#if i don't get malleus tonight you WILL see me on the news
violenteconomics · 3 months
Hiiiiii :)
Can you do more about the first year's in RSA, and the upperclassmen being all protective?? I never see content like that and I really like the first years lol
anything 4 u baby (i'm so sorry)
little do they know, the first-years are being stalked from the TREES. those upperclassmans are in the TRENCHES, sobbing vomiting throwing themselves into the ground whenever the freshies so much as BLUSH around their love interests (tm).
when ace decides to go to rsa's monthly masquerade ball, he instinctively looks at the list of rules posted up in the hallway so he doesn't get kicked out before he gets to eat the food. everything is pretty normal up until he reaches the end, where he sees that someone with handwriting that looks suspiciously like riddle's has hastily written "don't stay after midnight", and someone with handwriting that looks suspiciously like floyd's has ALSO written "if someone tries to dance with you, just say no, you are a strong, independent woman".
deuce joins the singing club where his love interest tries to serenade him everyday (with classics such as "a whole new world", "something there", and "can you feel the love tonight"), but like many a dumbass, deuce goes through ALL the mental gymnastics to convince himself that it's just how rsa students treat their friends. that might've actually been a good thing, though, because deuce touched his LI on the shoulder one time and cater was a breath away from cancelling his sorry rsa ass on magicam.
jack joins the culinary club where he hopes to learn to make healthy meals, and he gets really close to this one guy. like, really close. like so close he bends down to taste test the guy's veggie smoothies whenever he asks, and leona is NOT liking the way this other lion beastman is blushing and laughing and twirling his mane whenever jack does literally anything. (he doesn't show up to club one day because ruggie sneaks a fucking knock-out potion in his morning salad lol)
epel joins the fight club (which rsa is allowed to have, because they're not regularly fight-happy like SOME STUDENTS I KNOW) where he's paired up this one other guy for combat. vil's already not happy about that, but when epel kicks him in the chin and he gets off the ground with fuckING HEARTS IN HIS EYES VIL IS READY TO FIGHT HIM HANDS OFF OF HIS BABY YOU FILTHY MAGGOT-- (rook barely manages to hold him back from slaughtering him when he nervously tells epel "you fight good")
(meanwhile, idia is just glad that ortho has made some more friends, but did it have to be with those rsa n00bs? really??? and they feed him ice cream, too????? ha, well jokes on you, because idia is the KING of spoiling ortho, and NOBODY WILL TAKE HIS CROWN-- (idia pwns rsa students on the hit pvp game heroes: battle mode to get his frustrations out, lolololol))
sebek's stalking problems are the worst of them all, though. because his love interest actually takes (gasp) INITIATIVE. sebek's LI has no classes or club with him, so he's taken to asking sebek out on actual dates. if malleus were here, sebek would say no out of principle, but since he's not and lilia always encouraged him to make more friends, he agrees to come with him. they go out to the lake, shop, read in the library, and go on carriage rides. and every single time, SOMETHING always goes wrong.
they go out to the lake to watch rsa's art club release their floating lantern projects? the boat capsizes and LI almost drowns, but luckily sebek manages to save him with the power of croco-boy. they go shopping for shoes? LI gets heckin MUGGED by some silver-haired guy before sebek makes it there, but he pretends he's fine so he can continue spending time with sebek, even though he's bleeding from every orifice ("human, PLEASE, let's go see a doctor--" "*kicking his feet back and forth as he's lying on the ground, bleeding" wowwww, you're that worried about lil old me~?). they go read? lightning crashes through the library window even though it wasn't raining and the whole place catches on fire. they go carriage riding? their carriage conveniently goes by nrc and they both have their date crashed by a 400+ year-old grandpa whose staring daggers into LI, while sebek is just happy to see him.
UNFORTUNATELY, none of this sabotaging actually convinces the LIs to back off, because as well all know, disney princes(ses) are allergic to signs of danger.
(for reference, the freshie's love interests are actually twisted from real disney princes, though i don't have actual names from them, though):
Ace's LI is, maybe not totally obviously (should've been better about that, lol), twisted from melody from the little mermaid 2
deuce's LI is anna from "frozen" (I'm a little iffy on this one, feel free to offer up a replacement)
jack's LI is twisted from kovu from "the lion king 2: simba's pride"
epel's LI is mulan from... "mulan", lol
ortho's new family is comprised of philoctetes and pegasus from "hercules", but philoctetes has an adopted little sister (based on megara) who visits sometimes and has a crush on him (shhhhh, don't tell idia)
sebek's LI is giselle from "enchanted")
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Neige LeBlanche first time he sees Crewel daughter during an event where RSA and Princess Academy have to merged, he sees in his opinion a beautiful magpie in a crowd of colorful song birds as she the only one who wore a black dress with gold trimming and a red shawl ( Eva dress from dmc )
What he didn't know she already have someone in mind and he go to NRC ( a lie so she don't have to interact a RSA student much for good some reason )
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When he sees you it's like looking at those crushes in the coming of age movies
You're adjusting your cape-jacket and he’s seeing this whole moment in slow motion
I imagine Neige is new to the feeling of attraction 
So all he’s registering is that he’s suddenly really hot 
And he really wants to hear the sound of your voice
So he’ll make his way over to you 
Completely oblivious to the parting crowd at the Winter ball 
You’re hard to miss anyway but he just has tunnel-vision
He introduces himself when he gets to you who conveniently just finished speaking to someone
“Good evening,  I’m Neige Leblanche from the Royal Sword Academy. I just wanted you to say you're looking lovely today.” 
“Oh, well thank you, sir. I’m (Y/n) Crewel of the Princess academy.”
You turned to walk away only for his chimelike voice to beckon you back
“If I may, I’d like to be your first dance for the night.”
“I appreciate the gesture, Leblanche but I’m already scheduled to dance with–”
You look across the room and in a perfect world
You continue with “Vil” who has met eyes with you and quickly excuses himself to stand at your side
But the world is not and your father’s not an idiot
“My father Divus Crewel.”
Beforehand he will gush about how he worries you’ll drift as you age from him and that he wants to savor these moments with you
And of course you want to soothe your poor father
So you agreed to dance with him for every dance into the night
With your matching colors of gold black and red you proudly stand as icons for Night Raven and Princess Academy
And even when he wants to squeeze in a dance while you and your father are taking a break 
Crewel will shoo you off with a task to refill his cup while he talks down the student
“See here, pup. Your plenty fine as a candidate to date my daughter but I will not sit idly by as you try to sweep her off her feet–”
“Oh okay, uhm Sir–”
“Quiet pup if you must question me, than you need to learn what I wil allow.”
While he’s off lecturing the RSA student
One of your lurking bachelors sweeps in and takes you to the dancefloor
Prime suspects are Vil Schoenheit, Malleus Draconia, Jade Leech, and oddly enough Idia Shroud
Malleus was reasonably waiting
“May I ask for this dance Child of Crewel, I’d be honored.” 
Vil is smooth
he's used to doing this seeing as you are childhood friends 
“Figured we finally get a dance in before your father returns.”
Jade is cordial about it but he’s so suave in the way he cuts off some lingering bachelor to guide you to the dance floor
“I’ve been wanting to steal you away. Won’t you indulge me for a bit?”
But Idia is a special case
You were sent to the snack table to get drinks but guess who’s also just chilling by the snacks
“Idia, it's good to see you. You look incredibly dashing tonight.”
He’s blushing really hard and his hair is flaring pink
You two will stand in silence before he pushes out of his comfort zone
“S-so d-do y-you want to dance?”
“Thought you’d never ask.”
Idia might get away with it as long as he freaks out and runs as soon as the music breaks
But should a creep of confidence trickle in 
He’s going to be the victim of Crewel’s vengeful glare
And the curious gaze from the  envy that is born in Neige’s heart
But hey it was worth it to feel your hand and waist in his hands
“Big Brother! You got to dance with them after all!” 
“Y-yeah. Turns out she-she is better than an otome game.”
From then on either your father jumps back in or you wave him off to dance with your Night Raven bachelors
Leaving Neige to welcome this feeling of jealousy
"T-this feeling...I'm not fond of it..."
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so here's the thing: I totally get being annoyed by it, but at this point I think it's clear that Imogen's constant questioning of the gods and defense of the Vanguard is at least partially the result of actual supernatural interference with her thoughts. like... there's something that's been rubbing me the wrong way about some complaints about Imogen, which is that they seem to be based on the expectation that Imogen should be thinking rationally and that her behavior is entirely the result of her being an idiot or a jerk, when there's mounting evidence that she has a fucking god-eating alien in her head influencing her behavior.
Matt mentioned multiple times that Ruidusborn individuals were feeling a compulsion to travel towards the nexus point where the Malleus Key was being built, and I'm pretty sure it was pointed out at least twice that Imogen herself was feeling that compulsion. that alone is proof that Predathos is having some effect on her mind. then, look at what Imogen's been exposed to recently: there's the vision of utopia her mother showed her. and tonight, most clearly of all, Matt described Imogen as feeling a sense of rightness, destiny, belonging during that final moment before the party got split, and then a deep, strong urge to give in to the call she was feeling during her dream.
it's easy as an outside observer to say "well obviously this is all bad news and these feelings are a trap and Imogen should ignore them" but that's not going to be so obvious from inside her own head. and I think perhaps some people aren't cuing into that because it's not as apparent when there is not an explicit game mechanic involved.
like, most people see Chetney fail a wisdom save and go, "okay, it's not his fault if he attacks people, it's the beast taking over." they see FCG build up too many stress points and say "okay, it's not his fault, it's something in his programming." but because Imogen (usually) isn't rolling an explicit save and Laura's just being given narrative cues by Matt's descriptions, some people interpret her actions like she's just a dumbass falling for an obvious con.
and I don't mean to say that I think she's being, like, Dominate Person'd or anything as all-consuming as that. I just think that her thoughts are being influenced by an outside force. what she's being told by rational friends like Orym and Ashton is in direct contradiction to what her senses are telling her. every time she gets a little too close to Ruidus through a dream or vision, it feels good. it feels right. of course she's going to have trouble thinking clearly! of course she's going to wonder if the bad guys are right! this thing has a siren song luring Ruidusborn right into its embrace!
so, like. you don't have to like Imogen's behavior. you can find it annoying. I'm certainly getting a little bored by the same discussion being rehashed multiple times without any progress or answers. but please, if you're going to complain about Imogen, at least take a moment to consider that this isn't just her being stupid, it's her succumbing to a powerful being trying to lure her in.
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chloe-spade · 1 month
The Island Prince Act One: A Brand New Shore
Sil looked at the ship below him, watching some new humans enter the boat. He didn't know what to think about them other than they looked like him—a human. But he was clueless about everything else.
"Hey," greeted Ruggie. "You look lost."
"Are you sure I can come with you guys?" Sil asked. "I mean, I am pretty clueless about everything outside this island and it's all I ever known all of my life after I woke up. I guess, I'm asking if I'm truly ready to leave this place?"
"If you think you do," Ruggie answered. "If you are curious about life outside this island, I'd say go for it. But I can never tell you what you want. That's for you to decide."
"Okay, I'll tell you in the morning," Sil reassured himself as he gazed at the ocean again.
"If it means anything, I'd like to show you around." Ruggie smiled as he walked away from Sil.
"You can't possibly consider this," Epel scoffed. "They don't know you and or what you want. How can we trust them?"
Sil sighs, walks over to the cliff's edge, and questions everything.
Where is the land I come from?
Who lives where I was born?
Why do my memories start with a storm?
What if I have a family
Somewhere beyond the sea?
Could there be someone there missing me?
Sil felt ill at the thought of a human family who had searched for him. Did they continue to look, or did they give up after they realized it was pointless? Did Sil ever want to know the answer?
Tell me why I'm not sleeping, and my heart is leaping inside me
Could this be one of those times when your feelings decide?
Sil decided that his questions needed to be answered the following day, and if that meant leaving this island to find out, he would.
"I am glad you can join us," Lilia grinned. Let's show you what you desire most.
Sil didn't know why, but he felt safe with Lilia, probably because of the man's carefree attitude and knowledge of the wildlife that both knew about. Sil can even tell things that Lilia never knew before and would get a heartfelt laugh, which he felt in his heart.
"You must be the most knowledgeable man I have ever met," Lilia laughed. "I hope we can talk like this more, but it seems I have to look after Malleus."
Sil nodded as Lilia departed, but his gaze was at Ruggie again, curious about him. He was a human with animal-like features and could talk to animals like he could. How? Why?
Why does he look through circles?
Why does he hide his feet?
Why do I feel so shy when we meet?
Is this the tree he sleeps in?
What can he see from there?
Could there be new horizons to share?
Sil gulped as he tried to approach Ruggie but stepped back, unaware of how to talk to Ruggie when looking at the sea. He didn't want to bother him; he must be swamped.
All these questions keep turning and churning and burning inside me
What are these feelings I feel when he's here by my side?
I need to know these answers
I need to find my way
Seize my tomorrow
Learn my yesterday
I need to take these chances
Let all my feelings show
Can't tell what's waiting
Still, I need to go
I need to know
Sil hums as he holds onto the sails, letting the wind blow through his hair. He waved at the dolphins that jumped up high to greet him. Unaware of him, Ruggie watched from below, smiling at him.
Ruggie didn't know that Sil could have such a connection with animals without being a beastman, which was rare in his world.
Isn't he just amazing?
Daring and bold and sure
Different from those that I've met before
Do you think he might like me?
How do I look tonight?
Ruggie got distracted while stirring the boat, looking at Sil, who was caring for his animal friends. Only a few humans cared for animals like that unless they were vets.
But he wanted to make Sil comfortable, which was odd. He had never felt like that before, even with someone like Riddle, who was supposed to be his fiance.
I just want everything to be right
All these questions keep turning and churning and burning inside me
What are these feelings I feel when she's here by my side?
Ruggie looked over and gasped at Sil, now decked out in a beautiful silk suit that seemed to be Malleus's but fit him perfectly, and his hair in a small ponytail.
"Do you like it?"
"Y-yeah," gulped Ruggie. "Was this your idea?"
"I got curious and wanted to wear it," Sil blushed.
"You look astouding," Ruggie mumbled under his breath.
"Thank you." Sil smiled.
Ruggie watched Sil walk down to his animal friends to show his new looks. He was happy with the change, which made Ruggie weak. Sil saw a blush on Ruggie's face and now had one of his own. This feeling was new to him, but maybe Ruggie could help him.
I need to know these answers
I need to find my way
Seize my tomorrow
Learn my yesterday
I need to take these chances
Let all my feelings show
Can't tell what's waiting
Still, I need to go
I need to know
"All Aboard!" called a sailor as the boat entered a nearby dock. Sil gasped at the new site of what Malleus called a town, with people around talking amongst each other. He almost wanted to jump down when Riddle grabbed his arm, mainly to advise him not to.
"I know you must be pretty excited," Riddle smiled. "But I do advise you to take things slow and walk."
"Oh, sorry," Sil flushed, looking down.
"You don't need to apologize," Riddle whispered. "I understand completely. Now, let us depart."
Sil watched as everyone else walked down a board with random fancy people greeting them. He had never seen so many people who looked like him before, human. But he wasn't afraid; he was more excited.
"Prince Riddle, Prince Ruggie, Prince Malleus and King Lilia has arrived." Announced a knight without taking a breath.
They all walked out and waved at the people, with a confused Sil following them. Everyone gasped at seeing the wildlife that followed him and was also bewildered.
"Wow, a lot of people." Epel concluded.
"Indeed, but it seems Leona is scaring them," Vil spoke.
"Oh, that's how I like it." Leona yawned as he crept down next to Silver. It makes protecting Sil easier."
"Since when did you care?
"Considering we are in an unknown land, keeping him safe is best. Who knows what these people can do." Leona explained. "Humans are predictable, Vil. No matter what they do, they will always find the weakest link and will sap the life out of you when they have a chance."
"Hmm, he does a have a point." Epel shrugged.
"I hope that isn't true," Sil spoke up nervously.
The Carriage came, and a guard opened the door for them. Lilia, Riddle, and Malleus entered, and Ruggie was about to enter before looking back at Sil.
"You want to ride?" He asked with a grin.
Sil didn't have time to answer before Vil went inside, and Lilia petted his head, not minding at all.
"Uh, maybe?" Sil gulped. "I don't know how to ride it. But I have a feeling that I may not enjoy it."
He heard Lilia laugh from inside the Carriage.
"But I think it's a safer option than walking," Ruggie said. "I mean, that lion of yours doesn't seem like the riding type."
"Oh, he did not," Epel gasped.
"He did," Vil confirmed.
"Get on, Sil," Leona growled. "This human has not seen me at my full speed yet."
Sil smiles and sits on Leona's back, and Leona starts walking before speeding up. The Carriage begins to go forward, trying to keep up with Leona, but the lion doesn't slow down, and Sil holds on with Epel on his lap. He can't help but turn to the Carriage and wave at it, adding salt to the driver's wound.
"Oh, that lion is fast," The horse panted. "Amazing."
"He may be lazy, but he can be fast when he wants to," Sil laughed.
Leona slowed by the fountain as they entered the kingdom's entrance, letting Sil get off him.
"Thank you, Leona." Sil grinned.
"Heh, I can't wait to see that human's face."
"Oh, how immature," Vil huffed, exiting the Carriage.
"I thought it was fun!" cheered Epel, bouncing up and down.
"I am glad you enjoyed yourself." Rook grinned and landed on the fountain. He looked so fast; it was remarkable."
"A fast lion," remarked Malleus. "I had never seen one in my entire life, although I had never seen a lion run so far. But even lions, like himself, can get offended."
Leona groaned at Malleus.
"I mean, he can be fast, but sometimes he chooses not to," chuckled Sil. "It's just something he doesn't want to do."
"Ruggie!" called out a voice from the stairs.
An elderly woman rushed down their stairs towards Ruggie, pulling his ear angrily. Ruggie winced at it, trying to pull her hand away.
"You! You said you'd be back by yesterday afternoon," she lectured. "Why were you so late? And," she paused as she noticed Sil. "Oh? And who are you, my dear?"
Sil blinked before stammering a little. "I'm Sil…I am from an island that they visited."
"Proposterous," scoffed another voice. "No one can be from an island."
"But I am, ma'am."
The woman he saw was glaring at him up and down, clearly dismissing Sil. Her rose-patterned dress flashed red when she twirled around him before she scoffed again.
"You? From an Island?"
"Mother, he is," Riddle spoke up. "We all saw him."
"And you chose to take him here?" The woman snarled. "Such an improper man shouldn't be here as what I can."
"Queen Icabeth," the elderly woman rolled her eyes. "Maybe he was shipwrecked. We don't know his story."
"But that's impossible,Edna," Icabeth spoke. "Then why he is dressed so perfectly?"
"I was told to dress for the ocasion," Sil explained.
"Ugh, she's so rude," Epel huffed. "I want to chew that dress apart."
"No, you don't," Sil said, looking back at Epel. "We are their guests, and we should be nice to them."
"I'm sorry," Icabeth said, appalled, placing her hand on her chest. "Did you talk to that thing?"
"Yes, and his name is Epel, and he is a red panda." Sil explained, picking him up.
"Well, I'll be," Edna laughed. "A human that can speak with animals? I thought I could never see the day."
"I know, Grandma," Ruggie agreed. "He has had this ability since he woke up. Lilia wanted him to come with us."
"You did, Ruggie," Lilia corrected.
Ruggie blushed and lowered his ears, embarrassed.
"Ha! Well, I can't say no to a special guest now can I?" Edna smiles and goes over to Sil. "Sil, corret? I welcome you to my kingdom, and I shall have someone put your room togather."
"A room?" Sil asked, confused.
"I do believe it might be best if he were in the garden house, Edna," Lilia said. "He needs to be eased into learning about our customs. And I have a feeling that sleeping in a tree would be perfect after a long trip."
"You might be right."
"I can't sleep," Sil mumbled, looking at Lilia.
Lilia visited Sil that night, only to see him awake and conflicted. So Lilia climbed up to help him sleep.
"I can tell that Icabeth's words had hurt your feelings," Lilia sighed. "Don't pay her no mind. She's just very pompous, but that's not an excuse to be rude, you know."
"I know, but I wanted to make a good first impression." Sil sighed. "But she was so insulting. How can Ruggie marry her son if she's so mean?"
"Trust me," Lilia laughed. "Riddle is nothing like his mother, even when it seemed like that at first, but once you get to know him, I promise you that he'll be the best person to be around."
Sil nodded and rested against the tree.
"Can you sing me something?" Sil whispered. "I would normally do that, but I don't feel like it."
Lilia smiled. "Of course."
Lilia let Sil rest on his shoulder, and he started to sing.
Sun goes down, and we are here together
Fireflies glow like a thousand charms
Stay with me, and you can dream forever
Right here in my arms
Silver gasped softly as he heard Lilia sing the lullaby he had heard in his dreams and the song he would sing to Epel. But how did Lilia know this song? Was it common here?
"It was a song that I used to sing wth my son a lot," Lilia explained. "He always loved it. Do you want me to continue?"
Sil nodded.
It's magic when you are here beside me
Close your eyes, and let me hold you tight
Everything that I could ever need is
Right here in my arms tonight
Lilia looked back as Sil sang that last line with him before falling asleep. He watched as Sil began to fall asleep on the branch, not caring about how uncomfortable it may be. Lilia carefully laid him down, using his jacket as a makeshift blanket, and then carefully climbed down.
"Good night."
Llia walked away, returned to his room, and sat silently on his bed.
He hates it when the room is silent. After a while, he hears the crashing of waves and the screams of everybody who tries to hang onto the ship as the storm progresses. He heard the cries of his son, who he lost that night and hasn't found since. He always hoped he would, but sometimes, there are moments when he wants to lose that hope. However, people like Malleus remind him that it's not too late.
He walked towards the window and looked back at the greenhouse, watching Sil sleep peacefully.
Sounds of day fade away
Stars begin to climb
Melodies fill the breeze
Sweeter all the time
Sweeter all the time…
"If that is you, my son…" Lilia yawned. "I hope I can tell you. But not at this moment."
Lilia closed his blinds and went to bed, hoping for a new day.
"So, you like this so far?" asked Rook as Sil climbed down the tree.
"I mean, it's not so welcoming as I hoped," Sil sighed. "but I do feel much more better after what the king did last night, but I cannot help but wonder why he knows the song I sang before."
"Maybe it's a neighborhood song," Vil suggested. "I mean, he must have before."
Sil nodded as he came down. He looked at the sky and watched the clouds move along, creating beautiful scenery.
"Oh? Ruugie?"
Sil turned to see Ruggie holding a tray of food, one plate for each animal.
"You made me breakfast? How thoughtful?" Sil blushed.
"It's not my doing, but I wanted to give it to you personally," Ruggie chuckled. "As an apology for yesterday."
"Oh no," Sil looked down. "I just happen to be a stranger, and she reacted normally to someone like me."
"That's not how I saw it," Ruggie huffed. I saw someone who is just new being unfairly judged. And Riddle and I want to help you."
"Help me? With what?"
"Well, to put it simply, to fit in, but only for a few hours," Ruggie explained. "Look, that's such a rude way to put it."
"No, no, I understand," Sil reassured. "If I have to stay, I must learn about the customs here. I am not offended, and I'm offered you helped me with this."
"And if you need to take a break, you can tell me or Riddle." Ruggie smiled. "You always have us, and everyone else…except Queen Icabeth of course."
Sil smiled again.
"Has he said yes?" called out Riddle, walking into the greenhouse.
"I did."
"Good, but let's not dally," Riddle said. "We need to change you and your animals, and we'll get started on your new day."
"Why are we involved?" Leona snarled.
"Well, you guys don't have to."
"And miss the chance to meet up with the royals," Vil gasped. "I don't think so!"
"Well, it's settled then."
"You look good with green, I'm almost jealous," chuckled Ruggie as Sil examined himself in the mirror.
"Do I? I always wanted to know how I looked with different colors, but I never exactly thought of it before." Sil sighed. "I have never considered my life before, so…should I be scared?"
"Of my mother, you should," Riddle answered. "I know that my mother can be, unfortunately crazed. She always wants thing to be perfect which is why we had to wed. No offense to Ruggie."
"No, none at all." Ruggie chuckled. "But we can't call it off now can we?"
"I'm sorry about that," Sil spoke up.
"Don't worry, we should be able to handle it, but we should be focusing on you, not each other and I'm sure your peacock is ready for morning tea," Riddle chuckled.
"He's always ready."
As the four departed from the guest room, they watched as butlers and maids prepared morning tea, preparing delightful biscuits that seemed a little too yummy for Sil.
"I know," Ruggie laughed. "It's delicious. But I learned my lesson years ago, wait until they are ready."
"You must've loved these treats," Sil acknowledged.
"A little too much," sighed Riddle. I heard he ate all the pantries when he was about four."
"Of course, my grandmother told you about that," groaned Ruggie. "No matter what I do, she will always tell that story. And I did apologize."
Sil laughed. "Well, I can't wait to try that. Well, actually I have a question to ask?"
"Ask away?"
"So, I have a lullaby I sing to my animals often," Sil explains. "But King Lilia sang it to me last night. Is it a common lullaby here?"
"From what I heard, not really?" Riddle answered. "But I do think Malleus knows. He and Lilia are quite close and he will be there for the morning tea."
"Thank you, I just wanted to know."
Sil nervously looked away. He was starting to realize that his amnesia was quite unfortunate, and trying even to find his origins was going to be difficult.
They arrived at the table, full of sweets and tea. Sil looked around, amazed about everything.
"Welcome," Queen Edna greeted. "I'm glad you managed to come by, Sil."
"Thank you, ma'am."
"And pleasantly dressed, I noticed," Queen Icabeth also huffed. "I'll let you off the hook this time."
"Mother, he wanted to learn," Riddle explained. "So we have dressed him."
"And green certainly is his color," Lilia grinned. "You should dress in green more often."
"Thank you, Lilia," Sil smiles as Ruggie leads him to his seat. "If you don't mind I brought Vil with me. He wanted to see the royal festivities."
"Oh, how thoughtful of you," Edna grinned and grabbed a cookie. "Of course, I love new company. Don't you agree, Kalim?"
Sil gasped as an albino monkey jumped onto Ruggie's shoulder.
"H-hey!" Ruggie gasped. "Kalim! This is my food.."
"I know, but I love coconut cookies," Kalim grinned. "And you promised me one!"
Sil smiles and gives Kalim a coconut cookie. "You know, you need to ask for one."
Kalim jumped happily and took the cookie. "Thank you! What's your name?"
"Oh, it's Sil, nice to meet you."
"He can talk to the monkey," Icabeth groaned.
"Oh, she's here?" Kalim tilted his head. "I forgot about her."
"Don't we all," Ruggie muttered, sipping his tea. "Oh, is this…uh, hibiscus?"
"It is," Riddle remarked after taking a sip. "It's rather refreshing."
Sil looked at his tea and took a sip, but he jolted as the hot water hit his lips. Riddle noticed and looked over.
"Hold the handle," Riddle instructed. "And carefully sip slowly."
Sil nodded and took a sip. He sighs, breathing in the hibiscus air.
"Oh, it's like warm hibiscus water," Sil smiles. "I had some like this, but you had to take the seeds and mix it all together until it created the flavor."
"Hm," Vil nodded. "Much prefer this over what Leona makes."
"Oh, please," Sil laughed. "Leona's food isn't that bad."
"Lilia may beg to differ," Malleus joked. "I suppose his cooking could be prepared to a mere animals."
"Malleus!" Lilia huffed. "My cooking is not that bad. You even enjoyed some of it."
"Before getting sick," Malleus added. "Sincerely, Sil, I wouldn't have you eat his cooking."
Lilia rolled his eyes. "May I have another tray of cookies please?"
The butler nodded his head, handing the tray over to Lilia.
"So, how did you two get engaged?" Sil asked. "Oh, well, I couldn't help but wonder."
"I'm surprised you know what that even means," Icabeth muttered.
"Mother," Riddle hissed.
"Oh, not by choice," Ruggie explains. "But Riddle was someone whom I considered a friend. Her mother one day asked us if we should consider marriage, and you know, I said yes. However, it was different from what I had planned for myself."
"But we knew these two were meant to be together," Icabeth grinned.
"I see," Sil nodded.
Sil looks over at Riddle, who sadly looks at Malleus, sipping his tea.
"Well, what happens if he loved someone else?"
"Pardon?" Icabeth scoffed. "I don't see why you need to know."
"It's just a simple question." Sil defended. "But do they love each other? I haven't seen anything that resembles it."
"What do you know about love, island boy?" Icabeth demanded. "You are a mere peasant as far as I am concerned. And again, you have no business to know anything."
Sil sighs and eats a cookie, now annoyed.
"You seem pretty pratical," Lilia spoke. "You seem to know more than you let on, Sil."
"I have some books that came with me after my accident," Sil explains. "One was about a prince and peasent falling in love and marrying each other, despite the social pressure from the king."
"Oh, you mean "Love has no Rules"?" Malleus asked. "That was Lilia's favorite book, but he lost it years ago."
"But I do remember the story by heart," Lilia grinned. "Shame that I lost it after my boat got destoryed in that storm."
"It's a shame, indded." Malleus agreed. "But I do think it's amazing that Sil knew that story."
"Uh, yeah." Sil blushed.
"Hm, somehow you are well educated," Icabeth sipped her tea.
The butler came around with a tray of cookies, but Icabeth managed to set her foot in front of the butler and tripped him, causing him to spill the jelly cookies all over Sil.
Sil gasped and stood up. "Uh..I'm sorry, I have to go."
Sil turns and rushes away, embarrassed.
"Sil!" Vil cried, now after his friend.
"Hey, Sil!" Ruggie called out, now following him.
"Ugh, he can't stay with his fiance?" Icabeth snarled. "I hope this attitude changes when the ball arrives."
"I know," Edna agreed.
"Ugh, that women is going to be on my last nerve," Ruggie groaned. "I mean, that was low for a queen like her for her."
"Poor Sil," Kalim added, still on Ruggie's shoulder. "He sees charming and friendly. And smart to."
"Much more smarter than Icabeth predicted," Ruggie claimed. "She thinks just because he's an island boy, he isn't intelligent and proper. But he proved us wrong."
"Of course he's proper," Vil huffed. "I taught him how to be."
They arrived at the greenhouse, looking at Sil tending to a wilted rose.
"Wow, you look like how I feel," Sil remarked, now giving it water.
"Hey," Ruggie panted. "Knew I found you here."
"Oh, Ruggie…ugh, I'm sorry I embarassed you and everyone else."
"You don't have to apologize for nothing!" Vil spoke up. "That women did that on purprose!"
"You're lucky it wasn't tea." Kalim added. "It'll burn."
Sil laughed and nodded. "I am lucky. But I feel…ashamed of myself."
"Don't. She wants you to be," Ruggie remarked. "She's making it very clear that she doesn't like you, at all."
"She doesn't like anyone?"
"Nope. I'm sure she doesn't like me either," Ruggie chuckles. "But since I'm marrying her son, she tolerating me."
Sil sighs and looks down.
"Hey, how about we go to the pantry?"Ruggie offered.
"Won't your grandmother get upset?" Sil asked.
"Yeah, but I want to make you happy."
Ruggie pulls Sil up and looks back. "Don't worry, you are incredibly welcomed here. Don't forget that."
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sarah-dipitous · 2 years
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 55
Malleus Maleficarum/Doomsday
“Malleus Maleficarum”
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: Oh fuck no. I’m barely surviving WATCHING.
Ew wtf…this is…one of the most stomach churning episodes I’ve ever watched. Between the lady in the opening pulling out all her teeth and bleeding out and now magic-ing maggots into this dude’s burger.
But then what killed HER? Was it the OTHER neighbor??
This is…this is a good way to get yourselves on these witches’ hit list.
People who are big shots in their neighborhoods making a big deal of their last names to complete strangers from outside their little circle baffle me
Dude…Sam. No. You don’t just…Oh. That’s that’s not an ordinary demon.
I don’t believe Ruby’s really …yeah, she wasn’t betraying the Winchesters. Because that was the most male gaze-y shit I’ve ever seen
Yo. Dean…aren’t you supposed to have a little conflict about stabbing the person the demon is possessing?? Just even a little hesitation?
I don’t remember how long we keep Ruby, but I’m gonna miss her when she goes. A demon who remembers what it’s like to be human is an interesting character
“Been On My Mind…”: Nope.
I love Mickey and the scientist pretending to know about the time war to save their lives for just a second but in the lamest way possible
You’re going to regret making that promise, Doctor.
Omg here it is. The moment I’ve been waiting for “our species are similar though your is inelegant” “daleks have no concept of elegance” “that is obvious”
“Daleks be warned, you have declared war upon the cybermen” “this is not war, this is pest control” “we have five million cybermen. How many are you?” “Four” “you would destroy the cybermen with four Daleks?” “We would destroy the cybermen with one Dalek. You are superior in only one respect” “what is that?” “You are better at dying” (someone on tiktok also used this audio clip with Shigaraki as the Dalek and the Hero Safety Commission president as the cybermen, and it was probably the most I’ve ever been into Shiggy in my life)
Note that I watched that clip like……eight times at least
Amazing. Rose sees the Doctor on screen and her heart rate rises, the Daleks point this out and Mickey’s just like “yeah, old news. Been there.”
You're not gonna catch me feeling bad or Yvonne.
Good lord there are some really good lines in this. The cybermen telling the Doctor that he’s proof emotions destroy you, and he agrees but then goes “mind you, I quite like hope. Hope’s a good emotion”
He really puts on those glasses every time he has void stuff to check out. You don't really pick up on it the first time, but it gets more and more obvious with every rewatch...
Where and when is Rose getting her hair cut??
The Doctor's so enigmatic in this scene where he meets Pete again. If I hadn't watched it so many times tonight, I'd be baffled by how swiftly he changes every few seconds. Now, I'm used to it.
Next time I watch the series (not any time soon because this episode is now CURSED for me), I want to watch out for THAT Note earlier in the series. It's ALL. OVER. this episode, but I wanna listen for it earlier.
The way Rose tells the Daleks what she did to their emperor. What a woman.
Poor Mickey. Like, yeah, the genesis ark had to be opened, but why did it have to be him who did it?? I still don't understand why the Doctor thinks of it as a good thing (but that's partly because he talks so fast I have a hard time understanding him occasionally).
The Jackie and Pete reunionnnnnn *sobs* and yet they still carve out time for levity "All those daft little ideas of mine. They worked. Made me rich" "I don't care about that...how rich?" "Very" "I don't care about that...how very?"
But then the desperation as they run toward each other and embrace uuugggghhhhhhhhh
Huh, the Daleks were right. The cymbermen ARE better at dying. It wasn't just an empty taunt.
I know it's supposed to be a scary prospect, but the way the genesis ark spins and spits out Daleks is just funny to me
The argument over who's staying and who's going to the other universe is heart wrenching. I do have my criticisms of it, but that's entirely a personal thing.
Roses really love jumping BACK INTO dangerous situations for their boyfriends, don't they? Tyler...Dewitt-Bucater (I'll look up the spelling for that if I think of it in the morning, if tumblr doesn't eat this too)
Did they have to give the Yvonne cyberman a different voice than literally every other cyberman? Was it not enough to make her say her last words again? The ones she repeated over and over before she was turned?
It must be absolutely terrifying to have to hold on long enough to allow MILLIONS of both Daleks and cybermen to go through the breach, all while it's trying to suck you in, too. And you're RIGHT THERE. And if something goes wrong (which, of course it will), you're basically powerless, and the person you're with IS powerless to help you.
NO. No...
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The way they can't even comfort her. They don't know what to do. They can't go to her, though Mickey's fighting the urge to. Because what can they even say or do??
And they way they can just ALMOST feel each other's presence across universes...it's not faaaaaaaaair
Reminder to google what the difference between a sun and a normal star is. Because...if he's burning up a SUN to talk to her...there's gotta be some space laws against that. If there are planets with life revolving around that sun?? Or is that after your first genocide, they just stop checking on if you've committed more?
I dunno if I'll ever decide if it's a mercy that he never gets to say it back. Is this an Empire Strikes Back situation? It'll hurt more if he DOES get to say it? Because it's futile? They'll never be able to be together. Also will never decide if he ran out of time or purposely ran down the clock. Which isn't to say that he's not devastated to not be able to. But he's done so much to protect her and her future and her future happiness, why would he stop now?
DONNA!!!!!!!! I love the surprise of her at the end. And she really does show up when the Doctor's at his lowest: after losing Rose, after TRULY (sort of) becoming the last of the Time Lords
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twistedmusings · 3 years
Wake Up From Your Dream
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A/N: I don't even know what I can SAY to this one except...I think I was so angry at not writing that I wrote smut outta SPITE? Can I be so angry with myself that I write Malleus smut to just get something out there? I guess I can. Anyways this ask certainly let my imagination fly q wq
Warnings: Non-con making its way into dub-con, manipulation, impregnating sex and Malleus realizing that family is really important.
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You needed to find your way back to Night Raven College.
It has been so long since you’ve been back there, laughing and walking around as if there was no trouble in the world. Nevermind that you weren’t anywhere close to home and nevermind that your family was seeking you out.
As long as there was a possibility of you finding your way home, you had pretended that everything was going to be alright.
You were still a stranger to this world, you had no ties to this world and there would be no reason for you to stay once Crowley found your way back home. It was wonderful making friends with such a variety of people and watching them all grow in their own way. The way you knew you would grow from this experience as well.
Watching Ace and Deuce really come into themselves and their Unique Magic, watching the dorm leaders step into their positions of power and truly start to make a name for themselves that would help them out in their own version of the ‘real’ world. Riddle had gotten a wonderful position befitting of his family name, Leona was actually graduating, Azul was said to open a Monstro Lounge in the Coral Sea while Kalim had started investing time in his father’s trade without having Jamil help him. Even Idia was starting to take strides in his own field!
And you were proudest of Malleus. One simple conversation outside of Ramshackle had turned into a friendship you thought you would never forget. It was so wonderful to see him interact more with students, shyly following after you as you pushed him to talk more to others despite his position. That was what college was for, right? To experience new things and find your future--
You just didn’t think that Malleus would take it that far.
Was it because he was spoiled? No, even though he was born in a monarchy he still did his best to remain kind to others, especially his subjects. You were sure he was going to make a kind king in the future, even if you never got to see with your own two eyes.
You pull the hood over your head as you enter a bath house, the fae receiving you with a curious look and a smile as you hand her 2000 madols.
“Will you be booking a room tonight as well?”
“Just a simple shower and bath, that is all.”
If you were to make a guess, you were in the borders of the Valley of Thorns, a more rural area compared to the now rather modernized capital. You had stolen enough money to get you by for a few trips and you knew that places like these were the best at getting you directions. It had been a bit of a grueling trip, testing your knowledge of the fae language as well as avoiding questions about who you were and why you so desperately needed to make your way back to such a prestigious college. In a sense, you kept it minimal.
You needed to get back home.
“It’s fine. You’re fine. It’s fine. You’re fine.”
The mantra you kept repeating to yourself was whispered under your breath as you removed your articles of clothing slowly, still looking around to see if anybody had followed you in. But this is what was raising all of the hairs on your body, wasn’t it? This constant vigilance that didn’t let you sleep at night. You needed to relax, no one else would come this far.
You feel the fatigue melt as several days of walking are washed right off your body, a smile slowly creeping up on your face as you wash the dirt and oil from your hair.
It would be fine.
You would make it to Night Raven College and sneak into the Hall of Mirrors before wishing yourself back home. Crowley had said that they had pinned down the world you lived in and only after you make your wish would the connection be broken. This most likely meant that the connection was still intact since you didn’t even get a chance to to look at the mirror before you were whisked away.
Everything was going to work itself out, that’s the most you could promise yourself.
The bath is heavenly, the temperate water cooling you down from the hot shower as you look around.
There were no other patrons.
You lean back and press your head against a soft pillow of towels, enjoying the silence as you feel your worries soften while thinking back to what you would do when you were back home. It had been so long since you’ve seen some of your friends, your family was probably worried sick and you still had your own plans you wanted to get through.
If you had time, you could maybe drop by to see how your first year friends were doing?
Or were they in their third year now?
Wouldn’t that be a sight to see?
Your eyes close as you let yourself relax entirely, almost succumbing to sleep.
Only for a hand to grab your throat, the other covering your eyes as you hear a familiar chuckle that tenses your body up and breaks your heart.
“I am afraid we will have to postpone this shower.”
Tears well up in the corner of your eyes as you hear the sound of footsteps into the area, most likely the royal guard.
“You’d do well to stay put lest they chase after you.”
The hands covering your eyes pull back as you see a teasing smile looking down pitifully at your fresh set of tears.
“It has taken far too long to find you, Your Majesty.”
Lilia smiles as he leads you by the hand, the royal guard following close behind as Sebek and Silver join him.
“He might have already woken up, Father.”
“Sebek.” Lilia looks at his charge, “Quiet. Malleus might still be sleeping.”
Silver takes one peek at you, trying to meet your gaze but pulling away when he sees that the veil Lilia had put on you is blocking anybody’s stares from seeing your face. In fact, the second in command had put you in one of the traditional outfits for fae royalty, complete with a light veil that flowed down from the silver circlet placed on your head.
Lilia turns his attention to you and laughs.
“He has been absolutely miserable since you left. It was quite a surprise to all of us when you managed to leave the palace walls. None of us thought that you had really done it, especially him, and it really was a hassle to search the palace up and down to see just where our little human had run off to.”
His voice drops to a whisper as he brings your hand up to his lips.
“I’ll make sure to punish you for that later.”
The older fae leads you along as you finally reach your destination, smiling as he knocks on large wooden doors while pushing you slightly to stand in front of everybody.
An answer he was going to get by the end of the night.
No answer. He tests the doors and nods when he sees they are unlocked, opening them as he leads you to step inside so that you both could see the figure drenched in moonlight, looking out the window as if awaiting for an answer.
Lilia waits for his other charge to say anything but shrugs as he looks at you with a smile and a bow.
“We are glad to have you back, Your Majesty.”
The door closes with a loud click as you turn your eyes to look up at the imposing figure, your nails digging into your fingertips enough to draw blood as you try to hold back from screaming and shouting at him to stop acting like such a child. Yet you do not wish to anger him, at least to save yourself from any sort of harsher punishment.
So instead you make your way over to the bed--
Only for the fae to turn around, grab your wrist and slam your back into the rough stone wall. Bright green eyes glare down at you as you wince in pain, still looking away from him but letting out a yelp when Malleus’s fingers grab your chin and force you to look at him in the eye.
“Why did you run?”
He really had no idea, did he?
“Because I don’t belong here--”
Malleus tightens his hold on your wrist.
“We’ve discussed this before, child of man, you belong here just like anybody else, you are my Queen--”
“Malleus wake UP!”
You push against his hold but the fae’s hold gets tighter, most likely leaving a mark. But that wouldn’t deter you, not anymore, you were going to tell him.
“I’m not from this world! Coming to Twisted Wonderland was just an accident! A stupid, stupid accident that no one bothered to fix! And just when we were close to making it right you---you--!”
Shit, you’re crying again.
“I have people waiting for me. Just like you had a family waiting for you. I came to the Valley of Thorns thinking that I was supporting you during your coronation but you just--made a decision entirely by yourself and announced me as yours! Why did you lie to me? To them?!”
Malleus’s hold softens as you finally let your tears flow freely, wishing to wipe them away only due to how weak they were making you look.
“...did you not say you loved me?”
“I did! I did but--Malleus after what you did I can’t--”
He lets go of your wrist only to cup your face as he leans down to press his lips on your cheek, his tongue licking up the warm tears as you grab hold of his wrists to try and push him away.
“Do you miss your family?”
You nod as he moves to kiss the corner of your eyes.
“More than anything…”
The dragon fae hums, letting his lips stay where they were a few seconds longer before chuckling as he pulls you close.
“I see--I really have been cruel to you, haven’t I?”
Your heart nearly leaps out of your throat at his words, hands clutching at his robes as you quickly nod. Maybe this was it, maybe it had taken you breaking down to let him see reason?
Please. Please!
“...A family.”
Malleus’s words are like dripped honey as a thought formed in his head, the thought taking shape and form as his hands clutched you tighter.
“Then we’ll just need to make a family of our own…”
Hands clutch at his sheets as Malleus takes in the shape under him.
How beautiful could you be? How complex? To him it was as if not a day had passed since you first met. What had been mere curiosity had delved into deep affection and blossomed into a love that Malleus would only read about in fairytales. The sort of books that led him to believe in soulmates, in happily ever after’s and the possibility of spending the rest of your life with the one you loved.
And yes, you weren’t a fae, but the power of his magic was grand enough to keep you tied to him for the rest of eternity.
His lips can’t help but seek out yours as he thinks about how he is the one who will decide when you die.
This love hadn’t started out like this. What he felt for you had been a bit more relaxed, a lot softer and dreamier. You had confessed to him after his Overblot incident and he had gladly accepted your feelings. He was still keen on finding you a way home and promised himself to not let any moment be wasted in thinking how you soon would be far away from him.
Every day was spent happily with you, the rest of the school year flying by as you both enjoyed the time you still had together.
But Malleus was still a dragon at heart, a fae that yearned and longed to take and take.
So when thoughts about you leaving started to make their way to the forefront of his mind, not even your constant love and affection could keep him from his instincts.
You would leave him to go back to your world. Go back to the normal and the familiar. As you walked your path, you would eventually find someone that enchanted you the way he had, all ending with you walking down a beautiful aisle to your now beloved.
A person that wasn’t...him.
As the days of his third year started to run to a close, his hold on you had become a lot tighter, his kisses a lot more possessive and in the end he had invited you to watch his coronation as he entered his fourth and final year.
With his announcement of making you his Queen.
“Malleus! Please I can’t--I’m not ready--!”
He let Lilia make up some story about you not returning to Night Raven, fooling Crowley into believing that you had found your future in the Valley of Thorns with him. The announcement of you taking up the role of Queen had been surprising but Malleus had woven the story in such a way that there had been talks of having it printed for others to read.
It was a wonderful ending to your love story, you ending up in his arms. But something was missing…
Malleus was glad that you had given him the answer.
Both of your knees were on either side of his waist, your hands clutching at whatever they could as his cock buried itself deep into your cunt. The veil was long forgotten as his robes and your own are thrown carelessly around the room while you wail and scream at being broken into by such a thick length. The small sight of blood on his cock made Malleus smile as he pushed in further, the tightness that was pushing him back slowly opening up for him as he watched you do your best to fit him inside.
It would be fine, you would be fine.
With a growl he finally bottoms out, two hands holding your hips and forcing you down to take all of him as the tip of his cock pressed right under your womb--
He shivers as you tighten up again, leaning down to lick up the trail of tears on your cheek before eating up your tiny whimpers with a hungry kiss.
“Here...right here is where our family will start.”
A large hand takes yours as Malleus puts it right over the small bulge on your stomach, your eyes growing wide as you realize just how deep inside he is. He kisses you again, not daring to break away as he lets a trail of saliva dangle from his lips to yours, the clear liquid disappearing into your mouth as your body relaxed and your eyes grew hazy.
“Do you love me, child of man?”
It was a simple question, but your brain seemed muddled from his kiss. Dragons tended to excrete a certain liquid as they got ready to mate, the experience painful even within his own species but being eased with the help of saliva, sweat or cum.
And with the way he was pressed against you, his sweat matted on your skin as he let more of his spit drip down his tongue and onto yours...surely the answer would come the more you two worked to start your family.
Malleus hardly gave you any time to recover as he started to move, his eyes entranced with the way he disappeared into you with each thrust. Your mind was still muddled but your body was already eagerly accepting him, your legs wrapping around him slowly before locking him in place as he repeated the question.
“Do you love me, child of man?”
You open your mouth but the only word that comes out is a plea for him to go faster.
Which Malleus gladly listens to.
It didn’t take long for him to start pounding into you at a brutal pace, every thrust having the tip of his cock slamming against your womb as your toes curled from the pleasure of taking him so deep. His cock disappeared inside your tiny cunt, shaft now coated not just with blood but with your arousal as well. The bed creaked in protest while the sounds of the bed frame hitting the wall helped him keep time, Malleus leaning back down to kiss you again as your lips this time part eagerly and sucked on his tongue while your hands clutched his shoulders and horns.
Cries turned into happy moans, your sad and abandoned look now one of pure ecstasy as your pussy flutters and tightens around him, pushing him to go harder and harder so he could---!
Your legs close tighter around him as you bury your face on the crook of his neck, your orgasm being ripped from you unexpectedly as Malleus halted his movements with a stiff body. He drops his head on your shoulder as your legs keep him in place.
He groans as he paints the inside of your walls white, the warmth of his cum filling your womb to the point that what you hadn’t taken merely dripped out onto the now stained sheets. Malleus lifts his head to look down at you, smiling as he sees your eyes staring up at him eagerly despite how much you had protested before.
“A family…”
You smile as Malleus nods, your hands going all the way to your stomach as you feel the warmth start to twist your brain even more.
“A family with you…how wonderful…”
Arms wrap around him as Malleus kisses a trail from your shoulder to your lips. He just needed to ask you one last time.
“Do you love me, child of man?”
With a hum, your answer is whispered into his ear as Malleus closes his eyes as he realizes that this is where his happily ever after would finally start.
“I love you Malleus, more than anything else.”
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mysteryshoptls · 3 years
SSR Silver Halloween Personal Story: Part 3
"I should enjoy this to my heart's content"
(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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[The Other Dimension – Sparkling Chamber]
Cater: …Silver-kun, Jamil-kun. Most of the time, you won't be able to prepare yourself beforehand.
Silver: Eh?
Cater: Farewell is something that usually comes without warning.
Silver: Is it… really that sort of thing? It isn't something I've experienced yet…
Cater: Cay-kun was born in a household that would get transferred for work often. I've moved countless times since I was little.
Cater: Just as I was making friends at a new school, I'd sometimes get told that "Hey, we're moving next month."
Silver: Moving houses, hm… True, I've never experienced that.
Cater: Have you never moved anywhere within the Valley of Thorns?
Silver: Correct. I lived with my father in a house in the middle of a forest.
Silver: Once in a while, Malleus-sama or Sebek would come around, but…
Silver: The only other creatures I interacted with were the animals in the forest. I never went to school in the Valley of Thorns, I was completely homeschooled.
Jamil: I see. So going to school was a completely new experience for you. Of course, I've never moved either, though…
Jamil: Ever since I started attending Night Raven College, I've gotten more estranged from my middle school friends.
Jamil: That means even such a common "farewell" such as that… you've never experienced yet as well.
Silver: …I see.
Silver: So, after Cater-senpai graduates, we won't really have the opportunity to talk face-to-face so easily like this, hm.
Silver: Once I graduate and return to my hometown, I won't be able to easily see Jamil or Kalim or any of my other school friends…
Silver: It hasn't hit me yet, but that will probably be something painful and sad… I'm sure.
Silver: …Cater-senpai. How should I prepare myself in order to keep going with this school lifestyle from now on?
Cater: Mmm~...Well, in my case, I always kept in mind that I never knew when my parents would be transferred again so…
Cater: I told myself that I would “Be happier right now than any time in the future!"
Cater: Instead of sadly thinking about how I may have to say farewell to everyone in the near future…
Cater: I could make happier memories and have an amazing time just by going out to places, or eating delicious food together with everyone.
Cater: If you just keep looking to the future with a heavy sigh, then the present just gets wasted.
Silver: Cater-senpai…
Silver: I'm glad that I had you to listen to my story.
Cater: Eh, what!? What are you saying all of a sudden?
Silver: Rather than be apprehensive of the future, I should cherish the time I get to spend with Lilia-senpai, Malleus-sama, and all my other school friends…
Silver: Cater-senpai, it's thanks to you that I was able to realize such an important thing.
Cater: Errrrr…. Uh, you're welcome?
Silver: I cannot continue like this. Lilia-senpai and Malleus-sama worked hard to liven up Halloween.
Silver: Instead of just watching from the sidelines, I should enjoy this to my heart’s content tonight.
Silver: Cater-senpai, and Jamil too… I am grateful that the two of you listened to my story. Now, I shall take my leave.
Cater: I don't really understand it but… Seems like Silver-kun is feeling better?
Jamil: Indeed. Thanks to your concern, Cater-senpai.
Jamil: But even then… Looks like he had a delicate side too.
Jamil: Usually he's got that absent-minded… I mean, he usually gave me the impression that he would be stoic no matter what happened.
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Silver: GAO!
Jamil: Also, during our travels together, he would scare the ghosts with such fervor… He has surprised me in many different ways.
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Silver: Ah, there they are…! Fath… Lilia-senpai, Malleus-sama!!
Lilia: Ohh, Silver! What's got you in a rush?
Silver: I wished to dance with the two of you. May I have your hands for one dance?
Lilia: Of course! What say you, Malleus?
Malleus: Why not. And do not leave it at one song, let us dance until the break of dawn.
Silver: …Yessir!
(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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(Durring Leonas Arc)
 Adventuring was her talent and it suited her wll. She is a daring, strong, smart woman who craved to discover secrets and have fun. This is (Y/N) (L/N)! Known as a great adventurer! In her old world... In Twisted Wonderland, she was a student from another world who was taken there against her will. All because she was chosen to attend a college called Night Raven. How did this young lady react??
Well, she was (Y/N) (L/N). This is a new adventure she's yet to finish! Though, if were being honest. Some adventures aren't worth doing at the cost of losing the people you love...
(Y/N) sat on the steps outside of the Ramshackle dorm. Listening to the quiet silence of the night. Nothing more, nothing less. (Y/N) taps her bare feet on the on the steps. Waiting for the person she called "Tsuntarou" because he wouldn't tell (Y/N) his real name. Something along the lines of "if my name is spoken, it will cause chilling fear to mankind"?
(Y/N) could only grin at the thought of meeting him once again. She had to tell Tsuntarou all about her quest on finding the culprit who kept getting people injured before the Magishift tournament. Then fighting a Overblotted Leona. As well as saving some dorm leader she didn't know. Then meeting some new buddies. It was a pretty good quest, even got a good scar to show for it. Just like her other adventures!
Humming a little tune she knew from her old world. (Y/N) kept waiting for Tsuntarou. Speak of the devil-. "Hey Tsuntarou!" (Y/N) yells out happily for her friend. Tsuntarou gave a odd grin to the female human. He walks over to the steps of the Ramshackle dorm. Where (Y/N) sat peacefully to wait for him.
"Hello, child of man." Tsuntarou said softly, his reptile like eyes bore into (Y/N)'s. "Pfft- You and your dumb nicknames. It's (Y/N), remember? Anyway c'mere, sit down with me!" (Y/N) pats the spot next to her, inviting him to sit with her. Tsunatarou gave her a questionable look, though complied to her wishes. Once he sat down, (Y/N) got up. Telling him to wait, she needed to get something from her dorm. 
(Y/N) came back and hands Tsuntarou a small cup of ice cream. "Ta-da! Today we are gonna celebrate the end of a quest and a beginning to a new adventure!" (Y/N) squeals, passing her new found friend a spoon. The female human starts to chomp down on the sweet treat. While Tsuntarou eats slowly to savor the ice cream. 
After (Y/N) finished eating, she starts chatting with the male fairy. Telling him all about what happened during her adventure with the Heartslabyul dorm and Savanaclaw. (Y/N)'s excitement was radiating off of her, Tsuntarou would be lying if her joy wasn't contagious.
 After the story, Tsuntarou had said she was a interesting human. Which made the female human agree with him. (Y/N) was very different from the humans he's seen, but she reminded him a lot of the hero's and prince's from storybooks Lilia read to him when he was younger.
The hero... (Y/N) seemed just like one. Though doesn't the hero save the princess or get's a happily ever after? Where was her "princess" and "happy ending"? Maybe she hasn't gotten it yet.
"The stars look nice tonight." The (h/c)- nette blurted out, starring at the stars with longing eyes. Mallues looks up at the sky, he agreed with her. The stars did shine brightly tonight. (Y/N) let's out a sigh and raised her hand to try and "reach" the stars. Though slowly drops her hand.
"One day, I hope I can reach them." The adventurer said with a wistful glance. "Why is that." Tsuntarou asked, his eyes no longer on the stars but on the human he sat with. (Y/N)'s lips curl in a tight smile. 
"It's the one adventure I wish to share with my family. To explore the sky above." After she finished her wish, she tears up. Her everlasting grin falls into a bitter smile as she faced the sky. "I wanted to find a way to give my family that kind of adventure. One we could s-share. But now, I-I'll have to think on it. Don't you agree T-Tsuntarou?" 
(Y/N) wipes her teary (e/c) eyes. Malleus could only stare at the human. He knew humans were emotional beings, but he never thought the high spirtted female he chatted with would cry so sadly. Malleus pitted (Y/N). But the dark fae didn't know how to make her tears go away. So he pulled out his handkerchief and held it out for her to take.
(Y/N) noticed and giggles at his gesture. Thanking him quietly.
"Heh... I-I bet I look like crap right now. Sorry you had to see that." Wiping away most of her tears on the cloth. (Y/N) gave a small smile, in hopes of not making her friend worry. Her eyes puffy and cheeks red as a rose.
Regaining some strength in her. (Y/N) gets up and points to the star filled sky. "I'm comming home, there's nothing I won't do. I'll always be unafraid of the unknown. It won't be long 'till I'm with you!" The adventurer yells, hoping her voice will reach her family and the stars above. Unaware of Tsuntarou's tiny smile.
He too wished that she'll get her adventure. When she does, Malleus hopes he can join her.
"Hey, Tsuntarou.. You wanna join me on my next adventure?" (Y/N) asked the dark fae with patience. Malleus slowly nods, "..I would love too."
The End.
(Thank you guys for 100 Followers! I'll probably do another single character Oneshot for the next milestones or when new characters are introduced. Also, this is mostly with a adventurer s/o or reader!)
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twistedmusings · 4 years
It's Good To Have You Here
//A/N: You know what is the best part of having a writer's blog? Is that I can write ANYTHING I want and no one can stop me. So in order to celebrate the one year of TWST...here is something none of you asked for.
In which you realize that life has become just a tad bit easier since Yuuken Enma arrived, even if you two are stuck in a crazy twisted world.
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"I'm home."
Enma looks up from his plate and immediately stands up, rushing towards you as he takes your bag.
"What did the Headmaster want?"
You sigh and push back your hair, not noticing how he takes you by the hand and leads you to the kitchen.
"I don't even know anymore. Sometimes he just pops right at the time shit is about to go down other times he will just call me to his office to talk about...nothing."
He smiles and puts your bag near the staircase, hanging it off the banister so you wouldn't forget to bring it up with you.
"Is he still trying to figure out what brought us here?"
A plate is set down in front of you, the warm rice steaming surrounded by a wonderful smelling curry that just made your mouth water as you took a bite and felt any sort of tiredness leave your body immediately.
"He says he is but I highly doubt it." you take another bite, "Maybe I should just tell him we need more money in our food budget and then he'd be eager to get us out?"
You stop eating when you hear a chuckle, Enma picking up his plate and pointing at his cheek. the hint comes a little too late to your tired brain as he leans in and picks off a piece of rice from your cheek. Blushing, the fact that you were eating so messily in front of your new roommate hits you like a truck, reminding that you weren't alone anymore.
That's right. It wasn't just you here anymore.
A smile tugs at your lips as you eat a bit more slowly, asking Enma about his day and how his first day of classes had gone. You had been called off to see how the dorm students in Diasmonia were doing, Malleus being the biggest reason for the visit since Crowley had mentioned how important it was that the heir to the Valley of Thorns learn how to communicate.
All the while you were wondering how many more times this accident would happen.
Maybe until Ramshackle was full?
You giggled as you remembered the Riddle accident.
"Did Riddle say anything to you today?"
Enma blushed as he scratched the back of his head, "He just welcomed me to the school properly, insisting that we put that accident behind us."
He blushes even harder when you laugh, the sight of him pushing Riddle to the ground still ingrained in your memory. You never thought you would laugh that hard at a ceremony that only brought up mixed feelings about you being here.
Yet Yuuken had somehow turned that memory into a rather comical one.
You finish the plate, standing up to put it in the sink but stop when he takes it from your hands.
"You came in pretty tired, [Y/N]. I already took a bath when I got here so you should go ahead and take one too. And since it's going to be cold tonight I made sure to put some of the blankets in the empty rooms in yours. I dusted them a bit since they were rather...disgusting but they should be alright now--hey are you okay?"
You hadn't even noticed the tears in your eyes as well as the relief in your heart. When was the last time you had a meal prepared when you got to Ramshackle? Or the times you had to wake up at night to drag more covers out because you forgot how cold it gets in this dorm? The actions Enma were doing were so little but after being alone for so long they meant everything to you.
Enma blinks when you tug down at his shoulder, pressing a kiss on his cheek that made his grip on the plate tight. You both pull back slowly, a smile on your face as you wipe some tears and pat his back twice.
"I'm good. Just...counting my lucky stars that you are here now. I kind of understand why everyone thought I was so lonely in this dorm."
He blushes at the compliment, putting the plate down and nodding. The two of you look away, realizing the rather intimate aura you had both created before you stretch your arms upwards and he goes right back to cleaning the plates.
"I'll take a shower like you said then. Do you want to go to the library after that? I'll show you the easiest way to find your textbooks for class."
"Let's do that. I'll be ready when you are."
You wave and walk out into the Lounge, grabbing your backpack and smiling as you take one last peek at your roommate. Your cheeks heat up as he catches you looking, waving at you with a smile before turning away as you quickly go up the stairs clutching the front of your chest.
Living with someone else...you didn't think it would be this emotionally exciting!
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twistedmusings · 3 years
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//So. Your writer just failed a statistics quiz *big* time because she didnt round up to a hundred correctly so I'm going to off on a bit of tangent as I talk about how much I love these kinds of tropes.//
IMAGINE WITH ME Ace and Deuce watching you and Yuuken talk about stuff your world has as they both kinda sit there flabbergasted that you two managed to become friends in almost an uncomfortable amount of time.
Ace: I can see what's happening.
Deuce: What?
Ace: And they don't have a clue.
Deuce: Who?
It's as if every time you and Yuuken are walking together you get this sudden 'lovey dovey couple' aura that nobody really dares to mess and Ace and Deuce don't even know how to walk along with the both of you because it truly does feel like the 'Can You Feel The Love Tonight' song won't stop playing when you two were together.
But let me raise you one better.
You and Malleus sang a song that his grandmother taught him a long time ago. About seeing someone in a dream. He doesn't say it but he truly thinks that song is for you and him.
So imagine his surprise when he finds you cleaning outside Ramshackle humming the tune, just cleaning the stairs as Grim pops up behind you with Yuuken's jacket. You laugh and grab the sleeves, spinning him around before wrapping the sleeves around you in a mock hug.
Finding the action endearing he was about to step in and grab your attention only to stop when he sees the new Ramshackle resident grab Grim by the back of the collar and pull him aside as he stepped in as your dancer partner, finishing the lyrics to the song as Malleus felt his heart nearly drop out of his chest.
How did he--?
"Yuuken!" you laugh and ask him how in the world he knew the song.
"I don't know...but I feel like I've known it for a while." he scratches the back of his neck with am embarassed smile as he holds out his hand for you to take again, "Maybe it's like you said. We sang it together...once upon a dream?"
The rather romantic moment is broken when a tree falls near Ramshackle's entrance, both of you looking up at how dark the sky had gotten and how...green...that lighting seemed to look.
Did...did the lighting just struck that tree?
Just...someone talk to me about how some of the third and second years wouldn't know how to handle your sudden and seemingly 'platonic' intimacy with Yuuken.
I want to see these boys panic at the sudden development of things q wq
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