#idk man i’m just a ‘we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it’ kind of guy
Baby Daddies Part 30
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Requested: idk why but i’m having some serious baby fever. could you something with a character(s) of your choosing with kids that’s super fluffy and amazing like the rest of your writing?
(you have two children with two different baby daddies lol bye)
Pairings: Stiles Stilinski x Reader, Issac Lahey x Reader
Series Masterlist
“What do you mean her body is missing?” Noah spoke, his eyes shifting from his son to Melissa.  
“I mean when we checked the morgue, she wasn’t there. Checked the cameras, no one came in or out.” Melissa sighed and looked at Stiles, his head dropped low. He didn’t know what to do, what to think. For Stiles (y/n) was gone, too far gone to be saved now.  
“You mean to tell me that her body just went and disappeared?” Noah sighed and Melissa nodded before looking at Stiles.
“That’s exactly what I mean. We’ve looked everywhere, I know this is the last thing I would ever want to tell you.” She placed her hand on her forehead as she began to pace the small hallway.  
“What do we do?” Stiles’ voice was low. There was no way he was going to get hopes that his fiancé upped and walked away. “We can’t just stand here and wait around, the faster we find her the faster we can lay here to rest like she deserves.” Stiles wiped his face, of course the tears hadn’t stopped. The ringing of Noah’s cellphone cut him off before he could answer his son.  
“I need to take this.” Noah looked down at the phone that displayed Parrish’s name before walking out of the hospital’s sliding doors. “Talk to me, did you get him?”  
“Sherriff,” Parrish sighed. “He’s not well.”  
“What do you mean he’s not well? What the hell is going on Parrish.” Noah hissed into the phone as Parrish looked at Isaac who sat with his back against the tree and his head in his hands, blood spilling from the gash in his arm.  
“He wasn’t running from us Sherriff; he was running from her.” Jordan gulped, he’d seen her, he knew he had.  
“From who Parrish?” Noah’s heartbeat increased.  
“(Y/N).” Jordan swallowed as he continued to look at Isaac. “She’s not herself, I’m almost certain this isn’t her but it looked just like her. She injured him and he’s not healing. She ran off before I could go after her.”  
“Look, keep this on the downlow, the last thing I need is for my son to try to chase after her, if it’s even her. Bring Isaac to the station, we’ll see what he can tell us.”  
“He hasn’t done much talking sir.” Parrish nudges Isaac’s leg. “Hasn’t moved as much either.”  
“Just bring him in Parrish, I'll see you there.” Noah sighed and hung up the phone before running his hand over his face. The supernatural had a way of fucking up everyone’s life. All he wanted was to let his son grief, the loss of a significant other was like no other. It's like a piece of yourself gets torn away from you and there’s no getting it back. Noah knew too much about how that felt.  
“Dad?” Stiles’ voice cracked, he hated seeing his son so broken, he’d seen him like this before, when his mother had died. “What’s going on?” Noah shook his head and motioned for him to come closer to him.  
“Nothing you need to worry about, let’s get you back home, yeah? I need to head into the office.” Stiles didn’t say a word, instead he followed his father to his truck, climbing in and closing the door. He immediately put his head in his hands, he hadn’t had much sleep and he was beginning to feel it. The drive back to the Stilinski residence wasn’t long, before Stiles knew it he was sitting in his dad’s couch, Scott next to him as he handed him his son.  
“Daddy?” Peter whispered; he’d never seen his father like this which only scared him.
“Hey buddy.” Stiles’ whispered out giving his son a small kiss on the forehead.  
“Where’s mommy?” Stiles gulped as he fought to keep his tears in. Stiles shook his head and hugged his son closer. “I want to see mommy.” Stiles shook his head and looked at Scott for help, he didn’t know what to tell his son.  
“Hey buddy, remember you were going to tell you dad about the race car aunt Lydia bought you?” Scott asked Peter as his small eyes lit up at the thought of the small toy. He wiggled out of Stile’s lap and ran up the stairs. “He’s going to be okay.” Scott whispered looking at the direction that Peter had ran off to.  
“But I'm not.” Stiles’ voice cracked and Scott snapped his head towards his best friend. “I can’t live without her.” Stiles words caught Scott’s heart and when he saw the tears running down his best friend’s face, he brought him into a hug.  
“You’re not going to do this alone; I’m always going to be here for you Stiles. You’re my best friend, she was my best friend.” Scott sniffed as he tightened his arms around Stiles who sobbed into his chest. “Everything is going to be okay, maybe not now but it will be.” Scott sighed and closed his eyes. He hadn’t grieved his friend's death just yet, he wanted to be strong but time was running out and his heart wasn’t going to last much longer. They sat there for what seemed like hours; Peter hadn’t returned which is what caused Stiles to pull away from his friend.  
“Peter?” Stiles called out as his voice cracked once more. When there was silence Stiles shot up from the couch and took the stairs to at a time. “Peter?” Stiles repeated as he opened the door to his old bedroom.  
“Shhh.” Amy shushed Stiles as she put her index finder to her lips. Stiles gulped watching as she wrapped her arms around her little brother. She placed a kiss on his forehead as he slept. “Peter was tired.” She simply said as she laid her head back down on the pillow. Stiles moved towards his kids taking a seat on the edge of the bed next to Amy.  
“You okay honey?” Stiles whispered not wanting his daughter to hear the heartbreak in his voice. She simply nodded and closed her eyes, tears slipping from them only moments after. “Hey, hey, sweetheart.” Stiles sighed as he placed his hand on her head. “Come here.” Stiles tugged on her slightly before she unwrapped her arms from her brother and moved to Stiles’ lap. He hugged her into her chest and sighed as he placed a kiss on her head. “Everything is going to be okay.” Stiles whispered as he moved his legs onto the bed letting his back rest on the headrest of the bed. She sobbed silently clutching onto Stiles’ shirt. “It’s okay honey, it’s okay.” Stiles repeated as he stroked Amy’s hair. And at that moment Stiles knew that he had to press pause on his own feelings and worry about his kids. He’d still cry, no doubt about it, but not in front of them, no, in front of them he’d be the rock they needed, the parent they needed. Just like his father had done for him those years ago.  
“Isaac!” Noah yelled as he snapped his fingers in front of his face.  
“He’s not looking so hot.” Liam spoke. Isaac was pale, his eyes red rimmed as tears rolled down them. He hadn’t said a word in the thirty minutes he was there and it looked like he wasn’t going to either.  
“Maybe we should get him checked out?” Parrish looked at Noah who shook his head.  
“This is the guy who killed the mother of my grandchildren, he could all but die for all I care.” Noah spat before Liam nodded in agreement.  
“Please.” Isaac whispered causing all three heads to snap his way. Isaac’s eyes met Noah’s a silent plea in them. Isaac loved (y/n), more than he’d ever admit. He wasn’t himself; he could admit that only a portion that attacked her was him, the rest was something else he couldn’t understand himself. He’d woken up in the middle of the night hearing her whispers as she taunted him about being with Stiles which only made the anger in him boil. “Please.” He repeated. He knew he was on his last few breaths, he’d want to die, for killing the love of his life, for killing the mother of his daughter. He wanted nothing more than to die but something in him wanted to fight to stay alive. To figure out why he’d been compelled to turn his back on her, to figure out why she stood before him when only hours ago her lifeless body was in the hospital bed getting rolled out to the morgue.  
“Deaton.” Liam spoke when no one else spoke. He wanted nothing more than to let Isaac die but he needed to know what he knew, if (y/n) was really alive and if she was why was she going after Isaac with a vendetta when (y/n) would have been with her family if she were alive. “We can take him to Deaton and then we can find out what he knows.” Liam looked at Noah who sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.  
“Fine, but then we’re either locking him up or letting him succumb to the injuries.” Noah grabbed his jacket from his chair and moved to his door not looking back as Jordan and Liam helped Isaac to his feet.  
Minutes later they walked into Deaton’s clinic, his eyes scanning Isaac as they stopped at the gash on his arm. “That’s a nasty cut.” He stated as Liam threw Isaac on the table.  
“Can you help him?” Liam sighed and Deaton’s eyebrows narrowed.
“I had the impression Isaac was a dead man walking, kind of like he is now?” He looked at Noah who shook his head.  
“He has information we need; can you help him or not?” Noah rolled his eyes, he wanted nothing more than to kill Isaac right now. Deaton nodded and proceeded to take a look at Isaac’s arm.  
“How did you get this Isaac?” Deaton inspected it before grabbing a book from one of his cabinets.  
“He won’t talk, but my guess is (y/n) did this. I saw her before she took off.” Parrish crossed his arms over his chest.  
“(Y/N)?” Deaton’s head snapped to Parrish. “Are you sure it was her?”  
“It was her.” Isaac spoke lowly and Deaton swallowed before he grabbed a jar with a green powder in it.  
“What’s that?” Parrish spoke.  
“It’ll help stop whatever it’s spreading through him so I can figure out why this is terribly bad. If (y/n) did this I'm afraid she’s not the (y/n) you used to know.” He flipped through the book and looked at Isaac. “What’d she look like?”  
“Like herself.” Isaac stared at the wall as Deaton continued to spill things into his arm. “Like she did the day at the hospital, completely broken.” Isaac coughed out.  
“What do you think doc?” Noah spoke biting his lip.  
“Looks like he’ll be fine, whatever she did to him isn’t permeant. However, the wound does look like it to be one from a wendigo.” Deaton spoke as he flipped the book.  
“A wendigo?” Parrish questioned. “Would that give her the ability to disappear too?”  
“What do you mean?” Deaton looked back at Isaac.
“I mean like poof disappear into thin air.” Parrish wiggled his fingers.  
“I’m afraid not, Isaac did you see (y/n) do this?” Isaac shook his head.  
“No, I saw her running to me, I thought I was losing my mind, that she was in my head.” Isaac closed his eyes. “Thought my mind was playing some awful trick on me but then I felt it and when I looked back, she was there, so I ran.” Isaac shook his head.  
“Then I found him running.” Parrish stepped forward. “She disappeared the moment I laid my eyes on her.” Deaton shook his head.  
“This doesn’t make any sense.” Noah sighed. The room went silent as Deaton continued to flip through pages, his eyes scanning the words as he thought of what it could have been.
“It wasn’t me.” A whisper in the room caused everyone to snap their heads to the main entrance.  
“Who the fuck said that?” Liam gulped looking around the room.  
“Me.” A flicker of light lid up Deaton’s office before a cry erupted from Isaac. “It wasn’t me.” (Y/N) spoke lowly as she stood in front of the four men, their eyes widening as they took a step back from her. 
story tags; @beaiiir
forevertags; @bojabee@imperfect-circle@dakotapaigelove@a-gir1-has-n0-name@riverdalehoeeeeeee@sabertooth-potato@heyitscam99@peterstarksstarker@royal-fanfic@vixengustin88
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icharchivist · 3 years
cries think I made my ask too long so like half of it got deleted bc I typed it right into the askbox. anyways. I come bearing a3 thoughts! at first i was gonna watch the spring/summer and autumn/winter ones and then give my thoughts on both but. turns out i had too many thoughts lol? which i shouldve expected but i actually kind of... got bored by the first two chapters of this event! so i skipped and went to the stranger. and then went back. (1/?)
and then i got to like "tsuzuru and kazunari are having a fight?" and jumped on that like a starving wolf bc helllll yeah! i rly adored kazunari in sardine search, i think he was great! hes just so nice and has good vibes. he and taichi are kind of similar i feel? but i think their respective ages contribute to a lot of difference in their characters. why does it feel like this askbox limit personally wants me dead. (2/?)
anyways! i rly enjoyed the improv scene devolving to a real fight. admittedly i was kinda surprised that the content of that improv wasnt rly too similar to their actual fight? like normally a3 has the story of the play run parallel to like the actual real character drama so i thought the improv might function as the play in this event... it was still good tho. the scene i mean. (3/?)
also i rly liked tenma ragging on them afterwards. like he was mean but. first i adore tenma. second he just felt like. a different meddling type to muku lol? like the vibes he gave me were always like... im going to be a considerate leader and watch out for the ppl under me! therefore im gonna make sure theyre doing fine! aggressively. i think tenmas also just like a friendly person who likes to take care of others in general? like im not saying hes omi or anything but just like. (4/?)
that time he offers his car ride to juza so they can go to school together like hes surprisingly open compared to his initial prickliness. also ive got thoughts abt the tenma juza SSR conversation thing i read. one day ill make a tenma and juza fic and complete a trifecta haha... but thats something for another day! back to the actual story. the way tsuzuru dives right in after kazunari! that was so nice. like its easy to see how much they care abt each other. (5/?)
to the point where like even while theyre fighting theyre like angry but still like fairly quiet bc i think theyre both at least trying to be considerate of each other. ah the moment kazunari didnt respond to tsuzuru trying to talk to him i KNEW he was sick tho. felt proud of myself for calling that one but also the reason i knew is bc i have used the "character being sick during an argument causing them both to make up with each other" trope myself before so uh. like recognizes like haha. (6/?)
anyways the cg there was fuckin beautiful like kazunari looks so sad in the middle bit but then u see his shy smile? like hes sick but hes also like. happy to be there. idk. lovely. i adore kazu i think hes just deeply sweet to other people. tsuzuru telling him "you make everyone around you feel as bright and cheery as the things you design” is so wonderful too (7/?)
now im thinking. ah tsuzuru probably feels quite drained after a script and such (i know i am when i finish any piece--its like the emotions just rush out of me) so i like to think that like yknow. kazunari dropping by his room or whatever helps him set himself back to normal! but also when tsuzurus like oh u left ur magazines here! i suddenly remembered. wait shit kazunari and tsuzuru arent even roommates. wonder how much they bother masumi lmaooo. anyways overall very good story! (8/?)
some more thoughts: itaru and citron were so cute in this event! just like. citron saying itaru winking makes his heart skip a beat and itaru quoting citrons wrong sayings (which. i am also guilty of today i told my brother "we'll jump that bridge when we cross it" so) also i love how yuki is like "thank god i wasnt partnered with that hack" but like. yuki. u could literally just not talk about him. like its so funny to me yuki is like wow i hate tenma but he wont shut up abt him haha (9/?)
i also was a lil taken aback at hearing itaru go "for the lulz" tbh... like it fits him. but im mad it fits him? anywaysss thats all i had for this one! im gonna watch autumn/winter and go say my thoughts on that soon. sorry the ask was so broken up, idk what happened!
OLA FRIEND! Glad to see your thoughts again omg :3c
tho omg the fact tumblr deleted it all + the ask limit was all so evil D: poor friend.
I'm putting my answer under a read more because. Well. *waves hand* it got long.
The non-play events can be perhaps a little harder to get into because unlike the plays events that you start with a clear idea of at least the main plot (re: "they are preparing a play, i know the leads so i know who it will focus on"), non-plays events take a little longer to first set up what event they're participating in, how to prepare for it, and then bring up the conflict and which characters are going to have something to do with said conflict. So i can understand that they're a little harder to get into when we know the plays awaits.
On top of that, the first few events still were a bit tame because since it was early when the app released, i think they didn't go too heavy at once in case some people were still stuck on earlier chapters (esp since especially Winter is hard to unlock)
ANYWAY glad that it sucked you in on the second read :3c
So glad you were invested in that conflict!
Totally agreeing with you about Kazunari, and very good point about Taichi as well! they aren't the Puppy Pair for nothing :'D (Yuki took one look at both of them together and just Knew. His suffering knows no end (lovingly)). But yeah i think they have a lot in common, they both are the really bright and friendly figure, both also started in overcompensating a bit because both wanted to be popular in some ways.
But we do have, on one hand, Kazunari who wanted that rather late in his life while Taichi always thrived for that, the fact Kazunari made friends easily and it's just that he was scared of getting to the next level, while Taichi always struggled with this quest for popularity. In a way too both of them were at least scared to share a part of them, Kazunari worrying to show his thoughts, and Taichi being a spy and all of that... which impacts them really differently considering the guilt it puts on Taichi. And then you add their age into the mix, especially the fact Kazu is the oldest of his troupe and Taichi the youngest of his, it makes them fairly similar all while being fairly different.
both are so interesting to me and i love them bothhh, so it's always nice to see them have focus.
admittedly i was kinda surprised that the content of that improv wasnt rly too similar to their actual fight? like normally a3 has the story of the play run parallel to like the actual real character drama so i thought the improv might function as the play in this event
i love how you are seeing the patterns a3 tends to do it's so neat!
It's true the fight isn't really similar to their actual fight, though i do love that they had "swapped" their personality for the act and ended up insulting each other for theirr swapped personality. Like, Kazunari insulted part of himself in Tsuzuru's character and Tsuzuru did the same?? and then the fight escalated and the way Kazunari broke character hurts bc it's really that Tsuzuru hit where it hurts. But yeah it still wasn't too relevent to their actual fight, though i think the thing is that their fight was as such mostly because they tend to clash often due to their personalities rather than just this singular reason why, so to have the play go more "it's their personalities the problem" kinda hurt lol. But yeah still agreed that it didn't reflect much on the plot itself
I was rereading the improv bit to answer correctly and man since we're going to talk about Tenma next, i just. Love that when Kazunari, breaking character, his eyes sad, tells Tsuzuru "you have no rights talking to me like that..." it then cuts on Tenma being upset. Bc like. Exactly like you say, he wants to look out for the people under him. and like. Kazunari is his friend. A friend he also snapped at once and insulted for being who he was, so he probably could have relived a bit of his fight with Kazunari seeing those two fights; Except that now Kazunari is one of his closest friend and he doesn't like that.
Also like. It was also because he could still hide under the plot of the improv but it's so rare, and it never happened before that point, that Kazunari stands for himself in a "the way you treat me is unfair"? Like again re: his fight with Tenma, when Tenma snapped at him, while Tenma was unfair with him, Kazunari took the blame, called himself annoying and all yaknow?
The fact Kazunari is starting to accept that he can take more place for himself is something the whole Summer Troupe have been trying to help him work on, but especially Tenma. Tenma is always there trying to push Kazunari to say what he means, to express his feelings, to stop hiding.
And for once, Kazunari does that in front of everyone... and it's because he's breaking because of his fight with Tsuzuru.
I think Tenma probably felt it was even more of a reason to get involved like, this is the thing he's been working on with Kazunari about, and now he's being all hurt about it, not on Tenma's watch!
And i totally agree with your take on Tenma! (and would LOVE to read the Tenma and Juza fic once you get to it :3c). I think, Tenma is really caring and is trying to take a place as a caretaker and all, but unlike Omi, he has absolutely no reference for it.
Omi is the eldest of multiple brothers and everything indicates his parents have always been lovely to him. Add to it how he ended up leader of a delinquent crew he was clearly looking after, Omi has a history of taking care of people, of nurturing them, and he knows what he's doing. Meanwhile Tenma grew up on TV sets, mostly surrounded by adults and not by people his age, mostly getting advice from being ordered around by directors i think. And his parents are distant, hyperfocused on their job, not really nursing with him. So Tenma meanwhile really didn't have a family emotional support and was in situation where he couldn't befriend other kids his age. His only reference was probably Igawa (his agent) and i think for a long time he didn't exactly see it, and Igawa remained mostly professional so there was probably the idea of it not being sincere? That Tenma had to grow out of.
So like, they're both extremely nurturing and caring, but my point is that Omi has experiences in it and is at ease with it, while Tenma has been so alone and in places were he had no support system that even if he wants to support others, he still struggles with how to do it because he has no set exemple. And that's his development in the main story arc, to learn from how Izumi shows she cares in order to care back at them all.
Like i mean the way Tenma yelled at them about their mistakes at first feel like he would have picked it up from some directors on TV set yaknow? Probably hearing them say that with no consequences on others actors, seeing it worked, didn't think "that's an abuse of power and the actors probably all think badly of their director for that" but "wow that works", tried it on his troupesmates and realized this is... not how that works. And it's spending time watching how Izumi encourages them that have him fix his way to approach it.
So yeah i got lost too into it but like. I feel you on Tenma i love him so much and i love his development so to see him get pissed and involved there? was really nice. even if he was aggressive about it. He's still learning.
ANYWAY back to Tsuzuru and Kazunari, totally agree with what you say next. They still care a lot about each other and yeah they're at a point where this consideration they have for each other make their anger more quiet than trying to attack one another (Banri could NEVER-). so yeah totally agree with you!
DLKFJDLKF i LOVE the reasoning on "recognizing that Kazunari was sick". Your writer's powers making you see through... *coughs* unlike Tsuzuru....
AND YEAH ALL YOU SAY ABOUT THE CG.. YEAH. Kinda crying thinking about it again now LDKJFLKDJF It's just. Everything about it is so soft and tender. The things Tsuzuru tells Kazunari are soo so sweet sobs. They're just adorable i love those kids. and also i feel you for Kazu he's just that great huh?
The whole set up about Kazu dropping by his room is so so cute! I love it! Like probably the very first time Tsuzuru braces himself because "oh no i'm not in the mood to stand mister hyperenergy himself" but Kazunari quickly adjust his energy so that Tsuzuru can just recharge without being overwhelmed. Yes it would drive Masumi completely nuts. Which i think is a plus for Tsuzuru like, hey, if Masumi gets annoyed once in a while it's a win. But yeah also i think that Tsuzuru and Kazunari should really have the Artistic Soldiarity of Students in Art school Probably Working Until Very Late To Complete Their Projects. Would love if at the end Tsuzuru gave it back yaknow?
but yeah their story was really nice i'm so glad you liked it! :D
oh god yeah Itaru and Citron were SO cute in it too, i also love the comments Citron makes about Itaru's winks. Just there flirting in front of everyone like those two embarrassing friends huh. (probably with Muku being all starry eyes considering he greatly admires both Itaru and Citron and, well, Romance.). And yeah i love how Itaru ends up so much into Citron's rhythm (and this idiom you said? is glorious actually, 10 points for you)
DLKFJDLKF what a call out toward Yuki. "yes i hate Tenma,no i won't shut up about him, also if YOU say you hate Tenma i'm going to stab you with my needles, have a nice fucking day.". I love their dynamics so much aha
And yeah Itaru is there cursing us the whole time with the fact he's the greatest nerd ever and it fits him perfectly. It makes me laugh so hard.
Thank you so much for having shared your thoughts there! it's always a blast to read through them and i dearly enjoyed it! (+ it makes me relive the event a little and it makes me soft!)
I'm so glad you enjoyed it! So glad you had so many thoughts about all of this, what a blast.
thank you for sharing, and looking forward the Autumn/Winter reactions :3c
Take care!
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miichellle · 4 years
Word Count: 2,422
A/N: This is VERY quickly done, idk why I just thought of this in my head. I didn’t wanna forget it so I like rushed into it. I hope you enjoy! ~Michelle 🤍
It had been since 9 a.m to 11 p.m. Logan had only stepped away from his desk once to get breakfast, then went back up to his room to continue his work. The other three Sides let it go for the past 2 days but now, they were getting very concerned, irritated and impatient.
“I don’t get it. I just don’t get it. Why must he lock himself up in his room to work without breaks when he knows he can ask for our help? Or give himself one day to recover?!” Roman exclaimed, obviously getting frustrated with the logical side. Virgil slumped in his place on the couch and sighed. Patton laid his hand on Virgil’s thigh and patted it.
“Roman, honey, you gotta understand that Logan is a very stubborn person-“ Virgil cut Patton off.
“But that doesn’t give him an excuse to overwork himself. Yeah, it may be in his ‘nature’ but it’s still not good.” Virgil started nibbling at his thumbnail while bouncing his leg up and down. Patton saw that he was getting worked up and slowly ran his fingers through Virgil’s hair, knowing that it always instantly calmed him down. Virgil melted into his touch. Patton smiled as Virgil stopped bouncing his leg and put his hand down.
“Okay, okay. You do realize, Padre, that we need to snap him out of this current cycle, right?” Roman asked
“Of course I do, Ro.” Patton smiled his way.
“But how though? Like you said Pat, he’s stubborn. If we try talking to him, he’ll get all defensive and it’ll go in one ear and out the other. There’s no use.” Virgil explained. Roman dramatically groaned and fell to the ground on his back. He heard Patton giggle at his dramatics and a small smile graced his face. Patton thought for a moment then gasped.
“I got it! I know how we can get him to take a break without getting defensive. Well… not the irritating kind of defensive.” He smirked as Virgil and Roman stared at him in confusion.
“What do you mean, Pat?” Roman asked, now sitting up.
“Tickles! But not rough tickles.” While Roman blushed, Virgil still looked baffled.
“Where are you going with this, Patton?” Virgil asked cautiously. Patton smirked at him.
“You, mister, of all people know what I mean by that!” Patton pointed at the anxious Side.
“I… really don’t…” Virgil hesitated and Roman smiled at him in disbelief.
“Oh really? Would you want me to use you to demonstrate what I mean?” Patton asked. Virgil slid over to the side, getting further away from Patton.
“No!” Virgil said quickly as Patton laughed at him.
“That’s what I thought. Now c’mon you two. I’ll explain on the way up there.” All three Sides made their way up to Logan’s room.
Logan was writing in a journal as he was also checking over Thomas’ schedules for the next two months. He always liked to be prepared very early. He was softly humming “The Elements” to keep himself focused on his work. It wasn’t that he was sleepy or tired or anything. It was that he was stressed… and hungry… and desperate for help but since he was such a perfectionist, he wanted to do everything himself to make sure it was done correctly and in order. He heard a soft knock on his door.
“Come in.” Logan said without turning from his desk. Patton entered first, then followed Roman and Virgil.
“Oh. Hello Patton. Roman. Virgil. Is there something you require?” Logan asked, adjusting his glasses.
“Actually, no. But we do have a question.” Roman said.
“Which is?”
“Come eat dinner and watch a movie with us?” Patton smiled. Logan sighed.
“You three know I have a lot of work to do and-“ Virgil cut him off.
“You’ve been working for three days now, L. That’s enough time to finish up all that work.” Virgil pointed out.
“And I have a feeling you haven’t eaten anything today.” Roman chimed in.
“And I can see it in your face. You're exhausted mentally.” Patton finished and Logan held the bridge of his nose.
“I don’t particularly understand how many times I must say this to you three. I’m perfectly capable of stopping when I need to stop. I can eat when I want to eat and if I eat now, that would be completely illogical since you cannot eat before bed and I’m not even remotely tired and-“ Patton gave him a stern look which made him shut his mouth quickly.
“Logan, if you don’t get out of that chair and walk down those stairs to eat and watch a movie, then we’ll be forced to take drastic measures.” Patton's tone of voice made Logan, as well as Virgil and Roman, uneasy. But he stood his ground.
“Look, I appreciate the concern. But no thank you. I’m okay, I promise.” Logan turned back to his work. The other three Sides stood there for a moment with pretty irritated faces.
“Yeah, okay.” Was all Virgil said before Patton forcefully twisted Logan’s swivel chair around to have Roman grab his arms and Virgil grab his legs as they both lifted him up onto their shoulders like luggage.
“Hey! Put me down, now! This isn’t funny!” Logan was squirming around as Roman and Virgil walked down the stairs with him in hand, trying to hold onto him as best they could without having him fall due to his squirming.
“We’re not trying to be funny! You need to take a break, Logan. And you’re gonna take it one way or another.” Patton scolded gently.
“Even though we already established what way you’re taking it now.” Roman chuckled as he and Virgil dropped him on the floor. As soon as he was released, he tried to scramble away towards the stairs but Virgil caught his feet and dragged him back towards the group. Logan then crossed his arms and pouted angrily on his back as the three Sides stared down at him.
“Hey you. Wipe that pout off your face.” Patton booped Logan’s nose but all that did was make him blush a bit.
“D’aww. Look at that lovely blush!” Roman gushed as Virgil just smirked.
“Is this all you three man handlers brought me downstairs to do? Embarrass me?” Logan asked, avoiding eye contact.
“Nope that’s not it. Although that is a plus to what we’re about to do. Patton.“ Virgil gestured to Patton.
“Logan, I told you if you didn’t come down here willingly, we would have to take drastic measures.” Patton said all too innocently.
“I recall.”
“Well, do you know what those drastic measures are?”
“No but I’m sure you all are going to enlighten me.” Logan said with a hint of sass in his voice.
“Oh you have no idea.” Roman said.
Logan rolled his eyes and paid no mind to how they all switched positions. Roman made his way toward Logan’s feet, Virgil stayed right by his tummy, and Patton moved up to his head. As he wasn’t paying attention, Patton started to run his fingers through Logan’s hair and he initially wanted to melt into the feeling and relax. But being as stubborn as he is, he resisted and stayed stiff. Patton noticed this.
“Logan, honey, it’s okay. You can relax. Nobody’s gonna judge you or get upset with you.” Patton insisted but Logan held strong and kept the pout on his face and his shoulders stiff. He didn’t like being interrupted during his working process. Patton then looked up at Virgil and winked. Signaling that it was his turn to try. Virgil didn’t lift his shirt up to a point where Logan would notice and protest. He lifted it just enough so his fingers could reach his ribs and started softly scratching up and down, from the top of his ribs to his hip bones. Logan started to squirm a little at this feeling, which was making it hard for him to resist the feeling of Patton’s fingers in his hair that were now traveling to the nape of his neck and fluttered.
“C’mon Teach, I can see you wanna smile. It’ll make you feel much, much better if you do.” Virgil teased. Logan looked away, trying his hardest not to smile.
“He’s right, Logey-bear. Just let go.” Patton cooed right by his right ear which made him shiver a little bit and finally relax his shoulders. Patton then looked to Roman and nodded. The final piece of the puzzle was now needed. Luckily for him, Logan wasn’t wearing any shoes or socks. Why? Who knows. Well, it is Logan’s room and he can be comfortable in there. But Roman started high, he fluttered his fingers down from the back of his knees, down his legs and scratched at the center of both his feet. That finally got him smiling. He started to squirm a little harder now and held in some giggles.
“Calculator Watch, what are you squirming so hard for? And my oh my, what’s got you blushing so hard? Your face is almost as red as my sash.” Roman smirked and kept up the slow and steady speed of his fingers.
“Uh oh boys, I think Logan is hiding something from us.” Patton sang. Logan looked up at him and shook his head.
“Hmm, you know what Pat? I think you’re right.” Virgil agreed.
“Am not.” Logan managed to say without giggling through gritted teeth.
“Are to.” Roman argued.
“Now, I wonder what he could be hiding. Any guesses?” Patton asked as he started to trace along Logan’s ears, dodging whenever he tried to block them by lifting up his shoulders.
“Oh! Oh! I know!” Roman said enthusiastically.
“What do you think, Ro?” Patton smiled.
“I think he’s hiding his oh so adorable giggles!” Roman said as he moved his fingers to the back of Logan’s knees again. Virgil started scratching at his lower tummy.
“I agree. You wanna tell us where you’re hiding them, L?” Virgil asked the blushing Side below him.
“Oh no, no. He doesn’t have to say because I can find out for us all! Here, Virgil, put your hand right at the center of his tummy. But keep your other hand fluttering around his hips.” Patton said happily. Virgil did as instructed.
“Now Roman, go on and scratch at those cute little feet real quick.” Roma did as told. Patton then started fluttering his fingers under Logan’s chin. By all three of them gently attacking his melt spots, which was their initial goal: have Logan melt into the tickles, Virgil was able to feel Logan’s abdomen vibrating. Hence him trying to hold his giggles in.
“Hey! They’re in his tummy, guys. Those adorable giggles are inside his tummy. Isn’t that cute?” Virgil teased. Logan tried twisting his body away from him but Virgil’s hand followed.
“Indeed it is! But the real question now is: how do we get them out of hiding?” Roman pondered.
“Once again, not to worry, I’ll show you! I’ve done this hundreds of times. Now Virgil, take both your hands and rest your fingers on the third rib on each side of him and scratch away.” Virgil did just that and Logan’s smile was wider than ever.
“And Roman, scratch at the tops of his feet.” Roman did as told which made Logan start kicking again.
“And now…~” Patton fluttered his fingers right behind Logan’s earlobes. That instantly made Logan release all those soft giggles.
“No, no, nohohohoho!” Logan giggled out while trying to twist away from Virgil’s hands, yank his legs away from Roman’s and turn his head every which way from Patton’s.
“Aww! Aren’t those giggles just darling!” Roman cooed.
“They are pretty freaking cute.” Virgil smirked.
“They’re just absolutely precious!” Patton gushed.
“Gehehet awahahahay! Plehehehease!” Logan blushes at all the teasing and compliments.
“Nu-uh. Not yet, gigglebug. We still gotta help you relax! What better way to do that than target your melt spots?” Patton smirked.
“Thihihis isn’t fahahair! You knohohohow I cahahahan’t handle melt spohohots!” Logan whined through his laughter.
“Why do you think we chose this route? This would’ve been avoided if you had just come downstairs willingly.” Virgil stated, moving his fingers to Logan’s sides.
“You brought this on yourself, Microsoft Nerd!” Roman smiled squeezing the tops of Logan’s knees, giving him a lovely squeal in return.
“Oh well. Maybe next time you won’t be so stubborn. Now laugh for us.” Patton said brightly.
All of this went on for a glorious 10 minutes until the logical Side was giggly, loopy and blushing up a storm.
“Alright kiddos, I think he’s learned his lesson.” Patton said, moving next to Virgil.
“Aww, no more?” Roman pouted.
“No mohohohore!” Logan yelled from his place. Which made the other Sides smile.
“Well, maybe just one more reminder for next time.” Patton whispered in both Virgil and Roman’s ears and they all got into position. Roman on Logan’s right side, Virgil on his left and Patton straddling his waist. They all took a deep, deep breath in and gave Logan one big group raspberry. Logan screamed and squirmed.
“STAHAHAHAHAHAP IHIHIHIT!!” Logan curled into himself as the three Sides moved away from him. Patton cooed once more.
“My goodness, do I love that smile.” Logan blushed.
“Uhm… okay. Maybe, just maybe, I… needed that. Thank you.” Logan whispered. Roman smiled.
“No problem at all, Logan. Just know that we’re here to help if you need it. Don’t be ashamed to ask any of us. We won’t judge you.” Roman reassured.
“He’s right, L. You already do so much for us and Thomas. There’s no need for you to spread yourself so thin that we need to resort to what we just did.” Virgil chuckled as Logan sat up.
“Yes well, that’s very, very kind of you all. I’ll keep this in mind the next time I’m working. I promise.” Logan said smiling. Patton started bouncing in place.
“Oh my goodness, breakthrough!” Patton lunged forward and started attacking Logan’s face with kisses as he listened to Logan laugh his head off and push his head away. When Patton finally backed off, Logan’s tummy started growling.
“‘Not hungry’ huh?” Roman raised his eyebrow and smirked. Logan looked away, slightly ashamed for lying.
“I may be a bit famished… Uh Patton?”
“Yeah, kiddo?”
“Do you think, if it’s not too much trouble, you can make some of your spaghetti? Please?” Patton smiled and kissed Logan’s cheek one final time before walking to the kitchen.
“It’s no trouble at all, kiddo.”
“Movie time!” Roman and Virgil yelled as they both picked up Logan again and ran towards the couch while carrying him. Logan again let out those wonderful and rare laughs.
Patton watched adoringly as they dropped him on the couch and jumped onto it themselves laughing up a storm. Patton snapped and all three Sides were in their favorite onesies. Roman started ‘punching’ Logan’s sides as he tried to fight back. Virgil picked Roman up off Logan and wrestled him on the couch. All having the time of their lives until dinner was ready.
“Please be careful, kiddos!” Patton shouted over with a smile, true paternal fashion they all loved.
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coza-main · 4 years
Congrats on 100!! I would request a one-shot, but idk if you want to... If you do want to do one just surprise me...
Stormy!!! I’m so sorry for the delay, I promise I didn’t forget you!! I was just being lazy and taking my sweet sweet time. But here it is, I tried my best!! Hopefully there’s not too many errors and such. 
Training Day
“What are you doing, Boruto?”
Boruto opened an eye lazily to see Sarada standing above him with her hand on her hip, looking at him disapprovingly. He snapped his eye shut and resettled into his resting position at the base of the tree without saying anything. Sarada always seemed to find something to be mad at, and it was usually him.
“Hey!” Sarada protested. “Just because you’re the one picking the team training today doesn’t mean you can choose to lay around! I can’t be caught slacking if I’m going to be Hokage.”
“Actually, we’ve been waiting for you, Sarada.” Mitsuki appeared on the tree branch and sat down nonchalantly. “We’ve been here for about 20 minutes.”
Sarada shot Mitsuki a glare and crossed her arms. “Hmph! Well it’s not my fault you all decided to be early. I was on time, like always.”
“You know, I’ve been thinking,” Boruto wondered out loud, oblivious to the previous conversation. His blue eyes stared past Sarada to the sky above them. “What do you think is under Kakashi-sensei’s mask?”
Sarada was about to respond with a snarky comment when the realization hit her that she didn’t know the answer. She had asked her mother once, but even the medical ninja didn’t know.
“I mean, it has to be something, right? Or else he wouldn’t wear it.” Boruto continued, lost in thought. “It can’t be a scar, because he doesn’t hide the one on his eye anymore.”
Sarada’s eyes widened as her mind considered the possibilities. “What if he has crooked teeth?”
Boruto laughed as he got up from his resting place. He stood and faced Sarada as he thought of other absurd options. “What if he’s missing a tooth? Or maybe he has no teeth at all!”
Sarada rolled her eyes. “He has to have teeth, idiot. Or else he’d have trouble speaking.”
Boruto’s face scrunched. Sarada was always such the realist when it came to these things. It really put a damper on the mood. “Fangs, then.” He said with a nod. That seemed more likely.
Mitsuki dropped down next to the pair. “His summoning animals are dogs. It would make sense if he had fangs.”
Boruto and Sarada’s eyes widened at that realization. A devilish grin came across Boruto’s face as he looked at his teammates. “I think I know what our team training is going to be today.”
“We don’t even know if Lord Sixth is in the village, Boruto.” Sarada finally admitted. The trio had been searching for an hour and were nowhere near finding the masked man. “It might be a lost cause.”
Boruto frowned and put his hands behind his head. “Come on Sarada, have a better outlook on life. I have a feeling that things are about to change for the better, ya know?”
“Shouldn’t you all be…I don’t know…training?” The bored voice from directly behind them was unmistakable. The trio turned around quickly to see Kakashi leaning on the side of a building, not even bothering to look up from his novel.
“We were actually looking for you, Lord Sixth,” Mitsuki said cheerfully. “To see-”
“If you had any pointers to our formation!” Boruto finished, quickly cutting Mitsuki a glare. Mitsuki was good at many things, but social cues were not one of them. The guy was way too blunt for most people. For a second, Boruto was concerned he had hurt Mitsuki’s feelings, but the boy seemed completely unbothered by the cutoff, only returning a friendly smile to his teammate.
“Yeah!” Sarada rushed to add in, trying to cover up Boruto’s sloppy answer. “I was hoping you could help me hone my Sharingan a bit.”
“And my Rasengan!”
“And my lightning-style chakra.”
They were totally going to get away with this.
Kakashi sighed, putting his book away. “Don’t you kids know the meaning of retired? I don’t do that stuff anymore. Go find your sensei or someone else who isn’t me.”
“Wait!” Boruto cried, just a little too eagerly. His outburst caused Kakashi to raise an eyebrow, but he stayed put. Boruto’s mind searched for any incentive he could think of at a moment’s notice. “Lunch is on us! You can give us pointers over lunch, you don’t even have to come to the training grounds.”
“Eh? Lunch you say?” Kakashi patted his stomach as he weighed his options. “It has been a while since I’ve had Ichiraku Ramen. Alright, then. I’ll give you three tips in exchange for three bowls of ramen. Deal?”
“Deal!” The trio chimed. They didn’t even have to look at each other to know the bill would be worth it.
“Great. See ya there.” And with a puff of smoke, Kakashi was gone.
Boruto spun around to Sarada as soon as Kakashi was out of sight. “I told you out luck would change, Sarada! I knew we would find him!” But Sarada’s eyebrows were knit together in confusion.
“You didn’t find him, Boruto. He found us. Don’t you think that’s a little suspicious?” She pushed her glasses further up onto the bridge of her nose and shook her head. “Besides,” she continued. “He probably heard you and your loud mouth boasting about our plan from a mile away.”
Mitsuki nodded in agreement with Sarada. “Yes, that was a bold move. And it definitely won’t be easy to take that mask off of him forcefully. I find it strange that you want to do it in such a public place like Ichiraku, Boruto.”
“What?!” Boruto demanded, looking at Mitsuki like he had grown another head. Mitsuki always went straight to using whatever force was necessary. The blonde shook his head and sighed.  “We’re not going to force him to take it off, Mitsuki. He’ll have to take it off to eat, that’s when we’ll be able to see it.”
Sarada clearly still wasn’t convinced. “Don’t you think other people have tried this, Boruto?  What makes you think it’ll work this time?”
“Of course other people have tried it,” Boruto shot back. “But I guess they’re just not as good as I am. We’ll get him for sure. Right, Mitsuki?”
“Whatever you say, Boruto,” Mitsuki responded optimistically. He smiled genuinely at his teammates. “If you all think we can do it, then I’m sure we are more than capable.”
They rounded the corner to see that Kakashi had already grabbed four seats at the high table top area. The silver haired man spun around at their arrival. “Yo. Hope this is good seating. It was kind of all they had.”
Boruto eagerly grabbed the one next to Kakashi, with Mitsuki and Sarada following in line beside him. Their food was out within minutes. Kakashi picked up his chopsticks, feeling three sets of eyes staring straight at him. He quizzically looked over at the kids, who were looking at him expectantly.
“Oh, did you want your advice now?” He asked dumbly. “Well, alright. Sarada, we can start with you. I recommend you do some agility training with your teammates. Having them throw multiple weapons at you can be quite compelling. Unfortunately you can’t force your Sharingan to progress, but you can enha-”
“Excuse me, you’re the kids from the academy that I interviewed last year, correct?”
Team Seven spun around in their chairs to see Sukea standing behind them. “I hope you all figured out the answer to my question, or at least thought about it.”
“Hey, journalist guy!” Boruto called with a wave. “Nice to see you back in the village! Kakashi- sens…ehhh?!?!” Boruto stared in horror as Kakashi set a finished bowl of ramen off to the side and then turned to look at Boruto. “How did you…How did you eat that so quickly?” Boruto stuttered, a mix between jealousy and awe.
“Hm?” Kakashi looked bored and unamused. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Another bowl please!” He called out to the wait staff, before turning to the journalist. “So you know these kids? I hope they didn’t give you too much trouble the last time you met.”
Sukea flushed with embarrassment and raised his hands. “Oh no, nothing like that! I was working on a project to highlight the academy students as they graduated, that’s all! There were some very high dreams in the group.” He said, with a nod to Sarada. “I hope that’s still the case.”
Sarada opened her mouth to speak, but Boruto beat her to it. “Oh yeah! Team 7 is going all the way to the top! We’re going to make the old team 7 look like amateurs, right guys?”
“Boruto, why do you have to be so cocky all the time?” Sarada was glaring at him, and Boruto was certain he could see her eye twitching.
“Well you are the one who wants to be Hokage, Sarada.” Mitsuki chuckled. “I would say that’s higher aspirations than Boruto.” Sarada was about to respond when the second bowl of ramen was placed in front of Kakashi. Instantly all three had their eyes on Kakashi, who didn’t appear to notice their gaze.
“Sorry,” Sukea interjected. “Would you three mind if I took a picture of you, just to update my readers about your journey?”
Boruto and Sarada hesitated, and Sukea could see their unease. “It will only take a quick second to snap a picture. I’d love to give an update about how well the academy students are thriving.”
They all exchanged glances, but Sukea was already holding the camera up to his face. “Just look this way and smile!” He encouraged them. Boruto continued to side eye Kakashi while posing for the picture, refusing to let him eat without seeing his mask. Sukea focused the camera, but then pulled it away from his face, frowning. “The lighting isn’t great in here, do you guys mind taking a few steps towards me?”
Boruto stifled a groan as Sarada elbowed him in the ribs. “Be polite!” She hissed under her breath. “It’s one picture, it can’t take that long. And if either of you complain, I’ll punch you both into next week so only I get to see his face.” She grabbed the boys by the collars and pulled them off their chairs.
“Perfect!” Sukea exclaimed joyfully. “Just give me one second…” He fiddled with the camera for a few seconds before the shutter sound went off. “It looks like the future is in good hands. I’m glad you all have found a purpose.” He gave a sly wink at Boruto before exiting the restaurant.
Sarada raised her eyebrow at the blonde, but Kakashi was the one who spoke. “What was that about?” he asked, before turning back to the waiter. “Also, I think I’ll have one more bowl, if you don’t mind.” He handed an empty bowl to the waiter.
Boruto’s mouth dropped to the floor. This was unbelievable. “How…how did you eat that so fast?”
“I believe you are the slow eaters in this scenario.” Kakashi pointed to each of their bowls, which remained untouched. Team 7 begrudgingly sat down and started eating slowly. Each of them began eating slowly, constantly glancing up at Kakashi to make sure he was there.
Once his third bowl was set down, Kakashi sighed. “I guess I owe the other two of you tips. Boruto, you have amazing chakra control, but not a lot of reserve. And you might be maxed out on your reserves at this point. You should try to apply more pressure to yourself and your chakra if you want a stronger rasengan.” At that advice, Boruto opened his mouth to protest, but Kakashi held up a finger to silence him.
“Mitsuki, you have a ton of chakra, but not nearly enough control. If you can focus and condense your chakra, your lightning strikes could double, or even triple, in the damage it can do. Focus more on your enemy and less on your teammates. Now if you’ll excuse me…” Kakashi raised his chopsticks, as team seven looked at him eagerly, closing in.
“SARADA!!!” Chocho’s voice cut through the restaurant as team ten came into the restaurant. “Sarada! What did you get?!?” The whole team ran over to talk to their friends, blocking their view from Kakashi.
“You know, Boruto, I got in a lot of trouble the other day because of the misunderstanding with the shopkeeper. You really are such a-”
“No! Get out of the way, Shikadai!” Boruto pushed him in a frantic attempt to find an eyeline for Kakashi.
“Hey, don’t be annoying!” Suddenly the two teams were enthralled in a battle that erupted in chaos as team seven tried to fight off team ten. But it was useless. By the time they had finished fighting, Kakashi had polished off his last bowl. Oblivious to the reasoning for the hostility, team ten sent the trio a glare before sulking away.
Boruto finally lowered his head in defeat. “Damn it. We were so close.”
“Well, thanks for the food you guys! Hope it was worth it. See ya.” Kakashi began to walk away from the group and towards the door.
“Lord Sixth, may I ask you a question?” Mitsuki’s voice was surprisingly strong for being quiet most of the day. He couldn’t stand to see Boruto upset without trying the most simple option.
“What is underneath your mask?” Panic set across Boruto’s face. Sarada looked permanently mortified. Neither of them could believe Mitsuki would actually be so forthcoming to the old. man.
“Under my…mask?” Kakashi asked innocently. He stared at the group. “Is that why you all took me out to lunch?” The silence from the group told him that he had guessed correctly.
“You know, the old team seven actually did something very similar back in the day. It was a good training day for them.” Kakashi reminisced. “I told them all they had to do was ask. So, do you three actually want to see what’s under here?” The main pointed to his mask with smiling eyes.
They all leaned in. Sarada had a wild excitement in her eyes that Kakashi had sworn he had seen before. Boruto had the same mischievous grin that he always wore. Mitsuki stood further back, more focused on his teammates, but intrigued nonetheless.
“Behind this mask…is another mask!”
Looking at the pair and their disbelief, Mitsuki could do nothing but laugh. Sarada was so surprised that she almost fell off her stool. Boruto actually did, and hit the floor with a hard groan.
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blehbleehhhh · 5 years
Real Love Never Fades ft. EreMika❣️
I know this isn’t requested, but since the barbarian fic and rereading Romeo and Juliet for the millionth time, AND watching Reign again, aaaaand idk. Thought it would be interesting to do something like this that follows them through the years as their romance grows. 🤷‍♀️ This is how I assume things would have worked if they were both royalty in the time of kings and queens. Fun fact about that show, it’s based on love Mary Stuart and Francis I, I believe. Look, just don't think about the countries, even though France is the only country I got from the show lol. And pretend that wasn't a time where people literally watched marriages get consummated. 🙄 Men. Anyway, enjoy the story.
"...4...3...2...1, ready or not, here I come!" A precious five year old princess with long, shiny raven hair trots through the castle's large study room in search of her new best friend, a sweet little prince that's as old as she and just as precocious with incredible green eyes. Mikasa's bangs tickle the bridge of her nose as she peeks around the couch and frowned when all she found was one of the many cats that roam the halls, though she happily reached down to scratch the tabby's ear before she went and searched elsewhere in the study to no avail. "I'm gonna find you, Eren!" She giggles as she runs down the long hallway, her little dress's train billowing out behind as she scrunched some of the front skirt in her fists, reducing the possibility that she'll fall all the while. The first place she checked when she ran into his room was underneath the bed, but there was nothing except dark hardwoods covered in an area rug. Prince Eren was nowhere to be found until there was suddenly a pair of hands coming from behind her that tickled into her sides and made the girl collapse on the floor almost immediately in a fit of laughter to be tickled mercilessly. "Wh-where did you come from?!"
"My Mommy!"
"Ahah, stop!" The princess snorted amidst her giggles as she rolled around on the floor, his own laugh almost as loud. "Y-you're a cheater!"
"Well, you were taking too long! I got bored!"
"My goodness, Eren," Came his mother's lovely voice with a small chuckle as she stands in the door way, watching the two toddlers play. So cute. "Leave this poor girl alone," Carla smiled when her little boy looked her way and practically tripped over himself running into her welcoming arms, throwing his arms around her neck to share a sweet embrace. "Would you like it if Mikasa came back to play?" Eren leaned back in his mother's arms with a very wide, happy grin and both toddlers nodded in unison. "Wonderful! We're having a room made up for her to stay in when she comes to visit during the summer and isn't at home with her parents learning what Daddy and I are teaching you." His face fell into a frown, pouting that his friend will eventually have to leave, little arms crossing over his chest in a frustrated huff.
"But I don't want her to go! Ever!"
"I know, but she has her family back home in France that wants to spend time with her, too."
"Well, why can't we move to there? Why do we have to stay in Germany?"
"Because we have stuff to do here, silly boy. Daddy and I have a country to run. Now, we have Mikasa for a few more weeks, so go play! The Nanny will come tuck you two in tonight, but we'll be visiting as soon as we can, okay?"
"Okay, Momma." Eren smiled as the tip of his nose was kissed before being carefully placed back on his feet and immediately turned to take the princesses hand in his, giving it a gentle pull. "C'mon, Miki!" And with that, they scurry out into the hallway, running together in search of another exciting adventure as the castle halls are filled with their adorable, childish giggles.
The years flew by respecting that cycle, where Mikasa returns to German Court after living at her home in French Court for most of the year so she can spend the summer with her future husband, tending to a romance that's budding between them rather quickly in their short thirteen years. From holding hands when sitting together in the throne room to sneaking off for somewhere private to make out, as the years went on, these moments where hearts are left racing make the task of keeping things out of the bedroom even more difficult. It was often that the pair find themselves feeling flustered during the day from a primal desire, making whoever they're in a room with uncomfortable because the sexual tension is that palpable. And this is exactly what they're feeling now as the young couple sit together on the lawn, watching wind rustling the leaves in the trees. Eren turns slightly to see her laying back in the grass with her eyes closed, dozing peacefully in early morning sun, and he smiled as he reached over to tickle into the more ticklish part of her side through her beautiful dress, making the girl's nose wrinkle as she started to chuckle, playfully swatting at his hand. He's always enjoyed messing with her like this, even now in their late teenage years. "Get out of here you weirdo!"
"But I love your giggle. It’s so contagious."
"Stop flirting with me, I'm trying to relax and you're very distracting..." Mikasa's eyes opened to his as she pushed her fingers through her hair and grinned, feeling so lucky to have been paired with a man like him - kind, passionate, loving, loyal, tough as hell. Just dreamy.
"Well, tough shit, because I enjoy flirting with you." He just laughed as he suddenly climbed on top and took both of her hands to gently pin them into the grass, lacing their fingers together. She blushed and smiled wide as she studied his incredible green eyes, so full of life and ambition. "I love you." Eren smiled as he slowly leaned down to kiss the pink lips that have been his favorite treat since they started kissing at thirteen, and she was eager to oblige, breathing a soft chuckle into his mouth. She lightly squeezed his hands, already melting inside from that feeling, so persistent with sneaking up on her when engaging in an intimate encounter with fiancé, which almost always ends in one pulling away quickly before things get out of control, something they really only needed to start doing since turning eighteen. His lips separated from hers slowly, savoring the sweet taste of her kiss as a heat bubbled to the surface that made his cheeks and his ears feel hot, letting him know that he's definitely blushing from feeling so flustered. The handsome prince was quick to climb off and dropped into a seated position wanting to crawl under a rock because he's embarrassed for behaving like this. He cleared his throat as he anxiously runs a hand through sexy, shaggy brown hair. "I'm, uh, I'm sorry, Miks." She rose to bring her knees closer as her eyes flickered from his eyes to the lips she could easily kiss all day. Of course she understands. They both know how important it is to consummate their marriage as virgins.
"No, it's okay," Mikasa offered a reassuring smile as he gently bumped his forehead against hers. "I really like kissing you.." He chuckled as he placed a gentle hand on her cheek and carefully tucked stray hairs behind her ear.
"I know, I love kissing you too," Eren smirked, watching her eyes look away to the boat dock behind him because he's made her nervous. "I'm embarrassed to say this but I don't know if I can control myself if we let our kissing progress before we get married." His princess grins as he kisses her repeatedly and threw her arms around his neck to pull him close, deepening their already passionate kiss with a soft moan into his mouth. Neither give a damn about anything at this point; not their marriage being used as an alliance between Germany and France, not the countless duties they have before they're even crowned as king and queen of Germany, only how wonderful it feels to be making out in the castle garden simply enjoying each other's company. That summer was the best and the last for many months, dragging on even further into one year, then two, three, while the Jaeger Clan had been left in the dark. Something terrible has happened to her, surly. Eren would say to himself with a heavy heart because even the thought that the love of his life could have perished is simply too much for him bear, and this carried on into his work. Many beautiful women threw themselves at him now that Mikasa has been missing for four years, but he couldn't cheat on her. Real love never dissipates, not truly. He had no proof of death which means that, until that day comes, there will remain a strong hope within him that his princess will one day return. However, this heartache prevents him from even considering another woman because he truly believes nobody can replace someone so unique, so exotic, so breathtakingly beautiful that whenever he looks at her, his world stops and she is the only thing that he can see.
It was during the fourth December that a mysterious carriage castle guards didn't recognize arrived with the princess on board disguised in what someone poor would wear, very light despite the heavy blanket she's wrapped in. Princess Mikasa was immediately escorted out of the freezing snow and rain feeling fatigued from such a long journey and a nasty cold she caught along the way. Word was sent through the castle to the young prince who stands outside with his father, Grisha, in a practice sword fight of her return and was promptly ushered off by his father, who didn't seem to care too much about the sword being dropped on the ground when his son took off for the door. Mikasa lies curled up in her bed with many heavy blankets as the fireplace radiated heat into the dimly lit bedroom, sleeping soundly on her side facing away from the door as he carefully closed her bedroom door behind him. His eyes stung terribly from the tears of pure joy and relief to have her back, a sight so comforting immediately cured the unbearable tightness he's had in his chest since she disappeared, carefully crawling under the blankets with her. At long last, he can breathe. In my heart I knew, I knew you were alive. Eren wanted to say, but he slipped his arms around her shivering body instead and held her close under the heavy winter blankets, burying his face into her soft, raven colored hair. She stirred slowly and stretched against him with a soft groan as her back became flush to the front of his body, taking the hand he has on her stomach in hers to lace their fingers. "I'm so sorry.." His response was simply to kiss her hair and tuck his knees behind hers, squeezing his arms around her tiny waist.
"No, it's okay. I'm just relieved to have you in my arms again. What the fuck happened?"
"Someone made an assassination attempt on my family, so I was hastily put in a carriage bound for you. We were hoping that if I dressed poorly and laid low in the carriage that I'd be safe but unfortunately I somehow managed to loose one of my heavy blankets.."
"You still weren't dressed very warm, I'm told."
"Yeah, my parents couldn't help much because they were behind the scenes trying to figure out who poisoned our bread. One of the servants died.."
"What about Levi?"
"Battlefield. Where else?"
"I'm glad you guys are okay, but I'm sorry about one of your people passing."
"Claire was amazing. She braided my hair and was so personable," Mikasa breathed a sorrowful sigh as she watched the fire dance, his thumb slowly rubbing across the side of her hand. "You know, we're finally old enough to get married now.." He chuckled into her hair and reached up to gently push away the raven locks blocking him from pressing kisses to the side of her neck, which happens to be one of her favorite spots to have kissed when they're engaged in a make out session.
"Tell me what you want, my queen."
"Promise me it'll be romantic?"
"Did you really think I wasn't already planning to sweep you off your feet?" Eren smiled as a chill made its way down his spine just thinking about finally giving in to temptation, his words making her head turn and gaze into his eyes. She was already smiling wide as she brought the blanket over her face because he's so cute with his dimples, and everything else that she loves about him that it makes him even sexier.
"I thought your parents were going to cry when they saw me."
"Of course, you were dearly missed by us all."
"I missed you too," She pulled the blanket down and looked into his eyes. "I must admit that I'm surprised you didn't move on with one of those sluts that's always throwing themselves at you." He raised an eyebrow and brought a gentle hand to her cheek, carefully dusting her bangs away from her eyes as he tucked loose strands of her french braid behind her ear.
"Are you kidding? I could never cheat on you. I'm so in love with you that it made me sick when you were gone because it felt like my other half was missing. I tried to get over you after a few years, but I just couldn't do it.." Eren sighed and was surprised when she didn't immediately react, just staring with her eyes wider as she processes the news - and then she had forced herself from his arms to push him onto his back, climbing on top so she can straddle his lap. "Eh? What are you -" But he had been interrupted with her kiss and it tasted sweeter than he remembers, his hands on her lower back smoothing flat the light fabric of her night gown, occasionally sliding over the curve of her ass. She pulled her lips away and gently bumped their foreheads together, happy to receive the little pecks as a reward. "Well, alright then."
"I love you too, you big dope.."
"I figured as much."
"Do you think your parents will rush to have us get married now?" Mikasa smiled and planted a kiss on his lips once again, lingering until she felt him smirk, his hands squeezing and rubbing her ass. He smirked when she pulled away, giving a playful smack that made her blush and giggle nervously as she brings the covers up to her neck.
"Probably. But even if they weren't, I am in a rush to marry you."
"Good, me too," Her smile grows wide as she reaches up to gently cradle his cheek, and when his response of simply turning enough until his lips were pressed into her palm, it made a chill run down her spine. And for once today, it wasn't from the cold. "Will you stay with me?" Mikasa chuckled as he proceeded to kiss each of her fingertips, his smile and those eyes making her blush.
"Would be an honor," Eren smirked as she rests her head in the crook of his neck and was already on her way to falling asleep once more, his arms wrapped around her body as she lies on top of him. "We'll never be apart again, my love, you have my word." With their bodies buried almost completely beneath the heavy winter blankets all you could see were their heads, faces illuminated by a warm glow from the fireplace. It wasn't until many hours later that the couple finally awoke still in the same position in which they'd fallen asleep, when her fiancé finally tucked her in where he'd been laying and quietly left her bedchamber, off to learn more of his future duties as Germany's King.
The next day, Princess Mikasa was already out of bed and in one of her more extravagant gowns much to everyone's dismay though none more than Eren, who has been begging her all morning to let him handle things today with his parents but she wouldn't have it. "I really am okay, Eren, I just need to feel useful again after being stuck in a convent for four years. Besides, I know for a fact that you'd be doing the same thing in my shoes." They stand on the balcony connected to his bedroom that looks over the garden sharing a warm, loving embrace.
"Except boys don't go to convents."
"Shut up," She giggled and lifted her head, giving his cheek a gentle, playful pat, making him chuckle in amusement. "You know what I meant."
"You're not wrong, I definitely wouldn't be in bed right now. There's too much shit to do."
"Yeah, so, stop being an asshole and let me help you, okay?"
"Woah! Asshole?" Eren laughed, pretending to be offended at her words because doing so is making her giggle and it's music to his ears. "Good god, woman, I've missed you."
"A king should never be without his queen.." Mikasa smiled as she leaned in to kiss him on the lips, his hand gently cradling the back of her head to let her know that he definitely agrees with such a statement. She moaned softly into his mouth as their kiss grows more rough with need, hand pressing flat against her back because their bodies can never be close enough. Many months later, they finally started the journey to become one with a beautiful ceremony on the cliff that overlooks the ocean, waves crashed aggressively against rocks below that competed with raging winds on everyone's ears when listening to the speaking priest. And later that evening about halfway through the wonderful party Grisha and Carla had thrown for the newly weds, they retreated to his bedchamber, one of them frequently getting pushed up against the castle walls on the way for heated, steamy kisses that convey how much they look for and to what's next. Their hearts raced with anticipation as he spun her around behind closed doors to reach the laces of her wedding gown, holding his beautiful blushing bride close so he can lovingly kiss her neck knowing this has always been a weakness of hers that they now get the privilege to explore. Mikasa slowly leaned her head to the side as his fingers worked to loosen the tight bindings of her corset to make her gown fall, billowing out around their feet as she hurriedly turned her body to face him and her placed a hand on his handsome, cleanly shaven face, swiping her thumb over one of his adorable, boyish dimples. She giggles as when he gives a devilish grin, immediately getting louder because she's suddenly been thrown over his shoulder like she weighed nothing and was carried to their marital bed, already warm from the fire that was lit for them beforehand.
"So, why do I feel like we'll be doing it frequently now that we can?"
"Because there's no reason why the times we sneak off to make out aggressively can't also be quickies.." Mikasa sat on her knees and reached for him, watching his eyes as she slowly removes his jacket and her hands slid along incredibly defined, muscular arms "We can come in here and mess around a little bit during the day. We're supposed to be trying for a baby anyway, right?" Eren smirks, nodding his head in both agreement and amusement because he's never heard her speak this way outside of his dreams, and it's such a turn on for him that it makes him crave her more. He was gentle as always when cradling her cheek and gave his typical dreamy smile when his belt made a distinctive clink on the hardwoods, his pants around his ankles. With a fresh blush on her skin she smiled as they studied each other's eyes, her hands slowly rubbing along the waistband of his underpants, making him smirk in amusement.
"Why, Mikasa Jaeger, you naughty girl."
"Surprise..." She giggled, watching him lick his lips as her hands slowly wander up his chiseled body and stopped at his jawline, just as carved as the rest of him, to run her thumb across his surprisingly soft lips. Slowly, they closed the space between their faces and engaged in a kiss so deeply passionate that it made her moan, and that drove him wild as she breathed a playful yelp to be suddenly picked up again. He smirked as she continued returning his kisses and tossed her back into the sheets where she watched him with a small grin, biting her lip and blushing because he's pounced on top of her. "Did you just pick me up so you could do that?" She raised an eyebrow and giggled when he simply winked in response, his hands slowly roaming the lithe half naked body beneath him. His eyes never left hers as he reached to push down his underpants and kicked them off the rest of the way, bringing his hand to one of her breasts before randomly burying his face in the valley between. "Oooh.." Her whisper was soft but he could definitely hear the smile to it as he slowly grew more and more drunk on her body, the sweet smell of perfume still faint just below her collarbone. Eren's lips smirk on her breast as he covers her chest in kisses, licking and scattering gentle nibbles from his teeth that made her breaths quicken. Her fingertips lightly caressed the sensitive head of his aching erection, her fingers quick to curve around its girth to give the impressive length gentle strokes that immediately made him exhale a low moan into her skin. It pleases her greatly just knowing that only she has the power to make a man like Eren surrender himself, no matter how temporary it is. The young man felt blissful as he finally looked up and smiled, gazing into those dreamy half lidded charcoal blues and placed his hand on her flushed cheek, much warmer than normal from a hot fire burning nearby.
"I love you my beautiful, sexy queen."
"Heh," Mikasa grinned, his thumb slowly moving across her nipple as she reaches around her thigh to tug her underpants aside, rubbing his oozing tip through the wetness that's accumulated between her thighs. "I love you too, my king.." With a sultry smile she guided him into her sopping opening, her eyes glued to his as an intensely tight heat engulfed him and made his jaw drop it felt so good - until he noticed that Mikasa was whimpering silently in discomfort, which immediately made his expression change to one that's genuinely remorseful as he softly kissed the tears on her cheek.
"I'm so fucking sorry that it hurts. Can I make it better?"
"Just keep kissing me.." She offered a reassuring smile that eased him some, though he's much more concerned about her than himself as usual, hoping to offer some sort of comfort with softer and much more loving kisses. She tightened her legs to signal that she was ready for him to continue on with slowly inching his length inside. It relieved him to no end when he only heard the delightful sound of her moaning in response to him being so deep that their bodies are flush, and when he felt her legs loosen, the young man tucked his hands behind her knees to spread them, pushing back far enough that her hips were now raised from the mattress.
"Don't forget," Eren hunched over her until their grins were just barely touching. "We're all alone in this part of the castle, Miki, so you can scream for me as loud as you want." She squealed with delight and placed her hands on his broad shoulders, her nails lightly scratching across his upper back as their lips brushed against one another, his thrusts gentle, long and deep only briefly until he couldn't take it anymore.
"Do me hard.." And with that, he did as his instincts directed, thrusting into the tight heat much faster, in a way that still enabled her to follow his rhythm much to both of their amusement, so it didn't take long for him to make her climax again. Mikasa's loud, pleasurable cries filled the room as she is given exactly what she desires, making her body writhe, his thrusts so persistent that he has her trembling because it just feels so impossibly good. "Ohh! Eren!" He suddenly squeezed his eyes shut and grunted an animalistic groan that drove her absolutely wild, riding him from below as fast as she can while whispering dirty nothings amidst her moans. With a pleasure induced hiss, he pumped into her hard until he couldn't go any deeper just in time to coat his bride's eager womb with his seed for the first time, grunting and moaning with every slow, deep thrust. 
"Fuck!" Eren collapsed on top of her and was immediately brought in for a kiss, feeling just as satisfied and breathless after finally having the privilege of making love to his girl. She smiled against his lips as her fingers slid through his shaggy brown hair damp with sweat and pulled her lips away slowly, looking up into his eyes with a mutual grin. He lightly squeezed the under part of her knees as she allowed her hands to wander his back, the entire length of his cock slow to disengage because he's so enjoying this sensation. Eren was quick to stuff some pillows under her hips, though, because the Apothecary who stays in the castle has suggested this to a few other women trying to conceive, even Carla. He placed his hand on her toned stomach and allowed it to wander down between her legs, making her giggle and moan in response as he gave the happily sore area a gentle pat. With a chuckle at her amusement Eren dropped down beside her on his back and breathed a satisfied sigh, carefully assisting his new wife with moving closer so she can rest the back of her head on his chest. The fire crackled nearby and kept their naked bodies warm while they're not under the heavy winter blankets as he slowly pushed his fingers through her bangs to keep them away from her sweaty forehead, combing out any knots from the curled raven locks. She leaned her head back until he was upside down and giggled when she realized he'd already been staring at her with that same old sexy smirk as he gently pulled apart one stubborn knot.
"Your hair is so soft."
"Really? 'Cause I think it's kind of dry," Mikasa smiled as she placed her hands on her breasts, a sight that noticeably made his semi-erection twitch. "Otherwise it wouldn't be so knotted. Oh, is something wrong, my king?" He grinned as he playfully narrowed his eyes and placed a hand on her cheek, tickling her soft skin as it slowly wanders down to her chest and gently grabbed her breast, noting almost immediately how hard the nipple is against his palm.
"Nothing, nothing. Any chance you're up for round two, you little minx?"
"Absolutely." Mikasa smiled with a soft moan as her breast was gently squeezed, making him smirk as he watches her thighs press together because she already wants him again and hopes the pressure will provide some sort of relief. Before he knew it, she had turned to face away from him and pushed the pillows out from beneath her hips, offering a sultry smile as she rolled over onto her stomach. "I haven't given you head in a while..." He was already more than amused when his fingers pushed her bangs away from her eyes, her hand slowly sliding up his chiseled abdomen as she watches dreamy viridian greens intently. She flattened her tongue against the underside of the shaft and licked before clearing his ooze from the tip, her eyes fluttering shut as she brings him into the warmth of her mouth and further under her spell once more.
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nonbinarysasukes · 5 years
Ooh sasuke for the character game please!! :)
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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS ANON ILY *noisy gay sobbing* Sasuke is my absolute favourite Naruto character (as I have made... er, quite... obvious by now, shall we say?) <3
Ask meme here
First impression: The stereotypical “cool jerk”. I didn’t really like Sasuke all that much when he was first introduced because he seemed like the run-of-the-mill anti-hero, the perfect cool popular boy who ends up learning a good hard lesson. (Obviously that was fixed quickly enough lol)
Impression now: Well, you asked for it, my friend. So be prepared for a full analysis of my child! My take: Sasuke is a complex and detailed character whose drive to achieve his goals stands out almost more than Naruto. Up until he kills Itachi, it feels like that eight-year-old who watched his parents be murdered by his beloved brother is still stuck in Sasuke. He’s a complex character whose loyalties fluctuate like a pendulum; he’s full of raw pain and anger and sadness, all hidden beneath a cold wall he projects to the outer world. Sasuke is realistic and believable; all he has ever wanted is to bring justice. Even when he decides to destroy Konoha, it’s not just about him and what it did to his life. It’s about the world itself being corrupted by the village; it’s about revenge for his family; it’s about stopping what befell him from happening to others. All Sasuke’s ever wanted is a fair and just system that protects everyone just the same, and his ideals of right and wrong are black and white, even more so than Naruto. He believes firmly in “the ends justify the means”, and his thought process is a little childlike - as long as everything’s all right at the end, it’s doesn’t matter however you got there. Despite having been exposed to the harsh, unfair reality of the world, he still believes in right and wrong very strongly, and thinks that only by taking drastic action will the world change. Sasuke is willing to do things: he actively wants a better world, and will step up to do it himself, even willing to die “so the world’s hate will die with me”. He’s also a hard worker, which is what I absolutely love about him. Sasuke has inspired me many times to actually get on with my schoolwork instead of making posts about him XD “Oh no! I shouldn’t have stayed late to train at the Academy... Mother’s going to be so mad...”  This is, approximately, what he mutters to himself as he runs back home to find the dead bodies of his family. Despite being a prodigy and supremely talented, Sasuke does not slack - oh no, he works hard. He works and works and works, first to match up with Itachi, then to kill him, then to destroy Konoha, then to beat Kaguya... and then, because he can. Because he wants to be his best; he wants to be the best, and the only way he can do that is to work his ass off. Of course, Lee and Guy take the cake for geniuses of hard work, but Sasuke is among the top as well!  Sasuke is, emotionally, very realistic. He’s angry and sad because of an incident that screwed up his childhood, which many people sadly relate to. He negatively channels his rage into an obsessive focus on killing Itachi for his crimes, and keeps all his feelings bottled up for fear that he’ll collapse. All he wants to do is see justice in this cruel world, and he’s determined to achieve that goal, even if it means he’ll die for it. Sasuke lashes out in ways that aren’t very positive, keeping up a cold and calm exterior to hide the emotionally torn mess he is inside. He tries and tries and tries to heal, and each time all the progress he has made is brutally ripped away from him by the reopening of old wounds.  Final take: Sasuke is detailed and complex and deep, and he deserved better.
Favorite moment: Every time he appears on screen. No, I’m serious! Ok but if I had to pick - riding Aoda. He looks so good in that scene, and I love his dynamic with him! Aoda is so cute, and I just love Sasuke’s whole snake aesthetic. I really like that he has a familiar, and there are so many cute Sasuke-and-Aoda bonding moments that could come out of that! (Sue me, I’m a closet Slytherin XD)
Idea for a story: Um, I’d say Sasuke being a lie detector but I already wrote that story, and my Mafia!AU headcanons are already up, so I’ll list one that’s been stewing in my head for a while. It’s a bit generic, but eh... I like it XD Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiha rule the school. Everybody loves them - they’re smart, kind (well, in Sakura’s case at least), good-looking, athletic, the perfect power couple... And gay as all hell. Yep, you read that right. Sakura and Sasuke are best friends, more like siblings, and pretend to date so people won’t constantly bother them. But when Sakura’s longtime crush Ino Yamanaka brings her adoptive brother Naruto Uzumaki to Family Day... well, all hell breaks loose. What else did you expect when Sasuke’s around Naruto?
Unpopular opinion: Sasuke is a better character than Itachi. I personally feel that Itachi is misguided and all too “goody-two-shoes”. Sasuke shows a realistic side that the audience can identify with; Itachi was made out to be some kind of martyr, whereas he could have definitely avoided torturing his “beloved” brother for three days in genjutsu. I do love Itachi and Sasuke’s bond, but canon Itachi just doesn’t cut it for me. I also never got the whole “owo Itachi’s hot” thing - idk, he looks like a stressed old man to me. Sasuke’s character design was made to be hot XD
Favorite relationship: It’s totally not SNS. Yeah, totally. (Ok, yes, it is.) See, Sasuke and Naruto’s dynamic goes way beyond just friends. When on the genin team together, Sasuke trusts Naruto, the dead last, more than Sakura, who’s the smartest in the class. (Sakura haters, please leave. I only ever praise her, so you won’t find any bashing.)  ANYWAY back to why I love SNS! Naruto is the first to really acknowledge Sasuke without comparing him to Itachi like the teachers and his family, or going gaga over him (well he does do that later, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it haha). Naruto sees Sasuke as a rival, and acknowledges that Sasuke is intelligent and powerful, and a person whose skills he can look up to. Naruto and Sasuke round each other off perfectly - Sasuke inspires Naruto to work hard, and Naruto inspires Sasuke to be himself, without the context of Itachi or the Uchiha name. 
Favorite headcanon: Sasuke likes to dance in his free time. He knows how to waltz and even breakdance, and if he’s feeling down he’ll slam the radio on and get moving!
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gatoinq · 6 years
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it never occurred to me to write about my ii experience on tumblr, but i figured it could be helpful for those who would appreciate a lil story time like this.
essentially, to make a very long story short, i ended up getting my vip tickets at 2am the morning of my show. i had a fantastic time meeting them and an even better time watching the show! a more in-depth story under the cut, per usual.
needless to say, i was equal parts excited and terrified of what was to come. i hate last minute planning more than anything else so i really had no idea what to say, what to have them sign, what pose i wanted to do with them, etc. (yes, i’ve been a fan since 2013 and have had numerous scenarios of me meeting d&p playing in my head throughout those years but the second that that somehow become a reality ALL expectations and year-long plans flew out of my head instantly).
so to start off, i had to plan what exactly i wanted dan and phil to sign. at first, i wanted to draw something from scratch to have them sign so that it would be that little more special, but i simply couldn’t muster much of anything with the limited time and my shaken nerves, so i settled with printing out two copies of my fanart of dan and phil singing the ii song.  in the end, i figured that this piece was a lot more meaningful to have signed instead of a random fanart that i made at the last minute, and i was completely right to do so.
fast forward a couple hours, and i’m trying to get into the vip line for ii. i made a rather lengthy thread on twitter about this experience if you’re interested but again, to keep a long story short, it was quite a hassle for me! but in the end, i manage to get in.
the meet and greet starts. i’m trying to play it cool because the people i’m with start to completely freak out once dan and phil round the corner to say hi to the vips and all of a sudden the reality just runs us over like a train! what was once a distant “oh yeah we’ll get to that bridge when we cross it” became “OH MY GOD WE’RE AT THE BRIDGE WE’RE CROSSING THE BRIDGE NOW AND THE BRIDGE IS ON FIRE” for me, my big moment was realizing that, finally, after over 5 years of watching these two weird guys on the internet i was actually going to get to meet and hug them and that realization was absolutely WILD.
so, i’m at the front of the line. my sister is in tears and shaking because of how nervous she is to meet them. marianne, being an absolute sweetie, tries to comfort my sister by telling her that dan and phil will be happy to see her and that she shouldn’t be afraid of them. in a way, i kind of needed to hear those words too, so i use that opportunity to go meet them before my sister does so that she can gather herself in the mean time. marianne takes my gift to them (the other copy of the fanart i made) and i go for it.
first thing i see is phil, and wowow holy shit people are 100% not lying when they say he is 569845x more handsome in person. even worse, you can see practically every freckle he has and his eyes are so vibrant!!!! in a way, i would describe it as being used to seeing a pixel art of a character to all of a sudden seeing an 8K render of said character. i knew what i was in for so i immediately dive into phil’s hug before i stare for too long, and i’ll say for sure that the information overload of not only seeing phil in person but also getting to feel how he hugs you made my brain short circuit and i blacked out in phil’s arms for 0.01 seconds so i don’t fully remember exactly how his hug felt like. (UNFORTUNATELY!!!! AHHH) also at this point the first thing i say to them is “oh my gooood y’all are so beautiful!!” whilst squealing incoherently. i don’t know if they said anything in response to that because, again, information overload!!!
next i hug dan, and that goes perfectly fine. he greets me with a big smile and that’s about as much as i can remember of how he looked like. from this point on i’m too scared to look at them in the face so i settle for looking at myself through my selfie camera that i already had prepared or through the middle distance of them lmao.
i’ll say that for the m&g, dan 100% took charge and was the person who responded to me. i give them my art to sign and they both ooh and ahh enthusiastically while signing. dan in particular goes high pitched with his praise and said “this is so good!!”. i explain to them that i’m an animation student and that they are one of my biggest inspirations in art. dan looks up at me and thanks me. once they’re done signing, dan hands back my art to me and compliments my outfit, “i noticed that you’re matching the show’s theme, i appreciate that” and i tell him something along the lines of “yes of course i had to i’m an artist” but like. i think i flubbed my words and it came out mumbly so idk if he heard me try to be funny dnfvjscs
next, i hand my phone to dan and he and phil immediately go into their standardized meet and greet pose. i had to quickly interject because I PLANNED OUT THIS POSE RIGHT WHEN I GOT THOSE TICKETS and i told them “hey so i have an idea for a pose. basically y’all take a cute selfie and i’m in the bg looking pissed”. i swear i didn’t even get the chance to finish my request because both dan and phil seemed to telepathically know what i wanted and they go into the pose no questions asked and i had to scramble to catch up with their efficiency. we take the picture and dan says something along the lines of “okay now lets take a cute selfie”. we do the normal pose and i’m beaming like a mfer because phil’s holding me and his chin is on my shoulder???? what the heck i stan one man who didn’t talk to me at all during the m&g kdfjcnkjdsncjkdsc (obvs no complaints phil owns my entire heart and soul)
of course, now because i’m a little delirious from phil holding me and dan’s kindness i say “thank you so much” and try to leave so that i can actually breathe but before i go dan stops me (like. he legit looks at me straight in the eyes right as i’m about to walk away and i FREEZE in my spot) and says “keep it up with your art career” and me. kind of extremely shocked that he would be so pointed with his encouragement towards me goes “okay thank you!!” and fucking BOOKS IT.
the only thing after that is, of course, ii. i won’t go into too much detail about the show but i’m so so so so glad san diego got one of the special versions of ii with the phil bucks and phantastic phacts included. by far the best part of the show was the getting real segment though, as phil lester himself walked to the edge of stage RIGHT WHERE I JUST HAPPENED TO BE SITTING IN FRONT ROW and sits there for a good 5 minutes. needless to say i took this time to freely stare at phil so close to me and i truly felt blessed for the allotted amount of time. i love phil a lot.
(the next day, my sister drops the bomb on me that during her m&g she pointed me out to dan and phil and they gushed about me to her saying things like “aww yes you two are matching her art is so good she should keep it up!” just aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)
so yes, ii was absolutely one of the best experiences of my life and i could not be prouder of dan and phil for being able to pull off a second world tour that is, in my opinion, so much better than their first. i adore them so much. heck.
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uta-imagines · 5 years
Lost Alice Chapter 1 :
Nope, I didn't announce it, no one asked for it, but I'm putting it here too. The inspo. for this song is [evidently] the song Lost Alice. I hope you enjoy also idk how to enter pagebreaks on the app so.... sorry!!! [The rest of the currently published chapters are on quotev]
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“Alexander the Great was a famed conquerer... are you even paying attention?” Mochi’s friend, Haruka Nanami asked her as Mochi appeared to be staring into space, in her own little world. “Mochi, we need to study for this test. We’ll never pass if you don’t pay attention.” At the mention of her name, Mochi snapped out of her trance, directing her gaze to Haruka. 
The latter sighed begrudgingly, “We have to study. Pay attention, now.” She gave a small smile and pat Mochi’s head. 
Haruka continued with reading their history book, and Mochi paid attention as best she could. Soon she saw a bunny wearing a tan plaid vest and pocket watch running around, exclaiming, “I’m late! I’m late!” The voice was odd, yet held a warmth to it.  
Mochi had to investigate, much to Haruka’s dismay. “What is it?” She inquired. Mochi merely shrugged before walking after the rabbit. She then broke into a run, as fast as her legs could take her. The rabbit sunk into the ground a few feet in front of her, but before she could register what was happening, Mochi had fallen into the hole as well, letting out a shriek. 
“Mochi!” Haruka cried, looking down in the hole and reaching for her friend, unable to grasp her as she fell further down the hole. 
Mochi closed her eyes, bracing for impact... but it never came. A few moments later, she opened her eyes. The entrance of the rabbit hole was now so far away that she could not see it. Unfortunately that likely meant that Haruka couldn’t see her anymore. She looked around, seeing some random objects falling... or... floating, along with her. Speaking of floating, Mochi no longer felt that wind in her hair like she did when she was actively falling. What the hell was happening... 
She saw her hair floating above her, soon slowing as she felt her back gently land on a hard surface. The ground, at last! Mochi quickly sat up, fighting the active urge to smooch the ground. She looked around and stood up, walking over to a small door and gripping the doorknob, turning it slightly and recoiled as it yelled out. Mochi gasped deeply and took a step back, muttering a swear under her breath. 
“Oi! Watch it!” The doornob screeched, a face appearing on the knob. 
Mochi shrieked, kicking the doorknob right in its tiny face. “Hey! Stop that!” The doorknob yelled, prompting Mochi to kick it again. This went on for a while- the doorknob would speak, and Mochi would kick. Eventually she had broken the lock on the door, and the knob was unconscious. She furrowed her brow, examining it closer for a moment before crawling through the tiny door. 
The sickly sweet scent of flowers filled the air she breathed, and Mochi’s head spun. No... I can’t...sleep... She thought, collapsing to her knees before waning off to the side, falling into a deep slumber. 
Mochi regained consciousness, her eyes fluttering open to the sight of a azure blue sky hovering above her head. Some fluffy, white clouds decorated it as she sat up, observing her surroundings. 
“How odd...” Mochi absentmindedly placed her hands on her lap, feeling a different fabric than the uniform she was wearing prior to losing consciousness. She quickly looked down and saw herself in a quirky, oddly designed dress. 
“Odd?” A voice calls out, leading Mochi to let out a blood-curdling shriek, looking toward the source before scrambling away from the blond man. “I’m sorry,” He frowns, appearing genuinely remorseful, “I didn’t mean to frighten you.” He says. 
Mochi caught her breath, sighing in relief, “It’s alright. Where am I?” 
“Where are you? Oh yes, welcome to Wonderland!” The strange man seemed as though he wanted to sound enthusiastic; but he failed terribly. “You’re another Alice, aren’t you?” He asked somewhat solemnly. Mochi furrowed her brows, preparing herself to speak before he elaborated, “You followed the strange white rabbit, and fell into the hole... right?” He asked... no, pleaded. 
Mochi hesitantly nodded her head, “Yes, I did.” Speaking of which, where was the bunny—? 
A loud bell tolling caused the blonde to gasp, immediately grabbing hold of Mochi’s hand and tugging her toward a bush, hiding in it before pulling her inside as well. “Hey, what gi—“ The male quickly shushed her, clasping a large hand over her mouth. She pried it off, giving him a look that was an intimidating mix of confusion and anger. 
“My apoligies, Alic—“ 
“Mochi.” The female replied.
”Mochi... My apologies, Mochi. But I had to shove us in here in order to save us.” He explained. 
“Save us my ass.” Mochi grumbled quietly, crossing her arms as the male let out a short sigh. 
“I’m Natsuki.” He said to her. 
“Pleasure.” Mochi replies, looking back over to the blond and holding out her hand for him to shake. Natsuki obliges. “So, saving us from what exactly?” She inquires, looking over at the commotion. 
“The Red King’s soldiers. He’s a real cranky guy. I’ve heard tell he used to be really affable, good with his people. Then something happened, and I guess he just... snapped.” Natsuki explains, looking over at Mochi. 
Soon enough all of the soldiers had passed by, and Natsuki gripped Mochi’s hand again and he practically dragged her across the clearing. 
Once they were on the other side, Mochi thought it over, “Good king gone bad, a bit cliché, don’t you think?” She said, looking around the corner to see the retreating forms of the Red King’s soldiers. 
“Perhaps a bit, but I suppose it actually happened.” Natsuki replied, and Mochi hummed in response. 
“So, is there a way I can get home?” Mochi asked hopefully, and Natsuki looked over to her with a forlorn expression. She looked back over to him once the soldiers were out of sight, seeing his sad face. “You can’t be serious.” She said in disbelief. That expression was all she needed to understand his thoughts. 
“I’m sorry, Mochi. I wish I knew a way out, but if I did I likely wouldn’t be here.” Natsuki replied, frowning at her. 
“And you’re sure?” Mochi said, scoffing lightly as Natsuki shook his head, “Wonderland isn’t your vacation home?” Another shake of his head, “Getaway paradise?” Another shake. 
Mochi whined, slouching in her spot. “How long have you been stuck here? Have you asked the people around here?” She asked him.
”Time is merely a relative thing here. It barely exists. But I do know it’s been a while. I’ve only asked one inhabitant and they wouldn’t give me a direct answer.” Natsuki said, looking off into the distance. “I’ve actually kind of given up. Scraping for food at the end of each day, living under and actual bridge, that kind of stuff. I’ve gotten used to it.” Mochi frowned at Natsuki’s story, then stood up, helping him up as well. 
“Hey, look at me,” Mochi begins, and Natsuki looked at her with a blank expression. “We’re gonna find a way out. We’re gonna get outta here, and frickin’ get some real food and not have to scrape for it!” She gently slaps her hands onto his shoulders, “We’re gonna blow this popsicle stand, capeesh?.” She finished, and Natsuki nodded firmly. “Awesome. Let’s go!” Mochi gave a small smile and hooked her arm with Natsuki’s, beginning to walk out of the garden. 
“Do you know where you’re going?”
”Not in the least.”
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randomwritingss · 6 years
Just friends?
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Requested: yes.
Request: "I would love a jealous Bones x reader fic, something where they are head over heels but nothings happened yet and he sees her with a friend or someone and....idk."
*Warnings:" Another vvvveeeerrrryyyy bad attempt at a Russian accent. And like one curse word.
It was no secret on the Enterprise that you and Doctor Leonard McCoy were head over heels for each other. Well, it was a secret to the both of you of your feelings for each other. Jim had been trying everything in his power to get you two alone for about a month. Each time someone, or something, happens and you both are pulled several different directions. One time it was a massive fight with the Klingons; another, it was Keenser was sneezing that green, acidic goo everywhere again.
Jim never quits though. You've begged him and begged him to stop. "No, Y/N, Bones is so in love with you he cannot stand it!" And you are pretty sure he has said something similar to Bones. And you are sure that Bones has told him to stop as well. You wish Jim would just give up.
It's not a bad thing, though. You do wish something would happen between you, it's been an endless game of cat and mouse. Some flirting here, some touching of hands and hips there, and to beat all he's alllmost tried to kiss you; atleast you think he did. You have read signals wrong before.
However, here you are, at Jim's birthday party talking to Pavel. You two were like siblings, always treated each other like such. No one really knew the nature of your friendship outside of Jim and Scotty. He's telling you one of his stories of homeland Russia. You tried to keep up but even after knowing him for years, his accent got a little hard to understand when he got happy. "Pav." You try to say, but he just keeps going on. "PAV!" You place your hands on his shoulders and shake him.
"Yeas?" He says, stopping and looking at you.
"Slow down, bub, you're making my head hurt." You say as you give him a rather pathetic smile.
"I zorry. I'll slow down." He chuckles and starts speaking slower. "Az I vas saying, my mozer was always..." You tried to follow what the whiz kid was saying; but, you noticed that Bones was looking at the both of you, with his arms crossed, and seemingly talking to Jim. You could still hear Pavel talking; but, you didn't really. "Y/N, do yous hear me?" You're pulled out of your thoughts as you look back at Pavel.
You shake your head a little, "I'm sorry, Pavs." You offer, smiling.
He sighs and looks back at Bones, "You should tells him. He likes you too, ya know." You shake your head, "Yeas. Yous do it or I vill." Pavel raises his eyebrows and takes a drink of whatever he has.
"Pavel, he doesn't like me. We barely speak as it is. When we do, he treats me as a friend." You shrug and take a drink of yours. "Besides, I'm not looking.." You trail off as Bones and Jim walk over. "Happy birthday, Captain." You say, hugging him.
"Thank you, Y/N. Are you both enjoying it?" Jim asks, hugging you a little longer than he should've. You hear Bones groan; but, don't think anything of it.
"Yeas, ov course, keptin." Pavel replies, when you and Jim get done hugging.
"What about you, Leonard?" You ask, looking at the taller man.
He grunts and says, "Yeah, sure. Jim."
"OH!" Jim suddenly exclaims, cutting Bones off. "Y/N, I need you and Bones to check out this new, empty planet tomorrow."
"Bones and I, sir? We both are only medical?" You question looking Jim in the eyes.
He smirks and replies, "Just a routine thing." He places a hand on both of you and laughs. "I'm sure Bones here could use some solid ground."
"Ya got that right." Leonard huffs, crossing his arms.
"I'll let you and Mr. Chekov get back to your evening. Bones, I must show you this new... thing." Jim says, dragging Leonard off somewhere.
As they are walking away, you hear Leonard say, "Are you out of your corn-fed mind?! Sending her and I down to a deserted planet?!"
"Relax!" Jim says, looking back at you.
You look at Pavel and frown, "Think Jim will take that I'm sick and need sleep tomorrow?"
"Probazy not." Pavel replies, laughing. "Come on, zen. The party is over and I can tell zat you are tired." Pavel links your arm in his and starts talking about how much he loves being in space. You listen, nod, and speak at the right times; but, you're more focused on tomorrow.
When you and Pavel get to your room, you look at him and say, "Stay with me? I really don't want to sleep alone tonight."
"Of course." He replies, kissing the top of your head.
Unbeknownst to you, a few feet down the hall standing is Leonard. His face drops when he sees Pavel kiss your head. He sighs and walks into his room, it was going to be a long night for him.
The next morning, you are up and ready to go hours before you and Leonard are set to go. You all are on the ship. You are just outside the bridge pacing and biting the end of your thumb nail. Jim hasn't gotten to the bridge yet, so you know you are early. "Nurse Y/N, you are particularly early this morning. May I injure as to why?" The sound of Spock's voice causes you to jump. "I apologize if I may have startled you."
You sigh and look at him, "I couldn't sleep." You shrug and scratch the back of your neck.
"Is this a human joke?" Spock asks, as you lean on the wall.
"A joke? Why no." You reply laughing.
"Fro-" as Spock goes to speak he is cut off by Jim walking up.
"Good morning, Spock, Y/N. I trust everyone is ready for today." He laughs softly when he sees your face. As you are looking at the Captain you do not notice Leonard walking up behind him.
"Yeah, sure." Leonard's voice is particularly grumpy this morning, you notice.
Jim looks back at him and then at you, "So, I want to go over, since you both are here, that while you are down on the planet, there will be little to no comm."
"Then how the hell will you know to beam us back?!" Leonard yells at Jim.
"We'll know, Bones." Jim replies, "Come on. Let's get you to the platform." You groan and follow the captain, doctor, and first officer. When you get down to the platform Scotty is waiting for you. "Good morning, Mr. Scott."
"Aye, good morning." Scotty replies, smiling at you. "Did you tell them about the comms?"
"Yes," Bones says, sounding grumpier than before.
"So, what's going to happen, when you two are done looking at this planet, you will push this button." Scotty says as he holds up what looks to be a communicator. "It'll send a signal back to the ship. Alright, laddies, are you ready?"
"As we'll ever be." You and Leonard say at the same time. Scotty nods and starts the transporter up.
As soon as you both are beamed onto the new planet you shake yourself. "Ugh, I can never get used to that." You say, rolling your shoulders.
"Neither can I, kid." He says, looking at you and walking off.
You raise an eyebrow, "Are you okay?" You ask, running to catch up with him.
You raise your eyebrow again and shake your head, "So this looks like a pretty standard Federation planet." You say, looking around. Leonard just grunts at you. You sigh as you both continue to walk.
"Can I ask you a question?" Leonard says, about 30 minutes later.
"Sure?" You reply, stopping yourself and him.
"Is there something going on between you and Chekov?" He asks, looking from your eyes to the ground. Heading those words you burst out laughing. "What did I say? Do I have something on my face?" He runs his hands all over his face.
You continue to laugh and shake your head, "No." You wrap your arms around your stomach as it is starting to hurt where you are laughing so much. "Leonard, he and I are like brother and sister."
"But, what about him kissing you? And you asking him to stay with you?"
"I didnt want to be alone last night. The kiss was just his way of telling me that he would. It didnt mean anything other than a brotherly gesture." You explain to him. You look at Leonard and he smiles. "Why? Were you jealous?"
He sighs, "Unbelievable." He places his hand on his head and shakes it. "Yes, I was a little jealous, actually. I get jealous of all the men you talk to, especially when they get up close to you."
"Why?" You press, raising your eyebrows.
"I love you, damn it!" He says before he can think. He sighs and looks in your eyes, "I love you. I am head over heels in love with you." Your cheeks go red, "But, it's useless anyhow. You have all those boys, men, after you."
You smile softly, "There is a reason I turn them.all down." You say, placing your right hand on his left arm and rubbing it. "I'm kind of, sort of, head over heels for you, too."
Leonard smiles real big, "Really?" You nod a couple times before he stops.you and kisses you.
Soon enough you feel the transporter beams encircle you both and you're transported back to the Enterprise. "Finally." You hear Jim say.
You break the kiss to look at him, "What?!" You and Leonard say at the same time.
"It was a plan from Scotty, Chekov, and myself. And it worked." Jim replies, smiling all over himself, obviously proud. "You can thank me by me being your best man at the wedding." He laughs before he walks off.
"Hypo-spray him?" You suggest to Leonard.
"You read my mind." He chuckles, wrapping his left arm around you and kissing your head. "Let's go to medbay." You nod and you both walk off.
A/N: Hiii! I'm still taking requests! Tell me if you like it or hate it. I'm open to anything, really. -Shawnee
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fandom-scribe · 6 years
Wonderbat Week: Day 4 - Holiday
Title: What The Kids Want
Word Count: 2,102
Author’s Note: So so sorry this is late! I just kind of went overboard for with this and I didn’t feel like writing yesterday. Not desire to write and a large word count does not go well together so I just finished this (now I got to go write today’s prompt plus yesterday and today’s prompts for Dickkory Week. Yay :( ). Anyway, in my first entry I added in a mention Donna and Cassie because I didn’t want to erase them. However I have no knowledge of them so they are absent in this fic. Also my first time writing Jason sooo… Idk, it’s really important to me that Bruce’s kids have a role in Wonderbat’s relationship.
Gotham was not a pretty city. The gothic buildings gave off a dark aura and the rank trash on its grimy streets gave the stale air a permanent smell. And yet, despite the sky high crime rates and bitter atmosphere, the city almost looked inviting under the mask of freshly fallen snow — especially when one was standing outside of their ancestral manor, sharing a cup of tea with a close friend as one’s kids played and got along.
Bruce Wayne took a deep breath, taking in the crisp winter air. A hot cup of tea warmed his palms but it almost didn’t compare to the comforting heat radiating from the woman next to him. In front of him was his boys. What had started as gentle teasing from Dick had turned into a full blown snow war featuring Dick and Tim vs Jason and Damian. Yeah, the pairings were odd but Bruce couldn’t care less: his kids were having fun together and that was all that mattered.
“This doesn’t happen often, does it?” Diana asked as she sipped her tea, drawing bruce’s attention away from his boys. A harsh wind blew and Bruce squeezed his mug harder. It had almost killed Alfred to put their drinks in big mugs instead of proper tea cups but it was far too cold to drink tea in little spurts.
“What doesn’t?”
“Them getting along? Usually Tim and Damian are going at it and Dick is either trying to break it up or caught in the middle. And I hardly see Jason anymore.”
“Yeah…” A dark feeling stirred in Bruce’s chest, nearly stamping out the joy the sight before him brought. “It’s rare to see these moments. It’s hard to get the kids to get along and a fight to get Jason to willing drop by. But these moments makes it more than worth it.”
“I bet they do. Watching them is like watching my sisters in Themyscira. No matter how hard we fight each other, we know the other would have our back in battle. Same with your boys, right?”
“Same with my boys. They love each other, even if only Dick will admit it.” Bruce looked back towards his boys and frowned. “And they’re plotting something.”
Dick, Damian, Tim, and Jason stood huddled in the middle of the yard, snowball fight forgotten. Occasionally a pair of blue eyes would dart towards Bruce and Diana before returning to the whispered conversation between them. Bruce narrowed his eyes and strained his ears but he couldn’t hear anything.
“What’s going on over there?” he eventually called after accepting that eavesdropping was impossible from this distance. The boys jumped apart with shining eyes and sneaky smiles, an almost believable picture of innocence.
“Nothing!” Dick replied as he strolled towards the pair on the porch. His brothers followed. “We was just going over a case that’s been nagging me. Perhaps you can help?” Bruce raised an eyebrow at his youngest.
“I thought you said no work on Christmas?” Pink highlighted Dick’s cheeks and he briefly bit his lip. Bruce nearly shook his head: he had spent weeks teaching Dick to control such reactions.
“I know, I know: I’m a hypocrite. But I just can’t focus on having fun with you guys with this case on my mind. Can you please help me?” It wasn’t common for Dick to beg for help. Ever since Robin became Nightwing the young man had been adamant about independence, so it was a big red flag that was was begging for help now. But with Diana right there, Bruce found himself not wanting to make a scene.
“Sure, Dick,” the man said, voice flooded with suspicion and resignation.
“Great! I’m gonna grab some hot chocolate and we’ll meet in your study.” With that Dick raced into the manor, a large grin stretched across his face.
“I can also use a refill,” Diana hummed, shaking her empty mug. “Meet you there?”
“No!” Tim  shouted. The two adults looked at him, causing the teen to flush a dark red. “Actually, I - um - was hoping to ask Diana a few questions, if you don’t mind.”
“Later, Tim,” Bruce said with a tone that allowed no arguments.
“Yeah! Diana can’t answer your fangirl questions: she’ll be too busy sparing with me and Damian in the Batcave. Right Diana?” Jason asked with hopeful eyes.
“I’ve always wanted to conquer the Amazon in a sword fight,” Damian added with a shrug of the shoulders. Jason scoffed.
“In your dream, short stack. She’ll wipe the floor with you!”
Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose as Jason and Damian began to squabble and exhaled through his nose. Then he looked at the woman next to him. “Diana, I’m sorry to ask but—”
“It’s no problem. But I must warn you: Damian might be a little grumpy after I defeat him in battle.” Something in Bruce’s chest burned as Diana flashed him a smile before the Amazon was dragged off by his 2nd oldest and youngest sons.  It wasn’t a bad burn; more like the burn of a cup of tea or a fireplace on the coldest day of the year. It almost brought a smile to his face but he quickly stomped that down when he saw Tim still standing there.
“Er, I’m just gonna… go inside…” Tim muttered awkwardly before sidestepping Bruce and disappearing inside. Bruce sighed and followed his second youngest.
By the time Bruce made it to his study, Dick was comfortable seated on his desk with a mug of hot chocolate in hands and stacks of papers spread onto the desk’s remaining surface. Dick gestured him over eagerly. Bruce was barely sat down before Dick started to explain the case to him.
5 minutes later and it was clear to Bruce that this was a waste of time. The case was an easy one with plenty of evidence as to who the perp was and why they did it. There was no way Dick hadn’t figured it out already. But Dick was determined to drag Bruce into it and no matter how many times the older man interrupted and tried to figure out Dick’s real motives, the younger just kept soldiering on and ignoring him. By the time 30 minutes had passed Bruce was completely tuning his son out, more interested in the way Dick’s eyes kept flickering to the watch on his wrist.
“Now, I was thinking —” Dick started around the 45 minute mark but he was cut off as his watch began to beep. Dick let out a breath and quickly jumped off the desk, breathing out a quiet “finally” that Bruce barely managed to catch. Dick began to collect the papers.
“Did you figure it out?” Bruce asked as he watched Dick clean up quickly. He was leaning in his seat, arms crossed and eyebrows raised.
“Hm? Oh! No, I didn’t but it’s Christmas and I refuse to work on this any longer! C’mon, let’s go find the others.” Bruce barely had time to process Dick’s excuse before his son grabbed him by the arm and pulled him out the room.
“Woah - slow down!” Bruce hissed but Dick ignored him, instead pulling him through the hallways even faster as he muttered a chant of “c’mon, c’mon, c’mon,” below his breath. “Dick, where are we going?”
“To find the others - ah ha!” Dick stopped in his tracks before quickly stepping around Bruce so he was behind the man and pushing him forward. “Stay there!”
“Just stand there!”
Bruce rolled his eyes and exhaled harshly. He had learned not to play his kids’ games a long time ago so why was he indulging Dick now? Before Bruce could move, though, the sound of a mini stampede rumbled through the hallway. The rest of his kids were coming.
Bruce stood there and looked ahead, watching as Jason and Tim pulled Diana towards him and Dick, Damian right on their heels. He barely had time to take in the sight - let alone chastise them for their behaviour - before his two middle children sling-shotted Diana forward, right into Bruce’s arms.
“Diana!” Bruce gasped in shock as the woman collided with him. “Are you okay? I’m so sorry—”
“I’m fine. The boys were in quite a hurry to bring me up here. Is everything alright?”
“As far as I know but my sons are acting suspicious and that’s never a good thing.” Bruce shot a glare at all four of his sons. They only smiled in return, Damian’s smile a bit more hesitant and begrudging than the rest. Bruce opened his mouth to demand answers but was quickly cut off as Diana shuffled in his arms. A hot flush flooded Bruce’s face and he quickly let the Amazon go. He let go so quickly that he nearly toppled her balance again.
“S-sorry,” Bruce stuttered, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. The heat in his face increased: Batman did not stutter!
“It’s okay,” Diana replied, a faint pink blush decorating her own cheeks. A few awkward beats passed before Jason broke it with a deep groan.
“This is taking too long! Look up already!” Dick and Tim emphasized his words by pointing up towards the ceiling.
As one, Diana and Bruce tilted their heads upwards and looked at the ceiling 25 feet above them.
Oh God, thought Bruce as dread and embarrassment filled him. How did they get mistletoe all the way up there?
Bruce’s heart began to pound and his hands clenched into fists at his sides. The dream/embarrassment mixture only intensified as he heard a small “oh,” slip from Diana’s mouth. Bruce kept his eyes up as he began to stutter, too embarrassed to look at his friend.
“Di-Diana, I’m s-so sorry! I don’t - why would they - oh my gosh!” Bruce’s head fell forward into his palms, his fingers pulling at his hair. He should’ve know his kids would pull something like this: they’ve been trying to push him and Diana together for months now! And inviting Diana over during mistletoe season? Bruce mind as well gotten onto his knees and begged for his kids to do this.
Suddenly, Diana began to laugh.
“S-sorry,” the Amazon snorted between giggles. “Your face right now is just -” Diana cut herself off as she doubled over in laughter. Around them the boys began to laugh too. Was Diana in on it? Did they all team up against him?
How come that idea didn’t upset him as much as it should’ve?
Finally Diana straightened with a sniff as her laughter died out. She licked her lips and, with big blue eyes glinting, the Amazon stepped closer to Bruce and threw her arms around his neck.
“D?” Bruce muttered, questioningly. His own arms moved of their own volition and wrapped around Diana’s waist.
“Your boys put so much effort in this. Mind as well give them what they want.”
“Yes! Kiss her!” Dick yelled from the sidelines, practically buzzing. The others quickly shushed him.
Bruce couldn’t help but noticed the way Damian stood close to Dick, slightly behind his older brother as if the shield himself from the scene before him. The last time he had checked, Damian still held hopes of Talia and him reconciling and the three of them becoming a proper family. But here was help, scheming to get him and Diana to kiss? Was the boy truly okay with this?
As if reading his mind, Damian made eye contact with his father and nodded his consent, latching onto Dick’s sweater as he did so. The young man quickly threw an arm around his little brother and pulled him close.
“Are you okay with this?” Diana whispered. “I’ll understand if your not.” Bruce closed his eyes and thought. Diana was willing to kiss him. His sons wanted them to kiss. And him — Bruce thought harder — he wasn’t against the idea at all.
“Yeah,” he answered. “I’m more than okay with this.”
Diana’s blinding smile was the last thing he saw before he closed his eyes and their lips met. Inside his chest something burst and something else clicked. Bruce found himself deepening the kiss, a low groan coming from deep in his throat. He could feel Diana’s smile against his lips, the heat of her body pressed against his, her fingers in his hair. It felt good. It felt right.
The world around them melted away as Bruce and Diana kissed. And then they kissed again. And again. Lost in the woman in his arms, Bruce almost didn’t hear the cheer and applause coming from his sons.
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spaztronautwriter · 7 years
The Proposal: Ch. 4 (an Olicity fic)
Summary: When Felicity Smoak finds herself in a bind, she enlists the help of her assistant Oliver Dearden to help her keep her from being deported and losing her job. The problem is, in order to do so, they kind of have to get married…
A/N: This is either funny or dumb, or possibly both idk. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Read Chapter: One | Two | Three | Four
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"At least your family lives someplace civilized," Felicity said as the flight attendants began signaling for everyone to file off the plane. "You could have lived in Alaska or something! That's the last thing I would have needed this weekend."
They’d just touched down in Starling City and Felicity was eager to step foot on solid ground once again. She’d never been a fan of heights, and flying always left her slightly cranky.
"What's wrong with Alaska?" Oliver asked, grabbing their carry-ons from the overhead bin. He maneuvered her bright yellow suitcase carefully, avoiding the people struggling to retrieve their own luggage in the row behind him. "Nothing's wrong with Alaska," Felicity said, moving out into the aisle when he gestured for her to go ahead of him. "Except that the reception is spotty and the wifi is practically non-existent." Glancing over her shoulder, she noticed his puzzled look. "The Internet exists in Alaska, Felicity," he said. "Sure," she agreed, waving a hand dismissively, "but you could have lived in some godforsaken fishing village where all they had was a dial up connection. All I'm saying is, I'm glad you're from Starling. It's a huge tech area, so we won't have any problems this weekend." One of the flight attendants smiled and wished them a good trip as they exited the plane. Felicity let out a relieved sigh once they reached the jetway, but her anxiety didn’t lessen the way she’d thought it would. It clung to her, making her limbs feel prickly and restless. Of course, that could have something to do with the fact that she was heading to her assistant's childhood home to tell his family they were getting married in just a few days time.
"Yeah, I doubt we'll be lacking for technology this weekend,” Oliver said from right over her shoulder where he was tugging their suitcases along.
"Huh?" She turned to him as they broke free of the cramped bridge and into the airport. Oliver sighed and then opened his mouth to tell her... something, clearly, but was interrupted by a loud shriek and then a tiny brunette launched herself across the terminal and into his arms.
"Ollie!" the girl cried, wrapping her arms around his neck. Oliver dropped the suitcases, grabbing the girl with a surprised, "Oof!" "Ollie, I'm so glad you're here!" the girl said, pulling back, but keeping her hands on his shoulders. "It's been so long I thought I'd never see you again!" Oliver grinned and Felicity was once again taken aback by it. He really did have a great smile. And something about this particular smile for this particular girl made him look lighter than she’d ever seen him.
"It's only been since Christmas, Speedy," he chuckled. "You act like I've been missing for five years or something."
"It feels like it," the girl, who Felicity realized was probably Oliver's sister, grumbled. She stepped further back and Oliver bent to pick up the suitcases he'd abandoned when his sister jumped him. "Thea, this is Felicity," he said, nodding in her direction. "Felicity, my sister Thea." "Hi," Felicity smiled, throwing in an awkward little wave when the young woman stared at her. "I wasn't aware you were bring a... friend, Oliver," she said, eyeing Felicity up and down in a way that made her feel very judged. Well, it’s now or never, she thought. Might as well get the fake fiancée stuff out of the way. "We're not friends," she said quickly, wanting to rip the bandaid off, so to speak. "I mean, we are friends, of course, we are. I just meant I'm not some flavor of the week type fling because we're... um..." For some reason, Felicity couldn't seem to get the words out. And this was just his sister! What would it be like to tell his parents or her mom, or to stand in front of everyone they knew and exchange vows? Why did she ever expect pretending to marry Oliver was going to be easy? After a moment of Thea's judgey raised eyebrows Felicity chickened out. "I'm his... uh, boss." Thea's eyes went wide and she looked back to Oliver. "Your boss Felicity? That Felicity?" she asked, and Felicity could hear whatever Thea was saying between the lines. She didn't understand it, but she knew it was being said. Oliver, for his part, looked totally unaffected by his sister. "Yes, my boss Felicity. And..." He glanced over in her direction, looking hesitant and Felicity totally understood why. They were informing his family that they were getting married this week. That was huge! She wasn't sure if Oliver was also feeling on the verge of a panic attack, but just in case she reached over and grabbed his hand, giving it a sympathetic squeeze. She didn't think about the fact that when he squeezed back she felt her own anxiety lessen just a touch. "She's more than just my boss," he said, his voice firm as he looked back at his sister. Thea's eyebrows flicked up, but she didn't interrupt. After a brief moment and another look at Felicity, Oliver took a breath and said, "She's my fiancée." Thea's eyes shot wide and her mouth dropped open, but then something flickered across her face and she composed herself with a small shake of her head. Her eyes were still wide with surprise, but she didn't look like her world had just been turned upside down. In fact, Oliver's little sister looked more than a little amused at the news. "Mom is going to kill you," she said, shaking her head slowly. She looked back at Felicity, her gaze no longer judging, but more appraising. "It's nice to meet you, Felicity. You don't look like the masochistic dictator my brother made you out to be." Felicity's head jerked back reflexively. "I'm sorry, the what?" she asked, pinning Oliver with a glare. Oliver was already shaking his head. "I never said that."
Thea laughed, crossing her arms over her chest. “Oh, this is going to be fun.”
“Can we just go?” Oliver asked, looking slightly uncomfortable, which only made Felicity believe that he really had called her those things to his little sister.
“Sure thing,” Thea said, turning around and gesturing for them to follow. “Car’s this way.”
Felicity followed after Thea, Oliver lugging the suitcases behind her, as she led them through the airport and out to the designated pick up location outside. Starling City was a little more humid than she was used to and she could practically feel her hair already starting to frizz up. A sleek black town car was sitting on the curb, a tall man in a suit already pulling the door open for them. Thea climbed in and the man walked around back, popping the trunk and helping Oliver load the suitcases. Either this was the fanciest Uber Felicity had ever seen or Oliver’s family was more well-off than she’d ever imagined.
He’d said his family was well known, but he hadn’t really shared anything more than that. She should have just googled them, but she’d had other things on her mind, and as long as he wasn’t a fugitive, she really didn’t care who his family was. She was marrying him for a green card, not his family.
Felicity climbed into the car, Oliver following after her a moment later. It took the driver a few minutes to disentangle them from the long lines surrounding the airport, but soon enough they were heading towards the heart of Starling City.
Thea engaged them—mostly Oliver—in small talk for a few minutes, before her phone vibrated and her thumbs started flicking across the screen a mile a minute. Felicity didn’t mind. She was relieved to have a few minutes to herself before coming face to face with the rest of Oliver’s family. From what she knew, he only had the one sister, but both of his parents were alive and well. He didn’t have a great relationship with them though, and that didn’t bode well. She might not care who Oliver’s family was, but she was going to have the spend the next forty-eight hours in their company. What would they do once they found out Oliver was marrying some woman they’d never met? A woman Oliver apparently thought of as a masochistic dictator.
Oh, she and Oliver were definitely going to have words about that once they were alone!
She leaned her head against the window, looking out at the skyline as they approached the city. Starling really was a mecca of technology. Huge skyscrapers with names like Merlyn Global, Kord Enterprises, and Queen Consolidated rose up in the distance, a collection of some of the biggest tech companies on the west coast all in one place.
Felicity spun in her seat suddenly, her ponytail whipping Oliver in the face as she did. He ran a hand over his chin, looking annoyed, but it quickly faded when he saw the look in her eyes.
“Your last name is Queen?” she hissed quietly, then glanced over to make sure Thea was still fixated on her cellphone. Once she was certain the girl couldn’t hear them, she added, “As in Queen Consolidated?”
Oliver opened his mouth then closed it, before running a hand over the back of his neck. When he looked up at her it was with a sheepish smile.
“Yeah, uh… About that…”
“What the hell, Oliver?” She didn’t even know what to begin to think. Oliver was a Queen, AKA one of the wealthiest families on the west coast. AKA the owners of one of the biggest tech companies in the country. AKA the freaking competition! “Are you a corporate spy?”
“What?!” He glanced over at Thea himself, but the twenty year old was still lost in a world of her own, completely oblivious to them. Still, he mouthed for her to shush, then leaned closer to whisper in her ear. “No, of course not.”
"That's exactly what a spy would say!" He cocked his head, clearly exasperated, and she shrugged. “Well, then… what?”
It didn’t make any sense. He was the heir to one of the largest companies on the west coast. Much larger than Palmer Tech. To be fair, Queen Consolidated was much older and had originally been more into production. They’d had factories all over the country, and it was only in the past decade or so that they’d switched over to the tech sector, creating software and technology for other corporations and even the government. She’d almost taken a job there when she’d first graduated from MIT. The only reason she didn’t was because the only position they’d had available was as an IT consultant, which was so far beneath her abilities she’d had to pass, even fresh out of college. It wasn’t like she’d been hard up on job offers though. Which wasn’t the point. The point was, it made no sense for Oliver to be working as her assistant when he was the son of actual billionaires.
He had to be a spy. Oh god, she was marrying a spy. He was going to get arrested for corporate espionage and she was going to go down with him. Why couldn’t he have just been a fugitive?
“Felicity,” Oliver said, sliding his hand into hers. She flinched, just slightly, but didn’t pull away. “I promise I will explain all of this to you later, okay? Just trust me.”
She nodded, but continued silently freaking out as they moved through the city. His hand in hers was solid and warm, but it didn’t relieve her anxiety this time. She wasn’t sure anything would at this point.
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izloveshorses · 7 years
Here's everything I love about the Anastasia Musical (Part One)
So!! I've finally collected my thoughts and was able to list out everything I love about this musical (this was supposed to be limited to like 5 songs but I couldn't pick just a handful bc they're ALL SO GOOD). Keep in mind, I haven't seen it live yet, just listened to the album and watched that First Look preview hundreds of times. Pleeease don't mention any spoilers or anything bc I really wanna go see it for myself some day! Warning: long post lol
The first few notes of Prologue: Once Upon a December gave me chills omg
I love how they really touched on just how much Communism affected everybody. Life was pretty crappy for everyone and it's important that it's discussed. Like, the exchange between Anya and Gleb ("I can't lose this job...") really highlights to me that they were all hungry, desperate for work, etc. and it not many people had any hopes for a better future...
"The skies are grey, the walls have ears and he who argues disappears!"
"We're good and loyal comrades and our favorite color's red!"
"Two cans of beans, comrade?" "... doNE"
The collective "SHHH!!"
Christy's voiCE I CANT
When I was first listening to this I was like "ohhh boy... I'm already crying on the 3rd song.... this is gonna be an emotional ride"
"Call the child anYA"
"Is it Pariiiiis? Paris..."
"You don't know what it's like not to know who you are"
"But I still have this faith in the truth of my dreammmms"
"I know it all will come baaaaack ONE DAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!"
Anya/Christyyyyy you're breaking my heart stop it just started
Honestly the whole song is beautiful
All of Learn to Do It is great too bc wow that's a mood changer from the last song lol
"How do you become the person you've forgotten you ever were?"
"Am I floating?" "Like a sinking boat"
"I never cared for stroganoff!"
"I don't like being contradicted." "That makes two of us!"
"I've hAD it!! And I hATE YOU BOTH!"... "Don't forGET I don't remember anything! Get OUT and let me be!"
She takes a big breath before she lists everything she learned lol
Ramin's so talented what the heck
"I heard the shots.... I heard the screams... but it's the silence after I remember most."
"A revolution is a siiiimple thiiiiiiiiiing" my guy, my dude, my man,, no.... that is false,,,
"Funny when a city is all you know, how even when you hate it something in you loves it sooooo!!"
"There's a boy, growing up, all I've been, all I'll be..."
"Funny how a BOY CAN GROOOOWWWW! Funny how a city tells you when it's time to goooo!"
"But tonight, there's a sky and quite a viewww... welcome tooooooooooo..... My PetersBUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRG!!!"
I know that Once Upon a December is exactly the same as the movie but Christy's voice is so gorgeous so I need to talk about it
"Accross my meeemoryyyyyyyy...."
The piano rising in a crescendo
Christy's voice at the end my lord
The whole orchestra in this song is amazing
OKAY SO. STAY, I PRAY YOU. IS VERY UNDERRATED. LIKE. WHEN I FIRST LISTENED TO IT I WAS JUST SITTING ON MY COUCH WITH TEARS ROLLING DOWN MY CHEEKS AND WAS LIKE "why.... am I crying... about crossing the russian border.... when I'm not even Russian.... what the heck...."
And!!! It emphasizes the fact that this is communist Russia. You don't leave!!
Constantine's voice here is so haunting and The strings are lovelyyyyyy
This is like that one song from Sound of Music when they cross the mountains lol
Christy's and Derek's harmonizing is b e a u t i f u l
"How to go wheRE IIIIII HAve never gone befoooorrre..."
"Let me have a moment, let me say goodbyyyyyye...."
My absolute favorite part is how it slowly fades from the entire cast singing and repeating "iiiii'lll bless my homeland...." to just the trio, to dmitry and Anya, and finally until it's just Anya left.... "iiii'lll bless my homeland... tillllll I diiiiieeee..." It's so chillingly beautiful I'm never gonna get used to that
We'll Go From There is so pure and happy!
"Some women say I look distinguished this way"
"Meet the royal. Mess!"
"Why did I say? yes?"
Again, Derek and Christy's harmonizing is amazing how--
"Getagripandtakeadeepbreath and soon we'll know what's what"
"Oh what a lovely ride! And what a lovely dayyyyy! For a totally illegal geeeeetawayyyyy!"
"From theeeeeEEeeeeeeEEeeeeerrreeeee! We'll go from there!!" Bum
Ramin is baaaack with more angst and beautiful vocals in Still!
"A son becomes a man! At his faaaaather's knee..."
"But then you see her eyes, and something in them tells you that she ABSOLUTELY LIES"
It's so empowering I'm PUMPED like every time I hear it I have to get up and run around like I'm the one performing or making a music video
"Peo.ple always say, Life is full of choices, but no one ever mentions. fear..."
"Home. Love. Faaaamily. There was once a time I must have had them tooooo... Hoooooome, loooooove, faaaamily! I will never be complete until I find youuuuuu!" (Brb crying)
I'm always out of breath when this song is over lol
Paris Holds the Key always pumps me up omg
"Everything is is avant-garde, or chic!"
Dmitry's part tho...
"There's hope in the aaaair!"
The one and only thing I'm kinda bummed about is that they didn't include that one part from the original where everyone is singing in the final chorus and then it's just dmitry singing "toooo... Herrrr...." and then the ensemble finishes it off. Idk it's so heartbreaking but that's probably my favorite part from the original song and I'm kinda sad they cut that bit (but it's ok bc DEREK)
Crossing A Bridge is VERY underrated too omg
The orchestral part is beautiful and again CHRISTY'S VOICE
"Halfway between where I've been, and where I'm goiiing..."
"Me on the left bank, you on the riiiight!" And then Her voice at "every light is like a promise.."
I love how the middle it's kinda loud and emotional but it ends really soft and quiet
Watching Christy's "Royal Misfits" vlog made me love Mary Beth Peil bc she kinda reminds me of my Nanna, so Close the Door broke my heart a little
I love the mood of Land of Yesterday bc they're complaining that they're no longer rich lol and Lily's like "well we're not dead now!" And my favorite: "RUSSIAAAAAA!!!"
IN A CROWD!!! OF THOUSANDS!!!! I SOB EVERY TIME I LISTEN TO IT. The chemistry btwn Christy and Derek is magical (I mean I haven't seen them but) I can hear them smiling and their harmonizing is just... good lord. And the tension is so real
"You're making me feel I was there too." "Maybe you were, make it part of your story"
I love that you can hear the shift in Christy's voice from playful and humorous to a dawning, frightening realization ("and I tried not to smile, but I smiiiiled... and then... heeeee bowwwwed...!!!!!" "Um, I didn't tell you that" "You didn't have to!! I remember!!!!" And then a heavy pause)
"With the sun in my eyes you were gone... but I knew, even then, in a crowd of thousands... I'll find you... aaaagaaaaain....." AIGFHGKVNID THEY FOUND EACH OTHER EXCUSE ME WHILE I GO CRY
"Your highness..." !???!???? WHAT THE HECK IS HAPPENING TO MY HEART
Meant to Be is beautiful (especially the orchestra) but I'm gonna skip to QUARTET AT THE BALLET. BC HONESTLY ITS ONE OF MY FAVORITES. The striiiings....
"My past and my future so neeeeear..." and then Dmitry breaking my heart again with "next to me this frightened girl, holding tight as the dancers whirl"
The whole part where Dmitry and Gleb are singing together omgggg "ITS FATE!! THAT BROUGHT US HEEEEERE"
And don't! Get me started on the part where they're all singing together it's so intENSE it's honestly one of my favorite parts from the whole musical. And!! DMITRY'S PART OMG HE REPRISES JOURNEY TO THE PAST "hooome, looove, faaaamily.... she will have all of it!! I will help her..." AKFJOND HE KEEPS BREAKING MY HEART HE LOVES HER SO MUCH #OTP
Again Dmitry just loves her... Everything to Win messes with my heart. "I didn't know, she mattered to meee... but now I can see, she doooeees..." (and later Anya says the same thing omg what kind of romantic crap is this, "conman and princess get their wish and fairytales come truuuue!" *clenches fist*) and "with everything to win, the only thing I lose... is youuuuuu..." :(
I love how Gleb interrupts Anya's pining for dramaaaaaaa. "If you really are Anastasia do you think history wants you to have lived??" "YES, why don't you!?"
"All but one. Finish it, I am my father's daughter." "AND I AM MY FATHER'S SON!" ( I can actually hear Anya standing with her chin held high staring at him straight in the eyes, a challenge, a dare) and a gun clicks and omg my heart started racing
"Look at their faces in mine, hear their screams, see their BLOOD." ... "Do it! Do it and I will be with my parents and my brothers and sisters in that cellar in Yekaterinburg all over again!!" GOOD LORD ITS SO INTENSE
The ending is absolutely perfect... "she was a dream. A beautiful dream." And then "the case is closed. But still...." and the ENSEMBLE COMES BACK. They didn't have to go so hard, man
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mycrystallizedheart · 5 years
Personal, but positive
So, after ranting not one, but two times about how shit my life has suddenly become, I thought I should “rant” about something that has made my life much better. Feel free to read it, or to just skip over it, I don’t care.
I’m putting it under the cut because it is veeery long.
Let me tell you a story: Once upon a time, there was a girl. That girl was me. The day was March 2nd. My best friend was turning 18, and because we can legally get into clubs when we’re 18 where I live, she thought: “Hey, what better way to celebrate my birthday, than to go drinking a lot of alcohol at a bar?!” I thought this was a great idea, and so, when the weekend came, I traveled to the other end of the country, basically, to meet up with her, her other best friend who I didn’t knew, that friend’s girlfriend, and a guy my friend had met on her school. Let’s call him R, because he has a lot of significance in this little tale. 
We didn’t go out immediately. I got there around 1 pm, and we spent the afternoon in the apartment, watching old cartoons and having a lot of fun. I was placed between my best friend and R on the not particularly comfortable couch, and surprisingly, me and R hit it off great very quickly. I discovered very quickly we had the same humor, he seemed very nice, and to add to it, R was pretty attractive too. I also discovered that we were both in the same boat in this situation. When we went out for groceries for the dinner, the others played some very heavy techno. I can still remember how we looked at each other on the backseat of the car, while the others were rocking out to the heavy bass. We weren’t exactly uncomfortable, but we weren’t comfortable either. This was not our scene. I can’t believe how quickly we “understood” each other, and how fast we understood each other.
When we came back, we sat next to each other eating our rather primitive dinner, having pre-drinks playing drinking games with the others. During the evening, still before we went out, we had moments of touching which I didn’t shy away from. I realize now that I was testing out my limits of a “stranger” touching me, and his intentions, and I was pretty much flirting with him the whole time. Young me of course didn’t realize this, because I was naive and had never met someone I actively named as good-looking/attractive. All in all, a lot happened even before we went to the bar. Let’s say I had a good feeling about the night.
We finished eating and pre-gaming, and we set out for the bar, a good mile of walking, crossing a bridge and some corners. We started out in the small section of the place, as the real bar hadn’t opened up yet, it was too early in the night. We got a shot each, and funnily enough, R suddenly pulled out a handful of lollipops from his pocket, and asked if we wanted some. Of course, we all said yes, because who doesn’t want lollipops? Not important to the story, but it’s important to me that it gets included.
Finally, the doors to the real bar opened, and we gott seated at the table we reserved. Of course, I end up sitting between my friend, and R. We got some drinks, talked, laughed, got more drinks, some shots etc. I.e, we made sure to get drunk. Throughout the night, my friend tried to get me to dance, and I did for a little while, but I always ended up back at the table with the drinks, and with R. Early on, we began to exchange light touches, my hand on his leg, his arm around my shoulder, you get the deal. I ended up sitting leaned against him, his arm around me, my head lying on his shoulder. We didn’t really talk, because the music was pretty loud and people were talking, but I didn’t mind, and I don’t think he did either. We were just sitting there, occasionally getting something to drink, then sitting back down. At some point, March 2nd turned into March 3rd, and my friend got her happy birthday with some more drinks. I was just sitting there, wondering where this was all going. My friend even asked us at one point what was going on with me and R, but we both just shrugged and went “Idk”. A lot of alcohol later, and a few hours later, I began to get tired, and so did R. It was about 3 in the morning, so we decided to go back the apartment, while the others stayed to party on. 
We got home, about 4 am, to a quiet apartment. We were both so happy to be in silence again that we just sat for a while, leaned against each other, listening to the rain on the window. We then got ready for bed, and to my probably very naive surprise, we got into bed, together. Not him on the couch and me in the bed, no, the same bed. At that point in my life, I had never been this close to a man before. I had never gone to a bar, snuggled up to a cute guy, and then gone home with him. I was an innocent little 18 year old girl. I barely knew how to kiss a guy! Well, despite all this, one thing lead to another, and we made out and did some other stuff too. 
So, time goes by, we kissed and cuddled, and ended up having to sleep up on the small loft of the apartment, because the others got home, and one of them weren’t feeling too well. And we were just lying there, cuddling, being close to each other. I had never tried that before!! I couldn’t sleep the rest of the night/morning, because I had a lot of stuff running through my head. Did I like this guy? What was going to happen the next day? Did he like me? And how can I forget: omgijustspentthenightwithaguyihaveonlyknownforlessthan12hoursandheissoniceandsuchagoodkisserandhelookssogoodandiwanthimtobemyboyfriendaaaaaaa
The first goodbye was pretty rushed and a bit awkward, because I suddenly had a train to catch very soon. We basically did an awkward “it was nice to meet you” hug and then I left. I was so confused and happy at the same time, but hey, I had a train to catch, or I would be stuck in that town for a while more.
The next couple of weeks, we began texting each other. It was nothing groundbreaking, just your typical “Hey wyd?”. Fast forward to the end of March, and we were spending the weekend together, Easter break in April, 2 weekends in May, and almost the whole month of July. The catch with R though, was that he was going to school in the other end of the country, approximately a 3 hour train ride. And when he wasn’t at school studying, he lived in the other other end of the country, another 3 hour train ride. So it wasn’t that easy to get to see each other. But even so, we still managed to visit each other. We usually just put a Twitch stream on and got into bed, cuddling, talking, kissing and enjoying each other’s company. Since March 2nd and 3rd, my life has been so much better with R in it. In the beginning, it wasn’t really “love”, it was more “I like kissing you and holding you please stay”. But now, it is love. It might be young, infatuated and cheesy, but I think it is love. I love him, and he loves me. 
Today, it is exactly one week since R dropped me off at home after the best vacation I have ever had in my life. Me, him, his parents, his brother and his girlfriend and her parents and brother. A real family get-together. We went camping in Croatia. It was right by the ocean, so we went swimming every day down there. We took long walks along the marine, walks through the old towns, ate incredible food. We saw the most beautiful sunsets, and we made the most incredible memories together. When we got tired of staying in the sun, we went back to the caravan and enjoyed some time alone with each other. We even had our first real “date”, where we went out to eat at a really great restaurant where he knew the owner. I had been worried R and I would grow tired of each other while away, but instead, it has brought us closer, much closer together. Where before, I had no problem with being away from him, now, it doesn’t really make sense when he isn’t here. I want to be where he is, but it’s not possible, not yet, at least. Maybe some day, we’ll figure it out, but for now, we’ll making do with seeing each other.
We’ve known each other for less than half a year, but I already feel very closely connected to this person. He is kind, affectionate and funny, and we understand each other so well it’s almost weird.  I wish we could be more together, but that’s how it is being in a long distance relationship.
So even if I might say that my life is shit and all that, there is some light. Sometimes you just have to hold on to it in the darkness, even though it’s hard. It’s hard sometimes to accept, and it’s hard to keep going sometimes. I know I have to fight to get where I want to be, and to enjoy what life has to offer. And now, I have this wonderful man to share my journey with. I don’t know how long we’ll last, but I hope we’ll last a long time. Because I love him. I really love him. 
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thegeminisage · 8 years
more zeldablogging! hello, future me, i hope you’re enjoying these
today: lake hyrule!
the tower is next to not-eldin bridge so maybe i should approach from there and not faron tower
but i can see farosh's bridge from here and it's juuust the right time
maybe i'll just got wait a few moments and see if he appears
and another scale :3
i wish i could get horn shards tho :/
lol i get super sad whenever i go back to the plateau even just to glide off the tower ): old man ))):
i used to think it was so tall! and now it looks so normal bc i've seen so much taller.
did NOT miss the rain while i was at death mountain
lol i can't believe these two puny lizalfos once prevented me from crossing this bridge bc it was too difficult of a fight
and FINALLY i'm across for real
and map obtained
i feel like lake hylia is about the same size here as in tp, but in tp it feels much bigger than it does here bc this world is already so huge and dwarfs even the massive divine beasts
god i can't BELIEVE i am always so low on arrows. frankly: an outrage
lol instead of going to the lake im getting the shrines i have seen from other provinces first
whoa these colums are cool
this zone is called faron woods? not even in faron province, hahaha
ooh there's a lady here talking about the horse revival fountain! i did see something about a lord horse lake or something on the map, so i guess that's it
ugh why is it ALWAYS raining
i'll admit i'm in the stage where like, i'm okay with not walking BY every tree, just maybe seeing them all, maybe even seeing them from a distant ledge or my glider
which isn't to say the world has lost its charm or im tired of exploring, exploring and crafting is basically all you do in skyrim and it pretty much never gets old, but i'm more anxious now to uncover the plot than i was before, which speaks to the game's storytelling skills, yet still feel the compulsive need to explore Everything before moving on lol
i don't typically do a lot of post-game play so i know after i kill the final boss that'll be that
ah here's the shrine maybe the rain will have stopped by the time i get out
NOOO a combat trial......!
but it says minor test of strength so that should be okay :|
ahaha got it in half a dozen hits
unfortunately i have so many great weapons i can't hold the ones i get from this thing or the one in the chest :| i need my shit to break!! i guess i need.....to fight more. ugrh.
god i have like 12 orbs now i should go trade them in lol
i keep forgetting!!
@self pls remember
jesus. it's still raining.
me: i need to fight more!
me: sees two lizalfos, groans
if i had arrows i would just take them out from afar
that's my instinct in skyrim, you know? i'm a sniper at heart, combat isn't my thing
but i have no arrows and too many weapons so i guess i gotta change it up
lol and learn to block my shields NEVER break bc i don't use them bc i don't really know how
that and i'm always fucking carrying two-handed weapons :| i want more one-handers
MAN i one-shotted both of them when it took three hits before with the same weapon...! this atk+ helmet does not fuck around im never taking it off again
the ruins in these woods are making me feel Some Kind Of Way
i hope the lost woods are in this game
i mean, they gotta be, if the master sword is sleeping somewhere in a forest
i hope it's cool when you get the sword. that's all i care about
i'm lying i hope ganon the man is in this game too but
im trying to keep my expectations reasonable
I HEAR KASS! where are you buddy i can't see you
ooh this shrine puzzle is about a forest dragon....FAROSH, MY BUDDY
lol yesterday my brother texted me like where the fuck are you getting all these hearty radishes? me: faron my dude
faron and apparently lake hylia too are absolutely thick with them
oh my god there's a lizalfos camp here and they saw me coming from MILES away how even
naturally they've ALL got shock arrows in this very marshy watery area
good thing i can one-shot them.
oooh there's a glowing goddess statue here
ah this is where i offer a farosh scale, like i offered one for naydra and need to offer one of dinaal
weeeeellll i do have 3-4 of them now so i guess so!
i'd hate to miss a shrine and have to come back
holy SHIT there's a thunderspear in here! fair trade my dude! glad i broke one of my swords at the lizalfos camp lol
ah and now this goddess statue will let me trade orbs!! YES
i got 1 heart and 2 things of stamina which means i have 2 full wheels. i can do ANYTHING
i just swam climbed ran and glided with the same burst without putting on special gear it was GREAT
YES i found the horse lake and there's a great fairy here!!!! fuck yeah!!!!!!!
awww it plays epona's song
ah and i found a stable nearby!! good
there's an obstacle course here that i can do w/ my horse for gear, which i Want, but i SUCK at it, so
omg i made friends with a dog ;w; it follows me around
i tried to feed it meat but no dice
the start screen said something cool about befriending them...i wish i remembered what exactly!
ooh there's a quest here to catch the Giant horse...im gonna try it
im riding jemma now as well :3 these places have easy access for horses and i'm not as compulsive in my investigation of Every Single Thing so thats nice
nooooo there's a lynel in the way ;_;
even IF i snuck past it to GET the horse to REGISTER it i never could
i have to fight it. i have no choice
gotta get jemma out of harm's way first
im so nervous )))):
but i put on my soldier's gear and atk helm and drank a defense elixir and gave myself extra hearts so!!!!! hopefully!!!! it'll be ok!!!!!!!
i did it!!! it actually wasn't even too bad with the elixir and the armor
this is gonna be a long boring walk...highkey tempted to go get jemma but im afraid she would get hurt. and like. i know, i can revive her. but god.
god i bet this WHOLE LANE is full of them
good thing i didn't bring jemma
beat him!! Not Even That Bad
and it looks just like ganondorf's, which my brother spoiled for me hahaha
ohhh my god im so nervous. him Big
i know it takes at least two full wheels to soothe him, which i have, but i brought potions too, like i just happened to cook some up last time
GOD I DID IT but okay jfc this is only the beginning i still gotta get him aaaaall the way back to the stable ;_;
and you have to do it at the slowest speed or he'll buck you i think
oh my god oh my god
we did manage a light trot a few times but i don't wanan risk it too much
i soothe it every time it does what i ask haha and it's given me the hearts many times!! so that's a good sign
so far so good abt halfway there
and shocked him!! poor baby
fucking HELL he ran away
i caught up to him and thank god he let me get right back on
maybe i'll get off and feed him some apples tbh
thank god i cleared out so many of these enemies beforehand tbh
tho i noticed lol the coyotes ran away from it maybe more things do!!
oh my god so i’ve been seeing bigass skeletons on the ground but they don’t move and i thought it was decoration or w/e, rightbut i rode past one on the way to catch the horse, and rode past it AGAIN on the way back, and IT’S A FUCKING HINOX SKELETON UP WALKING AROUND fuck no i’m glad we’re up on a cluff and it can’t see useven the live ones just sleep all the time my dude what the fuck?
we took the last third of the way at a light trot so we're making progress!
uh holy shit apparently im already at max bond?? god Damn
oooh my gosh what do i NAME him
ganondorf's horse doesn't have a canonical name...
king of something?? idk if i even have room
thief by itself seems a little underwhelming...
ooh maybe phantom? for phantom ganon
midnight is too common, something with flames or fire could be cool for the mane but
i think phantom is what we'll go with
oh my god i'm trying the obstacle course with phantom and i LOVE this horse he turns SO well
AND once he gets to top speed, which admittedly isn't fast, he can stay there forever bc unlimited stamina!!
i still can't do the obstacle course lol the horse just straight up goes around the things most of the time and i looked up like, tips online, and apparently it's really fucking buggy, so, no. i got better things to do
LMAO so im going up to lake hylia finally and i have already run over so many birds this guy can trample anything hes a Big strong Boy i love him
oh hey there's a zora out here at this island!
ohhhh my gosh dude farosh is here at the lake too !! man he is. so cool
he? she? i saw someone online refer to them as shes
theyre named after goddeses but dragons were always boys in this series
i like girls better tho so
she doesn't stay very long here
like, she leaves very quickly as opposed to down in faron where i've seen her circle many times
oh god im at the ruined village again where i saw my first blood moon... #cursed
at least it's daytime now
omg a super fire rod. a meteor rod. #nice
lol wizzrobes are easy to fight you just use the proper elemental arrow and don't let them see you. if they DO see you you die tho
now that im not pissing myself in sheer terror these ruins make me Sad jesus christ im so sad for all of hyrule
BRUH there's a stone talus here!!!!
ugh i wanted to mark the miniboss spot but im OUT OF STAMPS
guess i can't mark cooking pots after all but with the interactive map + my sheikah sensor if i ever TRULY need to find one that should be ok i guess :/
/unmarks them all, SADLY!
killed the talus without even using any special food, haha - don’t have to be afraid of them anymore! becoming less afraid of red lynels, can’t wait for the day when i’m not afraid of guardians
there's a korok seed puzzle here where you have to roll a boulder UP a hill are yu fucking kidding me
ooh maybe i could have used stasis from up there...lmao fuck
maybe i can use it from down here
i hate using stasis tho like it fucks up your weapons and i know i said i need to break some but that's just WASTEFUL
wow and it didn't do anything from down here anyway. ok i'll just come back to this :/
hey and that's all of lake hylia explored :')
tomorrow: gerudo desert!!!! me: HYPE!!!!!!!
well actually my brother's visiting so tomorrow: amiibo, but. yeah.
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7/3/19 11:39pm the aftermath
Spencer and i broke up today.
I am so exhausted. My eyes hurt from crying. My chest hurts from breathing and thinking and seeing him. I feel hollow but also so fucking heavy i can’t move. I feel hurt, i feel frustrated, i feel confused and i feel so fucking angry that this is happening one of the weekends i was looking forward to the most this summer. I am really really frustrated and really sad.
I had been in costa rica for like 10 days. I was so excited to see him. I just landed at the airportand he texted that he was on his way to my house and i was excited that i would have most of the day and the night to be with him. I would get to talk about the trip and be excited and kiss him and talk about the larp.
Fuck i just wish he could express anything ever. Fuck.
Where was i? I got home, i was trying on larp stuff and being excited and he got there and he seemed normal and we went to my room and i changed back into normal clothes and he sat on the other end of my bed and i was motioning for him to sit with me and he moved to still sit across from me and i was like what’s up?
And he just sat there holding my hands and stuttering and trying to speak and stopping and then i said,
Are you trying to break up with me?
And he said yes, I’m sorry. And i just felt like confused and like aw he’s having trouble speaking but also what are you doing?
And then i was like why? Why are you doing this right now, we have such a fun weekend planned and we have a party tomorrow and a larp and all this to celebrate together, why are you doing this now? You couldn’t have waited until after our fun weekend, until after my fun weekend? Until after i could do the stuff i had been so excited about and planning and planning with you? You couldn’t have waited??
Theres never a good time..
There fuckin is, it’s called ANY of the times i brought it up to you that thigs weren’t working. ANY of the times i said we weren’t communication well. ANY of the times i said i wasn’t happy or that we’re so different or that we just love differently. THATS when you mention the fact that you feel that way too. You fucking. Tell. Me. You fucking say hey I’ve been feeling that way too, we are super different, our communication doesn’t work well together, idk if I’ve been super happy. You fucking say something then. You don’t calm me down over and over saying that we’ll work it out we’ll work it out and then drop this on me literally an hour after i get home from a trip and before this really fun weekend that i would have liked to enjoy. I really was looking forward to this stuff and now you fucking ruined it. I’m not the kind of person who deals with shit by going out partying and pretending everything is fine. I fucking know it’s not fine and i see peoples faces looking at me with the “how ya doin?” face and the pity and the “oh wheres spencer?”
Dude, fuck you.
It’s not like i didn’t also think the relationship wasn’t working. I went back and forth so many times on whether or not to end it or stick it out, but i wouldn’t have fucking dropped it on you right before you had a bunch of important shit to do
Fuck you
Of course i knew it wasn’t working, we been knew. It hasn’t been working since the start frankly, we don’t communicate cohesively. I actually have emotions? And talk about them? And want to hear how you feel about stuff? What a fucking concept???
Fuckkkk youuu
I actually cared enough to go out of my way all the damn time to do what you needed, and show you how i felt, and love you the way you receive it best. Where was my gesture? Where was forthought into doing something for me? Where were any words that actually came from your heart and not phrases that i said were special to me?
Dude, fuck you man.
I’m angry. I’m really really frustrated because we talked so many times about when i was having doubts and when i was feeling like we needed help and we needed to fix shit and where i asked you over and over AND OVER!! HOW YOU FELT! That’s when you fuckig say something! You fucking tell me hey I’ve been having some doubtsabout the relationship and I’m not sure if I’m happy, and then we would have talked, seen that we felt the same way, and ended things respectfully together. But instead, you kept that shit in for months so you could blindside me before i have shit to do
How do you expect relationships to go? We small talk, fuck, eat, and sleep? And give each other space but don’t ever text or talk while we’re apart? What kind of relationship is that?
Beat change
What kind of relationship was i settling for? With someone who, not wouldn’t, but couldn’t share their feelings. Someone who was incable of really anything involving emotional intelligence. Someone who RARELY asked me how i was doing or what i was thinking about or how i was feeling. Never asked about my past, never knew HUGE pieces of who i am because he never bothered to dig around? He never knew about my depression, or the self harm, or the eating disorder, just a few. So many parts of what ultimately made me me and he just never asked. I asked about him CONSTANTLY and i could never get much.
What kind of relationship was i settling for? Where i have to do so much fucking legwork to get the affection i need and so much effort to train him how to respond to a text in less than an hour. What was i settling for? Because he was the one? Hell no, we been knew this was casual from the start
We weren’t even dating! We weren’t a couple! We were hooking up and then YOU decided you liked me more and YOU decided you wanted to be exclusive and YOU wanted me to be your girlfriend and YOU initiated all those conversations that got us here. And then YOU have the audacity (I’m being dramatic) to step out after you decide theres no fixing us when you didn’t even give it a fair shot. When i brought up how to make us better and how i asked how you felt about every little thing just to gain an inch of insight into what the fuck was ever on your mind.
What kind of relationship was i settling for? Where i had to stretch to get reassurance. Where i had to stretch to get validation. Where no compliment came free or unprovoked. Basically everything you ever told me was because i fucking prompted you to speak. If i hadn’t, we wouldn’t. If i didn’t start a conversation, there was no conversation.
God i am so fucking angry about it. Yes I’m sad and we’ll get to that, but I’m really fucking angry. And i feel guilty because i want to shut down and not be social but i feel like people are fucking relying on me to show up to stuff and drive people to things and camp and do all this and i fuckiiiiinnnggg wanna just not.
But i can’t be a hermit because then i let everyone down. If i bail that means mark has no ride or tent and julia won’t go and shell be bummed and shea will be mad because I’ll miss another fucking larp and everything falls on me
But if i go, i know myself, and I’m gunna be a fucking wreck the whole time. I’m gunna be crying and not wanting to participate and I’m gunna have to watch all the couples be happy and be like “so wheres spencer? What happened? Are you okay?”
I hate are you okay.
Fuckin..???? Like..???? Naw?? I got dumped before a bunch of shit i was super excited for and now can’t be excited because I’m heartbroken and have to do all this shit without him after getting my hopes up that he would go and it would be so romantic and right up our alley and so fun.. and now it’s fucking ruined and everytime i think about the larp, i think about how many people are counting on me to go and how people will say they understand but are also super disappointed and secretly hate me for throwing a wrench in our plans
I’m mad because he knew how important this weekend was to me, that i literally cut my family vacation short to spend time with him, and i can’t even get to enjoy it with my friends now cuz i swear theyre all gunna be looking at me and thinking ah shit is she ok, should we say something, is she drinking too much, is she eating too much, is she blinking too much, hey are you okay?
I’m frustrated too because i swear i went back and forth on breaking up with him so much and i can’t believe he’s the one who did it, and blindsided me, and ruined my fun weekend. I literally texted mark like a week before my trip in a frenzy like I NEED TO BREAKUP WITH SPENCER! And he talked me down. Yah, mark talked me down. Who always seemed to hate spencer and not like that we were dating, he fucking talked me out of ending it. MARK.
Dude, fuck you, right now. Fuck you for not being about to just talk to me. Fuck sake, it can’t seriously be that difficult to have an emotion formed into a single thought right? I do it constantly. How hard is it to say “i feel like we’re having problems” or “I’m struggling” or fucking anything. Nah, just keep it in and unleash it on the worst time possible. Sounds super.
Fuck you man.
Ima go to bathroom or something. I need to walk this off. Fuck I’m so angry
Also, fuck you for the corny friend line near the end
“I hope that someday-“ “i swear to god if you say that we can still be friends..” “well.. yeah, id like to”
Like, fuck me gently with a chainsaw, i don’t wanna be your friend, dude. We don’t really have a lot in common, it’s kinda part of why we’re breaking up, remember?
The couples who usually stay friends after a breakup are the ones who have a ton in common and lose attraction for each other, whereas spence and i have eh not a lot a lot in common, and i reaaallyy attracted to him. That pairing doesn’t bode for great friends. That sets us up to be like fuck buddies again. No, i don’t wanna be friends. At least not now. I basically said we’ll cross that bridge when we get there, but honestly, fuck that noise, ok? That’s basically u saying that I’m not attractive and that youd be fine just hanging out in groups and hitting on my friends.
I’m glad i asked about romy tho. I always thought he had a thing for her and maybe that was why he wanted to end things. Theyd make a good match i guess. Both of them are incapable of expressing any emotions and are crazy stoners.
Man i am not gunna miss the potheads. Omigod. I worry so fucking much about his health and I’ve told him many times. Youll notice, if you read the records back, not once has he expressed interest in my health. Never commented on drinking or working out or anything really. Never worried about my safety ever. Not even after i was sexually assaulted, which i know is a low blow, but honestly..??? Where was the concern? Where was the fuck that guy attitude? If someone had groped spencer, you better believe i would say some shit. I would fucking destroy them. I wouldve done anything to keep him safe, including getting sexually assaulted so that i could get his drunk ass home. Whos gunna carry you back to your dorm anymore? Whos gunna take care of you when you’re throwing up from alcohol poisoning? Won’t be ANY of the people in your inner circle, I’ll tell you that much. Your friends don’t give a shit about your health and it shows and it broke my heart everytime. I watched your friends ignore you vomiting.
I watched your friends ignore you vomiting.
And then offer you weed. Then you threw up again and they passed out. Ffucking what? call me overattentive, but thank god you had me those nights. When you passed out drunk behind a tent at BFtR or when you got too high at a wonderland party or when you drank too much at the alpha toga party and were throwing up in ralphs bags while your friends IGNORED YOU. whos gunna do that for you now? Are you gunna end up dead after a delta party one day because your friends don’t give a shit about you? I worried about this NONSTOP. Because i cared so much about you, and i still do. And i would worry every time youd leave the house and go to bars or whatever because i know that something like that is going to happen again, and I’m not gunna be there to pick up the pieces and give you a placw to sleep and make sure you drink water and take medicine and care about you. Tell me which one of your “friendsl is going to care about you the way i did. Cuz I’ve watched them all fail that test frankly and it breaks my heart.
But i guess.. that’s not my problem anymore. The days of getting you home safe after one too many is over. The nights of staying up till 5 am holding your hair up are over. The conversations I’ve tried to have about your health and hoping youd change those habits is over. Cuz it can’t be my problem anymore. Cuz i can’t watch you kill yourself anymore. I can’t watch you poison yourself everyday anymore. I can’t watch you hurt and hurt and shove it all down anymore. I can’t do it. I can’t watch you be high anymore. I can’t look at you with your eyes drooping anymore. I can’t worry about you taking weird drugs and acid and wondering if you’re okay anymore. Cuz I’m not your girlfriend anymore, and i can’t be your friend either. But i hope you get such a friend soon. I hope you find a better person to look after you a little. Cuz I’ve watched too many of your “friends” just inable you to do dumb dangerous shit. I can’t watch it anymore
I’m not gunna fight for us to stay together. I’m not gunna ask you to reconsider. I’m gunna (try to) not reach out. I don’t wanna talk. Theres nothing more to say. Anything else, all of this, is just me being angry. And needing to get out anger, but it doesn’t ever need to see him. He doesn’t need to hear how I’m feeling. He doesn’t need to see me suffer. He doesn’t need to hear that I’m angry or sad or doing well. He feels enough guilt as it is, and i don’t need to add to it.
But i can still be angry. And i can still be sad. And at some point, I’m gunna do okay. Because that’s how this shit goes. You go up and you go down and you have friends, real friends, there to catch you. And i hope you do too.
For now, it’s too hard. It’s too hard to look at my instagram with pictures of you. It’s too hard to see your face. It’s too hard to think about what to do about your mom and sister that follow me. It’s too hard to think about if i want to take the pictures down.. cuz what if you do..
I guess i should probably sleep.. but i just feel really fucking hollow. And really fucking heavy. And really fucking tired. But really fucking sad... like really fucking sad..
And i bet he’s feeling none of it. Cuz that’s what he does. He pushes everything away and never talks about how things affect him.
As we were talking, he said that this was the most he’s cried in the past years combined. And considering the last year he had, that is really fucking sad. In some ways it’s nice to know i had a big impact, but also like.. god.. he needs to be talking to someone. He needs a therapist. He needs help. He says he doesn’t, but he does. We dated for 10 months and he couldn’t talk about his dad. We never talked about my past. He really scimmed the surface of what a connection should be, and that’s really sad. And he ended it before he could make some real improvement because he was getting better.. really slowly but he was.
Idk what to do with myself. Idk how to feel or what to say or who to say it to. I want to sleep and i want to do yoga tomorrow. And i want to figure it out from there.
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opepin · 7 years
august: week four
21: i woke up at 8:30 am and then did 30 minutes of hiit and it killed me LOL. my body felt up for it though and there was a bunch of sweating. i showered and then ate breakfast and woke kevin up. we both wfh’d today because we wanted to see the eclipse together :) plus, dave would be out until wednesday. i ordered my nike free tr7s from zappos and then i did some internet errands and started to go over some training stuff for tomorrow. x_x; it was a really chill day because everyone was too preoccupied with the solar eclipse haha. i got off a really short stand up and then kevin and i brought our leftovers outside to eat. we had the lobster and garlic bread for lunch outside in the courtyard while watching the eclipse. it was nice :) then we cleaned up and went back in. i think i was mainly distracted when i got back. i started feeling pretty crappy in the stomach area and i felt nauseous after a while too. ugh, these period symptoms got me going crazy this week. i laid down for a while and did my best to get through a call that phil led, which wasn’t too bad. then i did some window shopping on reformation clothing’s website and kevin helped me decide against buying a new dress LOL.
i had to try on my dress with my heels to restrain myself from buying another dress. when i felt a bit better, i worked out my legs and kevin went to cook. i showered and then watched agents of shield while kevin did his thang in the kitchen. he made taiwanese beef noodle soup because i have been craving it and i needed some tender lovin’ from soups for my stomach. i ate a lot today tbh, but i think i worked out enough to balance out the calories. i didn’t feel like i overate though? lol. idk. we watched more agents of shield and then i got a really bad tension headache. i laid there while watching another episode before calling it quits and brushing my teeth and washing the dishes. i hopped into bed and just ko’d because my head really hurt. i went to sleep at around 12:30 am.
22: i woke up at 8 am and just went on instagram to get to the eggie clothing launch. i was upset to find out that the one shirt i really wanted was sold out of smalls already :( so i decided not to get anything. lol this choice haunted me for the rest of the morning and afternoon T_T i should have gotten an xsmall. anyway, i spent 20 minutes on that in the morning and then did a low impact workout so i don’t kill my body from doing too many hiit workouts. then i showered, ate breakfast, and kevin left for work and then i hopped on the first call of the day. it was just me and a client and it went really well. she was super understanding! then i did some emailing and more regretting LOL. ugh, i need that black blazer and eggie tee and the try again tee in blush -- i guess i have to wait now. i also made another uniqlo order because the jeans i wanted were on sale and i tossed in 2 mock neck ribbed crops tops in there for only $3.80 each ;D lol sigh.
my second meeting of the day was rescheduled for tomorrow so i took this time to reassess my work stuff and do some internet errands. i watched agents of shield while working and then hopped on the third call of the day and right after, went on stand up that lasted an hour... haha... i continued watching agents of shield and then did a 40 minute back / arm workout. i showered and then chilled for the rest of the evening. it’s nice getting things done early. kevin came back from climbing, i washed the dishes, and he made dan dan noodles. we watched more agents of shield and then he went to game and i watched another episode. lol, i feel like i can’t trust anyone in that show anymore T_T i called it a night at 11 pm. i brushed my teeth and ko’d in bed at around 11:30 am. zzzz.
23: i woke up pretty energized but i checked my phone and happened to check my chase account and i got charged a service fee -__-” so i had to deal with that later on in the morning. first thing’s first though -- i did a kickboxing workout, showered, and ate breakfast. then i hopped on the train and the man sitting next to me reeked of smoke and body odor T____T it was the most unpleasant train ride to work that i’ve ever experienced... i got to work at around 9:30 am and then went into a telephone booth to figure out this darn chase thing. the customer representative was not helpful at all so i sent chase a secure message asking for a first time fee waiver. then i talked to dave about the eclipse and started prepping for my prep call with phil, ahha. my call went really well. we got a lot of work done and i feel more confident of doing training on my own now. well, we only got through one section of it but we’ll schedule more time later.
it was a very quiet day but i bumped into cait in the kitchen and talked with her for a bit. joe came in the afternoon and we talked for a bit. we got on stand up and after that, i finished my work (had to erase some templates to make more space) and then packed up and walked to kevin. we met on the bridge and walked to south station and went home. we had a small argument about accessing saving account money with atm cards and/or debit cards. i got mad because i hate it when he’s right because he thinks he’s right all the time. -__-” we both turned out to be right and kevin kept teasing me which made me even angrier. so we talked about it when we got home and then i took like an hour nap in the bed with kevin while he read and/or gamed. then he went for a run and i did my oblique workout. i showered first and then chilled for the rest of the day. kevin made eggs and chives and this new green bean recipe for dinner. we watched agents of shield and then kevin went to game and i watched a bit more before going to sleep. zzzz. it was nice coming home early and just cuddling with kevin (:
24: this was the first time in a while where i turned off my alarm and ko’d right away. luckily, i only woke up 15 minutes later and then i got up and did my low-impact workout for the morning. i took my time getting to work resulting in me getting there later than usual, but i let dave know and i skyped him on the train to ask for more work to do. i started working on a journey map and creating a few icons :) i changed into glasses again today to gauge how comfortable my eyes are with the computer again and wearing them constantly. my prescription is high so i’m still getting used to it. dave had to step out for a bit and then i bumped into a bug that byron had to fix himself so i tried walking to uniqlo with my glasses during this “break” but walked back because my eyes felt really tired and it was too bright outside with too many moving people.... oh, also i felt bad for using about an hour’s worth of work time to walk there while dave was dealing with something.
so i walked back and then worked on the map some more. byron fixed it fairly quickly! dave got back before 4 pm so it’s a good thing i didn’t leave for long. my eyes felt tired so i took my glasses off for a bit and rested them. i’ll walk to uniqlo after work and take my time; kevin won’t be back until 8 pm because he’s climbing today so i’ll have enough time to get my stuff, go back home, exercise, and get the chicken thighs in the oven. ;D there was only one hour left of work and i just had questions for dave so i did internet errands while dave finished a call. i talked with dave, made some changes, and then i was basically done for the day. i walked over to faneuil hall by memory and without my gps because my phone was at like 10% when i left the office. i picked up my order and tried on the items in the changing room. i took a while because i needed opinions on whether to keep the two shirts i got as well as the boyfriend slim fit jeans i got from uniqlo. i got two ‘yes’es from michelle and vivian so then i walked to downtown crossing and commuted home. i got back at like 6:40 pm.
i got my shipping box for my macbook pro trade-in as well as my new nike free tr 7s; tbh, i was kind of underwhelmed. :( i think it’s because there were too many color ways that were pretty nice but none that i loved. i went with the black / lava glow / anthracite color way, which i think is the nicest one that isn’t too girly. anyway, i was a bit rushed because i opened my packages, put my macbook in the box, tried on my shoes, ate a snack because i was pretty hungry, seasoned and put the chicken thighs into the oven, washed rice (and apparently forgot to hit cook Dx), put away and washed the dishes, and clean up all the boxes we have in the apartment. we have a ton of boxes in our apartment right now and we haven’t even begun moving LOL.
well, i managed that and then kevin got back home from climbing, showered, and i went straight into doing a free weight butt workout, which i love! it burns so good lolol. then i showered while the rice actually cooked and kevin and i ate dinner while watching agents of shield. he went to game and i continued watching. i stayed up until 1 am for some reason -- it felt like a weekend. i ended up going to bed at the same time as kevin, which happens rarely. :P he wants to do other things instead of just watching tv together so we’re gonna brainstorm what we can do. i think it’d be fun to game with each other, but also scary territory because most of the time, i’m a sore loser @_@; we’ll see!
25: it was a nice day to wfh. i woke up pretty sore so i just did some hip hop cardio in the morning. then i ate breakfast and showered. kevin left for work and i did some errands. i re-ordered my new nikes in a 7.5 because the 7s seem a bit too tight. then i started making wireframes for a new feature in ux360 while watching agents of shield! i finished the second season and the next one seems a bit weird... i got on a client call with dave and phil and then worked some more before stand up. i am very happy with my prototype right now and i spent more time adding in more functionality to it in axure (: ahhh, so much fun! after work, i ate a scallion bun as a snack and some chips while watching youtube videos. hm, i think what’s plaguing my mind right now is when eggie is going to restock the items i want LOL. i think i am in a fashion phase right now @_@; i did my workout, kevin got back home, and then we played a trivia game together. then i went to shower while kevin made dinner. we had a really late dinner because we played that game...lol oops. we didn’t watch anything while eating because we were starving. then kevin went on a run and i watched an episode of shield on my ipad before going to sleep... it was a nice start to the week. 
26: i woke up at 10 am and just took it easy this morning. kevin and i looked for coop games on steam and i did some internet errands. i ended up watching the rest of the digimon tri series that i forgot to watch. there’s still part 5 that’s not out yet, but now i’m excited. kevin gamed and then we meal planned and went grocery shopping. we stopped at kam man and bj’s and also got my car washed :) lol we’re still noobs at going to car washes. we got back home and then put everything away and started going through the games that kevin bought on steam. we played a lot of overcooked -- we both really liked it. then we started cooking dinner. kevin cooked the ribeye on the cast iron skillet and i made garlic mashed potatoes :) we ate dinner while watching agents of shield and then after digesting, i did my 45 minute workout. kevin tried getting me to play portal knights at like 12 am after he showered but i was so tired and i got grumpy because the set up took so long. i was tired and ko’d before 2 am. x__x; it was a pretty productive day though, and kevin’s idea of playing coop games together seems like it’s going well.
27: i woke up earlier than kevin again to clean the kitchen and bathroom. kevin did wake up earlier today though. we ate breakfast and after i put the fleece blankets in the wash, we went straight to gaming. we started playing the other coop games that kevin purchased yesterday. we gave portal knights another chance but it was meh. out of the ones that we played, we really liked ibb & obb and battleblock theater from this batch. then we went to get our thai massage! the massage was just ok today because a different person massaged me and she was either too gentle or too hard. i did get walked on though :O afterward, i started washing our clothes and then we ate lunch outside. then we continued to play games. i legit started crying while laughing while playing ibb & obb. i’m really bad at jumping but it was so funny. kevin asked what was wrong with me LOL. we stopped gaming at around 6 or 7 pm and kevin cooked off the last piece of steak while i did a 60 minute kickboxing routine. he ate while i worked out and then i went to shower and ate while watching agents of shield. kevin washed the dishes and then watched with me for a bit. i folded the clothes and stuff and then we continued gaming. we ended the night playing overcooked and battleblock theater until 11:30 pm. i went to sleep at like 12:30 am or something because i was still really excited about all the games we played together <3 hehe, it was a good idea to do this. it was a great weekend :)
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