#if it's bad don't tell me wah
ghost-proofbaby · 1 year
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twenty four hours (modern!eddie munson x fem!reader)
in which you never make it past the stairs.
→ tropes: enemies to lovers, forced proximity, slow burn
→ warnings: strong language, single use of 'Y/N', upside down does not exist, minors dni
→ wc: 5.4k+
spotify playlist.
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23:00 ──────────────ㅇ─ 24:00
“Be honest with me, Eddie. Do you like her?” 
Eddie feels pathetic when all he can do is hum in response to Nancy’s voice over the line, mind moving in slow motion as looks down at you. You’re here, in his apartment and curled up on his couch. You’re here, and you’re his for twenty four hours, if he can just stop fucking it all up. 
He should have known the hum wouldn’t satisfy his best friend.
“No. I want a real answer,” she scolds, and he can imagine her frustrated scowl she wears as he gives her nothing. But he just feels defeated – he’s at a loss for words right now, “Don’t over think it – do you really like her?”
No. No, I do not just like her. I fucking love her. And I really shouldn’t, but I do, and I can’t change that. 
“I… I think I do.” 
“I just said to not think about it. It’s a yes or no question, Munson. Don’t… Fine, don’t be honest with me. Be honest with yourself. So I’m going to ask you one last time, and I recommend you don’t think about it, because every time you do, it seems like all you do is push her further away. Do you, Edward Munson, like Y/N?” 
“I do. I really fuckin’ do.”
More than Nancy could understand. More than even he understands. He likes you, more than just in the sense of what Nancy was referring to. He likes you as a person. He likes the way you challenge him, that you won’t take his shit. He likes the way you keep up with him even if you are motivated by a fire of hatred he’d built with his own two hands. He likes the way you clearly care about people, evident with how you treat everyone else. He likes the way you never cease to surprise him. He just… likes everything about you. Every single part of you he has been gifted with witnessing even when he’s undeserving, he fucking adores.
He never stood a chance. From the moment he first met you in that bar, it was always going to end this way for Eddie. All you had to do was lay your eyes on him, and his fate was sealed.
So, yeah. Eddie Munson likes you. Eddie Munson loves you. 
You don’t even make it outside the apartment building.
You make it down the hallway, sniffling the entire way and ignoring the curious glances from the neighbor that walks past you. Clearly, the entire building must have heard your fight with Eddie. They probably even heard the debauchery you two had taken part in on his balcony beforehand. 
They probably think you’re insane. You don’t really care. 
Once you enter the stairwell, it all becomes a bit too much. Your head is spinning as you take a few of the steps before you give up, dropping down to sit on one and succumbing to the dizzying feeling with your head between your knees. It’s a lot – Eddie has given you a plethora of information, too much to be able to stomach all in one go but necessary to offer you all at once. 
He always loved you. He’d felt it too, that first night. All your blooms and all your vines hadn’t been what gave you away, but instead his own garden that had begun. And instead of tending to it as you had been prepared to with your own, he’d gone and drowned it. He’d taken away any glimpse of sunshine and cut off all nutrients, tried to starve the thing inside of him away and burn it with unnecessary hatred. 
It was all so unnecessary. So, so unnecessary. 
The girl you once were isn’t something of the past. You were foolish to believe there was any separation – between who you were the first night and now, between who Eddie was that night and who he was as you left him behind. You’re both still the same people, still in the same position. 
You never stopped looking for Eddie in every room you entered. You never stopped biting your tongue at the thought of starting a conversation with him, never stopped aching to reach out for him even as he filled the ocean between you two. Every single date you’d gone on after meeting him had been a flurry of excuses. 
No, not excuses. Comparisons.
Every single person that had shown you interest in the last year had been subjected to a side by side comparison to the man you couldn’t have. To the man you thought you’d held in the palms of your hands for a night, only to have it all taken away so suddenly. None of them drank whiskey and coke. None of them wore rings on their knuckles that they would fidget with when nervous. None of them reacted when you’d stumble beside them, none of them ever offered to foot the bills of the dates they took you on. And every time you noticed these insignificant details, you’d only think of moments with a certain long-haired metalhead. 
You’d spent a year convincing yourself that there was only bad. Spent a year ignoring that nagging in the back of your head, when Eddie had been the worst fucking actor you’d ever met. He was right – his affection had seeped out time and time again, had reached out and wrapped around you like a warm blanket. Most of the time, it was your irritation that led to any arguments turning into true fights. 
You weren’t innocent in this. The blame is shared. You’d both been victims, time and time again, of absolute self-destruction. 
When your phone rings, you indulge yourself in the hope that it’s Eddie. 
It’s Steve.
“What the fuck happened?” Steve cuts right to the chase, ignoring your greeting, “What the fuck does Eddie mean the bet is off?”
He’d called Steve. Obviously.
“It means the bet is off,” you feel a fresh wave of tears choke you up, “We didn’t last the full twenty four hours. We lost.”
Steve’s scoff echoes over the line, “You’re telling me that with not even two hours to spare, the two of you now find it to be a bit much? It’s been twenty two hours, nearly twenty three, what harm is there in a few mo-”
“A lot of harm, actually,” you cut him off this time, in no mood to be scolded like a child. None of them knew what had happened. None of them knew how everything had changed so drastically between you and Eddie, “I- I called it off. It was me. I’ll come up with the money for you guys, just give me a few weeks.” 
Do they know about Eddie’s feelings? Had you been the only one so oblivious to being caught up in a lie?
“Hold on, hold on,” Steve tries to soothe you, but it does nothing. When a sob escapes you, the dam finally breaking through, he grows even more panicked, “What the actual fuck happened?”
You don’t answer the question. “Can you come pick me up?” 
“I- Excuse me?”
“I need a ride,” you gasp out, swiping rapidly at your face to hide the evidence of your breakdown as you can hear someone walking up the stairs, “Can you- Christ, Harrington, can you just come pick me up?” 
More neighbors. More nosey glances. Fuck them. 
You almost think you heard Steve wrong. “What?”
“No, I will not be coming to pick you up.” 
Your chest is aching with every sob you withhold. Trying to cling to composure, trying to cling to the fact that the worst was over. The wound could heal. The wound had to heal. 
“Tell me what happened,” Steve demands, “Tell me what the fuck has happened over the last twenty something hours, and I’ll come pick you up. But if you don’t tell me, I’m tossing my fucking keys in the canal and you can be  stuck with him for the rest of your life for all I care.” 
And therein lies the issue. You don’t want to tell him. Suddenly, you’re something animalistic, the memories of the last twenty three hours becoming something of such substance to you that you wouldn’t dare to part with them. You want to hold each moment, each stepping stone along this rocky path, close to your chest and swipe out at anyone who gets too close. You need to cradle them with care and dissect each one for your own sanity, picking apart all the times you were too blind to see the truth. 
You make your decision. The animal inside of you, hiding amongst vines of affection and blooms of hope, decides. “I can’t.” 
“You can’t, or you won’t?” 
You both know the clear distinction, and you can’t be bothered to care as your breathing finally evens, the sobs settling themselves down.
“I won’t.” 
It’s quiet for a while until you hear Steve finally laugh in disbelief. A sharp breath out at first, that grows more into a chuckle that you know pairs with him shaking his head.
“Jesus,” he whispers, “I… okay. I get it. I don’t know what the Hell went down, and I won’t force you to give me a play by play,” he pauses, and you can hear the but before he even says it. It stretches over that pregnant pause, silence only broken up by static from the phone line until he speaks again, “But you’ve got to give me something to work with here. Eddie randomly texts me that the bet is off and to tell the others, and then I call you just for you to start sobbing-“
“He only texted you?” you interrupt the plea, brows furrowing, “He just… He texted you and no one else? Did he call Nancy?” 
“What? No. I’m the only one who’s heard anything from him.” 
You stare at the wall across from you, gaze digging right into one of the cracks filled with dust.
Fuck it.
“He told me he loves me, Steve,” you begin to open up, prying that memory from the claws of the animal. It doesn’t go down without a fight, screeching as you say the words, protesting offering even the smallest of breadcrumbs to your friend. You don’t have to tell Steve everything — but you can tell him this. “He said he never really hated me, and that he loves me.” 
There’s nothing for Steve to say. You don’t know if it’s because they all really did know, saw what you couldn’t, or maybe if Eddie had already admitted this to the others. But in his honesty, he’d only mentioned Nancy knowing. And you’d seen the twist of his lips, the pinch of his eyes during that recount; you doubt anyone else knows. 
He’d been prepared to take this secret to the grave. To keep it, even from you.
“I liked him,” you admit in that quiet stairwell, almost forgetting Steve was on the other end of the line, “God, I- I just liked him so much that first night. I wanted to waste all my time getting to know him. I know you all saw it after he went cold.” 
How I searched for him in every room. How I’d always ask if he would be at functions. How I’d gravitate straight to him on the rare occasions he was there. 
You continue on, your animal within finally stopping its petulant protests. It seems to understand; there’s a balance to be found. Admitting this doesn’t mean losing Eddie. It could mean more, “Even when he started being a fucking asshole, I wanted him. I always thought I’d just get him out of my system one of these days, but I didn’t. Not even after tonight. I… I like him.” 
It’s not love. Not quite what Eddie had felt, because his plan had worked to some extent. You’d been held at an arm's length for so long, the like never had the chance to grow into love. 
“So go get him.” 
It’s the last thing you expected from Steve. “What?” 
“You like him. Present tense,” he parrots your words back to you with emphasis, “So go get him. You said he loves you, kid. And sure, there’s a lot to work through there, but the bet isn’t off yet. Texts can be deleted. I can take a few hours to come get you. Just…” you listen to his deep breath over the phone, letting his words settle within you, “What’s the worst that can happen? You guys hate each other? I think we’re a little past that now.” 
“Yeah,” you find yourself laughing, only half amused, “We are kind of past that.” 
What is the worst that can happen? 
“At the very least, tell him how you feel,” Steve continues on in such a calming tone, your chest clenches, “Because I’m sensing that you haven’t. Or else you wouldn’t be sitting on the phone crying to me, and Munson wouldn’t be impulsively texting me.” 
“It wasn’t that impulsive,” you hum, leaning your cheek against the cool railing beside you, still mulling over your options. Really, option. Singular. “I made it very clear that it was over.” 
Steve lets out a groan, and you smile despite yourself, “You sound like you just broke up with the poor dude without ever even dating.” 
“I kind of did.” 
“Then go fix it!” Steve’s exclamation makes you lift your head again, “He’s an asshole, okay? We can agree on that. He’s fucking dumb, and he’s an asshole, and he definitely isn’t some dreamboat in my opinion-“
“You know, I have a bone to pick with you there,” you’re already standing up, heading inclined towards the door you had just burst through, feet heavy as you try to dig within yourself for just a little bit of bravery, “Why the fuck would you say what you did that night? When I met him. You told him I’d never go for him.” 
“I didn’t think you would. I mean, you didn’t jump my bones when you met me, and I am a goddamn dream boat.” 
“Steve Harrington,” you take the first step, suddenly determined, “You’re a fucking idiot. I kind of hate you right now.” 
“More than you hate Eddie?” 
“So much more.” 
“Then go tell him that,”  Steve instructs as you take a few more steps, back up on the platform for Eddie’s floor already, “Make me the bad guy, I don’t care. Tell him he even gets a free punch.”
“I get a free punch first,” your free hand reaches out to grab the door, gripping but not pulling. Not yet, “We’ll see if you’re still such a dreamboat with a broken nose.” 
It’s all teasing, but Steve can tell your anger beneath it all is very real. It isn’t something all consuming or dangerous, but it is well deserved for what he’d put you and Eddie through. All with one little throwaway comment. 
“I deserve that,” he affirms, “I really, really deserve that. Scout’s honor that you’ll get your punch when I pick you up in… say, an hour?” 
You nod, and start to pull on the door, “See you in an hour, Harrington.” 
You hang up before he can say another word. There’ll be time for more scolding later, for more genuine conversation at the hand everyone had in all that went wrong. But for now, you only have one boy on your mind. 
And apparently, he’s in love with you. Has been for a long time.
You race down that hallway faster than you had when you’d left, determination throwing you forward with each step as you grow closer to apartment 2C. You raise your fist when you come face to face with Eddie’s front door, still terribly insistent and strangely brave, when suddenly — it opens up.
“I-“ you squeak out, fist still frozen and poised in the air. 
Eddie has never looked more frazzled. He’d been clearly running his hands through his curls, frizzing them up nearly comically. His eyes are red from tears, and if you look close enough, you can see an indent in his bottom lip from his teeth digging in.
Your eyes meet his, and all he can do is sigh your name. 
You take a few steps back, and he follows. You tell yourself you need the distance, because without it, you might throw caution to the wind and just kiss him again. That’s not what you came here to do – before you can ever kiss him again, before you can put not only yourself but him through that, you need to tell him. 
Your heart is ready to burst out of your chest, and you repeat Steve’s words over and over in your mind.
So go get him.
What’s the worst that can happen?
“I thought you were leaving.” 
His voice is a broken whisper, gravely from the tears he’s no doubt been succumbing to since your exit. You search his face for any sign that he might still be far away from you, still in his head, but all you can see is that he’s here. 
He’s here, with you, in this moment. 
“I never made it down the stairs,” your voice cracks terribly, croaky and shaking until you clear your throat, “I- Steve called me.” 
“I texted him. To let him know the bet is off.” 
“I know.” 
It’s awkward, but without ice. It’d be impossible not to be, even when every glance into his eyes just fills you with warmth.
There will be time to be angry later. With Steve, and with Eddie. One day, you’ll spare the time to mull over the way he continued to treat you even after his own personal revelation of how he loved you. You should pay more attention to it now, but every time your mind tries to go there, it just becomes overcast with what’s happened on this night. 
You can’t erase the past. Good or bad. Both exist, and both fuel you as you take one more step back and support yourself against the wall across from his door, just as you had when you’d first arrived twenty three hours before. 
Eddie takes several deep breaths before he follows you. You don’t have to say a word out loud; he’s completely in tune with you as he leaves his front door wide open and walks to stand beside you. Only then, when you’re both on the same side of the hallway, do you both slide down to sit on the floor. 
“We need to talk,” you sigh, watching the way your knee knocks into his. Gentle brushes, soft touches. There’s no room for any thorns here. Your vines have wrapped their way around not just you, but him as well, and there’s far too many flowers thriving along them to even think of such dangerous pricks to linger, “I know what I said. I know that I left. But…” But I can’t stay gone. I can’t let it end like this. I can’t do it, not like this. “I never made it past the stairs.” 
His shoulder bumps yours, forces you to look at him as he offers a sad smile. He can tell you're nervous, can tell that you’re the one who’s slipping away into their mind now. 
“Hey,” he says softly, “It’s just you and me. Just two people who hate each other’s guts, remember?” 
“Except we never did,” you remind him, finally looking down to pick at the frays of your jeans, “We never hated each other’s guts. And that’s… the issue? Maybe not issue. It’s not a problem to be solved. But, you were honest with me, and I think I need to be honest back.” 
I need to say more than just no.
“I like you, Eddie,” you finally spit out, craving relief from the admission. But it won’t come, not quite yet. Not until he hears your full truth, “I liked you from that very first night. I just- when I was in this room full of people I didn’t know, not well enough at least, you took one look at me and decided that you’d sit by my side. You’d be my friend. I don’t care how the night ended and I don’t care that you went back on your gut reaction,” you take a sharp breath, and finally relief finds you as you whisper, “You chose me. That very first night, you chose me. And I want to figure out how to get back to that, not pretending to hate each other.” 
You hold no expectations for how Eddie will react, especially given that your confession was seemingly less monumental than his, but his hand coming down on your knee surprises you all the same. 
“I’m sorry,” he apologizes, and you believe it. There’s no hesitation in your belief this time. It goes without saying that you know he’ll probably spend the rest of his life sorry, trying to make up for the last year. 
You decide to put your hand over his, let your palm press into those knuckles before you move to slip your fingers between his, “I don’t want things to go back to normal. I just want us to be able to start over.” 
You catch his smile out the corner of your eye, “Yeah? That’d be pretty nice. Maybe this time I won’t be such a dick.” 
“And maybe this time I won’t throw a glass at your head,” you add, leaning into him a little, feeling his grip on your knee tighten with affection.
He shakes his head briefly before throwing it back against the wall, “I deserved that. When I deserve it, you are always welcome to throw a glass at my head.” 
“That’s an expensive way to deal with things.” 
“We’ll get the glasses from Goodwill.” 
Both of you are softly laughing when your head meets his shoulder. You should probably be talking more properly, but you don’t. You decide to just enjoy this time with him. You have an hour left.
When the door to the right of Eddie’s opens up, you both straighten up a bit, and you watch in real time as the embarrassed blush lights up across Eddie’s cheeks at the sight of his neighbor — Mr. Jenkins.
He pauses, and God you wish he hadn’t, because now your insides are turning with your own self-consciousness. He takes in the sight of you two, sitting out in the apartment building hallway, hands entertained and heads leaning on one another, and then he chuckles.
“Good. Glad you two kids figured it out. Now please, for the love of God, keep those activities private. Indoors. No more balconies.” 
Eddie has burned past pink, now a brilliant red. You’re surprised when a soft giggle escapes you, the ridiculousness of everything that has happened finally hitting you. Eddie turns his head to look at you with wild eyes, a silent scream of traitor before he faces the elderly man again.
He clears his throat, “Right. Uh, of course. Sorry, Mr. Jenkins.”
He grumbles a bit as he turns away from you two, still smiling as you can hear the faint “Yeah, yeah,” of his words.
The moment you two are alone again, you can’t help it — you burst into laughter.
Genuine and much needed laughter fills your lungs, expanding them beyond capacity as you finally let yourself just let go of the night. All the fights, all the stress, all the misunderstandings, and all the honesty seem to melt like butter from you, the tension leaving your soldiers for the first time in what feels like hours. You like him, you like him, you like him. No matter what happens after this, you like him. Just as you had that first night. Nothing can really take that from you; all the miniscule details can be worked out later. Any arguments and any fights that need to be had can be handled tomorrow. For today, you like Eddie Munson, and that’s enough.
“It’s not funny!” 
“Oh, it’s fucking hilarious,” you gasp out as Eddie gently slaps your shoulder, “That poor old man fully saw your dick.” 
“I’ll never be able to face him again,” Eddie deadpans. You don’t catch his adoring smile as you only laugh harder, “I’ll never be able to know peace in these halls again.”
You quiet down your giggles, taking your hand from his to swipe at the tears of joy that had gathered. Your stomach aches in the best way, finally, “Should’ve kept it in your pants, Munson.” 
“Says the minx.” 
It’s nice. Just as you had thought — there would be a time to laugh about it. And now, as your temple falls back against Eddie’s t-shirt and he snakes an arm around your back, is the best moment you can think of. 
The two of you let silence settle again. All you can hear is the other’s breathing, deep and calm and assured breaths that don’t whisper of any secrets or any panic. It’s peaceful; it’s absolute bliss. 
“God, I need a nap,” Eddie mumbles as he trails a finger in an insistent circle over your shoulder. Gentle and feathery light, repetitive enough to almost lull you to sleep, “How do other people do this shit?”
“I don’t know, but a nap sounds heavenly,” you nearly moan. You can picture it now, wrapping up in your usually mediocre comforter back in your dorm room, and your uncomfortable mattress has never been more romanticized.
Eddie stares at his open door for a second, thinking, “Is, uh, Harrington coming to get you?” 
You only nod against his shoulder.
“Did he tell the others that the bet is- or was- or-“
“No,” you laugh as he fumbles over the specifics, “He never told the others. As far as they know… We made it.” 
Eddie sighs in relief, “Oh, thank God. I did not want to have to pay any of those fuckers.” 
“They never would have let us live that down.” 
Another lapse of silence. There’s times where you think Eddie might get up, might hold out his hand for you to take and drag you into his apartment again. Maybe try and let you two squeeze one last nap in, considering the way you’re already half unconscious on his shoulder. But he never does. The two of you sit in the comforting silence of that hallway, backs pressed to the wall and bodies leaning into each other’s gravitational pull. 
Getting him was never really about having another hard conversation. Just making sure he knew that his feelings were returned, to remind him of the change that had happened within you over these last twenty three hours, was plenty enough for you. 
“Hey,” Eddie whispers. Neither of you have a clock, but you can both feel the time running out, “I, uh, want to say one last thing before this is all… over.” 
“What’s up?” you mumble into the material of his t-shirt. The one that your nose nearly turns and buries into, trying to enjoy that last bit of boy that has lingered after him since the beginning of the night. 
“I need you to know I didn’t tell you everything just for this to happen,” he begins to explain, “Like, I never loved you with the intent of being loved. I actually love you without ever expecting you to reciprocate, whether it’s embarrassingly admitting you have a crush on me-” one of your hands limply comes up to hit at his chest in a pathetic lack of strength, which makes him pause to chuckle, “-or if you came back here and said that you were… like, wildly in love with me. Or you could have even said you never really want to see me again. That was never the point.”
“What if I came back just to say I forgot something? Like, ‘oh, hey, I just forgot my chapstick’?” you’re nearly slurring your words in fatigue, but still smile at the thought of doing that just to fuck with him. 
“I’d probably lie and say that there’s not a single tube of chapstick in that apartment,” he admits, his palm now just cupping your shoulder, drinking in the privilege of touching and holding you this way as he gives it a squeeze, “And then I would have shut the door, and started searching like a mad man for that fucking chapstick, and never would have told you once I found it.” 
You snort, “Keeping my chapstick? Pervert.” 
You shift your head to just barely peer up at him, and you see those fucking dimples. You can’t believe there was a time where you didn’t notice those. 
“I’m serious, though,” he lets his smile falter just a bit, but those innocent indents don’t, “You could still say the word, tell me you don’t mean it and you don’t even like me in the slightest, and it’d be fine. No hard feelings, truly.” 
He’d just succumb to the terrible fight he’d been running from this entire time. From the moment he had met you. He’d succumb to his worst fear and let himself burn for you, even if you didn’t burn with him. 
“Stop being such a fucking idiot,” you chastize as you lift your head from his should. His arm remains around you, not even slipping, “Stop trying to talk me out of liking you. It’s done – I like you. End of story.” 
His smile turns into something sad for a second, something almost sour, before it really does fall completely. Only the ghosts of those dimples remain for a moment in your memory. Suddenly, you get what he means. He isn’t trying to deter you, only remind you of what you need to consider.
It’s not just another moment of insecurity. 
You probably should be putting up more of a fight. All the damage done, both tonight and in the last year, can’t really be erased in the matter of an hour. It’s a whisper of it’s okay to take time to heal, a true white flag of surrender being waved from across his ocean. 
Vines, oceans, fires, glass walls – all of the metaphors have finally turned trivial. 
“I might need time,” you give in just a little bit, knowing it’s for the best, “I… I mean, everything can’t really change so quickly. Maybe we give it a few days. A few weeks, if we have to. We…” 
“Just spent twenty four hours together, and could use the time apart?” he ends your sentence for you in a joking tone, but you both know it’s true. 
The time apart would not only do you well, but answer the burning question on both your minds – does this last past tonight? 
Right now, you’re sure it does. But it’s possible you’ll return to your dorm room, that Eddie will spend some time in his apartment without you hovering around every corner, and that it could change. That is entirely possible. 
It’s something you almost need to mentally prepare yourself for. 
“Yeah,” you rasp out, almost choked back up at the reality of it all. You blame it on the lack of sleep, “Yeah, we could probably use some time apart.” 
Saying it out loud goes against every gut instinct you have. 
“Yep,” Eddie almost seems to also be gritting those words out, tongue almost more stubborn than yours, “Time apart. Just to think. Not… uh, not forever. Not unless we decide it needs to be.” 
You sound like you just broke up with the poor dude without ever even dating.
How many couples have had this exact conversation? How many have promised temporary time apart, only to never see each other again? 
It strikes a little bit of childish fear in you, but Eddie’s arm is still warm and heavy around your back, his palm rubbing up and down along your bicep as if he can sense all that doubt that you battle with. 
It’s okay. Leaving for now is not leaving forever. Besides, you once lived a life without Eddie Munson in it. You can live that once more, if needed.
You like him. You liked him that first night, and you like him now. You like to enter rooms and know his eyes seek you out, you like to know that every time he crosses your mind that there’s a possibility that you’re also plaguing his thoughts. Time, distance, and hatred have never been able to change that.
“I-” you start to say, more vulnerability metallic on your tongue and more honesty poised for his taking, when you’re both cut off by a familiar figure coming down the hallway. 
It’s not a neighbor, not another set of judgmental eyes. 
“Hey there, love birds. Glad to see you didn’t kill each other.”
taglist: @catherinnn @haylaansmi @gaysludge @paprikaquinn @manda-panda-monium @audhd-dragonaut @blushingquincy @hellkaisersangel @eddieslittlewh0re @ajkamins @prettyboy200 @munsonzzgf @blue-eyed-lion @digwhatudug @madaboutjoe @wickedslashdivine @sweet-villain @somespicystuff @big-ope-vibes @jadequeen88 @sylviin @emma77645 @notbeforelong @lolalanaie @lo-siento-ama @happy-and-alone @micheledawn1975 @aysheashea @moon-huny @munsonswrld @bambipowerblueaddition @averagestudent03 @bakugouswh0r3 @mattefic @mxcheese @bietchz @nativity-in-black @stezzil @vngelis @coley0823 @folklorebau @luvmunson86 @theherothesavior @keene200213 @hargrovesswifee @m-chmcl-rmnc @cherrymedicine13 @iunaelumen777
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suffercerebral · 4 months
me having gone to bed at 6 am every day for the past week and generally spiraling mentally while rotting in bed waking up this morning: a 4 mile hike in the heat is a really good idea right now, and while we're at it let's start like 3 art projects
#maybe my mom was onto something all these years telling me i'm bipolar#no i don't think i am but i do technically have a bpd diagnosis so like. mood swings up the fucking wazoo are not new#but i am not one to be like 'exercise will fix me'#i've also just come to terms recently with the fact that i didn't kill myself already so might as well start thinking of the long term#so not being in constant pain when im older is something im actually thinking of now#so like. gotta move more which i was doing during this semester! walking like 3 miles a day which didn't help brain but#it's gotta be good for you anyway even if i don't get the endorphins everyone says you get when working out#that's neverrrr been me bc also chronic illness w exercise intolerance#so it's like. wah i have a desire to move my body more and know it's beneficial#but chronic illness + mental illness + trying not to think about exercise in terms of weight loss bc i'm trying not to make that the goal#although certainly wouldn't be mad if that was the result but if i prioritize it over just overall health it's gonna make me obsessive#i'm saying a lot of words. i have no one to really talk to so i once again come to tumblr as a public diary#ANYWAY. trying to find balance with wanting to exercise for overall well-being but dealing with other factors like chronic illness#which has actually been under the most control it's been in years i barely even consider myself (physicslly) disabled these days#and also balancing the fact that while my disordered eating has never recovered and i still have extremely bad relationship with myself#im in a relatively better place with that. i'm not starving myself and im not going through binge/purge cycles#but my relationship with food and eating is still very much unhealthy#and i don't think that will ever really change bc it's so ingrained in the everything about me#i don't really know what i'm talking ahout anymore or what prompted this#i can't simply just say 'i'm gonna go for a hike today' and be normal about. always gotta psycho analyze myself#im in a very weird stage in my life where i feel like i have control over nothing and i barely even exist in my own body#im just like a cacophony of voices trapped inside a meat suit but im not in the drivers seat im stuffed in the trunk and tied up#and the guy driving is an old blind mind who should have lost his license his ass is NOT road safe!#so it's like i have all these ideas and desires and feelings and ahh!! but hey i'm locked up here let me out please#and also the state of the world. so bleak and hopeless and paralyzing that i've just kind of shut my feelings off so i'm rapidly switching#between numbness and overwhelming agony#what the fuck am i talking about
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bitterkarella · 5 months
Midnight Pals: Mothers day Meltdown
[mysterious circle of robed figures] JK Rowling: hello children Rowling: I was just thinking about how transs people should be eliminated from ssociety Jonathan Chait: whoa whoa whoa! joanne! Chait: you can't say it like THAT Chait: so uncouth Chait: you have to say it with your pinky finger extended
Elon Musk: si! issa no good! Musk: issa too mucha trans genocide Musk: you shoulda only post the right amount offa da trans geocide Musk: lookita me, i lika da trans genocide Musk: but i also like many other genocides Rowling: oh MY GOD Rowling: my empire is crumbling!
Chait: we're not saying you can't still be transphobic Chait: you just have to, you know, cool it a bit Chait: be genteel about it Jesse Singal: mommy mommy i have concerns mommy! Chait: see? just like that
Chait: maybe put a little disclaimer Chait: "this transphobia is for entertainment purposes only" Rowling: do you not know who I am?? I'm JK Rowling! Rowling: JK FUCKING ROWLING!!! Rowling: I MADE YOUR CHILDHOOD MAGICAL!
Rowling: no one tellss me to cool it! Rowling: i own the courtss! Chait: joanne Rowling: and another thing!!! Rowling: SSTOP CALLING ME JOANNE!
[midnight society] JK Rowling: hello children Barker: oh look who it is Barker: what are you doing here joanne? Barker: did your terfs tell you to cool it again? Rowling: Rowling: why doess everyone call me joanne
Rowling: i'm extremely mad about thiss transs football referee Barker: what? Rowling: this transs football referee Barker: Barker: what?
Rowling: there's a transs football referee and i'm really mad about it! Rowling: what, haven't you heard? Barker: joanne, why are you here Rowling: and another thing! Rowling: sstop calling me joanne!!
Rowling: people are alwayss all "joanne this" and joanne that! Rowling: wah wah wah joanne joanne joanne! Barker: do you not like your name Barker: you could change it Poe: clive Poe: just let her tire herself out Barker: no no I've got something here
Rowling: people are alwayss "oh wah wah wah joanne, how can you ssay that! your bookss are all about tolerance and love wah wah wah!" Rowling: bitch i think i know what my booksss are about! Rowling: i fuckin wrote them after all!
Rowling: blah blah blah ohh joanne Rowling: i hate when people call me joanne!! Rowling: they should fear to say my true name! Barker: oh damn look at that Barker: looks like we're having a good ol' fashioned mothers day meltdown Poe: clive don't encourage this
King: but joanne! how can you say that? King: after all the lessons of harry potter? King: you made our childhoods magical!
Rowling: people are all "blah blah blah joanne how can you like naziss now when you ssaid they were bad in harry potter" Rowling: first of all, harry potter iss fiction! Rowling: secondly, the death eaters are actually a ssinister coalition of evil transs, sspooniess, fat people, free masonss, and diane duane Rowling: always have been! Rowling: thiss iss NOT a retcon!
Rowling: that sshould be obviouss if you've read the book Rowling: UNLESSS Rowling: you're a fake potterhead, ssteve King: no of course not! i love harry potter
Rowling: DO YOU Rowling: perhaps then Rowling: you would be willing to take a blood oath to the dark lord Rowling: to belong to the dark lord body and ssoul Rowling: who is always correct King: i uh don't think i'm going to take that oath, sorry Rowling: UGH! Rowling: this is just like Radcliffe all over again!
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evilminji · 1 year
You know what? I just had A Thought(tm)~☆
Danny. Our bby boy. MINDING HIS BUSINESS. Maybe visiting one of his buddies in the Realms after he graduates. When he just?? Get full on tackled from the sky.
And like?
THIS hasn't happened in a bit. Not since he's become king. Legit, no one dares. He's honestly kinda missed it. Alright, square up... Mr. Uuuuuh.... Who are you?
And it's this barely formed New Ghost. Still in that glitch-y goopy blob phase and everything. Is Baby. Why... why does this infant Want To Fight God? I mean. He Respects It(tm), no lie, but? Not exactly usual for him?
And it turns out? This dude is some rando hero. He basicly JUST died. By all rights SHOULD be resting and gathering his strength to Form Right. But he's so worried for his team mates and everyone else he CAN'T. Recognized a fellow Hero's Costume even at a distance.
Please. PLEASE! You have to help him! We have to WARN everybody!
And Danny is just? Oh no. This Actual Infant Baby is gonna Anxiety himself to Actual Second Death at this rate. Yes! Sure! Just CALM DOWN! Anything you need buddy! BREATHE.
And this dude? Who died? Is legit a minor player who got WAY too deep but refused to abandoned People In Need(tm). It happens. It HURTS. But he saved a LOT of lives before he went down. Him and his team were just some Minor Heros from Belarus. How they ended up in deep space? Even THEY couldn't tell you.
They couldn't even bring him home.
He forgives them.
He could NEVER blame his friends. Not for this. The planet is in danger. Some... some THING. An invasion. The League has to be made aware. He DIED helping a planet try to evacuate all that they could. He... at least he...
He can't remember if the Eggs got out. They... they're like babies. A whole room full of toddlers who couldn't run. They had to de-connect from the main building to lift it out. He can't... can't...
He saved them... right? Held on.. long enough? Why can't he.. he...
Danny has to make him focus be for the kid spirals. Don't think of your last moments. Purpose. You NEED to do something right now, right?
Right! The League! We gotta warn them! And... okay. Danny can totally do that. (What LEAGUE??!) He DEFINITELY knows who you are talking about and will tell them Right Away. YOU however are gonna rest up.
So he leaves the kiddo with Lunch Lady. Mother and Frightening Matriarch Extraordinaire. Lunch Box promises to SIT on him if he tries to sneak off. Good kid. Now eat your soup before you BECOME soup.
Time to bully the eyeballs. Whoms't the F*ck is this "league"? And where does he find it? Talk. He has sand and he's not afraid to use it. Don't MAKE him get out the pepper grinder! Yeah. That's what he THOUGHT.
After much, prolonged and unnecessary, whining and dramatic threatening... he gets a printed out map. Cheapskates even used flimsy paper. He gets there. Jaunt is even kinda nice. He says hi to a few folks he hasn't seen in a while.
Opens a portal.
Steps out.
Gets punched in the face. RUDE! He punches the flying blue man back. Dents their wall. Not even a LITTLE sorry about that now! See if HE does you a favor aga-... is that his Ex? John?
John! Constantine you B@STARD. YOU OWE ME 20 BUCKS. *Ten different hands slap a twenty on the table at his feet, including Constantine. Who is refusing to look at anybody.* Well, okay then. Debt payed. Gonna buy himself a shake or something, after this.
ANYWAY~ Good News Or Bad News?
He is met with silence. It's like they've never seen an ethereal, giant, glowing man with a suit that looks like a cut out of the night sky, step out of an eye searing rip in reality before. Man they're lives must be boring. But frankly? Danny can wait. It's not HIS reality that's gonna get messed up. He can take care of it if the wanna be Wah Babies. Good News or Bad News??? Pick one.
He sits back in the air and waits.
@stealingyourbones @cyrwrites
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strljaem · 5 months
“i want my wisdom tooth back”
“ah wah ma wizum toof bah”
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It was early Saturday morning, and I was sweating buckets in the passenger seat of Jaemin's car. Jaemin glanced at me as we stopped at a red light, his hand finding mine. "It's gonna be fine," he said, squeezing my hand gently. "You're just having your wisdom teeth out, it's not like they're removing your actual wisdom."
I didn't laugh at his joke, which probably scared him a little, but I was too nervous to even smile. I was about to have two wisdom teeth pulled, and the thought of sharp objects in my mouth was not my idea of a fun weekend. Jaemin drove on, his soothing voice trying to calm me down with stories about the latest drama in his gaming guild. I think he even mentioned something about his cat getting stuck in a shoebox, but I was too focused on the upcoming appointment to really pay attention.
The dentist's office was everything you'd expect: sterile, white, and full of equipment that looked like medieval torture devices. Jaemin led me to the front counter, where a cheerful nurse with glasses perched on her nose asked for my name. I squeaked out my name, and she nodded, telling us to take a seat and wait for my name to be called.
I sat down on a hard plastic chair, clutching Jaemin's hand like it was my only lifeline. He caressed my fingers and smiled at me, his grin warm and reassuring. "You're doing great," he said. "Just remember to breathe. In through the nose, out through the mouth."
It wasn't long before the doctor called my name. Jaemin and I stood up together, and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we walked into the treatment room. The doctor was a tall man with a big smile. He looked at Jaemin and then at me. "Is he your boyfriend?" he asked, grinning.
"Yes," I replied, my voice trembling.
The doctor chuckled and gestured for me to sit in the dentist's chair. "Don't worry, you're in good hands," he said, motioning for me to lean back. The nurse came in, and they began to prepare for the procedure. There was some kind of mask, a lot of beeping equipment, and a tray full of shiny, terrifying tools. I was having second thoughts about this whole thing, but Jaemin was standing right beside me, holding my hand and rubbing small circles on the back of it with his thumb.
The doctor adjusted the mask over my nose and mouth and said, "This is just laughing gas. You'll be asleep for a bit, and when you wake up, it'll all be over." I nodded, trying to stay calm as the gas started to take effect. Jaemin pulled out his phone and started recording, which, looking back, was a little mean, but hey, it's not every day you get to see your significant other on laughing gas.
Everything started to get a little fuzzy, and the last thing I saw before I fell asleep was Jaemin's reassuring smile.
I don't know how long I was out, but when I woke up, I felt like I was on a cloud made of cotton candy. Jaemin was still there, holding my hand and watching me with a smirk on his face. I tried to sit up, but the room spun, and I fell back into the chair.
"Where am I?" I asked, my voice all slurred and groggy.
Jaemin chuckled. "You're at the dentist. You just had your wisdom teeth out, remember?"
I blinked at him, my eyes heavy and unfocused. "You're so handsome," I said, my voice dreamy and totally without a filter.
The doctor and nurse laughed, and Jaemin just shook his head, his cheeks turning a little red. "Thanks," he said, helping me to sit up carefully. "Let's get you to the car, sleepyhead."
He walked me out to the parking lot, his arm around my waist to keep me steady. I was still in a daze, but at least I had my handsome boyfriend to guide me. He helped me into the car, buckled my seatbelt, and gave me a kiss on the forehead.
"See? That wasn't so bad," he said as he started the car.
I groaned, my mouth feeling like it was stuffed with cotton balls. "I need a smoothie," I mumbled.
Jaemin grinned. "Smoothie it is," he said, and off we went, my wisdom teeth somewhere in a biohazard bag, but my heart firmly in the hands of the sweetest boyfriend ever.
Jaemin drove carefully out of the parking lot, glancing over at me every few moments to make sure I wasn't about to topple over. My head was lolling a bit, and my cheeks were swollen like a chipmunk's. The gauze in my mouth felt weird, and my brain was still foggy from the anesthesia.
As we turned onto the main road, I suddenly had a thought. It seemed important, like one of those random ideas that feels like a breakthrough even though it's completely silly. I turned to Jaemin, my words garbled and slow because of the gauze.
"I want my wisdom tooth back," I mumbled, trying to sound serious, but it came out more like, "Ah wah ma wizum toof bah."
Jaemin looked at me, puzzled at first, then he burst out laughing. "What?" he asked, shaking his head. "What are you going to do with your wisdom tooth?"
I tried to explain, but the gauze and the anesthetic made everything difficult. "I... I just want it... you know, like a trophy," I slurred, feeling oddly proud of the idea.
Jaemin was still laughing, his eyes crinkled at the corners. "I'm pretty sure the dentist keeps those," he said, patting my shoulder. "Trust me, you don't want it back."
I groaned, feeling a bit disappointed. "But... but... it's mine," I insisted, though it sounded more like, "Bah... bah... izz mine."
Jaemin just laughed harder, his hand squeezing my shoulder as he drove. "We'll get you a nice smoothie, how about that? It's way better than a bloody tooth."
I grumbled something unintelligible, but even in my dazed state, I could tell his laughter was infectious. The rest of the drive was filled with Jaemin chuckling at my silly, half-conscious remarks about reclaiming my wisdom tooth, while I occasionally moaned in exaggerated despair.
In the end, I might not have gotten my tooth back, but I definitely got the best care and a whole lot of laughter from the sweetest guy I knew. Maybe I'd settle for a smoothie and some ice cream, as long as Jaemin was there to share them with me.
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neroushalvaus · 10 months
Tumblr in the 60s – deleted posts
Some people requested a sequel to this post so I thought I'd post these drafts that didn't make it to the original. Maybe doing more at some point if the inspiration hits me but I hope these bring you some joy.
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🚀 starrfleet Follow
HEY GUYS!! We're buying The Beatles so John and Paul can finally get together!! Who's in
🎹 nixonsafascist Follow
Call that... Beatles for Sale
🚀 starrfleet Follow
Dude this is serious. We want to free them. Why is homophobia so very funny to you?
🎶 mclennstarrison Follow
Didn't The Beatles start managing themselves after Mr Epstein died? So you plan to buy them... From themselves?
🚀 starrfleet Follow
Oh so the george harrison vampire mpreg blog is going to preach to us now.
92 notes
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📻 lesbianbobdylan Follow
"Let men have short hair!!" "It's okay to not agree with the civil rights folk" "Don't let tumblr tell you that serving your country is bad" You are all so chronically online and convinced your little hippie bubble represents the world that you have the worst takes. Conservatism is alive and well, us hippies are the fucking minority. The outside world is perfectly okay with all the anti-mlk short-haired men who are happily getting drafted. You are not counterculture.
15,5 t. notes
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☁️ ankin-vaimo Follow
Tumblr is so US/UK centric. Scrolling through this site you'd think there were no other tv shows than star trek and no other bands than the monkees and that the stonewall riots were the only meaningful political activism that has ever happened. There's so much great culture elsewhere. I bet you have never even heard of Tapani Kansa.
🇻🇳 shirellesofficial
#shhh don't tell Tumblr that other countries exist #they couldn't even admit Please Mr. Postman was originated by black women (tags via @marvelettesofficial)
peer reviewed tags
#sorry for going through your tumblr marvelettesofficial #you're just so funny #hope i'm not annoying you
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🌼 andpeoplesaywebeatlearound Follow
People really like to pretend us Beatles girlies hate Y*ko for being asian and a woman like she didn't literally make John cheat on his wife and leave his young son
🪕 prostitutesandlesbians Follow
don't talk like us beatles girlies are all the same, i personally want to fuck her on a canvas while we're both covered in menstrual blood, creating modern art by making love
✝️ jesusrevolution Follow
Op is this you? ↓
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🎶 mclennstarrison Follow
Also like, "made John cheat on his wife and leave his young son", did John himself have nothing to do with that decision or..?
🪕 prostitutesandlesbians Follow
do you guys think she and john do mommy play
🎶 mclennstarrison Follow
I appreciate the input @prostitutesandlesbians but we're trying to call the op out for being a racist misogynist
🪕 prostitutesandlesbians Follow
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🤪 thekinkykinks Follow
Why is there even discourse about this... Yeah, the folks at Stonewall could have been more respectful towards the police officers who were just doing their jobs, but why are we acting like throwing some pennies at the police officers and calling them "Lily Law" is the worst type of oppression
🥿 trustnobutch Follow
You know what? No. Fuck you. I'm tired of you all talking about these people like they were your poor little meow meows. Have you read about this at all? The raid did not happen because the police "hates gay people wah wah". Stonewall Inn was run by the mob. The. Fucking. Mob. Would you rather have the police not protecting us from criminals, huh??? And the rioters were nothing but a bunch of attention seekers. I heard that a guy from the fucking Mattachine Society phoned newspapers and took pictures of the riot. I'm so disappointed, that was the only gay group that seemed to care about looking respectable in the eyes of the heterosexuals. People who were there made us all look bad and set our movement back like 50 years. Fuck you for supporting them.
🍊 kissmemissoklaholma Follow
Yeah. I heard someone threw a brick.
✌ draftdodgerdyke
??? Nobody threw bricks, where the fuck do you get your information ??
#they should have tho #chilling at the stockholm airport finding the weirdest takes
998 notes
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🧸 teddyboyfemme Follow
i'm sharing a joint with this cute ass butch with the cutest curliest hair ever guyyyyssss I think i'm falling in love
🧸 teddyboyfemme Follow
she plays the harmonica for me i want to fuck her to the mattress
🧸 teddyboyfemme Follow
i don't have any idea what she's singing about but i think she likes the rolling stones too, we have so much in commonnnn
🧸 teddyboyfemme Follow
So it turns out that was Bob Dylan.
70,9 t. notes
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aishangotome · 3 months
Clavis Lelouch: Even If I Can No Longer Play Pranks
From A Hidden Oath: King of the BEAST (2024 Election) - Collection Event
Thank you @dark-frosted-heart for providing the SE video!
Under the gentle sunlight, we went on a picnic date to the lakeside, but...
Emma tilted her head, puzzled, at the cupcake she took out of the basket.
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Clavis: What's wrong? Not in the mood for cupcakes?
Emma: No, it looks delicious, but I'm a little surprised it's not homemade by you, Clavis...
Clavis: I heard it's popular in town.
Clavis: But I didn't realize you were craving my special cake... I've failed as a fiancé.
Emma: Of course I miss it, but I'm very happy with the cupcakes too.
Emma: I'll have one right away!
Clavis: Yes, I've prepared all kinds for you. Enjoy them to your heart's content.
Seeing Emma happily munching on the cupcakes fills me with contentment.
(I'm changing things up today. I don't want to bore her by doing the same thing all the time.)
(...But it's unsettling to not have anything planned.)
Emma: As expected of a famous cake. It's really delicious.
Emma: But I guess it's a little lonely without your special cake, Clavis.
Clavis: To hear such words, you've truly been influenced by me.
Emma: I've experienced so many of your pranks that I've had no choice but to get used to it.
(Ah, usually - no, even since I was young, I've always tried to get attention with pranks.)
(Otherwise, an ordinary person like me would fade into the background.)
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(But now it's different. Even without trying to get attention, you look at me more than anyone else.)
(Still, I can't help but wonder...)
(What if you get tired of me someday and leave me?)
Even though I know it's unlikely, I can't help but think about it sometimes.
Clavis: Then, I must think of even more outlandish pranks that you can't get used to.
Emma: No, it's alright. Really.
Clavis: Don't be shy, don't be shy.
(The reason why I still have the bad habit of playing pranks on Emma to get her attention is)
(Probably because I'm unconsciously trying to prevent myself from doing so.)
(But if, by any chance, I can't even play pranks anymore...)
He offered her a book with a ribbon.
Emma accepted it as if examining it, opened the cover, and looked at it closely.
And finally, as if she had decided it was an ordinary book, her expression changed to one of suspicion again.
Emma: Clavis... did you eat something bad? Or did you have a nightmare?
Emma: Or are you feeling down... If you have any worries, please tell me!
Clavis: Haha, you're overthinking it. I'm always a devoted man - there's nothing strange, okay?
Clavis: Now, there's no one to disturb us here. Enjoy reading to your heart's content by the quiet lakeside.
Emma: That's fine, but...
Emma: But it's true that it's a happy time to be able to read a book while eating delicious food under the warm sun.
(That's right, that's right. I knew you'd be happy as a book lover, and my plan worked.)
As Emma finally smiled brightly and opened the book, the edges of the pages fluttered in the wind.
Clavis: It's getting a little windy. Even though it's good weather for a picnic, aren't you cold? That's right...
Emma: Wah...
I picked Emma up and sat her on my lap.
Clavis: You don't have to worry about that if you read like this.
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Emma: Clavis, you just put me on your lap and didn't do anything... What's wrong with you today?
(She's worried, but her earlobes are bright red. Oh no, she's so cute I want to take a bite... my wicked heart aches...)
But determined to stick to my resolve, I cleared his throat and returned a gentlemanly smile.
Clavis: What? Do you think the only thing you can do without distractions is read?
Emma: Meaning...?
Clavis: It's just the two of us here, the perfect setting for a little fun with my fiancée, wouldn't you agree?
(When the time comes that I can't play pranks anymore, how will I confront this love and keep Emma's attention...?)
(Thinking about that time, I need to devise ways to capture her attention now, not through pranks, but through more straightforward methods.)
(As a first step, I've decided to thoroughly spoil Emma today.)
Emma: ...Does this mean today is a no-prank day?
Clavis: A peaceful day like this isn't so bad, is it?
Having dodged her probing question, Emma opened her mouth again with a serious and loving look in her eyes.
Emma: Isn't Clavis only Clavis when he's playing pranks?
Emma: I'm always prepared to handle those pranks, so don't hold back now.
(It must only be Emma who would face my pranks head-on like this.)
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Clavis: I see, so simply being loved isn't enough for you?
Emma: I don't want to agree, but thanks to someone, it seems I've become that kind of person.
Clavis: Haha, there's no other woman as spirited and delightful as you.
Clavis: That's what makes you my beloved fiancée.
Emma: If you understand, then that's all that matt—mm!
As she wished, without waiting for her to finish, I parted her lips with a mischievous kiss and entwined my tongue with her surprised one.
Her body trembled slightly on my lap, probably because she was starting to feel the sweet sensation.
Emma: ...C-Couldn't we save the rest for when we're back?
Clavis: I told you, it's just the two of us here.
Clavis: The perfect place to make love, wouldn't you say?
As I slid my hand from under her skirt and caressed her thigh, Emma's eyes moistened with heat.
Emma: ...B-But there's no guarantee someone won't come, right?
Clavis: Don't worry, I've made sure no one will come near for a while.
Clavis: Now, think of this as another one of your requested pranks, my fiancée.
As I kissed her gently, conveying all my love, I made a deep vow in my heart.
(I will continue to search for ways to keep you by my side with love in the form of pranks.)
(And even when the day comes that I can't play pranks anymore, I swear to continue my love for you.)
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reashot · 5 months
Red Like Roses... (It's period 🔴)
Warning: fluffness inside. Also really long.
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At Beacon during a more peaceful time.
Pyrrha: Hmmm it's quiet, too quiet.
Ren: I agree. It's never a good sign. We should be ready for something.
Jaune: Ready for what?
Nora: Oh you know usually things never stay quiet for long especially when we're right next door to the main characters.
*yang burst into the room*
Pyrrha: And speaking of the devil.
Yang: Quick hide! *brace the door behind her*
Jaune: Oh Shi- okay gangs we trained for this! Quick initiate Pattern Delta Phi.
Nora: Aye, aye dear leader, let's initiate plan hiding under our bed's like cowards.
JNPR: *Bracing for Impacts.*
*Yang holding the door with all her might*
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Ren: Wait what are even hiding from in the first place?
Yang: No time to explain. Here it Comes!
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A large sounds resembling explosion came from across the hallway. The door starts to violently shakes and rose petals soon violently burst into the room. Even with Yang putting all her strength into the door. Some rose petals still managed to get inside.
Yang: .... I think we're in the clear now.
Pyrrha: What just happened?
Yang: Eh, promise not to freak out?
Jaune: Okay, I guess...
Yang: Good enough. *shows team JNPR the source of the roses*
Ruby: Huee~ *sniffs* huee~ 😭
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Jaune: Ruby?
Ren: It seems to be her.
Pyrrha: Wait. Where are Blake and Weiss?
Nora: Found them. They're buried under all of this Rose petals.
Blake: *coughing up a bunch of petals* Eww I got some of it in my mouth.
Weiss: .... I just saw my grandfather.
Jaune: Okay, can someone now please tell us what is going on....
*Cardin burst into the room*
Cardin: Why the Fuck are there Roses all over the damn hallways!?
Russel: Don't try to lie we know it's coming from team RWBY!
Yang: Wow, wow! False accusation, much?
Dove: Well we can't help it. Because whenever something bad happened It's usually always you four.
Sky: Fucking Main characters shit...
Nora: I know right!
Pyrrha: Nora! Which sides are you on?
Nora: Oops my bad... (I mean, I'm not wrong 😒.)
Ren: *shrugs his head* Nora...
Jaune: Can all of you please stop being aggro for just one second!
You're upsetting Ruby for brother's sake.
Ruby: Wah! Wah! Wah! 😭
Jaune: Also can someone please tell me what just happened?
WBY: *looking at each others*
Yang: *sigh* (I guess I'm the one that should tell everyone.)
How do I gently put this? Ruby is in her special time of the month...
Jaune: Oh...
Cardin: The fuck does that even mean?
Russel: the month?
Dove: I see... (Maybe if I silently nod people will not think I'm dumb.)
Sky: (okay, she had her period. What does that have to with anything?)
Blake: Typical.
Weiss: Can you guys be anymore of a dudebros cliche?
CRDL: Hey!!!!
Yang: Let me put it this way. Every time Ruby has her "special month" her semblance's goes all haywire for some reason.
Jaune: Okay I get the gist of it. Team CRDL go outside and clean the hallway.
Cardin: What! Why the fuck should we clean up their mess?!
Jaune: Because I fucking said so. Now go!
Cardin: Geez... Whatever. C'mon boys, we better clean up team RWBY's mistakes. Again!
*slams door*
Blake: Thanks Jaune.
Weiss: Geez Arc, when did you grow a spine?
Yang: I gotta say Vomit Boy. I never knew you had it in you.
Pyrrha: *blush* (So manly.)
Nora: That's our Jaun-Jaun.
Jaune: Blake, Weiss. Please help Cardin & his team with the clean up outside.
Weiss: What! No way. Why should we help those dunderheads in the first place.
Jaune: Because they're right that the mess was started by your team.
Weiss: I'm sorry, our? For the record it's just Rub...
Blake: We're on it Jaune. C'mon Weiss let's help clean up all this roses. *drags Weiss away*
Jaune: Pyrrha, Ren, Nora. I also want you to go out side and help them.
Pyrrha: I understand Jaune. I will do as you ask.
Nora: Oh c'mon Jaune, why us too?
Jaune: Because they're our friends, Nora.
Nora: Well I'm about to go back to my room... *gets yoinked*
Ren: It's okay Jaune. I will get her to help us.
Nora: *grumble* (Fucking Main characters....)
Jaune: Thanks Ren. And Yang I want you to stay and find Ruby's "hygiene" products.
Yang: Wow, wow! Settle down cowpoke. I don't think you being a man is qualified to be the one to help with Ruby's "issue."
Jaune: I have seven Sisters...
Yang: Sweet brothers in heaven!
Uh, I take that back you're clearly overqualified.
At least I don't have to help clean up. But what're you going to do Jaune?
Jaune: I'm going to go back to my room to make a tea for Ruby.
A few minutes later.
Jaune: Here you go Ruby. A sweet herbal tea with plenty of honey and sugar.
Ruby: ... *sniffs* Thank you Jaune. 😢
Jaune: It's okay Ruby you don't have to thank me.
Ruby: But I caused so much problems for everyone. *sniffle*😞
Jaune: *headpat*
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There, there Ruby it's okay that what's friends are for. And you didn't troubled me one bit. In fact I'm happy to be of use to you. It reminds me that I'm still useful to someone.
Ruby: Jaune please don't think like that. You always were important to everyone.
Jaune: *kiss forehead*
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It's nice of you think that Ruby. But I'm not. I'm not special like you. You're destined for great thing while I'm.... Just me.
Ruby: 0-0
Jaune: What's the matter... Ohhh, ohhh no. I'm so-so sorry Ruby I didn't realize that... I usually did that to my little sister whenever she's sad.
Ruby: *blush*
I-I don't mind it at all Jaune. It's just that if you want to do it to me again a little heads up would be nice. 😖
Jaune: I'm so-so sorry Ruby I promise that I... Wait, what do you mean by again?
Ruby: Uhh....
Yang: *clears throat*
I seems to have interrupted something here.
Jaune: Y-Yang!
Ruby: Sis!
Yang: Look Rubes I don't need to say this but remember what dad said. No boys. And Jaune please don't take this the wrong way but please for your sake please don't get any idea with Ruby. It will not end well for you.
Jaune: O-of course. I will never-ever think of Ruby like that. We're just friends after all.
Ruby: Friends... 😭
*starts crying*
Jaune: Oh, what's the matter Ruby?
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 7 months
I've been thinking about this for a while. May I request Kerian battling a "snow on Mt. Silver" Reader? Reader was the strongest trainer at Blueberry academy and champion of the BB league until they willingly handed off the title to Drayton and climbed to the highest point in the polar biome to wait for a strong challenger. Kerian, upon becoming champion, gets wind of them and decides to battle them. Things go bad quickly as reader is a ghost/corpse. Kerian does get rescued but is traumatized.
Oh this is a GOOD concept,,,give him that near-death trauma waaaaay before he even learns about terapagos
Also ik the weather conditions in the terarium are all simulated, but let's just say it malfunctioned and resulted in an actual blizzard at the very peak of the polar biome that killed reader + their Pokémon off (yet no one knows this)
"Have you heard from [y/n] lately, Drayton?"
"Nope. Last time I checked, they're still chilling at the Polar Biome peak, waiting for a "worthy challenger"."
"Was that pun intended?"
"...maybe, haha. But y'know, I kinda miss seeing their face around campus. I mean..they were our club's first champion, and to this day I still don't know why they handed the title over to me and bailed on-"
"Hold on, there was a champion before you and...you didn't even fight them for the title? No wonder I was able to beat you so easily."
"Oh great, just the person I hoped to see." With a dry chuckle, Drayton turned his head only slightly upon seeing Kieran approaching the clubroom's table with a deep scowl, eyes bleak.
Of course, the new champion of BB Academy believed he had every right to barge into the Elite Four's conversations--given he was having a bit of a "power trip" ever since gaining the title yesterday.
But the dragon trainer elected to ignore him, instead turning back to the others. "Anyways..I'm sure [y/n]'s already moved onto better things. No way could they still be up there after all that weird stuff happened with the weather."
"You mean..the time there was an actual blizzard in the terarium??" Lacey gasped, before shaking her head and making an "x" pose. "Bzzzt. Nope. Impossible. They sent a search and rescue team in case anyone in the outdoor classroom got stranded up there. And they didn't find a soul!"
"Yeah!" Crispin nodded in agreement. "I get they were the strongest trainer in this entire school, but why would they risk-?"
"I'm sorry, they're the strongest? Why am I only hearing about this [y/n] now?"
With a small yelp, he turned to the purple-haired boy. "Wah!! I-I totally forgot you were here, sorry.." He mumbled, slightly cowering under his harsh gaze. "Obviously you're the strongest! [Y/n]'s not important..d-don't worry about them. They're history-"
"But you all seem pretty convinced they're still here." Kieran's eyebrows furrowed as he stared at the group. "And you just told me where I might find them." He clenched his fists, already shaking with anticipation.
"Easy there, champ.." Drayton huffed in annoyance. "It's only a rumor that they're still hanging around. They weren't much of a talker, so we have no clue where they are. Could be in another region for all we know."
"Don't tell me....you're thinking about charging up that mountain all by yourself to see if they're there, are you? That's suicide."
"I have to agree with Drayton." Amarys nodded. "The staff is still trying to determine the cause of the anomalous weather patterns. We aren't banned from venturing up there, but until they can find a solution, it's ill-advised."
"Exactly!" Lacey joined in. "I heard one of the rescue team members had to get treated for frostbite. And it wasn't from some ice-type Pokémon, but the blizzard itself. This is serious, Kieran!"
"....I'll be fine. Your scare tactics won't work on me."
"Huh?! But we're not-"
"Enough. I'm gonna go find them myself, seeing as you're all too cowardly to do so." The champion sneered. "If a worthy challenger is what they're after, then I'll give them one. I'll let them know there's a new champion in town..and that he's the strongest trainer in this academy. Not them."
With that, he turned on his heel and left the room, mumbling under his breath things that made the four feel uneasy.
"How pathetic. The Elite Four..scared of a little snow and ice? Whatever. I'll show them. I'll show [y/n]. I'll show them ALL..."
After the doors slammed shut behind him, they felt the tension still lingering in the air--as did every other club member who was hanging out on the sofas and by the BP computer.
"Man." Drayton broke the silence, sitting up to stretch his arms. "That kid catches wind of some random stranger who's just a little stronger than him, and boom. He's obsessed. Hope he doesn't get himself killed up there."
"Should one of us go after him?" Lacey muttered in concern, her gaze not leaving the doors.
"I-I think that would make him angrier.." Crispin shook his head. "He's got an Incineroar, so maybe it'll keep him toasty."
"That is true. He could also either confirm or deny [y/n]'s presence atop that mountain." Amarys spoke up. "I only hope he properly prepares himself for the long journey..and that no other weather anomalies arise.."
"They weren't kidding..i-it's freezing...but we're doing this, Incineroar."
"Cinn.." Huffing, the Heel Pokémon remained beside its trainer as the two made their ascension towards the summit. They couldn't see any rest spots nor healing centers below them due to the snowfall being so heavy.
Even the teraglobe was barely visible.
Yet Kieran was persistent as ever in his goal, keeping his jacket zipped up and Incineroar close to him. He didn't care about the fact his hands were already growing numb, nor the cold biting at his legs leaving them weak.
He was the new champion. He had to let everyone in this school know and defeat whoever could threaten the position he worked so hard to achieve.
If not [Florian/Juliana]..then it was you.
You're someone he's never even met, but knowing you were the very first BB League champion and had a big-enough ego to come up here and wait for a strong challenger...was something he couldn't turn a blind eye to.
Not if he wanted to be the best in this entire school and eliminate any competition.
Absolutely nothing was gonna stop him.
Not even the fact that his Incineroar's flames were struggling to stay alive, gradually exhausting the feline as it struggled to keep up. It began having chills itself, although it knew better than to disobey its trainer when he demanded to keep the fire going.
Surely it can tough it out for him, right?
After what seemed like an eternity, Kieran finally reached the top of the mountain and saw you: the lone figure waiting for them both. Much of the snowfall had already cleared up allowing him to see you in a cap that concealed your eyes and a BB Academy uniform.
You were looking at something up in the sky, until you heard the sounds of shuffling and turned around, looking down with surprise at the challenger.
This kid...came up all this way to see you? Impressive.
His Incineroar looked a little worse for wear, the flames around its belt dying out, yet it stuck close to its trainer's side as he stared at you with a cold hard gaze.
"Are you [y/n], former BB League Champion?" He questioned.
"Not much of a talker, huh? Guess they were right. I'm Kieran, or better yet..Champion Kieran."
Although you barely gave a response aside from a slight tilt of your head, he just smirked. "Yeah, you heard me. I'm the new champion and president of the League Club, not that dumb dragon tamer. Because unlike him, I worked hard to earn this title. I don't wait around for things to be handed to me on a silver platter."
"You think being champion is a joke? Something you can just pawn off to somebody when you get bored of it?"
"I thought so. That means you never deserved the title to begin with.." He scoffed, irritated by your silence. "Anyway, they said you were the strongest, but I'm here to change that!" Pointing up at you, he shouted over the wind. "You wanted a worthy opponent..well HERE I AM!!! Incineroar, Porygon-Z...show them the power of a true BB League Champion!!"
He took out his Virutal Pokémon's pokeball, ready to send it into battle.
But it didn't come out after he tossed it to the ground.
"...huh?" Confused, Kieran picked up the pokeball, wondering why it wasn't opening. Then he noticed frost coating the button, practically icing it over entirely. "No, no, no.....what is this?!"
For some reason it was jammed, and he discovered that all the other pokeballs in his bag were like that, too, rendering them inaccessible.
But how?
It shouldn't be possible for all of them to freeze simultaneously...their insulation should be top-tier.
Brushing off his worries, he glared at you. "Whatever. I can win a single-battle, too! I've developed strategies for this. Incineroar, it's all up to you now"
Nodding, the Heel Pokémon cracked its knuckles and stepped forward. But as it looked at you, it began shivering all of the sudden, feeling a drastic drop in temperature as the flames on its belt struggled still.
It wasn't just the weather giving it chills..but you.
Something about you just seemed...off, but it couldn't exactly tell its trainer what that was. Nor would he probably care.
Whether it liked it or not, it had to win this battle.
Wordlessly, you stepped down so you could fight on equal ground and took out a single pokeball. It was covered in frost, with much of the red paint faded, and it looked awfully damaged--especially the button.
Yet somehow it was functional as you sent out your first Pokémon.
And the sight of it was so grisly, Kieran felt genuinely nauseated, unable to do anything except stare in shock.
"Wh...What the..."
It appeared as a sickly frostbit creature, with its colors dull and empty sockets in place of its eyes. Not to mention the heavy wounds littering its body, which seemed fresh. It's like you ran out of healing items and never bothered to look for any more.
And its cry was pained.
Considering how much Kieran himself loved and treasured Pokémon, he was gravely concerned and had second thoughts about fighting one in such a horrible state...
But that little voice in his head told him that refusing to fight your team would make him look weak. You'd probably think he was weak for backing down.
And he refused to do that.
Why was he suddenly so afraid? You were only trying to scare him, just like everybody else...and he was fed up with that.
He came this far. He had to finish this.
"You...think your Pokémon can battle in that condition? Looks like they can barely stand." His eyebrows furrowed. "No matter. Once I beat you, I'll take them off your ha-"
A hoarse whisper escaped your lips, stunning him as he realized you could actually speak. But then your Pokémon suddenly threw itself at Incineroar, attacking and taking a good deal of recoil damage as it fainted soon afterwards.
Or rather...
It simply dropped to the ground and ceased all motions, with you making no move to recall them. Instead you just sent out your next party member.
Kieran tried not to think about why they did that, and just scoffed at your strategy. "Really? This is what the "strongest" trainer is capable of? I expected better..I'll beat you in no time at all."
Yet you didn't seem fazed by anything he said, as you commanded your Pokémon to use Struggle, too.....and every other one after that did the same thing.
What frustrated him the most was how they all managed to outspeed Incineroar, forcing it to endure every hit without getting a chance to retaliate. It felt so unfair, and he couldn't do anything except sit and watch, feeling his blood boiling more with each passing second.
He didn't know why you exhausted all of your team's moves, why you wouldn't give him a chance to strike back....or why you're even up here at all and allowed them to get this bad.
But he knew one thing.
He wanted to get off this mountain soon.
The snowfall was growing heavier again, the howling wind picking up as the temperature kept dropping.
"Stop! Just stop for a second!!" He snapped as you readied your final pokeball. All you did was pause and stare at him. "You haven't given me a chance to attack yet! And I'm locked out my pokeballs...this isn't fair! You're cheating!!"
"..it's almost over."
He tensed, wondering why you spoke those words so ominously. But he took that as an insult and scowled. "For me? No...it's almost over for you. You're down to your last Pokémon..and I still have all of mine. I'm putting an end to this pathetic "struggle strategy" of yours right now."
"What a joke this was. Everyone says you were the strongest trainer..but you're just another obstacle in my way."
Hearing that saddened you a little, almost making you regret what you're about to subject this hapless champion to next...but you will end this one way or another.
You couldn't tolerate his arrogance any longer.
Your final Pokémon's appearance completely wiped the smug look on Kieran's face, as his eyes widened upon seeing a Pikachu in the most horrific condition--one that didn't look anything like the others on your team.
Its fur was totally white with a layer of frost coating it; and it was missing a leg, ear, and part of its tail...as though something had torn and chewed at various sections of its body. And its wounds exposed its muscle and bones, yet somehow it was still able to stand on its own.
But the most terrifying thing was its lack of a cutesy smile typical to its species. Instead there was this creepy grin stretching from ear-to-nonexistent-ear. And it just stared at him with those pitch black eyes, giggling.
His hands shook with genuine fear, before he rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.
Yet both of you were still there when he looked, ready for battle.
Suddenly he didn't feel so high and mighty right now. His heart pounded and his throat felt dry, eyes stinging from the cold.
He felt as though he wasn't supposed to be here.
He shouldn't be here.
He didn't want to do this anymore.
He wanted to go home.
It was so cold...
But he needed to finish this.
"I-Incineroar, use-"
"Pain Split."
'Wait...Pikachu can learn that?!' His eyes widened in shock, but at the same time he was relieved you finally did something new-
Only for your Pikachu to screech and attack his Pokémon with that move, biting into its arm and causing the latter to roar in agony. He could only watch, horrified as blood splattered all across the snow.
By the time he managed to recall Incineroar, it had already fainted from the attack.
However your Pikachu did, too, laying among the other bodies of your Pokémon...who he now realized were in fact deceased. He could barely see them since the snow covered most of them.
But the morbid images would never leave his head.
He still didn't understand.
What have you become?
What are you?
"It's over."
Looking up, Kieran screamed upon seeing your uniform now covered in blood, the frostbite having eaten away at most of your flesh. You looked like some zombie, with exposed bones and hollowed eyes much like your Pokémon--gazing at him with that same sadness they held.
Now it finally hit him.
All this time, he wasn't battling some BB League ex-champion. He was battling the victim of that weather malfunction the four were talking about.
The one who never made it down this mountain alive.
You were already dead...and wanted him to suffer the same fate as you.
He blinked, and you were suddenly in front of him, grabbing the front of his jacket with two hands and staring at him. And all he could do was stare back in terror, unable to look away.
"Destiny B-"
"NO!! NO!! STOP!!! GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!!" Screaming as loud as he could, he lost all composure as he tried pushing you off of him, hitting your jaw and dislocating the bone.
You dropped him to the ground, and he sobbed, wrapping his arms over his head as he begged you to leave him be.
"L-Let me go home, please pleasepleaseplease-"
With a sharp gasp, he looked up to hear the voice of Lacey, before seeing her, Carmine, and the other Elite Four members rushing towards him. They were all bundled-up, with Crispin's Magmortar and Heat Rotom keeping them warm.
"It's [y/n]!!" He shouted, pointing to where you stood. "Th-They..they're right there!!"
The group stopped, appearing confused as they looked all around, seeing nothing but snow.
"Wh-Why are you all standing around?!"
"Kieran..there's no one here except us." Crispin muttered.
".....huh?" Blinking, he looked back and realized you have disappeared entirely, not leaving behind a single trace of your presence. There weren't any blood or footprints in the snow, nor any frozen bodies of Pokémon lying in it.
It's like he was battling a hallucination all along.
But it felt so real..
"But I....I-I..."
"Only you would be insane enough to risk your life coming up here," Carmine huffed, kneeling down. But as soon as she saw the true terror in her little brother's eyes, her heart sank..wondering what he witnessed. "Kiki..?"
"...i-it was them...[y/n]..." He mumbled shakily, his arm still stuck in a pointing position. Tears streaked down his face, the cold wind making his cheeks sting like hell. "Th-They were right here..and...and they...they tried to-"
"Listen, I get you really wanted to meet them and battle them...but they're not here. They're long gone. Now c'mon. We need to get you off this stupid mountain." Picking him up was no problem for Carmine, given how he was light as a feather. He just clung to her, allowing himself to be carried on her back.
The four were astonished that he actually made the journey up here, with Drayton wondering if he was really that desperate to battle you that he came up here, realized you weren't around, and just...made up a scenario in which he wins anyways.
Instead, the poor kid seemed traumatized by whatever he saw...or believed he saw.
After making it safely down the mountain and getting treated--alongside his Incineroar--Kieran's detailed account of what happened led to another rescue team heading up the summit, just in case they may have missed something.
They had fire types and ground type tirelessly shoveling through the snow, digging in the exact spot where he battled you, but there were no signs of you anywhere.
Even so..he refused to believe it, and still had reoccurring nightmares of that encounter and how it might've ended if the others didn't show up in time.
Soon enough he got back on-track to training his Pokémon and becoming stronger everyday, but other trainers noticed how carefully he treaded throughout the Polar Biome..
And how he avoided going anywhere near the tallest mountain in that zone.
For he believed you were still up there, waiting for him.
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gabessquishytum · 8 months
Hob wakes up (in a hotel room not his own) with the following, in no particular order (but take a guess at which registered highest on the list):
1. A massive headache;
2. In bed with an empty bottle of high end whiskey;
3. A mouth that tastes like that whiskey & someone else's privates (yes, he can tell. don't ask!);
4. *sigh* what is most likely a pubic hair stuck to his tongue (it's making his dry throat itch);
5. A body that feels like he enjoyed himself last night; and
6. A heavy, fucking, jewel-encrusted ring on his ring finger. That he's almost taken his eye out with, twice already.
There's a short lacy black dress, and heels, crumpled on the ground near the bed that looks a little ripped and (what Hob fears is) a very official looking marriage license on the nightstand. What he does not appear to have is his new spouse.
Then his phone starts to ring (at least he didn't lose that) and the hotel room door begins to open --- letting into the room the most gorgeous darked haired pale skinned beauty (and not just because it looks like he has coffee), who seemed to be wearing Hob's clothes (absolutely swallowed by Hob's shirt) and sporting a fetching blush as he notices Hob's wakeful state. Oh!
Hob picking up his phone while staring.
Hob: Yes. distractedly
Joanna: Where are you? You're not in your room and if we don't hustle you're going to be late for your interview/sound check/run through.
Hob: Yeah, about that. You need to reschedule.
Joanna: What?!? Hob we've been working towards this for....*wah, wah, white noise*
Hob: Yep. Great. Thanks for handling it. *hangs up in [rude ~Joanna will have his balls for this] hot new husband facination.*
Also Hob (with besotted hand out): Hi Beautiful.
Oh, they're such himbos. I absolutely adore them.
Dream is so nervous as he comes into the room!! His new husband (Robert, according to the paperwork) looks about as starstruck and confused as Dream feels. He remembers so little of the night before. Only that he'd found out via family groupchat about Desire getting married (again), and commiserated (Dream wants, with all his heart, to be married) with a strange man at the bar. A strange man who is now his husband. Who apparently also thinks that Dream is beautiful.
Dream holds out his hand, and Robert kisses it. He must be blushing. "I'm Dream." He says. "I think we may be a little late to get an annulment." He eyes the distinctly used condoms on the floor.
"Is it bad that I'm absolutely thrilled that you can't immediately leave me?" Robert says. He's very handsome, in Dream’s opinion. All stubble and laughter lines. Dream knows that he's blushing, pulling the sleeves of Robert's shirt over his hands.
"I would be grateful not follow up the news of my wedding to my family with an immediate divorce." He admits. "And I liked you well enough last night. Apparently. I'm sure we could spend a day together."
And that's how Dream learns that he is: a) married to up and coming rockstar Hob Gadling and b) attends his first ever gig in Vegas with a backstage pass. Hob delightedly introduces Dream to everyone as "my husband". Jo nearly quits her job, the fans go wild... and Dream decides to enjoy his honeymoon. With Hob. In the greenroom. On his knees, mostly. Except for the 30 minutes he spends bouncing in Hob’s lap.
No one is really surprised when the marriage is a complete and utter... success. Hob has given himself a black eye with his wedding ring, but he's never taking it off.
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scarthefangirl · 1 year
Giving to the poor
Hobie brown x G/N!reader
Request: hobie with a ballerina reader who is also a HUGE bookworm-dont ask me where the idea came from because idk either lol- I kinda just wanted to see how that would maybe look?
Warnings: none? Mentions of theft
Story type: Headcannons
A/N: Not my best but please read my other fics!!
Masterlist | REQUESTS OPEN
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You and Hobie don't have a ton in common
You are graceful, very sweet, and a little more awkward
Hobie is a little more- bold and rough
But you two couldn't be a better pair
He loves your smooth and sophisticated fighting style, thanks to your ballet
He thinks its hot how you almost make fighting into a dance, and can whoop anyone in heartbeat
You encourage him constantly to take up ballet, insisting that it'll do him good
"Football players do it! It helps balance and control, and you'd look fine in a leotard." You always plead
"I don't need help, I'm doin' just fine love. But I certainly would look good," He always says
In secret he'd probably watch ballet tutorials to see if its for him, to make you happy
He is FLOORED when he finds out how often you have to replace ballet slippers
"Every 6 months? That has to be so expensive!"
Just wait till he hears that you also have pointe shoes that get replaced every few months...
He will start to time out when you buy shoes and buy them for you
He listens to you rant about your terrible dance teacher and fellow ballerinas for as long as you want, nodding in agreement about how horrible they are
He'll do yoga with you (although he's not very bendy) to keep you flexible and let you laugh at how bad he is
As for your reading addiction, Hobie finds it adorable
The way you gasp and yell at your books as you read, your facial expressions that convey the emotion of the chapters, your particularity for how books should be handled, everything
He isn't the biggest reader but if you hype up a book he'll definitely check it out
You guys bond over ones you both like
"I like hunger games. We need more katniss's in the world to stick it to the man!" He says after finishing the series
Dystopian books make him mad and go on lectures about how the real government is just as bad and deteriorating and loves the wah you'll go off with him and agree and listen
Sometimes he loses you around headquarters and looks EVERYWHERE for you
Loses trust in everyone
"Have you seen them? Come on, think would ya? Yes you have, I know you have!"
Only to find you in an empty room either reading or practicing your ballet
Either way, he leans on the door frame and admire you until you notice him
"If you're gonna sneak away darlin' you could at least tell me, I worry." He scolds but smiles and sits next to you.
Hobie LOVES making people uncomfortable
He'll admire you fighting and just yell out how hot you are or how turned on he is, not caring who hears
He'll make out with you in front of anyone, anytime.
On a different note, when you obsessively buy books he wants to stop you but he can't because you look so cute with the way your face lights up at each cover
"I've been wanting this one!" Or, "I have this one but this is a different cover!"
He isn't all for traditional gender roles but he will pay for your stuff, just because he loves you. He lets you pay for him sometimes if you offer
He sometimes sneaks a book out, stealing it just because he hates the way you insist on following rules
"Here, I took this one for ya," he says
"Hobart Brown!" You scold but can't help being happy for the book
"What? I'm stealing from the rich," he gestures to the book store. "And giving to the poor," he ends, gesturing at you.
He gives to 'the poor' a lot
If you ever talk about a book to him that you want, it randomly appears on you bookshelf
Sorry for the abrupt ending lmao
Tags: // @liliummz // @themarvelprince // @misselsbells06 // @american-sataness // @cr0ssoverf4n4tic // @depressednoob // @cerene-ciderr // @leighanne03 // @inluvwithfictionalwomen // @singhfae // @mythixmagic // @itsyourboymicheal // @Ravensinthedaylight // @dai-tsukki-desu // @url0calw3irdo // @daisydark //
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Stress Testing Song Lyric Theories: Real Love/Real Life/Stepping Out Demo Meta
What's this? Another long-ass essay analysis on a piece of John Lennon's media that keeps getting taken down by the Ono Lennon estate? More likely than you think (especially when you're this autistic).
As a history obsessive and a grizzled, mood ruining, eternal hater/skeptic, I have misgivings when people in the Beatles fandom look at song lyrics only through one specific lens/focus as it can lead to a myopic and potentially inaccurate take of the subject matter. This I've noticed is particularly bad with older Beatles fans looking at John's work through just the Yoko lens and other fans looking at it just through the Paul lens. (This ain't a lecture btw, I am as guilty as anyone when it comes to doing both.)
When dealing with contentious things like interpreting feelings and songs (nothing could POSSIBLY go wrong with that combo lol), it's important to get at least the facts we do have straight, which is why I wanted to go through some of the fandom's darlings and take them apart to see if the theories about them actually hold up to scrutiny.
To start out, I'd thought I go big with having a proper look at John Lennon's 1977 real life/real love/stepping out demo. I wanted to tackle this one as this is one of only three unconfirmed songs in John's catalogue that I was 100 % convinced was about Paul. As I've mentioned before, this was to me the smoking gun to end all smoking guns, my golden calf, Real Love demo my beloved etc. Got to say, I'm glad I did, as the outcome was a lot more complicated than expected! So let's get to the demo:
Analyzing songs for a fixed specific meaning or one coherent subject is always ... challenging. Songs are a medium to express both real or imagined concepts, feelings and events. You can't know everything about the artist's thought process and therefore their work, especially in regards to what is fictional/metaphorical and what is real (pun intended). What's special about this demo though (and what makes it easier to work with) is the fact that its less of a fully crafted song and more one long stream of consciousness ramble. The line between subject and artist is dissolved as we sit at the piano with John as he tells us about his miserable morning:
Woke up this morning. Blues around my head. Ain't no need to ask the reason why. Went to the kitchen. Lit a cigarette. Blew the smoke rings in the sky. Just got to let it go. Just got to let it go.
The song (or ramble) carries on like that for a while as we get to John reading the newspaper (keep this bit in mind, it might come in handy later):
Picked up the paper. Read the Daily News. Nothing doing anyway. Same old BS. Doot doot doot doot cruise. Nah nah nah nah now. Let go. Let it go. (laughs) No, what am I doing? Why don't you let it go? Why don't you let it go? Mm, it's real life. It's real. Yes, it's real life. It's real. Let go. Let the mighty river flow. Let go. Let go. Oh, rock your balls, you...
As we can see in the stanza above, John is bored and clearly agitated/embarrassed about something.
Then more stanzas about boredom and a lack of fulfilment wherever he goes and then we get to the stanza that everyone here is probably familiar with:
Was I just dreaming or was it only yesterday? I used to hold you in my arms. And now a baby, and another on the way (laughs) la la la la la farm (laughs) Why must we be alone? Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah. (scats)
If it don't feel right, don't do it. If it don't look right, look right through it If it don't feel right, don't do it. Just call him/them on the phone.
People go insane over this stanza and for good reason. It's a confession of lost intimacy with someone who:
Is clearly important to John
He is now more distant with
Is connected to babies or having a baby
Is connected to a farm
The mystery of course is, who is this person? Realistically, there is only really three people we know of who even somewhat fit these specific categories. Let's go through them:
First potential subject: Yoko!
This one has some legs. More than I was expecting. At this point John and her:
Do have an infant
Are purchasing a farm together (I think the sale went through 1978 so they should be talking about that in 1977.)
Distant from one another (their marriage was rocky throughout the mid-late 70s)
With Yoko as the subject, the stanza could be a reflection of their lost intimacy:
Was I just dreaming or was it only yesterday? I used to hold you in my arms. - self explanatory, the yesterday here has no significance but to signify nostalgia. The dream in this circumstance could be the dream of their relationship, The Ballad of John and Yoko.
And now a baby, and another on the way (laughs) la la la la la farm (laughs) - A long time has passed, they have a kid now. Now this takes some manipulation but is the farm 'the baby on the way'? The new shared project that will take further attention away from their marriage? The laugh might indicate a sense of irony there, a bitter joke. Yoko and John have struggled to conceive, Sean is very likely their only shared child. Is the laugh brought about by a sad reflection of the farm replacing the gap of children?
Why must we be alone? Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah. (scats) - we are in this marriage but we are alone OR why are we alone? Their marriage was a cocoon, all-consuming but stifling. Maybe both of them needed air from time-to-time.
So this stanza alone works quite well to be about Yoko, if you go quite metaphorical. It works somewhat with the beginning as well, he's down and depressed, over the state of their marriage? He needs to let something go, an argument? Is he waking up to the fact that reality isn't this marriage fantasy?
What it doesen't straightforwardly answer is why he is SO mad/embarrassed/avoidant of these feelings? In the records we have of their conversations, John is usually VERY vocal about not seeing Yoko enough. So why is he holding feelings of distance back and wanting to forget about it?
It also doesn't answer why the person he is calling in the following stanza on the phone is a him/them. (It's hard to hear at a normal volume. but if you are an insane person and blast your headphones to an ear bleeding level, it sounds a lot more like him than them. For the sake of caution and covering all bases however, let's consider both for now.) Why would he have reticence calling his wife or refer to her as them? In all accounts of that time period he has no issue calling her or hell, just going and talking to HIS WIFE who lives in their shared flat. It's a weird, dangling thread. The only explanation that would fit the stanza being inspired by Yoko is John realising he needs connection outside of his fading marriage. (I want to raise and partially dismiss here that it could just be a separate train of thought, a reminder to himself that he has to call someone for a chore/service. Yoko handled most of the admin stuff so its not like he's doing any of that and he isn't doing anything professionally so its unlikely to be a random call).
Second potential subject: May Pang!
Now I almost dismissed May outright but girl you know what, good for you, this might actually be about you! Our dear May is:
Important to John (she's also in the diaries and he dreams about sleeping with her a lot, he is REALLY into May)
Distant now he and Yoko are back together
But not baby nor farm adjacent
Taking May in mind, there is a certain logic there. John allegedly does dream about May and sleeping with May so whilst the Yesterday has no significance, the dreaming would. She was his romantic partner and still into her so holding in arms makes sense. The next lines also make sense if you follow the same logic as Yoko's but more distanced. Time has passed and his circumstances with the baby and the farm is now massively different to before, maybe he wants an escape from responsibility represented by May?
With May in mind, the stanzas work a lot better than it does Yoko. It's real life, he can't be with her and he's got to let it go. But he can't so he wants to call 'them'. Or maybe he's had a fight with Yoko and is being reminded of May in his agitation.
So May works from an emotional standpoint and as long as that last line is really 'them'. (It begs the question of why not 'her' but anyway.) As it stands, May seems like a stronger candidate than Yoko in terms of the songs emotional logic.
So currently, May is in the lead but wait ... there's another contender...
Third potential subject: Paul!
Now this one is I think the fan favourite opinion on this site for this song and there's merit to it. Paul is:
Important to John
Relationship now distant (but not apparently distant enough for John to ALLEGEDLY stop dedicating pagggess to him in his diary/meet for dinner when they are in town/visit for Christmas).
Doesen't have a baby but he is expecting one with Linda.
John's got problems and those problems are usually projected onto a Paul shaped target. But beneath all that, was there any softness left, any tenderness?
Well yes, its fucking John Lennon, the man was a giant marshmallow with knives sticking out.
But in this song? Let's look at the stanza with Paul in mind:
Was I just dreaming or was it only yesterday? I used to hold you in my arms. - in the first line we have the 'oh shit Paul feelings incoming' klaxon of yesterday. Of course, John is allowed to reference yesterday without it necessarily being about Paul, but it's something to make a note of. Another is the dreaming. John often associates the Beatles/Paul with a dream, a fantasy, an illusion. Was his time with Paul/their closeness a dream? He is also ALLEGEDLY dreaming of Paul a lot during this period. The distance implied by yesterday also suggests a time period more applicable to Paul than Yoko/May.
The holding in arms with Paul in mind is ... well. There's no two ways about it it's unusual to think about a best friend like that. Taking out romantic implications for the sake of argument, firstly it doesn't have to be literal (just the idea of closeness) and second of all it would be like the fiftieth weirdest thing John said about Paul John has expressed similar sentiments of enjoying physical touch and closeness with a close mate.
And now a baby, and another on the way (laughs) la la la la la farm (laughs) - also needs manipulation here but still works. John's got a baby with his wife now Paul has a baby on the way with his wife yet their lives are completely separate. John could also be talking in extremes, Paul has just had a kid now another (he exaggerates the number of kids Paul has often). Paul lives on a farm, which John has been very focused on before (stttreeetch but maybe this is a point of comparison, they are still mirroring each other). The laugh here in this reading is a acknowledgement of vulnerability of the feelings he's singing about.
Why must we be alone? Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah. (scats) - harder to reconcile with Paul but could be John's projection hours, I am feeling alone therefore Paul must ALSO be feeling alone (unagi or some shit).
So the stanza also works well if we take it to be about Paul. I've said this in a prev post but being about Paul also makes the rest of the song more coherent. John is upset about something he is trying to let go of but is struggling with, he references being everywhere yet remains depressed and troubled by something in his past. All of this fits with John's relationship with Paul. With Paul in mind, the call line at the end makes a lot more sense. He wants to call him, or them, his friends who he hasn't spoken to and misses.
The big supporting evidence for this one is of course the newspaper articles for the Daily News found by a user on here who has sadly deactivated.
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To be honest, these are a bit of a holy grail find. With the newspaper articles in mind, a coherent, nearly perfect narrative falls neatly into place. John has woken up in a bad mood and upon reading the paper he sinks into a worse mood as he reflects back on his old time with the Beatles. He feels the need to let it go yet is resentful and embarrassed about doing so. The articles also explain a few oddities of the song, namely why John just comes out with the word cruise just after discussing the paper:
Picked up the paper. Read the Daily News. Nothing doing anyway. Same old BS. Doot doot doot doot cruise. Nah nah nah nah now. Let go. Let it go. (laughs) No, what am I doing? Why don't you let it go? Why don't you let it go? Mm, it's real life.
If we consider that the newspaper contained the article about cruises, it makes sense for it to come out as a subconscious/conscious association (have checked btw as the audio isn't clear and it's absolutely cruise, it's much clearer when you decide your hearing is worth less than a parasocial fascination with a dead dude). The newspaper containing info about Paul also illuminates the potential reference to Paul's song 'Suicide' in the Nothing Doing line and why the stanza seems to go off the rails once the newspaper is mentioned. It's all BS apparently (classic John defense mechanism in play) but once it gets brought up, John laughs, starts questioning what he's even doing writing this song and then gets angry with himself, cutting off the first half of the take. The derailment there could be he can't believe he's singing about the news OR that the newspaper contains the emotional point he's trying to get away from. He then does a few pithy lines about the beach and mountain before circling to actually what's bothering him, the lost intimacy with the person who has a baby on the way and renewed desire to call him. The way it all fits and slots together is borderline unreal.
Buuuuttt ... there's a problem. No matter how fitting, how magically perfect, how right-seeming a theory is, it doesen't necessarily mean it's true. For it to work fully, John would have had to have recorded this on one (or two at a stretch) specific day(s) out of the whole year. It could still be about Paul of course if you take out the newspaper article element, however there are other timing issues as well. According to Dogget, this demo should date to a recording collection from late 1977 when John was going through a depressive episode, the article is dated to early 1977. Shortening the window further, the Ono-Lennon's took a trip to Japan from Summer to October and the Mccartney's third child was born in September, meaning that if it is from late 1977, its unlikely to be about Paul.
Now Dogget could very well be mistaken and this demo is from earlier on in the year. From research, the only thing I could find about John and Yoko in February 1977 is them going to visit a friend a few hours away on the 16th, so from the limited evidence I have at my disposal, there isnt a reason why it couldn't have been produced in February (if anyone has any info on early 1977 please let me know and I'll amend accordingly). Additionally, John's moods were mercurial and his mental health never great, it wouldn't surprise me if he had bad days pretty consistently throughout the year.
To wrap this whole ass dissertation up, from the context within the song, context of the major players in his life, the emotional logic of the song and the repeated references in addition to the newspaper clipping, I am 70% confident that this demo is about Paul and that Dogget was incorrect in his attribution of the demo to late 1977. I believe instead that this was recorded in early 1977, specifically on February 9th 1977 as indicated in the newspaper article. However, I am more than willing to concede that I am working on less information than I would like about John's movements at that time in early 1977 and why Dogget placed all of these in the late 1977 grouping (I think just vibes but wasn't sure, the google books page had that bit blocked lol). Therefore I think that a less likely but still plausible second option is that the subject is May or even Yoko in late 1977 during John's extended period of depression.
Power to all of you who made it this far, let me know if you want me to take a hatchet to any more fandom darlings or if you have any thing to add! Also remember this is only my analysis so feel free to disagree (but like in a fun friendly way pls, it isn't that serious)!
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gorepill · 1 month
I don't CARE that [problematic figure] wrote fucking rape-incest-fic or whatever!!! I don't give a shit!!! I wanna hear about the ACTUALLY bad shit they did!!! The stupid fucking fic has no real life victims, i don't give a shit, if you're gonna title your video " [problematic figure] HURT ME" or "[problematic figure] ABUSED ME," then TELL me how!! Don't go "oh they made bad nasty yucky gross fiction!!! :( also they abused people and have actual victims but the fiction is more important" like COME ONNNNNNNNNNN you can NOT pretend to give a shit abt real victims of XYZ, and then when someone HARMS REAL PEOPLE, focus on thew icky wah wah ew nasty fics they wrote/art they drew. Get a fucking GRIP holy SHIT
straight up can you imagine if I tried to make a callout post for my mom but instead of talking abt the fact she ab used me I went "mmmm yeahhhh :/ she likes supernatural and ummmmm" or whatever.
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blueesnow · 4 months
(6/6) Mikaze Ai's Private Story [Utapri Live Emotion]
Ch 1: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 6 with Ai)
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-Shining Agency's Hallway- Ai: Oh… you, good timing. Would you look at this. Haruka: Mikaze-senpai, hello. …Is that a schedule? Ai: Yeah, are you free on this day? I was thinking that I'd like to go to an aquarium together with you. Haruka: Aquarium…? Ai: That's right. Can you? Though if you have plan we can just reschedule on another day. Haruka: Oh no, that's okay. It's just, I was wondering why aquarium all of a sudden. Ai: Oh, I haven't explained it properly huh. Just now I got two tickets to an aquarium from someone at work. Ai: We're probably going to be involved again in the future, so I thought it'd be good if I go and use it to mantain a good relationship with them. Haruka: (So that's what it is… But still, is it really okay to go together with me…?) Ai: …It's perfectly okay for you to go with me. What were you thinking just now were all over your face y'know. Haruka: Ehh!? Ai: The way you didn't even realize it yourself is also quite interesting. As expected, you're the perfect person for my observation. Ai: My hobby is observing people after all. Plus while we're in aquarium, I can also study sea creatures at the same time. Ai: That means, there's no one much more suitable other than you. Well then, I'm looking forward on that day. Haruka: O-okay! Likewise, I'm in your care…!
Ch 2: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 11 with Ai)
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-Aquarium- Haruka: Wow…there are so many cute fish swimming around. Ai: This one is barred knifejaw. That one is Suzuki*. It's interesting that the aquarium itself was made into a diorama. - Ai: …Good, we're done by 5 minutes. Looks like things are going well just as planned. Let's go check out the next tank. Haruka: Okay, you really went and made such a detailed plan are you, Senpai. Ai: Of course. Time is limited after all so we have to be as efficient as we can. Ai: I've also factored in when we're going to take a break, but if you ever feel tired tell me quickly okay. I'll have to adjust the schedule after all. Haruka: Thank you for your consideration… Ah, Mikaze-senpai, look! (choices) <An otter, how cute!> Haruka: An otter, look how cute they are! Ai: Small-clawed otters to be exact. Although they might look like that they can be quite fierce. They have strong teeth and can chew through shellfish and crustaceans. Ai: Oh, looks like they're going to feed them. The angle right there is quite bad and you might not see them clearly so why don't you come closer here. <That one is a seal, right?> Haruka: That one is a seal, right? Fufu, look at how elegant they swim. Ai: Unfortunately you're wrong. Although they both belong in the same taxonomical suborder of pinnipeds and look pretty similar, that one is a sea lion. Ai: Look, unlike seal that one had a flappy ears… wait. If you keep bowing your head down like that you're going to bump into the glass y'know. (back to story) Haruka: (Wah, Mikaze-senpai suddenly put his hand on my shoulder…) Ai: Your body temperature suddenly rising up. Your cheeks also look flushed. What's wrong? Haruka: Eh!? N-no, it's nothing. Ai: You can't fool my eyes. I told you before that I'm also going to be observing you, didn't I? Ai: Right now I want to know how your feelings and what exactly are you thinking right now.
*: I was wondering what to call this one, but I'm just going for the way they call them in JP. Its basically Japanese sea bass fish.
Ch 3: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 21 with Ai)
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-Aquarium- Ai: Can you tell me properly. What exactly is the reason your temperature suddenly rising up? Haruka: A-Anyway… Mikaze-senpai, you're all knowledgeable when it comes to sea creatures aren't you! Ai: …Isn't it normal to do a background research first for your study? I've already gathered all of the data of the creatures here. Ai: The ones in the tank over there are a moon jellyfish, japanese sea nettle, and the one with a blue color was called color jellyfish. Haruka: Wow, their colors are all beautiful… Ai: Other than blue, there are also other color jellyfish with different colors too, such as red, white, and even green. They tends to change their body colors depending on their environment. Ai: …They're just like you, whose expressions tends to change all the time. You're so flustered just a while ago, and yet now you're smiling. Haruka: I'm pretty restless, huh… it's so embarrassing. Ai: Look, it changed once again. As expected you are really worth to analyze. Ai: Come on, let's go to the next one. I'll be going to observing another reaction of yours closely when we see another tank. - Haruka: …Looks like the next one is the exit. Thank you for inviting me out, I had a lot of fun today! Ai: Mission accomplished, and it also perfectly matched with the schedule too. But, I wonder why, somehow I feel a bit unsatisfied. Ai: I want you to go out with me once again, is that okay? When I'm with you, it feels like I can collect all kinds of interesting data. Haruka: If I could be of help, then gladly. Ai: Thank you. I'll make sure to gather all of your information perfectly next time.
Ch 4: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 31 with Ai)
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-Ai's Room- Ai: Welcome. You can come inside. Haruka: Thank you. Pardon my intrusion. Ai: It may not be that necessary, but I'll explain it to you just in case. This is actually my workplace. I guess you could say it can also be my home too. Ai: Whenever I receive a request to provide a song, I do everything here all by myself, from composition to arrangement. Ai: That one is a control room, while over there is a recording booth. I've also prepared a meeting place on that corner. Ai: I think I have all the facilities and equipment that I need here for music production. Haruka: Everything here are all so authentic…! Ai: Having things that's easy to use will increase work efficiency after all. For example, that computer you're looking at right now. Ai: The normal one was quite inconvenient to me, so I use a supercomputer with an OS that I developed by myself. Haruka: (Not only just singing and writing song, he's also good with technology… As expected, Mikaze-senpai is really amazing.) - Ai: I think that's pretty much it. I hope it can be of help for your work. Haruka: Yes, I learned so much from it! Ai: Well, I'm glad to hear that. Now then, can you sit over here. We're going to start our work now. Haruka: Eh, what work? Ai: What's with that look on your face. Since you came all the way here, you could at the very least help me out.
Ch 5: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 41 with Ai)
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-Ai's Room- Ai: Let's organize the data first. Can you put all of the music that's similar to this BGM to a reference folder? I'd like to use it on my next job. Haruka: I-I got it. Um… this one, right. And then, this one too…? Ai: Can you work with your hands rather than with your mouth? At this rate, you'll never get it done. Haruka: O-okay…! - Ai: Looks like we're done. Good work. Here's a coffee. Haruka: Thank you so much. Wow… it smells so good. Ai: Sugar and milk are self-service. You could at least add that by yourself. Haruka: Yes, thank you! Well then, time to drink. (choices) <It has a gentle taste...> Haruka: It has a very gentle taste… Ai: Hmm, I'm glad you enjoy that. But… a gentle taste, huh. Ai: Even though it was quite an abstract comment, why do somehow it actually sounds delicious just now. <I feel cheered up now!> Haruka: It's as if my tired mind and body seems to be delighted by it. I feel somewhat cheered up now! Ai: You're exaggerating a lot. A cup of coffee doesn't have that much of a recovery effect y'know. Ai: But from the looks of it, it might be true in a way. Strangely enough, I could also tell that it was really delicious just by your comment. Ai: Sometimes you tends to say things that are beyond my expectation. But well, I guess it might be helpful as a reference on how to express how you feels. (back to story) Ai: The choice of words can change how a song resonates within someone's heart, and it can also broaden the scope of the lyrics too. I guess there's no harm in knowing more about it. Haruka: Mikaze-senpai really love music huh. Ai: Well, I guess you could say that. My dream is to deliver music to as many people as possible after all.
Ch 6: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 51 with Ai)
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-Ai's Room- Ai: When I first started as an idol, I thought it's fine if I just let people listen to my song. Ai: I guess you could call it as a sense of duty. Because I thought that singing was the only thing that I have to do. Haruka: Mikaze-senpai… Ai: But right now I can't be satisfied with just that. I want to put all of my feelings into the lyrics and my voice, and I hope that it would reach to the hearts of the people who listen to them. Ai: To me, music is what made me connected with everyone. I want to make a lot of people smile just with my song. Haruka: …I feel the same way too. Haruka: I want everyone who listen to my song to smile. That's what came to my mind while I write a song. Ai: Are you saying that we're actually similar? How mysterious, somehow that words made me happy. Haruka: Me too! Thank you for letting me hear your story. Haruka: I feel like I learned something important from Mikaze-senpai's sincere passion for music. Ai: It's not like I told you that to teach you. Though not that I mind about it. Ai: When I'm with you, I find myself experiencing things that I didn't expect to happen.. …Looks like I need to find out the cause of it. Ai: I'll be calling you to my work once again, so will you come with me to verify it? Haruka: If you're okay with me, then it'd be my pleasure. Seeing Mikaze-senpai, I feel like I want to learn more too. Ai: I'm glad we're both mutually benefit from it. I guess it's not a bad idea to think about what we should do next.
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momoyukirin · 7 months
Momo's "An Idol's Daily Life" Rabbitchat Part 2
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Preference survey
Momo: Maneko-chan, is it okay if I drop by Takanashi Agency today?
Tsumugi: Thank you for your hard work! Of course it is, is this about the dumbbell matter?
Momo: Yep that's right! (*´∀`)b I ordered two sets online by accident and Mitsuki agreed to take one off my hands!
Tsumugi: Thank you for going to all that trouble! Mitsuki-san has a shoot and won't be here today, so I'd like to ask if it's okay for someone else to receive them in his stead.
Tsumugi: I'm sure you're busy, so please let me take them if you don't mind...!
Momo: It's just an excuse to be on the move, so don't worry about it! I also want to see Kinako-chan since it's been a while☆
Momo: They were a big nuisance even if I kept them in my room, so Mitsuki did me a big favor~!
Tsumugi: He was excited to give his all in his home workouts, after he receives the dumbbells!
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Momo: Since Mitsuki is already really strong, he'll get an even bigger power-up!
Tsumugi: It appears he wants to build even more muscle than he has now!
Momo: I'll do my best too, in order not to lose(っ`・ω・´)っ)))
Momo: Welp, it's evening already, but I'll drop by later, okay!
Tsumugi: We'll be expecting you!
Tsumugi: I may be away for a while to attend a meeting, so in that case is it okay if Banri-san is the one to welcome you?
Momo: Ehh!?!?!?!?!? Ban-san will be there today!?
Tsumugi: Yes! I informed him that you'll be visiting this evening!
Option 1:
Tsumugi: He said he looks forward to seeing you!
Momo: Eeh!? Can you let him know I'm looking forward to it too!? We had really bad timing when we met during MEZZO"-kun's recording last week, so I didn't even get to greet him (。>д<。)
Option 2:
Tsumugi: He said he really wants to talk to you, after all this time!
Momo: Wait a sec, I'm getting nervous all of a sudden!! I'm very happy I get to catch up with Ban-san too! I'll be there asap, okay!? -==Σ((つ°∀° )つ
Option 3:
Tsumugi: Is Yuki-san going to be coming as well?
Momo: Not really, Yuki has another shoot to do, so I'll be by myself! I really hope he can come with me next time there's a chance to meet Ban-san though.
Momo: Wah~~~~ I'm kinda excited now!
Momo: Maneko-chan, thanks for telling me beforehand. If I'd come over there without knowing, my heart might not have been prepared! ><
Momo: By the way, can I ask you something?
Tsumugi: What is it!
Momo: Do you like Lemon cheese tarts*?
Tsumugi: I love them!
Momo: (*^_°) b
Tsumugi: Um, why do you ask?
Momo: It's kinda like a survey of Maneko-chan's preferences! (*>∀・*)/
Momo: It seems that a popular Lemon cheese tart shop opened recently, so I was wondering if you knew about it!
Tsumugi: Are you perhaps talking about the shop that recently opened near the TV station!?
Momo: Yeah yeah, that one! The staff told me it's delicious and that there's also pistachios in it!
Momo: Have you tried it yet?
Tsumugi: Not yet, unfortunately... Banri-san and I went there during our break the other day, but it was sold out so I couldn't get it.. ><
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Momo: Thought so, it's really popular after all (ノ_・。) I heard people were lining up for over two hours on opening day.
Tsumugi: That's right..! I heard it's relatively empty on weekday mornings, but I can't really go then...
Momo: Some good news for you, Maneko-chan! (oノ∇ `)ノ:* • ° ° • *
Momo: They'll be accepting reservations, starting next week!
Tsumugi: Is that so!?
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Momo: Apparently, if you make a reservation online you can skip the line!
Tsumugi: Wow! I'll be sure to check it out! Momo-san you're really well-informed!
Momo: Eeh, you think so? I just happened to catch something about it in the wind that's all (・´3`・)
Momo: By the way, how many people are in the office todaay?~*
Tsumugi: Huh?
Tsumugi: Including myself and Banri-san, there should be 5 people...
Momo: Understood! (・∀・)ゞ
Momo: I'll go buy some souvenirs so look forward to it✩
Tsumugi: Could this be..!
Momo: Fufufu, you'll have to wait and see ・・・(¯ー+¯)
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1)Also known as Hokkaido cheese tarts apparently, this is what they look like
2) In this bit, Momo uses -nya instead of -na, like he usually does, though it wasn't possible to integrate it in the sentence itself without making it sound cringey (the original isn't, by the way) so just imagine him saying it with his >:3 mischievous cat voice lol
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freakattack · 3 months
some stuff on.. *shudders*.. twitter got me thinking tldr fake leak about Wario in M&L Brothership, which led to people discussing the common dream of a M&L game with the overalled quartet. how would Wario and Waluigi work in a combat-focused setting? would they be able to work in-sync like Mario and Luigi do? would they even work at all? i wahnder.
Sorry. Let me articulate my thoughts more eloquently
I love wario. I love mario and luigi. I love Mario & Luigi. I even love waluigi. But for the love of god would I hate to have them all in the same room. Here is why:
Wario would never be part of a team that he couldn't be in charge of, much less one with Mario in it. Wario has his own life, his own goals, and his own social circle, none of which have anything to do with mario. He's his own man now
On a similar note, Wario's whole schtick is (ironically) being unique from Mario. Wario Land is a mario game if you tailored every single game mechanic to his very soul, such that it is so distinct that we call other games "wariolikes". To make Wario conform to the game mechanics of a Mario game, RPG or not, would make me very upsetti spaghetti
Also, Waluigi and Wario are NOT EVEN FRIENDS!!! At best, they are exes that sometimes bully people together when they are invited to the same party (if you subscribe to Poppadopolos theory, which I do). At worst, they are simply guys that are not friends, that sometimes bully people together when they are invited to the same party. I DO NOT want waluigi and wario to share a legit game together because I feel this goes against everything we know about the Wahs.
On a related note, I am of the staunch opinion that Waluigi deserves better than to be scaffolded into someone else's series. Luigi has Luigi's Mansion, Wario has WarioWare/Wario Land, and Mario has everything else. If Waluigi gets "his own game", it should be a place where he can build his own identity proper rather than piggybacking off of someone else as usual
Whenever two foods on my plate mix I get really really mad and don't want to eat it
So you can understand why this is not something on my wishlist (because I am a fun-hating asshole). That being said, for the purposes of this thought exercise, let's say that miyamoto himself is holding me at gunpoint and telling me I can't have any more microgames until I make this happen. Here is how I would approach this concept in a way that is least likely to make me go insane:
I wouldn't make it a M&L game, it would be its Own Thing. This is so that the mario & luigi series can continue to feature mario & luigi while opening up the possibility for this concept of all 4 guys working together to have (sigh) a sequel.
The thing that makes this all happen is that in the first chapter the Big Bad Guy of the week somehow transports/knocks the overall men into a deep and inescapable chasm (a volcano, a nightmare, a inside of a whale, whateverthefuck) and you start as mario and have to find luigi.
Along the way you find everyone except luigi. You have to fight wario and waluigi separately before they begrudgingly agree to join your party.
Because you're all kind of fucked they suck it up and decide to work together with each other and mario just to get the hell out of there. Maybe you can shoehorn luigi's superjump ability in here to justify why the other guys would give a damn about finding luigi.
You find luigi.
Once you get out of the Hole Situation you have all 4 guys in your "party" and find out that you all have to work together to save the world super paper mario style. I still don't know if this would be sufficient motivation for either wario or waluigi but something will be in it for them. I guess.
I think Wario should be able to pick up and use Waluigi as various tools (e.g. hammer, crowbar, pole vault), because he is a tool. I don't know it just feels right
Alternatively (or in addition to that), I think it would be fun to have different pair combos of guys you can use at a time, each with their own benefits. Obviously mario+luigi and wario+waluigi would be an option but it would also be fun to explore the potential synergy between wildcard combos like wario+luigi and waluigi+mario
The penultimate boss is wario+waluigi randomly betraying you and using all the skills and EXP you taught them along the way. They behave after you kick their ass though
IDK what else is going on in this pretend game but I'm glad I don't have to think about it actually being real. KNOCK ON WOOD!!!!! NINTENDO CRUSH TWITTER'S DREAMS
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