#is perfectly comfortable the way she is! she won't change and he can't let go and so they stay in this ridiculous not-relationship that's
zannolin · 1 year
"she's like a part of me i can't let go" is the fucking cheesiest line in both delivery and speaking character wise BUT. it is a really really good summary of ada and leon's dynamic and i will be thinking about it forever thanks
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prosciuttulipa · 3 months
Period Pain, Go Away
how the JJK men help you through your period
content: afab reader x jjk men, just fluff this time! brief dirty joke in Toji's one (because he's Toji), but every one of them is a good boi in their own way <33
a/n: on my period and am in much pain v_v i can't decide who i want to comfort me, so i'm writing for all of the men i want
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Gojo Satoru who isn't just your boyfriend during your period, but a "girl's girl". He wants to spoil you with desserts and eat the leftovers that you can't finish, do face masks with those cute cucumber slices over the eyes. You want a bath? He's already drawing one, dunking in bath bombs till the water looks like a small galaxy, putting on your comfort show so you can watch it while you soak.
Dealing with pain through fun and smiles has always been his way of coping. So, yes—maybe he does look a bit silly, gossiping with you while you paint sparkles onto his nails, his hair tied up with a pink scrunchie. But what's a boyfriend for, if not to be your Ken doll during your time of need?
It hurts him more than he likes to admit, to see you wince at a bad cramp, or come out of the bathroom with the colour drained from your cheeks. When you can't manage anything more than lying in your bed, he'll rest his head against your stomach, peppering kisses wherever it hurts. "Be good to my girl," he'll jokingly threaten your uterus, poking your tummy gently, "she deserves the world."
Geto Suguru who knows your period is coming before you do. Your irritable mood and food cravings clue him in, and he takes action without saying a single word.
The day your period starts, you realise that the feminine products you usually use have been fully restocked without your notice. The fridge is filled with your period cravings, enough to last a week. Before you can even say anything, a large hand wraps around your waist and presses a hot water bottle against your abdomen. "Good morning, princess," he greets you like he hasn't just pulled off what can only be described as a small miracle, "is everything to your liking?"
You don't know whether to laugh or cry at how perfectly he's predicted you. He's a step ahead of you throughout your entire period, knowing which snack or act of affection you want just by your expression. Some might call his behaviour unreasonable; frankly, he thinks it's bullshit. "Attention, taken to its highest degree, is the same thing as prayer," is what he quotes, when you ask him why he's so observant. "What makes you think I do not absolutely and utterly worship you?"
Nanami Kento who is obviously written by a woman, and so does not flinch when he sees the blood on the bedsheets when he wakes up earlier than you. Instead, he kisses you good morning till you're giggling, distracting you so you don't get a chance to see the stains. He changes the sheets while you're in the bathroom, throwing them in with the rest of the laundry. When you come back out, worrying you dirtied the bed, he merely shrugs. "I didn't see anything, darling."
He treats you like a queen on the daily, but during your period, you're his empress. Each word is law, each action his cue to immediately come to your aid. He'll cook every meal, and won't let you hold the spoon to feed yourself if he can help it. As far as he can see, your only responsibility this week is to lounge around, and let him spoil you rotten.
He thinks it's a crime that you still have to go to work, when you have to pop painkillers with your breakfast just to make it through the day. "I can take care of you, you know," he'll inevitably murmur, kissing the shell of your ear, "I make enough money to support us both. Take the day off, dearest. They don't need you more than I do."
Toji Fushiguro who manages to piss you off on the first day of your period. "What size pussy you wear?" he calls to ask, when he's picking up your feminine products at the corner store, "gotta make sure I take care of that kitty for all the squeezin' she does on me."
When he gets back home and finishes getting an earful on how you're more than just his pocket pussy, he apologises by scooping you up in his arms. "You know you're more than just a good fuck, doll," his words carry a rare sort of honesty, coming from him. "You're a good woman. My woman. Gun's in the second drawer, sweetheart—shoot me if I ever do wrong by you."
His touches turn softer, the smack to your ass replaced with a squeeze on the hip, kisses on your shoulders. He's got a hand on you at all times, just rubbing idle circles against your stomach or lower back to soothe your cramps. When bedtime comes, he makes you lay on your tummy, massaging away the tension in your muscles until you're all nice and pliant. He may not always know what to say, but he'll be damned if his actions make you feel like he doesn't love you.
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signedeclipse · 1 year
hello! saw your request is open again hehe 🥰 douma, muzan, gyutaro, enmu and gyokko keeps on delaying in turning their human s/o into a demon because they worry that their s/o might forget them. i actually thought of this because i have been having memory fog haha - 💀
Douma | Enmu | Gyokko | Gyutaro | Muzan [X Reader]
In which they fear turning you into a demon would result in you losing your memories of them.
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He had turned into a demon when he was quite young, and fortunately for him nothing really changed about his attitude or his way of thinking; he only became stronger
But you were the opposite of him, brimming with emotions, feelings, human patterns and strange doings
You did and felt more than the average person, which balanced you both out when you we're together
Douma understood that it would mean trading death with what made you
He isn't sure what he would rather, for you to grow old and live out your life to the fullest as yourself, or to transform and remain by his side forever at a fraction of yourself
He, for once, feels a sense of dread and helplessness when the topic comes up, because he knows it won't go his way no matter how he wishes for it
Douma would let you pick what you wanted, so at least one of the two of you would be happy
He's glad that at the very least, he can hold onto the current for as long as he wants
He doesn't sleep when it's morning, and instead opts to be there for you in all your waking and sleeping hours just so time slows even for a bit
Enmu is one of many who has little to no attachment to his past, and although he has none of these strings holding him back, he can't help but wonder who he might have been
When he sees you, rushing to hold onto him when he comes back from a mission or you back from work, he starts to think of all the things he would know that you may not
Would you remember your job you had worked so long to get? The garden you tended to tirelessly? Would you remember the midnight train rides, or when you clung to him to thightest you ever had when he just barely made it home after a long mission
And he was devout, but would you be? He didn't care much that his other lower moons had been killed, but when he thought of if you had been there, he wondered what it would have taken for you to survive
Anytime he thinks about it, he gets especially clingy and wants to do more with you, because it reminds him how little time he might have with you
He doesn't care much for looks, he wants you to stay with him until you grow old, and maybe then he will look into turning you
Becoming a demon was so easy for him, there was nothing for him as a human
He was much happier now, with endless time, delicious 'food', and all the strength he could ask for
All he does remember was pain and neglect, but seeing you now, you seem perfectly fine
You had worked especially hard to give yourself this life, and he did what he could to keep you comfortable and safe
You were creative, you were there for him in ways no one had been, and for that he owed you at the very least his love
Even when you had just met you matched his eccentric self, you'd dress in ways inspired by his looks and your compliment his pots; the only thing he cared about besides you
And becoming a demon, it would change that
He wants to think you'd have enough will to remain the same, but with his life's track record he expected to lose you entirely
Gyokko would do what he can to convince you to remain as you are; he understands humans cannot be eternal and wants the best for your life
He could never move on, and he rather you rest at peace than continue half alive
He was fortunate enough to remember some of his background, being one of the younger demons, but most were negative and drove his distaste for the town which he was raised
Daki remembered much less than him, but as far as he recalled, she was more or less the same as she had always been
Being aware that you aren't your true self isn't very troubling for him, because he never knew otherwise and has always been what you consider your lover
But he met you when you were a human, meaning when turned, you'd likely lose that sweetness and grow to resent the world
Part of that made him wondered if you would resent him too, if he had upset you and it would blossom in your demon form
If you would still love him, or if all of those hidden emotions would take over so you could leave him
It also meant you'd be under Muzan's command
He didn't mind it much, but it meant one wrong move and you could perish, or you could be subjected to extremely difficult work and killed while he isn't there to protect you
For now, he wants to savour what he has
He's had it happen before
It wasn't a lover of his, but an old friend whom he had known for a long time
And when he turned, his will was weak, and it resulted in him becoming nothing but his negative traits
And with memory goes personality
Some demons became feral killing machines with no purpose, others only follow Muzans every command
You listened to him for the most part, but the idea that you might force your love to be exactly as he wants it regardless of yourself hurts him
The transition doesn't necessarily erase your memories, but it creates a fog that can easily become overpowered by hate and hunger
He remembered you said you wanted to be turned while you were still young, while you were at your prime
But he found it hard, and he had to consider all the negatives
He would know your every thought, the transformation would be painful, and you could potentially lose your sense of self
Ultimately, he would do whatever it is you wish, but he would have a hard time opening his eyes after, still clinging to the hope you'd be there
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Authors Note - I wanted to try a new format for my multiple headcanons that'd help summarize like my other one! Hope you like it!!
Nice to see you again skull anon!! A few of my friends experience brain fog to the extremes so I can't imagine how it feels for you! I hope this helps a little <3
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lizzieislife94x · 5 months
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Surprise Party (e.o)
Just to keep the book updated 😌😏
 LizzieG!PxFem Reader
Y/n has to go to a surprise party for someone she doesn't know but won't forget. 
Y/ns POV:
I groan and give my best friend lexi puppy eyes "come on lex do I really need to come with you tonight I don't know anyone there I don't even know the person who's party it is I'll just feel stupid" she gives me a stren look and throws a dress at me "y/n I will drag you kicking and screaming my cousin scarlett invited me and said I could bring a plus one so you're coming I only know Elizabeth a little and scarlett and Colin so we both don't really know anyone and I'd love to have my best bitch with me" she says with a smirk making me laugh "fuck it let's get wasted if I'm drunk ill be everyone's friend" we both laugh as I look for cute heels to go with my dress I've decided to go for a sexy skin tight light blue dress that compliments my eyes and leaves little to the imagination I mean it's classy but sexy shows just enough cleavage and thighs and hugs my body perfectly "youre gonna look smoking babe I bet you pull tonight" lexi says winking at me making me blush I start to strip and walk around in my underwear "lex can you curl my hair when I'm done and should I wear a bra with this dress I don't think I should you can see the bra lines and it just takes the look off the dress but what panties should I wear I was thinking these cute light blue thongs not that anyone will see them but you don't get pantie lines with them" she smirks and looks at the panties "they panties no bra y/n"
I nod as I start to strip my bra and panties off as lexi goes to the bathroom to finish her make up I pull the thongs on and admire my ass in the mirror before pulling the dress on I fix my boobs and smirk to myself damn I do look hot now onto make up I apply natural make up that takes roughly 15 minutes ones I'm done I smile happy with how I look "LEXXXXX PLEASE COME CURL MY HAIR" I yell as she comes in fixing her earrings as she starts to curl my hair it takes her 20 minutes to do my hair both of us laughing and chatting during the time it took to do my hair "looking fire y/n" lexi says making me smile as I admire my stunning best friend "youre one to talk lex youre gonna pull some poor man tonight that won't know what he's got himself in for" I say with a laugh causing her to laugh "let's have some pre drinks the uber is booked and will be here in 30 minutes" lex says walking out of the room towards the kitchen I grab my clutch bag and follow down as she hands me a vodka lemonade I gladly accept as we drink dancing around to the music after 4 vodka lemonades lexi informed me the uber was outside I down the last of my glass before we make our way to car giggling like children we climb in and start our journey to lexis cousins house it takes 30 minutes due to light traffic I take a deep breath as we get out lexi notices how I'm feeling a little anxious and wraps her arm around mine "it's fine come on we have an hour before scarlett and Elizabeth arrive we can have a few drinks and mingle a little ill stick with you" I nod as we walk inside.
"Mind if I steal your friend away for a dance" a stunning blonde asks looking at me she can't be talking about me but she's asking lexi before I know it she offers me her hand "hey I'm Stacey can I have this dance" I blush and nod as we head to the dance floor after 4 minutes I'm comfortable as the song changes she pulls me against her and I start to dance on her both of us laughing once the song is done I lean into her and whisper yell "I'm gonna go back to my friend it was lovely meeting you Stacey maybe we can dance later" she smiles and nods "definitely" I smile walking over to lexi as the Dj announced everyone to stay silent because Elizabeth and scarlett where pulling up after 3 minutes the door opens and everyone yells "SURPRISEEEEEE" I smile but can't move my eyes, my eyes are fixed on the beautiful blonde beside lexis cousin scarlett "dude your making it too obvious' lexi says nudging me my eyes still fixed on the blonde with the stunning red suit on fuck she's the most breath taking woman I've ever seen "dude that's Elizabeth it's her party just go talk to her go introduce yourself " I shake my head finally looking at lexi "no not going to happen have you seen her she's the most stunning woman I've ever seen" lexi gives me a smirk as she grabs my hand pulling me over to scarlett and Elizabeth "scarrrrrr omg" lexi squeals as they both scream and hug eachother after a second she pulls away "Elizabeth it's so nice to see you again" she says as they hug and Elizabeth speaks her voice is music to my ears "lexi its great to see you again thank you for coming" they exchanged pleasantries for a minute before lexi turns to me smiling "scar you remember my best friend y/n"
I smile as she leans in to hug me "of course I remember this gorgeous young lady" I blush and hold scarlett at arms length leaning back "scarlett a pleasure as always" I giggle as we all laugh before lexi turns to Elizabeth "Elizabeth this is y/n my single best friend just saying" I feel my face heat up as I gently slap lexis arm and glare at her before smiling and turning to Elizabeth "it's great to meet you Elizabeth I'm so sorry about her" she smiles and leans in to hug me fuck how do I breath I quickly shake myself out it and hug her back "it's great to meet you y/n you look drop dead gorgeous" she whispers leaning back to let her eyes roam my body causing me to blush I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to see Stacey smiling at me "hey beautiful care for another dance" I smile and nod as I turn to the girls "sorry ladies please excuse me ill catch up with you in a bit amazing party by the way"
I turn and head to the dance floor with Stacey I quickly turn to look back to see Elizabeth's eyes burning into me I quickly turn my attention to Stacey as she pulls me in by the waist both of us dancing to the beat I let myself get lost in the music and turn to grind my ass into her, her arms wrapped around me holding me into her I bite my lip as I continue to dance "sorry to bother you but mind If I steal y/n for a dance" I swallow harshly as I see Elizabeth death staring at Stacey "yeah of course lizzie" Stacy says as she walks towards her friends Elizabeth immediately takes her place holding my waist pulling me into her to whisper into my ear "what are you doing to me I've known you for 60 seconds but watching some chick all over you touching you watching you grind all over her, you're driving me crazy y/n" her tone and her words caused me to let out a moan "well you didn't ask me to dance Elizabeth she did" I smirk as she pulls me tighter against her my eyes open wide Holy shit is she packing "well now I am" she whispers her lips staying against my ears sending shivers down my spine as the song changes to something a little more steamy I smirk and turn pressing my ass against her as I start to grind my arm coming up and resting behind her neck as I continue to grind in time with the music I hear her groan into my ear as a pool starts to form in my thong thank god I didn't go pantie less after a minute I feel something hard against my ass as I turn to her and smash our lips together not caring who sees she happily returns the kiss as her hands rest on my ass squeezing pulling me closer once air becomes an issue I pull away and whisper breathless into her ear "are you packing" I say as I run my hand down to the bulge she blushes and shakes her head leaning in to whisper "I'm intersex I was born with a dick" her words make me bite my lip as I whisper yell "let's go somewhere a little more private"
she smirks and slaps my ass before grabbing my hand and leading me away from the party to what I'm assuming is a guest bedroom she shuts and locks the door before turning to look at me lust filling her eyes "the second I laid eyes on you I knew I had to have you and watching her all over you was driving me crazy" she says in one breath before walking towards me I bite my lip my eyes instantly landing on the huge bulge clearly visible through her pants "when I saw you I said to lex you where the most stunning woman I've ever laid my eyes on" I say a little shyly as I step towards her she kisses me with so much passion I don't even fight her on it I let her tounge explore my mouth as mine explores her before I know it my legs hit the bed and I fall back both of us giggling I kick my heels off and scoot back my bottom lip between my teeth as my eyes never leave hers "fuck you're so beautiful I need you now" I smirk as I lean up on my elbows "well I'm all yours baby" she climbs ontop of me kissing my neck her bulge pressing into my soaking heat making me moan "fuck y/n I need to hear more of those pretty little sounds" I giggle as I feel a little confident "well I think we're both wearing to many clothes if we had less I'm pretty sure I'd make alot more of those noises for you" she groans and sits up as she starts to strip my eyes watching her every move till she has nothing but boxers on she gently pulls me up to my feet and grabs the bottom of my dress slowly pulling my dress over my head her eyes fixed on my tits as the bounce free causing me to giggle "only panties under this" I bite my lip and nod "I didn't want bra lines it ruined the look so I went without, i was going to do no panties to just as well i didnt or there would have been such a mess down my legs while we where dancing"
I step closer letting my hands run down her body slowly my fingers tracing over her tits causing her to moan I gently pinch each nipple before continuing to run my hands down her  body stopping on the top of her boxers "may i" I whisper looking into her eyes "yes you have my full consent" I smirk and slowly pull her boxers down my eyes focused on her dick as it springs out to action a moan slipping past my lips at the sigh she smirks down at me my eyes wide never leaving her dick I take it in my left hand as I slowly stroke her before lowering my head taking her tip in my mouth I swirl my tounge purposely teasing her the moans that leave her mouth making me smirk I take a little more of her in my mouth still teasing her tip she pulls away lust in her eyes "no time for that you can tease me later right now I wanna be deep inside you i wanna feel you wrapped around my cock" I groan and stand up pushing my panties down my legs kicking them away as I throw myself back onto the bed instinctively opening my legs for her, her mouth falls open at the sight making me blush she crawls onto the bed between my legs "mmmh fuck baby look how wet your little cunt is for me" I moan and look down at her as her lips make contact with my clit sucking harshly "fuckkk Elizabeth all...for fuck all for you" I pant out my hand gripping her hair the pleasure rushing through my body her tounge moves down sliding through my wet folds teasing my entrance causing me to moan louder "lizzie please I need you"
I moan as my eyes roll as soon as she pushes her tounge inside me after a minute she pulls out licking her lips "mhhh fuck kitten you taste amazing I just had to taste you before I fuck your cunt raw because you're going to be sensitive" I moan looking right into her eyes before my eyes travel to her huge member, she lines herself up with my entrance before sliding inside me slowly both of us moaning I grip her arms as she continues to sink deeper inside me once she bottoms out she leans down placing gentle kisses over my lips causing me to smile as she let's me adjust to her size "I'm ready baby I'm ready" I pant out reassuring her she kisses me as she starts to thrust slowly I wrap my arms around her back as I dig my nails into her causing her to hiss slightly followed by a moan she starts to thrust faster pulling almost all the way out before slamming deeper inside me causing me to scream out in pleasure "yes yes fuckkkkkk right there lizzie" I pant she sits up putting my legs over her shoulders her thrusts becoming animalistic causing my eyes to roll my orgasm fast approaching "ye...I'm so...fuck don't stop" i whimper as she hits spots no one has hit before
after a few minutes I start to squirt all over her cock making her moan her eyes glued to my cunt as she continues to slide in and out "so fucking tight and wet kitten i love watching your little pussy squirt for me" she pants as her head falls back "cum for me lizzie please cum i want to feel you filling" I whimper and  with that she slams deep inside me cumming as she collapses on top of me as we both pant I run my hands through her hair and whisper "so fucking good lizzie" she kisses my neck as we both regain our composure as she slides out of me causing me to moan at the action "hands and knees kitten" I do as I'm told the excitement running through my veins as I climb into position making sure my ass is nice and high for her smirking as i bite my lip and shake my ass teasing her "mmmh look at that beautiful dripping cunt look at my seed dripping out of you so fucking beautiful" she whispers pushing her cum inside me with her thumb I moan as I feel my face heat up as she leans over kissing my back lining her cock up with my entrance she instantly slams deep inside me causing me to fall forward a little as screams of pleasure leave my lips she grips my hips and starts pounding into my tight cunt not giving me time to adjust to her this time the sounds of my wetness and her pounding along with our moans the only sounds to be heard this is heaven I let out a scream of pure pleasure as she brutally pounds my gspot over and over drool leaking from my mouth as I start to cum all over her cock she groans feeling me get tighter and continues to fuck me not letting me recover "such a good girl kitten fuck such a good girl for me, I'm gonna keep fucking you till you can't take it anymore"
my eyes roll as the pleasure continuously rushes through my body I feel another orgasm crashing over me as I squeal and try to wriggle away the pleasure becoming to much my legs shaking uncontrollably lizzie grips around my waist holding me in place so I can't move as she pounds harder and faster moaning into my ear "oh no kitten youre not going anywhere, I'm not stopping unless you ask me to stop" I feel another orgasm crash over me as I squirt uncontrollably "ne..n..never say..ing..sto...fuckkkkkkkkk" I squeal sounds I didn't know I had in me leaving my mouth I feel her thrusts become sloppy as another orgasm fast approaches "c..cum with me baby pl..plea..se oh fuck please" I managed to whimper begging her to cum with me after a few more thrusts she fills me with her seed as I cum all over her cock yet again she pulls out falling onto the bed breathless as she pulls me half ontop of her both our bodies sweaty hairs a mess breathing out of control we lay in silence for a few minutes until we can speak again "Holy shit we've been fucking for 3 hours" lizzie says with a surprised giggle I look up at her and smile "I think your party are gonna wonder where you went" she kisses my head  "right here is where I want to be and Holy shit you wernt gonna say stop no matter how many times I made you cum" she says with a smirk I sit up and smirk "it felt to good to stop I'd happily let you rail me all night every night I've never felt that way no one has ever made me squirt or cum like that" I say hiding my face she moves my hands and kisses me gently "I hope there's a next time" she whispers against my lips making me smile "you are perfection ill come up with lots of excuses to spend as much time with you as possible" she giggles and bites her lip "no need for excuses beautiful I wanna spend time with you too give me your phone" I grab my phone from my clutch as she types away "now you have my number but I'd love it if we could spend the night together" I climb ontop of her wrapping my arms around her "of course I will" she smiles as we continue to cuddle for 30 minutes before heading back to the party hand in hand my legs still shaking. 
AN: Holy shit this is 3.3k words but I couldn't be bothered splitting it into 2 parts but there is room to add more parts to this if yall like it, honest opinions welcome I hope you enjoy it though requests are open as always babes hope everyone is well ♥
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petalsscribbles · 2 months
1. negotiations
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Yn can't help but note just how big and prestigious Jay's workplace looks as he stands in front of it. One can only guess just how many floors it has. Either way its overwhelming appearance does not help ease that strange almost foreboding feeling in his chest. He sighs and braces himself as he enters.
The receptionist is dressed as everyone would expect. Grey pencil skirt reaching just below her knees and a jacket to match. Rectangular glasses sit on her pointy nose as she types away with her perfectly manicured fingers.
"Hi, I'm Yn. I'm here to see Mr. Park." He says taming his shaking voice.
"Ah welcome!" She says with a practiced warm tone and a perfect smile. "I'll let you through. Mr. Park's office is on the 20th floor."
"Thank you." He answers and she bows her head slightly. Just as instructed, Yn passes the terminals and makes his way towards the elevators, pressing the right button once he's in. The ride is torturously long, or at least it feels like it. He can't help but wonder how much has Jay changed since he last saw him. He, Wonyoung and Yn used to hang out as kids, until Jay moved to America for his studies at 13 and he hasn't seen him since. Well, until now, but Yn figures they'll have plenty of time to catch up once they're married.
The walk from the elevator to Jay's office is short and a secretary with another practiced smile lets him in.
Jay's office is spacious, to say the least, perhaps way too big for a single person to work in.
"Yn, I'm glad you could make it." Jay says, getting up from his desk and walking over to his future husband. Yn can only let out a quiet hi.
Face wise he hasn't changed all that much, still very much the boy he knew. Body is a whole another story though. He towers over Yn and the suit he's wearing highlights his athletic figure.
Jay puts his hand on Yn's back and leads him to the chair infront of his desk, taking his place on the opposite side once Yn is comfortably seated.
"Thank you for making time for me." He starts "You must have been surprised."
"A little but it's okay." Yn admits.
"Okay, let's get to work. When it comes to engagement, I plan to propose to you on my grandfather's birthday party. There will be a lot of cameras already so it's convenient."
Yeah, that's what this is. That's what they are. Convenient.
"Now for the marriage itself. Do you want to move in with me, or should we get a new apartment?"
"A new one." Yn answers. Jay nods.
"Should we sleep in one bed or do you want a room on your own?"
"Let's share, in case someone visits."
"What about chores and cooking? Do you want me to hire someone or should we split?"
"I think we can manage our own apartment."
"I agree. We're not toddlers." Jay says and Yn chuckles slightly. "This is just my idea but, I think we should do skinship at home, so it doesn't seem forced when we're in public."
"Yeah, okay. We can do that." yn answers quickly, trying to hide his initial surprise.
"Are you fine with pet names?" Jay adds.
"Yeah, as long as it's nothing too cringy."
"Okay. Anything you'd like to add?"
Yn thinks for a second. There is a big part of marriage that they have not covered yet.
"Are you going to find a mistress?"
"What?!" He exclaims, losing his composure as his eyes widen. "Why would you think that?"
"Well, I mean, I assume you probably won't have sex with me so..." Yn trails off. One of the most shocking parts of this whole ordeal is why Jay would marry a man.
"Why wouldn't I?" He asks after taking control of his voice again.
"Aren't you straight?"
"No I'm bisexual."
"Oh." He suddenly feels incredibly dumb. He went to college for Christ's sake of course he could make some discoveries about himself.
"Yn, I won't force you to have sex with me but if either of us had a lover and got caught by press we'd either have to: be branded as a cheater, admit that this is fake or try to convince everyone we have an open marriage. I don't think I have to explain to you why none of those options are good for us."
"Right, right."
"Well if that's all I won't waste any more of your time. But don't forget we can always make adjustments." Jay reminds. Yn just nods and gives him a small smile.
"I'll see you at the party."
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a/n: updates probably won't be as frequent as it was with Bad Habits but I'll try my best not to give up on you my pookies
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hanzidanzi · 3 months
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Draw whoever you think fits perfectly in the rolls!!!!
(If you want. No pressure!)
Hello Val, hope you’re doing good💕 I’m assuming you mean to the boys!
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These are my placements!^^ (click for better quality)
Just the placements I thought worked best considering the boys and their s/o, I go into detail below:
1. Red and Dust;
Red being the flirtatious jackass he is, flirts with everyone and is known to do so... Sooo! When he finally gets a crush, the person he flirts with finds it difficult to take him serious. You might find he has changed his flirting slightly however, making less "dirty" jokes towards you and he might try more romantic advances...
Dust is so far removed from anything and everything, being caught in a circle of kill or be killed has really fucked with him sadly. It's been such a long time since someone flirted with him too... He definitely wouldn't take the hint if you did.
2. Blue and Classic;
Blue is such a sweetheart! He is definitely your biggest fan if you let him, if not he'll be your biggest fan in secret... He'll support whatever you like, whatever sort of hobby you have... and generally he'll be your number one cheerleader whenever he can!
Classic is a huge nerd, which is really no secret! He can ramble on on about anything in particular, can you blame him? He doesn't feel comfortable with just anyone, so when he meets someone like you?? He just can't help himself from gushing with all the exciting new information he just learnt.
3. Black and Edge;
Black loves a challenge!! Please, please challenge him! He won't admit how much he likes that you are better than him in certain areas, but he sure will admire you from afar. And the way you snap at him when he's being a jackass towards you? It lights something in him, what can I say!
Edge is a tsundere! Really he is! He takes some time to warm up to/takes a while for him to warm up to you. But he admires your passion and spirit! The way you don't take shit, the way you talk back. In his world it means you can survive without him being too worried about you, and that is a HUGE pluss for him! This man seriously worries 24/7.
4. Buns and Cream;
Buns my baby!!!;; On a serious note, don't mess with him. He is baby, but he'll fuck you up if he has to! Sadly your little Bun has been through hell and back and knows how to protect you if he has to. But please, he is so so tired of all the violence and inconsistencies! All he wants is a calm and safe life with you, where he doesn't have to worry about food and enemies.
Cream is tough! Like tough tough. Sure he hasn't been through hell necessarily, but he has been through tons of hard training to become a royal guard! Don't think Undyne goes easy on him, only because she has a soft spot for him. He also has such positive energy, whatever you go through he'll have your back! And he'll make sure you get through it unscratched!
5. Mutt and Stretch
Mutt is chaotic... but like in a chill way? He'll bring you along on the stranges of adventures: bring you with him to his shop, to the lab, to the store and so on. And pretty much each and every time you come out of it with the strangest of stories? Like you were going to the store and now you're in a completely different AU saving the world? He can't help it either, like these huge changes happens to his plans and he just goes with it?
Stretch is such a meme, man doesn't take anything seriously. He had to be a grown up from a really young age, so he could properly take care of Blue. Honestly, he's just so tired and he want to makeup for all the time he lost. It has taken a toll on him, so he's basically making it his life mission to just mess around with everything and everyone! Beware you'll be his number one target you know...
6. Dust!Paps and Axe;
Dust!Paps is really just a little coward, now it is a little difficult to place him! Since he is basically made up by Dusts imagination and insane guilt for killing his brother. But if we were to say he was his own body and soul for a second, this man is spiteful af. Tired of being killed because of Dusts complete obsession to kill the human and gain LOVE. So he is spiteful, but still the sweet and kind Papyrus deep inside. Something you will get to see if you're patient enough with him.
Axe is a dom daddy for sure... He probably wouldn't say it like that, but this man has literally no shame. And I'm not just talking with sexual encounters, but in general! He is the boss and he will let you know. Taking care of you the way you should, making sure you've eaten, gotten enough water, gotten enough sleep. Did I mention he is basically just pure instinct? Like sure, he is just a funny more morbid version of Classic. But at the end of the day, this man is also the most animalistic out of the bunch.
Now I'm so so late answering this!! I've been busy with college and barely gotten to draw for several months, but thats life. I'm happy I've gotten to this one at last💕
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moider-time · 1 year
Trans Bruce Wayne? Male to female? Like she loves wearing Martha Wayne's dresses.
Anon you're speaking my language???
Bryce grew up watching her Mama get all dolled up for galas and always connected with that in a way that people say boys shouldn't. Listen Thomas and Martha were definitely the type of parents that didn't care abt gender norms and would let their kid dress however they want. Thomas probably rocked a few dresses in his time.
So Bryce tells them that she feels more like a girl than a boy? They're so accommodating. They get her whatever she needs. The surgery, the drugs, the clothes (but she prefers to wear Martha's too big dresses). Alfred switches from Young Master to Young Madam. It would hit even harder when Thomas and Martha die because those were two of the three people who truly understood her. And now they're gone.
After they die, people feel a bit more comfortable bringing up her 'changes' to her face. Alfred is right by her side but she did have some uncomfortable moments with people. Thomas and Martha definitely protected her from a lot of the media attention and stares.
She still becomes The Bat. I can see her going by Batman to protect her identity even more but also sticking with gender neutral The Bat. People can't tell if The Bat is man or woman which elevates the cryptid vibe she's going for.
The day Martha's dresses fit her perfectly is a bittersweet day. All Bryce has ever wanted is to wear her Mama's dresses properly and now that she can, her Mama isn't there anymore. She sobs into Alfred's arms that day but after that, wears Martha's dresses with pride.
By the time she adopts Dick, she passes so well that he doesn't know she's trans. And it just kind of never comes up? He calls her Mama (which she cries at) or B and that's what all the other kids end up doing. There's some LoA magic/tech involved in Talia giving birth to Damian. He shows up at the manor and upon finding out that Batman is actually a woman, he's impressed.
They find out when the batfam decide to dye their suits for Gotham's Pride Parade and Bryce's suit is the trans flag and her cape is the demiromantic flag. There was a lot of screaming that day.
Jason tries but he just can't fight his Mama, no matter how angry he is at her for not killing the Joker. He spends some time away from the manor but after a lot of talks, screaming, tears and hugs, he comes around. He is also very protective over his Mama, I won't accept otherwise (they all are tbh)
Also let her be tiny?? 5'2, buff Bryce Wayne picking her 6ft+ sons up easily. A tabloid got a picture of Bryce holding Dick up after an attack at the museum by The Riddler. She's in a pretty floral dress, with pink pumps and soot all over her face and her muscled arms covered in blood and scratches. The internet went insane.
Bryce Wayne: *exists*
Gothamites: mommy- sorry mommy- i mean mommy-
Also rip the batkids cause Bryce mothers all their friends too. Shit hits the fan when Jason nearly strangles Garfield cause Bryce gave him a forehead kiss to check if he had a fever.
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seospicybin · 9 months
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Han x reader. (s,f,a)
A chapter of On Tour.
Synopsis: Han forms a rock band with a help from you, his muse who is so cynical of love.
Preview under the cut!
Han is happy as long as you're around him, just like now. He's sitting with his back against the headboard, a guitar on his lap, and been aimlessly playing it yet you remain unbothered, lying sideways with a hand propped under your head while reading a book, occupying the end of the bed.
Even sharing the silence with you isn't boring, it's comfortable and nice. How can it get boring when he gets to see your beautiful face as much as he wants?
"Babe?" He calls.
You look away from your book, "yeah?"
"Want to hear a song I wrote about you?" He asks with a sly grin.
You exhale and close your book, "Okay, let's hear it."
Han takes a breath and memorizes the chords he's going to play, he begins by placing his fingers on the guitar fret to form the A chord.
He strums and starts singing, "Spinning on that dizzy edge. Kissed her face and kissed her head. Dreamed of all the different ways. I had to make her glow.”
Once he finds the rhythm, he can confidently look at you as he continues singing and playing his guitar.
"'Why are you so far away?' she said. 'Why won't you ever know that I'm in love with you, that I'm in love with you?'"
With such agility, his fingers seamlessly change their position based on the chords he's playing on the fret.
"You... Soft and only. You... Lost and lonely."
He smiles as he sings and stares at the expression on your face as you intently listen to him.
"You... Strange as angels. Dancing in the deepest oceans. Twisting in the water."
He raises the note at the end and croons, "You're just like a dream. You're just like a dream."
He aggressively strums the strings to end the song and lifts his guitar in pride.
"It's good, right?" He asks with a subtle eyebrow raise.
You turn and lay on your stomach, not sure if you know that in that position, he can see your cleavage as your breasts almost spill out of your black tank top. He shouldn't be seeing those but it's easy to tell you're not impressed with the song he played.
"Three things," you simply say.
"Go ahead and tell me," he allows you with a hand gesture.
"First, you think I wouldn't know that it's The Cure song?" You ask with a hand under your chin.
He looks up and shrugs, he can't find any reason why you wouldn't know such a widely known band, "Well..."
"Second is I don't like love songs," you share with an apologetic smile.
It hits him just now that he should know you're not a fan of love songs. He agrees with a nod, "Okay, noted. The third?"
"I don't want you to write a love song about me," you say.
"Oh, come on!" He groans in complaint.
"I haven't been dating anyone in a long time and now that I have a girlfriend, I have so much to get off my chest so let me be gooey and cheesy!" He rambles and runs out of breath at the end of the sentence.
"I'm not saying you can't write love songs," you say with a subtle eye roll.
"You want me to write love songs about... someone else?" He asks with confusion.
"Or about something like your faded and worn-out Supreme t-shirt," you answer.
Han can't tell if you're trying to mock him, make fun of him or completely joking, either way, he's feeling offended.
"Can I write a hate song about you then?" He asks.
You scrunch your nose and ask, "A hate song?"
"Yeah like things I hate about you," he says with a sneer.
He picks up his guitar and places it on his lap again, "You know what? I wrote one already just now," he says.
You stifle a laugh and lightly shake your head, "The stage is yours."
Han lies about making a song in his head just now but he starts by strumming his guitar and plays a combination of chords.
"I hate your hair..." he begins, strumming two chords in between as he thinks of another lyric.
"The way it always falls perfectly in place and makes you look like a girl in a shampoo ad," he tries to fit the melody to the chords he's playing.
"Hate it when you fix my grammar and insist that it's pronounced keen-wah instead of queen-noa," he continues while thinking of another thing he hates.
"I know you're right but god please let me be a man with pride."
You dramatically roll your eyes at that one while keep listening to him as he goes through a bridge which is just him playing the same four chords on repeat.
"Hate it, hate it that I'm your boyfriend," he keeps going.
"Now people going to compare us and say you have the prettiest smile," He slips two chords in between, "but that's okay... because I have the bigger brain."
You frown at that one and throw daggers with your eyes, he takes that as his cue to stop with his make-up song and ends it with a slap on the guitar.
"So..." he drags the word as silence hangs in the air, "what do you think?"
You tilt your head to one side and stay quiet for a moment. You rub your temple is never a good sign and he prepares himself for the worst.
Then you suddenly ask, "Want to make out?"
He repeatedly nods like a happy puppy, putting away his guitar as you crawl on the bed towards him. You put your leg over his body and sit on his lap.
You smile as you look down at his face with your hands holding his face, and then you slowly put your lips on his lips, kissing him with fondness.
He no longer hesitates to touch you, he puts his arms under and around you, angling your head so he can kiss you deeper, and when he pulls away from the kiss, he drags his mouth down the column on your neck.
"Han?" You softly call.
He hums and answers your call with a kiss because that's most likely what you're going to ask him which is to kiss you again.
The hand on his chest pushes him away and keeps a few inches between your faces, "I read your journal this morning," You suddenly confess and hurriedly kiss him, knowing that he's going to be mad about it.
It's his turn to push you away with his hands on your shoulders, "You went through my underwear drawer?"
There's a surprised look on your face, "Ew, no. It was lying near the window sill," you say.
It's his habit of forgetting things, where he puts them, and forgets to put them back in its place. He's bad with his memory but the thing is you read it.
"Another thing on the list of things I hate about you," he remarks.
"Oh, don't be so dramatic," you sigh.
"I wrote about my most personal things there," he says with his hands resting on your shoulder blades.
"Like how you lost your virginity in the backseat of a car while Radiohead's most depressing song is playing in the car stereo?"
"Exit Music For A Film is not depressing," he defends himself.
"They wrote it for the Romeo + Juliet soundtrack and they didn't even play it in the movie because guess what?"
"It's depressing?"
You nod and put your hands on his chest, it's time to turn the conversation back on track, "No one wants to listen to a song about how you lost your virginity but your other songs are good."
"You should let them out to the world," you say with eyes that sparkle and make his heart leap.
He turns away to not let your charm win him over, "You know how I feel about being a singer, by myself on a stage... it's awkward," he explains.
You turn his head back to look at you, "Okay then let's make a band!" You simply solve.
"Unless you want to join then I don't have anyone who wants to be in a band with me," he says with a defeated sigh.
You turn his head back to face you again, "how about a one-man band?"
"That's even lame. I never heard a successful one-man band," he says with a chagrin.
You put on a shocked face and start to list all the one-man bands you know, "Paul McCartney, Prince, Phil Collins, Bon Iver, Tame Impala, LCD Soundsystem, M83, Sufjan Stevens... and Dave Grohl basically started The Foo Fighters by himself," you finish with a proud smile.
"Dave Grohl and I are different entities, he is in Nirvana and I'm just... me, loser," he gives another explanation that makes him not pursue music.
"Being dramatic again," you sigh and rub your temple again.
He slides his hands down your arms and squeezes your elbows, he understands that you're trying to be supportive of his passion but he's not sure of his talent.
He sees your disappointed face and lifts your chin, "I'm not that good," he says.
You don't even try to deny him, probably have enough of doing it for him.
"And I'm still mad about you reading my journal," he says with a pout.
You put your hands around his neck and draw him close, "How about I give you head to make up for it?"
That gets him hot and bothered in a second, he plays it cool as if your words didn't affect him at all.
"Well, if you insist," he says.
You chuckle and kiss him, continuing the make-out session that is put to a halt by an argument. Your hand swiftly works open his jeans and slips inside, palming his hardening member with your hand.
"I'll make you forget that you were mad at me," you whisper before kissing him down his chest and pulling his jeans down to let his cock out of its confine.
Full fic will be posted tomorrow!
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f4iry-bell · 1 month
Grayson Hawthorne x gen z! reader.
been on my mind for a while<3
After a long day of work Grayson came back to find the house empty without his girlfriend. She always gets home before him, he checks his phone to see if she has messaged him and she did. The message said she'll be home soon.
He got changed and started making dinner when his girlfriend came home holding an extra bag with her, he eyed the bag as he walked closer to her and kissed her lips to greet her.
“How was your day?” He asked with a soft smile, his hands on it’s way to grab her stuff to carry it inside but she stopped him.
“Awesome! I'll tell you after I get changed. It's okay, I'll take it with me. You go cook like the girlboss you are.” She picked his lips before going in.
After dinner they relaxed on their couch, she rested her head on Grayson's chest as he played with her hair.
“So are you going to tell me what you bought?” He asked.
“I thought you'd never ask!” She removed herself from him and went to grab the bag.
She was too excited about the thing she bought. Grayson already knew it's not something that is necessary. His girlfriend has the habit of buying the most random things.
“What did you get this time?” He asked, sitting up as she took out a beige plushie. “Four soft toys?” He asked.
“They're not soft toys, dummy!” She sat next to him again with the four plushies this time. “They're sad, fluffy, comfy pou shoes!” She said with too much excitement.
“Uh huh.” He chuckled.
“Remove your socks.” She demanded.
“To wear these!”
“Absolutely not.”
“Yes! It's so cute and sad and fluffy. You won't get the experience if you wear socks.” She kept smiling.
“I'm not wearing that. I'll look ridiculous.” He stated.
“That's the whole point!” She exclaimed.
“Please, Gray? We'll be matching!”
“I'm not wearing those.”
“I waited in line at the mall for this, please? Just once!” She pouted.
He can't say no to that. “Fine, don't expect me to wear these all the time.”
She hugged him tightly and kissed his cheeks in excitement. “Alright now Cinderella, try on your shoes.” She said and gave it to him.
They both wore it. Grayson tried hard to hate the feeling of the stupid plushie shoes but like she said it was very comfortable.
“I don't know how you find these unwanted silly things entertaining.” He said.
“It look so good, shut up. Oh my god. Let me take a picture.” She said and took a picture of them wearing those shoes. “I'm sending it to your brothers and sisters.” She said as she typed something on the phone.
“No! Don't.” He said and tried to grab the phone from her but she stood up and started running.
They were playing cat and mouse for 5 minutes before she gave up and sat down breathing heavily, totally out of breath. Grayson on the other hand was perfectly fine as he lifted her up and gently threw her on his shoulders to carry her their bedroom.
taglist: @toomanyfandomsimfanvergent (i remember you asking to be tagged)
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peter-guy · 8 months
How Peter Griffin helped me realize I was trans.
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No, that title isn't a joke. My heavy Peter Griffin kin geniunely helped guide my path to realizing I was a transgender male.
I'm not gonna lie- I used to make fun of kinning when I was younger when I was a kid with unrestricted internet access & made fun of all these concepts that were fairly new to me at the time. I think I realized kinning wasn't bad when I was 12 but acted like I hated it because I didn't want my friends to make fun of me. Said friends donot talk to me or atleast changed their mindset on kinning. When I was around 14/15, I became more invested in the kin community. I realized that most of the things that described kin fit me perfectly. I always related to Peter Griffin- He was my favorite character in Family Guy, besides Brian & Lois. Yet, the word "relate" didn't fit strong enough to me. I felt "related" to Peter to a more spiritual connection sort of way. Even to this day, it's a bit hard to explain but that's a story for another day when I can find the words to say it. Anywho, I eventually realized my feelings aligned with kin. I won't lie, I was in heavy denial since kinning Family Guy is considered cringe & we're not quite at that point where it's considered normal. I tried to identify with my kin of Stan Marsh more since South Park kin is considered less embarassing. I do kin Stan, but it's not as heavy as Peter so I felt like I was being someone else. Sounds familiar to another experience of pretending to be someone you're not, right? Anywho.. I was known as a Stan Marsh kin for about 3-ish years or so. Yet I couldn't hide the Peter kin I was hiding. By the time I was 18,I accepted it. I realized I can't hide who I truly identify with, and accepted it. I told some friends- They were more accepting than I expected. I felt so happy. I decided to go by Peter as a second name (Keep in mind, I identified as a female at the time but I thought of Peter as a gender neutral name (If you think about it, all names are inherently gender neutral.). Yet, I still didn't feel right. There was a weight off my chest, but it wasn't fully off. I started feeling uncomfortable with my deadname being used & started using Peter as my first name. But then I realized she/her pronouns weren't working for me either once I made the leap to being called Peter- I asked people to refer to me by any, but secretly I meant don't call me she/her. I started asking those close to me to use he/him and they/them interchangeably for a week, and I realized he/him made me more comfortable than both she/her and they/them. It was at that moment I realized I wasn't a female. I was a male, born in the wrong body. (I know I realized I was FtM pretty late in life, but keep in mind during my teen years I was coerced into following some pretty crappy ideologies + the environment I grew up in IRL just wasn't for trans people + Just had an incredibly low self esteem growing up to realize the reason I felt miserable was because of dysphoria.). And then I realized.. Embracing my Peter kin was the core reason that led me to figuring out my true identity. If I hadn't accepted it & let cringe culture take over my life, I would've never realized my true self. I would've stayed closeted and self conscious my whole life. I'm proud to say I'm a happier person now after coming to terms with both things.. I'm planning on starting testorone once everything in my life is settled- I'm currently in college and work a 9-5 job, so once I graduate & move from my state I'm excited to start the path of turning into my true self. I'm glad I got to share this story with yall, I used to be embarassed about it but I've learned to embrace the "cringe " sides of me, realizing I was much happier.
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thefreakydeaky · 10 months
You're No Good (Part 5)
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Negan Smith x Reader
Various TWD Characters x Reader
Modern AU
Summary: Your husband came up with a way to keep you away from trouble but trouble just won't stay away from you.
Warnings: Angst
Negan texted you to meet him at a bar he'd been told about across town. Eager to get out of the house, you freshened your make up a bit, changed into a somewhat nicer outfit and left home.
You pasted the address Negan had given you into google maps and without really looking, selected the first option to pop up. Twenty minutes later when you arrived at your destination, you regretted not paying closer attention. You knew The Tap, knew it so well you had made friends with the bartender. Lots of cops liked to hang out there, Shane among them. You texted Negan about going somewhere, anywhere, else, but he didn't read your message.
You found a place to park as soon as you could and prepared to go in. Surely it had been long enough that your face had been forgotten.All you could think to do was go in and drag Negan out.
The Tap was an old place. It hadn't been updated one bit you noticed, your eyes going over the familiar honey wood bar and red vinyl bar stools. You could almost swear the Christmas lights they had up were the same ones from over ten years ago. You shook your head and focused on getting to the tables in the back, where Negan said he'd be. You made it almost to the end of the bar when someone called your name.
"Hey! We've missed you around these parts." The bartender told you. "How've you been?"
"Hey, Gavin. I'm good. I'm doing good. How are you?" You replied.
"The kids are good. The wife is happy. I can't complain." He reached for a glass and went to work making you what used to be your go to drink order, an amarretto sour.
You thanked him and picked up the glass.
"You here with someone?" He asked as he refilled someone's pint.
"I'm meeting my husband here actually." Your eyes scanned over the nearest two tables.
"What's he look like?"
"Tall, kind of on the thin side, dark greying hair..." You took a sip of your drink. "Wearing a suit."
Gavin nodded.
"Last table on the right."
"Thanks, Gavin." You smiled at him and went to meet your husband.
Negan stood up when he saw you.
"Hello, Baby." He greeted you. You went into his arms and gave him a kiss.
"Hello, Handsome." You couldn't help the warm grin that spread across your lips. "How was work?"
"It was a good day and you know, this is a pretty great place." Negan commented. Pulling the chair next to him out for you.
You didn't sit.
"I'm glad you've been enjoying yourself, but we've got to go." You tried not to make it sound too urgent, but still to convey the importance that you leave.
He raised one almost perfectly shaped dark eyebrow.
"Come on, Baby. You just got your drink and I haven't finished this one just yet." He patted the chair beside his.
You frowned.
"I'm serious, Negan. We have to go."
He released a puzzled chuckle.
"You came all the way here just to tell me we have to leave? I've only had two, Babe. How drunk did you think I'd be?"
"No, it's not that. It's-it's..."
"I'm not ready to go yet. Let's sit here and relax a while, hmm?" He tried to reason with you.
"Negan, please. Can you trust me on this? It's important that we leave be-"
"Well don't go on my account." Shane retorted over your shoulder. "Cause I am perfectly comfortable with you being here."
You cringed at the sound of his voice.
"We were just leaving." You told Shane. "Come on, Negan."
Shane stuck out his hand.
"Hey, Negan is it? I'm Shane."
Negan shook his hand looking between the two of you as if trying to work out who he was to you.
"You another one of her affairs or are you the husband?" Shane shot off.
You winced. You couldn't bring yourself to look at Negan.
"Look, I said I was sorry. I am. I'm sorry, but as I was saying-"
"Do you know, she didn't tell me she was married till after?" Shane spoke directly to Negan, ignoring you. "During she was telling me she missed me and she loved me, but after," He laughed a hollow humorless sound. "After, she tells me she's married. Do you think that's right? Cause I don't think that's right."
You glared at Shane.
"I never said that," You grit your teeth. "All I said was that you were a good lay."
Negan stood then. You watched him, worried. The expression on his face gave nothing away, but you knew how he felt. You had felt the same way when you received a phone call from the woman he slept with. He went around you, straight to the bar to pay his tab.
"What? You don't have anything to say?" Shane prodded, following behind him.
Negan signed the receipt, took up his card and put it back in his wallet.
"What she does while I'm at work is her business."
Shane turned to look at you, disbelief and anger in his eyes.
"You're an adult and yet here you are trying to what? Tell on her? Get her in trouble? Grow up." Negan responded in a tired voice and left the bar.
"Negan?" You came into your house through the garage. The whole drive back home you had been worrying yourself about what Negan was thinking. How shitty he must be feeling. You didn't know what you would do if he left you.
"Negan?" You called again walking down the long hallway to the back of the house.
He didn't respond. You checked his office and finding it empty went to your bedroom.
Negan was in a pair of sweats and a white undershirt, sitting in bed watching basketball.
You let out a breath of relief. You had thought up a scenario where he would be packing up and leaving.
You sat at the edge of the bed by his legs.Your gaze was on the hardwood floor.
"I'm so sorry." You took a deep breath. "I never said I loved him. He was just trying to-"
"I don't really wanna talk about this right now." He told you.
He said your name in a stern tone. "I said, no."
You faced him.
The way his jaw was set, his eyes filled with emotion, you knew he was hurt and so you left it alone for the time being.
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midnightwinterhawk · 1 year
Mar's covid reading list
Covid made it hard for me to focus so I spent my downtime rereading some favorite comfort fics which I will now share with you for the low, low price of 'don’t forget to kudos and/or comment on these lovely stories'.
(16k | Explicit | Sterek)
We Grew A Little And Knew A Lot by attackofthezee (noxlunate)
“So, you do like me though?”
“No, I hate you and I’ve spent a ton of time and money trying to make you happy for no reason at all.” Derek deadpans and Stiles can’t help it, he smiles blindingly at Derek and leans in, smashing their mouths together.
Or an A/B/O fic that's totally mostly floof
Fireman Derek's Crazy Pie [Cheeseburger Baby] by owlpostagain
(18k | Teen | Sterek)
“He can't blame me for the fact that I live in a building full of people united in the singular effort to ogle Hot Fireman as often as humanly possible."
Laura laughs, loud and echoing in the empty restaurant.
"Hot firemen can make a girl do crazy things," she agrees, nodding towards her brother's name on the menu. "Derek won't let me date anyone from his company, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the eye candy."
"Send them my way," Stiles suggests, finally loading up a forkful of pie. "Apparently I'm incompetent enough that I need to be babysat at all times, because it would be cheaper than dispatching a truck every time I try to use a kitchen appliance."
Leave the Rest Unspoken (I Hear You) by @lizabethl
(16k | Explicit | WinterHawk)
“I, um. I don’t think I’m supposed to have these.”
Bucky held something out between them, changing the target of Clint’s focus. When Clint saw the stack of envelopes in Bucky’s hands, his heart stopped beating and he dropped his bow to the ground.
“Shit,” Clint whispered, wanting to reach out and snatch the letters from Bucky’s grip, but unable to move due to the mortification flowing through him. “Did you read them?”
Starving for the Light by @thepartyresponsible
(45k | Explicit | WinterHawk)
“You’ve got, like.” The witch taps his own chest, center mass, with the slice of pizza. “An infection, kinda. In your soul, I guess. Whatever you want to call it. Nobody wants to call it magic.”
“I don’t have any magic,” Bucky says, immediately. He’s not a witch.
“Sure,” the witch says. “Well, that thing you have that connects you to Steve, the part of you that can form bonds to other people. That part of you. It’s fucked.”
“Fucked,” Bucky repeats. He wonders if that’s a medical or magical diagnosis.
Mistakes Were Made by @spidergwenstefani
(1.4k | Teen | WinterHawk)
Sam slaps his hands against the conference table, half-standing from his seat.
“You spent three days with the deadliest assassin on earth? Doing what?”
Clint’s face goes red and Maria feels her stomach drop.
“No,” she manages. “Barton. You didn’t.
“Um.” Clint's face scrunches up like he can wince his way out of the conversation. “I didn’t not.”
AKA Clint ends up confessing to having met the Winter Soldier once before.
Baby Whisperer by @twothumbsandnostakeincanon
(26k | Mature | Steter )
“What. Is that.”
Scott looked up at him, apprehensive.
“Her name’s Lily.”
Stiles stared at the fuzzy head peeking out of the papoose.
“Her. Her name. That is a real live human baby. Oh my God-”
“Actually I don’t know if she’s human?” Scott said with a confused frown. “Becca didn’t say.”
“Who the fuck is Becca?!”
Infinite Space by @discontentedwinter
(35k | Explicit | Steter)
Stiles needs Peter's expertise to help stop the latest threat to Beacon Hills.
And, as the pack falls apart around him, he might even need Peter for more than that.
there's a niche in his chest where a heart would fit perfectly by xiaolongbaobei
(7k | Mature | SladeJay, Jason&books)
Frankly it’s a stupid idea, but Jason’s apparently known for his stupid ideas, including one which everybody in his ex-family has claimed led to his own death. Victim-blaming and general classism aside, yeah well if nobody’s going to treat Jason Todd like an adult or a hero — he thinks that he doesn’t need to be a hero. And ergo — Jason’s free to make stupid choices. Like getting into bed with Slade Wilson.
The Corner of Divinity by @primeemeraldheiress
(5k | Explicit | SladeJay)
He stared, heart in his throat. He couldn’t tear his eyes away. The heavy tang of blood was thick in the air and his feet felt like lead. He couldn’t move. He wasn’t even sure he wanted to. Whatever he’d expected to find, it wasn’t this.
Deathstroke’s lips twisted in a smirk. “I hoped you would show.”
“How could I resist?” Jason drawled, grateful his helmet hid his voice and for the scent blocking patches on his neck. “It was such an artfully worded invitation.”
Between Us by Tulikettu
(9.7k | Explicit | Fratt)
Matt asks Frank to go to a wedding as his date.
Foggy is annoyed.
Frank makes some mix tapes.
Matt might have underestimated everything he's ever felt.
Frank has vowed never to love again.
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sophierequests · 1 year
genya safin
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Navigation┃Main Masterlist┃Request
Angst: ☾ ┃ Fluff: ♡ ┃ Hurt/Comfort: ☆ ┃ Smut: ♤
“I am not ruined. I am ruination.”
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scars don't change a thing (☆) → After the attack of the nichevo'ya, Genya distances herself from everyone, and the reader doesn't know how to deal with that. In a last attempt she tries to ask Zoya for advice.
The people at court called her razrusha'ya - the Ruined - and it made you feel sick to your stomach. Beauty had always been one of Genya’s specialities, her own exceeding the ones of any other Grisha. She was a Tailor, after all, so her affinity with the pretty and aesthetic little things made sense. To you, she was more than just her looks, but it was a harder task to make her see that.
the writing on my arm tells stories of a different time (♡) → Everyone has a sentence written on their arm in black ink, revealing the first words your soulmate says to you. After the first conversation, the ink turns red. The reader almost stopped believing in her soulmate, until she meets them completely unexpectedly.
There were many rumours surrounding the scarred Tailor, but if you had to approve one, it would be that she was absolutely stunning. Her vibrant red hair was curled perfectly, sitting on her head like a carefully crafted wig. Even though her face was scarred, and her missing eye was covered by a flawlessly fitting eye patch, she still looked incredible.
they don't know about us (♡) → Unbeknownst to their best friends the reader and Genya had been dating for quite a while now. But what happens when Nikolai and Zoya are set on getting the two of them together?
“I don't want to irritate you, but I just can't watch the two of you act like little lovesick children whenever you’re around each other any longer.” he insisted, making you roll your eyes in dismay, “Just…go ask her out or something! I can’t take it anymore. The flirting and constant eye fucking is getting way too much!”
will i ever be the one you see while falling asleep? (♡) → Oblivious childhood friends try to figure out whether their feelings are mutual.
It was common for her to have nightmares, even before the king’s advances. When you both were children, she would often sneak into your room and wake you up, telling you about her dreams and letting you comfort her. Even though she stopped doing it as you got older, she still wanted to return to these simpler times, when she could just come into your room in the middle of the night without thinking about it.
all my life i've been heading for hell (☆) → After the threat of the Darkling's reign of terror became a more present threat, the reader decided to leave it all behind. Genya stayed.
Genya watched you silently while you hastily packed as many of your belongings as you could. You had heard her entering, but you didn’t even spare her one look as you combed through your room. She chose her side a long time ago, and you wouldn’t stay to watch this nightmare become reality.
just how fast the night changes (♡) → Nikolai's younger sister has been crushing on Genya for years now, but for some reason said Tailor just won't see her as anything else than the king's baby sister.
“Oh, no, it’s fine. I’m not particularly busy today, so having someone to talk to wouldn’t be all too bad.” The words tumbled out of your mouth rather clumsily, and you internally prayed to anyone who might listen that you didn’t appear too awestruck.
tree decorating (♡) → Genya helps the reader with decorating the Christmas tree.
“Weren’t Tolya and Tamar supposed to decorate the tree?” she laughed, finally entering the room fully to take in the absolute chaos you had produced.
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being married to genya headcanons pt. 1┃pt. 2 (♡)
lady-in-waiting!genya x princess !reader (♡)
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ggomos-maribat · 2 years
BDBWM Day 24 | Apologize
original prompt | complete masterlist
Māo leans over the edge of the rooftop, peering over Gotham. She has made up her mind to go back to Gotham but only to track down the stolen necklace. She's careful to avoid her brothers' and father's patrol routes, having no plan to face them just yet. 
She feels someone sneaking up behind her and shrieks, immediately throwing the potential attacker over her shoulder. She hears a deep voice yelling immediately afterwards, having been thrown off the building. 
"Shit!" Māo extends her baton right away, catching Nightwing in the middle of his fall and depositing him back on the ledge. 
"Sorry, Dick," she wrings her finger together. "I mean—Nightwing!"
She's about to spring away when he catches her wrist. "Wait, Mari—" 
"I can't. I'm sorry . . ." She pulls away from his grasp and hops off to another rooftop but suddenly comes face to face with Batman himself, along with Robin. 
"Marinette," Batman looks down at her. She's cornered between them, unable to find an opening to escape. The second she stares back at her father, she finds his expression unreadable. 
"It's Māo," she tells him quietly. "No names on the field." 
Batman clears his throat. "Māo. Will you hear us out first?" 
She shifts on her feet. "You're not mad?" 
A flicker of change passes over him but she still can't tell what he's feeling. She hangs her head, expecting the worst, expecting him to lash out and forbid her from wielding another Miraculous before taking over her business. 
"Why didn't you tell us before?" Batman asks. "I wouldn't have stopped you from being a hero. I wouldn't get mad. You could've been more honest with us and you wouldn't have been attacked." 
Her breath catches in her throat. "It's not that easy." 
"We would still understand your situation," Robin says. 
"That's not . . ." She shuts her eyes tightly for a while. 
"We could've helped you, Ladybug." She flinches at her father's emphasis on her heroine name. 
"It's because you were so happy to have a 'normal' child!" She yells out. "You were trying so hard in hiding your alter ego so you can protect me! And this whole time, you were against Ladybug having the Miraculouses! How can I tell you the truth?"
Batman purses his lips, evidently affected by her outburst. 
"I'm sorry I can't be the perfectly clueless daughter you thought I was," she spits out bitterly. "But I have a job to do because I have to take responsibility for the missing Miraculous." 
"You don't need to worry about that, Pix," a new voice rings out. Red Hood, Red Robin, Orphan and Spoiler jump up to the same rooftop. 
And dangling between Red Hood's fingers is the Fox Miraculous. 
Māo gasps and takes the necklace immediately. She wears it, summoning a weary Trixx who gives her a look of reassurance. 
"Ja—I mean, Red Hood, how did you . . .?" She gapes at her siblings. 
"Tracked down that fucker who stabbed you." She can hear the cocky grin in his tone. Red Hood jerks his head towards their sleep deprived brother. "Mostly thanks to this one."
Māo resists pulling them into a hug. She clutches the necklace close, whispering words of thanks.
Batman coughs to regain her attention. "Māo . . . Marinette . . ." He falters. "I'm sorry that you felt that way. I had that opinion about Ladybug because I knew she was your age and it's difficult and dangerous for her to carry those responsibilities." 
She wraps her arms around herself. "I understand that, but I can handle it on my own . . . Sort of. I don't need someone to take care of me on the hero side of things—I'm used to it." 
"It doesn't mean you have to bear it alone, M." Nightwing puts a gentle hand on her back. "You have us now and we won't try to control you. Right, B?" 
"Yes . . . But—" 
"He said yes," Spoiler smiles. "So it's a yes." 
Māo lets her stance relax. Her family knowing about her is bringing a lot of changes, but she feels more comfortable with them now. 
"You'll go home tonight, right?" Orphan asks. 
"Yeah, I think I will." She nods.
@maribat-bdbwm@tinybrie @sinoffalsejudgement @its-maemain @kamarallil @toughluna @golden-promises @whatamoodhoney @trippingovermyfeet @m4ster0fnone @alexizlazy @plz-excuse-my-inner-gay @maybeanalien0-0 @imchaotic-dontmindme @ev-cupcake @flowers-n-fandoms @crusherccme @ji-nk-ies @depressed-bitchy-demon @duskyashe @multplelifes @authorpendragging@iloontjeboontje@thatonecroc@user00000003@paradoxaloccurance@kking13@laydeekrayzee@chaos-inperson@astol07@the-coffee-fandom@nerd-nowandforever@nightmarewasteland@certainmuffinbagelcalzone@the-hospitality-of-knives@stainedglassm@talia-scar123@trying414@starling218@buginetye@ascetic-orange@myazael@child-of-the-clouds@ladythugs@adrestar@therealkotlc@blueneko9314@kinda-craz-fan@kitsun369 @talia-scar123
140 notes · View notes
inardescere · 4 months
The book's cover is a dark wine red, the hardcover giving it some weight, and smooth leather binding with golden thread stitching. There's a scribble of Kaveh's name on the lower right corner, inked in gold. On the inner side of the hardcover, there is a newly added scribble.
To Alhaitham, whom I hope to be more honest with.
Ten days living with Alhaitham.
He hasn't changed.
He is a brat and infuriating.
I don't understand why he let me into his house. But I've been able to get a hold of plenty of job offers thanks to the palace's reputation.
Hopefully, I can make enough to move out soon.
The client today was a pain!
They couldn't even make a decision on their own stall. Do they expect me to read their minds? It reminds me of a certain someone who doesn't speak and mutes their surroundings all the time.
At least he makes decent food.
Tighnari and I had tea today.
Collei laughed at something I said, and I'm... Unsure how to feel about it. It wasn't supposed to be funny! Who in their right mind would buy such an ugly wooden carving? He tells me off for spending for the less fortunate and getting cute accessories and he goes buying crap from the market to fill his house!
Where's the logic in that?
We got two dutars.
As expected, he can't play it. Surprisingly, he was willing to learn how to play.
He still has a temper but it was fun.
It reminded me of good times.
Mehrak started beeping weirdly today.
She's alright now but the book Alhaitham brought home for a light read had come in handy. What luck! Living with a bookworm has its merits. I haven't run out of material to browse through on my days off.
The sunsettias were so sweet today.
Why does it feel like I've had a lot of fruit in the past months?
Actually, I feel like I've been eating a lot recently. I didn't realize how loose my clothes had become while constructing the palace. Filling them in perfectly reminds me how gorgeous this design is. What you wear does make a difference to one's confidence!
I should get an outfit designed for Alhaitham. He keeps going around in those hideous clothes. Maybe that's why he's such a brat.
Reminder to book an appointment.
I got keychains!
Alhaitham has no sense of aesthetics.
They were paying for the sick children but he just called it a scam! Surely, he understands that free healthcare doesn't just drop out of the sky. Maybe it's a donation to the Birmastan, he would never know!
Either way, I got a cute lion keychain. This way, he won't take my keys by mistake.
I hate him I'm never talking to him ever again.
Next time I write, I'll have found a new place for myself!
Good Night!
I didn't get persuaded by the wine. He just looked too pitiful so I couldn't say no.
Besides, it's not good to let a whole crate of good wine go to waste!
I just had the best academic debate.
After leaving the Akademiya, there's been plenty of hardships and there wasn't any time when I was not testing my creativity and the capacity of my knowledge to create. But it's not common to have a debate over knowledge, exchanging theories and knowledge outside of the narrow understanding that normal citizens have.
It was fun.
We had some spats and arguments over topics often while living together, but we had material to look over and analyze as we debated as if we were students again.
It made me remember why I loved his eyes.
When I got back home, there was dinner.
We've been taking turns getting takeout when we're both home to have dinner together. I feel like we've been eating together every day for a while.
Today was a weird day.
It just felt good.
It's been a year.
My debt is nowhere near gone and I feel suffocated.
It's too comfortable here. Maybe finding a place of my own will make me feel better. I wouldn't have to deal with our arguments every other day. Renting a room far from the city might be cheaper.
I can't keep wanting things I can't have.
I had a dream.
It's because I wrote a stupid log last night.
I feel like we're fighting even more than usual.
I'm already miserable and a mess. Does he just want to push it in my face again that my ideals are futile?
Then again, he probably doesn't care.
It's been a few months since I last wrote in this book.
Nothing has really changed, but a lot has. Some truths have come to light.
Learning about what happened to Father, I'm still uneasy. But the weight is just a bit lighter. To think that Alhaitham had figured it out somehow. When did he even have the time to go find this information when he's supposed to be busy being a judge? I can't believe he even agreed to be one. It doesn't sound like him at all. I swear, you never know what he's thinking.
... But truly, I am grateful.
If only he knew how to be a bit cuter. He's such a brat I want to knock him a few pegs down! How dare he make fun of his senior like that! Even though I was being so serious, he just tries to tease me. No respect, I tell you!
I will forgive him because I smell cheese from the kitchen. My favorite!
I can't bring myself to go home.
We didn't fight today. But Alhaitham woke up late since it was his day off and his hair was sticking everywhere. I touched him without thinking and he looked at me. I know that look.
I'm mistaken, though.
We put that behind us.
Don't get your hopes up, Kaveh.
We fought.
But we cuddled and slept together after the fight. So... we made up? I don't know what to do or think. Things can't go back to how it was before.
Can I stay here?
How did he know that I have sketches of him? Is he going through my sketchbooks? Are you reading this now, Haitham?
I won't forgive you if you do!
But even he's not as tactless as to read someone's diary...
... ...
Yet he keeps playing with me, saying he'd pose if I asked. As if! If he keeps joking like that I'll take him seriously and make him do some stupid poses till he's embarrassed and red! Have him vulnerable and open to critical eyes and see if he can take it!
I know I don't need to do anything special. Although I know it logically, I can't help but feel like there's nothing I can do for him. There's a part of me that feels spoiled, it's not in me to just stay still. Yet I always end up giving in.
He shows affection so openly now. I should try my best too...
Things are moving too fast.
Who talks about marriage a month into a relationship?!
I'm crazy!
I'm so crazy!!!!
But I designed rings since he was so stubborn about making wooden ones I wanted to prove him wrong. I can make them just fine!
[Inserts sketches of the design and multiple scribbled notes of materials taped on this page]
I don't know what to write today.
Everything is too perfect, I feel like it'll all come crumbling down if I let go of myself.
Today's a good day to bring out a bottle from my birthday stash. One last bottle for good luck. Let loose and forget everything for a night. Maybe Alhaitham will be inclined to join me. I'll share since he was so good to me last night.
Cyno gives good advice sometimes.
I'm glad I've got good friends.
Alhaitham agreed to get officially married. Papers and all. I didn't think I would be the one to want that. It seemed and still feels more like something he would like, but... It makes me happy.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow.
I've been looking for a gem to match the one on his chest.
After hearing about the possibility of it being linked to the divine, finding one with similar properties seems even further out of reach than it was before. I'm not giving up though. Even if it means making it on my own, I want to present an accessory with it to him.
I worried that maybe I was still desperate to prove myself and find something I could do for him. But whenever I tell myself to throw the idea away if it bothers me so much, the desire for it grows stronger. As with all things, there is no clear-cut answer to whether I can keep my personal feelings and doubts from controlling my actions and beliefs.
But as I've told the traveler, I think that's fine and who I am. It's my new passion project because I can't stop the desire to do it.
XX 1102
Happy Birthday, Alhaitham.
I thought of many presents I could gift you, and I've already prepared them! But when I came back to my room, I found this diary on my desk and while reading, I started thinking about us.
Even if you decide to be a brat and tease me to no end, there are things in this diary that I can't put into words properly anymore. Some things, I could not say out loud.
I'm not trying to mimic what your grandmother did, but after finding my mother's diary I realized that reading through written memories of our loved ones or letters for you are incredibly sentimental things that bring a semblance of peace and connection I hadn't truly comprehended before. So, I leave this with you. There are still many pages left as I used this only on occasion, so feel free to fill it in if you please, or keep it blank.
Again, happy birthday.
I love you, Haiyi.
Thank you for being born.
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rogeriswater · 8 months
Don't Leave Me Now
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This work contains fictionalized versions of real events and people. Most details won’t be accurate to real life.
tags for this chapter: p.o.v changes, more infidelity
I woke up quite early the next morning. The sun was just starting to rise up. The rays peeked through the slits in the curtains and they shined on Roger's face, highlighting his gorgeous features. He was still sleeping, slumped in the chair, arms crossed over his chest. I couldn't bring myself to wake him up. He looked so peaceful and cute when he was sleeping. The door to my room open and in walked a nurse with my breakfast. "Morning, Maggie!" She greeted me.
"Morning" I said back to her, sitting up on the bed. The nurse placed the tray of food in front of me. I was quite surprised. This actually looked like an appealing breakfast. "I have some good news for you, Maggie. Everything seems to be perfectly fine with Victoria, so we'll be bringing her into the room with you"
My eyes lit up. "Really?" Finally, I was going to be able to be with my baby.
"I'll let you eat, and I'll be back later with Victoria, and I'll go over breastfeeding with you" The nurse said. The minute she left the room, Roger woke from his slumber.
I smiled at him as I took a bite out of my toast. "Morning, lover"
Roger smiled at me. "Morning, sunshine" He reached over and took my hand in his. "How did you sleep?"
"Only reason I was able to sleep at all was because you were with me" I tell him. I let go of his hand and sat up in my bed. I reached for the other piece of toast on my food tray.
"Let me get it for you, darling" Roger insisted. He grabbed my toast and started spreading marmalade on it for me. "You need to rest up as much as possible"
"What about the rest of the tour?" I asked.
"We don't have very many shows left. I think you can handle sitting them out"
"But Roger--"
He clicked his tongue at me. "No buts. You have a baby to take care of now"
I pouted and crossed my arms like a bratty child. "Do you expect me to just not perform at all anymore?"
"Of course not, love" Roger said. "But you just had a baby. That's a tiring process for a woman. You need to rest and bond with the baby. Besides, next tour, Olivia will be here to look after Victoria when we can't"
"You need to bond with Victoria too"
"Not before you have a chance to bond with her first. The bond between a mother and a child is always more important than the one between a father and a child" Roger smiled sadly. "Believe me, I would know"
"You never got a chance to bond with your father" I said, putting my hand on his arm as a way to comfort him. "That's why it's important to me you get to be there for Victoria"
Roger's sad smile turned into a more genuine one. "Thanks, sunshine" He put the toast back on my plate. "Now, eat your breakfast. You need all the energy for Victoria"
"Don't you want to eat anything?" I asked him, pointing at my plate.
"That's your food" Roger got up from his chair. "I'll get my breakfast from the cafeteria"
"Please don't leave me" I begged him, reaching to grab his hand.
"I won't be more than ten minutes, I promise" Roger kissed my forehead and let go of my hand before leaving the room to go to the cafeteria.
Thankfully, after Roger left, I wasn't alone for much longer. The nurse from before had brought Victoria into the room with me. Finally, I was with my baby. The nurse gave me my baby girl to hold. Her eyes were even open. "Hi, little angel" I cooed to my daughter. She grinned a toothless grin at me and looked right into my eyes. Her eyes, there was a familiarity about them. A familiarity about Roger. Those were his eyes. I knew right then and there that Victoria was definitely his little girl.
The nurse said she'd return to teach me all about breastfeeding. Just as the nurse left, I had another visit. It was my sister. "Ronnie, isn't she the most precious thing you've ever seen?" I gush to my sister about my daughter.
Ronnie smiled as she sits in the chair that was previously occupied by Roger. "She's beautiful, pup. Just like her mum"
"Her eyes, Ronnie" I said. "They're Roger's eyes. Victoria is definitely his baby, and I don't need a DNA test to tell me that"
"Let's just hope Billy is dumb enough to not notice" Ronnie huffed. "You should know I brought him with me. He's on his way to the room"
"You brought him!?" I wanted to yell but I didn't want to scare Victoria. "Why would you do that?"
"You're still his wife and he should have been here for you last night" Ronnie said. "And whether you like it or not, he's going to have to play father to Victoria, at least until you divorce him"
At that very moment, the door opened and Billy walked in. "Hi" He greeted quietly, almost as if he was afraid to strike a nerve with me. Though, he was already way past that. His eyes fell to the baby in my arms. "Is that her?" He asked as a smile grew on his face.
"This is Victoria" I told him, pushing my anger at Billy aside. "Your daughter" It almost hurt to say that, but this was a charade that I was going to have to play for quite sometime. "Would you like to hold her?"
"Really?" Billy's eyes lit up. "You mean that?" Honestly, it kind of warmed my heart to see how excited he was about Victoria. Maybe Billy wasn't going to be such a bad father after all. I held her out to him and he gently took her from me. He smiled down at Victoria as he held her. "Look at you! Aren't you a precious jewel?" He cooed to her. I heard Victoria giggling at him. "You look just like mummy!"
Ronnie gave me an amused smirk. "He's even dumber than I thought" She whispered to me. I had to stifle in my laughter.
The door opened again. Roger returned with a tray of food. "Sorry it took so long, sunshine, but the queue in the cafeteria was longer than I thought it was going to be" Roger took notice of Billy. I could see the anger flashing in his eyes, but he held back his tongue. For my sake, and for Victoria's. "Billy"
"Roger" Billy nodded at him, remaining civil with him. "I want to thank you for staying with Maggie last night"
"It was nothing, really" Roger shrugged.
"No, no, I mean it" Billy said. "I was an idiot for getting drunk last night and in turn I miss the birth of my daughter" Roger's jaw ticked when Billy called Victoria "his" daughter, but luckily, Billy didn't notice that. "Just, thanks for being here with her so she wasn't alone." He turned to look at me. "Hey Maggie, why don't we make Roger the godfather?"
My eyebrows raised in surprise. Roger looked stunned. "I'm surprised you didn't suggest anyone from your family" I said to Billy.
"Well, you and I both know they won't be very interested in Victoria" Billy said.
"Well what about me?" Ronnie spoke up. "Or Lee and Ginny?"
"Well you're already aunts and uncle to Victoria" Billy explained. "Look, I'm shocked I suggested Roger too, considering we never quite got along, but he proved himself last night. If something ever happened, at least I know Roger will be there" He turned to Roger again. "So, what do you say, Roger? Will you be the godfather to Victoria, and Judy the godmother?"
Roger looked to me, as if he waited to see what I wanted. I just nodded at him. "Well, I would have to discuss it with Jude but I'm sure she'd love to, so yeah, I'll be the godfather to Victoria"
The nurse eventually returned to get me started on breastfeeding Victoria. Ronnie and Roger left the room to give us privacy. Victoria latched onto me pretty easily and quickly. This felt nice, feeding her like this. I could see why Ginny gushed about it when she breastfed Bobby. "Maggie, there's something I gotta say to you" Billy said.
"Please don't start arguing with me, Billy" I told him. "Not now"
"No, no. I just want to say that I'm really going to start to be a better man. For you, for Victoria" Billy began to promise me. I was on the fence of whether or not to believe him. I had heard this spiel before and nothing. "I've hurt you...badly, and I take full responsibility for that"
"Wow, Billy" I was honestly really shocked to hear him say that. I really didn't know how else to respond to him "I really don't know what to say right now"
"I don't expect you to say anything" Billy stood up from his chair and he walked over to me. He put his hand to my cheek. "I love you, Maggie, more than anything else in this world. I hope even after everything I put you through, you still love me too"
And like a mouse looking for cheese, I get a little too close to the trap and it snaps shut. "Oh, Billy" I said like a lovesick teenager. "Of course I still love you"
Billy smiled, now grabbing my hand and bringing it up to his lips so he could kiss it. "Will you still renew our vows with me?"
"Yes, I will" I say, squeezing his hand affectionately. "We'll start planning it when I return home from tour"
"About that" Billy starts to say, and I could already tell I would not like where this is going. "Maybe you should come home early"
I give him a look. "Why would I do that?"
"Well because you just had our daughter and you need to rest"
"Billy, come on, there's only one more date"
"So then you won't be missing much" I knew it wouldn't be long before I started feeling anger at Billy again. "I'll be talking to Steve when I get back to the hotel today"
"You know, any decision about me, has to be run by Roger first" Even Rourkie knew that, and I knew Roger wouldn't stand for it.
Billy sighed. "I never understood that. It's like Roger has control over you" I had to stop myself from scoffing. Billy was sure one to talk.
"Roger doesn't control me" I spoke up. "No one does, especially not you" Just then, Victoria started making little noises, indicating that she was done feeding.  I put my breast away and bring Victoria closer to my face. I give her soft forehead a gentle kiss, and then touch it with mine. "My little angel" I coo to her. I was going to be a much better mum to her than mine ever was to me. "Mummy loves you so much"
"And daddy does too" Billy said.
At that moment, the nurse walked into the room. "You guys make such a lovely family!" She gushes. "And I have some good news, Maggie. You'll be leaving with Victoria today"
Hearing the nurse say that sent so much joy through me. "You hear that, little angel?" I coo to Victoria. "You get to meet your aunts and uncles today!"
I walked through the front doors of the hotel, carrying Victoria in the bassinet the hospital gave to me. I could immediately spot Lindy and Juliette waiting anxiously in the lobby. Ronnie must have told them I was coming back after I phoned her just before I left the hospital. "Lin! Julie!" I called to them.
"Mags!" Juliette called back to me as both girls walked over to me. Her eyes are immediately drawn to the bassinet. "Is this the little one?"
"I would like you girls to meet Victoria Francesca Wa--" I caught myself when I realized I was about to say Roger's last name. Thankfully, I don't think either Lindy or Juliette noticed. "Robinson"
"She's so precious!" Lindy cooed. She looked at me, silently asking for permission if she could touch Victoria. I nodded. Lindy gently ran her finger along Victoria's tiny little arm. "Hi Victoria, I'm your Aunt Lindy!"
"And I'm your Aunt Juliette!" Victoria glanced between both of them and grinned. "Oh, she's so cute!" Juliette couldn't help but gush. "You better be careful when you introduce her to Judy"
"Why's that?" I asked. It made me panic for a moment. Could they see that she looked like Roger?
"Judy loves babies and children" Lindy explained. "You ever let Judy hold Victoria, you might just not ever get her back"
"Where are the boys?" I asked. "I want them to meet Victoria"
"They're all up in mine and Nick's room" Lindy explained. And with that, the three of of us began making our way up to the room, of course, with my little Victoria in tow.
As soon as we got to the room, Lindy knocked on the door before opening it. "Knock, knock!" She announced, catching everyone's attention. "Guess who's back from the hospital? And she brought someone for you all to meet!"
"Everyone, this is Victoria" I said, holding up her bassinet. "The newest member of our family"
"Congratulations Maggie!" Rick was the first to say. "How does it feel knowing that you're now a mum?"
"I'm still trying to wrap my head around it honestly" I said. "Every time I look at Victoria, I swear I feel like I'm in a dream"
"You're going to be a wonderful mum, Maggie" David assured me. "We all know it"
I placed the bassinet on the bed. "Don't be shy. Come and introduce yourselves to her. She's been dying to meet her uncles" I step away from Victoria so I can let the boys come up and meet her.
After Nick is finished meeting her, he walks over to me. "So be honest with me. She's Roger's, isn't she?"
"And how did the great Sherlock Holmes figure that one out?" I asked him.
"She looks just like him" Nick says with a smile. "Only not as ugly"
I lightly smack Nick on the arm. "Roger isn't ugly!"
He begins to laugh. "I'm just teasing, Mags"
"I'm just glad Billy thinks she looks like me" I said. "But I don't know I'm gonna do when Victoria gets older and more of Roger's features start to show"
"One word, Maggie" Nick says, slinging his arm over my shoulder. "Divorce"
Billy was off doing something so I took the opportunity to invite Roger my room. Victoria slept in her bassinet beside my side of the bed. Roger and I were cuddled together on the bed. My head rested on his chest and I listened to the gentle sound of his heart beating. He had his arms wrapped around me while he petted my hair. "We made a beautiful baby, Roger" I said quietly.
"She gets all the beauty from you, sunshine" Roger said.
"I think she gets it from you, my love" I tell him. "She looks just like you, after all"
Roger sighs and lets go of me. He gets off the bed and walks over to the mirror. "I don't think we're talking about the same person. Look at me." He pointed at himself in the mirror. "I'm the furthest thing from beautiful"
I get off of the bed, carefully being mindful of Victoria. I walk over to Roger. I gaze at him in the mirror. Sure, Roger didn't look like the average man. He was better. He looked like an angel. My arms wrap him and I rest my head against his arm. "If only you saw what I see, Roger" I say softly. "You are the most beautiful person I've ever seen in my entire life"
Roger smiles at me. He puts his hands over mine. "You know, every time you say that to me, I start believing it just a little more" He says.
I smile back at him. "Then maybe I should tell it to you every day"
He chuckles, showing off that grin I loved so much. "I wouldn't mind hearing it every day" He turned around so he was facing me. He grabbed my waist and pulled me against him. "I love you, darling"
I reach up to caress his face. "I love you too, my sweet" The both of us start leaning in, ready to kiss each other, but we have to break away when we hear the door opening. Both Billy and Rourkie walk in the room.
"Roger, good you're here as well" Billy says, not seeming angry about the fact that he was alone in the room with me. "Maggie, I was having a talk with Steve and we both came to a mutual agreement"
I crossed my arms as I looked at Billy. "And what agreement was that?"
Rourkie spoke up. "We both think it's best if you go home early."
"What? No!" I protested. I turned to Roger. I knew he would stick up for me. "Roger, tell them that I don't need to do that."
Roger rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, I actually agree with them."
"Sunshine, you need plenty of rest, and time with the baby. Besides, we only have one show left anyways."
Rourkie clapped his hands together. "Great! We all agree then. Maggie, you'll be leaving first thing tomorrow to return home with Billy and Victoria"
"This is for the best" Billy added. Then, he left the room with Rourkie as they further discussed things.
Once they were gone, I turned to Roger and smacked him on the arm, though I didn't do it too hard. "Ow!" He yelped, touching the spot where I smacked him. "What was that for!?"
"Why didn't you argue with them into letting me stay?" I asked him.
"Because you need your rest." Roger says. "And Victoria needs your full attention"
"She needs you too" I told him. "You are her father after all"
Roger gave me a sad smile. "I know, but Billy has to be the father for now, as much as it pains me to say that. And it does seem like he has Victoria's best interests at heart"
"But I can't leave you"
"I know, darling" Roger put his hand to my face. "I won't be gone for long. I'll be back home by the end of the month. Do you think you can go that long without seeing me?"
I sighed and nodded. "I'm going to have to"
He leaned in and gently kissed my lips. "I'll be back before you know it"
Billy, Victoria, and I made it back home. I was already missing Roger but the end of the month was nearing so I would see him soon. As soon as we pulled up outside our house, Judy came running out from hers and Roger's. "Maggie!" She called out to me. "You're back!"
I turned to face her. "Hi Jude"
"Roger called me earlier and told me the good news" She said. I saw her trying to peek in the bassinet. "Is it true?"
I nodded. "Why don't you come inside so you can meet her?" Judy agreed and so she followed me into the house.
Billy was already inside talking with Olivia. As soon as Olivia saw me, she spoke. "It's really true? You and Billy had the baby!?" She came up to me. "Oh let me see her! Let me see her!"
I giggled. "Okay, okay!" I put Victoria's bassinet down and picked her up out of it. "Olivia, Judy, I'd like you both to meet Victoria"
"Oh, isn't she just the most precious thing!" Olivia gushed over her.
When Judy looked at Victoria, she had an expression on her face that I couldn't quite read. "She's beautiful, Maggie. You must be proud" She said.
"I am. Would you like to hold her?" I asked Judy.
"Maybe some other time" She said. "I have things at home I need to do. Do you mind if I borrow Billy for a bit to help me?"
"Yeah, that's fine" I said. I turned to my husband. "You're fine with helping Judy, yeah?"
"Oh, uh," Billy paused as he looked over at Judy. "Yeah, I don't see why not" The two of them left together to go do whatever they were going to do next door. My mind left to wander about what Billy and Judy were going to do being alone together. Why did it make me nervous?
"Can I hold her?" Olivia spoke up, knocking me out of my thoughts.
"Yes, of course" I said, passing Victoria over to Olivia.
I couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity when Maggie showed off Victoria. Don't get me wrong, she was a beautiful baby and I was happy for Maggie and Billy. She was as sweet as babies could get. It's just that when I saw Victoria, it felt like I was looking at one of Roger's baby pictures for some reason. I was probably imagining things though.
"So, what did you need help with?" Billy asked me suddenly.
"Oh, just need some help packing up some of my pottery" I told him. Really, it was something I could've done on my own, but I just wanted to be near Billy again.
I brought Billy into the shed which I used as a pottery studio. The two of us got to packing away all the pottery. "You're looking good" Billy told me, and I couldn't help but blush.
"Thanks. So are you"
"How's everything going with Roger?"
Should I really tell him how miserable I've been feeling in this marriage? I love Roger, don't get me wrong, but the intimacy we had before is all gone. He won't even touch me anymore let alone have any sort of sex with me. "I shouldn't really talk behind his back" I said.
"Whatever you tell me, stays between us" Billy assured me. "From one married person to another"
"Well, we haven't made love in ages" I spilled. "And the last time we tried, Roger just gave up. It's like I couldn't satisfy him anymore"
"You know, the last time I made love to Maggie, she seemed bored with me, and that was well over seven months ago before her pregnancy really started to show" I explained.
I had no idea that Billy and I were in the same situation. Both of us were in sexless marriages, doubting if our spouse even loved us anymore. "Do you doubt if Maggie still loves you anymore?" I had to ask him.
The frown on Billy's face told me everything I needed to know. "I tell myself that she does love me, but sometimes, I really don't know. And it's hard because I love her so much, and I don't want to lose her"
"That's how I feel with Roger" I tell him. "I honestly do love him, but it's like I can't even talk to him much because he's so engrossed with his music"
"Did you and Roger ever discuss having children?"
I scoffed at that. "I don't think Roger even wants any children, and even if he did, I can't ever seem to get pregnant"
"I'm hoping Victoria makes things better between Maggie and I" Billy sighs. "That sounds selfish, doesn't it? Hoping a baby will fix things between me and my wife?"
I shake my head. "Not at all. I'm sure a lot of troubled couples that have kids feel that way" There was one question I was dying to ask Billy, but I wasn't sure if I should ask it or not. Mostly because I was sure I wouldn't like his answer. But, I decided to ask him anyways. "Billy, do you ever think that Maggie and Roger are having an affair together?"
"No" Billy tried to deny, shaking his head. "They can't be"
"Don't lie to yourself, Billy" I said. "Have you seen the way they look at each other? Roger doesn't even look at me like that anymore"
"Judy, they are not!" Billy raised his voice slightly. "Maggie wouldn't do that to me" I decided to drop it as I could tell it was making him agitated hearing that. But that was fine, as I had something else on my mind now, and I was hoping that Billy would indulge me. I walked over to him and stood behind him, wrapping my arms around him. "Judy, no" He spoke quietly, but made no attempts to push me away.
"We need each other" I try to tell him. "We can satisfy each other's needs, because Roger and Maggie definitely aren't"
I could almost hear the cogs in Billy's brain turning. He was considering my words. "I've never had an affair before" He told me.
"Neither have I" I said. "But there's a first for everything"
"And it's just sex, right?"
"If that's what you want it to be"
"Okay then" He finally caved in.
I smiled and turned him around so that he was facing me. He made the first move and kissed me. It was so passionate. I hadn't been kissed like this in ages. When our lips parted, I took his hand in mine. "Come on, let's go to the bedroom" I enticed him.
"Lead the way" He encouraged with a smile. That was all I needed to take him to mine and Roger's bedroom. I had no guilt about being in the bed with another man. The bed that I shared with my husband. But I needed this. God, I needed this. And Billy made me feel so good, so wanted, and so loved.
I ended up falling asleep on the couch waiting up for Billy. I don't know what was taking him so long but whatever it was, it gave me enough time to have a decent nap. I woke up when I heard the front door open. I sat up and looked at my husband. "There you are" I said. "What took you so long?"
"I was helping Judy, remember?" Billy told me.
"Yeah, I know that. I thought you'd only be gone for an hour at most. Not four"
"Was I really gone for four hours?"
"Yes, you were" I got up from the couch and walked over to him. "I was thinking, it's been a while since we went out. Maybe we could to dinner?"
"But what about Victoria?" Billy asked me.
"That's why Olivia is the nanny" I reached for Billy's hand and squeezed it. "Please?"
He retracted his hand. "I'm too tired for dinner. You can go out though, treat yourself to something nice. You deserve it"
"But Billy—"
"I'm sorry Maggie. Maybe some other night, okay?" He said.
I sighed. "Okay" I at least tried to kiss him but he moved away from me. He didn't say another word to me as he went up to our bedroom. I left the house but I didn't leave for dinner. I made my way next door to talk to Judy.
I knocked on the door and waited for an answer. Judy opened the door and she smiled when she saw me. "Hi Maggie. Would you like to come in?" I accepted her invitation and stepped inside the house. "Would you like tea or anything?"
"No, Jude, that's fine" I said. "I actually wanted to know what you and Billy were doing. He was over here for four hours"
"He was helping me put away some of my pottery" Judy explained. "Roger was supposed to help me with it, but he obviously never got around to it"
I crossed my arms. "And that takes four hours?"
"Turns out I had some other things I needed help with too" Judy sat down at the dining room table. "How is Roger doing anyways?"
"He's fine. He misses you" I lied to her. Roger didn't miss her at all.
Judy faintly smiled. "I should've gone, shouldn't I? He probably thinks I'm a terrible wife"
I sat at the table with her and reached over to touch her hand. "He doesn't think that at all, Jude"
"But it's true" She retracted her hand. "I haven't been the most supportive wife lately and I should be"
"There's always the next tour"
Judy smiles at me. "Thank you, Mags. You're a really good friend" When she said that, my stomach sank with guilt. Here she was, calling me a good friend while I was hopelessly in love with her husband. "I gotta say, I was surprised when Roger called me and told me you'd be coming home early. I thought for sure he'd try to keep you longer"
I started panicking again. "Why do you say that?"
"You're his best friend, Maggie"
"He just wanted me to rest and relax. It's tiring giving birth to a baby"
"I hope I get to experience that joy someday" Judy said sadly.
"You will" I assured her. "If it makes you feel any better, you can watch Victoria any time you want"
Judy's eyes just lit up at that. "Oh, I would love to!"
"So, I was going to go out for dinner, but I don't want to dine by myself. Care to join me?" I asked her.
"Anything that gets me out of cooking" She said, to which the both of us started to laugh. Judy went to grab her coat and her purse, and then the two of us made our way out to have dinner.
When I got home from having dinner with Judy, Olivia was waiting up for me like a mother ready to scold her child for being out so late. "Olivia, what's wrong?" I asked her. "Is Victoria okay?"
"She's fine" Olivia told me. "Where were you?"
"Judy and I went out for dinner" I said.
"Why would you go to dinner with her?"
"What's wrong with me going out to dinner with a girlfriend?"
"Nothing at all. I'm just looking out for your marriage"
"Looking out for my marriage?"
Olivia sighed and started twiddling her fingers. "You may not see it, but I do. Judy is clearly in love with Billy, and I'm just saying, keep an eye on her otherwise you may end up losing your husband"
I stepped closer to Olivia and cupped her chin. "Olivia, you know I appreciate you and everything you do, but you let me worry about my marriage"
"I'm sorry, Miss Maggie. I just don't want what happened to my parents to happen to you. It was heartbreaking"
Oh Olivia, if only you knew what was truly going on. If only you knew what Billy had done to me. As much as there was that stupid part of me that wanted to hold on to my marriage with Billy, a bigger part of me was also hoping that he would find a reason to finally leave me. I can't be the one to leave him. God knows what he would do if I even tried. I truly did both love and hate my husband at the same time.
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