daily-spanish-word · 7 months
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raincoat el impermeable
A coat that is impermeable (impervious, impenetrable) by water. (spelled the same, pronounced differently)
Who’s the girl in the red raincoat? ¿Quién es la niña en el impermeable rojo?
Picture by Quim Gil on Flickr
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tenth-sentence · 11 months
"(...) An empty stream, a great silence, an impenetrable forest. (...)"
"Heart of Darkness" - Joseph Conrad
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wordsforyourwip · 2 years
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e-c-i-m · 4 months
Dear Child of God,
Jesus, we submit to You!
Love, ECIM
Video: Canva Music: At the Cross - Kaleb Brasee Cover
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richo1915 · 6 months
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"How can one choose to reason falsely? It is because of a longing for impenetrability.
The rational man groans as he gropes for the truth; he knows that his reasoning is no more than tentative, that other considerations may supervene to cast doubt on it. He never sees very clearly where he is going; he is “open”; he may even appear to be hesitant. But there are people who are attracted by the durability of a stone. They wish to be massive and impenetrable; they wish not to change. Where, indeed, would change take them? We have here a basic fear of oneself and of truth. What frightens them is not the content of truth, of which they have no conception, but the form itself of truth, that thing of indefinite approximation. It is as if their own existence were in continual suspension.
But they wish to exist all at once and right away. They do not want any acquired opinions; they want them to be innate. Since they are afraid of reasoning, they wish to lead the kind of life wherein reasoning and research play only a subordinate role, wherein one seeks only what he has already found, wherein one becomes only what he already was. This is nothing but passion. Only a strong emotional bias can give a lightning‐like certainty; it alone can hold reason in leash; it alone can remain impervious to experience and last for a whole lifetime." (Satre 1944)
And this is true today of all people who hold extremist views.
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fanaticalthings · 3 months
Just a cute lil thought:
Since Bruce's kids all love to play around and hide in his cape as Robins, I wonder if he makes them blankets out of the same materials as his cape so they can have a piece of security when Bruce isn't there?
I remember in Dick and Jason's older comics (correct me if I'm wrong), they used to stay up late waiting for Bruce when he'd go out as Batman alone, so I'm gonna take this as confirmation that all his kids have done this at some point.
So now I'm totally gonna hc that in order to encourage his kids to not stay up late for him or as a way to help them feel more safe and secure when he's not there, he makes them all blanket replicas of his cape for them to snuggle with :')
And also just imagine his kids all grown up, and they STILL have the blankets with them, regardless of if they've moved out.
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Thus there was around the Nautilus, above and below, an impenetrable wall of ice.
"20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" - Jules Verne
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howifeltabouthim · 1 year
The mystery, one long viewed as impossible to penetrate, will be solved.
Siri Hustvedt, from The Blazing World
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shorthaltsjester · 2 months
if i keep seeing so many people refer to ayden as an indication of an unknown softness in pelor i will start setting things on fire. just because YOU cannot handle nuance does not mean the story of exandria has not contained it and done so consistently. in fact the first in depth interaction that any party had with pelor (vex becoming his champion) was a portrayal of him that was explicit in his complexity. taken straight from the transcript for 1x104 elysium, “[vex you] spin and look, whereas there once was a burning star-- and to the rest of [vox machina], you see the painful, endless light that averts your gaze-- it doesn't hurt your eyes as much, and you can see the faint features, the soft cheeks, the hairless head, and the bright warm eyes of he who brings the dawn. And you can see the smile there, behind the light. “there is hope.”” sunlight can warm you and burn you in equal measure.
that burning image of the sun has much in common with a teenage boy who steps into a dark room, and reminds the dm that it’s not dark. the same way that a teenage boy who stands by as a woman who will not give up her worship of pelor is punished because he has more important responsibilities he must honour has much in common with a seemingly benevolent lord of the dawn might respond harshly to a cleric who asks if he is worth saving while he is trying to find a way to survive so he might keep helping to provide light. the gods aren’t simple and they never have been. i am as psyched about the particular angle that downfall is taking as anybody but it is already frustrating watching people act like the gods are suddenly more nuanced because they’re in literally mortal bodies when the entire Point of the gods in exandria in the various stories we’ve seen so far is that the only difference they have with mortals is the bounds of their power. they carry all the same flaws and the same profundity. just because so much of the fandom has reduced that to black and white flatness or faulty mapping onto real world religions (or the various traumas those might have caused individuals) doesn’t mean that complexity has been missing at all from the story.
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teenageeaglerebel · 2 years
Habla Tu Espejo El Cuarteto de Nos
Mirame cuando te hablo, sabes quién soy Ya nos conocemos y si me buscas siempre estoy He sido tanto tiempo un solitario testigo Que creo que a esta altura soy tu único amigo Colgado en la pared de tu cuarto te espero Sé que con nadie que no sea yo, serás tan sincero Porque no sé mentir, inventar, ni fingir, ni falsear Digo lo que es y no lo que querés escuchar
Veo en tu cara el barullo que impera en tu cabeza Veo cuando la culpa supera tu vergüenza No intuyo, veo el amor escondido en tu orgullo Me mirás, pero soy yo el que ve a través tuyo Soy el único que te mira a los ojos El único que está contigo cuando estás solo El que sabe lo que es estar en tu pellejo Mirame cuando te hablo, habla tu espejo
Soy el único que aguanta tu mirada sin vacilación Soy el único que está contigo cuando todo terminó El único que ve lo que no querés mostrar El que puede a tu furia y a tu rabia calmar Soy el único que tus secretos nunca revelará
Te veo ir, te oigo llegar Sé cuando traes problemas y cuando vas por más Y cuando no estás, sé que me extrañás Porque andás en agua turbia Y en agua turbia no te podés reflejar
Soy tu cuerpo sin corazón Tu cabeza sin memoria ni razón Tus venas sin sangre, tus glándulas secas Tu piel con las marcas, pero con sus historias huecas Soy de tu espíritu la mueca
Veo en tu boca las palabras que nunca dijiste Veo en tus ojeras el cansancio, como un quiste Te veo preocupado, sin nadie a tu lado, de un tiempo a esta parte No te he visto ni bien ni mal acompañado
Sé que el otoño me odia porque no tengo nostalgia El verano porque su calor no sentiré La primavera porque nunca me enamoro Y el invierno porque soy mucho más frío que él
Soy el único que aguanta tu mirada sin vacilación Soy el único que está contigo cuando todo terminó El único que ve lo que no quieres mostrar El que puede a tu furia y a tu rabia calmar Soy el único que tus secretos nunca revelará
Pero es poco lo que puedo hacer acá colgado No puedo corregirte si estás equivocado Ni decirte que no barras tus pecados bajo la alfombra Soy tu reflejo, pero también el de tu sombra No tengo prejuicios, no acepto, ni rechazo Pero hay veces que ni yo querría estar en tus brazos Mirame, estoy acá, soy real, cambia lo que ves Pero soy el mismo, espejo y no espejismo
Impenetrable, inhabitable, no tengo moral Ideales, identidad, ni credenciales, límites, ni umbrales Sin razón de ser, más que ser tu escondite Solo existo para que me necesites
Soy el único que aguanta tu mirada sin vacilación Soy el único que está contigo cuando todo terminó El único que ve lo que no quieres mostrar El que puede a tu furia y a tu rabia calmar Soy el único que tus secretos nunca revelará
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blluespirit · 7 months
extremely important me that u all remember that a significant portion of zuko’s story can be summarised by people vocalising that a certain location is impossible to break into, which is immediately followed by zuko breaking into said location.
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daily-spanish-word · 2 years
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raincoat el impermeable
A coat that is impermeable (impervious, impenetrable) by water. (spelled the same, pronounced differently)
Who’s the girl in the red raincoat? ¿Quién es la niña en el impermeable rojo?
Picture by Quim Gil on Flickr
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
Both showed equal modesty and bewilderment before the impenetrable.
"Brighter than a Thousand Suns: A Personal History of the Atomic Scientists" - Robert Jungk, translated by James Cleugh
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edorazzi · 7 months
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Finally - page 1 of my Miraculous Mentor AU webcomic A Matter of Trust! I'm so excited to finally start releasing this monster project! ( ♡ᗜ♡)
Index | Prev | Next (coming soon!)
Weekly updates each Sunday! You can also read ahead early on Patreon, and/or buy me a Ko-fi if you'd like to support my work! 💖
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apas-95 · 2 months
I’m an anarchocommunist that thinks a lot of other anarchists are stupid. For example, I don’t think that most people will just make insulin or do garbage collection/processing out of the kindness of their heart, and I also don’t think if it was genuinely done out of the kindness of their hearts that it’d work great. My idea is that for the “getting people to do the shitty jobs” question, the people that do those jobs should be compensated better in some way. Maybe a larger/nicer house, I’m not sure on the details. But other anarchists will say “all labor is equal”, and while I’d like to agree in the “work is hard” sense, I think things for the obvious common good, like teacher or garbage man or doctor deserve some sort of reward over other jobs. And for the efficiency of the labor, I think *specifically for labor* there needs to be some sort of organization, and we can use what’s worked before. We don’t need to have bathtub insulin if there’s a factory right there, and if there’s no connection from the insulin factory to doctors/pharmacists and truck drivers then it won’t work either. Really, my main problem with Marxism/Leninism or Stalinism or Maoism or any combination of those is that there are specific people with far too much power over others. I’m ok with light power in the way of “man you gotta drive the firetruck to the burning building even though you hate the dude that lives there”, but I’m not ok with the idea of a supreme leader or representatives in a political sense due to as I’ve amounts of power obviously corrupting people.
Really I’m sending this to you to get your criticism of my ideas- I think you’re pretty smart, and even if I disagree with you on some issues, I think I agree with you on others. I also want to say that not all anarchists are… like that.
So, years ago, before I started reading any Marxist theory, this is about where I was at politically. If you think about any of the practicalities, you come up to points where, very clearly, the maxim of 'no authority at all' conflicts with being able to do anything. If you're seriously considering how society could be better organised, if this is something you actually intend on bringing about, then you make some amount of concession to reality - as you did with the firetruck example!
Now, myself, I went on like this for a good while, coming up with methods of truly democratic organisation that wouldn't be susceptible to the types of totalitarianism I'd heard about, ending up very similar to your position. I was interested, however, in how these 'failed experiments' that I'd learned devolved into bureaucracy started out, and I started reading up on the history, and realised, with some discontent, that what I'd developed, once I'd made all the concessions for reality that would be necessary if this system were to be the actual one real human beings lives depended on, was essentially identical to the Soviet system.
From there, I read up on Marxist theory, still basically wary that this had all, at some point, been taken over by an evil dictator, but able to see that the earliest stages, at least, had been exactly what I was imagining, but put into practice. Reading the theory, reading how their experience experimenting with different forms of organisation, and the failures of some types, had led them to discover what did and didn't work, and adjust accordingly, made me suddenly appreciate why certain things were done certain ways. The harsh experiences of civil war had revealed certain dynamics and mechanics in the way society and production worked, which translates into political theories that bore out results I wouldn't have expected (and neither had the communists who had discovered them through practice!).
Eventually, with some chagrin and a significant deal of excitement, I realised that much of what I'd passively absorbed about socialism, many of the common-sense maxims that I'd been taught by capitalist society about the nature of power and so on, were very much artifacts of a decades-long war against these communists and the system they'd built, carried out by exactly the corporations and empires I had thought myself opposed to.
I won't critique any individual point of yours, but I will enjoin you to try out some Marxist theory - Dialectical and Historical Materialism, or Socialism, Utopian and Scientific, or Principles of Communism, or even the Communist Manifesto, and to read between the lines of whatever capitalist source you read on socialism, to notice every [citation needed] and wonder what actually happened such that someone felt the need to make something up.
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antimony-medusa · 9 months
Okay, as we're gearing up for Purgatory 2, I'm just gonna put out a plea that please remember that these people will be communciating past a language barrier (perhaps multiple language barriers), and for the European streamers it will likely be after midnight for them. In Purgatory 1 I saw a lot of people getting mad at the french and british streamers for imperfect communication while the streamers were on day 10 of sleep deprivation marathon, and it would just be wonderful if we could extend people a little bit of grace if people make mistakes, or don't pick up subtext, or miscommunicate, or get frustrated because of those things. Please.
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