#is it really witnessing the apocalypse if you immediately turn and run away
scarisd3ad · 1 year
Till the end [steve harrington x f!reader] zombie apocalypse!au
Chapter two
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Tw - mentions of suicide
My door was barricaded and locked, I had a knife at my side. I didn't even know what was going on but I knew I was in danger. My mom had come home early, something about not feeling well. I didn't notice the small bite mark on her arm neither did Tara. While my mom and sister were making something to eat she bit her. She took a large chunk of flesh out of my sisters neck. I don't even remember how I got them both out of the house. I just remember locking all the doors and grabbing a knife.
I wanted someone to come, I needed company I couldn't do this by myself. I wanted my boyfriend Steve to come but he worked at a mall and if it was as bad as it was getting on the streets then it was definitely terrible at starcourt. I didn't want to think he was dead but I had a gut feeling.
Then he came by some miracle he came to my window. Covered in blood and still in his scoops ahoy uniform. I pull him into my room and tell him about my mom.
"You're dad has I gun right?" He asks. I pull away from him brows furrowed but nodding. "Yeah, Why?" I ask confused. "We have to leave its horrible here, it's not safe y/n" I shake my head tears threatening to spill. "No I'm not going, it's about to get dark I'm not leaving" I cry. He sighs rubbing at my back. "How bout in the morning" I hesitantly nod. Maybe it would be better in the morning. He smiles, I can't help but think about how his smile just makes me melt even during a time like this.  I hug him burying my head into his chest. "Im scared Steve" I whisper, "I know, I know" he say's comforting me by running his hand up in down my back.
After a few minutes of just staying like that we pull away. "You think I can take a shower?" I nod finally the stench of blood hit my nose. Luckily my room had a bathroom attached so we didn't even have to leave the safety of my room for him to shower. I watch as he walks into the bathroom closing the door behind him. I'm really scared, I don't think I can even express to Steve how scared I am. I don't even know what's going on. They were like zombies, but worse than they were in the movies. They were aggressive and way faster than they were in the movies. They didn't just shuffle around and moan and groan, they ran, and they were smart. When my sister first turned I watched as she tapped at the glass and try to open the door.
I quickly turn towards my window double checking that it was locked. I was scared about what would happen once we left, would we get eaten immediately? Where would we even go?
20 minutes later Steve emerges from the bathroom squeaky clean with a towel wrapped around his hips. I almost blush when I see his body. "Hey babe you got any of my clothes?" He asks I nod. I have tons, he's stayed over so many times and leaves so many things I have a drawer dedicated to all of his things. I stand up and walk over towards my dresser. I grab a pair of pjs he had left here and a pair of clean underwear he also left one day. I hand it to him and turn around returning to my bed. I when I turn around I witness him drop his towel and begin to get dressed. I roll my eyes groans "Steve!" As I covered my eyes. He laughs but doesn't say anything else.
I still have my hands over my eyes when I feel the bed move. He pulls my hands down off of my face so I can see him. His hair is still damp, and he's got a grin on his face that would make any girl swoon two years ago. "So tomorrow?" He asks I nod even though I'm still not sure. What if something's happens and I'm left alone. Id rather stay here alone then be out there alone.
"It's gonna be alright" he whispers as he presses a kiss to my forehead "I'll protect you no matter what" he says leaning his forehead against mine. "Do you understand that?" I nod. It was nice feeling that important to someone, having someone to protect you during the zombie apocalypse felt nice. "You tired" I nod as I peer outside. The suns setting. "Let's go to sleep then" I nod as I lay down. Steve props his head up with his arm as he lays down. "We can take shifts if you want...just to keep us safe" I nod agreeing, it would be way more safe to take shifts while sleeping, just to keep an eye out. He lets his head drop against my pillow. He wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer. "I love you steve" I whisper as I bury my head into his chest. "I love you too" he replies pressing a kiss on top of my head.
Steve wakes me up at 2:30 for my shift. His head ends up burried in my neck, all I can hear are Steve's soft snores, and the growls, and groans from the zombies outside. My arms are inside his shirt wrapped around his torso. He's always ran really warm. I feel like crying, tears are hiding in my eyes just waiting to escape. If those zombies are mentioned I'll cry. I don't know what the hells going on. It's the middle of summer I should be having fun getting ready for my senior year of high school but now I'm stuck in this mess. I hug him tightly as i sob into his shoulder. I don't want to die, not like this. If I get bitten I'll turn into one of those things, if Steve gets bitten he'll turn into one of those things. I'm scared. I was really tempted to slit my wrist earlier, when I barricaded myself in my room, I thought about going into my bathroom and just slitting my wrists. My mom is dead, my sister is dead, my dad is missing, and I thought my boyfriend had died. I didn't want to live in a world without them. But then Steve appeared at my window. At that moment guilt was rushing through my veins. What if i did go through with it, he would've found my dead body wrist slit, on the bathroom floor.
I must've woken up Steve with my crying because I feel him lift his head up. "Wh-what wrong?" He asks his voice still laced with tiredness. "I..I don't..wa-wanna die Steve" I cry, his voice is soft as he pulls me away from him "hey look at me, I'm not going to let you die" he craddled my face in his hands wiping stray tears as they fall. "I don't w-want you to die" i sniffle "and I'm not gonna die either we're in this together."
"I'm just scared I guess" I mumble. "It's alright let's just go to sleep alright?"
The next time I wake up it's bright outside. Steve's still fast asleep in my arms though. I can still hear the sounds of the zombie. I shake Steve a bit to wake him up. His eyes flutter open "hm" he grumbled. "Should we get ready to leave?" I ask. He nods with a yawn "definitely."
My dad hunted a lot outside of work so he had bunches of guns, and gear we could use in this situation. He sits up and presses a kiss to my lips before getting up. I follow after him as he pushed my dresser drawer out from in front of the door. "Let me see that knife" he whispers. I nod running back over to my bed and grabbing it off of the bedside table. I hand it to him and we both creep into the hallway. We make sure their aren't any zombies in the house before we go into my dads room designated for all his hunting gear.we find three large backpacks he hands me one "go find as much non-perishable food as you can" I nod as I creep down stairs making sure not to disturb the zombies outside the front door, and windows.
I go into the pantry and grab all the canned goods, water bottles, granola bars. Once I've fit enough in I have a bit more room so I grab two of those water bottles that are insulated. I go back upstairs to see Steve packing his bag full of ammo, guns, weapons any thing we need to survive. "My dad has a big tent we might need that" I say. Steve nods and hands me another backpack. "Go find anything you think we're going to need, clothes, blankets y'know?" I nod placing the filled bag with food next ot him. I retreat to my room and start off by folding up two blankets as small as I can and fitting them into the two water bottle holders. It made the bag look a little bulky but who cares about looks right now. Then I find some of Steve and I's clothes. I also fold them up as small as I can and put them in the bottom of the bag. Once I'm finished with that I throw a deodorant, some lotion, bandaids, large gauze pads, tampons, pads, hydrogen peroxide, pain killers, those ice packs you shake up, and some heat packs that work the same. I keep thinking as I go through my medicine cabinet grabbing any drug I think we'd need. I grabbed any and every pain medication I could find, as well as some antibiotics I had found. I look over at the bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. Should I grab them? Were we even going to be able to find hot water. Sure we could, so I grab the bottles up and put them in the bag. Once I've got all the things we definitely would need I go around my room grabbing things I want to keep. I stuff a necklace my dad gave me in my pocket, and a few books in the bag. I hear soft footsteps behind me, I quickly turn around. It's only Steve, that causes my breathing to calm down, and my heart to stop pounding out of my chest. "Hey calm down it's just me" steve chuckles, "how the hell am I supposed to calm down when we're in this mess" i mutter, as I roll my eyes. I turn back towards the bag closing it up. I feel his arms wrap around my waist, as he peers over my shoulder "you think we'll need like shampoo and stuff?" I ask. He shrugs "just bring it in case" I nod as I grab up the bag. "How are we supposed to get out of here?" I ask as I turn around in his arms. He grabs a gun out of his pocket and hands it to me, "out you're window just like I got in" he says pressing a kiss to my forehead. I nod as I wiggle my way out of his grip and over it my closet grabbing two jackets ones Steve's and the other is mine. I hand it to him while I'm putting mine on. "You take this bag, and I'll take these two" he says handing me the bag I had packed with food, and waters. I sling it over my shoulder, as Steve walks towards the window. I turn the safety off of my gun "don't forget to turn saftey off" I say as Steve is unlocking the window and opening it. I nods turning it off. He crawls out of the window and waits for me on the other side.  I take a deep breath, this could end up horribly. We could get bit in the first 15 seconds seeing the hord of them outside my house. "It's alright we just have to get to my car" I nod as I take his hand. He helps me out onto the roof. We slowly walk across the roof until we're in an area where the ground is the clearest. He jumps off first and then I do. I twist my ankle as my feet hit the ground, making me fall to the ground. "Holy shit! Are you alright?" Steve says kneeling down next to me. I nod "it's just a twist, now help me up" he doesn't argue, just sticks his hand out. I grab onto his hand, and he pulls me up. "Are you sure you're alright?" He asks, I shake my head "I'm sure let's just go" I mutter.
All the ruckus we had made from me falling had been just loud enough to disrupt the zombies. There were a few growling and groaning at us as from the other side of th fence. I don't even think twice before pressing the trigger and shooting both of them. "Come on" I say grabbing his wrist pulling him over to the fence. I unlock it and kick it open. A couple more start growling at us before they run for us.
pow, pow.
Two more are down. The sound of the gun shots call a few more that end up getting in our way to Steve's car.
Pow, pow, pow.
Three more down. "Unlock the car Steve" I say, he doesn't do anything so I shout "unlock the goddamn car Steve!" He finally sticks his hand in his pocket fishing his keys out of his pocket. He unlocks the car car. I let go of him let go of him letting him run to the drivers side, whilst I get in the passenger side.
Im panting as I pull my seatbelt on. Steve gets in the car and throws both his bags into the back seat.
"We should stop by the police station just to see if we can find some more ammo."
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agentnico · 1 year
Knock at the Cabin (2023) Review
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Ronald Weasley really has gone downhill since his days learning magic at Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft. Knocking on people’s cabins Jehovah’s witness style and talking about prophecies. What a wacko! 
Plot:  While vacationing at a remote cabin in the woods, a young girl and her parents are taken hostage by four armed strangers who demand they make an unthinkable choice to avert the apocalypse. Confused, scared and with limited access to the outside world, the family must decide what they believe before all is lost.
I actually really like M. Night Shyamalan as a director. It’s quite rare these days to have a Hollywood person that hasn’t been a part of or involved in any major controversy or misconduct allegations. Shyamalan’s main problem at times is his actual filmmaking skill, such as The Last Airbender and whatever the fudge was happening in The Happening. But overall, he’s just a lovely little chap who loves making movies (and even funds most of them himself!), and even with his worst ones you never are bored. So let’s all just give some love to M. Night Shyamalamalamadingdong! 
So, what kinds of plot twist that Shyamalan is known for has he cooked up in Knock at the Cabin? Well, the twist is that actually there is no twist. This is a pretty straightforward thriller that offers up a philosophical question, one that there are only two possible outcomes to, and obviously the movie settles for one of those outcomes. You have these four home invaders, who turn out not to be invaders, instead asking their hostages to make a choice to sacrifice one of themselves to stop the incoming apocalypse. Immediately the biblical imagery is there, with the four invaders acting as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. The movie then proceeds to question constantly if these four individuals are telling the truth or are some mentally deranged psychos. The philosophical premise is an intriguing one, and makes the audience beg the question - what would you do if you were stuck in this situation and were asked to kill one of your own family members in favour of letting the rest of humanity survive? And even though all the events are contrived to this one cabin in the woods (not to be mistaken with the 2012 film The Cabin in the Woods), unlike the recent The Whale which did feel like a stage play, Knock at the Cabin does have that cinematic flare, with Shyamalan managing to use cinematography in creative ways to keep up the tension as the doomsday clock slowly ticks closer to midnight. 
A lot of reviews have raved about this too, and I must admit that this film is a showcase of Dave Bautista’s acting chops, showing that he’s trying to break away from his WWE past and actually prove that he’s taken the performing craft seriously. Since other WWE alumni-turned-actors haven’t managed to really become successful dramatic performers. Dwayne Johnson does just play Dwayne Johnson in every movie he’s in. John Cena is a very funny man, and is great in Peacemaker, but one wouldn’t call him a refined actor just yet. Dave Bautista has been very tactical with his film role choices, ranging from his appearances in Blade Runner 2049 (and the accompanying short film 2048: Nowhere to Run in which Bautista probably shows the most emotion in his entire filmography), Spectre, Army of the Dead, Dune and Glass Onion. Like those movies or hate them, one must admit that Bautista is trying his best to take on roles that will challenge him as an actor and allow him to branch out his skills more. With Knock at the Cabin this really comes full circle, as the narrative rests on his teddy-Hulk shoulders, as he guides the characters through everything that needs to happen. There’s also an irony that even though he has this big-man presence, he can also believably portray someone who is very gentle and kind, and in the movie it’s mentioned that he’s a primary school teacher and you can believe it. I’m not saying Bautista’s performance is Oscar worthy or anything of the sort, but it does show that he has indeed stepped away from WWE completely and has embraced his dramaturg self. 
Aside from Bautista, other actors of this ensemble all do well with what they got. The other invaders played by Nikki Amuka-Bird, Abby Quin and Rupert Grint (yep, ginger Ron from Harry Potter) all come off at first as these intimading baddies who have just broken into this lovely family’s home. However within minutes it puts us in the position of liking these invaders despite their actions, and in an unsettling way, making us want to believe in what they are doing, and, at the same time, hoping that somehow they will be shown the error of their ways. As for the family, Jonathan Groff has the more reserved quite kindness to him, whilst Ben Aldridge is more like the eyes of the viewer determined to want to know what the f*** is going on. Also the little daughter played by newcomer Kristen Cui who is obsessed with grasshoppers for some reason (typical Shyamalan including random character traits that aren’t ever addressed again) - again another child actor that shows a lot of promise, especially with managing to give a believable enough performance at her age whilst being on a busy film set.
The most disappointing aspect of the movie is that there is no real twist, however that isn’t really a judgement to the film itself, but more so our expectation of Shyamalan due to his track record. That being said, his last film Old didn’t have a twist either. Then again with Old there couldn’t really be a twist as half of that movie was just a big pile of foreshadowing. Anyway, Knock at the Cabin offers little scares and is more so focused on bringing out the psychological horror of the situation. And depending on your opinion of the matter you either will be satisfied or dissatisfied by the ending, however that is entirely to personal preference. Overall though it’s a pretty timid Shyamalan outing, and one that, though enjoyable, is really a one-time watch and then forget about it. Bautista is indeed good in it, and Ron Weasley is kind of just there.
Overall score: 5/10
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bloodforvlad · 3 years
/ Ending Beginning /
For once, he doesn't feel a pulse, or a heartbeat. He feels, instead, a wave of sheer absence. It's cold, and it pushes through his senses like a wind. He looks up from his books, peering through the window of the library, and is horrified to see smoke. Billowing, broiling, spilling out across the sky. Vladimir leaves the tomes and moves towards the glass for a better look, feeling his stomach drop as he realises just what he is seeing.
The Harrowing Mist is early this year. It is reaping the birds from the sky, the beasts in the fields, and the people in the streets.
He feels sick. People are dying and he can feel it happening. Even from up here, in the Bastion, he can feel people's hearts stopping and their bodies going cold; he can see them getting to their feet again, but he knows there is nothing left in them that one could call 'alive'. The smoke is clambering, climbing the walls, reaching and lashing like malicious hands. Vladimir has never seen the Mist like this before, and the soul-lights of the Hungry Lost are far too numerous. It's like an army has descended on Noxus--
A hand clamps down on his shoulder, and he almost screams. But he exhales the nervous sound into a wheeze of a laugh, instead, as he recognises the perfume, and the heartbeat, of the woman. "Matron."
She says nothing. Her grip stays tight. Vladimir's smile - risen during the embarrassed moment - fades, then drops entirely. She isn't saying anything. She is watching the chaos unfolding outside with a stony expression. Her eyes are grim, and unflinching.
There are few things Vladimir knows for certain about the matron, his mentor and patroness and much more besides. But in this moment, as she grips his shoulder and watches Noxus being lashed by death, he learns two new things: she had known this was coming, and she was afraid.
"... Matron?"
He keeps her eyes on the window, watching the armies below as they fight the smoke, and then their own comrades. Her grip tightens, her nails digging into the fabric of his coat. Her face turns to him, and the last part to move is her gaze, which snaps from the view to his face. "We're leaving, dearest one." Her voice has none of the soft, smoky teasing to it that it normally has. Now, her words are low, and crisp, and there is such quiet force behind them.
She sounds as imperious as a queen.
The last time she had made this insistence, he had been forced to resurrect Sion, to power the behemoth's heart and flood the dead man's veins with loyal servants that had been rendered to fluid. He had resisted, then, and he had been punished for it, and forced to obey. Now? Now he doesn't dare think about second-guessing her.
It will not be long before the Mist climbs the Bastion. He will not be safe without her.
"... Yes, Matron." He doesn't ask where they're going. He doesn't ask about the rest of the Trifarix. He doesn't even ask about his servants, who are wide-eyed behind him and looking to him in panic, in plea. There is death everywhere, and she is here to save him, that is all that matters.
She is afraid. He can read it in the beat of her heart. She had known this was going to happen, and so she knew she was going to be afraid, but even so there is fear in her. She has never been afraid, but now she is. That frightens him more than the Mist.
He says nothing, letting himself be steered towards the nearest mirror. The silvery glass ripples like water, and the Matron's tight grip turns to a push, forcing him through to the shadows on the other side, before she joins him.
He hears Marie and Jacques scream, and he tries to turn back, tries to save his servants, but the Matron links her arm through his and pulls him, striding into the dark, leaving him no choice but to follow.
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layniapetrovnaaa · 4 years
Kinkmas Day 6 (cockwarming): Five Hargreeves
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Five is physically aged up to 17/18 in all my works. Also, I am 18, so this is not like some creepy cougar situation.
Summary: Reader and five go to see their past selves with Luther at the pub. Trouble ensues, and you decide to then try and help Five relax.
Warnings: Language, suggestive banter, name calling, fighting, smut, cockwarming, light praise kink, hints of premature ejaculation. 
This is pretty long because it was not originally a kinkmas fic.
A cold layer of sweat covers your entire body as you make your way to the pub that your past self was currently occupying. 
You knew the dangers of paradox psychosis-- having been part of the commission for many years. Yet, here you were, about to try and negotiate with your two weeks younger self and significant other. 
It wasn't you that you were worried about, however, it was Five. 
You had been partners for quite a few years before you got together, that being said, you knew Five very well. You knew it would be unlikely that he would react kindly to himself
If the first four stages of paradox psychosis were any indication, he was already fumbling this task. 
“You alright, Five?”
“Fine.” he says sharply, but in an unconvincing tone. 
“Here we go.” Luther mutters as he swings open the door, holding it for you and your counterpart.
Upon entering, you catch a glimpse of you and Five at the bar, you turn and laugh at something he says, flirtatiously placing your hand on his arm. 
What you would give to go back to those days, the ones where you weren't constantly worrying about the apocalypse, when you and Five could have a casual drink at the bar, then find each other in one of the empty bathrooms later to... blow off some steam before returning to your jobs as hitmen. 
“Well, there we are.” you breath out. 
Five’s eyes almost bug out of his head as he peers around to get a good look at the two of you together, Luther as well. 
Despite the fact that you were also just as susceptible to paradox psychosis, you seemed to be the most level headed.
“How come [Y/N] looks the same?” Luther asks, stupidly.
“I told you already, I don’t age due to my regenerative healing factor, I’m like you guys.” your growl.
Maybe you weren't the most level headed, blame it on nerves. 
He glances over at Five, who was anxiously rubbing his hands together and looking as if he just saw a ghost, before asking another stupid question. 
“Why don’t we just grab the briefcase and run?”
You scoff, and Five answers him, almost hurt by his words.
“Luther, I would never let that happen. We’re trained to guard these briefcases with our lives.”
“Plus, it’s the inherit paradox where this gets tricky.We’re endangering our existence just being in the same room with our former selves.”
“Huh-- What do you mean?”
You roll your eyes.
“C’mon Ape-man, try to keep up.” you scoff out, biting your thumb nail anxiously. 
“If the old me doesn't travel back to 2019 like he’s supposed to, the whole thing unravels itself. I cease to exist. Same goes for [Y/N], here.” Five explains to his brother, making exaggerated hand gestures as he does. 
Luther nods, and Five keeps talking.
“So our best chance is to talk--reason-- with them. Usually, I would count on [Y/N] to keep me grounded in situations like this, but given that fact that she might experience psychosis as well, I’m not really sure how this is gunna go.”
“Ah” Luther lets out, a bit apprehensive. 
“He’ll understand.” Five mutters to himself, itching his neck.
“You just itched your neck! That’s stage two of paradox psychosis.” Luther whisper shouts.
“Luther, don’t be ridiculous.” you speak, wiping the sweat from your forehead as you do so.
“No, I didn't. I didn't itch my neck.” Five says defensively. 
“Well, denial is stage one, and you’ve both got it. “
“We are fine, Luther.” You say harshly and leaning in dramatically.
Five huffs and shakes himself out a bit before he starts towards your targets.
“Wait-” Luther says, grabbing his arm.
“What?” Five hisses out, still put off by his brother’s most recent comments.
“Maybe I should go first. I mean, the two of you will freak them out.”he explains before turning to your lover.
“Bumping into your own tiny doppelganger? He will lose his shit.”
You all turn to look at yourselves-- the couple-- at the bar.
“Just let me brake the ice.” he continues.
Five looks over at you for approval and you give him a nod. This seemed to be the first time Luther actually had a decent plan.
As you prepare to meet yourself, the three of you take a few deep breaths in. 
As Luther saunters over to the couple , you put a hand on Five’s back, rubbing soothing across his lean frame. 
“This will all work out fine.” you hum, more to yourself than him.
He looks up at the ceiling, then back down at his hands, continuing to fiddle with any of the imperfections on them.
“Whaddya say, after this we’ll go home, finally have some alone time, release all that pent up stress?”
He looks into you eyes, and for a moment, his anxiety stops.
“That would be wonderful.” he pecks your lips quick before you turn around the corner of beam, hearing Luther introduce you.
“Hey there, stranger.”
“Well...this is nice, isn’t it? The five of us, together like this.”
You put your head in your hands as your lookalike glares over at Luther because of his unfitting tone and comment. The Fives are the only ones who respond verbally.
The physically older five speaks. 
“Somebody explain to me how I am having a pint of Guinness with my younger self and my girl.” 
“Older, actually. I’m you, just 14 days older.” Five clicks.
“I have pubic hair smarter than you.”
And that was your cue to start and finish off your drink in one go. 
“How is that possible?” the only other female at the table asks. 
“I can explain. You see, one hour from now, on the grassy knoll, before the president is killed, you two will brake your contract with the commission.” he says, his eyes flicking over to the other version of yourself, and you noticed his eyes soften slightly. 
“I already know you’re thinking about it. All those years in the apocalypse, we never stopped worrying about our family. Well, today, you are going to do something about it. Today, you are going to attempt to time travel forward to 2019. However you are going to screw up the jump and end up in this twip of a body, trapped forever, small, pubescent.” Five says, starting off soft at first, then becoming more vicious. 
“Okay.” the other Five says nervously.
“How come I look the same then?” You-- well, not you-- speak. 
“Because we don’t age, moron.”
Younger you sits back and scoffs, never breaking her glare. 
“See! It’s a reasonable question!” Luther shouts rather obnoxiously.
“Ah yes, the burden of being young and sexy forever.” the white haired Five speaks, it’s meant to be humorous, but everyone is to stressed to acknowledge it properly. 
Luther chokes slightly on his beer, whereas the Five that you are sat next to reaches for his and gulps it down rather quickly. You just roll your eyes.
“Look, we’re getting off topic.”
Regaining his wits, the man that sits across from you speaks.
“Even if I was to believe you, what am I supposed to do about it, not jump?” he says aggressively, with a hint of fear.
“No, no. I--We need you both to jump.”
“If you two don’t jump, we cease to exist.” you elaborate on his behalf. 
“What I need from you is to jump correctly.” 
“I’m listening.”
“The first time through, we got the calculations wrong. That’s how I ended up in this body. But now, I know the correct calculation.”
“What is it?” the other Five whispers sharply.
“I’ll be glad to tell you... in exchange for that briefcase you’re holding under the table.” the physically younger Five states, a bit too cockily.
“What do you think?”
It’s silent for a moment, and in that moment you hold your breath.
“I think...I need to piss.”
You let out a sigh and hold your head in your hands as he gets up and heads towards the back of the pub, Luther following shortly after. 
“You’ll have to excuse me as well.” [Y/N] says and gets up. You recognize the slight mischievous gleam in her-- your-- eyes when she gets up and heads towards the bathrooms. Your suspicions are confirmed when you see her slip into the men’s bathroom instead of the women's. 
You quickly turn to Five, who is bouncing his leg up and down anxiously and not looking away from the bathroom doors.
“They’re planning something, and they’re trying to get Luther in on it.”
He shakes his head before speaking.
“I know. I bet they’re gunna kill us.”
“I wouldn’t go that far.” you say, a bit shocked at his accusation.
“Homicidal rage is stage seven, [Y/N], and all four of us are already exhibiting symptoms of stage six. Besides, that’s what I would do if I were him, and I am him.” he says very matter-of-factly, which makes you gulp, given the fact this he isn’t wrong.
A minute later, the three of them appear. 
“We good?” Five asks cautiously.
“You got a deal.” The other Five speaks. 
“We gotta hurry, Kennedy’s en route. Less than an hour till showtime.” the other version of yourself says, pulling her bag onto her shoulder. 
“Why are you so anxious to get going all of a sudden?”
“Relax. Your getting paranoid.” The mustache donning Five lets out a scoffing chuckle, itching his chin on his shoulder immediate after.
“Oh, am I?”
They glare at each other for another moment before exiting the pub. 
“What are you looking at?” Five asks the random stranger aggressively.
You try to push him along, but he continues.
“You see somethin’ funny?” he shouts even louder.
You notice that the other three members of your party are talking among themselves in front of you. Trying to focus hard on what they are saying, you miss Fives next insult, which was along the lines of “Something, something, asshole!”. 
“Mind your business!-”
“Five!” you scold. “-Or I’ll give you something to stare at!”
 “Stop it!”
“You wish you could pull off these shorts!”
You just roll your eyes and try to move him along. 
Luther falls back and you immediately know something is up.
“Hey, lovebirds. How you guys doing?”
Five takes a look at Luther, then a deep breath in before descending the stairs and speaking.
“They’re gunna kill us, aren’t they?”
“What?” Luther lets out a nervous chuckle.
“What, him, her? He’s gunna kill you? Yeah, right. That’s ridiculous.” he chuckles again.
“Yeah, hm?” he perks up too quickly when you speak. 
“Promise me you will never go into acting. Because you’ve got to be one of the worst liars I’ve ever met.” and Five hums in agreement.
“You’re a worse liar than you are a spotter.”
At that, Luther drops his act.
“Okay, who’s fault is that? What good is having a spotter if you won’t even listen to him?” 
“So you admit you’re all conspiring against us?” Five says, whisper yelling. You scoff.
“Do--Do you admit that you’re suffering from paradox psychosis?”
“Nuh-uh, don’t try and turn the tables, Luther.” you seethe. 
“She’s got it too!” he points at you.
Five ignoring the both of you and instead defends himself. 
“All I’m suffering from is bracing clarity about you and your murderous intentions.” his voice is like venom as he itches his chest.
“Look, it’s not like they’re gonna “kill you” kill you. They just want to kill a, um... version of you two.
“But I am that version of me!” 
“Hey, I don’t love it, either, but he’s actually got a pretty good plan.
“You’re really not helping your case, Luther.” you say, your voice agitated.
“What? The one where you guys off us, then jump to 2019 to save the world?” Five asks, aggressively pushing his hair back. 
“Yeah, wait, how���d you know that.”
“Because, Luther, we are the same people, we think the same way, and that’s exactly what we would do!” you spit, muttering “imbecile” under your breath. 
“Okay, all I know is that we’ve got one of you too many,-- and you’re the mean one and this Five is a maniac.”
You clench your fists and try not to hurl yourself at the monkey-boy. 
“Maniac? Luther, you have seen nothing. If you want a maniac, I will show you maniac.” Five growls. Maybe Luther was right.
“Okay, as your spotter,-” you and Five both scoff.
“I think the best thing I can do for you right now is put you out of your misery.” Luther says in a matter-of-fact tone, and that’s when Five’s had enough.
“Okay, Luther, listen,” Five starts, turning and grabbing Luther. You make sure to watch the show from a safe two feet away. 
“I know your feeble mind only responds to age and authority, so listen very closely.” Five starts, and you got a feeling from the way that he was gripping Luther’s arms-- this would most likely end in an outburst.
“Yet again, you are experiencing daddy issues. This time with your own brother, which is honestly making me a bit crazy.”
“But remember this:” he says, and its the calm before the storm.
“I’m 14 days older than him. I have seniority here. So it is me you should be listening to, Luther.”
...and here it comes...
Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner.
“Five, you need to calm down.” you finally intervene. 
“What, I thought you liked it when I play daddy.” he says with a veil of smugness, coating his paranoid ticks. 
Before you can huff out a retort, the Five that was walking in front of you alerts everyone that you all had reached your destination. 
And, to say the least, things didn’t exactly go according to plan. At least you survived!
When you arrived home you knew your tasks were not yet finished.
Ah, yes, the trials and tribulations of trying to help Five relax after stopping an apocalypse...twice.  
Five heads straight to the kitchen, ignoring his siblings, to get a cup of coffee.
You and Luther filter in behind him slowly, exhausted from the day you’d had. 
Five hands you your own cup of joe and you place a hand on his arm, giving it a small squeeze, and offering him a sweet little smile-- as if to say “thank you”. He returns the look before taking a sip from his mug. 
“Where the hell have you three been?” Allison asks, her voice sharp, but at the same time, caring and concerned. 
“Doesn’t matter.” Five says bluntly before walking away, pulling you with him into Elliott’s old bedroom. 
Allison just scoffs and shakes her head, walking away, Luther following quickly after her. 
You set your mug down on the desk as Five closes the door. 
He goes and sits at the desk immediately, muttering about how you all still had to find a way to get back to 2019. 
“Five.” you say, your tone that of a parent who is correcting their child.
He looks up at you cautiously before determining that he wasn't in too much danger, continuing his scribbles. 
“[Y/N] you know just as well as I do, we can’t stay here.”
“I’m not asking to stay, I’m asking you to take a break for 30 minutes and-” you walk over to him, standing behind his chair, starting to trail kisses up his neck, your teeth grazing the shell of his ear. “spend some time with me. Hmm?”
“I--” he stutters, trying to weigh his options as your hands start to massage his shoulders lightly.
“I need to finish this equation I just started.”
You huff and make your way around the chair to sit on his lap. His hands immediate rest on your hips. And, although he has and exasperated look on his face, you can tell he is enjoying this.  
“But, I want you.” you whisper, your breath ghosting over his lips.
You grind yourself down on him unexpectedly, which makes him release a loud, and slightly high pitched moan.
You grin like the cheshire cat.
“Don’t get cocky.”
“Mmm, but how can I not be when I make the great Five Hargreeves moan like a horny schoolboy.” you mock, your eyes trailing down his sweater vest covered torso. 
“Oh, shut up.” he says just before kissing you feverishly. 
Soon, he is lifting your shirt, throwing it across the room, and groping your breasts. 
You let out a content sigh at his actions, continuing to swish your hips back and forth. 
“You’re so beautiful” he mutters and he leans in to kiss your neck.
You let out delicate moans as he sucks a hickey over your right jugular.
“I love those pretty noises you make, sweetheart.” He says, and you hum.
“Five,” you plead. “I need you.”
“Fuck” he curses at your words.
You get up to quickly take your bottoms off. he lifts his hips, sliding his shorts down to about mid-thigh.
You get back on his lap and start stroking him a bit before eventually lining him up at your entrance, and sinking down, letting out a heavy breath. 
“Oh, that’s a good girl.” Five sighs. 
“You always feel so damn good.” he hums, and you let out a soft moan at his words.
“Just-just let me finish this one problem and I’ll fuck you properly, okay?”
“Okay.” you sigh, sultry.
“Good girl.” he says, looking at you admirably, running a knuckle down your cheek softly, giving it a quick peck. 
Any small thing, any move of his hips, made you let out small gasps and breaths. 
It seems like forever before he is finished, but when you hear the sound of his pencil on the desk, you know he is finally finished. Ready to ravage you.
You start to move up and down slowly, trying to enjoy your first real moment of peace with your other half in a a long time.
Unable to take the slowness any longer, he orders you to get into the bed.
You comply and lay down.
He stands at the foot of the bed and grabs your ankle, dragging you closer to him before he lines himself up at your entrance again. 
His hands rest on the undersides of your knees, pushing them forward so that they are near your shoulders
“You look so beautiful like this” he murmurs, taking in your appearance.
Despite occupying a body that he hadn't possessed in a long time, he still knew exactly what to do to make you a blubbering mess. However, that being said, this version of himself seemed to be...sensitive to more sexual things. Reaching his climax quicker than he intended, he lets out a string of curses.
He seems slightly embarrassed, but makes no note of it when he tucks himself back into his shorts and gets on his knees. 
You let out a moan when he finally puts his mouth on you, a cocky grin forming on his lips.
“Who’s the cocky one now?” you ask rhetorically, breathless, and he dives back in. Your hands thread through his soft and thick hair, tugging on it ever so slightly when you feel a particularly pleasureful jolt. 
And its not long before you reach your glorious climax as well. 
“HEY, GUYS? WHEN YOU TWO ARE DONE BONING YOU MIGHT WANT TO COME DOWN HERE AND SEE THE NEWS.” Diego shouts, and you blush, knowing that everyone now knew what you and Five were up to-- that is, if they didn’t already.
“We should probably go down there.” Five says, helping you to get up and giving you back your shirt.
You agree and go downstairs, only to find that you and the Hargreeves siblings were currently America’s most wanted.
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walkerwords · 3 years
“The Savior Sessions” Part 23 of 33 - Negan x GN!Reader
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Summary: You were right in Alpha seeking revenge for crossing into their lands and now swarms of Walkers are arriving at the gates of Alexandria. Still trying to deal with the emotions in your own mind, you are tasked with supervising Aaron and Negan who are to work together. What happens when the three of you get stuck over night in a cabin together and what is Carol thinking?
Word Count: 6061
Warning: Swearing
Song I Wrote To: “My Blood” by twenty one pilots
Note: This one takes place in ep 3 of season 10 called “Ghosts”. In this chapter, we get a better look at the reader’s life before the end of the Savior war and especially what they knew about Carl and the letter he left for Negan.
A cataclysmic event.
That was what you witnessed when they dropped fire on Atlanta. Everything was burning and the air was thick with the smell of hot metal and melting tar. You could still remember the way your skin felt as you ran through the street, trying to flee from the destruction. 
That was the first night you finally saw a Walker up close. You had seen them on the TV and images that flashed on public monitors in the heart of the city, but never had one been mere feet away. It moved towards you as if you were the only thing in the world that mattered. You wanted to run, to scream, but you just stood there, watching. 
You could hear the commotion behind you as people ran for their lives, but nothing could distract you from the Dead man in front of you. Fresh blood dripped from its mouth as it reached for you. Stumbling back, you couldn’t think to do anything else but examine how something as beautiful as a human being had become...this. 
A shot came from a nearby convoy as the military tore through the rubble-filled streets, ending the Walker once and for all. They didn’t stop to ask if you were okay and they didn’t yell at you to run, they just kept going and you were alone again. 
As you stared down at the man that once was, you couldn’t stop the thoughts that ran through your head that said, “Perhaps this is next for all of us. Perhaps this is what is meant to happen.” 
That thought followed you all the way from the city and into the hills where you eventually met Carl Grimes and it had never truly left you. 
Even now as you watched Walkers approach your home in waves, those two little sentences were buzzing in the back of your mind, trying to make themselves known. However, just as you had for about a decade now, you shoved them away and picked up your weapon. 
The number of Walkers that fell upon Alexandria was something that you hadn’t seen in years. Being so far from the cities, it was rare to find massive hordes right near the communities or even groups of more than ten or fifteen. However, now there were groups of ten or twenty every time you turned around and you knew why. 
Alpha was pissed. 
You had tried to warn them when they went over her borders, but of course, nobody batted an eye when you spoke up. 
You couldn’t understand how one day your thoughts mattered and the next, they went clear over everyone’s heads. You knew you weren’t in charge, that didn’t both you. What did bother you was that your people had begun to question you, rather than relying on your council. You started to notice it after the blizzard and then even more so as your relationship with Negan furthered. 
While you still held a position of respect within Alexandria, you knew that you were looked at differently because of Negan, but you didn’t hold an ounce of resentment towards the man that you loved. Negan was the most important part of your life now and if that meant that nobody looked to you anymore, that was something that would have to get used to. 
Especially in moments when you were the only one dealing with the Dead. 
Aaron and the others had arrived home in the early hours of the morning, desperate to get their children home safely and when they saw you on watch, they had avoided your eyes immediately. You knew why they crossed over, but if you had had it your way, you would have been glad to watch the world burn. 
There had been a discussion, well rather an argument, earlier as more waves of Walkers approached. Lydia had been present in the meeting hall when Daryl had begun questioning her.
You had stayed in the back, ready to jump in to defend her if necessary, but she was handling it well. Lydia had explained that she didn’t think the Walkers were from her mother and that Alpha would have sent a horde. You weren’t so sure about that.
You knew fear tactics and this was textbook. 
Then there was the fact that Alpha now wanted to speak to Michonne and Daryl. You hadn’t even volunteered to go with them to the South border because you knew they would shut you down. However, you didn’t mention that bringing Carol was just as much of a risk. While you were pissed and wanting blood, Carol’s vendetta was even more personal.
Once some of the Highwaymen began throwing insults at Lydia, you took her out of the room and let Daryl deal with them. The last thing she needed was more venom thrown at her and you weren’t going to have her stand by and be spit on. 
Instead, you began to help clear out the Walkers again while you thought about what to do about her mother. While you didn’t agree with accepting Alpha’s terms and her borders, antagonizing her was the last thing you wanted to do.
If you were going to take her out, you wanted to do it when she didn’t expect it. You didn’t want a firefight or a clashing of swords, you just wanted her and Beta dead. It was that simple. Though, like most things in the fucked up world known as the apocalypse, nothing was ever truly simple. 
Negan was not too far away from you, helping to load the corpses into the wagons. You were keeping an eye on him as he worked, but you kept finding yourself distracted as the day wore on. Especially by one memory in particular…
Months Earlier…
“This is either a trick or you pulled some huge strings on the puppet masters of Alexandria,” Negan said as he closed the door to your house behind you. Lydia who was sitting on the couch glanced up from the art book in her hands, something you had found in the garage a few days before and gave to her. 
“If you keep questioning Michonne’s decision, she’s gonna send your ass back out into the cold to sleep in the snow,” you warned, taking off your heavy coat.
“I’m not complaining,” Negan said with a grin and a wink. With a sigh, you gestured for him to make himself at home. 
“Lydia, did you eat?” you asked as you entered the living room to turn on your newly fixed fireplace. 
“Siddiq brought me something,” she said quietly as she stared at Negan who looking at her with curiosity. You gestured between them.
“Lydia, this is Negan. Negan, meet Lydia,” you introduced. 
“Nice to meet ya, kid,” he said with a neutral face, trying to gauge her reaction. 
“Hi,” she said shyly, folding her legs underneath her on the couch. 
“Jailbird here is gonna be staying with us when it’s below zero,” you explained as Negan leaned against the wall near the fire. “So just watch where you step so you don’t step in his ego while he’s here.” Negan scoffed. 
“Wow, (Y/N), that hurts,” he said. 
“Yeah? Well, so does this,” you said, as you gestured to the fresh wound on your side. “I’m gonna go change the dressing, try not to corrupt her, yeah?”
“I would never!” he called as you climbed the stairs towards your room. However, instead of searching for gauze, you remained on the landing and listened in on Negan and Lydia. “What are you reading?” Negan asked after a moment and you could hear the flipping of pages in the quiet of the room. 
“(Y/N) found it in the garage,” Lydia said. 
“Ah, Dalí,” Negan said. “I like his stuff.”
“The clocks are cool,” Lydia admitted and you smiled to yourself. 
“That they are,” Negan agreed. “How are you doing? I heard life is sort of kicking you in the teeth at the moment.” 
“I’m better than I was yesterday,” Lydia said. “At least a little bit.”
“And tomorrow you’ll be a bit better than you were today. Takes time,” he said.
“Nobody wants me here,” she whispered, almost too quiet for you to hear. 
“(Y/N) does,” Negan said, “and trust me, coming from them, that means a lot.”
“Why are you locked up?” Lydia suddenly asked and Negan remained quiet. It was only after about a minute that he sighed. 
“Do you really want to know? It’s not a pretty story,” he said. 
“Neither is mine,” Lydia admitted and then you heard her shifting on the couch, settling in to listen to him. 
“Alright,” Negan said, almost reluctantly. “It all started when a man named Rick visited Hilltop for the first time…” 
You were knocked out of your memory as arguing reached your ears.
Still reeling from your thoughts, you searched for the cause only to see Gabriel stepping in between Aaron and Negan. Aaron’s morning star prosthetic was already attached and you could almost see the smoke coming out of his ears as you rushed over to find out what the damn issue was. 
“You need fighters,” Gabriel was saying. “He can fight, you’re taking him.” 
“What now?” you asked, already regretting the question. 
“Your buddy doesn’t trust me to help him take out Walkers,” Negan explained. “Though, I’ve already expressed my desire to stay here and bury corpses instead of hanging out with Captain Hook here.” Aaron glared at Negan and you were already getting a migraine. 
“Seriously?” you asked Gabriel who was already on the verge of giving up. “Fine, I guess I will play babysitter.”
“Fucking perfect,” Aaron swore. 
“Hey,” you said, pointing at him, “don’t break the asshole pact,” you said, reminding him of the conversation the two of you had on his porch before you left for the fair. You had finally repaired your relationship with Aaron and you weren’t going to blow it now. 
“I know, I know,” Aaron said, getting where you were coming from, “but it doesn’t extend to him.” 
“I never said it did,” you defended. 
“You want to referee these two?” Gabriel asked, throwing his hands up in defeat. “Fine, be my guest!” Gabriel stormed away and you turned to both of the men before you with your arms crossed. 
“Great, now you’ve pissed off the Priest.”
The three of you walked through the thick forest in silence. 
Normally, you would have been chatting or joking with Negan about being outside the walls for the first time together, but your romantic getaway was nowhere near as special as you thought it would be. 
Aaron dragged his feet alongside both of you. You could hear his feet digging in the mud and you knew he was doing it on purpose to annoy Negan. Jesus had taught him how to move through the woods in silence just as Lydia was teaching you. 
This only made you even more annoyed.
“You’re quiet today,” Negan observed, poking at your side. You looked over at him and took his hand, squeezing it a few times before letting go. 
“Sorry,” you said, returning your hand to rest on your sword.
“What’s gotten into you?” Aaron asked. 
“I’m pissed off, Aaron,” you explained with a huff. 
“Well, I can see that,” Aaron said. 
“Not helping,” Negan shot back. Aaron just rolled his eyes at Negan’s comment. You pushed on, ignoring both of them. It had only been a couple of days since the satellite fell and while Eugene felt that harvesting the tech from the machine was necessary, you still thought it was foolish. 
Your mood wasn’t getting any better no matter what Lydia or Negan tried. If you were being honest with yourself, you just needed a break. All you wanted to do was go away for a while and not think about communities arguing or masked menaces tracking your every mood. 
You just needed a moment. 
Now with the meeting happening at the Southern border, you didn’t know what to expect. Just as long as Daryl came back in one piece, you would be okay.  
For now. 
The three of you ended up in a clearing not too far from Alexandria, but far enough to see where the Walkers would be crossing towards the main road that led home.
Aaron gave Negan an old broomstick to handle the Walkers and he wouldn’t give in to your request of giving Negan your knife. It was ridiculous, but you figured it was better than Aaron yelling and Negan making ridiculous comments. 
“You have that look on your face,” Aaron observed as he took a swig of his water after taking out another Walker. 
“What look?” you asked, unbothered by the blood stuck to your blade. Negan was nearby, always twirling his stick around to amuse himself. 
“It’s the same look you had the day Rick and Daryl brought Jesus to Alexandria,” he explained. 
“Annoyed?” you asked, staring off into the trees. 
“More suspicious,” he said. “Though, I would throw in just a dash of pessimism, too.”
“Is that so?” you asked.
“You know, when I met you, I really didn’t like you,” Aaron said and you scoffed.
“Ouch,” Negan muttered. 
“There was just something about you that I didn’t get,” he went on. “Rick acted as if you were some kind of boogeyman.”
“This isn’t sounding any better, Aaron,” you said, leaning on your sword. 
“What I’m trying to say is that you always seemed like the black sheep of the family and I think we need that kind of thinking right about now,” he said, surprising you. 
“I thought you would be on team, ‘cross the border’,” you said.
“So did I,” Aaron said. 
“But?” you prompted. 
“I don’t know anything at this point. At least, I feel as if I don’t,” he admitted. “All I do know is that we can’t treat these...people like we have in the past with other enemies,” Aaron said and you didn’t miss the glance he threw at Negan. Negan ignored him, but he was still listening.
“Right, and now with Daryl agreeing to meet with these psychos...” you sighed.
“Daryl knows what he’s doing,” Aaron tried.
“Well, out of the three of us here, I’ve known him the longest. I know how blind he can be when it comes to his family and with Carol hurting the way she is, he ain’t gonna stop until Alpha is dead,” you said. 
“I remember how he used to be,” Aaron said, but you shook your head.
“You didn’t know him before Alexandria, before the Prison,” you said. “Daryl used to be loud and sharp. After his brother went missing he became standoffish and reckless. Nobody could work with him, not even Rick. The crazy son of a bitch once impaled himself on his crossbow bolt when his horse threw him off. Then, he got shot in the same afternoon on Maggie’s farm cause Andrea thought he was damn Walker. The man doesn’t know when to slow down.”
“Is that a bad thing?” Aaron asked. 
“It was when nobody knew him. Nobody knew what to expect. The only people he was even decent to were Carol and Carl.” 
“Not you?” Negan asked, hauling another body over to the pile. 
“Definitely not,” you said, thinking about all the arguments the two of you would get into. “We were civil, but I think we saw too much of each other in another. I remember Merle, Daryl’s big brother seeing us work together against the Governor. He used to make some really ridiculous comments, but one always stuck with me. Merle would say that we were ‘just two screwed up kids who ended up at the end of the world,’ and hell, he was right.”
The three of you worked into the late afternoon, early evening as sweat bloomed on your brows and blood stuck to your boots. 
Negan did his best to take out the Walkers with his stick, but he was itching for a blade. If Aaron wasn’t around then he knew that you would give him one without question. 
As he watched you, he could see how anxious you were getting. You had mentioned that Daryl never slowed down, but you never did either. You became distant and restless when you didn’t have a target in your sights. It was one of the many things he loved about you. 
After taking down another three Walkers, you wicked the blood from the sword that had become a part of you. 
“I’m going to get some more water,” you announced. “Try not to kill each other.”
“I’ll do my best,” Negan said with a wink. You ignored him as you grabbed the canteens and headed into the trees. 
Negan and Aaron were silent as they continued to kill the Walkers that broke off from the main horde that the others were handling. Without you to be there as a buffer, Aaron began to bite his tongue so he didn’t blow up at the man next to him.
Negan however, could feel the heat coming off him. 
“Are you just gonna keep staring at me or are you going to man up and tell me what’s on your mind?” Negan said, turning to face his adversary. 
“I have nothing to say to you,” Aaron said. 
“Ah, we both know that’s not true,” Negan said. “You’ve been just dying to give me a piece of that mind buried under all those curls. So, come on, lay it on me.” Aaron was quiet for a moment before he let his anger win over his decision to remain somewhat civil.
“You’re not good enough for them,” Aaron said and Negan raised his brows, taking in the words.
“If you think that pisses me off,” Negan began, “then I hate to break it to you, but you’re not the first to disapprove.”
“I won’t be the last either,” Aaron threatened and Negan caught onto what he was saying. 
“If this is about Maggie,” said Negan, “then I think you need to take a step back. She can want me dead all she damn well pleases, but the fact is, she had her chance to kill me and she didn’t take it.”
“She’d do it now,” Aaron said. 
“Why, because I’m in love with one of her friends? Are they friends? Because last time I checked, (Y/N) never talks about her.”
“You don’t get to dissect every relationship they’ve had. You are the reason that (Y/N) lost two people they really cared about, three if you count Sasha,” Aaron said. 
“I had nothing to do with Sasha’s death,” Negan said. “I didn’t kill her.” 
“No, you didn’t,” Aaron agreed, “but you are the reason she’s dead.” Negan glared at Aaron, trying to control his breathing. 
“It was war, Aaron, or are you forgetting your merry bunch of survivors killed my men as they fucking slept? You pulled the trigger first. You can be pissed at me all you want, but do not look at me and see a monster when you’ve shed just as much blood.”
“You wanna know what I see?” Aaron asked. “I see someone that's pretending.”
“Come on, man, just let it go,” Negan said as he moved past Aaron, going to follow you. However, Aaron was faster, throwing out his leg and blocking Negan’s step, sending him to the ground. “Jesus!” Negan swore. “Did you just trip me? What, are you? Twelve?” Aaron sneered at him, but Negan wasn’t having it. Getting to his feet, he towered over Aaron. “What the hell is wrong with you? I've been puttin' my neck on a block for you people all goddamn day!” 
“You don't give a damn about us,” Aaron said, not believing it for a second.  “If you gave a shit, you'd leave. That's what everyone needs.”
“I can’t do that and you know it,” Negan said. 
“Because you love them?” Aaron asked with a scoff.
“Is that so hard to believe?”
“Coming from you? Absolutely! They may have forgiven you for all the death and torture, but the rest of us haven’t!” 
“Nobody has forgiven anyone!” Negan said. “You think (Y/N) forgives me for murdering their friends right in front of them? They don’t and I haven’t asked them to! Look, I did what I had to do back then.” Aaron was silent then as Negan’s words cascaded over him. 
Aaron then tilted his head just as a predator would when watching its prey. “What did you say?” he asked, but Negan remained silent. “No, no, no. Open that up. Tell me why the love of my life had to die,” he ordered. 
Negan shook his head, but he took the bait. “Okay. One simple fact. One truth kept my people going... if you don't protect what belongs to you, then sooner or later, it belongs to someone else. That goes for your land, your wallet, your home, your country... everything. It is your job as a man to protect it. That's the story of America, the story of the whole goddamn world. And ain't nothing changing it... not you, not me, nobody,” Negan said, getting into Aaron’s face, but the latter wasn’t backing down. 
“Are you saying that Eric's death was my fault?” he asked but Negan remained still. Aaron then shook his head, stepping into Negan’s space even more. “Well, if I failed Eric,” he whispered. “Then you failed your wife.” Negan went still, looking down at Aaron with fury in his eyes.
“Careful,” Negan warned, trying to remain calm, but Aaron wasn’t done.
“Yeah. She died hating you, right? Gabriel told us the story and I know that (Y/N) has heard it, too. Hate to break it to you, but you will never see her again.” Negan’s mouth turned into a smirk as light entered his eyes. 
“What? You wanna say something?” Aaron challenged. 
“Yeah,” Negan said and then with a quirked brow pointed over Aaron’s shoulder. “Behind you,” he whispered as Walkers converged on Aaron. Aaron took out one in a hurry as another, which was covered in vegetation, fell on Aaron, taking him to the ground. Aaron yelled as the Walker reached for his face, but he was able to hit it over the head with his morning star, killing it easily.
However, something was wrong. Negan was gone and Aaron couldn’t see.
By the time you got back to the clearing, it was night. 
Of course, this was the time for you to get turned around and have to double back. You pushed into the clearing, ready to get the boys back on track when you were met with an empty space. 
“Seriously!” you yelled, throwing your hands up. “I say not to kill each other and they leave me,” you muttered. “No, no, (Y/N) they’ll be just fine, just two people who hate each other. Why should it matter if they both care about you? It’s not like that fucking matters.”
You continued to talk to yourself as you shone your light on the ground and managed to find Negan’s footprints. “It’s a good thing you’re practically bigfoot,” you whispered as you headed into the trees. You were then very happy that Daryl had taken all that time to teach you how to track or you’d be out there stumbling over Walkers and roots.
The tracks were accompanied by another set. You figured they were Aaron’s considering how precise they were. Walker tracks were more random and uneven. They led away from Alexandria which only made you even more annoyed. “Right, let’s go away from the walls and the warm food. Assholes,” you swore as you climbed over a fallen tree and kept moving. 
Eventually, you saw a flickering light in the distance. Stepping over what was either a dead Walker or a half-eaten deer, you arrived at a cabin. Noises of alarm echoed from the cabin and you ran towards it, kicking open the door. You slid into the main room just as Negan finished killing the last Walker with a crowbar. You would have to ask where he got that later. 
“What the hell?” you asked, alarming Negan. 
“(Y/N)?” Aaron’s voice came in the dark. “Negan?” 
Negan looked at you and in the dark of the room with only the moon to illuminate his features, he looked incredibly intimidating. “You alright?” Negan asked Aaron who was looking around the room rapidly. You took a step closer to him, confused. 
“Yeah,” Aaron said. “How did you…?”
“Your light switched on,” Negan explained, reaching down to turn off the flashlight that was on Aaron’s belt. 
“What’s wrong, Aaron?” you asked. 
“I can’t see,” he said, looking around the room, trying to focus on anything, but couldn’t. Negan kneeled in front of Aaron who stiffened as Negan got close. 
“Flowers growin’ out of the Walkers is hogweed,” Negan explained, looking at Aaron’s eyes. 
“Nasty shit,” Negan said with a glance over at you. “Causes rashes, blindness…”
“Is it permanent?” Aaron asked as you leaned against the wall. 
“Sometimes,” Negan admitted. “You wash your eyes out?” 
“Yeah, in a stream, but I… I didn’t have,” Aaron tried and then you realized you still had the water. 
“Here,” you said tossing the full canteen to Negan who gave it to Aaron. Aaron drank half of it in one go, desperate to quench his thirst. 
“Alright, come on,”  Negan said as he helped Aaron off the floor and you were surprised to see that Aaron let him. Negan got him settled in the old chair before joining you next to the window. 
“What are you doing?” Aaron asked. 
“We’ll take watch and leave first thing in the morning. That good with you?”
“Yeah,” Aaron said softly. “Yeah, that’s good.”
“You two are both idiots,” you said, crossing your arms. 
“We know,” Negan and Aaron said at once and you couldn’t help but smirk at that. Aaron settled into the chair, the reaction to the hogweed taking its hold, but he didn’t sleep.
Instead, he listened. 
“Maybe don’t run off in the middle of the night when a lot of Walkers are around, okay?” you said.
“Sorry,” Negan said sheepishly. You nodded to him, peering out the windows, letting your mind wander. “What are you thinking?” he asked. 
“You look lost in thought, have all day,” he said with a shrug. 
“Uh, I was thinking about Rick,” you said. 
“Anything in particular?” he asked. You were quiet for a moment before turning to fully face him. 
“I lied to you before,” you said. 
“When you asked me what the vote was on what to do with you. I told you that Rick just decided. He and Michonne had the final say, but that wasn’t the whole truth,” you admitted. “Rick asked me what I thought he should do.” Negan was quiet for a moment.
“What did you say?”
“Nothing at first,” you said. “I didn’t have an opinion right away. I was angry with you and I wanted you to pay for what you did, but I… I didn’t know if death was the answer. I was conflicted.” 
“Why?” he asked and you looked at him with glossy eyes. 
“Because of Carl,” you admitted and you saw something shift behind his eyes at the mention of the late teen. “I read the letter that he wrote to you. Michonne let me after she had given me the one Carl left to me. I knew what Carl wanted. He wanted the fighting to stop, he wanted the hate to stop, and he wanted you to be a better man. How was I supposed to deny him that?”
“Did you tell Rick this?”
“Sort of,” you said with a sigh. “I told him that Carl had written to me asking me to take care of him and Judith. Carl trusted me to be the protector of his family because he couldn’t anymore, but he never needed to ask. I would have died for Rick and I will die for RJ and Judith if it came down to it.”
“I know,” Negan whispered. 
“I thought about it for hours, the question Rick asked me, and then I told him that it wasn’t up to me and it wasn’t really up to him either. Carl had already made the decision. Rick had already made promises to the people he loved. He promised his best friend, Shane, that he would protect his family because Shane did it first; He promised Lori that he would protect Carl and he did.
“What happened to Carl wasn’t Rick’s fault no matter what he thought. Most of all, Rick promised Michonne that he would build a good life for their daughter, and I had to remind him that he wasn’t allowed to break that promise. Carl had an idea, and if we had killed you, we would have been dishonoring him and everything he wanted to fight for but couldn’t. I had to make a choice and for once it wasn’t for my survival, but for securing Carl’s legacy. You once asked me why I stayed in Alexandria when I felt as if I never quite fit.”
“And you said it was because Carl was buried there,” he remembered. 
“Alexandria is strong and still standing because of Carl. It’s not just because his grave is there. It’s because everywhere I turn, I see that kid’s influence. I made a promise when I read the letter he wrote to me. I can’t break it now and I never will.”
“Where is all this coming from?” Negan asked. You wiped at the tears that formed in the corner of your eyes. 
“I feel as if I’m starting to lose sight of him, Negan,” you said. “I look around and I don’t see Carl, I see Alpha’s face or Jesus’ blood on my hands. I can’t see the good anymore.” 
“There is still good in this world, (Y/N),” Negan promised. “You just gotta search a little harder.”
“I’m tired of searching,” you said. “I try to be there for Lydia, but most days I have no idea what I’m doing. What the hell does she see when she looks at me? I don’t even know what I see when I look at her.”
“Do you wanna know what I see when I look at Lydia?” he asked. 
“I see a scared kid who’s had a shit life and who needs you to look out for her,” Negan said. 
“Right,” you said, but Negan wasn’t convinced you were getting it. You then looked up at him. “What do you see when you look at me?” Negan didn’t even hesitate.
“Possibilities,” he said and it threw you for a loop. Looking at him in the dark of the cabin, you could only see the truth pouring from him. 
“What do you see when you look at yourself?” you whispered.
“Not much,” he answered.
“It’s alright,” he said. “I’ve accepted it. You know, when I went back to the Sanctuary and saw what everything had become, I finally got it.”
“Got what?” you asked. Negan reached out and dragged his knuckles along the back of your arm, savoring the feeling as if you were going to fade away. 
“That my number was up the second Rick told me he was going to kill me in that clearing,” Negan said, avoiding your eyes. “I just didn’t know this would be how he’d do it, condemning me to a life of self-hatred,” he said with a self-deprecating laugh. 
“Why are you saying this to me?” you asked.
“I’m just trying to let you know that it’s okay if I don’t get the happy ending. I was more of a fan of horror films than fairytales anyway,” he admitted. 
“What am I supposed to do with this?”
“Just…” Negan trailed off and then pulled you towards him, wrapping his arms around you. “Just be still with me right now. Just, be still.”
Negan eventually fell asleep after you convinced him to get some rest. 
You were too wired to even think about sleeping. You sat on the floor between Negan and Aaron, your sword reflecting moonlight across the dark room. The next time you heard a voice, it was Aaron’s and not Negan’s. 
“I’m sorry,” Aaron whispered. “I didn’t mean to run off.”
“It’s okay,” you said, reaching up to squeeze his hand. Aaron went to say something else then when Negan began talking in his sleep. You were used to it from all the times you spent by his side in bed, but Aaron froze as he listened to the nonsense. 
It wasn’t until actual words were formed that Aaron sat up. “Simon,” Negan muttered. “Si…,” he said again and then went back to mumbling before growing silent again. It had been a while since he dreamed about Simon, you realized. 
“What the hell was that?” Aaron whispered. 
“Negan, he talks in his sleep. He says the names of his victims sometimes.”
“Simon?” Aaron asked, surprised. 
“Negan strangled him when he tried to overthrow him. Simon was the one who ordered all the men and boys to be killed at Oceanside. He killed the boy at Hilltop and was the one who massacred Jadis’ people. Negan never knew any of it,” you whispered. 
“Makes sense,” Aaron said and you furrowed your brow.
“How so?”
“Negan doesn’t hurt kids,” Aaron said simply. 
“No, no he doesn’t,” you said, glad that Aaron understood that. 
“He still grinds my gears,” Aaron said. 
“I know.”
“And since when is he a fucking botanist? Hogweed, really?” Aaron scoffed. 
“He’s been out in the world for a long time,” you said. 
“Yeah, I know,” he said and then, “I never knew about Rick.” You sighed, but you figured he had been listening. 
“Nobody knew, that was the point.”
“I guess I never realized just how much he put on you,” Aaron said. 
“I didn’t mind,” you said, leaning your head against the chair. 
“Maybe you should’ve.”
The next morning, Aaron was still struggling with his eyesight, but it was getting better. 
Negan slung one of Aaron’s arms around his shoulders to help him walk as you carried the weapons. Rosita pulled open the gate when you got home and yelled for Siddiq as you explained what happened. The doctor came running down the street with worry. Once he saw that Aaron was in one piece more or less, he took him from Negan.
You knew that Siddiq and the new doctor, Dante, would get him fixed up in no time. After making sure Aaron was okay, you began to lead Negan back to his cell. As you approached the Grimes’ house, you noticed Michonne, Daryl, and a very pissed of Carol standing on the stoop. 
“Uh oh,” Negan said as he stuck close to you. As you got closer, Carol shoved past both of them and into the house. The look on Daryl’s face made you incredibly nervous considering he had just returned from the meeting with Alpha. 
You and Negan stopped next to them and Michonne seemed to relax at the sight of you, knowing that at least you were okay. 
“What happened?” you asked. 
“Carol shot at Alpha,” Michonne divulged and you sighed, trying to contain your anger. 
“Fucking fantastic,” you swore. “How much shit are we in now?” 
“She knew we crossed,” Daryl said. “She knew about all of it. The fire, the blizzard, and even when Michonne and Aaron crossed by the river. She’s got people everywhere.” 
“So Carol felt the need to light the fire further?” 
“You’re telling me you wouldn’t have?” Daryl challenged but you remained quiet. Daryl shook his head as he walked away. “I need to find Lydia,” he said before heading across the street. 
“This is only going to get worse now,” you said to Michonne who nodded. 
“I know,” she said. “Get ready for a fight.” Michonne turned and followed Carol back into the house, still rigid from the night before. You sighed, gripping the sides of your head as every fear was coming back.
“Are you actually pissed Carol tried to kill Alpha?” Negan asked. 
“No,” you said, removing the keys from your belt, “I’m pissed that she missed.”
AN: Next Chapter is going to be an important one. Hint: Carol becomes desperate and turns to an unlikely ally. 
@lucillethings @cameronsails @stark-dreams @amaroho @thanossexual @yes-sir-hotchner @boom-bunny @delusionalteenagewhispers @scootankle @ritajammer21 @writteriguess​ @tea-atfive @jennydehavilland @waspyyy @yespleasejayhalstead @hoemadegrace @writingdeadangel @huffledor-able541 @pulplorrd @felicisimor​ 
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adorablele · 4 years
@riothae ♡ to my darling table leg 💞 this is to push the doyoung dream boy agenda. and also i’m sorry for not releasing this on your birthday, please accept this belated birthday gift.
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☍ pairing; kim doyoung x reader ☍ genre; fluff, romance, a little bit of angst but mostly fluffy // apocalypse!au, zombie apocalypse!au, strangers to lovers!au, soulmate!au, parallel world!au ☍ word count; 4, 210  ☍ summary; you have your very own dream boy, a literal man of your dreams and he goes by the name of Kim Doyoung ☍ a/n;  don’t be fooled by the beginning, 99.9% of this is just dialogue. also I tried my very best to avoid using the word zombies to describe the people who were affected by the virus because...yeah it has something to do with the characters mindset but i didn’t get to explore that because I wanted to focus on the romance lmao ANYWAYS PLEASE ENJOY AND FEEDBACK IS ALWAYS APPRECIATED since this is my first ever apocalypse!au and longest fic (in general and for doyoung)
trigger warning(s); mentions of weapons, use of weapons (doyoung uses a machete, mc also uses a weapon to kill the zombies), mention of blood 
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This has got to be the stupidest thing you’ve ever done. 
“Hey!” you screamed, banging together two pots. 
The growling behind you started to multiply. 
You smirked, continuing to clash up more noise, “C’mere!” 
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw two rotted figures make their way towards you. The adrenaline in your veins pushed your legs to move faster. You heard the growling behind you grow louder, more shuffling of feet syncopated between your own. Out of either confidence or pure insanity―quite possibly both―you turned around to admire the hoard of creatures that you managed to gather.   
Disgust swirled in your stomach. They were ugly with skin so pale that you could see the infected black veins running through their body. They snapped at you with rotted teeth, blistered lips and blood-shot eyes. 
You laughed. “You’re so slow.”
Those vicious, viscera eating monsters didn’t seem to like your taunt. With inhumane twists of their bodies, they started to sprint towards you. This was, without a doubt, the stupidest thing you’ve ever done. Still, you shouted at them and banged your pots. Your pace was already outmatched by theirs, but it didn’t help that you were walking backwards. 
“Just a little closer, I know you can do it!” you cheered. 
By now, more monsters have noticed the ruckus that you’ve caused and they decided they wanted to join in on the fun. That’s when you decided to continue running. You could hear their growls growing closer and closer. For a split second, there was a single drop of fear that touched your spine, or rather, a finger. Acting on instinct, you slammed the pan into the head of the intruder. 
You were done for. They were catching up to you. 
And yet, you kept running, faster than you’ve ever ran. Despite the fact that any one of the, probably, hundreds of virus-infected bodies were one step away from tearing you limb from limb, you laughed. 
This was it. This was the end. 
This was where you die.
The maniacal smirk on your face never ceased. You didn’t know how long you’d be able to run for, but you kept going. At least, you tried to until you were suddenly slammed by a body quite larger than your own. The wind was knocked out of your lungs, the buildings behind you a blur until you were pulled into an abandoned convenience store. 
“Are you insane?” the stranger scowled. 
One second, two, three before you gathered up your wits. 
“Let go of me,” you shouted, pushing off the stranger, “and yeah, I am.”
You aimed your gun at the stranger who held his arms up in surrender. 
“A thank you would be nice,” he frowned. 
The tall man was dressed in tattered jeans and a fitted black t-shirt. Around his wrists were newspapers bound by masking tape. He was covered in blood, dirt and grime; chapped lips and sharp eyes; black hair nestled messily on top of his head. Aside from all the cuts and bruises, you would deem him handsome. Although, that’s not of importance right now. 
“What would I be thanking you for?” 
“For saving you,” he replied like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“I didn’t need saving.”
He scoffed, “You were about to die.” 
“I’m already dead,” you muttered, “we all are.”
The stranger raised his brows, “Is that so?”
“There’s nothing to live for,” you replied.
He stared you in the eyes. “Then go back out there. Go say hello to your fanclub.”
A brief staredown occurred, his gaze challenging your own. Both of you knew that you wouldn’t walk back out there. At that moment, you wanted to see how close you could get to Death, but when it really came down to it, you didn’t want to die, not to those things anyways, and―as much as you’d like to say otherwise―most definitely not now.  You were on the brink of insanity, yes, but you weren’t completely diving in head first. You also knew that deep-down, you’re relieved that he saved you. 
And he knew that too. 
“Don’t move!” you shouted when he started to lower his arms.
He paused and looked over to the counter, “I’m just reaching for the candy.”
You eyed the counter where a bag of food laid and followed his movements closely as he reached for the opened bag of gummy bears on the counter.
“You’re human, just like me. We’re not like those...beasts out there, but if you really want to become like them, then go ahead.” He reached for the backpack lying on the floor by the counter and slung it over his back, “I already tried saving you once, though your actions aren’t in my controls.” 
He opened the back door of the grocery store and left. 
Your shoulders finally relaxed. You lowered your gun, then glanced out the window at the horde of monsters that roamed around aimlessly looking for the meal that had escaped them. Those soulless creatures were easy to read, easy to know what their intentions were. You turned back to the door where the stranger walked through. Who knows what his intentions were?
Yet, you decided to follow him.
For a block or two you followed him, watching as he slashed through the creatures with his machete. Occasionally, you too, killed the monsters that made their way towards you. Eventually, he entered a building and climbed all the way to the roof. 
You found him sitting at the edge, feet dangling as he stared ahead. His weapon lay next to him and his previous bag of opened gummy bears sat in his hand. You joined him by the edge, and this might be even stupider than attracting a mob of bloodthirsty fiends. 
Rather than shoving you off, he offered you some gummy bears which you accepted. He didn’t turn to look at you once. In silence, the two of you observed the abandoned city in front of you. Rubbled buildings weakly stood, streets filled with crashed cars, various monsters (who were once human) lingered on the sidewalks. The prettiest of all the ruins was the sky. A toxic mix of orange hues. Shapes of clouds filled the sky, providing no rain and no shade. The Sun was half over the horizon. It sent out constant waves of warmth. 
“I’m Doyoung,” he whispered, as if it were sacred to share his name. He turned to you, eyes vulnerable, a soft brown like the fresh soil used to plant a flower, “Kim Doyoung.”
You gasped out your name as you woke up. 
You sat up in your bed, dazed from the dream. Or, was it a dream? Panic slowly tickled your spine and you immediately turned on the news, phone dialing with numbers of your loved ones. 
After constant reassurances from your friends and family, you slumped on the couch. It was all just a dream. It was just a dream! You shook your head and went to wash your face in the bathroom. It was just a dream. A dream that you vividly remember. 
A dream with Kim Doyoung.
For the next few months―each month―you had one overly vivid dream that included Kim Doyoung and the apocalyptic, orange skied world. It mostly consisted of the two of you running around in empty fields, abandoned cities and hacking away at monsters. In many ways, it was you and Doyoung against the world. 
“Any updates on dream boy?” Kara, your best friend, smiled, sitting at the bar-counter of the diner you worked at. 
You placed her usual order of coffee in front of her. “You’re still calling him that?”
“Well, isn’t he?” she shrugged.
She smiled, “Any updates?”
Your heart thumped slightly at the question, the memory of the dream you had this morning resurfacing. 
The squelch of flesh echoed against the walls of the room as you and Doyoung explored the bakery. 
“Believe it or not, I was a baker,” he shared, slashing at a crazed waitress
“A baker?” you asked, raising your brows, quickly opening the door to the kitchen area. Running towards you was a murderous customer who, you assumed, didn’t receive the food they wanted. After taking care of the virused creature, you frowned at the disemboweled chef on the floor, “Should we bake in this kitchen?” 
“Do you want to?”
“Not with this on the floor,” you mumbled with a pout, “I thought we finally found a place!”
He shrugged, “Let’s just move the body.”
Together, the two of you, while trying not to gag, dragged away all the dead bodies in the kitchen and tossed them out. After another check around the bakery, the two of you barricaded the windows and doors, also checking through them to make sure no more rotted mouths were running towards you. 
Once all safety precautions were taken care of, Doyoung took out a container of sanitary wipes.
You snorted, “Are you really going to clean?”
“I told you, I was a baker, and in order to cook or bake, you need a clean area.”
You didn’t say anything, only smiling in amusement as he started to wipe the counter. 
“Aren’t you going to help me?” he asked.
Your smile turned upside down as you saw the dusty counter, bloodied floors and molded dishes. “Do I have to?” 
Doyoung threw the container of sanitary wipes at you. You caught it with a grumble. After a good three hours, the kitchen was finally clean enough for Doyoung’s standards. 
“I can’t believe you wanted to clean on your birthday. We could’ve just grabbed one of the pastries or gotten a cake from another place,” you sighed. 
“Well, if we did that, then you wouldn’t make me a cake.”
“Aren’t you the baker?” You countered. 
“Yep!” he leaned against the counter, “but you’re the one who promised to make me a cake.”
“Fine,” you grumbled, dragging your feet as you made your way over to the pantry. 
Somehow, you managed to follow the recipe that you tore from a cookbook and not burn down the entire building. You grabbed the cake from the counter, “Let’s hope you enjoy this, Mr. I’m-a-baker-so-I’m-going-to-give-your-novice-attempt-at-a-cake-a-rating-out-of-ten.” 
“Just an FYI, I had my own bakery,” he proudly added.
“Showing off now, I see,” you chuckled, placing a one tier cake with a very messily and unnecessarily large ‘Happy Birthday Doyou’ written on it. “I ran out of space for your name,” you explained as you added a candle, “but it’s the thought that counts, right?”
“2 points off,” Doyoung called out, “didn’t complete your decorations, y/n? Not good.”
“No mercy, huh?” you tsked, lighting up the candle, “not even one point for the effort?”
He shrugged. 
“Guess I’ll just have to impress you with my singing skills,” you sighed. 
Doyoung watched with amused eyes, “You can try.”
“Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Arden- ” 
“Minus another two points.” 
Your jaw dropped, “What, I totally was hitting that high note!”
Doyoung shook his head, “First off, no. Secondly, who even is Arden.”
“Don’t know, maybe it was a classmate of mine whose birthday just happens to be today,” you shrugged. 
He raised a brow.
”Look, I just wanted to say a random name other than yours.” 
“Another point off.”
“You’re being ridiculous.”
“Insulting the judge,” he shook his head, holding back a smile, “another point.”
“Doyoung!” you whined.
He laughed, “Okay, okay. I’ll give back two points if it tastes good.”
“Four if it blows you away,” you bargained.
Although you watched with a confident smile, your heart pumped nervously in your chest. You weren’t the best cook, nor baker, so you knew that there was a chance that the cake wouldn’t taste that good. And you were right. 
Doyoung’s face twisted into a sour expression. 
“Just say it,” you sighed, “don’t hold back.”
You sighed and sat down next to him. You took a piece of the cake to taste. Upon the abomination you called a cake landed on your tastebuds, you realized that you deserved a final rating of -54325/10. 
“This tastes like…very salty sand,” you gagged, “did I forget the sugar or something?”
Doyoung got up from his seat and analyzed your ingredients. “My love, I think you did.” He then placed the bag of what you thought was sugar in front of you. 
“It’s salt?!”
Needless to say, Doyoung saved his own birthday cake by making one himself. You insisted that you should help which, reflecting back on it, you weren’t sure was a good idea or not. Multiple times, you got distracted by the way the dim lights of the kitchen seemed to highlight his face, or the way it felt too comfortable with his hand over yours when he would teach you how to do something. It left your stomach flipping, palms a little sweaty, and your heart ready to burst out of your chest. 
“And it’s done!” he smiled, finding the last flower decoration on the cake. 
It was clear who decorated what. 
All the orderly placed strawberries, raspberries and blackberries, along with the prettily swirled flowers and legible font were obviously Doyoung’s expertise whereas the little random patches of unevenly placed blueberries and poorly attempted flowers that ended up looking like dots were your humbly added touches. 
“Wait, I want to add one last thing,” you told him.
You took the piping bag full of royal icing from him and started to shakily draw on the corner of the cake. 
“Is that...a bunny?”
You bit the inside of your cheek as you concentrated, “Yep.”
“Why a bunny?”
“You look like a bunny when you smile,” you nonchalantly confessed.
Doyoung didn’t say anything.
“Alright!” you smiled, proud of the animal that you drew. You turned to Doyoung who you were surprised to see already looking at you. “Doyoung?”
He looked towards the cake and cleared his throat, “You uhm, you ready to sing?”
“I thought we were just going to eat it?” 
“Well, I mean, unless you want to hear my amazing vocal-”
“Let’s just eat,” he grimaced.
You laughed, taking a knife and slicing a piece. You offered for him to take the first bite. 
“No, no, you taste it.”
“You’re the birthday boy,” you countered.
“And as the birthday boy, I want you to take the first bite.”
You frowned, “Pulled that one on me, huh?”
He only gave you the bunny smile that made your knees weak. 
“Fine,” you grumbled, taking a bite of the cake. It tasted a thousand times better than the cake that you made. “Oh my- This is really good! You need to try it.”
You didn’t get a chance to fully give Doyoung a piece of cake because he gently cupped your jaw, turning your chin to face him. 
“I think I’ll try it now.”
Before you could respond, he kissed you. It was quick, unexpected on both sides of the party. That didn’t stop him from kissing you a second time though. This time, it was less hesitant and a little longer. He pulled away, yet again. 
The two of you took time staring into each other’s eyes. His thumb rubbed against your cheek. 
“You’re absolutely breath-taking,” he confessed.
You smiled, “Doyoung…”
“Completely stunning,” he whispered, leaning closer. 
Your eyes started fluttering close as you muttered his name.
“Kiss me.”
Kara’s smile widened, her eyes glinting with mischief, “Oooo someone did have a dream.”
Your face felt hot. 
“Someone had a dream?” Felix asked curiously. He took the seat next to Kara and placed a plate full of waffles in between the three of you. 
Kara stuffed a piece in her mouth, “Dream boy strikesh ahjain.”
“What?” you mused.
She swallowed her food. “I said, dream boy strikes again,” Kara smiled, “perhaps, a little something happened?”
“Maybe a little something.”
“Like…” Felix trailed off. 
“Like… a kiss.” 
“You kissed him?!” your friends both exclaimed. 
Luckily, at the early hour of 6 in the morning, the diner was always empty except for the three of you. You rolled your eyes. “So what, we kissed,” you shrugged, “it’s just a dream.”
“Y/N,” Felix sighed in an exasperated tone, “it’s not just any dream-”
“It’s a dream with your dream boy!” Kara finished. 
“He could be your soulmate!” Felix gasped, “What if he’s having dreams like this too!”
“C’mon,” you gave your best friend a look of disbelief, “he’s not even real.”
“You don’t know that,” Kara told you, “there are people out there named Kim Doyoung.”
Felix tilted his head and rubbed his chin thoughtfully, “You know, his name does sound pretty familiar.”  
You shook your head, “You guys are crazy.”
They continued to converse about people named Doyoung and possible suitors for you which you ignored and, instead, focused on continuing to wipe down the counter. The door to the diner then jingled as a customer stepped in. 
“Welcome in!” you greeted, still not looking up from the counter. Not hearing a response from the customer, you looked up. The rag in your hand dropped onto the counter. At your reaction, your friends stopped talking. 
The man dressed in all black that stood at the door, smiled slightly, “Hello.” 
You felt the eyes of your friends. 
Clearing your throat, you nodded, “Oh uh, hi. Sit where you want.”
He nodded before making his way towards a corner table. 
“Looks like someone likes-” Kara started, but you interrupted her. 
“It’s him,” you told them quietly. 
“He’s the man of your-” they both exclaimed.
“Shut up!” you hissed before they could finish their sentence. 
They both glanced over at the man looking out the window before turning back to you with wide grins.
“He’s the man of your dreams?” they both asked excitedly.
“You two are unbelievable,” you mumbled, taking a menu and walking over to the man.
“Here’s your menu. My name is y/n, I’ll be serving you today. Just let me know when you’re ready to order,” you smiled. 
When Doyoung, or the man that looked like Doyoung, heard your name, you could’ve sworn that his eyes widened slightly, but you shook off the thought and left when he mutely nodded his head at you. 
“It’s dream boy,” Kara immediately said once you returned back to the counter. 
You shook your head in disbelief, looking over at him before back to Kara. “No.”
“What do you mean no?” Felix quietly whispered.
“Just because it looks like him doesn’t mean it is him! He’s just a dream,” you nodded over at Doyoung, “that guy, he’s real.”
While you bickered quietly with your friends, Doyoung spared another glance your way. It was odd seeing you in normal clothing, ones that weren’t tattered or bloodied. You weren’t holding your usual weapon, and you most definitely weren’t bashing heads. Though, he couldn’t help but admire you in the same way he had in his dreams. 
“Completely stunning,” he mumbled. 
When you dropped the rag, he was sure that you recognized him; recognized him as the Kim Doyoung from NCT. When your friends kept whispering and looking back at him, he knew that, not only you, but also your friends knew who he was. Doyoung turned back to the menu.
He doubted you knew had the same dreams as him. He did feel a bit awkward considering the fact that he dreamt of kissing you without knowing that you were an actual person. Maybe he should leave? After all, he was hoping to come to this diner because it was relatively empty, and he just hoped that the people in here wouldn’t know him. 
He glanced once more over to the counter where your friends quickly turned their gaze away from him. 
“Guys, he’s looking over here,” you muttered, “you’re making him feel uncomfortable.”
“You’re right,” Felix mumbled, “we can’t destroy your chances at dating dream boy.”
Kara nodded, “Yes, we’ll leave.”
“What?” you exclaimed, a bit louder than intended. Lowering your voice, you sent a panicked glance at your friends who were packing up, “Where are you going?”
“Well, I have to go to work now,” Kara sighed loudly, slinging her bag over her shoulder, “I’m going to get going.”
Felix followed Kara’s lead and stood up, “Yeah, I have to go walk my cat.”
Before you could process that Felix doesn’t have a cat, they were out the door, leaving you alone, in the diner, at approximately 6:37 AM with a boy that―just this morning―you dreamt of kissing. Your face felt heated again. 
Shaking your head, you looked over at Doyoung who was analyzing the menu. 
For the first time, you could clearly see him. His hair matched the color of his black long-sleeve turtleneck that was tucked into some black jeans. No blood, no dirt, no machete, just him. Just him and the highlight of the Sun on his cheeks. That reminded you of the dream you had and you shook away the daze, turning your attention to the very interesting tile of the counter that looked like it needed some serious scrubbing (not really). 
“I’m ready to order,” Doyoung softly called out. 
You quickly walked over to him, jotted down his order, then ran away to hide in the kitchen. Your body worked on auto-pilot as you prepared his meal. With his drink and food in hand, you started to walk back towards his table. Doyoung was staring out the window and he was humming. 
As you got closer, you realized that you knew that song. 
“Do you remember what the stars looked like?”
In the middle of an empty grass field, you laid with Doyoung. Your head was rested on his chest, and you felt his voice vibrate throughout his chest. 
“Yeah,” you told him, “they look like your eyes.”
You could feel Doyoung roll his eyes, “I’m serious.”
“So am I!”
He chuckled and brushed his fingers through your hair. “Did you ever stare at the stars and see everything you wanted? Did you ever see your ambitions? Your achievements?”
“Getting deep here, aren’t we?”
Doyoung sat up, “Have you?”
You stared at him for a moment before turning to the endless orange sky. The Sun never seemed to move from its place over the horizon. 
“Yeah, I have.”
A pause of silence. 
“When I looked up at the stars, I saw my future. I saw the plans I had, the answers to my problems, I saw hope. However...” you smiled sadly at the orange hues, “they all went up in flames.”
Doyoung placed his hand on yours. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to get that deep,” you crookedly smiled, but Doyoung only pulled you into a hug. And the two of you stayed like that for a while. 
“What did you see?” you asked when the two of you were back to laying on the floor. 
“Me on stage, singing.”
He sighed, “Yep. It was nothing more than a hobby, but my grandmother would tell me that I was a singer in some other life. She told me that if I looked at the stars, they would show me.” 
You chuckled, “Kim Doyoung, a singer.”
“I’m sharing a heart-touching story and you’re laughing.”
“Sorry,” you gave his knuckle a kiss, “it’s my coping mechanism.”
He intertwined his hand with yours, “I’m just kidding, but is seeing me as a singer that funny?”
You shrugged, “A bit hard to believe.”
“Really?” he asked, sitting up, untangling your hands.
“A little,” you admitted. 
He stood up and lent you a hand. “C’mon.”
“Where are we going?” you asked, taking his offer. 
The two of you were back to traversing through empty fields and abandoned streets (fighting zombies along the way) until you stopped in front of a music store. Ripped posters hung from the window, a broken open sign dangled from the door, and a few savage creatures were lingering inside. Using the power of teamwork, you and Doyoung were finally able to do what you pleased.
“So why’d you bring me here?”
He sat a keyboard, “I’m going to play for you.”
“Doyoung, that’s going to attract a lot of noise,” you peeked through the boarded windows, “is this really a good idea?”
“Aren’t you five kills behind me?” Doyoung asked.
The competitive side of you perked at the mention of your kill counter. You were reminded of the little daily game that you and Doyoung decided to play. It was simply just to see who could kill the most virus-infected barbarians you could in a day. 
But, your smarter side still worried about safety. 
“I’ll sing you two lines,” he told you, “just two lines.”
“Fine,” you sighed.
“This is an original, by the way.”
“Wow, an original song,” you teased, “just for me.”
He winked, “Of course.”
“What’s it called?”
“Lost Souls,” you mumbled, “the song is called Lost Souls.”
“You’re actually my dream boy,” you blurted.
You awkwardly placed his food down on the table, along with his drink, “Uhm-”
Outside the window behind him, you could’ve sworn you saw the setting change and a creature run head first into the window. You gasped as Doyoung quickly turned towards the noise. “The apocalypse,” he mumbled. 
Slowly, the blue sky started to change. “Orange skies,” you announced.  
The tables were rusted, chairs torn, walls peeling. “Empty buildings,” he added. 
Doyoung turned to face you, the same warm eyes as in your dreams staring right into your own. A certain dream resurfaced. 
You looked at the familiar looking convenience store, “Is this the building where we met?”
Doyoung didn’t answer you, only saying, “I hope you like watermelon ring pops.”
“What?” you laughed, watching as he reappeared from between the aisles.
He stood in front of you, unwrapping the watermelon ring pop. He then bent down on one knee. 
“Just you and I?” he asked.
“Against the world.”
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pretend-writer · 4 years
Until The End Of Time (Diego Hargreeves x reader)
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Summary: After being separated from Five’s time traveling from 2019, Y/N reunites with Diego for the first time in two years. Noticing that Diego brought a friend with him, she started to become jealous. 
Pairing: Diego Hargreeves x reader
Title Reference: Until The End of Time x Justin Timberlake 
Word Count: 1.8k words
Warning: swearing
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
Diego’s pov;
Maybe it was because I haven't seen Y/N in a long time, she seemed different. Sure her hair got longer, her smile was pretty as it had always been and her 60s styled outfit looked really good on her. But it was more than the change of her appearance.
It was as if she didn't notice me at all.
Ever since the family split up after Five time traveled from the apocalypse in 2019, I did everything I could to find Y/N. All the stores and the alleyways I've been at, she was never there. Eventually, some lunatic called the cops on me for disturbance and they decided to stick me here in the institution.
I couldn't lie about the fact that my emotions got to me to make stupid decisions. I've gotten angry at a man I tried to ask questions regarding Y/N. His rude response got the best of me and I punched him, called him fouls names.
If he hadn't said and I quote "No, I don't care about your bitch", he wouldn't have gone home with a broken nose and a black eye. It wouldn't have landed me at this institution either.
Couple months later, Five found me at the institution, told me he hasn't found anyone else in the family yet. The first thought I had in mind was Y/N and the possibility of her still being alone in the streets of Dallas.
Being a great brother that Five was, he left me in there. After I knew that the rest of the family had maybe landed here in Dallas as well, I had to try more to find Y/N. I needed to see her again.
With the help of my new friend Lila, we barely escaped from the institution. We've almost got busted by the security guards and the police officers that were looking for us but we managed to get their eyes off of us for a bit.
Who would've thought after busting my ass to find Y/N, she'd welcome me back with cold shoulder.
I'd thought the reunion with Y/N would be romantic in a sense, or at least heartwarming. She avoided eye contact with me, barely touching me as we hugged each other. I couldn't question her though, maybe later when we were alone.
Y/N’s pov;
Maybe I was overthinking, realistically I had no right to be angry or upset but I was. Diego returned to our family with a girl by his side. Not only was she a girl, she was unique and pretty badass. Not to mention they were oddly close to each other. This Lila girl and Diego looked like a good pair.
Yeah, I was jealous.
How can I not be? I've been away from my family for nearly two years after landing in 1961. Of course Diego found someone new, an upgrade if you will. After upgrading himself with nice hair and a beard.
It was still upsetting that after all the years of serving as a detective, going through hoops looking for him and Diego appears out of nowhere. I guess maybe I was the dumbass that waited years for him.
'Let's meet back together tonight to talk about dad and his whereabouts.' Five said as he stood up. 'If any of you are late I swea-'
'Yeah, yeah. You won't do shit to us.' Klaus smiled, tapping on his shoulder.
Everyone laughed in sync, Five rolling his eyes knowing damn well that we will at least 10 minutes late. 'The things I do for you guys.'
Allison giggled, pulled on my hand as she pulled me to the corner of the room. It had been years since I've seen my sister, her and Diego were the only two in the family that I haven't seen since the apocalypse.
'I can't believe you have a husband... again!' I poked her on the shoulder, 'Allison Chestnut does have a nice ring to it.'
'It does sound good, doesn't it?' Allison smiled, 'And Ray is great, amazing actually. What about you? Found anyone during the time you were here?'
"Pathetic" was the first thing I thought in my head when I realized the past two years, I didn't even bat an eye for anyone. There were other detectives and officers that were attractive of course but I didn't care to build a relationship past friendship with any of them. My mind was too focused on Diego and only him.
'A few dudes from work, yeah.'
Allison raised her eyebrows, immediately started to laugh as she detected my lie. 'You're still the worst liar I've ever met. Is this abou-'
'You know it is. Sh! Don't say it too loud.'
'So what? You waited for him and now you're not gonna talk to him?'
Having Allison as my best friend was a blessing and a curse, she read me like a book even when we haven't seen each other for years. Granted mind reading was my specialty, I always felt like Allison had this secret power and never told anyone.
'Well, in case you became blind in these past three years you've been stuck here, he has a girl with him.'
'I don't know, it doesn't seem like anything to me.'
'Okay, so you are blind.'
'Y/N, you're over thinking. The shit you always pull, I'm not even surprised.'
'I am not overthinking!'
She crossed her arms, fed up with this habit of assuming everything. She'd thought after this two years I'd be different, 'Then go read his mind then.'
'I don't need my power to figure this one out.' I chuckled under my breath, 'Did you see the way she was touching his thighs when Vanya was talking about her amnesia? Oh my g-'
Allison puckered her lips, nervously smiling but she wasn't smiling at me. 'Oh hey Diego! Long time no see brother!'
I glared at Allison before I turned around and flashed a fake smile towards Diego, I was definitely going to run my mouth about this after this encounter was over.
'Hey Allison. Congrats on your marriage.' Diego smiled sweetly, the same smile I loved for as long as I can remember.
'Thanks, thanks. Excuse me while I go talk to Luther.' Great, not only did she not warn me about Diego coming by but she left me alone with him as well.
It wasn't just me that felt the awkward tension between us because Diego was acting very strange too. 'I see you grew your beard.'
'Yeah, figured I'd do something different.' He breathed, looking at me up and down. 'You look really great Y/N.'
'Why are you telling me this?' I didn't mean to blurt it out, my stupid thoughts just came out of my mouth without me even thinking.
Diego just scratched his head, not knowing what to say after that. 'Because you do, why else would I say it?'
'Well, you need to stop.' I bit my lips as I walked out of the small apartment, making my way down the alley.
'Why are you acting like this?' He followed me. Man, I wish he didn't. Diego just made things even harder for me. 'I thought you'd be happy to see me.'
'I thought so too but-' I stopped myself, knowing that whatever came out of my mouth would definitely change everything. I couldn't do this to myself or to Diego.
'But what Y/N?'
'Nothing. I'll see you at the next meeting.'
'Wait-wait!' Diego caught my hand before I walked off, 'I've searched through this whole city looking for you. The least you can do is owe me an explanation.'
Immediately, I pulled my hand away. If I stayed here more with him I knew that I'd either get pissed off or I'd start crying. Either way, I didn't want Diego to witness that I care about all of this.
'I think the person who owes an explanation is you, Diego.'
Diego’s pov;
My brows furrowed, confused about what Y/N was going on about. What did I need to explain to her that made her to hate me so much?
Was she mad that I've beaten someone up without thinking of my consequences? Y/N used lecture me about controlling my emotions but there was no way she'd know about the reason why I got sent to an institution. Unless Five told her, of course.
But would she be this angry was the question. The way she reacted when I came to talk to her was as if I did something to upset her personally.
Then it suddenly hit me; the possible reason why Y/N was pissed off at me. The typical assumption and overthinking shit she pulled even back when we were in our old timeline.
I couldn't help but laugh, the way Y/N was eyeing me down as if she wanted to slit my throat. It was sort of kind of cute in a way, she really loved me that much to get this jealous over Lila.
'What the hell are you laughing about?'
'You're fucking adorable.' I continued to laugh, holding onto my stomach. 'You know there's nothing going on between me and Lila, right?'
Y/N's shoulders dropped as the tension in her muscles relaxed. She even had a slight, very slight smile on her face. I knew I hit bullseye the way she bit her lips and how her eyes wandered.
'Yeah, that's what I thought.'
'Shut up!' She playfully hit me on my arm, not going to lie it did hurt a little. 'Diego, I-you had me all confused... uhm wow I feel stupid.'
I pulled Y/N in for a hug, kissing her forehead and rubbing her back. 'For a mind reader, you sure assume the stupidest stuff.'
She hugged me back tightly and mumbled under her breath. 'I know, I know. When it comes to you, I go crazy.'
'It's okay, baby. We all have our moments.'
Y/N looked up at me, cupping my cheek and gently ran her finger like she used to do all the time. 'I'm so sorry, Diego. I spent these past two years looking everywhere for you and when I saw-'
'Sh, sh.' I licked my lips and stared at her eyes, it was hard to believe that she waited for me for two years. 'None of that matters anymore. We're both here now.'
A smiled formed on her face as she pulled me in for a kiss. This was a better reunion than I imagined, despite the complication we had a few minutes back. With all of this, I appreciated Y/N more and I was definitely glad that we've found each other again.
'I love you.' Words escaped my mouth as we both pulled away. 'Don't forget that.'
She kissed me again, running her fingers through my hair. 'I love you too, Diego.'
'Mhmm.' I said as I smirked, 'You know it's kind of hot when you're all angry and jealous for me.'
Y/N rolled her eyes, 'Too soon buddy. And that's not funny.'
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mysticalphantussy · 3 years
Obey Me! HHS!AU
an obey me AU where the boys are human going to a regular degular high school? so original lmaooo
TW: mention of sexual harassment between a teacher and a student for Asmo, physical assault(it’s self defense but just in case)
He’s that super smart kid that’s condescending and a bit of an asshole but he’s hot and all the girls and gays love him
He’s the valedictorian. No one even came close to beating him. Not when he’s so well decorated
He’s student council VP, he helps organize all school events, he volunteers, he tutors others, won countless awards for his prowess in chess and chemistry, and takes all AP classes
If you’ve ever seen Ouran High school host club he’s Kyoya
He’s Diavolo’s right hand man and they’ve been friends forever
Gets invited out on weekends by other students and always turns them down because he’s busy
Nobody really understands how he does it. there are rumors that he’s a vampire and doesn’t sleep
Superlative: most likely to succeed
He’s the stereotypical class clown.
he’s not as stupid as everyone thinks he is.
He needs more of a challenge because normal classes are too easy but he’s too lazy to take honors or AP because he enjoys having free time
Math is his strongest subject
He’s on the track team, he’s good in all individual events and is the last leg(person?) in the baton race because he’ll make up any time deficits
Nicknamed “the hurricane” because he’s the fastest person on the team and his hair is white
Only when his coach threatens to boot him from the team because of his grades does he get his life together and makes the honor roll. Everyone was shocked
Very competitive. Hates losing and won’t accept anything less than gold
Fashion icon. Pierced ears, leather jacket, combat boots. Surprisingly doesn’t ride a motorcycle. He also lives in his captains jacket on comfier days
Mammon’s always dating either a cheerleader or a football player
He’s a bit of a flirt, but he’s not as bad as someone we know
Superlative: class clown
He’s not that weird kid that’ll Naruto run to his classes but he does wear anime tshirts to school everyday
He is the president of the schools anime club. He gathers his fellow weebs in the auditorium and they watch anime on the projection screen once a week
He’s in theater but he’s too nervous to perform so when play season rolls around he makes the costumes and shocks everyone with how amazing he is
He cosplays and he makes every thing himself, of course he’s amazing
He’s just really good with his hands in general. He’s an amazing artist and sculptor
The art teacher has requested less anime inspired art pieces and sculptures but still encourages him and his passions
His anime club friends mean the world to him
Gym class is mandatory but he sits out because he has “terrible” asthma
Has gotten his phone taken away in class for watching anime instead of paying attention
Superlative: most likely to survive the zombie apocalypse
He’s #2 behind Lucifer and the gap may be getting smaller due to his efforts
He may or may not have brought a cat to school once or twice
a lot of people think he’s a bit of an asshole, and they’re right
he knows he’s smarter than most and has a tendency to talk down to others... he’s working on that
don’t mention anything good about Lucy around him unless you wanna see him explode
he’s a nerd, 100% eats his lunch in the library
he’s the president of the book club
Don’t fuck with him. He may be a book nerd and a lot of people don’t know about his temper but...
He’s actually quite fit. He’s a boxer, it helps him channel his anger
The foolish people that try to pick on him end up with broken noses if he doesnt hold back.
He also knows to never hit anyone without witnesses so the teachers know the punch was justified
Superlative: most likely to take over the world
One of the 2 male cheerleaders
The most flexible out of the entire squad
He’s a Flyer
Has flirted with every one on the squad on numerous occasions
They know he’s a flirt so they know not to take it to heart
He’s dated every football player and basketball player at least twice, except Beel. Not because Asmo didn’t try but because Beel said he looked like a handful 😂
Flirts with teachers too if it means he can get a good grade
He’s a bad student. He spends class time talking to classmates, texting or playing games on his phone
He does the bare minimum to stay on the squad(perfect 2.0GPA 😂)
Senior year, the history teacher enjoyed Asmo’s flirting a lil too much and tried to take it too far... it didn’t turn out well
Cheerleaders are athletes and while Asmo may look weak he’ll fuck you up
He knows that people think he’s weak so he takes martial arts
Not a lot because while he likes guys with big muscles he doesn’t think they suit him
Anyway, he grabbed that teachers hand and lowkey crushed it
That teacher never tried that again and gave Asmo an A all year(no the teacher wasn’t fired. You know how America is with males and sexual harassment, big yikes)
Superlative: biggest flirt and cutest couple with Solomon
Star quarterback on the American football team
Start forward on the basketball team
Strong AF
intimidating to freshman who’ve never seen someone that’s 6’4 and hella muscular
Carries his school stuff in his sports bag and snacks in his backpack
The lunch ladies love him, they give him extra large portions
He really is just a big teddy bear. The freshman usually steer clear but he helps them if they look lost and they realize he’s a nice person. Just tall, and strong
In the hall of fame for most 3-pointers in a single game
Also for the most sacks in football
Pretty good student as long as he’s got a snack so he can focus. When he’s hungry he falls asleep until the bell rings so he can hit up his locker for a snack or run to the vending machine
Will one hundred percent use a bathroom trip as an excuse to go buy something from the vending machine
Superlative: most likely to eat an entire buffet by himself
That one emo-kid with the black hair covering one eye, black eyeliner, black shirts and ripped jeans
He’s also known for unintentionally intimidating the freshman
He listens to heavy metal and hates “cookie cutter” pop music
Always asleep in class. Always. Teachers don’t even bother trying to wake him up anymore
Everyone is genuinely shocked that he has all As and aces every test even though he’s always half asleep
He and Beel became friends when Beel was working out in the weight room and Belphie was looking for a place to nap and heard the band Beel was listening to and got excited
He never thought any of the lames at this school would know who SlipKnot was and the rest is history.
Beel makes sure to get Belphie lunch when he fired through the line otherwise he won’t eat
Nobody knew Belphie could smile until he and Beel became friends (my chest 🥰☺️)
If he sees anyone looking at him when smiling he’ll immediately start scowling again
Belphie will nap on the bleachers while Beel practices and then they’ll go get something to eat afterwards
He’d kill you if you ever found out, but he’s never had a real friend and he loves Beel more than anything.
People don’t understand that they’re really just friends, more like brothers tbh. They joke that Beel could be his big tiddy goth gf 😂
Beel knows belphie’s number 1 secret: he’s trained in classical ballet (his leaps are unmatched)
Superlative: most likely to burn the house down and unlikely combo with beel
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protecticarus · 3 years
Hi! I just wanted to say that I love your fics, they’re absolutely amazing. Anyway... bit of an odd request but can I get an angsty fic where Dirk realizes he’s in love with Todd? (and proceeds to do nothing about it) The amount that I kin Dirk might be a little concerning, and the amount that I associate my best friend of four years with Todd (and they agree) might be a bit concerning. Especially since I just figured out... whoops, I’m in love with them! (and let me tell you it HURTS) I’m almost 100% sure feel the same they’re just not at an emotionally stable point for me to tell them. (you know, much like Todd) So I know it seems a bit silly and weird, but I think it might help me cope a bit to see Dirk in a similar situation, feel less alone
hi anon! i’m sorry you’re stuck in such a complicated situation. i hope it all works out in the end. i can definitely relate to dealing with things by reading about a similar experiences and relating to fictional characters a little too hard. just remember that what you’re feeling is valid and no pain is permanent. x
i hope this does the trick!
The tv screen flickered between a diverse selection of images, the sound cutting off well before a full phrase could be heard.
“I regret the day I taught you how to use the remote.” Todd told his friend from the kitchen.
“What on earth for?” Dirk absent-mindedly replied while switching the channel, yet again. He had already kicked off his shoes and was now comfortably lounging on Todd’s couch.
Todd rolled his eyes. “Definitely not because you switch the channel about 187 times a minute.” He replied.
Dirk scoffed. “Poppycock.”
“God, you’re so British.” Todd murmured. “Just pick a channel, Dirk.” He added, louder.
“Fine!” Dirk said and lifted his finger off the button. “There’s some sort of apocalypse film on, we can watch that?” He added after he registered the image of a large fire on the screen.
Todd poked his head out of the kitchen long enough to see the screen. “Hate to break it to you, Dirk, but that’s the news.” He said.
Dirk’s eyes widened. “Bloody hell!” He exclaimed.
“Yeah, the world’s going to shit. Pick something else.” Todd told him.
“You just told me to stop changing the ch-“
“Just pick something other than the news, Dirk, Jesus.” Todd interrupted.
Finally after a few more channel jumps, Dirk settled on a rerun episode of Friends.
Soon, Todd sat down next to him on the couch and handed him a cup. “Here.”
Dirk furrowed his brows. “What’s this?” He asked.
“Your tea.” Todd said, already focusing on the tv.
“You made me tea?” Dirk asked.
“Yeah, you usually drink tea at this time of day, right?” Todd replied, his eyes never leaving the screen.
“Y-Yes, I suppose I do.” Dirk replied. He had no idea that Todd had taken notice of his tea drinking habits. “What kind of tea is it?” Dirk asked.
Todd scoffed. “That one- you know, your favorite one.” He replied.
Dirk lifted the cup to his face and sniffed. It was indeed his favorite tea. “You know what my favorite tea is?”
Todd finally turned to look at him, with an amused expression on his face. “Yeah, of course. You drink it all the time.” He said and turned back towards the tv.
Dirk just turned to stare into his tea. “Thank you.” He said quietly.
“Sure.” Mumbled Todd, like it was no big deal.
But it was to Dirk.
The only time another person had made Dirk tea was when he ordered it from a barista in a coffee shop. And then he had to specifically instruct them to make it the way he liked it. But here was Todd, knowing this about Dirk, just by paying attention. By caring enough to take notice.
Dirk lifted the cup to his lips in an attempt to hide his growing smile. Todd had made him tea.
As Dirk took his first sip of the tea, he turned his eyes toward Todd, who was still watching the tv. The tea was a little weaker than Dirk himself made it and still a little too hot to really enjoy but... It was made by Todd. For Dirk.
Despite all his claims of being an asshole, Todd’s affection for those he cared about was clear as day in the little things he did. It was one of the reasons Dirk loved him.
Dirk spit some of his tea back into the cup, shocked by his own train of thought. Todd turned to look at him.
“Ew.” Said Todd. “Is it bad?” He asked.
“No! No, not at all.” Dirk hurried to reply. “Just hot.” He added.
“Oh, okay. Let it cool down.” Todd said and turned back toward the tv.
“Good idea.” Dirk said, his attention already far away from the conversation.
Obviously by ‘one of the reasons he loved Todd’ Dirk had meant ‘one of the things he loved about Todd.’ There was a clear distinction between the two. You can love things about a person without loving the person.
As soon he’d tried to tell himself this, Dirk knew the truth. He loved Todd. And not just that, oh no. He loved Amanda and Farah, sure. But he loved Todd. He was in love with Todd.
Dirk felt the sudden urge to list all the swear words he knew - which would be an extensive list - but he decided against it, as he didn’t feel like explaining this course of action to Todd.
Dirk felt dumb. How could he not have realized this before now? Clearly it was not a new development. He felt the exact same way about Todd that he had prior to this day. The same way he had felt about him for a while. Only now he knew what it was.
He would have liked to pretend he was mistaken, chalk it up to not having previous experience with being in love, but Dirk knew better. If you’d asked him a year ago what being in love felt like, he’d have shrugged his shoulders and replied with something along the lines of ‘I haven’t the slightest clue!’ and go on about his day.
But now? He knew exactly what that particular emotion was.
It was the warm tidal wave in his stomach whenever Todd laughed at something he said. It was the sudden burning in his cheeks when Todd touched him. It was the rib-cracking pain when Todd was hurt or in danger. It was the ineffable pull he felt coming from Todd, constantly begging for Dirk to come just a little bit closer.
Dirk had never given much thought to the popular idea that when you’re in love, you just know. It was incredibly cheesy. Yet, as it turns out, surprisingly accurate.
Dirk fought the urge to groan out loud. This had not been part of his plan. The plan was: befriend Todd, start a detective agency with Todd and work with Todd. That was it. Much like the little girl with the red cape from that morbid children’s story Todd had told him about, Dirk had strayed far from the assigned path.
In so many ways, Dirk was eccentric. He had never fit any ready-made mold, he had never fit any stereotype. And now here he was. In love with his best friend. What a cliché.
Dirk’s bitter musings were suddenly interrupted by a loud laugh coming from the man next to him. Dirk turned his attention to Todd, who seemed to be thoroughly amused by a woman with a turkey on her head dancing on the tv screen.
Todd’s laugh was like music to Dirk’s ears. His stupid, predictable ears.
Dirk too tried to focus on the screen rather than Todd’s side profile, only to witness the turkey-headed woman’s shock at her companion telling her he loved her by accident. It was clearly the first time she heard this confession and the man immediately tried to backtrack and deny ever having said those three words in the first place. Nevertheless, she seemed elated at this revelation. She kept repeating ‘you love me, you love me’ excitedly.
Dirk turned his attention back to the object of his affection. For a moment he imagined what Todd’s reaction would be to hearing those words from Dirk.
He’d like to imagine that Todd would react somewhat similarly to how the woman had on the show. Surprised, but overtly happy. Dirk’s eyes suddenly felt incredibly warm. He turned his gaze at the ceiling, hoping to will the tears not to leave his eyes.
He knew his feelings would not be greeted with overt happiness. A small part of him dared to believe that Todd wouldn’t be utterly disgusted by Dirk’s feelings for him. An even smaller part of him almost sort of entertained the idea that Todd might reciprocate. But Dirk also knew that even if those things would somehow be true, they would not change the outcome.
Todd was a mess. A mess Dirk loved dearly, but a mess nonetheless. Todd still believed himself to be an asshole, tightly wound in a web of self-hatred. Amanda was still giving him the silent treatment. He had yet to come clean with his parents about the lie he’d been living. He was still getting used to said lie actually becoming reality, one pararibulitis attack at a time. His apartment still showed signs of the Rowdies’ visit all those months ago, a fact that wouldn’t get taken care of until they started making more steady money at the agency. And then there was the agency. It was up and running, but still in its early stages, still finding its legs.
No matter how he might feel, Todd was in no place to hear that his best friend was in love with him. Dirk was one of the only stable pieces of the crooked Jenga tower that was Todd’s life. Dirk didn’t dare to think what would happen if he were to compromise that structural piece. It wouldn’t be fair to Todd. He needed a friend right now.
Dirk felt like in the span of about five minutes, everything he knew had been turned upside down, yet he ended up in the same place he started at. Turns out he was in love with Todd, but this would and could not affect his actions in any way.
Dirk felt a new flavor of sadness settle on his tongue. He loved Todd, but Todd could not know. Dirk loved him, but it could not be acknowledged outside of his own head.
Suddenly Dirk felt like he might burst with the way deep longing clawed at his chest.
But as he watched Todd, smiling and comfortable on the couch next to Dirk, he decided this was a good thing, not a bad one.
Dirk might have to prioritize being Todd’s friend over his less than platonic feelings for him, but he was more than willing to do that. For Todd.
Love, in all its forms, was a good thing. And Dirk had a lot of it. He might not be able to put it into words, but much like Todd himself, Dirk could let it bleed into the things he did. He could be there for Todd, and love him, without saying so. He could love Todd, even if he never said so.
After all, Todd deserved to be loved, even if he didn’t know it yet. But Dirk would make sure that he would know. Eventually.
“Dirk, drink your tea before it gets cold, I’m not getting up to make you a new one.” Todd said suddenly.
Dirk smiled and raised his cup to his lips again.
if you have any ideas for fics, send me prompts! my inbox is always open! xx
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tbhwhocaresanymore · 3 years
Merry Lizmas @alyblacklist, I’m your secret Santa! Please find under the cut a short Keenler fic. It’s not very fluffy because I’m bad at that, but I tried to keep it in the Christmas spirit.
Ressler had never thought of himself as stupid.
He had always tested well, even when he hated the subject. He was fairly good at keeping his wits about him, and even as a kid his parents had never had to tell him to not get into vans with strangers. He had graduated in the top two percent of his class from Quantico, and so if he was being perfectly honest, Ressler knew he had above average intelligence. Under normal circumstances this would exempt him from taking any sort of stupid, unnecessary risk.
But whenever Liz Keen was involved, normal became a faraway dream.
He cut through a parking garage and crossed the street to start walking in the opposite direction. He’d lost the tail Cooper put on him a few blocks ago, but he was still wary Reddington might also be following somehow. He gripped the burner phone in his pocket.
The package had arrived at his apartment two days ago, and he’d received a single text with a today’s date and an address. He’d tried to trace the number only to find it disconnected, and so he’d taken out the battery and waited.
A police car with the lights off was parked on the side of the street, a bored looking cop behind the wheel. Ressler told himself he was just being paranoid. Cooper and Reddington had no proof he and Liz were in contact because they weren’tin contact, but that didn’t mean they trusted him. This was probably good judgement on their part since every so often she sent him a phone and a single text, and every time he (stupidly) showed up where she said. It probably wasn’t the healthiest relationship, but he comforted himself with the fact that at least he was honest with her, unlike her ex-husband.
He turned the corner and relaxed slightly as the cop car disappeared from view. A light snow started falling as he maneuvered around a group of carolers, ignoring a man in white robes with a sign proclaiming the imminent apocalypse.
A sign over his destination advertised VACANCY in a flickering red light. Unwilling to let the front desk worker see his face, he bypassed the office and went around the side. He took a flight of stairs two at a time, walked three doors down, and raised a hand before hesitating.
The text was burned into his eyes. Motel 6 on Down St, Room 13. 12/24 4pm.But what if this time the text hadn’t come from Liz? Or what if it had and someone had gotten here first? He shook himself. He had these fears every time he showed up to meet her, but they had yet to be realized. He’d known what he was getting himself into the first time he came without turning her in, the latest in a long line of questionable decisions involving Liz Keen.
Ressler knocked three times, and jammed his hands back in his pockets. His breath crystallized in the chilly air. He heard movement on the other side of the door and instinctively glanced over his shoulder, checking for a tail one last time.
There was the sound of a deadbolt unlocking and the door swung open.
The clock on the bedside table ticked from 4:03 to 4:04 and Liz felt her muscles crank even tighter.
An abrupt knock on the door startled her to her feet, the gun in her hand whipping up to point at the noise.
She walked up to the door and pressed the gun against it before checking through the spyhole in the door. Ressler. No matter how many times she sent for him, each time she was afraid that he wouldn’t show up.
Liz undid the chain lock and swung the door open.
Ressler blinked rapidly as he took her in, eyes scanning her up and down. “Hey.” His voice was rougher than she remembered.
She stepped aside and he entered, taking his coat off and dropping it on the armoire. Liz placed her gun on top of it, drinking in the sight of him. “Thanks for coming.”
Ressler was looking at her like he’d been afraid he might never see her again. Although considering she was waging a one-woman war against Raymond Reddington, that wasn’t outside the realm of possibilities. “How are you?” Ressler asked.
Her thoughts immediately went to the patchwork of bruises on her left side. A souvenir from when she’d snuck into a business Reddington owned fifty-one percent of, and tussled with a security guard. “Fine. You?”
“Really? You’re fine?” His eyebrows rose on his forehead. “Because we got a report of a woman matching your description breaking and entering a private bank a couple days ago, a bank that happens to be controlled by Reddington. Said woman fought with a security guard who is now in the hospital but swears he got some hits in.”
Liz pursed her lips. “I’ll admit I’m a little banged up but it’s nothing.”
“Damn it Keen.” Ressler scowled at her, running a hand through his hair in frustration. “Let me take you in.”
“No.” She folded her arms.
“Then let me help you.”
“Then what the hell am I doing here?” he demanded.
Liz felt her hands form into fists. “I missed you, you idiot.”
Ressler sighed, his shoulders dropping as he stepped forward to envelop her in a hug. Liz wrapped her arms around him, breathing deeply. She was now intimately familiar with his body in a myriad of ways, and let her hands come to rest on his shoulder blades, taking comfort in his warmth.
“What are you doing to me Liz?” She heard him whisper the words into her hair.
“I’m not doing it on purpose.” The defense had barely left her when Ressler was fisting his hand in her hair to pull her head back, kissing her harshly. She responded in kind, biting his lower lip between her teeth.
They fell into each other with a frenzy, tearing each other’s clothes off in a way that was almost violent. Certain moments stood out in her mind, ones she would turn to later when she hadn’t seen him in weeks and was cold under the covers. His mouth on her collarbone, bruising the skin, her nails scratching lines into his back, the sight of his head between her legs. The sex was angry because they were angry. Ressler was angry that Liz insisted on going this alone, was angry at himself for not taking her in. Liz was angry at the world for always taking things away, and punishing her when she tried to take things in return, she was angry with Reddington and his endless, endless need for deception and lies. They were angry about all the bodies they’d had to bury over the years.
Afterwards, spent, they laid beneath the covers of the room’s single bed. Ressler was on his back, running absent fingers through her hair, Liz had an arm on his chest and her legs mixed up with his.
She felt his chest inflate and knew he was about to speak. “There has to be some way I can help you is all I’m saying.”
Liz closed her eyes. “Can we please not do this again?” They had this fight every time they saw each other and it was getting old quick.
He sighed and pressed a kiss to her head. “I’m sorry. But thinking about you out there, all alone… it drives me crazy. I’m your partner, Liz. I’m supposed to have your back.”
“You have.” She tightened her hold on him. “You do. Seeing you like this, it helps me more than you know. And don’t think I don’t realize how much you’re risking to meet with me.”
Eventually they put their underwear and shirts back on and Liz pulled out a pack of gummy bears she’d gotten from the vending machine down the hall and a card deck. He’d been teaching her poker games like Blackjack, Razz, and Texas Hold ‘em. While her poker face was impeccable, her actual knowledge of the games left a lot to be desired.
Ressler ended up winning all her gummy bears, but she put the last one between her teeth to make him take it from her with a kiss. They ended up lying back down on the sheets, the cards getting mixed up as Ressler rolled her over and lavished kisses up and down her body, being gentle with the bruises.
After what felt like no time at all, Liz heard her text tone going off and swore quietly. She picked up their clothes on the bed, rifling through them until she found her jeans. She pulled her latest burner out of the pocket and read the message.
“What is it?”
Liz snapped the phone shut. “A guy managed to come through with something I need, but I have to go now.” NYPD had tagged the car she was using after the bank break-in, so she’d had to hitchhike back to DC where she knew someone who could get her a new one.
Ressler pushed her hair aside to kiss the mark he’d left on her neck. “Relax, I’m not asking.”
She turned around to hug him, very badly not wanting to let go. But then she closed her eyes and saw her mother’s body jerking as the bullets made contact, saw Katarina crashing to the ground, Reddington standing over her with his finger on the trigger.
“This means you have to go doesn’t it?”
Liz didn’t pull back to answer. “Yeah it does.”
Ressler knelt next to his bed, staring at the open shoe box he kept beneath the loose floorboard under his nightstand. Inside it were four identical burner phones, each with the battery removed.
Even as he stared Ressler chastised himself for being so stupid. The phones were evidence, incriminating evidence. They might not have had Keen’s fingerprints on them and she may have ditched the old numbers, but he was afraid Reddington could still use them to find her if he got his hands on them. Not to mention if anyone managed to prove Keen had sent him the phones, if Park or Cooper or Aram put in the battery and saw the message that he hadn’t reported, he could go to jail for aiding a fugitive.
But that didn’t stop him from taking the fifth phone out of his pocket and adding it to the pile. Her office and apartment had been cleared out as evidence, he had nothing else left of her.
With a sigh he placed the box back in its hiding place and turned out the lights as he climbed into bed. He found himself staring at the clock, as the minutes ticked by, until it hit midnight.
Ressler looked out the window and sighed. “Merry Christmas Liz.”
Okay well hope you enjoyed. Happy holidays!
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It’s The Avengers (03x10)
Loki x Reader Avengers The Office AU (Slowwwwww Burn)
Season 3 Episode 10: Safehouse
Series Summary: Living in the Avengers facility post-apocalypse in a better timeline   Tony Stark has decided to capture every moment by pulling The Office on the Avengers. All of housemates are pretty used to the idea except for you, who had just come here to finish her degree, and the newest member- Loki.
Warnings: soft moments
Word Count: It is an achievement to get this chapter out. Imma celebrate it. Oh fanfic Gods! Give me the power!
MASTERLIST in bio, darlings. Tags are open (check bio)
The camera only had space made up with the galactic beauty swirling in deepest green that can put the stars to shame. The black hole seemed to become bigger as the camera has decided to use a snail's pace to zoom out, giving the audience quite the treat into the pool seems to disappear and reappear under the pale lids with unsurprisingly long lashes. Those veritable brows are wrinkled- enough to make one concerned but not enough to force someone to come and sit next to him with an ice-cream sundae as Peter did once- as if wondering something under their hypothetical breaths. The camera panned out more to show those thin lips going thinner, almost into one nearly invisible line. A long breath is drawn in and those long white fingers are made to rest on his chin as he looks up into an endless void and even Javier- who is being recorded by the other tiny drone- is thinking some stuff. The camera panned out further to show him half lying on the pilot seat while his legs rested on the cargo box behind, away from the controls. A true piece of art.
Javier: *signs as he points to his tablet with Loki's live feed* this God could be a fucking model. *fans himself*
It wasn't long before his voice broke the silence. "Maybe it is the food," he contemplates for the room where his only audience is a busy fur-baby licking his nethers. "Or maybe it was the people on Knowhere. Or it was just that...dingy old-" Loki's casually furry brows were now carrying a full frown- "lair. I don't know." The sigh the left his lungs was loud enough to reach to the back while he lifted his legs to ground himself and droop into his own lap, running his hands through his nearly greasy hair. When was the last time he washed them? "Why is she mad, Lulu?" Loki groans, trying to massage his head to get something out of it. Lulu, on the other hand, decided this was the best time to lie upside down and play with the one blue firefly that got stuck in their ship while they were leaving Knowhere. "Why has she locked herself back there?" He raised his head and asked some invisible force before looking at Javier's camera.
Loki: I'm not concerned for her *pretends to shrug* I just *blinks* don't want my ship to be flooded with her tears. Humans just have the tendency to go all out with their hurt and pain unlike some of us. *camera zooms in to his face* *resting bitch face on* Tell a word about this to her and I will cut you.
A click of something in the back immediately heightened Loki's senses to make his elbow slip from the chair, making him look for support long enough to pose in the chair with the nearest piece of reading material like a man lost in a completely different world, doing an award-worthy job of pretending to not see you come in. "Do we have some sort of digestive tablets on board?" Your hoarse voice asked while barely looking around the space. "I feel bloated. It's fucking disgusting." The groan you let out made Lulu sit up and tilt his head in your direction with his fur standing straight on his back. Loki tsked, still not looking up from the catalogue of the best sex robots on the market in Knowhere. "I told you not to eat those Cheese Puffs on Know-" "OH MY FUCKING GOD!!" Your rage-filled outburst caught the god by surprise, making him jolt up enough to be caught by the camera for the amusement of a certain group of people hungry for entertainment. "THosE FUckING chEEse puFFs wOn'T do me as much damage as your BICKERING!!!" The painful frustration that left your lungs made Javier's eyes go wide. Loki turned to look at the camera in pure confusion.
Loki: *a glorious frown on his face* *arms crossed* *bites lower lip* *inhales* *raises finger* maybe she is sexually frustrated? Space can no human touch can do that to you. And she clearly hasn't watched porn since we teleported *scoffs lightly* *rolls eyes* thank Valhalla for that. I no longer have to hear those filthy noises from across the wa- *stops mid-sentence when a mug comes flying to hit him in the head* "Pervert," you call from out of the frame while Loki ruffles his hair to remove the shards of ceramic caught in there. Loki: Okay *stares at the camera* maybe she's not sexually frustrated. *pauses with his lips still apart* *camera pans in* unless this tantrum is a human way of getting my atten- *another mug comes flying*
"Okay," Loki spun around in his chair to put the ship in full throttle for a destination only he knew about, "that's it. I did not want it to come to this but we are landing here." The camera spun to you and your crinkled brows. "We are supposed to get back your juice, man. Stop making unwanted pit-stops." Lulu's camera caught the disgust on Loki's face as he closed his eyes and shook his head lightly. "Stop saying that." "What?" You crossed your arms across your chest, narrowing your eyes while glaring at the back of his head. "Your juice?" "It's my essence." "But it is your juice. You took it out and now you want to put it back in." "The essence was extracted out of me and I need to consume it-" "You know that sounds worse, right?" "..." "Don't worry, baby, we'll get your bad bitch juice." "It's NOT a ju-why am I even arguing." "Because it's a turn on," you muttered under your breath before sitting down with Lulu in your lap and tying your seat belt. "What?" Loki turned his head around. "Nothing." Innocent as ever.
Loki: I think she's forgetting I have good ears. *narrows eyes and puckers his lips*
You: Oh I know he has super-hearing. That's why I leave my laptop on a decent volume with some classic porno on whenever I'm mad at him. *shrugs and leans back in the chair* *camera pans in on your smirk*
On a Planet Unknown The cameras took in the expanse of the barren planet the group had landed on. The ground seemed to have been hit with a drought. There were small hills in the distance and a few craters scattered all over. The star of this solar system shone too far, bright with pink hues on its tails, making everything drown in a tinge of blush. It was hard to miss this strange sentiment on Loki's face. A mixture of nostalgia with a side of something sour. He breathed in this atmosphere, closing his eyes to reminisce something the others did not have a clue about. A serene smile painted on his lips while his skin reflected the baby pink hues with delicate softness. Javier, talented with his work, used his hovering little drone cam to slowly and cautiously pan in on Loki's face, being really patient on the controls in his hands. "So this is where your juice is?" The zooming in stopped as Loki's eyes opened, blinked twice and sighed some of his internal frustration out. "My-" you could see the boiling lines of frustration on his face while Javier caught the suppressed delight on yours- "juice...is not here." "Then why are we here?" "To get rid of you-" You whipped your head faster than he could finish. "-r grey clouds."  Suspicion fresh on your face, you waited for him to continue. "When I'd fallen into the wormhole after my... alleged demise, this was the first place I discovered after a series of misfortunes," Loki exhaled, looking at clean nothingness in front of them. It was not much but Javier zoomed in your face that did a slow shift from the barren view to the sharp face that reflected nothing but a painful softness in those melodramatic hues. "This-" your voice was softer than you wanted it to be- "was your...safehouse?" Loki inhaled and turned to give you a thoughtful look. "In some ways, yes." The hints of smile that were on Loki's face seemed to question the expression on your face as your lips parted in slight horror before he was witnessing you jump away from something and right into his arms with a scream. "Something touched my foot!!!" No one really told Javier to focus on a specific genre yet there he was, letting his camera do a slow-mo on the way Loki's arm came to the rescue of your waist, holding you steady. And close to him. Javier neither missed the frantic grasp of Loki's black shirt under his overcoat by your hands as you turned around to watch what menace had bothered to make you their next victim.
Javier: *signing* I do not know how to activate Lulu's stomach music otherwise I would have added a cheesy track too. *smiles* *somewhere on Earth a boy forgets to breathe*
"Relax," Loki soothed you as he looked down at the familiar purple and pink light crawling up through the cracks in the ground, "here. Look." He did not push you away, in fact, he held you just as he did while you followed his gaze to look at seedling sprouting through the ground and growing leaves and a bud right in front of you in real-time; the bonus being the glow-in-the-dark veins and petals that shone purple and pink. A muted 'Woah' left your lungs while Lulu examined the little plant, tapping at it with his paw to be amused by the ripple he created in the bioluminescent flora.  Loki leaned a little closer to your ear while you were still gawking at the plant next to your feet. "Look up," he whispered. "Huh?" Your eyes instantly went away from the plant towards the field that now had an abundance of these flowers while trees grew at a distance carrying the same effect in their leaves- with purple fire trapped inside them. "What the hell is this place?!" You could barely breathe. Loki, on the other hand, was having a gala time at the expense of your expressions. "There was once a...lets say a conscious planet that went by the name Ego. Ego created an ecosystem that would survive in the absence of a star and when in the presence of it, it would camouflage itself to keep the biome intact, because, you know, greedy neighbours, bad rocks, invading aliens, yada yada." You look at the camera to shake your head. "What you are standing on right now is a chunk of that ecosystem." You looked around once again. "So, this thing was bigger than what it is now?" Loki was delighted by your interest. "Yes. It was ten times the size of the earth. And-" he added with such a gush of stress that you were scared he was going to burst any moment- "it had dinosaurs."
You: *guffaws* Haha! Nerd!
Loki: *suspiciously stared at the camera* What. I have interests too, you judgy clots. *somewhere outside the frame you softly shout 'It's thots!'* Yes. *does not waver his gaze from the camera* That.
"Damn! I could live in this place forever!" Loki narrowed his eyes in slight discomfort. "Weeeellll-" The camera cut to you looking like you saw a ghost. "EGO WAS PETER QUILL'S DAD????!!!!!" You shout right into the frame before your body freezes and the shock disappears into a blank slate. "Wait a second..." The camera was already turning to Loki who was shaking his head and whispering to himself, "She went there."
You: *confusion level: the white guy who went to India instead of Indiana* How did Quill's parent even have sex?!! *camera pans in on the gasp that escapes you* Tentacles! *the camera pans out to show Loki standing next to you with he arms crossed across his chest* Loki: *tired* Pervert.
"This is a dead rock with the remnant prints of Ego," he continued, "Come, let's go inside." Saying that he started to walk in some random direction according to you while bringing his hand for you to take. Your eyes went from those long fingers open and waiting for you before looking at the back of his head. A step more from him and you rushed your hand to take his, wrapping your fingers carefully around his palm. The camera was quick to catch your free hand going for the back of your ear, scratching some itch while silently walking some distance with the God. "Wh-" you cleared the vibrating disturbance in your throat- "where are we going?" "Just a few more steps." And true to his words, a few steps later, Loki stopped, making you pause right next to him. Letting go of your hand- something that made you grip those fingers in the other hand, trying to wring them dry of secrets only you knew- to feel something in the space in front of him with his palm. And when he did, he grabbed the space and yanked it back, revealing the space to give way to a cottage. A small, dark, probably comfy cottage. In the middle of nowhere. Covered in glowing purple moss. While you stood there gaping at the incomprehensible science happening in front of you, Loki undid the padlock on the front door to open and enter first. "Stay outside till I tell you to come in," he ordered, not realising you were too engrossed in the exterior architecture of this little house to listen to him. Javier sent one of his drones inside while waiting outside with you. "Dude!" You exhaled while punching Javier on his arm, "this is heaven!!!" Turning the camera to face him, Javier looked at it and signed 'is it though?'. "Alright, come in," Loki's voice called for you from inside.  "Hiding your porn stash, Loki?" you stated quite rhetorically before the camera found you frozen at the entrance of what looked like a living room. And your eyes stuck on Loki's face softly illuminated by the blue-ish purple flames captured inside a foot long lamp in the shape of a cuboid. You stood there in a ten-second daze, your eyes stuck on the face that worked meticulously with four more similar lamps before turning to look at you, immediately making you throw your gaze at the lamps. "Nice lights," you stated, a little louder than usual, clearly confused by your own pitch. Loki walked around the place, hanging the lamps to help light up the cottage, allowing you, the cameras and Lulu to explore the place more freely. The cottage felt more spacious on the inside. There was a sofa facing a window where you stood, a small but decent workstation behind it next to the wall with small tools stacked by the size and category. The walls were decorated with a league of tools that only Loki knew about. "Is that a Ghili suit?" you had to ask. "Yes," Loki answered without looking from the kitchen, "and no, you cannot try it on." You tsked and Loki smiled. "So-" you clapped your hands and walked around casually, letting your legs stretch with each step- "where the beds at." Loki turned to face you, taking a step towards you, holding his arm up to take the support of the ceiling as he leaned in to get his face close to yours. Javier- clever as ever- zoomed in at the bulge of Loki's bicep wanting to get free of the lone t-shirt that barely got to see the light of the day with that unexplainably fashionable overcoat. There was a split second where the camera looked at Lulu scratching away at the sofa in the living room, drawing his attention with a click and gesturing something out of the frame to make the little furball pause the massacre for a few seconds before pressing his stomach.
Can't Keep My Eyes Off You Lo-Fi version starts playing through Lulu's stomach.
"There are no beds here, darling," Loki cooed with his signature smirk right in your face. "There is only a bed." Your composure might have slipped for a second with his model-like posture but you had seen enough fuckboys in your life to deal with the God's sense of play. "Oh," you stressed sullenly while taking off your jacket and throwing it on the couch over Lulu, "guess we'll have to make do with what we have." You knew your puppy dog eyes won't do much on this creature but that slight distortion in his gaze when he blinked to look down at your sweaty tank top before coming back to your face was worth it all.
You: *chuckling* no matter where they come from they are all horny at some point under it all, aren't they?! *looks away from the lens at Javier* Hmm? *mocking a laugh* What? I was just joking with him. That's how friends joke with each other. *glares at Javier with the smile still smacked on your face* Don't read into it. *camera swerves to show Javier sign* Javier: Will Mr Stark think this as a joke? Just asking? *camera swerves back to the one-eighty your expression does* You: Oh, he'll kill him.
Back On Earth "Ooooh, Tony's gonna murder that punk." Sam's crackling whisper was followed by nods and hums from Peter, Scott and Wanda. Vision was the only one who tilted his head in deep thought. "Is it because Loki held Y/N's hand and holding one's hand shows a sign of affection?" "Yes, our big robot baby," Scott sang while feeding Vision another popcorn.  "But Wanda and Natasha hold hands too. But it seems absurd for me to get mad at that," the AI continued while Wanda chuckled. "Wanda and Natasha holding hands is akin to two sisters holding hands," Scott explained, "and that's the only concept we will go with if we all like our necks intact." All the boys agreed. "Now Loki, on the other hand, is seen as a threat by Tony because Y/N, his daughter, is young and still a baby in his eyes whom he wants to protect at all costs. While Loki- thanks to his chiselled looks and accurately hot manners- seems like the boy no father would want their daughter to date. Because a man like that takes seconds to make a girl fall in love with him. Look at the dude. Look at the bod. And that's when he is wearing clothes on clothes on clothes. No wonder Tony wouldn't want him within a hundred feet of his daughter." Now, everyone was looking at a sighing Scott giving heart eyes to Loki on the screen. The camera turned to show a previously busy-with-her-nails Natasha pausing to look at the Ant-Man and wonder. "You are in love with Loki." "Head over heels, woman," Scott smiled without looking away from the screen.  "Tell me one thing," Peter asked out of curiosity while chewing on the popcorn, "you learned the word 'akin' today, didn't you?" "It was the word of the day on dictionary.com," he replied without missing a beat.
Space Farm Safehouse One of Javier's camera had followed you up the attic, while you went looking for a place to hang your wet clothes. Unlike the eerie space shown in the movies, this one was spacious, had an entire wall with a window and a sofa set in the direction to enjoy the view of the flora sparkling outside.  Putting your clothes on what looked like a wooden chair in the corner, you sat down on the sofa, eyes stuck on the view outside. The camera rotated to capture the wave of purple embers riding the plants and the cracks of the ground. The camera watched you inhale when steps were heard coming up the stairs, a figure out of focus walking behind you, disappearing to let you feel the cushion dip next to you. "Feels one hell of a place hide from the world," you whispered, never blinking for the fear of missing it all. La vie en rose Louis Armstrong but it's raining Loki chuckled. "Who hurt you?" The playful grin on Loki's face turned to ash when he turned and watched you sniffle while huge tears fell from your eyes. The God's face knew a new type of fear when he turned to the camera.
Loki: *raises his hands in defence* I swear upon my own self I meant it as a joke. *looks at the camera* Tony, if you are seeing this, it was a joke. 
"Why does it hurt so much?" You sobbed while your eyes never once stopped the tap that had been set free. "Even after so many years, why do all those old memories hurt so much?" Loki did open his mouth to say something but nothing came out. He brought his hand forward to keep it on your shoulder but stopped short, taking it up to your head before receding his hand back to himself. "W-" "I am having a good day and suddenly I cannot stop thinking about the time my mom ripped all my drawing because she wanted me to do something more 'productive'. It's been, what, twelve years and that stupid memory is fucking me up today." By this time you were ugly crying, trying to stop your snot from coming out of your nose. Loki shuffled where he sat, finally bringing his hand up to let his fingers touch your head. "There, there," he sputtered, the pain of embarrassment bright on his face. "Loki I-uh-I am sooo sorry!" You bawled, clearly confusing the God even more. "You don't have to be s-" "I met Frigga on Knowhere," you stated between your tears and jerks, making him pause where he sat. "And obviously she was supposed to meet you but got stuck with me for some reason. And then before we could come to you, I asked her if she was the good guy, you know. To make sure she was not going to hurt you. And she was super sweet and she smiled at me and then disappeared and I am so sorry you were not able to meet her because of me." It felt like ages passed when Loki blinked and brought himself to the current space and time. His brows furrowed and his iris seemed to open wide in some heavy revelation. "Is that why you have been struggling since we left Knowhere?" You sniffled and took the white rag that came out of frame, making the camera pan out to watch Lulu sitting by your feet ready with another rag for you. No one knew where he got them from. "Is this why you did not talk to me the entire trip?" You nodded before blowing your nose into the rag and tossing it into the basket kept in the corner. Loki sighed. "Y/N." He scooched closer to you, taking your shoulders to turn you towards him."Look at me."  You did. "My mother disappearing on you is not your fault." You whimpered, forcing him to move each of his hand from your shoulder to your face, his fingers running the length, allowing his palm to anchor itself over your jaw. "Frigga was a Witch. And she was no ordinary Witch. If she found a way to meet you even after her death then I am confident that she will find a way to meet me too. Okay?" He waited for an answer. The camera panned in to look at your tear-smeared face nod in between his hands. "Now I want you to tell me something-" he sang soothingly being as gentle with his words as with those hands still stuck on your face- "did these old memories come up after you met her?" That guilty puppy look you gave him confirmed some fear of his. He said something under his breath that sounded like an alien curse. Almost drooping with his eyes closed, he pulled himself back to face you. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, Y/N." He let his thumb stroke your cheek, neither of you realising how you leaned into his touch. "I think there is something else that made me go through it," you muttered through your hoarse throat. Loki simply nodded. "I think I'm about to start my-" "Period," Loki finished your sentence, sighing and taking his hands away from your face to let one arm move around your shoulder. "I know. I could hear your uterus howling on the ship." You adjusted yourself on the couch to bring your legs up and rest your head on his shoulder. "That must be quite scary for you, hearing my insides like that." "Ehh," Loki answered, looking at the scenery outside while meteors passed through the sky, lighting up when entering the atmosphere, "not as scary when your intestines growling before you let all the air out of your syste-ow!" "It's gas! It's normal. Get over it, you twat!" The sound of his chuckle reverberated throughout the cottage. Lulu slept at the foot of the couch while the two of you talked some more till sleep took over one and the other found a blanket to cover you and let your rest. "Let's find some cure for this bloody situation in the morning," Loki whispered to your snoring figure; finding himself sitting the foot of the sofa for a few more minutes before letting his hand pat your head a few times. Two pats and he moved his hand away, watching the camera entering the space. "What are you looking at?" he softly threw in Javier's direction, getting up and walking past him. "Go to sleep. I'll wake you up just with the first rays."
The Lounge "Oof! These idiots 'bout to fall in love." The camera zoomed out to show Rhodey sipping his morning coffee while Peter and Scott slept over each other on the couch, snoring quite loud while Zuko licked Peter's face while standing on the armrest. Rhodey looked at the duo, judging them and their will to sit there for more than twenty-four hours. "You guys are lucky Tony has another daughter to think about right now." He tsked and turned back to the TV, muttering 'fangirls' under his breath before walking away to get a refill.
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swift--fox · 3 years
Dean and Death Have More in Common Than Their Shared Taste in Fast-Food
Remember when God (Chuck) said OG Death was into fried pickles and tickle porn? Yeah, Dean already knew that. Set early season 11, after Dean killed death and Sam and team set Amara free. Mainly angst in this one, there will be a part two (When? Who knows, it might be tomorrow, it might be next week, who know? I certainly don’t)
It had been a few hours since Dean had almost killed Sam, actually killed Death, and Rowena freed whatever black storm cloud came barging out of what seemed like middle earth. This was the first free moment he had to really process what just happened, and none of that was what he was currently focused on at this moment. No, he was more concerned about the conversation he and Death had had, waiting for Sam to arrive.
“We have more in common than you might think.”
He kept hearing Death’s words over and over again.
“If you somehow find a way to weasel your way out of this like you Winchesters are so well known for. Take this, I think you might find its contents…soothing in times of need.”
His words were like nails on a chalkboard inside Deans skull as he held the small USB drive in his hand. What the hell did he mean by soothing? He was wracking his brain for anything that might be on the drive. What if it was a trap? But Death didn’t know Dean was going to kill him - hell, he didn’t even know he was going to kill him. He didn’t even think he could. Maybe it was information they needed to beat this Darkness… whatever it was.
Before he could think twice, he inserted the USB into the slot of his laptop and waited for the information to download. A couple grueling seconds went by before a folder popped up on the screen labelled ‘Death’s saved videos for DW’.
Videos? Videos? Dean was now royally confused, but opened the folder nonetheless.  A list of saved files opened up, none with specific names. Just a jumble of letters and numbers. Whatever they were, Death clearly wanted them to be ominous. Why wouldn’t he give them real names? Maybe this really was information that could be used in the newest apocalypse.
He clicked the first one, hopeful for any information that may be used. What he witnessed instead, though, seemed more like the opening to a porn video? He didn’t peg Death for the porn type, and doubly did not like the fact that Death thought he knew Dean’s porn preferences. 
He was about to exit the tab and pretend that never happened when a strangled laugh fell from his laptops speakers. Looking at the scene in front of him, there was a man in only his boxers strapped to an X table. His ankles and thighs strapped down with leather belts, similar belts around his biceps and wrists, and the last one around his chest, all keeping him well secured. The next thing Dean noticed were skilled fingers attached to a beautiful mistress laden in only black underwear and a frilly bra wiggling her manicured nails into the man’s ribs, causing forced laughter to pour out.
His eyes went wide, mouth drying almost instantly. He shut his laptop faster than the first time Cas caught him watching porn all those years ago and swiveled his head, making sure no one was around. Sure, it was his room and he knew no one was in there, but the paranoia of getting caught was far greater than his rational thought. Once he knew he was alone, he let out the breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. He shook out the excess anxiety from his fingers before standing up and walking to his desk. He opened the bottom drawer and fished out his bulky headphones before repositioning himself on the bed.
Dean took a deep breath, shakily covering his ears with the headphones and plugged them into his laptop. One video wouldn’t hurt, right? Help that itch he could never scratch? He closed his eyes, taking one more deep breath before he slowly opened his laptop and let the laughter fill his ears once more.
One video turned into two, two turned into four, and before long a couple hours had gone by. Dean, of course, hadn’t noticed how long it had been, and was so engrossed in the scene in front of him, he didn’t hear the knocking at his door. So, when there was a warm hand on his shoulder, he let out a small yelp, and slammed his laptop closed before looking up. He was met with concerned blue eyes. He removed his headphones rather ungracefully and willed his panic to subside.
“Sorry Dean, I didn’t mean to startle you. Are you okay?” Cas asked.
“Y-yeah, I’m good. Damnit, Cas, you could have knocked.” Dean answered, annoyance clear in his voice.
“I did knock. You didn’t answer. I got worried.”
“Well no need to worry, I was…” Dean gestured to his laptop, instinctually about to tell Cas, before he remembered what he was actually doing. “Uhm, nothing, I was doing nothing. I’m fine, you’ve checked on me, you can go.”
Cas rolled his eyes at the hunter. “Dean, I know you watch porn,” Cas said, amused.
“I was not watching porn!”
He was met with a quizzical look, “What were you doing then? You closed your computer pretty fast.”
Shit. Shit shit shit. Dean and his stubbornness. He’d just dug himself into a hole.
“Uhm, nothing. Death just gave me something at our last meeting. Nothing important.” He stammered, hoping it was good enough for Cas to leave it alone.
Of course it wasn’t.
“Dean, if Death gave you something, it could be useful for fighting the darkness. And we need anything and everything we can find to help.” He argued, reaching for the laptop thrown on the mattress haphazardly.
Dean reached for the laptop, panic quickly rising back up, but as his hand met his duvet rather than cold metal, his eyes widened.
“Wait. Wait wait, Cas don’t, please, give it back! No!”
“This is not just your fight, Dean.” Cas threw a glare in his direction before turning back to the laptop, unplugging the headphone cord, and opening it.
What Cas was met with, was not what the angel was expecting as the room was filled with laughter emanating from the laptop resting in his palm. His eyes went wide, jaw slack. Dean used this as an opening to swoop in and grab it before shutting it again and shoving it under his pillow.
Once the laptop was hidden from sight, he felt realization finally dawn on him. Every muscle in his body tensed as he screwed his eyes shut, his back still turned towards the angel.
“Dean…” Cas started, watching the man in front of him flinch at his name. He took a couple steps forward, placing a hand on his shoulder. Dean violently shrugged it off, but still hadn’t said anything, not trusting his voice. Cas watched his face tighten more before it was turned away from him again.
“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t...” Cas trailed off again, lost for words.
“It’s. It’s fine. Just. Just go.” His voice was so small, so broken.
Cas walked toward the door, allowing himself one last look at the hunter still standing in the middle of the room, like if he didn’t move he couldn’t be seen. He sighed, still lost for words, before he finally left, shutting the door behind him.
It had been three days since Dean had seen Cas, and he finally decided it was time to venture out of his room. He had run out of his emergency food stash, and had convinced himself Cas had forgotten the whole ordeal that went down less than a week ago. Sure he was still replaying the events over and over, but Cas had much more to worry about than Deans extracurricular activities. He took a few hesitant steps out of his room, before beelining it to the kitchen. He was not ready to run into the angel, even if he was convinced he’d forgotten about it. The memory was still too raw.
He breathed a sigh of relief when he walked into the kitchen and only saw Sam, reading a lore book and picking at a salad.
“Hey,” Dean greeted, walking in and opening the fridge.
“Oh look, he’s alive! How’re you feeling?” Sam asked, barely looking up from his book.
“I’m alright… Have you seen Cas lately?” Dean was pretty sure Cas wouldn’t have said anything, but he had to be sure.
“Nah, he looked a little puzzled a few days ago, but hasn’t really left the library. I think he’s trying to find what he can on the Darkness,” Sam replied, finally looking up, “why?”
“No, nothing, just curious.”
After Dean had finished making and eating a meal consisting of too much grease and an offhand remark from Sam about his cholesterol, he started back toward his room. Or, he thought he was going toward his room. His legs had other plans. He stopped outside the library doors, questioning if he really wanted to do this now. He had to know if Cas had forgotten. Faith was one thing, but he never truly believed in faith. He had to know. Needed proof that he could relax again. So with a deep sigh, he pushed himself through the doors before he could convince himself not to.
He felt every muscle in him tense as his eyes met the trench coated man sifting through the books on one of the walls. He watched his fingers lightly graze each book before they landed on the one he needed. A shiver went down Dean’s back imagining the light touch skimming down his own ribs.
No. No- he cannot be thinking about that right now. Cas had forgotten, it will never happen. He cleared his throat, willing the intruding thoughts away.
“Hello, Dean,” 
He wasn’t sure why, but the sound of his voice punched him in the gut, and a wave of anxiety barreled over him.
“H-hey Cas, sorry, uhm, I just came to see if I could find anything on the Darkness. H-have you found anything yet?” He went for cool and collected, but fell short, leaning towards scared and pathetic. He winced at his words as he watched Cas for any indication that he had noticed. When Cas just pulled the chosen book from the shelf and opened it he sighed in relief.
“No, not yet, it’s slow going. Hard to find information on something that hasn’t been seen since the dawn of creation.” He looked up, giving a small smile.
Dean immediately averted his gaze. He didn’t mean to, really, he didn’t. But looking him in the eyes was just too much. He scolded himself again. What happened to walking in here with his normal bristly attitude?
“Okay, well, uhh, if you just want to hand me some books, I’ll just be on my way-” Dean started, hands fumbling with a loose string in the hem of his flannel. He was cut off hearing his name.
“Dean,” He flinched involuntarily, hearing his name in the same tone he did a few days ago. Of course he hadn’t forgotten. He’s an angel.
“Cas, just. It’s fine, just drop it.” Irritation and fear laced his words as he walked to grab a pile of books laid out on the coffee table. “I’ll just take these to my room, I’ll let you know if I find anything.”
“What? What is it Cas? What part of ‘drop it’ do you not understand? You walked in, I kicked you out. It’s a new day. Can we please move on?” Dean pleaded more than anything.
“No. We can’t. What is going on? I have never seen you react like this before.” Cas put his book down, and started toward the hunter, seeing him visibly tense, eyes averting from his own again.
“Please, Cas. I can’t.”
“Can’t what? It’s not like I’ve walked in on you watching worse than tickling before.” Cas tried.
Dean screwed his eyes shut, taking a step back, and grabbing the wall to center himself.
“Don’t. Please. Don’t make me talk about this.”
“Talk about what? So what if I saw?  I just don’t understand what the big deal is.” Cas clearly started becoming more frustrated, but tried to keep his voice calm.
“Because it’s embarrassing, okay? It’s… it’s embarrassing.” Dean hung his head, his hands finding that loose string again, before he turned, hoping he’d make it to the door.
“Why?” Cas asked. He didn’t sound judgmental, or cruel. Just curious, he honestly wanted to know. And that made it a hundred times worse, in Deans opinion.
“I, uh. Nothing, can I just go, please?” Dean’s voice was so small, Cas almost didn’t register his words.
“I just want to understand, Dean.” Cas laid a hand on his shoulder, feeling every muscle tense at the touch.
Vulnerable. Raw. That’s all Dean felt as Cas’s hand collided with his shoulder. It burned his skin, nerve endings lighting up like they were caught under Hell’s flame. All he wanted to do was curl up and pretend this never happened. He was right. This really was a trap. Death really did get the last word, huh? He laughed to himself wryly.
“What?” Cas asked.
“Nothing, nothing… just thinking, this situation is kind of laughable.” He wiped his hand down his face, trying desperately to find a way out. Maybe he could just run out the door. That seemed feasible.
Apparently Cas was a step ahead of him, as he felt the hand on his shoulder grip tighter. Guess he wasn’t running from this one.
“Dean, just. Don’t run away. Talk to me. Why is this such a big deal?” Cas asked again.
“It’s a big deal ‘cause I like it! Okay?” As soon as the words left his mouth, he regretted it. He felt the heat in his ears growing molten, and he wanted to crawl out of his own skin.
“You like it?” Cas asked. “Like, tickling people?” His hand tightened more, verging on painful.
Cas watched Dean’s entire body tense, his legs went stiff, back straightening ever so slightly, Cas was sure the muscles were showing under his flannel and black t-shirt. His arms subtly curled into his sides, like he was trying to protect them.
Finally, it clicked. He was honestly surprised it took him this long.
“Oh…oh, I see.” Cas replied, taking a step closer to the hunter. “Does anyone else know?” Cas whispered into Dean’s ear. He revelled in the shaky breath that left his lips.
“N-no, no one else. C-can I go now? We-we gotta-” He clamped his mouth shut when he felt Cas’s other hand grab his bicep.
Cas let the hand squeezing his shoulder drop, letting his fingers brush the back of his ribs gently before dropping to his side. He smiled wickedly at the small gasp that left Dean’s mouth as he arched away from the touch.
“You could go; I did get the information I wanted. But the real question now is, do you, Dean Winchester, want to go?”
Dean stayed silent.
Cas’s other arm left his bicep. He was about to leave, thinking Cas had backed out, not wanting to cross a line. But then there were two sets of fingers lightly placed on either side of the back of his ribs. They were stagnant, unmoving, but clearly there. Waiting for their order.
Dean inhaled sharply, and then immediately forgot how to breathe. His arms tightened closer to his sides, his abdomen went rigid. He could feel his heart in his throat.
“The doors right there, Dean. What’s it going to be?”
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Hehehe I had way too much fun trolling this ‘cold’ grumpy boii! Poor Eugene can’t catch a break! 
Also... Zion’s such a mood in this fic ψ(`∇´)ψ 
Enjoy xx
Dangerous Fellows Christmas Event
Eugene x Reader
🎅 🎄 I  Post-Apocalypse
“EUGENE! STOP… RUNNING!” Legs slowing down from fatigue, totally out of breath, you continue to chase after him.
“NO!” He calls back, zooming in and out of each room as you tail his every move.
“It’ll be cute! I swear!” You plead helplessly, holding out a fuzzy snowman costume toward him.
“Eugeneee! Pleaseee! We’re gonna be late!”
“GOOD! WE’LL JUST STAY HOME THEN!” He rushes past you, sprinting into the bedroom before locking the door behind him.
“Come on, Eugene!” You catch your breath before slumping against the door for support. “Stop being childish! Everyone will be dressed up!”
“I DON’T CARE!” He yells from behind the door. “AND WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE A SNOWMAN?!”
You chuckle lightly, not needing to see his face, you could already picture the cute pout upon his features as he retaliates.
“We all selected from a list! You refused to take part in choosing, so you were left with the snowman nobody wanted!”
You waited patiently for his reply. But as time passed, you were met with nothing but silence. Bringing your ear to the door, you could hear the quiet mumbles of a grumpy Eugene.
Realising you had no other choice, you decide to go with plan B to combat his stubborn resolve.
Pretending to sigh heavily, you slowly begin to walk away while putting on your best discouraged voice.
“Fine! You win! Let me go get changed and then we can go…”
A sinister smile wide upon your lips, you sneakily slip out a newly bought costume from your bag.
A couple minutes go by as Eugene continues to hide himself away.
Exhaling deep, you mask your mischievous grin and casually call out, “OK, EUGENE! I’M DONE! LET’S GO NOW!”
Eyes glued toward the bedroom, you watch as the golden-haired male exits the doorway, a bright triumphant smile upon his lips.
“We’re late now…” You sigh as you pick up your plate of freshly baked cookies, nonchalantly stepping out from behind the counters — now in clear view.
As Eugene’s eyes land on your figure, his winning smile gets utterly washed out by the overwhelming colour of crimson painted over his face.
“ARGH! W-WHAT ARE YOU W-WEARING?!” He stutters, completely paralysed as he shamelessly gawks at your outfit.
Cleavage pushed up to the nines and booty cheeks threatening a full display from the smallest of movements, you simply answer, “My costume?”
You head towards the front door; clad in nothing but lacy red lingerie, a red mini skirt with fluffy white trimming and a simple Santa hat.
As you turn the doorknob, Eugene beelines toward you and slams the door shut. Arms out wide, he shields you from the outside world.
“YOU CALL THAT A COSTUME?!” He questions, totally exasperated as his eyes scan over you in every direction.
“Eugene… we don’t have time for this…” Moving him out of the way, you reach out for the doorknob again before he quickly grabs hold of your arms.
“But… this role is important... Who else will be Santa then?” You ask innocently, tilting your head in fake concern.
He then grabs your hands tight, crouching down before looking up to meet your gaze with pleading amber eyes. “Please, (Y/N)! I’ll do anything, I’ll even wear that dumb snowman costume. Just please don’t wear this out.”
“I’ll put it on right now if you want!” Eugene replies with desperation.
Got him.
Knowing you had him completely wrapped around your finger, you ultimately decide to ease him of his torturous distress. “Well… I guess I might have another outfit somewhere…”
Practically on his knees by now, he pleads once more. “Yes, please… just… anything but that.”
“Okay… I’ll go get changed…”
“Oh, thank god.” Eugene exclaims before slumping down onto the couch.
Taking a small peek at his defeated form as you leave, you witness Eugene laid back — hands covering his red-hot face as his voice is muffled within his palms. “Dammit… she’ll be the death of me.”
At last, you were dressed in the original outfit you had planned to wear all along. Unbeknownst to Eugene, of course. Stepping out into the lounge, you sport a pure white, long feathery dress with a floating halo attached above your head — an entirely opposite theme to the scantily clad fabric you had on just moments before.
Surely, he wouldn’t oppose to leaving with an ‘angel’.
Standing before your spiritually depleted boyfriend, you twirl around merrily before flashing him a glowing grin.
He stares for a moment before shaking his head. “No good… You’re still too cute.”
Astonished over his constant denial, you groan, “Eugene!”
“Fine… at least it won’t skyrocket my blood pressure this time.”
You stare at him as he avoids your eyes. “Your turn.”
Eugene hesitates slightly before sighing, finally grabbing the once abandoned costume. “Why do I feel played…?”
“I look stupid…” Eugene complains, his feet heavy with every step.
“No… you’re adorable!” You giggle as you excitedly skip up to Harry’s doorstep, hearing Eugene sigh for the thousandth time behind you.
Before you could even knock, Harry swings the door open. “Welcome!”
Eugene’s eyes go wide for a moment as he realises what Harry was wearing. You look back and poke your tongue out at him as he groans in defeat. Covered in red and white with a sack of presents to match, Harry gleams happily within his Santa costume. “Merry Christmas, guys!”
“Merry Christmas, Harry!” You beam back wholeheartedly.
“Yeah, yeah…” Eugene sighs once more, dreading the chaos within.
Harry gestures inside, “Come in! Everyone’s already here.”
Stepping into the warmly lit home, you’re both welcomed with an onslaught of greetings and well wishes from all around the room. Your eyes light up with joy as you reunite with the friends you now call ‘family’. Seeing everyone’s festive spirit made you feel right at home.
“HEYYY!!” Zion greets loudly from the kitchen. Stepping out into the lounge, you’re met with the brazenly exposed, half-naked redhead with a gold ribbon tied neatly around his neck. “Aww, well aren’t you guys the cutest?” Zion calls out as you break into hysterical laughter.
“…Aren’t you cold?” Eugene asks, wholly unimpressed, eyes creasing as thin as slits.
“You’re right… it DID get cold all of a sudden…” Zion wraps his arms around his bare form before looking in your direction. “(Y/N), did you HAVE to bring the snow in with you?”
“And… it starts.” Eugene mutters under his breath. Wiping the tears in the corners of your eyes, you try to question his clothing options—or lack thereof—but Eugene beats you to it. “So, what are you meant to be anyway?”
Zion’s eyes go wide with shock, dumbfounded by his simple question. “You can’t tell? Am I not a gift to your eyes?”
The room falls silent. So quiet, you could even hear the soft crackles of the flames within the fireplace.
Zion looks around the room, flabbergasted at everyone’s absent response. “I’m everyone’s Christmas present!”
“Bet you’re full of coal.” Eugene snickers.
“Only if you’ve been bad~” Zion fires back with a wink as he backs away toward the kitchen again, finger gunning the entire way back until he was out of view.
Eugene groans before sighing once more. “Today’s gonna be a long day... Can I take this off now?”
“Nooo! We need to take a family photo with everyone first!” Stopping him from unzipping himself and trying to lighten his sour mood, you nudge Eugene’s side playfully. “Come on! Everyone’s in the Christmas spirit and having fun!”
“Urgh… This is why I hate Christmas…”
You giggle at his predictable response before cheerfully waving back to Ethan and Lawrence sitting by the fire. “Ok, Scrooge. How about we say hello to everyone first and then go grab some food, sound good?”
He’ll be in a better mood after he eats.
“Fine… You know I’m only putting up with this ‘cause I love you, right?”
“I know.” Leaning up on your toes, you give Eugene a quick peck on his cheek. “Thank you, Eugene.”
“Yeah…” He murmurs, scratching the back of his golden tresses awkwardly.
Standing by the dining table filled with traditionally festive dishes, you lovingly feed spoonful’s of pudding to your now content boyfriend. For once, he wasn’t complaining about being here or feeling defensive over his attire. He began to actually enjoy himself as he caught up with everyone.
Well… That was until Zion came back to set down some eggnog on the table.
Coming up beside you, Zion looks toward Eugene before letting out a giant sneeze… a fake one of course. But it was enough to bring Eugene’s mood back to square one.
“Man… the winter breeze sure is howling loud today!” Zion effortlessly ignores him as he snakes an arm around your shoulders. “You know, (Y/N)… since it’s so cold here, I heard that an easy way to warm ourselves is to cuddle each other while being stark nake-”
Before he could finish his sentence, with lightning fast reflexes, Eugene swipes a plastic butter knife from the table and places it by Zion’s cheek. His eyes now dark with murderous intent, voice seething in malice. “Hands.Off.My.Girlfriend.”
Zion immediately takes his hands off of you and raises them up as a sign of mercy. “Whoa… Chill, bro.”
“Ayeee~” Judy chimes in as she reaches out her hand for a synchronised fist bump with the proud redhead.
“Pfft-” Failing to stifle your chuckle, you go into an uncontrollable fit of laughter again, having way too much fun from everyone’s shenanigans.
Eugene snaps his head toward you, a look of utter betrayal in his expression. “Really, (Y/N)? That joke got you too?”
“I’m s-sorry… The timing… was perfect!” You manage to say as you clutch your stomach, giving in to the giggles.
About ready to burn his costume at this point, Eugene barks out, “CAN WE TAKE THIS DAMN PICTURE ALREADY?!”
Now cozy in their everyday clothes—after the chaotic madness of capturing the perfect group photo—the mood was tranquil as everyone chatted amongst themselves.
A moment of calm washed over the both of you as you sat comfortably within Eugene’s embrace by the roaring fire. A glass of warm eggnog within your palms, Eugene rested his chin within the curve of your neck — drained from the constant torment.
“Finally… Zion can leave me alone with his lame ass dad jokes now.”
Feeling somewhat responsible and guilty for putting your boyfriend through such turmoil, you decide to sneakily lead him away to a place that Harry secretly set up for you.
“What are you planning now?” Eugene’s eyebrow raises, underlying skepticism within his voice as you slip away from the party.
Spotting the hanging mistletoe in the hallway ahead, you eagerly drag Eugene over and situate him right underneath. 
“OK! Now, look up!”
Eyes raising toward the ceiling before settling back on your expectant gaze, he smirks roguishly, “If you wanted to kiss me, you could’ve just asked.”
Is it too cliché?
Suddenly feeling horrified by how enthusiastic you were, you cover your rosy cheeks with your palms and attempt to run off. “You’re right! This is dumb!”
“Hey!” Eugene protests as he hastily grabs you by the hand and gently pulls you into his arms, chuckling as he witnesses your bashful demeanour. “It’s only fair if I get to tease you a little too…”
His hand reaches up to caress your cheek, thumb gliding over your mouth as it lingers upon your soft lips. Leaning in close, his hot breath inches from your skin, he whispers, “How are you so adorable?”
Without a moment of hesitation, your eyelids flutter to a close — anticipating the warmth of his lips pressed upon yours.
Just as you were about to close the gap however, a wolf whistle echoes from the end of the hall.
Both taken aback by surprise, you turn your heads to witness a sneering Zion leaning against the wall… watching in amusement. “Oh, ho ho~ Be careful, (Y/N). If this gets any steamier, Olaf over here will melt away!”
Your face burns with embarrassment having been caught in the act of such a lovey-dovey scene. Infuriated by his interruption, Eugene blows up in rage for the... how many times today? You seem to have lost count at this point.
Waving his hand indifferently in dismissal, Zion wanders off, dusting his hands like he had just completed a job well done.
“God, he’s so irritating! How is he everywhere?!” Eugene grumbles as he massages his temples with his fingers.
“Even I’m starting to get annoyed now.” You admit, your eyes falling into aggravated slits at Zion’s retreating form.
“We should have never come…” Eugene pouts, his expression reminding you of a provoked cat.
You wrap your arms around him, hoping to calm him again. You hear him sigh in frustration as he returns your embrace before nuzzling his face into your (h/c) locks. “You know he only teases out of love, right?”
He scoffs at the thought.
Taking his hand in yours, you smile knowingly. “Plus, you don’t need to hide it, I know you enjoyed seeing everyone again.”
His attention shifts to the side, avoiding your gaze as his cheeks grow a subtle blush. “Whatever.”
You couldn’t help but giggle at his innocent response.
“Anyways…” He trails off as his fingers delicately lift your chin upwards. “The only love I need is yours.”
Leaning down a second time, Eugene’s gentle lips press together with yours. Fitting together as perfect as a puzzle, you gasp lightly as he hugs you tighter. 
His scent was... reminiscent of faint firewood.
His lips... tasting of subtle hints of cinnamon.
Every part of him consumed your senses. 
As he grips your chin eagerly, your mouth parts immediately as if by instinct — welcoming his intoxicating tongue.
Contrary to what Zion believed, Eugene’s kiss left your body melting under his every touch.
As your lips part ways with his,  Eugene’s eyes were met with your fervent gaze — his eyebrows furrowing in response. “Can we go home now?”
Misunderstanding his intentions, you fail to hide your sadness. “You hated the party that much?”
“It’s not that… It was good to see everyone. But, I just… wanna spend some time with you now, (Y/N)…”
“O-Oh…Okay.” You stutter. He wasn’t usually this forward or honest, and it left you feeling a little shy. The prior hours, as you dragged on your stay, made you somewhat apologetic toward him. “I’m sorry for making you wear that costume.”
His eyes go wide before smiling warmly. “It’s fine… as long as you had fun.”
A bubbly grin on your face, you beam, “I did! Thank you, Eugene!”
Eugene chuckles quietly in response as he ruffles your hair. “Anyways, I guess it was worth it.” He then clears his throat uncomfortably. “…You looked beautiful today.”
“Only today?” You question; your tone, playful.
Eyes closing from exhaustion due to everyone’s constant lively energy, he sighs deeply as he rests his forehead against yours. “Give me a break already… You know what I mean.”
Tittering softly, you slowly nod against him.
“Don’t even start me on that lacy shit you had on this morning…” Eugene then looks up abruptly, confusion clear on his handsome features. “Wait… You tricked me! What was that outfit for anyway? Harry was Santa…”
Giggling radiantly at the memory of your prank, you reply, “It’s a gift!”
Eugene’s eyebrows raise in curiosity before you leaned closer to clarify, “But only for your eyes…”
“Ah…” Eugene places a hand on his mouth, turning his face toward the wall and averting his gaze — hiding the faint blush upon his skin.
He then clears his throat again before looking at you in a suspicious stare. “You’re not gonna chase me around again and say you bought it for me to wear, are you?”
Although you found the idea quite tempting, you smile sincerely. “I think I’ve teased you enough for one day.”
Taking your hand in his, he leads you away from the mistletoe and out of the halls. Pink hues decorate your cheeks as you anticipate a festive night, spent only in the arms of one another.
x luna
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highladyluck · 3 years
For the fic title meme: Lay Down Your Crown and Sword
So, I was thinking maybe this is about Aviendha's feelings about Rand when they're in the Aiel Waste... just kidding, I know what the people want from me.
Wheel of Time, Mat/Tuon, post-canon, ANGST. This is one take on a scenario where Mat attempts to achieve his stated relationship goal, which is convincing Tuon to abdicate and run away with him.
(This sucker is LONG and SPOILERY so I’m putting it under a cut.)
It's ~2 months after the Last Battle. There's growing danger to Tuon- an almost-successful assassination attempt (my money's on Moghedien) that scares Mat, Selucia, the Deathwatch, and maybe even Tuon herself, just a little. The sul'dam secret is leaking out and emboldening the faction that wants to kill her, there's worry it'll lead to local rebellion, plus there's still the Seanchan homeland power struggle. Mat uses all this to convince Tuon that she needs to lie low for a while. His idea is for her to fake her own death, install a puppet successor secretly loyal to her, and go hide out with him in a place no one will be able to find them for a few months.
She's not thrilled about it initially, but it's not like she hasn't faked her own death before (love that about her!) so she agrees to Mat's plan, which is 'hang out in a Portal Stone alternate timeline'. (Mat would not come up with this on his own, Mat does not like Portal Stones, but Min suggested it and he eventually agreed it would suit their needs.) Tuon would prefer something where she could keep an eye on political conditions more easily, but she feels safe with Mat & appreciates that this is definitely a secure option, and she's been out of contact with home base before for a while and been fine. Selucia stays in the palace, to keep an eye on things and do intrigue (and also give Mat and Tuon actual alone time- I am entertained by the grudging truce between Mat and Selucia, but her chaperone services are not needed this time around.)
They've got an official pickup scheduled in a few months, about a month before Tuon's due; Mat thought about waiting more time to go back but he'd rather have the option to call in trusted medical help for the birth and he wants to leave a wide margin of error for the actual due date. He intends to rope in Nyneave if it seems necessary, although he doubts he'll be lucky enough that Nyneave would help Tuon out of the goodness of her heart or even as a favor to him. More likely Nyneave's help would cost Tuon in political concessions, which he will have to either convince Tuon to accept- assuming she's in a position to make that kind of choice- or negotiate on her behalf, if she's in too much immediate danger. Either scenario keeps him up at night, but the alternative is worse. Also, he hasn't run this contingency plan by Tuon yet- likely because he isn't totally against the idea of extracting political concessions from Tuon, so there's guilt as well as fear of how she'd react. The other thing Tuon doesn't realize about this vacation plan is that Mat is hoping to convince her to move there forever- if it's nice- or at least to keep faking her death and start a new life with him somewhere in disguise in their reality.
The Portal Stone world is one that's relatively close to their world, so it has people and feels fairly familiar, but the apocalypse hasn't happened yet and doesn't appear to be doing so in the near future. (For fun let's say the obvious divergence is Damodred-related; maybe the non-asshole Damodred branch is in charge, so you don't get Laman's Sin and/or Tigrane is actually happy in her political marriage, so the Dragon hasn't been reborn yet.) Tuon's ok with the 'vacation' vibe at first, we get some cute romantic bonding moments between her and Mat as they do normal people things, they have some cute dates in taverns or whatever. But Tuon becomes increasingly bored and anxious and frustrated about not being able to keep tabs on what's happening- probably some residual trauma from the last time she went AWOL with Mat, and came back to find her homeland in shambles and her family dead. So that's a source of conflict, especially since she doesn't actually confide that in Mat. She also keeps wanting to hash out political/military plans for when they get back, but Mat keeps trying to distract her, or makes arguments she doesn't like (re: Seanchan policy reform). Maybe Mat brings up the Nyneave contingency plan because he got worried about her health, and Tuon's like 'uh how long have you been sitting on this idea, when the fuck were you going to run it past me, the person it most concerns?'
Their relationship has always had an element of conflict in it, but back then they were strangers, had rules of engagement constraining them, and a kind of shared purpose. Their conflict was a kind of game that they played together, and it drew them closer. Now they know how to get under each other's skin and aren't constrained by witnesses or promises, and they have a shared mission (keeping Tuon safe) but don't agree on who is in charge of it. What's holding them together still is their own compassion and affection for each other, but they're not great at communicating it with words and now they're using words as weapons sometimes, so most of the reconciling is with gestures/gifts/actions. In general, things are tense and there's not much going on outside of their own interactions to distract them; Tuon's temper is flaring, she's feeling powerless and like her personal integrity is being attacked sometimes; Mat's being propelled around by his gut reactions and he's scared of losing her (and the baby), in any number of ways, and mad that she doesn't want what he thinks is best.
Finally the scheduled transit date arrives and they pop back to their original universe and get caught up on the news (maybe from Min?) Over in Seanchan, possibly emboldened by news of Tuon's 'death', a warlord has consolidated most of the warring factions. Now they know who to go after, and a war in Seanchan would help unify the Seanchan in the westlands; the Seanchan military-industrial complex loves a good patriotic war. Things domestically are a little better than before they left. Selucia flushed out the network from the earlier assassination attempt and is generally keeping things running and the puppet ruler honest.
Tuon's relieved; she was really worried that everything was going to fall apart when she was gone and now she's kind of grateful for the break. She tries to tell Mat this without actually admitting that she's got trauma around it, because the Empress doesn't admit weakness and Tuon the person is extremely bad at talking about feelings anyway; she's like "Ah, that's much better news than I came back to last time you kidnapped me. I'm glad to be back to work again, let's get to it." Mat's irritable, not catching on that she was actually really worried about it based on her previous experience, and thinking she didn't appreciate the break, and also worried that his plans to convince her to leave with him aren't going to work. Tuon catches that he's cagey and unhappy and not getting her jokes, and she remembers that this was what he seemed like when she first saw him in the Tarasin Palace. Mat argues that they should at least wait until the baby comes, that the person she put in charge is doing well, they can certainly let them rule a while longer. He says he's not sure it's the right time to attack Seanchan, he'd need to check the troops out, sniff out local sentiment. He's not decisive or commanding or focused when he says these things- it's stalling, it's bravado covering panic. It dawns on her- oh shit, he's gonna run.
Tuon's spooked. She KNOWS Mat now, but that doesn't mean she knows what to do to hang on to him. She doesn't know how to deal with a loss of control in her personal life, so she turns to what she knows she can control- the empire, her role, her property. She takes refuge in past promises. She tells him they will discuss the disposition of the army and the prosecution of the war in Seanchan once her heir is born and she's officially 'off the hook'. Mat looks grim.
Tuon wanted to announce that she's back immediately, but she starts having contractions and Mat's like 'you are absolutely not going to return from the dead right this second, you're super vulnerable right now.' They stay in a relatively secret spot in Tuon's territory with a small coterie of loyal retainers until the baby is born; it goes fine. There is one (1) cute bonding moment between Tuon and the baby and Mat; then the baby vanishes. Mat was on guard along with the usual people you'd expect to be on guard (not Karede, Selucia, or Min though). Tuon FUCKING KNOWS Mat did it with Aes Sedai help, she's initially furious and betrayed, but Mat isn't admitting it and within the extremely tight circle of people who know about the vanished baby, he's doing a reasonably convincing job looking as freaked out and upset as everyone else, and she's still hoping she can resolve this privately without any drastic public actions.
She takes Mat to a private place and she tells him that she has always, always been able to trust him. She trusts him so much it terrifies her. She does not know if this is what love is, but it is what she feels for him. She asks him to honor that, to honor himself, and not to lie to her. She then asks him why he kidnapped their child. Mat staggers, and blurts out that he can't bear the thought of their children constantly at risk of assassination, from strangers or their own siblings. He has nightmares about their child beginning to channel, or being able to learn, and what that means for them in the Empire. Tuon's made her choice and he'll respect that, though he hates the risks to her, and what the Empire does to her and others. But their child deserves the choice Tuon didn't have. He loves Tuon, but he cannot love the Empire, and he will not fight in the Empire's wars, and he will not let the Empire own his children, whether that's as royalty, sul'dam, or damane. He says he trusts she'll come to the right decision about what to do with this information.
The next scene has Tuon in mourning white. It's neither Tuon's nor Mat's POV- probably Karede, or maybe Min. In front of the whole court Tuon, as Empress back from the dead, bestows the Bloodknives ring and blessing on Knotai, and orders him to take a few members of the Deathwatch (the ones on watch the night the baby vanished, our observer notes) and assassinate the warlord in Seanchan on her behalf. She says she trusts he will succeed. They stare inscrutably at each other. The court is shocked into silence at first, but the whispers rise behind Mat as he straightens from his extraordinarily polite leg and heads out of the chamber. It is left up to the reader to decide if this is an elaborate plan to fake Mat's death and set him free, or his execution.
--- You may notice this is suspiciously fleshed out for a prompt I received this afternoon. XD I've been kicking around some of this premise for a while, though this ask made me finally come up with the circumstances that get Tuon to actually agree to temporarily leave her job, as well as most of the details. The main emotional beats came from stringing together several Mountain Goats songs, because of course it did. The whole sequence is Twin Human Highway Flares, Riches and Wonders (Eliza Rickman cover), Alpha Incipiens, Fault Lines, New Britain, Family Happiness. I’m not sure if I’ll actually turn this into a finished story with description and dialogue and everything, but it’s possible. This is also not the only Mat/Tuon post-canon idea I have kicking around! It’s not my ideal scenario for them for sure, but it’s a lot easier to write a ‘bad ending’ for them than to work on my ‘good ending’, because I have a lot more emotional investment in the ‘good ending’... perfectionist problems. :/
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tashaalyssa · 4 years
Our Earth-Bound Angel: An Open Letter to Misha Collins
September 18, 2008. It was a Thursday.
A simple, ordinary day. Most of us went to work, or school and when we came home, we were so excited to sit down and watch the new episode of this little show we were all kind of obsessed with called Supernatural. You might have heard of it, two annoyingly handsome brothers, a ’67 chevy impala, saving people, hunting things, the family business? Yeah, that’s the one. All I remember is having a ton of uni work to do, and Supernatural was always one of my favourite ways to procrastinate starting my assignments. Little did I know that on this particular Thursday, I and the rest of the world, including the Winchesters, would be introduced to a strange, stoic, ocean-blue-eyed, trench coat wearing being by the name of Castiel, Angel of the Lord.
As I sit here today, in November of 2020, hands down the strangest year I have been alive to witness and fifteen years after this incredible, groundbreaking show aired, I wait with anticipation, heartbreak and a grateful heart as the final episode hits our screens. I’m on the rollercoaster of emotions, as is the rest of the SPN family. Sam and Dean Winchester, and Castiel, have been so much more than television characters to so many people. They’ve been role models, safe places, escapes, friends we could always turn too when we felt alone. They’ve fought heaven, hell and everything in between, all while helping us fight the demons that a lot of us deal with everyday; depression, anxiety, repression, silence, violence, cruelty and bullying. Which brings me to why I'm writing this epistle. 
While Supernatural and it’s characters have been a crux of support, for me, there has been one soul at the centre of what I can only describe as a shift in perspective, mindset and spirituality that has changed the way I think, the way I live my life, the way I perceive the world and the way in which I am consciously aware. That soul is Misha Collins. 
Misha is the kind, genuine, incredible, humble human being who brought Castiel to life. He took this iconic angel through his journey from stoic, unwavering, unfeeling solider to the caring, loving, brave, loyal man he is today. Cas gave all of us who lived in the shadows a voice, he was a lost soul who fought for good, for love and for family at every turn. He discovered himself, he figured out right from wrong, figured out emotions, how to be and how to love, he figured out what truly made him happy, his love for a single human being. Cas is the embodiment of growth, of acceptance and of love. He is, and will forever be, one of the most groundbreaking characters to ever grace our screens (pun not intended, but I'll take it), and it's an astonishing and beautiful legacy to leave behind.
But the real earth-bound angel is Misha, the person. 
Misha has impacted and changed so many lives all around the world, not just with his character, but with who he is, what he fights for, and how he inspires. When he speaks, we listen. Where he leads, we follow. He has changed my life in monumental ways and it's interesting to think that a single person, who I've never even had the privilege to meet in person, has been able to change my entire life for the better. There is nobody quite like Misha; he's a change maker, an advocate, an educator, an activist, a philanthropist, an absolute force to be reckoned with. I’ve never seen someone who uses their power and platform of celebrity the way he does; to fight for good, to fight for change and truly make a difference on both massive and small scales. He has brought about more kindness, and more social and political change than I ever thought possible. 
In 2010, Misha, with help from the SPN Family, founded a non-profit organisation called Random Acts, which was the result of an immediate need to help those who had been affected by the earthquakes in Haiti at the time. Random Acts is an entirely volunteer-run organisation aiming to inspire change and help make a difference in people’s lives through acts of kindness. I have been working at Random Acts going on four years now. In that time, I have seen and been apart of so much good, so much kindness, it has truly lifted my soul and filled my heart at a deep level. I’ve been able to work with some of the greatest human beings on the planet, and many of them who have become close friends. Those who I can talk too when things are rough, those who know life can be hard, but they always have your back. I cherish them, I feel blessed everyday to know them, and without Misha and his desire to do good, I would never have found this amazing family. How does one even begin to say thank you for that?
For those of you who don’t know much about Random Acts, we are a non-profit organisation dedicated to conquering the world with kindness, one act at a time - and let me tell you, that’s exactly what we’re doing. The people in this organisation work tirelessly to save the world every single day. We’ve helped suffering communities rebuild their towns, homes and schools, our partnerships with GISH* and The Legacy of War Foundation* in the Change A Life project has seen over $750,000 raised for those in need. Let’s also not forget the development of the  Random Acts COVID-19 Support Program and the SPN Family Crisis Support Network*, which is dedicated to promoting awareness and providing resources to all those suffering from mental health issues, self-harm, depression, bullying and addiction. This year we are celebrating 10 years of kindness, and if you would like to know more about how to get involved or contribute to our anniversary campaign, you can do so here: https://www.randomacts.org/ten-years-of-kindness/  
But wait, there’s more, because that’s just who Misha is, like I said, a force to be reckoned with. Let’s face it, 2020 has been a nightmare on an epic scale; COVID,  racism, violence, the U.S presidency and the election, you name it, we’ve done it. Throughout this year, most of us felt our hope slip away bit by bit, the more we tried to fight, the more it felt like we lost. It felt as though the world was burning and we couldn’t do a damn thing to stop it. I think I finally understood how Sam, Dean and Cas felt at the brink of every apocalypse they ever faced, because that is truly what this year was; the apocalypse. But whenever things got really tough, whenever I didn’t know what to do, or how to react or how to make it better, I knew I could turn to Misha, because he would have the answer. His light, his wisdom and his capacity for hope and goodness was never short of a miracle, and it was what got me through most of those gut-wrenching, 'I can’t do this’ days. 
Misha is the type of person who acts on what he believes in, he is the person encouraging people to vote, providing resources and the information needed to make sure your votes were counted. He has had Random Acts volunteers bring snacks to people who were waiting in voting lines, he rallied his friends and the SPN Family to set up the SPN Phone Bank, he hosted the SPNVotes Zoom GOTV rally and episode watch party, and has provided us with Senate candidates and House of Representatives candidates lives and zoom talks so we can be as informed as possible. And that was just for the election. When the Black Lives Matter movement was at it’s height, Misha did everything in his power to educate, to assist and to fight for the rights of others: the GISH Change A Life project raised over $50,000 to fight malaria in Africa with Nothing But Nets and over $122,000 for Cut50 and Dream Corps' to help fight for criminal justice reform, he also provided us with access to discussions with senators and prominent leaders in social change so that we can be educated and so we can educate others on the serious issues that plague our society. 
I could go on and on about this man, because the above only scratches the surface of what Misha has done for the world. I have never had someone impact my way of thinking and way of being on such an epic scale. Most of you who know me know that first and foremost, I’m an actor and I’m a writer. The inspiration that Misha has brought to my creative process is a feat in itself. To be able to watch an actor take a guest-star role and turn it into not just a main character, but a phenomenal example of development, growth and creativity has forever changed the way I approach a script and a character. The choices I’ve seen Misha make as Cas, all versions of, have both truly astounded and surprised me, I look up to Misha as an actor because he’s so uniquely creative. He’s not afraid to try things, he’s not afraid to push the envelope and get out of his comfort zones. He knows character and story so very well, he knows exactly how to use the full spectrum of emotions exactly when needed, and he has what I can only think to describe as ‘presence’, as ‘energy’ that radiates off the screen. Watching Misha play, develop and grow the essence that is Cas’ has been an educating and enlightening experience to watch as an actor. 
For me as a human being, Misha has flipped the way I view the world and humanity on its head. He has this unbridled passion for life - and I don’t just mean in the sense that he loves life - I mean in the way where being around him, or listening to him, makes every person accountable for kindness and responsible for change. It’s not possible to follow Misha as a person and as an actor without being so heavily impacted by his views, his life, his art, his work, his capacity for good, everything. You don’t see that everyday. We don’t have enough of those kinds of leaders in our lives, and in a world where division and chaos is rife, people like Misha are our chance to save it. He is already so heavily impacting the way in which the next generation is going to behave, they are turning to him now to see how to be, what to do, how to make the world better. And he is teaching them and showing them the way and I couldn’t be prouder to call this man my idol.
So this is my thank you, in the best way I know how. In case nobody’s told you lately Misha, you are one of a kind. They broke the mould when they made you. You are the kindest, most inspiring soul and this world is so lucky and so blessed to have you. I feel privileged that I get to share a planet with you, and that I get to be living on this earth at the same time as you. You’ve changed the world, changed me, and changed all of us for the better.  You’ve opened our eyes to issues and concerns, whether it be social, environmental, political or otherwise that we may not have understood or given much thought to before you showed us why we should. You’ve made us feel safe, you’ve given us the space and room to be ourselves, to not be ashamed of being different or unique. You have never judged us, but you have always encouraged and supported us. You have this beautiful way of talking to people, of using words to encourage and inspire and motivate us to be the change, to do the good, and to fight the fight.  You light up any room you’re in or screen that you’re on, you make us smile and laugh, and when we feel down or low, it is you we turn too. Maybe you truly do have angel grace inside of you. You are the example to which I live my life by, and the standard to which I hold myself accountable. I hope one day to be even half the human being you are. I’m beyond grateful for everything you’ve taught me, about life, about acting, about being a good human, about being yourself and being the good you want to see in the world.
Thank you for Cas. Thank you for Random Acts and the Crisis Network. Thank you for GISH and the Change A Life project. Thank you for teaching me how to be better. Thank you for caring about the world. Thank you for your hope, wisdom and kindness. Thank you for changing the world. Thank you for saving our lives. Thank you for changing my life. Thank you for being you.
Some heroes don’t wear capes, some wear trenchcoats. 
You are my hero. You are truly an angel, there is no fiction about that.
I love you.
* GISH: The Greatest International Scavenger Hunt, also founded and run by Misha, is an annual event that mixes the weird, the magical, the strange and the brilliant into one big machine that uses playfulness and creativity to spread kindness: https://www.gish.com/ 
* The Legacy of War Foundation: Co-founded by the incredible soul that is Giles Duley, to help empower and rebuild the lives of those who have been affected by conflict and violence: https://www.legacyofwarfoundation.com/ 
* SPN Family Crisis Network: Founded by Misha and fellow actors, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki upon listening to the stories told to them by the fans about their  personal struggles with mental health issues, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts/attempts, self-harm, and addiction in order to support and help fans cope with such issues: https://www.imalive.org/, https://twloha.com/, and https://www.randomacts.org/random-acts-support-network/ 
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comixconnection · 3 years
Choose Your Three Free Comics!
At long, long last...Free Comic Book Day is here! Unlike the usual “first Saturday in May” celebration that has defined the even in normal years, due to issues with the ongoing pandemic the folks in charge have decided to move this year’s celebration back to August 14th. Want a sneak-peak at the books...?
The following titles will be available at Comix Connection on Aug 14th (while supplies last!). Everybody gets to pick three! Unlike previous years, we will NOT be accepting FOOD DONATIONS in exchange for additional comics. Instead we will be collecting monetary donations to give to the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank. For every DOLLAR donates, you may select an additional free comic book!
We know the line for the FCBD comics can get long (if you want to come in and shop first, you can skip the line and head straight inside!) so in an effort to both entertain you while you’re in that long line and to help it go a little faster by giving you a preview of the various titles so you can decide ahead of time what looks good, the Comix Connection Counter Monkeys have read and reviewed all of the available FCBD books! Take a peek!
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One hundred years before the Skywalker Saga began, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy! In this prelude to the ongoing Star Wars: High Republic Adventures comic series, follow padawans Ram Jomaram, Lula Talisola, and Zeen Mrala as they try to save Lonisa City from the dreaded Nihil. Also read the beginning of Star Wars: High Republic Adventures #1! [All Ages]
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“Two brand-new adventures from the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender! In Clearing the Air, Tenzin attempts to teach his rambunctious children a lesson Aang taught him about how to resolve conflicts. In Match Makers, Iroh runs into some trouble with a few friends...that just might lead him to something fun he’s been trying to hide from!” [All Ages]
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Who Sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott? gives a sample of the upcoming graphic novel by the same name, a tale telling the true story of the “Mother of the Civil Rights Movement,” Rosa Parks! This excerpt features the immediate aftermath of Rosa’s arrest, and her decision to start a legal battle that would change the course of American freedom! [All Ages]
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“There's nothing better than a beautiful sunny day reading comics, so join us for a look at this summer's fantastic all-ages reads, courtesy of Oni Press! From the gentle, magical worlds of The Tea Dragon Tapestry (by K. O'Neill) and The Sprite and the Gardner (by Rii Abrego and Joe Whitt), the adventurous magical mystery of Mooncakes (by Suzanne Walker and Wendy Xu), and the action-packed Jonna and the Unpossible Monsters (Chris and Laura Samnee), there's something for everyone. Sneak a peek at these four fantastic fantasy graphic novels!” [All Ages]
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Sonic is 30 years old! Celebrate the anniversary of the world’s fastest hedgehog with this peek into the ongoing Sonic comic series. Things get meta when Amy Rose starts drawing a comic about Sonic, Tails, and their friends...but what will Sonic think when he finds out he’s been turned into a comic book? Prepare for the big 30th Anniversary Sonic Celebration here! [All Ages]
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It's the crisis of infinite Archies! Celebrate 80 years of the Riverdale Gang with this tale featuring a dimension-hopping Archie Andrews in his quest to save the multiverse. Then, witness Archie go toe-to-toe with... himself?! May the best Archie win! Plus, get a preview of the newest Archie One-Shot in shops! This title includes several versions of Archie (from classic to TV to horror) and showcases his evolution as a character over eight decades, all while being a tie-in to the company's 80th Anniversary plans. [All Ages]
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“Despite the pandemic and the swirl of world events, back issue comics are booming! It's not all record prices (though there are many) or bargain basement deals, but rather it's many different categories! The team that brings you The Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide shines the spotlight on this exciting part of the universe of comic books. Includes tips on how to collect, care for your comics, and preserve them, among other things.” [All Ages]
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“Get a sneak peek at book four in the bestselling InvestiGators series! With agent Brash trapped in a mysterious coma, the technicians at S.U.I.T. have designed the ultimate replacement: RoboBrash! This high-tech replica has been programmed with all of the original Brash's crime-fighting skills and know-how--but it seems he's got a few bugs in his system! Will Mango and his new partner be enough to stop the giant ants that are on a rampage in the city? Orchestrated by the spaced-out villain, Maestronaut, and Houdino, the dinosaur escape artist, it seems criminals are certainly upping the ANT-e!” [All Ages]
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“My name is Grace, not ‘Kyle's little sister’!” Having a good-looking, friendly, outgoing older brother sucks--especially when you're the total opposite: someone who likes staying home and playing video games. Your parents like him better (even if they deny it!) and everyone calls you "Kyle's little sister" while looking disappointed that you're not more like him. Grace was really hoping she'd get to go to a different middle school, but no such luck. At least she has her friends...until he finds a way to ruin that, too! What will Grace have to do to get out of his shadow?! [All Ages]
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Jewish mythology has it that when God created the universe, He left one corner of it unfinished. Opinion is divided on why, but everyone agrees that the Unfinished Corner is a dangerous place full of monsters. Twelve-year-old Miriam is too busy preparing for her Bat Mitzvah to care about the Unfished Corner. She spends her days wrestling with whether she even wants to be Jewish--until a peculiar angel appears, whisking her, her two best friends, and her worst frenemy off to this monstrous land with one mission: finish the Unfinished Corner. [All Ages]
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“The City of Gloomhaven isn't "safe" at the best of times, but lately, more folks than usual seem to be disappearing. In a city paralyzed by an unknown menace, only one adventuring crew will do: The Jaws of the Lion! Based on the hit games, Gloomhaven and Jaws of the Lion from Cephalofair Games, comes a fantasy adventure with humor and heart.” [All Ages]
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The Last Kids on Earth and their friends each tell their own best story of the Monster Apocalypse, including Jack's high-stakes baseball game, Globlet's attempt to take over the world, Quint's bad-day-away invention, Dirk's bragain with a witch, and June and Skaelka's creepy carnival--plus a surprise story from some bad guys on the run... [All Ages]
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Being the new kid is tough, even for a superhero/ward and heir to a billionaire, Damian Wayne (aka Robin)! Join Damian as he struggles to learn patience and understanding from the students at Gotham Metro Academy, including star student and all-around Great Guy, Howard! Plus, an adventure of Amethyst, princess of the mystical realm of Gemworld by bestselling authors Shannon Hale and Dean Hale! [All Ages]
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To celebrate the new animated TV series premiering on Nickelodeon Fall 2021, Papercutz is releasing a new series of graphic novels entitled The Smurfs Tales. Preview it here with a number of silly short Smurfs Tales, with a back-up appearance by one of Peyo’s other beloved creations: Johan and Peewit, the young page and the court jester. [All Ages]
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In Edge of Balance, a new High Republic story set in the wake of the Hyperspace Disaster, meet new Jedi and their enemies 100 years before the events of the Skywalker Saga! Young Jedi Knight Lily Tora-Asi is assigned to help displaced civilians relocate to Banchii in the Outer Rim. She and her padawans will face more threats there than just anxious settlers, from the insidious Drengir to the Nihil! And in Guardian of the Whills, encounter Baze and Chirrut before they join the Rebellion against the Empire in Rogue One! Presiding over the Kyber Temple on Jedha, the Guardians of the Whills had hoped to maintain the balance despite the growing presence of the Empire in their Holy City. Yet when a rebel named Saw Gerrera appears, Baze and Chirrut must decide if they're willing to compromise for peace, or if Saw's plan is too dangerous to risk. Read the first chapter of these two new Star Wars Manga Graphic Novels here! [Teen]
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It wouldn’t be the Teen Titans without heightened teenage emotions and romance! Fan favorites Beast Boy and Raven are travelling away from the dwellings they know to find homes they can feel comfortable in. Along the way, their paths cross, sparks fly, and even a destiny or two might be found. [Teen]
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“Street Fighter heads back to school, as the world's young fighters flex both their academic and martial arts prowess! Fan favorites Sakura, Ibuki, Karin, Makoto, and Elena come face-to-face with a new challenger - the leather-clad, motorcycle-riding Akira! It's a square-off of (rival) schools in this action-packed one-shot!” [Teen]
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[NOT FINAL ART] “This Fall, jump on board here as VALIANT UPRISING overthrows the status quo with new titles, new creators, and new takes on Valiant's most iconic characters! The VALIANT UPRISING FCBD SPECIAL features: A brand new X-O MANOWAR story from Harvey Award-winning writer Dennis Hopeless and breakout star Emilio Laiso. It's the perfect jumping-on point as Valiant's flagship hero prepares to "Upgrade the World"! Then, get a special advance preview of THE HARBINGER #1, an all-new series from co-writers Jackson Lanzing and Colin Kelly join superstar artist Robbi Rodriguez that promises to take Valiant's psiot rebel in a vivid new direction! Plus, find out how the world's greatest spy responds to being unmasked, hunted, and trapped in a first look at NINJAK #1, the pulse-pounding thrill ride from Ringo Award-winning writer Jeff Parker and legendary artist Javier Pulido. Finally, get a sneak peek from writer Cullen Bunn and artist Jon Davis-Hunt of what's to come when SHADOWMAN returns!” [Teen]
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Three epic new Marvel moments begin here! Read the beginning of the upcoming Spider-Man Beyond story that will be starting in Amazing Spider-Man #75! Big changes are coming to everyone’s friendly neighborhood Spider-Man...but are they for good, or ill? Also discover the new Venom series, which will take spider symbiosis to whole new levels in the wake of King In Black. And last, sneak a peek at the Luke Cage: City On Fire mini-series, which will pit Luke against not just the Kingpin, but Daredevil too! [Teen]
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Gotham is under attack, and it’s by the people claiming to keep it safe! Billionaire Simon Saint has slowly been taking over the institutions of Gotham with his insidious private security Magistrate program. Meanwhile, Batman finds his mind infected by Scarecrow’s fear gas, forcing him to question every decision he makes. It is all leading to the DC-spanning event FEAR STATE that will rock Gotham to its core. Plus, read a preview of Oscar-winning screenwriter John Ridely’s I Am Batman series in which the sons of Lucius Fox struggle with the legacy of both their father and Bruce Wayne as they take up the cowl to defend Gotham. [Teen]
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Who is Avenger Prime? And what has spurred the chronal collapse that has them sending their army of Deathloks out to save all of space and time? Discover the start of the end here! Then, journey into the unknown with the Incredible Hulk! Bruce Banner never wanted to smash, he wanted to discover. Now, it’s finally time for the Hulk to expand his horizons with Operation: Smashtronaut! [Teen]
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In this story from Critical Role, explore a small but important corner from the adventures of the Mighty Nein. Then, in The Witcher, it's an original tale featuring the iconic witcher himself, Geralt! Created in close collaboration with CD Projekt Red! [Teen]
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A fascinating graphic adaptation of historian Timothy Snyder’s book On Tyranny, a collections of essays and reflections on lessons from history and how they can help America steer away from the course of authoritarianism. Recommended for anyone looking to learn more about how tyrants all through history have manipulated people and systems to take away the freedoms of others. [Teen]
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“Side A: "BLACK: Interlude" What else was going on the night Kareem Jenkins was shot by police and discovered only Black people have superpowers? Find out in this FCBD one-shot! Side B: "CALEXIT: Hollywood Babylon" Once California refused to be ruled by the US government, its resistance fighters became overnight celebrities. Zora used her infamy for recruiting, but Emmie-X has other ideas.” [Mature]
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In 2019, James Tynion IV (Batman) and Werther Dell'Edera (Briggs Land) introduced the world to Erica Slaughter, the iconic monster hunter who came to Archer's Peak, Wisconsin to save the town's children from the monsters only she can see. But Erica is not the only member of the House of Slaughter... With nearly half a million copies sold, Something is Killing the Children has become a true comic phenomenon and this Free Comic Book Day you are invited to enter the House of Slaughter...if you dare. [Teen]
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Crewed by teenage geniuses frozen in cryosleep, the JEMISON is on a mission to terraform other worlds and provide hope for the human race. But when the ship is mysteriously stopped over a planet that isn't on any of their maps, the crew finds themselves suddenly awoken ten years early. One half remains behind to try and assess the damage and the other is dispatched to the planet below to figure out the answer to a perilous question: What stopped the ship, and is it friend or foe? [Teen]
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As the earth dies, salvation is offered to five thousand children who will be spirited away from our planet’s apocalypse -- but what of the other children, still hoping to find one of the bracelets that give them their ticket off planet? In this wistful one-shot from the sci-fi hit We Live, go into the Broken Lands with a group of friends...but there are four of them, and only one bracelet to be found. How will they decide who gets to leave? Then, preview the Rainbow Bridge graphic novel where Andy has to help his beloved dog Rocket save eternity! [Teen]
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“The comic adventures of Max, Chloe, and Rachel from the award-winning video game Life Is Strange continue in this exclusive lead-in to an epic new story arc! This FCBD special features the first comic book appearance of an all-new character who will feature heavily in the Life is Strange universe in 2021! This FCBD issue contains exclusive original material!” [Teen]
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“To reclaim the Dungeon that fell to the scheming William Delacour, the plan is simple: Marvin the dragon, Isis, and Herbert the duck must find some magic “fugus purit” and use it to dislodge the current occupants of the fortress. But is this really the Guardian's plan? Our heroes will have to fight against everyone to save the Dungeon. Meanwhile, will Marvin succeed in his engagement blast-of-firebreath 'Tong Deum'? Preview the new series here!” [Teen]
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See the next chapter of the super-powered scifi epic The Resistance, and then meeet the “Moths”: a subset of the super-powered Reborn. The pandemic that granted the Reborn their gifts during The Great Death gave power to people like  Emily Kai and the rest of the Moths, too...but the moment they use their gifts, their clock starts ticking and they have six months to live. Also, get a sneak-peek at the just-released Not All Robots futuristic techno-depressive-thriller! [Teen]
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The second semester of School for Extraterrestrial Girls is in session! Peer into the lives of Tara Smith (fire lizard!), Misako Sato (extra-dimensional fairy!), Summer Cortez (pink tentacle void beast!), and Ekaterina and Zvenislava (anthropomorphic Russian kittens!). They’re all normal teenage girls...except that they’re all aliens stuck on Earth, and since Tara partially destroyed their old school they’ve been sent to bunk at the School for Extraterrestrial Boys while it’s repaired...that’ll go fine, right? Read the first issue here! [Teen]
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This official spinoff manga of Rent-A-Girlfriend, the rom-com turned hit anime, features fan-favorite Sumi, the shy girl longing to come out of her shell. Written and illustrated by original creator Reiji Miyajima! Catch up on the manga before the Rent-A-Girlfriend anime returns for a second season, coming soon! [Teen]
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Zom 100 is a violent and funny take on the zombie apocalypse! Its main character, Akira, is so depressed in his soul-crushing job that he uses the undead hordes as motivation to finally complete his bucket list! Also included is a sample of the hit fantasy manga Demon Slayer. [Teen]
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“Known as the the Weakest Hunter of All Mankind, E-rank hunter Jinwoo Sung's contribution to raids amounts to trying not to get killed. Unfortunately, between his mother's hospital bills, his sister's tuition, and his own lack of job prospects, he has no choice but to continue to put his life on the line. So when an opportunity arises for a bigger payout, he takes it...only to come face-to-face with a being whose power outranks anything he's ever seen! With the party leader missing an arm and the only healer a quivering mess, can Jinwoo somehow find them a way out?” [Teen]
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In the small Pennsylvania town of White Ash, there isn’t much going on aside from mining...and keeping the fact that there are elves and dwarves living in the town secret, of course! In this pre-launch of Season Two of the ongoing series, a romantic rendezvous for the grieving dwarf Alex and mischievous elf Lillian doesn’t go as planned...with potentially disastrous consequences! Also read a preview of The Game, a new series where your every action affects impacts the score of your life! Plus a sneak-peak at some vampiric troubles in colonial America in Stake! [Teen]
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World of Zorro gives readers a peak at the upcoming titles for the legendary masked swashbuckler, both new stories (that range from the familiar to supernatural horror) as well as newly-translated classic tales! [Teen]
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For FREE COMIC BOOK DAY, enjoy this special expanded edition of the hit IMAGE series, STRAY DOGS! Stray Dogs is a comic thriller that features art inspired by classic Don Bluth-style animation, telling the story of a group of dogs brought together by a mysterious loner. Rather than behave like four-legged humans, the brilliance of Stray Dogs is that it gets inside the heads of its canine characters, showing the human world from their perspective. Unique, entertaining, and creepy. [Teen]
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The undead Vampirella has been around since 1969, and as the celebrations of her 50th anniversary draw to a close, Dynamite presents a reprint of the first issue of their series that kicked-off her modern adventures! [Teen+]
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Take an inside look at everyone’s favorite bipedal shark god, King Shark (aka Nanaue)! Suicide Squad’s many-toothed muscle is currently inside Belle Reve prison, but he won’t remain there for long. PLUS: a sneak peak at the just-released Suicide Squad miniseries Get Joker! [Mature]
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“After 20 years of antics coming out of Sunnyvale trailer park, the underground TV phenomenon Trailer Park Boys is finally coming to comics! Full of short stories and activity pages, several of comics' finest join to create a series of comic book specials in 2021 and beyond honoring Ricky, Bubbles and Julian and everything fans have come to love about the series.”  [Mature]
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Fungirl is a humor comic that is as unpredictable and hilarious as it is observant and smart. Cartoonist Elizabeth Pich’s creation does as much smashing the patriarchy as she does dreaming of delicious donuts and being spit on by llamas. [Mature]
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“Tensions between the clans are high, so when Cecily Bain, an enforcer for the Twin Cities' vampiric elite, takes a mysterious new vampire under her wing she finds herself in over her head and dragged into a massive undead conspiracy! Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the city, a rebellious found-family of clan-less vampire cast-outs investigates a vicious killing.” [Mature]
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“Preview the forthcoming full color, original Space Pirate Captain Harlock series from ABLAZE, personally overseen by the legendary Leiji Matsumoto!  In this brand-new Captain Harlock adventure, planet Earth is threatened by an upcoming invasion by the Sylvidres and despite being banished as a pirate, Captain Harlock won't give up trying to save the world. Will Captain Harlock and his crew manage to solve this mystery and save the Earth from yet another menace?  Also includes teasers for 3 highly anticipated upcoming manga/manhwa releases from ABLAZE, including The Breaker Vol 1 omnibus (critically acclaimed martial arts manhwa), Versus Fighting Story Vol 1 (Capcom e-sports shonen manga) and Crueler Than Dead Vol 1 (zombie horror seinen manga).” [Mature] 
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“An evil so profound it threatens all mankind... the mightiest heroes on the planet uniting to defend us all... a secret crisis of such utter finality that a countdown to civil or infinite war seems unavoidable... but have you ever wondered what really happens during Crossovers? The Seven, Payback, Teenage Kix, Fantastico and every other supe on Earth team up for an annual event like no other... and where the supes go, can a certain "five complications and a dog" be far behind? Vought-American prepare to make their move, in a story that will change the world of the Boys forever: Herogasm #1. The first-ever Boys spin-off mini-series features the pairing of Ennis with Hitman artist John McCrea and covers by Boys artist and co-creator Darick Robertson!” [Mature]
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“The most eagerly-anticipated series of 2021 gets the FCBD treatment with this ALL-NEW "bonus" issue of the series! Featuring 33 pages of comics produced exclusively for FCBD, from the creator of Hip Hop Family Tree and X-Men: Grand Design, designed as a perfect entry point for new readers and a must-have for those already on board. Aided by the anonymous dark web and nearly untraceable crypto-currency, there has emerged a subculture of criminals who live-stream and patronize webcam murders for entertainment. Who are the murderers? Who are the victims? Who is the audience? How do we stop it? An outlaw, splatterpunk masterpiece, as seen on Piskor's YouTube channel sensation, Cartoonist Kayfabe!” [Mature]
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“An award-winning comic and soon to be Netflix anime series!  When dusk arrives in the city of Manila, that's when you become the most likely prey of the underworld. Kidnappers and thieves will be the least of your worries. Beware the criminals that can't be bound with handcuffs nor harmed with bullets.  Beware the ones that crave your blood, those who hold your heart ransom, and the ones that come to steal your soul. When crime takes a turn for the weird, the police call Alexandra Trese. Featuring a preview from TRESE Vol 2: Unreported Murders, a section on the forthcoming Netflix TRESE anime series launching this summer (including an interview with Director Jay Oliva), bonus pages with w/ background about the monsters of Philippine myth as told by TRESE creators Budjette Tan and Kajo Baldisimo, and a teaser on TRESE Vol 3: Mass Murders, coming this Sept from ABLAZE!” [Mature]
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“2000 AD Presents All-Star Judge Dredd is a thrill-powered showcase of the past and shocking present of the iconic lawman of the future! Witness the birth of the world of Judge Dredd in an incendiary preview of upcoming prequel graphic novel Dreadnoughts by Michael Carroll with art by Watchmen's John Higgins. Fan-favourite Judge Hershey travels to the ends of the earth to dispense her own brand of justice in long-anticipated blockbuster spin-off, Hershey: Disease by Rob Williams (Suicide Squad) and Simon Fraser (Doctor Who). Along-side these teases for Fall 2021 epics enjoy a bone-rattling all new stand-alone Dredd caper from elite writer Al Ewing (Immortal Hulk, Marvel's Empyre) and Caspar Wijngaard (Star Wars, Home Sick Pilots)!” [Teen]
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“Four titanic tales of pure fun and entertainment for everyone to enjoy! First up. It's no dog and pony show here! Bringing back the iconic puppets from the San Francisco Bay Area "Charlie and Humphrey"!! The modern-day Gumby and Pokey! A true love for al ages featuring a tale by Justin Sane and John Hageman! Next up is "Red Dawn" Written and created by Brandon McKinney, with inks by Bill Anderson and vibrant colors from Ross Hughes!! The government has created the first "controlled" superhero doing the bidding of a shadow operation until things go bad leaving our hero to blame and now on the run. The following story is only exclusive to this FCBD edition. Written by Greg Boucher and illustrated by Victor Moya they bring you "Rock and Roll Biographies: FIGHt" See how a troubled Rob Halford leaves the world biggest heavy metal band to form his own supergroup and take metal back!! Our last preview is written by Mel Smith, illustrated by Frank Cirocco/Alex Sheikman and hand colored by Gerhard! "Becoming Frankenstein" takes down the journey of a troubled Victor Frankenstein as he grieves the loss of his mother while harvesting the body parts of victims to create life again for his monster! Learn the tales of the victims and who they were before they became what becomes Frankenstein's ultimate creation! : This will be the only edition to feature this Rock and Roll Biographies story featuring FIGHT “ [Mature]
Enjoyed your Free Comic Book Day books? Want to read more? Let your friendly neighborhood Comix Connection Counter Monkey know which ones caught your eye, and we’ll be happy to direct you to the next part of the story!
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