#it is actually scary how for the most part i don’t have anything to live for rn and it sucks bc i’m in a v dark place and it is not fun
pengillys · 4 months
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morganski-19 · 2 months
part 1, part 2
Dustin visits the next day, sitting next to Wayne with the same book he’s had for the past few days. Turning to the page that was dog-eared, reading. Voices and all. Just like Eddie does when he’s practicing for one of those campaigns. Claiming that it’s better to get it down with someone else’s words so he can improvise. So he doesn’t have to memorize some script and can be in the moment. Let his mind do the workings along with the players. 
It’s one of the many parts of Eddie that Wayne sees in this kid. The dramatics, the drive. The snobbiness about certain things that don’t really matter to the rest of the world. But it matters to them, so it matters to the people who care about them too. 
If Eddie were awake, he might yell at the kid for turning the corner of a page instead of using a bookmark. Even though all the books he gets are second-hand and already torn and bent in all sorts of ways. But it’s about keeping the art pristine. The author put their heart and soul into this work, it’s not meant to be sullied. Wayne saw Eddie bend the corner of a page a million times over though, he just likes making a big stink about nothing. Just to get a rise out of people, make them laugh. Wayne can imagine that Eddie liked to make Dustin laugh a lot. 
“Have the doctors said anything new?” Dustin asks after finishing the chapter. 
Wayne shakes his head. “Same old, same old. Don’t worry about it too much though, he wouldn’t want you to.”
“He wouldn’t want a lot of the things that happened over the past week. So he’ll have to deal with it.” After a pause, he asks, “How are you doing?”
That makes Wayne laugh. “You don’t have to go worryin’ about me either. You’re just a kid.”
“And you’re just a man waiting for your kid to wake up. The same way I’m waiting for my friend to wake up. At the end of the day, we’re all still people. That sometimes need a break. So, how are you doing?”
It’s scary how much Wayne sees Eddie in this kid. “It’s hard comin’ here to hear the same thing every day.” That’s all Wayne’s willing to say to a kid. 
Hard is definitely a word most people would use to describe his situation. Difficult, disheartening. Maybe even hopeless. But there’s still some hope in this old heart that keeps Wayne coming back day in and day out. Keeps him moving while only getting a few hours of sleep a day. Cause as soon as the night comes around, it’s right back to the plant. Making the money to pay for the care his boy needs to keep living. To pay for the roof over his own head enough so he’ll live to see it happen. 
Truth is, Wayne’s dying here. From the fatigue. From the endless waiting. From the slowly draining pool of hope. Nothing seems to change. Nothing gets better. Six days in a medically induced coma with no hopes of ever waking up. Wayne’s not dumb enough to think that the chances increase the more days pass without him showing any signs of improvement. 
Part of him says that this is the state Eddie will be in for the rest of his life. Wonders if it’s worth all of this just to keep him alive. If he’s really suffering in there and would be better off resting forever. But then the heart monitor keeps beeping and his brain is still active. Wayne’s boy is still in there, he’ll come back soon. 
“Yeah, I bet that’s hard. I still have hope though, I was there when he came in. He looks a lot better now.”
There’s a knock on the door that keeps Wayne from responding. It’s the Harrington boy, in normal clothes this time. Discharged. 
“Sorry to interrupt but your mom said it’s time to go home.”
Dustin dramatically rolls his eyes. “Which one, my actual mother or you?”
“Your actual mother, but I happen to agree with her. Come on, you got school in the morning.” Harrington crosses his arms, looking like he’s ready to start a standoff. 
But instead of fighting Dustin stands. “Have a good night Mr. Munson. I’ll still try to visit as much as I can even though school’s starting back up again.”
“Thanks, kid, I’ll try.”
Harrington ruffles Dustin’s hair as he walks out the doorway. Standing there for a beat before turning back to Wayne. “We’ve never officially met, I’m Steve.”
Steve holds out his hand, waiting for Wayne to shake it. Wayne debates whether that’s a good idea or not. Apparently, it takes too long as Steve returns his hand to his side. 
“I wanted to apologize for the scene I made the other day, you didn’t deserve that. I was just so shocked that they actually cuffed him to the bed. Still have him cuffed to the bed.” Steve looks at Eddie with a guilt that Wayne doesn’t understand. Like he’s the reason Eddie’s strapped to the bed. 
Wayne continues to say nothing, not quite sure what would be appropriate. Tell him that it’s ok, that it didn’t bother him. Or thank him for believing that Wayne knew was true. That his boy was innocent. 
There was more to this story than he knew. Something to do with the kid being there and the rich boy standing in the doorway looking like this is all his fault. When Wayne knows the same scars mark Steve just as much as they do Eddie. Steve made sure that everyone knew that. Using it as proof that Steve was there, and that Eddie was innocent. 
Steve was ready to offer himself up as a witness for a man that the town hates. Wayne should be grateful for that, but it doesn’t seem right. They were part of different worlds. Different status, interests. It didn’t make sense for them to be in the same place at all. Yet here they are supposedly having gone through the same vicious attack. 
“Let me know if you need anything,” Steve continues when Wayne stays silent. “I’m more than happy to help out. Eddie was kind of a new friend and I hate seeing him like this as much as you do.”
“I seriously doubt that,” Wayne snaps. He hates charity, especially from this kid. For some reason he doesn’t really understand why. 
Steve is taken aback. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend.”
“I’m sure you didn’t, but you did. I know my boy and I know how my boy thinks about people like you. So don’t go ‘round gaining sympathy points from the real people who are suffering.”
“I, I wasn’t,” Steve stammers. “I would never.”
“Steve,” Dustin yells. “Get your ass moving, we’re your ride too.”
Steve sighs. “Coming, Jesus. I’m sorry for offending you. I won’t bother you again.”
Wayne shakes his head when Steve leaves, letting out a deep sigh. Maybe he was too harsh, maybe he wasn’t harsh enough. He’s not sure. 
He’s not sure about a lot of things anymore.
part 4
tag list, let me know if you want to be added or removed: @the-they-who-nerded, @insteviewetrust, @croatoan-like-its-hot, @jettestar, @tinyplanet95, @steddie-as-they-go, @slv-333, @littlecelestialmoth, @thatonebadideapanda, @fandomsanddeath, @marismorar, @wonderland-girl143-blog, @glass-bottle03, @gutterflower77, @here4thetrama, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @jaytriesstuff, @cryptid-system, @manda-panda-monium, @resident-gay-bitch, @anaibis, @xxsutherlandxx, @forevermineliv, @mugloversonly, @gregre369, @n0-1-important, @different-tale-student, @spectrum-spectre, @tartarusknight, @devondepresso, @swimmingbirdrunningrock, @cheertain, @anti-ozzie, @autumncrocusandladybug, @greeniebean911, @cr0w-culture, @stillfullofshit, @connected-dots, @daisynotquake, @morgannotlefay, @a-little-unsteddie, @dolphincliffs,
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pinkroseblooms · 4 months
Arajin Tomoshibi/f!Reader/Marito Jin
Summary: A misunderstanding leads Arajin to realizing he's not quite over his crush on you; it's even harder ignoring his own feelings when you also manage to peak his volatile boyfriend's interest. A/N: This takes place in a AU without magic and honki people. Suggestive language, but no smut: part 2 coming soon! Enjoy! wc: 2.3k
“Let Arajin go!”
Marito felt something smack the back of his head, right dead center of his bun; he slowly turns enough to see you holding a ladle high above your head. You flinched, but held the utensil higher. Arajin shrugged off Marito’s arm; his soul might have ascended from his body, seeing you standing in the middle of the street.
“What are you doing?!”
“It’s okay; you start running, I’ll hold this jerk off!” Your knees shake, threatening to buckle under you at the glare Marito is casting your way. “Run!”
“Wa-wait! It’s not what you think!” Arajin sputters, hands raised as he gets between you and Marito. “What are you even doing here? Mom said you were on serving duty today; just go back to the restaurant-”
“Ara-teen, do you know this little beast?” Marito’s lips form a slow, cold smile. “That must be it; otherwise, I sure hope she has a good reason for attacking me so rudely on our date.”
“Date?” You blink, lowering the ladle to your chest. “Arajin, you…know this guy? So, he’s not bullying you?”
About ten minutes prior, you, a server at the Chu Chu Chinese Restaurant, had been tossing a couple of trash bags out in the dumpster when your eyes spied Arajin walking past with someone you didn’t know. The taller boy’s arm was slung over Arajin’s shoulders and he was talking animatedly, but your immediate assumption was that this stranger was shaking down Arajin for money or favors. You didn’t know at the time Marito Jin was in fact a gang leader, but currently you’re apologizing profusely for your “attack”; Arajin and Marito sat across from each other at an empty table as you explained to them what was going through your mind.
“I feel so dumb.” You bow your head in Marito’s direction specifically. “I really am sorry, I jumped to conclusions; I’ve been worried about Arajin having a tough time at school and I guess…I assumed the worst. I’m so sorry, Jin-san.”
“I’ll let it go this time.” Marito says coolly, barely glancing your way. “I wouldn’t normally let you live after such an offense, but for Ara-teen’s sake, I’ll excuse your rudeness.”
Arajin gulped: there’s no way he can tell you Marito is actually not only a juvenile delinquent but a dangerous psycho. No, it’s better you don’t get involved in any of this; Arajin’s known you most of his life. His mother and yours had been friends forever and when your mother passed, you had been all but adopted. You made ends meet working at Chu Chu; you were earnest and hard working but something of a worry wart, at least when it came to Arajin.
“You really don’t have to worry about me,” Arajin tries to sound casual and breezy as you set down two cups of hot tea. “Marito might seem scary but he is a…well, he’s very…he would never, uh…” 
Okay, maybe it’s dishonest to try and tell you Marito is a “good” person but Arajin really doesn’t want you to be concerned; if anything, he knows Marito is going to be the first person to throw down on his behalf should anyone even try to hurt him. Now, whether or not Marito will be inflicting any of that pain himself, that’s something Arajin can’t quite say for sure. 
“Is your head okay?” You look around Marito’s head; you lightly touch the spot you made contact with. “I can get you some ice.”
“Wow, you are wound up tight.” Marito slaps your hand away, but it’s more of a light swat than anything. “Ara-teen, tell her to calm down and bring us food; it’s bad enough our date got interrupted, I’m starving.” he whined as you left to fetch them some appetizers. “Also, you didn’t ask how my head was…”
“You said it didn’t hurt though,” Arajin grumbles under his breath, blowing on his tea. “I can’t believe this. What on earth was she thinking?”
“Is she your guard dog? A little beast like her couldn’t hurt a fly.” Marito snickers, teeth baring wolfishly. “Don’t tell me she thinks you need her to protect you.”
“It’s more like…she’d step in to help anyone.” Arajin smiles a little himself; he remembers how hard you were shaking, the real fear behind your bold glare. “She’s crazy, that girl.”
“Hey, who are we talking about here?” You come back to their table with two plates loaded up with food. “Arajin, so mean.”
“No, I didn’t mean it how it sounded!” Arajin scrambles to explain himself. “You were really cool back there actually.”
“Aw, come on, you and I both know I’m useless in a fight; that was all a bluff.” You address Marito. “Besides, he’s the one who looks cool. I really like your hair and piercings.”
“Flattery won’t get you on my good side.” 
“No, I’m serious.” You tell him with some surprise. “I’m sure you get this a lot, but you could be a model or something; of course, Arajin’s still the cutest. He’s off the charts when it comes to being a cutie pie.”
“Ugh, don’t make fun of me.” 
“Come on, no need to be modest in front of your date.” You tease. “He knows what I’m talking about, right Jin-san?”
“I’m an expert.” Marito agrees, fixing Arajin with a knowing look. “You should see how cute he looks when-”
“Soooo scary!” Marito cackles. “Is your face red from anger? Or something else?”
“You’re both awful.”
Arajin scoffs but inwardly he’s getting…tingly. It’s almost like both you and Marito are flirting with him, giving him all this attention. He has to remind himself you’re just being nice.
Marito takes a chicken skewer and tears a bite of juicy meat off with a satisfied hum. “Hm, these are different.”
“Oh that one is my recipe.” You grin. “Arajin, do you like it?”
“It’s delicious.” 
Arajin feels his chest swell at the look of pride on your face; honestly he would happily swallow unseasoned glass shards by the spoonful if you asked him to. You were wrong: if anyone’s cute it’s you. God, he’s only been back for a few months; Arajin thought by now you wouldn’t have the same effect on him, especially now he’s seeing someone. To be fair, with Marito he wasn’t exactly given a choice, but still. 
“Feed me, Ara-teen!” Marito leans over the table and points to his open mouth. “I want a dumpling.”
“You have hands!” 
Arajin’s cheeks flush and he hopes you don’t notice. He uses his chopsticks to take a dumpling and pops it into his mouth, ignoring Marito’s whimper, but hunger wins out and he takes a dumpling for himself. 
“Here, don’t forget the sauce.” Arajin slides the bottle over to Marito. “You always eat too fast and forget to use it.”
“Aw, thanks honey~”
“Don’t. Call. Me. That.”
“Yum!” Marito licks his lips eagerly. “These really hit the spot.”
“I hope you like them; I still feel bad about earlier, so I doubled the portion.” You smile sweetly, hands clasped to your chest. “I made them with lots and lots of love, just for you two!”
Arajin almost chokes when your hands form a heart shape; Marito pauses mid bite as you shoot them with a “love beam” and giggle childishly. 
“Chu!” You blow them a kiss. “Please let me know if you want anything else; have fun on your date, Arajin-it was nice to meet you, Jin-san.”
Arajin can barely stop himself from staring as the skirt of your uniform flounces around your thighs and your hips sway with every step.
“I see how it is.” Marito leans over the table with a sly smile. “Ara-teen, bad boy. You’re practically family, aren’t ya? Does she know about your little crush? Or were you childhood sweethearts? Don’t say it’s so, I’ll be jealous.”
“No, no, no! We’re barely friends, my mom knew her mom, she’s just…”
But Arajin can tell Marito isn’t buying his excuses; of course he’s thought about you that way. 
“I liked her.” Arajin confesses quietly. “She’s cute and she's a good person: I admire her, that's all."
Cute, brave, sweet, and only the most perfect girl and Arajin knows he doesn’t have a chance in hell. Besides, you don’t see him that way; he might as well be your kid brother, the way you fuss and act so protectively. 
“I can see it now: two love birds who grew up together, getting married and running this place, a few kids maybe, real domestic. Blegh.” Marito rolls his eyes. “I bet your mom would be thrilled; is she planning the wedding? You're not just playing with me to pass the time, are ya?”
“You know mom likes you; you shocked her maybe, but she thinks you're funny and cool.” Arajin replies with a small smile. "Not that she wouldn't be happy with anyone as long as they treat me well. The only thing that would make the old hag happier is maybe if you and I and-”
“We all got together? You, me, and that little beast?” Marito picks up a dumpling, almost gingerly with his chopsticks, inspecting it with an odd half smile. “Nah, more like…a nervous little kitten who doesn’t know how to use her claws yet. She needs training.” 
Arajin watches Marito carefully; he’s been acting off all afternoon. More so, at least. 
"You heard what she said: besides, she hates fighting." Arajin remarks, passing Marito the whole plate of skewers. "Go on, these are your favorite right?"
"They're best when you make 'em though." Marito winks, basically salivating as he picks up another stick. "I bet you've had a lot of her cooking, huh?"
"Why do you keep bringing the conversation back to her?" Arajin sighs; his teas gone cold but he's too anxious to call you back over to bring more. "My mom teaches her and she has me for a guinea pig. Actually when she started cooking it was awful."
"Yeah, always over salted or undercooked or burned, you name it." Arajin recalls various failed dishes he had been assigned to taste test. "She'd do it over and over again though. It was important to her. Mom would tell her food can be an expression of personality; I guess that's why she put so much effort into doing better."
Every time, you would go to him with a hopeful spark in your eyes; even now you're self conscious about how your food tastes. Arajin would say the practice paid off, but considering he would consume poison made with your painstaking care, maybe he's not the one you should've been going to for critiques.
"Her food tastes like her." Marito smacks his lips in satisfaction. "I taste it."
"The saying isn't really literal." Arajin smiles in exasperation. "What are you even tasting?"
Marito leans his chin on his hand; he has a much more subdued expression and the abrupt change on his demeanor isn't lost on Arajin. Marito is being serious.
"Filling warmth."
"It's kinda like," Marito drawls. "There's heat in my belly; I already ate so much, I know I shouldn't eat more, but I can't get enough. Don't ya taste it?"
"Yeah, well," Arajin scratches his cheek. "I'd say it's comforting? Something like that."
“So, you do have a crush."
"Marito, lower your voice please!"
"Says the one squealing like a little girl; gotta say, I’m a bit disappointed in you, Ara-teen. All this time and you never tried to claim her? Normally you woulda been kissin' her ass and the ground she walks on, but you're holding back?” Marito asks, almost as if he’s genuinely curious. “You’re so odd: fiery and bold one minute and all shy and timid the next.”
“I mean, we’re…together now, so what does it matter? Come on, it's not funny, Marito. We're on a date but you keep trying to-to goad me into flirting or something.” Arajin glances around, but no one seems to be paying them any mind. “You act like you want me to make a move on her.”
“Maybe I do.”
Arajin watches, gaping as Marito sinks his teeth into the last dumpling; he’s staring towards where you’re speaking with his mother behind the bar counter. You’re nodding, looking fairly serious now, at the ready and eager to help. Arajin can feel his heart fluttering again and he jumps when Marito’s foot slides to tap his own under the table; Arajin looks up but Marito’s eyes are still on you, a strained smile playing on his lips, as if he's trying to not laugh. 
Although everything on the table has been devoured already, Arajin wouldn't know it from the hungry way Marito scans your face, the way his tongue darts out as if to savor any trace left of the meal you had brought them. He looks ready to lick the empty plate clean: except, his eyes are still on you.
Arajin squirms in his seat and at the same moment, you seem to have noticed them staring. You wave sweetly, smiling at them; Arajin could dissolve into a puddle as Marito reaches under the table to grasp at his knee.
"Hey, ya know what we oughta do? Let's adopt a kitten."
"What?!" Arajin gasps, words cut off as Marito slides his wandering hand further to his thigh. "Stop teasing, this really, really, isn't funny..."
“I thought you liked when I teased you?" Marito giggles maniacally. "Anyway, she did say with lots and lots of love for us. Or are you so worked up you can't remember?"
"I don't think she meant..I-I couldn't-"
"Please, Ara-teen? Pretty, pretty please?" Marito coos and simpers; there's a hint of pink rising in his pale cheeks. “I wanna play with that kitten.”
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darnell-la · 9 months
Toxic Kooks get what they want.
Tumblr media
word count: 2.1k
paring: dark!Rafe Cameron x Reader x dark!Topper
warning: cnc, dark content, rough face fucking, public cnc, hair pulling, gagging, humiliation, etc.
note: If you do not like anything that involves SA/CNC, do not continue, and do not think differently about the stories you like that we post. We have different authors on this page. We apologize if this is disappointing.
This is a mini-series as well so like, comment, and repost if you guys would like a part two!!!!!!
3rd person pov 
Living the life of a Pogues is hard. Especially when you only catch feelings for Kooks. There’s only one type of Kook and those are the ones y/n recommends no one falls for. The cocky and stuck up Kooks. 
You see, y/n used to lead Rafe on. She wasn’t sure about what she wanted you to do until she realized that he was not for her. 
He’s argued too much about not being able to have sex with her, or even touch her. She wasn’t ready for someone like Rafe to touch her. They usually leave after they get what they want. 
It became an everyday argument, so she decided to stop talking to him. That’s when she started talking to JJ. Rafe grew mad and threatened her through social media and even at parties or whenever he saw her. 
Scotlynn's pov
“Are you scared yet?” JJ asked as John B parked in front of the outside movie theater. “I love scary movies, JJ. I keep saying this,” I playfully rolled my eyes, knowing he’s the one who’s actually scared. 
“Well see when you ask me or Pope to sing you a bedtime story, later tonight,” JJ joked as we all laughed. “Ha ha, very funny,” I said as we all got out of the car to make our way to the best spot on the grass before the Kooks got here and took up space. 
Me and JJ continued poking fun at each other as we grabbed our things to set up in the grass. JJ offered to carry most of my things, and I let him. He’s been trying to get at me and I’ve been accepting it. 
I’ve caught myself staring at him a lot recently. I’ve also felt like I couldn’t go a day without seeing him. I hope he hadn’t noticed, but it’s pretty obvious I like him back. Probably more than I think I do. 
“When a man’s around you, you shouldn’t be paying, y/n,” JJ said as he gave the lady who gave me my food, some cash. I put my wallet away with a sigh because he knows I hate when people pay for me. 
“Don’t worry. You can pay me back with a date. How about that?” He basically asked me out, making me smile. “Fine, but only because I have to pay you back,” I rolled my eyes as he chuckled. 
JJ and I walked back to the group and began to eat and talk before the movie started. JJ was already scared but accused me of being scared, so he pulled me into him. Now we’re cuddling, and Sarah’s smirking at me from the side. 
After several sips of my drink, I decided I had to use the restroom. “I’ll be right back,” I whispered to JJ as I slowly got up and ducked through people sitting down in their areas so I wouldn’t disrupt the movie too much for them. 
I quickly made my way through the big parking lot and to the bathroom, I didn’t know was this far. I hate when people put bathrooms far away from outside movie theaters. Anything can happen. 
I quickly went into the mini bathroom building and did my business. I flushed and washed my hands, then fixed myself up in the mirror, hoping to look more presentable to JJ when I came back. 
“I should have brought gum with me,” I said to myself as I made my way toward the front door of the restrooms. I opened the door, just to meet Rafe and Topper waiting outside of it. 
“Jesus Christ. What now, Rafe?” I asked, annoyed that he always finds a way to catch me alone. “Date with JJ Maybank? Really, y/n? Couldn’t get any lower than that?” Rafe asked, seeming upset for absolutely no reason at all as always. 
“What does that have to do with you? I’ve never dated you, and even if I do, I can do whatever I want now since I’m single. Now, piss off,” I said then went to pass him, but he got in my way. 
“Topper, don’t tell me he got you into this. Sarah is literally one of my closest friends. She’d be upset,” I said, hoping Topper would talk Rafe out of this like usual. 
“That line won’t work anymore, princess. He’s on my side. Especially after the deal I offered him. It’s hard to say no to it,” Rafe said as he tilted his head to get a look-up sundress I was wearing. 
“You’re sick, Rafe. Sick in the fucking head,” I said, then rolled my eyes and went to take a different way out of this mess until Topper got in my way, which is very surprising. 
“Don’t, y/n,” he said, sounding slightly threatening, but I didn’t care. I didn’t catch it too fast. “Topper, don’t fuck with me, okay? I’ll have Sarah on your ass, and I know how much you hate that shit. Now get out of my way,” I went to walk past again but he slightly pushed me back with a chuckle. 
“All the times I’ve helped you out of his situations. All the times I prevented something from happening, and you still give me that bitchy attitude. Shows how much of an ignorant bitch you are,” Topper surprised me with his words. 
“Thought I was the only one who noticed,” Rafe joked, making me grow angrier. “Fuck toy both,” I said. I didn’t even get a chance to my feet before Topper gripped my neck and pulled me close to him. 
“Straighten that shit up, before I do it for you,” he threatened, surprising me even more. “Topper!” I tried yelling but his hand was too tight around my neck. He’s so strong. 
“Don’t start, y/n. I’m giving you a chance to behave and accept that someone like you, isn’t for JJ. You’re for me-“ I went to say but I quickly kicked him hard in his crotch. As soon as he let my throat go, I took off. 
“Fuck,” Rafe cussed under his breath, not wasting time to run after me. I ran through cars and around them to make more space between us, knowing he was way faster than me. He almost had me when we first started running. 
I just hit the grass, close to the people sitting down but not close enough. The movie’s too loud for them to hear me if I yell and it’s too dark for them to see me running. 
I went to try and yell until I was pulled back and my mouth was covered. “Ah uh,” Rafe said as he dragged me backwards. I kicked and screamed but they were muffled. I went to kick more aggressively but he quickly pushed me off of him, grabbed a handful of my hair, and threw my face into a tree. 
I fell to the ground and whined in pain as tears filled my eyes. I’ve never felt pain like this before. I touched my forehead, hoping a scar might not be left. I felt blood…
“Rafe, what the fuck!” I cried out. I tried getting up but felt dizzy and fell back down. “Be if you didn’t pull that bullshit, I would have been easier. You’ve pushed my buttons enough,” Rafe said as Trooper walked up from behind him. 
“My truck. She pissed me off for the last time,” Topper said as he came up to me and grabbed me. “No, let me go you bastard,” I whined, feeling pain every time my brain worked too much. Topper threw me over his head and then walked off with me. 
Rafe smirked at me behind Topper's back, knowing he was up to no good. “Put me down! Where are you taking me? Let me fucking go!” I tried being loud but they just laughed. 
“Trying to stay tough? We’ll see how much of a tough girl you are once I break you,” Rafe said. “What?” I asked, confused but they ignored me since I didn’t really give a full question for them to ask me. 
“Open it up,” Topper said, sounding heated, but that’s not my problem. He put his hands on me and got what he deserved. Now it’s Rafe’s turn once I get a hand of myself. 
“Give us a hard time, and it’ll get worse, do you understand?” Topper asked right after he dropped me in his back seat. “Fuck you,” I said, full-heartedly, making him grab my ankles and pull me out of his truck. 
I fell to the ground, hitting the back of my head on the way down, making Rafe laugh in disbelief. He couldn’t believe how Topper was acting. It’s like he loves seeing this side of him. Like he’s been waiting. 
“You’re gonna learn some fucking manners,” Topper growled under his breath as I heard him fondling with his belt-hand jeans. “I thought you had some, but you clearly don’t Kook,” I said harshly as I tried to keep my vision focused, but couldn’t. 
Seconds later, Tooper harshly grabbed my hair, causing me to whine in pain but they were soon stopped by his cock being forced into my mouth. I screamed, trying to wiggle away, now noticing what they’d been trying to do, but it was too late. I’m here now, alone and far away from the crowd. 
“You talk a lot for a girl who struggled taking cock,” Topper thrust his hip harshly to force himself further into my mouth. I tried begging him to stop but he only pushed further until he was completely down my throat. 
“Fuuuck!” He groaned as he hunched over to rest his hand inside of his truck. “Shit… This is cheating,” he said, going to pull out but his knees bucked as my lips moved along his shaft. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he said under his breath as Rafe came up. “Just do it. You’re already here. Besides. We ain’t tell Sarah. I’ll make sure of it,” Rafe basically threatened. “Y-You promise?” Topper stuttered at me trying to relax him in my throat, but couldn’t. 
“I promise bro, just fuck her mouth. It doesn’t even count,” Rafe said, which is a lie. “Fuck! Thank you, bro,” Topper thanked before he continued his assault. 
“No, no, no!” I tried screaming and pushing him off, which made my headache worse. “Finally putting that bitchy little mouth to use,” Topper looked down at me as he tighten his grip on my hair, causing me to yelp in pain. 
“Better be glad I’m not stuffing your pussy full of my cum. Otherwise, you’d be a whore stuffed twice tonight by two different men. Maybe three times if JJ gets to action and realizes what a useful slut you are,” Topper said some hard words that Rafe would only say. Now I know why they’re so close. 
“Should take her back to the house to do what we really want to her. Maybe then she’ll realize how easy it is to get what we want,” Rafe said as he came up and rubbed a tear off of my cheek. 
“No, no, she needs to go back to the group. Don’t want them getting too suspicious,” Topper struggled to say. He’s close. And he’s going to make me swallow everything. 
“True. I’ll get my chance another time. We see how easy it is, after tonight,” Rafe chuckled as he backed up and Topper’s thrust got sloppy. I squeezed my eyes shut as Topper groaned loudly and slammed all the way down my throat to release. 
“And you swallowed it. How pathetic,” Topper said as he pulled out. He pushed my head away, causing my body to lay out on the floor once again. I thought it was over until Rafe pulled me up to my feet and then sat me down on the edge of Topper's trunk. 
“Keep your mouth shut, or I’ll have all of Figure 8 after your pretty ass, do you understand?” Rafe threatened again. I nodded as tears rolled down my cheek. 
Rafe stuck his tongue and dragged it across my face, licking up all of my tears until he reached my mouth to make out with me. I didn’t want to. He made me. I stayed still and stiff and didn’t move my lips as he went to work.  
I can’t believe he’s huffing and puffing while doing this. He’s turned on and gripping my waist. How could they be okay with this?
I’m now at home, lying beside JJ after the long night out. I had to tell him the bathrooms had long lines. He asked me about the blood on my face, and I lied. I told him “You know how I am? I hit my damn head on the bathroom stall,” and he believed it…
Part two!
part three!
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famemonsterrr · 7 months
Astrological observations part 20.
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! This is 20th blog with observations and I’m so shocked I haven’t give up yet. Pliz for the love of mercury be gentle with me cause English isn’t my second language and I’m trying my best with vocabulary and grammar. Lastly these are my opinion and what I have experienced in my life don’t take it personally!
༘⋆ having earth sign placements means stress and anxiety for everything (send you love)
༘⋆ Leo moons must be the least confident placements because Leo is in the planet of emotions and so any criticism will crush them. Pliz be gentle with Leo moons:(
༘⋆ y’all think that Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces aren’t easy to keep and they will change many lovers but I will tell you that you aren’t special enough to keep them. If they actually fall in love with you then they won’t leave even if Satan tries to bribe them.
༘⋆ Having libra/gemini moon is a blessing and a curse at the same time. I will talk about the curse of feeling a lot but you can’t decide what to feel…yeah you can talk ur emotions but truly u can’t even pick anything to feel. Also having your moon in your 3rd house is actually the same thing as having libra or Gemini.
༘⋆ Capricorn men are the men who look really good with glasses and elegant library college style. Prove me wrong hihihi
༘⋆ and speaking of male Capricorns. I want someone to explain to me why they look like they have lived 20 lives in the span of 5 years? Like Capricorn men change so much…and it’s really scary. If not the most chameleon type of sign.
༘⋆ everyone can say that they had a messy life or they messed up a lot…but not like Gemini,Aries,Pisces and Sagittarius did. These people they have done the most stupid shit ever and then BOOM one day they decide that have grow up and need to fix their lives. (It’s never too late babes)
༘⋆ in the subject of men (which I don’t like as much) I have to tell you that the men who looked the most beautiful are libra and Taurus men. Like they are so eye candies.
༘⋆ and the last capricorn observation but I true love u guys and also I want to know why you are talented and know so many things? Like I have noticed that so many male Capricorns are so talented and can talk about everything. Like they can paint, draw, play music, sing, act and they are so funny and charismatic…women? Literally goddesses.
༘⋆ I was watching the office and the line that Ryan says "I’m keeping a list of everyone who wrongs me" is the most Scorpio and Leo thing I have ever seen.
༘⋆ I have been around with a lot of Pisces and honestly they all so social butterfly (expect me who dislikes people for some reason) I don’t know why people think we are shy and introverts?
༘⋆ okay but I have noticed that people who are okay with nudity and consider it as freedom are the people who have heavy Aries, Scorpio, libra and Sagittarius placements.
༘⋆ mercury usually doesn’t really show about love but since it’s the planet about thoughts, it actually shows how you think about love or when do you like someone. For example Aquarius mercuries they know damn well when they like someone and they act accordingly (of course that can be influenced from other love related planets)
༘⋆ I love seeing the “Kris Kross” between 2 peoples charts. Like if you have a lot of the same zodiac signs but in opposite placements (like having Pisces sun with Aquarius Venus and they have Aquarius sun with Pisces Venus) then consider this a win and really positive for a relationship of course aespects are important as well. Now I can’t say the same thing in friendship synastry…the most crazy combinations can happen there
That’s all babes <3
My masterlist if you care to read more my other blogs.
Thank you soooo much for liking my posts and give me support to keep writing. Really greatful for it 🫶🏻
Stay healthy,happy and peaceful in these dark times we living.
Send u a lot of love 🫶🏻
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aliteral-ghost · 7 months
This is the piece I did for @hermitzine! It was so much fun to be a part of this project and get to work with everyone! The theme of this zine was music and I hope that's obvious in this piece :)
The sound of the record skipping is Joe’s alarm clock this morning, and it’s only because it skips multiple times that he actually gets up. Darn, he slept in again, and now he has to stay up late again so he can finish the parts of the machine that he needs to get done, and it’ll just end with him sleeping in again. At least he has–oh. The record that has been playing all night (and also for the past few weeks, if he’s honest) has a massive groove in it, tearing through all of the ridges and splintering the vinyl.
“Aw, man,” Joe mutters, staring at the destroyed disk in his hands. “That’s my last one of those.” To be fair, he probably should have expected something like this to happen after using the record player while placing hundreds of blocks of sand, but it’s still sad. To be fair, this has happened to the last five disks he overplayed, but Joe is nothing if not persistent. 
The next day he and Cleo are halfway through their weekly crafting session when they hum. “No music today?” Joe waves a hand.
“Some days the best music is the sound of nature around you.” He sets down a pencil and listens to said sound of nature, which is currently someone very violently chopping down trees. “You know, be in the moment, and all that.” He’s never lived in the moment once in his life and they both know it, but then again neither has Cleo.
“Sure.” Cleo pauses for just a minute. “Not this music, though. Ugh, who is…” They both glance over across the river, where Keralis is hard at work collecting wood. He pauses briefly to wave once he’s noticed them looking, smiling widely. They both wave back and Keralis continues, moving on to the next tree.
“Do you ever think about how our lives have a soundtrack?” Joe says after a minute, mindlessly coloring the sheets of paper he brought, tracing out the blueprint for a part of the pinball machine. Cleo looks over from where she’s drawing in her own notebook. 
“No?” They say, voice lilting up like a question. “I don’t? Why, do you?” She wrinkles her eyebrows, more focused on the calligraphy than really focusing on the conversation. It’s how they roll, most weeks. Joe talks and Cleo nods along.
“Well, sure! I like to think about the song that might be playing while things are happening. For a while, it was otherside, but…” Cleo glances over again, this time more interested. 
“You broke all of your disks, didn’t you?”
“Yeah. I must have played them in the sand too much or something. Whomp, whomp.” He follows the statement up with a laugh, sort of high-pitched and frantic. “D’you think we all have different soundtracks then, if we do?”
“Oh, for sure,” Cleo says, in a voice that still sounds like they’re just humoring him. “Like Doc? His soundtrack is all scary, like heavy metal, right? There’s no way he and Scar have the same backing tracks.” They pause for just a second. “No, I lied. Doc’s isn’t heavy metal, he’s too much of a softie. Pearl’s is. She’s bloody hardcore.”
That’s an accurate assumption, Joe guesses. He hasn’t been privy to much Pearl has done this season, but he’s fairly certain she just built an entire Ender dragon out of pilfered dragon eggs. If there’s someone able to intimidate Cleo, it’s her.
“So what’s yours, then?” Cleo asks, setting her pen down and leaning on her hands. “Whatever song you’re obsessed with now over and over?”
“I don’t have much time for anything else.” Joe laughs again. “Besides, sometimes the best soundtrack is the same song, over and over, just played at different tempos depending on mood.”
This earns him a patented Cleo lookTM as she turns back to her journal, picking up a small knife. They don’t talk for a while after that, instead listening to the leaves rustle, water flow, and trees topple. 
“Here,” they say eventually, after the wood-collecting has gotten to be too much, and pass Joe a record. “Put this on, I know you’re aching to.” He gasps, energy he hasn’t felt in a while jolting through him, and pulls out his jukebox. 
“Thanks, Cleo!”
The aforementioned record is a simple piano tune, the melody and harmony weaving in and out of each other’s path, spinning down the river and floating high into the air. It fills the server with its music, and although Joe knows that the little song is barely reaching further than Keralis he’d like to think that Tango, in the depths of Decked Out 2, and False, high up on a snowy peak, and Grian and Doc, fighting their battles over the perimeter, can hear it. 
It’s a song that, although the notion is cliche, feels like home. It has managed to encapsulate the feeling that persists, from all ten years of Hermitcraft, of family and friends and feeling like belonging.
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soullessjack · 2 months
🔥 jack
oh my godddd I have so many unpopular opinions where do I even start….HOLY DISCLAIMER BATMAN!
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anyways so in no particular order or tier system:
✯ i don’t think jack would wear anything feminine im sorry spn fandom. for lolz he has same-outfit-pattern-everyday autism and for serious it’s like. Really weird how fandoms tend to HC/portray non-binary amabs (and men/transmascs in general) almost exclusively as GNC or fem-presenting…like DGMW that is a real and valid form of self expression but it’s not the Only type of non-binary expression that exists. and honestly…**dare I say that most fandom/queer spaces just need to realize that queer masculinity exists and it doesn’t always have to be a matter of breaking gender norms??
** genuinely do whatever u want idc I can’t stop you i don’t want to stop you yada yada. paint his nails and put him in a skirt all u want but Please recognize patterns yall 😭
✯ more headcanon complaints (see disclaimer above ⇧) but I promise to switch it up soon. anyways every time somebody on this lil website says something along the lines of “Jack can’t handle/doesn’t like [insert violence, scary or adult-oriented thing], he prefers [soft or blatantly childlike things]” I shrivel inward like a dead spider. It’s annoying, it’s completely inaccurate to his canon personality and interests, it’s annoying ˣ2, and whether ppl wanna admit it or not—it stems from infantilization. not necessarily ableism, as infantilization is not exclusive to disabled people, but still just about the same thing.
honestly all I see of majority jack headcanons are ones that set him back to just being a child or otherwise being treated like one. for example, the one about him being able to shapeshift is pretty cool...until it just becomes about him deciding to age regress, yknow, to an age set he canonically chose not to go through, showed no desire to be in, and is more offended than anything to be considered as such. all of his interests have to be some shit like bluey or animal crossing, and he drinks apple juice from a sippy cup instead of beer. BARF.
I’ve lessened on my keyboard warring over babyjack in the past year but I have not lessened in being a hater. and I’ve said this before, but the baby-jack au already breached headcanon containment a long time ago when it’s not only so widespread that ppl take it for canon and it makes having any intelligent conversation about him nearly fucking Impossible, but it also lead to harassment and accusations of being a fucking predator, to anyone who dared find a whole grown man attractive. any potential jack ship, like jackharper? automatic grooming case to them. it’s like the fandom is just so dead set on this idea that jack really truly is a child in every aspect you can think of, and for what? if it’s just a headcanon, something you know is not part of the actual show, then don’t go Travis the Chimp levels of apeshit when you see him being treated like he is canonically 💀
unpopular opinion numero 3 which is slightly connected to 2:
✯ baby-jack and a handful of the domestic au’s are BORING (see disclaimer again ⇧), not just on a surface level to my suiting, but also because I feel like it just ..misses the point of the show?
the ragtag untraditional found family is now as nuclear and traditional as the Atomic Age. Dean and Cas are the most heteronormative “who wears the pants in the relationship” gay couple ever, Sam is demoted to the uncle that gets written out of his own family, Jack is just there to make his gay dads look cute and emphasize that they’re a gay family (while still being very heteronormative), and at least 5 of them could be found in a California gated community. everything that made any of them unique or defined their personalities is just scrubbed off, even for an AU.
so much of the later seasons focus on Sam and Dean realizing that they don’t have to make a hard splitting decision between the lives they want to live; that they can find a balance; be happy and have good things—namely families—without giving up hunting (and vice versa, that they can have hunting without giving up on family or happiness). everybody loves the gay hunters from S10(?12?) and what they represented for Dean, but I almost never see that be put into practice in the fandom.
THEY’RE ALREADY DOMESTIC!!! AND WITH THAT PERFECT BALANCE!!!! Season 13 quite literally gave Team Free Will a surrogate son to raise and established them as a family; highly untraditional, largely dysfunctional, overall not fitting of a family family, and yet they are a family still. Dean wears an apron and cooks and bakes for everyone; he built himself a man cave and established two separate family night events that they all ritually keep up; Sam has a morning jogging routine and visits his girlfriend every so often; Jack was taught how to drive, has normal chores like washing dishes, and gets groceries. And they didn’t just have that while fighting monsters—they had that while fighting a whole fucking archangel. Even if it did go down the gutter by the end, they still had it: domestic familial bliss and violent messy hunting without having to trade one for the other.
✯ I truly genuinely think Jack’s relationship with Dean is the best, most interesting and most misunderstood out of the three, and I also think that the problems with his relationship to Cas and Sam are hugely overlooked by the fandom—granted they are very small, especially if you’re comparing it to Dean, but they’re still there and I think we should bully Cas and Sam about it more. I shan’t elaborate because it’s 5AM and this was an impulsive add-on ❤️
✯ getting normal now…his plaid pattern jacket from the first half of Ouroboros is ugly as SHIT i have never liked it and don’t think I ever will. but I cannot deny it; he got that shit on.
✯ most unpopular opinion of all, I wanna do insane shit to his cervix 🙌
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karoochui · 7 months
Okay. So I recently found your blog and been obsessing over the sandman au but like. You mentioned things about reincarnation and how y/b died and like. If sand sun and boogie moon remember everything after the fire, do they know what happened to y/n? And don’t they realize that y/n is gonna die again? After all, I’m assuming that y/n is just a human and sun and moon are like. Kinda gods of dreams? Falling in love for a second time with a person you kinda know is gonna die eventually must be scary
Oh okay well firstly! They aren't gods or anything like that, theyre just them with the magic to boot. All the changes in the world were brought upon by a virus outbreak that i call the AP virus (as reference to it as a fourth wall viewer, not as in what it's called in the story) that killed off most living things by rotting them from the inside-out. After the events of Binary Resurgence this virus causes an apocalypse that's basically the start of everything being re-evolutionized and magic resurfacing. Everything is affected and some species stay the same (like some humans) and some don't. This all happens within like ~2000 years after the plex burns down. It's inspired by adventure time if that helps give you a better idea.
Magic is a pre-exisiting thing that's been subdued by polution (its part of the earth, pollution kills the Earth blah blah blah) and also ignorance/neglect of practice. Like ive said before this story will have a sequel which is where all the magic happens (lol) and it's only really touched upon/used as a foreshadowing element in the first story.
Also sun and moon aren't quite literally the sandman and boogie man, sun wasnt even inspired by either. I actually just mashed the two concepts together for moon's design and skills. Sun is more-so based on a grave-digger,western cowboy kinda look with a witchy touch. And yes! They do know what happened to y/n, they remember everything. They had to LIVE through the apocalypse after y/n's death and then live through the world changing all over again. They actually do "die" (their battery goes kaput) for a hot second but magic doesn't let many things rest in the means of evolution and their body is revitalized.
And yeah meeting y/n again after all of that is fucking horrifying for them but it's also a blessing. Its a plot point actually, because over the years Sun hasnt become evil, persay, but he's a fucking nut lmao. He has been through Some Shit and is absolutely deranged and not always in the best way. His behavior and actions eventually cause some arguments and stuff. The sequel is gonna be more of a feel-good story though, to make up for the terrible way the first one is gonna end.
Yeah y/n is gonna eventually die again (not that i plan to write that but humans aren't immortal) but it isnt so much about that as it is about "things will go right this time". The first story was very much a "right person, wrong time" kinda thing. I wouldn't say it's slice of life, because i don't really like that genre by itself, but it has elements.
Basically i really liked the concept for the first story but i hate bad endings so i made a sequel to fix everything. Also i hope that answered your questions! If not then don't be shy about asking some more.
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vintagebunnies · 1 year
as above, so below
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part i | part ii
eddie munson x succubus!fem!reader
Eddie summons you back, but this time it’s for revenge. (3.9k)
mean dom eddie, rough sex, choking, hair pulling, face slapping, spitting, succubus reader, fem reader, demon sex, mentions of gore (nothing happens), handcuffs, slight dacryphilia, mdni 18+!
It’s been about a week since Eddie has last seen you. All that was left of you were the everlasting marks around his body, and the smoky message left on the bathroom mirror.
Well, the red and purple surrounding his neck and collarbones are lasting a lot longer than your little message. As soon as he saw the foreign words on his mirror, he immediately wiped them away. Not wanting Wayne to see it, but also how the hell would he explain that?
The book he checked out of the library needed to be sent back soon, only one more day with the book in his ownership. In its old and crumbling glory, it was sitting right on top of his desk. He kept eyeing it as if it’d grow legs and walk away.
With the way things played out that night, he wouldn’t be surprised.
Eddie knew you were dangerous. The strength you showed that night was unrivaled, you were capable of doing whatever you pleased. Hell, you could’ve fucking killed him! But you didn’t.
That’s what confused him the most—you are a supernatural being who spared his life—why him? Was it because he summoned you? Did you find him interesting? What made you choose Eddie and let him live?
As scary as Eddie looked, he didn’t know much about demons or anything paranormal, so it was just odd to him. The main source of his knowledge about this kind of stuff was just from horror movies. Fiction. Everyone knew those movies were fake, made straight from the glitz and glam of Hollywood.
But he couldn’t help himself from constantly thinking about you. He would spend hours in his room just analyzing the abundance of marks left on his pale skin.
Eddie was sitting on his bed, eyeing the book.
He knew he was stupid for what he was about to do, but he couldn’t stop thinking of all of the pain and pleasure he received that night.
Yeah, you were dangerous or whatever, but fuck, did he miss you.
He stood up from his bed after being lost in thought, heading straight for the book. Eddie grabbed the book but didn’t immediately open it, instead just analyzed the front cover.
Eddie thought back to the day at the library. When he first came up with the idea of partaking in a ritual, it was supposed to be harmless fun. He didn’t expect for what happened to actually happen.
He opened to the front page of the book, the contents of each chapter laid out in front of him on the yellowing pages.
The dog eared page was still marked.
With that page still being partially unread, since he only read about how to actually perform the ritual, he decided it was time to find out what you really were.
Eddie made his way back over to his bed, not paying attention to his surroundings.
“What’cha got there boy?” Wayne asked, making Eddie jump.
“Shit!” Eddie was so spooked by Wayne’s sudden appearance, he stubbed his toe right on the legs of his bed frame.
From the adrenaline of being snuck up on, he dropped his book, and it landed with the cover right side up, exposing the title of it to Wayne.
Wayne never was one to snoop, knowing Eddie was a grown adult and had the right to privacy. But he couldn’t help being curious on what Eddie was getting up to.
Wayne grabbed the book off of the floor, reading the title aloud. “The Grand Grimoire,” Immediately noticing the illustrated devil on the title, he stared Eddie down, who was still cradling his sore toe.
“D’you mind telling me why you have this?” He flipped the open book towards Eddie, who was now derived from any color in his face.
“Uh- it’s uh, just for research. Y’know, just a little curious,” Eddie gave Wayne an awkward chuckle, trying to lie his way out of it. But Wayne wasn’t stupid. He could see right through Eddie like he was transparent.
“Boy, I don’t know how dense you think I am, but why the hell would you need research on this?” Wayne shook the book around in his hand, trying to enunciate his point. “Listen, you’re old enough to know better. Don’t be messin’ around with this. Return it.” He gave Eddie a stern look.
Eddie knew Wayne was right, but was he gonna listen? No.
“I’ll uh, return it tomorrow. Promise. The library is closed by now, so I kinda have’ta wait,” Eddie wasn’t planning on Wayne finding out about this at all, so he’s at a complete loss for words.
“You better. Came in here to tell ya I’m leaving now, but then I saw this. Just please, think twice before you do this kinda stuff.” With that, Wayne turned to leave.
“Yeah, yeah of course! Don’t worry,” Eddie followed Wayne out into the living area, seeing him out.
Eddie and Wayne bid their farewells to each other, Wayne giving Eddie a hard-nosed stare as he walked out of the trailer.
As soon as Eddie shut the steel door, he exhaled a big breath. Not realizing he was even holding it.
His heart was beating a mile a minute. There was a reason why he got the book when Wayne wasn’t home, afraid of this interaction.
After all, Wayne was right. Eddie shouldn’t be messing with stuff like this, it’s too dangerous and you never know what you might conjure.
Eddie walked back into his bedroom, staring hard at the book that was now on his bed. He had to take a moment to think about it, if he should still try to get into contact with you again.
Fuck it.
He was gonna do it no matter what anyone says, he knows the risks. But he also knows the good that’ll come out of this. Seeing you, in all of your dangerous ways.
He could feel himself get hard again from the thought of you.
“Jesus.” Eddie whispered to himself, he felt like a hormonal teenager again. Getting aroused from the mere thought of you, to the thought of your body and your voice.
God, your voice.
Your voice was painfully sweet sounding. The way you spoke to him. The way your sharp teeth gleamed under the warm candlelight every time you opened your mouth.
This was it.
Eddie was going to perform the ritual whether Wayne liked it or not.
He hated disobeying Wayne, but he knew to be cautious. Or cautiously stupid.
Eddie picked up the book and finally thought it was time to stop beating around the bush and just do it.
He finished setting everything up, now sitting in the center of the salt pentagram, open book in hand, reading over the pages one last time.
Eddie took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to ground himself. He was more nervous this time around than he was the last time. Tense from the possible outcome.
He repeated the trigger words over and over for a solid minute. Nothing. It was taking a lot longer than it did the last time, you showed up almost immediately last week.
Eddie was constantly checking around his room, seeing if you were anywhere to be seen. He even reread the words that were supposed to evoke you, nothing was wrong.
He tried it once more, and all he got was a few candles to flicker.
Eddie started to grow frustrated, rubbing his hands down his face.
“Fuck this shit.” Eddie was fed up. It was a bunch of bullshit. At this point Eddie was sure he came home obliterated last week and gave himself the scare with the message on the bathroom mirror.
The marks on his body? Probably some shitty hookup.
He stood up and blew out all of the candles, swept up all of the salt, and he chucked the book across the room making it leave a resounding thud against the plaster walls.
Eddie doesn’t know why he was so mad, he always believed in the supernatural and paranormal beings, but now he thinks it was all just bogus. All glorified in the movies.
Sitting back onto his bed, the old rusty springs creaking under his weight, he rested his head in his hands.
You were just a figment of his imagination, something he made up in a fake fantasy world when he was horny just so he can get himself off.
He decided it was time to just forget about you and everything, and just sleep.
Eddie turned off all of his bedroom lights and just laid back in bed, staring up at the pitch black ceiling.
At first he thought there was a chance that you were real, that what he experienced was real. But it just doesn’t add up, so he made every scenario he possibly could to explain how it was all fraud. The book was a fraud.
He did everything in the ritual the same as he did the last time, so there was no explanation he could give himself to point at the book giving answers or demon summoning even being existent.
Eddie finally gave up fighting with his thoughts and just closed his eyes, ready to just ignore this all.
Almost falling asleep, he was shivering because of the room dropping about ten degrees. There was cold air that just started to surround his body, like a sheet of ice forming over water in winter.
He pulled his blankets around himself tighter, hoping to fight off the freezing air.
The warmth from the blanket wasn’t helping, now the wintry air was coming from under the blanket. Eddie looked around from where he was faced on the side of the bed, trying to find the culprit of what was making him frigid.
Eddie decided that it was probably air coming from the open door to his bedroom, maybe a window was open somewhere out in the living area. So he turned over. But right as he did so, he felt his heart drop.
There you were.
Sitting on the right side of his bed, head resting in your hand from your arm that was propped up on your elbow.
That’s why it was cold.
Eddie tried pinching himself, pulling his hair, anything that could potentially wake him up from a dream. This was real this time.
You were right in front of his very eyes, and very real.
“Salve, mortalis.” You were giving him a malicious smile, but your inky black eyes were looking up at him with affection.
All Eddie could do was stare at you, you scared the everloving shit out of him, showing up like that. But he was thrilled to see you again.
“I can feel your eyes burning into me, Eddie.” Your voice was still as soft as ever. Like a fuzzy warm blanket fresh out of the dryer.
Eddie sat up, facing himself towards you. You sat up too, leaning up on your elbows and sitting with your knees slightly bent in front of you
“You’re back.” Eddie says incredulously. “I didn’t think you were going to come back, you didn’t show up before.”
“O mortalem miserum, you missed me,” Your tone was dripping in sarcasm, clearly amused.
“Why didn’t you show up?” Eddie was tired of your constant laid back attitude, as if you weren’t a fucking demon. “Isn’t that like, your fucking job? To show up when someone performs this shit ritual?” Eddie was infuriated, he doesn’t know why he felt such malice towards you this time.
You weren’t some chick from the bar, waiting to get fucked by the next rockstar to cross your path. You were a disciple of the devil!
Your face dropped to something akin to anger, clearly showing your distaste of his tones. “How dare you speak to me like that, mortal?” You sat up. “After I gave you such pleasure, you treat me like this.”
Sitting up on your knees, you crawled closer to Eddie. “You should be punished, stultum hominem.”
You were practically nose to nose with Eddie now, but what came next is what shocked him the most. You suddenly lunged, slapping Eddie hard across the face then pinning him down to his stained sheets by his neck.
Eddie gasped, waiting for you to just snap his neck, maybe cut right into his jugular, watch him choke on his own blood.
Something else caught your attention though, making you smile wickedly.
You could feel Eddie’s cock grow hard under you from where you were straddling his lap, making you squeeze his neck.
Eddie’s eyes rolled back into his head from the pressure right on his larynx. He felt disgusting for being turned on. This was probably how he’d get killed, strangled to death because he was thinking with the wrong head.
Fortunately, you weren’t planning on killing him tonight, releasing your grip on his neck and putting your hand right on his cheek, the cheek where your hand print is starting to flourish with red.
“Silly man, getting aroused from pain,” You whispered the last part. “What shall I do with you?” You tilted your head like a curious dog, similar to Eddie’s puppy dog eyes staring right back at you.
“You could um- start by getting off of me,” Even Eddie was surprised by his sudden boldness, if this was his first time meeting you he wouldn’t have dared to say something like that.
But all you did was laugh, a maniacal laugh. “Ut obliviscatur qui in crimen videris.” Your voice lowered into a deeper octave, leaning down to be face to face with Eddie.
Eddie still has no clue what you said, but it just provoked him to tease you more. “Yeah, I’m not your bitch,” He suddenly switched positions, pushing you off of him to now be under him, the movement made you let out a gasp, eliciting a smile out of Eddie from catching you off guard. “But tonight you will be.”
He was leant over you, his breath fanning over your ear.
Eddie moved his hand to rest over your throat, identical to the way yours was before.
He nibbled on the skin right under your ear, soothing the bite with a swipe of his tongue. You closed your eyes and let out a quiet groan from the sensation.
Eddie squeezed his hand tighter around your throat, not even sure if it’s doing anything to control your breathing. Even if it didn’t, it still made your breathing slightly accelerate.
He started to kiss from your jaw down to your neck. “I’m,” Kiss. “Going to,” Another kiss. “Fuck you stupid.” Bite.
Eddie could feel your legs move from where they were pinned under him, he was sat right over your lap just like how you were sat over his. He had you completely trapped under him.
He let go of your neck, not even seeing you take a deep inhale to catch your breath.
Slowly sitting up from his position, he reared his hand back and slapped you right in the face, just like what you did to him. The momentum from the slap made your head move to the side. You had a grin on your face from the sudden act of dominance from Eddie, a complete different contrast to how he was the last time.
You were biting your lip when you went to face him again, but when you went to look at him he was standing up from his bed, going towards the silver handcuffs hanging on his wall.
He slowly sauntered back over to the bed, looking down at the handcuffs in this hand, then back at you. “You’re not going to use your hands, I’ve had enough of you having your way with me.” When he got closer to where your head was resting on the bed, he grabbed both of your hands, and cuffed them to the bedpost above your head.
You were just staring up at him with this sick look on your face, clearly enjoying every second of this. You had an everlasting smirk engraved on your face.
“Fac tibi pessimi.” You whispered.
Eddie gave you a small smack on the side of your face, not enough to rear your head to the side but enough to catch your attention. “Shut the fuck up.”
He crawled back onto the bed, slowly stripping off his clothes as he did so. Eddie moved to spread your legs to bracket his hips, hands right on the underside of your knees.
Eddie grasped his cock and tapped it right over your dripping pussy, making your hips jump from the heaviness of it.
“I’m not giving you the satisfaction of fucking you yet,” He dropped your legs back onto the bed. “You’re going to suck my cock.” As Eddie said that, he made his way to where your head was resting, his leaking cock now leveled with your mouth.
“Open your fucking mouth, whore.” His hand gripped the top of your scalp, moving your head side to side trying to enunciate his point.
You obliged, opening your mouth and sticking out your tongue. Eddie didn’t waste any time, and shoved his entire length down your throat.
Just like the first time you sucked him off, you didn’t gag. Taking him all the way to the hilt with no issue.
“Yeah—mm—take my fucking cock,” Eddie groaned. He had an unyielding grip on your hair, guiding your head up and down.
You were slobbering all over his dick, but you fucking loved it. The roughness, and messiness of it all was perfect. You never expected him to snap, he was terrified of you, you can sense it. But you wanted him to use you, use your body like it’s a temple. Giving him all the pleasure he desires.
“Shit—“ Eddie’s voice was getting weak, indicating he was close to his release so you sucked harder, your cheeks hollowing. “Fucking dirty slut,” He pulled out of your mouth, slapping you across the face.
Eddie grabbed your jaw before you could face the impact of his slap, tucking his thumb into your mouth right behind your teeth, spitting in your mouth, then forcing your mouth shut. Before you could even swallow, Eddie spit right over your closed mouth, then smearing it across the bottom half of your face.
“Yeah? You like being treated like this? Like being used?” You nodded with a smile on your face, opening your mouth and sticking your tongue back out. Eddie spit right back into your open mouth, bending down to bite the side of your neck.
You gasped and pulled on your binds. You knew if you wanted to, you could easily snap the metal chains holding the cuffs together, but you were also curious to see where he’d take this.
Eddie trailed kisses down to your chest, biting the plush skin around your breast, then leaving a bite right over your nipple making you moan aloud. Eddie slapped your tit in retaliation, watching the flesh jiggle from the force.
Eddie crawled back down so now he was back to being right in between your legs. He sat up straight and spit right onto your cunt, then taking his fingers and forcefully spreading it around your clit.
“Oh— Eddie,” You gasped.
“Hm? It’s Eddie now? What about the other names you called me before, huh?” He was looking down at you from the slope of his nose.
Eddie dragged his middle and index finger towards your dripping hole, and pushed them both in with no resistance, making your legs push against your chest and knocking your knees together.
You threw your head back from the pressure and the pleasure, your mouth opening to make way for quiet moans.
Eddie‘s pace gradually got faster, adding his thumb in the mix to rub your clit.
You could feel your release hurriedly coming closer, making your cunt clench and convulse over Eddie’s fingers.
“Yeah, fucking squirt all over me bitch,” Eddie seethed through gritted teeth, pulling his fingers out of your cunt with a wet squelch and landing a few slaps over your soaked clit.
Eddie’s harsh words and his onslaught on your cunt made your release spray all over his pelvis, and you let out a scream in response.
Your legs were continuously shaking from his rough fingers, and your breathing grew heavy.
“I’m not fucking done with you.” Eddie spread your legs wider, positioning himself right in between them and rubbing his hard cock over your quivering cunt, smearing your release.
Eddie tapped the tip of his dick over your swollen clit, making your hips jump away from the sensation.
He gave you no reprieve before he was shoving his entire length into your sore cunt, making you moan out loud and your brow furrow.
Eddie grabbed onto your neck with his right hand, slapping you across the face with his left.
His starting pace was furious. Not giving your cunt a break, slamming in and out of you, making you let out a moan with each thrust.
Eddie’s hand squeezed around your neck as your cunt clenched around his cock, making him groan.
“Fuck yeah—squeeze my cock you slut,” His words were shakey from his pace and your quick submission. Eddie looked down at your face; your cheek was a dark red from how many times he’s slapped you, your chin was shiny with yours and Eddie’s mixed saliva, and your eyes were squinted from his cock.
You felt like Eddie’s cock was jabbing your cervix, making tears spring in the corner of your eyes. This didn’t go unnoticed by Eddie, he smiled at the thought of making you cry just like how you made him.
“Cry me a fucking river, you did this to yourself.” Eddie gripped the underside of your thighs, pushing them both to your chest, contorting your body.
The new position made Eddie push deeper into your warm walls, hitting that spot perfectly.
You bit your lip so hard you drew blood, squeezing your eyes shut making the tears fall down your cheeks. Eddie bent down over you, licking the tears off your face then landing a slap on your thigh, close to your ass.
The feeling of Eddie’s palm slapping you made you arch your back, letting out garbled moans and cumming on his cock a second time.
“Cum in me Eddie, quaeso.” You were staring up at him with glassy eyes, and a flushed face.
Your demand made Eddie sit up straight, thrusting into you harder and grinding his cock in your spent hole.
It wasn’t long before Eddie was cumming inside of you, a dam bursting and filling you to the brim with his warm spend. Eddie gave a few more rough thrusts into your sopping cunt, riding out his orgasm.
He leant down over you, holding himself up with his hand next to your head, trying to catch his breath.
Eddie completely forgot about the cuffs that were wrapped around your wrists until he heard the snap of the chains holding them together snap. He looked up from his position and saw that you broke out of them, trailing your hands up and down his back and petting his hair, letting him come down from the high.
Eddie didn’t even bat an eye, just collapsed back over you enjoying the warmth of contact with another.
A few minutes passed, Eddie was passed out and you were able to move yourself without waking him up.
Eddie was laying on his stomach, his hair all over the place and damp from sweat. He looked truly beautiful. You gave a genuine smile from how peaceful he looked.
Before leaving you made sure to leave a small kiss on the back of his head.
Making sure to leave a note that said, “Iterum revertar, Eddie.”
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theminecraftbee · 5 months
minecraft bee. starign at you. you mentioned nosey neighbors. hello they're my favorite guys do you have anything to share , /nf
so the thing is you may have noticed I have a thing for writing guys who are trying their best in a broken system and like, ALL of one piece is that to some extent, but then I went “what if I make bigb and pearl marines” and they are now ESPECIALLY that. because like—
okay the thing is that in one piece the world government SUCKS. like every arc we learn more and more reasons the world government is the WORST INSTITUTION EVER. and as such, their military force, the marines, generally serve as antagonists and suck, but. MANY individual marines do not suck. because the thing is that ridiculously powerful pirates also exist and they DO hurt civilians and many marines DO want to protect those civilians! we even have people like smoker who is like, javert levels of determined to hunt the straw hat pirates, but ALSO willing to put that aside for the greater good and work with them temporarily (see: alabasta). we have people like garp, who mostly at this point wants to train the next generation and is constantly torn between duty and family. we have koby, my beloved, who was tormented by pirates for so long and joined the marines to get stronger and protect people and stands up to the admirals to try to get them to stop the fighting at marineford after the marines had already effectively won! and yeah MANY of the marines we meet are assholes who use their power over people to get what they want but ALSO they’re often complex people or even good people who have been placed within an evil system.
(side note: being a civilian in the one piece world sucks and is terrifying, for the record, and while one piece is a lighthearted comedy most of the time, oftentimes it does remind us of that anyway. which is definitely part of “why the world government”; if YOU lived in the one piece world, YOU’D probably want the guys who constantly feed you propaganda about protecting you from the pirates who will kill you to be in charge because like. you do not want the pirates to kill you. which many of them will. for fun. JUST BECAUSE THE GOOD GUYS IN ONE PIECE ARE PIRATES DOESN’T MEAN THE BAD GUYS AREN’T ALSO PIRATES WHEN THE BAD GUYS AREN’T THE EVILS OF A CORRUPT SYSTEM THAT SEEKS TO MAINTAIN ITS OWN POWER ABOVE ALL ELSE.)
anyway the POINT is.
so then I made the nosy neighbors marines, and also gave them a cool dynamic where pearl is newer to being a marine on the grand line and while not NAIVE (her village was destroyed by pirates) she has a strong image in her head of protecting people while bigb has been worn down by the system over the years and is more used to the bullshit the world government would have him do and is resigned to it. and bigb teaches pearl a bit about the way the world actually is on these oceans but pearl teaches bigb a bit about how they don’t have to GIVE UP in protecting people just because there’s government bullshit in their way. and ALSO they get to relentlessly pursue Cleo’s pirates AND have a fun dynamic of people going “oh there’s a devil fruit user between the two of them, surely it’s the scary one with the axe” (it is not its bigb bigb just knows how to be subtle, unlike some people).
and that’s why this au has me staring at the nosy neighbors like “OH. THEM.”
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stewieonthewall · 21 days
Ok genuine question. Do you think Paige hasn’t come out because of potential public backlash? Obviously she wouldn’t be the first women’s basketball player to be out, but Paige is very politically aware. She knows how polarized the country is right now, and downright violent. Do you think that plays a part in it at all? Like I just think of how much she loves kids and has so many kids look up to her, and I wonder if she fears people abandoning her or not wanting their kids around her because of homophobia. There’s so many pieces to being comfortable enough to come out and I just wonder if that’s part of it for her, since she is SUCH a public figure atp.
i swear i’ve said this before but you might be new here so
i think she’s effectively out to anyone that’s willing to use their eyes like you can look at literally anything she does and it’s soo painfully obvious (as she wants it to be). a recent example is these photos from ig posts like that is from a gay girl for gay girls and if you’re gonna fight me on that it’s not worth trying to even explain
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there’s been this tradition of white players not being out during their time at uconn so that could have something to do w it but again i would say that she’s been pretty public w classic queer flagging other than actually articulating the words to a large public audience (i say this bc she allegedly said “so glad i’m gay” on one of q’s lives but obviously most ppl aren’t following on that level)
coming out is also scary and can make you enemies bc obviously there are still homophobes out there, but it could also be that she doesn’t even think it’s necessary bc it’s really no one else’s business (and as i said she’s basically out to anyone that’s open to it)
she’s definitely politically aware on some level but she has spoken out before on a somewhat personal topic (granted it was less so than this but still) so i don’t think she’s necessarily worried abt that and she clearly gets sm love and support from her circle so i honestly don’t see that as a big reason
so my two best guesses would be privacy reasons or not wanting to make college-related stuff more complicated 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
to summarize i figure we’re more likely to just get an official pazzi launch and everyone can draw their own conclusions from that than any kind of actual statement
i’m sure she will eventually talk abt her experiences as a queer woman but that could be 10 years in the future so don’t hold your breath!!
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shiny-jr · 2 years
Can I ask for C,H, and Z with OctoTrio?
Warning: Yandere thing. Gender-neutral reader.
Characters: Floyd Leech, Jade Leech, Azul Ashengrotto.
Note: Of course! I don't think I've actually been requested anything for the Octavinelle guys all at once. If I have, I don't remember it. Time to replay a bunch of Little Mermaid inspired songs as I write for this. Like this amazing one I found.
Letters: C and H.
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✍︎ Cruelty. How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them? 
   ✒ Honestly, Floyd would mock the living hell out of you. Aww, what's wrong? You far from home? You don't wanna be here? But he's here! Doesn't that make things so much better~? Yes, he'll mock you, but he's genuinely very happy to finally have you here! It's obvious by his big old toothy grin and how he literally refuses to detach himself from you. Now that you're here, he's basically treating you as his roommate. You thought living on the same campus was bad since he'd always chase you down. Just imagine that but now you gotta sleep in the same room as him. The only good thing is, Floyd gets bored easily, so he'll take you out very often, pretty much every day.
   ✒ On the other hand, Jade is more low-key about the mockery. Don't be mistaken, he's not loudly mocking you like his twin but it's more like his taunting you. Oh, what's this? Is that a tear from your eye? Are you growing homesick? This just won't do! What a soft and sensitive little thing to be shedding a tear in front of him. As long as you behave and do not attempt to leave his supervision, he’ll be nothing but the perfect gentleman. Although it is unnerving how he knows things about you that you never told him, and he talks about them with a creepy grin. Oh, it’s nothing bad, he wouldn’t dream of embarrassing you (in front of others at least)! Since you’ve been good, he’ll give you more freedom. Just don’t abuse it, or he’s pulling you right back.
   ✒ Of course not, Azul would never mock you! Out of these three, Azul is the one to most likely comfort you instead. Yes, he understands this may be confusing and stressful, but can’t you see that this is for the best? There are so many benefits to living with him. Disregard the restrictions he puts in place as well as his constrictive grasp. Now that you are his guest, he’s attempting to treat you with comforts and luxuries. Yet it’s difficult to relax when he literally kidnapped you. Although if it hadn’t been for that, you might’ve thought you woke up in some dream vacation with how much he provides just in hopes that you’ll finally stop being so tense and anxious. 
✍︎ Hell. What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?   
   ✒ Believe it or not, Floyd doesn’t actively try to hurt you. Yes, he can be rough and accidentally harm you, but he isn’t actually trying or even wanting to see you hurt. Of course, he may make a threatening offhand comment, but that is enough to scare you into avoiding stuff he doesn’t want you to do. Yes, his warnings are scary, but you’ve actually seen him lash out at others. Just because he doesn’t want to hurt you, doesn’t mean he won’t hurt other people. Your worst experiences with him are either when he was too careless and gave you a particularly nasty injury which had him tearing up and not leaving you alone until you forgave him. Or when a poor soul got too close for comfort, making Floyd jealous and causing him to beat the guy to a pulp. It was terrifying to see how he didn’t relent and was only satisfied when then guy couldn’t even look you in the eye again. 
   ✒ Jade also doesn’t hurt you. Oh no, instead he watches as your useless attempts to escape or avoid him backfire. Only then does he swoop in, saving you from the predicament you created. Oh, but you don’t get away unscathed, he’s teasing you relentlessly. Sometimes his teasing is harsh, but that’s not the bad part about it. The worst is when his teasing takes a dark turn after you try to escape. As he treating your wounds (if you have any) and he examines you for any more injury you might’ve gained during your attempt, his teasing demeanor changes. The taunting grin he wore becomes a smile and his eyes are boring into you as his soft tone turns somewhat serious and dark despite his smile. His descriptions are vivid, and he does keep his word. You’re reminded of how cruel he can be by his vaguely threatening words. 
   ✒ The worst thing about Azul is his clinginess. In the public he keeps up his suave business facade, but when you’re alone with him is the worst, especially when he’s feeling insecure. When someone else expresses a clear interest in you, that’s when those negative thoughts begin to bubble up in his mind, clouding his thoughts in foam. That’s when he becomes extremely desperate for attention. If the thoughts in his mind are so bad, it may cause some tears and sobs to escape as he can only think of the worst case scenario. What if you do prefer them over him? Only you can comfort him, and you will have to. It’s not as if you have much of a choice when he has a vice grip on you, as he gazes up at you while the tears are streaming down his cheeks, and literally the only thing that can pull him out of this void of insecurities are reassurances from you. And reassuring him takes hours.
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asterdisaster06 · 10 months
i love you ain't that the worst thing you've ever heard?
ghost x reader [exes], platonic 141 x reader
1 - 2 - 3
summary > Half protective Price, half poetic self-deprecation
word count > 1.9k
warnings > dramatic poetic description
a/n > as a slight note, i personally absolutely hate time skips because i wanna be able to see both the domestic moments and make the story flow in a way that makes sense. So there will be minimal time skips if i can help it.
You pulled yourself together, taking a deep breath in preparation for knocking on the door of your new Captains’ office. You held your hand up to the wooden door and then let it fall to your side again. You most likely looked like an insane person at this rate, but your nerves were getting the best of you. 
“I can hear your anxiety from out here, come on in, Lieutenant,” Price yells out, solving your dilemma just like that. 
You stood there, your eyes darting around the room in an attempt to avoid the harsh stare you were sure Price was sending you. As you stood there, shaking out your clammy hands, your captain finally broke the dreaded silence. Although, now that you think about it, it’s just as likely that the silence was the only comfort you had right now. You didn’t have time to dwell on that thought as Price’s voice forced you to lock your tired eyes with his equally if not more worn out ones. He disguised it well through a veil of focus, but you had seen that look too many times before in your own reflection. 
“I’m aware that you just got here, Lieutenant,” Price begins.
You brace yourself for next words as you stand there with a wince already on your face in preparation for the reprimanding you’re sure you’re about to get. You’re well aware that it’s incredibly unlikely that he would be admonishing you for simply walking out of the room without a word, but you’re also mindful that you might get a few questions asked of you.
“So I wanted to personally let you know that you’re scheduled for training with all three of my soldiers throughout this week. I know that you’re well suited for this position, but it’s always helpful for me to know where your skills stand,” Price says. 
“I was going to mention this before you ran off on me,” He laughs. “I know Ghost has a reputation for being scary but I don’t think he’s terrifying enough to scurry from the room like a little rabbit.”
Your face flushes in embarrassment at his words, although you’re pleasantly surprised that he seemed to take it in good humour. That, and he didn’t seem to question the flash of recognition within your eyes at the sight of Simon. 
“I just didn’t want to intrude if he had something confidential to say to you,” You sheepishly say, making up the half-truth on the spot. 
“I appreciate the sentiment, but you’re a part of this team now; that, and if it’s something personal we would have no issue of informing you of such,” Price chuckles, rubbing his knuckles against his cheek as a habit you presume. 
“Understood Captain, is there anything else we need to discuss?” You ask, getting into the professional mindset. You may know of him as a close friend that you can trust with your life, but to him you’re just another rookie soldier despite your rank. You’re not entirely surprised that he would want to see an exhibit of your skills through his own men, but it still sent goosebumps rippling across your body at the thought of being in such close proximity to Ghost. 
“That’s all for today. . .” Price trails off. “Actually, what exactly is the story behind your callsign?”
It makes you pause, similarly to how Price did at the thought of saying your given name. You were honestly surprised it took him this long to ask; although, you suspect he’s not exactly one to pry into people’s lives. It makes you wonder what exactly his interest in this part of your life is, but you don’t question it for too long before answering him. 
“I would like to say it’s a part of the full title ‘Angel of Death’ given for my ability to kill so silently and effectively on the battlefield, sir,” You tilt your head and smile at the attempt of your old base friends to add something to be proud of to your name. 
“But?” Price asks, raising an eyebrow with an inquisitive look.
You sigh and then start, “An old sergeant of mine back when I was in training always called me that as a nickname and it just stuck. Actually, he paired it with the pickup line about me falling from heaven. He always was a tad bit pushy with his advancements no matter how many times I shrugged him off.” You laugh at this, attempting to shrug off the prickling sensation of shame and embarrassment surfacing. 
You swear you see a flash of both anger and sympathy flash across his face, but it’s gone before you can even pinpoint what you actually saw. 
“Did you report him?” Price asks, seemingly completely serious.
“Did I? Fuck no, he was both my superior and the favorite of our Lieutenant. There was nothing I could do except wait out the end of my contract if I wanted to move up in the food chain,” You spit out, venom coating your words but not at Price. 
“Did he do anything that could be considered grounds of expulsion?” Price asks, a dark look in his eye all of a sudden. 
You avoid his gaze at this point, choosing your words carefully. “It was a long time ago, and no. He never did anything beyond the occasional cat call or accidental brushing up against me.”
“I hope you’re aware that if anyone, and I mean anyone, on this base makes you feel uncomfortable that you can come to me,” He says softly, appearing to wholeheartedly want you to believe this truth. “And if you want to change your callsign, that’s completely acceptable in my eyes.”
You smile at this, realising that Simon was right in his characterization of how honourable his captain was. You vaguely recall whispers about how he saved the lives of his team at the risk of his own over and over by your lover as you traced his scars at night. Price had your forever thanks for getting Simon home to your warm embrace over and over again. 
“I’ve thought about it a lot, but I think Angel just has some history to it. One beyond the old sergeant of mine, and I’m not exactly keen to erase it,” You say, honesty permeating the spoken words. 
It was the truth after all. Whether it was the good old days back at your old base with your Lieutenant at the time always complimenting your skills on the battlefield beyond your looks with the callsign title or the gently muttered pet name from Simon during the rare soft moments between you two; you couldn’t tell. Either way, the name wasn’t going away despite the pain that came with it. In fact, you’re beginning to think that that exact ache that plagues you every time the syllables are said is what drives you - what drove you - to get the opportunity at this position on the task force. 
“I understand, and I apologise if that was more than you were willing to share,” Price admits. 
“I find it nice to have a little push to open up to people, especially if I trust them. I find that it brings a glimpse of the humanity I once had back up to the surface,” You claim, being sincere in what you said. 
“Well, I’m glad you trust me enough to talk about these things. It’s not something so easily earned I sense,” Price gives a small smile at that, continuing, “And Angel?”
“Yes, Captain?”
“You probably exhibit more humanity than you would like to admit,” Price says.
“Who knew you had such wise words,” You tease.
“Ah, well. It was really one of the boys that said that to me,” He says, blushing a bit as he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. 
You smile at that, engaging in a conversation of small talk for another minute before he dismisses you to go back to your room and get some rest. You actually know your way around the compound semi well enough this time around to get back to your room with only one wrong turn. Coming upon the door, you take your key from your belt loop and unlock the door to open up to your new home away from home. It’s weirdly cosy, although that could simply be a byproduct of learning to love the barracks as your pad. It offers a sense of comfort because you end up decorating the plain walls and desk with objects that Simon had never touched and would never touch. 
You pick up the stuffed animal from your opened bag that Simon had won you at a fair and hold it in front of you - it’s beady eyes staring back at you. Something that’s lasted longer than the sweet treats and bittersweet memories of the fear flashing across the giant beast of a man’s face at being a mere 10 feet above the ground. It made a grin spread across your face that quickly faded as you realised how far in the past it was. Trotting over to the bathroom, you brush your teeth with the taste of blood filling your mouth at how roughly you did it. You spit into the sink, staring at the foamy white and pink running down the drain. 
The reflection within the mirror that stares back at you is something that you no longer recognize. The mask has become fused with your flesh, crude stitching locking it into your maw making it so you can no longer escape from it. Your eyes glint red, blood pooling in the irises that hold the lovecraftian reflections of the cosmic horrors you’ve come across in your line of work. A colossal and nameless blasphemy gaping entity that is named facetiously as a heaven’s angel.  The bony structure surrounding a thing that used to resemble a human - a human with compassion and empathy. No longer is that kind viewpoint casted onto you. Not anymore. 
You rip yourself away from that vision which gives way to the reality of a tired beast with sunken eyes and a soul that wants to shrink within itself. An obsolete self with marrow infused with the ineffable nature of sorrow that weighs you down like a ball and chain containing the blood and flesh of all those you failed to save. It makes itself known through your ever so wearied mortal body that shakes and trembles in the face of anyone that even resembles your once loved Riley. You let out a single shaky breath before pulling yourself together and trudging back to your room, taking your mask off as you do so. Taking off your protective shield from the world that you fear could know too much with your identity known. Although, your world is limited to one person, Simon RIley. 
With that thought in your mind and the plushie hugged to your chest, you fall into a fitful sleep that ends with a pit in your stomach at the thought of what the future holds for not only you but this team. It fills you with primal fear that has dread which pains your muscles with every movement. The ebb and flow of your own personal mental torment sending cramps to your heart which pauses in a way that would terrify any doctor at the very thought of meeting Simon face to face again. Meeting him in a situation where neither truly knows who is standing in front of their very face, not anymore.
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chryblossomjjk · 2 years
practice - pt. 2 | jjk (teaser)
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→pairing: fuckboy!jk x inexperienced reader
→genre: college au, fwb, smut, angst, a lil fluff
→rating: M
→warnings: a spank, a partial erect peen, jk being a teasing menace >:(, jk taking off tuxedo mask costume n revealing himself as a switch, jk villain origin story also revealed this chapter lol (is he really a villain tho? u know the vibes maybe unrequited love maybe not), shower sex!!!, smut with more detailed warnings list will be provided in actual fic
→summary: Everything is wet. You and Jungkook tangled up on the shower floor and your eyes after he leaves.
→notes: sooo um, this was supposed to be pwp but now its a three part series- so yeah lol. v anxious about this bc i feel like it won't live up to ur expectations from part one :'(( i don't want to make promises but will most likely be up this friday at 7pm est. if you're a new reader, part one is HERE. ALSO HAPPY BDAY TO THE SWEET ANON THIS IS FOR U BBY! love u guys muah.
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The innocent touches trail down your lower back. You get lost in the gentle motions of his fingertips, dancing across your skin in swirls and shapes. All you hear is his heart beating, your cheek flush against his damp chest . 
It’s so close but so out of reach. Intangible.
The faint thump lulls you into trance. Your brain can’t even process the sharp sounds of water hitting tile. Just Jungkook.
A quick swat brings you out of the clouds and back to reality.
You peep out a small moan, jolting forward from the impact. How humiliating.
“You like when I do that,” he hums, corners of his lips stretching into a smirk as he smooths his palms over your stinging perky cheeks. “When I have my way with you. Don’t you, baby?”
Baby. He’s never referred to you as something so… endearing. You nod, face still smushed into his skin. 
“You’re more submissive than I thought you’d be.”
“You thought about me before we started hooking up?” You retort, voice taking on a teasing tone to hide the flutter in your chest. He wanted you too. The thought was comforting. Reassuring. 
“Mmm, maybe.” His hardening cock, brushing right against your inner thigh, told you the answer. “The version of you in my head was confident, though. Knew what she wanted and took it. So fucking sexy.”
He whispers the last part, pupils darting to your lips, licking his own in preparation. Silver lip ring shining from the saliva. His dark tresses slicked back, no doubt silky and pliant from your conditioner. You’ve never wanted anyone so bad. 
You close your eyes, expecting a sweet kiss from his soft plump pout.
It never comes.
“I get you’re still learning though, so no biggie,” he shrugs, pulling his head back, keeping his lips hostage from desperate ones. 
Asshole. He's taunting you.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” You pull away, giving him a clear view of your scowl, trying to look as menacing as possible.
“It’s not a bad thing…,” he coos, patronizingly. “Just the Bambi I know would never let a man tell her what to do.”
If he was trying to get a rise out of you, he was succeeding. Knowing exact what buttons to push to get you worked up, sexually and emotionally. It's a scary thought, that Jungkook could 'have his way' with you in any context.
Your blood was boiling, and not from the scorching hot streams falling out of the shower head.
“I don’t,” you argue. “And I always take what I want.”
“That’s not true,” Jungkook shakes his head, tutting his tongue at you. “Because you want me so bad and you haven’t done anything about it.”
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© chryblossomjjk 2022 [do not copy, translate or repost]
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Distant Sparks (Miguel O'Hara x Reader)
This was once again the winner of my most recent poll and WOO you guys are in for a treat! Unlike my usual one-shots so far, I am planning to make this into a series! I'm not sure how many parts this series will have but I am psyched!! Anyways, enough babbling and to the story!
tw: mention of bullying (past experience), cold Miguel, mention of Gabriella
wc: 661
->pt1<- pt2
Enjoy~ <3 (comment to be added to the tag list for this series)
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You strolled happily down the halls of spider society with the biggest smile plastered to your face. You were a new Spiderwoman and you’d been accepted into the society only 2 months after being bit by your spider. Right now you are carrying this week's anomaly reports to take to Miguel. You had only met him twice. Once when you were recruited, and a second time when he called you to his office to give you your first mission. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t more than a little excited to see him again.
As you approached Miguel’s lab? Office? Surveillance room? Whatever it was, you stood there and inhaled a sharp breath before excitedly scurrying in, papers in hand.
“Hey, Miguel!” Miguel keeps his eyes focused on the screens in front of him. He has no interest in you yet and barely acknowledges you with a quiet, ‘Hm?’
“Jess said she had to take care of an important matter and asked if I’d drop these papers with you! I think she said that these are anomaly reports?” Miguel barely turns his head to inspect you for a moment from his platform before once again giving you a less-than-flattering response
He webs the papers up to himself and flips through them, scanning through the details before setting them down and noticing that you are still there from the corner of his eye
“Unless you have anything else of importance to tell me, please leave”
His response is cold and you bite back your bottom lip. You had been treated worse than this before. On your earth, you had been a victim of relentless bullying throughout high school and even as you started college. No one here would even guess that you’d been through anything like that. You were so sweet and kind to everybody regardless of what was going on in your life.
“Actually… it’s nothing of importance really, but may I ask you a question?”
Miguel turns away from his work in annoyance and cocks a brow at you.
“Make it quick” You offer up a brighter smile as you begin your question.
“Well, the other spiders told me that it’s your birthday in three days and I was wondering what you would like for a gift?”
Miguel scoffs and rolls his eyes.
“Nothing. Don’t get me anything. Now leave. You’ve already been enough of a distraction”
Miguel turns back to his screens and you stand there for a moment, stuck on those words. You realize that Miguel no longer wants to talk so you shift on your feet and turn around.
As you walked back through the halls of spider society, you got lost in your thoughts. 
“Don’t get me anything”
Those words replayed in your head and you pursed your lips together. What if you did get him something? Would he get angry and make you return it? If he didn’t want you to get him something then… your face absolutely lit up as you came up with the brightest idea.
What if I make him something?
That’s it! You were going to make this big grumpy spider a gift whether he wanted one or not! Because what kind of person would get rid of a handmade gift? They would have to be heartless to do that. And you knew he wasn’t. As much as he wanted to seem stone-cold and scary, you knew about what he had done when he replaced the version of him that had a daughter. But you also thought that it was a little endearing. Miguel hadn’t just seen an opportunity to live the life he wanted to live, he saw that a little girl was going to suffer because she would no longer have a father. To you, he was anything but heartless.
So that settled it. In 3 days, Miguel O'Hara was going to receive the best handmade gift he had ever been given in his entire life.
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littledollll · 1 year
Back with a request but not Agere :0 I know mad I have one of those to send next so don’t fret my love and how is your day going? Remember you’re so loved
Prompt~ so I feel like an angsty Larissa x reader fic based off the song “ceilings- Lizzy McApline” would be perfect. It goes on about how they wish to be with someone yet it’s not a real opportunity. They can’t be with them for some reason. I feel you could write that beautifully ~ shy anon🕊️
Lonely dreams
Larissa Weems x reader
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A/n: im hanging in there babes, it’s lovely to see you here like always, I hope you enjoy. Idk how to do songlyric fics so I won’t cuz scary but I’ve actually had vivid daydreams about this song and this is how it goes. Requests are open
Warning: fluff, loss, grief.
You had the perfect life. Everything you’ve ever dreamt of came true for you. Your dream job, the love of your life, that easy going, calm, day to day and you’ve always craved, you finally had it.
A safe routine that repeated every day, you and Larissa worked and lived together like you always wished. You’d wake up every morning with littered kisses all over your face, making you giggle and pout. Making breakfast together was probably the best part of your day, you and Larissa together in a spacious kitchen with everything you could possibly need for the perfect meal, it felt like those love story movies, when they’d show those baking montages filled with laughs and attacking eachother with food.
Walking hand in hand through the hallways made you feel so confident, having Larissa Weems proudly showing you to the world. She walked you to your class with a kiss on the very tip of your nose, making you giggle and turn away to compose yourself before you had to start class.
“I will see you at lunch, my love.” Something made you want to pull her back, to stop her from walking away and give you just another kiss. But you didn’t, instead letting her go, “Have a good day, Issa” you said, before running off to start class.
You had this unsettling feeling running through your bones the whole morning, but it all went away when you met Larissa for lunch. Routine. Just like always, your pre-packed lunch that you made together the afternoon before, a conversation filled lunch or maybe just enjoying eachother in silence. A second to just breathe and be, you hugged and kissed so softly, so sweetly you never wanted to go back. It was a movie, it was your perfect life.
And the day went on, you’d come back to her office after class was over and wait the two hours she stayed extra working after you. You mostly bugged her to get out of the office and come home with you, occasionally you’d poke her for attention and get a quick kiss which made you feel giddy all over and sedated you for another few minutes before you inevitably poked her again.
You were resting against Larissa’s shoulder when she closed the computer and looked your way, a sweet smile on her face. “Okay darling, we can go now.”
Larissa’s warm and dazzling smile, was the most comforting thing on this planet, you couldn’t love anything more. It was contagious, whenever she smiled you couldn’t help but follow.
Tonight you’d order take out, every week twice a week, Routine. You’d always pick something new to try for the first time together, and you’d sit together on the couch with nothing but music playing in the background, the second you were done eating you were always the first to fall asleep.
Shuffling down to get confortable as you nuzzled into her chest with a pleased sigh, you could hear her calm heart beat, how her chest lightly moved up and down with every relaxed breath. Your perfect girl, the perfect movie life.
But you woke up, and it was over. The fresh memory of her funeral as if it had been just yesterday. A year, a whole year. And your mind refused to give in to the idea, that was it. She’s gone forever.
There was no such thing as her soft lips waking you up every morning, you didn’t laugh and dance every morning with breakfast, you walked alone through the halls of this now so monotone school, you ate lunch at your desk with nobody but yourself, and you went straight home after school. Losing yourself in daydreams of seeing her again, until you cried yourself to sleep, all to repeat again the next day, routine.
You were harshly slapped by reality each morning. You woke up. And that was it, the end of your perfect movie.
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