#if there are mistakes no there arent
You’re my favorite blog with an amazing costume and stellar art, so I hope to bestow upon you the small pleasure of asking you:
Trick or treat?
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Thank you very much! I'm incredibly honoured to be your favourite blog! I know this is late but please accept this treat, happy belated Halloween!
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 7 months
Only the most important bits of the dev stream (trust me) with subtitles!
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toujoursrab · 2 months
Prompt: Eerie | Pairing: Jegulus (@into-the-jeggyverse) | Word Count: 529
When Regulus returned home from his shift at St. Mungo’s, he expected to be met with controlled chaos. Harry’s toys all over the sitting room floor, Peppa Pig playing loudly on the muggle TV and mixing in with the Hamilton soundtrack coming from the kitchen (because it was James’ night to cook and he couldn’t do it without music). Instead he was met with an eerie silence, walking through the house wondering if anyone was actually home. He didn’t even step on a Lego as he made his way into the sitting room. “Haz? Jamie?” The TV was off, the room was oddly clean. Even Harry’s fingerpaints from this morning were cleaned up and his artwork most likely hung up on their fridge.
The Healer turned on his heel, leaving the sitting room and making his way to the kitchen. Much like the previous room, the kitchen was entirely clean. James rarely cleaned up right after he cooked, so the kitchen was always a mess when the professional Quidditch player put it to use. Regulus was just about to leave the room and head for the bedrooms next, when a vase of flowers sitting there on the counter caught his eye. A dozen red roses, a classic, but also his favorite flower. A smile formed on his lips as he picked up the card in front of them addressed to Regulus. It was simple a ‘Happy Anniversary, love. Yours always, James’. He scrunched up his nose in confusion because it wasn’t their anniversary.
Before Regulus could think much of it, he heard a set of footsteps followed by a pair of arms wrapping around his middle. He leaned back into his husband’s warm embrace, setting the card he was holding down on the counter. “The flowers are beautiful, Jamie, but it’s not our anniversary for another three months.”
James kissed the side of Regulus’ neck, lips lingering as he spoke into the other’s smooth skin. “You agreed to go out with me exactly five years ago today. It’s an anniversary worth celebrating.”
“Wow, can’t believe I forgot especially when we celebrate it every year.” They didn’t, obviously. His tone was laced with a teasing sarcasm only Regulus could pull off. Regulus had no recollection of the day he finally agreed to go on a date with James, but he didn’t doubt the other knew the exact date. What Regulus did remember of that day, James had been so elated, when he left, he walked right into a light pole, the impact enough to break his glasses.
“Don’t worry about it.” James replied cheekily as Regulus tilted his head to press their lips together in a series of soft kisses. “You have me to remind you.”  When James finally released his hold on Regulus, he turned so they were facing each other. Regulus reached for James’s hands to hold. “Haz is with Lils for the weekend, I set up a romantic candlelit dinner in the garden. Will you join me, Mr. Potter?”
The corners of Regulus’ lips upturned into a bright smile. “I would love to, Mr. Potter.”  He leaned up and pressed their lips together in a chaste kiss.
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thesunisatangerine · 1 year
against all odds (to wait for you is all i can do) – part two
alexia putellas x photojournalist!reader
warnings: implied sexual content
(a/n in the tags) [parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve]
word count: 2.5k
You weren’t sure what woke you at first but when you opened your eyes, you found the brilliant, early morning light that streamed through a crack in the curtains. Groaning, you rubbed the sleep from your eyes, not missing the unmistakable rustling of clothes somewhere at the foot of the bed. 
Peeking over the sheets to the source of the sound, you found Ale working to put her pants back on, her bare back to you. You propped yourself against the headboard as you watched on, biting your lip at how Ale’s tattoos deliciously shifted over her rippling muscles. She picked something up from the floor before she turned towards the bed and you caught sight of the darkening marks on her neck and chest. When she saw you looking at her, she smiled, a little bashful, which you returned in kind.
“What time is it?” You cringed at how you croaked out the words.
“Early. You should go back to sleep.” Ale said, putting her bra on as she kept your gaze.
You hummed. “I could say the same for you.”
Ignoring what she said you sat up on the bed, allowing the sheets to slide down and settle by your waist as you stretched. Ale’s eyes wandered to your chest which, you supposed, bore the same marks you could see on hers, and you relished the attention. Once she found your eyes again, you sent her a knowing smirk before you left the bed, headed to the closet where you grabbed the nearest fresh shirt you had, and tossed it to Ale. 
Without even looking at the shirt, she caught it with ease. You raised your brow, both in question and in wonder. In response, Ale just smiled innocently at you. Ale pulled the shirt over her head, hiding the marks from view, then she moved towards you, her eyes dark and shining with intent.
Your body remembered last night’s endeavours before you did: every nerve in your skin lit up in anticipation for Ale’s touch, a fuse waiting for a spark. She laced an arm around your waist and pulled you flush to her front with a strength that left you breathless, her clothed body firm against your bare flesh. Without your heels she almost towered over you that you had to stand on your toes to wrap your arms around her neck. You closed your eyes when you felt the words she spoke against your temple.
“As much as I’d love to stay, I have to go.”
You sighed, unable to hide your disappointment. But what did you expect? You knew what you were getting into last night–you knew this was meant to only be a one-time thing. Besides, you were never one for relationships anyway; all your dalliances were brief and fleeting, ending before they ever got serious. Still, something about Ale pulled you to her, a force that compelled a desire to get to know her. The logical part of you already accepted the fact that you’d probably never see her again after this, but a small part of you wanted to rebel and resist that fate. 
Unsurprisingly, logic won out.
“I shouldn’t keep you, then,” you whispered against her collarbone. Ale shivered and that made you smile: it’s good to know you weren’t the only one still feeling the effects from the previous night.
“You’re not making this easy,” she whined and you laughed. 
“Alright, alright. I guess it’s time for me to let you go.”
There was a moment of silence but not an uncomfortable one. You looked at her, soaked in how her features caught the morning light, how her fair hazel eyes almost appeared like twin golden suns. You were tempted to kiss her lips then but you settled for a chaste one on her cheek instead. “Keep the shirt, to remember me by and… a thank you for last night. It was wonderful.”
“I had a good time, too,” she hummed, a small smile on her lips. 
You returned her smile, and then you gently pushed her away as you took a step back. “Go, Ale.”
Ale stood there for a moment more, took one last look at you, gave you one last smile and she was out of the bedroom. When you heard the front door shut, you sighed again as something akin to regret settled in your bones. Maybe you should’ve at least asked for her number…
“So… did you have fun?” A deep voice filtered through the speaker before you saw the familiar mop of blonde hair and blue eyes on your screen. You rolled your eyes at his dry tone but you smiled nonetheless.
“Oh hi, Derek, I’m doing fine! Thank you for asking!”
Derek gave you an unimpressed look. “Come on. I need details cause that club was exclusive for a reason. So, did you hook up with someone?”
“Dude, stop! That’s so–” you shook your head, a palm over your face. You swore if he wasn’t family you would’ve… you breathed through your nose. “Thank you for the pass and everything but I’m not obligated to tell you shit.”
“Fine, I see how it is. Just ‘cause I’m not there you’re keeping secrets from me now, huh?” He raised an exaggerated eyebrow. 
“Then maybe you should’ve come here with me,” you retorted with faux annoyance. “What’s the point of you owning a house in Barcelona if you’re not going to use it? It’s literally rotting here! The fact that you haven’t even put any personal things in here is criminal!”
“And let this agency burn down to the ground while both of us are away? Pfft, yeah, right!” Derek scoffed. “You know it’s either you or me who can keep watch around here. Besides, the house can wait and you’re using it now, right? So, a win-win in my book.”
He was right but you weren’t about to tell him that so you opted to change the topic. “How are things on your end anyway?”
“Chaotic, as usual. And it doesn’t help we’re now down two–actually, three including you–of our best in the Spot News department.”
At that, you sat up from the couch, alarm and dread filled your body and you brought the phone closer to you. “Oh my god, did something happen?” 
Derek sighed heavily, his demeanour clouded over as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “It was Jones and Gilda–they’re stable, don’t worry!–they got caught in a flash flood on the way to the base at their area. Sick with some minor injuries, Jones more so than Gilda, but thankfully they’re both okay.”
At that, you breathed out in relief. You were well acquainted with the dangers that came with your job but you could never get used to how quickly a situation could get from bad to worse. The mere thought was enough to turn your hands cold. 
“When did this happen?”
“Early morning today in our timezone.”
“Oh, fuck. Derek, why didn’t you call me?!”
“Dude, you’re on leave. And it’s not that I didn’t want to let you know, I just wasn’t about to wake you up in the middle of the night to give you this headache. I’m just about done with the paperworks anyway.” A moment silence, then Derek sighed. “You really chose the worst time to go on leave. You know, I had to send Jersey to start covering Spot.”
“Not my fault you authorised it. I was happy to wait another month, remember? Wait, so if Jersey is doing Spot, who’s doing Sports?”
“I know, I know, don’t remind me ‘cause I’m already regretting it. And no one’s doing it. Spot coverage is more important but–”
“–we get a decent sum from Sports, too,” you finished for him. You did some quick estimation in your head: a month or two without Sports could prove costly, too great of a sum to let go. You hummed, rubbing your chin, but it didn’t take you long to realise that you could help out, your mind immediately fleeted to your conversation with Ale and her suggestion.
“I’ll cover it, Derek.”
“No. You’re supposed to be enjoying your leave–”
“Derek.” You fixed a stern gaze at him, the one you knew that he knew meant your mind was made up. Then you proceeded to reassure him that it was fine, and then you told him about your plan. “Alright, then, I’ll leave the press passes to you.”
“I’ll e-mail them to you once I get ‘em, most likely by tonight your time. I–” 
“Derek, you got to see–” Another voice filtered through the speaker while you watched as Derek turned his head to the side and held his hand up to whoever it was before returning his focus back to you.
“Okay, as much as I’d love to keep talking to you, Robert just brought me a huge stack of paper so I’m going to bail.” 
“Alright. Have fun, you. Talk to you later.”
“Ha ha, very funny. But seriously, thank you.”
“No worries. Kiss Mom for me when you see her.”
“I will. Love you, sis.”
“I love you, too.”
After calling Jones and Gilda to ask about their condition and to send them your well wishes, you decided to spend the rest of your day at the nearby square and the beach. A day as good as this wasn’t meant to be wasted by staying inside so you grabbed several rolls of film and your beloved Leica camera before heading out. 
It was already late afternoon when you found yourself trudging along the shoreline of one of Barcelona’s beaches, appreciating the orange-tinged skies and how the gulls called from above. When you looked to the horizon, you found a mother and her little daughter paddle-boarding just a hundred meters from the shore. You could see almost no details in the shadows of their silhouette but the large setting sun framed them in such a way that you felt to take a shot of the moment. So you adjusted your aperture accordingly, pressed the viewfinder against your brow, lined up your shot, and pressed the shutter.
“I thought you looked familiar… And I was right.”
Your thumb froze over the advance lever when you heard someone speak from somewhere behind you. That voice… could it be?
You whipped your head over your shoulder and found none other than Ale standing there. She was wearing a pair of jean shorts, a white opened blouse that put her toned abs and Nike sports bra on display, loose hair slightly damp, with a leash in one hand that lead to a small, fluffy dog. She also had on a pair of black wraparound sunglasses that she moved to the top of her head, revealing her hazel eyes that captivated your gaze immediately.
You could hardly believe your eyes and your luck; you already accepted her fleeting presence in your life but to meet her again in a city as big as Barcelona without any means of contact… that surely was nothing short of a miracle.
“Ale, hi! I–I never thought I’d see you again,” you said after you finally found your voice but as soon as the words left your mouth, your cheeks warmed. What were you supposed to say to a one night stand in this situation, especially when you clearly wanted it to happen again?
“Me neither. I should thank Nala for dragging me out here.” Ale grinned as she glanced down at her dog by her feet. You crooned as you bent down, then you offered your hand first and only after Nala licked your knuckles did you proceed to pet her.
“Thank you, Nala, for taking your owner for a walk.” At that, a hearty laugh came from Ale which caused Nala, who seemed to be overjoyed by the sound of her owner’s delight, to yip and wag her tail. And just as quickly as she had, she seemed to get bored and began to bound forward, urging Ale to move as well so you stood up, brushed the sand from your palms, and fell in step with her. 
For a moment, the space between you was filled by the sound of the waves, the sound of the shifting sand beneath your feet, and the ever-bustling noise from the city. Then you recalled your conversation with Derek this morning.
“I thought about what you said, about covering women’s football. I’m going to be given a press pass for a match, not sure which one they’ll give me, though. But do you know of any big matches coming up?”
“Really? That’s great! Do you have any particular team in mind or…?”
“Research is still on my to-do list so no, not really. I’m all ears for suggestions, though.”
“I see. Well, there is this match coming up: Real Madrid and Barcelona. Since you don’t know, there’s rivalry between the two teams so any match between them tends to get crowded. You should come watch.” 
“That sounds like a good one. I hope that’s what they’ll get me into. Will you be there?”
“I hope so, too. And yes, I’ll be there.” As she said this, her eyes shone with a glint not dissimilar to what you saw in them the night you met. Her lips tilted to the side, closed but quirked at the corners like she was holding in a laugh. If it weren’t already clear that night, it was now–you were definitely missing something here.
“What?” You asked, confused. What was she not telling you? But at the question, Ale only let out a small giggle, grinning as she did so.
“Nothing, nothing,” she said, shaking her head. You didn’t believe her but you let it slide one more time and the fact that she looked so distracting didn’t help either.
She had her head turned to you, her loose hair framed her face and strands fluttered in the cool, ocean breeze. You had to tilt your head up slightly to meet her eyes and, without any bidding, memories from that night and the morning after filtered through your mind: the way she held you against her, the way you wanted her to stay… maybe you should ask her if she was free tonight.
“–what do you have in mind?”
You blinked. “What?”
Ale threw her head back, letting out another hearty laugh before she looked at you and you saw amusement swimming in her eyes. Then, she continued with a smirk, “you asked if I was free tonight. I said yes. Or… was I not meant to hear that?”
Your ears and cheeks burnt while you internally cursed your slippery tongue.  That was smooth. Real smooth. “Ummm…”
You woke the next morning with a delicious soreness between your thighs, a pleasant reminder of the way Ale ravished you last night. Similar to the first morning after, you heard the rustling of clothes being put on. But before you could fully open your eyes, warmth from Ale’s lips branded the skin on your shoulder. 
“I have to go. See you next time?” Ale murmured softly. You shifted slightly to the side and you saw how the sunlight behind her gilded her hair with an amber halo and made her eyes appear like molten gold. 
Brushing a loose strand behind her ear, you hummed in confirmation and pressed your forehead sleepily against the sharp line of her jaw, closing your eyes as you did so and you whispered, “you know where to find me.”
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mxrtified777 · 10 months
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angel of death
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sketch 👍
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lost-in-fandoms · 21 days
Got caught up in my feelings last night and kept thinking about this until I was able to write it down.
Max's fingers moved deftly on Nicky's hair, braiding the long strands while reading out loud. It was a new book, something about a witch and a fairy being best friends and going on adventures, both of them endearingly invested in it.
Daniel took his place to the side of the door, leaning against the wall, eyes trained on the pair, as they both looked up to smile at him before going back to their story.
Max didn't do voices when reading books, he never had. At first Daniel had complained, sure that their daughter would only pay attention if he kept the reading as silly as possible, but then Max had started the new bedtime routine of braids and books. There was something in the way his voice changed over the dialogue, in the weird cadence of his, in his gentle rasp, that kept Nicky completely entranced in a way Daniel had never been able to replicate.
That and the hair styling. For some reason, whenever Daniel was the one to deal with elastics and bows and hairbrushes, things always turned out either wonky or tear stained or both. He had felt bad about it, felt like he was failing her, until Max had pointed out that he always struggled with getting her to finish all her food, and that if it had been up to him they'd be eating soup and various charred vegetables every night, and Daniel had felt better.
Max always knew how to make Daniel feel better.
"Page," Max said, pausing his reading to allow Nicky to turn the page, tying the braid off with a yellow elastic and tugging her closer against his chest, moving the hairbrush out of the way. They were almost at the end of the chapter, and Daniel smiled, knowing what was coming.
As expected, even before Max was all the way through the last page, Nicky started squirming, twisting to glance up at him, big eyes already pleading, but Max steadily finished reading and reached for the bookmark she was holding anyway.
"No, papa, please! One more?"
It was always the same. Max would finish doing her hair, finish their chapter and then she would beg for more. Honestly, Daniel couldn't blame her, not when he too would have liked to be sitting against Max's chest, listening to his voice.
"We had two already, because the other one was short," Max replied, kind but firm. He closed the book, pushing it to the side, then turned Nicky around so they could sit face to face, her little crossed legs bracketed by his spread ones.
Nicky was still pouting, but she had learned soon enough that there was no bargaining with papa. Not that Max didn't treat her like a princess and spoil her rotten, but he had rules, and rules were followed. Most of the time.
"So, what do you say?" Max asked, offering the book back to Nicky for her to hold, because just like Daniel she struggled to keep her thoughts straight if her hands were free.
Max had told Daniel once that this part was important for Nicky's development. That getting to talk through her ideas, offering opinions, making hypothesis for what was to come was good for the brain.
Daniel didn't doubt it, but he suspected that Max just liked to talk to her. Both their eyes were bright as they discussed what they had just read, Nicky bouncing slightly on the bed, unable to sit still, Max's hands moving in the air. Daniel loved them both so much.
When they were done, Max put the book down on Nicky's bedside table, turning on her ladybug nightlight and the lamp next to it, just as Daniel turned off the big light, leaving the bedroom bathed in warm shadows.
"What are you going to dream about tonight?" Max asked, tucking Nicky in and placing a kiss on her head.
"I will be a mermaid and I will find a big treasure!"
She was already clutching Bissit, her stuffed bunny, his name an unfortunate attempt of a toddler to pronounce Biscuit, and one of his ears ended up in her mouth as soon as she was done talking.
Max gently pulled it out, kissing her cheek as a distraction.
"Will I get some?"
"You will get one coin!" Nicky replied, giggling at her own mischief. Daniel could feel his own smile grow wider at the mere sound of it and Max's fake-offended face could not hide his fondness either.
"Just one?! What about daddy?" he asked, pointing at Daniel as if he was the culprit for the bad treasure sharing.
"Daddy will get..." Nicky paused, brows furrowed as she tried to think of a big enough number, "seventy-five!"
Daniel whooped as Max gasped in fake outrage, poking Nicky's tummy through the covers in retaliation, her delighted laughter filling the room.
Max sighed in mock resignation as Nicky quietened again, hand cupping her head gently.
"Will I at least get a good night?" he asked, his voice softer now.
"Good night," Nicky readily said, poking one hand out of the covers to grab his free one and bring it up to her lips, smacking a big wet kiss on it.
"Good night, liefje." Max gave her one last kiss before getting up, leaving an empty spot on her side, and Daniel knew that was his cue. Reading time was Max's special time with Nicky, but Daniel always got the last good night.
He kissed Nicky's forehead, one cheek, then the other, then the tip of her nose, listening to her giggles.
"I love you so much, baby," he told her, because he could never stop himself from telling her a million times a day. He was dreading the day she was going to become a prickly teenager and fight him over it. He hoped she never did.
"I love you too, daddy" she said back, because she was four and she still said it back every time.
He stayed with her a little longer, petting her hair, one of the very rare times during the day they could both be still and quiet, but when her eyes had stopped drooping and stayed fully closed, he turned the lamp off and went to look for Max.
He found him in the living room, slowly folding the laundry Daniel had abandoned earlier.
"I would have gone back to it," Daniel said just to say it. They both knew he was never able to get through all the laundry without getting distracted.
"No, you would not," Max replied placidly, not even looking up at him, poking through the pile to find the sock matching the one he was holding.
"No, I wouldn't have," Daniel acquiesced, sitting down on the couch behind him, leaning forward to wrap his arms around Max's shoulders.
Max paused his search to tilt his head back, eyes squinting into a smile as he accepted Daniel's kiss.
"I love you," Daniel told him, because his inability to hold it back wasn't limited to their daughter.
"I love you too," Max replied, because he was thirty-four and still said it back every time.
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packet-of-staples · 1 year
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Day 138 of drawing Papyrus until he cameos in Deltarune. A continuation of yesterday’s comic because I felt silly. I told you they become besties!! Also if my handwriting in this new pen is unreadable please tell me I’ll repost if it is.
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jestroer · 10 months
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Hermits in dresses with Jleo today :)
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Silly silly ‘what-if-Luis-never-died’ headcannon that I hold so so near and dear to my heart is that Leon taught Luis basic hand-to-hand combat and how to wield a knife in the gentlest most affectionate way possible
Standing behind him and holding his arms in position. Showing him how to stand first before offering out his hand for Luis to hold for balance. Trying to make the entire ordeal easier on him by comparing the way he twirls his knife to the way Luis twirls his lighter so so effortlessly. Leon isn’t at all used to being so soft-spoken and patient with somebody else but it’s worth it a thousand times over to see that lil smile on Luis’ face after Leon tells him ‘good job’ when he finally gets it right.
It’s more like a dance for the both of them than anything else
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gece-misin-nesin · 11 months
Do you ever think about how horrible of a title "Batman's Greatest Failure" is? How degrading and dehumanising? Everything you achieved in life is forgotten and reduced to the way it ended.
You aren't a person. You are a failure. Your whole life is pushed aside and made a part of someone else's life story. You never mattered, if it weren't for that person you would have meant nothing at all.
Aren't you glad? Aren't you glad you are remembered as something? Even if that something is just saying your whole existence equals just to a mistake in someone's life? An old page that everyone is so desperate to forget. A lapse in judgement. A regret. The people you saved, the people you loved, what you did in life, none of that matters. All that matters is how another person was affected by your death. That is all you will ever be. Everything you did and didn't do will always be irrevocably tied to that person, for better or worse.
You are unable to exist without that person and the only way for you to exist is through his perception of you. The only way for others to see you is to look at you through his biased interpretations of who you were.
You weren't a child or a hero or a martyr or a son or a victim. All you ever were, and will be, is someone's "Greatest Failure".
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arom-antix · 1 month
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Stars, I have seen them fall
Huge credit to @my-private-tsukuyomi and their Stardust AU for the inspiration for this! Open for better resolution
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baphomuttt · 2 months
boombox ult
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ywpd-translations · 3 months
Ride 778: “Hakogaku's sprinter”
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Pag 1
1: Izumida-san!!
2: I'll use it
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Pag 4
1: This year's May
2: Ibaraki Prefecture
West Tsukuba
3: Tsukushiba University, located at the foot of the sacred eastern mountain, Mount Tsukuba, at 887m above the sea level
4: In front of the second dormitory building on the campus
5: Basically, Doubashi
You mean you want to race me in a serious sprint battle...
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Pag 5
1: Yes, please
This might be a weird way to say it, but
2: In Hakone Academy... among our team, there's no one who can be my opponent!!
3: Alright, then I'll gladly accept!!
4: I, Izumida Touichirou of Tsukushiba University racing club!!
First year at Tsukushiba University, department of science and engineering, former Hakone Academy captain
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Pag 6
1: Former Hakone Academy ace sprinter
2: The area around the university is a town, but if you go out of it it's really easy to ride, Izumida-san
3: There's both flats and mountains, it's a good place for biking
4: Did it take long to come to Ibaraki?
5: Coming here from Kanagawa, you have to cross Tokyo, so... yeah
Honestly, I had to change so many trains...!!
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Pag 7
1: Is Manami doing alright?
Yeah, he's so carefree, but sometimes he says something serious too!!... I guess?
Sounds like Manami
2: Ngh....!!
3: Dammit.... this is so fun!!
What's this!! We're just riding our bikes and talking, but I've missed this feeling!!
4: When I was a second year and Izumida-san was a third years, we practiced like this every day!!
5: Sometimes Izumida-san was the one who attacked, sometimes it was me, and we pushed each other to our limits
7: It's not the time to smile about this!! I've come here to become stronger!!
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Pag 8
1: Sorry, Izumida-san!!
I got too relaxed for a moment!!
3: It's good to relax
That's important, too
5: There's as many roads to ride as we want!!
So, which one is better? You can choose
For today's menu!!
6: An easy course with a 100km run along the roads of Ibaraki and a sprint at the end
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Pag 9
1: Or the hard course, cut into section, with a final sprint when we're giving our all!!
4: Of course!! The hard one!!
6: Since it's you
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Pag 10
1: I knew it would come to this!!
Abs, read?
2: Go!!
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Pag 11
1: Abs, abs, abs, abs, abs!!
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Pag 12
1: Buah!!
2: Doubashi!!
You've really gotten stronger!!
3: If it were you from last year, you wouldn't have been able of getting ahead on a short climb like that before!!
4: Izumida-san, you're the one who has powered up!!
I seriously think I'm gonna be torn apart right now!!
5: But this is what I wanted
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Pag 13
1: An opponent to race against in a fierce and close battle!!
During that you become stronger, and move to the next stage!!
2: Abs, Doubashi!!
Rise!! With that body!!
3: More....
4: Give me more, Izumida-san!!
6: Alright, I'll show you a sprint that will make you regret those words!!
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Pag 14
1: Abs!!
Come!! Masakiyo!!
2: Buooorah!!
4: Today was fun
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Pag 15
1: Thank you
Well, I'm beat, Izumida-san
2: In the end, I lost at the final sprint
You rode well, you drove me in a corner until then!!
3: Did you see it? Your next stage
Yeah... well, little by little, but...
4: But I'm just a little closer, I feel like I can grasp something, but I can't
5: That's because you're too serious
6: And you're an hardworker
7: You know, there are two types of “right”
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Pag 16
1: There's what's socially right
And what's right for yourself
3: Rules and norms, things that must be observed when living together, are what's socially right
The other
4: are the feelings in your heart you won't give up
6: Actually, both of these are “right”
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Pag 17
1: But, sometimes these two go into conflict
2: Feelings....!!
“Feelings are strength”.... Izumida-san said that before
3: When something wrong happens, you end up resorting to violence, you reflexively curse at people
However, what should be restrained is the “action”
4: Not the feelings themselves
5: If you don't like something, you can get angry
6: No but, Izumida-san, if I just blindly do that.....
7: And when you're happy
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Pag 18
1: you can honestly smile
2: I got too relaxed for a moment!!
4: There's no need to deny it
Those obvious “feelings” that are boiling inside you!! You can smile because you've missed something
5: The feelings that came out amidst of your own study and research and suffering
Where is the mistakes in that?
6: Even if you took a detour, there's no lie in your hard work!!
8: Release yourself more
Lead the path of your own heart
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Pag 19
1: Polish what's right for you!!
2: What's “right”.... for me....!!
3: I understood it riding together with you today
You're already good enough for the next stage
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Pag 20
1: will become much stronger!!
Buoooo!! Smash through!! “Hurakan”!!
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shyravenns · 10 months
yeah yeah yeah Soap is dead, but how about Soap coming back and haunting every member of 141 like the clingy bastard that he is
Farah who never really knew Soap as well as the others, but still feels the gaping hole that his presence left. Farah, who finds herself standing beside Ghost underneath the cool night sky, and surprises herself (and him) with a joke that's so oddly distasteful about the state of their recent mission and feeling a soft warmth flutter in her chest at his light huff of laughter. Laughter that she feels as if she hasn't heard in months. Remembering hours later that herself that she could have sworn that there had been a brief, additional gust of laughter along the wind that neither of them bothered to acknowledged.
Alex who feels the unsettling quiet that's grown between all of them at all times as if it were a blanket. He knew Soap as well as one might expect from the very few times they worked together, and oftentimes thinks about the blossoming friendship between them that had died along with him. Alex, who often wonders about the kind of leader Soap would have been and places him in the tiny cranny in his heart that's reserved for every man and woman that's worked alongside him and died. Alex who feels the unwelcome *push* of hands that cause him to stumble so hard he feels as if his teeth has knocked out, and just barely remembers that he's in an active warzone before he glances up and sees the tall tale imprint of a bullet in the wall right where his head had been.
Rudy who had the privledge of actually becoming Soap's friend, and remembers the exact moment he heard the news. They weren't *close*. Not in the way that Soap was close with Ghost or Gaz or even Alejandro, but he still felt as if a bullet had pierced his own heart at the confirmation of his death. Watching at the brief flicked of emotions crossing Alejandro's face at another soldier lost far too soon. Rudy who flips through the long forgotten sketchbook that Soap had left during one of his visits to Las Almas, and delicately places his fingers on the sketches. Rudy who doesn't remember falling asleep, and wakes up with the scent of a long forgotten friend floating in the air and a sketchbook that's been left on an empty page he doesn't remember seeing. He stands up to get his pencil.
Alejandro who takes every death to heart, and keeps every dog tag that he can find stored in a drawer in his desk of all the men and women he had the honor of fighting alongside with. Alejandro who grieves at the absolute unfairness of it all, and vows to kill Markarov himself if he should ever have the chance. Alejandro, who still wants to believe that there is some sort of afterlife and that maybe there's a point to all of this. Alejandro, who loses *another* soldier and feels the weight of a hand on his shoulder that squeezes, and thinks that just for a moment that he can hear the faint whisper of bad spanish with a slight scottish accent in his ear. Words barely perceptible even by his own trained ears, and yet it brings a small smile to his face.
155 notes · View notes
obsessivestar · 9 days
'What If It's All A RomCom?' - a Ted Nivison x Reader (smut)
{{-Another smut chapter folks, this one is gRAPHIC IM SORRY or maybe I'm not sorry idk. Anyways, go read Chapter 9 before this one if you want the full context. Otherwise, enjoy again lmao.-}}
//General Warnings: 18+ Fanfic (ESP THIS ONE NO MINORS GO AWAY RN), Reader is implied to be afab and under 5'5
Chapter Warnings: HUGE DOM TED, Reader receiving and giving, humiliation, he smacks u wit it LOL, mix of degradation and praise, gettin' it from the back hhh graphic smut\\
Word count: 5.9k FUCK IM SORRY
@k-k0129 & @callsign-scully
☆▪︎Love ya to death!▪︎☆
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Chapter 10: You're Pathetic
I keep my hands on my doorknob as I turn towards Ted, who's leaning against my closed closet door, still wearing the formal fit he had kept on all day. I can feel my heartbeat pick up in my chest, trying to steady my breathing so I didn't look too excited. "Y'know, I watched Tanner walk right into his room earlier.." I give Ted a small little smile, moving away from my door slowly. I don't know why, but I felt nervous. Genuinely nervous.
"Yeah? Waitin' for everyone to turn in?.." Ted grins at me, slipping one of his hands into his pocket. He's standing at the entire other side of the room, yet I feel like he could pounce on me whenever he wants.
"I just wanted to make sure you wouldn't use the same excuse 3 times in a row.." I let out a quiet chuckle, crossing my arms in front of me. I could see how heavily I was breathing with how much my chest was visibly rising and falling; I was trying to hide it. "So...why are you in here this time?"
Ted doesn't answer right away. He steps away from my closet door, slipping his other hand into his pocket as he steadily approaches me. "Because you want me to be." He answers, a mischievous chuckle leaving him. "Because...you've been starin' at me all day, and I know why.."
"I have not been staring all day..", I scoff defensively, turning my head away from him momentarily. I tried to appear relaxed, but my stomach was welling up anxiously, making me shift my crossed arms a bit.
"Maybe not all day, but I've been payin' attention.." Ted purrs and continues to step towards me, keeping his dark eyes fixed on me. I try to take a step back but I'm stopped by my heel slightly pressing against the baseboard of my wall. I didn't realize I was so close to it already.
"Have you?.." My voice becomes softer, quieter; with a hint of sarcasm to mask my nerves.
"Oh, I have. I've been watching you closely today.." Ted hums, sneakily moving even closer. "I saw where your eyes went when I stepped out, I saw the way you closed your legs on that sofa, I saw you look at my lips again when I had you up on the kitchen counter and I know you were checking me out when you thought I wasn't looking.."
At this point, Ted is about 4 feet away from me. Any closer and he could touch me. I've nearly backed myself up against the wall, a gentle blush along my cheeks. Besides Ted's talking, it's so quiet. Sometimes if you listen well enough, you can hear little things coming from everyone's room, like Joe's watching TikTok's or the sound of Dan's keyboard, but not tonight. It's dead quiet. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Ted.." I speak out carefully, focusing on my words so I don't stutter them out. I could feel my body shivering, tightening my crossed arms to keep myself grounded.
"Uh-uh. You're not lying your way out of this one, princess.." Ted grins at me, taking yet another careful step towards me. "I know what's goin' on in that pretty little head of yours.." I watch as his hand reaches out to finally touch me, his hand moving under my chin to hold it up slightly. I keep my eyes locked on him, my smile faltering a little. God, he's so much taller than me. He towers over me, absolutely towers over me. It makes me feel small. "You can play dumb all you want, but you're nervous as fuck. I can see it." Ted chuckles at me, lightly gliding his tongue along the ends of his top teeth.
"I'm not nervous.." I reply softly, giving him a flirty smile and loosening my arms to let them rest at my sides.
"You're lying to me, (Y/N)..."
"Oh, I'm lying now?"
"What makes you think I'm lying?"
"Because your hands are shaking.."
I can practically feel my heart drop in my chest, a heavy blush spreading along my face when he calls my bluff. My eyes widen a little and I can't think of a single excuse or comeback. Next thing I know, he grabs me by my shoulders and pins me up against the wall behind me, a grunt escaping me from the gentle but firm collision. He's so strong. He moves me so easily.
"E-Easy.." I stammer and try to move my hands to hold onto Ted's arms, but he moves faster than me. He grabs both of my wrists and pins them up above my head, a gasp leaving me in response. I never perceived Ted to be such a dominant guy, but he wears it...rather nicely.
"This is what you wanted, yeah?" Ted grins mischievously at me. "Missed being beneath me?.."
"Fuck off.." I purr back with a mocking grin, raising my chin up at him. "You're the one that snuck into my room. Again. You're obsessed with me, Teddy.."
"I'm obsessed with you?" Ted repeats, raising his eyebrows at me before pausing. He let's out a curious hum, his eyes scanning my face. I feel my body tense up when he leans in closer to connect our lips in a gentle, longing kiss. I hear a raspy moan leave Ted's throat in the kiss, pressing his thumbs into the palm of my hands to caress them somewhat.
"You might be right about that.." Ted purrs against my lips, trailing kisses slow along the side of my jaw. "But I think you're obsessed with me, too.."
I try to move my hands to touch him, but his grip is too strong for me to do anything back to him. I just have to take whatever he's doing to me, listen to whatever he's saying to me. I close my eyes, trying to steady my breathing. "In fact, I know you're obsessed with me.." Ted hums, his low voice rumbling in my ear. "I know you still think about that first night, how I touched you...tasted you..." Ted leaves gentle kisses along my skin with every pause, practically locking my whole body against this wall. I could feel my inner thighs getting warm again, causing me to close them a little. "I know you think about my voice ringing in your ear...I know you like how tall I am, how I tower over you, yeah? Ringin' any bells, you little cunt?" He mocks me, lightly nipping at my ear with a snicker. I open my eyes. It hits me. He's repeating everything I told Joe at the stairs yesterday. He heard us. He heard me.
"Y' f-fuckin' kidding me.." I manage to whisper out with a shaky breath, closing my eyes once more when Ted chuckles lowly into my ear.
"'Fraid not, princess. Surprised you didn't say more about me. Sounded like you wanted to.." Ted's hands slowly move down my pinned hands, his body language telling me to stay still. I keep my wrists up against the wall as his hands smooth their way down to my shoulders, slowing along the sides of my breasts before gripping my waist to keep my body close. As his warm touch explores my body, I can't help but move my hands down to rest them on his shoulders, letting out a shaky breath.
"Y'know what I keep thinking about?.." Ted whispers into my ear, one of his hands staying on my waist while the other steadily moves further down my body. He pulls his face away from my neck to look down, his free hand working to unbutton my pants. "How nice you felt to push into...that first time.." He purrs with a mischievous grin, moving a bit of my pants aside to sneak his hand into them, feeling his fingers press against my clothed bud; he knew exactly where it was. I let out a shy gasp, meeting his dark gaze, my grip on his shoulders tightening a little. "Right after I played with this little thing..." Ted speaks again, moving his fingers in a slow, circular motion against my panties. "I grabbed your waist and slid riiiight in, so easily...you remember that?.."
The little movements he's making against my sensitive nerve makes my body shiver once more. I close my eyes and turn my head with a shaky moan, only to feel his hand move away from my waist to grab my jaw, turning me to him once more. "No no no, look at me. I'm talkin' to you.." Ted scolds me, shaking his head a little. "I asked you a question, didn't I?" His fingers move a little to the side, slowly pulling my panties aside to slip between my folds. This was driving me crazy. Just a few words and some carefully placed kisses were enough to make me wet for him again. How he makes me weak so quickly...
"I-I remember.." I whisper with a little nod, a few shaky breaths leaving me. As his fingers continued to tease inside my sensitive folds, I could feel my core begin to react like it was purring, aching for him once more. I could almost, almost feel him inside me again. I'm so warm...
Ted rewards my answer by moving his fingers up my slit to my sensitive bud, his fingers moving in an unbearably slow circle. "Theo.." A quiet moan leaves me and I lean my head back. His touch makes me crazy, I can feel my mind slipping, my judgment being clouded with nothing but pure arousal for Ted. I can still feel his heated gaze on me. He's watching me squirm, I know he is. He's enjoying this.
"There she is...Fuck, I love my name in your voice.." He chuckles lowly at me, almost mockingly so. "You're so fucking cute, I..." He leans his way back down to my neck as he continues to touch me, latching onto my skin with a dark hum. I feel his teeth and his tongue tighten against the skin, a gasp leaving me in response. He's--He's giving me a hickey. Fuck.
I turn my head, catching our figures in a standing mirror. His body against mine, his head in my neck, his hand in my pants...It was a visual I thought I'd only dream about. It made me desire him more. I could feel my legs shaking like crazy, like they were about to give out. He has me right where he wants me, and fuck, I want him too. I need him.
I turn away from the mirror and glance down at him, my hands moving down from his shoulders to smooth along his clothed body. "E-Enough, please, I..." I whimper to him, taking his tie into my hands to pull on it a little. Ted pulls away from my neck, a pleased hum leaving him.
"Mmm, you don't really want me to stop, do you?.." Ted asks with a low purr, his finger circling my clit a little faster. My body shivers once more, my chest beginning to rise and fall at a quicker pace.
"F-Fuck no, don't you dare stop.." I moan with a shaky chuckle, looking at his tie in my grasp. "I-I just--fffuck...I-I want to move. My legs, I-I feel like--mmfhh--I'm about to fall.." Every couple words are interrupted by a needy moan, biting the corner of my lower lip when I finally manage to complete the sentence.
"Aww, you gonna lose your balance?.." Ted laughs a little at me, moving his finger back and forth along my clit. "Mm? Your legs gettin' a little shaky on me? You that desperate?" He knows exactly how to touch me, and it's making me lose it. I lean my head back, close my eyes and let go of his tie as I moan out, a whimper escaping me as I grip his loose buttoned shirt. I try to close my legs the best I can, but his hand is in the way.
"Say you want me, and I'll move you.." Ted speaks it like a command, a confident smile permanent etched along his lips at how helpess I was in front of him. "Tell me you want me..."
I couldn't fight it even if I want to.
"I want you..." I whine a little with a slight pout. "God I want you, okay? I can--I can still feel you, I need you.."
"Look at me."
"Ted please, I.."
"Look...at me."
A shaky breath leaves me as I open my eyes, meeting his dark gaze with a shy little frown. He looks so sure of himself, so confident and in control. I'm the complete opposite, all because of what he does to me.
"I...I.." With his eyes so intensely on me, I find it hard to speak clearly. He raised his brows at me, as if to say 'go on', but I'm borderline speechless. Anytime I feel I have the ability to speak, he moves his fingers and I gasp or moan instead. This is maddening. It's just three words. "I-I...w...want you.." I'm finally able to muster them up, keeping my gaze on him as I whimper for him. I see his eyes darken with desire and he laughs at me again.
"Oh, that's pathetic.." Ted shakes his head a little, finally removing his hand from my pants to grab my waist with both hands. "Three simple words, and that's how you let them out? That's real pathetic.."
"J-Just take me on the fucking bed already.." I curse at him with a glare, giving his shirt a good tug. I was getting fed up with the teasing, I needed him, bad. That little lash out made Ted's eyes flare at me a little, a grin spreading along his face.
"Ooh, that's better.."
I feel his hands move under me to swiftly lift me up into the air, making me wrap my legs around his waist. I instinctively move my oej hands to his shoulders, a surprising gasp leaving me. It was so easy for him to pick me up. I know we had talked about it before, but my weight was nothing to him. My god.... With his hands holding me up from my ass, he pushes his body against mine and kisses my lips passionately. I quickly kiss him back and wrap my arms around his neck, an excited moan leaving me when he turns us away from the wall to start moving to my bed, grasping and picking at the fabric of his shirt. He nearly slams me down onto the edge of the bed, keeping his hips against mine as he works at removing my shirt first, once again throwing it somewhere in the room. My hands move up into his hair and my nails glide along his scalp, tightening me legs around his hips when he moans into the kiss. I feel him press more against me and my god, he's so hard.
I break away from the kiss to breath, giving him time to move my legs so he could slip my pants down, tugging my panties down with them. He was so hungry for me, I could see it in his eyes. All of that teasing and flirting had been affecting him just as much. He's just as desperate for me. It makes me even more excited for him. I try to sit up to work at removing his clothes, undoing his tie first before he'd stop me, making me lay down again with a grunt.
"No no, not yet, I'm fuckin' hungry first and you're gonna let me eat..." He growls at me, adjusting his loose tie around his neck before latching onto my neck once more, still standing by the edge of the bed as he trails kisses down my naked body, worshipping me like the first night. He eventually has to sit down on his knees to get between my legs. I run my fingers along my upper thighs as his lips move along my breasts and down my stomach, forcing my legs open to feed once more.
Just like before, he's all over me. His tongue can slide into my entrance and taste everything he had teased out of me, pulling me more to the edge of the bed so it was harder for either of us to move. His tongue moved smoothly between my soaked folds, his cold glasses occasionally touching my lower belly once he'd move up to bring attention to my sensitive bud. I watch as he closes his eyes and loses himself deep between my thighs, moaning and panting like it's his drug. Fuck, he's going to condition me to need this every tine.
I don't last as long as I did the first night. I don't even have the chance to warn him, becoming a moaning and whining mess when I finish from his tongue flicking along my warm clit over and over until I reached down and pulled at his hair, hearing him chuckle lowly against me.
"I love making you a fucking mess." He shakes his head, leaving little kisses along my inner thighs. "You get so fucking wet after I eat you out, you know that?" He stands back up and presses two of his fingers against my entrance, toying with it before pushing them into me. The feeling of him moving inside of me was so nice, but not as satisfying as his cock would be. He's once again smiling down at me as he begins to pump his fingers inside of me, his free hand in his pocket once again. "You came faster this time. Am I too much, princess? Is it getting worse? Aww, look at you down there. A fucking mess, aren't you?" He begins mocking me again as I moan for more, moving my knees up a little to try and get him to angle his fingers better. Fuck, he wasn't deep enough. His cock could go deeper.
"T-Teddy, I need more.." I moan softly, trying to push myself against Ted's fingers. His dirty words were dancing around in my head. I was becoming completely his, losing all sense of individuality. Every word and every sound he made just tightened the leash around my neck.
"Mm? These can only go so deep, princess.." Ted hums at me, slowly moving his fingers out of me. "More of what, hmm? Use your words, what do you want from me?.."
I let out a quiet huff, feeling my body shiver when he once again uses his soaked fingers to tease my sensitive clit. The slight overstimulation made my body jolt a little, making it harder to get my words out.
"D-Don't make me say it..." I pouted at him, holding my upper body up by my elbows. Ted starts laughing at me again, shaking his head a little.
"You gonna go shy on me again? You know better than that, right?.." Ted grins at me, spreading his fingers inside my slit to spread my soaked folds. "Wanna use that little mouth for somethin' else then? Hmm?.." Ted moves his hand away from my core to gently grab my chin. I can feel my essence along his fingers, making me shiver a little. His voice was gentle and almost comforting, but the way he was touching me was humiliating. Still holding my chin, Ted makes me sit up at the edge of the bed, looking me over as he moves his fingers to my lips. I open my mouth for him and keep my gaze on him, the unique taste of my essence and Ted's fingers touching my tongue. This may sound odd, but I had never tasted myself before. I can see why Ted gets so lost between my legs, it was sweet. Savory...
"You are so...fucking cute.." Ted purrs at me, watching me suck on his fingers with dark, piercing eyes. "Oooh, I like you like this..."
My eyes glance down to his belt, my breathing picking up in excitement as I reach for it, quickly working at getting it unbuckled. I half-expected Ted to stop me, but he looks just as eager for his pants to be off. The sound of the metal buckle loosening was only making me more aroused, panting as I slid the full belt off of him.
"You are so fucking eager for it, eh?.." Ted chuckles at me, slowly removing his fingers from my mouth to help me remove his pants. "You're so impatient. Easy, baby..." I certainly was impatient, I wasn't afraid to show it. I tugged his boxers down, moving my head back a little when his length suddenly springs out in front of me. Ted laughs at me again, trailing his tongue along his top teeth. Whenever he laughs at me, I feel like he's tightening the collar around my neck even more. He laughs at me like I'm a little pet that's entertaining him. Warm, but sarcastic.
"Is it intimidating? Mm?.." Ted hums with a devious grin, moving his other hand to slink into my hair. I lean a little into his hand with a content sigh, feeling him begin to massage my scalp. At this point, I had truly lost myself, falling deep into my arousal for Ted. I carefully bring his tip to my lips and open my mouth to allow him inside. Ted physically shudders as move my head forward, feeling his shaft slide along my tongue.
"A-Ah, fuck.." Ted let's out a shaky moan, taking a fistful of my hair into his hands once I tighten my lips around him and begin moving my head back and forth. Even with him wrapped in my mouth like this, he was still completely in control of me. His girth was pulsing inside my mouth, a moan leaving me as his tip continuously rubs passed my tonsils. I close my eyes for a moment to focus on my movements, smirking a little when I begin to hear a symphony of panting and moaning from Ted.
"Oh my god, (Y/N)--f-fuck.." He chuckles weakly, giving my hair a nice tug to pull me in closer. I gag a little against him, pulling back briefly to steady myself. God, his size was almost too much for me. "Easy, girl. Easy.." Ted purrs with a little chuckle, moving his grip to the back of my head to pull me in close once more, allowing me to take my time. I moan as his tip touches passed my tonsils again, slowly moving my head back and forth once more. Once I found a smooth rhythm, I was able to adjust to his length and take him in a little deeper, massaging his shaft with my lips and curling my tongue underneath. I began to feel his hips moving against my head, pushing his cock deeper down my throat with every thrust. He keeps a fistful of my hair in his hand, gazing down at me as he fucks my face freely.
"There you go, there you fucking go, yeahhh..." He moans darkly, panting with every thrust he deals. "You look so pretty, baby. I like you with your mouth stuffed--oh god, yes--fucking stuffed like this. Just like this.."
I roll my eyes back and moan against his thick shaft, my own entrance throbbing everytime he slips down my throat. His filthy words will be ringing in my ears for a long while, I'm sure of it. I'll dream of it. I'll beg for it.
I feel his length twitch in my mouth and a shaky, almost nervous sounding moan leaves Ted. For a moment, I expect he's going to finish inside my mouth, but he pulls his length out instead, stifling another moan as his body shudders. He breathes heavily as he gazes down at me, moving his hand from my hair to caress my face again, his thumb rubbing my cheek somewhat roughly.
"Fucking hell...you're a little slut for this, hm?.." Ted chuckles at me mockingly, moving his shaft up to my face to rub his tip against my cheek. A weak moan leaves me, closing my eyes to catch my breath as he rubs himself on me. It was so dehumanizing, but holy fuck, I didn't care. I was so horny for him. Everything he did made it worse. "Yeah, look at you...look at you.." He whispers to himself, resting his length on top of my face with a curious hum. "Is this what you've been thinking about? Hm? You got what you wanted?.." I close one of my eyes when he rests his shaft on my face, opening my mouth somewhat to stick my tongue out at him. He let's out a dark chuckle, lightly smacking his tip along my tongue a few times. "God, you're a little whore, eh? I put on some nice clothes, smack you around a little bit and you'll do whatever I want.."
"Pretty much..." I purr back at him, flicking my tongue against his tip. A pleased hum leaves him at he slips his length away, moving his hands to my chin to guide me to stand up. He keeps his dark gaze on me, glancing down at my lips with another dark chuckle before pulling me into a deep kiss, his hand moving down to wrap itself around my throat. I return the passionate kiss with a needy moan, moving my hands up to unbutton some of the buttons of his shirt. He slips his tongue into the kiss, a growly moan leaving him. My whole body feels hot, my thighs feel tense and I know my core is aching for him, aching for all of him. When he breaks the kiss to speak again, my heart begins to beat out of my chest.
"Turn around for me.."
I feel his grip around my throat tighten a little alongside the command and he's smiling mischievously at me. His pupils are so large with arousal, his eyes mind as well be pitch black. I'm surprised his glasses were still on, but I understood why. He wanted to see everything clearly this time. Last time was spontaneous and passionate. Tonight, everything's deliberate. Calculated. He wants to savour it all. Savour me. Enjoy me, so I do as he says. He let's go of my throat so I can turn around, feeling him hold my waist with one hand and grab the back of my head with the other. He carefully bends me over the bed, making sure we're both positioned comfortably. It's a relatively tall mattress, so my legs can stay on the ground, for now. I can hear his deep breathes over my anxious panting, his warm hand leaving my head to smoothing down my bare back. His free hand leaves my waist and I feel his tip press up against my soaking wet entrance. The anticipation is unbearable. This. This is what I had been waiting for all day. All. Fucking. Day.
The moment I feel him push into me was like I was my soul was ascending out of my body. His length fit inside my entrance like it was always meant to be there. All night I could feel it aching for him, I could feel where it was supposed to be. It was a sensation I had never experienced before, with anyone I had ever been with. With Ted, it's not just that I wanted him, my body needed him, craved him. I couldn't think straight now even if I wanted to, I was in his hands. I let out a long, satisfied moan as he pushes into me completely, leaning my head back a little. I hear him chuckle behind me, his hand moving to hold my waist again. "Oh I know, baby. I know..." Ted purrs, using his other hand to rub my lower back. "I've needed this too. Fuck, I've needed this.."
Ted doesn't start out as gentle as he did the first night. No, he begins working at me immediately. I feel his hips smack against my ass as he thrusts into me, pulling me into his movements by my waist. He's using me like I don't even matter, but I wouldn't have it any other way, not tonight. I keep my head leaned back so he can hear my needy moans for him, my mouth completely hung open. Once again, I don't give a fuck if anyone hears us. He's fucking me like I'm the only girl in the world, I needed it.
"You are so fucking good, princess. Such a fucking good princess..." Ted growls at me as he fucks me roughly, reaching further up to grab my shoulder, moving closer to make his thrusts harder. This was already better than the first night. Something about slapping his shaft on me had made him even wilder, more feral. This was more than I could've hoped for. If every fuck was going to be like this, I'm following him home. I don't give a fuck. This is everything.
"Teddy! Teddy, oh my g--Te-Ted--Teddyyyy" It's nearly impossible to get any other word out that isn't his name. I'm as careful with my volume as I can be. I'm a mess, an absolute mess for this man and I want him to know it. Ted doesn't even have the energy to laugh at me, he's just as lost in this as I am. He keeps smacking his hips roughly against mine, over and over, not once losing the pace or the rhythm. He was practically throbbing inside me, I could feel it. So thick, so deep. I had no way of grabbing him or turning myself around. I had to take it. I wanted to take it. Even when my legs began to shake once again, I kept still for him, letting him hear my desperate cries for him. Just him.
"You really are--ughh--fucking made for me, little cunt..." He groans out, taking both sides of my waist into his hands to pull me in harder and harder. My whole body was surging with pleasure, all I could do was close my eyes and cry for him. It was hard to even understand what I was saying at this rate. I'd cry out his name, I'd moan for his cock, I'd beg for him to move faster. He'd reward my dirty words with a grunt, a spank, a hard thrust, any and all for me. We both became borderline unintelligible, occasionally hearing a growly "Take it. Take it, bitch. You fucking take it." from Ted until I began to feel it all begin to build up in my stomach. My cries become more desperate, his moans becomes louder, his cock massages my sensitive walls and slams into my sensitive core over and over until it all comes undone.
"I'm cumming! I'mcummingi'mcummingi'mcummingi'mcumming!..."
I whimper and whine out for him to hear as I feel my entire body burst with intense pleasure, feeling his hand quickly come up and grab a fistful of my hair to tug it back again. I feel his body lean down against mine, grinding and thrusting against me to make my release even stronger. He wanted to hear everything, he wanted to feel me tighten around him and cry his name. Fuck, did he get it. He got it all. Everything he ever wanted, he could have it.
He slows down his thrusts to allow me to come down from my high, grinding against me like a desperate animal as I moan weakly. It feels like my brain is dancing around consciousness and I realize...he hasn't even finished yet.
"B-Baby, fuck, I'm...I need--I need you. I need more..." He moans against my skin, carefully pulling out of me so he could push me more onto the bed. I'm too weak to try and fight him on this, not that I even wanted to, but fuck was I sore.
"Theo, fuck.." I whimper weakly, my half-open eyes watching as he crawls on top of me. Before I have any time to think, he slips inside my sensitive core again, letting his desperation be known with a relieved moan. "M-My name, f-fuck. My name, again, please...I..." Ted whispers as he begins to fuck me again. I don't have the energy nor the desire to resist, regardless of how sore I am. He's throbbing inside me, fucking me desperately. I wrap my arms and legs around his body and moan out his name for him, our heavy breathing mixing together. He stuffs his face into my neck. Every quick thrust from him sets my body on fire, a slight spark of pain mixing in with the pleasure everytime his hips smack into mine. All the adrenaline was slowly coming down, but Ted wouldn't last much longer, I could feel it. He was moaning so sweetly into my ear, rubbing his sweaty body against mine as his thrusts became more desperate. I moved one of my hands up to run my fingers through his thick hair, caressing the back of his head as I whimper his name. "Theo, Theo, Ohh Theo, yes, yes.."
With just a few more sloppy thrusts, I feel his thick warmth enter me, his body shivering against mine as he empties himself inside me. I close my eyes at the familiar sensation, tightening my legs around him as he grinds the rest out. I'm so full of euphoria and exhaustion, among other things. "Fuuuuuck.." Ted whispers into my ear, slowly pulling out of me with a shaky groan. He pulls away from my neck to look at me, but my exhaustion is hitting me so strongly, I can barely keep my eyes open. Ted chuckles at me weekly, planting a gentle kiss on my lips before moving off of me somewhat.
I lay flat on the bed with my eyes clothes, breathing heavily in an attempt to catch my breath. At first, I thought Ted was leaving, sitting up a little to see if I could spot him. I didn't see or hear anything at first, frowning to myself. Did he leave?...
When I suddenly feel the bed sheets underneath me move, I turn around to see Ted was trying to take the comforter off. I laugh weakly, sitting up a bit to help him toss it off before moving under the loose sheet.
"I was...worried for a second.." I admit in a gentle tone, moving aside so Ted could slip in next to me.
"Worried? 'Bout what?" Ted asks with a curious hum, slipping his white shirt and tie off of his body completely before laying on his side. "Thought I left?"
"Mhmmm.." I hum quietly with a nod, shifting closer to him. "A little bit.."
Ted gives me a warm smile, making sure we were both comfortable under the loose sheet before wrapping his strong bare arms around me, pulling me in close to his chest.
"Nuh-Uh. I'm stayin'..." He whispers to me, one of his hands moving to caress and massage the back of my head. "I'm stayin'. I'm stayin'..."
I feel my exhaustion get the best of me and I close my eyes, a weak smile spread along my lips at his words. My hands are comfortably in front of my body, content to be nuzzled up against Ted's chest for the night.
Another Night ends in Ted's arms.
I'm happy.
__________________________________Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 (smut) || Chapter 7 || Chapter 8 || Chapter 9 || Chapter 11 ||
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awerzo · 5 months
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White Whip, grows wherever there is fear and anguish
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