#incorrect harry june
lilianrennifer · 1 year
Heechan: What can I say? 🤷🏻‍♂️ I'm charming and irresponsible.
Harry-June: Don’t you mean ✨irresistible?✨
D1: No, no he doesn't. 😑
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waterfire1848 · 2 years
[ If the Avatar fandom had their way ]
Sokka: Look at all these straight people.
Sokka: Ozai, you’re straight.
Sokka: Ursa, you’re straight.
Sokka: Everyone else? Thanks for coming.
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enbyjjunie · 6 months
First Times are Hard
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content warning: talking about sex, and i think that's it really wc: 1,3k summary: heechan can't seem to get intimate with his girlfriend, so he asks his friends for advice.
Heechan couldn’t believe himself. He had somehow finally bagged the most gorgeous, funniest, sexiest woman and then he didn’t know what to do to get into anything steamy with her. He had tried, of course he had, but it always ended up either awkward or sweet and innocent or both and he didn’t know how much longer he could go on that way without losing his mind. His head hung low as he was sitting in the kitchen in DKB’s dorms, thinking about the night before, how his incredible girlfriend had taken the initiative and crawled into his lap and started making out with him, even taking his hands to put on her body the way she liked, and yet Heechan had frozen like always... He groaned to himself as the scene flashes before his eyes in great and embarrassing detail.
Heechan jumped when he felt a hand being placed on his shoulder, not expecting anyone to be in the common area. He looked up at the handsome face of Sungmin, who looked to have changed into his day clothes already. It was early, compared to how early they’d usually get their day going on a weekend. “Are you okay, Heechan hyung?” Sungmin asked in a comforting tone, “yeah, yeah I’m okay. Do we have something scheduled this early?” Heechan looked down at his watch to see that, no, he hadn’t had the time incorrect, and it was indeed 7 am. Sungmin shook his head and took his hand off Heechan’s shoulder to move around the kitchen, to find the things he needed for breakfast, Heechan assumed. “No, we don’t, I just had plans with a friend of mine to grab a coffee before our schedule.” He paused for a second then went back to roaming around, grabbing stuff from their cabinets. “Why were you looking like you were being psychologically tortured? I could hear your groans and mumbles down the hall.” Heechan became red at the thought of being so loud with his torment, but before he could reply, Changmin and Dongil came into the kitchen too, with Harry-June following close by. “As could I,” Dongil quipped, and Harry giggled at the input, adding to Heechan’s embarrassment, placing himself on top of one of the kitchen counters, watching the older members roam around for breakfast. Changmin sat down next to the man in question and leaned forward on the table to search his face, for what, Heechan didn’t know.
As if it was obvious, Changmin sighed and told him to ‘spill it!’ to which Heechan groaned and hid in his arms on the table. “His ears are turning red!” Changmin whispered to Dongil, most likely, and Heechan reached up to cup his ears, embarrassment flaming them up even more. He could hear muffled giggles around him, and he was about to turn around to swat at them like the annoying pests they were acting like, but Changmin had put a comforting hand on his back before he could, moving his palm over the expanse of his back and Heechan felt the blush ebb away. “C’mon, tell us what’s going on, Channie.” Heechan gulped, trying to force down the lump that was hanging out in his throat. He straightened his posture in the seat and fiddled with his fingers. “You guys remember that I have a girlfriend, right?” he croaked out, nervous to be starting this conversation. The others rolled their eyes behind his back and Dongil groaned; “it’s not like you’ve been talking about her every chance you get.” A smile fought its way onto Heechan’s face. He was proud to be together with someone so amazing and happily talked about her to his group members. The smile fell again when he continued telling what had been bothering him. “Well, you see... We haven’t- We haven’t really... done anything yet...” his words turned into mumbles as he struggled his way through saying the words. Changmin sat beside him, brows furrowed, failing to understand why that would leave Heechan to behave this way. “Lots of people wait a while before becoming intimate with each other in that way,” Dongil offered, “for some, it’s not ever a part of their relationship,” he continued, trying to comfort his friend. Heechan’s flush returned to his cheeks and he croaked out; “it’s not that.” He looked over at Sungmin, who gave him this look, as to say ‘spit it out!’
Heechan sighed and shook his arms and then hands, trying to shake his nerves out of his body, before sitting still again, feeling every single pair of eyes trained on him. “When we...” he quickly peeks up at Dongil, having his words in the back of his head, “when we get intimate, I don’t know why, but I freeze up! I lose all confidence and my hands get awkward and my head starts to spin.” Heechan almost ended up yelling out in frustration, but he caught himself and it came out as a frustrated groan. There was a long moment of silence before the four others who inhabited the kitchen burst out laughing. Harry and Sungmin had uncontrollable bellylaugh and Dongil tried to suppress an unstoppable giggle, it was only when Changmin had gotten a few laughs out and really looked at Heechan that he swatted at the others to get them to stop laughing. “Aish guys!” the oldest threw at them as if he didn’t laugh himself. The pout on Heechan’s face immediately pacified them all.
Dongil cleared his throat and came over to sit on the other side of the morning’s main character. “Is there something holding you back?” He asked the younger, voice softening to a gentle tone, bringing comfort to Heechan. With the pout remaining, Heechan looked down at the table, a little too embarrassed to look up at the people surrounding him, shrugging. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to have sex, pleasure his girlfriend, he only hesitated because he didn’t know how to do that, which, honestly speaking, stunted him like nothing else. “I guess I’m nervous.” It was meant as a statement, but came out more like a question, Heechan almost questioning if it was alright to feel that way. He didn’t notice, but a soft smile grew on the two elders’ faces. “I think you’re in the vast majority for feeling like that,” Dongil answered the implied question. Heechan looked to him, ready with a million more questions but asking the most prevalent first; “how did you... continue if you felt like that?” Dongil looked up for a second, recalling his first time, a crooked smile stretching across his face. “I guess I worked together with my partner, to figure out what went where and what felt good.” He looked back to Heechan, creating eye contact to make sure his point came across as well as it could; “nobody expects you to know everything before you’ve even tried, Heechan-ah. Things like these take practice and trust and communication. Talk with y/n about your concerns and let her guide you when you need it.” Heechan felt a hand being placed on his shoulder again from the other side. Looking over, he saw Changmin with an equal amount of softness and sincerity in his eyes. “And remember; the first time is always going to be a mess. Don't spend time making sure it goes perfectly, because it won’t, and that’s okay; normal even!” 
Heechan’s tensed body relaxed almost completely at the care shown to him by the leaders and his two friends and he brought his arms around both their backs and shoulders to pull them in for a hug, thanking them without words.
Behind them, Sungmin was having a great time watching Harry look out into nothing, looking like he was taking in everything that the oldest was saying, committing as much of it to memory as humanly possible.
note: thank you so much for requesting! sorry it took a while; i am unfortunately not the fastest when it comes to writing. please consider reblogging, as that is how tumblr runs, and it gets me to users who may not see my works in the tags! thank you!
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taylor-on-your-dash · 3 months
Hello, how are you? This is an old question that I had ever since I entered to the fandom and saw a lot of people fighting because of this, and I wanted to ask your opinion about this topic because you looks like a TS Timelines fairy, you always have a good answer to a Timeline question: Who do you think IKYWT and Treacherous are about? I've saw many people who says that it's about John, other that say it's about Harry, other that it's about Jake and some that says that it's a mix of all of them, at this point I don't even know what to believe, so can you please help me. Thank you beforehand 😊
aw, thank you for the beautiful words! i hope i won't upset anybody with the answer. I usually don't write any theories on the timelines about who the songs are about because it gets hateful really fast.
HARRY: I'm just gonna say it: Trouble cannot be about Harry because they didn't know each other. Taylor herself said that she wrote the chorus to Trouble six months before she was scheduled with Max Martin. If you look at the Lover Journals, Taylor finished Trouble in June 2012, therefore placing the start of the song around January 2012. Taylor and Harry met on March 31st, so it's impossible for the song to be about him.
JOHN/JAKE: I do think that the song is a mix of John and Jake. She was still healing from the relationship with Jake (an older man who looked down on her), while singing songs about John (an older man who looked down on her) in tour. I'm sure that irony of the situation hit her at some point.
My opinion is that the song is about the anger that a lot of young women feel once they realise that an older man immediately clocked that they were naive, and therefore easier to manipulate, and he chose to play with it, almost in a mockingly way, instead of, idk, helping them grow in a healthy way or something like that.
the fact that Taylor wrote "the blame was on me" is another aspect of how society views young women (or females in general, regardless of age). we're expected to be the more mature ones, and if someone like John or Jake happens to us, it will never be the guy's fault, it was our fault for not recognising the red flags immediately.
TREACHEROUS: I see a lot of references about Treacherous and Trouble being about the same person, with Treacherous being the beginning and Trouble the end, but we actually don't have any source confirming that. Genius.com quotes the US Today article by Brian Mansfield as the source, but that's incorrect. this rumor started on release day, so while it's possible that the OG interview was lost to time, I highly doubt it.
Everyone can be a good candidate for Treacherous, even Harry, since the song was written on April 11th. I don't have a clear hypothesis of who Treacherous is about, the only thing I can offer is that i recognise that feeling of anxiety that a lot of people who were burned badly, like Taylor was at that moment, experience. You wanna fall in love again but will it end in burning flames or paradise?
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plutosmainhoe · 2 months
Draco Malfoy - Birth Chart Interpretation Masterlist
Part I Part II
Part III Part IV
Part V Part VI
Part VII Part VIII
Part IX Part X
Part XI Part XII
Sun Aspects Moon Aspects
Ascendant Aspects Mercury Aspects
Venus Aspects Mars Aspects
Jupiter Aspects Saturn Aspects
Uranus Aspects Neptune Aspects
Pluto Aspects
Welcome, mates, to my Draco Malfoy Birth Chart Interpretation master post.
As I always mention, I'm no professional at this. If I'm incorrect about something, please, please, let me know. I don't want to spread misinformation.
Essentially, those who have followed along (like 3 people, but I appreciated those 3 sm) will now understand how my OC, Camila Reinherz, will fit into the HP Universe.
If ya new here, I am writing a Harry Potter based fanfiction, written in Draco Malfoy's perspective. All seven stories in Draco's perspective. I am trying my damn hardest to keep it to canon, but with not a lot given by JKR about Draco's perspective, I went crazy and made some lore.
The lore, is tied to a character/family I created, allowing Draco to have other connections away from school. You can read about the added character, here.
Writing a Draco Malfoy fanfic that is as close to canon that it can be, with added lore, is incredibly difficult when there's not a whole lot of deep information about Draco's personal life. We only see him through Harry's eyes, which is a negative perspective because of bad first impressions.
So, we analyse Draco's birth chart, instead.
Luckily, we do have Draco's birthdate; 5th June, 1980. Solid, right?
JKR didn't give us a birth time *groans in Australian*
JKR also didn't give us a birth place *curses in Australian*
I had to go searching for information, and I wasn't confident I would find I good sauce, especially considering that this decision changes everything, in a birth chart.
I found a sauce.
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June 5th 1980, 15:30, London.
I believe a Libra Ascendant matches Draco most, and you will find out why when we discuss his first house.
For those who can't read a birth chart, don't worry about the above chart - I'll be going through this for a reason.
Why am I doing this? Because I refuse to enter this challenge writing the same old, tired, over-used, bad-boy character that everyone seems to have pinned him as. I want him to have proper character arc and character growth. You cannot convince me that ending up with Astoria Greengrass, a half-blood from the sacred twenty-eight, is character growth (she DIES anyway!!!).
I won't be using any photos of movie Draco throughout this series. With books, you are only given a visual through words, and that's how it will stay.
You guys have no idea how excited I have been to drop who my fanfic is centred on 😭
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chrrispine · 1 year
2022: a summary
post your favorite or most popular post from each month this year. (it’s okay to skip months!)
thank you to these lovely mutuals for the tags 💖 @chikoriita​ @jeschastain​ @lengthofropes​ @grogus-dad​ @bi-alinaoretsev​ @ririvilliams​ 
favorite: marvel phase 4 films 
most popular: shrek film references 
favorite: team cap in the winter solider 
most popular: abbott elementary 
favorite: women of the mcu 
most popular: no way home favorite quotes 
favorite: that’s not my name - grogu edition 
most popular: the batman is a comedy 
favorite: our flag means death comic 
most popular: leia organa parallels 
favorite: din and grogu chaos 
most popular: stede bonnet 
favorite: neurodivergent robin buckley 
most popular: incorrect steddie quotes 3 
favorite: stranger things superlatives 
most popular: eddie munson school of hard knocks 
favorite: steve eddie dustin family 
most popular: harry styles and chris pine interview 
favorite: spider-man no way home 
most popular: carlos cervantez 
favorite: rogue one 
most popular: princess diaries 2 facts 
favorite: lucius spriggs’ pirate log 
most popular: benoit blanc in glass onion 
no pressure tags! @djarin @agentplant @becauseofthebowties @alivedean @sith-maul @wednesdayadddms @fawad-khan @wakandasforever @pugsleys @darcyscarden <333
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I posted 9,421 times in 2022
That's 9,421 more posts than 2021!
98 posts created (1%)
9,323 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,427 of my posts in 2022
#harry potter - 170 posts
#ginny weasley - 119 posts
#young royals - 105 posts
#yes - 99 posts
#heartstopper - 97 posts
#the song of achilles - 89 posts
#hinny - 88 posts
#lmao - 53 posts
#hermione granger - 47 posts
#james potter - 43 posts
Longest Tag: 96 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
“i don’t care” by ed sheeran and justin bieber is giving me hinny at ministry events vibes
14 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
Me on May 2nd: I can’t believe this is the day lupin and tonks died and teddy wasn’t even a month old, the day Fred left George, Colin was so young… Also me: guess who died today??? Snivellus Snape! Bellatrix and Voldemort!!! Hahaha!! Let’s celebrate people!!!!!!
28 notes - Posted May 1, 2022
What are your favorite blogs? :))
hi anon!! <33
i have a lot so here buckle up:
@allineedisabook-18 @taylorswifff @that-was-a-bit-stupid-of-you @moony-to-ur-pads @spaghett-shitposts @celestialsapphicc @zee-has-commitment-issues @youngroyalsascats @incorrect-patrochilles-quotes @maraudersupremacyyyyy @the-chronicles-of-a-bookworm @vahnithedreamer @were-all-just-stories @altruistic-meme @greekmyths-and-swifts13 @sliced-grapes @wille-simme @books-books-smolderinglooks @pipedreams13 @paranoiahaven @the-navistar-carol @myyoungroyalsblog @just-some-bookworm @ohmygodshesinsane @thaliasthunder @littlebabywille @daylightsimon @prince-simon @moonepiphany204 <33
41 notes - Posted October 13, 2022
i just finished anne with an e and omg, it’s so so so good and funny and heartwarming. the ending was *chef’s kiss* wonderful, i love it.
AND IT IS MUCH GAYER THAN THE BOOK SERIES AND I LOVE IT. anne is so bisexual, like the way she and diana were holding hands, blowing kisses, and saying that they love each other is so gay??? aunt josephine is a lesbian and cole is gay?? i fucking love it.
im in depths of despair because the show is cancel and there wont be a season 4
122 notes - Posted June 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
no because the fact that patroclus gave achilles figs and a statue of him playing patroclus’ mother’s lyre as a sixteenth birthday present is fucking adorable 😭. i’m fucking crying
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204 notes - Posted July 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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goongiveusnothing · 1 year
the way his stans try and rewrite everything to make him look better.// You're literally the ones trying to rewrite it. You've been reblogging the same incorrect information for years because you never bothered to look outside the bubble. Harry's solo record deal was signed some time between June 20 and June 24 2016.
when he signed with the azoffs, what was the plan?
when he started taking acting classes while with 1D, what was the plan?
when he befriended the azoffs and was cuddling irving in bed, what was the plan?
when he left the band and asked for the hiatus, what was his plan?
like, i don't get why you're bothering with this? it's just so silly. most harries admit that harry did this and are happy with it. why the denial? you hate that louis is right about what happened? suck it up buttercup.
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seizethejay · 2 years
Building out my own Taylor conspiracy 😅. I am neurodivergent and tend to see connections everywhere, so I understand I’m probably connecting dots that aren’t there. But these are some of my notes. (I’m a little socially anxious, but I wanted to share just in case!)
Overall theory: all clues have been set over time, and point to her having B-side tracks (Bonus tracks) hidden in double grooves. Possibly in the rereleased vault record versions (“red”). Maybe this makes the third volume that seems to be hinted at through the Wiccan references (incense, burning, rebirth, Celtic). (I don’t have the funds to get a record player atm, but feel free to check! Some 3-sided LPs go undiscovered for years).
- Indigo bookstore had an event same day as midnights release. The “early Christmas” was 3 days long. The woman in the photo had blonde hair and was wearing pants with the same birds as Taylor in her 1989 photo, possibly. The items promoted were the same Colors as swift’s midnights themes, and also included things like “main character energy” coffee, journals, quills and pens, and retro items.
- in her promo video with the midnights mayhem calendar release, the purple pen on the table was missing a cartridge. The filler purple gel cartridges on Amazon had reviews saying they had “double-labels”. A fan later reported that her record had an incorrect double label.
- the items in the indigo Christmas event included Jurassic park (Laura dern also supports this connection), games like monopoly vault edition (Taylor vault), Disney (which also has a vault collection), marvel, Harry Potter
- there was a book on Amazon related to the poetry ones by June bates which had reviews showing it burned and run over- told me there were more clues later out. The reviews also mentioned it having “a lot of blank space”.
-spiderweb reference in her song could also be highlighting both marvel universe (multiverse, multitrack record- double grooves) as well as the “spinning” aspect that spiders do.
- her poetry stuff (whether the fan found ones or her old poetry that was confirmed) speaks to hidden meanings, hidden layers, multiple meanings- hidden tracks, multitracks
- the fans in her video - accordion style fold, hidden picture in grooves. Only seen when opened and extended.
- Spotify had “Fred again” on a playlist with Taylor - they are putting out a third volume, suggesting a third volume for Taylor…the review on the site mentioned “13 minutes” weirdly, as well as the “voice note” sound which was also in Taylor’s song.
- Carly Rae had bonus tracks and references to things like “reputation”. Death and rebirth of Taylor Wiccan style.
- Chanel connections because of “Chanel #5” = her fifth song
-unsure, but blondie connection and video I found > heart of glass > throne of glass strong female character wielding sword and being the antihero type (trilogy)
-June’s midnight clue app game like June her possible pseudonym
- Taylor’s clock also perhaps functions as a pentacle, with all of her witch references and burn references. The incense. The gems. This would mean spirit has not been captured on these four records.
- The Wiccan references also speak to the plural midnights and I’ve also picked up a lot of “mother” references. I think it’s referring to the triple goddess which is tied to the moons.
- the grooves of a record track are almost like chevron and can be seen all over her outfits, videos, Easter eggs on Spotify.
- the connecting the dots of all of this = the stars aligning. Possible hinting to hidden tracks on previous vinyls.
- there’s something on her red album I think. The amount of things speaking to 5 (the mahogany album- which aligns with fire and red). Also quotes online of it being a voice from the dead on the 45 rpm records. Look for hidden grooves!
- Meghan trainor (had Easter egg at end of made you look video), Carly Rae, and her all had release on same day. She did two releases so far. One more to come. Three moon phases.
- could release of edging/edge themed music from blink 182 be reference to edge of record for needle aligning?
- Wikipedia for midnights says “subtle grooves” - look for those hidden grooves on the vinyl! Read up on 3-sided LP vinyls (like Monty Python).
- perhaps donuts stuff from Taylor ties into the “matching handkerchief and tie” pattern on the Monty Python album?
- retro car = vintage = stereo tracks (2) and cassettes (side a and b), plus glitchy 3D retro colours and views are two different sides. Pointing to vinyl having two.
- M themes for Taylor - Eminem released red records with side b
-underwood typewriter Ryan Reynolds used in commercial references “under wood” b-side of mahogany…oorrrrr of red (redwood) (again, themes of red, five, and forest)
-Spotify has “The Marvel Years - Hidden Grooves”
- lots of artwork on songs on Spotify within lists containing new Taylor Swift show artwork with concentric circles themes
- gemstones can also cross into Harry Potter (magic) and marvel (end game) and multiverse references, but also are laser-cut…like Celtic patterns and like the labyrinth album cover on the floor in her midnights photo. Laser cut like vinyls.
- witches/Wiccan theme = incense from lavender haze,
- sexy baby reference if from 30 rock, the character was “threesome loving”.
-Spotify = Hecate episode by Laura lavender; really anything you search for on Spotify to dead with hidden tracks, or witch vibes, or new releases suggested seem to speak to concentric circles and grooves.
-Beatles refs = red years.
-Jurassic park- eggs hatching now that were from long ago (hidden tracks, old vinyls)
- Disney could also connect to Sydney which maybe relates to her Australian references (lucky one- track without lyrics on Spotify) and the idea of the “land down under”, which I’ve also connected with the upside down in stranger things. All of these for me point to her having B-side tracks (Bonus tracks) hidden in double grooves. Possibly in multiple records. These ones and old vault ones undiscovered.
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lilianrennifer · 1 year
D1: Good night guys!
Junseo: Good night hyung.
Yuku: Night!
Harry-June: Night dad.
Heechan: Good night, sleep 😴 tight! Don’t let the bed bugs 🐜 bite! Tonight imma fight, 💥🥊 till we see the sunlight! ☀️ TikTok, on the clock 🕰️ but the party 🎉 don't s- 🙅🏻
Lune: Good *Suffocating Heechan with a pillow* night!
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daniwasnothere · 2 years
Hey people!!
I’d love to start writing x reader stories and hesdcannons, but I’m not too sure how to start. If you want to request something then here’s some of the things I’ll write for!!!
-Harry Potter (all era’s)
-Star Wars
-The Maze Runner
-The Hunger Games
-Shadow & Bone
-Percy Jackson
-Lord Of The Rings
-Stranger Things
-Umbrella Academy
-Supernatural (though I don’t know that much and I may or may not get a few things incorrect..)
-The Vampire Diaries (though I don’t know that much again.)
- The Outsiders
- Wednesday
-Fate the winx saga
-Dead Poets Society (platonic relationships)
(Updated: June 6 2023)
I will write for all genders!!!! If you are to request, but you don’t put a gender then I will assume it to be gender neutral!! This is an inclusive space, and thank you so much! 💚💚
Also I will do different types of writing, as in headcanons, fluff, angst, not really smut though, I wouldn’t even know how to start writing that.
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phantomato · 2 years
Ch. 5, Tom and Harry and Orion [AO3]
“I am sentimental for my oldest toys, but I would hardly deny the allure of the new. So fresh; so young. I doubt you would understand—you always liked your things used,” Orion said.
“You say that as though I had a choice.” Tom exhaled the words through his teeth.
“Incorrect.” Orion took a performative sip of his drink and smiled, and he was so beautiful, so incredibly handsome, that he looked incapable of having the conversation he was currently having. Tom was doing a worse job of hiding his anger; pink creeped up his neck. “I say it to see you rile, darling.”
Tom frowned. “We’re not—”
“Not currently.”
“Not ever.”
“I have my doubts.”
Nearly all of this chapter is new, and it’s the first to fit that description. A few parts of the party, mostly the entrance and pleasantly-chatty bits, existed; the rest is June/July 2022 vintage. So though the idea to have a public confrontation (with the risk of an audience) has been around, the execution of it, the nature of the fight, hasn’t.
I believe the original version was going to be less overt. More in line with how Harry felt at the start, seeing Tom’s behavior as centered on Harry, but as I’ve said a few times: 2.0 is about cutting out the meandering dreck and getting to the point. Harry can be delusional, but Tom and Orion don’t carry those same delusions. They’re not really modifying their behavior much to keep up Harry’s misconceptions; why would they? They don’t… care. Harry’s the ball they bounce back and forth, not a person in his own right. So I cut the idea of forcing them to be subtle and instead let them be so familiar with one another that they don’t need full sentences or proper nouns to have a fight. They’ve had the same fight a dozen times. The patterns are known. They do it without thought or shame, and Harry, in observance, has rightly no clue what’s happening except that something obviously is.
Also, it lets Harry have a chance to feel neglected and lash out. He’s quite passive before this moment, secure in attention being on him. It’s not, anymore, and he gets petty and jealous, which is very funny to me. 
I promised that in this version, I would write a lot of sex scenes. One per chapter, actually; I’m proud of that. Part of what I wanted was not just more hot sex, but something that would gain meaning as we peel back the layers of the pre-existing Tom-Orion relationship. Someone in the comments remarked upon this, and I’ll reinforce, that this is a good point to go back and reread the threesome from chapter 3.
Well, I mean—maybe you’re reading this story having read my other takes on Tom/Orion and already know what to look for. I do like that pairing. But if not, this is one big milestone, where Harry is forced to face the idea that he isn’t the primary thing connecting those two men to one another. 
There’s only one more chapter to go. I’m looking forward to it, and the ways it will further complicate these three characters’ tangle of connections. That one is entirely new text, but contains the other scene that motivated this fic’s existence (the first being the threesome).
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ao3feed-newsies · 12 days
Incorrect Quotes Part 5
by, Hispanic_Hufflepuff by Hispanic_Hufflepuff Pretty self-explanatory Words: 402, Chapters: 14/50, Language: English Series: Part 5 of Incorrect Quotes Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Newsies (1992), Romeo And Juliet - Shakespeare, The Outsiders - S. E. Hinton, Encanto (2021), I Love Lucy, The Beatles (Band), Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Thorne & Rowling, Karate Kid (Movies), House M.D., The Ascendance Series - Jennifer A. Nielsen Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Remus Lupin, Spot Conlon, Racetrack Higgins, Les Jacobs, Sarah Jacobs (Newsies), David Jacobs, Jack Kelly (Newsies), Dorcas Meadowes, Regulus Black, Barty Crouch Jr., Evan Rosier, Pandora Lovegood, Friar Laurence (Romeo and Juliet), Juliet Capulet, Romeo Montague, Mercutio (Romeo and Juliet), Benvolio (Romeo and Juliet), Two-Bit Mathews, Darrel "Darry" Curtis Jr., Johnny Cade, Dallas Winston, Steve Randle, Ponyboy Curtis, Sodapop Curtis, Pepa Madrigal, Julieta Madrigal, Mirabel Madrigal, "Abuela" Alma Madrigal, Lucy Ricardo, Ethel Mertz, Fred Mertz, George Harrison (The Beatles), Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, John Lennon, Mary Macdonald (Harry Potter), Sirius Black, Marlene McKinnon, Peter Pettigrew, Albus Severus Potter, Scorpius Malfoy, Rose Weasley, Hugo Weasley, Louis Weasley, Mr. Miyagi (Karate Kid), Ali Mills (Karate Kid), Johnny Lawrence, Robert Chase, James Wilson (House M.D.), Remy "Thirteen" Hadley, Allison Cameron, Gregory House, Eric Foreman (House M.D.), Tobias (The Ascendance Series), Jaron Artolius Eckbert III, Roden (The Ascendance Series), Fink (The Ascendance Series), Amarinda of Bultain read : https://ift.tt/DFPpoCR - June 01, 2024 at 09:58PM
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mashihope · 1 year
⋱✩⋰☽⋱ DKB Masterlist⋰☾⋱✩⋰
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(This mini moodboard is made by me; I don’t own any of the pics.)
! = Update
✘ = No posts (ESP) = Versión en español (ENG) = English version
► Last update: 17/04/2023 - 6:27pm
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E-Chan ✘
D1 ✘
Teo ✘
GK ✘
Heechan ✘
Lune ✘
Junseo ✘
Yuku ✘
Harry-June ✘
Headcanon ✘
Reaction !
↳ Their makeup is done by their crush (maknae line) (hyung line)
Incorrect Quotes ✘
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incorrect-dkb · 4 years
D1: hi harry!
Harry-June: hey dad- I mean D1
Junseo: did you just call D1, dad?
Harry-June: no I didnt
Lune: ha ha, yeah, you just called D1 dad
DKB: *talking about how Harry just called D1 dad*
Harry-June: I-
D1: *shouts* everyone be quiet
D1: my son wants to say something
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packaging(of a product): refer to the back of the beautiful creation right before your eyes for more information
sirius: *looks around*
sirius: *spots remus right in front of him (aka “right before your eyes”)*
sirius: *scans his eyes over remus’ ass*
sirius: *visible confusion* wait what- what info- am i supposed to get ??
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