#i'll just keep catching mistakes in the future
starkerscoop · 2 years
I’m going to lose my mind
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Sorry to keep throwing Miscellaneous Asks your way, but I finally had a moment to get my thoughts in order on one of the points on your Venn diagram I wanted to talk about! I always kind of debate whether or not to send other, semi-unrelated long asks like this when we've already got a chain going, but oh well. I'll try and address anything brought up in response here in the main one and hopefully it doesn't get confusing lol.
So I was thinking about the extent of Jo and Arakawa's relationship. It is completely true there's not much you can say that's concrete, especially since most of what we see is from Jo's perspective. Although his perspective is crucial to forming an understanding of their relationship, it's not sufficient. This is particularly the case because, coming back to giri-ninjo for a moment, Jo is largely bound by giri; it's clear his loyalty runs deep, but it's not a choice for him.
Arakawa, on the other hand, can choose who he places his trust in, especially early on. And I think it's incredibly important that, despite having men who've already been with him from day 1, men who've already been helping him with his son, Arakawa chooses to "place every confidence" in Jo (per an old Famitsu profile, one of the first official ones) and chooses to make Jo his captain.
Similarly, he kind of chooses Jo "over" Ichi in sending Ichi to prison "instead of" Jo. Perhaps the family really would collapse without Jo's talents, but… does it have to collapse entirely? Didn't Arakawa make it pretty far on his own? I guess it's neither here nor there, but I've always wondered if things would've really played out as feared if Jo went to prison instead. Not to understate Jo's role in the family, of course.
Anyway, I think that trust shows not only in overt gestures such as entrusting Masato and the family's finances to Jo, but also in more subtle behind-the-scenes ways, such as what we were talking about before with regard to New Year's 2001. There's also the fact that leaking information to Aoki was Jo's idea; for that to be the case, Arakawa would have to discuss Aoki's threats at length with Jo. (Unrelated, but come to think of it, "complying with him [to] make him see value in keeping us around" is very often the strategy of victims of abuse and neglect…)
And this one's an underrated detail many people miss, but after Arakawa shot Ichi, while he was able to come up to Ichi to tell him he's counting on him and sneak in the fake bill, if the goal was to not arouse suspicion, I don't think he would exactly have been able to excuse himself from the dinner to drive Ichi to Yokohama. Time was of the essence in terms of Ichi's survival, so that leaves Jo, who was conveniently already at the scene and who was certainly in on the "secret rule" that constitutes part of the Arakawa Family's agreement with the homeless camp. Overall, there is a pattern of Arakawa approaching Jo before anyone else, isn't there?
Sort of branching off of that, I would personally feel comfortable saying that Jo knows Arakawa better than anyone else. He seems to know details about Akane and New Year's 1976 no one else does, details Arakawa would have had to volunteer himself, and that plus his own experiences are what allow him alone to have the most complete picture of that night.
I also get the impression Jo understands Arakawa better as a person than anyone else--certainly better than Aoki, but perhaps even better than Ichi in some cases. There are multiple instances where he defends Arakawa and challenges their perceptions of him--that he's "betrayed" the Tojo Clan, that he's betrayed Aoki, that he's the type to scheme and make power-plays behind Aoki's back. He hasn't. And, despite how little Jo's "allowed" to say, he turns out to be right every time. Also worth noting Arakawa does something similar in asking Ichi to try and understand Jo's frustrations, though he's more or less enabling Jo's abuse in doing so.
Lastly, The Smallest Detail that drives me kind of insane. Them arriving at the office in the back seat of the same car in one of Ichi's flashbacks. I wouldn't think too much of it if it were any other time of day, but the first-thing-in-the-morning quality and the fact Jo isn't driving (thus it's not as an act of service but as an equal) is like… Okay. You're carpooling to work. And if you're not carpooling, you're honest-to-god living together. What the hell.
So a lot of it is this web of inferences--it has to be, at least currently--but I really do think there's a lot to chew on. More than meets the eye, anyway. I've also been stewing in all of this for years, especially since drafting Jo's relationships section, so I might just have inhaled the fumes for too long lol
Thank you for coming to me about the nature of their relationship! Although I did put it down as being more-or-less 'uncertain' on my chart, I do agree that their relationship isn't as cut-and-dry as other relationships might be (it's going back to appreciating the complexities of RGG relationships, especially in the case of the Arakawa's where for every party involved it really IS complicated)
I wanted to exclude making any definitive statements on things that couldn't be verified without making a detour on the original post (I know I already mentioned frequently that Arakawa is able to joke about Jo being 'softer' on Masato, but I do think about their relationship often and the implied depth of Jo's loyalty if- as you said- he was able to climb through the ranks of the Arakawa family much quicker than preexisting members), but there are clear points in the game that due allude to a great trust between the two (and I also note that carpooling detail during Ichi's flashback- or at the very least I know I'd find myself noticing Jo sitting in the back opposed to the front/driving). It's definitely not hard to assert that Jo knows Arakawa well either, it's hard not to come to that conclusion when we have evidence from the game to infer that.
#long post#fave#i should prob come up with an actual tag for these asks so i can easily find them and not sift through my other fave'd posts#ill do it in the morning im right about to go to bed but i just saw this pop up on my notifications#and well. we know me i've been presented an itch i have to scratch LMAO#snap chats#i feel a bit silly now- i know that their relationship isn't exactly. 'uncertain' but i didnt want to put that so i didn't appear#hmm.. i dont know the word for it.#i guess because it's not AS blatant as daigo and mine's relationship was#i didnt want to make it appear as though i was saying theres more when there isnt?? tho there definitely is..#its a little evident i Am interested in the depths of their relationship so i promise ive thought about it#maybe i just wasnt sure how to exactly word it.. though in review the way i worded it on my chart#wasn't HORRIBLE. to most standards anyway i think however it definitely undermines the bond they have and for that#'ashamed' is hyperbolic i feel like someone would say so we'll go with 'embarrassed' to meet in the middle#but thats the benefit of peer review isnt it- just to help catch your mistakes or to help reaffirm ideas so im grateful!#but x2 again in review im a silly coward for doubting my gut on that#tho i sort of do want to torch that post- i wont tho. it's not supposed to be SUPER deep just very quick notes#so i guess i'll save the Deep Dive on jo and masumi's relationship for a future post. is what ill tell myself to keep myself sane#thank you for compiling- i suppose i'll call- their moments together !#it's a great way to keep track of every important note on their relationship that i hope people will take note of if they havent
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keyotosprompts · 5 months
not easy to please ⋆⭒˚。⋆
alternatives to popular tropes
⇴ siblings's worst enemy
they're your sibling's enemy, so of course they're yours too. they're despicable and you seriously want them dead. luckily for you, the feeling's mutual.
⇴ struggling ceo and their know-it-all office worker
how did this mf become the ceo of one of the most progressive countries in the world?? they're clueless and you're the one that has to fix all their mistakes. you seriously don't get paid enough for this (unless they can come up with another way to pay you).
⇴ marriage of inconvenience
what happens in vegas stays in vegas. except when you've signed an official marriage contract, and everything is so much more complicated before. now this person is stuck with you until you can divorce! (or will you?)
⇴ forbidden hate
your parents absolutely adore the idea of the two of you together. they have wedding pinterest boards, future plans, and baby names for the two of you. only one thing: you two kinda hate each other, and hell would have to freeze over before you'd ever get with them.
⇴ no more second chances
sorry dude! f'ed up really bad the first time, and now you're not giving anymore chances, and your ex has to deal with the consequences. one problem: they can't deal with the consequences bc they're literally in love with you. hm. just what will this person do to get you back?
⇴ not so secret identity
everyone knows who they are. not even the old mask and hat trick could prevent people from identifying them. and it's fine–they absolutely bask in the fame. one problem though: they're a constant target to the entire world. perfect!
⇴ separated from each other
they never get any alone time. alone together in an elevator? too bad, a party of ten just showed up, pushing the two of you on the opposite side of the elevator. finally alone at home? nope! unfortunately, your friends make a surprise visit! oh how will you two ever get past this?
⇴ "you deserved it."
a normal person would've asked "who did this to you?" except your bond is not normal. not in the slightest. i mean seriously, what does this person want from you?
⇴ "i can't have you, so i'll let someone else take my place."
they know that they're not good enough for you, and that you deserve someone better than them. so, they choose to let you go, and hope that someone else can make your world light up like they used to
⇴ the one that is still here
everywhere you go, this person is there. whether it's physically, mentally, or spiritually, everything ties back to them. everything reminds you of them. you couldn't even escape if you tried.
⇴ playboy but he's actually a nerd that cannot get play
he's gorgeous–he's the most attractive man you think you've ever seen in your life. you think he's probably got it all–girls or boys coming up to him nonstop. only, that's not true in the slightest. somehow, he's managed to fumble every single time.
⇴ nobody wants the bad boy
he's troubled. there are rumors of him starting fights 24/7, and he lives in a bad area. he could really fuck someone up. nobody wants him.
⇴ "you must be delusional"
lovers that know that they're in love with each other, but when admitting it to their friends, they shut down their feelings.
⇴ loving someone to save them
none of that breaking up nonsense. love is power. their love and support causes you to be stronger than ever. knowing that there's love out there gives you a reason to keep on going. love saves you.
⇴ too smart to live
you've outdone yourself this time. bypassed every guard, rule, and law without anyone catching you. so, of course, there's only one solution here: to eliminate you.
⇴ different worlds (revised)
you grew up poor while they grew up rich. now, in the present, you are the more successful one, while they are struggling to get their life together. now, you must help the one who used to be in your current position, and fix things together.
⇴ one-sided blind date
rule one of having a blind date: you should not know who you're meeting. well, too late! you sneaked a peek at your friend's phone and found out who you'll be seeing soon. now, you're scrambling to get out of this date because you know exactly who it is.
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iamfitzwilliamdarcy · 4 months
ok the evolution of Katniss and having kids post:
Katniss is thinking from the earliest moments of the book how she never wants kids. This is Chapter 1, even before the Reaping, when Gale mentions running away, if they didn't have so many kids, obviously here, he's referencing their siblings, but then this exchange happens:
"I never want to have kids," I say. "I might, if we didn't live here," says Gale. "But you do," I say, irritated. "Forget it," he snaps back.
This is literally page 9 in my copy from the library. Katniss has been thinking about how much they provide for their siblings already and she's also just given us exposition on her own parents-- her grief for her father and her resentment of her mother; it's also setting Gale up as a potential romantic partner, which Katniss readily rejects and is confused by the conversation at all (girly, you brought it up)
Again, in the first book, Katniss thinks she will never have children. This is nearing the end of the games-- it's just her and Peeta and Cato left-- and while Peeta sleeps, she lets herself for the first time think about making it home and what her future would be.
I think of Haymitch with all his money. What did his life become? HE lives alone, no wife or children, most of his waking hours drunk. I don't want to end up like that. 'But you won't be alone,"I whisper to myself. I have my mother and Prim. Well, for the time being. And then... I don't want to think about then, when Prim has grown up, my mother passed away. I know I'll never marry, never risk bringing a child into this world. Because if there's one thing being a victor doesn't guarantee, it's your children's safety. My kids' names would go right into the reaping balls with everyone else's. And I swear I'll never let that happen.
I included the long version and not just the part about never marrying, because Katniss recognizes she risks being alone forever. For her, even though it's terrible, it's better than having a child in this world, a world that is so horrific and threatening. She also automatically links marriage to having kids (as is natural), which complicates her relationships with both Gale and Peeta.
Catching Fire starts with a similar vein, but one Katniss now has to confront-- in order to keep those she loves safe, she will have to marry Peeta and live happily ever after with him. She wonders if President Snow will insist on them having babies, thinks it's likely a child of hers will end up in the arena because Victors' children sometimes do and Gale suspects the drawings are rigged. She reflects again on Haymitch's situation --unmarried, no children, wasted all the time-- and likens it to self-imposed solitary confinement.
Later, we get the fake baby drop, of course, and Katniss, processing, thinks "Isn't it the thing I dreaded most about the wedding, about the future-- the loss of my children to the Games? And it could be true now couldn't it? If I hadn't spent my life building up layers of defenses until I recoil at even the suggestion of marriage or a family"
We're still on the same track, the recognition of her fear of having kids in the world she lives in. Interestingly, I think it's still a loss of her children to the Games, but a less painful one-- nonexistent, possible children that she'll never have.
Peeta later is trying to convince Katniss to be the one of them to survive by talking about her family back home, and when he doesn't mention the pregnancy, she knows he's being sincere. He even mentions Gale and Katniss takes it in a way that means he would be okay if she wanted to be with Gale. He transitions back to playing the Games by telling Katniss, "You're going to make a great mother you know."
Katniss then wonders if it could be more than just a Games manipulation-- "Like a reminder to me that I could still one day have kids with Gale? Well, if thatw as it, it was a mistake. Because for one thing, that was never part of my plan."
It's HERE that we get a bit of a kicker-- she thinks about how of the two of them, Peet is the one who should be a parent. And she imagines his children--
As I drift off, I try to imagine that world, somewhere in the future, with no Games, no Capitol. A place like the meadow in the song I sang to Rue as she died. Where Peeta's child could be safe.
I think it's the first time she's considered the possibility of a safe child, and it has to be Peeta's child. This isn't something she ever imagines about anyone else, even when she thinks about running away with Gale.
Children are a sign of hope, of a possibility of living in a world where they won't be sacrificed on the altars of the Capitol. In Mockingjay, Katniss frequently notes that District 13 has very few children, especially following an illness, and that children appear to be prized -- it's partially why it's hard for her to initially accept that the rebels would bomb children- recklessly, wastefully
But it's the epilogue of Mockingjay, where this all culminates-- where her hope finds fruition. She says "Peeta wanted them so badly," but it takes years for her stop dreaming and start trusting that she's made that world, where her children, where Peeta's children "take the words of the song for granted"
It's a perfect ending, because from the start Katniss has denied herself even the hope of children, develops to thinking maybe that it could be possible one day-- for someone as good as Peeta, and that maybe his children could be safe, at least-- and in the end, his children--her own children--are no longer a hope, but Real.
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starrycassi · 1 year
Ballister's been through this many times. Ambrosius comes into his room, hysterical, to announce him of some ridiculous upper crust rule or ball or challenge that he's got to participate in. He knows the drill by now; listen to him, reassure him and help him get ready, be it brushing his hair or co-writing a speech for him to give.
The Goldenloin family puts up an act for people to show off Ambrosius and his many qualities every so often. He doesn't really care, not anymore. He used to panic alongside Ambrosius, when they were thirteen. He's seventeen, now, and the novelty of it has worn off — it's just kind of funny, really, to see his boyfriend suffer through hours and hours of whatever bullshit he's supposed to do now.
This upcoming event, however, is doing a number on Ambrosius's nerves. He's pacing back and forth the room, and he hasn't even looked at Ballister yet. His tic — the one in his left eye, is back, and his lips are red and swollen in the places where he's been bitting them. It's barely five am, and Ballister knows that this is going to be a long day.
"You're going to get nauseous if you keep spinning around, Amber" he tries to start the conversation, voice soft and words slow. Between them, Ambrosius has always been the worst when it comes to keeping his emotions under control. Ballister's learnt, by now, that sometimes it's just better to give him space.
"I'm nauseous already. Some spinning won't hurt, I'm sure" he snaps back, almost screaming. Ballister decides that talking to him won't be possible right now, and goes back to the project on his table, making sure to hold the screwdriver at the right angle.
After fifteen minutes or so, Ambrosius finally stops. He whines, letting his body weight drag him down on Ballister's mattress.
"What is it, this time?"
Ambrosius's silent, only whining a bit more after the question, like a wounded dog. That's new. He usually loves to go on rants about how everything is going to go wrong and how the whole world hates him in secret. Ballister puts down the tools, quickly scribbles down what he's supposed to do next to avoid future mistakes, and sits down next to his boyfriend, threading a hand through the other teen's hair.
They stay like that some minutes, Ballister working his way through the blond strands and Ambrosius simply lying there. Ballister's starting to think that he's fallen asleep, when Ambrosius finally speaks up, face still buried in pillows.
"They're marrying me off, Bal"
The world stops spinning.
Ballister goes static. His whole body freezes, and his heart stops beating. He can feel the blood on his veins going cold, so cold his bones feel stuck, too.
This was a expected situation, kind of. Captain Gloria, Ambrosius's mom, had been married off, too. She didn't like her husband in the slightest and they never talked to each other. Ambrosius told him all that.
She had also promised to keep her son away from that predicament. But Ballister knew better than to trust mothers. His own had abandoned him some years ago, after all.
"What... How? What?"
Ambrosius sits up, criss cross, hugging a pillow. He's such a kid. His eyes are already watery, and he's got a red nose, probably from slamming his face into the pillows.
"Not- well, not actually marrying me off. Mum doesn't want that, y'know" He shrugs, looking at his own hands. "But she can't really... just go against tradition, I guess. So, uh, there's going to be a tournament, figths, you know? And I know I'll probably win, she chose combat because she knows I'm good at it, but what if I don't win?"
He takes a deep breath, grunting. Ballister's brain is struggling to catch up, so he can't do much more than nod, encouraging his boyfriend to keep talking.
"It's not going to be like here, only us, cadets and students, where I know I will undoubtedly win. Actual grown ups could get in there, Ballister. My mom's been screaming to anyone and everyone about how ridiculous everything is, but- I guess rules are rules. I haven't slept. We stayed up all night on the phone, she tore down the whole family's library, called all of our lawyers, we tried every single article and law ever written. Nothing. The best we can do is... hope"
"The Captain's right. This is ridiculous, Ambrosius. What do you mean grown ups? Why? That's fucking creepy. Can't you guys just... say no? You're a Goldenloin, surely you-"
Ambrosius grunts, again, tugging at one of his hair strands.
"It's not that easy!" He screams, shutting Ballister up. "I've been getting proposals for... for forever! It's not really a matter of love as it is a matter of money, Bal. I've been getting proposals even from before I was actually born. Political alliances and all that. Mom's been doing her best, I know she has, but when a heir has said "no" enough times, then a duel or something can be called up, and an actual tournament would be way easier than just fighting every single idiot that wants to get my last name!"
Ballister's never been happier to be an orphan commoner than right now. His only worry when it comes to marriage is whether or not he can afford a pretty ring.
It's not like commoners don't marry for money. Arranged marriages were a pretty common thing around him, young kids marrying older people to try and get their families ahead, forced by their parents, their "spouses" or their economical situations. He just... never really had to worry about it, ever since he became a knight.
"That's incredibly fucked up, Ambrosius"
"I know ! I am well aware of how weird this must be for you, Bal. And I have absolutely no backup plan. My mom's confident that I'm winning, because Goldenloins never lose, but I'm not her! She can still beat me when we spar together, what am I going to do if someone else wins? Just... get married?"
Trying to come up with a solution, Ballister stutters and stammers his way through a sentence.
"You could, uh, get married and have a divorce, right?"
"No! Totally no! You don't get it! Whoever wins gets to ask whatever they want from my family, money, land, my hand- whatever, and then that's irrevocable!"
Stressed out, Ballister screechs. Of course he doesn't get it. No one ever bothered to explain this to him. He knew that parents could force their kids to marry (Captain Gloria once told him the story, very drunk and very mad at her departed dad) but not that a whole fucking event could be staged even if the family said no.
"It's not my fault I don't get it, you twat! Do you think the knigth training automatically gave me political marriage bullshit training, too? Well, no, it didn't! I'm so sorry for not knowing you weird ass nobility traditions, Ambrosius, I didn't realize I was supposed to!"
Getting up from the bed, mad at the world for being unfair and at himself for snapping, he runs his hands through his hair, with the impulse to simply rip it all off. It quickly gets replaced by guilt. Ambrosius has done nothing wrong, and here he is, being an asshole instead of helping.
"Amber... Shit, I'm sorry. This is just-"
Chuckling humorlessly, Ambrosius waves his hand in the air. He looks up at Ballister, and shakes his head.
"You're right. Sorry. I just forgot. I always do"
They already went through this, too. Ambrosius is good at keeping Ballister up to date, always happy to explain the situation, but sometimes things just... slip his mind. It isn't anyone's fault, but it's still annoying when it happens.
"Sorry, too. For calling you a twat"
Ballister leans down, tentatively. Ambrosius doesn't hesitate to lift himself up, and they share a quick kiss. All is forgiven.
"So... what now?"
Silently, they both try their best to think. Ballister's mind is blank, just screaming at him to get a sword and go decapitate however wrote the fuckin rules. He ignores that voice, per usual. The fucker's probably dead, by now, anyway.
Ambrosius is the one who gasps, and smiles all of the sudden, so bright that the sun should be jealous. He bounces on the bed a couple of times, clapping to get his boyfriend's attention.
"We're both idiots!"
Ballister frowns, confused. An awkward smile is all he can offer Ambrosius, wondering if his man finally went crazy.
"I see no correlation between our supposed idiocy and the problem at hand, Amber."
"Come on, Bal! This is easy. I have the best plan" he giggles, like a kid that just got a new toy. Ballister can tell that this plan probably will suck and get them in more danger than necessary. And he's so on board. Always on board, when it comes to Ambrosius.
"Which is?"
"You!" Exclaims Ambrosius, rolling his eyes. "You're my plan"
"Excuse me?"
"You're going to compete and win, Bal"
Perhaps he never should've become a knight, that way he never would've fallen in love with this absolute trainwreck of a man. Is it too late to go back to being a random kid and forget about all this? Probably.
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Kei bonding with a male reader. Figure he invites them to watch a practice and both bond over making sarcastic comments. Figure he's nicer or more polite than Kei by default but just as sarcastic.
Unlikely Bond
Pairing: Tsukishima Kei x male reader
Words: 556
Warnings: none
Author's note: I'm SO sorry for being so late :(( a lot of things have happened and I just stopped logging in here😔 hopefully I'm back posting again regularly !!
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The gymnasium was buzzing with energy as the Karasuno volleyball team went through their rigorous practice routines. Among the spectators, a boy named m/n found himself in the midst of the action, thanks to an invitation from Tsukishima Kei. The tall, blond player had surprised everyone when he'd asked m/n to come watch their practice.
Tsukishima, known for his sarcasm and sharp wit, had a reputation for keeping people at arm's length. Yet, for some reason, he had extended an invitation to m/n, and the latter couldn't help but feel curious about this unexpected turn of events.
As they watched the practice unfold, Tsukishima leaned over and muttered in a deadpan tone, "You're lucky, you know. Not everyone gets an invitation to watch us practice."
m/n smirked and replied, equally deadpan, "I must be special then. Or maybe you just needed someone to appreciate your block at a whole new level."
Tsukishima's lips twitched in what could pass for a smirk, and he focused on the court. "You catch on quickly. Maybe you won't be a complete waste of my time."
The banter continued throughout the practice. Tsukishima would point out the team's mistakes, and m/n would fire back with witty comments. Despite the sarcasm, there was an underlying camaraderie forming between them, an unspoken understanding that they both enjoyed this back-and-forth.
As the practice neared its end, Tsukishima elbowed m/n lightly. "Hey, you've got a decent eye for the game. Not bad for a spectator."
m/n raised an eyebrow. "I could say the same for you. You're not as insufferable as I thought."
Tsukishima snorted, a faint smile crossing his lips. "High praise, coming from you."
After practice, Tsukishima and m/n walked out of the gymnasium together. The sun had dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows on the school grounds.
"So, what made you invite me here today?" m/n finally asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.
Tsukishima glanced at him, his expression unreadable. "I noticed you watching our games sometimes. You seemed genuinely interested, and you weren't one of those annoying fans who scream 'spike it' every time the ball's in the air."
m/n chuckled. "Well, I do appreciate the finer points of the game, and I've seen enough volleyball to know that screaming doesn't help."
Tsukishima nodded in agreement. "Exactly. Plus, I figured it would be nice to have someone to talk to who can hold a conversation without resorting to fangirling."
They continued walking in comfortable silence for a while before Tsukishima spoke again. "You know, I'm not usually the inviting type."
m/n raised an eyebrow. "I gathered as much."
Tsukishima sighed, running a hand through his hair. "But I've been trying to be more open lately. The team captain suggested it might be good for morale. So, here you are."
m/n couldn't help but smile at the admission. "Well, I appreciate the opportunity. It's been...surprisingly enjoyable."
They reached a nearby vending machine, and Tsukishima bought two drinks before handing one to m/n. As they sipped their drinks, Tsukishima cleared his throat. "Look, don't get the wrong idea. I didn't invite you here to become best friends or anything."
m/n laughed. "I didn't have any such expectations. But I won't object to more sarcastic volleyball commentary in the future."
Tsukishima smirked. "In that case, I'll consider inviting you again."
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psycho-killer-writer · 9 months
Dom!Draco Malfoy smut pls?? (u can ignore ofc)
my first story with smut lets be nice. Also didn't edit it I got lazy so if grammar errors or mistakes... oops.
summary: after accusing draco of cheating, you confront him and realize your were all wrong he must punish you for that ridiculous accusation.
Dom! Draco x fem reader
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"THAT STUPID ASSHOLE! I fucking hate him, I'll kill him, how dare he... breath" I say in rushed breath trying to catch my breath. "really breath is that why your like going crazy" I love pansy like a sister but I'm gonna punch her in the fucking throat, "of course not but I'm angry so I can say what I want"
Pansy looked with complete confusion "how about you just tell me the problem". Oh yeah the problem kinda forgot what I was complaining about, that's what men do I guess. "That albino looking mother fucker had the audacity to take Astoria grass green or green glass, whatever who cares what her name is" I sneered.
pansy rolled her eyes giggling "you know what her name is"
"of course I know what her name is, Its fucking Astoria Greengrass for christ sake I have oddly sexually confusing dreams about her" I rant then pause hoping I didn't sound so crazy, pansy's just stares then shrugs "who hasn't".
"anyways like I was saying, he took her to meet his mom! who does that people that date and commit that's who" I was seething I thought what we had was passionate, animalistic, even say love but hey to early to tell.
pansy snorted "what are you gonna do go up to his room and demand he stop seeing Astoria, and tell him to stop existing around her."
I scrunch in disgust "oh god no im not some tacky pick me girl".
No thoughts just anger and a little bit of delusion I walk up to his stupid door and bang on that stupid door, so loud that it rattles the hallway. Then the stupid door is ripped open and his stupid anger face is in front of me.
"who the he- oh hey" he says in sudden softness once he realizes who is causing the scene. "miss me that much the whole hallway can hear how wet you ar-"
he is suddenly caught off once I slap him across the face his face is suddenly whipped to the side, and he looks ahead past me in shock... then anger.... then he smirks at me and licks the inside of his cheek
I didn't even let him speak when I push past him and turn around to face him while he close the door.
I just start unloading all the crap (mostly insecurities, but pride ) I have been holding in. "how dare you I gave you my virginity, does it look like im one of those people who pass it around letting everyone get in here.. don't answer that. Then you bring that tall drink of water I have dreamt her kissing all over this body, to your mothers house. YOUR MOTHERS HOUSE! I doubt that prude can do the things and I can do and let you do the things to me that are disturbing but weirdly make me horny."
Don't know where I am going with this but I feel this heat and I'm just going to keep yelling and not know where this is going to go.
" so I guess I was nothing but a body to you, im not good enough to be yours, to meet your mother, and maybe in the future I won't be married to you that I sometimes fantasize about, and your mother won't love me so much that she gives me all her clothes in her will, and I'm getting off track again SEE THIS IS WHAT YOU DO TO M-"
I don't even get to finish my speech because he yanks me from the back of the neck and kisses me hard on the mouth I almost couldn't breathe
after a while we both gasp for air and he keeps are nose touching "God the things I should do to that mouth". dammit he knows how to make me drip.
I looks at him in confusion and heartache how can he ask for this knowing the pain he is causing me.
"One, I don't know how you found out and I don't want to know, all I know your kinda crazy and to never hide anything from you" he chuckled and I was about to kick him in the ball when that smart son of a bitch block my leg.
"I took Astoria to the manor to tell my mother that we are not going to be committed to each other, since we were kids we were supposed to be married at 20, but I met you and there is no one I would rather be with then the insane girl that turns me on when she giggles, or my heart that skips a beat when you look at me or touch me." we both chuckle and I have a tear going down my eye.
god I feel like an idiot.... I win... wrong moment
"I feel like an idiot" I am embarrassed
he smiles pushing my hair away from my face "don't be it just shows your the one... I love you " he expresses
I gasp I forget ho to breathe, fucking suck it Astoria " you what?"
"I love you" he repeats
"one more time didn't quite catch you"
he chuckles and throws his head back "im gonna take it back"
"to late mister its out there forever"
" as much as I love make up sex I gotta punish you for acting like a spoiled brat" he said gripping the back of my head with my hair "ima fuck you so hard it's gonna feel like I hate you"
he rips my shirt wide open tearing it right down the middle and tearing it to pieces throwing it across the room. Leaving me in just my skirt and white bra.
He places his hands on my breast and squeezes with suck adoration "God these thing are so beautiful, and so goddamn sexy" he grips them tight then reaches behind and break the clip. Ripping of my bra
" that was my favorite one " I whimper, your so lucky i'm turned on jerkface
" what did i just fucking say" he seethed grabbing my jaw "you wanna run your mouth, then I wanna hear you scream"
He yanks my head toward him and kisses me with such love and anger at the same time. "Get on the bed and turn around on your hands and knees."
Fucking finally... holy shit i'm such a slut
I climb on the bed sightly nervous and very excited for what he is about to unleash on me. there I sit only in a skirt and my garter stockings, my boobs completely open and sensitive.
ready to be used
I feel his presence right behind me and his cold deadly hand riding up my leg to the ends of my skirt pushing it up to mu hips, only to reveal that I 'forgot' my underwear.
"ohh fuck" he seethed and gripping my flesh tightly "you knew what you were doing, you wanted to be in this position didn't you, you filthy little slut" feeling his grip tighten only shows how wet he is making me.
"oh sorry, I guess I left my underwear in Potters room after he fucked my brains out... oops" I look over my shoulder and give him a sadistic smile. Of course im lying I just like to poke the dragon a little bit.. or the ferret if we are getting technical.
I don't even get the chance to to process before he gathers all his strength and completely rips the skirt off of me
dam he is on a roll, my big mouth is going to make me run out of clothes
"please keep fucking talking let me punish you more, cause after this you won't be able to even speak."
i'm to fucking insane for this to turn me on
"oh fuck yes please punish me, I dererve it im a bad girl" I whimper. He simply smiles and groans out "oh yeah baby you are I say the punishment fits the crime"
He then slaps my ass, and I let out a slight gasp. "fuck your practically dripping, you like that don't you" he demands while slapping the other cheek.
"Count slut" he says while he spanks my right bum.
"three" I whimper how can pain fee; so good
"five" im tearing up from the intense feeling
Draco put all his force in the last one I couldn't help but cry out and moan at the same time.
he messages my red flesh and leans down to kiss it "fuck baby you did so good, you take my punishment like a good girl.
he then proceeds to reach down my heat and feels how wet I am I let out an involuntary moan and my thighs tremble lightly .
all of a sudden im flipped on my back and he then proceeds to kiss me, we are both turned on we are making out without a care in the world its messy and hot and we don't care, I gasp for air and he then starts to kiss done my body while kissing each breast with such determination, I forget how to breath. "Draco please, I can't I need to feel you" I gasp
"you will baby soon, I gotta make sure your nice and prepped" he says while kissing the inside of my thighs
he grips my my thighs that are placed over his shoulders and I can see the dents in my skin his long fingers are doing.
I feel a long wet lick going up making me shiver and right when he licks my clit and sucks hard, so roughly nibbling on it. Giving me a sense of pain and pleasure at the same time not able to control myself I let out shrieks and moan; trying so hard to keep it in.
he can easily charm the room, but something about someone hearing the sounds of pleasure rattles Draco in a way that challenges him to challenge me. I can't take the pleasure the way his lips suck my clit then enters his tongue in and out of my pussy makes me gasp.
"yes, yess, ohhhhh fuck " I moaned out in high pitch
ohh yes, yes don't stop, ohh fuuu-" I became inherent too focused on my pleasure to even
next thing I know he enters his long cold fingers once again and curls them which makes me gasp and wither . "ahhhhh yess, fuck yes" I can't stop screaming
he looks up with is cold grey eyes and smiles.
" you like that dont you. oh fuck yes look at you its like your begging for it. ima fuck you so good, for that little stunt you pulled" he seethed
I couldn't take it anymore I couldn't hold it I came so hard. "ohhh fuccc, ahhhhh" i couldn't control it my juices sprayed Dracos hands, he would stop he kept curling his fingers in me. I was so sensitive my legs were shaking I was shivering with over stimulation.
he crawls up toward me looking into my eyes and smiles and kisses me hard with love and compassion, we break apart nose touching.
he keeps eye contact and tells me " your such a good fucking girl you know that, merlin you come too good." he exhales with such satisfaction.
"you know I love you right" he looks at me with adoration
"of course, I made you repeat it like three times" I giggled
"good because im going to fuck you like I hate you" he says dropping his smile into something sadistic
he quickly pulls away and flips me on my stomach again picking up my legs to balance myself. He slaps my ass and enters me slow to accommodate his huge size and after a while he pulls out and and pounds into to me with no mercy.
my eyes cross as the sudden intrusion draco grabs my hips and continues to pound me from behind the room filling with skin slapping and moaning. thrusting into me with such determination and ruthlessness I can't stop screaming
"holy fucking shit take my cock you dirty girl" he tells me groping my hips hard where my skin starts to tingle and pound into me relentlessly.
"ohh yes , yes fuck me I deserve it" I grip him so hard having his cock enter my pussy nonstop.
draco then grabs my hair by the roots and pulls my head back and puts his face above mine "you like being treated this way being used like some possession a slut just for me, now open that goddamn mouth" as I obeyed his order he spat in my mouth and I swallowed it with delight then kissed me it was messy and wet but we didn't care all we focused on is the pleasure of him fucking me roughly.
"holy fuck i'm gonna come, i'm so close" I screamed he then spared me hard and pulled away. I shivered from the emptiness
"you better hold it cause i'm not done" he whispered in my ear, suddenly he flips me on my back and grabs me by my thighs and hooks his hand under by leg onto hip and enters me again with more passion and fill me up all the way I can feel the warmth of his cock invading me while he controls me moving ui and down due to his hands moving me on his cock he groans and huffs from the squeezing of my walls.
"yes- yes -yes" I say in high voice small tears forming my eyes from the pleasure and I can't handle it "hell yeah baby cry those happy tears for me milk me like a good girl". h go forward and puts his weight on his hand on my throat and goes at a faster pace pounding me while squeezing my throat I couldn't handle this amount of pleasure
"fuck mee yesss ahhhhh" I come hard around his cock I can't take it y eyes roll to the back of my head while he lowers his pace but takes deep thrust while he comes in me.
"look at me while I come in you dirty girl, fuck yes you like that, me filling your pussy take it like a good girl" he says as he empties out inside me as I calm down from my high .
he pulls out and I whimper from the emptiness he kisses the side of my calf and sides at me as he relaxes my legs and joins me next to the bed and we look up at the ceiling in exhaustion.
draco is the first to look at me he Tuens his head "you should slap me more often" I laugh at his comment "the way you act there would probably be plenty" I say turning my body and lean top to look down at his beautiful face "I guess its only fair that I should apologize to you"
"uhh yeah sounds reasonable" he smiles at me twirling the end of my hair
"good then"
"waiting for my apology"he looks at me with a smug face, and I look at him confused "I just did, didn't you hear me."
"what you said you should apologize but you didn't do the action" he says smugly
" take it or leave it ferret" I say and I wrinkle my nose in his face and he does it back reaches up and kisses me. "oh you love testing my patience don't you babygirl"
"all joking aside I really am sorry for invading your privacy and going all phyco" I admit with guilt and embarrassment
"I will admit it was kinda a turn on especially your little rant about us getting married" he snickered
"please forget about that I was seething I don't know why I was saying all that.... out loud" I added and he pulled me down to lay on his chest underneath the covers and made me look in his eyes "that all I think about and dream every night darling, because I love you" he confessed and I swear to merlin I came a third time.
"good because I love you too" I respond and all was right I put my head on his chest and basked in each others company
" So in this vision do we have a dog: draco asked and you always loved his soft spot for animals and remembered he was never allowed to have a pet.
" No, but there is a ferret" and si felt a smack on my ass I laughed " of Course there is a dog, you couldn't pick one so you chose both"
"good" he said and smiled pecked my lips and held me as we fell into the night slumber.
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fanficfunwrite · 1 month
I'll Carry You Home 🔱🩵
Finnick Odair × Fem!Reader
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The arena was a living nightmare, a place where the air was thick with the scent of fear and the distant echoes of the Capitol’s cruelty. The jungle around them was dense, the trees casting long shadows as the sun dipped below the horizon. Finnick’s breathing was shallow, the weight of the day’s horrors pressing down on him as he gently placed Mags against a tree. The old woman sighed softly, her eyes closing in exhaustion. She’d done more than anyone could have asked of her, and now she needed rest.
Finnick’s gaze shifted to you, where you sat a little way off, trying to catch your breath. The two of you exchanged a glance, a silent understanding passing between you. You nodded, and he made his way over, sitting down beside you. The night was creeping in, the darkness giving you a small measure of privacy from the ever-watching cameras.
“We need to find a way out of here,” you whispered, your voice barely a breath.
“I know,” Finnick murmured, his eyes scanning the perimeter, looking for any signs of danger. “We can’t stay here much longer.”
You both knew the odds were against you. The Capitol had designed this arena to be a death trap, and only one person was supposed to make it out alive. But Finnick wasn’t going to let that happen—not if he could help it.
He leaned in closer, his lips brushing against your ear as he spoke so quietly that even the Capitol’s most advanced technology wouldn’t be able to pick up on it. “There’s a way,” he whispered. “When the time is right, we’ll make our move. We just need to be patient.”
You nodded again, the hope in his voice giving you strength. But it was hard to hold on to that hope in a place like this. You could feel the weight of the Capitol’s eyes on you, waiting for you to slip up, to make a mistake that would cost you your life.
Finnick could sense your doubt. He reached out, his hand finding yours in the dim light. “I’ll carry you home,” he whispered, his voice full of quiet determination. “I’ll make sure you’re safe. And when this is all over, we’ll have a future. Together.”
His words hung in the air between you, a promise made in the most impossible of circumstances. You wanted to believe him, needed to believe him. But the arena had a way of stripping you of your dreams, replacing them with cold, hard reality.
As the night deepened, Katniss took the first watch, her eyes sharp as she scanned the darkness for any threats. The rest of you settled down to sleep, though rest was elusive in a place like this. The jungle was alive with sounds, each rustle and snap a potential threat.
You lay close to Finnick, his presence a small comfort in the darkness. He was your anchor, the one thing keeping you grounded in a world that had gone mad. As you closed your eyes, his words echoed in your mind, mingling with the lyrics of a song you’d once heard stories about from District 4, before the Games, before the Capitol had torn your world apart.
“But I’ll carry you home, no matter how far, I’ll carry you home, we’ll never be apart. The darkness can’t hold us, the night can’t keep us down. I’ll carry you home, and we’ll make it somehow.”
Finnick’s hand tightened around yours, as if he could sense your thoughts, and he leaned in closer, his voice barely audible. “I promise,” he whispered. “No matter what it takes, I’ll get you out of here. We’ll make it.”
You nodded, your heart heavy but full of resolve. You knew the road ahead would be long and dangerous, but with Finnick by your side, you felt a glimmer of hope. Together, you would face whatever the arena threw at you. Together, you would survive.
And one day, somehow, you would find your way home.
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If you enjoyed please react in anyway 🔱🩵
Thank you for reading 😊
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youvegotrpmemes · 1 year
Jurassic Park (1993) starters
I hate computers.
How long does this usually take?
That doesn't look very scary.
So you know, try to show a little respect.
Hey, [Name], if you wanted to scare the kid, you could have pulled a gun on him, you know.
What the hell do you think you're doing in here?
Who in God's name do you think you are?
Spared no expense.
I don't care for lawyers. Do you?
What kind of park is this?
You shouldn't use my name.
In forty-eight hours, I'll be accepting your apologies.
This shouldn't be here.
You did it. You crazy son of a bitch, you did.
They do move in herds.
Can't-- Can't you stop these things?
If there's one thing the history of evolution has taught us, it's that life will not be contained.
I'm simply saying that life, uh, finds a way.
They should all be destroyed.
I mean, how can we stand in the light of discovery and not act?
The world has just changed so radically, and we're all running to catch up.
Hold on to your butts.
Turn in your fear at the door and join the future, right?
Oh, God help us. We're in the hands of engineers.
Item 151 on today's glitch list.
I don't blame people for their mistakes, but I do ask that they pay for them.
God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs.
Dinosaurs... eat man. Woman inherits the Earth.
See, here I'm now by myself, uh, talking to myself.
Now I see her, she's the most beautiful thing I ever saw.
It could've been worse, [Name]. A lot worse.
I hate this hacker crap!
When you gotta go, you gotta go.
Boy, do I hate being right all the time.
Don't move. He can't see us if we don't move.
I'm gonna run you over when I come back down.
Well, we're back... in the car again.
Well, at least you're out of the tree.
Remind me to thank [John] for a lovely weekend.
I'm fairly alarmed here.
Come on, come on, come on. We gotta get outta here. Now, now! Right now!
Think they'll have that on the tour?
What do you call a blind dinosaur?
I wanted to show them something that wasn't an illusion. Something that was real.
But you can't think through this one, [Name]. You have to feel it.
Creation... is an act of sheer will.
You've never had control! That's the illusion!
But I made a mistake too. I didn't have enough respect for that power and it's out now!
The only thing that matters now are the people we love.
That's what I said. You're a nerd.
I am not a computer nerd. I prefer to be called a hacker.
No, no, no, that's crazy. You're out of your mind.
Wait a minute. What do you mean, it worked?
They're, uh-- They're flocking this way.
Keep low and follow me.
Oh, God. Something went wrong. Something's happened. Something's wrong.
But, [Name], if the Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists.
We can make it if we run.
Because we're being hunted.
Clever [girl].
I'll be back soon. I promise.
Where have you been?
Call the mainland. Tell 'em to send the damn helicopters.
It's gonna come through the glass!
After careful consideration, I've decided... not to endorse your park.
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shoosiopao · 1 year
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1/100 days of productivity 🐣 9/25/23
hello! it has been a few days since i last updated. i was able to keep up the challenge for 2 weeks, but unfortunately, i hit a slump during the weekend.
i'm not sure if i worked myself into burning out or something, but at the start of the weekend, i was having trouble initiating my daily routine. i slept in, didn't commit to my tasks, and spent the days entertaining myself with distractions.
it only hit me that i hit that slump when i was rushing to turn in a quiz 20 minutes before midnight on sunday. i couldn't finish most of it on time, so i earned a really low score. this actually made me cry for a bit, but after that realization, i started reflecting on how i can get back on track.
which brings me to today. i spent most of the day at work and in class. i finished some past due assignments in between schedules so that i can catch up in class. then, when i got home, i tried my best to focus on the tasks that i missed out on during the weekend. i got plenty of chores done and continued with my evening routine per usual!
this is a longer post than my usual ones. i just want to share my reflections from this experience. this is not the first time i hit a slump after a streak of productivity, but i am proud of myself for quickly taking steps to get back on track. hopefully, i'll be back into my normal routines soon!
something that i try to remind myself often is that progress is not linear. i'll be taking this experience as a lesson for the future rather than resenting myself for a mistake. the most important things are acknowledging my mistakes and having the willpower to do better! i'll be restarting this challenge from the beginning, but i will not forget the progress that i've made so far.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Can I ask for some nsfw headcanons of Callie? I love this gross queen
[It is with a heavy heart that I must classify Calliope as a warning herself. Filthy things go on under the cut]
Like most activities, sexy times with Callie are like flipping a coin. She carefully takes minutes out of her alone time to face all of her plushies to the wall - right before drilling herself lightheaded with a toothbrush she stole the night before. Calliope acts shy and dainty so you'll like her more, but girl is drooling soon as your clothes hit the floor. "O-of course I've done this before! I'll prove it to you!" Don't believe a word she says. The only other kiss she's ever had was so she could rip out her partner's tongue with her teeth. All of her "experience" comes from hentai and amsr channels/visual novels.
Huge scent kink. Casually commits bi-weekly panty..(boxer?) raids even after you get together with replacements so you're none the wiser. Come home from a night out with friends just a few minutes early and you may catch her in the act on your bed with whatever clothing she could find.
Cosplay. Callie lines her closet with outfits she wants you wear as a couple to future conventions, but she also happens to possess a secret cupboard she keeps for the bedroom - a few for you and majority her. She enjoys being able to doll herself up for you and flaunt her assets in the best way imaginable.
Speaking of...assets, Callie clearly sees her chest as the biggest and best (probably because it is). "O-oh dear... guess I bought this shirt a size too small. The top button popped off. T-that's crazy. The shirt's a little see through too. What do you think?" She strictly sticks to wearing bikini tops under her jacket and shirts that crush her lungs just to get your unwavering attention. Hugs your arm to her breasts, and straight up puts your hand down her cleavage when you look away too long.
Choke her until she's seeing stars and she'll declare her undying love to you with her remaining breath. Might smack the wind out of you if she feels like playing rough, but apologizes and breaks into tears almost immediately...after you finish.
Callie is such a sweet girlfriend. She listens to every word you say down to the syllable and records your voice so she can treasure it forever. She might be a bit too into it, since she can't touch herself without her headphones and her favorite recording of you getting angry at common household mistakes and swearing in frustration. Callie is a pretty good artist and probably draws/animates scenes based on the audio she gathers. She longs for the courage to ask you to record a whole animation, but she knows she can't possibly ask you to call her character your personal whore and look at you the same ever again. That and she'd listen to it too often to leave her bed and get the job done.
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strvlveera · 1 year
𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥.
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pairing: royalty!oikawa x afab!reader
genre: royal au, angst w/happy ending, fluff
w/c: 10.7k (help me)
warnings: swearing (lmk if there should be more !)
synopsis: sick and tired of the looming castle walls, tooru decides to adventure outwards. somewhere he wasn't allowed to go. dressed as a young 'peasant' boy tooru comes across the delicious smell of fresh baked bread. considering he was starving he marched right in demanding a loaf of bread, forgetting he wasn't in normal attire. you, the daughter of the baker, found him a headache but also amusing. I mean what source of entertainment can you get when you're so poor?
"I am your prince!"
"...then why are you dressed like that?"
(lowercase intended)
slightly based on 'ceilings' by lizzy mcalpine
a/n: this isn't proofread so there may be careless mistakes! the synopsis doesn't comprehend how much angst there will be... I made this fic as an excuse to not sleep...got this idea at 2 am so T_T honestly since hq is coming back(?) soon I just want my home boy back...
I also apologise for not getting this done sooner i don't know why it took me so long.. anyways enjoy!
btw can you spot a manwha reference too?
taglist: @tooruchiiscribs @qualitygiantshoepsychic @sillykawa @rukia-uchiha-98 @softcd @misfit-megumi @suzizanne
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"sit here and reminisce about your actions. I have a lot of things to do today," the king calmly demanded tooru as he whined and grumbled, dragging him by the arm to his room.
"I just wanted to play, you're always so busy and nee-san is always holding tea parties with her friends!" tooru exclaimed, crossing arms.
"you'll understand in the future. when you’re king, you'll always be busy."
"what if I don't want to be king? I want to be a knight! I want to be free and keep my friends safe, as well as you and nee-san," tooru proudly said to his father, as if convincing him that taking the throne was what he wasn't destined for.
the king mockingly laughed, not taking tooru's words seriously.
"keep an eye on him, don't let him leave this room until I come back," stated the king to the guard outside who gave a quick nod.
"of course, your highness."
"i'll be off then tooru, behave."
with the creak of the closing door tooru sprawled his arms across the bed as he flumped down, a sour look on his face staring into the ceiling.
"behave tooru! oh, look at me being too busy being a king that I don't even have time for my son!" mocks tooru, reminiscing about his father's stern words rather than his own actions.
i mean, it wasn't his fault that he 'accidentally' hit his great-grandfather's statue. it wasn’t as if he was trying to catch anyone's attention. it wasn't his fault he was alone most of the day, except when the royal tutor came. it wasn’t his fault that the dreams of becoming a knight got disregarded as soon as he even said the word 'knight', as if it wasn’t an option.
tooru had to practically beg his father for swordsmanship lessons, even though he was so young, desperately clinging to his dream of becoming a knight. why? to be free from his fate, his destiny and yet his father still said no.
"king this, king that, why not knight this, knight that?" questioned tooru, still huffing from his father's words.
he doesn't even want to be king anyway. the responsibility of it seemed trapping as if he'd be a bird in a cage with everyone watching his every move.
silently staring at the ceiling with a blank face, tooru decides on an escape plan. except this time he'll escape to the city. the place where his father told him to never go.
"you'll catch a deadly disease! how will you train to be a knight?"
the memory passed through his mind.
"how am I supposed to be a knight anyway whenever I'm always confined in this boring palace?" tooru thought out loud.
knights are daring and dashing and most importantly loved by all. if tooru wanted to be a knight, he'd have to be a little adventurous and brave.
"if mother was here she'd let me go," says tooru, quietly reassuring himself that his decision was beneficial and ethical.
finding old clothes from the back of his wardrobe, he tried his best to make himself an unroyal attire. with a bit of tearing in certain parts tooru proudly stood in front of his mirror with his disguise, ready for operation: escape to town.
"soo original tooru.."
..·:*¨༺ ♚ ༻¨*:·.
tooru's ears perked up to the sound of the bustling streets of the city, his eyes lighting up with excitement as crowds of people strolled up and down the street. some frantically buying groceries from the local market, some sitting outside having a beverage of choice whilst talking with the person opposite, laughing at each other's comments.
this is way more fun than the palace thought tooru, as he gazed around.
alas, with the growl of his stomach, tooru then realised how he barely had any food that day as he was having too much fun causing chaos at the palace.
"i should've brought money for food, why am i so dumb?!," tooru whines, whilst ruffling his hair out of frustration.
the feeling of his empty stomach made tooru more impatient until he smelt a whiff of something delicious. following the scent like a delirious zombie, tooru came to a halt when he came across a bakery. as he opened the door a ding came from a bell and his eyes landed upon a girl, which he assumed to be his age, putting some sort of pastry in an oven until she realised the presence of tooru and quickly wiped her floury hands, rushing towards him.
"hello, sir, welcome to shokupan. unfortunately, you're visiting during our closing hours, would you like to leave in an order for tomorrow?" she asks with a click of a pen, smiling at tooru as he processes what she just asked.
"i need that loaf of bread," demanded tooru pointing to the freshly baked milk bread on the counter, ignoring the girl’s question.
following tooru's finger, the girl realised what he was asking for and nervously chuckled.
"o-oh! i'm sorry but that isn't to be bought by anyone except the man that ordered it earlier. may i ask again if you want to order anything for tomorrow?" she asks again.
by now tooru's patience was wearing thin. with an awful combination of an empty stomach and tired legs, he started to grow irritated but so were you. yes, you. the baker's daughter.
with your father off for deliveries, you had to look after the bakery; taking orders everyday, making the dough and baking most of the bread yourself. with a job like this, it can get very tiring easily. especially with ignorant customers but that was rare. until today, where you had the 'fortunate' opportunity to stumble across a hungry and grumpy tooru.
"i don't want or need anything for tomorrow. what i need is that bread - so would you just give it to me?" demanded tooru once again.
you sighed, putting a hand to your forehead being physically and mentally exhausted from the hard work and now him.
"as i've said before, sir, i can't just give you a loaf of bread. if you don't want to order anything i'll have to ask you to leave so that i can close up the bakery," and with that you began to head back to the kitchen.
"you don't understand, i need that bread now! i'm dying of hunger, don't you pity me?" pleaded tooru with furrowed eyebrows, desperate for a bite of that delicious looking bread.
"look, there are many people who wander in and out of the bakery looking for pastries but unfortunately i can't give you it without permission from my boss. it's just how business runs around here," you shrugged, used to the situation.
normally, you'd give him a loaf of free bread, however word got out that you gave out free bread to those who couldn't afford it and an upburst happened causing the bakery to be shut down for a whole week. your father was certainly not happy about what happened but was glad that you were charitable and sympathetic to the people.
of course tooru had no idea this happened, he never read the newspapers anyway as they were too boring to him. he'd rather run around the palace causing chaos.
with tooru in desperate need of food he decided to play his trump card.
he cleared his throat and proudly stated, "although i may not look like it, i am actually prince tooru of the oikawa family, ruler of this city and province. as of now i may not look like the part, because i am on a very special mission, but i can reassure you that this is your dear prince."
with a small hair flip and a smug smile tooru awaited an apology but instead found you laughing hysterically like a hyena.
offended, tooru immediately questions, "w-what's wrong? you should be cowering before me and asking for my forgiveness, why are you laughing like a maniac?"
obviously you couldn't reply, still holding your stomach as you try to catch your breath from laughing too much.
"b-because…." you began but immediately started laughing again.
tooru scoffed, flabbergasted at your behaviour and disrespect to him as a royal. you were just a commoner and he was royalty, how dare you mock him like this?
"i don't know why you think this is hilarious but i am not lying. i am your prince!" proclaimed tooru, tired of your actions.
calming yourself down with a shaky breath out, you look at (a very annoyed) tooru up and down.
"if you really are the prince, which is very unlikely considering that this is the west side of the city, then why are you dressed like that?" you questioned, suspicious of his manner and clothes.
confused, tooru stops glaring at you and begins to analyse his outfit and quickly realises what you meant.
you chuckle in disbelief and maybe even pity, thinking he's gone mad already as a teenager.
"yeah, oh."
embarrassingly, tooru took off the smug look off his face and cleared his throat.
"you're not doing a very good job at convincing me prince tooru," you mocked, cheekily smiling at him.
"maybe i need more time to enhance my skills," tooru replies with an eye roll.
what a pity you thought, he was really entertaining. you wondered if he did acting as a job.
“well, i guess this is the part where i go,” tooru awkwardly began as he slowly turned to walk out the door, mostly out of embarrassment and the need to get home. his father would be furious if he found him dressed like this.
"wait just a second," you frantically said, trying to catch up with him, after grabbing something from the counter.
he anxiously turns, not wanting to be humiliated even more. however, to his delight you handed him a paper bag filled with a loaf of milk bread. you could immediately see how his demeanour changed and how his eyes lit up, almost as if there were stars in them.
"c-can i really have this?" asked tooru, with saliva already threatening to drip from his mouth.
"of course, i'm not that cruel. plus, i saw you eyeing up the milk bread from earlier. you looked like you really couldn't live without it. i’ll just make another batch for the old man," you replied with a small smile, mentally reminding yourself to not tell your father about this. who knows what would happen.
relief spread across tooru's face.
"thank you…?"
"ah - i'm y/n."
"thank you y/n," tooru replies with a wide smile, grateful for the milk bread.
with a bright smile, you waved goodbye to tooru as the bell of the door rang once again, indicating he was leaving to your dismay.
"come back soon!" you called out to tooru, secretly wishing to see him again tomorrow.
happily chewing on the milk bread, tooru smiled to himself filled with content, glad of the encounter and his courage to adventure off.
his father certainly wouldn't be pleased if he found out.
..·:*¨༺ ♚ ༻¨*:·.
it was the following day and you couldn't help but secretly wait for a certain someone to come through the door. most of your customers were regulars so it was usually the same people saying the same things that you already knew about even when you'd make conversation asking,"anything new happen?" and with them replying with,"it's always the same old y/n."
it was pretty boring in the west end, except for all the crime that's been lurking around. the ring of the bell came and you turned around, only to be met by the same boy from yesterday. you were ecstatic to see the brown haired boy again. swiftly walking over to him you greet him with another milk bread you made just for him.
"well if it isn't the prince tooru, gracing me with his presence again," you sarcastically say, with a little courtesy.
it wasn't until you got a proper look at him that you realised how he was panting, trying to catch his breath and the plum bruise on his face.
tooru saw how fast your reaction to the bruise was, as your eyes started to fill with worry and concern. with furrowed eyebrows you hesitantly touched his face and he backed away.
"i'm so sorry tooru I didn't mean to-"
"no-no it's fine y/n don't worry, I don't know why I backed up in the first place," he reassuringly said.
although, in reality he backed away because he got nervous when you touched him. it felt comforting, which was a foreign emotion to tooru ever since his mother passed away.
"are you okay? how'd you get the bruise? did something happen?" you asked, bombarding him with questions, wondering how he ended up like this.
tooru found it really heart-warming how you only knew him for less than twenty-four hours and yet you showed so much concern for him. most of the maids in the palace only cared about his safety so that they wouldn't get fired by the king. to have someone genuinely worry about him made him feel as if he was valued as a human being, instead of "the king's son" or "the heir to the throne".
he actually got the bruise by accidently bumping into a gang that didn't look very pleased with him. he ran as fast as he could, screaming his lungs out.
"not very knightly of you tooru," he thought.
he made sure to not tell you about this.
he softly smiled at you as he said, "nothing, don't worry about it,"
not wanting to pry anymore, you let it go although you were still sceptical about the ordeal.
"well, if you say so. how about we enjoy the milk bread i prepared for you? it's a slow day today so we can sit down and have a chat outside," you insisted, leading tooru outside.
..·:*¨༺ ♚ ༻¨*:·.
throughout the next few months you both continued to meet each other. with tooru sneaking out the palace more often and you already having freshly baked milk bread just for him. your father would get suspicious, catching you smiling to yourself at random times of the day whenever he was at the bakery but brushed it off as he was glad to see you happy rather than tired from all the work he gave you.
with your father starting to help more at the bakery than doing deliveries, you decided to pick a new meetup spot with tooru so that you two could talk with as much freedom as possible. without your father glaring at tooru as he did with his first encounter with him.
you showed him your hidden gem, a place where you would run to when the world would overwhelm you. your safe haven. urging tooru to go in first, his eyes were blessed with a charming peaceful meadow, secluded from society which was a good thing, as its beauty was preserved for you to see and now tooru. surprisingly you haven't even shown your father this heaven but you willingly led tooru here.
there was something about this milk bread obsessed boy that made you feel as if you could trust him. you've had male friends before but they would always tease you that you were a one trick pony as you could only bake but barely cook to save your life.
“ugh! I keep burning the bacon….” you grumbled, looking over to the pile of burnt bacon on the counter.
"just stick to baking y/n, it's the only thing you're good at," matsukawa slyly said, with the classic smirk of his which resulted in a loud smack to his head. he deserved it.
they never took you seriously. until tooru came along and changed your perspective. yes, he would be very arrogant at some points but alas that was just how he was and without it he wouldn't be as charming. it also brought out a new side of you, where you would make snarky remarks to him which would end in the both of you hugging your stomachs from laughing or tooru pouting.
relaxing down on a light patch of grass, you began talking about the future, a common topic in your conversations to tooru's dismay but it ended up helping him release his bottled up problems.
"i feel bad," you began, in a soft tone.
"why? you've done nothing except give me happiness," he questioned, confused by your sudden statement.
flustered by the choice of words that he used, you averted your eyes. clearing your throat you continued,”i always complain about my life and talk about my problems and yet you never get the chance to talk sometimes, when we talk about the future or anything serious in general.”
realising how insensitive you sound, your eyes widen and turn to tooru to apologise.
“i didn’t mean that-i mean I did but not in that context. of course you don’t have to talk about touchy subjects in your life if you don’t want to,” you paused for a second, trying not to panic and calmly collect your thoughts.
“I guess what i'm trying to say is, you can talk to me. you can talk about anything, other than your love for the milk bread i give you,” that earned a chuckle from tooru.
You grin, pleased that you received a positive reaction from him.
“i know we’ve only been friends for quite a while and i whole-heartedly understand if you feel a bit uncomfortable with all of this. just know I’ll always be here tooru,” you concluded, slightly embarrassed by what you said.
"aww….y/n, you care so much about me huh?" teased tooru, although he secretly soaked up all your words.
you sulked, embarrassed at your actions and mostly how tooru reacted to what you said but also not very surprised by his antics. tooru was busy laughing at your demeanour.
"sorry y/n, i didn't want to ruin the moment by laughing but i am really touched I swear!" tooru explained.
"i poured my heart and soul into that and you're here making fun of me!" you grumbled, purposely exaggerating your words so that he'd apologise soon.
tooru's laugh rang in your ears and he quickly apologised for teasing you.
"don't worry y/n, i listened very carefully. you have no idea how much I appreciate you."
just as you were about to say "thank you", tooru continued.
"mostly because of the milk bread you bake for me but don't worry i also appreciate the company just not as much as the bread," he cheekily said, earning a smack in the back of his head from you.
"ouch! what was that for?" he whined.
"i’m not give you milk bread anymore," you replied with a stone face.
tooru gasped and started pleading for your mercy, trying to flatter you with compliments as you got up from the dented grass and started walking away from him.
"y/n you're an angel, you know that right?"
"yes tooru i know i am. now stop clinging onto my cardigan or else I'll feed you raw dough instead."
you only gave into his pleas when he started bowing down to you in the middle of the street when you were trying to ignore him.
"almighty y/n, i am a sinful man begging for your forgiveness. please give me a loaf of milk bread."
"tooru people are starting to look, please get up," you hurryingly pleaded.
he gave you one last glance and in return you gave him a dirty look, already fed up with his act.
"almighty y/n, please listen to my prayer-"
"fine, fine! i'll give you free milk bread again…"
"oh thank you! almighty-"
"i'm seriously going to punch you."
--- ⁠✧
the day ended with tooru beaming with happiness as he ate his milk bread, and you sat across from him once again with your hand resting against your chin gazing upon his figure. you never understood why your milk bread was so special to him but you were glad that you could make him happy in some sort of way.
"maybe I should start charging you, we might just go bankrupt from all the free bread we've given you," you teased, already knowing what he'd say.
"well it isn't my fault that they taste so good!" tooru whined.
you giggled and went back to staring at him, appreciating his beauty. the way his smooth skin glistened against the withering glows of the sun, the way his lips parted to take a bite of the bread, the way his brown eyes would melt into golden rays as the sunlight hit his face. how on earth could this boy in front of you be a commoner when his looks alone could help him get a job easily?
"you know you're really pretty tooru, even when you have a lot of crumbs on your face," you randomly said as you focused on specific parts of his face.
tooru almost choked on the milk bread, surprised at your sudden statement.
"of course i'm pretty. i am a prince after all," he nervously chuckled trying to cover up his flustered expression.
"are you still acting as if you're a prince?" you questioned, amused that he’s still keeping up the act.
with a smug face, tooru replied,"when the time comes and you see that i am a prince, you will be so shocked and i'd laugh right in your face."
you rolled your eyes as you thought,"yeah right. as if a prince would be sitting right in front me, stuffing his face with the milk bread that i baked. tooru is seriously unbelievable."
it wasn't until a year later that it became believable. specifically, on his eighteenth birthday.
..·:*¨༺ ♚ ༻¨*:·.
"be careful with those plates!"
"which colour would you like your highness? celeste or baby blue?"
"would you like chocolate or vanilla frosting on the cake, your highness?"
the palace was clearly bustling with noise and excitement. why? because it’s tooru’s special eighteenth birthday tomorrow.
tooru hadn't realised it until a while ago but his heart started to soften more and more at every encounter you two had.
maybe it was because of the countless amounts of milk bread you would prepare for him which made tooru question if you were making it with the intent of seeing him (probably not). sure, all the chefs and maids in the palace prepared the most luxurious food for him but it just felt the same with every meal but it was somehow different with you.
maybe it was because of the uplifting conversations you would have, where you both could voice your thoughts and opinions on a variety of subjects with no worries of being judged. tooru swore at himself, wondering what he'd gotten himself into and yet he still consciously ventured further, wanting to learn more about you, other than you being a baker's daughter. you didn't know his true identity and yet you were so thoughtful towards him.
although, it felt selfish as he couldn't truthfully tell you his identity, he continued to pursue a growing friendship whilst walking home with a guilty heart each time he saw you. he was addicted. now that he was turning eighteen, tooru couldn’t hide it any longer. he had to tell you, one way or another. before it was too late and before he’d have to go back to the life he had without you. a boring, uneventful life.
--- ⁠✧
“why didn't i sleep early last night?” you questioned yourself, yawning for what felt like the hundredth time.
honestly, you stayed up last night because you knew it was tooru's birthday tomorrow and you were crocheting a scarf for the first time, even though it was the middle of summer. you couldn’t just bring him to the meadow and eat ice cream and milk bread all day like all the other years you spent celebrating his birthday. no, it had to be something different, something that no one else could give him and something that you've never done before especially since he was now getting to the age of marriage.
you were in the middle of putting the classic milk bread that you’d make for tooru in the oven when you heard the ring of the doorbell as it opened. you didn’t recognise the person making his way towards you but he looked oddly familiar.
with another yawn you groggily said,”hello welcome to shokupan, what can i get for you?”
“uh- y/n?” he spoke, as if he was confused.
you lazily smiled and looked up to the man, “yup that’s me, what can i-,” it was only then that you realised that this stranger knew your name and only then you realised who exactly it was.
your tired eyes quickly shot open, as if you got electrocuted. it was tooru, but he was dressed so magnificently. a bright, shining suit adorned his figure; gold shoulder pads showing off his broad shoulders; perfectly combed hair that would usually be messy and unkempt.
"t-tooru?" you whispered, wondering if you were still dreaming. was this really your tooru?
he chuckled,"yes n/n, it's really me," whilst sarcastically posing for you. however, you couldn't respond. you were speechless.
"y/n? are you okay?" tooru asked, concerned but also amused at your unresponsive state.
as tooru's words went in one ear and out the other you got out of your tranced state and started firing questions at tooru, "why are you dressed like that? where'd you get the money? did you loan the money? tooru you can't use all your savings on a suit, what about food?"
tooru couldn't contain his laughter any longer and bursted out laughing.
"what's so funny about spending all your money on something you don't even need?!" you exclaimed, eyebrows furrowed as you tried to make sense of tooru's actions.
as tooru's laugh died down, he gazed at you with a smug smile.
"i told you before that one day i'd show you that i'm a prince and that you'd never believe me. so here i am y/n, prince tooru of the oikawa family, inviting you to attend a ball tomorrow to celebrate my birthday," he gracefully bowed down whilst holding out an envelope towards you which you hesitantly took from him.
carefully, you observed the envelope, wondering if tooru was actually a prince or if he was just playing one of his silly games on you again. you knew your answer as soon as you flipt the envelope to shockingly fix your eyes on the royal seal, a four leaf clover crest. anybody could recognise as the city was adorned with the symbol. in disbelief, you lifted your head to tooru with wide eyes.
“you…” you started, trying to comprehend everything with your already jumbled mind.
“i’m?” tooru replied, anxious to see your reaction.
“you’re a prince,” you whispered, not believing your own words.
slowly, the cogs were starting to work in your brain, the pieces of the puzzle were connecting. why haven't you noticed? tooru always implied it even in your first encounter. there were many other reasons too on why he’d be a prince; he always had to leave early or he was late; the amount of times you’ve patched him up without you knowing that it was because of his swordsmanship lessons last year; the way he was able to read sophisticated words and write with very neat handwriting, which commoners couldn't do simply because they didn't have the money for the education; the way he never showed you where he lived or where he was from; the way he never talked about himself during your conversations. it all made sense and yet you were too dense to even realise it. you were angry and disappointed with yourself.
“why didn’t you tell me sooner?” you questioned, wondering if he thought of you as a person who couldn't be trusted.
“well, i guess i just…” he paused and took a breath in.
“i was scared, y/n. maybe even terrified, that you wouldn't want to talk to me anymore or that you’d hate me, and i completely understand if you do now because i just basically lied to you throughout our whole friendship which is so stupid and idiotic of me and i’m so, so sorry y/n. i cherish you so much and i don't want to lose you, so please don't ever think that i never trusted you because i do, wholeheartedly.”
tooru finished and waited for you to talk or say anything, but you just stared at him in disbelief.
"y/n, please say something," tooru pleaded, his fist tightening against his chest as he grew more anxious.
"does your father know?" you asked.
"what? of course not he'd go crazy if he did-"
"oh my god tooru, you're unbelievable," you muttered, with your fingers pressing on your temple.
"what? y/n i just told you why i didn't want to reveal my identity, you know my father would go crazy if he found out i was sneaking away," tooru reasoned, trying to calm down the situation by reaching out for your hand but you slapped it away, still not comprehending the situation.
"yes tooru, and i understand that, if you weren't a prince. this completely changes everything, you know that right? what if someone saw us and reported it to your father? you'd be in great trouble and don't even get me started on how i'd probably be the talk of the city. a laughing stock. i mean, a commoner being friends with a prince? ha! how ridiculous," you rambled, looking away and staring down at your feet.
"y/n, look at me," tooru softly asked, gently lifting your chin up so you could meet his eyes. your breath hitched as he stared right at you, as if he could read your every thought.
"it doesn't matter if i'm a prince or if you're a commoner. even if my father finds out, I won't let any harm come to you. i'll do everything in my power to make sure you're safe."
"i'm not done. just because you're a 'commoner' doesn't mean you aren’t worth anything less. you're y/n, my y/n and that's all that matters. i don't care about titles. fuck being a prince, it doesn't matter as long as i'm with you. as long as you're here."
you both became silent as tooru awaited a response and you were still processing what he just confessed to you. tooru sighed and let go of you, turning away and hiding his face from you, embarrassed at himself.
"tooru," you started, still finding the right words to say to him.
"if i have to be honest, i'm disappointed not only in you but for myself. it feels as if you just used me as a way to escape from your own life. i really, really enjoy your company tooru and you made my life so much more exciting and enjoyable, and even thinking about what we’d have in plan to do helped me get out of bed in the morning but now, i do not know what to think anymore. not only that, but the fact that you’ve hinted at it all this time and yet i was too dumb to even realise it. was this all a joke to you?" you questioned, your chest tightening at your own words, hoping he’d contradict with you.
“y/n…none of this was ever a joke and i can’t even truly express my gratitude to your very own existence with just simple minded words. from our first encounter to even now, the only person i’ve wanted to see was you. you’ve never once left my mind,” his eyes softened before his mouth came to a fine line, you could physically see his lips quiver as he awaited your response.
you finally let go of the breath you’ve unconsciously been holding and came face to face with the boy who made you feel an array of emotions that you couldn’t comprehend and simply gave him a gentle hug, with your head resting on his chest hearing his quickened heartbeat drumming in your ear.
with an awkward smile you looked up to him,”you really are scared huh?”
“god y/n, you have no idea how many times i was planning on telling you, but i would just end up getting lost in the moment and keep putting it off, until now, i really thought i screwed things up,” tooru frantically explained, letting out a sigh of relief.
although, to his horror you pierced his ears, saying, "you kind of did."
the atmosphere shifted to a chilling silence, with tooru’s bug eyed expression processing the words that you just announced and you fidgeting nervously with your hands.
“what?” tooru meekly asked, needing affirmation.
”look tooru, even if we remain as friends and keep meeting up, we’ll never go back to normal. you have to understand that. even if titles don't matter to you, they matter to everyone else. in their eyes, i’ll always be a ‘lowly’ commoner and you will always be a prince, hell maybe even king!”
“don’t you dare say that about me, i will never be king nor will i ever want to,” tooru defended, slightly raising his voice over the sensitive subject but that didn’t stop you from continuing.
“come to terms with reality tooru, this isn’t some fairy tale where i randomly get gifted a fairy godmother for christ sake. sure, it was okay when you were younger but now, really? you’re turning eighteen tomorrow, you can’t just keep skipping out on your duties as a prince,” you continued, pleading with him to see your point of view.
tooru scoffed, ”what do you know about being a prince? you’d never understand how shit i felt every time i get told off for every little mistake i made and how i know everyone secretly wished my mother survived instead of me.”
you stood still with a withering expression, your mouth parted and heart clenched with tears pricking your eyes. he never talked about this before.
“tooru, i didn’t know-”
“i was suffocating in there y/n, and you were the only one that made me feel like i wasn’t drowning with responsibilities and yet now i’m getting reminded of it again by the only person i could rely on,” he painfully expressed, solemnly looking at you, catching your watered eyes.
alas you stood your ground,
“well, as the person that you can rely on, i'm only telling you this for your own sake tooru, and yes i’m not a prince and i’m sure as hell not educated enough to understand what a prince does. however, i do know that you’ll have to get married soon now that you’re turning eighteen and i can’t keep distracting you tooru and you can’t keep running away. you’re going to have many people wanting to speak with you and important meetings to attend and you won’t have time to see me. we both know that,” your heart breaks at your own words.
tooru stood still with a pained expression. he couldn't argue with you, knowing that everything you said was true.
“wake up tooru. we aren’t fifteen anymore.”
silently, tooru sets down a wrapped box on an empty table and walks to the door without a word. all you could do was watch his doleful figure. before he stepped out into the street he stared at you without his warm brown eyes with a disappointed smile and said, ”you’re still invited you know? i already booked a carriage for you, so please come.”
The ring of the doorbell came at last, indicating his presence was gone and with that you burst out in tears with you crouching down against the counter recalling the argument between you two. were you too harsh? did you even consider tooru’s side? were you being insensitive? all these questions left your mind swirling like a spinning wheel to the point where you just laid lifeless with stinging eyes from all the salty tears.
finally finding the strength to get up, you dust yourself off the floor and spotted the clean and elegant box tooru left for you. carefully, you raised the lid upwards and you gasped surprised. sitting in the box before you was the most luxurious dress you’ve ever laid your eyes upon. sophisticated patterns adorned the purple gown with numerous delicate jewels stitched on, where if one was sold you’d no longer be a baker but instead living more comfortably.
“i’ve never seen a gown this shade before,” you astonishingly admitted, surveying the gown in your hand gently touching the rich fabric. unbeknownst to you the shade was specifically tyrian purple, a shade only the royal family wore.
peering inside you see a little rectangle note. you delicately placed the gown down on the table and opened the note.
“you’re royalty too.”
slightly grinning at the sentence you let out a light hearted sigh, letting it convince your tender heart.
“i guess i’ll be going to a ball tomorrow.”
..·:*¨༺ ♚ ༻¨*:·.
it was the day that everyone anticipated for and yet tooru wasn’t excited at all. he lost sight of all hope as of yesterday, after the argument he had with you. even his best friend iwaizumi hajime tried comforting him, in his own unique way.
“oi, it’s your own birthday try to lighten up. you look like a rotting zombie,” he pointed out.
tooru gave iwaizumi a sour look at him and miserably said, ”she isn't coming so what’s the point?”
“she? oh, you mean y/n?” iwaizumi asked, tooru gave a small nod.
“she’ll have to come, you prepared a gown and a carriage for her. how could she refuse? won’t most girls like that?”
“maybe the fact that i screwed everything over plays a major part,” tooru explained.
iwaizumi gave a puzzled look to tooru, clearly not informed of the events that happened yesterday morning. with a heavy sigh, tooru began to catch up with iwa on the unfortunate argument that occurred.
“oh i see now.”
“yeah, you’d think she’d still come?”
“after what you did? no way. i reckon it’ll take a miracle for her to attend,” iwaizumi blatantly replied, making tooru hopeless as he let out another heavy sigh with a blank stare at the floor.
“but, you’ll never know tooru. miracles can happen,” with that iwaizumi stood up from the cold cobblestone step and gave tooru a pat in the back, his steps echoing behind tooru as he continued to remain alone with his thoughts.
don’t lose hope, he thought.
it was definitely easier said than done.
--- ⁠✧
thankfully, you weren’t alone while you were getting dolled up. your trusted friend yachi was here to help. you were fortunate enough for her to stumble upon your bakery as a middle class girl visiting the city and you both instantly connected, although you both barely saw each other as she lived outside the city but you both kept in contact with letters. as of now you both were struggling on putting on the corset.
“y/n you have to breathe in just a little bit more so i can tighten the corset fully!” yachi exclaimed, while tugging the strings to the best of her ability.
“i know yachi i’m trying my hardest!” you cried out, in pain from holding your breath in for so long.
“and…done!” yachi cheered, clapping her hands.
“how can girls wear these things everyday? i’m about to pass out,” you said, exhausted already trying to reach for a chair.
“wait y/n we aren’t done yet, you have to put the petticoat on and then the actual gown,” yachi explained, encouraging you to keep standing.
with a groan you got up and yachi assembled the gown with a blink of an eye.
“oh my god y/n you look so pretty!” yachi praised, admiring you with stars in her eyes.
you bashfully smiled at her and asked,”you really think so?”
“you’ve always been pretty y/n, oh i’ve got something for you,” she said, going into her purse to fetch an object of some sort.
“what is it?” you aksed, curious of what she prepared.
yachi hid the object with both her hands behind her back sneakily and began by saying,”well, in the letter you said that you had been given a purple gown…”
“so..?” you questioned, urging her to continue.
“so i thought i’d glamour you even more,” she explained before showing you a white sapphire necklace with a wide smile. you stared at it, mesmerised by the sheer shine it gave.
“what do you think?” yachi asked, lifting up the necklace.
“i-it’s gorgeous yachi. are you sure i’m allowed to wear it? where did you get it in the first place?” you said in disbelief while yachi laughed at you with your gaze transfixed on the necklace.
“of course you can wear it, that’s the whole reason why i brought it anyway and don’t worry about where i got it from, just be excited to wear it,” she said with a mischievous giggle that worried you, and before you could even reject her offer she was already putting it on you.
thinking you were finished you went to sit down but to your dismay yachi was in front of you holding hair pins and a comb with an ecstatic expression.
“we’re only getting started y/n!”
you nervously gulped, getting ready for the amount of pain you were about to go through.
--- ⁠✧
chatter filled the ballroom as it continued to fill up with hundreds of guests from around the nation. tooru was trying his best to answer all the questions from all of the women surrounding him in a polite manner. although, they all were obviously there for two main reasons: status and power, as they wave their fans at him with a leering expression. however, he was solely looking for a certain someone to walk through the grand doors and for a certain someone to apologise to.
“do you have someone already in mind prince tooru?” one of the ladies asked which made the rest of them quiet, anticipating tooru’s answer.
he knew he couldn’t say yes without upsetting them all and causing a scene so he chuckled and declared, ”no, i don’t. not yet,” which caused them to erupt in ‘oohs’ and giggles, clearly glad with tooru’s response and the chance they all had to court him. although he knew in his mind that he definitely had someone he wanted to court himself.
unfortunately, that certain someone was running late. the carriage was already patiently waiting outside the bakery when you were trying to find the invitation tooru gave you yesterday but you somehow lost it. if it wasn’t for yachi’s help you probably wouldn’t have made it out the front door.
“have fun y/n! don’t forget to say yes when the prince asks for your hand in marriage!” yachi shouted to you in a cheery tone.
“oh be quiet yachi,” you jokingly said, your face heating up at her joke, embarrassed.
“i’m so sorry i’m late, i just couldn’t seem to find the invitation,” you explained to the coachman who gave you a small nod whilst helping you into the carriage.
you’ve never been in a carriage before but you’ve seen many travel back and forth from the palace at the city centre. you’ve always been in awe of them and dreamt of being in one someday and here you are now, admiring it in all its beauty. in contrast to the outside it was much smaller than you’d imagine but the seats were very comfortable for your already sore feet as they weren’t used to high-heeled shoes you were wearing.
i wonder what tooru would think.
--- ⁠✧
it was getting further into the night and there was still no sight of you. tooru looked over to iwaizumi who was trying to communicate to tooru.
“is she here yet?” mouthed iwaizumi, as he stared at tooru still being bombarded with women.
tooru gave him a frown and shook his head. were you ever going to show up?
it was time for the first dance as the string orchestra began playing a waltz for the guests and tooru to dance to. he immediately had a line of ladies encouraging him to dance with them until one troublesome women decided to ‘accidentally’ trip into tooru’s arm into a dramatic pose that wasn’t impressive, but before he could ask if she was alright the orchestra suddenly stopped playing at the sound of the grand doors abruptly opening and everyone’s attention was averted.
“y/n, from the l/n family!” declared the attendee.
as you slowly emerged and came into everyone’s view. they all gasped and started murmuring to each other at the site of the colour of your gown.
“does this girl not have any idea what crime she’s committing?”
“she’s clearly mocking the royal family, how disrespectful!”
“who does she think she is?”
“i’ve never seen her before.”
fortunately, you couldn’t hear them as you were trying your best not to trip as you descended down the flight of steps, holding onto the railing for dear life, but you could feel all the judgemental stares they were giving you in the corner of your eye.
tooru’s heart began pounding in his chest as he saw your descending figure. muttering a quick,”i’m sorry,” to the woman he caught and helped her onto her feet and swiftly began to approach you with haste. he couldn’t let this chance slip from his fingers. not when he has a million things on his mind to say to you.
finally, you stepped down onto the polished marble floor and let out a sigh of relief and glanced up to find a pair of familiar brown eyes with a million hues, belonging to the man of the night, growing larger until they were right in front of you. not once did your eyes break contact with his.
“you made it,” he gawked, astonished at your arivial.
“i wouldn’t miss it for the world,” you beamed at him, forgetting how much you’ve wanted to see him again.
he bowed down. “would you grant me the greatest honour of joining me for my first dance of the night? only if you can handle it,” he teases, thrilled to be in the presence of you.
“you may, only if you can handle having your toes stepped on,” you tease back whilst curtseying, causing the both of you to erupt in laughter.
as tooru led you to the dance floor, all eyes were on you both as the orchestra began to play a waltz again. realising how nervous you must be, tooru gently placed his hand on your waist and held your hard reassuringly.
“just focus on me y/n. let me lead you.” you nodded, trusting in tooru to guide your inexperienced self.
tooru was true to his word as you both glided gracefully around the dance floor. he led you effortlessly, not even flinching when you would accidentally step on his foot for a brief moment. he just kept smiling at you with his gaze transfixed on your face. you couldn’t help but feel bashful.
“you look breathtaking,” tooru began, causing your face to heat up from his compliment.
“oh stop it tooru, you don’t have to say things you don’t mean,” you said, smiling down, still grateful for the compliment.
“it’s true y/n,” tooru affirmed, looking at you with a caring gaze that sent your stomach into a whirlwind.
“well, thank you. you don’t look bad yourself,” you admitted, wanting to compliment him too.
“of course, i am a prince after all,” he jokingly said, making you chuckle.
“did you plan this? us wearing matching colours,” you asked, realising the way he had the exact same shade of purple on his suit as your gown.
“and what if i did? it’s all part of my master plan,” he replied.
“your master plan of what?” you wondered, curious on what he was planning.
“you’ll see~” he retorted, causing you to sarcastically roll your eyes.
you both continued to dance in a comfortable silence until tooru abruptly broke it when he cleared his throat, getting ready to speak.
“i’m sorry y/n, for everything. i’m sorry for the lies i’ve told you about why i was always late to our meetups and why i was always getting bruises and cuts. i’m sorry for not opening up about my life sooner like you did, that wasn’t fair for you and i’m truly sorry for being the reason you cried,” he apologised.
“you saw me?” you asked, surprised that he knew.
he smiled and gazed at you,”how could i leave without taking one last glance at you,”
his words had a way of lifting an invisible weight off your chest. it felt surreal. the way he was able to enchant you with a few meek words that anyone could say, but he had his own unique charm that made you euphoric.
with a pause, tooru closed his eyes for a second, getting ready to say something.
a sudden rough, deep voice caused both of you to stop dancing and turn to see what you assumed to be tooru’s father. his demeanour sent chills down your spine as he looked at you with a stone cold expression. tooru looked irritated and turned around to face the king with a serious face as if he just switched personalities.
“father,” tooru said, in an expectant tone.
“come with me,” he demanded, turning around with his royal cloak following as it fluttered in the air.
tooru gave his father a small nod, his palms starting to become mildly sweaty. before he followed his father, he promptly turned around and held both of your shoulders and whispered,”there’s a side door near the back of the hall, exit from there and you’ll see a small stone shelter. go there and wait for me. i’ll try to be quick.”
the smell of a faint rosemary scent grew stronger as he leaned closer, his breath tickling your skin and an unexpected warmth resided on your cheek. with that he left, with you looking at his figure slowly fading away. you placed a hand to your left cheek where he laid his soft lips and rigidly exhaled. you’re full of surprises tooru, you thought.
you made haste, trying to ignore all the eyes that were on you. to your demise the same girl that tooru caught stood in your way, not moving an inch.
“excuse me ma’am, i have to get through,” you politely asked, starting to become impatient.
"you're not royalty," she accused, looking at you up and down.
"what?" you asked confused, just wanting to get out of the hall.
"you're clearly not royalty. your manners are ridiculous and you certainly don't know when to be on time, you attention seeker," she taunted, causing the crowd around you to gasp and snicker at her accusation.
to say you were peeved was an understatement. she irked you in a way no one has before. her voice was like a nagging child throwing a tantrum. it made your ears bleed. you wanted to grab her fake hair and strangle it around her neck. you would’ve if you had the chance. alas you sadly had to remain calm and collected.
“you’re just being hypocritical, miss. i’m sure everyone here saw the way you desperately threw yourself at the prince,” you retorted with a smile. the woman’s cocky expression quickly dropped to a glare.
“you lowly bitc-”
“i think that’s enough lady ayame,” iwaizumi cut in, his words silencing the crowd as he stepped out into the open.
you turned around to see the owner of the unfamiliar voice walking towards the two of you. he stopped and looked down upon the ayame with cold eyes.
“l-lieutenant iwaizumi,” she cowardly said in fear, curtseying while avoiding his gaze.
he then turned to you. you slightly jumped, scared that he’d glare at you too for causing a commotion. you were frozen in place.
“see lieutenant, she isn’t even showing her manners towards you!” ayame pointed out, trying to justify her actions.
iwaizumi didn’t bother wasting his time by talking to her. instead he raised his hand in a way to silence her in which she immediately stopped talking as he kept his eyes on you. at this point you were sweating bricks, trying to not move an inch. this isn’t what i was signing up for.
“go,” he sternly said, nudging his head to the direction of the door.
all you could reply with was a nod then you grabbed a handful of your gown and ran out, not daring to look back. i’ll have to thank him later, i almost got into a cat fight.
you were amazed at the scenery in front of you when you frantically left the hall. you suspected it to be the royal garden. you stepped down onto the footpath, hearing the therapeutic sound of flowing water from the fountain surrounded by an abundance of radiant flowers. from the dim street lights illuminating the garden, to the warm summer breeze brushing against your skin you felt ethereal and nostalgic at the same time. finally, you entered the stone shelter, still admiring the scenery in front of you as you patiently waited for tooru to arrive.
--- ⁠✧
it must've been more than five minutes now and slowly the rain droplets began pattering against the cobblestone paths and yet it wasn’t cold at all. the summer night prevented it. you hated the humid air as it clung onto your skin, feeling sticky.
you speculated on what kept tooru so back. did his father need to talk to him about an important matter that they had to speak about in private? a thousand questions began to swirl in your mind as you started to worry.
in deep thought, you saw a tall figure approaching through the heavy rain. you stood up, squinting to make out who it was. it was tooru. you immediately started shouting his name whilst waving your hand, encouraging him to run faster. you couldn’t help but beam at his presence, excited to what he was going to tell you. he stood in front of you panting, his hair covering half his face as water dripped from his hair and clothes. he shook his hair like a dog, trying to dry himself. you screamed as you tried to backed away from the water droplets attacking you while tooru evilly laughed trying to get closer to you.
“ugh, tooru get away from me!” you shouted with a light hearted laugh, running around in circles from the small space of the shelter.
tooru laughed in response, catching you from behind with a hug. immediately, your gown started getting wet. you tried hitting his arms so he would let go but he didn’t budge.
“come on tooru, let go of me!” you whined, attempting to pry his arms open.
“hmm, i don’t think i will,” he teased, resting his head on your shoulder.
you huffed and roughly turned yourself around so you could see him, and lifted his damp hair up trying to clearly see his face until you saw a harsh red mark on his cheek. your lips parted at the realisation of why he took so long and cupped his face. this time he didn't flinch or back away.
“tooru…” you painfully started. how could he just stand there and smile at you?
“yes y/n?” he asked, gazing at you with a warm smile, not bothering to hide what you saw.
not finding any words to reply with, you just gave him a warm embrace to which he accepted. you cried deeply inside. why did you always have to see him bruised and battered?
“you don’t deserve this tooru,” you sighed.
“don’t worry about it y/n,” tooru reassuringly replied, stroking your hair.
“ it’s all my fault,” you began.
“if i hadn’t showed up none of this would’ve happened. you would still be in the hall celebrating your birthday, having the time of your life with everyone. but instead you’re stuck with me and now your reputation is most likely ruined. i mean, did you see everyone ogling us? they definitely didn’t enjoy seeing me dance with you,” you concluded with a heavy heart.
“if the world were to suddenly end in the next minute, i wouldn’t regret being stuck with you,” he professed. you couldn’t help but let out a breath of unbelief, marvelled at his statement.
“well tooru, as the next heir wouldn’t you think that you should be spending your time wisely?” you sarcastically asked, eyebrows dramatically raised trying to make him laugh.
“well y/n, i’d be glad to tell you that i’m not the heir to the throne anymore,” he retorted, mocking the same face you made to him.
“yeah sure tooru, nice joke,” you rolled your eyes at him smirking but he kept a straight face.
“that wasn’t a joke y/n,” he claimed, causing you to furrow your eyebrows.
“you’re pulling my leg,” you said dumbfounded.
tooru hysterically laughed at your expression while you stood there wide eyed.
“tooru, please tell me i heard that correctly,” you asked, wanting affirmation on the words you processed.
“what do you think i said?” he teased smirking at you.
“i think you’re lying,” you retorted.
“and why would i ever lie about that?” he asked, enjoying your flabbergasted state.
“y-you’re really not lying?” you questioned, not wanting to fall for another joke. tooru gave you an honest smile. you knew he wasn’t lying anymore.
“holy shit,” you swore out of disbelief. tooru laughed at your reaction.
“is that how you got that?” you pointing to his cheek, looking at him with empathy.
“maybe,” he teased.
“I’m being serious tooru,” you sternly said, having enough with his antics.
he sighed,”well, father called me out to talk about you first and foremost. he scolded me about inviting you and giving you that gown but i didn’t care. that wasn’t the reason why he did this though. i said that i didn’t want to be king and that i was going to leave the palace to join the army like iwaizumi and was the result,” he bashfully said scratching the back of his head.
“does this mean you’re no longer a prince?” you wondered.
“i still am by blood. i'm just not going to be king. i never intended to stay anyway,” he explained.
"then who's going to step up in your place?"
"that's where my sister came in and explained how she's already prepared to be a queen since she's older than me and smarter too. father just never shown her favour because of mother. he wanted her to live a calm and peaceful life. it's quite a twist of events that all came out to my fortune," he smiled to himself, thankful his sister stepped in for him.
"i wish i met your sister," you said, thinking of her as a role model already.
"you really wouldn't. she gets mad at me all the time for the littlest things," he grumbled, remembering all the times he got scolded by her.
"i can understand why, you are like an annoying little pest," you teased with a giggl, to which tooru pouted and whined.
as the two of you died down, a comfortable silence took over as you two listened to the pitter patters of the ongoing rain. i've missed this. what a coincidence that you both thought it at the same time. tooru looked over to your calm figure as you gazed out onto the garden.
"y/n?" tooru called, seeking your attention.
"mhm?" you responded, turning around to face him. he was closer than before.
"remember before i left, I wanted to say something to you?" he asked nervously.
"hmm, oh yeah, you were about to say something to me. what was it?" you recalled, curious onto what he was going to say.
"well, the sole reason i wanted to be a knight was because i couldn't protect my mum. of course no one was able to save her, but the burden and guilt that was left held me accountable from my perspective. it has always been my goal to protect everyone i love," he stopped, catching his breath. you gave him a nod, motioning him to continue.
"y/n, my heart aches everytime we depart. every goodbye you say to me makes me want to come running back to you. every lingering touch made me yearn more from you. i only experience the goodness of life through every second i get with you. truth be told when i say i live now to serve you," he expressed, pouring his heart and soul into every word he said.
"w-what are you getting at tooru?" you hesitantly ask, your heart racing for an answer.
"i love you, y/n. i'm not trying to force you to love me. i just…" he momentarily paused gathering his thoughts before continuing, "i won't ask you to love me, so please just give me permission to love you."
you had the utmost authority right now. he was pleading to you. he loves you. with all these realisations, you stood there, opposite a lovesick tooth, filled to the max with mixed emotions. good ones, where one of which swayed you to leaped into tooru's arms as you held him tightly close.
"is this a yes?" tooru asked with a grin as he gazed at you longingly.
what followed, your weren't entirely too sure. your brain fogged as the proximity between the two of you came to a close. tooru's soft, puckered lips collided gently against yours. you both could exhaled at the contact, releasing all your tensions as the world came to a stop for both of you. sparks of joy leaped from tooru's chest as he cherished the moment. this was his reward for waiting so patiently for you. the strong scent of rosemary intoxicated your lungs as you breathed him in. your hands found its way to his hair, your fingers carding through his locks. you were each others addiction, craving for more, not letting go until you were both satisfied. pulling away, you both took deep breaths whilst gazing at each other fondly. tooru still holding you close.
"that was…" tooru began between small breaths.
"amazing," you finished, a wide smile forming on your heated face.
"of course it was, aren't i a great kisser?" tooru praised, returning back to his charming self.
"oh stop it," you rolled your eyes as you tried to turn away from him.
"look at you becoming shy because of me," he teased, grabbing you by the hand and pulling you towards the rain. you decided to just let him take you, knowing you wouldn't have enough strength to defy him.
"i've always wanted to do this with you," he shouted through the booming sound of rain.
"do what?" you shouted back, trying to block the rain from your view with your hand.
he took your hand and placed it on his shoulder, intertwining his remaining hand with yours. a familiar scene playing out again. instead, this time you both looked ridiculous. clothes soaking wet that whenever tooru would twirl you around your gown would project droplets of water like an umbrella. but you both didn't care. laughing carefree, acting childish, knowing you'd be sick the next day and yet you both had no regrets. the rain began to disperse and you both came to stop, finally tired from all the dancing.
smiling up at him you greeted, "happy birthday tooru," before pulling on his collar and giving him one final peck on his soft pillowy lips, as the summer breeze flowed by and the cicadas buzzed in the trees.
it didn't feel real. it felt heavenly.
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t0rturedangel · 1 year
i need more post covid kyle ‼️🤭
╭ . . . Next to be wed ੭
• ➛ post covid ! Kyle Broflovski x reader ╰ warnings :: swearing, all mistakes are unintentional
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Weddings were something a lot of people stressed out about- actually, you thinks its all people, i mean a wedding is one of the BIGGEST days of someone's life! And it's something you'd like to experience one day.
But right now you cant focus on your own future, you had to worry about your best friend who was currently trying not to cry, you were by her side comforting her as much as you could " Hey, Lily, its okay! We've spent the last months planning this, everything is going to be perfect " the girl sniffed, looking at you trying to blink her tears away so she wouldn't ruin her make up " Its no-not that ! Its just that im so so happy ! "
You deadpanned, kinda finding it silly that she was crying over how happy she is surely you cant be that happy, right? whatever you need to keep these thoughts for later times. Sighing, you hugged her, patting her back " I know, but come on girl! You gotta cry for later, save your tears you need to go get married ! " You let go off her, nodding, a grin on both her face and yours. Standing up, you held her hand and lead her out " You got this girl, we're all rooting for you and your husband-to-be ".
After leading Lily out of the room she met her father who gave you a nod silently thanking you for calming down his daughter, he began to walk her down the isle letting you go off to the other brides maids, looking over across to see your red headed boyfriend, KYLE , who seemed tired and done with the husband, it seemed to you that it wasn't just the bride who got overemotional. You smiled, suppressing a laugh when his eyes met yours, he blushed out of embarrassment then tilted his head to the happy couple who were now saying their vows clearly wanting your attention off of him. You obliged, turning your head, silently celebrating for your friends fortune.
" Lily Iversut do you take Ethan Sither as your husband ? " You friend nodded " I do ! " the priest turned to Ethan " and do you Ethan Sither take Lily Iversut as you wife ? " " I do " " Then you may kiss the bride " and with that the two held each other, lips pressing to the other's. Clapping arose from the people behind them, along side comments congratulating them and ews from the younger children and just after the kiss Lily turned, her back facing everyone, laughing before a bouquet was thrown, chaos starting as all the brides maids and quite frankly all the women at the wedding rushed for the flowers, some pushing and shoving clearly desperate.
Unfortunately for all of them, your hands caught the flowers first all the women around you letting out groans of disappointment and you let out a laugh of victory, hell yeah! You caught the flowers. Mid way through your victory though Lily rushed over, giving you a tight squeeze " You caught the bouquet [ Name ] ! Do you know what that means ?? " You paused, now confused, catching the flowers means something? " No. " " You fucking dumbass [ Name ]- It means you're going to get married next ! " Lily punched you, trying to knock some sense into you- and she did, she so defiantly did
" Me? Married? Next? " you asked, your mind jumbled at the thought of you and Kyle getting married, now it was your turn to become a blushing mess, I mean you've thought about it multiple times and you've actually adored the idea but I mean, would you catching some flowers really make it happen? It kinda sounded stupid " Yes bitch! " Lily laughed, elbowing you before noticing the red head approaching, " Well looks like your future husband coming, I'll leave you to alone ! " She left, giggling away as she returned to her lover, probably chatting about the upcoming party.
" Hey Babe " you greeted, giving him a wobbly smile which he returned but not wobbly. Pressing a kiss to your lips he eyes the flowers " So, you caught them? " " what does it look like ... " Kyle laughed, pulling you close to him, kissing the top of your head " You know what that means " " Yeah, now I do- " "- means that we'll get married next, neat right baby? " " Very " you laughed and in that moment it just seemed like it was just the two of you in that room, holding each other, talking, it was nice but of course the moment was ruined by a guy screaming a ' Who wants booze !!!! '
It was a nice wedding, and it was nice that there was a chance that Kyle will propose to you.
IT was months after the wedding and everyone's lives went back to normal, you eventually forgot about the bouquet you caught and what it meant, continuing your life with Kyle. It was a normal south park day, that is a cold day with the suns ray doing fuck all to warm the town and you and your boyfriend were on a date, it wasn't too fancy just some random Italian restaurant that happened to have a history of having some mafia people in there but since then its gained people's trust n stuff back.
" I'm glad we're on a date babe, it's been a good minute since we had one " you laughed, holding his hand, he laughed along bringing your hand close to his mouth, pressing a kiss to your knuckles " Yeah, i agree hun " he smiled, before getting up " Hey [ Name ], i have a question for you " his smile turned sheepish as he let go of your hand, reaching for something in his pocket. As he pulled out a little black box he knelt down and immediately you connected the dots, a small gasp leaving you lips before Kyle could even ask his fucking question " [ Name ], will you make my life complete and marry me ? " he bit his inner cheek, patiently waiting for your answer and well he didn't really need to wait that long
" YES ! " you cried out " yesyesyesyesyes ! " both you and Kyle stood, your arms wrapping around him, both of you laughing quietly not wanting to draw even more attention to yourselves though you two were in such a joyful moment that you didn't even care. Kyle pressed a kiss to your lips and put the ring on you finger " I'm so glad honey, I'm so glad you said yes " he pressed you closer to him, enjoying the moment.
Maybe thinking that it was idiotic that catching some flowers would make you get married next wasn't so stupid after all.
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dovithedarklord · 10 months
Age of Monsters
Pairing: OFC x Simon "Ghost" Riley, OFC x König
Tags: Slow Burn, Slow Build, Enemies to Lovers, Alternate Universe, Blood and Gore, Blood and Violence, Eventual Romance, Eventual Smut, POV First Person, Not Beta Read, Medical Inaccuracies, Military Inaccuracies, AFAB OC
Trigger Warning: The story will contain violance, blood and smut in detail. Please, keep that in mind!
50 years ago, the world was turned upside down by the appearance of a virus, and monsters destroyed most of the known civilization. For safety, humanity has retreated to colonies all around the world, where life is lived according to strict rules and in fear of monsters. Fortunately, the virus caused something other than just the emergence of mutant monsters, it also awakened the Hunters, who have been heroically protecting the colonies ever since. Leona Woods spends her days in Colony 17 hiding from her duties as a Healer, but her carefree life soon ends when one of her evenings doesn't go as planned. And when karma finally catches up, she is forced to join Liquidation Unit 141 to fulfill her duties.
Life in Unit 141 isn't nearly all sunshine and rainbows, especially when a certain masked Hunter tries to make it even harder. However, the excitement only increases when a new danger appears, which threatens not only the life of the unit but the safety of the entire world. And Leona must decide whether to choose her own interests or the survival of her new team and the world.
The world in the story is inspired by the Guideverse.
Authors note:
Leona ends up in a nice mess after eating her dinner too carelessly. She has no idea how quickly fate will catch up with her.
The story moves quite slowly, so please be patient! 141 boys won't appear in the first chapter just yet, but they will;) I have pretty much covered all the characters in the tags, but the list could expand in the future. (I proofread myself before posting, so sorry if there are mistakes! I write the story in my language first, and I translate it after. English is not my first language, so help is welcomed! Just be nice, please! )
I'll post more chapters, but if you're interested you can find the story on AO3: Chapter One
I lazily stir my cocktail with the small wooden stick in it, as an absentminded distraction, my eyes run through the room enveloped in a flood of colorful, flashing lights. The bass of the music vibrates through my every muscle and bone, and I can almost feel the rhythm in my stomach, sending pleasant shivers through me. This is the thrill of the hunt, to be exact.
The people crammed into the small hall are pressed together like herrings, and the air smells of sweat, cheap perfume, and alcohol. My gaze wanders through the blissfully ignorant dancers from the force of habit, since I've done this a thousand times, I know exactly what I'm looking for. I’m searching for an exact type, a fool who seems lively enough to have just enough energy for a busy weeknight fun, and just as easily swayed by a seductive smile. I'm lucky because it seems like everyone wants to celebrate today, and that might be the reason behind today’s unusual crowd in this club, which is located in a hidden corner of the city. Usually, I would have to choose from a much smaller selection, but today on The Day of the Great Escape, everyone felt the need to paint the town red. Even if someone doesn’t give a damn about the important holiday, this day is still one of the few occasions when even those doing the most menial jobs are given a day off to be able to honor the memory of the first great Hunters who appeared fifty years ago. What an idiotic habit. If they knew the easy lives of those publicly funded mercenaries and executioners… they wouldn't be so grateful that they occasionally venture outside the green zone to kill a mutant monster or two.
Raising my glass to my mouth, I take a generous sip of my sweet cocktail and enjoy the way the alcohol sold at the price of gold pleasantly burns my throat. Like any other luxury item, alcohol is also a treasure, of course, only if you don't want to go blind from the crap concocted at someone’s shady basement. I feel my frustration awaken in the back of my head when I think about the near fortune I spent on the cocktail, but I push the annoying thought away, thinking that in worst case scenario I will not only get my usual snack from tonight's victim, but also the content of their wallet. If I'm lucky, the unfortunate bastard will have a few credits on them. Almost on cue, I catch a glimpse of a guy on the edge of the dance floor who stands out from the ring of people around him like a scarecrow on a cornfield. Judging by his movements, he's not the least bit thirsty, and as I watch him almost tripping over his own feet during his clumsy dance moves, a satisfied grin crosses my lips. Got you.
I down the last remnants of my nauseating drink, and I jump off the bar stool with light movements and throw myself into the crowd of dancers. I make my way toward the cutie I've chosen, not taking my eyes off of him for even a moment, and I feel my heart beating excitedly as I get closer and closer. As the adrenaline spreads through my body, all my senses sharpen, like a wild animal waiting to pounce on its victim. Tonight I'm bubbling with anticipation and impatience more than usual because it's been a week and a half since I caught the last sweet little boy for some private fun… and my appetite is coming back fast. With dull, but steady force.
As I finally arrive behind the boy, my fingers twine on his arms with a butterfly-light touch and travel sensually up to his shoulders. Despite his apparent drunkenness, the guy visibly flinches in fright, and this one tiny movement makes my mouth dry with anticipation. He looks puzzled and surprised as he turns towards me, and as he glances down at me, all my nerves and senses are attuned to him. And as the inviting warmth of his body travels from his hot skin through my fingertips, I can already see the intricate network that weaves through his body in my mind's eye, with his pulsing heart in the middle beating to a fierce rhythm. I don't need to use my ability to know that I don’t have to try hard, because as soon as the first shock wears off in a fraction of a second, he arranges his features on his sweet boyish face and pulls his mouth into a lazy grin. Bingo.
"Hi. " I shout over the music blaring around us, and I conjure up the flirtatious smile that I have perfected over the years, which I know will immediately sweep such simple-minded fools off their feet. Obviously, it also helps a lot that even if the higher powers that supposedly exist have already cursed me with my fucking abilities, they at least put conventionally attractive features on me. It would be foolish to deny that I am charming, and I am neither modest nor delusional enough to try to lie to myself about it. It would certainly be a more attractive quality to blush and protest against such facts in order to score good points in the eyes of other people, but if there is one thing I have learned it is that in this new order, you won’t get far with modesty and goodness. That fair world has been gone since the first mutant monsters slaughtered an entire city, or maybe it never even existed.
"Hello... " The guy greets me too, and as he turns towards me welcomingly, ready to flirt, my hands clasp around his neck with a swift movement, and I snuggle up to him with my whole body, promising salacious adventures. It doesn't escape my attention how his pupils dilate almost on command, as my breasts press against his chest and my nails run through the back of his neck teasingly. I can almost feel it in my mouth how the heat of his desire starts to build and a tingle fueled by lust travels through him. It's ridiculously easy for me to turn him on, but he’s exactly the type of easy target I usually hunt for. He's just drunk enough to not be able to think clearly but be up for action when a pretty girl approaches him. He's just healthy enough to withstand my snacking but weak enough to not be able to resist. Not that he'd stand a chance against me.
I’m not wasting time on talking anymore, because I can tell from his heated gaze and his fast-beating heart that I could climb on him even here if I wanted to. But I was always shy when it came to my private life. I like it better when we enjoy these intimate moments together without any pesky interruptions.
I remove the presence of my naughty little body from the guy, and as his dark eyes fill with disappointment, I hold back the laughter that threatens to burst out of me with all my might. I grab him by the arm, and I just give him a teasing smile over my shoulder as I point towards to the exit with my head, and his quick to understand what I’m implying. He follows me without a question as I lead him out of the dance floor with purposeful steps towards the back entrance of the club. He stumbles along like the fool he is, with a distinct look of puppy-like longing spread on his face. And I send tiny sparks of my energy into his body through his skin, which boosts the already present alcoholic stupor in him even more, because I never leave anything up for luck. We should look like just a simple, carefree young couple who after finding each other in the heat of the night, are heading somewhere, anywhere, to relieve their needs. Which is true. But I suspect that this little cutie and I are not thinking about the same needs as we are galloping towards the exit.
And as the back door opens and the cool fresh air of the night hits me, the all too known impatience that usually comes at this time takes over me. I've been feeling that painful tension in my stomach for days now, which indicates that I can't wait any longer and I have to find someone to help my little problem. I hate the feeling when I squirm in bed with a heated body, trying to fall asleep, but every part of me aches and pleads for me to just finally satisfy my hunger.
As the guy finally exits the club behind me the door closes behind us with a loud bang. The dim light filtering in from the street only vaguely paints his features, but I can make out enough to know that by now my machinations got him ready for the finale. I don't like what I am, but I love my abilities. If the members of my species weren’t treated like objects or animals for slaughter, I wouldn't be frustrated by all of this shit.
I drag the now completely dazed guy towards one of the corners filled with cardboard boxes, forcing him to back up against the hard concrete, trapping him with my arms over his shoulders. The sight could look quite comical, a girl who is at least half a head shorter, pinning a grown man to the wall with a gesture taken from a romantic movie, but I know that out of the two of us, I am not the prey. But he is.
"I like girls who take initiative. " He says, his words smeared by alcohol and from my little tricks echo in the darkness of the alley. I pull a lazy little smile on my face as I kneel down in front of him, and I’m quick to unfasten his belt and unbutton his pants with my hands. I can almost hear how the air catches in his throat, and when I look up at him and see the stunned look that blooms on his face, I release my laughter. My God. It gets me every time.
"Then it's your lucky day. " I answer, and I feel my voice deepen and get filled with the longing caused by my hunger. He swallows his Adam's apple bobbing as my hands start to pull down the rough fabric of his pants from his narrow hips with excruciating slowness. Goosebumps rise on his skin when I grip the lean muscles of his thighs and I involuntarily lick my lips as the pulsating veins appear before my eyes. I nudge his legs apart and he obediently spreads them wider, and I lean forward to smooth my lips on his now-exposed skin. A shiver runs through him as I follow the line of blood vessels branching under his skin with my tongue, and I mark the place where I plan to eat my meal with a small seductive kiss. I give him another boost with my energy so that he gets even more stunned, and he tilts his head back with his eyes closed, his breathing speeds up desperately, and all the while he doesn't even notice how I make a small incision on his thigh with the small blade I dug out of my pocket. The first drops of blood emerge from under the pale skin, and I, like a thirsty pilgrim left in the desert, throw myself on the small pearls that surface. I press my mouth tightly to the wound, and my teeth tingle painfully as I swallow the first sips, but I know, that even if a stupid bastard like him would discover a bite mark, he could easily put the pieces together and get me caught. So I’m momentarily satisfied with the way the metallic taste of blood fills my taste buds, and my whole body trembles as the familiar heat sweeps along my spine. I sigh with relief, as the hunger gnawing at my insides begins to ease, and the torturous feeling that has been twisting my stomach for days is replaced by the euphoria, which is hard to put into words, that rears its head in my body with each meal. My energy begins to throb excitedly in my veins, and my head is taken over by a daze similar to alcoholic intoxication, which makes my limbs quite light and weightless. Despite this, my fingers grip the thighs of my victim even harder, who stiffens under my hands, groaning in confusion. It must not be a pleasant feeling, but none of them have died yet from the tiny little blood loss I caused. The next day, they are as good as new, and they easily mistake the minute sickness that I cause for the evil aftereffect of a hangover. After all, who doesn't feel like shit after drinking through the night before?
I get lost in my meal, and the intoxicating taste of blood obscures my senses and leads me to a fleeting state of ecstasy, and I know that it is almost time to stop because there is a level of blood loss that can’t be attributed to the fatigue of a hangover. However, before the thought can ripen in my foggy mind, searing pain shoots through my scalp, and I hiss as the unknown force grabs my hair and pulls me away from the subject of my feast. My brain can't get out of its stupor right away, so it is not particularly difficult for me to lose my balance. I arrive on the damp concrete of the alley with a loud thump, and I blink wide-eyed at my assailant from the sudden surprise. The unknown man walks over to the guy slumped on the floor with a worried look, who just as all my victims do, passed out after my little dinner.
"Roy! Roy!" Tries the stranger as he talks to the knocked-out guy, and I pull myself up to my feet. I wipe my mouth glistening with blood with the back of my hand as I watch the potential friend of my dinner trying to breathe some life into the poor kid. When he doesn't succeed, he turns towards me and steps in front of me menacingly, grabbing the collar of my sweater. "What the fuck did you do to him, you bitch?"
"We played a little." I declare easily, and as my eyes focus on the boy sprawled out on the dirty ground, an evil little grin curls on my lips. "And it seems I literally blew his mind with my professional technique."
"Don’t fuck with me! " The guy snarls at me dangerously and shakes me by my clothes, which makes my funny mood disappear almost immediately. Based on how his face gets contorted in anger, it becomes clear that my lip service won’t get me out of this situation, and I'm cursing to myself as I assess the possibilities. Although there are no cameras in this alley, I can guarantee that this bastard will be able to give an accurate description of me if I just let him slip out of here. If I don't do something now, he's going to call the enforcers, which is a literal death sentence for me. Because, even if I lie that I indulged in little more perverted pleasures than necessary, they will immediately suspect that something is wrong. And if they find out what I am... that can't happen.
But before I could create a concrete plan in my mind, the guy loses his patience and raises his hand, preparing to put some sense in me. However, before he could hit me, I target his knee with a firm kick causing it to dislocate with a loud crack, and as he loses his balance, his grip on my clothes loosens too. The roar that erupts from the guy is muffled by my hand fast on his mouth, and taking advantage of the situation, I throw myself at him and knock him off his feet. His head hits the ground with a sickening sound, but that’s not nearly enough to make him unable to attack. It seems that the adrenaline is starting to work in him too, because his hands suddenly slam down on my neck and wrap around it with a vise-like grip. A stifled cough breaks out of me as the pressure of his fingers slowly squeezes my trachea, and then it becomes completely clear what I have to do to get out of the hot water I got myself into.
I press my hands firmly on his head and, while struggling with shortness of breath, I concentrate the energy bubbling in me towards the man. Tears well up in my eyes from the effort, but I can still feel the blood vessels in his brain, and I clench my teeth as I begin to increase the pressure in them. I almost see the image of the tiny, spider web-like system swelling up and getting dangerously close to bursting like an overinflated balloon. The man's grip around my neck loosens, he grabs my wrists now and tries to pry my hands off of him, but he has no chance. Pure desperation takes over his features, his eyes widen and his body begins to jerk wildly underneath me, but that doesn't deter me from finishing what I started. Because if I show even an ounce of mercy, I'll get the short end of the stick. If I don't kill him, I'll be exposed and dragged off to be used like fucking battery for the rest of my life. I’ll lose everything I have, but most of all, my freedom. If I don't end it now, I'll suffer the same fate as the other Healers and I’ll be used by some Hunter until I die. I can't let that happen. I WON’T let it happen.
Rage and anger fill my consciousness, and suddenly a red mist swallows everything in my sight, which makes me focus only on the suffering of the man below me fighting for his life. My fingers claw into his skin, and for a moment the thought runs through my mind about how it would feel to crack his skull and see his bones break under my grip. A painful snoring sound leaves the man's mouth, his mouth fills with bloody foam, red liquid begins to flow from the corner of his eyes drawing vivid lines on his deathly pale skin, and I tensely observe his death throe. A few minutes stretch into an eternity as I watch the last sparks of life disappear from his eyes, and the vague emptiness of death takes their place. Suddenly the man freezes, his limbs going limp under me in surrender, and as a last soft gurgling moan leaves his lips, I know it's over. The frantic rush of his blood ceases under my fingers, and his heart, which until now was hammering restlessly under his ribs, is now silent.
I kneel over the dead body below me panting, and I pause for a moment to look at my "creation". I'm not surprised that I don't feel any remorse, because I left the guilt and shame behind me a long time ago, in that dark little corner of my mind, where there might still be a drop of tenderness left. I can still vaguely remember the panic that came over me the first time I accidentally killed someone. I will never forget the young guy’s face, the freckles dotting his nose, which shone almost sickeningly dark on his skin pale from blood loss. The frightened whimper that left those lips that slowly turned blue forever embedded itself in the tangled webs of my memory. But everyone else who stood in my way looms as vague, unrecognizable spots in the depths of my brain, and it doesn't bother me one bit. A normal person might be affected by so many lives lost in vain, but I learned a long time ago that these are all luxuries that the likes of me cannot afford. That's why I still feel nothing but pure frustration and anger for making such a simple mistake. I didn't pay attention to the friends. You should never target a victim with friends, because after a while they always show up worried. It's understandable, of course, but it's just an unnecessary problem for me.
A strained sigh leaves my lips as I stand up, dusting off my clothes, and I step over the body lying motionless on the ground. My night didn't turn out exactly as I wanted, and as a sharp, migraine-like pain rips through my head, I'm already sure that my dinner tonight was wasted. Small snacks like this are just enough to satiate my hunger, but not enough to pump me up enough to stop me from being cranky after using my powers to such an extent. I should have eaten a lot more for this. Fuck. In a few days, I'll be able to play this whole little charade again to find a fool to drink from. And I can throw away a bunch of credits again to go to one of the clubs and have an alibi drink.
I pull the corner of my mouth in distaste as I remember the poor state of my wallet, and if possible my mood becomes even more gloomy as I realize that unfortunately robbing my victims will not be an option tonight. That way, if I'm lucky, enforcers will see this as nothing more than a tragic consequence of a night out where one of the unfortunate dudes had fun with the wrong stuff, and the other drank just a little bit too much. But if I take their credits now, then robbery and murder will also enter the picture, which would be true, but I have no need for any unnecessary excitement.
So I take one last look at the two guys, straightening my sweater, and I head towards the exit of the alley to enter the street swimming in flickering lights, making my way home. Every muscle in my body screams for sleep, and as the knife-like pain in my head increases, I want nothing more than to rest and forget this miserable night.
My fingers drum nervously on the table, adding a fast and restless rhythm to the background noise of the machines humming softly in the lab, the whole thing resulting in a symphony that slowly drives me crazy. My eyes are fixed on the radio lying on the counter next to me, and although now the monotonous female voice from the other side is talking about general news affecting the entire colony, I still keep replaying a scrap of information that barely reached two minutes over and over again, as if an old and broke record player had stuck in my head, on which the needle keeps jumping on the same tune.
The previous night, I threw myself into bed with the firm belief that everything was fine and that I had no reason to worry about anyone paying enough attention to the deaths of two insignificant civilians in a party district. One would think that the enforcers have their hands full with monitoring smugglers and petty criminals selling illegal drugs, or supervising food distribution units, but no. Of course, in a city where it is common for someone to disappear or die, where the law-keeping organizations are struggling with a shortage of people, the biggest news is that two random young dudes were found in an alley under questionable circumstances. Out of thousands of similar cases, the wretched news providers just had to pick this one, which was described exactly as desperate and terrifying as it should be to get some clout. But it couldn’t be further from the truth. Similar atrocities happen daily, it's enough if someone doesn't buy from a good dealer and stuffs themself with goods made from all kinds of crap in a basement. Or it's enough if someone has more food stamps than the others, and if someone feels even a tad bit jealous of this, then the unlucky fool will be found on the street the next day knocked out because of those few pieces of paper. And I make one mistake and these hyenas immediately feel the need to overanalyze it under a magnifying glass.
A thousand thoughts run through my head, and in every one of them, I try to figure out why the officials believe that this case is different from the others they encountered until now. Why did the interviewed spokesman emphasize the fact that this case shows such an unusual pattern that they are forced to carry out a thorough investigation? I can theorize a thousand possible mistakes, and I could find a solution to all of them almost immediately, but the doubt that crawls into my brain just can’t seem to leave and I can’t help but feel that this time I really was careless.
There were no cameras in the alley, nor in that shithole of a club, so there was nothing that could have recorded my face. Due to the holiday, there were too many people in the club to give a good personal description of any of us. And my dinner last night was far too drunk and dazed to remember anything substantial about me. They won’t go far with the information that a pretty little girl dragged him away. There are thousands of cases like that in this cursed city. They could have found my DNA or my fingerprints on one of the bodies, and they can find me based on that, but I can bluff that I just wanted a nice little threesome with the guys, and when they offered me some weird substance, I walked away. There is no way to prove that this is the case, nor is there any evidence to the contrary. And they can't bring me in without solid proof. And anyway. Who would believe that a short, weak young woman could knock out two grown men?
Almost instinctively, my tongue wanders to the line of my teeth, and as it runs along the plastic, I clench my fists nervously. They can't possibly suspect anything about who I am. There's no way in hell they'll find out I'm an Extreme. They won't test DNA because it's an expensive procedure, and they won't do any further research for a simple murder case where NOTHING points to an Extreme. They won’t be able to reveal my identity, even if they end up linking me to the case somehow.
I have been hiding my identity since I was thirteen years old, and no one has a chance to see through my disguise, which I have perfected over the years. Although an Extreme would be easy to recognize, because who the hell wouldn't be able to see when a person has vertical pupils and razor-sharp canines? But I have this under control. Cheap contact lenses, and even cheaper removable veneers, and the problem is solved. And the scent of my energy could only be smelled by a professional, high-ranking Hunter, especially what is left of it now. Everything seems ideal, the realistic part of me knows that the chances of me being exposed are small, but the stress hormones working inside me plant the doubt that small enough is still not zero. It will never be zero.
The sudden window that pops up on the computer screen jolts me out of my thoughts, which were moving strongly towards gloomy suspicion and tense fixation, and for the first time in my life, I turn quickly toward a finished result. It's not like I'm careless in my work, after all, to maintain a normal life, you have to be thorough and a good worker bee. But suddenly anything seems like a good distraction, and I honestly thank the fact that I still have six hours of work left, because it may distract me from the chaos raging in my head.
I take one last anxious glance at the radio, which is already playing some melodious song by an unknown band, and then I turn to my computer instead. I don't have to worry. Like all sensations, this will pass in no time. Everything will be fine. Nothing will happen. NOTHING.
But when I get home a few days later, two strange men are waiting in front of the door of my small apartment, and I already know that nothing will be fine. I quickly assess the two figures, and it immediately becomes obvious that although they are not wearing uniforms, they are clearly enforcers. They turn their heads towards me in unison, and the neon light of the lamp on the ceiling paints the dark expression gliding across their faces in an eery glow. Only two words flash in my mind; They know.
Still, I force a mask of honest surprise on myself, and as I move towards them with slow and deliberate steps, I try to take on the role of a meek, defenseless, and more importantly naive young woman with every movement. It's ridiculously easy because I've been forced to play it all my life, but now I'm analyzing almost every fiber of myself with tense attention, as the two men silently size me up.
"Leona Woods?" Says one of the enforcers, and his hoarse voice echoes hauntingly off the dirty walls. "We hoped we were in the right place."
At first glance, it may seem like the situation about to unfold is completely harmless, but as the taller man pulls his hands out of his pockets, but it does not escape my attention how a metallic glint appears for a fleeting moment under his jacket. They came with weapons, and from that, I can immediately conclude that they did not show up for a simple chit-chat. They won’t be playing a pleasant game of question-and-answer with me as witnesses, but as a suspect, and the recognition creates an unpleasant pressure in my stomach. Calm down. Take it easy. They may be suspicious, but they don't have anything in their hands.
"What can I help you with?" I ask innocently, and I mix just enough incomprehension into my voice to make my little play look authentic. I arrive in front of them with a faint little smile on my lips, every cell radiating I am indeed just a simple civilian. Someone who may have been involved in a very sad misunderstanding, but is in no way capable of killing or even injuring someone.
"We’d like to ask you a few questions." Says one of the men, and as he flashes his official ID card, my eyebrows rise in feigned surprise. "If possible, we'd rather not talk to you here. Could you let us in?" My new guest points towards my front door with his head, and I fish out my keys from my bag accompanied by a cooperative nod. I concentrate on keeping my fingers from shaking with every fiber of my being, as I insert the key into the lock because nothing would give me away faster than them seeing me upset. And it's a difficult task, because with every second the tension raging inside me increases.
"After you." I open the door, and as soon as I turn on the light, the two men march into my small apartment after a quiet "thank you". I hesitate for a minute, but finally, the door closes behind me with a soft click, and after slowly kicking off my shoes, I follow the two enforcers into my modest little living room. The faces of the two strangers do not reveal anything, as they peer into the living room and take a quick, but rather detailed look at the room. And I follow their every movement, like a startled stray dog surrounded by dogcatchers. What an apt analogy.
"Take a seat." I gesture towards the thousand-year-old sofa in the middle of the room, and after giving one last look at the furniture of my modest apartment in search of some kind of clue, they silently take the seat offered to them. I follow their example with measured calmness, and I try to sit down in the armchair opposite them as carelessly as possible, smoothing out the creases in my pants with my hands, so that at least I can reduce the growing restlessness inside me. "What did you want to ask me about? " I ask with sincere curiosity, and I consciously try to banish any doubt, anger, or malice from my voice. It is quite obvious that these two men are not simple enforcement officers, because they behaved like two hounds on a hot scent just waiting for the opportunity to pounce from the get-go.
"Three days ago, two men were found in one of the nightclubs in sector H. Thankfully, one of them only lost consciousness, but unfortunately the other victim was already dead by the time they were found." Begins one of the enforcers, who seems to be the older of the two with his graying hair and crow's feet around his eyes. "We have reason to assume that you might be able to provide us with useful information." He states pointedly, and before I can even think about opening my mouth to speak, his companion pulls out a couple of black and white pictures from his jacket’s pocket.
My gaze lingers on the older man for a moment, so it doesn't become clear to them that I want to look at those pictures so much that every muscle in me goes rigid with desperation. And when I finally turn my eyes to the photos resting on the table, I feel my blood run cold. Until now, I was sure that there is no chance of them connecting me to the case, but even I don't have any ridiculous objections to the way I recognize myself in those goddamn pictures. While there may not have been a security camera in the alley, I must have forgotten that the fucking motel across the street must have one installed for the safety of its clients. And this camera isn't the kind that captures people as blurry, smudged blobs. No, this fucking camera recorded me pulling my pretty little ass out of that dark hole in such sharp detail that it occurs to me for a moment that this coincidence could only have happened in my honor.
"I was there on that night." I confirm the facts shown in the prints, it would be completely unnecessary to deny what is in the photos lying on the worn surface of the table because it's clear as day that I’m the one unlucky idiot on them. "But I'm afraid I can't help you with anything more." I smile faintly, just enough to not seem obviously unfriendly, despite the fact that a burning lump is forming in my throat and the gears in my head are immediately starting to turn, wondering what chances I have to get out of the shit in which I seem to be sinking up to my neck.
"I'm not so sure about that, unfortunately. " Answers the older enforcer, and fishes out his communicator from the pocket inside of his jacket, on which a very interesting hologram image appears after he presses a few buttons. I recognize almost immediately what is written on the investigation document, and I have to hold back the small disgusting smile that wishes to appear on my face with all my might. As I expected, they apparently found my DNA on one of the victims, and thanks to that the lab result which proves the sample found matches my DNA is staring at me in a faint blue light. Calm down, you expected this.
"I met a handsome boy that night, but flirting and having sex is hardly illegal." I remark innocently, and as my eyes fall on the two men, I allow a small, light superiority to creep onto my face. But as the man flicks the hologram lightly with his finger, all my joy disappears like a speck of dust in the wind and is replaced by shock, and I can no longer control my face where genuine terror settles in.
"It isn't, indeed. But hiding a Healer, or rather an Extreme Healer status, and killing people are." The enforcer gets to the point, and his eyebrows furrow grimly on his forehead, as his gaze wanders meaningfully from the hologram to me. A nerve-racking silence settles in the room for a moment, as I try to comprehend the data presented to me, and every brain cell fights against the denial of reality. Because the inscription "Status: EXTREME" appearing in all capital letters on the last page of the lab result cannot be a figment of the imagination. Because all of this would have to be a nightmare, and this situation is clearly real, because my pulse pounding in my ears, the gnawing, visceral dread creeping into my stomach can't just be the work of a dream. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to come with us to the headquarters."
This one sentence is enough to make the future immediately appear in my head. They’ll drag me, brand me, and put me on the market like a horse so that whoever is the fastest can take me. I will join some unit with Hunters, and every single day I will charge and heal a different stupid bastard each time until one day I inevitably become useless and they get rid of me. And then, if I'm lucky, I won't vegetate as a houseplant in a research institute, but maybe someone will take me in and turn me into a whore. This is the fate that awaits most Healers, and I am not so delusional as to believe that I will be lucky enough to be one of those rare cases where the Hunter will not treat me like an object. Especially as an Extreme. I'll be the real gourmet meal. They will be able to use me for a long time. If they don't take away my blood supply, like the opportunity to recharge from ordinary Healers, they will be able to leech off me for years and decades. No fucking way.
As if I had suddenly found enlightenment, the fear of death disappears from my face with disturbing speed, and I nod with a careful movement. Standing up, I obediently walk toward them, raising my hands in front of me, and it doesn't escape my attention as their eyes glide over my figure cautiously. It doesn't matter that they are suspicious, they are not prepared for what comes next.
The older man orders his companion with just a silent gesture, and I patiently wait for the guy to stand up and step in front of me with the handcuffs unfastened from his belt. But before my new trendy bracelet could snap on me, I grab the man's arm emerging from under his jacket and send a significant amount of energy into his body, causing him to suddenly sprawl on the carpet with widened eyes and a loud thump. It takes the other enforcer a moment to realize what's happening, but he reaches for his gun too late, because I'm already there in front of him, and my nails are digging into his skin with force as I press my palm into his face, causing his head to drop back, and his body to fall on the cream-colored fabric of the sofa unconsciously.
I don't waste any time, I tear open the door of my apartment and I bolt out almost immediately in desperation. I run along the corridor with the agility of a chased wild animal, and when I reach the staircase, I take the steps two at a time. There's only one thing in my head, that I don't care how, but I'm going to escape from here because there's no way I let myself get caught. I'll break out of this fucking city myself if I have to, and wind my way through the monster-infested red zone until I get to the nearest colony. They won't catch me. NEVER.
The small shards of glass scattered on the pavement sink painfully into my bare feet, as I throw myself onto the street and continue running without any consideration. The pain appears only as a distant, dull pang in the hidden corner of my brain, because now even I have bigger problems at hand than how much damage I'm doing to my leg. The biting night air burns my lungs as I sprint breathlessly through the unusually desolate neighborhood, but I don't waste precious energy trying to figure out why the street is so empty on a weekday evening.
And I don't even have time to think about this any longer, because before I can turn into the side street behind one of the blocks, a sharp, shooting pain rips through my back, and whatever hit me, the force of the impact is enough to make me stagger with a startled squeal, and I fall to the ground like a rag doll. My hands ache excruciatingly as they get stuck under me in an attempt to cushion my landing, and my nose is hit by the familiar smell of blood as the concrete scrapes the skin from my palms. Despite the burning sensation, the narrow object sticking out of my back worries me more as I touch it. It dawns on me that it might be some kind of tranquilizer dart, but by the time I can congratulate myself on my foresight, I can already feel my limbs turning heavy like stones. The image of the street swimming in colorful lights blurs in front of my eyes, and no matter how hard I struggle, I can only whimper softly, as I try to fight with my last strength against the temptation of the darkness that falls on me.
"Forgive me, sweetheart. But you're not goin’ anywhere from here." Someone speaks up not far from me, but I hear the voice muffled as if my head has been submerged under water, and it only travels to my ears as dull and distorted fragments. Halfway to losing consciousness, I catch the sight of booted feet swimming into my field of vision. I want to come up with some kind of witty remark, but before even a sound can leave my mouth, the darkness engulfs me. Fuck.
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barelytolerabled · 1 year
The Accidental Proposal
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Derek Morgan x fem!Reader
Summary: You and Derek are working on a case when you accidentally propose to him during an undercover mission.
Warnings: none
You and Derek had been working on a case for weeks now, and tensions were running high. The case involved a serial killer who had been targeting women in the area, and the team had been working around the clock to catch him.
One night, you and Derek went undercover at a local bar, hoping to gather information from some of the regulars. You were dressed to the nines, wearing a tight black dress and high heels, while Derek looked as dashing as ever in his suit and tie.
As you both sat at the bar, chatting with some of the patrons, Derek leaned in close to you and whispered, "You know, Yn, you look absolutely stunning tonight."
You felt a blush rise to your cheeks as you smiled at him. "Thank you, Derek. You're not looking too bad yourself."
As the night wore on, you and Derek continued to chat with the patrons, gathering information and trying to keep a low profile. But then, out of nowhere, Derek turned to you and got down on one knee.
"Yn, will you marry me?" he asked, holding out a small ring box.
You were stunned. "Derek, what are you doing? We're undercover!"
Derek looked around, realizing his mistake. "Oh, crap. I didn't mean to do that. I was just trying to make it look convincing."
You chuckled, relieved that it was all just an act. "Well, you definitely succeeded in that, Derek."
As the night went on, you and Derek couldn't help but feel a bit awkward around each other. The accidental proposal had changed the dynamic of your relationship, and you weren't quite sure how to proceed.
The next day, as you both sat in the bullpen going over case notes, Derek spoke up. "Hey, Yn, about last night..."
You turned to face him, waiting for him to continue.
"I know it was just an act, but...well, it got me thinking. Would you ever consider marrying me for real?"
You were taken aback by his question. You had always been attracted to Derek, but you never thought he felt the same way. "Derek, are you serious?"
He nodded. "I am. I know it's crazy, but I can't help how I feel."
You took a deep breath, considering his proposal. "Derek, I think you're a wonderful man, but we work together. If things don't work out between us, it could make things awkward at work."
Derek nodded, understanding your concerns. "I know, but I can't help how I feel, Yn. I just had to ask."
You smiled at him, grateful for his honesty. "I appreciate that, Derek. And who knows? Maybe someday we'll both be ready for something more."
As you both turned back to your case notes, you couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of closeness with Derek. The accidental proposal had changed things between you, but in a good way. You knew that whatever happened in the future, you would always be there for each other.
As the case progressed, you and Derek found yourselves working more closely together than ever before. You couldn't help but notice the way he looked at you, and the way he always seemed to be there when you needed him most.
One night, after a long day of chasing leads, you found yourself alone in the bullpen with Derek. The rest of the team had gone home, leaving the two of you to finish up some paperwork.
As you both worked, Derek turned to you and said, "You know, Yn, I can't stop thinking about what I said the other day. About wanting to be with you."
You looked up at him, surprised by his confession. "Derek, I don't know what to say."
He took a deep breath. "I know it's not ideal, with us working together and everything. But I just can't help how I feel."
You looked into his eyes, feeling a rush of emotion. "Derek, I feel the same way. But we have to be careful. We can't let our personal lives interfere with our work."
He nodded, understanding your concerns. "I know, Yn. But I promise, I'll always put our work first. I just...I can't imagine not being with you."
You smiled at him, feeling a sense of warmth and comfort. "I can't imagine it either, Derek."
As the weeks went by, you and Derek continued to work closely together, but now with a newfound sense of closeness and intimacy. You found yourselves stealing glances at each other during meetings, and sneaking away for private moments whenever you could.
One night, after a long day of chasing leads, Derek took you out for a drink. As you sat at the bar, sipping your drinks and chatting, he turned to you and said, "Yn, I know this might be sudden, but...I can't wait any longer. Will you be my girlfriend?"
You felt a rush of excitement and joy, knowing that you wanted nothing more than to be with him. "Yes, Derek. I will."
He smiled at you, taking your hand in his. "I promise, Yn. I'll always be there for you. No matter what."
You smiled back at him, feeling a sense of peace and contentment. You knew that whatever the future held, you and Derek would face it together, as partners in both work and life.
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bridge the gap with me
noa x human reader
2k words ugh lol not proofread, so if there are mistakes, I'm sorry. I hope it's well received, though 😁
chapter 2: new area's to explore
When I woke up I wondered if I should lay in for a bit longer or get a move on with my day before I could even get in a better comfy position my stomache grumbled and I wondered if feeling hungry was worth getting up. "alright (y/n) its time to get up your hungry and and you don't know the area... yes (y/n) I know that you dumbass but i want to lay in bed right now it's super comfy and my feet ache" i said speaking to myself trying to motivate myself.
i sigh grab my water bottle and pack up its better to always be ready to be on the move lets I want to go through the trouble of scavenging for new supplies which isnt ideal. Once I found a river I was able to get a pot boiling to have clean water and I had my spear which really is just a long stick poised ready to attempt to catch fish if this didn't work I'd have to go back and remake my weird fish trap basket but it kept being destroyed. after an hour I cought three but my spear tip was damaged from smacking it into the rocks. "damn it (y/n) okay okay i'll try again with the stupid trap." I grumble to myself I used the knife to remove the scales and remove the insides. I then went around looking for any vegetables or herbs to add.
"Hell yeah!" I cheered I found a good find and thought 'huh this place is pretty good nothing has come to attack or claim territory so far maybe I can settle here for bit.' "first things first find good shealter prefebly near a good water source then I can make a garden with all the seeds I found so far. maybe building a house if I go back to the library and find something on how to step by step.." I sigh went back to my camp and get ready to make breakfast.
afterwards I begin to look around the river going upstream 'I wonder if I can make a tree house' "I always wanted one maybe I can and it would keep me away from predators too" I then made up my mind "well looks like I found the place for me." I smirk lost in a world not my own I was going to thrive not die.
It took months to get everything ready and even longer to find a sturdy tree and make the materal I needed good thing I arrived in early spring I could handle the heat but I had to be ready for the winter I struggles and many times gave up but now a months later a decently sized tree house and I was thinking of making another that connected by a bridge for food storage. My hands were calloused and a it cut my gloves worn down a good amount. I had a lot of times hit my head. "Primative tool but they worked for a reason" I say as I tug on the roap ladder making sure it was sturdy before climbing up it was about 15 ft up I had to be sure no accidents happened I'm so glad I made railings. it was a decent side only one room and a side building for using the restroom I though of building it on the ground but if I had to go at night I didn't want to chance fallingi just use a roap the take the bucket down and use it a fertilizer.
I looked at my little garden and I hope to expand it soon after watering and taking care of that I decided to start on the wooden bridge. After a few hours I wasn't even halfway done but I strectched my back the cracking was perfectly satisfying," Man and I thought my back was bad before now I'm sure I will hate myself in the future," I looked up and lay back "but damn did I do a good job..." I let my eyes close and drift to sleep unconsciously thinking of my family and friends what were they doing how are they did they miss me?
When winter hit I made sure to stock up scavenging for blankets or material to make blankets and bedding. It was my first winter here it was harsh and unforgiving I would have froze if I wasn't so diligent.
I was halfway through making the storage areas foundation so the vegetables and fruits I had had to be stored with me though they didn't last long. Meat and fish I had to dry them out like jerky or eat it then and there. "I wonder where I am and how close I can get to the ocean or maybe I can somehow use salt water from the lake to make salt it would sure make this food taste better." I sigh and decided to try it out I brought my pot my successfully made fish trap (after many many MANY trial and errors) and decide to find a salt lake or river maybe with my hunting knives on I ventured out it was a ways away I don't know how long I'd be gone but I have memorized the area of my home rather well this time I would explore a new area.
With a hop skip and step I made sure to be on the look out new area means new danger. I was careful but nothing was too bad in the year I have been here I have yet to run into any apes and honestly I didn't know what I would do if I did. It was one thing to see them on a screen but to be here where if I cross the wrong ape I could be beaten to death or worse it was frightening.
I know they are more evolved now with human intellect but that made them even scarier in real life but like any species there are good and bad in every group. where there was bad people or apes there had to be good and I full heartedly believe that but I'm no fool its my life on the line I had to get smarter stronger and adaptive reactive I wanted to live. I began humming another song it was from epic the musical 'thunderbringer' it was catchy I had to admit the whole musical was.
In the distance I heard a horse I tensed did I want to go see it to confirm would curiosity kill the cat? I don't know but I was moving anyways a river separated me from who I saw. Apes a few actually they were slim a few children played around them the elder ones looked to be chastising them not to get too close to the water. I remember reading this some apes couldn't swim due to muscle mass, body structure, low body fat percentage and other factors. The babies were really cute though I decided to leave them to themselves. I saw a few male apes watching fishing or petting birds acting as gaurds. I noticed a few of the same type bird in trees flying around or on the chimps.
as I walked away I heard a commotion which prompted me to hide did they see me?! I was scared but no the noises started going down wind. "Lets go I should go I could be in trouble if I'm caught." I went back like an idiot I saw why there was so much panic a baby had fell in and the river swept them down river the apes ran after it the males riding on horse trying to keep up. I saw a few gather around a female she was in panic that was her baby. I could tell the others were trying to calm her.
I knew the baby would drown the river was getting too violent the males couldn't swim out to it. It broke my heart but that was life if you're not careful life could be taken from you or a loved one.
'What am I doing? Idiot youre dead!' 'I know I know but its a baby and the mother was crying' I thought to myself as swam. pushing myself to kick harder swim faster I saw it it was close I reached out it went under and I dove after it. I wrapped my arms around the baby forcing us up the river pushing at us but I made damn sure the baby got air before we went under again. the water was strong but I kept the little ones head above water as much as possible. I opened my eyes and I felt my heart drop into my stomach drop a waterfall I looked around we weren't to far from the edge I saw the males calling to us and I desperately kicked trying to get to their side it was hard swimming with one hand holding the baby in the other trying to keep it alive.
When we got close enough I slipped and went under but a large strong hand gripped my wrist and pulled. and my back hit the ground hard coughing out water and gasping for air I rolled on my side the baby in hand also coughing out water. I rubbed and patted it's back I ignored the sound of hooves and ape calls. "c'mon c'mon there you go let it all out breathe little one breathe" I mutter encouragingly. I also heard the other apes arrive most likely the others that were upstream . Once its breathing got regulated I sighed in relief before straightening up not looking at them too scared too silently punishing myself for being so stupid but I didn't regret it a life was saved today.
The mother or who I assumed to be the mother came close desperate to get her young but too scared on how I'd react. I smiled made sure no teeth were shown and held out the baby "I'd recommend getting this one home and dried up"I said, she reached out quick to take its young but not roughly the baby was handled with care the female looked young maybe her first born possibly. she made a gesture I don't know sign language but I knew that it was a thank you one.
They didn't know how to act I could see that I remember seeing these movies around 7 times EACH I wasn't supposed to speak humans were called echos mimicing apes at lesser intelligence. The apes were cautious a female came forward she was familiar. "you..can speak?" she said slowly breathlessly but smoothly. I nodded slowly my body tensing looking around to see if I could make an escape. "I am Soona.. come with me echo " she gestured for me to stand then signed to the other and the began heading in a random direction.
a male signed to her but she shook her head I wonder what he said. It was a bit of a walk but then we came to a large home wide field large structures and many apes. they watched us shocked some cautious keeping their distance Soona led me to a large structure with two other males she led me up it was a long way up "Noa!" she hooted and gestured for me to not move the males watched my every move. I felt as if I just shackled myself and I was going to drown under their gazes. Movement came towards us the footsteps were strong with purpose and hesitated to look up knowing who I would see. "This echo speaks?" his voice was strong yet young "yes.. we all heard her. "She saved meadow's son..he fell in the river..almost drowned" Soona says. "what is your name?"he directed to me. With a silent gulp I steeled my nerves and looked into his green eyes he was (taller than, smaller than, eye to eye with) me "My name is (y/n)."
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