#intention Setting
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August is approaching rapidly but with fresh energy and positive vibes only! Here’s a couple of ways you can embrace new beginnings with simple 1st of the month rituals! ✨🌿
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kidestom · 4 months
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wizardsaur · 9 months
Monthly (Or YEARLY) Hearth Magick Ideas
Start 2024, and the subsequent months off with a little magickal help!
As the calendar months end and begin, it feels like a natural time to freshen up your personal life and environment. At my house, on a mundane level – we wash all our bedding and vaccum the whole house. I start a new section in my bullet journal. We start to plan the budget for the month. At a magickal level though, what else is there to be done? Infinite magick lives in the last and the first…
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✨𝗣𝗮𝘆 𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻🙏😇 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝗖𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗳𝘂𝗹𝗹𝘆❗👇 A Scientifically proven home ritual proven by four Neuroscience Labs that attract money effortlessly 😍💭 Don't believe us? Try it out for yourself and see the results in just hours! ⏰💫 Click here to learn more
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hearth-and-veil · 9 months
I did the coolest black mirror new moon ritual tonight. I used the black mirror method to lay out my dedications for the entire year, then alternated between the Om So Hum mantra and my personal mantra (I am plenty, I have plenty) as I scryed. I saw myself turn into Medusa, and also saw myself as a matriarch, and I shifted back and forth between them for a while. At once point I turned into the Capricorn, which I take as a good sign. I also saw my own third eye, and it was sideways.
I highly recommend this method. It works really well.
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sapphyreopal5 · 6 months
Yet another witchy post from Gen to honor the total solar happening today April 8, 2024. According to the Austintexas.org website, the eclipse will be visible from 1:32pm to 1:41pm CST in Austin with totality happening at 1:36pm CST, which is local time for Texas. As I am typing this up, it is 1:06pm EST which means it is 12:06pm CST. Meanwhile, here I am having had this posted at 1:34pm EST, 58 min before the eclipse is visible in Austin and an hour and 2 min before totality happens in Austin. Hmmm... Here she is talking about "new moon eclipse intention setting". According to this post, she has on here "speak my truth, give myself permission, follow my job, take up space, gratitude". As for what on earth is in that jar, I can't say but can guess there's either some kind of oils, flower petals, or heck maybe just a big giant candle inside of it. Looks like there are several other empty jars in front of her for God knows what reason. I also see she started writing in a journal during this video, which is part of an intention setting aspect of a ritual.
Now, as for what on Earth intention setting is for, according to this site The Aerial BVP here, it states: "Intention setting is the process of creating a clear and focused mental or emotional intention for a specific goal or outcome. It involves consciously directing your thoughts and energy toward a desired outcome or experience, with the aim of increasing the likelihood of achieving it. But while intention setting might seem strictly cerebral or spiritual, there’s a practical element to it as well. And that element makes all the difference." Given Gen talks about using crystals during colon cleanses, her taste in books becoming increasingly witchy, etc., I am going to have to go with her intents being more spiritual but also with a practical twist. She does like her cushy lifestyle. Below, I derived from this website here The Moon School an intention setting ritual specifically for eclipses I found.
1. Center yourself through breath Find a quiet space where you can sit comfortably. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, inhaling for a count of four and exhaling for a count of four. Allow your breath to anchor you in the present moment, letting go of any external distractions. 2. Cultivate inner stillness Shift your focus to the rhythm of your breath, allowing it to guide you into a state of inner stillness. Spend at least six minutes simply observing your breath, allowing thoughts to come and go without judgment or attachment. 3. Connect with your higher self From this place of calm and centeredness, invite a dialogue with your higher self. Here are some questions you could ask: What is the energy I most need to cultivate? What is the attitude that will most serve my highest path? How can I serve the collective? What will bring me joy? What approach can I take, to reach fulfilment? Listen to the whispers of your soul, trusting that the answers will reveal themselves in due time. 4. Journal your insights When you feel ready, open your eyes and take out your journal. Write down any insights or guidance that arose during your meditation, even if they seem unclear or fragmented. Pay attention to any recurring themes or emotions that surface. 5. Clarify your intentions As you reflect on your journal entries, begin to crystallize your intentions for the future. Envision your life as if your desires have already been realized, describing in vivid detail how it looks, feels, and unfolds. This exercise helps to anchor your intentions in your consciousness, guiding your actions and attracting opportunities aligned with your vision. 6. Offer your intentions out to the universe Bring your hands together in prayer position, leaving a small space between your palms. Visualize this space as a vessel for your dreams and aspirations. With a slow exhalation, imagine releasing your intentions into the vast expanse of the universe, trusting that they will be received and supported. 7. Embrace the energy of the eclipse Take a moment to bask in the powerful energy of the solar eclipse. Feel the cosmic currents surging around you, infusing you with renewed clarity, purpose, and vitality. Allow yourself to be fully present in this moment of transformation. As you practice this ritual, remember that you are co-creating with the universe, aligning your intentions with the divine flow of life. Your intentions are for the greater good of us all! Trust in the process, stay open to the signs and synchronicities that emerge along your path, and embrace the infinite possibilities that await you. 
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sorcererblack · 2 years
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Your Power is ensured, endorsed and endowed.
—Sorcerer Black
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meeangreen · 4 months
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moon water 🌕
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nexusofsorcery · 10 months
Learn the Mysteries of Black Candle Magic: A Comprehensive Guide
What is Black Candle Magic? Black candle magic is an intriguing and powerful form of spellwork that harnesses the energy and symbolism of black candles. While white candle magic is often associated with purity and positivity, black candle magic delves into the realm of shadow work, protection, and transformation. Black candles are believed to represent mystery, hidden knowledge, and the depths…
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harmonyhealinghub · 1 year
Candle Spells: Unlocking the Power of Intention
Shaina Tranquilino
August 25, 2023
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Candles have been used for centuries in various spiritual practices and rituals. They hold a special significance in many cultures, symbolizing illumination, purification, and divine connection. But did you know that candles can also be used as potent tools for spellcasting?
Candle spells are a form of sympathetic magic, where the energy generated from burning candles is harnessed to manifest specific intentions or desires. This practice taps into the power of focused intention, visualization, and symbolism to create positive change in our lives.
Choosing the Right Candle
The first step in candle spellwork is selecting the appropriate candle colour based on your intention. Each colour holds its own vibrational frequency and corresponds to different aspects of life. For instance:
- White candles represent purity, clarity, and spiritual enlightenment.
- Red candles embody passion, love, courage, and strength.
- Green candles signify prosperity, abundance, growth, and healing.
- Blue candles bring tranquility, calmness, and communication.
- Yellow candles symbolize happiness, confidence, and intellectual pursuits.
These are just a few examples; there is an array of colours available with their unique properties. Trust your intuition when choosing a candle or refer to correspondences found in books or online resources.
Setting Up Your Sacred Space
Creating a sacred space helps establish an environment conducive to spellcasting. Cleanse the area by smudging with sage or burning some incense to clear any negative energies. Arrange crystals or other meaningful objects that align with your intention around your workspace.
It's essential to set your intention clearly before beginning any ritual work. Spend a few moments meditating on what you wish to manifest through this candle spell. Visualize your desired outcome as vividly as possible.
Preparing Your Candle
Once you've chosen the right candle colour and established your intent, it's time to prepare your candle for spellwork. Carve symbols or words into the wax that represent your intention. For example, if you're seeking love, you might carve a heart or the name of your desired partner.
Anointing the candle with an appropriate oil further enhances its power. Use oils like lavender for peace, rosemary for protection, or cinnamon for prosperity. As you anoint the candle, visualize your intent merging with the oil and infusing the candle with energy.
Candle Spell Ritual
To begin your candle spell ritual:
1. Light some incense or smudge yourself to cleanse your aura.
2. Place your prepared candle in a fire-safe holder and light it.
3. As you light the flame, recite an affirmation or chant that reflects your intention clearly.
4. Sit in front of the lit candle and focus on its flame while visualizing your desired outcome.
5. Feel the energy flowing from within you and connecting with the flame's energy.
6. Repeat affirmations, prayers, or mantras that align with your intention.
7. Stay in this meditative state for as long as necessary until you feel a sense of completion.
It's important to note that candle spells are not meant to control others but rather to enhance personal growth and manifest positive change within ourselves and our lives.
Closing Your Ritual
Once you feel ready to conclude your ritual, thank any deities or divine forces you invoked during your practice. Extinguish the candle using a snuffer instead of blowing it out to preserve the magical energy generated during the spellwork.
Allow the candle to burn completely if possible, symbolizing the fulfillment of your intention. If extinguishing is necessary before it burns out naturally, relight it whenever possible until fully consumed.
Remember that patience is key when practicing spellcasting; results may take time to manifest fully. Keep an open mind and be receptive to signs and opportunities that align with your intention after performing a candle spell.
Candle spells can be a powerful tool in your spiritual practice, helping you manifest positive change and align with the energies of the universe. Just remember to approach them with respect, integrity, and always work for the highest good of all involved.
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gpstudios · 2 months
Unlocking the Lion’s Gate Portal: A Time for Transformation and Spiritual Awakening
Unlock the transformative energy of the Lion’s Gate Portal, peaking on August 8th. This cosmic event offers a powerful opportunity for spiritual awakening, manifestation, and heart-centered healing. #LionsGatePortal #SpiritualAwakening #Manifestation
Every year, from July 26th to August 12th, a powerful cosmic event known as the Lion’s Gate Portal opens, with its peak on August 8th. This portal is a period of intense spiritual energy and transformation, offering an opportunity for deep personal growth, manifestation, and awakening. Rooted in ancient astrology and numerology, the Lion’s Gate Portal is named after the astrological sign of Leo,…
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redd-anima · 6 months
It's a full moon and I want to manifest radical self-love and compassion to take the best care of myself, to grow in strength, stamina, and intuition, to bloom on my own regardless of if I have an audience, to sing when the mood strikes, and to write until I satisfy this story living in my bones.
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The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today
Franklin D. Roosevelt
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wizardsaur · 10 months
New Moon Ritual
A realistic ritual to set goals in tandem with the New Moon. Behold, a method of Manifestation designed for the real world! No billionaire mindset here, we're just trying to take baby steps toward happiness.
A clean, quiet space to work in
A clean body (ideally, recently eaten)
A white candle
A book of shadows, moon notebook, bullet journal, or similar
Alright friends, first things first – this is a biggie. I pinky promise my Wordpress is legitimate, it just looks like ass because I'm learning.
Clean your body, clean your space. Take a damn shower & tidy up your bedroom. This aspect sincerely cannot be overstated, because having a clean…
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farazberjis · 9 months
"Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it"
-Eckhart Tolle
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CALLING ALL WITCHES (or friends of witches)
I’ve been making custom spell jars for a while now and would love to expand that part of my practice! Looking to transition from gifts for friends to a nice little side hustle lol. If anyone is interested, please feel free to reply or DM or anything of the sort! Happy to provide examples (with photos!) upon request 🥰 xoxo
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