#i've loved words ever since i was a little kid who got in trouble for turning the car lights on to read on my way home in the dark
scribblesofagoonerr · 21 days
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— I'm never babysittin' again!
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Thanks to the anon who requested this one, I've been working on this since I got in and fun fact, I've had no sleep whatsoever, so definitely gonna regret that at work later...
Anyways, I am working through other requests and stuff. If anyone has anymore, let me know. Always willing to write stuff within reason.
Also, massive thanks to @alotofpockets who helped me come up with some of the idea's to add in.
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pairings: kim little x reader, leah williamson x reader, arsenal wfc x reader
summary: readers' a menance on the trip to melbourne along with her partner in crime, kyra, and poor kimmy's almost having a nervous breakdown over it, so she has to call in reinforcements back home in london.
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"I'm bored," You let out an exagerated sigh and kicked your legs back and forth as you had been forced to sit on one of the seats in the secluded lounge area as you had to wait for your flight to board.
You were partaking in a friendly game in Melbourne with the rest of your Arsenal team mates against an A-League team, you had been so excited about this ever since you found out that you'd made the squad.
"How much longer?" You can't help but be bored, being forced to sit in an airport certainly wasn't your idea of fun, neither was being stuck under the watchful eye of your Captain either.
You swear that the club, and Leah in particular, had planned this on purpose.
It's like they knew already, somehow.
You wouldn't call yourself a troublemaker, persay, buts' what fun is life without causing a little mischeif, sometimes?
Apparently, the rest of the older girls' didn't have the same thoughts about it.
At least you had Kyra on your side to involve her in the chaos, the girl was a bit older than you but she was your partner in crime, you two always fun causing mischief together.
"It won't be too much longer, Y/N. Just be patient," Kim, your captain and unoffical babysitter for the trip, tries to reassure you, but never the less, you just feel further restless.
In your defence, you can't help the boundless energy you have inside of you, its' like your body feels like lightening bolts are itching to strike and you just want to be up and racing about.
The confides of the hard plastic seat make it difficult to do that though.
"But I'm bored, Kim," You repeat in a whiny tone of voice, throwing your head back in frustration. "Nobodys' letting me have fun around here!"
"There's a difference between fun and trouble kid," Steph, another one of your team mates, chimes in, amused by your antics.
"It won't be too much longer now, Y/N. I'm sure you can wait just that little bit longer," Kim states, although her patience is wearing thin.
It hadn't even been 24 hours yet, and the Scottish women was already on the brink of a nervous breakdown.
"Are you excited to be going to Melbourne, kid?" Steph wonders, trying to keep your mind occupied for the time being, already being able to see how fidgty you have become, "It's a cool place, you're gonna love it!" She adds.
"Uh huh. I'm excited-- Oh wait, I still need sweets for the light!" You suddenly realise, attempting to make a break for it when you can.
Kim shakes her head in disagreement, "Its' too late now, Y/N. We're going to boarding the flight soon," She interjects, trying to reign you in.
"Yeah, and you definitely don't need anymore sugar because you're already hyper enogugh," Steph adds in, which you respond to her with a pout.
"Aw, man. Leah would let me if she was here," You try and protest, however, your words are very much incorrect and of course the rest of the girls aren't stupid enough to believe that either.
You know that Leah, if she was here, would most definitely not allow you to have sugar at all.
In fact, she'd purposely try and make ham sandwiches in an attempt to steer you from even going in the direction of the shop.
"No she wouldn't," Katie, one of the older girls on the team comments as she passes by.
"Yeah, we all know what you're like without sugar. You don't need any of it,Titch," Caitlin, one of the Aussie girls on your team, adds in.
You huff in further protest, your bordem is slowly persisting and it feels like you've been waiting for the flight to board for ages.
Desperately trying to find something to occupy your time, your eyes gaze upon the several dogs' lined up near the barriers to get through security.
"Bingo," You think to yourself as your eyes' light up in delight, wasting no time to jump up from your seat and dart in the direction of the dogs.
All you want to do is pet them. They look adorable in your opinion.
Before anyone could even stop you, you'd already successfully made it halfway across the terminal in the direction, however, the annoucement of the flight to boarding to Melbourne had gotten Kims' attention now.
"Right, our flights been called. See Y/N? I told you it wouldn't be that long," Kim spoke aloud, not realising that you'd somehow managed to wander off in the time that she'd turned round to speak to Steph, "Where's Y/N gone?!" She questions, her eyes widen in panic when she doesn't see you in her eyesight.
"Look's like she went to pet the dogs," Kyra snickers, amused with your antics, and although she should try and stop you, she wanted to see how far you would succeed with your little adventure.
"She wants to make friends with them," Teyah joins in, just as amused as she watches the scene unfold.
"And neither of you tried to stop her? You know what she's like!" Kim shakes her head in disbelief and her eyes' almost buldge out of her sockets when she spots you nearing the dogs, "Oh, God-- Y/F/N!"
"You might wanna grab her before she gets' her arm ripped off, Kim," Katie jokes, watching in amusement.
"Unbelieveable," Kim mutters to herself as she races' quicker than ever in the direction of you.
Unfortunately before you'd made it nearer to the dogs, you feel a firm grip on your upper bicep that's starting to tug you back forcefully.
You spin round and are met with your Captains' stern face, "Kim!" You whine in protest while trying to wriggle free from her grasp.
"What an earth are you doing, Y/N? You can't pet the dogs!" Kim scolds you, remaining to still have your hand on you tightly to not allow you to run off again. "Come on, we need to board the flight," She adds, sternly.
"But the dogs though. They're adorable!" You pout in further protest, not happy about being pulled away before you even had chance to pet them.
"Mhm, as adorable as they look, they're patrol dogs and they have a job to do here," Kim remarks sarcastically, dragging you back in the direction of your team mates so you can board the flight.
"Maybe you need to invest in a leash for her," Alessia, another one of your team mates pipes in as she watches you be reluctantly dragged back to the group of girls while Kims' already rubbing her temples in dispare ahead of the flight before its' even taken off.
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"Pst, Kyra," You nudge the older girl not so gently to wake her up, having been bored on the flight while the rest of the girls seem to be asleep or doing their own thing, "Wanna play a prank on some of the others?" You question, mischeviously.
So far the flight to Melbourne hadn't been that adventurous, somehow through luck though you managed to be able to sit next to your partner in crime.
It was great for you, however, not so much for Kim, whos' been frazzled and trying to keep things under control the whole time on the flight.
"Absolutely," Kyra grins in respose as theres' a matching mischevious twinkle in her eye, "What'd you have in mind?" She wonders, curiously.
You grin and proceed to pull out a whoopee cushion from your carry-on, "Well, we could start with this?" You suggest in a quiet whisper, to not get the attention of Kim, whos' got her head buried in a book at the moment.
"Genius!" Kyra's eyes light up in glee, "Whos' our first target?" She questions.
"Caitlins' dozzing off," You gesture in the direction where Caitlins' half in and out of sleep.
You and Kyra both share a look before the older girl sneaks over to Caitlin and slips the whoopie cushion underneath the older Australians' seat.
"Show time," You smirk as you wait for her to sit on it.
Caitlin wakes up startled when it suddenly goes off and she looks around confused, "What the--?"
The pair of you can't help but giggle uncontrollably.
"Y/N, Kyra," Kim catches onto your troublemaker ways and narrows her eyebrow, "Behave!"
"What? We didn't do anything!" You feign your innocence, holding your hands up in protest.
"Let's move on to Steph," Kyra encourages you to continue with your pranks.
"Yeah, good shout," You nod in agreement and find the packet of gummy worms in your bag, you could easily eat them but pranking the Aussie women was more worth it. "Lets' put these in her bag. She'll totally freak out!" You add in.
Kyra eagerly accepts the packet of sweets and sneaks over to Stephs' seat, cautiosly depositing the gummy worms in her open backpack, "Done. Now we just need to wait for her to go in there--"
"Ah! What the hell?" If Stephs' facial expression is anything to go by then you guess Stephs' found them already, "Y/N! Kyra!"
"It weren't us," Kyra plays it off and shrugs her shoulders.
"Yeah, you have no proof," You give the girl a smug grin.
The older Australian women shakes her head in annoyance, "Pests. You're both a pair of pests, honestly," She mutters aloud.
"You two are something else," Katie overhears the commotion and shakes her head.
"Dare I ask what you pair did now?" Alessia questions, joining in as she overhears the noise from her fellow team mate.
"I don't know what you're talkin' about, we're just havin' a bit of fun," You still continue to act innocent, although you personally don't understand what the fuss is about when you're contained in a metal box with no escape.
You need to entertain yourself, somehow.
Pranking your team mates is the perfect opportunity.
"Hey, Alessia! Do you like spiders?" Kyra smirk mischeviously, already ahead of the plans for another prank at the expense of the older blonde girl, who you both know has a bad fear for them.
"No, not really-- Ah!" Alessia shrieks loudly when you toss a fake spider in her direction, doing no more than jumping up onto her seat before she realises a fake plastic one and is now glaring at you, "Y/N! Kyra!" She yells, annoyed with you both.
"That's enough!" Kim shoots up from her seat, giving you both a pointed look. "Both of you, sit down and behave!" She bellows.
"Yes, ma'am," You pretend to be serious and move back to your seat.
Kyra gives your Captain a mock salute and continues to follow suit, "Aye aye, Captain!" She jokes with her.
"I don't want to hear anything more from the pair of you for the rest of this flight," Kim warns you both before she returns to reading her book.
"Pst, Y/N," It's Kyra's turn to nudge you know with a knowing look on her face, "We should try and see if we can balance peanuts on Frida's head while she's asleep," she suggests the idea to you.
Never being the one to turn down a challenge, you smirk and nod your head in agreement, "You're on. That'll be easy!" You insist.
With the task in hand, you both lean across your seats' and carefully begin to place peanuts on Frida's head, one by one.
"Wow. I didn't think this would actually work," You whisper in amazement and try to stifle your giggling, however, thats' not going to plan when Frida wakes up and the peanuts' fly everywhere.
"What..." Frida looks completely baffled, while you and Kyra still continue to hold back your laughter even more.
You can't hold it in much longer before you end up bursting out in laughter, "That... That was great!" You state in amusement.
"Y/F/N! Kyra! I swear, if you don't behave then I'll have the captain come talk to you!" Kim chides, feeling like she's ready to blow with the mishchief that you pair have caused. "I mean it when I say no more trouble from either of you for the rest of this entire flight, understood?"
You still can't help but laugh out loud at the misfortune of Frida wearing half a bag of peanuts on her head, "Someons' salty. Get it, cos' they were salted peanuts!" You crack up into more laughter.
"I mean it, Y/N. I will get the captain, or when we get to Melbourne, I'll have no problem in telling Leah all the antics you got up to," Kim threatens you and your face pales immediately.
Sure, the captain of the plane might be terrifying, but your blonde vice-captain was someone you definitely did not want to be in hot water with.
Unforuntately, you seemed to find yourself on the end of stern lecture with her one too many times.
"Okay, okay. I'll stop, I'll behave-- Don't phone her!" Your quick to plead with your Captain, really not wanting her to make that call.
Kyra nods but she keeps her fingers crossed behind her back, "Yeah, we'll be good," She states.
"I'll believe it when I see it," Steph mutters, shaking her head.
Caitlin nods in agreement with the older Aussie girl, "Them pair are magnets for trouble," She remarks.
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It wasn't long before you had arrived in Melbourne, when your flair for trouble is encouraged once again by Kyra and the pair of you can't resist goofing off inside the gym.
"Kimmy!" You all but plow yourself on the older women, whos' peacefully minding her own business on one of the massage tables until you came at her like a full whirlwind.
Somehow, Kyra decides to get the idea to improvise giving your Captain chest compressions or something along the lines of what it looks like.
Also, trying to encourage you to hang of the pull up bar with the overshadowing of a bet on the tables.
You have always loved to bet on things. Your not turning down this opportunity.
"Kimmy! Kyra' reckons I can't hang off the pull up bar. Watch this!" You tattle, before you make your way over to the bar.
"Y/N, no. You'll hurt yourself!" Kim's quick to bolt up from the table to stop you from attempting to break your leg with your attempt to hang upside down on the pull up bar.
Kyra giggles mischeviously and watches as Kim almost has a near heart attack watching the trouble unfold, "Nah, Y/N. You've gotta do it like this!" With that, she pulls herself up onto the bar and flips herself over so she's dangling upside down.
"The pair of you get down before you get hurt!" Kim chides, trying to keep a stern facade when dealing with the pair of you. "Y/N, I'm serious. Get down!" She repeats, trying to reason with your chaotic antics.
"Your no fun. I only wanted to swing from the bar like a monkey," You huff in protest and begrudingly get off the bar to save your Captain from having an annuerysm.
Unfortunately for the older girl, your trouble doesn't seem to stop for too long and between you and Kyra, you had managed to mismatch everyones' boots when they were mostly preoccupied.
"Why do my boots' feel different?" Katies' the first one to realise as she looks at them in confusion, "These aren't mine," She notes.
Caitlins' just as quick to realise her own pair are missing, "Hey, who took my boots?" She questions.
"Seriously, guys?" Steph huffs, holding up two different sized boots in each of her hands.
Kim spins' round to look at you and Kyra, "Girls, did you do this?" She asks, her voice sounding calm, which is weary in itself.
"Who, us? Never!" You can't help but grin, which is a dead giveaway from your latest shenanigans.
"Yeah, we were just standing here," Kyra feigns her innocence and holds her hands up in mock surrender.
Alessia can't help but laugh and shake her head, "I bet it was you two. Your always up to something," She states.
"Maybe," You let out a small giggle.
Kim exhales a sigh at your antics, "Just switch them back. We need to start training soon!" She tells you both, sternly.
"Yes, ma'am," You joke and pretend to be serious with your Captain.
"Right away, Captain," Kyra gives Kim another mock salute as the pair of you set the boots to the right players.
"Why do I put up with this?" Kim mutters to herself, although its' loud enough to be heard from a few of the girls.
"Remember what Less said about needing a leash for Y/N," Steph chimes in, reminding the Scottish women about the idea.
"At this point, I'm actually considering it," Kim remarks, already having thoughts about it.
"Hey, I'm not a dog!" You overhear the conversation and shout in protest.
"Ha, could you imagine? Y/N on a leash at training," Katie snickers in amusement and shakes her head, "That'd be hilarious!"
"Might actually be a good idea," Vic, another one of the girls on the team, chips in.
"I'm deeply hurt by this suggestion!" You still continue to act offended.
"You know its' true, Y/N/N," Caitlin laughs at your own expense, going to take a sip of her water but pulls away with the frown when there's a revolting taste from it, "Ew, why does my water taste horrible?" She asks, confused.
"Oh God," Steph exhales a sigh and pinches the bridge of her nose, "Kyra, Y/N, what have you done now?" She questions, glancing in both of your directions.
"Oh no, we must've got the bottles all in a pickle," Kyra smirks and gives the clue away as you both share a look with one another.
You can't help but burst out into laughter again, meanwhile Kims' slowly rubbing her temples and trying to refrain calm over the situation.
"Right, that's it, Y/N-- I'm callin' Leah. I've had enough of your troublemaker ways!" Your Captain states in outrage, shaking her head.
You freeze in your tracks and immediatly start to shake your head in protest, "No, no, please, Kim... Please, don't do that!" You plead with her.
"One more chance," Kim warns, firmly. "One more slip up and I'm phoning her!" She adds, shaking her head and questioning her life decisions on how she got stuck babysitting the kids (the untrustworthy and non responsible young adults) for this trip.
Better yet, the younger girls' that had joined them on the trip were better behaved than you were at times.
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Having this be your first time in Melbourne, let alone Australia, you were keen to explore and when the prospect of a trip to the zoo was on the tables, you were more than ecstatic to visit there and see all of the animals.
Ever since Kims' threat to phone Leah back home in London, you been trying to remain on your best behaviour. You really didn't want to be in trouble with the blonde again, so you'd done your best to avoid your troublemaker partner.
However, that is easier said than done sometimes.
"Wow," You spoke aloud in amazement as you walk through the entrance of the Melbourne zoo, with the rest of your team mates in tow, keen to see as many of the animals as possible.
"Stay close, Y/N. I don't want to loose you," Kim warns, already thinking ahead of your disappearing act in the airport previous to this.
"I want to see the Koalas," You huff in protest and try to figure out a way to get away from them.
"You will, there'll be plenty of time for that. You just need to be patient," Kim reassures you, although her patience is way past the point of calm.
"Come with me, Y/N. I'll show you where they are," Kyra offers the opportunity for you to sneak away from the rest of the girls in the search for the animal you want to see.
"Okay," You don't think twice before being led astray by the older girl once again and make your way to the enclosure where they are, "Wow, they're so cool!" You stare at them in amazement.
"Aren't they just?" Kyra murmers, looking at them.
"Hey, I have an idea," There's a twinkle of mischief in your eye again as you look at the older Australian girl, "Bet you can't get a selfie with one of them!"
"Oh, yeah? You're on!" Kyra isn't one to back down from the challenge, completely missing the 'no entry' sign in clear view, she creeps towards one of them and you get your phone out and hold it up ready to take the photo.
"Hey! What're you doing?" The loud voice of a zookeeper startles you both, almost causing you to drop your phone in the midst of it all, "You can't be in here!" They shout.
Without any hesistation, you both are quick to make an escape from there and scramble back over the railing.
Back with the rest of the girls, its' dawned on them that they've one again lost you both as they begin to search around for you.
"Y/N?" Kim shouts aloud.
"Kyra?" Steph and Caitlin both call out for the younger Aussie girl.
"Come out, come out, wherever you are," Katie chimes in, jokingly.
Alessia exhales a sigh and shakes her head, "How can they wonder off again without us realising?" She wonders.
Steph looks around and spots you both near the kaolo enclosure, "Oh boy," She mutters to herself.
"You might really need to invest in that leash after all, you know, Kim," Vic chips in, amusedly.
"I'm staring to think so too," Kim remarks, exhaling a sigh.
"I knew you'd come around," Alessia jokes, overhearing the conversation.
"There you both are!" Kim strides over with a stern expression, taking a hold of your upper bicep again. "That's it, that's the final straw. I'm calling Leah!" She states, already having made her mind up.
"It's not just me, its' Kyra too," Your quick to throw the older girl under the bus in protest.
"Hey!" Kyra whines in protest.
"You're meant to be setting an example, Kyra!" Caitlin scolds the younger Australian girl.
"You're older than Y/N, Kyra. You should know better!" Steph chimes in.
You can't help but smirk in satisfaction that you're not being scolded for once, "Can we go see the kangaroos now?" You question, innocently.
"Don't look to happy yet, Y/N. I'm still calling Leah when we're back at the hotel and telling her how much trouble you've caused over the last 24 hours," Kim remarks, which causes you to furrow your eyebrows. "And until then, I want you right by my side for the remainder of time that we're here so I know where you are!"
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"Sit," Kim orders straight away as you follow her into her hotel lobby and begins to dial Leahs' number on her phone as she paces the floor back and forth, "Come on, pick up, pick up," She murmers as she waits for the response on the other end of the line, despite the time that it might be.
You can't help but sit there and hope that Leah doesn't answer, because you really knew you'd done it now to be in trouble, yet again.
"Hey Kim!" Leahs' voice answers on the other end of the phone, connecting the video call to where it looked like she was in gym surrounded with the rest of the girls back in London.
"Hi, Kimmy!" Beth pops her head in the video call and waves at her Captain. "Hows' Australia?" She wonders.
"It's a disaster, girls! I can't take it anymore!" Kim tells them frantically.
Leah looks immediately concerned as her eyebrows knit together, "Whoa, what's the matter?" She asks, confused.
"You look like you're about to have a nervous breakdown there, Kimmy," Beth jokes, seeing the exasperated look on the older women's face. "What's up?" She asks.
"Y/N and Kyra! Between them, they're both driving me insane!" Your Captain admits out loud, and you try to slump down in your seat to try and hide from the telling off that you know is iminant when Leah finds out what's been going on.
By this point, all the girls' in the gym have decided to surround Leahs' phone to find out about yours and Kyra's antics.
"Uh oh," Viv murmers, shaking her head. "What've they done?" She asks.
"I think its' more like what haven't they done," Beth jokes, trying to keep the mood light in the room.
Kim shakes her head and settles on the bed, trying to keep her attention between you and the phone call, "Leah, its' like Y/N is out to be a complete menace this trip," She pauses as she glances at you to make sure you're not doing anything you shouldn't be. "Together they've done nothing but cause trouble, from switching everyones' boots during training and putting pickle juice in the water bottles, and causing trouble on the plane with their pranks and don't even get me started about the airport either!"
"Wait, someone actually drank the pickle juice?" Manu looks considerably confused at the mention of the pickle juice in patricular.
"That doesn't sound good," Stina comments, laughing.
Laia smirks in amusement, "I can't believe it," She states.
"What happened at the airport?" Lia asks, curiously.
"Well lets' just say that Y/N wanted to go over and pet the friendly dogs," Kim remarks sarcastically, shaking her head.
Beth snorts in realisation, "The friendly dogs? You mean the patrol dogs-- Oh dear," She shakes her head in utter disbelief.
"I feel like I'm at my wits end with them both. We couldn't even go the zoo without them wandering off and getting into trouble, Alessia even suggested that I get a leash for Y/N and I'm half tempted!" Kim rambles to them over the phone, ready to pull her hair out after dealing with both you and Kyra for the last god-knows how many hours.
"I knew I should've come on this trip, Y/N's always a handful, but this sounds like its' too much," Leah exhales a sigh and bites her bottom lip. "Is she there with you now?" She asks.
"Shes' right here," Kim nods in agreement with the blonde, panning the camera to face you. 
"Hi Leah," You wave innocently at the blonde, hoping that she'll go easier on you.
It's needless to say that the blonde looks that impressed.
"Where's Kyra?" Viv questions, arching an eyebrow as she doesn't spot your counter part in the room.
"With Steph and Caitlin, I needed to seperate the pair of them. They're talking to her about this, but feel free to call in as well," Kim tells the Dutch.
"I'll call her afterwards. Can't her go anywhere unsupervised," Viv states, shaking her head in disappointment.
"You're doing great, Kimmy. Just a few more days!" Beth chimes in, trying to keep your Captain in high spirits. "Hang in there!"
Kim shakes her head in protest, "I'm never babysitting again! I'm gonna need a holiday after this-- I'm getting grey hair! I thought Y/N was bad on her own, but she's even worse when Kyra's with her!" She exclaims to the  girls.
Leah exhales a sigh, feeling for the older women as she pinches the bridge of her nose, "Right, okay. Put Y/N on Kim. Maybe I can get through to her," You can tell that the blondes' trying to remain calm and collective, but she feels annoyed at your behaviour still.
"Please do," Kim murmers, feeling relieved as she turns to look in your direction. "Y/N, come and talk to Leah!" She calls over.
"Uh no, no... I'm alright actually, I think I'll just--" You try and back out of talking to her, not ready for the confronation from the blonde.
"Over here, Y/F/N!" You hear Leah call you out directly and you inwardly curse, having no choice but to do as your told for once, waiting to speak again when you were in front of the camera, "What the hell are you playing at, kid?" She cuts straight to the point with a tone of voice, which makes you want to shrink onto the floor.
"Nothing, I'm just having a bit of fun..." You try and come across as innocent, hopeful that it'll cut out some of the lecture, "Hows' London? I miss you!" You add.
"Cut the bullshit, Y/N," Leah scoffs and shakes her head. "Listen, just because I'm not there doesn't mean that you can still get away with stuff like this, yeah? I trusted you to go on this trip, you have a responsiblity to set an example, there's girls there younger than you and this is the way you act-- It needs to stop!"
There's something about her scolding that scares you, but you're not too sure about what it is yet. Maybe its' the firm scary facial expression, or the way her words' are just straight to the point, something makes you fear the blonde.
Maybe its' the fact that shes' your hero, she used to be the one youd' look up to and aspire to be like, so to be letting her down seems like the wrong thing to do right now.
Despite your inital fear, you still can't help but act like a troublemaker.
"I don't see what the big deal is though? I'm just having fun. It's harmless, Le," You shrug your shoulders and bite her lip.
Leahs' look continues to be firm, "Enough, Y/N. You promised you would be good and if you keep on causing trouble like you are then I'm going to take away your sweet privledges for a month," She threatens you, which just seems out right criminal. "And if you make Kims' job any harder, then I'll personally make sure you're on a leash next time."
"A... A month without sweets? And a leash?" Your eyes' widen in realisation that maybe you really do need to sharpen up on your behaviour, with the threat of no sweets on the table, you need to actually do as your told now.
"Yes. A whole month without sweets and a leash. Do you understand?" Leah continues with her firm words.
Surely she's just bluffing? Like she'd actually do that, you think.
"You can't do that," You whine in protest.
"I can and I will, because as long as you live under my roof, then you follow my rules," The blonde warns you, firmly. "Do you understand?"
"But Le, that's... that's not fair!" You still can't help but whine.
"Oh this is better than reality TV," Beth chimes in from the side of the camera, where the rest of the girls are still crowded around the phone.
"Beth," Lia nudges the blonde and rolls her eyes.
"What? It's true!" Beth exclaims, shrugging her shoulders.
"It's completely fair, Y/N. I want you to have fun out there in Melbourne with the girls, but not at the expense of the every one," Leah still stands firm on her words. "Behave yourself, or there will be concequences!"
"Fine, I'll try and be good," You sigh dramatically.
"That's all I'm asking for, please," The blonde softens slightly and nods. "I'll check in with Kim later to see how you're doing. Be good, alright?" She tells you.
"Yeah, I will," You reluctantly agree with the blonde, "Now can you go and give Kyra the same lecture, cos' its' not fair if I just get in trouble for this!"
"Oh don't worry, kid. Vivs' already on that one," Beth jokes, panning the camera around to where Vivs' stood off on the other side of the room giving a lecture through the phone to Kyra to where you can even hear the tailend of the conversation. "Having fun at whos' expense? That is no way to act!"
You can't but giggle and shrug your shoulders, "Okay well that makes me feel better at least," You murmer as you wave to the rest of the girls and pass the phone back to Kim.
Leah shakes her head in amusement at your care-free attitude, "Hang in there, Kim. She'll be better now, but if she gives you any more trouble then call me, alright?" She reassures her Captain,
"You got it. Thanks, Leah. I appreciate you talk to her," Kim smiles in agreement, bidding their goodbyes and ending the phone call. "Right, you. How about we go and find the rest of the girls?" She makes the suggestion.
"Yeah, I wanna go and find out how bad of a lecture Kyra got," You smirk mischeviously at your Captain before you both exit the lobby in search for your troublemaker partner. "Race you to the lifts! Last one there's a rotten egg!" You add.
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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chaosandmarigolds · 2 months
okay it has been the longest time since I've asked for a request but I freaking LOVE THE WAY YOU WRITE!! So I have a Simon riley request. You can really run off with my idea and write it however you want but Ive had an idea in my head about Simon and the reader adopting because reader or Simon can't have kids and I want to know how he'd handle a kid who's probably been thru some stuff to end up in the foster/adopting system.
ANYWAYS ILYSM keep up your amazing work 😍😍
(no cause I actually screamed omg thank you so much for your kind words they truly mean the world to me <333 )
Adoption! Simon Riley Who had zero doubt on that he wanted children with you, even though he was terrified of failing them he wanted to try
Simon Riley! Who took you to all of the doctors appointments and the testing and the trails and never once mentioned how expensive it is
Simon Riley who was probably the only person a bit more crushed than you when the doctor told you both that it wouldn't be possible to have children of your own.
Simon Riley who let the matter go under the radar for a few months before you walk into the bedroom, tablet to chest
"i'm gonna say something and I need you to be open to it."
He blinks a few times as he sets his book down on his lap, "Should I be scared?"
"No. But..." You hold out the tablet, showing him the adoption application you had half filled out, "I mean there's thousands of kids who-who need a family an-and-"
"Finish it up, why don't ya- lemme get the bank statements, yeah?"
Simon Riley! who would rather go back on deployment than have more people walk through his home while making judgments on if it was 'child friendly'
Simon Riley! Who sat up with you every time you were waiting for an update, watching easy going bake shows on the sofa with the laptop email service open on the coffee table in front of you
Simon Riley! Who was a little bit disgusted when the agent sat you both down with the files of children in need, because he did have half a mind to just take them all
"Now I know you both told me you were looking for a baby, and I understand that however the waitlist for that is incredibly long and ultimately it is the mother's choice in that situation," The agent's eyes go to Simon, almost as if to say 'no mother would ever choose that' and she pushes the file to you, "And I always push for the adoption of some of the older kids. There's no pressure."
Your eyes narrow to the folders in front of you and you gulp down, hands shakily going to the folder in front of you and pulling it to your lap, all the while you could tell Simon was just still a little confused by the statement the agent had made before. However, you humored it, flipping through the photos and the tragic backstories that made your eyes water, until you open one that caught your attention, two children sat in the photoinsteadd of one.
Name: Macey-Ann Adams
Age: 11 years
Name: Taylor Kate Adams
Age: 24 months
"Si..." You didn't tell that your voice was muffled by a bit of tears and you hold the file over to your husband, who looked over the pictures, taking you slight interest. So he lightly takes the file and then looks up at the agent.
"These two?" He speaks as softly as he was able to.
The agent looks at the file and then a frown appears on her face, "Macey, she...she's a troubled girl, on her fourth foster home, and she's jumping schools, I would not recommend her."
with a shuttered breath you breath out, "But...but she's just a kid- can...can we meet her and Taylor?"
Simon Riley did extensive research as soon as he got home, finding the articles from the local newspaper on the two girls who were so severely abused by their father that they wouldn't look the police officer in the eye
Simon Riley who was beginning to think it wouldn't be a good idea until they met the girls at the local park
Simon Riley who saw so much of himself in that little girl it made him almost puke
Simon Riley who got over himself when he saw your beaming face as you held Taylor, helping her get the cherry blossom from the tree
Simon Riley who would be lying if he said he wasn't estatic when you were approved for the adoption
Simon Riley who tried to get to know Macey but the girl was quiet, self suffiecnt, she was him
"You're taking Taylor." Macey mutters as she sits on the swing, watching you with her baby sister
Simon squints against the sun and sits down in the swing beside her, and then he looks to you, a smile on his lips for a moment, "Not jus' her."
To that the eleven year old looks at him, a frown on her face, "What? People want babies. Taylor is a baby."
There was a long silence and Simon looked down at his boots, "You like trampolines?"
Macey blinked, "I do."
"Gonna buy you a trampoline for the backyard when the court says it's all over."
Another pause, "You're taking both of us?"
"Figured you'd wanna stay with your lil' sis."
"I-kinda....thanks, Mister Riley."
"Simon. You can call me Simon, or...whatever you wan, and' we gotta get a move on your sister was wan'n a ice cream."
Simon Riley! Who takes careful care in helping Macey unpack
Simon Riley! Who takes the girls shopping every weekend until he thinks they have everything they need
Simon Riley! Who loves his girls more than anything else in the world
( I hope this is good and honestly this is so cute I may write a more in-depth one shot type of thing. Comments and feedback make my day! annnd yeah! that's it <33
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rosepetalsinwinter · 8 months
Five Years That Felt Like a Millenium — Bucky Barnes
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Pairing: tfatws!bucky x reader
Word count: 9,554
Summary: It’s been five years since Thanos snapped his fingers. Five years spent all alone. Now Sam is back and he has a new friend. Will Bucky be the one to uncover the secrets behind the bruises lining her body?
Warnings: illusions and mention of violence, abuse, manipulation, and cheating. Nothing explicit. Protective!bucky.
Note: It's been a while since I've posted. Here's a little slice to get you going before I continue with "Meant to Be." Hope you enjoy! 💜
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Main Masterlist │Part 1 — Part 2 — Part 3
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Happy reading!!
"Sammy!" A figure barrelled into Sam Wilson, almost making the five-foot-ten man topple over.
The girl's arms wrapped tightly around his bulky frame, hanging on for dear life. Her tears soaked his shirt, and her nails dug into his biceps almost painfully, but he said nothing. He only hugged her back with as much vigour and passion, letting his salty tears mix with hers.
Although no time had passed for Sam, years had passed for the girl—five to be exact—and he could feel all her emotions pouring out of her like a dam broken loose.
"Sammy!" she sobbed while her body shook violently. "You're back!"
"I've been back." Sam stroked a hand over the girl's hair, offering her comfort. "I've been here. Where were you?"
The first thing Sam did after he was blipped back to life was to call his sister, Sarah. Only to be told that five years had come and gone. His nephews, who were babies when he left, were now little men. The second thing Sam did was ask about Baby Girl.
He remembered when he first met her. Her family moved to the bayou when she was just five; Sam was fifteen. When her parents died, Sam's family took her in as their own, giving her the same amount of love they gave their other two kids.
So he was surprised, then, to find that Sarah hadn't heard from her in almost two years. Sam, himself, had no luck in locating her until recently. It took him eight months, but he finally found her. She had moved to New York and cut all ties with previous friends and family.
Sam wanted to ask why. Why leave Sarah and the boys? Why leave the only home she ever knew? His questions could wait, though. Now that she was here, he wouldn't ever let her go.
"Hey, Baby Girl," Sam shushed her when she sobbed louder, "I'm here. I'm not leaving again. Promise."
So fascinated by how she had aged from an awkward teen on the precipice of adulthood into a beautiful young woman, Sam did not notice the bruises lining her sides and underneath her clothes—or the circles under her eyes—from almost two years of interrupted sleep. Or the absence of light in her usually glowing irises.
When she let her entire weight fall on Sam and sobbed as she had when her parents died, he did not question it, only held on tighter and carried her towards the house.
"I've got you now, Baby Girl. Everything is gonna be just fine."
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While he did not explicitly say anything, Bucky Barnes found the Wilson Family Residence quite endearing. His house in the thirties had been small, and even his current apartment in Brooklyn was compact—which he liked—but there was something so serene about the land surrounding the Wilson residence, so very peaceful.
After ninety years of constant fights, one after the other, all Bucky really wanted was some peace and quiet. And now, he could easily find it after absolving himself of most of the guilt he was carrying.
It wasn't easy, but Bucky told Yori the truth about his son's death and since then, had managed to cross a few more names off his list of amends. A weight lifted off Bucky's shoulders as everything began to make sense.
The Flag Smasher's fiasco was over with, and while the Powerbroker was still at large, there was no immediate threat. Bucky Barnes could rest for now before trouble found him again—as trouble often did. Sam had asked Bucky to stay over for the long weekend, and Bucky had happily obliged.
"It'll be good for you. Get away from that city life."
Bucky agreed. If all went well, he might end up buying his own house. He had a little... calm in Wakanda, and he missed the solidarity.
The axe was steadfast in his hands as he brought it down towards his target, and the sturdy stump was no match for the combined strength of both, the sharp tool, and Bucky's enhanced strength. In one meagre swing, half the stump broke off and landed on the ground with a muffled thump.
Bucky wiped the sweat off his brow with his right arm. It was the middle of June, and while the days were sweltering hot and sticky, the nights could get cold in comparison. Sam had tasked Bucky to get the logs for the fire, seeing as he was the most efficient.
Bucky continued with his work until he got a steady rhythm, stopping periodically to sip his still cold beer. It was then that his enhanced hearing picked up on the strangest sound. He perched the axe on his left shoulder and looked towards the house where Sam Wilson seemed to be consoling a crying girl.
"Huh." Bucky didn't find the exchange as odd as he should have. Everyone around the bayou was always coming to Sam for something. Whether it was a favour, or a shoulder to cry on. Bucky thought she must be someone special if he was hugging her like that.
When Sam took the girl into the house, Bucky shook his head and finished the last of his beer. He continued chopping more wood until the sun began to set, which is when he deposited the axe back into the shed and made his way inside to crash on the couch. Tomorrow would be a long day, what with the bonfire Sam was hosting, and all. Bucky fell to a dreamless sleep the second his head touched the pillow.
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He was a light sleeper. So Bucky immediately woke up when he heard someone coming down the stairs. It took him a second to become aware of his surroundings, as it always did. He was in Louisiana, crashing on Sam's couch for the weekend.
Bucky turned his head to the left to see who it was. Probably the boys; they were early risers and loved pestering Bucky about his metal arm—not that he minded. He found their interest refreshing and loved putting a smile on their faces. He was surprised, then, to find a girl instead. The same one from yesterday.
Huh. The girl looked a mess, with only half her hair pulled back into a makeshift ponytail and black makeup smudged under her eyes. Her pants were unbuttoned, hanging precariously from her hips, and her jacket was falling off her shoulders, a few sizes too big. She was holding a pair of shoes in one hand, her phone and shirt in the other. She was also balancing a purse in the crook of her elbow.
It was the shirt that did it. Because, while the girl's own blouse was in her hands, she was wearing Sam's grey-green T-shirt. Bucky knew because that's what Sam was wearing yesterday. She was someone special then if she was wearing his clothes.
Bucky smirked. He was very aware of what the girl had been doing. He, himself, had been on both ends of the situation before. Though it was very long ago, he still remembered the embarrassment of being caught leaving a girl's room in the early hours of the morning.
The girl screamed when she saw Bucky, not expecting anyone to be up, much less lying on the couch and watching her horrible attempt at sneaking out. "Oh, God!" Her phone slipped from her grasp and landed on the floor with a loud clatter.
There was a moment of silence where the two merely stared at each other. Bucky, with poorly concealed amusement, and the girl, with mild horror. She moved first, crouching down to pick up her cracked phone.
"Does it still work?" Bucky's voice was raspy from disuse. When tears gathered in the girl's eyes as a reply, Bucky immediately sat up, dropping his amusement in exchange for concern. He knew nothing about her, but it seemed like she cried a lot.
"No," she murmured, though Bucky heard her as if she were beside him. "Oh, God. No, no, no, no, no..."
"Hey, it's alright," Bucky told her as he crouched down to pick up the purse she had thrown in her haste. He hesitated when he saw a shiny ring peeking out from one of the compartments—too fancy and expensive-looking to be something ordinary. He quickly tucked the circle back and ignored it. Had Sam proposed to her? Bucky was offended he hadn't told him. Maybe it was recent. "Is it turning on?"
"Oh God! N-no," the girl stuttered through her tears.
Bucky was convinced that this girl—who cried a lot—only knew how to say "no" and "oh, God."
"I'm sure Sam can get you a new one, no big deal. What's your name?" Bucky offered the girl his right hand, which she promptly ignored.
She shot up on unsteady legs. "I have to go."
Bucky mimicked her. "Okay?" It was turning out to be a very unusual conversation.
"I have to go," she said again, more slowly this time, as if he were a little kid who couldn't understand a word of English.
Bucky cleared his throat awkwardly, shifting on his legs before giving the girl her purse back. "Right."
The tally was now up to "no," "oh, God," and "I have to go." At least she wasn't crying anymore. Bucky hastily stepped out of the girl's way when he realized he was blocking the hall that led to the front door.
She moved as if someone lit a fire under her. One second, she was there, and the next, she was out the door with her pants still unbuttoned, her jacket still falling off her shoulder, and her shoes still in her hand.
"Nice to meet you..." Bucky dropped his hand and trailed off when he realized she couldn't hear him anymore.
Huh. Either Bucky still didn't know how to talk to people, or that girl was on something. A lot of youngsters nowadays did drugs for fun. Bucky didn't understand it, nor did he want to. He could just ask Sam about it later.
Bucky stretched his arms above his head and cracked his neck. A couch was considerably comfier than the floor but still gave him a stiff back. No matter, a quick run could swiftly solve that problem. Bucky turned on the coffee machine and was biting into an apple when a shirtless Sam came barreling down the stairs.
"You sleep good, man?" Sam asked.
"Yeah," Bucky shrugged, wiping some juice from his chin, "I slept good. Well, as good as I can, considering..."
Sam hummed before opening the fridge and taking a swig of the orange juice. "Nightmare?"
Bucky shook his head. "I don't remember it—Listen, you didn't tell me you had a girl up there."
"A girl?"
"Messy hair, pretty face. Was crying yesterday?"
"Baby Girl? You saw that?" Sam stopped peeling the banana in his hand to look at Bucky.
Bucky merely shrugged and grabbed a mug from the cupboard.
"Sorry I didn't tell you she was over," said Sam, taking a bite of his now-peeled banana. "We were up talking real late. I guess I forgot."
"Yup. Talking," Bucky muttered with a smirk as he poured his coffee. "I bet."
"What?" Sam implored.
"Uh, nothing. Just, the girl seemed nice."
"She is nice," Sam retorted. "You met her?"
Bucky nodded and took a sip of his coffee. Black, just as he preferred it.
"Didn't think she'd be awake," Sam said with a yawn. "She barely slept."
Bucky had to try really hard to keep himself from laughing. "Well, she was."
"She was?" Sam asked suspiciously. "What do you mean she was? Did she go back to bed?"
Bucky shook his head. "She left."
"She left?" Sam scoffed, propping a hand on his hip. He had never looked more like Steve.
"That's what I said," Bucky confirmed, taking another sip. "She's gone."
"Gone?" Sam grumbled. "Bucky, what the hell are you talking about?"
Sam's accusing behaviour was really starting to irk Bucky, making him think the girl's sneaking out was not mutual. Shit.
He laughed uncomfortably and put his mug down on the counter. "Your girl came running down the stairs, half-dressed. She dropped her phone, cracked it, didn't let me help. Then she said she 'had to go' and practically ran out of here, I dunno."
"When?" A vein popped in Sam's forehead as he grabbed a random shirt from the pile of clean laundry near the stairs.
Bucky hastily checked the watch on his right arm. "Fifteen, maybe twenty minutes tops."
That made Sam utter a series of colourful swears as he finished his breakfast and found his wallet.
"Wait, Sam, what's going on?"
Sam didn't answer Bucky, too busy looking for his keys in the wrong place.
"Sam!" Bucky asked louder.
"We talked about this!" Sam scoffed. "I told her to at least stay for the weekend. I can't believe this! We sat down like adults and came to an understanding." He finally found his keys on the key hook.
"Where are you going, Sam?" Bucky countered.
"I'm going to get her," Sam snapped before sighing dramatically and letting his shoulders droop. "Shit, I do not have time for this, Baby Girl."
Bucky moved over the kitchen counter and stood in front of Sam. "What about that meeting you've got?"
"What meeting?" Sam asked.
"That meeting about that thing," supplied Bucky.
"What thing?" Sam grumbled.
"You know what thing," Bucky countered.
"Oh. That. I'm gonna have to reschedule—Man! Where are my shoes?!"
"Why?" Sam echoed. "What's with all the questions, Buck? Because I have to get Baby Girl before she skips town and disappears on me again."
"I haven't seen her in eight months, man, and she hasn't seen me in five years. I'm not about to let her leave—"
"Sam!" Bucky shouted loud enough for his friend to hear. He grabbed his wallet and his keys and put on his jacket. "You're going to that meeting, Sam."
"Like hell I am," Sam retorted passionately.
"I'll go pick up your Baby Girl," Bucky said after downing the rest of his coffee. "You, go to your meeting."
Sam stopped for a moment and seriously considered Bucky's proposal. It was an important meeting. "She'll probably be at the taxi stand," he finally relented. "You know the one?"
Bucky nodded, tying up his shoelaces. "Yeah, I know the one."
"Buck?" Sam called when Bucky was stepping out the door. "You better bring her back, or else I'm gonna light a fire under your ass."
Bucky chuckled, pushing his sunglasses up his nose. "Understood, Sam."
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The taxi stand was abandoned. Really, what did the girl expect so early in the morning? It was a long weekend, and the residents of Delacroix rarely needed a commute into the city on an ordinary Friday. She was arguing with the lone taxi driver, pleading with him, really, to take her to the nearest airport. But the man kept denying her. He had been up all night and insisted on napping, telling her to wait another twenty minutes.
She didn't have twenty minutes, damn it. If anything, she needed more time. Time she didn't have.
Her phone could be blowing up right now, and she wouldn't know it. She wouldn't know the consequences of her actions until she bought a new phone. But maybe—just maybe, a voice inside her reasoned—Quentin would be too busy with his work retreat to notice her absence.
The girl tried getting the driver's attention again, who shot her the most hateful look she had ever received before starting his cab and driving away. "Hey! Wait!" she called out, but he had already turned the corner.
A laugh made her spin around. It was the man from this morning, the one on Sam's couch. He stood before her with his arms crossed, a big smile overtaking his face.
"You must not be from the city," he mused, "if you're that bad at hailing a cab."
Bucky had no trouble locating the girl, what with her being the only person in a one-mile radius demanding to be taken to the nearest airport. Her feeble attempts amused him, and frankly, Bucky was having trouble believing she was Sam's girl. He didn't think Sam would've gone for someone as... difficult as her. But hey, it was Sam wanting to spend the rest of his life with her, not Bucky.
Bucky surveyed the girl from head to toe. Her hair was settled, her pants buttoned, and most of her composure seemed to have returned. However, she had gone pale once he revealed himself, her eyes wide with guilt. She was caught red-handed; now, he would be the one to deliver her to Sam.
Bucky pointed at her with his left arm. "Sam wants you home."
He was surprised to see that when she looked down at the shiny metal, recognition flared through her eyes rather than shock or disgust. Good, he thought. She knows who I am.
"No, thank you," she managed to squeak out, and Bucky was pleased to know that the girl's vocabulary extended past the three phrases he had come to know her for.
"You seem smart," he told her when he saw her looking behind him, "but not that smart."
"Yeah?" she challenged, gaining a rare bit of courage. "What makes you say that?"
"You know who I am and what I'm capable of. Smart. You think you can run from me. Not smart."
"Is that right?" she asked. Bucky nodded, and the girl took a deep breath. "I must not be too smart then."
He raised a brow in challenge, wondering where she would go from there.
Suddenly, the girl threw her arms above her head and waved them with abandon. "Mr. Thurow!" she shouted, running past Bucky. "Mr. Thurow!"
Bucky slowly walked towards the girl, unhurried in his steps. He wanted to know what she would do.
"Mr. Thurow!" the girl panted. "I need your help."
"Jesus Christ!" Mr. Thurow bellowed. "As I live and breathe! Is that you, Baby Girl?" He was a stocky man with a kind smile and welcoming eyes.
"Yes, Mr. Thurow," the girl began confidently, "it is. I need your help, please. This man," she pointed behind her at Bucky, "is—"
"Carlos!" Bucky interjected with a smile. "How are you?"
"Sergeant Barnes! Back again already?" Carlos turned his attention away from the girl.
Bucky watched with amusement as the girl's face scrunched with confusion. Her lips parted slightly, and she blinked rapidly. "What can I say, Carlos? I was missing your potato salad."
"Hell yeah, you were," Carlos guffawed.
The girl stood there dumbfounded as the two men embraced each other.
"You know, it was my great nan's recipe?" Carlos asked. "Been in the family for generations."
"I didn't know that. You bringing it tonight?"
"For the bonfire?" Carlos confirmed. "You bet I am."
"Well," Bucky gestured to the girl, "I was just taking Baby Girl here back home. She got a little lost, and Sam was starting to worry." Bucky made sure to make himself sound condescending on purpose.
He heard her scoff. "I was not lost."
"Well, you get her home safe, then. Understood, Barnes? I want to see both of you tonight." Carlos mockingly glared at the girl and winked at Bucky before departing.
"See you, Carlos!" Bucky called out to his retreating figure. "Well?" he questioned, turning his attention to the girl after a moment of silence. "Are you gonna run and embarrass yourself again, or are you gonna come with me?"
"I am not going anywhere with you!" the girl scoffed.
"I will take you kicking and screaming if I have to," Bucky warned.
The girl took a step back hastily, believing his threat. "You're a heathen."
Well, Bucky shrugged. He had been called worse. "Sam threatened me with fire, and that's not how I'd like to leave this world if it's all the same to you."
The girl seemed to consider his words for a moment. "Fire is a painful way to go," she finally mused.
"It is," Bucky agreed.
"I don't like you," she told him bluntly.
"Okay." A lot of people didn't like Bucky. One more wouldn't hurt.
"But no one deserves to die like that."
It seemed the spawn of Satan had a heart.
"Does seem excessive," said Bucky.
The girl paused again. "If I run, you'll catch me." It wasn't a question.
"Always," Bucky promised, and the girl must have believed him because her shoulders deflated, and she hung her head in submission.
"Doesn't seem like I have a choice," she whispered, though Bucky heard her all the same.
"You don't."
"Okay," she relented.
"Okay. Let's go." Bucky led her toward where he parked, and the girl followed silently.
Good, she isn't being insufferable any longer, Bucky thought. Though, luck must not have been on his side that day because not a second later, once his bike came into view, the girl started complaining.
"No. I'm not sitting on that death trap."
Bucky turned to her with an annoyed groan. "Really?"
"I hate bikes!" she told him.
"What? You rather walk?" Bucky crossed his arms.
"Yes, please," the girl replied, mimicking his posture. "I walked all the way here, didn't I?"
"Well, too bad!" snapped Bucky. "We're taking the bike." He grabbed his helmet and handed it to her. He groaned again when she didn't take it and only looked at him like she'd never seen a helmet before. Maybe she hadn't. He wouldn't be surprised. Bucky rolled his eyes and placed the helmet on the girl's head, securing the straps and confirming it fit snugly.
"It's loose," she complained.
"Your head's a lot smaller than mine..." Bucky took his previous statement back. He could definitely see the girl and Sam together. Both of them were insufferable shitheads and obviously perfect for each other.
"Sit," he gestured to the bike. And when the girl turned to him with the same blank look in her eyes, Bucky merely huffed in annoyance. He picked her up and deposited her on the seat as if she weighed nothing. And she didn't. He ignored her shouts of protest and sat in front of her.
"Where's your helmet?" She sounded worried for him.
Bucky laughed. "I don't need one."
"Yes, you do," she chastised him. "You could die."
"I'm a super soldier," Bucky said as an answer.
"Even super soldiers die," the girl retorted.
"I won't die," Bucky responded blandly before revving the engine. "Hold on tight."
"I am not touching youuuu..." The girl ended her sentence with a sudden shriek when Bucky unexpectedly released the throttle and speedily drove away. Her arms wrapped around his torso in a vice-like grip, and she hid her face in his jacket. "Oh, God!" she screamed. "Oh, my God!"
She took her flailing legs and tried wrapping them around Bucky's hips, which made him laugh in surprise. She was holding onto him like a koala bear, all while screaming bloody murder in his ears. Her nails dug sharply into his chest, but he ignored the sting. He couldn't wait to see her face once they stopped.
And eventually, they did. Bucky parked his bike in the back and told the girl to get off, which, of course, she didn't do. He got up anyway, taking her with him, though she didn't let him go once he was standing.
Bucky tapped on the hand around his shoulder. "You can let go now. It's safe."
The girl obediently unwrapped herself from his body, falling indiligently to the ground.
"See?" Bucky smirked. "We didn't die."
"Oh my God," she groaned, shaking on the ground. "I can't feel my legs."
Bucky laughed, extending his metal arm towards her, which she took without complaint. "Let's try again," he suggested once she was steady on her feet. "I'm Bucky."
The girl told him her name, and he repeated it with a smile. "I still don't like you," she said.
"The feeling's mutual, doll." And if she blushed at the pet name? Well, Bucky simply chose to ignore it.
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He was on his third beer, a shame, really, since he couldn't feel it. But Bucky had developed a liking for the taste. It reminded him of better times. Before the war, and before his life completely changed.
Sam plopped down on the chair next to Bucky, a happy but tired smile on his face. Bucky turned to Sam and took a s'more from his outstretched hand, biting into the gooey center with a groan. "Man, this is good. I can't remember the last time I had one of these."
"Probably before Christopher Columbus discovered America."
"That's not funny, Sam," Bucky frowned. "Besides, everyone knows the Clovis people got here first, twenty thousand years ago."
"I didn't know that!"
"Because you're stupid," Bucky retorted.
"Whatever," scoffed Sam. He slid down in his chair and muttered "nerd" under his breath.
Bucky was preparing a retort when something caught his eye. The girl was playing with AJ and Cass, trying to catch them as they ran around the fire. Bucky cracked his knuckles and prepared to confront Sam. "You're really mean, you know that?
"Why? Because I called you a nerd?" Sam scoffed. "Well, it's true."
Bucky shook his head and levelled Sam with a glare. "Because you didn't tell me you're getting married."
A long silence followed. "Who's getting married?"
"You are!" Bucky exclaimed. "I didn't even know you had a girl."
"Because I don't!" Sam straightened. "And I'm not getting married."
"But—" Bucky was at a loss for words, then a thought struck him. "Holy shit, Sam! Don't tell me you—" Bucky leaned forward, lowering his voice considerably. "You slept with a married woman!"
Sam's face screwed up. "What the fuck are you talking about? I didn't sleep with anyone!"
Bucky was stunned, realizing a moment too late that he had completely misread the situation.
"Start from the beginning," Sam urged. And so Bucky told him what happened that morning, how the girl came down half-dressed and wearing his shirt. Bucky thought she was a one-night stand until he saw the ring in her purse, and Sam brought her back to his house.
"So, she's not your fiancé?"
"No! She's like a sister."
"But you call her Baby Girl!"
Sam rubbed his temples. "Everyone calls her that. Listen," he sighed, "maybe I should've introduced the two of you before, but I was overwhelmed by seeing her after so long. Besides, I didn't think you would start jumping to conclusions!"
Bucky rubbed his neck in embarrassment. Perhaps he was too quick to assume the girl was Sam's significant other. But if she wasn't involved with Sam, then who exactly was she?
The girl was sitting across from Bucky and Sam on the other side of the fire pit, nibbling on a s'more. The two men watched her as they talked.
"Her family lived in the plot behind ours. They were good people."
"Were?" Bucky questioned, feeling like there was more to the story.
Sam seemed to dissociate for a moment as if he were somewhere else. "Eleven years ago, my dad woke me up in the middle of the night and told me to run to town and wake as many folks as possible. There was a fire down the street, and the trucks had broken down on the highway."
Bucky tensed, hating the direction the story was taking.
"The smoke was so thick I was choking on it from a block away. Over half the house was up in flames by the time I got back. Three men went in and came right out not a second later. Folks were throwing bucketfuls of water to try and contain it, but I remember thinking that was useless. It's like the flames had a mind of their own."
It was then that Bucky accidentally made eye contact with the girl. She frowned at the intense look on his face, jerking her head as if to ask, "What?"
"What happened next?" Bucky asked without removing his gaze.
"I went towards the back, where the fire wasn't as strong. The upstairs window was wide open, and I found Baby Girl lying on the ground with twisted legs and blood oozing from her head." Sam scoffed a laugh, though there was no humour behind it.
Bucky's jaw dropped. "She jumped?"
Sam shook his head. "We found out later that her brother pushed her. My entire family was at the hospital when we broke the news that she was the only survivor."
"Shit." Baby Girl was glaring daggers at Bucky now, though he couldn't take her seriously. Melted chocolate dripped down her chin, and her hair was mussed from the wind. Bucky imagined her eleven years younger, wide-eyed and trembling as her life crumbled around her. He recalled her comment from that morning. "Fire is a painful way to go." "No one deserves to die like that." He looked away.
"She's acting like you're keeping her hostage," Bucky remarked.
"I might as well be," Sam grumbled. "She's dying to go back to New York, and she won't give me a proper reason why."
When Bucky looked back at the girl, she was chatting with Carlos Thurow, seemingly pleading with him. She waved her broken phone, and Bucky could see the cracks on the screen glinting from where he sat. Baby Girl slumped her shoulders in defeat when Carlos took his own phone out to show it had died.
Bucky felt a jolt in his chest as he watched the girl run her hands through her hair in frustration. Something was wrong.
Sam whistled beside him, waving Baby Girl over. The effect was immediate. Baby girl plastered on a shoddy smile, exaggerating a laugh as she waved back and made her way to them.
"You seem happy," Sam observed as the girl took the empty chair beside Bucky.
Bucky looked at Sam to see if he was joking. Sam was no spy, but didn't one have to be blind to not see how miserable Baby Girl looked under her fake smile?
"The party's very fun," Baby Girl answered. "It's—" guilt flashed across her features. "It's nice to see everyone after so long."
"Could've been sooner," Sam muttered.
"I told you I was busy!" she exclaimed. "I didn't have time to leave the city."
"But you won't tell me why," Sam countered. The fight seemed to leave his body, and he sighed. "I didn't call you over to argue with you. I won't bring it up again."
Baby Girl turned her nose to the sky in a way that made Bucky laugh. "You better not." And the conversation flowed smoothly from there.
Bucky offered her a beer, which she accepted with a smile, and the three laughed and joked about until tears ran unbidden down their cheeks. However, despite the mirth dancing in the air, Bucky could not ignore the lingering sadness in her eyes.
"You won't believe what this man asked me before," Sam guffawed, pointing accusingly at Bucky. "He asked if we were engaged!"
Laughter burst forth from mirth-kissed lips. "That's disgusting!" she managed between giggles. "What made you think that?"
Bucky felt flushed under her attention. "You were wearing Sam's clothes that morning," he explained sheepishly. "And I saw a ring in your purse."
Her face made a radical transformation. One moment, she was smiling in a way that made Bucky's heart flutter—the next moment, all pleasure seemed to drain away from her body, leaving her looking gaunt and haggard. Sam was too busy laughing at his untied shoelaces to notice the change in atmosphere, but Bucky felt the full force of it slam against his chest.
"I don't have a ring."
"But I—"
"No!" Her words seemed laced with desperation. Her sober eyes flicked toward Sam. "There was no ring," she stressed.
Bucky could see the hopelessness in her eyes. "Right," he muttered. "I must have been mistaken."
Sam, who had overcome his slight scramble with his shoelaces, sat upright. Inebriation laced his every move. "Right. But that made me think."
"That's never a good thing," Bucky interjected, trying to ease the lingering tension.
"Are you dating anyone? Sarah said she didn't know, but you can always tell me. Huh?" Sam teased. "Tell me. Who's the unfortunate bastard?"
Baby Girl's lips were a thin line, and Bucky anticipated the lie before she could open her mouth. "It's nothing like that. I'm not dating anyone." She finished the rest of her drink and immediately grabbed another.
"You can't lie to me," Sam wiggled his finger. "Come on, fess up. Whoever he is, he can't be worse than Beck."
Baby Girl froze, and Bucky's curiosity was piqued too much to ignore. "Beck?"
"Quentin Beck. Biggest asshole on the planet," Sam explained. "Beck and Baby Girl dated on and off in college. I would catch the bastard every other week with a different woman."
Bucky scrutinized the girl for a reaction, but she seemed to be holding her breath.
Sam began to pout like a child. "He always managed to win her over. At least I can die easy knowing they broke up before half the world blipped."
"He's not like that anymore," Baby Girl whispered to herself. Sam was too far to hear her, but Bucky had no such problem. "He's changed." She wrapped her arms around her body. "He's not like that anymore."
Bucky took in her dark under-eyes and trembling frame, her body sickly from stress. He believed her. Beck wasn't like that anymore. Perhaps he had moved on from his days of serial cheating and picked up a different hobby. Beck probably wasn't like that anymore, but he wasn't any better either.
The former spy suspected that Baby Girl was still involved with Beck. He observed her closely. Her eyes swirled with guilt, and her shoulders drooped in alarm. There was more to the story, but before Bucky could voice a question, Baby Girl stumbled onto unsteady feet. She swayed back and forth, betraying her inebriation, and Bucky reached over to keep her from falling.
Baby Girl pushed his hands away. "I'm tired," she croaked. "I'm going to bed." And she staggered away, bumping into people as she disappeared into the house.
Bucky relaxed back in his seat with a tired sigh. On his left, Sam was passed out over the arm of his chair, mouth open in a loud snore. Bucky craned his neck back and stared openly at the night sky. Stars twinkled brighter here than they did in the city. Everything was more serene and calm. However, since Baby Girl arrived, Bucky couldn't help but sense a slight shift in the air, as if the wind knew her secrets and was trying to warn them. One thing was made clear. It wouldn't be pretty.
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It felt oddly like déjà vu. A light clambering of feet roused Bucky from his half-sleep, and as always, it took a second for him to make sense of his surroundings. He was on Sam's couch.
The steps were hesitant and controlled—so not AJ and Cass. Excitement and a sugar overload had kept them up late, and they wouldn't wake until a few hours later. Bucky was proven right when a lone woman descended the steps instead of two boys.
She looked a lot better than the last time he had seen her. Freshly showered and reasonably presentable in her own clothes this time—not Sam's. She hadn't seen him yet, so Bucky took the opportunity to observe her a moment longer. Her under-eye area was still dark, though not as sunken as before, and she carried an air of determination around her.
"Good morning," Bucky broke the silence.
Baby Girl shrieked, seemingly slipping over nothing. She tumbled backward, falling in an indelicate heap onto an armchair. "God above!"
Her vocabulary was steadily expanding.
Bucky sat up, regarding her with a guilty expression. "Sorry."
"I forgot you were still here," she mumbled sheepishly, straightening herself into a more respectable position.
There was a moment of awkward silence where neither acknowledged the other.
"I was wondering..." the girl started.
"Could I borrow some money? I didn't bring enough with me from New York."
"Uh, sure," Bucky replied, grabbing his wallet from between the couch cushions. "How much do you need?"
Baby Girl looked down at her hands, tracing lazy lines on her palm. "One grand?" she grimaced.
Bucky looked at her with wide eyes. "What do you need a thousand dollars for?"
"I can make do with less!" she rushed to explain. "I can try stretching an eight hundred," she murmured. "But a new phone would be too expensive, and I'm not sure I can find a cheap last-minute flight."
"Excuse me?" Bucky exclaimed. He was fully awake now, leaning forward to hear her better. "What was that about a phone and a flight?"
Her guilty eyes met his confused ones. "I broke my phone," she explained, "so I need a new one. I also need to get back home, so I need to buy a plane ticket."
Bucky eyed her skeptically. "I thought you were staying."
"I changed my mind," she dismissed with a shaky wave. "I already went over it with Sam."
Bucky knew for a fact she was lying. She wouldn't even meet her eyes. "Is that what he would say if I asked him?"
"Of course!" she proclaimed. But Bucky could hear the hesitance.
"Okay. I'll go ask Sam." Bucky made to get up, but as predicted, the girl stopped him.
"Wait! Don't!"
Bucky sat back down with a satisfied smirk. "You're a sneaky little thing."
"Don't tell Sam," Baby Girl pleaded. "I'm sorry I lied. I didn't have another choice. He locked my credit card. Otherwise, I wouldn't be asking you for this favour."
"Hmm," Bucky hummed, crossing his arms and getting comfortable. "I'd be willing to help you—Only..." Bucky stressed when she tried to interrupt. "If you answer a few questions first."
Baby Girl mimicked Bucky's posture with a frown. "That hardly seems fair."
"I can always call Sam."
"Fucking fine," Baby Girl grumbled.
Satisfied by the flow of things, Bucky started his interrogation. "Why are you in such a rush to go back home?" Bucky asked, deciding to start small. He could tell Baby Girl was thinking hard about her answer, trying not to give too much away. She squinted her eyes as if it were putting strain on her. He decided she would make a horrible spy.
"I left in a hurry. I only planned a day trip. I don't have any clothes or money on me."
Bucky shook his head. "That's not what I asked."
Baby Girl glared at him. "I don't understand the question."
"What's waiting for you in New York? Do you have a job? A prior commitment? A boyfriend?" Bucky stretched that last word, giving the girl a smirk.
"I don't have a boyfriend," she frowned.
"Fiancé, then," Bucky concluded. "I saw that ring in your purse." He suddenly leapt forward, grabbing Baby Girl's left hand and pulling it toward him to inspect.
She initially squeaked a protest but stayed still as he prodded her ring finger with his eyes. "Tan line," he observed, and she snatched her limb back, throwing the most menacing glare she could manage toward him.
"No fiancé," she hissed.
"I don't believe you," Bucky shrugged. "Job, then? What do you do?"
It took too long for her to answer, making it obvious she was concocting a lie in her head. "I work in the... customer field. Where I work with customers."
If Bucky wasn't on the verge of laughter, he might've cringed from the secondhand embarrassment.
"And... books." She was obviously lying. Even she didn't believe what was coming out of her mouth.
"I think my cat might be a better liar than you," He remarked drily.
The girl huffed but stayed silent.
Bucky decided to try a different tactic. "What year is it?"
The girl regarded him strangely. "2024."
"How many sides does an octagon have?"
"What's Sam's last name?"
"Who was Iron Man?"
"Tony Stark."
"What colour is the sky?"
"Who locked your credit card?"
"Quentin Beck."
Bucky laughed. The girl stared at him, horrified. She gaped at him like a fish, only managing to make senseless sounds. "Y-you—w-what!"
Bucky laughed harder. "I told you that day. You seem smart, but not that smart."
"How dare you!"
"Last question. Does your boyfriend know you're here?" If looks could kill, Bucky would be dead. He raised his arms in surrender. "I won't judge. And I won't tell Sam. I'm just trying to understand the situation so I can help."
Her glare slowly softened to fatigue. "No. He doesn't know."
Bucky bobbed his head. "I figured as much." He grabbed his unlocked phone and tossed it to her, assuming she would catch it. She didn't. The device smacked her in the chest before falling on her lap, which she stared at dumbly.
"Call him," said Bucky, standing up to stretch. "Let him know you're safe. Tell him no one kidnapped you, and he can unlock your card."
She opened her mouth to reply, but Bucky beat her to it. "I can't get you a plane ticket out of here, so this is the next best thing. You want to leave? Tell Sam about Quentin Beck, and he'll let you. He isn't that big of an asshole to keep you hostage here. There's hope for him yet." Bucky stepped out of the living room but turned around and stopped to add one more thing. "Sam's been different since you arrived. He's happier. You're all he talks about to anyone. Do him one last favour; stay the weekend, and don't choose that Quentin Beck guy over him." With that, Bucky strode to the bathroom to freshen up, missing the first teardrop.
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His phone was returned to him an hour or so later, accompanied by an uncomfortable smile and words of gratitude. "I told him I'm safe, and no one kidnapped me."
"Is he mad?" Bucky asked.
"He's a little upset," she confessed. "Promise you won't tell Sam?"
"Only if you promise not to run away." They stared at each other for a long moment, daring the other to disagree.
"Fine," the girl finally conceded. Bucky gave her a stiff nod and turned to leave. "Wait!" she exclaimed urgently. "He's still upset. Just ignore any other messages from him, okay? He should cool down after a while."
Bucky looked into her eyes. She was beautiful and unsuspecting looking. Fiery and transparent. He scrutinized her for deceit and instead found veiled resignation. He agreed and went to the backyard, leaving her in the kitchen.
It was an especially hot day, and there was much to do. Sarah wanted to landscape the back garden, and Bucky had volunteered. He didn't know the first thing about construction, but the boys had recently introduced him to YouTube, a magical place with the answers to all his questions. Bucky began to work, moving piles of dirt, levelling the uneven ground, and placing heavy slabs of concrete to form a pathway from the back porch to the lake.
Hours later, Bucky finished with the last slab of concrete, moving further away to admire his work. There was more to finish, but Sarah would be happy with his progress. Bucky wiped his brow, groaning at the sticky feeling of sweat dripping down his neck.
He grabbed his phone from the table on the porch to check the time, surprised at the number of notifications waiting for him. Bucky was by no means popular. The only person who contacted him somewhat regularly was Sam, but these notifications were all from the same unknown number. Bucky realized with a start that the barrage of missed calls and messages he was being attacked with were probably all from Quentin Beck.
Curiosity grabbed hold of him. He did promise the girl he would ignore any messages from him, but really, this was excessive. What if something was wrong and Beck urgently needed to contact her? He tapped on the message icon without another thought.
Bucky froze when he read the latest message.
You're dead when I find you.
He immediately scrolled to the top, reading the conversation from the beginning to try and gain some context to the threat. The thread started with a long paragraph from the girl detailing her situation, followed immediately with an exhausted apology.
I'm so sorry, please don't be mad. I'll be back as soon as I can.
Where the HELL are you?
Sam was asking questions. I tried to leave, but he got suspicious. I'll be back in a couple of days. I'm sorry.
You shouldn't have fucking seen him in the first place. I warned you.
Sam's career is in my hands. It'll only take one call to ruin him. I fucking warned you to never go near him.
He's trouble. He doesn't care about you like I do. He doesn't love you like I do.
The messages got progressively worse, teetering on the edge of insanity. Promising pain and broken bones, blaming it all on her.
Why do you make me do this?
Typical narcissist behaviour.
You're dead when I find you.
Baby Girl hadn't seen any of the messages after her rushed apology, but Bucky had a feeling she wouldn't be surprised by them either way. He clutched his phone tight, taking deep breaths to calm himself down.
What a bastard. What a self-entitled, psychotic prick. Everything came into clear focus, painting a detailed painting for Bucky to observe. Her behaviour started making sense. The bags under her eyes, the lack of light in her irises, the unworn ring... the secrets.
He decided then that he wouldn't tell her about the messages if she asked. Bucky would wait for the right time tonight to bring up the topic of Quentin Beck as innocently as he could, and offer her his help. She didn't need to know the extent of Beck's threats against her life.
Plan laid out, Bucky made his way inside for a well-deserved glass of cold water when the back door swung open. Baby Girl walked out with two lemonades and a plate of sandwiches balanced between the crook of her elbow. Some lemonade spilled over her hand when she abruptly stopped ahead of him. Bucky took the drinks from her and placed them on the small table.
Baby Girl put the plate of sandwiches next to the drinks and proceeded to lick the spilled lemonade from her hands. Bucky swallowed thickly, feeling flustered at such an innocent act. "You good?"
"Yeah," she replied. "I made us lunch and lemonade. Figured you could do with something cool."
"Yeah," Bucky was suddenly parched. "It's a hot day."
Baby Girl sat down at the table and took a large sip of her drink. "Sarah and Sam went to run some errands in the city. Said they'll be back late."
"What about the boys?" Bucky inquired, sitting down and taking a sip of his own. He groaned as the cool drink washed over him.
"They're having a sleepover at the neighbours." She handed him a sandwich, which he took with a smile.
"So it's just us today," he said, aware that the perfect opportunity for a less-than-pleasant conversation had just presented itself.
"Yup, just us."
An awkward silence fell over them, broken occasionally by the sound of chewing.
"The yard looks nice," Baby Girl blurted.
Bucky turned his neck to observe his handiwork. "Thanks. Still a lot to be done."
"You must be tired."
Bucky shrugged. "Not really. The heat is worse than anything else."
"Is that because of the serum?" she asked, immediately flushing with embarrassment. "Sorry! That's so insensitive of me. And it's none of my business."
"You're good," said Bucky. "I don't mind. Yeah, it's because of the serum. My stamina's through the roof."
"Wow," she admired.
"Could've been real handy with the ladies, back in the forties." Bucky flushed at the silence that followed. "During the war, I mean!" he corrected. "I could've used the stamina during the war."
The girl finished her lemonade in one long sip. "Right, of course."
"For battle. On the battlefield." Bucky finished his own drink, then stuffed another sandwich in his face to keep from further embarrassing himself.
Bucky's phone lit up with a notification, and the girl flicked her eyes toward the screen. "It's my neighbour," he told her. "He's looking after my cat."
Baby Girl visibly deflated. "That's nice," she smiled. "What's its name?"
"Alpine." Bucky decided this was as good a time as any to ask a few questions. "Listen, did you tell Quentin Beck where you are?" Bucky hated the scared look on her face.
"He knows I'm at Sam's," she started slowly.
Bucky took a deep breath and willed his expression to remain neutral. "Does he have an address?"
She shook her head in denial, and only then did Bucky find himself relaxing. He wouldn't need to worry about Beck showing up announced, which gave him more time to come up with a proper plan.
"I'm gonna take a dip," Bucky gestured to the lake. "Wanna join?"
"Maybe later."
Bucky stood up with a shrug. "Suit yourself." And he took his shirt off with one pull.
He felt Baby Girl's stare burning through his skin as he jogged toward the small lake, discarding his pants along the way. He entered the water in a running dive, letting gravity pull him to the bottom before kicking away and breaking the surface with a loud whoop. His body temperature slowly stabilized as he ran laps along the perimeter. He could still feel her stare as he stopped to tread.
"The water's amazing!" he yelled. "Join me!"
She threw her arms in the air. "I don't have a bathing suit."
Bucky floated on his back, arms crossed behind his head. "Who cares?"
After a moment's hesitation, Baby Girl laughed. "You're right. Who cares?" She grabbed the hem of her top and lifted it over her head, revealing a white camisole underneath. She stopped near the edge of the lake, fixing Bucky with a faux glare. "Well, turn around. You're crazy if you think I'm undressing in front of you."
Bucky smirked at her teasing nature and turned away, listening for a splash. After a moment, the water rippled, followed by a shrill scream. "Can I look?"
"Go ahead." Baby Girl laughed when Bucky whipped his head, sending a stream of water flying her way from his hair. "Damn, the water's cold."
"Feels good, though."
They settled into a comfortable silence, floating on their backs and sneaking glances at each other. Her white camisole had turned see-through, giving Bucky a delicious glimpse of her skin and pale blue bra. He averted his gaze, trying to calm his racing heart.
"I'll miss this when I'm gone," said Baby Girl softly. "The peace and quiet."
"You don't have to leave," Bucky urged. "You could stay."
She turned to face him. "I can't," she replied sadly.
"You're scared for Sam," he observed, remembering the texts. "Why? He's the fucking Falcon. He helped defeat Thanos. Beck is nothing compared to that."
The girl's eyes widened in alarm. "How do you know that?"
Bucky didn't tell her he read the messages. He would've come to the same conclusion sooner or later. He ran his hand through his wet hair. "I used to be a spy." He fixed her with a pointed look. "And you're a horrible liar. Seriously, you are worse than my cat."
She huffed but didn't argue. After a moment of silent contemplation, she settled on her back and regarded him doubtfully. "Quentin has connections with the CIA, FBI, NSA, and Homeland Security. Any government official out there, he's probably on a first-name basis with them." Her face contorted in pain. "He could ruin Sam's life with a single phone call. I swore I would never give him a reason to."
Bucky's jaw clenched tightly. "What's the worst that bastard could do? Sam knows people too."
"Not enough. He could pin a drug charge. It wouldn't even have to stick. The bad press would be enough to ruin Sam's reputation."
"That's illegal," Bucky pointed out dangerously. Quentin Beck was turning out to be worse than Bucky imagined.
"He doesn't care about that when it comes to me," she dismissed. "Quentin can do no wrong when it comes to love."
"That's not love!" Bucky snapped, losing the last of his patience. They were floating dangerously close to one another, elbows brushing.
"Regardless. There's nothing to be done."
"You could stay," Bucky implored. "I'd keep you safe."
They were even closer now, both on their backs, faces turned toward the other, lips dangerously close. For a moment it looked like she might say yes. She opened her mouth to reply, but the sound of a car door slamming shut interrupted her.
"That must be Sam," she said, and the moment was broken.
Bucky moved first, swimming to the deck to grab his discarded pants. "I'll give you some privacy," he said, dragging the fabric up his legs. He left without another word.
Incessant knocking at the front door stopped Bucky in his tracks. Sam always carried a key. Bucky dropped his shirt and went around the house to the front. The car parked in the drive was unfamiliar and out of place. Sleek and shiny and black. Expensive. The man waiting impatiently at the door looked more out of place than the car. Dressed in a gray suit, brown loafers, and black shades, the man looked like he belonged on the cover of a real estate advertisement.
"Can I help you?" Bucky snapped, feeling on edge.
The man lifted his shades to regard Bucky with a look of contempt, eyeing his exposed chest and metal arm with barely concealed disgust. "Yeah, maybe you can. Is this the Wilson residence?"
"Depends on who's asking."
"A friend," the man replied.
"Funny. I didn't know Sam had any friends."
"That's because I'm not Sam's friend," he scorned. "I'm looking for a girl."
Bucky inched closer to him. "I know lots of girls," he quipped.
The man smiled dangerously. "I'm looking for a very specific one. Yay high, unchecked temper, tendency for trouble."
Bucky laughed without humour. "Doesn't narrow much down, buddy. I'm gonna have to ask you to leave."
"You must be the Winter Soldier," the man mused.
"I go by James Barnes," Bucky snapped. "You must be Quentin Beck." Bucky had recognized him right away.
Quentin Beck spread his arms in a wide gesture. "The one and only. I suppose she told you about me."
"She didn't have to. I can smell a bastard from a mile away."
Beck clenched his fists, face contorting nastily, and stepped forward. "You little—"
Despite the sweltering heat, Bucky felt a coldness wash over him. His advanced senses picked up on footsteps coming from around the back. His head whipped to the side just as the girl rounded the corner. She wore jeans and nothing else, her white camisole still wet and slightly see-through. Bucky watched with dread as she took in the sight in front of her, blinking confusedly. The colour slowly drained from her flushed cheeks, and she froze as her brain caught up with her eyes.
"Sweetheart?" Beck's demeanour rapidly changed, and he stalked forward with his hands raised non-threateningly. "I've been looking everywhere for you."
Bucky blocked his path with a glare.
When Beck noticed her state of undress, he became angry, clenching his fists at his side. He noted Bucky's bare chest, his low-hanging jeans, and the girl's see-through top. "What the fuck is going on here?" Beck demanded.
When he fixed his icy glare on her, she reanimated, staggering back with a loud gasp, Baby Girl tripped over a rock but continued scooting backwards as she fell over. The raw fear emanating from her was enough to undo Bucky. Bucky shoved Beck as hard as he could—without using his super strength—and slammed him against his car.
"Motherfucker," Beck hissed, clutching his side.
"I suggest you leave before you really piss me off," Bucky threatened, stalking closer.
Beck staggered away, putting his car between them. "Not without my fiancé," he seethed.
"Fiancé, huh?" Bucky turned toward the girl. She was still on the ground, carefully watching the scene with wide eyes. He waited until she looked at him, then gave her a soft smile, silently urging her to trust him. "Are you his fiancé, Baby Girl?"
She jerked her head in denial. "No."
"There you have it. You heard the lady." Bucky's voice lowered dangerously. "Now leave. Before I make you leave."
"She's lying!" Beck screamed. And Bucky got the impression he was used to getting his way. "I gave her a ring."
Bucky had cornered Beck against the hood of his car and was looming dangerously over his crouched figure. "I don't see any ring. Now leave!"
Beck unlocked the car, jerking open the driver's side and inelegantly lumbering in. "This isn't over yet, Winter Soldier," he spat, and with one last seething glare toward the girl, he sped off.
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Main Masterlist│Part 1 — Part 2 — Part 3
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@marvelatthetwilight @hallecarey1 @ria132love
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quinncupine · 8 months
I guess I stuffed all my fluffy fics away for a rainy day so here's another one!
Relationship: Izuku Midoriya X Reader
Word Count: 950
Summary: Getting hit with an inebriation quirk isn't so bad when you have a hero who isn't opposed to cuddling.
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"Whoa!" you giggled as your feet tripped over themselves on your way into the house.
A strong hand grabbed your own before you could faceplant and pulled you upright. Biting your lip to suppress another fit of giggles, you twisted around to come face to face with two worried green eyes.
"Oh, Izuku," you patted his arm, finally realizing he was behind you, "Hey, who put that step there?"
"It's always been there." He hesitantly released you to see if you could stay upright on your own.
"I know that look," furrowing your brow, you crossed your arms, but the effect was ruined by that spacey look in your eyes, "I'm fine. You heard the doc, just a little side effect of the q…" You lost your train of thought and glanced towards the kitchen, "I'm hungry. Do you want pizza?"
"Um, maybe you should go lie down," Izuku suggested instead as he led you through the kitchen toward the living room. "The doc also said this would last a few more hours at best."
"Oh, you worry too much." As the two of you entered the living room, your body leaned back into him, and once your head hit his chest, you looked up. "Wait, why are you worrying again?"
The couch came into view, and you forgot about your question as you skipped over to it and faceplanted on the soft cushions. A muffled sigh sounded from underneath you before you yawned and did a full-body stretch.
"Come," you turned on your back and made grabby hands at him, "come lay with me."
Izuku didn't have much choice in the matter. As soon as he came close enough for you to grab his hand, you pulled him on top of you. He let out a breathy oomph and readjusted himself, so he was sitting side by side with you.
When he sat up, you scrambled to roll over so that your head lay in his lap. It was the best position to stare up into those cute freckled cheeks of his. He smoothed the flyways back from your face and settled for tracing his fingers over your forehead.
"What happened?" you asked, finding his free hand and messing with his fingers. "I feel so heavy."
"A quirk," he gently explained for the nth time since taking you home from the hospital. "Someone who couldn't control their quirk very well."
"Oh no," eyes wide, you stopped fiddling with his fingers and leaned your head up to meet his eyes. "Are they in trouble?"
"…No," Izuku murmured, finally relaxing back on the couch. "It was just a kid. An accident. He'll get some help controlling his quirk, is all."
"Good." Content with that answer, you resumed tracing little shapes into the back of his palm. "You know, I like your hands."
"My hands?' That caught him off-guard.
"Yeah." Smothering one of his palms against your cheek, you grinned. "They're soft."
"Soft?" He sounded unsure. "Really?"
"Well…no," you shrugged, "they're rough and calloused. And they've got scars all over them." Your voice trailed off into murmuring as you dazedly traced one of the bigger jagged white lines that ran the length of his palms onto the backside. "I like them, though. They hold me so soft, did you know that?"
You didn't wait for an answer, too engrossed in tracing lines down the pale, faded scars to see his flushed face. "You're so strong, and yet you've got the gentlest touch I've ever known. Don't you think so?" When you reached his wrist, you wrapped yourself around it and laid his large hand against your cheek, eyes roaming back to him.
"I-" he cleared his throat, flustered by all the insouciant praise, "-I guess so." He glanced at his other hand, observing the years of hard-earned scars, and allowed himself a small smile. "I never thought about them like that."
"Never change your hands. I love them." You placed little kisses on each fingertip, giggling at each sloppy smooch before your eyes widened and you looked at him. "Oh, but don't worry, I love you more."
Izuku laughed at that and reached over to grab your own hands, placing a loving kiss across the back. "You know, I love your hands too. They really are soft. At least, softer than mine." As he spoke, you shivered as his warm breath tickled your fingers. "And they always know just how to calm me down with a single touch." He paused just long enough to catch your hazy gaze. "But what I love most about them is that they're attached to you."
Your foggy brain tried to process the words, and with a quick glance at your own hands, you gave him a relieved smile. "Oh, I'm glad they're attached to me, too." You wiggled your fingers for proof.
"Come on," he laughed, kissing your forehead and, in one easy motion, lifted you off the couch. "Time to get some rest."
"No, wait!" You squirmed in his arms, alarmed. "What about my pizza!"
"Alright, alright!" he managed to say through your fingers, pulling at the fat of his cheeks. "I'll order the pizza!"
That seemed to do the trick, and you immediately went boneless in his arms with a content sigh. "I really love pizza." You closed your eyes for a few moments of peace before they flew open again with urgency as you grabbed his face, pulling him close to whisper, "But don't worry, I love you more…just don't tell the pizza."
Satisfied, you closed your eyes and curled into him. With a fond, if not exasperated, sigh, he went to tuck you into bed.
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seventeenpins · 10 months
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violet pairing: older qz!joel x f!reader
word count: 5.8k
summary: follow-up to forget-me-not. it's been seven years since you last saw joel in the boston qz, and a lot has changed. you find yourselves reunited in jackson.
warnings: smut, actually contains a lot of plot (sorry), tommy, maria & ellie all exist, allusions to/discussion of abortion, reader has a kid, joel is insecure about being an old man (you're only 63, it's ok buddy), reader is mid-thirties to early 40s, lil bit of daddy kink, face sitting, multiple orgasms.
a/n: okay first -- header or no header? like, it's a bit ridiculous but i also kinda love it? instead of packing up for a move, i've been writing this 🤷 thanks for all the continued love on my fics, it's so sweet and means a whole lot. working on a few other stories, and i hope to have more out soon!
this chapter is dedicated to the dumbass at the club who didn't quite manage to ruin a first date i was on by asking us what we thought about gay rights (as two fem-perceived folks caught smoochin) and then telling us "you're clearly so in love, i respect that" before yeeting off in the moonlight.
you could have sworn the terrain had been totally empty only moments before, but now in the blink of an eye, you’re surrounded by a small group of riders, armed, their horses huffing down at you. 
“shit,” you gasp, trying to shield your girl, but realising there was little use. can’t put your body in front of hers when there’s people on every side of you. instead, your hands grip tighter on the shoulders of your daughter and you take a breath, trying to steady your breathing.
“you been near infected?” a man calls down at you, and his accent reminds you of joel, so much so that your heart flutters for a moment at the memory. you’ve met lots of people on your travels, a few of them from austin, too, and every time you think of him.
“no,” you call back, “last we saw them was back in the dakotas and there weren’t many there. that was weeks ago, haven’t encountered any since.”
the man nods, and you’re not sure what he’s thinking under his stetson, but the fact you’re not shot yet seems like a good sign. hopefully.
"frankly, we've had much more trouble from people than from infected on our way. but we've been able to take care of ourselves," you say, and you're hoping your words have an underlying edge of danger, but you're pretty sure you just come off as scared and defensive.
the man nods, and looks you up and down. “well, we've gotta make sure,” he says, almost apologetic, and you tense. it takes a moment before you see the dog, but then a dark blur comes bounding towards you, snarling. You tense and pull your girl close, but after a few moments of incredibly stressful sniffing, the dog leaves you alone and trods back to his owner, panting happily.
“good,” the man says, “now we've got that cleared up, what’s your business here?”
it's a good fuckin question, but not one you have a direct answer to.
"we came from boston," you tell him, "it was okay for a while, but the qz changed--got worse. more bombings. more hangings. if it was just me i might have stayed put, but i have my daughter."
there's so much you could say, but you're pretty sure you're advocating for your own life right now, so you keep it short and simple.
"we're just trying to find... somewhere better. travelling through all the places i've ever known people, to see if there's somewhere safe out there at all."
he nods, and the group surrounding you seems to back down a little.
"come with us. i think we might have what you're looking for," he tells you, and then one rider jumps down from their horse, mounts another, and the first man helps you and your daughter onto the vacated horse.
you follow the group, cantering along, and the man keeps an eye on you, and a woman in the group rides up next to you.
"so, you're from the boston qz? that's quite a journey," the man says, and nods his head towards the young woman, "she and i both travelled here from boston, years ago. i left back in, oof, '13? remind me, when did you leave?"
the woman nods, "left when i was fourteen, in '23."
"oh wow," you say, "i honestly didn't expect to meet anyone from boston round here"
there's a pause.
"what did you say your name was?" he asks, and you tell him.
"and this is violet," you say, giving your daughter's shoulder a squeeze, and she nestles back into your chest, ever shy around strangers.
"nice to meet you both," the woman grins, "i'm ellie"
"and i'm tommy," the man says. you're sure it's just a weird coincidence, a common name, just cos he happens to share the same name as joel's brother it doesn't mean anything, but you can't help but ask-
"this is probably silly, but you're not tommy miller are you?"
both tommy and ellie halt, so you do to, as they communicate something through quick glances and furrowed brows.
"wait," you say, "are you? tommy miller?"
he stares you down, and all of a sudden, you see it in his eyes. joel's eyes. violet's eyes.
"i-" your heart is pounding now with the realisation, "i knew your brother. i knew joel. he was a-" you hesitate for only a split second, "friend."
"well shit," tommy says. he caught the hesitation when you landed on friend, and he's looking at you, brows furrowed. "when was the last time you saw him?"
you shrug. "guess it was seven years ago." you look at your daughter, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear, and then back up at tommy. "it was when he'd stopped hearing from you, actually. he came out to find you. did... did he find you?"
tommy doesn't answer, his eyes widening, and you can see him put the pieces together as he looks at you and then at your daughter, to you, and to her again.
"how old did you say she was?" he nods at violet but keeps his gaze fixed on you.
"i didn't."
"humor me."
"she's six."
"huh," he says, and ellie's looking between you two now and you can see realisation dawning on her, too.
"wait a second--holy shit," ellie cackles, "joel's gonna lose his fuckin' mind."
a sudden flare of panic and excitement floods through you. "wait, you know him too? he's nearby? i'm sorry- he lives around here? he made it?"
ellie snorts and tommy lets out a noise that's almost like a cross between a deep exhale and a strangled moan.
"yep, he lives in town. made it here with ellie a few years back. been living here a while now."
you don't know if you're thrilled or terrified. to be honest, your brain suddenly feels like it's filled to the brim with bees that were muffling out any thought more complex than AAAAHHHHHHHH.. you'd always hoped you might see joel again, but it wasn't till now you realised you never really believed you would.
he's alive. he actually made it.
as if sensing your racing thoughts, tommy pulls up beside you and claps a strong hand on your shoulder.
"one step at a time, sweetheart. seems like y'all have a whole lotta catchin' up to do."
after you're brought through the gate and finish up at the dining hall for a bite to eat, tommy and ellie take you both on a tour of jackson. you'd seen lots of things in the time you'd travelled, but this is the first real community you'd seen. it made you think of the old days, or rather, your ideas of the old days. you were too young when the world ended, but the idea of people living together and supporting one another without bombs going off on street corners and scheduled hangings was something else.
"we've been workin' on makin' a functioning society here. we get energy from the dam, so actual, non-fedra electricity." tommy points along the main street at the street lighting (actual street lighting!!)
"most of the shops are along here," he continues, pointing out each place as he lists them off, "necessities, like a cobbler and a tailor over in that space. greenhouses and farms over in that direction as well as a clinic. we've got a bar, a couple o' bakeries, house of worship, stables back that way- couple fellas opening a barbershop in that space over there pretty soon. and, of course, the residential area just down here. we've got a lotta houses, and we're working on refurbishing a whole lot, too. most families have their own homes. you're welcome to take some time to decide if you would like to stay here, but y'all seem like decent people and at the very least, we can put you up in some of our temporary housing 'til we have a better grasp on what you need. we got families of all configurations here. we did that a whole lot better after the world ended. and this is a home for a lotta people."
"oh-!" ellie says, suddenly excited, "and the school's over there, if you guys wanna stay. fedra school fucking sucked but this one was actually pretty cool. we actually got to learn stuff!"
violet giggles a little, and ellie shoots her a bright smile that makes her giggle little more. it feels safe here. you don't remember the last time things have felt safe. you're trying to take it all in, memorise every storefront, every person, every moment, when the aroma of fresh-baked pastries suddenly assaults your nostrils and you let out an involuntary moan.
"been a while, huh?" ellie asks and snorts, and you nod. "i grew up in the qz so i never had one of these till the shop opened up a couple years ago. but i hear it's just like the old days!"
"mama, it smells really good," violet says, and it's the first thing she's said since you've come through the gates.
"it does, doesn't it?" you ask her, "and look at all these shops. see those clothes in the window there?"
her eyes are as wide as saucers, and you're so overwhelmed with joy that she gets to experience this that you don't notice ellie bounding up the steps to the bakery and running back a minute later with a paper wrapped something in hand.
she holds it out to you and you take it from her gingerly. you kneel down to let violet unwrap the paper and inside is a perfect strawberry danish. you're stunned.
"that's cream cheese and butter from our cows," tommy tells you, "strawberries and wheat grown here, too. all fresh. all cordyceps free. we don't risk using any of the old stuff that might be contaminated"
that's amazing. that's fucking amazing.
"here, baby," you tear off a piece for violet, and she clutches it carefully and sniffs at it warily before popping it into her mouth, chewing with furrowed brows, and breaking out into a grin.
"welcome to jackson," ellie says, and now you're laughing too.
by the evening, tommy's given you a tour of the whole settlement and left you, ellie, and violet at the tipsy bison with an invitation to join him and his family for dinner. there was a strong likelihood that joel would be there and you were shitting bricks.
what if he's totally different from how you remember him? what if he isn't?
what if he wants nothing to do with you? what if he wants nothing to do with violet?
what if he's forgotten you?
you pinch yourself to pull out of your spiral. ellie winks at violet, who's sipping at her juice, and clinks her glass against yours. together, you take large swigs of your beer.
she tells you a bit about herself. she's vague about how she and joel met, and you're not sure if it's because she doesn't want to talk about it or if she's trying to spare the gory details around violet, but she speaks of him fondly and blushed a little when she mentioned i've kinda become, like, a surrogate daughter to him. and he's my old man.
before you could gather your thoughts and ask any follow-ups, she's already blowing through different topics, grinning as she tells you about her girlfriend, about her tattoo and how she wants another one, about her favorite horse, and the way patrols worked around here, and you relax into the conversation. into the peace. into taking a break.
before you know it, the three of you are walking towards tommy's house and right as you're about to knock at the door, ellie barrels past and swings the door open with a bellowed "we're here!" reverberating off the walls.
as you step through the door, delicious food smells waft through the hallway and you hear laughter and music coming from the kitchen. ellie makes a beeline through the door on your right and you take it all in for a moment.
"you coming?" ellie calls, and you follow her.
and stop dead in your tracks.
illuminated in the light of an antique shaded lamp, sat on a rocking chair, was joel.
he's greyer and more tired, but he also looks- happy? and he's got reading glasses on as he peers at what looks to be a picture book as he points out the illustrations to the kid on his lap. your jaw drops.
the kid's probably around the same age as violet.
ellie is stood in the corner of the room, half-heartedly pretending to examine a bookshelf while she blatantly eavesdrops.
joel looks up and smiles in a way that you've only seen a few times before. it's... unguarded. he extends a hand, "hi there, you must be our guests, i'm jo-"
and then recognition flickers over his face and he stops. stares at you, wide eyed, and then his eyes flick over to violet, and back to you.
"hi joel," you say.
if you're honest, you're expecting him to be the asshole you remember. grouchy. closed off. sweet only in private, intimate, brief moments.
what you don't expect is for him to gently call over to ellie with a "we need a minute here, could you take your cousin and see if tommy and maria need a hand?"
cousin, he'd said, and you can feel your heart slow down a notch, calming down a little. oof. one step at a time, you remind yourself, one step at a time.
"sure thing," ellie nods and helps the kid down from joel's lap, holding his hand as they walk through to the kitchen.
you're stood, frozen, as joel takes off his readers, rubs his eyes, and stands up. you've forgotten how imposing he can be, but even now, he just feels like a big shield between you and the rest of the world. you stare at each other for just a moment, and then strong arms are wrapping around you and joel is laughing?
"fuck," he snorts, "i can't believe it's you. after all this time!"
he pulls back but keeps his hands on your shoulders, looking you up and down, studying you.
and then he looks back down at violet and you see his face contort from joy to something almost like fear. maybe dread, even? or anticipation.
"mama, who is this man?" violet asks, tugging at your sleeve, and you kneel down to her.
you meet eyes with joel one more time before answering her, and you see building panic behind them.
this was, admittedly, a lot. one step at a time. "his name is joel, he was a friend of mine. i knew him before you were born!"
violet extends her little hand out towards joel. "my name is violet, it's a kind of flower. i like your hair. it's sooo silvery."
you snort involuntarily, and joel gulps audibly, wide-eyed, before taking her small hand in his large palm, cradling it as if holding something precious, and shakes it. "i'm joel. it's nice to meet you."
you all have dinner and it's actually a pretty good time, as long as you don't make too much eye contact with joel, who looks as though he has an electric current running through him, keeping him wide eyed and twitchy. he's clearly trying to appear unfazed, but he's jumpy and not at all subtle, to the point that the kid who'd been on joel's lap earlier, rowan you'd learned, prods at joel at one point in the meal. joel jumps a mile and rowan furrows his brow asking why are you being so weird, uncle joel?
despite the tension, it's so domestic. this was a joel who folded his napkin on his lap before starting to eat, who minded his manners, and obviously pressed ellie to mind hers, too. the joel you patched up when he came to you bloodied and bruised felt like a shadow long since past.
after dinner, when you've made it through unscathed, tommy's watching the little ones as they conk out on the couch. maria's going over paperwork, and ellie's tuning a guitar.
joel pops his head into the room and makes a vague gesture indicating outside. "wanna chat on the porch?" he asks, and you nod and follow him.
there are a pair of handsome adirondack chairs and you each take a seat. you don't say anything, don't even look at one another. you just sit there in comfortable silence.
but then joel takes a deep breath and you know the question that's coming.
"violet?" he asks, "is she mine?"
you smile sadly.
"yeah," you say, "you're her daddy."
he chokes out a strangled noise and tries to cover it with a cough, badly.
he doesn't seem like he's gonna say anything, and you reckon he's not gonna, so you try and breeze past it.
"i know- i know it wasn't part of the plan." you exhale, "but it's okay, joel. she's only known one parent her whole life and it's common enough these days that she doesn't think it's strange. and i don't know if you ever want her to know that you're her dad, but i'm not ready for her to know. i'll tell her, but i want her to settle in here before any big life revelations come up for her. jackson's enough of a change as it is."
he nods slowly, coughs out a low "i understand. and i respect it. i just never thought-"
"neither did i," you cut him off, "and when i realized i was pregnant i didn't intend to keep it, but fedra had raided the last underground clinics that i knew about. most of the staff got hanged, and i was out of options."
he lets out a sharp exhale.
you're silent for another minute before joel speaks again.
"i'm sorry-" he says, "i'm sorry that your choice was taken from you. and i'm so sorry i wasn't there for you."
he still doesn't look at you, but he rests a hand on your knee.
"i can't believe- all this time and i have another daughter and i had no idea."
"she's such a cool kid," you tell him, "and don't get me wrong, i felt like the worst person in the world, bringing a kid into that fuckin'- fedra plague world," you admit, "but she's so funny, shy when you first meet her, but she has so much personality. every day, she's more and more of a tiny person! and she's just started doing this thing where i'll tell her something and she'll just scowl at me and she looks just like you-"
"hey, i don't scowl that much-" joel argues, scowling, and there's the joel you remember. all of a sudden you're hysterical with laughter, and then joel cracks too and he's laughing with you.
after a while, you fall into another comfortable silence. it gets later and later, and then joel's standing up and offering you a hand.
"'fraid i've got patrol in the morning, so i'd best be going to bed soon, and i'm guessing y'all are exhausted?"
you nod, feeling as if acknowledgement of it suddenly made it true. good god you were tired.
"you know what house you're staying in tonight?" he asked, and you tell him the number.
"sounds good," he nods, "can i walk ya home?"
"sure," you smile.
you head back inside, scoop up violet, and then the three of you are heading towards your temporary lodgings.
when you arrive, joel bids you goodnight at your doorstep and bobs his head a little as though he was about to lean in to kiss your cheek but then thought better of it, and instead takes your hand for a moment and mutters without looking directly at you, "it's really great to see you, baby. glad you made it here safe."
you go to bed. an actual bed, mind you.
you dreamed of joel miller.
you'd pretty much decided you and violet would stay here in jackson from the first minute you walked down the main street, but you gave it a few days before letting the council know. this is what you've been looking for, though. a home. a community. safety.
violet starts going to school. she's in the same year as rowan and apparently thrilled about it, so you're at tommy and maria's home more often than you'd imagined. you start patrolling, too. just short routes to begin with, but you didn't make it through this much without knowing how to survive, and you're good at it.
and then there's joel.
he's different.
he's aged, but he still looks great. the salt and pepper of his hair has turned more salt than pepper, and the crinkles by his eyes are deeper. you're still attracted to him, so attracted to him, but you don't wanna make any rash decisions. he seems lighter, clearly taken by ellie, and cautiously friendly towards you and violet.
he's made it clear he'd like to get to know her, but is happy to take his time, waiting until you're more comfortable with it. which is so beautifully, frustratingly thoughtful.
you never expected that cold, angry joel could be so warm and open, but he seems like such a doting family man, keeping an eye out for ellie, always there for tommy, being a good uncle for rowan. there was clearly some tension between him and his sister-in-law, too, but one evening you walked in on them doing dishes together, singing along to some old dolly parton cd. you slipped out the door before either of them saw you'd seen.
one night, violet and rowan are having a sleepover, supervised by tommy, and you have a rare night to yourself. you make your way over to the tipsy bison and relax at the bar, letting the whiskey warm you.
you chat with the bartender, and decide to put a song on the jukebox, but as you get up from your stool you knock the whiskey bottle over and watch tumble seemingly in slow motion before being caught by- "joel?"
"easy now," joel smiles, "don't want a repeat of last time."
it takes you aback for a moment, and then your face is burning with the memory.
"can't believe you remember that," you say, and he snorts.
"course i do. that was the last night i saw you."
he pulls out a stool and sits down next to you. gestures at the bartender for a glass, and pours himself a healthy finger of whiskey.
"how do you remember that night going?" you ask.
joel scratches at his cheek for a moment, pondering, and smiles, sipping his whiskey. "i was gonna be leavin' town, and i wanted to say goodbye so i checked out all your usual spots. walked in to see you smash a bottle and then try and flirt your way out of it with that weedy little bartender."
"i remember that bit, too," you say, "though on my end, i'll remind you, i was drinking because i was preemptively missing you and didn't realise you were leaving so soon."
"i do remember you saying that," joel nods, "and i was so mad because i'd spent so much time that night trying to find you, and that was time we wouldn't get back."
your eyes widen at his words. you didn't know this part. suddenly, you feel a warmth rising in you that you hadn't expected.
"do you remember what happened next?" he asks.
you nod. "yeah, you yelled at me a little, implied i was a whore, yelled at me more, and then told me you were leaving in the morning."
"jesus, i'm an asshole," joel says, and you smile.
"yeah, you are. neither of us were at our best though. but then we had one last night."
"one last night," he echoes.
neither of you say anything for a minute, and then joel breaks the silence.
"i'd be lying if i said i hadn't replayed that night over and over again in my head."
you smile. "me too," you admit, "it's honestly been a while since i've been with anyone, and when it's just me and my hand, that night's the first thing that i think of."
joel inadvertently chokes and splutters, dabbing at his mouth as he tries to collect himself. he's flushed a beautiful shade of pink and it makes you giggle.
"shit, girl, i forgot how blunt you can be."
"i think this might be the first wholly honest conversation we've had since i got to town," you ponder, still smiling, "we're always dancing around each other. in orbit but never colliding."
he looks at you with a curious expression on his face, like he's enjoying the task of trying to parse you almost as much as he's seeking an understanding.
you pour yourself another glass of whiskey and knock it back in one. you're gathering your courage. you're plotting plots now, and sure it's been a long time, but you figure it's worth a shot.
"i've been thinking, joel," you tell him, and his eyes are so focused on you, "i wanna say up front i don't have any expectations, and i won't be offended if you'd rather not-"
he raises an eyebrow at you and you could swear you see flirtation behind it.
"but, if you wanted-"
"spit it out"
"that last night doesn't have to be the last night."
your eyes are locked and don't speak, don't move, don't breathe.
and then joel miller's lips are crashing into yours, and you moan into him, one hand clutching at your shoulders, the other cupping your chin, and you melt into it.
"my place," you tell him, "violet's with her cousin tonight."
you realise that's the first time you said those words like that, so casual and normal, and you know you'll need to unpack that later but joel, shockingly, takes it in stride.
before you know it, you're walking up the porch steps with joel right on your heels and unlocking the front door.
you've barely gotten the door open before you're on the other side of it and it's slamming shut, joel pressing you against the threshold and kissing you deeply. one of his thighs presses between your legs and without thinking you rub up against it.
"shit, i've missed you baby," he says, and you're moaning against him as he helps you pull off your shirt, and you start to unbutton his. he continues, bashful, "didn't think you'd want an old man like me, anymore."
you scoff, "you've aged well, joel, and more than that, you've aged. you're still here and i can't even begin to tell you how much that means."
you tug the flannel from his shoulders, letting it drop to the floor behind him before you pull off his undershirt.
"besides," you tell him, "you're the best lay i've ever had and i don't believe for a minute you've lost your touch."
he snorts, but then he's kissing on your neck again and you know you'll need to talk about things properly at some point. for now, though, you'll get lost in the feeling of him.
you're lost in the dizzy haze of touch. joel's hands are all over you, grabbing, stroking, caressing. you stumble to your bedroom, stepping out of your jeans and helping him shuck off his pants along the way. then he's laid out on your bed, bare except for his boxer shorts, chest heaving and cock straining.
you yank off your panties and climb on top of him, straddling him so your bare pussy rubs up against his hardness. he groans and grabs you by the hips, rocking you up and down his length.
"feel so good, baby," he breathes, and his eyes are fluttering closed in pleasure. "come here," he tells you, and he pulls you down for a kiss.
you take him in. look at his body. his chest hair has greyed, and he's got more scars than you remember including a nasty-looking one that must've been a close call. you run a thumb over the one on the side of his chest, still pearly but less pink these days, from the time you patched him up.
joel watches you watch him. "i never thanked you properly for that, sweetheart," he says, "but thank you. you saved my ass that night."
"of course," you tell him, as you dip down and lick a stripe up from his happy trail, all the way to his throat.
"fuck," he whines, and you shut him up with a kiss.
when you finally break, he strokes your cheek. "sit on my face," he tells you, and you don't need him to ask you twice.
you hobble up on your knees and then rest your cunt on his open mouth. he lets out a strangled moan and hmmms into you, the vibrations hitting your clit deliciously, before grabbing onto your hips and eating you like a man starved.
his clever tongue finds your aching clit and flicks against it, hard. once you're nearly overstimulated, he senses it and starts to lick long strokes, back and forth, dipping into your drooling pussy with each pass.
it's heavenly. addictive. you've hooked with old flames before, years after you'd slept with them last, and not only does joel not disappoint? he blows your fucking mind.
you come on his tongue and instead of pulling away, he pulls you closer. licks you deep. takes a breath and tells you "one more, baby, gimme another one."
you do, using his face to get yourself off, taking your time to build back up, rocking your hips over him, his nose covered with your slick, his cheeks, lips, and chin glistening so pretty when you finally shudder and spasm all over him.
"taste so good, baby," he tells you, "i wanna make you come on my tongue all night long."
"as much as i'd love that," you say, "i need that cock in me right fucking now. it's been seven years, joel."
he smirks, but doesn't need persuading.
he flips you over and presses his cock head at your entrance. before he slides in, though, he takes a moment to look you over.
you know you look older, and your hair has a few grey strands throughout. you've got more wrinkles, and stretch marks, and more than a few new scars.
before you can second-guess yourself, though, joel is stroking a hand along all of your perceived imperfections, adoring.
"so fuckin' beautiful", he whispers, "after all this time- i can't believe-"
you let your hand lace through the hair at his nape and give it a gentle tug. he closes his eyes, focusing only on the sensation, before opening them again. looking directly at you.
you're already so wet and worked up, he slides into you easily in one stroke, making you both gasp, and he just rests there for a moment, fully sheathed in you.
you clutch one another as he starts to thrust into you, pressing you open in a delicious stretch.
he fucks into you and then pauses and readjusts. moves your legs so they're on his shoulders, rather than wrapped round his waist. then he presses into you again, tentative, and your eyes practically roll back. it's the deepest thing you've felt.
"takin' me so good," he praises, "i feel how wet and ready you are, you've been needing this a while, huh?"
you can barely speak, only enough to breath out a whiny uh-huh that makes him chuckle.
"touch me", you beg, and he does, rubbing his thumbs over your nipples, gripping your waist, your hips. he grabs at your ass and jiggles it before giving it a swat that makes you giggle, but he looks positively feral.
"this fuckin' body," he groans, and you squeak as you take a particularly deep thrust and he eases up just a little.
you reach up to grab his jaw and kiss him, and he kisses you back, deep and lovely. you drag your tongue along his jawline and pepper kisses down his neck, trace your fingertips along his pearlescent scars.
"god, joel," you moan, "so fuckin big, you feel so good."
"you even feel better than i remember, too."
"don't you dare stop, don't you dare stop fucking me-"
"never, baby. wanna have you like this always."
you can feel your eyes fill with tears, overwhelmed with the sensation, with the tenderness and the care and the big cock fucking deep into you, it's all so good.
"yes baby," he grunts, "keep it open for me, good girl, letting me fuck you so nice."
you can see how his eyes are glittering and know he's emotional, too. he's staring at you with reverential awe that might embarrass you if it didn't feel so right. this isn't the rough, hair pulling, choking, biting sex you remember from him. he presses a hand over your belly and rubs gentle circles against it. his touch is electric.
"can't believe you made it," joel whispers, "made it all the way here, and you still want me. we've got a kid, and i left you all alone, and you still want me."
"always, joel," you tell him, and you realise it's the truth. whatever life you make for yourself, you want joel miller in it.
he lets out a growl and starts fucking you harder, deeper.
your orgasm builds quickly and soon you're clutching at his shoulder, leaving half moon crescents in his skin where your nails dig in, holding on for dear life.
"i'm gonna come," you tell him, and he holds you through it, his pace steady as your walls clench around his cock.
his hips begin to stutter as he loses his rhythm, nearing his own climax. he chokes out, "where do you want it?"
"my chest," you say, "come all over my tits."
he pulls out and strokes himself twice before spilling out on your chest, his cum landing on you in hot ropes.
after you catch your breath, he gently cleans you up and then pulls you into the crook of his arm, holding you close. you lay there together, just breathing.
"so gorgeous, momma," he says.
"not too bad yourself, daddy," you tell him, and he snorts.
you know you have a lot of things to talk about. the past seven years. the future. loss and love. violet getting to know her father.
for now, though, joel miller is in your bed and you're going to cherish every minute of it. it's more than enough.
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redhood414 · 4 months
Part 1: The Games
(Y/n POV)
In the kingdom of Metropolis everything was peaceful and quiet. It was a Sunday afternoon with the sun shining bright and a gentle breeze, birds chirping and talking. I was reading a book in the royal garden, about some forbidden love. Give me a book and I'm lost. After a good while of being deep in my book I notice footsteps and look up to see my father, Clark Kent, king of Metropolis approaching me.
"Y/n, my sweet daughter of mine. How are you today?" He asks as he sits beside me, peering with curiosity at the book I was reading. "I'm doing just fine, father, what about you?" I ask with a smile, I love my father a lot. He and mother, Lois Kent, the Queen, are the best parents I could ever wish for. No one can replace them. They've always been so kind and patient with me;even if sometimes, I am trouble.
"Likewise, my child. But I need to talk to you about something. It's important." He says with a serious tone and expression, showing that it really is no kidding what he's going to tell me next. "You can tell me, father. I'm listening." I say as I close my book and focus my eyes and attention to him. "So...you know how the kingdom of Gotham is an ally, right?" I nod. I know about Gotham, the King is there are Bruce Thomas Wayne and his wife and Queen is Selina Wayne. They have four sons: Dick Grayson, the eldest, Jason Todd, the second eldest, Tim Drake, the second youngest and Damian Wayne is the youngest and the only one who's biological. The rest is adopted. "Well. Since soon you'll be turning 18 and finally be an adult, it means you'll need to marry ...-", my eyes widen and I stand up immediately. "Father, no! I'm not going to marry one off his idiotic sons!" My father glares as those words leave my mouth. How could I say such a thing? Well I'm not lying. Most of those sons are practically imbeciles.
"Y/n! Watch your mouth and show some respect! We owe that to the Wayne family, so your hand in marriage will be great for the future. His sons will have to win a few games to win your hand. End of discussion." And by that, he gets up and leaves, leaving me with sadness, knowing my freedom will be taken soon.
(Dick Grayson POV)
Sunny Sunday! Ah what a beautiful day to see- "GET BACK HERE, YOU LITTLE BRAT!" My brother, Jason runs past me, chasing my youngest brother, Damian, snickering. Oh dear. I was going to say what a nice start of the day, but I take that back. It's always chaos here. The personal advisor of the king, Alfred, watches them with a sigh and a stoic expression. Tim joins us at the breakfast table soon, almost falling asleep. "Gentlemen. If I may be so straightforward I would watch your manners." Tim raises an eyebrow and I look with curiosity at Alfred. "What do you mean, Alf?" I ask and Jason smacked Damian's head as he finally catches him and sits down. "Well,", Alfred continues as he watches from the side the dinner being served. "One of you will be marrying princess Y/n of Metropolis." I choke on my food and Jason spits out his water. "I'm sorry, WHAT?!" Jason asks with a horrified expression. Damian joins the confusion. "Pennyworth, I hope you're joking. My brothers, and by that I mean especially Drake, is incapable of being that charming to win a princess over" Tim gave him a glare.
"There will be a few games you have to win to win her hand in marriage. King Clark signed a contract because he owes that much of a favor to King Bruce. King Bruce helped him in times of need and now it's time he repays our king." I was speechless. When was dad going to tell us this? What does she looks like? What's she like? Is she mean? Pretty? Kind? It got my curiosity to say the least. "What's she like and what does she look like thought?" Tim asks and Damian huffs while he mutters. "I was about to ask that."
"You'll meet her soon enough, but from what I've heard she's a kind and gentle soul, good for your...chaotic characters." Alfred says carefully and Jason rolls his eyes. "We're not chaotic." And Damian adds. "Oh yeah? You're the one all being sensitive. One comment and the castle's too small."
And there goes the arguing again...and so is my imagination flowing of what the princess looks like and what's she like. Is she really as gentle and kind as Alfred says? Or is there more behind that description of his?
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hearts4youz · 6 months
The Captains Daughter: Chapter 16
A/N: finally, a chapter worth posting. This one is so much better than the last two or three i've posted. Sorry guys, I've totally lost track of time, its been two weeks since the last chapter ive posted... this is a longer one so hopefully it will suffice. Thank yall so much for reading, feedback is much appreciated :)
Taglist: @abbiesxox @n30n-j3lly @weird-katthing @kayoyamamegame @kroowonderemporium @astro-ghoul99
word count: 1.3k
Reader pov:
You and your father have silently agreed to just let go of what happened during the commute to the grocery store. The two of you have not talked about the topic since, and you were grateful for it. You headed for the doors to get outside the base, as you had decided earlier that a morning run should do the trick for your sluggish start to the day. It seems you had woken up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Barely making conversation at breakfast, feeling irritated and put off by everything. Even the sound of Gaz breathing when you sat next to him in the mess hall made you want to choke him out.
You breathed in deeply, savoring the crispy winter air as it's freezing tendrils circled your lungs. You sighed and were about to get moving when you heard a gruff noise behind you.
It was Ghost, clearing his throat.
You turned towards him, a quizzical look crossing your features.
"I've tracked you across the whole bloody base," he said, in a gravely, morning voice.
"And?" You said, annoyed. You didn't feel like talking to anyone not even your mysterious crush.
"And, a good soldier should know to watch their damn six."
"Yeah, in the field," you roll your eyes.
"Someone's pissy this morning, I thought we were on good terms now?" He chuckled
"I just... sorry- you didn't do anything wrong-" he cut you off.
"I know," he smirked.
"... just bad nights sleep I guess," you glared, finishing your sentence.
"Where are you headed?" his voice softened slightly, but his gaze still remained rigid and judgy.
"Out for a run."
"You don't mind if I join do you?"
You raised and eyebrow at his suggestion
"What? i'm not supposed to be friendly with my teammates ever?"
"I-I...no...I don't mind," you said skeptically.
The two of you took off at a quick pace, you were surprised that the lieutenant could keep up despite the skull balaclava covering his nose and mouth, as well as his large, toned build.
"You run often?" you ask.
"Mmm... when I was a kid I got in trouble a lot. I had to make a quick getaway sometimes."
"Who was chasing you... the law?"
"Eh, sometimes," he said, nonchalantly.
"Well, what kind of trouble?" you asked, not knowing whether to be concerned or intrigued.
"Dumb, teenage shit. You know, smashing windows... drinking... smoking, anything to get me out of the house really. I matured eventually."
"And now your in the military, the irony," you paused. "You know, I really wouldn't have guessed that you were so... unruly as a kid, Mister 'im so strict and tough," you laughed.
He gave a chuckle in response.
"Mhm, my teenage years were pretty lawless... probably can't say the same for you, Price's kid," he smirked.
"Ah you got me there... I did get into a little trouble though."
"I dabbled with boys mostly..."
This made Simon's heart rate quicken, the thought of you with other guys, but then he reminded himself that you were a teenager at the time.
"Boys? I'm sure the captain wasn't very fond of that"
"Oh hell no... he always chased 'em away. I never could keep a boyfriend for very long. No matter how secretive I was he always found out."
Noted Ghost thought to himself.
Ghost laughs, "Yup, sounds like ol' cap."
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence for a few minutes as Ghost thinks about your love life.
"You...you don't happen to have any of those men in your life now... do you?" he asks quietly.
"I uhm....uh...well... no," You respond, a bit flustered.
"Good, otherwise i'd have to tell cap" He added, voice stronger and more confident while trying to play the question off as a joke.
You two were almost back to the base now, as you finished at the doors Ghost spoke up again as he swung the door open for you.
"It's about time for our daily training now, good timing."
You nodded as you stepped through the door into the pleasantly warm building. You walked down to the training facilities with him.
"Lets do some lifting," Ghost suggested.
You groaned in protest, dragging your feet as your lieutenant led you into the gym. You went through a few sets, bench press, curls, a few ab exercises, and finally some squats. By the time you were ready to start squatting, your body was exhausted, especially your legs considering you ran beforehand. Ghost looked at you with a slight bit of sympathy.
"Lets just do two sets of eight for this one alright Y/N?"
"Thank you, G-Ghost," you sputtered as you struggled to keep the bar level as you got into your first squat.
You wobbled, your legs quivered as you raised yourself back up into a standing postion.
You shook even more on the way down the second time, Ghost noticed this and left the wall he was leaning up against. He stood behind you with his hands open, ready to steady the bar if needed.
down, up
By the third rep, the bar was so far away from being level on your shoulders your whole body tipped to the right. Luckily, Ghost caught you and lifted the bar off your shoulders before you could fall. He put the bar back on the rack and took a few pounds off of it while you sat down for a moment.
"If you're not okay enough to finish we can be done here," Ghost told you. His words were sympathetic but his voice was void of emotion, it was hard to gauge weather he was disappointed in your failure to finish the set or if he was concerned for you.
Ghost pov:
Goddamnit, she totally felt that.
I stood in front of Y/N while she sat down for a moment to catch her breath. I had to get the bar off of her before she hurt herself, but in the process I had pressed myself against her by accident. Which in return gave me a little problem... down there. Forever grateful to my mask for saving my ass once again, I tried to exert calmness towards Y/N while she rested. I desperately hoped that she would be done now that she was almost crushed by the weight.
"No, I'd like to finish out the set at least," she responded to my question.
"You sure? no shame in calling it quits to avoid injury," I responded in a warmer tone than before.
"Yeah, I've got it," she reassured me, more strength in her voice now.
Again, I positioned myself behind her to spot her. Only this time, a half step further back, not forgetting about my hard on. I'm not going to lie, It was tough to just stand there silently while she got her reps in. All I wanted to do was praise her, to tell her what a good job she was doing. I wanted to see her smile when I told her she did something right, I just wanted to make her happy.
"Good work," I managed to say when she got all eight reps in.
She told me goodbye and turned to leave. I watched her walk away, she took a few steps before I couldn't help myself.
She turned around.
"I enjoyed running with you this morning... really- it was nice. Thank you for letting me go with you."
Her face broke into a genuine smile.
"Thank you for coming with me, it was nice to see you more informal... you know, outside of all the work stuff."
When she walked off again, I couldn't help but get all giddy and boyish. I felt like a teenager swooning over his crush at school.
fucking hell, Y/N enjoyed my company.
Reader pov:
When you left the gym and were sure that no one could see you, you damn near squealed for joy.
He liked running with me!
My lieutenant
The guy I like
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writingforstraykids · 3 months
Addicted to you Chp.21
Pairing: Minchan (mention of OT8)
Word Count: 4613
Summary: Chan and Minho organize a long break for the whole group, knowing they all need one after these troubling times. Five months later, Chan gets a taste of Minho in his best form, and he couldn't be more proud.
Warnings/Tags: fluff, cuddles, smut, min is insecure about his weight gain, small misunderstanding, the boys are in love
Chp. 20 | Back to the beginning
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A/N: Thank you to everyone who made it this far and enjoyed the story. Thank you for the lovely requests and comments, they made the whole process so much more fun. My first Stray Kids project is officially "done". As always, I am open to writing more as long as you have concrete wishes and ideas. I've enjoyed writing this series a lot, delving a little more into the aspects of their hidden relationship, the insecurities and challenges that come with that, and so on. So please, if you'd like more, maybe also about the other pairings in this specific setting, don't hesitate to let me know - Nat🖤
Setting fire to my already tamed feelings Don't make me bad, bad Addicted to you Once we've started, you must be mine Addicted to you - Lee Know, Felix & Hyunjin
“I need a break,” Chan announced to the room. Everyone stared at him, surprised but curious about the sudden confession. Everyone just finished lunch and gathered in the living room to relax. 
“Uh, thanks for the warning?” Felix chuckled.
“We all do,” Chan continued on. The boys began to share confused expressions. “We’ve been working our asses off ever since Minho came back. None of us has had time to rest.”
“That’s true,” Changbin nodded.
“I talked to our management and got us all a month off,” he said and smiled as they all looked at him with a mixture of shock and excitement. “I want you all to go home for a while. Check in with your families, spend some time with them. I’ll be leaving a few days earlier than you all. I promised my mum to stay with them for a while after they found out most of what happened through our recent interviews. If you’d like, we could still go on vacation together during the last week. Maybe you all could come to Australia again.”
“That was quite fun,” Jeongin nodded excitedly. 
“And they approved all of us leaving for a month?” Jisung asked, stunned.
“It took some work,” Minho admitted. “But we’ve told them that the past few months have been too much not only for Chan and myself. I, more or less, let them know that they’d have to deal with more public breakdowns if we wouldn’t get a break soon,” he laughed. 
“Which was quite convincing, apparently,” Chan giggled. “So vacation starts in two days. Felix, you’ll still have to attend that fashion event in four days, but then you’re free to leave.”
“Sounds good to me,” Felix smiled excitedly. He couldn’t wait to go back home for a while. “My parents would love to see you guys again.”
“My mother hasn’t been talking about anything else since I suggested it,” Chan snorted.
“As long as she makes us that amazing dinner from last time again,” Hyunjin grinned.
“I bet she will,” Seungmin laughed.
"Australia it is then," Minho nodded, chuckling at his friends. As everyone continued the conversation, his heart warmed seeing the people he loved most…happy. 
Chan had been gone for a week now. Everyone else, besides Felix and Minho, left for home two days ago. Minho decided to stay with Felix before he flew to Australia so he didn’t have to stay at the house all by himself. 
“How’s Chan?” Felix asked one evening as they sat together on the sofa. 
“He’s having a bit of a hard time, I think,” Minho told him. “His parents are still really worried. His sister was pretty pissed he didn’t tell her how he was feeling instead of having to find out through the interviews.”
“She’ll calm down in a few days,” Felix chuckled. 
“That’s what I told him,” he nodded, but a slight unease still lay in his tone. 
“But?” Felix asked, picking up on it.
“You know Chan, he always gets a little depressed without us there,” he shrugged and leaned back. “He keeps telling me how much he misses me. He never did that before either. It’s not like we haven’t been apart for this long before,” he giggled softly.
“You never meant this much to him before,” he reminded him kindly. 
“Fair point,” Minho sighed, closing his eyes for a moment.
“I have an idea,” he told him excitedly. “You’ve just visited home, and you always visit your parents after therapy. I bet they wouldn’t mind if you’d come with me instead.”
“To Australia? So early?” he asked, opening his eyes to give Felix a confused look. 
“Yeah. I always book two seats to have some peace during the flight so I can take you with me easily,” he told him. “We could surprise Chan with you just showing up at the front door.”
Minho giggled softly. “That would actually be fun.”
“Come on, call your mum. I’m sure she’d agree,” he laughed.
Minho quickly grabbed his phone, calling his mother. “Hi, mum,” he said cheerfully. “I have a question,” he got straight to the point, putting her on speaker. But there was no response, to Minho’s disbelief. “Mum?” he called out with a small whine, a cute pout beginning to rest on his lips.
“You’ll be leaving for Australia early?” she asked, laughing as Minho gasped.
“How the hell did you guess that?” he asked, stunned. Felix started laughing at him in the background.
“Oh please! You were talking about your boyfriend nonstop when you came over last week. Also, you’ve been visiting here so often now that I knew you wouldn’t feel bad not coming to stay with us for a few weeks,” she laughed. “I bet he really misses you, Min.”
“He does,” Minho nodded.
“You should go,” she told him kindly. “Felix?” she asked, quickly identifying him by his cheerful laugh. 
“Yes?” he asked politely. 
“Take care of him on that flight, yeah?” she asked. 
“Of course I will,” he promised. “I’ll bring him back to you safely.” Minho’s mom gave her goodbyes and ended the call. 
Minho smiled widely and pulled Felix into a warm, gentle hug. “Thank you, Felix.”
Felix nodded and hugged Minho, squeezing him tightly. “Of course, Minho.”
Chan was still lying in bed, scrolling through his phone and trying to stay awake. He tossed and turned all night, and the lack of sleep was trying to lure him back into a deep slumber. He yawned softly and stretched his tired body. He began smiling as he heard the small patter of his dog coming down the hallway and into his room, hopping on the bed. “Hi Berry,” he said softly.
“Chris?” his mother called out for him from downstairs.
“Yes mom?” he shouted back, not really feeling like moving. 
“Someone’s here to see you,” she said. “Can you come down here for a moment?”
He groaned softly. If his mother asked in that tone, he was sure it was a friend of theirs wanting to see how their idol son was doing, maybe even collecting a few autographs on the way. “Fine,” he groaned, quickly pulling a sweater over his head to cover his naked chest. He walked down the stairs, not noticing the person standing next to his sister with a grumble to himself. “I swear if this is another - Minho?!” he asked, his jaw dropping as he finally looked up at the visitor in question. 
“Surprise?” he asked gently. Before he knew it, Chan was in his arms, lifting and spinning him around. “Channie, nooo” he giggled, wrapping his legs around his waist. “I just stepped off the plane, go easy on me!”
“What the hell? Why didn’t you tell me you were coming? I could’ve picked you up from the airport,” he pouted, a whine can be heard through his tone. 
“Hannah did,” Minho said gently. Chan looked at her surprised, not believing she was in on the surprise. “Felix had an extra seat, and we decided to surprise you.”
“When do you leave?” he asked.
“Whenever you leave,” he told him. Chan’s smile widened. Minho laughed as he put him back down on the ground and hugged him tightly. 
“And where will you be staying?” he asked, still not fully grasping that he was actually there.
“Here, you dumbass,” Hannah told him, rolling her eyes at him.
“Your mum said it would be alright,” Minho said gently.
“Of course it is!” she assured him with a bright smile. “You’re always welcome here, Minho.”
“Thank you,” he smiled at her. Chan couldn’t help himself anymore and kissed him passionately, pulling him in close. Minho grunted softly, but returned the kiss happily. He pulled back and stared at him, a bit dazed. “I suppose you told them about us?” 
“Obviously,” Chan laughed.
“I told him fighting to get you back to the group was the one thing he did right the past few weeks,” Hannah said teasingly. 
Minho giggled softly and pulled her into a hug. “I missed you too, little sister,” he said fondly. “But don’t be too hard on him, alright? I wasn’t exactly easy to be around either.”
“Fine,” she rolled her eyes, but they knew she meant well. Minho was always fond of Hannah since the day they met. 
Minho smiled at Chan and reached out for him, grabbing his hand. “I think I need a nap.”
“That’s the jetlag,” he chuckled. “I had another shitty night myself, let’s go.” Minho followed him upstairs to his room, giggling as Chan threw the door closed and kissed him needily. “Fuck, I missed you, baby.”
“I missed you too, love,” he said softly, wrapping his arms around his neck. “So, so much.” Chan buried his face in his shoulder, hugging him even tighter. “Are you okay?” his voice laced with care and warmth, fondling his hair. 
“Yeah,” he whispered, hot tears burning in his eyes. 
“Channie?” he asked gently, pulling back a little and lifting his face. “Oh, angel,” he whispered.
“I really fucking missed you, that’s all,” he assured him.
“You’re so cute,” he told him, pressing their foreheads together. “I’m here now. I won’t stop getting on your nerves for a whole month,” he smirked. “There’s no staff to stop us either. And the others get here in three weeks.”
“Sounds perfect,” he smiled and brushed their noses together. “Just you and me.”
“Mhm, just you and me, Channie,” he smiled softly, cupping his face and kissing him gently. The two almost got lost in their embrace, until Minho pulled back to speak. “Uh, before I forget, my therapist asked if you’d like to join the next session?”
Chan frowned softly at the request. “Why?”
“She thinks it’ll be easier to work through certain things that happened with you there. Like collapsing on stage and getting to the hospital after. I don't have many memories of that night,” he shrugged. 
“Alright, sure thing,” he nodded. “Now let’s get some sleep.”
Five months later
Minho looked at himself in the mirror, carefully fixing his hair. He was wearing a perfectly fitted dark suit that hugged him in all the right places, the vest painted with blue stripes. A delicate necklace rested on his skin, and a ring on each hand completed the look. The one on his right ring finger being a present from his boyfriend. The color definitely complimented his dark hair. He crouched down a little, testing his trousers, which were a little tight. 
"Minho hyung, what are you doing?" Felix laughed at him, leaning against the vanity not too far from him. He was walking around looking for his friend, just to make sure he was doing okay. 
Minho met his eyes through the mirror and started to laugh as well. "I'm scared I'll rip them. They're not the best fit for this dance." 
Hyunjin looked up from his phone, sitting comfortably on a nearby couch. "I bet Chan wouldn't agree with you on that." 
Felix grinned and made his way over, taking a closer look. "I think you look stunning. Time to tease your boyfriend." 
Minho chuckled at them and playfully rolled his eyes. "Don't think Changbin won't drool over you either," he winked at him, making the younger one blush. "Oh wait, we have another style expert right here. Doesn't our sunshine look handsome, Hyunjin?" he asked the younger male and turned Felix in his direction. 
Hyunjin smirked and put his phone aside. "What do you think made him blush so hard a minute ago?" 
"Oh, I see," Minho chuckled. Hyunjin got up and made his way over, gently grabbing Felix's chin and looking deep into his eyes. The shiteating grin on his face not leaving for a second as his gaze devoured Felix. Minho sensed it and took note. "That's my que to leave. Remember, we have to be on stage in ten minutes. I don't want either one of you to go out there hard."
Felix quickly grabbed Minho's hand and held him back. "If you leave, he won't stop being a tease. I’ll definitely be in trouble then." Felix pleaded with the cutest pout on his lips.
Minho giggled softly and stayed where he was, taking out his phone. With a chuckle, Hyunjin decided to have mercy on Felix and gave him a sweet, loving kiss. Meanwhile, Minho saw a few messages from Chan pop up and smiled stupidly, reading them. 
I’m so proud of you, baby! You’re gonna be amazing out there. Good luck!
Minho texted a few hearts back and chuckled as Chan asked for a picture. He told him he had to see his reaction live, which made Chan send a bunch of emojis. "Alright, let's go," he said, putting his phone aside. 
The three of them made their way to the side-stage and looked into the audience. "That's a lot of people out there," Felix whispered. The older two took his hands, squeezing them encouragingly. 
"Perfect audience to perform this song for, for the first time ever," Hyunjin told him, winking cheekily at him. 
"Look, there’s Channie and the boys," Minho said, pointing at the first row a little to the right. Chan and Changbin were sitting next to each other, almost placed perfectly in his opinion, to watch Felix and himself. Jisung, Seungmin, and Jeongin were sitting next to Chan, all waiting curiously for their friends to come on stage. They began to walk out on stage as their names were announced and smirked at the screams, combined with Chan's eyes widening seeing his outfit. They both knew Chan was a sucker for him in blue. The lights only increased the effect. 
As they waited for the music to start, Minho met Chan's eyes and teasingly opened his suit jacket with a winning smirk, putting the ring on display. He had trouble holding back a grin as Chan licked his lips. The fans started cheering at his action, and Minho turned his attention to the audience. He chuckled into the microphone and did it again, this time for the audience, before getting shy at the screams and smiling brightly, looking down at the floor. Felix and Hyunjin giggled at his antics, trying to stay serious themselves. 
Changbin and Chan exchanged a look, knowing the other probably had the same impure thoughts about his boyfriend. "Fuck me," Chan breathed out quietly, and Changbin chuckled at him. 
"I'm sure he would if you'd ask nicely," he grinned and earned a punch in his arm. The others laughed at them, not needing to hear them to know what they were talking about. 
The music started, and Minho locked in, starting to move to the beat. It was kind of funny that not even their members knew what they were in for. The moment Felix's beautiful, deep voice rang through the air, the fans started shouting, and honestly, he didn't blame them. Minho started his verse, and to his surprise, he got about the same reaction to his smooth, soft voice. A rush of adrenaline filled him, and he knew he was performing well, judging by the looks of his members as he danced during Hyunjin's part. Minho took a deep breath and casually strolled to the side before starting to sing the higher notes, hitting them all beautifully making the crowd go wild once more. Chan beamed at him proudly, knowing how hard he had worked to perfect that part. 
Chan was mesmerized, looking up at his boyfriend on stage in awe. He looked beautiful in this outfit, and his heart warmed seeing him wearing the ring he bought him. His voice sounded amazing tonight, and his stage presence was undeniable. Thinking about it, Chan couldn't remember ever seeing him so in his element like this, which meant a lot, considering Minho was their main dancer. 
What didn't help was watching the way his body moved in front of thousands of people and knowing how he looked beneath the many layers of fabric. Chan did, in fact, appreciate the tight suit pants, and his jaw dropped as he got down on the floor, rolling his hips with his hand placed dangerously close to his crotch. Jisung nudged him gently, and he quickly closed his mouth again, shifting a little in his seat. 
Minho moved into a sitting position, continuing his dance movements. His intense gaze locked into Chan’s, captivating him as he continued singing. "Don't make me bad, make me bad, I'm addicted to you….Don't make me bad, bad, addicted to you." 
Chan's eyes clouded with desire the longer he watched him. He couldn't help himself feeling like Minho put on a perfectly balanced show for him and their fans. 
The performance came to an end, and they took their ending pose. Minho panted softly before meeting eyes with Chan and smirking succeedingly, knowing exactly how much he had just worked him up. He exchanged a look with Felix and Hyunjin before they all left the stage, waving at their cheering fans and friends. 
They made their way back to their room and weren't even able to sit down as their friends and boyfriends stepped inside. Minho's eyes widened at how loud the room suddenly was, and laughed at their friends, telling them how amazing their performance was. Locking eyes with Chan made him shiver with anticipation. Chan simply nodded at the door before leaving again. Minho slipped outside as the others were busy and frowned softly when Chan was nowhere to be seen. He walked down the hallway, and a door to his left opened. Chan grabbed his wrist and pulled him inside, throwing the door closed again. Minho found himself pressed against the door within seconds, and a low moan fell from his lips as Chan braced himself next to his head, looking down at him with nothing but desire in his eyes. "Hi there," he said innocently. "You liked the performance?" 
Chan grabbed his chin and searched his eyes. "You think it's funny making me hard in front of I don't know how many people?" 
"You…wow," he grinned proudly. 
"Don't look so smug," Chan giggled and groaned softly, pressing their foreheads together. "Fuck, you looked hot up there, baby."
"Thank you," he smiled sweetly and nudged his nose. "What's the secret room reserved for you only about?" he asked, spotting the name sign on the desk right in front of the mirror. Catching his reflection, he had to admit he was looking great tonight, even now that his hair was a bit of a mess. 
"So I can kiss you without anyone seeing, of course," Chan answered casually. 
"Oh," he nodded and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. 
"You sound like that's a bad idea," he commented, frowning at him. He almost looked a little disappointed. "Did you think we'd - Minho!" 
"What?" he asked, slightly offended, and ducked down, taking a step to the side and away from him. "I'm sorry. I thought that was your intention, leading me away from everyone. You could've kissed me in our room." 
"You can't possibly think I wanted to have sex right here? With so many people passing by that door at all times?" he was a little in shock, and Minho rolled his eyes at him before sitting on the desk. 
"Why not? When did that ever bother you before, huh?" he asked and started fiddling with the necklace to take it off. "Forget it. This was a stupid idea," he said and took off the necklace, slamming it down on the table. 
"Baby, are you okay?" he asked softly. 
"No, obviously not. I'm making a fool out of myself here hoping this-," he gestured at himself. "-would finally make me attractive enough in your eyes again to go further than a kiss." 
"Wait, what?" he asked truly shocked now. His eyes widened at what he thought Minho was insinuating. 
"Two months ago, you would've gotten into my pants before I properly locked the door. You've been locking yourself up with Hannie and Changbin lately. And it's starting to piss Felix off, but I guess it makes me question myself. I don't know when the last you actually touched me and…is it because I gained weight again?" he asked, a flare of insecurity igniting in his brain as he glanced down at how his form-fitting. "Or-," he stopped as Chan was suddenly in front of him, cupping his face. 
"Baby, take a deep breath," he said kindly, and Minho glared at him, huffing softly but doing it anyways. "I'm so sorry for neglecting your needs. We've just been creating so much for the group and working on new stuff. I didn't know it was making you question yourself." 
"Well, of course it does," he pouted and nervously played with his ring, looking down at it. "Just forget it, Channie. I'm being stupid, this whole idea was stupid from the beginning." 
"What idea?" he chuckled softly. 
"All of this," he said grumpily as Chan seemed to find it amusing. 
"A warning would've been nice, kitten," he said, his voice growing smooth and low. 
Minho blinked at him, and his stomach flipped at the desire dancing in Chan's pupils. "About what? The outfit, the flirting, the dance..the intention behind all of it?" he asked innocently. 
Chan fondled up his thighs. "All of it?" he asked quietly and leaned in closer. 
"Well, where's the fun in that?" Minho asked and sank deep into his eyes. 
"I would've come prepared," he told him. 
"Check my pockets," he smirked and hopped off the table. 
Chan frowned softly before reaching into the pocket at the back. He couldn't help himself, teasingly squeezing his ass before pulling out two condoms. "Did you..?"
"No, I didn't carry them around on stage, you dumbass. I had them stored away in the waiting room," he protested, taking out the small bottle of lube from his jacket. 
"Fuck Min. Are you sure we can do this now?" he asked, checking his phone for the time. 
"Seriously? There are twenty performances before ours, which gives us at least an hour," he groaned impatiently. "But if you keep wasting time, we can't do this."
"You really came prepared, huh," Chan giggled, watching Minho impatiently unbuckling his belt. "You're in a rush?" 
"Whatever you plan on doing, these trousers come off," he told him. 
"That's a bummer. Your ass and thighs look really great in it," Chan pouted playfully. 
"They look even better when I’m straddling your dick, now move or I'll do it myself," he gave back smoothly with a hint of sassiness. Chan pulled him into a very passionate kiss, intoxicating enough to keep him dazed. His hands grabbed his ass, pulling him close as their lips met. "That's more like it," Minho smiled as he pulled back.
Chan hummed gently and unbuttoned the blue-striped vest, kissing down his torso as more skin slowly revealed itself. "By the way, you look beautiful as always, and I don't mind you gaining weight one bit," he assured him before planting a loving kiss right on the scar on his stomach. 
Minho smiled gently and brushed his hair back, looking down at him. "I know…you know how I get sometimes." 
"I do," he smiled and squeezed his hips before coming back up and kissing him on the mouth instead. "I think after delivering such a show, you deserve to see how stunning you look when you fall apart."
Minho gasped softly and looked at him with wide eyes, darkening with passion. "Just be careful and don't leave a mark in places people will see with the new outfit." 
"I'll be careful," he promised before turning him around so he was facing the mirror. 
Minho leaned back against him, inspected their reflection, and met his eyes through the mirror. "Don't we look good together?" 
"I think we fit together perfectly," Chan hummed, agreeing, and reached down into his pants, stroking his dick gently. Minho's eyes fluttered, lips parting with a gasp. Chan growled lowly and buried his nose in his neck. "Fuck Min, please tell me you're keeping this outfit. I need to fuck you properly in it tonight." 
Minho blinked at him through the mirror. "Shit, is this one of your kinks, hyung?" 
Chan pressed himself against him and gently wrapped his hand around his neck, careful not to leave any marks. "Call it whatever you want, kitten." 
Minho shivered at the contact and melted against him. "I mean, I can ask if I can keep it," he said and chuckled as Chan let go of him, dropping down to his knees in front of him. 
"You're right, I haven't been appreciating what I come home to every night enough," he tells him and fondles up his thighs. "Let me make it up to you," he said, taking the band of his boxers between his teeth and pulling them down, along with his pants. 
"Where's Chan hyung?" Changbin asked, confused. 
"Probably fucking Minho hyung's brains out, why?" Jeongin gave back dryly. The painfully loud silence called him to look up from his phone. "What?!" 
"Sometimes it scares me how grown-up you are now," Hyunjin said with wide eyes. His words were rewarded with him sticking his tongue out at him. 
"Maybe it's the other way around," Seungmin suggested with a shrug, casually scrolling through his phone. 
"The suit might work," Jisung hummed, agreeing. 
"I hate you all," Changbin groaned. 
"Loosen up, babe," Felix smirked. "We all know he's right." 
"Exactly," Jeongin grinned before squinting his eyes at Felix and Changbin. "Also, weren't you doing the same thing just minutes ago?" 
"Darling, that's enough," Seungmin said softly. 
"At this point, we should be allowed to do it on the sofa. Everyone knows anyway," he shrugged. 
"Minho hyung, help!" Hyunjin shouted in shock, making everyone laugh. "He'd kick your ass for that." 
"I'll go and get some coffee. Let's hope they're back to collect their kids after," Changbin sighed, and Felix giggled softly. 
"You're their kid too, dumbass," Jisung pointed out. 
"Yeah, fuck you too," he laughed. 
Minho pulled up the zipper of his pants, smirking at Chan, fixing his messed-up hair. Their eyes met through the mirror, and Chan turned, again dropping to his knees. He hugged him tight, burying his face in his stomach for a moment before looking up at him with dreamy eyes. Minho beamed at him, gently brushing back his hair. He hadn't been this happy in a while, being on stage without thinking about his knee anymore. He had his friends there, a very supportive boyfriend, and gosh, he loved him. All that stupid drama, those many lows and equal ups in between had made them grow much closer than before. He wouldn't want it any different now. Minho was finally truly happy, ready to face whatever was coming with Chan right by his side. This time, he was sure he'd have his back. "Channie hyung?" 
"Yes?" he asked sweetly. 
"I love you," he said. "Never forget that." 
"I think I'm addicted to you," Chan breathed out, and his eyes grew incredibly soft. "I love you more than anything else." 
"You'd die for those kids out there. Don't put me first," he giggled softly. 
"I'd die for you too," he told him. Minho believed him, truly. 
"Stay alive for me, baby boy," Minho shook his head, crouching down and kissing him hard on the mouth as tears brimmed Chan's eyes. 
"I love you too," he whispered and took his hand, kissing the ring. He got up and held up his pinky finger. “You and me against the world?”
“Forever,” Minho answered smiling, sealing the deal.
Chp. 20 | Back to the beginning
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avatar-anna · 2 years
Better Off
Part Three
part three is here! sorry for the long wait, i've been really busy with work, but i have not forgotten about this fic! enjoy!
Series Masterlist
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I was at an end-of-the-year pool party one of the parent’s in Maddison's class was putting on. I didn’t expect an invitation for myself, but it was the dad that stayed to help with Maddie’s birthday party, and after seeing him more at a couple events and talking amicably with him a few times, I thought we had become somewhat friends, so I decided to go.
What I didn’t realize was that there seemed to be a dress code for this party. I showed up in a bikini, one of my old college t-shirts, and denim cut-offs, but when Michael, the dad who was hosting the party with his wife, led me into the backyard, I realized I was terribly underdressed. Not that I would ever own or wear a patterned kaftan or wedge sandals, but I could’ve at least worn one of the few sundresses that I owned. I tried to ignore some of the looks that I got and focused on getting sunscreen on Maddison so she could swim with the other kids. Once she was all set, I shrugged out of my shirt and stuffed everything into the beach bag I brought with me; because of my work schedule, I didn't get much time in the sun, so I was going to make the most of it, judgemental moms in kaftans be damned.
“I was starting to think you weren’t going to make it.”
Pushing my sunglasses up the bridge of my nose, I smiled and pulled Harry in for a hug.
“Yeah, Maddie wanted her polka dot swimsuit, but we couldn’t find it, so we had to scour the whole house for the stupid thing. But we made it.”
In the three months since Harry and I “started over,” we’d actually become good friends. We realized that aside from becoming parents at nineteen and twenty, we had a lot in common. Like me, Harry was incredibly hard working—though I often joked that I didn’t understand what he did the few times he tried to explain it to me—and he loved his son with everything he had. Over these last few months, he’d told me a little about his situation with his ex, but just enough to explain why he’d been late to pick Devon up from Maddison’s birthday party. I told him it wasn’t necessary, but I got the feeling there weren’t very many people he could talk to about it.
“We never did the whole custody thing when we got divorced. Taylor made it seem like I was lucky enough to be in his life at all. And at the time, I agreed with her, so I went along with everything she said.”
Family law wasn’t my specialty, but I knew enough about it to know that while custody battles could be sticky situations, sometimes they were necessary.
“I’m sorry,” I told him. “That must’ve been difficult.”
“It was alright at first. He stayed with me every other weekend and for Christmas, but then something happened, and it was like Taylor stopped caring. I came to her house to pick him up for the weekend once and he was in front of the television by himself while she was entertaining some guy by the pool.
“That was when I realized things needed to change. That and the day we were called into the principal’s office. When you told me Devon had been bullying Madison, I couldn’t believe it,” he said, shaking his head a little as he recalled the memory. “I knew that being a mother at twenty wasn’t exactly in her plans, but I never thought it would be this bad. So I’ve been trying to get full custody ever since.”
Hearing Harry’s words made me feel terrible for him and Devon. I never thought there would be a worse boat than Maddison’s dad wanting nothing to do with her and leaving us high and dry the second he found out I was pregnant, but now I wasn't so sure. One thing confused me though.
“But if she doesn’t want to be as involved, why not just let you have custody? Why all the trouble?” I realized that while Harry had opened up to me, he might not want to divulge everything all at once. We were friends, but I wasn’t sure we were that close. “Sorry, you don’t have to answer that if you don't want to.”
“It's fine,” he said, but remained quiet as he watched our kids run around the park we decided to meet at. “It’s more her family than Taylor herself. They’re, like, old money rich and very proud. When they found out that their daughter got pregnant from some poor bloke from a small village in England, they weren’t exactly thrilled. But to their credit, they took care of everything—the doctor visits, buying all the necessary stuff, they even bought us a house and set me up with a job at one of the companies they owned.”
“But?” I asked, knowing there was more to the story.
“But,” Harry continued. “Their one stipulation was that we get married. I was alone here in America, my family was on the other side of the world, and I didn’t have anywhere else to go, so it seemed like an okay deal at the time, but it was a disaster from the start.”
Harry didn’t need to tell me the rest to know why it was a disaster. She and Harry were two kids thrust into a life they weren't ready for. I knew the feeling well. I found myself feeling bad for Taylor too, even if she was dropping the ball as far as Devon was concerned. It wasn't easy being a mom in general. Being one while you were still in college was almost impossible. Still, the situation Harry and Devon were in now was not ideal. And whatever Harry’s ex was feeling shouldn’t have been projected onto her son.
“I’m sorry. This can’t be easy for you, especially when your family isn’t here,” I said. Harry hummed, and I got the feeling he didn’t want to talk about it anymore. “I know you probably have an excellent lawyer and everything,and it's not exactly my area of expertise, but if you ever want someone to look over anything with you, I’d be happy to.”
Harry turned his head to face me, something in his eyes I couldn't read. “Thanks. I appreciate it.”
“Well, I’m glad you’re here. And so is Devon, obviously,” Harry said now, adding the last bit as an afterthought. We never talked about how we’d slept together on Halloween or kissed in the restroom at the school’s Valentine's Day carnival, and for the most part, it was fine, but we did have our awkward moments.
I smiled and walked with Harry to where a couple of parents were standing around and talking. He grabbed me a juice pouch from the cooler on the ground and one for himself. He’d learned over time that while I liked to drink and have a good time, I normally didn’t do it when I had to drive Maddison anywhere. I never made him do the same, but Harry just smiled and poured himself a glass of apple juice and clinked his glass with mine the first time I told him about my little rule.
“Cheers,” he said, tapping his juice pouch with mine and taking a sip.
I stayed with Harry for a while, the two of us talking about our plans for this summer. Mine were small and not all that elaborate—Maddison’s dance camp in July and going home to see my parents a couple times. Harry told me he was still trying to finagle a trip for him and Devon to go to England and see his family, but with everything going on, he wasn't sure he could make it happen.
“It’s been so long since he’s seen his grandma, Y/n,” he said, but I could hear what he wasn’t saying. I myself wasn’t very close with my parents, but I couldn’t imagine being away from Javi or Sadie for so long. They were my support system, I needed them.
“Well,” I started, walking towards the deep end of the pool so we were alone but could still keep an eye on our kids. “You have a steady paying job, you’ve stepped up where your ex hasn’t, and you don’t live in a total bachelor pad as far as I can tell.”
“Hey,” Harry said, pushing my shoulder. I laughed and shoved him back. 
“What I’m trying to say is that you’re making all the right moves. The judge and the social worker will see that. Just try not to make any drastic, life-altering decisions until after you’ve won your case.”
Harry was quiet for a moment while he considered my words. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me in close. “Thank you.”
I closed my eyes and smiled, patting him on the knee. When I opened them again, I noticed a couple of the moms at the other end of the pool eyeing us. None of them were ever explicitly rude to me, but I could tell they didn’t like the way I seemed to be closer to Harry than they ever would be. Their obsession with him really put me off, and after spending more time with him, I knew that Harry was uncomfortable with it too, he was just too much of a gentleman to turn them away. I took that mantle upon myself when I could, pulling him away from conversations and diverting his attention from these women. Hopefully he would get a reprieve for a few months until school started back up again.
Still, I often found their narrowed eyes to be unsettling, especially when Harry and I were talking about something serious. Leaning away from him a little, I brought my arms up and with all my might, I pushed him into the pool.
Harry fell in with a yelp and a splash, causing the kids at the shallower end to look over. I quickly got up from my spot sitting at the edge of the pool as I heard fits of giggles erupting from the kids, knowing that Harry would be quick to retaliate. Walking past all the parents, I slipped inside the house in search of a bathroom. When I stepped out of the bathroom and closed the door behind me, patting dry my hands on my shorts, I ran into Michael.
“There you are,” he said, a smile on his face.
I guess as far as middle-aged dads went, Michael was attractive. He was tall and had what looked like red hair that had slowly lightened with time. He was incredibly nice, always stopping to say hello as he dropped off his daughter and never once looking like he judged me for having a seven year old at my age.
“Here I am,” I said, smiling at him as I walked towards the backyard where everyone else was. 
Before I could get very far, Michael placed a hand on my arm. “Did you get a tour of the house yet?”
When I shook my head at him, he pulled me in the opposite direction. Not wanting to be impolite, I followed. I half paid attention as he explained things to me like where this painting came from, or what photographer he hired for that family portrait. At the base of his staircase, he stopped, leaning an arm against the banister. It felt a little odd that we were talking away from everyone else, and the hand he still had on my arm felt a little too friendly for my taste. It never occurred to me that Michael might have had some sort of attraction towards me, but I was usually so caught up in Maddison’s dance classes and cases at work that I hardly paid those things any mind anymore, especially after the fiasco with Harry. 
“I should probably get back to watching Maddison,” I said lightly, stepping back and away from Michael. He didn't seem phased by my words, just stepped even closer to me than before.
“Come on, Y/n,” he said, his voice low. I had a feeling he was going for sexy, but it didn't come off that way at all. I felt like I was being chided by some kind of father figure. Barf. “You can't expect me to ignore this thing between us. Not when you look like that.”
I felt like thousands of tiny insects were crawling over my body as he looked me up and down, his gaze lingering on my chest. I felt utterly exposed. Bile rose in my throat as Michael raised a hand like he was going to caress my face or tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. I choked it down and raised my hand to catch his wrist before he could touch me and squeezed hard enough for him to wince.
“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about,” I said to him, trying to ignore the way my voice quivered. “But I would think very carefully about your next move.”
Michael had the audacity to smile at me, and it only made my skin crawl even more. He tried to step closer to me, tried leaning in, but I stepped on his foot and hastily backed away from him. I stumbled back into the bathroom and locked it, trying to catch my breath and steady the rapid beating of my heart. I waited for the sound of Michael's footsteps to pass by before opening the door again, taking one last deep breath as I stepped out.
Finding my way outside where everyone was still having a good time, I started collecting my things. The laughter, the music, and the conversation coming from all directions blended together like white noise buzzing in my ears as I put my shirt back on. I felt a lump form in the back of my throat, but I ignored it to look for Maddison in the sea of bobbing heads in the pool.
“Maddie—” I tried to say, but my voice faltered. Taking a breath, I tried again. “Maddison!”
She looked over to me, and seeing the bright smile on her face brought me some comfort amidst the feeling of utter disgust Michael’s actions brought me. I didn't want to interrupt her fun, but I couldn't stay. I could make it up to her somehow, I just had to leave. “Levántase. Nos vamos.”
I didn't always speak Spanish to Maddison in public, usually just around the house, but it came in handy when I didn't want the people around me to know what I was saying. 
Maddie looked upset at having her fun cut short, but she didn't question it. She slowly waded to the steps at the shallowest end of the pool and got out, trudging over to me, her little shoulders slumped and feet making wet footprints on the concrete. 
“Rápido, por favor,” I said, slipping a towel over her shoulders. She nodded, the braids I did for her a couple days ago swinging as she moved. As I helped her get into the shirt she was wearing when we got here, I heard the pitter pattering of feet on concrete coming towards us.
“Miss Y/l/n, can Maddie stay longer, pleeease?” 
Looking up, I smiled at Devon. While watching Maddison today, I noticed that most of the time it was just the two of them doing their own thing. It made me happy to see them becoming such close friends, and I thought it was adorable the way he asked if Maddie could stay, but I couldn't, and I didn't feel comfortable leaving her here without me.
“We can't, but we'll definitely have a beach day soon. How does that sound?” Devon and Maddison nodded enthusiastically at my suggestion, and I stood up from where I was kneeling in front of them. Maddie and I started saying goodbye when Harry walked over.
“Going so soon?” he asked. He'd taken off the black linen button up he had been wearing, most likely letting it dry somewhere. Now he was just in a pair of white shorts, his tattoos stark black in the hot summer sun. 
I smiled weakly at him, trying not to appear as freaked out as I felt. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Michael walk over to where his wife was sitting at one of the patio tables. The disgust I felt earlier returned, and I hoisted my bag over my shoulder. “Yeah, um, something came up at work, so I—we have to go.”
Harry immediately knew something was wrong, I could see the realization on his face. But I didn't want questions, and I didn't want his sympathy right now. I just wanted to leave.
“Well then I guess we're out of here too, little man,” Harry said, ruffling Devon's hair. “Why don't I take Maddie and Devon out for ice cream while you handle work?”
“No, really, that's not necessary—” I started to protest, but Harry cut me off.
“Fear not, Y/n. I will have the miscreants home at a decent hour.” Looking in his eyes, I saw the silent message in them. Go take care of you. I got this. Loosening a breath, I nodded, and Maddie and Devon cheered.
Walking over to where all the other parents were, I thanked Michael's wife for having us, ignoring Michael himself with everything I had. She gave me a big smile and said that Maddie and I were welcome anytime. Her kindness made me feel sick, and I was suddenly grateful that Harry was taking Maddison for a little bit so I could freak out without worrying her. Michael had a wife. And there he was, trying to make a pass at me while she was just outside. I didn't pretend to know what their life was like when people weren't around, but she seemed wonderful. I didn't want to get in the way of that, not to mention I didn't see Michael like that at all. With shaking hands, I walked with Harry, Maddie, and Devon outside.
When we got to Harry's car, I kneeled down to give Madison a kiss. “Be on your very best behavior, okay? Remember to say please and thank you, and you listen to Mr. Styles when he tells you to do something.”
Maddie nodded, and I pulled her in for a hug. It was probably more intense than what the situation called for, but having her in my arms brought me comfort like nothing else did. I squeezed her until she started squirming, standing up and fishing my keys out of my bag.
“Thank you,” I told Harry earnestly. Getting my wallet, I pulled a couple bills out to pay for Maddison's ice cream, but he waved me off. 
“Don’t worry about it,” he said. Knowing him, I knew that this was nonnegotiable, so I put the money back in my wallet. Turning his head around a bit, he saw that Devon and Maddison were far enough where he could whisper to me. “Is everything okay?”
I nodded, even though everything was not okay. “Yep. Everything's just fine. Don't keep her out too late, please.”
I could tell Harry wasn't buying my nonchalance, but he didn't press the issue any further. Once they all got in his car, I started walking to mine. Now that I was alone, the last twenty minutes started to take its toll on me in full. Part of me felt like an idiot for not seeing the signs that Michael felt the way that he did, but we’d never had more than friendly conversation. He was a nice guy who had a daughter that was in the same class as mine, never did I ever think of him in the way he obviously saw me. Not to mention the fact that he had a wife and was considerably older than me. I felt dirty. Even though nothing really happened, I felt like I could still feel his eyes as he looked me over, like I was his for the taking. 
As I drove home, my thoughts started to have a mind of their own. Did I lead him on somehow? Was this my fault? I tried to think back to any and all interactions with Michael I could recall, but I didn’t think there was a time where I encouraged his behavior today. When I got home, the house was empty and dark. With Javi out at work and Maddie with Devon and Harry, I had the whole house to myself. While I appreciated Harry taking Maddison out, I kind of wished she was here to distract me from this gross feeling that I couldn’t shake. With my skin still crawling from Michael’s gaze, I decided to hop in the shower. I threw my hair up into a bun and stepped in, trying to wash away today.
And the problem with that was, outside of Michael’s advances, I was actually having a good time. I was happily watching Maddie play with Devon and her other classmates while sipping on juice pouches with Harry. Now any time I would think back on this day, it would leave a bad taste in my mouth. 
I got out of the shower feeling a little better, more tired than anything, but I didn’t want to be asleep when Harry dropped Maddison off, so I took a couple of my files from my bedroom to the couch to work on while I had a movie playing in the background. My eyes danced over case files without really paying attention to them, but after about half an hour my mind started to shove thoughts about this afternoon away and focus on the work in front of me. Being upset over what happened today wasn’t going to change anything. Maddie didn’t need a frantic mom, she needed a strong one, and the people I helped at the office needed that from me too.
A while later I was on a roll, taking notes and writing down reminders of phone calls I needed to make later this week. With my highlighter in my mouth and a case file open on my lap, the door opened. “I’m home, Mommy!”
With my highlighter still clutched between my teeth, my head turned to where Maddison, Devon, and Harry walked through the entryway of the house. Removing my file from my lap and capping my highlighter, I stood up to greet everyone. “Hi, mija, did you have fun?”
Maddie nodded and gave me a hug and a kiss before taking Devon outside to play in the backyard, leaving me and Harry alone in the living room. Harry raised two paper bags in his hand. “I felt bad for leaving you with a sugar-crazed kid, so I brought dinner. Hope that’s okay.”
“You didn’t have to do that,” I told him, but took the bags from him anyway and set them down on the kitchen counter. Deciding to let our kids play for a little bit before sitting down to eat, I brought Harry over to where I was sitting on the couch a couple minutes ago.
He sat on one side, and I sat on the complete opposite, drawing my knees up to my chest. Harry grinned a little as he teased his bottom lip between his fingers. “Well, it was more for me, really. I was quite hungry.”
I laughed quietly with Harry, watching as his eyes crinkled at the sight of my smile. He was still in his clothes from the pool party, his black button up looking a little wrinkly from getting wet earlier. One thing I noticed that he wasn’t wearing before was a tiny little clip that held up some of his hair away from his face. I found it cute the way it created a little tuft of hair on the top of his head, a little surprising that he owned a hair clip at all, but cute all the same.
“What happened today?” he asked me, making my eyes trail from his hair to his face. Harry looked passive, like he was trying to appear casual, but I could see little traces of concern in his features. 
I didn’t answer for a moment, playing with the hem of my shirt as I thought about what I wanted to say. Right now, this afternoon was behind me; I had all of summer to spend with my daughter and away from the parents at her school, Michael included. It was so early into summer that I didn’t want this one incident to put a damper on our two months of freedom. Well, Maddison’s two months, I still had to work, but we were going to make the most of it. 
I was also wary of telling Harry about this at all. Anytime I talked about my “friendship” with Michael, he always got moody. He would cross his arms like a little kid and try to change the subject. I wasn’t sure if Harry was just territorial of his friends by nature, or if he was jealous, but I told myself it was the former, mostly because nothing about my interactions with Michael or how I spoke about him indicated I was interested.  
Quietly, but not weakly, I spoke to Harry. “Nothing really, Michael was just being an ass, and I didn’t want to be there anymore.”
Harry’s reaction was almost instantaneous. His face became angry, morphing into something I hadn’t seen before, not even when Principal Stevens told him Maddie punched Devon. I wasn’t necessarily worried about Harry’s reaction when I told him, but now I wondered if I should’ve said anything at all. He’d proven himself to be a good friend and person in general, but I didn’t need him to fight my battles for me. I could handle Michael on my own. 
“I handled it, so let’s not make a big deal out of it, okay?” I told him, causing his face to soften a little. Harry inched forward carefully, almost like he knew that Michael had done more than just say something to me, even if I didn’t tell him that.
He offered his hand out to me, a question in his eyes. I took it, letting the warmth of his fingers encase mine. What I didn’t expect was to be pulled into his chest. Harry held me close, a little awkwardly because of how I was sitting before, but it still felt nice. His chin rested on top of my head as his hands rubbed soft circles into my back. I couldn’t help the small smile that split my face. Harry really did turn out to be a good friend. 
“I’m sorry,” he said quietly.
“Why? You didn’t do anything,” I said, a little confused. Harry wasn’t even there when it happened. “And it’s not like you’re my boyfriend or anything. There wasn’t much you could do.”
I don’t know why I said it. It was a stupid thing to say, especially when Harry was being incredibly kind and comforting. I guess I hadn’t put the frustrations I felt earlier completely behind me. I felt Harry stiffen a little against me, and I immediately felt awful. Pulling away from his embrace, I opened my mouth to apologize, but Harry was already standing up from the couch. Still, I tried anyway.
“Harry, that came out wrong, I’m sorry—”
“No, you’re right, I’m not.” He didn’t turn around, just kept on walking towards the kitchen counter to take out the food he’d brought over.
Sighing, I stood up and followed him into the kitchen. There were things we never talked about since we’d become friends, our feelings for each other being the main one. Despite my best efforts, I really liked him, but I really didn’t want to. My life was so hectic and things were good between us as friends, I didn’t see the need to complicate things further. But that didn’t change the fact that I found him endearing and had grown to love his collection of colorful cardigans and sweaters, or that I would catch him staring at me when he thought I wasn’t looking. It was a weird place to be in, but most days we ignored it, only now I wasn’t so sure how long we were going to be able to do that.
Leaning against the counter, I watched him pull  to-go boxes out of the paper bags. I was relieved that he stayed because it meant he wasn’t super pissed at me. He would’ve been gone already if he was. Coming around to where he was standing, I wrapped my arms around his torso. “I’m sorry.”
I felt Harry take a deep breath, my arms rising and falling a little as he inhaled and exhaled. “It’s fine.”
“See, you say that, but then I hear you say it and I see the look on your face, which tells me it’s not,” I said, and maybe I was poking around somewhere I maybe shouldn’t have, but I wanted to get to the bottom of this once and for all.
I removed my arms from his waist so he could move around the kitchen counter, placing sushi pieces on paper plates from my cupboard. I raised an eyebrow at his choice of giving sushi to two seven year olds, but didn’t question it. Harry was a pretty down to earth guy, but he had expensive tastes. 
Taking his clip out of his hair, he ran a hand through it and put it back in its place. “I don’t know what you want me to say, Y/n.”
“The truth, preferably,” I said, chancing a little humor.
He rolled his eyes at me, but kept talking anyway. “See, you say that, but I don’t think you really want to hear what I have to say.”
His words scared me a little, but I made this bed, now I had to lie in it. “Try me.”
Harry took another deep breath, his fingers pulling at the paper casing of a set of chopsticks. “I like you. A lot, actually, but you’re afraid of change and letting people in, so I’ve settled for being your friend, which is fine, I just…it’s just difficult to see you get upset over assholes like Michael when—when, you know, I’m here.”
I’d asked for honesty, and that’s what I got. I had an idea that Harry’s feelings went beyond the scope of friendship, but I didn’t know how much. I also took offense to what he said about me, but that was mostly because he was pretty spot on. He was right to say that I didn’t like change and had a hard time letting people in, but history had made me that way, and I was having a hard time changing that.
“Harry,” I said, reaching to grab his hand. He pulled away to continue setting up dinner, but I knew there was more intention behind it than that. It hurt more than I liked to admit to see him blatantly refuse my touch, but I figured it was probably deserved. “I didn’t—I didn’t realize how much…”
“I think about you constantly,” he admitted. He kept his head down as he folded and unfolded napkins, but I could see the nervous tremor in his hands. “I think about the way you laugh at my jokes when no one else does, I think about how good you are to Maddison and how you would do anything for her to make her happy, and I see how much Devon likes you, despite the fact that he’s never taken to strangers so easily before.
“But mostly, I think about that night months ago,” Harry mumbled, like it was a secret. He didn’t need to say which night he was talking about. I knew. “The perfume you wore could’ve gotten me drunk because it was so intoxicating, that red bra-thing you had on was absolutely sinful.”
Harry finally stopped playing with the napkins and walked over to where I was rooted to the floor in the kitchen. Normally I would’ve snorted at him saying “bra-thing,” but I was stunned into silence. 
“I think about how soft your hair was in my hands, how soft you were underneath me, on top of me, how you whispered my name like a prayer.” Harry’s lips ghosted the top of my cheekbone, his hands dancing along my shoulders. I felt hot and cold all at once, goosebumps rising underneath the fabric of my shirt. “I think about how right that night felt. Did you feel it too, Y/n? Do you still think of me?”
Lost in the feeling of his closeness, I nodded, revealing the one thing I’d been trying to ignore in order to maintain the friendship we had. I thought about him too, more than he could ever know, but it wasn’t so simple. We had young kids, I shared a bedroom with Maddison, and Harry was struggling to get custody of Devon. There was just too much going on right now, adding a budding relationship to the mix would only add to that.
Harry’s lips brushed over mine, the barest touch sending sparks shooting up my spine. My body involuntarily moved forward to meet his, the way his nose barely brushed against my cheek almost too much, that one bit of contact making me weak in the knees. My movements became hasty and rushed, but Harry remained languid, his lips pressing against mine and focusing on my bottom lip in a way that had my head spinning. My hands were everywhere, but his left remained by his side, his right lightly cupped against my jaw. It was like he was putting all the power in my hands, how far we took this kiss was up to me.
Craving his touch in a way that was a little embarrassing, I took his hands in mine and brought them to my waist and flattened them against where my hips curved. My movements spurred Harry into action, his hands acting on their own as they moved up and down my sides and his lips moving with more purpose as they opened mine, his tongue sliding against my own with a precision that had me melting in his hands. I fisted his black shirt, then reached underneath the unbuttoned bit to lay my hands flush against the smooth skin of his chest. He was impossibly warm, and I could feel the rumbling of his groan as my hands wandered, spurring me on to travel further.
With great difficulty, I detached my lips from his to press lazy kisses to the base of his throat, smiling against him as I felt him take a shuddering breath. I wasn’t sure that taking things between us further was the best idea, but his kiss and gentle touch made me want to try anyway. Maybe down the line, I would come to regret my choice, but I felt like I might come to regret not trying even more. As I kissed along his neck, though, I could still feel some lingering tension where his shoulders rested underneath my hands, like he was unsure of my intentions right now.
“I think about you too,” I whispered as I placed a kiss to where his ear met his jaw. Harry shook his head slightly.
“Don’t,” he breathed. “Don’t say that unless you mean it. Please.”
Pulling away, I brought my hands up to either side of his face. He looked hopeful and ready to face rejection at the same time. Rubbing my thumb along his cheekbone, I kissed his face.
“I like you,” I whispered, kissing one brow. “And I think about you constantly too.” His other brow. “I think about these beautiful eyes of yours.” A kiss to each of his eyelids. “And I think about your smile.” A kiss to the corner of his mouth. “And that dimple that has no right being as cute as it is.” Harry smiled, and I kissed the indentation in his cheek. “That’s the one.”
I moved so that we were nose to nose, my hands still caressing his face. “I’m cautious because my life runs on a very delicate balance, and just one small change could set everything off course.”
Harry nodded, his shoulders slumping the slightest bit, but I pressed a kiss to his forehead. “But I haven’t felt like this for anyone… ever, I don’t think, despite how much you irritate me.”
He chuckled and I smiled at him, butterflies taking flight in my stomach. “What are you saying?” 
Pursing my lips, I took his hands in mine. “Let’s just take things slow, see where life takes us this summer.”
It was imperative that I stressed the importance of going slow. Maddison and I were a package deal, and I knew Harry and Devon were the same way. Harry had a lot going on in his personal life, and I didn’t want to get in the way of that. And for the sake of everyone involved, I thought it was best to just take our time. We knew that we both liked each other, and for now, that was enough.
Harry grinned, the same smug one that I’ve had a love-hate relationship with over the last few months. I asked him what had him smiling that way, and it just made him grin even more. “You like me. Like, you like me like me.”
“What are you, twelve?” I asked, taking my hands out of his. I backed away from him and went towards the backyard to call Devon and Maddison inside. Halfway there, I felt a hand on my shoulder spin me around, and before I could even take a breath, Harry’s lips were on mine again. This kiss felt different from before, more hungry and needy than the last, and I could feel the message in it as his tongue tangled with mine. I’m not a boy, he seemed to say. And I won’t let you forget it. 
“Alright, alright, I get it. Now can we please feed our children? Remember them? Mine punched yours in the face once?”
Harry tipped his head back, as if he just remembered Devon. “Right, them. I don’t suppose we can just put some kibble and water into bowls and we can have the night all to ourselves?”
I shook my head at him, but talking about Maddie and Devon made me think about how they came into play. I was very conscious of Maddison and what she knew and didn’t know about my meager (until now, I guess) relationships. Maddie already knew Harry, and I didn’t know how to tread this unfamiliar ground. 
“What do we tell them?” I asked, my voice taking on a serious tone. 
“Well, what do you want to tell them?” He replied, and I opened my mouth to tell him that that was a non-answer, but he spoke again. “And before you say something about how I’m passing this off to you, I just genuinely want to know how you feel. This is important to me too.”
It was a little unsettling the way he seemed to know me as well as he did, but he was my friend, and had become quite good at reading me, despite my efforts from trying to keep him from doing so. But if he wanted the truth, I’d give it to him, the same way he had been open and honest with me. “I don’t think we should say anything. Not yet.”
“I agree,” he said. “And I’m not just saying that. I mean it. I think it’s the right thing to do for now.”
I felt relief wash over me, not even realizing that I was worried he wouldn’t agree with me. It was important for me to see if we were serious about this before saying anything to Maddison. “Okay, so, that means you have to let go of me now.”
Harry frowned, pulling me in for another kiss. “I’ll try to keep my longing glances to a minimum.”
“Ha!” I laughed at his antics. I’d seen a lot of sides to Harry over the last few months, and I wondered what he would be like in a relationship. “Please do, now let’s eat.”
“Mommy, why didn’t you tell Grandma and Grandpa about Harry?”
In a panic, I whipped my head around to where Maddison was sitting in the backseat. “What are you talking about, kiddo?”
After a month of doing whatever we were doing, Harry and I had yet to say anything to Maddie or Devon. It was still new, and with our constantly conflicting schedules, we’d only gone on a couple dates, if you could call them that. We went out for lunch during work breaks a few times and went out for drinks once when Javi could watch Maddie and Harry’s ex had Devon for the night. It didn’t end the way Halloween did because I had to get Maddison to ballet class early the next morning and then haul my ass to work, but Harry didn’t seem to mind, content to keep taking it day by day.
We were careful around our kids, though. Harry never held my hand while we took them to the park or when we went over to his house for playdates. I didn’t think either of them had caught on, but now I wasn’t so sure, and the constant questioning from my parents didn’t help.
“So, Y/n, anyone new in your life?” my mother asked.
It was the Fourth of July, and Javi, Maddison, and I were at my parents’ house for the holiday. This wasn’t the first time my mother had asked me about my dating life, but this time around, the questions felt more frequent, more incessant. There were many reasons I hardly went home anymore, and while her questions weren’t at the top of the list, they were definitely on there somewhere. 
“No, Mom, there isn’t. It’s just me and Maddie against the world right now, isn’t that right, mija?” I said the last part to Maddison, who happily licked on a red and orange popsicle.
She nodded around her popsicle, the edges of her mouth red from her messy eating. My mother, however, didn’t look as pleased by my answer. “You’re getting a little old, don’t you think? Time’s ticking, Y/n.”
“Rosie, that’s enough,” my dad chided, placing a hand on her arm. 
“It’s fine, Dad,” I told him. “If that’s how she feels, that’s how she feels. That doesn’t mean I have to listen.”
My mother rolled her eyes. “Don’t be so cross, Y/n. You’re always so defensive with me.”
“Because you’re never satisfied with what I’m doing. I could win a case in the Supreme Court and you would still complain that I don’t have a husband.”
My mom set her glass down with more force than was necessary. Before things could really get ugly, though, my brother returned from where he had gone into the house for a moment.
Ah yes, the favorite child. I loved my brother to death, but there was clear favoritism in our family. I knew it had to do with the fact that I had a child at twenty and he didn’t, but I didn’t really care, I had let that go a while ago. I didn’t need my parents’ approval to be successful or happy. 
The rest of the night was tense, but there weren’t any more hiccups or squabbles. I tried not to fight with my parents in front of Maddison, but sometimes my mother really brought it out of me. Looking at my daughter now as I drove her home from dance camp, I wondered what the hell she was talking about. 
“Isn’t Harry your boyfriend?” Maddie asked, and I nearly pressed my foot on the breaks. 
My eyes flicked to my daughter in the rearview mirror. She didn’t look particularly upset, just as curious as always. “What makes you say that, Maddison?”
“He always stares at you while Devon and I are playing. And you have a heart emoji next to his name in your phone.”
I sighed, pulling into the driveway and turning the car off. Getting out, I opened the backseat and grabbed Maddie’s dance bag. She unbuckled her seatbelt and walked up the front steps with me. “You’re too smart for your own good, you know that?”
Maddie giggled and did a pirouette into the kitchen. “And a great dancer.”
“Oh, that goes without question.”
We hung out in the kitchen together as I fixed her up a sandwich for lunch, and I thought about how I wanted to address Harry and me. Maddison obviously picked up on cues and subtleties more than I gave her credit for. What I didn’t know was how she was really feeling about what I clearly had been trying to keep from her for the last month.
I played some music for us while I made her lunch and put Maddie to work making her get out the peanut butter and jelly, spinning her around the kitchen every now and then. When we finished, I sat down with her at the kitchen table while she munched on her sandwich. Opening up my phone, I sent a quick text to Harry, sighing when I saw the little green heart next to his name. I wasn’t even the one to do that, he was, and now it had come back to bite us in the ass. I asked him if we could talk later or the next time he had a moment. He’d finally managed to get him and Devon to England for two weeks. We’d spoken since, obviously, but it was limited because of the time difference. Switching my phone off, I looked over at Maddie.
“So, I know you think Harry is my boyfriend, but he’s just a really good friend.” Harry and I hadn’t put labels on anything yet, and I had no plans on doing so for the time being. This was the moment I wanted to avoid so much, but it had snuck up on me anyway, despite my best efforts. 
“Oh,” Maddie said, licking a little stray peanut butter from her thumb. “Well, does he know that?”
Now that is something I didn't expect. “What do you mean?”
Maddison tilted her head, the little ballerina bun that took an arm and a leg to perfect each morning this week listing to one side. “I don’t know. I just think he really likes you. Devon does too.”
She said it so simply, the only way a seven year old could. In her mind, I suppose it was that easy, but in reality, I knew there was a lot more to consider. These past few weeks with Harry had been great, and I hoped that the coming weeks would also be great, but I still felt like I was walking on a tightrope with this budding relationship. Leaning over, I peppered Maddie’s cheeks with kisses. 
“No, Mommy! No more kisses!” she shouted, but I didn’t stop, tickling her sides too. 
I finally stopped after a few seconds, pulling her up to her feet. “Okay, kiddo, let’s get you showered and then we can figure out what we’re gonna do the rest of the day.”
I helped Maddie take her shower and get her dressed in more comfortable clothes. We spent the rest of the day around the house, me working and Maddison playing in the living room with her mix of dolls and action figures. It was a mellow summer evening for us. Javi came home early and we all watched a movie on the couch together, Maddie falling asleep on my shoulder halfway through. Javi turned in early and carried Maddison to bed while I stayed on the couch to work a little more and text Sadie in between shuffling documents. Like Harry and Devon, she was also on vacation, so it really was just me and Maddison against the world right now.
I also thought about the conversation I had with Maddie today. I wasn’t sure why I expected her to scream and shout and be completely against the idea of me and Harry together, but I did. Maddie had always been a pretty chill kid, and she liked Harry whenever we got together. I think part of me maybe hoped she would hate us together so I could have an excuse to end things if things went south between Harry and me, like a back door or something. I liked Harry, and I liked the time we spent alone together outside of a playdate with our kids, so I didn’t know why I had a self-sabotaging loophole in the back of my mind. We never really finished our conversation at lunch, but from what I could tell, Maddie was unbothered by Harry and I being more than friends. This is a good thing, I told myself, hoping that saying it over and over in my head would make me believe it.
As my thoughts took me away from my work, my phone rang. Speak of the devil. I nearly forgot that I asked to talk to him earlier. Holding my phone up in front of me, I blew a curl out of my face and answered the phone. “Hey. It’s a little early over there, isn’t—Oh, hello.”
Looking at my phone screen, I saw that it was not Harry looking back at me, nor was it Devon, who sometimes answered Harry’s phone when I called. It was a middle aged woman, her hair dark and eyes a similar shape to Harry’s. I had the urge to hang up because I was ninety nine percent sure that this was his mom, but I managed to control myself. 
“Oh, she’s just gorgeous, isn’t she, Harry,” the woman said, and now I really wanted to hang up the phone. She must’ve seen the frantic look in my eyes because she slowly backpedaled. “Heavens, I’ve scared her. Please forgive me, I sometimes forget to shut my mouth. I’ve just heard so much about you.”
I could tell Harry’s mom was trying to make me feel better, but I only felt more flustered. Two days ago, I told my mom that there was no one in my life at the moment, and here was Harry’s mother, talking to me like we were long time friends. Outside my view of the camera, I could hear Harry’s muffled voice. 
“Mum, did you call Y/n?” His voice sounded surprised and exasperated at the same time, his face matching it when he popped onto the screen. Reading the expression on my face, Harry worried his lip between his fingers. “I just want you to know that I didn’t say a word to her. She figured it out on her own.”
I was speechless. I thought I was going to talk to Harry about how his day went, the tap dance Maddie learned today, and the fact that Maddison seemed to put together that there was something going on between us. Meeting his mom while I was in my pajamas wasn’t part of that plan. Something about this situation felt unsettling to me. A lot of things didn’t go to plan today, and this was just the icing on the cake.
Forcing a yawn behind my hand, I blinked at the screen. “I was actually just about to go to bed. But I would love to talk later?”
I didn’t want to sound like a complete bitch, but I was tired, and I didn’t like being put on the spot. Harry’s mother seemed to understand, apologizing for keeping me up and saying how excited she was to speak to me another time. Harry, on the other hand, saw right through me. He asked his mom to let him say goodbye alone, and then it was just the two of us. 
“You’re upset,” he said the minute we were alone. I shook my head, not wanting to talk about it to him anymore. 
“No, I told you, I’m just tired,” I said, but I could tell Harry didn’t buy it at all.
He rubbed a hand across the slight stubble growing on his face. “I’m sorry about my mum. She can be a little overbearing.”
I nodded, but my heart wasn’t in having this conversation. He knew it, I knew it, but neither of us hung up the phone. I missed his stupid face too much. “I miss you.”
His face broke out into a smile, but he hid it behind his hand. “I’ve missed you too. Absolutely dreadful not seeing you and Maddison every day.”
My cheeks warmed, a small smile of my own forming on my lips. I heard Harry mumble, there she is, and it only made my cheeks heat up even more. The truth was, I knew that Harry wasn’t the reason for my sudden change in mood. In fact, he was in the same boat as I was. 
“Now, are you going to tell me what’s got you feeling so blue?”
I shook my head, but it was playful. He grinned a little when he saw that I wasn’t as icy as I was a few minutes ago. He kept jokingly needling me for information about my day, and I kept my mouth shut for a little bit, but I eventually broke the news to him. “Maddie knows too. She figured it out.”
Harry was quiet for a few seconds, dumbstruck. “Wow,” he breathed. “We suck at keeping secrets.”
That made me laugh. “Me? Maddie said she caught you staring at me all the time. And you said your mom figured it out when you got home.”
“Alright, so I’m terrible at keeping secrets,” he said, laughter still in his voice. Sobering up, he looked at me with an earnest eye. “Are you okay with that?”
“I mean, it’s not ideal, but she took it better than I thought, so,” I told him, my voice trailing off. At this point, there wasn't anything I could do about it, and Maddie’s positive reaction should’ve had me doing cartwheels around the house instead of moping to Harry. Maybe I was just tired. “Is this okay? I know this means you might have to have a talk with Devon sooner than expected.”
This was also an issue that itched the back of my mind. I liked taking things slow, and I knew Harry did too. Our plans for seeing how things went flew out the window now that our kids knew, or would know in Devon’s case. Harry also had a lot going on in his personal life. He was still battling for full custody of Devon, and by the looks of it, it was going to be ugly to the very end. I didn’t want to be cause for distraction or unnecessary drama in his life.
“Erm,” he started. “Yeah, I mean, I wished I could’ve planned or prepared for it better, but I don’t think it'll be too bad. He’s grown quite fond of you.”
I felt my face flush again at the compliment. Most of my time spent with Devon was when he and Maddie were on a playdate, but I always went out of my way to ask how he was doing or what he was up to that week. Every time I saw him, I thought of how he looked when he got dropped off for Maddison’s birthday party, and how I never wanted him to look as sad as he did that day. He might have been a punk to my daughter at the beginning of the school year, but the more Maddie and I got to know him, the more I realized how much of a lover he was. He was a sweet boy, and I cared about him as much as I did Harry.
Nodding at the camera, I replied to Harry. “Well, the feeling’s mutual. Now tell me how your mom found out about me.”
The camera quality was bad, but I could see a little pink on Harry’s cheeks. Now that I talked to him about it, I didn’t mind as much that more people knew, I just didn’t like being ambushed. He told me that he didn’t breathe a word to his mom, his mum, he said, but that when they got to her house, she could tell something was different.
It was funny to listen to him explain his mother’s odd sixth sense for sussing out personal information from Harry because I was in a similar situation and my mother had no clue about my life or who was in it outside Javi and Maddison. Not that I cared, I preferred that my mother knew nothing about my personal life, especially where Harry was concerned. Things were good because they were easy. We didn’t see each other as much as we might’ve liked, but there weren’t any expectations right now. It was like we were in a delicate bubble floating through the sky, and my mother was the needle that would pop it, causing Harry and me to scramble for purchase where we could find it before we hit the ground.
“And then of course Devon mentioned you and Maddison, and that pretty much told her everything she needed to know,” Harry said, pulling me from my thoughts. I stayed quiet, thinking. I’m sure Harry's mom was a wonderful person and nothing like mine, but I couldn’t help but think that this was somehow going to change the dynamic of our relationship, solidify it more than I was ready to right now. Harry and I had only been seeing each other for about a month, and to me, that wasn’t a lot of time. Harry spoke again, trying to comfort me, but only making my mind scramble even more. “I’ll talk to her today, explain that we’re not really that serious right now.”
I tried not to visibly cringe. We’re not really that serious. As it usually goes with taking things slow, we decided not to label what we were doing just yet, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t serious about Harry. I wouldn’t have said yes to giving us a try if I wasn’t. And I wasn’t seeing anyone else right now either. I got that Harry was trying to ease my mind, but he only made me feel like what we were doing wasn’t important to him.
What’s his mom going to think when he tells her that? I thought. She’s going to think I'm some girl only out for a good time or something equally horrible. I didn’t really want Harry’s mom to know about us in the first place, but now that she did, I didn’t want her to think ill of me.
My mood was worsening, and I didn’t want Harry to see it. I just needed to go to bed and maybe talk to him later. “Tell her whatever you want, Harry. It's late, so I should probably get to bed.”
His face, which had been calm until this point, became concerned. “Did I say something? Don’t just leave, Y/n, let’s talk about this—”
His voice, still calm but steadily becoming irritated seemed to grate on my nerves even more. “I’ll talk to you later. Good night, Harry.”
I hung up the phone and climbed into bed with Maddie, rubbing a thumb across her cheek. Shutting my eyes, I tried to go to sleep, but it would be a while before I actually did.
so miss girl is a little dramatic, but 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ i am too low-key. anyway, next part should be up in the next few days!
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journey-to-the-attic · 11 months
I would love to hear more thoughts on the AU 🙏
i'm VERY GLAD you asked, okay so:
i've been calling it the 'infernal friends' au based on the idea that, when ik first gets the ritual book, one is marked 'summoning infernal companions', but she doesn't know what infernal means so she just thinks "oh this spell summons friends!!"
so in this au the demons are a bit more.... demonic isn't the best word to use but it's the only one i can think of
basically they adhere a little bit more to common tropes in, like, horror movies and stuff, where they can be summoned by ritual (as ik does), and they also initially do act all monstrous and stuff
they're still themselves while at home, being summoned is like a job to them and they've gotta be Evil while they're on the clock
rather than just sort of existing entirely separate from humans, in this au demons as a whole are more used to the idea of being called upon to do nefarious favours or whatever
(although none of the main cast has been summoned before this on account of their sheer power level)
it's also sort of a nb situation, where their default is their demon forms - they'd actively choose to disguise their horns and wings/tail if they were to go regular form
so it all starts when ik performs the ritual and somehow manages to summon the most powerful (awake) demon in the devildom. this was actually because she pronounced the incantation wrong and ended up changing its meaning entirely
by all accounts it still shouldn't have worked, and she doesn't show any signs of magic otherwise, so everyone's stumped as to how she managed that
when asked, diavolo just says "i was summoned by the heartfelt wish of a very nice child who needed me"
and i know diavolo takes pacts VERY seriously in-game, but it would be very funny (and quite sweet) if he immediately made a pact with ik so that she could summon him to hang out whenever she wanted
failing that, he might just enchant an object in her house to act as a magical link to him
after a few weeks he also gives her that contact list to use if he's ever too busy to come - that contact list being for the seven brothers + barbatos
he doesn't actually tell the brothers about this until afterwards (from their pov, diavolo's just been disappearing in mysterious circumstances a lot recently)
and it's also too late to take it back (plus diavolo won't let them) so uh this is their life i guess
(diavolo's already made barbatos come to meet ik before this, so she's already familiar with him, she just didn't know how to summon him on his own before)
i don't have an idea for everyone, but they do each have a unique ritual
asmo's involved chanting into a mirror, levi's would involve filling the bathtub and then he'd like pop his head out of the water, mammon's would probably use a piggy bank or something
lucifer's would be marked as needing 'music', so ik plays twinkle twinkle on one of those little plastic toy pianos
she picks asmo to summon first because diavolo's mentioned he likes dressing up and that's what she wants to do
for a certain time after that, she disregards the contact list, since she's got three options for friends already and that's the most she's ever had
but asmo convinces her to try some of his brothers too because he's been telling them over and over that this little kid is SO sweet, you'll LOVE her, and none of them believe him
so ik takes a look at the list and picks belphie next because she likes his name
she says it a little wrong at first (she has trouble with the 'lph' sound, so she says it like 'bepphie') but luckily saying 'bephhgor' during the ritual didn't mess it up
and then belphie gets back afterwards like "guys. asmo was right"
and none of them believe him AGAIN
so one by one each brother gets summoned and immediately is like "oh hell yeah i love this kid", while the remaining unsummoned demons are unconvinced right up until they meet her
basically it goes like this:
demon before being summoned: "that's nice and all but it isn't for me. i've got better things to do than babysit some random human"
demon after being summoned: "if my new best friend (child) doesn't ask to play with me again within a week i'll cry"
beel gets summoned last out of everyone because ik didn't know how to say 'beelzebub' and was embarrassed to ask
she had trouble with just about everyone's names except mammon's (often dropping syllables - e.g. "lucsssfer" - or just misreading the word - e.g. "santa")
this is because she grew up speaking chinese at home, and while english became her primary language after starting school, she's mostly non-verbal with anyone who isn't her dad at this point, so she doesn't have a great grasp of unfamiliar phonetics
she's chattiest with diavolo and mammon (the former she met him first, the latter because he's very energetic and she's trying to keep up with him)
and she's quietest with lucifer and belphie (the former because he's got a stern and intimidating demeanour, the latter because he's also quiet and is good at communicating with her without words)
everyone else she's varying levels of loud with
also while lucifer doesn't SEEM to do the 180 after getting summoned, he also let ik take a nap in his lap during that first summoning so he totally still did
this way ik gets a whole catalogue of demons to hang out with while her dad's away!!
zhao's just glad she's getting taken care of
conducting the rituals is the fastest way to summon (and also the demons can't really choose not to), but it's a hassle to do, so everyone else would also either make a pact or enchant an object that calls them
everyone's objects would be:
a rock pet (diavolo), the toy piano (lucifer), a novelty coin (mammon), a rubber duck (levi), one of hyde's cat toys (satan), a plastic tiara (asmo), an broken saucepan (beel), an old blankie (belphie), and the teapot from a play tea set (barbatos)
that's all i got for now but i can guarantee i'll have more soon so stick around!!!
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unhingedlesbear · 8 months
RANT INCOMING: (TW bug abuse)
Actually so gross how people are so quick to go for cockroach owners. You tell someone you have a cockroach and you just have to accept the fact that you're gonna get responses telling you to kill it, step on it, eat it, or otherwise harm it, and if they're not telling you to do that to your roach they'll joke (Hopefully its a joke) about doing it themselves. Literally ever since I was a little kid I've had to deal with this CONSTANTLY and it's so annoying. Nobody says this shit when you have a cat or a dog, but the second it's a rat or GOD FORBID a harmless insect, suddenly you and your pet are both disgusting and deserve to die horribly.
I wish people weren't so conditioned to just hate any and all bugs because I KNOW it's all influence from other people. I grew up with my mother showing me that bugs are interesting and that they're harmless and to treat them gently and with respect and so I never feared them and would spend my breaks in school seeking them out. In primary school I got into roughly at least 3 physical fights every week against groups of boys and sometimes even other girls who would try to kill or torture the bugs just to fuck with me. They even went after a frog once.
And all my childhood I was the gross and weird one for taking interest in the bugs, but I always thought they were gross and weird for wanting to torture bugs that literally never harmed anyone. And the teachers would take their sides. I'd get in trouble for punching/kicking/biting the boys in the fights but the boys themselves wouldn't even get questioned on why they were torturing bugs to play with my emotions, all because they KNEW it would get me upset and give them someone to fight. (And because they liked to laugh at me for the way I fought, I would bite and scratch more than kick or punch and they thought that was peak entertainment)
And even now, people still treat me like I'm somehow gross for keeping bugs. I just wish less people were raised with the idea that bugs are gross or scary because most of the time they're absolutely not. I'm lucky now to have a few friends who are supportive of my interests and even have grown fond of Kolchek, but the way I grew up really just showed me how awful people think they can be to someone just because we like bugs, and how easy it is for them to get away with it or be seen as being "right" in those situations.
Sorry for dumping all this here but I just REALLY needed to get into words how annoying it's been all my life to be surrounded by people who love to hate me and the bugs I care for.
Anyway, good morning, and stay safe out there bug people <3
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itwoodbeprefect · 2 months
911 season 7 episode 4!! we've arrived!!
the only reason that i understand this long opening section is playing on the bachelor is that i've watched jarvis johnson talk about it before. thank you jarvis johnson.
the i'm taken but he's not scene. buck has a rule. eddie looks confused. hmmm.
fjdkf "hey joey." while watching the previous episode i said buck was bisexual character number 2 this season (after norman) but i may have been wrong. he's number 3, after norman and chimney.
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i mean, admittedly i've never seen a single episode of the bachelor firsthand, but it seems to me like they'd LOVE for something like this to happen. nobody got seriously hurt, it's extremely dramatic and big, lots and lots and lots of free press - what could be better for reality tv?
buck is so pumped to be getting the tour!!
"i guess that night was the most fun i'd had since getting struck by lightning." "you need to raise your bar, kid." fjdkfd. lines that could have worked word for word in a katherine hepburn/cary grant screwball comedy.
fjdkfjdkfj he's just using getting struck by lightning as a point of reference! "ah." is the right response, i think, tommy.
he could give buck lessons if he wants!! honestly i could quote every line of this conversation as notable and fun. i'm having a ball watching this actually happen with audio, instead of looping chunks of a few seconds. (not that there's anything wrong with looping chunks of a few seconds. i love looping chunks of a few seconds, looping chunks of a few seconds are tumblr's liveblood.)
tommy has "something" (a person) "that" (who) should be arriving right now, actually. fjdkf. early practice for when eddie ends up crashing their date next episode
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also, dear god, eddie's giant truck. forgot about that thing.
fjkdf. this poor man, watching his best friend and unknown crush fly off together. admittedly not into the sunset, but to vegas nonetheless
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waffles!!! bobby and athena made it through a cruise on a sinking ship and now there's someone breaking into their home making waffles
harryyy. i was just thinking about him during the last episode!
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ohhhh. he didn't just shoot up into the sky, that actually is a harry recast. interesting
okay, so apparently (x) marcanthonee reis was "sort of ready to move on". assuming that's true, fair enough - for anyone, but especially for a kid playing a role on tv.
ravi's "who's tommy?" is totally fair, and then he gets rewarded for his patience in being totally excluded from buck and eddie's weird jealous bff conversation by getting sent down a sewer. rough day, man
"both like watching half-naked men pummel each other" is certainly a set of words. it certainly is.
not for nothing, but is eddie blind, or is he just enjoying winding buck up a little, being at the center of some (as he would probably assume) friendship jealousy? because buck is. not being normal about this. at all.
buck thinking he's getting invited to the bar trivia thing and being asked to babysit.... i fully knew that was coming, but it's painfully awkward either way. also, dear god, eddie has already asked his girlfriend to babysit his kid twice this week. hmmmmm.
the AIR QUOTES. had to replay that three times, it's excellent, i adore this. the way he says it is SO good
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the little WIGGLE at the second set of air quotes. GOLD
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"get this! [star wars opinion]" jfkdfjk. possibly the funniest 911 has ever been
on his fridge! eddie has a day calendar! underatakeoutmenu
maddie's "with a little heart around it?" line is exactly as good as it seemed in all the gifs. wonderful, amazing, life-changing stuff
uh oh, harry in trouble!
yeah. so. the woman on this home break-in call absolutely shot her son, didn't she?
she did. we needed a nod to athena's recast son subplot.
that's athena's cop side coming out when she tells her son in a weird roundabout way that people are going to pee on him in jail. if buck and eddie sounded like a classic screwball, this is more tango & cash.
OH. we ARE getting into the athena-is-a-cop part of it.
oh my darling. you are being SO weird about this (affectionate).
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insane amazon prime sponsorship just right in the middle of jealous bisexual weight lifting. what is happening
oh my god. oh boy. oh no
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i mean, oh YES, but there's just oodles of secondhand embarassment to go around here. love you though buck, go for it, don't let me stop you
chimney innocently asking what that is buck is heartbrokenly cuddling..... and getting roped into this insane musclebound love triangle. poor chimney, you did nothing wrong.
also though. eddie giggling on the phone and fully and blatantly ignoring buck for that entire scene? there's just so much going on here. everyone's in love with tommy and his cool helicopters.
i was genuinely sort of hoping the athena-breaking-the-news part of this woman-shot-her-son case would remain implied. very sad. only misery here.
buck bullshitting his way into pretending this is totally just his attempt to bond with his future brother-in-law is very funny. nice try, my boy
the face of a chimney realizing he's been tricked :(
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chimney calling himself a basketball beard...... chimney is cleverer than he even knows, i think.
i saw the post @redgoldblue reblogged pointing this out, but. yeah. that IS a whole montage that's just a very long top gun reference. playing with the boys!!!
also, in light of that...... buck & eddie's infamous "you can have my back any time" was also a top gun reference. (specifically, a reference to "you can be my wingman any time."/"bullshit. you can be mine.", as in, this right here.) we all agree on that, right? i've never seen anyone mention it, but that might just be because i only really see 911 content when it happens across my dash, so. we do agree? because. buck&eddie first bonding moments related to top gun.... buck&tommy arc starting with top gun basketball..... i'm just saying. i am. just saying.
sitting here open-mouthedly indignant that buck dragged chim along and then doesn't even let him play. chimney deserves better even in the middle of a dramatic understandably self-centered sexuality crisis
he bucked that up!! oh my god
big sister maddie is Good. i like that
a few minutes to go in the episode and there's a knock at buck's door! who might that be? maybe he ordered something else off of amazon prime (which is canonically really quick and convenient and you don't even need to sign anything).
the way tommy says "evannn." is so good
the fact that it's the terrible fake mouth static over the radio that got buck's attention is amazing. meet cute: we fly into a hurricane and you badly pretend your radio isn't working when someone tries to talk sense into us
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yes 🥺 he is free 🥺
gifs are good and wonderful but there are some things they just can't possibly do justice due to the limitations of the medium and just. seeing buck's quiet wide-eyed response to tommy kissing him and this Big Revelation he's having is definitely one of those things that need to be watched as a full scene with audio. oh gosh
just lovely lovely good very sweet stuff! it's nice. but, like, nice - in a wonderful, good, heartwarming sort of way. god. the distance we've come - incredible.
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Prey | Bucky Barnes
bucky barnes x oc ✧ oneshot
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Summary: OC and her brother are being hunted by the Winter Soldier to atone for the sins of their father. For reasons the Winter Soldier cannot explain, he finds himself helping this girl escape the very people he works for.
A/N: This is one of my favs, hope you all love it like I do! I always gravitate towards oc's but I've got some reader inserts to post as well. I have like 60 one shots already written so I'll be systematically editing and uploading them here, pls enjoy friends! Also, if you have literally ANY requests, ask it up! I love being of service 🤍
Warnings: oc, severe angst, violence, suspense, winter soldier bucky, mention of past abuse, protective bucky, fluff at the end
Word Count: 13,191
He's been hunting us for days now. 
I don't know why. I don't even know who he is. It all happened so fast, one minute I was sitting in my apartment with my closest and really only friend, the next I was getting a frantic call from my little brother saying a man had shot up the family house.
A man with a metal arm.
My little brother, Cody, has been living with my dad alone ever since I moved out. He's nearly 18 and fully plans to leave the moment he can. I tried to persuade a few social workers to let me become his legal guardian to get him away from that sorry excuse for a father, but my attempts were in vain. Even though I'm older than Cody, old enough to be considered responsible for his care, my father stood in the way. However awful our dad may be, he's a high-ranking government official and has power. There was no way he was going to let his daughter take his son away from him. 
In a way, I think he's lonely.
Our mother passed a few years after I moved out to begin my adult life. If she had died before and my father had begun acting the way he did while I was still at home, I never would've left Cody there alone. I did visit rather frequently, trying to deflect any scorn or more...physical reprimands onto myself as much as I could. Our star of a father just happened to be away on government official business when I got the call.
Now here we are, huddled together on the same bed of a grimy motel, my brother restlessly asleep with his head in my lap while I keep watch. He begs me every night to wake him up halfway through so he can take watch.
Every night I ignore him and let him sleep.
I haven't slept in two days, both of which we've had to constantly relocate and run away from the man with the metal arm. He always manages to find us, no matter how careful we are. Somehow, by a miracle, he hasn't managed to kill us yet. In fact, he has yet to get close enough to get a good enough look at us. 
The untraceable pay phone in my trembling, exhausted hand rings, the sound repetitive and hopeless.
"Come on" I whisper, biting my lip furiously, "Pick up"
Once again, for what must be the thirtieth time, my father doesn't answer my call. When I hear the phone tell me to leave a message, I decide that after this one I will call and leave no more. By now, I'm almost convinced that he's in on this whole thing.
"Dad, it's your daughter, Caroline Bane. Remember me?" I begin, trying desperately, and failing miserably, to keep the anger out of my usually quiet and anger-less voice.
"Oh and your son Cody Bane is here too. If it wouldn't trouble you too much, maybe you'd like to pick up your phone and realize that your children are being hunted," I spit out, keeping my voice low to not wake up my brother, "I know you never really cared for us, but mom did. I wonder, what would she think of you if she could see you now? Blowing off our calls and leaving us to die?"
I pause, trying to keep the tears that water in my hazel eyes at bay. I bite my lip hard to keep from crying, I refuse to let this man hear me cry. 
"I don't know what's happening, I don't know what we did or what you did but for once in your life can you be a man and own up to it instead of letting your kids take the fall?" I grit out, a tear managing to slip down my cheek despite my best efforts to keep it in, "Randall Bane, you are a coward. You never have been and never will be my father."
I end the call, a few more tears slipping down my heated cheeks. Never in my life have I spoken with such venom to any single person, but I know, I just know, that my dad's involved in this. All of my pent up disappointment and anger towards him and the way he's beat on both me and my little brother just spilled out. I wouldn't care if he only beat on me, if he only hit me and yelled at me I could take it. I'd be able to push through it. 
But no one, not even my father, has the right to hit my little brother.
My brother stirs lightly on my lap.
"Carrie? Everything alright?" Cody mumbles, his groggy voice heavy with sleep. I nod and smooth back his hair that's the same rich brown as mine. 
"Everything's just fine," I whisper soothingly, trying to keep the emotion from my voice, "Sleep, Cody"
In a few seconds, he's fallen back asleep peacefully. When he does, I feel a tear slip down my cheek. He's only a kid, he shouldn't have to deal with any of this at such a young age. In the time since our mom passed, I've been less a sister and more a mother to Cody. I was always there to smile and laugh with him, to joke around and play video games with him. I made sure he did his homework and didn't get into too much trouble. When he'd have break downs, I'd be there. When his heart got broken, I was there. When our dad tried to hit him, I stood in the way. 
I'd do anything to protect my brother. 
I smile softly down at his sleeping form and carefully slide his head off of my lap and onto the pillow near him. Then, I carefully climb off of the bed and stand, stretching out my aching muscles slightly. I let out a long sigh and walk towards the window nearby, cautiously moving the curtain the slightest bit to look out.
I'm not used to constantly living in fear. I don't like it, not one bit. Neither Cody nor I know how to use a gun or even a knife properly. Obviously, we can give it our best shot but up until now it's been pure luck that we've stayed alive. We've managed to drive away or hide before the man with the metal arm could find us. If he had managed to get any closer, we surely would've been dead. We tried calling the police, but the officers who came were dead within minutes. Now, I have no clue what to do. I don't know how much longer we can run and hide. I don't know how much longer my luck will last.
I'm just about to step away from the window and close the curtains when something catches my eye. A large, black SUV swerves into the parking lot silently and only a single man steps out. Once I see a flash of metal, I jump away from the curtains with my heart in my throat. My pulse begins to race and adrenaline immediately floods every fiber of my being. Intense fear strikes to the very depths of me as I scramble to figure out the best escape plan. 
First, I have to wake up Cody.
I sprint over to the bed and clamp a hand over my brother's mouth to keep him from making a noise. Then, I shake him awake. He starts with a gasp, his hazel eyes matching mine flying open in a panic. When he turns to me, he relaxes only slightly. I put a finger to my lips, to which he nods. When I remove my hand, I speak hurriedly and in whispers. 
"He's here, we have to go" I rush out, scrambling around the room and grabbing our already packed backpacks. As he jumps out of bed and does the same, a few gunshots can be heard in the distance. We both freeze, looking at each other with wide eyes.
No doubt he got our room number out of the man at the front desk, who is no doubt dead now. I don't have time to dwell on the immense flood of guilt and terror that inundates me, but rather begin to shove my brother towards the bathroom and hand him both of our bags.
"There's a small window in there, get it open and get out" I command, looking up at the window just large enough to fit a body through. Cody begins to do as I say, but pauses to look over at me as I look around for any sort of makeshift weapon I can find.
"What are you doing? Aren't you coming?" my brother asks, his wide eyes locked on me. I snap my gaze up to him, sympathy pouring through me at his fright. 
"I'm gonna buy you as much time as I can, now go." I order, finally managing to pry off a bar from the wall and moving out of the bathroom.
"Caroline wait, please!" Cody calls to me, emotion thick in his tone. I spare him one last glance as he works on the window.
"Don't wait for me, get in the car and find a safe place. Please, Cody. Please just listen to me" I beg and before he can protest, I slam the door shut. Just as I do, I hear footsteps outside our motel door. 
My stomach lurches at the sound and I sprint towards the door, my mind racing for a solution. I stand right beside it, the heavy metal bar trembling in my hands. When the man with the metal arm opens the door, I plan on hitting him as hard as I can with the bar. Hopefully, by the time he gets past me and to the bathroom, Cody will be gone.
Even if it takes my life, my little brother will get out of this.
A crash sounds from the bathroom, signaling Cody has broken the window. My relief is short-lived when only a second later, the door to the motel room bursts open. Fear grips my heart but I don't freeze. When the man with metal arm walks into the room, his eyes survey the empty area in the belly of the room as the door shuts behind him. Holding my breath, I move from my blind spot by the door and swing the metal bar as hard as I can at his head. It slams into his skull, but not as hard as I'd like. I'm nowhere near strong enough to knock a man as big as him unconscious.
The man is sent off of his balance, lowering his gun slightly as he recoils from the hit. I take the advantage and move to hit him again, but just as I'm swinging, he whirls around and catches the bar mid air with his metal hand. I freeze, my eyes wide with fear as the bar bends in his metal grasp. His eyes lock onto mine for a moment and I realize that it's the first time I've been this close to the man with the metal arm.
His eyes are blue, a bright, intoxicating blue I've never seen. The kind of blue that makes me stall for a moment.
From what I can see, he doesn't seem near as old as I thought he'd be. It perplexes me that someone so young could be so incredibly lethal. His long, dark hair hangs dangerously around his face, covering up what little the mask that goes up to his nose doesn't. Within a moment, my examination of him is over as he rips the bar from my hands and throws it aside. Then, just as he's about to shoot me, a small curse of pain comes from the bathroom.
My world stops.
Cody must've been cut by some glass on his way out, and I feel the walls begin to close around me. The man looks over towards the bathroom and back to me slowly. I begin to shake my head.
"No, no! Please!" I beg, but he crashes the butt of his gun against my cheek and sends me sprawling to the floor. 
I groan in pain and look up to see the man with the metal arm stalking toward the bathroom. My heart lurches and I find the strength to force myself to my feet. I sprint over, the world swerving only slightly as I do. Just before he reaches out to open the door, I shove myself in between the man and the thin wood hiding my brother. I brace my arms on the doorway, making myself a sort of blockade. 
"Leave him alone, please!" I shout, my hair hanging wildly and some parts falling into my eyes, "He's just a kid, he's a kid."
This seems to make the man with the blue eyes pause, but only for a moment. He begins to reach out to throw me aside to get to my brother before he makes it out of the window, so with a racing heart I blurt out the first thing that comes to my mind.
"If you have to kill us kill me! Please kill me, not him!" I shout, beseeching the assassin. 
The man freezes, his eyes widening slightly. He wasn't expecting that.
"He's a kid, please! Kill me, not him. Kill me." I repeat, the words loaded with desperation. I can only hope and pray that Cody is at the car about to make it away before anyone else who might be in the van sees him. 
As my desperate eyes stay locked onto the man's bright blue ones, I furrow my brows as I catch the slightest bit of hesitation. Who is he?
In the silence of his conflicted, shocked eyes burning into mine, I hear the revving of a car engine and tires screeching as a car drives away. Relief like I've never felt it pours through me, flooding every fiber of my being. The car is enough to bring the man back to his senses, and he throws me aside before shoving his way into the bathroom. I hit the wall and quickly rebound, looking into the bathroom over my hunter's massive body and smiling when I find it empty. 
He's safe. 
Outside I hear car doors open and about a dozen more feet pounding up. My heart drops as I realize that he's not alone. Thankfully, the guards, at least that's what I'm assuming they are, didn't follow Cody but now they're outside the room. The man, now beyond furious, walks over to me and grabs me by the throat, slamming me so hard into the wall that my bones creak. I gasp, fear spiking through me as his raging blue eyes lock angrily onto me. I know the spot where his metal hand grasps will bruise.
"Where is he going?" He growls.
Surprise curls through me, I've never heard him talk before. The sound is dark and gravelly and sends shivers down my spine that I don't understand. Or maybe that I don't want to understand.
"I don't know" I answer truthfully, my voice rasping from the lack of breath because of his grip on my throat. He pulls me away and slams me into the wall again, making me cry out in pain this time. Outside, I hear the clicking of more guns, and I know that if a miracle doesn't happen, I'm going to die. 
Better me than Cody, though.
When I look back into the eyes of the metal-armed man before me, I remember the conflicted gaze from before, the way he froze. He's human, somewhere beneath the assassin's mask. I just know it. Deep in his eyes, in a way I can't explain, I see pain and brokenness and a humanity long shoved away. I know it's my best chance.
"Please, I don't know who you are but you obviously know me. I didn't do anything wrong, I know you know that," I plead, my voice barely above a whisper as his vice-like grip on my throat only tightens, "Please help me, please" 
Again, there's that same hesitation that gives me hope. His metal grip loosens ever so slightly.
"Why'd you do it?" He grits out, surprising me.
"I'm sorry?" I ask, confused as to what he's asking. 
Outside, one guard pipes up.
"Asset, is it secure?"
My eyes widen and I feel my fear spike yet again. Asset? Does this man not have a name?
"Why'd you try and sacrifice yourself for the boy?" He grits out, his hand on my throat now barely squeezing.
"He's my brother," I say simply, my wide eyes locked onto his, "I'd do anything to protect him."
"We're coming in" another voice calls out. I look towards the door and back to my assassin.
"Please help me." I whisper one last time, my voice broken and charged with emotion. 
I don't know why he does it or why I'm so incredibly surprised when he does, but he suddenly pulls away from me and shoves me behind him. I stumble, not knowing what he's about to do.
"Hold on and stay behind me" He commands, making hope spark in my chest. I do as I'm told and cower behind the large, muscular man. 
Then the door slams open and the bullets begin to fly.
I hear the ricocheting of bullets against metal and hear my assassin fire only twelve shots. Each must find their target because silence rests over the room. I step out from behind him to see twelve guards dead on the floor. My stomach lurches, nausea overtaking me as my wide, fearful eyes take in the carnage. 
"Don't make me regret this," he lowly warns, grabbing my arm and tugging me out of the room, "We have to move."
He drags me out into the black of night, the only light coming from a lamppost or two and the sliver of a moon above us. I'm in shock as the man who's been hunting me for the past few days drags me along to a random car, saving my life. My eyes inadvertently go to where my car used to sit and I can't help but smile at the empty spot. I turn back around and see the man with the metal arm breaking into a car and hot-wiring it. My eyes widen.
"What are you doing?" I ask, surprise curling through my voice. He looks up at me sharply and I close my mouth, knowing it's better to not fight with him. After all, he can kill me at any moment. When the car revs to life, I hop in the passenger seat as he gets into the driver's seat and drives away while I'm still putting my seatbelt on. 
For the first few moments, there's nothing but the humming of the engine and my own breathing. With his mask still on, I can't even hear his own breath. Finally, as I steal a glance at the side of his face, I make my terrified tongue move. 
"Where are we going?" I ask, my voice shaking. I can't help it, though. This man did try and murder my brother and I repeatedly. 
He doesn't even look over at me. The metal of his arm gleams dangerously and keeps me on high alert. All he has to do is pull a gun out and point it in my direction. Although this was most definitely not the smartest choice, it was my only choice.
"Somewhere safe" he responds simply, his voice gravelly and low. I bite my lip in nervousness and look forward. Another heavy silence settles over the car and after what must be fifteen minutes of quiet driving, I can't help but ask the burning question in my mind.
"Why are you helping me?" I ask softly, looking over at the man.
This time, he does look over at me, however briefly. His eyes meet mine and I can see a sort of war in them, as if there's two versions of himself he's fighting between. The black mask is still set on the lower half of his face so I can't truly gauge his emotions. He looks back forward, his grip tightening on the wheel.
"I don't know." 
I have yet to receive one straight forward answer from the man beside me, so I ask him the one question I feel like he could answer.
"I'm Caroline by the way, but I'm pretty sure you know that," I begin, trying to hide the panic in my voice, "What's your name?"
This time, I see more emotion flicker across his eyes that stay locked onto the road. This time, when he answers, I know it's as straight forward of an answer as he can possibly give me.
"I don't know," he almost whispers, his voice sending those same shivers down my spine. 
Sympathy curls in my chest for the man and I can't help but wonder what he's been through. For the first time in two days, for the first time since I ran from the man with the metal arm, I feel this insane curiosity to figure him out. What scares me more is that with him on my side, even though he could easily kill me in a multitude of ways, 
I've never felt safer.
We drive for around six hours before the assassin finally pulls up outside an abandoned warehouse. I should've slept, but I was too terrified to let my eyes slip closed, afraid that I'd wake in containment or not wake at all.
"We should be safe here, but not for long. Just long enough to figure things out," he informs, the most he's spoken yet. 
I nod and get out of the car as he does, my entire body still on alert. I walk side by side with the man and bask in the intense heat coming off of his body. In the brisk temperatures outside, I can't help but feel grateful for it. When we step inside, the warehouse is dark and dingy with an odd smell and consistent dripping noise. Still, I'm not the slightest bit picky.
It's safe, and that's enough for me.
We walk into a separate room in the center where a few old, rat-eaten blankets sit and a makeshift fireplace rests in the corner. I go inside, not entirely sure what to do. The man walks in after me and, much to my surprise, pulls off his mask. I guess I should've put together that he'd have to take it off eventually, but it still sends shock curling through me to see him set the black mask down. He bends down to the fireplace, his back to me.
"Grab some of the wood in the corner, we need some heat if we're not going to freeze" the man orders. I don't argue, still wholly terrified of him and the things I have witnessed first hand that he can do. I walk over and grab the wood and bring it to where the man crouches. I set it down and stand somewhere beside his crouched form, not right next to him but close enough so I'll be near the fire when he gets it going. 
As I watch him build the fire, my mind goes back to what the guards called him. Asset, as if he didn't even deserve a name. As if he were an object. If this is all because of my dad, which I'm certain it is, then I can't imagine how he came to tangle himself with people like my hunters. The fire sparks to life after a few minutes and the man stands, satisfied at the flames. When he turns to me, I get my first look at the man's entire face. Shock courses through me as I take in the sharp, stubbled jaw and his angular face framed by his long dark hair.
He's hands down the most stunning man I've ever laid my eyes on.
I don't have much time to dwell on his sheer gorgeousness, though, because I see something deeply familiar. I furrow my brows, looking deeper into his face. He looks at me in confusion, not knowing what I'm doing. I know who this is, I've seen his face before. Then, like a load of bricks, it slams into me. Sergeant Barnes.
Bucky Barnes.
I saw his monument in the museum on a field trip way back in high school. The Bucky Barnes, Captain America's best friend. He's supposed to be dead. Stranger things have happened in the past few years, though. My hazel eyes widen and my lips part slightly in shock.
"You're Bucky Barnes" I breathe out.
As soon as the words leave my mouth, I watch his eyes widen slightly and something spark deep inside of them. It's almost as if he knows that name but it's just outside of his reach. This makes my intrigue spike. What's happened to Bucky in the past decades to make him into a cold killing machine who doesn't even know his own identity.
"What did you just call me?" He asks, his voice angry but also hinted with confusion. With the way his haunted, darkening eyes sear into me, I lose some of my confidence.
"Y-you're James Buchanan Barnes. Captain America was your best friend back in the-" my words are cut off when his metal hand grabs my shoulder and shoves me into the wall behind me. 
My panic spikes painfully as he clenches his jaw and glares deep into my eyes. I can feel anger radiating off of him, but I can tell it's not directed at me. In his eyes I can see that the name sparked recognition and I think it bothers him that he can't figure it out. Still, I can't keep the fear from my face.
"I don't know who the hell that is" he growls. I nod hurriedly, trying desperately to not die after making it so far. 
His broken blue eyes burn into mine, clearly seeing my terror, and I watch a part of them soften. Immediately he rips his hand away from me and steps back, running a hand through his hair. A tortured look melts onto his face and he lets out a deep breath, not even able to look over at me. Carefully, I step away from the wall, my intrigued eyes on Bucky. 
Whatever happened to him messed up his mind. I can't help but feel like someone did this intentionally, that someone is manipulating his mind. The Bucky Barnes the museum described was flirtatious and light-hearted and heroic. The man before me is quiet, murderous, and broken. I can't help the sympathy that floods into me again. My head tells me to get away from him, but the way he practically stumbled away from me when he realized he was scaring me convinces me, against my better judgement, to go with my gut.
To stay.
After all, he might be the person who can kill me easiest, but he's also the person that can protect me best from people who want me dead for reasons I don't understand.
"I'm sorry," I softly say, making him snap his wide-eyed gaze up to me. 
"Why are you sorry?" He asks, making me squirm under his intense gaze. I shrug, playing with the ends of my hair.
"Someone should say it to you," I respond, making something in his eyes change. 
Not able to hold his intense gaze anymore, I look down to the fire. All at once, I feel the exhaustion from the past few days rush over me. My adrenaline is gone and I feel like my body is made of lead. 
"We should check the perimeter" Bucky announces and I nod, looking up to find him checking a handgun and settling it in a holster, "You can take the south and I'll take the north"
I force my legs to move, but find the world swimming around me. The sleep deprivation is tearing me apart, but I can't let it show. 
"Okay" I manage out, able to take a few steps before my tired legs give out and my exhaustion takes over. 
Before I can hit the floor, I feel a pair of strong arms catch me, one flesh and one metal. Bucky helps straighten me up and I force my half-closed eyes to open. It takes all of my energy to do so as my mind tries to force me into a state of sleep. I can see a vague look of concern on Bucky's face as his eyes systematically search my body for blood or a wound. When he sees none, Bucky looks back up at me with furrowed brows.
"When was the last time you slept?" he asks, and I find my tongue lead-filled when I try to speak. I look over to see sunlight streaming into the warehouse and turn back to look at Bucky, who is holding all of my weight.
"I think that makes three days," I respond, my words slurred and groggy. I watch Bucky's eyes widen as mine try to slip closed again. 
I hear him sigh and release my waist to pick me up, one hand under my knees and the other on my back. I just let him carry me, already half-asleep when he sets me down in front of the fire and puts one of the blankets over my body. 
"Why haven't you slept?" he grinds out, crouching down beside me. In my tired stupor, I find my words coming out with much less of a filter.
"You were hunting my brother and me, remember?" I announce, yawning at the end and letting my eyes slip closed, "He slept, I watched"
Those are the last words I manage out before sleep tugs me under. Beside me, Bucky stands with a sigh, his burning gaze lingering over my peacefully sleeping form before stepping out to do the perimeter. What I don't know is the way inside, guilt crawls up his throat. He doesn't know what really made him choose to help me, he just saw the innocence in my eyes and couldn't bring himself to kill me.
That was the first time he'd defied a HYDRA order.
"Why were you hunting us?"
It's been a few hours since I woke up and the sun has long set, bringing back the brisk temperatures. Bucky and I sit near the fire, but still worlds apart with him on one side of it and me on the other. At my question, I watch a muscle in his jaw tick. He looks up from the knife he'd been twirling to look at the fire.
"Your father was my original mission. When I brought him in, he asked my employer to make a trade," Bucky announces, looking over at me with the slightest hint of sympathy in his cold eyes, "Spare his life, take you and your brother's."
It should surprise me, but after the second day of running and unanswered calls I figured as much. Instead, I simply clench my jaw and look over at the fire to hide the way my heart splinters in my eyes. He may have been an awful father but he was still that—our father. At the very least I thought that would mean something to him.
I was wrong. 
We sit in silence for a while, only the crackling of the fireplace filling the room. With every minute that Bucky is away from whoever his employer is, he seems more and more aware of himself. Still just as terrifying and just as brooding, but aware.
"Wanna talk about it?" he suddenly asks.
Now this surprises me. I look over at Bucky with slightly widened eyes to find him staring at the fire. He looks back at me, and for the first time there's not a trace of anger there. For a reason I can't explain, my stomach jumps at the look and I have to keep myself from falling into his rich blue eyes. I sigh and look down at the floor.
"Randall Bane was probably the worst dad you could ask for." I focus intently on my lap, biting my lip at the sudden rise of emotion within me, "Him setting a kill order on my brother and I? It should surprise me more than it did."
I don't tell him of the way I was beaten while shielding Cody or the way if I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, a cigarette was put out on my skin because it was more convenient. I let out another sigh, willing the burning emotion in my throat to go away and looking back up at Bucky. To my surprise, he's still looking at me. I give him a small smile.
"How about you? Wanna talk about it?" I ask, hoping deep within that he'll open up to me. 
I don't know why I want him to so badly.
This time he sighs and looks over at the fire, a far away look in his eyes. 
"The longer I'm away from them the clearer my head gets, but it's like there's this fog around it that I can't shake," Bucky informs, shaking his head and clenching his jaw tightly, "I don't know who I am, but I know the things I've done. That's what haunts me."
A shudder runs through me at the thought of all of the horrible things someone has made him do. While watching the pain run rampant through his features, a part of my heart breaks for him.
"Well, I don't know everything you've done but what I do know is that you saved my life and chose not to kill me even when I'll bet someone forced you to. If you're asking me, that counts for something." I interject. He looks over at me, his broken, fragmented gaze making a part of my heart crack again. 
"Can you tell me about...well, what you know about me?" He asks reluctantly, that conflicted gaze back. Somewhere inside it I see a bit of hope, though. I smile softly and nod.
"Your name is James Buchanan Barnes, but everyone just called you Bucky," I begin, telling the man before me the story of his life, "You fought in World War II and did a lot of good. And from what I hear, you were quite the ladies man."
At this, the corner of Bucky's lips pulls up into a smile that lasts briefly, but however brief it was it was there. The sight makes me smile, and immediately I have a desperate need to see that smile again.
"You were best friends with-"
"Steve" he interrupts, a far away look in his eyes. Shock pulses through me. 
"I guess you know a little more than you thought." I whisper, the ghost of a smile on my lips. That half smile is back again and with it the butterflies. 
"You can call me Bucky," he suddenly states, looking over at me with those intoxicating blue eyes, "I promise to not throw you into the wall this time."
I can't stop the surprised laugh that breaks out of my mouth and nod, looking over at the soldier who just made an actual joke. 
"Only if you call me Caroline," I bargain, one eyebrow lifted. He nods.
"You should get some sleep, I'll keep watch," I inform out of habit, knowing that he'll need his rest if a fight comes. His eyebrows furrow and he looks over at me incredulously.
"Caroline," He begins, and I can't help the way my heart jumps at the sound of my name coming from his lips, "You don't need to protect me."
I stare right back, a determination set in my eyes.
"Everyone needs protecting sometimes." I respond, my words soft but unyielding. Something unreadable passes through Bucky's gaze, something that makes my heart lurch. Finally, he sighs and lays down, knowing I won't give in.
"You better wake me up in three hours. Otherwise, I just might shoot you." 
A smile quirks onto my lips as I stare into the fire.
"Somehow, I doubt that."
My sleep is deep and dreamless, the kind of sleep your body slips into when it's overly exhausted.
As per Bucky's request, I did in fact wake him up three hours later. Now, as I sleep, I relish in the piece of my unconscious mind.
Until I'm startled awake from it.
I gasp awake at the shout of my name, shooting straight up to see Bucky crouched down beside me. 
"What's happening?" I ask, panic tight in my voice. He offers me a hand that I take gladly, letting him help me up. 
"They've found us, they're outside right now" Bucky grits out, checking the gun in his holster before walking over to a wooden box in the corner that I hadn't spared much thought on before. He shoves it open and pulls out a large, heavy-looking gun and loads something into the front before walking over to me.
"What is that?" I ask, a slight tremble to my tone. He looks over and sees the blatant fear in my eyes. He must remember my reaction to the bloodshed from before, how unsettled it made me, because a part of his tough face softens.
I've never watched anyone die before. I've never even seen a dead body outside of a funeral before. The movies and the shows and the true crime podcasts, none of them come close to the guttural feeling of seeing the life drain from someone's eyes. All of this, it's too much at once. 
"We have to get out of here, this is our best shot. My employer doesn't like it when I disobey."
Bucky voice is a rumble in the chaos of the warehouse, and I find myself clinging to the odd sense of security it brings me He walks out of the room and into the open area of the warehouse, the gun slung over his shoulder. I scramble to follow him, but stop short when I see what must be fifty men with guns raised, prepared to come in.
"Bucky" I breathe, my eyes going wide and fear dripping through me. Two to fifty, even for the assassin beside me that's a little much. Bucky looks over at me, but my eyes are trained outside. He spares the armed men a glance before jogging up to me.
"Winter Soldier, come out now and we will not kill you." a voice booms, probably over a speaker.
Bucky uses the hand that's not holding the terrifying gun to turn me to face him. I do, my wide eyes locking onto his oddly soothing ones. 
"If we're gonna make it out of this alive, you've got to trust me," he urges, his eyes not leaving mine even when the voice on the speaker gives him his final warning, "You've protected everyone else, let me protect you. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you, doll."
My heart leaps at the nickname he uses, and I don't know why but it makes it hard to think straight when he says it. His promise to protect me does exactly what it was meant to do. The sincerity in his eyes makes me believe he's telling me the truth. 
I trust him. 
I try not to let it show how much that promise really means to me. My entire life I've been the one to protect. Protect Cody from my dad, protect Cody from the grief of losing mom, protect my dad from losing his job and going to jail. For once, someone wants to protect me. It sparks something in me that I've never felt before.
"I trust you" I whisper, nodding to him. His eyes search mine for a moment more before he nods. 
"You're not gonna want to look at this," Bucky breathes before using his flesh arm to lift the gun and using the metal one to tug me suddenly into him. He holds me tight to his torso as if to shield me from whatever is about to happen, both physically and visually. 
Then I hear the world explode.
I don't need Bucky's iron grip on me to keep me close to him, because once I feel the heat of an explosion and the sounds of men screaming, I bury my face as much as I can into the shoulder of the black vest he's wearing. I feel him swivel us around and hear another shot before another explosion erupts. This one rattles my teeth and makes me hold onto Bucky a little tighter instinctively. 
Then just as fast as it began, it's over.
I hear a gun clatter to the ground near me and silence settles over the smoking warehouse. The heat of flames still burns in the distance and even though I know that it's over, I can't bear to look. My entire body is shaking and I hate for feeling so out of control of my fear, but it's not easy being thrust from a mundane life into one flooded with blood and explosions and guns, as much as the movies would like to persuade us it is. 
"It's over, Care. You can look" Bucky says softly. 
Slowly, I pull away as he lets the grip of his metal arm ease. Around me, flames lick up the ceiling and front wall of the warehouse where the only remainder of the armed men is the cars and the blackened body parts that I'd rather not look at. I bite my lip and run a hand through my hair, nodding to try and come to terms with the carnage before me.
"Alright, what's your plan from here?" I ask, my voice still trembling but firmer than I expected. Bucky looks over at me in surprise. I furrow my brows at him.
"What is it?" I ask, to which he shakes his head quickly and looks down before looking back up at me.
"Nothing, it's just you're one of the strongest people I've ever met." He announces. This time, I'm the surprised one. Bucky sees the shock in my gaze so he gestures to the mess around him.
"I've seen grown, trained men experience this and cry. You're made of tougher stuff, Caroline," he tells me, nodding to me as if to show he respects me. I go to refute his words, but stop. I guess if I didn't realize how strong I really had to have been the past few days.
The past few years. 
I go to respond when my eyes widen on something behind Bucky. A person, laying on the ground but raising their gun towards him. Panic shoots through me and I act without thinking.
"Bucky, look out!" I shout, scrambling in front of him just as the armed man shoots. 
The sound of the gunshot makes the confusion in Bucky's eyes clear away and he doesn't waste a second ripping his handgun out and firing a single shot, managing to nail the man right between the eyes and making him slump to the ground. I'm not paying much attention to it, though. 
The second the armed man shot, an intense fire exploded in my torso. Now, as he's dead and Bucky's turning back to me, I can't see the expression on his face because my eyes are too focused on the blood seeping between my hands that I press firmly to my stomach. Slowly, I peel them away to see blood gushing out of my stomach, the pain almost unbearable. I look up at Bucky, my eyes wide. 
His are wider.
There's an unbelieving look in his eyes as Bucky realized what has just happened, what I just did. 
"Bucky," I manage out, before my world swoops and my knees buckle. 
He rushes forward and catches me, not wasting a second to scoop me into his arms as if I weigh nothing. One of my hands that's pressed against my stomach falls, hanging down as he swiftly carries me back to the room we were in before. Bucky clears off a table in the room and sets me down on it. My head rolls to one side, the blood loss already making me tired and weak.
"What the hell where you thinking? Why would you do that?" Bucky asks, his voice tight with panic as he rummages around and grabs what he needs to help me.
"He was going to shoot you" I respond, my words slurred. I hear a number of things clamber onto the table and feel the bottom half of my shirt peeling off of my skin and being cut off to expose my bloodied torso. 
"You should've let him" Bucky reprimands, pressing a cloth to my torso that must be covered in alcohol because my skin begins to burn painfully. I cry out in pain, clenching my fists and squeezing my eyes shut.
"It's okay, just breathe. You're gonna be fine," Bucky soothes, keeping the cloth pressed for a few more moments and using his other hand to brush away my hair from my face. Oddly enough, the motion does calm me down.
"I don't have any painkillers left, so this is gonna hurt doll," He warns, moving his hand and the cloth away. I bite my lip and nod as much as I can.
"Okay, okay," I breathe, trying to prepare myself for what's about to come, "I trust you"
His hands freeze at my words and I'm guessing he's still not used to hearing them. But I mean them, I mean them more than I ever have in my life. 
Then I feel a pair of metal pliers go into my stomach.
I don't stay awake much longer after that, the excruciating pain much more than my mind can bear. I'm glad for the unconsciousness when it comes and I already feel my throat is raw from screaming.
When I wake up, I'm in a car again. 
Night has fallen yet again, telling me an entire day has passed with me unconscious. I stir, sitting up slightly only for an intense ache in my stomach to make a groan rise from my lips. Bucky looks over at me, tearing his eyes away from the empty highway to me. When he does, I smile softly at him.
"Hi" I greet, watching as a small smile pulls onto his lips and he turns forward again.
"Hey," he responds, his metal hand on the wheel and his human one resting, "How are you feeling?"
I place a hand to my stomach and try again to sit up, this time successfully. I nod, running a hand through my wild hair.
"Pretty good, all things considered" I inform, my eyes taking in the scenery as we pull off the highway and move towards what I assume to be a rest stop.
Good, because I'm hungrier than I think I've ever been. 
"Alright, I'll get us some food. Stay in here and lock the doors" Bucky instructs as he pulls into the parking lot of the first gas station we see. I nod, not needing to be told twice to follow his orders. 
I lock the doors once he steps out, a red hoodie on and a baseball hat pulled low on his head. I feel my heart jump at the sight, seeing him as a normal guy bringing an oddly attractive edge to Barnes. I shake my head and look down at my lap, trying to ignore the inexplicable attraction and pull that I feel towards him. 
My mind flows over to Cody, and I can't help but be the slightest bit nervous. I hope beyond everything that my diversion was enough to let him get somewhere safe. I can only hope that he's still safe. Being this far away from him and not knowing whether or not he's okay makes anxiety sit in the center of my chest. 
My thoughts are interrupted by the rapping of knuckles against my window. I jump, but only slightly. It's probably Bucky back quicker than I expected. When I look up, though, my heart lurches into my throat. My eyes widen only slightly at the foreign man standing outside my door. He looks normal enough, but I've gotten into such a habit of looking over my shoulder that I know better than to trust him.
"Hey, can you help me with something really quick?" he calls to me through the glass. 
Not knowing how to respond, I simply shrug and pretend like I can't hear him. My heart is hammering in my chest as I point to my ear and shrug, watching as the man sighs and looks towards the store.
He's looking to see where Bucky is. 
Panic overtakes me and I immediately cast a quick look around the front of the car while the man is still looking at the store to see if I can't find anything to defend myself with should he smash my window. I look to the ignition to see Bucky took the keys, probably to keep anyone from smashing into his side and driving off without me. Then, just as I'm about to go into a full-blown panic, I catch the gleam of black metal underneath the driver's seat. 
Bucky must've put an extra gun there.
I quickly look away and back at the man outside just in time for him to look back at me. Underneath his feigned politeness, I can see agitation and desperation.
"I could really use your help with my car, miss. It won't start" he calls out again, this time louder since I told him I couldn't hear before. Knowing I have no excuse this time, I improvise to the best of my ability. 
"Okay!" I respond, smiling at him through my adrenaline and 'accidentally' drop my phone at the bottom of the driver's seat. I look down towards it and feign an embarrassed smile.
"One sec" I call back, to which he gives me the fakest smile and nod. 
He's growing impatient, I can sense it. He knows I know. I drop down as fast as I can and wrap my hand around the gun underneath the seat. The feeling is foreign to my hands, but I don't let it bother me. I swing it up, grabbing on with my right hand too just as my window smashes open. I gasp at the sight of the barrel of his own gun aiming for me. Thankfully, my gun is already raised and, with bile in my throat and trembling hands, I pull the trigger before he can shoot me. 
The recoil makes my teeth chatter and the noise booms across the empty parking lot in front of the gas station, making my ears ring. Something warm splatters all over me, and a distinctively crimson liquid sprays the shattered window of the car. In front of me, the man stumbles back, clutching his shoulder and letting his gun clatter to the ground. My eyes go wide, my mouth filling with bile.
I'm going to be sick.
I hold in my nausea as the man stumbles to his car and gets in, driving off as fast as he can. Just as his tires are screeching on the pavement to receive medical attention at a hospital, at least I hope, I see Bucky shove open the doors to the gas station, panic heavy on his features. His eyes catch on the car speeding away and I watch concern flooded with a touch of desperation and anger flood his face. Bucky snaps his gaze to the car and sprints toward it, skidding to a halt and trying to open his door only to find it locked. 
I'm in such a daze that I can't seem to remember to unlock it. My eyes are locked onto the blood that's splattered on my hands, some of the warm liquid on my face. The gun in my hands trembles, but I'm snapped out of my trance when I hear someone run around to my side of the car, the side with the smashed window. On instinct, I gasp and point the gun again only to find Bucky staring at me with wide eyes.
"It's me! It's me, you're safe!" he urges, reaching in through the now open window, making sure to avoid the shards of broken glass and unlocking the doors. Bucky swings open my door and bends in front of me, his eyes flying over my body and looking desperately for an injury.
"Are you hurt?" he asks, looking up at the blood that's on me. His blue eyes are heavy with concern, but my trembling hands and wide eyes can't seem to focus on anything but the gun in my bloody hands.
"It's not mine," I manage out, referring to the blood on my body. The gun shakes as my hands do, tears welling in my eyes that are locked on to it. A pair of hands, one warm and the other cold, grab onto my trembling ones and gently pull the gun away, casting it into the back of the car. 
"Caroline," Bucky mumbles, his voice sending shivers down my spine and his hand sparking warmth on my freezing skin when I feel it cup my cheek and turn it so I look at him. His eyes soften at the look upon my face.
"I shot someone," I whisper, my voice quivering as I do and my vision blurring with tears, "He smashed the window and pulled a gun on me and I shot him"
I know and so does Bucky that I did the right thing, but my stomach is still churning. I know the man will be okay, the wound didn't look too serious, but I still shot someone. His metal hand comes up to the other cheek, both hands now resting on my face soothingly. 
"It's okay, he was driving away, that means he's going to be okay. You did the right thing, Caroline" He assures, rubbing his thumb over the skin of my cheek.
I nod, knowing he's right and trying to force myself to snap out of it. 
"Alright, we have to go before someone comes looking for us again. We can stop at another exit" Bucky informs, taking his hands away and shutting my door only to jog around to his and get in. 
I can't help but feel cold and empty without his touch, whether it be metal or human. As the car starts and we pull out of the gas station and back onto the highway, I feel Bucky looking over at me periodically. My eyes are locked onto the highway, though, and not a single thought is bouncing through my mind. 
Before I know it, we've pulled off at another exit and into another gas station. When Bucky turns the car off and gets out, shutting his door behind him, I feel a bout of panic begin to set in. He's going to leave me again, He's going to leave me alone in-
My door opens and I look up to see Bucky standing outside of it with his hand outstretched to me. 
"This time, I think it's best if you came with me" he states, making my panic dissipate and relief flood in its place. I nod and gingerly put my hand in his, trying to ignore the way sparks immediately soar where our skin touches. Bucky helps me get out of the car, my stomach screaming in pain when I move. Eventually, I'm out and walking with Bucky towards the gas station.
He keeps my hand in his.
The bell above the door chimes when we walk in and Bucky immediately leads me to where the bathrooms are. He casts a quick glance around to make sure we're not being followed this time before leading me inside the men's room. He shuts and locks the door once he's in and checks to make sure no one else is inside, making a bit more of my panic release as we have the entire place alone. 
"Here, let's get you cleaned up" Bucky says softly, grabbing my waist gently and setting me as cautiously as he can on top of the counter so I'm just above eye level with him. 
For the most part, besides a light tremor in my hands, I've stopped shaking and calmed down. I didn't kill him, only hurt him. Still, though, I fear that moment will be burned into my brain for a while. 
Wordlessly, Bucky grabs a paper towel and wets it. Then, he grabs my right hand and gently begins to rub the man's blood off of it. I sit silently, watching him work. He moves on to the other hand, wiping it clean quickly. All the while, I feel my heart hammering in my chest, not because of fear or anxiety or nerves or even trauma.
Because of something else I can't explain.
When he lets go of my hand, his blue eyes turn up to my hazel ones and he leans forward, bringing the paper towel to my cheek. The material is rough against my skin, he moves it so gently that I hardly even notice it. His baseball hat is still on, keeping him from getting too close to me. 
In a way, I'm grateful and disappointed because of it.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, the blood is gone. His fingers, though, linger for a moment longer on my cheek, making butterflies erupt in my stomach.
It's crazy to think how only two or three days ago, Bucky was hell-bent on killing me.
When his hand finally drops, he gives me a small, close-lipped smile.
"There, it's all gone" Bucky states, making me smile softly in return.
"Thanks" I respond, looking down at my now clean hands. Surprisingly, the sight does wonders to ease my mind and heart about what transpired tonight.
"Now, we can get some food and then head ou-" Bucky's words die out. 
I look up, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. My confusion only intensifies when I see his eyes locked on my arm. Slowly, as if he's scared to touch me, he lifts the sleeve of my shirt and I take in a sharp breath.
There, on full display, are the cigarette marks left by my father.
I look over at Bucky, my eyes wide only to find his jaw clenched. He's hardly moving, hardly breathing, as his hand reaches up to gently trace one of the marks.
"Who did that to you?" Bucky nearly growls. I open my mouth to deflect, but choose not to. It would be harder to ignore it than just simply tell him the truth. I sigh and look away from his gaze and to my hands. I can't bear to look at him when I speak again.
"My dad really was the worst you could get," I offer, keeping my eyes on my hands as emotion rears into my tone, "It started when my mom died. Cody would call me and tell me that dad was getting physical, and I..."
I pause, trying to keep the tears from my eyes as I look back up and over Bucky's shoulder to the wall behind him. 
"I couldn't let him get hurt. I forced him to text me whenever dad would get angry and I'd come over and..." I let my words die out, not even wanting to say it aloud, "Like I said, I'd do anything to protect my brother"
Carefully, I bring my eyes over to Bucky's. My heart skips when I see the unreadable look sitting in them. He takes my hand in his, making my mind ease and my heart race.
"Just when I think you're done amazing me, doll" he breathes, making my stomach flutter. Our eyes stay locked for a moment more before he reaches out and helps me down from the counter, setting me carefully back to the floor.
"Just so you know," Bucky begins again, placing a burning hand at the small of my back and looking over at me as we walk to the door to the bathroom, "I can't promise I won't kill your father if I ever see him again"
I don't know why, but the statement makes a smile tug at my lips. I guess, for the first time, I feel truly protected and cared for. As we walk out of the bathroom together, I nudge him slightly.
"For his sake, let's hope you never meet"
"I've thought of a place we can go"
Bucky's words pull me out of my thoughts of Cody. The empty food wrappers sit in the backseat, long eaten. The sun is beginning to rise, and with it is the hope that I'll survive to see the next sunrise. I look over at him, intrigue filtering my gaze.
"It's risky, especially since I'm still not fully remembering who I am, but it's our best shot" he states. Just by looking at the man beside me, I can tell he's scared to do whatever he has in mind.
"Bucky, whatever it is. I'll be right here" I assure, surprising myself with the words. I didn't realize it before now, but I'd much rather be with him than without him. He looks over at me and smiles before turning back to the road.
As he works up the courage to say his plan, I furrow my brows at the 'Welcome to New York' sign that we pass.
"The only people who can really protect us and even help us find your brother are the Avengers." 
My heart jumps and I can't help the excitement that floods into me. I look over at him, my eyes wide and bright. He smiles at the happy look on my face and continues speaking. That smile...
That smile of his undoes me.
"It gives me a chance to reconnect with Steve and see if I can't figure this out and they have the best resources to find your brother" Bucky informs, making the both of us happy.
"I think that's the best idea yet, I really hope you can figure everything out" I wish, smiling softly at Barnes. He looks over and smiles.
"Me too"
We drive along for a while, getting closer and closer to the location of the Avengers Tower. In the few bits of silence where we're not talking, I can't help but wonder what's going to happen when we get to the Tower and I get my brother back. Eventually, my assassin and I will have to part ways. I don't know why, but the thought of that leaves a hollow hole in my chest.
Maybe I do know why, but I'm too scared to admit it.
Before I know it, we're pulling up to the tower with a large A on the front. When we park, I look over at Bucky.
"You're probably about to freak some people way out" I warn, picking up his hat and setting it low on his head, "You might want to keep your head down until the moment's right"
He nods at me, offering me a small smile before looking over to the massive tower with a deep breath.
"You ready, doll?" 
I nod, biting my lip at the thought of finding Cody.
We step out of the car together and walk into the Avengers Tower, all the while receiving some pretty strange looks from people walking by. I gather up my courage and walk up to the front desk where a woman sits typing away at a computer. Bucky stands beside me, his head down.
"Hi, can I help you today?" the woman asks politely, looking up at me and Bucky. 
This is it.
I draw in a deep breath and nod, returning the woman's polite smile.
"Yes actually, we, uh, we need to see the Avengers" I inform, knowing full well how absolutely absurd that sounds. That's like walking up to the White House without an appointment and telling someone that you need to see the president. 
The lady gives me an odd look, one that she sends over to Bucky and then back to me. My heart is racing and I'm hoping beyond everything that she'll just let us in to see them. 
"I'm sorry, but you need an appointment for that" she informs, looking back down at her computer.
"I don't mean to be rude ma'am, but we really need to see them. It's urgent and I promise you it's not nothing" I continue, making the woman look up at me skeptically. She studies my face before sighing. 
"Alright, but you have to get cleared to go up. We don't allow outside, unauthorized weapons or sharp metals" she informs, waving over two guards with metal-detecting wands to check us.
My heart goes to my throat. This is not going to go very well. Bucky and I share the same nervous look as they approach, and beside us I can hear the lady making a call upstairs to let the Avengers know that they have people visiting.
We won't even make it to the elevators though.
"Hold out your arms, please" the guard who walks up to me asks. I do so, letting him scan his wand over me. Within a few seconds, I'm cleared. I look over to Bucky, who holds his arms out too and gives me a nervous look.
The second the wand goes near his arm, it begins to blare. The second guard's wand begins to beep at his hip, signaling a gun. The two guards jump back, both drawing their guns and pointing them at Bucky. 
"Woah, woah! Calm down!" I shout, jumping in front of Bucky and holding my hands out.
My heart is racing and I can tell Bucky is anything but happy that once again I've put myself between him and a gun. 
"Show us your weapon!" one guard yells, making a tense emotion flood the room. Off to the side, I can see the astonished clerk make another call and speak frantically with who's on the other side. 
"Just calm down, we don't want to hurt anyone" I try again, trying to keep the panic from my voice. 
Then, to my surprise, one of them shoots.
I gasp at the sound and immediately prepare to be shot again only for Bucky to step in front of me and use his arm to deflect the bullet. The sound of metal hitting metal resounds in the room and the silence following the gunshot leaves everyone in silence. I look up at Bucky in shock, his metal arm in front of me. He looks over his shoulder at me, his slightly concerned eyes searching mine to make sure I'm okay. I nod slowly, knowing full well that I should be shot right now. Once he sees that I'm unharmed, the glare in his gaze tells me I'm going to get a lecture later on not putting myself between him and bullets.
"Put your hands up or I swear I'll shoot again!" the guard shouts, making me jump. 
I grab onto Bucky's arm that's in front of my body out of instinct, and he keeps it assuredly in front of me, ready to deflect any more shots.
"Just listen-" Bucky begins, but the guard shouts again.
"I mean it, now!"
"Alright, would everyone just take a chill pill for a second?" the voice of Tony Stark announces, making hope flood through me. 
I look over to see Tony emerging from the elevator, his hands held out in front of him as to calm the situation. Behind him, I see Natasha Romonaff and Steve Rogers follow. When I see Steve, I can sense the shock that rolls off of Bucky. I look up to him to see his jaw clenched and his eyes on his best friend. His hat is lowered to hide his face.
"What's going on here?" Nat asks, looking over at us with curiosity in her eyes. 
"We just want to talk to you all, please" I inform, my eyes going between the three Avengers. 
They all look at each other before looking back at me. Steve steps up, his shield in hand.
"Who are you?" he asks, and I know now's the time. Bucky must too because he slowly lift his gaze so his face is on full display.
"You're Steve, right?" Bucky asks, his voice clouded with confusion. 
The shield drops from Steve's hands. I watch pure disbelief pull onto his features as he takes in his best friend that supposedly died all those years ago. 
"Bucky?" he breathes, almost afraid that this won't all be real.
"Hey man" Bucky responds, his hand lowering from in front of me as we both understand that our danger is over. Tony looks over at him incredulously.
"As in Bucky Barnes? Isn't he...you know, dead?" Tony asks, to which Nat elbows him sharply.
"Supposed to be, but that's not how things worked out" Bucky responds. That's when Steve steps forward, almost unsure of his movements.
"His mind is a little lost, he needs help figuring it out" I inform, making sure Steve is aware that Bucky's memory isn't fully there. Steve stops in his step and nods, not being able to stop the smile that grows on his face.
I watch Tony send a look towards Steve before stepping up to us.
"Of course we'll help, we've got some of the smartest people in the universe in here" he informs, making me laugh. Tony sends a look between Bucky and I.
"And you can bring...I'm sorry, what's your name?" Tony asks me. I smile.
He nods and turns back to Bucky.
"You can bring Caroline along," He states, making more relief pump through me, "I don't think everything would go very well if you didn't"
And then, just like that, we're on our way up the tower.
"So, he was hunting you because your father traded his life for you and your brother's?" 
I nod at Natasha, who sits with Steve and I just outside the lab where Bruce Banner and Tony are checking out Bucky. Sympathy is drawn across Nat and Steve's faces.
"He cornered us in a motel and I stalled enough to let my brother get away. I don't know how, but I managed to get through whatever mind manipulation they used on him to get him to help me." I continue, sighing and running a hand through my hair, "We've been on the run since then"
"Thank you," Steve suddenly says, making me lift my gaze to his, "For bringing Bucky back, he's the closest thing to a brother I have"
I smile softly and nod.
"Of course"
Nat and Steve share a look before Steve speaks again.
"And it's because I know what it feels like to lose a brother that I want to ask if you want us to help find your brother? I know it's scary, not knowing where he is or if he's safe" Steve says, making my entire face light up. 
"That would be so amazing, you have no idea" I rush out, bringing a smile to Nat and Steve's faces.
"Cody Bane, right? I'll get right on it" Nat says before standing and walking away. 
"I've been more a mother than a sister to him through all of this" I inform, looking down at my hands and back up at Steve who watches me intently, "He's a tough kid. He doesn't give up easy"
"Neither do you, I'll bet" Steve responds, looking at me knowingly. 
I look over at the lab, managing to see in through the glass and watch Bucky get blood drawn and tests done. As I do, my heart tugs. Once I get my brother back, I'll have to leave him. In the past few days we've been together, I've found a connection with Bucky that I've never had with anyone before. 
Now I have to leave him.
"Have you told him yet?"
At Steve's sudden and vague question, I look over at him with my brows furrowed. He smiles knowingly at me and casts a look towards his best friend.
"How you feel, have you told him how you feel?" Steve clarifies, making my heart jump into my throat and my eyes widen. I immediately begin to shake my head.
"Oh, no I don't-" I begin to ramble, but Steve cuts me off with a light laugh.
"Don't worry about it, Caroline. Out of every girl Bucky has ever been around, he's never looked at any of them the way he looks at you." Steve informs, making my lips part slightly in shock at the very thought that Bucky could feel the same pull that I do. I don't have time to respond when Nat jogs back in with a tablet in her hand.
"Got him, Cody Bane is alive and well, hiding out at a police station in NYC" Nat informs, setting the tablet down to show the camera feed, "Smart kid"
Relief like I've never felt it floods over me. I look at the screen to see my brother sitting and messing around with an officer's things in the middle of a police station. I laugh, tears of pure joy making it past my defenses and slipping down my cheeks.
"I contacted the department, they're gonna transfer him over in an armored vehicle and police escort. He'll be here within the hour" Nat informs. I nod, standing and throwing my arms around the woman's neck. She gasps in surprise.
"Thank you" I whisper.
She smiles and hugs me back. When we pull away, she nods to me.
"What's the celebration?"
At the sound of Bucky's voice, I whirl around. He looks calmer than before and intrigue lights up his features when he sees the happiness on my face.
"Cody's alive. He'll be here soon" I inform, not being able to stop the smile on my face. I watch a smile pull on his lips as well.
"Yeah? That's great, Care!" he exclaims. Quickly after, though, I think it hits us both that within the hour, when my brother gets here, we're going to be splitting up. The other people in the room must notice it too.
"Let's give them a moment to talk" Bruce suggests, leading everyone out of the room. Once they're gone, I look back to Bucky with a sad, conflicted smile.
"I guess this is it" I announce, trying to keep the crushing sadness away from my heart, but it's impossible. Bucky lets out a sigh, his blue eyes locked onto my hazel ones.
"I'm gonna miss you, doll" he states, walking up and pulling me into a hug, "Thank you...for everything"
I let out a shaky breath as he does, wrapping my arms around his neck and letting his warmth relax me. This time, when a single tear escapes, it isn't for Cody. We pull away eventually and our eyes lock, my heart skipping when they do. 
"I hope you figure out everything" I say, to which he nods but has the most serious look on his face I've seen in days. Our faces are inches apart and I can hardly breathe. The pull that I have to him is so intense that I want nothing more than to close the gap between us.
I don't, though.
Being this near to him is too painful, so I step back and run a hand through my hair. I don't even say anything else, too scared that if I do my feelings will be blatantly clear in my tone. Instead, I just turn around and begin to walk away. I make it a few steps too until a metal arm closes around my arm and pulls me back. I stumble as I turn around, confusion in my face. 
"What are you-"
My words are cut off when Bucky keeps his metal hand on my waist and brings his other one to my cheek and crashes his lips to mine. Instantly, I melt into him. My skin feels as though it's been set on fire and yet I can't seem to burn hot enough. His grip on me tightens as his lips work against mine with a desperation that steals my breath. This kiss alone is enough to make me realize that I'm falling fast and hard and it's going to hurt like hell to leave him.
When we finally pull apart, Bucky rests his forehead against mine, his hair tickling my face as he does.
"I know I'm not the man I was before, but-"
I cut him off this time, pulling away so he can see the sincerity in my gaze.
"I'm falling for the man you are now, not the man you were then." I whisper, my heart slamming in my chest as the words leave my mouth. His eyes widen slightly at my confession
"Caroline, you deserve so much better than me" he rasps. For just a moment, I think he's going to say goodbye, and my heart begins to tremble.
Bucky must see the crestfallen look in my eyes because he brings his metal hand up to cup the other side of my cheek so he holds my face. He stares down at me with such intensity that I feel my legs turn to jelly, and I have to tighten my hold on him to stay upright.
"Don't think for a single second that I don't want you," he whispers, making my heart jump, "Now, I'm not as good at the love thing as I was back then but-
"Love?" I interrupt, my eyebrows raising suddenly at his choice of words.
Bucky fumbles with his words for a solid minute before he finally gives up and decides to just press his lips gently to mine, taking my breath away yet again. When he pulls back, he rubs one of his thumbs across my cheek and says his next words with such conviction that my stomach explodes into a thousand butterflies.
"Stay," Bucky suddenly says, his eyes searching mine, "Stay here, we can protect you, I can protect you."
That's all I wanted him to say, that's all I wanted to hear. For someone, for him, to ask me to stay. I smile softly up at him and nod.
"You couldn't get rid of me if you tried"
Bucky smiles and places another quick kiss to my lips.
"Looks like I've still got it"
I laugh, leaning my head against his shoulder and letting the safety and warmth wrap around me.
It's crazy to think that only a few days ago, I was his target, his prey.
And here I am, falling in love with my hunter at a heartbreaking speed
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everestica · 1 year
i've come to lurk in your inbox and ask for some deuce.
up to you but i was thinking either him having a crush on a delinquent reader (cause yk he was one and now ykwim) or maybe childhood friends to lovers?
EITHER ONE! you can pick, i'm sure it'll be great either way!! <33
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'*•.¸♡ Deuce Spade x DelinquentChildhood!Reader!♡¸.•*'
➳ Fair Warning I wrote this at like 3 AM so if things don't make sense or words are misspelled that's the reason why lol&lt;3
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───
Deuce in middle school was a lot different then how he acts now at Night Raven, and everybody who had heard about his past had known that, but there was one thing that always made him think about changing into an honor student even before his mother said anything, and that was (name). Growing up (name) was always very sheltered by their parents and never really got out much but when Deuce's mom started working with (name's) parents, they were finally able to have an actual friend. Deuce and (name) grew up like two peas in a pod most of the time, and spent almost all the time they could get together, well together! Then comes Middle school both (name) and Deuce had changed a lot, (Name) was a lot less sheltered and got into a lot more trouble and it didn't help that their partner in crime was Deuce Spade, one of the really well know delinquents in the school. They together were a forced to be recond with, but when Deuce found out about his mother and how she felt that she was a terrible mother because of the way her son was, he immediately rethought about what he was doing. As much as he wanted to impress (name) and wanted to have something to talk about with them, this was his mother and his future, and so with that when the carriage came to pick him up for Night raven he left all that in the past.
Then a couple months later the spelldrive tournament comes on and lots of different school come from all over to see the matches between the dorms at Night Raven and between the Spelldrive team at NRC and RSA. That's when Deuce had saw (Name) again, it was the first time since he had told them on the last day of school that he needed to take a break from there friendship and he needed to start working on grades and building up his future. After the games he went to try to find you through the crowds of people but you found him first tapping him on the shoulder, you looked different from when he left to come to NRC, a lot less of your "delinquent nature" but some of it was still there, it's not that easy to just give up your past and who you once were. You talked for a little before he finally couldn't help himself anymore and confessed.
Deuce: I love you (name), and I've had a crush on you ever since we were kids, ever since you were sheltered and you though that you could eat flowers and they would taste as pretty as they looked. I know it was a shitty move to just leave you behind like that but look at you now, your doing so well for yourself and I couldn't be happier to know somebody like you..
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ask-the-wage-trio · 4 days
Opinions on Hatzgang and Skirtzsquad?
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The Hatzgang:
"..the what now..?"
"I.. think they mean Roy, Robert and Ross."
"Oh.. them. Wait, how'd you even know that—"
"That's not important! Uhhh.. hmmm.. well, I've talked to them a few times since I already know who Robert is and all. I don't think Roy really likes me all that much though. I mean, he hasn't really said anything to me, but I can kinda tell by the way he talks sometimes that he probably doesn't wanna be around me or something."
"Mmm.. since when does that kid ever wanna be around anyone..? From the few times I've seen him, he seems like—he.. nevermind. But—he did kinda cause trouble at my store once, so I can't say I enjoy being around him all that much."
"Uh.. yeah. He did. It's not really important though. I was able to clean it up. Anyway.. I think I can say what Lily thinks of him already, since she's related to him and all. But she loves him a lot since they're family, even if they don't see eachother much. That's.. what you said the last time I asked about him, right, Lily?"
(Lily nods.)
"..and.. as for that Ross kid, he's okay. I haven't really talked to him all that much though. Lily also likes him, since he's friends with Roy and stuff."
(Lily nods again as if confirming this)
"Yeah—he.. he really is an okay kid. I don't talk to him a lot, but he's really quiet and well-behaved. Sometimes he shows up at the library to just read, or chill. I.. don't really have much of an opinion on him other than that, but—he's alright. As for Robert though—he's.. heh.. he's a really great kid! He's just like his brother too. Eheheh—sometimes we talk whenever he swings by my work. He's actually a pretty good listener, considering he listens a lot whenever I talk about books.."
"Yeah.. he's actually a pretty great kid. I'm not sure why he even hangs around Roy that much, but.. it's not like it's his fault. He's usually pretty respectful whenever we talk, so I don't have much against him. And Lily likes him too since.. well, since he's Roy's friend."
(Lily smiles a little.)
The SkirtzSquad:
"Oh! This is about the mayors daughter and her friends, I think. Uhh—well, for Regina.. I.. I think that's her name.. she's pretty okay! I don't see her that much though. Eheh.."
"I don't really see her that much either, but I've heard of her from Robert a few times. I heard she apparently got into fights with Roy a lot at some point. Heh.. I can respect her for that though."
"...*irritated murmuring*.."
"Uh—nothing. Anyway.. do you have any thoughts on her, Lily?"
"..*murmuring*.." (Lily shrugs)
"Lily says she doesn't really have much thought on her since she doesn't see her a lot either. As for her friends though—I think that one with the red hair is really nice. Rachel was her name, I think? She's Rick's sister apparently, so she's okay with me."
"Ah—yeah! She is. Ahah.. yeah, she's really sweet! I like telling her about books I'm into sometimes. She's a pretty good listener like Robert is."
"..yeah! Ahahah.. oh—Lily also likes her too because of how sweet she is. As for the other one.. err.. Regan, I think—yeah. Regan. She's okay with me too! She seems really endearing from the few times I've talked to her. She's kinda like the little sis I've never had sometimes.. wh—have you met her, Kelly?"
"..mmm.. no. Can't say I've actually seen her that much. But I've heard about her from Rachel. She does sound pretty funny though.."
"..well, I guess if thats what you think of her, I'll take your word for it. Oh—Lily says she thinks she's really nice, and says that it's fun to look after her sometimes. Aaaand.. I think that's everyone. So I guess we can just end the ask here."
OOC // The SkirtzSquad part will only be canon to this ask if @dismissivedestroyer wants it to be /g /lh
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3mixs · 1 year
Thank you so much for writing my mihyo ask. Just like I expected it was perfect ☺️. I know I've said this before but I love the way you write. I loved the fact that you continued the ceo au. I'm looking forward to more of them. If it's not to much trouble can we get a story where they officially become girlfriends and go on their first date? If this is too many asks please let me know and I'll ask another time.
omg thank you so much, you’re so nice!! you can absolutely get anything you ask for! unless my requests are ever closed you’re always more than welcome to send whatever you want and i’ll write it up for you!! so without further ado, here’s mihyo’s first date!
mina tilted her head back as warm rays of sunlight cascaded over her. her chest rose as she breathed in the fresh air of spring. she couldn’t remember the last time she willingly spent time outside. with the constant demand for innovation and success that her job required, she didn’t have much time for herself. not that she would typically choose to spend the little free time she did have out doors. given the choice, she would always opt to spend time inside, where bugs couldn’t get her. but today wasn’t about her. today was about them and the start of their relationship.
since mina had come back from her business trip, things had been different. there was no longer a need to disguise her feelings as purely lust or excuse her neediness as her insatiable need for control. so she didn’t. instead she tried to be more open with her emotions and express her needs. it didn’t always come out quite as eloquent or kind as she had hoped, but she was trying and that’s all that mattered for now. 
jihyo was patient and encouraging. she didn’t push mina to give more than she was ready to. despite how much she wanted to hear mina voice her feelings, she knew mina wasn’t there yet. so she took what she could get from the ceo and rewarded mina’s efforts through affirmations and loving kisses. 
over time mina became more comfortable voicing her feelings. she would even say she liked it to an extent. every time she voiced what she felt toward jihyo, she knew it would make jihyo happy. and to mina there was no better feeling in the world than being the reason jihyo smiled.
eventually mina worked up the courage to take a step forward with their relationship. she knew it had to be her to make the decision to move forward. after all she was the one who changed their dynamic in the first place. so, one night after work she asked jihyo out on a real date. jihyo had agreed, but only on one condition: she got to decide what they would do. mina would have preferred the control, but agreed nonetheless. she was mostly just happy jihyo had said yes (though there was no way she’d say no).
so here mina was, sitting on a picnic blanket in the park and basking in the sun. “wow, is that myoi mina actually enjoying the outdoors?” jihyo teased as she approached the blanket, two ice cream cones in hand. a giggle erupted past mina’s pink lips, “oh hush. i was just enjoying the peace and quiet without somebody talking my ear off.” jihyo playfully rolled her eyes as she sat beside the other girl. “take your ice cream miss ‘peace and quiet.’” 
mina leaned over to place a soft peck on jihyo’s cheek as she took one of the cone’s out of jihyo’s hand. “thank you for the dessert baby. are you sure you don’t want me to pay you back for it?” mina asked earnestly. jihyo couldn’t help but laugh, “how poor do you think i am? it’s just ice cream.” the ceo’s eyes widened and cheeks flushed a bright pink. “i didn’t mean to- i just meant- i could pay- i don’t think you’re-” mina stumbled over her words in an attempt to save herself from a misunderstanding. jihyo could only laugh harder, “i’m just kidding honey, relax. besides, you need to start saving up. from now on you’re going to be paying and just so you know, i have expensive taste.” mina lightly pushed jihyo’s arm at the relentless joking, “stop teasing me and eat your ice cream.”
jihyo smiled, obviously proud of herself for successfully teasing her now girlfriend. mina watched her fondly as she began to lick the treat in front of her. she let out a content hum as the sweetness of the ice cream filled her mouth. “this is delicious. what flavor did you get?” mina asked, eyeing the green scoop on top of jihyo’s sugar cone. jihyo held out her dessert for mina to taste, “mint chocolate chip, here try some.” mina took the cone in her hand and took a small lick of the dessert, handing her own cone over for jihyo to try the black cherry flavor she had requested. mina nodded in approval at the taste, “i hate that it was actually good. there’s no reason mint flavored ice cream should taste good.” mina joked as she took another lick of jihyo’s dessert which prompted the other girl to whine and reach for her cone. the ceo couldn’t help but laugh at jihyo faux annoyance. 
the pair continued to chat as they enjoyed their respective ice cream. mina couldn’t recall the last time she had smiled this much. she was almost positive by the time the date was over her face would hurt because of it. thinking about it only made her smile harder. 
after their ice cream had long been eaten and the position of the sun had moved closer to the west, jihyo laid with her head on mina’s lap while she played with her hair. mina studied jihyo’s face, committing every detail to memory. “thank you for today. i haven’t had this much fun since... i don’t know when.” mina confessed as she twirled a strand of jihyo’s hair around her finger. jihyo’s lips curved into a warm smile that mina then mirrored. “don’t thank me quite yet. i have one more thing i want to do, if you’re up for it?” 
“i’ll do anything you want me to,” mina’s voice was sincere. she didn’t want to get too invested too soon, but she knew she meant what she said in every sense of it. she would follow jihyo anywhere and do anything jihyo asked of her. jihyo must have known it too based on the fond look in her eyes. jihyo removed herself from mina’s lap and placed a delicate kiss on mina’s lips before she stood up and held out her hand. mina took her hand with no hesitation. she had no idea what was in store, but as long as she was with jihyo she couldn’t wait to find out what it was.
the pair gathered their belongings and stored them in jihyo’s car. “are we driving there?” mina questioned, unsure. “we certainly can if you want to. but, it’s only like a ten minute walk from here.” mina didn’t exactly like the idea of walking but she did love the idea of getting to hold jihyo’s hand as they walked. mina held out her hand for jihyo to lead the way. 
jihyo laced their fingers together as they made their way back through the park and toward the city. she thought she’d be more nervous at the prospect of holding mina’s hand out in public- especially after having to hide her feelings for her boss for so long- but honestly, holding mina’s hand couldn’t have felt more natural. like mina’s hand was made to fit her own. 
the two had been so engulfed in their conversation that the walk didn’t even feel like ten minutes. if jihyo hadn’t stopped her mina would have just kept walking without a care in the world just listening to jihyo talk. they had stopped outside of a small, dark building mina couldn’t see inside of. “what is this place?” mina asked skeptically as she searched for a sign or any indication of what was inside. jihyo was practically buzzing with excitement as she made her way over to the door. “are you sure this is the right place? this looks like the back of the building, shouldn’t we go to the other side or something?” mina asked even more confused the more she observed the building. jihyo ignored mina’s questions as she typed a code into the lock pad above the door handle.
the sound of the dead bolt shifting inside the door took mina by surprise. she truly had no idea what was going on or what to expect behind those doors. jihyo’s smile practically spanned from ear to ear as she hurriedly opened the door for mina, “after you.” mina looked at her girlfriend with a puzzled expression for a moment as jihyo urged her to enter the building. “are you going to murder me? was this all a set up?” jihyo rolled her eyes in impatience, “babe, just go inside.” 
mina sighed in defeat and stepped forward, “if i step through those doors and die, i want you to know i will haunt you for the rest of time.” jihyo chuckled as she ushered mina through the door. before them was a empty hallway with a black door on the other end. “jihyo-” before the ceo could finish her sentence, put her hand on the base of her back and urged her toward the door. “trust me,” jihyo said softly as she lead them through the black door.
mina stood there in shock for a moment as she processed her new surroundings. a symphony of buzzes, dings, cheers and music filled the air. blue and purple neon lights illuminated the otherwise dark room. “oh my god,” mina whispered as she took in the vibrancy of the arcade. jihyo’s smile grew almost impossibly bigger as she watched mina’s eyes fill with excitement and wonder. the younger turned to her, surprise etched in her every feature. jihyo nodded toward the arcade as if to give mina permission to explore. mina needed no further instruction as she excitedly darted through the room, gasping and pointing out which games she wanted to play. “holy shit. i can’t believe they have this, i haven’t played this since i was a kid.” mina marveled at the old machine, a bright smile on her face as the nostalgia washed over her. “how did you find this place?” 
jihyo half-shrugged although the look on her face gave away how proud she was, “just found it. wait here and i’ll get us some tokens.” mina was so entranced by the game she barely even registered jihyo leaving and coming back. it wasn’t until jihyo rattled the cup of coins that mina looked away from the screen. 
for the next hour jihyo and mina played game after game, laughing and teasing each other at every chance they could. they moved from one machine to the other as mina recalled stories of her playing them in the past and jihyo listened attentively. she’d never seen mina this giddy and playful. it was almost like watching mina revert into a ten year old version of herself. she’s so used to mina’s more stoic and professional nature around the office and her commanding yet caring way at home, she never imagined this side to the ceo.
mina fiddled a game token between her fingers as she contemplated which game was worthy of their final coin. “we could play another round of dance dance revolution or do the racing game again- wait, maybe we should do the bowling one you’re good at so we can get more tickets and try to get better prizes. actually maybe we should do one more round of mortal combat since you can never go wrong with that,” mina rambled as her brows furrowed in contemplation. jihyo lightly placed her hand on top of mina’s, “actually i was hoping to try one we haven’t done yet.” 
mina halted her suggestions for a moment, “we missed one?” she had been sure they played with every worthy machine. jihyo grabbed mina’s hand and lead her to the other end of the room, “babe, no offense but are we seriously going to waste our last coin on a claw machine? that’s not even really a game-” mina started to protest, since she had purposely been avoiding this corner of the room. jihyo continued to lead them forward until the reached the very edge of the room, “i want to play that one.” jihyo nodded toward an older machine that seemed to be excluded from the rest of the arcade. mina’s eyes widened once she realized what game it had been. she slowly approached the machine in disbelief, “i didn’t think they still had these anywhere.” she lightly traced over the machine’s controls, “when i was growing up i used to come to the arcade to play this with my dad every weekend when he was off work. this is part of the reason i fell in love with video games.” mina said with a fondness in her voice at the distant memories.
jihyo stood to the side of the machine and patted the coin slot, “show me how to play?” mina eagerly agreed as she dropped the token into the slot. she excitedly rattled off the rules of the game before she started her turn. jihyo barely paid the game any mind, content to just watch mina do the cute little face she makes when she’s concentrating. after a few minutes the machine erupted with a victorious trumpet sound to indicate mina had won. the ceo threw her fist in the air, “fuck yeah! i still got it!” she exclaimed, pride overflowing from her demeanor.
jihyo applauded her girlfriend before placing a kiss on her cheek, “congratulations babe! i knew you could do it.” mina wrapped her arms around jihyo’s waist and pulled her close. mina’s eyes filled with love as she looked at jihyo. she placed a loving kiss onto jihyo’s lips. jihyo smiled into the kiss before she pulled away and grabbed the tickets from the machine. “let’s go collect your prizes.” 
the pair brought their abundance of tickets to the front of the arcade. a tall, older man stood behind the prize counter with a smile on his face, “wow, you weren’t kidding when you said she was into video games.” mina looked puzzled for a moment when she realized he was speaking to jihyo who had placed the tickets on the counter. jihyo laughed at his comment, “next time i need to bring more money so we can play longer. she kicked my ass at everything.” the man filtered the tickets through a machine and shook his head playfully at jihyo’s words. “i’m glad you two had fun. you can pick anything from the top shelf or from the stuffed animals hanging below it.” 
jihyo turned toward mina, “you won the tickets so you pick.” mina still looked confused at the interaction she just witnessed and how little time she had to process it before they moved on. she turned her attention to the wall of prizes. she contemplated for a moment before pointing, “that one please.” the man grabbed a step stool and took the large pokemon plushie from it’s place on the wall. he then handed it to mina, the couple thanked him for the prize. “thank you again for everything. i’m sure we’ll be back,” jihyo bowed slightly toward the man before waving goodbye. 
“did you know him?” mina asked as she held the plushie against her chest. jihyo giggled as they made their way through the exit. “kind of. we’ve been emailing back and forth.” mina raised her brow, “why?” jihyo shrugged, “i emailed a few arcades in the area to see if they had qix. this was the only place in like a hundred miles that had one that still worked.” mina stopped in her tracks along the sidewalk, “how did you know to do all this?” jihyo stopped alongside her, her demeanor turning sheepish at what she was about to confess.
“well, when you were out of town and i was staying at your place i tidying up around the house and went into your office. i noticed that picture of you and your dad playing qix on your desk. i figured since you haven’t been able to go back home in a while i could do something to try to bring home to you. it’s the only reason i insisted you let me pick what we did today.”
mina stood there in shock for a moment. she’s been homesick for so long she’d gone numb to it at this point. with the influx of work she had to deal with, it became easy to forget how much she yearned to be back in the place she grew up in and surrounded by her family. she’d been in work mode for so many years that anything other than work took a back seat. mina’s hands dropped to her side as she processed the information. no one had ever done anything this thoughtful for her. in a swift motion she pulled jihyo close and pressed a passionate kiss against her lips. she tried to pour every once of love and gratefulness she had into their kiss, knowing she wouldn’t be able to express it all properly with words. jihyo kissed back with so much tenderness and care it almost made mina cry.
once the two pulled away to replenish their lungs with air mina took jihyo’s hand in her own. “thank you.” jihyo smiled at her girlfriend, “you really don’t need to thank me. i had so much fun, so really i should be thanking you.” mina squeezed jihyo’s hand, “no, i am thanking you. this was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. so thank you. this was seriously like my favorite day ever. i’ll never forget this.” mina said sincerely as she handed jihyo the plushie she had won, “i want you to have this.” 
jihyo shook her head and tried to hand the stuffed creature back, “i appreciate it, but you won it so you should be the one to keep it.” mina refused to take it, “please take it, i only got it because it reminds me of you anyway.” jihyo held out the plushie and studied over it’s pink appearance. “seriously? i remind you of a pokemon?” mina giggled as she looked back and forth between the plush and her girlfriend, “you have the same big eyes. and it’s not just a pokemon, it’s a jigglypuff. the cutest pokemon.” jihyo shook her head and laughed as she started to walk again hand and hand with mina. “let’s go back home.”
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