#i've really missed writing for this goon
I might be in love with your blog.. it’s literally been making my days so much better!
But hear me out this request I’ve had for literally ever and I think you could do it perfectly! So a ginger ready constantly being called a Weasley even tho they aren’t and this obviously catches the twins attention so they kinda start spending time with the reader. And then maybe George falling in love and thinking about Reader becoming an actual Weasley :]]] (also maybe molly being all like „well look at you you’re already a Weasley only missing the name“)
I really hope you get what I’m going for!!
And if not I’ll literally read everything you post it’s just soo amazing!!
i love this idea! i hope i can make it how you imagined!
Pairings: George weasley x Fem!reader Summary: ^^^ Warnings: none Notes: I try my best with every request, I took days to write this to make sure it's good, when you request something I will make sure I try my best to make it good so you enjoy it so I hope you do! I'm sorry if you don't like it, and if you really don't like it, I will do another one.
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you were walking to your class when you got shoved, making you fall to the ground
"what where you're going, Weasley!" you looked up seeing Draco Malfoy, standing with a foul expression as he looked down at you
"what?" you raised your eyebrows, helping yourself up
he rolled his eyes and walked away, not replying to you
you had gotten that a few times throughout the years, it confused you, you weren't a weasley
you didn't have the name, let alone look like them at all, the only thing that you all had in common is the firey red mop on the top of your heads, although yours was slightly more washed out than the others
George was walking with Fred when he heard a yell from the other side of the Corridor
he immediately turned along with Fred to see who called out to them
Fred and George saw a random boy in Ravenclaw yell out again, running to a girl with red hair who certainly wasn't ginny
"didn't he say weasley?" Fred asked George who frowned
"that's what I heard" George shrugged
"well then who the bloody hell is she? do we have a sister we don't know about?" Fred wondered, fully believing his own words
"are you kidding?" George squinted his eyes at Fred
"no, c'mon he's leaving, let's go talk to her" Fred ushered George over to her as she sat in the courtyard
Fred stood in front of the girl and cleared his throat, making her look up
"hello? do you need something?" you asked, looking slightly surprised
"why did he call you a weasley?" Fred spoke up, curious
"oh- some people just do it sometimes, it's because of my hair, I've asked them to stop a few times" you blinked nervously.
you were sitting in front of two of the most popular guys, who happened to have the name that a lot of people call you
"right, because it's red. I'm sure you don't like being associated with our family, right?" George spoke up, feeling slightly insecure
"I mean, I'd prefer being called my own name, but there's nothing wrong with your family so- it's not horrible, if it's that big of a problem with you, I'll try my best to make them stop, but then again they don't really listen to people who they 'know' are a weasley" you answered
George felt a wave of emotion when you fiddled with your fingers
He knows what it's like to be bullied for his name- even if that only happens rarely now- and only by Draco and his goons
"it doesn't really bother me, we were just wondering s'all" Fred spoke kindly
George stayed silent again, letting Fred do the talking like he always did until he got nudged by him, giving him a look
"yeah- just wondering"
you smiled up at the twins, putting the book that was in your lap in your bag and stood up
"hey- would you like to sit with us at lunch?" George blurted out, not wanting to leave yet
- you ran down the halls, George's hand holding your own as you and the twins escaped professor filch, the aftermath of a devious prank they had invited you to join in on
"hurry up!" Fred yelled out, noticing you and George slightly behind, George ahead of you as he dragged you along
"it's not my fault your legs are so freakishly long" you laughed, almost tripping over as George quickened his pace, your legs failing to keep up
you started to fall and squealed lightly when George rushed to catch you before you hit the floor face first
"careful there, Love" he huffed before making sure you were alright
you heard the hiss and the yell from the old owner
"come on" he helped you steady yourself and turned a corner, going a different direction than Fred
you followed closely behind, not wanting to fall again, that would just be embarassing
"get back here Weasleys!" you heard Filch's distant yell that got further away the more you ran
George snickered as you got to the grand stairs, finding Fred running up the stairs
he waited for you and started laughing at how good the prank was, glancing down at you and George's interlocked hands
he looked at you and raised an eyebrow with a smirk
by instinct, you let go of George's hand, making him look over at you at the loss of your palm's warmth
he watched as you and Fred walked into the Gryffindor common room side by side, laughing
he rushed up behind you both and listened as you gushed all about it
"that was amazing! I've never done something like that, quite thrilling if I don't say so myself! is that why you do it?" you grinned, wanting to do it again
"exactly why" Fred smiled smugly, crossing his arms as he leaned against the back of the red couch
"well that was just brilliant! can we do it again?!" you asked excitedly, making George's heart burst in happiness
he's never seen anybody that happy about pranks than him and Fred, to see you smiling and wanting to do it again warmed his heart
it made him feel proud of what he does, it's funny how one person can affect his mood and feelings
"well we do it all the time" Fred motioned to him and George "but you can tag along next time if you want"
"well I don't want to impose or burden you, I just think it's fun" you frowned, thinking he didn't want you to go anymore
"no, it's great having another mind to create ideas, speaking of, do you have any?" George asked
"yes! I thought of a lot on our way back here!"
the younger twin was used to turning around when he heard the name Weasley being called in the halls, and he was only getting used to the person trying to talk to you.
other than that, everything was great, he enjoyed talking to you, hanging out with you and he knew there was something there
he never would of expected it, especially for you, a person many though was one of his family members- he cringes at the thought of that
he wonders if you think of it the same way, if you find it weird like he does.
"George?" he turned to fine you sitting next to him, a curious look on your face as you smiled gently
the twin hummed in response, cheeks turning slightly pink as your pinky touching his hand that rested beside his thigh
"sickle for your thoughts?" you nudged him
"it's nothing, it would be a waste of money" he mumbled
"is it a girl? it is, isn't it?" you beamed, shifting in your seat to fully face him
you noticed the small blush that he refused to let you see, turning his head to look away
"who!?" you grinned grabbing his arm to make him look at you
George was never going to admit he was thinking about you, he had for weeks, he would think about you and smile
"nobody, don't worry" he sighed
"aw come on, I won't tell! do I know her?" you pouted, shaking his shoulders lightly
"no one, I don't like anybody" he denied
you huffed and sat properly, crossing your arms, staying silent
"hey?" George spoke up quietly, feeling as though you were slightly mad at him
"yeah?" you yawned
"how do feel about my name?" he asked out of nowhere
"George? I don't know it's a good name" you shrugged, not quite sure what to say
"no, Weasley, my last name" George corrected
"well it belongs to a wonderful family so I like it!" you nodded happily
George had been wondering what it would be like if you actually had his last name, he could imagine it
"so you wouldn't be upset if you had it?" he fiddled with his fingers
"if I had your last name? I mean I guess it sounds alright, Y/n Weasley, not bad" you chuckled
"yeah" he laughed too, scratching his left arm "doesn't sound bad at all"
the name stayed with George for days, his mind would scream it every time he looked at you and it threatened to slip when he greeted you
and Fred knew George's feelings for you, he could read his twin like a book and it was painfully obvious
it wasn't until a year later when George finally asked you out, your final year
he was planning his and Fred's big getaway for leaving to work on the shop and he didn't know when he was going to see you next, he didn't want to leave you, he needed you
over the past year, from when he met you, he knew he wanted you to stay, he knew that no other girl was going to walk into his life and be like you, make him feel the way you made him feel, made him think the way you made him think
he knew there was something there, and he desperately wanted it to happen, Y/n Weasley was a name he wanted to create for you, a name that he wanted his children to know, a name that he wanted to say aloud and not think in his brain.
Y/n easley was merely a name in his imagination, and George made it his mission to live it
he wanted to make a Weasley out of you, if you wanted
you were meeting the whole family for christmas, going over to the Burrow and spending the holidays with them for break
"Mum already loves you so really you have nothing to worry about, dad is- well dad loves just about everyone, unless your like- evil or rude but, you're not so you're fine, Charlie's only here for Christmas day and you don't have to worry about the rest" George rumbled, holding your hand as he lead you to the burrow
you weren't that nervous, George had told you all about every family member and you had no doubt that you would get along
George opened the door and let you in before closing it behind you both
you both had been at your house getting some things, making the rest like Fred, Ginny and Ron were already there, turning up hours before you
"we're home!" George called out, wrapping his hand around your waist and leading you through the kitchen to find his family
"oh, Dear there you are!" a short, stumpy woman with a warm smile greeted you, wearing an apron
"yeah sor-" George started, getting cut off by her walking past him to you
"look at you, you already look like a weasley, only missing the name!" she declared, grabbing ahold of your cheeks and squeezing
"right Arthur?" she turned to a man who stood at the table looking at George with a smile
he came up to you and introduced himself, everyone else in the room that you haven't met doing the same, some hugging you and the others giving you a hand shake
Bill started a conversation with you, talking about your interests and what you wanted to do
George cut it short, teeling Bill that he wanted to show you where you were staying and wanted to get you settled in before dinner
Bill agreed and George smiled, getting your bags
"i got them, don't worry" you shook your head, trying to take them off him, he only started walking towards the stairs
you followed him up the stairs to his room, putting his bags down at the foot of his bed
"after a long talk with mum I convinced her to let you stay in my room, that's if you want, there's an extra bed in Ginny's room if you want it but I just thought-" he babbled
"I don't mind, whatever you want" you shrugged
"I better not wake up to you two doing things" Fred interrupted, standing in the doorway
"shut up, Fred, we won't be doing anything" the younger twin huffed
he left with his hands up defensively
George cleared his throat and waited for you to look at him before talking
"do you like it?" he questioned nervously
"I love it" you answered, bringing him into a tight hug
your hugs felt like it healed everything that pained him ever, if felt as though it got rid of every rude thing said about him, everything that hurt him, made him feel bad.
your hugs were something he never wanted to end, it was the medicine to his sickness that he didn't even have
"you know, after Christmas, Mum will do everything in her power to make us stay together" he soothed
"I wouldn't fight her on that"
he laughed "well you already are a Weasley, All that's left is to give you the name"
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yanderes-galore · 11 months
Could I Request a yandere arkhamverse harley quinn concept? -🎂
Sure! Writing Harley Quinn could be fun :) This felt a bit everywhere but most of my fics are me just letting my thoughts flow without planning so I hope you enjoy ^^
Yandere! Arkham! Harley Quinn Concept
(Primarily Arkham Knight)
Pairing: Platonic -> Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Violence, Manipulation, Anger issues, Grief, Kidnapping, Drugging/Gassing, Breaking and entering, Forced companionship, Delusional behavior, Clingy behavior.
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Harley could work as a romantic or platonic.
Like... as a platonic she seems like she'd be really bubbly and act like a friend.
A psychotic friend but... somewhat of a friend.
As a romantic she'd be about as obsessive with you as she would be with Joker.
One thing that Arkham/Injustice Harley share with each other is their independence from Joker.
It's just that they deal with it differently.
Injustice Harley becomes a hero after the death of Joker.
While Arkham Harley commits to crime in the name of Joker.
This version of Harley actually gets more insane at the passing of Joker instead of better.
Harley would be a very dangerous yandere in general, but this universe may just make her worse.
Her obsession with someone new most likely starts sometime around Arkham Knight if she sees you in a romantic sense.
If she sees you in a platonic sense I imagine it could be whenever but for now I'll focus on Arkham Knight.
Harley is a yandere who feels she needs to be dependent on her darling.
If she sees you as a friend/ally then she sticks around you as she feels you'll ease her through her grief.
Which is strange as if anyone else tries to ease her grief she snaps at them.
Here's some backstory between you, up until Arkham Knight.
The friend route would make more sense if you "knew" her when Joker was alive.
Harley no doubt first had platonic feelings towards you, that's how her yandere traits would start due to her being with Joker.
She stalks you for a bit then breaks into your home.
She acts like you two are friends and is really bubbly and overly excited towards you.
While you barely know anything about the crazed woman who keeps breaking into your home, she feels she knows everything about you from just watching you.
No doubt spills about you towards the Joker.
She tells him she's found a new friend and that they simply must be involved with their plans.
Your "friendship" with Harley is very one-sided.
She somehow manages to find you and even drags you with her places.
At least once you've been a hostage for one of her and Joker's plans.
The entire time she's acting like it's a fun thing for you two to do.
"Mr. J said I could bring you to meet him~ I bet we'll have so much fun!"
You did not.
Despite your fear and forced compliance, she trusts you and soon you may even get used to being a target of her strange obsession.
Hell, maybe soon you convince her you'll be her "friend" if she just visits and doesn't pull you into any of Joker's plans.
She agrees... and never leaves you alone.
You and Joker are the ones she loves the most.
So when she loses Joker, her beloved, she only has one other person to cling to.
While you contact the police and Batman of Harley's obsession towards you, Harley realizes she needs the comfort of her beloved friend.
It's at this point Harley can stay a platonic yandere or split into a romantic yandere.
Harley would hunt you down, even if you moved.
When she does? She'll send her goons to pick you up and drag her to her little base she's made for herself.
It disappoints her that you may no longer be in your old home, but she'll find you.
You don't need to hide from her!
The moment your conscious you look so confused.
Only to see Harley staring with a grin.
"Hey there! Been awhile, hasn't it? Safe to say I think I've missed you...."
Harley would use her darling as a coping mechanism.
Like an old friend, one you never wanted, she sobs and rants about the loss of Joker.
The whole time you're tied to a chair and hoping Batman comes fast enough.
Then over time she'd shift the topic of her rants to you.
She rambles to you about how you've always been there and how much fun you two have had in the past.
Then maybe the conversation dips into romantic territory... her mentioning how she feels things for you without even meaning to say it.
The idea of her having romantic feelings towards you strikes fear in your gut.
Unfortunately, it's not your say if she has romantic intentions with you or not.
If Harley continues to just see you as a friend then she plans on making you her second in command.
Even if she liked you as a crush she'd take a similar route, although it changes over time.
She's physically clingy and often wants her darling beside her.
Harley would also find some sort of "fun" nickname to call you all the time, smiling the whole time.
If Harley held romantic feelings towards you... imagine if she tried to make you her new "Joker" in this universe?
She may try to get her hands on Joker blood, gas, or even some chemicals to force you into her new love.
Oh, Puddin'... you may be unwilling now, but she'll show you that you can be wonderful for each other.
Harley in this universe truly can't forget about her Joker.
She also adores you.
Why should she have to choose between the two of you?
Why doesn't she just have both?
Harley in this universe definitely seems like she'd brainwash and drug you into the next Joker.
The moment she sees traits of him in you melded with your normal personality, she's in love.
Ohhh, now she has you both!
She's never been happier!
While you're panicking as your personality feels split due to Joker... Harley is holding you and kissing you with happy giggles.
"Oh you're everything and everyone I love! Now I have you both once again... we... I can be happy again!"
By this point something is telling you to reciprocate the affection but you struggle with what to do.
Harley becomes fully dependent on you after this, simply happy she has her two loves in one.
Maybe you'll even let the whole Joker personality take over?
Then you'll be a ruler of crime.
This isn't a life you wanted.
But as the Joker's presence within you grows... you begin to enjoy it.
Then maybe you'll begin to reciprocate Harley's feelings.
Then you'll be everything she's ever wanted.
"I love you, Puddin'...!"
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minas-linkverse · 6 months
What do homelives look like for these guys? Like- who's dating/becoming friends with who? Anybody have family/friends who they especially miss? Any headcanons that might not be as popular as you'd like them to be?
This could be answered super long form and indepth, but I think its more fun to pick up those things from the comic itself (+ bonus art stuff)
Still! I'm happy to share some bits ✌ But know that theres way more deets and ideas.
Post-game sksw is a setting I've talked about quite indepth on the blog before, but for a quick recap:
Zelda and Link are dating. A lot of skyloft folks have joined in the effort to settle on the surface, but so far only Link and Zelda's house is done. Groose, his goons and Karane are working on building more + some help from other skyloft folks. Pippit cooks for them after a hard day's work and is dating Karane.
Groose was invited by Zelda and Link to live in their house, but has refused to and instead stays at the temple. He says he's looking after it with grandma being gone.
In my hcs Groose, Zelda and Link end up in a poly relationship one day 💛 However the comic isn't about romance so any romantic progression with them is unlikely to show up beyond subtext in the pages.
Legend's life post Link's Awakening is smth I'm keeping fairly vague as I feel the points that matter aren't where they may sleep at night, but where they don't. That'll be explored in the comic, but basically: He's a loner and does not really interact with folks beyond neccesity.
He has a professional relationship with princess Zelda, who sometimes tasks him with places to go do hero stuff at.
Also not sure if this counts but they do visit their Uncle's grave now and then for maintanance.
Mini loves his grandpa who also loves his grandson very much. 🙌 Grandpa struggles to keep up with Mini's intense personality and general unstoppability, but besides that things are good back home.
He spends a lot of time adventuring, guarding and investigating around Hyrule so he can keep the kingdom safe! But he also likes sneaking into the castle to hang with Zelda 😊 They're bestest of friends and get in a lot of trouble together.
In a very subtle way the comic does imply Mini marries into Royalty at some point, but I left it vague so ppl can ignore that if they wanna!
This was fun to write so lemme know who else u may wanna hear a short description for! I have a Ravio ask in the inbox lined up already tho.
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mammss · 8 months
plug!mammon headcanons
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a/n: let me just put this out there that I haven't played obey me in so long and I've fallen out of the fandom tbh. But was reading plug!eren fics for whatever reason and wanted to write something for this page...
fluff, discusses drugs and substance use
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plug!mammon who got the idea of dealing from the casinos he frequents, in a dark shady vip area he witnessed all sorts of substances being used and sold well for one being the avatar of greed he heard how much these little baggies go for and two had some connections on how to start said business so the man was already set.
plug!mammon who’s largest clientele base is at RAD why you may ask well he started making a quick buck off of students who wanted a way to destress and since there's no rules on dealing on school grounds mammon ran with it, later he got his fanclub to do the fine tuning after getting a shit ton of messages asking to buy. While mammon is the face of the operation his fans take care of distribution, payments etc all this man has to do is sit pretty and watch the cash flow come in
plug!mammon who at first glance is the definition of logo mania. This man can never leave the house without showing off where he’s buying his clothes in some way. And it doesn't help to see this man with copious amounts of shopping bags decorating his arms from said stores. 
plug!mammon when meeting you for the first time couldn’t trust you for shit as he thought you’d snitch to lucifer or diavolo so he made sure to have his goons keep a close eye on you and make sure you stay away from anyone who could unintentionally rat him out.
plug!mammon who after getting to know you more especially after your pact didn’t want you to know what he does not out of fear of getting caught but because he cared about you in some confusing way and wanted you to keep your innocence but that didn’t last long tbh you know this man is stupid affectionately and can’t cover up his tracks
plug!mammon after coming clean revels in the fact that you’re amazed he somehow started an empire and loyal clientele. You ask so many questions practically idoling the man he cant help himself but brag and gloat about how people fear him and need him all at the same time.
plug!mammon who will never let you come along on his deliveries now I know I said he doesn’t take part in the distribution but for the people who been day one’s demons known to have fat fucking wallets he makes the trips out himself, its just to create a long lasting relationship but these people don’t fuck around and the last thing mammon needs happening is you being caught up in business since his brothers nor anyone else in his life don’t really know about this he can’t protect you properly if something goes south.
plug!mammon who overtime confesses his feelings for you by taking you out on the fanciest “date” he told you it was to celebrate how much money he made for the year and spoils you to no end, he picked out an outfit for you with the help of his personal shoppers, got you a limo filled with fine alcohol and smells oddly familiar of mammons cologne.
plug!mammon who after making it official with you is obsessed with you, he is thinking of you when he’s dealing, counting money, with his friends etc. He refuses to keep you out of his mind and when he’s with you??? Oh it doesn't get any better always in your bubble one way or another this man GETS his way. Little miss princess
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jamiesfootball · 10 months
Another piece of the leverage au I'm not fucking writing, damnit.
Under the cut for violence and Leverage-esque shenanigans:
At the first kick to the solar plexus, a shocked noise spilled out of Jamie's mouth. He hadn't been prepared.
"You don't fucking listen," Roy growled, winding his leg back for another kick. "What did I say? What did I fucking tell you when we first started?"
Jamie was ready for the second kick -- got his arms up in front of him just in time to intercept Roy's boot. He grunted, a sound too high and reedy to his own ears, and he tried to push aside the reflexive embarrassment at how loud it was, echoing off the walls as Bartlett and his cronies laughed and laughed.
On the third kick, he acted. He caught Roy's boot, wrapping his shivering body around it while the other man cursed. Roy kicked again, and Jamie's freezing hands scrambled for purchase against the leather, his nails digging into the collar.
"Come on," Roy scoffed under his breath, the same way he had when Jamie had held them up at the elevator. He didn't need to look up to know Roy was shaking his head.
Jamie bit his lip against the sudden, fierce wave of emotion building up in his chest.
His grip slackened, and Roy tugged his foot away with a violent grunt. He spat at the ground, missing Jamie by centimeters.
Bartlett tittered. His goons spread easily for Roy, welcoming him into the pack as the hitter rejoined their group. One of them fetched him a beer.
"Feel better then, Royo?"
Jamie closed his eyes; he didn't need to see this. His arms pressed protectively against his stomach. Hopefully they'd forget he was there.
"You don't know the half of it," Roy said, his rough timber carrying easily through the barren warehouse. A bottle fizzed open, followed by an audibly slurpy gulp and a relieved sigh. "The amount of headache's that prick's given me -- you wouldn't believe."
"No respect for their betters, these young ones." There was the tap of glass on glass- a toast. "Well, I've got good news for you. When we're done here, I plan to make a couple phone calls. You ain't the only one with a bone to pick with that little upstart. I know a few names who'd pay good money just to take a turn at him the way you did."
A beat of silence.
"Really?" Roy's voice stayed carefully neutrally, but even an idiot could hear that he was interested.
"What'd I tell you lads? Do I know this man or what?" Bartlett bragged. His men agreed, making all the appropriate noises for a goon chorus.
"So I do all the hard work, and you cash the check?"
Just as easily as flipping off a light, a threatening quiet smothered the warehouse.
Bartlett, the idiot, tried to backtrack fast. "Course I'd cut you in! A finder's fee. Hell, you could watch, if you're into that."
Another beat of silence, and then a low, dark chuckle that sent the hairs on the back of Jamie's neck to standing.
"You know me, don't you?" Roy remarked, sounding like a lion before the pounce. "Relax, Bartlett, I already got what I came for. You have your men wire over a cut of the haul, and that'll be the end of our business. The sooner I see the back of this place, the better."
Bartlett snapped at one of his men to initiate the wire. Roy rattled off the numbers.
When they were done, Bartlett laughed. "Roy Kent. A man of reason."
"Takes one to know one, doesn't it?"
"Yes it does."
Another clink of glasses echoed cheerily in the warehouse. Then-
"Woah, take it easy there, Kent. No need to rush when there's still the cleanup to..."
Bartlett trailed off and the goon chorus piped down. In the shivering silence, the sound of someone chugging a beer echoed disturbingly loud, like some sort of criminal underworld ASMR.
Jamie focused on not tensing his body; he didn't want to draw their attention.
Finally, smacking lips. A content sight. "Thanks for the beer, Bartlett. Would've been a shame for it to go to waste."
At the sound of a glass smashing over someone's head, Jamie flexed his grip on the knife he'd snatched out of Roy's boot and sprung to his feet.
Roy had told him to wait for his cue, after all -- and it was his time to shine.
The little prick wouldn't stop grinning.
Roy ignored him. He dumped goon number five into the stolen ambulance.
"Check their pockets. If they've got anything that looks like a burner, Beard wants it back. We've got to make sure to wipe any traces of contact they might've had with Keeley--"
"You like me," Jamie sing-songed.
"It was a bit," Roy said through gritted teeth. "Hand me the body."
Jamie hauled over the unconscious man -- easily twice his size -- like it was nothing. The joys of youth.
With five other deadweights already filling up the vehicle, it was awkward angle to fit in a sixth. Jamie stumbled a bit, and Roy braced him upright. Together they maneuvered the body into the van.
"You can just admit it, you know. I won't ruin your reputation by telling everyone that Roy Kent's a softy."
Jamie's usually styled pompadour was a flat mess from the fall in the Thames, and rolling around on the floor of an abandoned warehouse had lint-rolled a questionable layer of gunk onto his stylish clothes. He looked like a twit, leaning against the door of the ambulance while Roy did all the work tying the feet together.
With his hair dripping into his eyes and a look of open fascination on his face, he looked like a kid who'd run through a sprinkler. There was far too much delight there for someone who'd been roughed up by a wannabe gangster. Fuck, and they still needed to check his ribs.
"He made us the second we walked in the door," Roy tried to explain again. "I needed to get him to trust me, to make him think I'd switched sides--"
"By making him think you kicked like an octogenarian?" quipped Jamie. "You barely made contact. If I'd been acting any harder, Rebecca would be out a job."
"I can kick you harder next time," Roy bit out, but even he could feel how toothless the words sat in his mouth.
"Sure, Grandad." Jamie beamed, smug and practically bouncing on his toes. "I'd like to see you try."
If Roy had less to deal with on his mind, he might worry about how sure Jamie seemed by the notion Roy wouldn't hit him.
"It wasn't a life or death situation. I knew we'd make it out."
Sure, Bartlett and his men had been armed, but Roy had dealt with worse. If it had been life or death, it'd be different. Roy would do whatever he needed to in those circumstances.
He would.
"You keep telling yourself that, mate."
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silvermaplealder · 1 year
Hellhound Adventures: David Chapter 1
Since I got my own puppy, I've felt so inclined to write this. Perhaps I'm just self projecting onto these characters, but I thought it would be very adorable for this to be how they obtained their hellhounds. I'm not going to lie, this story is just a wholesome mess of puppies and the lost boys being dog dads. Each boy will have several chapters of how they got their pup and the little bit of life of caring for them. Mostly because David's full story is already over 4k words (of cute David and puppy chaos) so I realized I'd have to break this down lol. Anyways, Enjoy!
Chapter 1: Who Could Hate Puppies?
Words: 2400ish
Normally Max wouldn’t have wanted David to accompany him anywhere. He didn’t want to risk being seen with his “son” because the image he curated in public was so pristine he didn’t want David to soil the hard work he built up. Today was different though. 
David sat in the passenger seat of Max’s red car. Thorn was at home, close to retiring from his job. Max wanted to start looking into getting a new hellhound puppy for himself, and he urged David to accompany him. David rolled his eyes at first, though all it took was the appearance of a beautiful bottle of whiskey for him to agree to go. 
The two vampires sat in the car with Nickelback playing in the background. “You think I listen to Nickelback?” David asked with a bit of attitude, still a little ticked off about having to leave the rest of the Lost Boys for the night. Not that he was missing much. The other three boys were going to the movie theater tonight to keep themselves occupied. 
“I don’t know,” Max admitted. “You and I haven’t spent much time together lately.” 
“Maybe it’s because your dog tries to rip my arm off each time I come within ten feet of you,” David responded. “And now you’re trying to get a second one.” 
The older vampire sighed. “I require a daytime protector,” he explained, as he had many other times. “And perhaps you do too.” 
David snorted, his eyes averting to look at the side of the road. “The cave is a great deterrent.” 
“Really?” Max stated. “Didn’t Paul tell me you guys had a midday snack earlier this week? A couple of younger college goons looking to explore the cave if I recall.” 
A smile crept across David’s face. “Yeah, it was nice.” 
“But it’s dangerous,” Max chided. “They could have been vampire killers. You could have been dead.” 
David shrugged. “But we didn’t die.” 
Max knew it wasn’t worth arguing with David. He tried many times before, but his son was stubborn. Countless times had David lied to Max’s face and then went home and did exactly what he said he wouldn’t. No matter what he said to David, if David made up his mind it was all worthless. “I suppose you’re right,” Max sighed, adjusting his glasses. Max knew if he wanted David to do something, he needed David to come to the conclusion himself.
The two vampires pulled into a long driveway. The house in the distance was lively with activity. The rooms were brightly lit downstairs, and people were walking between the rooms. Max pulled his car up to the main walkway to the front door. He cut the engine and the two vampires exited the vehicle. Max adjusted his light jacket. “This won’t take long,” he promised. “Just come inside and play nice.” 
“Play nice with who?” David teased, adjusting his long overcoat. Max shot him a stern look. “Who are we here to see?” 
“I’m here to see Stella. She sold me Thorn many years ago. You’re here because I talk about my sons all the time and people are starting to think I’m delusional,” Max chided. “Behave and you just might wake up at sunset to another bottle of whiskey waiting for you.” 
David drew his lips into a tight line. He did like whiskey. “Fine.” 
Max knocked at the door. A chorus of barking dogs erupted, though they were silenced quickly. Footsteps approached the front door. Max stood a little taller and offered a warm smile as the door swung open. 
A woman stood on the other side. Her short hair was a vibrant pink with a streak of dark red. She wasn’t someone David expected Max to hang out with. The woman was punk and glowing. Her clothes were brighter than David’s future. He almost felt the need to wear sunglasses from just looking at her. “Ah, Maxwell!” She praised. She offered a hearty handshake. She moved to David next after taking Max’s hand. “Well, you must be Max’s son.” 
“David,” he introduced, shaking her hand. 
“Well David, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” She stepped aside from the doorway. “Come on in. Make yourself at home!” 
David and Max entered the house. David’s eyes immediately fell on a hellhound at the entrance of the parlor room. He tensed up, remembering how Thorn always responded to him. But this dog wagged her tail, and it was clear to David that she had a litter of puppies recently. 
“That’s Delilah,” Stella commented, motioning to the dog. “Her litter turns seven weeks tomorrow. Vet is coming to give them their first round of shots.” 
“How cute,” Max stated. He put his hand casually on David’s shoulder. “Why don’t you work on that fear of dogs that you have and sit with the puppies? I’m sure those little fellas couldn’t do anything to harm you.” 
“All hellhounds are sweethearts to vampires,” Stella said. She kneeled beside the short haired shepherd dog. “A hellhound will bond with a single owner and they’ll become protective of them. Like Thorn and Max.” She stroked the mama hellhound’s head gently. “But Delilah here knows her job. She needs to let other vampires get close to pick a hellhound of their own. I promise, none of my dogs here will hurt you.” 
David narrowed his eyes and slid his gaze to Max. He knew exactly what Max was up to now. “I’m all good, thanks. I don’t like dogs.” 
Max put his hand onto David’s back. “Just sit in with them, won’t you? It’s good for their socialization to meet new people.” 
David ground his teeth and looked to the parlor. A whelping box was set up with a litter of seven puppies bouncing around. A knot began to form in his stomach as Max gave a gentle nudge for him to go towards the puppies. “Max I don’t want a dog-” David growled. 
“They need socialization,” Stella said. “The puppies are spoken for.” 
David looked between them skeptically, but he trudged across the parlor to the whelping box. He was only doing this for the bottle of whiskey. The puppies were excited to greet him as he stepped over the barrier and entered the puppy pile. Max and Stella vanished into another room, taking Delilah with them. 
The blonde vampire wrinkled his nose as the puppies climbed on his boots. He nudged them aside, careful not to push too hard. “Rat dogs,” he whispered. He made his way into the corner of the box. He shrugged off his overcoat and tucked his gloves into the pockets, not wanting the pups to attempt to bite at them. He tossed it outside the whelping box and sat on the ground. 
To his surprise, the pups lost interest in him and began to tussle between each other. He didn’t know very much about dogs other than they had teeth and would bite when near him. Marko and Paul had a dog phase where they tried to convince David to let them get a puppy. David proved his point by bringing them to a shelter and a dog managed to bite through Paul’s hand in almost thirty seconds after arriving. 
David eyed each puppy nervously. He was anxious, and he was certain that dogs smell fear. He inhaled deeply and fidgeted with his hands. He usually would outline the watch faces on his jacket when he was nervous, but his jacket was safe away from the jaws of the land sharks. These puppies looked like rats to him. They had short tannish fur with dark faces and big, pointed ears. 
One of the puppies meandered towards him. The puppy’s beady eyes looked up to meet David’s. The vampire's lips twitched. If he had a beating heart, it would have been pounding in his ears. His anxiety was telling him to kick the menace away from him, but he would never have the heart to kick a puppy. 
The puppy casually dropped to lay on David’s boot. The black boot had cuffs from all his nights riding motorcycles and performing stunts. David casually twisted his ankle to roll the puppy off him. “Don’t,” he growled. 
The puppy tumbled away from David. Her eyes blinked without a thought behind them. So she did it again. She padded over and dropped onto his boot, putting her chin onto the top of his foot. 
David exhaled sharply and he rolled the puppy away again. The puppy tumbled and rolled to her feet. Still it tried to get to David. 
“Well I’m done here,” David growled. He placed his hands down on the ground to push himself up, but the puppy bounced onto his hand. David stared down at the animal as it stared back up at him. “You just don’t give up, do you?” He scruffed the puppy and put her closer to the other pups. “I will not hesitate to punt kick you next time.” 
It suddenly became a game. He got to his feet and the puppy was on his boot. He picked the puppy up roughly and tossed her with the others. But still, it would wander back. “I hope this is the socializing that Stella was looking for,” David mumbled to himself. 
With one last huff, he grabbed the puppy as the pup bit his spur. He held the pup out in the air at arm’s length. “Do you want me to hurl you out the fucking window or-?” He asked. 
The puppy stared at him, her tail wagging thoroughly. Its whole body was wiggling as the puppy stared at David. The vampire set the puppy down and stepped out of the whelping box. He leaned over and grabbed a hold of his coat. The puppy sailed over the whelping box barrier and tumbled to David’s boots again. 
“Oh for fuck’s sake,” David hissed. He snatched the puppy from the ground and brought it up to his chest. “Will this make you fucking stop?” He demanded. 
The pup immediately nuzzled her nose right into the crevice of David’s bicep. David sighed. He gently ran his fingers across the fur of the puppy. His fingers twitched when he felt how soft it was. The puppy became a limp puddle of fur in his arms as he stroked her back. It had been a very, very long time since he held a puppy like this- if he even ever did. He could barely remember the last time he interacted with a dog and it turned out fine. 
With each pet, the tension in his shoulders loosened. Soon he found himself sitting on the couch in the parlor, leaning back to support the puppy against his chest. The weight of her on him was soothing the dog anxiety that had built up inside him. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back. 
He was startled as Stella and Max entered the room. The puppy stretched and nuzzled further against the vampire. David ground his teeth as he thought of an excuse to why he was holding a puppy. Nothing could come to his mind fast enough though. It was clear as day- he was genuinely in love with this puppy. 
Stella stepped in front of David and held her hands out. “Blue collar pup got snuggly with you, huh,” she said, holding her hands out. 
David carefully lifted the puppy from his chest and handed the pup over. The small puppy whimpered as it shifted hands to Stella. David inhaled and sat up, as if nothing had happened, trying to shove down his emotions quickly. 
Max grabbed David’s overcoat from the ground and casually handed it to the other vampire. Stella put the puppy back into the whelping box. David took the coat and shrugged it on. “Well, we settled our agreement. Are you ready to go?” Max asked. 
“Yeah,” David sighed. “Let’s go.” 
The two vampires went back to the car. Max pulled out some paperwork from his jacket and set it in the center console. “I’m getting another hellhound puppy,” Max explained. “Probably not for another year, but Stella has shown me her future litters.” He started up the car, and pulled out of the driveway. 
David was too curious. He grabbed the paperwork and unfolded it. There were dog names and pedigrees that he couldn’t read very well along with various acronyms he was confused by. 
The blonde vampire folded the paperwork up and set it down again. The two of them were silent as they returned back to Santa Carla. David stared out the window, his mind swirling with compressed emotions. 
“You know,” Max said, breaking the silence. “Those pups she has now, they’re going to their new homes next week.” 
“Nice,” David commented. 
“Yeah.” Max pulled up towards the cliffside by the lighthouse. He put the car in park. The two of them glanced over to the single motorcycle that sat partially hidden in the brush. No one else was home. “Well, thanks for coming with me. Stella was glad to have another vampire around to help with socialization.” 
“Of course,” David mumbled. He got out of the car and adjusted his coat. 
“How much are those pups? Out of curiosity,” David asked, leaning up against the phone booth while cradling the payphone against his ear. He casually flipped through his wallet, seeing only a handful of bills left. Damn nicotine addiction. David spent the whole day dreaming about that puppy. When he woke up he felt antsy. All he could think about was having a dog. 
The elder vampire departed, and David returned to the cave. He dropped down onto his wheelchair throne and for a split second he imagined what it would have been like to feel the puppy on his lap. His fingers twitched as he remembered the soft fur under his hands. 
He knew Max was smiling on the other end of the phone. “Are you perhaps thinking about that blue collared puppy? Because Stella told me the person who was supposed to buy him backed out.” 
“Coincidental, huh?” David commented. He knew it was too coincidental, but he wasn’t in the mood to argue now. He wanted that puppy.
“Stella sells her hellhound puppies for forty-five hundred dollars.” 
“Forty-five hundred!” David gasped. “That’s insane.” 
“But-” Max cut in. “If you are genuinely interested, don’t worry about the cost. I can cover it.” 
David fidgeted with the clock faces on his jacket. His eyes darted around as his emotions raced through his dead heart. “What else do I need for it?”
tags: @misslavenderlady
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Potion Commotion by kazoosandfannypacks
Pairing: Cygnet Scholar Rating: General Audiences Word Count: 3.7K words Summary: After briefly getting captured, Hope begins acting strangely, and Gideon tries to help her get back to normal, painfully unaware that the "bizarre questions" she's asking him are pickup lines. Characters: Gideon Gold, Hope Swan-Jones, Henry Mills, Robin Mills, Neal "CJ" [Charming Jr] Nolan, and Charlotte Nolan (OC) Author’s notes: This is an experiment with an AU I plan on writing, in which Henry leads a group of the next generation of heroes on a quest through the enchanted forest. In this timeline, the Charmings have another daughter, Charlotte, who was born less than a year after the S6 finale, and Hope was born about a month later. Taglist: @accidental-spice, @saveme-storybrooke-potc [let me know if you'd like to be added to this taglist!]
also on ao3!
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 It'd been hours since Hope went missing. Henry, Robin, C.J. and Charlotte had all left to look for her an hour and a half ago, leaving Gideon waiting in case she came back to the campsite.
 "She never should've wandered off," Gideon muttered to himself as he paced around camp, "she knows it's dangerous. She knows they're watching us. And still, she did it anyway. Who knows what could happen to her?"
 Gideon sighed as he sat down on a log near the firepit, wishing Hope was back at the camp already, giving him a hard time for being so frantic, picking on the unnecessary worry lines he could already tell were forming on his forehead.
 He sprang to his feet, hearing someone coming, and turned to see Hope emerge from the forest, stumbling as though out of a daze.
 "Hope!" he said, running to her while trying to act as cool as possible, "where were you?"
 "Captured," she said, rubbing her forehead, "a couple goons brought me in for questioning. Whatever they gave me to make me talk is giving me the worst headache…."
 She looked up at Gideon, and, for whatever reason, smiled at him.
 "Something must be wrong," Gideon thought. Hope had never smiled at him like that before.
 "Are you alright?" Gideon asked.
 "Besides the headache, pretty good. I've been better though," Hope said, though the unusual smile spread further across her face, "say, Gid, have I ever told you you have, like, really pretty eyes?"
 Gideon scrunched his brow, confused.
 "They were genetically unavoidable," he said, "brown eyes are a dominant trait. Are you sure you're…."
 "You're so smart," she interrupted, "ya know, if I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put 'u' and 'I' next to each other."
 "What's the alphabet got to do with any of this?" Gideon thought, though he figured he'd humor her.
 "Uh, I'd do something similar," Gideon said, "it'd be cool to rearrange the alphabet so it's in the order it appears on a keyboard, make it easier to learn to type. Though, I suppose in time, the order on a keyboard will be obsolete, as it'll all be touchscreens one of these days."
 "Wow. Are you from Tennessee?" Hope asked, "because you're…."
 "Hope," Gideon's concern for her wellbeing wouldn't let her finish, "you grew up just down the street from me, in Maine. Are you sure you're alright? They didn't give you a memory loss potion, did they- of course, if they did, you wouldn't know- but you said they gave you something. But what good would it do them to wipe your memory before questioning you? What do you remember from the questioning?"
 "I remember, uh," Hope said, "I think I remember someone saying 'you won't remember most of this,' and then I was back here."
 "Why don't you take a seat?" Gideon asked, leading her back to the log to sit down, "you've had quite the day."
 "Doesn't feel like it," Hope said.
 She sat down on the log. Once Gideon sat down, she slid over a little, closer to him.
 "That's a nice shirt, Gid," she said.
 Gideon tried to help jog her memory, "We got it from the merchant that came by last week, remember? It was fifty percent off."
 "I'd like it to be a hundred percent off," Hope smiled, an eyebrow raised.
 "That would be a ridiculous business model," Gideon said, "stores can't just give stuff away for free."
 "It's like you fell from heaven," Hope shook her head and smiled.
 "That's a low blow," Gideon retorted, trying not to get too angry, knowing that whatever was causing Hope's unusual mood was most likely not her fault, "what, you think I'm some kind of fallen angel or something? Is it because my dad's the Dark One? Sorry we can't all have the Savior for our mom."
 "You don't get it," Hope shook her head, "it's supposed to be a compliment. That you're from heaven."
 "Oh," Gideon thought, finally piecing it together, "it's because I died that one time and came back again. Rest assured, I…."
 Hope put a finger on his lips to shut him up.
 "Gideon Gold, you are the smartest idiot I've ever met," Hope said, then took her finger off his lips and booped his nose with it.
 "What does that mean?"
 "You're so lost in your books that you don't see what's right in front of you- and yet, here I am, right in front of you."
 "I'm not quite sure what you mean," Gideon said, pulling one of the tomes his mom had given him out of his backpack, "but we should try and figure out what kind of potion they drugged you with- maybe I can whip up an antidote or something."
 "You and your one-track mind," Hope said, head shaking, eyes rolling, "whoever said 'guys only want one thing' has never met Gideon Gold."
 "Thanks?" Gideon said, unsure if Hope meant it as a compliment or insult, "can you recall anything about whatever it was they gave you? Color, viscosity, physical side effects, flavor, smell…"
 "Flavor?" Hope asked.
 "Oh yeah," Gideon said, flipping through potential potions, "for example, adder's tongue is a bit tangy, eye of newt has an unmistakable aftertaste. If we can narrow down a few of the ingredients…."
 "I'm not sure if I've ever had eye of newt." Hope said.
 "Believe me, you'd remember if you'd had it," Gideon said, "I went through a whole bottle of mouthwash in a day the first time I tried it."
 "Then I guess I wouldn't be able to recognize its aftertaste," Hope said, then leaned a little closer, "but maybe you'd recognize it."
 "Presumably, yes," Gideon said, "if I were the one given the potion, I might be able to pick out a few of the ingredients."
 "You could try a taste and find out," Hope said, her finger tapping her lips.
 "I'm all for experiential sciences," Gideon said, "but even if you had a sample of the potion, I doubt it'd be wise for me to drink some."
 Hope sighed. "You're lucky you're pretty, Gideon."
 "Thanks," he said. Though he knew her compliment was most likely borne of whatever magic had been used on her, he still didn't mind her saying something nice to him for once, "you, uh, you look nice too."
 "I've always thought so," Hope said.
 "Me too," Gideon thought.
 He continued flipping through the book of potions. He ruled out, for the moment, transmogrification potions, as she very clearly hadn't been turned into a toad or a troll- and though he didn't rule out werewolf as a possibility yet, that wouldn't be an immediate problem anyways. The first concern in situations like this was always the highest risk potions- poisons, neurotoxins, mind control, sleeping curse- then he could move onto the more likely in the scenario, like mood enhancers and late-blooming mutations.
 So engrossed was he in his studying that he almost didn't notice as Hope slid even closer to him, her arm pressed against his, her head practically on his shoulder. He slid the book over a little closer to her, absentmindedly assuming that she'd slid over to read the book as well.
 He also almost didn't notice the search party returning until they were already in the camp.
 "Hope!" Henry called out, running over to give her a hug. Hope got up to return Henry's hug, but Gideon continued his research.
 "Are you alright?" Henry asked.
 "I'm fine," Hope said, "bit of a headache, but I'll manage."
 "I am so glad nothing happened to you," Henry said.
 "I wouldn't say nothing happened," Hope said, pulling out of her brother's embrace and holding him at arm's length, "I got captured by some thugs, but I don't remember most of it."
 "Captured?" Henry asked, "what happened?"
"I already told you, I don't remember most of it," Hope said, "I think they gave me some kind of potion. Gideon's working on figuring that out- he's really smart, and clever, and polite, and sweet, and funny, and…."
 Gideon looked up to see four confused pairs of eyes glancing back and forth between himself and Hope.
 "Whatever they drugged her with has affected her mood," he explained, "I'm not sure how. She's been acting weird ever since she got back to the camp."
 "What kind of weird?" Robin asked, taking a seat next to Gideon and looking at his potion book.
 "I can't explain it," Gideon said, "she keeps asking me all these weird questions, she's smiling more than usual, she's a little nicer than usual too."
 "I don't want to be mean to you, Gideon," Hope said, taking a seat on his other side, "You're so smart, and yet so adorably stupid sometimes, and clever, and cute- really cute."
 "See?" Gideon told the others, "something's not right."
 C.J. and Henry smiled at each other, and so did Robin and Charlotte.
 "What kind of questions was Hope asking you earlier?" Henry asked.
 "Weird ones," Gideon said.
 "They weren't weird," Hope said.
 "You asked me if I'm from Tennessee," Gideon said, "and then you asked if I was from heaven, and told me my shirt should be free, and…."
 "Those weren't questions, idiot," Hope said.
��Robin put her hand on Gideon's shoulder.
 "I think I know what kind of potion they gave her," Robin said, "it sounds like it was a love potion."
 "A love potion?" Gideon scoffed, flipping through the book to that potion, "don't be ridiculous, Robin. There's nothing they'd stand to gain from that, and in order for you to hypothesize that, she'd need to be showing symptoms, like," he read from the book in front of him, "'fawning over an individual, express interest in that individual and their interests, a desire to be close to said individual, longing for affection from said individual, even bordering on obsession.' So as you can see, there's no real grounds for that hypothesis."
 Gideon looked up from the book to see everyone staring at him like he was an idiot.
 "What?" he asked.
 Henry uncrossed his arms, only so he could pinch the bridge of his nose.
 "Those weird questions Hope was asking you," Henry shook  his head, "I think those were pickup lines."
 "Really?" Gideon turned to Hope.
 "Duh," Hope smiled.
 "But that would mean…" Gideon began. If Hope was using pickup lines on him, that meant she was trying to flirt with him, which would mean that… Gideon reread the list of side effects of the love potion.
 "Guys," Gideon said, "I think Hope's been given a love potion."
 "Really?" Robin asked, "gee, what was the first clue?" 
 Gideon looked back down at the book, "her 'express interest' in me, her 'desire to be close' to me, even 'bordering on obsession.'"
 Robin rolled her eyes.
 "I don't think it was a love potion," Hope said, "I don't feel any differently about Gideon than I normally do."
 "Really?" Gideon asked.
 "Oh yeah," Hope said, "I've felt this way about you for a long time. You're cute, and smart, and such a good friend."
 "Really?" Gideon smiled a little and scratched the back of his neck. He'd felt similarly for quite a while as well.
 "That's probably a side effect of the potion," Charlotte interjected.
 "Oh, yeah, there's a lot of side effects" Robin said, taking the book from Gideon. As she looked through it, she got up, taking the book with her.
 "I think her memory's a little fogged too, anyways," Gideon said, "she can't remember anything from the time she was captured to when she got back here."
 "No, I remember something," Hope said, "I remember someone saying 'you won't remember most of this.' Turns out, they were right."
 "That does mean we can work on an antidote though," Gideon said, "now that we know the potion, I can whip up an antidote pretty quickly. I think I have most of the supplies already," he picked up his backpack and began searching through it, "and I might be able to whip up a brain-unfogger too."
 "You're so intelligent, Gid," Hope said, placing a hand on his arm, "I like watching you ramble about magicky, sciencey stuff."
 "Thanks," Gideon smiled, trying to remind himself that the only reason Hope was complimenting him was because she was under some kind of love spell.
 "She'd never act like this if she were really herself right now," Gideon thought, "I definitely would've remembered if she did." 
 "And now that we know what we're looking for, we might be able to find a clue as to where those goons went," Charlotte said, "we should see if we can find them, while the tracks are fresh." 
 "Sounds like a good idea," Hope stood up, "I can lead you as far as I can remember."
 "You need to stay here," Robin said, "that way when Gideon gets that antidote finished, we can get you back to normal."
 "Oh, good," Hope said, taking a seat next to Gideon, "I wanted to stay here anyways."
 "Excellent," Gideon said, "I could use your help with the potion anyways."
 "We do work pretty well together," Hope nudged him.
 "I think I'll hang back too, just in case" Henry said, crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes at Gideon. "I'd hate for anything else to happen to my little sister."
 Hope rolled her eyes. "I'm not a little girl anymore, Henry."
 "But you'll always be my little sister," Henry said, "and if anything happened to you, especially given your current state, dad would probably kill me- and then whoever it was who took advantage of you."
 Gideon looked up at Henry, sensing this was meant as a threat against him. If anyone else had a lovely young lady like Hope falling all over him like this, they'd definitely take advantage of the scenario- but if something were to happen between himself and Hope, he'd want it to be her choice, not because of some kind of potion. Besides, as Henry had reminded him, Gideon had a healthy level of respect for her father, and would rather die on the spot than find out what happened when you crossed Captain Jones.
 "No need to worry," Gideon said, trying to ignore how close Hope was sitting next to him.
 "Believe me," Hope rolled her eyes, "Einstein over here wouldn't know I was flirting with him if I sat in his lap and begged him to kiss me."
 Gideon blushed, almost wishing she would, wondering what it would be like- though after this fiasco was over, he wouldn't be surprised if things were so awkward between them that any chance they had was ruined.
 Henry raised a disapproving eyebrow at his sister.
 "It's not like I would do that," Hope said, "not that I wouldn't want to- but love potion or not, I have at least a little dignity."
 "Besides, we could use your help out there, Henry," C.J. said, "it never hurts to have an extra pair of eyes."
 "Fine," Henry said, "just stay out of trouble, alright?"
 "I'll do my best to," Hope said, "but I can't promise I won't try anything funny."
 "I'll be good!" Hope said, "mostly?"
 "I won't try anything," Gideon said, as Robin handed him back the book, "I've got this antidote to work on anyways. We'll come help as soon as I get it figured out."
 "Alright," Henry said. He and the others left, leaving Hope and Gideon at the campsite.
 "So, what can I do to help?" Hope asked.
 "Here, hold this," Gideon said, pulling an empty vial out of his backpack.
 Hope took the vial from him, her hands on his as she did so.
 Gideon smiled a little as he let go and pulled a few ingredients out of his bag.
 "You have a really nice smile," Hope said.
 His really nice smile came out again. "Thanks," he said.
 "You're welcome," she said, "I think you're really handsome."
 "It's just the love potion talking," Gideon shook his head. He began pouring the antidote ingredients in the vial.
 "I don't think so."
 "What do you mean?"
 "I know you guys all think it's a love potion, but I don't," Hope said, "I don't feel any different around you than I normally do."
 "You're certainly acting differently," Gideon said.
 "I know," Hope said, "it's like I can't stop myself. I've said a few things already that I didn't expect myself to say. I don't want to tell you I think you're gorgeous and that the sound of your voice when you're talking about your favorite school subjects is my favorite sound in the world, and that one time your mom told me she liked me better than you and that in third grade I was the one who stole your Star Wars pencil, not Charlotte- but I can't stop saying stuff."
 Gideon looked up at Hope, who looked just as surprised as he felt.
 "What was that?" Gideon asked.
 "I stole your Star Wars pencil in third grade," Hope said, "and I didn't want to tell you that. I've never told anyone that, except Charlotte, of course- and I don't want to tell you any of this, but I can't stop."
 "What other secrets have you been keeping?" Gideon asked, formulating a new hypothesis and flipping back through his book.
 "I didn't actually roll a nat twenty when we were battling the orc king," Hope said, "the stakes were high, so I used one of the loaded D&D dice my dad got me for my birthday. He also actually looks up to you a lot. Oh, and Henry still sleeps with a nightlight, and Charlotte actually really loves apples, she's just been saying she doesn't because she wants to be like her mom. I'm also pretty sure C.J.'s afraid of sheep. I don't know why I told you all of that; I really didn't want to."
 "I know why you did," Gideon said, taking the vial from her and handing her a pinch of something else, "try some of this."
 Hope licked the powder off her hand, and immediately spat it out.
 "That's the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted!" Hope said, "besides those burned gingerbread men you made last Christmas."
 "Ever tasted anything like that before?" Gideon asked.
 "No, and I never want to again," Hope said.
 "Wait," Gideon looked back down at the ingredient, "my gingerbread cookies tasted worse than eye of newt?"
 "Eye of Newt?" Hope asked, "that stuff you used a bottle of mouthwash to wash out?"
"Ground eye of newt, yes," Gideon said, "it's one of the primary ingredients in most basic love potions."
"But I've never tasted it before in my life," Hope said, "no amount of 'brain fogging' could make me forget that- and yes, your gingerbread cookies were awful- ginger's a flavor, not the main course- I just didn't want to make you feel bad because you were so proud of them."
 Gideon flipped a few pages over in the potions book.
 "I have a new hypothesis," he said, thankful that the base antidote for this potion was only a few ingredients off from the love potion antidote- and that he hadn't put those different ingredients in yet. He handed the vial back to Hope, adding a couple other ingredients as well.
 "Try this," Gideon said, as he swirled the mixture together.
 "And this'll fix me?" Hope asked.
 "If my hunch is correct, yes," Gideon nodded.
 "Alright," Hope said, "there better not be any eye of newt in here."
 Gideon watched expectantly as she drank the contents, down to the very last drop.
 "Well?" Gideon asked, "how do you feel?"
 "Better," Hope said.
 "Any other secrets you wanna share?" Gideon asked.
 "No," Hope said, "and if you tell Henry I told you about the nightlight or the loaded die, I'll flatten you."
 "Your secret's safe with me," Gideon smiled at her threat. That was the Hope he remembered.
 "I just threatened you," Hope said, "and you aren't all that smart, or cute. You did it, Gold! You cured me!"
 Excited, she threw her arms around him in a quick hug.
 "I, uh," he said, flipping back through his book, "I can whip up a memory antidote too."
 "You'd better," Hope said, gently shoving him.
 Gideon smiled as he got started on the memory potion, secretly hoping that remembering the details of her capture wouldn't make her realize what serum she'd actually taken earlier.
 Gideon was right when he'd insisted there was no way Hope was under a love potion's spell- which meant that every word she'd just said was true. She did steal his pencil in the third grade, and she did hate his gingerbread cookies, and she did think of him as smart and pretty, and she didn't not want to ask him to kiss her, and she did feel that way for a long time.  She did like him, and that was the truth- otherwise, the truth serum antidote he'd just made for her wouldn't've brought her back to normal.
 "Try this," Gideon said, handing her the memory potion.
 "Is there…?"
 "There's no eye of newt in this one either," Gideon said.
 "Just checking," Hope said. She quickly drank the contents of the vial.
 "What do you remember now?" Gideon asked.
 "It wasn't a love…" she whispered under her breath.
 "Hmm?" Gideon asked.
 "I told them so much," Hope quickly covered her tracks, "where our camp is, our attack plans- I told them everything."
 "It's alright," Gideon said, giving her a pat on the arm to reassure her.
 "I couldn't stop myself," Hope shook her head, "I… I wasn't strong enough."
 "It's alright," Gideon said, "probably just a side effect of the love potion."
 "What?" Hope asked.
 He didn't let his eyes shift from hers, hoping he could feign sincerity.
 "The love potion," he said, "the one they gave you. Probably made you loose-lipped, more liable to talk. Don't sweat it."
 "Right," Hope nodded, "the love potion. That's all it was."
 If Hope ever wanted to tell him the truth, she could on her own time- she'd done more than enough of that already today.
 And for now, her secret was safe with him.
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folliesandfolderols · 8 months
Writing prompts day 18
From this prompt list. I set a goal of writing at least 150 words per day in 2024, which sounds pretty pathetic but if you take into account the fact that I haven’t written any fiction since 2019 it felt like a feasible target. Anyway I’ve finished the first draft (it topped out at 88k words) and will be unlocking each post as I edit.
read from the beginning here
Days 16 & 17 here (combined due to work being murder on my word count and not wanting to make super short posts)
74. "You good?"
By the time Tim woke up, Damian had been gone long enough that the spot where he had lain was cool to the touch. Tim determinedly didn't think about what it meant that he'd reached out for Damian before his eyes had even opened.
He also didn't think about the text Damian had sent, which was a simple get as much rest as you can today and nothing clingy or affectionate. A message that was either of those things would have been strange, of course, because their relationship had never been close, and sex wasn't some sort of magic bullet to change that dynamic.
He didn't think about the teeth marks embedded in his shoulder, pink and blue in the closet mirror when he caught his reflection. He didn't have any memory of Damian biting him, but it must have happened at some point. It wasn't worth trying to pin the moment down in his recollection.
The arms trafficking case kept him fully occupied for the rest of the afternoon and early evening. Jason had cloned a mid-level goon’s phone with text messages about a possible transfer point in Corpus Christi. Tim busied himself hunting down the purchase points for the various phone numbers in case they led to further information, and then remotely accessed as many of the phones themselves as he could. So obviously he didn't have any time to flash back to the sensory memory of Damian's body, curled around his own, gone soft with sleep in a show of trust that Tim never could have predicted even a few weeks before. He was way too busy for that.
His phone vibrated with Bruce's rhythm around 8 PM, just as he was getting ready to head to the Cave for the pre-patrol briefing. I'm going to move you to a different night this week. Spoiler's taking your route.
Tim frowned. Last-minute changes to the schedule weren't really Bruce's style. Unless . . .
He replied, something wrong?
Damian mentioned you seemed unusually fatigued last night. Resting tonight is the right call.
A flush of anger heated Tim's chest. That little shit. Unusually fatigued Tim's ass, he was always this tired! Tim had no clue what Damian's ploy was here, but whatever it was, it wouldn't work. He texted back, that's not true i'm good to go tonight
I've already called her in. It's just one night. Feel free to work from home if you don't want to get sleep, but I hope you do go to bed at a reasonable hour, for once.
Coming from Bruce, that was the equivalent of an intervention-level expression of concern. The only thing missing was a banner and a therapist. Tim couldn't argue more without being the asshole in the situation. Fuck Damian, anyway, and not in the fun way. What the hell was he playing at?
Ok, he replied to Bruce, and then tapped Damian's text thread.
u good
A few seconds passed, then, Of course. Why?
bc i just got benched for the night thanks to you
He scowled and added, wtf is your problem?!
The three dots on the other half of the screen pulsed, disappeared, pulsed, and vanished again. After several long minutes, Damian finally responded, I'm not the one who had a nightmare flashback and was asleep standing up earlier today, so any problem here is certainly not mine.
Tim saw red and had to do some meditative breathing. This was what he got for fucking someone who was barely not a teenager. No. That was unfair to other twenty-year-olds. This was what he got for fucking Damian. He should've known it would make Damian feel like he had some sort of right to lord his superiority over Tim.
Well. He had known it was a dumb decision and he'd done it anyway. Twice. That didn't say anything good about his decision-making abilities. In that regard, he and Damian were on the same page.
dont fucking tattle tale on me to b to try to cut me out brat
The ellipsis reappeared but he kept typing.  i know it's probably hard for you to understand given your whole ~lack of experience, but fucking someone doesnt *actually* give you the right to fuck them over
i thought you'd outgrown this sort of petty bullshit
This time the response was near-instantaneous. You are being ridiculous. Go to bed if you can't speak sensibly. I'm going to mute you now.
Tim threw the phone across the room and then punched a pillow for good measure. What an absolute asshole.
days 19 & 20 here (once again combined since work kills my word count and I don't want to make super short posts)
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explosionshark · 1 year
Okay so bs4/as1 has been a bit hit and miss for me so far (I've generally been watching one Buffy episode followed by one Angel episode whenever I sit down to watch and I've not often had a double bill of hits, but also never gotten a double miss so far so it's not I'm not having a good time even the misses have some stuff I like) but I watched I Will Remember You last night and it was such a banger I loooove the Bangel tragedy and it was such a good one. I watched Pangs right before and I was thinking wow they brought back Angel for this episode (this had so much baggage there was stuff I liked in it but oof)? But it was worth it I guess to get Buffy into Angel for the following one. I kinda wish In the Dark hadn't happened though cause it kinda cheapens the Angel being human in the sun thing by having him be in the sun already just four or five episodes ago and its way better in this one. I thought it was gonna just be hallucinations for a bit when he and Buffy hooked back up, there was no way that could be allowed in the timeline even if Angel vamped up again, but resetting the clock is way better, should've realised from all the clocks they were showing. It was just a real good Angel/Buffy power hour played all the hits, doing what they do best. I ship Bangel primarily in the sense that I love to see that tragedy aspect of it, no desire to see them together long term just burn bright, fast and break each other's hearts. And since it was a heavy crossover episode Buffy and Angel can share the crown of favourite episode yet across Buffy's s4 and Angel's s1.
Spike being fully into his loser era is great I can really get behind that. The Initiative at first glance I thought this is a bit goofy dunno if I'll buy this and then Walsh was the director of it as well as Buffy's psychology lecturer and I decided yes this is just goofy enough to get behind. Riley's alright he's not really got enough meat yet to get me into him yet but the duelling secret identities thing he'll have going with Buffy should be fun, I do find it kinda funny that now that we know who they are the Initiative goons just never wear masks anymore.
I thought Wild at Heart was real good but its wild to me that this feels like the first actual episode about Oz and its about him cheating on his girlfriend, killing the person he cheated on her with and then leaving forever (there's extenuating circumstances but still), wild, also kinda sad there's no more werewolf episodes cause somehow those costumes were getting even more ropey and I was interested to see how much worse they'd get. This was also a day where I got two hits with the Bachelor Party being just a really a fun Doyle episode.
Other hits I've had Room with a Vu, great Cordy episode her insisting to the ghost that she can't scare her cause she's from Sunnydale and refusing to give up on such a good place to live was incredible, and that scene with her talking about how she wants to stop being punished great stuff, and I Fall To Pieces, psychic limb detaching surgeon was wild and unsettling, I also really enjoyed Melissa's work as the victim. Admittedly, Angel is leaning very heavy into the damsel trope now that they don't have to write a show with a female lead. Oh yeah also it does feel a bit like they're playing fast and loose with the whole sunlight thing I feel like Angel's been in sunlight a fair few times this show.
Honourable mention to Fear, Itself, it's got some good stuff but largely it suffered from me thinking its not on the level of the s1 fear episode "Nightmares" and not as fun as the s2 "Halloween", but I didn't hate it by any means just didn't quite hit. And also its not fair to it but I thought going towards the climax it was either gonna be a that the Demon didn't want to be there either (hence saying "Release me" all the time) or that it was gonna be an Anya knowing him from her demon days thing so when it got to oh the demon's just tiny while fun felt like a bit of an anticlimax to what I wanted which isn't really the episode's fault.
Now Pangs, Sense and Sensitivity and Beer Bad those were hard misses. Pangs and Sense and Sensitivity, Pangs at least felt more like a fumble (Buffy sideplot about wanting a good Thanksgiving was also fun) while Sense and Sensitivity felt more intentional with it going hard into if only lawyers didn't get in the way of us beating suspects we could catch so many more criminals. Beer Bad on the other hand just not good (I was admittedly primed for this though I had my vague recollections of that great Sarah Z video essay on that time Buffy made government propaganda, so I knew going in it was not a well received episode) "My brother in law is a warlock" and then just moving past it is a GOAT explanation behind a plot and it was at least goofy and Buffy got to beat Parker with a stick.
Other minor things, Anya's just solid gold she's in the same vague area Cordy was for most of her Buffy run time (which is fitting considering she was introduced as someone who could steal Cordy's life and is now dating her ex) where she can just show up say anything, and its a winner. And I love the infrequent appearances of Harmony just redecorating in her lair she's basically inherited. Also feel like there's not been many cold opens of just slaying Vampires, which I guess fits with the Initiative capturing a bunch of them and storing them under the university. Also also I saw there's episode coming up where Cordelia is magically pregnant and I remember that Angel does not do well when its cast get pregnant so I'm filled with a sense of looming dread.
YESSSS okay. i will remember you is a great episode for folks who ship bangel in that particular way. for me - i love what they mean for each other and the role they play in each other's lives. i think they're just a fun, dramatic, supernatural version of the classic great first love. someone you outgrow, but you'll always love somehow. and i will remember you nails that so well because like - it shows them at their best, their passion and devotion to each other, and also why that's not enough to keep them together.
i'm definitely sympathetic to angel's choice at the end, his reason for undoing things and giving buffy up, but it's precisely why they don't work for me as a long term ship. his decision to protect her by making this choice for her, by taking the memories from her is just classic angel. it's something buffy would hate if she knew. for him, it's duty and selflessness. for her it would be a betrayal. it lays bare a kind of unavoidable paternalism that infects their dynamic from the beginning.
hard agree re: spike i always like him best when he's fully being the show's resident buttmonkey. put him in silly clothes! have him be a little pathetic and snarky! make him run around with that smoking blanket pulled over his head!
glad you're having fun so far and getting through it! the initiative will remain kind of weak, but there's still some really great stuff coming up in s4. hush, this years girl, and who are you remain series highlights imo.
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go-go-devil · 1 year
Fanfic writer ask: 🎁🦈📚
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
Here's a short segment from a Pathologic fic I just started writing a few days ago!
Clara paused. She assumed it may have been a prophetic vision, much the same as the ones she’d been granted since birth. Although hers were always panic-inducing warnings that manifested her thoughts like emerging plague clouds: saying the wrong thing to someone and incurring their wrath, failing to save her bound from the sand pest, forgetting an important task after being outrun by the unholy speed of time. Yet it was the death visions that were the worst of them all. 
Without warning she could be walking the lamplit streets only for her mind to gruesomely predict men hurling knives into her head, beating her to a bloody pulp, or even scorching her flesh with flames just a little farther down the road. Another time she imagined falling limp to the ground within the rotting innards of an infected house as a black, cold haze overtook her senses, to which her body pulsed with those pains as if it could remember shutting down in death.
Some of those visions even repeated, like the premonitions of those two goons who kidnapped Rubin and accosted her in the tunnels. So many variations of them pinning her against the wet, flesh-like walls, dealing blow after blow and snapping her fragile bones like twigs. 
Even if they were illusions, the ferocity of them still reduced her to tears each night…
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
In my Knock-Knock fic, House With No Door, I occasionally had trouble writing for the Lodger's father since that character literally doesn't appear in the game itself. To write him I basically had to take the two sentences of dialogue that reference him and build an oc out of it, then try my best to integrate him into the plot of the game. Overall, though, I do like my interpretation of him a lot!
Also in that very patho wip I just took a segment from above, there are several characters in it that I've never written for before: Lara, Aspity, Block, and Aglaya to be precise. While I do feel I at least have Lara and Block's voices and mannerisms down, I am slightly intimidated with getting Aspity and Aglaya's characters right since both are complex characters whom I don't wanna water-down (especially Aglaya since her scene's gonna be very intense and important to the narrative)
Granted my perfectionism ramps up when writing for patho characters since I only played the game once at the moment, so I'm afraid I missed some lore tidbits here and there by forgetting to complete an optional mission here and there
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
Two friends of mine are excellent fic authors who I recommend people check out on AO3!
solonggaybowser has written several really nice Hylics fanfics, particularly ones revolving around Wayne/Dedusmuln (and even the only Dedusmuln/Somsnosa fic I've seen yet) that are super cute and charming! At the moment he's also been writing some cool Pokemon fics too for Gens 5 and 8 characters
undeadarchivist has a boatload of very well-written Pathologic fics that I enjoy that tend to focus on trans and neurodivergent hc's for several of the characters (particularly Daniil and Artemy). His gen fics are some of the best I've ever read, and I'm sure his more explicit fics are of a similar high quality (sorry I'm too sex-repulsed to read those lol)
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bearpillowmonster · 2 years
Batman '89 (The comic)
This is allegedly an inspired sort of Tim Burton Batman 3 with Harvey Dent. There's also a Superman '78 one that I'm going to cover later on but so far this one is 6 issues.
It's pretty sound, it feels like an 80's movie with the way the comic panels look and the wonky way the suit moves, it makes it feel pretty authentic. Harvey is set up quite efficiently, immediately making him the bad guy but with good intentions. He thinks that Batman is the cause for all this crime, he's challenged people to be like him or get rid of him so Harvey takes it out on him as well as Gordon.
And for a time, Bruce starts to agree with him. It challenges whether Batman is causing more trouble than help.
Did I mention that Babs is in this draft? She's nothing to really write home about, more or less just plays Rachel's role in TDK. But you also might know that Robin was going to be introduced in this, Drake. Not Tim Drake though. This brings about a whole slew of things because he's not Dick with the tragic backstory or acrobatic experience, he's an African American kid who lives in a garage car shop. (R)oyal Auto Body. He doesn't care about Batman, in fact he even has reason to dislike him but takes up the role of Robin on his own. You see, Batman misses out on some things, particularly when it's domestic or smaller scale. Robin's out here looking after the poor people in need.
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There's this scene that's really representative of it where this guy steals from this shop down the street but he only steals essentials like diapers and formula, a common problem we have today, but Batman comes knocking wondering where the cash is because he heard the shopowner yapping about someone robbing him. Robin swoops in, fights Batman and leaves a tip, Drake, the kid with no money to his name gives this guy he doesn't know eight dollars when Bruce, a billionaire, wouldn't do the same and instead tried to chastise her for it. Robin is in the grey so to speak. And where does the name Robin come from? Well one of the white dudes tries to pin a robbery on him saying "He was robin-" and people took that as Robin Hood. (also they eventually mention he feeds birds) Very smart and very clever.
So how does Harvey get his second face? Someone sets fire to the body shop and Drake's left inside, got blazed with battery acid and fuel (auto shop), and it ended up being Bruce as Bruce and Drake as Drake who yanked him out. As normal civilians, they get along (mostly) but as vigilantes, they're adversaries. But while he's getting burned, he's having delusions of grandeur which becomes the other side of the coin and always weighing possibilities, at least better than Batman Forever's version of some guy splashing a cup of acid in Dent's face (which he just had on his person for whatever reason) and then Batman showing up too late and jumping over the gate (for whatever reason).
And guess who the arsons are?...Just some guys. But guess who catches them? Catwoman returns! And Bruce has one of her cats. I get worried when I hear there's more connection to the other movies, (including Joker's goons) because I was afraid it'd all get sidelined or just not well treated or bring down the quality of the rest but no, it's all quite good and fits.
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One of the best Two-Faces I've seen. I've seen reviews saying they're not really a fan of the way it was done but I really enjoyed it, it's definitely better than Bats Forever and may even surpass Returns.
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stars-n-spice · 1 year
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I finally went and did it! After fucking months of planning, coming up with ideas, procrastinating, and not doing what I should've been doing to get this done, I finally managed to start on my Khea Nultez fic!
I seriously started this first chapter maybe like,, four months ago. I wrote maybe 1k words and then came back to it, fucking scrapped what I had and rewrote it. Now I've got a 4k first chapter!
To be completely honest with y'all, my ideas are all over the place and I don't actually know how consistent I'm going to be with this or how many chapters there's going to be, but I just really fucking wanted to write something for Khea because I love her and I want you guys to love her too :D
Anywho, without further ado, Jate'Kata: A Course to Steer By!
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The blaster shots echoed through the loading dock, each red bolt another desperate footstep on wet, concrete floors—one after the other. Every other beat was filled with the sound of a thumping heart pounding, rattling, inside the skull of the unlucky soul on the other end of the blaster fire. 
An unlucky soul by the name of Khea Nultez. Mandalorian of Clan Nultez. A Mandalorian who was having an unfortunate, frustrating, just kriffing wonderful night filled with pirates and being shot at. A Mandalorian who, if she didn’t hurry, was either going to miss out on getting her credits or was going to meet the Maker themself. Honestly, she didn’t know which one was worse. 
“Dank farrik, this is what I get isn’t it?” She muttered under shallow breaths, holding her side as she pushed on through the fog surrounding her, gradually losing the trigger-happy pirate goons on her trail. At her hip, her skin crawled and every step with her right leg sent a subtle, sharp spark of pain up her side, all thanks to a newly acquired blaster burn from a stray blaster shot. Thankfully, it seemed to finally be clotting, but it stung and burned enough to be a literal pain in her side. Even worse, it tore a nice little hole in her kute and now she was going to have to patch it up. 
If she made it back alive to actually patch it back up. 
“Ero! Ero! Come in!”
Khea’s strained voice echoed through her helmet, her eyes darting around as she rounded the corner and pressed against a shipping container to catch her breath, confident she finally lost the guys on her trail. She looked down at the blistering wound in her side and made a face, scrunching her nose and sticking out her tongue at the sight of it. That was definitely going to need a bacta patch soon. 
She groaned and covered it back with her hand, “Ero, you better pick up you blue son of a-”
“I’m here, I’m here. What happened?”
Khea sighed in relief at the sound of her friend’s voice through her comms. There wasn’t a lick of concern or worry in his voice (rather, it was more irritation than anything) but Khea was going to skip over that fact because at least for once he managed to pick up. 
“I’m going to need a bacta patch when I get back. Some bastard kriffing shot me,” Khea glanced back down at the wound, frowning slightly, her voice making it out to be some minor inconvenience rather than something that would’ve been a major concern for anyone else who wasn’t constantly shot at on a daily basis. 
“Oh yeah? Gee, I wonder why they did that,” Ero scoffed on the other end, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Khea could practically see him roll his eyes. 
However, a heavy sigh followed it and his tone changed into something a little more sympathetic;  “Where? Is it bad?”
“On my side, my kute is ripped and it’s all blistered and clotting…It’s disgusting,” Khea answered with a huff, making another face at it before her head shot back up at the sound of shouting coming from not too far away from where she’s hiding. 
“I thought your beskar was supposed to save you from this kind of stuff,” Ero teased, making Khea roll her eyes in annoyance. 
“It doesn’t cover everything, di'kut. You know that.” Khea hissed back, lowering her range finder as she poked her head out from the side of the shipping container, trying to pinpoint where the voices were coming from. 
Just a few shipping containers away from her, she spots them–three pirate goons, one of them a Tradoshan who was sniffing the air for her, all of them with blasters, and who were no doubt hot on her trail. With a frustrated sigh, she pulled away from the edge and started moving again, a hand on her wound, the other on her blaster as she hoped the further away she got the harder it would be for the Trandoshan to sniff her out. Those damn Tradoshans and their excellent sense of smell would be Khea’s demise one day, she just knew it. 
“So are you going to have the bacta patch ready or not?” Khea asked in a low voice, the other end of her comm going silent aside from the sound of shuffling around. 
“Yeah, yeah, I will,” Ero responded a few seconds later, sounding just a tad bit irritated, “Did you get the vials?”
Khea laughed softly, “Of course I did. Why do you think I got shot?”
“Dunno, thought maybe you accidentally shot yourself while cleaning your blasters again,” Ero chuckled, his voice slowly becoming the more playful and teasing tone Khea knew all too well. 
“That has never once happened, Ero and you know it,” Khea responded, wanting to sound threatening, but her voice came out in a nervous laugh, revealing her lie. 
“Sure thing, burc'ya,” Ero snickers before falling silent. A few moments pass as Khea navigates through the shipping yard, occasionally glancing back to make sure she’s still good when he finally speaks again.
“Get back safely.” 
Khea smiled softly at those words, chuckling to herself as the comm line immediately goes dead after Ero’s said his piece. 
“Sure thing, burc'ya,” Khea replied in a slightly mocking tone, echoing his words from earlier to the silence in her helmet before she hurried along, getting closer and closer to her tucked-away ship. Therefore, getting closer and closer to getting paid. Oh, and seeing Ero again and getting fixed up, of course. But most importantly, getting paid. 
Of course, there were better, safer, ways of getting paid, but this was what Khea knew. It was everything she was familiar with. Thrill and danger, risk and reward. A peculiar dance that Khea knew all the steps to, even if she tended to trip and stumble from time to time. A profession that found her and stayed with her, no matter her attempts to try and leave it. Funny how fate works like that. 
A handful of years ago, Khea had found herself on Takodana, trying to run from everything she ever knew; Mandalore, her parents, her brother, her mistakes, regrets, and memories. On Takodana, she could start anew. She would be a new face, a mystery, a person who walked the line between lies and reality, a free hire, a girl wandering the planet, searching for a purpose. 
It was there where she met Jaawl Wobarc. A filthy Nikto pirate lord who was in need of someone like Khea; an ‘assistant,’ someone who could do his bidding, both personal and business, to ensure his safety and occupy his time. It gave her something to do, it paid well, she had benefits, a ship, and most importantly, a purpose. Or at least, what felt like a purpose. 
It didn't take long for her to realize blindly following someone's orders wasn't what she wanted from life and that maybe somewhere out in the vast, now quickly changing galaxy that maybe there was some better purpose out there for her. Sure, five years was technically a long time but it could have been longer, right? 
So with the help of one, Ero Teval, a Pantoran she managed to befriend (and who she seemed to be unable to get rid of) during her time in Takodana, she managed to get away. 
For a second time. 
That’s how she ended up on Ord Mantell, hiding from Jaawl who thought she was dead, hiding from the Empire who seemed to hate bounty hunters, and hiding from the calling to change what the galaxy was becoming. 
After all, there was no point in returning home, not after what she did, not after what happened. And while Khea held a deep, burning hatred for the newly formed Empire and what they were doing, she knew that there wasn’t much she could do. Just to stay low, keep out of trouble, and figure out a way to make ends meet. 
At first, that meant setting up a repair shop with Ero, fixing things up for once instead of destroying them, a little place they could pretend to call home on the strip of shops and places that lined the market streets. Someplace where they could lay low from everything and pretend they were normal civilians and not a Mandalorian bounty hunter and a Pantoran assassin trying to make ends meet. 
But old habits die hard. 
Khea's eyes widened at the sudden sound of blaster fire and she cursed under her breath. She looked away from the vials in her pouch, mentally kicking herself for letting her mind wander, as she quickly took off again, firing behind her as she weaved through the shipping containers to where her ship, The Jade Rabbit, was waiting. 
The chase was back on again.
Khea ran, hand at her side, blaster firing over her shoulder blindly at the three pirates after her. They were shouting something at her and she was shouting too, nothing that could be made out over the blaster fire, not that it mattered anyway.
"Kriff this…" Khea muttered eyes narrowed in frustration and irritation.
"Might as well give it up now boys!" She shouted back at them as she quickly switched tactics and took to the skies, turning to give herself a better shot at them. "No one likes a try-hard!" 
The Tradoshan snapped and hissed back at her, but Khea couldn't care less about what he was saying about her mother and instead, she lowered her range finder at the three and fired her rocket before they could shoot her from the sky. 
She watched with wide eyes and a grin as the rocket hit its mark, blowing the three back and off their feet. It was glorious, as explosions go, and though she should've dipped the moment the rocket hit its target, she couldn't help but watch for a second or two in admiration. 
Three seconds…four seconds…five-
About a klick away something exploded. Khea looked up to see a great big ball of smoke, flame, and rubble where the pirate’s ship had been. Debris rained down on the ocean and harbor below the ship, hitting other containers and speeders, making them blow up and catch fire just the same as the ship had done. She had just been on that ship, having grabbed what she needed, killed who she needed to, and dipped. There wasn’t a need to blow the ship to pieces, so Khea hadn’t bothered to waste precious explosives on the ship. So whatever that was, for once, was not her doing, and she couldn't help but be jealous of whoever caused it. Her own little explosion looked like nothing compared to the explosion that was happening overhead. 
Of course, all of that didn't really matter. Snapping out of it, Khea shook those useless thoughts away and took off toward the direction of her ship, letting the sound of carnage disappear behind her. She was determined to make sure that one little (big) explosion wasn't going to be the reason she didn't make it back to Ero with what she promised to get for their buyer. Besides, she didn't want to explain to Ero that she got shot out of the sky because she was too busy looking at an explosion and being jealous. He'd never let her hear the end of it. 
"Ero..hey, Ero.." 
Khea muttered into her comms as she hobbled up into her ship, finally safe, readying it to take off. 
"Oh, she lives," Ero’s voice responded almost immediately, making Khea chuckle softly to herself. 
"Yes, I'm headed over now," she informed, sitting down in the pilot seat with a bit of a hiss as pain shot up her side. 
"You alright..? How's the wound?" Ero then asked, hearing the hiss of pain, now sounding just a little more concerned than he usually let himself be. 
"Fine. I'll live," Khea responded, preparing the ship for take-off, ignoring how her side started to sting again as the adrenaline started to wear off. 
"You better…" Ero muttered before adding a quiet, "Get back safe." 
Khea smiled softly and rolled her eyes fondly, "I will…" 
The line went silent for a bit before Ero finally spoke again, "And if it's no trouble for you, we need more caf." 
Khea laughed and shook her head, "Fine..I'll get it on the way. But you owe me." 
"I'll owe you a bacta patch, how about that?" Ero snorted on the other end. 
"Rude," Khea laughed.
"I think you mean 'fair,' burc'ya." Ero cooed on the other end. 
"Whatever, I'll see you soon," Khea chuckled softly before cutting the line and taking off. 
With a sigh, Khea watched as the remnants of the explosion smoke and glow ablaze not too far from her and she silently wondered who exactly caused the explosion and why. She just couldn't help herself. After all, it hadn't been her. Was someone else on the ship? Was it a malfunction? 
As bad as she wanted to know, she had to get out of there, so ignoring her growing questions, she finally took off, and charted back to Ord Mantell. Had she stopped to think about it for a few minutes longer, she would've seen the ship that took off a few klicks away. A ship carrying a batch of some rather disappointed and frustrated individuals who were having just a kriffing wonderful night.
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swan--writes · 4 years
BJ’s V-Day
In which BJ fucks with reader’s chocolate, and reader is Upset.
It’s still Valentine’s Day in some places, right? Shut up. It’s been a busy day.
Warnings: food, swan-typical language
It started at the coffee shop. (Of course it did.)
You ordered the same coffee that you always did, from the same barista you always saw, but something was different that day. The coffee was darker and colder, and more viscous than usual. It was almost sour, and the way it sloshed around in the paper cup made your stomach churn. When you frowned at the barista who had made it, he gave you a too-wide grin and an unnerving wink. (His teeth were so pointy, was that normal?) You scurried out of the shop and onto the street of your small Connecticut town. You had not been back since.
That was only the first of February.
Next came the florist’s. You had been to the florist every week since you moved to this small town. It was cozy enough that you didn’t feel pressured to place a massive order, and you preferred small business flowers to the grocery store selection. And you loved fresh flowers. (Everybody has their thing, this was yours.)
Now, you would swear that when you chose your bouquet, it was beautiful. The blooms were fresh, the leaves were perky, and the roses were vibrant.
By the time the florist had packaged it for you, it was a red and black mess right out of an early My Chemical Romance music video. Great for art. Kitchen counters? Not as much.
Of course, you were too nice to say anything. You simply had to contend with half-dead roses, wilting on their stems. They were all blackened edges, wrinkled petals, and falling leaves. The florist gave you an even wider grin than the barista had, and you walked out even faster than you had the coffee shop.
It was only day four.
After the roses – which had only lasted two days in your house before the blooms fell dead away (literally) – was the truffles. This was almost your breaking point.
All of the convenience store chocolate was discounted for Valentine’s Day, just five days away now. It was on your way home from work, and you couldn’t force yourself to just drive past it. So, in you went, and there you bought, and then you went home. You had gone through the self-checkout, but one of the cashiers kept giving you sidelong looks.
At the convenience store, you had tried to ignore them, but they were all you could think about when you bit into the first truffle. The chocolate shell was mostly fine, if a touch bitter. The filling was dust. (Literal, actual dust.)
So, like any rational person, you spent the next fifteen minutes gagging over the sink, then grabbed a knife. You sliced clean through every single truffle. Most of them crumbled from the pressure of your knife, and all of them were the same. Truffle after truffle – two full boxes – were all filled with dust.
Well, all but one.
In the center of the second box, there was one truffle that did not crumble. It was densely packed with a thick, old piece of paper. The paper felt leathery between your fingers when you picked it out of the chocolate shell, almost like parchment.
When you saw what was written on it, you all but stabbed your knife through it.
Bad coffee? Okay. Dead flowers? Fine. But nobody fucked with your chocolate and remained in your good graces.
The next five days only upped the ante.
Your trusty diner somehow dropped every single Valentine’s Day éclair on the floor as soon as you arrived. Your supervisor lost her box of valentines before she could hand them out at your office. Your set of Valentine’s decorated mason jars somehow fell from your entertainment center and shattered when you walked by. (A good four feet away from the table, because that made complete sense.) But the final straw came on day fourteen, first thing on Valentine’s Day. (Of course it did.)
When you opened the door to take the trash out, you felt it knock something over. It was mostly dark outside, and you didn’t fully see what it was until you brought it inside. Once you were under proper lighting, you saw that you were holding a black teddy bear about the size of your torso.
When you shook the bear to make sure there was nothing inside, however, the head immediately twisted off and flew away to who knows where? A foul-smelling green slime began oozing from the severed neck. You shrieked and dropped the bear. Slime and wet dirt spilled onto your kitchen floor.
“Oh my--no, y’know what? Fine,” you groused. “Fine! I give up.” You backed away from the decapitated bear and stomped through the kitchen to your living room.
Your house was old, and you could hear the creaking of the floorboards underneath the banging of your steps. You could hear the sizzle of whatever the slime was doing to your kitchen floor. And you could hear the wind that kicked up when you spoke the words from the parchment you had found in your discount truffle.
Something in the house groaned – a low, ominous sound.
A layer of fog covered your windows. (Several layers.) It crept in at your window corners with a draft, and a gray murk. It nipped at your ankles, and leapt at your wrists, and seemed to amplify the sizzling in your kitchen.
You swallowed. “Beetlejuice!”
Lightning flashed. You closed your eyes, but it didn’t do much good. The wind whipped around you. You tried to turn your face against it, but it was everywhere and coming from all sides. Without thinking, you covered your ears and stumbled back a step.
Then, all at once, it stopped.
When you opened your eyes, you saw your demon boyfriend leaning on the doorjamb with his back to you. Beetlejuice gave a low whistle when he saw the teddy bear he had left you eating a hole in your floorboards.
“Damn babes, you’re gonna have to get someone out here to fix that.”
Rather than humor him, you glared at his back. His suit jacket was barely holding together, and you could see a long, thin strip of his shirt through it. “The mason jars? Really? You know I loved those.”
Without moving his feet, Beetlejuice’s head turned fully around to face you, nose wrinkled in a grimace. “Those cheap old things? C’mon baby, you can find a hundred of them at literally any Purgatory yard sale.” His eyes lit up. “In fact–”
“Oh no, I’ve had enough of that place. And hey, what have you been doing in town this month anyway? You said you’d be tied up until March.”
“Oh I was, sweet cheeks.” Beetlejuice waggled his eyebrows at you. You walked up to him and slapped his arm. “Whoa, babes!” The force of it seemed to radiate through his entire body. (Corpse?) His knees wobbled, his hips jostled, and you could swear you heard rattling from somewhere near his ribcage. “Easy! I’ve been doing a lot of strenuous physical activity this month.”
“Oh yeah? Fucking with me almost every day has been strenuous?”
“Hey, you coulda just summoned me when I asked you to.”
“You didn’t ask, you ruined my bargain-bin chocolate.”
“Oh, forgive me.” You rolled your eyes at his tone.
Beetlejuice turned around on his feet, facing you with his shoulders. Then he groaned, reached up, and spun his head around. “Whoa!” he cried. His head rotated a few times on his neck before finally coming to a stop.
When he brought his hands down again, Beetlejuice was holding the oozing teddy bear’s head. He held it out to you.
“I’m sorry for fucking with you all month.”
You gave him a look, but melted when you saw the pink creeping through the roots of his otherwise green hair. “Fine,” you conceded. “But you owe me.” Against your best self-preserving judgment, you took the stuffed head from him. A few clumps of wet dirt fell from the bottom where it was still severed and onto the floor. You kissed its cheek anyway, and only winced a little from its coldness.
Beetlejuice took the head back, flung it back over his shoulder, wrapped his arms around you, and dipped you. You gave a very undignified squeak that you would never admit to later.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, babes,” he growled.
please like and reblog if you are so moved
tags list: @missihart23 @ballerinafairyprincess @thewolfisapartofmysoul
if you would like to get on the tags list, please let me know!
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gimyeongbestboy · 3 years
Ok first off, I’m obessed with everything you write. I wanna write lookism so badly but everyone things I’m just a jujutsu kaisen blog when I’m not 😭😭ANYWHO, can we get headcanons for jake who meets y/n who is shy but a total bad ass with the sword? Like he hears that some goons are trying to kidnap her and when he arrives they are just all beat up and thus starts jake falling for you. And I know jake would also make y/n blush so much omg. 🥰🥰anyways thank you so much for always making my day!
You can always write for other fandoms if you want. Like it's you're blog, not theirs. Were you the anon that sent me this ask? Anyways, I'm glad my writing makes your day-- thanks for liking it so much. This one is a short one.
Jake Kim x Reader
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If yn is a shy person, I fee like Jake would find yn an adorable person or something-- unless, yn got a resting bitch face.
If the swordsmanship skill is a secret and unknown to pretty much everyone, then Jake would definitely rush to yn's rescue. He doesn't view you as someone completely helpless per se, that's just Jake in nature. If he knows someone he cares about needs his help, he will help that person no matter the situation.
When he gets the message that you've been taken or is being held captive, he will get alarmed right away. His first thought would probably have something to do with your safety. Something like, "When was she taken?" or, "Who was she last with?"
Jake would probably ask the generic questions that a police would ask if someone is reported missing. The questions I've mentioned would probably be the first thoughts that will pop in his mind, and that's when he'll start searching for you. While he's looking for you, that's most likely when his worry will start to grow more and more especially if you've been gone for hours.
When Jake finally finds you, he'd be so surprised when he sees all the guys who kidnapped you, are all passed out. You on the other hand, were just walking out of whatever establishment you were held in-- very casually.
If Jake have some unknown feelings, in a sense where he too, don't know that he likes you, then that's when he'll realize his feelings for you. Jake would run up to you and hold you tight against him in silence.
His heart would be pounding so hard, that you can probably feel it too when he hugged you. When he's finally sure that you're safe and/or unharmed (to which you are), that's when Jake will tell you how worried he's been.
With the recent incident that unfolded, Jake would probably keep a closer eye on you. Of course at this point he's aware you're a good swordsman/woman, but still, he'll worry. After all, it's not going to be the first time he lost someone in a similar manner. He's confident you can handle yourself well, but he would worry for your safety still. I mean he really do care about you, so...
Jake would always check up on you, and you're just there wondering why he keeps doing more lately.
Since yn is shy, whenever Jake would be near, I feel like all yn would remember is how tight Jake's embrace was after that whole fiasco. Jake's embrace made yn feel so safe and warm, and yn's face gets tomato red from remembering that moment.
Jake would then be all worried because yn's looking red thinking, "Oh no, is yn sick?" Sir, you're the one causing it.
Jake once asked about yn's blushing moments, yn would literally stammer and get extra red in the face when the truth gets spilled.
Jake being the cheeky person that he is, would probably always hug yn whenever they see each other and before they part ways.
Honestly, I don't think beating up goons and not being a damsel in distress is enough to make Jake fall for you. You could be the best swordsman/woman, but that's not going to take your far. You got skills, so what? I see Jake as someone who values personality over anything else. The reason being, skills can be picked up and learned, but a genuine personality can't.
I see Jake being completely impressed with the fact that you can handle yourself in a situation, but I honestly don't think that's enough to make him fall for you. For that reason, if Jake were to fall for yn during that kidnapping, then that's when he realize that he has already existing feelings for yn already.
If yn ever get kidnapped again, Jake would be less worried than the first incident because he's confident that you can handle yourself. There will be a bit of worry in him, but then again, who wouldn't be when their beloved suddenly got kidnapped?
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allegra-writes · 4 years
"Bad together"
Prologue: Benjamin Reilly
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Peter Parker x Reader
General audiences
Warnings: none.
"And if I'm dead to you
Why are you at the wake?
Cursing my name, wishing I stayed"
My tears ricochet - Taylor Swift
"... It's a disaster! Look at her! It's like someone took a look at Black Cat, selected everything that made her sexy and then took it out!"
Black Cat. The name froze the young photographer on his tracks right outside his boss' office. He hadn't heard that name in a long time, the last sighting had been well over a year ago. He would know.  After all, it had been him, the very last person to have seen Felicia Hardy, alive or dead.
"What are you talking about? That looks hot af, not to mention badass!" Jade's persuasive voice reached his ears, making him smirk: It was no secret the chief editor had a soft spot for the young intern. And, on her part, the petite brunette was a firecracker. Poor old Jameson didn't stand a chance. "Come on, dad. Single handedly taking down three of the Kingpin's goons? That's impressive. It deserves to be one of the slides!" 
"Not if we don't get a higher quality picture. That blurry video is good enough for a thumbnail, but not for a slide" Slides were a big deal, they were the Dailybugle.net's equivalent of a front page, and if J. Jonah Jameson took something seriously, it was his web site. He prided himself in the quality of the "receipts" of his "tea", as if that validated the trashiness of the bullshit articles he posted, more fiction from hyper imaginative wannabe writers than serious work from real reporters. 
"Well, then let's get the pictures. Where is that star photographer of yours?" 
The photographer rolled his eyes, typical Jade. As if the queen of cool didn't know his name. As if she hadn't graced his bed a handful of times already. 
"That's a good question. Dolores, get me Reilly!"
"I'm here, Jonah" Ben finally stepped inside the office, throwing an envelope on Jameson's desk before throwing himself on a chair across it. He could feel Jade's eyes on him, almost like a physical caress, trailing from the long, slick back curls on the top of his head, to the muscles of his arms, threatening to rip open the seams at the sleeves of his white t-shirt, to his jean clad thighs. Still, he didn't turn to look at her, refusing to give her the satisfaction. 
"What do you have for me today, boy?"
Ben gesticulated vaguely with his head in the direction of Jade, and Jameson caught the hint. 
"Jade, out!" 
"But, dad, my story!" The petulant reply left her mouth before she could stop it, undoubtedly the product of years of habit. But she had the grace to look embarrassed and leave the office without another word, trying to save whatever professionalism she had left. 
Once she was gone, Jameson opened the envelope, flipping through the various pictures of a masked figure swinging around New York in a black and red suit. 
"Hmmm… these are good" the older man praised, staring at the images of a frustrated robbery at 5th avenue
Ben snifled nocomitically,
"There was a fire at 16th avenue happening at the same time" He offered, "we could use that. Spider-Man forgets his roots and leaves his old neighborhood to fend for itself, running off to save some pretty socialite…"
"Oh, that is excellent! See, this is why I like you, kid. You have initiative. Unlike these snowflakes out there. Oh, but Spider-Man is a hero. Hero, my ass"
"Well, when you watch your so called hero sit back and do nothing as your life gets destroyed" Ben shrugged, "the rose colored glasses tend to fall off…"
Jameson made a face at that,
"Yeah, about that… I'm sorry. For the role the Daily Bugle played on that…"
Ben shook his head, 
"You thought you were getting the truth out there. It's not your fault to have been played, along with half the world. Plus," he added, sounding genuinely enthusiastic, "you gave me this job. And now we can really tell the truth"
"Even when our idea of the truth is somehow different" The older man scoffed, flipping around a picture of Spider-Man sat on what appeared to be a hammock of his own webs, eating a hamburger and reading something that looked suspiciously like a comic book, "Still hung up on that high schooler theory of yours?"
"Well, if it talks like a brat and acts like a brat…" Ben took out another envelope, this time containing a few burger king wrappers and, effectively, a spider-man comic book. 
"Where did you even get these?"
"Harlem" was Ben's curt reply, and Jameson knew that was as exact a location as he was going to get. 
"So you still believe this is a copycat? Some kid playing dress up"
Ben simply shrugged again. 
"Well, there seems to be an epidemic of those lately" Jameson admitted, indicating Ben to come closer, passing a tablet to him, "Jade just handled me this, take a look"
Ben took a deep breath, steeling himself, already knowing what he was going to see in it. Yet, a part of him couldn't help but hope to be wrong. To hope the silver haired figure facing three much bigger, stronger looking ones as he pressed play, wasn't the same one he had spent weeks memorizing last summer. Wasn't the body he had found solace in, when everything fell apart, once again, for the hundredth time in his life. 
To hope it wasn't you. 
But when in his twenty-two or so years of existence, had things ever gone his way? 
Ben felt the screen crack under his fingertips.
"I've heard of her" he lied through his teeth, "didn't even think she was real, to be honest. Extremely elusive, and cunning." That much was true, "I don't understand how something as mundane as a security camera managed to catch her…" 
Unless you wanted to be caught, that was. 
"Well, I don't care if she's the fucking Loch Ness monster, I want an HD picture of her on my desk tomorrow to go with Jade's article. I already have a headline: New Catastrophe Jen wreaks havoc on Hell's Kitchen" Jameson's eyes lit up with glee as he weaved his hands up in the air, like writing on an invisible marquee. 
Ben snorted
"Don't you mean Calamity Jane?"
Jameson's face fell, the color rising to his cheeks, characteristic vein popping on his forehead. 
"I meant what I meant, boy! Now, what are you still doing here? You have 24 hours to get me that picture"
"I'm going to need 72," came Ben's unphased reply, "and I want twice what you pay me for the spidey pics"
Jameson's vein looked about ready to explode,
"48 hours. And deal."
Ben jumped from his seat and bolted out of the office before his boss could change his mind, not realizing until it was too late that he was on a collision course with a sweet looking short haired blonde girl. 
"Watch where you're going! Jeez!"
"Me? You're the one who crashed against me!" 
Ben rolled his eyes, but crouched next to the girl anyway, helping her gather the papers that had been sent flying on impact back together.
"Peter? Oh my god, is that you?"
Of course. What an idiot, he should had recognized that annoying, shrilly voice the second he heard it. It had caught him off guard, something he knew he couldn't afford. But how could he had ever imagine he could run into Betty fucking Brant, Yale cum laude, in the freaking dailybugle.net headquarters of all places?
"Sorry, sweetheart. You must confuse me with someone else…" He mumbled, lowering his head even more in a vain attempt to hide his face.
"Of course not!" She insisted, "You're Peter, Peter Parker, we went to Midtown together!"
"Miss, I have no idea what you're talking about…"
"Don't be silly, Peter!" She chuckled, completely deft to his tone or the way his whole demeanor had changed the second she had called him by the old name. "How have you been? Oh, just wait until I tell Ned, he's going to be so-"
At last, the tablet that had been in peril ever since Jameson had put it in Ben's hands, the one that contained his assignment, met its demise, both broken halves falling to the ground, along with all the papers he had picked up for Betty. It was several moments before he could get the shaking of his hands under control, before the tar black rage inside him subsided enough for him to be able to move without shifting. But it had.
"Peter Parker is dead." He deadpanned, dark brown eyes finally meeting Betty's stunned blue ones, "Tell Ned that, he'll probably be glad to hear it"
With that, he stood up and walked away, leaving a confused and agitated Betty behind. 
To be continued...
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every-lemon · 3 years
fanfic writer tag game
Thanks for the tag, @hardnoctlife! Finally sat down to do this!
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Friendship! Chocbros friendship, specifically!
How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your total AO3 word count?
216,587 words 😳
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Ignis Scientia's Six-Step Plan for Adding a Commoner to Your Royal Retinue (362 kudos): Noctis & Prompto friendship between the end of high school and the start of the roadtrip. Lots of boys not using their words, ridiculous shenanigans, and a healthy sprinkling of angst.
To Bear the Weight (327 kudos): My 74k longfic!! An AU that moves the marilith attack to when Noct is 14, rather than 8.
Goes Without Saying (246 kudos): Noctis & Prompto friendship -- more boys not using their words but Being Good Friends.
Oversleep (212 kudos): Prompto and Noct (do you sense a theme in peoples' favorites here lol) are studying when Noct crashes and won't wake up. Crystal magic angst!
Long Live (173 kudos): AU where Regis is assassinated in the middle of a random school day and Noct has to raise the Wall. Prompto's POV of course ;)
Do you reply to comments, why or why not?
Yes! I love interacting with my readers, they are the bessssst. That being said I think I have a dozen I still need to reply to right now 'cause I've been holding onto their rosy glow ;)
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
HMMM probably Long Live or Draconian. Shout-out to the reader who missed the MCD tag on that one, sorry bro.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Ahahahaaaa this is surprisingly hard, all my "fluff" tends to end with something sad . . . OH Sleep Safe Beneath My Care, which was a gift for @skialdi!!
Do you write crossovers?
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
It's not posted, but I started a stalking fic for HurtNoctWeek that I just lost steam on and abandoned.
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, banter, concision . . . I think!
What are your writing weaknesses?
I really want to improve at setting up conflicts and plot lines that carry the reader through with that tension, esp. in longer fics.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Sounds cool! Never done it.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Oh man, Back in the Day™, probably either LOTR or Bones.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Oh that's really hard, but my favorite that I haven't mentioned yet is All These Years and There You Were, which is de-aging with a time-travel twist :D
Tagging: @deducitetemporacarmen, @guinea-goon, @redfoxline, @somewherealight, @mathclasswarfare, @fallintosanity -- if you want to! and if anyone else wants to pretend i tagged you!!
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