#i'm a bit tired to directly reply but yeah to all the asks in my inbox across time i js want to say thank u
noxtivagus · 2 years
aaaa it's 1 am ><
#i'm bad w words so i'll probably take a while to get to that ask but#to that anon if u ever see this i js wna say thank you. like genuinely thank u aaa i don't know what else to say#but that thank you comes from the heart#n. you too alright? all those words you shared applies to you too.#aaa ngl rambling abt my thoughts n emotions make me feel bad at times bcs i'd hate to seem attention-seeking bcs i'm not but#yh i feel bad (not anyone's fault tho) when i'm given words n continue being sad TvT#that said though i do appreciate every word. i keep them in my heart n remember them. the thought n care put in them#i'm a bit tired to directly reply but yeah to all the asks in my inbox across time i js want to say thank u#yh from the heart. thank u always 🥹#ngl tumblr's like my safe space so i just feel confortable rambling as much as i want here#i'm probably gna make a spam/moot only acc soon tho bcs my irls know this @ n i dont want em to worry ;;;;#hmmm i say it like 'dont want them to worry' but it's more like#if it'll bring you down n hurt you then pls dont get caught up in it. prioritize yourself#but if you're in a good enough mental state then. yh the 'i care for you so ofc i worry' kinda thought in a healthy way then#sometimes i have anxiety so i'm bad w words n not really direct but i really do appreciate it all#there's just doubts tho that like. if certain time has passed or wtvr then what if those feelings have changed?#do you still care? remember? i understand bcs it's not exactly like i'm v obvious abt it but#personally for me i want everyone in my life to know that despite my words n actions i will always care n remember all those moments#for as much as i'm probe to despair when im tired i know for sure that love/hope/gratitude r still stronger in me#helpp prone* not probe 😭 hmm yh tho. i guess i wanted to put that out there#maybe next time when i call any of my friends. since it's actually been nearly a whole month#i want to say it through words. tell you all how much i care. yeah#it's just a bit scary thinking of how perception varies per person. you cld care abt someone but maybe they feel drained by interactions#orr stuff like when u look at old convos u rlly appreciate __ person or smth but w distance you're not sure anymore#i am terrible at keeping in contact w the ppl i love but trust me when i say that i still care abt everyone i know v deeply :')#huh maybe one reason why i've been distant lately is bcs. sleep-deprivation makes me sleepy in the day#but yk at night is where i'm most comfy ;;; but w school n all it's not like it's ideal to talk when we shld all be sleeping??#when i feel lost in the present i oft look to the past n remember. those moments were real. that happiness was real. n that gives me comfort#like omg i'm still constantly stressed yea but amidst all that anxiety the company of the ppl i love gives me a moment of peace#from kind strangers on the internet to moots to old friends n the ppl i talk w in the present. for as little n long as we've known n talked
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runningfrom2am · 5 months
cold nights // part four
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summary: all the stars aligned, and it was you.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 2.9k
masterlists / nav / requests
tags/warnings: tribute!reader and mentor!coriolanus, r is very sweet (too kind for this world. literally.), sunshine x grumpy trope kinda, he falls first, violence typical for the source material, r is very smart (as she should), district twelve!reader.
a/n: this is your reminder to reblog and comment on fics you like!! it helps us writers out a TON the girlies who get it get it. thanks!!
series masterlist // playlist
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"I just have to ask you a few questions... is that okay?" Coriolanus asks, sitting across from you at the small table you find yourself chained to.
"Please." You nod, grinning at him. You were so tired, the bags under your eyes were evidence enough of that. Screw getting you food- Coryo is worried if you don't sleep you'll be all but useless in the games, even if all he needs you to do is run and hide.
"It's just so people can get to know you a bit better. Okay, so..." He looks down at the sheet in front of him, tapping the pencil against the table as he tries to focus on reading. "First, nice and easy, what is your full name?"
"Y/N M/N L/N."
"Great... Okay, and where are you from?"
"District Twelve, born and raised."
"How old are you?"
"Seventeen. I'll be eighteen next week." You smile.
"Oh, really?" He asks, pausing mid-sentence as he starts writing it down.
"Yeah." You smile. "Hopefully I'll live to see the day."
"You will." He tries to be reassuring as he scribbles the finished answer on his sheet. God, you got unlucky. Not that his eighteenth was a big celebration like some of his classmates, but Tigris made him a cake with ingredients she'd been saving up for and she refit his school uniform for him. You wouldn't even have that- you would be spending the day fighting for your life, if you even made it that long.
"And who is in your family unit?" He reads directly from the slip as he forces himself to move on.
"Well, there's me, my brother, he's fifteen, and then my ma and pa." You nod. "Well, my pa isn't home much. Lots of work in the mines; usually has sixteen-hour days. I hardly ever see him." You admit, sadness laced into your tone. "Saw him, I mean."
"My father died in Twelve." Coryo says, catching you off guard. He doesn't even fully understand why he felt the need to tell you this. "About ten years ago, it was rebels."
"I remember that." You reply quietly, recalling the lockdown placed on the District after the murder of a peacekeeper general. "He was the general. Crassus Snow, I assume?"
Everyone was forced into their homes at gunpoint, and in search of the responsible parties everyone you knew had their home destroyed by peacekeepers. Yourself included. Your bed was torn apart, and your mattress shredded for any hidden weapons or plans. Since then, you have shared a bed with your brother. A new mattress was hard to make, and your ma never got the free time or materials again.
Up until this week, that was the scariest day of your life. Just before the peacekeepers kicked in your door, your mother had grabbed the two of you and shoved you into an opening under the floorboards- a crawlspace made from a faulty foundation. You were in there for what felt like hours, listening to shouting and your home being ruined as you held onto each other with a hand pressed over your brother's mouth to keep him from crying too loud. Your mother's cries that day never seemed to end.
"It's a small world." You say after a solid few moments of silence, and Coryo can see it in the way you're staring at his paper that you're not reading it. You're zoned out completely. "I'm sorry that happened to you. It must have been scary."
"The war was hard on all of us." He responds. "What... what do you remember?" He had never heard anything about it besides the bare bones of what happened, he had never considered that the people of Twelve would remember it as well. And judging by the look on your face, it wasn't a good memory.
"I was about six, maybe seven, and I was playing with my brother, and I didn't hear anything but my ma must have because she grabbed us and hid us under the floorboards so fast I could have got whiplash. Peacekeepers came into our home, tore the whole thing to shreds, hurt my ma, then took off. Onto the next house. I didn't find out until a while later that rebels killed the peacekeeper general, they were looking for any evidence of conspiracy, I guess. The people who did it."
"Sounds like it was scarier for you than for me."
"But I want you to know," You speak so quickly you almost cut him off. "My parents had nothing to do with it. My pa is an honest, good man. All he ever wanted was to keep us safe. We're not rebels, I promise you that."
Coriolanus almost wishes you were, so he wouldn't be so hurt by what his people were putting you through. "I know. I wouldn't blame you for that."
"Thank you." You whisper, picking at your nails now as you look down at your shaky hands.
Coryo clears his throat, forcing himself to look away from you. "Uh..." He chuckles at the next question, making you look up at him again. "Are you married?"
"No." You reply, having almost completely forgotten about the worksheet in front of him. "I'm not."
"It's just... I just, I have to ask." He says, clearing his throat as he writes it down.
"Of course." You nod in understanding.
"Boyfriend?" He asks, and as you squint at the sheet you can see it's not there, and he quickly covers the next lines with his palm, cheeks flushing pink.
"Yes." You giggle as he snaps his head up to look at you.
"You do?" He asks, voice catching as his curls fall back onto his forehead from the sudden movement.
"Yes, what is so wrong in that?" You raise an eyebrow at him, trying not to laugh.
"No, no, I mean, of course you do, you're beautiful, I just, you never mentioned-"
"Relax, Coriolanus. I'm kidding." You smile at the panic in his tone. "No, I don't have a boyfriend."
"Oh, right. Thanks, it's just for, yeah..." He mumbles, pretending to write something down behind his cupped hand so you couldn't see.
You shake your head at him while he's not paying attention, smiling to yourself.
"So, uh, do you have a job?"
"Not formally, but my ma is a seamstress. I help her lots with that. Fixing people's work clothes, stuff like that." You answer, getting back on topic.
"Did you make your dress?" He asks.
"Now I know that question's not on that form of yours." You laugh. "But yes, my ma made it for me when I was five. It's been my favourite ever since."
He looked the parts of it over that he could see above the table. It was well worn down, but well cared for. Similar to a lot of his own clothing.
"It used to be this big, flowing thing. Too big for a five year old- I would step on the bottom of it, just tore it right up." You recall. "So we trimmed the bottom, and as I grew, it grew right with me. I stitched up the bottom when I was old enough to enter the reaping, so now it's got shorts instead. But I still love it, lots of good memories held in the pockets of this old thing."
Shorts instead. So it's easier to run in. The thought haunts Coryo for a moment. The idea that you, at twelve years old, decided this is what you would want to run in, to die in, and took the liberty of sewing up the crotch in it yourself. Every stitch possibly sealing your fate.
"It's nice. I like it." He responds.
"Thank you." You smile, nodding proudly to yourself as you look down at the fabric. "It's real comfy, too."
"It looks it. Not very... restricting." He chooses his words wisely. No wonder you had kept it so many years. It still fit, so why not? Especially when it looked so good on you. The typically plain, neutral tone of the fabric complimented your skin tone so well. Even in bad lighting, it seemed as though you were glowing where the cloth met your skin. Glowing everywhere, now that he thought about it. Maybe you just lit up every room you walked into. Maybe it wasn't the clothing that was made just for you and hugged your form so flawlessly, maybe it was just you.
"Yes, it is not." You agree. "Now, our time is limited. Next question." You interrupt his thoughts, gesturing to the sheet of paper in between you.
"Yes, sorry." Coryo chuckles, shaking the distraction from his head. "Any hobbies?
"I did know that." He smiles to himself. "Anything else?"
"Well..." You think about it for a moment, chewing your lip. "I have a cat, and I like to play with him and take care of him, does that count?"
"I'll count it." He nods, quickly jotting it down. "What's your cat's name?" He asks, purely out of curiosity.
"Tybalt." You giggle.
"Tybalt?" Coryo tilts his head at you and you nod, bottom lip drawn between your teeth.
He nods slightly, prompting you to explain. "He's named after a character from Romeo and Juliet."
"That's your favourite, I remember."
"Good king of cats, nothing but one of your nine lives." You quote. "Mercutio calls Tybalt the king of the cats, so I named him after that."
"That's clever. Very funny."
"Thank you. I thought so." You smile proudly, watching him write down your cats name in his notes. "What is this for, if I can ask?"
"Uh, there's going to be an interview you'll have to do the night before the games. It'll be aired live on Capitol television, and people will be able to send in donations so I can send you things in the arena. Just like I told you." Coryo explains.
"An interview?" You ask. "What does that entail?"
"Well, I'm not sure yet." He answers honestly. "But we'll pass this sheet onto the host, Lucky, if you remember him, and he can ask you questions about your family, your life, any of this stuff. I think really whatever we want, though, so if there's anything in particular you want to say or talk about I can write that down for you."
"Oh, I'm really not sure." You reply. "Nothing in particular, but if you need me to talk I can talk about books for hours on end." You smile.
"Could you do a monologue?" He suggests. He had discussed this with Tigris before, and he was hoping you would, but knowing you, you would be dropping quotes in your interview anyway so you might as well commit to it and display how smart you are with something well-planned.
"Maybe, if you could find me a copy of Romeo and Juliet." You smile. "I think I know it, but it would be nice to have a refresher. Just to make sure I get it right. Would be awfully embarrassing if I made a mistake."
Coryo nods, quickly writing that down in the margins of the page. Considering he had never even heard of this book, it may be hard, but he would certainly try for you. "That would be great. Your goodbye was very moving, although quite confusing for most, but it had people talking about you and that's what we want."
"Okay. I'll practice."
"Thank you." Coryo smiles. "And I just have one more question on here to fill out... Do you have any special skills that you think will be helpful in the games?"
Your smile fades slightly and you just shake your head.
"That's okay. We'll figure it out."
That night, Coryo came to see you again. You were curled up with his blanket, draped half over yourself and half over Jessup as he lay next to you. It was a small blanket, obviously meant for a child, but it helped anyway. Maybe it was just a placebo, but for you, that was more than enough.
As you got up, hearing him call your name in a familiar tone, you draped the blanket more fully over Jessup before making your way over to the bars of the enclosure. "Good evening, Coryo. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"I brought you some things." He whispers, digging in his bag.
"How kind." You smile, watching as he pulls things out, handing you a napkin with some bread wrapped inside and tucking whatever else he brought under his arm to give to you after you've eaten. "Can you sit for a few minutes?"
"Of course." He nods, sitting down with you as you cross your legs and unfold the fabric carefully as not to drop what's inside. "I was hoping to talk to you anyway."
"Let's talk; it is not day." You smile, leaning toward him more.
"Should I be asking what that's from?" He jokes, but is surprised when you shrug.
"You could, but I wouldn't want to bore you." You giggle, shaking your head. "Take a guess, though. I believe you'd know it."
He smiles, watching as you take a bite out of the bread. "Romeo and Juliet?"
"Yes." You nod in confirmation, covering your mouth while you speak. "You're a real fan, now, aren't you?"
"I guess so." He chuckles. "The fact that I've never read it is unimportant."
"Completely irrelevant." You agree with a quiet laugh. His smile fades as his eyes land on something behind you, and you turn to follow his gaze over your shoulder. "What are you looking at?" You whisper, looking back at him again.
"Are you sharing everything I bring you with Jessup?" He asks, voice stern as his brow furrows at the question.
"I try to." You nod, taking another bite. "He's not well. I think something bit him the first night we were here."
"You can't." Coryo insists. Of course, he wants you to win, and you handing over every bit of sustenance or help you receive is only lessening your odds. Making Jessup stronger and you only weaker. "I know you're a good person, but once you get in that arena you won't have any friends. Not even him." Coryo explains, strategically skipping over the part where it makes him ill to see you sleeping with your head on the boy's shoulder and sharing the blanket that he gifted to you.
"Oh..." You say, so quietly he can hardly hear. "But-"
"Y/N." He cuts you off, a serious look on his face. "If you keep feeding him, keep helping him, and it comes down to you and him in the end, who do you think will win in that fight? If you had all the same nutrients and sleep, who do you think will win?"
"I- well..." You stutter, looking back at your friend. "It won't come to that. I think we both know that."
"We have to assume it will." He pleads, eyes now locked on yours. "Don't make it easier for him."
"Coryo, he's got a family, siblings, his ma to get home to. They need him." You protest, leaning closer so no one else could properly hear.
"So do you." He reminds you. The look of guilt that crosses your face indicates to him that even though you had your own family, something about Jessup makes you willing to give that up for him to get home. "What about Tybalt? He'll never know what happened to his own mother. Or your brother losing his sister. Y/N, please..."
Your eyes widen at the mention of your cat and your brother in particular. Clearly, Coryo is so desperate for you to listen that he's pulling strings he shouldn't. To make you hurt. To make you pay attention.
Tears fill your eyes as you speak. "I know." Your voice cracks, and the pit in Coryo's stomach tells him he's gone too far. "I'm sorry, I just- I don't want to be afraid anymore. It's selfish of me, I know, but I won't last long and I know that so I just want to get it over with." You cry quietly, reaching up to wipe your eyes on your wrist. You hadn't been so candid with him before, he almost doesn't recognize you without a smile on your face.
"Hey, no, don't be sorry. It's not selfish." He whispers, without hesitation reaching through the bars and resting his hand on your knee. Your skin is cold to the touch, even for him after he had just walked all the way here in the same air. "But it'll be over soon, and I'll get you home. I'll do everything I can."
You sniff and nod, hesitating before placing your hand over his. "I promise I'll do my best in the interview. I want you to win your prize."
Coryo's mouth gets dry at the insinuation. You didn't think you could win, you won't even consider it even with all the encouragement he tries to feed you every day, but you want him to win. "That's not important." He says, shocking himself with the sentiment. The Plinth Prize is his only hope at a viable future, at saving his family. But right now, he doesn't even care.
You don't respond right away, just sliding your hand under his to hold it. His skin on yours feels warm, comforting, the same way it did when he held it when you were first dumped in the zoo. You don't know if it's more comforting to you or him.
"I'm sorry to cry at you, I just sometimes realize what's going to happen to me and spiral over the possibilities and no matter how hard I try to accept it..." You shake your head, looking down at your hands. "I'm still fearful." Your voice drops below a whisper.
"Then don't accept it." Coryo grasps your hand tighter, leaning closer to you and looking at you through the bars. "Fight. Try to win."
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taglist: @soulessjourney, @keziahcore, @that-veela-girl, @motorsport, @dreamyysouls, @rockstarbfs, @Lanadelrey3, @rawrmameh, @3zae-zae3, @babyspice6, @pastel0rchid, @maysileeewrites, @articxari, @Urfavpouge, @Multivitaminfy, @baybieruth, @kitscutie, @annaelise, @serrendiipty, @fratboyharrysgf0201, @totallynotkaibiased, @stelleduarte, @klplynn, @secretsicanthideanymore, @bejeweledreverie, @fals3-g0d, @drewsandsebastianswife, @niicole-87, @queenofshinigamis, @innercreationflower, @nallasstuff, @spring-goddess1, @baybieruth, @lovelyxtom, @throughgoeshxmilton, @enwonie, @scorpiolystoned, @iovemoonyy, @kodzuvk, @soupasoup, @eedwardss, @thatmarvelchick19, @wearemadeofstardust0, @regulusblackcore, @kbakery , @qardasngan, @omgsuperstarg, @kuroosbby001, @puredreamagination,
if your user has a strikethrough i wasn't able to tag you! i'm so sorry!
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star-suh · 6 months
A Detective and a Gangster Walked Into a Bar
Jeong Jaehyun x Male Reader
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cw: top jaehyun, pwp, unprotected sex, breeding, cheating, blowjob, deepthroat, degradation, rimjob, handjob, lightly choking, implied spit as lube, bit of feminization, dumbification.
yn is a known p.i. in the city In recent months he has been trying to catch a dangerous gang and to do so he has had to fall to the lowest of the low. this is how he is now on his way to a bar that is managed by jaehyun's wife, another well-known mafia member who coincidentally is a rival of the gang that yn is tracking. "i can't believe i had to ally myself with a son of a bitch like jaehyun," yn mutters, his breath being visible for the cold night. 
jaehyun was signing some papers when the phone rang “hello?” he answers the phone, "oh, hello johnny... yeah yeah okay, send him directly to my office”.
“well. well. well… look who arrived, if not the most respected detective of all, yn ln huh?" he says with a cocky tone. “shut up and let's get straight to business. where's the folder you promised to give me?” detective yn said.
“woah you are as handsome as in the photos i have” the shameless gangster flirts. “i'm not here for your stupid jokes jaehyun, give me the. fucking. folder” anger being visible on the detective's face.
“take a seat and let's talk” jaehyun said, “why do you want the folder so much?”. “why do you care?” replied the other quickly. “i don't know maybe i feel jealous.. maybe i want you chasing me instead” jaehyun once again flirts. yn was not having it, he took a deep breath and counted to 10.
“i give you the folder with all the evidence to arrest that son of a bitch. but i'm going to need something in return" jaehyun gets up from the chair, walks around the desk and heads to the couch, sitting there in front of yn. “what do you want?” asked the other male. jaehyun manspreads “just an hour with you. i know you're not a whore but we can make a deal�� he blurted out “i'm tired of doing favors for money i have a lot of that. i need other things… like the back of your throat” he smirks. “you shameless freak. fine, but no one should know about this" he sighed, that folder would help him a lot in getting a promotion at his job so whatever it takes, right?.
“come here” jaehyun does a motion with his hands, yn walked towards him. they kissed “so soft” murmured jaehyun “i wonder how would they feel wrapped around my cock” he said between kisses. yn knelt down and unzipped the other's pants, surprised by his big, throbbing cock. “seeing you in your knees is making me so horny”, yn's tongue went up and down jaehyun's shaft “what a fucking tease” moaned the gangster. yn then introduces the tip inside his mouth, making circles with his tongue on it and playing with the foreskin, he then leave wet kisses in the shaft sucking the balls, “so skilled damn you're a professional cocksucker. have you done this before?” grunted jaehyun, “that's none of your damn business” replied the detective.
yn slapped the other's cock on his tongue and put it all the way inside his mouth “fuck, the back of your throat feels so good” yn starts to deepthroat him holding on for a few seconds before taking out the huge cock smeared with thick strings of saliva that connecs his lips to the cock. “shit not even my wife can take it all” grunted jaehyun in excitement.
“that's it, keep sucking it like that?” he demanded “who's a good boy huh?”, yn didn't pay attention to his words, he just wanted to finish as soon as possible. “go faster.. i'm gonna cum inside your throat you better swallow it all slut” jaehyun pushed yn's head all the way down his cock locking his thighs around his neck, choking him while also cumming, forcing the other to swallow the thick gooey sperm of the gangster.
jaehyun let him go, yn fell to the floor coughing trying to catch some air. “come here we're not done yet” jaehyun grabbed and lifted yn by the hand and push him towards his desk “bend over” he said in a low demanding tone, “what the fuck are you talking about?” asked yn with a worried expression. “i said bend over” jaehyun's hand sneaking around yn's throat, squeezing it lightly “the hour is not over yet and i plan to enjoy every part of you until you come back later to me asking for another favor" his laugh sending shivers down your spine. jaehyun quickly remove yn's pants “spread your legs wide for me” yn did as he was told, feeling embarrassed as how submissive he was behaving around that bastard. “good boy” he hears while a slap lands on his left ass cheek.
jaehyun buried his tongue deep inside yn's hole while using his hand to stroke the other's cock “so hard for me. look how much you're leaking. are you that excited to be fucked by me?” he says in between the times that he stopped eating ass to breathe.
yn bites his arm to avoid moaning and give that bastard the satisfaction of knowing that he is feeling good “you're being a good little plaything for me mr. yn don't you wanna be the replacement of my wife?”, “shut up.. don't mention her you shameless perv… fucking other people when you're already married” spoke yn, the pleasure already numbing his mind. “you knew that… and that didn't stopped you to suck me off and you didn't do nothing to avoid what is happening right now so.. who's the perv here?”.
the gangster kept eating yn out “let's get you nice and wet for me i don't want to break you mr. detective… well at least not now” he murmured. yn stopped biting his arm he doesn't have the strength to keep doing it so his saliva started to came out of his mouth and he started to moan so loud “take a deep breath, i’m not going to contain myself from breaking your pussy you hear me?” yn just nodded, “hahaha. haven't even penetrated you yet and you're already that dumb?” the top joked.
and as he said he introduced  all his cock at once and started to thrust right away drawing loud moans out of yn's mouth. the thrusts were so hard and rough that the desk started to move too. “look at you acting all though and feisty but being so dumb over my fat cock”. jaehyun have both his hands placed on yn's cheeks and some of his fingers inside his mouth using it as a way to bang him even more harder. nonsense words came out of the detective's mouth while from jaehyun's only “your mine” and “this pussy belongs to me” can be heard in between growls and heavy pants.
“i'm gonna pump all my cum inside you and cream this fucking tight pussy” blurted out jaehyun, with a couple of last thrusts he came, his throbbong cock pumping lots of loads inside the cockdrunk detective…
“here's the folder you earned it” jaehyun slide the folder towards yn who cleans the remains of his saliva that somehow managed to get smeared on the folder, “thanks i guess” an embarrassed yn was getting ready to leave when a hand stopped him, “no goodbye?” pouted jaehyun “i'd like to think we're gonna see each other again”... yn sighed with a disgusted grin “goodbye motherfucker” he answered. “nuh-uh” jaehyun tapped his lips letting him know that he wanted a kiss "i really can't believe you" he said and gave him a kiss. yn walks out of his office waving a goodbye to johnny, one of jaehyun's gang friends, not noticing the big tent formed in his pants. 
when he arrived at home he quickly went to the bathroom taking out his dick which was still hard since he didn't came during the sex with jaehyun, just thinking about it made him very horny, his hand goes up and down his dick at a fast pace until finally white ropes of semen fall on the glass door of the shower. yn rests his forehead on his arm that is resting against the glass door, feeling a mix of embarrassment and anger for how that damn gangster jaehyun made him so submissive.
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mirohlayo · 8 months
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( you just love taking care of your boyfriend's curly hair. and no need to say that he secretly loves it too )
warning : none, fluff ?
note : idk how to warn my stuff it's kinda bad
word count : 1.7k
!! english not my first language !!
it was now around 9:30pm. you were laying on your bed, in your shared hotel room with your boyfriend lando. it was a very nice sunday, the mexico grand prix was absolutely amazing for you, but also for your favorite driver. after the mess and bad qualifying yesterday, he had to start from P17, but ended up P5 at the end of the race. in total, he passed 19 cars and gained 12 places. and you were of course so so proud of him, as were his fans and supporters. you also knew that lando was happy and have enjoyed the race.
after the race, you went directly to the hotel because you were tired. you have said to lando that you're going to nap, and obviously as you predicted, he made a big deal out of it and begged you to stay with him because he hasn't seen you in a while and just wanted to be near you and needed you. yeah, he was maybe a little needy. but that was actually quite adorable.
now you were waiting for him, scrolling on your phone's apps with the tv's sound in the background. he went to a party with some of his friends, carlos being one of them, but told you that he will stay for like an hour and then come as quick as possible to you because he "don't want to stay at the party while his baby is waiting for him". and also he just missed you like crazy, even though the last time you saw each other was like 4 hours ago, him hugging you close after the race.
you were buzy watching a video when a notification suddenly appeared on your screen. it was some texts from your boyfriend :
from lando 🧡
- baby i miss you :((
the party so boring without you
i'm coming don't worry 🚙🚙
here in like 10min
i love youuuu ❤️
so so much -
now you were giggling. maybe he was doing too much but oh god you loved to receive texts like that from him. it just shows you how much he loves you with all of his being and heart. and then the 10 minutes passed quickly, cause the sound of the keys in the lock indicated you that he was arrived.
you lifted up a bit, now sitting in the middle of the bed, blankets up to your pelvis.
- hello beautiful ! lando said as he laid eyes on you.
your big smile just melted his heart, because you looked so happy to see him. and you don't know how much he loves your smile. he took off his shoes and not even a second later he was already in your arms, his head in the crook of your neck. you laughed softly, you just found him adorable.
- i see the boy's feeling needy.
- missed you. a lot, he replied in a lazy tone.
you rubbed slowly his back, his arms tightening his grip on you. you were impossibly close to him, like there was no air between your two bodies. one of your hand started playing with his curls, and he just let himself go into the touch. he placed a quick kiss on your neck, and buried his head a little bit deeper. you could feel his breath tickling you.
- how was the party ?
- actually it was good, carlos and i had fun. but it is boring without you.
you smiled and kissed the top of his head, his curly hair barely touching your nose. that's when you noticed that his curls were a mess. they were tousled and undefined, like a pile of hair that hasn't been combed in a while. you frowned a little.
- your curls are a mess, y'know ?you said, rearranging as best as you can his hair.
- yeah, i know. due to the party, he answered, enjoying your soft touch that made him want to sleep.
- you want me to take care of your hair ? you asked him.
he raised his head to face you, a smile on his lips, as his eyes were sleepy.
- since it's so kindly asked, yeah.
you mirrored his smile and cupped his cheeks in your hands.
- but first you need to take a shower.
- no. he answered and quickly buried back his head into the crook of your neck. i don't want to leave you.
- lan please, you really need to shower, you said. you tried to push him gently, but instead he grabbed you even tighter, placing loads of quick lazy kisses on your neck. c'mon, i need to style your hair too
he growled and stopped kissing your neck.
- hmm... i love cuddling you. and just you actually. i think i'm feeling a bit clingy, he said softly, almost humming it.
you let escaped a soft laugh.
- indeed yes. also i think you really need to shower you sweaty dumbass
- okay i'm going now, he replied.
finally, he sighed and let you go out of his grip. he lifted up and, before disappearing inside the bathroom, he quickly kissed the corner of your mouth, dangerously close to your lips. you saw him rushing to the bathroom, giving you a big smile before closing the door.
you could now hear the sound of the dripping water, and decided to finish your video while he finishes washing. 10 minutes later, the sound of the water stopped and you heard him calling you.
- baby i have finish, you can come
you jumped out of the bed and walked towards the bathroom's door. you opened the door and oh- you were not expecting to see your boyfriend shirtless, just wearing a sweatpant. his damp curls was dropping drops of water, which wandered over his bare torso. damn. such a view, you thought.
- i can see you staring y/n you know
you see him grinned at you, a playful look taking over his face.
- if only you had had the good idea of putting a shirt, /b>you replied.
- well you don't like the view ?
- that's not what i've said
he laughed before wrapping his arms around your waist, squeezing it softly.
- cuddling time is over, i need to get your hair done lando
- okay, i let my baby do her job
you rolled your eyes and bite back a smile, that of course you failed to hide. and that made him laughed, because he know you can't hide your smile when you're around him.
he lifted you up to make you sit on the wide edge of the two sinks behind you, so that you are at his height.
- can you pass me a towel please ? your hair needs to be dry
he nodded and gave you one the bathroom towels.
you started drying his hair, doing gentle circular movements. he rested his hands on your hips, rubbing them softly as he enjoyed your presence. you tried to focus on what you were doing, but you couldn't help it, your shirtless boyfriend and his soft touch were too much for you, and you finished by squishing his tiny cheeks. his face was just so cute, and you couldn't help but kiss his nose, then his forehead, then his cheeks.
- aye stop ! he said and laughed at your cuteness. god he just loves you so much, anything you're doing makes him even more in love with you. you were just his cute little baby, like he just enjoy so much your presence, all he wants is to be with you and cuddle you. and your smile, oh it melted his heart everytime.
- sorry, you're just too adorable for me, you grinned. and you could see a faint tip of blush on his cheeks.
now you applied some styling mousse in his hair, and your started define his curls, one by one. you took your time to style them, making sure they'll look pretty when it will be dry. his hands moved to you thighs, drawing small circles on them. he stared at you while you were styling his hair, admiring every details of your pretty face. he always look at you with heart eyes, like there's so much love and admiration into his eyes everytime he sees your face. he's never tired of it, this is probably one of his favorite things.
- i can also see you staring lan, you jokingly said, a smile on your lips.
- i can't help it, you're just so pretty love, he answered, hearts still anchored in his gaze.
you can felt yourself blush, and that makes your boyfriend smile even wider. too adorable, he thought.
- okay, i think i have finished ! you happily said, admiring lando's face and curls.
he wrapped his arms around your waist to put you down on the floor. when he looked at his reflection in the mirror, a big smile appeared on his face. you know he was happy with the result.
- i guess you missed your career, you should have been a hairdresser, he joked, and you gave him a blow to the ribs, which made him laugh even harder.
- just kidding baby, he said and kissed quickly the tip of your nose. now we can go back to cuddle in bed. and not let you go of my arms
- okay, sounds good, you replied in a smile.
and like that you guys ended up to cuddle in bed, lando holding you so close to him, his head resting on yours, kissing you here and there on your face. sometimes, he would rub your waist with his hand, the other playing with your hair or stroking your cheek. and of course a lazy smile constantly here on his face, as he enjoyed the form of the love of his life in his arms. secured and warm.
and the next day, he'll bring to his race team about how good his hair looks, and then praise his girlfriend's talent, just saying sweet words about her. he would never said it to you, but this is just one of his favorite things on earth, you taking care of his curls. and sometimes he ruffles his hair on purpose just so you can style it again. but of course, it is a secret. a big secret.
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thefandomdirtymind · 9 months
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18 +
OPLA - Vinsmoke Sanji
Part 2
Sanji series : SFW Shiny Offering NSFW The Small Favor - SFW The Mermaid Dream - SFW The Magic of a Kiss
A/N IMPORTANT: I didn't know exactly why but I wanted to write that fun and casual conversation between Sanji and reader remembering their sexy time. But I had to put a little bit of difficulties in it and I hope you will like it. I think to do a second part but I'm not sure yet...
Warning : Mention of a lot of sexual stuff : Oral Man ! and Female ! giving receiving, small bondage, penetration, bruises.
* English is not my first language, I tried really hard to correct myself but, I hope you will excuse me if some mistakes are still there.  
The golden light of the sunrise was reflecting in the calm water when Sanji put his feet in the restaurant. Redressing his freshly knotted tie, entering the kitchen like if he wasn’t fifteen minutes late, he suddenly stops on his track. At the instant he saw you, he knew he was screwed. 
Not that you looked at him directly, way too busy with the prep for the approaching brunch, neither that you seem mad ,even if your chopped carrots should've been smaller. In fact, he clearly recalled that when he had left your bed this morning, kissing your lips one last time, your naked form reaching for his warmth. You looked quite satisfied and relaxed. 
It was not either a sudden burst of love who struck him, even if he always had affection for you, that night was from the start nothing but casual sex. 
No, the reason he knew he was himself in deep shit wasn’t either because as he watched you, he could remember every inch of your skin he had feverishly kissed and bite. The problem is if Zeff discovers it. After all, even being his sous chef and prodigy couldn’t help him with the fact that he had fucked all night long his mentor daughter. 
" Don’t stay there like if the kitchen was on fire, little eggplant, put on your uniform and start helping " The man himself ordered, busy in his own corner.
Turning your gaze of your carrot to observe Sanji, you smiled. 
" Good morning Sanji " You said, your tone letting know nothing of your previous meeting in the dark. 
" Good Morning Y/N " He replied, as he put on his white jacket, a thin smile you didn’t quite know, of his lips.
" Did you sleep well, you seem a little bit…tired" You sweetly replied, returning to your carrots. 
" Yeah I had a short night…" He confessed, watching you, a warning in his eyes. 
" If you would stick to the menu, you wouldn’t be up all night thinking about some recipe I won’t allow in the restaurant and sleep like everybody else. " Zeff declared, lifting the heavy potato sack. 
" If we didn’t serve the same stuff everyday that restaurant would be less shitty " The blond retorted, starting to peel the vegetables, his anxiety slowly melting as he returned to his usual fight with the old man.  
It seemed an eternity before you could remove your cooking clothes. Due to the celebration yesterday, many cooks were sick, making your father and the other employers double their shift. Like if you needed it, with the little sleep Sanji and you had. But, as you return to the empty kitchen, already dreaming of the softness of your bed, you notice the blond chef still busy chopping mushrooms.
" What are you doing ? " You couldn’t help yourself to ask, curious as to why he hadn’t headed to his bed for a well deserved night of sleep. " You should go to bed I’m pretty sure those mushroom will still be there tomorrow "
" Well, I kind of have a hard time trying to get out of my head the idea of your dad discovering what I have done to you" He replied unamused, stress and guilt clearly eating him from the inside. " You see I have a sentimental attache to most of my limbs and other parts" 
" Sanji, I would never tell him, we have been super discret and if I recall it clearly you aren’t alone in this. I had pretty vivid memories of sucking your dick until you begged me in french to stop " You teased, sitting on the counter. 
" Like if you hadn't melted at the minute I put my mouth on you" He mocked, this time his tone almost like his usual confident self. As he abandoned his task to face you. " And I really had to remind you that cute gasp you did when I push my finger on that sweet spot you never reach yourself " 
" It’s true it was a great discover, that you proudly celebrate " You conceded showing the hickeys on your clavicle "Maybe you didn’t gasped, but, I heard you a lot moaning and groaning, particularly when I was on top" 
" I have no excuse, your vision was magnificent and the feeling was incredible ." He replied " But I still regret the death of my tie " 
" It was for a great cause, that orgasm was one of the best I had. It’s a good thing your hand had muffled my scream because I was pretty sure I would have awake all the ship" You laugh, gladly remembering being hang by the hand to the wooden bedpost as Sanji was supported your leg around his hips thrusting in you as his life depended of it. Lucky for both of you, your bedroom was at the far end of the bedrooms corridor with no express neighbor.“ I will buy you a new one since I broke it. Even if it’s, you, who had bring it in bed "
" No need, I have many that look similar. Nobody will notice. But I will have to be careful to not be seen topless for a while. I'm glad your nails are short for cooking, my back looks like I had a fight with a cat over a fish. "
" It’s your fault, my leg was already shaking and you didn’t stop, I was on the edge of passing out ! "You protest laughing. " You deserve the scratch for making me lose my mind." 
" It’s an honor I accept gladly “ He proudly said, joining you in your laugh. " I admit that my own orgasm was way better than usual, I remember you moaning quietly in my ear even if I’m not quite sure what you said." 
" Sanji, at this point I’m pretty sure I could’ve whispered to you the recipe of an Apple Pie and you would have come. You were so close, trying to keep your control, I still have a faint bruise of your hand on my hip." 
" Isn't it when I eat you out during round two that I left that mark ? I had to keep you in place pretty hard, you were rolling your hips and didn’t want to stop moving "He recalls, a huge grin now on his face. " I still can heard you - Please Sanji don’t stop, don’t stop " 
"Ha ha ha " You rolled your eyes, still smiling at the memories." Sanji, I think we both really need to sleep, but I had to know...are we okay ? I will not talk to my dad about it, you will not too and we will live with that happy memories without a problem. We are just two friend and coworker who’s during the anniversary of their restaurant decide to casually fucked. Right ? " 
" Yes, exactly," He confirmed, cleaning his area. 
" Perfect, good night Sanji " You said, kissing his cheeks before jumping off the counter and exiting the kitchen. 
" Good night Y/N " The blond replied, watching you go.
Now he knew  he was totally screwed. Even though he hadn't truly lied, he was now reassured that your father will never know. He knew that he wasn’t clearly okay with this casual arrangement anymore. He knew at first that it wasn’t the idea of the century but after that night and the sweet way you look at him, always caring for him when nobody seem to, he couldn’t hide the issue anymore, he was slowly falling for you and he already know it, it's will hurt like hell.  
Part two ?
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luvly-writer · 7 months
Ch. 2: She is as beautiful as she is poisonous
Tim Drake x reader
Fic + Social Media Au
Warnings: Blackmail, she’s a bitch a first, get to know her
Series: Ongoing
Author’s note: Enjoy! Feel free to leave feedback! It is always appreciated <3
Taglist: Let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist!
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How difficult Christmas time must be for all of those on the Upper East Side?
"Honestly, Tini, what do you get a woman who practically owns everything? I swear I have no idea what to get my mother for Christmas!" Y/n spoke on the phone as she carried quite a few bags in her arms. Dior, Channel, Yves Saint Laurent, if it's expensive and you can name it, it's there. "And to be even more honestly, I regret going Christmas shopping the same day Bartie is doing groceries. Seriously, I should learn to coordinate with my butler better, balancing all of this is getting preeetty difficult" she complained as she rearranged her bags again. "I didn't take the limo because I wanted some fresh air, you know how I get when it gets too stuffy" she laughed as she began to search for her purse. Because of so, she wasn't able to see the tired young man walking directly towards her. "It's silly, I know but- HEY!" and down she went with all her bags.
Tim had had a rough day. Between waking up to Dick and Jason singing Baby its cold Outside highly off-key just to piss off Bruce for making them patrol on one of the coldest nights of the year without their thermal suits; his secretary forgetting to send him a copy of the agenda for today's meeting causing him to practically have to improvise most of his points; Damian appearing on his office and refusing to leave his chair trying to establish dominance for "his future empire" to which if Tim had a say, he would absolutely not get if he kept on acting like this; and finally, with Steph who insisted they went Christmas shopping today only to ditch him and leave him stranded in the middle of the street with all of their presents with the excuse of having to repaint her closet which only translates to "I'm getting your present so bye bye". He was completely exhausted and the stitches on his shoulder were getting more painful by the hour with the cold. He had decided to get some coffee at a cafe down by Wellington Street and had been too caught on his thoughts to see where he was going.
Tim's and Y/n's bags, both shopping and personal, simultaneously fell, getting mixed up in the way. Both reached down to catch their stuff as fast as they could.
"Sorry, I was-"
" not paying attention, yes I figured. S, I'll call you later, I have a little situation here. "
Tim was taken aback by the attitude he received from this random stranger...this totally absolutely breathtakingly gorgeous stranger who just so happens to not be a stranger at all. If all of his years being lectured about the hierarchy of the Upper East Side had served correctly, he was standing in front of one of the heiress of the city, Y/n Vanderbilt and she was the most dazzling woman he had ever seen...and just as bothered as she was gorgeous.
"Yeah" he said breathlessly, "that" Could he sound any dumber.
"Yes, That. Ugh! The ONE time I get out without Bartie and this happens. How many of these are yours?" said Y/n without looking up. She hadn't recognized him yet and he wasn't sure how to feel about that. Finally, their eyes met and she raised her delicate eyebrow at him and he swore his heart stopped for a second. "Have we met before?" she asked after taking a good look at him. He sure was handsome as hell. Pale skin, dark hair which was a little bit messy but it suited him, sharp suit and even sharper blue eyes who she swore she had seen before.
"Timothy, Timothy Drake Wayne" he replyed cooly.
"Hmm, a Wayne adoptee and a Drake socialite, Gotham Academy?"
"Yes, but I-"
"-Dropped out, yes. Yes, you did, I remember reading the news. Dropped out to become the CEO of Wayne Enterprises."
"Funny" he laughs out getting up after making sure that all of his stuff was there and then looking up at her. "Can't recognize me but seems to know all my business, miss Vanderbilt." he said snarkly.
"Important enough to know, yet simultaneously not enough to get to actually know" she said with a wolfish smile. Touche.
Y/n checked all her bags and smiled to herself. "Well then, mister Drake Wayne, lovely to meet you. Watch your step next time." She said as she looked at him dead in the eye. "Have a nice day, Timothy."
And she walked away, leaving him dumbfounded watching her go.
"Tim Tim Tim! You will not believe the boots i just got! They are sooooo comfortable and warm for night patrol. My toes were freezing last night....Tim? Hey, what's wrong? You have a dazed look in your eyes?
"I think I just met the love of my life...and shes kind of a bitch." said Tim, making Stephanie laugh and link her arms with his.
"Let's go hide these and you can tell me all about the supposed love of your life."
Y/n paced around her room trying to see where she would hide her presents. Shopping had helped distract her mind from the matter that had been plaguing her mind these last few days. Most of the bags had been cleared by now and she only had three left. As she cleared her final bag, she noticed something strange. Two files. She takes them out curious to see what these are. "Can't be part of my gifts...hmm...let's see"
She opens the first one and sees it is directed to Red Robin?
"What...?" she whispered to herself. "Ivy's exploits on the newest power plant close to Gotham Central Park make a solid case worth observation. Following up on her latest attacks with the reports of Red Hood and Black Bat, we begin suspecting where her next attack will play out....holy shit" Y/n whispered in amazement. She then looked at the rest of the file. Some red yarn here and there. A mixture of scribbles and computer manuscripts. Folded papers and a lot of red ink.
Then she looked at the next folder, a meeting agenda filled with notes directed to one Tim Drake Wayne..."wait a minute.."
These are directed to the same IP address..with the same handwriting, including the signatures...
"Tim Drake Wayne is Red Robin"Y/n smirked, "I believe I found a solution to my little problem"
Y/N went to get her cellphone quick and marked her driver's number. "Donnie, get the car ready, we have a little visit to make"
"Where is it?" Tim searched frantically throughout his apartment. In his work bag, there were two very important files. The first being the final agenda of the meeting he had today with all of the notes he took which he needed right now in order to send it back to his secretary. If she wasn't so busy making googly eyes at him, he wouldn't have to waste time on the job and focus on the case. Speaking off, Tim decided to search for that file and found that it was also missing. "Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw, if Bruce doesn't kill me, Batman will for loosing those two things. Where are those fucking THINGS?" If his apartment was a mess before, it was even worse now.
Thankfully, fate is such a humorous thing.
//kmock, knock, knock//
Close to a breakdown out of frustration, Tim walks towards the door only to be pleasantly surprised by a face that had not left his mind.
"Miss Vanderbilt, what a lovely surprise" said Tim as he opened the door, letting the young girl walk in.
"Yes, just as lovely as this apartment. Are you always this well kept?" She responded with sass. Making Tim chuckle, "No, but i made sure to decorate it like this just in case there was a posibility of a pretty Vanderbilt showing up."
"Funny, that won't last long." She said with a tight smile. "I'm here for business."
"What ever business could you have with a Wayne? Our parents are business partners, so there is not related to networking. You have much more money than all of my family combined, so it isn't that. Status won't be either, you are practically modern day royalty. So, what could it be? What..could..it..be?" he said aproaching her. He may be lacking 48 hours worth of sleep, but the detective in him was up and on high alert. You were picking the skin around your nails and your nose had this adorable twitch that could only mean nervousnes and the look in your eye was cunning with a tinge of desesperation. What could Y/n Vanderbilt want from him?
"I need you to be my fake boyfriend."
Tim had always been proud of being observant and with that, came the ability to not be surprised yet, never in his 22 years of life did he think that he'd have Y/n Vanderbilt, THE Y/n Vanderbilt, asking him to fake date her in HIS apartment.
"What's in it for me?" he asked skeptical of the situation.
"My silence, Robin Boy" she said as she got the two files he had been frantically searching for this entire time and showed them to him. "And don't try to deny it, the handwriting is the same, I had the pleasure of taking DNA samples and they match, and have seen enough videos to be well aware that you have the same body type. Oh and worry not, only i’m aware of this information. Unlike Miss Vale, I do have various PI's on speed dial, and the weight of the Vanderbilt name, so any information out of me will be credible." She said with a pretty smile.
"Pretty, cunning, and poisounus. Who would have throught." He said, not confirming nor denying anything.
"And I am sure Daddy Brucie dearest, would just love finding out one of his little birdlings let the family secret out, wouldn’t he?" she said looking at him dead in the eye.
Tim felt his heart stop. She knew about all of them.
"You have until monday, lover boy. My phone number is written in there. Call me when you have made up your mind and if you accept, make sure you clear up your schedule cause that meeting will take a long time. Kisses" She ended as she handed the files to Tim and saw herself out.
"This is officially THE worst and simultaneously best day ever" He said as he threw himself on the couch.
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aliellnea · 3 months
The loving theory- Kageyama Tobio
Part 2 of my Kageyama story
Content warning: MANGA SPOILERS, angst, mention of a family members death (that's probably it for now, aside from my very watpad plot and probably my bad english), THE WORST WAY OF CARRYING A PLOT
Not proofread
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Looking out of your window you watched as the wind gently swayed the trees. Your mind was clearly not on the math homework in front of you. You was definitely going insane since your encounter with Kageyama earlier, but you couldn't get it out of you mind. Did your mother know he would be going to Karasuno? Why didn’t Miwa tell you? How come you hadn’t seen him for the past week at all on the way to school?
With a sigh, you focused entirely on the street. With the sun setting, the night lights were already on, and most people were already home, so it was fairly deserted outside. The house in front of yours had all the lights out, meaning the Kageyamas weren't home yet. You had been there so many times before that you knew the exact floorplan of the house, which was slightly different from yours. Your bedroom window was face to face with Kageyama’s but you made sure the blinds were closed almost all summer so you wouldn’t have to see him but after seeing him today you thought it was useless now.
Glancing at the clock on the desk, it read 7 PM, meaning you had to hurry and prepare dinner for you and your mother. With only one source of income, you lived quite tightly, but you made it work, even if it meant sacrificing time together. Your mother had taken on additional work shortly before the school year began, increasing the household income. As a result, there was an established routine where yoy assumed the responsibility for cooking dinner every evening.
“Oh dear that smells wonderful” said your mother from behind startling you slightly, you didn’t ever hear the door.
“Hi mom, how was work?” you said, smiling
“Same as always baby” replied your mother while kissing your head “ Actually, I just ran into Tobio how late do these boys come from practice?” added with wonder in her voice
“Did you know he chose to go to Karasuno?” you lowered the heat on the stove to speak.
“Oh god you didn’t know? I’m sorry baby I thought Miwa or him would’ve told you”
“We haven’t talked in months” you replied in a week tone
Your mother's expression softened, understanding dawning in her eyes. "I'm sorry to hear that, sweetheart," she said gently, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder.
"It's okay, Mom," you said, forcing a small smile. "you’ve been busy with work and everything."
Your mother gave you a sympathetic look before turning her attention back to the simmering pot on the stove. "Well, let's not dwell on that now. Dinner smells delicious. Why don't you go set the table, and I'll finish up here?"
Nodding, you moved to the cupboard to retrieve the plates and set the table once yo were done you ran to your room to take a jacket and there you saw him, in his room. He must’ve seen the light switch in your room as he looked up directly at you. He was shirtless and combined with his shocked face he waved awkwardly at you. Blushing, you took the jacket and left the room as fast as you could leaving a shocked Kageyama behind.
The image of Kageyama shirtless lingered in your mind, sending a flutter of nerves through your stomach.
Your mother glanced at you curiously but didn't comment, instead pouring steaming bowls of soup into each plate. "Everything okay, honey?" she asked softly, her eyes full of concern.
"Yeah, everything's fine, Mom," you replied quickly, forcing a smile. "Just feeling a bit tired, I guess." your mother gave you a knowing look but didn't press further.
On Monday morning, the rain painted the town. You luckily didn’t encounter Kageyama that weekend after Friday’s incident, but you spent the whole weekend thinking about joining a club. Your first choice was being a manager for the men’s volleyball club. You found the time you spent with Sugawara and Hinata quite enjoyable, and you were in desperate need of friends in this school. However, after learning that he was also in Karasuno, you kind of discarded the idea.
You looked at Kunimi and Kindaichi on the other side of the booth while sipping on your overpriced drink. The two boys were talking about their classes and the club but your mind was everywhere except their conversation.
“What’s on your mind?” asked Kindaichi
“I don’t know, I’ve been thinking of joining a club but…”
“you don’t want to run into Kageyama” interrupted Kunimi
“Was I the last one to know that he was also going to Karasuno?” you said with disbelief “anyway, how do you even know that?”
“Don’t worry, I couldn’t care less where he went” started Kindaichi “I could never play again with someone as selfish as him”
“Yu” you couldn’t help but scold
“You can’t keep defending him. I don’t care what his problem is you even tried to help him and he treated you like garbage”
“Kindaichi calm down, this is not the place for this.” Intervened Kunimi before the other boy could get more worked up “We actually know because next week we have a practice match against them”
“Oikawa requested it. Kageyama has to play the whole match as the setter”
“Oh god, can he be more egocentric? Isn’t he old enough to get over whatever issue he had when we were 13?”
“He’s actually quite nice you know. It’s easy to play with him” you couldn’t help but roll your eyes “Okay okay no more Oikawa. Why don’t you join the club? Fuck Kageyama. Didn’t you say that there was also that lousy player? The orange haired one”
“I know but Kageyama was the exact reason I quit last year”
“And I’m still mad about that” said Kunimi.
"Aki'," you said with a hint of affection, a playful glint in your eye. "If you're so eager to kiss me, just say the word," you teased, only to be met with his playful retort, complete with mock puking sounds “Okay maybe I could do like a trial or something but, if I end up being their manager don’t be sore losers when we win”
“Likewise” answered the both of them
Even if you didn’t approve of what they did on their last tournament Akira and Yutaro had become great friends. You also kind of understood why they did what they did because after all Kageyama had been their friend and teammate for two years, they reached their limit that day. They were there on your father’s funeral and made sure you didn’t isolate yourself you were grateful to have them and still be in contact with them after choosing a different school than them.
When you left for home it was already dark outside but since it was a school night the streets were pretty calm. You always liked going on night walks, specially with Kageyama and his grandfather. They started when his health deteriorated and couldn’t join you on your jogs, but those walks became the best part of your days. If you weren’t with your father, you would be at Kageyama’s watching some match on the TV or playing outside so when he died it was also a blow for you. You tried your best to keep Tobio company and try to distract him a little, you thought you were helping him until he snaped that day.
As you approached, you spotted Kageyama walking towards his house, sporting the Karasuno jersey. He looked really good in it; you couldn't help but notice. You've always thought he looked best in darker clothes, especially with his dark hair and pale skin. Suddenly you remembered the sight of him shirtless in his room and blushed a vibrant red. He looked up and caught your eyes as you reached your door.
“I’m sorry” he almost shouted making you jump.
Flustered and caught off guard you let out a simple “Okay” and closed the door rapidly. How the fuck were you supposed to manage the club and see him every day?
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axelakim · 11 months
Title: Regret
Pairing: Ben Chilwell X Reader
Content: angst, fluff
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You and ben have been a couple for about 4 years now. Both of you really love and understand each other, moreover for the past 1 year, you two can not be separated from each other because you have moved to Ben's house and that what makes you two more and more in love.
The season chelsea have been through was not really good. The club end up in 12th place in pl rank and there are lots of rumour of his teammates gonna go to another clubs, that's the reason why Ben always get home angry and not in the mood for the past 1 month. Like today, the traning session went well but the match wasn't. Chelsea lost 2 points against Liverpool, you've watched the game at home because youre working and got into some of accident when you were buying coffe at the supermarket across the office till your left palm wounded but u said to Ben that u just feeling a bit sick so you can't make it to the pitch. So you just waiting for Benji to reach home in the livingroom.
Not long after that, you heard your boyfriend opened the door and having such a disappointed and tired look in his face.
"Hei benjii, are u okay love?" while hiding ur left hand
"Yea i'm fine" he didn't even give you kisses when you welcome him.
He directly went to the kitchen and open the fridge "Why the hell there is no food in here? You didn't cook?" he asked
"No im sorry, i didn't cook because im feeling unwell and i just wanted to got home directly on my way home"
"Oh yea right" hearing him just responding u like that is kinda hurt but u dont want to make him more stressed out, so you just ignore it
"Should i cook for you? or we just order some food? what do you want?"
"No need, ill order it later by myself" while putting his dirty clothes in the basket
"Eum how are you today? any stories?" you asked wanted to know more about his day
"You still asking me? you saw me lost right, fucking lost and here you are still asking me about how am i, dont play dumb Y/N you already know how terrible i am now, if you want some attention the answer is not now"
this is the first time he snapped at you, his whole face turning red
Your heart was aching but again u just hold it
"Can u chill out? I just want to know more about my boyfriend's day. Is that so wrong?" holding up your tears
"Yes its so fucking wrong, youve already saw me lost today and u still asking me about my day, and always asking me the same annoying questions when i get home" he answered
"Oh so im the one who is wrong here huh?" you replied
"Yeah because you always so chatty about many things, this and that and also annoying"
You continued, "well maybe your decision to asked me move out with you was wrong then huh?"
"Kinda regret it indeed" he said it cold and went upstairs to your shared room
You frozen for a second hearing what he said, u just went blanking and dont know what to do. Your heart is aching so much, the questions youve always asked him that you consider it as an act of caring but ur boyfriend seemed didn't really happy about it. You always have his back and support all of the things he does but seems it is not enough for him.
You decided to put your jacket on and take your car's key. You told your security at home to open the gate and said to him that you just wanted to go to the supermarket.
After ben done showering, he went downstairs to check up on you because he felt guilty about the argument earlier but you weren't in the living room so he tried to find you in the guest bedroom but u also weren't there, he tried to call your name
"Y/N.... Y/N, are u here babe?" all around the house but he didnt find you
Then he heard some knock on the door, he thought it was you but it turned your best friend, Camilla.
" Omg you camilla, i thought it was Y/N"
"What shes not home? where is she ben?"
"Shes home when i arrived then after i showered shes gone"
"You should find her, her car missing i thought u used it but youre here and her hand wounded because of this morning accident, she really need a rest, im so worried rn"
"What? what accident? she didnt tell me anything? oh my lord, i messed up real bad, fuck it"
"Dont you say youve had some argument earlier ben?" camilla narrowed her eyes
"Yes yes we had it okay, and it was kinda really bad camilla, she must gone because of it, ,im so stupid, ill go find her rn"
"Damn it you chilwell, find my friend rn or you dead with me!"
They both go out to the security guard and asked about you, its almost midnight and you havent even come back home. Ben really worried about you and getting more stressed out. He called you so many tjmes but seems you have blocked his contact, then he called all of his friends and bodyguard acquaintances to find you. He also went to all of your favorite places but still he didn't find you. He drove his car with tears coming down on his cheek, he really regret what he have done to you, you didn't deserve to be treated like that. You are his princess, best friend, and also partner in everything, how could he be so mean, how could he let anger overwhelm him.
Its 3.30 am, hes still on the road till he got a call from a guy name Franky his bodyguard acquaintances, he said he found u because u use your credit card to stay in a hotel. Ben directly went to that hotel and asking your room number to the receptionist, glad that he knew ben and knew that you are his girlfriend so he let him to have the spare key.
Ben already there, in front of room 305 your room. He got in and found the silent and dark room. He turned on the light and saw you slept peacefully on the king size bed. He saw your puffy face and traces of tears that still wet on your cheeks. He checked your wounded palm too, looking at you like this made him really felt terrible rn.
Benji checked your silent phone and found so many missed calls from him, camilla, and others. Benji sent text to camilla first to tell her that youre okay. After that he just lay beside and hugging you till he fell asleep.
In the morning you awake and realized youre not home, but u felt someones arm hugging u from behind, u wanted to shout out at first but then u recognize the hand and also the tattooes. ITS MR CHILWELL.
You try to get up and let go his grip slowly, but Benji noticed.
"Hi baby" u just silent at his raspy voice, youre mad at him but also missing him sm at the same time.
"Hey i know you awake love, come here, let me see your face"
You try to hold ur body but u cant, he managed to turn your body to face his. His face looked so calm now not like last night. He smiled at you for a awhile.
He suddenly kiss your lips and u wipe it
"Huftt i know u must be really mad at me rn, im sorryy babe, i messed up"
"Oh you call me babe now?"
"Sorry sorryy Y/N, babe, i really regret what i did to you last night, im sorry, i let my emotion took control of me" he pleaded
"Yea" that was all u said, tried to get up from his tight hands around you
"No no youre not going anywhere" he said
"Huftt... i dont know Ben, im really dissappointed at you right now. The way u treated me last night make me feel like u dont love me anymore. You really know it well that i dont like when people raised their voice on me especially the people i love, you" u said it in tears
"Baby i know, i know you we've been together for 4 years. I really know it well, im sorry that i treated you like youre somekind of punching bag to me. It was just the effect of bad season and the rumour about my teammates, i just really stress and dont know what to do. Instead i let out my anger and bad mood all to you, while all u did for me was just supporting and taking care of me. Im sorry that i called you annoying i didnt mean it. You always such a loving and caring person especially to me , i really lucky to have you in my life. Im the one whos being a dick all the time since the bad season coming for chels" he said it all in tears also
You touched, you know u shouldnt go easy to him after he breaking ur heart like that. But you love him and you know frpm the deep down of your heart that he really didnt mean it. He even put so much effort to find you. You sighs and continue
"I know, you just stressed out but im here as your partner to comfort you, taking care you, hearing you, and loving you okay not a place for you to let out your anger out. I just wanted to support you Ben in every obstacles on your life, dont get it wrong. And ya maybe sorry if im being too much chatty in your house too, ill try reduce it"
"Love noo, its our house not my house. Its ours not only mine, and no youre not chatty im sorry you just wanted to take care of me and please do it for me" he smiled wiping off your tears
"I really regret my act last night, give me one chance to make us better" he continued
"Um noo" you answered
"Baby what do you mean no" he afraid of the possibility of breaking up and losing you
"Are you not gonna forgive and give me a chance?" he panicking
"I do give you a chance but i cant forgive you yet" you said "It was just too much for me, you know it right?"
"Okay okayy, im glad to hear that thank you sweet" he kissed you
"How do i make it up then baby?"
"With a rope and handcuffs maybe?"
"Oh you want to have playtime? thats easy babe. We just need to get home first"
"Yea playtime but this time im not the one whos being tied and hancuffed"
"You mean me?? hell no" benji refused it
"Okay then no sleeping with me for the next 1 week" you threathen
"Noooo, okay okay babyyy im down for it, youre the dom for tonight's playtime" he smiled
"Yayyy and can i ask one more thing again?"
you pleaded with puppy eyes
"Anything for my baby"
"Can you accompany me to watch barbie and going shopping for barbie related things?"
"Yes you can love, its easier than to be a sub for a playtime" he carresed your cheek
"Now can you forgive me now? I need an official statement from you"
"Yeaa kindaaa"
"I take it as a yes princess, and dont ever you call me Ben again, its terrifying"
You indeed never call him by his real name its always Benji, love, baby, babe, etc, because if you call him by his real name he knows it well that he has messed up real bad with you and he didnt like that also.
"And btw why u didnt tell me about thi" ben asked pointing to your wounded hand
"Dont want u to be worried to much at me while youre on the pitch" you smiled innocently
"Love u have to tell me okay, im sorry i didnt even paying attention to it"
"Its okay, im okay now"
"Have you bring it to the doctor?"
"Yes i have, yesterday and she said its totally okay, i just need to treat it well and change my bandages"
"Hmm i see, lets get home right now and take care your wound okay, you also owe me a story of this little accident"
"I will tell u in car, lets get out pf here right now benjii, im hungryy"
"Lets goo, but kiss me first and say i love you baby"
"Why?? u always like it when i call you Benji"
" I like it but baby is more special to me, also just want to make sure you really forgive me :)"
"I forgive you Mr.Ben Chilwell" you kissed him in a passionate kiss, quite long kiss the you two pull out
"And i really love you baby, thats the reason why i cant stay mad at you" rub your nose against his
"But promise me you will never do that again?"
"Promise princess, i will make you happy, im sorry about yesterday alright love? I really regret it, i love you so much"
You two once again pull in for a kiss and then checked out from the hotel and going home.
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underground-secret · 9 months
The Hunter and the Witch: Dean Winchester x fem! reader
Description: When Dean gets a call from a friend the boys and Y/N go to investigate a plane that crashed under mysterious circumstances.
Warnings: cannon violence, talk of plane crashes, demons, exorcism, reference to sexual themes (but nothing sexual happens at all like not even a little bit), comfort, aerophobia, one bed trope 🤨
Tag list: @jesllianaquilesrolonsworld, @okayiamkassandra, @fablesrose
Word count: 7,792
Authors note: I am so so sorry this took forever to get out, and i’m not even that happy with the turn out at least for some parts of this chapter. I will be working harder to make it better, please let me know what you guys think: criticism is welcome
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The Phantom Traveler
(Masterlist, Previous Chapter, Next Chapter)
The sound of the door opening along with movement beside me wakes me from my sleep. My eyes flicker open slowly only to be met with Dean prompt on one arm practically leaning over me with his hand underneath his pillow.
“Morning, Sunshine!” I hear Sam’s voice call out.
I rub my eyes, turning my head towards Sam’s voice who’s standing in the doorway with a tray of drinks and a baggy of something.
“Hi Sammy” I responded lightly, still adorned with sleep.
“What time is it?” Dean asks him. Which reminds me of the fact that we slept in the same bed the night before, there was only one room left and we were all too tired to go looking for another motel so Dean suggested I bunk with him. And it’s not like we hadn’t slept together growing up, whether on purpose or during a movie.
“Uh, it’s about five forty-five.” Sam answers, kicking his shoes off.
“In the morning?” Dean asks again.
“Yep” Sam answers simply.
“It’s too early” I grumble, sinking further into the hoodie I had worn to bed.
Dean huffs a laugh, “Where does the day go?” He sits up leaning on the headboard, “Did you get any sleep last night?”
“Yeah, I grabbed a couple of hours.” Sam responds.
“Liar. 'Cause I was up at three, and you were watching a George Foreman infomercial.” Dean confronts.
“Hey, what can I say? It's riveting TV.” Sam reasons.
“Lying again!” I add, still lying down.
Dean looks down at me before looking back at Sam, “When was the last time you got a good night's sleep?”
“I don't know, a little while, I guess. It's not a big deal.” Sam shrugs.
“Yeah, it is.” Dean answers and I nod my head in agreement, well the best I can nod lying down.
“Look, I appreciate your concern—“ Sam started getting cut off by Dean, “Oh, I'm not concerned about you. It's your job to keep my ass alive, so I need you sharp.” Dean lies, he is most definitely worried.
But Sam just shrugs. So Dean pushes further, “Seriously, are you still having nightmares about Jess?”
Sam crosses the room, sitting on the other bed, handing Dean two drinks. I sit up quickly taking my drink from Dean as Sam responds, “Yeah. But it's not just her. It's everything. I just forgot, you know? This job. Man, it gets to you.”
“You can't let it. You can't bring it home like that.” Dean tells him, taking a sip of his drink that is most definitely coffee.
“So, what? All this it...never keeps you up at night?” Sam asks, leaning forward.
Dean shakes his head.
“Y/N?” Sam asks.
“Yeah…It does. I mean you can try to not let it bother you but it’s not so simple, not healthy either” I take a deep breath, “Man, we need therapy”, looking down at my cup instead of confronting the boys directly. I take a careful sip from my drink, hot chocolate, making a mental note to thank Sammy for it.
“Exactly. So Dean, really you’re never afraid? Never?”
“No, not really.” Dean replies the same answer.
Sam gives him a look reaching under Dean's pillow, pulling out a large hunting knife holding it up as evidence.
I almost spit out my drink, “When did you put that there!”
Dean takes the knife back, looking between Sam and I as he spoke, “That's not fear. That is precaution. And also when you went to change in the bathroom”
“All right, whatever. I'm too tired to argue.” Sam answers, leaning back on his hand while the other holds his drink (also probably coffee).
“Amen.” I add, focusing on my drink now.
Suddenly Dean’s phone rings, he answers it almost immediately.
Oh, right, yeah. Up in Kittanning, Pennsylvania, the poltergeist thing. It's not back, is it?
What is it?”
The conversation ends quickly and Dean explains that some guy he helped a while back named Jerry Panowski needed our help.
We change and pack up our things, heading out to this Jerry guy.
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“Thanks for making the trip so quick. I ought to be doing you guys a favor, not the other way around. Dean and your dad really helped me out.” Jerry, a short guy who’s balding, speaks
“Yeah, he told me. It was a poltergeist?” Sam asks him, causing a random guy to call back a response, “Poltergeist? Man, I loved that movie.”
Jerry snapped at the worker, “Hey, nobody's talking to you. Keep walking.” He sighs continuing, “Damn right it was a poltergeist, practically tore our house apart. Tell you something, if it wasn't for you and your dad, I probably wouldn't be alive. Your dad said you were off at college. Is that right?”
“Yeah, I was. I'm—taking some time off.” Sam stammered.
“Well, he was real proud of you. I could tell. He talked about you all the time.” Jerry answered.
“He did?” Sam asks.
“Yeah, you bet he did. Oh, hey, you know I tried to get a hold of him, but I couldn't. How's he doing, anyway?” Jerry asks.
“He's, um, wrapped up in a job right now.” Dean responds, coming up with a quick lie.
“Well, we're missing the old man, but we get Sam and, uh, Y/N right? More than an even trade, huh?”
Dean laughs and I nod my head in conformation on the name bit.
“Well anyways I got something I want you guys to hear.” He leads us into his office nearby.
“I listened to this. And, well, it sounded like it was up your alley.” Jerry explains putting a CD into a drive.
“Normally I wouldn't have access to this. It's the cockpit voice recorder for United Britannia flight 2485. It was one of ours.” He presses play
“Mayday! Mayday! Repeat! This is United Britania 2485—immediate instruction help! United Britanis 2485, I copy your message—May be experiencing some mechanical failure…” The recording ends with a loud whooshing sound.
“Took off from here, crashed about two hundred miles south. Now, they're saying mechanical failure. Cabin depressurized somehow. Nobody knows why. Over a hundred people on board. Only seven got out alive. Pilot was one. His name is Chuck Lambert. He's a good friend of mine. Chuck is, uh...well, he's pretty broken up about it. Like it was his fault.” Jerry explains further.
“You don't think it was?” Sam asks him.
“No, I don't.” He answers simply.
“Jerry, we're gonna need passenger manifests, um, a list of survivors.” Sam informs him.
“And would it be possible for us to take a look at the wreckage” I add on asking.
“The other stuff is no problem. But the wreckage...fellas, the NTSB has it locked down in an evidence warehouse. No way I've got that kind of clearance.” Jerry tells us, and despite not being able to see the wreckage he’s extremely helpful. What a kind man.
“No problem.” Dean frowns.
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Sam and I wait outside a Copy Jack for Dean, already having waited for maybe forty-five mins. Dean finally exits.
“You've been in there forever.” Sam complains and I nod in agreement.
“You can't rush perfection.” Dean smiles holding up three ID’s, fake ones at that.
Dean hands us our respected ID’s with a fake name, fake information but actual photos of us.
“Homeland Security? That's pretty illegal, even for us.” Sam comments, looking at his ID badge.
“Yeah, well, it's something new. You know? People haven't seen it a thousand times.” Dean reasons, rounding the car to get in.
“It’s not like you haven’t been FBI Agents” I remarked as I got into the car.
“I get it. We’re criminals.” Sam responded monotone.
“Yeah we are!” I celebrate.
Sam huffs a laugh, an almost disappointing laugh.
“All right, so, what do you got?” Dean asks, changing the subject.
“Well, there's definitely EVP on the cockpit voice recorder.” Sam answers.
“Yeah?” Dean asks.
“Listen.” Sam plays the tape, which he had edited to pull out a scratchy voice, “No survivors!”
“"No survivors"? What's that supposed to mean? There were seven survivors.” Dean questions.
“Maybe there wasn’t meant to be any survivors and it could be going back to, you know, uh, take care of them” I suggest.
“Maybe.” Sam adds. The car went quiet as if the boys were going over the possibilities in their heads.
Dean breaks the silence, “Are you thinking a haunted flight?”
“There's a long history of spirits and death omens on planes and ships, like phantom travelers. Remember flight 401?” Sam informs.
“Right. The one that crashed, the airline salvaged some of its parts, put it in other planes, then the spirit of the pilot and copilot haunted those flights.” Dean answers.
“Right. So maybe we got a similar deal.” Sam adds.
“All right, so, survivors, which one do you want to talk to first?” Dean asks.
“Third on the list: Max Jaffey.”
“Why him?”
“Well, for one, he's from around here. And two, if anyone saw anything weird, he did.” Sam lists out.
“What makes you say that?”
“Well, I spoke to his mother. And she told me where to find him.”
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Max walks with a cane slightly in front of us, having joined him in the garden of the Riverfront Psychiatric Hospital.
“I don't understand. I already spoke with Homeland Security.” He tells us.
“Well, some new information came up. So we’d just like to ask you a couple of questions.” I answer softly.
“Just before the plane went down, did you notice anything...unusual?” Sam adds jumping right into the questions.
“Like what?” He asks.
“Strange lights, weird noises, maybe. Voices.” Dean lists out.
“No, nothing.” Max answers, though not very convincingly.
“Mr. Joffey—“ Dean began getting cut off,
“Jaffey.” Max corrects.
“Jaffey. You checked yourself in here, right?” Dean asks and Max nods.
“Can I ask why?” Dean pushes.
“I was a little stressed. I survived a plane crash.” Max answered simply.
“Uh huh. And that's what terrified you? That's what you were afraid of?” Dean presses further.
“I...I don't want to talk about this anymore.” Max stammers. But Dean keeps pressing, “See, I think maybe you did see something up there. We need to know what.”
“No. No, I was...delusional. Seeing things.” Max answers, eyes wide.
“It's okay. Then just tell us what you thought you saw, please.” Sam offers, going the much nicer way.
“There was...this—man. And, uh, he had these...eyes—these, uh...black eyes. And I saw him—or I thought I saw him...
He opened the emergency exit. But that's...that's impossible, right? I mean, I looked it up. There's something like two tons of pressure on that door.” Max explains, tripping over his words.
“This man, uh, did he seem to appear and disappear rapidly? It would look something like a mirage?” Sam asks.
“What are you, nuts?” Says the guy who believes he was delusional and needed to check himself into a psychiatric hospital.
“He was a passenger. He was sitting right in front of me.”
Our questions ended soon after we got the name of the passenger in front of Max.
The Impala pulls up in front of his house.
“Here we are. George Phelps, seat 20C.” Sam announces.
“Man, I don't care how strong you are. Even yoked up on PCP or something, no way you can open up an emergency door during a flight.” Dean announces as we get out of the car.
“Opening the door while the plane is at an altitude of 10,000 or more, is impossible. I mean that’s an added 24,000 pounds of pressure, to a door that’s already on average 34 pounds, as a result of air pressure.” I inform, reciting something I had read.
Both boys turn to me with a questioning look, “I like fun facts” I shrug.
“Well that would be possible if you weren’t human. So maybe this guy George was something else. Some kind of creature, maybe, in human form.” Sam suggested.
Dean deadpans, looking at Sam, “Does that look like a creature's lair to you?”
Sam looks at the house, an ordinary white paneled home,and then back at Dean shrugging.
Sam rings the doorbell, a woman with shoulder length brown hair invites us in.
“This is your late husband?” Sam asks Mrs. Phelps, picking up a frame photo of a brunette man.
“Yes, that was my George.” She answers sniffling.
“And you said he was a...dentist?” Dean confirms
“Mm-hm. He was headed to a convention in Denver. Do you know that he was petrified to fly? For him to go like that…” Mrs.Phelps admits.
“How long were you married for?” I ask.
“Thirteen years.” She smiles sadly.
“In all that time, did you ever notice anything...strange about him, anything out of the ordinary?” Sam adds.
“Well...uh, he had acid reflux, if that's what you mean.” She answers maybe a little too truthfully, and I have to stop myself from laughing.
We come down the front steps, having no helpful information.
“I mean it goes without saying. It just doesn't make any sense.” Sam announces.
“A middle-aged dentist with an ulcer is not exactly evil personified. You know what we need to do is get inside that NTSB warehouse, check out the wreckage.” Dean suggests.
“Okay. But if we're gonna go that route, we'd better look the part.” Sam adds with a smirk.
My face breaks out into a smile, “Cue the montage!”
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My new heels click loudly on the pavement, catching the eyes of onlookers.
I had wandered off to find a clothing store for women that would have more professional clothing that I was looking for, while the boys were at some store called “MORT’S for style”.
I retrace my steps back to where I had left the brothers, seeing them standing outside the store fixing their suit jackets. Even though I only saw some of them from where I was walking from I had to say they cleaned up nice.
“What the hells taking Y/N so long?” I hear Dean complain his back towards me as he fidgets with the cuffs of his sleeves.
I approached closer only stopping about four feet behind Dean.
Sam’s eyes caught mine as he looked behind his brother’s shoulder, his eyes widening.
“Sorry, Dean.” I say looking up through my eyelashes, even though his back was towards me still.
He turned towards me, his lips ready to form words that never left his mouth, whatever he was going to say died on his tongue the second he had seen me.
His eyes widened for a fraction of a second before turning to a more lidded stance, accompanied by a devilish smirk as his eyes ran up and down my figure. I hadn’t thought there was anything special about wearing a white button up and a black pencil skirt that ended near my mid thigh, but the way he’s looking has me questioning my knowledge on such things.
I feel my cheeks turn hot and I suddenly feel exposed by the way he’s looking at me. I tug on the hem of my skirt, pulling it down slightly, seemingly pulling Dean out of whatever odd trance he had been in.
He clears his throat and yet his voice still comes out a little tight, “We should go”.
I hum in agreement, only now realizing that Sam was already ahead of us and getting into the car.
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We enter the warehouse, my heels still noticeably clicking, showing our “homeland security badges” to the security guard who nods and lets us in.
The warehouse is huge and yet still cluttered with plane wreckage.
Dean pulls out an odd device, plaguing the attached earbuds in his ears.
“What is that?” Sam asks the question we’re both thinking.
“It's an EMF meter. Reads electromagnetic frequencies.” Dean informs, holding up a rackity device.
“Yeah, I know what an EMF meter is, but why does that one look like a busted-up walkman?” Sam questions further, eyebrows scrunched.
“'Cause that's what I made it out of. It's homemade.” Dean grins, shaking it a little.
“Okay D.I.Y King.” I laugh, nudging his arm.
“I’m just going to accept that” Dean nods, going off to move his creation around for EMF readings.
“Check out the emergency door handle.” Dean calls out revealing a yellow dust like thing on the handle.
“What is this stuff?” Dean asks, scratching at the odd yellow substance.
“Why would you touch it?” I ask him, he looks at me and shrugs.
“Well there’s one way to find out what it is.” Sam scrapes some of the yellow dust off with a pen putting both into a little clear baggy.
He puts the bag in his pocket when suddenly the door we entered slams open, several security guards with guns enter. We all share a panic look before swiftly sneaking out of the room.
With our backs pressed to the walls tightly we found a way outside. We peer around a corner seeing no one in sight, giving us the go to start walking towards the gated exit. Then suddenly a loud alarm blared, turning our “causal” walking into a run.
My heels hit the ground hard with every stride I took, hoping they wouldn’t break. But with each careful movement I knew my heels were slowing me down. I stopped a brief moment kicking them up before carrying them in one hand as I continued after the men in front of me.
Reaching the gate Dean took his suit jacket off, his muscles flexing under the white button shirt he wore. He threw his jacket over the barbed wire at the top of the fence, Sam already climbing the gate.
Dean makes eye contact with me, and without words he gets down on one knee offering me his cupped hands to lift me up the gate. I accepted it and with one hand carrying my heels I hurried up the fence, swinging my leg over the jacket covered bar wire, and despite the shorts I wore underneath the skirt I still hoped I wasn’t flashing him.
I feel Dean following closely behind me as I land, stumbling slightly, on the hard concrete my feet aching from the drop without shoes.
“Well, these monkey suits do come in handy.” Dean says, having grabbed the jacket on his way over the fence. He takes a half a look back and takes off running, Sam follows closely behind being able to catch up with his long legs as I hurry after the boys.
Jerry looks at the yellow stuff through a microscope, hunched over. We watch the screen that's projecting what the microscope sees.
“Huh. This stuff is covered in sulfur.” Jerry announces.
“You're sure?” Sam asks.
“Take a look for yourself.” Jerry offers but before anyone could move there’s sounds of banging coming from outside the office as well as a voice cursing out, “You effin' piece of crap…”
“If you fellows will excuse me, I have an idiot to fire.” Jerry huffs, teeth clenched.
As Jerry leaves Dean wanders over to the microscope looking into it.
“Hmm. You know, there's not too many things that leave behind a sulfuric residue.” Dean mumbles.
“Demonic possession?” Sam asks.
“Oh, that would definitely explain how a regular dude would have the strength to open up an emergency hatch.” I answer.
“This goes way beyond floating over a bed or barfing pea soup. I mean it's one thing to possess a person, but to use them to take down an entire airplane?” Dean stated.
“You ever heard of something like this before?” Sam asks him.
“Never.” He replies
“That’s comforting” I remark.
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We were in full research mode, the motel room walls taped with article clippings and images. Papers strewn access the beds and tables. Sam’s on his bed researching on his computer, while Deans reading a book on demon mythology sitting on his bed.
I’m sitting at the small table in the room with a notepad and two open books in front of me, with titles I'm not entirely sure of.
“So, every religion in every world culture has the concept of demons and demonic possession, right? I mean Christian, Native American, Hindu, you name it.” Sam speaks out.
“Yeah, but none of them describe anything like this.” Dean adds.
“Well, that's not exactly true. You see, according to Japanese beliefs, certain demons are behind certain disasters, both natural and man-made. One causes earthquakes, another causes disease.” Sam informs
Dean gets up,“And this one causes plane crashes?
All right, so, what? We have a demon that's evolved with the times and found a way to ratchet up the body count?”
“I guess there isn’t really a way of knowing just how many planes it’s brought down before this one.” I answered
Dean snorts, turning away.
“Hey” I whine thinking he’s poking fun at what I said, my eyebrows scrunching.
“I don't know, man. This isn't our normal gig. I mean, demons, they don't want anything, just death and destruction for its own sake. This is big. And I wish Dad was here.” Dean announces, my face relaxing at the clarification.
“Yeah. Me too.” Sam hums, looking back down at his computer just as Dean’s phone rings.
He answers,
Oh, hey, Jerry.
Wha—Jerry, I'm sorry. What happened?
Where'd this happen?
I'll try to ignore the irony in that.”
Me and Sam throw each other a questioning look.
Dean’s conversation continues,
“Nothing. Jerry, hang in there, all right? We'll catch up with you soon.”
As he hangs up Sam asks him, “Another crash?”
“Yeah. Let's go.” Dean confirms.
“Where too?” I ask, closing the books and my laptop.
“Nazareth.” He answers.
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Jerry is again looking through his microscope.
“Sulfur?” I ask, wanting to confirm. Jerry nods, simply.
“Well, that's great. All right, that's two plane crashes involving Chuck Lambert. This demon sounds like it was after him.” Dean announces.
“With all due respect to Chuck, if that's the case, that would be the good news.” Sam adds, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
“What's the bad news?” Dean asks him, turning in his direction.
“Chuck's plane went down exactly forty minutes into flight. And get this, so did flight 2485.” Sam answers, my eyes widening at the realization.
“Forty minutes? What does that mean?” Jerry questions, looking between the three of us.
“The number typically symbolizes a period of trial or testing, like in Noah’s Ark it rained for forty days and forty nights.” I recall, speaking with my hands.
“Along with death” Dean joins in.
“I went back, and there have been six plane crashes over the last decade that all went down exactly forty minutes in.” Sam informs.
“Any survivors?” Dean asks him.
“No. Or not until now, at least, not until flight 2485, for some reason. On the cockpit voice recorder, remember what the EVP Said?” Sam adds.
“ ‘No survivors’… Y/N you were right, it’s going after all the survivors. It's trying to finish the job.” Dean recalls.
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Darkness surrounds the car, our only source of light being the headlights as we drive through the night.
Sam’s on the phone contacting the survivors.
“Really? Well, thank you for taking our survey, And if you do plan to fly, please don't forget your friends at United Britannia Airlines. Thanks.” Sam says, sounding peachy as he lies to the woman on the phone.
He hangs up, “All right. That takes care of Blaine Sanderson and Dennis Holloway. They're not flying anytime soon.”
“So our only wildcard is the flight attendant Amanda Walker.” Dean acknowledges, not taking his eyes off the road.
“Right. Her sister Karen said her flight leaves Indianapolis at eight pm. It's her first night back on the job.” Sam adds.
“You know I can’t decide if that’s really brave or stupid of her.” I say
“Either way, that’s just our luck” Dean grumbles.
“Dean, this is a five-hour drive, man, even with you behind the wheel.” Sam replies.
“Call Amanda's cellphone again, see if we can't head her off at the pass.” Dean offers.
“I already left her three voice messages. She must have turned her cellphone off.
God, we're never gonna make it.” Sam sighs.
“We'll make it.” Dean answers, pressing down on the gas pedal.
We rush through the airport, stopping only to look up at the Departure board.
“There! They’re boarding in thirty minutes.” I point at the screen above us, trying to catch my breath.
“Okay. We still have some cards to play. We need to find a phone.” Dean adds, turning in a circle until he spots a courtesy phone.
He picks up the phone while Sam and I wait on standby, “Hi. Gate thirteen.
I'm trying to contact an Amanda Walker. She's a flight attendant on flight, um…” He trails off.
Sam quickly pulls out a marker writing numbers on his hand before holding it up for Dean to read, “flight 4-2-4.”
Dean taps his finger on the phone as he waits,
“Come on.
Miss Walker. Hi, this is Dr. James Hetfield from St. Francis Memorial Hospital. We have a Karen Walker here.
Nothing serious, just a minor car accident, but she was injured, so—“
Dean pauses and I know something got messed up, “You what?
Uh, well...there must be some mistake.”
Sam looks at me with confused eyes and I shrug not knowing either, he gets closer to Dean trying to listen in as best as he can almost right on top of him.
Dean laughs, uncomfortably, “Guilty as charged.
He's really sorry.
Yes, but...he really needs to see you tonight, so—
Don't be like that. Come on. The guy's a mess. Really. It's pathetic.
Oh, yeah.”
I have never been more confused about a conversation before.
Dean suddenly calls out, “No, no. Wait, Amanda. Amanda! Damn it! So close.” He puts the phone back on the hook with a defeated sigh.
“All right, it's time for plan B. We're getting on that plane.” Sam says quickly.
“Whoa, whoa, now just hold on a second.” Dean holds out his hand in defense, eyes wide.
“Dean, that plane is leaving with over a hundred passengers on board, and if we're right, that plane is gonna crash.” Sam reasons.
“I know.” Dean mumbles.
“Okay. So we're getting on the plane, we need to find that demon and exorcise it. I'll get the tickets. You guys get whatever you can out of the trunk. Whatever that will make it through the security. Meet me back here in five minutes.” Sam explains and I nod along with him.
But Dean remains quiet looking between us anxious. I place my hand on his upper arm, “Are you okay, Dean?”
“No, not really.” He answers truthfully, which I wasn’t quite expecting.
“Oh…what’s wrong?” I ask, concerned.
“Well, I kind of have this problem with, uh…” He starts getting cut off by his brother, “Flying?”
“It's never really been an issue until now.” Dean explains his body tense.
“You're joking, right?” Sam smiles, and I hit his arm lightly.
“Do I look like I'm joking? Why do you think I drive everywhere, Sam?” Dean whisper-shouts.
“How come you never told either of us?” I ask him, bringing my arm back to my side.
“Well I don’t exactly make it a point to tell people, it’s embarrassing.” He explains, becoming quieter as he finishes.
“Hey we all have our fears” I say, giving his upper arm a little pat, trying to comfort him though I’m not sure if it was helping.
“Ok, uh, Y/N and I will go then.” Sam comes up with.
“What?” Dean asks, looking between us as if we had grown another head each.
“Me and Y/N can do it on our own.” Sam states.
“Yeah! It’s no biggie! And it will mean no plane time for you.” I add on.
“What are you guys, nuts? You said it yourself, the plane's gonna crash.” Dean exclaimed.
“Dean, we can do it all three of us, or me and Y/N can do this one together. I'm not seeing a third option, here.” Sam proposed.
“Come on! Really? Man…” Dean complained.
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The intercom rings out, “Flight attendants, please cross-check doors before departure.”
I sat snuggly between Sam and Dean, the later being in the aisle seat anxiously reading the safety card.
“Just try to relax.” Sam tells him.
“Just try to shut up.” Dean snaps back. I roll my eyes at their banter with a huffed laugh.
The plane takes off, Dean jumping at every little rumble the vehicle makes. He clutches his armrests tightly, the knuckles of his hands turning white from the grip, I place my hand on top of his. The hand I was touching quickly released its death grip on the armrest, now having a firm grip on my hand instead. His body was visibly tense as he leaned back, strigidly, humming a song to himself.
Sam leans forward to see Dean, “You're humming Metallica?”
“Calms me down.” Dean answers through clenched teeth.
“Look, man, I get you're nervous, all right?” Sam sympathized, “But you got to stay focused.”
“Okay.” Dean replies simply.
“I mean, we got thirty-two minutes and counting to track this thing down, or whoever it's possessing, anyway, and perform a full-on exorcism.” Sam explains.
“Yeah, on a crowded plane. That's gonna be easy.” Dean exclaims.
“Just take it one step at a time, all right?” Sam reassures, “Now, who is it possessing?”
Realizing what Sam’s trying to do I keep quiet and let him work.
“It's usually gonna be somebody with some sort of weakness, you know, a chink in the armor that the demon can worm through. Somebody with an addiction or some sort of emotional distress.” Dean answers.
“Well, this is Amanda's first flight after the crash. If I were her, I'd be pretty messed up.” Sam adds.
“Mm-hm.” Dean hums, turning to a brunette flight attendant who passed by, “Excuse me. Are you Amanda?”
“No, I'm not”,she answered, looking at him just a little bit strangely.
“Oh, my mistake.”
Dean stretches his neck to the back of the plane, still trying to look for Amanda, “All right, well, that's got to be Amanda back there, so I'll go talk to her, and, uh, I'll get a read on her mental state.
“What if she's already possessed?” Sam asks him.
“There's ways to test that.” He answers, going into his bag and diving out a flask looking bottle with the Virgin Mary on it. “I brought holy water.”
“No” Sam snatches the bottle tucking it inside his hoodie, almost hitting me in the face as he took it. “I think we can go more subtle. If she's possessed, she'll flinch at the name of God.”
“Oh. Nice.” Dean turns to go, letting go of my hand in the process.
“Hey.” Sam calls out, stopping his brother in his tracks.
“What?” Dean asks
“Say it in Latin.” Sam reminds.
“I know.” Dean leaves again, only making it a few steps before Sam calls out again, “Okay. Hey!”
“What?!” Dean almost shouts, annoyed.
“Uh, in Latin, it's ‘Christo’” Sam answers.
“Dude, I know! I'm not an idiot!” Dean snaps back, this time being able to walk away without restriction.
I turn my head to Sam, “I feel like I should be going with him.”
“Yeah…probably” He answers.
With a nod I unbuckle myself getting up to follow after Dean.
“Dean!” I call out touching his arm as I catch up to him.
“What are you doing here?” He asks me.
“I’m here for moral support!” I say smiling as we enter the back portion of the plane seeing a blond woman fussing with a cart of drinks and napkins.
“Hi.” Dean greets her awkwardly.
“Hi. Can I help you with something?” She asks us, her eyes suddenly widening, “Oh, wait, are you guys trying to join the Mile High Club?” She adds looking uncomfortable now.
“What’s tha-“ I try to ask, getting cut off by a frantic Dean.
“No! no, no, no. I, uh, I'm just a bit of an uneasy flier. It makes me feel better to walk around a little bit, and she’s here for moral support.” He stammers out, eyes wide.
“Oh, I'm so sorry for the confusion. But flight anxiety happens to the best of us.” She offers, meanwhile I'm still confused on what this club is.
“Of course, you being a stewardess, I guess flying comes easy to you.” Dean replies, getting back on track.
She laughs, “You'd be surprised.”
“Really? You’re a nervous flier?” I ask her, even though I know anyone would be after experiencing what she had.
“Yeah, maybe, little bit.” She answers.
“How is it that, being a stewardess, you're scared to fly?” Dean chimes in, scratching his chin.
“Kind of a long story.” She responds.
“Right. I'm sorry for asking.” Dean apologized.
I have to say this is the most awkward conversation I’ve ever witnessed Dean be in, especially when it came to women as much as I hate to say it.
“It's okay.” She says.
“You ever consider other employment?” Dean asks her, and I'm starting to wonder if she thinks this random guy talking to her is strange.
“No. Look, everybody's scared of something. I just, uh...I'm not gonna let it hold me back.” She answered confidently, shaking her head.
“Huh.” Dean hums.
“So…” She trails off, probably wanting this awkward encounter to stop.
“Christo.” Dean mumbles quietly under his breath.
“I'm sorry. Did you say something?” Amanda asks him, looking between us.
Dean hesitates, “Christo?”
“I—I didn't, I didn't…” She stutters, clearly lost. If she hadn’t found him strange before she definitely did now.
“Yeah, nothing. Never mind.” Dean answers, turning around swiftly, grabbing my hand in the process as he leads us back to our seats.
“All right, well, she's got to be the most well-adjusted person on the planet.” Dean informs, sitting back down.
“That was the most awkward conversation I have ever been a part of. I mean seriously what is this ‘Mile High Club’ and why would we be joining it?” I ask no one in particular.
Both boys are quiet, oddly quiet so I turn my head first towards Sam seeing his eyes wide as he holds back a laugh between tightly closed lips. I give him a weird, questioning look before turning towards Dean who also has widened eyes as he makes a throat cut gesture towards his younger brother. He spots me looking at him strangely and immediately drops the motion, smiling at me instead.
“Ok then, weirdos.” I scuffed, “Back on the topic of the hunt there’s definitely no demon in her, Dean did the whole ‘Christo’ thing. And there's no demon getting into her”
Sam clears his throat as if he was getting rid of whatever came over him, “So, if it's on the plane, it can be anyone. Anywhere.”
“Exactly, so not very helpful” I add.
The plane suddenly shakes again, “Come on! That can't be normal!” Dean shouts his grip back on the arm rests.
“Hey, hey, it's just a little turbulence.” Sam reassured, and I nodded along with him.
“Sam, this plane is going to crash, okay? So quit treating me like I'm friggin' four.” Dean exclaims.
“You need to calm down.” Sam tells him.
“Well, I'm sorry I can't.” Dean snaps back.
“Yes, you can.” Sam reassures him.
“Yeah, you can take deep breaths, we'll do it with you if that helps” I add.
“Guys, stow the touchy-feely, self-help yoga crap, it's not helping.” Dean grumbles
“Sorry” I whisper.
“Listen, if you're panicked, you're wide open to demonic possession, so you need to calm yourself down. Right now.” Sam orders, and a little surprisingly, Dean follows, taking a long slow breath in.
“Good. Now, I found an exorcism in here that I think is gonna work. The Rituale Romanum.” Sam notifies us, pulling out his Dads journal. “It's two parts. The first part expels the demon from the victim's body. It makes it manifest, which actually makes it more powerful.”
“More powerful?” Dean asks him.
“Well, it doesn't need to possess someone anymore. It can just wreak havoc on its own.” Sam explains.
“And why would that be a good thing?” I ask, chiming in.
“Well, because the second part sends the bastard back to hell once and for all.” Sam finishes.
“First things first, we got to find it.” Dean gets up from his seat walking slowly up the aisle with his DIY EMF meter. Sam and I get up following him, I allow Sam to get in front of me. He claps a hand on Dean's shoulder, making him jump, “Ah! Don't do that.”
“Anything?” Sam asks him.
“No, nothing. How much time we got?”
“Fifteen minutes” I chime in, calling out from behind the two taller men.
“Maybe we missed somebody.” Sam adds.
“Maybe the thing's just not on the plane.” Dean suggests.
Sam gives him a pointed look, “You believe that?”
“Well, I will if you will.” Dean comments, looking down at the EMF as the meter suddenly spikes.
The copilot exits the bathroom, heading towards the cockpit.
“What? What is it?” Sam asks.
The Copilot turns slowly, facing us. His eyes turning black as he peers behind his shoulder, he turns back around going into the cockpit.
We head to the back of the plane, back to Amanda.
“She's not gonna believe this.” Sam warns.
“Twelve minutes, dude.” Dean points out.
“Oh, hi. Flight's not too bumpy for you, I hope.” Amanda greets sweetly despite how odd her last conversation with us was.
“Actually, that's kind of what we need to talk to you about.” Dean begins, as Sam closes the curtain.
“Um, okay. What can I do for you?” She answers looking at us weirdly again.
“All right, this is gonna sound nuts, but we just don't have time for the whole "the truth is out there" speech right now.” Dean explains
“All right, look, we know you were on flight 2485.” Sam adds.
Amanda's smile disappears, “Who are you guys?”
But she does not get the answer she’s looking for as Sam explains, “Now, we've spoken to some of the other survivors. We know something brought down that plane and it wasn't a mechanical failure.”
“We really need your help because we need to stop it from happening again. Right now.” I plead.
“I'm sorry, I—I'm very busy. I have to go back—“ She stammers, trying to brush past Dean who stops her.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a second. I'm not gonna hurt you, okay? But listen to me, uh...The pilot in 2485, Chuck Lambert. He's dead.”
“Wait. What? What, Chuck is dead?” She exclaims, eyes wide.
“He died in a plane crash. Now, that's two plane crashes in two months. That doesn't strike you as strange?” Dean asks.
“I—“ Amanda starts getting cut off by Sam, “Look, there was something wrong with 2485. Now maybe you sensed it, maybe you didn't. But there's something wrong with this flight, too.”
“Amanda, you have to believe us.” Dean urged
“On...on 2485, there was this man. He...had these eyes.” Amanda tries to explain.
“Yes. That's exactly what we're talking about.” Sam responds.
“I don't understand, what are you asking me to do?” She looks between us.
“Okay. The copilot, we need you to bring him back here.” Dean explains.
“Why? What does he have to do with anything?” She asks him.
“Don't have time to explain. We just need to talk to him. Okay?” Dean pushes.
“How am I supposed to go in the cockpit and get the copilot—“ She tries to ask getting cut off yet again by Sam, “Do whatever it takes. Tell him there's something broken back here, whatever will get him out of that cockpit.”
“Do you know that I could lose my job if you—“ She tries again this time getting cut off by me, “Please, Amanda your job isn’t going to exist in a couple minutes if you don’t bring him back here.”
I feel bad for having to scare her like this but we don’t have a choice here.
She hesitates and I can see her considering her options in her head, “Okay.”
She leaves us, heading to the cockpit as we get in position. Sam pulls out the holy water and Dean pulls out his Dads journal handing it to Sam who opens it.
“Yeah, what's the problem?” A male voice rings out, the Co-Pilot walking through the curtain.
Dean launches forward, punching him in the face. The man stumbles back, Dean uses that leverage to grab the guy and slam him to the ground. Pinning him down as he puts duct tape over his mouth.
“Wait. What are you doing? You said you were just gonna talk to him.” Amanda exclaims.
“We are gonna talk to him.” Dean answers, Sam splashing the holy water on the man’s skin, making it sizzle and bubble at the contact.
“Oh, my god. What's wrong with him?” She stammered, backing up.
“Look. We need you calm. We need you outside the curtain.” Sam commands.
“Well, I don't underst—I don't know—“ Amanda whispered, fearfully.
“Sam start reading” I order taking over the role of getting Amanda out, “You can’t let anyone in, Amanda please. Can you do that?” I ask her, leading her closer to the curtain.
“Okay. Okay.” She finally agrees, leaving. Meanwhile Sam began his reading kneeling down near the Demon, “Regna terrae, cantate Deo, psallite Domino—“
The demon manages to break free, swinging his arm out at Sam causing the holy water to go flying, in that one moment of distraction the demon manages to shove Dean backwards and hit Sam back into the wall.
I launch into movement, pinning his arms to the side of his head. I'm not physically stronger than Dean but I’m not exactly going to wait around either.
Sam leans up, picking up where he left off. Dean kneels by my side holding down the arm of the demon who lashes beneath me. He breaks free again shoving me off, the side of my head hitting into the wall of the plane hard, and backhanding Dean in the face making him stumble back.
He rips the tape off his mouth, grabbing Sam by the collar, “I know what happened to your girlfriend! She must have died screaming! Even now, she's burning!”
Dean recovers much quicker than I, punching the demon and pinning him down once more.
“Sam!” Dean yells.
Sam begins reading again, putting the book down to help Dean pin down the Demon. I pick myself up, ignoring the spinning of my head to hold down the guy's other arm.
The demon lashes again, when finally black smoke leaves the Copilots mouth and disappears.
“Where'd it go?” Sam asks, looking up.
“It's in the plane. Hurry up. We got to finish it.”
We all stand up, determined to finish this when suddenly the plane dips and heaves violently. The movement successfully threw me to the ground, every time I tried to get up or move the heaving threw me down again like a baby who’s just learning how to walk. Meanwhile Deans splayed against the exit door screaming.
Sam somehow manages to keep moving despite the violent movement, army crackling into the aisle looking for the book.
A sudden bright electrical charge runs through the entire plane, which ends the hectic movement.
I hear chatter and sighs of relief, even though I'm all the way in the back of the plane. I stumble as I stand, walking over to Dean who still remains splayed against the door despite the plane flying as normal. I place a hand on his arm, as to say without words he’s okay, he looks down at me, his eyes wide and full with fear.
He carefully removes himself from the wall to enclose me in a tight hug, his head coming down to rest on my shoulder. I wrap one arm around his back, the other going to hold his head to me, my fingers in his hair, his breath heavy as I feel it fan on my neck.
I don’t mind the fact that I had to stand on my tippy toes for his head to be on my shoulder more comfortably, not when I got to hold him so close and give him a moment of peace.
Back at the airport all sorts of departments surrounded everyone, FBI, FAA, Paramedics, etc.
We headed for the exit, Sam walking just a bit ahead of us, his body and every movement was tense. Dean looks at me, asking without words if he should say something I nod in confirmation.
“You okay?” he asks, Sam stops and turns.
“It knew about Jessica.” Sam seethes.
“Sam, these things, they, they read minds. They lie. All right? That's all it was.” Dean explains and I nod along with him.
“Yeah.” Sam breathes out.
“Come on.” Dean slaps a hand on Sam’s back, leading us out of there.
“Nobody knows what you guys did, but I do. A lot of people could have been killed.” Jerry shakes each of our hands, “Your dad's gonna be real proud.”
“We'll see you around, Jerry.” Sam said.
We begin to head off when Dean stops short, “You know, Jerry.”
“Yeah.” He answers.
“I meant to ask you, how did you get my cellphone number, anyway? I've only had it for like six months.” Dean told him.
“Your dad gave it to me.” Jerry responded.
“What?” Sam and I say almost at the same time.
“When did you talk to him?” Dean asks, looking at Sam and then back to Jerry.
“I mean, I didn't exactly talk to him, but I called his number. His voice message said to give you a call.” Jerry explained, “Thanks again, guys” and he left.
“This doesn't make any sense, man. I've called Dad's number like fifty times. It's been out of service.” Sam exclaims.
Dean pulls out his phone in response, dialing a number and putting it on speaker phone for us to hear too.
“This is John Winchester. I can't be reached. If this is an emergency, call my son, Dean. 785-555-0179. He can help.”
We all look at each other, Sam huffs storming off to the car slamming the door behind him. I didn’t know what to say, and I don’t think Dean did either. With no other words we followed getting into the car and with a sigh Dean drove off.
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suffersinfandom · 8 months
This is a somewhat-hingeless rant about disability and OFMD/Izzy takes.
Tumblr handed me a "recommended" post that made me so mad I ended up deleting a moderately unhinged reply and walking away for a bit. It's still eating at me, so I'm just gonna reply to it indirectly.
(I know this is cowardly, but anything I say will just lead to fighting and I'm tired. If anyone wants to discourse about whatever I post, please do me a favor and don't rant at me directly. Take caps and scream into the void like a gentleperson.)
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First: I am physically disabled and I often use visible disability aids (just establishing my credentials so I'm allowed to not support this take uncritically). I also have mental health issues and less visible physical issues that honestly cripple me more.
Second: the title alone, man. My main issue with this whole thing is the disability gatekeeping, but that interpretation... hngh. I don't think OFMD was trying to meet a disability quota, you know? It's not "we have three disabled people so we can kill one off."
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"Izzy shouldn't have died because he's the most clearly, visibly disabled" is a weird take because it conflates two unrelated things: Izzy's disability and Izzy's death. It's okay to be upset that Izzy died because his specific disability was something you related to. It hurts to have representation taken away! But his death had a narrative purpose. It had nothing to do with his status as an amputee.
And yeah, people are disabled in different ways, but is acknowledging that really an invitation to dismiss some disabilities as invalid? Sure, let's gatekeep disability. Let's decide that some people aren't disabled, actually. Lucius, Black Pete, Wee John, Spanish Jackie, and Ed aren't disabled in a way that's huge and traumatic and life-changing, so throw them out.
Except Ed is one of our protagonists, and I'd argue that his issues are way more important to the narrative than Izzy's. Ed's bad knee is technically fanon (fanon that I love because I too have bad joints and a shit knee), but I would argue that Ed is absolutely canonically disabled. Are we really supposed to disregard his crippling mental health issues because they're not visible? We're just going to shrug off the suicidal despair that drove a huge chunk of the plot? Wild that something so central to the story just doesn't matter because it's not the right kind of disabled.
That was a tangent, sorry. Back to Izzy and the injury that was "thrust upon him."
Yes, his injury is life-changing and traumatic. I'm sympathetic -- but not as sympathetic as I would be if he hadn't played a significant part in the events that led to the loss of his leg.
"That's victim blaming!"
It's a statement of fact. As Izzy himself admitted, he drove the darkness in Ed. He dangled his leg over the side of the ship and a shark bit it off. The injury wasn't thrust upon him so much as actively courted.
Izzy tried to shoot himself in the head at his lowest moment. If I may misquote OP: if you cannot see that there is a WORLD of difference between Ed's multi-episode suicidal arc and Izzy impulsively seeking an out, I honestly do not know what to say to you.
But the big thing about Izzy is that he is a secondary character in a story. If you take off the Izzy blinders, you can see that it's not all about him. His go at suicide killed the symbol of toxic masculinity that he had been up to that point so his story could progress. When he crawled along the floor whining pathetically, his sheer levels of wet cat-ness brought the crew together. The crew rallying around him and giving him the love and forgiveness that he did not ask for? That was about the crew and their growth, not Izzy.
Izzy did not have some deep-seated care for the crew before he was shot. He didn't throw himself in front of a bullet for them. He was not the crew's protector. Izzy's growth began when Ed essentially fired him, and the real changes happened post leg removal.
But here's something super important: Izzy was not suicidal when he told Ed he was ready to go.
Because yeah, I agree, it'd suck if a character who attempted suicide spent a few episodes being rehabilitated and accepting love and who he is turned around and decided that he wanted to die. It's a good thing that's not what happened.
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This is what made me decide not to reply directly. Yeah, clearly a lot of disabled queer people are upset. And you know what? That's fine! I always support feeling what you're feeling, even if that feeling is negative. I'm sorry that other queer disabled people are hurting, and I don't want to add to that hurt by being directly confrontational.
Then OP said the last part and I was riled all over again. I was prepared to reblog since I meet their criteria (or maybe I don't -- I might not be the right kind of disabled), but what's the point? How miserable do I want to be? How much do I want to make them miserable?
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I know I ranted a lot here, but what I'm getting at is this: Izzy DID NOT "go from wanting to die after a hugely traumatic disabling life event" to "wanting to die after finding acceptance and happiness." If he had, I'd totally understand why OP is upset and I'd think, yeah, maybe they should've run that by a few more people.
Izzy didn't want to die. He accepted his death as the inevitability it was -- inevitable not just because the wound was fatal, but because his death was important to the larger story and, importantly, Ed's story.
Izzy is piracy. Izzy is toxic masculinity personified. Izzy is anchoring Ed to Blackbeard. Izzy is not a character who overcame great obstacles and found acceptance just to decide that, actually, he'd like to be dead instead. He's not David Jenkins and company telling people who relate to Izzy that they should just die. He's not proof that recovery and joy are impossible for broken people.
Look at Ed. He went from wanting to die to wanting to live and do better. He's still working for his acceptance and happiness, and Izzy's last words are insistence to him that he'll get there.
Lucius said that some people are just broken, and this season does everything it can to refute that. One of the clearest themes is no one is broken beyond repair. People can change and they can heal and they can be forgiven by the people they hurt. This theme is so clear that I don't understand how anyone can overlook it.
I've been typing for ages and I'm honestly so sorry to anyone who takes me seriously enough to read this. It's a lot of negativity, and we have more than enough of that.
(And if you're disabled, hurt by Izzy's death, and also somehow still here, I sincerely hope that you feel better about it soon. I hope you'll come across meta that puts things into perspective in a way that lets you appreciate OFMD's positive messages and make peace with or move past season two. Barring that, I hope you find a new show to latch onto that gives you everything you want.)
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sk8termikey · 1 month
Chapter 12 of 21 Questions
better interface on wattpad
Lily was comfortably sitting next to a tired Alex on their couch while Bernard, their cat, had claimed a spot between them and was contentedly purring as he lazily stretched out. 
As she was looking at recent pictures she took , Lily's phone buzzed with a message from Matt.
If you’re free to play right now i am
“Who is texting you at such a late hour?” Alex asked, sleepily.
“Matt, so I can play Fortnite with him”.
“This late? Aren’t you tired after today?” Although Alex was concerned for her friend, she couldn’t help the small smile as she thought about how Matt seemed to often be the subject of discussion lately.
“I guess I am,” Lily sighed. “But if I don't play tonight, we’ll have to reschedule since we are both always busy. And I really wanna play with him.”
“I understand. If you really want to, go play but don't sleep too late. You haven’t been sleeping a lot recently.”
“Yeah don't worry,” Lily reassured her friend. “In any case, I know I cannot really last more than an hour so I’ll sleep soon enough.”
“Okayy, then enjoy your game and good night”.
“Good night as well, love you”, Lily replied as she quickly held Alex’s hand to emphasise the last part of her sentence.
“Love you too”.
The two girls both made their way back to the comfort of their rooms. Excitement bubbled within Lily as she eagerly headed towards her laptop that was on the bed, anticipating a thrilling session of Fortnite with Matt. 
If you’re free to play right now I am
Yup i am :) 
Just warning you that i'm a bit tired so I won't be able to play too long sorry
We can always postpone you know
It doesn't bother me
No dw, I want to
So what's your user?
Just added you
That’s me
Can we use vocal chat to communicate?
I think it would be more practical than typing and playing at the same time
Only if you’re comfortable with it ofc, if not we can always type in the chat
What if you know me?💀 
If you recognise my voice, no you don't 
Yeah sure it's not a problem 
Okay gonna active the mic
“Yeah I do hear you”, Matt said as Lily had just asked if her mic was good.
“Great, just send a request so I can join your group.” 
“Done,” Matt briefly notified her, not wanting to talk too much.
“Yep, I see it. Where do you wanna drop?” Lily questioned while she was looking at the map.
“Dunno, depends on how you play. Are we confronting the enemy or playing a chill game?”
“I'm going to be honest with you Matt, I’m all for directly attacking people but I also like to just mind my business like– for example when there’s no one around, I’m literally just building houses,” Lily explained the type of player she was.
“M’kay, so somewhere calm I guess?”
“Sounds good”, Lily agreed.
“How about Shattered Slabs? Not very crowded, I’d say,” Matt suggested.
“Okay okay, solid choice. Let's jump now.”
They both landed in Shattered Slabs and started looting buildings to look for weapons before finding a plan of action.
“Found a green pump shotgun. You need a weapon?” Lily offered.
“Yeah, I'm rocking a grey SMG but I'll take it.”
“Here you go. Now let's push towards the circle.”
As they did so, they unfortunately encountered an enemy duo.
“Matt! Matt! Watch out! Right in front of us, two guys.” Lily warned the boy on the other side of the screen.
“Got it, don't worry. I take left. You focus on the right.”
Lily was glad that Matt was careful of his surroundings and able to act in semi stressful situations. Even though she realised he wasn’t much of a talker when playing, she liked that he would still reply to her. Lily was someone who could get really excited regarding video games but she didn’t mind that Matt was more on the calm and reserved side.
They thus engaged in a brief firefight and successfully managed to eliminate the enemies. After that, they decided to continue moving towards the centre of the map, which led them to encountering more opponents along the way.
“Incoming, I'll flank from the right. Cover me!” Matt exclaimed as he was being surprised by an enemy.
“Go for it. I'll keep them distracted.”
Due to their quick and efficient teamwork, they successfully eliminated the threat. As they approached the final circles, the tension was building up.
“Only two squads left. Stay sharp.”
“Damn I've never done a victory royale with someone or with Alex. She sucks a bit and my random teammates always sucked too.” Lily was getting impatient about finally winning a game, thanks to her new teammate and friend.
“First time for everything,” Matt shrugged as he was used to achieving a victory royale either alone or in teams.
The final battle unfolded and after a fierce fight, they eventually emerged victorious.
“We did it! Victory Royale! Yaaay!”
“Good game. Let’s do another one,” Matt suggested as he was getting more into playing with Lily.
A matching smile appeared on both of their faces at the thought of coordinating strategies and sharing victorious moments together. The familiar sound of gunfire could be heard in their headphones while the virtual landscapes kept moving before them, thus creating a digital realm where teamwork and skill merged seamlessly.
After a couple of games, Matt and Lily were unknowingly sharing things about their personal lives as they were more easily winning each game and therefore didn’t have to focus as much as before on the other players.
“No, yeah and like– we couldn’t not go see them on tour you know?” Lily mindlessly asked as she was shooting someone from afar.
“Sounds fun honestly,” Matt replied. “I hope you guys have a good time.”
“Yep, thanks. And thanks for saving my ass just now.”
Lily, as she was telling Matt about how she was going to a 5 Seconds of Summer concert for the US leg of their tour, was getting easily distracted. She couldn’t be blamed though because in her opinion, Matt was someone you could trust very quickly. She found peace in talking to him as he was a pretty good listener who would occasionally share a thing or two about his own life.
As the duo managed their fourth victory of the night – Lily had absolutely lied when she told Alex she would go to bed after an hour, the girl let her eyes wander to her window whose curtains weren’t closed yet and were letting some faint light enter her room: the city lights from afar were almost looking like distant glowing stars.
“Wait, be right back. Give me two minutes before starting a new game.”
“Ok,” Matt simply replied as he didn’t mind a small break.
Lily had realised that the sky was the complete opposite of cloudy and that she could see the moon. Grabbing her phone from her nightstand as she knew her camera had no battery left, she shot a dozen of pictures before coming back to her bed.
“Sorry for that, sky looked so pretty I couldn’t resist.” Lily explained to her teammate.
“No problem. Send me a picture, will you? Must be prettier than the sky I have right now.”
“Of course bro, I gotcha.” Lily was looking through her gallery to find the best picture she could send to Matt. “Erm, you know what? I’ll give you my Instagram and you’ll have to wait to see it on there because I think I’ll have to edit a bit. They would’ve looked more accurate with my camera but with my phone the photos are missing something for now.”
“Oh, hmm… yeah, ok. Fine by me”, Matt agreed with the proposition as he took his phone to open the application mentioned by the girl.
Lily then texted Matt with the Instagram user of her photography account, which was mostly filled with pictures of the sun and moon. Unbeknownst to Lily, Matt was quickly changing from his main public account to a second one he had – he didn’t post any picture of his or his brothers’ face on it so he was safe from getting recognised as the account had barely a couple of landscapes pictures, simply acting as a decoy to thrive incognito on social media.
Now following Lily on Instagram, Matt skimmed through her account and realised that she really was the female version of his brother Nick. Indeed, as Lily rambled about editing, Matt carefully listened and noted how passionate she was about photography.
If only one of them knew at the moment that this small interaction would be a turning point in their lives, leading to events none of them could ever imagine happening.
“Hey,” Matt broke the comfortable silence between Lily and him after a few minutes.
“Yeah?” she softly replied.
“My brother just texted me that we have something to do tomorrow morning so I think I’ll go to sleep soon”, Matt explained with an unexpected frown on his face – he realised that he was actually enjoying conversing with Lily and wanted to keep talking to her.
“No worries babe,” Lily let her favourite pet name unconsciously roll off her tongue. “I should too honestly. Even if I don’t have a shift tomorrow, I don’t want to fuck up my sleep schedule.”
“Yeah…” Matt awkwardly replied, not knowing how to feel about ending the conversation.
“Yep…” Lily was definitely experiencing the same thing as she wished she could keep talking to him. “Tonight was fun. I hope we can play together again soon.”
“Me too,” he agreed with her as a smile made its way on his lips before continuing. “We make a pretty good team.”
“Totally. Well then, good night Matt.”
“Good night Lily.”
Thank you for reading. Votes and comments are always appreciated if you like this story :) The story is co-written w @/little_grapejuice on wattpad
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floralcyanide · 2 years
Just Friends
sub!Austin Butler x dom!Reader Smut
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>> first of all, I've accepted my beeline to hell for this one. the elvis fan club discord gets wild sometimes, and we discuss some interesting things. one of them is sub!Austin, and it awakened something in me lol. I hope everyone enjoys this. please keep the warnings in mind!!
pairing: Austin Butler x reader
warnings: smut, very smutty dear god, dom/sub, pegging, anal fingering, use of strap-on, fingers in mouth, overstimulation, crying, aftercare, all the good fluffy stuff. MINORS DNI. (do not interact) I'm so serious please don't with this one.
word count: 3507
masterlist || add yourself to the taglist HERE!
Austin had been bothering you all day about going and getting coffee, so eventually, you gave in to his begging. Now, the two of you are in front of a local coffee shop, surrounded by a small group of fans. It's not exactly how you had planned your afternoon, but here you are. You don't mind the fans at all usually, but today was just a weird day for you mood-wise. All you want is to have your coffee and walk back home to where you can relax in peace. But of course, you're never that lucky. 
"What was it like to play Elvis?" one fan asks excitedly, holding out a napkin from the coffee shop for Austin to sign.
"It was definitely a privilege I'll never forget," Austin smiles as he scrawls his signature on the napkin with a Sharpie a barista let us have.
"Is this your partner, Austin?" another fan asks, and you feel weary of his response.
You and Austin have been dating for a few months, but very lowkey. Not many people know, and those that do have been sworn to secrecy. Both of you value your privacy, especially since Austin has become very famous very quickly. You've known each other for a long time but only recently became romantically involved. It's been a great relationship, but how do you really feel about finally being official at some point? I guess that answer weighs heavily on how Austin responds.
"Oh, no," Austin says with a chuckle, "We're just friends. Have been for a long time."
Ouch. Just friends, huh? You feel a weird pang in your stomach at the low-tier relationship description and decide maybe you two should talk later. Your weird mood just went further south on a whim.
"It was nice meeting you!" Austin tells the fans as they begin to disperse.
You remain silent as the two of you walk back to your apartment.
"Are you okay?" Austin asks around a sip of his coffee.
You shrug, "Yeah, I'm just a bit tired."
You feel like your emotions about him lying about your relationship are shallow- the two of you are keeping this lowkey and agreed to lie if necessary. It wasn't until today, for some reason, that you felt very odd about it. But you don't want to say anything unless provoked because Austin still obviously wants to keep your relationship hidden. So you'll just stew in your discomfort for now.
"Hopefully, the coffee will help with that," Austin says with a smile, completely unaware of your mood change.
You wanted so badly to wipe that pretty smile off of his face. Oh, if he only knew. You hum in response to his comment with no further reply. You aren't far from your apartment when someone else recognizes Austin, to your dismay. God, you just want to go home.
"Hi! Do you mind getting a picture?" the fan asks with a big grin on their face upon seeing Austin in the flesh.
"Of course!" Austin grins, leaning in to take a selfie.
"Is it cool if we take one with your partner too?" the fan points to you, much to your surprise. Usually, fans don't care about you.
"We-" Austin begins to say, but you cut him off.
"Oh, we're just acquaintances," you grit your teeth in a smile, "But I'd love to if that's okay with you!" you say to the fan before looking Austin directly in the eyes. When the fan glances at their phone, your face becomes expressionless when he makes eye contact with you.
Austin visibly gulps. He knows he messed up now. The fan motions for you to come closer to them so they can snap a photo of the three of you together. 
"Thanks so much! It was nice meeting both of you," the fan waves goodbye before scurrying off.
Austin doesn't say a word the rest of the way home, nor do you. His mood went from chipper to uneasy very quickly. He fumbles with the keys for a hot second when you finally arrive at your apartment, his nerves beginning to show.
"Need some help?" you ask tauntingly, brushing your hand over his as you grab the keys from his grasp before unlocking the door with ease.
Austin looks dumbfounded before physically shaking himself out of it as he walks through the front door. You toss the keys into the dish by the entrance and watch as Austin thinks he's going to make a clean breakaway. But as he starts walking away from you, you hook your finger into the collar of his shirt, pulling him back towards you.
"Not so fast, baby boy," you say in a low voice, "You aren't going anywhere."
You push Austin up against the front door and get close to his face, "I have a question for you, Austin."
"What's that?" Austin asks, looking at your lips instead of your eyes. He wouldn't dare make eye contact right now, he feels too vulnerable.
You grab his jaw, forcing him to look up at you, "Eyes on me when I'm talking to you, okay, baby?"
Austin nods, maintaining eye contact with you now. He visibly struggles to keep his eyes on yours. A corrupt smile spreads upon your face at the helpless look on his face.
"My question is, would a friend kiss you like this?" you ask, pulling his face forward by his jaw, kissing him open-mouthed, "And would a friend know exactly where to kiss you?"
You begin kissing along Austin's jawline, nibbling in the spots you know makes him weak. His hands go to your waist, but you grab his wrists and raise them above his head, pinning them to the door.
"You don't get to touch until I say so," you say sternly, pulling away from his neck and nearly pressing your nose to his due to your close proximity. 
Austin nods wordlessly as his chest heaves against yours. You let go of his wrists, grab the front of his shirt, and pull him down by it so he can lean down for you to kiss him again. As you dominate his mouth with your tongue, you slide your hands under his shirt, running them up his abs and chest before moving them back down to his hips. Digging your fingers into them, you pull Austin closer to your body, pressing yourself fully against him. He keeps his hands firmly by his side even though it's a struggle to not touch you. Moving your hands from his hips to the front of his jeans, you slip a finger into a belt loop and start pulling Austin away from the door.
"You know what else a friend wouldn't do?" you bite your lip as you drag him away.
"What?" Austin asks, his voice cracking from lack of use.
"Tell you to go to the bed and touch yourself until I get there."
A shudder runs through his body at your words, but he obeys. He walks to the bedroom and proceeds to the bed, where he starts to strip. You stand in the doorway as he does so, watching closely as each article of clothing falls to the floor. Turning around as he makes himself comfortable on the bed, you walk into the kitchen and make yourself a glass of wine to sip on for a few minutes before returning to the bedroom. You wanted to give Austin time to think about what he said earlier and get himself riled up before you eventually take advantage. After finishing the glass, you begin walking back to the bedroom, and the sight before you sends you reeling. Austin is completely naked and lying on the bed, the duvet covering his body except for his chest and hips, where his hand is pumping himself slowly. A devious grin finds its way onto your face as you walk to the bed and climb next to Austin, swinging a leg over his body as you settle on his thighs, fully clothed.
"Does that feel good?" you raise an eyebrow, your eyes glancing down at his hard, red tip that's now leaking with precum.
"Mhmm," Austin hums, not making eye contact again.
"Look at me and answer with your words," you say, lifting his face with your hand so he can look directly at you.
His eyes meet yours, his mouth agape as he pumps faster, "'Feels good, mama."
You bite your lip at the nickname, warmth spreading to your core as you watch him touch himself. He's getting close to cumming, and you can tell because he keeps licking his beautiful lips over and over. It’s a habit you’ve noticed. You reach over him to open the bedside drawer and retrieve your trinkets. Finding the handcuffs first, you grab Austin's arm to stop him from moving and attach one cuff to his wrist. Looping the chain through a bedpost pole, you take the other cuff and put it on his other hand, and Austin whines from the sudden lack of stimulation. 
"Do you understand why I'm punishing you?" you ask him before you grab anything else.
It's an unspoken rule that when you both engage in dominating activity, you both understand why one is punishing the other. It makes the ordeal more enjoyable, and consent is easier to communicate.
"Yes, ma'am," Austin says as he looks into your eyes, a flash of regret shining in them. Not a bad regret, though. He knows exactly what's about to happen and will enjoy every second of it.
"Why am I punishing you then, baby boy?" you ask innocently.
"Because," Austin gulps, clearing his throat, "I said you were just a friend. And I lied."
You pat his cheek lovingly, "Good boy. I'm gonna show you anything but a friend tonight."
You grab a cock ring from the bedside drawer this time and slide it onto his hard-on slowly. Austin sucks in a sharp breath as he struggles against the handcuffs at the friction of the ring sliding down his shaft. You give him a few pumps just to tease him, and he moans loudly at the feeling.
"Fuck, Y/N," Austin throws his head back, exhaling shakily when you pull your hand away.
"I want you to watch me," you say, your fingers curling underneath the hem of your shirt in anticipation of taking it off.
Austin lifts his head back up, his eyelids heavy as he watches you remove your shirt and toss it into the floor next to his discarded clothing. You slowly move your arms behind your back to unclip your bra, exposing your breasts to the nippy air of the bedroom and Austin's hungry gaze. He forgets he's handcuffed and goes to grab at your breasts but struggles against the padded metal. A low groan leaves his throat in defeat. 
"If you're a good boy, I'll let you enjoy them later," you smirk as you sit up off Austin's thighs and pull down your pants and underwear in one go, throwing them to the floor. 
He stares at your body like it's the first time he's ever seen it, his eyes softening as he fights the cuffs from wanting to touch you again.
"You can look, but you can't touch until I say so, sweet boy," you whisper, settling back on his thighs.
You lean forward and run your finger across his bottom lip before sticking two fingers into Austin's mouth. He graciously accepts them, swirling his tongue around your digits sensually. You tap Austin's thigh with your other hand, signaling him to spread his legs for you. He obeys, his face revealing some uncertainty. You've done this before, but he sometimes gets a little nervous beforehand. 
"We don't have to, baby," you say, taking your fingers from Austin's mouth, softly rubbing his thigh in a comforting manner, breaking your dominance for a moment.
"No," he says, swallowing thickly, "It feels good when you do it."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes," Austin nods.
"Let me know if you need to stop, Aus," you say, repositioning yourself to lay on your stomach.
You spread Austin's legs farther apart, your fingers digging into his thighs gently. You begin to circle his entrance with one of the fingers you had in his mouth previously, his spit lubing your finger enough to slide it in with ease. Austin inhales sharply through his nose before exhaling slowly as he adjusts to the feeling of your finger prodding inside him.
"You're doing so good, baby boy," you whisper, kissing his thigh as you push your finger further in.
You move up a little to envelop Austin's dick into your mouth as you move your digit in and out of his tight asshole, mewls leaving his lips at the feeling of you. You swirl your tongue around his tip, lapping up the precum as you enter another spit-slicked finger. Austin lets out a strangled moan, throwing his head back against the pillows behind him as he wriggles his arms. He desperately wanted to tangle his fingers in your hair and choke you on his cock as you finger fuck him, but you're the one in control tonight. So, he obeys his orders and stays in the cuffs. With your free hand, you begin to massage his balls. The ring on his dick, along with your mouth, the feeling of your fingers scissoring inside, and your hand massaging him almost sends Austin over the edge. You feel him twitch in your mouth and pull away immediately. You remove your hand and fingers slowly, Austin immediately whining at the feeling of emptiness. Reaching for the bedside table one final time, you pull out the strap-on and some lube. Austin's eyes widen a little bit.
"You're really mad, huh?" he nearly squeaks.
"Not mad," you say, admiring the girth of the strap before attaching it onto your hips, positioning it to where you can feel the thrusts against your clit, "Just a little frustrated."
You squirt some lube onto your hands before rubbing them together, warming up the liquid before slicking the strap generously. Putting the tip against Austin's entrance, you give him a questioning look, ensuring he is okay to do this before moving further. He nods quickly, wanting to feel you inside of him. The emptiness from your fingers was becoming uncomfortable. You slowly slide into him, comfortingly running your hands along his thighs as he wiggles a little from the stretch. A filthy, lengthy moan escapes Austin's throat, his eyes not leaving where you're sheathed inside of him. His cock throbs underneath the ring, his tip becoming red and angry from lack of blood flow and the feeling of his ass being stretched deliciously. You finally bottom out, staying in that position for a moment before slowly sliding back out. You thrust forward, hitting Austin's prostate dead-on and eliciting a loud cry from him. Quickly, you cover his mouth, so the neighbors don't grow curious. You bite back a laugh as you gain a steady pace, the friction of fucking Austin pressing against your clit with every hip thrust. 
"Fuck," you bite your lip, reaching a hand out to jerk him off with the timing of your thrusts, sending Austin into a near frenzy.
You take your other hand and grab hold of his throat, squeezing the sides lightly as you speed up your hips, Austin's eyes rolling into the back of his head with his mouth agape. He was constantly moaning and groaning underneath you, making noise with every breath he took. You decide to undo his handcuffs to allow him some movement, finally giving him unspoken permission to touch you. His hands fly to your breasts, squeezing them feverishly as you continue to fuck him senselessly. 
"I'm gonna fucking cum so hard, please, Y/N," Austin whines, "I wanna cum."
"Would a friend let you cum, baby? Would you let them fuck you like this?" you snarl, removing your hand from his throat to let him speak as your hips snap into the backs of his thighs.
"Please?" he begs, sweat beginning to bead on his forehead.
"I'll let you cum soon, love. Just take this dick like a good boy, okay?" you take your hand and squish his cheeks, his lips puckering up. You hover over him, your lips just brushing over his teasingly as you thrust impossibly faster, not breaking eye contact. 
Tears begin to well in Austin's eyes at the overstimulation, and you almost feel bad for him. Almost. You start feeling that familiar warm knot in your stomach unraveling, and you slide the cock ring off Austin. He hisses at the feeling of your hand pumping his length without restriction. 
"You wanna cum? Hmm? Would you let just a friend watch you cum everywhere?" you squeeze his cheeks tighter, moving your lips by his ear, growling as you nibble the skin of it.
The feeling of the strap rubbing your clit ferociously and Austin toying with your breasts sends you into a full-body orgasm, your thighs shaking as Austin's follows soon after. Tears fall from his eyes onto his cheeks from the feeling of overstimulation. White stripes of cum continuously spurt from him for a few seconds from being pent up for so long, his chest becoming covered. You pull out of him slowly, removing the strap from your hips. Austin whines at the loss of fullness.
"Oh, baby, you did so well. So good," you praise Austin, wiping his tears as you press a loving kiss to his sweaty forehead.
He's a breathless, sweaty, and crying mess underneath you. If you could take a picture, you would, but you think you've done enough embarrassment for him tonight. 
"I love you," Austin says weakly, looking up at you with half-lidded eyes, his voice wrecked from crying and yelling.
"I love you too," you say, now peppering kisses all over his freckled face, "Let's get you in the bath, love."
You climb off the bed, reaching your hand out for him to pull himself up. He slowly but surely sits up with a wince, his legs shaking as he tries to stand. You allow him to lean on you as you walk him to the bathroom. He was a sight right now with his hair in all directions, cum on his stomach, and a sheen of sweat all over his body. It gives you great satisfaction that it's your fault he's such a mess. You motion for him to sit on the toilet lid as you turn the faucet on, filling the tub with bubble bath liquid as the water runs. You exhale, puffing out your cheeks while looking over at Austin. He's already staring at you, his eyes filled with something you can't put your finger on.
"You feeling okay, babe?" you ask him, suddenly worried you did too much or maybe hurt him.
"I'm fine, just feeling fucked out," he chuckles, running a hand through his hair.
The bath fills up with water and bubbles, and you gently guide Austin into the tub first, letting him slowly sink into the warm water. You follow suit immediately after, having him move up, so you're sitting behind him. Gently, you take some soapy water and rub the skin of his back, chest, and stomach, washing away the remnants of tonight's activities. You run your hands along his arms, soaping up his whole body and massaging it in the process. Austin rests his head on your shoulder as you do so. Your heart flutters at his clinginess right now. He softly kisses your jaw as you wash off the soap. 
"Did it really upset you that badly when I said you were just a friend?" Austin asks after a moment of silence.
"Actually, it did for some reason. I'm not sure why suddenly it bothers me," you say, "Maybe it's time."
"I just thought you still wanted to keep things under wraps, so I lied," he looks up at you.
"I thought you still wanted to keep things a secret, and that's why I didn't say anything in case I upset you," you say with a sigh.
"I'm comfortable with whatever you're down with, babe. If you're ready, I'm ready," Austin smiles, tucking your hair behind your ear with his head still on your shoulder.
"Okay," you say, "Maybe we should start telling people, then."
The two of you stay in the bathtub for a few more minutes until Austin decides he wants to go to bed. You help him out of the tub and dry him off despite his protests, but you argue that you need to take care of him tonight. So he eventually gave up on his argument. After you're both dried off and in bed, Austin curls up next to you as you pull him into your chest, your arms wrapped around him protectively. 
"I love you," Austin mumbles, his voice heavy with sleep.
"I love you too, sweet boy," you say against his ear.
taglist: @cozacorner @onxlymnsn @anangelwhodidntfall @butlersluvbot @jolovesfandoms @austinbutler17 @slutforblueeyes @mamaspresley @mirandastuckinthe80s @bobbykennedyfan @sodonebruh @lizzymizzy-blogg @popeheywardssecretgf
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hermanunworthy · 8 months
23 with swiftli :]
I Act Like Dead Weight 'Cause I Love You
23. carrying the other one in their arms
from the touch prompts list!
another request for 23 whoa!! not a problem though, i was very happy to write some swiftli (sorry this took longer than i thought anon, i started kinda losing motivation halfway through bc i wasnt liking how it was turning out)
also on ao3!
Taylor Swift is not one to show any sign of weakness. He doesn't complain in the face of hardship, or experience fear in the face of danger. He’s all witty quips, flashy smirks, and cool poses. Nothing fazes him, because he’s the unstoppable hero of this story.
…Lincoln Li-Wilson knows that that’s all just bullshit, though.
He knows that the sweat breaking out on Taylor’s face right now, sticking his hair to his forehead, isn't just for dramatic effect. He isn't Goku in the middle of an intense battle, he’s just walking home from school beside him on the quiet sidewalk. Something’s wrong, but like every other time something is wrong with him, he just won't admit it.
“Tay, you good?” Lincoln knows it’s a futile question, but he can't just not say anything. He’s not just going to silently listen to Taylor’s strained, panting breaths the whole way home.
“Oh, yeah, I'm awesome!” the shorter teen replies in an instant, giving a big grin before jerking his head away sharply to hide a wince. His free hand shoots up to cup his jaw, while the other holds a death grip on his cane, leaning on it heavily with each step.
Lincoln’s brow furrows. He hates seeing his best friend suffering like this. “Tay, it’s okay, it’s just me. We're not at school now, you don't have to act tough.”
“No, Link, don't worry about me,” Taylor tries to reassure him, but his voice is shaky. “There’s nothing to worry about! How was that soccer game yesterday, by the way?”
He’s trying to change the subject, but Lincoln can't let this rest just yet, not until he can get his friend to rest. “I do worry about you, though. I don't like seeing you hurting. It's okay to ask for help, you know?”
Taylor shakes his head a bit too aggressively. “Link, stop. I don't… like making you worry.” His voice is getting whinier, a tell-tale sign for Lincoln that he is becoming deeply upset.
Okay, maybe I should stop pushing him, if it’s only agitating him more. Lincoln knows that Taylor doesn't like to talk about his personal problems, and he knows he should respect that. “Alright. I'm sorry. I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable. I just care about you, y’know? You're my best friend, of course I worry.”
But then he realizes that the shorter teen is no longer at his side. He whips around and finds him standing about a yard away, hunched over and winded. He looks like he’s barely able to stay standing.
“...Help,” he wheezes out in the tiniest voice.
In a whirlwind of protective energy, Lincoln is coming to his aid, whisking him off his feet and into his arms. He hangs the cane gently on Taylor’s wrist, and then guides his arms up to reach around the taller teen’s shoulders. He makes sure to have him hoisted up high enough to allow him to lean against his body without as much strain.
Despite his claims to be okay, Taylor already has his face smothered in the crook of Lincoln’s neck, whimpering pathetically. He holds him closely, his body pressed against his as much as possible.
Lincoln is happy to support him as much as he needs. “Comfy enough?” he asks with a gentle pat on the back.
Taylor answers with another whine, and then the slightest of nods, and then the words “Better. Tired. Hurts,” mumbled against his skin.
“I know, buddy,” the soccer player murmurs soothingly as he starts to walk forward again, careful not to disturb his friend. “I know. I got you.”
They originally planned to split off at the corner dividing the paths to their respective houses, but Lincoln isn't just going to make his friend walk the rest of the way. He has no problem delivering him directly to the Swift house.
He’s a bit heavy to carry, and the sweaty warmth of his body flush against his is making the trek a bit of a challenge, but there's nothing Lincoln wouldn't do to help his buddy out. Besides, just being able to feel Taylor’s chest moving with slightly steadier breaths now is enough motivation to keep him going.
Along the way, Lincoln hums the tune to some anime opening he’s heard Taylor play for him before. He can't remember what show it’s from, and he’s not great at replicating notes, but he knows that his friend must recognize it enough, because he can feel his lips slowly curling into a content smile against his neck. Or maybe he’s just amused by his failed attempt at humming a song he doesn't know. Or maybe he just appreciates the vibration of the taller teen’s chest as he hums. He knows Taylor finds the purring of cats to be soothing, so maybe it can help simulate that effect.
Taylor nuzzles his friend’s collarbone, fiddling with the back of the collar of his jersey. Much like a cat himself, Lincoln notes, feeling a bit tingly.
When they reach the Swift house, Taylor’s mom rushes to the door the moment she sees her son in Lincoln's arms in the Ring camera. “Oh goodness, oh, Taybie, baby…” She rubs Taylor’s back with her hand, and tries to peel him off of Lincoln. However, her son just groans, clinging to his best friend even tighter.
Cassandra looks up at Lincoln. “Is he alright? Normally he comes right into my arms as soon as he gets home.”
Instead of answering her question, Lincoln asks, “How about we set him on the couch or something?” He needs to make sure Taylor is comfortable before anything else.
They enter the house, but it becomes evident that even now, Taylor still doesn't want to let go of Lincoln. So to compromise, the soccer player sits down on the couch and allows the shorter teen to settle into his lap, positioning him so that he can lay down properly without further hurting himself.
Taylor makes a few strained noises, but Lincoln just strokes his fingers through his sweaty hair, practically petting him. “It’s okay, buddy. You're home.” He gazes down at his friend’s cringing expression, hoping the muscles in his face will loosen.
Cassandra stands across from them, a little amazed by this kid’s insistence on comforting her son. “...You really care about him, huh?”
Lincoln feels a warmth in his chest, and he finds it hard to meet her eye. “Yeah… Yeah, I do.”
She sighs. “I'm really glad he has a friend like you. I was worried about how he’d be at school today. His chronic pain has been getting worse lately, and it certainly doesn't help that he also had to get his braces tightened yesterday. My poor boy.” She watches Lincoln’s hand as it moves through Taylor’s hair, the way her son leans his head into his friend’s touch. “Y’know, I really appreciate your help, but are your parents expecting you to be home?”
Oh, yeah. Lincoln has been so caught up in helping Taylor that he’s completely forgotten about his dads wanting him to be home on time. He goes to reach for his phone in his pocket, but as soon as his hand draws away, Taylor peeks his eyes open and grabs his wrist. “Don't… go,” he whimpers, guiding the taller teen’s hand to hold his jaw.
With Taylor holding his hand against his face, Lincoln feels his own heating up. “It’s alright, Tay, I'm not leaving you,” he whispers. He looks back up at Cassandra, and asks in an even quieter voice, “Sorry, could you call my dad Marco for me?”
Taylor’s mom blinks down at her son in concern, and nods. “Of course, hon.”
While she leaves to go make her call in another room, Lincoln returns his full attention to Taylor, who is beginning to snuggle even closer to him, melting in his touch. “Mm… Comfy…"
Lincoln huffs a soft laugh. “You were waiting all day for this, huh?” He remembers the way he wore a brave face during school, even through the pain. So much more pain than he himself could probably ever tolerate, let alone on a daily basis. “You were so strong today... I'm proud of you, but you don't have to always be strong, y’know?”
Taylor makes a lighthearted, drawn-out groaning noise, which rumbles against Lincoln’s hand. “Yeah, I guess…” His voice is still slurred, but now it's hard to tell if it’s from his pain or his comfort. “You’re the strong one.” He plays with the fabric of the soccer player’s jersey. “Tall, strong man. Big hero guy.”
The compliments, coupled with his best friend’s touchiness, is making Lincoln feel light-headed even though he’s just sitting. “You're like a little cat,” he teases, almost wanting to pinch his cheek, but not wanting to hurt him.
Taylor giggles lightly. “I thought you didn't like cats.” He continues to nuzzle his best friend’s hand and knead his shirt.
“Well, I like you,” Lincoln says, as easily as breathing, even though the words make his heart race after they sink in. Like carrying his friend, it’s heavy, but easy.
And Taylor simply settles against his thumping chest, as though confirming for himself the true meaning behind his words. “Cool. I like you too.”
And the two just stay like this for a bit, Lincoln’s heavy heartbeat and Taylor’s strained breathing relaxing together. It's easy. It's comfortable.
By the time Cassandra gets back, she finds that her son has fallen asleep in his best friend’s lap. “Oh–” She lowers her voice. “Lincoln, your dad said you're free to stay as long as you like.”
“Mhm,” Lincoln responds. Good. He doesn't want to leave his boy for a second.
“Do you think– I’d do it myself, but clearly…” She gestures toward the boys’ position. “Do you think you could just carry him up to his bedroom?”
Lincoln’s eyelids feel heavy, but he is more than willing to help out. He slowly, carefully, shuffles to his feet, with Taylor still in his arms.
Cassandra gives him one last thanks, ruffles her son’s hair as gently as she can, and watches as the soccer player sleepily but determinedly climbs up the stairs.
Lincoln glances down at the boy in his arms, studies the peaceful expression on his face, the complete absence of pain or suffering. He feels proud of himself for helping him get there. Even Taylor Swift, the coolest and strongest of protagonists, needs protecting sometimes.
Even a hero needs a hero of their own. And he’s glad to be his.
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wanderinginksplot · 2 years
Gar Cyare Chapter Two
More Alpha-17/fem!reader!
Word Count: 6,200 (ouch)
Warnings: Mentions of fights, mentions of punching, reference to past abuse, reference to murder, descriptions of self-defense training, mentions of drunkenness.
*I'm actually going to include translations before my author's note because this is an extremely Mando'a-heavy chapter!
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Nynir (Strike)
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Alpha was watching you. 
It wasn’t like you particularly objected to that. After all, he did it often enough that you would have thought you’d be accustomed to it by now. And, to be fair, you watched him in exactly the same way - like you were suffering silently until the next moment you could touch him, even if it was just to brush against him ‘accidentally’. 
But you didn’t think it was that, especially since your fingers were currently laced together under the cover of his kama. Between you and Alpha, you had quickly discovered that the kama, as well as being the mark of a distinguished warrior, made an excellent cover for hand-holding. Alpha said it was the most useful thing it had ever done. 
That only made you melt a little bit.
But he was still watching you, a considering light in his dark eyes, and it was starting to make you nervous.
You rested your fork politely on your napkin and turned to face him directly. “You’re staring at me, Alpha. Is there something I can help you with?”
“Do you want to fight?” he asked nonsensically.
You blinked at him, allowing yourself a beat before you gathered yourself enough to ask dryly, “I would have thought we had done enough of that last week.”
Alpha laughed, the sound rich and tingle-inducing. “Not exactly what I meant, little one. Do you want to learn how to defend yourself?"
"Oh," you said ineloquently. It wasn't a bad idea, though you profoundly hoped you never had to go through another situation like the Separatist attack. "It would probably be smart."
"I think so," he agreed. "And, fortunately for you, you'll have the best trainer on Kamino."
"Best trainer on Kamino?" Monnk asked, sliding into a seat at your table. "Did T’vert come back?" 
"Nah, never," Drift argued. "Don't you remember how badly things went wrong on that departure day? The Kamiini swore, never again. He has to be talking about Zarll."
"Isn't he a politician now?" Neyo asked, joining the group and the conversation. "And I only asked to be polite. He's a politician now. Why are we talking about Zarll?"
"Trying to figure out who the best trainer on Kamino is," Drift reported.
Neyo looked thoughtful for half a moment. "Has to be Trem. Have you seen her cadets? Most of them will end up as ARCs someday, watch for it."
Alpha gave a piercingly loud whistle to draw the attention of the chatting ARCs. "Thanks for the ego boost, men. Who invited you here, again?"
"You did," Monnk reminded him. 
"Regretting that, Captain?" Drift asked with a cheerful grin. 
"Always," Alpha grumbled. "You almost done, neverd'ika? I'm losing brain cells with company like these idiots."
"Yeah, I'm done," you agreed, and Alpha took your tray to discard everything on it. He had started doing that recently, claiming he was tired of waiting for you to politely make your way through the line. He cut through lines almost exclusively, a practice you watched with a shake of your head.
"What training are you doing?" Monnk asked, pulling your attention away from your boyfriend towering over cadets as he briskly disposed of your collected garbage.
"Oh, uh…" This wasn't a secret, right? Alpha was a secretive man, but surely he wouldn't care if his ARCs knew. "We've decided that I should learn how to take care of myself. Like, in a self-defense situation."
You weren't sure what reaction you would have expected, but blank stares and silence weren't quite it.
"And the captain offered to train you?" Drift asked, inferring from this new information and what he had overheard.
"Yes," you replied, arriving to sound serene rather than concerned by their skepticism.
That silence was laden with tension and sideways glances shared between the men. You did your best to wait patiently for someone to say something, but when the quiet stretched, you broke.
"What? What's wrong with Alpha offering to train me?"
Neyo was the first one to speak, his voice uncharacteristically gentle. "The captain is a great trainer, but… he's tough."
"I know that," you replied, bewildered. You didn't think anyone could have survived so long here on Kamino if they weren't tough.
Neyo shook his head. "Right now, you know it in the abstract. If he trains you, you'll see it in-person. I've seen him make a nat-born cry with a look."
"I've heard him punish someone by ordering him to run laps," Monnk told you. "He didn't let the man stop for five hours."
"He's threatened me eight times today," Drift pitched in, sounding inordinately proud of that fact.
"Ready?" Alpha asked, coming back to the table. With three sympathetic pairs of eyes aimed in your direction, you nodded and stood to follow Alpha, feeling like someone doomed.
Alpha had suggested you start the next afternoon, spending the hours before dinner together. You had hedged slightly, reminding him that you were still working to regain the muscle you had lost in your injured leg.
"That's why it's so important," he had countered. "You've lost your weapon - that crutch. You have to be your own weapon now."
So you had agreed to meet with him, dressed in the workout clothes you had optimistically brought with you to Kamino and never worn.
"The first thing you need to focus on," Alpha started, dressed in his own workout gear, "is blocking a hit."
"That's the first lesson?" you asked, only slightly embarrassed at how squeaky your voice sounded. "It feels like there are other things I could learn first. Easier things."
“Easier things? Sure,” Alpha confirmed with a nod. “But not more useful. If you can block a hit, you can set yourself up to return it. I don’t think you understand how much damage a well-aimed punch is capable of…”
He trailed off, voice odd, and you noticed that his eyes were tracing the edge of your cheekbone. The bruise had long since faded, but - judging from the gentle way Alpha’s fingers smoothed over its exact boundaries on your face - he hadn’t forgotten about it. There didn’t seem to be any reason to bring it up directly, so you didn’t. 
As it turned out, you didn’t need to. With his warm fingers brushing your face and his warm gaze locked with yours, Alpha’s jaw clenched slightly. “Say the word, neverd’ika… One little word and I’ll kill that beroya aruetii.” 
That wasn’t quite the romantic declaration you had expected, but you probably should have. Alpha had made it clear that your safety was one of his top priorities, and he was extremely willing to resort to violence if he deemed it necessary. 
“I appreciate that, Alpha,” you started, smiling despite yourself at the offer. “But I think it would be better if I just ignore Doni and learn to take care of myself.”
Alpha frowned heavily at you. “Why do you know that di’kut’s name?”
You snorted. “Because I can’t pronounce ba-bertoya arn-arueta.”
Despite your stumbled pronunciation of the unfamiliar words, the heat flared in Alpha’s eyes. “I need a warning if you’re gonna start speaking Mando’a. It’s… distracting.”
“Yeah?” you asked, your pulse quickening.
“Okay, so blocking…” Alpha diverted, launching into a lecture about how to perform a proper block.
It turned out that there was more to it than you had originally assumed. A block was just what you did to stop a punch before it could land, but there were so many things Alpha wanted you to remember.
When he finally told you to try a blocking stance, you obliged. You spread your feet apart for sake of balance and held your hands up in front of your face, feeling faintly ridiculous as you peered up at Alpha from between your half-cupped palms.
He studied that stance, eyes narrowing. With the way the lines bracketing his mouth and furrowing between his eyebrows deepened, you assumed he didn’t like what he saw. Before you could ask what exactly you were doing wrong, Alpha reached out, pressed the tips of two fingers to your shoulder, and gave a gentle nudge.
You swayed backward dangerously, only just managing to catch yourself. Alpha tapped your chin, his way clear since you had dropped your blocking hands while you adjusted your stance.
“And now I’ve punched you in the jaw,” he said. “You’re probably unconscious.”
“How was I supposed to know you weren’t going to give me any feedback?” you asked, half-laughing.
“That was your feedback,” Alpha told you, looking nonplussed at your inability to follow his imaginary instructions. “If I can hit you, you aren’t blocking right.”
You huffed at him. “Come on, Alpha. At least tell me what I’m doing wrong.”
Alpha motioned for you to set up your stance again, then he walked a tight circle around you, blowing out a heavy sigh as he did. “First, stop standing like that. Your feet are too straight. You want your non-dominant foot forward, but keep your weight on your back foot.”
“My leg still isn’t back to full strength,” you reminded him.
From the understanding on Alpha’s face, that reminder was unnecessary. “I know, neverd’ika. If it starts to hurt, tell me, but I need you to push yourself now. It’s not going to get stronger unless you work on rebuilding that strength.”
You nodded, adjusting into the stance he had suggested as you raised your hands again.
Alpha was shaking his head before you even finished settling into place. “Your arms need to be tighter against your sides. Move your hands closer to your face. No, more than that. More than-”
His breathing stuttered like he had only just managed to keep himself from sighing again. Gently, he nudged your elbows, forearms, and hands until they were in a position he deemed acceptable for blocking. When he was done, your elbows were clasped tight to your sides, your forearms pressed to your chest and your hands hovering somewhere around your jawline.
“Alpha, this feels ridiculous,” you informed him.
He shrugged. “That’s how you block a hit. I don’t know what else to tell you. You’re covering most vital organs and vulnerable spots, and your hands are close enough to your face that you can reach up to block a hit there.”
“I thought you told me not to block with my hands?” 
“Yeah, don’t,” Alpha agreed with an approving nod, ignoring your frustrated look. “But you can lead with your hand to get your forearm or elbow in place.”
“But how do I- ah!” 
You interrupted your own question with a short exclamation of surprise as Alpha tried to tap your face again. But you saw his movement before he made contact and your arm came up of its own volition. Without checking in with your brain, your body used the long bone of your forearm to swipe his hand away.
“Good!” Alpha congratulated warmly as you gave a hesitant smile from behind your hands. “That was a block. A small one. Against a slow, light hit. But still, it’s a start.”
You grimaced at how quickly that praise had devolved, but nodded anyway. It felt silly to talk this way, standing in a position ready to guard against a hit, but you weren’t about to lower your arms. What if you couldn’t bring them back up fast enough when he tried to mock-hit you again? 
“Hold on,” Alpha said, moving exceptionally slowly to wrap his hand around your wrist. 
His fingers closed around the delicate bone of your wrist, giving you time to prepare for his touch before he gently pulled and pushed at your arm. You were holding yourself so tightly, keeping your posture stiff, that your entire body swayed as Alpha moved your arm.
“That’s what I thought,” he chided. “You have to hold your arms more loosely.”
“But this is the blocking pose you told me to use,” you argued.
Alpha shook his head. “I told you this would protect most of your vulnerable spots, including your face. But if I go for the area below your ribs-” He touched his fingertips to the spot he had mentioned, your block doing absolutely nothing to get in his way since your elbows were anchored to the front of your body. “-then you want to move to stop me.”
“But if I don’t hold my arms this tightly, aren’t I more likely to hurt myself if I try to block a punch?” you asked. “I don’t want to punch myself in the face.”
Despite himself, Alpha chuckled at that. “That is a concern. But you’ll learn to make your muscles firm when you’re blocking. Being able to block well in only one spot is less important than being able to block less completely but still effectively anywhere on your body. Does that make sense?”
“So, I’m…” you struggled to find the right words. “I’m sacrificing better efficiency for the sake of better coverage?”
“Yeah, basically,” Alpha said with a shrug. “You’ll learn to be more effective over time, but it’ll take a lot of practice.”
And he did his best to make sure you got a good bit of that practice. You blocked and dodged and blocked some more, but Alpha’s speed and strength never increased. Finally, after you had managed to block nearly a dozen ‘hits’ in a row, you took a step back and nodded at him.
“I think I’m ready for you to speed up or hit harder.”
Alpha stared at you, hard. “Why don’t you let me decide when it’s time to move things forward?”
“Sure,” you agreed easily. He was the trainer, after all. “When do you think that time will come?”
“Let’s talk about hitting,” he suggested instead.
That seemed a little odd to you, which was the only reason you noticed how the subject moved in much the same order as blocking had: Alpha explained the process to you, taught you how to perform the basic movement, then let you practice it. 
When it came time to hit, you ‘punched’ him the same way he had ‘punched’ you earlier: small taps meant to make contact or maybe be slightly annoying rather than painful. However, Alpha was having none of that.
“No, you need to be using your full force here,” he lectured after your second intentionally harmless tap. “You need the practice.”
“But you weren’t using full force for your hits earlier when I was practicing blocks,” you pointed out. 
Alpha shot a sardonic look in your direction. “And you aren’t sure why I wouldn’t?”
“No, I think I have that part figured out,” you replied. Your own sarcastic expression wasn’t nearly as well-developed, but you managed. “But I would have expected you to put a little power behind it since blocking is the most useful thing I could learn.”
“You’re misunderstanding me on purpose,” Alpha complained.
“No, I think you just didn’t think about the fact that teaching me to fight would lead to you having to spar with me.” Alpha’s face didn’t change - his mask of soldier’s professionalism was too strong for that - but something shifted in his eyes and you realized with a start that you had guessed correctly. “That’s it, isn’t it? You don’t want to actually hit me.”
That was such a ridiculous thing to complain about that you struggled with a strong feeling of idiocy… until Alpha’s jaw twitched with how hard he was clenching it.
“I… won't. I can't hit you. I can't even try.” Alpha grimaced at you.
You nodded thoughtfully. "What if I put on the right gear? Helmet and gloves and anything else I would need to protect me?"
Alpha frowned as if he was taking a moment to picture that. “Still no. It's not that I'm worried you would get hurt - even if that's part of it, too - but I just don't think I could take a swing at you. Not if I wanted to mean it in a way that would help you get better. Makes me a useless trainer, huh?”
“Not useless, just…” you trailed, searching for a less offensive word. “Just a little less effective.”
He didn't respond to that, not with anything more than a grunt. You pressed on, knowing he was unhappy about this unforeseen problem. "You can still teach me the basics, right? Enough to help me not get annihilated if I ever get into a bad situation?"
He shook his head. "Don't think you're getting out of this that easily. You still need to learn how to defend yourself. Even if it isn't me teaching you."
You almost wanted to laugh at the begrudging tone he used, but you were too busy being nervous. "Who do you think I should ask? Maybe Monnk? Or maybe Neyo instead…"
"Like hell," Alpha denied instantly. "I'll find someone, and it won't be any of my di'kutla men. It'll be someone I trust. Now, we were working on punches."
Almost two full days had passed by the time Alpha mentioned the other trainer again. When he did, it was only to tell you to brace yourself.
You frowned at him after that pronouncement. "What do you mean? I thought you were going to find someone you trust?"
"I was," he replied, an unfamiliar defensive note in his voice. "But then I remembered that I don't trust anyone."
"I'm sorry, neverd'ika," he apologized. "I was talking to one of the other trainers about who I should ask and she got it in her head that I was asking her."
That was an unexpected bit of social confusion you wouldn't have pictured Alpha falling prey to. It was far closer to the things you had done in the past, too polite to correct someone, even if their misunderstanding put you in an awkward position. A comedy of manners you would have thought he was immune to.
"And it was too uncomfortable to correct her," you summarized sympathetically.
“What?” Alpha asked, but your point seemed to process before you actually repeated anything. His face cleared of confusion for a moment before it changed to one of derision. “No. Kriff that. I told her flat-out that I don’t want her around and that I just wanted to know who she would recommend.”
“Alpha!” you admonished, even as you internally admitted that lined up much more closely with what you knew about him. “Was she offended?”
“Yes, but it’s worse than that,” Alpha told you, deadpan. “She’s insisting on training you anyway. Something about a misplaced sense of sympathy.”
The second question hadn’t been yours, and you turned to see where it had come from. 
The newest arrival was a female you vaguely recognized from around the training areas. She wasn’t an ARC trainer - you would have known her better if she had been - but you had seen her around the rooms used for flight training. Not that you had a lot to do with the pilots, but the female was fairly unique among the trainers.
She was a female Weequay with all that entailed. Her cheekbones were pronounced, jutting out under her eyes and giving them slight protection that was augmented by her brow ridge. The bridge of her nose was partially covered by a fold of skin that seemed ready to deflect a hit. Her jaw had a line of fine bone spikes for even more protection. Though her skin was leathery and tough like every other Weequay you had met, it seemed slightly smoother than that of Weequay males. She had a few long braids augmented with metallic ornaments that matched the rings encircling her neck.
The female was taller and slender, wearing clothes that were baggier than you would have expected - only clinging tightly enough around her hips and thighs to support the weight of the multitude of their own pockets. Her shirt was sleeveless, but her lower arms were wrapped in a layer of bandages or tape that went down to her hands, leaving only her fingers free. The muscle of her upper arms and the bends of her elbows were covered in metallic studs that you couldn’t quite figure out the purpose of.
Overall, she was a striking and intimidating figure, especially when she folded her arms and looked you up and down.
“This her?” she asked, her voice direct and slightly hoarse.
“Yeah,” Alpha confirmed. He stepped toward her slightly, lowering his voice, but you could still hear him clearly as he warned, “Don't be a besom.”
“I'm always a besom,” she replied, unimpressed at the way he was trying to use his height against her.
“Nice to meet you,” you said politely, trying to cut off any disagreement between the two. 
They both glanced in your direction - the Weequay wearing a slight smirk while Alpha just looked resigned. 
"Zackra Trem," he told you, gesturing to the female. 
"I've seen you around, but we've never gotten the chance to meet," you explained. "You train the pilots, correct?"
"As much as someone can train a soldier replicated from human genes," she told you, winking before tossing a sly look back at Alpha.
Alpha, as expected, looked unamused. "Shut it, Trem. How are you even gonna train her with those baggy clothes on?"
"Baggy clothes? You see about as much as a civvie on a good day, Seventeen. Today, you’re just embarrassing yourself." With a smirk to accompany that statement, Trem turned to you. "How many weapons would you guess I'm wearing?" 
Despite your surprise at the question, you obligingly studied her, mentally tallying up every space where a weapon could conceivably fit.
"Six," you attempted at last.
"Wrong," she told you. "Fifteen."
Alpha immediately scoffed. "You aren't hiding fifteen, even in that outfit."
"You're right," Trem acknowledged with a smirk. "Not exactly fifteen. More than that."
You frowned, feeling a little stupid at your underestimation of the very formidable trainer. Hiding weapons on one's person was hardly a surprise - the ARCs and the kids made a point of always having a few in easy-to-reach places - but something was still bothering you. 
"Why lie, though?" you asked, furrowing your eyebrows at Trem. "I was already wrong. You didn't gain anything from lying."
"Maybe I didn't, but you did." Trem folded her arms, the moment emphasizing the buckles and scale-like metallic pieces adorning her shirt. "Consider that your first lesson: your enemy is going to lie to you."
“Enemy?” Alpha asked, voice rumbling with displeasure. “I didn’t bring you in to be her enemy. I brought you here to be her trainer.”
“You didn’t bring me here at all,” Trem countered, not incorrectly. “You didn’t want me here and I came anyway. That means you don’t get to say yes or no about anything. The only one who can is her.”
They both looked your way. Alpha looked irritated and on-edge, but Trem spoke before he had a chance to sway your thinking.
“I heard what happened to you.” The way two of Trem’s fingers rose to tap at her own cheek made it clear that she was talking about your run-in with Doni Pender. “The same thing happened to me, but no one was around to stop it.”
Your heart dropped. You had known you had heard Alpha talk about Trem before, but you hadn’t been able to place her name. But you could now. Shortly after you had met him, Alpha had reported a too-flirtatious cadet to Trem, who he said took a personal interest in situations like that one. And like the one Pender had put you into. Suddenly, things made more sense - particularly, why Trem was so intent on teaching you herself.
Trem didn’t smile, but the lines of strain that had appeared on her face as she talked about her past faded slightly. “I heard you like asking questions. You can ask me one, but that’s it.”
“Is he dead?” 
Alpha’s thick eyebrows flew up at the question, erasing the look of wry consternation that had crossed his face at the knowledge that Trem knew about your question and answer sessions during shared meals. He seemed almost… startled. Like he didn’t quite know what to make of your question.
Trem, in glaring contrast, didn’t hesitate for a moment. “Yes, he is, and by my hand. The Mandalorians who shut the place down made sure of it. They honored my pain by letting me take the revenge I chose… and I did. I’ve never looked back.”
The Weequay’s tone was satisfied, almost cheerful, but the thing that stood out the most to you was her casual use of the phrase ‘the place’. Those two words alone spoke of large-scale horror, a desperate situation, and unfathomable suffering. The fact that her voice had held no real inflection was somehow worse. 
You didn’t want to ask for more information - would never ask her about it unless she initiated a conversation about the topic - but the little you knew was enough to prompt a firm nod from you. “Good.”
Even Trem looked surprised at that. When your expression didn’t buckle under her close scrutiny, she gave a short nod. “Alpha can’t bring himself to hit you, not even for training. I won’t have that problem. My goal is to make sure you can defend yourself. You may hate me by the end of this, but I can promise you’ll have the skills to kick some ass if it ever comes down to it. Can you live with those terms?”
“Yes, I can,” you agreed. “And thank you.”
“What was the first lesson?” Trem quizzed.
“Enemies will lie to me,” you parroted obediently. 
“Very nice,” Trem congratulated. “And here is your second lesson: enemies will always try to catch you off guard.” 
By that point, you had learned enough about Zackra Trem’s teaching style that you quickly prepared yourself to be caught off-guard, but there was only so much you could do with a half-second of warning.
To your utter shock, you managed to block the first hit she directed toward your face. It was a solid block for a solid hit, and catching it on your forearm made your hand tingle. You were a bit slower moving to block her second hit - that one directed toward the curve of your waist. It glanced off of the bone of your wrist. The resulting rush of feeling from those nerves made your racing mind pause for a half a moment - too long to react as quickly as you needed to.
Trem’s final hit connected solidly with your chest.
Unlike Pender’s hit, this one didn’t knock your head to the side or throw you violently off-balance. You stumbled back, but were able to catch yourself fairly easily - despite the way your leg protested. 
At first, you thought you were fine, reflecting that it was an odd place to hit someone. You even tried to get back into a stance that would let you block any other strikes that Trem threw your way. But then your heart gave a belated stutter, like it had skipped a beat but in the most painful possible way. The time it took for your heart to beat again felt like it took an eternity - a terrifying, suffocating eternity. 
When your heart beat again, it took up a pounding rhythm, beating like you had been sprinting for your life. You pressed a hand against your chest, gasping in an attempt to catch your breath once more.
So much of your attention had been focused inward that it felt like you hadn’t really been using your eyes. When you remembered to blink and refocused on what was in front of you, you found Trem looking knowingly satisfied. You dimly recognized that she had pulled her strength, landing the blow in a way that was far less devastating than it would have been. She had known exactly how far she could push the line and had gone up to the very edge. A tiny bit harder and she would have stopped your heart.
The understanding passed between you, your eyes locked with Trem’s, before your concentration was broken by a bellow. 
As much as you were taken off-guard, Trem wasn’t phased for a moment. She turned and blocked Alpha’s punch like they had rehearsed it. She dodged the next, blocked the one after, then delivered a solid blow to his ribs, dodging another wild swing before they broke away from each other. 
“You know this is the best way to teach her!” Trem told him unsteadily, her breathing having picked up from the effort of fighting him. “She needs to know how to handle it.”
“Not like this!” Alpha refused, voice rough. 
“Yes, like this!” Trem insisted. “And you know it.”
Alpha’s head lowered, his brows furrowed over his eyes. His breath was coming in sharp pants. He shook his head once, twice… “I need to go.”
And then he left, shoving roughly out of the door. His elbow connected loudly against the door frame, the sound of the collision sharp even though he was only wearing his thin body glove rather than his armor.
When you had processed all of that, you looked over at Trem. “I’m sorry, I need to-”
Trem shook her head, stopping you from making your way out of the training room. “No, I’ll go. I need to settle things with him myself. Before I do, though, I need to know if you want to keep working with me. I’m not going to be nice or kind or soft, but I can teach you what you need to know.”
“I want that,” you agreed. “I want to know what I’m doing. I want Alpha to stop having to worry about me. And… I don’t ever want to feel helpless again.”
Trem did that almost-smile again, but it was paired with sadness in her eyes. “I can’t promise that - no one can. But we can make it a lot harder for anyone to catch you off-guard. Let me go handle things with Alpha. I’ll be in contact.”
And then you were alone. 
Since you didn’t know when to expect Trem to be in contact, you stayed in the training area for a while. You practiced the moves Alpha had taught you, did some exercises for cardio strength and to keep building the muscles in your leg. When that was finished and you still hadn’t heard anything, you retreated to your own quarters to shower and clean up. 
As you showered - listening intently for the sound of your comlink making noise - you couldn’t help but wonder how the conversation between Alpha and Trem was going. You didn’t think Trem would have gone there with the specific goal of fighting Alpha, but if those two tried to have a discussion about something as sensitive as training differences, there were good odds that things had devolved into a physical fight. 
When the comlink finally rang, you were sitting on your bed and trying to catch up on some background reading for your report. You dove for the device, fumbling slightly as you accepted the transmission. “Hello? Hello?”
“Go to Alpha’s quarters,” Trem’s voice told you through the device’s tiny speaker. “You’re gonna want to see this.”
Your heart dropped, but you didn’t get the chance to respond - Trem had disconnected the call before you could even formulate a reply. 
With your earlier concerns in mind, you retrieved a small first-aid kit from your bedside table before making your way to Alpha’s quarters as quickly as you could without breaking into a full run. 
As Alpha’s door came into view, you reflected too late that you had never learned the code that would let you in. You could knock, but what if he was too badly injured to let you in? Then you got closer and realized that the door was open slightly. You didn’t quite know whether to think that was reassuring or concerning, but you didn’t give yourself too long to think about it, pushing through the door with the first-aid kit braced in front of yourself… 
 Only to stop short just inside of the door.
Alpha was lying on his bed, one arm thrown over his eyes. What you could see of his face was reddened, and his body was more slack than you had ever seen it. Alpha typically held himself with the bearing of a soldier, posture perfectly upright and always coiled for whatever could be thrown his way. Was he unconscious? 
“Alpha!” you called, concern lacing your voice as you hurried across the room. 
Alpha’s arm pulled slowly away from his face as you busily studied his body for injuries. After having found none, you raised your eyes to do the same to his face. His cheeks were reddened beneath his natural tan, but his eyes were bright and he didn’t look bruised.
“Neverd’ika,” he greeted warmly. “Hey.”
“Alpha,” you replied, furrowing your eyebrows as you continued your study with a more discerning eye. “Are you… drunk?”
“No,” he scoffed. “Trem brought tihaar, but I didn’t get batnor. I can outdrink that chakaar any day.”
“Mm-hmm,” you agreed mildly. For your own sake, you hoped he would ease back on the Mando’a. You got a lot from context clues, but you didn’t speak the language and this conversation would be a lot trickier if you didn’t understand half of it. “What did you two talk about over the… alcohol?”
“You,” he told you, filling you with warmth even as he patted the bed beside himself. “Sit down. You’re too far away.”
Obligingly, you sat down where he had indicated. You were roughly even with his waist, giving him a much better vantage point when he rolled onto his side and leaned up to rest his head on his hand. 
“But everything is okay now?” you asked. 
“Yeah, it’s fine,” Alpha agreed. “I’ll let Trem keep training you. She said you were okay with that. It was always gonna be your choice, but I just… just need to make sure you’re safe.”
“Alpha, I’m safe, I promise.” You had relaxed a bit when Alpha told you everything was fine, but you tensed when the furrow reappeared between his eyebrows. Soothingly, you added, “Trem knows what she’s doing and she’s going to teach me. It’ll be fine. I’m fine.”
“You are now,” Alpha said, the furrow deepening as his gaze fell to your leg. “You weren’t before, though.”
“No, I wasn’t.” Part of you wondered if it would have been wiser to lie, but you respected Alpha too much to give him anything other than the truth. “But that’s in the past.”
“Doesn’t feel like it to me,” he confessed, jaw clenching. “When those clankers had you… I don’t think I’ve ever been more terrified. And then you got hurt and I was more terrified. I never want to see you in a situation like that again. I want you safe - need you to be safe, even if I’m not around to protect you anymore.”
You forced a laugh in a poor attempt to hide the way that sent a horrified chill through you. The idea of living without Alpha was one you didn’t want to spend too much time contemplating. “That isn’t an excuse to skip out on future fights. You need to stick around for all of them.”
“I’ll be there,” Alpha promised, sitting up so he could trace his fingers over your jaw and stare into your eyes, his own gaze dark and fathomless. “The only way I’m gonna die is for you, neverd’ika. I’ll be around as long as you need me.”
You felt your own expression crumple as you fought back tears at that simple, heartfelt, drunken vow. You felt exactly the same way, though you knew he probably wouldn’t like hearing that. You reached out, wrapping your arms around him in a hug that he responded to with eagerness, squeezing you so tightly that you could barely breathe.
He was so warm. You would never get used to that warmth, but it was nothing compared to the comforting rhythm of his heartbeat. You could feel it in every press of muscle around you and the way his breaths took on a beat of their own. 
When Alpha leaned slowly back toward the bed, you happily rearranged yourself to stay aligned with him. When you were both lying flat, you were cradled in Alpha’s arms like you were the most precious thing he had ever held. He pressed a gentle kiss against your temple and smiled when you sighed in satisfaction.
He fell asleep only seconds later - you could tell by the way his alcohol-scented breath rustled past your head with increasing regularity, and the way he relaxed even further.
Just before you dropped off to sleep yourself, you wondered idly if you had any pain meds in your first-aid kit. Alpha would probably need them in the morning.
Beroya aruetii - traitor bounty hunter
Di'kut - idiot
Neverd'ika - little civilian
Besom - mannerless person
Tihaar - strong clear alcohol
Batnor - drunk
Chakaar - petty criminal (general term of abuse)
A/N - DO NOT PUNCH PEOPLE IN THE CHEST. It is generally a bad idea! Don't do it!
Hope you enjoyed the rest of the chapter, though! Thanks for reading and I'll see you soon!
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I've been thinking and I don"t even know what I want... 🤣 Just Jade himself would do but, vaguely speaking, would love something fluffy with a pinch of angst and some of those true love 😍 vibes! 🙏🙏🙏 Love your imagines and can't wait to see more 🙌🤩👌
thanks for the request and for fueling my jade obsession !! i'm going with comforting jade after he has a scary vision because even though he doesn't want it we all know he needs it. sorry the angst vial broke and it kind of spilled all over the thing oops ?
comforting jade after he sees spooky things (gn reader)
you're staying at the bar because sorry jade there's too many people here and not enough houses for you to claim a building all for yourself
you've been here for some time but after what happened at fatima's party you're never getting back to colony house if you can avoid it
you've been watching jade's worrying state since he arrived but he didnt seem very open to help or advice
you tried reaching out to him again when you moved in but he was so pissed about having to share the bar that he didn't want anything to do with you
he apologised and gave you some of tom's stuff so you'd be comfortable but that was it
until one night when you were trying to sleep and you heard him scream
you almost had a heart attack thinking the monsters had broken into his room
the talisman was still hanging by the main door so you managed to get over yourself and go knock on his door
"...jade? are you okay?" nothing, you knock again "jade?"
"oh, fuck off"
well, at least he's alive. though his voice sounded like he was definitely not doing good
you slowly pushed the door open and walked in
saw him sitting on the edge of his bed with his head buried in his hands, trying to take some deep breaths and failing
"what part of 'fuck off' do you not und-"
you sat next to him and sighed, lightly rubbing his back without saying anything.
he shook his head but let you, leaning a little against you and eventually relaxing enough to steady his breathing
"i'm sorry"
"it's okay. i know"
you stayed like that in silence for a while. it would have been more effective if those creatures weren't screeching and knocking on your door and windows outside
"i know"
"how do you fucking do it?"
you shrug
"i just close my eyes and... pretend like i'm somewhere else. with people who love me. same way i've always done it."
jade understood what you meant. you must not have had it easy. here, or elsewhere
he sighed and sat up a bit straighter, looking directly at you
"i really am sorry"
you smiled warmly. "i know"
you took his hand and held it, taking a deep breath
"you can't do this alone, jade." you told him "i know you don't think anything can make a difference in what is happening, or in how you're feeling, but..."
he kept staring into your eyes, and you just assumed that you'd shot your shot and missed
"can you stay the night?"
he sounded so tired that you almost didn't get his meaning
"yeah. y-yeah" you replied, needing a moment to process that he actually asked that of you "of course."
"okay" he nodded "thanks"
you had no idea what it was that you said or did that led him to trust you enough to let you in this close. maybe he was just that tired this time.
you chuckled a little, as if you were about to say something embarrassing
"you know, i... i also sit on the floor sometimes. i can't explain it, but it helps. it may be some... blood circulation thing, i don't know. it kind of calms me down."
jade didn't say anything, so you stood up, fidgeting with your hands trying to recover from the embarrassment. he immediately found himself missing your warmth by his side
"f-floor or no floor, anyway, we could sit down and read one of these books, maybe." you said, perusing a small shelf "through the looking glass. this one's interesting."
jade thought back to tom and nodded. "sure. why not."
you turned around to face him and smiled, apologetic. "sorry. for all that i talk about wanting to help, i don't actually know how to..."
jade sighed. the thought of what kind of life you led before you got here still floating on his mind. "a book's fine. i mean it."
he was too exhausted to think much further about it. but he knew that you deserved much better than that
he looked and sounded like he didn't even have the energy to be prickly. something told you that you wouldn't have to read more than a couple of sentences before he'd fall soundly asleep for the rest of the night
you both sat on the bed against the wall, and you felt the weight of his body on your side as he leaned against you
as predicted, it didn't take too long for him to fall asleep to your voice
it would only be months later that you realised, when thinking back on it, that that was the first night in a long time where you didn't really wish that you were anywhere else at all
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angelofstarlight · 1 year
Ruler of the abyss and evil VS the last Lunarian and Light of Hope
I had to get this out of my head because it would not leave. I should mention this au has no real set timeline. I will say when it happens of course or which event it is apart of.
Yuu was in the gym field after having to excuse herself from Lilia's farewell party because the seal on her magic finally shattered. She refused to let her magic harm anyone there so she left to release a bit from magic build up.
However just as she was heading to return thorns grew around the entire school and most likely the isle. Yuu then began to run towards the hall of mirrors.
As she did the thorny vines attempted to grab her. Yuu managed to gracefully dodge and summon her sword. Moving with ease she cut the vines as they went for her. It was only when she heard footsteps against the stone path did Yuu get distracted and the vines wrapped around her arms pinning them to her sides.
Yuu struggled to get free before yelping when the vines were burned away. She then landed on the ground with a thud.
"Sorry about that. Only way to free you." Idia said coming into view.
"It's fine. We have to get to the others. I have a bad feeling about this. I think Malleus overblotted." Yuu said.
"Yeah I figured. Are you sure that's a good idea." Idia said.
"I refuse to let him suffer. I'm going to help him like I did with you and the others. I won't let him fall." Yuu said.
Idia looked at her shocked. Before he could respond a chuckle was heard.
"My my such a bold declaration." Malleus said appearing via a fiery entrance.
Yuu felt her face heat up at his appearance and was internally screaming because how dare he confuse her heart more. Idia snapped his fingers in front of her face and she snapped out of it.
"It's a promise. I am not letting this darkness engulf you. I don't care if I can't stand at all, I will save you." Yuu said.
Her announcement surprised both of them. Malleus couldn't help but laugh.
"Not let darkness engulf me? That is adorable." He said as Yuu glared.
He then walked over to her making Idia tense up. Yuu looked Malleus directly in the eyes and he froze. Her eyes were now brighter, practically glowing like his but that wasn't what froze him.
What froze him was the kindness and bravery in her but also the pain at seeing him like this.
"I refuse to let you suffer in it." Yuu said.
Malleus smiled and gently touched her cheek.
"Perhaps a sleeping curse is the best option for you. You are far too sweet and good for this world Yuu..." He said before she interrupted.
"Galaxy...My real name is Galaxy. I'm telling you because I'm tired of hiding it and want you to know it." She said.
Malleus froze looking at her before Idia stepped in and blasted him.
"You really have bad timing." He said as he grabbed her and booked it.
"Hades give her back!" Malleus roared as they ran.
The blonde blinked before sighing not surprised. Once they were at the hall of mirrors Idia set her down.
"First are you ok." He asked.
"Yeah just not over the fact of who you once were." Galaxy replied.
"Fair and second why would you give him your true name." Idia yelled.
She then blinked before shaking her head.
"I told him, not gave him it. Right now you need to distract Malleus while I go wake the others." Galaxy said.
"Fine by me. Distracting him will be easy." Idia said.
"Cool. Also it is weird hearing you talk without the gamer speak." Galaxy replied.
Idia laughed as Galaxy stepped through the mirror to the Diasomnia dorm. Once on the other side she ran to the dorm. Galaxy had to cut away the thorns to enter but she succeeded.
Inside the dorm she found everyone asleep on the ground. Taking a breath Galaxy summoned the Crystal and used it to wake everyone. At first she thought it didn't work until they began to groan and move.
Leona instantly sat up.
"I'm gonna kill that oversized lizard!" He roared.
"I'll help." Azul said.
Galaxy smiled before wobbling and falling to her knees.
"OH bad idea." She said getting their attention.
"Rosebud!" Riddle exclaimed moving to her quickly.
"I'm ok. Just used a powerful spell after just getting my magic back." She said.
Vil was about to say something when Idia crashed through the doors.
"Heads up I made Mal mad." He said.
"What could you have said that did that." Vil said.
"I made a comment about him still being sore about being beaten by Sora, Kairi and Riku." Idia said.
"You idiot!" Azul yelled about ready to strangle him.
Galaxy blinked not surprised by that. Before anyone could intervene Malleus appeared in a flash of fire. He looked livid and was glowering at Idia.
"No need to get mad." Idia said.
"I will deal with you later. Right now I have a different issue." Malleus said turning to the others.
"Well you haven't changed once you get angry." Jamil said.
"Funny. Now give me my child of man." Malleus said.
Galaxy looked at him worried as the others got in front of her. Malleus sneered before attacking. Idia and Jamil held their own decently as they countered.
Silver and Sebek were guarding Galaxy before she did something incredibly stupid. Summoning her magic, she sent a beam of it at Malleus to throw him off.
Except it didn't work as planned and sent him flying through the wall of the building.
"That wasn't supposed to happen." She squeaked horrified at herself.
"OH my." Crowley said as Idia cackled.
"We finally found his exact opposite." He said.
"Cackle about it later. We need to go now." Riddle said.
Everyone nodded before running to the mirror. As they reached it green lightning flashed behind them. Galaxy winced knowing she caused that. Once on the other side they began running except the thorny vines lashed out.
Everyone but Galaxy, who was tossed out of the way by Lilia was grabbed. She summoned her sword to help except Malleus appeared before her.
"Impressive magic. Never has anyone been able to do that to me." He said.
"My magic is pure light. And it wasn’t supposed to do that to you. I was trying to throw you off not throw you through the building." Galaxy answered.
"Yet you choose to be friends with me." Malleus said.
"Because I wanted to be. And because no deserves to be alone because of who they are." She said.
Malleus couldn't help but smile and walk closer to her.
"Once again I believe a sleeping curse will be a safe option for you." He said.
"You'll have to beat me first. I'm not going down without a fight." Galaxy said backing up and held up her sword.
"Very well then." Malleus said.
He then attacked and Galaxy dodged with ease. Magic was flying everywhere with each attack. The others watch were impressed, concerned or both.
"She should not be using so much magic after just getting it back." Crowley said.
"Yet she is holding up against Malleus." Silver said.
As soon as he said that Malleus managed to disarm Galaxy and point his staff at her.
"I win child of man." He said as the spindle of his staff was right in front of her.
"I'm disarmed, not out. I have one other thing I haven't tried." Galaxy said smirking.
Malleus raised a eyebrow at her before she tackled him. As she did Galaxy used the Crystal to get rid of the blot and snap Malleus out of it. Except it had knocked the two out.
"Well that was a experience." Jamil said as the thorns holding them vanished, as well as the ones around the entire isle.
"That's a understatement." Riddle said.
"Let's bring these two to the medical wing. I rather not risk the chance they are injured." Crewel said.
Crowley had already picked up Galaxy in his arms while Silver and Sebek helped Malleus. Everyone then made there way back to the school to rest from this whole.
This was something none of them were ever forgetting.
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