#if I’m ever confused or concerned I just ask my gods about the issue and they give it to me straight
Ghostwriter was really asking for soup time at this point.
He had apologized for his first Christmas truce before, last year he even convinced Clockwork to help him make a copy of the original work he had ruined.
So why in god’s gracious earth did he wake up to Amity Park being in a hallmark movie.
Danny glared as the people milled about the center of town like they haven’t since the portal opening.
It was unnerving, the only thing really missing from the equation was some out of town love interest or something.
“Hey, excuse me.”
Tall and built with black hair and blue eyes.
Oh you got to be-
Dick tried to make himself look more charming as the guy he approached turned around.
When he heard that the justice league were getting concerning calls about a town In Illinois, he saw an out from the Christmas gala.
Sure Dick enjoyed the season, but the fact that he has to spend a large amount of the winter season putting up a front as the perfect firstborn was not something he wanted to do unless he had to.
That being said, the town was a bit unnerving. He hadn’t seen anything supernatural per say but the constant cheer is something he had only ever seen on the silver screen of his home. He had tried to approach several different people only to be met with seasons greetings and promptly ignored when as they ran off to do whatever small towns do for the holidays.
This guy at least wasn’t plastering a smile on his face.
“Hey, excuse me I’m new in town and looking around, my name is-“
“Let me guess, Rupert or Orlando or some shit.”
“Well it has to be pompous and annoying. It’s kind of a trend and shit last time I checked.”
“I have no clue what you’re talking about man I just wanted to ask-“
The man snorted as he left, throwing over his shoulder with a large amount of snark,
“For a tour around town? A place to stay? A friendly face? Sorry man, man but I’m not interested. The town square is full, ask someone else I have a date with a caffeine addiction.”
Dick watched a bit stupefied as the guy weaves into the ground and out of his eyesight.
“Well he seemed charming.”
Dick raised his phone to the earpiece and sighed,
“Yeah well, he’s the first person who didn’t sound like they weren’t on a script so far. I didn’t even know that midwesterners took Christmas so seriously. How long until you reach town Jay?”
I’m reaching midtown just about now. It looks like Santa took a shit on every-“
There was a sudden squeal of tires as the line cut.
Oh no.
Jason gasped as he tried to calm his breath glancing at the guy he almost hit on his bike.
Jesus Christ that was close.
“Shit man are you alright?”
“Peachy. Always liked pancakes and all that.”
Danny felt a blush hit him as the behemoth of a guy let out a snort. It was embarrassing that he didn’t notice the guy until he almost became a smear, the dude was built like a tank and wearing a red helmet.
“I shouldn’t’ve taken that turn that quickly.. sometimes forget I’m not at home.”
“Oh yeah? Where’s home for you?”
“Gotham if you believe that.”
“Explains why you drive like you’re chased by death.”
“You have no idea..”
He took off his helmet with another snort and shake of the head. A white wisp in a sea of black shook out while mirthful blue eyes met his.
“Name’s Jason. You are?”
The guy raised a brow mildly confused.
Danny took off before he was done with the sentence. He could feel eyes on his retreat for the second time today.
‘Jesus, smooth recovery Fenton.’
Tim rubbed his eyes as he listened to his older brothers bicker over the coms.
He couldn’t understand the issue with the surveillance! All the cameras and mics are properly functioning but for some reason everything is corrupted and it’s driving Tim up a wall!
A break, Tim needed a break from this Airbnb and something caffeinated.
‘Just ten minutes, ten minutes and he could get his drink, he could rant to his friends on the group chat afterwards and wait out the story. ‘
And with as much bravo as any tired young adult, he entered the shop.
Danny almost left the cafe as he heard another unfamiliar voice bellow out.
“What do you mean you don’t have coffee, it’s a coffee shop!”
Blue eyes, black hair, surprisingly smaller than the first two and eye bags that could rival Danny some nights.
Danny was done.
Fuck the treaty this was war.
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lady-ashfade · 3 months
I thought It Was Normal
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Percy Jackson character x male!reader (gods x reader) (platonic all)
╰・゚✧☽ reader: like klaus from TUA. reader is a little oc in this, but i couldn’t help it. I needed this because I got a funny idea.
╰・゚✧☽ warnings: short , me having little knowledge of what’s to come in the books, not canon just a silly idea
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Camp got new campers every year so it wasn’t like they thought anything of you. The only thing is, you looked too confused to be there, everything Chiron said you would would give him the strangest look. Percy happened to be passing by, you got a tour of camp just like he did. And you were a bit to loud with your words- and let’s face it. He’s a little nosy.
“So you’re saying all the gods just drop their kids off here- or, don’t give them attention until they do something they deem worthy?” You ask like you had no care.
“Really a great idea. Half gods with daddy and mommy issues running around in the same place. Doesn’t sound dangerous at all.” You comment and continued walking with a eye roll.
Percy was interested in you right after that. You made him laugh and shared his views when he first came here, and he still thought them. He didn’t have to wait long to introduce himself since you left Hermes cabin in a rush to get away from people.
You didn’t want to talk to him at first. He tried to introduce himself but you brushed him off and said you weren’t willing to speak.
“I know it’s a lot to take in, but I’m sure you’re parent will claim you.”
You stopped in your tracks and turn around and started to flail your arms. “I am human! I have no godly parent, not like you-. Honestly I wish I was because I would be less concerned about my future.”
“That’s new.” A girl’s voice popped up from behind you and out of no where. A girl with a cap in her hands yanked down from her head, she looked intimidating to you.
“Can you all do that? Just appear out of no where?” You asked slightly scared but amazed.
“Let’s go back to the part where you’re human,” Percy stepped forward like you were a bomb of some sort ready to explode. “Why are you here?” You scuffed and shrugged your shoulders.
“So, i happened to eat a crystal I found in the woods behind my house. It was weird and it had me hypnotized, surprised I didn’t break any teeth, and the next minute I know I’m seeing the dead. And these voices are talking to me, then I’m moved off to this camp.”
“Wait the dead?”
“The gods say I need training before I came to them. Which is weird because you think they would train me themselves…do you guys know what I should do? I have no clue why they want me.” You look at both of them for help but Percy is just staring with his mouth open and shocked. Annabeth looks annoyed and looking you up and down.
“Don’t piss them off.”  she was going to be great help.
Months go by and you grow closer to the trio. it was strange how you seemed to have more strength then a human, and could kept up in training with them. not once did you ever get claimed and it still surprised them to this day how you just become something out of the blue. They tried so hard to get their parents attention but you just- stumped upon something and had the gods interests?
yes, you were human. but no longer a human boy, but a god in training.
“did it have to be him? he’s more chaotic then your son Poseidon.” zues rubbed his temple as the gods watch down on you.
“fate is a funny thing brother.“
“I for one love the kid.” ares smirks as you trip percy and let out a vicious scream. nothing evil or mean behind it, just a adrenaline rush. but ares didn’t take it that why, you were going to be a monster.
“I’ll bless him soon, he should stay in my cabin.” Aphrodite smiles and played with her hair. 
“We all know he’s basically my child, the dead thing? Yeah, he’ll be staying with me in the underworld when it’s time.” Hades smirks at all of them.
and just like that the gods are starting a war all over again.
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Reader: stumbles upon a crystal
the voices: eat me!!
Reader: No!! Let me go!!
Reader then becomes a god.
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bg-brainrot · 4 months
Unraveling Plan Meet Immeasurable Insecurity (Astarion x GN!Tav)
Featuring: Astarion x Rogue!Tav
Series: Fits into Love at First Knife, AO3 link here
Rating: Teen
Summary: Tav tries their damnedest to propose, only to be rebuffed by Astarion at every single turn.
Tags: Astarion POV - alternating w/Rogue!Tav, POV Second Person, Gender-Neutral Pronouns, Fluff, Spawn Astarion, Post-Canon, Marriage Proposal, Mild Hurt/Comfort, insecurities
A/N: based on a request from a kind anon on Tumblr– "Would you ever consider writing a one-shot where Tav tries to propose to Astarion but keeps failing multiple times. But Tav doesn’t give up and raises the stakes higher and higher. Astarion will completely remain oblivious because he still has some self esteem issues (why would anyone want to marry him?) and is really confused why Tav is acting nervous around him."
I ended up taking it in a slightly different direction (based on the man’s self esteem issues as you pointed out, anon). Set an undetermined amount of years post BG3, post saving Karlach from Zariel, post-Lae’zel finishing the githyanki uprising so the gang's all here. I hope the kind anon still enjoys it!
Word count: ~5.6k
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Astarion first has an inkling that something is the matter when you sneak away from him.
Odd, he thinks, watching your retreating back. Usually they invite me along for this sort of skulking about.
But he understands, better than most, what a bit of privacy could afford someone who hasn’t had any in so long. So he watches you leave, pretending all the while that he hasn’t noticed a thing. Best not embarrass them, of course.
He brushes off the incident as an anomaly– after all, you continue to be your usual self upon your return. Neither of you speak of your absence, and you seem rather pleased with yourself, so he is pleased for you.
The next time he notices something is off he grows a tad more worried.
This time you don’t disappear, but you do spend a concerning amount of time staring at his hands, expression pensive.
“Darling,” he starts. He quickly tucks his hands under the Elfsong table that you both sit at and leans forward. “What are you doing?”
You blanch at the question– an uncharacteristic reaction to be sure. “Oh,” you sound startled, as if you’ve been caught doing something quite naughty. “Nothing at all. Just wondering if you’d done anything new with your nails? They look… nice.”
It’s a lie, that much is clear to Astarion. But it’s not typical that you lie so poorly. And why should you lie? No matter, you look flustered and gods does he love it when you look flustered– it happens so rarely that he feels the need to truly relish it. “Don’t they?” he asks, flourishing his hands in front of you now. “How did you know? I dipped them in an essence of ooze to thoroughly moisturize them.”
“Really?” Your bewilderment almost brings a laugh out of him.
“Gods no, my dear,” he says, reaching out from under the table and for your hands. “You seem quite out of sorts. Are you alright?”
“I’m fine,” you dismiss, staunchly avoiding eye contact with him.
Odd, he thinks again. Where is their usual daring now?
He’s forced to dismiss the thought as you flag down a waitress, ordering yourselves another bottle of wine.
Astarion becomes genuinely concerned when you return home late one night.
The two of you have grown comfortable together in your house, just on the outskirts of Baldur’s Gate, in a cozy corner of Rivington. The location allows you to continue your work with the guild, gives him plentiful access to any criminals that needed exsanguinating, and your former companions are never far.
It does mean that you will sometimes stay late in the city, working well into the sunlight hours– but you also know to send him a message on the days you stay out late. Otherwise your poor, beautiful vampire will waste away in worry.
“Where in the nine hells are they?” Astarion curses aloud on this particular dawning day. He’d tried sending a message to you, only to receive nothing back. He’d sent another to Shadowheart, again to silence. He considers trying someone less responsible like Karlach, when you finally burst through the front door.
“Oh! Astarion,” you say, surprise plain on your face. As if he wouldn’t be here, in your shared home no less, waiting for your arrival. “What are you still doing up?”
He watches you silently for a moment as you tuck something behind your back, straighten out uncomfortably. Then, with all of the annoyance he can muster, he rolls his eyes at you. “It’s lovely to see you too, my dear. It’s not as if I was worrying my gorgeous head off at the thought of you dead in some rank Baldurian gutter.”
“I’m sorry,” you say, shuffling around the room in a rather suspicious manner. “I lost track of time. I figured you would go to bed without me.”
Astarion can’t remember the last time he went to bed without at least knowing where you were. Even if he could, he suspects he really would rather not. “Darling, you know I need my warm-blooded lover by my side to enter my reverie. Besides, what could have possibly taken you so long?”
You hesitate, and something tugs at Astarion’s insides. He feels a sudden sense of fear, a dread that he may regret asking you this question. 
What if you’re upset at him, and this was your way to maintain space? What if you’ve finally, rationally taken a look at your situation and determined that no, you’d really rather not love a monster like himself? Or worse, what if you’d found someone else, someone who could bask in the daylight alongside you? Gods, the idea sends his undead heart plummeting.
Just as you’re about to open your mouth to answer, he rescinds his question, “Nevermind. I don’t want to know. I merely wanted to make sure you were alive. You’re looking as sprightly as ever, so I shall head to bed.”
He doesn’t wait for your response, heading to bed in a dramatic swirl and even more sensational thoughts. 
He’s right, he knows it to his core. You’ve found someone else, someone who can give you the life he never could. More than anything he wishes he had the courage to confront you, especially as all of your odd behavior clicks into place.
They snuck off to find a lover.
They were staring at my hands in the hopes that they were someone else’s.
They stayed out late to relish in another’s company.
They’re aloof because they’re leaving me and it’s all a matter of time.
It’s as plain as day. How could he have been so very, very blind?
You had concocted a nice, simple plan.
It involved a ring, a smattering of your closest friends, and a particularly prickly vampire. Ideally, the plan ended with the vampire agreeing to marry you.
Gods. The idea thrills you as much as it scares you: you are actually going to propose to Astarion.
After years together, you and Astarion are practically already married. This is merely a formality in your mind. But of course, for a man like Astarion, it's a formality that means only the utmost effort must be put in.
But, as it always goes in your life, your nice, simple fell apart.
The problem you're finding is that, after weeks of preparation and secretive planning, the man is being oddly distant. Distant and dismissive. It's almost as if he knows something is afoot, and he's utterly determined to make sure it doesn't happen.
Five times now he has thwarted your attempts at a proposal.
"Astarion," you had started the first time. "Would you like to take a walk in the park with me tonight?”
The look he’d given you was equal parts wary and panicked. So much so that you thought maybe you’d misspoken. But his response was measured enough. “No, thank you, darling. I’m afraid I’m quite spent today.” He gave you a yawn to illustrate his point, and you dropped the subject for the night.
You had had to send a message to Shadowheart to call off the trail of poisonous flowers that your friends were laying out for your stroll.
The next time, you had tried being a bit more casual in your attempt.
“Would you enjoy a day at the spa, Astarion?”
Again, he gave you a look that confused you. Frightened face, hackles raised– his only response was, “Why, darling, do I look that ghastly to you?”
“You know that’s not what I–”
“No matter,” he’d waved you off. “I am afraid I’m busy today.”
You’d sent a message to Karlach, telling her that the reservation of Baldur’s Gate’s spa was no longer needed.
The third time, you’d called in some more magical help.
“Astarion, what do you say to a moonlit picnic atop the roof of the Elfsong? We haven’t had one in a while.”
Appalled– utterly and truly aghast is the only way to describe the face he’d made. The words that followed didn't make you feel better either. “And why would we do that again after such a long while?”
Your stomach had roiled, worry settling in at his tone. “I thought it would be a chance to reminisce together.” Your tone stayed light, your smile just as friendly.
“It’s far too cold to bother with reminiscing,” he’d said, glowering at you. Looking at the hard set of his jaw, this is when you’d begun to worry that you’d done something to upset him.
“Is everything alright?” you’d asked, reaching out for his arm.
“It’s fine,” he’d replied, curtly, retreating from your grasp. “I just don’t want to be colder than I already am.”
You’d sent a message to Gale, instructing him to call off the magical skywriting over the Elfsong.
For your fourth attempt, you knew you needed someone with a slightly more forceful personality– and to perhaps lean a little less romantic.
“Astarion,” you’d begun, inflecting your tone with just the right amount of panic. “Lae’zel’s found a flock of mephits along the beach of Wyrm’s Crossing. She needs our help.”
“Mephits?” he’d asked, looking at you cautiously. “In Wyrm’s Crossing?”
“Yes,” you’d replied, nodding hurriedly. “We need to go now.”
He’d clicked his tongue at you and shaken his head. “As if Lae’zel couldn’t crush them all with a single swing. Seems to me like she’s grown lazy after all of her heroics.”
“Astarion,” you’d chided. “You know she will incredibly cross at us if she finds out you declined to help.”
“I’ll survive,” he’d said, returning to the book on his lap, hands turning paler than usual in a tense vice grip. “Probably.”
After, you’d sent a message to Lae’zel, instructing her to do as she pleased with the stash of fireworks on the beach.
The fifth time you’d grown genuinely, truly worried that something was wrong with Astarion because, by the gods, the man had refused to commit crime with you.
After so many failed attempts, you’d figured that you needed to go back to the roots of your relationship– to a simpler time when petty theft gave you some time alone together.
“I heard a rumor through the guild,” you’d said offhandedly over dinner. “A newly minted noble in the Upper City has quite the horde of wealth and very little security. What do you say that we pay them a visit, perhaps ‘relieve’ them of some of their wealth?”
Astarion had faltered, clearly tempted by your offer. But after nearly two weeks of avoiding going anywhere with you, he didn’t outright agree either. “And why would you need me for this particular job?”
The question had taken you aback. You’d never needed a reason to invite him along for crime of all things. It made you near certain that he knew what you were up to and that something about it was distasteful to him. Sweet hells, it made you nervous. “I, erm… well, I could use an extra pair of hands to carry it all, I suppose?”
“I could lend you my pack then,” he’d said, narrowing his eyes at you.
Why is he trying to avoid me? Have his feelings changed? you’d thought in fear. Aloud, you’d only doubled down. “Well, the company might be nice. And you know that your lockpicking is, somehow, better than mine.”
“I thought you said security was sparse,” he’d countered.
“Sparse doesn’t mean nonexistent.”
“Not much of a challenge then, is it?”
You had wanted to scream into the astral plane. Wanted to flip the table over his pretty pale face. Wanted to tell him, ‘You know what, I didn’t want to marry such a stubborn vampire anyway!’ – but you did none of those things. Because you love this man and, even when he’s being difficult, you do want to marry him.
So you had gritted your teeth and said, “Very well then. I shall borrow your pack.”
You’d sent a message to Wyll later to call off his father’s help with the upper city guards.
For your sixth attempt, you decide you first need to reconvene with your council– also known as your former companions. 
When you’d first met with them at the start of this whole ordeal, you’d snuck away from Astarion. It made you feel a bit guilty, sneaking around, hiding things from him, but the entire proposal was meant to be a fun surprise– one you are starting to suspect is a misguided effort. 
You profess as much aloud now that you’re meeting up with the five of them again, seated around the table in Jaheira’s kitchen. “Maybe there is no sixth attempt. Maybe I’ve overestimated the love between us.”
“Don’t say that,” Wyll says, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder, squeezing softly in reassurance. “Your love is strong. And together we will find a way to make this proposal work.”
You smile up at the man, one always so willing to believe in the power of a good love story. You’re almost sorry to be disappointing him– and the smut peddlers. Really, you’re sorry to be disappointing all of your friends. Each of your companions had been eager to help you in your endeavor, in their own ways, of course.
Gale had congratulated you prematurely at first, misunderstanding your Sending spell. But when you’d clarified, asked him for his help, he’d only been incredibly enthused, arriving the very next day, offering all manner of suggestions.
Karlach, for her part, was only ever excited, practically bouncing off the walls that two of her best mates may potentially tie the knot. At the low, low price of allowing her to be your person of honor, she was entirely at your disposal.
Lae’zel had been confused initially. In her mind, you were already committed to a life together. What was the purpose of this… proposal? Of marriage? But when you’d explained to her a bit, she’d been curious– and excited at the potential of catching Astarion off guard.
Shadowheart had seemed surprised when you’d asked. You weren’t already married? Alas, she’d gotten the plot of one of the many bawdy novels about you confused with real life. No matter, she was happy to help.
And, well, Wyll– when he returned from Avernus he’d been disappointed that you weren’t at the very least engaged yet. It was no shock or awe to him when you visited him for help. In fact, he had only given you a wry smile and said, “I knew you would be the one to cave.”
As for Jaheira, well, she was allowing you to use her house as a headquarters, but had proclaimed early, “Invite me to the wedding and I shall be there, but until then– well, this is for you lot to figure out.”
And gods were you having trouble figuring it out.
“I don’t know, Wyll. I’m worried Astarion may never revert back to normal at this rate,” you say, shaking your head.
“Was he ever normal?” Shadowheart asks with a soft snort. “Besides, he can be awfully dense at times, you may just need to ask him outright.”
“There is not a single realm in which Astarion says yes to a simple proposal,” you say, brows furrowing. “You know he’d want something flashy.”
Gale raises a finger sagely before countering, “Well, my friend, sometimes what we want and what we need are two different things. I’m inclined to agree that you may just need to pop the question.”
“What if…” you trail off, your worries from the past weeks bogging down your thoughts. Somehow, despite everything you’ve been through, this seems to be your toughest challenge yet. “Do you think he knows what I’m doing and is simply too afraid to reject me?” you ask the group, turning to each of them with pleading eyes. You’re honestly not sure you can take his rejection, especially after the last five rebuffs.
“Not a chance in the hells,” Karlach answers. “I think he’s being a right idiot, actually. And if he knew what was happening, he may even say yes before you can so much as get the question out.”
“Really?” Your mood lightens a bit, her harsh words slashing through the hardened doubts that have settled over your heart. 
“Is it any surprise to us that Astarion is incapable of seeing the truth before him?” Lae’zel says, rolling her eyes. “Such sharp skills, yet completely dull in the face of our efforts.”
“Again, we may just need a softer touch,” Shadowheart suggests, tilting her head at you.
You’re not sure what a softer touch might be, and, from the silence that follows, neither are any of your companions.
Your resident wizard is the first to break the silence. “I could always create a simulacra–”
“Gale,” Wyll interjects, politely. “I’m afraid I don’t think that’s much softer.”
“Right,” Gale says, leaning back in his seat.
Another long moment of silence and you’re truly starting to feel defeated. You hang your head a bit, thoughts filled with the image of a certain beautiful, pale elf’s mouth curling at you in distaste, forming a pronounced ‘no.’
“Soldier,” Karlach starts. You look up to see her smirking at you. “If he won’t willingly join you anywhere. I think we both know what you need to do.”
They are going to sink the final nail in the metaphorical coffin.
For nearly two weeks now, Astarion has successfully avoided his lover’s attempts to get together in a public space– likely what they saw was the best, most civil way to dispose of him. But, foolish as it is to cling to something like a withered love, Astarion doesn’t want this relationship to end.
Perhaps, if I can do this for long enough, they will change their mind, he thinks. Gods, that sounds pathetic, even for him.
Astarion was running out of excuses, and, worse yet, running out of willpower. What is the use in fighting the inevitable? he thinks, as he walks down the streets of Baldur’s Gate. It’s a moonlit night, and he’s on the prowl for a criminal to bite– he needs something, anything to distract him from his woes.
He turns the corner, on high alert.
Then again, a more selfish part of him counters. Why shouldn't you fight for your love? They were the first good thing to ever happen to you in this damned world.
That’s when he spots them– the-first-good-thing-to-ever-happen-to-him is hiding behind a bush directly before him, facing another alleyway. There are very few reasons that they would be out at this time of night, in the middle of this particular street of Baldur’s Gate. While they could be on a mission for the guild, he had last seen them at home, reading by the fire. It’s clear that they followed him, are waiting to ambush him.
Is this it? he thinks, eyes narrowing. His chest hurts, more than ought to be possible given his lack of beating heart. Is this how desperate they are to be rid of me? May as well go out with flair, I suppose…
Astarion sneaks forward, careful to remain outside of your field of view. He settles behind you in the darkness of the bush, watching you as you look out for him. Despite the ache in his heart, the clenching of his stomach, he can’t help but think of how lovely you look under the moonlight– of how lucky he has been to have had you.
If this truly is it, he thinks. I can’t wallow or cry. I shall hold my head high and consider myself fortunate to have met them. To have loved them. At least, he hopes he’s capable of such a performance. Because right now, quietly crouched next to you, he wants nothing more than to pull you into his arms, to beg you to reconsider.
But no. He refuses to look pathetic– not after the life he has lived.
So, after waiting with you for a few minutes, he leans forward into your personal space and asks, “Darling, what are you doing?”
Astarion is ready for your instincts to kick in, so when your knife is drawn in a flash and you’re lunging for him, he’s easily dodging backward, holding his hands up in peace. “Now, now darling, I thought we were past the knives at throats.”
“Astarion?” you ask, startled. “Sweet hells, you haven’t snuck up on me like that in years.”
“Yes, well,” he says, avoiding your eyes now. He’s surprised by how much gazing into them has weakened his composure already. “You also haven’t looked so utterly distracted by your own thoughts in years either.”
“What are you doing here?” you ask, ignoring his words. “I thought…”
Yes, dear, what did you think? he wants to ask, to catch you in the act with a cruel moment of revelation, to hurt you as much as you’re about to hurt him. But when he brings his eyes back to yours, he knows he can’t do that. While he’s still capable of maiming, killing, all manner of atrocities– he cannot hurt you. So he only says, “I was out hunting and I saw you hiding in a bush. What are you doing here?”
“I–” you falter, seemingly torn. Perhaps you’re having second thoughts. Perhaps this is his chance to keep you from breaking his cold, crumbling heart.
“Do you need assistance, dear?” he asks, ready and willing to show how much he would do for you. Anything, honestly, if it means you’ll stay by his side.
“Gods, I keep mucking this all up,” you mutter, head hanging in uncharacteristic defeat. “Maybe Shadowheart was right.”
What did that damned cleric do now? Is she the one you’re leaving him for? He’s about to make a reflexive, snide comment about her veritable barnyard of animals, but stops when he sees you sheath your blade. When you wipe a hand over your face in frustration.
Oh. You’re miserable. You wouldn’t look like this normally. You would never be this nervous, this stressed to see him– not unless his very presence had turned toxic. “I should go, shouldn’t I?” he asks, throat tight.
“No!” you say, reaching out a hand to keep him from leaving. Your grip is tight, painful in its panic, but he doesn’t complain. How could he when you look like this? 
More than anything, he wants this worry that lines your face to fade, the jittery movement of your hands to abate. So maybe it’s up to him to spark the beginning of the end… “Did you… have something you wanted to tell me?” he asks, swallowing down the fear that threatens to overwhelm him.
“I…” you gulp, bringing your second hand to join the first, loosening your grip. You raise your head, and he sees the tumult in your gaze. At the very least, you must care about him somewhat to stress yourself this much. “Astarion, please don’t be upset.”
How could he not? But, somehow, he manages a sad smile at you anyway. “As if I could ever be upset with you, my love.”
Then you drop to a knee in front of him.
“Astarion,” you say, voice shaking a bit with nerves. “I had wanted this to be something lovely. Something meaningful. But… I guess you love ruining plans, don’t you?”
“What,” he breathes out, confusion plain on his face. His red eyes dart between yours, as if trying to process a sudden, large shift. You suppose it would be a shift in your relationship, even if you were practically married already. If he even decided to say yes.
You release his arm with one hand, reaching into your side pouch for the small square box that’s waiting for you. Fingers less dexterous than usual, you fumble over clutching it, opening it single handedly. You’re not used to looking this foolish, and you can feel a heat over your cheeks, an anxious shake to your movements.
But before too long the box is open, a shining platinum band resting inside.
It looks like everything you’d hoped for in the moment– its inlaid red rubies catch the moonlight just beautifully. You’d spent weeks agonizing, wondering if you had picked the right one, imagining what it might look like were it to be placed on his perfect pale finger. Here and now, with this man standing before you, you know it would look exquisite.
“Astarion,” you start again, courage returning to you with that knowledge, some of the words you’d prepared coming back to your mind. “These past years together have been the best years of my life. You’re my best friend, my dual blade, and I love you more than I can even say. I don’t know what our future holds, but I would consider myself lucky to walk towards it with you at my side. So…” You pull the ring from the box, holding it up to the man you love with a smile. “Would you, Astarion Ancunín, do me the honor of marrying me?”
Astarion Ancunín, despite years of quick quips and sultry words, seems to be frozen in place, unable to speak.
You’re used to these moments, when he needs to process, but you’re not used to them when you’re on one knee, waiting for a response. “Astarion?” you hazard.
“You’re…” he says, face slack, mouth barely moving. “You’re proposing to me?”
It’s not a no, but it’s certainly not the reaction you’d be hoping for. “Erm, yes. Is that… distasteful to you?” You can feel your hand recoil somewhat, your smile slip.
His expression remains blank, lips slightly agape as he continues to take in the scene before him. “You– you don’t have a new lover? You’re not planning to leave me?”
“What?” Now it’s your turn to be flabbergasted. “Astarion, what are you talking about?”
The sigh that leaves him then could collapse a small house. “Sweet hells,” he says, face and body relaxing. “I thought… I thought that you were acting odd, like– like–”
“Like I was trying to surprise you with the magnificent proposal you deserve?” you respond, suddenly understanding his behavior and growing a smidge annoyed. “Like I didn’t want to propose to you behind some damned bushes?”
Astarion looks around, as if just now realizing where you are, what is happening. “Yes, now that you mention it, like that.”
You want to be upset, but then the man above you laughs. It’s light, breathy, and utterly relieved. “You were really worried, weren’t you?”
“Oh my sweet love, I was about ready to jump into an Oubliette,” he says, shaking his head ruefully.
“You thought I would leave you, just like that?” you ask, brows furrowing in concern. Maybe you should have just proposed in your living room.
“I wouldn’t blame you,” he says, looking down at you with a tinge of sadness in his smile. “I doubt that this was the life you were looking for, darling. As a matter of fact, are you… sure about this?” He eyes the ring in your hand, all but forgotten in his confusion.
You proffer it again, raising your hand a bit higher this time. “The only life I’m looking for is the one with you in it, Astarion. I am quite sure.”
His scarlet eyes dart between yours questioningly, and you merely stare back, staunch in your words and intent. “Even if I’m a fool that forced your hand– left you kneeling in the dirt?”
“We’ve done worse things on dirt, Astarion,” you say, smiling widening at the memory of the first time he’d told you he loved you. “If you’d like me to get out of the dirt though, you could answer my question: Would you marry me?”
Once more, he looks between your eyes, this time his are wide, open– daring to believe that his darkest fears are just that. Fears. Ones that you would vanquish without a second thought. How could he have been so blind to that. Moisture pools at the corner of his eyes at the realization.
So he drops to his knees, reaching for your face with his hands. In a single movement, he’s pulled you toward him, captured your lips with his with an undeniable longing. A longing to hold you in his hands for as long as he is able. A longing to taste your lips on his, each and every day. A longing to never be without you, to be yours until death do you part.
You respond to his kiss in kind, lips pressing against him with your own pent up longing. He distantly hears the ring’s box fall to the floor, feels your hand brush past his ear to clutch his hair. You kiss him like he’s the answer to every question you’ve ever had and he feels a small tear run down his face as his eyes squeeze tightly shut.
Gods he would never tire of kissing you.
I ought to respond, he thinks in the back of his head, as he moves his lips against yours.
Is this not response enough? he argues, not wanting to break apart from you, for even a moment.
No, it wouldn’t do to have any confusion, not after the past two weeks.
So, before he can forget himself, he pulls back from you, far enough to look into your eyes. “That was a ‘yes’ in case that wasn’t evident.”
You laugh, short and breathless. “Oh good,” you say, leaning back further and bringing up the ring between you. “Then may I?”
Astarion removes his left hand from your face, holds it out to you with a large, gleeful smile. “You may.”
You slip the ring onto his finger. It fits well, matches his eyes, looks positively sumptuous– as always, you know him too well. “It’s stunning,” he says, angling it one way then another.
“I’m glad you like it,” you say, smiling at the sight. “And that you didn’t catch me when I tried to sneak it past you.”
The vampire laughs, shaking his head free of his own silly thoughts. “I smashed your plans into tiny little pieces, didn’t I?”
You don’t say yes, but the look on your face is evidence enough. “I’ll tell you all about what you missed out on later. For now, we should, erm, go get our friends.”
“Go get our friends?” he asks, wondering what in the hells they have to do with all of this.
“Yes,” you say, planting a kiss on his hand before moving to get up. “They’re all in place for another one of these ill fated plans.”
“Ah,” he says, following you up. Then, realizing what you’ve said, he looks at you with concern. “Just what were you in this bush for?”
To your credit, you look abashed. But your words do nothing to lessen his concern. “Seeing as you were refusing to come with me, well, anywhere, we had to pivot our strategy.”
“Darling,” he starts, his tone a deceptive sweetness. “Whatever does that mean?”
“It was Karlach’s plan,” you say, as a means of explanation.
“Oh good. I’m sure whatever it was was perfectly sane then.”
Scratching at the back of your neck, you finally admit the plan, “I was going to give them a signal when you passed. Gale was going to make an illusory double of me getting kidnapped by the rest of them in disguise, then hopefully you would take chase to go save me, they would lose you just as you got to the Elfsong where I would be waiting…”
Astarion looks at you sharply, his mouth a disapproving line. “Really?”
“In retrospect, I can see the flaws in the plan,” you say, palms open. “But in my defense, I was getting desperate. Either way, we ought to go get them. Karlach seemed just about ready to explode from hiding that long.”
“Fine,” he says reluctantly. “This is what we get for having such imbeciles for friends.”
“Funny,” you start, holding out a hand to him. “They said the same about you.”
He takes your hand with an exaggerated eye roll, but can’t help the smile that comes over his face at the feeling of your fingers twining with his. “It’s a shame you had to resort to them for help.”
“I really needed it. You know, I have killed more people than I can count, but you have been my most challenging mark by far,” you say, dramatically as you begin to walk down the alleyway.
“Worse than the giant, world-ending brain?”
“Oh yes.”
The two of you walk in silence for a few steps before Astarion feels compelled to say one last thing before reaching your friends. “Darling, I truly am sorry I ruined all of your plans, but I must ask: Please don’t try to surprise me like this again.”
The expression on your face deflates a little, and you say, “I thought you would like something grand?”
He brings your hand up to his lips for a soft, reassuring peck. “Normally, yes. But, I love you so very much. I’m afraid it clouds my usually impeccable judgment.”
You don’t comment on his judgment, instead focusing on his proclamation of love. “I love you too. So, hopefully, there isn’t a second proposal.”
“One can only hope,” Astarion says with a laugh. “And, if there is, perhaps it’s my turn to do the proposing?”
“Love, if you surprise me, I may kill you,” you say, plainly.
“A risk I’ve always been willing to take, my dear,” the man replies, pulling on your hand. “Now, come. I think I can spot Wyll’s peeking eye from here.”
Hand-in-hand, the two of you walk toward your waiting friends, ready to tell them the good news.
It wasn’t the grand proposal you had envisioned. Nor was it even a particularly romantic one. But, somehow, it was still perfect, still loving, still the beautiful new beginning to the rest of your lives together.
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miela · 9 months
Shattered Memories
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Pairing: Peter Parker x Silk!Avenger!Stark!Reader Length: Series (Longish, maybe a little over 10 chapters) Series Genre(s): Romance with Dramatic and Comedic undertones (if you squint) Series Theme(s): Fluff, Angst, Smut Series Summary: After Peter sacrificed his identity for the sake of the world, five years go by before he finds you back in his life again. Series Warnings: Mentions of substance abuse, alcoholism, s*icidal thoughts, and possible abusive relationship (not Peter x Y/N) in later chapters. warnings subject to change. Please proceed with caution. Extra Content: One of my OCs are in here! Let me know if you want me to make a character list to reference.
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➼ divider by cafekitsune
In the sky there is a crackling sound as a jagged purple band of fluorescent and electric strips open in the air like someone took a knife and cut open the blue of the sky. Peter swung over by your friends, while you swung around the premise of the Statue of Liberty to make sure that no one was left behind from needing to go back to their proper universe. It was a crazy few days. It was a crazy week really. First, going to Italy on the school trip just for it to be interrupted demands from Fury to Mysterio making out Peter to be public enemy number one to this, fighting people from different dimensions just to fix everything.
Just as you thought things couldn’t get any worse, you weren’t prepared for what was next.
“You’re okay!” Michelle Jones-Watson, aka MJ, exclaimed once Peter swung by them. 
They all joined in on a group hug before Peter pulled back from them and studied them worriedly. “Are you okay?” He asked.
“Yeah, we’re okay.” MJ said with a sigh of relief. 
At that moment you swung down as well as you took off your spider mask while catching your breath. “Well, that was another successful adventure for the Iron Spider Gang!” 
MJ and Ned let out exhausted chuckles with you as Celina smiles big. Everyone looked exhausted and honestly you were exhausted. Your shoulders dropped in relief before Peter grabbed your face gently with his gloved hands, noticing the gash on the temple of your forehead above you eye. His touch took you by surprise as you looked up at him wondrously.
“Oh my god,” He exclaimed as he scanned your face for other injuries. “You’re bleeding…!” 
You had gotten the cut during the battle and you had gotten worse injuries before, and each and every time, Peter got so concerned…even if he was in worse condition.
“Oh this? ‘Tis nothing but a scratch, Parker.” You smiled softly. “I’m sure it’s already halfway healed.”
He looked into your eyes filled with worry and a hint of skepticism. “Are you sure?” He rubs his thumbs over the apples of your cheeks gently and lovingly.
“I’m fine,” You smile reassuringly. “I’m okay, I promise.”
His shoulders dropped in relief. “Okay….okay….good.” He then turned to look at yours and his friends, Ned, MJ and Celina, to make sure they were okay. They all gave him tight and thin lipped reassuring smiles and nods in response.
“Um…We should go then, right?” MJ asked after a moment. 
“Yeah,” You nodded. “I can summon the Quinjet and we can be home in no time.”
For a moment, Peter struggles to find the words to tell you guys the truth of how this mission will end. Thunder echoed in the sky as you all looked up to see the purple rips that dance across the sky. Doctor Stephen Strange, a sorcerer, was levitating in the sky casting a spell that is meant to solve the merging of the multiverse issue. 
Peter let out a deep sigh and closed his eyes and pursed his lips together for a moment before speaking those dreaded words that you never thought you would ever hear in your life. 
 “You’re gonna forget who I am.”
All four of you look at him confused. 
“What?” Ned asked, voicing what all of you were thinking. 
“Forget who you are…? What are you talking about?” MJ added.
Celina cocked her head to the side in confusion.
You, who has been through the craziest of situations and knew that anything and everything was possible due to your thankless job as an avenger, caught on to what he was meaning very quickly. You looked up at the purple rips, to Strange and then to the spell before looking at Peter horrified for an elaboration in hopes that he didn’t mean what you thought he meant. 
Peter noticed your expression and continued. “It’s okay. I’m gonna come and find you, and I’ll explain everything.” 
All your faces fall as you realize that he definitely meant what you were afraid of him meaning. 
“No…”  was all that you could manage coming out of your mouth. It sounded almost pleading. 
Peter cradled your face again and looked into your eyes with determination. “I’ll make you remember me, and it will be like none of this ever happened. Okay?”
MJ, in a slightly panicked state, replied. “Okay, but what if that doesn’t work?”
“Yeah!” you agreed, tearing up. “What if…What if that doesn’t work? What if we can’t remember you? I don’t want to do that. I don’t…I don’t wanna do that, Peter. I don’t want to do that…” You shook your head rapidly.
 “I know, (Y/N),” He cradled your face again and looked into your eyes sadly. “I know.”
“But…Is there not something we can do? We can come up with a plan or something! There’s always something we can do…We always find a way. Always. It's literally our job…!” You began thinking of other ways immediately. “What about…what about…” You were at a loss for words as you tried to scramble up an idea from your scattered brain.
Peter shook his head. “There’s nothing we can do.” He brushed his thumbs over your cheek and wiped away your tears before adding reassuringly. “But it’ll be okay.”
“No,” you say again, shaking your head rapidly again as your vision becomes blurred because of your tears. “No, no, no, no….no, Peter, please there must be another way.” you hold on to his arms with an iron grip as you start shaking in fear. “There’s always another way…!”
How could anyone think that you could accept this? You and Peter always had each other’s backs, especially in battle and on missions. You two were a perfect pair, a match made in heaven. How could you let yourself forget him? 
You wouldn’t let yourself forget him. 
You wanted to graduate with him. You wanted to enjoy the summer before college with him. You wanted to go school supply shopping with him and help him pick out stuff for his dorm room. You wanted to help him move in and set up his room and then spend the rest of the night watching your favorite movies together. You wanted to go to a halloween party with him as you wear matching costumes and be cute together as he introduces you to all of his new friends. You had a plan to make a friendsgiving and you wanted him to be there. You wanted to spend Christmas together and go ice skating and snowboarding. You wanted to move in together and spend the rest of your lives together.
But you couldn’t do all of that if you couldn’t remember who he was now could you? 
“We will find another way.” 
“No! Peter, I-I can’t accept this. What if it doesn't work?” You sniffled out as you let your mind race with the possibilities of what could go wrong with this horrendous plan. “You’ll be all alone…”
MJ tried to catch her breath, as Ned’s eyes brimmed with tears. Celina was silently crying. The air was thick but at the same time, it was way, way, way too thin. You felt both hot and cold at the same time and you could’ve sworn your body was going into shock over this.
“Hey, hey…” Peter cradled your face again. “Look at me.”
You looked up at him with sad eyes and a quivering lip. 
 “What’s your name?” He asked.
“(Y/N) S-stark.” You sniffled out.
“That’s right,” He smiled softly. “And what are you?”
“An Avenger.” 
“And what do Avengers do?”
“Save the world,” You replied again, you swallowed hard as you tried to not to scream and sob. “W-we save the world.”
“And how do we plan to do that?” he asked, referring to the two of you.
You recalled the day you both became the dynamic duo of the Avengers. You both had promised that you would always stick together no matter what. You both were two halves of one emotionally and biologically, since you both were bitten by the same spider. 
“Together,” You gave him a small smile remembering the first time you guys made that oath. “Until the bitter end. Like we promised.”
“And I keep my promises, yeah?” He smiled sweetly. “This isn’t the bitter end. Not yet. I will come and find you.” He glanced up at the others. “All of you.”
Ned looked down for a moment before speaking. “You promise?”
 Peter turned to Ned and looked at him with a reassuring smile. “Yeah,” He let go of your face and walked over to his best friend. “I promise.”
Peter and Ned did a bittersweet version of their special handshake. It was almost heartbreaking to see due to how…final it felt. Then Peter pulled Ned into a hug. 
“I’ll come find you, okay?”
“I know you will,” Ned smiled sadly. 
When they pulled back from the hug, Peter turns to MJ and Celina. He goes over by Celina first.
Celina’s shoulder shook as she hiccuped from crying. Peter worried for her since they’ve been attached at the hip since they were little. They were practically siblings and she would be losing the last of her family…and he would be losing the last of his. But he knew she would be in good hands with how strong the bond of your friends group was.
“Hey,” he started. “I know you’ve been thinking about training with Strange. I think you should do it, Who knows you might need to use a spell one day.” He smiled at her and petted her head endearingly. “You’ll do great out there. I'll always be your big bro, Celi.”
Her lip quivered as she nodded and hugged him tightly. He hugged her back and kissed her head. She’s always been like a little sister to him, despite them being the same age. Once she pulled back from the hug she went over to Ned and hugged him as she cried into his shoulder. Peter then turned to MJ. 
“You better come find us.” She sniffled. “If you don’t, I’m just gonna figure it out. I’ve done it before, I can do it again.” She let out a barely-there soft chuckle. “And I will do it again.”
He hugged her for a moment before saying. “I promise I’ll fix this mess.”
He turns back to you again as you look at him and nod knowingly. There was nothing you could do and you knew that this was for the greater good…even if you hated the hell out of the idea of it. 
“You better come find us, Parker. Do you hear me?” You said sternly as you poked his chest. “You better come find me. If you won’t then I’ll come find you myself. And If I have to come find you…I swear to the fucking heavens and Asgard, If I have to come find you…I’ll kick your ass into another dimens-” 
His lips were on yours in a deep, passionate and desperate kiss, and you returned the kiss back while wrapping your arms around his neck. He kissed you like it was the last time you guys would ever kiss and you returned the energy of the exchange. After a moment he reluctantly pulled back slowly and leaned his forehead on yours softly. 
“I really fucking hate magic,” You stated.
Peter laughed softly with a knowing grin. “Yeah,” He replied. “Me too.”
You guys stood there for a moment in each other’s arms in a moment of silence before you spoke up.
“I love you, Peter.” you said to him as you cradled his face as you looked into his eyes.
He looked back into your eyes sadly and endearingly. “I-I lov-”
“Just wait,” You interjected. “Hold on to it and tell me when you see me again.”
“Sure,” Peter responded. “As long as you promise that you won't think I’m some creep and kick my ass.”
You let out a laugh and looked down at your chest for a moment before you pulled at the chain that was under your suit revealing your necklace. You hold it in your hands in a fist for comfort as you close your eyes and sighed deeply with determination. It’s the necklace Peter gave you when you first told you that he loved you. It was a silver spider necklace with two red rubies on it. You thought it was both sweet as heck and corny as hell, but that’s what you loved about it and that’s what you loved about Peter. You unclasped the necklace and looked at it for a moment before putting it in his hand and pushing his fingers down to his palm gently so he could hold it. He looked at you wondrously in response. 
“Give this back to me once you find me.” You smiled softly. “I promise I'll remember you.”
The sky around you all began rumbling even more as the sorcerer did his work. The new spell was taking effect and you wish you could freeze time, just so you could memorize Peter’s face a little longer. Hold his hand a little longer. Kiss his lips a little longer. Although you never took for granted the time you both spent together, it still felt like there wasn’t enough time spent together.
Crazy how things can change in a blink of an eye.
You all looked at the sky for a moment before looking back to each other sadly and eyes full of hope that this was just some horrible, messed up nightmare. Peter and you met eyes and he pulled you into another passionate kiss and you returned the kiss back. After a moment he pulled back again, hating the idea of having to do it.
“I promise, I’ll give this back to you.” He whispered, trying not to cry. 
“I know you will,” You smiled sadly. “Or else I’ll take it back from you instead.”
He let out a choked laugh. 
“This isn’t goodbye,” He added. “Just a see you later.”
“I’ll see you later,” You choked out. “Call me around seven? The usual time?”
He chuckled. “Yeah,” he nodded. “I’ll explain everything then.” 
He planted a long soft kiss on your forehead before he pulled away and stepped back reluctantly. You let your fingers glide along his shoulders and arms and hands as he moved. You both hesitated for a moment before you held each other's hands for a long moment before letting go. The feeling was heartbreaking, agonizing and agoraphobic. You wanted nothing more than to latch yourself on to him and never let go as if that would force you to never forget him. 
You guys never broke eye contact for that entire moment as if you were trying to find a way to keep the connection between you two alive for as long as possible.
He sighed one last time and jumped onto the ledge you all were standing in behind and looked up at Strange, who nodded at him as a last goodbye. Peter had a knowing look on his face….a look of ultimate defeat and the acceptance of it. He looked back at you one last time, taking in your form like a photograph in his mind. 
Although you would forget him, he would never forget you.
You mouthed “I love you, Peter Parker.” With a reassuring smile.
He gave you a sad smile before swinging off the edge. It all hit you right then and there and you let out a choked sob as you collapsed onto the ground and cried so hard you thought your body was going to explode. You had lost so much…so, so much and now you had to lose something else…someone else.
You don’t remember your friends trying to catch you when your legs gave out on you, you don’t remember the spell passing through you, and it only took a moment before you didn’t remember why you were crying. 
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itsmealaiah · 5 months
I’m seriously having a baby fever rn and I need 2010tom x reader fluff😭
lol same 😭😭 crying together
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Thank you 💋💋 love youu
Tags/ warnings: reader taking a pregnancy test, being unsure, mention of abortion.
Your POV:
"Pregnant?" I repeat, my heart sinking. I'd missed a period, but I was sure it was just stress. Tom and I had been going through a rough patch lately, and I didn't want to make things worse. I stare down at the little pink stick, willing the word to disappear. But it doesn't. "Oh my god." I close my eyes, trying to process the information. "This can't be happening."
I don't know what to do. I can't tell Tom. He'll be furious. He'll leave me. I don't want to ruin our relationship, our family. We've already been through so much. I sink down onto the bathroom floor, wrapping my arms around my knees, feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders. I don't know how I'm going to get through this.
Maybe I should just get an abortion. It'll be like nothing ever happened. I close my eyes, tears stinging at the back of my throat. I'm scared and confused and heartbroken. I don't want to be a single mother. I don't want to give up on Tom. But what choice do I have?
I hear footsteps outside the bathroom door, and my heart leaps into my throat. Tom. I can't tell him now. I don't have the strength. I need time to figure this out on my own. I take a deep breath, steadying myself, and call out, "Just a minute, okay?" I need to buy myself some time. Some time to decide what I'm going to do.
Time passes slowly as I sit there, listening to the muffled sounds of Tom moving around in the other room. He's probably getting impatient, wondering what's taking me so long. I feel guilty for making him wait, but I can't help it. My mind is awhirl with thoughts and emotions, and I just can't seem to focus on anything else.
Finally, I force myself to stand up and open the door, trying to muster up a smile. "Sorry about that," I say, stepping out of the bathroom. "I wasn't feeling well." Tom frowns, clearly not buying it, but he doesn't press the issue. Instead, he takes my hand and leads me over to the couch.
"Are you sure you're okay?" he asks, his voice gentle. I want to tell him, but the words stick in my throat. I can't do this to him right now. I can't burden him with this news. "You know you can talk to me about anything, right?"
I nod, trying to meet his gaze, but I feel guilty for lying to him. "Yeah, I'm just…not feeling well today. That's all." I force a small laugh, trying to lighten the mood. But Tom doesn't seem convinced. He studies me for a moment, and I can see the concern in his eyes.
He leans in, his face close to mine, and brushes a stray hair from my forehead. "If you need anything, just let me know, okay?" he says softly. And in that moment, I realize that maybe I don't have to face this alone. Maybe Tom won't leave me after all.
But I can't tell him yet. Not until I'm sure. Not until I have a plan. So, instead, I force a smile and nod. "Thanks, I will."
The rest of the day passes in a blur. We don't talk about what happened in the bathroom, but there's an awkwardness between us that wasn't there before. I try to push the thoughts of the pregnancy test from my mind, focusing instead on my work and the things we need to do around the house. But it's hard to ignore the weight of my decision hanging over my head.
As the sun begins to set, Tom suggests we order in dinner. We sit on the couch together, watching TV, but I can feel the tension between us growing. I know I need to talk to him, but I'm terrified of what he'll say. Maybe if I just wait until tomorrow, until I'm sure of what I want to do, it'll be easier.
Later, as we're cleaning up the dishes, Tom turns to me, his expression serious. "y/n, we need to talk." My heart sinks, but I steel myself, bracing for the worst. "What's going on?" I ask, trying to sound casual.
Tom takes a deep breath, and then exhales slowly. "I want to make things right between us," he says. "I know I've been distant lately, and I'm sorry for that. But I want us to try and work things out." My heart soars at his words, but I can't help but feel a little cautious. "I love you, y/n," he continues, "and I don't want to lose you."
I look into his eyes, searching for any sign of deception, and find only sincerity. He truly means what he's saying. A wave of relief washes over me, and I realize that maybe, just maybe, there is hope for us after all.
"I love you too," I admit, my voice barely audible. "And I want things to work out between us, too. But we need to talk about what happened in the bathroom today."
Tom's expression clouds over for a moment, and I can see him bracing himself for what I'm about to say. "You found out something, didn't you?" he asks, his voice tight. "You took a pregnancy test, didn't you?"
I nod, feeling a lump forming in my throat. "I'm pregnant," I manage to say. "I don't know how it could have happened, but it did."
Tom takes a step back, his eyes wide with shock. For a moment, I'm afraid he's going to walk away from me, but then he takes a deep breath and slowly exhales. "Oh my God," he whispers. "Are you sure?"
I nod again, feeling tears welling up in my eyes. "I'm positive," I choke out. "I…I don't know what to do."
Tom reaches out to take my hands in his, his grip firm but gentle. "We'll figure it out together," he says, his voice steady. "We don't have to decide anything right now. We can talk to our families, we can see what our options are. We have time."
I look up at him, hope beginning to flicker in my chest. "You mean that?" I ask, my voice trembling. "You're not just saying that to be nice?"
Tom shakes his head, his expression solemn. "I mean it," he says. "I love you, and I'm in this with you, no matter what."
Something inside me breaks free, a weight lifting from my chest. I throw my arms around his neck, burying my face in his shoulder, tears streaming down my cheeks. "Thank you," I whisper. "Thank you for being here for me."
Tom holds me close, stroking my hair and whispering words of comfort and reassurance. "We'll get through this, y/n," he says. "We're in this together."
And for the first time in days, I believe him.
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chairwritexv · 1 year
Can i request platonic hc rottmnt little sibling reader who's admiring their older brother leo?
Like they love how cool he is, how calm in stress situations & how he even outsmarted big mama in battle nexus champion and counted for EVERYTHING.
Reader is trying their best to be just like them and this warms leo's heart and help him emotionally since reader is trusting him & looking up to him.
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ok so
he has self-esteem issues and- you wanting to be like him???
it helps his mental/emotional health so much not even kidding
means absolutely everything
don’t stop mk? mk
shows off for you ALL. THE. TIME. (it usually ends badly)
it annoys the crap out of his siblings
oh my god
means so much
he is SO smug about it on the outside tho
but inside
and the trusting thing?
someone actually looks up to him??? and trusts him???
extra sibling points for you
he’s so used to his family NOT trusting him with plans it’s expected at this point but then his little sibling is ACTUALLY showing trust and love and even wants to BE LIKE HIM?.???
he’s platonically in love
youre now his favorite sibling
you definitely play with his odachi pretending to be him when he’s not around
but when he saw you??.?
ducking. melted.
ABSOLUTELY teaches you how to use them bc he doesn’t want you to hurt yourself
if you hurt yourself he will drop the smug-ass act and tend to your wounds which he learned from donnie
will ‘scold you’ (tells you not to do that even tho it wasn’t on purpose)
then immediately goes back to teaching you
loves it sm
means absolutely everything
will protect you with his life
i mean he would before but ESPECIALLY now
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bonus blurb thingie for being one of the first 3 requests below !!
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you watched leo with awe in your eyes as he took down another foot clan member, his swords swing gracefully in the air as he decapitated the paper fiend, your eyes widening in wonder from behind the box as he did so. ok, so you weren’t technically supposed to be here. your brothers didn’t think you were ready to fight yet, which you were mostly fine with, but you just had to see your big brother leo in action!! he was your idol, basically. you looked up to him so much, he was just so awesome! you’d trust him with your life. i mean, you’d trust all your brothers with your life. but specifically leo. so, here you were. hiding behind a bunch of boxes and watching your brother kick ass. what could be better? well, maybe if that foot clan member hadn’t noticed you… the member’d snuck up behind you, ready to attack, unnoticed to you. you were too busy watching your brothers. until leo looked straight at you, his eyes, flashing to concern and worry as he used his swords to create a portal and jump through it. you tilted your head in slight confusion before you heard a noise behind you, you immediately turning around to see what it was. which was when you saw leo jump out of a portal and onto the foot clan member that was about to attack you. he swiftly cut the paper fiend in half, the paper bits flying around. after getting over the slight shock, you ran over and hugged leo, despite yourself. he jumped back, surprised before hugging you back. before he even had the chance to ask if you were alright, you’d already started singing his praises. “leo!!! that was awesome!!! thank you so much!! that was like- like amazing!! you’re like the best brother ever!! i’m gonna like- i-i’m gonna be like exactly like you when i’m older!!” as you rambled on, leo could feel his face heat up. he was awesome? someone wanted to be like- like him? you just gave the the confidence boost he didn’t know he needed. he didn’t say that, of course. he put on a smug smile and slung his arm around your shoulders, cutting off your rambling. “yep, i’m awesome~ c’mon lil sib, let’s get donnie to check on ya-“ “i’m fine-!” ”mmm, we’ll see…-“
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hope you enjoyed! thanks for requesting !!
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pedroscurls · 1 year
Title: The Teacher (Part 8).
CHAPTER TITLE: Ellie’s Truth
Character(s): Joel Miller, Reader, Ellie Miller Summary: You find out the truth about Ellie. Word Count: 2,115 Author's Note: I just want to thank everyone for still sticking with this story. I didn’t expect to take a hiatus, but a lot of (very difficult) moments in my life came up in the month of April. I’m glad to be back, glad to be writing again, and I hope you all enjoy.  Warning: None.
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You were walking towards your home when you noticed Ellie running straight to her little makeshift home with Joel trailing behind her, calling her name to no avail. 
Earlier that morning, Joel had walked into your house, concerned and frazzled that Ellie had left in the middle of the night and only leaving a note. While the two seemed to be in a heated argument, you were glad that they were both okay. 
“Joel? Everything okay?” You asked, seeing him look over at you when he finally noticed you.
“No.” Joel replied, not bothering to stop as he continued walking towards his own home.
That was new. Usually, Joel would greet you, give you a kiss, even if he had a tough day, but this felt different. While Joel and Ellie had their fair share of arguments, this one seemed to be more serious. You hadn’t ever seen Ellie that angry before.
You sighed to yourself, though. You didn’t want to pry or push the issue, so you kept walking to your home and up the steps of your porch. “Well, I’m here if you need anything, Joel.” You saw him give you a quick nod before he disappeared into his home. Walking inside your own, you shut the door behind you and made your way to the kitchen to get yourself a glass of water. However, before you could even grab yourself a glass, you heard a knock on your door. Expecting it to be Joel, you called out, “Come in!” 
Then, you heard her voice.
“God, I hate him! So much!” 
Ellie walked into your living, falling onto your couch. 
“Why does he always think he knows better?!” 
You poured water into two glasses, instead of one, and walked into the living room. “You wanna talk about it?” You asked, setting the glasses down on the coffee table and gently nudged her foot, motioning for her to sit up so that she could give you space to sit next to her. “I’m sure whatever he did, he had good intentions.”
Ellie shook her head immediately, sitting up and looking over in your direction. “Not this.”
“Well, he was worried when you left in the middle of the night, with just a note.”
“I needed to leave.”
“You could’ve gotten hurt, Ellie.”
“I’m immune!” She blurted out.
“What?” You asked, confused. “There’s no way that’s possible. What do you mean you’re immune?”
Ellie rolled up her sleeve, showing you the scarring beneath the newly drawn tattoo that Cat had been working on. It definitely looked like a bite mark, but as you glanced between the bite and Ellie, you noticed that Ellie hadn’t turned; she was fine. There was no hint of the bite mark taking its toll on her. You were at a loss for words – how was this possible?
“It’s old.” Ellie said, watching you closely. “The only ones who know are Joel, Tommy, and Maria.”
“Ellie, I don’t–” you sighed. “And you’re okay?”
“Considering everything, I guess.”
“I don’t even know what to say.” You admitted. “But I’m glad you’re okay.”
Ellie bit her lip, pulling her arm back and rolling the sleeve back down to cover the bite mark. “Joel– He was supposed to take me to the Fireflies,” she began. “They said– Marlene said they were going to make a cure and I would be the one to save the fucking world.”
You listened, watching the young girl pull her legs to her chest, resting her chin on her knees as she looked away from you. “After all we’ve been through, the people we lost, the people we hurt… And it was all for nothing.”
“What happened, Ellie?” 
Ellie shook her head, tears stinging her eyes. “Joel lied to me.”
“No, my life would have meant something!” She exclaimed, tears slowly falling from her face. “My life would have fucking mattered!” 
Your heart broke at the sight of Ellie breaking down, so you pulled her into your arms. She sobbed against you, surely staining your shirt with her tears. Her body trembled in your grasp and you simply tightened your arms around her.
“Your purpose in this life is not dependent on that,” you whispered softly. “Besides, who says you still can’t save the world?”
Ellie pulled back enough to look up at you. Confusion spread across her features. “What’s better than a cure?”
You shrugged. Ellie had a point, but making a cure in this world with limited resources? It was highly unlikely that it could have worked. 
“Listen, I won’t lie to you. A cure would be– It’d be great, but I’d rather live in this world with you in it than to live in a world without you.”
Ellie’s eyes softened and she hugged you so tight, holding onto you as if her life depended on it. 
“You find a new purpose,” you said, running your hand along her back. “And whatever that is, you put your all into it. You look down at your arm and you use that as a reminder of a second chance to do what you wanna do.”
“But,” Ellie mumbled. “What if I’m no good at what I choose to do?”
“Something tells me you’ll be good at anything you do, Ellie.” You smiled. “But if you fall, you get back up. No matter what, you always get back up.” You looked down at her, wiping her fallen tears. “This is your life, Ellie. You get to decide what you wanna do with it. No one else. Not the Fireflies. Not Joel. Not me. Only you, Ellie.”
She nodded, hugging you once more. Part of you felt sorry for Ellie – so young and she had been through so much, had been told most of her life what she was meant to do, what her life was supposed to mean, but another part of you understood why Joel did what he did – he had given Ellie the chance to live her life. 
“Can I stay with you tonight?”
“Sure, of course. How about you take my room and I’ll be out here?”
“Are you sure?” 
“Yes,” you smiled. “Now, why don’t you try to get some rest? You’ve been out all night.”
“You’re gonna talk to Joel, aren’t you?”
You nodded truthfully. “I’m sure he’s hurting too.”
Sighing, you shook your head. “Ellie…”
“I’m still mad at him.”
“I know, and you have every right to be, but I know deep down, you still care about him too.”
Ellie sighed, “unfortunately.”
“Okay, enough of that. Get some sleep. I’ll prepare some food and wake you once it’s done.”
Ellie stood from the couch and sighed. She grabbed the glass of water and looked over at you. “Thanks,” she said softly. “For not being weird about this and just… Just being there for me.”
You were on Joel’s doorstep, waiting for him to open the door after you knocked. When he finally opened the door, he was surprised to see you.
“Listen darlin’,” he sighed. “I just wanna be alone and–”
“Ellie told me. Now, can I come in?”
“Ellie told you?” Joel asked, slowly opening the door to let you in.
You walked inside, hearing the door close behind you. You looked around – nothing seemed out of the ordinary, the place wasn’t a mess, but you noticed a glass and a bottle of dark liquor on the coffee table. Joel didn’t drink often and when he did, it was always during dinner with family. If he went out to the Tipsy Bison, he would only have one, never indulging in more than that. And always, he drank beer. So, seeing the hard liquor on his table told you that this was affecting him more than you thought. 
“She’s immune,” you began, turning to face him. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Joel shrugged. “Didn’t know if I could trust you and well, this…” He added, pointing between himself and you. “This is still a bit new.”
You nodded. You could understand exactly where he was coming from – he just wanted to protect Ellie.
“She’s gonna stay with me for the night. Is that okay?”
Joel sighed and walked towards the living room, taking the glass from the table and downing its contents. “I’d rather her be here.” He sat on the couch, glancing over at you.
“She’s upset, Joel,” you replied, following him and sitting across from him.
“She wasn’t ever supposed to find out.”
“Joel,” you sighed. “What happened?”
Joel shook his head. He couldn’t even look at you. Instead, his eyes were focused on his hands. He looked deep in thought with his brows furrowed; you hadn’t ever seen Joel look like this before. 
“Listen, whatever happened– I’m not judging. You did what you needed to do, but Ellie doesn’t see that. At least not right now.”
“You don’t–” Joel began, shaking his head. “You don’t know… I killed everyone in that hospital to save her.” 
“I couldn’t lose another,” he whispered.
Joel didn’t respond. Instead, he just poured himself another drink. “You should go home, darlin’.”
“I know you’re used to me not prying, but this one affects Ellie.”
“I ain’t a good man and I meant that.”
“You saved Ellie, Joel…” You whispered. “What would have happened if you didn’t?”
“Marlene– She said the cordyceps spread, growing with Ellie as she got older… The only way for a cure to happen would cost Ellie’s life.” He said, slowly looking up at you. You noticed the look in Joel’s eyes – how could this man think he wasn’t good? There was sincere remorse for the things he had to do to save Ellie, but it also looked like this wasn’t the first time. This wasn’t the first time he lost someone he cared about.
“You chose Ellie… Over the possibility of saving the rest of the world?” 
Joel nodded. “And I would do it all over again if I had to.”
You opened your mouth to say something, but Joel interrupted you. His voice was quiet, almost as if he was afraid and hesitant of asking you this question, “Do you hate me because of it?”
“What?” You asked, surprised. “Hate you for saving Ellie?”
“Yeah,” Joel sighed.”
“Hell no, I don’t hate you.”
Joel looked up at you, his eyes wide as if he was expecting a different answer. “What?” 
“Joel,” you sighed. “Do you really believe a cure could have been made? In this world with so few resources?” You scoffed. You didn’t believe that the Fireflies and Marlene were willing to sacrifice a young girl’s life over the slim possibility of a cure. There was no way that they could have made a successful cure in one go, especially not in this world. 
“Y– You don’t think a cure could be made?”
You shook your head. “Nope.”
“I wouldn’t have ever met you, or Ellie… I’d choose this world over the old one.”
You sighed quietly. Truthfully, you didn’t have the answer to that question, so instead, you stood up, took the drink out of his hands, and sat on his lap. Joel immediately wrapped his arms around you, burying his face against the crook of your neck. Your arms wrapped around his broad frame, gently rubbing his back.
“When I lost my husband,” you whispered. “My life stopped. I loved him so much…” Tears clouded your eyes and you felt Joel tighten his arms around you, comforting you. “Going back to a world without him… Without you? I wouldn’t want it.”
“But I–”
“Yeah, I know. Ain’t a good man,” you repeated. “To me, you’re just a man protecting the ones you love and care about. If that isn’t good, then I don’t know what is.”
Joel looked up at you. His big, brown eyes were soft, staring lovingly at you. “How’d I get so lucky?”
“What do you mean?”
“You,” he whispered. “You still look at me like… Like I could do no wrong. I killed so many people and–”
“I just know how it feels… To lose someone you love and care about. If I was in your position, I would have done the same thing.” You admitted. “Ellie will be okay–”
“But things are gonna be different,” Joel interrupted.
“Yeah,” you replied. “But give her time.”
Joel sighed. Part of him didn’t care that Ellie was upset with him because it meant that she was still here, still safe, still alive.
“It’ll all be okay,” you whispered reassuringly, softly placing your lips on his temple. 
You heard Joel inhale deeply, then quietly whisper with a shaky voice, “I had a daughter. Her name was Sarah.”
Part 9.
Taglist (let me know if you'd like to be tagged!): @rye-flower, @3zae-zae3, @orangevtae, @flippittygibbitts, @blairfox04, @ohthemisssery, @avengersfan25, @somebodytookmyusername, @littleshadow17, @beltzboys2015-blog, @swimmjacket, @corpsebridenightamare, @thelightnessofthebeing, @dorck26, @ashlynn-crayons, @sexytholland, @surazim, @cedricbitch, @cali-ko, @lasthongos, @impala1967666​, @sana-li, @coldheartedmar​
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thegreencanary · 2 years
Home is where you are…so let’s get out of here together.
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Okay! This is part 2 of my Billy series. Some how this ended up being 3-4 parts. I am working on the last two because i feel like they’re shit. I don’t know how I cranked out so much story but I’m rolling with it. Im not sure if I’m gonna post the last two cuz I can just end the story here. Let me know what y’all want! ❤️
A/N: This is my work and I don’t give anyone the permission to post it anywhere claiming to be someone else’s. I worked hard on this, if you enjoy it please interact. Requests are open.
Part 1 is here
Summary: After Billy comes back to Hawkins he finds the one that got away in an all to familiar situation. He’s healed, but are you ready to be?
TW: Abuse, Cursing, uhhh I think that’s it for this one. The abuse is pretty heavy so don’t say I didn’t warn you. Also MINORS DNI I SEE YOU. STOP IT.
Lots of fluff in this one. Uhhh I think that’s all! Enjoy!!
That night went by pretty quickly after Billy left, you talked a bit more with Steve; and he definitely picked up on your old crush. Kicking him out so he could get to his movie you caught yourself daydreaming about Billy. Something you used to do to try and calm yourself after Carol or Jason were especially cruel to you. Robin thought you were crazy because Billy always was on you too, but after Starcourt he just…ignored everyone. You completely understood, all of you were different after each incident; but Billy and Eddie were the only two who died and came back. You shook the bad memories from your thoughts and headed home around 2:00am.
Leaving that late was never something you enjoyed but it came with being a bartender. Despite some slow evenings you could pull around $500 a week and it paid for your apartment and the bills your family threw on you. Unfortunately it didn’t pay for your car all the time. You couldn’t afford the insurance this month so you were stuck walking him. Clutching your apartment keys so they were sticking out of your knuckles you walked out, surprised to find a car in the lot. Originally it scared the shit out of you, but the Benz looked all to familiar. Steve and Billy sat in the car talking when Billy caught sight of you.
B: “Hey! Harrington she’s out come on…”
You giggled but looked confused as the two got out of the car and headed to you.
B: “I was a little tired of driving and Harrington told me what time you close…”
S: “Loverboy didn’t want you going to your car alone.”
You laughed as Billy punched his arm enough to make Steve whimper, but he was looking around for your car.
Y: “…Thanks. I actually really appreciate it. Walking home isn’t ever a fun thing.”
Steve froze and Billy looked a bit more concerned than he originally did.
S: “Dude, since when are you walking? What happened to your car? I would’ve come and gotten you any-“
Y: “It’s fine Steve. I didn’t want to be a burden just had some…issues with it so I opted to walk. I need the exercise anyways.”
B: “Well get in. We’re taking you home.”
You flinched slightly at his tone. He definitely seemed pissed off about something.
The car ride was awkward because Steve was tearing you a new one for not asking for a ride or asking Eddie to look at your car. You insisted it was because you didn’t have time and you knew how inconvenient your hours were.
Y: “…for gods sake Steve you’re already yawning and we haven’t even made it to my apartment complex.”
Steve waved you off. The quiet was a bit unsettling as Billy hadn’t said anything. It looked like he was focusing on his breathing or something.
Billy silently counted in his head, a technique he learned in anger management. Every ounce of his being wanted to beat the shit out of Harrington for not noticing you was walking and to scream at you for not saying anything. *That was the old me* he kept reminding himself, he had worked so hard to be better for Max…for himself. California was what he needed but he didn’t realize how damaged he was until he and Max got into a fight and he almost smacked her around like his father hit him. Right there he promised her he would get help, and he did. He spent 2 years in classes and he learned things about himself he never wanted to; but needed to. The hardest part was when someone he cared about was in danger.
B: “You’re upset he’s falling asleep and you were gonna try to walk this far…how far is this? 9 miles?”
He tried to sound as calm as possible but it definitely came out like he was scolding you. He saw your head drop a bit and he sighed to himself
Y: “…it’s only 6 miles…”
Billy lightly smirked and smacked his forehead. He was amazed you could walk at night, you used to be terrified of the dark. He remembered you spending nights With him in the hospital because they never turned all the lights off.
B: “Well I’m going to be here for a few days so I’ll look at your car and I can pick you up and drop you off while I’m here… and I won’t take no for an answer Y/L/N.”
Billy turned to smile at you but it faltered when he saw the pained expression on your face. You shook her head and glanced at Steve and he got the message. You didn’t want to talk about it in-front of him. Billy nodded softly and placed a gentle hand on your knee.
B: “When do you work next hun?”
Steve laughed softly and Billy punched him again. The blondes smile came back as he saw the blush paint your cheeks.
Y: “I work tomorrow at 4:30…”
B: “I’ll see you at your place at 3:00 so I can look at your car.”
He felt you go rigid under his hand but he gently squeezed your leg and sat back down. Steve tried to say something but Billy shot him the Hargrove glare and Harrington kept his mouth shut.
True to his word, Billy showed up at 3:00. He went to knock on your door when he heard shouting from the other side. Quickly he turned the corner to hide from the person coming out of the apartment. Billy first assumed it was a boyfriend on the other side but when he came out it looked more like your father. He slammed the door shut and it made him flash back to Neil shouting at him. Quickly Billy went to the door and knocked. Her heard you sniffling and you answered the door, back to him. You were on the phone.
Y: “Thanks Lexi. I owe you, just the next few shift and I’ll be back in tip top shape. Promise.”
Billy assumed you were getting your shifts covered but he didn’t know why. Once you turned to him, he got it. Your black eye would have caused a lot of problems at work.
Y: “…before you say anythin—“
Billy didn’t think much. He wrapped you in a tight hug and gently stroked your hair. Nothing was spoken between the two of you but Billy felt you relax into him. A wet spot appeared on his white tank top and Billy realized you were crying.
B:”…Sweetheart, are you alright?”
It took Billy a bit to speak because he had to keep himself from following your dad out and beating the living shit out of him for putting his hands on your. This, your hug, felt much more important, and he knew you’d be pissed if you beat her dad up. Slowly you pulled away from him, and it felt like the hole in his chest got bigger. He didn’t even realize you filled it in that moment.
Y: “…I’m okay, but you don’t have to look at my car. I won’t be working until next week so you can spend your time back saying hi to your friends and stuff.”
Billy sighed and pulled away from you completely. He disappeared into your room.
“…Billy!! What are you doing?? That’s my stuff!!”
Billy Hargrove was in your room, after your dad had just come in and smacked the shit out of you for being late on their electric bill. Everything was still a blur while you watched him pack your clothes in a bag. He grabbed a skimpy dress you hadn’t worn since high school and two bras. You couldn’t help but start laughing at his choices. Gently you approached him, you could tell he was angry.
Y: “…Billy are you sending me to a strip club? What are you packing me for?”
You smiled as he realized what he’d packed and a blush hit his ears.
B: “you’re staying with me and Harrington for a bit. Just until you’re better and you can tell someone in the group what’s going on.”
You shrunk into yourself. It was nice he wasn’t totally pushing you to talk about it but it was clear he wanted you to. Sighing you started grabbing actual clothes and packing those. Satisfied it seemed, Billy stood in the doorway and watched you pack. His laugh caused you to look up at him.
B: “A night light. I knew you were still scared of the dark.”
You blushed and threw a sweater at him, but yeah you grabbed two and packed them.
B: “So is something actually wrong with your car too? Because I can fix it. I told you I own my own shop out in California, I kinnnnnda know what I’m doing Babe.”
The pet names were coming on strong and it was hard for you to maintain your composure. You grabbed the dress he did earlier and packed it. Who knows, maybe Steve will throw a party while you’re over.
Y: “I bet you’re a big deal Billy, but you don’t have to worry about it. I’m sure I can fix it later.”
Throwing your bag at him you walked past him and grabbed your apartment keys. He wasn’t gonna let the car thing go, but for now you were happy he didn’t say anything.
Steve really should run an orphanage or home for misfits. Since his parents decided to ‘backpack through Africa’ or some weird rich people shit, he’d been the go to place to crash. He didn’t care because he loved the company and his parents left the credit cards. He knew about your family because when you showed up with a bruise he just hugged you, took your bag from Billy and set you up in his parents room. Billy took his room which was across the hall and Steve was booted to the guest room. Billy fought him about it for 10 minutes while you took a shower and dressed in a giant sweatshirt and leggings to get comfortable. Grumbling something Steve gave his room up by the time you walked out to meet them.
S: “hey are you okay with us still doing a movie night tonight Y/N? We can always push it to another night.”
Steve loved having the crew over for movie nights on Fridays. You smiled and shook your head.
Y: “let’s Keep it. I’m sure everyone will be happy to see Billy, and I haven’t seen dusty boy or Will in a few months.”
Lucas didn’t live to far from you so when you could drive your car legally you offered to drive him to school, same with Mike. Hopper always took El, but she made a point to try to come to your apartment to check on you. That girl was always protective of you.
Billy winked at you, he was proud of you for going through with it. He didn’t know that everyone else knew about your situation, so it wasn’t really that brave of you.
Night time rolled around and you settled into the couch after greeting everyone. Nancy gave you and extra king hug and Robin made some sarcastic comments that made you feel better. Eddie gave you a new Iron Maiden tape which definitely lifted your spirits, but everyone was focused on Billy. Happy to see he was doing well and asking all about California. Lucas wanted to ask about Max only and Dustin kept trying to shut him up. Eventually you all settled in and Billy was squished up next to you as Lucas and dustin crowded in on him. Will sat at your feet next to Steve and El sat with Mike. Nancy, Robin, Eddie and Jonathan spread out and made comfortable piles elsewhere.
Eddie picked the movie, Stephen king’s ‘Pet Semetary.’ You rolled your eyes, not only did you hate horror movies, you were almost sitting on Billy’s lap and hoping the movie would distract you. He wrapped one arm around you when you groaned at the title.
B: “I got you babe. Don’t be scared.”
You could tell he was teasing…right? He wore his signature smirk and his crystal blue eyes pierced yours.
Y: “…shut it Hargrove.”
He chuckled but his arm didn’t move.
He couldn’t focus on the movie. You were so close to him. Billy was happy to see that everyone knew how to take care of you, how to make you forget about your shitty family. He wished he had been that way when he was going through it. Something scary happened in the movie and you jumped, moving closer to him. Careful not to tease you away, he leaned into a bit. Wether or not you did it subconsciously or on purpose, the tilting of your head onto his shoulder almost sent him over the edge. His free hand gently combed though your hair and he noticed how you started to doze off. Looking around at the end of the movie, so did everyone else. Billy chuckled softly; only this crew of people could fall asleep during a horror movie. They’d all seen enough horror in real life.
Lifting you gently, Billy started carrying you to your room. He felt you shift and hold onto him more and on God he wanted to carry you away to California right there. He laid you down on the bed and took a moment to admire you, just beautiful you. He glanced at your bag and scoffed to himself. Grabbing the nightlight he plugged it in for you.
Y: “…Billy?”
He froze and turned toward you. Afraid you’d be mad that he went through your stuff.
Y:”…could you st—could you keep the hall light on? Thank you for bringing me up here.”
He could have sworn you were going to ask him to stay. God he wished you asked him to stay.
B: “sure thing sweetheart.”
Y: “why do you call me that?”
*Because you’re my sweetheart. Because you deserve to be showered in compliments. Not the shit I was calling you before.* He wanted to tell you the truth, that he’d been pining after you for years. Today seemed rough for you and he…he didn’t think he could handle if you rejected him.
B: “because you have a sweet heart…idiot.”
Your chuckle made him smile and he approached you. Billy knelt down so you two were eye to eye, and he gently moved the hair way from your bruised eye.
B: “how long?”
Y: “About a year and a half. I moved out to get away, but it’s a lot more complicated than that.”
Billy got comfortable on the floor and smiled.
B: “I’ve got all the time In the world baby, and I know you’re too scared to go to sleep.”
Your gently hand lightly shoving him proved his point, but his heart leapt as you sat up and motioned for him to join you on the bed.
Y: “don’t get any ideas bucko. I just don’t want you looking up at me like a lost puppy.”
Billy laughed but joined you, but instead of sitting across from you, he sat next to you. Honestly you had no idea why you wanted him so close but he was just so damn…comforting.
B: “here, now you don’t have to look at me. I know…I know how hard it is.”
The relief you felt was visible and you leaned into Billy, wrapping one arm around his waist. You could hear his heart racing and he knew you could. The both of you blushed but he listened as you explained.
Y: “After Vecna, you and Eddie dying but coming back, I had some hard times. My grades were slipping and I couldn’t focus on anything. I was so scared of so much and my parents just kept getting frustrated that their perfect daughter was slipping. Then Jason Carver’s family fired my father and he blamed it all on me, because I rejected Jason at the town fair. My dad turned to alcohol and the rest was history. He forced me to sign for some of their bills so when I moved out I still pay for their things. He got mad at me today because I was late on the light bill…I can’t even cover my own car insurance.”
B: “so your car is fine, you just can’t afford to drive it.”
You nodded and grabbed a pillow hiding your embarrassed face. Tears threatened at your eyes as you heard a soft, non judgmental chuckle and you felt lips on your forehead. He kissed your forehead. You pulled the pillow down a bit and he smiled at you.
B: “hey beautiful.”
Y: “…you talking to a mirror?”
You giggled as he tried to lightly tickle your sides, making you feel a bit better.
B: “Why haven’t you told anyone? I’m sure Steve would have his parents pay for your insurance, or at least help you out. Shit I can even do it from Cal—“
Y: “you shut your mouth Billy. I want to do it on my own. I want to get out of here and I want to live knowing I don’t need help. I want to prove to them I can do it.”
You had put your finger on Billy’s mouth to quiet him and now realized that was a bit awkward. You tried to move it away but he grabbed it and kissed your hand. Cue the HUGE blush.
B: “there is nothing wrong with asking for help babe, but I understand. Just know you don’t have to do it alone.”
You were damn near shaking. How was this the same Billy Hargrove?? The one who pushed a kid in a locker and threw someone lunch on a crying freshman??
Y: “California really did you some good huh…”
Billy smirked and leaned in a bit, his hand still holding yours.
B: “definitely made me realize somethings I should have seen a while ago.”
Your foreheads were almost touching. He moved a hand to your non bruised cheek and gently stroked it with his thumb. You tried to ask what he meant but it just came out as a “mmm?” He chuckled at that but continued.
B: “I finally realized that I was an ass to keep people at bay, so they didn’t have to suffer me and my problems. The people I cared about most I was the most cruel to, because I didn’t understand why I cared so much. Because I didn’t know what love was. I didn’t know I loved you, Y/N but now I know I still do.”
His lips gently touched yours as a tidal wave of emotion swept you both up. Tears fell as you desperately held on to him during the kiss; like he was going to float away in the emotion. He chuckled at your desperation and held you close. Pulling away you didn’t want to risk going too far…you were still…untouched. God knows he wasn’t so you decided to save that for another time. Before you could speak he finished his confession.
B: “I know you probably don’t know how to love yet, and I’m okay with that. You don’t need to tell me you’re in love with me if you don’t know what it means. I just wanted you to know, I���ve loved you for years.”
Okay! That’s the end of part two! I’m gonna try to make it one final part after this but there might be two. We shall see. Feed back is always appreciated!
Part 1 // Part 3 (Final)
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liquid-beepers · 8 months
Sam Winchester x reader comfort fluff
 (Warning! Body image issues) (This is REALLY short and cheesy ;-; sorry)
You weren’t feeling yourself today, something about today just made you feel oddly insecure. You weren’t usually insecure or worried about how you looked, you just were never that type of person, until today, that is. 
You looked into your mirror and sighed, “Maybe it’s the lighting in here, these lights are old.” you say to yourself, you lived with the boys in the bunker, so it wasn’t surprising that those lights are old.
You twirled slowly in front of the mirror looking for something, anything to explain why you didn’t like the way you looked.
‘Is it my jeans? Is it my shirt? Does something not fit right? Is it my hair? A blemish? What is it?’ Thoughts swarmed your head like like flies. You had no choice but to lie down and over-think to yourself silently.
Sam passed your room, noticing that your door was open. You rarely kept your door open, so this was odd. He slowly peeked his head in to see if you were okay and if you wanted to go and get food with him.
“Hey um,” He noticed tears streaming down your face. “Oh my god! Are you okay, (---)?” he asked, very concerned.
You sat up quickly and wiped your tears away, “I’m fine! I’m fine.” you replied.
Sam sighed, “You don’t look fine,” he said as he joined you on the edge of your bed. “So tell me, what’s wrong?”
You rubbed your temples, “I just... ugh, nevermind, you’ll just make fun of me.”
“Don’t worry, I won’t make you tell me anything, but I want you to know I wouldn’t ever make fun of things that upset you.” Sam said in a soft voice. 
You leaned on his shoulder and unexpected sobs ripped from your chest as you explained why you were crying and how you felt, “I just... feel gross when I look into a mirror and like there’s something wrong with how I look. I just can’t shake the feeling that I look ugly or something.”
Sam frowns and nods, “But do you realize how I see you?”
You look up at Sam in confusion and he laughs, “You’re the most gorgeous person I know, (---). I can’t even look at you sometimes without blushing.”
Your face starts to heat up and you just stare at him, utterly shocked at his words. You and Sam were close friends, but had a little crush on him, and you never expected Sam of all people to say that you were “gorgeous” and that he blushed when he looked at you.
“Sorry... Was that a little too forward?” he asks shyly, looking deeply into your eyes.
“No not all, Sam. I just am shocked that you think of me this way.” You laugh out awkwardly.
Sam gently takes your face in his hands, “Who wouldn’t,” he smiles widely while his cheeks get rosier by the second. “May I... kiss you?” he asks suddenly, brushing your hair out of your face.
You nod frantically as he pulls your face into a short, passionate kiss. His lips taste minty and fresh mixed with the taste of beer on his breath. 
“I love you, you’re perfect,” Sam whispers into your ear as he holds you close. “Let’s just stay like this for a while.”
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cheerfullycatholic · 1 month
Lately, I’ve been trying to block out all outside influences from my personal relationship with god, but here’s the difficult thing about that: I’m still looking for answers. The Bible on its own isn’t enough for me, it’s just not. It’s vague as fuck, and there’s a lot of unanswered questions that I need properly answered if you expect me to understand any of it at all. But when most Christians/Pastors tell me their answers, I add those answers into the equation and it just makes me feel even worse, leaving me with even more questions, depression, paranoia, and overall confusion than before. I know that you probably think I shouldn’t let other Christians influence my relationship with God, as if it’s not already bad just being God, The Bible, and me. I try to picture God how you all want me to picture him (a loving father), but then thoughts of all the things he did in the bible come to mind, and I start to feel as if it's all just a facade. It all crumbles away, and I start to feel sick. I just can’t feel safe in him. It feels better viewing Christ as a being entirely separate from God, a being that came to sacrificed himself to save us from his father’s wrath. If Jesus is God, the same god that did all of those things, then I feel like he deserved everything they did to him. Why should I feel bad for him? He’s the all-powerful ruler of existence, he has everything he could ever want and infinitely more. He CHOSE to become human, he KNEW he would be killed in the way he was. He WANTED to be killed in the way he was. In fact, why should I feel bad for him anyway? He’s the son of God, that makes him one of the most privileged people in existence by default. He didn’t even stay dead, so what exactly did he sacrifice? Even ignoring all of that, why did God feel he had to die in one of the most violent and horrific ways imaginable just so he can save us from himself? Is God not powerful enough against sin to avoid bloodshed? Or is he just that bloodthirsty? Why did God have to kill so many people? Is God not all-powerful against the devil? Can God not just come up with a way to fix the issue without killing his children? Did he know he would have to do this to them? If he did, then why did he create them in the first place? Are we all just disposable toys for him? Things he can play with for a while and then discard when we don’t serve the purpose he wanted us to have? Does he even really consider us humans his children? Or just the ones that mindlessly obey him? God never changes apparently, so he’s still the same bloodthirsty, apathetic tyrant he was when he did all those things. Why should I trust him? Because he created me? Look at what he HIMSELF did to the things he’s created in the past. I know God hates me asking all these questions and is probably contemplating the right time to kill me right now, but I’ve tried to stop thinking about all of this, and I just can’t. I wish God never gave humans free will. He had no reason to give humans free will whatsoever. He knew ALL of the risks, knowing that he would have to kill so many of his own creations, ones that he supposedly “loved”, and knowing that most of those creations wouldn’t come back to him, and he STILL gave us free will. WHY? Does he just love seeing us fuck up all the time so he can justify punishing us? Otherwise, I can’t see a reason. Think about how much better everything would be if we didn’t have free will, how much happier we all would be, and most importantly, how much happier God would be. There would be no sin, because we’d be unable to. We would still be in the garden. God wouldn’t have to have killed any of us and none of us would go to hell. The more Christians I talk to, the less christians I’m able to talk to, and the more I feel like, maybe this is God’s way of telling me I deserve to be alone. 
I originally was going to write a long response to all of your questions and concerns but I don't really trust myself to, so instead I very much implore that you speak to a priest about all of your questions. You can call up your area's diocese and they can find you someone to make an appointment with. Priests study the Bible extensively and they can answer most, if not all of your questions much better than I ever could. The Bible can be confusing at times, which is why people who study Catholic theology are so so helpful
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ruminate88 · 5 months
I Just Never Knew
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I grew up in loving and positive home! I was always taking care of family members, babysitting, always being there for my cousins. I have a very big family and we’re all this way. However, I was labeled in school with a disability and felt beyond stupid and “less” than everyone else. School treated me as less but my cousins always treated me the same as them. That was the one positive thing for me in childhood!!
When I was trying to find “love” as an adult, I believed I could love anyone no matter who they were or what they’ve done. My love felt huge to me!!! I felt whenever I found “that one special guy” I would put him first and worship him!! I tried…
Whenever I dated Cody, he gave me his list of “disorders” and “problems”. He told me all about his childhood trauma and kept asking me to “fix him”. I lied to myself and thought I really could love him through his mess!! I tried to make him feel so safe with me and understand him. Cody just dumped all over me and took every bit of my love and kindness but when he ghosted me, I realized for the first time my “love” wasn’t enough to help him or “fix” him. Was a hard lesson for me!! How can someone who claims they “need me to heal them” just walk away suddenly and never look back?
I was traumatized by no goodbye from Cody. I lost a lot of respect for him at first and I wasn’t so compassionate. I was sooooo angry!!! I felt stupid by him and numb. He made me turn cold for months. Wasn’t sure how I’d overcome the pain and disappointment of Cody.
Less than 6 months later I met Andrew and became obsessed/attached with him and didn’t forget Cody at all but I was so focused on Andrew now!! Andrew was also so confusing the entire time nothing he did or said made sense to me and he also broke my heart so bad. Even though he supposedly “never wanted to break up” and he already was posting a new girl all over his Instagram 🥺
I was so exhausted my heart couldn’t take anymore pain. I was VERY suicidal and lost. I almost lost my whole ability to be loving and forgiving!!! I had multiple suicide scares where all I could think of was ways to hurt myself… I hated me and felt “I was the problem” why wasn’t my “love” enough for those guys??? Why couldn’t we work out? I felt I worked so hard and pushed all my boundaries and limits to please both Cody and Andrew.
Whenever I prayed to God and stoped being suicidal, THEN I tried so hard to move on and let my exes be. I didn’t reach out to them or bother them, even though I still felt confused by them and concerned at their behavior. Andrew tried to FaceTime me twice in the same day months after we broke up and I was scared what he wanted from me but I missed him too and wished so badly he wanted to be with me and love me. ❤️‍🩹
Finally years later I felt sorry for Cody. Not sure what part of his story was real but I do have compassion on him and I often worried about him. Especially during covid I tried to Google him and see if he’s okay and he looks just fine to me. Doesn’t appear anything was ever wrong and same with Andrew. He’s always appeared “like normal” whatever normal is.
Since I’ve been on a mission to learn and find answers to all the confusion, I have come to be even more compassionate and understanding but none of that takes away the pain and scars. I’ve had a lot of health issues in the last 4 years and I’ve been struggling to trust people and even stopped being friends with some people out of fear. I hate this about me and want to change it. Daily I remind myself the truth that I need love and I need people. I don’t need to be cold, that’s only going to destroy me!!! Lots of self examination and not losing my belief system in God although lies that “I’m not good enough” swirl in my head and I have to dismiss these lies all the time!!
Reminding myself I’m no longer the same person I was in my 20s. I’m safe now ❤️‍🩹
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karometeenk · 2 years
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#but also what kind of life are you living where stranding on a deserted island is only the second most interesting that ever happened to yo
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okay aber WER läuft mit mir zusammen durch den monsun
337 notes - publié le 1 mars 2022
Th.. there's a Dutch Spoon Discourse?
Yes my friend. Even most Dutch-speakers aren’t aware of this. But once two people holding opposing views on spoons get into the discussion, blood may flow.
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All of these things are some type of spoon in Dutch.
Ask a Dutch person to name these spoons and they would say, from left to right: 1. koffie- of theelepel 2. pollepel 3. soeplepel 4. eetlepel
Ask a Belgian the same question you get:
1. koffie- of theelepel 2. houten lepel 3. pollepel 4. soep- of eetlepel
Now concerning the first spoon, the problem isn’t so much that we can’t agree on what it’s called because we both use the terms interchangeably. The problem is that is that no one actually knows what it is. Is there a difference between a teaspoon and a coffeespoon? If a recipe calls for a coffeespoon, can i just use any small spoon, surely not all small spoons contain the same volume of liquid? (I don’t know what’s going on but i know the French are to blame)
The last spoon can cause a bit of confusion, because an unsuspecting Belgian who asks for a soeplepel for their spaghetti at a Dutch restaurant will get a very strange look from the waiter, and the Belgian will assume they’re being judged for eating spaghetti with a spoon. Hopefully the waiter will ask for clarification, but sometimes the waiter will either refuse because it’s an extremely weird request, or, in funnier cases, he will bring a ladle. But those who know about the discrepancy in meaning across the border, and don’t wanna cause problems on purpose, will use “eetlepel”, because this variant is accepted on both sides of the border.
Now it’s really the two middle spoons who are problematic. “Pollepel” is a wooden spoon to the Dutch and a ladle to the Belgians. Both sides are relentless. There is no possibility of compromise, no acceptable alternative. There is a hill nearly every Dutch-speaker will die on and it’s called pollepel.
Luckily this problem only poses itself in a kitchen setting. So mostly only mixed couples or college roommates and cooks in restaurant near the border have to deal with this on the regular. That’s also why this discourse is not common knowledge. People will go through most of their adult lives without every encountering this issue. Which makes it all the more shocking when they eventually do.
There you have it folks. This is the spoon discourse. For my followers who are trying to learn Dutch: i’m so sorry.
397 notes - publié le 12 janvier 2022
i thought "wifebeater" was the most unnecessary violent name for a piece of clothing one could think of but the germans are proving me wrong again
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670 notes - publié le 15 juin 2022
if you told an emo kid in 2007 that the lead singer of their favorite band would one day perform in a cheerleader outfit, the ultimate prep uniform, they would have hissed and put up their middle finger at you
703 notes - publié le 25 août 2022
Mon billet n°1 en 2022
god i'm so glad i saw the original slug tweet yesterday. this site is never incomprehensible if you're just online 24/7
14 137 notes - publié le 3 mars 2022
Obtenez votre année 2022 en revue sur Tumblr →
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sinistershepherd · 2 years
Let's say, Instead of Gregory being stuck in the Pizza Plex, Just this random kid with HEAVY autism (Hi, I'm a kid with heavy autism 👍) is stuck. Description your choise! Now, let's say to the amount of stress and just the Pizza Plex's lights giving sensory issues, The child has an absolute meltdown. When being able to be outside the daycare, How do you think Moon would handle that? If or if not infected with that virus?
Also the idea of Moon breaking past the virus’ hold to help a child in distress? Brilliant. Absolutely stunning. Doing it rn.
Another story format :D Will be shorter bc depression is kicking my ass rn
A kid, amongst all these killer robots, has broken down in a hallway without so much as a blanket to hide them. Moon has heard these cries before- a child, confused and scared, amongst many other, happy, joyful children. It’s unfair.
The vail that Moon has struggled against for months on end finally manages to recede. Purple dulls into pink, then fades altogether. He can think again!
All because this child in front of him started crying in a particularly panicked manner. His fists clench, then relax, clench, then relax. His thoughts finally become his own again. With it, comes concern.
Hesitance pries itself into his conscience, suddenly worried that he will somehow make this child’s distress worse. Though, from the way they hide their head and shut their eyes, he wonders if worse is even possible.
The lights from another hallway flicker, then steady, making the poor kid flinch back. Moon takes a step forwards, kneeling down beside the child.
“Little one? What’s wrong?” His voice is soft, but his anxiety churns. That ever-present urge to lunge, to sink his claws into this child’s throat and drag them to God knows where- all of it returns, just for a moment. An overbearing voice, chanting foreign commands.
The kid doesn’t speak, just turns fearfully towards Moon, hand coming out to shove at Moon’s pants- a sign to back away. Then, they stop. Their eyes focus in on the fabric momentarily, then…one hand, carefully reaching forwards, fingers curling into soft, warm textures that ease their state of mind. Their stare is vacant for a moment, entranced by the sensation, though, once they realize their current situation again, they pull back.
Moon simply smiles a soft, comforting sort of smile.
“It’s alright, little one,” He coos, “I’m not going to hurt you.”
It benefits him that they didn’t previously encounter him while his mind was not his own. Just the others, who have suffered from the same hands, the same breaks in code, the same violent urges that drive Moon more insane with each passing day.
The kid stares blankly at him for a moment, eyes unmoving, unblinking. Then, they scoot closer again, hand slowly reaching out to curl desperate fingers into Moon’s pants again.
“You’re…not like the others.” They murmur quietly, surprising Moon, as he was not expecting them to speak.
“I’m…not, yeah…they’re just…cranky…” He says softly, trying not to let his nervousness seep into his words.
They give him a knowing look, but say nothing. Moon shifts anxiously.
“Do you not like the lights?” He asks instead, making the child look down to the floor, avoiding his eyes.
“They’re too much.”
It’s a simple explanation- one that Moon has heard many times before.
“Where are your parents?”
They seem to sink into themselves at that question.
“Forgot me, I guess?” They answer vaguely, keeping their gaze downcast. Moon frowns, disappointment growing inside him. He always hates hearing that, especially from kids.
“How about you come with me? I can bring you to a room with dim lights, weighted blankets-“ At the mention of a weighted blanket, the child’s eyes flick back up to Moon. He simply smiles again.
“Promise you won’t hurt me?”
Moon would go pale if he could. He wishes he could promise that, but he can’t.
Why did he say that? It’s a lie, an obvious, blatant lie! But…being around this kid feels different.
They need his help. And he has to give it. Because…helping them seems to be helping him, too. Maybe they can…help each other.
The child doesn’t seem to believe him, but they stick their other hand out anyways, asking to hold his own. Having finalized an escape plan in his head in the case that he does go berserk again, he gently takes their hand, stands up, and starts to guide them back towards the daycare.
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flameleads · 2 years
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@shiroi---kumo​ has a dilemma:
"Eversti!" He sounds floating over to the man with urgency and his hands filled with two objects. One holds a mug, the other a pastry that looks like a doughnut and there is a look of distress on the young prince's face.
"Help me! You must help me!" He continues with an equal amount of distress in his tone as to match his expression. He's presenting the objects to the other man with a look that says he is most confused.  A doughnut that looks to be covered in cinnamon and sugar and a mug that looks to be filled with steaming apple cider.
"I was given these strange objects and told they were seasonal. Seasonal of what? They look like food, but you humans have made many strange things and I have seen Black Wind get quite ill from things we were told were food but must have has something wrong with them to make him of all people so miserable.
What are they? They smell divine but Black Wind has scolded me many times for eating things given to me by strangers but you are not at stranger - so if you tell me what they are then - you see my dilemma."
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Was that cinnamon?
No. No way was he smelling cinnamon in Wonderland. This place had to be playing tricks on him, trying to lure him out with the smell of Sunday mornings at home with his sons. No alarms on those days---just the smell of Edward’s baking wafting through the air to gently rouse him from slumber. It was one day they had to themselves. One day of peace all of them sorely needed. He, Edward, Alphonse, and Anger all got to stay home, do nothing, and be safe.
One whiff of what he thought was cinnamon, and he felt his heart sink. They weren’t safe: his sons or Anger. He couldn’t remember the last time he even saw them.
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From what he gathered about Chaos and his crew, they favored mind games with their prey. They fed off negative emotions, and despair like this? Grief? Fear? Anxiety? Those were a perfect storm to feast upon. That had to be it. That had to be why he smelled cinnamon out of the blue. It wasn’t random. Despite the topsy-turvy nature of Wonderland, there were beings with agendas.
... Or, it was completely random, and he thought too much as usual. Roy’s head perked up as he heard a familiar voice call his name---well, a name for him. White Cloud sounded positively distressed as he floated over to him. The source of the cinnamon smell became clear as black eyes honed in on the doughnut in one of White Cloud’s hands, the other holding a cup of apple cider. One question got answered, but more popped up in its place. Nothing was ever simple here, was it?
Dear God, White Cloud was almost as bad as Edward with accepting food from strangers. Almost. Black Wind’s common sense, and concern for his other, seemed to nip that in the bud. Though, Roy had to stop himself from chuckling. This was the dilemma. As far as dilemmas went, he was thankful this was what he got to deal with---especially here.
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“So, to start with, they’re food. You’ve got yourself apple cider and a doughnut.” He gave White Cloud a nod before continuing. “They’re called seasonal because, back on Earth, we have four seasons during the year: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. Each season lasts about three to four months, give or take, depending on the weather. During Autumn, apple cider and doughnuts are pretty common for people to make. Apples are in season right about then.”
Did he explain that right? Well, he wasn’t sure if Misterica had seasons, so that might be an issue. Maybe he could ask later.
“Black Wind’s right---accepting food from strangers generally isn’t a good idea. Though, I’m guessing you got this from someone here. In which case, you’re good to eat it. As for Black Wind, he might just have some food allergy or something.” Roy shrugged his shoulders. “Are there more where those came from? I could go for a doughnut and apple cider myself.”
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cleocatrablossy · 16 days
It’s weird how upset my grandma gets about a lot of people in… I think it was Finland not getting married and especially still having kids. And living on their own.
Like… their business, let them hang out. It works so why care?
It’s like the end of the world to her, that some people are alright living alone or without a partner. I just really don’t get it?
I mean maybe this is why any time I bring up any guy ever she says I have a crush on him. Because she thinks you have to have a romantic partner. But then the moment my cousin gets a boyfriend it’s scandalous? I don’t under the thought process in the slightest, she was telling me I had a crush on Indiana Jones when I was 6 because I liked the movies and was constantly cooing over me liking a kid back in elementary and playing into him asking me to marry him- but my cousin can’t date someone when she’s a teenager? Like neither is good, but at least pick a side here. It’s fucking confusing.
She doesn’t like that some people don’t get married or don’t do romance, but also by her own rules you can’t trust anyone and every man ever is out to get you and you can’t seriously entertain relationships, but also you were made for your elementary school crush and if you’re friends with a guy you have to like them romantically.
I dunno why I’m ranting about this, the people not living together conversation happened months ago. I just want to understand her thought process here, because I genuinely don’t get all the back and forth parts or why she cares about how other people live when no one’s getting hurt.
Honestly I want to see her reactions to the facts that I 1: am ace 2: don’t want to get married unless it’s tax fraud and 3: actively dislike kids and would never have any. I think she’d freak, and then either try to change me to fit her perfect image of life or maybe she’d change her opinions. Probably the former honestly, any time I tell her I like my appearance as is and I like having shorter died hair and I like keeping my body hair she ignores me and keeps trying to tell me how my long hair was so pretty and got so much attention and how having body hair is gross(and she’s actually used drag reduction in swim back when I was on team and then swapped to the image all dancers are supposed to have when I dropped that. I know it’s just because she doesn’t like it because she changes her reason to be focused around whatever activity I’m doing no matter what) and that I shouldn’t dye my hair because it’s prettier natural. Oh and I should let her do my hair whenever however she wants because she’s my grandmother, and me liking it down is wrong because I used to wear it in a braid all the time back when I had to because it was so long that if I didn’t it would literally know to hell and back in hours. Oh and not to mention how I have to get my ear re-pierced(which okay- I’m on board with this much) but it has to be with butter fly backs because they have more options and I shouldn’t be concerned with the fact that they get absorbed by my ears and the entire reason I have to get my ear re-pierced is that one had to be surgically removed due to this issue, I just have to take better care of them and I can’t just avoid the earrings that can literally cause me to go to the fucking hospital because they can get absorbed over the course of a few hours- even if not too badly. God forbid I don’t want to be in pain I guess.
This got off topic. Honestly I think my grandma is just lonely and so she’s trying to police other people’s lives to make herself feel better or something along those lines. I mean she doesn’t really have any friends so of course she’d think anyone who doesn’t live with family would be alone, and that anyone you hang out with would be a potential romantic partner to be brought into the family to make sure you don’t loose someone, and of course any romantic partner would also be a threat because they’d better be good since you’ll be with them forever. At least I think that’s what’s going on in her head, I don’t know.
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passerine-writes · 2 years
Symbols - Chapter 41
Warnings: It's short and a filler chapter Word count: 1012
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Chapter 40 | Chapter 42
"Hey, Arise? Can I talk to you about something?" It had been two weeks since the boys left and there was too much on my mind. It also didn't help that I was leaving tomorrow for the whole week to attend Nationals.
"Of course, honey. What's on your mind?" I sat on the couch and anxiously fiddled with my fingers. I had been putting off thinking about this for so long and now I have to acknowledge it.
"I'm not good with feelings, and I know how the boys feel about me, that's not the issue. It's that, whenever one of them touch me, or are even close to me, my face gets hot and sometimes my stomach gets in these knots and it makes me think I might have caught a virus or something, but it doesn't follow me home. Sometimes even when we're on the phone it happens. Is, is something wrong with me?" She smiled softly, placing a kind hand on my own. I looked into her eyes with concerned only to see she was happy.
"There's nothing wrong with you, Kaara. Nothing at all. To me, it sounds like you like them." I shook my head in alarm.
"N- No it's just because they're my soulmates. It's just because of the soulmate bond." She gave me a sad smile before she turned curious.
"Honey, how come you're so against soulmates?" I sighed and sunk into the back of the couch.
"My mom." I swallowed down the lump in my throat, already not a fan of the subject. "She lied to my dad about her soulmate being dead for sympathy, so that she would have a better chance of being with him since his died. Turns out, she just cheated on her more then once. Then, she actually died. Any guy she brought home, she would always tell me that the gods gave her a second chance soulmate, even though they wouldn't have any matching symbols or marks. She would convince them of it too, I don't know how but she did. As a kid, soulmates never made sense to me. When my parents got divorced, it was a lot worse. Then I hated the thought of it after my mom." Arise nodded sadly.
"Unfortunately, there are some cruel people in this world. With soulmates, it isn't a precursor of feelings all the time. There have been plenty of instances where it's strangers bumping into each other on the street. Someone is dating someone else before they meet their soulmate or get their symbols even though they were convinced otherwise. Someone spends years lining after someone before they realize it wouldn't have worked out anyways. But let me ask you something, did you ever find them attractive or think you might have had a crush on any or all of them before your little marks popped up?" I froze at her words, gears turning in my head. Before I could think, I have Arise a hug and made haste getting to my room.
"Thank you! I have to think about some things now!" I could hear her giggle slightly before I shut my door, pacing around frantically.
I forgot about how confused about my feelings I was in middle school.
For a moment back then, I didn't know who I liked, so I just pushed it down and ignored it. I guess I really forgot.
I cant like them now though, I can't. Why did Arise think I like them?
I know they like me but is it really because of the fact that they're my soulmates that I'm questioning how I feel?
I'm always happy and content around them, usually I'm smiling too.
They make my heart race.
I feel safe around them.
Anytime I'm with them I feel like nothing can go wrong even if it does.
I know they're attractive but am I attracted to them?
That's a dumb question, of course I am.
Wait, shit.
I'm attracted to them.
They make me happy and safe.
And seeing any of them happy makes my heart soar.
Spending time with them in general does.
Not to mention when I thought Tetsurou was going to kiss me in the basement, I wasn't upset at the thought of it or anything, I think I might've actually wanted him to.
Holy shit.
I ran down the stairs, taking two at a time and shocking Arise.
"I think I like them." I was out of breath as I spoke. She smiled back at me delicately.
"So, what are you gonna do about it?" I heaved out a few breaths, the small stretch of running catching me off guard.
"I don't know. I usually just tun away from feelings because they're confusing and cause trouble." She gave me a pointed look jokingly.
"Maybe you should tell them. What's the worst that could happen?" I chewed on my lip nervously as I thought.
"I lose them."
"Honey," she soothed, gingerly running a hand up and down my arm, "those boys love you, so much. They won't leave because you like them back. They love you too much to ever let you go by choice. Nothing bad will happen if you tell them." I hesitantly nodded, trying to tune out the irrational over thinking. "So what do you want to do?" I shrugged, still in my head.
"I don't know yet, I think I want to tell them." She hummed happily and rubbed my arm again.
"You do whatever you feel is right, okay?" I mumbled a small 'okay' and gave her a hug.
"Thank you. I've never really had anyone to talk to about this stuff." She hugged me back, giving me a squeeze for good measure before she let me go.
"You go pack and get ready for this week, make sure to pack some good clothes too, make those boys faint at the sight of you." I giggled and nodded.
"I think Koutarou actually would faint, so let's not risk it."
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