghost (or alien?) in case Dad took not one but a whole bunch of shooting things with him again.
Jack: Get away from my son, ghost. Superman: Sir, I'm sure this is some kind of misunderstanding, I'm not a ghost. Jack: Danny, come to me, he's trying to hide his identity and manipulate us. Danny: No. If the heroes are being attacked, then someone must protect them too. Jack: But he's a ghost.. Danny: Alien or ghost is not so important, Daddy. He's in pain, and he's protecting this city, not haunting it. It's wrong to try to catch him for experiments. I forbid you to do that. Jack: Danny, champ, you're wrong.
Lex: Hah, what an interesting substance. Despite the other aggregate state, or rather its absence, it is so similar to kryptonite. Superman: Lex, is this a portable lab? Now is not the time, in case you haven't noticed. Lex: There is always time for science. I think my colleague will agree, right? "Similar to kryptonite?" Jack muttered to himself.
Jack: So Superman wasn't my target. And we are not colleagues. There is only one insanely rich man with questionable moral values with whom I am ready to do work, and your surname is clearly not Masters. Lex: It's a pity, but still, if you want to carry out the delivery of your wonderful weapons or exchange experiences, then call this number. Luther quickly shoves a business card into Fenton's hand. Jack*throws it away*: Come on, son, let's go back to the hotel, you've skinned your knees.
~~~The Evening. The Roof of the mentioned hotel~~~
"My friend Sam is also very frightening. And she also likes dark.“ The boy paused for a minute of thinking. “You want to kiss your goth friend?" "W-What makes you think that, kid. We’re colleagues, I respect him very much and.." "So you want to. It’s okay, I’d like to kiss Sam too but I’m afraid she’s gonna hit me. You have the same problem?" "It’s a little more complicated for adults." Kal begins to explain but stumbles upon Danny’s completely unimpressed look. Yeah, this boy apparently has heard 'kids would understand when they grow up' lectures at least thousand times. "But you’re basically right."
When Batman himself comes to their hotel the next day as a representative of the Justice League to make sure that Mr. Fenton has no desire to harm Superman in the future and to tell that Superman is not going to press charges because of the ectoblast that injured him, Danny refuses to leave the room.
Jack: Oh, Danny, I thought you dropped your space rocket yesterday, it's a good that Alicia's Christmas present isn't lost. Danny: Well, dad, I left it on the roof of a bad bad man, yeah, but Uncle Kal returned it last night and we talked for a while. Jack: About what? Space, my little star? *Father immediately assumes that Danny would like to ask about everything real alien*. Boy*blushes and shakes his head negatively*: No, not about it.
Jack: Then what it was about? Danny: Secret superhero things. I can't tell you. I agreed to withhold that information as part of a pinky swear. Batman: And what about me, young man? You can tell me, right? Batman couldn't resist talking with such a cute kid. The boy thinks only for a second before hurriedly trying to push his father out of the room. Danny: Dad, come out for a minute and don't eavesdrop. I'll tell you when you can come in. The big man laughingly obeys. Lil child checks the reliability of the closed door and runs up to Batman. Danny: And so, Mr. Batman, first promise not to laugh or hit Uncle Kal. Batman: I promise? Danny: Good. This is very important information. Batman: I'm listening.
Danny: He thinks you're terrifying and wants to kiss you. And since he is afraid that you will hit him for this, I recommended him to appease you with a pie cooked according to his mother's recipe. Well, you know, since you love sweets and his parents' farm has the most wonderful apples in all states. He rarely cooks himself, but he will try for you, so even if he doesn't succeed, pretend that you liked it, please. Batman:...
Batman: Would you like to work in intelligence for the Justice League when you grow up? Danny: Actually, I want to be an astronaut. Batman: Our base is located in space. Danny:
Danny: Hmm, then I'll think about your offer.
Batman: Great. It's a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Fenton. You can count on a job recommendation from me. Do you want anything as compensation for your consultation? Danny: Actually, yes. Mr. Batman, tell me honestly, are you a bat on a frugivorous diet like Giant golden-crowned flying fox or you are a Vampire Bat? Sam says that such a big bat can only be a vegetarian and uncle Kal said your son was more than happy to steal strawberries from his garden with Superboy but..
Batman tries to behave naturally for a week. However, the sweet tooth inside him still makes him clamp Superman in the corner and question him. "Where the hell are the pies you promised to cook for me, Clark?"
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klaus-littlestwolf · 3 months
flynn rider aemond being tied up with rupanzels hair and he gets hard abt it lol
Innocent rupanzel has never seen a man so she starts to experiment around him
First was spot the difference, what constitutes as a man and woman, only to find his half hard cock and this makes her wet
and she takes all her frustrations out on his dick
Is This…Hair?! -Yandere!Aemond T
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Important A/n:Must Read (Dark)
Okay so this one is DEFINITELY DARK. Y/n is the epitome of innocence, she’s lived in the tower her whole life, only ever read the books that her “Mother” got for her and she didn’t have any clue that men even existed.
She is clueless because when she asks her “Mother” questions she gets beaten, she learned very young to just do as she was told.
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The first thing Aemond realized as he woke up was that he was unable to move, opening his eye he saw a circular room, but it had everything a house needed. A small kitchen, living space, too few bookshelves for his taste, then there were stairs leading up to what he assumed was a bedroom. Just as he looked down to try and free himself there was a voice that came from…above him?
‘Don’t try to escape, you’ll never get out!’ A girls voice spoke and Aemond looked up, seeing what looked like a girl hiding behind one of the beams near the ceiling.
‘Look, I’m sorry I just broke into your house but I was in a bit of trouble. I won’t hurt you Darling, please won’t you let me out of…Is this…Hair?!’ He was stunned as he finally figured out what the soft texture of the “rope” was.
All at once the girl leapt down to the floor, controlling her descent with it, not harming herself a bit it seemed. ‘Have you come for my hair?! Mother always said someone would! I didn’t believe her but…She was right to lock me away up here.’
Aemond instantly found himself thinking about how gorgeous this girl was, she was absolute perfection made into human form, not one single blemish aside from the bruise on the side of her face that looked like someone had slapped her pretty hard. His thought then trailed to the idea that she had been up here her entire life with no one to talk to, never able to leave…what kind of a mother would do that to her child?
Then again, who is Aemond to judge? He’s not a good man, never has been and never will be. Hell, he’s tied to a chair with a hot girl inspecting him and he is unable to control his own cock as it swells in his breeches.
‘Have you been up here your entire life?’ He wondered as she stepped a bit closer, now about 5 feet away.
‘Of course! The outside world is dangerous, mother says there are monsters everywhere!’ He could see how scared she was a he felt for her a bit. She had never experienced anything that is good in the world, just kept inside and naive, too innocent for the world around her. Aemond had never been innocent, as long as he can remember he was alone, having run away from the orphanage he grew up in when he was 11 he fended for himself fairly well.
‘Honestly you are describing almost every guy I’ve ever met, though they’re not all bad. I’m not a bad guy, I don’t want to hurt you. I only came here to hide.’
‘What is a “guy”?’ She asked and Aemond felt his jaw drop. What had this girls mother done to her?!
‘You…you don’t know what a guy is?’ She shook her head. ‘A guy is a boy, it’s the opposite of a girl, you are a girl, I am a boy or you could say that you are a woman and I am a man. You know the old stories of a man and a woman falling in love and living happily ever after?’ She shook her head.
‘What is love?’ Once again he was stunned by her naïveté but he half expected this one. However this one gave him an idea…Aemond loved her innocence, craved it and here it was for the taking. If he took his time, he was confident he could own this girls soul if he wanted to.
And he Desperately wanted to.
‘Come closer and look at me, I won’t try to move, I promise. Just see our differences and you’ll understand.’ She cautiously crept closer until she stood before him. ‘Touch me, you know what you look and feel like, now feel me. It’s okay, go on.’ She hesitated, unsure about this stranger. ‘Hey, what’s your name, hmm?’
‘Wow, that’s a beautiful name. My name is Aemond, okay? We know each others names so we’re friends now, no reason to be nervous sweet girl. Now, come sit on my lap and look at me.’ Rapunzel must have thought his explanation to be a sound one because a moment later she plopped herself into his lap and reached up to touch his face.
‘Your face is scratchy.’ She giggled, rubbing over the stubble.
‘There’s a reason for that. When a man and a women love each other they play games together just for them, the rough stubble on my face will make my future wife happy.’ She looked to be considering that but didn’t ask before touching the eyepatch and looking curious.
‘Did someone hurt you Aemond?’ He nodded and she took the eyepatch off to see a large sapphire where his eye should be. ‘You’re so pretty.’ She stated, touching over his scar gently before running her hands down his jaw to his neck and over his chest which was flat and hard unlike hers. ‘That’s different…’ she admitted, looking down at her chest to see where it is much bigger than his.
‘You can look if you’d like, men have hard, flat chests, usually with defined muscles. Women have breasts-‘
‘Why?’ She questioned as she began unbuttoning his shirt, though she was unable to pull it off with her hair in the way.
‘They’re for whatever man she falls in love with to touch and suck on, they’re also for feeding whatever babies a man and woman have together…you can untie me if you’d like. I promise, I won’t move a muscle until you want me to. I want to help you understand this, it’s an important life lesson that your mother is wrong for not telling you about.’ Rapunzel considered this, he hadn’t been fighting against her despite him being able to hurt her in his lap so, why not?
She hopped up and began untying Aemond from her hair but once she did, he did not move at all other than to gesture her back onto him.
‘No, try the other way. Put one knee on either side of my legs, you’ll be able to see me better.’
‘Oh…that’s smart!’ She smiled and Aemond wanted to see that smile on her face everyday for the rest of his life, he wanted to see her smile up at him while his cock is buried into her virgin tight cunt for the rest of his days on this Earth.
He couldn’t hold in the groan as she began rubbing his chest so delicately, he was in heaven already and he still knew he could take so much more. ‘Do you need help untying your dress? So that you can compare better, of course.’ She thought for a moment before nodding her head and allowing Aemond to untie the back of her dress and pull it down her arms and all the way to her waist. Her breasts weren’t overly big, they were petite and cute, perfect in Aemond’s eyes, though his cock twitched when he considered what they would look like swollen with milk atop her belly swollen with his child. He was no longer half hard, he was fully erect and leaking against his breeches. ‘Can I show you something?’ She didn’t hesitate to nod this time as her breathing was becoming a bit faster, she was getting excited and that is exactly what Aemond needs, now he just needs to make sure that she’s as wet as she can be.
He leans forward and kisses her chest between her breasts before pressing his jaw to her skin and hearing her gasp at the scratchy sensation against her sensitive skin which was instantly made stronger as he moved over her nipple. ‘Oh God! Do-D-Do that again! Please?!’ She whined and Aemond chuckled, doing as she asked and as he did her hips moved against her will making her feel something against her Kitty. She was going to ask what it was but all thought flew from her brain as Aemond wrapped his lips around her other nipple and suckled gently. ‘Ah-Oh! Aemond that feels…it-‘ her hips were grinding down on him once again but she didn’t care anymore, the sensation rising in her belly felt too good to stop. ‘Don’t stop! Please?! I-I need…’ Aemond wrapped one of his arms around her waist, adjusting his hips and began helping her grind down on his length harder as he licked over her sensitive nipple, sucking even harder and twisting the other between his fingers roughly. She threw her head back as she came, her body shaking at the intense orgasm but Aemond kept up his attentions on her until she came back down.
‘That felt good, didn’t it?’ She nodded, face now in his neck as she breathed heavily. ‘It made you feel good right down here.’ He stated, cupping her pussy and making her whimper at his attention. ‘This is your cunt, or your pussy, and it is so special…do you know why?’ She shook her head as she sat back again to look at him. ‘It’s special because it can make you and the man you love feel so amazingly good.’
‘How do I know if I love a man, Aemond?’ He smirked, unable to help feeling successful at this moment.
‘That really good feeling I just gave you?’ She nodded. ‘That means I love you, it means you are the only girl in the world for me. Now if you can make me feel like that too then that means you love me. It would mean that we are meant to be together…does that make sense?’
‘Yes…what should I do to make you feel good?’ She asked him and he took hold of her legs and lifted her against him, moving them both over to the couch and laying her down.
‘I just moved you here so that it will be more comfortable for you, I don’t want my Princess in unnecessary pain, do I?’ Her eyes widened and she smiled before shaking her head. ‘I’m going to show you the biggest difference between a man and women, alright?’ He sat back on his knees between her legs and unhooked his belt before pulling his pants down enough for his cock to slap against his stomach and he saw her eyes widen as she looked at it. ‘You can touch it if you want to, just be gentle.’ She sat up a bit and reached out to wrap her hand around it making his head fall back as he groaned. ‘This is my cock, and it’s very sensitive. You can make it feel so good for me just like I made you feel.’
‘Show me how! I wanna make you feel good too Aemond.’
‘Such a sweet girl you are, fuck! You can make it feel good just stroking it if you want, or you can put it in your mouth and suck on it, that feels incredible.’ He stopped her from moving to put her mouth on him making her pout which he found adorable. ‘The thing that makes a man’s cock feel best though, is when it’s inside a tight little pussy like yours.’ Her eyes widened in surprise before looking back at his cock.
‘I don’t think that will fit Aemond…’
‘Of course it will pretty girl.’ He promised, laying her back and kissing her cheek gently. ‘I love you, and you love me, I already know it. Now I’m gonna make the both of us feel really good, okay? Do you trust me?’ She hesitated a moment before realizing that she does which prompted her to nod her head. ‘That’s my good girl. Now this is going to be uncomfortable for a moment, maybe even a tad bit painful but I promise it will pass quickly, alright? Then you will feel nothing but pleasure.’
‘Okay…I trust you.’ There’s a small part of his brain that feels a bit bad taking advantage of her like this but if he didn’t then someone else would and they would probably be 10x worse than him. He’s going to make her feel good for the rest of her life, and she’s going to give him all the pleasure and babies he could ever want. It’s worth it any way you look at it.
‘Just relax for me.’ He instructed as he pulled her panties down and tossed them aside, pressing his cock against her hole and pushing into her gently. He didn’t stop until he bottomed out before he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers, kissing her softly and taking her mind off of the discomfort. She kissed back happily, following his lead and eventually he felt her relax. ‘There you are pretty girl.’ He pulled his hips back, pushing into her again slowly which made her whine as it clearly felt good. ‘Such a good girl, letting me fuck your little pussy. So fucking good Princess!’ He moaned as he rocked back and forth, picking up the pace a bit at a time before she was a panting, mewling mess as he drilled his cock in and out of her as hard as he could. ‘You feel so good for me baby, making my cock feel so fucking good! Such a good girl!’
‘Don’t stop, please? Feels-ah! Never want you to stop…’ she whined, pulling his head down to kiss her again which he happily did.
‘Gonna fuck you like this all the time Princess. All day every day, this pussy was made for me! Your body was made for me, made to take my cock! Oh fuck, I’m gonna cum! Gonna fill you up so good baby!’
‘C-cum?’ She mumbled and he just grunted as he buried his face into her neck.
‘Cum, remember how good you felt before? That was cumming. Gonna cum inside you, fill you up so deep! You’ll never want to be empty again, and I’ll never leave you without my cum.’ He could feel her pussy squeezing around him suddenly as she cried out and he fucked her through it before thrusting harder and making her look up at him. ‘Tell me what you want.’
‘I want you to cum…want you to cum in me and feel so good!’
‘Tell me…tell me you want me to put a baby in you!’ He grunted, so close and desperate to hear her say it, knowing she would do anything he said at this point.
‘Yes! Fill me up! Put a baby in me, please? Want your babies!’
‘Oh Fuck! FuckFuckFuck!’ He pushed his cock as deep into her cunt as he could physically get before he came, shooting everything he had up into her womb. ‘Good girl, gonna have my babies. God, I love you Princess-fuck!’
‘I love you too Aemond…you feel so good…’
‘That’s right Princess. You’re all mine now, all fucking mine.’
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Aemond “Tangled” Moodboard
Aemond T. Masterlist
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clockwayswrites · 2 months
City Pigeons Bleed Green Part 17
Somewhere in the back of Bruce’s mind, there a voice that was grateful that no one Bruce had slept with had experimented on their own child. With Talia and himself there were already lines that had been crossed, but what Danny had been through was another level of horrible. Which is why that tiny voice didn’t mater.
This wasn’t about Bruce, this was about Danny. Danny who looked ready to bolt again. Bruce reached out and placed his hand on Danny’s still cold cheek.
“Danny, being my clone doesn’t make being my son any less true.”
“That’s not—” Danny’s eyes welled with tears again and he leaned into the touch even as his foot scooted backwards. “That’s not how it works.”
“It does for us. Our family is messy. It’s complicated and confusing and… wonderful,” Bruce said. He spoke slowly both so that his words were clear, but also so that he could find the right words. “It’s a butler and orphans, assassins and demi-gods, sons and daughters and sometimes people who are neither. You being a clone is just one more thing in that mix. You’re still my son, if you’d like to be.”
“You can’t want me, I’m dead,” Danny insisted.
Jason set a pot down, loud enough that Danny’s eyes flickered to him.
“Kid, Danny, that doesn’t mater,” Jason said in a carefully controlled tone. “It’s the same as I’ve said before, they all know I died.”
Danny’s eyes widened, causing the tears to sleep free. He blinked rapidly.
They’re sat around the living room, each with their own mug of hot chocolate, even Bruce Wayne— even… well, Danny supposed it would be Tim Drake-Wayne, once he had shown up. He had flown through the door as he spoke through gulped breaths of air. He didn’t have a domino on either. They all sipped slowly at their drinks.
They were waiting for him to talk.
Talking seemed an insurmountable challenge.
Danny took another sip of the hot chocolate and licked the sugar sprinkle bat from his lips. He didn’t look at them as he spoke.
“Dick Grayson, Jason Wayne, Tim Drake-Wyane. Cassandra Wayne… Duke Thomas, and Damian Wayne. I don’t know Spoiler or Oracle. I only… I looked up Bruce Wayne on a library computer after I ran. That’s why I know.”
“Close friends of the family,” Mr. Wayne said.
“And ex-girlfriends,” Night— Dick spoke up.
“Right. Red— Tim said him and Spoiler had dated.” Danny mumbled. He glanced over at Hood from under his bangs. Hood… Jason? Hood. Too many changes. Hood hadn’t said anything since he had revealed everything.
He must have noticed Danny looking though, because he sent a melancholy smile Danny’s way. “I get it. We kept a really huge piece of information from you, but we didn’t lie. When we said you had us no matter what Bruce Wayne did, we meant it.”
“But he’s your dad.”
“And that means we're all very good at not listening to him,” Tim said proudly.
Mr. Wayne just gave an amused snort at that.
“Dandelion,” Hood said, ignoring his family, “the first time that you looked up at Red and I we both clocked who you were instantly.”
“Not the clone part,” Red added.
This time it was Danny who gave a little snort.
(Fuck, they even snorted the same.)
Hood just flicked Red off. Tim. “Sure, not the clone part.”
“Because someone wouldn’t let me take DNA,” Tim interrupted again.
“It’s corrupted anyways,” Danny said and suddenly all eyes were on him again. He ducked his head down into a shrug. “From my death. This form I guess it would match enough? But my ghost form wouldn’t be any help.”
“Yeah, I can see that,” Tim said softly. “But also Hood was right, you didn’t deserve us doing that to you right then, even if I just wanted to help. But that doesn’t mean we didn’t know that you came from Bruce. You just came from him in a different way than we thought.”
“You were family right away, kid,” Hood said. “If didn’t matter your name or pronouns or history or if you’ve died or even that you’re a clone. As soon as we got a good look at you, you were family.”
Danny could feel the tears coming again and he wiped at his eyes in frustration. He wanted to just stop crying today.
“You could have been wrong,” Danny said. They didn’t get it, why didn’t they get it?
“Could have. But you were still a hurt kid that needed help,” Hood said.
“You don’t need blood to be family,” Dick said. “Me and Jason and Tim and Cass and Duke… Alfred, none of have blood with each other or Bruce and Damian. If you had turned out to not be related to Bruce at all? Well, you were already family.”
The tears came now and Danny couldn’t stop them. The hot chocolate was taken carefully from his hands by Jason while Dick pulled him into a hug.
“I don’t— I don’t get it,” Danny said through the sobs. “Why can you all— why can you all love me after a month when they— when my— when the people that were supposed to be my parents never did?”
“They killed me!” Danny roared. He was shaking now and Dick help him tighter. “They made me just to kill me and cut me into pieces! I was their son! I was…. I was their son. Why couldn’t they love me?”
Between one blink and the next Mr. Wayne was up from his chair and in front of Danny. His large hand was so warm on Danny’s cheek. Danny sobbed harder.
“I don’t know, sweetheart, I don’t know because you are so loveable. It’s something wrong with them, not with you. I already know you’re wonderful and I can’t wait to get to know you more.”
Danny didn’t get it.
Danny didn’t believe it yet.
But god did Danny want it.
Danny flung himself forwards, landing in the arms that were waiting to catch him, and let himself cry.
“Nose bleed stopped and he’s resting now. Jay is staying in there with him in case he wakes,” Dick said as he closed the door to Danny’s bedroom softly behind him. A sad, wet blue lump was in his other hand. “We’ll try to get his bear dried out, it was in the bag he took.”
“See if the dryer has an air dry setting,” Bruce said. When both sons in the room looked at him in surprise he just gave a little shrug. “Dickie used to play with Zitka outside all the time. I learned to help make sure she was always ready for bed.”
Dickie gave a little laugh. It was heavily tinged with stress, but it was a laugh. Bruce would take what he could get right then. Jay still had a job, so he’d be alright for now. Dick would need to stay busy and close to people, but both those would do most of the work for the moment. It was Tim that Bruce had to worry about the moment; he was being very silent.
“Tim, chum, are you done with your drink?”
Tim blinked up from staring down at said drink. “What?”
Bruce crouched down in front of Tim (trying not to think of how he crouched down in front of a sobbing Danny just a bit ago) and took the mug. “What are you turning over in that head of yours, chum?”
Tim fiddled with his nails now that the mug was out of his hands. Bruce wouldn’t stop it unless Tim managed to make himself bleed. It wouldn’t be the first time or the last.
“It’s going to take him a long time to believe us— this,” Tim said, the words almost a rush.
Bruce nodded slowly. “That makes sense.”
“And he could run again,” Tim continued, still speaking quickly. “It could all be going well and then suddenly he could be thinking of running again because he’s doubting things.”
“Okay Tim,” Bruce said with careful words. His mind was running through all the times when Tim had pulled away from the family, “what do you think we can do to help that?”
Tim shrugged and looked away. “I guess— I mean, saying things to him is good but it won’t get as far as actions. And those actions need to include making him feeling useful.”
“But—” Dick started, the dryer now rumbling away in the linen closet.
“I’m not saying make him do work,” Tim interrupted. “But until he can consistently believe that we want him in the family, him feeling useful will help give him a reason to stay. As long as he’s useful, he won’t think that there’s no reason for him to stay when he thinks no one wants him around.”
Gently, Bruce reached out and took Tim’s hand away from where his cuticle had started to split and bleed. He pulled out his handkerchief and dabbed at the spot gently. “We’ll make sure to offer him ways to help out. We’ll talk as a family about where the lines will be and what sort of work is alright, especially as Danny is still healing.”
Tim took a careful breath and nodded. “Good.”
“And Tim?” Bruce waited until Tim was looking at him to continue. “I love you and I’m very glad that you are part of this family.”
Bruce sent Dick back to the manor after Cass arrived. They talked about what was best and agreed together that for Danny, Bruce still needed to be here in the morning. Bruce knew Dick hated to leave, but he was the other one who could handle Damian and whatever moods this may have invoked. And they were both worried about pulling Jason away from Danny right then.
Once Dick had wrangled Damian, they all had a meeting. Jason joined in with headphones Tim delivered and stayed mostly silent. Alfred lingered behind Dick’s shoulder.
Bruce went over the day, doing his best to treat it like a debrief just so that he could get through it without his heart breaking the rest of the way.
Danny had run of his own volition, afraid that those who had hurt him would find them. He was most afraid of them hurting Jason and Damian. (Dick pulled Damian close). He wasn’t Bruce’s son, biologically speaking, but his clone. They would try, with permission, to take some blood and analyze it soon. There were worries about the state of Danny’s DNA that Bruce wanted them to look into, for Danny’s safety.
There was worry any tests might set Danny off.
Danny knew about their identities, though they did not share Stephanie and Barbara’s name— both girls gave their go ahead. He seemed confused, but alright. They had to be ready for a possible out burst over it later after everything that had sunk in.
They would be sure to give Danny things to do that made him a quick part of the family, Bruce wanted everyone to think what those would be. There was to be nothing that was patrolling or anything dangerous. They would all agree on the list.
When Bruce ran out of things to say, Alfred stepped forward, there as always to help with the next step. “Is there anything specific I should prepare for his room?”
“Blue,” Cass suggested.
“Stars,” Tim said from where he was tucked into Cass’ side. “He likes space. Maybe one of those projectors that turns the ceiling into the night sky?”
“Soft blankets,” Jason spoke, a quiet addition.
“An air diffuser, natural scents like flowers and earth,” Dick chimed in.
“A… a pet,” Damian said, words uncharacteristically hesitant, though he straightened up defiantly at the look of confusion on everyone’s face. “If he is a flight risk, then a pet will be something he stays for. It will also be a responsibility for him that is little effort and not dangerous. Also, when he needs company but the family is… overwhelming, his pet will be there for him. There are many cats and some suitable dogsat the shelter right now, I will take him.”
Bruce’s mouth twitched up in a little smile. “That’s a very good idea, thank you. I’m sure Danny would like your help, after we introduce you two properly.”
Damian nodded, though that slight uncertainty was still there in the curve of his shoulders.
“Dami?” Dick prompted.
“When will I be able to meet him? Properly.”
“How about in a few days, before we move him to the manor, I’ll bring you over with me, okay ayouni? We can bring lunch with us and have a meal together,” Bruce offered.
Damian nodded sharply, a slight smile on his lips. “Acceptable.”
“Good. We will try to have everyone over before we move Danny, which will be mostly on his timetable. For now, everyone get some rest.”
There was a chime of voices agreeing to that and signing off. Bruce made sure he was the last to leave the call.
AN: It's... mmm... not great day, so you all are getting this now instead of tomorrow when ao3 updates. Stay delightful, darlings <3
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visenyaism · 5 months
Heyy!! What are your thoughts on Jaeherys and Alysanne's daughters?
well when your father looks at you and only sees an incarnation of his own sister-wife because you were put on this earth for him to groom into a future child bride for his sons or summarily disposed of it is a bit of a crazymaking situation.
I think the reason Jaehaerys acted inexplicably genuinely shocked every single time one of his teenage daughters got to marrying age and someone suggested that they get married was because he thought that he was going to be the only man in their lives forever because there is something deeply wrong with him. and then their mom is arranging these crazyass matches with older men to live vicariously through them because she never got to choose a partner, so it really is just a complete and total psychosexual codependency enmeshment nightmare.
-think something had to be extremely wrong with valyrian tradwife never allowed to develop an independent identity Alyssa below the surface. because being named the golden child by responding positively to the grooming telling you to peg your brother and wanting to birth him an entire army of sons before dying at 23 definitely speaks to….something. where else do daemon‘s mommy issues come from
-Daella exists to be a victim and dies giving birth to her daughter who also exists to be a victim. sacrificial lamb parthenogenesis.
-Maegelle got out of everything else simply by being conceived with the explicit intention of being a living tithe. somehow the least crazy situation on this list. 
-I don’t know whether or not it is intentional that Saera is written exhibiting so many of the behaviors indicative of being a CSA victim. hypersexual alcoholic dysregulated fifteen year-old being held down and forced to watch her father chop her boyfriend in half by her mom‘s codependent female bodyguard is an experience you could throw the entire works of Sigmund Freud at and come up lacking. i hope lys was nice.
-Viserra being exiled for absorbing too much of the Targaryen grooming background radiation and getting falling down drunk at 15 before making a move on her brother. this just keeps happening to them. I’m sure it’s a coincidence. insane that Alysanne really felt like she was competing with her own daughter here because I know she was a #boymom with baelon and aemon.
-I think it’s interesting how no one mentions Gael ever again after she kills herself and no one seems to think of her at all given the fact that she’s daemon’s age and presumably would’ve interacted with any of the grandkids. I know it’s because textually she’s just an afterthought, but I think it would be interesting if her yellow wallpaper ass existence and the fact that she is basically a pet for her mother her entire life just sort of renders her posthumously unspeakable. no one wants to talk about what happened to her.
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letoasai · 1 year
dp x dc 2
A what if... 
If Danny was originally a ghost child, born from one of the seven ancients that sealed Pariah Dark. In an unfortunate accident, he was caught by the Fentons and experimented on. In a twist of strange fate, he was turned human, and basically given life. Because he was no longer a ghost, they decided to adopt him.
 Danny had no memory of his earliest years, or the experiments done on him but Jazz does and she quietly took better care of her brother than their parents did of either of them. At fourteen, he still dies and becomes a half ghost, partially because of his heritage kicking in. He still defeats Pariah Dark and becomes the Ghost King and the only one that knows his original identity is Clockwork who didn’t figure it out himself until Danny became a halfa. His human self being untraceable for them.
Danny is sixteen when he tells his parents about himself, oddly enough against Jazz’s advice. They didn't take it well and were ready to put him back on the table to experiment on him a second time to ‘fix him’ again.
It was Jazz that ended up sabotaging everything and grabbing her brother to run. She’d been packed and ready to go, expecting Jack and Maddie’s overreaction. Jazz finally tells him about the hazy memories she can recall about his arrival. Being only two years older than him, she was just a child but she remembered enough on top of their neglected childhood to decide to bail with him.
Clockwork was the one to give them their destination. Head to Gotham, where Danny could meet his mother, Lady Gotham, who is eagerly awaiting and preparing for his arrival. ~ ~ Batman did not like being summoned for meetings, he especially didn’t like being summoned for a meeting in his own batcave. That was his own space being infringed upon and he didn’t like it one bit. Meetings were for mutual areas unless it was called by one of his own children. Even then, those meetings were usually at the dinner table.
Constantine contacting him to have an ‘urgent chat’ was the last thing he wanted. Constantine usually avoided work when he could, and anything he would bring to the table meant trouble was on its way.
He’d had enough apocalyptic chaos for one month. It was only worse that Constantine insisted they meet tonight instead of the League meeting at the end of the week. Things that couldn’t wait meant more work for him.
Batman’s eyes narrowed at the sound of footsteps moving through the west side of the batcave. Even knowing it was coming, he was unhappy knowing that Constantine used the private door that only a few knew about to get inside.
“You’re early. That’s unheard of.” Batman commented, smelling the smoke of the man’s cigarette before even turning around. “Put that out.”
“Don’t think i will.” Constantine said, a hint of stress in his voice. “I dunno what you did but i don’t appreciate being dragged into it.”
“What i did?” Batman frowned, turning away from his computer to stand. “What’s that supposed to mean? You’re the one that wanted to talk.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Constantine said, inhaling. His free hand held another cigarette that he likely planned to light when the first was gone. “Someone wants to speak to you. You’re going to speak to them.”
“Tch.” Batman crossed his arms. It wasn’t a wonder to him why his children were so stubborn. He could see himself in many of their habits. “Am i?”
Constantine shrugged. “Yeah, i think you are. They’re your bloody benefactor so i really don’t think you got a choice. I’m just a middle man.”
“Benefactor?” Batman scowled, a list of possible names running through his mind but nothing held. Something that required Constantine’s presence was even more baffling. “What are you talking about?”
The atmosphere in the cave suddenly changed. It wasn’t necessarily bad, but given the way Constantine tensed, they both felt it. It was like a wave of something spread out through the room, brushing against both of them and moving out to fill the rest of the corner.
“John, who did you invite here?”
“Oh, i don’t think i could do something like that. Way above my pay grade.” Constantine muttered, turning to face the same direction he’d just come from. There was no noise, no footsteps, nothing to indicate an intruder other than the feeling filling every inch of the batcave. “May i present to you, the spirit of Gotham herself. Lady Gotham.”
For a long few seconds nothing happened. It wasn’t an overly timely introduction but a woman did appear. She moved fluidly, silently, disappearing and reappearing between every step. She looked to be made of stone, everything from the visible skin of her legs and bare feet, to her cloak. She could have been a fixture somewhere in the city, a beautiful gargoyle but she moved with complete ease.
The hood of her cloak was drawn low, a veil covering her face. Even making her way through the moderately lit cave, she was nearly shrouded in shadows still. The most visible feature she had were bright, toxic green eyes that almost seemed to swirl.
Sharp horns protruded through her hood that wrapped behind her head and at her elbows were a small set of stone wings that must have been useless but she gave no indication one way or the other. Not even when they seemed to flutter.
“Lady Gotham?” Batman blinked, trying to absorb what he was seeing. To commit everything to memory. Her appearance should have given away so much but instead he got nothing.
“Yes. She is who this city was named for. She is this city’s soul. Powerful, old, and the beginning of… well a lot.” Constantine muttered. “She apparently likes your ragtag team of bats and birds too.”
“Protectors…” She spoke, her voice was like a whisper, but there was an edge to it that made it seem like her speaking at a normal volume would be a very bad thing. “Protectors are always welcome here.”
Batman stared and didn’t know right off what he was supposed to say. He didn’t feel like he was in danger, but he had no idea what a supposed spirit would want with him. He’d been playing his role as batman for years without a trace of this Lady Gotham before.
Constantine cleared his throat. “Well since that introduction was made, i’ll see myself ou-”
“Stay.” she said, stopping only a few few away from them. She still blinked in and out of existence. Sometimes pieces of her would be visible while the rest of her faded in and out.
“Yes…” Constantine reluctantly muttered.
Batman straightened. “Never heard of you.” Constantine nearly groaned. “But i can’t refute what’s right before me. What can i help you with?”
She tilted her head, and the motion should have been impossible if she were actually made of stone. He got the impression that she was amused despite not really being able to see her face.
“Protector. Knight. Hero. Father. You have assumed so many mantles.” Gotham spoke softly. “There is only so much i can do, i do interfere when i can.”
He nodded though he had no idea what she was talking about. He’d always pulled his own weight but if there was an otherworldly entity assisting him, would he know?
“I come to you, to ask for a favor. You, with the means to grant such a thing.”
“What sort of favor?”
“A halfa has been directed to my core with his human sister. They require living arrangements.” She spoke firmly. “I can offer them my love, my welcome, my embrace, even a taste of my power but monetary needs and documents are out of my hands.”
“A halfa?” Batman frowned, not understanding the phrase other than them not being human if their sister being human was clarified.
“Nooo…” Constantine stared, looking like he’d prefer it if the floor just opened up and swallowed him. “Not the halfa that defeated Pariah Dark...”
“The very same.” Gotham clasped her hands in front of her, form flickering again. She radiated pride.
“The halfa that defeated Pariah Dark and became the Ghost King?” Constantine obviously wanted to get the hell out of Gotham.
“The same.” She repeated.
“Ghost King?” Batman frowned. “Why is he coming here?”
She disappeared, reappearing several feet to her left. “He is in need of a home. He is only sixteen human years old.”
“He’s a child?!” Constantine looked horrified. “And he became the Ghost King!?”
“Yes.” She said, somewhat patient. “My son is welcome here, so you will welcome him.”
Constantine was lighting that second cigarette. “Son… I gotta...I gotta sit down.”
Batman however was trying to ignore what he couldn’t grasp at the moment, and focus on what he could. “Documentation and lodgings for two minors is well within my means to provide.” He glanced back at Constantine who was walking away to grab a chair. “You’ll explain the Ghost King thing later.”
Constantine just waved him off as he collapsed into a chair.
Lady Gotham had moved, now standing directly in front of Batman without having moved a muscle. “My son and his human sister know what it means to be hunted. My child’s core screams for help and receives so little.” She suddenly seemed to tower over batman in a way she didn’t before. “He will receive assistance here.”
Batman stood firm, but it would be a lie to say he was completely unaffected. Despite that trickle of fear in his chest, he’d always done his best to be there for his kids. It didn’t mean he was successful, but he tried. What was two more? “I understand. Whatever he’s running from will be handled. When will he arrive?”
Lady Gotham paused. “Soon. Travel is slow, but steady. Another day.”
Batman hummed, that was plenty of time to get everything set up temporarily. He would talk to the Ghost King and his sister to discuss more permanent plans. His attitude however, seemed to be just what Lady Gotham expected.
She turned to Constantine. “You will find him easiest. Bring them here.”
Constantine heaved a sigh and pulled out a flask from his jacket pocket. He didn’t barter, try to make some kind of deal, or attempt to gain some form of payment. Lady Gotham was a force of nature all on her own but there was no way he was pissing off the mother of the Ghost King. That was asking for trouble even if the kid was a king. His power must have been something else… “Got it.” he agreed.
She sighed, the sound content. “Thank you, Knight. My son will be in good hands.” Or Else, didn’t need to be spoken.
She turned, and just like that she was gone, her powerful aura along with her. In a flash it was like she’d never been there at all.
Batman took a moment to just breathe and regain his bearings before turning back to Constantine. “What did i just agree to?”
“Not much.” Constantine said dryly. “Just being the foster dad to the Ghost King. King of the Infinite Realm.”
Well… It wasn’t the first time he’d adopted a teenager. Batman just reaffirmed his plans for the rest of the day and turned to change back into his civilian attire and head back up into his mansion. He needed to talk to Alfred immediately.
“Better you than me…” Constantine grumbled. This was going to be pure chaos, but he also had to wonder…what it was that spooked the kid that defeated Pariah Dark? That was something to look into.
Neither man had noticed when Tim had walked in, having watched most of that interaction from a safe distance away. “What the absolute fuck was that....?” 
~~ ~~
I would really kind of enjoy a 16 year old Danny meeting and bonding with a 19 year old Jason… Also… Constantine texting Bruce the very moment he lays eyes on Danny. Yep! This kid is totally Wayne material. He’ll mix in with the others seamlessly.
No plans to continue this at this point if someone else wants a turn. 
~Edit- I apparently lied...  Part 2  
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chuusheartattck · 3 months
Chapter 6- Apologies ☕️
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You’ve woken up to the sounds of the birds chirping and the morning sun peaking in through the windows. You would’ve loved waking up in the giant room provided by Ayaka, if only you weren’t so violently hung over.
The feeling of being incredibly nauseous while remembering some of the memories from last night, started hitting you like a semi truck.
Why did you have to drink so much? You’re never drinking again.
You always say this but never actually stick through with your word.
You loved being drunk but hated the consequences that come the next morning. Your phone was buzzing with new messages. Have you always hated the sounds of notifications? Or was it the headache talking? Annoyed, you checked your phone.
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Bergrudgingly, you got up. As soon as you stood up however, you felt like you needed to throw up.
Quickly, you rushed to the toilet. Expecting for something to come out. Nothing did.
“I hate being hungover.” You quickly muttered before making your way to the dining room.
You noticed everyone had arrived before you. They all looked like shit. Including you. Mona was in deep explanation of how she read Yae’s birthchart. Apparently the woman has a lot of baggage.
You sat down in between Hu Tao and Mona.
Ayaka handed you a bowl of miso soup, “It’s for your hangover. You look rough.” She smiles.
You quietly thank her. The miso soup looks good but were you able to eat this without throwing it back up? You took your chances and fed yourself.
Luckily you didn’t.
Before you could finish the soup, Hu Tao turned towards you.
“So are you going to explain what happened last night?” She questioned.
You cleared your throat and explained your experience at the party. From start to finish. Everyone had listened intently to your story. Someone would occasionally gasp.
“Well he sure does know how to act like he cares about someone.” Mona mentioned. Scaramouche is actually a good actor.
It seems like he practiced on you the most.
As you were showing the group the texts you sent to Scaramouche and Childe, your phone buzzed. It was a text from Childe. Everyone began freaking out.
“Shit what do I say??” You were panicking because you didn’t really expect him to answer.
“Maybe an apology?” Lynette suggested.
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So fucking annoying.
He’s so fucking annoying.
How can he be like this? Why was he being like this? You heavily sighed. The audacity of this man.
Lynette looked up at you, “Is everything alright?”
You put your phone in the middle of the table and stood up.
“Yes. Everything is so perfect.” You replied sarcastically, “Ayaka thank you for the breakfast and sleepover. Have fun everyone reading those stupid ass texts. I’ll be getting ready to leave.”
When the words left your mouth, you walked away and towards the room you were sleeping in.
As you were packing up you heard a knock at the door.
It was Hu Tao. She was returning your phone.
“I’m so sorry Y/n. He’s such a big dick. You don’t deserve this. She pulled you into a hug.
“It’s ok, don’t worry about it. It’s how he is.” You reassured her.
She helped you pack the rest of your stuff.
You then said goodbye to everyone and got inside your car.
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Masterlist II Previous II Next
A/N: Hi I’m back! Ik its been a few days but I haven’t been feeling the best so I took a while to update. I’m still sick but I feel better enough to update even if this chapter was a bit short. Another written chapter I hope you guys like it!! Also pls ignore the typo in furina’s text I meant to put ‘parties’ 😭
ALSOOO lmk if you guys want your users to be added to this au and i’ll make you a twitter user :)
Synopsis: You’re a new idol that just debuted under ‘Fontaine Entertainment’ with your new single ‘Espresso.’ You just graduated high school which means all your classmates are shocked to see you into stardom. Including your old situationship, who happens to be an actor.
Taglist: @skyoverkill1 @quacking-simp @lolmeowing @astro-stars @kaitfae @sl-vega @veekoko @scarawiki @yuminako @samyayaya @kur0kki @practicoi @kukikoooo @scaraenthusiast1 @shutingstar @lloovvv @moonjellyfishie @miy-svz @xionri @lalalaloveallmydays @hearts4lizzzz @kathiwis @state-of-grac3 @morgyyyyyyy
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laurrelise · 15 days
someone talk with me about an AU where delores is a real girl who somehow survived the initial apocalypse and spends it growing old with five and keeping him sane
someone talk with me about delores being five’s age when he discovers her body in the rubble and thinks she’s dead before he notices the small rise and fall of her chest before he pulls her out and desperately tries to help her breathe normally again and watches the life fill her eyes with tears in his own that he’s finally no longer alone
someone talk with me about delores being an only child to parents who she wasn’t close with leading her to become dependent on herself until she meets five and learns to trust other people before finding out about his huge family and doing everything in her power to help him not only because she cares about him and wants him to be happy but also because she wants to experience the family she’s never had
someone talk with me about how delores never had powers but survived for the 40+ years in the apocalyptic wasteland of the future due to her seriously genius mind (and five’s help) and lives to help five figure out how to save his family
someone talk with me about young five and delores searching for anything they can find to survive before they stumble upon a half-broken mannequin with a surprisingly intact polka-dotted blouse that five says would suit her so she puts it on out of boredom from looking for materials before five looks at her with the most genuine, in-love eyes she’s ever seen and she decides to keep it just for him
someone talk with me about five always making sure delores has a comfortable place to sleep, to rest, to eat, etc
someone talk with me about five explaining his childhood so nonchalantly one day once he realizes that he can trust delores to her surprise, and she asks why he suddenly had the strength to tell her and he looks her in the eyes and says “believe it or not, you’re stuck with me, and i’m stuck with you, and i want you to know who i am when we’re kicking this apocalypse in the ass”
someone talk with me about teenage five teaching teenage delores how to defend herself with the training he was given during his childhood but reassuring her that he’ll always be there to protect her if something were to happen (to which she reminds him that she appreciates it, but knows she can defend herself with the spite and sheer willpower she has to survive)
someone talk with me about five and delores having a makeshift wedding and five’s vows being along the lines of “even if the rest of the world was alive, i don’t think i could ever hope to find someone that makes me as truly happy as you do, and i will be eternally grateful that of anyone i could get stuck in this goddamn apocalypse with, it was always you, and it will always be you”
someone talk with me about the handler showing up from the commission to recruit five as a temporal assassin and delores as a case worker because they’re both dangerously smart and incredible at surviving in harsh conditions (also, the handler approached them separately to see where their loyalties lied and they both firmly explained they wouldn’t go anywhere without the other)
someone talk with me about delores getting fed up with the handler repeatedly making moves on five despite him clearly being uncomfortable until it bubbles to a climax and she punches her square in the jaw, which results in an ER trip and zero regret (plus five falling even harder in love with the woman who endlessly sticks up for him)
someone talk with me about five and delores plotting an escape plan to get back to 2019 which all goes well, except five had once again messed up the math (or so he thought) and he and delores are placed back in their 13 year-old bodies, but she confesses that she doesn’t mind seeing the boy she fell in love with all those years ago once again
someone talk with me about delores learning to trust and love the hargreeves just as much as five, as they learn to love and trust her just as much
someone talk with me about five always keeping track of dates and specifically remembering the exact times of significant events for himself and delores, like the moment she looked at him for the first time, the moment he knew he was in love with her, and the moment they decided they were going to stop at nothing to keep each other alive and stop the world from ending
someone talk with me about five and delores, the 58 year-old couple that they are, snuggling up on elliot’s couch together because they can’t fall asleep without the other one there to remind them that they’re safe and out of harm’s way (mostly)
someone talk with me about how delores has never been the type to step down, and she continues to stand her ground and be brutally honest when shes upset or wants five to listen to her, and he admires her bluntness (and frankly, needs it) due to his impatience and expectations of honesty at all times
someone talk with me about delores knowing exactly when five needs his time alone and stepping away to help his siblings as much as she possibly can, usually by encouragement or (again) brutal honesty hidden behind a kind and genuine smile
someone talk with me about five reminding delores of his love for her whenever it’s too quiet or he thinks she’s gone too long without him showing it, in every way he can think of, like letting her know that he would’ve lost his mind in the apocalypse without her (which.. he kind of did?), finding little things that remind him of her and bringing them to her, and holding her hand whenever he sees frustration or discomfort bubbling behind her eyes
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hotdaemondtargaryen · 2 months
"I think anybody who has the darker side to them as the more prominent side — the side that people see first —there’s always a reason for that."
"I dug into that and found a lot of his boyish vulnerability, insecurities, and self-hatred — stuff that he’d been drip-fed his entire life."
"He wasn’t even a spare, you know? He was just completely ignored."
"He was invisible to most people, which is why he behaved in such a way — to numb himself."
But also to say: "Hey, I’m here as well."
"Any attention was good attention for Aegon."
"I find him less of a villain and more of a tragic case."
"It was that moment — well, it’s an accumulation of moments — but that one in particular where Alicent says, 'Do exactly what is required of you: nothing'."
"That was the final dagger in the heart."
"A real cold reminder that he really is seen as being useless."
"A pawn for Alicent and Otto [Rhys Ifans] to use as a puppet."
"But at the end of the day, the law of the land states that he’s the monarch."
"He’s the king."
"He’s the person to call the shots."
"And no one’s gonna fucking stop him from getting on that dragon if he wants to."
"So he got absolutely obliterated drunk and thought, I’m gonna show them."
"Cool, man."
"It’s kind of a little boy’s dream."
"It’s just something that you think of when you’re a child as being the coolest thing in the world."
"And it really was."
"They basically build a screen around you so you know where to look: what’s expected, what’s coming at you, what’s leaving you."
"Your entire perspective is quite clear."
"And then amongst that, you’re clad in all this armor that has been expertly crafted by some amazing workmanship."
"But then again, you’re crouched over this big saddle, strapped in, feeling like you can’t move."
"That crane has really got a lot of work to do to make it look like you’re moving."
"Oh, Aegon and Aemond’s relationship is very different to Tom and Ewan’s relationship."
"Let’s put that out there." [laughs]
"Look, that is sibling rivalry on a very intense scale, isn’t it? It’s the flip of the switch that can happen when somebody feels pushed out or somebody feels like there’s been injustice."
"I always felt like Aemond saw himself being in that position of power and dealing with it better than Aegon would deal with it."
"But then again, his birth certificate states otherwise."
"It was bound to happen at some point, wasn’t it?"
"He’s never in the same frame of mind twice in one day."
"He’s all over the place."
"Keeping up with his erratic mood swings was the hard part, and was this thing that I was having to stay really focused on."
"There wasn’t particularly one scene that I thought, Oh God, not this one, because all of them are challenging in different ways."
"Even the ones where he’s still and more focused are difficult, because you’ve got that sort of inner Aegon rhythm that is rapid."
"It’s very different to mine."
"It’s maintaining that, but still keeping the tension of the scene."
"I relished the opportunity to play someone with such range and creative potential from an acting point of view."
"Every scene that I’ve had with Olivia, there is never a moment that isn’t filled."
"Everything is just so complex and deeply entrenched in her."
"She means everything she says."
"It’s a rare skill to have."
"As an actor, she has that in truckloads."
"It’s a gift to be able to work with her, to play her son."
"Yeah, [it’s] hilarious."
"She’s only a year older than me."
"I think we manage it because we get on so well."
"We’re pals as well, you know."
"I love Olivia to bits."
"Trust her wholeheartedly."
"We have a laugh. We don’t take it too seriously."
"We have common ground on that."
"But then in the moments where the work is happening, it’s all we care about."
"We care immensely."
"It’s one of those things where in the downtime, after we wrap, we can go for a drink."
"We can have a laugh."
"We connect on a personal level as well as a professional level."
"I think that’s what sort of breeds a healthy and believable performance thing relationship-wise."
"Aegon Toast, probably."
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mariposa-writes · 1 year
Tears of Joy - Part 2
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Pairing: Captain John Price x wife!reader
Word count: 1.2k
Overview: You've had your baby and the rest of the team comes to visit.
CW: pregnancy, (please let me know if I need to add anything
Author's Note: Only one person asked for this (@http-paprika), and it only would've taken 0 people lol. But in all seriousness thank you so much for all the love on the first part. PLEASE REBLOG, COMMENT AND LIKE!
part 1
Being pregnant wasn’t glamorous by any means. Nothing fit, you could barely put your own shoes on, and let’s not even talk about the weird cravings you had. Some were good some were not, but you would go through it all over and over again to experience holding your child for the first time. 
Words couldn’t explain what you were feeling, as you watched your husband John hold your newborn son. You had been sleeping, as John watched the miracle the two of you had created. He didn’t realize you were awake, too busy doting over the adorable bundle of joy in his arms.
“Knock Knock” Johnny aka Soap whisper yelled as he opened the door to your hospital room. Johnny’s eyes landed on you first, as you nodded letting him know it was okay for him to enter.
Simon and Kyle trailed in right behind Johnny. They all three came over, giving you a hug and kiss congratulating you on your new baby. All of these boys had been to your home, they were a part of your family. They’d each eaten meals you cooked, stayed in the guest room you prepared, and thanked you when you washed their war stained clothes.
John, handed you your newborn son as he hugged and shook hands with his team. “Can I hold the lad?” Soap questioned, inching closer to you. 
“Of course.” You helped situate the baby in his arms, before Soap turned to show Simon and Kyle. You smiled, watching how good Johnny interact with your son, he was a natural. After a few minutes he handed him off to Kyle, who was slightly less of a natural but still succeed in his own way.
“Simon, do you want to hold him?” You asked, noting how Simon was quietly observing but making no move to hold him. 
“I don’t think I’d be good at it.” Simon omitted sheepishly. It was interesting to watch Simon, someone that seemed to be good at everything be worried about holding a baby. You waved your hand, “Nonsense, you’ll be fine. I’ll help you.”
You made a move to get out of bed and within two seconds your husband was by your side. “You’re supposed to be resting.” He commented, earning a death glare from you one similar to when he forgot to do the dishes after you’d already asked him three times.
“Honey, I love you but I’ve been in this bed for over 24hrs only getting up to pee and shower. If you don’t let me out of this bed I’m going to end up stabbing something and that something is probably going to be you.” John’s lips flattened, clearly wanting to argue but also know that you meant well on your threats. 
He’d learned that after your first 3 months of being married, when you’d you told him you’d throw something at him if he didn’t finish the laundry by the time you got home for work. Safe to say, that the laundry was still sitting in the washer, starting to smell like mildew when you got home.
You dropped your purse on the couch when John had walked into the living room, grabbing the first thing you saw. Chucking the remote at his head, before he even looked up from his phone.
It hit him right in the forehead, giving him a pretty good cut. “Ow, what the hell was that for?” He questioned, still not processing what had happened. 
You glared at him, “I told you to finish the laundry.” 
“I forgot.”
“You have been forgetting for the past two days and now I’m going to have to wash them again. Plus I warned you, about what would happen.”
“I thought you were joking.” He rubbed where the remote had hit him and learned to always take your threats seriously after that. 
“Fine, but don’t over do it.” He moved, letting you out of the bed as you made your way over to Simon. You situated his arms before taking your son from Kyle and getting ready to place him in Simons arms.
“My mask if going to scare him, he’s going to cry.” You shushed Simon, gently setting your son in his arms making slight adjustments to Simon.
You chuckled, noting how tense Simon was. “Simon, you’re going to have to learn how to hold him considering we want you to be his godfather.” Simon looked up at you with wide eyes and a suddenly dry mouth. You turned to Kyle and Johnny. “Actually we want all three of you to be his godfathers. We tried to choose, but-”
Johnny and Kyle cut you off, already accepting your offer. The both hugged you as you thanked them, Simon had been quiet. You turned to him nervously, “Simon,” You placed a hand on his arm. “It’s okay if you want to say no, I won’t be m-“
“I’ll do it.” Simon loved you like a mother, or something along those lines. He wasn’t sure how to exactly explain it, but you’d opened your home to him many times throughout the years of him and John working together. You’d made him tea, when he would show up in the middle of the night and breakfast when he woke. You would listen as he talked to you, always finding it easy to open up to you. Well open up as much as he could, which wasn’t much but the little he did open up was a lot for him. 
He liked you cause you were patient and caring. When Price had broken the news to the team that you were pregnant, Simon already knew that you’d make a great mother. “Are you sure? I don’t want you to feel pressured.”
“I’m sure” You smiled, giving him a hug.
“So, we’ve all been waiting. What’s that lass’ name?” Soap questioned. As he took the baby back from Simon
You looked at John, “Wesley Jacob Price.” He announced, as your eye’s meet Simons. His eyes glossing over. 
You whispered to him, “I hope that’s okay. The papers haven’t been sighed, so I can still change it.” Simon didn’t answer, just wrapping you in a bone crushing hug. Whisper a quiet ‘thank you’ in your ear and a ‘it’s perfect.
You knew you were one of the select few he’d opened up to about his family and what happened to them.
This right here, was your family. You would do anything for them and you knew they would do the same for you.
When you’d married Price he’d warned you about the craziness of his life and how he could be gone for months at a time, he made sure to point out all the negative so you knew what you were getting into.
But he never pointed out any of the positives. He didn’t mention Simon, Johnny, and Kyle. He didn’t mention how these boys would become your family and people you cared for very deeply. He didn’t mention the board games you’d play with Johnny when he couldn’t sleep or the books Kyle and you would trade in your two person book club, or the different amount of tea flavors you would try with Simon.
All of these things outweighed the negatives.
This moment was worth going months with out contacting your husband, was worth the lonely nights, all the negative tests, and all the tears. All the hardships were worth it. You wouldn’t be here, standing in your tiny hospital room watching 4 giant killing machines handle your baby with such care and gentleness.
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sleepyy-27 · 8 days
Little chain
Chapter two! :D
(Ao3 version ^-^ )
It was evening now Link was sitting by the fire making dinner for the other heroes, from what Legend smelled it was edible, thankfully—he didn’t know what he was going to do if he ever had to eat his or the others cooking again.
They still weren’t sure if they should call him Link, it was likely that kid was Wild from what Legend had caught from a conversation Warriors and Time were having on their walk today.
Another problem that seriously pisses Legend off is that whatever era that kid was from they had been cowardly enough to have a child fight in battles, they expected a child to give up his own life—Hylia forbid it ever happens—if it’s ever required. Just those few thoughts alone pissed Legend off. Just like what they had expected of a majority of us to do. Legend thought to himself trying to keep his face neutral. When will those cowards realize that a child can’t fight all their battles for them just ‘cause of a title they give them.
Whatever idiot allowed that to happen I’m gonna‘ beat their ass. Legend declared to himself. If the child was his brother but younger, then he might end up doing more than beating the crap out of someone. Now that he thought about it he might want to tell Warriors or Hyrule what he plans to do if they ever end up in the kids era.
There was a whistle loud enough to be overheard from the others conversations. The kid had been standing by the cooking pot, made sure everyone was paying attention then signed ‘Dinner’s done.’ He knew there was about to be some chaos by the pot so he took off and out of there. After he had been gone from the pot for a second several others rushed over there letting hunger win over the ability to think clearly. They had lunch about 6 and a half hours ago, but even Legend admitted that this kids cooking was better than Wild's cooking, and if Legend’s being honest he never thought something could beat Wilds cooking but somehow something did.
After some of the others got their food legend had gotten his portion, it would be a lie if he said he wasn’t excited to eat whatever the kid said he was making.
“This tastes amazing. Link, who taught you how to cook?” Wind asked, putting another bite of the food in his mouth. ‘I just would study cookbooks when I had free time, I guess I picked up a thing or two from them.’ Link replied in sign stoically, Warriors placed a hand on Links shoulder, the kid straightened then slightly relaxed realizing the hand was Hylian.
“You can loosen up some if you want too. You’re not actively on duty right now so you can relax.” Warriors said to the kid, it wasn’t uncommon for a few of the chain members to forget Warriors was a captain with military experience. And if the kid really was a knight then maybe Warriors could at least help the kid relax.
The kid hadn’t loosened up though, his back was still straight, he hadn’t even taken off one piece of his armor. The most understandable thing the kid left on his person was his sword, shield, bow and item pouch. Warriors sighed, he walked away from the kid and started talking to Time. Legend wondered exactly what made Warriors’ give up so easily like that, none of them knew what kind of fighting the kid had been capable of even though the kid said he was knight, but being a knight didn’t mean much in terms of power for almost all the Links.
It seems Link caught a glimpse of the master sword, eyes immediately widening. “What the fuck?” Link said quietly brows furrowed in confusion. Those first words anyone in the chain heard this kid say all day. Sky, still getting himself a serving of food, noticed the kid staring at the master sword. Then the connection became clear in the Skyloftians eyes. “Oh you know what the master sword is?” Sky asked curiously, giving the kid a gentle smile. The kid stopped staring immediately and looked at Sky, he nodded at the man, he looked like he wanted to say or sign more but didn’t.
Sky sat back over at his spot around camp and made a motion for the kid to sit by him, he took the offer but the kid sat pretty far away from Sky. “Is the master sword well known where you’re from?” Sky asked. At this point anyone who is in this camp of people has figured out that they are pretty far from home, for the kid specifically had noticed Time had the triforce of courage mark on his hand and Wind had the same thing.
The kid shook his head as a reply to Sky. ‘No, hardly anyone even knows it’s even a thing.’ The kid signed, Sky sighed at that. The kid started to sign again ‘I actually found it, I just didn’t pull it, no one where I’m from even knows where the master sword is. You can call me crazy for this but, the only reason I knew where it was was ‘cause I heard it calling to me from the forest.’ He signed, he noticed how Sky shared a look with a few of the others, it was very quick but they all seemed to understand what exactly was happening. It was a silent agreement. ‘Well since you have it I guess you pulled it?’ That was kind of shocking that Link had asked a question that hadn’t really been important to ask.
“I didn’t exactly pull it, I act-“ “he had forged the master sword.” Four interrupted Sky, Sky just looked confused then betrayed. “Four! You didn’t need to say it like that!” Sky said looking over at Link trying to make sure that wasn’t an overload of information. Link looked at the ground then put a hand on chin, he looked like he was thinking for a solid second. ‘That sword is thousands of years old. You don’t look like some sort of ancient being, so is that sword a fake then?’ Link signed, eyeing Sky suspiciously.
“Of course it’s not a fake, it’s hard to explain how I’m here.” Sky said, he didn’t want to overload the kid's head with all this timeline nonsense, and the portals, and the shadow, okay maybe he was overloading himself while thinking of it but he didn’t want to straight up lie to the kid, so he only mentioned himself and not others, Link didn’t look like he was buying it though, and honestly no one could blame him.
‘Okay then, just let’s forget about this.’ Link signed, Sky had tried not to make a thankful face at the kid for just dropping it instead of arguing. ‘I’m going to bed, good night.’ Link signed, then walked over to a tree, climbed into it, and sat there, resting his arm against his leg resting his head in the palms of his hand and closed his eyes.
“I’ll take first watch.” Sky said abruptly. “I’ll take second then.” Hyrule said after Sky, then Time spoke up. “I guess I’ll take thi-“ “ohh no old man, you’ve taken too many watches this week, let me take this one.” Warriors interrupted Time, Time gave him a slight look but Warriors shrugged it off. Time sighed. “It’s settled then.”
Everyone settled in for the night and so far into first watch there was no disturbances, when Sky gave Hyrule second watch neither of them could shake the feeling of something bad, then there was a crash coming from Link's direction.
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heyclickadee · 1 month
More Massive Fandom Salt under the cut
If I see one more condescending post about how people who don’t like Tech getting killed off just don’t get it, I’m going to mcfreaking lose it.
Like, okay. I think Tech is alive. I think I’ve been clear about that. If I haven’t, then I don’t know what else to do. I actually even get why taking him off the board for season three could be a good move (give Crosshair time to decompress and Omega time to come into her own and be the hero of her own show, while also maybe setting Tech up for another plot line to come later), and think it’s possible that bringing Tech back later could actually work much better than what I originally wanted to happen. In fact, if it really is a fake-out I think it’s kind of immaculate. And I still get angry reading those posts.
Because, first, a lot of people upset by the handling of Tech from “Plan 99” onwards are upset because Tech meant something to them. It goes a lot deeper than just losing your favorite character. Tech was a fantastic piece of autistic representation and losing that hurt. Losing that and then never getting the catharsis that comes with on-screen emotional processing from the characters, no closure, no real in-show impact besides inconveniencing the others hurt even more. It left a lot of autistic people in the fandom feeling like we were told that we weren’t welcome in Star Wars at all.
And most of us still love the show! The Bad Batch is still my favorite show and I adore basically the entire thing up through season three, right up to the point where everything just kind of stops without resolving anything but Hunter and Omega, and not getting Tech back before the end hit me so badly that I almost dropped Star Wars completely. People are upset for a reason.
Second, I get that it can be annoying seeing criticism of your favorite show. I do. I actually disagree with a lot of criticism of TBB and do tend to get a little annoyed at certain takes. The other thing about the “Tech’s dead and that’s good”/“You thought Tech could come back because you were delusional” posts that makes me want to fight everyone, though, is that they tend to be incredibly dismissive. They’ll bring up arguments people made during the airing of the show for why Tech could come back, or arguments they made afterwards for why they thought he should have, and then either misunderstand or talk right past them.
It gives anyone who made those arguments, or who was upset by the ending, a general sense that we’re not being listened to. That people have already decided we’re irrational and that nothing we say or experience matters, that we saw patterns that weren’t there, or that we care too much about this specific thing, or that we’re being immature. Maybe. Just. I don’t know—consider for a second that a lot of the people who are most upset about Tech belong to the noticing patterns/caring a lot about specific things/dismissed for noticing things that are really there in real life/frequently infantilized neurotype. Again, there’s a reason some of us are upset and having a hard time with fandom right now.
I actually don’t have a problem with people thinking or making posts saying someone needed to die or that Tech “dying” was well handled as a death. I will always disagree, and I think we’re too close to the “bury your disabled” trope with most of the batchers for me to be okay with any of them dying like that, but one person will interpret fiction differently than another and I can’t and shouldn’t police that. I do, however, have a massive problem with the condescending way a lot of those posts go about it. Think Tech ought to be dead? Fine. Call anyone who thinks otherwise a child? Instablock, I don’t need that in my life.
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starleska · 2 months
[stepping over the picket fence from my backyard into your backyard, like I’ve learnt anything about Despicable Me or Maxime since my last ask besides it is, indeed, the masc “le Mal” and not the feminine “la Mal”]
Hi, hey, howdy, don't worry about getting to this ask quickly or replying or anything, you take care of yourself, do what you need to do, do what you want to do 💕 I'm going on a thought experiment, a couple of thought experiments. <3 
but I was pondering my orb or taking a four hour nap or whatever you wanna call it and like. Is flustered, needy Maxime a new concept???? Not something that’s been greatly considered????? Bc tbh, he always gave me those vibes. For some reason. Like “Oh yeah, of COURSE he’s clingy and embarrassed and blushy and etc etc”. I’m not even sure why I was so sure but it just felt right. 💖 Surely…I wasn’t…projecting any type of …”personal biases” upon himAHEM so sorry, allergies. 
That big coat is for hiding and he totally can just, dissappear in there and hide from the world. He could pull the coat up and his head in and hope he can cover how read his face is. Like don't look at him rn, he's so vulnerable and uncomfortable about it bc he's used to being so big and impervious, but also don't go away, bc he likes you sm and this is so nice and he loves being adored. But also it's so much!!!!!!!!! Vicious cycle.
I'm a Blushy Needy Maxime truther. Or liar. I'll leave it to the people who've actually seen the movie to decide. Just the bigger the ego, the harder they fall, thats what I always say. Don't fact check that. 
What do you reckon flusters him most? Nice words? Physical affection? Teasing? Gifts? All of the above? I feel like it could be anything. 👀 or maybe it’s none of the above. 
Maybe I underestimate him, maybe he's got better composure than I assume, but every set of armor has a weakness! Anyone can get flustered, Maxime can get flustered, and tbh he probably should get flustered. Where there’s a will there���s a way! …Maybe Valentina would help. Either way I KNOW THAT GUY IS GETTING FLUSTERED I know it 
Accidentally a little overboard with the teasing and flustering and he gets all in a huff, giving the cold shoulder. You gotta say you’re sorry and wrap your arms around him, and in an ideal world he’d hold strong to his grudge until he felt you’ve paid your dues, but he can’t help but melt into your embrace. He compromises, turning back to you, burying his still-hot face into you and refusing to look at you instead. His arms tight around you, not letting you go even long after you assume all is well. His ire is still on you, you know! You owe him a lot for all that trouble you put him through! And besides, he still feels lightheaded from all this blood rushing to his face. You must let him stay in your soft, supportive embrace for just a moment longer. You wouldn’t turn him out now, would you? After you did this to him?  For shame. 
(He is Not intending to let you go anytime soon, he is making up all the excuses)
…hm…I may be talking in circles and not saying much of anything. I also feel like I’ve Greatly Exposed myself today. I gotta go disinfect my ear piercings…I gotta wash my neckties….I gotta refill my mint essential oil diffuser to keep away…the….the bugs…ahem…I gotta make a Pokémon team for Normal Reasons. 
I'm also once again coming to you cold, literally standing next to an actual oven for warmth like a Victorian child when my jacket is on a chair literally just one Maxime away. I’ve Got to GO. I CANT KEEP BEING LET OUT OF CONTAINMENT LIKE THIS. Thank you for listening to my TEDTalk/hostage situation. If anyone asks, I was never here. Take care, you’re great <3 
[Runs away, jumping fences like I committed a crime here.]
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not you dropping an entire three course meal and dessert into my askbox, á la mode!!!!!!! 🙈💖💖 for someone who claims they don't know anything about Maxime, you certainly have put a lot of thought into this message...😉
you know, at the time you sent this ask I would've said that flustered, needy Maxime is a new concept, but we've had an amazing wave of art for him over the past week and there's so much of him being all cute and blushy 🙈🙈💖💖 i think it's that he is so easily angered and hates being called cute…he's total fluster-bait!!! we NEED to make him blush 🥺 AAAAA ohhh my god the idea of him wrapping his coat around himself and hiding is so soft!!!! no no you are SO onto something because Maxime is so horribly arrogant and confident, he's a bully who loves the spotlight and desperately wants attention…so wouldn't it be interesting to finally hit that sweet spot and get him wanting to hide? i really do think overt affection like that would make him curl up, and if you did it in a pointed enough way, his face would light up like a traffic light 🥰💖 i think that Maxime is probably really unprepared for anyone who is able to match his energy. he's looking down at you all heavy-lidded, boasting about himself and casually belittling you, but you shoot back with a well-aimed flirtation and it just. hits him like a truck. his cheeks warm, he starts to stammer. he desperately tries to recover, but he's actually looking for an out because he needs to find somewhere to breathe and quiet his beating heart 👀💖 YOU ARE CORRECT Valentina would so get involved!!! you've probably seen us talk about Valentina a bit before, and our wishes that she'd had more dialogue/character development in the movie…but two things that are very canon about Valentina is that she loves cute things, and she also thinks MAXIME is really cute 👉👈 i am certain that behind closed doors those two lavish all kinds of attention on each other, and Valentina turns Maxime tomato-red every time!!!! squealing no no no please don't be embarrassed i LOVE this!!!! gahhhh i adore that quick possessive flip from being so embarrassed and curling in on himself to it being something where he desperately wants to keep you, he can't let you go…!!! oh, my heart 😳😳😳 it's going to sound so silly given all of the stuff i've made for Maxime and being a selfshipper but i adore him so much that i STILL get so incredibly squirmy even trying to imagine any degree of one-on-one discussion with him, let alone contact…!!!! it's taken me a week to answer this ask for exactly that reason 🙈💖 so THANK YOU for fueling my brain i am going to chew through my hoodie sleeves now 😳😳😳 cackles. are we both sufficiently dead now? did you manage to do all of those convenient excuse-related things (including making the Pokémon team which i would LOVE to hear about)? 👀 it's OKAY lovely, open yourself up!!! there are no rules when it comes to loving characters - who says we can't adore many at once?! 🥰 thank you for always sending the loveliest, most interesting asks!! i've been mulling over this one for a hot minute and it's really, really cheered me up after a tough month, so big big hugs 🫂💖💖
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schizodiaries · 10 months
how to care for a loved one with schizophrenia
I have made a few posts already about self-care tips for schizophrenic people, but now I want to talk about different ways a non-schizophrenic can help care for their schizophrenic friends and family.
Do some research on schizophrenia. Learn about the history of the disorder, the symptoms that may be present (and the different categories of symptoms), the medication we take, etc. Showing that you’ve made an effort to try to understand us is a kind gesture and we won’t forget it.
Learn how to talk to someone who is actively delusional, psychotic, or hallucinating. You want to stay as neutral as possible, as in, avoid outright denying or endorsing what they believe. (Ex. “I’m the president of the U.S.” “Oh, I thought the president was Joe Biden?”)
Uncover their triggers. If they are comfortable sharing it with you, it may help to know what their triggers are so you can avoid them or help them to cope. (Sharing triggers is a sign of trust, don’t abuse this trust by taking advantage of them.)
Create a safe and welcoming environment for your schizophrenic loved one. Refrain from using ableist language, or misusing words used to describe our symptoms (delusional, psychotic, etc). We might not act like it hurts us, but it does.
Don’t believe in all the stereotypes you see in the media. Schizophrenic people are not inherently violent. At the same time, don’t be surprised if they display bizarre or unpredictable behavior. This illness affects different people in different ways. There is no one way to be schizophrenic.
Speaking of which, let your schizophrenic loved one unmask every now and again, or as often as you’re both comfortable with. Let them talk to themselves, make odd movements, rant about their ideas, obsess over numbers, or whatever unmasking looks like for them. Don’t punish them for it or make them feel bad about it either.
Try not to see schizophrenia as something that needs to be “cured.” Currently there is no cure for schizophrenia, though it is treatable. It’s one thing to wish for a cure as a schizophrenic person, but it’s another for someone else to wish we can be cured. To us, it implies that you don’t want us to be ourselves or want to change something about us. Wouldn’t you rather have us just the way we are, schizophrenia and all?
Avoid sending your loved one to a psych hospital as much as possible. I understand that they aren’t all bad and can be necessary or even beneficial to a person experiencing a mental health crisis. But these places are notorious for being neglectful, traumatizing, and abusive. Look at the reviews for any of your local psych hospitals and tell me why you would want to send your loved one there.
If you want to join support groups for schizophrenia, online or irl, look into ones that focus primarily on the people that have the illness, not just their loved ones. It’s important to hear directly from schizophrenic individuals and learn about the experiences we have. I understand it may be hard for you as a parent, child, caretaker, etc. of a schizophrenic person, but it’s infinite times harder for them.
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kissami · 1 year
☄︎. *. ⋆ STARLIGHT GAZES •°. *࿐
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➵ summary : Marlene asks how you and cloud met, but she didn’t expect the response she got.
➵fem!reader with she/her pronouns!
➵ warnings: none besides Cloud being adorable as usual! Possible spoilers and miss spelling…(-0-)
➵ authors note: I’m going to try to continue posting more often, but recently got a full time job at a bank, who would’ve thought hm? Anyways, requests are always open!!
‎ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊
⠀⠀⠀‎ ⠀⠀⠀‎ ⠀⠀⠀ ‎ Less of you~ Keshi
⠀⠀⠀‎ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀‎ 0:20 〇────── 3:27
⠀⠀⠀‎ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀‎ ⇄   ◃◃   ⅠⅠ   ▹▹   ↻
⠀⠀⠀‎ ⠀⠀ ⠀VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%
‎ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊
“How’d you and [N/N] meet, Cloud?” Stopping abruptly at the question, Cloud placed the plate he was scrubbing down on the sink and chuckled.
“I’m not sure you would want to know that, Mars. Probably less romantic as you may think.” Shoving a spoonful of the soup Tifa had made for her and Denzel that afternoon, she sat quietly.
Cloud was another father figure to her, always telling her such amazing stories about when he was a child now that he regain his correct memories, his experience with fighting sephiroth and saving humanity, but never once did he speak about the story of his lover.
He did talk about her all the time yes, but whenever Marlene asked about how they met, in her eyes she could tell that he was nervous.
‘Not until you’re older will I tell you.’
He told her one day when the group of them went out to see the stars together for a camping trip. Everyone went off to find firewood while Cloud stayed with the children just incase.
That was when she brought up the topic last time and was extremely frustrated whenever he brushed off her question but it was clear the blond was not budging.
That night was almost two years ago now and Marlene felt she had waited long enough to hear the story.
“Please tell me, I’ve been waiting ages Cloud!” She whined, playing with the small pieces of bread on the wooden table as she looked at his teal blue eyes.
“Fine fine, you’ll have to wash my bike for a week though.” He softly teased as he sat down next to her, ignoring her whines again.
He felt his hands start to sweat a bit his lip from nervousness but stay cool as he began.
You stood sternly as you ignored the eyes that stayed on your form, watching your every move as you waited.
It’s been 15 minutes already of waiting, although it wasn’t obvious on your face, you were becoming irritated.
After being thrown down here by Corneo’s goons, you just wanted to get this over with, find out what you needed and get the hell out of here.
Tifa, a girl you met in town was still sleeping on the floor as the sleep dust was still in her system.
The two of you met long before, occasionally going to the bar to discuss things about Avalanche.
Although you wouldn’t say you were necessarily part of the movement, you still offered the help when she needed it.
She was always understanding and sweet with you, definitely a weakness for you when you saw how distressed she looked when she was suddenly in a room upstairs with you and three other men.
You agreed to come with her, agreeing you’d try to help get information on why those men were asking about avalanche earlier and you both came to terms that if either of you were picked, save the other once information was learned.
You stood near her, not saying a word as you glared at the men grabbing the both of you as your eyes were becoming weaker.
The next thing you knew, you were down here for god knows how long, anxiously waiting.
It didn’t help you had such a skimpy dress that left little to no imagination on what hid underneath.
You stood straighter when the goon that was in the room watching suddenly left, closing the door as you heard noise from up above.
“Tifa? Wake up, I hear someone coming.” You whispered softly as you started to shake her softly, waiting for her to open her pretty red eyes.
A groan came from her as she slowly woke up, but sat up quickly seeing the worried expression on your face as you were shielding her from the people coming in.
Two more girls were thrown into the room, making you wince when the brunette unconsciously fell on her cheek rather harshly.
“Oh no.” Tifa whispered, going over to the blonde one while you made your way over to the other.
She was rather pretty, a red mark on her cheek started to rise when you quickly grabbed a wipe from your hidden thigh stash.
The stash was small, but it had all you needed incase of emergency’s. Definitely came in handy the more you hung out with Tifa and her friends. Always getting into trouble it seemed.
“Excuse me, can you hear me?” You asked as you patted her face ever so gently. Not firm enough to hurt but still enough to try to wake her up.
“Ughh dang it.” She groaned, and you watched as she rubbed her eyes tiredly.
You chuckled a bit, finally feeling relief that everyone in here was okay and you stood up quickly to help her up. She gave you a sweet smile, her eyes brightening up at the sight of you. She turned away from you quickly though as she looked over at Tifa excitedly.
“Hey Tifa! How’s it going?” She jogged over and greeted your friend who was very confused on who this girl was and why she was with cloud of all people.
“Oh right. I’m Aerith, a friend of clouds.” She greeted. You kind of zoned off as you walked over to the door, crossing your arms across your chest as you waited once again.
“…and that’s [Y/N]. She’s helping me out and she works with avalanche occasionally when I need her.” You gave a small smile and wave, looking to the blond who have you a firm nod of acknowledgment.
Besides the dress and makeup, he was rather pretty and very muscular it seemed as you watched the way his biceps would flex under the tight sleeves of the black dress he was rocking.
Tifa and Aerith continued to talk about what was going to happen and the plan, but Cloud seemed to have his attention (silently) on you.
You were (short/tall), with (long/short) hair that fit your face amazingly. You had soft makeup on with a pink soft lip that pulled your look all together. A nice black dress that hid the thigh strap just right and hugged you perfectly.
But he wasn’t going to talk to you yet. Not once he knew you could be trusted and the girls would be safe. That was the reason he was here, so why did he care so much for a stranger that seemed more than capable of herself.
Tifa seemed to trust you and Aerith already liked you, so why was he so hesitant towards you?
It wasn’t until later on when the four of you were thrown down to the sewers when he was noticing how you prioritized everyone else’s safety over yours the whole time.
When the big monster first attacked you, you grabbed the girls and jumped out of the way quickly. When the whisperers were surrounding and trying to hurt Tifa you were there guarding her.
Even when you were thrown and beat down numerous times, you were still fighting and backing the group up, trying to get back to the slums as quickly as possible.
Then after the three of you found Aerith again, did he seem to finally get you. You cherished the people around you, even if they did you wrong or had no idea who they were, you were still right there.
He admired you deeply for that.
When the group of you were at Aerith’s home after she was taken away, did he finally have a full conversation with you.
He was supposed to be sleeping, to get rested for the day ahead, but he just couldn’t seem to shut his eyes just yet.
So many thoughts ran through his mind. Tifa and her well being. Aerith and if she was okay or hurt. And, you.
You didn’t say much, didn’t show much emotion to him, but the moment you found out she was taken, did he see the way you tried to blink away the tears that were threatening to release.
He heard soft footsteps from outside of his room, making him slowly get up and walk out while trying to not wake the house up.
He saw the door to the room that you were sharing with Tifa open, meaning either of you could’ve left.
Taking a quick glance, he saw Tifa sleeping with tears streaming her cheeks and a distressed look on her sleeping face.
He sighed, wanting nothing more than to comfort her, but he had to make sure you were okay and why you were up so early.
He made his way outside, seeing you sitting on the small hill that was in the garden surrounded by all the flowers.
You were sitting there with your legs up to your chest, your arms resting on your knees with your face resting on them as well as you kept your gaze forward. He couldn’t see your face, but he didn’t need to when he could see the way your body shuddered.
“I should’ve been there to protect her and went with her to find Marlene. I should’ve done more to save everything, It’s all my fault, I’m so sorry.” He heard you cry silently.
He didn’t speak a word to you. What could he say? He was in the exact same boat as you, but with the little time you two would be alone while Aerith and Tifa did their own things together, he noticed how quickly you opened up to him about a lot of things.
Your parents both left you behind with your younger siblings. You had to take care of them at a young age, but your uncle was the one to teach you a lot of things. Your uncle was your best friend, and the day you lost him, you swore to work and protect harder.
Now your siblings were doing their own things, leaving you behind once again with no one and no support system. You had experience now though, and being able to help Avalanche really helped fill the void in your heart to be able to be around people like that again.
Jessie was your closest friend besides Tifa, and when he saw how much of a wreck you became when she died, it was evident everything was hitting you all at once. It didn’t help one bit when the plate fell, everything you knew of was gone in just a click of a stupid button.
Your loud sobs and the way you pushed your hands in your hair aggressively brought him back to reality as another breakdown began to take a toll on you again.
He made his way over, sitting down tensely as he had no idea what to do.
“Hey, calm down okay? Breathe, [Y/N]. Nothing is your fault, none of all of this is either of our faults. I feel…the same way you do. Aerith, she…she means a lot to me. I protect her, she protects me, and the cycle continues…but this time, I failed her. I don’t know what I’m doing anymore to be honest.”
Hearing a small chuckle and sniff, he took a glance over to you as you wiped your eyes with your hands.
“You must really like her hm? Can’t really blame you, she’s absolutely incredible and I…don’t know what I would be doing right now if she didn’t drag me along after we were done escaping the sewers.”
A small smile made its way onto his pink lips. He continued to watch the sky with you, the soft wind blowing the flowers softly and a comfortable aura surrounded the both of you, almost like she was there with you guys.
“So that’s it? You guys didn’t kiss or anything??” Marlene spoke with annoyance laced in her voice, completely oblivious that everyone was there listening.
Yuffie, Vincent, Tifa, Barrett, and you.
You giggled as you leaned from behind her and squished her cheeks.
“That story is for another day, starlight. Tifa wants you to go to bed now while your dad rests hm? I’m sure Denzel wants you to read to him to bed again.” Teasing slightly at the little girl who now seemed to zoom off to her room, you gave your lover a knowing smile.
“You speak beautifully, my love.”
Cloud scoffed, getting back up to continue washing his dishes but he held a smile as he placed a kiss on your jaw.
“Gross!” Yuffie stuck her tongue out in disgust while Vincent held a stoic look on his pale face but a tiny smile crept up on his lips.
“Let’s leave the love birds to it then. I need a nap.” Barrett scoffs and walked off, slinging an arm over Tifa and Yuffie as the four of them walked away.
You kept your gaze on them happily, but your eyes looked at Cloud in shock as he placed his lips on yours fully now while you weren’t looking just yet.
“What was that for?”
“What? I can’t kiss you?”
“Stop being such a smart ass and give me another one.”
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tojikai · 2 years
Permanent Mark X: Loss
Pairing: Gojo x Reader
Genre: Angst
Warnings:  pregnancy, mentions of abortion, implied miscarriage
Series Masterlist
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“We all experience the pain of losing something. Or someone.”
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“You. Film it.” There’s no way in hell that I’d let you fool my daughter again. 
Your mother was furious at the sight a couple of meters away from her. Just when she was thinking about reaching out and helping the two of you with your issues, she sees this. The man who was swearing to take care of you and her grandchild just a week ago is here meeting someone else.
Your mother partially blames herself for your poor decisions in life. Not being able to look after you, talking to you only to nag you about the company, and not paying attention to your bad habits are only a few of the things that she started to regret when you yourself started to face the consequences. Your mother isn’t clueless about you, though. She already got a feeling that that woman isn’t just anyone or someone that piqued your curiosity. Not by the way you ran after her and definitely not by the way you avoided your mother’s gaze when she asked why you were asking about her.
You’re not interested in people who don’t show interest in you and it’s always been like that so why would you suddenly wonder about a random employee from another company? It turned out that your mother was right. She watched as she took half a step closer to Satoru, something he didn’t even flinch at and it only made her blood boil. This woman with an angelic face is the devil who almost got her daughter killed in an accident and your mother has no plans of letting it slip.
“Move the meeting’s schedule.” She turned to her assistant as the girl scrambles to get her notes all while holding her phone, “I need to go to Mr. Takahata’s place right now.” They passed Satoru and the lady while he held her by the shoulders and it took everything in your mother not to ask the driver to stop just to smack her across the face. Is that why she started hanging around the building longer than the time needed? To see the father of her daughter’s child?
Your mother took a deep breath, reminding herself not to assume things so carelessly. If she happens to be wrong about what she saw, she might end up ruining, not only your plans for yourself but also for your child. She needs to think everything through before acting upon it. For now, she needs to know who that errand girl is and the best place to get information is her working place.
Reaching Mr. Takahata’s office, your mother was greeted by multiple workers who already knew her because of the joint project of the companies. She walked over to the desk, letting her assistant speak for her as she looked around for people who might know the woman who was with Satoru. 
“Ma’am, Mr. Takahata is in another meeting at the moment and has no free schedules today.” Her assistant talked to her, and the woman behind the desk gave a small smile. “It’s ok, I can wait in his office. I just have to ask him something.” She ignored the employee and head towards the elevator. The silence inside the small space made it easier for your mother to think about all the right questions to ask.
If possible, she’d want to ask you about your break up with Satoru in a more detailed way but she’s also aware that you probably wouldn’t tell the truth about it to her. Especially now that your perception of her is a villain, trying to take away the future that you are planning for your kid. There’s no way that you’d let her know anything that could give her a valid reason to step in and take actions that would obviously contradict those plans.
If what your mother saw is the truth, she wouldn’t stand idly by.
“I’m about to meet a client.” Satoru spoke, “Something about franchising.” There was a rummaging sound from the other side of the line before a string of curses rush past his lips. “It’s the key, ain’t it?” You bit on the apple as you leaned on the kitchen counter. “Yeah, I was so tired yesterday so I kinda forgot where I threw it at.” He clicked his tongue before you heard the jingling of keys, indicating that he found it.
“You haven’t changed a bit.” You said with a little scoff, ignoring how Satoru tried to defend his ways but you were too distracted trying to remove the seeds from the apple. “Are you not going to your mother’s office?” He asked just as you bit again causing you to reply with a hum, finishing chewing as you processed his question. “No. My mom suspended me for a whole week but dad said that she only said it because she thought I wasn’t feeling well because of what happened last time.”
You believed your father about that one. You know your mother wouldn’t let it show that she’s trying to take care of you. She just has her own little, annoying ways to do it. “Yeah, your dad probably told her why we had to leave earlier last week because of that.” You remembered how you faked feeling unwell to avoid the truth from spilling out. Had your father found out, you wouldn’t be talking to Satoru right now. “You think so?” You said nonchalantly as all the possible outcomes for the situation flowed to your brain.
“She’s your mother, Y/N. she cares about you. No matter how angry she gets at you.” Satoru sighed heavily as you heard him close the door. “I know.” You replied curtly before adding, “I’m going to cook. I’ll see you when I see you.” You stood up straight to walk to the cupboards, checking if you have the ingredients for today’s cravings.
“And that is later. I’ll be going there later.” He stated and you furrowed your brows as if he can see you, “You don’t get to decide that.” You retorted, pulling out cans of milk before proceeding to the fridge. “Yes, I can. I miss you. And that little bean.” You found yourself smiling at Satoru’s words accompanied by his chuckles. There’s been tension between you and him ever since that night and you had to remind yourself that that is not how this relationship is supposed to be. Plus, it’s just your hormones. Right?
“No. I’m dropping the call.” You told him, getting annoyed at yourself for your thoughts. “Alright, bye. I love you.” Despite the situation, Satoru has never hesitated to say the words to you. Actually, It started to become normal. Just like when you were dating. The only difference is you don’t say it back anymore. “Call me if something comes up,” Satoru added just before you abandoned the call. 
Ever since Satoru found out about your conception, he’s either texting, calling you, or at your apartment. In other words, he has been present at almost every moment of your pregnancy. You could only imagine how he’d probably never leave your place when the baby finally arrives. Just as he said some nights ago while you were having a conversation in your bed, “We’d be living together. Basically." You told him that you’d just let him have the child for some days but he insisted that the baby should be close to both parents at all times because it’s better for them.
“You know, that’s not how co-parenting usually works.” You tried to reason out with him, but you know that it won’t convince him. “Not usually, but it could be like that.” He spoke as he flips himself to his stomach, looking at you with a serious face as he nods slowly, knowing that he was outsmarting you. “What if I don’t want you around me at all times?” You looked away from the television to check his reaction.
“Then that would really hurt.” His voice turned soft and you know that you really hit it where it hurts. It made you feel guilty as you bit your lip, watching him exhale a sad laugh as he looks down, leaning on his elbows. “But it’s fine. As long as it makes you comfortable, it’s okay.” He looked up to smile at you, though his eyes remained lightless. 
“I was just kidding. I just want what’s best for the baby.” You looked away again, swallowing. You know that he was really hurt by your question. Some people would probably say that he deserves it, for everything that he made you go through. But you just don’t do that to people you love or even the people that you used to love. You don’t go around doing things that could hurt them just because you called it quits. 
It’s never ok to step on someone’s heart just because you’re healing your own. Causing them chaos won’t grant you peace. You learned that the hard way. 
Silence enveloped the two of you for a good half an hour, your eyes stayed glued to the television but your mind was still circling around the conversation that you had with Satoru. You turned to look at him, ready to say sorry when you found him asleep. He was on his side, with his palm on your stomach, snoring lightly. You never took notice of it before but he looked so exhausted. When he was not here doing everything for you— cooking, cleaning, driving back and forth to the store, or whatever you want—he was at work.
You watched his face closely, holding his hand in place as you slid down from leaning your head on the bed frame to fully lying next to him. If there’s something that you want your child to take from him—aside from his eyes which are definitely the most noticeable part of his face—is his hair. He looks so angelic with his long lashes which made his eyes more breathtaking.
Your hand found purchase in his locks, pushing them back and running your fingers through them until he started to stir in his sleep. You quickly drew your hand back, ready to pull the blanket over you to turn away from him but he caught your wrist. He held it gently as he put it around him, pulling your body closer to his. The warmth coming from his skin made it impossible for you to pull away.
So, you stayed there, looking up at him as he locked eyes with you. “I’m sorry.” You whispered, which he answered with a tired smile, mouthing “It’s alright.” before kissing your forehead and wrapping his arms tighter around you. You buried your face in his neck, letting your breath fan over it as the warm palm of his hand rests on your lower back. 
You don’t understand how and why you’re letting yourself become this comfortable around him again. You can’t remember when you started letting him hold you like this again but there’s one thing you are sure and aware of.
You missed being here.
Blinking, you continued preparing your food, shaking your head to get rid of the thoughts. You’ve been having conversations with yourself lately about why you’re letting yourself enjoy all of that again when you know damn well that you have no intentions of letting him back in your heart again.
Have you changed your mind about that? Definitely not. But there’s a part of you that says that Satoru was being sincere. Apart from telling you how he’d do literally anything for your child, he never forgets to remind you that he’s doing all of this to show you that he wants to win you back and make up for all he’s done.
Lately, he’s been going to meetings about their business, you remembered him telling you that one of their employees quit and now he has to fill in for their space until they finally find someone capable. You yourself have also been calling Kento, asking about the situation in the office, and to your relief, he’s handled them all for you. You know you’d have to go back there to work. You could work at other companies but you’re afraid that your mother already probably called them not to take you in just so she could tie you down to the company.
You don’t know how the road will be during this stage of your life. But you’re determined to restructure yourself and your life.
2 Days Ago
“The boss’ daughter is pregnant.” Rie’s looked up from her plate to her friend who was continuing to casually sip away at her milkshake. It was Sunday and they decided to hang out. Despite only meeting the woman at your mother’s office, they became close in no time. She’s a very friendly person.
Rie didn’t answer, letting her friend, Shaina, talk about how they’re suspecting that Satoru was the father. Thoughts flow in Rie’s mind as she tried to connect the dates. Well, it’s not impossible, depending on how long you are into the pregnancy and the day that you slept with Satoru. It could also be someone else’s considering how you were apart from each other for a while after you healed from your accident.
“That gorgeous man with white her, A.K.A her ex could be the father, considering how he’s the one who accompanied her. Or it could be someone else, like the hot guy with long hair and tattoos that also brings food for her in the office from time to time.” Shaina gossiped, and Rie was suddenly thankful that she accepted her invitation to eat out.
“It couldn’t be that. That’s their friend. Plus, Satoru wouldn’t be following them around if that’s the case.” Rie reasoned out, trying to look as uninterested as possible but curious as to your real situation. It’s not like she’s looking for a chance to swipe Satoru from you. But this is something that involves him—the man she loves. “How did you guys even know that she’s pregnant?” She inquired further, leaning back on the chair.
“Someone saw her and the white-haired guy stepping out of an OB clinic. It could mean other things, but they said that she was cradling her stomach.” There was a moment of silence as Rie tried to process it. Did Satoru get you pregnant when he slept with you that day? Or did you sleep with someone else before or after it happened? There’s no way for her to find out because there are no other people close to you who aren’t also close to Rie. 
She’s not even one bit worried about you, but she’s worried for Satoru. The sound of her fork scraping on her plate made Rie clench her teeth. There were too many scenarios running through Rie’s mind as she completely shuts out her friend’s voice. Rie has thought about this before. Why would you let Satoru sleep with you so easily after all that he’s done? Was that your plan when you both went to your apartment that day? Get him under your sheets so he has a reason to keep going after you even when you’re putting him through just to get you back.
“They probably told the boss the day that we saw them there.” She looked at her friend again, pretending to listen when all she’s been thinking is how you’re possibly making Satoru own up to a kid that’s not even his. Is he so blinded that he didn’t even consider if it’s really his or not? You could’ve slept with someone else around the same time. 
“I don’t really know much about Miss Y/N. But I heard that she used to be a bit of a rebel and that’s why she’s only starting to work at the company now.” Rie nodded her head as she thought of how she’d open the topic to Satoru. It’s not that she’s trying to get back at you. She just doesn’t want Satoru to put his life on the line for something that isn’t even his doing. Plus, it’s not impossible that you’re really fooling him.
Satoru stood outside the building where he was supposed to be meeting his client. He arrived earlier than he expected and was informing them through text. He’s also thinking about sending you a photo of the bake shop in front of the said building just to ask if you’ve been craving some cakes. He smiled at the thought of his child taking after his love for sweet foods. Satoru was about to go in but a familiar voice called out to him and before he can even turn his head, Rie was already running toward him, holding on to him.
“Rie?” Satoru furrowed his brows and was about to step away when she tightened her hold on him, with worry and stress painted all over her face. “Y/N’s pregnant, right? Is it yours?” She asked right away and Satoru’s eyes widened at her question. First is because he has no idea how she could’ve found out when the pregnancy has been kept between you, Satoru, Suguru, and Shoko. Satoru is a hundred percent sure that she couldn’t have heard it from your parents; there’s no way that they’d announce that their daughter got pregnant by her ex. The second is because of why Rie is asking if it’s his.
Satoru is not obligated to give her an answer to all of this. He’s not even supposed to entertain her like this. What if someone sees them together? He can’t afford to lose the tiniest trust you have in him right now. Not to mention that that little amount of trust was only given to him because you got no choice.
“I shouldn’t be talking to you, Rie, you know that. Okay, I’m sorry for what hap—” Satoru shook his head as he tried to step away from Rie but was cut off by the slight raise in her voice and how she tugged his arm, stepping closer to him. “Are you sure that it’s yours? Don’t do this to yourself, Satoru.” She almost begged him as she desperately tried to hold his hand, letting hers slide down his arm. Satoru’s eyes widened at her question, denying himself that he even heard it. He found himself tugging Rie away.
He shouldn’t even be interested in this. Y/N won’t do that to him.
“Someone might see us and I don’t want anyone to get the wrong impression, Rie. Why are you doing this?” Satoru whispered harshly at her the moment they reached a narrow alleyway. “I told you we’re over, Rie. I’m sorry but we’re over.” Satoru breathed out, looking around to see if someone followed them. As if they’d let him catch them if this was really a setup. Satoru made sure that he was covering Rie from anyone’s line of sight. His back was turned away from the street as he stared at her with frustration in his eyes. 
“I just- Satoru, you have to listen to me. Did it happen because you slept with her that day?” Her hand went back to gripping his shoulders and arms as she again, steps closer to him. Satoru could only look at her with pity and exasperation in his eyes. She’s obviously panicking; probably rushed to him just to talk about whatever this is because she was still trying to catch her breath.
“You might be overlooking some things, Satoru. I’m not hating on her, I’m just worried about you.” She looked up at him. Her hands are cold and she’s trembling under her skin while she miserably fails to pull him into her. She hadn’t been this close to him since the day that he broke up with her. The nearest that she has been to him was when they ran into each other at her mother’s company building. Even then, he didn’t even let his eyes linger on her.
“She could’ve slept with someone before or even a day after you, Satoru.” Satoru’s thoughts overshadowed Rie’s voice as he looked back on that day. 
You were comfortable enough to be topless in front of Suguru. You were healed enough to move around. Satoru doesn’t know what you have been doing until that time just to move on from the pain he caused you, just to forget him. And as much as Satoru hates to visualize it, he could see you getting on the bed with a faceless man when you’re too drunk to care. What if it really happened to be like that? It could be any day close to the day that you had sex with him. it is possible, it is-
Satoru shut down the voice in his head. This isn’t helping. Not after he found out that Y/N and Suguru did something together. This doesn’t put his mind at ease and he doesn’t want that to push him to do, say or even ask things to you that could cause stress. He already told himself that he was over that. Satoru closed his eyes tightly, reminding himself that you wouldn’t lie to him like that. 
“Rie, calm down. You listen to me.” Satoru grabbed her arm after making her drop her hold on him. “Y/N wouldn’t do that to me.” He said it so firmly, that Rie let out a whimper of defeat, shaking her head, letting him know that she knows that she got a point. “She has every reason to deny me that baby. Even if it was mine.” Satoru was firm on his decision to not let this get to him. It couldn’t be true and Satoru has cold, hard proof to ensure that.
“You don’t understand, it could be someone else’s—” That did it for Satoru as he held her arm tighter, gritting his teeth and panting as he calmed himself down. It took everything in him not to scream out at Rie, “Listen to yourself, Rie. You’re not making any sense. Do you even know how much she fucking hates me?! If Y/N could pick a father for her baby right now, it wouldn’t be me, Rie. So, what makes you think that she’d lie about it being mine?” A shiver run down Rie’s spine as she stepped away, covering her mouth as she let the tears stream down his face.
“Stop this, Rie. I don’t want to do anything like this anymore. I’m trying to fix my life with Y/N.” Satoru stepped away from her, looking at her shaking form as she tried to apologize. “I’m trying to be better for her and my child, so please…” Satoru shook his head as he turned to walk away, fixing his shirt as he took a deep breath, leaving Rie as she cry out his name. Satoru sighed in relief as he remembered all the things he said.
Those were the truth. You wouldn’t lie about him being the father because you despise him too much. It kills him to even think of it. Satoru could bet his life that if you were ever given the chance to turn everything around, you’d probably choose to never meet him ever. But if he was given a chance to turn things around, he would have gone straight home that one night. Then none of this wouldn’t be this hard right now. You could be shopping painting the baby’s room or writing down names. 
If anything, you’re the one who has a reason to suspect him. You have every reason to accuse him of baby-trapping you. Satoru blinked a tear away as he mentally punched himself for doubting you just because of what happened with Suguru. Now he’s getting all answers that he needed. One good thing came out of that encounter with Rie. 
3 Days Later
“Harder,” You whined as you lightly kicked Satoru’s legs, chewing on your unpeeled apple. You kept your eyes on the screen as you heard him apologize. It was another rainy day and you were spending it on the bed as Satoru massaged your feet. It doesn’t really hurt considering how early you still are in the pregnancy but you read about it and now you want it too. 
Satoru slept over the night before due to the very heavy rains. You were angry at him for the whole night for not going home earlier before the weather got worse but now, not so much anymore considering how you want a foot massage. “I wonder how you’d be when the baby weight starts really making your foot hurt. ” He giggled at you making you scowl at him before pulling your foot away from him harshly.
“Sorry, I’m not making fun of you. You’re just adorable, right now. What more, when you’re already round.” He giggled even more and this time he really got a kick from you, making him yelp. You fixed your position to turn away from him as you placed your apple on the plate in the middle of your bedside table.
“You think this is fun. You think this is funny.” You partially got up to pull the covers over your head, attempting to put something in between you and Satoru who’s still smiling even as he rubs his thigh. “Look, it’s not like that. You’re just cute. Don’t be mad.” His voice sounded muffled as you covered your ears with the thick fabric of the sheet. You get sensitive when you think about how much you’d change when the baby gets bigger and bigger. And although you understand that that would mean meeting your little one sooner, it still makes you self-conscious.
“Come on, now. Sorry. “ Satoru managed to get under your covers, wrapping a strong arm around you which you tried to swat away but failed. Albeit not kissing—you could still feel his lips on your shoulders as he tangled his legs with yours. It felt nice. Having a warm body to press yourself into is nice, you thought as you stopped struggling under his hold. You tensed when he peppered light kisses on the shell of your ears as he pulled the covers down.
“I’d get big.” You croaked as he pulled you to his chest, “Hm? So, what? You’ll still be beautiful.” He whispered to you kissing the side of your head. You still don’t know how you’d manage your resolve if it’s like this. You’ve read stories of how two people did almost every hurtful thing possible to each other and yet, still handled everything by the end. It’s like fighting over which piece fits a part of the puzzle and celebrating together when it finally got solved. 
Some of them didn’t even have a connection to keep them strung together even through a time apart, unlike the two of you who are taking care of a developing life inside you and thus, have more reason to figure things out. Sometimes it makes you feel like a bad mother, putting yourself and your life first before the child. You know that it’s crucial for a child to have a whole family, especially when there’s no active reason to let it live with a broken one. 
Satoru’s been working on himself, there’s significant progress in your relationship now. And although trust isn’t something you had fully given to him yet, that doesn’t mean that he cannot earn it in the days to come. There’s really no reason for you to act harshly toward him right now. Not when he’s been doing nothing but make you feel loved. Even more than before, if you’re being honest. 
Forgiveness isn’t an issue but the pain you went through is preventing you from giving yourself to him again and along with that is your child’s future. It wouldn’t be easy to forget what he put you through but you could push that aside for your child. 
If you had to risk your heart for your child’s life, you’d do it.
“I don’t care if you think I’m beautiful or not. It’s about what I think.” You retorted as you tried to get out of his grasp, stubbornly pushing his hand away. For some reason, it didn’t sit right with you that he thinks that you care about what he thinks of you. Yet, you found yourself thinking, Will he stop giving me this treatment when I get big? A laugh from Satoru, made you snap out of your thoughts.
“But I’m still letting you know. You’ll still be pretty even when you get big.” He rested his chin on top of your head as he whispered, you could only answer him with a scoff before his phone started to ring. He clicked his tongue as he pulled away from you to reach for it, he only took a quick glance at his phone before showing you the caller's I.D. which showed multiple numbers that indicate that it was from an unknown number. He leaned on the bed frame as he answered.
“Hello? Who’s this?” He ran his fingers through your hair, moving stray pieces of hair away from your face as he talked on the phone. His voice sounds strict and professional yet his eyes held nothing but fondness as he looked at you. You could hear a feminine voice from the other line and Satoru’s eyebrows suddenly furrowed; his hands stopped massaging your scalp and he sat up straight.
“Like, right now?” He looked out the window to see that the rain has completely stopped before looking at you. You wanted to lean in just to hear what was going on, you wanted to ask him why but an eased look took over his features as he relaxed back into his previous position. You’re still curious but you assumed it was nothing serious. 
“Alright, alright.” He spoke before biting his lip as he dropped his phone to his side. He gave you a small smile before moving to lie down beside you. “Listen, I kinda have to go. They need me in the office.” He looked at the wall clock above the television before glancing at the skies outside again. The weather has cleared up and you didn’t even notice. Only the sad color of the sky and the silver linings remained. 
“Yeah, yeah.” You flipped through the channels, trying to find something else to watch as Satoru pecks the side of your head before standing up. “I’ll call you on my way home so I can get you something, okay?” He stretched his back as he watched you look up at him with furrowed brows. “You really insist on staying over every day? Your clothes are piling up here. Take them home.” You spoke to him almost monotonously as he scratched the back of his neck.
“I don’t really want to go home. Don’t you enjoy my company?” He tried to lighten up the mood, seeing that you weren’t joking at all. He still gets this cold treatment from you sometimes and he doesn’t really know if the pregnancy causes them or if that’s how you really are with him. Either way, they are both valid and understandable reasons. 
“I can do things on my own, too, you know? This isn’t how it’s supposed to go, Satoru.” You looked up at him, with real concern on your face. You’re actually getting alarmed by how close you’ve been letting yourself get with him. You already told yourself that you’d be standing on your own two feet and not relying upon others so much anymore like how you did before. You've been doing that but having Satoru around...you just can’t accept that you’re starting to feel something for him again.
“I’m sorry. I just… This is the only chance I can get to prove myself to you. I’m not pressuring you into anything, but I’m still determined to make things right. For you and for our child.” There was an awkward silence as you stared into each other. This Satoru is different than the Satoru you knew. He has grown. Even during the times that you were apart, you can tell that he has grown. Not just because of the baby but you figured that the separation really ignited something in him.
“Come here.” You spoke, and his eyes almost widened at your request. He got used to you always kicking him out, and pushing him away, and hearing those words from you left him in shock. Even so, his body moved to you as you crossed your legs. You held his face between your hands, tracing the lines of his features as he leaned toward you. 
“I appreciate everything that you do for us. But some things are not easy for me.” You whispered to him, seeing how his eyes softened yet filled up with sadness and longing. He nodded as he closed his eyes before smiling at you. "I know, love. I know. I'm sorry." It was his turn to grab your face and kiss your forehead. You closed your eyes, feeling how he pressed his lips a second longer than usual. Satoru knows that your relationship is not back to the way it was. And it probably never will but change might not be so bad—Satoru figured—especially if it involves you and your child. 
If he has to wait for a thousand years for you, he'd gladly and patiently wait. 
Just as Satoru was about to get up, he paused when he saw you standing up as well. “Drop me off at the store, I need to get something.” You smiled up at him, grabbing his arm as you struggled to put on your bedroom slippers. “You could wait for me, we’ll get it together.” Lately, Satoru’s been the one doing all the shopping for you so, you rarely step out of the apartment. This time, you want to do it yourself again. 
You whined when he held your wrist as you walked to your closet, ready to pick clothes. “No, I just need some fruits. I haven’t been out for days so, I want to do it myself.” You lightly stomped your feet on the carpeted floor, hearing Satoru sigh as you turned your back to him to open your cabinet. “Alright, let’s get dressed, then.” Satoru tried to pull at the hem of your shirt but you were quick to swat it away, hearing him laugh. “I can dress myself, thank you. Get out.” You narrowed your eyes playfully at him, making him pout as you lightly pushed him out before locking the door. You closed your eyes as your brain made all scenarios flash in the back of your eyelids had you let him dress up with you. 
You told yourself ‘no’, but your heart was saying otherwise. You don’t know if this self-control of yours can last.
Satoru didn't tell you that it was your mother's employee who called him to her office. He was shocked at first because he was strictly forbidden to tell you about it. Stepping out of his car when he reached the company was already a task. He made sure to stay alert, keeping an eye out for any setups that may come his way. 
He doesn’t want to think of your parents like that. But after that meeting with them and seeing how your mother reacted, he can't cut out the possibility of her doing something underhanded just to separate him from you. It made Satoru worry about you, as well. If it's really something like that, then it also involves you. And he's afraid that he won't be able to do anything to protect you. 
Shaking the thoughts out of his head, he thought that it could be something brighter, too. What if your mother has finally accepted your decision? What if she just called him to set some things straight and to make sure that his promises to take care of you and the baby are true? 
What's getting him really curious is the reason why she didn't want you to come. He could only conclude that this is something that you cannot know about. And this makes the possibility of her having only good things to talk to him about really low. She doesn't seem the type to plan surprises. And if she does have a surprise plan, Satoru's sure that she wouldn't want to include her daughter's ex. 
First, step inside the company building and there's already an employee waiting for him. "To the main office, Sir." The lady said as she bowed to him before walking ahead to lead him. "The boss sent me to make sure that you'll go straight to her office, Sir." She spoke, making Satoru's eyebrows slightly furrow. He wanted to ask why but he knew that the lady wouldn't really tell her anything so, he just nodded slowly.
Opening the door to your mother’s office, Satoru thanked the lady as she urged him to go inside. He expected to see your mother sitting on the big swivel chair reading papers but he was welcomed by Rie as she looked at him with frightened eyes, sitting on one of the chairs near your mother’s table. There were photos of him and Rie on the day of their encounter not even a week ago. All blood drained from his body as he got flashbacks of it. 
“What’s going on?” He whispered, not sure if Rie could hear him and it doesn’t really matter. He needs to know where your mom is. He needs to explain all of this. Was that a setup? Has your mother found out that Rie was the reason Satoru left you and now she’s using her? Is this how your mother plans to keep you away from him? By making it seem like they met behind your back? Multiple questions were echoing inside his head all at once and Satoru isn’t sure if he should find your mother and talk to her or go home to make sure that you were not getting the wrong information.
“Oh, you’re finally here.” He didn’t even notice your mother come in or hear Rie’s explanation of the situation. "Were two talking about how to get out of this situation?” She walked calmly to her desk, pushing forward the photos of the two of them. Satoru doesn’t know where to start or how to explain what really happened without getting your mom aggravated. Her movements are calm yet the atmosphere inside the room got worse the moment she stepped in.
“What? There’s nothing to explain when there’s solid proof, right?” Satoru shook his head, stepping forward to grab one, “This is not what it looks like—” Your mother’s laugh cut him off and Satoru already knows that his words were not believed. “Of course, that’s what people who are lying always say.” She taunted, before turning to Rie, not giving Satoru time to explain. “What about you? You’re the other woman, right? What’s going on in these pictures if it’s not what I think it is?” 
“I was about to meet someone else when she appeared, she—” Satoru started again, desperate to convince your mother that he isn’t lying. He badly wanted to ask her if she told you about it already, scared—no, terrified—that you might also misunderstand the pictures. “I’m not asking you.” Your mother’s gaze pierced through Satoru and he could almost see how everything would’ve turned out if she found out about his infidelity at the hospital. 
“You. Answer me.” There was a long pause as Rie looked down, her eyes were already red as she clenched her hand, shaking as she took a deep breath. “I…Your daughter…she might be lying to Satoru. She’s desperate for him, she slept with him while he was with me.” Rie answered through clenched teeth as a tear escape her eye. She doesn’t like that your mother is acting like you can do no wrong when you’re the reason why Satoru left her.
“Don’t talk about her like that.” Satoru retorted angrily. He shook his head in disbelief. This isn’t the Rie he knew in high school. Is she so hell-bent on getting her revenge that she’s going this far? “It was my fault that happened before I broke it off with you, Rie. I thought we were over that.” Satoru was getting desperate, things are getting out of hand and he doesn’t know how he’ll keep you in trouble.
“She still did it! What makes you think that she didn’t do it with someone else when you were apart?! How sure are you that you’re the father of that child?! She could—” Slap. Rie fell at the impact of your mother’s hand on her cheek. She touched the place with her shaky hands before looking up. Satoru looked at your mother’s furious face as she stared down at Rie. 
“Who are you to talk about my daughter like that inside my building?!” Her voice boomed inside the room and Satoru was sure that anyone who passed by that door would’ve heard her. Rie could only sob as she tried to collect herself from shock. There was a pregnant pause before Satoru blinked, determined to prove himself that he wasn’t doing anything behind your back as he took the chance to explain himself.
“M-Ma’am, she thought Y/N was lying about her pregnancy and wanted to talk to me about it. I know Y/N w-will never do that. My conversation with Rie didn’t even last long.” Satoru spoke hurriedly, stumbling on his words as he tried to get his answer across. He needs this to be over so he could go home to you. He fears that your mother already contacted you about this without getting to hear Satoru’s explanation. Knowing that your mother already knows that he cheated, Satoru wouldn’t be surprised if she wouldn’t believe him.
“Your daughter is not the angel you think she is. Satoru cheated on me with her.” Rie stood up, sobbing as she took a single step back. “Satoru left me because of her.” There was a pain in her voice and Satoru could tell just how much that situation destroyed her. He felt bad, he felt sorry for her but she hasn’t been doing the right things. If this is her way of getting back at you, Satoru would never forgive it.
“I could say that you deserve it after what you did to her.” Your mother was a savage, not even flinching at Rie’s revelation to her. No one can tell what’s going on inside her head as she opened a drawer and pulls out a phone. “Don’t you think that’s your karma for ruining a relationship? You should be ashamed of yourself first.” She tapped away at the phone before placing it in front of them. A video of Satoru and Rie played. This is what Satoru was scared about. Getting the situation taken out of context. 
“I tried to push her away, Ma’am. Please, believe me.” Your mother didn’t say anything as she let the video roll. It was when Rie’s face was only a few inches away from him as they stood between those big buildings. The time when Satoru almost doubted you. He wasn’t aware that it took so long. Anyone who would see the video would think that they were two lovers having a moment and Satoru prayed that you wouldn’t see any of this.
“Doesn’t look like it to me.” Your mother voiced out, leaving Satoru out of explanations. Before any of them could even say anything, the door swung open, revealing you and the confused look on your face as you dropped your grocery bag. Your hand flew to your stomach, knowing that there was something wrong judging by the looks in their eyes. “What’s going on?” Satoru was quick to walk towards you as you spotted the phone and photos on the table. Your eyes landed on Rie as she looks down, her cheek noticeably swollen. You came here in hopes to make amends with your mother. But it seems like you’re in for something more. Just when you thought everything was going great.
“Mom,” You called out just as Satoru took your hand in his cold one, “Y/N, listen to me. This is not what it seems. Let me explain—” Satoru tried to stop you from walking to the table, but you already saw the pictures. “Y-you were with her…” You slowly looked up at Satoru, not trying to hide the tears forming in your eyes. Satoru shook his head as he held your shoulders, you glanced at your mother who only stood with a disappointed look on her face. 
“I asked Satoru to come here alone. I was supposed to talk to him about this and I got more information than what I intended to pull from them.” There was a silent warning in your mother’s eyes. You could hear Rie sniffing behind you as Satoru, held your face in his hands to look at him. “She came to me, she was saying things, Y/N. And I tried to push her away. I was supposed to meet with a client, do you remember?” You let the tears stream down your face as you tried to tell yourself that he wouldn’t lie. You don’t really know what to believe in anymore.
“You didn’t tell me about this.” You whimpered as you held his wrist, attempting to push him away from you. “You’re saying that this happened yet you didn’t tell me about it. How am I supposed to just believe you?” It frustrated you that you had to find out like this. You turned to Rie, looking at her with furrowed brows, curiosity rather than anger. “What were you telling him?” She failed to look you in the eye as she stepped away. The hatred that you saw in her eyes during that time with her in the elevator was still there. “Are you trying to get back at me?”
“No-” She sobbed, taking a step back as she looked up at you and your mom. “Then, what were you doing?” You don’t know why it hurts so much. Despite Satoru’s explanation, you still find it hard to trust his words. This has happened before, what if he really did it again? What if he realized that he wants to be with her again and that’s why he agreed to meet with her? What did they even talk about?
“I wanted to talk to him. And he pulled me in between those buildings.” Rie straightened up her posture as she spoke. “You know why I pulled away. Don’t try to lie.” Satoru retorted as he stepped forward to glower at Rie. “Of course, you don’t want us to be seen…Right?” Rie knows what she was saying. But it’s not fair that she’s the only one going down when she’s been betrayed too. Besides, what she’s saying is still true. It’s just up to you now how you’d interpret it.
“You could’ve left her there if you didn’t want to talk to her, Satoru.” It was your mom’s voice, speaking out for your thoughts. That’s right. If Satoru didn’t want to be with her, he could’ve just walked away. What were they talking about? What’s got him so interested that he really made an effort to hide her? 
“What did she tell you?” There was a crack in your voice as you watched the playing video on the phone. How his hand held her arm, how close they were to each other as he remained unmoving, how he let her hold run her hands on his shoulders. It still hurt. Seeing him with someone else still hurt. It felt like that time again, at Shoko’s party. You could almost see her clinging to him. You could almost see him pull her by the waist. It fucking hurts again.
“She was asking me if I-I was sure that the baby’s m-mine. She’s trying to tell me that you could be…lying about me being th-the father, Y/N.” You looked up at him with furrowed brows, more tears escaping your eyes as your lips twitched. You could already see why his first reaction was to pull her away to talk.
“And you’ve been having doubts?” You whispered as you bring up a hand closing your eyes as you wipe away your tears. Sobbing when you realize that he almost believed her over you. You hated that she could always have him wrapped around her fingers. You hated that there was still a chance that he’d choose her over you. Are you still not that much to him?
“Y/N…I-I had them before but-” Your cries cut off Satoru as you covered your face with both of your hands. He really did doubt you. That’s why he still went and had that conversation with her. What if she managed to convince him that time? Would he have left you in the cold again? Would he abandon you again? Would he take back his promises and run away with her again? It tore you apart thinking about how he still seems to trust her despite knowing all of you. Does he still have lingering feelings for her?
“Y/N, listen. I know you won’t do that. That’s why I came home to you that day, right? I hate myself for ever thinking that, Y/N. But I believe you.” He took you in his arms, holding your face to wipe away your tears as you try to catch your breath. This is all too much for you. Thinking about how close you were to being thrown to the side again makes you feel like there’s a thick band wrapped around your chest, trying to stop you from breathing. It’s all more painful when you think about your baby. 
“I don’t know anymore, Satoru.” You shook your head as you pushed him away, stepping away from all of them as tears cascaded down your face. “I don’t know what to believe anymore.” Your thoughts were mixed when Satoru first left you for Rie. Now that you found out how he almost chose to believe her again, it hurts twice as much. You don’t know what to think about anymore. You just want to go home, far away, anywhere to protect yourself and your child. 
You don’t care how your mother got the footage and pictures. It’s enough that you know what really went down. It was silly of you to think that your situation with Satoru is getting better. 
It was foolish of you to think that you have all of him. 
“I’ll have someone take you home, Y/N. It’s better for you to be at the mansion.” You hear your mother say as she walks towards you. You didn’t expect your mother to hold you as she tried to lead you out. “Stay here. Or you won’t see her ever again.” She mouthed at Satoru as he tried to get near you, before giving the both of them a warning look. Even your mother didn’t want to believe it but what can she do when she herself didn’t hear how their conversation went? 
She asked them here to confront them about the cheating that happened when Satoru left you. She ended up finding out that her daughter slept with her ex when he was in a relationship with someone. Mr. Takahata’s employee failed to give her that information and she’s assuming that it’s because it didn’t really happen for long. She still has to ask you about that. 
Getting her driver to lead you out, they managed to get you in the car as you sobbed your heart out. She also called a doctor on the way back to her office to tend to you. She’s not used to losing her composure and in all your life, this is the first time that she’s seen you break down like that. It almost felt like she didn’t know what to do and for that, she feels terrible. She’s supposed to be your mother.
“Do you know how I found out?” She walked behind Rie as they both remained where they were before she left. She made sure to leave someone by the door to stop because if her daughter was done with them, well she was not. It was her blood and flesh, her only daughter that got stepped all over and almost killed.
“I got people, I got eyes and ears anywhere you go. More people know about you than you know.” Rie let out a shaky breath as she looked over to Satoru who stared blankly at the table, hopeless. Is he not even one bit concerned about her? “If it wasn’t for my daughter getting involved in a car accident, I would have thanked you for making a scene at that party. You really gave your indecency away.” Rie shivered at the memory. It felt like it only happened yesterday. She didn’t even think about how the people and their friends would look at her because she only wanted to be loved by Satoru.
 “I-We didn’t mean for her to—” Your mother let out a laugh as she picked up the pictures to put them back in her drawer. Satoru’s eyes followed them, breathing in as he got pulled back to reality. “It’s a little too late for you to explain or apologize. You already lost everything.” A horrified look took over Rie’s features as your mother say the words. She already knows what that means. She’s aware of how powerful and influential your mother is in their industry and Rie could only imagine herself getting kicked out of every company building she tries to transfer to. Where will she end up?
“It was a mistake, ma’am. And my work has nothing-” She tried to move closer to your mother, ready to beg but your mother was quick to raise a hand. “Save it for the employers. Let’s see if they’d let a snake work in their company.” She gave her a smile that only brought tears to Rie’s eyes. She wanted to kneel and beg for all that she said. “Ma’am, please…” Rie was desperate and she was angry. She didn’t know what else to do to get Satoru to come back to her again. She thought that if Y/N throws him away, he’d crawl back to her. She wasn’t thinking straight.
“You can try to talk me to it for hours and I won’t change my mind. I’m not your boss but Mr. Takahata gave me permission to dismiss you. So, go. I won’t spend the rest of my day looking at the woman who tried to destroy my daughter’s life twice.” Your mother was unblinking as her eyes sent daggers to Rie. She was about to kneel before her when she started to speak again, speaking of nothing but the terror that she was about to bring to Rie’s life. “Or I can call someone to help you get out?” It was a warning and Rie could only hold back her cries as she stepped back. She could barely catch her breath as she looked at Satoru, hoping that he’d even turn to look at her. But he didn’t.
Rie could only walk out in shame, mortified by the looks that she got from the employees that she passed by. There were whispers and judging looks in their eyes and even the friend that she was expecting to maybe look at her with pity is now sending her an ice-cold stare. She hung her head low in shame, thinking about how everything could’ve been different if she wasn’t being selfish,  if she didn’t get involved, if she didn’t let her desires get the best of her that night. 
Satoru didn’t even notice Rie go as he thought of how he’d make your mother understand his true intentions. He knows that there’s nothing else to say about his past mistake and he’d regret all of it for the rest of his life. But he still hoping that she’d let him do his best for you and your baby right now. 
“I don’t think it’s still right for you to keep seeing Y/N, Satoru. You can be a father to her child without ever getting near her.” Your mother spoke to Satoru, getting all of his attention. This is his greatest fear. “I-it’s not just about th-the baby, Ma’am. Please, I-I was trying to make everything right, to make it up to Y/N.” He tried to explain but your mother only stared at him for a long time. 
“I love her. I love Y/N. I made the mistake of leaving her, and I’ll forever regret it but I’m doing all that I can to fix her, to fix all of this, Ma’am. Please…” Satoru had to pause, wincing at the pain in his chest as he thought of everything that’s been happening going down the drain. Just like how he let 5 years crumble when he broke your heart.  “...Don’t take her away. Don’t take them away.” Tears were blurring his vision when he looked down. 
“Do you understand that my daughter almost died because of your mistake?” Your mother spoke through clenched teeth. “If possible I wouldn’t even want my daughter anywhere near you. She’s been making far too many mistakes because of you.” There was anger, sadness, and disappointment on your mother’s face. In your mother’s head, she’s blaming herself for not seeing any of this coming. For not even knowing that her daughter was left all alone with her vices. She could’ve been there for you that time when you were trying to wash away your pain with poison. They could’ve helped if only they paid a little more attention.
“You’re not seeing her if it’s not about the child.” Satoru knows that your mother’s words are final, but despite all his pleas and explanations, she didn’t budge. “It’s better than a restraining order, Satoru.” She warned as she took a seat. It was all over for him. 
“I have so many things to say to her, Ma’am. So many things to clarify…” Satoru sobbed, “...I just need her to know.” If you won’t take Satoru back then he’ll just let you know that he’s all for you. That not once had he even thought about leaving you again in the middle of it all. That your word is the only word he’d believe. He needs to let you know that you have all of him. You’ve always had all of him even when he wasn’t with you. 
“If she’d let you. Only my daughter can decide if she’d trust you near her again. You said you’d been trying to work it out with her, right?” Your mother stood up, surprisingly calm after all that she has found out and even more surprising that she’s letting you decide for yourself about it. But even so, Satoru still fears that she’d push you to go through with the abortion. “You had days to tell her all about it but you didn’t. If it wasn’t anything, you shouldn’t have tried to hide it.” She spoke as she picked up her bag before walking towards the door.
“I was only worried about—” Satoru tried again but your mother was quick to raise a finger. “Only she can decide.” With that, she walked out of the doors, leaving Satoru to cry his heart out as he fell to his knees. Regret fills him as he thought of how the little things he didn’t do and the impulsive choices that he made led to all of this. 
It scared him to death but he can almost see himself losing you forever.
Five days have passed and not a single one of them went by without the maids informing you that Satoru wanted to talk to you. Your mother has met him a couple of times, and the third one she almost filed a restraining order against him. If it wasn’t for your father, you don’t know what would’ve happened. Day and night you’ve been thinking about how it’s going to be for you and your baby.
You don’t have it in you to face Satoru anymore. Flashbacks of how everything went to shit with your relationships won’t let you sleep. The scene in your mother’s office kept getting inside your mind every time you close your eyes. You really thought Satoru was being transparent to you again. You really thought that he wouldn’t try to hide anything from you anymore, but he did. Not only the meeting but his thoughts about you. 
You blamed yourself for his doubt. Even if Suguru texted you not to worry about it anymore, you couldn’t help but think that if only you weren’t so careless none of it would’ve happened and all these complications wouldn’t have taken place. The most painful of it all is when you think about how Rie would probably handle him better than you. 
The only reason you see for their break up is the accident between the two of you but other than that, you know that Satoru didn’t have to deal with issues when he was with her. Unlike with you. His life was never at peace with you. Maybe that’s why it was so easy for him to doubt you. Because you were broken. Maybe you’re not the solid foundation that he needs.
You remembered yourself sobbing before the tears that fall from the corner of your eyes sent you to sleep. You just wanted it all to be over now. You wished that you could already hold your baby and say that it’s all going to be fine. 
You woke up in the middle of the night with intense pain in your lower stomach. You winced as you tried to get up, guarding your it with your free hand as you struggled to support yourself with the other. You hissed as you sat down, still drowsy from sleep but you know that there was something wrong. You hurriedly turned on the lamp on your bedside table and you took your phone in the process. 
It's not long before you felt wet and uncomfortable between and under your thighs. Did you pee yourself? You wondered as you pulled the sheets away from you to check. Your eyes widened in horror when you saw blood. Your baby. You don't know when you started to scream but within a couple of seconds, your mom and dad were already rushing to your side.
"Mom, my baby!" You cried as she and your dad tried to help you out. It was no use. All of your limbs felt weak no matter how much you tell yourself that you have to move to save your baby. Your father had to carry you to the car as you were quickly rushed to the hospital.
Are you losing your child? The only reason that you wake up and get up every day, ready to change the course of your life? There were flashbacks of the day you found out, you were pregnant. The fear and joy, all at once. You remembered going to your first appointment. You remembered looking up baby room ideas. And you remembered lying in bed with Satoru as he placed feathery kisses on your stomach. He would smile up at you even when he knows that you won't return it. He whispers the sweetest of things to your growing little one.
They were peaceful days that you would never be able to take back. They were peaceful days that you would never experience again. 
"It's gonna be fine, Y/N." Your mother shushed you as she wrapped an arm around you. "My baby, Mom! They need to save my baby!" You wailed as you reached the hospital. The nurses are doing everything to calm you down along with your parents as you cried, begging for them to put your baby's life first. You didn't think you'd see the day your mom would cry but there she is, with tears streaming down her face and standing a couple of meters from you as the professionals did their job. Your father rubbed her shoulders up and down while he did his best to comfort you. Your vision blurred and darkness took over you once again.
In your dreams, you were holding a beautiful baby to your chest as a man kissed you on the forehead…They were your heart's deepest desires.
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