#i'm tired can you tell
moki-dokie · 4 months
people really need to crack open a fucking history book for once in their life before commenting on my posts. fucks sake.
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alto-tenure · 11 months
exploring the socioeconomic implications of one of the most prominent rich people in London owning a newspaper
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captainkirkk · 2 years
I want to see characters being taken care of in an explicit and worshipful way. Home-cooked meals. Hair brushed and braided by gentle hands. Little gifts just because.
I want to read about characters who are not used to kindness being bombarded by acts of service. This trope works romantically and platonically. Give me found family and acts of service - all the ways a character is wrapped up in wordless, explicit care after years of cruelty and having no idea how to handle. I need it.
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ohpsshaw · 4 months
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[I need you to go look up "ICICLE WORKS - I STILL WANT YOU" and start blaring that as loud as you can right now.]
So. Typhus and I have failed in our mission to get him into everyone's bedrolls. Turns out that traumatized vampire got hands. We didn't have the heart to break up with Astarion, and I think we're DnD married now. Please keep us in your prayers.
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jjlr101 · 10 months
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Scout sketches yay
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spacedace · 1 year
Girl scout cookie season has to be fucking hell in Gotham
Like, okay so I don't actually know anything about girl scouts, but it has to be intense right? Every girl scout in the city has to know that Bruce Wayne is a soft touch and will buy out your entire stock if you just look at him with even a hint of a sad frown. Which means outside of Wayne Enterprises and Wayne Manor is prime real estate, the kind of hot spots that scouts and their parents are willing to go to war for. Like, full on street brawls breaking out between these little girls and their rival troops over common Bruce Wayne locations.
And it's *Gotham* so you know there are like, Gotham Specific badges for things like "Improvised Weaponry" and "Urban War Tactics" I bet there are badges for helping people during Rogue attacks, with like a badge for each specific Rogue and a badge you get if you've earned all the others.
Just. Gotham Girl Scouts have to be scarier than any Marine, and are probably on so many watch lists, both ad potential heroes and villains.
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wigglesdtuff · 4 months
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boyfriend shirt
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palossssssand · 10 months
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Slug City fake movie poster for Smooks, featuring the bay's harbor boardwalk, foggy seas, and her beast made of paint.
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rikamae · 7 months
I understand now. I understand all of it.
All those times politicians claimed something was "too complicated" "not that simple" "we don't have the money" it's all lies to keep us complacent.
They did it about the situation is Israel. "It's too complicated" everyone said. It didn't look complicated when I did my own research, away from those shitty think pieces talking down to me. Israel was a state built off the blood of Palestinians, and they simply do not want you to think about it. Because there is oil in the middle east and Israel is our only "Ally"
Wow, so complicated! The complicated part being that our media is tricking us into thinking this is so complex so they can be evil in plain sight: yes, so complicated of a situation!!
And today I wake up to find that the House of Representatives (the lowest level of US government) has passed a bill offering 14 billion to Israel! It will go to the Senate to vote. Wow, billion with a B huh? I got a question for you.
Where the fuck did we get enough money to fund genocide? Where the hell was all this money when it comes to supporting the Americans you politicians claim to be representing? Where was this money for free college, universal Healthcare, covid precautions, the climate crisis??
"It's just too complicated! You'll make us do cuts on other programs! You'll make us raise taxes!! Think of the taxes!!!"
Then where did this money come from? Oh, the IRS, the fucking company that handles our taxes??? Yeah????? That was an option? Why wasn't it an option before but it is now? Were they over funded and we just didn't notice until now? Or are you taking advantage of the situation to cut funding to another service you hate?? The point being: if they really want something, they can find the fucking money. They haven't because they don't want to.
It's never been complicated. It's their job to move money around. It's their fucking job to raise our taxes and provide for us, but the only people they truly represent are the ones filling their pockets with lobby money. They could have done this long ago, given us what we've been demanding, but they coddled us and said it was too complicated and our baby brains couldn't handle it. And God forbid you be a woman!! That means you're double unable to understand!
Enough. Fucking enough. Every year congress votes to increase their wages and refuses to raise our minimum wage. Every year they take advantage of their medical insurance and benefits they get for "representing" us when nearly every adult I know is left to suffer with their conditions: untreated sicknesses, chronic conditions, the depression that looms over us because we live in the most wealthy country in the world but we can't make ends meet and our government is more concern with funding armies that feeding and housing us
Politics was never complicated. They just told us it was. To shut us up. To make us feel young and idealistic and stupid. And we fell for it. And now evil is moving through the wills of our leaders IN OUR FUCKING NAMES to support a genocide in the middle east. Their only crime was being born on that land. Their only crime is being Arab. That's not a fucking crime.
Our system isn't complicated. It's working as intended. Keep the people blind and claim that it's too hard, leave all the details to them. But we are smarter than they are. We are informed. The world is connected like never before and I refuse to let their propaganda ever reach me again.
Hold them accountable. Know their names. Write it in the history books. Let their legacy be known to the end of times.
Be loud about your anger. Go to protests. Write your reps to tell them your vote is on the line. And for God's sake vote in the damned elections!
They want you to think it's complicated. It never has been. Be loud. Vote. Use your right to protest. Use your right to free speech. Use your right to petition. Next Tuesday is election day. Make it fucking count.
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thenonbinarydetective · 5 months
Things batfam stans need to leave behind in 2023:
Jason's Lazarus pit rage
Thinking Tim's parents were horribly abusive and hated him
Only caring about Stephanie in terms of her relationship to another person (ex: Tim's bestie/ex/gf or Cass' gf/bestie)
Treating Jason or Stephanie like they're stupid
Feral Demon Child Damian
Permanent sunshine boy Dick Grayson
Any "[blank] was the real violent Robin" discourse
Really just any reducing or sectioning of certain traits to certain batfam members and not allowing other characters to exhibit those same traits (ex: see sunshine Dick Grayson)
But also stealing traits from other characters and projecting them onto someone else (ex: Jason getting Dick's personality in fics. He is not the same type of big brother Dick is canonically)
Purposefully mischaracterizing characters for angst (ex: Dick sent Tim to Arkham, my beloathed. also again see Tim's parents)
Trying really hard to nuclearize the family. They are an unconventional family for many reasons, and that's why they're interesting.
"Alfred solos the batfam"
Making Duke "the normal one" and completely forgetting to give him an actual personality.
Cass using sign language because she can read body language (note: does not apply to YJ Cass who has damaged vocal chords)
Cass being used as a prop for her brothers
Tim being weak, woobified baby
Feel free to add on ~~
Don't send hate over these things because idgaf, they are harmful mischaracterizations, and many are built on total ignorance and often racism, classism, ableism, and sexism.
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deoidesign · 11 months
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The real reason Adam learned magic was to avoid awkward conversations with his mom
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poisonedfate · 1 month
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bbc merlin - 04x04 Aithusa
arthur might be king, but do his supporters wait for him ominously in the woods? don't think so
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toomanybrainrots · 6 months
hello everything is fine? Can I request headcanons for Transformers Prime? for predaking, shockwave, optimus and megatron meeting an original predacon female reader who survived thousands of years during war and isn't that a shockwave experience? (if you can, just predaking sees the femme reader as a romantic partner)
Now this is an interesting request. I haven't actually written tfp Predaking not much, if at all, so this is gonna be new for me.
Warning(s): Femme Predacon Reader, Reader is referred to as 'my queen' by Predaking
Predaking, Shockwave, Optimus and Megatron with a Femme Reader that's an original Predacon
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Predaking had no idea any original predacons were still here
And he didn't expect them to be more...big.
You absolutely towered over him, easily dwarfing him. You barely even fit into the Nemesis with how big you are
It was the first time Predaking ever felt...small. You easily picked him up and carried him wherever you went, despite his protests
Overtime, he started to not mind it, in fact he kinda liked it? Well, he liked you more specifically
"My queen-!" His protests fell on deaf audials as you picked him up again, craddling him in your arms as you walked down the hallways of the Nemesis.
"My queen, please put me down..." He said, trying to convince you to no avail. He should've known better than to try that, you didn't take orders from anyone, not even Megatron.
He thought he was going to be the one to court you.
He thought wrong cause you ended up being the one courting him. Using old predacon courting methods: bringing him prey you caught yourself, never leaving his side, snarling at anyone that dared to look at him wrong even for a moment
Of course, he did the same to you. Most of the prey he brought were tiny for you, but you loved the gesture nonetheless.
Safe to say, you trated and spoiled him like a King. In turn, he spoiled you like the queen you were.
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Shockwave was fascinated to see you, an actual original predacon living and breathing, hidden away in your cave from the war
He wanted to examine you up close, asking all sorts of questions. How did you survive and escaped the fate that had befallen your bretheren? How long have you been here on Earth?
You ignored him. It was annoying and you definitely did not have the patience to answer
You let out a huff annoyance as you tuned out Shockwave, rambling about how 'fascinating' and how 'scientifically illogical' it was for you to be here.
"How did you survive this long with him, my King?" You asked Predaking, leaning down to whisper to him. "I just tune out half of what he says. It is very useful." Predaking answered, glancing back at Shockwave. "Just half?" You repeated, having slight respect for your soon to be mate for dealing with the scientist.
The only reason you let him examine you was because of Predaking and because you knew he wouldn't stop bothering you otherwise
It was very long and tedious for you. Atleast Shockwave didn't bother you much after that
Still, you respected the scientist. He was good at what he did, despite his...strange mannerisms.
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You slammed Optimus into a wall the first time you met
To be fair, you thought he was an intruder when he and his team had ventured into your cave
He had never, in his life, had expected to meet an actual, breathing and living original predacon. He's met a predacon in the form of Predaking but this was very different
He was relieved when you decided to join their side, though he wouldn't admit it
It puts a smile on his face when he sees you act very familial to the kids of the team(Smokescreen and Bumblebee) and makes a chuckle escape his vocalizer when you pick them by the neck guard
"Come on, put me down!" Smokescreen protested, squirming as you held him by his neck guard, his protests falling on deaf audials
The team looked at you two in amusement as Smokescreen eventually fell limp, giving up and succumbing to his fate. You let out a pleased hum at his defeat.
A chuckle escaped Optimus' voice box as he watched the scene unfold before him. Sometimes, he wished these peaceful moments would last longer. Where no war could touch them.
You often exchanged stories with him, talking about ye olden days™ and how it was like back then
He told you stories of the modern age, telling what has happened since then and telling you stories that had popped up
You both talked to each other for hours on hours, until Ratchet had to remind the two of you to recharge(not like he was any better)
You respected him as leader and friend, and he respected you as teammate and friend
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Megatron had thought you were going to be a new subordinate for him, a new pawn for him to use
That immediately shattered after he saw you in actual form, and he had to crane his head up to actually look at you
You made it very clear you didn't want to submit, and that you did not heed to anyone
(I couldn't make or think of a scenario but basically, you kicked the shit out of him(im so sorry my brain juice is out at this point))
So yeah, not very good first impressions
It didn't grow any better, as you kept being passive aggressive with each other
Just a lot of passive aggressiveness
He did have a begrudging respect for you, due to your immense power and skills. He thought you respected him too
You didn't. You just thought of him as a bucket head that looked high 24/7
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thottybrucewayne · 5 months
When I say "I'm rooting for everybody Black," I mean I'm including Black people who are usually overlooked outside and within the community. Black people whose Blackness becomes conditional the second they confront other Black people about bigotry within our community (Transmisogynoir, Transphobia, homophobia, ableism, sanism, etc.) not abusers and coons...
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residentialhomeowner · 4 months
a lot of people are using nex as a queer talking point without even mentioning they were choctaw and 2S. without even mentioning that this - harassment, assault, murder, disappearances, lies/indifference/denial about the circumstances of our death - is typical of the violence we face. not once have i seen non-native people address that we, as natives, face this same treatment within queer communities. that queer institutions use our land while declining to offer native-inclusive and -sensitive care. we suffer at the hands of white lgbt+ people just as much as we do at the hands of people outside the community.
nex is not your NB pariah. nex was a 2S, NB, choctaw child. thousands of native people go missing and are killed and no one cares. many are two-spirit. many are LGBTQIA+. many are "queer" in ways only defined and recognised by our closed cultures, that you may never hear of and may never understand.
if you are going to flock to nex, you are not going to take them from us post-mortem. they were choctaw. they were native. their tribal affiliation has already been falsely reported on. if you are talking about nex, you will talk about how unwelcoming and dangerous your communities are for us, too. you will talk about how natives face this violence constantly, everywhere. you will not remove nex from the context of them being choctaw, ever - or you won't say their name at all.
even when we die, you don't care about us. i am telling you to care about us if you want us to stop dying.
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opal-apples · 7 months
now I'm thinking again how the post-burial mounds reunion was the first time they'd seen each other!!! since the cave!! since Lan Wangji sang the boy he liked so much the song he wrote for them!! He didn't know if they were gonna make it!! He had been so vulnerable!! and then they were separated!! and THEN the boy disappeared!! and now he's back and something is Very Wrong but he won't talk to him anymore, he used to talk so much. Wei Ying :(
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