#it felt like a movie
es-3 · 4 months
did everyone work somewhere as a teenager that started out as a normal job and then slowly became their home, and they and the rest of their coworkers would stay there hours after clocking out. and it had super chill management but that’s ok cuz the teenagers ran things and it turned out mostly fine (the ceiling is literally being held together by bandaids and fishing line) and everyone there had mediocre to poor home life’s so they were each others found family. and after leaving, they compare every job to that one which is not a fair comparison whatsoever because it wasn’t a job it was a home. or is that just me
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benjinoff13 · 1 year
just saw quantumania
that sure was a movie
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Man this scene in FNAF 2 movie is gonna be wild-
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forgotn1 · 8 months
I dreamt I had what I've always wanted. Which was incredible in the moment. It was a joyful dream filled with something I've desired my entire life. But then I awoke and there was nothing. I was back to the world where it is nothing but a lifelong unfulfilled desire. Those are the toughest dreams to come back from; I'd much rather stay there with a hollow fantasy than return to a solid emptiness.
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dopeanddiamantes · 5 months
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𝔥𝔢 𝔥𝔦𝔱 𝔪𝔢 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔦𝔱 𝔣𝔢𝔩𝔱 𝔩𝔦𝔨𝔢 𝔞 𝔨𝔦𝔰𝔰
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manicpixieangel444 · 5 months
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k-wame · 7 months
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SCENES FROM A MARRIAGE | 🫦 Teasing Felix & Oliver · Saltburn (2023) · dir. Emerald Fennell
The moments between Oliver and Felix…there's a kind of constant tease sort of going on. Felix sort of knows the effect he has on people and he's sort of very comfortable playing with that. -dir. Emerald Fennell
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midnights-dragon · 8 months
things critics hate, apparently:
people having fun
movies that are good as fuck and that ignite a viscerally emotional reaction from an audience of thousands and thousands of people
movies that are good
anyways go watch fnaf
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stil-lindigo · 1 year
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your favourite arach-narchists 🕷️
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poisonivydo1l · 4 months
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me and who
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kentucky-fried-thea · 6 months
I had this dream that I came home after being at sleepaway camp with no access to technology for a whole summer and everyone was singing some nonsensical song all in unison and dancing the same exact dance but not like a flashmob. like. every single person in the world. and when I went back to school everyone in my third grade class was always quoting the nonsensical words and doing the dance in perfect unison and I was so horrified that my third grade teacher kept me in at lunch and recess to teach me the song and dance and the worst part is that it wasn't a dream it was how I learned the whip and nae nae
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pandadrake · 6 months
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Horses. I really like that other movie that Hobie's voice actor was in.
IDK why I ended up putting so much effort into the rendering this was just supposed to be a shitpost.
Hobie's pose is heavily referenced from a shot from the movie Nope (2022). The background texture is also from the same frame.
Miguel is cast as the stressed-out, half-Latino, tech guy with an angel name who watches camera feeds all day and bitches about his life to people he just met.
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toxxenn · 1 year
I haven’t seen people talk about this yet but just like fucking kudos to the marketing team of this movie because with the way everything was edited and marketed we all believed The Spot to just be some silly little guy. None of us, like Miles, was taking him seriously and that was ultimately the way he gained power.
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Matpat will always be welcomed into the FNAF universe
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ikarakie · 11 months
i’ve truly never walked out of a movie unable to describe the things it did to my brain chemistry the same way i did with barbie (2023)
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letsmcfreackingloseit · 8 months
Can we also talk about how much special effects (a.k.a not CGI) they used in the fnaf movie? I fucking love that they have made actual animatronics for this movie AND THEY LOOK SO GOOD AND I LOVE THEM
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