#if everyone who didn’t like the show didn’t have some of the most ignorant points I would respect their opinions in peace
hate to be a hater on the main … but this season of ted lasso excels (once again) at team dynamic and the found family elements and i think the finale absolutely nailed that, i cried, i laughed, it was perfect on that. now as for the individual stories and relationships… yeah, let’s leave it at that
#(rant below ignore me)#i think making longer episodes allowed them to add stories that felt so pointless to me#what was the point of zava? to make jamie understand something about himself? could have done that better with just the roy plot#i would have understood roy and keeley breaking up of it was like ‘let’s both grow as individuals’#and roy kinda did but apparently not enough because his plot at the end is how he do better so i guess he didn’t#jamie had the best development only to then lose part of it by throwing the random video comment?? like why??#keeley my love … from the random friend that added nothing to the story to an undervelopped love interest plot line … they did u so dirty#why the hell was ted so emotionally off this last episode instead of actually talking the time to proper end things with london and everyone#rebecca was SOBBING and ted was like ‘well gotta go’ ??#it’s not about the ship or anything but what ?? and rebecca … love that she stayed with the club#but to have her end up with some random creepy man she met once and whose name WE DONT EVEN KNOW#i have no issues with ted going home to his son. it makes perfect sense. but it felt so weird#the nate plot was wrapped kinda poorly too??#sam colin and most of the guys from the team were amazing#and the found family and team dynamic was still amazing as always#the beard and jane relationship was always weird to me because it feels like joke after joke of.. abuse?#do they get married or was it a dream?? and if so was the whole sequence a dream? and if it wasn’t WHO DID THE CGI FOR THE WEDDING 💀#we spent more time with these characters this season and it doesn’t feel that way and idk this season felt weird at so many points#I LOVE THIS SHOW I DO!! first 2 seasons are one of my all time favourite seasons of a sitcom!! and i still enjoyed a lot about s3 <33#anyway sorry to be a hater on the main but it was just a weird season to end it on#anti ted lasso#<- i really don’t wanna upset anyone i just felt like ranting a little 💀 pls don’t hate me#ted lasso spoilers
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verstappen-cult · 6 months
gonna take up on the request opening bc i love these lil blurbs you do with your moodboards! maybe "how they defend you online" esp charles and lando but if you feel like adding others its up to you !!
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lando was streaming when you came home one day. once he heard the front door being closed and then your footsteps, he excused himself with his friends and viewers and went to greet you. when he came back, there were several texts from his friends letting him know of some not-so-friendly comments about you. suddenly, lando had something else to do and ended the whole thing. he did not tell you anything, lando simply waited until his next stream for what he wanted to do. it was very simple and definitely something lando would do; and staring right into the camera lando let the world know that if they don’t support his relationship, then he just doesn’t want their support at all. from then on, lando just blocked everyone who didn’t have anything good to say. you’re the most important person in his life, how can anyone hate you? and so, lando made a promise to himself: show the world the amazing girl you are.
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even way before you started dating charles, receiving hateful comments and messages was a common occurrence. of course your boyfriend knew about it, everyone could see what was happening just by choosing a random picture on your instagram and reading the replies. it was sad, awful. but you didn’t want charles to do anything, you stopped him a lot of times because you didn’t want to bring too much attention into the whole thing. charles loves you and that is all that matters to you. it was, well, okay… until things became a little to real, a little too much, and charles couldn’t sit back and do nothing. so with a little bit of help from his team, he managed to write a very good and long statement about the whole thing. there were mixed opinions but things quiet down a little. and you weren’t happy at first, but something as simple as seeing your comment section hate-free made you forgive him sooner.
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oscar is a man of very few words and never engages in online drama or gossip. if and when he’s online, oscar just wants to see cute and funny videos. he’s a formula one driver and people should only be interested in that part of his life, but he knows that will never be the case. however, he’s still surprised to see various comments around twitter about you. they are not about how beautiful or intelligent you are or how happy you seem to make oscar with your pretty smile and sense of humor – not that they would know that. not that they deserve to know that, either. some part of him wants to reply to those people who definitely don’t know you, he’s angry, disgusted. and the rational part of him tells him to simply don’t say anything because they don’t deserve it. so, oscar just clicks to make a new tweet and begins with a simple phrase “you don’t know anything about me or my life…” and so on. maybe he sounded a little harsh, maybe things will get worse; he couldn’t care less, as long as you’re not mad with him, he can live with being the center of the drama. oscar will never let anyone disrespect you.
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max doesn’t care what people think and have to say about him, that ship has sailed a long time ago. but he can’t ignore when people say mean things about you, he just can’t, so, he doesn’t. max replies to every single tweet and comment on both his and your instagram that he sees, he goes directly to the point and if he’s mean then, who cares? maybe it’s a little bit childish but he doesn’t care, max will not allow anyone to talk shit about his girl. and if he needs to make a video or do an interview or whatever he needs to do to make people understand that you are part of his life and forever will be, then he will be more than happy to do them. max is almost never online, so when all of this happens he makes sure to make time to be online, to post a picture of you on his instagram story, to post a photo of your vacation together on his feed, to say how much he loves you via twitter, to mention you when he has the chance during an interview. he loves making you blush and seeing you trying to hide your smile when you see all those things. max also loves pissing people off.
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★ — ALEX ALBON (23)
alex tries to be friendly. when he sees someone say something not good about his girlfriend, he doesn’t hesitate to prove them wrong and defend you. he knows you’re more than capable of doing it and has seen you doing it before; he loves it. but there’s this something inside of him trying to break free and just let everyone know the funny, pretty, amazing, kind girl he’s lucky to call his girlfriend. so, alex lets it free and goes liking, retweeting and replying to every single comment about you and how shiny and nice your hair is, how you seem to make alex so happy and how he’s always smiling around you (he makes sure to let them know why is that), how lucky alex is to have you by his side, and so on and on and on until there’s nothing more for him, until he can’t think about the mean things people said, until you are laughing next to him and calling him obsessed and kissing him like your life depends on it.
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daniel chooses a catchy song and changes some of the lyrics, then sets his phone down and sits with a big smile and his guitar. when the video starts, he simply says “this is dedicated to all of the assholes thinking that is okay to hate on someone’s girlfriend just because.” and then he starts singing. there are a lot of bad words and cursing and long pauses looking directly into the camera without losing that big and pretty smile he has. daniel then uploads the video to all his platforms with a little paragraph about why bullying is bad and why you should mind your own business because he’s not that interesting anyway and it won’t make him break up with you because some trolls are practically begging him to. he ends up getting in trouble for not consulting with his team before doing what he did, something that has him going viral, so viral that people outside of formula one and people who don’t even who he is talk about it. exactly what he wanted.
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the moment mick has to hold you in his arms as you cry because you’d read something mean about you, it’s the exact moment he decides to do something about it. he doesn’t want to cause drama or make things worse, so, it takes him a little while and some long calls with his sister to know what to do. mick puts the poetry classes you two take a few months ago to good use and writes the most beautiful and romantic poem you and everyone would ever read. it is about you, about his love for you, about what you mean to him and everything he likes about you. he posts a little phrase to his instagram stories and sets a time and day for when it will be posted it. when the day cames and you get to read it, you end up crying again but for a whole different reason. it’s not that you didn’t know mick loved you but it’s the gesture, the time he spent doing it, the fact that he wanted to do it and wanted the whole world to read his love letter to you, something that will forever be there.
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© VERSTAPPEN-CULT ⎯ do not repost, translate, plagiarise or claim any of my works as your own.
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bellawoso · 6 months
Ona Batlle x fem!reader
-> Ona being a flustered mess around her ‘cute doctor’
Definition of love at first sight for my darling onita!!
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Ona Batlle hated medics. It wasn’t that she hated them as people, she actually really admired people who dedicated most of their youth studying to help others. What Ona Batlle hated was being treated by medics. During both training and matches Ona would go to extreme measures just to hide an injury so that she wasn’t sent away to ‘waste’ valuable time that she could have been playing football as she says.
However, due to the amount of time she has been caught attempting to hide her pain, Ona’s hate for being seen by medics is infamously known by every player in the Barcelona Femeni team.
So therefore when Ona went down due to a mistimed slide tackle which resulted in someone’s studs harshly connecting with her ribs, Alexia’s ‘hawk eyes’ as Ona calls them, immediately noticed the wince that Ona tried to suppress with every step she took in attempt to ‘walk it off’.
“Off now Ona.”
At hearing this Ona’s eyes widened in shock as she realised she had been caught, everyone including Ona knew that it was useless trying to argue with Alexia, who was the most stubborn player on the team. In attempt to show the captain her annoyance, Ona let out an exaggerated sigh, which was ignored by Alexia, who instead shooed the defender off the pitch.
Ona made a point to walk as slowly as possible off the pitch and shoot a harsh glare at the player who injured her. Ona was annoyed. She had been deeply looking forward to the match against Real Madrid, and was excited to assist Barcelona in keeping their winning streak against them, only to be sent off just 27minutes into the game which she suspected she would have been playing full time for.
When she got to the sidelines the physios told the young spaniard to head to medical room 5 for a scan to check for broken ribs making the brunette internally groan at the possibility of having to miss any more time playing football due to some broken bones.
When Ona eventually arrived at medical room 5, she had a mental battle while staring at a spot on the floor whether she should stay and get checked by a professional or go back to the locker rooms and get a long relaxing shower while it was quiet. However, her train of thoughts was interrupted by the door suddenly clicking open and a soft voice grasping her attention.
“Hello, can I help you?”
Ona was about to reject your offer and return back to the locker rooms, but as she looked up to match a face to the voice, her future words of dismissal died on her tongue.
“Oh- uh, t-the physios. My ribs.”
Ona internally cursed herself at her unusual nervousness and flustered state. She wouldn’t admit it but she also cursed you for making her feel like there were a million butterflies in her stomach, and she prayed that you mistook the blush on her cheeks for a visual of the past half hour she had spent running around the pitch.
“Of course, if you’d like to come in? What’s your name?”
Ona however had stupidly decided to try act casual by taking a large gulp out of her water bottle, but had hurriedly swallowed it in order to not leave your question waiting, which resulted in the brunette entering a coughing and choking fit. You quickly sprung to action and rubbed soothing circles onto the spaniards back until the coughing subsided, and Ona felt the tips of her ears burn as she looked at the ground.
The silence didn’t last for long though, as it was almost instantly interrupted by laughter that filled the air. Ona hated it. Ona was used to making girls laugh after a sarcastic quip she made in a bar, when she flirted her ways into someone’s bed, however Ona was definitely not used to a girl laughing at her, after she had almost basically died due to how much of a blushing mess you reduced her to.
However, as much as Ona hated your laugh, she could not resist the tugging of the corner of her lips at the soft giggles that you emitted. Ona was down bad instantly.
“Hola, soy y/n.” You said with a cheeky grin adorned on your face which made Ona swoon.
The brunette couldn’t help but chuckle at the heavy northern accent coating your words.
“Your pronunciation is terrible.” The defender replied with a smirk of her own.
“As is yours.” You said, but the truth is, Ona’s pronunciation was practically flawless, but she didn’t need to know that.
“No it isn’t, my pronunciation is perfect.” Ona said.
“Arrogance looks good on you.” You replied as you looked into her eyes. As cliché as it sounds, Ona’s eyes were beautiful, a gorgeous deep brown with specks of gold and green littered near her pupils. Little did you know Ona was also admiring your eyes aswell.
After sitting her down on the examination bed and taking some quick x-rays of her ribs, you ruled out the possibility of them being broken, and instead decided to feel the area to see the extent of the bruising.
At the sight of her abs up this close your breath hitched, and you prayed that Ona didn’t hear, on any other day Ona would have noticed and would make an effort to tease you for it, but today Ona was fully focused into trying to not let you see the effect you had on her this close.
At first, Ona relished the addictive feeling of your cold finger tips trailing around the area, but as the gentle touches faded into harsh prodding at the people and blue tinged skin, Ona’s wince became apparent for you.
As soon as you noticed Ona’s discomfort, you were quick to mutter a soft apology, and while Ona thought about her embarrassing first encounter with you, she realised something that she felt like kicking herself for. Ona had forgot to tell you her name.
Of course you knew who Ona Batlle was, your studies the entire team after you scored the job as their personal doctor, but you hoped that asking Ona her name would help you two get to know each other on a personal level.
“Ona.”was all the spaniard uttered quietly.
“What was that?”
“My name. My name is Ona.”
As you looked down at her, you couldn’t help but notice the dozens of freckles littered on her nose, and couldn’t help but smile softly at the defender.
You placed an ice pack onto the bruised area, strapping it to her skin with a bandage, then tugged her shirt back down and Ona took this as her que to sit up and wait for your diagnosis.
“Well Ona I’m happy to say that you have no broken ribs but you do have severe bruising in your ribs so I would recommend sitting out the next match to prevent further injuries, okay?”
Normally Ona would have freaked out at the idea of not being able to play the next match, and would have probably argued with the doctor until they told her she could play. However, with you Ona wanted nothing more than to listen to and respect your judgement. Ona knew she had fallen for you.
As you followed her to the door, the spaniard turned around to see you a last time before she left.
“Bye y/n”
“See you around Ona” You said with a grin.
As Ona walked into the locker room she was shocked to be met with her teammates emerging from the showers and going to get dressed. How much time had she spent with you?
As her teammates noticed her arrival, Ona was immediately faced with questions about her change of opinions on medics, its safe to say that no one actually thought Ona would actually go to the medical room.
Patri immediately came over to her and bombarded her with questions.
“Why did you go to the medics?”
“Are your ribs broken?”
“Why are you happy after returning?”
Fortunately Ingrid came to Ona’s rescue and led the brunette over to where Alexia and Mapi were sat. The two best friends stopped their conversation as soon as Ona neared them, also confused at why Ona actually went to the medic.
“I can’t believe she actually went” Mapi said under her breath.
Unluckily for her, Ona heard.
“I went because they told me to” the defender said with a scowl upon her face. To which Alexia raised a brow in disbelief.
The questioning was soon interupted at the sound of the locker room door bursting open, making the multiple conversations stop.
But upon seeing who entered, Ona wished the ground would open and swallow her whole to save her from the relentless teasing she is bound to receive from the team after this.
There you were, stood at the doorway looking around the room until your eyes made contact with Ona’s and you offered her the same reassuring smile that Ona fell in love with.
You rushed up to the spaniard, only to hold out your hand.
Dammit. Her water bottle.
“Here you forgot this, but try not to choke this time” you said with your signature cheeky grin, before saying “adios” and turning to leave.
“B-bye y/n” Ona said, her flustered state returning at the realisation that her whole team had found out what convinced her to go to the medic, you turned around to shoot her a smile until the sound of the door clicked behind you.
“Because we told you to, huh?” Alexia said with a teasing smirk.
“Shut up, she was cute”
A/N : There will be a part two to this, and hopefully I will have it written by the end of this week! Feel free to send in requests for your favourite footballers! 🤍
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rxzennia · 2 months
picky eater
– tales of the voracity pathstrider
✎𓂃 leviathan? dog under the table! avvy, won’t you come home in 18 hours 30 minutes? final tribute to you before your release <3
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aventurine shows up in your office without knocking, as he often does. you look up from your work, raising a brow – you’ve gotten so used to him doing this that you’ve given up asking him what he wants altogether.
“what, i can’t even visit my own secretary?” he teases, trotting up to your desk and setting down a delicate bag of… something. “lunch, my dear, lunch. you skipped it again, didn’t you?”
you ignore his pet name for you and stare at the bag, then at him, then back at the bag
it’s quite endearing how he tries to make sure you eat regularly
even though your composition doesn’t quite need you to eat the way other people do
not that you can’t, you just don’t really need to, so you don’t
it’s just less effort for you and more efficiency
but who are you to deny your boss’s goodwill?
“thank you,” you say, giving the entire bag a quick sniff. “the usual?”
“the usual.” he confirms
more like if he gets anything else there’s quite a high chance that you won’t like it
he’s realized that you’re picky as hell
even though you literally eat monsters for fun 
okay, maybe not for fun
his point still stands, though
when it comes to your taste buds they’re the most hard to please things ever
it’s okay, someday he’ll find your favorite foods
in the meantime he’ll keep getting you stuff he knows you’ll eat
this information is obtained through trial and error, by the way
read: a lot of trials and a lot of errors. mostly errors
you flash him a small smile under your scarf
he doesn’t miss it; he’s known how to read your expressions by the changes in your eyes now
you set your papers aside and carefully put the few boxes of takeout on your desk
you have limited space on your desk because of the way you set it up
you don’t like big, wide spaces
when you finally pull down your scarf, aventurine’s entire person lights up with joy.
“what?” you ask, because he looks like that every time he sees your face.
“nothing,” aventurine chuckles, “just thinking about how you used to kick me out whenever you had to take off your scarf.”
you look at him from the corner of your eyes, your spoonful of rice half-raised
you are unimpressed
“would you like me to kick you out?” you offer very kindly
so cold
but he knows you’re not actually going to kick him out
still. so cold.
“hey, i brought you food!” he whines
you nod in agreement. “and i said thank you.”
why are you like this
please, as much as he loves these back-and-forths with you, have some mercy
then again the sight of you eating well is really heartwarming
plus the fact that he’s the one who's treating you
worth it 10/10
you’re using utensils like everyone else, but somehow you still eat really quickly?
what in the sorcery
you finish the contents in the boxes that smell familiar
the trustworthy boxes™ 
and that leaves you with… one delicate little box
it smells… ominous. like a crime against your tongue.
you look at aventurine with doubt in your eyes. what is he trying to feed you this time?
“cake,” he says, “i asked around for the best cafe in town.”
“you asked topaz.” you slowly take off the ribbon and open the box.
ouch, must you be so truthful?
because who else is he supposed to go to for these things?
it’s not like he can just ask anyone!
and he really wants to know your preference towards sweet things
you’ll eat very, very lightly sweetened things
but what about proper dessert? 
you’re gentle towards the box; you’re staring at the canary-shaped cake
more examining than staring, actually
seems like you appreciate intricately decorated things
he’s making a mental list of things you like and don’t like
even though you’re not very cooperative with him on this
c’mon, he wants to know everything about you! he wants to treat you right! let him!!!
(you do not know of the existence of such a list)
you pick up the mini cake and sniff it
pokes it with your tongue when you think it passes your sniff test
sweet, but nothing too bad so far
time to take it further
you try a tiny bite in the corner
your senses get assaulted by sugar, if that even makes sense
no. 0/10 would not recommend.
but you keep your face blank so as to not be blatantly obvious
“hmm.” you set the pastry down on your desk like you’re deep in thought.
“how is it? you like it?” aventurine awaits your answer eagerly, watching you closely. a little too closely, to be honest.
“please do not ever visit that store for cakes again.” you say, getting a spoonful of the unbitten side and offering it to your boss. “mm.”
you’re telling him to try it? 
the way you’re asking is so adorable
not even words, just a little hum and a small wave of the spoon
he does have a try of the cake
and have you feed him while he’s at it
very happy right now
would be better if the cake wasn’t sugared like it’s a day’s calories concentrate
he understands your response now
trying his best to not cringe
also knows to never ask topaz for dessert recommendations again
“if you don’t like it, let’s just toss it out,” he suggests, because he wouldn’t be able to stomach that either
you got this from him
territorial snake moment when he tries to take it from your hands
you hiss
jumpscare, he did not expect that
also oddly happy that you’re protective of the stuff he gives you
also concerned
“you’re not going to force yourself to eat that, are you…?” 
“what are you saying, of course not,” you say, setting the barely-eaten canary cake on your desk all the while keeping aventurine’s hands away from it. 
then your scarf comes and swallows the thing in one gulp.
“it…” aventurine points a shaky finger at the white fabric that morphed into a faceless serpent’s head at the ends. “it ate it? just like that?”
“if it can swallow monsters whole, it can eat an overly sweet cake.” you shrug, finally wiping your mouth and pulling your scarf back up.
aventurine’s jaw would be on the floor if it was physically possible. unfortunately, it isn’t. “i thought you could still taste when your scarf eats things?” 
“monsters.” you reply, patting your scarf as it settles into a regular piece of cloth again, “it tastes monsters. not food.”
so that's how you managed to finish even the things you absolutely hate? by having your scarf eat it?
aeons, there’s still so much he has yet to learn about you, isn't there?
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urfavlarry · 14 days
heyyy could you please write a joost x fem! reader fic where the reader too is slightly famous, and she and joost have been SECRETLY dating for a year but no one knew it, so it comes as a big shock to everyone when they find out through either a paparazzi or leaked photo online or through an accidental giveaway of it during an interview <33
Red handed
Joost Klein x fem!reader
A/N: istg this is so bad but I hope you like this lmao and sorry if its short :,)
warnings: swearing, not proof read
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╰┈➤ ⋆。‧˚ʚ 🐦 ɞ˚‧。⋆
You scrolled through your phone, eyes wide and millions of thoughts were going through your head. You and Joost were currently miles apart, you having to leave for a family vacation you looked forward to the whole year. Joost like the gentleman he was accompanied you to the airport, helping you with everything and chatting with your family. When the time of the departure came, Joost pulled you into one last embrace before going your own ways. The first few days were wonderful. You enjoyed yourself on the beach, some fans recognising you which made you so so happy to be known all over the world. Like I said before, you were having a wonderful time until now. You stumbled upon a photo that was shared by an unknown user, already having thousands of views of you and Joost at the airport. You never really experienced paparazzi, only a small amount but not to the point people leaked photos of you when you were just walking across the street to the grocery store like they do to some celebrities.
Joost Klein and Y/N L/N at the Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam this Monday morning.
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Liked by loverboyz, y/n4life and 89,689 others
@user74320531 and 76.5K others commented
user555: new ship?
maxxinerivera: yall are some stalkers let them live tf
joostkleinswife: joost can do better then that
╰┈➤ midnightsxlover replied to joostkleinswife: too real
Joost knew about the photo, already messaging you if you’re okay, reassuring you everything will be okay and that you would work things out. It wouldn’t even bother you that people knew about your relationship, you weren’t ashamed of Joost and would show him off proudly but some fans were too much to handle. Most people sent the both of you death threats but you chose to ignore them. Why should they decide who you love?
After getting back home to The Netherlands you got greeted by Joost waiting for you, the place being crowded from all the crazy fan girls trying to take photos of you two together or yell congratulating and kinds things to you which you dearly appreciated. It was something you expected, you were bound to get caught someday and it was really a miracle you kept it a secret for a little over a year. Joost picked you up and spinned you around, kissing you on the forehead making all the fans cheer. Your face felt hot, holding onto Joosts hand which he gladly squeezed as reassurance. The both of you walked out of the airport hand in hand Joost getting in to the taxi with you and went to your shared home.
It felt nice to be home, calming even. Joost picked you up making you wrap your legs around his waist, walking with you to your bedroom. He layed you down gently before getting on top of you, caging you with his weight. “Joost.. come on I didn’t even unpack.” “That can wait, are you okay tho? With all those people knowing about us?” You thought about it for a few minutes, your hand in Joosts soft blonde hair. You shrugged slightly, making Joost look up at you. “If anyone is bothering you I have no problem speaking up about it. You know I love you with my whole heart mijn liefde.” (my love) “I know, I know. It’s just a bit overwhelming but I expected it to happen some day I mean the media is crazy soo.. I’m okay with people knowing.” Joost smiled lovingly at you, kissing your cheek, then mouth. The kiss was quick but sweet, making your stomach erupt with butterflies and cheeks feel hot. You stare at his adorable face, his soft smile making your day a hundred times better like it usually did.
You went on to show each other off, Joost always having a hand on your waist or even just holding onto your arm like a lost child meanwhile you posted things with you two together happily, showing up at his concerts more often sometimes singing your own songs to open up Joosts concerts which you loved doing. People saw you guys as THE couple, everyone cheering, clapping, yelling during concerts when you ended the concert with one last bow and hug with your partner. It truly made you happy how people supported you through and through, some defending you when you got hate online which you after some time chose to ignore. Joost was more than happy to bring you to every event possible, even when he got to perform for Eurovision that same year, you were there for every pre-party and after-party, performance ect. even after his disqualification you never left his side.
Now you were on one of your friends tour, Bambie to be exact as an opener along with Joost. It was fun, the atmosphere being a lot different from your usual concerts which you welcomed with open arms. At the end of the concert the crowd screamed for more, so all you three looked at each other with smirks, performing a song you three worked on just a few months back. It had a mix of all your three singing styles you and Joost popping in a few phrases in your mother tongue. It made the crowd cheer, some booing which was expected but you didn’t care, having fun with your favourite people. At the end of the show, you looked at the crowd, realisation hitting you of how many people you influenced and how many people supported you. Joost grabbed your waist, kissing you on the cheek while Bambie started clapping making the crowd do the same. Maybe putting yourself out there wasn’t so bad after all.
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╰┈➤ ⋆。‧˚ʚ 🐦 ɞ˚‧。⋆
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cherigu · 1 year
— ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Dulce Venganza!
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Genre: smut Pairing: sub!jeongguk x softdom!reader Word Count: 2.5k Warnings: college!au, fratboy!jk, grinding, solo masturbation (m), hand job (m), nipple sucking, vaginal penetration, cowgirl position, unprotected sex, overstimulation, PUSSY WHIPPED JK, fluffy ending
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Attending a party held by the most popular fraternity was a one-way ticket to seeing everyone you despised, something you should’ve kept in mind before you found yourself getting holes burned into by your ex’s laser eyes across the room. You had done fairly well in minding your business all night, having gone to this party mainly for the drinks. This meant you hadn’t socialized much all night, most of your friends abandoning you for some mediocre dude upstairs. 
All you were here for was to stand still by the drinks table and look pretty. You knew how to doll up, wearing a two-piece mini skirt with a matching crop top. It accentuated your body shape and showed your assets just right. Instead of working in your favor and attracting a good-looking guy to spend the night with, it seemed to work against you since your ex couldn’t seem to look away. Even while having his tongue shoved throat-deep into a girl, he still managed to maintain eye contact with you
You knew what his plan was, he wanted to make you as jealous as possible tonight. Unfortunately for him, you couldn’t care less about what he chose to do with his life anymore. Whatever he was doing was just pathetic at this point, desperately wanting to catch the attention of somebody who no longer found him on her list of priorities.
Even then, you couldn’t find it in you to ignore his petty attempt at making you mad. It was the least you could do to spice up the night. Although the show he put on with the girl on the dance floor didn’t upset you in the least, you were sure he would be affected if the roles were reversed. Two could play at that game, even if you secretly knew that this would ultimately be a poor excuse for hooking up with someone for the night. 
You smirked to yourself while you scanned the crowd of bodies, needing to find someone who’d hit him right where it hurts, he deserved it after all. Your eyes immediately caught another pair, those of a person who’d make for a perfect target. Jeon Jeongguk.
Popular athlete, leader of the frat, host of the party and not to mention, attractive. The guy fulfilled all of the qualities your ex lacked and surely would make him weep like a little baby at night because you deserved better than him, which wouldn’t be a lie. You weren’t a nobody in your class, owning a fair share of popularity gave you a striking social life. Apart from your captivating personality, came the out-of-this-world beauty. 
This was another reason you didn’t take time to second guess your plan, you knew any guy would feel rather accomplished to even breathe your air, let alone have a night with you. You had an unmatched ability to coin any man, even those like pretty boy Jeon. Undoubtedly the perfect woman, it’d make for a great achievement to boast about to the guys lining up at your feet for a chance. 
So you began to strut towards Jeongguk, watching the smug smirk on his face grow as the distance between the two of you grew. “Eyed me long enough, usually they crawl over immediately after seeing me stare back. Almost thought I’d have to break the tradition and approach you first” He joked through the loud music.
“How sweet of you” You sneered, lightly hitting his chest with the back of your manicured hand before stretching it out towards him. “Wanna dance?” 
“Thought you’d never ask” He smiled, taking your hand in his and letting you drag him to the dance floor. Pushing your way through the sea of sweaty bodies that reeked of alcohol, you were able to find a spot to dance with Jeongguk in.
Giving your ex a clear view, you pressed your back into the boy behind you, wrapping your arms around his neck and sensually moving your body against him. His hands lowered to your waist, taking a firm hold of it when he felt you begin to grind against him.
He lowered his head down to your ear, close enough to whisper so you could hear him easier over the blaring speakers. “Dude in front of us will not stop shooting daggers at me, babe” 
You ceased your actions to turn around and face him, loosely snaking your hands around either side of his neck and cocking your head, “I know, ‘s why im doing this” You chuckled. He brought a hand up to his chest to feign offense, “So you’re telling me that pretty girl is using the Jeon Jeongguk to her advantage?” 
“Don’t flatter yourself too much, are you gonna help me or not?” You asked, needing to know if he was still okay with this going forward. “Wanna see how upset he can get?” He smiled, eyes darting down to your plump, glossy lips. “Mmm, show me” 
With that, he pressed his lips into yours, satisfied with how you immediately melted into the kiss. The taste of your cherry-flavored gloss overwhelmed his senses, almost forgetting what all of this was about. Similar to him, any thought of your original plan was out the window, solely focusing on basking in his sweet taste. Your lips moved in sync, molding together perfectly. 
The two of you knew of each other but never took the chance to pay much attention. You were too focused on yourself to enter the dating world, as he was too busy with his sports to do the same. But this kiss, this kiss was enough to show the both of you what you had missed out on. It didn’t take much for the two of you to crave more.
The slight nibble on his lower lip had him rubbing his clothed length on you, causing you to pull him even closer to deepen the kiss. You slowly pulled away, desperate for air but not yet wanting to break the kiss. He looked so pretty above you, swollen lips and big doe eyes silently pleading to be kissed again. Just as he was about to lean in again, you pressed a finger to his lips, “Not here.” 
He cocked a brow in confusion, following you upstairs into an empty bedroom nevertheless. You were quick to continue the kiss, swiftly locking the door and pushing his back into it. You swirled your tongue around his, swallowing the breathy moans he let out. Your leg came up in between his own, firmly propping it against his crotch as he began to grind down on it.
The feel of his hard-on made your stomach flip and you suddenly found yourself asking Jeongguk permission to remove his shirt to which he agreed. Immense pleasure shot through him as his tip rubbed against your thigh, rapidly bringing him down from the short high he was on.
“W-wait Y/n..” He pulled back, “He isn’t here anymore” his puzzled look made you snicker at his oblivion. “What, did you want an audience?” You asked, watching his chest heave up and down at the feel of your leg still pressed against him. You cupped his cheek, lifting his gaze towards you, “This stopped being about him as soon as you kissed me” You inched your knee higher, “But we can stop if this is outside of your intentions.” your finger grazed his cheek affectionately, watching him melt into your touch.
“No! I mean… No, it’s alright..” He confirmed, brushing the stray hairs out of your beautiful face. Fighting the urge to kiss him, you focused on getting comfortable. “Go sit on the bed and take your pants off, baby” You pressed a kiss to his cheek before letting him go on to follow your instruction, watching him sit against the headboard and quickly remove his pants along with his Calvin Klein boxers.
His pretty cock sprung out, thick veins leading to the swollen red tip that grazed his lower belly. You walked towards the foot of the bed, helping you get a more direct view of Jeongguk’s figure. “Want you to touch yourself for me, yea?” You asked, smiling at the compliant nod you received. You began to unzip the back of your corset-like top, letting it fall to the floor exposing your perky tits.
Content with Jeongguks reaction, who eyed you down with his bottom lip caught in his teeth while he gave a light squeeze to his length, you began to slowly slide your skirt down. You made sure to wiggle your hips a bit, adding to the show you were putting on for him. Once your skirt was fully discarded, you pulled down the skimpy pair of red laced panties you’d purposely worn for tonight, not knowing that the boy who’d be lucky enough to see them would be Jeongguk. 
You walked over to the side of the bed as he followed you with his eyes, watching you climb the bed and sit on his lap, close enough to his cock that he could almost feel the heat radiating from your core. He instinctively bucked his hips up, searching for your touch after he let his hand fall to his side. “Eager baby?” You asked before he mumbled a quiet “Yes.”
Your hand came down to his cock, using the thick glob of precum that had gathered on his tip to easily glide your hand up and down his shaft. He threw his head back at the way your hand worked around him, pressing your fingers into his weak spots like you’d done this with him before. “Right the-ahh” You ripped a whiny moan from his mouth by brushing your fingers under the head of his cock, showing you he no longer cared about who could hear him, if they even could.
Unable to keep his hands to himself at this point, he brought one down to grip the side of your hip, while the other trailed up to cup your breast. He rubbed the hardened bud, making your hand fasten its pace on his cock. “Wan’ you” He looked up at you with glossy eyes, never breaking eye contact as he leaned down to latch his wet tongue onto your nipple, swirling his wet tongue around your soft skin.
You sucked air through your teeth at the sensation, bringing your free hand to run your fingers through his wavy locks while you stared in admiration at the state you had him in. So compliant and malleable under you, ready to pleasure you at any moment yet so needy for the bliss of his own. “Just like that Gukkie..”
A combination of your moans and the sound of your hand tugging on his cock filled the room as he progressively began to leak more, a sign that he would come soon. His breaths became arrhythmic while his chest pressed flush against yours, hearing him become more vocal by the second.  
As much as you’d like to watch him whine around your tits while he came undone beneath you, your core was aching for his thick cock to fill you up. “Uh uh,” you tutted, ripping your hand away from him and chuckling at his protesting mewls, “Inside” You caught his lips in your mouth, slowly using your hand to guide his cock. You hovered above him, allowing your arousal to drip down his shaft. “Ride me, y/n, p-please” He choked out, not needing to say more before you sharply sunk down on his cock. 
He felt his breath hitch in his throat and limbs turn into jelly as his cock entered your plush walls, growing slightly dizzy at the feel of your immense wetness coating his shaft. Due to contrary belief, he wasn’t too much of a ladies man. Being too immersed in his studies and sports, he only had time for a casual hookup every once in a while. Despite his lack of exposure to women, he swore that it couldn’t get better than you. The way you so pleasantly sucked his cock into your tight pussy had him seeing stars, leaving him an incoherent mess of babbles underneath you.
As for you, the stretch his girthy cock had offered you was unmatched. The position you were in had his tip grazing your G-spot every time you bounced on his length. You had set a gentle pace, not wanting to make Jeongguk cum before you could do it together. Your stomach was already feeling hot and tight for sure, but at the same time, you wanted to see how much Jeongguk could take. 
At this point, he wouldn’t be able to hold on for much longer before he suddenly bucked his hips up, earning a moan-gasp mixed with both pleasure and surprise. “Can’t s-stop.” He feverishly moved against you, causing your hands to land on his shoulders for balance purposes.
The headboard rocked against the wall while you attempted to sputter a “Keep going, be a good boy and make me cum” as his cock continue to drill into your insides. “Feel so good” He cried out, screwing his eyes shut as he felt his seed eager to spill into you. “L-love your pussy.. Love how you feel a-around me, could do this for hours” He whimpered, fucked so out of his mind that the only thing he could think of was your cunt and nothing else. “Yea?” you breathed out, “Gonna make me cum around your cock?” You asked.
“F-fuck mhmm, gonna-” He threw his head back, unable to even keep talking. “Look at you baby, can’t even form a sentence. Do your friends know what a whore you are in bed?” You grabbed his chin to raise his face to yours, “Cum with me.” And with that, he was pumping his load deep into your pussy while it mixed with your own essence, making the fluids messily run down his balls and thighs.
It still wasn’t enough for him to halt his movements, feeling like he couldn’t get enough of you. Even through stuttering hips, he continued to pound his cock into your sensitive cunt. It wasn’t until you tapped his bicep to let him know that the pleasure was fading into pain, that he finally came back to his senses and slowed his thrusts until coming to a full stop.
You let your weak body fall on top of his, feeling his big arms wrap around you while he gently pulled out his cock. The two of you took your time to come down from your highs, needing to catch your breath for a minute. He was still feeling the aftershocks of overstimulating himself while trying to recover from the trance you had put him under. Your fingers soothingly rubbed circles on his skin, whispering a light “You okay?” against him. He hummed in response and held you tighter, before feeling your body vibrate on top of him as you broke out in giggles.
“What?” He smiled, watching you lift up your head to face him. “Nothing, just didn’t expect you to go all pussy-drunk on me” You leaned down to kiss his rosy-tinted cheeks. “What can I say, takes a special one to unlock that side of me.” He grinned, showing his bunny teeth even after you had wrecked him. “How flattering.” You leaned back down to lay your head on his chest, wanting to spend some time with him before the night ended.
Even if the two of you knew this wouldn’t be the last of it.
A/N: wake up babe cherigu posted
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mylifestylearedilfs · 21 days
⇢ ˗ˏˋ joost klein x tinder date!reader ࿐ྂ
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ OCEAN EYES : mention of sex (but no smut) fluff ; use of alcohol ; imagine ; all is fictional ; english is not my first language
(part two)
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_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐ CREATING AN ACCOUNT on tinder wasn’t on your to do list, but after another failed attempt on meet your future ‘husband’ in real life, you decided to seek luck at this app. after choosing your best pictures, you set your profile with hope that you wouldn’t have to text with all of those weirdos that probably were on this site, asking themselves why i don’t have girlfriend?
you honestly couldn’t understand people (mostly the whole alfa men) on this kind of platforms, where they acted like they’re better than everyone else, but in reality they wouldn’t even say ‘hi’ to you. also what’s the point of having a dating app, if you can’t even properly ask the other person to date. you personally hated texting, it was the worst way to communicate, because you weren’t able to show your emotions clearly and it was easier to misunderstand the intentions.
you tried to ignore all suspicious looking people, but you lose hope, when even people your type were weird or impolite towards you. you were close to just delete app and forget about everything that happened. but then you received some kind of ‘super like’ from very good looking blonde man, the first thing that caught your attention was his bright blue eyes. how ironic, you thought. blonde hair and blue eyes, if he were a girl, he definitely would be miss universe. but god knew that he would be too powerful if he was a woman.
before you even checked his profile, you saw that he already messaged you. he already had big plus, because it was usually you who needed to start a conversation.
‘you & me, beer in an hour?’ okay, he definitely was really straightforward but you couldn’t tell that you didn’t liked it.
it was an irresponsible decision, but you couldn’t care less right now. you were truly tried of the endless conversations about nothing, you needed some adrenaline in your life. and even if it turn out that he’s a murderer, you will have an interesting story to tell your future kids — of course if you will survive in that scenario.
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it was almost twenty minutes after the set time, but you still waited like a fool, because you were curious if you were just scammed at this point. when your second cigarette started to slowly gutter out, you checked your phone to see if he tried to inform you about his lateness, but as you thought — nothing. you were honestly irritated that you couldn’t met a proper guy, not even for a relationship but just good sex, apparently you just missed to have someone close, in physical and mental way.
fuck it. you said to yourself and deleted this stupid dating app, right after you did that, you heard someone’s calling your name. before you turned around, you throw out a cigarette.
“i get it that i’m late, but you don’t have to ignore me” you saw the blonde guy in front of you, with two bottles of wine in his hands and two beer cans in his jeans pockets.
“so your real miss universe, nice to meet you” you said with a bit of irony in your voice, and he just laughed, giving you bootle of alcohol.
“or maybe i’m just in your imagination, guess we will never know” he said with smile, and you realised that he loved to laugh a lot, but honestly that was exactly what you needed now. some positive energy. “but now let’s go, shall we?”
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at first it was supposed to be quick meeting to get each other better and then probably forget about the existence of each other. but to your surprise it turned out that you were sitting in some sketchy looking place with joost for almost four hours already, and the fun only began.
you couldn’t believe that your perfect type of person was right in front of you and he was interested in you, which was the most unbelievable part. he was the first person that could make you laugh only by saying something random, or maybe it was because you were under the influence of weed, that you just smoked. either way his ability to turn every little thing into a joke was hilarious and you simply loved it.
suddenly you both became silent, but it wasn’t uncomfortable for you, which was also something new. all you could hear was the sound of wind and some other birds but you decided to interrupt the silence.
“you want to come to my place?” you said without thinking twice, well. . . let’s be honest your brain wasn’t working at all at the moment.
“to do what?” he looked at you with his typical smirk, sipping his beer.
“obviously to play monopoly” you said sarcastically, but underneath you had a little smile. “i want you to fuck me” you added and he seemed to be taken aback with your directness, as he watched you getting up.
“so you’re coming or i will need to please myself on my own?” you said, walking slowly in the direction of your house.
“you don’t need to tell me twice” he quickly said and you just chuckled as you felt his hands on your waist.
that was a great match, for sure.
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ thank you for attention! hope you liked it!
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mrsparrasblog · 1 month
All too well
The first chapter to this post
TW: Angst
Despite the popular disbelief of your friends, military school was never easy for you. Of course, you had the greatest test scores most of the time, but what use were they when no one believed you achieved them? Being the only girl in class sucked; most of your classmates believed you were basically a prostitute, giving the teacher head so you would pass, which couldn't be further from the truth. You were still a virgin. Okay, it’s normal at 18, or isn’t it? You didn’t know. The people who didn’t believe you were pleasing the teacher under the table thought the teacher favored you since you were a girl.
They thought the military was too hard for you to pass and the teachers knew soldiers needed eye candy on the field. All idiots. The only man in your class who wasn’t full of patriarchal disbelief was Jonathan William Price, but though he may have seen you as someone who didn’t fuck around for good grades, he hated you. You didn’t know why at first, but after some time, the hate went both ways. He fought against you harder than against the others. He teased you and made you feel like you weren’t good enough even though you were better than him most of the time. He still won against you a few times, which sat sour in your eyes.
This was your last year, and after that, you’d be in the real field where prejudice didn’t have a place. There, they would only see your strength - only one year left. You sat in the front row of the yellow classroom, waiting for the new term to start and to get your tasks and assignments for the following months. Jonathan walked past you with his dumb, shit-eating grin.
“Still didn’t quit, love?”
“Still an idiot, I see.”
“You love it, don’t you?”
“In your dreams,” you rolled your eyes at him and tried to ignore his annoying, insufferable personality. Sometimes ignoring him didn’t help, even complaining to your friends: “Boys will be boys.” God, how you hated that sentence. There was only one thing you hated more than that, and it was him.
“You missed something, love,” he pointed at the mannequin with a bullet hole in the stomach instead of the heart.
“Shut up or I’ll use you as a mannequin next.”
“With your aim, I have nothing to worry about.”
“Go away, Price.”
“Let me show you how,” he walked behind you, his hips pressed against you as he corrected your stance. And indeed, after the correction, you hit the target perfectly.
“That has nothing to do with you.”
“I think a thank you is in order.” Stupid idiot with his cocky smile and replies, and his stupid beautiful eyes.
“I’d rather die than say thank you to you.”
“Ouch, kitten has claws.”
“If you call me kitten again, I’ll kill you.”
“As if you were able to, little missy.”
“Guess we’re working together on this.”
“I won’t work with you, Jonathan Price.”
Stuck in a safe house for a week, you got close to each other. He wasn’t that prick you believed him to be; he was actually nice and kind of funny.
“Can you call me John?”
“I hate being called Jonathan, even worse, William.”
“Everyone calls you that.”
“And I hate it,” he admitted.
“Can I ask why?”
“My dad chose this name. Mum always called me John, but Dad insisted on calling me Jonathan. William is actually my dad’s name.”
“Not a good relationship with your dad?”
“Hate that bastard. Never cared about me or Mum, only about the military.”
“I get that.”
“Your old man is shit too?”
“Never wanted a girl, didn’t even talk to me when I was a kid.”
He poured a glass of whiskey for both of us. “We won’t turn out like them.”
“We won’t.”
When you heard he needed to face disciplinary actions, you couldn’t believe it. John never did anything against the rules, well, not since high school.
“What did you do?”
“Stupid muppet deserved it.”
“Told everyone you slept with Sergeant Filch.”
“John, I’m a big girl. I can protect myself.”
“And what if I don’t want you to have to protect yourself?”
“What do you mean you’re still a virgin?”
“I said you’re not allowed to make fun of this, John.”
“I’m not laughing, just surprised. You know, you look beautiful. Just thought a lucky bloke already swept you off your feet.”
“No lucky bloke even tried.”
“Do you want to lose your virginity?”
“I said, do you want to lose it?”
“Do you believe in soulmates, John?”
“Do you think we are soulmates in every universe?”
“Can’t think of a version of me who doesn’t fall in love with you.”
“You love me?”
“Of course, love.”
“I love you too.”
“What do you want, Dad?”
“There is only one place in the SAS for this class. Don’t disappoint me, Jonathan.”
“I won’t disappoint you.”
“John, can you imagine we will both be in the SAS after the test tomorrow? We are basically a power couple, like Bonnie and Clyde, just as good people.”
“You think we will still be together in the SAS?”
“Of course, I love you.”
“I don’t love you.”
“What?” You laughed awkwardly. He must be joking, one of his stupid jokes again.
“I said I don’t love you.”
“But you said yesterday that you love me.”
“Are you really that stupid?”
“Your own dad couldn’t love you, what made you believe that I did?”
Your heart shattered into a million pieces. You tried hard to hold your tears together. “John, you’re being mean.”
“And you’re being stupid for thinking you were more to me than a quick fuck.”
SAS Enlisting Test
Jonathan William Price: 150 points, accepted  
Y/N L/N: 149 points, accepted
“Love, you got in,” John screamed out of reflex, hugging you tight.
“What is wrong with you, John? Why do you hate me so much? Why do you act like this now and yesterday?”
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry you think that cuts it.”
“It’s not like you think it is. I love you, I just needed to get in. You don’t get it.”
“No, Jonathan, you don’t get to say that. You don’t get to tell me you love me. You’re not even capable of love.”
Nineteen years, two divorces, six bullet wounds, and a promotion to captain later, he still thought about you when the whiskey cleared his mind of any denial. Leaving you was one of his biggest mistakes in life. He wondered what happened to you. He never saw you after you joined the SAS. Maybe you’re a lieutenant, or maybe you quit the military and became a housewife, even though he didn’t believe that. You were too happy in the military; no man who really loved you would take that away from you.
He had half a mind to call Laswell, tell her about you, and ask what you were up to. But deep down, he knew you were probably dead. War had its price, and it took the good ones way too often. So he was happy living like this, in his delusion that you’re alive and just the one who got away. If he was honest, even if you were still alive, he didn’t want to see you. He knew it would destroy him to see you again with his hate-filled eyes.
He got an incoming call from Kate. Did she really need to distract him from his swimming in self-pity?
“Kate, what do you need?”
“Are you ready for the games?” Huh, Kate always complained that this was childish and never showed big interest, even when they always winked. He didn’t mind the games; he knew how they motivated Soap and Gaz, or how much Ghost loved showing off his skills. He hated attention, but showing a bunch of task forces how much better they were was a thing not even Ghost couldn’t resist.
“Yes, why?”
“You know the new colleague I complained about?”
“The idiot who calls himself Hades?” What a dumb call sign.
“His team attends too, and if he wins, I’ll never hear the end of it.”
“What do I get if I sweep the floor with his team?”
“Davidoff Robusta, year 2016.”
You sat in the comfiness of your chair, finishing the last bits of paperwork from the last mission to finally end the day and go to the pub with your girls. When suddenly your phone rang, the name Hades popped up and you knew the comfortable day with your girls would be over. He would send you to a hostage rescue or gather intel. As long as it wasn’t a mission in the fucking Arctic again, it’s fine.
“Hello, Hades,” you said sweetly on the telephone. Despite the annoying missions he sends you on, Hades is your best friend. You could never trust anyone more than him. He saved your ass way too often to keep count on it.
“Sorry to bother you, do you know about the military games?” Of course, you knew, how couldn’t you? But you never bothered; that’s a childish thing. You better use your resources for the real thing and not a fight between self-proclaimed alpha males who will tell your team you are just girls.
“Yes, why?”
“I told you about Kate.”
“The one who called you incompetent in front of everyone, how could I forget that?”
“She always brags about how her team wins, please.”
“Hades, these games are stupid.”
“John Price takes part.”
“Why didn’t you tell me that earlier? Count us in.”
Soap and Gaz bickered the whole day, while they put the tent up, while Ghost analyzed all the different teams, eagerly writing down every one of their strengths and weaknesses. While Price listened the whole day to Kate's complaints about Hades.
“None of them seem like a real threat, boss,” Ghost chimed proudly.
“Which of them is Hades' team?”
“He wanted to meet up here, act friendly, get to know their weaknesses, make them believe they’re superior.”
“What if they are really superior?” Gaz asked, earning a laugh from the whole team.
“We win every year, Garrick,” Soap replied.
“There he is.”
“Steamin’ Jesus, ye  dinnae tell us they’re fuckin’ hot, Laswell.”
“An all-girls squad?”
“I didn’t know,” Kate replied to Ghost.
John turned around wanting to know what the whole fuss was over, noticing the four girls walking over to them. In front of the group was their confident captain, and when he looked at the way-too-familiar face, he wanted to fucking drown himself in the Atlantic Ocean. “Fuckin’ hell.”
Taglist: @riddikulus-obsessions @cod-z @undercover-smutlover @werschitz
A/N : The first chapter is a lot of explaining the next one will be more fun hehe
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livelaughlovesubs · 4 days
hellooo, i love your writing but im not used to sending asks so forgive me if anything is said poorly or if i do it wrong somehow, but i was curious if your up for writing obey me characters still?
if you are, could i request just ravaging asmo, like to the point where hes crying and not forming coherent sentences, and then just completely switching up after and giving super sweet aftercare? this is sort of inspired by the dazai aftercare post except i want the smut lmao
feel free to refuse or completely ignore this request if you dont feel up to it!
also could i be 🫶 anon? i looked through your anon list and im pretty sure that ones not taken!
remember to take care of yourself and take your time! i hope you're doing well! :)
Hello hello~ don’t worry, you are doing great :] Also this will be my first time writing for obey me, bear with me alright? (I only got to chapter/ lesson 22 when I used to play it)
Dom!reader x sub!Asmodeus - reader is gender neutral
Warning: pegging (I use dick), hair pulling, marks, mind break, overstimulation, multiple rounds, a little exhibition?
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Creaking sounds lingered around your ears, alongside the breathy moans of the male underneath you. These heavenly noises bounced off the walls, loud enough to seep through the cracks of the door. You were almost worried that other people would hear him, it would be pretty embarrassing at breakfast tomorrow. Though, asmo certainly wouldn’t mind, he’d even brag and show off his hickeys to everyone. How did you know? Because if he had any ounce of shame, he wouldn’t be screaming his lungs out like this. No one can tell you this little slut here doesn’t want his brothers to know he was getting used like a fleshlight.
You took a deep breath, closing your eyes for a moment and slowing down, gathering some energy. What time was it, how long have you two been going at it? The stamina of a demon really was scary, to think he was still able to stay awake after was felt like an eternity. He was exhausted too, but he still wanted to keep going. “Haha..” you chuckled as you gazed at his messy face, smiling in amusement at the lewd display in front of you. Asmo was such a charming man, his hair had an indescribable colour that was unique to none other than him. Truly a marvellous gift from god himself. And now, it was sticking to his forehead, all wet due to the layer of sweat covering his skin.
His angelic face was fated to be his weapon for temptation, such a beauty was truly irresistible, befitting of his title as the avatar of lust. Those gorgeous golden eyes were shining like stars, lightening up each time you trusted deep inside him. You almost felt guilty, for defiling that innocent appearance of his. The saying of ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’ was like tailored for him, for this devil with the most saint-like appearance you’ve ever came across. Everything he did was erotic and inviting, causing you to want to ruin him more. Until any traces of that natural pureness he had were wiped away by lust.
“AaahhGg~..! Oh, y/n, right thereeee mhHmm!!” Asmodeus moaned out your name, his voice sweet and coated with honey. His back was facing you, and he arched his body into a crescent shape. Hips and ass high in the air, while his face was being pushed into the very pillow he was hugging. One of your hands were tangled in his rose-tainted hair, switching up from stroking his locks to yanking on them whenever you saw fit. Each time you’d rough him up, he’d whimper shamelessly, grinning from ear to ear as he shakes his butt for you.
He was so beautiful right now. So very stunning. That once cheeky face now all decorated with tears and drool, all blushy like a maiden fresh in love. His eyes rolled back sometimes, as well as him sticking his tongue out and trembling in pleasure. Despite the impaling realisation that he would pass out if this continued any longer, he didn’t yield, only begging you to give him more. Who were you to deny your darlings wishes? You wanted to give him everything he wanted, even if it will cause him back pain for the days to come.
The other hand was on his hips, helping him holding his body up to meet your trusts. Your pace was a steady one, but pretty slow. That’s because your body was sore as well from pounding him for hours. Asmo didn’t mind it, because you were still so good at it, even if you were tired. Every time you drove your length inside him, it hit his abused and used prostate with such accuracy that he can’t help but cry out in bliss. “AhhNnGg! Harder~ ooOOhhH!!” His hole was all red and swollen, it was so puffy, yet he was still able to clench around you. You could feel his insides squeezing your dick, not letting you pull it out of him.
“Such a dirty boy, how did you survive so long without me?” You teased, pulling on his hair suddenly, ending with him throwing his head back with a yelp. “AhH! i- heh, I guess I wasn’t re-really living mHmm~ before meeting you then.” The demon answered, still capable of smiling at you, even if the said smile looked like the dumb grin of a cheap prostitute. “My my, your choice of words are still as romantic as ever. Can you handle another round, asmo?” His dick twitched at your words, leaking some more precum onto the puddle of semen beneath him. “HnGg, of co-course..! Ahh~ y/n, fuck me <3”
A smirk spread on your lips, and you let go of his light brown hair. Instead, you used both hands to hold his waist tightly, enough for it to bruise. “Then I won’t hold myself back.” You said, as a kind of warning. Asmo looked over his shoulder and your eyes met, the desire in his pupils were evident on his body as well as in your eyes. Another giggle slipped from your lips before you moved backwards, then snapping your hips against his in a fast pace. “AhGGhhH! Mo-moRRe!!” While the devil groaned out a series of encouragements for you to continue rutting into him like some beast, he could feel another orgasm approaching. His stomach curled so intensely, and electricity was coursing through his body.
The expression on his face was so dumb, so fucked out of it that he looked like he lost his mind. As if he succumbed to pleasure, him, the very fundament of lust. “Ah.. damn it, you are such a pretty boy asmo.. heh.” You complimented him among all these ruthless thrusts, it was a gentleness he didn’t know he needed to spill over the edge. “NgHHh! Uh-uhMm, I’m cu-cummINNgG <3!!” More tears rolled down his messy cheeks as his orgasm washed over him, this time he didn’t look as sane as before. No, he looked like he was drunk on the ecstasy and pleasure. It was so good, so so so good he couldn’t fathom it! It crashed down on him and his poor, slim body in waves, it was more than what he could handle!
Hearts were sparkling in his pupils, and his hands clutched the pillow so hard that it ripped. He even accidentally switched to his demon form, so his horns, wings and tail popped out. At this point he couldn’t think nor speak properly anymore, only repeating the same phrases like a broken radio. Whines and gasps of pleasure continued to fill the room of the boy, and his tongue was hanging out of his mouth like some dog in heat. Ropes of cum spurt out of his dick, dirtying the sheets below him. His thighs quivered, some of his slick also ran down his inner thighs. After helping him ride out his high, you slowly and gently pulled the cock out of him. Then, you also released his hips.
Two imprints of your hands were left behind, and you couldn’t hide a sadistic smirk. To your surprise asmo whispered to you in a meek voice, “keep.. mhm, holding me..” He was just a twitchy something now, limping on his bed while his brain was still processing all the sensations. It was simply too much, he was going to take a while until he’ll be responsive again. Even so he still craved your touch, he did have an adorable side to him didn’t he?
“I’ll, if that’s what you want.” You replied and grabbed his tiny waist again, this time you leaned down and pressed your body against his. After waiting and taking a break for a new minutes, you kissed his neck softly, before mumbling quietly, “wanna go wash up now, love?” Not once have you left his side while waiting patiently, giving him some time to reorganise. “Hmmm… can’t we stay like t-this a tad longer?” Asmo pouted and sighed, already feeling sore and the aftermath of the long session. God, he was still stumbling over his words! Just how hard did you fuck him? He will definitely walk funnily tomorrow, if he can even stand on his own two legs. “We can still cuddle after taking a shower. Come on, you go first while I clean up.” You suggested, knowing that he was totally out of energy.
“Nuuu! I want to stay like this! Pleaseeee? Pretty please??” He blinked at you, looking at you with puppy eyes, knowing that this trick always works on you. “Ugh! Fine, fine, if that’s what my princess here wants.” You sighed, acting annoyed at him doing as he pleased. “Hehe~” the devil laughed satisfied, resting his chin on the pillow as he enjoyed your touch. Next thing he knew you kissed his cheeks, while tugging his still chaotic hair behind his ear. While you did those things, you said with a little smile, “You did well asmo, I’m so proud of you.”
Huh. Where did that come from? Out of nowhere his face heated up again, and that right after you thought he had calmed down. “Aww, you are so cute y/n!” He responded immediately, though a hint of nervousness was laced and hidden behind his voice. Was the avatar of lust perhaps flustered or embarrassed about your words? Pff. You laughed in his face, before giving his forehead a peck. “Ahh~ I love you, my prince.”
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greynatomy · 7 months
take me or leave me
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leah williamson x reader
obsessed with this song. my musical era is back.
anyone here watched rent? if you want a visual of how reader kinda acts while performing, click this link.
You met Leah when she attended an awards show two years ago. You’d sat at the same table and got to talking. She asked for your number and the two of you would be texting and calling all the time.
Eventually, she asked you on a date, taking you to dinner at a secluded section in the restaurant. That night was a night that you could never forget. She let you talk about your career and passions while you did the same for her.
You were from two different worlds, being well known in your own ways, but understand each other, for the most part.
Two years in, and your relationship still strong. You did have some arguments here and there, that’s normal, but what you learned over the years was how jealous she could get. It was amazing to have someone love you so much that they don’t want anyone coming in between that, but sometimes her jealousy becomes too much, like today.
You invited her and some of her friends to a night out with some of your friends. Your two worlds colliding once more.
Being in a relationship with you, she knew how many people ‘desired’ you. You’ve been a public figure since you were a teen. You’ve had costars who’ve tried to date you, others who openly flirt with you and always reassure Leah that she’s the only one you want. She knows that. Doesn’t mean she has to like the way men and women throw themselves at you.
Today was another one of those days, except this time her jealousy seemed to have amplified. Your friends traveled all the way to London to visit you, Leah inviting some of her Arsenal teammates, meeting at a little karaoke club.
Just an hour of being here, Leah’s mood sours. She keeps seeing people coming up to you, some were fans and some who ‘wanted to get to know you’ and not in a friendly matter. It came to a point where she started to ignore you, staying by her friends.
You’ve had enough of it, so you thought of a way to grab her attention. You grabbed your friend Alex and walked up to the person in charge of the karaoke performances. Leaning down to his ear, you whisper your song choice, he gives you a smile and a thumbs up.
“Alright, alright!” He announces on the microphone getting everyone’s attention. “We’ve got some broadway royalty with us today! Here to perform a classic from hit musical Rent, Y/N Y/LN and Alexis Thomas.
That got Leah’s attention. She directs her eyes towards the stage where you and Alex stood, microphones in hand. Leah or her friends didn’t know this musical, none of them have ever been into broadway musicals so they didn’t know what to expect. You knew this would get her more jealous, but this is what she gets for ignoring you.
Every single day I walk down the street I hear people say "Baby" so sweet
Ever since puberty Everybody stares at me Boys, girls I can't help it, baby
You look to where Leah sat, shrugging your shoulders.
So be kind And don't lose your mind Just remember That I'm your baby
You point a finger towards her.
Take me for what I am Who I was meant to be And if you give a damn Take me baby or leave me Take me baby or leave me
You take your coat off, revealing an outfit that shows more skin than Leah would like. You walk over to where she sat, draping the coat over her shoulders.
A tiger in a cage Can never see the sun This diva needs her stage Baby, let's have fun!
You walk around to your girlfriend, pulling her chair back and sit sideways in her lap, arm draped over her shoulder.
You are the one I choose Folks would kill to fill your shoes You love the limelight too now, baby
You take the strap of your top, slowly dropping it from your shoulder, teasing her.
So be mine But don't waste my time Cryin', "Oh honeybear Are you still my, my, my baby?"
Leah’s arms wrap around your waist, pulling you closer.
Take me for what I am Who I was meant to be And if you give a damn Take me baby or leave me
You turn in her lap, now straddling her, the hand not holding the microphone grabs the back of her neck, yanking her face to yours, nose barely grazing.
No way, can I be what I'm not But hey, don't you want your girl hot? Don't fight, don't lose your head 'Cause every night, who's in your bed?
She tries to hold onto you as you climb out of her lap. You place a hand on her chest, pushing her back and give her a flying kiss, walking back to the stage.
Who, who's in your bed? Kiss, pookie
Alex starts her part. You’ve both sang this song together so many times that the routine is muscle memory.
It won't work, I look before I leap I love margins and discipline I make lists in my sleep Baby, what's my sin?
Never quit, I follow through I hate mess, but I love you What to do with my impromptu baby?
She starts stalking towards you as you back up, running a finger up your arm. She grabs at your face softly, bringing your face close to hers.
So be wise 'Cause this girl satisfies You've got a prize, so don't compromise You're one lucky baby
Leah squirms in her seat, not liking how you and your friend are touchy, steam practically blowing out of her ears. Her friends start to tease her, jealousy easily seen in her face.
As the songs finishes, Leah is quick off her seat, rushing towards you. She grabs your wrist, pulling you towards what you assume the restroom. You turn your head towards your friends and Leah’s teammates, giving them a wink.
Shutting the bathroom door, she pushes you against it, leaning down so you’re face to face.
“What was that?”
“What was what?” You ask innocently.
“That’s little show you did there?”
“Oh, that.” You extend the ‘a’. “That’s just a little something me and Alex love to perform.”
“Was all the touching really necessary?”
She looked at you shocked. “What d’you mean ‘yes.’”
“The only way I thought to get your attention after ignoring me all night.”
“People were all over you!”
“And what did the song say? Something like ‘Take me baby or leave me.’”
You give her a quick, but passionate kiss, pushing her away. Making sure to fix yourself it the mirror, you give her a wink, leaving a stunned Leah in the restroom.
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rainba · 1 month
Behind the Building ღ
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A/N: Hi :3 Wrote this so that I could practice writing Ace some more... Getting his personality down and stuff. ( ´ ꒳ ` ) Very self-indulgent...
CW/tags: face fucking, semi-public sex, GN reader, smoking…?, Ace being Ace
Kind of porn without plot.....? A little bit of plot.
18+, NSFW, MDNI.
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The summer air outside was terribly hot and humid– almost to the point of being unbearable.
But within the venue, everything was just right. Gathered inside the building was a crowd roaring with energy, dancing and jumping to the sound of the fast-paced beat, tapping their feet and bouncing with the rhythm. 
And up on stage was nobody other than Ace, the one who carried the entire band on his shoulders.
Sweat trickled down his skin as he passionately screamed the lyrics of his newest songs, his pale hands working an electric guitar as he looked out into the crowd. Everyone standing before him… Or at least most of them… They were all his fans. Fans of his work, fans of his personality, fans of everything he had to offer. It was addicting.
Being accepted by so many people was addicting.
His guitar pick moved faster still as he continued playing his metal tunes, grinning even wider as the crowd cheered louder. The energy surging through the room was palpable. But alas, as with everything, it all had to come to an end. The hours and minutes passed in the blink of an eye, everyone was coming down from their highs, and the show came to a positive end.
Tonight was yet another success.
“Hell yeah, that ruled!” Ace gave his singular other bandmate a high-five as they exited the stage, their hearts pounding within their chests as they went to pack their things. The way everybody screamed their names was so exciting, intoxicating, thrilling– but… There was something bothering Ace.
As he went backstage and returned his guitar to its case, he couldn’t stop thinking about one person in particular: you.
During the entire show, he had been subconsciously looking for you. Were you hidden in the back? Were you listening to him while hanging out at the bar? Were you hidden behind some random, inconveniently placed pole?
Did… Did you even show up?
These thoughts plaguing Ace’s mind were overwhelming– and far too negative for his liking. He needed to step outside for a second.
“Yo, I’ll be back soon! I’m gonna go out for a smoke.” Ace waved at his fellow band member, to which they smiled and waved back. When he stepped outside, Ace noticed that there was a large crowd forming near the entrance. There were whispers among them– as well as laughter.
“Dude– somebody knocked over the porta potty! Someone was still in there!”
“Whaaaat- no way dude! That’s hilarious!”
“Woah… That’s sick and twisted.”
…Intriguing. But Ace didn’t have time to come take a look– he needed to smoke and get the stress out of his system.
Sneaking out back, Ace pulled out a white lighter and leaned against the dark brick wall of the building, sighing while running one hand through his soft hair. He tried his best to ignore the heat.
Ace knew smoking was bad– but he couldn’t help himself. It was one of his only bad habits… And everyone should be allowed to have at least one bad thing that they do, right? Right…?
With yet another sigh, Ace lit the cigarette and put it to his lips, closing his eyes for a second.
And in that short second, someone snuck up on him and scared the life out of him.
“Ace! What did I tell you about smoking!?”
Ace yelped as you ran up to him and took the stick from his mouth, gripping it between your fingers. At first, he was shocked and angry, but those feelings quickly faded as his eyes met yours.
“Woah– y-you came! You actually showed up!!”
Ace grinned and laughed as he nearly tackled you over, his arms wrapping around your body while he forced you into a tight embrace. The cigarette was quickly forgotten.
“Uhh… Of course I showed up. Why would I miss one of your shows?” You gently pushed him away as you stepped back, the humidity in the air making any and all physical contact uncomfortable. But Ace only stepped closer.
“I… I dunno! I just…” Sheepishly, he scratched the back of his head.
“W-well, anyways. Did you like it?! Did you have fun?” His eyes looked to you for approval, putting his fragile heart in your hands as he asked for your opinion. You nodded.
“Of course I had fun– I always love your shows!”
Your words of praise– that’s all he needed. Honestly, that’s all he ever needs. Once again, his arms spread out wide as he pulled you into another warm hug.
“Awesome!! I can’t wait for you to come to my next one too!”
Without realizing it, he had you pinned against the wall, trapping you between himself and the building. There was nobody else around- they were all too distracted by the incident out front.
Nobody would be able to hear you two.
“And the one after that– and the one after that!” He was giggling so innocently, so sweetly. “How’d you like that one song I performed? Y’know– my most popular one–” Ace’s hands grabbed yours. “The one I made for you.”
Ace continued to push you for more and more compliments; he was addicted to hearing them, after all. Constantly seeking your approval. It was cute.
Perhaps Ace truly was a little innocent and oblivious, or perhaps he was just purposefully ignoring it, but… He was incredibly hard. And his bulge was pushing directly into you. 
How easy it would be to mess with him…
“I loved all of your songs,” you spoke softly. Ace opened his mouth to reply, but you quickly cut him off.
“Actually. Can you sing one more time for me tonight?”
Slightly, he tilted his head to the side. “Huh? You want me to sing again–?” Ace looked confused as you switched positions with him. Instead of you being pressed against the wall, it was him leaning against it. He still didn’t catch on to what was happening… Not until you started getting on your knees.
His face turned a dark shade of red.
“W-woah– woah– What are… What are you doing?”
Ace’s breathing grew heavier as you started to unzip his baggy pants, your half-lidded eyes staring hungrily at his bulge. He couldn’t stop the way his hands reached up to cover his mouth.
“You performed so well tonight! And you tried to smoke again– so… Clearly you need something to take the edge off. How about I help you?”
Slowly, teasingly, you stuck your tongue out and licked his length from over his boxers, and he whined loudly. “Ah–ahh–! Wait, wait… Hold on, slow down!” His hips bucked and twitched against your lips as you teased his cock. “W-what if… What if someone walks back here and catches us?! Shouldn’t… Shouldn’t we, um, go somewhere private?”
Despite saying that, he looked as if he didn’t want to move at all. In fact, his hands moved over to the back of your head, pushing your face closer to his crotch. He was so hot; so sweaty and needy. His body ached to be touched even more.
Instead of answering him, you grabbed the hem of his boxers and pushed them down, his length springing free from its restraints. Precum was already leaking from the tip.
Ace needed to be sucked off so badly.
With a small wink, you began to tease the head with your tongue, licking it while your hands reached out and massaged the base of his length. Ace nearly stumbled and fell backwards as he used the wall for support.
“O-oh— Oh… Oh fuck…”
A shakey whimper escaped his throat as you went to work on him. God, he was now happier than ever that you showed up to his performance. All those sleepless nights of writing songs for you and practicing them was entirely worth it. You looked so perfect as you gave his body some much-needed love and attention.
“Tastes so good…” You murmured as you put more of him inside your mouth. “Want more.” 
Ace’s length was almost too big– but you were willing to take it. Just for him.
And Ace was so happy that you could. He couldn’t help but roll his hips and gently thrust into your mouth.
“Fuck, f-fuck, fuck…”
Ace could barely form a coherent sentence as his body began to melt under your touch. Your mouth was so damn tight; so warm and hot and wet. He bit down on his bottom lip as he tried his hardest to let you have control. But…
But it was too much.
“I– I’m s-sorry– So sorry–!” 
Roughly, Ace shifted your all’s positions. Instead of him being pressed against the wall, it was you– but with one his hands, he made sure that your head wouldn’t hit the bricks.
“Please, please… Suck it more, please…” He begged and whined as his pace slowly began to pick up, your saliva dripping down his skin as he pushed himself all the way in and out of your mouth. Over and over again.
His body trembled as his pace randomly switched between fast and slow– rough, then sensual. The entire time he fucked your mouth, he stared down at you with pure adoration and love in his eyes.
“I love you,” he sang as his thick cock abused the back of your throat. Whenever you choked and gagged, he’d slow down, only to immediately pick up his pace again.
“I’ll… I’ll write my next song about you, too! And the next one… And the next… Hahh…”
Ace’s fingers dug into your hair as he grew even rougher, your mouth nearly becoming a fleshlight to him. He couldn’t think straight; you were so fucking sexy, and your mouth felt so good.
You moaned sweetly as he fucked your face even faster, vibrating against his sensitive dick. The more you did it, the closer to the edge he became.
“F-fuck, more! More… Please!” His voice cracked.
“Whatever you do… Don’t… Don’t stop.”
Ace pushed his cock impossibly deep into your throat, your nose pressed firmly up against his glistening body. Tears pooled in the corners of his eyes as the heat of his orgasm was catching up to him. He spread his legs further apart as he sandwiched you between his hips and the wall, one of his hands still providing cushion for your skull.
“P-please, let me cum, and… And I’ll… M-make it up to you later. I promise!”
At this point, he truly was singing– his moans were so sweet and loud. He didn’t care if the two of you got caught anymore. Besides… If someone were to see, then that would just mean everyone knows you belong to him. Right?
Ace pulled out for a split second before thrusting slower, wanting to enjoy your love and attention for just a little bit longer. With his one free hand, he reached down and lovingly stroked your cheek, smiling widely.
“You’re so, so amazing.”
And with a few more powerful jerks of his hips, he felt himself coming undone inside your throat, lovingly crying out your name all the while. His cock twitched as thick, hot ropes entered your mouth– but Ace didn’t expect you to swallow.
However, when he looked down and watched you do so, his heart stopped in his chest.
You truly were… Perfect.
Ace was quick to pull you up to your feet, catching you off guard as he passionately kissed your lips.
“I– I love you!” He proclaimed loudly. “I… I promise…” He kissed your lips again.
“I promise I’ll return the favor!”
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lakes-liver · 6 months
Legend has been acting very distinctly off, lately.
He’s not injured, Sky knows that much. There wasn’t a time where he’s been separated from the group. Something triggered him, perhaps? The veteran has more than enough baggage to sift through.
Sky really isn’t sure.
Legend hasn’t been the same since… about a week ago? Something of the sort? He’s been quieter, laughter not so loud, snarks not so present. If it were anyone else, Sky wouldn’t be concerned.
But this is Legend he’s talking about. Legend, who shows a prickly front but is soft on the inside. His facade isn’t prickly right now, though, more like a dull point.
Triggers don’t last that long, right? If they didn’t, he would be better by now, at least outwardly. Then again, Sky doesn’t know much (if anything at all) of the “shell-shock” the veteran, the captain, and even Time seem to describe. What he knows is limited, tales from an era long before Skyloft, when the world wasn’t so peaceful. So, maybe there’s a chance it can last this long?
This train of thought does not change the fact that there is still something wrong, and Sky is very much concerned.
Another day passes, and the Chosen Hero watches his friend. A multitude of notes show up.
One: no one else seems to have noticed the problem at hand.
Two: Legend is acting as he usually does (jabs, rolled eyes, etc.) around everyone in their group.
Third: the veteran is only acting oddly around Sky.
Now, this has raised a very important question in Sky’s mind. Did he do something wrong? While he’s never been one to hold silent grudges (except against the goddesses, of course), maybe Sky had done something to be an exception.
He mulls this over throughout the evening, as they set up camp. Physically, he’s busied by setting out his bedroll, as well as some of the others’. Mentally, though, he thinks, and thinks, and thinks.
If the veteran hadn’t been borderline ignoring him, Sky’s sure he’d make a quip about how he shouldn’t think so much.
“It must get difficult thinkin’ so hard, birdbrains,” he’d mock, and Sky would laugh, and all would be well.
But all is not well. And Sky is growing more nervous by the second.
He thinks over every interaction with Legend in the past week. Nothing stands out to him. It started normally, with pokes and jokes and smiles and giggles. Then, like a switch had been flipped, the pink-haired man had become strangely subdued.
Could it have something to do with that? The whole… pink-rabbit, thing? But that was months ago, and this was so much more recent.
“Sky? Ya ‘ere?” Fingers are being snapped in front of his face.
He jumps, looking into the marked face of Twilight. Sky hides it with a flush and a chuckle. “Yes! Sorry, got lost in my thoughts, there” — and here is where the birdbrain comments should go, yet none do — “what did you ask?”
Twi, ever the worrywart, frowns slightly. “I ‘as j’st askin’ ‘bout watch. Doubleshif’s, you an’ Ledge. But, if yer not up for it—”
“No!” Sky is fast to interrupt. “No worries! I’m alright, truly. That sounds wonderful.” He gives the most reassuring smile he can muster, and it’s honest and true, for once.
Twilight’s frown lifts, a bit, and the slightly older man nods and steps away towards Wild and Wind, who are still cooking dinner.
Watch with Legend, huh? Could this be his chance?
A small bit of him warns that things could go very, very, wrong.
Luckily, the bigger part of him tells him that if he doesn’t say anything now he will run out of time to say anything at all.
So, that is that. Watch is set—blech, the middle shift—and Sky walks over to the rest of his friends before he can think any more of the situation.
“Sky!” Wind waves. “Come sit by us!”
‘Us’, in this case, happens to be himself, Wild, and Twilight, none of whom he’s opposed to being near. Thus, he picks his way to a spot on a ground, settling next to Wind. The smaller melts into his side (a common occurrence), and Sky happily accepts a bowl of pumpkin soup.
It’s not the same as from his home, of course, but it’s still soup and there’s still pumpkins. He’s still satisfied by the taste.
“Thank you, Wild,” he says, setting the now-empty bowl beside him.
Wild grins crookedly. “‘Course, Sky, I’m glad you liked. Seconds?”
Sky shakes his head. “Not tonight.”
The sailor, on the other hand, shoots up, mouth completely stuffed. “‘ll take ‘is s’rv’in’!”
“Calm yerself, sailer, others gotta eat,” Twilight chides.
“Meanie.” Wind crosses his arms with a pout. Sky ruffles the top of his head, a fond look surely on his face, and the smaller does not shy away.
He spares a glance to Legend and Hyrule, across the fire. The former is staring, brows furrowed, but looks away as soon as he notices Sky’s gaze. The latter continues chattering away as if nothing happened (and, in their eyes, nothing did happen).
Overall, the fire is warm and his belly is full. His friends sit around him and talk and snort and sigh, contentment filling the air. Sure, they have double watches set up, the tension is high, and they are exhausted, but they are together and they are (physically) healthy. Sky could not ask for much more.
So, Sky turns in for the beginning of his rest. Wind is sprawled next to him, looking like the starfish they all claim to exist.
Three hours later, Time is shaking him awake.
“You’re up, Sky. Four’s already woken Legend,” he whispers.
Sky nods. This is a song they’ve danced to many times.
Seeing him up and aware, the oldest moves to his bedroll with a soft ‘goodnight’. The Skyloftian echoes it in turn, before advancing towards the dying embers and confusing veteran.
At first, the watch is normal. Sky watches one side whilst Legend watches the other. There isn’t much talking—there never is, on the second watch, what with tired eyes and restless heroes—but the bit that is remains light and regular. For a moment, he can almost forget the anxiety that’d been eating him away earlier.
Then, Sky makes a comment that shatters the glass around them.
“Oh c’mon, vet,” he rolls his eyes. “We both know you use those trinkets of yours quite often.”
The chuckle Legend gives sounds forced, and Sky is hit with a pang of guilt. It was meant as a simple jab—nothing more nor less—but it maybe it was too biting?
Sky takes the second to study Legend’s newfound stance. He’s hunched in on himself, hands hugging knees, and despite not being able to see his face, Sky can assume his expression is that of a resigned sort of scowl.
It’s the same reaction he’s seem many times on multiple others. Twilight when scolded by Time; Wild when scolded by Twi; Wind when scolded by Warriors; Hyrule when scolded by Legend. It is not a reaction he expected to receive from their veteran, let alone one to be stemmed from him.
It spikes a whole new pang of worry.
He turns back before Legend can catch his face. “Sorry, Ledge. I like your items a lot. It’s not a problem to use ‘em, you know.”
From the corner of his eye, he catches the tension release, just a little bit. Enough, though, to know he said the right thing. Good.
Legend doesn’t give a response besides a light bump of the shoulders. The watch continues in a not-quite-awkward but not-quite-comfortable silence.
Sky’s head is up in an instant, scanning and pausing and reviewing the treeline in front of him. His ears twitch and try to catch every little thing, from the scamper of a mouse to the rustle of the wind. He’s certain Legend is doing the same, on his end.
A beat passes. Two. Three.
Legend’s breath hitches. “Bokoblin. One o’ Wild’s, reckon.”
“The others?” Sky whispers, voice barely making a sound.
“No. It’s just one. On three?”
Sky nods.
One beat. Two.
“Three!” Legend hisses.
Sky springs up, Master Sword poised to strike and shield up to block. Legend follows in a similar manner, clutching the Tempered Sword and some sort of shield. The ‘blin barely reacts before Sky is moving, moving, moving, slashing at the beast with a ferocity he didn’t realize he possessed this late at night.
The monster bleeds black.
Legend notices too, and lets out a soft string of curses before he’s in on the action. They trade blows, one then the other then both at the same time.
The bokoblin does not back down. It swings its own sword at their ankles, then their waists, then their heads. Wide arcs that make it near impossible to get in, despite the fact that the odds are two to one.
Legend pushes and knocks it off balance, and Sky seizes his chance. He steps into the circle, sword going faster than a blink, and stabs through the head. The Master Sword glints on the other side. The beast dissolves into nothing save a gem and some guts.
Sky lets out a cheer and turns to Legend.
Who’s eyes, suspiciously, are blown wide with fear. Did he get hurt? Had Sky missed something during the heat of the battle?
He stumbles forward—wait, stumbles? Sky shouldn’t be stumbling, he didn’t get hurt, just look down—oh. That’s blood. On his tunic. On his stomach.
Pain erupts from the area, stabbing and scorching and hot in a way it really should not be, not on a fresh wound, not unless it’s infected—
“Sky? Sky! Stay with me, hero, stay with me.” Legend is frantic and holding his shoulders, lowering him carefully to the ground. Why is he so panicked? It’s not that bad, right?
Another shot of pain rocks his body, and he bites back a scream with practiced expertise.
Nevermind, it is definitely that bad.
Still, though, Legend is upset, and he can’t have that. Legend shouldn’t be upset, not because of him.
“I’m okay,” he gasps. “‘m fine, Ledge, just needa—” a coughing fit fights its way out and he cant stop it.
“You ain’t fine, you needa potion or sum. Hold on fer me, ‘kay? Hold on, ‘ll get Roolie or, or,” Legend stops, stares, and then darts up and away. Sky frowns, because Legend is still stressed and he can tell because his accent is loose and free and that is not something he often does.
He holds on for as long as he can, though. He can hear shouts and people getting up and running and since when did they get so far? What’s even happening? Is someone hurt?
Ow. Right. Sky is hurt.
His stomach doesn’t feel so good. It feels sticky and hot and gross and bad and he doesn’t like it. Maybe a nap will help? Naps usually help when he’s tired, they always have. Maybe he should nap.
Just as his eyes start to fall shut, someone shakes him, yelling and shaking and yelling and shaking. Bright, violet, eyes meet dull sky blue, panicked and calm and panicked and calm and ow ow ow everything hurts so bad.
The violet eyes have a mouth attached, and it keeps opening and closing but he can’t hear anything. Should he be hearing something?
Something cold presses against his stomach and he hisses. It keeps going, pushing and pushing, but the cold becomes warm and soft and comfortable. Sky could nap, like this.
Despite his eyes fluttering shut, someone grabbed and shook him, yet again. He really wishes they’d stop, he’s trying to nap here!
“—descendant!” They say.
Now significantly more interested, Sky strains his ears to listen closer. Oh, cool, the warm-yet-cold hands gave some of his hearing back. That’s nice.
They’re… huh?
“I’m royal!”
The Chosen Hero blinks. Once, twice, three times. His vision is so blurry he can’t make anything out besides those glaring eyes and disheveled hair.
The pain is subsiding, a little bit, so that’s neat.
What did they mean… royal?
Oh. Oh! Wait! Him and Sun start the royal bloodline of Hyrule, don’t they? This person could be referring to that! Is it a Zelda? Did one of the other Zeldas come? They’re so sweet, all those young women, and it triggers something in him that’s quite enjoyable. Maybe, once this pain quiets down, he can talk to them? That’d be just wonderful.
He closes his eyes again, humming in contentment when the unknown Zelda doesn’t shake him back. The sharp and burning and horrible ache is nothing more than annoying, now, and he’s slept much worse than this. He falls unconscious, unaware to the trembling hero next to him.
What could be minutes or hours or even days later, Sky opens his eyes again. It’s dark out, and stars shine brightly up above. Trees dot the outline of his vision.
He tries to sit up. His lower abdomen protests vehemently, and he has to abandon such efforts. Something between a groan and whine escaped him, despite his feeble attempts to swallow it whole.
“Sky?” Someone asks. “Sky! You’re awake!”
He looks towards the voice, and is pleasantly surprised to see Legend. He made it out of the fight! There’s no visible bandages, or splints, or anything but concerned eyes and a soft face.
Sky musters up the best smile he can. “I’m okay, Ledge.” He pushes up again, and this time makes it as far as propping his weight onto his elbows. His stomach screams, but he’s alright, truly.
“You damn better be,” the vet mutters, but he helps push the chosen hero up the rest of the way. Sky nods his thanks, before scanning their camp.
It’s still the same place they were last time. A small grove in the middle of uncharted woods, somewhere so random that no one knows who’s Hyrule it is or even if it is anyones. There are six sleeping forms and the outline of Wolfie.
There is no Zelda. He distinctly remembers a Zelda being there, after he was injured. Did she leave? He wanted to talk to her.
“Where did she go?” Sky asks, frowning. That’s unfortunate.
Legend raises an eyebrow. “Who?”
“Zelda,” he says, like it’s obvious. “She was here whenever… I got hurt, I guess.”
“Sky,” Legend looks very confused. “There wasn’t ever anyone’s Zelda here. Why would you think so?”
His words are thought out, slower, deeper than the mess he’d been when Sky was injured. That’s good, it means the vet has had time to breathe and calm down since then.
“There wasn’t? But someone mentioned being of royal descent, did they not?” Had he made that entire conversation up? Something of delusion built from blood loss and poison?
Legend’s expression freezes; a blush creeps across his ears. “You, uh, you heard that?”
“Yes?” How could he not? They were shaking and shouting, for Hylia’s sake!
Sky is growing quickly more confused, and concerned, and he remembers why he was so nervous around Ledge in the first place. Something was wrong—no, something is wrong—and he wants to figure it out.
“Legend? Did something happen? Are you alright?”
The veteran shakes his head. “You got stabbed, Chosen. Scared the hell outta us.”
But that doesn’t answer about the past week or the mysterious person who he’s very very certain said they were related to him.
“I’m sorry,” he starts. Before the other can object, Sky continues. “What about the Zelda, though? Or whoever it was? Someone said they were my descendant, I thought.”
Legend looks anywhere but at Sky’s face. It’s very suspicious. “That, uh, that doesn’t matter. You need rest.”
Sky uses his own arms to keep him up, despite the insistence of the pink-haired hero to get him to lay back down. The more lucid he is, the less the pain matters. It’s nothing, now. He’s done more on less.
“No, wait, Ledge—”
“It was me,” he whispers, and it’s as quick as the pegasus boots he loves so much.
Legend flushes, continuing to look away. “It was, uh. It was me. I’m your…” he trails off into something incoherent.
Sky raises an inquisitive brow.
“Don’t make me say it,” Legend scowls.
“Say what?”
“You know what!” And Sky really does. He wants to hear Legend admit it for himself, though.
“Stab wound,” he deadpans instead.
Legend huffs and pouts and crosses his arms, scowl deepening, then softening, then deepening again.
A beat passes. No one stirs except for the two exhausted heroes.
“Fable—my Zelda—she’s my sister. I’m the Prince of Hyrule, technically.” Legend brings his knees up to his chest and hugs them, eyes downcast, stance tense and so similar to how it was by the fire, that night.
Everything clicks into place very neatly.
Legend is not upset with Sky. He is worried about Sky, worried he’s been a disappointment, worried that he’s somehow made a mistake. So he cut back on snarks and rolled eyes, on cocked hips and wide gestures, replaced it with something subdued and a (quite frankly horrid) attempt at being something different.
“Can I hug you?” Sky asks, because it’s the only thing he can think of saying.
The veteran—the teenager, really—all but jumps. But, exactly as he hoped he would, the boy uncurls himself just enough to nod and accept the arms barrelling into him.
Sky represses a gasp (ow ow ow, next time, do not fall into someone’s arms with a scabbed stab wound, good Hylia), and squeezes tight, pouring every ounce of care he can in. This is his descendant, his kid, and it’s such a rush of emotions he’s surely going to have to process later but for right now Legend slots perfectly into his arms and all is well.
“You’re not… you’re not mad?” The boy rasps.
Sky uses one hand to comb through unruly hair. Jeez, did this kid brush it at all while he was unconscious? He’s going to have to use the recently acquired dad-card to fix that.
“Why’d I be mad, Ledge?”
From where he’s pressed the other against his chest (how did he never realize Legend was so small? Has he seriously never hugged him before?), Sky can’t see the expression he’s making. He can well assume, though, that’s something along the lines of furrowed brows and pressed lips, confusion evident with a hint of something else.
“Why wouldn’t you be?” Legend finally decides on, and Sky almost laughs at how absurd the question is.
He pulls back to look the boy in the eyes. “Legend, you are a wonderful person who has done wonderous things. You have faced atrocities that no person should, and come out stronger, better, and you have done it again and again, because you care for people less fortunate than you.” His descendant’s eyes are blown wide, wide, wide, and the deep black spots are all the more obvious; no wonder he’s so open, right now, there is not a single ounce of sleep in that body. “I know I haven’t known you long, but I am so proud of you regardless, Legend, and I have no words for how happy I am that I am somehow related to you.”
Violet eyes stare into sky blue, expression lax in a way Sky has not seen before, details in the starlight that are old to one but new to the other.
Sky is hit with the fact that he has never looked at the veteran before this. Not hard enough to point out the little things, like the freckles or light scars or baby hairs.
“Oh,” Legend murmurs, casting his gaze downwards and caving in on his own body a bit more. “Okay.”
“Legend,” eyes flick up once more, “I’m being genuine.”
“I know.” A long pause. “I know, it’s just not that simple, I guess. Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, Ledge.”
Legend’s eyes go wide, wide, wide, once more. “The others can’t know I’m Fable’s brother.”
That is definitely something Sky is going to address at a later date.
For now, he hopes that the glint his eyes get is mischievous and his smirk comes across correctly. “Exactly.”
Legend does not look convinced.
“We’ll be like Twi and the champion were, for a while. Imagine how pissed Wars an’ Wind’ll be trying to figure it out,” Sky says, because while he’s seen hell he’s still just barely twenty and the epitome of a little shit.
(Holy Hylia, he’s going to have to address that later. How do Twilight and Wild do this all day? They’re barely a few years apart!)
Legend stares at him, and then lets out a cackle of a laugh. Real and honest, all because of Sky, and hope blooms in his chest. The other is undoubtedly the hardest nut to crack and Sky is finally getting through, after months of work.
Soon, he starts laughing too. He can’t help it! The vet’s laugh is so contagious, and he’s rocking back on his knees, and Sky is wheezing, and they’re both definitely delirious.
They’re also a bit too loud, because even as their giggles subside, the other Links begin stirring. Hyrule first, the lightest sleeper by far, but Wind and Wild and Wars follow not long after. The chain wake to two grinning brothers, and while they don’t understand it, they’re joining in as well.
Sky’s stomach hurts like a bitch, which is not a word he uses lightly, but he feels happy in an odd sense. A lot has happened—too much—but he can ignore it in favor of a good laugh with his brothers.
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hotchfiles · 5 months
❝ ['CUZ YOU'RE A NATURAL] ❞ — a in this house of mine prequel ; MDNI!
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pairing: aaron hotchner x rossi!reader. summary: not having a crush on your dad's friend and co-worker should be rule number one. but what are rules when said friend is aaron hotchner? content warnings: this is suggestive at best. foul language? still let's go with MDNI! age-gap flirting. word count: 1k. a/n: might do a pt.2, i just needed to get this out of my brain.
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He’s just pretending not to notice it at this point, which isn’t easy coming from a person who notices everything. Coming from the man who helped build the unit that literally analyzes people for a living. 
Granted he wasn’t the most present of fathers and he wasn’t even sure if your mother was his second or third ex-wife anymore, but he knew human behavior, and human behavior clearly showed there was no reason for you to be there, “Kid, I’m sure you hate sports of any kind.” David comments, observing as you make sure Jack’s shoes are tight and won’t get in his way. 
“Well dear father, actually, I was a cheerleader for my last three high school years. And the first two college ones.” He knows that, and you know he knows it, but your best way out of the mess you were purposefully getting into right now was to appeal to the guilt you knew he still had from not being around much. “Base of the pyramid, very important, sporty, love sports.” You noticed you were going on for too long and shut your yapper.
Lucky for you Aaron didn’t seem to mind the two of you discussing, busy watching his baby boy with the most sweetest look on his face, he looks ethereal, his smile the most enchanting you’ve ever seen. 
You can feel your father’s glance going from you to Aaron slowly, he’s observing, analyzing but trying hard to ignore the signs. The signs that you weren’t there for some dad and daughter bonding.
Unless the dad in question was Hotchner.
The sole reason you had put yourself in short rounded skirt, sports short underneath, gym sneakers and shirt, and an old baseball cap to make it look like it wasn't so out of the norm for you to be at an event like that. It was. Your dad was right, you didn't like sports, you liked cheer squad and the parties and the players, not the game. But you had your eyes set on the coach today which is why you were there instead of working on your masters' assignments.
You couldn't even pretend to know what was going on, if it was football you had some experience from watching and hearing past flings talk about it, but soccer? You could only cheer for Jack and bicker with the soccer moms around as they talked about how much better their children were.
"Hey, lady if your son gets that close to Jack again I'm gonna jump him." You point your finger at one of them, decorum almost goes to hell as she begins walking in your direction, Rossi stepping in the way to apologize for your behavior.
Oh. You can't just threaten to hurt kids. That's not okay. "Sorry, just used to fighting with guys' girlfriends to defend my team. Cheer squad reflex memory." You say lowly directly to Aaron, not even bothering to apologize to your father. Your cheeks tomato red, a combination from the embarrassment and the sun that was making everyone sweat.
"It's fine, she has to teach her son fair play anyway, he's not gonna go far like that." His expression doesn't show even one single sign of being mad at you, you notice it, Rossi notices it. Aaron's actually smiling, completely amused by the situation.
It was nice to have someone sticking up for his boy like that.
And to have someone look at him with those eyes. Not the aw you're such a good dad eyes most mothers gave him when he's around for matches. Nope. The please fuck me eyes you always shot at him even if your father was around. For the sake of his loyalty to Rossi he pretended not to see it, as he knew Rossi did too. He hoped David didn't notice the eyes he himself gave you though, or that if he did, he was kind enough to ignore it, Aaron would never act on it. Never. He was twice your age if not more even if he weren't friends with David.
Still, he enjoyed the touches, the stolen glances, the way you wore your short dresses and skirts around him, the way you showed you cared above the desire for the unobtainable. How you sent him cute videos with show Jack as a caption, how you remembered to bring a towel not for yourself, but to pat his face dry, delicate as ever.
"People will think you were the one playing sweating like this." You go through his face and his neck with it, handing him a water bottle after. You brought those yourself too, you wanted to be useful.
Before he can hold it back, a smirk deliciously mischievous takes grip of his lips, "What can I say dear, I tend to sweat a bit when I'm doing any type of exercise." You're not sure if you wished you hadn't caught the innuendo of his reply, as you were now fighting hard not to squirm in front of him. Oh you wanted nothing more than to be the one making him sweat.
"Good thing your bedroom has an A.C then." You say almost mindlessly, panicking just a tad when you grasped the idea that maybe remembering that so easily wasn't the most normal thing to do. Did you just sound obsessive? Stalkerish? You think not when he chuckles, nodding in agreement.
You both just look at each other for a minute, breathing patterns completely irregular, being interrupted only by your father loudly coughing from some steps away from you both, tired of having to deal with the obvious tension between his daughter and his co-worker, his friend! Rossi doesn't say anything else though. And neither does Aaron or you, deciding to just go back to paying attention to the match.
But Hotch had just got you an in. If he hadn't flirted back you might just keep it as a crush, but now?
Now you needed him.
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sunnyhvnny · 1 year
Daemon / Maegor / Aemond
The wife start to love them after the birth of their first child. She stop to try run away and actually start to look at them with warm
Enjoy! ❤️
Tw: none!
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Maegor Targaryen
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Like most of Maegor’s wives, she was no different in the fact that she had no choice in marrying him. She remembers vividly, as does everyone else in the Keep probably, the night before she was to wed the King. When she climbed out of her window and made it halfway down the stone wall before she was caught.
Everyone knew of Maegor’s cruel and fearsome reputation. She hadn’t known what to expect but it wasn’t anything good. He ignored her most of the time until she began to swell with his child. After that, she couldn’t get rid of him.
The time he spent with her wasn’t just about the babe growing inside of her but about them. He’d take her on strolls throughout the gardens and show her what he did as the King when he wasn’t on his dragon. She, heavy with child, had even sat in on a few small council meetings.
At some point, sharing their time turned into sharing their fears and past and that was when she learned about his fear that this child that she held within her might come out monstrous and she wouldn’t survive the birth. She, in turn, told him that she feared the same. She had heard through the grapevine of what had happened to his previous wives and feared that she would meet her end in the same way. Whether in the birthing bed or by his sword if she birthed a babe that was something of nightmares.
He had stopped then and told her he wouldn’t be the reason for her demise. He would have everyone who knew anything about babes and childbirth be there when it was her time. He held true to his word, as her labors started later that night and she was quickly surrounded by experts or women who held her as she screamed. The one thing she didn’t expect, was her husband insisting on being there.
At first, she thought it was to make sure the babe wasn’t swapped but he held her hand the entire time and whispered encouraging words to her. As the time went by and the babe came closer and closer to arriving, she started to wonder if she felt genuine affection towards him. Her mother had always told her that a woman couldn’t trust their emotions while with child so she pushed those thoughts away and only thought about bringing her child into the world.
It was the hour of the owl when things had finally calmed. The babe had come and was pink, covered in blood, and healthy. It took some time for everyone to usher themselves out and for her to be cleaned up but finally, she and her husband had their child. A little girl that Maegor insisted on calling through Daenys. He showed no signs of disappointment at the child being a girl and only held the small bundle in his arms as he gently swayed her. Occasionally, he brushed a thumb through the tufts of white hair on her head but for the most part, he watched her in wonder.
She wasn’t surprised when she felt affection while looking at her husband and newborn. She was surprised when her husband smiled at her and she felt love.
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Daemon Targaryen
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She hated King’s Landing and she hated her husband. Well, that wasn’t entirely true. She didn’t hate her husband but she hated the fact that she had no say in marrying him. That her father told her one day that she was to marry the prince. Her husband isn’t a hard man to read. She knows he wants no part in this marriage as well. She doesn’t know if there is someone else or if he also resents the fact that he had no choice but it doesn’t stop him from doing his duties as a husband.
Since they were wed, it was clear that Daemon found her attractive despite not wanting to be her husband. Perhaps, if she were a whore he’d buy a night with her, or if he found her on her own he would have talked her into sharing a night with him but instead, they were joined together by the seven and he didn’t have to have only one night with her.
Night were all it was in the beginning. He’d come in and fill himself with the pleasures she could offer and leave after he was done. It was a tiring and boring marriage and so she decided that she would leave. She paid a servant for their clothes and made her way out of the Keep, which was easier than she expected, and proceeded to run. She had no plan on where she was running to but soon she was out of the city and on one of the hills. She had forgotten which one, perhaps Visenya’s hill?
She hadn’t slowed down in time, though, and instead of skidding to a halt she tripped over her own feet and went hurtling over the cliff. The hill was high up and she had no idea if she would survive the fall but she was saved from the thought of death when she was grabbed midair and moved into a saddle. When she opened her eyes she saw Daemon and his dragon, the blood wyrm. She couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled up and out of her. Perhaps it was almost dying or the fact that her husband, who always seemed indifferent to her, was her savior.
Since she was small, she knew that the fates liked playing games and so she wasn’t surprised when only two weeks after her escape and rescue, she found out she was with child. It did surprise her when Daemon started to pay more attention to her. He didn’t seem like a man who was insistent on an heir but perhaps he thought she would take off again, this time with her child.
He had all of her things moved to his chambers and every second he could he spent time with her. It probably would have made her go insane had she made any friends in King’s Landing but she hadn’t so she chose to relish in his company. He was soft with her as her belly grew and she learned that not only was he deadly but he was caring and funny, too, in a dry sort of way.
What really surprised her was that when he was gone she found that she missed him and waited for him to return to her. She realized a while ago that the feelings she held for him were more than that of companionship but she would not dare to think or voice her actual feelings.
That was until she had given birth. It was painful and her screams, she was certain, could be heard in the city below, but it was quick and both she and the babe were healthy. When Daemon finally strode in, she smiled at him and then down at their son. She had gone through several different books of Valyrian and Targaryen history to find just to right name but looking down at her little boy who looked so much like his father, she felt her heart swell. She loved her boys and wanted to give Daemon something more than a babe.
“I believe we should name him Daemion.”
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Aemond Targaryen
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As far as she was concerned, she believed this marriage to be a farce. Before they wed, she had nothing against her new husband and perhaps if he had simply asked for her hand she would feel less animosity towards him every time she saw him.
Aemond had tricked everyone, though, which was the only reason she was now married to the prince. Everything had happened so fast. She remembered talking with princess Helaena about the upcoming tourney, how she favored a specific knight from the Vale, and that night she had been cornered by Aemond. She remembered her heart beating so hard that she thought it would fly out of her chest but he had simply covered her mouth with his hand and placed himself between her legs.
“Will you please stop squirming? I do not plan on doing anything to you.”
His words had confused her but nearly seconds after he had situated them in a compromising position, her father had stumbled upon them. Aemond had stumbled away from her like he had been in the middle of something and she could only look at him in surprise as her father dragged her to her chambers. It was only the next day that she realized the full scope of what had happened.
Aemond had not taken her virtue but he had made it look like he had and now her father was demanding the two be married. Within a week they were wed, “just in the chance that something comes out of your youthful dalliance,” the hand had said and she could only grit her teeth. Nothing would come of it but no one would believe her.
After they were wed, Aemond acted like the husband of stories and songs. He was affectionate, kind, and someone everyone would kill to be married to. Except, whenever he asked her about her day or walked with her through the gardens she felt like hitting him.
She had started to feel trapped. He had moved his things into her chambers and he ate his meals with her, every time he wasn’t training he was by her side. Sometimes she wondered if he acted this way because he wanted all of her time to himself or if it was because he didn’t want anyone else to have any part of her.
She had tried to escape from the Red Keep, her gullible parents, and her husband. She had thought it smart to take servant's clothes and sneak through the corridors only they used. She had made it all the way out to the yard, not yet to the gates, when her husband had found her. He looked cold and upset at the same time as he escorted her back to their shared chambers. No words were spoken and she couldn’t help but think the worst.
After her husband had a servant draw her a warm bath and let her soak in it for a while, he finally spoke. “I was with the maesters when you were making your getaway attempt. They have informed me that you have not bled in more than a moons turn.”
He didn’t need to say the words. She knew what he meant. She had been so diligent about drinking moon tea every morning, as her husband had a rather large appetite when it came to her. She sighed and closed her eyes when she remembered the day of the tourney. She and Aemond had been in bed all day and had missed the tourney completely. For the short few moments that he left and ordered the servants to bring food or drinks, she had been too tired to ask for the moon tea and the next day it had completely slipped her mind.
Her husband’s hand slid below the water and caressed her still flat abdomen. “I will have guards posted at the doors and only the servants that I approve of will be coming in here from now on. If you want to leave our chambers just ask me and I will accompany you. I don’t want anything to happen to you or the babe.”
He sounded so sincere when he said it that she wondered if he knew that he was taking away her freedoms. He stuck true to his words, though. The next morning she was awoken by a servant she had never seen before bringing her and her husband’s morning meal. When she tried to leave the rooms to go to the library, the guards outside stopped her. It was only hours later when her husband returned that he accompanied her to the library.
This routine had kept up longer than she thought it would. Her husband had stuck true to his words. She thought she would grow to resent him as time passed but with him being her only form of company she began to rely heavily on him. As her belly swelled, they talked and laughed and when the life inside her caused her to have mood swings, Aemond only held her until she calmed.
It was as they were waiting for her labors to begin that she realized that she had to put away the rocky start to their marriage. He had made it look like her virtue was compromised and that she would let a prince have his way with her in any corridor but when she thought back to it, she no longer felt angry. She felt nothing towards it truly. She only thought about the loving moments they shared together in this room after they had learned about the babe quickening inside of her.
The labors and the birth were quicker than anyone had expected or planned for. The baby was in the arms of the midwife just after one of the servants ran to tell Aemond.
By the time he walked into their chambers, still sticky with sweat but not a hair out of place, from training, she was laying on their bed with a fussing bundle in her arms. The joy that she felt when her husband walked in probably would have surprised her many moons ago but now she only smiled at him and waved him over to look at their child.
It was a little girl with tufts of silver hair and mismatched eyes. One violet and one a deep blue, both of which were staring up at Aemond curiously as he gently grabbed her and held her in his arms. As she looked on at her husband and daughter she felt love spread throughout her. Love for her baby and love for her husband.
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Left Behind and Bleeding
Summary: you’ve been feeling forgotten all week when your period shows up you just want to curl up and hide. Will your girlfriends look after you this time?
TW: Angst, periods, being forgotten, anxiety, feeling left out, abandonment issues, self-doubt, mentions of drug use, teasing
Words: 1.2K
A/n: it’s that time of the month when I hit you with another period fic lol. Sorry it’s a bit short. Also … I may be projecting again … maybe hehe.
It had been a bad few days to say the least. To start off you had plans to hang out with Natasha, but she got given a last-minute mission, so you had to postpone. Which would have been fine on its own, but it seemed yo have sparked a pattern.
All week people had been cancelling on you, having some reason or another that seemed valid at the time but looking back made you overthink.
Wanda had some people she needed to visit, and you understood. But everyone seemed to be prioritising other things. Even your mother wasn’t answering your calls. Leading you to believe she was either dead or ignoring you.
On the fourth day of having nobody to hang out with in the usually very busy tower, you were getting fed up.
Your mind had been trying to spin a story that everyone simply didn’t like you. That they would rather hang out with other people and that you really didn’t have anyone in your corner.
Of course, you had been fighting the notion for days now, but it was getting harder to ignore as people continued to have bigger, better things to do without you.
Nat had gotten back from her mission and had immediately gone to do some training and after you caught her watching a movie with Clint. You had moped around your room all afternoon, feeling like you were a B-list avenger at best.
Your mind had convinced you that nobody cared and so you had spent the afternoon crying alone in your room.
When dinner came, it seemed everyone had returned. Something you had not been counting on, so your eyes were still red and puffy when Jarvis announced dinner.
In a panic you threw on some sunglasses in an attempt to keep the others from finding out.
Yet it had simply orchestrated a point of teasing for the whole meal. Everyone wanted to know why you were wearing them, but you kept your head down and tried to seem cheerful.
Sam was trying to convince people that you must have been high, while wanda could practically hear your loud thoughts from the other end of the table. Her and Nat exchanged expressions when you got up from the meal not even halfway through.
Feeling awful you almost cried when you got back to your room to discover your period had started.
Life seemed to be throwing more than a few curveballs at you, it was throwing the full field.
You stuck in a pad and threw on some warm pjs before crawling under the covers and letting a few tears fall while your breathing evened out.
Wanda had finished her dinner around the same time as Natasha had so, they had met up in the kitchen while washing their dishes.
“Wanda?” Nat asked from where she was drying her plate off.
“Yeah?” Wanda asked, her hands covered in suds.
Nat chewed her lip for a second before carefully selecting her words. “Was there … anyone off with Y/n these last few days?” Nat asked.
“I don’t know why?” Wanda said and Nat frowned.
“What do you mean ‘I don’t know’ werent you here?” Nat said.
“No? I told you I was visiting friends for a few days.” Wanda said.
“Oh my god.” Nat said feeling bad. “Did we both ditch her for a week?”
“No? I mean surely, she had the others to hang out with. Right?” Wanda said.
“Jarvis?” Nat called to the ceiling.
“Yes, Ms Romanoff what can I do for you?” The AI responded.
“Who in the past week has cancelled plans with Y/n?” Nat asked.
“In the past week I believe each of the avengers have been either ‘too busy’ or had ‘other plans’ to spend time with Ms L/n.” Jarvis said.
“Oh god.” Wanda said. “Jarvis? What has Y/n been doing this past week?”
“Ms L/n has spent most of her time in her room. Either sleeping or crying. She also has been avoiding everyone for the last half of the week.” Jarvis said and Wanda and Natasha’s hearts broke.
“We are the worst girlfriends ever.” Wanda said feeling awful.
“We should go check on her.” Nat agreed and the two of them headed for the lift.
When they stood outside your bedroom door Natasha hesitated for a second.
“What if she doesn’t want to see us?” Nat asked.
“Im sure she will, it’s Y/n. She may be sad but her hearts still twenty-four carat.” Wanda said and Nat nodded and knocked.
When no response came, she gently opened the door. Making out a Y/n shaped lump in the bed she entered and quietly walked over to your side.
Wanda took note of the chocolate wrappers on your bedside table and the hot water bottle you had cuddled up to.
You had seemingly used your powers to heat up the water-bottle and your brow was creased in pain.
“Nat?” Wanda said and Natasha nodded.
“I see.” She said.
Wanda sighed and slipped into bed behind you. Gently playing with your hair as Nat went to search for some pain medicine for you, knowing that you wouldn’t have taken any yet.
Wanda rubbed slow circles on your back and brushed a hand onto your cheek.
“Y/n baby, can you open your eyes for me my love?” Wanda asked softy. You let out a small whimper and Wanda’s heart melted.
“Wands?” You asked in a small voice.
“Yes, baby its me.” She said pressing a featherlight kiss to your cheekbone.
“Hurts.” You said softly and she nodded.
“Natty’s gone to get you some medicine.” Wanda said just as Natasha walked back in with some pills and a glass of water.
“Here you go my sweet girl.” Nat said as wanda helped sit you up, leaning into her side.
Nat passed you the medicine and you took it without protest, telling both girls just how bad you were really feeling.
“I’m sorry we weren’t here my love.” Nat said brushing a curl from your cheek.
“That’s ok. You had important things to do.” You mumbled into Wanda’s chest where you had buried your face.
“Baby girl, nothings more important than you.” Wanda said stroking your hair.
“Why don’t we put on a movie, and you can try and get some sleep ok?” Nat said gently and you nodded, shuffling over to make room for her on the bed.
Wanda used her magic to open the small mini fridge in the room and floated a pint of your favourite icecream and three spoons over.
“I got this for you before I left my love.” Wanda said with a smile passing you a spoon.
Natasha slipped in beside you and Wanda, passing you the remote you put on an episode of Parks and Recreation as you began to eat some icecream and cuddle.
After a few spoonfuls Nat stole the container, Afterall you have been making a mess. There was even icecream on your nose which wanda softly kissed away, making you giggle as you begun doze in the presence of your two amazing girlfriends.
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im-a-hoping-beetch · 10 months
Many people seem to get genuinely confused, whenever we, zutara shippers, mention how underdeveloped kataang really is. Usually, they’ll brush it off as us being delusional, bitter and you know the drill. Their main response to that, usually is: “How, could they possibly be underdeveloped, they had 3 seasons!?!”
The thing is they forget that the amount of time isn’t as important as what you do do with it. Cuz, yeah, Aang and Katara did have 3 seasons, but their relationship still managed to feel rushed as hell. Heck, even Bryke, out of all people, admitted to it. Which mostly as to do with a bunch of things that I’ll get into right now.
Let’s start with the fact that, Katara never actually shows any interest in Aang.
Now, many of y’all will probably come for me by citing how the cave of the two lovers or even the Headband have moments of her showing interest in him, but all of them end up falling flat at some point.
The cave of the two lovers:
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The argument here, usually is“if she didn’t have any interest in him, why would she kiss him?” or “why would she blush at the idea of kissing him?”. The former seems to forget this is a life or death situation and that we don’t really know for sure that if there were another way to get out if this, she wouldn’t take it. For the latter, I’d like to say that blushing can have many significations such as, embarrassment. Which, here makes sense when considering what she says and overall demeanour, after suggesting to kiss.
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Like yeah, a fourteen year old girl blushing bcz she’s embarrassed at the idea of having to kiss, her friend, out of all things, cuz you know… awkward. Can you imagine that (pun fully intended)???
The headband:
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This one is going to be a ride, but stick with me. The arguments can range from “What about her jealousy while Aang is dancing with other girls.” to “What about the way she looks at him during the dance.”
Here, is said jealousy being shown:
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And said look being done:
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Now, yeah, I can absolutely see why these two exemples would be used as a way to prove her interest, but let me remind you that this is the same episode where we have this happen.
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Yeah, the same episode where Katara is acting all jealous and giving flirty looks to Aang is also the same one where she pretends to be is… mother. While, I could go on about how it wasn’t the best idea on the directors or whoever was in charge of the episode part if it was their way of giving a glimpse of Katara being into Aang. The issue is, them doing so wasn’t completely farfetched either, because up until now it’s been established that Katara can be very motherly and she acts that way with almost everyone in the gaang. More specifically, the one with who she does so the most is, Aang.
I mean, even the show makes a point of poking fun at their mother-son dynamic on several occasions all throughout the show (ie. the don’t-rub-your-eyes-when-you’re-speaking scene in “The runaway” episode). So realistically, the two exemples shown way above could somewhat work, but only if you decide to completely ignore what episode they take place in, one that hasn’t really helped at stopping the mother-son dynamic allegations kataang has been getting, for years, now.
So, back to the development aspect, I think it has always been stunted from the beginning, because, fundamentally, the ship as always been designed to be Aang-centric. If you’d like more insight on that I’d recommend checking @starlight-bread-blog’s amazing post on the issue. But also, that their lackluster resolution is way much more obvious, cuz both are leads in the show. Katara's existence in the show, isn't solely there to serve as some love inerest for Aang. Shocker, but she's actually a MAIN CHARACTER in the show, meaning that we spend three seasons where we get to learn about her battles, fears and aspirations, none of which seems to involve a relationship with Aang.
Like yeah, the reason why The Ending Kiss™ feels so unsatisfactory is, simply, because, Katara doesn't like Aang (at least not like that). Katara, likes Aang, because the show said so. Now, stick with me, cuz I can already feel some of y'all ready to jump at the screen. Within the show, name a single moment where she ever comes to thinking of Aang in a romantic way. One that doesn't involve any external sources, such as someone suggesting about it or because of the given circumstances she has to. The answer is none. The only time we ever get to see her voice her ACTUAL opinion about it, this is what she says:
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That's not even counting how her overall demeanor, from the body language to her choice of words seems to suggest that she's actually trying to let him down gently. Also, may I remind you that at that point THERE'S ONLY 3 FREAKING EPISODES LEFT BEFORE THE BIG KISS™ and this is where there at in their relationship. Plus, within the 3 episodes that are left WE NEVER GET TO SEE THEM TALK ABOUT IT, EVER!!!
This obviously was part of Bryke’s horrible attempt at the will-they-won’t-they trope. Which ended up playing right in their face, cuz like I mentioned they themselves had to come to glaring realization that kataang was rushed. Now, it could’ve been it, the creators realizing their obvious mistake and if they could, trying to fix it by giving us what seemed like the natural progression of their relationship, which was for it to end.
Instead, we got comics!Katara and oooh boy…
Basically, they decided that they would throw away Katara’s meticulously built characterization in order to make her existence revolve around, Aang. I kid you not, when I say that she isn’t allowed scenes, lines and actions that do not revolve around her “sweetie”.
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Remember how I said that, Katara likes Aang because the show runners said so. This is an example of this cranked up to a hundred.
Essentially, when you start thinking about where these two are in terms of growth, kataang is the antithesis to development itself. On one hand it validates the regression of one (ie. the dropped chakra plot line), while simultaneously, having to strip any previously built characterization of the other (ie. comics!katara).
On that note, I’d like to remind people, how important Katara is to the story. Without her, the entirety of the gaang would be dead. Without her, there would be no story. Without her, there would be no Aang.
She deserved to have a voice within her own relationship and not for it to be stolen by two grown men who were still stuck in their childhood fantasy.
She deserved better.
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