#if anyone has tips on writing them
manthemoth · 1 year
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Anthro Jayfeather with a sorta y2k look just because I felt like it :^)
[Image ID] A drawing of Jayfeather from Warrior Cats but anthropomorphic. He has a grumpy / annoyed expression and is wearing a brown beanie with white zigzags that is covering his ears and has puffy stars hanging from either side as well as a necklace of the starclan symbol. He is also wearing layered baggy shirts, a long sleeved very dark blue one with a short sleeved off white shirt with green sleeves and a star in the middle over the long sleeved shirt. A messenger bags strap is across his torso that he is holding with his right paw, with a trans flag and gay flag pins attached to it, on the messenger bag itself on his right side there’s a pin that says “you’re too close”. The background is off white with a wavy blue pattern. [End ID]
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becca-e-barnes · 2 years
I was getting my hair done today and I couldn't stop thinking about ex!husband Bucky finding out you started dating other people after the divorce and how fun the sex would be if he got jealous 😵‍💫
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Because imagine how slowly he'd slide his dick into you, holding your chin in one hand to make sure you don't take your eyes off his. He presses into you so damn slowly, making sure you feel the way your body adjusts to allow him inside you. You're way more desperate than you even realised you would be and he knows it.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" He chuckles quietly, his cheeks flushed, stroking your chin gently with his thumb. "You've gone a little stupid already. Didn't he fuck you right? I bet he didn't. Could've told you he wasn't right for you." It'd been four days since you'd bumped into Bucky while out having dinner with someone else. In truth, the guy you went out with hadn't been all that interesting and you'd parted ways after a couple of drinks but Bucky didn't need to know that.
"He was pretty good actually." You tried to keep your voice steady, despite Bucky's distracting kisses to your neck. "You're gonna have a hard time living up to him."
Your ex-husband huffs out a laugh, his breath hot against your skin. "You've always been a terrible liar." The confidence that drips from his tone is enough to send shivers down your spine.
He's not wrong, it had always been a running joke between the two of you.
"Just looking at that guy, I could tell he wouldn't be able to work out where you like to be touched." His hand moves from your chin to trail ever so gently up the outside of your bare thigh. The featherlight touch leaves you wondering if you'd had goosebumps all evening or if they'd just risen in the last couple of minutes but then you're reminded that this man has taken the time to learn your body like no one else.
"He looked like he'd be selfish. I don't think he understands that the real pleasure in being with you is in getting to watch you come apart. There's nothing like it." He's slipping a little, lost in his admiration of your body. His fingertip trails lightly over your hardened nipple and you know he's remembering the way you gasp when he sucks on the sensitive bud.
"There's nothing like feeling you cum around me and knowing I caused it." He groans quietly, pressing as deep inside you as he can. "And hearing you whimpering my name." He's consumed by the feeling of you, indulging in the memory of the pleasure you've brought each other. "Hearing you begging me to stop when you're so wrung out, you just can't take any more."
He's unbearable in the very best way. He's hardly moved at all and you haven't even noticed because the way he touches you is so distracting. He knows your body and he gets off on showing you that.
His hand drifts back up your body to hold your chin once more, making sure you're watching as he drags his length from the heat of your sex, only to press back in, tearing a gasp from both of you. "You feel perfect. You were made for me." He groans, repeating the motion again and again, enjoying the way your body flutters around his.
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calc1fers · 5 months
no babe don't write a dystopian dorlene slowburn enemies to lovers fanfiction inspired by how to train your dragon you're so sexy :(
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eliashirsch · 6 months
i have something to admit that i'm not proud of...
i genuinely can't write hangster😭😭 like i've tried so many times. SO MANY TIMES!! i always get the a few thousand words in and then all my motivation just falls of. i'm seriously trying to finish a story about them, even a one shot! but i just can't do it!!
and i know i shouldn't force myself but it'd be nice to write LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE OTHER THAN ICEMAV
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gothsuguru · 4 months
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once i get back into the groove of things i’m gonna pick up some hobbies 🙏🏼
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wereh0gz · 10 months
Is my discomfort with my boobs gender dysphoria, body dysmorphia, or just a general discomfort with the sensations of having a human body that comes with possible neurodivergency
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hell-much · 5 months
didn't save 12 hours worth of writing and editing, having a nervous breakdown and am ready to never write a single word again
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thecoramaria · 11 months
Hello! I have recently come across your videos while writing my first long fic. They have been such a joy to watch and very helpful. Your videos showed me that we are both quite extensive planners when it comes to our fics, but it sounds like your outlines are way more extensive than mine. Have you/would you be willing to share how you format your outlines to keep up with such detail?
Aaaahhh thank-you! I'm glad you've found them helpful. I always love to hear that from my dear viewers 🥰 and I'm always glad to hear from other extensive planners!
To share my outlining process in a video will probably be a feature-length movie, and since I use Milanote, I think they ought to sponsor me for it because I genuinely love it and have convinced other people to love it as much as I do haha
The thing that makes sharing my outlines for my WIP 'The Light Invasion' tricky (other than spoilers) is that I do decorate them with a lot of fanart. I think it's okay for private use, but I wouldn't want to share my outlines publicly unless I can somehow get permission from the dozens of fanartists. If I were to do a video on my outlining style, I would recreate my format from scratch to showcase it, rather than use my actual story notes.
I will share a snippet of my outline that uses screenshots from canon though, since that's what I used for my first few chapters.
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[Put two in there because the first has lower quality.]
Okay! So my goal with my outline and how I format it is to both have the details and the big picture. I want to get a ton of information at a glance. That's why I use pictures and colour coding, so let me walk you though each feature, from top to bottom.
The Parts: 'The Light Invasion' is divided into three parts, and the chapters of each part sit on their own row, so we have the 13 chapters of Part I at the top, and then the 29 chapters Part II below that, and then the 11 chapters of Part III at the bottom. When I zoom out of my outline, I have a quick way to visualise how long each part is.
The Columns: I think it's pretty obvious that each column is a chapter. Since the state of the sky is perhaps the most plot-relevant thing in my story, that's what that strip of colour at the top of each column represents. The light blue represents a typical day/night cycle, while the dark blue is the perpetual night, and then there's orange later on that represents perpetual twilight.
Chapter Names: I've explained in one of my videos why I think chapter names are just as helpful to writers as they are to readers, but the gist is they can help me remember which chapter is about what. It also means I can connect the chapters in my outline to the chapters in my contents page and manuscript.
Thumbnails: These are screenshots, stock images, or fanart that make a great visual shorthand for what the chapter is about. The first chapter includes a prose adaptation of the opening scene from 'Twilight Princess' where Rusl and Link are chatting at dusk in the spring, and the second chapter is when the perpetual night has set in over Ordon Village, hence the use of screenshots. We haven't departed that far from canon yet!
Edit Tracking: Before I post my fics, I usually do three final rounds of editing. The first round is the final copyedit, when I resolve everything I made a note in my manuscript to change. The second edit is the final proofread, which is also what I record myself reading out loud for the podfic. The final "edit" is the editing of the podfic. These checklists help me keep track of that, so I don't end up doing extra edits because I forgot I already did a part of the process.
Scene Cards: So each card you see in each column represents a scene, and those cards are actually collapsible, so when you click on them, you get a full dot point list of the scene's beats, as well as possible details, description, and dialogue to introduce.
POV Colour Coding: The strip of colour at the top of each colour corresponds to the character who's POV we're in. As you can see, most of the POV is Link (green) with a little bit from Zelda (pink). We don't actually get to see our second-most prominent POV character have her own scene until Chapter 5, hence why you don't see any blue strips representing Midna, my blorbo to end all blorbos!
Single Sentence Summary: So this is something I kinda abandoned later in the outline, buuuuut the first sentence in each card, right next to the POV, is meant to describe the purpose of that scene's inclusion. I've since just started writing what the premise of each scene is and going from there. The thing about a scene's "purpose" is that it's pretty intuitive for me, so I don't really need to state "and this is what this scene will be for!" since I already know in my heart (or can figure it out during editing). But anyway, that little bit of text that's available even when the card is collapsed helps me quickly remember what a scene is about.
The Beige Colour: Okay, so remember how I mention zooming out to see my 53-chapter outline in full? A big part of this is that I actually use my outlines to track my writing and posting progress. The default colour for the cards is actually the same colour as the columns: so Dark Mode Black in my case. When I finish writing a scene, I colour it grey. When I post a chapter, I make it beige. That way, when I zoom out, it's really easy to see how much I've written compared to how much I've posted, as well as how much I have left to write/post.
So yeah! I use my outline not just as a plan for my story and a way to keep track of all the nitty gritty details, but also to track the progression of the drafting, editing, and posting process. It might seem complex to others, but works really well for me. I can find anything I want with ease, and I can learn a lot of what I need to with just a glance. Hopefully this will give you a few ideas on how to creatively use your outlines too!
P.S. This is just the plot for one book in a trilogy alone. It doesn't go into how I've done my worldbuilding notes or character profiles, the latter of which is uh...
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Each one of those icons is actually a full Milanote board you can click on to see their character profiles. OC icons were made using Djarn and Brightgoat's picrews. Idk where that picture I use for Fabian is from and I'm too low on spoons to find out.
(also this relationship chart is outdated so take everything here with a grain of salt)
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defire · 13 hours
Whump artists, I'm an artist that doesn't know how to draw injuries. (Inexperienced)
Does anyone have any tips, especially for drawing bruises, welts, swelling, and cuts?
This is my best. is it just really hard to do without colors or something?
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I haven’t been very consistent in posting about my winx rewrite, like, at all. Especially this year. Life has been at me (as well as other hyperfixations (the daycare attendants)), and I haven’t had the time to really sit down and work on it in a while. I have, however been looking into doing speedpaints with voice overs, which could be a pretty good solution.
Whether or not I do it is frankly up to how easy editing proves to be, but it would make sharing the story and whatnot far easier on me
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Little semi-poetic blurbs that probably say too much about my mental state
Part 3
She looks like the way warm honey and cinnamon tastes
What if I told her? It’s funny the way 1am brings around reckless feelings. 1am is special to me for that reason. The time between 1 and 3am sees everything. It sees my sadness, my anger, my happiness, my love, my hate. It seems to amplify them too. Love I feel at 1am is even stronger than that which I feel while the sun shines down on me.
It makes me ask questions too.
What if? What if I told her? What if I told her that, regardless of the emotions I’m feeling, at 1am she’s there? She’s always there. What if I told her that I smile like an idiot when I see her name on my screen? What if I told her I see her in everything around me?
What if I wasn’t scared of everything it might bring? And, more accurately, of everything it might take away?
I hate going to sleep alone
I want to do the little things with her. I want to be alive with her. Lazy mornings and vibrant evenings. Trying new things, going new places.
I want to do the stupidly romantic things, like cemetery dates and dancing in parking lots. I want to lay my head on her stomach and giggle when it makes noise.
She makes me feel safe.
My eyes get brighter when I look at her
Part 1
Part 2
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waywardsalt · 5 months
so. i've had an idea for a warrior cats fanfiction story, and have spent the last few years hammering out characters, the clans, how they work, the story... a whole lot of stuff. i've tried writing it before, and right now i don't have a current draft of early chapters, but I did recently write out a scene from much later in the story, and i'm pretty happy with it, soooo... here! a warrior cats fic scene i wrote in like an hour a week ago
By the time she led ShadeClan to the Gathering site, Emberstar felt her anxieties lessen. Her foreleg ached from the effort of the journey, but she kept her head high. Beside her, Acornfall glanced back at their clan, then nodded over to Emberstar. He led the clan down into the Gathering hollow, and Emberstar padded over to the slope up to the leader’s perch. PineClan and CliffClan cats were already quietly milling about in the hollow, and up on the overhang she could see Lakestar and Wolfstar waiting. There was no MoorClan scent among the gathered cats.
              Emberstar made her way up the slope she’d seen Gorsestar and Froststar before her traverse. It was a thin path, slowly becoming steeper and steeper as she slunk closer to the overhang, finally reaching the steep, gravelly slope that led up to the leaders’ perch. Down at the base of the cliff, she could see Acornfall joining the other deputies with a polite nod of his head, and Troutfoot was carefully weaving her way through the crowd to meet with the other healers. Emberstar twitched her whiskers when Lakestar and Wolfstar noticed her. She crouched and tensed her back legs and leapt up the slope.
              It wasn’t enough to reach the top, but she reached out with her forepaw and sunk her claws into the loose gravel and dug her back paws into the ground to keep from slithering back down. She slowly inched forward, moving a kittenstep at a time, but she kept her eyes fixed on the other leaders, more determined than ashamed of herself. Emberstar forced herself up the slope, but her heart skipped a beat when the gravel under her paw proved too loose to get a good enough grip- so close to the top, too. What a shame she had no other forepaw to lash out and find a grip with.
              Emberstar felt herself begin to slide back down the slope, but a pair of jaws grasped her by the scruff and hoisted her up onto the overhang. She clawed at the grass and stumbled a step when let go and turned to meet Wolfstar’s amused gaze. “Careful there, three-paw,” the CliffClan leader gruffly purred. “It’s bad luck to fall at your first Gathering as leader.” She brushed past Emberstar to sit back down next to Lakestar.
              With a huff, Emberstar followed her with a shake of her pelt. “I appreciate your help, but I would have been fine on my own. I suppose I owe you now?”
              Wolfstar’s whiskers twitched. “Are you saying ShadeClan is now in CliffClan’s debt?”
              The young leaders stared at each other, then broke out into amused purrs. Lakestar rolled her eyes and wrapped her tail around her paws. “So, you are ShadeClan’s leader now, Emberstar? Or is it still Emberblaze?”
              “It is Emberstar now. I visited the Moon Cavern for my lives only a few sunrises ago.”
              “May StarClan light your path as leader, then.” Lakestar stiffly dipped her head. Despite the brusque words, there was genuine respect in her pale eyes.
              Wolfstar’s own eyes were still bright with humor. “You’ll be great, I know it. What happened to Froststar, then?”
              Emberstar narrowed her eyes and turned her gaze to the gathered cats. “I’ll explain that once the Gathering begins. MoorClan is late tonight.” She surveyed the crowd of cats, peering straight down at the huddled healers. Sitting with her back to her PineClan clanmates, Flarelight was sitting close to Troutfrost. After a moment, she gazed up at the overhang, and her eyes met Emberstar’s. Her eyes grew wide and she stared at her littermate for a long moment until another healer got her attention. Then, as if she’d seen nothing, Flarelight flicked her tail and joined the conversation. Her twitching tail-tip was the only hint that she was distracted. Emberstar blinked. She’d become leader so recently that not even the other healers knew, much less the other clans’ warriors. In the crowd of CliffClan cats, she spotted Sunscorch, sitting with his fur brushing Moonwhisper’s, his eyes wide and his body stiff while he stared at his sister up on the overhang.
              Poor Sunscorch, so softhearted under those honed claws and strong limbs- he was likely to take the news of Froststar’s death the hardest. Emberstar held his gaze, blinked slowly, and turned her head to the sky. The moon was nearly overhead, and still MoorClan was absent.
              “You ought to start the Gathering now,” Wolfstar growled to Lakestar. “It’s newleaf, after all, and if MoorClan’s late then they’re late.”
              “We should wait,” Emberstar sharply mewed. “This is my first Gathering as leader, so it would be disrespectful to me as well as MoorClan if we begin without them. It may anger StarClan as well,” she finished in a murmur, flicking her tail-tip up at the sky. Wolfstar just bushed out her stormy gray fur and huffed.
              Lakestar gazed up at the sky. Emberstar looked over at her. For so long, as an apprentice, as a warrior, as the deputy, she’d never dared to be so close to the cold PineClan leader. But now, she was barely a tail-length from the sleek silver tabby, and they sat as equals in standing. Lakestar was likely at less than nine lives and Emberstar was without a right foreleg, but they were equals nonetheless.
              She was knocked from her thoughts by Wolfstar headbutting her. The larger cat nearly shoved her off-balance. “Glad to see that we’re both finally up here. I was waiting to see when you’d catch up, three-paw.”
              Emberstar licked Wolfstar’s ear. “You know I must take things slower than you.”
              “Who’d you pick as deputy?” Wolfstar leaned over the edge to inspect the group of deputies. “Hm- Acornfall?”
              “He’s a good warrior. Older than me by four seasons, so I trust his advice and his skill.”
              “I thought you would have picked Lavenderflash. Or maybe Darknose, you two always seemed close.”
              Emberstar gazed down at Lavenderflash, spotting the pure-black molly quickly- she was almost certain there was obvious fondness in her eyes as she looked at her former apprentice. “Lavenderflash is… young and still training her first apprentice. She is a good, loyal warrior, but not fit to be deputy or eventual leader in my mind. And Darknose…” The tom was sitting at the edge of the crowd, alone. “He is a possibility, but he still mourns his brother even all these moons later, so I don’t know if he would be the best choice.”
              Wolfstar made a sniff of approval, then her gaze snapped to the far hill. A yowl rang out, and the three leaders pricked their ears and the cats in the hollow turned to see MoorClan finally arrive, led by Applestar. Emberstar sat stiffly until she spotted Glowflame in the crowd, side-by-side with Orangeclaw. He joined the cats in the hollow with his clan while Applestar broke off to climb up to the overhang, and he seemed to murmur something to Orangeclaw before she angled her ears up at Emberstar. Glowflame looked up and spotted her, and his jaw dropped open. Emberstar couldn’t help but let out a purr of affection for her brother as he gaped in amazement at her.
              Applestar greeted the other leaders when he finally joined them, nodding briefly at Emberstar, and hurriedly sat down next to Lakestar, his mottled fur standing up along his spine. The leaders gave the cats in the hollow a few moments to settle down. In that time, Emberstar saw her littermates make their ways through the crowd towards each other. By the time Lakestar threw back her head and yowled to signify the beginning of the Gathering, Flarelight, Sunscorch, and Glowflame sat huddled together with their eyes trained on their sister. Emberstar met their gazes for just a heartbeat and felt the final icicles of her anxiety melt away.
She then turned her head to watch Lakestar as she began to announce her clan’s news for the moon, and reminded herself of what she had to announce when it was her turn. She was ShadeClan’s leader, now. StarClan had approved of her. Emberstar lifted her chin and, with a deep breath, finally settled into her place at the head of her clan.
#woe warrior cats fanfiction be upon ye#my writing#fanfiction#warrior cats#hmmm...#waywardsalt's warrior cats#yeahhhh#anyways a few things abt this related specifically to whats in here#emberstar and wolfstar are not in any kind of relationship theyre just longtime friends n rivals tho at some point wolfstar had a crush#emberstar is meant to be aro/ace and otherwise has no interest in taking a mate at all but she loves her clanmates#glowflame and orangeclaw are mates and sunscorch and moonwhisper are mates idk if flarelight will be in a relationship#the map for this fic (clan territories and camp layouts and moon cavern/gathering spot) is based on a minecraft world i have its v helpful#i have a full alliances list for the living cats at the very beginning of the story but it lacks cats outside the clan bc uhhhh i dont#think there are too many that are present that early and also loners arent usually a big thing its mostly cats passing through#emberstar is mostly dark ginger and black flarelight is mostly just dark ginger sunscorch is gold/yellow and glowflame is yellow and white#all four of them have ice blue eyes and black ear tips i am getting funky with cat designs i do not care. they have teh most unique designs#calling med cats healers bc of. reasons you may know why. and she cats are mollies bc like. why not#emberstar is a tripod cat she is missing a foreleg and she is the primary primary protag she is the most frequent pov#so i have thought a lot abt how she would need to be trained and assessed differently and what she cannot do and how she does warrior dutie#ember flare sun and glow all grew up together but separated into the different clans for Reasons ember stayed in shadeclan bc she was deput#it was also for those Reasons but dw abt it. sunscorch is gay glowflame is bi flarelight is a lesbian#gorsestar and froststar (the previous shadeclan leaders emberstar thinks of) were both mollies and were mates. frost mentored emberstar#its a little bit of nepotism but ember was frost's like. third deputy so its whatever. i picked acornfall as deputy as a placeholder#and bc i couldnt fucking remember anyone else except nobodies in shadeclan but now that i think about it he's actually a good choice#aaaand emberstar is my oldest warrior cats rp character shes been with me a long time- second oldest is sunscorch#emberstar began as emberheart and sunscorch was an edgy murder rogue named sun i roleplayed them in a specific mc server
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oifaaa · 2 years
Having read your recent tags about no one liking fic you'd write except for you, I've GOT to tell you. I'm balls deep into an OOC, self-indulgent nonsense fic that I wrote for another fandom, and I am living the LIFE! I've got TWO kudos! That's honestly really just a bonus. Every time I post a new chapter (which is really just so that if my writing program crashes and I lose everything, I still have a copy) I feel so ELATED for NO GOOD REASON! All this to say, if you want to write the Fic, write the Fic. Maybe you won't get any traction/traffic, but it's still worthwhile.
Also, I would LOVE some Canon!Tim fics. The only reason why I don't write them is that I don't feel solid enough with his character to do him justice, and I'm on a Tim Drake Boycott bc of the whole "move over Damian, the BEST Robin is back in town!" like, fck DC you're not getting my money. Looking for a good place to pirate some good Tim writing.
I've said before the way DC themselves adds petrol to the Damian vs Tim debate is actually really nasty Tim and Damian fans will complain about how the other keeps bringing up the argument ignoring how dc is really the one who uses it the most can't stand it, anyway that aside I've tried writing fanfic before but my problem is I'm very dyslexic and adhd it's not a great combination for writing I also know I should start with smaller stories to build up some experience but I'm not good at short stories if you can't tell by all my aus having over 5 parts each and then bc of that I never finish its a very viscous cycle
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offantasiesandreams · 2 years
hello i am so happy i found this blog omg please do some romantic headcanons for Dedan, i see such content with him so rarely (and i get why, but i still love this guy so much it hurts) also if you could something regarding him being physically unable to kiss the reader (poor dude) thanks in advance if ur gonna do it!!!! and sorry for broken english if there's any
Of course I'm gonna write this! Fun fact, my friend's favourite character is Dedan and he has actually sent in two requests asking for him as well! You and my friend would get along well in that regard!
Romantic Headcanons for Dedan
He’s even more of a busy bee than Enoch, wandering around zone one and defeating the spectres, making sure that everything is in order and giving out instructions to the Elsen. So, good luck, finding him. You’ll need even more luck if you would actually like to spend time with him. Which is why Dedan treasures those few moments he has with you. He will do what he can to be able to have them and have some form of free time, but it’s rather difficult when you’re the head of an entire zone.
One thing he might do is ask you if you would like to run an errand or two with him. He is dutiful, yes, but he also loves you dearly. As long as said errands aren’t dangerous in the slightest he’s more than happy to bring you along. You won’t be able to just sit down and have a picnic with him since he’s always needed somewhere by at least one Elsen, but you can spend your time walking together.
Since he’s a very tall guy, it’s not unlikely you won’t be able to keep up with his large steps and grow tired over time. Yes, it might seem silly, but he would give you a piggyback ride if you’re on the verge of falling asleep. He’s very strong, so regardless of whether you’re on the more lean side or not, he will be able to carry you with ease.
As you mentioned, Dedan can’t particularly kiss due to his lack of lips, which, until he met you, has never actually been a problem for him before. While he sometimes does wish he could give you a proper kiss, he does improvise by gently bonking you on the head and staying like that for a second or two. It might not be a gesture he does often, or in public, but it’s sweet whenever he does it. The infrequency of it makes it all the more special, in his eyes.
If it’s raining outside, or simply cold in general, he will put his coat on you. Chances are it will be way too big on you, but it will keep you safe from the weather. Plus he thinks you look cute in a coat twice your own size, especially when you put your arms through the sleeves and make grabby hands at him. Every time you do that, it feels as though Cupid just shot him straight through the heart.
Cuddling with him is quite the experience. It’s reserved for his lover only, making it quite the privilege too. Whilst not the softest guy to lay on due to all of his muscles, he does make you feel safe. You can try being the big spoon, he won’t stop you, but he will give you a chortle upon hearing the suggestion. Spooning is fine with him, but if he could choose, he would prefer to have you nestle your face under his chin and wrap your arms around him as well. Being as close as physically possible is just a nice feeling, like he does his job well. His job of protecting and keeping you safe.
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enbysiriusblack · 1 year
thinking about horror film au marauders.. (tw. lotta gore)
lily the nerdy, bossy character that comes out with a giant axe and brutally beats up the killer/s to the shock of every other character
peter is either the bargaining character that tries to bargain and give the killer/s what they want just as he's about to die. or the character secretly on the killer's side that's revealed at the end
definitely giving wolfstar the making out whilst a killer is in their house/car/woods
mary, dorcas, remus, and lily all turning to each other wondering which of them is gonna die first, when they realise they're basically in a horror film cause of the black character dying first trope (i watched the blackening yesterday and the tagline "we can't all die first" gave me this hc. very good film. highly recommend)
sirius is the resident horror film expert that tells them what the killer usually does next (im imagining someone dying and everyone is just screaming over the dying body and sirius is also screaming but then adds in "this is exactly like that scene in wrong turn!"
the screamers are probably mary, remus, and james. not a definite though. i can see it being other people.
marlene gets the most jump scare scenes and emmeline gets the most hearing creaking and footsteps
james is the best at fighting but absolutely hates blood. feel like there needs to be a scene where he's like punching a masked killer and is doing SO WELL. and he gets the killer on the ground and is about to pull the mask off when the killer pulls out a knife and stabs at his hands and chest and shit. and he just screams and backs away staring at his blood until he faints.
as marlene dies, she clutches dorcas' hand and whispers "the lesbians never get a happy ending. apart from fear street... why couldn’t this be like fear street?"
the final girl HAS to be mary. ofc.
#im very much a satire horror fan. in case you couldn’t tell from this.#gonna explain how everyone dies (other than mary) in the tags cause im having ideas now i thought i was finished#idk the order so this is random and not at all chronological#remus- is high as fuck. thinks sirius or james is pranking him and then gets stabbed or whatever#sirius- tries to out horror the killer. tips a bucket of fake blood on them. has a chainsaw and mask#has a bunch of recording devices with sounds he previously made. etc. but then his fucking phone goes off#and he gets so annoyed because thats such a rookie mistake. and he asks to cut and do a retake just before the killer kills him#marlene- kinda already said about her death. but feel like it's def outside like in the street and shes only with dorcas#i already said james' death#lily- feel like there's more than one killer and she manages to kill one. just to turn around and another to get her#dorcas- she gets VERY into it once marlene dies. definitely gets hits in if not killing some of the killers.#but they ultimately get stabbed a lot and they run to marlene's body whilst bleeding out instead of the hospital#and she dies in marlene's dead grasp.#emmeline doesn't get killed for a while. is bait in a plan to catch killer/s but the plan goes wrong and she gets pushed out a high window#i havent mentioned other characters but why not say their deaths.#regulus- he's made to be involved with like a scene in a library where they go to him to ask about some secret history of the town#and then is killed the next day but has s bunch of writings and pages of books around his room about the killers and hes solved it#but the killer burns it all before anyone gets there#pandora- kinda want her to the first death for some reason idk.. like it gets framed as a suicide but so many people dont believe it#and the killings go on#barty- sees the masked killer and like jokes around touching their mask and stuff. and then the killer just like. brings out an axe#and chops his head off#evan- dont know why but im imagining him driving and getting those spikes in the road to lure him out the car#also btw didn't mention peter's death cause im leaning towards him being secretly one of the killers#and gets killed by either lily or dorcas#was gonna say barty and evan could be killers then i realised i made them kill reg and pandora and cas so people would not like that#also no mary death obviously since shes the final girl. survivor ever <3 immortal <3#marauders era#marauders#tw. gore
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mar64ds · 1 year
What are the names of your two protagonists? Or is that something you're still figuring out?
Sister is named Aries, sibling is named Axel but likes being called 'Axe'. There is a joke here about both of their names, here is a clue they both are figuring out if they are aspec
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