#it’s cameos of him in the back or talking to Duke
starlooove · 2 years
Batfam YouTube AU except it’s not the batfam it’s just Duke:
I actually don’t think he’d have multiple channels, I think he’d have every single kind of his vids on one big one with a bunch of playlists u can pick and choose from. His vids are mainly 3 things: book/film critiques, Parkour vids, and hate to say it but a messy ass tea page.
The parkour vids are mainly taken in Gotham but if Brucie Wayne is traveling and Duke goes along, he’ll make some wherever they are too. He has subsections of parkour vids and his faves are the “trying to beat my fastest time at X” and “is this possible?” Which is him recreating famous parkour scenes from movies or tv shows. Sometimes he posts vids where he shows the best ways to get away from the rogues in a pinch and call for help depending on where you are.
The book/film critiques are everyone’s favorite tbh. The thing about him is that he’s kinda mean. He doesn’t care about hurting the creators feelings because, as he puts it, “if you didn’t wanna get your feelings hurt you should’ve produced something better.” He’s so pretentious and snobby and it’s honestly the worst side of him coming out but he’s so right that nobody can really correct or call him out without sounding whiny because he doesn’t target anything personal, he’s simply critiquing the content.
The tea page….he could give Vicki Vale a run for her money. Duke’s tea page has honestly been doing more for protecting secret identities than anything any heroes done since heroism became a thing. Because when it comes to Duke’s channel, NOBODY is safe. He goes after heroes, villains, and civilian alike. It’s never anything doxxing or dangerous or whatever but he DID notice the rumors about Batman being Bruce Wayne’s sugar baby and he’d love to discuss the proof for and against it. Theories about whether the Girl Robin is real or if they just made her up, does Lex Luthor wanna fuck Superman, are Batman and Catwoman EVER gonna tie the knot? At one point the channel gets banned because of some shady shit (more ppl were tuning into it than to the Gotham Gazette) and Brucie Wayne was so offended that he had half a mind to buy YouTube and delete everything. Duke had a new vid up the next day talking all about it 🚶🏾‍♂️
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robyese3 · 3 months
K. I'm writing this into the void but I have nobody to talk bridgerton to. I blow the dust off my Tumblr to rant. Season 3. Here we go
PT. 1
Trash. All four episodes could have honestly been condensed to one, maaaaybe two to compensate for all the side plots. It did nothing to redeem Penelope.
It did however make me love Cressida, and further convinced me Eloise is queer. That said - Claudia Jessie so far has had chemistry with every single person (Benedict, Penelope, Cressida, Theo). Maybe it's just her. Philip was cardboard though so... We'll see if she can rescue that.
Why would the wig department do my boy Colin like that? Dirtyyy.
Francesca is GORGEOUS. She does look older than Daphne and Eloise, but I don't even care. Stunning. And John is a button.
Where did Luke and Nicola's chemistry go?!
KANTHONY. Only redeeming factor, and not enough of them.
What happened to Debling? Why wouldn't they just have HIM marry Cressida???? Like...?? It would have been perfect.
I love the Mondrich's story line - why is everyone hating? I do agree that it would have been a great way to reintroduce the Duke into the story though. Kinda mentor them through it. I get Rege-Jean wanted out but like... Recast it?
PT 2
Ahhh there is their chemistry. Found it.
I am HERE for mama Featherignton's redemption arc. Only works because she seems genuinely remorseful.
Incredibly disappointed with the Cressida storyline. Just wrecked a really dynamic story. Ruined Eloise's character growth (which she desperately needs) and just undid the awesome set up from pt 1. Felt so wasteful, unnecessary, and sad.
Most of the sex scenes were hot as hell but there was one (I don't remember which) was kinda awkward getting off the ground. They were like... Talking too much? Haha
Daphne not being there for Colin NOR Francesca's wedding? Yeah right. Get your casting contracts figured out bridgerton! This family can't be this close and just be missing major events. Would never happen. Lock them actors in from day 1.
I felt like Colin's arc from finding out to supporting her was really vulnerable, realistic, and well done. He was hurt and angry, but never stopped loving her. Just needed to process and he defended her tooth and nail despite knowing she didn't want to quit it. Good job kiddo.
Ok does Benedict do ANYTHING else but fvck? So grateful they finally admitted he's queer. And I wish they would have gotten to that part of his development in pt 1 so we could see him navigating it more.
When Colin said he had to talk to Benedict about getting the money, and implying that Benedict has some responsibility in the family with Anthony's absence - that was the biggest character development for him outside of his sexuality.
Philippa has NOT gotten enough screentime during this series. How are we just seeing how delightful she is now?!
Part 2 did such a better job at redeeming Penelope. I drank the Kool aid, back on team Penelope. Wrecked Eloise though. Sorry girl. Be better.
Michaela Sterling. Was kinda digging the "soft" love, and autistic thing that was circling the Internet so I was a little disappointed to see that all it was is that she's actually not attracted to him (knew the second they kissed haha). BUT the actress is stunning and I'm intrigued on how they'll develop Francesca's yearning for children with the queer storyline.
I would have loved for another King George cameo. Or just an update on his health, idk. Anything.
All in all, this show could do with adding another episode or two to it's roster and figuring out their pacing earlier on ESPECIALLY if you're going to be splitting the season. And even more so, if you're going to be juggling 82 different storylines.
If we're slowly shifting back to traditional tv practices (weekly releases episodes, commercials, etc), let the next thing be a full episode count. Done with this single digit amount episode. Order at least 10-12 episodes!
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blodgmonster · 4 months
Throne of Glass reread thoughts that no one on earth asked for.
-- Duke Perrington throws her to the floor. IT'S HIM IT'S HIM KILL HIM NOW DONT YOU FUCKING TOUCH HER YOU PRICK.
-- ""Your Highness," Chaol Westfall snapped at her.
"What?" Celaena asked." Responding to 'Your Highness' because she fucking is. Oh, you beautiful, sassy bitch, I love you 💗
-- "Still the image haunted his dreams throughout the night: a lovely girl gazing at the stars, and the stars who gazed back" echoes of ACOTAR
-- If Endovier isn't based on Auschwitz, I'll eat my hat.
-- Celaena chucking a flowerpot at Kaltain. Priceless.
-- "She saw the floor first. Red marble, its white veins illuminated in the light of the sun." Like a children's hospital.
-- Nothung. Dumbass name.
-- obsidian is a favorite of mine, and SJM just runs its good name through the dirt with all these obsidian eyes and the towers.
-- A complaint I've heard about this book before is how often someone sneaks up on Celaena while she's asleep. "She's an assassin! No one should be able to sneak up on her ever!" I'm sorry, are YOU able to control how deeply you sleep? Because I can't. I'll sleep through a thunderstorm and then get woken up by a child laughing outside. Like...it is what it is and I don't think it's something you can TRAIN. Besides which, she's spent a year in a death camp. She probably had to sleep through a lot of horrible noises.
-- "I can act and talk like a lady if it pleases me." Okay, Toph.
-- Chaol asking about her scars, "What did you do to deserve it?" Why don’t you SHUT THE FUCK UP? How could you ask someone who had been a SLAVE in a DEATH CAMP for a YEAR what she did to DESERVE being WHIPPED? He really is a piece of shit and I will never understand what Celeana and Yrene and Nesryn see in him. How does this grumpy loser keep pulling tens? They can do better.
-- hey look, it's The Walking Dead which had a cameo in Crescent City.
-- "The Duke was ambitious, but certainly not a threat to the castle or its inhabitants." DING DONG, YOU WERE WRONG!!!!
-- sweet baby Fleetfoot!!
-- I understand why Celeana didn't pick Dorian. He's the son of the man who destroyed your world (even if he is handsome, charming, loves books, and gives you a puppy. I'd be a goner for him). But to choose Chaol instead? Ugh. Just wait and hope for better things. Like Rowan. Or even Nox. Like CHAOL after SAM? Major downgrade, babe.
-- Kaltain having a peacock themed gown and mask at the ball reminds me of the wicked stepsister in Ever After. Excellent reference or fun coincidence?
-- "I name you Elentiya, 'Spirit That Could Not Be Broken.'" Oh, Nehemia. You deserved so much better. You deserved to live to see Aelin put things right.
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-- "I've never had a pet. I never wanted one." Jesus, what kind of sociopath are you, Chaol?? Ugh. Massive red flag for me.
-- Nehemia giving her the staff. Hell yeah.
-- "it make no difference if my name's Celaena or Lillian or Bitch, because I'd still beat you no matter what you call me. " THAT'S MY GIRL
-- The plot is so...simple when you compare it to Kingdom of Ash. But it's still SO good.
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soleminisanction · 12 days
Hullo, I’m a bit nervous to ask this and I’m terrible with formulating my thoughts so, don’t be hesitant to delete this if it doesn’t make any sense, and I don’t even know if you keep up with more modern comics, but I definitely had fallen out of habit of reading the more recently released stuff and would say I’m a good 2-3 years behind what’s going on in the modern ‘batfam’ so to speak. All my socials still follow a lot of comic bloggers though, and I guess I’ve been getting uneasy because there’s this specific scene of Dick Grayson, Damian, Jason, Bruce, and Duke all eating out together. I don’t even know what comic it’s from sorry, idk if you know what I’m referring to. But it’s not exactly about that one panel or the comic itself, which by all measure seems perfectly fine, but the fact that Tim Drake is missing from what seems like a gathering of Robins seems very… purposeful? Idk.
It made me feel really uneasy. Tim is my favorite Robin but in your opinion, if you do keep up with more modern comics, what do you think? Is he being written out? And like. Besides that, I just keep seeing a lot of fanart and stuff that seems to be replacing the younger brother dynamic that Tim and Dick had with one between Damian and Dick. If anything, I had thought that Damian and Dick had more of a father-son bond and I thought that was the more popular and accepted viewing of their relationship until more recently. I’m just sad :( is this all in my head? I feel like Tim is going to be completely replaced at this pace, but maybe I am just being dramatic.
I'm fairly certain the scene you're thinking of is not from a modern comic. That's a scene with the five of them plus Bruce eating out at Bat-burger, yeah? That's not from a recent b comic, that's from around 2017, the period just after Rebirth started when Tim was presumed dead (because he directed a bunch of drones to attack him to save the city and was seemingly blown up but was actually kidnapped by an interdimensional supervillain and held prisoner for a while) and they actually talk about Tim in that scene, though they think he's dead at the time.
So: yes, it's all in your head. He's not being written out. DC's doing a bit of creative reshuffling right now, refreshing their main books after about two years of the current run. The Bat-fam is a big ensemble and sometimes characters slip into supporting roles for a while. It's natural.
Tim got a lot of spotlight last year and into the beginning of this one as one of the primary supporting cast members in Zdarsky's Batman, plus his solo and DC: YJ while they lasted. During that time, Damian wasn't doing nearly as much -- his solo ended and he was mostly on the back burner while other projects were in production. Now the cards have dealt out that Damian's B&R book happens to be active at the same time as that Trinity Supersons whatever and the Boy Wonder, putting him back in the spotlight. Cass is similarly getting a lot of attention right now, while Steph and Duke mostly just show up as cameos. I don't even know what Jason's doing ATM I don't follow his stuff.
They're an ensemble, cycles like this are natural. Bruce is always going to be the most prominent because he's the goddamn Batman and Dick's by far one of the most consistent best sellers so his ongoing is pretty much secure. For everyone else, flux is a pretty standard state of existence and I wouldn't worry too much. Tim's still making plenty of appearances in things like Harley Quinn (Harley's writer seems to like him specifically) and most recently with Dick in Absolute Power. Nobody's getting written out. You can relax.
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agent-scotch · 7 months
Netflix's The Gentlemen Rant/Review (Spoilers)
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If you've never seen a Guy Ritchie mob movie then you might enjoy yourself.
But if you're like me then you kinda - disappointed. and here is a rant:
I genuinely thought this was gonna be expanding on the world or characters of Gentlemen movie. I know they would not have the same cast but at least link them to the original story. But instead an entire 2 episode of retelling.
Susie Glass, not gonna lie I was hoping when she mentioned her DAD it would be in reference to the movie. Like maybe the Pearsons had a daughter that is now taking over the business! Like what is with franchises that don't like to touch or can cameos of the source material. She's kind of a spin on Rosie and kinda not.
I loved it when Rosie pulled out a gun, like I liked that she was elegant and posh but also mean despite her husband. Like wouldn't it be great if Susie was the daughter! I liked the mix of Matthew's southern accent amongst the diverse English accents.
The quick talking was fun but the character are watered down as fuck. Ritchie's movie and character are FUN and Kinda Cartoonish but that's what so fun about them! Colin Farrel as Coach, Hugh Grant as Fletcher. These ones are so serious which I get because it needs to span a TV series but this is a guy Ritchie spin off, not Succession.
Not sure if people notice that Guy Ritchie character structures are like a Shakespeare play. He spends the same amount of time introducing the low level criminals, side characters and the high end gangsters. They are interwoven by the same goal, consequences, and share 1 degree of separation wether they know or not.
In the Tv show, the main focus is the Duke and Susie, mainly the Duke and nothing ever comes back to bite him in the ass in the future the way it does in Ritchie's movies.
I will say there are some movie reference I appreciate:
the guns that blow the head off the guy (reference to lock stock)
there is a scene where Eddie pulls a cable to a pair of headphone (Reference to RocknRolla with One Two vs the Russians)
There is a chase scene that very much like Raymond's in the Gentlemen movie.
Finally the inconsistencies and editing. Good editing itself can be very comedic. Sometimes Richie skips directly showing a graphic scene to show the aftermath and let's the acting and script recall what happened - letting the audience's imagination wild. Example would be int he Gentlemen when The coach show the editor what happened between him and a pig. The Freddie's chicken sequence didn't need to pan out in order for the audience to understand how humiliating it is. If anything skip that, show Freddie crying and your brain will do the math. Equally and possibly more effective than actually showing it.
This goes for the scene where he accidentally pulls the chord to a pair of head phones in reference to RockNRolla. In RockNRolla, the two Russians pull the chord - LOUD music and to Gerard's face let's you know shits gonna get fucked up. and then it cuts.
In the Gentlemen, the chord is pulled and they duke it out. Which I guess yea but that point in the show there needed to be a fight scene.
But action sequence is misplaced.
In the first episode Eddie goes to a boxing match to find his brother who stole like 4 million pounds to gamble. Eddie confront brother but then walks away. As susie explains the truth about said gamble across the room Freddie. The shot of Eddie shakes more and more and the tiger roaring get louder and louder showing his growing anger. And you think Eddie, military man, he's gonna pink mist these the fuckers in the room! right? WRONG. HE JUST WALK OVER AND WAGS A FINGER.
Like I get it he's a duke....
In the gentlemen Movie Fletcher and Raymond recall a negotiation between Dry-eye and Micky where Micky suddenly shoots Dry-eye in the balls and lots of screaming. Cut back, it didn't actually happen and they just talked - Fletcher was just trying to spice up the story.
WHY DIDN'T THEY DO THAT. Why did they do they lion roaring and camera shaking, show him pink misting everyone and be like lol that was all in Eddy's head AND THEN he walks over and wags his finger.
And the only reason WHY I'm compiling about this whole shot of eddy being angry, camera shaking and lions roaring is that it only happens THE ONE TIME. They could have made it Eddy's thing where he's so close to snapping, it would have been part of his character but nah. that's it.
None of the characters really grow? Like Susie becomes more reckless but Eddy doesn't change much.....
This show is taking itself too seriously, and I love Ritchie movies cause they are goofy.
Ritchie did go from directing a couple episodes to only producing so that must have fucked things up.
So this is all I have to say for now.
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noddytheornithopod · 1 year
This week's episode of the Mandalorian was... really weird. And not in the fun way. The "episode ended and my primary feeling is complete and utter confusion" way. 
Not even sure where to start, because the episode felt really messy to me. I guess I'll try and go through it all from start to finish... assuming the episode's weirdness doesn't cause tangents.
Alright, so the intro was actually cool. The Mon Cala Quarren romance was kinda goofy and hard to take seriously, but I do like the idea behind it. The intro of Axe Woves and what those Mandos were up to was a cool set up. So cool, the episode is gonna be about Bo-Katan trying to get them back on their side again, right? It seems that way... but then Jack Black and Rizzo show up and the whole episode goes on a massive tangent. I know The Mandalorian often does the whole side quest thing, but either I'm getting tired of it, or the messiness of this season's overarching story meant I have even less patience for it, teasing the interesting conflict relevant to the big picture only to divert elsewhere. 
Also... Jack Black and Rizzo, wasn't a fan. Between this and getting Christopher Lloyd, it's like Favreau had the idea for the main conflict but it didn't fill up enough pages so he filled the middle, now majority, with celebrity cameos to compensate. I don't usually mind goofy characters, but IDK here it felt so paper thin, and it doesn't help that I couldn't really tell what they were trying to do with that part of the story.
So like... okay, this planet is allegedly a direct democracy. It kinda looks idealised and utopian with the scenery and set design, but the characters are goofy in a way it feels like it was trying to mock them? The whole "we're a direct democracy but we're also monarchs" thing is so confusing to me. Like... I feel like it's trying to say something, but I don't know what? Are they trying to say direct democracy is utopian and unrealistic, typical liberal "communism is unrealistic" shit?
Thing is, episode didn't really seem to be about that. If it was my salty libcom ass wouldn't be amused but at least it would've been coherent. Instead we're focusing on malfunctioning droids or something.
So like, I'm expecting some twist to this. They investigate and meet the ugnaughts. They look more proletarian to the opulence of the main city, so I was like "oh so is this like a slave/exploited workforce?" ...apparently not! The ugnaughts are chill, and the droid problem is something else. Din talking to them based on experience was cool at least?
So the runaway B2 and the droid bar being called "The Resistor" got me thinking... is this like a droid uprising thing? The droids aren't actually malfunctioning and they're instead demanding equal rights while the organics live like bougies? Also apparently not! The droids are chill and are apparently just concerned about why some of them are going crazy. This seemed like it might've been this suppposedly utopian society having to reckon with the automation they use being sentient, but nope!
At least seeing Din's old prejudices was something, like he still has to actively make an effort to not be a dick to droids, IG-11 was just one droid, and these weren't any droids, but Separatist droids.
Okay so the culprit is... Christopher Lloyd, who's apparently an old Separatist who sees Dooku as some visionary and wants revolution or something? Honestly, this was so rushed and underdeveloped I'm not even sure I fully understand what happened. So it seems like his motives were because the Duchess  married the Duke of this planet who was ex-Imperial but reformed through the Amnesty program. Not a bad concept at least, but with all the other shit going on it doesn't feel as developed as it should be? 
Oh yeah, Grogu is also there and Lizzo loves him. Remind me why we were in such a hurry to reunite him and Din in a DIFFERENT SHOW again? He better have a major moment in the finale or I'm calling bullshit on the decisions made for Book of Boba Fett.
Din feels like just a sidekick but at least the droid stuff TRIED to do something with him. With the big picture stuff though he doesn't have much presence.
Bo-Katan and Axe Woves facing off was cool I guess, oh yeah finally back to the story I actually wanted to see. Bo even repeated the declaration Maul did in the Clone Wars. Guess it works for taking control of any Mando group?
Bo beats Axe, even as Axe says if she wants to lead so much she should fight Din. But then Din makes this loophole that because he was captured by the creepy cyborg on Mandalore and Bo-Katan then defeated it and was even using the darksabre to do it, she can now take it? IDK, I just find it funny that a ridiculous logic train fans went down ended up becoming a real loophole Din used to make everyone convinced Bo-Katan could now wield the sabre. 
Honestly, the most interesting part of that scene was that Axe is apparently a Mando blood supremacist, lol. Taking off helmets is for dumb religious zealots, but racial purity good, only those born from Mandalorian families are Mandalorian! Not a bad idea, but it kinda feels like nobody is really challenging these traditions. Din gets welcomed back into helmet gang. Axe accepts Bo because she actually gets the darksabre. They're still finding ways to follow their traditions instead of genuinely evolving.
At least Bo-Katan felt like she was finally doing shit again instead of being all sowwy Awmower I will keep my hewmet on. We still got here in a messy way but oh well. Din I guess contributed to the conflict resolution at least?
So yeah... very confused episode. Has a neat base idea, but instead of actually making an effort to explore that core to the fullest, we go on some weird tangent that feels poorly thought out thematically and is being covered with celebrity guest stars.
Anyway, Rick Famuyiwa better deliver on these last two episodes, because this might be the first time I'm actually starting to feel worried about a Star Wars project's story trajectory. At least Rise of Skywalker knew what it wanted to do even if it had issues getting there. Dave Filoni is also co-writing next week, so IDK either we get some deep cut lore or backstory or we finally see the anticipated Sabine Wren join the Mandos fighting to take back Mandalore (and knowing Filoni Ahsoka will be there too lol). Anyway, these last two episodes... you have a lot to live up to, PLEASE stick the landing.
At least I have Bad Batch to watch even if they still need to fix their goddamn whitewashing issue, but at least that story is pretty good and... oh, yeah, no more Bad Batch until at minimum next year. This is all the Star Wars airing now. Fuck.
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richardsphere · 1 year
.Rwby Catchup”: V7 E13
Things Neo can conceal/disguise with illusions: Weapons, Armor, Clothes, entire planes (admittedly hard) Things she cant: The relic. Old Lady starts to go Ice-supersayian. Cinder generics into the scene as always.  Renora only just got together and they’re already having their first couple-fight. Oscar abandons crew, because thats going to be smart. Supersayian Oldlady has dementia, Oscar and James about to duke it out for the spear? “I wouldn’t trust me either”. And Jimmy shot the kid. I’ll be honest the whole “turn to the dark side” arc didnt really work for me. Not because i dont believe his dark side, but because i was never really sold on his “light” in the first place. Cant fall from grace when you are introduced without it i fear. (i mean i guess there were a few glimpses. But its more like he’s introduced as a fallen champion then that we get to see the champion fall if that makes sense) Cinders arm just got shattered, thats good? Is it going to stick? No, because it regenerates. I’ll be honest, Cinder still has too much going on in the design, Flaming eyes, Eyepatch, Amputated Monsterprosthesis, little brooch-like thing on her chest, earrings. Like one or two of these things are fine in a design but put it all together and her entire “deal’ gets cluttered. Why are penny’s maiden-flameeyes green?  Speaking of Green, Ozpins glowy forcefield/whatever his semblance is is back. Which begs the question: Do all of Ozpins Souls share 1 semblance or is this an a MHA One For All sort of deal? Qrow and Robin are off to prison again while Ozpin talks about fear and the montage implies cinder is afraid of failure. Which is might be the first time we have been given anything resembling a motive for the character. (we are 7 seasons in and our OG Main Villain is only now getting motivations beyond “im evil”) Salem got a backstory before Cinder did is what im saying. Winter’s still on the side of the Fasc, but at least she still cares for Weiss. Penny joins team goodguy (which is good, cause i never bought her on James’ side to begin with) Penny has 2 hands so she can cuddle Ruby and Weiss simultaniously. No Ozpin, i dont understand why Cinder does the things she does, it would be absolutely lovely if she got to have a personality beyond “generic looming threat” please. Wait Watts is still alive? I was under the impression James had executed that motherfucker when he held him by his throat over the arena pit that had been spouting lavaflames earlier that fightscene, and that them dramatically cutting away from his threat to “do whatever it takes to eliminate salem” was meant to imply an extralegal and brutal execution. while Watts’s “I hope you do” was a dignified set of last words before aforementioned extralegal execution. Congrats Watts, you live because the writers didnt have the balls. Pinochio just became the most important person in the arc, and a giant whale shows up. What a suprise. Salem get down from there, you’ll catch a cold. ------------ Final thoughts on S7: It’s basic foundational premise was not sold to me, but it managed to somewhat salvage itself half-way through. I rank it a B-tier season and it’s lucky to have that. The newly introduced villains (ACEOPS) werent really sold to me that well, and Clovers fall-from-grace/death didnt touch me emotionally. (though it sold me on Qrow being sold on it). Nonetheless i did like his character the most of the ops and their dynamic with Qrow was sort of weird, going from “possible loveinterest” to “Dickish Rival” at strange times. I hear that a lot of the FNDM shipped them? I never saw it but i could see where others might. (Also in hindsight: What was the point of using the Tournament in V3 to introduce 3 atlas characters with FNKI and Ciel when 2 are nothing but cameos I know from V9 that the absence of the latter is relegated to a joke).
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magicmindless · 2 years
Headcanons I got from your mom
-Willow is an ASMR artist. Her work usually consists of writing or doodling with pencil and paper or reading stories, usually creepy ones or sometimes bedtime stories. She’s not comfortable with telling her own stories yet however
-After Bonnie and Yolanda escaped they started plotting something with Radley to not only tear down Papa Louie, but also Quinn because she was the one who put the 2 in jail
-Sue’s favorite color is pink, and she’s quite girly in a few ways, however, is a bit embarrassed about it.
-Shannon and Simone has hypersensitive hearing which can be good for some cases (Shannon’s investigations and Simone for sound-checking) but being around Duke (a naturally loud person) is sometimes rather unbearable
-Duke is loud in every way possible, especially sneezing. He has a VERY distinct dad sneeze and Shannon absolutely HATES it. Like if anyone ever mentions getting flowers as a gift for him, Shannon will look them dead in the eye like “...no.”
-Daniela loves kids and taking care of them. Back then she even helped Skip take care of Mary and James sometimes if he had a tight schedule or if his hands were full.
-In present day, Daniela is Skip’s fiancé, and they are awaiting the day they get married.
-If Sue is at Fluffmart and she thinks that her coworkers are eavesdropping on her while she's on a phone call, she will start talking about really bizarre things and saying things that sound super wrong out of context. There are still a few coworkers who think that Sue is a murderer
-If you count everyone who were in the credits of the Mocharia Life production, there’s 43 people (the crew, real people, Romanos, and everyone else) listed, however, originally there were 50 people who worked on the movie in some way. One of them quit, two of them resigned, and, surprisingly, four of them got fired
-It’s revealed later in a podcast interviewing Papa Louie and Petrona how the seven workers weren’t part of the production anymore. Most of them either didn’t do their job, were extremely rude (especially to upper management), talked back when criticized, and did a lot of other crude things that although didn’t exactly get them fired, they were build-ups to the last straw (Also Petrona took the wheel a lot of times just to rant about how absolutely terrible these people were).
-Although no identities were revealed directly, it is hinted that NuMarcus and Gabitha (the rival chefs in Cluckeria) could’ve been the 2 people who resigned. Though they weren’t rude or lazy, they apparently didn’t like their jobs.
-It’s not known exactly how many, but at least a good half or so of the workers for the Mocharia movie were LGBTQ in some sort of way. Most notably are Sue and Mary (obviously, Sue being lesbian and Mary being bisexual), but a few others were Emmelette and Cameo (trans, Cameo possibly gender fluid), Didar (gay), Duke, (pansexual), Quinn (asexual), Timm (biromantic demisexual), Wendy (aroace), Skyler (lesbian), Brody (bisexual), and a bunch of others we don’t know about
-Treble plays the violin and their work consisted of playing in orchestras for theatres and musicals
-Chase’s snake is named Chili
-Yuko is afraid of snakes and usually stays away from Chase because of this, but she’s comfortable as long as he doesn’t have his slithery friend around, though they aren’t exactly the most well aquatinted
-Chase and Budwin are best friends. Chase is totally the person who usually drags Budwin out, which is funny cause Chase likes to get up bright and early while Budwin prefers to sleep in
-Yuko likes to host “tea parties” for servants and guests, though she doesn’t get a lot of guests so it’s more of her servants (only if she feels really lonely)
-It’s said that a woman mysteriously died in Roastwell Manor. The last time she was seen was messing around with the elevator. It’s said that she could’ve been play “the elevator game” before her death. (I’m pretty sure at least someone will see the very obvious reference here)
-There is currently an hour-long documentary in the making called “Mocharia uncovered”, which in a way it’s a “behind the scenes” documentary where they interview the workers and such, but it was also made due to controversies around the documentary (fired workers, Papa Louie’s hiring practices, unknown drama, etc.)
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defencebeetle · 3 years
So, a while ago I ran across a fan made movie poster for a "The Adventure Begins" style TTTE special based on the Narrow Gauge engines.
And then, yesterday, my brain randomly decided to summon it back into remembrance and refuse to put it down till I wrote up a concept for how this could work.
Warning, it's long.
(and not well written, I might come back to fix it later)
A "The Adventure Begins" style TTTE special centering on the Narrow Gauge engines, particularly Sir Handel and Peter Sam. The movie will use the "Duke the Lost Engine" as bookends for the film, while filling in the middle section with various Railway Series (and 2 famous/infamous TTTE original) stories.
The way I've written this out, it can be viewed as a sort of coming-of-age film for Stuart and Falcon.
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Stuart/Peter Sam
Falcon/Sir Handel
Thin Controller/Mr. Percival
Duke of Sodor
Ms. Jenny
Brief introduction as Stuart and Falcon learn they have been bought by the MSR.
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Act I:
Introduction of Peter Sam and Sir Handel to Skarloey and Rheneas.
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Sir Handel begins his bastardization arc, actively shaping himself into what he fancies is a combination of Skarloey and Gordon, but really only taking on their worst traits. Meanwhile, Peter Sam is just plain busy, while occasionally getting into minor scrapes.
Possible stories here:
Sir Handel
Peter Sam and the Refreshment Lady
Special Funnel
Old Faithful
Act II:
(Imply the passage of time)
The SKR is doing better and with all its engines back is looking forward to considerable expansion. They plan to open more branches to their tourism lines. These plans are put on hold however, when nearby mines (once part of the MSR) are found to still be quite rich in [mineral].
Duncan and Rusty are brought on (Duncan for extra roadwork, Rusty for rail restoration and maintenance).
Restoration of the mines begins. An interplay of "Rusty and the Boulder" and "Duncan gets Spooked" plays out.
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Rusty is worried about safety in some of the mining areas (he knows what he's talking about, he's done similar work before).
A soft re-opening of the mines is set as a celebration for when the Duke of Sodor will visit in [X] months.
Peter Sam and Sir Handel are delighted to be back to part of the MSR (I assume they never visited this part of the line, they didn't run this far out, and the mines were closed several years before the MSR as a whole).
Some incidents happen, Duncan showboats. Peter Sam and Sir Handel decide to pay him out.
They get a ghost story off Skarloey (it doesn't have to be the exact same one as in "Duncan gets Spooked", but if it can fit all the better), modify it as if they knew the engine and it happened on the MSR.
They play the prank on Duncan, while he's at the mine alone, he swears other stuff happens (bolder face scare, falling rocks, cracking ground) that simultaneously acts as set dressing and foreshadowing.
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The prank plays out as usual.
Construction continues, the Duke's arrival draws near.
The boulder incident occurs, shutting down the mine project.
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Sir Handel has a character moment and is one of the engines to buoy up Mr. Percival in the aftermath, suggesting that they go back to building the loop line. All the engines gather together, and are determined to make the most of the situation.
What they have salvaged from the mines helps balance out some debts. Other assets from the project are ripped back to use on the completion of the tourism line.
Everyone pitches in. (Everyone pitches into big project trope/mandate fulfilled).
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They run a few promotional trains and then have the celebration with the Duke opening the line. Everyone's happy. Everyone should be happy, but Peter Sam is not. Being back on a part of the MSR, failing to restore it, and thinking about loss has brought back his worries for Duke.
Peter Sam makes the awkward interruption of the speech, asking if he's the real Duke and why he hasn't asked about his engine. The Duke is obviously confused.
Queue the Bittersweet Act 4.
The movie takes a sad turn. Eventually, rail enthusiasts, including the clergyman band together and launch the expedition to find Duke.
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In the RWS, the Arlesdale Railway is used to get back to the old MSR. In the version, I propose that Peter Sam and Sir Handel get to take the expedition back through the mine pathway and further into the hills.
Queue an expedition montage. Sir Handel and Peter Sam get back to the old line, cutting to some flashbacks of back when they ran on the rails and the rails were new.
Bonus: if we can slip the Bulldog story (even a reference) into the story before, have a flashback of the incident--just for a second--as Sir Handel goes through the same tunnel.
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I originally didn't want any diegetic musical numbers in this. But as I though of this scene, I thought of a little ditty for them to sing during the travel montage, hitting the final note as they pulled into the main yard where the sheds used to be.
They make it back to the yard, and can't seem to locate the shed (everything is overgrown after all). The search party splits up and begins searching.
This scene has similar feeling to those sad fake-out deaths shoehorned into the end of all sorts of movies (which I am sick and tired of but I think those emotions work here).
Triumph over bad guy = Pulling into the old MSR yard.
Oh no, main character has passed out, I think they're dead, moment of silence. = Realizing that the shed is nowhere to be seen.
Eyes crack open. Main Character lets out a wheezy "...farfanaludingus...?" Everyone celebrates the miraculous recovery. = The Fat Clergyman falls into the shed and we hear Duke's voice. "Excuse me... Are you a vandal?".
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They bring Duke back to the SKR.
The movie cuts out as they pull back to the return journey.
Maybe some mid or post-credit sequences of Dukes repairs and such, or interactions with the SKR fleet.
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missbrunettebarbie · 3 years
Sorting Georgiana Pearson and Chase
With bonus Anna and Duncan West.
Aside from @starry-sky-stuff I am probably the only SHC person that knows who I am talking about, but I couldn’t not write this post because everything about Chase and Georgiana is fascinating to me. 
Georgiana is the protagonist of the romance novel “Never judge a lady by her cover” by Sarah Maclean, the fourth and final book of the “Rules of scoundrels” series. But her story starts in the “Love by numbers” series and she has brief cameo in a book from a third series, “A scot in the dark”. 
Chase is the mysterious owner of the Fallen Angel, the gambling hell where most of the action from the “Rules of scoundrels” series takes place. His identity is probably the biggest mystery in the series, so please stop reading now if you do not want spoilers.
For anyone interested to find out more about the SHC system used here, check out @wisteria-lodge and @sortinghatchats
We are first introduced to Georgiana in “Ten ways to be adored when landing a lord” where she is a scared, pregnant sixteen years old who preferred to run away from home than disappoint her brother. A flashback in her own book shows us how she ended up in this predicament. she was the only daughter of a dead duke, sister to another. Both her mother and brother cared about the pristine reputation of the family, neglecting Georgiana, who only wanted to love and be loved. She was terrified of the life that was prepared for her, where she was supposed to marry someone that would not care for her and become as cold and detached as her mother. So when she thought she was in love with one of the stabbleboys, she did not hesitate to turn away from a life of privilege to marry him. She is a Snake primary who is desperate for some sort of meaningful connection that no one seems able to provide.
And when he left her, Georgiana was heartbroken. However when we see her in “Eleven scandals to start to win a duke’s heart”, Georgiana is no longer focused on anything but her newborn daughter, Caroline. She is Her Person and Georgiana would make sure she gets the best life she can offer her. And while her brother may believe forcing Caroline’s father to marry her would give both of them respectability, the girl who knows how it is to grow up without love, knows that repuation and legitimacy are hollow and won’t make either her or her daughter happy. 
It’s interesting to note that in the same book, Juliana describes Georgiana’s eyes as being cold when she talks about the lover who abandoned her and she fully belives when she says that “Sometimes, love is not enough”. This is textbook burned Snake primary, but when we meet her years later in “Rules of scoundrels” she looks more like an exploded Snake.  That’s because I think she Burned when the man she thought loved her left her and then Exploded when society refused to accept her daughter. 
In NJALBHC, Georgiana tells Duncan that when she came back to London and saw how the people judged her and Caroline, despite the fact that they are no better than her, she wanted to crush them for their hypocrisy. And so starts Georgiana’s vendetta against the world at large, an impossible battle that is still masterfully fought by her secondary.
Because Georgiana is a Bird secondary. She plans, she gathers information, she uses people as tools and when needed, turns herself into a tool. To prove to her fellow noblemen that they are no better than them she starts the most exclusive gaming club in London, where the price of the entrance is your best kept secrets. Knowing she can’t use her own identity, Georgiana creates Chase, a gentleman so powerful his identity can never be uncovered. And since Chase can never show his face, Georgiana collects partners that can. She saves Bourne, Cross and Temple’s life, men who have titles but are pariahs just like her, to help her take her revenge on society. While it does seem that they build a friendship, “No good duke goes unpunished” makes it clear that Georgiana sees them as pawns first, friends later. Hence why she never told Temple the truth about Mara Lowe, as she did not want him to leave her and reclaim his old life.
Georgiana also has a Snake secondary model that helps her switch between her three personalities: Georgiana -the disgraced lady, Chase -the powerful casino owner and Anna -the sex worker who is Chase’s mistress and messenger.
Georgiana is a good example of an unhealthy Snake, who only starts to heal in her own book, after ten long years. The reason? She realized her distance and focus on the Fallen Angel was hurting Caroline, the one person for whom Georgiana would truly do anything. She cannot stomach the idea that despite everything she had done Caroline only got a distant mother and a position on the fringes of society. She resumes to be more involved in her daughter’s life and marry a man that can offer them the social positions they never could get by themselves. Once again Georgiana approaches this task with the ruthless eficiency of a Bird, selecting the perfect candidate, preparing the carrot (a huge dowry) and the stick (Chase’ files of blackmail).
The problem is her primary, who has already started healing when she falls in love with Duncan West. When Duncan and Georgiana look at each other, they see the Double Snake they both pretend to be and it scares and attracs them both towards the other. But Duncan is a Snake Badger that in a lot of ways is similar with Georgiana. His Person is his sister Cynthia, who he loves the same way Georgiana loves Caroline and for whom he had built a media empire from nothing. Despite being a Badger secondary that gets what he wants by hard work, blackmail and swaying the public opinion to his side, he build a Snake secondary model that makes him seem carefree and allows people to trust him. 
Duncan dislikes Chase, whom he sees as a Double Snake that cares about nothing except his money and power and who he thinks is manipulating and using Geogiana. The entire book is about Duncan seeing past the apperances and figuring out the truth about Chase, while Georgiana’s arc is about learning how to let people into her Inner Circle again. By the end of the book, when Georgiana is forced to choose between love and power, she chooses the former. She is ready to give up Chase’s identity if it means saving Duncan. And once again she goes about it the Bird way: by planning to reveal to the world that Anna is Chase, while entrusting her true identity to the man that would ruin Duncan if she did not.
Luckily, Georgiana doesn’t have to give up her power in the end. But she does give up Anna, who is the fallen woman role that society had trust her into. And that’s because Georgiana no longer cares about her vendetta against others.  She is happy with Duncan and Caroline, her business partners and their wives. It takes her a bit of nudge from caroline, who explains that she does not need a mother that sacrifices herself for her, to finally go after what she truly wants, but she gets there. Other’s people’s perception of her are no longer  important, and while Georgiana keeps Chase, from what I have seen in “A scot in the dark”, both she and Duncan gave up their Snake models, allowing themselves to show people who they truly are.
Georgiana Pearson/Chase/Anna - Snake primary that is both burned and exploded, but heals by the end/Bird secondary, Snake secondary model she drops when she heals
Duncan West -Snake/Badger, Snake secondary model he drops
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jsio · 3 years
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Moebius' true king.
Art by Arealscrog
Archie's wasted character
Who is Miles?
Miles Prower is the Anti equivalent of Tails, from Mobius Prime. He is afew years older, being 11 instead of 8 and much more mature. He still appears to possess Tails' youthful tenacity and desire for independence, but he has a violent rebellious attitude and shows no interest in holding himself to childish things, even though he's only 11 years old himself, hating the nickname "Tails" being an example.
Miles holds his younger counterpart in utter contempt for traits Miles sees as weaknesses, especially how Tails went down the path of Science and technology instead of his magical Chaos force heritage, implying that Miles went down a more mystical path instead of Science, but from what we see in the comic Miles is more in the political field, by that I mean he manipulates all the political aspects of Moebius.
His actions throughout the comic run make him out to be smart, picky, but also cold, calculating and always 5 steps ahead of his own team and Adversaries, this leading to Alicia making him the Suppression Squads leader behind the scenes, while she is the figurehead "ruler."
That's Anti-Tails, Who throughout this I'll be reffering to as "Miles." Now you may be thinking, "Why make a post on an extremely obscure and hardly used Archie character? Why not someone Like Tails, Shadow or a more popular Archie character?"
Well, it's because I believe that Miles had the potential to be one of Archie's most intresting original characters, I believe he could've easily held his own "Suppression Squad" comic run, but Archie Unfortunately really underused him and wasted his potential, but hey...
That's where us fans come in!
This post is All about Miles Canonical self, every canon fact I can find about him and his full story in his short run during Pre-Reboot Archie Sonic, and my own personal headcanons in the later post.
But...before I get into any the headcanons, I need to teach those who don't know him about him, I need to talk about his Canonical self..so, let's get into it. Headcanons will be in the follow up post.
Canonical Apprearnces.
(Reworded from the wiki)
First appearance
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The first appearance of Anti-Tails was back when the character was just "Evil Tails" and it was of him joining the Anti Freedom fighters in an attempt to take over Mobius Prime, prior to the downfall of Eggman.
He and his evil allies pretended to be the good Mobius Prime versions, and struck knothole with acts of mayhem, vandalism and overall mischief, a common thing on moebius. The real Freedom Fighters soon returned to set things straight, but their initial attempts to defeat the Anti-Freedom Fighters failed as their Anti-Mobius selves knew their moves as well as they did. Sally Acorn came upon the solution: switching combat partners. When he faced Rotor, Evil Tails proved unable to overcome the larger and stronger Mobian. Defeated along with the other Anti-Freedom Fighters, he was sent back to Anti-Mobius, where they continued to cause mayhem despite the efforts of the kindly Dr. Ivo Kintobor (Anti-Robotnik) to stop them.
This was the last we saw Evil Tails for awhile, however we did see a cameo of him along with every other tails when they all came together and formed Titan Tails.
The Suppression Squad
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Art by Pota on Pixiv
Some time passed before his next appearance, and in that time "Anti-Mobius" went through changes in its name, now "Moebius." And all the characters changed alongside it.
Miles had assisted Boomer in stealing Dr Kintober's goal posts in order to allow the Suppression Squad to have access to inter-dimensional travel. Scourge obviously took this opportunity and went straight to Mobius Prime, along with a few other members of the SS, Miles being one of them, and they attempted an assult on the Freedom HQ, where we see Miles' and Tails face off, with Miles declaring to not be referrd to as Tails or Anti-Tails, but instead just "Miles".
He also indicated his disgust at Tails for having chosen a path of Science and study, despite having a strong connection to "Chaos force", aka magic. This has led to people believing Miles himself is a magic user.
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When Metal Sonic attacked Scourge, believing him to be the real Sonic, Miles stayed back and observed instead of helping his king. Now, you may think that's betrayal, but in reality Miles didn't help because he did not wish to undermine Scourges strength, so instead he observed. Soon after Sonic came onto the scene he showed his willingness to help anyone, even his enimies, and this gave Miles an idea:
Let's team up with the freedom fighters to betray Scourge, that's the new plan.
Miles later met up with Sally, Bunnie, Antonie and Tails to offer an alliance, but didn't let Tails speak and showed his contempt to the original version, telling him, "Please don't talk, little boy, We're trying to have an intelligent conversation." Sally accepted the offer, knowing she needed all the help she could get for taking down Scourge.
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Upon returning to Scourge, pretending to be running from the freedom fighters, Scourge asked for a summary on his mission, that being "bomb New Metropolis" but Miles ignored him however, instead reporting to Alicia (Anti-Sally) that his mission was a success. Immediately thereafter, Alicia told the Suppression Squad to, "Show our King just what we think of him", with Boomer and Patch clearly readying for battle
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However, Miles was doubling up his betrayal, blasting both Sonic and Scourge back into Moebius for them to Duke it out there, with Boomer sealing the portal behind them. An ethical debate followed this, between Sally, Alicia and Miles, the trio being ordered to get the goal posts ready to be able to return the freedom fighters to Mobius after both groups agreed to make sure Scourge was defeated on Moebius by Sonic
Miles was as shocked as the rest of the group to find Scourge had defeated all of his opponents as Super Scourge. When the rest of the Knothole Freedom Fighters and Suppression Squad were quickly defeated, Scourge turned his sights on Miles, identifying him as the mastermind behind the betrayal.
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Miles, cowering in fear, denied his role in betraying Scourge, who was threatening to beat him for his betrayal. However, Miles was saved by Silver the Hedgehog and unlike the rest of his allies, wasn't even hurt. Following Scourge's defeat and Miles' attempt to recruit Buns Rabbot into the Suppression Squad, Miles spoke to Alicia about who would be their new leader. Alicia explained that while she may be the figurehead ruler, they both knew Miles held the real authority at this point, to which Miles grinned.
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That was the last we see of Miles in the Archie comics, he unfortunately isn't in the post reboot because he's now owned by Ken Penders, so we'll never see him again. Below is all of his official designs, and after that is my final thoughts on the character.
My overview of Miles as a character.
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I'm no Character analysist so I'll make this short and sweet, my review of Miles is that he's a Character with alot of potential, but he went wasted, not on purpose, but thanks to the lawsuit.
I believe that if that lawsuit never happened, and that arc was closed up nicely Anti-Tails would of became a far more realistic and grounded Character, and probably pretty popular too. Miles to me is a kid who was manipulated into a life of crime and now believes that's what is right, and I think that could of been an arc for him, mellowing out and becoming a true king for the people of Moebius. I also like how when Scourge goes Super and goes to Miles to confront him, he dosent stand up to him, he dosent become strong, but instead he cowers in fear, hes terrified and tries to lie, to me, that makes him feel more grounded, and I like that.
Personally I wish Miles was more popular, I wish he got more spotlight than he did and I wish his story got concluded, but with what we got, I think he's pretty good, and pretty interesting too! I've seen alot of ideas float around for this dude, all of them making sense in they're on way, and to be honest? His lack of story kinda helps make him more accessible.
Tl:Dr: I like Miles alot, and I hope this post helps you lot learn more about him and overall, gets more people down to write with him, draw with him and explore him!
Would I change him in any way?
Yeah, there's one key part of Miles (from what we got) that I think was wasted. Now, what is that? What would I change about a Character I've mostly praised? Well...
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I wish he was magical. In the Archie comics Tails is actually strongly connected to the "Chaos Force", not as connected as Shadow, but still VERY connected, and guess what? Miles and Tails ARE biologically the same, same DNA, and in that bit of the comic, Miles calls Tails out on something he should have no idea about if he himself isn't connected to the same thing (or Moebius equivalent). To me at least this kind of implies Miles is magical too.
Basically, I'd give Miles' moveset a touch of magical abilities, connecting him to Moebius' "Anarchy force". I think it would help separate him abit more from Tails, while also connecting them, because whenever you have science and magic together...they clash.
But yea that's all I'd change in what we got, just hints of magic, some magic attacks here and there. I think it'd be pretty neat, and it'd have the science Vs magic aspect with him and Tails relationship.
Lets finally wrap this up! At least, for now.
Thank you so much for reading all this If you did, it, this took me alot of hours, and I, I think it's over 2000 words now you madman. Why not spend your time doing something more worthwhile? Why not...have fun? meet someone? Go on a date? Live your life? Why read a post on an obscure Character, mainac.
But in all seriousness thank you for reading my post, I really like this character (clearly) and I want to teach people about him, and I hope this post has done that! Post 2. There's going to be a sequel post going over all of my personal headcanons, and possibly a 3rd going over community ones. Keep ya eyes out~
But yea, big read, now you lot know about an obscure Character, and this was fun to write! But now I'm gonna end this post with a fun fact:
Miles and the Suppression Squad were going to have one more arc, it was teased at the end of issue 196, but unfortunately it never got written. That would of been really neat but unfortunately it never got to happen.
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mermaidsirennikita · 3 years
Regé being “ungrateful” and “too big for his britches” while Phoebe is the thankful, humble one is so blatant. Between this and Marina, the Bridgerton fandom is never not anti-Black.
When they asked RJP to return he was like the biggest star in the world, and surely fielding a lot of offers. Phoebe comparatively didn’t seem to be getting as much as a boost. As a Black actor he has to strike while the iron is hot. Pretending it’s about egos and not business and career decisions is so stupid. And we’re not in these peoples minds. Speculating how he feels about the show when RJP has never been anything but professional??
It would be laughable if it wasn’t gross. Regardless of how things turn out for RJP in the end, he was definitely a very hot commodity at the time, and there were a lot of opportunities. Some of those may fizzle out; some may not. But they definitely would’ve fizzled out had he shown up for a second season to play pall mall and have a glass of cognac with Anthony while nodding and listening to him talk about his girl problems. You have to strike while the iron is hot in TV and film, ESPECIALLY if you are a Black actor, as you said.
The thing is that because acting is something that is promoted as emotional and artistic (and it can be) we romanticize what are often business decisions. Look at the Elvis movie coming out—I’m sure Austin Butler cares deeply about getting the look and sound of Elvis right and being praised for his performance, but he ultimately…… gets a big lift from the role professionally. That equals money. Very few people, including artists, want to be less successful or make less money.
It’s simple: no matter how much time you have to work on something else while you’re on a show, you will have more time if you’re not on it. You look better, unless you’re a highly established respected mainstay, if you’re in a prominent role. If you’re a lead in one season and downgraded to a cameo in the next, either nobody cares or they see it as the downgrade that it is.
Lol has anyone considered the fact that Phoebe just didn’t get the offers that he did? And regardless of whether or not you see that as fair (I’m personally not weeping into my soup for her as she seems fine) she had more time and inclination to do this than others? Maybe she thought it a wise career move to go back because she wasn’t getting that hype, and not because she has a deep desire to return to Bridgerton and gasp while stumbling upon sexy people doing sexy things? I don’t get how she’s this humble and grateful person when she’s just…. Doing a job. We read way too much into this shit in general, like?
And finally…. I don’t know why anyone who wants JB and Simone to be the focus of this show would want RJP back. If he was back, you can bet he’d be the object of the promo. You’d get plenty of “enough of them, I want the Duke” from casual viewers. He would pull focus. To me it reads like people actually just want him back so he can ensure that the show gets good ratings and their faves, whether they’re in s2 or future seasons, get the attention they think they deserve. I don’t see why his career has to fall on the sword to ensure that Bridgerton gets good ratings lmao. The show benefited from him; he benefited from the show. Can we just stop with this shit? It’s literally been going on since he left, it’s been way too long, and it’s honestly thisclose to saying that he should kiss CVD’s boots for the opportunity.
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multi-muse-transect · 3 years
If I were to adapt RE7 and RE8 as movies.
Ethan’s car breaking down in front of the Baker home after Eveline sends a molded at him.
Jack having a more bigger role than just shit-talking Ethan perhaps having flashbacks where Ethan meets Zoe in her trailer.
Ethan getting the shotgun when Jack uses it against him because he’s had enough of him.
Instead of the three dog seals, it should be a key located in the basement of the house where Ethan finds it and engages in the chainsaw battle against Jack.
Marguerite being a more stalker-like villain and her fight with Ethan being more brutal.
Ethan exposing Lucas to Eveline as a Blue Umbrella team raids the place. Perhaps Lucas sets up some traps but is soon killed by Chris Redfield as a surprise cameo.
Eveline having a fight against them with Ethan blasting her with an Alber-01.
Two post credit scenes being Ethan’s wounds suddenly regenerating and the birth of Rosemary Winters as a nurse (implied to be Daniela Dimitrescu) looms over her and calls Mother Miranda or maybe in Europe, Mia answers the doorbell but she looks in complete terror at the camera right now then is about to scream before it cuts.
Add a segment where Ethan and Mia are getting used to their lives with Rose.
Ethan maybe fighting back against Chris and Hound Wolf, perhaps he shoots one of the soldiers while heading to Rose and injures him before Chris knocks him out.
Elena Lupu having a big role now, perhaps it’s revealed she’s part of a resistance movement against the Four Lords and her house was one of many safe houses for them. Also she started the rebellion when she found out about the castle and fungus amassing a small following of villagers that got guns from the Duke.
Duke revealing to be a member of the Resistance.
Dimitrescu (Elizabeth Debicki) and her daughters surviving resulting in a fight scene where they take on both Hound Wolf squad and the BSAA. They get captured later on by the BSAA. Maybe she rips off one of the BSAA soldier’s helmets then shows the body to Chris trying convince him to leave.
Beneviento (Eva Green) being a more vocal and charismatic villain to Ethan as she lulls him into a false sense of security.
Moreau perhaps reimagined as more of a hunter now and leads the lycans. He’s an honorable warrior and wants a fair fight against Ethan by turning into a werewolf to take him on.
Heisenberg’s factory gets raided by the villagers where he (played by Oscar Issac) takes on Ethan himself using his hammer and a large sword then mutates fully.
Miranda (Tilda Swinton) is almost killed by a rocket launcher where Ethan shoots her.
Hound Wolf squad should consist of Barry, Jill, and the same characters.
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dragonofelder · 4 years
Batfamily on TV
Consider; a TV studio starts producing a show about Batman, using fictional secret identities and everything. The Batfam make it an unofficial challenge to appear on it.
Jason was a reoccurring background goon, although he admitted auditioning for the Red Hood role. Sadly in his most of his appearances he was wearing a mask or other obscuring headgear. 
Babs has a single scene as an underground information broker called Delphi. Commissioner Gordon was unamused.
Damian tells everyone the whole thing is stupid, and beneath him. Then Titus appears on screen as “Bat-Dog” for a few episodes. According to Damien, the studio was looking for a trained dog for the role so he simply volunteered Titus, but according to Tim & Barbara’s snooping he made a large donation to the studio on the condition the role be made. 
Duke makes an appearance as a member of a Robin Fan Club. He actually wore his “We Are Robin” jersey for the scene.
Steph snuck in as an extra regularly. If there is an daytime street or cafe scene, there is a good chance she is somewhere in the back, eating a waffle. The waffle is not part of the script. The film crew does not know where she got it. She has a new waffle for each re-shoot.
Tim appears as a Wayne Enterprises employee in an episode that had a crime at the business, having a speaking role. He then later appears in another episode as an extra in a coffee shop, sitting at a table with Steph, who still has a waffle in hand. Originally they were meant to be talking in the background, but they weren’t giving coffee to the extras, and after a number of re-shoots Tim just collapsed on the table and fell asleep. Steph convinced the crew to keep going, so Tim was asleep in the used scene, something Tim was teased about mercilessly afterwards.
Cass appears as a ballet dancer in an episode where “Two-Face” take an opera house hostage. She saved “Robin” from a thug by kicking him off them, and receives a Thumbs Up. She later tells the family it was the best thumbs up from a Robin she ever received, which annoys all of the former Robins.
Both Bruce and Dick appear playing themselves. Dick is in multiple party scenes, and is an acquaintance for “Robin’s” secret identity. Bruce is cajoled by the family into a cameo for the first season finale, which has a Wayne Foundation ball. His role is actually extended during filming; first he has an appearance alongside “Batman’s” secret identity, where it is implied they once had a relationship. Later he is taken hostage by “The Joker” who wonders if he is Batman, because “The butt’s almost match.” He is then saved by “Batman”. Bruce later denies it, but he actually had fun, and was the one to suggest the butts line.
For the first season, no one could decide who had the best role; Steph had the most on screen time, Tim had the most speaking lines, while Bruce appeared with and interacted with the main cast the most. Titus actually beat both Steph and Bruce, but despite Damain’s protestations he didn’t actually count. For the second season however, there was clear winner. 
There was a four episode arc that explored “Batman’s” backstory, and his father was played by none other than Alfred Pennyworth. Apparently one of the show’s producers was a friend from his acting career, and told Alfred about the show’s upcoming roles over a cup of tea. How Alfred managed to hide his trips to the studio for filming is unclear. Everyone unanimously agreed Alfred won the competition; although there were a lot of tears after the death scene, and everyone felt the need to hug him tightly.
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thekatebridgerton · 3 years
6 months. It’s been 6 fucking months since the news broke that the Duke wasn’t coming back. You people are so fucking annoying. The rest of of us are just trying to wait for season 2 and you bat shit crazy “fans” still refuse to move on. I can’t imagine how the cast feels, especially Jonathan Bailey when they see comments like yours. Instead of just accepting that your precious RJP refused to come back, you annoying Karens take your frustrations out on the remaining cast who are just trying to do their jobs. Fuck you
Hey, Congratulations on being the first Anon who's ever said the word Fuck in my ask box. You get an actual reply because what can I say, today I'm feeling relaxed enough to tolerate drama for just a little bit.
First of all talking about me, I like Rege Jean Page and all but... He's not my type. I am allowed to like some actors without being obsessed with them.
My fanatic behavior at least in this Tumblr user is reserved for Jonathan Bailey, as in.. he's the one I'd pay money to see if Netflix auctioned an autograph session with him to raise funds for Season 2. Because in Johnny's case, I happen to like the character, his love interest and the actor. Which is a trifecta very few people can manage to hit for me.
So as far as being a fanatic of RJP, you're kinda barking up the wrong tree. He's a great actor and a wonderful human as far as I saw in his interviews, seeing him as a cameo in S2 would make me really happy. But that's as far as my admiration gets.
For example, speaking as a female gaze viewer I'd never objectify Rege Jean Page, he's not my type, if I had to objectify someone from Bridgerton it would be Jonathan Bailey which I have (a little bit okay! It was just once or twice! He's perfect don't judge me)
And fyi the only actor I'd ever consider going full Karen 'fanatic posters on my wall rabid style of fan behavior' for is Benedict Cumberbatch. Specifically Benedict Cumberbatch's incarnation of Dr Strange in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Strange Supreme love you my problematic fave!! Marry me beautiful man 😘😘🥰😍). I didn't even feel that way for Chris Hemsworth Thor or Chadwick Boseman's T'challa, take from that what you will.
And second of all Anon...
You seem to be dealing with some unresolved anger issues in real life that are showing themselves in your interactions with strangers online. I chose to answer this ask because you sound like you could really use a venting seession about a real life issue and are just taking it out on the first small thing you can pick apart online...
Which usually means that your real life issue is causing you a lot of frustration and isn't as easy to solve. Well it's technically not as easy to solve as just telling some random girl on Tumblr to fuck off right?. I get it, you don't know me For all you know I'm just a profile picture on a screen, which makes it easier to say things like that without considering that the person behind the screen might also have issues too.
You could hurt someone with those knives if you keep flinging them around stranger, careful how you aim them. Just because I wasn't hurt doesn't mean someone else won't be when they read something similar in their ask box.
Whatever you're going through, that you're fixating on something so small and easily deletable in the internet, I know you probably don't talk about it and I'm guessing that if you did a little soul searching you'd come to the conclusion that underneath all the anger that your situation is causing you there is a feeling of helplessness you can't stand, and underneath that? Fear. (Of being alone? Of rejection? Death? I don't know, you're a stranger on the internet to me anon)
All I know is that if you don't have someone to vent to, it must suck.
So do us both a favor and stop kidding yourself about the Rege Jean Page thing being a real issue you absolutely need to deal with and focus on doing some real healing. You obviously need it.
(Oh and about that Fuck You... Here's the thing, with all that frustration going on, I'd be surprised if you are actually getting regular sexual intercourse, so I'd suggest working on that too)
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how would you want daphne and simon’s arc in s2 to go? i wish they had more than cameos in the bridgerton books after the duke and i :(
Hey nonnie!!!
 It's so hard for me to talk about my expectations or to speculate without mentioning the ending of the first season, ending that left a bad taste in my mouth. Not game of thrones bad taste in mouth level since l can talk about it ( lol), but it did leave me in the limbo and l hate that.
It feels like the writers forgot that simon’s father was a horrible person who only cared about having an heir for the Hastings dukedom. A man who didn’t love, abused and rejected his child because he had a defect. Because of that defect... defect he perceived as iredeemable, he deprived his son of what he needed most... his affection... They forgot that simon’s childhood trauma is what led him to vow he would never marry or have children so that the Hastings line would end with him. This was his father’s biggest fear, so for simon it was the only way he could get back at him. Simon was fully willing to let anthony kill him in order to not break his vow and save daphne’s honor.
Fast forward to what a few weeks later and everything is forgotten because daphne tells him that she loves him and that he deserves to be loved?!
As far as we the audience are concerned it was never about him believing that he didn’t deserve to be loved or him doubting daphne’s feelings but about him getting back at his father because of what he put him through when he was a child. And there has been no reason for us to believe  that what daphne said to him  was enough to make him change his mind. l mean the man chose death over marrying a woman he had feelings for, he was ready to DIE to keep that vow... The original source of  his struggle had nothing to do with daphne but his childhood. l already mentioned this once or twice and my opinion hasn’t changed.THAT ENDING WAS RUSHED. There was so much more to tell before they give us that happy ending. That ending writing was literally all over the place. And nothing irks me more than  character inconcistency and disjointed writing . 1 x08 is and will always be my least favorite episode because it’s really and l mean reallllly hard for me to believe that simon...This man,
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went from  l-vow-to-never-have-children-because-l-hate-my-father-and-l-d-rather-die-than-father-a-child- to-my-love-yesterday-l-didnt-want-children-but-today-l-m-happy-to-put-my-seed-into-you-my-love-lets-repopulate-this-earth-and-aww-father-the-pull-out-king-is-dead-so-you-won. All that in what ? a couple of days !!! Make it make sense !!Sorry nonnie character inconcistency drives me up the wall. l don’t believe that ending !!(This is the main reason l avoid writing bridgerton analysis/meta because l know myself crying emoji...) l needed to see more, l need to see more, don’t tell me show me, l need more plot development. Why not use flashbacks to show us the months before daphne gives birth, or the conversations they had before and after the baby was borned?! l need to see them talk their problems out and not fuck them out ( Ok, l do love seeing them fuck their problems out lmao but they need to talk after they’re done fucking). 
They were friends before they were lovers so l want to see them smiling joking...give me saphne’s inside jokes. l know simon usually bottles his feelings up but l want to see him express them. l want to see him talk about his childhood. l want to know what he felt and how he’s feeling now, l want to see him talk about what daphne represents to him...his feelings for her. By his feelings l don’t mean “l burn for you” or “l can’t stay away from you” type of feelings. No, those feelings/quotes have a sexual connotation... l need him to express his feelings in a different way. l need to hear him say what she truly reprents to him...l need to hear him say l LOVE YOU. Daphne is married to simon and she doesn’t know if he loves her. l want a love confession, a big one  with an l love . You asked me what l want l guess l want more emotional scenes .
Sorry this got long
Thanks for the ask nonnie!!
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