#if he turns into something weird I'll kick his ass until he turns back
blood-orange-juice · 1 year
Doing Navia's part of the story (yes, I'm slow).
Paralles with Childe are scary (too sleepy to formulate it clearly but a lot of emotional patterns match).
Did he... symbolically hand us over his quest of killing that eldritch whale and his Vision (probably also focused on killing that whale).
(it's the only way that conversation makes any sense to me)
When I said I'll kill that thing for you I didn't mean *this*. Stop turning into an eldritch horror, come back and solve your problems yourself, you coward (I'll help. I'll be clapping and bringing you almonds, eggs and sugar).
Please tell me I'm imagining things.
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writingthroughmyass · 1 month
Service Animal (Part one)
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My mans Logan Howlett X Reader (afab)
Part two here
WARNING: This is soooo self insert it's not even funny. I get weird migraines that present like absent seizures and thought it would be nice to get a warning beforehand by my favourite babygirl Logan (like my own personal service animal). This is gonna be in three parts, it's mostly finished and ends in smooshing so be ready for that ;)
The after effects of using your power was kicking your ass.
In a daze, you made it to your private room and went straight to your bathroom. You felt the nausea rising up in your throat and quickly opened the toilet lid to throw up. 
The multiple alternate realities of what could have happened tonight flashed before your eyes. Ororo, Jean, Scott, Logan, all collapsed on the floor, dead. Their screams played in a relentless loop in your head; you were dissociating badly. Your surroundings melted away until there was nothing but the countless ways they could have died if you hadn't bent reality to avoid it. 
Always. It's always like this. 
Gradually, you begin to return to your body, only to realise there was someone in the room with you, holding your hair back. 
Terrified, your body snapped up from its kneeling position to face the intruder. 
“Woah, hey, it's just me. Calm down.”
“L-Logan?” you slurred, suddenly feeling self conscious of the smell of your breath. 
“I knocked and called out but you didn't answer. So I came in to check on you.” 
You eyed him, feeling suspicious of how out of character this was for him. 
“Why are you looking at me like I'm lying? I'm not totally heartless,” he said defensively.
“Why'd you come in the first place to see me though? I thought you were pissed with me,” you grumble.
When you'd overdone it with your powers, Logan threw a hissy fit and yelled at you for going too far. While you knew it was out of care, it still rankled you that he was acting as if you were a child. You knew what you were doing. 
“I… just had a bad feeling,” he said quietly. “Y'know how I've got my heightened senses. I could tell something was off with you.”
“I'm fine. Just need to rest. This is normal for me.”
You turned around to the bathroom sink and grabbed your toothbrush. You gave your teeth and tongue a quick clean, wanting to just wash all the blood off your body so you could sleep. 
It felt like you had a raging hangover from drinking Everclear all night. 
When you turned from the sink you noticed Logan was still there. 
“Uh… need something? I wanna get ready for bed and pass out.”
“Yeah, I need to know you're okay,” he says.
“I told you, I'm fine. I'm going to shower so please leave.” 
Your patience was wearing thin. But you were also aware that some of it was nervousness coming out as aggression. You couldn't deny the attraction you felt towards him, although his attitude left much to be desired. His behaviour tonight was quite frankly really sweet and it was psyching you out. You were already in the midst of losing touch with reality and his actions were so contradictory to his usual self that it was causing you a psychotic break. 
“You're not listening to me,” he ground out, losing some of his own patience. “I'm telling you that something is wrong with you.” 
You stared silently at him, mouth slightly hanging open. 
“Okay, that came out the wrong way.” He was ruffling his hair in agitation. Cute. “What I'm saying is- I'm… ah…”
“Please, Logan, I just want a shower so I can go to bed…”
“Look, I'll just wait in your room and I'll leave once you're in bed safe, ‘kay,” he says, turning to the door and walking out, shutting it behind himself. 
You just wanted to be alone so you could have a good cry. You were incredibly confused about what in the world was going on but now you were really getting scared. And Logan's words were not helping. 
What if he's right and this time your connection with reality has been completely severed? But what else were you supposed to do? Let them all die? Even with your special training with Charles, your power was so unruly and chaotic that it was terrifying. You had to be careful or there would be no way back. 
You got undressed and turned on the shower, stepping inside. It was only once you were under the hot stream of water that you realised you'd left your pyjamas in your bedroom. You groaned aloud. Fuck, now you'd have to walk in front of Logan in nothing but a towel. Why the fuck was he here? You wished he'd just leave. 
You watched the dried blood wash away from your skin, turning the floor of your shower a bright red. 
You felt your stomach drop and your head turned fuzzy. The sound of your shower disappeared. The safety of your surroundings melted away. 
Scott, his eyes gouged out from his head. Ororo’s limbs crumpled every which way, her eyes clouded over not because of her powers but because she was lifeless. Jean, her neck holding on to her body by a thread, her cranium blasted open and her brain dripping down her face. 
Logan, on the ground, ripped to shreds, his Adamantium bones showing through his torn flesh. And the wounds weren't healing. 
It was always like this. As if you were being punished for playing god. It was as if all the horrible realities you prevented from happening still lived on but solely in your mind, driving you insane. It left scars of trauma on your psyche, Charles had told you. So you had to be careful in how you used your powers or you may become completely untethered from reality. A fate worse than death. 
Vaguely, you could hear yourself mumbling and gasping and swallowing loudly, trying to find some kind of equilibrium in the mess of your mind. 
You were trying desperately to connect back with your body but at the same time you didn't want to because it only meant having to fight this same battle over and over again. 
Seeing your friends die before your very eyes in hundreds of thousands of different ways, experiencing each traumatic story to its conclusion. Only to have it all unravel into a reality where none of it happened, but the whiplash makes you doubt this reality too. It's always too good to be true. You feel it in your bones that you don't deserve this. That the way you twist reality is wrong and one day it'll catch up to you in the worst possible way. 
You feel water running down your face and remember that you're in the shower. You try to ground yourself and come back to your body. You hear the water splashing, feel the ground beneath your feet, the solid embrace around you. 
You try to move but you can't. Finally, you snap fully to your body. Your mind is groggy, feeling like you'd been hit by a truck. But there's the unmistakable warmth surrounding you, dense and as unyielding as brick. 
Your face is roughly yanked upwards and you open your eyes.
“Fuck, finally! Are you alright?” 
You stare blearily, mouth open and dry from the adrenaline that had been pumping through your body just moments ago.
Bright hazel eyes. Huh. So pretty. You'd never noticed. 
You realise you're not supporting your own weight. You're finally aware that Logan has you in an embrace, holding your body up, one hand around your waist and the other on your jaw as he looks into your face. The water on your face isn't from the shower, you realise. It's your tears. 
“Bloody hell, please say something,” he says angrily. You feel some of your own anger flare up in response. What's his problem? 
“Fuck,” you croak. 
You feel his chest vibrate against yours as he laughs, suddenly aware that you're as naked as the day you were born and this man is fully clothed standing in your shower, getting his white singlet wet. Giving you a bear hug…
Your brain short circuits as you try to come up with words, feeling your whole body heat with embarrassment. 
“W-what are you doing in here?” you manage to slur.
“Helping your ass,” he says roughly. “Can you stand?”
Fuck, good question. Can I stand??
“C-close your eyes first,” you demand. 
“Bit late to be feeling shy now don't you think?” he teases with a wink. 
“Just close ‘em!” you yell at him. 
He laughs before complying. 
You extricate yourself from his arms, turning off the shower, then navigate carefully around him to exit the cubicle. You grab a towel and cover yourself, making a mental note to grab a clean one later since this one was definitely dirty now. 
“Okay, open your eyes and get out, please.”
He turns to look at you.
“Don't think that's a good idea, bub.”
“And why is that?” you huff impatiently.
“What if you collapse in the shower again?” he says matter of factly.
“I've been having these things for a long time. I've managed to survive so far so don't stress about it.”
“It's different now though, isn't it? You've been having these for a long time, you said so yourself, and they're only getting worse instead of better.”
You sigh heavily in frustration. You hated that he was right. 
“So what exactly are you suggesting?” 
Your heart was beating like crazy. He better not suggest what you think he was going to suggest.
“I'm sure old Chuckie boy wouldn't mind lending you his shower chair for the night,” he smirked. 
You laughed out loud despite the tension in the room. He always managed to make you laugh. 
“Yeah, I'm just going to wake up an old man in the middle of the night to ask if I can borrow his shower chair,” you joked, lightly slapping him on the shoulder. 
He laughed along with you then you both shared a few moments of comfortable silence. Only for him to break it with-
“My other suggestion is to shower with me so I can make sure you don't faint and hurt yourself.”
You stared at him distrustfully.
“Hey, look, I'm not being a pervert, it's just the only solution I can think of on the fly,” he placates, hands raised as if to say I'm innocent and unarmed. 
You stopped to think for a second, your muddled mind trying to make sense of the situation. 
It made you especially uncomfortable that you didn't exactly have your full mental faculties about you. 
But Logan was a good friend. You'd fought beside him many times before and you saw that you could trust him. But… he was still a man. A man much bigger and stronger than you. 
“Can I trust you?” you asked falteringly. What a stupid idea to ask the opinion of someone fully in power over you. 
“I promise I won't do anything without you wanting it. This is entirely your choice.” 
You looked him in the eyes, trying to find a trace of falsehood in them. But you only saw honeyed eyes, dripping with conviction. The same conviction you'd seen many times before when he was protecting those he loved. 
You felt yourself feel a little calmer. 
“Okay… but you better not break your promise. Or I'll sick Charles and his shower chair on you.” 
“I won't. I just want to keep you safe,” he said in a low, serious voice. 
You felt a fluttering behind your ribs. Fuck… I'm about to shower with this incredibly attractive asshole.
“Okay… you get in first,” you said. 
“Yes, ma'am,” he said a little too cheerily. 
You turned around to give him privacy to undress. You heard the rustle of his clothes then a thump as he dropped them on the floor of your bathroom. 
Should've known he'd be a slob…
You heard the shower turn on and you braced yourself for what was to come next. 
You turned towards the shower, keeping your head down and eyes averted. You removed your towel and stepped into the shower, still not looking at Logan and ignoring his presence, which was hard to do in your little shower. Thankfully he was turned away respectfully.
You stood behind him, turned away from his body. You took your soap and began to lather it over yourself as you usually did when you showered. 
“Would you like a hand with your back?” Logan spoke up. 
You paused as you weighed up the question in your mind. 
“Sure,” you said quietly, trying to keep yourself calm. 
This is totally normal. We're just friends having a shower. Together. 
You turned your back and heard him applying soap to his hands. Slowly, gently, as if you were made of glass, he began to rub your back, starting with your shoulders. You felt yourself give an involuntary shiver.
“Are you cold? Do you need the water a bit hotter?” he asked you. 
“No, it's fine. The temperature is okay with you?” 
“Yeah, bub, just perfect.” 
His hands felt massive against your back. He massaged your neck for a few seconds before moving down your shoulder blades towards your middle back. 
“Did-did you want me to do your back too?” you asked, trying to hide how nervous you were. 
“Since you're offering, sure,” he said gruffly. You turned towards him at the same moment he turned away from you, unfortunately catching a glimpse of his insane fucking abs, but thankfully managing not to make eye contact. 
You soaped up your hands and began with his neck, trying not to notice how thick and muscular his traps were. 
God… this is hell but also heaven. 
You ran your hands across his ridiculously broad shoulders and down his middle back, avoiding going too low lest you caress his stupid, tight ass. 
“I'm going to wash my hair, okay?” you told him, unsure of why you were asking permission. 
“Don't know why you're asking my permission.” Fuck. You were being weird. “But I can do the same right?” he responded, holding in laughter. 
You felt your face go hot.
“D-do what you want,” you said petulantly. 
You took the shampoo bottle, squeezing what you needed for yourself before handing it to him over his shoulder, which he thankfully kept turned to you in respect. 
You both washed your hair in silence. You already felt a bit better. You dreamily thought of your bed as you rinsed the shampoo from your hair. 
You then grabbed the conditioner and squeezed some into your hand. 
“Need the conditioner?” you asked Logan.
“What for?” he asked, confused. 
“For your hair, duh.”
“Nah, I'm good. Haven't had to use it so far in my life, won't start now. Need a hand with washing your hair?” 
You knew he was trying to be helpful. But it felt so, so wrong. Like overstepping your relationship as friends. But then again… would you ever get the chance again to have an incredibly sexy man wash your hair for you? 
“Sure,” you said stiffly.
Silence, then his hand moved around you to grab the bottle from you. 
“Ah-” you already had some conditioner in your hand. You were about to tell him but decided to keep quiet as he worked on your hair. 
His fingers… so thick and strong yet gentle through your hair, over your scalp. You couldn't help but to close your eyes and enjoy the sensation. 
It was over too soon and he stepped away from you again. You tipped your head to rinse your hair, giving your face a quick scrub with water while you were at it; fuck your skin routine, you were going straight to bed. 
“I'm going to step out first,” you informed him. 
He grunted in reply and you stepped from the shower, grabbing two clean towels from your bathroom cupboard. You covered yourself with one and half turned your body to Logan, gaze still averted from his direction. 
“Here ya go,” you tried to say cheerily, offering the towel to him.  
“Thanks,” he said and grabbed it from your hand. You quickly moved to the door. 
“Wait until I say you can come in,” you said before closing the door behind you. 
This was not helping you to relax at all.
You dried yourself quickly and threw your pyjamas on. 
“I'm done!” you called through the door. 
He stepped out with his towel wrapped around his stupid, slutty waist. You could see his happy trail adorning his abs. His enormous pecs, his dog tags resting in the dip of his gorgeous chest. 
“Hey, bub, my eyes are up here,” he teases. 
You swallow thickly and glare at his stupid, smirking face.
“Have I ever told you I hate you?” you retort, only succeeding in making him laugh. 
“How are you feeling now?” he says softly, suddenly serious. 
“I'm… exhausted. I usually sleep a lot after an episode.” 
He nods in understanding. 
“You'll be okay if I leave?”
This gives you pause. If you were being honest to yourself, you'd say, “Please stay. I don't want to be alone tonight.” 
But you weren't honest with yourself. 
“Thanks for looking out for me, Logan. I really appreciate it and sorry for putting you out. I'll be okay. You can go to bed now if you want.” 
He looked at you in silence. He stepped towards you, so close that you had to look up to keep eye contact. You could feel the warmth radiating from him. Fuck he runs hot. 
“You mean it, right? You're okay to be alone?” 
You stared at him, a little bit dumbfounded. Was he able to read minds or something? 
“Yes, I'll be fine. I'll be in bed so I can't exactly fall,” you chuckled. 
He didn't laugh with you. Only watched you carefully. 
“Okay. I'll respect what you say you want,” he says carefully. 
Again, this is so out of character for him that you second guess yourself whether you're in reality or not. 
You watch as he turns to the bathroom and grabs his clothes from the floor then goes towards the door to the hall. 
“Hey-w-wait-y-you're not going out like that are you?” you stutter in disbelief.
He turns back to you. 
“What else am I going to do?” he asks incredulously. 
“Put your clothes back on,” you retort.
“Ew, you're a bit of a slob, aren't you? They're dirty and covered with blood and who knows what or who else.”
You deadpanned. 
“What if… what if you stayed here for the night?” you blurted out without thinking. You flinch at your own words.
Logan pauses with his hand on the door knob. 
“I don't exactly have my pyjamas here with me,” he says slowly. 
“I've already seen and touched you naked. What's the difference?” you hear yourself say.
What the fuck am I saying?
“I-I mean, surely I have something that can fit you,” you amend quickly. His face seems to go slack in surprise.
“Wow. You really want it, huh?” he smirks at you. 
You ignore the heat that overtakes your whole body. 
“N-never mind! Fuck off already,” you say sourly. 
“Hey, I'm just joking,” he laughs. “I can definitely stay if it helps you feel better.” He smiles at you and you feel yourself melt a little bit. 
“It… it would. Help me feel better, I mean.” 
Having him near you would help remind you that this is real, you justify. 
“Alright then,” he nods to you. “Some clothes would be great.” 
“Ah, sure, give me a second.” 
You quickly go to your wardrobe to locate the loosest pair of pants you own. He'll just have to sleep shirtless, there's no way you have a top that will fit over his broad shoulders. 
You find a dark grey pair of trackies and turn back to him. 
“Try these.”
“Thanks,” he says as he takes it from your hand.
As he moves back to the bathroom you jump into bed to wait. Your bed never felt so fucking good. 
You've barely settled under the covers when Logan reappears from the bathroom, his hair still wet and dripping down his neck. You do your best not to stare. 
He moves towards you and lifts the covers to slip into bed with you. 
This is just a sleepover, you tell yourself. Like when you have a friend over for the night.
Logan slots himself into your bed alongside you and you become suddenly aware of how small your double bed is. The frame creaks loudly from the weight of him and his Adamantium bones. 
“Comfy?” you ask.
He turns in the bed so he's facing you. A smile slowly makes its way to his face and you find you can't breathe for a second. 
“Yeah, definitely,” he murmurs. 
“Alright, sweet, g’night then,” you say quickly, turning away from him to still your beating heart. Fuck, I hope he can't hear my heart right now.
“Are you sure you're ready to sleep? Your heart is beating pretty fast,” he points out cooly. 
Mother fucker.
“So… you have heightened senses right? Kind of.. like a dog?” I'm not thinking straight, why am I trying to piss him off? 
“Thought you were going to sleep,” he grunted. The sound of his gravelly voice did something to you. But you ignored it. 
“It just kind of reminds me of those service dogs, y'know the ones that can sense when their owner is going to have a seizure? I mean, I know I don't have seizures exactly, but I guess it presents sort of like one.”
“What are you trying to say?” he asks gruffly. He doesn't like it when people compare him to dogs. You're just grateful you can't see the look on his face right now. 
“I'm just wondering how you can tell? What is it exactly that you're sensing? It's always interested me,” you say honestly. 
He grunts again and goes quiet before answering.
“I can smell it. Can't even explain what it actually smells like. But that's how I know, although it isn't always accurate.”
“That's really interesting.” And you mean it. It really is interesting… although the implications concerning his sense of smell have you a little bit paranoid… 
“So that's why I'm telling you to listen to me when I fucking tell you to stop with your powers. You could've killed yourself tonight,” he grinds out, anger in his voice. 
“Logan… you need to understand where I'm coming from. You all died tonight. Like literally, right before my very eyes, you were all dead. What do you expect me to do?” 
You feel tears pricking your eyes, the lump in your throat is choking you.
“I… I can't talk about this right now okay?” you tell him, trying to keep your voice steady. 
“Okay… okay, I'm sorry,” his voice softens. “Please, just get some sleep, okay? Guide dog’s orders.”
And just like that you're laughing again, feeling a tear running down your cheek to your pillow. You were so grateful to have him in your life. You were also grateful he couldn't see you crying right now. 
“Alright, g'night, puppy,” you tease.
“‘Night,” he says softly. 
A minute passes and you can already feel yourself starting to drift off. You smile to yourself, knowing that you have your own personal “service animal” to keep you safe tonight.
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webslingingslasher · 8 months
if trouble needed peter during the breakup do you think she’d still be able to call?
yes. and i will now expand, thank u.
peter stares down at his phone, it's not that he's against answering, it's that he doesn't think you meant to call him. or maybe you're drunk and want to berate him.
either way he'd hear your voice and that would be really nice.
okay, you meant to call him. you don't sound drunk, you sound sad.
'everything okay?'
a slight muffle, you switch ears. 'no, not really. i'm lost.'
'on what?' you breathe out a laugh, peter smiles.
'no, actually lost. i was... i'm sorry, i don't mean to hit you where it hurts but i was out with this guy and he ditched me and i have no fucking idea where i am and my phone's about to die.'
peter's quiet, he's all you have right now.
'you're my only hope, obi-wan.' a cheap shot at help, peter appreciates the effort.
'it's- help me, obi-wan kenobi, you're my only hope.'
your turn to smile. 'close enough.'
peter slowly moves around, patting down his pockets to make sure he has everything. 'it's late, trouble. why were you ditched?'
you laugh, but it's not funny. 'you know, it sucks to say that you're the only guy that never threw a temper tantrum when i didn't wanna fuck.'
ouch, a slight sting. it feels better to know it didn't happen, painful to think it could. 'at least i was good at something.'
'well... you weren't terrible at the sex either. you were good enough you scared me from getting it anywhere else, don't know if you can say the same.'
peter closes his eyes when he breathes in, you haven't hooked up with anyone else either. 'if you're asking, no, i haven't hooked up with anyone.'
'i didn't ask.' ah, that's what peter was waiting for. the bait of a question, to turn around and pretend you didn't care what the answer was. peter knows you're just as relieved that he hasn't either.
'where am i going, trouble?' you give him street names, his heart stutters. it's far, it's late, and it's definitely not safe.
'you're outside? nowhere for you to go?'
'when i say ditched, i mean it. if it wasn't so weird i'd ask you to kick his ass.' peter kind of wants you to ask, he'd do it gladly. and half of it wouldn't even be because he left you hanging.
'how much battery do you have left?' a brief pause, you're checking.
'three percent.'
peter hates what he's about to say, but hates the idea of you with a dead phone even more. 'okay, hang up and i'll come find you.' for a second he thinks you did, until you push out the real reason you called him.
'i'm scared.' so you called him, your protector, your safety blanket.
'i'm coming, i promise.' he's already out of the house, walking one half of the way and he'll cut his time in half by swinging the rest. 'ten minutes, maybe less. i might even break out a light jog for you.'
you look around, there's no one. it feels even more eerie, you're still on three percent. 'do i really have to hang up?' leaving out the 'i need to hear your voice to make everything okay.'
'i want you to save what you have, just in case.'
'okay.' it's not, you can feel your chest tighten and the urge to cry. everything sucks and you just really want peter which somehow makes things simultaneously worse and better.
'hey, peter?' you think you'll regret it.
'can i spend the night?' you count the seconds. two.
'yeah, of course. always. anytime, you know that.'
you smile, he's still your peter. 'thank you. and thanks for coming to save me.'
'it's kind of my job, some even call me a hero.'
'okay, obi-wan.'
'more like spider-man.'
'oh, you're so full of yourself. you wish you were spider-man.'
peter kisses his teeth, 'no, i really am.'
'then spider-man better come save me in five minutes, otherwise what's the point?'
'oh? is that the way i win you back?'
it's not so jokey anymore, in fact peter thinks your phone died. but no, still connected. before he can say that he wasn't thinking and that he's sorry and he was joking you answer him.
'i don't think it would hurt.' 
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gavisfanta · 6 months
gavi smut while the reader is on her period?
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summary: the request pretty much explains it
a/n: its not that detailed cause i think this is a bit weird so its short!
warnings: smut 18+
You were just on your way to your boyfriends game. You were walking through the tunnel and as you finally reached your seat you sat down.
Camp Nou was beautiful, as always. However, as soon as you spotted Gavi, you couldn't take your eyes off of him.
You didn't say ut out loud often, but you absolutely loved him, every part of him. He was perfect in your eyes.
Everything he did made you just fall more and more in love with him.
You absolutely adored everything about him.
His family often told you two that you two are soulmates and are meant for eachother.
You smiled while Gavi kicked the ball and scored a goal. You jumped up and celebrated immediately.
He ran over the field and sent a kiss to you.
You smiled as you watched him celebrate with his teammates. Gavi then pointed up at you and that also made the others look up at you.
He then formed a heart with his hands again.
"He really loves you huh?" Anna said who was sitting next to you.
"I hope so." You laughed and then kept watching the game.
As the game was over, you waited for Gavi in his car. He has given you the car keys in prior so that you could sit in there and wait.
You had small cramps which made it a bit uncomfy to sit the whole time but you managed to survive until Gavi came back.
It was the first day of your period and the first day was always the worst one.
"Hey mi amor." Gavi sat into the drivers seat and cupped your face and kissed you immediately.
"Hey" You smiled as soon as he pulled away but kept looking at you.
"You look beautiful in my jersey." He started pulling at the material of the jersey you were wearing.
"Did you see the goal I scored for you?" He then asked as he brought his hand up to your cheek, caressing it with his thumb.
"Of course I saw it." You smiled and his lips also curled up into a smile.
"I'm glad." He then turned to start the car and drove home.
His hand stayed on your inner tigh the entire time, drawing small circles into your skin.
After you two arrived home you felt some pretty big and painful cramps from your stomach.
Gavi noticed that the way you walk in has changed. He raised his eyebrows immediately and gave you a look.
"Are you okay Cariño?" Gavi asked and opened the door for you to get inside. You moved inside the house and took off your shoes. You just wanted to get into bed st this point.
"I'm just having some pretty bad cramps so I'll go upstairs and I'll head off to sleep." Gavi stayed silent while you told him about the cramps and he immediately knew that it was his turn to take care of you now.
But after Gabi joined you to sleep too, you still couldn't shut your eyes. It was too bad.
So you thought of something that may release the tension.
"Gavi, I have an idea." You turned to face him and he raised his eyebrows. "What if we have sex," You said and he sat up.
"During your period?" His eyes widened a bit and then a small smile made its way to his face.
"Por favor Gavi." You pleaded as you were now sitting on top of his waist. You leaned forward to kiss his neck and then ran your hand down his body.
"Are you sure, it'll be worse for you then for me." Gavi smiled a bit while he leaned into your toch and you sat up immediately.
"I mean, it's something new, come on." You got off of him and laid down next to him while opening your legs, you were still wearing your panties as he stood in front of you.
You were horny the whole time while you were on your period and you always let Gavi know.
On that very day you wanted to ask him if he wanted to try out something new and sleep with you while you were on your period.
"I'll help you clean the sheets after." Gavi mumbled while he walked over to the bathroom in his boxershorts to grab a towel and he put it under your ass and legs.
"Thank you" You mumbled and pulled Gavi closer to you, he attached his lips to yours and then he opened your bra. Then his fingers hooked into the waistband of your panties and pulled them down slowly.
Then he pulled away and looked at your entrance. "You look like some kind of valentines day present." Gavi laughed and started to take off his boxers too.
"That's so nasty." You laughed out and then watched as Gavis hard dick springs out of his boxershorts and hit his lower abdomen.
"Keep your legs open for me hermosa." Gavi then alined himself with you and kissed your neck.
"Mhm" You hummed and just a few minutes later you felt him stretch your pussy out as you were clenching around him."God you're even tighter like this." Gavi groaned as he pushed his length fully into you and have you some time to adjust.
You felt everything ten times more detailed and you felt his dick poking your stomach as you arched your back.
"Okay, start moving." You told him and he nodded his head. He slowly started to pull out of you and you saw that his dick was a bit covered in blood.
"This is so kinky." Gavi laughed a bit and you nodded your head.
"This actually creates a soul tie, so make sure to fuck me good." You told him and he just leaned forward and then started thrusting into you.
Skin clapping, loud moans and wet noises filled the room as Gavi thrusted into you at the fastest pace he probably ever has.
"Fuck." He breathed in deeply as he leaned down to kiss your neck. "You're so tight."
You were unable to speak with how good he was fucking you, you could have came any second and Gavi noticed how tensed up you were.
"I'm about to cum too, let go." He gave you a reassuring look and then you let your orgasm wash over you while he came at the same time.
You whimpered after he pulled out of you and then pushed his cum back into your pussy with his fingers.
You clenched around his fingers since your pussy was still very sensitive. Gavi laughed while he looked up at you.
"You want to shower princesa?" Your boyfriend asked as he lesned over you and pressed a long and passionate kiss on your lips.
You hummed. "Mhm"
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nonotnolan · 1 year
Just Another Sunday
"Eric, what the hell happened to you?" He looked up from his phone with a confused look on his face, as if he hadn't suddenly transformed into a stacked muscle God. I couldn't help but start to hyperventilate a bit. Weird stuff had been happening all over town this week, but until now the three of us had been spared.
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"I'm sure I don't know what you mean," he said, pausing for a few moments before shifting back over to his phone.
"Like hell you don't!" I yelled, stomping across the Joey's kitchen to yell directly in his face. His casual body posture confirmed that I was still dealing with Eric, at least-- my self-survival instincts were telling me that yelling at a man this large was an easy way to get the shit kicked out of me. Joey, Eric, and I had been easy targets for bullies our whole lives. Or at least, we had been until whatever the hell just happened to Eric. "Something weird is going on! You suddenly gained 6 inches, two shades of skin tan, and god only knows how many pounds of muscle. Did you really not notice that happening?"
He laughed, ruffling the top of my head before speaking. "What do you mean I gained all this? C'mon, Bro. I've looked like this for years, you know that." His wide grin deflated a bit as I glared at him, unblinking. "Bro, you're freaking me out. I've always looked like this. Look, here's my camera roll. This is us just last week. Remember?"
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Now it was my turn to be confused. Our friend Joey took this photo for us... only it was the two of us clutching our pudgy stomachs and making fun of everyone outside enjoying the last weekend of swimsuit weather. Now here was Eric, every bit as shirtless and as sexy as the people that we had been mocking.
"Seriously, Bro, you're freaking me out a little." Eric pressed the back of his palm against my forehead. "Seems like you might be running a fever or something. I think you'd better stay home and get some rest. I'll ask Master Joey if you can share my bed in his servant's quarters."
Hang on... Master Joey? Something about that didn't sound right. I tried to figure out why that phrase sounded so peculiar, but I was finding it a bit hard to concentrate on anything. It almost felt like a headache, but in a forgetful sort of way. "Hang on... why would I share your bed?" I asked him. "We both have beds in Master Joey's quarters. Something weird is going on. Pull up that photo again, would you?"
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We looked at the photo of me and Eric enjoying the Hot Tub one last time before swimsuit season was over. Master Joey loved taking photos of his servants and their masculinity-- all of our phones had tons of photos like this in our camera roll. Why had I been freaking out earlier?
"Sorry, Eric, I'm not sure what's wrong with me," I said, rubbing my hand over my head. Feeling the buzzed stubble always helped calm me down. Well, that and working out at the gym, but that wasn't really an option right now.
"Don't sweat it, Bro," he said, thumping me on the back. "I'm sure you'll feel better tomorrow. Anyway, it's time for our evening progress pic for Master Joey." Eric set up the timer on his phone while I peeled back my tank top. Master Joey loved getting pictures of our hot bodies each night, and we loved knowing that our master would masturbate himself to sleep at the thought of us.
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A thought crossed my mind. "Hey Eric... is there any reason we don't let Master Joey have sex with us every night?
He laughed, thumping me on the back a few more times. "You know, it's funny... I was just thinking the same thing. Having Master Joey's cock up my ass actually sounds pretty nice. Should we make that our new evening ritual?"
"I think we should," I said, nodding in agreement. What was the point in having such a plump and meaty ass if no one was going to use it? And anyway, it was the least we could do for the man who allowed us to serve under him. Weird stuff has been happening all over town this week. It's a relief to know that Master Joey will always keep us safe.
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sunarots · 28 days
so high school ━━��� atsumu miya
16. pretend ♡
tw. self loathing. if anyone would like a summary of the chapter, let me know and i’ll put a wee note in the comments with a summary for you all. take care of yourselves <3
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Atsumu kicks his shoes towards the rack at the door, tuning out the complaints from Sakusa two steps behind about the condition of the locker rooms. "Oi, I get it, I'll stop leaving my dirty towels in my locker. Ya happy?"
"That's not the point, that's the same towel you've been using there for a week."
"I've only had two showers there this week, so what? Everyone reuses their towels. Right, Koutarou?"
He lifts his head from his phone, parting his lips to try think of a response. "Yeah, I reuse my towels sometimes."
Atsumu lifts his arms, turning around to face Sakusa. "See? Everyone does. Yer the weird one, not me." He flashes him a smug smile before retreating to his room, pushing his hair back from his face.
He drops his rucksack on the floor by his door, using his foot to nudge it shut. It was a long day at practice, even though most of it went smoothly and there were no big arguments, all he could focus on was the pain lingering in his arms and back. Just as he was about to sit on his bed, maybe get in a quick nap before ordering dinner for everyone, a hefty thud came from the room across from his.
Atsumu furrows his eyebrows, turning towards his shut door. What the hell was that? It came from your room, and he knew it wasn't from something falling over. One of the hinges on your easel broke, and even that collapsing was barely heard through the thick walls.
Did you fall? You did mention that you were thinking of painting the walls, the landlord has no issues with redecorating as long as it's nothing offensive. What if you're hurt?
Despite the temptation to crawl into bed and pretend he'd passed out the second he came in, he pulls open his door and walks across the hall to your room. He leans towards the door, listening carefully for any movement. He raps his knuckles against it and doesn't wait for a response to open it. "Hey, y/n, is everything okay?"
He scans your room, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion until he finally spots you. You're sat on the rug by your bed, eyes fixed on your rapidly buzzing phone, face down on the wood by Atsumu's feet. He bends down to pick it up, carefully setting it on your desk without looking at the screen.
"What happened?"
You look up at him from your spot on the floor, eyes flicking to your phone and silently praying the screen was still mostly intact. You watch him slowly close your bedroom door, sitting down with his back pressed against the wall behind him. He waits patiently for you to start speaking, not trying to rush you.
"Have you always wanted to play volleyball professionally? Did you ever have any other dreams growing up?" You lift your head to look at him, trying to keep yourself calm. Your heart is beating way too fast for your liking, still hot with rage.
Without taking time to think about your question, Atsumu shakes his head. "Nah, I've always wanted to play volleyball. Especially professionally. It'd be a waste of talent if I just sat around on my ass all day doing taxes."
You can't help but laugh at him. "Yeah, I should have guessed that..."
"Why'd ya ask?" He watches you shift uncomfortably, furrowing your eyebrows as you try to find the words.
You take in a deep breath, swallowing your tears. "All I've ever wanted to do, was art. I only applied to art schools, and I always got in. And now... For what? I can't even sell my best artwork. Nowhere will hire me. Twenty years wasted on my dream."
"Wasted? Y/n, yer in a lull. This shit happens sometimes. Before I got accepted into the Jackals, I was working with my brother and leeching off him for ages. I paid him back by helping him sort out his restaurant. Almost a year. Ya just moved here, don't worry. Yer gonna get work, ya just need to find yer footing."
Your eyes drift down to your lap, running your fingers along the hem of your t-shirt, taking in a few deep breaths to calm yourself. You try to subtly wipe the tears from your eyes.
"What happened? Ya don't have to tell me, but ya can."
"Kageyama. He, uh, he started shit talking you. I tried to defend you, he wasn't having it. He said that you were going to fuck me over, and then I tried to defend you by pointing out that my reputation got dragged through the mud, not yours. And when I told him I was stressed, he tried to argue that we're all stressed and they don't complain about it."
You shake your head, looking up to your phone. It's still buzzing with new messages, everyone messaging you separately to ensure you're okay.
"It's just, I don't have a job. I have zero income. I have twenty thousand yen in my bank account, and that's the last of my money. I have four friends, who live in another city — half of them live on the other side of the fucking world! My support system here is you. And we're not even really fucking dating, I can't confide in you like I can the others."
Atsumu furrows his eyebrows, lips parting as he repeated your words in his head. "Why not? I'm here."
You post you lips to speak, but no words come out. A laugh escapes instead. “I don’t even know. It’s weird, I guess. I just don’t want to put all my problems on you.”
Atsumu pauses, sighing and shifting closer to you so his back was pressed against the bed. “Yer not dumping yer problems on me. I’m yer pretend boyfriend.”
Sighing, you shake your head. “But that’s just it, you’re my pretend boyfriend. I’m using you for so much. I’m living here for free, I don’t chip in for food or groceries. And I’m using you to maintain my reputation. God, I’m so…” trailing off, you rise to your feet and grab your phone from your desk. You scan over the screen, not too badly damaged, and then start looking at the messages that are flooding your notifications.
None are from Kageyama.
“Yer not leeching off us, okay? And I was the one to suggest we fake date in the first place. I’m honoured to be yer pretend boyfriend.” He uses your bed to help him get up off the floor, offering you a smile. “Is there anything I can do to help ya?”
You shake your head, looking up from your phone screen. “No. No, it’s okay. Thank you for listening, though. It means a lot.”
“Are ya sure?” Atsumu scans over your expression, trying to get a read over how you feel.
Swallowing your feelings, you smile up at him. “I’m sure.”
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masterlist. previous | next
summary. after your best friend reveals he’s moving out of your shared flat, you’re presented with a tough choice: let one of the creeps who are begging you to let them move in with you, or find a cheaper flat in another area of town. a do-over couldn’t have come at a better time for you, but your only option for a place to stay is with someone your best friend knew from high school, and his two teammates.
taglist (open!). @reignsaway @yuminako @thiisisntlovely @diorzs @aboutkiyoomi @spicana @bakingcuriosity @kr1nqu @savemebrazilhinata @dazqa @sereniteav @beckxisxinxlovexwithxjin @sleezzsister @hermaeusmorax @giocriedpower @sophosphorescent @gigiiiiislife @zazathezaer @rrosiitas @iaminyourfloors @writing-for-the-hell-of-it @sillygooseymood @ellouisa17 @wakashudou @punkhazardlaw @arminswife12
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doxypsychlean · 2 years
Aegon II Targaryen x niece!Innocent!reader and her reaction to the dinner scene. Like she’s completely in love with Aegon but also that’s her family and brothers and sisters??? 🤍🤍🤍
Aegon II Targaryen x Strong!Reader
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Next chapter: Strong pt.2
Warnings: Targcest, Explicit language, Some NSFW stuff but it's mild, Bit dark, Blood, Aegon gets his ass kicked -sorry, I'm in a weird mood for violence-
Thou shan't repost/copy/ translate any of my work or I'll sneak into your home late at night and bite your nose off!
English isn't my first language. I don't proofread. I slap commas wherever I feel they're needed.
Additional info: Aegon and the reader are married, Viserys' failed attempt to make peace. Reader is Rhaenyra's and Harwin's oldest. A Stronk gworlllll✨
A/N: Wasn't sure what Anon meant by "innocent", so I'm taking it as the reader being a patient and understanding person. Till she snaps...muehehehhehe >:)
P.S. I might write a pt.2 to this one, if there's enough ppl interested in reading it. Pt2 will be closer to what Anon requested tho, so not as whatever tf this is
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"Think before you speak" Alicent, his mother, told him once after her hand had collided with his face.
But in order to do so, Aegon first had to learn how to listen. He'd never liked listening to others. He saw no point in learning anything from them. Prince Aegon had his own ways of moving through life.
"If you ever wish to know what it is to be well satisfied, all you have to do is ask." The Prince said as he made his way back to his seat.
From the corner of his eye, he could see his wife's pained expression. She didn't say anything, only stared down at her hands that were resting in her lap, fingers digging in. Angry tears threatening to spill from her dark brown eyes.
The woman made no move, even when her younger brother, Jace, slammed his hands on the table as he got up. All she did was shake her head from side to side, teeth clamping down on her tongue until she could taste the blood.
Not long after, music filled the room, expelling the silence. The Princess had turned to stare at her brother and aunt who were dancing, with a sad look on her face. The things she'd give to have Aegon offer his hand to her the way Jacaerys had done to Halaena. Instead, her husband was staring down the two, taking sip after sip from his cup.
Strong. Strong. Strong.
The word echoed in her head. She turned to look at Aegon, eyes urging him to do something. Say something. Anything.
The wolfish grin on his face said enough. He wouldn't stand up for her, wouldn't protect her from his brother's harsh, cruel words.
The Princess rose to her feet, muttering excuses as she walked past her brother and out of the room.
As she reached the door, a loud bang came from behind her. The woman turned around, a shocked gasp tearing through her bloodied lips. Aegon was holding Luke by the neck, pinning him down on the table. Aemond shoved Jace, the boy falling to the ground then quickly getting back up.
She used the moment to slip past the heavy doors.
She stared down at the burning logs in the fireplace, her grip on the book she was holding turning deadly as the doors flew open.
"Oh, how did you get here before me?" Aegon giggled as he made his way over to her, feet stumbling.
He was drunk. Again.
"I left hours ago." She sighed as she closed the book.
"You did?" The Prince let out a confused sound. "When?"
"Shortly before you slammed my brother's head into the table."
Aegon came to stand before her. He took the book from her hands and placed it on the table next to her. Then, ever so slowly, he sunk down to his knees, chin coming to rest on her leg.
"Well, the little twat deserved it." His finger went under the skirts of her dress, then trailed up. "Not my fault he doesn't know his place."
The woman squeezed her thighs together before his finger could go any further. She looked away from the man.
His brows furrowed, a look of puzzlement and slight hints of anger twisting his fine features.
"Are you angry with me, wife?"
She bit down on her tongue once more, blood gushing out of the fresh wound.
"No." The word came out as a whisper. "Just disappointed..."
His hands dissappeared from under her dress. Aegon grabbed her wrists with one hand, the other reaching for her face. Nails dug down as he turned her to look him in the eyes.
"Come again?" He hissed out, thumb rubbing over her bottom lip.
The woman pushed him away, Aegon falling on his back. Then she got up, leaving him to stare up at her in shock.
"First you offer your bed to my cousin, the one that is to marry my brother." She took a step towards him, Aegon crawling away. "Then your fucking brother insults me and my family in front of everyone."
Another step. Her tongue darted out of her mouth, licking away the blood that was trailing down her chin.
"You lay your filthy hands on my brother..." His back hit the wall. "...And now on me?"
Her knee met Aegon's face, blood splattering everywhere. The Prince sobered up fast. There was no anger left in him. Just fear. And desire. And lust.
"I am strong, husband." She said as she kicked him in the ribs, the man curling in a ball. "I am a Strong."
Aegon tried to hide his face, to hide himself from her.
But there was nowhere to hide. Not now. She'd been so patient with him. So understanding. She never demanded anything. Let him run around, chasing his whores. Let him drink himself stupid, then crawl into her bed. In her.
Her fingers ran through his silver-white hair. Then the hand formed into a fist. She pulled him up.
"Harwin Breakbones' blood runs through my veins. You know it just as well as I do." Aegon hissed, hands reaching for the one that had pulled him back on his knees. "Trust me, next time you do something like that..."
Aegon's ears started ringing. She'd slapped him. Hard. Harder than anyone had ever struck him before.
"...I will..." Followed by another slap. "...break..."
Aegon groaned as she pulled him up, so he could stand on his feet. Then she slammed the same hand she'd used to pull him, against his throat. The Prince's head smacked against the wall behind him. She squeezed.
"...each and every bone in your body."
With how close she was to him, Aegon could feel her breath fanning over his neck. He choked as her grip got bruisingly strong. Small white dots appearing in front of his eyes, hiding her angry face from him.
"Strip." The woman said. "That's why you came here in the first place, right?"
Two shaking hands reached for the clasps of his doublet. Aegon undid them quickly, letting the piece fall to the ground as he tried to unbutton his undershirt.
"You wish to act like a wild, uncivilized whore..." She pushed him away, tearing through the buttons of his silk tunic and making them fly out in all directions. "So be fucking it. You'll be treated as such."
A sound came from deep inside her chest. She was laughing. A low, short laugh. Her hands dropped back to her side.
"Not my fault you don't know your place..."
Then they went back up, to Aegon's breeches.
"But you'll learn."
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captain-mj · 1 year
I have an idea.
Werewolf 141, except Soap who is a Wulver. This does not get discovered until Soap starts leaving fish on Ghosts desk.
Listen... Listen... Wulvers are one of my favorite creatures (ignore that I have a ridiculous amount) and I fucking love this. Also wrote this super sleep deprived and I did not edit so good luck y'all
Ghost stared at the fish on his desk for a stupid amount of time.
Was this a prank? It was a weird prank. Maybe if he was a cat shifter, it would make sense, but this was... odd. He didn't even get the joke.
Slowly, he knocked the fish into the trashcan.
Alright, just gonna... ignore that.
He grabbed the paperwork and went back to work as normal.
The next time, Price was with him. They both just stared at the fish.
"Why is there a fresh caught carp on your desk?"
"I don't know." Ghost was now angry. It was annoying, gross and made the room smell awful. He didn't fucking like fish normally, why the fuck would he want it RAW and WET on his desk. "Do you want it?"
Price grabbed it immediately. "Yeah. I'll give it to the cooks or something... Who did you piss off?"
"A dead man." Ghost growled. Whoever was doing this was going to keep a chunk taken out of them. Maybe lose a leg too. He staked out in his office for a while but caught nothing.
Ghost didn't bring it up to anyone else just yet. The culprit might get skittish and stop.
Instead, Ghost shifted and sat under his desk one day. He was a large wolf, but he had made sure he could fit under his desk when he got it. At the time, it had been for if he wanted to take a break from paperwork, not hide out in an attempt to catch a criminal. His insomnia would keep him up forever anyway.
When he woke up to a fish, now placed right in front of his nose, he almost went ballistic.
The nerve.
The audacity.
How had they managed to not wake him up? He woke up at everything! A FNG sneezed on the other side of the base and he woke up!!
Soap noticed something was wrong. "You alright, Lt?"
"I'm fucking fine." He snapped, narrowing his eyes at Soap.
Soap winced. "Aye..." Ghost shoved down the feeling he got from that. He didn't have time to feel bad!
"Have you seen anyone acting weird lately?"
"How so sir?"
"Coming in with wet hands. Going near where my office is. Lingering."
Soap looked confused. "No. I can't say I have. What's going on?"
"Nothing." Ghost grabbed his tea and escaped into his new room. Luckily, there's no fish to deal with. His room is clear. Thank goodness.
His office... His safe space... No longer safe...
Okay, a touch dramatic there. Ghost drank his tea and told himself that he needed to focus on work, not his tiny mystery.
He woke up again. Head down on his desk. Tea cold. Was there a fucking gas leak? Since when did he sleep so much?
Soap was there.
With a trout.
"You motherfucker." Ghost threw himself over the desk, watching Soap jump back and start sprinting down the halls. He chased after him. Soap tried to shift to get away, but that was ineffective. Ghost slammed into him, sending them both tumbling to the ground before he got his arm around his throat.
"I don't care if you look like a mutt, I'll still kick your ass. Now shift back and explain yourself."
Soap did not shift back, instead wiggling to try to get away. Ghost tightened his grip until Soap stopped fighting him. He slowly shifted back, clearly embarrased.
"Hey, Lt. Fancy seeing you here."
"Why? Just why?"
"So... ya see... I am not a werewolf."
"You turned into a wolf, did you fucking not?"
"Actually.... I am a wulver."
"A wulver?"
"I uh... bring people fish."
"Why me?? Why did you bring me fish??" Ghost sounded accusatory.
Soap stuttered.
"Don't wulvers do that for people who are poor? Or can't feed themselves?"
Soap looked panicked.
"Fuck you."
"I'm sorry!" Soap yelped. "I don't know. i just wanted to... do something for you."
Ghost glared but dropped him. "Don't do it again."
Soap shakily gave him a thumbs up.
"I like mugs. Give me those next time."
"Yes, sir."
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local-new-kid-super · 3 months
Toolshed/Stan Marsh x GN!Reader
"Wiggin' Out!"
Featuring: Randy, Mysterion, Professor Timmy, and guest star LORDE!!!
Warnings: None! Just a bit of drinking and usual Randy shenanigans.
Synopsis: You have to make a suprise visit to the Freedom Pals hide out after a weird encounter with Mr. Marsh...
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You're the New Kid, you work to protect the city because that's what heroes do. You look after the citizens, stopping robberies at City Wok and finding cat for some of the more... flamboyant members of the town. However, regardless of whether or not you work with Raccoon and Friends or The Freedom Pals, or even alone, you end up dealing with Randy more than the other citizens of South Park...
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"Oh! H-hey, New Kid! I need to tell-you, urpppp..." Randy Marsh comes stumbling down the steps of his porch one night while you're trying to focus on patrol, and he puts his hands on his knees as he meets you height. "New kid, listen... I jus' wanna say, it's really fuckin' cool that you've got sssecret identity. It's important, doing good and shit-" He puts a hand on your shoulder. At least he's not actively fighting you about keeping his car keys again, he did a number on Scott.
"Thanks, Mr. Marsh, is there anything else you needed to tell me?" You ask, needing to either get back on patrol or get Mr. Marsh back into his house. He nods and stands fully, almost grave.
"Yes, I do need to tell you something, I'm glad you can tell." He looks of dramatically, and you can sense he's going to go on one of his Randy-Rants. "I understand the weight of a secret identity who does only good, and all the shit that comes with it. Having to sneak around, change outfits, hide money from fucking Sharon..."
"Sir, what are you-"
"That's right, New Kid. I am Lorde." He continues after taking another swig. "And *urp*, I'm willing to teach you, be your Mr. Miyagi, you just gotta help me out-" He stumbles over to his car, unlocking the back. You sign and post up, prepared to take his keys again, when he pulls something from the back seat. "Take ,y w-wig to the dry cleaners, I need full blow out f-for my next show. I'll start training you when you get back-" He chucks the wig at you with poor aim, and it just flops onto the ground beside you, now caked in stray hairs and snow. You pick it up with a gloved hand, sure to avoid touching your skin with it. Before you can even ask him if he'll pay you or tell him that's not what you do, he's back on his porch, asleep and mumbling "Yeah, yeah, yeah... I'm Lorde... yeah..."
Reluctantly, you make your way over to the suburb in the northeast part of town, 'Dark Meadows', and make your way over to the Freedom Pals base. The Raccoon would kick your ass if he knew you were here, but frankly, you just want to get this wig handed off to someone before it gives you some sort of disease or infection.
Ringing the doorbell of Tupperware's house, you wait until a lady with her hair up in a red headband opens it, quirking a brow before nodding. "Oh, you must be one of Tolkien's hero friends! The boys are in the basement, refreshments are upstairs."
You nod, as as you approach the basement door with a nanny cam, you can feel a harsh shiver run down your spine, as if the cold hand of the reaper just smacked you right on the ass. Turning around, the caped crusader known as Mysterion is glaring at you from the shadowed corner of the Black family living room.
"State your business, Raccoon Friend." He spits, posture tense as if preparing for battle. Even if you don't pose a threat right now, chances are Mysterion will still kick your ass. You know how he can be. Putting your hands up in a sign of surrender, you shake your head rapidly.
"I just need to talk to Toolshed, that's all. I'm not here for Raccoon, I'm not trying anything. I came alone, a-and I'm unarmed." You stammer out. Mysterion freaks you out, he was the first hero in town and clearly the most capable. It doesn't help that he's the only hero whose identity you don't at least have a suspicion about.
"I don't fucking buy it." Mysterion stands up from his leaning position, approaching with a snarl. "Get out, or I'll send you back to that fatass in a box-" Before he can get close enough to physically make good on his promise, a voice echoes in your mind, and apparently Mysterion hears it too, as he stands at attention with a huff.
"Now, now, Mysterion," Professor Timmy chides, coming up the stairs with the help of Toolshed and Tupperware, his chair clanking at the two heroes struggle to move it up. "We see the best in everyone, and I can sense the New Kid's intentions are genuine. We must grant everyone a chance to plead their case. Toolshed, take a break. Mysterion, come back downstairs for the briefing, and keep your temper in check." Mysterion casts you one last stinging glance before he heads down the stairs. Tupperware shakes his head as he motions for Wonder Tweek to help him out.
"G-gah! Can't you get a wheelchair lift, T-tupperware? You have money!" Tweak stammers as he begins to descend the stairs.
"You'd think with Professor Timmy's psychic powers he could do this himself..." Tupperware mumbles as the three disappear from view. Toolshed turns to you, giving you a once over. Ever since you prevented his dad from drunk driving, he's been a little warmer to you than the other Freedom Pals.
"Uh- hey, New Kid? What do you need?" Toolshed asks, clearly a little wary, seeing as you still have some ties to Raccoon and Friends. All you can do is hold out the gross wig, unsure how to even explain what happened with his dad earlier. Luckily for you, he understand immediately, brows flattening as he rubs his forehead. "Jesus fucking christ-" He looks back up. "He told you he's Lorde?"
"Yeah, and he gave me this wig, told me to-"
"Go to the dry cleaners and get his wig a blow out, yeah, he's always doing shit like this. And don't let him 'Mr. Miyagi' you either, he did that to me when I took Karate in third grade. He just wants you to fix the dents in the car and clean the windows before my mom notices he messed it up.Here," Toolshed flinches as he takes the wig. "I'll handle it, New Kid. Thanks for helping out my dad... again. I hope this doesn't mean I know you another favor because I'm not really interested in helping Raccoon again." He says, and you both chuckle.
"Yeah, it's no problem, is your dad like, okay though? He kind of all over the place."
Toolshed just shrugs. "Eh. He'll be fine, he always weird like that. Listen, take this." He hands you a slip of paper with his Raccoonstagram tag and his phone number. "I don't think Mysterion will like it very much if you keep showing up in case you see my dad being weird again, so just message me whenever and I'll swing by and deal with it."
You smile as you type the info into your cell. "Gee, thanks, Toolshed. Maybe I could text you even if your dad is perfectly fine?" You asks with a teasing tone, causing the raven-haired hero to go stiff.
"Uh- yeah. Yeah." He says, gulping a little as his grips his tool belt. "I gotta go, I think m' gonna be sick-" he rushes off towards Tupperware's bathroom, leaving you worried you said the wrong thing.
Later that night though, you get a reassuring text. "Hey, New Kid, sorry to rush off on you. Think I just ate something weird. Text me anytime." This is followed by a "Please."
You just laugh and shake your head as you plug in your phone, setting it on the nightstand. One things for sure, that guys just as weird as his father.
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sergeantsporks · 1 month
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All of Witch Switch Part 5!
I'm going to take a little break between part 5 and 6, partly because I'm busy, and partly because I'm pretty sure drawing part 6 is gonna kick my ass. Nothing super long, just 2 or 3 weeks. So. I'll be back soon!
Transcript under the cut
Cover: Net Trap
[Phillip is wandering through the woods near the Cardinal House]
Phillip: A witch. Out of all the possibilities, I cannot believe—oh, no, does this mean Jacob was right?! He’s going to be insufferable. He can never find out about this. But if witches are real, then the witch hunts… the Noceda disappearance… Does that mean—
[Before he can finish his thoughts, a rope snaps, and a net swoops Phillip up]
P: AUGH! [struggling] I knew she was planning something! She’s going to kill me and—and serve me up as a dish to an unwitting Caleb!
[Bushes rustle, and Kikimora jumps out, pointing]
Kikimora: HA! I’ve got you at last, Card—[she stops, surprised]. Wait a minute…
[Cut to Phillip, who looks just as surprised as her]
P: Wait, if it’s not Evelyn, then who…?
K: …You’re not the Clawthorne.
P: [Grouchy] Of course it’s still her fault.
[Kikimora lets Phillip out of the net]
Kikimora: Geeze, now I gotta reset the trap, thanks for nothing. What are you doing wandering out around here, anyway? Don’t tell me you’re after the bounty, too! I’m staking a claim on the woods! Go set up somewhere else!
Phillip: Bounty? What are you talking about? What bounty?
K: [incredulous] Evelyn Clawthorne? The Cardinal Criminal? 100,000,000 snails for her capture?
P: [disembodied] Is that a lot? I’m new in town.
K: Whatever, it’s not really about the bounty for me, anyway. Once I turn her in to the local authorities, they’ll let me into the Empress’ Guard, and I, Kikimora of Palm Stings, will finally be top dog, as I deserve. I just… need her to wander out into a trap out here.
[Cut to Phillip, jabbing his thumb behind him]
P: Do you not know where she lives? Big house thattaway, can’t miss it.
K: [disembodied] It’s not the location that’s the problem, no one can get in. There are some strong enchantments on that house, old enchantments. I can’t step foot across the doorway unless someone who lives there invites me in.
[A lightbulb goes off in Phillip’s head]
P: Heeeyyyyy, so if you were in the Empress’ Guard… that’s a prestigious sort of thing, right? You’d have access to resources, resources that could be used to saaaaayyyyy… search for lost things? Specifically lost things that fell into the ocean?
K: [disembodied] Very likely. Why?
P: [grinning evilly] Perfect. Kikimora, I’ve got a little proposition for you…
[Phillip walks back into the Cardinal House, sweating]
Phillip: Heeeeey, Evelyn! I’m back! Very resigned to my fate of living with you until we can get back to the human realm and ready to… not betray you.
Kikimora: [muffled, from his backpack] I cannot believe this is working
Evelyn: [concerned] Phillip? Are you okay? You’re acting… weird. er. Than usual.
P: [rushing out of the room] Probably just the shock setting in, okay, see you later, bye! [he unzips the backpack] Okay, we gotta do this quick, quick, quick, she’s getting suspicious.
[Kikimora pops out of the backpack]
K: Leave it to me
[Evelyn wanders into the hallway]
Evelyn: Hey, Phillip, are you sure you’re—
[A net drops down on her, glowing ominously]
E: AUGH! What—Phil-LIP!
[Kikimora and Phillip pop out of hiding, Kikimora riding on Phillip’s back]
Kikimora: Haha! At last, Cardinal Criminal, you fall to me, Kikimora of Palm Stings! You never suspected I’d lay a trap for you in your own home!
E: [disembodied] You?! How did you get in here?
Phillip: I let her in. You’re under arrest, Evelyn.
[Cut to annoyed Evelyn]
E: Phillip, she’s not actually a guard member, she’s just a wannabe! You’re not actually arresting me!
[Cut to triumphant Kikimora]
K: Save it for the Cursebreaker. You’re going straight to the Ward, criminal.
[open on the Ward (this universe’s conformatorium). Evelyn, still in the magical net, is dragged off by guards]
Evelyn: When I get out of here, you are dead, Phillip, dead, do you hear me?
Phillip: [smirking] I’ll be long gone in the human realm by then. Enjoy your sentence, Evelyn.
[Cut to Kikimora, talking to The Cursebreaker (Red Fang)]
Red Fang: [clearly done with her] I’ll have your reward shortly. You’ve done a great service for your community, the titan thanks you, goodbye.
Kikimora: Look—about that—I was hoping this capture could serve as a recommendation to join the Empress’ Guard. See, I—
[Red Fang laughs]
RF: A runt like you? Join the Empress’ Guard? Don’t make me laugh. You got lucky.
[Cut to crestfallen Kikimora]
RF: [disembodied] Go back to school, kid. Take your reward money and pick a different dream job. You’ll never make it to the Guard.
[Phillip comes up to her]
P: So, how’d it go? Are they going to look for the key?
K: [wincing] Well, see, about that…
[End Part 5]
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Bestie I’m baaaaaack lol
Prompt: Lucy is on a deep cover semi-long UC op, and Tim is either shot or stabbed while she’s under. But she doesn’t find out until after she’s home — meaning her handler or whoever kept it from her.
End it/do with that what you’d like 😏
I hope you don’t mind I alternated POV’s. I thought it flowed better this way. I hope you like it!
Prompt: Lucy is on a deep cover semi-long UC op, and Tim is either shot or stabbed while she’s under. But she doesn’t find out until after she’s home — meaning her handler or whoever kept it from her.
There's a heart on your sleeve I'll take it when I leave
Lucy knows something is wrong the minute she get to the motel she’s staying in. It’s this weird feeling deep inside her gut that has her stomach turning over. And she’s not even sure what brought it on. She has been deep undercover for a while now (6 weeks) to bring down a diamond smuggling operation. And she’s almost to the point where she can take these bastards down. Almost. And then she will be back at home, in her bed with Tim where she is meant to be.
She sighs and picks up her phone that Tim usually contacts her on, it’s not much it’s usually a text message or a brief voicemail but it’s something that ties her to him. She opens the phone and goes through the text chain from Tim to her.
Tim: I miss you.
Tim: it’s hard without you here. But go kick some diamond smuggling ass.
Tim: I love you.
Her responses were usually a few words and then emoji’s which she knew Tim would roll his eyes at. But again it tied her to him. It was her lifeline when she was miles away from the man she loved most in the world.
The last message was from this morning:
Tim: How are you?
Lucy: I’m good. I miss you 🥰
He had responded he missed her too and then nothing. But now it’s 6pm and usually he would send a brief message around this time but her phone remained silent.
She sighs softly as she twists the phone in her hands willing it to buzz or ring or something. Her stomach turned over again and she flopped down on the hard motel bed with a groan she just wants to go home. She just wants Tim.
Tim knew Lucy was going to kill him or Nyla. Probably him first for being stupid and then she would yell at Nyla for not telling her he had been shot twice. It had started as a simple case, a murderer had escaped prison and metro had the task of catching him and bringing him back to the prison. But somehow in the 12 hours that the man had been out he had gotten ahold of a gun and when they had finally cornered him he had fired it. It hit Tim in the shoulder, and then before he had been taken down he had somehow fired again and it hit Tim just below where the first bullet had hit.
He sighs as he lays in the hospital bed with his arm in a sling wishing his fiancé was here with him. He watches the clock on the wall as the minutes tick by. His phone is out of reach in the pocket of the pants he had come in. It was past 6pm the time he usually sent a brief message to Lucy. But he had been in surgery getting the two bullets removed from his shoulder, and while he knew it wasn’t his fault. It didn’t stop the guilt from building up in his chest, it pulls painfully as he imagines Lucy finding out about him getting shot.
There’s a knock at his door and Angela peeks her head around a sheepish grin on her face.
“Hey there tough guy.” She says and he glares at her as she comes around to sit in the chair by his bed. “So you got shot again huh?” Tim rolls his eyes at his best friend and points to his pants on the ground.
“Give me my cell phone.” He demands and Angela bites her lip but she doesn’t move from her spot.
“Angela.” He says tersely. “Give. Me. My. Phone.” Angela doesn’t move from her spot but she does lean forward to place her elbows on his bed.
“I was given strict orders to keep your phone away from you.” She says and then she winces when Tim makes a indignant noise.
“Why?” He demands. “I just need to do my daily text to Lucy..” Angela placed a hand on his arm.
“That’s exactly why Tim.” She says. “Nyla doesn’t want Lucy to get distracted. She’s almost there on taking these guys down.”
Tim stares at Angela. “But why can’t I text her? I won’t tell her anything.” He says desperately. He knows Lucy inside and out, he knows her so well he can practically feel her spiraling because he didn’t text her at 6pm.
Angela just shakes her head, her hand still on his arm. “You already missed the check in Tim. And you tell her everything she will know something is up. Nyla is going to handle it. If we had tell her.. she could get herself killed.” She says. Tim opens his mouth to protest to tell Angela he just needs.. he needs this but he clamps it shut when he sees her face. There’s no way he’s going to be able to convince her to do let him do this. And she could get herself killed makes him sick to his stomach. So he focuses on something else Angela had said.. something good.
“You said she’s close? She’s going to be home soon?”
Angela smiles and nods reaching down to squeeze his hand. “If everything goes according to plan then yes. Lucy will be home and we won’t have to watch you mope around anymore.” She says. Tim furrows his brows a wave of emotions going through him.
She will be home soon he thinks. They will be together again. Tim blinks back the tears in his eyes and then takes his good hand and wipes them away before he turns to Angela and glares at her.
“I have not been moping!” He says his voice indignant. Angela just cackles and rolls her eyes at him.
Lucy looks around the corner of the warehouse and sees the leader of the diamond smugglers counting money on his card table. His goonies who Lucy had affectionally nicknamed Goon and Loon were standing besides him their arms holding rifles. A tactic that they thought was intimidating but it just made them look like arrogant losers. Lucy swallows as she sends the signal to the police officers outside.
She had gotten a tip this morning that the smuggling ring was about to move out of LA and go into Mexico and Lucy knew she had to stop it. So she had called Nyla and Nyla had promptly sent her backup. And now this was about to be over and she could.. well she could go home. To Tim.
Lucy stays hidden as the officer storm in and startle the leader. Someone touches Lucy’s shoulder and she jumps. Nyla is standing there with a smile on her face.
“You did it Chen.” She says a hint of pride in her voice. “You successfully took down this diamond smuggling ring. Nice work.” Lucy nods as she watches the men being led away, one of them glances towards her a irate look on his face.
“Bitch! Traitorous bitch.” He screams at her and then spits in her direction. Nyla takes Lucy by the shoulders and leads her out of the warehouse.
“Let’s get you home.” Nyla says calmly. Lucy nods and lets Nyla lead her to the car that is waiting at the end of the drive. She climbs in the SUV and immediately pulls her phone to call Tim, desperate to hear his voice. She knows it will be awhile until she can see him, so hearing his voice is the next best thing.
“What are you doing?” Nyla asks her. Lucy doesn’t look up at her instead she scrolls to Tim’s contact name in which she had to put it simply as T.
“Calling Tim.” She answers quietly her finger hovering over his initial. But before she can do anything more Nyla snatches the phone from her. Lucy looks up and glares at her.
“What the hell?” She snaps. Nyla’s face visibly paled as she tucked the phone in her pocket.
“Uh there’s something I need to tell you.” She says and Lucy’s head snaps up at her tone. Her stomach turns over like it did the other night. Something is wrong.
Tim groans as he shifts in the hospital better trying to get comfortable. He has been tossing and turning for the last twenty minutes his mind on Lucy as always. Angela had updated him that they were about to take the men in the diamond smuggling operation down. And Lucy would be coming home after that. But he hadn’t heard anything since then and it was killing him.
He tosses again to the other side careful not to strain his hurt shoulder. He wouldn’t be there to greet her. He needs to see her, needs to touch her. He craves her touch so much it’s almost painful for her not to be here.
He glances over once again at his pants where his cellphone is probably dead at this point. He just hopes she is safe and she could get to him soon.
Lucy is tense as Nyla drives, her hands clenched in fists. “What do you need to tell me?” Lucy asks Nyla through her teeth. “Tim wasn’t just busy was he? Something happened to him.” Nyla turns to look at Lucy, sympathetically.
“Look Lucy. You were so close to bringing this operation down. If I had told you what happened to Tim you would have been distracted and distraught and you could have been killed. Not telling you was the right decision.” She says looking back at the road. “And deep down you know it.”
Lucy is silent as her nails dig into the palm of her hands. “What happened to Tim?” She asks again her mind whirling with possibilities. Distracted and distraught at the front of her mind.
Nyla sighs and taps the steering wheel with her fingers. “He was shot. Twice.” She says and Lucy lets out a gasp as Nyla glances over at her. “He’s fine. He had surgery and that’s why he didn’t text you at 6.” Lucy wants to reach over to grab her phone so she can’t at least hear Tim’s voice on his voicemail but she can’t seem to move.
“H-he..” she manages to get out. “He’s okay?”
Nyla nods quickly. “Yes. Lucy. He’s okay. I think he’s more worried about you than himself.” Nyla says and Lucy lets out a bemused laugh.
“I need to see him.” She demands. “Now.”
Nyla hesitates a little bit her grip on the steering wheel becoming tighter. “Lucy, you need to be debriefed.” She says and Lucy glares at her. She didn’t care if the fucking President of the United States was waiting for her, she needs to see Tim.
“Take me to him Nyla.” She says her voice scarily calm. “Or I swear to god I will make my debriefing as hard as possible.” It’s not a great threat but Nyla seems to understand.
“Okay Lucy. We can go see him.” She says softly. Lucy doesn’t relax at her words, she doesn’t think she will relax until she lays her eyes on Tim. Until she knows he’s alive and he’s okay.
Tim hears Lucy before he sees her. He hears her quickening footsteps down the hallway and her frantic voice demanding someone tell her where he was. He wants to call out to her but he can’t seem to form the words. And then she’s there…
She is standing right in front of him, still in her undercover clothes. Her hair straight with heavy makeup on. But she’s here and she’s still Lucy. She’s frozen just staring down at him as she tries to form words. And then she launches herself at him, and she’s sobbing into his good shoulder. He’s not doing much better himself, he hasn’t seen her for six weeks after all. And seeing her in front of him is almost too good to be true. He holds her tight against him, running his hand through her hair.
“Shhh Luce. I’m okay.” He says but her body shakes with sobs.
“I-I kn-ew something was w-wrong.” She says hiccuping her face still buried in his shoulder. “I-I knew it but I tried to push it off.” Tim hugs her closer and breathes her in. She’s here. She’s here with him.
“They didn’t want you to be distracted baby.” He says softy. She finally looks up her eyes red.
“I know why they did it.” She says her voice hoarse from crying. “But I hated that I wasn’t here for you.”
Tim nods reaching out to cup her face. “I know baby. I wanted you here more than anything.” He says. “Even though I hate when you are worried. I just needed you.”
Lucy starts shaking again as she buries herself back into him. “I love you.” She mumbles. “I love you so much.”
Tim pulls her head up to look at him. He pulls her towards him so their foreheads are touching. “I love you too.” He says. “More than I can even put into words. You are my whole world.” She starts to cry again and buries herself back into him.
“I’m so happy you are okay.” He hears her mumble into his chest. “I don’t know what I would do…”
Tim combs his fingers through her hair. “I’m happy you are okay too baby. And I’m so happy you are home.”
“You are my home.” She says lifting her head up. “I-I you are my home Tim.”
Tim brings her up to him so he can kiss her, his heart pounding in his chest. “You are my home too Lucy.” He says and she laugh sobs as she climbs into the bed with him being careful of his shoulder.
Home. They were both home in each other’s arms. Safe and sound. Together.
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sunny6677 · 22 days
Round 1: Susie VS Roy
(Minor explanation: The opponents in this are usually told stuff about the people they're going against for the battles so they have a little more to work with. And are also given some slight encouragement so they don't back out of the battle from nervousness.)
(Also the reason they're kind of both sucky with their raps here is cuz they're teens who have little to no idea what they're doing. I'm also doing this to test my rap lyric skills /lh)
(The announcer is shown on her phone.)
"..huh? Oh—sorry." (She puts her phone away.) "Hah.. epic rap battles of—wait. Wrong series. Welcome to the first ever Spooky Rap Battle Tournament! Or.. something like that. Our first contestors for this round will be.. Susie—"
(Susie stands there, glancing around nervously.)
(Roy stands there with a somewhat bored expression on his face, but also looks a bit cocky.)
"..why are we making two teenagers rap battle again? Eh, whatever. This is what people asked for. Begin!"
Roy: (Turn 1)
"Hey, ha—how does it feel?
Y'know, being the older sister of a kid and daughter of your parents who probably aren't even real
I mean—they're not even around—your only caregivers an old man! Probably so ancient he's been here since time began
Y'know—I feel kinda bad for you, taking care of your brother all the time.
Your brothers so annoying it should be a crime!
Always breaking into your room and being a little piece of sh—uhh..
Yeah—if I were you, he'd already be done
But you always seem too busy having your own fun
You're into demons—but I don't think they're into someone like you
You're pissy already, and a total ass too
So why not give up? I'm gonna send you back crying
By the time I'm done with you next verse, you'll wish you'd be dying"
Announcer: "..uh.. great raps, Roy. Jesus, you suck."
Roy: "What?"
Announcer: "Nothing—uh—Susie. Your turn."
(Susie, now looking a bit more pissed, steps foward with a stern expression)
Susie: (Turn 1)
"Oh—come on, please. You can't even rap decently.
If you weren't about to be already, I'd say get on your knees.
You can't even rap compared to me—and I don't even like this kind of music.
You'll just be another stupid little asshole for me to kick!
And don't you see? Your gang is only in three
If anyone really liked you at all, you'd actually be seen as funny!
Really—is it that hard to see why nobody likes you? I'm telling you, it's true—
And if you don't believe me—I'll make you believe me through and through.
Even if it means I have to insult the rest of your stupid 'crew'."
Announcer, sarcastically: "..wow. Nice way to make things up on the spot, Susie. Anyway—Roy. Your tur—"
Roy: (Turn 2)
"Oh—you're asking for it now, aren't you? You wanna hear me spit?
Well it's about time that I let you know I'm sick of it! I'm done with it! I'm not dealing with your bullshit
And since you seem so keen on dissing me even with your own 'redeeming qualities'—
Allow me to tell you a little more about yourself and make you see!
You act like everyone else is a problem, you can't even draw anything besides basic sketches—and anytime your brother barely talks to you, you act like you're suddenly in the trenches!
You tell him to stay in the house and don't even let him go outside—but you can't even see with your own eyes
That he's like seven—you're just like that weird Kevin guy!
And even with knowing that he has a habit of going out, you get mad knowing he probably wouldn't listen to you!
Jeez—maybe it's better I keep beating him up! At least until you get a clue—"
Announcer: "Uhhh—"
Susie: (Turn 2)
"Oh—you're gonna bring that up now? Take a look at yourself!
With how rabid you are, they need to lock you in some kind of cell
At least I actually have a skill! Far as I know, you don't even have one
Telling me I'm the brat when you beat up kids for fun
And to add onto that, I don't give a crap about you or what you might do—touch my brother again and I'll hit you with a bat!
I don't care what you're going through—I'll make you never wanna come back!
Your parents are already classist and think they're so much better than everyone
But I guess that's why they're your parents—the only thing you know how to do fun
Is poke fun at others who aren't 'superior' like you—least you would be superior if you didn't act like a total douche
You wanna act like you're any good at this? You wanna act like you can diss?! You wanna act like anyone respects you at all?
All you've made me is pissed, and when I fight you after this, I won't miss!
I'll let the whole world know when I drag you into Hell and let you get lit!"
"Okay, okay, little edgelords. I think that's enough." (Sighs) "Welll.. that was the round, everyone. Who do you think won? If either of them won at all. Jeez.."
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samoankpoper21 · 1 year
My Monster
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Word count: 883
The small, spiky red haired boy watched as the older, much taller version of himself focused on putting white chocolate frosting on cupcakes that were to be served for dessert later. "Poppa?"
"Are Saori and I monsters?"
"What?!" Satori exclaimed as frosting shot out the canister, messing up the perfect swirl Satori was working on. "Who told you that?"
"Some kids at school told me that Saori and I are monsters because we have bright red hair, brown skin, and weird color eyes." Trying to remain calm in front of your son, Satori inhales through his nose and asks, "And what did you do after those kids told you that?"
"I roared and chased after them." Pausing for a brief second, Satori snorted and threw his head back laughing. Yup. He's most definitely my son.
"I'm hooome." Forgetting about the moment, Satoshi and Saori rushed to the doorway as a cacophony of momma filled the air. You chuckled trying to juggle with retaining what the kids were saying to you, the bags of groceries, all while slipping your shoes off. You looked up to see your handsome, goofy, husband's silhouette fill the doorway instantly causing you to smile and feel warm inside. "Hi baby."
"Hey love." Satori came forward and grabbed the bags of groceries that you were holding leaning forward to give you a kiss. You smiled into the kiss and wrapped your arms around him wanting more until a chorus of ewws filled the room. You both began to laugh when you questioned, "Did you guys do your homework?"
"Yes momma."
"I'll get dinner started so daddy will help you wash off." You felt Satori's hand gently grab your forearm as he quietly said, "On second thought, I can do dinner tonight. You just got off of work and the kids miss you."
"Eh? Are you sure? Babe really it's no trouble. It's my turn to cook anyway."
"It's ok. I got it." He gave you a sad, soft smile before kissing your cheek and trudged toward the kitchen. All these years of being with him you automatically knew that when something was bothering Satori he needed to keep his hands moving. You peered down at your son and daughter with their bright red hair and melanated skin both confused as to what just happened. You clapped your hands to grab their attention and shouted, "Who's ready for a bubble bath!!" Saori squealed and ran away while Satoshi, his mind forever wandering and processing, slowly made his way to the bathroom to prepare for bath time.
Dinner and bed time went down surprisingly smooth. You flopped down on the bed after your shower both of you heaving a sigh of relief. Satori instantly wrapped his arms around you, kissing the back of your neck, pulling you closer to his bare chest. "Satori?"
"Baby, did you think I was a monster when we first started dating?"
"What?" you turned over to look at your husband, confused as to where this question was coming from. Satori had this distant look in his eyes as he continued. "I'm just sayin'."
"I didn't think you were a monster per se but I did find it odd that you wanted to date me out of all the girls you used to be surrounded by."
"Those girls didn't like me. They were using me to get closer to Ushijima-kun." A beat of silence passed as you sat up staring at your husband, noting the hint of sadness in his eyes. "My love," you ask. "Where is this coming from?" Satori finally peered up, pushed himself to sit up alongside you and say, "Some of the kids in Satoshi's class called he and Saori monsters."
"WHAT?!?!! Oh hell no! Do I have to kick some kid's ass!?!?!?!" Seeing how riled up you were, Satori couldn't help but laugh his signature laugh. He wrapped you in his arms, trapping you between his legs, his bare chest against your back trying to get you to calm down. "I don't know who the fuck they think they are calling MY FAMILY monsters." Satori chuckled telling you, "Shush you're going to wake the kids."
"You're the one with the hyena laugh." He stifled his laughter as he wrapped his long arms tighter around you. Words alone couldn't describe how much he loved you, how he was so grateful that you were his and wanted him and him alone. He peppered kisses on the back of your neck, behind your ear until he felt your breathing evening out. "You were triggered when Satoshi told you that huh?"
"A little." You turned so that you were facing him, grabbed his face and say, "You're not a monster. Kids and people put a negative label on those that are different. And, as twisted as this may sound, even if you are a monster, you're my monster; and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world." Satori smiled, leaned forward with his eyes closed gently bumping your foreheard. "I love you." he whispered.
"I love you too." You kissed him, Satori soon finding himself laying flat on his back, you hovering over him with your hands on the headboard. He cocked his eyebrow as you breathlessly say, "Let me show my monster some lovin'."
Author's Note: GAWD THIS ENDING IS SO CRINGE 😂🥲🫣 ASDJDAKDSLKAD Anyway hope y'all enjoyed this 🥲🙃🤣
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abhainnwhump · 3 months
Prompt: Ink informs Dream and Swap about the letter and the black rose.
The two decide after a long discussion to play it safe and instruct Fresh to possess Ink until the date has passed in order to prevent Ink from giving in to temptation and fall victim to a trap as easily avoidable as not going into the haunted mansion in a horror film.
This fic doesn't see like nothing would go wrong if the protagonist ignores the trap and goes about their day as normal, Nightmare seems like the type to not give up on a target no matter what. I'd love to see what would happen if Nightmare was ignored.
-Gothic Ribbon Anon
Masterlist || Chapter Context
Ink walked down the stairs, hiding the letter in his jacket pocket. Was it safe to tell Blue and Dream? Was Nightmare actually going to hurt them? Or was he just bluffing? Nightmare wasn't the type of guy to make this a laughing matter. He was one of the least funny people Ink ever met.
Ink made it to the kitchen. It was themed blue with a mix of white and yellow details. A window opened to the yard outside. As Dream said, Blue set a stack of pancakes on a table for Ink. He even added rainbow sprinkles and whipped cream instead of syrup. Ink liked his pancakes sweet, but not that sweet.
"There you are! You took long enough. Your pancakes are getting cold." Blue said.
Ink laughed as he sat down. "It's fine. Thanks a lot." Ink took his fork and picked at the sweet food. It helped distract him from the letter in his pocket. He looked around for Dream.
The Guardian of Positivity stared out the window, shaking with excitement. Of course, this whole thing was about Cross. He wouldn't say what exactly this outing was for, but it was special. At least Dream was happy too, even if he had no idea what this was either.
Blue stared at Ink as he it. He must've noticed he barely ate anything, carving them with his fork instead. "Ink, is something wrong? You're acting really weird this morning."
Ink drew an apple on his pancake before looking up. "Huh? "
"Oh yeah! I just had a weird dream. Nothing . . ." Ink paused. Oh screw it, this wasn't going to go well either way. "Nevermind, I got a teensy weensy problem . . ." Ink took the letter out of his pocket and held it between his two fingers. He glanced at Dream from the corner of his eye socket. "I think Dream's brother has been stalking me."
"Wait, what?" Blue took a double take.
Hearing his name got their attention and made him get up. Ink couldn't even finish as Dream ripped the letter out of his hands, looking over it. His drop in positivity affected everyone in the room. Ink set his finger on the paper and lowered it to see his face. "Dream, you okay?"
"Ink, why didn't you say anything?" Dream snapped, less out of anger and more out of concern. He paced. "How did he get in? My shield wasn't strong enough to hold him back. Oh no, oh no, no, no . . ."
Blue set his hand on his shoulder to steady him. He looked the letter over. Ink stood up and leaned awkwardly against the doorway. "How about I just go? I'll call you guys in case something goes wrong."
"No, no, Nightmare will be able to sense us. Ink, you can't do this. Nightmare wouldn't spend this much time on one person unless he had plans for them. If he wanted to simply turn you into a battery, he would've done so by now." Dream flicked his thumb against his finger. "Stay, we'll figure this out."
"Read it! He's going to hurt you guys if I don't! I'm not helpless either, I'm the fricking Guardian of Creativity! I'll kick his ass if he tries anything. I don't need to be watched over." Ink's curiosity also sparked as he stepped clower to Dream to. Why him? Why not Dream? Why the date setting? What was the point of stealing his stuff to "learn"?
"Stop!" Blue stepped between the two guardians in case things would escalate It wouldn't get violent, but Dream could hug Ink to death to stop him from going. "We can figure this out. Dream's right, it's way too dangerous to go there. It might even be suicide. There's got to be a better way we can please both of you."
Ink closed his eyes and thought for a moment. He needed a better mindset, huh? He understood where they were coming from, his impulsiveness was like a parasite he had to control.
Wait, parasite.
The artist's eye lights turned to light bulbs. "Got it! How about I get Fresh to possess me! He can puppet my body around for the day so you don't have to worry about me going in to beat Nightmare to a pulp. Sound fair?"
"That's . . . a very nice idea. As long as it helps your safety from him." Dream gently took Ink's hand. "How soon can you get him to help?"
"Right now, if you say his name enough times, he appears. Let's do it outside though, it's easier." Ink left the house with the two Stars nervously behind. closed his eyes and chanted. "Fresh, Fresh, Fresh, Fresh-"
Fresh exploded into view in a mix of rubber duck sounds and confetti. His glasses flashed YOLO as always. "Did someone shout mah name?"
Blue blinked up at him with a tense smile. Fresh was taller than all of them by almost a foot. He blew a link bubble and popped it. Ink sighed. "Hey, Fresh Long story short, I need your help. Nightmare sent me this creepy letter and I need to possess me do I don't screw myself over. I'll make up for it."Dream gave him a nervous thumbs up.
"Me? Possess you? Ya sure ya want this? Fresh tilted his head. His glasses changed to HOST.
"Positive," Ink said.
Shrugging, Fresh took his glasses off, revealing a purple tendril parasite with only one eye. The parasite crawled out of his eye socket like a spider. "Imma need someone to watch m ah body, alright?"
"Excuse me?" Blue watched the corpse of Fresh collapse. He cringed in disgust and took the empty creature in his arms. "Oh. Ew!"
Ink took a deep breath and stretched his arms out. Possession still scared him, even after all the time. He wore a confident smile to hide it. "Do your worst."
Fresh flashed a grin before the purple parasite climbed up his leg with his tiny claws. It fired into his eye, making him cry out in pain. The parasite sat in Ink's brain since he had no soul. Ink's vision grew blurrier and Fresh's voice grew louder. A cloud of rainbow smoke surrounded their body, making Dream and Blue shield their eyes. The cloud vanished with a pop sound and out from the dust came the same skeleton, but different. His entire outfit was covered in bits of rainbows. His visor said COLOR. Fresh took the whole wheel, though Ink still could fight back. He just didn't
Dream stepped closer, in awe of the transformation. "Wow . . . are you guys okay? You look amazing."
Fresh Ink laughed, sounding like a mix of both owners. "Aw, broksi! Ya makin' me blush. I feel great! Come on, let's get all up and go skating and hanging."
The skating and hot chocolate played out as usual, only there was one annoying pest instead of two on the rink. At story time, they shared tales own stories about their lives. It was fun to guess which came from which skeleton. When the night ended, they went home. Fresh left Ink's body and the two hugged.
"Thanks a lot for today." Ink laughed.
Fresh ruffled Ink's skull. "No probs, homie. That was a blast. See ya on the flipside tomorrow!"
In another AU, a lord of darkness tapped his finger impatiently against a table, waiting. He sipped his red wine, glancing at his pocket watch. Oh, he saw how he was going to play. He gritted his teeth. Nightmare didn't like it when his pawns didn't play with the rest of the game. And just like in chess, he wouldn't be beat.
A week later, Ink was fine. No attacks from Error, no attacks from the VSS, and his drawings looked great. But he still couldn't find his paints. Luckily, Dream gave him some backup vials and he refilled them. Ink sat on and island, chewing on the tip of an pencil while he worked on a drawing. He looked around for inspiration.
"Try adding some stars framing the character, it can truly compliment a piece."
"Huh, good idea. Thanks- crap." Ink turned around and spotted Nightmare holding up his sash, leaning over to look at him. He seemed to be holding back a million insults, at least that was what his eyes told him. Ink jumped up. He held back from commenting about the sash. Knowing Nightmare, he'd toss it in the void if he tried too hard to get it. "Oh great, you. My stalker. I know now."
"I reserved an entire room for us. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and assumed you were late, but the hour ticked by and you made me look like a fool."
"You are kinda a fool for one thing." Ink blurted, only stirring Nightmare up. "What did you want me for in the first place?"
Nightmare took a deep breath to compose himself. "Ink . . . you're powerful, charming, creative, chaotic, and you have a lot of untouched potential. I was going to arrange a deal with you to join my team. You would be feared and respected by millions of souls. Would you still be interested?"
Ink listened, then he laughed with a scoff. He couldn't believe it. Really? Did he think he would betray his friends like that? "Are you kidding me? Hell no I'm not joining you! I'd rather spend a week in Underworld!"
"Ah, that was what I expected." Nightmare reached into his pocket and pulled out a link vial. "I didn't want to do this as emotion magic works much better when the soul is willing. You chose this, remember that."
Nightmare punched Ink in the jaw by turning his tendril to a fist. Ink flipped Broomie around to block him off and fire paint. He kicked his sketchbook aside to a massive rock for more battle room. He charged at Nightmare and tackled him down, bashing his chest with hid paintbrush. For some reason, Nightmare barely fought. It wasn't that important, right?
"Ha! Gotcha! What do you have to say-" Ink's mouth froze in the middle of his speech. He hung it open and only his eyes could dart around. He was trapped in a prism of blue magic. Someone teleported in front of Nightmare helped him. It was Killer, of course it was. But how- oh, the rock, of course.
Nightmare smiled, uncorking the pink paint in his hand. "Thank you, Killer. Now, be good Ink and keep your mouth wide."
Without any comfort, Nightmare grabbed Ink's chin and poured the liquid down Ink's throat. Ink's breathing sped. He tried to talk, kick, scream, anything, but he couldn't move a muscle. The only way he swallowed it was because Killer tilted his head back to do so. Nightmare filled his mouth with the entire thing of paint. Ink's eyes welled with tears. Was this really happening? It had to be another bad dream, it had to be . . .
"Go to sleep, my weapon. Hopefully that kicks in and you feel better by tomorrow." Nightmare pressed a hand against Ink's head and used magic to help gin sleep. Against his will, Ink did feel exhausted. Love potion and sleep magic churned in his veins, which left him with one thought.
Was Nightmare always that attractive?
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msmargaretmurry · 1 year
"slow goodbye" leon/matthew
back at it again with the fic title prompts!! i have a few of these left and i am Determined to get through them by end of the long weekend. i was going to do more of them today but instead i went and bought a bunch of plants, and then i had to be responsible for all those plants. happens to the best of us.
(also, to the anon who send a pov flip ask like a month ago at this point — i promise i haven't forgotten about it! i will get to it. hopefully soon!!!)
ANYWAY: y'all can't get mad at me for this, because i didn't pick the title, and the title is CLEARLY for a breakup fic. i'm feeling something set during the 2022 battle of alberta series.
i think for this one i would lightly plagiarize myself by yoinking the structure i used for send me off to a foreign land, with play-by-play of that last game of the series breaking up the scenes leading up to it.
so matthew and leon have been doing the frenemies with benefits thing for a while — let's be cliche, let's let them have first hooked up at the 2020 all star game — hooked up one other time that season, then didn't again for a while because of all the covid chaos, and then started up again during the 2021–22 preseason and have been going pretty strong all season. they're not friends, not really, but they're both kind of soft at their cores, so hooking up a bunch has unfortunately fostered some fondness between them. and by "fostered some fondness" i mean that they're a little obsessed with each other. not that they'll admit that. possibly they won't even admit it to themselves.
the oilers get to town for the playoff series a couple days before game one and they decide, okay, let's just hook up once and then we're not talking to each other until the series is over. surely this is a good and fine plan and nothing could go wrong. leon sneaks off to matthew's for the evening, a process that is far too familiar by now. matthew offers him a beer, but won't be having one himself — he doesn't drink during the playoffs — so leon abstains as well. it feels a little weird because they usually have a drink first, but everything already feels kind of weirdly charged in a way leon can't quite put his finger on, so — whatever. they stare at each other in the foyer for a moment, and then matthew asks, "do you think this is a bad idea?"
leon says, "do you think it's ever really been a good idea?"
"fair enough," matthew says. they go upstairs, have some sex that is somehow tenderhorny and fucknasty at the same time. is it a teensy bit possessive? perhaps! there's just something about it that already feels strangely final. probably because whichever of them loses this playoff series is going to hold a grudge about it forever. possibly too much of a grudge to keep doing this. matthew is careful with leon's ankle without ever actually acknowledging out loud how transparently bad the injury is, which for some reason makes leon feel awfully vulnerable.
afterward when they're lying together all sweaty and naked, not quite cuddling but not quite not cuddling, after a long silence, matthew says without looking at leon, "i don't think i'm gonna re-sign in calgary."
"what?" leon asks, then, "why are you telling me this?"
matthew shrugs. "i don't know. i wanted to say it out loud, i guess. and i can't say it to anyone here yet. and i don't want to say it to my family yet. obviously if, you know, we win the cup or whatever, maybe i'll change my mind, but. i dunno. i think it'll be good for me to get out of here."
leon spends a long minute turning all of this over in his head and trying to process the strangely strong feelings he has about it. about matthew telling him — about matthew telling him, specifically, because he doesn't matter enough to keep it from him.
eventually he says, "well, you're not winning the cup anyway. because we're gonna kick your ass."
matthew snorts, but rolls onto leon to kiss him, and they don't wind up going again but they do make out for a very long time.
meanwhile in game five, leon is fully focused on the game, except for some fleeting moments between whistles when he finds himself looking for matthew. he's pretty sure matthew is injured, and he can't figure out if matthew was injured when they hooked up and he just didn't notice. the game is an absolute battle, lots of trading leads and tying it back up again, so he really needs to fucking focus. his foot feels like it's going to fall off. he wants to win so fucking badly.
and then — they do win. leon sets connor up for that otgwg and they are so relieved and so happy, and it's not until he's shaking matthew's hand in the handshake line that he realizes that the other night felt final because it was final. no one else in the world knows that matthew is probably leaving calgary, but leon knows, and he wishes he didn't. because if he didn't know, then he wouldn't have to wonder where he's going, and how much futher away it'll be.
he texts matthew after the game, even though he knows matthew won't want to hear it: good game. and good luck this summer.
matthew texts back: thanks. take care.
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raaorqtpbpdy · 1 year
In the Zone (6)
Based on the Phic Phight prompts: Danny and co. go sight seeing in the zone and get lost. Maybe they have to navigate weird ghost logic/physics/laws to make their way home (from @ventisettestars). And Sam and Tucker maybe getting Pharaoh + plant powers? ecto contamination for the win ig (from @corvidspectre).
Chapter 6: The Voyage Home
AO3 Link
[No Warnings Apply]
It was something like three days before Shadow and the other jackals returned, but they made good on their promise. When they came back, they were dragging the Specter Speeder behind them, a little dinged up, missing a few non-vital pieces, but still in good enough condition to get the trio home.
While Danny performed an inspection and a few minor repairs on the speeder, Tucker finished up his training with Soot. In just a few, short days, Tucker had learned to both create illusions himself, and to manipulate the illusions already in place in what was now his lair in the Zone. Soot also taught him how to control his coercion powers more effectively. That was almost certain to become a major nuisance some way or another, even if Sam and Danny could usually resist.
"Okay, I think the speeder is up to snuff now," Danny said, smearing a mix of ectoplasm and machine oil across his forehead as he wiped the sweat away. Thankfully, he'd remembered to lock it back in the city, and because of the anti-ecto coating, no ghosts could get inside, so nothing they left there had been removed or stolen. "It's still a little dinged up, but it'll definitely get us home. We have no idea how far we'll have to travel though, so we'd better get a move on."
"Finally! Let's get out of this sand trap!" Sam said, slinging her spider backpack on her shoulder. "I'm sick of eating nothing but dates, and the trees they come from are terrible conversationalists."
Tucker turned to Soot and bowed his head. The jackal returned to his fully animal form to bow back. "Do not bow to me, my lord," Soot insisted. "It is improper for a pharaoh to lover his head to a mere servant."
"I won't then," Tucker said, straightening up. Everyone had been bowing to him so much since he got there that it felt like the respectful thing to do. "I just want to thank you for helping me learn to use my powers."
"It was my duty and my pleasure to do so my lord," Soot said. "You were an excellent student, though your talk of holograms and virtual reality did confuse me."
"I have to go back to my world now, but while I'm gone, I'm putting you in charge. Don't let all that power go to your head, you hear?"
"I am honored, my lord." Soot bowed his head lower. "I promise I will be a just regent until your return."
"Good." Tucker nodded, satisfied, and with that, he grabbed his bag of things they'd got in the city and joined his friends in the speeder. "Take good care of the place!" he called over his shoulder as he climbed up into the vehicle.
"I will do my utmost, Pharaoh!" Soot called back.
Sam was already behind the wheel, and the second the door closed, she hit the accelerator. "Come on boys, it's time to go home!"
"Goodbye, socks full of sand!" Danny said laughingly. "No offense, Tuck, but I wouldn't want that to be my lair."
"I actually liked a lot of what was going on there, good bones and all that, but I think I'll modernize it over time," Tucker said. "Combining the wonders of Ancient Egypt with the wonders of sweet, modern technology will make that place the coolest lair in the Zone."
"Until Technus finds it," Sam scoffed.
"Technus is a wuss, and he's got nothing on me! I'll beat that old robot's ass any day of the week!"
"Pretty sure I'm the one who kicks ghosts' asses," Danny pointed out.
"We'll see how long that lasts now that Sam and e have ghost powers, you ghostly commoner!"
While the boy's squabbled, Sam watched the compass on the dashboard, keeping the red arrow pointing firmly ahead. They were flying directly toward the Fenton Portal, but who knew how long they'd be flying. They had to prepare for a very long trip.
"Listen, no matter how far we have to fly, we're not making any stops," Sam said. "We'll take turns sleeping, too, so there's always someone at the wheel."
"Whoahhh!" Danny said, looking out the window. The speeder was flying past a dark and spooky planetarium, with gargoyles on the roof and a laser light show on the walk. A sign in front advertised a scary night of astronomy, witchcraft, and technology at the haunted planetarium, anyone welcome. Danny and Tucker both turned to her with wide, pleading eyes. 
She sighed. It was hard to argue when she also really wanted to go. "Fine!" Sam relented. "But we're tying down the speeder with ghost-repelling ropes this time, because I do not want to have to ask for help from Tucker's jackals again!"
The boys both cheered.
By the time they finally got back to Amity Park, spring break was well over and they'd already missed a week of school, too. All three of them were grounded for putting their parents through so much worry, and Danny was doubly grounded for stealing the Specter Speeder and bringing it back damaged.
Ultimately, though, the trip had been a huge success. The trio all knew more about their powers, and the Ghost Zone. And the next time a ghost was foolish enough to attack Amity Park, it had three spectral superheroes to deal with.
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