#i'm fine except for when i remember how pissed i am and then i'm not
arcaneyouth · 2 years
exploding everyone with my fucking beams and psychic attacks AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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lmh8903 · 11 months
Benny Rodriguez x Reader Pt 1.
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Lil intro: Hi, my name is Y/N McClennan, I'm the older sister of Alan McClennan, but everyone calls him YeahYeah. I am 17 years old, a junior, and I have the best boyfriend ever, Phillips.  I love baseball. I used to play at the Sandlot with the boys, but when I started dating Phillips, the boys got really pissed at me. It's been about a year since I've touched a baseball or even talked to my old friends, which was when I started dating Phillips. This has been incredibly hard since the boys have been my best friends for as long as I can remember. However, the only thing  I can really do about it now is to accept the fact that I broke their trust. Especially Benny's. 
Actual Story: Y/N's POV
I was incredibly excited for today. It was finally the official last day of my junior year. After a long and anticipated wait, school just got out, and now it's time for one of my last summers in the San Fernando Valley.
Of course, as part of my everyday routine, I walked up to Phillips's locker. "Hey," I said.
"Hey, baby," Phillips replied as he kissed my cheek. He grabbed my hand, and I gladly took it, but out of the corner of my eye, I noticed something unusual. Benny was looking at us, and it was clear he wasn't too thrilled.
This made me a little upset and curious because Benny and I were best friends for almost as long as I can remember. The day that our friendship ended was the day that I told him I started dating Phillips, which will be a year in two days. Everyone except Scotty and my brother rebelled to get me off their team, and we haven't talked since.
I still remember how he looked when I told him. He didn't look pissed off, he just looked sad and disappointed. The pain in his eyes, the betrayal. I understand that he and Phillips don't get along, but as my best friend, I was hoping he would have been supportive. I didn't realize I was thinking so much until Phillips cut me off.
"You okay babe?" Phillips asked.
"Yeah, of course, I'm fine," I replied with a slight smile.
He turned around, clearly knowing I was lying. Benny was still looking at us. "You're looking at Rodriguez?" Phillips asked.
"Oh, um yeah. I just wanted to make sure he saw this," I said as I passionately kissed Phillips. I don't even know why I did this. I would've liked to have mended my relationship with Benny, but this just shows that I don't care. How could I be so fucking stupid?
We pulled away when we heard a locker door and a door slam. I looked at where Benny was standing. He was gone. I could tell he was infuriated. I could kind of feel his pain in a way. It was obvious Benny was irritated when he saw us before I made the rash decision of kissing Phillips in front of him. I should have just left it at that.
In all honesty, I've always had a little crush on Benny. The way he is so passionate about baseball, it's pretty hot. Once Benny and I talked about the future, and what we wanted. He made it very clear that he did not have time for a relationship, nor did he want one. I knew at that moment I had to move on. So, I went with someone who had put in the effort of trying to impress me and decided to give him a chance.
I love Phillips, I mean, he's great, and we're super happy, but sometimes I wonder how happy I would be with Benny. I really miss him. After all, he was my best friend. I'm going to talk to Yeah-Yeah when I get home to see if the boys would let me back on the team. They really were the best and most loyal friends a girl could have. And what did I do? I started dating their enemy. Like who does that? Thinking about it now, I see why they kicked me off the team, and I wouldn't blame them if they didn't want to be friends again.
After thinking, Phillips and I start walking to his house. It's only a couple of blocks, so we don't feel the need to drive. It's nice walking with him. It's giving me time to clear my head and push out any doubts that I have.
Phillips then breaks the silence, "Y/N, are you okay? You've been acting weird since we saw Rodriguez." I sigh and reply, "I don't know. I just really miss my friends. I love you, and you know that, but I just wish they would get over it." Phillips responds, "I know you miss them. You also need to understand that, besides Rodriguez, there's an age difference there. They're only 14 and 15. Them being like this is somewhat valid, they're supposed to be immature, you know? Rodriguez, on the other hand, that's just immature." I don't say anything; I just give him a peck on the cheek and smile. We look up to see that we're standing outside his house. We go in, start watching movies, and cuddle.
After we get done hanging out at his house, I kiss Phillips goodbye, get in my car that I drove over to his house before school, and drive home. I start bawling in the car. Phillips made a lot of sense, but it doesn't hurt any less. I reach my driveway, park my car, and then head inside my house. I walk to Yeah-Yeah's room to go talk to him and see how the boys are doing. Once I get to his room, he's not in there. I guess he's still out with them. I then walk to my room and try to go to sleep in order to prevent myself from crying again. 
After struggling to fall asleep for a few hours, I left my bedroom. I look in Yeah-Yeah's room to see if he's home. He's passed out cold. I have no one to talk to currently, so I  walk to the one place I can fully clear my thoughts. 
Lmk if y’all want part 2!! <3
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bookwormlover10 · 4 months
So remember that au/ fanfic idea I had were the Wayne family adventures Bruce Wayne adopted old Dcau Bruce and I mention that I had a similar idea of wfa Damien Wayne adopting thba/Dcau Tim Drake ( a.ka Timmy todd).....
You with me on this.... Yea... Maybe.....so here my idea of how it would go..
It is also worth noting that for Damien characterization I'm going for wfa Damien and from Dcamu ( the two I've seen at least) I also really tiny bit of the super sons comic. so if I get his characterization you can correct me .
So the super sons somehow some way get teleported in to the Dcau ( sometime around tnba and justice league.) The boys are obviously freaking out and confused. They eventually did fine out that there were in an other dimension. They were wondering the street of metropolis until they were found Dcau version on Lois Lane. When seeing a boy that looks like Superman and just so happen to have similar powers as him and a one dress as Robin she logically took the boys with her and fead them. Once the boys explain her what happened, Lois tells the boys that she'll bring them to one of her ex's to help. Turned out that the ex's she was taking about was Bruce Wayne AKA Batman. ( Yes the boys were quite Shell shock at the news. Jon is surprised this version on his mom known batman identity before his dad's.)
While there in the bat cave Damien gets to meet Dcau version dick and Tim. Damien gets to see Dick's glorious mullet. Tim took there being a potential Robin after him why better then Damian had thought. When asked about this Tim said " well I figured I'll change my hero name when I'm older. Like dick said ' you can't be boy wonder forever '." While Damien is there tim teaches Damien some Robin tricks and shows him around Gotham. Even though this version of tim Drake isn't quite like his Tim Drake has, Damien starts to like this Tim...And he reminds Damien of Jason for some reason.....
Speaking of Jason. When Damien asks were the second Robin was Tim gave him a confused smile and said " um I am the second Robin." Damien was like " what..." Then tim then went to explain his backstory and how he became Robin. Which was sounding huntedly similar to Damien...Damien mind then went to panic mode. Damien is now thinking what ever the joker did to Jason is going to do something similar to this.. Jason like Tim Drake
When it is time for the boys to go home. ( Through a portal or something You can figure out how they go home.) Tim gives Damien a hug and smile at him. Damien this thinks ' so joyful..was Jason like this before the joker got him ?' Damien then decides that he doesn't want, Tim to end up like Jason so he then grabs Tim by the arm and dragged him with him. What Damien didn't count on is Dcau dick Grayson to grab his brothers others arm and end up getting Bird-napped. (I mean.. surprise adoption ) With them
( this is the point were I started calling tnba Tim Drake Timmy and tnba dick Grayson...... idk Dcau dick... I'm also calling them Bird brothers when referring to both. To not be confused with the other bats )
When they get to the wfa universe the bird brothers are more than mad, they are royally pissed ! They then proceeded to Chase Damien ( with the help of Jon) around the place, yelling" Why the fuck did you do that ?!" And other stuff. The bird brothers chase Damien for a good hour until wfa batman ask Damien why decide to kidnap a Robin from an other dimension. ( Now let's cut to the image of Timmy todd having Damien in a choke hold.) " he's a Todd !!!" He chokes out leaving everyone in the room confused
After explain stuff like explaining Jason's and Tim's backstorys and vice versa ( except maybe Dick. His backstory is universal consistency.) " how do you know that the joker is gonna get to him. I mean the little guy stole the Robin suit like I did." Tim argues and Jason added " yea and just because he's a punk from crime Ally and the second Robin likes me don't been he's going to get killed by the joker !" " He may not die but he could get a fate worst then death!" Damien yells ( " yea and how do you know that ?" Tim asked " cause kid w.b !" ) so they take a DNA test to see who Timmy is a variant of and the test results are.......
Bruce: well congrats. He's both
Tim and Jason: what !
Bruce: well if were going technical he's both of yours half brother
Tim, and Jason: huh!
Turned out Timmy half of Tim's dads DNA ( or the universe were his name is Steve cause Timmy mentioned that his dads name was Steve instead of jack) and the other half Jason's bio mom's DNA. Making Timmy biology both Tim and Jason half brother. Tim and Jason are distraught by the news that Timmy's from the universe that both their parents fucked. They then made a pact that they'll both make sure that nothing bad is going to happen to their new little brother. ( To translate they both now agree with Damien to the surprise adoption)
Dcau dick couldn't really Care if Timmy had to two new half brothers from an other dimension at the end of the day Timmy was dicks brother not theirs ( it's not like he was jealous or anything) That did bring up that Dcau dick didn't know what happened to Timmy's mother when he asked him this Timmy response " she left pops and me when I was a baby. " He said like it was no big deal ( this bit is my personal headCanon that might make its own post about it. You can just skip this part if you don't like it.)
the bird brothers are surprised when they meet the rest of the wfa Batfamily. For one it's God damn huge. They never thought it was possible that Bruce might have a cousin. (Which is something they need to ask their Bruce if they ever see him again.) let alone having other people to help protect Gotham. This batman has an entire army and the bird brothers are wondering why he hasn't retire. That's what their Bruce would of done. ( Or at least they hoped their stubborn bat does.) they are very disturbed with wfa Bruce Wayne with how much he smiles.
Alfred is a conciict in every universe so they chill with him
As some Time goes by the wfa Batfamily notice that the bird brothers are literally from the 90s or 40s they can't really tell..that is to say that the bird brothers amazed by the technology. Like the TV's is flat and that now a phone can conveniently fit in your pocket and no longer attached to a Cord. Heck Dcau dick can still remember when color TVs weren't widely available, back in his Robin days. Timmy is amazed that not only the Internet in widely available it has also gone better too! They are also amazed with the advancements of video games
When the wfa Batfamily get to know Dcau dick Grayson they notice that he is quite different than their Dick. For one their shocked to learned that he quit being Robin and not only that he punched his Bruce while doing it and that he became Robin when he was around Tommy's age ( around 13) much older then their dick became Robin at 8 ( I also have a fun headCanon about that if you want to hear it) Dcau dick was pissed when he heard about this. His Bruce is a lot of things but at least he wasn't allowing an 8 year old fight crime! ( Except when he snuck out as a kid. But that's neither here or nor there)
he has no problem taking about his Robin days in quite detail. That or he mentioned something about doesn't e elaborate At ALL.
Dcau dick: this is worse than the time the poison ivy was going to feed me and and Bruce to carnivorous plants
The rest of the wfa Batfamily: huh !
Timmy on the other hand is not getting use to having more then one eleder brother... expechly ones that like to fight over him ... hes also geting really sick with every one tretting him like glass..... They even got his brother worried that something is going to happen to him. The worst part every time he makes a quip or dumb joke or even when he says or do something that any person who grew up in crime Ally would do. Wfa Bruce,dick and Alfred would give him a sad smile like their look at a memory from the past.
One night he sneaks out in his Robin costume ( yes the bird brothers are still fighting crimes. I just think that it would be really funny if everyone in Gotham just think that Robin and Nightwing are just constantly switching costumes... Or that their androids. ) anyways Timmy is just chilling on a roof thinking about home and stuff then out of nowhere Jason finds him. They started talking. Then Jason bring up how he was killed by the joker ( and other Jason angst stuff. ) worning the little dude about his potential future. then Timmy( who is starting to get tired of this joker bull shit. To be honest) gives Jason a very serious look and asked him "if you could would you do it all over again?" " What?" A confuse Jason response " I'm asking if you could go back in time would you die a hero or live." Timmy gradually raise his voice" it's not a hard question ! Would you do it all over again?!" Timmy gets so frustrated and leave. Leaving a very puzzled Jason.
That is all I can think up at this time or more likely putting my ideas into words. That makes sense cause there's much. Heck I might add more on and make it into an au if enough people like it or people are free to use it as a fanfic prompt I don't mind. I just really wanted to get this idea out into the world.
Also let me know if I mischaracterize someone cause my experience with Batfamily characters are mostly from animation and the webtoon ( duh) and have read little of Batman comics.( To be honest I read more flash comics then batman) Thought I have read some Dcau tie in comics
*Here so drawing that I did*
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fandomworld9728 · 4 months
The Life of the Morningstars - Chapter 11:
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As the dust settled, Lucifer looking up at the ceiling where the chandelier had fallen from. Was the wood rotting? Or maybe the chain was rusted and weak? Could it have been too heavy? He didn't wanna think about if someone, Alastor, had made sure it fell. If the sinner had been the reason for it to fall, Lucifer is pretty sure that it had been meant to fall close to him and not directly on top of him. Hands above his head to hold lighting fixture, he looks in the shocked and relieved faces of the hotel residents.
"Are you okay?!"
"I'm fine kiddo. You know it takes more than something like this to harm your old man." A wave of his hand had it fixed up. "Any chance I could help with replacing damaged areas of the hotel?"
After being shown around the hotel, Lucifer stood out on a balcony with Charlie and her girlfriend. "You got a great place here kiddo. Could use a little love, care, and magic to fix up a few things. I'd be happy to help with that and getting you some material to set up a better structure for your guests."
"Thank you so much dad. That really means a lot. Honestly, I didn't think you'd wanna put so much work into it. Since you don't...."
"I know. I've pretty much given up. But you're a fighter and I want to be in your corner. I love that you want to see the best in people. Even if the sinners here are completely awful for the most part. Not to mention Heaven... they don't listen. Well... most of Heaven doesn't listen." Setting a hand on Charlie's shoulder, he gave her a small smile. "You know I'd fight anyone to protect you and your dream."
"Keeping that in mind... there's something we need to ask you." Vaggie didn't know what she was expecting from what her partner had told her about her dad, but this wasn't it. She knew Charlie didn't want to ask, but this was the best time to do it. So, the former angel took one for the team. "We need a meeting with Heaven-"
"Wait. Just like that? Dad a-are you sure?"
"Of course. Adam has to be out of his fucking mind if he thinks he can get away with this shit. I've been trying to find a loophole in the deal for Exterminations. I gotta tell ya... I wasn't in the best frame of mind when I agreed to them. Not to mention, they had me backed into a corner with it. So, now I'm going to fix it however I can. It might take me a day or two to get it set up though." 
Something shook the hotel, interrupting their moment. Looking down at the scene on the ground, the three were shocked. Loan-sharks were attacking the hotel. Running down to the main floor, they took in the chaos inside. 
"All of you, get to a safe distance. I'll take care of this."
"No, my dear. Leave it to me. It's time to remind everyone why I am here. A reminder to all not to mess with the Radio Demon!" 
Lucifer watched in horror and fascination as Alastor grew larger than the building and started to massacre those other demons. Some of which he just swallowed whole. "Charlie... you remember those protection spells I taught you?"
"Yeah! I'm on it!"
"Okay. Now let's make sure this doesn't get too out of hand." Letting his wings out, the small king took to the sky to try and assist the sinner protecting the hotel. Not that there was much he could do. Alastor was handling it all quite nicely. The most Lucifer would have to do is help with repairs.
Today, Lucifer had learned something new about himself. He was helplessly and hopelessly drawn to and attracted to the radio demon. Everything about him charmed and pissed the king off at the same time.
It was fantastic! He hadn't felt like this in so long. The only problem is that he was too prideful to admit any of that to anyone. Well except for his daughter. Had to keep her in the know just in case.
Retiring to his room and skipping dinner, Lucifer laid back on his new bed. He couldn't sit through a group dinner tonight. Not with how soaked he felt. That would just be downright embarrassing!
Now... what was he supposed to do with this revelation?
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ciellunee · 1 year
You're mine, just mine
Summary- Itachi always considered izumi more and now you've had enough.
Pairing- Itachi X Reader
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You were pissed. Absolutely pissed. He thinks everything is a joke and everyone is as calm as him, news flash it isn't like that. The argument you and itachi had was a long awaited one. Everybody knew izumi was madly in love with itachi, except itachi. He just wouldn't accept it no matter how many times you'd sit him down and tell him how she bats her bedroom eyes at him. He would knowingly hold his hands in public, hug him or cuddle him all the time sometimes even handfeed him making your blood boil with anger.
You were understanding, it was fine if itachi had female friends and their company. You never once tried to control his social life and neither did he but with Izumi it was different. She did it on purpose. Like this time, you planned a dinner date with itachi at this exotic hotel because uchiha boy really deserves fancy date nights. He were to pick you up at 6:00 PM but he never did. It was 7:15 when you got a text from him saying izumi fell and sprained her ankle. She called him crying and he had to take her to the hospital immediately. The text ended with "she's fine now don't worry. I'll call you in an hour let's see if I'll even make it home today, she really is hell bent on me staying with her tonight " No! Nothing about your dinner date, no apology, no 'I'll make it up for it' He didn't even mention the dinner date. He forgot. Hot tears running down your cheeks as your stomach churned. You've not had anything since morning because of the excitement. The beautiful velvet gown ripping your skin into pieces "I fucking hate you".
Itachi returned home at dawn, eyes heavy from lack of sleep. Trying to find the keys while on the porch he remembered the date. He was supposed to pick you up for dinner last night. "Ah! She must be really upset" he mumbled. Entering he came face to face with an absolute messed form of you. Mascara running down your cheeks dried and heavy. Eyes red and swollen as you opened your mouth, " I'm sorry Itachi i cannot do this anymore. " that's all you spoke before getting up and trying to leave the room. The Uchiha looked surprisingly shocked. " I know I've upset you my love but I don't quite comprehend what you meant by that ?" He asked voice laced with anger. " I mean I can't fucking pretend I'm happy with you, you're being inconsiderate towards me and my feelings, past month you've barely asked me if I'm okay! All you care about is your goddamn izumi. I am fucking done with you Itachi Uchiha, I don't want to be with you anymore and I am leaving right fucking now! " you yelled till out of breath. The Uchiha tried stopping you, reasoning with you saying stuff like "baby she needed me she was in pain" or " you know I have no romantic interest in her" but you were too exhausted to hear.
Third day after the unofficial breakup you did what had to be done. Wore a red mini dress with a deep sweetheart neck. Tight on all the right places with indecent amount of cleavage put to show. Your stomach burned with guilt and nervousness but one drink and it was all good. At the bar you met Kakashi who looked extra hot today. " fancy meeting you here " you slid beside him, for a moment he scanned you top to bottom, then replied " glad I am or would've missed seeing you look so sexy in that bodycon. " a lot of drinks and a lot of flirting led to him taking you by surprise for a kiss. You closed your eyes and thought of a certain black haired guy. Kakashi's lips were soft and he was definitely a great kisser but it all came to an end when you felt a familiar chakra. He was here and it's no good if he sees you making out with kakashi. You pulled apart " it was a mistake kakashi I'm so sorry " you mumbled and silver haired man looked confused but smiled and let you go. Why'd you let him go? Why was itachi here and even if he was....you guys were no longer together you could do whatever you felt like doing. "Ugh too much for a night gotta sleep" you mumbled as you got yourself and uber and went home. Reaching, you realised door was unlocked...
" Hello my little slut " itachi hissed as you went inside. He was in the kitchen sharpening a knife. " Oh! Don't worry this is for the man who had the honour of touching you first and last time" voice laced with spite.
" Don't even try itachi keep kakashi out of this "
" pretty little slut scared for her new play toy? Did you forget who I am? Do I have to remind you? " He moved a step closer then another step.
He got you in a tight grip, hands held to the back, face pushed to a wall. " so baby, tell me who do you love? " He said as his hands travelled through the mini dress and reached you ass. He spanked you hard on the right cheek earning a big whine from you.
" answer me!" Another slap.
" you ,I love you " you cried as another slap hit you hard.
" Good girl, who's slut are you? Who owns you ? " another slap
"Y-you" you whimpered
" Will you ever in your life pull this stunt again my angel ? "
"N-NO itachi please it hurts so much stop " you cried again, eyes welled with tears.
" I will stop once you realise YOU'RE MINE, JUST MINE! and if you hoe around I will punish your sorry little cunt and you will let me. I will make you come 10 times and fill you up with my semen so much that you'll forget anything but me and my cock. Am I making myself clear here ? "
"Ye-yes sir!" You stutter as the final slap hits your right cheek. Pussy dripping wet from all the arousal.
" don't think I'm done yet love.....you're going to pay a lot more than just some spanks for the little stunt you pulled......... "
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piffany666 · 6 months
OK just one more punk progeny won't hurt ~
Chapter 8: exceptions
(Ftm trans Bright eyes - uses he/him pronouns)
(Lovely demi girl - uses they/she pronouns)
Fred's eyes lingered on the door that was closed behind Bright and Porter.
He had so much to think about after that meeting, and yet he couldn't distract himself from the interaction he had just witnessed.
Fred's pov:
Well...those two seemed to...get along.
Wait. What am I doing? Some crazy stuff just happened and I'm more focused on who Brights...associating with!?
....this is all.....a lot.
We don't talk for a few months and suddenly he's on his way to become a Prince!?
I know how stubborn he is but you'd think he'd at least tell me SOMETHING
Actually no. I know that no matter what Bright would've kept this from me for as long as he could. But Sam. Sam should have said something. Hell he's the one who apparently gave William permission to take him in! And since when did Bright get so close to William anyway?!
.........no. dont think that. Thats not-
"You alright kiddo?"
End of Freds pov.
Sam interrupted his spiraling thoughts.
"I'm...no i-i don't know"
Sam sighed, then sat beside him.
"Thought so. Listen, I'm sorry I didn't say anything about this sooner. It's just....you know Bright, he would've been pissed off to high heaven if I'd told you his business, and besides, it wasn't a definite dissension. Hell, I only just found out that he'd made his choice. I would've thought he'd have told you by now, if only to claim bragging rights"
"Nah, we stopped talking after we had that arrangement, and when Bright wants to avoid someone -"
He stopped himself for a moment, collected his thoughts then sighed.
"Let's just say he wouldn't brake the silence, even if he had something to brag about"
For a moment, the two just sat there. There was never much talking whenever they were together. Sam always showed his feelings best through actions, and while Fred was actually the tipe to believe talking is the best road to success in any relationship, they managed to maintain a fairly healthy one. The same couldn't be said for Bright and Sam, who, despite having many things in common, such as communication skills, couldn't stand each other.
The thought that almost made its way into Fred's head sat threateningly at the gates of his subconscious.
Sam sensed there was something Fred wanted to say. In the past, he would have let him be and allowed Fred to come to him when he felt comfortable to do so. However.
"Hey, whatcha thinking about ?"
"I-it just"
Fred tried to tell himself that what he wanted to say was wrong and, to an extent, cruel. Then he remembered the way Bright looked at Porter just now.
And he let it out.
"It just doesn't seem fair! He gets us both killed, he's disrespectful towards you, he ignores me and how is he punished? By becoming royalty!?"
As Fred said this he shot up from his seat.
Once he had finished he exhaled heavily as if holding that thought in was the equivalent of holding his breath.
"......your right. It's not fair"
Replied Sam after a moment.
"Believe me when I say I do understand, but you have to understand that William is a better fit for Bright. He'll be able to handle him better than I ever could, him being a Prince as a result of that is just an....unfortunate catch"
Freds outburst caught the attention of Vincent and Lovely.
Alexis didnt seem to care, or at least thats what she made it seem like.
The room was silent however Vincent could feel a disturbance in Lovely's emotions.
"Hey, Lovely, are you ok?"
He asked as his hand sliped into theirs.
"Im. Fine."
They said through their teeth.
Their tone seemed almost stern...?
Vincent took their word for it but noted that this conversation seemed to have an....effect on them.
He took their hand and squeezing it for a moment.
Suddenly, after retreating for a short while, William returned to the common room.
He began to adress alexis.
"Alexis, i know i said i wanted Bright and Porter to get more acquainted, however, it completely slipped my mind that i have a meeting scheduled with Porter in less than 20 minutes, could you at some point retrieve him and bring him to me?"
She gave a nonchalant hand gesture that suggested that she would do so whenever it best suited her.
"Good, the rest of you are permitted to disperse you know?"
"We're aware we were just trying to asses the situation"
Replied Sam.
"Fair enough, however, its getting early, so please try and be conscious of time, if it comes down to it, you could spend the day here?"
"Nah i appreciate it but i gotta get back"
"Alright, then keep an eye on the time Samuel"
"Yes your highness"
At that, his majesty dispersed and retreated to his study.
The remaining vampires paused for a moment, silently debating whether or not they wanted to continue the precious topic of conversation and subconsciously arguing over who would be the one to continue if they were to do so.
Fred was still being taunted by the image of Bright's eyes and the way he looked at Porter.
He had only ever seen that look on very specific occasions and he was far from the only one to be greeted with such a look.
And by the way they left together Fred was met with the reality that he wouldn't be the last.
His fists gripped the fabric of the couch.
"Bright should at least have to apologise to you before being made prince..."
Sam spent a few minutes hesitating between whether or not to answer that. Then he replied.
"I agree"
Once sam had responded, fred took that as a sighn to continue.
"After everything hes done, he think he can just up and leave?"
Sam sighed. There was no point in trying to maintain some sort of moral high ground and pretend like he didnt agree with him.
"I dont know what i expected, but yeah, showing me at least some gratitude would do him some good. He didnt even havd the decency to tell me himself, we havent talked in God knows how long, ive had to get all my information on this whole mess of a situation throught william"
Sam felt the same weight leave him as fred felt when he finally let his true feelings out.
"I-im sorry Sam, but i dont think William is right for Bright. I get that hes the king but what has Bright eyes ever done to get a promotion this big?! Ive had to suffer so much because of him and the only person to console me has been you, not my supposed best friend, you"
Sam looked around for a moment to check to see if alexis was still there but to his relief, she had silently disappeared. Despite this he still lowered his voice as he said.
"We all know how good william is at picking his progeny, not you vincent! You know i dont mean you"
He said this as soon as he saw Vincent gering up to say somthing.
Vincent slumped back into his seat, he notice again how tense Lovely looked.
"Do...do you think hes going to end up like alexis?"
Fred asked with trepidation.
Sam winced after hearing this. Then answered.
"Alexis is the way she is for a number of reasons. Bright and Alexis are very diffrent people, no matter how similar their....behaviour might be, however, that dosnt mean i dont think this...promotion will change Bright for the worst. Because i KNOW that it will"
He chose his words very carefully.
Lovely's face had gone dark by this point, Vincent was really begining to worry.
"If William were to allow him access to any of his possessions or any of the privileges that come with being his progeny it would make even worse of a reckless monster out of him"
Sam knew that alexis and Bright eyes are different people, but adam and alexis where both testaments to what this kind of power could do to a person, so Fred's concerns began to cloud Sam's mind.
"What do those 'privileges' entail exactly?"
Fred was naturally curious as to what kind of luxury would be at Brights disposal.
"Just the same as whats available to Vincent and alexis, money, real estate, just general expensive sh*t he dosnt need"
Another disapproving glance from Vincent, who was begining to question the implication of what sam was saying in regards to his 'privileges'.
"Oh great because thats exactly what he needs"
The irony and sarcasm in his tone dripped from every word that came out of his mouth.
Right before he was about to continue, he was interrupted by Lovely, who stood up as she said.
"I have a question"
Vincent's hand sliped out of hers as she made a fist.
"Why don't talk about me the way you do Bright eyes?"
This question baffled Sam and confused Fred. Vincent's mouth parted slightly in shock.
Sam asked coldly.
"Why. Dont you. Talk about me. The way you do. Bright eyes?"
She shortened her statement but started it just as bluntly as she did previously.
She didn't give Sam a moment to respond when they turned her attention towards fred.
"How old is Bright eyes?"
"W-what? What dose that have to do with-?"
"Answer the question. How old is Bright eyes?"
What Lovely was really asking was 'how old was he when he was turned' but its not like he'd aged since then. Or will age from then on.
"19.....same as me"
He answered while looking up at lovely, Fred had never considered Lovely to be an authority figure but he certainly did now.
"Right. You wanna know how old i was when i went to wonder world?"
Fred flinched at the mention of the place of his turning.
"24. I was 24. I went there and was given a warning and you know what i did? I went back there. Im an adult and i didnt know better, so what? Should Bright have known better? And if thats what you think then why. Dont you treat me. The way you treat. Him?"
Everyone was silent. This was a side of Lovely that neither sam nor Fred had ever seen before.
Vincent knew better than to make Lovely mad for this exact reason.
"Whats your point?"
Asked Sam, who immediately came to regret asking.
"My point is you need to give Bright some damn slack! From the moment he was turned you blamed him for what happend. He's a babby! Im a grown ass adult!"
They bellowed at Sam then turned their attention towards Fredrick.
"And look, i know you blame him because he peer pressured you into going into wonder world that night, i appreciate that, but you cant act like you where the only one hurt by his mistakes"
Vincent was begining to consider stepping in.
Lovely once again addressed Sam.
"He made a mistake! A stupid, life changing mistake! No one in this room can say they haven't done that, and yet you wasted no time making sure he knew it was his fault! Would you have done that to me? Imagine if somone did that to you when you where first turned. Imagine if somone told you to have known better? Imagine if somone told you to drive safer!
Vincent finally stepped in, interrupting her explosive rant, not entirely on purpose, he simply shouted at her out of shock.
This seemed to cause Lovely to realise the severity of what they just said and she began to blush out of embarrassment and shame.
Their head bowed as she tried to avoid facing Sam.
"I-im sorry i-i have to go"
She rushed out of the room, vincent tried to go after her but stopped himself.
She just needed time to cool off.
"I should go"
Sam said as he stood up.
Vincent didn't want him to feel like he needed to leave, but he knew he couldn't convince him to stay any longer.
Besides, the sun was bound to come up soon.
"C-can i go with you? I dont wanna have to spend the day here"
Fred's room was directly next to Bright's.
He wasn't an idiot. He knew from that look Bright gave Porter that Bright didnt intend to spend the day alone.
"Yeah, come on kiddo lets go"
Sam replied, fred stood up and they made their way out.
Lovely was aimlessly wandering around the manor.
She wanted to talk to Bright eyes. Ever since he got here sam discouraged everyone from talking to him, saying he wasn't 'sociable' or 'particularly friendly'.
But what would she even say?
She thought,
'Hello i know we've never had a real conversation but i just defended your honour. Could we be friends now?'
Lovely groaned.
Then she turned a corner and immediately bumped into alexis.
"Ah! Oh! S-sorry i-"
"Ugh its fine i was actually looking for you anyway"
Lovely couldn't name a time alexis had even had a real conversation with her, let alone activly seek her out.
Lovely asked hesitantly.
"I just ran into Bright eyes....and Porter"
Her lips curved into a smug smile.
"Lets just say i caught them at a....bad time~"
"Oh? OH"
Lovely had a good idea of what alexis was refering to.
At first they were suprised, then worried.
Lovely knew how much Vincent hated Porter, hell she hated him arguably just as much and Vincent had taken a huge liking to Bright eyes. Lovely found it adorable how happy Vincent was at the prospect of a little brother, so how would he feel about this?
"Aha~ Porter told me hed rather not lose his head telling vincent himself but he knew i couldnt just keep this to myself, so im on my way to tell him in his sted, i suggest you dont bring this up with Vincent, he's got enough on his mind, he most likely would want to avoid this information as much as possible, at least until after the summit"
"Yes of course"
Lovely knew how much pressured Vincent was under, they didnt want to add to it by bringing this up.
And besides, if alexis was going to tell him anyway then hed talk about it with her when he felt ready.
"Alright then, where are you going?"
"Oh! I was on my way to see Bright but if he's....busy i-"
"Oh dont worry, when i walked in on them Porter chased me away as opposed to staying with Bright eyes, my best guess is that Bright got sick of waiting for him to come back so he went back to his room"
Lovely was suprised by her intuition.
"A-alright then, ill go see if he's there"
Alexis hummed then made her way past them.
Lovely still didnt know what she'd say to him.
Once she had turned the corrner that she had previously attempted to turn before bumping into alexis, her eyes where met with something she believed to be the answere to her dilemma.
@darlin-collins thank you for proof reading!
@anexistingexistence thank you for the dialog recommendations
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
On The Survivor's Network Admin's "Apology"
As many know, the Admin of the Survivors' Network made an awful post about me back in November. In the recent document from the Survivors' Network, it included the admin's "apology" to the server, and I wanted to address that.
The Original Post
Pictures of the original post are at the bottom under the Keep Reading. TW in advance for fakeclaiming, transphobia, misgendering, bullying, etc.
The "Apology"
When the post resurfaced this year, the admin had this to say in the Survivor’s Network: i am going to be fully transparent. i am the one who made that post, on November 28th of 2022. it was a shitty post. but ugh. i don’t know. i was in an abusive situation i was still in denial about and taking my anger out where i felt it was righteous. i had been trying to stay away from syscourse for similar reasons, but i’ve got a part i failed to keep track of there. and that is shitty. i was just so pissed that, just like she is now, she was only afloat after some terrible shit coming up because of claiming oppression she neither understands or actually experiences. i was so fucking upset, as a trans person, that she had repeatedly waxed about being and identifying as cis and then as soon as it benefit her claimed that she was oppressed in the same way trans people are. it fucking hurt to see that and to see so many people just accepting it— because that was why she said it. not because she actually believed it, but because it put her back in good standing to have a few more made-up oppression points. and then i did the Really Shitty thing and i decided to break through the Sophie Wall and talk directly to the host. and i got really fakeclaimy, and i regret the fuck out of that. if i could go back and have not made that post, i would. it’s private now, and, for full transparency, if any of you want to see the full post i can send it but in honestly ashamed by it now. i don’t care whether or not sophie is experiencing what she says she is, i don’t want other people to see that and be hurt by it. i just. ugh. i was being an idiot. in the place i am now, i’d never make a post like that. i feel really bad about it. it was immature and a very obvious display of lack of inhibition on my part. it does highlight where i think i’m still in need of s lot of growth, though, and reminds me i do need to continue to work with [alters name that I am not going to include in this incredibly public post, for system privacy] in therapy. i do also want to apologize to you all for doing this. i wasn’t leading by example. i wasn’t being mature. i was spitting vitriol, something that especially now, more than ever, with my current religious/spiritual growth and my personal growth in therapy, never feel is okay. i used to be a very hateful person towards people that i felt were wronging me and/or my community, and this is no exception to that. i regret it deeply, and can only rectify  that by promising that i have been growing and will continue to grow as time goes on. i’m really sorry. and i’m sorry that i didn’t deal with that post sooner— i would have if i had remembered it was there. i actually need to go through all my oldest posts, some of them are pretty bad.
Who the apology was for...
To be clear, this was not an apology to me.
It did not express any regret whatsoever at how it might have affected me. They express that they're concerned about other people being hurt by it and that they're sorry to the Survivors' Network for not leading by example. But they don't seem overly bothered by its impact on the person it was about.
Which is fine. I don't care. I'm not asking for an apology, and certainly wouldn't want them to fake one for my benefit. But since that one ask suggested I was given apologies, I suspect they might have mistook this post made in the Discord server... which wasn't intended for me, didn't express guilt over how it affected me, and wasn't in a place I could even find it unless I had a spy in the server... as an apology to me. I just wanted to establish for the record that this apology was worded in a way that it was directed at basically everyone but me.
Reasons are given in the document why they chose not to reach out and thought it would be a bad idea. And while those may have truth to them, this post reads as if they don't feel guilt for how this might have impacted me.
Maybe I'm wrong, but if that is the case, then I'm genuinely thankful they didn't try to give me some fake apology they didn't mean. I don't need and don't want it.
That's not what I wanted to talk about though.
Yes, Cis-Identifying Headmates With Different Genders Than The Body's AGAB Are Still Oppressed In The Same Way Trans People Are!
Let's zero in on this...
i was so fucking upset, as a trans person, that she had repeatedly waxed about being and identifying as cis and then as soon as it benefit her claimed that she was oppressed in the same way trans people are.
Do you think that the reason trans people are oppressed is because cis people just really hate the word trans?
That if trans people just called themselves by a different label, they'd totally be accepted in society?
No. Of course not!
And likewise, just because cis-identifying headmates with different genders from the body's AGAB don't identify as trans, that doesn't mean that they aren't oppressed in the same way trans people are.
That doesn't mean they won't be directly impacted by the way society treats any GNC people, and even much of the transphobic legislation being passed right now!
Transphobia isn't actually hatred of just the people who call themselves trans. It's hatred of people with different genders from their AGAB and GNC people, regardless of if they call themselves transgender or not.
On Why I Identify as Cis...
First, the most obvious reason I identify as cis is because I am. As far as I'm concerned, my inner form is my true form. And it's always been assigned female. What our shared body's assigned gender is doesn't matter to me.
But I will make a confession: the reason I talk about being cis so much, the reason I flaunt it, is to make a statement.
There was a very infuriating bit of sysmed gatekeeping last year that argued that headmates can't identify as transgender if their gender is the same as their AGAB.
I found this incredibly hypocritical given that almost all systems have non-transgender headmates with differing genders from the body's AGAB, but they're not forced to label themselves as transgender.
At the same time, they also don't publicly call themselves cis despite feeling cis on the inside.
So my goal of bringing up being cis frequently is to challenge accepted norms for systems. To normalize publicly identifying as cis headmates, and by extension, to normalize headmates with the same gender as the body's AGAB identifying as trans.
If people have a problem with trans-identifying headmates with a different gender from their body's AGAB, then they should also have a problem with cis headmates with a different one. And that means the vast majority of the plural community.
I call myself cis, all the time, to get people to think seriously about how we conceptualize gender when it comes to systems.
But identifying as cis doesn't mean I don't experience gender dysphoria while fronting, nor does it magically stop me or any other cis-identifying headmates from being victims of the same oppression we would face if we identified as transgender instead.
On Having Room To Grow
It was nice to apologize to the other people who saw it.
But this apology still doubles down on some of the most harmful points. It denies the oppression systems with cis-identifying headmates face, and practically presents our gender identities as less valid than those of trans-identifying people.
And in this way, they fail to understand a huge part of WHY their original post was bad.
Yes, the fakeclaiming was awful, and could easily send people into derealization spirals. The language itself was cruel and verbally abusive.
But let's not ignore the huge problem with the premise itself. The whole ideology it's built on that the only way GNC people can be oppressed is by explicitly identifying as trans. That discrimination against systems for our genders isn't as bad as discrimination against transgender people.
And this is something that I sincerely hope the user and anyone in the system community who agrees with them, can grow out of.
The Original Post:
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Oh, and no one in our system has ever used 4Chan. 🤷‍♀️
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sugolara · 4 months
𝙄 𝙬𝙞𝙨𝙝 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙨𝙩
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ft. K.B x S.T x I.M x fem! reader
Synopsis: After a deadly virus leaks all over the world, every country is forced to close down it's borders and airports to prevent anyone from coming in and out. Though, it's to late for some people. The dead has rose and is looking for revenge. Cw: gore, quirkless! au, apocalypse! au, zombie! au, weapons, death, angst, lots and lots of blood, cannibalism, suicidal thoughts, slow burn
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F/n let out a yawn as she was inside a home, hearing Katsuki rummage in the other room next door. She ignored him and looked underneath a bed. A few shoe boxes were there and she grabbed each of them, pulling them to the side. She squinted, trying to see what else was left and her eyes caught on something. 
Reaching her hand in, she tried to grab on the yellow straps, but her arms weren’t big enough to reach so she ended sticking her head and shoulder undeath, finally feeling the straps in her hand. 
She harshly pulled it as another box was on top of it. The box along with the bag came out. She placed the other item aside as she dusted the yellow bag. Besides it being dusty, the bag reminded her of when Izuku had one at the beginning. It looked almost identical except the small pouch had its zipper missing. 
But, it was in good shape, not a tear or a string sticking out. She smiled as she rolled it up and placed it in her duffel bag, planning on giving it to Izuku as an apology for getting drunk. 
Standing on her feet, she exited the room where she saw Katsuki on the front porch, swinging his knife to do a trick. She continued to watch him for a short moment, being successful on his trick, “Ready?”
He jolted as he was to busy in his mind and hadn’t realize she was behind him, “You should wear a fucking bell.”
She looked at the sun going down, a grin on her lips as she remembered how this played out, “I rather not, it can attract rotters.”
He looked away as he rolled his eyes, a smile growing on his lips as well as his cheeks coating in dust, “Ditto.”
“You ready?” F/n walked down the stairs, “Izuku’s probably freaking out on where we headed. Besides, I think he's still pissed off at me and I don’t want to come home sleeping on the couch.”
“You deserved it.” He said as he followed after her, “If you had done something without telling me, I wouldn’t have spoken to you in weeks.”
She chuckled and Katsuki felt himself regret opening his mouth as his cheeks grew hot. He couldn’t believe he had just said that. To her, no less. Damn, did he want to slap himself and maybe claw his eyes out for embarrassing himself.
“I can see that.” She said as they turned the corner, “You give me jealousy vibes.”
“What!?” He glared at her, “I am not the jealous type! What makes you think that!?”
She shrugged, “You just do, but it's fine, really, I'm sure girls dig that.”
He wanted to ask if she was into that, but he wanted to avoid anything that could spill his feelings for her, so refrained from doing so and crossed his arms, “Are you the jealous type?”
“Nah.” She placed her hands in her jacket, “I don’t really give a crap about that stuff.”
He squinted at her, “But you’re with that damn nerd. How can you not care about that stuff?”
She shrugged as she looked at him, “I just go with the flow. I’m trying my real damn hardest to not turn out like my father and so far, it seems to be going great.”
He did not want to talk about anything relationship wise, especially about Izuku and her. He was thankful that she let out another yawn and changed the subject, “You making dinner tonight?”
“You think I’m going to let Deku make shitty ass food?” He scoffed, “I’d rather eat dirt than eat his food.”
“Dramatic.” She adjusted the straps on her shoulders, “But I don’t blame you. There are some days where his food is not that good. Don’t tell him I said that.”
“You bet your ass I will.” He grinned at her when she playfully glared back. “I’ll cut your tongue out.”
They soon approached the community and as the gates rattled open, F/n could see Izuku talking to Ochaco as they unloaded their car—well, more like Fumikage and Mezo did as the other two chatted.
Seeing her eyes on Izuku, Katsuki moved away from them and headed to drop what little stuff he found before heading to Eijirou’s place. 
He did not want to be around them while they shared kisses or hold hands or do whatever it is couples do after coming back from work. He’s been hurt enough and he does not want to add salt into the wound.
Instead of going to Izuku like she wanted, she passed by and headed in the direction of the weaponry station. The bag she had found needed some remodeling and she did not want him to see what she was up to as this was a surprise.
She’s never given him anything, not that she can recall, and she didn’t exactly know what he was into besides books and other stuff that he has plenty of. There was a hero poster in the bedroom she rummaged through, but she doubted he was even into that kind of stuff as she left it.
Hopefully, the bag wouldn’t be too disappointing. She always liked his yellow bag from the beginning even if it could be seen miles away. It added character to his plain self, though she would never admit to calling him that as she knew that the action would be disrespectful and she did not need him getting any madder at her. 
But, it seemed like Izuku wasn’t going to just let her get away as he grabbed her arm with a concerned look, “Hey, where’d you go? You’ve been gone all day.”
She turned to look at him, “You’re not mad at me.”
“Of course I’m mad at you.” He quickly said, but he pushed that feeling away, “But I can still care about you, besides, there’s something I need to tell you.”
He grabbed her full attention as she raised a brow, “What is it? Are you okay?”
He glanced back at the brown-headed girl, “Ochaco heard from Tenya, who heard from Gunhead and was told from Nezu, who was then told by T-“
“Can you just get on with it.” She watched as he sheeply scratched his cheek.
“Sorry.” He then let his hand fall to his side and gave her a serious look, “Tomura is coming soon, very soon, which possibly means someone else will die, but besides that, Nezu wants me and Ochaco to head out before they arrive. It shows initiative, also meaning that as long as Tomura thinks he’s rushing and putting pressure on Nezu, he’ll keep his hands to himself. Which means, no one will die.”
She sucked her teeth as she sarcastically let out a comment,  “Thanks for the summary. Real informative there.”
“I’m being serious, F/n.” He then held her hands, “I don’t want you to be here when he comes. Can you please, please, go with me. Just so I know you’re safe.”
She scratched her brow with her thumb, looking anywhere but him, “I’m helping out Gunhead, or somebody while they keep finishing building the walls. Me and Katsuki are supposed to do that. And, y’know, if you’re still concerned, Katsuki’s going to be there.”
“Oh.” He looked to his side as he felt a bit bothered by her staying with his friend, who harbors feelings for the girl, “..Kacchan. Right.”
She ignored the way he acted and pointed behind her, “I have something to do alright? I’ll come find you later.”
Before he could get a say, he watched as she began to walk away. He pursed his lips as he wasn’t finished talking to her. But, oh well. He let out a low sigh as he spinned on his feet and headed to Katsuki who was helping Ochaco. He probably didn’t have a choice as Eijiro and Denki were also there. 
“You guys talking shit about me?” Katsuki said as he leaned on the car with a clipboard in hand.
“No, Kacchan.” He refused to roll his eyes, “I just wanted to make sure she’ll be okay since I’m leaving tomorrow.”
His lips frowned as he checked a box, “Instead of checking on someone who’ll be inside Sorston, safe and sound, you should worry about yourself. Think about that for a change, idiot.”
Knowing this was his way of worrying, Izuku let out a smile, “Thanks, Kacchan.”
“Yeah, whatever.” He dismissed him as his eyes glanced back and forth to the products that were being placed in the cart. 
His smile disappeared as he approached his friend and whispered, “Can you do me a favor.”
Annoyed, Katsuki faced him as he crossed his arms, “What. What do you want now?”
He let out a soft sigh, his emerald eyes glancing back to where F/n had left through, “I know how you feel about her and I wouldn’t be asking if I didn’t trust you, but…can you look out for her.”
Seeing Katsuki’s brow lift, Izuku quickly finished what he was saying, “I know, I know. It’s probably a nuisance for you and I shouldn’t even be asking you considering…we both like the same person, but, despite all that, I still and will always trust you. I trust you over anybody else. So if you can, please, do me this favor.”
He softly scoffed as he looked towards his shoes. Maybe it was the fact that Izuku trusted him above all else that made him feel better as he rolled his eyes, pretending to be annoyed by the request and nodded, “Again, whatever.”
“Thank you so much, Kacchan!” Izuku beamingly smiled, “On the plus side, you’ll also be having some sort of benefit.”
“I said whatever!” An embarrassing blush was coated on his cheeks, “Don’t think I’m doing this for free! You’ll be owing me!”
“Of course, let me know. Anyways, I should be getting back to the house. Before, F/n arrives.” He mumbled as he began to leave, leaving Katsuki behind with the others. 
The blonde watched as he left before glancing back at the clipboard, his mind swirling with thoughts. As he looked up, he locked eyes with Ochaco. Her brow raised and a thin smile on her lips as she focused back to Mezo who handed her a crate. 
His eye twitched as he continued to stare at her. A look was shared, and the blonde didn’t like it. It  almost felt like she knew of his position in the complicated relationship between himself, Izuku and F/n. Maybe he was overthinking things, but he couldn’t help but to think that Izuku had told her something as her looks were almost sympathetic towards him. 
“Ow.” F/n hissed as she waved her finger, trying to cool it down as she had accidentally poked it with a needle. She was currently in the weaponry room as no one was around, probably due to Gunhead still out on his mission.
As the pain on her finger began to evaporate, she held the yellow backpack up to where it would be a full view. The small heart near the corner with her and his initials had brought a smile to her face. 
It would be the first gift she’s ever given anyone—besides Hanta—so she really hoped that Izuku would like it. She also felt extremely nervous in giving it to him, afraid that the gift would not be worthy. She had to tell herself that it was the thought that mattered. Or whatever that meant. 
She didn’t think she would take long as the moon had come up so she quickly rushed home. Upon opening the door, the house was quiet and dark, the only light source being the lamp that was in the living room. She silently closed the door and headed to her room, cringing when the floor creaked.
She passed by Shoto’s dormant room, then to hers that was in the middle. Katsuki’s door was closed, but she could see light creaking from his doorstep. Ignoring him, she entered hers where she saw Izuku looking back at her as he was in bed, with his notebook in hand, “Hey.”
The male smiled, “Hey. I would have come looking for you, but I’m still mad.”
“Yeah, figures.” She said as she reached into her duffel bag, a sudden dust on her cheeks as she sat on the edge, next to him, “So…I was outside and I found something that reminded me of you. It's probably stupid, but…yeah.”
She wanted to slap herself for trying to be unbothered and it seemed Izuku knew as his smile grew, finding her cute for how bashful she was behaving. Nonetheless, his smile grew wider and F/n swore his eyes shining could be competing for the sun when she pulled the bag and he grabbed it to take a look. 
His finger ran over the heart she sewed on. His heart was beating at an unbelievable pace, his stomach fluttering as well as his cheeks growing in an intense amount of heat. He couldn’t believe the day would come in which she would actually give him something and put in the effort for such a gift. 
It was only a bag, and her sewing could do some work, but for her to remember he even had a similar bag in the first place and adding in their initials surrounded by the heart made him feel special. He quickly hugged her, his arms tightly around her as he could feel tears prickling his eyes, “Thank you, F/n.”
His soft voice always felt comforting to her. She hugged him as she let her chin rest on his shoulder, her eyes looking at a painting that was hung, “Promise me, you’ll be safe.”
He let out a content sigh from his nose, “I should be telling you that, but I promise I’ll be safe.”
She then released him to where she could see his face and tapped his nose with a smile, “And you are not allowed to come home injured, alright? I don’t need you bedridden because you made a mistake.”
He let out a laugh, “I promise! I’ll be safe so you don’t have to worry!”
“Okay.” She said in the comfort of his space. She then began to lean in and give him a kiss as it would be the last for sometime. Unfortunately, before she could place her lips on him, he had pressed a finger to her lips, “Nuh-uh. I mean this in the nicest way possible, but you stink. Shower before you dirty the bed and me.”
She pursed her lips as she squinted at him, “It’s just a bit of sweat.”
“Sweat is dirty. Sweat is smelly.” His smile still on his face.
“You think I care?” She said as she quickly tackled him to the bed, startling the male as he let out a yelp, though he began to laugh when she started to tickle his sides, her hands riding up his shirt to touch his exposed skin. 
She also let out a laugh as she felt an extreme amount of happiness. She still couldn't believe that he was able to crack her stone cold face and break down her walls. She must’ve been lucky to ever meet a guy like Izuku and she honestly had no idea what she did to deserve someone like him. But whatever the case was, she wouldn’t let the feeling leave her grasp.
He wished the same could be said for him as Katsuki sat on his bed with his back to the wall. His ears listened in on them as he hugged his knees, letting his head rest on top of them, wishing nothing more to be in that room and feel what Izuku is feeling now. 
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kawaikylian · 2 years
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Angst 🖤
I don’t know how it started, he believed something terrible and didn’t believe me. We hadn’t talked for days, I called him billions of times and texted him, I had guessed we were done.
He had unfollowed me, erased all my photos, blocked my number and told everyone we weren’t a thing anymore. It was hurtful, I had even talked to Richarlison about what happened, he admitted Neymar confronted him ending in the distruction of there friendship.
It was South Korea vs Brazil, I had came to support richarlison and paquetá two dear close friends of mine, of course I knew Neymar would be there, but it wasn’t going to stop me, a part of me was hoping he’d talk to me, but he didn’t, he only glanced at me multiple times, he would not talk to me, but I admit he looked like he was eager too.
I tried my best not to cry feeling shitty, I kept on wiping my under eyes to prevent crying but I couldn’t hold it in, as the game ended and everyone was walking out my eyes immediately begin to itch, I shut my eyes with force trying to stop the tears.
“Fuck!” I mutter, I realize people are looking at me as some of my makeup smears off and I’m covering my face, richarlison notices coming up to me asking if I’m fine, “voce Esta bem?” He asks with a sweet voice earning a small smile from me. (“Are you okay?”)
“extrano a ney” I say with a soft sweet voice, richarlison hugs me to call me down, I hear a voice call from behind, it’s Neymar, he seems obviously pissed, richarlison walks up to him “o que você quer?!” I don’t hear much except, Neymar’s voice goes a bit high.(“I miss ney”
I walk up to the both of them to ask what’s happening but my face goes into shock when I hear the word “girlfriend”.
“o que você está fazendo com minhas Mulher?”, I become utterly angry “I am not your fucking girlfriend” Neymar becomes surprised “so what your fucking him now?”.(“What are you doing with my women?”)
“No? I am not having sex with him, we are just friends, but regardless it should not matter to you because remember we are nothing right?!”i scoff thinking about the entire situation, “querida nós precisamos conversar” he says in a soft needy tone.(“Dear we need to talk”)
I shew richarlison away and ask Neymar to talk somewhere more privately.
“Não sei por que fiz o que fiz, mas sinto muito.” he begins to somber, he weighs him body down lowering onto his knees grabbing my hands and begging for forgiveness.(“I don’t know why I did what I did but I am so sorry”)
“Desculpa me Por favor linda sinto falta do seu toque, Eu acordo sozinho todos os dias. Eu sinto muito arrependimento, sinto muito.” Im still mad at Neymar but not entirely, I immediately hug him forgetting about everything, I hug him tightly, because I miss his touch.
(““I'm sorry please beautiful I miss your touch, I wake up alone everyday. I feel a lot of regret, I'm sorry.”)
We hug for a good minute, I look into his eyes pulling him into a big kiss, more tears fall onto my face “I forgive you baby”.
I was still mad at Neymar but all I needed at that time was his arms and his touch.
Not the last part
Part 1
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kipowolfton · 6 months
I'm thinking abt my vase of flowers and my ADHD ass switched to depressing memories I just uncovered with my mother wtf man why do I think so fast 😭😭😭😭😭
might delete later 🥺👉👈
also trigger warning
like seriously I'm fucked up
So basically, I have this vase in my room. It's always been there. A pearly white vase with flower shaped mounds (I think it'd be called?) all over it. inside this vase is a variety of flowers
a bouquet I caught at a wedding when I was 9
a flower pen from my best friend
the flower shaped pendulum from the cuckoo clock that was on my wall that I had an unexplainable and irrational fear of
a glowstick dandelion from a Wednesday night at church.
now onto the mom part
the bouquet. It was fine. My mother decided one day that it was not. She grabbed it out of the vase and tried to leave my room with it, I asked her what she was doing and she fell something along the lines of trimming it to make it fit better
it fit perfectly. It was fucking fine. i told her no, she still tried to leave, I grabbed her arm, she tried to pull away, I told her not to cut the flowers, she hit my hand off of her and stormed off. She came back with scissors and cut about 2 inches off the bottom of the fake stems.
I was pissed. Fuming. angry. The flowers were intact,yes, but. why did she still cut the handle? Why did she do that? I told her no.I wanted them the way they were, it was fine! There was nothing wrong with them! She didn't listen to me. She never does. and so I did what my autistic ass body tells me to do when experiencing anger
I sat there, and I sobbed. I cried. I bawled. I wasn't a little kid, I just couldn't take it. she put on a worried look and tried to console me. I told her to get the hell out. She said that it was better and that no damage had been done, the flowers were alright, and that I was overreacting and that she didn't know why I was so upset. I told her to go away.
and, now, thinking of it reminds me a lot of my life now. Except I'm the flowers in the vase in my bedroom. How I'm never good enough,and I still need trimming. Even if the flowers were factory made and perfectly designed, they weren't good enough, even in a place where they shouldn't matter to her. like how I'm woken up each day with anger. I can't wake up on a Saturday and ask to go back to sleep without being yelled at, how every morning she wakes me up yelling at me and patronizing my smell and breath despite the fact I haven't had the time to put my god damned glasses on. how I'm an unhealthy eater and need to eat healthier foods and less sugars and shit, and how I need to exercise more and how im getting chubby when i am very underweight and barely eat at all. She tells me things about my body. Like my ass is to big and that my chest is developing like hers were. She tells me I have her body. She tells me I looked like she did when she was in high school. How I have her legs, how I have her arms,hands,feet, etc. i remember when I was little and my hair was in curly blonde ringlets, she'd put our hair together and tell me how alike we were. Tell me how beautiful I was and how beautiful she used to be.
she dyes her hair blonde.she curls it too.
also would probably be a good time to tell you I'm fucking adopted. she is my biological grandmother.
my biological mother couldn't deal with her shit and chooses being homeless on the other side of the country, (she's also wheelchair bound) instead of even saying hello to me once, or coming to stay, only because she can't stand that woman's shit.
I see why.
and it's all perfectly, beautifully, and painfully displayed with the trimming of the fake pink roses
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winterviolet1 · 2 years
Ateez Pirate Au: A journey of a lifetime
Chapter 1: The encounter
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September 14
It was a hot sunny day. I was helping my family tend to the farm since life as a poor wasn't the easiest. We were lucky to live off what we grew but then there will be times that the crops wouldn't grow on time which does affect us a lot from time to time.
"Y/n would come here for a minute?" I heard my mother calling out as I stop watering the crops. I went over to where my mother were and was confused on what she wanted. "Is something the matter?" I ask since this was something out of the ordinary. "I need you to run to town to get some bread and Milk, Also your father and I need to tell you something once you are back" My mother said as she went back doing the gardening while I left to go get what we needed. When I arrive to the market and got what I needed, I heard people scream and saw people running from something.
"Take everything they got men, we need the supplies we can get" I heard a guy yell out, I turn to see what look like pirates pillaging then town I'm in. "Shit, what am I to do!" I said as I was about to try and leave but then someone shoved me to the ground. "You filthy pirate, I should kill you for stealing from us!" I hear as I quickly look at a guy pointing a sword at me. "Whoa whoa there buddy, I ain't a pirate" I said trying now the piss this guy off even tho it doesn't look like he's buying it. "That what they all say!" I covered myself even tho it was going to be unless from the sword as the guy swung at me but I not once felt any pain. "How pathetic you are to harm someone who isn't a pirate" I heard as I open my eyes to see a guy that is a part of the pirates blocking the store owner sword with his own.
I was surprised to be saved but wasn't sure why. All I know was that once the store owner and the pirate were fighting. I got up to leave quickly while saying thank you to the pirate as I headed home quickly. When I arrived home, I pulled the bread and milk on the table while I went to look for my parents who said they wanted to talk to me. "Mother, father? Where are you?" I shout out loud enough to hopefully be heard. I then heard my father calling out from the back yard as I went to see what they were doing. "So you wanted to tell me something?" Both of my parents looked at each other before back to me. "Well Y/n your mother and I been talking, Well we want you to go get married to a noble men" I nearly choked on air when I heard that.
"Excuse me?! You want me to marry a stranger for what!" I yelled at my parents since I wasn't excepting them to do something like this behind my back. "Y/n we need money, unless your younger brother. You have the looks and figured that more then qualified to marry some from a rich family" My mother commented and I was in more of a frustrated state that I paced back and forth from it. "I will not marry someone for money, I don't get why you want me to do it when we are perfectly fine without the huge money!" I said hoping my parents would understand but something tell me they think otherwise. "You will do ask your told or you'll be disown, if you don't agree then we'll make an arrangement for the marriage" I'm father said angrily cause me to snap at them.
"I will do no such thing!" I said as I walked away angrily cause I didn't want to face them anymore right now. That night I was in my room pacing around wondering what to do. "This is absolutely ridiculous of them" I muttered to myself while continuing before I looked out my window. "Why should I be the one having to decide my fate of some fake marriage or disownment from my family" I sighed in frustration while collapsing onto my bed.
I never asked for this. Why couldn't things say the way they are then rely on someone else for the money.
I rather be a pirate then
Hongjoong POV
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When my men finished loading up the ship from the town we pillage. I smirk as it was a success but then I realized something. I suddenly remember the one person I saved from almost killed by a store owner. I could remember their face clear right before they fled the scene while thanking me in the process. Of course I did killed the stupid owner after a few sword fight moment but it wasn't really a challenge.
"Captain, we are ready to leave when you are" I heard as I turn to see Seonghwa my right hand man coming towards me. "Everything loaded into place Seonghwa" I said as He nodded his head just when we now stood in front of me. I thought about it but then turn to the direction the person I saved went. "Good but there one thing I'm waiting before we leave this place" I said in my captain voice tho Seonghwa and I have been friends for years now. "What could there be for us to wait captain?" Seonghwa being confused in this situation that he couldn't understand to why I wanted to wait for a little bit.
"You'll see soon enough"
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preggo-ace · 1 year
hey there! :)
since i'm new here, i figured i'd introduce myself
y'all can call me A if you'd like, and this is an alt blog i'll use for rp and to just explore my more nsfw interests, which will for the most part include pregnancy and birth
if you'd like to rp with me, here's some guidelines before you drop me a message (keep in mind i'm new to this scene, so these may be subject to change as i discover more and get more comfy)
literary rp ; lengths of replies might vary, i'm a writer though so i may get quite descriptive
fpreg, afab nbpreg (this includes ftm don't worry!!)
semi-difficult birth as long as it doesn't end up severely hurting carrier or baby/babies
fantasy scenarios (magic, witchcraft, deities, etc) so long as it's within the bounds of the established universe of our rp ; this can include rapid pregnancy, again as long as it's within established bounds
i'm comfortable playing either the carrier or the carrier's partner, or if we're both carrying simultaneously ; i'd prefer fem x nb/fem x fem in terms of coupling, but if your character is transmasc for example that's okay with me, or we can keep the relationship strictly non-romantic as well
homebirth/medically unassisted birth
birthing multiples ; for now, i'm only comfortable with twins if i'm the carrier, no more than that please
using ocs ; for the time being, i'll be creating entirely new character to better fit our specific plot theme, so i'll more than likely be making up their personality as we go ^^;
LIGHT sex during pregnancy/labor ; i've only recently gotten comfortable writing nsfw myself, so if we rp this, apologies if i'm not very good or am inaccurate, i'm asexual and a virgin please remember!
lengthy rps, though we can start with short scenes to get a feel for things if you'd prefer
long births ; like spending a good chunk of time pushing for example
romance/fluff, especially during birth ; the comfort and encouragement from the carrier's partner yes please!!
clothing birth under specific circumstances that we can discuss ooc
birth denial ; again, under specific circumstances that can be discussed
mpreg, amab nbpreg ; i'll read it depending on story, but i'm not comfortable rping it
egg laying of any form
monster/creature (mostly referring to aliens, i am down for vamps/werewolves as long as we establish how they work as a species within our rp's universe)
horror preg in general, i don't really care for horror as a genre (except artistic horror and video games)
r*pe/non-con ; absolutely cannot and will not, genuinely makes me sick
video/picture format rp ; i still live with family, plus as stated i'm new to this, and i've only ever done literary rp before, so this format is off the table
anything bdsm related ; i can't name any specific bdsm kinks off the top of my head right now, so i would say in general avoid it if you wanna rp with me
vore, unbirth, anything like that
stuffing, food-related inflation, honestly inflation in general
feces/scat, piss, etc (genuinely find it gross)
anything to do with minors being carriers, sorry not sorry but i won't do that under ANY circumstance ; this isn't to say our plots cannot include characters under 18 (i mean, it IS pregnancy after all), but it'll be a hard no from me if said -18 character is pregnant within our narrative (mentions of a past pregnancy by a character when they were -18 is fine, just don't make it a present plot point is what i'm saying basically)
anything sadistic, i will not do it i don't care
public birth ; idk why it just messes with me, that might be my autism tho lol
detailed gore/injuries ; this includes heavy blood loss, tearing, or anything else in that vein that has the potential to happen during birth (we can further discuss this ooc should the need arise due to our plot, but in general, i don't want it)
hyper-preg ; the 'tism only allows me to suspend my disbelief so much
please be patient with me as i try to gain my footing in this scene
constructive advice on how to create better responses or even drabble prompts are always welcome in my ask box
i am autistic/have adhd, so be aware of that in case i take some time between responses as i can get distracted very easily
^^^ adding to this, i am physically disabled, so if responses take longer from me, there's a good chance i might be at a doctors appointment or just simply don't have the energy to work my brain enough for responses (though i'll do my best to reply as soon as possible!)
i would prefer if we plan out a general plot beforehand, with a few basic beats we wanna hit through the course of rp, just to keep on track
if you want to rp anything i don't have listed in my likes/dislikes, be sure to ask me before implementing it! more than likely, i'll be willing to try it, but that may not always be the case
IF YOU'RE UNDER 18 OR DO NOT HAVE AN AGE IN YOUR BIO ANYWHERE, I WILL NOT RESPOND TO A MESSAGE YOU SEND ME. it's nothing personal, i'd just rather only speak to/rp with fellow known adults here
i live in CST and am unemployed (due to physical disability), so i'm active more often than not, however i tend to go to sleep around 1-1:30AM CST. my wake-up times vary, though it's usually around the 7:30-9AM CST range
i don't rp for kink/fetish reasons, which is ironic, i know. but that's not what i'm stepping into this scene for, i'm here because it genuinely fascinates me and i enjoy fantasizing/writing about it (not in a sexual sense) even if i never want to take part in it irl
if you'd like to rp with me, shoot me a message !! promise i don't bite, but i might be a bit awkward at first ^^;
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im-tops-bottom · 1 year
Felix: why did I wake up to Channie Hyung pissing on me?
Hyunjin/Han: It wasn't the only thing he did/He got territorial over you because he saw a post of someone touching your arm on TikTok
*a moment of silence*
Han/Felix: *stares at Hyunjin* I'm sorry what?/Excuse me?
Hyunjin: You don't remember him biting you backstage
Felix: 🤦🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️
*moments later*
Felix: this wolf thing is becoming a bit too much Hyung. You're not an actual werewolf hybrid thing and I, along with the rest of the members
Minho: except me, I think it's hot
Felix: Shut it hyung
Minho: shutting up
Felix: I, along with some of the members, have decided that you need to stop watching those TikTok wolf Chan edits. They're becoming a problem for you
Chan: no they're not. I am completely fine.
Felix: you bit me backstage at kcon. I woke up to you peeing on me.
Chan: I can stop
Han: when you guys have sex in the room next to mine and hyungs room, you keep growling, howling and demanding Lixie call you alpha while you call him you're omega
Minho: I agree with my baby ... Well second ... Third baby, my boyfriend baby. You even talk about how one day you're gonna get Yongbokah pregnant, even when you guys aren't having sex. You requested a 2 week holiday for all of us just so you can spend it all in bed, cumming into him until he was bloated enough to walk around looking pregnant. For all 14 days
Jeongin: Hyung you bark every time you see Lix after being apart for a few hours
Seungmin: yeah old man~ you introduce him as your mate
Hyunjin: don't even get us started on how you growl at anyone who comes up to Lixie and flirts with him
Changbin: where do we even begin with how serious of a problem this is slowly starting to become...
Chan: I feel like everyone is kink shaming me and I don't appreciate it
All the other members: ...
Chan: ... I can stop
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timeoverload · 7 months
Today was a pretty easy day for me. I had 29 cases but it wasn't as stressful because they weren't moving too fast. Nothing bad happened except I still haven't found that muscle hook. Hopefully it turns up tomorrow. I was happy that I got to eat breakfast and lunch and it wasn't terrible.
I did get very angry with the morning team lead earlier. He started telling me how he feels about trans people and I do not agree with his opinions. I told him I didn't want to have a debate about it but he wouldn't stop so I sort of blew up on him. He was telling me that he thinks trans people are mentally ill and he refuses to treat them with respect because he doesn't believe in that. He's always preaching about God and going to church every Sunday but obviously it hasn't taught him how to be a compassionate person. I remember a verse from the bible that says, "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." I think he needs to read the book again. I believe if God exists then they created trans people and Jesus loves everyone. They have always existed and it's not a trend. He tried to argue that they are just "seeking attention" but I don't believe that's the case. I think all humans can be attention seeking and that's just the way we are. He needs to stop hating people just because he doesn't understand them. He said that we will have to agree to disagree and I was so mad that I had to leave the room. I also don't think that was an appropriate conversation to be having at work period. I don't want to be forced to be around a transphobic asshole. I barely said a word to him the rest of the day. He says so many horrible things and thinks it's funny. I don't think he realizes how mean he is. He was talking about one of the surgical techs and couldn't remember her name so he referred to her as "the ugly bridge troll". He makes so many disrespectful comments about women. He told me he would leave his fiancée if she didn't shave her legs and I think that's shallow as fuck. He believes a man should make all of the decisions in a relationship and I don't agree with him. He is just so rude and has the biggest ego. He's always pissed about something. I know I have been complaining about him a lot but I am forced to spend hours of my life working with him by myself. I hate coming in to work in the morning now. I think maybe karma is starting to catch up with him because he has been having a lot of bad things happen to him. He has been having a health issue and may need to go on leave. I don't want anything bad to happen to him just because I don't like him but it would be nice to not be around him for a while. He said he is going to come back to work the next day after his procedure because he "lives to work". He's crazy and irresponsible. He also spends at least half of his day talking instead of working anyway. I already know his doctor isn't going to let him do that. He thinks it's fine for him to come in to work anyway and is expecting everyone else to wait on him and bring him stuff to do while he sits. I'm not doing that and that's a bad idea for so many reasons. I really need to stop talking about him but I have been bottling it up and he has been driving me bonkers. I am going to try to stay away from him as much as possible. I'm sorry for going on a rant.
Anyway, there was an add-on at 4:15 and that didn't get done until 4:45. I didn't leave on time because it took me a while to get everything cleaned up but it's ok. I'm so glad I'm home and that it's almost the weekend. I am feeling strange right now. I think I might be getting sick but I can't tell. I have a sore throat but it's not that bad so maybe I will feel better in the morning. I am very tired and achy though. I'm sorry I haven't been on here as much. It's hard to use my phone at work and when I get home I am so sleepy. I am probably going to order a new phone on Friday. I have fallen asleep several times lately with the light on and my keyboard in my lap. I think I need to go eat something really quick and get ready for bed. I need to relax because I have 32 cases tomorrow and it might be a rough day but I hope it isn't. I don't like Thursdays very much but I will try my best to make it a good day.
I hope everyone else has a wonderful day tomorrow!!! Thank you for listening to me vent because that means a lot to me. Talking about stuff usually helps me feel better. I love you all!!! :) 💖💖💖
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beevean · 7 months
Let's do this: top 10 most hated NFCV characters counting both shows
As a bonus, if you're willing to: top 10 worst episodes
I think I did a top 5 worst characters for both shows but I can do it again :P
11) Drolta. She doesn't do anything egregious, in fact she's kind of tolerable, but she stole Isaac's drip. And for that, I will forever be salty :) (also yeah I couldn't decide for #10 so I added one, whatcha gonna do about it)
10) Sumi and Taka. Ah yes, these two Japanese people who look identical are most assuredly not related, they are just Japanese! Aside from that, they are the emblem of S3's utter failure: they add nothing of importance except for a gratuituous (and OOC) rape scene that is supposed to send the message "humans suck, trusting is for fools"... that in on itself doesn't change a thing, because Alucard is fine afterwards. But hey, you got your bi rep! Aren't you happy with this show's representation? :)
9) Emmanuel. This guy is just stupid. Just because you lampshade how absurd it is to ally yourself with vampires because you think the Revolution is "godless", it doesn't make it any less absurd. We're still at this level of shallow, childish CHURCH BAD.
8) Sypha. You're not cute when you insult Trevor. Stop it. I remembered her being nicer than she actually was :( during the rewatch she was painful, constantly complaining, defending Alucard from Trevor rather than the other way around (but still ditching him when he needed company because yay adventures!!!), and acting bossily with her bf because that's the only kind of character they can write here. Also she's OP af and that's not fun.
7) Maria. Does she even have a personality beyond stereotypical Twitter communist teen? Good god girl shut up you are nothing more than useless backdrop!
6) Carmilla. In theory, she could be an interesting unapologetic female villain who reacted to her trauma with rage rather than sorrow, a female Dracula but even pettier. In practice, she is the parody of a radfem written by a man with zero respect for women, so you can imagine that she isn't exactly nuanced. I hate that Dracula and his boytoys were made to be absolute dumbasses for her to win, only for her to conclude effectively nothing. villain.exe
5) Alucard. You absolute cunt. Am I supposed to like, or worse being attracted to, this piece of shit who spends his time insulting Trevor and treating him like dog shit under his shoe? He has zero of the effortless charm of the real Alucard, but I'm supposed to root for him because he's hot when he cries all boobily. Fuck off with your disingenous fanservice. (also his design is atrocious and the artstyle doesn't flatter him at all)
4) Erzsébet. Literally an OC made by a 5 yo. Look at her! She's so cool and special! She's older than Dracula, stronger than Dracula, more evil than Dracula, more dangerous than Dracula, and she turns into an invincible Sun Thundercat! Yeah good job, but you forgot to give her a personality.
3) Annette. She is not a character. She is nothing more than accurately engineered discourse bait. I refuse to acknowledge this shallow attempt at "badass representation" that I am supposed to like on the sole basis of her race and gender. I am so tired of Stronk Women that are actually giant assholes, all flash and no substance.
2) Isaac. I will concede that he has the most coherent character arc of all characters, but aside from that, he pisses me off something fierce for how overrated he is. Forgettable design, pretentious as fuck, spouting faux-philosophical quotes to hide how petty he is, basically a jihadist in S3, wakes up one day in S4 and suddenly he's Muslim Jesus, disgustingly OP because the narrative finds every way to suck his shiny dick... and his amazing arc that everyone praises him for, the thing that makes him "better than that stupid gay joker from CoD"? It's just a worse version of Hector's from the mangas, which left him Hector here with no arc to speak of. Get him out of my sight.
1) Lenore. Her concept is great. She is an intriguing foil to both Carmilla and Hector, and incarnates an unique type of villainy: she is amoral, kind for her own selfish purposes, with understandable goals but willing to do anything to achieve them. I want to like her. Too bad she is a disgusting, repulsive, inconsistent, bratty rapist that I am supposed to feel sorry for because oh, she's not so bad after all :) she did everything for Hector's own good :) she's not actually evil :) she deserved to smooch the man she raped into slavery, don't you feel bad that she sunned herself like a selfish coward :) Lenore begs to be rewritten by someone who doesn't jerk off to abusive dommy mommies, but in her canon state, she makes me ill.
Now for the episodes :P
10) The Great Work (S4E7): I never watched it because it's boring as shit, which speaks of the terrible pacing of this show and especially S4. I know it has the infamous "vampires dislike crosses because their vision is fucked up" scene lmao
9) The River (S2E6): It's the episode where the zombie bishop resurrected by a dark necromancer who is now working for a vampire with plans of enslaving mankind is apparently favored by God to the point of being able to bless water. Do I need to say more? Well, it's also the episode where the heroes suddenly remember they are supposed to do shit and hack into Dracula's castle, and the episode that fully cements Dracula as an ineffectual pathetic antagonist easily manipulable by the real villain, no I don't care that he's kinda cool in For Love. (at least the scene with Carmilla avoiding the river and the castle is fun to watch)
8) Bless Your Dead Little Hearts (S3E1): The beginning of Alucard's and Trepha's plotlines, two utter mindnumbing wastes of time, and Hector's plotline, which is the show beating me over the head with a nail bat while screeching "LOOK HOW PATHETIC HECTOR IS! LOOK AT THIS PITIFUL WET CAT! LOOK AT HIM COWERING NAKED IN A CELL EATING MOLDY BREAD! FEEL SORRY FOR HIM!". Just unpleasant for all sorts of reasons.
7) It's Been A Strange Ride (S4E10): Trevor miraculously survives Death! Alucard is happy to live with his new bossy gf as if nothing ever happened! Lenore suns herself just for a final kick in the balls to Hector, whose character will forever be remembered as "useless simp"! And most importantly, Dracula and Lisa get to live again as if the dude didn't just try to exterminate mankind, and they will have endless kinky sex until she dies while Alucard will forever mourn his parents but no one gives a shit about that because we love to piss on the games! :D
6) Old Homes (S2E2): It has the double combo "Alucard being the biggest moistest cunt to Trevor while we're supposed to laugh at this hilarious banter" and "Carmilla girlbossily girlbosses all over Dracula who can't even punish this vampire who insults his wife in front of everyone, establishing herself as the cooler villain"! Joy!
5) The Good Dream (S3E6): "Walkies! :D"
4) Back In The World (S4E5): It's the one with the infamous "Oh, shush, you were having fun" :) and all the Lenore apologism that follows :)
3) You Don't Deserve My Blood (S4E6): I get it. Isaac is Jesus and I should drop to my knees to suck his entire dick. Good thing this is his last appearance. Other than that, this episode is the last nail in the coffin for what was left of Hector's character, who is revealed to have been working to resurrect Dracula (a complete spit in the face to everything he stood for in S2) and also chooses to stay with his rapist instead of seeking true freedom.
2/1) The Harvest (S3E9)/Abandon All Hope (S3E10): It's hard to separate the two, and I wouldn't know which one is worse. The Harvest is infamous for being half boring fight scenes, and half "hot" sex scenes that are actually rape by deception: the entire episode is simply uncomfortable to sit through, not helped by the shoddy editing. Abandon All Hope is the season finally dropping its final message: "the world sucks, and you will be betrayed". Everyone except babyboy Isaac is left traumatized and cynical because we are so fucking edgy, we are just like Berserk fr fr. And, of course, in retrospect, Alucard and Hector's endings piss me off even more as all of their pain was for fucking nothing :)
(Nocturne is completely forgettable and doesn't reach the peaks of NFCV so it deserves its own ranking)
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thessalian · 1 year
Thess vs Piss-Poor Design Choices
So now we have hit the 'too tired to sleep' exhausted.
Well. It's not just that.
It's that I have done almost nothing except work this week. Well, and recover, but given the extra working hours, I didn't have enough time to do that either. I'm not supposed to be doing that. My GP and Occupational Health have said I should not be doing that. I should not be working the traditional eight-hour work day, not even for four days out of the week, and I should definitely not be doing a fifth day, even at reduced hours. My days this week have largely involved a half-hour stint on Baldur's Gate 3 between 10:15 and 10:45 before logging on for work, and most of the time I haven't had the energy to do anything more than put dinner together afterwards.
So it goes as follows:
I'm exhausted.
But I am also desperately deprived of fun and want to do something fun before I crash for the night.
I don't have the energy to do anything fun.
But I might not have time or spoons to do anything fun tomorrow!
I think also I'm just not ready for the day to be over because then it'll be tomorrow and Overtime will happen and I can't even bear the thought of it right now.
So maybe I'll feel better when I get some sleep.
Okay, fine, I will go lie down in a minute, but under protest.
All I want is some stress-free time to recover so I can function without dreading the next time I have to switch on my work laptop, a dinner I didn't have to cook, and ... I dunno, someone to tell me I'm not a wuss for wanting these things. But for now, I guess I'll settle for hoping that Scruffman's right about things getting easier and this temp he found being better than the one they had to sack after two days, remembering that Wednesday is payday, and at least lying down now that the leg spasms aren't so bad. Also the silver lining that the extra money from this nightmare will come in handy at MCM Comic Con.
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